from pathlib import Path # ENV when using standalone uvicorn server running FastAPI in api directory ENV_PATH = Path('../../env/online.env') ONE_DAY_SEC = 24*60*60 ONE_WEEK_SEC = ONE_DAY_SEC*7 PIPELINE_FUNCTION_URL = "" RANDOM_FOREST_URL = "" XGBOOST_URL = "" ADABOOST_URL = "" CATBOOST_URL = "" DECISION_TREE_URL = "" KNN_URL = "" LGBM_URL = "" LOG_REG_URL = "" SVC_URL = "" ENCODER_URL = "" ALL_MODELS = { "AdaBoostClassifier": ADABOOST_URL, "CatBoostClassifier": CATBOOST_URL, "DecisionTreeClassifier": DECISION_TREE_URL, "KNeighborsClassifier": KNN_URL, "LGBMClassifier": LGBM_URL, "LogisticRegression": LOG_REG_URL, "RandomForestClassifier": RANDOM_FOREST_URL, "SupportVectorClassifier": SVC_URL, "XGBoostClassifier": XGBOOST_URL } DESCRIPTION = """ This API identifies ICU patients at risk of developing sepsis using `9 models` of which `Random Forest Classifier` and `XGBoost Classifier` are the best.\n The models were trained on [The John Hopkins University datasets at Kaggle](\n ### Features `PRG:` Plasma glucose\n `PL:` Blood Work Result-1 (mu U/ml)\n `PR:` Blood Pressure (mm Hg)\n `SK:` Blood Work Result-2 (mm)\n `TS:` Blood Work Result-3 (mu U/ml)\n `M11:` Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2\n `BD2:` Blood Work Result-4 (mu U/ml)\n `Age:` patients age (years)\n `Insurance:` If a patient holds a valid insurance card\n ### Results **Sepsis prediction:** *Positive* if a patient in ICU will develop a sepsis, and *Negative* otherwise\n **Sepsis probability:** In percentage\n ### GraphQL API To explore the GraphQL sub-application (built-with strawberry) to this RESTFul API click the link below.\n 🍓[GraphQL](/graphql) ### Let's Connect 👨‍⚕️ `Gabriel Okundaye`\n [LinkedIn LinkendIn]( [GitHub GitHub]( """