4 values
talks sooooooo much, zzzzz..where am i?, but very down to earth, fair grader if u do the work, participate in class, it REALLY REALLY helps ur grade, so do it!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Andrzej's lectures aren't well structured so there's a lot of self learning in this course. Exam questions come from assignments, the textbook, and a test bank. His use of MCQs can be good and bad, good because you can guess, bad because you don't get part marks. It's difficult to do well in this course but it's also difficult to fail.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
The class consists of just 3 exams, which are each 100 q's multi choice. He doesn't care if you are there or not. He only cares about your grades on the exams. Lectures can make you fall asleep. Textbook is needed. There is a lot of reading for the exams. He is a really funny guy, and definitely makes some interesting jokes if you catch them.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Get the book. Her PowerPoints don't have much to do with what's on the test. Grades On a curve.. Over all easy class
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
This professor is a joke. Aced all my tests, did every single homework assignment, but was given a 2.8 due to not being in class ever single day. If you want to take a class that reminds you of high school, then take her classes.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Zorn is one of my favorites! Wacky in all the right ways that makes coming to class worth your while. The reading is manageable, but the papers can be challenging and he grades pretty hard (all in the name to make you a better writer). But Zorn's always there for help. I learned a lot in his classes, and that is money well spent here at SCU.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
So boring! I had a hard time actually listening but it was a pretty simple class. I took at ITV so if I didnt get to take the test on blackboard I would have been ruined because the test are hard he uses every detail of his lecture in the book or not
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
There are a total of 5 grades. She grades easy because she doesn't care. The tests are 20 true or false. If you want an easy A take this class. If not- you won't learn anything of importance in this class.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Very easy.Love the stories.Other books are very easy.Testa are essay but isnt hard because she lets u pick questions the class before the test.Love her class.Class discussions are good but gives very very easy pop quiz if no one reads.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Lectures are really clear, but she is a horrible marker. She will take marks off for anything, spelling, underlining..etc. Marks dont reflect how well you know the lecture material, but how picky she decides to be when marking your test/assignment. She is very friendly in class, but not so friendly one on one.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
If you just go to the lecture, take very good notes, and do the study guide, you will pass. His lectures are clear and understandable. He gives current examples to allow the student to understand the topic at hand. Homework, quizzes, and in class work are given. Tests are mainly multiple choice but problem sets are also included.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
suggest to take a different prof. you will learn in the class however, there are quizes everyday and the readings are about a hundred pages. no midterm just paper and final but the quizes are the majority of your grade so you can't mess up and you will get a 0 if you miss a class. not easy. no spark notes
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
odabashian gave me a B; she sucks
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
She marks hard but consistent. When I asked for feedback on a grade I found harsh she willingly set up a meeting and explain where I lost points and how I could improve. My lab marks significantly increased following this meeting. I found her very helpful if questions were well thought out and relevant.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Very easy professor. Lenient grader, lets you resubmit two of the essays, not a lot of work, had to read three very interesting novels, gives you ample time for assignments. One essay per month. Learned a lot form this professor. Do take her!!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I tried going to her office for help. She asked me questions, then I tried to answer them but got them wrong. She then said I needed to get help. Um, that's what I was there for. She has a difficult language barrier. No matter how much I did, I could not pass. Who grades homework anymore? That did nothing but have my grade go lower and lower.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Good Teacher, you learn lots of info in class but she grades to hard on little****!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Lighthearted and fun, he makes math interesting. He tends to go too fast thru some problems, you have to ask him to explain it or slow down. Only 2 tests, add them up and divide by 2 - that's your grade. The tests are fully comprehensive, however he doesn't give very difficult problems. This class blew my 4.0 GPA and I still recommend him.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
great class. he never said hed curve the grades. high score earned in teh class sets the top of hte scale and its 10% down from that for each grade. totally fair but science majors set the top. i did ok xcept for the final. shouldve studied more cuz it killed me. learned a lot tho. makes you think.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Boring class. Grades kind of hard, but if you put in the time you can do well in this class. He knows what he's doing and is always willing to help.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Very fast lecturer and hard to understand. Will not slow down or help any student during class. Final was not representative of the quizzes throughout the year. Attendance dropped so low mediavision was added and extra credit given out to those who went to class. Avoid this class at all costs
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Do not take him if you struggle in math. funny but moves quickly and erases board to fast. Do HW and quizzes they will help your grade if you struggle with the tests.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
This prof knows what he is doing but doesn't know how to explain all the points to the class clearly. He has a different way of doing math than the book. He also speaks to the class as if everyone is five years old. Another downside is that his tests are pretty much harder than the AP test itself. WORD OF ADVICE:Do the review, but it won't help you
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
She never checks her email and uses outdated information. She also needs to grade on more than just attendance, I would suggest taking this class because its an interesting topic but NOT with her.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
This class is unbelievable boring. The quizzes are HARD and she no longer does tests. Quiz consists of 12 questions with 8 options for answers. She expects you to know details about everything you read so unless you are a theo major stay clear! Oh and she grades essays based on how much she likes you (for most of the class that means they failed)
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I feel bad cuz everyone clowns on him and takes advantage of him. He is a good professor although the class is not very organized...the tests and quizzes are similar, and he gives the quiz 2 days before the exam.. hw optional.. take 'em, why not
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He is a good professor. I just wish he understood that if you have a hospital note, you must have been very ill.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Prepare to re-enter 5th grade! Attendence is taken EXACTLY at start of class if ur late at all points off takes attendence again after break if u leave points off heaven forbid u speak at all during her lecturing all these points are taken out of your grade I attended and got an A so i am not 1 of those irrate students just mad over a bad grade.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Most unhelpful college instructor ever! Her exams are very confusing and don't reflect her lectures. You can be a great note taker and do your best and read the text boooks but for the exams and papers, unless you write specifically what her opnions are on the subject she will fail you. Many of her questions on the exam are subjective & unclear
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Awful professor who was biased against the guys in the class. Made 7 of the 8 guys redo their papers even though (in my best opinion) we did well. I do not recommend her... EVER.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Not sure why Ian gets such a bad rep. He is not a super interesting prof but just show up to class and do other class work while you're there. You don't need to pay attention if you read the textbook instead. 3 non-cumulative midterms and a final project (3 questions answered in essay form).
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Super easy. Never thought I would get an A in stats. Tests are open book, open note,open computer. Plus he give a test review with all the answers. Test questions straight from review!! EASY!!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Dr. Caporale gives interesting lectures, but as far as material and tests are concerned, the book is a very helpful resource. Studying is essential for the multiple choice exams which can be difficult.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He was a pretty good teacher. The tests are a little difficult, but if you show up to class and take notes you will be fine. Really smart guy.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Pretty easy class, but I also took 2 years of chem in high school (AP for one of those years). His tests are really easy, but he is a very picky grader. Boring lecturer, but I thought that he explained things well.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
One of the best prof at Seneca. Shes so nice and easy marker
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Reynolds does not lecture and give clear lessons about how to write effectively or interpret the literature she assigns. This is a self-study class-- you must learn on your own. Assignments are vague and unclear: you only learn what she wants after she returns your work. Very hard grader; learned little about writing in this class. AVOID!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
The class is very interesting with movies you would probably never have seen otherwise. Dr. Bell is very knowledgeable about the topics but it gets a bit boring. His lectures only last about 30 minutes though because you watch a film every class period. Quizzes are very hard, make sure you read!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I would take him again now that I understand his grading and standards. They aren't made clear in the syllabus so it took a while. Only two quizzes, but they are definitely challenging. Essays are hard to figure out at first, but there are 5-6 (200word), and a discussion every week. Overall, not a bad class, just depends on your preference.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Very melancholic, 10/30 points on projects is either pass or fail. So either 10 or 0. He will never admit he is wrong. I got an F on a project because he stopped testing when it failed a test case that WORKED! I went to see him and he would not admit that he was wrong even though I showed him Java Documentation showing he was wrong.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He talks about such b.s. sometimes and things that weren't relevent to the class. His tests are aweful! just make sure you read the textbook!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
really nice guy. Class kind of drags on, but he does frequently let you out early. Tough grader on papers. You should easily get a B- in his class.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He gives you all of the notes in a coursepack at the start of the semester and attendence isn't required, but he will bump up your grade if you're there frequently enough for him to recognize your name. The tests come directly from the study guides he gives you, and all of the answers are in the course pack. Very good prof and easy class!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Quite interesting thought process. Exam are often tricky.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I personally don't like him. He is not clear with the assignments he wants, he doesn't give you the grades of the assignments you turn in until the end of the semester that you receive your final grade. Never try to reach him by email, he never answers, or ask him anything after class, instead he wants you to go to his office.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
For a second year sociology course I thought she asked for quite a bit more than any other soc class I had taken. Because so many people complained, she made the final super easy, but her teaching style is often difficult to follow.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
His exams are fair- half multiple choice and half long answer, and he gives partial credit even if you mess up. I didn't do a whole lot of work and I still almost got a B-, so try and it's an easy course.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
So many problems: 1)doesnt know how to "teach". 2) Cant hear the student asking questions. 3) Takes whole class to do 1 problem. 4) FORCES us to solve the LONG and HARD way. If not done like how he done it, minus 10. I took Phys soph High school and i have 3.6 GPA, so no im not stupid. His class is just horrible. ACC needs to fire him, IMMEDIATELY.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Excellent prof. Explains everything extremely well, knows how to relate simple examples to complicated topics. Gives easy tests and no HWs. As long as you read and take class notes you have nothing to worry about. Highly recommend this teacher.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Mr. B. is the best speech professor anywhere. I HATE public speaking, but Mr. B. made us feel comfortable and laid back. He grades on improvement, not by expectation, meaning if you do poorly on one speech, but try harder and do better on the next one, he will take that improvement into account and boost your grade. He just wants to see you try :)
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Currently taking this class. Englander is an excellent professor. The material is hard but if you pay attention its really not that bad. Tests are challenging but you can bring a page of notes and he is generous with points. I definitely recommend taking a class with Irv. He's worked with computers since they were invented and he knows his stuff.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
The professor explains and lectures on material in a way that can be easily understood. She Is more than fair with questions, grading and extra credit. Gives great handouts for note taking.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Not good at lecture. Makes material more confusing, than needs to be. She is very accessible and will work with you, if she see's that you are trying, which is her best quality! On exams, tends to put material that was briefly discussed.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
WORST TEACHER EVER!!! Grading comments - make no sense. classes = boring. VERY HARD - especially when it comes to grading papers assigned.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
You have 3 exams, two worth 400 points and one worth 200 points, and this is the only thing on your grade. The exams are easy to pass as long as you go to the study sessions by the TA's! I've only been to this class on exam days, most of the information you need is given to you during the study sessions. Just study and you'll do fine.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
This teacher makes all his tests and exams too long so that everyone fails because they dont have time to finish. And most of the stuff on his test r things he didnt even teach yet in class. He's completely disorganized.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
SO confusing! And the tests are excruciating. Likes to hear himself talk.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Don't buy the book because she basically only grades you on what's discussed in class. Attendance isn't mandatory but in-class worksheets are random and count for a grade. I didn't like how few grades there were; the class was out of 100 points. She uses a lot of examples to make concepts clear.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
The worst professor at UB Law. A hard grader, but fails to have any knowledge of the subject. Highly irritating.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
O'Shea loves history! She's passionate! But is an extremely tough grader on her four essays. Most people attended class only for tests. Power points posted online but you would have read for extra materialdetails. Extremely organized.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
The tests can be difficult, but he prepares you well via in class lectures. He keeps the lectures engaging by constantly sharing anecdotes and telling jokes. Attendance is only 4% of the grade, but if you don't come to class, be prepared to fail.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
This lady may seem hilarious and bubbly the first time you take her class, but my oh my is she fake! her lectures i like "whaaaat" she talks way too fast for you to even take notes. Barely ever replies to your emails. Tough in Practicum. and her exams are way more difficult than u would expect because her lectures or so damn brief.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Heywood is a great guy. He is full of knowledge and his passionate about the subjects that he teaches. All of his test and quizzes you can do by yourself or in groups on your own time outside of class. He gives you them a week ahead of time so you don't have to cram for anything. He tape records all his lectures and powerpoints and puts them on D2L
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Exams are based on things discussed in lecture so you need to go to class. Papers are graded exceptionally tough, he doesn't bell curve but the average always tended around a C. Even if you make the improvements based on his comments, it won't mean you'll get a better grade because of how subjectively he marks.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I loved taking this class from Linda. She is great! She was very understanding about everything. I turned in a few assignments late and she didn't mark me down for it. All she really cares is that it is completed and that we did out best. There are a lot of papers but she is willing to help you and accommodate.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Don't know what all of this business about easy grading is. He is the most critical grader I have ever seen. Way too much stuff to do in the class. He piled everything on at the end. It is not a good class and he is not a fair teacher.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Ugh. I didn't like her. She was confusing and her tests had stuff that she had only brushed over and never explained how to find, only said that it existed. She was a nice person, but even asking her questions in office hours was confusing.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
CM is great, she loves her studies and it shows. Class is always lively. She is tough on grading though so make the effort in your writings.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Easy, easy easy. Very interesting lecturer and tests are cake. I mean really, she gives you 8-10 long answer questions to choose from, and you pick two. What more do you want??
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
She knows what she is talking about. She is very clear. This is exactly how a history class is supposed to be. Her tests are very easy.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Seriously, GO TO CLASS. If you don't your screwed. Do EXACTLY what he says and you will get an A. I have no idea how people can not get atleast a B. He practically gives you the answers.... Funny, enjoyable, dont care for people that dont come to class, gives attendence 2 times a class period.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Great professor! cute personality, really interactive with the class, not an easy grader when it comes to speeches, but if you do the work then you'll get a good grade
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
A paragraph was due weekly, grades were unclear until the end. He looks for very small details in all of the stories read. Close reading is necessary
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
if you are aiminfg for an easy A she is perfect for that...
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
If you have her, get out of it now before it's too late. Worst prof ever. Condescending, not very bright, grades papers horribly. It's a gen ed and she acts like it's a grad course. Expects way too much, not a fair grader, and she's extremely annoying. I just want to throw stuff at her when she talks. And yeah, she's concerned more with grammar.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Seems like a nice, laid-back professor. Then you get your first paper back and realize that the same writing abilities that have gotten you by with A's since middle school get you a D+ in her class. She's very disorganized and her class is pretty much pointless to go to. Contemp sucks enough without having the the paper nazi as a professor.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
She's been teaching for years & she's excellent at it. She cares about her students. You will have to do 3 speeches. If you pick topics that are compelling that no one else in the class would even think about doing then you will pass her class with a good grade. It's not easy A though, you will have to work for it!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
There are only 5 actual assignments and then participation points, so if you don't do well on a few things you are really screwed. I never knew what he really wanted from me because his feedback is awful when you submit your rough drafts. He's slow to respond to emails and when he does he doesn't answer half your questions anyways.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Dr. Fressola is one of the best instructors at Bergen. She has high expectations for her students, but makes it clear what is expected. She is one of the few professors that truly lives up to her doctorate in education. One of the only instructors that has the guts to review the exam in front of the entire class. The exams are difficult but fair.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Theirs a written midterm which he basically tell you all the answers to the class before and a final. for the final you have to perform all the moves you learned through the semester. I thought I was going fail because I could never remember any of the moves from the class before but he let us record him doing the moves & i ended up getting an A
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Seriously, don't take him if you really want to learn something in database. His grading is mostly related to how many times you meet him in his office outside the class. Doesn't discuss any coding at all, doesn't even look at your codes for the project. Teaches from PPT slides only. You'll learn more from books and Google than anything from him.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I had him for both 101 and 102. If you're taking 101 as an elective or as an engineering major, DO NOT TAKE HIM. If you're premed or chemistry related major, power through and you will learn a ton, which helps in later courses. Tests are hard but if you put in the work and do a lot of practice problems it's doable.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I had been taking notes in lecture and out of the book, studied prior to the midterm and the questions were nothing like I had expected. Luckily, the group project and final bumped my grade. She let the class vote on the final, we chose an essay. She told us the prompt beforehand. Felt that my grade did not reflect my effort or knowledge of subject
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Dr. Armstrong is favorable to the students that are in the St. Olaf Choir. If you are not in choir, expect to get a lower grade. Plain and simple. Also, I don't feel that I learned as much as I could have because Dr. Armstrong was so busy telling the class anecdotes of how he's influenced people instead of actually teaching.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
This professor is really weird but in a good way. He tells very corny jokes but you can tell he loves what he is teaching. Grades a bit tough but he will allow you to redo something for a better grade. DOES NOT ASSIGN A TEN PAGE RESEARCH PAPER!!!!! I would definitely take him again, great professor and very interesting topics and assignments.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He is awful. His instructions are confusing. He gives very long exam reviews and then not of it is on the actual exam. You get a minute to answer each question on Exams and they are the majority of your grade.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He doesn't explain anything. Most people get D's on the tests. Horrible teacher
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Overall she is a good teacher who covers everything that are on the final exams, a lot of the need to go to class is covered by the WileyPlus test and practice although as always it is advised that you do go as she will lecture using good examples and explanations.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
the whole time i thought i was going to fail and even considered withdrawing after basically failing all the impossible exams. However, he gives so many extra credit opportunities that only require your attendance and he makes group projects worth a TON so i actually ended up doing well in the class. His grades seem subjective. Just try hard.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
He's a nice guy, kept me interested even with my lack of sleep. hard grader and tests are difficult, but still a good class and professor.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Yes this class is extremely easy,however u really do have to do good in the final and midterm....only 1 midterm and 1 final...10 sheets which we do in class and together..also the sheets r the study sheets..very nice guy!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
AMAZING. Very clear, easy work. 10/10 would recommend. Very nice, give A LOT of extra credit, take advantage! I would definitely choose her as my professor again. Tests are super easy and you have so much extra credit you'll always pass.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
loved her. tough, but fun. gotta work for grade, duh!
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
shes nice but a complete space cadet who goes off on tangents all the time. her tests are hard and she grades harshly- but she curves at the end which is good. the class is soooo boring i wouldnt reccommed it unless u are actually interested in it.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Pretty easy, doesnt post grades at all though. he doesnt believe in using much technology. no homework really except studying and the workbooks which he helps out with
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
I had Dr. Brooks for BSC 1010 and 1011. He is very knowledgeable in what he teaches. On the exams, his word choices are very tricky. So when you're studying for the exams, make sure you are very certain in what you're studying otherwise the wording could potentially trick you. He gives unannounced quizzes so study before each lecture.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
Don Hood is one of the most uncompromising, unhelpful, and self-righteous men I have ever met. The grading procedures/policies are completely subjective and depends only on which TA grades your lab. Even though there is no way to avoid this miserable lab, do not be surprised if a TA helps you with one of the labs and you still end up with a 5/15
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
such a nice guy. i didn't do anything in the class and ended up with a b. it's not hard to do well and even if you screw up the tests, if you study for the final and do well on it you'll get a good grade. much better than beverly mitchell (from what i hear)
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
His lectures were all about theorems and never examples of problems. Like some one said before the average of the test was super low. Plus he was always late for class. The quarter was hell cause of this class.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues
She is a very educated woman. She knows what she is talking about. Her tests are pretty difficult, but she gives projects that boosts your grades a lot. If you go to class and take decent notes, it is not hard to earn at least a B.
1) the professor's grading policies, test difficulty, or assessment-related issues