# ZEGGS ## ZeroEGGS: Zero-shot Example-based Gesture Generation from Speech [![Paper](http://img.shields.io/badge/paper-arxiv.2209.07556-B31B1B.svg)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.07556)
This repository contains the code for the ZeroEGGS project from this [article](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.07556). It also contains our stylized speech and gesture dataset
[![IMAGE ALT TEXT](http://img.youtube.com/vi/YFg7QKWkjwQ/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFg7QKWkjwQ "Click to watch the video demo") [Click](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFg7QKWkjwQ) to watch the video demo
## Environment Setup Create and activate a virtual environment to work in, e.g. using Conda: ```sh conda create -n zeggs python=3.8 conda activate zeggs ``` Install CUDA and PyTorch 1.12.x For CUDA 11.3, this would look like: ```sh conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch ``` Install the remaining requirements with pip: ```sh pip install -r requirements.txt ``` > You may need to install [`sox`](http://sox.sourceforge.net/) on your system ## ZEGGS Dataset
ZEGGS dataset contains 67 sequences of monologues performed by a female actor speaking in English and covers 19 different motion styles. The following styles are present in the ZEGGS dataset:
| **Style** | **Length (mins)** | **Style** | **Length (mins)** | |--------------|-----------------------|-------|---------------| | Agreement | 5.25 | Pensive | 6.21 | | Angry | 7.95 | Relaxed | 10.81 | | Disagreement | 5.33 | Sad | 11.80 | | Distracted | 5.29 | Sarcastic | 6.52 | | Flirty | 3.27 | Scared | 5.58 | | Happy | 10.08 | Sneaky | 6.27 | | Laughing | 3.85 | Still | 5.33 | | Oration | 3.98 | Threatening | 5.84 | | Neutral | 11.13 | Tired | 7.13 | | Old | 11.37 | Total | 134.65 |
### Access to the data > This repository contains large files. In order to clone this repository including > the the large zip files, you need to use [git lfs](https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/wiki/Installation). > If you still get errors, directly download `zip` files. The speech and gesture data are contained in the `./data/Zeggs_data.zip`, `./data/Zeggs_data.z01`, and `./data/Zeggs_data.z02` files. You must put all of these parts to the same folder, and extract `.zip` file by WinRAR or Winzip. When you extract the zip file, there are two folders: - `original` folder contains the original data where the animation and audio files are in their raw version and not processed. - `clean` contains aligned animation and audio data and without unwanted audio of other speaker. For more details on how these files have been processed check `data_pipeline.py` All the animation sequences are in the BVH file format and all the audio data are in WAV format. ## Data Preparation Extract the data from the `Zeggs_data.zip` file and place it in the `data` folder. Next run: ```sh python data_pipeline.py ``` This processes data and creates the necessary files for training and evaluation in the "processed" folder. You can customize the data pipeline by changing `data_pipeline_conf.json` config file. Two suggested configurations are provided in the `configs` folder. You should change the configuration file name in the script. ## Training To train the model, run: ```sh python ./main.py -o -n ``` For example, to train the model with the default configuration, run: ```sh python ./main.py -o "../configs/configs_v1.json" -n "zeggs_v1" ``` ## Inference After training is finished or using provided pretrained models (provided in `./data/outputs`), you can generate gestures given speech and style as input using `generate.py`. The output will be save in `bvh` format. For full functionality (blending, transitions, using pre-extracted style encodings, etc. ) you need to directly use `generate_gesture` function. Otherwise, you can use CLI as explained below. ### Using the CLI You can run the inference using the CLI in two ways: #### 1. Generating a single sample from a single audio/style pair The CLI command looks like this: ```sh python ./generate.py -o -s