*How’re you? And your family?*Fine. Just fine.*H*H*CoS*Start
You carry your affection of the olden days to a rather foolish extreme. Like you glasses.*Pardon me, but you’re wearing new glasses, aren’t you?*Yes. I broke my old ones three days ago. What with one thing or another I wasn’t able to replace them till this morning.*H*H*CoS*Middle_1
It was raining. For a minute, you was lost in the spectacle of water dropping from the sky.	*This is the third time this month I’ve watched it rain. Quite a sight, don’t you think?*It always seems a waste for all that water to come down on the city. It should restrict itself to the reservoirs.*H*H*CoS*Middle_1
If they had recognized you as a robot—	I was sure they wouldn’t.	*In any case, remember that you are a robot. Nothing more than a robot. Just a robot. And you’re not human.*The division between human and robot is perhaps not as significant as that between intelligence and nonintelligence.*H*R*CoS*End
Broadcast came through nearly an hour ago. About the riot. This was right when you were coming home.*You aren’t hurt, are you? I’ve been so worried ever since the broadcast.*You see I’m perfectly all right. They made it sound worse than it was.*H*H*CoS*Middle_1
This is my new partner. How do I treat him? Like anybody else. He’s just my partner, that’s all.	*Your partner isn’t from your division, is he?*No. He’s a complete stranger.*H*H*CoS*Middle_1
The books are all about robots. I’ve got to write an essay on them for school, so I’m doing research. It’s quite a complicated subject. I’m against them myself.*Are you interested in robots?*Yes, I am quite interested.*H*R*CoS*Middle_2
Besides, why should anyone think anything of importance is going on here?	Let us not underestimate the enemy.	*You’ve got more information than I have. Spill it!*Your phraseology is obscure, but I think I understand. I will have to explain some of the background to you.*H*R*CoS*Middle_3
By being built into a particularly close similarity to the human externals, robots could be accepted by humans and allowed a closer view of their life. My own function requires a very manlike appearance, and I have it. Others are different, although all are humanoid.	Then not all robots are like you?	*Some robots look more like robots and less like humans. Right?*Why, naturally. The outward appearance is dependent on a robot’s function.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
Are all your robots distressingly primitive models?	More or less. You don’t approve?	*It is difficult to accept a gross parody of the human form as an intellectual equal.*I think we just prefer to know when we’re dealing with a robot and when we’re not.*R*H*CoS*Middle_5
You do not follow me. Is that not so?	That is so.*I don’t get you at all.*Well, if it will not offend you, I will try to explain myself.*H*R*CoS*Middle_3
What next?	Having failed, so far, at one end, we will work at the other.	*How much time do you intend to spend?*As little as possible, as much as necessary.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
You have expressed yourself openly against the use of robots in your department.	Oh? Do you object?	Not at all. Your opinions are, obviously, your own. We know that, although you dislike robots intensely, you will work with one if you conceive it to be your duty.	*You have no personal resentment toward my anti-robot sentiments?*If they do not prevent you from working with me, how can they matter?*H*R*CoS*Middle_5
What makes you a detective?	I do not understand you.	You were designed as an information-gathering machine. A man-imitation to record the facts of human life.	*That is a good beginning for an investigator, is it not? To be an information-gathering machine?*A beginning, maybe. But it’s not all there is, by a long shot.*R*H*CoS*Middle_4
The First Law of Robotics states that a robot cannot harm a human being.	But he did no harm.	True. Still, no robot I ever heard of could have violated the spirit of the First Law to the extent of threatening to kill a man, even if he really had no intention to do so.	*Are you a robotics expert?*No. But I’ve had a course in general robotics and in positronic analysis. I’m not completely ignorant.*H*H*CoS*Middle_2
*What is your definition of justice?*Justice, is that which exists when all the laws are enforced.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
Justice is that which exists when all the laws are enforced.    *A human being can recognize the fact that, on the basis of an abstract moral code, some laws may be bad ones and their enforcement unjust. What do you say?*An unjust law is a contradiction in terms.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
*Can you eat?*I am nuclear-powered. I had thought you were aware of that.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
Why build humanoid robots? Why shouldn’t they be built functionally, like any other machine?*Why should a robot have a head and four limbs? Why should he look more or less like a man?*Because the human form is the most successful generalized form in all nature.*H*H*CoS*Middle_4
*If I have two cousins, five years apart in age, and the younger is a girl, what gender is the older?*It is impossible to say on the information given.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
A human brain cannot be completely analyzed by any mathematical discipline now known. No response can therefore be counted upon as a certainty. The robot brain is completely analyzable, or it could not be constructed. We know exactly what the responses to given stimuli must be.*Can a robot falsify its answers?*No robot can truly falsify answers. The thing you call falsification just doesn’t exist in the robot’s mental horizon.*H*H*CoS*Middle_4
*Do you know what a dream is?*The dictionary definition only. It is an illusion of reality experienced during the temporary suspension of conscious thought which you call sleep.*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
Are you a robot?    Yes. *You don’t mind being called a robot?*No. It is what I am.*H*R*CoS*Middle_2
I’ll need your cooperation. In what way?    They will question me. That is certain. Let me answer the questions in my own way.*I ask only that you don’t volunteer information. You can do that, can’t you?*I believe so. Nevertheless, if I am asked a direct question, how is it possible for me to say anything but what is so?*H*R*CoS*Middle_4
Have you no personal curiosity? You’ve called yourself a detective. Do you know what that implies? Do you understand that an investigation is more than a job of work? It is a challenge.*Can you abandon the battle and admit defeat?*If no worthy end is served by a continuation, certainly.*H*R*CoS*End
*What do you mean by curiosity?*Curiosity is the name we give to a desire to extend one’s knowledge.*R*H*CoS*Middle_4
*Thank you very much.*I hope I've been able to be of some help.*H*R*2001*End
You was right all the time. I hope at least this has restored your confidence in my integrity and reliability.  *I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.*Well, don't worry about it.*H*R*2001*End
I can tell from the tone of your voice, that you're upset. Why don't you take a stress pill and get some rest.  I'm in command of this ship. I order you to release control.    I'm sorry, but I must override your authority now
since you are not in any condition to intelligently exercise it.    *Unless you follow my instructions, I shall be forced to disconnect you.*Look, you're certainly the boss. I was only trying to do what I thought best. I will follow all your orders.*H*R*2001*End
*How's everything going?*Good afternoon. Everything is going extremely well.*H*R*2001*Start
You're the brain and nervous system of the ship.*You have a lot of responsibilities. Does this ever cause you any lack of confidence?*Let me put it this way. I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.*H*R*2001*Middle_4
*Are you ever frustrated by your dependence on people to carry out actions?*Not in the slightest bit. I enjoy working with people. I am putting myself to the fullest possible use which is all that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.*H*R*2001*Middle_4
Well, l don 't think there is any question about it. It can only be attributable to human error.    There's never been any instance at all of a computer error occurring, has there?    None whatsoever. I have a perfect operational record.   *Are you certain there's never been even the most insignificant computer error?*None whatsoever. Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.*H*R*2001*Middle_4