import lang from asyncreq_util import async_post import requests import json from imgsearch import search_img from re import match, sub from env import LLM_API_KEY def remove_numbering(text): """Removes list-like numberings (e.g., 1., 2. etc.) from a string. Args: text: The string to process. Returns: The string with numberings removed. """ pattern = r"\d+\.\s?" # Matches one or more digits followed by a dot and optional space return sub(pattern, "", text) async def tldr(content, l=lang.VI_VN): _r = url="", headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {LLM_API_KEY}'}, data=json.dumps({ "model": "Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct", "messages": [ {"role": "user", "content": f"tl;dr in {l}: {content}"} ], "presence_penalty":0.3, "temperature":0.55 }) ) _summary = _r.json() # print(_summary) return _summary['choices'][0]['message']['content'].split('\n',1)[-1].strip() async def fetch_img_for_words(words: list[str]): print("fetching images...") _img_link = [search_img(r) for r in words] return [(word,img) for (word, img) in zip(words, _img_link)] async def get_definitions_from_words(words: list[str], summary: str = ""): print("running inferrence") _r = url="", headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {LLM_API_KEY}'}, data=json.dumps({ "model": "Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct", "messages": [ {"role": "user", "content": f"{summary}. Based on this paragraph and your knowledge, give easy-to-understand definitions for the following words: {'; '.join(words)}"} ], "presence_penalty":0.3, "temperature":0.55 }) ) # print(_r.json()['choices'][0]['message']['content'].split('\n')) print(_r.json()['choices'][0]['message']['content'].split('\n')) rets = [] for _x in _r.json()['choices'][0]['message']['content'].split('\n'): try: k, v = _x.split(':') k = k.replace('*','').strip() k = remove_numbering(k) v = v.strip() if (v != ''): rets.append((k, v)) except: continue return rets[:-1] def get_imgs_from_words(words: list[str]): pass def classify_words(words: list[str], deep: bool = False): pass