for section in document['Sections']:
markdown += "
section_number = section['SectionNumber']
section_title = section['Title']
markdown += f"
{section_number}. {section_title}
markdown += f"
for subsection in section.get('Subsections', []):
subsection_number = subsection['SectionNumber']
subsection_title = subsection['Title']
markdown += f"
{subsection_number} {subsection_title}
markdown += f"
markdown += "
return markdown
router = APIRouter()
class DocumentRequest(BaseModel):
query: str
class DocumentResponse(BaseModel):
json_document: Dict
markdown_document: str
@router.post("/generate-document", response_model=DocumentResponse)
async def generate_document_endpoint(request: DocumentRequest):
ai_client = AIClient()
document_generator = DocumentGenerator(ai_client)
# Generate the document
json_document = document_generator.generate_document(request.query)
# Convert to Markdown
markdown_document = MarkdownConverter.convert_to_markdown(json_document["Document"])
return DocumentResponse(
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
class CacheTestResponse(BaseModel):
result: str
execution_time: float
@router.get("/test-cache/{test_id}", response_model=CacheTestResponse)
@cache(expire=60) # Cache for 1 minute
async def test_cache(test_id: int):
start_time = time.time()
# Simulate some time-consuming operation
await asyncio.sleep(2)
result = f"Test result for ID: {test_id}"
end_time = time.time()
execution_time = end_time - start_time
return CacheTestResponse(