const { cmd, commands } = require('../command'); const axios = require('axios'); cmd({ 'pattern': "couplepp", 'alias': ["couple", "cpp"], 'react': '💑', 'desc': "Get a male and female couple profile picture.", 'category': "image", 'use': ".couplepp", 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x552520, _0x51cf3f, _0x29f4cb, { from: _0x556c44, args: _0x2e3a6d, reply: _0x30d3fc }) => { try { _0x30d3fc("*💑 Fetching couple profile pictures...*"); const _0x173643 = await axios.get(""); if (! || ! { return _0x30d3fc("❌ Failed to fetch couple profile pictures. Please try again later."); } const _0x5d4b91 =; const _0x5a1e4a =; if (_0x5d4b91) { await _0x552520.sendMessage(_0x556c44, { 'image': { 'url': _0x5d4b91 }, 'caption': "👨 Male Couple Profile Picture" }, { 'quoted': _0x51cf3f }); } if (_0x5a1e4a) { await _0x552520.sendMessage(_0x556c44, { 'image': { 'url': _0x5a1e4a }, 'caption': "👩 Female Couple Profile Picture" }, { 'quoted': _0x51cf3f }); } } catch (_0x1dc6a7) { console.error(_0x1dc6a7); _0x30d3fc("❌ An error occurred while fetching the couple profile pictures."); } });