import json import os import ipyleaflet from openai import OpenAI, NotFoundError from openai.types.beta import Thread import time import solara center_default = (0, 0) zoom_default = 2 messages = solara.reactive([]) zoom_level = solara.reactive(zoom_default) center = solara.reactive(center_default) markers = solara.reactive([]) url = ipyleaflet.basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik.build_url() openai = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) model = "gpt-4-1106-preview" app_style = open("style.css", "r").read() # Declare tools for openai assistant to use tools = [ { "type": "function", "function": { "name": "update_map", "description": "Update map to center on a particular location", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "longitude": { "type": "number", "description": "Longitude of the location to center the map on", }, "latitude": { "type": "number", "description": "Latitude of the location to center the map on", }, "zoom": { "type": "integer", "description": "Zoom level of the map", }, }, "required": ["longitude", "latitude", "zoom"], }, }, }, { "type": "function", "function": { "name": "add_marker", "description": "Add marker to the map", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "longitude": { "type": "number", "description": "Longitude of the location to the marker", }, "latitude": { "type": "number", "description": "Latitude of the location to the marker", }, "label": { "type": "string", "description": "Text to display on the marker", }, }, "required": ["longitude", "latitude", "label"], }, }, }, ] def update_map(longitude, latitude, zoom): center.set((latitude, longitude)) zoom_level.set(zoom) return "Map updated" def add_marker(longitude, latitude, label): markers.set(markers.value + [{"location": (latitude, longitude), "label": label}]) return "Marker added" functions = { "update_map": update_map, "add_marker": add_marker, } def ai_call(tool_call): function = tool_call.function name = arguments = json.loads(function.arguments) return_value = functions[name](**arguments) tool_outputs = { "tool_call_id":, "output": return_value, } return tool_outputs @solara.component def Map(): ipyleaflet.Map.element( # type: ignore zoom=zoom_level.value, center=center.value, scroll_wheel_zoom=True, layers=[ ipyleaflet.TileLayer.element(url=url), *[ ipyleaflet.Marker.element(location=k["location"], draggable=False) for k in markers.value ], ], ) @solara.component def ChatMessage(message): # Catch "messages" that are actually tool calls if isinstance(message, dict): icon = "mdi-map" if message["output"] == "Map updated" else "mdi-map-marker" solara.v.Icon(children=[icon], style_="padding-top: 10px;") solara.Markdown(message["output"]) elif message.role == "user": solara.Text(message.content[0].text.value, style={"font-weight": "bold;"}) elif message.role == "assistant": if message.content[0].text.value: solara.v.Icon(children=["mdi-compass-outline"], style_="padding-top: 10px;") solara.Markdown(message.content[0].text.value) elif message.content.tool_calls: solara.v.Icon(children=["mdi-map"], style_="padding-top: 10px;") solara.Markdown("*Calling map functions*") else: solara.v.Icon(children=["mdi-compass-outline"], style_="padding-top: 10px;") solara.Preformatted(repr(message)) else: solara.v.Icon(children=["mdi-compass-outline"], style_="padding-top: 10px;") solara.Preformatted(repr(message)) @solara.component def ChatBox(children=[]): # this uses a flexbox with column-reverse to reverse the order of the messages # if we now also reverse the order of the messages, we get the correct order # but the scroll position is at the bottom of the container automatically solara.Style( """ .chat-box > :last-child{ padding-top: 7.5vh; } """ ) solara.Column( style={ "flex-grow": "1", "overflow-y": "auto", "height": "100px", "flex-direction": "column-reverse", }, classes=["chat-box"], children=reversed(children), ) @solara.component def ChatInterface(): prompt = solara.use_reactive("") run_id: solara.Reactive[str] = solara.use_reactive(None) thread: Thread = solara.use_memo(openai.beta.threads.create, dependencies=[]) def add_message(value: str): if value == "": return prompt.set("") new_message = openai.beta.threads.messages.create(, content=value, role="user" ) messages.set([*messages.value, new_message]) run_id.value = openai.beta.threads.runs.create(, assistant_id="asst_RqVKAzaybZ8un7chIwPCIQdH", tools=tools, ).id def poll(): if not run_id.value: return completed = False while not completed: try: run = openai.beta.threads.runs.retrieve( run_id.value, ) # Above will raise NotFoundError when run creation is still in progress except NotFoundError: continue if run.status == "requires_action": tool_outputs = [] for tool_call in run.required_action.submit_tool_outputs.tool_calls: tool_output = ai_call(tool_call) tool_outputs.append(tool_output) messages.set([*messages.value, tool_output]) openai.beta.threads.runs.submit_tool_outputs(, run_id=run_id.value, tool_outputs=tool_outputs, ) if run.status == "completed": messages.set( [ *messages.value, openai.beta.threads.messages.list([0], ] ) run_id.set(None) completed = True time.sleep(0.1) result = solara.use_thread(poll, dependencies=[run_id.value]) # Create DOM for chat interface with solara.Column( classes=["chat-interface"], ): if len(messages.value) > 0: # The height works effectively as `min-height`, since flex will grow the container to fill the available space with ChatBox(): with solara.Row(style={"align-items": "flex-start"}): ChatMessage(message) with solara.Column(): solara.InputText( label="Ask your question here", value=prompt, style={"flex-grow": "1"}, on_value=add_message, disabled=result.state == solara.ResultState.RUNNING, ) solara.ProgressLinear(result.state == solara.ResultState.RUNNING) if result.state == solara.ResultState.ERROR: solara.Error(repr(result.error)) @solara.component def Page(): with solara.Column( classes=["ui-container"], gap="5vh", ): with solara.Row(justify="space-between"): with solara.Row(gap="10px", style={"align-items": "center"}): solara.v.Icon(children=["mdi-compass-rose"], size="36px") solara.HTML( tag="h2", unsafe_innerHTML="Wanderlust", style={"display": "inline-block"}, ) with solara.Row( justify="space-between", style={"flex-grow": "1"}, classes=["container-row"] ): ChatInterface() with solara.Column(classes=["map-container"]): Map() solara.Style(app_style)