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the Author of all names, to write down my name with the names of them who, |
from eternity, have circled round the Tabernacle of Thy majesty, and clung |
to the hem of Thy loving-kindness, and held fast the cord of Thy tender |
mercy. |
Thou art, in truth, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. |
Praised be Thou, O Lord my God! I implore Thee, by Thy Most Great Name |
through Which Thou didst stir up Thy servants and build up Thy cities, and |
by Thy most excellent titles, and Thy most august attributes, to assist |
Thy people to turn in the direction of Thy manifold bounties, and set |
their faces towards the Tabernacle of Thy wisdom. Heal Thou the sicknesses |
that have assailed the souls on every side, and have deterred them from |
directing their gaze towards the Paradise that lieth in the shelter of Thy |
shadowing Name, which Thou didst ordain to be the King of all names unto |
all who are in heaven and all who are on earth. Potent art Thou to do as |
pleaseth Thee. In Thy hands is the empire of all names. There is none |
other God but Thee, the Mighty, the Wise. |
I am but a poor creature, O my Lord; I have clung to the hem of Thy |
riches. I am sore sick; I have held fast the cord of Thy healing. Deliver |
me from the ills that have encircled me, and wash me thoroughly with the |
waters of Thy graciousness and mercy, and attire me with the raiment of |
wholesomeness, through Thy forgiveness and bounty. Fix, then, mine eyes |
upon Thee, and rid me of all attachment to aught else except Thyself. Aid |
me to do what Thou desirest, and to fulfill what Thou pleasest. |
Thou art truly the Lord of this life and of the next. Thou art, in truth, |
the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. |
Lauded be Thy name, O Thou Who beholdest all things and art hidden from |
all things! From every land Thou hearest the lamentations of them that |
love Thee, and from every direction Thou hearkenest unto the cries of such |
as have recognized Thy sovereignty. Were their oppressors to be asked: |
"Wherefore have ye oppressed them and held them in bondage in Ba_gh_d谩d |
and elsewhere? What injustice have they committed? Whom have they |
betrayed? Whose blood have they spilled, and whose property have they |
plundered?" they would know not what to answer. |
Thou knowest full well, O my God, that their only crime is to have loved |
Thee. For this reason have their oppressors laid hold on them, and |
scattered them abroad. Aware as I am, O my God, that Thou wilt send down |
upon Thy servants only what is good for them, I nevertheless beseech Thee, |
by Thy name which overshadoweth all things, to raise up, for their |
assistance and as a sign of Thy grace and as an evidence of Thy power, |
those who will keep them safe from all their adversaries. |
Potent art Thou to do Thy pleasure. Thou art, verily, the Supreme Ruler, |
the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. |
Praised be Thou, O Lord my God! I am Thy servant and the son of Thy |
servant. I have set my face towards Thy Cause, believing in Thy oneness, |
acknowledging Thy unity, recognizing Thy sovereignty and the power of Thy |
might, and confessing the greatness of Thy majesty and glory. I ask Thee, |
by Thy name through which the heaven was cleft asunder, and the earth was |
rent in twain, and the mountains were crushed, not to withhold from me the |
breezes of Thy mercy which have been wafted in Thy days, nor to suffer me |
to be far removed from the shores of Thy nearness and bounty. |
I am he who is sore athirst, O my Lord! Give me to drink of the living |
waters of Thy grace. I am but a poor creature; reveal unto me the tokens |
of Thy riches. Doth it beseem Thee to cast out of the door of Thy grace |
and bounty such as have set their hopes on Thee, and can it befit Thy |
sovereignty to hinder them that yearn after Thee from attaining the adored |
sanctuary of Thy presence and from beholding Thy face? By Thy glory! Such |
is not my belief in Thee, for I am persuaded that Thou art the God of |
bounteousness, Whose grace hath encompassed all things. |
I beseech Thee, O my Lord, by Thy mercy that hath surpassed the entire |
creation, and Thy generosity that hath embraced all created things, to |
cause me to turn my face wholly towards Thee, and to seek Thy shelter, and |
to be steadfast in my love for Thee. Write down, then, for me what Thou |
didst ordain for them who love Thee. Powerful art Thou to do what Thou |
pleasest. No God is there beside Thee, the Ever-Forgiving, the |
All-Bountiful. |
Praised be God, the Lord of the worlds! |