/*/ Not change any values of the variables below, use the "json/config.json" file to make your settings. /*/ let data_index = ""; let prompts_name = ""; let prompts_expert = ""; let prompts_image = ""; let prompts_background_color = ""; let prompts_training = ""; let chat_font_size = ""; let API_URL = ""; let source = ""; let google_voice = ""; let google_voice_lang_code = ""; let microphone_speak_lang = ""; let chat_minlength = 0; let chat_maxlength = 0; let lang_index = 0; let scrollPosition = 0; let is_model_turbo = false; let use_text_stream = false; let display_microphone_in_chat = false; let display_avatar_in_chat = false; let display_contacts_user_list = false; let display_copy_text_button_in_chat = false; let filter_badwords = true; let display_audio_button_answers = true; let chat_history = true; let hasBadWord = false; let chat = []; let pmt = []; let array_widgets = []; let array_chat = []; let lang = []; let = badWords = [] let array_messages = []; let array_voices = []; let filterBotWords = ["Robot:", "Bot:"]; //---- end configs----// //Modify the option below according to the prompt you want to use. let user_prompt_lang = "en"; let textModal; let fileModal; let uuid = ''; let chatId; let recognition; if (window.location.protocol === 'file:') { alert('This file is not runnable locally, an http server is required, please read the documentation.'); } //Loads the characters from the config.json file and appends them to the initial slider loadData("json/config.json", ["json/prompts-" + user_prompt_lang + ".json", "json/lang.json", "json/badwords.json"]); function loadData(url, urls) { // Fetch data from the given url and an array of urls using Promise.all and map functions return Promise.all([fetch(url).then(res => res.json()), ...urls.map(url => fetch(url).then(res => res.json()))]) .then(([out, OutC, OutL, OutB, OutT]) => { // Extract necessary data from the response lang = OutL; if (filter_badwords) { badWords = OutB.badwords.split(',') } lang_index = lang.use_lang_index; use_text_stream = out.use_text_stream; display_avatar_in_chat = out.display_avatar_in_chat; display_microphone_in_chat = out.display_microphone_in_chat; microphone_speak_lang = out.microphone_speak_lang; google_voice = out.google_voice; google_voice_lang_code = out.google_voice_lang_code; display_contacts_user_list = out.display_contacts_user_list; display_copy_text_button_in_chat = out.display_copy_text_button_in_chat; display_audio_button_answers = out.display_audio_button_answers; filter_badwords = out.filter_badwords; chat_history = out.chat_history; chat_font_size = out.chat_font_size; loadSpeechRecognition(); copy_text_in_chat = display_copy_text_button_in_chat ? `` : ''; var s = document.createElement('style'); s.innerHTML = '.message-text{font-size:' + chat_font_size + ' !important;}'; document.head.appendChild(s); if (!display_contacts_user_list) { $(".toggle_employees_list").hide(); $(".col-contacts-border").hide(); } if (display_microphone_in_chat) { $("#microphone-button").show() } // Populate array_widgets with character data and create HTML elements for each character card $("#load-character").html(""); $(".ai-contacts-scroll").html(""); for (var i = 0; i < OutC.length; i++) { array_widgets.push({ 'id': OutC[i]['id'], 'name': OutC[i]['name'], 'widget_name': OutC[i]['widget_name'], 'image': OutC[i]['image'], 'welcome_message': OutC[i]['welcome_message'], 'display_welcome_message': OutC[i]['display_welcome_message'], 'training': OutC[i]['training'], 'description': OutC[i]['description'], 'chat_minlength': OutC[i]['chat_minlength'], 'chat_maxlength': OutC[i]['chat_maxlength'], 'max_num_chats_api': OutC[i]['max_num_chats_api'] }) $("#load-character").append(`
or tags
if (/|<\/code>||<\/pre>/g.test(str)) {
// Returns the string without replacing the characters inside the tags
return str;
// Replaces special characters with their respective HTML codes
str = str.replace(/[&<>"'`{}()\[\]]/g, (match) => {
switch (match) {
case '<': return '<';
case '>': return '>';
case '{': return '{';
case '}': return '}';
case '(': return '(';
case ')': return ')';
case '[': return '[';
case ']': return ']';
default: return match;
// Remove the stream <span class="get-stream">
str = str.replace(/<span\s+class="get-stream">/g, "");
// Remove the closing tag
str = str.replace(/<\/span>/g, "");
// Replaces the ```code``` snippet with code
str = str.replace(/```(\w+)?([\s\S]*?)```/g, '$2
').replace(/(\d+\.\s)/g, "$1").replace(/(^[A-Za-z\s]+:)/gm, "$1");
return str;
// function to copy the text content
function copyText(button) {
const div = button.parentElement;
const code = div.querySelector('.chat-response');
const range = document.createRange();
button.innerHTML = lang["translate"][lang_index].copy_text2;
// Function to copy the content of the tag
function copyCode(button) {
const pre = button.parentElement;
const code = pre.querySelector('code');
const range = document.createRange();
button.innerHTML = lang["translate"][lang_index].copy_code2;
// Clear Chat
function clearChat(target) {
// Display confirmation dialog using SweetAlert2 library
title: lang["translate"][lang_index].confirmation_delete_chat1,
text: lang["translate"][lang_index].confirmation_delete_chat2,
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: lang["translate"][lang_index].confirmation_delete_chat3,
cancelButtonText: lang["translate"][lang_index].confirmation_delete_chat4
}).then((result) => {
// If user confirms deletion
if (result.isConfirmed) {
// If target is "all", clear chat history for all characters
if (target == "all") {
for (var i = 0; i < array_widgets.length; i++) {
array_widgets[i]['last_chat'] = [];
// Display success message using SweetAlert2
} else {
// Otherwise, clear chat history for current character only
array_widgets[data_index]['last_chat'] = [];
// Display success message using SweetAlert2
// Clear chat display
// Reset chat history and add initial message
array_chat = [];
"name": prompts_name,
"message": prompts_training,
"training": true,
"isImg": false,
"date": currentDate()
// Save updated character data to local storage
localStorage.setItem("oracle_chat_v1", JSON.stringify(array_widgets));
// If enabled, display welcome message for current character
if (displayWelcomeMessage) {
function loadChat() {
if (chat_history) {
for (var i = 0; i < array_widgets[data_index]['last_chat'].length; i++) {
const currentChat = array_widgets[data_index]['last_chat'][i];
if (currentChat.name === "User") {
if (currentChat.isImg === true) {
const imageID = Date.now();
const imgURL = Array.isArray(currentChat.imgURL) ? currentChat.imgURL.map(url => url).join('') : '';
const imgHtml = Array.isArray(currentChat.imgURL) ? currentChat.imgURL.map(url => `
`).join('') : '';
const chatHtml = `
array_chat.push({ "name": "User", "message": currentChat.message, "isImg": true, imgURL: currentChat.imgURL, "date": currentDate() });
} else {
const chatResponse = escapeHtml(currentChat.message)
const chatHtml = `
array_chat.push({ "name": "User", "message": currentChat.message, "isImg": false, "date": currentDate() });
} else {
avatar_in_chat = display_avatar_in_chat ? `
` : '';
audio_in_chat = display_audio_button_answers ? `
` : '';
if (!currentChat.training) {
const chatResponse = escapeHtml(currentChat.message)
const chatHtml = `
array_chat.push({ "name": prompts_name, "message": currentChat.message, "training": currentChat.training, "date": currentDate() });
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
} else {
if (displayWelcomeMessage) {
//Check Clear Chat display
function checkClearChatDisplay() {
if (array_widgets[data_index] && array_widgets[data_index].last_chat && array_widgets[data_index].last_chat.length > 1) {
if (chat_history) {
} else {
const hasLastChat = array_widgets.some((result) => {
return result.last_chat && result.last_chat.length > 2;
if (hasLastChat) {
} else {
//Error messages
function hideFeedback() {
//Force chat to scroll down
function scrollChatBottom() {
if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
let body = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
body.scrollTop = body.scrollHeight;
} else {
let objDiv = document.getElementById("overflow-chat");
objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight;
setTimeout(function () {
if (window.innerWidth < 768) {
window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight);
}, 100);
//Enable chat input
function enableChat() {
$(".character-typing").css('visibility', 'hidden')
$(".btn-send-chat,#chat").attr("disabled", false);
var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (!isMobile) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
//Disable chat input
function disableChat() {
$(".character-typing").css('visibility', 'visible')
$(".character-typing").css('display', 'flex');
$(".character-typing span").html(prompts_name);
$(".btn-send-chat,#chat").attr("disabled", true);
function createTextFile(data) {
let text = "";
// Iterate over the array_chat array and add each message to the text variable
data.forEach(chat => {
text += `${chat.name}: ${chat.message}\r\n`;
text = text.replace("User:", lang["translate"][lang_index].you + ":");
// Create a Blob object with the text
const blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
// Return the Blob object
return blob;
function downloadPdf() {
var docDefinition = {
content: [
{ text: lang["translate"][lang_index].header_title_pdf, style: 'header' },
styles: {
header: {
fontSize: 22,
bold: true
name: {
fontSize: 14,
color: '#0072c6',
bold: true
message: {
fontSize: 12,
color: '#2c2c2c',
bold: false,
lineHeight: 1.2,
marginTop: 4
date: {
marginTop: 5,
fontSize: 10,
color: '#787878'
defaultStyle: {
font: 'Roboto'
// Adds each array element to the docDefinition
for (var i = 1; i < array_chat.length; i++) {
var message = array_chat[i];
var name = { text: message.name + ': ', style: 'name' };
var messageText = { text: message.message.replace(/[\u{1F300}-\u{1F6FF}\u{1F900}-\u{1F9FF}]/gu, ''), style: 'message' };
docDefinition.content.push({ text: message.date, style: 'date' });
// Create a pdfMake instance
var pdfMakeInstance = pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition);
// Download pdf
// Function to download the file
function downloadFile(blob, fileName) {
// Create a URL object with the Blob
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Create a download link and add it to the document
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url;
link.download = fileName;
// Simulate a click on the link to trigger the download
// Remove the link from the document
// Function to handle the download button click event
function handleDownload() {
const blob = createTextFile(array_chat);
downloadFile(blob, "chat.txt");
//Chat audio
$(document).on("click", ".chat-audio", function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $img = $this.find("img");
var $chatResponse = $this.siblings(".message-text").find(".chat-response")
var play = $img.attr("data-play") == "true";
if (play) {
"src": "img/btn_tts_" + (play ? "play" : "stop") + ".svg",
"data-play": play ? "false" : "true"
if (!play) {
// Remove botão de cópia do texto antes de sintetizar a fala
var chatResponseText = $chatResponse.html().replace(/