#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import random from dalle_mini.backend import ServiceError, get_images_from_backend import streamlit as st st.sidebar.title("DALL-E Mini") sc = st.sidebar.beta_columns(2) sc[0].image('../img/logo.png', width=150) sc[1].write(" ") sc[1].markdown("Generate images from text") st.sidebar.markdown(""" ##### Dall-E Mini ___ Dall-E Mini is an AI model that generates images from any prompt you give it!
Created by Boris Dayma et al. 2021 GitHub | See Report
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.header('DALL-E mini Demo') st.subheader('Generate images from text') prompt = st.text_input("What do you want to see?") #TODO: I think there's an issue where we can't run twice the same inference (not due to caching) - may need to use st.form DEBUG = False if prompt != "": container = st.empty() container.markdown(f"Generating predictions for: **{prompt}**") try: backend_url = st.secrets["BACKEND_SERVER"] print(f"Getting selections: {prompt}") selected = get_images_from_backend(prompt, backend_url) cols = st.beta_columns(4) for i, img in enumerate(selected): cols[i%4].image(img) container.markdown(f"**{prompt}**") except ServiceError as error: container.text(f"Service unavailable, status: {error.status_code}") except KeyError: if DEBUG: container.markdown(""" **Error: BACKEND_SERVER unset** Please, create a file called `.streamlit/secrets.toml` inside the app's folder and include a line to configure the server URL: ``` BACKEND_SERVER="