import { HF_ACCESS_TOKEN } from "$env/static/private"; import { buildPrompt } from "$lib/buildPrompt"; import type { TextGenerationStreamOutput } from "@huggingface/inference"; import type { Endpoint } from "../endpoints"; import { z } from "zod"; export const endpointLlamacppParametersSchema = z.object({ weight: z.number().int().positive().default(1), model: z.any(), type: z.literal("llamacpp"), url: z.string().url().default(""), accessToken: z.string().min(1).default(HF_ACCESS_TOKEN), }); export function endpointLlamacpp( input: z.input ): Endpoint { const { url, model } = endpointLlamacppParametersSchema.parse(input); return async ({ conversation }) => { const prompt = await buildPrompt({ messages: conversation.messages, webSearch: conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].webSearch, preprompt: conversation.preprompt, model, }); const r = await fetch(`${url}/completion`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ prompt, stream: true, temperature: model.parameters.temperature, top_p: model.parameters.top_p, top_k: model.parameters.top_k, stop: model.parameters.stop, repeat_penalty: model.parameters.repetition_penalty, n_predict: model.parameters.max_new_tokens, }), }); if (!r.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to generate text: ${await r.text()}`); } const encoder = new TextDecoderStream(); const reader = r.body?.pipeThrough(encoder).getReader(); return (async function* () { let stop = false; let generatedText = ""; let tokenId = 0; while (!stop) { // read the stream and log the outputs to console const out = (await reader?.read()) ?? { done: false, value: undefined }; // we read, if it's done we cancel if (out.done) { reader?.cancel(); return; } if (!out.value) { return; } if (out.value.startsWith("data: ")) { let data = null; try { data = JSON.parse(out.value.slice(6)); } catch (e) { return; } if (data.content || data.stop) { generatedText += data.content; const output: TextGenerationStreamOutput = { token: { id: tokenId++, text: data.content ?? "", logprob: 0, special: false, }, generated_text: data.stop ? generatedText : null, details: null, }; if (data.stop) { stop = true; reader?.cancel(); } yield output; // take the data.content value and yield it } } } })(); }; } export default endpointLlamacpp;