Arabic Sentence,English Sentence
stringlengths 22
لِاِنّ فى النِّهايه مُمْكِن تِكْتِشِف اِنّ ده كان الطّريق الانْسب ليك مِن البِدايه.,"After that, they performed a beautiful song by Nirvana called The Man Who Sold the World." |
المُهِمّ، بعْد درجاتى السَّيّئه جِدّاً السّنتَيْن اللى فاتوا.,I was really enjoying myself and singing with them despite my awful voice. |
قرّرْت اِنّى اسْتعيد تانى ايّام الثّانَويه.,"In the end, I went home very happy with this nice, artistic evening and had a calm, deep sleep." |
السّنه دى انا بحْضر كُلّ المُحاضْرات و بذاكِر بِشكْل مُنْتظِم، و ناوى كمان اِن شاء الله اِنّ انا انافِس عَلَى ترْتيب كُوَيِّس عَلَى الدّفْعه.,Next week I have midterm exams! |
الاِسْبوع الجاىّ همُرّ بِاوّل اِمْتِحانات رسْميه السّنه دى.,"I study in the engineering department, and this year is the last year for me, God willing." |
و بِالرّغْم مِن اِنّى عدَّيْت عَلَى اِمْتِحانات اصْعب مِن كِده بِكْتير بسّ حاسِس اِنّى قلْقان شُوَيّه زىّ ايّام الثّانويه تقْريباً.,I should graduate in June 2016. |
يِمْكِن دى علامه كُوَيِّسه؟,"In [my] high school days, I was a very hardworking and distinguished student." |
فا اِتْمنّولى التَّوْفيق لِاِنّى اكيد هاحْتاجُه.,I was loved by the teachers and I was always competing for first place in the rank of my class and the school. |
اهلاً بيكم.,But the situation changed when I entered college. |
يوم ١٤ / ١١ ده كان يوم ميلادى.,"In the second year, my grades forced me to enter a department other than the one I wanted." |
بابايا و جوزى و ابنى فاجئونى بتورتايه حلوه اوى.,The department that I entered is called “Industrial Engineering”. |
كتبولى عليها كل سنه و انتى طيبه.,"I didn’t like it much, or in better words, I didn’t know much about it." |
و جابوا حلويات كتير.,I remained upset for a long time. |
كان يوم حلو بمعنى الكلمه.,"I wasn’t interested, and I wasn’t attending any lectures and I wasn’t studying except at exam time." |
هقولكو بصراحه، انا تميت السنه دى ٣٥ سنه مبحبش بقى موضوع انى اخبى سنى و افضل طول عمرى عندى ٢٢ سنه و الكلام ده.,"But thank God, I was passing." |
و عشان الخمسه و تلاتين بالذات انا بعتبرها نقطه فاصله، او هى منتصف العمر فعلياً.,But of course with very bad grades. |
فا قعدت مع نفسى شويه افكر انا اتعلمت ايه من اللى فات و عايزه اعمل ايه فى اللى جاى.,"Over time, I started to like my major." |
اول حاجه انا لازم اشكر ربنا على كل الناس اللى حطهم فى طريقى طول حياتى لان كلهم هدايا حقيقيه.,And I found out later that this is the most suitable major for me and for my potentials! |
و بدعى ربنا انه يقدرنى اسعدهم كلهم و اللى بعد منهم اقدر احافظ على التواصل معاه.,"I think now if I went back in time, I would prefer this department over any other department." |
تانى حاجه المواظبه.,"Unfortunately, I found that out a bit late." |
اتاكدت فعلاً انه الواحد يقدر يعمل معجزات لو واظب على حاجه و لو بقدر بسيط يومياً.,"But I’ve learned when I’m forced [to do] something and I have no other choices, that I’m content with what God has chosen for me, and I try to take advantage of it to the maximum limit." |
و بالنسبه لى ده بيحل مشاكل كتير زى عدم توافر الوقت او الظروف المناسبه عشان اعمل حاجه بحبها.,Because at the end you might find out that this was the most suitable path for you from the beginning. |
لكن لو خصصت لها وقت بسيط كل يوم هنجز فيها كتير.,"Anyway, after my very bad grades in the past two years, I have decided to call upon the days of high school." |
زى ما بيقول نبينا: أحب الأعمال إلى الله ادومها وإن قل.,"This year, I’m attending all lectures and studying on a regular basis, and I’m also intending, if God wills, to compete for a good rank in my class." |
تالت حاجه انه مفيش حاجه بتيجى متاخر.,Next week I’ll go through the first official exams this year. |
هى بتيجى لما الواحد بيكون مستعد و ده زودلى حماستى انى ابدأ فى الحاجه اللى انا بحبها، مكسلش و مقولش اتاخرت.,"And even though I’ve been through much harder exams than this, I feel a bit worried… like in [my] high school days." |
بالعكس انا اقدر اتعلم اى حاجه و اتقنها واستفيد منها و افيد الناس كمان حتى لو عندى ٧٠ سنه.,Maybe this is a good sign? |
مش برضه كولونيل ساندرز قدر يأسس كنتاكى و عمره ٦٥ سنه؟,"So, wish me luck because I’ll definitely need it." |
يبقى انا كمان هقدر و انتو كمان هتقدروا.,Hello! |
كل سنه و انتو طيبين.,November 14th was my birthday. |
فصل الشتا خلاص على الابواب.,"My dad, my husband, and my son surprised me with a very beautiful cake." |
كل واحد ابتدى ينزل الهدوم الشتوى و يشوف ايه اللى ناقصه عشان يشتريه و يرتب هيتعامل فى روتين حياته اليومى ازاى.,They wrote Happy Birthday on it for me. |
انا عن نفسى بحب الشتا لاسباب معينه، منها ان لبس الشتا احلى و اشيك و فيه نوع من الاناقه.,They brought lots of sweets. |
الشتا يعنى راس السنه قربت باحتفالاتها و اجازه الكريسماس، و لو الواحد معاه فلوس ممكن يقضى الكريسماس بره.,It was a sweet day literally. |
كمان الشتا هو الوقت اللى اتجوزت فيه و بحتفل فيه بعيد جوازى.,"I will tell you frankly, this year I turned 35." |
حاجه كمان ان النزول فى الشتا من البيت بيبقى اقل من الصيف و ده بيخلى الترابط الاسرى للعايله اكتر.,I don’t like hiding my age and staying 22 all my life. |
المشكله بقى انى من الاشخاص اللى بيسقعوا بسرعه جداً.,"And because I consider 35 a special turning point, or it’s actually the middle point of life, so I sat by myself thinking of what I’ve learned before and what I want to do in the future." |
مش بستحمل الجو الساقعه خالص.,"First of all, I must thank God for all the people he has put in my path all my life because they are all real gifts." |
و عشان كده انا بحب الصيف اكتر من الشتا.,And I pray to God to empower me to make them all happy and to stay in touch with those who are away. |
الصيف يعنى البحر و البنات الحلوه، انما الشتا يعنى الصحيان بدرى الصبح فى عز البرد عشان تروح الشغل.,"Second, persistence." |
ده غير ان الطرق كلها بتبقى غرقانه ميه و السواقه بتبقى خطر اكتر من الصيف.,"I’m sure that one can perform miracles if they persist in doing something, even in small amounts, on a daily basis." |
الاسبوع اللى فات زرت اسكندريه بلدى الام.,"For me, this fixes lots of problems, such as not finding quality time or the right circumstances to do something I love." |
و فى اسكندريه الشتا ليه طعم تانى خالص غير باقى مصر.,"But if I specify a small period of time every day, I’ll accomplish a lot." |
يمكن عشان هى بلد ساحليه، يمكن عشان هى البلد اللى اتربيت فيها.,"As our prophet says, “The deeds dearest to God are those done regularly, even if a little." |
المهم انها ليها طعم تانى خالص.,"” Third, nothing comes late." |
القعده على القهوه مع الصحاب و انت بتشرب الشوكولاته السخنه و انت شايف بره الدنيا بتمطر على العربيات و الناس ماشيه بالشماسى و صوت البحر و الموج العالى.,It comes when one is prepared. |
كل ده بيخلى اسكندريه ليها مذاق جميل فى الشتا.,"And that increased my enthusiasm to start [doing] what I love, not to be lazy or to say “I’m late." |
ازيكو؟,"” On the contrary, I can learn anything, excel in it, benefit from it and also benefit people, even if I ‘m 70." |
المره دى خدت الولاد و رحنا اليابان.,Didn’t colonel Sanders establish KFC when he was 65? |
يعنى مش اليابان اوى بس قريب منها!,"So, I can too." |
و انا صغيره دايما كان بابايا يحكيلى على الشعوب و الحضارات و الفنون المختلفه.,And so can you. |
وده خلانى عندى دايما شغف ان انا اتعرف ع الحاجات دى.,Happy year to you! |
و لما ولادى ابتدوا يكبروا شويه، حبيت ان انا اشارك معاهم الشغف ده.,The winter season is knocking at our doors. |
قررنا نبتدى بالثقافه اليابانيه.,"Everyone is starting to get out their winter clothes, and make a checklist of what to buy, and arrange how to deal with their daily routine." |
خدنا بعض و رحنا قضينا يوم فى سفارة اليابان فى القاهره.,"As for myself, I love the winter for specific reasons." |
اول حاجه دخلنا نجرب اللبس اليابانى.,"For example, winter clothes are nicer and more chic, and have a certain elegance." |
حمزه لبس و ظبط نفسه.,"Winter means the new year is near, with its celebrations and the Christmas holiday, and if you have money, you can spend Christmas abroad." |
و سلمان اتشجع لما شافه و لبس هو كمان.,"Also, winter is the time when I got married and I celebrate my anniversary in it." |
و اتصوروا صور جميله اوى.,"Another thing is that we go out less in the winter than in the summer, which increases family bonding." |
و من ساعتها فضل سلمان مده طويله جدا كل ما يشوف حد يقوله انا لبست اللبس اليابانى.,The problem is that I am one of those people who gets cold very quickly. |
كان فرحان اوى.,I cannot tolerate cold weather at all. |
بعدها كان فيه ورشة عمل لتعليم فن الاوريجامى و ده عباره عن فن طى الورق بطريقه تحوله لاعمال فنيه غايه فى الروعه.,And that’s why I love summer more than winter. |
الورشه كانت معموله للمبتدئين و ده كان مناسب لسن حمزه.,"Summer means the sea, and hot chicks, while winter means for me getting up early in the cold weather to go to work." |
عملنا فيها فراشه و عملنا بوكيمون.,Not to mention the fact that the roads become covered in water and driving is more dangerous than in summer. |
حمزه كان مبسوط اوى بس سلمان كان قاعد يشخبط على الورق و ينزل تحت الترابيزات.,"Last week, I went for a visit to Alexandria, my hometown, where winter has a different feel than the rest of Egypt." |
يعنى الموضوع ده لسه كبير على سنه شويه و احنا ماشيين اخدنا معانا شوية مجلات جميله اوى بتتكلم عن الحياه و الثقافه اليابانيه.,"Maybe because it is a coastal city, or maybe because it is my hometown, where I was raised." |
اليوم على بعضه كان ممتع لينا كلنا.,"But anyway, it has a different feel about it." |
و ان شاء الله ناويين نكرره قريب فى اماكن تانيه نشوفكو قريب فى مغامره جديده!,"Spending time in the coffee shop with friends while you are drinking hot chocolate and you watch the rain as it pours down on the cars outside, people carrying umbrellas, the sound of the sea and the roaring waves." |
انا بشتغل فى اتصالات و دى شركه من اكبر شركات الاتصالات فى العالم.,All this gives Alexandria a lovely feel in the winter. |
اتصالات دايما بيفكروا فى افكار جديده يجذبوا بيها العملا بتوعهم، و كمان بيفكروا دايما فى الموظفين بتوعهم ازاى يحفزوهم و يخلوهم عندهم حب للعمل و افكار جديده تجيب عملا جدد و دخل للشركه.,Hi! |
اتصالات كانت الراعى الرسمى للنادى الاهلى، و ده للى ميعرفوش اكبر نادى فى مصر و عنده اكبر جمهور.,This time I took the boys and went to Japan. |
و الشراكه دى استمرت من اول انطلاق شركة اتصالات مصر لحد السنه دى، اللى حصل ان فودافون (الشركه المنافسه لاتصالات) فازت بعقد الرعايه للنادى الاهلى و اعلانات شركة فودافون كلها بقت عن النادى الاهلى.,"Well, not exactly Japan, but close!" |
اتصالات قررت انها ترد الضربه و اعلنت انها بقت الراعى الرسمى لنادى من اكبر النوادى فى العالم و هوا نادى برشلونه، و نزلت بحمله دعائيه كبيره جداً للموضوع ده و عشان تحفز الموظفيين بتوعها قررت انها تعملهم مسابقه مبتكره جداً.,"When I was little, my father used to tell me about different countries, people, traditions, and arts." |
المسابقه عباره انك تاخد صوره لنفسك مع لوجو نادى برشلونه و لوجو اتصالات مع هاشتاج Play_Big# و تعملها بوست على السوشيال ميديا زى فيسبوك و انستجرام و اكتر صوره هتاخد معجبين صاحبها هيسافر برشلونه على حساب الشركه.,This instilled in me a fondness to learn about these things. |
المسابقه كان ليها هدفين: الهدف الاول ان الموظفين يعملوا دعايه و ترويج لاتصالت و الهدف التانى ان الموظفين يحسوا بالشراكه دى و يحبوا الشركه اكتر.,"And when my kids grew up a little, I wanted to share this love with them." |
النهارده كان اخر يوم فى الامتحانات.,We decided to start with Japanese culture. |
طبعا كنت فرحان جدا انى هخلص امتحانات و اخد الاجازه، و اقدر اعمل كل اللى انا عاوزه فى الاجازه، خصوصا ان الترم كان صعب جدا.,We went and spent a day at the Japanese Embassy in Cairo. |
كان مليان امتحانات و واجبات كتيره كان الواحد بيخلصها بصعوبه.,"First, we tried on Japanese costumes." |
بعد لما خلصت الامتحان، اتصورت مع اصحابى صور للذكرى.,Hamza put one on. |
و لعبنا بلاى ستيشن مع بعض.,"Salman was encouraged by his brother when he saw this and put one on, too." |
و بعد كده قعدنا نتفق هنعمل ايه النهارده.,We got some really nice photos. |
اتفقنا اننا نخرج ناكل مع بعض و نتمشى او نلعب بعد الاكل.,"For a long time after that, Salman kept telling everyone he would meet, “I wore a Japanese costume." |
بس قلنا الاول لازم نستريح، نروح البيت و ننام شويه.,” He was really overjoyed. |
و بعد كده ننزل و عملنا كده و روحت البيت نمت شويه و بعد كده قابلت اصحابى و رحنا النادى طلبنا الاكل اللى احنا بنحبه و اكلنا و بعد كده شربنا عصير و اتصورنا و قعدنا فى النادى شويه نتكلم عن اللى هنعمله فى الاجازه.,"After that, there was a workshop for Origami, which is the art of folding paper to make fascinating art pieces." |
و كان فيه افكار جميله جدا سمعتها من اصحابى هحاول انفذها، زى مثلا تعلم لغه جديده او برنامج جديد و فيه اللى عاوز يسافر يستمتع بالجو فى اسكندريه او شرم الشيخ.,"The workshop was for beginners, which was adequate for Hamza’s age." |
بعد كده اتمشينا على كورنيش النيل.,We made a butterfly and a Pokémon. |
الجو كان جميل جدا اتمشينا كتير و الوقت عدى بسرعه.,"Hamza was so happy, but Salman was scribbling on paper and going under the tables." |
محستش بالوقت مع اصحابى.,He was a bit too young for that activity. |
استمتعت جدا باليوم.,"As we were leaving, we took a few really nice magazines that told about Japanese life and culture." |
و اتقفقت مع اصحابى اننا لازم نتقابل فى الاجازه.,"All in all, the day was very delightful for all of us." |
و بعد كده روحت البيت.,"God willing, we intend to do the same again in other places soon." |
و كنت تعبان جدا بعد يوم جميل جدا.,See you soon on a new adventure! |
غيرت لبسى و دخلت نمت بس كنت سعيد جدا انى خلصت امتحانات و الاجازه بدأت.,"I work at Etisalat, which is one of the top telecom companies in the world." |
قررت اعمل حاجه مختلفه المره دى.,"Etisalat is always thinking of new ideas to attract customers, and they’re always thinking about how to engage their employees, as well, and instill in them a love for their work and make them come up with new ideas to bring in new customers and revenue for the company." |
انا بحب امارس الرياضه فا سمعت عن لعبه جديده اسمها Street Workout.,Etisalat was the official sponsor for Al-Ahly club. |
بدأت امارس اللعبه و بدأت تشدنى و بدأت فعلا احبها.,"And it is, for those of you who don’t know, the top soccer team in Egypt with the largest numbers of fans." |
و كانت حاجه جميله جدا انى الاقى ناس فى مصر بتلعب اللعبه برضه.,This partnership had lasted from the launch of Etisalat Egypt until this year when Vodafone (Etisalat’s competitor) won the sponsorship contract for Al-Ahly and Vodafone commercials were all about Al-Ahly club. |
و كان هدفهم انهم ينشروا اللعبه فا نظموا يوم الناس تتقابل فيه و تتمرن مع بعض.,Etisalat decided to hit back and announced that it has become the official sponsor of one of the biggest clubs in the world: Barcelona! |
و كان اليوم يوم الجمعه وكنت لسه مخلص ثانويه عامه و كنت متحمس جدا انى اشوف ناس بيحبو نفس اللعبه و بيلعبوها.,"It came out with really big publicity campaigns about this, and to inspire its employees, it decided to make a very innovative competition for them." |
و رغم ان المكان كان بعيد و مرحتوش قبل كده الا انى صحيت بدرى و ركبت مواصلات و رحت المكان.,The competition was that you should take a photo for yourself with the logo of Barcelona and Etisalat and post it on social media like Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #Play_Big. |