const { cmd } = require('../command'); cmd({ pattern: "hack", desc: "Displays a dynamic and playful 'Hacking' message for fun.", category: "fun", react: "💻", filename: __filename }, async (conn, mek, m, { from, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply }) => { try { const steps = [ '💻 *SUBZERO HACK STARTING...* 💻', '', '*Initializing hacking tools...* 🛠️', '*Connecting to remote servers...* 🌐', '', '```[██████████] 10%``` ⏳' , '```[███████████████████] 20%``` ⏳' , '```[███████████████████████] 30%``` ⏳' , '```[██████████████████████████] 40%``` ⏳' , '```[███████████████████████████████] 50%``` ⏳' , '```[█████████████████████████████████████] 60%``` ⏳' , '```[██████████████████████████████████████████] 70%``` ⏳' , '```[██████████████████████████████████████████████] 80%``` ⏳' , '```[██████████████████████████████████████████████████] 90%``` ⏳' , '```[████████████████████████████████████████████████████] 100%``` ✅', '', '🔒 *System Breach: Successful!* 🔓', '🚀 *Command Execution: Complete!* 🎯', '', '*📡 Transmitting data...* 📤', '_🕵️‍♂️ Ensuring stealth..._ 🤫', '*🔧 Finalizing operations...* 🏁', '', '⚠️ *Note:* All actions are for demonstration purposes only.', '⚠️ *Reminder:* Ethical hacking is the only way to ensure security.', '', '> *SUBZERO-HACKING-COMPLETE ☣*' ]; for (const line of steps) { await conn.sendMessage(from, { text: line }, { quoted: mek }); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Adjust the delay as needed } } catch (e) { console.log(e); reply(`❌ *Error:* ${e.message}`); } });