import { z } from "zod"; import { embeddingEndpointTei, embeddingEndpointTeiParametersSchema, } from "./tei/embeddingEndpoints"; import { embeddingEndpointTransformersJS, embeddingEndpointTransformersJSParametersSchema, } from "./transformersjs/embeddingEndpoints"; // parameters passed when generating text interface EmbeddingEndpointParameters { inputs: string[]; } export type Embedding = number[]; // type signature for the endpoint export type EmbeddingEndpoint = (params: EmbeddingEndpointParameters) => Promise<Embedding[]>; export const embeddingEndpointSchema = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [ embeddingEndpointTeiParametersSchema, embeddingEndpointTransformersJSParametersSchema, ]); type EmbeddingEndpointTypeOptions = z.infer<typeof embeddingEndpointSchema>["type"]; // generator function that takes in type discrimantor value for defining the endpoint and return the endpoint export type EmbeddingEndpointGenerator<T extends EmbeddingEndpointTypeOptions> = ( inputs: Extract<z.infer<typeof embeddingEndpointSchema>, { type: T }> ) => EmbeddingEndpoint | Promise<EmbeddingEndpoint>; // list of all endpoint generators export const embeddingEndpoints: { [Key in EmbeddingEndpointTypeOptions]: EmbeddingEndpointGenerator<Key>; } = { tei: embeddingEndpointTei, transformersjs: embeddingEndpointTransformersJS, }; export default embeddingEndpoints;