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@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ Selection of 60+ photos of uncanny avant-garde Cubo-Futurist/Constructivist & Su
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And though their names are seldomly mentioned in the same breath or abstract by researchers or curators, Ekster's & Taeuber-Arp's artistic trajectories do hold between some measure of spectral rhyme, like a matching rhythm of two extremely long shadows tossed by two incomparable live unto some unbestknown shared point of exact inbetweenness... <br>
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...granted, comparing their arts, styles, or even specific works would likely be a pointless exercise, and at best an entertaining little mystification, with no exhaustive enough point of reference to speak of (with the closest plausible exception being the two marrionette sets that went into this LoRA; still... we'd rather treat these dolls as a signal echo, a commonality, not as some opportune like for critical dissection by contrast harnessing); <br>
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...moreover, every conclusion one might reach by placing the works/ways of two artists in direct contrast to each other (and, thereby, becoming all the more decontextualized in other ways) tends to be even more contrived and shallow than a museum retrospective brochure, or a random introductory write-up like this one ... So... What are we left with? Why, everything, of course! <br>
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...For the prime commonality of these particular two artists is, of course, condensed in the comparably monumental scale, kaleidoscopic variety, and pioneering resonance of the
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– with Ekster co-formulating the premises and most prolifically refining the character of Eastern-European Cubo-Futurism, Suprematism, & Soviet Constructivism alike; <br>
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– and with Taeuber-Arp due at least as much, and arguable more, credit than any of her over-mythologized Sur-Dada peers for the shaping of both Dadaism & Surrealism *artistically* (some avant-garde historiographers seem to forget that part); meaning, a Surrealism both greater & other than any mere "style", constituting an open-form process-oriented creative life-mode, which Taeuber-Arp had lived out unto a model epitome in ways Dali could only dream of (occasionally reporting back), and only a few others matched then or since (notably, Carrington in her latter days)...
85 | for our extending rhyme-scheme of Tauber-Arp's & Ekster's comparative impact-traces; some additional echoes between them sound out within the steep angle to which both their statures, their respective gravities of influence, have been posthumously understated by art historiographers & other hauntological strappers-up of heavy-stringed canons, with their due canonical stature for long with-held. And for what possible reason? <br>
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And though their names are seldomly mentioned in the same breath or abstract by researchers or curators, Ekster's & Taeuber-Arp's artistic trajectories do hold between some measure of spectral rhyme, like a matching rhythm of two extremely long shadows tossed by two incomparable live unto some unbestknown shared point of exact inbetweenness... <br>
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...granted, comparing their arts, styles, or even specific works would likely be a pointless exercise, and at best an entertaining little mystification, with no exhaustive enough point of reference to speak of (with the closest plausible exception being the two marrionette sets that went into this LoRA; still... we'd rather treat these dolls as a signal echo, a commonality, not as some opportune like for critical dissection by contrast harnessing); <br>
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...moreover, every conclusion one might reach by placing the works/ways of two artists in direct contrast to each other (and, thereby, becoming all the more decontextualized in other ways) tends to be even more contrived and shallow than a museum retrospective brochure, or a random introductory write-up like this one ... So... What are we left with? Why, everything, of course! <br>
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...For the prime commonality of these particular two artists is, of course, condensed in the comparably monumental scale, kaleidoscopic variety, and pioneering resonance of the influence each and both had cast upon their largely-co-contemporaneous lifetimes, worlds, and arts... <br>
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– with Ekster (co-)formulating (alongside Burlyuk, Goncharova, Malevich, Tatlin, Popova, & others) the premises and most prolifically refining the character of Eastern-European Cubo-Futurism, Suprematism, & Soviet Constructivism alike; <br>
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– and with Taeuber-Arp due at least as much, and arguable more, credit than any of her over-mythologized Sur-Dada peers for the shaping of both Dadaism & Surrealism *artistically* (some avant-garde historiographers seem to forget that part); meaning, a Surrealism both greater & other than any mere "style", constituting an open-form process-oriented creative life-mode, which Taeuber-Arp had lived out unto a model epitome in ways Dali could only dream of (occasionally reporting back), and only a few others matched then or since (notably, Carrington in her latter days)...
85 | for our extending rhyme-scheme of Tauber-Arp's & Ekster's comparative impact-traces; some additional echoes between them sound out within the steep angle to which both their statures, their respective gravities of influence, have been posthumously understated by art historiographers & other hauntological strappers-up of heavy-stringed canons, with their due canonical stature for long with-held. And for what possible reason? <br>
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