/* * Copyright 2019 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import { ClientDuplexStream, ClientReadableStream, ClientUnaryCall, ClientWritableStream, ServiceError, } from './call'; import { CallCredentials, OAuth2Client } from './call-credentials'; import { StatusObject } from './call-interface'; import { Channel, ChannelImplementation } from './channel'; import { CompressionAlgorithms } from './compression-algorithms'; import { ConnectivityState } from './connectivity-state'; import { ChannelCredentials } from './channel-credentials'; import { CallOptions, Client, ClientOptions, CallInvocationTransformer, CallProperties, UnaryCallback, } from './client'; import { LogVerbosity, Status, Propagate } from './constants'; import * as logging from './logging'; import { Deserialize, loadPackageDefinition, makeClientConstructor, MethodDefinition, Serialize, ServiceDefinition, } from './make-client'; import { Metadata, MetadataOptions, MetadataValue } from './metadata'; import { Server, UntypedHandleCall, UntypedServiceImplementation, } from './server'; import { KeyCertPair, ServerCredentials } from './server-credentials'; import { StatusBuilder } from './status-builder'; import { handleBidiStreamingCall, handleServerStreamingCall, handleClientStreamingCall, handleUnaryCall, sendUnaryData, ServerUnaryCall, ServerReadableStream, ServerWritableStream, ServerDuplexStream, ServerErrorResponse, } from './server-call'; export { OAuth2Client }; /**** Client Credentials ****/ // Using assign only copies enumerable properties, which is what we want export const credentials = { /** * Combine a ChannelCredentials with any number of CallCredentials into a * single ChannelCredentials object. * @param channelCredentials The ChannelCredentials object. * @param callCredentials Any number of CallCredentials objects. * @return The resulting ChannelCredentials object. */ combineChannelCredentials: ( channelCredentials: ChannelCredentials, ...callCredentials: CallCredentials[] ): ChannelCredentials => { return callCredentials.reduce( (acc, other) => acc.compose(other), channelCredentials ); }, /** * Combine any number of CallCredentials into a single CallCredentials * object. * @param first The first CallCredentials object. * @param additional Any number of additional CallCredentials objects. * @return The resulting CallCredentials object. */ combineCallCredentials: ( first: CallCredentials, ...additional: CallCredentials[] ): CallCredentials => { return additional.reduce((acc, other) => acc.compose(other), first); }, // from channel-credentials.ts createInsecure: ChannelCredentials.createInsecure, createSsl: ChannelCredentials.createSsl, createFromSecureContext: ChannelCredentials.createFromSecureContext, // from call-credentials.ts createFromMetadataGenerator: CallCredentials.createFromMetadataGenerator, createFromGoogleCredential: CallCredentials.createFromGoogleCredential, createEmpty: CallCredentials.createEmpty, }; /**** Metadata ****/ export { Metadata, MetadataOptions, MetadataValue }; /**** Constants ****/ export { LogVerbosity as logVerbosity, Status as status, ConnectivityState as connectivityState, Propagate as propagate, CompressionAlgorithms as compressionAlgorithms, // TODO: Other constants as well }; /**** Client ****/ export { Client, ClientOptions, loadPackageDefinition, makeClientConstructor, makeClientConstructor as makeGenericClientConstructor, CallProperties, CallInvocationTransformer, ChannelImplementation as Channel, Channel as ChannelInterface, UnaryCallback as requestCallback, }; /** * Close a Client object. * @param client The client to close. */ export const closeClient = (client: Client) => client.close(); export const waitForClientReady = ( client: Client, deadline: Date | number, callback: (error?: Error) => void ) => client.waitForReady(deadline, callback); /* Interfaces */ export { sendUnaryData, ChannelCredentials, CallCredentials, Deadline, Serialize as serialize, Deserialize as deserialize, ClientUnaryCall, ClientReadableStream, ClientWritableStream, ClientDuplexStream, CallOptions, MethodDefinition, StatusObject, ServiceError, ServerUnaryCall, ServerReadableStream, ServerWritableStream, ServerDuplexStream, ServerErrorResponse, ServiceDefinition, UntypedHandleCall, UntypedServiceImplementation, }; /**** Server ****/ export { handleBidiStreamingCall, handleServerStreamingCall, handleUnaryCall, handleClientStreamingCall, }; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ export type Call = | ClientUnaryCall | ClientReadableStream | ClientWritableStream | ClientDuplexStream; /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /**** Unimplemented function stubs ****/ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ export const loadObject = (value: any, options: any): never => { throw new Error( 'Not available in this library. Use @grpc/proto-loader and loadPackageDefinition instead' ); }; export const load = (filename: any, format: any, options: any): never => { throw new Error( 'Not available in this library. Use @grpc/proto-loader and loadPackageDefinition instead' ); }; export const setLogger = (logger: Partial): void => { logging.setLogger(logger); }; export const setLogVerbosity = (verbosity: LogVerbosity): void => { logging.setLoggerVerbosity(verbosity); }; export { Server }; export { ServerCredentials }; export { KeyCertPair }; export const getClientChannel = (client: Client) => { return Client.prototype.getChannel.call(client); }; export { StatusBuilder }; export { Listener, InterceptingListener } from './call-interface'; export { Requester, ListenerBuilder, RequesterBuilder, Interceptor, InterceptorOptions, InterceptorProvider, InterceptingCall, InterceptorConfigurationError, NextCall, } from './client-interceptors'; export { GrpcObject, ServiceClientConstructor, ProtobufTypeDefinition, } from './make-client'; export { ChannelOptions } from './channel-options'; export { getChannelzServiceDefinition, getChannelzHandlers } from './channelz'; export { addAdminServicesToServer } from './admin'; import * as experimental from './experimental'; export { experimental }; import * as resolver_dns from './resolver-dns'; import * as resolver_uds from './resolver-uds'; import * as resolver_ip from './resolver-ip'; import * as load_balancer_pick_first from './load-balancer-pick-first'; import * as load_balancer_round_robin from './load-balancer-round-robin'; import * as load_balancer_outlier_detection from './load-balancer-outlier-detection'; import * as channelz from './channelz'; import { Deadline } from './deadline'; (() => { resolver_dns.setup(); resolver_uds.setup(); resolver_ip.setup(); load_balancer_pick_first.setup(); load_balancer_round_robin.setup(); load_balancer_outlier_detection.setup(); channelz.setup(); })();