/* * Copyright 2019 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import { log } from './logging'; import { LogVerbosity } from './constants'; import { getDefaultAuthority } from './resolver'; import { Socket } from 'net'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as tls from 'tls'; import * as logging from './logging'; import { SubchannelAddress, isTcpSubchannelAddress, subchannelAddressToString, } from './subchannel-address'; import { ChannelOptions } from './channel-options'; import { GrpcUri, parseUri, splitHostPort, uriToString } from './uri-parser'; import { URL } from 'url'; import { DEFAULT_PORT } from './resolver-dns'; const TRACER_NAME = 'proxy'; function trace(text: string): void { logging.trace(LogVerbosity.DEBUG, TRACER_NAME, text); } interface ProxyInfo { address?: string; creds?: string; } function getProxyInfo(): ProxyInfo { let proxyEnv = ''; let envVar = ''; /* Prefer using 'grpc_proxy'. Fallback on 'http_proxy' if it is not set. * Also prefer using 'https_proxy' with fallback on 'http_proxy'. The * fallback behavior can be removed if there's a demand for it. */ if (process.env.grpc_proxy) { envVar = 'grpc_proxy'; proxyEnv = process.env.grpc_proxy; } else if (process.env.https_proxy) { envVar = 'https_proxy'; proxyEnv = process.env.https_proxy; } else if (process.env.http_proxy) { envVar = 'http_proxy'; proxyEnv = process.env.http_proxy; } else { return {}; } let proxyUrl: URL; try { proxyUrl = new URL(proxyEnv); } catch (e) { log(LogVerbosity.ERROR, `cannot parse value of "${envVar}" env var`); return {}; } if (proxyUrl.protocol !== 'http:') { log( LogVerbosity.ERROR, `"${proxyUrl.protocol}" scheme not supported in proxy URI` ); return {}; } let userCred: string | null = null; if (proxyUrl.username) { if (proxyUrl.password) { log(LogVerbosity.INFO, 'userinfo found in proxy URI'); userCred = `${proxyUrl.username}:${proxyUrl.password}`; } else { userCred = proxyUrl.username; } } const hostname = proxyUrl.hostname; let port = proxyUrl.port; /* The proxy URL uses the scheme "http:", which has a default port number of * 80. We need to set that explicitly here if it is omitted because otherwise * it will use gRPC's default port 443. */ if (port === '') { port = '80'; } const result: ProxyInfo = { address: `${hostname}:${port}`, }; if (userCred) { result.creds = userCred; } trace( 'Proxy server ' + result.address + ' set by environment variable ' + envVar ); return result; } function getNoProxyHostList(): string[] { /* Prefer using 'no_grpc_proxy'. Fallback on 'no_proxy' if it is not set. */ let noProxyStr: string | undefined = process.env.no_grpc_proxy; let envVar = 'no_grpc_proxy'; if (!noProxyStr) { noProxyStr = process.env.no_proxy; envVar = 'no_proxy'; } if (noProxyStr) { trace('No proxy server list set by environment variable ' + envVar); return noProxyStr.split(','); } else { return []; } } export interface ProxyMapResult { target: GrpcUri; extraOptions: ChannelOptions; } export function mapProxyName( target: GrpcUri, options: ChannelOptions ): ProxyMapResult { const noProxyResult: ProxyMapResult = { target: target, extraOptions: {}, }; if ((options['grpc.enable_http_proxy'] ?? 1) === 0) { return noProxyResult; } if (target.scheme === 'unix') { return noProxyResult; } const proxyInfo = getProxyInfo(); if (!proxyInfo.address) { return noProxyResult; } const hostPort = splitHostPort(target.path); if (!hostPort) { return noProxyResult; } const serverHost = hostPort.host; for (const host of getNoProxyHostList()) { if (host === serverHost) { trace( 'Not using proxy for target in no_proxy list: ' + uriToString(target) ); return noProxyResult; } } const extraOptions: ChannelOptions = { 'grpc.http_connect_target': uriToString(target), }; if (proxyInfo.creds) { extraOptions['grpc.http_connect_creds'] = proxyInfo.creds; } return { target: { scheme: 'dns', path: proxyInfo.address, }, extraOptions: extraOptions, }; } export interface ProxyConnectionResult { socket?: Socket; realTarget?: GrpcUri; } export function getProxiedConnection( address: SubchannelAddress, channelOptions: ChannelOptions, connectionOptions: tls.ConnectionOptions ): Promise { if (!('grpc.http_connect_target' in channelOptions)) { return Promise.resolve({}); } const realTarget = channelOptions['grpc.http_connect_target'] as string; const parsedTarget = parseUri(realTarget); if (parsedTarget === null) { return Promise.resolve({}); } const splitHostPost = splitHostPort(parsedTarget.path); if (splitHostPost === null) { return Promise.resolve({}); } const hostPort = `${splitHostPost.host}:${ splitHostPost.port ?? DEFAULT_PORT }`; const options: http.RequestOptions = { method: 'CONNECT', path: hostPort, }; const headers: http.OutgoingHttpHeaders = { Host: hostPort, }; // Connect to the subchannel address as a proxy if (isTcpSubchannelAddress(address)) { options.host = address.host; options.port = address.port; } else { options.socketPath = address.path; } if ('grpc.http_connect_creds' in channelOptions) { headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(channelOptions['grpc.http_connect_creds'] as string).toString( 'base64' ); } options.headers = headers; const proxyAddressString = subchannelAddressToString(address); trace('Using proxy ' + proxyAddressString + ' to connect to ' + options.path); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = http.request(options); request.once('connect', (res, socket, head) => { request.removeAllListeners(); socket.removeAllListeners(); if (res.statusCode === 200) { trace( 'Successfully connected to ' + options.path + ' through proxy ' + proxyAddressString ); if ('secureContext' in connectionOptions) { /* The proxy is connecting to a TLS server, so upgrade this socket * connection to a TLS connection. * This is a workaround for https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/32922 * See https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node/pull/1369 for more info. */ const targetPath = getDefaultAuthority(parsedTarget); const hostPort = splitHostPort(targetPath); const remoteHost = hostPort?.host ?? targetPath; const cts = tls.connect( { host: remoteHost, servername: remoteHost, socket: socket, ...connectionOptions, }, () => { trace( 'Successfully established a TLS connection to ' + options.path + ' through proxy ' + proxyAddressString ); resolve({ socket: cts, realTarget: parsedTarget }); } ); cts.on('error', (error: Error) => { trace( 'Failed to establish a TLS connection to ' + options.path + ' through proxy ' + proxyAddressString + ' with error ' + error.message ); reject(); }); } else { trace( 'Successfully established a plaintext connection to ' + options.path + ' through proxy ' + proxyAddressString ); resolve({ socket, realTarget: parsedTarget, }); } } else { log( LogVerbosity.ERROR, 'Failed to connect to ' + options.path + ' through proxy ' + proxyAddressString + ' with status ' + res.statusCode ); reject(); } }); request.once('error', err => { request.removeAllListeners(); log( LogVerbosity.ERROR, 'Failed to connect to proxy ' + proxyAddressString + ' with error ' + err.message ); reject(); }); request.end(); }); }