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* Enable highlighting of matching words in cells' CodeMirror editors.
* This extension was adapted from the CodeMirror addon
* codemirror/addon/search/match-highlighter.js
// The mark-selection addon is need to ensure that the highlighting styles
// are *not* applied to the actual selection, as otherwise it can become
// difficult to see which is selected vs just highlighted.
], function (
) {
'use strict';
var Cell = cell.Cell;
var CodeCell = codecell.CodeCell;
var mod_name = 'highlight_selected_word';
var log_prefix = '[' + mod_name + ']';
var menu_toggle_class = 'highlight_selected_word_toggle';
// Parameters (potentially) stored in server config.
// This object gets updated on config load.
var params = {
highlight_across_all_cells: true,
enable_on_load : true,
code_cells_only: false,
delay: 100,
words_only: false,
highlight_only_whole_words: true,
min_chars: 2,
show_token: '[\\w$]',
highlight_color: '#90EE90',
highlight_color_blurred: '#BBFFBB',
highlight_style: 'matchhighlight',
trim: true,
use_toggle_hotkey: false,
toggle_hotkey: 'alt-h',
outlines_only: false,
outline_width: 2,
only_cells_in_scroll: true,
scroll_min_delay: 100,
hide_selections_in_unfocussed: false,
// these are set on registering the action(s)
var action_names = {
toggle: '',
* the codemirror matchHighlighter has a separate state object for each cm
* instance, but since our state is global over all cells' editors, we can
* use a single object for simplicity, and don't need to store options
* inside the state, since we have closure-level access to the params
* object above.
var globalState = {
active: false,
timeout: null, // only want one timeout
scrollTimeout: null,
overlay: null, // one overlay suffices, as all cells use the same one
// define a CodeMirror option for highlighting matches in all cells
CodeMirror.defineOption("highlightSelectionMatchesInJupyterCells", false, function (cm, val, old) {
if (old && old != CodeMirror.Init) { = false;
// remove from all relevant, this can fail gracefully if not present
get_relevant_cells().forEach(function (cell, idx, array) {
globalState.overlay = null;
globalState.timeout = null;"cursorActivity", callbackCursorActivity);"focus", callbackOnFocus);
if (val) {
if (cm.hasFocus()) { = true;
else {
cm.on("focus", callbackOnFocus);
cm.on("cursorActivity", callbackCursorActivity);
* The functions callbackCursorActivity, callbackOnFocus and
* scheduleHighlight are taken without major modification from cm's
* match-highlighter.
* The main difference is using our global state rather than
* match-highlighter's per-cm state, and a different highlighting function
* is scheduled.
function callbackCursorActivity (cm) {
if ( || cm.hasFocus()) {
function callbackOnFocus (cm) {
// unlike cm match-highlighter, we *do* want to schedule a highight on
// focussing the editor = true;
function scheduleHighlight (cm) {
globalState.timeout = setTimeout(function () { highlightMatchesInAllRelevantCells(cm); }, params.delay);
* Adapted from cm match-highlighter's highlightMatches, but adapted to
* use our global state and parameters, plus work either for only the
* current editor, or multiple cells' editors.
function highlightMatchesInAllRelevantCells (cm) {
var newOverlay = null;
var re = params.show_token === true ? /[\w$]/ : params.show_token;
var from = cm.getCursor('from');
if (!cm.somethingSelected() && params.show_token) {
var line = cm.getLine(from.line), start =, end = start;
while (start && re.test(line.charAt(start - 1))) {
while (end < line.length && re.test(line.charAt(end))) {
if (start < end) {
newOverlay = makeOverlay(line.slice(start, end), re, params.highlight_style);
else {
var to = cm.getCursor("to");
if (from.line == to.line) {
if (!params.words_only || isWord(cm, from, to)) {
var selection = cm.getRange(from, to);
if (params.trim) {
selection = selection.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (selection.length >= params.min_chars) {
var hasBoundary = params.highlight_only_whole_words ? (re instanceof RegExp ? re : /[\w$]/) : false;
newOverlay = makeOverlay(selection, hasBoundary, params.highlight_style);
var siterect = document.getElementById('site').getBoundingClientRect();
var viewtop =, viewbot = siterect.bottom;
var cells = params.highlight_across_all_cells ? get_relevant_cells() : [
cells.forEach(function (cell, idx, array) {
// cm.operation to delay updating DOM until all work is done
cell.code_mirror.operation(function () {
if (newOverlay && is_in_view(cell.element[0], viewtop, viewbot)) {
* isWord, boundariesAround and makeOverlay come pretty much directly from
* Codemirror/addon/search/matchHighlighter
* since they don't use state or config values.
function isWord (cm, from, to) {
var str = cm.getRange(from, to);
if (str.match(/^\w+$/) !== null) {
var pos, chr;
if ( > 0) {
pos = {line: from.line, ch: - 1};
chr = cm.getRange(pos, from);
if (chr.match(/\W/) === null) {
return false;
if ( < cm.getLine(from.line).length) {
pos = {line: to.line, ch: + 1};
chr = cm.getRange(to, pos);
if (chr.match(/\W/) === null) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
function boundariesAround (stream, re) {
return (!stream.start || !re.test(stream.string.charAt(stream.start - 1))) &&
(stream.pos == stream.string.length || !re.test(stream.string.charAt(stream.pos)));
function makeOverlay (query, hasBoundary, style) {
return {
name: mod_name,
token: function (stream) {
if (stream.match(query) &&
(!hasBoundary || boundariesAround(stream, hasBoundary))) {
return style;
if (!stream.skipTo(query.charAt(0))) {
* Returns true if part of elem is visible between viewtop & viewbot
var is_in_view = function (elem, viewtop, viewbot) {
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
// hidden elements show height 0
return ( < viewbot) && (rect.bottom > viewtop) && rect.height;
* Return an array of cells to which match highlighting is relevant,
* dependent on the code_cells_only parameter
function get_relevant_cells () {
var cells = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells();
return params.code_cells_only ? cells.filter(function (c) { return (c instanceof CodeCell); }) : cells;
function add_menu_item () {
if ($('#view_menu').find('.' + menu_toggle_class).length < 1) {
var menu_item = $('<li/>')
var menu_link = $('<a/>')
.text('Highlight selected word')
title: 'Highlight all instances of the selected word in the current editor',
href: '#',
.on('click', function () { toggle_highlight_selected(); })
.addClass('fa menu-icon pull-right')
.css({'margin-top': '-2px', 'margin-right': '-16px'})
var throttled_highlight = (function () {
var last, throttle_timeout;
return function throttled_highlight (cm) {
var now = Number(new Date());
var do_it = function () {
last = Number(new Date());
var remaining = last + params.scroll_min_delay - now;
if (last && remaining > 0) {
throttle_timeout = setTimeout(do_it, remaining);
else {
last = undefined; // so we will do it first time next streak
function scroll_handler (evt) {
if ( && Jupyter.notebook.mode === 'edit' && globalState.overlay) {
// add overlay to cells now in view which don't already have it.
// Don't bother removing from those no longer in view, as it would just
// cause more work for the browser, without any benefit
var siterect = document.getElementById('site').getBoundingClientRect();
get_relevant_cells().forEach(function (cell) {
var cm = cell.code_mirror;
if (is_in_view(cell.element,, {
var need_it = !cm.state.overlays.some(function(ovr) {
return === mod_name; });
if (need_it) cm.addOverlay(globalState.overlay);
function toggle_highlight_selected (set_on) {
set_on = (set_on !== undefined) ? set_on : !params.enable_on_load;
// update config to make changes persistent
if (set_on !== params.enable_on_load) {
params.enable_on_load = set_on;
Jupyter.notebook.config.update({highlight_selected_word: {enable_on_load: set_on}});
// Change defaults for new cells:
var cm_conf = (params.code_cells_only ? CodeCell : Cell).options_default.cm_config;
cm_conf.highlightSelectionMatchesInJupyterCells = cm_conf.styleSelectedText = set_on;
// And change any existing cells:
get_relevant_cells().forEach(function (cell, idx, array) {
cell.code_mirror.setOption('highlightSelectionMatchesInJupyterCells', set_on);
cell.code_mirror.setOption('styleSelectedText', set_on);
// update menu class
$('.' + menu_toggle_class + ' > .fa').toggleClass('fa-check', set_on);
// bind/unbind scroll handler
(params.only_cells_in_scroll && params.scroll_min_delay > 0) ? 'on' : 'off'
]('scroll', scroll_handler);
console.log(log_prefix, 'toggled', set_on ? 'on' : 'off');
return set_on;
function register_new_actions () {
action_names.toggle = Jupyter.keyboard_manager.actions.register({
handler : function (env) { toggle_highlight_selected(); },
help : "Toggle highlighting of selected word",
icon : 'fa-language',
help_index: 'c1'
}, 'toggle', mod_name);
function bind_hotkeys () {
if (params.use_toggle_hotkey && params.toggle_hotkey) {
Jupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut(params.toggle_hotkey, action_names.toggle);
Jupyter.keyboard_manager.edit_shortcuts.add_shortcut(params.toggle_hotkey, action_names.toggle);
function insert_css () {
var css = [// in unselected cells, matches have blurred color
// in selected cells, we keep CodeMirror highlight for the actual selection to avoid confusion
'.edit_mode .unselected .CodeMirror .cm-matchhighlight {',
' background-color: ' + params.highlight_color_blurred + ';',
// in active cell, matches which are not the current selection have focussed color
'.edit_mode .CodeMirror.CodeMirror-focused :not(.CodeMirror-selectedtext).cm-matchhighlight {',
' background-color: ' + params.highlight_color + ';',
// in all cells, outline matches have blurred color
'.edit_mode .CodeMirror .cm-matchhighlight-outline {',
' outline-style: solid;',
' outline-width: ' + params.outline_width + 'px;',
' outline-color: ' + params.highlight_color_blurred + ';',
// in active cell, outline matches have focussed color
'.edit_mode .CodeMirror.CodeMirror-focused .cm-matchhighlight-outline {',
' outline-color: ' + params.highlight_color + ';',
if (params.hide_selections_in_unfocussed) {
css += [
// in unselected cells, selections which are not matches should have no background
'.unselected .CodeMirror :not(.cm-matchhighlight).CodeMirror-selected,',
'.unselected .CodeMirror :not(.cm-matchhighlight).CodeMirror-selectedtext {',
' background: initial;',
$('<style type="text/css" id="highlight_selected_word_css">').appendTo('head').html(css);
function load_extension () {
// add menu item, as we need it to exist for later
// toggle_highlight_selected call to set its icon status
// load config & toggle on/off
.then(function () {
$.extend(true, params,;
}, function on_error (reason) {
console.warn(log_prefix, 'error loading config:', reason);
.then(function () {
params.show_token = params.show_token ? new RegExp(params.show_token) : false;
if (params.outlines_only) {
params.highlight_style += '-outline'
// set highlight on/off
// finally log any error we encountered
.catch(function on_error (reason) { console.warn(log_prefix, 'error loading:', reason); });
return {
load_ipython_extension : load_extension