import os |
import torch |
import argparse |
from PIL import Image |
from utils.zero123_utils import init_model, predict_stage1_gradio, zero123_infer |
from utils.sam_utils import sam_init, sam_out_nosave |
from utils.utils import pred_bbox, image_preprocess_nosave, gen_poses, convert_mesh_format |
from elevation_estimate.estimate_wild_imgs import estimate_elev |
def preprocess(predictor, raw_im, lower_contrast=False): |
raw_im.thumbnail([512, 512], Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) |
image_sam = sam_out_nosave(predictor, raw_im.convert("RGB"), pred_bbox(raw_im)) |
input_256 = image_preprocess_nosave(image_sam, lower_contrast=lower_contrast, rescale=True) |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
return input_256 |
def stage1_run(model, device, exp_dir, |
input_im, scale, ddim_steps): |
stage1_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "stage1_8") |
os.makedirs(stage1_dir, exist_ok=True) |
output_ims = predict_stage1_gradio(model, input_im, save_path=stage1_dir, adjust_set=list(range(4)), device=device, ddim_steps=ddim_steps, scale=scale) |
stage2_steps = 50 |
zero123_infer(model, exp_dir, indices=[0], device=device, ddim_steps=stage2_steps, scale=scale) |
try: |
polar_angle = estimate_elev(exp_dir) |
except: |
print("Failed to estimate polar angle") |
polar_angle = 90 |
print("Estimated polar angle:", polar_angle) |
gen_poses(exp_dir, polar_angle) |
if polar_angle <= 75: |
output_ims_2 = predict_stage1_gradio(model, input_im, save_path=stage1_dir, adjust_set=list(range(4,8)), device=device, ddim_steps=ddim_steps, scale=scale) |
else: |
output_ims_2 = predict_stage1_gradio(model, input_im, save_path=stage1_dir, adjust_set=list(range(8,12)), device=device, ddim_steps=ddim_steps, scale=scale) |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
return 90-polar_angle, output_ims+output_ims_2 |
def stage2_run(model, device, exp_dir, |
elev, scale, stage2_steps=50): |
if 90-elev <= 75: |
zero123_infer(model, exp_dir, indices=list(range(1,8)), device=device, ddim_steps=stage2_steps, scale=scale) |
else: |
zero123_infer(model, exp_dir, indices=list(range(1,4))+list(range(8,12)), device=device, ddim_steps=stage2_steps, scale=scale) |
def reconstruct(exp_dir, output_format=".ply", device_idx=0, resolution=256): |
exp_dir = os.path.abspath(exp_dir) |
main_dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname("./")) |
os.chdir('reconstruction/') |
bash_script = f'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={device_idx} python exp_runner_generic_blender_val.py \ |
--specific_dataset_name {exp_dir} \ |
--mode export_mesh \ |
--conf confs/one2345_lod0_val_demo.conf \ |
--resolution {resolution}' |
print(bash_script) |
os.system(bash_script) |
os.chdir(main_dir_path) |
ply_path = os.path.join(exp_dir, f"mesh.ply") |
if output_format == ".ply": |
return ply_path |
if output_format not in [".obj", ".glb"]: |
print("Invalid output format, must be one of .ply, .obj, .glb") |
return ply_path |
return convert_mesh_format(exp_dir, output_format=output_format) |
def predict_multiview(shape_dir, args): |
device = f"cuda:{args.gpu_idx}" |
models = init_model(device, 'zero123-xl.ckpt', half_precision=args.half_precision) |
model_zero123 = models["turncam"] |
predictor = sam_init(args.gpu_idx) |
input_raw = Image.open(args.img_path) |
input_256 = preprocess(predictor, input_raw) |
elev, stage1_imgs = stage1_run(model_zero123, device, shape_dir, input_256, scale=3, ddim_steps=75) |
stage2_run(model_zero123, device, shape_dir, elev, scale=3, stage2_steps=50) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.') |
parser.add_argument('--img_path', type=str, default="./demo/demo_examples/01_wild_hydrant.png", help='Path to the input image') |
parser.add_argument('--gpu_idx', type=int, default=0, help='GPU index') |
parser.add_argument('--half_precision', action='store_true', help='Use half precision') |
parser.add_argument('--mesh_resolution', type=int, default=256, help='Mesh resolution') |
parser.add_argument('--output_format', type=str, default=".ply", help='Output format: .ply, .obj, .glb') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
assert(torch.cuda.is_available()) |
shape_id = args.img_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] |
shape_dir = f"./exp/{shape_id}" |
os.makedirs(shape_dir, exist_ok=True) |
predict_multiview(shape_dir, args) |
mesh_path = reconstruct(shape_dir, output_format=args.output_format, device_idx=args.gpu_idx, resolution=args.mesh_resolution) |
print("Mesh saved to:", mesh_path) |