/*╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺ ⭐PROJECT NAME: SUBZERO WHATSAPP MD BOT ⭐DEVELOPER MR FRANK ⭐ MY TEAM XERO CODERS ⭐ OUR WEBSITE https://github.com/ZwSyntax/SUBZERO-MD © TRY DECRYPTING IF YOU CAN⚠ ╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺*/ const { cmd, commands } = require('../command'); const axios = require('axios'); cmd({ 'pattern': "img", 'alias': ["image", "pinterest", "pinimg"], 'react': '🖼️', 'desc': "Search and download images from Pinterest using keywords.", 'category': "image", 'use': ".img ", 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x1a9409, _0x59fdb9, _0x3f150e, { from: _0x163393, args: _0x12b1f7, reply: _0x2ac5cb }) => { try { const _0x3207b0 = _0x12b1f7.join(" "); if (!_0x3207b0) { return _0x2ac5cb("*Please provide search keywords for the image. Eg Subzero*"); } _0x2ac5cb("*🔍 Showing Results For - " + _0x3207b0 + "...*"); const _0x2f5556 = 'https://apitest1-f7dcf17bd59b.herokuapp.com/download/piniimg?text=' + encodeURIComponent(_0x3207b0); const _0x530cac = await axios.get(_0x2f5556); if (!_0x530cac.data || !_0x530cac.data.result || _0x530cac.data.result.length === 0x0) { return _0x2ac5cb("❌ No images found for \"" + _0x3207b0 + "\"."); } const _0x82a454 = _0x530cac.data.result; for (let _0xecb4cf = 0x0; _0xecb4cf < Math.min(_0x82a454.length, 0x5); _0xecb4cf++) { const _0x58b5b7 = _0x82a454[_0xecb4cf]; if (_0x58b5b7.images_url) { await _0x1a9409.sendMessage(_0x163393, { 'image': { 'url': _0x58b5b7.images_url }, 'caption': "*© Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ SᴜʙZᴇʀᴏ*" }, { 'quoted': _0x59fdb9 }); } } if (_0x82a454.every(_0x45deb7 => !_0x45deb7.images_url)) { _0x2ac5cb("❌ No valid image URLs found in the results."); } } catch (_0x422b47) { console.error(_0x422b47); _0x2ac5cb("❌ An error occurred while processing your request."); } }); /*const { cmd } = require('../command'); const axios = require('axios'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const GOOGLE_API_KEY = 'AIzaSyDMbI3nvmQUrfjoCJYLS69Lej1hSXQjnWI'; // Replace with your Google API key const GOOGLE_CX = 'baf9bdb0c631236e5'; // Replace with your Google Custom Search Engine ID //const apiKey = "AIzaSyDMbI3nvmQUrfjoCJYLS69Lej1hSXQjnWI"; // Votre clé API Google // const cx = "baf9bdb0c631236e5"; / cmd({ pattern: "img", desc: "Search and send images from Google.", react: "🖼️", category: "media", filename: __filename }, async (conn, mek, m, { from, quoted, body, isCmd, command, args, q, isGroup, sender, senderNumber, botNumber2, botNumber, pushname, isMe, isOwner, groupMetadata, groupName, participants, groupAdmins, isBotAdmins, isAdmins, reply }) => { try { if (!q) return reply("Please provide a search query for the image."); // Fetch image URLs from Google Custom Search API const searchQuery = encodeURIComponent(q); const url = `https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?q=${searchQuery}&cx=${GOOGLE_CX}&key=${GOOGLE_API_KEY}&searchType=image&num=5`; const response = await axios.get(url); const data = response.data; if (!data.items || data.items.length === 0) { return reply("No images found for your query."); } // Send images for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { const imageUrl = data.items[i].link; // Download the image const imageResponse = await axios.get(imageUrl, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }); const buffer = Buffer.from(imageResponse.data, 'binary'); // Send the image with a footer await conn.sendMessage(from, { image: buffer, caption: ` *💗 Image ${i + 1} from your search! 💗* *© ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ sᴜʙᴢᴇʀᴏ! 👾* > ❄️ SUBZERO BOT ❄️` }, { quoted: mek }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); reply(`Error: ${e.message}`); } }); */