adam_beta1: 0.9 |
adam_beta2: 0.999 |
adam_epsilon: 1.0e-08 |
adam_weight_decay: 0.01 |
allow_tf32: false |
cache_dir: null |
caption_column: text |
center_crop: false |
checkpointing_steps: 500 |
checkpoints_total_limit: null |
dataloader_num_workers: 0 |
dataset_config_name: null |
dataset_name: camenduru/hands |
enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention: false |
gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 |
gradient_checkpointing: false |
hub_model_id: null |
hub_token: null |
image_column: image |
learning_rate: 0.0001 |
local_rank: -1 |
logging_dir: logs |
lr_scheduler: constant |
lr_warmup_steps: 0 |
max_grad_norm: 1.0 |
max_train_samples: null |
max_train_steps: 55380 |
mixed_precision: null |
noise_offset: 0 |
num_train_epochs: 5 |
num_validation_images: 4 |
output_dir: sdxl-simple-hands-prompt |
prediction_type: null |
pretrained_model_name_or_path: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 |
pretrained_vae_model_name_or_path: null |
push_to_hub: true |
random_flip: true |
rank: 4 |
report_to: tensorboard |
resolution: 1024 |
resume_from_checkpoint: null |
revision: null |
scale_lr: false |
seed: 42 |
snr_gamma: null |
train_batch_size: 1 |
train_data_dir: null |
train_text_encoder: true |
use_8bit_adam: false |
validation_epochs: 1 |
validation_prompt: a closeup image of a hand with a ring on the ring finger |