import pandas as pd import networkx as nx from import Network import community.community_louvain as community_louvain import as cm import numpy as np df = pd.read_csv("data.csv") # Membaca data dari df connections = [] for idx, row in df.iterrows(): source = row['Source'].strip() # Menghapus spasi di awal dan akhir targets = [target.strip() for target in row['Target'].split(', ')] # Menghapus spasi di awal dan akhir dari setiap target for target in targets: connections.append((source, target)) # Membuat graf G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_edges_from(connections) # Mendeteksi komunitas menggunakan algoritma Louvain partition = community_louvain.best_partition(G.to_undirected()) # Mendapatkan jumlah komunitas unik num_communities = len(set(partition.values())) # Menggunakan colormap 'tab20' dari matplotlib cmap = cm.get_cmap('tab20', 20) # Maksimal 20 warna colors = [cmap(i) for i in range(20)] # Membuat graf dengan Pyvis net = Network(notebook=True, directed=True, cdn_resources='remote') # Menambahkan node dan edge ke graf for source, target in connections: net.add_node(source, label=source) net.add_node(target, label=target) net.add_edge(source, target) # Memberi warna pada node berdasarkan komunitas community_colors = {comm: colors[i] for i, comm in enumerate(set(partition.values()))} for node, comm in partition.items(): rgba_color = community_colors[comm] hex_color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(rgba_color[0]*255), int(rgba_color[1]*255), int(rgba_color[2]*255)) net.get_node(node)['color'] = hex_color # Menambahkan opsi untuk menampilkan judul options = """ var options = { "interaction": { "navigationButtons": true, "keyboard": true }, "physics": { "enabled": true } } """ net.set_options(options) # Menambahkan judul ke graf net.heading = "Social Network Analysis Anggota INCODE" # Menyimpan grafik ke file HTML"index.html") # Membuat bagian legenda legend_html = """


""" for comm, rgba_color in community_colors.items(): hex_color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(rgba_color[0]*255), int(rgba_color[1]*255), int(rgba_color[2]*255)) legend_html += f'
Community {comm}
' legend_html += '
' # Menyimpan bagian legenda ke file HTML with open('index.html', 'r') as file: html_content = html_content = html_content.replace('', f'{legend_html}', 1) with open('index.html', 'w') as file: file.write(html_content)