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<h1 class="title mobile">13 ft. Double Antique Brown Polyester Rope Hammock with Hanging Hardware & Storage Bag Included</h1> |
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<h1 class="title show-for-medium">13 ft. Double Antique Brown Polyester Rope Hammock with Hanging Hardware & Storage Bag Included</h1> |
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<h2>Features</h2> |
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<div class="detail_features"> <ul><li><b> Soft Max-Density Rope:</b> 8 mm thick polyester rope is designed for maximum density without sacrificing comfort. Maximum density 8mm rope improves comfort by significantly reducing rope elongation under tension. This ensures a natural, more supportive fit.</li><li><b>Precision Weaving:</b> Individual ropes pull against each other to produce a lattice-like design, thus eliminating the need for knots within the rope bed itself. NOTE: The hammock may be up to 2-3 feet shorter than its specifications, to allow for its ropes' natural tendency to stretch the first few times the hammock is used.</li><li><b>Durable Spreader Bars:</b> Hardwood spreader bar features countersunk spreader bar holes that reduce the severity of the friction between rope and wood.</li><li><b> Hardware & Storage Bag Included:</b> (2) Zinc-plated chains (2) tree hooks and (1) hammock storage bag is included, no additional purchase is necessary.</li></ul> </div> |
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<h2>Description</h2> |
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<p>The Castaway Living Antique Brown Polyester Rope Hammock, one of our most popular items, is also among the <strong>best hammock values </strong>you’ll find anywhere – shop around and see! <strong>Hand-woven </strong>from precision-twisted 3-ply soft spun polyester rope, this bargain of a hammock offers the most in comfort!<br /> |
<br /> |
<p>Our soft spun polyester rope is <b>8mm thick</b>; far more importantly, its designed for maximum density without sacrificing comfort. Max-Density 8mm rope improves comfort by significantly reducing rope elongation under tension. This ensures a natural, more supportive fit. Less dense, lighter rope hammocks (even those advertised at 8mm thick) stretch excessively under tension, causing discomfort and dangerous rounding of the spine.</p> |
<p>Each hammock is composed of over <b>1000 feet</b> of densely woven polyester fibers. Tightly-woven hammocks boast functional beauty: See the quality yourself in the double-looped strands connecting the bed of your hammock to the hand-braided ring knots. Many manufacturers skimp on the loop attachments, which equates to less rope and an uncomfortably loose weave.</p> |
<p>Our industry-leading weave is supported by <b>durable hardwood spreader bars</b>. Your hammock rope passes through the holes of these bars, producing substantial friction. We have countersunk your spreader bar holes, reducing the severity of the friction between rope and wood. Competing spreader bars without countersinking constantly rub hammock rope against a sharp right angle, drastically reducing durability. Your hammock will significantly outperform non-countersunk varieties.</p> |
<p>This product <b>includes two sets of chains</b> that provide 15 inches of hanging flexibility on either side of your hammock. We also include two tree hooks with this hammock. If you have a frame or pair of trees 13-16 ft. apart, this hammock is ready to install right out of the box. No additional purchase necessary.</p></p> |
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<h2>Specs</h2> |
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<div class="detail_description"> <table><tr><td>Rope</td><td>3 ply (8mm total)</td></tr><tr><td>Country of Origin</td><td>India or China</td></tr><tr><td>Shipping</td><td>USA Only</td></tr><tr><td>Brand</td><td>Castaway Living</td></tr><tr><td>Material</td><td>Polyester</td></tr><tr><td>Accommodates</td><td>2 People</td></tr><tr><td>Bed Length</td><td>6 ft 10 in</td></tr><tr><td>Width</td><td>55 in.</td></tr><tr><td>Length</td><td>13 ft.</td></tr><tr><td>Weight Capacity</td><td>450 lbs.</td></tr><tr><td>Hardware</td><td>(2) Zinc Plated Extension Chains, (2) Stainless Steel Tree Hooks & (1) Hammock Storage Bag</td></tr><tr><td>Hanging Distance</td><td>13-16 ft.</td></tr><tr><td>Hanging Height</td><td>4-5 ft.</td></tr><tr><td>Care</td><td>Use Oxyclean or a Mild Detergent, Water, and a Soft Scrub Brush</td></tr><tr><td>Warranty</td><td>1-Year Limited Warranty</td></tr><tr><td>Weight</td><td>14 lbs.</td></tr><tr><td></td><td><a href="/gallery/docs/rope hammock instructions.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>Rope Hammock Instructions.pdf</strong></a></td></tr></table> </div> |
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<h2>Product Reviews</h2> |
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data-product-id="PC-13PABSB" |
data-name="13 ft. Double Antique Brown Polyester Rope Hammock with Hanging Hardware & Storage Bag Included" |
data-url="https://castawayliving.com/product/13-ft-Double-Antique-Brown-Polyester-Rope-Hammock-with-Hanging-Hardware-Storage-Bag-Included/PC-13PABSB" |
data-image-url="/gallery/pc-13pabsb1-x.jpg" |
data-description="The Castaway Living Antique Brown Polyester Rope Hammock, one of our most popular items, is also among the <strong>best hammock values </strong>you’ll find anywhere – shop around and see! <strong>Hand-woven </strong>from precision-twisted 3-ply soft spun polyester rope, this bargain of a hammock offers the most in comfort!<br /> |
<br /> |
<p>Our soft spun polyester rope is <b>8mm thick</b>; far more importantly, its designed for maximum density without sacrificing comfort. Max-Density 8mm rope improves comfort by significantly reducing rope elongation under tension. This ensures a natural, more supportive fit. Less dense, lighter rope hammocks (even those advertised at 8mm thick) stretch excessively under tension, causing discomfort and dangerous rounding of the spine.</p> |
<p>Each hammock is composed of over <b>1000 feet</b> of densely woven polyester fibers. Tightly-woven hammocks boast functional beauty: See the quality yourself in the double-looped strands connecting the bed of your hammock to the hand-braided ring knots. Many manufacturers skimp on the loop attachments, which equates to less rope and an uncomfortably loose weave.</p> |
<p>Our industry-leading weave is supported by <b>durable hardwood spreader bars</b>. Your hammock rope passes through the holes of these bars, producing substantial friction. We have countersunk your spreader bar holes, reducing the severity of the friction between rope and wood. Competing spreader bars without countersinking constantly rub hammock rope against a sharp right angle, drastically reducing durability. Your hammock will significantly outperform non-countersunk varieties.</p> |
<p>This product <b>includes two sets of chains</b> that provide 15 inches of hanging flexibility on either side of your hammock. We also include two tree hooks with this hammock. If you have a frame or pair of trees 13-16 ft. apart, this hammock is ready to install right out of the box. No additional purchase necessary.</p>"> |
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