const config = require('../config'); const { cmd, commands } = require('../command'); const wiki = require('wikipedia'); // Define the Wikipedia search command cmd({ pattern: "wiki", desc: "Search Wikipedia for information", category: "main", filename: __filename }, async (conn, mek, m, { from, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply }) => { try { // Check if a query was provided if (!q) { return reply('Please provide a search query.'); } // Fetch summary from Wikipedia const summary = await wiki.summary(q); // Format the reply let replyText = ` *📚 Wikipedia Summary 📚* 🔍 *Query*: _${q}_ 💬 *Title*: _${summary.title}_ 📝 *Summary*: _${summary.extract}_ 🔗 *URL*: ${} > @ Powdered By SubZero `; // Send the reply with the thumbnail image await conn.sendMessage(from, { image: { url: summary.originalimage.source }, caption: replyText }, { quoted: mek }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); reply(`Error: ${e.message}`); } });