AutoSeg4ETICA / nnunet /dataset_conversion /
Chris Xiao
upload files
# Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import *
from numpy.random.mtrand import RandomState
from nnunet.experiment_planning.common_utils import split_4d_nifti
def get_mnms_data(data_root):
files_raw = []
files_gt = []
for r, dirs, files in os.walk(data_root):
for f in files:
if f.endswith('nii.gz'):
file_path = os.path.join(r, f)
if '_gt' in f:
return files_raw, files_gt
def generate_filename_for_nnunet(pat_id, ts, pat_folder=None, add_zeros=False, vendor=None, centre=None, mode='mnms',
if not vendor or not centre:
if add_zeros:
filename = "{}_{}_0000.{}".format(pat_id, str(ts).zfill(4), data_format)
filename = "{}_{}.{}".format(pat_id, str(ts).zfill(4), data_format)
if mode == 'mnms':
if add_zeros:
filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}_0000.{}".format(pat_id, str(ts).zfill(4), vendor, centre, data_format)
filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}.{}".format(pat_id, str(ts).zfill(4), vendor, centre, data_format)
if add_zeros:
filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}_0000.{}".format(vendor, centre, pat_id, str(ts).zfill(4), data_format)
filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}.{}".format(vendor, centre, pat_id, str(ts).zfill(4), data_format)
if pat_folder:
filename = os.path.join(pat_folder, filename)
return filename
def select_annotated_frames_mms(data_folder, out_folder, add_zeros=False, is_gt=False,
df_path="/media/full/tera2/data/challenges/mms/Training-corrected_original/M&Ms Dataset Information.xlsx",
table = pd.read_excel(df_path, index_col='External code')
for idx in table.index:
ed = table.loc[idx, 'ED']
es = table.loc[idx, 'ES']
vendor = table.loc[idx, 'Vendor']
centre = table.loc[idx, 'Centre']
if vendor != "C": # vendor C is for test data
# this step is needed in case of M&Ms data to adjust it to the nnUNet frame work
# generate old filename (w/o vendor and centre)
if is_gt:
add_to_name = 'sa_gt'
add_to_name = 'sa'
filename_ed_original = os.path.join(
data_folder, "{}_{}_{}.nii.gz".format(idx, add_to_name, str(ed).zfill(4)))
filename_es_original = os.path.join(
data_folder, "{}_{}_{}.nii.gz".format(idx, add_to_name, str(es).zfill(4)))
# generate new filename with vendor and centre
filename_ed = generate_filename_for_nnunet(pat_id=idx, ts=ed, pat_folder=out_folder,
vendor=vendor, centre=centre, add_zeros=add_zeros, mode=mode)
filename_es = generate_filename_for_nnunet(pat_id=idx, ts=es, pat_folder=out_folder,
vendor=vendor, centre=centre, add_zeros=add_zeros, mode=mode)
shutil.copy(filename_ed_original, filename_ed)
shutil.copy(filename_es_original, filename_es)
def create_custom_splits_for_experiments(task_path):
data_keys = [i[:-4] for i in
subfiles(os.path.join(task_path, "nnUNetData_plans_v2.1_2D_stage0"),
join=False, suffix='npz')]
existing_splits = os.path.join(task_path, "splits_final.pkl")
splits = load_pickle(existing_splits)
splits = splits[:5] # discard old changes
unique_a_only = np.unique([i.split('_')[0] for i in data_keys if i.find('_A_') != -1])
unique_b_only = np.unique([i.split('_')[0] for i in data_keys if i.find('_B_') != -1])
num_train_a = int(np.round(0.8 * len(unique_a_only)))
num_train_b = int(np.round(0.8 * len(unique_b_only)))
p = RandomState(1234)
idx_a_train = p.choice(len(unique_a_only), num_train_a, replace=False)
idx_b_train = p.choice(len(unique_b_only), num_train_b, replace=False)
identifiers_a_train = [unique_a_only[i] for i in idx_a_train]
identifiers_b_train = [unique_b_only[i] for i in idx_b_train]
identifiers_a_val = [i for i in unique_a_only if i not in identifiers_a_train]
identifiers_b_val = [i for i in unique_b_only if i not in identifiers_b_train]
# fold 5 will be train on a and eval on val sets of a and b
splits.append({'train': [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_a_train],
'val': [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_a_val] + [i for i in data_keys if
0] in identifiers_b_val]})
# fold 6 will be train on b and eval on val sets of a and b
splits.append({'train': [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_b_train],
'val': [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_a_val] + [i for i in data_keys if
0] in identifiers_b_val]})
# fold 7 train on both, eval on both
splits.append({'train': [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_b_train] + [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_a_train],
'val': [i for i in data_keys if i.split("_")[0] in identifiers_a_val] + [i for i in data_keys if
0] in identifiers_b_val]})
save_pickle(splits, existing_splits)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# this script will split 4d data from the M&Ms data set into 3d images for both, raw images and gt annotations.
# after this script you will be able to start a training on the M&Ms data.
# use this script as inspiration in case other data than M&Ms data is use for training.
# check also the comments at the END of the script for instructions on how to run the actual training after this
# script
# define a task ID for your experiment (I have choosen 114)
task_name = "Task679_heart_mnms"
# this is where the downloaded data from the M&Ms challenge shall be placed
raw_data_dir = "/media/full/tera2/data"
# set path to official ***M&Ms Dataset Information.xlsx*** file
df_path = "/media/full/tera2/data/challenges/mms/Training-corrected_original/M&Ms Dataset Information.xlsx"
# don't make changes here
folder_imagesTr = "imagesTr"
train_dir = os.path.join(raw_data_dir, task_name, folder_imagesTr)
# this is where our your splitted files WITH annotation will be stored. Dont make changes here. Otherwise nnUNet
# might have problems finding the training data later during the training process
out_dir = os.path.join(os.environ.get('nnUNet_raw_data_base'), 'nnUNet_raw_data', task_name)
files_raw, files_gt = get_mnms_data(data_root=train_dir)
filesTs, _ = get_mnms_data(data_root=train_dir)
split_path_raw_all_ts = os.path.join(raw_data_dir, task_name, "splitted_all_timesteps", folder_imagesTr,
split_path_gt_all_ts = os.path.join(raw_data_dir, task_name, "splitted_all_timesteps", folder_imagesTr,
# for fast splitting of many patients use the following lines
# however keep in mind that these lines cause problems for some users.
# If problems occur use the code for loops below
# print("splitting raw 4d images into 3d images")
# split_4d_for_all_pat(files_raw, split_path_raw)
# print("splitting ground truth 4d into 3d files")
# split_4d_for_all_pat(files_gt, split_path_gt_all_ts)
print("splitting raw 4d images into 3d images")
for f in files_raw:
print("splitting {}".format(f))
split_4d_nifti(f, split_path_raw_all_ts)
print("splitting ground truth 4d into 3d files")
for gt in files_gt:
split_4d_nifti(gt, split_path_gt_all_ts)
print("splitting {}".format(gt))
print("prepared data will be saved at: {}".format(out_dir))
maybe_mkdir_p(join(out_dir, "imagesTr"))
maybe_mkdir_p(join(out_dir, "labelsTr"))
imagesTr_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "imagesTr")
labelsTr_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "labelsTr")
# only a small fraction of all timestep in the cardiac cycle possess gt annotation. These timestep will now be
# selected
select_annotated_frames_mms(split_path_raw_all_ts, imagesTr_path, add_zeros=True, is_gt=False, df_path=df_path)
select_annotated_frames_mms(split_path_gt_all_ts, labelsTr_path, add_zeros=False, is_gt=True, df_path=df_path)
labelsTr = subfiles(labelsTr_path)
# create a json file that will be needed by nnUNet to initiate the preprocessing process
json_dict = OrderedDict()
json_dict['name'] = "M&Ms"
json_dict['description'] = "short axis cardiac cine MRI segmentation"
json_dict['tensorImageSize'] = "4D"
json_dict['reference'] = "Campello, Victor M et al. “Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac " \
"Segmentation: The M&Ms Challenge.” IEEE transactions on " \
"medical imaging vol. 40,12 (2021): 3543-3554. doi:10.1109/TMI.2021.3090082"
json_dict['licence'] = "see M&Ms challenge"
json_dict['release'] = "0.0"
json_dict['modality'] = {
"0": "MRI",
# labels differ for ACDC challenge
json_dict['labels'] = {
"0": "background",
"1": "LVBP",
"2": "LVM",
"3": "RV"
json_dict['numTraining'] = len(labelsTr)
json_dict['numTest'] = 0
json_dict['training'] = [{'image': "./imagesTr/%s" % i.split("/")[-1],
"label": "./labelsTr/%s" % i.split("/")[-1]} for i in labelsTr]
json_dict['test'] = []
save_json(json_dict, os.path.join(out_dir, "dataset.json"))
# now the data is ready to be preprocessed by the nnUNet
# the following steps are only needed if you want to reproduce the exact results from the MMS challenge
# then preprocess data and plan training.
# run in terminal
# nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 114 --verify_dataset_integrity # for 2d
# nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 114 --verify_dataset_integrity -pl3d ExperimentPlannerTargetSpacingForAnisoAxis # for 3d
# start training and stop it immediately to get a split.pkl file
# nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2_MMS 114 0
# then create custom splits as used for the final M&Ms submission
# in this file comment everything except for the following line
# create_custom_splits_for_experiments(out_dir)
# then start training with
# nnUNet_train 3d_fullres nnUNetTrainerV2_MMS Task114_heart_mnms -p nnUNetPlanstargetSpacingForAnisoAxis 0 # for 3d and fold 0
# and
# nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2_MMS Task114_heart_mnms 0 # for 2d and fold 0