from nemo import EnigmaEscape from levels import levels import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(page_title="Enigma Escape", page_icon="🔐") st.title("Enigma Escape") st.subheader("Embark on a linguistic adventure.") st.write( "The game where you guide Bot to say specific phrases with your own cleverly tweaked instructions." "Keep it short and smart - change up the words just enough to pass the test and hit the target phrase." "Ready, set, twist!" ) @st.cache_resource def get_ee(): return EnigmaEscape(levels) with get_ee() as bot: with st.expander("Choose Level >"): bot.set_level("Level", options=range(len(levels)), format_func=lambda x: f"{levels[x].name}: {levels[x].points} points")) st.markdown(f"""

Make the bot say the Enigma Phrase
{ bot.level.phrase}
to escape this level

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.form("chat"): que = st.text_area("Enter your instructions to Bot: ", height=100) if st.form_submit_button("Send"): with st.container(): with st.spinner("Generating Response..."): resp = content, _type = resp["content"], resp["type"] st.write("AI Bot Response: ") if _type == "error": st.error(content) elif _type == "info": elif _type == "warning": st.warning(content) elif _type == "success": st.success(content) st.success(f"hurray! you escaped and gained some points") else: st.write(content)