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// Allow Python-code in markdown cells
// Encapsulate using {{...}}
// - You can also return html or markdown from your Python code
// - You can embed images, however they will be sanitized on reload.
// TODO: Markdown cells will only be reevaluated when a notebook is dirty
// (i.e. you have made changes). If you save it before reevaluating MD cells,
// they will show the old value.
], function(IPython, $, requirejs, cell, security, marked, events, textcell) {
"use strict";
* Find Python expression enclosed in {{ }}, execute and add to text as
* <span> tags. The actual content gets filled in later by a callback.
* Already executed expressions are cached in cell metadata.
* @method execute_python
* @param cell {Cell} notebook cell
* @param text {String} text in cell
var execute_python = function(cell,text) {
/* never execute code in untrusted notebooks */
if (IPython.notebook.trusted === false ) {
return undefined
/* always clear stored variables if notebook is dirty */
if (IPython.notebook.dirty === true ) delete cell.metadata.variables;
// search for code in double curly braces: {{}}
var found = false;
var newtext = text.replace(/{{(.*?)}}/g, function(match,tag,cha) {
found = true;
if (tag === "") return undefined;
var code = tag;
var id = 'python_'+cell.cell_id+'_'+cha; /* create an individual ID */
var thiscell = cell;
var thismatch = tag;
/* there a two possible options:
a) notebook dirty or variable not stored in metadata: evaluate variable
b) notebook clean and variable stored in metadata: display stored value
if (typeof cell.metadata.variables === "undefined") {
cell.metadata.variables = {}
var val = cell.metadata.variables[thismatch];
if (IPython.notebook.dirty === true || val === undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject(val)) {
cell.metadata.variables[thismatch] = {};
var execute_callback = function (out_data)
var html;
if (out_data.msg_type === "error") {
var text = "**" + out_data.content.ename + "**: " + out_data.content.evalue;
html = marked(text);
} else if (out_data.msg_type === "stream") {
html = marked(out_data.content.text);
var t = html.match(/^\s*<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>\s*$/); //strip <p> and </p> that marked (maybe) adds and we don't want
html = t !== null ? t[1] : html;
var q = html.match(/^&#39;([\s\S]*?)&#39;$/); // strip quotes from strings
if (q !== null) html = q[1]
} else if (out_data.msg_type === "execute_result" | out_data.msg_type === "display_data" ) {
var ul = out_data.content.data;
if (ul != undefined) {
if (ul['text/latex'] != undefined) {
html = ul['text/latex'];
} else if (ul['image/svg+xml'] != undefined) {
var svg = ul['image/svg+xml'];
/* embed SVG in an <img> tag, still get eaten by sanitizer... */
svg = btoa(svg);
html = '<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + svg + '"/>';
} else if (ul['image/jpeg'] != undefined) {
var jpeg = ul['image/jpeg'];
html = '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + jpeg + '"/>';
} else if (ul['image/png'] != undefined) {
var png = ul['image/png'];
html = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + png + '"/>';
} else if (ul['text/markdown'] != undefined) {
html = marked(ul['text/markdown']);
} else if (ul['text/html'] != undefined) {
html = ul['text/html'];
} else {
html = marked(ul['text/plain']);
// [\s\S] is used to also catch newlines
var t = html.match(/^\s*<p>([\s\S]*?)<\/p>\s*$/); //strip <p> and </p> that marked adds and we don't want
html = t !== null ? t[1] : html;
var q = html.match(/^&#39;([\s\S]*?)&#39;$/); // strip quotes from strings
if (q !== null) html = q[1]
} else {
thiscell.metadata.variables[thismatch] = html;
var el = document.getElementById(id);
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML + html; // output result
var callbacks = { iopub : { output: execute_callback } };
if (cell.notebook.kernel != null) {
cell.notebook.kernel.execute(code, callbacks, {silent: false, store_history : false, stop_on_error: false });
return "<span id='"+id+"'></span>"; // add HTML tag with ID where output will be placed
return undefined;
} else {
/* Notebook not dirty: replace tags with metadata */
val = cell.metadata.variables[tag];
return "<span id='"+id+"'>"+val+"</span>"
if (found == true) return newtext;
return undefined
* Render markdown cell and replace {{...}} with python code
var render_cell = function(cell) {
var element = cell.element.find('div.text_cell_render');
var text = execute_python(cell, element[0].innerHTML);
if (text !== undefined) {
element[0].innerHTML = text;
/* force rendering of markdown cell if notebook is dirty */
var original_render = textcell.MarkdownCell.prototype.render;
textcell.MarkdownCell.prototype.render = function() {
if (IPython.notebook.dirty === true) {
this.rendered = false
return original_render.apply(this)
var set_trusted_indicator = function() {
var ind = $('.notebook-trusted');
if (IPython.notebook.trusted === true) {
ind.attr('title','Notebook is trusted');
} else {
ind.attr('title','Notebook is not trusted');
* Add CSS file
* @param name filename
var load_css = function (name) {
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = requirejs.toUrl(name);
* Update all references variables in markdown cells
var update_md_cells = function () {
var ncells = IPython.notebook.ncells();
var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();
for (var i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
var cell = cells[i];
if (cell.metadata.hasOwnProperty('variables')) {
var load_ipython_extension = function() {
events.on("rendered.MarkdownCell", function (event, data) {
events.on("trust_changed.Notebook", set_trusted_indicator);
$('#save_widget').append('<i id="notebook-trusted-indicator" class="fa fa-question notebook-trusted" />');
/* Show values stored in metadata on reload */
events.on("kernel_ready.Kernel", function () {
if (Jupyter.notebook !== undefined && Jupyter.notebook._fully_loaded) {
} else {
events.on("notebook_loaded.Notebook", function () {
return {
load_ipython_extension : load_ipython_extension