const config = require('../config'); const { cmd, commands } = require('../command'); const { runtime } = require('../lib/functions'); const axios = require('axios'); function isEnabled(value) { // Function to check if a value represents a "true" boolean state return value && value.toString().toLowerCase() === "true"; } cmd({ pattern: "env", alias: ["settings", "allvar"], desc: "Settings of bot", category: "menu", react: "❄", filename: __filename }, async (conn, mek, m, { from, quoted, reply }) => { try { // Define the settings message with the correct boolean checks let envSettings = `╭━━━〔 *SUBZERO-MD* 〕━━━┈⊷ ┃▸╭─────────── ┃▸┃๏ *SUBZERO MD SETTINGS ❄️* ┃▸└───────────···๏ ╰────────────────┈⊷ ╭━━〔 *Enabled Disabled* 〕━━┈⊷ ┇๏ *Auto Read Status:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_STATUS_SEEN) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto Reply Status:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_STATUS_REPLY) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto Reply:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_REPLY) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto Sticker:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_STICKER) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto Voice:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_VOICE) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Custom Reacts:* ${isEnabled(config.CUSTOM_REACT) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto React:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_REACT) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Delete Links:* ${isEnabled(config.DELETE_LINKS) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Anti-Link:* ${isEnabled(config.ANTI_LINK) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Anti-Bad Words:* ${isEnabled(config.ANTI_BAD) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto Typing:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_TYPING) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Auto Recording:* ${isEnabled(config.AUTO_RECORDING) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Always Online:* ${isEnabled(config.ALWAYS_ONLINE) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Public Mode:* ${isEnabled(config.PUBLIC_MODE) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ┇๏ *Read Message:* ${isEnabled(config.READ_MESSAGE) ? "Enabled ✅" : "Disabled ❌"} ╰━━━━━━━━━━━━──┈⊷ > ${config.DESCRIPTION}`; // Send message with an image await conn.sendMessage( from, { image: { url: '' }, // Image URL caption: envSettings, contextInfo: { mentionedJid: [m.sender], forwardingScore: 999, isForwarded: true, forwardedNewsletterMessageInfo: { newsletterJid: '120363304325601080@newsletter', newsletterName: "❄️『 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐌𝐃 』❄️", serverMessageId: 143 } } }, { quoted: mek } ); // Send an audio file await conn.sendMessage(from, { audio: { url: '' }, // Audio URL mimetype: 'audio/mp4', ptt: true }, { quoted: mek }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); reply(`Error: ${error.message}`); } });