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// Add help panel at right side of notebook window
], function (
) {
'use strict';
* try to get bootstrap tooltip plugin.
* The require call may fail, since the plugin doesn't seem to be included
* in all Jupyter versions. In this case, we fallback to using jqueryui tooltips.
var have_bs_tooltips = false;
// we don't actually need to do anything with the return
// just ensure that the plugin gets loaded.
function () { have_bs_tooltips = true; },
// The errback, error callback
// The error has a list of modules that failed
function (err) {
var failedId = err.requireModules && err.requireModules[0];
if (failedId === 'components/bootstrap/js/tooltip') {
// could do something here, like load a cdn version.
// For now, just ignore it.
have_bs_tooltips = false;
// define default values for config parameters
var params = {
help_panel_add_toolbar_button: false
// update params with any specified in the server's config file
function update_params () {
var config = IPython.notebook.config;
for (var key in params) {
if (
params[key] =[key];
var initialize = function () {
if (params.help_panel_add_toolbar_button) {
help : 'Show help panel',
icon : 'fa-book',
handler: function() {
var visible = toggleHelpPanel();
var btn = $(this);
setTimeout(function() { btn.blur(); }, 500);
}, 'show-help-panel', 'help_panel'),
id: 'btn_help_panel',
'data-toggle': 'button',
'aria-pressed': 'false'
var side_panel_min_rel_width = 10;
var side_panel_max_rel_width = 90;
var side_panel_start_width = 45;
var build_side_panel = function (main_panel, side_panel, min_rel_width, max_rel_width) {
if (min_rel_width === undefined) min_rel_width = 0;
if (max_rel_width === undefined) max_rel_width = 100;
var side_panel_splitbar = $('<div class="side_panel_splitbar"/>');
var side_panel_inner = $('<div class="side_panel_inner"/>');
var side_panel_expand_contract = $('<i class="btn fa fa-expand hidden-print">');
title: 'expand/contract panel',
'data-toggle': 'tooltip'
placement: 'right'
}).click(function () {
var open = $(this).hasClass('fa-expand');
var site = $('#site');
slide_side_panel(main_panel, side_panel,
open ? 100 :'last_width') || side_panel_start_width);
$(this).toggleClass('fa-expand', !open).toggleClass('fa-compress', open);
var tooltip_text = (open ? 'shrink to not' : 'expand to') + ' fill the window';
if (open) {
side_panel_inner.css({'margin-left': 0});
else {
complete: function() { events.trigger('resize-header.Page'); }
side_panel_inner.css({'margin-left': ''});;
if (have_bs_tooltips) {
side_panel_expand_contract.attr('title', tooltip_text);
else {
side_panel_expand_contract.tooltip('option', 'content', tooltip_text);
// bind events for resizing side panel
side_panel_splitbar.mousedown(function (md_evt) {
$(document).mousemove(function (mm_evt) {
var pix_w = side_panel.offset().left + side_panel.outerWidth() - mm_evt.pageX;
var rel_w = 100 * (pix_w) / side_panel.parent().width();
rel_w = rel_w > min_rel_width ? rel_w : min_rel_width;
rel_w = rel_w < max_rel_width ? rel_w : max_rel_width;
main_panel.css('width', (100 - rel_w) + '%');
side_panel.css('width', rel_w + '%').data('last_width', rel_w);
return false;
$(document).mouseup(function (mu_evt) {
return side_panel;
var slide_side_panel = function (main_panel, side_panel, desired_width) {
var anim_opts = {
step : function (now, tween) {
main_panel.css('width', 100 - now + '%');
if (desired_width === undefined) {
if (':hidden')) {
desired_width = ('last_width') || side_panel_start_width);
else {
desired_width = 0;
var visible = desired_width > 0;
if (visible) {
main_panel.css({float: 'left', 'overflow-x': 'auto'});;
else {
anim_opts['complete'] = function () {
main_panel.css({float : '', 'overflow-x': '', width: ''});
side_panel.animate({width: desired_width + '%'}, anim_opts);
return visible;
var populate_side_panel = function(side_panel) {
var side_panel_inner = side_panel.find('.side_panel_inner');
var qh = IPython.quick_help;
var strip_modal = function(into) {
// strip qh modal, insert content into element 'into'
if ($('.quickhelp').length > 0) {
else {
// ensure quickhelp shortcuts modal won't show
// get quickhelp to show shortcuts
// attach handler for qh showing shortcuts
var qh_dia = $(qh.shortcut_dialog);
qh_dia.on('', function(evt) {
// delicately pretend that it was never shown, unbind handlers
qh_dia.on('', function () {
// make sure content we stripped will be rebuilt
qh.force_rebuild = true;
var toggleHelpPanel = function () {
var main_panel = $('#notebook_panel');
var side_panel = $('#side_panel');
if (side_panel.length < 1) {
side_panel = $('<div id="side_panel"/>');
build_side_panel(main_panel, side_panel,
side_panel_min_rel_width, side_panel_max_rel_width);
var visible = slide_side_panel(main_panel, side_panel);
if (params.help_panel_add_toolbar_button) {
$('#btn_help_panel').toggleClass('active', visible);
return visible;
var load_ipython_extension = function () {
$('<link/>', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: requirejs.toUrl('./help_panel.css')
return IPython.notebook.config.loaded.then(initialize);
return {
load_ipython_extension : load_ipython_extension