##s the a ##t to and i of ##' ##ed in ##d ##ing ##n ##e it that you ##y ##er ##r for ##m is he ##re was be ##p ##ly so we ##a ##g ##o c ##b ##u on have but ##ll with re ##or s ##al do know ##ar they not as this ##in ##le e are like ##c uh ##ri me his at ##l ##es de yeah can ##k or my all had there will one ##il no what ##en ##ck b f ##ce ##ch ##i by she from an ##ic ##ur ##ve ##w ##ter ##la if just ##th ##li ▁ her um ##on ##ation w would ##f ##te st go ##ir ##it out ##ro pa were g t ##ion think ##an right about ##se ##lo ##ent up ##ment ##ate when ##h ##ne don has also more see okay their your ##ge who well co which some se time ba said con ##ers ra ##us ##de ##ra him our been fa po pro ##et ##x la ##id ##ver oh ma ##v now ##age two ##ld mo how ##tion people ##ive other ##ng ##ity ##z ##ist very get any un ro ##is work mean them lo ##vi because ##ies ##ul ##as ##ad ##mp bo ##- then good ##el ##nd li man dis could ho ##at ##ol bu te ha ##est ##me say ##ru ##ke sp k ##able su sa di fi ##ance really over even ##ry us ca ##ow ##ho into ##ence ##mo mi ##one ##qu ##ut ##lu o ##ty after want new take p look pre ##sh day should th need cha ##co much where d ##ant fe da make ##om did le ##un only ##im these ##ff ##ti ##ish ex ##ted first ##he ##ig vi ri en com ##ated than ##ma way ##um ##ct ##end ##ight here ta car part come ##ia off sc ah ##am tra yes back ##ture ##ful pri ##ction ##ine three ##ard let ##pe little down ##mb si dr mr going comp ##po m sta gra ##day many ##ian ##ta long pi too app kind ##ous ##ci ga ##ten ##nt before may got ##man ##tic ##ition ##cu ##ugh ##tra n ##ward give every hi ##ting exp those hu ##ot something lot still ne ##na ##ise ##pp most gu state actually such bi never ##tain great through al ##no mar year ##ach ##les school ##ally ##ial ##ha old made ##ary ar years help per ##ving ##ical ##ther does ##ac ##ca must ##di own ru things hand thing high last ##go sh under four place ##ations sure ##mi ##nce am ##for ##ness name five ##ound op cons ph same ##row ##ven ##ph ##ite pe ##j sha friend wi call european h ##ect ##ress live ##port mhm house ##ie ##ni plan jo play ##side va ##min ##ious life du ti six men again thank talk ##par home ##op both why put another ##nc being ##mit came ##led fo end member ##ative thought tri ##iv ##our ##red went ##lic find pu ##land start far eu imp always ju wa person singapore ##ap show chi ten eight while point y ja ya ##ling ##ctor use acc world pay read ##va ##vo change u pl sw war might ##nk ##ments ##and different dec ##cent ste better fun month ##ship ##ton tell twenty commission exc miss ##if love money found hundred ##gg add real ##ities na pass didn v feel week win ##ible try upon ##ba interest inter ##son ##line ob boy big used seven away family ##less ki ##ber around turn anything care young guess happen course agree support conf ##ual number trans ##ating mister hard watch ##ft next sea open without ##duc ##gra ##ak cap cre ##hi government vo between each ve though country few once ' head free mu maybe act night thousand face uhhuh keep nine close case che against done ever law believe public room sub order important ##ient el children second bri business hope move ##fa however follow able word yet fla stand ##ize je service nothing report called grow continue issue since book lu qui develop gen certain ##light cor small took question whole problem side child full best mm probably ##fi qua sur market left everything during understand ##ook ##wa cent water quite leave himself ##ip near saw together large having already invest pretty direct hour fact ##way run bra clear fra area union enough consider lead remain president system def stuff food job heard err mind rest speak asked ##ator half father ##com less arm human ##ency matter group girl current main ##ttle later learn strong sign check light else true term ##qui minute spec return answer reason count shall communi travel wait provide low mother expect cause line general ##lf getting parliament bank company stop ##cause power gi europe moment among walk allow idea office town cannot countries become appear present bring least almost kids remember include short sometimes game level exactly particular social land woman north nice concern sort effect national several safe until further cost wonder whether either future pra council knew common south making morning process situation white result suppose employ political program along women ski court please shi possible protect experience definitely require account myself black example america thirty student view product wife health major difficult death visit across receive voice citizen regard author treat especially local taking information seemed success ##ability break whatever security address felt fifty million third usually gonna brother began period east economic increase financial respect enjoy christ education brought organ parents policy round became region lady discuss single early couple type itself serve measure husband ##ified music ground companies street behind value therefore police complete john daughter affect perhaps international themselves improve condition hotel deliver sense relation sorry credit effort instead york united partner spoke strange everybody horse depend subject project approach involve listen draw computer married record happy sudden represent somebody correct serious decision society including college english attack perform cross accept control flow although drink front wrong twi according slow peace amount object movie benefit yup challenge private church wood field above ensure immediate figure foreign available insurance proposal doubt strength difference stood implement economy detail umhum restaurant collect global broke ##q