text |
srangga is a synonym of insect. |
ibu teresa is a synonym of mother teresa. |
palaeolitikum is a synonym of paleolithic. |
serigala is a synonym of gray wolf. |
haver is a synonym of oat. |
kiyé is related to this. |
éropah kulon is a synonym of western europe. |
perang krim is a synonym of crimean war. |
mesin goleki is etymologically related to mesin. |
lazio is a synonym of latium. |
arkéologi is a synonym of archaeology. |
hidrogen asetat is a synonym of asam metanakarboksilat. |
sawo is a synonym of manilkara zapota. |
persefone is a synonym of persephone. |
hematologi is a synonym of hematology. |
mesin goleki is etymologically related to goleki. |
èlmu is a synonym of science. |
wonton is a synonym of pangsit. |
paru paru is a synonym of lung. |
andharaning torèt is a synonym of book of deuteronomy. |
sistem ambegan is a synonym of respiratory system. |
kalawarti is a synonym of magazine. |
kali oder is a synonym of oder. |
matlockit is a synonym of matlockite. |
kopenhagen has context of localités. |
lèng cacing is a synonym of wormhole. |
oomycota is a synonym of oomycete. |
jerman wétan is a synonym of east germany. |
dom jait is a synonym of sewing needle. |
taékwondho is a synonym of taekwondo. |
flu babi is a synonym of swine influenza. |
paus aleksander vi is a synonym of pope alexander vi. |
dangerous is a synonym of mbebayani. |
pendhidhikan dhasar is a synonym of primary education. |
grahana srengéngé is a synonym of solar eclipse. |
dioda is a synonym of diode. |
kulit is related to shell. |
wong alemanni is a synonym of alemanni. |
amonia is a synonym of ammonia. |
pitulas is derived from pitu. |
sokongan is related to financial. |
recognize is a synonym of weruh. |
ngalor is derived from lor. |
kelinci sumatra is a synonym of sumatran striped rabbit. |
fusi nuklir is a synonym of nuclear fusion. |
susuh is a synonym of nest. |
rahwana is a synonym of ravana. |
ꦊꦭꦸꦲꦸꦂ is related to ancestor. |
kapuloan faroe is a synonym of faroe islands. |
pamaréntahan téror is a synonym of reign of terror. |
ꦏꦸ is etymologically related to ꦲꦏꦸ. |
penjalin is a synonym of rattan. |
kimia is a synonym of chemistry. |
three is a synonym of telu. |
konnyaku is a synonym of konjac. |
pazifischer ozean is a synonym of samudra pasifik. |
hégire is a synonym of hijroh. |
wong bumi is related to native. |
basa arab mesir is a synonym of egyptian arabic. |
india is related to inde. |
gondhok is related to goitre. |
logam is a synonym of metal. |
bichkek is a synonym of bishkek. |
jangkrik is a synonym of cricket. |
august is a synonym of agustus. |
hongaria is a synonym of hungary. |
psikologi is a synonym of psychology. |
tilpun is a synonym of telephone. |
pingpong is a synonym of table tennis. |
diyan is a synonym of dilah. |
orgasme is a synonym of orgasm. |
ꦗꦤ꧀ꦩ is related to human. |
zirkumflex is a synonym of sirkumfleks. |
iku is related to those. |
taman nasional yellowstone is a synonym of yellowstone national park. |
layang paulus kolose is a synonym of epistle to colossians. |
豆蔻 is etymologically related to kapulaga. |
aljabar is a synonym of algebra. |
trinidad lan tobago is a synonym of trinidad and tobago. |
rokèt is a synonym of rocket. |
lenin is a synonym of vladimir lenin. |
frog is a synonym of kodhok. |
sadulur is related to sibling. |
vesak is a synonym of waisak. |
planet is a synonym of planèt. |
rayi is related to younger. |
lembah aosta is a synonym of aosta valley. |
brokoli is a synonym of broccoli. |
ꦗꦩ꧀ꦧꦸ is related to pink. |
babilonia is a synonym of babylonia. |
kali suriname is a synonym of suriname river. |
mata angin is a synonym of cardinal direction. |
asam etanoat is related to acide acétique. |
heiliger stuhl is a synonym of takhta suci. |
neptunus is related to planète. |
botak is a synonym of baldness. |
ꦕꦼꦊꦁ is related to wild boar. |
biologi molekular is a synonym of molecular biology. |
tembung aran is a synonym of noun. |
two is a synonym of roro. |
seniman is a synonym of artist. |
pengilon is a synonym of mirror. |
atawa is etymologically derived from अथवा. |
wong cilik is related to grass roots. |
kresna is a synonym of krishna. |
kaé is related to yonder. |
milk is a synonym of susu. |
kapak is related to axe. |
year is a synonym of taun. |
garangan is a synonym of small asian mongoose. |
nilon is a synonym of nylon. |
owl is a synonym of darès. |
nigéria is a synonym of nigeria. |
dunkle materie is a synonym of materi peteng. |
laring is a synonym of larynx. |
dorsal fin is a synonym of siwar. |
ꦥꦶꦫꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ ꦲꦭꦸꦱ꧀ has context of computing. |
wangsa qing is a synonym of qing dynasty. |
ngulon is derived from kulon. |
banyu is related to water. |
asam sinamat is a synonym of cinnamic acid. |
ditukokaké is derived from tuku. |
perkecambahan is a synonym of germination. |
danemark is a synonym of denmark. |
kelenjar idu is a synonym of salivary gland. |
serum getih is a synonym of serum. |
gunung olimpus is a synonym of mount olympus. |
éropah lor is a synonym of northern europe. |
woh is etymologically related to buah. |
wortel is a synonym of daucus carota. |
kelenjar is a synonym of gland. |
zentralafrikanische republik is a synonym of republik afrika tengah. |
bakcang is a synonym of zongzi. |
ꦩꦤꦮ is related to if. |
hukum is a synonym of law. |
gréja ortodoks is a synonym of eastern orthodox church. |
kemladhèh is a synonym of loranthus. |
wong is related to people. |
ꦧꦗꦶꦔꦤ꧀ is related to thief. |
sekolah menengah atas is a synonym of high school. |
hemisfer is a synonym of cerebral hemisphere. |
dasanama is a synonym of synonym. |
plant is a synonym of ꦠꦤ꧀ꦢꦸꦫꦤ꧀. |
nem has context of cardinal. |
kréta is etymologically related to karreta. |
emprit is related to finch. |
konfusianisme is a synonym of confucianism. |
basa latin is a synonym of latin. |
randhu alas is related to kapok tree. |
seconde guerre mondiale is a synonym of perang donya ii. |
bangsa fenisia is a synonym of phoenicia. |
ꦲꦸꦪꦃ is related to salt. |
ꦭꦪꦁꦥꦥꦒ꧀ is related to acquittance. |
aku is related to my. |
ngalèr has context of polite. |
kebranang is related to provoked. |
chien viverrin is a synonym of rakun. |
bolu is a synonym of cake. |
ꦏꦤꦱ꧀ is etymologically derived from ananas. |
space shuttle is a synonym of pesawat ulang alik. |
témbok berlin is a synonym of berlin wall. |
banyu is a synonym of water. |
palwa anggegana is derived from palwa. |
républik makedonia is a synonym of republic of macedonia. |
alumunium is a synonym of aluminium. |
l’ aquila has context of localités. |
takon is etymologically related to atakwan. |
ꦲꦩ꧀ꦧꦿꦤꦁ is related to red. |
1 januari is a synonym of january 1. |
timin is a synonym of thymine. |
basa is a synonym of language. |
turu is a synonym of tilem. |
ꦒꦼꦠꦶꦃ is related to blood. |
mushroom is a synonym of jamur. |
ketupat is a synonym of kupat. |
penyakit nular is a synonym of infectious disease. |
lantanida is a synonym of lanthanide. |
sel punca is a synonym of stem cell. |
dhemen is related to affection. |
irigasi is a synonym of irrigation. |
juli is a synonym of july. |
terung is etymologically related to térong. |
polinésia prancis is a synonym of french polynesia. |
antartika is a synonym of antarctica. |
ana is related to be. |
rhinoderma darwinii is a synonym of darwin's frog. |
boncis is a form of buncis. |
klanjer is related to gland. |
révolusi rusia is a synonym of russian revolution. |
térong walanda is a synonym of tamarillo. |
ꦥꦸꦤꦶꦏ is related to yonder. |
jawawut is a synonym of barley. |
landhak is related to hedgehog. |
lan is related to and. |
ꦱꦺꦭ is related to precious stone. |
ꦲꦺꦴꦪꦺꦴꦢ꧀ is related to root. |
great grandson is a synonym of putu buyut. |
afrique du sud is a synonym of afrika kidul. |
sistem lintang is a synonym of star system. |
österreich ungarn is a synonym of austria hungaria. |
ékonomètrika is a synonym of econometrics. |
blood is a synonym of getih. |
jaran nil is a synonym of hippopotamus. |
andorre is a synonym of andorra. |
dhaptar wakil presidhèn amérika sarékat is a synonym of vice president of united states. |
dragon fruit is a synonym of woh naga. |
wangsa han is a synonym of han dynasty. |
suwidak is a form of sawidak. |
urétra is a synonym of urethra. |
kubah shakhrah is a synonym of dome of rock. |
asam asetat is a synonym of hidrogen asetat. |
dhéwan ékonomi lan sosial pbb is a synonym of united nations economic and social council. |
wulu is related to feather. |
gastroenterology is a synonym of gastroenterologi. |
donal bèbèk is a synonym of donald duck. |
organel is a synonym of organelle. |
niyat is related to intention. |
kali mekong is a synonym of mekong. |
secang is related to sappan. |
watu ginjel is a synonym of kidney stone. |
ꦕꦸꦧꦿꦶꦪ is related to arrogant. |
aristoteles is related to grec. |
spermatozoid is a synonym of spermatozoon. |
ꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁ is related to binoculars. |
gréja is related to church. |
ꦧꦺꦴꦧꦿꦺꦴꦏ꧀ is related to damaged. |
hominide is a synonym of hominid. |
artikel is a synonym of article. |
nglangi is derived from langi. |
putu buyut is related to great grandson. |
tèhnik is etymologically derived from techniek. |
koniin is a synonym of coniine. |
tableau noir is a synonym of blabag. |
statistika dhèskriptif is a synonym of descriptive statistics. |
gunung vesuvius is a synonym of mount vesuvius. |
panté is a synonym of beach. |
capital city is a synonym of ibu kutha. |
planèt is a synonym of planet. |
ꦠꦼꦠꦤ꧀ꦢꦸꦫꦤ꧀ is related to plant. |
sulfur is a synonym of ꦮꦼꦭꦶꦫꦁ. |
nordosten is a synonym of lor wétan. |
laboratorium is a synonym of laboratory. |
bangsa azerbaijan is a synonym of azerbaijanis. |
kulon is related to west. |
panyengkuyung is derived from sengkuyung. |
plesir is a synonym of travel. |
séndhok is a synonym of spoon. |
anggun c sasmi is a synonym of anggun. |
amfibi is a synonym of amphibian. |
protista is a synonym of protist. |
ekuador is a synonym of ecuador. |
ꦥꦶꦫꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ ꦲꦭꦸꦱ꧀ is etymologically related to ꦥꦶꦫꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ. |
spektrum elektromagnetik is a synonym of electromagnetic spectrum. |
karbit is a synonym of calcium carbide. |
iwak nus is a synonym of squid. |
father is a synonym of bapak. |
basa kannada is a synonym of kannada. |
sarékat is related to union. |
jeruk bali is a synonym of pomelo. |
dna is related to acide désoxyribonucléique. |
karèt is a synonym of hevea brasiliensis. |
mati is related to dead. |
yttrium is a synonym of itrium. |
gulma has context of cardinal. |
ꦗꦔꦤꦤ꧀ is related to vegetable. |
delomong is related to expressionless. |
kali seine is a synonym of seine. |
wafel is a synonym of waffle. |
kopal is a synonym of copal. |
kanker serviks is a synonym of cervical cancer. |
kidul kilèn is related to southwest. |
cheval is a synonym of jaran. |
dhelikan is related to hide and seek. |
piranti alus is a synonym of software. |
jaya is etymologically related to जय. |
indonesien is a synonym of indonesia. |
ꦫꦠ is a synonym of ꦮ꧀ꦫꦠ. |
paleozoikum is a synonym of paleozoic. |
bosnia herzegovina is a synonym of bosnia and herzegovina. |
kanthong semar is a synonym of nepenthes. |
cubriya is related to suspicion. |
pasah is a synonym of plane. |
hijo is a form of ijo. |
massa is a synonym of mass. |
deutschland is a synonym of jerman. |
katarina ingkang agung is a synonym of catherine great. |
ꦠꦶꦤꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀ is related to destined. |
ꦲꦸꦫꦁ is related to shrimp. |
bira is a synonym of bir. |
lintang gandha is a synonym of binary star. |
nglangi is related to swim. |
péta is a synonym of map. |
eksorsisme is a synonym of exorcism. |
fifteen is a synonym of limalas. |
turuk has context of vulgar. |
pérangan daging sapi is a synonym of beef. |
tanjung verde is a synonym of cape verde. |
porte is a synonym of lawang. |
kelenjar pineal is a synonym of pineal gland. |
taksi is a synonym of taxicab. |
dados is related to assume. |
gagak is a synonym of corvus. |
encounter is a synonym of pranggul. |
hypertext markup language is a synonym of html. |
layang yakobus is a synonym of epistle of james. |
binturong is a synonym of binturung. |
jambon is a synonym of pink. |
bathara narada is a synonym of narada. |
manganggo is derived from panganggo. |
kaktus is a synonym of cactus. |
yodium is a synonym of iodine. |
the black eyed peas is a synonym of black eyed peas. |
dina is a synonym of day. |
tlaga konstanz is a synonym of lake constance. |
senjata biologi is a synonym of biological warfare. |
welirang is etymologically derived from ꦮꦼꦭꦶꦫꦁ. |
piet ireng is a synonym of zwarte piet. |
ꦭꦪꦁꦥꦥꦒ꧀ is related to receipt. |
date is a synonym of kurma. |
rhone is a synonym of rhône. |
gardhu is related to guard post. |
ꦏꦕ is etymologically derived from काच. |
protolintang is a synonym of protostar. |
oscar dos santos emboaba júnior is a synonym of oscar. |
cygne is a synonym of banyak. |
a christmas carol is a synonym of christmas carol. |
elisabet is a synonym of elizabeth. |
budaya is a synonym of culture. |
trigonomètri is a synonym of trigonometry. |
usus kosong is a synonym of jejunum. |
bosphorus is a synonym of selat bosporus. |
thousand is a synonym of èwu. |
komite olimpiade internasional is a synonym of international olympic committee. |
sélandia anyar is a synonym of new zealand. |
afrika tengah is a synonym of central africa. |
gung has context of archaic. |
kanker paru paru is a synonym of lung cancer. |
martinique has context of îles. |
blekok is related to heron. |
ꦭꦪꦺꦴꦤ꧀ is related to flower. |
elang bondol is a synonym of brahminy kite. |
saos tomat is a synonym of ketchup. |
mesir kuna is a synonym of ancient egypt. |
dalem is related to inside. |
buddha theravada is a synonym of theravada. |
mésias is a synonym of messiah. |
areng is a synonym of charcoal. |
swim is a synonym of nglangi. |
good day is a synonym of sugeng rinten. |
meruhi is related to show. |
ngétan is related to eastward. |
rénda is a synonym of lace. |
linguistics is a synonym of linguistik. |
kali nil biru is a synonym of blue nile. |
uwab is a synonym of vapor. |
asem déoksiribonukleat is related to acide désoxyribonucléique. |
asimilasi is a synonym of assimilation. |
jaka bèlèk has context of astronomy. |
basa gaelik skotlandia is a synonym of scottish gaelic. |
nengenaké is related to prioritize. |
asia kidul wétan is a synonym of southeast asia. |
armenien is a synonym of arménia. |
tanjung is a synonym of cape. |
lapangan abrit is a synonym of red square. |
kutha ngayogyakarta is a synonym of yogyakarta. |
aubergine is a synonym of térong. |
takon is related to ask. |
mesin tik is derived from mesin. |
ꦢꦏ꧀ꦱꦶꦤ has context of literary. |
lemu is related to fat. |
sagu is a synonym of sago. |
nacad is related to criticize. |
sabun is etymologically derived from صابون. |
wallis lan futuna is a synonym of wallis and futuna. |
yunani is a synonym of greece. |
wangsa ming is a synonym of ming dynasty. |
yui yoshioka is a synonym of yui. |
susu is a synonym of santên. |
praha is a synonym of prague. |
transpor aktif is a synonym of active transport. |
malam is a synonym of wax. |
imam is a synonym of priest. |
galaksi is related to galaxy. |
tembung kriya is a synonym of verb. |
ula welang is a synonym of banded krait. |
aspal is a synonym of asphalt. |
kamajengan has context of polite. |
ꦫꦠ is a synonym of ꦏꦿꦺꦠ. |
susuh is related to nest. |
asam klorogenat is a synonym of chlorogenic acid. |
landhak is related to porcupine. |
nauru has context of îles. |
ngidul is derived from kidul. |
notre père is a synonym of kanjeng rama. |
kosmologi is a synonym of cosmology. |
rabuk is a synonym of fertilizer. |
ꦩꦁꦱꦶ is related to season. |
para hakim is a synonym of book of judges. |
bala is related to strength. |
driji tengah is a synonym of middle finger. |
ꦧꦶꦁꦧꦶꦁ is related to afterbirth. |
lokomotif is a synonym of locomotive. |
ndongèng is derived from dongèng. |
wedhi is a synonym of sand. |
mbukak is related to open. |
ora is related to no. |
pathi is related to sago. |
sitrus is a synonym of citrus. |
républik cina is a synonym of taiwan. |
ekskresi is a synonym of excretion. |
ndongèng is related to falsehood. |
alexander agung is a synonym of alexander great. |
sanskrit is a synonym of basa sangskreta. |
kapak is related to handle. |
gottfried leibniz is a synonym of gottfried wilhelm leibniz. |
katès is a synonym of papaya. |
bagdad is a synonym of baghdad. |
device is a synonym of ꦲꦭꦠ꧀. |
dna is a synonym of asem déoksiribonukleat. |
kerep is related to often. |
biofisika is a synonym of biophysics. |
utawi is a synonym of utawa. |
susu is a synonym of tetek. |
ꦧꦗꦶꦔꦤ꧀ is related to swindler. |
mustar is a synonym of mustard. |
sumpit is a synonym of chopsticks. |
iwak dokun is a synonym of spanner barb. |
ꦥꦼꦂꦏꦏꦱ꧀ is a synonym of ꦲꦭꦠ꧀. |
potlot is a synonym of pencil. |
lawang is related to door. |
prostitusi is a synonym of prostitution. |
adhi is related to sibling. |
copenhague is a synonym of kopenhagen. |
pluru kendhali is a synonym of missile. |
asam cuka is related to asam asetat. |
velocity is a synonym of ꦏꦕꦼꦥꦼꦠꦤ꧀. |
kamajengan is related to evolution. |
sogok telik lanang is a synonym of abrus precatorius. |
bronze is a synonym of prunggu. |
blimbing is a synonym of averrhoa carambola. |
fatimah az zahra is a synonym of fatimah. |
jaka is a synonym of jaki. |
hadès is a synonym of hades. |
slovénia is a synonym of slovenia. |
asam cuka is a synonym of hidrogen asetat. |
kebranang is related to wounded. |
segara baltik is a synonym of baltic sea. |
dirigible is a synonym of palwa anggegana. |
penyakit lyme is a synonym of lyme disease. |
warga is etymologically related to वर्ग. |
ꦏꦼꦧꦿꦤꦁ is derived from ꦧꦿꦤꦁ. |
réta is related to train. |
détergèn is a synonym of detergent. |
alon alon is related to carefully. |
bima sakti is a synonym of milky way. |
asam sulfat is a synonym of minyak vitriol. |
penyu is a synonym of sea turtle. |
ꦒꦸꦤꦸꦁ is related to mountain. |
lituania is a synonym of lithuania. |
grahana rembulan is a synonym of lunar eclipse. |
pulo christmas is a synonym of christmas island. |
puniko is a form of punika. |
turuk is related to vagina. |
koréa kidul is a synonym of south korea. |
nastapa has context of literary. |
atus has context of cardinal. |
ꦤꦼꦤꦼꦂ is related to milkfish. |
nastapa is related to sad. |
kluwung is a synonym of rainbow. |
ès krim is a synonym of ice cream. |
ꦧꦸꦭ꧀ꦧꦸꦭ꧀ is related to bulbul. |
aksen aku is etymologically derived from accent aigu. |
pathi is related to arrowroot. |
kebo is a synonym of water buffalo. |
muséum is a synonym of museum. |
asam cuka is a synonym of asam asetat. |
wétan adoh is a synonym of far east. |
uzbek is a synonym of uzbeks. |
befruchtung is a synonym of pambuahan. |
ꦥꦥꦠ꧀ is related to four. |
cathetan padinan is a synonym of diary. |
jam is related to clock. |
racun is a synonym of poison. |
ngulon is derived from kulon. |
sepur rèl listrik is a synonym of electric multiple unit. |
astatin is a synonym of astatine. |
sewidak is derived from widak. |
pagunungan ural is a synonym of ural mountains. |
konsili vatikan i is a synonym of first vatican council. |
madagascar is a synonym of madagaskar. |
basa damelan is a synonym of constructed language. |
wulu kalong is related to body hair. |
masjid is a synonym of mosque. |
cahkwé is a synonym of youtiao. |
kopenhagen is related to copenhague. |
paralayang is a synonym of paragliding. |
kalawarti forbes is a synonym of forbes. |
naskah laut mati is a synonym of dead sea scrolls. |
copepoda is a synonym of copepod. |
iwak sumpit is a synonym of archerfish. |
wétan is related to east. |
gitar bas is a synonym of bass guitar. |
ꦩꦁꦒꦶꦱ꧀ is related to mangosteen. |
neraca is a synonym of balance sheet. |
mertal is related to translate. |
foton is a synonym of photon. |
adas legi is a synonym of anise. |
universum is a synonym of alam semesta. |
hidrogen asetat is a synonym of asam asetat. |