import streamlit as st import barcode import segno import segno.helpers import io class QRCodeGenerator: """ QRCodeGenerator class generates different types of QR codes and barcodes. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor of the class. Sets the title of the Streamlit application and creates interactive buttons. """ st.title("QR Code Generator") # Button labels and functions button_labels = ["Text", "Link", "VCard", "Wifi", "Email", "Geo", "Micro", "Barcode"] button_job = [self.text_exp, self.link_exp, self.vcard_exp, self.wifi_exp, self.email_exp, self.geo_exp, self.micro_exp, self.barcode_exp] # Check state variables if 'active_expander' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.active_expander = None # No expander is open initially # Create buttons cols = st.columns(4) for i, label in enumerate(button_labels): with cols[i % 4]: if st.button(label): st.session_state.active_expander = label # Keep the clicked button's expander open # Close other expanders for lbl in button_labels: if lbl != label: st.session_state[f'show_{lbl.lower()}'] = False # Show expanders for label in button_labels: if st.session_state.active_expander == label: button_job[button_labels.index(label)]() def generate(self, qr_type: str, input_data: dict): """ Generates a QR code or barcode of the given type. Args: qr_type (str): The type of code to generate (Text, Link, vCard, Wifi, Email, Geo, Micro, Barcode). input_data (dict): The content of the code. Returns: QRCode or barcode object. """ try: if qr_type == "Text": data = self.text_link_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "Link": data = self.text_link_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "VCard": data = self.vcard_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "Wifi": data = self.wifi_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "Email": data = self.email_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "Geo": data = self.geo_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "Micro": data = self.micro_qr(input_data) elif qr_type == "Barcode": data = self.barcode_(input_data) return data except Exception as e: st.write("An error occurred while generating the QR code:", e) def display(self, qr_code): """ Displays the generated QR code or barcode. Args: qr_code: QR code or barcode object. """ buffer = io.BytesIO() if type(qr_code) == segno.QRCode:, kind="png", scale=50) # Save QR code in PNG format else: qr_code.write(buffer) # Save barcode st.image(buffer, caption="Generated Code", use_container_width = True) # Show the image def download(self, data): """ Makes the generated QR code or barcode available for download. Args: data: QR code or barcode object to download. """ try: buffer = io.BytesIO() if type(data) == segno.QRCode:, kind="png", scale=40) # Save QR code as PNG else: data.write(buffer) # Save barcode st.download_button("Download", buffer, file_name="code.png", mime="image/png") # Download button except Exception as e: st.write("An error occurred while downloading the QR code:", e) def text_exp(self): """ Interface for creating text QR code. """ with st.expander("Text", expanded=True): content = st.text_area("Enter your text here", placeholder="Enter text here", key='text_area') col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_text = True input_data = {"Content": content} qr_code = self.generate("Text", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = {"Content": content} data = self.generate("Text", input_data) def link_exp(self): """ Interface for creating link QR code. """ with st.expander("Link", expanded=True): content = st.text_input("Enter your link here", placeholder="Enter link here") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_link = True # Update state input_data = {"Content": content} qr_code = self.generate("Text", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = {"Content": content} data = self.generate("Link", input_data) def vcard_exp(self): """ Interface for creating VCard QR code. """ with st.expander("VCard", expanded=True): name = st.text_input("Name*", placeholder="Enter name here") displayname = st.text_input("Display Name*", placeholder="Enter display name here") email = st.text_input("Email (optional)", placeholder="Enter email here") phone = st.text_input("Phone (optional)", placeholder="Enter phone number here") memo = st.text_input("Note (optional)", placeholder="Enter notes here") birthday = st.date_input("Birthday (optional)") url = st.text_input("URL (optional)", placeholder="Enter URL here") pobox = st.text_input("Post Box (optional)", placeholder="Enter Post Box here") street = st.text_input("Street (optional)", placeholder="Enter street here") city = st.text_input("City (optional)", placeholder="Enter city here") region = st.text_input("Region (optional)", placeholder="Enter region here") zipcode = st.text_input("Zip Code (optional)", placeholder="Enter zip code here") country = st.text_input("Country (optional)", placeholder="Enter country here") org = st.text_input("Organization (optional)", placeholder="Enter organization here") title = st.text_input("Title (optional)", placeholder="Enter title here") photo_uri = st.text_input("Photo URI (optional)", placeholder="Enter photo URI here") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_vcard = True # Update state input_data = { "Name": name, "Displayname": displayname, "Email": email, "Phone": phone, "Memo": memo, "Birthday": birthday, "URL": url, "Pobox": pobox, "Street": street, "City": city, "Region": region, "Zipcode": zipcode, "Country": country, "Org": org, "Title": title, "Photo_Uri": photo_uri } qr_code = self.generate("VCard", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = { "Name": name, "Displayname": displayname, "Email": email, "Phone": phone, "Memo": memo, "Birthday": birthday, "URL": url, "Pobox": pobox, "Street": street, "City": city, "Region": region, "Zipcode": zipcode, "Country": country, "Org": org, "Title": title, "Photo_Uri": photo_uri } data = self.generate("VCard", input_data) def wifi_exp(self): """ Interface for creating Wifi QR code. """ with st.expander("Wifi", expanded=True): ssid = st.text_input("SSID", placeholder="Enter SSID here") password = st.text_input("Password", placeholder="Enter password here") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_wifi = True # Update state input_data = {"SSID": ssid, "Password": password} qr_code = self.generate("Wifi", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = {"SSID": ssid, "Password": password} data = self.generate("Wifi", input_data) def email_exp(self): """ Interface for creating Email QR code. """ with st.expander("Email", expanded=True): subject = st.text_input("Subject", placeholder="Enter subject here") body = st.text_area("Body", placeholder="Enter body here") to = st.text_input("To", placeholder="Enter to here") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_email = True # Update state input_data = {"Subject": subject, "Body": body, "To": to} qr_code = self.generate("Email", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = {"Subject": subject, "Body": body, "To": to} data = self.generate("Email", input_data) def geo_exp(self): """ Interface for creating Geo QR code. """ with st.expander("Geo", expanded=True): lat = st.number_input("Latitude", min_value=-90.0, max_value=90.0, format="%.4f", placeholder="Enter latitude here") lng = st.number_input("Longitude", min_value=-180.0, max_value=180.0, format="%.4f", placeholder="Enter longitude here") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_geo = True # Update state input_data = {"Latitude": lat, "Longitude": lng} qr_code = self.generate("Geo", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = {"Latitude": lat, "Longitude": lng} data = self.generate("Geo", input_data) def micro_exp(self): """ Interface for creating Micro QR code. """ with st.expander("Micro", expanded=True): text = st.text_area("Enter your text here", placeholder="Enter text here") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if col1.button("Show"): st.session_state.show_micro = True # Update state input_data = {"Text": text} qr_code = self.generate("Micro", input_data) self.display(qr_code) if col2.button("Download"): input_data = {"Text": text} data = self.generate("Micro", input_data) def barcode_exp(self): """ Interface for creating Barcode. """ with st.expander("Barcode", expanded=True): type = st.selectbox("Select a type", ["code128", "ean13", "ean8", "upc", "isbn10", "isbn13", "pzn", "itf", "codabar", "qr"]) number = st.text_input("Enter a number", placeholder="Enter a number here") st.error("Contains non-working code parts.") # col1, col2 = st.columns(2) # if col1.button("Show"): # st.session_state.show_barcode = True # Update state # input_data = {"Type": type, "Number": number} # brcd = self.generate("Barcode", input_data) # self.display(brcd) # if col2.button("Download"): # input_data = {"Type": type, "Number": number} # data = self.generate("Barcode", input_data) # def text_link_qr(self, content: dict): """ Creates a QR code for text or link. Args: content (dict): QR code content. Returns: segno.QRCode: The created QR code object. """ qr = segno.make_qr(content["Content"]) return qr def vcard_qr(self, vcard: dict): """ Creates a QR code for VCard information. Args: vcard (dict): VCard information. Returns: segno.QRCode: The created QR code object. """ qr = segno.helpers.make_vcard ( name=vcard["Name"], displayname=vcard["Displayname"], email=vcard["Email"], phone=vcard["Phone"], memo=vcard["Memo"], birthday=vcard["Birthday"], url=vcard["URL"], pobox=vcard["Pobox"], street=vcard["Street"], city=vcard["City"], region=vcard["Region"], zipcode=vcard["Zipcode"], country=vcard["Country"], org=vcard["Org"], title=vcard["Title"], photo_uri=vcard["Photo_Uri"] ) return qr def wifi_qr(self, wifi: dict): """ Creates a QR code for Wifi network. Args: wifi (dict): Wifi information. Returns: segno.QRCode: The created QR code object. """ qr = segno.helpers.make_wifi(ssid=wifi["SSID"], password=wifi["Password"]) return qr def email_qr(self, email: dict): """ Creates a QR code for Email information. Args: email (dict): Email information. Returns: segno.QRCode: The created QR code object. """ qr = segno.helpers.make_email(email["Subject"], email["Body"], email["To"]) return qr def geo_qr(self, geo: dict): """ Creates a QR code for geographical location. Args: geo (dict): Geographical location information. Returns: segno.QRCode: The created QR code object. """ qr = segno.helpers.make_geo(geo["Latitude"], geo["Longitude"]) return qr def micro_qr(self, content: dict): """ Creates a Micro QR code. Args: content (dict): Micro QR code content. Returns: segno.QRCode: The created micro QR code object. """ qr = segno.make_micro(content["Text"]) return qr def barcode_(self, brcode: dict): """ Creates a barcode. Args: brcode (dict): Barcode information. Returns: barcode.barcode.Barcode: The created barcode object. """ # Gives an error: AttributeError: module 'barcode' has no attribute 'get_barcode' # brcd = barcode.get_barcode(name=brcode["Type"], code=brcode["Number"], writer=barcode.writer.ImageWriter()) # return brcd pass # Start QRCodeGenerator class QRCodeGenerator()