""" @date: 2021/6/29 @description: """ import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image from utils.boundary import * def draw_floorplan(xz, fill_color=None, border_color=None, side_l=512, show_radius=None, show=False, marker_color=None, center_color=None, scale=1.5): """ :param scale: :param center_color: :param marker_color: for corners marking :param fill_color: :param border_color: boundary color :param xz: [[x1, z1], [x2, z2], ....] :param side_l: side length (pixel) of the output result :param show_radius: The displayed maximum radius m (proportional to the projection plane plan_y of xz), such as set to 1, means that the pixel value of side_l/2 is expressed as 1m, if not set this value to display all :param show: :return: """ if fill_color is None: fill_color = [1] board = np.zeros([side_l, side_l, len(fill_color)], dtype=np.float32) if show_radius is None: show_radius = np.linalg.norm(xz, axis=-1).max() xz = xz * side_l / (2*scale) / show_radius # v<-----------|o # | | | # | ----|----z | # | | | # | x \|/ # |------------u xz[:, 1] = -xz[:, 1] xz += side_l // 2 # moving to center xz = xz.astype(np.int) cv2.fillPoly(board, [xz], fill_color) if border_color: cv2.drawContours(board, [xz], 0, border_color, 2) if marker_color is not None: for p in xz: cv2.drawMarker(board, tuple(p), marker_color, markerType=0, markerSize=10, thickness=2) if center_color is not None: cv2.drawMarker(board, tuple([side_l // 2, side_l // 2]), center_color, markerType=0, markerSize=10, thickness=2) if show: # plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300 plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(board[..., 0] if board.shape[-1] == 1 else board) plt.show() return board def draw_iou_floorplan(dt_xz, gt_xz, show_radius=None, show=False, side_l=512, iou_2d=None, iou_3d=None, dt_board_color=None, gt_board_color=None): """ :param gt_board_color: :param dt_board_color: :param dt_xz: [[x1, z1], [x2, z2], ....] :param gt_xz: [[x1, z1], [x2, z2], ....] :param show: :param side_l: side length (pixel) of the output result :param show_radius: The displayed maximum radius m (proportional to the projection plane plan_y of xz), such as set to 1, means that the pixel value of side_l/2 is expressed as 1m, if not set this value to display all :param iou_2d: :param iou_3d: :return: """ if dt_board_color is None: dt_board_color = [0, 1, 0, 1] if gt_board_color is None: gt_board_color = [0, 0, 1, 1] center_color = [1, 0, 0, 1] fill_color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2] if show_radius is None: # niform scale gt_radius = np.linalg.norm(gt_xz, axis=-1).max() dt_radius = np.linalg.norm(dt_xz, axis=-1).max() show_radius = gt_radius if gt_radius > dt_radius else dt_radius dt_floorplan = draw_floorplan(dt_xz, show_radius=show_radius, fill_color=fill_color, border_color=dt_board_color, side_l=side_l, show=False) gt_floorplan = draw_floorplan(gt_xz, show_radius=show_radius, fill_color=fill_color, border_color=gt_board_color, side_l=side_l, show=False, center_color=[1, 0, 0, 1]) dt_floorplan = Image.fromarray((dt_floorplan * 255).astype(np.uint8), mode='RGBA') gt_floorplan = Image.fromarray((gt_floorplan * 255).astype(np.uint8), mode='RGBA') iou_floorplan = Image.alpha_composite(gt_floorplan, dt_floorplan) back = np.zeros([side_l, side_l, len(fill_color)], dtype=np.float32) back[..., :] = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1] back = Image.fromarray((back * 255).astype(np.uint8), mode='RGBA') iou_floorplan = Image.alpha_composite(back, iou_floorplan).convert("RGB") iou_floorplan = np.array(iou_floorplan) / 255.0 if iou_2d is not None: cv2.putText(iou_floorplan, f'2d:{iou_2d * 100:.2f}', (10, 30), 2, 1, (0, 0, 0), 1) if iou_3d is not None: cv2.putText(iou_floorplan, f'3d:{iou_3d * 100:.2f}', (10, 60), 2, 1, (0, 0, 0), 1) if show: plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(iou_floorplan) plt.show() return iou_floorplan if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np from dataset.mp3d_dataset import MP3DDataset from utils.boundary import depth2boundaries from utils.conversion import uv2xyz from visualization.boundary import draw_boundaries mp3d_dataset = MP3DDataset(root_dir='../src/dataset/mp3d', mode='train') gt = mp3d_dataset.__getitem__(0) # boundary_list = depth2boundaries(gt['ratio'], gt['depth'], step=None) # pano_img = draw_boundaries(gt['image'].transpose(1, 2, 0), boundary_list=boundary_list, show=True) # draw_floorplan(uv2xyz(boundary_list[0])[..., ::2], show=True, marker_color=None, center_color=0.8) # draw_floorplan(depth2xyz(gt['depth'])[..., ::2], show=True, marker_color=None, center_color=0.8) corners = gt['corners'][gt['corners'][..., 0] + gt['corners'][..., 1] != 0] dt_corners = corners + 0.1 # img = draw_floorplan(uv2xyz(corners)[..., ::2], show=True, fill_color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2], # marker_color=None, center_color=[1, 0, 0, 1], border_color=[0, 0, 1, 1]) # cv2.imwrite('../src/fig/flp.png', (img*255).astype(np.uint8)) img = draw_iou_floorplan(uv2xyz(dt_corners)[..., ::2], uv2xyz(corners)[..., ::2], side_l=512, show=True) img[..., 0:3] = img[..., 0:3][..., ::-1] # cv2.imwrite('../src/fig/flp.png', (img*255).astype(np.uint8))