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00am | |
00pm | |
01 | |
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03 | |
03pm | |
04 | |
04pm | |
05 | |
05am | |
05pm | |
06 | |
06am | |
06pm | |
07 | |
07am | |
07pm | |
08 | |
08pm | |
09 | |
09am | |
09pm | |
0g | |
0pacification | |
1 | |
10 | |
100 | |
1013am | |
1015am | |
10am | |
10cm | |
10l | |
10mm | |
10pm | |
10th | |
11 | |
111 | |
1119am | |
113 | |
1130am | |
1132am | |
1135am | |
114 | |
1147am | |
115 | |
1154am | |
11am | |
11pm | |
11th | |
12 | |
1225pm | |
12am | |
12cm | |
12h00 | |
12mm | |
12pm | |
13 | |
130 | |
13pm | |
14 | |
1415pm | |
144 | |
14cm | |
14pm | |
15 | |
15am | |
15cm | |
15mm | |
15pm | |
16 | |
16am | |
16pm | |
17 | |
17am | |
18 | |
18am | |
18h32 | |
18mm | |
18pm | |
19 | |
19am | |
19pm | |
1cm | |
1pm | |
1st | |
2 | |
20 | |
200 | |
201pm | |
20am | |
20pm | |
21 | |
217 | |
21am | |
21pm | |
22 | |
223 | |
22am | |
22pm | |
23 | |
23am | |
24 | |
245pm | |
24am | |
24pm | |
25 | |
25am | |
25pm | |
26 | |
26am | |
27 | |
28 | |
28am | |
28pm | |
29 | |
29pm | |
2cm | |
2minutes | |
2nd | |
2p | |
2pm | |
2s | |
3 | |
30 | |
30a | |
30am | |
30pm | |
31 | |
315 | |
319 | |
31pm | |
32 | |
325 | |
32am | |
33 | |
337 | |
33am | |
33pm | |
34 | |
340 | |
340pm | |
34am | |
34pm | |
35 | |
35am | |
35mm | |
35p | |
35pm | |
36 | |
36am | |
36p | |
37 | |
37a | |
37am | |
37pm | |
38 | |
38pm | |
39 | |
39am | |
39pm | |
3cm | |
3mm | |
3p | |
3pm | |
3rd | |
4 | |
40 | |
401pm | |
40am | |
40pm | |
41 | |
414 | |
414pm | |
415pm | |
41pm | |
42 | |
427 | |
42p | |
43 | |
431pm | |
438pm | |
43am | |
44 | |
445 | |
44am | |
44pm | |
45 | |
45am | |
45pm | |
46 | |
46pm | |
47 | |
47pm | |
48 | |
48am | |
48pm | |
49 | |
49pm | |
4cm | |
4mm | |
4p | |
4pm | |
4th | |
5 | |
50 | |
500 | |
500pm | |
50am | |
50pm | |
51 | |
51pm | |
52 | |
521 | |
52am | |
52pm | |
53 | |
532 | |
53am | |
54 | |
54am | |
54pm | |
55 | |
55a | |
55am | |
55pm | |
56 | |
56am | |
56pm | |
57 | |
57am | |
57pm | |
58 | |
58am | |
58pm | |
59 | |
59am | |
59pm | |
5am | |
5cm | |
5mm | |
5p | |
5pm | |
5th | |
6 | |
60 | |
600 | |
600b | |
61 | |
611 | |
612 | |
617 | |
62 | |
620 | |
63 | |
630 | |
65 | |
66 | |
68 | |
6a | |
6cm | |
6mm | |
6p | |
6pm | |
6th | |
7 | |
71 | |
722 | |
734am | |
747am | |
75 | |
750 | |
751am | |
77 | |
7a | |
7cm | |
7mm | |
7th | |
8 | |
80 | |
803am | |
814am | |
83 | |
845 | |
845am | |
87 | |
88 | |
8a | |
8am | |
8cm | |
8mm | |
8pm | |
8th | |
9 | |
90 | |
917 | |
918am | |
923 | |
940am | |
9am | |
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___a | |
___am | |
___and | |
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___dual | |
___exam | |
___f | |
___for | |
___ganz | |
___h___ | |
___has | |
___hr | |
___hrs | |
___left | |
___m | |
___mail | |
___new | |
___on | |
___p | |
___pectus | |
___performed | |
___pm | |
___pneumonia | |
___possible | |
___th | |
___via | |
___was | |
_chest | |
` | |
a | |
aa | |
aaa | |
aaccentuated | |
ab | |
abandoned | |
abate | |
abd | |
abdomen | |
abdomina | |
abdominal | |
abdominopelvic | |
abducted | |
abduction | |
aberrant | |
abg | |
ability | |
ablation | |
ablative | |
able | |
abnomality | |
abnormaity | |
abnormal | |
abnormalities | |
abnormalitiesfree | |
abnormalitiesin | |
abnormality | |
abnormally | |
abodmen | |
abound | |
about | |
above | |
abovel | |
abpa | |
abrupt | |
abruptly | |
abscence | |
abscene | |
abscess | |
abscesses | |
abscessing | |
absence | |
absent | |
absolute | |
absolutely | |
absolve | |
absorption | |
abundant | |
abuse | |
abut | |
abuts | |
abutting | |
ac | |
accelerated | |
acceleration | |
accentuate | |
accentuated | |
accentuates | |
accentuating | |
accentuation | |
accept | |
acceptable | |
acceptably | |
accepted | |
accepting | |
access | |
accessed | |
accessible | |
accessory | |
accesss | |
accident | |
accidental | |
accommodate | |
accommodates | |
accompanied | |
accompanies | |
accompaniment | |
accompany | |
accompanying | |
accomplish | |
accomplished | |
according | |
accordingly | |
account | |
accountable | |
accounted | |
accounting | |
accounts | |
accumuation | |
accumulate | |
accumulated | |
accumulates | |
accumulating | |
accumulation | |
accumulations | |
accuracy | |
accurate | |
accurately | |
ace | |
acetabular | |
achalasia | |
acheal | |
achieve | |
achieved | |
acid | |
acinar | |
acknowledged | |
acknowledgment | |
acquired | |
acquiring | |
acquisition | |
acquisitions | |
acromio | |
acromioclavicular | |
acromiohumeral | |
acromion | |
across | |
acs | |
action | |
active | |
activity | |
actual | |
actually | |
acture | |
acuity | |
acuityl | |
acute | |
acutely | |
acutepulmonary | |
ad | |
adajcent | |
add | |
added | |
addedd | |
addended | |
addendum | |
addison | |
addition | |
additional | |
additionally | |
additonal | |
address | |
addressed | |
adds | |
adenitis | |
adenoathy | |
adenocarcinoma | |
adenocaricinoma | |
adenoma | |
adenopathay | |
adenopathy | |
adequacy | |
adequate | |
adequately | |
adetectable | |
adherent | |
adhesion | |
adhesions | |
adhesive | |
adipos | |
adipose | |
adjacent | |
adjoining | |
adjust | |
adjusted | |
adjustment | |
adjustments | |
administer | |
administered | |
administration | |
admission | |
admit | |
admitted | |
admittedly | |
admix | |
adrenal | |
advance | |
advanced | |
advancement | |
advances | |
advancing | |
advantage | |
advice | |
advisability | |
advisable | |
advise | |
advised | |
advising | |
adynamic | |
aerate | |
aerated | |
aeration | |
aeric | |
aerodigestive | |
affairs | |
affect | |
affected | |
affecting | |
affection | |
affective | |
affectively | |
affects | |
affiliated | |
afforded | |
affords | |
aforementioned | |
after | |
afternoon | |
afterwards | |
again | |
against | |
age | |
aged | |
agent | |
ages | |
aggravated | |
aggressive | |
aging | |
aginst | |
ago | |
agree | |
agreed | |
agreement | |
agressive | |
ague | |
aicd | |
aid | |
aids | |
aim | |
aip | |
air | |
airless | |
airlessness | |
airspace | |
airspaces | |
airtrapping | |
airway | |
airways | |
ajacent | |
al | |
albeit | |
albumin | |
aleft | |
alert | |
alerted | |
alerts | |
alevel | |
alfa | |
alhtough | |
aligned | |
alignment | |
alimentary | |
alinement | |
all | |
alleged | |
allegedly | |
allegeric | |
allergic | |
allergy | |
alleviated | |
allocated | |
allotting | |
allow | |
allowances | |
allowed | |
allowing | |
allows | |
almost | |
almostly | |
alone | |
along | |
alongside | |
alpha | |
already | |
also | |
alter | |
alterated | |
alteration | |
alterations | |
altered | |
alternance | |
alternate | |
alternating | |
alternative | |
alternatively | |
alternatives | |
alters | |
althoug | |
although | |
altogether | |
alveolar | |
alveoli | |
alveolitis | |
always | |
am | |
amalgam | |
amall | |
ambiguity | |
ambiguous | |
ambulation | |
amelioration | |
amenable | |
amiodarone | |
aml | |
ammonium | |
amniotic | |
among | |
amorphous | |
amount | |
amounts | |
amout | |
amplatz | |
ample | |
amply | |
amputated | |
amyloid | |
an | |
analysis | |
analyzed | |
anaplastic | |
anasarca | |
anastomosis | |
anastomotic | |
anatomic | |
anatomical | |
anatomically | |
anatomy | |
anchor | |
anchored | |
anchors | |
ancillary | |
and | |
andhas | |
andleft | |
aneed | |
anemia | |
anesthesia | |
aneursym | |
aneurysm | |
aneurysmal | |
aneurysmally | |
aneurysmatic | |
aneurysms | |
angio | |
angiogram | |
angiographic | |
angiography | |
angle | |
angled | |
angles | |
angular | |
angulate | |
angulated | |
angulating | |
angulation | |
anincrease | |
anindication | |
ankle | |
annual | |
annular | |
annulus | |
anomalies | |
anomalous | |
anomaly | |
anondistended | |
anormalities | |
another | |
ans | |
answer | |
answered | |
answering | |
antegrade | |
anterior | |
anteriorly | |
anteriors | |
antero | |
anterolateral | |
anterolaterally | |
anteromedial | |
anteromedially | |
anteroposterior | |
anteroseptal | |
antibioic | |
antibiotic | |
antibiotics | |
anticipated | |
anticoagulant | |
antigen | |
antilordotic | |
antimicrobial | |
antitrypsin | |
antral | |
antrum | |
anuerysm | |
anulus | |
any | |
anymore | |
anything | |
anywhere | |
aofworsening | |
aorta | |
aortic | |
aortich | |
aorticopulmonary | |
aorticpulmonary | |
aortoiliac | |
aortopulmonary | |
aortopulmonic | |
aortosclerosis | |
ap | |
apart | |
apex | |
apical | |
apically | |
apices | |
apico | |
apicocostal | |
apicolateral | |
apicolaterally | |
apicomedial | |
apicoposterior | |
aplastic | |
apn | |
apparatus | |
apparent | |
apparently | |
appeals | |
appear | |
appearance | |
appearances | |
appeared | |
appearence | |
appearing | |
appearnace | |
appears | |
appendage | |
appendectomy | |
apperance | |
appliance | |
appliances | |
applicable | |
applied | |
apply | |
appointment | |
appointmentclinical | |
apposed | |
apposition | |
appreciable | |
appreciably | |
appreciate | |
appreciated | |
appreciation | |
approach | |
approaches | |
approaching | |
appropiate | |
appropirate | |
appropriate | |
appropriately | |
appropriateness | |
approprioate | |
approval | |
approved | |
approving | |
approx | |
approxiamately | |
approximate | |
approximated | |
approximately | |
approximately5 | |
approximates | |
approximation | |
approximatley | |
appy | |
apropriate | |
apycalthickening | |
ar | |
aras | |
arc | |
arch | |
arches | |
arching | |
architectural | |
architecture | |
arcing | |
arcody | |
arcs | |
ardiomegaly | |
ards | |
are | |
area | |
areas | |
areindeterminate | |
arelatively | |
areola | |
areout | |
arepresumed | |
arge | |
argely | |
arguable | |
arguably | |
argue | |
argues | |
arguing | |
argument | |
arisen | |
arising | |
arison | |
arm | |
armored | |
arms | |
aroto | |
around | |
arrange | |
arranged | |
arrangement | |
array | |
arrest | |
arrhythmia | |
arterial | |
arteries | |
arteriogram | |
arteriosum | |
arteriosus | |
arteriovenous | |
artery | |
arthritic | |
arthritis | |
arthropathy | |
arthroplasties | |
arthroplasty | |
arthrosis | |
articular | |
articulation | |
artifact | |
artifacts | |
artifactual | |
artificial | |
artificially | |
arytenoid | |
as | |
asbestos | |
asbestosis | |
ascend | |
ascendic | |
ascending | |
ascends | |
ascendsto | |
ascenidng | |
ascertain | |
ascertained | |
ascites | |
ascitic | |
ascribe | |
ascribed | |
ascribing | |
ascue | |
ascvd | |
asd | |
asdiscussed | |
aside | |
ask | |
asked | |
askew | |
aspect | |
aspects | |
aspergilloma | |
aspergillosis | |
aspergillus | |
aspergilus | |
aspiartion | |
aspiraiton | |
aspirate | |
aspirated | |
aspirating | |
aspiration | |
aspiration2 | |
aspirations | |
asplenic | |
aspriation | |
ass | |
asses | |
assesed | |
assesment | |
assess | |
assessable | |
assessed | |
assesses | |
assessing | |
assessment | |
assessments | |
assist | |
assistant | |
assisted | |
assisting | |
associated | |
association | |
assoicated | |
assume | |
assumed | |
assumes | |
assuming | |
assumption | |
assurance | |
assure | |
assymetric | |
assymetricall | |
assymetrically | |
assymetry | |
assymteric | |
asthma | |
asthmatic | |
asymemtric | |
asymetric | |
asymmetric | |
asymmetrical | |
asymmetrically | |
asymmetry | |
asymptomatic | |
asymteric | |
at | |
at725 | |
at___ | |
atalectasis | |
atectasis | |
atelctasis | |
atelecasis | |
atelecatasis | |
atelecatsis | |
atelectaasis | |
atelectais | |
atelectaisis | |
atelectaiss | |
atelectases | |
atelectasi | |
atelectasis | |
atelectasisand | |
atelectasiss | |
atelectatic | |
atelectatsis | |
atelectl | |
atelectsis | |
atelelctasis | |
atelelectasis | |
ateletasis | |
atherosclerosis | |
atherosclerotic | |
athletes | |
athough | |
atleast | |
atlectasis | |
atn | |
atpical | |
atresia | |
atria | |
atrial | |
atril | |
atrio | |
atriobiventricular | |
atriocaval | |
atrioventricular | |
atrium | |
atrophic | |
att | |
attached | |
attack | |
attempt | |
attempted | |
attempting | |
attempts | |
attenation | |
attendant | |
attendants | |
attended | |
attending | |
attention | |
attenuated | |
attenuation | |
attest | |
attesting | |
attests | |
attributable | |
attribute | |
attributed | |
attributible | |
attributing | |
atyical | |
atyp | |
atypical | |
augmentation | |
augmented | |
aunts | |
aureus | |
auscultation | |
auscultatory | |
authenticity | |
auto | |
av | |
availabe | |
availability | |
available | |
avascular | |
average | |
avid | |
avidity | |
avium | |
avm | |
avoid | |
avoiding | |
avr | |
avulsion | |
awaited | |
awaiting | |
aware | |
away | |
awire | |
axial | |
axially | |
axilla | |
axillae | |
axillary | |
axis | |
ayering | |
azygos | |
azygous | |
b | |
babasilar | |
bac | |
back | |
backgroun | |
background | |
backround | |
backup | |
backwards | |
bacteremia | |
bacteria | |
bacterial | |
badly | |
bag | |
baisilar | |
balance | |
balanced | |
ball | |
ballon | |
balloon | |
balloons | |
ballpoint | |
band | |
bandages | |
banded | |
banding | |
bandlike | |
bands | |
barely | |
barium | |
barometer | |
barotrauma | |
barrel | |
barring | |
basal | |
basalar | |
basalir | |
basally | |
base | |
based | |
baseline | |
bases | |
basic | |
basically | |
basilar | |
basilarhydro | |
basilary | |
basiliar | |
basilic | |
basilr | |
basis | |
basolateral | |
bat | |
battery | |
batwing | |
bb | |
bbs | |
bcg | |
be | |
beaded | |
beam | |
bean | |
bear | |
bears | |
beats | |
became | |
because | |
become | |
becomes | |
becoming | |
becorrelated | |
bed | |
bedridden | |
bedside | |
been | |
beeper | |
before | |
began | |
begin | |
beginning | |
begun | |
behalf | |
behaving | |
behind | |
being | |
believe | |
belong | |
belongs | |
below | |
bend | |
bending | |
bends | |
beneath | |
beneathe | |
beneficial | |
benefit | |
benefits | |
benign | |
bent | |
besides | |
best | |
better | |
bettter | |
between | |
beyond | |
bezoar | |
bi | |
biabasilar | |
bialteral | |
biapical | |
biasilar | |
biatrial | |
bibasal | |
bibasalar | |
bibasalir | |
bibasilar | |
bibasliar | |
bibibasilar | |
bibisilar | |
biceps | |
biconcave | |
bicuspid | |
bielectrode | |
bifid | |
bifurcation | |
bifurcations | |
big | |
bigger | |
biggest | |
bihilar | |
biilateral | |
bilapical | |
bilat | |
bilatearl | |
bilater | |
bilateral | |
bilaterality | |
bilaterally | |
bilaterals | |
bilbasilar | |
bile | |
biliary | |
bilobectomy | |
bilobed | |
binder | |
biopsied | |
biopsies | |
biopsy | |
bipolar | |
bit | |
bite | |
biv | |
biventricular | |
black | |
bladder | |
bland | |
blanket | |
blast | |
blastic | |
bleb | |
blebectomy | |
blebs | |
bleed | |
bleeding | |
bleomycin | |
blind | |
bloating | |
blocker | |
blood | |
bloody | |
blossoming | |
blunt | |
blunted | |
blunting | |
blunts | |
blurred | |
blurring | |
bluting | |
bm | |
bmt | |
board | |
boarder | |
bochdalek | |
boderline | |
bodies | |
body | |
bold | |
bolus | |
bone | |
bones | |
bony | |
boop | |
border | |
bordered | |
bordering | |
borderline | |
borders | |
bore | |
both | |
bottle | |
bottom | |
bouleus | |
bound | |
boundaries | |
bounded | |
bout | |
bouts | |
bovinum | |
bowel | |
bowels | |
bowing | |
bows | |
braces | |
bracheocepalic | |
bracheocephalic | |
brachial | |
brachiocepahlic | |
brachiocephalic | |
brachiocephalicsvc | |
brachycephalic | |
brachytherapy | |
braf | |
braid | |
brain | |
branch | |
branches | |
branching | |
break | |
breakage | |
breaks | |
breast | |
breasts | |
breater | |
breath | |
breathing | |
bridge | |
bridging | |
briefly | |
bring | |
bringing | |
broad | |
broadly | |
brochoscopy | |
broken | |
bronch | |
bronchcoscopy | |
bronchi | |
bronchial | |
bronchiectases | |
bronchiectasis | |
bronchiectatic | |
bronchioalveolar | |
bronchiolar | |
bronchioles | |
bronchiolitic | |
bronchiolitis | |
bronchioloalveolar | |
bronchiovascular | |
bronchitis | |
broncho | |
bronchoalveolar | |
bronchocentric | |
bronchoconcentric | |
bronchodilators | |
bronchogenic | |
bronchogram | |
bronchograms | |
broncholith | |
bronchomalacia | |
bronchopleural | |
bronchopneumonia | |
bronchopneumonic | |
bronchopnuemonia | |
bronchopulmonary | |
bronchoscopic | |
bronchoscopy | |
bronchospasm | |
bronchospastic | |
bronchotracheal | |
bronchovascular | |
bronchovasculature | |
bronchus | |
bronchvascular | |
broncoconcentric | |
brought | |
brown | |
brushing | |
bsed | |
bso | |
btl | |
bubble | |
bubbles | |
buckle | |
buckshot | |
bucky | |
budd | |
bulb | |
bulbous | |
bulge | |
bulges | |
bulging | |
bulk | |
bulkier | |
bulky | |
bulla | |
bullae | |
bullectomy | |
bullet | |
bullous | |
bump | |
bundle | |
bundles | |
burden | |
burdensome | |
burder | |
buried | |
bursal | |
burst | |
busy | |
but | |
butterfly | |
buttress | |
buttresses | |
buttressing | |
bween | |
by | |
bypass | |
bypassing | |
bypleural | |
bypossible | |
c | |
c4 | |
c5 | |
c6 | |
c7 | |
ca | |
cabg | |
cable | |
cables | |
cad | |
cadiomegaly | |
cadiopulmonary | |
cadiopulmonay | |
cadriomediastinal | |
cage | |
calcific | |
calcification | |
calcificationis | |
calcifications | |
calcificed | |
calcified | |
calcium | |
calculi | |
calculus | |
calf | |
calficiations | |
caliber | |
calibers | |
califications | |
call | |
callback | |
called | |
calling | |
callous | |
callus | |
came | |
can | |
canal | |
cancellation | |
cancer | |
candidate | |
candidates | |
cannot | |
cannula | |
cannulas | |
cannulate | |
cannulated | |
cannulates | |
cannulating | |
cannulation | |
canted | |
cap | |
capable | |
capacity | |
capillaritis | |
capillary | |
capped | |
capping | |
caps | |
capsulated | |
capsule | |
capture | |
carcinoid | |
carcinoma | |
carcinomatosis | |
cardia | |
cardiac | |
cardiacl | |
cardiad | |
cardial | |
cardio | |
cardioesophageal | |
cardiogemaly | |
cardiogenic | |
cardiologist | |
cardiology | |
cardiome | |
cardiomeagly | |
cardiomediastianl | |
cardiomediastinal | |
cardiomediastinum | |
cardiomegally | |
cardiomegaly | |
cardiomegalyperihilar | |
cardiomegalywithout | |
cardiomgealy | |
cardiompulmonary | |
cardiomyopathy | |
cardiophrenic | |
cardiopulmary | |
cardiopulmnoary | |
cardiopulmoanry | |
cardiopulmomary | |
cardiopulmonar | |
cardiopulmonaray | |
cardiopulmonary | |
cardiopulmonery | |
cardiopulmonry | |
cardiopulmoonary | |
cardiopulmosy | |
cardiopumonary | |
cardiorespiratory | |
cardiothoracic | |
cardiovascular | |
cardioversion | |
cardiphrenic | |
cardipulmonary | |
cardkiopulmonary | |
care | |
careful | |
carefully | |
caregiver | |
careteam | |
careweb | |
carina | |
carinal | |
carinatum | |
caring | |
carinii | |
cariomegaly | |
cariopulmonary | |
carmel | |
carotid | |
carotids | |
carries | |
carry | |
cart | |
cartilage | |
cartilaginous | |
case | |
cases | |
casings | |
cassette | |
cast | |
casting | |
cath | |
catheter | |
catheterization | |
catheters | |
cathether | |
cauda | |
caudal | |
caudally | |
caught | |
causal | |
causative | |
cause | |
caused | |
causes | |
causing | |
cautious | |
cava | |
caval | |
cavitary | |
cavitated | |
cavitating | |
cavitation | |
cavitations | |
cavities | |
cavity | |
cavo | |
cavoatrial | |
cc | |
ccc | |
ccu | |
cd4 | |
cecal | |
cect | |
ced | |
cell | |
cells | |
cellular | |
cement | |
cementoplasty | |
center | |
centered | |
centering | |
centesis | |
centimeter | |
centimeters | |
central | |
centralized | |
centrally | |
centrilobular | |
cephalad | |
cephalic | |
cephalid | |
cephalization | |
cephalized | |
cerclage | |
cereal | |
cerebral | |
cerebrovascular | |
cerita | |
certain | |
certainly | |
certainty | |
cervical | |
cervicomediastinal | |
cervicothoracic | |
chain | |
challenge | |
challenged | |
challenging | |
chamber | |
chambers | |
chance | |
change | |
changed | |
changeover | |
changes | |
changing | |
channel | |
channels | |
charachterization | |
charachterized | |
character | |
characteristic | |
characteristically | |
characteristics | |
characterization | |
characterize | |
characterizeb | |
characterized | |
characterizing | |
characteriztion | |
characters | |
charcterize | |
charge | |
chart | |
check | |
checked | |
chemical | |
chemo | |
chemoembolization | |
chemotherapy | |
chesst | |
chest | |
chested | |
chf | |
chiari | |
chief | |
chiladiti | |
chilaiditi | |
chilaiditis | |
childhood | |
chills | |
chin | |
chip | |
chk | |
chlamydia | |
chnages | |
choice | |
cholangiocarcinoma | |
chole | |
cholecystectomy | |
cholecystitis | |
cholelithiasis | |
chondral | |
chondroid | |
chondrosis | |
choose | |
choriocarcinoma | |
chornic | |
choroid | |
choroidal | |
chrnoci | |
chroncity | |
chronic | |
chronically | |
chronicity | |
chronologically | |
chronology | |
chst | |
chunky | |
churg | |
chylae | |
chylothorax | |
chylous | |
cicatrices | |
cicatricial | |
cicatrization | |
cigarette | |
cinder | |
cinical | |
circuitous | |
circular | |
circulating | |
circulation | |
circulations | |
circulatory | |
circumferential | |
circumferentially | |
circumflex | |
circumscribed | |
circumscript | |
circumstance | |
circumstances | |
cirrhosis | |
cisterna | |
cited | |
cj | |
claims | |
clamped | |
clamping | |
clarification | |
clarified | |
clarify | |
clarifying | |
clarity | |
classic | |
clavical | |
clavicle | |
clavicles | |
clavicular | |
clea | |
clear | |
clearance | |
clearcut | |
cleared | |
clearer | |
clearing | |
clearly | |
clears | |
cleidocranial | |
climb | |
clincal | |
clincially | |
clinic | |
clinical | |
clinicall | |
clinically | |
clinicial | |
clinician | |
clinicians | |
clinnically | |
clip | |
clips | |
cll | |
cllinical | |
clniical | |
clock | |
clockwise | |
clogged | |
close | |
closed | |
closely | |
closer | |
closure | |
closures | |
clot | |
clothes | |
clothing | |
clots | |
clotted | |
clotting | |
clue | |
clues | |
cluster | |
clustered | |
clusters | |
cm | |
cmt | |
cnnot | |
co | |
co2 | |
coagulopathy | |
coalesce | |
coalesced | |
coalescence | |
coalescent | |
coalesces | |
coalescing | |
coalition | |
coarctation | |
coarse | |
coarsened | |
coarseness | |
coarsening | |
coarser | |
coast | |
cobblestone | |
cocaine | |
coccidioidomycosis | |
code | |
coexist | |
coexistent | |
coexisting | |
coexists | |
coherent | |
coil | |
coiled | |
coiling | |
coils | |
coincide | |
coincidental | |
coincidentally | |
coincides | |
coinciding | |
colapse | |
cold | |
colectomy | |
colitis | |
collaps | |
collapse | |
collapsed | |
collapses | |
collapsing | |
collateral | |
collect | |
collected | |
collecting | |
collection | |
collections | |
collects | |
collimated | |
collpase | |
colon | |
colonic | |
colonization | |
colonoscopy | |
color | |
colorectal | |
column | |
columns | |
com | |
comatose | |
combi | |
combination | |
combinations | |
combine | |
combined | |
combines | |
combining | |
come | |
comes | |
coming | |
commence | |
comment | |
commented | |
comments | |
comminute | |
comminuted | |
common | |
commonly | |
commuicated | |
communicate | |
communicated | |
communicating | |
communication | |
communications | |
community | |
comorbidities | |
comp | |
compact | |
companion | |
company | |
comparable | |
comparably | |
comparative | |
compare | |
compared | |
comparedwith | |
compares | |
comparing | |
comparision | |
compariso | |
comparison | |
comparison2 | |
comparisons | |
comparisonwith | |
compartment | |
compartments | |
compatibility | |
compatible | |
compatilble | |
compensation | |
compensatorily | |
compensatory | |
comperessive | |
compete | |
competence | |
compfrom | |
complains | |
complaint | |
complaints | |
complement | |
complemented | |
complete | |
completed | |
completely | |
completeresolution | |
completion | |
completley | |
complex | |
complexity | |
compliance | |
complicated | |
complicates | |
complicating | |
complication | |
complications | |
complicatiosn | |
complimenting | |
complte | |
comply | |
component | |
components | |
composed | |
composite | |
composition | |
compound | |
compounded | |
comprehensive | |
compresion | |
compress | |
compressed | |
compressing | |
compression | |
compressions | |
compressive | |
comprising | |
compromise | |
compromised | |
compromises | |
compromising | |
computed | |
computerized | |
con | |
concave | |
concavity | |
conceal | |
concealed | |
conceivable | |
conceivably | |
concentrated | |
concern | |
concerned | |
concerning | |
concerns | |
concert | |
conclude | |
concluded | |
concluding | |
conclusion | |
conclusive | |
conclusively | |
concomitant | |
concomitantly | |
concordant | |
concrete | |
concur | |
concurrence | |
concurrent | |
concurrently | |
condition | |
conditions | |
conduction | |
conduit | |
cone | |
coned | |
conern | |
conerning | |
conference | |
conferred | |
confidence | |
confident | |
confidently | |
configuration | |
configurational | |
configurations | |
configured | |
confined | |
confines | |
confirm | |
confirmation | |
confirmations | |
confirmatory | |
confirmed | |
confirming | |
confirms | |
confluate | |
confluence | |
confluent | |
confluenting | |
conform | |
conforming | |
conforms | |
confound | |
confounded | |
confounding | |
confused | |
confusing | |
confusion | |
congenital | |
congential | |
congesion | |
congesiton | |
congested | |
congestion | |
congestions | |
congestive | |
conglomerate | |
conglomerates | |
conglomeration | |
conjunction | |
connected | |
connecting | |
connection | |
connections | |
connective | |
connector | |
connectors | |
conned | |
conosoidation | |
consecutive | |
consent | |
consequence | |
consequent | |
consequently | |
conservative | |
consider | |
considerable | |
considerably | |
consideration | |
considerations | |
considerd | |
considered | |
considering | |
consilation | |
consist | |
consisted | |
consistency | |
consistenly | |
consistent | |
consistently | |
consisting | |
consists | |
consitent | |
conslidation | |
consodliation | |
consolation | |
consoldiation | |
consolidaiton | |
consolidatation | |
consolidate | |
consolidated | |
consolidating | |
consolidatino | |
consolidation | |
consolidations | |
consolidationsseen | |
consolidative | |
conspicious | |
conspicous | |
conspicuity | |
conspicuous | |
constant | |
constantly | |
constellation | |
constellations | |
constipation | |
constitute | |
constituting | |
constraints | |
constriction | |
constrictive | |
consult | |
consultation | |
consulted | |
consulting | |
contact | |
contacted | |
contacting | |
contain | |
contained | |
containing | |
contains | |
contamination | |
contemplated | |
contemporaneous | |
content | |
contents | |
context | |
contigous | |
contiguity | |
contiguous | |
contiguously | |
contingently | |
continual | |
continually | |
continuation | |
continue | |
continued | |
continues | |
continuing | |
continuity | |
continuous | |
continuously | |
contour | |
contoured | |
contours | |
contracted | |
contractions | |
contradicts | |
contraindicate | |
contraindicated | |
contraindication | |
contralateral | |
contralaterally | |
contrary | |
contrast | |
contrasting | |
contribute | |
contributed | |
contributes | |
contributing | |
contribution | |
contributions | |
contributor | |
contributory | |
control | |
contusion | |
contusions | |
conus | |
conven8tional | |
convened | |
convenience | |
convenitonal | |
conventional | |
conversation | |
conversion | |
converted | |
convex | |
convexity | |
convey | |
conveyed | |
convince | |
convinced | |
convincing | |
convincingly | |
cooperate | |
coordination | |
coordinator | |
coorelation | |
cop | |
copd | |
copious | |
cor | |
coracoclavicular | |
coracoid | |
cord | |
cordis | |
cords | |
core | |
corect | |
corevalve | |
corkscrew | |
corn | |
coronal | |
coronaries | |
coronary | |
corpectomy | |
correct | |
corrected | |
correction | |
correctly | |
correlate | |
correlated | |
correlates | |
correlating | |
correlation | |
correlations | |
correlative | |
corresond | |
correspond | |
correspondance | |
corresponded | |
correspondence | |
corresponding | |
corresponds | |
corrleation | |
corroborate | |
corroborated | |
corroborating | |
cortex | |
cortical | |
corticated | |
cost | |
costal | |
costo | |
costochondral | |
costochondritis | |
costochrondral | |
costodiaphragmatic | |
costophrenic | |
costosternal | |
costovertebral | |
costrochondral | |
costrphrenic | |
cough | |
coughing | |
couild | |
could | |
couls | |
count | |
counterclockwise | |
counting | |
counts | |
couple | |
coupled | |
course | |
coursed | |
courses | |
coursing | |
coventional | |
cover | |
coverage | |
covered | |
covering | |
coverning | |
covers | |
coving | |
cowden | |
cowdens | |
cp | |
cpa | |
cponsolidation | |
cpr | |
cr | |
crack | |
crackles | |
cranial | |
cranially | |
craniocaudal | |
cranium | |
crazy | |
crease | |
create | |
creates | |
creating | |
creatinine | |
creatinines | |
creation | |
crescent | |
crescenteric | |
crescentic | |
crest | |
cricopharyngeus | |
crisis | |
crit | |
criteria | |
critical | |
critically | |
crohn | |
cross | |
crossed | |
crosses | |
crossing | |
crowd | |
crowded | |
crowding | |
crowds | |
crown | |
crural | |
crus | |
cryptococcal | |
cryptogenic | |
csf | |
cside | |
ct | |
cta | |
ctpa | |
ctpe | |
cts | |
ctu | |
cubitus | |
cuff | |
cuffing | |
cul | |
culprit | |
cup | |
cured | |
curious | |
curl | |
curled | |
curling | |
curls | |
current | |
currently | |
curvature | |
curve | |
curved | |
curves | |
curvilinear | |
curving | |
cut | |
cutaneous | |
cute | |
cutoff | |
cv | |
cva | |
cvc | |
cvl | |
cvp | |
cxr | |
cyber | |
cyberknife | |
cycle | |
cycling | |
cylindrical | |
cyst | |
cystic | |
cysticercosis | |
cystoscopy | |
cysts | |
cytology | |
d | |
da | |
daily | |
damage | |
damaged | |
dance | |
danger | |
dashbaord | |
dashboard | |
data | |
database | |
date | |
dated | |
dates | |
dating | |
daub | |
day | |
days | |
dcoiled | |
ddx | |
de | |
deaccessing | |
deal | |
dealing | |
deb | |
debhoff | |
debilitated | |
debilitating | |
debility | |
debridement | |
debris | |
dec | |
decending | |
decicated | |
decide | |
decided | |
decidedly | |
deciding | |
decipher | |
decision | |
decisions | |
declare | |
declines | |
declining | |
decoiled | |
decompensated | |
decompensating | |
decompensation | |
decompress | |
decompressed | |
decompresses | |
decompressing | |
decompression | |
decortication | |
decreasd | |
decrease | |
decreased | |
decreaseing | |
decreases | |
decreasing | |
decsribed | |
decubitus | |
dedicated | |
dedidcated | |
deemed | |
deep | |
deeper | |
deeply | |
defect | |
defects | |
deferred | |
defibrillator | |
deficiency | |
deficient | |
define | |
defined | |
defines | |
defining | |
definite | |
definitely | |
definition | |
definitive | |
definitively | |
definitve | |
definte | |
definted | |
defintie | |
deflated | |
deflected | |
deflection | |
deflects | |
defomities | |
deform | |
deformations | |
deformed | |
deforming | |
deforminty | |
deformities | |
deformity | |
degenerated | |
degeneration | |
degenerative | |
degnerative | |
degradation | |
degraded | |
degrades | |
degrading | |
degree | |
degrees | |
dehiscence | |
dehydration | |
delay | |
delayed | |
delete | |
deleted | |
delinated | |
delineate | |
delineated | |
delineating | |
delineation | |
deliniate | |
delirium | |
delivered | |
delusional | |
dem | |
demarcated | |
demarcation | |
demented | |
demineralization | |
demineralized | |
demineralizing | |
demographics | |
demomstrated | |
demonstrable | |
demonstrably | |
demonstrate | |
demonstrated | |
demonstrates | |
demonstrating | |
demonstration | |
denied | |
denisties | |
denisty | |
denote | |
denoted | |
denotes | |
denoting | |
dens | |
dense | |
densely | |
denser | |
densest | |
densities | |
density | |
dental | |
deormities | |
department | |
departments | |
depend | |
dependent | |
dependently | |
depending | |
depends | |
depict | |
depicted | |
depiction | |
depicts | |
depleted | |
deposit | |
deposited | |
deposition | |
deposits | |
depot | |
depper | |
depressed | |
depressing | |
depression | |
depressions | |
depth | |
derangement | |
derived | |
desaturation | |
desaturations | |
descend | |
descending | |
descends | |
descent | |
describe | |
described | |
describes | |
describing | |
description | |
deserve | |
deserves | |
deserving | |
design | |
designated | |
designation | |
designations | |
designed | |
desirable | |
desire | |
desired | |
despite | |
desquamative | |
destroyed | |
destructed | |
destruction | |
destructions | |
destructive | |
detached | |
detachment | |
detail | |
detailed | |
details | |
detect | |
detectable | |
detectably | |
detected | |
detectedand | |
detectedin | |
detecting | |
detection | |
detector | |
deteriorated | |
deteriorates | |
deteriorating | |
deterioration | |
determination | |
determinations | |
determinative | |
determine | |
determined | |
determines | |
determining | |
detracts | |
devastating | |
develop | |
developed | |
developing | |
developmemt | |
development | |
developmental | |
developments | |
develops | |
deviated | |
deviates | |
deviating | |
deviation | |
device | |
devices | |
devise | |
devoid | |
dextrascoliosis | |
dextro | |
dextrocardia | |
dextroconvex | |
dextroscoliosis | |
dextroscoliotic | |
dgenerative | |
dh | |
dht | |
diabetic | |
diaghragm | |
diagnosable | |
diagnose | |
diagnosed | |
diagnoses | |
diagnosing | |
diagnosis | |
diagnostic | |
diagnostically | |
diagphram | |
dialysis | |
diameter | |
diameters | |
diaphgram | |
diaphragm | |
diaphragmatic | |
diaphragms | |
diaphyseal | |
diaphysis | |
diarrheal | |
diastole | |
diastolic | |
diathesis | |
dic | |
dicating | |
dictate | |
dictated | |
dictates | |
dictating | |
dictation | |
dicussed | |
did | |
diease | |
dieresis | |
diet | |
diff | |
diffcicult | |
difference | |
differences | |
different | |
differential | |
differentials | |
differentiate | |
differentiated | |
differentiating | |
differentiation | |
differently | |
differerences | |
differing | |
differs | |
difficile | |
difficult | |
difficulties | |
difficulty | |
diffuse | |
diffused | |
diffusely | |
diffusion | |
digit | |
dilantin | |
dilat | |
dilatation | |
dilatations | |
dilate | |
dilated | |
dilates | |
dilation | |
dilemma | |
dilitation | |
dimension | |
dimensional | |
dimer | |
diminish | |
diminished | |
diminishing | |
diminutive | |
dimunition | |
ding | |
dip | |
direct | |
directed | |
direction | |
directly | |
directory | |
disappearance | |
disappeared | |
disc | |
disccussed | |
discern | |
discernable | |
discerned | |
discernible | |
discerning | |
discharge | |
discharged | |
discharging | |
discitis | |
disclose | |
discoid | |
discomfort | |
disconnected | |
disconnection | |
disconnections | |
discontinuation | |
discontinue | |
discontinued | |
discontinuities | |
discontinuity | |
discontinuous | |
discontiuous | |
discordance | |
discordancy | |
discordant | |
discount | |
discover | |
discovered | |
discovery | |
discrepance | |
discrepancy | |
discrete | |
discretely | |
discriminate | |
discriminating | |
discrimination | |
discuss | |
discussed | |
discussing | |
discussion | |
diseae | |
diseas | |
disease | |
diseases | |
disfavors | |
dish | |
dishiscence | |
disk | |
diskitis | |
dislocated | |
dislocation | |
dislocations | |
dislodged | |
dislodgement | |
dislodgment | |
dismiss | |
dismissed | |
disorder | |
disorders | |
disorganization | |
disorganized | |
dispalacement | |
dispalced | |
disparity | |
dispenses | |
displace | |
displaced | |
displacement | |
displacements | |
displaces | |
displacing | |
display | |
displayed | |
displaying | |
displays | |
disposition | |
disproportion | |
disproportionate | |
disproportionately | |
disrobed | |
disrobing | |
disrupted | |
disruption | |
disruptions | |
dissappearance | |
dissected | |
dissecting | |
dissection | |
disseminated | |
dissemination | |
dissociation | |
distal | |
distally | |
distance | |
distant | |
distend | |
distended | |
distending | |
distends | |
distensibility | |
distension | |
distensions | |
distention | |
distinct | |
distinction | |
distinctions | |
distinctive | |
distinctly | |
distinctness | |
distinguish | |
distinguishable | |
distinguished | |
distinguishing | |
distort | |
distorted | |
distorting | |
distortion | |
distortions | |
distorts | |
distracted | |
distraction | |
distractions | |
distress | |
distribute | |
distributed | |
distribution | |
disturbed | |
disucssed | |
disuse | |
diuresis | |
diuretic | |
diverging | |
diversion | |
diverticulitis | |
diverticulosis | |
diverticulum | |
dividing | |
division | |
djd | |
dl | |
do | |
dob | |
dobbhof | |
dobbhoff | |
dobhof | |
dobhoff | |
dobhoiff | |
doboff | |
doctor | |
document | |
documentation | |
documente | |
documented | |
documenting | |
documents | |
dodoff | |
does | |
doesn | |
doing | |
dome | |
dominant | |
dominate | |
dominating | |
don | |
donation | |
done | |
dophoff | |
dopp | |
doppler | |
dorsal | |
dose | |
dosed | |
dot | |
double | |
doubled | |
doubling | |
doubt | |
doubted | |
doubtful | |
dove | |
dovvhoff | |
down | |
downward | |
downwards | |
dozen | |
dozens | |
dr | |
draft | |
drag | |
dragging | |
drain | |
drainable | |
drainage | |
drained | |
draining | |
drains | |
dramatic | |
dramatically | |
drastic | |
draw | |
drawback | |
drawn | |
dress | |
dressing | |
dressings | |
drop | |
dropping | |
drs | |
drug | |
drugs | |
dry | |
dual | |
dubhoff | |
dubious | |
duboff | |
duct | |
ductal | |
ductus | |
due | |
dues | |
dull | |
dullness | |
dumb | |
dumbbell | |
dump | |
duo | |
duodenal | |
duodenum | |
duplicated | |
dural | |
duration | |
during | |
dvp | |
dw | |
dwelling | |
dx | |
dynamic | |
dysfunction | |
dysfunctional | |
dysmotility | |
dysostosis | |
dysphagia | |
dysplasia | |
dyspnea | |
dystrophic | |
dz | |
e | |
each | |
ean | |
earlier | |
earliest | |
early | |
earring | |
ease | |
easier | |
easiest | |
easily | |
easy | |
eat | |
eating | |
ebstein | |
ebus | |
ec | |
eccentric | |
ecg | |
echinococcal | |
echo | |
echocardiogram | |
echocardiographic | |
echocardiography | |
ecmo | |
ecom | |
ectasia | |
ectatic | |
ectopy | |
ed | |
edeam | |
edema | |
edemaedema | |
edemahas | |
edematous | |
edeme | |
edena | |
edffusion | |
edge | |
edges | |
edit | |
edma | |
edmea | |
eeding | |
eet | |
ef | |
effacement | |
effacing | |
effect | |
effecting | |
effective | |
effectively | |
effectiveness | |
effects | |
efffusion | |
effort | |
efforts | |
effusio | |
effusion | |
effusionand | |
effusionhas | |
effusions | |
eft | |
efufsion | |
efusion | |
eg | |
ega | |
egastric | |
eggshell | |
eight | |
eighth | |
eigth | |
either | |
ej | |
ekg | |
ekos | |
elapsed | |
elderly | |
elecrtrode | |
elective | |
electively | |
electrode | |
electrodes | |
electrographically | |
electrolyte | |
electronic | |
electronically | |
electrophoresis | |
element | |
elementary | |
elements | |
elevate | |
elevated | |
elevates | |
elevating | |
elevation | |
elevator | |
eleventh | |
elicit | |
elicited | |
eliminate | |
eliminates | |
eliminating | |
elimination | |
elliptical | |
elongated | |
elongation | |
else | |
elsewhere | |
elucidate | |
elucidated | |
elucidation | |
em | |
emailed | |
emanating | |
embarking | |
embedded | |
emboli | |
embolic | |
embolism | |
embolization | |
embolize | |
embolized | |
embolus | |
emergency | |
emergent | |
emergently | |
emesis | |
eminence | |
emphasis | |
emphasize | |
emphasized | |
emphasizing | |
emphesema | |
emphysem | |
emphysema | |
emphysematic | |
emphysematous | |
empiric | |
empirically | |
employed | |
emptying | |
empyema | |
empyemas | |
en | |
encase | |
encased | |
encasement | |
encases | |
encasing | |
enchondroma | |
encompassing | |
encountered | |
encourage | |
encouraging | |
end | |
endarterectomy | |
ended | |
endemic | |
ending | |
endings | |
endo | |
endobronchial | |
endocarditis | |
endoesophageal | |
endogastric | |
endograft | |
endoleak | |
endoprosthesis | |
endorse | |
endorses | |
endoscope | |
endoscopic | |
endoscopy | |
endotr | |
endotracheal | |
endotrahceal | |
endovaginal | |
endovascular | |
endplate | |
endplates | |
ends | |
engage | |
engaging | |
engoregement | |
engorged | |
engorgement | |
engorgements | |
engorgment | |
engorment | |
enhance | |
enhanced | |
enhancement | |
enhances | |
enlarge | |
enlarged | |
enlargef | |
enlargement | |
enlarging | |
enlargment | |
enough | |
enphysematous | |
enrollment | |
ensitivity | |
ensued | |
ensuing | |
ensure | |
ensuring | |
entail | |
entailed | |
entails | |
enter | |
entered | |
enteric | |
entering | |
enterostomy | |
enters | |
entertained | |
entertic | |
entire | |
entired | |
entiredly | |
entirely | |
entirety | |
entities | |
entity | |
entral | |
entrance | |
entrapped | |
entric | |
entry | |
enumerated | |
enveloped | |
enveloping | |
environment | |
environmental | |
enzymes | |
eo | |
eosinophic | |
eosinophilia | |
eosinophilic | |
ep | |
epicardial | |
epidural | |
epigastric | |
epigastrium | |
epiglottitis | |
epihilar | |
epilepticus | |
epiphrenic | |
episode | |
episodes | |
epistaxis | |
epithelial | |
epmiric | |
eppars | |
equal | |
equalization | |
equalizatoin | |
equally | |
equilibrating | |
equina | |
equipment | |
equivalent | |
equivalently | |
equivocal | |
equivocally | |
er | |
ercp | |
erect | |
eroded | |
erosion | |
erosions | |
erosive | |
errant | |
error | |
es | |
escape | |
escapes | |
esophageal | |
esophagectomy | |
esophagitis | |
esophago | |
esophagogastrectomy | |
esophagogastric | |
esophagoscopy | |
esophagram | |
esophagus | |
esophaus | |
esp | |
especially | |
esrd | |
essed | |
essence | |
essential | |
essentially | |
establish | |
established | |
establishing | |
establishment | |
estimate | |
estimated | |
et | |
etc | |
etiologies | |
etiology | |
ett | |
evacuate | |
evacuated | |
evacuating | |
evacuation | |
evacuations | |
evaluable | |
evalualtion | |
evaluatation | |
evaluate | |
evaluated | |
evaluates | |
evaluatin | |
evaluating | |
evaluation | |
evaluations | |
evalute | |
evalution | |
evar | |
eve | |
eveidence | |
even | |
evening | |
evenly | |
event | |
eventation | |
eventrated | |
eventration | |
events | |
eventual | |
eventually | |
ever | |
eversion | |
every | |
everywhere | |
evidance | |
evidence | |
evidence2 | |
evidenced | |
evidences | |
evidencing | |
evident | |
evidnece | |
evolution | |
evolving | |
ex | |
exacerabation | |
exacerbated | |
exacerbating | |
exacerbation | |
exacerbations | |
exact | |
exactly | |
exagerrated | |
exaggerate | |
exaggerated | |
exaggerates | |
exaggerating | |
exaggeration | |
exam | |
examinaion | |
examination | |
examinations | |
examine | |
examined | |
example | |
exams | |
excavation | |
excavatum | |
exceed | |
exceeded | |
exceeding | |
exceedingly | |
exceeds | |
except | |
exception | |
exceptionally | |
excessive | |
excessively | |
exchange | |
exchanged | |
exchanging | |
excite | |
excldued | |
excludable | |
exclude | |
excluded | |
excludes | |
excluding | |
exclusion | |
exclusively | |
excrescence | |
excursion | |
executed | |
exem | |
exert | |
exerting | |
exertion | |
exertional | |
exhibit | |
exhibits | |
exist | |
existed | |
existence | |
existing | |
exists | |
exited | |
exlcude | |
exlcuded | |
exlucded | |
exluded | |
exogenous | |
expand | |
expanded | |
expanders | |
expanding | |
expands | |
expansile | |
expansion | |
expansive | |
expect | |
expected | |
expectoration | |
expense | |
experienced | |
experiencing | |
expiration | |
expiratory | |
expired | |
explain | |
explained | |
explaining | |
explains | |
explanation | |
explanations | |
exploration | |
exploratory | |
explore | |
explored | |
exposed | |
exposure | |
exposures | |
express | |
expressed | |
expression | |
ext | |
extend | |
extended | |
extending | |
extends | |
extene | |
extennsive | |
extension | |
extensive | |
extensively | |
extensor | |
extent | |
exterior | |
externa | |
external | |
externalized | |
externally | |
extgasis | |
extra | |
extracorporeal | |
extracted | |
extraction | |
extraluminal | |
extraordinarily | |
extrapericardial | |
extrapleural | |
extrapleurally | |
extrapulmonary | |
extrarenal | |
extrathoracic | |
extravasated | |
extravasating | |
extravasation | |
extravascular | |
extreme | |
extremely | |
extrememly | |
extremities | |
extremity | |
extrinsic | |
extruded | |
extubated | |
extubation | |
exuberant | |
exudate | |
eye | |
f | |
fa10 | |
face | |
faces | |
facet | |
facilitate | |
facilitated | |
facilities | |
facility | |
facing | |
fact | |
factor | |
factors | |
fading | |
fail | |
failed | |
failing | |
fails | |
failure | |
faint | |
fainter | |
faintly | |
fair | |
fairly | |
fall | |
fallot | |
falsely | |
familiar | |
family | |
fan | |
far | |
farr | |
farther | |
fascia | |
fashion | |
fast | |
fat | |
father | |
fatigue | |
fatty | |
favor | |
favorable | |
favored | |
favoring | |
favors | |
fcal | |
fdg | |
feasible | |
feature | |
featureless | |
features | |
febrile | |
fecal | |
fecalization | |
feeding | |
feeling | |
fellow | |
felt | |
female | |
femoral | |
femur | |
fenestrated | |
festive | |
fever | |
fevers | |
few | |
fewer | |
ffusions | |
fi | |
fib | |
fibers | |
fibrillation | |
fibrin | |
fibrocalcific | |
fibroelastosis | |
fibroid | |
fibroma | |
fibronodular | |
fibrosi | |
fibrosing | |
fibrosis | |
fibrothorax | |
fibrotic | |
fibrous | |
fidicual | |
fiducial | |
fiducials | |
field | |
fields | |
fiesta | |
fifteen | |
fifth | |
filament | |
filamentous | |
files | |
fill | |
filled | |
filling | |
fills | |
film | |
films | |
filter | |
final | |
finalization | |
finally | |
find | |
findigns | |
findin | |
finding | |
findings | |
findingsl | |
findins | |
finds | |
fine | |
finely | |
finger | |
finidngs | |
finings | |
finished | |
firm | |
first | |
fish | |
fishbone | |
fisher | |
fissue | |
fissural | |
fissure | |
fissures | |
fissurraly | |
fistula | |
fistulization | |
fistulogram | |
fit | |
fits | |
fitting | |
five | |
fixation | |
fixations | |
fixators | |
fixed | |
flagged | |
flail | |
flair | |
flame | |
flank | |
flanks | |
flap | |
flare | |
flash | |
flashing | |
flat | |
flattened | |
flattening | |
flecks | |
fleeting | |
flexed | |
flexes | |
flexible | |
flexion | |
flexor | |
flexure | |
flexures | |
flipped | |
floating | |
floor | |
floppy | |
florid | |
flotation | |
flow | |
flowing | |
flu | |
fluctuant | |
fluctuated | |
fluctuates | |
fluctuating | |
fluctuation | |
fluctuations | |
fluffy | |
fluid | |
fluidopneumothorax | |
fluids | |
fluoro | |
fluorographs | |
fluoroscope | |
fluoroscopic | |
fluoroscopically | |
fluoroscopy | |
flush | |
flushed | |
flushing | |
fna | |
fnh | |
fo | |
foal | |
focal | |
focality | |
focally | |
foci | |
focus | |
focused | |
fold | |
folded | |
folding | |
folds | |
foley | |
follicles | |
follicular | |
follow | |
followed | |
following | |
follows | |
followup | |
follup | |
follwing | |
food | |
foot | |
for | |
forage | |
foramen | |
foramina | |
force | |
forced | |
forces | |
ford | |
forearm | |
foreign | |
foreshortening | |
form | |
formal | |
formally | |
formation | |
formations | |
formed | |
former | |
forming | |
forms | |
forth | |
fortuitous | |
fortuitously | |
forward | |
fossa | |
found | |
four | |
fourth | |
fov | |
fracture | |
fractured | |
fractures | |
fragment | |
fragmentation | |
fragmented | |
fragments | |
frame | |
frank | |
frankly | |
freactures | |
free | |
freely | |
frequent | |
frequently | |
fresh | |
freshly | |
from | |
from___ | |
front | |
frontal | |
frontoparietal | |
fruitful | |
ft | |
fuid | |
fulid | |
full | |
fuller | |
fullness | |
fully | |
fulminant | |
fumes | |
function | |
functional | |
functionality | |
functioning | |
fundal | |
fundic | |
fundoplication | |
fundus | |
fungal | |
fungemia | |
fungus | |
funnel | |
furhter | |
further | |
furthere | |
furthermore | |
fuse | |
fused | |
fusiform | |
fusing | |
fusion | |
fusions | |
futher | |
future | |
fx | |
g | |
gagging | |
gain | |
gallbladder | |
gallstone | |
gallstones | |
galy | |
gangrene | |
ganz | |
gap | |
garment | |
garments | |
gas | |
gaseous | |
gases | |
gasseous | |
gastic | |
gastrectomy | |
gastric | |
gastritis | |
gastro | |
gastroduodenal | |
gastroenterostomy | |
gastroesophageal | |
gastrointestinal | |
gastrojejunostomy | |
gastroparesis | |
gastrostomy | |
gated | |
gathered | |
gating | |
gauged | |
gauzes | |
gave | |
ge | |
gemcitabine | |
general | |
generalize | |
generalized | |
generally | |
generated | |
generating | |
generator | |
generators | |
generous | |
generously | |
genesis | |
gentleman | |
genu | |
genuine | |
genuinely | |
geographic | |
geographically | |
geometry | |
gerd | |
germ | |
gestation | |
get | |
gets | |
getting | |
ghost | |
gi | |
giant | |
gibbus | |
gigantic | |
girdle | |
gist | |
give | |
given | |
gives | |
giving | |
gj | |
gladly | |
gland | |
glass | |
glenohumeral | |
glenohumoral | |
glenoid | |
glenoumeral | |
global | |
globally | |
globe | |
globular | |
glove | |
go | |
goal | |
goals | |
goes | |
going | |
goiter | |
gone | |
good | |
goodpasture | |
gorgement | |
got | |
gotten | |
gown | |
gpa | |
grade | |
gradient | |
gradual | |
gradually | |
graft | |
grafted | |
grafting | |
grafts | |
grand | |
granular | |
granulation | |
granulocyte | |
granuloma | |
granulomas | |
granulomata | |
granulomatosis | |
granulomatous | |
graves | |
gravid | |
gravitational | |
gravity | |
great | |
greater | |
greatest | |
greatly | |
green | |
grew | |
groove | |
grosly | |
gross | |
grossly | |
ground | |
groundglass | |
grounds | |
group | |
grow | |
growing | |
grown | |
growth | |
guarantee | |
guess | |
guesses | |
guidance | |
guide | |
guided | |
guidewire | |
gunshot | |
gut | |
gyn | |
gynecology | |
gynecomastia | |
h | |
habitus | |
had | |
haemophilus | |
hair | |
hairpin | |
half | |
halfway | |
halo | |
hama | |
hamartoma | |
hamartomas | |
hammer | |
hand | |
handful | |
happened | |
happy | |
harbinger | |
harbors | |
hard | |
hardly | |
hardware | |
has | |
hasshifted | |
hav | |
have | |
haveimproved | |
having | |
haze | |
haziness | |
hazy | |
hcc | |
hd | |
he | |
head | |
headed | |
heading | |
heads | |
heads_ | |
heal | |
healed | |
healing | |
healings | |
heals | |
health | |
hear | |
heart | |
heating | |
heaves | |
heavily | |
heaviness | |
heavy | |
height | |
heights | |
held | |
hello | |
help | |
helped | |
helpful | |
helps | |
hem | |
hema | |
hemangioma | |
hematemesis | |
hemato | |
hematocrit | |
hematocyst | |
hematogenous | |
hematogenously | |
hematology | |
hematoma | |
hematomas | |
hemi | |
hemiarthroplasty | |
hemiatoma | |
hemicolectomy | |
hemidiapharm | |
hemidiaphgram | |
hemidiaphragm | |
hemidiaphragmatic | |
hemidiaphragms | |
hemidiaphrags | |
hemidiaphram | |
hemidiaphrgams | |
hemithoraces | |
hemithoracic | |
hemithorax | |
hemithyroidectomy | |
hemmorhage | |
hemo | |
hemodialysis | |
hemodynamic | |
hemodynamical | |
hemodynamically | |
hemodynamics | |
hemomediastinum | |
hemopericardium | |
hemopneumothorax | |
hemopthorax | |
hemoptysis | |
hemorrage | |
hemorrahge | |
hemorrhage | |
hemorrhages | |
hemorrhagic | |
hemostats | |
hemothorax | |
hence | |
heparinization | |
hepatic | |
hepatobiliary | |
hepatocellular | |
hepatofugal | |
hepatohydro | |
hepatomegaly | |
her | |
herat | |
herbal | |
here | |
hereafter | |
hernia | |
herniae | |
hernias | |
herniated | |
herniating | |
herniation | |
hesitant | |
hesitate | |
hest | |
heterogeneities | |
heterogeneity | |
heterogeneous | |
heterogeneously | |
heterogenous | |
heterotopic | |
hh | |
hiatal | |
hiatus | |
hickman | |
hidden | |
hide | |
hiding | |
high | |
higher | |
highlight | |
highlighted | |
highlighting | |
highlights | |
highly | |
hila | |
hilar | |
hilifugal | |
hill | |
hilum | |
hilus | |
him | |
hind | |
hinder | |
hint | |
hip | |
his | |
histiocytosis | |
histology | |
histoplasmosis | |
history | |
hit | |
hiv | |
hoarse | |
hoarseness | |
hoc | |
hodgkin | |
hoever | |
hoff | |
hole | |
holes | |
hollow | |
home | |
homeostasis | |
homogeneity | |
homogeneous | |
homogeneously | |
homogenous | |
honeycomb | |
honeycombing | |
hooked | |
hooks | |
hope | |
hopefully | |
hopes | |
horacic | |
horizontal | |
horizontally | |
hormonally | |
horner | |
hospital | |
hospitalization | |
hospitals | |
host | |
hot | |
hour | |
hours | |
house | |
housestaff | |
housing | |
hovering | |
how | |
howeve | |
however | |
howver | |
hr | |
hrct | |
hronic | |
hrs | |
htn | |
hub | |
huge | |
hugely | |
hugging | |
humeral | |
humeri | |
humerus | |
hung | |
hydrated | |
hydration | |
hydro | |
hydrohemothorax | |
hydronephrosis | |
hydropneumothoraces | |
hydropneumothorax | |
hydrostatic | |
hydrosyringomyelia | |
hydrothorax | |
hydroxyapatite | |
hyerinflation | |
hyertension | |
hyper | |
hyperaeration | |
hyperalimentation | |
hypercarbia | |
hyperdense | |
hyperdensity | |
hyperdynamic | |
hyperemic | |
hyperexpanded | |
hyperexpansion | |
hyperextended | |
hyperextending | |
hyperextension | |
hyperflexion | |
hyperinf | |
hyperinflated | |
hyperinflation | |
hyperinlated | |
hyperkyphosis | |
hyperlucencies | |
hyperlucency | |
hyperlucent | |
hyperostosis | |
hyperparathyroidism | |
hyperplasia | |
hypersensitivity | |
hypersentivity | |
hypertension | |
hypertensive | |
hypertrophic | |
hypertrophy | |
hypervascular | |
hypervascularity | |
hyperventilation | |
hypervolemia | |
hypervolemic | |
hypo | |
hypochondriac | |
hypodense | |
hypodensity | |
hypogenetic | |
hypoinflated | |
hypoinflation | |
hypopharanx | |
hypopharyngeal | |
hypopharynx | |
hypoplastic | |
hypotension | |
hypotensive | |
hypotrophic | |
hypoventilation | |
hypovolemia | |
hypoxemia | |
hypoxia | |
hypoxic | |
hypretension | |
i | |
iabp | |
iacs | |
iatal | |
iatrogenic | |
ic | |
icd | |
icu | |
id | |
idea | |
ideal | |
ideally | |
idenfitifed | |
identation | |
identical | |
identifiable | |
identification | |
identified | |
identify | |
identifying | |
identity | |
idiopathic | |
ie | |
ies | |
if | |
ifnection | |
ight | |
ii | |
iii | |
iimprovement | |
iincreased | |
iinfiltrate | |
iinternal | |
iis | |
ij | |
ijl | |
ijv | |
ild | |
ileocecal | |
ileostomy | |
ileus | |
iliac | |
ill | |
illicit | |
illl | |
illness | |
illustrated | |
im | |
imag | |
image | |
imaged | |
images | |
imagine | |
imaging | |
imagings | |
imbedded | |
immaterial | |
immediate | |
immediately | |
imminent | |
immune | |
immuno | |
immunocompetence | |
immunocompromise | |
immunocompromised | |
immunosuppressant | |
immunosuppressants | |
immunosuppressed | |
immunosuppression | |
immunosupression | |
imp | |
impact | |
impacted | |
impaction | |
impactions | |
impair | |
impaired | |
impairment | |
impede | |
impediment | |
impella | |
impending | |
impeoved | |
imperative | |
imperceptible | |
impingement | |
impinges | |
impinging | |
implant | |
implantable | |
implantation | |
implanted | |
implants | |
implement | |
implements | |
implications | |
implies | |
imply | |
implying | |
import | |
importance | |
important | |
importantly | |
imporved | |
imposed | |
imposition | |
impossible | |
impregnated | |
impressing | |
impression | |
impressions | |
improper | |
improperly | |
improvd | |
improve | |
improved | |
improvement | |
improvements | |
improves | |
improving | |
improvmed | |
improvment | |
impurities | |
imrpovement | |
imterstitial | |
imunosuppressed | |
in | |
in___ | |
inability | |
inaccessible | |
inactive | |
inadequate | |
inadequately | |
inadvertant | |
inadvertent | |
inadvertently | |
inapparent | |
inappropriate | |
inappropriately | |
incapable | |
incapsulated | |
incarceration | |
inch | |
incident | |
incidental | |
incidentally | |
incipient | |
incised | |
incision | |
incisional | |
inclined | |
include | |
included | |
includes | |
including | |
inclusion | |
inclusions | |
incompatibility | |
incompatible | |
incompetence | |
incompetency | |
incomplete | |
incompletel | |
incompletely | |
inconclusive | |
inconsequential | |
inconsistent | |
inconspicuous | |
incorporating | |
incorrect | |
incorrectly | |
increaed | |
increase | |
increased | |
increasedleft | |
increases | |
increasing | |
increasingly | |
increasinly | |
increment | |
incremental | |
incrementally | |
increse | |
incresed | |
ind | |
indcated | |
indeed | |
indentation | |
indentations | |
indented | |
indenting | |
indents | |
independent | |
independently | |
indeterminaete | |
indeterminant | |
indeterminate | |
indicate | |
indicated | |
indicates | |
indicating | |
indication | |
indications | |
indicative | |
indices | |
indictive | |
indirect | |
indirectly | |
indiscrete | |
indistinct | |
indistinctly | |
indistinctness | |
indistinguishable | |
individual | |
individually | |
indolent | |
induce | |
induced | |
inducing | |
indwelling | |
ineffective | |
inert | |
inespecific | |
inexorably | |
infarct | |
infarcted | |
infarction | |
infarctions | |
infarcts | |
infeciton | |
infected | |
infectin | |
infectiom | |
infection | |
infections | |
infectious | |
infective | |
inferior | |
inferiorly | |
inferiormost | |
inferir | |
inferolateral | |
inferolaterally | |
inferomedial | |
inferomedially | |
inferoposterior | |
infiltates | |
infiltrate | |
infiltrated | |
infiltrates | |
infiltrating | |
infiltration | |
infiltrations | |
infiltrative | |
inflamed | |
inflammation | |
inflammatory | |
inflammed | |
inflated | |
inflation | |
inflow | |
influence | |
influenced | |
influenza | |
info | |
infolding | |
inforadiology | |
inform | |
information | |
informative | |
informed | |
informing | |
informs | |
infra | |
infraclavicular | |
infradiaphragmatic | |
infrahepatic | |
infrahihlar | |
infrahilar | |
infrascapular | |
infuse | |
infusion | |
ing | |
ingested | |
ingestion | |
ingraft | |
inhalation | |
inhalational | |
inhaled | |
inherent | |
inhibitor | |
inhibits | |
inhomogeneous | |
initial | |
initially | |
initiated | |
initiating | |
initiation | |
injectable | |
injected | |
injection | |
injured | |
injuries | |
injury | |
inlet | |
inlets | |
inmoderate | |
inner | |
innominate | |
innumerable | |
inpatient | |
inquiry | |
insensitive | |
inseparable | |
insert | |
inserted | |
inserting | |
insertion | |
insertions | |
inside | |
insignificant | |
insiratory | |
inspect | |
inspected | |
inspecting | |
inspection | |
inspiration | |
inspirational | |
inspirator | |
inspiratory | |
inspissated | |
instability | |
installation | |
instance | |
instances | |
instead | |
insterstitial | |
institial | |
instituted | |
institution | |
institutions | |
instructed | |
instructions | |
instrument | |
instrumentation | |
instruments | |
insufficiency | |
insufficient | |
insufficiently | |
insufflation | |
insular | |
insult | |
insure | |
intact | |
intake | |
intecepts | |
integrity | |
intended | |
intense | |
intensified | |
intensity | |
intensive | |
intensivist | |
intent | |
intention | |
intentional | |
intentionally | |
inter | |
interatrial | |
intercostal | |
intercurrent | |
interest | |
interesting | |
interestingly | |
interface | |
interfaces | |
interfacing | |
interfere | |
interference | |
interim | |
interior | |
interlobar | |
interlobular | |
intermediate | |
intermedius | |
intermittent | |
intermittently | |
intern | |
internal | |
internally | |
interposed | |
interposition | |
interpret | |
interpretable | |
interpretation | |
interpretations | |
interpreted | |
interpreting | |
interpretion | |
interrogate | |
interrogated | |
interrogation | |
interrupted | |
interrupting | |
interruption | |
intersect | |
intersection | |
intersitial | |
intersitital | |
intersititial | |
interspace | |
interspaces | |
interspersed | |
interstial | |
interstiatial | |
interstital | |
interstitial | |
interstitium | |
interstitum | |
intert | |
intertitial | |
interval | |
intervale | |
intervally | |
intervals | |
intervcal | |
intervening | |
intervention | |
interventional | |
interventions | |
interventricular | |
intervertebral | |
intestinal | |
intestine | |
intestines | |
inteval | |
intimal | |
into | |
intra | |
intraabdominal | |
intraaortic | |
intraatrial | |
intrabdominal | |
intrabronchial | |
intracardiac | |
intracavitary | |
intracellulare | |
intracranial | |
intrafissural | |
intrafissurall | |
intragastric | |
intrajugular | |
intralobar | |
intraluminal | |
intramedullary | |
intramural | |
intramuscular | |
intraoperative | |
intraparenchymal | |
intrapericardial | |
intraperitoneal | |
intrapleural | |
intrapulmonary | |
intraspinal | |
intrathecal | |
intrathoracic | |
intrathoracically | |
intrathoraic | |
intratracheal | |
intravascular | |
intravenous | |
intravertebral | |
intrinsic | |
intrinsically | |
introduce | |
introduced | |
introducer | |
introducing | |
introduction | |
introduing | |
intubate | |
intubated | |
intubation | |
intuniv | |
intussusception | |
inutes | |
invading | |
invariably | |
invasion | |
invasive | |
inversus | |
invertal | |
inverted | |
investigate | |
investigated | |
investigation | |
invoke | |
invoked | |
invoking | |
involute | |
involuted | |
involution | |
involve | |
involved | |
involvement | |
involves | |
involving | |
invovling | |
inward | |
inwards | |
iom | |
ion | |
ip | |
ipf | |
iph | |
ipsilateral | |
ipsilaterally | |
ir | |
iron | |
irradiated | |
irradiation | |
irregular | |
irregularities | |
irregularity | |
irregularly | |
irreversible | |
irrigant | |
irritating | |
irritation | |
is | |
ischemia | |
ischemic | |
iscoiled | |
isin | |
isis | |
island | |
islands | |
ismid | |
ismidesophagus | |
isn | |
isno | |
isnot | |
isnpiratory | |
isolanted | |
isolated | |
isolation | |
isotope | |
isout | |
isstomach | |
issue | |
issued | |
issues | |
istatus | |
isunchanged | |
it | |
itchy | |
ite | |
item | |
items | |
iterval | |
itould | |
its | |
itself | |
iv | |
ivc | |
ive | |
j | |
jaundice | |
jejunal | |
jejunum | |
jewelry | |
jiroveci | |
job | |
join | |
joined | |
joining | |
joint | |
joints | |
jonction | |
juction | |
judge | |
judged | |
judging | |
judgment | |
jug | |
jugular | |
juices | |
jump | |
jumper | |
junction | |
junctions | |
juncture | |
just | |
justification | |
justified | |
justifies | |
juxta | |
juxtacardiac | |
juxtafissural | |
juxtahilar | |
juxtamediastinal | |
jxn | |
k | |
kaposi | |
keep | |
keeping | |
keeps | |
kept | |
kerley | |
kerly | |
kernel | |
key | |
kidney | |
kidneys | |
kilovoltage | |
kinase | |
kind | |
kink | |
kinked | |
kinking | |
kinks | |
klebsiella | |
knear | |
knee | |
knees | |
knob | |
know | |
knowing | |
knowledge | |
known | |
knuckle | |
kommerell | |
ks | |
kub | |
kyphoplasties | |
kyphoplasty | |
kyphoscoliosis | |
kyphosis | |
kyphotic | |
l | |
l1 | |
l2 | |
l3 | |
l5 | |
la | |
lab | |
label | |
labeled | |
laboratory | |
labored | |
labral | |
laceration | |
lacerations | |
lack | |
lacks | |
lad | |
lag | |
laminated | |
laminectomies | |
laminectomy | |
land | |
landmarks | |
langerhans | |
lap | |
laparoscopic | |
laparoscopy | |
laparotomy | |
large | |
largely | |
largepneumothorax | |
larger | |
largescale | |
largest | |
laryngeal | |
laryngospasm | |
larynx | |
lasix | |
lass | |
last | |
lasting | |
lat | |
late | |
latearl | |
latenet | |
latent | |
later | |
latera | |
lateral | |
laterality | |
lateralization | |
lateralized | |
laterally | |
laterals | |
latering | |
lateromedially | |
latest | |
latter | |
lavage | |
laxity | |
lay | |
layer | |
layered | |
layering | |
layers | |
lboe | |
lch | |
ld | |
lead | |
leading | |
leads | |
leaflets | |
leak | |
leakage | |
leaking | |
leaks | |
least | |
leave | |
leaves | |
leaving | |
led | |
left | |
leftsided | |
leftward | |
leftwards | |
lefward | |
leg | |
legionella | |
legitimate | |
lend | |
lending | |
lends | |
length | |
lenticular | |
lentiform | |
lesion | |
lesions | |
less | |
lessened | |
lesser | |
let | |
lethargy | |
leukemia | |
leukemic | |
leukocytosis | |
leukostasis | |
leural | |
level | |
levels | |
levoconvex | |
levoscoliosis | |
lie | |
lies | |
lieu | |
ligament | |
ligamentum | |
ligation | |
light | |
lignula | |
like | |
likelihood | |
likely | |
likely2 | |
likewise | |
likley | |
limb | |
limbs | |
limit | |
limitataion | |
limitation | |
limitations | |
limite | |
limited | |
limiting | |
limits | |
line | |
linea | |
linear | |
linearly | |
lines | |
lingering | |
lingula | |
lingular | |
lining | |
linq | |
linx | |
lip | |
lipids | |
lipoid | |
lipoma | |
lipomatosis | |
liposarcoma | |
list | |
listed | |
listing | |
little | |
litttle | |
liver | |
lll | |
lo | |
load | |
loaded | |
loading | |
lob | |
lobar | |
lobe | |
lobectomies | |
lobectomy | |
lobes | |
lobular | |
lobulated | |
lobulation | |
lobulations | |
local | |
localization | |
localize | |
localized | |
localizes | |
localizing | |
locally | |
locate | |
located | |
locates | |
locating | |
location | |
locations | |
loculared | |
loculated | |
loculation | |
loculations | |
locule | |
locules | |
lodged | |
loer | |
loffler | |
logged | |
loma | |
long | |
longer | |
longest | |
longitudinal | |
longstanding | |
longterm | |
longue | |
look | |
looked | |
looking | |
looks | |
loop | |
looped | |
looping | |
loops | |
loose | |
loosely | |
loosening | |
lordic | |
lordodic | |
lordosis | |
lordotic | |
loss | |
lost | |
lot | |
love | |
low | |
lowe | |
lower | |
lower2 | |
lowered | |
lowering | |
lowermost | |
lowers | |
lowert | |
lowest | |
lowre | |
lozenge | |
lpartial | |
lpo | |
ls | |
lsca | |
lube | |
lucencies | |
lucency | |
lucent | |
luftsichel | |
lul | |
lumbar | |
lumen | |
lumenal | |
lumens | |
luminal | |
lumpectomy | |
lunar | |
lung | |
lunges | |
lungfield | |
lungs | |
lungsk | |
lupus | |
lv | |
lvad | |
lved | |
lye | |
lying | |
lympangitic | |
lymph | |
lymphadenopahty | |
lymphadenopathy | |
lymphadenopathywhich | |
lymphadenopthy | |
lymphadenpathy | |
lymphangiogram | |
lymphangiographic | |
lymphangitic | |
lymphangitis | |
lymphatic | |
lymphatics | |
lymphedema | |
lymphocytic | |
lymphography | |
lymphohematogenous | |
lymphohistiocytosis | |
lymphoma | |
lymphomatous | |
lymphoproliferative | |
lymphovascular | |
lymphovenous | |
lypmhangitic | |
lysis | |
lytic | |
m | |
ma | |
mac | |
machine | |
macro | |
macrondules | |
made | |
magnets | |
magnification | |
magnitude | |
mailed | |
main | |
mainly | |
mainstem | |
maintain | |
maintained | |
maintaining | |
maintains | |
maintenance | |
major | |
majority | |
make | |
makes | |
making | |
mal | |
malacia | |
malacic | |
malaise | |
malaligned | |
malalignment | |
malaria | |
male | |
malformation | |
malfunciton | |
malfunction | |
malfunctioning | |
malignancies | |
malignancy | |
malignant | |
mall | |
mallet | |
malplaced | |
malposition | |
malpositioned | |
malpositioning | |
malpositionned | |
malppositioned | |
mammary | |
mammogram | |
mammography | |
mammoth | |
man | |
managed | |
management | |
managing | |
mandatory | |
mandible | |
mandibular | |
maneuver | |
maneuvers | |
manifest | |
manifestation | |
manifestations | |
manifested | |
manifesting | |
manifestion | |
manifests | |
manipulated | |
manipulation | |
manipulations | |
manner | |
manometer | |
manometry | |
manual | |
manubrial | |
manubrium | |
many | |
marble | |
mare | |
marfanoid | |
margin | |
marginal | |
marginally | |
marginated | |
marginates | |
marginating | |
margination | |
margins | |
mark | |
marked | |
markedl | |
markedly | |
marker | |
markers | |
market | |
marking | |
markings | |
marks | |
marrow | |
masess | |
mask | |
masked | |
masking | |
masquerading | |
mass | |
masse | |
masses | |
massive | |
massively | |
masslike | |
mastectomies | |
mastectomy | |
match | |
matched | |
matches | |
matching | |
material | |
materials | |
materiel | |
matrix | |
matter | |
maturation | |
mature | |
maturing | |
max | |
maxillary | |
maximal | |
maximally | |
maximum | |
may | |
maybe | |
md | |
mdoerate | |
me | |
mean | |
meandering | |
meaning | |
meaningful | |
means | |
meant | |
meantime | |
measurable | |
measure | |
measured | |
measurement | |
measurements | |
measures | |
measuring | |
meatstatic | |
mechanical | |
mechanics | |
mechanism | |
med | |
media | |
medial | |
medialization | |
medialized | |
medially | |
median | |
mediastianal | |
mediastinal | |
mediastinitis | |
mediastinoscopy | |
mediastinotomy | |
mediastinum | |
mediastinum2 | |
mediastium | |
mediastonal | |
mediated | |
medical | |
medically | |
medication | |
medications | |
medicine | |
medio | |
mediport | |
medistinal | |
medium | |
medius | |
medullary | |
meet | |
meets | |
megacolon | |
megaly | |
melanoma | |
melp | |
member | |
members | |
meningioma | |
meniscus | |
ment | |
mental | |
mentally | |
mention | |
mentioned | |
merely | |
merit | |
mesenteric | |
mesh | |
mesiastinal | |
mesothelioma | |
message | |
met | |
metaastatic | |
metabolic | |
metal | |
metallic | |
metaphyseal | |
metaphysis | |
metasases | |
metastases | |
metastasis | |
metastasized | |
metastastic | |
metastatases | |
metastatic | |
method | |
methotrexate | |
methylmethacrylate | |
mets | |
mi | |
micro | |
microatelectasis | |
micronodular | |
micronodularity | |
micronodulation | |
micronodule | |
micronodules | |
microorganisms | |
micu | |
mid | |
mid2 | |
midchest | |
midclavicle | |
midclavicular | |
midday | |
middle | |
midesophagus | |
midhemi | |
midhemithorax | |
midlevel | |
midline | |
midlines | |
midlung | |
midlungs | |
midly | |
midnight | |
midpoint | |
midportion | |
midshaft | |
midst | |
midthoracic | |
midtrachea | |
midway | |
midzone | |
midzones | |
mie | |
might | |
migrated | |
migrates | |
migrating | |
migration | |
mild | |
milde | |
milder | |
mildf | |
mildly | |
mildto | |
mildtop | |
mildy | |
miliary | |
milk | |
milliary | |
millimeter | |
millimeteric | |
millimetric | |
mimic | |
mimicked | |
mimicking | |
mimics | |
min | |
mind | |
mineral | |
mineralization | |
mini | |
minidrain | |
minimal | |
minimall | |
minimally | |
minimaly | |
minimimal | |
minimize | |
minimum | |
miniscule | |
minmal | |
minmial | |
minnesota | |
minor | |
minuscule | |
minute | |
minutes | |
misalignment | |
misdiagnose | |
misinterpretation | |
mislabeled | |
misplaced | |
miss | |
missed | |
missing | |
missintubation | |
mistaken | |
mitraclip | |
mitral | |
mix | |
mixed | |
mixture | |
mk | |
ml | |
mm | |
mmoderate | |
mninutes | |
mo | |
mobile | |
mobility | |
mod | |
modalities | |
modality | |
modearte | |
moderate | |
moderated | |
moderateleft | |
moderately | |
moderatly | |
modest | |
modestly | |
modicum | |
modification | |
modified | |
modify | |
modreate | |
moerate | |
molar | |
mole | |
mom | |
moment | |
monitor | |
monitored | |
monitoring | |
mono | |
month | |
monthly | |
months | |
montioring | |
morbidity | |
more | |
moreover | |
moreso | |
morgagni | |
morgani | |
morgnani | |
morning | |
morphologic | |
morphological | |
morphologically | |
morphologies | |
morphology | |
most | |
mostly | |
motion | |
mottled | |
mottling | |
mouth | |
move | |
moved | |
movement | |
moves | |
moving | |
mph | |
mproved | |
mr | |
mra | |
mrcp | |
mri | |
ms | |
ms4 | |
much | |
mucoid | |
mucosa | |
mucosal | |
mucous | |
mucus | |
mulifocal | |
muliple | |
multi | |
multichamber | |
multichannel | |
multicystic | |
multidisciplinary | |
multifactorial | |
multifocal | |
multifocality | |
multilevel | |
multilobar | |
multilobular | |
multilocular | |
multiloculated | |
multinodular | |
multiphasic | |
multiple | |
multiplebilateral | |
multiples | |
multiplicity | |
multisegmental | |
mural | |
murmur | |
murmurs | |
muscle | |
muscles | |
muscular | |
musculature | |
musculoskeletal | |
must | |
mutliloculated | |
muuch | |
mvr | |
my | |
myasthenia | |
mycetoma | |
mycetomas | |
mycobacterial | |
mycobacterium | |
mycoplasma | |
myelocytic | |
myelofibrosis | |
myeloid | |
myeloma | |
myelomatous | |
myocardial | |
myocarditis | |
myocardium | |
myocbacterial | |
myriad | |
mysterious | |
myxoma | |
n | |
nails | |
name | |
namely | |
narrow | |
narrowed | |
narrowing | |
narrows | |
nasal | |
nascet | |
nasoenteric | |
nasoesophageal | |
nasogastric | |
nasogastrictube | |
nasointestinal | |
nasojejunal | |
nasopharynx | |
nasotracheal | |
native | |
natural | |
nature | |
navicular | |
navigates | |
nc | |
nd | |
near | |
nearby | |
nearly | |
necessarily | |
necessary | |
necessitated | |
necessity | |
neck | |
necrosis | |
necrotic | |
necrotizing | |
nediastinal | |
need | |
needed | |
needing | |
needle | |
needles | |
needs | |
negate | |
negative | |
neighboring | |
neither | |
neo | |
neoesophagus | |
neofissure | |
neoplasia | |
neoplasm | |
neoplasms | |
neoplastic | |
nephrectomy | |
nephrolithiasis | |
nephrostomies | |
nephrostomy | |
nerve | |
net | |
neural | |
neuroendocrine | |
neurofibromatosis | |
neurogenic | |
neurologic | |
neurological | |
neurology | |
neuromas | |
neuromuscular | |
neuropathic | |
neuropathy | |
neurosurgery | |
neurovascular | |
neutral | |
neutropenia | |
neutropenic | |
never | |
nevertheless | |
nevi | |
new | |
newdiscoid | |
newleft | |
newly | |
next | |
nfection | |
ng | |
ngt | |
nicu | |
nidus | |
night | |
nil | |
nine | |
nineth | |
ninth | |
nipple | |
nipples | |
nissen | |
nj | |
no | |
nocardia | |
nodal | |
node | |
nodes | |
nodosa | |
nodular | |
nodularities | |
nodularity | |
nodulation | |
nodulations | |
nodule | |
nodules | |
nodulew | |
nodullar | |
noduular | |
nominal | |
non | |
nonactive | |
nonacute | |
nonaggressive | |
nonbacterial | |
noncalcified | |
noncardiac | |
noncardiogenic | |
noncharacteristic | |
noncontrast | |
noncontributory | |
nondedicated | |
nondependent | |
nondiagnostic | |
nondilated | |
nondisplaced | |
nondistended | |
none | |
nonemergency | |
nonemergent | |
nonenlarged | |
nonetheless | |
nonhemorrhagic | |
nonhomogeneous | |
noninfectious | |
noninvasive | |
nonoblique | |
nonobliqued | |
nonobstructed | |
nonobstructive | |
nonoccluded | |
nonphysiologic | |
nonrecent | |
nonresolution | |
nonresolving | |
nonrotated | |
nonsensitive | |
nonsmoker | |
nonspecific | |
nonstandard | |
nonsurgical | |
nontuberculous | |
nonunion | |
nonunited | |
nonurgent | |
nonvisualization | |
nonvisualized | |
noon | |
nopnemergent | |
nopneumonia | |
noptimized | |
nor | |
norm | |
normal | |
normality | |
normalization | |
normalized | |
normally | |
nose | |
nosocomial | |
not | |
notable | |
notably | |
notch | |
note | |
noted | |
notes | |
noteworthy | |
nothing | |
notice | |
noticeable | |
noticed | |
notifaction | |
notification | |
notifications | |
notified | |
notify | |
noting | |
notion | |
notwithstanding | |
now | |
noxious | |
np | |
ns | |
nsaogastric | |
nsip | |
nt | |
ntraperitoneal | |
nuclear | |
number | |
numbered | |
numbering | |
numberous | |
numbers | |
numerous | |
nurse | |
nurses | |
nursing | |
nutrient | |
o | |
o2 | |
oapcity | |
oasis | |
ob | |
ober | |
obese | |
object | |
objective | |
objectively | |
objects | |
obligate | |
obligatory | |
oblique | |
obliqued | |
obliquely | |
obliques | |
obliquity | |
obliterans | |
obliterated | |
obliterates | |
obliterating | |
obliteration | |
oblong | |
obscuraion | |
obscuration | |
obscure | |
obscured | |
obscures | |
obscuring | |
obsecured | |
observation | |
observations | |
observe | |
observed | |
observing | |
obstruct | |
obstructed | |
obstructing | |
obstruction | |
obstructive | |
obtain | |
obtainable | |
obtained | |
obtaining | |
obtuse | |
obviate | |
obvious | |
obviously | |
obvius | |
occasion | |
occasional | |
occasionally | |
occasions | |
occluded | |
occluding | |
occlusion | |
occlusive | |
occult | |
occupational | |
occupied | |
occupies | |
occupy | |
occupying | |
occur | |
occurred | |
occurrence | |
occurring | |
occurs | |
ocollection | |
ocurred | |
ocver | |
oderate | |
of | |
of___ | |
off | |
offer | |
office | |
officer | |
officers | |
offices | |
official | |
officially | |
offline | |
offset | |
often | |
ofvascular | |
og | |
ogt | |
okay | |
old | |
older | |
oligemia | |
omentum | |
ominous | |
omitted | |
omolateral | |
omr | |
on | |
on___ | |
once | |
oncern | |
oncological | |
oncology | |
one | |
ones | |
ongestion | |
ongoing | |
online | |
only | |
onset | |
onto | |
ony | |
op | |
opacifaction | |
opacifiation | |
opacificaiton | |
opacification | |
opacificationis | |
opacifications | |
opacifiction | |
opacified | |
opacifies | |
opacify | |
opacifying | |
opaciites | |
opacirties | |
opacit | |
opacites | |
opacities | |
opacitites | |
opacitiy | |
opacity | |
opacity2 | |
opacitycan | |
opacityfor | |
opacties | |
opaicty | |
opaque | |
opcity | |
opd | |
open | |
opened | |
opening | |
operated | |
operating | |
operation | |
operative | |
operatively | |
operators | |
opinion | |
opportunistic | |
opportunity | |
opposed | |
opposite | |
opt | |
optic | |
optimal | |
optimally | |
optimization | |
optimize | |
optimized | |
optimum | |
option | |
options | |
or | |
oral | |
orally | |
orange | |
order | |
ordered | |
ordering | |
orders | |
ordinarily | |
organ | |
organism | |
organisms | |
organization | |
organized | |
organizing | |
organoaxial | |
organomegaly | |
organs | |
organzing | |
orientation | |
orientations | |
oriented | |
orients | |
orif | |
orifice | |
origin | |
original | |
originally | |
originate | |
originated | |
originates | |
originating | |
origins | |
ornaments | |
oro | |
orogastric | |
orograstric | |
oropharyngeal | |
oropharynx | |
orphaned | |
orthogonal | |
orthopedic | |
orthopnea | |
os | |
osh | |
osseous | |
ossific | |
ossification | |
osteal | |
osteoarthritic | |
osteoarthritis | |
osteoblastic | |
osteochondroma | |
osteodystrophy | |
osteolysis | |
osteolytic | |
osteomyelitis | |
osteonecrosis | |
osteopathy | |
osteopenia | |
osteopenic | |
osteophyte | |
osteophytes | |
osteophytic | |
osteophytosis | |
osteoporosis | |
osteoporotic | |
osteosclerosis | |
osteosclerotic | |
osteotomy | |
ostia | |
ostomy | |
other | |
otheracute | |
otheriwse | |
others | |
otherwise | |
ought | |
oulmonary | |
ouple | |
our | |
out | |
outcome | |
outer | |
outflow | |
outlet | |
outline | |
outlined | |
outlines | |
outlining | |
outpatient | |
output | |
outside | |
outsize | |
outward | |
oval | |
ovale | |
ovarian | |
ovaries | |
over | |
overal | |
overall | |
overcirculated | |
overcirculation | |
overcrowding | |
overdistended | |
overdistenion | |
overdistension | |
overdistention | |
overdose | |
overestimate | |
overexpanded | |
overhead | |
overhydration | |
overinflated | |
overinflation | |
overlad | |
overlaod | |
overlap | |
overlapping | |
overlaps | |
overlay | |
overlaying | |
overlays | |
overlie | |
overlied | |
overlies | |
overload | |
overloaded | |
overlook | |
overlooked | |
overly | |
overlyies | |
overlying | |
overnight | |
overpenetrated | |
overpenetration | |
overriding | |
overshadowed | |
overt | |
overtime | |
overty | |
overwhelming | |
overyling | |
ovoid | |
ower | |
owing | |
oxygen | |
p | |
pa | |
paartial | |
pac | |
pace | |
pacemaker | |
pacemakers | |
pacer | |
pacers | |
pacing | |
pack | |
packaging | |
packing | |
pacs | |
pacu | |
pad | |
pads | |
page | |
pageable | |
paged | |
pager | |
pages | |
paget | |
paging | |
paid | |
pain | |
pair | |
paired | |
pairs | |
palmar | |
palpable | |
palpating | |
palpation | |
palpitation | |
palpitations | |
palsy | |
pan | |
panacinar | |
pancoast | |
pancreatic | |
pancreatitis | |
pancytopenia | |
panel | |
panlobular | |
paper | |
papillary | |
para | |
paraaortic | |
paracardiac | |
paracardial | |
paracentesis | |
paracentral | |
paradiaphragmatic | |
paradoxic | |
paradoxically | |
paraesophageal | |
paragraph | |
paragraphs | |
parahilar | |
parallel | |
paralleling | |
parallels | |
paralysis | |
paralytic | |
paralyzed | |
paramedial | |
paramedian | |
paramediastinal | |
parameter | |
parameters | |
paraneoplastic | |
parapneumonic | |
pararacheal | |
paraseptal | |
paraspinal | |
parasternal | |
parathoracic | |
parathyroid | |
parathyroidism | |
paratrachal | |
paratracheal | |
paravertebral | |
parenchyma | |
parenchymal | |
parencymal | |
parents | |
parietal | |
paroxysmal | |
parrahilar | |
part | |
partial | |
partially | |
particle | |
particles | |
particular | |
particularly | |
particularlyin | |
particulary | |
partly | |
partracheal | |
parts | |
partum | |
pas | |
pass | |
passage | |
passed | |
passes | |
passesinto | |
passing | |
passive | |
passively | |
past | |
paste | |
pastor | |
patchily | |
patchy | |
patella | |
patellar | |
patency | |
patent | |
path | |
pathcy | |
pathogen | |
pathogens | |
pathognomic | |
pathologic | |
pathological | |
pathologically | |
pathologies | |
pathology | |
pathophysiologically | |
pathways | |
paticularly | |
patien | |
patient | |
patients | |
patinet | |
patten | |
patter | |
pattern | |
patterns | |
patulous | |
paucity | |
pause | |
paving | |
pbilateral | |
pcp | |
pe | |
pea | |
peak | |
peanut | |
pec | |
pectoral | |
pectoralis | |
pectoris | |
pectraol | |
pectus | |
peculiar | |
pedicle | |
pedicles | |
peep | |
peer | |
peg | |
pellets | |
pelvic | |
pelvis | |
pen | |
pending | |
penetrated | |
penetrating | |
penetration | |
pens | |
penumonia | |
penumothorax | |
pepper | |
per | |
percardial | |
perceived | |
percent | |
perceptible | |
perched | |
percutaneous | |
perdominantly | |
perfectly | |
perforated | |
perforation | |
perform | |
performance | |
performed | |
performing | |
perfused | |
perfusion | |
perhaps | |
perhilar | |
periaortic | |
peribronchial | |
peribronchiectatic | |
peribronchiolar | |
peribronchiovascular | |
peribroncho | |
peribronchovascular | |
pericardiac | |
pericardial | |
pericardiocentesis | |
pericardiotomy | |
pericarditis | |
pericardium | |
pericardotomy | |
pericystic | |
peridiaphragmatic | |
periesophageal | |
perifissural | |
perifocal | |
perihepatic | |
perihilar | |
perilar | |
perileisonal | |
perilesional | |
perimeter | |
perinatal | |
period | |
periodic | |
periods | |
perioperative | |
peripheral | |
peripherally | |
periphery | |
periscapular | |
perisitent | |
peristent | |
peristernal | |
peritoneal | |
peritoneum | |
peritonitis | |
peritracheal | |
perivascular | |
permanent | |
permeability | |
permit | |
permits | |
permitted | |
permitting | |
perpendicular | |
perpendicularly | |
perpetually | |
persisent | |
persist | |
persistant | |
persisted | |
persistence | |
persistenet | |
persistenly | |
persistent | |
persistently | |
persisting | |
persists | |
persitent | |
person | |
personally | |
personnel | |
pertaining | |
pertains | |
pertinent | |
pertussis | |
pes | |
pet | |
peumonia | |
pf | |
ph | |
phalanx | |
pharynx | |
pharyx | |
phase | |
phases | |
phd | |
phenomena | |
phenomenon | |
pheochromocytoma | |
pheresis | |
pheumonia | |
phlebography | |
phlegmon | |
phone | |
phoned | |
phrenic | |
phsyiotherapy | |
physcian | |
physical | |
physician | |
physicians | |
physiologic | |
physiological | |
physiologically | |
physiology | |
pic | |
picc | |
pick | |
picking | |
picture | |
piece | |
pieces | |
piercing | |
pig | |
pigeon | |
pigtail | |
pigtailed | |
pigtails | |
pill | |
pillar | |
pills | |
pilmonary | |
pin | |
pinched | |
pineal | |
pinpoint | |
pins | |
pior | |
piriform | |
pjp | |
pl | |
place | |
placed | |
placement | |
placements | |
places | |
placing | |
plain | |
plan | |
plana | |
plane | |
planes | |
planned | |
planning | |
plans | |
plantar | |
plaque | |
plaques | |
plaquing | |
plase | |
plasmacytoma | |
plasmapheresis | |
plasty | |
plate | |
plated | |
platelike | |
plates | |
plating | |
plausible | |
playing | |
plays | |
please | |
pleaural | |
plerual | |
plethora | |
plethoric | |
pleur | |
pleura | |
pleural | |
pleurally | |
pleurectomy | |
pleurex | |
pleurisy | |
pleuritic | |
pleuritis | |
pleuro | |
pleurodesis | |
pleuroparenchymal | |
pleuropericarditis | |
pleuropulmonary | |
pleurx | |
plexopathy | |
plexus | |
plueral | |
plug | |
plugged | |
plugging | |
plugs | |
plural | |
pm | |
pna | |
pnd | |
pnemomediastinum | |
pnemonia | |
pnemothorax | |
pneumatic | |
pneumatocele | |
pneumatoceles | |
pneumatocyst | |
pneumatosis | |
pneumo | |
pneumobilia | |
pneumoconioses | |
pneumoconiosis | |
pneumocosis | |
pneumocystis | |
pneumoina | |
pneumomediastinum | |
pneumonectomy | |
pneumonia | |
pneumonia___ | |
pneumoniae | |
pneumonias | |
pneumonic | |
pneumonitis | |
pneumonperitoneum | |
pneumopericardium | |
pneumoperioneum | |
pneumoperitoneum | |
pneumoperitoneumunder | |
pneumopertoneum | |
pneumoretroperitoneum | |
pneumothoarx | |
pneumothoraces | |
pneumothorax | |
pneumothraces | |
pneumothroax | |
pneuothorax | |
pnuemonia | |
pnuemothorax | |
pnumonia | |
pocess | |
pockets | |
point | |
pointed | |
pointin | |
pointing | |
points | |
polar | |
pole | |
poles | |
policyclic | |
poly | |
polyangiitis | |
polyarteritis | |
polycystic | |
polyserositis | |
pool | |
pooled | |
pooling | |
pools | |
poor | |
poorer | |
poorly | |
popcorn | |
population | |
porcelain | |
porcine | |
port | |
porta | |
porta___ | |
portable | |
portably | |
portacath | |
portacatheter | |
portal | |
ported | |
portion | |
portions | |
ports | |
posed | |
poserior | |
posing | |
positined | |
position | |
positional | |
positioned | |
positiong | |
positioning | |
positionned | |
positionning | |
positions | |
positive | |
positon | |
possbly | |
possib | |
possibilities | |
possibilitiy | |
possibility | |
possibily | |
possible | |
possiblities | |
possiblity | |
possiblle | |
possibly | |
possiby | |
posssible | |
post | |
postal | |
posted | |
posteriolateral | |
posterioly | |
posterion | |
posterior | |
posteriorly | |
postero | |
posterobasal | |
posteroinferior | |
posterolateral | |
posterolaterally | |
posteromedial | |
postextubation | |
postinflammatory | |
postinsertion | |
postion | |
postobstructive | |
postop | |
postoperative | |
postoperatively | |
postpartum | |
postpericardiotomy | |
postprocedural | |
postprocedurally | |
postprocedure | |
postpyloric | |
postradiation | |
postreatment | |
postreduction | |
postsurgery | |
postsurgical | |
posttraumatic | |
posttreatment | |
postural | |
posture | |
potential | |
potentially | |
potentialy | |
potion | |
potision | |
pouch | |
power | |
powerpicc | |
ppd | |
ppm | |
ppneumothorac | |
ppreciably | |
practical | |
practically | |
practice | |
practitioner | |
pre | |
prebronchoscopy | |
precarious | |
precautions | |
precede | |
preceded | |
preceding | |
preceeding | |
precipitated | |
precipitating | |
precise | |
precisely | |
precision | |
preclude | |
precludes | |
precluding | |
precursor | |
predated | |
predates | |
predating | |
predescribed | |
predilection | |
predispose | |
predisposes | |
predisposing | |
predisposition | |
predominance | |
predominant | |
predominantly | |
predominate | |
predominately | |
predominates | |
predominating | |
preexistent | |
preexisting | |
prefer | |
preferable | |
preferably | |
preferentially | |
preferrably | |
preferred | |
pregnancy | |
pregnant | |
prelim | |
preliminary | |
premature | |
preop | |
preoperative | |
preoperatively | |
preparation | |
prepectoral | |
preponderance | |
preponderant | |
prepped | |
preprocedural | |
preprocedure | |
prepyloric | |
presbyesophagus | |
prescribed | |
preseason | |
presence | |
present | |
present2 | |
presentation | |
presentations | |
presented | |
presenting | |
presently | |
presents | |
preservation | |
preserved | |
presist | |
pressing | |
pressure | |
pressures | |
presternal | |
presumable | |
presumably | |
presume | |
presumed | |
presuming | |
presumotively | |
presumption | |
presumptive | |
presumptively | |
prethoracentesis | |
pretracheal | |
pretreatment | |
pretty | |
prev | |
prevascular | |
prevent | |
prevented | |
preventing | |
prevents | |
prevertebral | |
previosuly | |
previoulsy | |
previous | |
previouslung | |
previously | |
primarily | |
primary | |
prime | |
printed | |
prior | |
prior2 | |
priority | |
priors | |
prjecting | |
probability | |
probable | |
probably | |
probe | |
proble | |
problem | |
problematic | |
problems | |
procedural | |
procedure | |
procedures | |
proceed | |
proceeding | |
proceeds | |
proces | |
process | |
process2 | |
processed | |
processes | |
processing | |
processon | |
procured | |
produce | |
produced | |
produces | |
producing | |
product | |
production | |
productive | |
products | |
profile | |
profound | |
profoundly | |
profuse | |
profusion | |
progession | |
program | |
progress | |
progressed | |
progresses | |
progressing | |
progression | |
progressive | |
progressively | |
project | |
projected | |
projectile | |
projecting | |
projection | |
projectional | |
projections | |
projects | |
prolapse | |
prolapsed | |
prolonged | |
prom | |
prominance | |
prominant | |
prominence | |
prominent | |
prominently | |
prompt | |
prompted | |
prompting | |
promptly | |
prone | |
pronounced | |
proof | |
propagating | |
propensity | |
proper | |
properly | |
prophylaxis | |
proportion | |
proportional | |
proportionate | |
proportions | |
propose | |
prospective | |
prospectively | |
prostate | |
prostatic | |
prostheses | |
prosthesis | |
prosthetic | |
protecting | |
proteinosis | |
protocol | |
protracted | |
protrude | |
protruding | |
prounounced | |
prove | |
proved | |
proven | |
proves | |
provide | |
provided | |
provider | |
provides | |
providing | |
proving | |
proxiaml | |
proximal | |
proximally | |
proximalmost | |
proximity | |
prpoces | |
prudent | |
pseudo | |
pseudoaneurysm | |
pseudoarthrosis | |
pseudocyst | |
pseudomonas | |
pseudotumor | |
psychiatry | |
pt | |
ptbd | |
ptld | |
ptosis | |
ptx | |
pull | |
pullback | |
pulled | |
pulling | |
pullmonary | |
pulmoanry | |
pulmoary | |
pulmon | |
pulmonale | |
pulmonar | |
pulmonarial | |
pulmonary | |
pulmonayr | |
pulmonic | |
pulmonologist | |
pulmonology | |
pulnoary | |
pulonary | |
pulsatility | |
pulsation | |
pumonary | |
pumonry | |
pump | |
punctate | |
punctuated | |
puncture | |
purchase | |
pure | |
purely | |
purported | |
purportedly | |
purpose | |
purposefully | |
purposes | |
pursue | |
pursued | |
purulent | |
pus | |
push | |
pushed | |
pushing | |
put | |
puts | |
putting | |
pvcs | |
pyelonephritis | |
pylmonary | |
pyloric | |
pylorically | |
pylorus | |
pyogenic | |
pyopneumothorax | |
pyramidal | |
pysician | |
q | |
qa | |
qestion | |
quadrant | |
qualified | |
qualities | |
quality | |
quandrant | |
quant | |
quantiferon | |
quantification | |
quantified | |
quantify | |
quantitation | |
quantities | |
quantity | |
quarter | |
quarters | |
queried | |
query | |
question | |
questionable | |
questionably | |
questional | |
questioned | |
questioning | |
questionned | |
questions | |
quick | |
quickly | |
quite | |
quo | |
r | |
ra | |
radial | |
radiated | |
radiating | |
radiation | |
radiaton | |
radical | |
radigraphs | |
radigrqaphically | |
radio | |
radiodense | |
radiodensities | |
radiodensity | |
radiofrequency | |
radiogram | |
radiograph | |
radiographed | |
radiographic | |
radiographical | |
radiographically | |
radiographics | |
radiographperformed | |
radiographs | |
radiography | |
radiogrphayically | |
radioisotope | |
radiologic | |
radiological | |
radiologically | |
radiologist | |
radiologists | |
radiology | |
radiolucencies | |
radiolucency | |
radiolucent | |
radionuclide | |
radioopacity | |
radioopaqe | |
radioopaque | |
radiopacities | |
radiopacity | |
radiopaque | |
radiotherapy | |
raise | |
raised | |
raises | |
raising | |
raiss | |
rales | |
ram | |
randomly | |
range | |
ranges | |
ranging | |
rapid | |
rapiditiy | |
rapidity | |
rapidly | |
rare | |
rarely | |
rate | |
rated | |
rather | |
rathern | |
ratio | |
rationale | |
ray | |
rays | |
rcc | |
re | |
reabsorption | |
reaccumulate | |
reaccumulated | |
reaccumulating | |
reaccumulation | |
reach | |
reached | |
reaches | |
reaching | |
reaction | |
reactions | |
reactivated | |
reactivation | |
reactive | |
reactivity | |
read | |
readily | |
reading | |
readings | |
readjusted | |
readjustment | |
readout | |
readvanced | |
ready | |
reaerated | |
reaeration | |
real | |
realistic | |
reality | |
really | |
reappearance | |
reappeared | |
rearding | |
rearrangement | |
reason | |
reasonable | |
reasonably | |
reasons | |
reassess | |
reassessed | |
reassessment | |
reassuring | |
reattempted | |
rebreather | |
rec | |
reccomended | |
reccurred | |
recede | |
receded | |
receding | |
receipt | |
receive | |
received | |
receiving | |
recen | |
recent | |
recent_vats | |
recently | |
receptionist | |
recess | |
recesses | |
recognition | |
recognizable | |
recognize | |
recognized | |
recognizing | |
recomend | |
recomendations | |
recomended | |
recommed | |
recommeded | |
recommednation | |
recommend | |
recommendation | |
recommendations | |
recommendconventional | |
recommended | |
recommending | |
recommenditions | |
recommened | |
recomment | |
recommmend | |
recommmended | |
recommnded | |
recommneded | |
reconfiguration | |
reconsider | |
reconsidered | |
reconsidering | |
reconstitution | |
reconstruction | |
reconstructions | |
reconstructive | |
record | |
recorder | |
records | |
recover | |
recoverable | |
recovered | |
recovering | |
recrudencense | |
recrudescence | |
recrudescent | |
recruitment | |
rectal | |
rectangular | |
rectum | |
recumbency | |
recumbent | |
recur | |
recurrance | |
recurred | |
recurrence | |
recurrent | |
recurrently | |
recurring | |
recurs | |
redemonstrated | |
redemonstration | |
redeveloped | |
redevelopment | |
redirected | |
redirection | |
redistribute | |
redistributed | |
redistributing | |
redistribution | |
redistrubtution | |
redo | |
redrawn | |
reduce | |
reduced | |
reduces | |
reducing | |
reduction | |
reduncancy | |
redundancy | |
redundant | |
redundency | |
reentering | |
reestablished | |
reevaluate | |
reevaluated | |
reevaluation | |
reevluate | |
reexamined | |
reexpand | |
reexpanded | |
reexpansion | |
ref | |
refect | |
refecting | |
refelct | |
refelect | |
refer | |
referable | |
reference | |
referenced | |
referrable | |
referral | |
referred | |
referring | |
refers | |
reflect | |
reflected | |
reflectes | |
reflectiing | |
reflecting | |
reflection | |
reflections | |
reflective | |
reflects | |
reflectsing | |
reflectt | |
reflex | |
reflux | |
reformats | |
reformatted | |
refute | |
regard | |
regarded | |
regarding | |
regardless | |
regardomg | |
regards | |
regimen | |
region | |
regional | |
regions | |
regipn | |
regress | |
regressed | |
regressing | |
regression | |
regrowth | |
regular | |
regularly | |
regurgitation | |
reidentified | |
reimaging | |
reinflated | |
reinforces | |
reinserted | |
reinterpretation | |
reintubated | |
reintubation | |
reivew | |
rekated | |
relapsing | |
relate | |
related | |
relates | |
relating | |
relation | |
relations | |
relationship | |
relative | |
relatively | |
relatives | |
relaxation | |
relaxed | |
relay | |
relayed | |
released | |
relevance | |
relevant | |
reliable | |
reliably | |
relief | |
relieved | |
relieving | |
relocate | |
relocated | |
relocation | |
rely | |
remain | |
remainder | |
remained | |
remaining | |
remaininig | |
remains | |
remarkable | |
remember | |
remembered | |
reminiscent | |
remission | |
remitting | |
remmendations | |
remnant | |
remnants | |
remodeling | |
remote | |
remotely | |
remova | |
removal | |
remove | |
removed | |
removement | |
removes | |
removing | |
renal | |
render | |
rendered | |
rendering | |
renders | |
renewed | |
rent | |
reoccurrence | |
reocmmended | |
reolving | |
reopening | |
reoriented | |
rep | |
repaged | |
repair | |
repaired | |
repairs | |
repeat | |
repeated | |
repeating | |
reperfusion | |
repersenting | |
repetition | |
repiratory | |
replace | |
replaced | |
replacement | |
replacements | |
replaces | |
replacing | |
replete | |
replied | |
replies | |
reply | |
reporitng | |
report | |
reported | |
reportedly | |
reporting | |
reports | |
reposistioned | |
repositined | |
repositining | |
reposition | |
repositioned | |
repositioning | |
repositionned | |
repostioning | |
represent | |
representatelectasis | |
representation | |
representative | |
represented | |
representing | |
represents | |
represet | |
represnt | |
represnts | |
reproducibility | |
reproducible | |
reprsent | |
request | |
requested | |
requesting | |
requieres | |
require | |
required | |
requirement | |
requirements | |
requires | |
requiring | |
requisition | |
reread | |
res | |
resected | |
resection | |
resections | |
resemble | |
resembles | |
resembling | |
resent | |
reserve | |
reservoir | |
reside | |
resident | |
resides | |
residing | |
residnet | |
residua | |
residual | |
residuals | |
residue | |
resistance | |
resistant | |
resoluation | |
resolution | |
resolve | |
resolved | |
resolves | |
resolving | |
resorbed | |
resorbing | |
resorption | |
resorptive | |
respect | |
respective | |
respectively | |
respects | |
respiration | |
respirational | |
respirator | |
respiratory | |
respond | |
responded | |
respondent | |
responding | |
response | |
responsible | |
responsive | |
responsve | |
rest | |
resting | |
restoration | |
restricted | |
restricting | |
restriction | |
restrictive | |
rests | |
result | |
resultant | |
resulted | |
resulting | |
results | |
resumed | |
resurgence | |
resuscitation | |
retain | |
retained | |
retaining | |
retains | |
retarding | |
retention | |
reticular | |
reticulated | |
reticulation | |
reticulations | |
reticulo | |
reticulonodular | |
reticulonudar | |
retract | |
retracted | |
retractile | |
retracting | |
retraction | |
retratrated | |
retrieval | |
retro | |
retrocadiac | |
retrocarciac | |
retrocardiac | |
retrocrural | |
retroesophageal | |
retrograde | |
retrohilar | |
retroperitoneal | |
retroperitoneum | |
retropharyngeal | |
retropulsion | |
retrospect | |
retrospective | |
retrospectively | |
retrosternal | |
retrosternally | |
retrotracheal | |
return | |
returned | |
returning | |
returns | |
reveal | |
revealed | |
revealing | |
reveals | |
reversal | |
reverse | |
reversed | |
reversible | |
reversing | |
reverted | |
review | |
reviewed | |
reviewing | |
revised | |
revision | |
rewarding | |
rewiring | |
rf | |
rfa | |
rheumatic | |
rheumatoid | |
rhonchi | |
rhythm | |
rib | |
ribbon | |
ribcage | |
ribs | |
riding | |
righ | |
right | |
right2 | |
righthydro | |
rights | |
rightsided | |
rightward | |
rightwards | |
rigid | |
riht | |
rij | |
rim | |
ring | |
rings | |
rise | |
rising | |
risk | |
risks | |
rll | |
rml | |
rn | |
ro | |
rod | |
rods | |
role | |
ronchial | |
roof | |
room | |
root | |
ropey | |
rotary | |
rotated | |
rotation | |
rotational | |
rotator | |
rotolevoscoliosis | |
rotoscoliosis | |
roughly | |
round | |
rounded | |
route | |
routine | |
routinely | |
roux | |
row | |
rows | |
rpo | |
rpojects | |
rrent | |
rsolution | |
rt | |
rther | |
rudimentary | |
rugger | |
rul | |
rule | |
ruled | |
ruling | |
run | |
rung | |
running | |
runs | |
rupture | |
ruptured | |
ruq | |
rv | |
rx | |
s | |
saber | |
sac | |
saccular | |
sacral | |
sacroiliac | |
sacrum | |
sacular | |
saddle | |
safe | |
safely | |
safety | |
sagittal | |
said | |
sail | |
saint | |
saline | |
salivary | |
salt | |
same | |
sampling | |
saphenous | |
sarcoid | |
sarcoid_ | |
sarcoidosis | |
sarcoma | |
sat | |
satellite | |
satisfacotry | |
satisfactorily | |
satisfactory | |
satsifactory | |
saturating | |
saturation | |
sausage | |
save | |
saw | |
say | |
says | |
sbo | |
scaffold | |
scaffolding | |
scale | |
scalloping | |
scalp | |
scan | |
scanned | |
scanning | |
scans | |
scant | |
scaphoid | |
scapula | |
scapulae | |
scapular | |
scapularis | |
scar | |
scarcity | |
scaring | |
scarred | |
scarring | |
scarrning | |
scars | |
scatter | |
scattered | |
scc | |
scenario | |
schedule | |
scheduled | |
scintigraphy | |
scleroderma | |
sclerosis | |
sclerotherapy | |
sclerotic | |
scoliosis | |
scoliotic | |
scope | |
score | |
scores | |
scout | |
scratch | |
screen | |
screening | |
screw | |
screws | |
scrub | |
se | |
seal | |
search | |
searched | |
seated | |
seating | |
seats | |
sebaceous | |
sec | |
second | |
secondarily | |
secondary | |
seconds | |
secretary | |
secretion | |
secretions | |
secretory | |
section | |
sectional | |
sectioning | |
sections | |
secure | |
secured | |
securely | |
secures | |
security | |
see | |
seed | |
seeding | |
seeds | |
seeen | |
seeing | |
seem | |
seemed | |
seeming | |
seems | |
seen | |
sees | |
sefinite | |
segment | |
segmental | |
segmentectomy | |
segmented | |
segments | |
seizure | |
seizures | |
select | |
selected | |
selective | |
selectively | |
self | |
semi | |
semicircular | |
semierect | |
seminal | |
semisolid | |
semisupine | |
semiupright | |
send | |
sends | |
senescent | |
sengstaken | |
senile | |
sensation | |
sensible | |
sensipar | |
sensitive | |
sensitivity | |
sensitivityive | |
sent | |
sentence | |
separable | |
separate | |
separated | |
separately | |
separating | |
separation | |
sepsis | |
septae | |
septal | |
septic | |
septicemia | |
septum | |
sequalae | |
sequela | |
sequelae | |
sequence | |
sequences | |
sequential | |
sequentially | |
sequestration | |
serial | |
series | |
serious | |
seriously | |
seriousness | |
seroma | |
serosal | |
serositis | |
serous | |
serpiginous | |
serum | |
serve | |
served | |
server | |
serves | |
service | |
serving | |
set | |
sets | |
settin | |
setting | |
settings | |
settingthis | |
settled | |
settng | |
setup | |
seven | |
seventh | |
sever | |
several | |
severe | |
severely | |
severity | |
sewing | |
sggesting | |
shaddow | |
shadow | |
shadowing | |
shadows | |
shaft | |
shallow | |
shallower | |
shape | |
shaped | |
shapes | |
share | |
shared | |
shares | |
sharp | |
sharper | |
sharply | |
sharpness | |
shattered | |
she | |
shear | |
sheath | |
sheet | |
sheets | |
shell | |
shielded | |
shielding | |
shift | |
shifted | |
shifting | |
shiftly | |
shifts | |
shiley | |
shin | |
shock | |
shodows | |
short | |
shortened | |
shorter | |
shortly | |
shortness | |
should | |
shoulder | |
shoulders | |
shoule | |
show | |
showed | |
showing | |
shown | |
shows | |
shrapnel | |
shunt | |
shunting | |
shunts | |
si | |
siad | |
siadh | |
sick | |
sickle | |
sicu | |
side | |
sided | |
sidehole | |
sideholes | |
sideport | |
sideports | |
sides | |
sidewall | |
sight | |
sigmoid | |
sigmoidal | |
sigmoidectomy | |
sign | |
signal | |
signature | |
signed | |
signficant | |
signficantly | |
significance | |
significant | |
significantly | |
significsnt | |
signifies | |
signify | |
signifying | |
signs | |
sihouette | |
silhouette | |
silhouetted | |
silhouettes | |
silhouetting | |
silhoutte | |
silicone | |
silicosis | |
sillhouete | |
sillhouette | |
sillouette | |
similar | |
similarity | |
similarly | |
simple | |
simplest | |
simply | |
simulate | |
simulated | |
simulates | |
simulating | |
simulation | |
simultaneous | |
simultaneously | |
sin | |
since | |
sinde | |
sine | |
sing | |
single | |
sink | |
sinus | |
sinuses | |
sir | |
sit | |
site | |
sited | |
sites | |
sits | |
sitting | |
situ | |
situat | |
situated | |
situation | |
situations | |
situs | |
six | |
sixth | |
sizable | |
size | |
sizeable | |
sizeappropriateness | |
sized | |
sizes | |
sizing | |
sizxe | |
skeletal | |
skeleton | |
skin | |
skinfold | |
skinfolds | |
skip | |
slab | |
sle | |
sleeve | |
slices | |
sliding | |
slighlty | |
slighly | |
slight | |
slightly | |
slighty | |
sligtly | |
slippage | |
sliver | |
slow | |
slowed | |
slower | |
slowing | |
slowly | |
smal | |
small | |
smaller | |
smallest | |
smoke | |
smoked | |
smoker | |
smokers | |
smoking | |
smoldering | |
smooth | |
smoothly | |
snap | |
snce | |
sniff | |
so | |
sob | |
soft | |
sole | |
solely | |
solid | |
solidly | |
solitary | |
soluble | |
solve | |
solves | |
some | |
someobliquity | |
someone | |
something | |
sometime | |
sometimes | |
somewhat | |
somewhatincreased | |
somewhere | |
sonde | |
sonogram | |
soon | |
sooner | |
sophisticated | |
sort | |
sorting | |
souce | |
sought | |
sounds | |
source | |
south | |
space | |
spaces | |
spanning | |
spans | |
spare | |
spared | |
spares | |
sparing | |
sparse | |
spasm | |
spasticity | |
spatial | |
speak | |
speaking | |
speaks | |
special | |
specialist | |
specialized | |
specially | |
species | |
specific | |
specifically | |
specificity | |
specified | |
specify | |
spect | |
spectrum | |
spelled | |
spending | |
spends | |
spetember | |
spherical | |
sphincter | |
spiculated | |
spiculations | |
spillage | |
spillover | |
spinal | |
spine | |
spines | |
spinous | |
spiral | |
spiration | |
spite | |
splaying | |
spleen | |
splenectomy | |
splenic | |
splenomegaly | |
spleural | |
splinting | |
splitting | |
spoke | |
spoken | |
spondylosis | |
sponge | |
spongiosal | |
spontaneous | |
spontaneously | |
spoon | |
spoonin | |
spoons | |
sporadically | |
spot | |
spots | |
spread | |
spreading | |
spring | |
spur | |
spurring | |
sputum | |
squamous | |
square | |
ss | |
stab | |
stabilisation | |
stability | |
stabilization | |
stabilized | |
stabilizes | |
stabilty | |
stable | |
stably | |
staff | |
stage | |
stages | |
staghorn | |
staging | |
stalbe | |
stalled | |
stand | |
standard | |
standardly | |
standards | |
standing | |
standpoint | |
stands | |
stapedial | |
staph | |
staphylococcal | |
staphylococcus | |
staple | |
start | |
started | |
starting | |
starts | |
stasis | |
stat | |
state | |
stated | |
states | |
static | |
stating | |
station | |
stationary | |
stations | |
statistically | |
status | |
staus | |
stay | |
stayed | |
ste | |
stead | |
steadily | |
steak | |
steep | |
stellate | |
stem | |
stemi | |
stemming | |
stenosing | |
stenosis | |
stenotic | |
stent | |
stented | |
stenting | |
stents | |
step | |
stepoff | |
steps | |
sterile | |
sternal | |
sterni | |
sternoclavicular | |
sternocostal | |
sternomanobrial | |
sternomanubrial | |
sternotomies | |
sternotomy | |
sternum | |
sternumto | |
steroid | |
steroids | |
sterum | |
stidy | |
stigmata | |
still | |
stimulate | |
stimulation | |
stimulator | |
stimulators | |
stom | |
stoma | |
stomach | |
stone | |
stones | |
stool | |
stop | |
stopped | |
stops | |
straddle | |
straddles | |
straddling | |
straight | |
straighten | |
straightened | |
straightening | |
strain | |
strand | |
stranding | |
strandlike | |
strands | |
strangulate | |
streak | |
streaking | |
streakly | |
streaks | |
streaky | |
strength | |
stress | |
striated | |
strict | |
strictly | |
stricture | |
stridor | |
striking | |
strikingly | |
string | |
stringy | |
strip | |
stripe | |
stripes | |
stroke | |
stroma | |
strong | |
stronger | |
strongest | |
strongly | |
structural | |
structure | |
structures | |
stud | |
student | |
studie | |
studies | |
study | |
study2 | |
stuff | |
stump | |
stylet | |
sub | |
subacromial | |
subactelectasis | |
subacute | |
subarachnoid | |
subcapsular | |
subcarinal | |
subcentimeter | |
subchronic | |
subclavian | |
subcomplete | |
subcostal | |
subcu | |
subcuatneous | |
subcuntaneous | |
subcutaneous | |
subcutaneously | |
subdiaphgragmatic | |
subdiaphgramatic | |
subdiaphragmatic | |
subdiaphragmatically | |
subdural | |
subglottic | |
subhilar | |
subintern | |
subjacent | |
subject | |
subjected | |
sublexation | |
sublobar | |
subluxation | |
subluxed | |
submaximal | |
submission | |
submitted | |
submitting | |
submuscular | |
suboptimal | |
suboptimally | |
subparagraph | |
subpectoral | |
subperiosteal | |
subphrenic | |
subpleural | |
subpulmonary | |
subpulmonic | |
subscapular | |
subscapularis | |
subsegment | |
subsegmental | |
subsegments | |
subsequent | |
subsequently | |
subside | |
subsided | |
substance | |
substances | |
substantial | |
substantially | |
substantiated | |
substantive | |
substernal | |
substrate | |
subsumed | |
subtends | |
subtle | |
subtly | |
subtotal | |
subtotally | |
subtype | |
succeeding | |
success | |
successful | |
successfully | |
succession | |
successive | |
succion | |
such | |
suction | |
suctioned | |
suctioning | |
sudden | |
suddenly | |
sudy | |
sue | |
suffered | |
suffering | |
suffers | |
suffice | |
sufficient | |
sufficiently | |
sugessted | |
sugested | |
suggesing | |
suggesitve | |
suggest | |
suggested | |
suggesteded | |
suggestes | |
suggesting | |
suggestingbronchitis | |
suggestio | |
suggestion | |
suggestiong | |
suggestions | |
suggestive | |
suggests | |
suggestse | |
suggestsf | |
suggetsing | |
sugggest | |
suggsted | |
sugsegmental | |
sugstantially | |
suitable | |
suited | |
sulci | |
sulcus | |
summarized | |
summary | |
summation | |
summed | |
super | |
superadded | |
superficial | |
superficially | |
superimposd | |
superimpose | |
superimposed | |
superimposition | |
superinfection | |
superior | |
superiorly | |
superoanteriorly | |
superolateral | |
superolaterally | |
superposition | |
superseded | |
supersedes | |
superseding | |
supervening | |
supervisor | |
supierior | |
supine | |
supperimposed | |
supple | |
supplement | |
supplemental | |
supplementary | |
supplemented | |
supplementing | |
support | |
supported | |
supporting | |
supportive | |
supports | |
suppose | |
supposed | |
supposedly | |
suppression | |
suppuration | |
suppurative | |
supra | |
supraaortic | |
supracardiac | |
supracervical | |
supraclavicular | |
supraclavicularly | |
supradiaphragmatic | |
suprahilar | |
supravalvular | |
supsicious | |
sure | |
surface | |
surfaces | |
surgeon | |
surgeons | |
surgeries | |
surgery | |
surgical | |
surgically | |
surprise | |
surprised | |
surprising | |
surprisingly | |
surround | |
surrounded | |
surrounding | |
surrounds | |
surveillance | |
survey | |
survivor | |
suspect | |
suspected | |
suspecting | |
suspicion | |
suspicions | |
suspicious | |
suspsected | |
sustained | |
sutural | |
suture | |
sutures | |
svc | |
svc1 | |
svts | |
swallow | |
swallowed | |
swallowing | |
swan | |
swan___ | |
swans | |
sweats | |
sweep | |
swelling | |
swirled | |
switch | |
switched | |
symmetric | |
symmetrical | |
symmetrically | |
symmetry | |
sympathectomy | |
sympathetic | |
symptom | |
symptomatic | |
symptomatology | |
symptommatic | |
symptoms | |
syncope | |
syndrome | |
synpneumonic | |
syrup | |
system | |
systemic | |
systems | |
systolic | |
t | |
t1 | |
t10 | |
t11 | |
t12 | |
t2 | |
t3 | |
t4 | |
t5 | |
t6 | |
t7 | |
t8 | |
t9 | |
t___ | |
table | |
tac | |
tachycardia | |
tachypnea | |
taco | |
tag | |
tags | |
tail | |
tailored | |
take | |
taken | |
takeoff | |
takes | |
taking | |
talc | |
talk | |
tamponade | |
tampondade | |
tandem | |
tandemheart | |
tangent | |
tap | |
taper | |
tapered | |
tapering | |
tapers | |
tapped | |
tapping | |
tarda | |
target | |
targeted | |
taste | |
tavr | |
tb | |
tdt | |
te | |
team | |
tear | |
tears | |
tech | |
technical | |
technically | |
technician | |
technique | |
techniques | |
technologist | |
technology | |
tee | |
teeth | |
teh | |
tele | |
telectasis | |
telehpone | |
telelphone | |
teleophone | |
telephone | |
telephoned | |
telephonic | |
telescoping | |
tell | |
tells | |
telphone | |
telphoned | |
temp | |
temper | |
temperature | |
template | |
temporal | |
temporarily | |
temporary | |
tempted | |
ten | |
tenable | |
tend | |
tendency | |
tenderness | |
tendinitis | |
tendinopathy | |
tendinosis | |
tendnderness | |
tendon | |
tendonitis | |
tendons | |
tends | |
tense | |
tension | |
tent | |
tented | |
tenth | |
tenting | |
tenuous | |
teriminates | |
term | |
termiantes | |
termianting | |
terminal | |
terminate | |
terminated | |
terminates | |
terminating | |
termination | |
terminatrd | |
terminats | |
termninates | |
terms | |
tertiary | |
tesla | |
test | |
tested | |
testing | |
tests | |
tethering | |
tetralogy | |
tevar | |
text | |
texture | |
th | |
than | |
thank | |
that | |
the | |
the2 | |
the___ | |
thecavoatrial | |
their | |
thejunction | |
thelead | |
theleft | |
thelower | |
thelung | |
them | |
themid | |
themselves | |
then | |
theoretically | |
thepreviously | |
ther | |
therapeutic | |
therapy | |
there | |
thereafter | |
thereby | |
therefore | |
thereof | |
thereto | |
theright | |
thermal | |
thermometer | |
thes | |
these | |
thesuperior | |
theupper | |
they | |
thick | |
thickeing | |
thickened | |
thickening | |
thickenings | |
thicker | |
thickness | |
thigh | |
thin | |
thing | |
think | |
thinks | |
thinner | |
third | |
thirds | |
this | |
thisside | |
thorac | |
thoracentese | |
thoracentesis | |
thoraces | |
thoracic | |
thoracis | |
thoraco | |
thoracoabdominal | |
thoracocentesis | |
thoracolumbar | |
thoracoplasty | |
thoracoscopy | |
thoracostomies | |
thoracostomy | |
thoracotomy | |
thorax | |
thorough | |
thoroughly | |
those | |
though | |
thought | |
thre | |
three | |
threshold | |
thresholds | |
throat | |
thrombi | |
thrombocytopenia | |
thrombocytopenic | |
thrombocytosis | |
thromboembolic | |
thrombosed | |
thrombosis | |
thrombus | |
through | |
throughout | |
thryoid | |
thse | |
thugh | |
thumb | |
thus | |
thymectomy | |
thymic | |
thymoma | |
thymus | |
thyroid | |
thyroidectomy | |
thyroidism | |
thyromegaly | |
tibia | |
tibial | |
tiem | |
tightly | |
tightness | |
till | |
tilted | |
tilting | |
time | |
timed | |
timeframe | |
timeline | |
times | |
timing | |
tine | |
tiny | |
tip | |
tips | |
tirangular | |
tissue | |
tissues | |
title | |
tiype | |
tjis | |
tki | |
tlc | |
tmid | |
to | |
to2 | |
tobacco | |
today | |
todays | |
toe | |
toes | |
together | |
toilet | |
told | |
tolerable | |
tolerate | |
tolerated | |
tolerating | |
tomography | |
tomorrow | |
tonsillar | |
too | |
took | |
tool | |
tooth | |
toothbrush | |
top | |
tore | |
torn | |
torsion | |
torso | |
tortous | |
tortuosity | |
tortuous | |
tortuousity | |
torturous | |
torus | |
tosays | |
total | |
totality | |
totally | |
touch | |
touching | |
toward | |
towards | |
towels | |
toxemia | |
toxic | |
toxicity | |
toxins | |
tpa | |
trabecula | |
trabecular | |
trace | |
traceable | |
traced | |
traces | |
trach | |
trachea | |
tracheal | |
tracheitis | |
tracheo | |
tracheobronchial | |
tracheobronchitis | |
tracheobronchomalacia | |
tracheobronchoplasty | |
tracheoesophageal | |
tracheomalacia | |
tracheoplasty | |
tracheostomy | |
trachial | |
tracing | |
tracings | |
track | |
tracked | |
tracking | |
tracks | |
tract | |
traction | |
tracts | |
traditionally | |
trahceostomy | |
trained | |
trajectories | |
trajectory | |
trali | |
tralli | |
tram | |
trans | |
transaortic | |
transbronchial | |
transbronchially | |
transcatheter | |
transcribed | |
transcription | |
transcutaneous | |
transdiaphragmatic | |
transected | |
transection | |
transesophageal | |
transfer | |
transferred | |
transformation | |
transformed | |
transforming | |
transfusion | |
transfusions | |
transhepatic | |
transient | |
transiently | |
transit | |
transition | |
transitory | |
transjugular | |
translucency | |
transmit | |
transmits | |
transmitted | |
transmitting | |
transoral | |
transparency | |
transparent | |
transplant | |
transplantation | |
transpleural | |
transport | |
transported | |
transposition | |
transsection | |
transsubclavian | |
transthoracic | |
transudative | |
transvascular | |
transvenous | |
transverse | |
transverses | |
trapezius | |
trapped | |
trapping | |
trauma | |
traumatic | |
traumatized | |
travel | |
traveling | |
travels | |
traverse | |
traversed | |
traverses | |
traversing | |
traversus | |
treat | |
treatable | |
treated | |
treatement | |
treating | |
treatment | |
treatments | |
tree | |
treitz | |
trend | |
trendelenberg | |
trendelenburg | |
triage | |
trial | |
triangular | |
triangulating | |
triangulation | |
tributaries | |
tributary | |
tricsupid | |
tricuspid | |
tries | |
trifurcation | |
trigger | |
trimester | |
triple | |
tripolar | |
trophic | |
troublesome | |
true | |
truly | |
trumatic | |
truncus | |
trunk | |
try | |
trying | |
trypsin | |
tsicu | |
ttern | |
tubal | |
tube | |
tubeprojects | |
tuberculosis | |
tuberculous | |
tuberosity | |
tubes | |
tubing | |
tubular | |
tubulation | |
tuft | |
tumor | |
tumors | |
tunnel | |
tunneled | |
turn | |
turned | |
turning | |
turns | |
twelfth | |
twentieth | |
twenty | |
twice | |
twin | |
twisted | |
two | |
tylenol | |
type | |
typical | |
typically | |
tyrosine | |
u | |
uderlying | |
ugi | |
uip | |
ulcer | |
ulceration | |
ulmonary | |
ulna | |
ulnar | |
ultimate | |
ultimately | |
ultrafiltration | |
ultrasonography | |
ultrasound | |
um | |
umbilical | |
umbilicus | |
umbrella | |
un | |
unable | |
unaffected | |
unaltered | |
unanswered | |
unanticipated | |
unavailable | |
unbalanced | |
unbenounced | |
uncertain | |
uncertainty | |
unchaged | |
unchaned | |
unchanged | |
unchangedthe | |
unchanging | |
uncharacteristically | |
unclear | |
uncnaged | |
uncoided | |
uncoiled | |
uncoiling | |
uncomlicated | |
uncommon | |
uncomplicated | |
uncover | |
under | |
underestimate | |
underestimated | |
underestimates | |
undergo | |
undergoing | |
undergone | |
underinflated | |
underinflation | |
underline | |
underling | |
underlying | |
underlyingmass | |
underlyng | |
underneath | |
underpenetrated | |
underpenetration | |
underpentrated | |
underside | |
undersides | |
understand | |
understandable | |
understandably | |
understanding | |
understood | |
undersurface | |
undertaken | |
underway | |
underwent | |
undetectable | |
undetected | |
undetermined | |
undiagnosed | |
undiagnosible | |
undisplaced | |
undisturbed | |
undoubtedly | |
undrained | |
undulating | |
undulation | |
unencumbered | |
unequivocal | |
unequivocally | |
unexpected | |
unexpectedly | |
unexplained | |
unfamiliar | |
unfavorable | |
unfavourable | |
unfolded | |
unfolding | |
unfortunate | |
unfortunately | |
unfused | |
unhealed | |
unidentifiable | |
unidentified | |
uniform | |
uniformity | |
uniformly | |
unilateral | |
unilaterally | |
uninflated | |
unintended | |
uninterpretable | |
uninvolved | |
unit | |
united | |
units | |
unknown | |
unless | |
unlikely | |
unmask | |
unmistakable | |
unquestionable | |
unquestioned | |
unreachable | |
unrecognizable | |
unrecognized | |
unrecoverable | |
unrelated | |
unremarkable | |
unresolved | |
unresponsive | |
unrevealing | |
unsharp | |
unspecified | |
unstable | |
unsuccessful | |
unsure | |
unsuspicious | |
until | |
untimed | |
untreated | |
ununited | |
unusual | |
unusually | |
up | |
upcoming | |
update | |
updated | |
uper | |
upgrade | |
upgraded | |
uploaded | |
upon | |
uppen | |
upper | |
uppercase | |
upperexpanded | |
upperlung | |
uppermost | |
upright | |
ups | |
upsizing | |
uptake | |
upturned | |
upward | |
upwards | |
ureter | |
ureteral | |
ureteropelvic | |
urge | |
urged | |
urgency | |
urgent | |
urgently | |
urinary | |
urosepsis | |
us | |
use | |
used | |
useful | |
using | |
usual | |
usually | |
uterus | |
utility | |
utilizing | |
uzrd | |
v | |
va | |
vac | |
vacated | |
vacation | |
vaculature | |
vacuum | |
vad | |
vagal | |
vague | |
vaguely | |
vagus | |
vale | |
validity | |
valleculae | |
valley | |
valuable | |
value | |
values | |
valve | |
valves | |
valvular | |
variability | |
variable | |
variably | |
variance | |
variant | |
variants | |
variation | |
variations | |
varicella | |
varices | |
varicoid | |
varied | |
varies | |
variety | |
various | |
varus | |
vary | |
varying | |
vascualr | |
vascular | |
vascularity | |
vasculature | |
vasculitic | |
vasculitis | |
vasculture | |
vasogenic | |
vast | |
vastly | |
vats | |
vaugue | |
vavuloplasty | |
vc | |
vd | |
vegetations | |
veil | |
vein | |
veins | |
veiw | |
velocity | |
vena | |
venogram | |
venoupleural | |
venous | |
venouscatheters | |
ventilated | |
ventilating | |
ventilation | |
ventilator | |
ventilatory | |
ventral | |
ventrally | |
ventricle | |
ventricles | |
ventricular | |
ventriculoatrial | |
ventriculoperitoneal | |
ventriculopleural | |
verbal | |
verbally | |
verge | |
verification | |
verified | |
verify | |
verse | |
verses | |
version | |
versus | |
vertebra | |
vertebrae | |
vertebral | |
vertebroplasties | |
vertebroplasty | |
verterbral | |
vertical | |
vertically | |
very | |
vessel | |
vessels | |
vestiges | |
vetebral | |
veterbra | |
vi | |
via | |
viable | |
vicinity | |
video | |
view | |
viewed | |
views | |
vigorous | |
viii | |
violation | |
viral | |
virtual | |
virtually | |
virtue | |
virus | |
visceral | |
viscous | |
viscus | |
visibility | |
visible | |
visibly | |
visit | |
visual | |
visualization | |
visualize | |
visualized | |
visualizing | |
visually | |
vital | |
vitamin | |
vns | |
vocal | |
voice | |
voicemail | |
voicemails | |
volume | |
volumes | |
volumia | |
voluminous | |
volunes | |
voluntary | |
volunteered | |
volvulus | |
vomiting | |
vomitting | |
vp | |
vq | |
vs | |
vsd | |
w | |
w___ | |
waist | |
waiting | |
waits | |
wake | |
wall | |
walled | |
wallis | |
walls | |
wane | |
waned | |
waning | |
want | |
ward | |
warrant | |
warranted | |
warranting | |
warrants | |
warrent | |
wart | |
warts | |
was | |
washings | |
washout | |
watched | |
watching | |
water | |
waterseal | |
waveform | |
wax | |
waxed | |
waxing | |
way | |
ways | |
we | |
weakness | |
wears | |
web | |
website | |
wedge | |
wedged | |
wedging | |
weeeks | |
week | |
weekday | |
weekend | |
weeks | |
wegener | |
wegner | |
weight | |
weighted | |
weighting | |
weights | |
welcome | |
well | |
wells | |
went | |
were | |
wet | |
wetness | |
wetread | |
what | |
whatever | |
wheelchair | |
wheezes | |
wheezing | |
when | |
whenever | |
where | |
whereas | |
whereby | |
whether | |
whetherthe | |
which | |
whichever | |
while | |
white | |
whiteout | |
who | |
whole | |
whom | |
whose | |
why | |
wide | |
widely | |
widened | |
widenening | |
widening | |
widens | |
wider | |
widespread | |
widesrpead | |
width | |
will | |
winding | |
window | |
windowing | |
windows | |
wing | |
wire | |
wired | |
wires | |
wiring | |
wise | |
wispy | |
wit | |
with | |
with2 | |
with___ | |
withbibasilar | |
withdawn | |
withdraw | |
withdrawal | |
withdrawing | |
withdrawl | |
withdrawn | |
withe | |
withheld | |
within | |
withour | |
without | |
withpossibile | |
withstanding | |
witn | |
witpneumonia | |
wity | |
wk | |
wks | |
women | |
word | |
words | |
work | |
worked | |
working | |
workup | |
worried | |
worriseomf | |
worrisome | |
worrsiome | |
worse | |
worsen | |
worsened | |
worsenign | |
worsening | |
worsenining | |
worsens | |
worsensing | |
worst | |
worth | |
would | |
wound | |
wounds | |
wprking | |
wrist | |
written | |
wrong | |
wtih | |
x | |
x2 | |
xiphoid | |
xplained | |
xray | |
xrays | |
y | |
year | |
yearly | |
years | |
yes | |
yestarday | |
yesterday | |
yet | |
yield | |
yielded | |
you | |
young | |
younger | |
your | |
zenker | |
zenkers | |
zipper | |
zone | |
zones | |
zonredistibution | |
zonse | |
zoster | |
~ | |