import numpy as np # import librosa #has to do this cause librosa is not supported on my server import python_speech_features from import wavfile from scipy import signal import librosa import torch import torchaudio as ta import torchaudio.functional as ta_F import torchaudio.transforms as ta_T # import pyloudnorm as pyln def load_wav_old(audio_fn, sr = 16000): sample_rate, sig = if sample_rate != sr: result = int((sig.shape[0]) / sample_rate * sr) x_resampled = signal.resample(sig, result) x_resampled = x_resampled.astype(np.float64) return x_resampled, sr sig = sig / (2**15) return sig, sample_rate def get_mfcc(audio_fn, eps=1e-6, fps=25, smlpx=False, sr=16000, n_mfcc=64, win_size=None): y, sr = librosa.load(audio_fn, sr=sr, mono=True) if win_size is None: hop_len=int(sr / fps) else: hop_len=int(sr / win_size) n_fft=2048 C = librosa.feature.mfcc( y = y, sr = sr, n_mfcc = n_mfcc, hop_length = hop_len, n_fft = n_fft ) if C.shape[0] == n_mfcc: C = C.transpose(1, 0) return C def get_melspec(audio_fn, eps=1e-6, fps = 25, sr=16000, n_mels=64): raise NotImplementedError ''' # y, sr = load_wav(audio_fn=audio_fn, sr=sr) # hop_len = int(sr / fps) # n_fft = 2048 # C = librosa.feature.melspectrogram( # y = y, # sr = sr, # n_fft=n_fft, # hop_length=hop_len, # n_mels = n_mels, # fmin=0, # fmax=8000) # mask = (C == 0).astype(np.float) # C = mask * eps + (1-mask) * C # C = np.log(C) # #wierd error may occur here # assert not (np.isnan(C).any()), audio_fn # if C.shape[0] == n_mels: # C = C.transpose(1, 0) # return C ''' def extract_mfcc(audio,sample_rate=16000): mfcc = zip(*python_speech_features.mfcc(audio,sample_rate, numcep=64, nfilt=64, nfft=2048, winstep=0.04)) mfcc = np.stack([np.array(i) for i in mfcc]) return mfcc def get_mfcc_psf(audio_fn, eps=1e-6, fps=25, smlpx=False, sr=16000, n_mfcc=64, win_size=None): y, sr = load_wav_old(audio_fn, sr=sr) if y.shape.__len__() > 1: y = (y[:,0]+y[:,1])/2 if win_size is None: hop_len=int(sr / fps) else: hop_len=int(sr/ win_size) n_fft=2048 #hard coded for 25 fps if not smlpx: C = python_speech_features.mfcc(y, sr, numcep=n_mfcc, nfilt=n_mfcc, nfft=n_fft, winstep=0.04) else: C = python_speech_features.mfcc(y, sr, numcep=n_mfcc, nfilt=n_mfcc, nfft=n_fft, winstep=1.01/15) # if C.shape[0] == n_mfcc: # C = C.transpose(1, 0) return C def get_mfcc_psf_min(audio_fn, eps=1e-6, fps=25, smlpx=False, sr=16000, n_mfcc=64, win_size=None): y, sr = load_wav_old(audio_fn, sr=sr) if y.shape.__len__() > 1: y = (y[:, 0] + y[:, 1]) / 2 n_fft = 2048 slice_len = 22000 * 5 slice = y.size // slice_len C = [] for i in range(slice): if i != (slice - 1): feat = python_speech_features.mfcc(y[i*slice_len:(i+1)*slice_len], sr, numcep=n_mfcc, nfilt=n_mfcc, nfft=n_fft, winstep=1.01 / 15) else: feat = python_speech_features.mfcc(y[i * slice_len:], sr, numcep=n_mfcc, nfilt=n_mfcc, nfft=n_fft, winstep=1.01 / 15) C.append(feat) return C def audio_chunking(audio: torch.Tensor, frame_rate: int = 30, chunk_size: int = 16000): """ :param audio: 1 x T tensor containing a 16kHz audio signal :param frame_rate: frame rate for video (we need one audio chunk per video frame) :param chunk_size: number of audio samples per chunk :return: num_chunks x chunk_size tensor containing sliced audio """ samples_per_frame = chunk_size // frame_rate padding = (chunk_size - samples_per_frame) // 2 audio = torch.nn.functional.pad(audio.unsqueeze(0), pad=[padding, padding]).squeeze(0) anchor_points = list(range(chunk_size//2, audio.shape[-1]-chunk_size//2, samples_per_frame)) audio =[audio[:, i-chunk_size//2:i+chunk_size//2] for i in anchor_points], dim=0) return audio def get_mfcc_ta(audio_fn, eps=1e-6, fps=15, smlpx=False, sr=16000, n_mfcc=64, win_size=None, type='mfcc', am=None, am_sr=None, encoder_choice='mfcc'): if am is None: audio, sr_0 = ta.load(audio_fn) if sr != sr_0: audio = ta.transforms.Resample(sr_0, sr)(audio) if audio.shape[0] > 1: audio = torch.mean(audio, dim=0, keepdim=True) n_fft = 2048 if fps == 15: hop_length = 1467 elif fps == 30: hop_length = 734 win_length = hop_length * 2 n_mels = 256 n_mfcc = 64 if type == 'mfcc': mfcc_transform = ta_T.MFCC( sample_rate=sr, n_mfcc=n_mfcc, melkwargs={ "n_fft": n_fft, "n_mels": n_mels, # "win_length": win_length, "hop_length": hop_length, "mel_scale": "htk", }, ) audio_ft = mfcc_transform(audio).squeeze(dim=0).transpose(0,1).numpy() elif type == 'mel': # audio = 0.01 * audio / torch.mean(torch.abs(audio)) mel_transform = ta_T.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=sr, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=None, hop_length=hop_length, n_mels=n_mels ) audio_ft = mel_transform(audio).squeeze(0).transpose(0,1).numpy() # audio_ft = torch.log(audio_ft.clamp(min=1e-10, max=None)).transpose(0,1).numpy() elif type == 'mel_mul': audio = 0.01 * audio / torch.mean(torch.abs(audio)) audio = audio_chunking(audio, frame_rate=fps, chunk_size=sr) mel_transform = ta_T.MelSpectrogram( sample_rate=sr, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=int(sr/20), hop_length=int(sr/100), n_mels=n_mels ) audio_ft = mel_transform(audio).squeeze(1) audio_ft = torch.log(audio_ft.clamp(min=1e-10, max=None)).numpy() else: speech_array, sampling_rate = librosa.load(audio_fn, sr=16000) if encoder_choice == 'faceformer': # audio_ft = np.squeeze(am(speech_array, sampling_rate=16000).input_values).reshape(-1, 1) audio_ft = speech_array.reshape(-1, 1) elif encoder_choice == 'meshtalk': audio_ft = 0.01 * speech_array / np.mean(np.abs(speech_array)) elif encoder_choice == 'onset': audio_ft = librosa.onset.onset_detect(y=speech_array, sr=16000, units='time').reshape(-1, 1) else: audio, sr_0 = ta.load(audio_fn) if sr != sr_0: audio = ta.transforms.Resample(sr_0, sr)(audio) if audio.shape[0] > 1: audio = torch.mean(audio, dim=0, keepdim=True) n_fft = 2048 if fps == 15: hop_length = 1467 elif fps == 30: hop_length = 734 win_length = hop_length * 2 n_mels = 256 n_mfcc = 64 mfcc_transform = ta_T.MFCC( sample_rate=sr, n_mfcc=n_mfcc, melkwargs={ "n_fft": n_fft, "n_mels": n_mels, # "win_length": win_length, "hop_length": hop_length, "mel_scale": "htk", }, ) audio_ft = mfcc_transform(audio).squeeze(dim=0).transpose(0, 1).numpy() return audio_ft def get_mfcc_sepa(audio_fn, fps=15, sr=16000): audio, sr_0 = ta.load(audio_fn) if sr != sr_0: audio = ta.transforms.Resample(sr_0, sr)(audio) if audio.shape[0] > 1: audio = torch.mean(audio, dim=0, keepdim=True) n_fft = 2048 if fps == 15: hop_length = 1467 elif fps == 30: hop_length = 734 n_mels = 256 n_mfcc = 64 mfcc_transform = ta_T.MFCC( sample_rate=sr, n_mfcc=n_mfcc, melkwargs={ "n_fft": n_fft, "n_mels": n_mels, # "win_length": win_length, "hop_length": hop_length, "mel_scale": "htk", }, ) audio_ft_0 = mfcc_transform(audio[0, :sr*2]).squeeze(dim=0).transpose(0,1).numpy() audio_ft_1 = mfcc_transform(audio[0, sr*2:]).squeeze(dim=0).transpose(0,1).numpy() audio_ft = np.concatenate((audio_ft_0, audio_ft_1), axis=0) return audio_ft, audio_ft_0.shape[0] def get_mfcc_old(wav_file): sig, sample_rate = load_wav_old(wav_file) mfcc = extract_mfcc(sig) return mfcc def smooth_geom(geom, mask: torch.Tensor = None, filter_size: int = 9, sigma: float = 2.0): """ :param geom: T x V x 3 tensor containing a temporal sequence of length T with V vertices in each frame :param mask: V-dimensional Tensor containing a mask with vertices to be smoothed :param filter_size: size of the Gaussian filter :param sigma: standard deviation of the Gaussian filter :return: T x V x 3 tensor containing smoothed geometry (i.e., smoothed in the area indicated by the mask) """ assert filter_size % 2 == 1, f"filter size must be odd but is {filter_size}" # Gaussian smoothing (low-pass filtering) fltr = np.arange(-(filter_size // 2), filter_size // 2 + 1) fltr = np.exp(-0.5 * fltr ** 2 / sigma ** 2) fltr = torch.Tensor(fltr) / np.sum(fltr) # apply fltr fltr = fltr.view(1, 1, -1).to(device=geom.device) T, V = geom.shape[1], geom.shape[2] g = torch.nn.functional.pad( geom.permute(2, 0, 1).view(V, 1, T), pad=[filter_size // 2, filter_size // 2], mode='replicate' ) g = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(g, fltr).view(V, 1, T) smoothed = g.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous() # blend smoothed signal with original signal if mask is None: return smoothed else: return smoothed * mask[None, :, None] + geom * (-mask[None, :, None] + 1) if __name__ == '__main__': audio_fn = '../sample_audio/clip000028_tCAkv4ggPgI.wav' C = get_mfcc_psf(audio_fn) print(C.shape) C_2 = get_mfcc_librosa(audio_fn) print(C.shape) print(C) print(C_2) print((C == C_2).all()) # print(y.shape, sr) # mel_spec = get_melspec(audio_fn) # print(mel_spec.shape) # mfcc = get_mfcc(audio_fn, sr = 16000) # print(mfcc.shape) # print(mel_spec.max(), mel_spec.min()) # print(mfcc.max(), mfcc.min())