# Copyright 2022 The T5X Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""T5 Checkpoint Importer."""

import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import thread
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Union

from flax import traverse_util
import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import orbax.checkpoint
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorstore as ts

# TODO(b/233659813): Cleanup clients depending on t5x.checkpoint_importer for
# LazyArray. Reconcile divergence in subclass implementation when possible.
LazyArray = orbax.checkpoint.lazy_array.LazyArray

# TODO(brianlester): The choice between using a `LazyTreadPoolArray` or a
# `LazyAwaitableArray` is dependent on if the user provided `get_fn` is blocking
# or async respectively, if we can detect which it is, we can automatically
# proxy to the correct subclass. We cannot detect of `get_fn` is a lambda that
# wraps an async call so this isn't possible yet. Add this dispatch once we are
# able to detect that, python3.8+ can detect async for partial'ed functions but
# not lambdas.
class LazyThreadPoolArray(LazyArray):
  """Lazily and asynchronously loads an array when the `get_fn` blocks."""

  # Uses a global threadpool to enable asynchronous loading.
  executor = thread.ThreadPoolExecutor()

  def get_async(self) -> asyncio.Future:
    return asyncio.wrap_future(self.executor.submit(self.get))

  def get(self) -> np.ndarray:
    arr = self._get_fn()
    if arr.dtype != self.dtype:
      arr = arr.astype(self.dtype)
    return arr

class LazyAwaitableArray(LazyArray):
  """Lazily and asynchronously loads an array when the `get_fn` is async.

    The synchronous load method `.get` requires the asyncio event loop and
    calling `.run_until_complete`. This is not supported when the event loop is
    already running (for example, from inside another async function).

    Currently, this class has a few helper methods for creating a
    LazyAwaitableArray when the input could be either an array, or a TensorStore
    spec. Most people use async code when dealing with TensorStore so the
    classmethods have been placed here. When someone eventually uses a blocking
    function to read from TensorStore they can be moved to the LazyArray base

  def get_async(self) -> asyncio.Future:

    async def _get_and_cast():
      # Pytype has a false positive here, where it treats our _get_fn (_read_ts
      # in this case) as having a return type of `np.ndarray` instead of
      # wrapping it in an Awaitable. Related to this bug
      # https://github.com/google/pytype/issues/527
      arr = await self._get_fn()  # pytype: disable=bad-return-type
      if arr.dtype != self.dtype:
        arr = arr.astype(self.dtype)
      return arr

    return asyncio.ensure_future(_get_and_cast())

  def get(self) -> np.ndarray:
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    return loop.run_until_complete(self.get_async())

  def from_tensor_store_spec(
      ts_spec: ts.Spec,
      get_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray],
      dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None) -> 'LazyAwaitableArray':
    """Create a LazyAwaitableArray based on a tensorstore.Spec."""
    ts_spec = ts_spec.to_json()
    shape = ts_spec['metadata']['shape']
    if dtype is None:
      dtype = jnp.dtype(ts_spec['dtype'])
      dtype = jnp.dtype(dtype)
    # v2 T5X checkpoints use uint16 as the TensorStore datatype and then store
    # the bfloat16 bytes as in in the 16 bytes uint16 has (no actual cast). When
    # When reading the dtype from the TensorStore, if we keep the dtype of these
    # v2 checkpoints as np.uint16 then the _get_fn (which has a possible cast to
    # support the `restore_dtype` parameter for the checkpointer) will actually
    # cast the bfloat16 values to uint16, generally resulting in an array of all
    # zeros. This check avoid the actual cast to uint16 by replacing the dtype.
    if dtype == np.uint16:
      dtype = jnp.bfloat16
    return cls(shape, dtype, get_fn)

  def from_array(cls,
                 array: np.ndarray,
                 get_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray],
                 dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None) -> 'LazyAwaitableArray':
    """Create a LazyAwaitableArray based on an array or python number."""
    if dtype is None:
      dtype = array.dtype
      dtype = jnp.dtype(dtype)
    return cls(array.shape, dtype, get_fn)

  def from_tensor_store_spec_or_array(
      maybe_ts_spec: Union[ts.Spec, np.ndarray],
      get_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray],
      dtype: Optional[jnp.dtype] = None) -> 'LazyAwaitableArray':
    """Create a LazyAwaitableArray based on an array or a tensorstore.Spec."""
    if isinstance(maybe_ts_spec, ts.Spec):
      return cls.from_tensor_store_spec(maybe_ts_spec, get_fn, dtype=dtype)
    return cls.from_array(maybe_ts_spec, get_fn, dtype=dtype)

class CheckpointTranslator:
  """Utility class for defining mapping rules from one flatdict to another.

  We assume a checkpoint is loaded as a dictionary with flattened keys of the
  form:  'name0/name1/name2/.../nameN'

  A rule is added with the 'add' decorator, which takes a regex matching rule
  and wraps a conversion function, feeding it (opts, key, val, **regex_groups)
  where opts is a dict containing apply-time keyword options for use by the
  conversion functions.

  def __init__(self):
    self.rules = []

  def add(self, pattern):
    """Adds a new keyval conversion rule.

      pattern: regex with capture groups for matching given sets of model
        variables.  We terminate all regexes with '$' to force complete matches.

      Translation function decorator for associating with the provided

    def register_translation_fn_decorator(fn):
      # We force a complete match by adding end-of-string match.
      self.rules.append((re.compile(pattern + '$'), fn))
      return fn

    return register_translation_fn_decorator

  def apply(self, flatdict, **opts):
    """Applies rules to a flattened dictionary.

      flatdict: flat-key dictionary of variables.
      **opts: additional config options for translation rules supplied at
        application time.

      Checkpoint data with translated key/values in flat-key dict format.
    new_dict = {}
    unmatched = {}
    for k, v in flatdict.items():
      matched = False
      for rule_pat, rule_fn in self.rules:
        if rule_pat.match(k):
          groups = rule_pat.match(k).groups()
          new_k, new_v = rule_fn(opts, k, v, *groups)
          if new_k is not None:
            new_dict[new_k] = new_v
          matched = True
      if not matched:
        unmatched[k] = v

    # We force every key-value pair in checkpoint to have a rule associated with
    # it.
    if unmatched:
      raise ValueError('Unmapped tensor keys exist: %s' % unmatched)

    return new_dict

# Create a translation rule set for importing T5 & T5.1.1 model checkpoints.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
t5_importer = CheckpointTranslator()

# Name mappings.
SLOT_MAP = {'_slot_vc': 'v_col', '_slot_vr': 'v_row', '_slot_v': 'v'}
TOWER_MAP = {'transformer': 'decoder'}

def global_step(opts, key, val):
  del opts, key
  return 'state/step', val.astype(np.int32).get() if isinstance(
      val, LazyArray) else val

def shared_embeddings(opts, key, val, slot):
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  newkey = f'{prefix}/token_embedder/embedding{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def separate_embeddings(opts, key, val, encdec, slot):
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  encdec = TOWER_MAP.get(encdec, encdec)
  newkey = f'{prefix}/{encdec}/token_embedder/embedding{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

# In the Mesh TensorFlow T5 code, relative_attention_bias always occurs in layer
# 0 because SelfAttention precedes other sublayers within the same block.
def rel_embeddings(opts, key, val, encdec, blocknum, slot):
  """Process relpos bias assuming that they are not shared across layers."""
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  blocknum = int(blocknum)
  encdec = TOWER_MAP.get(encdec, encdec)
  # At this point, we can't determine whether the relpos bias was shared across
  # layers or not. We first assume that it was not shared. During post
  # processing, we remove the layers_0 scope if it was shared.
  newkey = f'{prefix}/{encdec}/layers_{blocknum}/relpos_bias/rel_embedding{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def attention_layers(opts, key, val, encdec, blocknum, attntype, qkvo, slot):
  """Process attention layers."""
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  blocknum = int(blocknum)
  encdec = TOWER_MAP.get(encdec, encdec)
  matrix = {'q': 'query', 'k': 'key', 'v': 'value', 'o': 'out'}[qkvo]

  if encdec == 'encoder':
    attntype = 'attention'
    attntype = {
        'SelfAttention': 'self_attention',
        'EncDecAttention': 'encoder_decoder_attention'
  newkey = f'{prefix}/{encdec}/layers_{blocknum}/{attntype}/{matrix}/kernel{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def mlpblock(opts, key, val, encdec, blocknum, io_name, io_num, slot):
  """Process MLP blocks."""
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  blocknum = int(blocknum)
  encdec = TOWER_MAP.get(encdec, encdec)
  io_num = f'_{io_num}' if io_num else ''
  newkey = f'{prefix}/{encdec}/layers_{blocknum}/mlp/{io_name}{io_num}/kernel{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def layernorms(opts, key, val, encdec, blocknum, lyrnum, slot):
  """Process layer norms assuming that they are pre-layernorms."""
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  lyrnum = int(lyrnum)

  if encdec == 'transformer':
    layernorm_type = ['pre_self_attention_layer_norm',

  elif encdec == 'encoder':
    layernorm_type = ['pre_attention_layer_norm', 'pre_mlp_layer_norm'][lyrnum]
  else:  # decoder
    layernorm_type = [
        'pre_self_attention_layer_norm', 'pre_cross_attention_layer_norm',

  encdec = TOWER_MAP.get(encdec, encdec)
  newkey = f'{prefix}/{encdec}/layers_{int(blocknum)}/{layernorm_type}/scale{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def final_layernorms(opts, key, val, encdec, slot):
  """Process final layer norms."""
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  norm = {
      'encoder': 'encoder_norm',
      'decoder': 'decoder_norm',
      'transformer': 'decoder_norm'
  encdec = TOWER_MAP.get(encdec, encdec)
  newkey = f'{prefix}/{encdec}/{norm}/scale{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def final_logits(opts, key, val, slot):
  del opts, key
  prefix = 'state/param_states' if slot else 'target'
  suffix = '/' + SLOT_MAP[slot] if slot else ''
  newkey = f'{prefix}/decoder/logits_dense/kernel{suffix}'
  return newkey, val

def _add_missing_param_states(t5_data):
  """Add dummy slots that Flax Adafactor requires but TF does not."""
  updates = {}
  for k in t5_data:
    if k.startswith('target'):
      state_leaf = 'state/param_states' + k[len('target'):]
      updates[state_leaf + '/m'] = np.zeros((1,), np.float32)
      if state_leaf + '/v' in t5_data:
        updates[state_leaf + '/v_row'] = np.zeros((1,), np.float32)
        updates[state_leaf + '/v_col'] = np.zeros((1,), np.float32)
      elif state_leaf + '/v_row' in t5_data:
        updates[state_leaf + '/v'] = np.zeros((1,), np.float32)
  return t5_data

def _maybe_correct_relpos_bias(t5_data):
  """Correct the relpos_bias format if it is shared across layers."""
  max_layer_ind = 0
  for k, v in t5_data.items():
    match = re.search(r'layers_(\d+)/relpos_bias', k)
    if match:
      layer_ind = int(match.groups()[0])
      max_layer_ind = max(max_layer_ind, layer_ind)

  modified_dict = {}
  if max_layer_ind == 0:
    # Relative position biases are shared across layers
    for k, v in t5_data.items():
      new_k = re.sub(r'layers_\d+/relpos_bias', 'relpos_bias', k)
      modified_dict[new_k] = v
    # Relative position biases are unique in each layer. No more processing is
    # necessary.
    modified_dict = t5_data

  return modified_dict

# Load checkpoint, translate, and update flax optimizer and model.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def load_tf_ckpt(path):
  """Load a TF checkpoint as a flat dictionary of numpy arrays."""
  ckpt_reader = tf.train.load_checkpoint(path)
  ckpt_shape_map = ckpt_reader.get_variable_to_shape_map()
  ckpt_dtype_map = ckpt_reader.get_variable_to_dtype_map()
  datamap = {  # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension
      k: LazyThreadPoolArray(
          lambda x=k: ckpt_reader.get_tensor(x))
      for k, s in ckpt_shape_map.items()
  return datamap

def _update_state_dict(state_dict: Mapping[str, Any],
                       t5_data: MutableMapping[str, LazyArray],
                       strict: bool = True) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Update flax optimizer for T5 model.

    state_dict: Optimizer to update with T5 parameters.
    t5_data: T5 model parameters, typically loaded from a checkpoint.
    strict: If True requires that optimizer and t5_data mappings contain the
      same set of names (variables). If False, updating will succeed even if
      t5_data contains variables not in the optimizer. If the optimizer has
      variables not in t5_data, this function will still fail.

    Updated optimizer.
  flat_state_dict = traverse_util.flatten_dict(state_dict, sep='/')

  # Remove parameters from the checkpoint not found in the optimizer (this
  # allows us to load checkpoints that contain more parameters than our current
  # model).
  if not strict:
    for k in list(t5_data):
      if k not in flat_state_dict:

  # Shape check.
  for k, v in t5_data.items():
    if flat_state_dict[k].shape != v.shape:
      raise ValueError(
          f'Variable {k} has shape {v.shape} != {flat_state_dict[k].shape}')
  flat_state_dict = t5_data
  state_dict = traverse_util.unflatten_dict(
      {tuple(k.split('/')): v for k, v in flat_state_dict.items()})
  return state_dict

def restore_from_t5_checkpoint(
    state_dict: Mapping[str, Any],
    path: str,
    lazy_parameters: bool = False,
    strict: bool = True,
    translator: Optional[CheckpointTranslator] = None) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
  """Load T5 checkpoint and update Adafactor optimizer and T5 model from it.

  We require that the final translated checkpoint structure exactly matches
  that of the Flax Adafactor + Transformer data, up to shape agreement of
  the leaves.

    state_dict: Flax Adafactor Optimizer for T5 transformer encoder-decoder.
    path: a path to checkpoint file or directory.
    lazy_parameters: whether to leave the parameters as LazyArrays to preserve
    strict: If True requires that optimizer and t5_data mappings contain the
      same set of names (variables). If False, updating will succeed even if
      t5_data contains variables not in the optimizer. If the optimizer has
      variables not in t5_data, this function will still fail.
    translator: The mapping rules for conversion. If None, then default T5
      conversion rules will be used.

    Adafactor optimizer updated with parameters and optimizer state from
    T5 checkpoint.
  if translator is None:
    translator = t5_importer
  ckpt_data = load_tf_ckpt(path)
  t5_data = translator.apply(ckpt_data)
  t5_data = _add_missing_param_states(t5_data)
  t5_data = _maybe_correct_relpos_bias(t5_data)
  state_dict = _update_state_dict(state_dict, t5_data, strict=strict)
  if not lazy_parameters:
    state_dict = jax.tree_map(
        lambda x: x.get() if isinstance(x, LazyArray) else x, state_dict)
  return state_dict