There are several procedures in place to protect confidentiality of proprietary information.
In general, the standard NIAID contracts include a clause that states that all data and other information provided by a third party supplier or the NIAID project officer marked as confidential should be treated as confidential unless specifically identified as non-confidential in writing by the NIAID project officer.
Last, NIAID would not prevent the submitter from directly negotiating separate terms and conditions with the contractors, as long as such terms do not conflict with the pre-negotiated contract that NIAID has in place with the contractors.
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The ‘admixture’ model was used with three replicates of 200,000 Markov Chain Monte Carlo generations for K = 1 to 10, where K is the number of populations.
For each run the first 100,000 generations were discarded as burn-in before collecting data.
To identify the K value the average log probability (LnP(D)) of each K value was calculated [52].
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Stakeholders were across all sectors of society, including health systems, independent medical offices, all patient support services, payors (including government), and potentially every person in the country.
The magnitude of restricted access to community-based clinicians was like a deep, blunt dissection.
Non-hospital care effectively stopped.
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As summarized in Table 1 there is a growing list of lytic viral genes requiring CBF1 for activation.
In search for additional viral ORF50/RTA responsive and CBF1 dependent promoters, the putative promoters of ORF29a, ORF65, ORF9 and ORF62 were analyzed in reporter gene assays.
The promoter of ORF59 was studied in parallel since ORF59 is a well characterized target gene of RTA (Fig. 7A).
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While scientists, clinicians and governments rightly focus on containing COVID-19, they should also take the opportunity to prevent finding ourselves in a similar situation just a few years down the line.
With China scheduled to host the key Convention on Biological Diversity conference to set the post-2020 biodiversity agenda, it is hoped that the double win for disease prevention and conservation of permanently closing the wildlife trade will be seized.
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Previous analyses showed that travel behaviour is very different between urban and rural areas (Simma and Axhausen, 2001, Pucher and Renne, 2005, Axhausen et al., 2010, Atasoy and Bierlaire, 2013, Meyer der Freitas et al., 2019).
Therefore, these differences were tested in the Swiss context in 2015 and eventually integrated in the Swiss passenger transport model.
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Pregnant women may fare poorly even in developed countries because they are often denied medications and vaccines because of unknown effects on the fetus.
Healthcare workers and public health officials must be knowledgeable about benefits and risks of drugs and immunizations in pregnancy, so they assist their patients in making informed decisions.8 Pregnant patients and their physicians overestimate the risk to the fetus of medication.9 Misconceptions abound even about vaccines and medications proven to be safe and beneficial in pregnancy, often resulting in healthcare workers either not offering their pregnant patients appropriate prophylaxis or treatment, or pregnant patients declining interventions that are likely to protect or benefit themselves and their fetuses.
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In this study Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) and CDC, in cooperation with six PHLs, conducted a multicenter evaluation of TAC technology with viral and bacterial respiratory assays.
The overall goals were to evaluate the analytical performance of CDC developed reference assays on TACs in comparison with individual CDC laboratory developed tests (LDTs), LDTs from two different state PHLs, and three commercial multi-target respiratory panels.
Sensitivity was generally one log lower in the TAC format than for individual LDTs, consistent with previous studies (Kodani et al., 2011).
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Some patients on onabotulinumtoxinA may have been started on it and stable before newer preventive medication results have been published/approved.
Thus, we urge providers to first consult the American Academy of Neurology/American Headache Society Guidelines (last published in 2012 45 ; new ones are currently being produced) and to re‐evaluate patients' responses to the medications listed in those guidelines.
In addition, therapies which have been demonstrated to be beneficial since the development of that guideline include: CGRP and CGRP receptor antagonist monoclonal antibodies (mAbs): In the past 2 years, mAbs against CGRP or the CGRP receptor have been FDA approved for preventive treatment of both episodic and chronic migraine – erenumab‐aooe, 46 , 47 , 48 galcanezumab‐gnlm, 49 , 50 , 51 fremanezumab‐vfrm, 52 , 53 and eptinezumab‐jjmr.
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Such a study is made possible by the data from Source3(SPF), that provides hospital-based data for each of the continental France départements.
Fig 4 (right) already reported the slow and fast varying estimates of R and local trends computed from data aggregated over the whole France.
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Detailed morphometric analysis of the amount of sustainable stored secretory product in the tracheobronchial airways of the Rhesus monkey reveals at least twice as much mucus in the surface epithelium as in the submucosal glands [50].
In the lower airways of the Rhesus monkey, as in the majority of other animal species, glands are absent and surface epithelial mucous cells are the sole source of mucus.
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We developed "q-metric" to evaluate the epidemic.
Key constraints were matched against scenarios generated, and a monitoring mechanism was devised.
Results Continuing lockdown ("q-metric" of >50) until mid-August was theoretically the most effective solution to end the epidemic.
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Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) was significantly decreased with iZn compared to placebo (P < 0.04), probably due to decreased nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) activation.
They suggested that the decrease in plasma ICAM-1 levels due to iZn therapy decreased docking of the cold viruses on the surface of somatic cells.
Human rhinoviruses must “dock” with ICAM-1 on the surface of somatic cells to produce infection [51].
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If the deceased was a confirmed case of MERS-CoV infection, an employee wearing PPE should enter the room at a time agreed upon with the bereaved to seal, disinfect, lay the corpse in a coffin, and go to a crematory using a funeral vehicle.
If a suspected MERS patient died while waiting for the confirmatory diagnosis, the corpse should be treated as that of a confirmed patient.
A diagnostic specimen should be taken for postmortem confirmatory testing, under expert guidance in difficult cases.
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Viral replicative machineries may be endowed with features that influence the occurrence of recombination.
One such feature is processivity of the viral polymerase (capacity of continued copying of the same template molecule).
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While naturally occurring nanoscale assemblies can be good vaccine candidates for certain infectious diseases, they may not be applicable to a wide range of infectious organisms.
Another approach in development of nanovaccines is the use of rationally designed proteins.
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These audio files were imported into NVivo 10 qualitative data processing software and then partially transcribed by the first author who also conducted the interviews.
The statements collected were analyzed using a thematic analysis method.
Based on meticulous reading of the contents, all themes raised in the discussions were identified, grouped, and structured [50].
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The chemokine ligand superfamily is divided into subgroups, of which the largest are the CC chemokines (28 members) and the CXC chemokines (16 members).
Chemokine subgroup members, encoded in multigene arrays, are functionally related and signal to corresponding families of chemokine receptors, which are G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) and act specifically through Pertussis toxin‐sensitive Gαi components.
GPCRs are drug targets [10], and the biotech/pharmaceutical industry has mounted substantial efforts to modulate chemokine receptor activity, heightening the medical importance of chemokine‐mediated regulation of homeostatic and inflammatory processes.
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Large part of this review describes nucleic acid amplification methods again starting with sample preparation, then different types of PCR, isothermal amplifications and detection methods of amplified product.
Final chapter of this review is used to describe commercial devices for rapid viral diagnostics.
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The test bioaerosol generated by the Collison nebulizer located in the biological safety cabinet was discharged directly into a 1.0-in. (
25 mm) diameter stainless steel (SS) tube that extended from the biological safety cabinet through the chamber wall to the center of the chamber.
The aerosol was discharged at a height of 5 ft (1.5 m) above the floor through a hollow, 3-in. (
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Targeting virus-induced metabolic changes to restore host normal metabolism may be a new direction to combat influenza disease.
Further research in the immunometabolism field, alongside studies on modulating immune response to infectious disease by altering host metabolic processes; would create a new direction for future research and is expected to yield significant discoveries that may provide new therapeutic options in the treatment of IAV infections.
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Massive segmental bony defects often occur following trauma or tumor resection and remain a clinical problem.
For bone regeneration, BMSCs have evolved to be a promising cell source as they are immunoprivileged, immunosuppressive and capable of differentiating into osteoblasts (Kumar et al., 2010).
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Weather prediction models provide a workable analogy.
Such models consist of continually updatable inputs, that must adapt to an enormous array of incoming data [17].
Short-term predictions, especially those associated with discrete, extreme weather events such as floods and hurricanes, have proven useful in supporting emergency management strategies, unlike events such as earthquakes or acid rain, which have longer lead times [18].
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Antimicrobials may be indicated in cases of severe hemorrhage because blood provides an excellent medium for bacterial growth to occur.
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Studies with longer durations and larger group sizes are needed to investigate these questions, and our results suggest that such studies are feasible.
Our results may be relevant to chronic fatigue, a common debilitating condition associated with MS, particularly because autonomic dysfunction, disturbances of the circadian rhythm and deregulation of hormonal signals associated with the sleep-wake cycle (all of which can affect HR and BP) are believed to contribute to chronic fatigue34,35.
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Discharge from hospital and self-quarantine should not be allowed by principle.
Access to a quarantine ward is granted only to related persons, and additional admission should be prohibited.
During the observation period, leaving the ward is limited to only necessary reasons, such as diagnostic testing.
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Any changes in these flows can cause apparent changes in size and concentration of the particles of interest.
Additionally, the flow rates may also vary slightly over time even without temperature changes.
Each change may cause variation in counts and size obtained by ES-DMA assay over several hours on the same day or over several days as has been addressed under the rubric of “repeatability” and “intermediate precision” (Section 3.2).
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The hemagglutinin-esterases (HEs) are a family of viral envelope glycoproteins that mediate reversible attachment to O-acetylated sialic acids by acting both as receptor-binding (“lectins”) and as receptor-destroying enzymes (RDEs) with esterase activity (Woo et al., 2010, Zhang et al., 1992, Vlasak et al., 1988, Schultze et al., 1991).
In coronaviruses, this gene is exclusively present in betacoronaviruses of clade a and has probably been acquired after diverging from the ancestors of other betacoronavirus lineages (Zeng et al., 2008), possibly via horizontal gene transfer from Influenza C virus (Langereis et al., 2012).
Crystal structures have been determined for the hemagglutinin esterases of BCoV and MHV (Vlasak et al., 1988, Schultze et al., 1991).
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The serology results of healthy controls suggest a potentially higher attack rate.
Future studies should be aware of the combined diagnostic strength of PCR and serology to identify RSV infection.
As maternal RSV vaccine candidates are evaluated to protect young infants, additional priority should be placed on outcomes of pregnant women.
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In the acute phase, horses may have respiratory distress: they are tachypneic, may be hypoxemic, and may or may not be febrile.478, 479 Horses also may have signs similar to those exhibited by heaves-affected horses with an increased respiratory rate and a significant expiratory effort, cough, and nasal discharge.481, 482, 483 In chronic disorders, horses may exhibit exercise intolerance482 or have a history of weight loss and anorexia.
Interstitial lung disease also may be present in the absence of clinical signs.482
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Future studies may further investigate the challenges and adverse effects of the usage of mobile learning in the teaching and learning process.
Only when we understand what those challenges and adverse effects are, we can establish strategies to handle them.
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Overlapping sequences were assembled into contiguous sequences using SEQMAN DNASTAR software (lasergene, DNASTAR, Inc., Madison, WI, USA).
Partial non-concatenated nucleic acid sequences of the new Coronavirus and Paramyxovirus as well as from Cytochrome B were aligned using MEGA 7 (Kumar et al., 2016), with minor manual adjustments.
Sites that could not be unambiguously aligned were excluded and divergent regions were excluded from subsequent analyses.
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To note is the direct correlation reported between the level of ubiquitination of viral proteins and presentation of viral peptides to MHC-I, where an increase in the levels of ubiquitination of viral proteins, regardless of protein degradation, has been shown to result in an overall increase in the presentation of viral peptides to MHC-I [11].
This suggests that PROTAC-mediated ubiquitination of the viral protein could stimulate the presentation of viral peptides to MHC-I and favor the development of host T-cell therapeutic activity against the viral protein.
In fact, this capability has already been reported for PORTACs [4].
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Other studies using similar approaches have also highlighted the importance of these two larval traits (Dziock, 2006; Schweiger et al., 2007; Keil et al., 2008), which Thompson and Rotheray (1998) considered to be the most significant characteristics of the Syrphidae.
Moreover, because we focused on flower visitors mainly on ericaceous species, it is not surprising that proboscis size explains a large amount of the variation in our study.
In consequence, hoverfly species on heathlands can be separated into two groups: one composed of species with aphidophagous and terrestrial larvae, adults with a short or medium proboscis and having a preference for forests (coniferous and deciduous) or grasslands and heathlands; and the other composed of species with saprophagous and aquatic larvae, a long proboscis and a preference for wetlands and wet forests.
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Nosocomial outbreaks characteristically occur from multiple introductions of community respiratory viral strains as well as patient-to-patient spread (perhaps with health care providers as intermediaries).
For prevention of nosocomial transmission, contact isolation precautions are effective, provided that compliance with the policy is maintained among personnel.
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With the COVID-19 pandemic there was little time for a drawn-out political process.
Media coverage tallied scores of deaths daily fueling the urgency for decisive action.
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Influenza (H5N1) cases occur mainly in young people (32).
This finding may be explained by hypothesizing that older people, although not previously exposed to H5N1 subtype, may have gained protective immunity by previous infections sustained by circulating influenza virus strains.
It has also been shown that immunity to the N1 NA from the human influenza virus cross-reacts with the avian N1 NA virus and that this cross-reactivity protects mice against infection with the avian influenza virus (H5N1) (26).
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In summary, the controlled oxygen evolution and bubbles frequencies are studied using Ti/Ni/Pd microtubes immersed in different SDS surfactant and hydrogen peroxide concentrations.
Chemical oxygen generators can be designed and well understood on the level of individual tubular microreactors immersed in the fuel solution with required chemical compositions.
Firstly, geometrical parameters of tubular microreactors that influence reaction-diffusion processes have to be considered.
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In summary, the major finding of this study was that ET-1 enhanced the electrophysiological activity of ASICs in DRG neurons via the intracellular PKC signaling pathway, which may contribute to ET-1-induced nociceptive behavior in rats.
Our results demonstrated that ASICs act as novel targets of ET-1, which may provide a strategy for the treatment of pain associated with ET-1, such as inflammatory pain and cancer-related pain.
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The incorporation of foreign epitopes into the wild-type VLP can result in excellent immunity and are safe for human use (Grgacic and Anderson, 2006).
VLP derived from hepatitis B virus (Ye et al., 2013), Newcastle disease virus (Schmidt et al., 2014, Cullen et al., 2015), and parvovirus (Gilbert et al., 2004, Gilbert et al., 2006) have been shown to be suitable candidates for the expression of foreign epitopes.
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This finding supports our earlier conclusions that exosomes may be produced at lower levels when cells are resting at G0 (Figure 4B and C).
It should be noted that ZetaView analysis detects the total number of vesicles or large particles present, with exosomes comprising only a fraction of these.
Therefore, to determine the distribution of true exosomes containing VP40, we used our previously published strategy of exosome characterization by density gradient ultracentrifugation [50].
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Apart from the 17D yellow fever live attenuated vaccine and the Junin virus vaccine, no vaccines for haemorrhagic fevers have been licensed.
Since the west African Ebola virus epidemic, new Ebola virus vaccines that have been long under development are being used successfully in the 2018 epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.109 Essentially no other licensed vaccines are available for other Tier 1 select agents.
The previously licensed, formalin-inactivated, whole-bacilli plague vaccine has not proven effective against primary pneumonic plague in non-human primate models,110 but new plague vaccines are under development.111, 112 A live attenuated vaccine against tularaemia for high risk personnel is held as an investigational new drug by the US military.
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De Los Santos et al. discovered that FMDV Lpro contains a putative SAP domain (scaffold-attachment factor (SAF)A and SAFB, apoptotic chromatin-condensation inducer in the nucleus (ACINUS), and protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS) domain) [39].
SAP is a conserved domain which usually exists in the eukaryotic proteins and involved in nucleic acid binding, DNA metabolism, DNA repair, chromosomal organization, apoptosis, transcriptional regulation, and immune regulation [92].
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On the other hand, the lysosomal membranes lock the destructive enzymes within the lysosomal vesicles, thus providing protection for the other cellular compartments.
Among the hydrolases of the acidic cellular compartment are multiple peptide-bond cleaving proteases.
A so-called ‘catheptic activity’ (derived from the Greek Kathépsein, meaning to digest or to boil down) was initially discovered in the acidic gastric juice during the 1920s [2].
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However, antiviral resistance may develop during the treatment of drug-sensitive strains.
The emergence and spread of resistant strains during influenza pandemics has the possibility of causing major morbidity and mortality, becoming one of the most challenging public health issues.
To better understand the temporal and spatial characteristics of influenza transmission and reduce the risk of future influenza pandemic, in this paper, we incorporate antiviral resistance, population diffusion and demographic processes (recruitment and natural deaths) into the previous influenza models, forming a diffusive influenza model (1) with multiple strains, where a population is divided into five disjoint classes: susceptible individuals, individuals infected with the sensitive strain and untreated, individuals infected with the sensitive strain and treated, individuals infected with the resistant strain and recovered individuals.
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The main initial symptom is a fever, followed by symptoms of acute respiratory infection about 5 days later.
If the lungs are affected, mechanical ventilation becomes necessary due to acute respiratory failure, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or a hemodialysis procedure may be required, depending on the severity of the infection.
Chronically ill patients and healthcare workers (HCWs) are at a high risk of infection.
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Efficacy of own reactions might relate to self-efficacy [23], whereas the reactions of others and the government can be related to the more general efficacy of a protective response.
It could be the case that high ‘self-efficacy’ is positively related to one's worry/fear whereas ‘governmental efficacy’ might not be positively related to one's worry/fear.3
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In 2005 the World Health Organization (WHO) revised the International Health Regulations (IHR) (in force in 2007) for international regulations and standards binding 194 countries.
The overall goal of the revised ISR is to support ship and port sanitation, disease surveillance, and response to infectious diseases (
Safety regulations for international shipping, including cruise ships, are promulgated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in its International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).7 SOLAS addresses a variety of issues pertaining to passenger and crew safety, including fire protection, lifesaving equipment and procedures, and radio communications.
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RIG‐I and MDA5 play redundant roles in the recognition of West Nile virus (63), Dengue virus, (61) paramyxovirus, and reovirus (61), most of which contain 5′‐triphosphates.
In addition, although Sendai virus has been shown to activate RIG‐I, it encodes for a protein, the V protein, that is a specific inhibitor of MDA5 (64).
Furthermore, murine hepatitis virus, a member of the coronavirus family that does not contain VPg, has recently been shown to be recognized by MDA5 (65).
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What could be the short and long-term implications of the reduced collections on our services?
The answers to these questions will depend on the extent and time-duration of this pandemic and associated behavioural change, which is anticipated to remain in effect well beyond the original estimates.
Additionally, according to the recent advisory, by the government, all the voluntary blood donation camps [VBDCs] have been put on a hold as a part of the “curtailment strategy” to avoid mass gatherings [5].
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However, the traditional manufacturing methods suffer from many drawbacks such as multiple steps, harsh conditions, low yield, and environmental problems, which hamper further applications of petrochemical-based acetylacetone.
Compared to conventional chemical methods, biosynthetic methods possess advantages such as being eco-friendly, and having mild conditions, high selectivity and low potential costs.
It is urgent to develop biosynthetic route for acetylacetone to avoid the present problems.
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This may occur as a result of differential expression of the various sensors or their downstream adapter proteins.
One specific example may occur in the brain.
Several groups have shown that TLR3 is expressed in the brain, while MDA5 does not appear to be expressed.
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These data suggested that the RBD in the inactivated virus and the recombinant S protein might display different immunogenicity, and thus allowed the isolation of neutralizing mAbs that recognize different conformation-dependent epitopes.
However, none of the mAbs targeting the Conf II, IV, and V epitopes were isolated from the inactivated SARS-CoV-immunized mice, suggesting that these epitopes might not be immunodominant or even not be functional in the inactivated vaccine.
Conf IV and V epitopes may overlap the receptor-binding motif in RBD and induce most potent neutralizing antibodies [34].
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No external funding was secured for this study.
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In addition to limited reports on the herb-drug interactions of OS at pharmacokinetics levels, it was found that the potential interaction could also be at the pharmacodynamics level.
Pomegranate polyphenol extract has not only demonstrated its in-vitro inhibition on the replication of human influenza A/Hong Kong (H3N2), but has also shown a synergistic effect with OS (Haidari et al., 2009).
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Figure 5b demonstrates that while the USA has fewer imported malaria cases annually than the UK, the trend towards increasing numbers of P. falciparum cases continues.
The rise in P. falciparum cases in the USA is mirrored by a substantial rise in cases acquired in Africa (Figure 5c).
The precise causes of the decline in imported Plasmodium vivax cases and increase in those of P. falciparum in the UK and USA are difficult to determine given the myriad of factors involved in transmission, including changes over time of levels and types of antimalarial use, malaria prevalence, travel activities and reporting efficiency.
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Alternatively, increased travel or migration and increased between-person contacts have facilitated emergence of simian immunodeficiency virus/HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Increased exposure to wild-caught animals and high mutation rates of many RNA viruses have increased their predominance among emerging zoonoses transmitted from human to human; RNA viruses from bush meat may therefore play a possible role in future disease emergence.
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Though the findings of this study are very interesting, this approach needs to be validated in multi-center trials with varied populations (Martinez and Curtis 2007).
Furthermore, it needs to tested in outpatients with exacerbations, where the majority of exacerbations are treated, patients are not as closely supervised and other supportive care is less rigorous.
Only a minority of patients received a fluoroquinolones in this study, which should have been the antibiotics of choice in these complicated patients, as per the risk stratification discussed above.
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It is estimated that there are 1 × 1011 neurons in the human brain.
Each neuron makes approximately 10,000 synapses with other neurons; therefore there are approximately 1 × 1015 synapses in the human brain.
The neurons maintain a close association with various glial cells, including microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.
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The tip part includes 22 nucleotides of bTRS that seems to form 17 canonical base pairs with a genome region just 11 nucleotides upstream (yellow in Fig 10B).
Since these 22 nucleotides of bTRS are identical to those of the lTRS, the latter might alternatively form a stable secondary structure with the yellow region (upstream of bTRS; Fig 10C).
The basal part of the hairpin is much smaller and may not be conserved in the possible interaction involving lTRS.
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The destabilizing effect of heparin is more pronounced in the case of the longer chains due to the electrostatic repulsion between the low-pI ACE2 and the heparin segments not accommodated on the RBD surface.
In addition to providing important mechanistic information on attenuation of the ACE2/RBD association by heparin, the study demonstrates the yet untapped potential of native MS coupled to gas-phase ion chemistry as a means of facilitating rational repurposing of the existing medicines for treating COVID-19.
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Table 3 shows for the subsample of employed people that nearly the same amount of variance could be explained for all three competencies.
There is however a major difference for the variables of age and education.
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Shortening outbreak reporting lags has the potential to save lives, strengthen national security, and safeguard the global economy6.
We compiled reporting data and potential explanatory factors for 318 human infectious disease outbreaks that occurred at various locations around the world during the period 1996-20093 .
We tested the hypothesis that increased freedom of the press, health expenditure and communications infrastructure (specifically Internet usage and cell phone subscriptions), contribute to decreased reporting lags.
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The disease in susceptible species other than pigs is generally fatal.
Although pigs—particularly young, suckling piglets—can die from infection, most mature pigs remain persistently infected and act as latent carriers.
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Autoimmune injury to oligodendroglia in the CNS arising from aberrant cellular and/or humoral immune responses can result from one of the following four proposed mechanisms:1.Molecular mimicry: The CNS has antigens that are similar or identical to those expressed by certain pathogens (virus or bacterium).
The normal inflammatory and immunologic responses to these pathogens result in the expression of antibodies that cross-react with “antigens” normally expressed by CNS cells.2.Abrogation of immune tolerance: The CNS is an “immune privileged” organ (like the eye).
The immune system therefore does not recognize CNS antigens as innate antigens, and if they are exposed to the immune system after inflammation or trauma, an autoimmune response can ensue.
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Elaborative audio or text will eventually add details to support the learning process in mobile learning systems and learners with low working memory capacity can take advantage of this effect.
The usage of mixed media has the potential to create an impactful learning condition as the learning resources can be combined and made dynamically available independent of the location and time.
In this way, it does not obstruct the focus of the learner and therefore promotes good integration of cognitive load theory.
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Each facility must set priorities for its performance improvement activities that focus on high-risk, high-volume, or problem-prone areas; consider the incidence, prevalence, and severity of problems in those areas; and assure health outcomes, resident safety, resident autonomy, resident choice, and quality of care (§483.75(e)(1)).
Each facility must also establish a quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) program and develop and implement appropriate plans of correction (§483.75(g)(2)).37 Where nursing homes are not able to reduce errors, adverse incidents, and improve quality, inadequate staffing levels may be the fundamental underlying problem.
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In vivo toxicological and metabolic studies of these tannins have been explored with both showing minimal toxicity [67,68].
Furthermore, the two compounds could be mass-produced by chemical synthesis or extracted from T. chebula, which is widespread throughout Southeast Asia, making them attractive, cost-effective drug candidates [69-72].
Therefore, development of broad-spectrum antivirals using CHLA and PUG or their structure as lead compounds could be useful.
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This necessitated non-involvement with other residents, who were viewed as sources of stress, caused in large part by participants’ feeling pressured by their other residents to engage in illicit substance use.
In many cases, these other residents were seen as potential perpetrators of theft or even physical violence.
As Glen, introduced above, noted,
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This disease is most common in horses but may also occur in lambs castrated in areas contaminated with spores of C. tetani.
Tetanus also has been reported in cows, pigs, dogs, and cats.
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PHLs also perform regularly scheduled tests on samples collected from designated sentinel (guard) sites.
Samples come from animals that are more susceptible to a disease, are living in close proximity to people and are being tested regularly to gauge when a new disease can be expected.
The monthly testing of samples from a chicken population for West Nile Virus is one example.
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Within 4 weeks, maximum levels of fetal hemoglobin were reached.
Decitabine holds promise as a therapy for patients with sickle cell anemia failing hydroxyurea therapy.
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This might find application in light harvesting and energy transfer.
Future work of our group will focus on using the DNA hybrids to load different cargos, such as drugs or proteins, in specific ratios inside a VLP for intracellular delivery [41, 42].
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The V protein, however, exhibited not only intranuclear distribution but also distribution throughout the cytoplasm in hPIV2-infected cells [51].
Thus, the V protein in Vero-V cells may not be functionally equivalent to that in hPIV2-infected cells.
Indeed, V protein expression in our cells does not complement impaired replication of a mutant hPIV2 due to amino acid substitutions in the V protein [52].
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Consequently, the ERQ can be used in future research effectively and facilitate a better understanding of how people react in a highly dangerous situation.
Future directions in the utilization of the new method are discussed.
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This means that we have to make sure that data is freely available in a secure repository for readers and reviewers.
Of course, for at least the foreseeable future, clinical, identifiable data needs to be deposited with caution, but we expect that progress will be made in this area in the years to come.
We also realize that our current requirement to accept only INSDC-indexed repositories can result in inconvenience to some.
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While further work is required to confirm the effect of UAS cleaning on prion infectivity, this study has highlighted the potential of this system as a cheap, rapid, environmentally friendly and highly efficient method for the decontamination of reusable surgical instruments.
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S100 calcium-binding protein A9 (S100A9) is a member of the S100 family of calcium-binding proteins.
A recent study showed that S100A9 is a host restrictive factor that possesses antiviral activity against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) replication (Darweesh et al., 2018).
In our previous proteomics study, we found that the expression of S100A9 was significantly increased in PRRSV-infected PAMs (data not shown); however, the role of S100A9 in PRRSV infection remains unknown.
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Western academics, students, or members of the public tend to take their mobilities for granted.
We inhabit a variety of spaces of travel, transport, and mobility on a more-or-less regular basis, and we may not inhabit such spaces with any great excitement.
We may see particular modes of transport as merely functional, as delivering us from A to B, and we may not reflect on the geographies or spatialities of our movements.
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Some initial frameworks have been proposed in the literature (Blackhurst et al., 2008, Zhao et al., 2019, Qazi et al., 2018, Ojha et al., 2018).
However, we decided to leverage the [13] framework for several reasons.
First, their framework is the most general, and allows for any measure of “cost” or “utility” to be included.
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IRE1-XBP1 pathway is required for, and regulates efficient protein folding, maturation, and degradation in response to ER stress [19].
We speculate that IRE1α RNase activity activates cellular protein degradation pathway (ERAD), and leads to the degradation of viral proteins, which is unfavourable to viral replication.
This assumption was supported by our data that Tg-induced IRE1α RNase activity resulted in the inhibition of HSV-1 replication (Figure 2E,G).
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During thymic development, T cells are subjected to two subsequent processes called positive and negative selection (93, 94).
Negative selection is necessary for the maintenance of self-tolerance as it induces the deletion or inactivation of potentially autoreactive thymocytes (95).
We recently demonstrated that TEIPP-specific CD8 T-cells indeed do not undergo negative selection and are thereby available for therapeutic exploitation.
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We conjecture that not all context-free language are PI languages; e.g, the Dyck language of two types of well-nested parentheses seems not to be PI.
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Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells, which links innate immune system with adaptive immune system.
Recently, a genome wide screening study revealed a cohort of lncRNAs which are differentially expressed during development of human DCs.
Among these lnc-DC has been revealed to act as an inducer during DC differentiation [20].
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Strategies aimed at broadly interfering with cytokine signalling could also significantly reduce hyperinflammation in patients with severe COVID-19, and several trials testing the use of JAK inhibitors are ongoing.
Alternatively, strategies upstream of the production of individual cytokines could represent a broader and possibly more effective way to dampen the occurrence of cytokine release syndromes.
Current evidence suggests that pathological macrophages mostly derive from circulating monocytes that massively infiltrate the lungs and other organs rather than from tissue-resident macrophage populations.
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Previous studies have demonstrated that TCMs may have beneficial effects on patients with avian influenza [11], [12].
Our univariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the duration of TCM therapy could be partially associated with the prognosis in H7N9-infected patients.
However, TCM therapy was not considered for four critically ill patients with ARDS, which might have accounted for the short duration of TCM therapy in the critically ill group.
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Darius is a trainee nurse who is interested in media representations of people with alcohol dependency and the physical health consequences of it.
He is interested on the impact of such portrayals of television characters on public perceptions of alcohol-related health problems.
He is interested in whether the other characters in the show are sympathetic or judgmental of the character with the condition.
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In comparison to MERS with a fatality rate of 35.67% [86] and SARS with a fatality rate of 11% [87], we found COVID-19 to have a much lower CFR (2%) that significantly increased by age (5.6% increase for every 10-year increase).
Although this estimate is comparable with previous studies [40, 88], it is important to recognise the limitations of calculating fatality rates of COVID-19 while the epidemic is still growing.
As most COVID-19 patients remain asymptomatic and may recover without seeking medical care, it is likely that the true CFR among people infected with SARS-CoV-2 could be even lower.
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RNA viruses appear to be trapped in the low state of this relationship (Eigen trap) [15], which is characterized by low fidelity (high mutation rate), small genome size (10 kb average), and low complexity (few protein/RNA elements).
Specifically, low-fidelity replication without proofreading constrains genome expansion [16], since accumulation of mutations [17] would lead to the meltdown of larger genomes during replication (error catastrophe hypothesis) [18, 19].
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We are interested to implement the microvascular studies and the efforts to improve our knowledge regarding the microcirculation role in this disease.
However, it is not so easy to evaluate microcirculation in critically ill patients.
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Interestingly, some recent studies have used FMT to restore the phenotypes of donors in recipients and suggested the key roles of intestinal microbiota in mammalian host health such as obesity (Ridaura et al., 2013; Goodrich et al., 2014), colon cancer (Wong et al., 2017), pathogens resistance (Lawley et al., 2012), and anti-tumor immunity (Sivan et al., 2015).
Thus, characterization of porcine intestinal microbial functions via FMT is of great significance and requires further investigation.
The underlying mechanism of FMT and the gut microbes conferring efficacy on FMT are still unclear.
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The coordination of Atg protein recruitment to the PAS from different membrane origins, as well as their hierarchical assembly at this specialized site, are aspects of the autophagosome biogenesis that should be carefully considered in the future.
Although a hierarchical recruitment of the Atg proteins has been proposed for yeast on a genetic basis89, their temporal association and the functional consequences of the hierarchy remain to be investigated.
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Considering the complexities of brain development and the fact that astrocytes and oligodendrocytes arise from common stem cells early in development, it should not be surprising that some neoplasms arising in the CNS have multiple lines of differentiation as indicated by immunohistochemical analysis.
One such neoplasm is the rare primitive neuroectodermal tumor.
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In addition to the spread of SARS within TTSH, infection also spread outside by infected visitors and discharged patients to household contacts and healthcare workers in another hospital, Changi General Hospital.
The failure to detect SARS in a discharged patient (patient B) who was a contact of patient A in TTSH led to a second major outbreak in SGH, where this patient was subsequently readmitted (Figure 2).
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As universal screening for congenital CMV infection is being discussed and anticipated in the near future [29, 30], the need for such evaluation needs to be assessed and included as part of potential health benefits and cost analyses [31].
From this study, the performance of a complete evaluation (Table 5) may lead to institution of antiviral therapy to improve hearing and possibly neurodevelopmental outcomes in some infants [32–34].
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The patient was commenced on a higher dose of Enoxaparin 80 mg BD.
LP was not done as the patient was started on anti-coagulants for pulmonary embolism.
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Prehospital randomized controlled trials are costly and time consuming and may fail for a number of reasons.
In practice it might not be possible to supply or keep ambulances stocked according to a predefined randomization schedule.
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To analyze whether IFI44 modulates IKKβ activity, human 293T cells were silenced with two different IFI44 siRNAs and cotransfected with a plasmid expressing Fluc under the control of the NF-κB promoter and a plasmid expressing Rluc under the control of a constitutively promoter to normalize the levels of transfection, together with a pCAGGS plasmid expressing MYC-IKKβ, or the empty pCAGGS plasmid as a control.
At 24 h posttransfection, the levels of Fluc were measured and normalized to the levels of Rluc.
As expected, MYC-IKKβ overexpression induced NF-κB activation (Fig. 6A) (9).
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Many broadly neutralizing antibodies also target the high mannose patch, which because of the homogeneity in glycans, is more conserved than one might have imagined given normal glycan heterogeneity.
Some of the antibodies also appear to be effective in stabilizing prefusion versions of the Env trimer and thereby prevent the conformational changes and rearrangements associated with receptor and co‐receptor binding and fusion.97
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Given the recent call in the literature to theoretically distinguish between supply chain disruptions and supply chain risks (DuHadway et al., 2019, Garvey et al., 2015), it would also be logical, and useful, to theoretically distinguish between disruption propagation and risk propagation.
The ripple effect (i.e. disruption propagation) results from a sequence of known events based on the structural design of the supply chain (Ivanov et al., 2014), which is a phenomena that can be objectively studied given that the view of structure is often objectively measured.
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