from genere_descriptions import short_descriptions, detailed_descriptions
import random

def basic_prompt():
    genre = random.choice(short_descriptions)
    return f"""You are a skilled copywriter specializing in creating compelling book blurbs. Your task is to generate an engaging and intriguing blurb for a book in the following genre {genre}
    Just return the blurb without any extra text. Blurb:"""

def detailed_genre_description_prompt() -> None:
    genre_description = random.choice(detailed_descriptions)
    return f"""You are a skilled copywriter specializing in creating compelling book blurbs. Your task is to generate an engaging and intriguing blurb for a book in the following genre:


Using this genre description as inspiration, create an original and captivating blurb for a fictional book that embodies the essence of this genre. Your blurb should:

1. Capture the tone, themes, and style described in the genre description.
2. Intrigue potential readers without revealing too much of the plot.
3. Showcase what makes this book unique within its genre.
4. Be between 100-150 words in length.

Remember, a great blurb should make readers curious to know more about the book. Be creative, avoid clichés, and let the spirit of the genre shine through in your writing. Just return the blurb without any extra text. Blurb:"""