import string import easyocr # Initialize the OCR reader reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=False) # Mapping dictionaries for character conversion dict_char_to_int = {'O': '0', 'I': '1', 'J': '3', 'A': '4', 'G': '6', 'S': '5'} dict_int_to_char = {'0': 'O', '1': 'I', '3': 'J', '4': 'A', '6': 'G', '5': 'S'} def write_csv(results, output_path): """ Write the results to a CSV file. Args: results (dict): Dictionary containing the results. output_path (str): Path to the output CSV file. """ with open(output_path, 'w') as f: f.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format('frame_nmr', 'car_id', 'car_bbox', 'license_plate_bbox', 'license_plate_bbox_score', 'license_number', 'license_number_score')) for frame_nmr in results.keys(): for car_id in results[frame_nmr].keys(): print(results[frame_nmr][car_id]) if 'car' in results[frame_nmr][car_id].keys() and \ 'license_plate' in results[frame_nmr][car_id].keys() and \ 'text' in results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate'].keys(): f.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(frame_nmr, car_id, '[{} {} {} {}]'.format( results[frame_nmr][car_id]['car']['bbox'][0], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['car']['bbox'][1], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['car']['bbox'][2], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['car']['bbox'][3]), '[{} {} {} {}]'.format( results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['bbox'][0], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['bbox'][1], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['bbox'][2], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['bbox'][3]), results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['bbox_score'], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['text'], results[frame_nmr][car_id]['license_plate']['text_score']) ) f.close() def license_complies_format(text): """ Check if the license plate text complies with the required format. Args: text (str): License plate text. Returns: bool: True if the license plate complies with the format, False otherwise. """ if len(text) != 7: return False if (text[0] in string.ascii_uppercase or text[0] in dict_int_to_char.keys()) and \ (text[1] in string.ascii_uppercase or text[1] in dict_int_to_char.keys()) and \ (text[2] in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] or text[2] in dict_char_to_int.keys()) and \ (text[3] in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] or text[3] in dict_char_to_int.keys()) and \ (text[4] in string.ascii_uppercase or text[4] in dict_int_to_char.keys()) and \ (text[5] in string.ascii_uppercase or text[5] in dict_int_to_char.keys()) and \ (text[6] in string.ascii_uppercase or text[6] in dict_int_to_char.keys()): return True else: return False def format_license(text): """ Format the license plate text by converting characters using the mapping dictionaries. Args: text (str): License plate text. Returns: str: Formatted license plate text. """ license_plate_ = '' mapping = {0: dict_int_to_char, 1: dict_int_to_char, 4: dict_int_to_char, 5: dict_int_to_char, 6: dict_int_to_char, 2: dict_char_to_int, 3: dict_char_to_int} for j in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: if text[j] in mapping[j].keys(): license_plate_ += mapping[j][text[j]] else: license_plate_ += text[j] return license_plate_ def read_license_plate(license_plate_crop): """ Read the license plate text from the given cropped image. Args: license_plate_crop (PIL.Image.Image): Cropped image containing the license plate. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing the formatted license plate text and its confidence score. """ detections = reader.readtext(license_plate_crop) for detection in detections: bbox, text, score = detection text = text.upper().replace(' ', '') if license_complies_format(text): return format_license(text), score return None, None def get_car(license_plate, vehicle_track_ids): """ Retrieve the vehicle coordinates and ID based on the license plate coordinates. Args: license_plate (tuple): Tuple containing the coordinates of the license plate (x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class_id). vehicle_track_ids (list): List of vehicle track IDs and their corresponding coordinates. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing the vehicle coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) and ID. """ x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class_id = license_plate foundIt = False for j in range(len(vehicle_track_ids)): xcar1, ycar1, xcar2, ycar2, car_id = vehicle_track_ids[j] if x1 > xcar1 and y1 > ycar1 and x2 < xcar2 and y2 < ycar2: car_indx = j foundIt = True break if foundIt: return vehicle_track_ids[car_indx] return -1, -1, -1, -1, -1