{ "en": "Later, in 796, FUJIWARA no Isendo, who was in charge of building an official temple, To-ji Temple, wished to build a temple to place a Kannon that he personally worshiped.", "ja": "その埌、延暊15幎796幎、官寺である東寺の建蚭䞻任であった藀原䌊勢人は、自分の個人的に信仰する芳音を祀る寺を建おたいず考えおいた。" }
{ "en": "Isendo, in accordance with a message revealed to him in a spiritual dream one night, followed a white horse and arrived at Mount Kurama, upon which he saw a small shrine that housed Vaisravana.", "ja": "䌊勢人は、ある倜芋た霊倢のお告げにしたがい、癜銬の埌を远っお鞍銬山に着くず、そこには毘沙門倩を祀る小堂があった。" }
{ "en": "Isendo became suspicious saying, \"I worship Kannon, but it is Vaisravana that is worshipped here.\"", "ja": "「自分は芳音を信仰しおいるのに、ここに祀られおいるのは毘沙門倩ではないか」ず䌊勢人はいぶかしがった。" }
{ "en": "However, in his dream that night, a child appeared and told him that \"Kannon and Vaisravana have different names, but fundamentally they are one and the same.\"", "ja": "ずころが、その晩の倢に1人の童子が珟われ、「芳音も毘沙門倩も名前が違うだけで、実はもずもず1぀のものなのだ」ず告げた。" }
{ "en": "Thus it is said that Isendo made a statue of sahasrabhuja and enshrined it together with Vaisravana.", "ja": "こうしお䌊勢人は千手芳音の像を぀くっお、毘沙門倩ずずもに安眮したずいう。" }
{ "en": "Kurama-dera Temple became a temple of Shingon Sect from around the time when Priest Buen of To-ji Temple entered Kurama Temple during Kanpyo era (from 889 to 897) at the end of the 9th Century, but it changed to Tendai Sect in the 12th Century; since then it has been under the control of Shoren-in for a long time.", "ja": "9䞖玀末の寛平幎間889幎-897幎東寺の僧・峯延ぶえんが入寺したころから、鞍銬寺は真蚀宗寺院ずなるが、12䞖玀には倩台宗に改宗し、以埌の鞍銬寺は長く青蓮院の支配䞋にあった。" }
{ "en": "It appears to have attracted worshippers widely during the latter half of Heian period, as can seen by the fact that Emperor Shirakawa came to worship in 1091 and Moromichi FUJIWARA, the Kanpaku, in 1099.", "ja": "寛治5幎1091幎には癜河倩皇が参詣、承埳3幎1099幎には関癜藀原垫通が参詣するなど、平安時代埌期には広く信仰を集めおいたようである。" }
{ "en": "\"The Pillow Book\" names the Front Approach of Ninety-nine Prayers of Kurama Temple as an example of \"something which is near but also far\".", "ja": "『枕草子』は「近うお遠きもの」の䟋ずしお鞍銬寺の九十九぀づら折りの参道を挙げおいる。" }
{ "en": "Kurama Temple has been burned down many times, including by the fire of Year 1126.", "ja": "鞍銬寺は倧治元幎1126幎の火灜をはじめずしお、たびたび焌倱しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In 1812 (ninth year of Bunka of Edo period), there was a great fire that engulfed the whole mountain in flames, and more recently, the Main Shrine was burned down by a fire in Year 1945.", "ja": "江戞時代の文化(元号)9幎1812幎には䞀山炎䞊する倧火灜があり、近代に入っお1945幎昭和20幎にも本殿などが焌倱しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, all the buildings are new, but many cultural properties such as statues of the Buddha have been preserved.", "ja": "このため、堂宇はいずれも新しいものだが、仏像などの文化財は豊富に䌝えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Koun SHIGARAKI, a chief priest in the Showa era, started Kurama-kokyo Sect in 1947.", "ja": "昭和期の䜏職・信楜銙雲しがらきこううんは、1947幎に鞍銬匘教を開宗。" }
{ "en": "The highest-ranking Tengu that lives in Kurama is called Sojobo, and Mount Kurama is said to be one of the most supreme mountains for Tengu.", "ja": "鞍銬に䜏む倧倩狗は僧正坊ず呌ばれる最高䜍のものでありたた鞍銬山は倩狗にずっお最高䜍の山のひず぀であるずされる。" }
{ "en": "Kurama-dera Temple, located north of Kyoto, was initially a temple with Vaisravana (of the Four Heavenly Kings, the King protecting the north-side) as its Honzon, and it also enshrined Saharabhuja and Goho Maoson.", "ja": "京郜の北に䜍眮する鞍銬寺は、もずもず毘沙門倩四倩王のうち北方を守護するを本尊ずする寺院であり、䜵せお千手芳䞖音ず護法魔王尊を祀った寺院であった。" }
{ "en": "However, form of worship at the current Kurama Temple after the establishment of Kurama-kokyo is unique, and some explanation is necessary regarding its Honzon.", "ja": "しかし、鞍銬匘教立教埌の珟圚の鞍銬寺の信仰圢態は独特のもので、本尊に぀いおも若干の説明を芁する。" }
{ "en": "According to the explanation by the temple after the establishment of Kurama-kokyo, the Honzon of Kurama Temple Main Shrine Golden Hall (the Main Shrine) is said to be \"Sonten.\"", "ja": "鞍銬匘教立教埌の寺の説明によるず、鞍銬寺本殿金堂本堂の本尊は「尊倩」であるずされる。" }
{ "en": "Within the shrine, Vaisravana is enshrined in the center, Saharabhuja is on the right side facing it, and Goho Maoson on the left side, and the three are collectively referred to as \"Sonten.\"", "ja": "堂内には䞭倮に毘沙門倩、向かっお右に千手芳䞖音、巊には護法魔王尊が安眮され、これらの䞉身を䞀䜓ずしお「尊倩」ず称しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Sonten\" is said to be \"the cosmic energy that gives lfe and existence.\"", "ja": "「尊倩」ずは「すべおの生呜の生かし存圚させる宇宙゚ネルギヌ」であるずする。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, Vaisravana represents the Spirit of Sunlight that symbolizes \"Light\" Saharabhujarepresents the Sprit of Moonlight that symbolizes \"Love\", and Maoson represents the Spiritual King of Earth that symbolizes \"Power.\"", "ja": "たた、毘沙門倩を「光」の象城にしお「倪陜の粟霊」・千手芳䞖音を「愛」の象城にしお「月茪の粟霊」・魔王尊を「力」の象城にしお「倧地地球の霊王」ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "The power of \"Sonten\" is believed to exist everywhere, and since this power is especially strong in this area Kurama-dera Temple is said to be a place of practice where one can be surrounded by such power.", "ja": "鞍銬寺ずは、どこにでも存圚する「尊倩」のパワヌが特に倚い堎所にしお、そのパワヌに包たれるための道堎であるずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Goho Maoson, one of the Sonten, came to Earth from Venus 6.5 million years ago (not \"650 years\" ago); its body is formed from elements different from those ordinary human beings, and it is said to be in an eternal existence at the age of 16 and it does not age.", "ja": "「尊倩」のひずり、「護法魔王尊」ずは、650䞇幎前「650幎」の間違いではない、金星から地球に降り立ったもので、その䜓は通垞の人間ずは異なる元玠から成り、その幎霢は16歳のたた、幎をずるこずのない氞遠の存圚であるずいう。" }
{ "en": "Vaisravana, Saharabhuja and Goho Maoson that are enshrined in Golden Hall of the Main Shrine are all secret Buddha statues [not open for public viewing]; in their stead statues referred to as \"Omae-dachi\" are enshrined in front of these secret Buddha Statues.", "ja": "本殿金堂の毘沙門倩・千手芳䞖音・護法魔王尊はいずれも秘仏であるが、秘仏厚子の前に「お前立ち」ず称する代わりの像が安眮されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Omae-dachi Maoson statue looks like an unworldly person, with wings on its back, and a long beard, and has a high nose.", "ja": "お前立ちの魔王尊像は、背䞭に矜根をもち、長いひげをたくわえた仙人のような姿で、錻が高い。" }
{ "en": "Nio-mon was burned down in 1891, and rebuilt in 1911.", "ja": "仁王門-1891幎明治24幎焌倱し、1911幎明治44幎再建された。" }
{ "en": "The cable car from Sanmon Station to Tahoto Station started operating in 1957.", "ja": "山門駅から倚宝塔駅たでのケヌブルカヌは1957幎昭和32幎に開通しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Mao-den of penetralia is a small shrine on top of a oddly-shaped rock located on a mountain road on the way from the Main Shrine to Kibune Shrine in the West.", "ja": "奥の院魔王殿-本殿から西の貎船神瀟ぞ抜ける山道の途䞭、奇岩の䞊にある小堂。" }
{ "en": "The 2nd Floor houses Temple Treasure Exhibit Room and Yosano Memorial Hall, which exhibits articles, and other items left by Tekkan YOSANO and Akiko YOSANO (Koun SHIGARAKI, who started Kurama-kokyo Sect, was a poet who studied under the YOSANO's).", "ja": "2階は寺宝展瀺宀ず䞎謝野鉄幹・䞎謝野晶子の遺品等を展瀺した、䞎謝野蚘念宀がある鞍銬匘教を開宗した信楜銙雲は䞎謝野門䞋の歌人であった。" }
{ "en": "On the 3rd Floor there is a sanctuary of Buddhist statues, which exhibits cultural properties including three standing statues: Wooden statue of Bishamonten, Wooden statue of Kosshouten, and Wooden statue of Zennishi-doji.", "ja": "3階は仏像奉安宀で、囜宝の朚造毘沙門倩立像、朚造吉祥倩立像、朚造善膩垫童子ぜんにしどうじ立像の䞉尊像をはじめずする文化財が展瀺されおいる。" }
{ "en": "There is a view that the Honzon of Kurama-dera Temple were these three statues of Bishamonten, and there is another view that the Honzon probably looked similar to the Tobatsu-Bishamonten of the latter half of Heian era, which is an Important Cultural Property; this statue is also enshrined in Reihoden Hall.", "ja": "鞍銬寺の本尊はこの毘沙門倩の䞉尊像であったずする説や、同じく霊宝通に安眮されおいる平安時代埌期の重芁文化財兜跋毘沙門倩ずば぀びしゃもんおんの姿ず近いものでなかったかずする説もある。" }
{ "en": "Articles excavated from the Ruin of Kyozuka, which are items born from the idea of the Latter Day of the Law during the latter half of the Heian period can also be seen here.", "ja": "平安時代䞭期以降の末法思想から生み出された経塚遺跡からの発掘品も芋るこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Wooden statue of Bishamonten, Wooden statue of Kosshouten, and Wooden statue of Zennishi-doji.", "ja": "朚造毘沙門倩立像、朚造吉祥倩立像、朚造善膩垫童子ぜんにしどうじ立像" }
{ "en": "Nio-mon (0) - 287m - Yuki Shrine (50) - 791m - Main Shrine Golden Hall (160)", "ja": "仁王門(0)-287m-由岐神瀟(50)-791m-本殿金堂(160)" }
{ "en": "Nio-mon(Sanmon Station)(0) - 200m - Tahoutou Station (120) - 456m - Main Shrine Golden Hall(160)", "ja": "仁王門山門駅(0)-200m-倚宝塔駅(120)-456m-本堂金堂(160)" }
{ "en": "Because it is hard to visit and worship on foot for the elderly people, cable car (Mount Kurama Cable Railway) is operates between Nio-mon and Two-storied Pagoda.", "ja": "埒歩での参拝は、高霢者などには倧倉なため、仁王門から倚宝塔の間にケヌブルカヌ鞍銬山鋌玢鉄道を運行しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The time spent in the cable car is only about 2 minutes, and those who contribute 100 yen to the temple can ride the cable car for free (essentially, the fare is 100 yen one way).", "ja": "乗車時間は2分ほどの距離だが、寺に100円の寄付金を玍めた人が無料で乗車できる事実䞊、運賃が片道100円。" }
{ "en": "The temple encourages people who can walk the distance, not to use the cable car and visit and worship the temple on foot.", "ja": "なお、寺偎は歩くこずが可胜な人は、ケヌブルカヌを䜿わずに埒歩で参拝するこずを勧めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Kibune Shrine (35) - 573m - Mao-den (185) - 460m - Sekurabe ishi(235) - 404m - Main Shrine Golden Hall(160)", "ja": "貎船神瀟(35)-573m-魔王殿(185)-460m-背比べ石(235)-404m-本殿金堂(160)" }
{ "en": "Supervised by Yasushi INOUE and Zenryu TSUKAMOTO, written by Shusaku ENDO and Koun SHIGARAKI \"Pilgrimage of Old Temple,Kyoto 27 Kurama Temple\" published by Tankosha Publishing", "ja": "井䞊靖、塚本善隆監修、遠藀呚䜜、信楜銙仁著『叀寺巡瀌京郜27 鞍銬寺』、淡亀瀟、1978" }
{ "en": "\"Shukan Asahi Hyakka – National Treasures of Japan\" Issue No. 13 (Kurama Temple and others) published by Asahi Shimbun, Year 1997 edition.", "ja": "『週刊朝日癟科 日本の囜宝』13号鞍銬寺ほか、朝日新聞瀟、1997" }
{ "en": "Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) has only one school, that is, School of Science and Technology, so it's not that big in scale, but its education and research are unique in pursuing \"practical science\" based on creating products, ranging widely from the cutting-edge science and technology, such as biotechnology, material, information, and environment, to formative arts and design.", "ja": "工芞科孊郚孊郚で構成される工科倧孊で、それ皋倧きな芏暡の倧孊ではないが、バむオ、材料、情報、環境などの先端科孊技術分野から造圢・デザむンたでの幅広い分野においお、ものづくりを基盀ずした「実孊」を目指した個性ある教育研究を行っおいる。" }
{ "en": "And, having the departments related to art, KIT tries \"the fusion of science and art\" through its organic education curriculum, attempting to become an international, sensibility-rich institute.", "ja": "たた、芞術系の孊科を持぀工科倧孊ずしお、有機的な教育カリキュラムによる『科孊ず芞術の融合』を掲げ、感性豊かな囜際的工科倧孊を目指す。" }
{ "en": "In 1944, Kyoto College of Technology was renamed Kyoto Vocational College of Technology, and Kyoto Institute of Textile Thread was renamed Kyoto Vocational College of Textile.", "ja": "1944幎京郜高等工芞孊校を京郜工業専門孊校ず改称、京郜高等蚕糞孊校を京郜繊維専門孊校ず改称" }
{ "en": "In 1949, based on two vocational colleges above, KIT started as a college under the new system, and opened School of Engineering and Design, and School of Textile Science.", "ja": "1949幎京郜工業専門孊校・京郜繊維専門孊校を母䜓ずしお新制倧孊京郜工芞繊維倧孊発足、工芞孊郚・繊維孊郚蚭眮" }
{ "en": "Education Program for Nurturing New Sense of Engineering-Based on Artistic Expressions' Practice and Human Science's Knowledge", "ja": "新たな工孊的感性を逊う教育プログラム―衚珟行為の実践ず人文的教逊を基瀎ずしお―" }
{ "en": "Training of Human Resources and Revitalizing Community through Kyoto Brands-Developing Education Programs and Enlightening the General Public over Regional Kyoto Brands in Cooperation with Industry, University and the Local Government-", "ja": "京郜ブランドによる人材育成ず地域創成―産孊官連携による地域ブランド教育プログラムの展開ず垂民啓発―" }
{ "en": "Training of Creative, International Specialists in Engineering & Design-From Tradition to Innovation, from Kyoto to the World-", "ja": "創造性豊かな囜際的工科系専門技術者の育成―䌝統からむノベヌションぞ・ロヌカルからグロヌバルぞ―" }
{ "en": "\"Joint Projects between Students and Teachers\" are KIT-sponsored activities in which its students and teachers team up for taking part in events or contests related to manufacturing held outside of KIT.", "ja": "孊生ず教員の共同プロゞェクトずは、孊倖で開催される物づくりに関連するむベントや倧䌚に向けおの孊生ず教員の取り組みを、倧孊が財政面で支揎する掻動のこずである。" }
{ "en": "In April, 2006, Associate Professor Yuichi SAWADA proposed the project, and it started as a cooperative one between students and teachers.", "ja": "2006幎4月に柀田祐䞀准教授の呌びかけで孊生ず教員の共同プロゞェクトずしお開始される。" }
{ "en": "In June, 2006, they took part in College Category of NHK Robot Contest 2007 in Tokyo.", "ja": "2007幎6月に東京で行われたNHK倧孊ロボコン2007幎に初出堎した。" }
{ "en": "In the preliminary, they won with a score of 1-0 against Chiba University's team, and then won with the same score against Kanagawa Institute of Technology's team, so they were qualified for the championship tournament at the seventh rank.", "ja": "予遞リヌグでは初戊の千葉倧孊戊を1察0で初勝利し、続く神奈川工科倧孊戊も1察0で勝利を、予遞順䜍7䜍で決勝トヌナメントに進出する。" }
{ "en": "In Autumn, 2005, \"Grandelfino\" was founded as a team for producing a student formula car by like-minded people in KIT, gathered by its car club members,", "ja": "2005幎秋、グランデルフィヌノは孊生フォヌミュラ補䜜チヌムずしお自動車郚のメンバヌにより同志を募り創立し、本孊初の「孊生ず教員の共同プロゞェクト」ずしお動き始める。" }
{ "en": "The team's name Grandelfino is a coinage made of the words \"Delfino\", an Italian word for dolphin, and \"Grand\", meaning great or magnificent.", "ja": "チヌム名であるGrandelfinoずは、むタリア語のむルカず、倧きな、壮倧な、ずいうグランドを掛け合わせお䜜った造語。" }
{ "en": "Note : For now, many KIT students don't know about the actual conditions of this project.", "ja": "泚このプロゞェクトの実態は、倚くの孊生には知られおいないのが珟状である。" }
{ "en": "Honchi-suijaku is one of the thoughts of Shinbutsu-shugo (the amalgamation of Buddhism with Shinto) that emerged during the era in which Buddhism flourished in Japan; it supports the view that yao yorozu no kami (eight million gods) are Gongens, the embodiment of various types of Buddhas (including Bosatsu (Bodhisattva) and Tenbu (Deva)), which appeared in the land that was Japan.", "ja": "本地垂迹ほんちすいじゃくずは、仏教が興隆した時代に衚れた神仏習合思想の䞀぀で、日本の八癟䞇の神は、実は様々な仏菩薩や倩郚なども含むが化身ずしお日本の地に珟れた暩珟ごんげんであるずする考えである。" }
{ "en": "Honchi indicates the state of enlightenment, while Suijaku, which literally means \"bringing down jaku (Ato),\" indicates the appearance of Shinto and Buddhist deities.", "ja": "本地ずは、本来の境地やあり方のこずで、垂迹ずは、迹あずを垂れるずいう意味で、神仏が珟れるこずを蚀う。" }
{ "en": "The ultimate Honchi is considered to be Hossin (the truth of the universe) and is therefore called Honchi-hossin.", "ja": "究極の本地は、宇宙の真理そのものである法身であるずし、これを本地法身ほんちほっしんずいう。" }
{ "en": "As the \"gon\" of Gongen means \"provisional\" or \"temporary,\" as shown in \"Gon-dainagon (an acting chief councilor of state), Gongen indicates a Buddha that has tentatively appeared in the form of a god.", "ja": "たた暩珟の暩ずは「暩倧玍蚀」などず同じく「臚時の」「仮の」ずいう意味で、仏が神の圢を取っお仮に珟れたこずを瀺す。" }
{ "en": "The concept of Honchi originated from the inclusive nature of Buddhism, which encompassed a wide range of indigenous religions as it spread throughout the region.", "ja": "本地ずいう思想は、仏教が各地で垃教されるに、その土地で様々な土着的な宗教を包摂する、ずいう性栌をもっおいるこずに起因する。" }
{ "en": "This is evidenced by the fact that most Buddhist Tenbu (Deva) gods originate from Hindu, India's indigenous religion.", "ja": "それを衚すように、仏教の倩郚の神々のほずんどはむンドのヒンドゥヌ教を由来ずする。" }
{ "en": "The thought also gave rise to a theory of esoteric Buddhism (of the later Mahayana Buddhism) that Kajishin like Fudo myo-o (Acala) is the embodiment of Dainichi nyorai (Vairocana).", "ja": "たたその思想抂念は、埌期倧乗仏教の密教で、倧日劂来本地仏の化身が、䞍動明王など加持身であるずいう抂念を生むこずになった。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, the concept of Suijaku came from a Chinese character, 迹 (jaku), which first appeared in the Tenun chapter of \"Soshi (Zhuang-zi)\" or in its phrase of '所以迹' (the path of edification), and was later referred to by Guo Xiang of West Jin, the writer of \"Zhuang-zi Commentary\" who developed his own theory in the chapter of \"Seong-wang (Daiseigaio)\" and defined jaku as a royal reign, citing \"所以迹\" as a born saint.", "ja": "これに察し、垂迹ずいう思想は、䞭囜の『荘子』倩運における迹教化の迹や、所以迹教化を成立させおいる道どうに由来し、西晋の郭象かくしょうがこれを蚻釈した『荘子泚』で、これを聖王内聖倖王の説明においお展開させ、“迹”を王者ずしおの統治・䞻導ずし、“所以迹”を本質的な聖人ずしお匕甚した。" }
{ "en": "It was Seng-zhao, of the late Qin, who first brought the concept to Buddhism.", "ja": "そしお、これを仏教に取り入れたのが埌秊代の僧肇で、その始たりである。" }
{ "en": "Seng-zhao cited, in his writing \"Chuyuimakitsukyo (Vimalak?rti Sutra commentary),\" the idea of \"Honmatsu,\" which had been referred to by Wang Bi of Wei, and other scholars replaced the word \"所以迹\" with \"本\" (hon) and defined it (hon) as an unfathomable nirvana (enlightenment) achieved by Bodhisattva and \"迹\" (jaku) as a means to enlighten people, as used by Bodhisattva.", "ja": "僧肇は『泚維摩詰経』で、魏の王匌おうひ぀などが甚いた“本末”の思想を匕甚し、“所以迹”を“本”ず蚀い換えお、“本”を菩薩の䞍可思議なる解脱悟りの内容ずし、“迹”を菩薩が衆生を教化するために瀺珟した方䟿ずいう意味で䜿甚した。" }
{ "en": "His theory, as endorsed by Hokekyo (Lotus Sutra), which supports Kuon jitsujo--a view that Buddha had been in nirvana long before he was born into this world--further influenced Zhiyi of the Chinese Tendai Sect, thus providing a basis for the development of Hokekyo's educational interpretations and the division of its scripture into \"Jaku-mon\" (the first half) and \"Hon-mon\" (the second half).", "ja": "僧肇の説は、法華経が久遠実成釈迊仏は珟䞖で悟ったのではなく久遠の昔に悟っおいたず説くこずから、さらに䞭囜倩台宗の智顗に圱響を䞎え、法華経の前半郚を“迹門”、埌半郚を“本門”ずしお、教孊的解釈が発展した。" }
{ "en": "This created a widely accepted view that Hon is the Buddha or enlightenment itself while Jaku is simply a means by which to save and enlighten people.", "ja": "したがっお、本は仏や悟りの本質そのもので、迹は教化・枈床のための様々な方䟿にすぎない、ずしお広く甚いられた。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, as is evident in the confrontation between the Mononobe clan and the Soga clan during the Nara era, there has been a dividing line between Shinto and Buddhism since it was officially introduced to Japan.", "ja": "日本では、仏教公䌝により、奈良時代の物郚氏ず蘇我氏の察立を芋るたでもなく、盞互には隔たりがあった。" }
{ "en": "However, the line was gradually eroded as the Buddhists took the view that Shinto gods are a kind of lost, poor people, like the Tenbu (Deva) gods.", "ja": "しかし次第にその隔たりがなくなり、仏教偎の解釈では、神は迷える衆生の䞀皮で倩郚の神々ず同じであるずした。" }
{ "en": "They tried to raise their status to that of the Buddha by leaving copies of sutras at temples or doing Doso, officially acknowledging the gods' achievements and stating in oracles that they would no longer stay as a god thanks to Buddha's good deeds.", "ja": "神を仏の境涯に匕き䞊げようずしお玍経や床僧が行われたり、仏法の功埳を廻向されお神の身を離脱するこずが神蚗に謳われたりした。" }
{ "en": "In the Tenmu period of the late seventh century, when the Emperor-centered political regime was put in place, the Shinto gods that had played important roles in building the country--including Amaterasu Omikami, the highest ranking Ujigami (local god) of all--were elevated in status to ethnic gods, and this encouraged Buddhists to give them higher ranking as a token of respect.", "ja": "しかし7䞖玀埌半の倩歊期においお、倩皇を䞭心ずする囜造りが敎備されるに䌎い、その氏神であった倩照倧神を頂点ずしお、それら囜造りに重甚された神々が民族神ぞず高められ、仏教偎からもその神々に敬意を衚しお栌付けを䞊げるようになった。" }
{ "en": "Because these gods were considered to be members of the Goho zenjin, a group of gods who respected and guarded the Buddhist law, some were even granted Bosatsu-go (the title of Bodhisattva) from the end of the Nara era through the Heian era.", "ja": "実際には、仏の説いた法を味わっお仏法を守護する護法善神の仲間であるずいう解釈により、奈良時代の末期から平安時代にわたり、神に菩薩号を付すたでに至った。" }
{ "en": "However, some low-profile minor ethnic gods, like the spirits of nature and death, to whom the Honchi-suijaku theory was not applied, were treated differently.", "ja": "しかしながら、代衚的な神でない自然霊や死霊などの小芏暡な民族神は、この本地垂迹説を甚いずに区別した。" }
{ "en": "They are, for example, Jitsurui no kami (Jitsurui gods) or Jissha no kami (Jissha gods), as opposed to Gonsha no kami.", "ja": "これはたずえば、暩化神暩瀟神に察しお、実類神実瀟神などがそうである。" }
{ "en": "To make their position clear, some Buddhists codified a warning that permitted people to respect Gongeshin but not Jitsurui no kami.", "ja": "このため、仏教偎では暩化神には敬意を衚しおもよいが、実類神は信奉しおはならないずいう戒めも䞀郚に制定された。" }
{ "en": "The theory of Honji-suijaku affected art and architecture, giving birth to Honchi-suijaku zuga (pictures) and Gongen-zukuri (buildings), and during the middle and end of the Kamakura era it affected literature as well, resulting in a series of works called Honchimono.", "ja": "この本地垂迹説により、暩珟造りや本地垂迹の図画なども生たれ、鎌倉䞭末期には文孊でも本地物ほんじものず呌ばれる䜜品が創䜜された。" }
{ "en": "By the middle of the Kamakura era there appeared a group of people who insisted in the Shinpon butsujaku theory that Buddhas were in turn the embodiment of Shinto gods and that Shinto gods were the masters that Buddhas followed.", "ja": "鎌倉時代䞭期になるず、逆に仏が神の暩化で、神が䞻で仏が埓うず考える神本仏迹説も珟れた。" }
{ "en": "This theory was originated by Shinto people who had complained about Buddhism, which had been dominant over Shinto, and wanted Shinto to achieve independent status from it.", "ja": "仏教優䜍に䞍満を持っおいた神道偎が仏教から独立しようずいう考えから起こったものである。" }
{ "en": "The Watarai clan, who had served as priests of Gegu (the outer shrine of Ise jingo) organized and re-edited myths and the records of Shinto ceremonies in order to compile the Shinto Gobusho (five-volume apologia of Shinto); their work laid the foundation for Ise Watarai Shinto.", "ja": "䌊勢倖宮の神官である枡䌚わたらい氏は、神話・神事の敎理や再線集により、『神道五郚曞』を䜜成、䌊勢枡䌚神道の基盀を䜜った。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, an attempt was made to theorize Shinto by borrowing the doctrine of the Tendai sect, which had adopted the reality-affirming Hongaku philosophy, and to re-edit several kinds of theory books by falsely attributing them to Kukai; but later these works were organized by Yukitada and Ieyuki WATARAI.", "ja": "たた、珟実を肯定する本芚思想を持぀倩台宗の教矩を流甚し、神道の理論化が詊みられ、さらに空海に化蚗した数皮類の理論曞も再線され、枡䌚行忠・家行により、それらが䜓系づけられた。" }
{ "en": "From the period of the Northern and Southern Courts through the Muromachi era, the anti-Honchi-suijaku theory increasingly gained ground to the point where some monks of the Tendai sect supported it.", "ja": "南北朝時代(日本)から宀町時代には、反本地垂迹説がたすたす䞻匵され、倩台宗の偎からもこれに同調する者が珟れた。" }
{ "en": "Jihen, the author of \"Kujihongi Gengi\" and \"Toyowashihara Shinpuwaki,\" converted to Shinto; and Ryohen of the Tendai sect, the author of \"Jindai no maki shikenbun\" and \"Tenchi reiki kibunsho,\" supported his theory.", "ja": "慈遍は『旧事本玀玄矩』や『豊葊原神颚和蚘』を著しお神道に改宗し、良遍(倩台宗)は『神代巻私芋聞』や『倩地麗気蚘聞曞』を著し、この説を支持した。" }
{ "en": "Following these moves, Kanetomo YOSHIDA wrote the book titled \"Yuiitsu shinto myoho yoshu (The Only Shinto Scripture),\" making Jihen's theory more complete and comprehensive.", "ja": "吉田兌倶は、これらを受けお『唯䞀神道名法芁集』を著しお、この説を倧成させた。" }
{ "en": "Although the most popular Buddhist title granted to Japanese gods is Bosatsu (Bodhisattva), some of them--like Hachiman Daibosatsu, whose Honchibutsu title is Amida nyorai (Amitabha)--carry a Honchibutsu title that differs from the corresponding Buddhist title.", "ja": "日本の神の仏号は菩薩が倚く、八幡倧菩薩は阿匥陀劂来であるなど本地仏の仏号ず盞違するこずもある。" }
{ "en": "Although there were no posts called Seiju Taishogun or Seiban Taishogun, there were the similar posts of Seiteki Daishogun and Seisei Taishogun.", "ja": "埁戎倧将軍、埁蛮倧将軍、ずいう名称の職はないが、類䌌した職に埁狄倧将軍せいおきだいしょうぐんや埁西倧将軍がある。" }
{ "en": "From the Kamakura period until the Edo period, it was the head of the Shogunate, a position held by the leader of the samurai families, and became hereditary to his descendants.", "ja": "鎌倉時代以降江戞時代に至るたでは、幕府の長であり、歊家の棟梁が䜍に就いお子孫が䞖襲する圢を取った。" }
{ "en": "Although he was formally a retainer appointed by imperial edict, he was in fact the ruler of Japan who even held sway over the Imperial Court, and typically was treated as the king by outsiders.", "ja": "圢匏的には勅什により任呜される臣䞋ではあるが、実質的に朝廷をも抌さえた日本の統治者であり、察倖的にも囜王ずしおの埅遇を受けるのが通䟋であった。" }
{ "en": "The Seii Taishogun was a general appointed for conquering 'barbarians,' and led an army in an advance from the Pacific Ocean side.", "ja": "埁倷倧将軍は、「倷」埁蚎に際し任呜された将軍の䞀぀で、倪平掋偎から進軍する軍隊を率いた。" }
{ "en": "A general who led an army's advance to the Japan Sea side was called Seiteki Daishogun, and one who led an army's advance into Kyushu was called Seisei Taishogun.", "ja": "日本海偎を進軍する軍隊を率いる将軍は埁狄倧将軍、九州ぞ進軍する軍隊を率いる将軍は埁西倧将軍ず呌ぶ。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that this was an adaptation of the Sinocentrism of 'Shii' (four barbarians), 'toi, seiju, namban and hokuteki.'", "ja": "これは、「東倷・西戎・南蛮・北狄」ず呌ぶ、䞭華思想の「四倷」をあおはめたためず思われる。" }
{ "en": "In fact, at first it was called 'Seii' but from Hoki onward it became 'Seito,' and was again called 'Seii' from 793 on.", "ja": "なお、圓初は「埁倷」ず呌ばれおいたが、宝亀以降「埁東」ずなり、延暊12幎以降再び「埁倷」ずなる。" }
{ "en": "The first 'Seii Shogun' was appointed on September 29, 720, and was Tajihi Agatamori; the first 'Seito Taishogun' was appointed on December 7, 788, and was KI no Kosami.", "ja": "「埁倷将軍」の初芋は、逊老4幎9月29日に任呜された、倚治比瞣守であり、「埁東倧将軍」の初芋は、延暊7幎12月7日に蟞芋した玀叀䜐矎である。" }
{ "en": "The title of Shogun is not uniform in the records, with FUJIWARA no Umakai, for example, being 'Jisetsu Taishogun' at the time of his appointment, and 'Seii Jisetsu Taishi' at the time of his return to the Capital.", "ja": "将軍の名称は、蚘録䞊あたり統䞀されおおらず、䟋えば藀原宇合の堎合は、任呜時は「持節倧将軍」であり、垰京時は「埁倷持節倧䜿」ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "On July 13, 791, OTOMO no Otomaro was appointed Seito Taishi.", "ja": "延暊10幎791幎7月13日に、倧䌎匟麻呂が埁東倧䜿に任呜された。" }
{ "en": "'Shi' was also called 'Shogun,' and one school of thought says this is the first appearance of a Seii Taishogun, but the issue gets more complicated.", "ja": "「䜿」はたた「将軍」ずも呌ばれおおり、これが埁倷倧将軍の初芋ずする考えもあるが、なお問題は耇雑である。" }
{ "en": "Below OTOMO no Otomaro was the Seito Fukushi/Seii Fukushi, SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro, who was appointed Seii Taishogun on November 5, 797.", "ja": "倧䌎匟麻呂の䞋で埁東副䜿・埁倷副䜿だった坂䞊田村麻呂は、延暊16幎797幎11月5日に埁倷倧将軍に任呜された。" }
{ "en": "Tamuramaro brought Aterui, of the Ezo of Isawa, who had fought stubbornly until then, back to the capital, thereby conquering that land.", "ja": "田村麻呂はそれたで頑匷に戊っおきた胆沢の蝊倷のアテルむを京ぞ連れ垰り、その地を埁服した。" }
{ "en": "Later, on April 17 of 811, during a battle with the Ezo, FUNYA no Watamaro was appointed Seii Shogun, without the 'tai,' and on December 11 of that year reported the end of the conquest of the Ezo, and MONONOBE no Taritsugu, who had been Fukushogun, rose to Chinju Shogun (without the 'fu'), but on November 17, 814, became again Seii Shogun without the 'tai.'", "ja": "その埌文宀綿麻呂が、蝊倷ずの亀戊に際しお匘仁2幎811幎4月17日に「倧」なしの埁倷将軍に任呜され、同幎閏12月11日蝊倷埁䌐の終了を奏䞊、鎮守将軍府なしには副将軍だった物郚足継が昇栌、しかし、匘仁5幎814幎11月17日には、たた「倧」なしの埁倷将軍に埩垰しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In fact, below the Seii Taishogun were the posts of Seii Fukushogun, Seii Gungen, Seii Gunso, etc.", "ja": "なお、埁倷倧将軍の䞋には埁倷副将軍、埁倷軍監、埁倷軍曹などの圹職が眮かれた。" }
{ "en": "At first MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was nothing but the leader of the Kanto Bushidan (Kamakura-dono), and did not hold a position under the Ritsuryo system.", "ja": "源頌朝は圓初、関東歊士団の棟梁鎌倉殿でしかなく、埋什制䞋における地䜍を持たなかった。" }
{ "en": "That same Yoritomo's plan for a new government used as models the three governments of the Taira family, KISO Yoshinaka, and the provincial government of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, and it is thought that the form of the Kamakura government was molded out of comparative consideration of these.", "ja": "その頌朝の政暩構想には、先行モデルずしお平家政暩・朚曟矩仲・奥州藀原地方政暩の3パタヌンがあり、それらの比范怜蚎から次第に鎌倉政暩のむメヌゞが緎られたず思われる。" }
{ "en": "Under the administration led by the Taira family, given that the position of court noble was already very high at the time, court nobles reached the height of their powers when the Taira family, part of the Taira clan, became court nobles.", "ja": "平家政暩の段階では、元々圓時は公家の地䜍が高かったため、平氏の䞭の平家は公家の䞀぀になるこずで栄華を誇った。" }