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Optical metrology, the science of making precise measurements using light, has become indispensable across the aerospace, automotive, and electronics industries, where precision and quality control are crucial. This article overviews the latest optical metrology techniques, applications, and future outlooks. Image Credit: Simon Kadula/ The origins of optical metrology date back to pioneering work on optical interference by Thomas Young and the Michelson-Morley experiments in the 19th century, demonstrating its applicability for dimensional measurements. However, Theodore Maiman's invention of the laser in 1960 unleashed optical metrology's potential by providing an intense beam of highly coherent light ideal for interference measurements. Over the following decades, the development of advanced laser sources, high-resolution cameras, fast computing hardware, and sophisticated algorithms refined optical techniques. This steady progression has transformed optical metrology from a laboratory curiosity into an indispensable industrial technology critical for product development, quality assurance, and fundamental scientific research.1 Latest Techniques in Optical Metrology Phase-shifting interferometry (PSI) is an interferometric technique that achieves high measurement resolution and accuracy by analyzing the phase information from interfering wavefronts. It captures multiple interferograms with a known 'phase shift' between them, typically using a laser source. The phase at each point is then calculated from the interferogram intensities using phase-shifting algorithms. This unwrapped phase map directly corresponds to the surface topography. PSI's key advantage is its extremely high vertical resolution, down to sub-nanometer levels. However, it has a limited unambiguous depth range of a few hundred nanometers due to the 2π phase ambiguity, requiring additional techniques like multi-wavelength operation or null optics for larger surfaces.2 Modern white-light interferometers use Michelson interferometry to precisely measure surface topographies. This method involves a light source with a short coherence length, where its collimated beam is split into a measurement and a reference beam. These beams are then reflected from the sample surface and a reference mirror. After reflection, the beams recombine at the beam splitter and focus on a camera. The camera captures maximum intensity when the optical paths of both beams match, leading to constructive interference, thereby accurately mapping the surface height at each point. White-light interferometry enables rapid and simultaneous measurement of large surface areas with high vertical resolution that remains constant regardless of the field of view.3 Computational Imaging with Structured Light Computational imaging (CI) techniques combine structured illumination and computational reconstruction to enable novel imaging capabilities. Instead of directly imaging the scene, CI captures coded lower-dimensional measurements and uses prior information and algorithms to estimate the scene properties of interest. A key example is the single-pixel camera, which can acquire high-resolution images from very few measurements by exploiting scene sparsity. When combined with structured light, CI enables enhanced capabilities, such as light field imaging, refocusing, robust depth estimation, and the ability to overcome the limitations of passive techniques.2 Encoded Search Focal Scan Encoded Search Focal Scan (ESFS) is a new computational imaging technique that enables rapid topographic imaging at micro and nano scales. Instead of capturing a full focal stack, it uses an encoded illumination scheme and binary search to find the focal plane corresponding to the surface height at each lateral position. This drastically reduces the number of images required for 3D reconstruction to log2(N), where N is the number of focal planes. ESFS provides a simple way to achieve real-time, high-resolution 3D imaging over relatively large volumes.4 Holographic imaging combines interferometry with microscopy to enable highly sensitive phase imaging of minute features and transparent objects. It uses a common-path interferometer configuration, in which the input light field is split into object and reference wavefronts. These wavefronts are then overlapped to create an interference pattern recorded by a camera. Digital holographic microscopes refine this process by using spatial filtering to produce a high-quality reference wave, ensuring the recorded hologram is sharp. This hologram is then digitally reconstructed to derive the phase profile, directly correlating to the object's optical thickness. This method allows for multiple wavelengths, significantly extending the measurement range without ambiguity. The resultant holograph provides quantitative 3D phase maps with sub-wavelength accuracy, enabling the measurement of properties like refractive index variations inaccessible to conventional intensity imaging.5 Coherence Scanning Interferometry Coherence Scanning Interferometry (CSI) uses a broadband or white light source instead of a laser. It exploits the limited coherence length of these sources to directly measure the optical path difference at each point by vertically scanning one arm and finding the position of maximum fringe contrast. This enables absolute surface measurement without 2π ambiguities over a large depth range. CSI provides sub-nanometer resolution and is widely used for microscale 3D profilometry. However, it is sensitive to environmental disturbances, which can introduce measurement errors, and can be time-consuming for large surfaces requiring stitching multiple scans.2 Applications Across Industries The exceptional precision, speed, and versatility of modern optical metrology techniques find diverse applications across various industries. In aerospace, advanced optical scanning and interferometry have become vital tools for verifying the integrity and complex geometries of components like turbine fan blades, compressor discs, and combustor chambers that must withstand extreme operating conditions. Techniques like white light interferometry enable comprehensive inspections of micro-scale cooling holes, thin leading and trailing edge radius measurements, and surface finish characterization—all critical for ensuring operational safety and attaining optimal performance.6 The perpetual miniaturization of integrated circuit features has placed enormous demands on semiconductor metrology, with device nodes approaching just a few nanometers. Optical techniques like X-Ray fluorescence, atomic force microscopy, and critical dimension scanning electron microscopy, which offer resolutions between 1 nm and 20 nm, are indispensable across all stages of semiconductor production. They are crucial for measuring wafer geometry, film thickness, and composition, as well as for inspecting defects and conducting critical dimension metrology on final chips. They also ensure the structural integrity and precise dimensions of silicon wafers and nanostructures, critical as the industry transitions to 300 mm wafers and features down to 3 nm.7,8 Optical metrology is also making significant inroads into biomedical engineering for precise characterization and quality control of medical devices, implants, tissue engineering substrates, and more. For instance, non-destructive 3D optical metrology techniques like digital holography enable quantitative measurement of biomaterials and micro-components under physiological conditions with sub-nanometer resolution, providing invaluable input for design optimization and virtual simulations.9 Integration with Other Technologies Modern industrial optical metrology systems enhance workflows by integrating augmented reality (AR) visualization, which allows the real-time overlay of detailed 3D measurement data directly onto the inspected components. AR streamlines the interpretation and communication of results by instantly highlighting geometric deviations in their proper spatial context, eliminating the need for cross-referencing between separate datasets and physical parts.10 Robotic automation is being applied to execute automated inspection routines, feeding components into optical metrology systems and handling them during measurement. This increases throughput and enables precise traceable positioning for repeatable results. Advanced machine learning techniques, such as deep learning, are applied to intelligently analyze and interpret the enormous datasets generated by modern high-resolution optical metrology systems. In addition to pattern recognition and defect identification, AI/ML techniques enable adaptive optimization of system parameters to handle variabilities that hinder deterministic modeling robustly. This approach unlocks more consistent and reliable operations across parts and environments outside ideal calibration conditions.2 The Future of Optical Metrology Optical metrology will continue to advance rapidly, driven by demands for ever-higher precision and new application domains. The adoption of advanced illumination sources like supercontinuum lasers, which provide intense ultrashort pulsed beams spanning a broad spectrum, is enabling long-distance metrology, enhanced resolution, speed, and surface discrimination capabilities over traditional narrow-band lasers and LEDs. Their coherence properties simplify optical designs while improving performance.11 Additionally, the trend toward miniaturization and commoditization is transforming optical metrology from specialized laboratory equipment into widespread, everyday tools. However, several key challenges remain to be addressed, including the need for personnel training on increasingly complex systems, standardization to ensure interoperability, and efficient data management pipelines for handling increasingly massive 3D datasets.2 Overcoming these hurdles will be critical for optical metrology to achieve its full transformative potential across industries. More from AZoOptics: Advancing Optical Technologies with Laser Annealed Films References and Further Reading - Ellis, J. D., Haitjema, H., Jiang, X., Joo, KN., Leach, R. (2020). Advances in optical metrology and instrumentation: Introduction. JOSA A. - Marrugo, AG., Gao, F., Zhang, S. (2020). State-of-the-art active optical techniques for three-dimensional surface metrology: a review. JOSA A. - Polytec. (2024). White-light interferometry. [Online] Polytec. Available at: - Vilar, N., Artigas, R., Duocastella, M., Carles, G. (2024). Fast topographic optical imaging using encoded search focal scan. Nature Communications. - Engel, T. (2022). 3D optical measurement techniques. Measurement Science and Technology. - Alicona Imaging GmbH. (2024). Optical 3D metrology solutions for quality assurance in the aerospace industry. [Online] Alicona Imaging GmbH. Available at: - University Wafer. (2024). Semiconductor Metrology. [Online] University Wafer. Available at: - Queengate. (2024). Semiconductor metrology: positioning is key. [Online] Physicsworld. Available at: - Sezdi, M. (2019). Biomedical metrology. Bioelectronics and Medical Devices. - Radiant Vision Systems. (2019). Enabling Display Measurement within Augmented & Virtual Reality Headsets. [Online] Association for Advancing Automation. Available at: - Ray, P. (2024). Hyperspectral long-distance metrology using a femtosecond laser supercontinuum. ETH Zurich.
Biased language is language presenting attitudes that lack objectivity or intentionally or unintentionally that make reference to offensive words to be prejudiced (Bevan and Sole, 2014). Biased language makes a subjective reference to individual’s age, sex, disability, and race in communicating arguments. Biased languages have an adverse impact on the attitude developed towards those in reference. Biased language conveys unverified information that could be taken to be accurate information that’s leading to the development of negative attitudes among the subject (Bevan and Sole, 2014). Biased language impacts negatively on the behavior displayed by individuals. It leads to the assumption that others have an advantage over them because of Any individual on any given day can display subtle biases; these biases are generally automatic, meaning they are done in a manner that can be unbeknownst to the individual who has acted upon them. Subtle biases bring discrimination to the surface while exposing the true nature of certain individuals. Examples Mexicans drink a lot, have An example of this is when a psychological study asked the participants to play mini golf and the test would measure natural athletic ability. The test group was all white. The study found that the white people who thought it was testing natural athletic ability did worse than the ones who didn’t. After hearing the game was going to determine, the players performance was impaired by the awareness of the stereotype that white people aren’t naturally athletic. No matter who you are or what part of the world you are from implicit bias are a constant issue in society. These tendencies typically stem from structural injustice, implicit bias, and personal discretion. Structural injustice is when a category of people are associated with an insufficient status when comparing to other groups of people engaging in the same actions. Implicit bias are stances and stereotypes that affect our comprehension, actions and decisions held by our unconscious manner. These bias are involuntarily and are done without individuals awareness or intentional control. Everyone is exposed to these biases at a young age through the media, parents, and teachers. Each individual holds possession of implicit bias whether they The article I chose was “What’s not being said about implicit bias and how it shapes our reality” by John A. Powell. I chose this article because it offered me more information on how biases affect society, for example, it mentions an occasion where biases affected policymaking. It also provided me an insight on what well-known members of society think about biases. Moreover, it mentioned a few techniques one can implement in order to diminish unconscious biases. It provided me with more scientific evidence than Verna Myers’s TED Talk on the subject of biases. Now, thanks to this information I will be able to expand on the ideas stated in the previous essay regarding biases. Where Bias Comes From Words are the world; however, words don’t mirror the world. We depend on vocabularies or words to form thoughts, to interpret ideas, and to communicate with others, and it’s needless to say that we share the same physical world; however, we see the world through different perspective and we use different vocabularies to interpret what we absorb from the objective reality. Consequently, we use different words to describe the unitary reality. For example, if a botanist, an artist, and a poet were presented with a rose, and they were asked to describe the rose with all their might and with all the time, they might came up with three different versions of depiction of the same rose, and yet each of the depiction would has certain flaw that makes it not mirroring the real rose. When we use the word bias, the first thing comes to mind is perspective. Another example of how home language or race has impacted children and families is in a classroom that shows in group bias. In group bias towards the groups in which people are members (Patterson & Bigler, 2006). What could happen in an instance such as this is as the children become more aware of societal norms that favor certain groups over others, they will often show a bias toward the socially privileged group (Winkler, 2009). A study showed that children of color as young as five years old show evidence of being aware of, and negatively impact by sterotypes about their racial group (Hirschfeld, 2008). This is evident in a classroom where the children start taking on the bias role of the teacher. In a classroom, children are questioning the skin color of another child. Instead of the teacher stopping to talk about how we are all the same, just different colors, the teacher ignores it. This silence will force children to come up with their own biases, prejudices and assumptions about races other than their own. Being of target of bias can affect socialization due to the negatives attitudes that it entails. Language does perpetuate stereotypes and inequality. Ethnic classifications created by superior dominate groups indicate inequalities between the races. For example black is usually associated with negatives such as death, pollution, ‘black magic,’ and immorality in contrast white indicative of a more positive meanings such as purity, cleanliness and morality. For me, bias was simply showing a preference to one particular side of an argument. Bias was a word mostly reserved for TV reporters and newspaper editors. The words “bias”, “stereotype”, and “discrimination” had no significant difference in my mind. Because I am consciously accepting of others, I felt that bias was a non-issue in my life. However, over the course of this short time, I have discovered much about myself and the unintentional biases I carry. Through these discoveries I have managed to define what bias truly means, recognize concepts in unintentional bias such as snap judgements and unconscious attitudes, observe the biases of others, and ultimately learn how to overcome biased The people that raise us are also the ones who teach us both positive and negative stereotypes. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice all go hand in hand with one another. When an individual 's stereotypical beliefs combine with their prejudice opinions, this can cause someone to behave discriminatively. “For some people prejudices can come up as a way of justifying social inequalities. This happens when people on both sides of the power and wealth spectrum start believing that people get Furthermore, the ways we talk with people lead to mutual stereotyping, especially if negative impressions were had. One example of stereotyping could be Linguistic stereotypes are an existent form of discrimination. Since, languages are criticized and mocked due to the connection between language and cultural character. Thus, language is significantly related to the identity of the speakers. In addition, languages are vulnerable to criticism due to differences in cultural behavior. 1. When writing a research report, there are five main issues of “language bias”. They include but, are not limited to, gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, and disabilities. Gender is language bias, as it is a cultural term referring to social roles, which may be perceived as offensive. For example, referring to a female firefighter as a fireman implies that the female is actually a male firefighter. To avoid this, writers should ensure that they are using terms to avoid sexist bias. Next, age is language bias as a writer might think that someone is elderly because they are 50 but in reality, it is not accurate to call someone elderly until they are 65 or older. Those that are 50 could find this offensive. Thus to avoid this, a writer should always include an age range or refer to the APA manual when placing people into age categories.
Influence of forest management intensity, tree species identity and fungal-bacterial diversity on resource use, wood decomposition and gas emissions from deadwood The decomposition of wood in terrestrial ecosystems is a significant process with far-reaching ecological consequences. Deadwood is an important structural component in forest ecosystems, influencing a variety of ecosystem functions, especially carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling, and providing habitat for wood-dwelling organisms. FunWood IV addresses these ecosystem functions and experimentally tests whether species diversity has an influence on the functional diversity of deadwood-degrading communities and how this diversity and ecosystem processes are influenced by the intensity of forest management. FunWood IV has three core questions within the BeLongDead (Biodiversity Exploratories in the Long-Term Experiment with Deadwood) (i) Investigate the functional diversity of deadwood-degrading communities. (ii) Assessment of the functional and structural response of the woody degrading community under changing temperature conditions (iii) Analyse the influence of forest management intensity and tree species identity on biodiversity and its contribution to deadwood decomposition. FunWood IV combines a use of current techniques - Amplicon gene sequencing - Protein-based stable isotope probing (Protein-SIP) - CO2 emission rates - C/N elemental analysis to gain a deeper understanding of how fungal and bacterial communities carry out the wood decomposition process under changing temperature conditions. Besides the possibility to correlate ecosystem processes such as wood decomposition and microbial diversity, the dataset to be developed offers the possibility to characterise the influence of forest management intensity and tree species identity over several geographical dimensions.
Betaine (also known as trimethylglycine or TMG) is a naturally occurring compound found in foods like beets, spinach, quinoa, and whole grains. It plays an important role in several physiological processes, including methylation (critical for DNA and protein function) and liver health. However, as with any supplement or nutrient, there are both benefits and potential downsides. Let’s explore the pros and cons of betaine. Pros of Betaine: 1.Supports Heart Health: Betaine helps lower homocysteine levels in the blood, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. High homocysteine can lead to inflammation and damage to blood vessels. 2.Enhances Athletic Performance: Betaine is popular among athletes for its potential to increase muscle endurance, strength, and power. It may help improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing fat. 3.Supports Liver Function: Betaine is known to protect the liver by promoting fat metabolism and reducing the risk of fatty liver disease, particularly in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Betaine hydrochloride (HCl) can be used as a supplement to improve digestion, particularly for people with low stomach acid. This can improve nutrient absorption and alleviate indigestion. 5.Promotes Cellular Health and Methylation: Methylation is essential for DNA repair, protein production, and other vital processes. Betaine supports methylation by acting as a methyl donor, thus promoting overall cell health and proper functioning. 6.Potential Role in Weight Management: Some studies suggest that betaine may help reduce body fat and improve metabolic health by influencing fat oxidation and energy expenditure, though more research is needed. Cons of Betaine: In some individuals, betaine supplementation can cause stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea, or bloating, especially at higher doses. 2.Body Odor (Trimethylaminuria Risk): Some people may experience a condition called trimethylaminuria (fish odor syndrome) where the body cannot properly break down trimethylamine, a compound related to betaine. This can lead to a strong fishy odor in sweat, urine, and breath. 3.Uncertain Long-term Effects: While betaine is generally considered safe for most people, long-term studies are limited, and there may be unknown effects from chronic high-dose use, especially without medical guidance. 4.May Not Be Effective for Everyone: The effectiveness of betaine in improving athletic performance, heart health, or liver function may vary between individuals. Genetics, diet, and existing health conditions can influence its benefits. 5.Interactions with Medications: Betaine can interact with certain medications, especially those that affect blood pressure or those for liver conditions. People on specific medications should consult their healthcare provider before taking betaine. 6.Potential for Increased Cholesterol Levels: Some studies suggest that betaine supplementation may lead to an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol, which could pose a risk for individuals already dealing with high cholesterol or heart disease. Betaine has several health benefits, including promoting heart, liver, and digestive health, as well as improving athletic performance. However, it may cause gastrointestinal issues, body odor, and has uncertain long-term effects. As with any supplement, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting betaine, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or take medications.
How we provide for development and learning Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by our pre-school helps children to continue to do this by providing all of the children with interesting activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development. There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early year’s pre-schools. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas, the prime areas are: Children under three are observed and assessed on the following areas. Communication and language; development involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations. Physical development; involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Personal, social and emotional development; involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings to understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities. All children are observed and assessed on 7 areas of development the 3 prime areas and the following 4 specific areas; we do focus on the prime areas for the younger children. Literacy development; involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems and other written materials) to ignite their interest. Mathematics; Involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems and to describe shapes, spaces and measures. Understanding the world; involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. Expressive arts and design; involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as proving opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play and design and technology. Areas of learning How we approach learning, development and assessment Learning through play Play helps young children to learn and develop through doing and taking, which research has shown to be the means by which young children learn to think. Our pre-school uses the revised Early Years Foundation Stage to plan and provide a range of play activities which help children to make progress in each of the areas of learning and development. In some of these activities children decide how they will use the activity and in others, an adult take the lead in helping the children to take part in the activity. In all activities information from the practice guidance to the revised Early Years Foundation Stage has been used to decide what equipment to provide and how to provide it. We assess how young children are learning and developing by observing them frequently. We use information that we gain from observations, as well as from photographs or sound recordings of the children to document their progress and where this may be leading them. We believe that parents know their children best and we ask them to contribute to assessment by sharing information about what their children like to do at home and how they as parents are supporting development. We make periodic assessment summaries of children’s achievement based on our on-going development records. These form part of children’s Unique Story. We undertake these assessment summaries at regular intervals two times a year as well as times of transition, such as when a child goes onto school. We plot children’s progress on our progress tracker and we will share with you at parents evening. Well-being and Involvement We also look at your child’s well-being and involvement 3 times per year and score than 1-5. A score of below 4 will require your key person to put in place an action plan. We use a traffic light score 1-2 is red, 2-3 is amber and 4-5 is green. Most children will start on a red or amber because they are settling in please do not worry most children when they start pre-school, the actions plan can be as simple as ensuring that your child’s key person greets them, or their favourite toy is out on the sessions they attend. Working together for your children In our pre-school we maintain the ratio of adults to children in the pre-school that is set through the EYFS Statutory Requirements. We also have support staff and students on placement to complement these ratios. This helps us to: give time and attention to each child; talk with the children about their interests and activities; help children to experience and benefit from the activities we provide; allow the children to explore and be adventurous in safety.
SpaceX currently launches the Starship — the most powerful rocket ever built — from its Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas, but it also wants to launch it from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. For that to happen, its plans will first have to be cleared by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) by way of an environmental review, the agency announced on Friday. NASA carried out a similar review five years ago and saw no issue with SpaceX launching the Starship from Kennedy, but since then the Elon Musk-led spaceflight company has adjusted its plans for the Starship and its associated infrastructure, prompting the FAA to announce its own review to assess the impact of the launches on the local environment. Changes to SpaceX’s plan at Kennedy include a greater frequency of launches, from 24 per year to as many as 44, and a slightly more powerful rocket design. SpaceX also wants to land the first-stage booster at Launch Complex 39A instead of at Landing Zone 1. Pumping out a colossal 17 million pounds of thrust at launch — more than double that of the Saturn V rocket that powered the Apollo astronauts toward the moon from the same launch facility five decades ago, and almost twice that of NASA’s next-gen Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, which launched for the first time in November 2022 — the Starship has a greater chance of disrupting the local environment than any other vehicle that’s launched from Florida’s Space Coast. The maiden launch of the Starship, which has only flown three times to date, completely destroyed the Starbase launch pad when the force of the engines proved too great as the rocket lifted off. Debris was spread far and wide and into protected wildlife areas, causing consternation among environmentalists. SpaceX responded by building a more robust pad capable of handling subsequent launches. These days, residents along the Space Coast are used to seeing launches involving SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9 rocket, which spits out a mere 1.7 million pounds of thrust at launch, as well as the occasional mission by SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, which is three times more powerful. Starship launches, however, will be something else altogether.
The Lake Oku clawed frog is a small amphibian reaching just 36mm in length. This diminutive species is one of only two frogs known to be ‘dodecaploid’, meaning they have a staggering 12 sets of chromosomes – humans have just two! This unique frog is found only in a small crater lake (Lake Oku) in Cameroon, and has a tiny distribution of just 2 km2. Its tiny range, combined with recurring mass mortality events, mean this species is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List. The reasons for the repeated mass mortality events are still unclear, though tests for Ranavirus and the amphibian fungus Chytrid have been negative or of ‘low prevalence’. The species is still abundant at Lake Oku, but their are several potential threats to the continued existence of the species. Chytridiomycosis is a major threat to amphibians throughout the region, as is the introduction of fish to the lake to meet the protein demands of the local communities. Finally, the degradation of the forest habitat around the lake may lead to degraded water quality through nutrient pollution and siltation. Fortunately, Lake Oku and its surrounding forest is protected by a government-sanctioned protected area. However, enforcement of the protected area is complex and controversial. Given the real possibility of a rapid extinction of the species, captive conservation populations have been established, with ZSL London Zoo achieving the first captive breeding of the species in 2014. - Order: Anura - Family: Pipidae - Trend: decreasing - Size: 36 mm (?) This frog is found only in Lake Oku, a 243 hectare lake 2,2000 m A.S.L. on Mount Oku, in northwestern Cameroon. Habitat and Ecology Lake Oku is a shallow crater lake encompassed by montane forest. The Lake Oku clawed frog is completely water-dependent and is the primary aquatic vertebrate present in the lake.
In the digital age, where the internet serves as a vast playground for exploration and learning, mastering the ABCs of internet safety is crucial for kids and parents alike. By understanding the principles of Awareness, Boundaries, and Communication, families can navigate the online world with confidence and security. In this blog post, we'll delve into each component of the ABCs of internet safety and explore practical tips for fostering a safe and positive online experience. A is for Awareness Awareness is the first step towards internet safety. Children need to be aware of the potential risks and dangers that exist online, including cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online predators. Parents can facilitate awareness by initiating age-appropriate conversations about online safety, discussing real-life examples, and highlighting the importance of being cautious and vigilant while navigating the internet. Practical Tips for Awareness: - Teach children to recognize warning signs of online threats, such as suspicious messages or requests from strangers. - Encourage them to trust their instincts and seek help from a trusted adult if they encounter anything that makes them uncomfortable online. - Stay informed about the latest online trends and platforms popular among kids to better understand the digital landscape. B is for Boundaries Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy online experience. Children should understand the importance of establishing boundaries around their online activities, including the websites they visit, the content they consume, and the people they interact with online. Parents can help children establish and enforce these boundaries by setting clear rules and guidelines for internet usage and monitoring their online activity to ensure compliance. Practical Tips for Boundaries: - Establish clear rules regarding screen time limits, appropriate websites and apps, and guidelines for online interactions. - Use parental control features on devices and internet browsers to filter content, monitor online activity, and set time limits. - Encourage children to think critically about their online choices and to recognize when it's time to take a break from screens and engage in offline activities. C is for Communication Effective communication is key to promoting internet safety and fostering a trusting relationship between parents and children. Encouraging open and honest communication about online experiences allows children to seek guidance and support when needed and helps parents stay informed about their child's online activities. Parents should create a safe and non-judgmental environment where children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences and concerns. Practical Tips for Communication: - Initiate regular conversations about internet safety and encourage children to share their online experiences with you. - Listen actively and validate your child's feelings and concerns about the online world. - Be proactive in addressing any issues or challenges that arise and work together to find solutions that promote safety and well-being. By mastering the ABCs of internet safety—Awareness, Boundaries, and Communication—children and parents can navigate the online world with confidence and security. By promoting awareness of online risks, setting clear boundaries around internet usage, and fostering open communication, families can create a safe and positive online environment where children can explore, learn, and thrive. Together, let's empower our children to be responsible digital citizens and make the most of the opportunities the internet has to offer.
Introduction to Activity Relationship Chart The foundation for creating any form of plant layout is an Activity Relationship Chart. For this chart to provide a useful plant layout, great care must be taken in its design. What is Activity Relationship Chart? An Activity Relationship Chart (ARC for short) is a tabular chart that expresses the closeness rating between all sets of activities or departments. Each pair of departments in an ARC may be given one of six closeness ratings, with nine justifications for each rating (each assigned by a reason code). Closeness Rating and Basis of the Coding in an Activity Relationship Chart The relationship chart shows which entities are connected to one another and assesses how important that connection is. The ratings and their closeness are as follows: Rating | Closeness | A | Absolutely necessary | E | Especially important | I | Important and core | O | Ordinary | U | Unimportant | X | Prohibited/Undesirable | The reasons for this closeness rating are expressed with number codes as follows: Code | Reason | 1 | Flow of Material | 2 | Ease of Supervision | 3 | Common Personnel | 4 | Necessary Contact | 5 | Noise | 6 | Similar Pieces of Equipment | Importance of Activity Relationship Chart The primary goal of the Activity Relationship Chart is to guarantee that the facility you are developing has the shortest possible distance between two pieces of equipment or departments that are crucial to one another. If required prior activity hasn’t been completed, further activities cannot be performed. Putting related facilities closer together and shortening cycle times are the main goals. How to Create an Activity Relationship Chart in Excel: 4 Steps We have used Microsoft Excel 365 version here, but you may use any other version according to your convenience. Please let us know if you encounter any problems while using any other versions of Excel. Step 1 – Create Basic Outline First we create a basic outline where all the elements of the chart are accommodated. - Create a table in the B4:M14 range. - In cell B4, enter the text Departments. - Enter 1 to 10 in Column B and in Row 4. These are the serial numbers of the departments which we’ll input in the next step. - Leave the D5:M14 range blank for future use. Step 2-Enter Department Names We’ll use 10 different departments in our sheet. - Enter the name of the departments in the C5:C14 range. Step 3 – Construct Cell Borders Now we can create the Activity Relationship Chart. - Select the cells in the D5:M14 range. - Go to the Home tab. - Click on the Borders drop-down from the Font group. - Select All Borders from the list. The worksheet now looks like the following image. - Select the previous range. - Repeat the previous steps to open the Borders drop-down list. - This time, select the More Borders option. The Format Cells dialog box appears, opening on the Border tab. - Apply the diagonal border as shown in the image below. - Click OK. The final result is returned. Step 4 – Give Closeness Rating and Reasons in Each Cell Now we can fill in the technical part of this chart. The dataset used is purely fictitious and used only for demonstration purposes. Before inserting the data, we’ll restrict some cells because no data will be contained in them. - Select the cells along the diagonal in the D5:M14 range. - Go to the Home tab. - Click on the Fill Color drop-down icon in the Font group. - Select Black from the Theme Colors. The final look is like something the below. - Select cell E5 and enter the following text: We intentionally leave 5 blank spaces between these two letters to accommodate them on both sides of the diagonal border in the cell. - Press ENTER. - Similarly, fill up the other cells with correct data. The data is symmetrical along the corners on both sides of the black cells. To find, for example, the relationship between the Welding and Receiving departments, the serial numbers of these two departments are 2 and 5 respectively, so the result will be found at the intersection of 2 and 5. Therefore 2 and 5 intersect with each other twice. In cells E9 and H6, the values are the same. The relationship between these two departments is A1, meaning that their closeness is absolutely necessary. - How to Create a Weight Loss Graph in Excel - How to Make a Budget Constraint Graph on Excel - How to Create Mekko/Marimekko Chart in Excel - How to Find Intersection of Two Curves in Excel - How to Show Intersection Point in Excel Graph
Some of the worst abuses against individuals occur in non-international armed conflicts, in situations where one or more armed non-state actors (ANSAs)fight against the state and/or against each other.1 How, and to what extent, international law is formally binding on these actors is still debated. While it is largely uncontested that international humanitarian law imposes certain obligations on ANSAs, the application of other bodies of international law – particularly human rights law – is controversial. Either voluntary or forced displacement is frequently caused by violations of international humanitarian law and of basic human rights. Actions by ANSAs displace civilians directly or indirectly through gender-based violence, enforced disappearances, summary executions, torture, death threats, indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian objects (i.e. all areas, buildings and infrastructure that are not military objectives as defined by international humanitarian law), forced recruitment (particularly of children) and forced labour. In addition, blocking relief supplies and assistance and other such acts (including deliberate attacks on humanitarian personnel) impede access to food, health services and education. Organised ANSAs – i.e. those that meet the criteria set by international humanitarian law to be considered a party to an armed conflict – are bound by international humanitarian law, including Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and 1977 Additional Protocol II, both of which apply specifically to non-international armed conflict. Forced displacement is generally prohibited by international humanitarian law. More specifically, the 1998 Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement include many references to international humanitarian law norms that are legally binding on both states and ANSAs. In addition, the recently-adopted African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa directly addresses the behaviour of ANSAs.2 Despite these existing obligations, many difficulties remain in seeking to ensure ANSA compliance with international norms. The reasons for lack of compliance are diverse: strategic arguments (the nature of warfare in internal armed conflicts that may lead to the use of tactics that violate international law, such as launching attacks from within the civilian population); lack of knowledge of applicable norms; and lack of ‘ownership’ over these norms. ‘Ownership’ here means the capacity and willingness of actors engaged in armed conflict to set and/or take responsibility for the respect of norms intended to protect civilians as well as other humanitarian norms applicable in armed conflict. Indeed, since ANSAs are not entitled to ratify international treaties (as, by definition, they are not a state or other entity with the necessary international legal personality), and are generally precluded from participating as full members of a treaty drafting body, they could – and sometimes do – argue that they should not be bound to respect rules that they have neither put forward nor formally committed to. This being said, there are reasons to believe that many ANSAs can be influenced to better respect international law and humanitarian norms. Incentives for compliance First, one should note that ANSAs which pursue certain military and political objectives are not wholly indifferent to respecting certain international norms. Positive incentives for compliance often quoted by members of ANSAs are the need for popular support (‘winning hearts and minds’), the self-image of the group, the group’s own norms, reciprocity, the need or desire to project a good national or international image, and family ties with the concerned population. There are thus military, political, legal and humanitarian reasons why armed groups would want to respect international norms. The military argument for compliance comprises elements of both reciprocity and strategic choices. Respect for norms by one party to the conflict typically encourages respect for norms by the other; conversely, abuses and violations committed by one party are normally met by a similar response from the other party. Restraint will also ultimately help to retain the support of the civilian population. In terms of strategic choices, focusing on attacking legitimate military targets instead of targeting the civilian population means that an ANSA is more likely to further its military objectives. ANSAs may thus come to understand that certain means and methods of warfare are counterproductive or have excessive humanitarian costs, which lead to a loss in support. Political arguments for compliance centre on the desire of many ANSAs, and/or the causes they may espouse, to be recognised as legitimate. Members of several ANSAs interviewed during our research project said that, while they understand political recognition may not be possible, the recognition of an organised armed group as a ‘party to the conflict’ under international humanitarian law may be an important step in encouraging compliance with international norms. In addition, many ANSAs need the support (human, material, financial) of the ‘constituency’ on behalf of whom they claim to be fighting. Some seek to overthrow the existing government or at least to form part of a future administration. And, in certain cases, ANSAs may wish to be seen as more respectful of international norms than the state that they are fighting.3 Finally, some armed groups are sensitive to the argument that better respect for norms applicable in armed conflicts facilitates peace efforts and strengthens the chance of a lasting peace. The legal arguments for compliance are primarily the avoidance of international criminal sanction and other coercive measures, such as arms embargoes, travel bans and freezing of assets. Fear of prosecution for international crimes is a factor that influences the behaviour of certain ANSAs or of senior individuals within them,4 including as a result of the principle of command responsibility.5 For instance, the use of forced displacement as a tactic and method of warfare could qualify as a war crime or a crime against humanity, thereby making its authors as individuals criminally responsible.6 Effective command and control by an ANSA over its own fighters is thus in the self-interest of the group’s senior officials. In one case, a local commander of an ANSA described to the authors how he kept records of the imposition of internal discipline in accordance with the norms the group had accepted. He later used these records as evidence to defend himself against allegations of war crimes. Finally, the humanitarian arguments for compliance relate to the fundamental desire of certain ANSAs to respect human dignity. Such a desire should not be underestimated and may allow for opportunities to go beyond actual international obligations and engage ANSAs on respect for norms which offer greater protection for civilians than that strictly demanded by international law. Humanitarian agencies may in turn support finding solutions to help the relevant actors to fulfil the commitment to the norm in question – for example, by providing reintegration and education programmes for children formerly associated with armed forces to facilitate their safe release. Good practice in engagement There has been considerable experience gathered over the years by members of the international community through engaging with ANSAs on the protection of civilians in armed conflict. Below are some of the key lessons that can be drawn from this experience and which may offer other opportunities to enhance compliance with international norms. As a general remark, the first step to be taken by the international community at large is to encourage direct engagement with ANSAs to promote compliance with international norms. Furthermore, organised ANSAs should be recognised as a party to conflict under international humanitarian law and indiscriminate labelling of groups as ‘terrorist’ should be avoided, as it runs counter to efforts to promote compliance with humanitarian norms. As former fighters have stated to the researchers, once listed “you are rejected” and “you have nothing to lose”. It should be stressed that engagement with an ANSA does not constitute political recognition or recognition of belligerency nor does it affect the status of ANSAs under international law (although some, especially states, fear that engagement can confer on a ‘terrorist’ or ‘criminal’ group a semblance of legitimacy). In dialogue with ANSAs, efforts should be made to demonstrate the benefit to the groups themselves in complying with international norms. Culturally appropriate language and methods should be used to promote such compliance.6 Second, an important step in enhancing compliance with international norms is to ensure that the relevant ANSAs are aware of their obligations under international law. In some cases, for example, such groups have not been aware of the prohibition on child recruitment and the potential individual liability that can result from violation of applicable norms. Those engaged in promoting compliance can do this by disseminating international legal norms to ANSA members; and ANSAs can disseminate them internally. Indeed, once an ANSA is clear about its obligations and undertakings, it will need to ensure that this is reflected in its practice – for example by ‘translating’ international norms into codes of conduct to govern actions by the group. All armed groups should therefore be encouraged to adopt and respect such internal codes of conduct in accordance with applicable norms. There may be a need for outside technical assistance in achieving this but it is important to ensure that the relevant ANSA assumes the responsibility for adoption, dissemination and implementation of applicable norms. Engagement with an ANSA should typically occur at the highest level within the group but may also demand engagement with influential individuals outside the group. Engaging an ANSA at the highest level may help to ensure that a commitment is more likely to be honoured in practice. However, enhancing compliance is made significantly more challenging if the ANSA fragments into different factions which might control different areas. In that regard, former members of other ANSAs may be able to play a helpful role in engagement. For example, a former paramilitary involved in the troubles in Northern Ireland has become a credible interlocutor with ANSAs around the world as he understands the challenges and consequences of involvement in armed violence.7 It is also important to consider whether ‘constituencies’ and foreign patrons can help to secure better compliance with norms. Finally, the experience of international organisations and NGOs shows that monitoring is a critical element in promoting compliance with norms. This involves identifying norms whose respect needs to be specifically enhanced and promoting successful implementation with relevant agreements or declarations. In conclusion, there is a need to move away from traditional state-centred approaches to international law to one that envisages direct application of international law to ANSAs. Direct engagement with ANSAs to encourage better respect for international norms can be a critical contribution to the mitigation of the suffering of civilian populations in contemporary armed conflict. Annyssa Bellal, Stuart Casey-Maslen and Gilles Giacca are researchers at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. This article draws on research conducted in collaboration with the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs since 2009, as well as on the results of workshops held in Geneva in 2010. More information plus workshop reports are online at This article is also available in Korean (as well as usual FMR languages) at 1 This paper defines ANSA as any armed group, distinct from and not operating under the control of the state or states in which it carries out military operations, and which has political, religious or military objectives. Thus it does not usually cover private military companies or criminal gangs. 2 See in particular Article 7 of the Convention 3 For example, many of the ANSAs that have signed Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment whereby they renounce the use of anti-personnel mines have done so in states that are not party to the 1997 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention. 4 Compliance with international norms will not, though, prevent their risk of prosecution under domestic criminal law for taking up arms against the state. 5 ‘Command responsibility extends as high as any officer in the chain of command who knows or has reason to know that his subordinates are committing war crimes and failed to act to stop them.’ 6 Nonetheless, organisations that do engage with ANSAs may fall foul of national legislation that criminalises material support to any entity designated as terrorist. A recent US Supreme Court decision on the scope of activities with ANSAs listed as terrorist groups that could trigger criminal responsibility is one example of a worrying trend. Supreme Court of the United States, Holder, Attorney General, et al. v. Humanitarian Law Project et al., Decision of 21 June 2010. See also, ‘the Supreme Court Goes too far in the Name of Fighting Terrorism’, Washington Post Editorial, 22 June 2010; and ‘What Counts as Abetting Terrorists’, Editorial, New York Times, 21 June 2010. See also article … [Thornton]
Deep in the wooded ravines along the southern boundary of the Allendale Campus, students working at an archaeological field school carefully unearthed artifacts such as nails and pieces of glass that help tell the history of Blendon Landing, a logging town from the mid-1800s. In the vegetation ringing the excavation site, another group of students was also exploring effects from the past, but the efforts were focused more on origins – identifying and removing the species that invaded the land that Indigenous peoples knew and restoring conditions for native plants to once again thrive. This intersection of activity was a key way to recognize the original, displaced inhabitants of the land where Blendon Landing once stood and gain a deeper understanding of that environment and the hundreds of years of human impact, said Steven Dorland, assistant professor of anthropology. Dorland, Wesley Jackson, assistant director of the field school, and other scholars worked to ensure they included the Indigenous perspective as they built upon research already done at the site. Some ways they are doing that include bringing in speakers as well as using techniques at the dig site such as working around tree roots, taking care not to cut them.
Recently, the development of new laser systems for industrial needs has increased. Many new processes were developed, and many traditional industrial processes were replaced by laser additive systems. Material processing accounts for a significant share of the total laser market, as shown in the figure below: Figure 1. Worldwide laser applications1 Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) play an important role in provision of the process-adapted laser beam shaping. This has made laser beam shaping and homogenization techniques essential to optimize many laser-material processing applications. Usually, laser systems start from utilizing the laser, and performance is upgraded by adding a DOE. The key parameters achieved are: - Multiplying process speed and throughput - Process precision - Wall steepness - Heat affected zone - Process effectiveness Ablation & Structuring Laser ablation is the process of removing material from a solid (or occasionally liquid) surface by irradiating it with a laser beam. Ablation is achieved by applying high energy short pulses on a small area. Laser ablation has been considered and used for many technical applications, including: the production of Nano materials, deposition of thin metallic and dielectric films, fabrication of superconducting materials, routine welding and bonding of metal parts, and micromachining of MEMS structures. Holo/Or’s Top-Hat and Vortex-Lens produce shaped spots with sharp, defined edges that will produce a precise material removal in the ablation process. Multi-Spot elements enable parallel processing, thus increasing throughput. Figure 2. Laser ablation Figure 3. Laser structuring2 Laser welding techniques are used to join multiple pieces of metal or plastic with a laser. The beam provides a concentrated heat source, allowing for narrow, deep welds and high welding rates. The process is frequently used in high volume applications using automation, such as the automotive industry. In conjugation with cutting techniques, lasers are ideally suited for many types of welding (spots, line, soldering). Holo/Or’s Homogenizer elements have uniform, flat intensity profiles regardless of non-homogeneity in the input, and can be designed to give shaped distributions that are tailored for specific welding profiles. Using a trailing spots multi spot profile, one can pre-heat the weld area and then post-treat it. Figure 4. Laser welding3 Figure 5. Homogenizer energy distribution In laser brazing applications, two metal sheets are joined by a laser melted solder wire. The join quality has been proven to improve when the metal surfaces are cleaned and pre-heated before the brazing wire is melted. Typical applications are found in the automotive industry. For this purpose, Holo/Or has developed a special Homogenizer element that creates two small leading beams for cleaning/preheating and one large uniform beam that equally distributes the energy over the brazing wire to achieve better melting and cleaner edges. Relevant products: Custom Homogenizer — please contact Holo/Or for more information A perforation is a small hole in a thin material or web. Laser perforation is typically used for sheet materials such as cigarette-tip paper or packaging foil for the food industry (prolongs the freshness and quality of perishable goods). Such applications require precise microscopic holes of a desired pattern with equal distances. This is why Holo/Or’s beam splitter DOE are the obvious solution. Relevant products: Multispot Figure 8. Laser perforation for food packaging4 Figure 9. 9×9 multi-spot beam splitter Cutting (metal & glass) Laser cutting works by directing the output of a high-power laser, usually through an optical system & moving stage, to scan the focus on a workpiece and cut it. It is typically used in industrial manufacturing applications. The goal is to extend the depth of focus of the system, without increasing the focal length of the focusing optic, or to improve cut quality and reduce exfoliation and material re-melting in the cut area. Metal laser cutting is performed by locally heating the material at the focal point of a focused laser beam above its melting point. The resulting molten material is ejected by a gas flow, so that an open cut is formed. Glass laser cutting or laser dicing is usually done with high powered lasers in the IR regime. Because glass has a weak absorption of light in most wavelengths, more powerful lasers are needed to cut glass. By using a focal DOE, the energy is spread in the bulk of the glass wafer. This enables one-pass cuts, without the need of adjusting the focal depth of the spot and z-movement during the cut. This is especially useful for stealth dicing, where the laser light modifies the glass to make it brittle, instead of ablation cutting, and then the glass is mechanically separated along the laser process line. Figure 10. Laser metal cutting Figure 11. Vortex lens energy distribution Figure 12. Laser glass cutting5 Figure 13. Elongated focus energy distribution along optical axis Laser drilling is the process of creating thru-holes by repeatedly pulsing focused laser energy on a material and evaporating the melted material. The greater the pulse energy, the more material is melted and vaporized. Over the years, several laser drilling techniques have evolved, including signal pulse, percussion, trepanning and helical drilling. Laser-drilled holes are used in many applications, including drilling of silicon wafers and rubber. For higher throughput and more productive processes, Holo/Or’s Multi-Spot beam-splitters have been proven to provide accurate results. Top-Hat beam shapers can improve the edge quality and diameter accuracy of the holes, while vortex phase plates enable drilling of ring shapes. Figure 14. Different laser drilling techniques6 Figure 15. Laser micro-drilling of stainless steel tube7 Laser Lift Off (LLO) is a technique to selectively remove one material from another. A laser beam is projected through a transparent material and absorbed in an adjacent material on the backside, such as GaN on Sapphire. The laser lift-off separation process allows processing large area devices with the required finesse and reproducibility. For this reason, it is very common in the LED industry for separating light-emitting films and also in displays for television and mobile devices. LeanLine™ is Holo/Or’s innovative solution for transformation of a Multi-Mode round input beam into a narrow laser line, especially in UV and green wavelengths (343, 355, and 532 nm). Our solution is based on proprietary diffractive beam shaping concepts and can be tailored to any wavelength from 193nm deep UV to 1600nm IR lasers. By utilizing our solution, one can use lower cost Multi-Mode lasers to achieve an efficient power density in a thin line. Relevant products: LeanLineTM module Figure 16. Holo/Or’s LeanLineTM module Figure 17. Separation of a substrate from a glass panel Surface treatment (hardening & remelting) The principle of laser surface treatment is the modification of a surface as a result of interaction between a beam of high power density coherent light and the surface within a specified atmosphere (vacuum, protective or processing gases). Some of the typical uses of laser surface treatment are laser hardening and laser re-melting. Laser hardening is a thermal surface hardening process in which the material is heated up for a short time above the critical temperature and is then rapidly cooled down, preventing the metal lattice from returning to its original structure and producing a very hard metal structure. Laser re-melting is another thermal method of surface treatment. The component surface is briefly heated above the melting temperature. The melt then solidifies and re-crystalizes without major changes in the chemical composition. Figure 18. Laser hardening - Jens Bliedtner et. al, “Ultrashort Pulse Laser Material Processing”, Laser Technik Journal
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! I want to make sure that everyone recognize a bitter truth: Nearly one in five Americans lives with a mental health condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. This includes mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder such as: depression, anxiety, mood disorders, personality disorders, postpartum depression, psychotic disorders, trauma, eating disorders and substance -use disorders. With so many people suffering only in America; still there is stigma prevailing in society due to widespread myths about mental health. With events, activities, screenings, campaigns and more, Mental Health Awareness Month is a catalyst for everyone to learn more, seek help, offer support, breaking stigmas and open our hearts and minds to vulnerable conversations. - 1 How To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month? - 2 Over to You How To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month? Here is our list of the best Mental Health Awareness Month ideas. Initiating direct one-on-one interactions or daily conversations or are critical to spread mental health awareness. Humans have connected through conversations like no other medium. Therefore, having honest and open conversations about mental health is one of the best ways to celebrate Mental Health Awareness. It allows you to share your stories of struggles and also encourages others to open up about their struggles as well. This chain effect can go a long way in empowering people to come forward and share their stories and find the required support. Therefore, the first step to bringing the hammer down on the stigma is openly discussing these mental health issues and making it known that they can affect anyone. Mental Health Clothing Fashion actually impacts how we think. You can help reduce stigma and communicate that you’re a safe person to talk to by wearing clothes that bring awareness to mental health. When you wear apparel with meaningful mental health messages, you’re sharing important words with strangers who made need to hear them. Plus, you might inspire an important conversation. Further, certain colors have been proven to aid in mental health issues as well. Blue is antidepressant color, and green is proven to reduce anxiety. You may wear these colors which soothe the sufferer. You may also wear a Green ribbon or badge to spread the word that you care about their mental health. Part of spreading awareness means sharing your story and your experiences in a safe way. If you have experienced mental health issues, then go and share your story. You are conveying an important message to others that they are not alone. Sharing a mental health story can be a powerful way to decrease the stigma of mental illness. The National Alliance on Mental Illness encourages folks to share their experiences with mental health to on their website or social media channels. Mental Health First Aid If you’re looking for the tools to directly help others at times of crisis, you should consider getting certified in a mental health first aid course. Through this course you will be learning how to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis by identifying, understanding, and responding to signs of addiction or mental health conditions. Mental Health Awareness at Work Promoting mental health in the workplace can be a good idea to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month. Organize stress reduction workshops, put coffee mugs with mental health awareness message, run a mental health quiz on signs and symptom of mental health disorders, and offer support to colleague in need. You may also organize a poster or slogan competition on mental health. Group meditation and mindfulness sessions can also be organized. Also Read: Ideas To Build Mental Health Literacy Mental Health Screening Quizzes Often an individual may suspect they have a problem with their mental health but may be hesitant to seek out a diagnosis, which would likely only confirm their fears. Taking a mental health screening quiz, and sharing that you did so on social media, could encourage the people on your friends list to do the same. Volunteer in Awareness Events Mental Health Awareness Month begins on the first of May every year and is marked by increased local and online awareness events. You may participate and volunteer in such Mental Health Awareness Events. Through volunteering at, participating in, or even just sharing these events online, you can encourage others to get involved in learning more about mental health issues. Mental Health Awareness Month is also time to reflect on your own mental health. Rechecking that are you giving sufficient time to things that help you live well and improve your mental wellness. Here are some tips to help you practice self-care: - Get regular exercise. - Eat healthy, nutritious and regular meals and stay hydrated. - Make quality sleep a priority. - Try a relaxing activity such and deep breathing and mindfulness. - Practice gratitude. Also Read: Mental Hygiene for better mental health Share mental health resources with others. Making mental health resources widely accessible makes it that much easier for even one person to get the help they need. When you’re sharing about mental health this month, be thoughtful about the information you share online. Keep in mind that these topics can be heavy and triggering for others. Consider adding content warnings to your posts or encouraging others to do the same. Over to You That’s all from my side. I hope, you liked this article on “Unique Ideas to Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month”. Please share this on your favorite social media portals with your friends and relatives. (Medical Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Before adopting preventive methods/measures/treatment, please seek medical advice.)
Wait a second! More handpicked essays just for you. More handpicked essays just for you. The emancipation proclamation analysis A detailed analysis of the emancipation proclamation Slavery in southern america during 1800-1850 Don’t take our word for it - see why 10 million students trust us with their essay needs. After a week of the election of 1864, Lincoln got assassinated. Johnson unwillingly became the president after Lincoln. It was a big burden for Andrew Johnson. Andrew Johnson was from the southern part but he took the sides of the Northern. His executive faced many problems; those problems were difficult to solve. Andrew Johnson was the first president in U.S. history to be impeached. He was a disliked by many people in the north because he favored the south and because of his pro-slavery views. After the Civil War, Johnson was stubbornly against any laws that would aid the slaves in any way or any laws that would penalize men that fought for the confederacy. Johnson didn’t get along very good with the congress. He vetoed many bills that the congress tried to pass. Abraham Lincoln’s vs Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan Lincoln shared the uncommon belief that the confederate states could still be part of the union and that the cause of the rebellion was only a few within the states which lead him to begin the reconstruction in December of 1863. This resulted in plans with lenient guidelines and although they were challenged by Wade-Davis Bill, Lincoln still rejected his ideas and kept his policies in place. Lincoln also allowed land to be given the newly freed slave or homeless white by distributing the land that had been confiscated from former land owners however this fell through once Johnson took office. After Lincoln’s death when Johnson was elected many things started to turn away from giving blacks equal rights and resulted in many things such a black codes which kept newly freed slaves from having the same rights as whites. When Lincoln first acted after the civil war, he offered policies that would allow the confederate slaves to become part of the union again and would allow a pardon for those states. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in April of 1865, this caused friction over the post war reconstruction policy and led to a disagreement between the next President Andrew Johnson and Congress. Reconstruction Era led by Andrew JohnsonIn 1864, Abraham Lincoln selected Andrew Johnson as his Vice-President. Andrew Johnson was a Democratic senator from Tennessee. Lincoln was looking for Southern support and hoped that by making Johnson the Vice-President, it would have some appeal to Southerners who did not want to leave the Union. After Lincoln’s assassination, Johnson’s plans raised questions. With the assassination of president Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, a Southern democrat, came into office. Despite being staunchly pro-Union and anti-secession, Johnson's approach to reconstruction seemed far less attractive, perhaps due to the fact that he was a slave owner. Following Johnson's entrance, moderates and radicals formed an alliance for arguably two decisive reasons: both groups shared a parallel distrust and disliking for Johnson, and Johnson's measures seemed far too sparing in his efforts of reconciliation with Southern states. Moreover, during Johnson's presidency, Northerners recognized a South that had once again become unruly, which many believed was a result of the lenient tendencies that Johnson approached reconstruction with. Johnson, a southern Democrat who supported the Union, had been chosen as a running mate by Lincoln in 1860 to try and appease both sides of the slavery debate. Johnson had been a tailor by trade prior to entering politics and had none of Lincoln’s skills as orator or negotiator. From the state of Tennessee, he had sympathy for the South and supported Lincoln’s plan of “restoration.” After Lincoln’s death, Johnson implemented his own plan, based loosely on the desires of Lincoln to shepherd the South back into the Union, but with several distinct changes. Johnson chose not to allow military nor civil leaders of the Confederacy to participate in the new government. Andrew Johnson had only been vice-president for 42 days when he became president. He seemed supportive of the penal measures against the Confederates in the past, believing that they were to blame for the Civil War. However, Johnson was even more lenient to the Confederates even pardoning leaders and members. He was constantly clashing with the Radicals in the Congress solely on the status of the freed slaves and whites in the South. Many former Confederates were in denial to accepting both social changes and political domination by former slaves. Andrew Johnson was another individual involved in the reconstruction. Johnson allowed the Southern states to reconstruct themselves (TCI 23). By observing this evidence, it is clear that he was not promoting the reconstruction. He had a different mindset than Lincoln. He wanted to permit and obstruct any rights that Blacks had. After the Civil War the era of the Reconstruction began with the 13th Amendment which President Abraham Lincoln's announced as the Emancipation Proclamation in 1883. The 13th Amendment was a huge deal because it eliminated slavery and obligatory servitude. After Lincoln's assassination in April 1865 his successor Andrew Johnson became the 17th president. He also was the first president to be impeached, but he was not removed from office he only served one term from 1808-1875. Despite the initiation of the reconstruction president Andrew Johnson was not a supporter of the Republican Party which most of them come from the northern states. Andrew Johnson is came from a poor family and was not educated until later years. He was born on December 29, 1808 and died July 31, 1875/ He was the seventh president. Andrew Johnson finished out Araham Lincoln's term when he was assasinated. He was a very prejudice person who believed the United States was for white men and should only be governed by white men. Many people think he was the worst president the United States has ever had until Barack Obama come along. Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States, was brought up on impeachment charges in 1868 for multiple reasons. One of the reasons was that he vetoed 20 congressional bills. He also Failed to consult congress at the start of reconstruction. But the biggest charge was that he violated the Tenure act because he removed Edwin M. Stanton from the cabinet without the permission of Senate. Johnson's action was seen as an abuse of power and an attempt to undermine the authority of Congress. Why do most stories have characters with similar traits? Most novels or any type of story, they have different archetypal characters. In the novel “The Hobbit” by J.R.R Tolkien the three characters Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the wizard, and Smaug the destroyer, they are all archetypal characters. Throughout the story Bilbo goes on an adventure to defeat smaug. Bilbo eventually defeats smaug and returns what he finds. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865 his vice president, Andrew Johnson, was sworn into office, the first time ever a president had to take office because of the previous president being murdered. Andrew Johnson was a democrat, so he had major challenges when he took office. It didn’t help either that he was from Tennessee, a state that seceeded fromt the Union during the Civil War. In an effort to try and make friends in Congress with the Republicans Johnson agreed to deny representitives from southern states that seceeded from the Union to sit in Congress. This came to back fire on him because he was from Tennessee but because he elected to help the North during the Civil War the southern state representitives didn’t support him at all. Andrew Johnson born on December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, North Carolina. He became the 17th president shortly after Abraham Lincoln's death in 1865. He was Abraham Lincoln’s Vice President and was automatically moved to the Presidency, although never officially elected. His Reconstruction arrangements, indulgent and biased toward the South and his vetoing of the Reconstruction Acts disenthralled the Radical Republicans in Congress. His governing prompted the political destruction and denunciation of his leadership. Meanwhile, the struggle between Johnson and Congress came about, which led to his impeachment in 1868. Reconstruction failed to improve the South economically because European nations no longer depended on the South for cotton since they had important colonies in Egypt, which produced cheaper cotton. Additionally, reconstruction also failed due to "carpetbaggers" from the North because they took advantage of the devastated South both politically and financially. Since participation to hold public office was not permitted to any Southerners, the Northerners placed men in office that could be manipulated by them. Reconstruction can be considered a large failure because of resentment in the South and it seems as if they felt like they were being punished for losing the war.
About the Author Hello, Challenger! I am thrilled to share with you all my knowledge on getting rid of flies. My name is [INSERT NAME], and I work as a pest control specialist for over a decade. Through the years, I have dealt with stubborn fly infestations and discovered various effective ways to eliminate these pests. Now, I want to share my insights with you through this comprehensive guide. Introduction: Understanding Flies and Their Dangers What are Flies? Flies are insects that belong to the order Diptera, which means “two wings.” They are known for their buzzing sounds and annoying nature, especially when they invade your house or property. Flies come in various species, including house flies, blowflies, fruit flies, and horseflies. They breed in filthy areas like garbage, rotten food, and animal waste, making them carriers of disease and bacteria. Why are Flies Dangerous? As mentioned, flies carry disease and bacteria, making them a health hazard. They can spread illnesses like salmonella, cholera, and tuberculosis. Flies can also cause food contamination, making your meals unsafe to consume. Moreover, a fly infestation can damage your reputation, especially if you own a food-related business. Therefore, it is essential to get rid of flies as soon as possible. Where Do Flies Come From? Flies usually come from outside sources, like open windows, doors, or vents. They are attracted to certain smells, such as food, garbage, and decaying matter. Once they find a breeding site, like moist soil or animal waste, they lay their eggs, which hatch into larvae or maggots. These maggots then feed on the organic matter and turn into pupae, which eventually develop into adult flies. When is the Best Time to Get Rid of Flies? The best time to get rid of flies is during their breeding season, which usually happens during warmer months. However, it’s also essential to prevent their infestation all year long by practicing good sanitation, sealing cracks and holes, and using fly repellents. What are the Signs of Fly Infestation? The signs of fly infestation include the presence of adult flies, maggots or pupae, foul smell, and small black spots on surfaces. If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take immediate action to prevent further infestation. What are the Different Types of Fly Control? There are various types of fly control methods, including mechanical, biological, and chemical. Mechanical methods involve the use of traps, fly paper, and swatters. Biological methods involve the use of natural predators, like parasitic wasps and spiders. Chemical methods involve the use of insecticides, sprays, and baits. Why is Organic Fly Control Important? Organic fly control uses natural or non-toxic products to eliminate flies, making it safe for humans, pets, and the environment. Organic fly control methods include essential oils, herbal sprays, and biological controls. How to Get Rid of Flies: A Detailed Explanation Clean Your Surroundings The first step in getting rid of flies is to clean your surroundings. This includes removing garbage, cleaning up after meals, and disposing of waste properly. Make sure to seal trash cans and compost bins, so flies can’t lay eggs inside. Clean any spills or stains immediately, especially in the kitchen and bathroom areas. Additionally, keep your outdoor surroundings clean by removing any decaying matter, standing water, or animal waste. Use Fly Traps and Baits Using fly traps and baits is an effective way to capture flies without using toxic chemicals. Fly traps come in different types, like sticky traps, light traps, and pheromone traps. Baits are also useful, especially for outdoor fly control, as they attract and kill flies by using natural or chemical ingredients. However, make sure to place these traps and baits away from children and pets. Invest in Electronic Fly Zappers Electronic fly zappers or bug zappers use UV light and an electric grid to attract and kill flies. These are effective for outdoor use, especially during nighttime. However, make sure to place them in a safe area where no one can accidentally touch the electric grid. Use Natural Fly Repellents Natural fly repellents are a great alternative to chemical ones. These include essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemongrass, as well as herbal sprays and fly repellent plants like basil, lavender, and mint. These natural repellents not only eliminate flies but also leave a pleasant aroma in your surroundings. Seal Cracks and Holes Flies can enter your house through small cracks and holes, especially near windows, doors, and vents. To prevent their entry, make sure to seal these gaps using caulk or weather stripping. Use Biological Fly Control Biological fly control involves the use of natural predators to eliminate flies. These include parasitic wasps and spiders, which feed on fly larvae and pupae. You can also introduce fly predators like nematodes, which are microscopic worms that feed on fly eggs. Insecticidal Fly Control If all else fails, you can resort to insecticidal fly control, which involves the use of chemical sprays and insecticides. However, make sure to choose a product that is safe for humans, pets, and the environment. Follow the instructions carefully, and wear protective gear when applying. Method | Pros | Cons | Mechanical | Safe, non-toxic, reusable | Only captures flies, not effective for prevention | Biological | Non-toxic, natural, long-lasting | Limited predators, slow to take effect | Chemical | Fast-acting, effective for large infestations | Toxic, harmful to humans and pets, short-term solution | Natural Repellents | Non-toxic, pleasant aroma, multi-purpose | May not be effective for severe infestations, frequent reapplication | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1: How do I prevent fly infestation? A: You can prevent fly infestation by practicing good sanitation, removing garbage and waste, sealing cracks and holes, and using fly repellents. Q2: What are the natural ways to get rid of flies? A: Natural ways to get rid of flies include using essential oils, fly repellent plants, fly predators, and natural fly traps. Q3: What are the signs of a fly infestation? A: The signs of a fly infestation include the presence of adult flies, maggots or pupae, foul smell, and small black spots on surfaces. Q4: How do I get rid of fruit flies? A: You can get rid of fruit flies by removing overripe or decaying fruits, using a vinegar trap, and cleaning your kitchen regularly. Q5: Can flies spread diseases? A: Yes, flies can spread diseases like salmonella, cholera, and tuberculosis as they carry bacteria in their bodies. Q6: What should I do if I have a severe fly infestation? A: If you have a severe fly infestation, it’s best to call a pest control specialist to eliminate the problem. Q7: Are chemical fly sprays safe for humans and pets? A: Some chemical fly sprays can be toxic and harmful if not used properly. It’s important to follow the instructions and wear protective gear when applying. Q8: How often should I apply natural fly repellents? A: You should apply natural fly repellents regularly, especially after cleaning or when there is an increase in fly activity. Q9: Can flies lay eggs inside my house? A: Yes, flies can lay eggs inside your house, especially in moist areas like drains, garbage disposals, and plants soil. Q10: What are the best fly traps for indoor use? A: The best fly traps for indoor use are sticky traps, light traps, and pheromone traps. Q11: How can I remove fly stains on surfaces? A: You can remove fly stains on surfaces by using a mixture of baking soda and water or vinegar and water. Scrub the stain gently using a sponge or cloth, then rinse with water. Q12: How long does it take for biological fly control to work? A: Biological fly control may take weeks or months to take effect, depending on the predators and the severity of the infestation. Q13: Can I use essential oils on my skin to repel flies? A: Some essential oils can be used as natural insect repellents. However, make sure to dilute them properly and avoid applying them directly on the skin. Conclusion: Take Action Against Flies Today! Now that you know how to get rid of flies, it’s time to take action and eliminate these pesky insects from your surroundings. Remember to practice good sanitation, use natural fly repellents, and seal cracks and holes to prevent fly infestation. If all else fails, you can resort to mechanical, biological, or chemical fly control methods, depending on your preference and situation. Don’t let fly infestation ruin your health, reputation, and peace of mind. Start eliminating flies today and enjoy a fly-free environment forever! Closing Statement with Disclaimer I hope you found this guide helpful in your quest to get rid of flies. However, please note that the information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for professional advice. The author and publisher of this article assume no liability for any damages or injuries arising from the use or misuse of the information provided herein. Always consult a pest control specialist or a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions about fly infestation or health risks related to flies.
When it comes to teaching children about the importance of oral hygiene, having the right tools can make all the difference. An electric toothbrush designed specifically for kids can transform a mundane routine into a fun and effective activity. Among the popular choices for parents is the Oral-B children's electric toothbrush, which combines kid-friendly features with the cleaning power of advanced dental technology. Why Choose an Oral-B Children's Electric Toothbrush? Oral-B is a brand synonymous with dental health, and their range of children's electric toothbrushes is designed to address the unique needs of younger users. Here's why an Oral-B electric toothbrush could be the perfect choice for your child: Effective Cleaning: Oral-B's electric toothbrushes for children are equipped with oscillating-rotating or sonic technology that provides a thorough clean, helping to remove more plaque than a manual toothbrush, which is crucial for preventing cavities and maintaining healthy gums. Gentle on Teeth and Gums: The soft bristles are gentle on children's sensitive teeth and gums, an important feature considering that aggressive brushing can lead to discomfort or even damage. Kid-Friendly Designs: Oral-B children's toothbrushes often feature beloved characters from cartoons and movies, making brushing a more appealing and enjoyable experience for kids. Timers and Pacing: Most models come with built-in timers that ensure kids brush for the dentist-recommended two minutes. Some even include fun sounds or music that play at various intervals to keep kids engaged and teach them about brushing different areas of the mouth evenly. Rechargeable and Durable: Being rechargeable, these toothbrushes are easy to keep powered up for daily use, and they're built to withstand the inevitable knocks and drops from young users. Interactive Apps: Certain Oral-B children's toothbrushes can be connected to interactive apps that provide real-time guidance and track brushing progress, adding an educational and motivational aspect to brushing. The Importance of Early Oral Hygiene Introducing children to proper oral care at a young age sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. An electric toothbrush like the Oral-B for children can be a powerful ally in this mission. By making brushing easy and fun, children are more likely to brush regularly and effectively, paving the way for strong teeth and healthy gums as they grow. Choosing an Oral-B children's electric toothbrush can help ensure that your child's transition from manual to electric brushing is smooth and effective. With features tailored to young users, these toothbrushes not only provide superior cleaning but also make the process enjoyable for children. By investing in a quality electric toothbrush, you're investing in your child's oral health future, teaching them the importance of taking care of their teeth with a tool that's both fun and beneficial.
The study, published in PLOS ONE, reveals that, for many Australian families, pets were a source of much-needed comfort and companionship during the COVID pandemic and lockdown. Lead researcher, Dr Shannon Bennetts, from La Trobe University’s Judith Lumley Centre, and her team revealed that anxious children had stronger bonds with their pets. Findings from the survey were also published in the journal, Anthrozoös, in March. The survey of 1,034 parents living with a child under 18 years and a cat or dog during the 12-week period from July 29 to October 29, 2020, showed that: - 1 in 5 families had acquired a new cat or dog during the pandemic, often to assist with family wellbeing - Parents described many benefits from having a pet in the family, including companionship, routine, and a welcome distraction - Parents also reported a diverse range of challenges, including managing pet-child interactions, pets disrupting work and schooling, worries about accessing care and supplies, and worries about the pet’s mortality. - Strong child-pet attachment was associated with greater child anxiety - Parents who reported themselves as having a strong emotional attachment to their pet had poorer mental health According to Dr Bennetts, the survey found that parents and children who were feeling anxious and unsettled were more likely to have stronger bonds with their pet. “It’s likely that distressed families were seeking out comfort from their canine or feline family members as a way to cope with change and uncertainty during the pandemic,” Dr Bennetts said. “These findings suggest that there is a need to carefully monitor the transition back to work and school. Some families might require ongoing psychological supports for themselves, as well as veterinary care to manage separation anxiety in pets.” With more than 30 million pets nationally, Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership worldwide. During the pandemic, pet ownership in Australia increased by about 10 per cent, with almost 70 per cent of households now owning a pet (Animal Medicines Australia, 2021). While the potential for pets to enhance human wellbeing has been well-documented – including both psychological and physical benefits such as enhanced self-esteem, increased physical activity, improved hormonal levels, and reduced heart rate – the pandemic provided a unique opportunity to study the impact of pet ownership in a large number of people isolated from normal social interactions for a long period of time. “The pandemic has created a highly stressful environment for some families who are negotiating the challenges of working and learning from home with pets, operating in the absence of their usual social supports and outlets,” Dr Bennetts said. “This can mean that we are more vulnerable to psychological distress. This environment was particularly difficult for those with pre-existing physical or mental health difficulties." This project was supported by the Australian Communities Foundation Roberta Holmes Transition to Contemporary Parenthood Program, La Trobe University. Contact the La Trobe University Media Team
Durga is often depicted as a radiant and fierce woman riding a lion or tiger, with multiple arms carrying weapons, and engaged in battle with the buffalo demon Mahishasura. This imagery and the mythological narratives surrounding her serve as metaphors for the spiritual and moral battles that every human being faces. The lion or tiger that Durga rides symbolizes strength and courage, showcasing the necessity of these attributes in confronting and overcoming obstacles in life. Her multiple arms carrying various weapons represent the diverse tools and resources one needs to combat different challenges. Each weapon has its own symbolism, representing different attributes needed to combat negativity and evil, such as wisdom, discernment, and strength. Durga's battle with the buffalo demon Mahishasura is symbolic of the fight between good and evil, righteousness and unrighteousness, and knowledge and ignorance. Mahishasura, who could change forms, represents the deceptive and constantly shifting nature of negativity and challenges in life. By defeating Mahishasura, Durga signifies the triumph of good over evil and the importance of standing up against injustice and oppression. Durga is also associated with motherhood and nurturing, often referred to as the "Divine Mother." This archetype emphasizes the nurturing and protective qualities of a mother, highlighting the importance of caring for and safeguarding the well-being of others. In this aspect, Durga embodies the strength and love that come from a mother's protective instinct. Additionally, Durga is considered a multifaceted goddess with various forms, including Parvati, Kali, and Ambika, representing different facets of her personality and aspects of her divine energy. These different forms signify her versatility and adaptability in responding to diverse challenges and situations. The numerous facets of Durga underscore the importance of embracing multiple roles and adapting to different circumstances in life. In essence, the archetype that Durga signifies is that of a powerful protector and a fierce warrior against evil, embodying strength, courage, and righteousness. She symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, the importance of standing up against injustice, and the nurturing and protective qualities of a mother. Durga's multifaceted nature also emphasizes the value of versatility and adaptability in responding to life's challenges. Through her archetype, Durga inspires individuals to be strong, courageous, and righteous in their pursuit of justice, protection, and nurturing of others.
Fifty-five thousandths can be written as 0.055 in standard form. In this form, a comma (,) is used as the decimal separator. Since the quantity is less than one, a zero is placed before the decimal comma. If you have a decimal number that represents a fraction of a whole or a part of a whole number, it is important to understand how to write it in standard form. This helps in clearly expressing the value of the number and makes it easier to work with in mathematical calculations. By writing fifty-five thousandths as 0.055, you are representing the fraction of a whole that corresponds to this decimal value. This format is commonly used in mathematical equations, measurements, and other situations where precise numerical values are required. When dealing with decimal numbers, understanding how to write them in standard form is essential for effective communication and accurate calculations. Practice writing different decimal values in standard form to improve your math skills and enhance your understanding of numerical concepts.
October is National Liver Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about liver health and the risks of liver disease. The liver is one of the body’s most crucial organs, responsible for detoxifying blood, aiding digestion, and storing essential nutrients. Although most of us understand the importance of the liver, fewer people realize that liver disease can go unnoticed until it's advanced. Factors like alcohol consumption, obesity, and viral infections can increase your risk of developing this dangerous condition. The month of October serves as a reminder to evaluate whether you are at risk for liver disease. A dangerously common disease Liver disease affects millions worldwide. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 4.5 million adults have been diagnosed with some form of liver disease, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This alarming number accounts for not quite 2% of the population of U.S. adults. Liver cancer cases have also risen sharply in recent decades. With liver disease often progressing silently, these statistics emphasize the importance of early detection and prevention. The American Liver Foundation’s "Think Liver, Think Life” campaign The “Think Liver, Think Life” campaign created by the American Liver Foundation (ALF) aims to raise awareness about liver disease and promote early detection and prevention. This initiative encourages individuals to prioritize liver health by recognizing risk factors, such as obesity, alcohol consumption, and viral infections like hepatitis. The campaign stresses the importance of regular check-ups and liver function screenings, as many liver diseases are silent in their early stages. Through education, outreach, and community involvement, "Think Liver, Think Life" seeks to empower people to make informed health choices and take proactive steps to protect their liver and overall well-being. The core tool of the campaign is an interactive online quiz that helps assess whether you or someone you love is at risk for fatty liver disease (now called steatotic liver disease). This condition affects an estimated 80-100 million people in the United States, and certain health factors make the risk much higher. Steatotoic liver disease often has no symptoms until liver damage is significant, so take a moment today to take this short quiz (also available in Spanish). It could save your life! One of the best things you can do during National Liver Awareness Month this October is to talk to your physician about your specific risk level. To help facilitate this discussion, we have provided a list of questions below. Consider taking a screenshot, texting this link to yourself, or copying and pasting the questions into an email. The important thing is to be prepared! Questions to ask your doctor: - Are my liver function test results within the normal range? - Considering my risk factors (such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome), should I undergo additional tests like a liver ultrasound? I’ve read that fatty liver disease can sometimes be present even with normal liver enzyme levels, and an ultrasound might detect it. - What signs or conditions do I have that might indicate fatty liver disease or NAFLD? - Can fatty liver disease be reversed? How long does it typically take to see improvement? - Do I have any signs of cirrhosis or liver scarring? - If cirrhosis is present, how advanced is the scarring? - What changes to my lifestyle and diet can support liver healing? - Will losing weight help reduce fatty liver disease? - Is it safe for me to consume alcohol, and if so, how much is acceptable? - Can I get a referral to a dietitian or nutritionist to develop a personalized meal plan? - What types of physical activities are safe for me to engage in? - Are there any treatments or medications available for managing fatty liver disease? In addition to speaking with your doctor, you can take steps now to lower your risk for liver disease. Take a moment to check out this helpful guidance from ALF. Ways to protect your liver: - Watch your weight, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly to avoid diseases like Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). - Eat healthily from all food groups, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, rice and cereals. Limit fats. - Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. (Alcohol can damage or destroy liver cells.) - Manage your medications. Pay attention to warnings that say that a medication can damage the liver. - Avoid breathing in or touching toxins, such as cleaning and aerosol products, insecticides, and chemicals. - Do not smoke. When liver disease becomes advanced, some patients require a liver transplant. In fact, more than 10,000 adults and children in the US are on the waiting list for a new liver right now. By becoming a registered organ, eye, and tissue donor, you might be able to give someone suffering from liver failure a new chance at life. Sign up for the donor registry and you’ll increase the chance that patients waiting will get the transplants they need to survive.
Having good mental health is crucial to living a happy and healthy life. Being resilient is important to cope with life’s adversities. However, certain factors can influence your mental health, such as life events and genetics. Understanding the different types of mental illness, their diagnosis, as well as treatment, can help you excel in spite of life’s challenges. What Are the Different Types of Mental Illness? Mental illness is a condition affecting a person’s way of thinking, as well as their feelings and behavior. Commonly known mental health disorders are depression, anxiety, and substance use disorder. If you have one of these conditions, your ability to relate to other people, and the way you perform at work or school is affected. In extreme cases, mental illness can prevent you from living a normal life. A person’s symptoms and experiences can differ from others with the same diagnosis. The medical community recognizes over 200 types of mental illness. However, the five major categories include: - Mood disorders - Anxiety disorders - Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders - Eating disorders Although two persons may have the same condition, remember that the experience still varies for each person. It is also crucial that you understand the stigma that accompanies mental illnesses. People often don’t want to talk about their conditions. However, it is only with proper treatment that you can live a quality life. How Is One Diagnosed with Mental Illness? You can determine whether you have a mental illness or related complications through a physical exam, lab tests, or a psychological evaluation. Each of these tests involves a different method to evaluate your condition that includes: - Physical Examination – The doctor checks your body to rule out physical problems that may be due to symptoms of a mental health condition. - Lab Tests – These tests may include a screening for drugs and alcohol or a checkup for the possibility of complications. - Psychological Evaluation – The health professional assesses your symptoms, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It can be challenging to find out which types of mental illness that cause your symptoms. But if you suspect that you may have one, take the time and effort to get an accurate diagnosis. Doing so is vital in identifying the treatment appropriate for your mental condition. Also, knowing more information about your condition helps you better adjust to how your symptoms affect your life. Common Treatments Available Treatment depends on the different types of mental illness, their severity, and your individual circumstances. Most cases usually combine various treatments. If your mental illness is mild with well-controlled symptoms, treatment from a primary care provider is often enough. But for severe disorders, making sure their medical, psychiatric, and social needs are met is critical. The treatments for mental illness usually include: Prescribed medications for mental health disorders don’t cure the conditions, but they improve the symptoms. They also boost other treatments, such as making psychotherapy more effective. Some of the most commonly used psychiatric medications include: - Mood stabilizers - Anti-anxiety medications - Antipsychotic drugs Mental Health Services One of the best methods for treating mental health disorders is through behavior and talk therapies. Therapists usually use a combination of approaches to find underlying problems and promote healthy coping skills. Therapies include: - Cognitive-behavioral therapy - Dialectical behavior therapy - Family therapy program - Group therapy program Lifestyle and Home Treatments When it comes to battling mental illness, there is only so much that a mental health professional can do. If you really want to get better, start by doing things yourself. Don’t skip your treatment and avoid drugs as well as alcohol. Stay active and healthy. More importantly, determine your priorities and stick to them. Adopting a positive attitude also helps a lot against the challenges of mental illness. Learn Coping Skills and Get Support Dealing with mental illness can be a challenge, but coping skills can help. Also, getting support from family, friends, and others with the same experience as yours can lighten the burden. Different types of mental illness have unique challenges, but with the right rehab center, you can lead a quality, healthy life. For more information on how Midwest Recovery Center can help, contact us today at 833.627.0039.
FREE Delivery on orders over Rs.499. The origin of Kathak is traditionally attributed to the traveling bards of ancient northern India, known as Kathakars or storytellers. The term Kathak is derived from the Vedic Sanskrit word Katha which means story, and Kathaka which means he who tells a story, or to do with stories 1 single stamp with upper margin Issue Year: 20-Oct-75 Condition: good condition, toned spots Denomination: 75 paise - • Inside knowledge about prefixes - • Types of signatories - • Various types of paper money - • Telephonic denomination indexing - • Collectible themes for collection - • Estimated market price This product is developed and offered to notaphilists, numismatists and philatelists for collection purpose. This image is for reference purpose only Condition may vary from Image. The product over 100 years. Not to be sold overseas. Write a Review for Kathak Stamp
SDG Series - Deploying Renewable Energy – What are Higher Learning Institutions Doing? After the millennium development goals that were to be attained in 2015, the UN member states agreed on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that were to act as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. MSM highly values the SDGs within its institutional capacity-building projects as well as our degree and executive programs. With the importance of the SDGs in mind, we have started the SDG series – ‘Exploring Pathways and Innovation Towards Meeting the SDG’s.’ In this article, we dive into the topic of Renewable Energy which links to SDG 7 “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” Stay up to date! Register here and you will receive our latest SDG articles straight in your inbox. The increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO2, CH4, CFCs, halons, N2O, ozone, and peroxyacetylnitrate in the atmosphere is acting to trap heat radiated from the earth's surface and is raising the surface temperature of the earth. This represents one of the greatest environmental threats of our time, and in the future, one of the greatest social dangers as well. A key emitter of GHGs is a fossil fuel that currently powers the carbon-based economies of all countries. Therefore in order to address the problem of CO2 emission's proliferation from fossil fuel energy sources, there is a need to increase the use of other energy sources to replace fossil fuel energy. This has led to increasing attention to deploying Renewable Energies (REs) as alternative sources of energy. RE is referred to as a clean source of energy, and optimal use of these resources minimizes environmental impacts, produce minimum secondary waste and are sustainable based on current and future economic and social societal needs (Panwar, 2011). Thus renewable energy technologies provide an excellent opportunity for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. REs are energies obtained from sustainable sources such as natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. As many renewable sources of energy do not burn carbon they have the key advantages of helping reduce CO2 emissions and thus mitigate climate change. In recognition of this danger posed by climate change and also the importance of energy for livelihood sustenance, the sustainable development goals have put renewable energy as one of its targets under SDG 7(ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all). SDG 7 calls for a more focused attention to improve access to clean and safe cooking fuels and technologies for 3 billion people, to expand the use of renewable energy. Specifically, SDG 7.2 has the target that by 2030, to substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy. SDG goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy More so, The United Nations (UN) declared the years 2014 – 2024 to be the decade of Sustainable energy for all (UN, 2012). Renewable technologies have rapidly increased presence in most countries since then. Biomass Energy in Africa Maji et al. (2019) points out that the majority of African countries rely on combustible biomass as their main source of energy for cooking and heating. The IEA (2010) projects that by 2035 the share of biomass in the total primary energy consumption will be between 51% and 57%. Unlike modern biomass, which produces efficient energy, the traditional biomass mainly agricultural residues, tree leaves, animal dung, fuelwood, and charcoal for cooking and lighting, unfortunately are harmful to human health and unclean. The economic cost that comes with treating aiments associated with the use of traditional biomass, and the time spent looking for firewood and walking long distances have a direct effect on economic development. | The uptake of REs will need a number of things - Awareness about REs and thus create demand. - The accumulation of technological knowledge and experience is also essential. Technological capabilities comprise not only information, materials and components but also skills and well-developed procedures. Therefore, the technological learning of RE also demands the development of local capacities in addition to the provision of human intellect building and other forms of technical assistance (Huenteler et al., 2014). A research carried out by the International Energy Agency (IEA) demonstrated that RE technologies have mainly been adopted by countries with relatively high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and also high energy security concern (Müller, Brown & Ölz, 2011). These countries have the capacity and the ability to engage with RE during initial stages, when costs are very high. The wealth in these countries afford them the possibility of exploring different technologies for RE generation while developing and emerging countries focus on low cost technologies such as biomass and hydropower. For developing countries and especially Africa, novel approaches that match the scarcity of knowledge and resources will be needed. Higher education institutes can play a key role in helping the deployemen of REs. - They can be leaders in adopting REs and thus increase awareness. - They will be critical in producing the needed skills. Indeed Ockwell & Mallett, 2012 and ; Lema & Lema (2013) point that the building of technological capabilities through development and through professional training is viewed as an important contributing factor in the deployment of RE sources. The capacity building, in the long run, will result to cost reductions, performance improvement and climate change mitigation efforts - HEIs can also jump start the process of adoption by supporting the surrounding communities to uptake the technologies. In this new article of 'the SDG series – Exploring Pathways and Innovation Towards Meeting the SDG's, we are going to explore what instutions of higher learning (TVETs and University) are doing to advance the agenda of increasing the uptake of REs. The study objective and Methodology We have used a rapid survey approach where a questionnaire was administered to respective offices in the various institutions targeted TVETs and Universities in Eastern Africa. The survey sought to: - Understand the level of knowledge and awareness of REs - Use of REs and challenges experienced deploying REs in their institutions - The range and level of RE courses taught - The extent of apprenticeships and industrial attachment in REs - How the institutions are diffusing REs to the community - Established partnerships Data was collected from 3 countries in Africa, namely; Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique. In Mozambique data was collected from 4 TVETs and 3 Universities. In Ethiopia 4 TVETs and 3 Universities joined the study and in Tanzania data was collected from the Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI) - Uyole (Mbeya) and Mahinya College Of Sustainable Agriculture. Use of REs Of the institutions surveyed, seven institutions were using renewable energy to a certain percentage ranging from 5-90%. Solar Energy was the most widely practised Renewable energy; however, the percentage and scale to which it was used was up to 10%, while the hydro-electric power application scale was up to 90% for the two institutions that indicated this. The other forms of renewable energy used in the institutions were Biogas(4), Solar(6) Wind (1). The challenges encountered in using REs The challenges when using RE as reported by the respondents can be broadly categorized as lack of infrastructure, funding, and shortage of technical skills. The maintenance cost seems to be an issue, especially for government-sponsored institutions where the funds allocated cannot sustain the system. Hydropower is specifically known to have frequent power outages. The specific challenges are in the table below. Table 1. RE challenges Knowledge Opportunities and Implementation Challenges of REs The respondents were most knowledgeable on Solar energy, then biogas and hydropower, while marine, geothermal wind energy were rated low. The opportunities to use RE were seen to be high in Biogas and Solar energy as per the respondents interviewed, while wind energy, hydropower and Biomass we rated low to medium. Geothermal and marine were seen as providing very few opportunities. In terms of the challenges, skills were rated medium, showing that there is need for skill improvement. The cost implication was seen to be high when using geothermal, marine, hydropower and Solar energy. Policy barrier to implementation of REs were rate low to Moderatre. Table 2. RE Knowledge, Opportunities and Implementation Challenges The respondents were asked to rate the knowledge level on a 5point likert scale (1-5) where 1=Very Low, 2= Low; 3=Moderate; 4-=High; 5=Very High Course within the institutions The target respondents being education institutions, it was critical to understand if they are offering courses in RE, the level to which these courses are offered and if they offer business/entrepreneurship courses/programs to help students tap RE opportunities. Biogas was taught in at least 11 of the 21 institutions surveyed, while Biomass and solar were recorded by 10 and 9 institutions, respectively. It is worth noting that solar was taught even at an advanced level in two of the institutions. However, very few institutions reported that their institutions offered enterpreneurial skills in the RE. with the exception of solar where 7 institutions reported offering entrepreneurial courses. Table 3. Taught courses and entrepreneurial skills levels *B=Basic; I= Intermediate; A=Advanced We also sought to understand whether students were deployed to do apprenticeships in REs. Most of of the inistitutions did not deploy students to do an apprenticeship in any REs. The higest level of apprenticeship was in Solar where 38% of the instiutions indicated that the students went through an apprenicechip or industrial attachement. In terms of future plans, less than a third were planning on having REs certification. Moreso, when asked if they had any platforms to anticipate skills needs and adapt to issues related to developing skills for REs, more than three quarters responded no. Table 4. RE apprenticeships and certification Community Engagement with REs The majority (57.9%) of the institutions did not deploy RE to the communities. Those that deployed, biogas and solar were the RE that were mostly supported followed by windpower and hydropower. The kind of support needed was mostly technical and educational support. Table 5. Community Support for REs Government is seen to have been the main partner in RE, probably because the institutions are government sponsored; however, development partners and Community based Organizations seem to be among the top planned partnerships. Table 6: Partnerships Basically higher education instiutions are leading the way in using REs, developing the needed skills for deploying REs and also supporting communities to deploy these technologies. However there are challenges. There is a lack of material and financial resources needed to deploys REs, the level of skills and support are low. Cost of deploying REs is a major challenge. All the same significant opportunities are seen in REs especially in solar and biogas while geothermal and marine are not seen as huge opportunities. The reason that lack of opportunity is seen is due to a reflection of challenges with these technologies. Geothermal technologies are very location specific and marine requires high financial investments. Both technologies are therfore more capital intensive. The institutions offer mostly intermediate and basic courses in REs. There are reflection of resource and knowhow constraints underscoring the need to upscale the capacitity of the institutions. Also key is the neglect of teaching of entrepreneurial skills which are key. REs by their nature allow for small scale deployement and thus can offer opportunity for graduates to become REs entrepreneurs. The technical skills and entrepreneursial skills should be seen as twio sides of the same coin. The challenge of low level skills being taught is compounded by the lack of apprenticeship opportunities to complement their gained knowledge. This challenge is also a reflection of low deployement of REs and thus few opportunities. It is key that the institutions of higher education further rethink the approach so that they can support the uptake and deployement of REs by the community so that more opportunities can be created. Some of this is happenneing as we see that some are engaging the community. However the efforts are low and also narrow, focusing mainly on biogas and solar. Partnerships can be key to not only help insitiutions upgrade their curricula but more crucially in supporting the uptake and deployement of REs so that the demand can be created for REs skills and entrepreneurship. These partnerships are happening and more are planned and this is encouraging. However we do not see plans for partnerships with the private sector, while especially local artisans can be key in supporting REs deployments. There is a need for triple helix partnerships that will bring the local business, the local government and the instutions together on one platform so that they can pool resources to support the uptake of REs. Government and development partners can provide resources to support REs entrepreneurs. Local industry can be upgraded to be able to install REs and in turn they can provide apprenticeship opportunities for students. Institutions cannot only build the needed skills but also incubate student RE entrepreneurs and research on new business models to faciliatate faster uptake of REs. Conclusion and Recommedations Implementation of RE is only as successful as to how well the professionals are trained on the respective technologies underscoring the role higher education institutes will play. However, as Huenteler, Niebuhr & Schmidt (2014) point out, the spread of RE technologies, especially in developing and emerging economies, is dependent on a combination of global and local learning processes, which in turn depend on the domestic and international policy provisions, local institutions and industrial context. From the foregoing discussion an number of recommendations can help strengthen the role of HEIs in supporting the uptake of REs. This include: Strenthening institutions of HEIs to upgrade: Connecting local institutions to international institutions will be key to further upgrade their capacity to buid needed skills and facilitate international learning. They can upgrade or develop new curricula by adapting curricula from these collaborations New Busines Models: HEIs can also develop new business models where they can supply surrounding communities with REs through micro-grids, solar powered units paid for use etc. In this way poor household need not invest in REs equipment but only buy the power units they need. This will also require buidling internet based platforms that monitor use and also facilitate micropayements via mobile money. The power of this model is that it can also provide apprenticeship opportunities for the students. Build Triple Helix Partnerships: HEIs can also build triple helix partnerships with the local government and local artisans to develop and deploy REs. They can support local fabricators to fabricate and install REs and also establish mircogrids to supply REs as mini-utilities. Local Government can support through funding and also cash transfers to poor families for buying REs. This model can support the development of student entrepreneurs through attaching them to local fabricators/mini-utilities. Policy: Policy cannot only create the conducive environment to attract the needed investements but can also create demand. For example mandating that a given share of energy has to be derived from renewables can stimulate demand while a mandate to say to tax CO2 emissions and directing the tax to higher education to research and support community can create both supply of REs and demand. We like to thank our contributing partners who made this article possible Country | Organization | Ethiopia | Shayashone Trading PLC | Kenya | MSM local project consultants | Mozambique | Instituto Superior Politécnico de Manica (ISPM) | Tanzania | MSM local project consultant | IEA. (2010). Energy Technology Perspectives: Scenarios & Strategies to 2050. Paris: International Energy Agency Huenteler, J., Niebuhr, C. & Schmidt, T. S. (2014). The Effect of Local and Global Learning on the Cost of Renewable Energy in Developing Countries. Journal of Cleaner Production Lema, A. & Lema, R. (2013). Technology Transfer in the Clean Development Mechanism. Global Environmental Change, 1, 301-313 Maji, I.K., Sulaiman, C., Abdul-Rahim, A.S., 2019. Renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus: a fresh evidence from West Africa. Energy Rep. 5, 384–392. Müller, S., Brown, A. & Ölz, S. (2011). Renewable Energy. Policy Considerations for Deploying Renewables. Information Paper. Paris: OECD/IEA D. & Mallet, A. (2012). Low-Carbon Technology Transfer: From Rhetoric to Reality. New York: Routledge. N.L. Panwar a,∗, S.C. Kaushik b, Surendra Kothari (2011).Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 1513–1524 UN (2012). United Nations General Assembly Declares 2014-2024: Decade of Sustainable Energy for All. United Nations General Assembly. GA/11333-EN/274. 21 DECEMBER 2012 In this series we aim to give an insight into how countries, organizations or institutes work towards achieving the SDG goals that the United Nations have set. Previous SDG articles SDG series - Climate Smart Agriculture in Eastern Africa – perceptions and practices SDG series -Tackling the Youth Employment Challenge
The exhibition „In the Medieval Kitchen”, located in a medieval defensive tower, features reconstructed medieval kitchens based on written and iconographic sources. Visitors can learn about different types of fireplaces and kitchen utensils, ceramic, wooden, and pewter dishes, which were used to prepare food and during meals. Wooden furniture, ceramic and pewter dishes, and iron kitchen utensils were reconstructed based on archaeological finds. The exhibition is complemented by original wooden dishes and utensils that were still used in rural households a few decades ago. Their appearance and method of manufacture have not changed for several hundred years. The exhibition is complemented by panels with texts and large-format photographs of scenes from a medieval kitchen by Monika Ekiert-Jezusek. The tower located in the north-eastern corner of the city walls was an element of the city’s defense system. It was built in the second half of the 14th century, probably before 1374. There were loopholes on two floors of the tower. Presumably, an entrance was placed on the first floor to provide communication with the galleries on the northern and eastern city walls. In the years 1667-1670, water from the Upper Pond was brought to the tower by a wooden pipeline. It is possible that a water well was located in the tower at that time, from which water was drawn or pumped to the city water supply system using a pump. In the 18th century, the Parade Square was located near the tower for the exercises of military units stationed in the city, and the Royal Salt Warehouse was located near the city wall. The exhibition was prepared on the basis of the project „In the Medieval Kitchen – A New Transboundary Cultural Tourism Product” implemented in 2014 as part of Objective 3: European Territorial Cooperation of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program „Lithuania-Poland”, which aims to support the sustainable development of the border area of Lithuania and Poland, by increasing economic, social, and territorial cohesion. The program was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
1-2Solomon's workers began building the temple in Jerusalem on the second day of the second month, four years after Solomon had become king of Israel. It was built on Mount Moriah where the LORD had appeared to David at the threshing place that had belonged to Araunah from Jebus. 3The inside of the temple was twenty-seven metres long and nine metres wide, according to the older standards.4Across the front of the temple was a porch nine metres wide and nine metres high. The inside walls of the porch were covered with pure gold. 5Solomon had the inside walls of the temple's main room panelled first with pine and then with a layer of gold, and he had them decorated with carvings of palm trees and designs that looked like chains. 6He used precious stones to decorate the temple, and he used gold imported from Parvaim7to decorate the ceiling beams, the doors, the door frames, and the walls. Solomon also made the workers carve designs of winged creatures into the walls. 8The most holy place was nine metres square, and its walls were covered with over twenty tonnes of fine gold.9Five hundred and seventy grammes of gold was used to cover the heads of the nails. The walls of the small storage rooms were also covered with gold. 10Solomon had two statues of winged creatures made to put in the most holy place, and he covered them with gold.11-13Each creature had two wings and was four and a half metres from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other wing. Solomon set them next to each other in the most holy place, facing the doorway. Their wings were spread out and reached all the way across the nine metre room. 14A curtain was made of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool, and embroidered with designs of winged creatures. 15Two columns were made for the entrance to the temple. Each one was five and a half metres tall and had a cap on top that was over two metres high. 16The top of each column was decorated with designs that looked like chains and with a hundred carvings of pomegranates.17Solomon had one of the columns placed on the south side of the temple's entrance; it was called Jachin. The other one was placed on the north side of the entrance; it was called Boaz.
Diseases & Conditions Concussions are traumatic brain injuries. They occur in a wide range of sports and affect athletes at every level, from little leaguers to the pros. Sports concussion has become a significant problem. In recent years, it has made headlines with reports about the consequences of returning to play too soon, as well as research findings on the long-term effects of the injury. Recognizing concussion and providing proper treatment is especially important for younger athletes because it typically takes them longer than adults to fully recover. In addition, coaches, parents, and school administrators must be aware that concussion causes a wide range of symptoms and can interfere not only with sports participation, but with school and social relationships. Most athletes will fully recover from concussion, and understanding the varied symptoms can help with the healing process. Despite many attempts by experts, there is no clear definition of concussion. It is uncertain whether any damage to the brain occurs from a concussion. Imaging tests, such as computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, typically do not detect any brain damage — such as bruising or bleeding — in concussion patients. A concussion does, however, temporarily impair how the brain functions and processes information. For example, after a concussion, a patient may have difficulty with balance and coordination, memory, and speech. Concussion symptoms are typically short-lived. Most people recover within 7 to 10 days. Unfortunately, once an athlete has sustained a concussion, they are at greater risk for additional concussions. Repeat concussions can have long-term consequences, so prevention is essential. Derived from the Latin word concusses, concussion means to shake violently. A concussion happens when a force causes the brain to rapidly move back and forth inside the skull. This may be caused by either a direct blow or by a blow to the body that forces the head to quickly rotate. Although some sports have higher instances of concussion — such as football, ice hockey, and soccer — concussions can happen in any sport or recreational activity. Because of the potential long-term consequences of sports concussion, it is important that athletes, coaches, and parents know as much as possible about how to recognize them. Symptoms are not always obvious. Although it is commonly assumed that concussions cause loss of consciousness, many people with concussions have not been "knocked out." Concussion can cause a variety of symptoms. These may appear right away or may be delayed for several days after the injury. Some symptoms are physical, such as drowsiness. Others are cognitive, like memory loss. In many cases, people with concussions are more emotional than usual. The most common symptoms of concussion include: - Loss of consciousness - Memory loss - Balance problems, dizziness - Sensitivity to light (photophobia) - Difficulty speaking and communicating - Difficulty maintaining mental focus - Nausea and vomiting - Changes in sleep patterns During the evaluation, your doctor will ask questions about the injury and how it occurred. They may ask how severe the force was and whether you lost consciousness or had memory loss after the blow. It is especially important that you tell your doctor about any previous concussions you have had. Your doctor will most likely perform a neurological examination, which tests for balance, coordination, vision, hearing, and reflexes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans provide doctors with detailed images of the skull and brain. As stated above, results from MRI and CT scans are most often normal in concussion patients, so these tests are not usually helpful in diagnosing the injury. If the neurological examination indicates problems, such as trouble with your vision, your doctor will order imaging scans. Also, if your symptoms worsen over time, MRI and CT scans are important for guiding treatment. Neuropsychological testing helps to measure the effects of concussion on mental capabilities. This kind of assessment can be done using computerized tests, or during a session with a neuropsychologist. The testing provides valuable information on a range of mental functions, such as short-term and long-term memory, attention and concentration, problem-solving, and speech. Many athletes are unsteady on their feet for several days following a concussion. Balance testing is a way for doctors to assess how well the part of the brain that controls movement is functioning. There are several balance tests your doctor might use, as well as more sophisticated force plate technology. Force plates are instruments that measure the forces of stepping, running, jumping and other actions. They are typically rectangle-shaped and may be used in a stand-alone device, or inserted in machines that resemble exercise equipment, like treadmills or stair steppers. The key to healing from a concussion is relative rest. This includes not just physical rest, but mental rest, as well. Reading, computer work, video games — even television — should be in moderation until all symptoms have resolved. Previous concussion treatment was "cocoon treatment," in which the athlete was completely shut off from activity. However, this approach has been shown to be less than optimal. Now, within 2 to 3 days, most people are started on subthreshold aerobic exercises — supervised exercises that do not aggravate symptoms — with a gradual increase in intensity as tolerated, as long as symptoms do not worsen. Examples of subthreshold aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, or riding a stationary bike. Clinical research now supports that active rehabilitation can both speed recovery and improve mental health. The key is letting symptoms guide treatment. Return to Play Getting back into the game too soon puts you at risk for another concussion. If you suffer a repeat concussion before your first concussion has healed, it may take much longer for your symptoms to resolve and you may have long-term problems, such as learning difficulties or chronic headaches. Although it rarely happens, repeat concussion can cause permanent brain damage and even death. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that young athletes with concussions be evaluated and cleared by a doctor before returning to sports. The American Academy of Neurology offers a similar recommendation, and stresses that doctors who clear athletes for return to sports should be trained in managing and assessing sports concussions. Because it is difficult to determine when a concussion has fully healed, baseline neurocognitive evaluation is an important tool for assessing whether it is safe for an athlete to return to play. Before the sports season starts, each athlete takes a computerized test that measures brain functions, such as memory and reaction time. If an athlete later has a concussion, post-injury tests can be compared to the baseline evaluation to measure the severity of the concussion and help doctors monitor healing. In addition, pre-season evaluations can help identify athletes who have had previous, unrecognized concussions and who are at risk for repeat concussions. For example, past injuries to the face or neck may have been accompanied by an unrecognized concussion. Although injury prevention begins with proper equipment, there is no such thing as a concussion-proof helmet or mouthguard. So it is also essential for young athletes to be trained in safe sports technique — such as not using the top of the helmet to make a tackle in football — and to follow the rules of the game. To get back into the game, many athletes will downplay their symptoms. Understanding the long-lasting consequences of repeat concussion is an important part of prevention. Several medical and sports organizations have recently developed concussion awareness programs for athletes, coaches, and parents. These educational programs play a critical role in helping to recognize concussions and prevent repeat injury. Concussion Symptoms Infographic Print and share this infographic to help athletes, coaches, and parents recognize sports concussion: Contributed and/or Updated by AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific orthopaedic advice or assistance should consult his or her orthopaedic surgeon, or locate one in your area through the AAOS Find an Orthopaedist program on this website.
What is a clinical trial? A "clinical trial" is simply the study of a new medication or treatment. Extensive clinical trials are needed in the United States for approval of new drugs and treatments, and for expanding their use after they are "on the market." Clinical trials are very important for two reasons: - They allow selected patients to have access to therapies before they are widely available. - They provide the information needed to safely develop new and innovative treatments. Performance Spine & Sports Physicians is a leader in clinical trials focused on pain and neurologic problems. Why participate in a clinical trial? - You participate in development of new treatments. - You are offered new medical treatments before many others. - You take an active role in your own health care.
Have your gums ever bled when brushing them? Bleeding gums is one of the first tell tale signs of periodontal disease when brushing or flossing. Many people experience bleeding gums when practicing oral hygiene but simply assume it is from brushing too hard or not flossing enough. However, bleeding of the gums is not normal and should be considered a red warning sign of gum disease. In order to actually bleed just from brushing your teeth and damage healthy tissue, you’d have to be brushing extremely hard. If your gums regularly bleed when brushing your teeth, we recommend calling Dr. Silberg for an oral cancer exam. Curious about what other warning signs might be? We’ve listed them for you below: The Warning Signs: –Bleeding gums during/after tooth brushing or flossing –Red, swollen, or tender gums: changes in the appearance of gum tissue or sensitivity to gums is another common symptom. Some cases may also lead to receding gums when the tissues are very thin. –Persistent bad breathe: besides bleeding gums, bad breath is one of the most common signs. Bad flossing habits can lead to plaque collecting in the area between teeth making them especially prone to gum inflammation. Another symptom similar to this is a bad taste in the mouth that won’t go away. –Loose or shifting teeth: for some that have Periodontal Disease and are unaware, they may experience movement or migration of their teeth. The rate of movement will depend on the particular type of gum disease you may have. This can make major changes to the way your teeth fit together and your smile overall. Gum disease can progress painlessly, producing few of these obvious signs, even in the later stages of the disease. While many of the symptoms of gum disease are typically subtle, Dr. Silberg recommends an oral cancer screening during regular check ups with your Dentist or Periodontist. This serious dental disease, which pertains to the mouth, lips and throat, is often highly curable if diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Depending on the type of gum disease, some of the available treatment options include: -Removal of plaque and calculus through scaling -Surgery in order to stop or minimize the progression If you are concerned that you may have gum disease, contact Dr. Silberg to schedule a consultation and learn more about the disea
What Are Some Pros and Cons of Quarrying? Some of the advantages of quarrying include: creation of job opportunities, creates good landscaping, and income generating avenue. The disadvantages of quarrying include: pollution, loss of settlement sites, and a life hazard to quarry workers. Quarrying is one of the major dominant industries in places where granite, chalk, clay and limestone are found. Quarries offer the much needed job opportunities in areas where meaningful employment is hard to come by. Quarrying provides an avenue for income generation. The increase in income implies that more money is injected into the local economy. This money can be invested in improving infrastructures such as markets, schools and health care. This leads to improvement of the community welfare. The expansion of quarrying industries means more need for large trucks and lorries, which triggers road improvement. Landscaping of the quarry site after exhausting the quarry product may improve the area’s natural beauty. Despite the benefits, quarrying also has negative impacts. The blasting needed in extracting the rock contributes greatly to noise pollution. The dust from the rock blasting is a major form of pollution. Roads frequently used by trucks to and fro the quarry industry may be expensive to maintain as they will require regular maintenance. The huge lorries may also block the roads, making it difficult for access by other users. Quarrying interferes with human settlement and wildlife habitat areas, leading to their displacement. Quarrying also leads to death, where workers are be buried by the rocks.
Kris Humphreys pulled out of her driveway one day last June and headed for work. Suddenly, her eye was drawn to a thin strip of bright pink plastic tied to a tree on the piece of land across from her home on the Arlington Road, a rural route on the North Mountain in Annapolis County. Humphreys knew right away it was flagging tape used to mark property boundaries. The environmentalist cringed at the thought that this 46.7-acre parcel of forest could go the way of another 100-acre parcel of medium age growth forest a little over 1.5 kilometres from her home that was cleared the summer before. “It was clear-cut in about two weeks,” Humphreys said. “My daughter was nine years old at the time and she would just sob as we were going by every day. We would see birds flying out of the forest as the crew and equipment worked. It was nesting season for local and migratory birds. We knew there were bears and owls and deer that lived in that forest and they were essentially being displaced.” Humphreys feared the parcel of forest near her home was also going to be left flattened after clear-cutting. “When I saw the flagging tape up on the piece across from me it was almost debilitating because I knew what was coming. It was going to be harvested,” Humphreys said. “I couldn’t stop thinking what can I do? I cannot let this happen again.” Humphreys made a video recording on the land after work that day. “It was essentially me showing the world this beautiful piece of forest. The birds were singing. The sun was shining. The trees were in full leaf. It was spring. There was life,” Humphreys remembered. “And I was essentially saying this will be gone unless we do something. And we can do something. So, let’s work together as a team and save this beautiful piece of land and be part of the solution to our climate emergency… That was the day I decided I was going to not be helpless. Not going to stand by and cry. That I was going to put my hands to the task. And it worked,” she said. Humphreys joined forces with Laura Bright and Olga Comeau, who also shared her passion for preserving the 46.7 acres of forest situated between privately-owned lands that create a 450-acre wildlife corridor and include a wetland. Soon after, a road was cut into the property to allow equipment to access the forest, Humphreys contacted the landowner who agreed to sell the land. The group of environmentalists decided to raise the money through crowdfunding and form a not-for-profit society to purchase the property. The Arlington Forest Protection Society purchased the land in January 2021. Their group has more than 30 members today. Humphreys said the months leading up to raising the $93,400 including taxes and legal costs needed to close the deal had some stressful and frustrating moments. But she knew early in the process that saving the land from clear-cutting was a heartfelt notion shared by hundreds of people. That was apparent when $1,600 was raised in the first 24 hours from their Facebook fundraising campaign. “Some people I didn’t even know were donating to this cause. Over the summer we had donations of $16,000, $5,000, $2,500 from everywhere. People that had grown up in Bridgetown and hadn’t lived here for 25 years,” Humphreys said. “We did it, and that act instilled in me that this is the right thing we are doing,” she said. “We have to put nature first now because we are in a mess. Our trees are important because they are the automatic air filters, storing carbon and producing oxygen.” Humphreys said Nova Scotia has the second-highest asthma rates in the country and the most important change to forestry that we can hope for is a shift from harvest to protection. “Leave the forests standing. We don’t have 100 years to wait for regeneration. We have a small window of opportunity to make positive impacts within the next five or 10 years to reduce our emissions and to protect trees and grow trees as our life depends on it,” Humphreys said. Laura Bright, the society’s secretary, said she thinks people are getting a little bit tired of just standing by and letting clear-cutting happen and letting the environment be destroyed for the sake of profit. “The constant messaging so far from various governments has been it’s the economy first and environment second. It really does seem like there is a lot of people out there that just don’t feel that’s right anymore,” Bright said. In a recent press release, the Arlington Forest Protection Society said it would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of all donors and volunteers that made the land purchase possible by providing free membership for the first year. Donors are asked to claim their membership by contacting [email protected]. More information on membership and planned events is available at and on Facebook.
If a search engine would search "live" through the documents it knows about for the occurrence of the word we're looking for it could take its time and then simply report where it found our word. In this example our search engine has only one index: the documents itself. However, time is something a search engine doesn't have; the query needs to be answered now. What we need is a real index! Boolean Index - Talk about the Matrix The problem with a boolean index, where we put a little flag (1) or not (0) for every word for every document is that it quickly grows way and way too large. Three documents with amongst them just four words take 12 1's or 0's -- apart from the bits and bytes we need to store the word. Now imagine a matrix where one of the sides is 13,940,000,000 columns wide... The Inverted Index In the inverted index we record only the places (documents) where a word does occur. It's called inverted because instead of the documents providing the occurrences of a word, the word points to which documents it occurs in. Sorted by document pointer, the inverted index is extremely efficient in performing AND queries. Let's reshuffle our example a little bit to make this visually clear: If we search for documents that contain the words "search compression" and we down these rows at the same time, as soon as one row makes a jump to a higher document ID, you can jump forward in the other row as well: no use checking the intermediate ones as you now know that those won't have both words. Knowing only about yes/no occurrences, an inverted index is horrible at phrase and proximity matching: To be continued...
What is a network switch A network switch is usually understood as a Cisco switch or Huawei switch. It is a device for expanding the network, which can provide more connection ports in the sub-network so that more computers can be connected. With the development of communication technology and the advancement of economic informatization, its features of high cost performance and practicability have quickly occupied most of the market. Therefore, Ethernet technology has become one of the important local area network networking technologies, and network switches are also become a popular switch. The division standard of network switch Based on different types and technologies, Cisco's switches can be compatible with multiple protocols and are recognized by everyone. Huawei switches are developed from bridges and belong to OSI Layer 2 data link layer devices. It addresses according to the MAC address, selects the route through the station table, the establishment and maintenance of the station table are carried out automatically by the switch. HP develops a forward-looking network strategy with next-generation infrastructure from Aruba Networks. Aruba's network switches are designed to support cloud, mobility and IoT, delivering the performance, automation and built-in analytics to support current and future business needs. According to the current complex network structure, network switches are divided into access layer switches, aggregation layer switches and core layer switches. Among them, the core layer switches all adopt the chassis-type modular design, and are basically designed with 1000Base-T modules. The Ethernet switches supporting 1000Base-T at the access layer are basically fixed port switches, with 10/ 100M ports are the main ones, and 1000Base-T uplink ports are provided in the form of fixed ports or expansion slots. The 1000Base-T switch at the aggregation layer has two designs of chassis type and fixed port type at the same time. It can provide multiple 1000Base-T ports, and generally can also provide other forms of ports such as 1000Base-X. The access layer and aggregation layer switches together form a complete small and medium-sized LAN solutions. No matter from which angle the network switch is analyzed, the ultimate purpose is to provide guidance for selecting the appropriate switch.
Singapore has become a veritable hotbed of education innovation, always finding room to throw open its doors to the younger generation. Considering a more comprehensive approach to growth and development, parents are enrolling their children in enrichment centres to supplement their development. The stations are beyond the classic classroom. Activities and lessons help in intellectual, emotional, and social development. They do more than just assist students in their academics; they play a pretty important role in shaping life skills and cognitive development. What Are Enrichment Centres in Singapore? Enrichment centre Singapore are specialised bodies that complement and enrich the learning journey of a child. These centres provide an assortment of programs ranging from academic subjects to creative arts and even right-brain training. The primary aim of the programs is that they will help in the holistic development of children. Therefore, in various fields, such as social, emotional, intellectual, and physical, children will grow. Under the guidance of well-trained instructors, children can explore various learning techniques that help improve their overall abilities. Critical Advantages of Enrichment Centre for Holistic Development 1. Enhance Cognitive Development Cognitive development is a primary benefit resulting from enrichment centres. It is within these centres employing right brain training and other techniques for the development of creative and critical thinking skills in young learners. Problem-solving activities, memory enhancement exercises, as well as a lot of creative tasks, are exactly those which expand their mental capacities in children. For example, now more and more people engage with right brain training in Singapore: the abilities for retention of memory, the ability to visualise and the critical thinking abilities vital for the achievements in contemporary society. 2. Strengthens Emotional and Social Skills Besides intellectual development, enrichment centres cultivate the emotional and social development of a child. Children are to be involved in group activities that most of the time require teamwork, cooperation, and communication. The experience often brings out these children to verbally express themselves, know how to take care of one’s emotions, and speak to others appropriately. Additionally, the exposure of a child to a diverse range of students will help foster empathy and respect for others, which forms a significant component of living life. 3. Fosters Independence and Self-Esteem The enrichment centre in Singapore allow children to be the owner-manager of their knowledge. On hands-on projects, independent tasks, and critical thinking exercises, the child’s confidence increases. In addition, with the accomplishment of a challenge and overcoming difficulties, their ego or self-esteem is lifted up. These are experiences that enable a child to believe in himself and his independence, which will be good for personal growth. 4. Develops Physical and Motor Skills While the majority of people envision enrichment centres regarding academic programs, there are also those that promote activities that can help children develop their physical skills. By providing classes in performing dances and sports, enrichment centres help kids develop fitness while simultaneously developing their motor skills, such as writing, drawing, and even playing some musical instruments. 5. Encourages Creativity and Innovation One of the key aspects of child development through enrichment centres is creativity and innovation. Various activities, like arts, music, and drama, help them present their thoughts before the world through creative expression. These develop artistic skills and promote innovative thinking. The young minds that are challenged to think differently have a great future as problem solvers and innovators. Why does right brain training matter? 1. Enhances memory and attention Right brain training Singapore aims to enhance memory and concentration abilities. Because the right side of the brain deals with creativity and spatial awareness, children tend to remember more things and are able to focus better for a more extended period. This becomes a very handy asset not only in school but also practically in daily activities since concentration and memory make people successful. 2. Builds Creativity and Imagination The third significant aim of right brain training is to help the child’s creative and imaginative juices start flowing. The children feel challenged to think creatively about the solutions to problems, that is, to visualise the solution. This not only nurtures their originality of ideas but also makes them reach unique and innovative ideas quality to be used not only at school but in life as well. 3. Improved Problem-Solving Skills Right-brain training develops the ability to solve problems. With exercises that require a child to think outside of the box, they find ways of solving problems from other people’s perspectives. This helps them to have more flexibility in solving problems, either academically or in real-life contexts. How Singapore Enrichment Centre Supports Holistic Child Development 1. Structured Learning Environment Enrichment centres provide a controlled environment where kids can explore more learning activities. Professional instructors guide them, giving kids the right motivation to enhance their skills. Additionally, the small classes in enrichment centres provide room for each kid to receive personalised attention thereby making it more personalised and efficient. 2. Exposed to Diverse Topics Another benefit of child development in enrichment centre in Singapore is the myriad of subjects they can learn. Children are not only limited to core academics such as mathematics and science; instead, they can explore music, arts, languages, and even sports. This form of holistic exposure will make children develop skills more widely so that they will be more versatile and, as such, adapt to change in the future. 3. Emphasis on Soft Skills Besides academics, enrichment centres stress much on the development of soft skills. Children learn communication skills, time management, and critical thinking among others. These do not receive considerable training in class but are usually very useful when related to the actual world. It is the early development of these that makes a child better equipped for their challenges and perform well in many areas in life. 4. Encourages the Growth Mindset Children in an enrichment centre are constantly challenged to try more and, consequently, get out of their comfort zone. In academics, arts, or, additionally, other physical activities, children learn persistence and hard work. As a result, they develop a growth mindset—that abilities and intelligence can, in fact, be developed through effort and dedication. Therefore, this kind of mindset is sure to help children succeed all through their lives. Singapore enrichment centres offer much more than what is merely superficial in terms of educational support. Instead, they seem to afford children an overall development of both their cognitive, emotional, and social skills as a result of fostering these aspects. From right brain training, physical activities, and many other energetic creative programs, children could develop very useful life skills they would take with them for the rest of their lives. If you want to create an environment that will stimulate your child’s creativity, independence, and holistic growth, consider an enrichment centre; it’s just the ticket.
BIG GAME HUNTNG -- Black bear hunters can test their bear species identification skills through a new interactive program on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website. The site includes information on how to identify black bears and grizzly bears, and gives hunters a chance to test their identification skills. - Grizzly bears are protected under state and federal endangered species laws. - Black bears are classified as a game species. “This test was developed to help black bear hunters be sure of their targets,” said Dana Base, a WDFW northeast district wildlife biologist. “We encourage hunters to test their knowledge about the two species before going afield.” Hunting season for black bear opens Sept. 1 in several areas of the state, including the northeast district, where hunters sometimes encounter grizzly bears. That district spans Pend Oreille, Stevens and Ferry counties and includes game management units 101-121. Up to 50 grizzlies are estimated to roam the Selkirk Mountains of northeast Washington, North Idaho and southeastern British Columbia. Less than a dozen are believed to roam the North Cascades of northcentral Washington and southcentral British Columbia.
This is a bridge. For practical purposes, bridges provide safe passage from one place to another. We utilize them on a regular basis without actually thinking about the finer details of their construction. The melding of architectural and artistic details to create this bridge are the result of a collaboration between key components of STEM. For example, the stability of the structure is engineered into the bridge by way of the geometric pattern created by the steel beams below its surface, and the arches that connect them. We owe the conception of this pattern to mathematics. Physics and chemistry account for the proper selection of materials. Consider the previously mentioned steel beams that rest upon the concrete footings. The beams and the footings are responsible for equal weight distribution and keeping the bridge out of the body of water. The ideal materials will withstand the environmental extremes that may occur, thus preventing damage from expansion and contraction, as well as ensuring that the bridge doesn't collapse. ~Ayinde Michael
Cybersecurity attacks encompass a range of malicious activities targeting computer systems, networks, and data. These attacks aim to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of digital assets. In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, ensuring the security of our digital presence is crucial. Cybersecurity safeguards not only personal information but also critical infrastructure, national security, and economic stability. This series of blogs delves into the 10 most significant cybersecurity attacks that India has faced, offering valuable insights into the evolving threat landscape and the lessons learned from these incidents. Historical Context of Cybersecurity in India India’s digital revolution began in the late 1990s and early 2000s, marked by a rapid increase in internet usage. This surge was propelled by technological advancements and liberalized telecom policies, resulting in the integration of digital technology into daily life. With the rise of e-commerce, online banking, and government digitization, the need for cybersecurity became paramount. This led to the formulation of policies and the establishment of dedicated agencies to safeguard critical infrastructure, financial systems, and personal data. Cybersecurity Attack #1: Cosmos Bank Cyber Attack in Pune In August 2018, Pune witnessed a devastating cyber attack on Cosmos Cooperative Bank. The attackers employed sophisticated techniques, including malware injection and unauthorized transactions, leading to a massive financial breach. The aftermath was severe, with unauthorized withdrawals from numerous accounts, causing significant financial distress. This incident underscored the importance of real-time monitoring, robust authentication processes, and regular security audits in financial institutions. STL Digital stands at the forefront of providing comprehensive cybersecurity solutions for financial institutions, ensuring robust protection against evolving cyber threats. Cybersecurity Attack #2: Aadhaar data breaches (2017-2018) Between 2017 and 2018, India faced a series of concerning data breaches related to Aadhaar, the nation’s biometric identification system. The breaches ranged from unauthorized access to Aadhaar databases to instances of personal information being made available on public platforms. The impact of these breaches was significant, as they potentially exposed over 1.1 billion of individuals to identity theft and fraud. The compromised data included names, addresses, biometric details, and in some cases, even bank account information linked to Aadhaar. These breaches served as a stark reminder of the critical importance of safeguarding sensitive personal information in an increasingly digital world. STL Digital advocates for robust data protection measures and offers cutting-edge solutions to fortify digital identity systems. Cybersecurity Attack #3: Wannacry ransomware attack (2017) In May 2017, the world witnessed one of the most widespread and devastating cyberattacks in history, known as the WannaCry ransomware attack. India was the third worst-hit nation by WannaCry ransomware, affecting more than 2 lakh computer systems. This ransomware attack hit banks in India and a few enterprises in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Several major organizations, including banks, government agencies, and healthcare facilities, fell victim to this global cyber assault. The attack exploited a vulnerability in outdated versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system, encrypting files and demanding a ransom in Bitcoin for their release. The ransomware quickly spread through unpatched systems, leading to widespread disruptions. This attack underscored the necessity of regular software updates, robust firewalls, and comprehensive backup systems to protect against such threats. Cybersecurity Attack #4: Targeted attacks on critical infrastructure (2014) 2014 marked a significant escalation in cyber threats to India, with a series of targeted cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure. This attack, carried out by a group known as Operation Crouching Yeti, specifically targeted key sectors vital for the country’s functioning, including power, telecommunications, and transportation. The attacks aimed to exploit vulnerabilities in the infrastructure’s digital architecture, potentially leading to service disruptions or even more severe consequences. STL Digital’s cybersecurity solution, minimizes potential attack surfaces and reduce the risk of vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity Attack #5: Demonetization-related attacks (2016) In the wake of India’s monumental demonetization move in 2016, the nation witnessed a surge in cyber-attacks directly linked to the currency overhaul. As the government invalidated high-value currency notes, cybercriminals sought to exploit the ensuing financial uncertainty. Phishing scams and fraudulent websites aimed to trick individuals and financial institutions, emphasizing the critical need for enhanced cybersecurity awareness and measures. The demonetization-related attacks prompted a concerted effort to enhance cybersecurity awareness and measures, highlighting the critical need for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant in safeguarding their financial assets in an increasingly digital landscape. As we navigate through these pivotal moments in India’s cybersecurity history, it becomes abundantly clear that the digital landscape is ever-evolving, with challenges that demand our unwavering attention. The incidents we’ve explored here are just the beginning. There are five more significant cyber-attacks that have left indelible marks on India’s cybersecurity resilience. In Part 2 of this blog, we will learn about five more significant cybersecurity attacks that have shaped India’s cybersecurity landscape. Stay tuned for further insights into the evolving threat landscape and the lessons learned from these incidents.
Feb, 2021 - By SMI According to a new study initiated by the researchers of University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have reported that high sugar intake (fructose) may drive risk of behavioral disorders such as aggressive behavior, attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), and bipolar disorder, among others. In the study, researchers have highlighted the role for fructose, an element of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, and uric acid in fueling the risk for these behavioral disorders. Moreover, researchers also reported that fructose intake lessens the energy in cells and activates a scavenging response, which is similar to response during starvation. Furthermore this foraging response fuels impulsivity risk taking, rapid decision making, novelty seeking, and aggressiveness for acquiring food as a survival response. They also informed that over activation of this process from excess fructose consumption may result in impulsive behavior including bipolar disorder, ADHD, or even aggression. Richard Johnson, lead author from University of Colorado School of Medicine on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus stated, “While the fructose pathway was meant to aid survival, fructose intake has skyrocketed during the last century and may be in overdrive due to the high amounts of sugar that are in the current Western diet. We do not blame aggressive behavior on sugar, but rather note that it may be one contributor.” In addition, researchers also suggested that high intake of fructose, which is found in refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup might play a causative role in the pathogenesis of behavioral disorders, which are linked with Western diet and obesity. Researchers concluded that further studies is necessary to explore the role of uric acid and sugar especially with new inhibitors of fructose metabolism. 533 Airport Boulevard, Suite 400, Burlingame, CA 94010, United States 403, 4th Floor, Bremen Business Center Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007 In search of customized market research solution? We are here to help you. Contact us.
Despite the finest efforts of cybersecurity clubs, many institutions suffer from data loss due to human error, malware and virus attacks, natural disasters or equipment failure. In the digital-first business landscape designs, a company could not function with out its info. With thieved PII, perceptive property, corporate secrets and other valuable information trading for 1000s of dollars on the Darker Web, destructive actors pose a heavy threat to businesses. Its for these reasons safeguarding info from damage must be important. A solid data protection strategy includes a number of policies and technologies that can help keep info safe from pet or intentional harm. By implementing these kinds of practices, you are able to safeguard your data from reduction and minimize the risk of cyberattacks, natural dilemmas or perhaps hardware does not work properly. Firewalls, for example, help hinder data removes by monitoring traffic stepping into and exiting a network. Other data protection tools contain database firewalls, user privileges management and encryption that obfuscates info into screwed up form, so that it is useless so bad actors regardless if accessed or intercepted. Endpoint protection is yet another area of data protection that monitors hazards on mobile devices or various other endpoints which might be what is oputer oftware connected to a business’s network. Backups are also critical to data protection. Preferably, you should contingency plan all of your data on a regular basis. Additionally , your copies should be updated regularly and thoroughly tested. In addition , make sure to delete any abandoned data by the systems. This consists of both physical copies (such as conventional paper or thumb drives) and virtual data (like older downloads, application or X-rays). Deleting rarely used data prevents online hackers from finding it and using it for his or her own gain.
Telemedicine plays a vital role in pediatric healthcare by enabling remote consultations, improving access to specialized care, and facilitating convenient healthcare delivery for children and their families. Here are some ways in which telemedicine enhances pediatric healthcare: Remote Consultations: Telemedicine allows pediatricians and specialists to conduct remote consultations with children and their parents or caregivers. Through video conferencing or virtual visits, healthcare providers can assess a child’s symptoms, provide medical advice, and recommend appropriate treatment options. Remote consultations eliminate the need for unnecessary travel and provide timely access to healthcare, especially for families in rural or underserved areas. Pediatric Triage: Telemedicine platforms enable healthcare providers to perform pediatric triage remotely. Parents or caregivers can communicate with pediatric nurses or triage specialists via video or audio consultations to evaluate a child’s condition and determine the appropriate level of care required. Teletriage helps prioritize cases, provide guidance on home care, and direct families to the most suitable healthcare setting for further evaluation or treatment. Specialist Access: Telemedicine bridges the gap between pediatricians and specialists, ensuring children have access to specialized care regardless of their geographical location. Pediatricians can collaborate with specialists remotely, sharing medical records, test results, and images for consultation and obtaining expert opinions. This enables children to receive specialized care without the need for long-distance travel, reducing stress and inconvenience for both children and their families. Follow-up Care: Telemedicine is particularly beneficial for pediatric follow-up care. Children with chronic conditions or those recovering from surgeries can have virtual visits with their healthcare providers, reducing the number of in-person visits while ensuring continuity of care. Telemedicine allows healthcare providers to monitor progress, review treatment plans, address concerns, and make necessary adjustments remotely, improving convenience and minimizing disruption to the child’s daily routine. Parental Education and Support: Telemedicine offers opportunities for parental education and support. Pediatricians can conduct virtual sessions to educate parents on topics such as newborn care, breastfeeding, child development, nutrition, and behavioral issues. Telemedicine also provides a platform for parents to seek guidance, ask questions, and receive support from pediatricians, enhancing their ability to care for their children effectively. Mental Health Services: Telemedicine plays a crucial role in delivering mental health services to children. Through secure video conferencing, children can access mental health professionals for therapy sessions, counseling, and behavioral interventions. Telemedicine ensures that children in remote areas or those with limited access to mental health services can receive timely and appropriate care, addressing mental health challenges early on. School-Based Telemedicine: Telemedicine is increasingly being integrated into school settings, allowing children to access healthcare services conveniently during school hours. With the help of telemedicine, healthcare providers can remotely assess and treat minor illnesses, injuries, or chronic conditions, reducing school absenteeism and promoting the overall well-being of children. Telemedicine in pediatric healthcare brings numerous benefits, including improved access to care, reduced travel burden, timely interventions, and enhanced parental education and support. It is important to ensure that telemedicine platforms and processes are designed with consideration for the unique needs of pediatric patients, including child-friendly interfaces, appropriate privacy protections, and effective communication with parents or caregivers. By leveraging telemedicine, pediatric healthcare can overcome geographical barriers and provide high-quality care to children, contributing to their overall health and well-being.
An estimated 17.4 million tuned into the 2022 women’s Euro’s final earlier in the summer, an event which was an undoubted success for a sport which has gone from strength to strength in recent years. However, while crowds of the size that watched the Lionesses during the tournament may seem a recent phenomenon the truth is that this is not the case. In fact, in the early 20th century the women’s game was on a par with the men’s in terms of popularity and engagement. The history of women’s football reflects ideas about gender roles and reveals much about historical misogyny, while serving to add nuance to an understanding of women’s lives in the past. While football and women’s football has a long history in this country, with clubs being formed throughout the 19th century, it was the First World War which really brought the establishment of women’s football. This is because when women took over the factory jobs usually done by fighting men football teams were set up by factory bosses to keep up morale. Support for these teams grew during the war and continued afterwards with record crowds watching the matches. In fact, on boxing day 1920 a record crowd of 53,000 watched Dick Kerr’s ladies from the Dick, Kerr & Co munitions factory beat St Helen’s ladies 4-0 at Goodison Park. Therefore, women’s football was obviously very popular. However, this ended abruptly in 1921 when the FA banned women for playing football on Football League Grounds saying football was “quite unsuitable for ladies and ought not be encouraged”. Prior to this, opposition had been growing to the women’s game, undoubtedly influenced by contemporary misogyny and attitudes towards gender roles. The FA’s ban may also have been politically motivated because teams were seen as getting increasingly involved in left-wing causes. During the war, matches had raised money for charities sending aid to the Western Front but once the war ended teams started supporting more political causes. For example, in 1921 funds were raised for miner’s protesting wage cuts. Thus, women’s football was seen as dually subversive and as needing to be ended. Shockingly, the FA’s ban was only lifted in 1971 but fortunately it did not succeed in ending the women’s game and a Women’s FA was established in 1969 with 44 member clubs. It still took another 20 years, however, before a national league was established and the WFA to became more closely affiliated with the FA. There is still a long way to go but this year’s Euros demonstrated that after so many years of suppression women’s football is moving in the right direction. This brief exploration of the early history of women’s football raises interesting questions and shows how women’s football is at the intersection of many issues including gender, social class, and politics. It also complicates the idea that women’s lives in the late 19th and early 20th century were solely based in the home while simultaneously emphasising the presence of misogyny throughout the 20th century. Image: Matt Hecht on Flickr
In an attempt to promote public understanding of the benefits of the free market, France has created the Council for the Diffusion of Economic Culture. According to the BBC, the purpose of the Council is "to soften hostile attitudes towards capitalism by promoting financial know-how and greater enterprise through the media." French officials are "worried about what they see as an over-reliance on the state and a lack of entrepreneurial dynamism." However, the Council to help alleviate over-reliance on the state is itself operated by a government agency. Although the French government is correct in realizing that the public needs a better understanding of how markets work, Winston suspects that the private sector might be better suited to taking charge of the educational effort. At a time when many non-governmental organizations have specialized in bashing business, it might be beneficial if the private industry were to promote capitalism. Think of it as leading by example. See news story
You can observe a lot by watching – Yogi Berra You can learn so much by observing your surroundings, whether it is work or personal, a colleague, a boss, or a rival, as well as the simple interaction and conversations that take place around you every single day. Some of these observations may provide life lessons, answer questions, or even be an entertaining experience. Observation is beyond what you look at, but seeing a bit finer details within a bigger picture: you’re looking, you’re hearing, you’re listening to what is said, how it is said, the facial expressions, the interaction, and can get a lot more details than just the words that transpired. - Is the person answering the same question differently to different people? - Does the eye contact change or is non-existent to a certain person or a certain question? - Do the facial expressions change based on the topic, the individuals, or something else? - Does the tone give away anything? - Is the response short, practiced, or improvised? Simply look with interest and curiosity to see more than the words exchanged to get more of the story, and the scenery, and whether you can build yourself a much more detailed picture that gives more insight. Observation takes practice, looking and watching around you, becoming a professional question-asker, and seeing more colors, details, and depth to everything around you. And you can absolutely have fun with it.
Spinal bone spurs are overgrowths of bone on the vertebrae. Bone spurs are commonly associated with aging, but spinal conditions such as osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease (DDD) can also be the cause. Sciatica Pain Relief As many as 4 out of every 10 people will get sciatica, or irritation of the sciatic nerve, at some point in their life. This nerve comes from either side of the lower spine and travels through the pelvis and buttocks. Then the nerve passes along the back of each upper leg before it divides at the knee into branches that go to the feet. Anything that puts pressure on or irritates this nerve can cause pain that shoots down the back of one buttock or thigh. The sensation of pain can vary widely. Sciatica may feel like a mild ache; a sharp, burning sensation; or extreme discomfort. Sciatica can also cause feelings of numbness, weakness, and tingling. Pain may be made worse by prolonged sitting, standing up, coughing, sneezing, twisting, lifting, or straining. Treatment for sciatic pain ranges from hot and cold packs and medications to exercises and complementary and alternative remedies. Medications for Relief of Pain From Sciatica Several types of medications may be used for sciatic pain. Oral medications include: - Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen [Advil, Motrin], ketoprofen, or naproxen [Aleve]) - Prescription muscle relaxants to ease muscle spasms - Antidepressants for chronic low back pain - Prescription pain medications for more severe pain Do not give aspirin to a child aged 18 years of age or younger because of the increased risk of Reye’s syndrome. In some cases, a steroid medication is injected into the space around the spinal nerve. Research suggests these injections have a modest effect when irritation is caused by pressure from a herniated, or ruptured, disc. Physical Therapy for Sciatica Sciatica pain may make it difficult to be active. But bed rest is not recommended as a mainstay treatment. To manage new sciatica pain, you may find that certain positions and activities are more comfortable than others. If symptoms are not severe but persist beyond a couple of weeks, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. The proper exercises may actually help reduce sciatic pain. They can also provide conditioning to help prevent the pain from coming back. The exercises recommended will depend on what’s causing the sciatica. It’s important to work with a specialist who has experience working with people with sciatica. It’s also important to do the exercises exactly as directed. To get the proper direction, you will most likely work with one of the following specialists: - Physical therapist - Physiatrist — a doctor who specializes in physical medicine Complementary and Alternative Remedies for Sciatica Pain Relief Some people find pain relief from complementary and alternative therapies such as biofeedback and acupuncture. Keep in mind, though, that these therapies have not been shown by scientific studies to help sciatica. Biofeedback is a technique that helps make it possible to control bodily processes such as heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. It works by using a machine that provides information about the process being addressed. Having that information displayed, the person is often able to find ways to achieve conscious control of these processes. Probably the most common use of biofeedback is to treat stress and stress-related conditions. Acupuncture is a treatment that uses fine needles inserted at specific locations on the skin called acupuncture points. The points are located along meridians, or channels. The channels are thought to conduct qi, which is said to be the energy or vital force of the body. The theory behind using acupuncture is that pain is thought to result from imbalances or blockages of the flow of qi. Acupuncture is supposed to remove those blockages to restore the balance. One theory is that stimulating these points produces an effect by stimulating the central nervous system. This, in turn, would trigger the release of chemicals that either alter the experience of pain or produce other changes that promote a sense of well-being. Surgery for Sciatica Only a very small percentage of people with sciatica will require surgery. If pain from sciatica persists for at least 6 weeks despite treatment, you may be referred to a specialist. At that point, surgery may be an option. The goal for surgery is to remedy the cause of the sciatica. For example, if a herniated disc is putting pressure on the nerve, then surgery to correct the problem may relieve sciatica pain. If sciatica symptoms are severe or become progressively worse, then immediate referral to a specialist is necessary. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: “Sciatica.” JAMA Patient Page, July 8, 2009. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: “Acupuncture for Pain.” Koes, B. BMJ, June 23, 2007. NYU Langone Medical Center: “Sciatica,” “Biofeedback,” “Acupuncture.” Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: “Sciatica: More than Just Back Pain.” Hospital for Special Surgery: “Symptoms and Causes of Sciatica.” “Sciatica Relief May Depend on How Steroid Shots Are Delivered.” Spine-Health: “Sciatica Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief.” The University of Chicago Medical Center: “Acupuncture.” Sciatica pain is caused by an irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve in the lower back. The most common cause is a herniated or slipped disk that causes pressure on the nerve root. Most people with sciatica get better on their own with time and self-care treatments. - Appointments & Access - Contact Us What is sciatica? Sciatica is nerve pain from an injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve, which originates in your buttock/gluteal area. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest (almost finger-width) nerve in the body. It’s actually made up of five nerve roots: two from the lower back region called the lumbar spine and three from the final section of the spine called the sacrum. The five nerve roots come together to form a right and left sciatic nerve. On each side of your body, one sciatic nerve runs through your hips, buttocks and down a leg, ending just below the knee. The sciatic nerve then branches into other nerves, which continue down your leg and into your foot and toes. True injury to the sciatic nerve “sciatica” is actually rare, but the term “sciatica” is commonly used to describe any pain that originates in the lower back and radiates down the leg. What this pain shares in common is an injury to a nerve — an irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve in your lower back. If you have “sciatica,” you experience mild to severe pain anywhere along the path of the sciatic nerve – that is, anywhere from the lower back, through the hips, buttocks and/or down your legs. It can also cause muscle weakness in your leg and foot, numbness in your leg, and an unpleasant tingling pins-and-needles sensation in your leg, foot and toes. What does sciatica pain feel like? People describe sciatica pain in different ways, depending on its cause. Some people describe the pain as sharp, shooting, or jolts of pain. Others describe this pain as “burning,” “electric” or “stabbing.” The pain may be constant or may come and go. Also, the pain is usually more severe in your leg compared to your lower back. The pain may feel worse if you sit or stand for long periods of time, when you stand up and when your twist your upper body. A forced and sudden body movement, like a cough or sneeze, can also make the pain worse. Can sciatica occur down both legs? Sciatica usually affects only one leg at a time. However, it’s possible for sciatica to occur in both legs. It’s simply a matter of where the nerve is being pinched along the spinal column. Does sciatica occur suddenly or does it take time to develop? Sciatica can come on suddenly or gradually. It depends on the cause. A disk herniation can cause sudden pain. Arthritis in the spine develops slowly over time. How common is sciatica? Sciatica is a very common complaint. About 40% of people in the U.S. experience sciatica sometime during their life. Back pain is the third most common reason people visit their healthcare provider. What are the risk factors for sciatica? You are at greater risk of sciatica if you: - Have an injury/previous injury: An injury to your lower back or spine puts you at greater risk for sciatica. - Live life: With normal aging comes a natural wearing down of bone tissue and disks in your spine. Normal aging can put your nerves at risk of being injured or pinched by the changes and shifts in bone, disks and ligaments. - Are overweight: Your spine is like a vertical crane. Your muscles are the counterweights. The weight you carry in the front of your body is what your spine (crane) has to lift. The more weight you have, the more your back muscles (counterweights) have to work. This can lead to back strains, pains and other back issues. - Lack a strong core: Your “core” are the muscles of your back and abdomen. The stronger your core, the more support you’ll have for your lower back. Unlike your chest area, where your rib cage provides support, the only support for your lower back is your muscles. - Have an active, physical job: Jobs that require heavy lifting may increase your risk of low back problems and use of your back, or jobs with prolonged sitting may increase your risk of low back problems. - Lack proper posture in the weight room: Even if you are physically fit and active, you can still be prone to sciatica if you don’t follow proper body form during weight lifting or other strength training exercises. - Have diabetes:Diabetes increases your chance of nerve damage, which increases your chance of sciatica. - Have osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis can cause damage to your spine and put nerves at risk of injury. - Lead an inactive lifestyle: Sitting for long period of time and not exercising and keeping your muscles moving, flexible and toned can increase your risk of sciatica. - Smoke: The nicotine in tobacco can damage spinal tissue, weaken bones, and speed the wearing down of vertebral disks. Is the weight of pregnancy the reason why so many pregnant women get sciatica? It’s true that sciatica is common in pregnancy but increased weight is not the main reason why pregnant women get sciatica. A better explanation is that certain hormones of pregnancy cause a loosening of their ligaments. Ligaments hold the vertebrae together, protect the disks and keep the spine stable. Loosened ligaments can cause the spine to become unstable and might cause disks to slip, which leads to nerves being pinched and the development of sciatica. The baby’s weight and position can also add pressure to the nerve. The good news is there are ways to ease sciatic pain during pregnancy, and the pain goes away after birth. Physical therapy and massage therapy, warm showers, heat, medications and other measures can help. If you are pregnant, be sure to follow good posture techniques during pregnancy to also ease your pain. Symptoms and Causes What causes sciatica? Sciatica can be caused by several different medical conditions including: - A herniated or slipped disk that causes pressure on a nerve root. This is the most common cause of sciatica. About 1% to 5% of all people in the U.S. will have a slipped disk at one point in their lives. Disks are the cushioning pads between each vertebrae of the spine. Pressure from vertebrae can cause the gel-like center of a disk to bulge (herniate) through a weakness in its outer wall. When a herniated disk happens to a vertebrae in your lower back, it can press on the sciatic nerve. - Degenerative disk disease is the natural wear down of the disks between vertebrae of the spine. The wearing down of the disks shortens their height and leads to the nerve passageways becoming narrower (spinal stenosis). Spinal stenosis can pinch the sciatic nerve roots as they leave the spine. - Spinal stenosis is the abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal. This narrowing reduces the available space for the spinal cord and nerves. - Spondylolisthesis is a slippage of one vertebra so that it is out of line with the one above it, narrowing the opening through which the nerve exits. The extended spinal bone can pinch the sciatic nerve. - Osteoarthritis. Bone spurs (jagged edges of bone) can form in aging spines and compress lower back nerves. - Trauma injury to the lumbar spine or sciatic nerve. - Tumors in the lumbar spinal canal that compress the sciatic nerve. - Piriformis syndrome is a condition that develops when the piriformis muscle, a small muscle that lies deep in the buttocks, becomes tight or spasms. This can put pressure on and irritate the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon neuromuscular disorder. - Cauda equina syndrome is a rare but serious condition that affects the bundle of nerves at the end of the spinal cord called the cauda equina. This syndrome causes pain down the leg, numbness around the anus and loss of bowel and bladder control. What are the symptoms of sciatica? The symptoms of sciatica include: - Moderate to severe pain in lower back, buttock and down your leg. - Numbness or weakness in your lower back, buttock, leg or feet. - Pain that worsens with movement; loss of movement. - “Pins and needles” feeling in your legs, toes or feet. - Loss of bowel and bladder control (due to cauda equina). Diagnosis and Tests How is sciatica diagnosed? First, your healthcare provider will review your medical history. Next, they’ll ask about your symptoms. During your physical exam, you will be asked to walk so your healthcare provider can see how your spine carries your weight. You may be asked to walk on your toes and heels to check the strength of your calf muscles. Your provider may also do a straight leg raise test. For this test, you’ll lie on your back with your legs straight. Your provider will slowly raise each leg and note the point at which your pain begins. This test helps pinpoint the affected nerves and determines if there is a problem with one of your disks. You will also be asked to do other stretches and motions to pinpoint pain and check muscle flexibility and strength. Depending on what your healthcare provider discovers during your physical exam, imaging and other tests might be done. These may include: - Spinal X-rays to look for spinal fractures, disk problems, infections, tumors and bone spurs. - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans to see detailed images of bone and soft tissues of the back. An MRI can show pressure on a nerve, disk herniation and any arthritic condition that might be pressing on a nerve. MRIs are usually ordered to confirm the diagnosis of sciatica. - Nerve conduction velocity studies/electromyography to examine how well electrical impulses travel through the sciatic nerve and the response of muscles. - Myelogram to determine if a vertebrae or disk is causing the pain. Management and Treatment How is sciatica treated? The goal of treatment is to decrease your pain and increase your mobility. Depending on the cause, many cases of sciatica go away over time with some simple self-care treatments. Self-care treatments include: - Appling ice and/or hot packs: First, use ice packs to reduce pain and swelling. Apply ice packs or bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to the affected area. Apply for 20 minutes, several times a day. Switch to a hot pack or a heating pad after the first several days. Apply for 20 minutes at a time. If you’re still in pain, switch between hot and cold packs – whichever best relieves your discomfort. - Taking over-the-counter medicines: Take medicines to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. The many common over-the-counter medicines in this category, called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) and naproxen (Naprosyn®, Aleve®). Be watchful if you choose to take aspirin. Aspirin can cause ulcers and bleeding in some people. If you’re unable to take NSAIDS, acetaminophen (Tylenol®) may be taken instead. - Performing gentle stretches: Learn proper stretches from an instructor with experience with low back pain. Work up to other general strengthening, core muscle strengthening and aerobic exercises. How long should I try self-care treatments for my sciatica before seeing my healthcare professional? Every person with sciatic pain is different. The type of pain can be different, the intensity of pain is different and the cause of the pain can be different. In some patients, a more aggressive treatment may be tried first. However, generally speaking, if a six-week trial of conservative, self-care treatments – like ice, heat, stretching, over-the-counter medicines – has not provided relief, it’s time to return to a healthcare professional and try other treatment options. Other treatment options include: - Prescription medications: Your healthcare provider may prescribe muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine (Amrix®, Flexeril®), to relieve the discomfort associated with muscle spasms. Other medications with pain-relieving action that may be tried include tricyclic antidepressants and anti-seizure medications. Depending on your level of pain, prescription pain medicines might be used early in your treatment plan. - Physical therapy: The goal of physical therapy is to find exercise movements that decrease sciatica by reducing pressure on the nerve. An exercise program should include stretching exercises to improve muscle flexibility and aerobic exercises (such as walking, swimming, water aerobics). Your healthcare provider can refer you to a physical therapist who’ll work with you to customize your own stretching and aerobic exercise program and recommend other exercises to strengthen the muscles of your back, abdomen and legs. - Spinal injections: An injection of a corticosteroid, an anti-inflammatory medicine, into the lower back might help reduce the pain and swelling around the affected nerve roots. Injections provide short-time (typically up to three months) pain relief and is given under local anesthesia as an outpatient treatment. You may feel some pressure and burning or stinging sensation as the injection is being given. Ask your healthcare provider about how many injections you might be able to receive and the risks of injections. - Alternative therapies: Alternative therapies are increasingly popular and are used to treat and manage all kinds of pain. Alternative methods to improve sciatic pain include spine manipulation by a licensed chiropractor, yoga or acupuncture. Massage might help muscle spasms that often occur along with sciatica. Biofeedback is an option to help manage pain and relieve stress. When is surgery considered? Spinal surgery is usually not recommended unless you have not improved with other treatment methods such as stretching and medication, your pain is worsening, you have severe weakness in the muscles in your lower extremities or you have lost bladder or bowel control. How soon surgery would be considered depends on the cause of your sciatica. Surgery is typically considered within a year of ongoing symptoms. Pain that is severe and unrelenting and is preventing you from standing or working and you’ve been admitted to a hospital would require more aggressive treatment and a shorter timeline to surgery. Loss of bladder or bowel control could require emergency surgery if determined to be cauda equine syndrome. The goal of spinal surgery for sciatic pain is to remove the pressure on the nerves that are being pinched and to make sure the spine is stable. Surgical options to relieve sciatica include: Microdiscectomy: This is a minimally invasive procedure used to remove fragments of a herniated disk that are pressing on a nerve. - Laminectomy: In this procedure, the lamina (part of the vertebral bone; the roof of the spinal canal) that is causing pressure on the sciatic nerve is removed. How long does it take to perform spine surgery and what’s the typical recovery time? Discectomy and laminectomy generally take one to two hours to perform. Recovery time depends on your situation; your surgeon will tell you when you can get back to full activities. Generally the time needed to recover is six weeks to three months. What are the risks of spinal surgery? Though these procedures are considered very safe and effective, all surgeries have risks. Spinal surgery risks include: - Blood clots. - Nerve damage. - Spinal fluid leak. - Loss of bladder or bowel control. What complications are associated with sciatica? Most people recover fully from sciatica. However, chronic (ongoing and lasting) pain can be a complication of sciatica. If the pinched nerve is seriously injured, chronic muscle weakness, such as a “drop foot,” might occur, when numbness in the foot makes normal walking impossible. Sciatica can potentially cause permanent nerve damage, resulting in a loss of feeling in the affected legs. Call your provider right away if you lose feeling in your legs or feet, or have any concerns during your recovery time. Can sciatica be prevented? Some sources of sciatica may not be preventable, such as degenerative disk disease, sciatica due to pregnancy or accidental falls. Although it might not be possible to prevent all cases of sciatica, taking the following steps can help protect your back and reduce your risk: - Maintaingood posture: Following good posture techniques while you’re sitting, standing, lifting objects and sleeping helps relieve pressure on your lower back. Pain can be an early warning sign that you are not properly aligned. If you start to feel sore or stiff, adjust your posture. - Don’t smoke: Nicotine reduces the blood supply to bones. It weakens the spine and the vertebral disks, which puts more stress on the spine and disks and causes back and spine problems. - Maintain a healthy weight: Extra weight and a poor diet are associated with inflammation and pain throughout your body. To lose weight or learn healthier eating habits, look into the Mediterranean diet. The closer you are to your ideal body weight the less strain you put on your spine. - Exerciseregularly: Exercise includes stretching to keep your joints flexible and exercises to strengthen your core – the muscles of your lower back and abdomen. These muscles work to support your spine. Also, do not sit for long periods of time. - Choose physical activities least likely to hurt your back: Consider low-impact activities such as swimming, walking, yoga or tai chi. - Keep yourself safe from falls: Wear shoes that fit and keep stairs and walkways free of clutter to reduce your chance of a fall. Make sure rooms are well-lighted and there are grab bars in bathrooms and rails on stairways. Outlook / Prognosis What can I expect if I have been diagnosed with sciatica? The good news about sciatic pain is that it usually goes away on its own with time and some self-care treatments. Most people (80% to 90%) with sciatica get better without surgery, and about half of these recover from an episode fully within six weeks. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider if your sciatica pain is not improving and you have concerns that you aren’t recovering as quickly as hoped. When should I contact my healthcare provider? Get immediate medical attention if you experience: - Severe leg pain lasting more than a few hours that is unbearable. - Numbness or muscle weakness in the same leg. - Bowel or bladder control loss. This could be due to a condition called cauda equina syndrome, which affects bundles of nerves at the end of the spinal cord. - Sudden and severe pain from a traffic accident or some other trauma. Even if your visit doesn’t turn out to be an emergency situation, it’s best to get it checked out. Is the sciatic nerve the only source of “sciatica” pain? No, the sciatic nerve is not the only source of what is generally called “sciatica” or sciatica pain. Sometimes the source of pain is higher up in the lumbar spine and causes pain in front of the thigh or in the hip area. This pain is still called sciatica. How can I tell if pain in my hip is a hip issue or sciatica? Hip problems, such as arthritis in the hip, usually cause groin pain, pain when you put weight on your leg, or when the leg is moved around. If your pain starts in the back and moves or radiates towards the hip or down the leg and you have numbness, tingling or weakness in the leg, sciatica is the most likely cause. Is radiculopathy the same as sciatica? Radiculopathy is a broader term that describes the symptoms caused by a pinched nerve in the spinal column. Sciatica is a specific type, and the most common type, of radiculopathy. Should I rest if I have sciatica? Some rest and change in your activities and activity level may be needed. However, too much rest, bed rest, and physical inactivity can make your pain worse and slow the healing process. It’s important to maintain as much activity as possible to keep muscles flexible and strong. Before beginning your own exercise program, see your healthcare provider or spine specialist first to get a proper diagnosis. This healthcare professional will refer you to the proper physical therapist or other trained exercise or body mechanics specialist to devise an exercise and muscle strengthening program that’s best for you. Can sciatica cause my leg and/or ankle to swell? Sciatica that is caused by a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, or bone spur that compresses the sciatic nerve can cause inflammation – or swelling – in the affected leg. Complications of piriformis syndrome can also cause swelling in the leg. Are restless leg syndrome, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, shingles or bursitis related to sciatica? While all these conditions affect either the spinal cord, nerves, muscles, ligaments or joints and all can cause pain, none are directly related to sciatica. The main causes of these conditions are different. Sciatica only involves the sciatic nerve. That being said, the most similar condition would be carpal tunnel syndrome, which also involves a compression of a nerve. A final word about sciatica. . . . Most cases of sciatica do not require surgery. Time and self-care treatment are usually all that’s needed. However, if simple self-care treatments do not relieve your pain, see your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider can confirm the cause of your pain, suggest other treatment options and/or refer you to other spine health specialists if needed. Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain Nerves are like branches on a tree, fanning off in multiple directions. If the lower back’s sciatic nerve is exposed to uneven pressure and compression, it can cause pain not only at the nerve’s site of origin, in the lower back, but also down the buttocks, the back of the legs, and into the feet. Sciatic nerve pain can be relieved by addressing its underlying cause and working towards relieving sciatic nerve pressure. The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and extends down the buttocks, back of the legs, and to the feet. If the sciatic nerve is compressed, lower back and radiating pain throughout the lower body can develop. Proactive treatment that addresses the underlying cause can lead to pain relief. Before discussing the specifics of how to proactively address sciatic nerve pain, let’s first explore the topic of sciatica generally. Table of Contents Most of us have heard complaints of sciatica, but what exactly is sciatica, and what causes related pain? The sciatic nerve is extensive, traversing the lower body, so when the sciatic nerve is exposed to adverse tension, pressure, and/or compression, it can produce pain felt in areas of the body through which it travels and reaches: the lower back, buttocks, back of the legs (most commonly the left leg), and the feet. In addition, sciatica can also cause feelings of tingling and/or numbness felt along the sciatic nerve’s pathway. It’s important to understand the nature of sciatica because related pain can be felt far from the nerve’s starting point, making it easy to assume pain is coming from another source. For example, if someone is experiencing shooting nerve pain in the feet, they could assume it’s a foot problem, but in reality, the source of the pain could be the sciatic nerve. So what types of issues and/or medical conditions can cause sciatica to develop? Causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain Sciatic nerve pain can be caused by a number of issues, so let’s take a look at some common causes of sciatica. Sciatic nerve pain can have a variety of sources from herniated discs to bone spurs, or the development of spinal conditions such as spinal stenosis and scoliosis. The spine’s intervertebral discs perform many important functions and have a tough and durable outer layer (the annulus) and a soft gel-like interior (the nucleus). As the spinal discs sit between adjacent vertebrae (bones of the spine), they provide cushioning so the vertebrae don’t rub up against one another and create friction during movement. The discs also help facilitate vertebral movement and act as the spine’s shock absorbers so stress and weight is distributed evenly along the spine and no one section is exposed to uneven wear. The discs help the spine maintain its healthy curves and alignment; when the intervertebral discs start to deteriorate either due to natural aging, the cumulative effect of negative lifestyle choices, or the development of a spinal condition, spinal biomechanics are disrupted, impacting the spine’s overall health and function. Also referred to as ‘slipped’, ‘ruptured’, or ‘bulging’, a disc that becomes herniated means a fragment of the nucleus has pushed through a tear or rupture in the annulus and is protruding into the spinal canal. As the space within the spinal canal is limited, the displacement of the herniated-disc fragment can press on surrounding nerves and produce varying levels of pain. Particularly in cases where discs of the lower back become herniated, which is common, as the lumbar spine is where the sciatic nerve begins, the protruding nucleus fragment can expose the nerve to uneven pressure and cause sciatic nerve pain. It’s quite common that herniated discs indicate the early stages of disc degeneration; once the intervertebral discs start to deteriorate, the spine can become misaligned and is more vulnerable to injury and the development of a variety of spinal conditions. Spinal bone spurs are overgrowths of bone on the vertebrae. Bone spurs are commonly associated with aging, but spinal conditions such as osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease (DDD) can also be the cause. Bone spurs can pinch the sciatic nerve, causing varying levels of pain along the sciatic nerve’s pathway: most commonly down the lower back, buttocks, back of the legs, and the feet. Spinal stenosis can happen in any section of the spine, but is most common in the lower back: where the sciatic nerve starts. Lumbar spinal stenosis involves a narrowing of the spinal canal (tunnel formed by the vertebrae) of the lower back. When the spinal canal is narrowed, there is less room for the spinal cord (bundle of nerves), and this exposes the nerves to uneven forces and pressure. If spinal stenosis is an issue, the narrowing of the spinal canal can cause the sciatic nerve to become compressed and sciatica to develop. If a person has scoliosis, this means they have an abnormal sideways spinal curvature, with rotation, of a certain size: Cobb angle measurement of 10+ degrees. While not everyone with scoliosis will automatically develop sciatica, it is a common related complication. As scoliosis involves an unnatural spinal curvature, it introduces a lot of uneven forces to the spine and its surroundings, including the nerves. As scoliosis is progressive, its very nature is to worsen over time, especially if left untreated, or not treated appropriately. Scoliosis can develop in any section of the spine, and particularly in cases of lumbar scoliosis, it’s more likely that the sciatic nerve will be adversely affected by the scoliotic curve. While every case of scoliosis is different, generally speaking, the higher the Cobb angle, the more severe the condition is, and the more likely it is to cause related complications such as sciatica. Here at the Scoliosis Reduction Center, I treat related sciatic nerve pain by designing a treatment plan that addresses its underlying cause. As sciatic nerve pain is commonly regarded as one of the most debilitating types of back pain, pain management is factored into the treatment process. While there are never treatment guarantees, my end goal with every patient is to work towards improvements that will improve their quality of life. When it comes to scoliosis and related complications such as sciatic nerve pain, I want to impact the condition in such a way that treatment results are sustainable and help prevent them from experiencing the challenges associated with progression and increasing condition severity. How Do I Get My Sciatic Nerve to Stop Hurting? Anyone who has suffered from back pain, whether related to a spinal condition or not, knows how debilitating and disruptive it can be to daily life. When it comes to sciatic nerve pain, every case is different, and related pain levels will vary based on a number of important patient and condition characteristics such as age and the underlying cause of the sciatica. Sciatic nerve pain can affect the back, legs, feet, and also cause feelings of tingling and/or numbness in the lower body. Over time, particularly if left untreated, it can also lead to mobility issues. As scoliosis is my main area of expertise, let’s focus on scoliosis-related sciatica and how it’s addressed here at the Center. Again, while every case is different, many patients who are living with scoliosis and related sciatic nerve pain also face mobility issues that can impact quality of life in a significant way. Just as my approach to treating scoliosis is proactive and effective by addressing its underlying structural nature, treating scoliosis-related sciatic nerve pain also has to involve crafting a comprehensive treatment plan that gets to the root of the problem: the uneven forces that scoliosis introduces to the spine and the sciatic nerve. For those on the traditional medical route for treating sciatic nerve pain, often medication for pain management is the main focus; however, that is only addressing a ‘symptom’ of sciatica, and not the underlying cause of the sciatica itself. In addition, certain stretches and yoga poses can help, particularly with short-term pain relief, but this also does not address the underlying cause. When it comes to looking for a source of immediate sciatic nerve pain relief, here at the Center, I can offer specific home exercises, stretches, and spinal rehabilitation that can relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve, but I don’t just want to provide immediate relief; I want to provide long-term relief by addressing its root cause. When designing treatment plans for scoliosis, no two plans will ever be the same because they are 100-percent customized to address the specifics of the patient and their condition. If a lumbar scoliosis patient is suffering from sciatica, I will use a variety of therapies to help provide relief, while integrating those disciplines into a treatment plan that also relies on scoliosis-specific chiropractic adjustments, and other forms of treatment, to address the condition on a structural level. Through an integrative approach combining scoliosis-specific treatment disciplines such as in-office therapy, custom-prescribed home exercises, chiropractic care, and corrective bracing, scoliosis, along with any related complications such as sciatica, can be addressed and treated proactively, before the condition progresses. When it comes to sciatic nerve pain, there are many potential causes. From disc deterioration to bone spurs, spinal stenosis and scoliosis, the function and overall health of the spine can affect the body in a number of ways. If sciatica is left untreated, particularly if its cause is related to a progressive spinal condition like scoliosis, the condition can worsen over time and lead to future mobility issues. As the sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and its pathway extends down the buttocks, the back of the legs, and to the feet, if the nerve is pinched, it can cause pain felt anywhere along that pathway. It’s important to understand the nature of radiating pain as it can be felt far from its point of origin, making it difficult for people to determine its source. When sciatica is caused by the uneven pressure introduced to the spine and its surroundings by scoliosis, in order to provide long-term pain relief, the root cause of sciatica, the scoliosis itself, has to be addressed proactively. Here at the Scoliosis Reduction Center, I approach treatment for a number of spinal conditions by acknowledging the difference between treating a condition’s symptom, or the actual condition itself; this is an important distinction to understand because while traditional treatment can offer medication for immediate pain relief, it will do nothing to address the structural nature of scoliosis, which is the underlying cause of related sciatic nerve pain. Through a variety of scoliosis-specific therapies, custom-prescribed exercises, corrective bracing, and focused chiropractic adjustments, sciatic nerve pain can be proactively addressed while the condition at the root of its development is being treated effectively on a structural level. If you, or someone you care about, is experiencing any of the aforementioned sciatica symptoms, proactive treatment that addresses the condition’s underlying cause is always the best choice, particularly in terms of preventing worsening symptoms. More About MeContact Us Dr. Tony Nalda Doctor of Chiropractic Severe migraines as a young teen introduced Dr. Nalda to chiropractic care. After experiencing life changing results, he set his sights on helping others who face debilitating illness through providing more natural approaches. After receiving an undergraduate degree in psychology and his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life University, Dr. Nalda settled in Celebration, Florida and proceeded to build one of Central Florida’s most successful chiropractic clinics. His experience with patients suffering from scoliosis, and the confusion and frustration they faced, led him to seek a specialty in scoliosis care. In 2006 he completed his Intensive Care Certification from CLEAR Institute, a leading scoliosis educational and certification center. About Scoliosis Reduction Center Welcome to Scoliosis Reduction Center. Our team, under the leadership of Dr. Tony Nalda, is focused on treating your scoliosis in the most patient-centered, effective manner possible. In 2024 our team of doctors and nurses provide a comprehensive range of family planning services. Our doctors have expertise in antenatal care, preconception planning, and STD checks. Contraceptive advice including Mirena and Implanon insertion is available. - Early detection of illness; - Family planning; - Promotion of healthy lifestyle; - Skin cancer checks; - Sports injuries; - Weight reduction; - Workers compensation and third party. Baby Weighing Service. Babies can be booked with our Nurse for weighing, a doctors appointment is not required to use this service. Contact reception for a appointment to have your baby weighed. Immunisations. At Tuggeranong Square children's immunisation is regarded an important part of your childs health care. Our doctors take immunising children very seriously. and to ensure all children are immunised Tuggeranong Square Medical Practice doctors BULK BILL for all childhood immunisations. Tuggeranong Square Medical Practice also ensures the Practice Nursing Staff are highly trained in childhood immunisations. Our practice is dedicated to treating a wide spectrum of women’s health concerns. We offer pre-natal, antenatal and postnatal care, contraceptive options, pap screening, and preventative health care advice. We provide assistance, advice and support through all stages of life, recognising the many issues many women may face from adolescence through to the peri and post-menopausal period. - Cervical Screening tests; - Reproductive health. Including Mirena and Implanon insertion; - Shared antenatal care. We encourage men to present routinely to their GP to discuss all aspects of their health. We provide comprehensive advice and support for men to address the prevention and management of various health conditions. This may include assessments for cardiovascular risk, diabetes, cancer prevention, mental health assessments, STD screening, sports injuries and the importance of sleep as it relates to other areas of health. - Preventative Healthcare. Including cardiovascular screening, mental health and cancer checks; - Prostate examination.
Tsukuba, Japan – Researchers commonly culture bacteria for many purposes, such as to screen pharmaceuticals and manufacture vaccines. In these cases, shake flasks have been commonly and generally used for over 90 years to cultivate microbes. To keep track of what’s going on in the shake flask, researchers must use stringent sterilization techniques while extracting a sample of cells. A common sterilization technique is to expose the plug and flask to a flame at several time points during cell extraction. However, if this sterilization affects the cell culture in any way, you may inadvertently hinder production of the vaccine or whatever substance you want from the culture. In a study recently published in Scientific Reports, researchers from the University of Tsukuba have shown that flame sterilization introduces carbon dioxide into shake flasks. This excess carbon dioxide can considerably affect cell growth. Carbon dioxide is a product of methane combustion in the flame. The researchers found that flaming the flask for even a few extra seconds, or tilting the flask a few extra degrees, considerably increased the carbon dioxide concentration in the flask. “For example, at a flame exposure time of only 5 s, increasing the inclination angle from 15° to 25° increased the carbon dioxide concentration in the headspace by approximately 50%,” says Professor Hideki Aoyagi, senior author of the study. “Computational modeling confirmed our findings.” These increases in carbon dioxide concentration are induced over the course of only a few seconds of flame sterilization. But do they substantially affect cell growth? To test this hypothesis, the researchers needed to add excess carbon dioxide while keeping the flasks shaking, because interrupting the shaking can itself affect cell growth. “We introduced intermittent carbon dioxide at concentrations similar to those expected by flame sterilization,” explains Professor Aoyagi. “The ultimate oxygen demand of Acetobacter pasteurianus–known to spoil wine– increased by up to 70%. Pelomonas saccharophila increased by up to 35%, whereas the other two microbes were not clearly affected in terms of growth.” The researchers do not yet know how common it is for flaming a shake-flask to alter cell culture growth. Nevertheless, seemingly minor experimental sterilization variables–too subtle for most researchers to even notice at first glance–may actually be pertinent. Culturing microbes in shake flasks and producing valuable products in the culture–perhaps relevant to COVID-19 research–may be substantially more complicated than previously appreciated.
The Cherokee Heritage Festival is upon us. For me, this is the start of a fascinating season here in our area. This particular festival demonstrates dancing and wears from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. It is a great weekend, free to the public and meant for families to mingle and learn. The Cherokee Heritage is rich in our areas, the good the bad and the ugly, as they say. At the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit you can walk the Quanassee Path: A Cherokee History Trail celebrating five Cherokee related sites surrounding downtown Hayesville. At the Cherokee Botanical Sanctuary you can see the plants native to our soil and how they were used for food, shelter, fiber for clothing, rope and baskets, medicine, ceremony, weaponry, tools, home furnishings, light, heat, shelter, transportation and personal adornment. Cherokee Cultural Center at Moss Regional Library is where the museum is located. It brings to life the history through Cherokee art, books, and artifacts from the area, historical maps, educational displays, and resources for conducting genealogical searches and accessing electronic collections. The Cherokee did not have “tribes” as most of us envision them to be. A “tribe” was made up of seven clans. These clans are the womens, when children were born, they took their mother’s clan. Each of these clans had a village in our area and some of the names we use for counties and towns are from those villages. In 1763 the Cherokees lost all of their territory in North Carolina, east of the 80th longitude line, which runs through Murphy, NC. This was punishment for the Cherokees switching sides in the French and Indian War. The Creeks agreed to give back their recently regained lands in North Carolina and Georgia, in return for most of the land in Alabama, which had been taken from the French by the British. Some small Cherokee settlements such as Choestoe (Rabbit) and Chota (Frog in Creek) returned to the Nottely River Basin. Nottely Dam was named for the Nottely River. The river itself was named after the Cherokee village of Naduhli, which was once situated along its banks. The village name is derived from Native American word for “daring horseman.” Chatuge Dam is located 121 miles (195 km) above the mouth of the Hiwassee River, just north of the North Carolina-Georgia state line. Chatuge Lake extends southward for 13 miles (21 km) along the Hiwassee and eastward for roughly 6 miles (9.7 km) along Shooting Creek, which once emptied into the Hiwassee immediately upstream from the dam site. The dam and the North Carolina section of the reservoir are surrounded by the Nantahala National Forest, and the Georgia section of the reservoir is surrounded by the Chattahoochee National Forest. Hayesville, North Carolina (north of the dam) and Hiawassee, Georgia (to the south) are the nearest communities of note. The heritage of these proud and resilient people is everywhere around us. The knowledge we can gain from them is endless. Take a day off from the everyday. Spend some time learning about the past, find one thing you can bring forward to use in that everyday life. Mine will be from the Botanical Sanctuary, a native plant that reminds me of the day. Next week, I think we will visit Murphy, did you know there was an Army fort there? Meantime, thanks for spending a few moments with us and as always WELCOME TO THE MOUNTAINS.
Suction Extension Line is a medical device used in healthcare settings to provide an extended reach for suctioning secretions or fluids from the respiratory tract. It is used in conjunction with a suction machine or system. It is a flexible tube made of medical-grade materials, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and it usually has connectors on both ends. One end of the extension line attaches to the suction catheter, which is inserted into the patients airway or a drainage tube, while the other end connects to the suction source. Suction Extension Line allows healthcare professionals to maintain a safe distance from the patient while performing suctioning procedures. It provides flexibility and maneuverability, making it easier to reach difficult-to-access areas in the respiratory tract.
Prostate Disease Treatment in Nashik Anatomy of Prostate Gland: The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. It is located below the bladder, in front of the rectum. The function of the prostate is to produce semen which transports sperm. List of common prostate diseases: - Prostatitis – inflammation, usually caused by bacteria - Enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – It is a common problem in old people. It may cause dribbling after urination or a need to go often, especially at night - Prostate cancer – Prostate is the most common type of cancer in men. Prostate Diseases Treatment: Many people suffer from prostate diseases. Prostate enlargement is a common problem which increases with age. Most of these people suffer from benign (non-malignant) enlargement called BPH but some men develop prostate cancer. It can be differentiated by physical examination and blood test (called the PSA or prostate specific antigen). BPH treatment consists of reassurance alone, medication or rarely and sometimes endoscopic surgery (called TURP). Dr. Pravin is a specialist in providing treatment of BPH like TUR, TUEB. Prostate cancer treatment depends on stage of cancer. In early stage of prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy are the best choice while for advanced cancer, hormonal therapy forms the mainstay of treatment.
Niacin is a type of B vitamin, also known as vitamin B3. It can be naturally found in meat and fish, but it's also added to many foods. Niacin is a vitamin that was first isolated from rice bran in 1949. It was the first vitamin to be synthesized, which opened up the door for other vitamins to be synthesized as well. Niacin is also a component of NAD+, which is essential for metabolism. - Helps the body make energy from food. - Helps the body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. - Lowers high cholesterol levels in your blood by increasing how much HDL (good) cholesterol you have and decreasing how much LDL (bad) cholesterol you have in your blood. - May help keep skin healthy by strengthening its barrier function to protect against harsh environmental elements such as pollution, wind and sun damage, or other irritants that can compromise skin’s natural barrier against moisture loss or damage by free radicals (molecules that cause premature aging). When taken orally in appropriate amounts, niacin is safe for consumption. A severe deficiency of niacin can lead to memory loss and dementia, while a minor deficiency may include headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and depression. There is ongoing research about the role of niacin therapy in schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin with a number of essential functions. It's found in all living cells, where it helps convert food into energy. But it also has far-reaching effects on everything from your brain function to your heartbeat and blood pressure levels.
This mouse trap from 1862 uses a very clever design. Ever since the dawn of time, humanity has always been trying to build a better mousetrap. After all, we have always had to deal with problem rodents and controlling the population has required people to come up with some rather unique solutions. One thing we have noted is that mouse and rat trap designs that are hundreds of years old still seem to work quite well when modern ones fail. Case in point is this cannon mouse trap from 1862. At some point, someone decided the best way to kill a rat was to leave a loaded firearm sitting around just waiting for the unsuspecting rodent to set it off. It is quite the clever design. YouTuber Shawn Woods demonstrates how it works, and the amount of damage this thing was able to dish out. Of course, a design like this would never fly in the modern world. There are numerous concerns about firearms safety with this that were totally understandable. It does make us wonder where the original users of this device set them up. As Shawn noted, leaving them in a barn sounds like a burned barn and livestock waiting to happen. Perhaps they did not even think that far ahead with the design. One thing he did prove was that this mousetrap works. Had that trap been loaded with back powder and a projectile, that rat would be dead as a doornail come morning. The beauty in the design is just how simple it is constructed. There are not a ton of moving parts here. Sometimes the simplest designs are indeed the best. We would be curious to know how many of these traps were sold and used back in the day. One thing is for certain, they had some rather unique ways of dealing with their rodent problems back during the Civil War that we would never consider today!
Tulsequah Chief Mine: polluted waters — broken promises The Tulsequah Chief Mine is a silver, gold, zinc and copper mine that was in operation from 1951-1957 and then abandoned without any reclamation. For over six decades it has been polluting the transboundary Taku watershed with toxic acid mine drainage. We must demand the BC government clean it up. It’s time to end this infamous mine’s degradation of a world class international salmon river system. Where is it? The Tulsequah Chief site is in a remote, mountainous environment in northwest BC, about 100 km south of the town of Atlin and about 65 km northeast of Juneau, Alaska on the bank of the Tulsequah River — the largest tributary to the transboundary Taku River. With its headwaters deep within the boreal landscapes in BC. The Taku River flows through southeast Alaska’s rainforests into the Pacific Ocean. The Taku covers 1.8 million hectares (18,000 square km) and is the largest watershed on the Pacific coast of North America that is inaccessible by road. It contains some of the continent’s richest and most extensive fish and wildlife habitat. In a world facing increasing deforestation and destruction from industrial development, an intact region of this size and stature is extremely rare. The Taku is usually the largest wild salmon producer in this transboundary region. Annual salmon runs can top 2 million wild fish, including chinook, coho, sockeye, chum and pink salmon. There are also significant populations of steelhead trout, cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden char and eulachon. Wildlife species including grizzly and black bears, moose, Stone’s and Dall sheep, mountain goats, wolverine, lynx, eagles and migratory birds rely on this region. The Taku watershed is the traditional territory of Indigenous Tlingit people, represented by the Taku River Tlingit First Nation in Atlin and the Douglas Indian Association in Juneau. Why does it matter? The largest intact roadless watershed on the Pacific coast of North America makes this region one of a kind. The Taku River and surrounding land is a sanctuary for many species that call this oasis home. The Taku’s cold, clean water provides a refuge as climate change impacts other watersheds. The region is profoundly important to the Tlingit people. Salmon is a keystone species — the area’s ecosystem and human communities depend on it. The acid mine drainage, laced with toxic metals such as lead and copper, can inhibit the homing ability and sense of smell of adult salmon and prevent them from spawning. The drainage is most toxic to developing eggs and juvenile salmon. Salmon runs all along the west coast of BC and Alaska are declining due to ocean conditions and climate change. Since we can’t stop these changes, at least in the short-term, we must do whatever we can to protect freshwater habitat. BC has often boasted its mining regulations are among the best worldwide and it ensures mining is done properly. However, the ongoing pollution from Tulsequah Chief does not inspire much trust. Creating this trust starts with cleaning up the mine. What’s happening now? Two companies have gone bankrupt trying to re-open this mine and neither did anything meaningful to address the acid drainage problem. The BC government did little to hold them accountable so now cleanup is its responsibility. In 2015, the government promised to end Tulsequah Chief’s degradation of the Taku. Yet, eight years later its pollution continues unabated. The government has developed a draft reclamation plan and conducted three seasons of preparatory site work. However, its unclear when the plan will be finalized, how cleanup will be paid for and when real cleanup will start. BC needs to match its words with real actions and end the threat this pollution poses. The Taku River Tlingit First Nation, Douglas Indian Association and 15-tribal member Southeast Indigenous Transboundary Commission in Alaska have called on BC to honour its commitment to end decades of toxic acid mine discharge. The state of Alaska has long pushed for its closure and cleanup. There's tremendous support for the mine’s remediation. So why is the province dragging its heels on mine cleanup? For a thriving Taku, the BC government must keep its promise to clean up the mine. Let’s make sure it does. What can you do? Over six decades of mine pollution into the transboundary Taku watershed is enough! For the health of this rich river system and all species that rely on it, we must rally together and demand the BC government clean this mess up with no more delays. Let’s take action together and keep the Taku abundant and beautiful. Tell BC to clean up the Tulsequah Chief Mine. Share this publication with family and friends. Write Josie Osborne, BC Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, and demand the clean up of the Tulsequah Chief Mine. Find out more about the Tulsequah Chief Mine at:
Around 100 million years ago, during the late Cretaceous period, the breakaway continents slowly drifted toward their eventual permanent locations. South America was still attached to Africa, with Australia and Antarctica drifting southward. Humans did not exist, but if they had, they probably would not have survived long. In the place known as Argentina today, the Andes Mountains had not yet risen. Colossal shadows appeared on the lush forest floor as Argentinosauruses, some of the largest land animals of all time, searched for the greenest leaves at the tops of towering trees. At an average of 115 feet long, the Argentinosaurus compared well to the gigantic Maraapunisaurus and Supersaurus that lived during the late Jurassic period. If the oceans around Argentina had held blue whales at the time, these gentle giants would have surpassed the Argentinosaurus in sheer size. Traditionally believed to be the largest animal that ever lived, blue whales inhabited the world’s seas 25 million years ago, during the Oligocene epoch. The Supersaurus was the longest dinosaur, spanning approximately 140 feet from head to tail and weighing up to 40 metric tons. The Argentinosaurus grew to 128 feet and weighed around 100 metric tons. In comparison, the blue whale grew to 100 feet but weighed 200 tons. These sizes are staggering. The Argentinosaurus was so big that it would have been difficult for the beast to move around. The blue whale, which is still around today, is so giant that scientists still do not know how it supports its weight. As for the Supersaurus, scientists believe that this massive dinosaur struggled to find enough food to eat. While most experts agree that the blue whale continues its rule as the largest animal, it has been discovered that an aquatic counterpart, the Bruhathkayosaurus, may have tipped the scales at an unbelievable 220 tons, effectively dethroning the blue whale. Does this mean the blue whale’s title has been usurped? Let us dig through the evidence provided by recent discoveries as we reignite the debate about which animal reigns supreme at the top of the list. Understanding the Historical Perspective of Size Whether gigantic or minute, the size of animals, marine creatures, and other organisms on land and in the sea has long captivated the human imagination, size is not merely another physical attribute of dinosaurs and modern beasts. It showcases the diversity and adaptability of the animal kingdom. As such, today’s blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is an enormous rorqual with a history of land-dwelling. Its earliest ancestor is Pakicetus, a small four-legged mammal that walked on land and swam in the ocean 50 million years ago in what is now known as Pakistan. Fast forward 5 million years, and the ‘walking whale’ known as Ambulocetus emerges. Its short, paddle-like legs and tail propelled its body through the water. Another five million years later, the king lizard appeared in the prehistoric scene. Basilosaurus represented a significant step towards the modern whale form. Its legs were almost non-existent, while its body was elongated and streamlined. This whale ancestor also had a fierce bite powered by long, sharp teeth. Also in the mix was Dorudon, the forerunner of baleen whales, with its baleen plates in place of teeth, comb-like structures to filter krill, and an aerodynamic skull. Between 56 and 34 million years ago, during the Eocene Epoch, baleen whales diversified into various forms. These creatures became the ancestors of what we know today as minke, humpback, and gray whales. Finally, around 25 million years ago, the blue whale appeared. Representing the pinnacle of baleen whale evolution, Balaenoptera musculus became the largest animal to grace the planet with its presence. Its body dwarfs massive land animals, including elephants and giraffes. To put its size into perspective, imagine a creature so massive that its tongue alone outweighs an elephant. Its heart, the largest of any known animal, pumps blood with the force of a fire engine. Its lungs hold up to 200 cubic meters of air, allowing it to dive far beyond human ability in search of krill. These features, along with incredibly strong tail flues, dense bones, and a thick layer of fat, elevate the blue whale’s size above the largest known dinosaurs. The evolution of whale size still fascinates scientists and marine enthusiasts alike. Several interrelated factors drove this transformation, with the most significant influence being food availability. As blue whales evolved with the times, they adapted to filter-feeding. This feeding method allows whales to consume massive quantities of krill and plankton from vast amounts of water. A single gulp of this water allows a blue whale to consume liquid equivalent to up to 160% of their body volume and up to 500,000 calories. The vast world oceans provided abundant food, allowing whales to grow to immense sizes. Moreover, the rate of organic matter production in the ocean plays a significant role in whale growth and distribution. The polar regions and upwelling zones in the global oceans support dense populations of whale prey. Climate change also impacts whale distribution. As the global climate continues to warm, it causes shifts in ocean currents and weather patterns. As a result, krill populations are shifting, which affects whale populations. Some whale species are in decline, while others have adapted and are thriving in new environments. Benefits Of Size For Whales The size of a whale, including the blue whale, offers the mammal several advantages. Predators are less of a threat to them; they can store more energy and travel longer distances searching for food. Whale size also factors into communication. Low-frequency ethereal whale songs travel thousands of miles underwater, encouraging social interactions among whale pods and facilitating mating opportunities. Potential Rivals in Size Argentinosaurus and Supersaurus are not the only size rivals for blue whales. Shonisaurus sikanniensis, an ichthyosaur that lived around 218 million years ago, is believed to have grown to lengths of 70 feet and weighed up to 80 metric tons. But, despite the impressive length, it is only an estimation from fragmentary fossils. The uncertainty about the ichthyosaur’s exact dimensions remains. Then there is the Leedsichthys problematicus, which scientists believe still holds the title of the largest fish. Swimming the oceans 165 million years ago in South America and Europe, it reached lengths of 50 feet and a weight of 45 metric tons. Its exact size also remains a mystery, but it is clear from the estimations that the blue whale is still at the top of the list. ‘Perucetus colossus’ - A New Contender By now, it is clear how much weight a blue whale carries in the animal world (pun intended). But this does not mean that the blue whale will indefinitely reign as the largest animal on the planet. There is a new contender in the mix. In 2018, paleontologists unearthed the fossilized remains of a prehistoric whale dating to the Eocene Epoch in Peru. They discovered that it was a new species and named it Perucetus colossus. This exciting find sparked a renewed debate about the limits of animal size. The Perucetus colossus grew to an estimated 66 feet long and weighed 340 metric tons. That is far heavier than the most enormous dinosaurs and the blue whale! At the time of the discovery, researchers did not find cranial or tooth remnants, but they believed that the whale was herbivorous and fed on crustaceans and mollusks. Perucetus colossus holds significant implications for understanding whale evolution. It also continues to challenge the notion that the blue whale has always been the largest creature on Earth. However, scientists cannot definitively prove that the P. colossus was heavier than the blue whale. The team who made the discovery is still hunting for more fossils and hopes to find a skull to help determine precisely what the whale ate to support its weight. Scientific Debate and Perspectives The debate continues with the P. Colossus out of the running for the top spot (for now). There is still so much we don’t know about whales and their sizes. Scientists still don’t agree about the exact mechanisms and circumstances that allow blue whales to grow as large as they do. Direct measurements are out of the question simply because blue whales are elusive and tend to inhabit the far reaches of the open ocean. Therefore, scientists still rely on indirect methods to estimate size. One approach focuses on extrapolating from the length of a blue whale’s baleen plates. This perspective on size suggests that blue whales can reach between 100 and 110 feet in length. Scientists also analyze body proportions from photographs, which indicates a maximum length of around 100 feet. This challenge continuously inspires researchers to look to the past, to the blue whale’s predecessors. But this also hasn’t helped them much. In the same way, scientists estimated the largest fish and a massive ichthyosaur’s sizes using fossil fragments; they only have blue whale predecessor fragments to work with. So, they decided to develop several other methods to try and improve their estimations. One of these involves comparing incomplete fossils to the complete skeletons of related species. Scientists also observe the growth patterns of living animals and apply the analysis to their extinct counterparts. But, as the research and scientific work continues, the limitations remain. Challenges in Size Estimation These limitations come from the taphonomic processes that alter fossils and the lack of complete skeletons for many extinct species. In addition to never finding the rest of a particular structure and working with fossil fragments, natural processes distort and compress bones. Weathering, erosion, and burial affect fossils, resulting in inaccurate measurements and misinterpretations. Fortunately, despite these seemingly impossible-to-overcome challenges, scientists continue to use comparative anatomy methods and growth patterns to aid them in their quest to crown the largest creature that ever lived. They’re also increasingly relying on scaling relationships, or allometry, which refers to the observation that certain animal body proportions remain consistent across different sizes. For example, an animal’s femur bone length usually correlates with its overall body size. When scientists measure the femur bone of an extinct animal, they can estimate size based on scaling relationships determined from living relatives. Estimating prehistoric animal size holds implications for the human understanding of past ecological and evolutionary conditions. Some of the considerations are: - Paleoecology: Prehistoric size estimates provide valuable insights into past ecosystems. It helps reveal trophic structures, predator-prey dynamics, and the effect of resource availability in an ancient setting. So, if scientists discover the presence of giant herbivores in a particular area, it suggests that the region once boasted a productive ecosystem with an abundance of food. - Evolutionary biology: Proven size changes over time often reveal evolutionary trends or adaptation. For example, the dinosaurs that lived during the Mesozoic Era increased in size, suggesting an evolutionary pressure towards a state known as gigantism. The defense against dangerous predators or competition for food resources likely drove this process. The debate and ongoing work to better estimate animal sizes continues to reflect the evolving nature of science. Inevitably, new fossil discoveries await in the future. When these fossils are found, they will help improve analytical techniques and increase our understanding of size and adaptation. This holds true for the enigmatic blue whale as well. Maybe one day in the near future our understanding of the accurate dimensions of this colossal creature may change. The scientific pursuit to fully understand giant sizes in the natural world continues. While the blue whale currently holds the rank of size champion among living animals, science is hinting at more potential rivals that may once have completely dwarfed this majestic creature. The discovery of enormous sauropods, Amphicoelias fragillimus, and Patagotitan mayorum suggests much larger beasts existed. Beyond these absolute behemoths, fossilized remains found in Mongolia indicate that the indricotherium is another worthy contender. As scientists continue to go beyond the realm of possibility, they will uncover more titans from Earth’s past. Each discovery brings us closer to fully understanding the scale of life and incredible diversity that ruled the land and the seas millions of years before humans arrived. Whether it confirms or challenges current theories, every future discovery will add another piece to this scientific puzzle. The future of scientific discovery and research is incredibly bright. And it promises to unlock details that will forever change how we look at and experience the natural world.
Over the years, there has been some debate about whether trustful children are the product of genetics, environmental influences or parental socialization. York University Assistant Professor Cary Wu of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), looked at the process underlying the intergenerational parent-to-child transfer of trustfulness to find the answer. “Although not the only ones, parents are primarily responsible for socializing their children,” says Wu of the Department of Sociology. “Children without trustful role models usually become distrustful adults, whereas children who have trusting parents become more trusting adults. Parents pass their own trust levels and views to their children.” He found trust develops more through cultural influences from parental socialization rather than through genetics or environmental influences. Trust in this case is the willingness to trust in strangers or general social trust, which underlines a belief in the goodness of others. The study focused specifically on children from age 10 to 15. But his research also points to the unequal role parents play in child socialization. “Mothers are generally more influential than fathers in shaping the trust of their children,” says Wu. He also looked at whether there were differences between same-sex dyads (mother-daughter and father-son) and cross-sex dyads (mother-son and father-daughter) to find the underlying mechanisms of trust transmission. He found when it comes to same-sex and cross-sex dyads, there is greater trust transmission between mothers and daughters, and fathers and sons. The mother’s trust has a stronger impact on the daughter’s level of trust, while the father’s trust has a stronger impact on son’s level of trust. Both sons and daughters show the highest levels of trust when both parents trust rather than when both parents have low trust levels. Parents with similar levels of trust are more successful at transmitting that trust than parents with dissimilar levels of trust. The paper, “Intergenerational Transmission of Trust: A Dyadic Approach,” was published today in American Sociological Association’s journal Socius. Originally published in YFile.
Protein is a vital macronutrient that plays numerous roles in your diet. It is responsible for repairing damaged tissues, building muscles, and producing important hormones. But did you know that protein also plays a significant role in weight loss and toning those hard-earned muscles from your gym sessions? According to the Harvard School of Public Health and the National Academy of Medicine, most women should aim for 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For instance, a woman weighing 140 pounds should consume a minimum of 50 grams of protein each day. However, these requirements may vary depending on exercise levels and individual goals. Roughly 35% of your daily caloric intake should come from protein. While men and women generally require similar amounts of protein, athletes or women engaged in intense weightlifting may need slightly more to support their training. For most women, basing protein intake on body weight and exercise routine is sufficient. The amount of protein needed also depends on physical activity levels. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests a range of 1.0 to 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for endurance exercise, depending on intensity and duration. When it comes to weightlifting or strength training, recommendations range from 1.6 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. The protein range can fluctuate based on the demands placed on your body during physical activity. Now, let's talk about the best sources of protein. High-quality protein can be obtained from various sources, including eggs, almonds, chicken, Greek yogurt, fish, cottage cheese, and lentils, among others. While it's ideal to obtain this vital macronutrient from whole, nutrient-dense sources, we understand that meal prepping might not always be feasible in your busy schedule. Ensuring adequate protein consumption is crucial because insufficient protein intake can have detrimental effects on your overall health, such as decreased muscle mass, hormonal issues, and cardiovascular problems. That's where protein powder for women comes in! Protein powder has become a popular supplement that comes in different forms, including plant-based and dairy-based options. Each type has its own taste and additional nutritional values. Let's explore the different protein powders available in the market today and their benefits: - Whey Protein: Derived from milk, whey protein is rapidly digested, supplying essential amino acids for muscle growth. It may also support fat loss. - Egg Protein: Made from egg whites, this protein is rich in essential amino acids and can help you feel satisfied and full after consumption. It's a great alternative for individuals with dairy intolerance. - Pea Protein: Ideal for those with dairy allergies or following a vegan diet, pea protein is high in fiber and essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth. - Casein Protein: Also derived from milk, casein protein is slowly absorbed, providing a sustained release of amino acids. It can support muscle growth and is easier to digest than whey protein. - Plant-Based Protein: This protein can come from various sources like soy, peanuts, and dark leafy greens. While they are not complete proteins, combining them with other foods can ensure you obtain all essential amino acids. Suitable for vegans/vegetarians or those looking to reduce animal products. - Brown Rice Protein: Although often overlooked, brown rice protein contains all essential amino acids needed by your body. It serves as an alternative to milk-based protein powders and is suitable for vegans/vegetarians. - Collagen Protein: Sourced from animal skin and cartilage, collagen protein supports the structure of our body, including bones, skin, nails, and hair. It's an excellent option for improving bone and joint health. With a wide range of protein supplements available, it's important to choose one that suits your needs and provides high-quality performance. There's no specific protein powder that works better for women than men. Pay close attention to labels and ensure the dosing aligns with your goals. Remember, protein is a crucial component of your nutrition, supporting overall health, muscle development, and weight management. Incorporating adequate protein into your diet, whether from whole food sources or protein powder, will help you thrive and achieve your fitness goals. Here are a few of my favorites which you can find right here on Zion Market: 1) Plant-Based Protein: Sun Warrior 2) Plant-Based Protein: Four Sigmatic 3) Whey Protein- Naked Whey 4) Collagen Peptides-Vital Proteins I hope you found this helpful!
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the body’s natural signal that your period is coming soon. Possible symptoms include bloating, mood swings, trouble sleeping, and headaches. Everyone’s experience with PMS is different, and that experience can vary month to month and over time. While most people will have at least one sign of PMS every month, symptoms can fluctuate in strength and how long they last. They can also be physical, psychological, or a combination of both. With so many possible signs of PMS, it can be tricky to identify and understand. This article will cover its symptoms and causes and help you to find strategies to manage it. What are the symptoms of PMS? Scientists have found it difficult to pin down how many people experience PMS. However, one recent literature review of related research estimates that 75% of women experience some form of PMS. Others say that 37% to 90% of women can experience PMS symptoms, varying from mild to severe. Symptoms can also be difficult to distinguish since they don’t conform to a consistent or universal “this is what PMS looks like” checklist. They can range significantly in what they are, when they appear, how long they last, and how severe they are. However, some symptoms are more common than others. Some common physical symptoms include: light and sound sensitivity thirst and appetite changes aches and pains increases in skin problems changes to vaginal discharge Some common psychological symptoms include: feeling upset, anxious, or irritable trouble sleeping or insomnia changes in libido While everyone experiences PMS differently, symptoms generally occur during the last half of a menstruation cycle, 1–2 weeks before your period. And they tend to stop when your period starts or shortly after. Women with more severe psychological symptoms may be experiencing premenstrual dysphoric disorder. This severe mood disorder occurs more consistently during cycles and significantly impacts day-to-day functioning. If you are experiencing severe or persistent symptoms and nothing seems to help, it’s best to speak with a doctor. What causes PMS? The causes of PMS are just as complex, variable, and imprecise as its symptoms. However, one likely culprit is changes in hormones that occur during the menstrual cycle. Once the egg is released, levels fall rapidly before rising again. As estrogen rises, progesterone levels rise alongside, reaching a peak during the second half of the cycle. Both hormone levels then return to baseline when the period begins. These hormonal changes, in turn, affect the chemicals in the brain. Estrogen and progesterone affect levels of: Serotonin: A neurotransmitter that regulates human behavior, including mood, appetite, memory, and libido. Dopamine: A neurotransmitter that regulates a variety of functions, including the ability to experience pleasure, decision making, emotion, motivation, food intake, and motor control. Glutamate and GABA: Neurotransmitters that stimulate or inhibit pathways in the brain, respectively. Certain lifestyle factors can also increase both the likelihood of experiencing PMS and the severity of the symptoms. For example, researchers have linked higher stress levels to an increased risk of severe symptoms. Likewise, one study suggests that smoking means you could be 1.5 times more likely to experience PMS. At ZOE, we know that everyone responds to foods differently. If you would like to learn more about finding the best foods for your body, you can start by taking our free quiz. How to manage symptoms The good news is that while we still have a long way to go in understanding the symptoms and causes of PMS, there are many lifestyle changes you can consider to help reduce and manage your symptoms. As with any intervention, you should consult your doctor before making large-scale changes. While eliminating all stress from your life isn’t realistic, there are things you can do to manage your stress levels. Relaxation techniques or mindfulness-based meditation can sometimes help reduce the effects of PMS. Join our mailing list Sign up for fresh insights into our scientific discoveries and the latest nutrition updates. No spam, just science. Your body needs sleep to survive. Since your body is particularly vulnerable to insomnia during PMS, practicing good sleep hygiene, limiting caffeine, and getting the hours of quality rest you need can make a big difference. Some evidence suggests that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can help manage the psychological symptoms of PMS. Doctors can prescribe SSRIs to treat depression. Combined oral contraceptives mimic your natural hormone cycle and contain estrogen and progesterone. They may help improve PMS symptoms, at least in more severe cases. However, scientists need to carry out more rigorous research. Anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can also be effective for mild discomfort from bloating or aches and pains. Check with your doctor to find out if medication is suitable for your PMS symptoms. At ZOE, we're at the forefront of nutrition science, and we know the importance of personalization — everyone responds differently to food. With the ZOE program, you receive personalized nutrition advice so you can find the best foods for your body. There is no one-experience-fits-all when it comes to PMS. Every body is unique, and so are the impacts of the hormonal and brain chemical changes that cause PMS. Some people may experience more physical symptoms like bloating, fatigue, headaches, and breast tenderness. Others may experience psychological symptoms like irritability, depression, anxiety, or changes to sleep quality and libido. And some may experience both types of symptoms or none at all. However your symptoms manifest and however long they last, there are steps you can take to manage them. Reducing stress, exercising regularly, getting better sleep, eating a diverse and nutrient-rich diet, and taking certain medications have all been linked to improving or relieving PMS symptoms. Before making any significant lifestyle changes, and to get help with more persistent and severe symptoms, speak with your doctor to find out what might suit your unique body best. You can also learn more about how your body responds to different foods and how your nutrition connects to your overall health and well-being through the ZOE program. Assessment of premenstrual syndrome among reproductive aged Myanmar women. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. (2016). Association between smoking and premenstrual syndrome: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. (2020). Calcium reduced PMS symptoms during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Evidence-Based Nursing. (1999). Contraception counseling for women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): current perspectives. Open Access Journal of Contraception. (2019). Contraceptive options for women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: current insights and a narrative review. Open Access Journal of Contraception. (2016). Determining menstrual phase in human biobehavioral research: a review with recommendations. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. (2016). Dietary B vitamin intake and incident premenstrual syndrome. America Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (2011). Dopamine receptors: from structure to function. Physiological Reviews. (1998). Estrogen. (2021). Exercise for premenstrual syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BJGP Open. (2020). Factors associated with premenstrual syndrome in female high school students. Journal of Education and Health Promotion. (2018). High dose vitamin D supplementation can improve menstrual problems, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual syndrome in adolescents. Gynecological Endocrinology. (2018). Lifestyle factors associated with premenstrual syndrome among el-minia university students, Egypt. International Scholarly Research Notes. (2013). Mindfulness-based stress reduction as a promising intervention for amelioration of premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms. Mindfulness. (2016). Perceived poor sleep quality in the absence of polysomnographic sleep disturbance in women with severe premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research. (2012). Perceived stress and severity of perimenstrual symptoms: the biocycle study. Journal of Women’s Health. (2010). Period pains: can anti-inflammatory drugs help? (2019). Physiology, progesterone. (2022). Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. (2020). Premenstrual syndrome is associated with dietary and lifestyle behaviors among university students: a cross-sectional study from Sharjah, UAE. Nutrients. (2019). Prevalence and clinical picture of premenstrual syndrome in females from Bulgaria. Annals of General Psychiatry. (2020). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for premenstrual syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. (2013). Sex hormones affect neurotransmitters and shape the adult female brain during hormonal transition periods. Frontiers in Neuroscience. (2015). Sleep hygiene. (2022). The effect of relaxation on premenstrual syndrome in dormitory students of azad tonekabon university of Iran. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. (2013). The expanded biology of serotonin. Annual Review of Medicine. (2009). Trends in research related to premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder from 1945 to 2018: a bibliometric analysis. Frontiers in Public Health. (2021). March 15, 2024 Do ultra-processed foods impact mental health? Ultra-processed foods make up a sizable chunk of the average Western diet. Here, we ask whether these products... March 18, 2024 Top fermented foods you can add to your diet Fermented foods may be beneficial for your health. Learn more about nine of the best fermented foods to add to...
This project is solving the Asteroid Watchers challenge. Description AROs are essentially created by combining a telescope with a smartphone. If the telescope has drive motors can be controlled via a standard protocol, it is controlled by the SkyWatch app on the smartphone. Telescopes with no drive motors of their own need to have these and a controlling Arduino added. We plan to create or adopt a small reference / demo model of this an a open source hardware and software sub-project, where the smartphone controls the Arduino to operate this telescope's stepper motors. All AROs, their location and capabilities are registered in the Global ARO Co-Ordinator (GAROC) database. Basic Variant: This version allows the ARO owner to build the hardware and get it up and running and connected into the SkyWatch network. The focus here is to get various simple, low-power home-built and commonly sourced telescopes into the network, for maximum global participation. The system caters for telescopes that are driven with standard controller protocols, and also simple telescopes that have stepper motors driving it via an Arduino. We will create or adopt a reference model of this latter type. The basic ARO receives messages in via an app running on a smartphone which controls the telescope. this is a one-way communications system: the ARO does not communication back out. This allows for manual (ie eyeball) observation only. The ARO owner is separately messaged via email and SMS that their ARO is activated. The ARO emits a warning sound and flashes for the time that it is tracking, as directed by the GAROC. Once owners have got these basic AROs up and running, many might decide to extend their capability. Extended Capability Variants: An ARO can be upgraded to more advanced variants. All these variants are capable of two way communication between them and the GAROC (the Global ARO Controller). As each extra sensor is added to an ARO and its Arduino is reprogrammed to control its additional capability, the relevant configuration information is sent out to the GAROC. The ARO modules give the ARO the extended capabilities, such as to return image data, to operate in a very remote location, and to send back its own position, a zone map to show its zone of capture, and its current visibility in real-time. This results in smarter AROs, and images of the sky can be transmitted from them. The modules providing the additional capabilities are ... Camera module: Takes snapshots or motion video and transmits these back to an image server. SkyZone module: ARO reports its viewable zone, ie reducing what it can see due to hills, trees, buildings etc ImageQuality module: ARO reports realtime visibility. An image map/snapshot is taken by a camera mounted to look through the telescope. The pixels of the image are read, in a similar way to how our TechSpace webcams work out the brightness of our camera images. This module will need the addition of a more powerful processing node, eg a PC, Raspberry Pi, or BeagleBone etc to perform the processing. Remote ARO: Communicates via SMS, wifi, RF etc, and is especially suited for power via solar/batteries. This allows the ARO to be located remotely, eg out in the country, for city-dwelling owners of AROs. Local grid module: subnetwork of AROC, each controlling a grid of AROs. These AROCs will provide staged storage of volumes of image data. The nodes could be the same PC, Raspberry Pi, or BeagleBone (the likely preferred open-source option) as above, as per the owner's preference, but all running Linux. All hardware and software components of this system will be open source. License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0) Source Code/Project URL:
Life of a Sand Grain THE LIFE OF A SAND GRAIN by Carl Bowser (Sept. 2018) They surround you almost anywhere you are in Arizona. They cling to your shoes, they end up in pockets and pant cuffs, they provide a little crunch to that clam chowder you made, they color the water of streams tumbling through mountain canyons, and they wash back and forth in the waves on the shore of an ocean or lake. They are found most anywhere, and are very common. Yes, it’s the common sand grain. Scientifically defined as mineral grains that range in size from 4.8 mm (very coarse) to 0.4mm (very fine grained), sand grains not only vary greatly in size and shape, but they also vary greatly in their mineral composition. But the queen of sand grains is made up of common quartz (SiO2). If each, single grain of sand could talk, oh what a story it could tell! Over the years, geologists have learned to read some quartz grain’s stories, but they are really stories of aggregates of grains, not individuals. Some general rules guide the shape, size, and variety of quartz grains (and other less common ones that we will talk about later). Typically, coarser sands are more angular in shape and tend to have more different neighbors (different minerals such as feldspar or iron/magnesium minerals like amphibole). As the sand makes it way to the sea, be it from a glacier, a sand storm, or more likely by river, it gets more rounded by abrasion against other grains and in the process, gets smaller and smaller. The wind and rivers are excellent sorting media and as each grain works its way to the sea, they not only become smaller and more rounded, but grains of similar size tend to sort together. Just like the grains of sand settling in a glass of water, the coarser (and heavier) grains sink faster than the smaller, lighter ones. (Try it yourself, using some sandy soil from your yard). Thus, heterogeneity becomes a measure of the age of accumulated sand grains. Young accumulations of sand are coarser, more angular, and less well sorted, and as the grains “age” they get smaller, more rounded, and much better sorted. We describe the age of sand accumulations by their maturity, that is, how long the grains have been subject to the processes of grain erosion, transport distance, and current (or wind) sorting. The next time you are near a river pick up a handful of sand and examine it carefully. If you have one, use a hand lens or jeweler’s loupe to look closer at the grains and notice their size, rounding, and how many different kinds there are. Put some in a small plastic bag to save for later. The next time you are at the beach, get a sample from the shoreline, and another sample from the wind-blown dunes that lie higher and inland from the beach. Compare all three samples and pay special attention to the differences within and among the samples. Heck, why stop there? Do as I have, and book travel around the world to collect sand samples from the sand dunes of Namibia, Egypt, Australia, and the western U.S. and all the exotic, vacation worthy beaches of the world. I guarantee that no two samples will be the same, be they river, beach, or dune sands. So where do these quartz grains come from? The answer comes from the very beginning of our planet’s history well over four billion years ago. Water on the early planet gathered at its surface to form its first oceans. These oceans presumably covered a large portion of the planet. Deeper, below the planet’s solidified crust lies molten material that would later solidify to become rocks as they cooled nearer the earth’s surface. These early rocks crystallized to form rocks low in silica content and higher in iron, magnesium, and aluminum, but gradually, through continued melting, re-solidifying and remelting, quartz would begin to appear in some of these rocks as products of igneous differentiation. As they evolved to form more silica rich, lower-density rocks, these, quartz-bearing rocks, then formed higher standing (floating) masses that then, ultimately emerged above the ocean’s surface to form dry land (islands, and later, continents). From these less dense highlands the first grains of quartz appeared, but still locked within the rocks. Upon exposure to crashing waves, rain, and ever present tectonic movements these rocks were broken down into their constituent minerals, and, thus, the first, sedimentary quartz grains were born. Along with their birth, the quartz fragments were joined by other rock grains composed of dark minerals (principally pyroxenes and amphibole), K-feldspar, and plagioclase were also freed, and these, main “characters” began the long and storied histories in their race to the sea to form the first (perhaps of many) sand accumulations (sedimentary rocks). But these other minerals have a disadvantage compared to quartz, and it would have consequences. Amphiboles, plagioclase and K-feldspar grains are much more chemically active and suffer from a property that quartz doesn’t, they have easy parting zones (cleavage). Thus, as they travel the path to the sea they are not only rounded and diminished in size like quartz, but they break into smaller sized particles when they split and cleave. Poor amphibole degrades so rapidly that it’s of little consequence to all but the most immature of sand deposits. Of the two feldspars, plagioclase is the most vulnerable, and quickly diminishes in size and abundance or is weathered into other minerals. Consequently, the quartz to plagioclase ratio of sediments increase as the sands mature (age). Eventually, the K-feldspar succumbs to these processes as well, so the more evolved sediment is characterized by higher quartz to plagioclase AND K-feldspar ratios. In the world of sedimentary rocks, you might consider quartz to be the teflon of the minerals, at least relative to its other mineral companions. Today we find these mature sands (sand dunes and beach sands) mostly as quartz rich, well rounded, and better sorted. Of course, there are exceptions, but that is another story I’ll have to save for a later time. On our dynamic earth these unconsolidated sands ultimately become hardened with burial and increased temperature and turn into sandstones, or even their metamorphic equivalent, quartzite, and so began the long, slow process of burial, uplift and re-exposure to the elements of weathering and erosion as these rocks follow the rock cycle and, again, appear at the earth’s surface. Sadly, the quartz grain, comfortably embedded with its neighboring sand grains in what it thought was its final resting place, again finds itself freed, and involved in the process of moving, again, down a stream or carried by the wind. Thus, is born a multi-cycled grain, rounded and sorted, and with even fewer other contaminant minerals, a nearly pure quartz sand. From here the story gets muddled as it is currently impossible to count the number of times a given quartz grain has made this trip. My former colleague, Bob Dott, (memorialized in last month’s blog) once addressed the problem, but, at the time, the available tools were crude, and definitive conclusions were hard to make. On rare occasions, a quartz grain remained welded to it former companion from an earlier cycle, and we might be able to conclude that it is a two-cycle grain, but recognizing cycles beyond two remains a challenge. Single, or wedded, these grains don’t reveal their histories easily, but if only they could, what stories each could tell! Fortunately, there may be tools on the horizon to help answer the question of grain “cyclicity”. Another of these Teflon-like (resistant) minerals, zircon (ZrO2), is also highly resistant to weathering, perhaps even more than quartz, but much lower in abundance. It’s presence in sediments is important, but it requires more exacting techniques to separate them for analysis. Internally these zircons show rings, onion-skin like, and reveal the growth history of each grain. Even better these grains carry trace amounts of uranium and lead isotopes that enable us to determine its geologic age. By implication each zircon reveals its source age and history, and, thus, the ages of the rocks eroding to form these sedimentary rocks, river sands, etc. Sediments typically contains many zircon grains of different ages, and a plot of their abundance looks like a histogram with many peaks, each with different heights (abundance) and age. Careful geologic mapping, zircon dating and rock examination can tell us more about the life of these sand grains. Pioneering work on the ages of zircons in sediments is being done here at the University of Arizona Geosciences, in the lab of Dr. George Gehrels and his colleagues. In the meantime, individual quartz grains continue their trips to the sea and back, taking their own, sweet time, some faster, some slower, and sadly, each grain is unable to remember its specific paths to the sea (and back). These nearly indestructible grains grow older and older, keeping their secrets until the next advance in science helps crack their narrative. “All right, you guys! Which one of you is the oldest? Which of you has made this trip before?. [Silence]. Hopefully you remembered about the sand grains I asked you to collect earlier. If you did, take them out and look at them again, this time even more carefully. They may have a much more interesting story to tell than you ever imagined. Earth’s clocks, but without hands. Figure 1: Colorado River sand near Lees Ferry. Note the mix of different angularities, including some very well rounded grains (probably from eroded sandstones that have a wind-blown source, and likely from nearby sands like the Navajo sandstone. Figure 2. Nanny Goat Beach, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Very fine grained, nearly pure quartz sands transported along the beaches from Connecticut to Georgia. Despite their long transport distance the grains are still highly angular, but also free of feldspars. Mineralogically more mature, but texturally still very immature. Figure 3. St. Peter sandstone (Ordovician age), Dane County, Wisconsin. A very well sorted sand both texturally and mineralogically. My best candidate for a “polycyclic” sandstone. Figure 4. Wisconsin River near its confluence with the Mississippi River. A heterogeneous mix of mature and immature sands both mineralogically and texturally. The very well rounded grains are unmistakably derived from the Ordovician, St. Peter sandstone, along with a mix of less mature grains derived from Pleistocene glacial material, derived miles upstream.
The internet of things, a system of interrelated computing devices and machines that can transfer data over a network without human interaction, has been used to enable new features, better functionality, and real-time status monitoring for consumers. Combining this with ever-developing AI advancements is allowing organizations to predict changes and optimize their devices. AIoT allows an algorithm to improve communication and apply predictive capabilities to give companies advantages over their competition. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and act on the information they get from one another. The devices do most of the work without human intervention, although people can interact with the devices — for instance, to set them up, give them instructions or access the data. An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems, such as processors, sensors and communication hardware, to collect, send and act on data they acquire from their environments. The connectivity, networking and communication protocols used with these web-enabled devices largely depend on the specific IoT applications deployed. IoT can also make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to aid in making data collecting processes easier and more dynamic.
An archive photo of an Egyptian mummy - Reuters By Tom Perry CAIRO, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Archaeologists in Egypt believe they have discovered the remains of a previously unknown pharaoh who reigned more than 3,600 years ago. The skeleton of King Senebkay were uncovered at South Abydos in Sohag province, about 500 km (300 miles) south of Cairo, by a University of Pennsylvania expedition working with the government, the Egyptian antiquities ministry said. Never before heard of in ancient Egyptian history, King Senebkay's name was found inscribed in hieroglyphics written inside a royal cartouche - an oval with a horizontal line at one end signalling a royal name, the ministry said in a statement. Photographs released with the statement showed what appeared to be a heavily damaged sarcophagus in a burial chamber with no roof. Its stone walls were decorated with painted images. The photos also showed the pharaoh's skeleton laid out on a white sheet. "He was originally mummified but his body was pulled apart by ancient tomb robbers," said the caption. "No funerary furniture was found in the tomb, confirming it had been robbed in the ancient pharaonic ages," the statement said, quoting Ali al-Asfar, an antiquities ministry official. In the statement written in Arabic, Joseph Wegner, head of the expedition, added: "The modesty of the size of the tomb points to the decline of economic conditions in this period". The statement dates King Senebkay's rule to 1650 BC during a time known as the second intermediate period when central authority collapsed and small kingdoms sprung up between the end of the Middle Kingdom and the start of the New Kingdom. (Editing by Andrew Heavens)
The faith of the Christ-God is a living paradox in the Asiatic world. Christianity has long survived in Asia’s periphery, especially in the Near East and to a lesser extent in India, but it has never thrived in Asia’s heart, the Orient. Generally speaking , the farther east one moves across the Eurasian continent away from Constantinople to Beijing, the more mystical and relative philosophy and theology become. The absolute and ridged dynamics of evil versus good and the rationality of the Abrahamic religions fade away in the face of subjective, Vedic traditions. Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and Islam naturally then fit as oil to Vedic water. When Christianity comes to the Vedic world, it presents a monotheistic, good-evil dichotomy that is completely foreign to the natives of the Orient. Therefore when many Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Shintoists, and Confucianists are confronted by Jesus, He does not fit into their historical paradigms. Regardless of the temporary irrelevance of Christianity in the East, other than as a means of American political elites to con conservatives into supporting a third invasion of Iraq, the coming future of Christianity is to move eastward and take root in Beijing, instead of Rome. Twenty-first-century Christianity will be dominated by the Oriental peoples, with China serving as its political sword, much like France under Charlemagne. With the demographic time bomb inevitably going to burst in Europe at present course, the demographic time bomb of Christianity bursting to take over China is also inevitable—curiously enough, almost at the same time in the mid-late twenty-first century. Presenting Christianity to the Oriental peoples has always been a very difficult issue, given that the Christian faith has been carried by the standards of European powers. Christianity has always had a long presence in the Orient, especially China, since the mid-600s. But in the late 900s, Emperor Wuzong, in a spirit of what could be considered hyper-Chinese nativism, expelled Buddhist, Christian, and Zoroastrian teachings and initiated a massive persecution of Christians that nearly exterminated Christianity altogether in the East. Under the Mongols, interestingly enough, Christianity returned to China and much of the rest of the Orient though the free-moving economic zone of the Mongol Empire. Christianity has always had a difficult presence in East Asia, especially China and Japan. In China, the difficulty came in Christ’s Gospel’s clashing with the words of Confucius, whose philosophy was similar to Christianity in that man worships the God of the heavens. The only problem is that for the Chinese, heaven was transcendent to earth, whereas heaven and earth are two separate entities in Christian teaching. Therefore the message of Christ turned into a force of insurrection against the Mandate of Heaven that guided the state, since Christ was the King of all kings. A similar story is true in Japan, where the Shogunates were always suspicious of Christianity because it undermined the supremacy of Shogun rule by divine authority. In the modern age, now that Maoism has decimated China’s ancient identity and traditions with atheism, Christianity is making a new stunning emergence in the nation that has historically rejected it, as the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings deeper meaning and faith to a people perhaps even more wed to materialistic philosophy than the Americans. In South Korea, Christianity is exploding and is now the single largest religion in the Republic of Korea. Much of this conversion came after the Second World War, when the United States sacrificed its blood to protect the Republic from the communists of the north. The United States then needed a powerful force on the Korean peninsula loyal to its interests and consequently, after fifty years of economic support coupled with intense missionary activity, South Korea is now Asia’s leading Christian country. A tragically opposite story exists in Japan. After the war, the Japanese mythology of the god-emperor was over and the Japanese were searching for something new to believe in. Rather than following the advice and model of General MacArthur to convert the Japanese to Christianity, America instead gave them a different god to worship: capitalism. Granted, it helped Japan rapidly modernize so Sony, Toshiba, Honda, and Toyota could own the American economy, but Christianity has been utterly stagnant in a nation that worships the god-dollar rather than the god-emperor or the one true God. If current conversion rates continue, the center of Christianity in the twenty-second century is going be Beijing and Seoul, rather than Rome or Westminster, with perhaps a sort of interregnum period where Moscow serves as the Third Rome. Japan’s future is uncertain, but if what happened to Rome happens to China and South Korea, a Christian Orient is quite likely. So if the West cannot resolve the Islamic question in the twenty-first century, imagine what an empowered, militarized Christian China could accomplish. According to Sacred Tradition, Christianity was introduced to India by St. Thomas the Apostle in 52 AD in Kerala; hence they are now known as St. Thomas Christians. India was already partially Christianized before Scandinavia, Russia, and the British Isles ever had significant populations of Christians. Christ from an Indian perspective must be viewed though the Hindu worldview. According to Hindu thought, every human being possesses some element of the divine inside of him. Some people learn to manifest it more, but some do not, and it is not necessarily the duty of an ecclesiastical body or school of thought to claim a monopoly on the exact means and path to moksha (enlightenment). Therefore, for Christians to arrive in India and claim that Jesus Christ is the one true God-Man stands in stark contrast to the pantheistic views of Hindu society. This presets a conundrum of how Hindus view Jesus. For when a Christian emerges to declare that Jesus Christ is God, the Hindu is inclined to say, “Well yes, of course.” This is a very similar dilemma that Christians encountered in their interactions with Roman and Nordic pagans, where worshiping the Christ-God was allowed next to the worship of the old gods. To the Hindus, however, the teachings of Jesus Christ can and do resonate with Indian society. The tempered notions of Jesus as an enlightened teacher automatically give Indians an inclined ear, given the history and prevalence of many different enlightened teachers who have populated India’s historical landscape. Remember, it was India which produced the Buddha and which in turn gave us the Dali Lama. This legacy of producing deep religious figures is a major part of India’s identity. The presence of Hinduism presents a difficult conundrum for Christian evangelization in India. By presenting Christ as God to the Hindus, the Christian is already affirming the reality of Hinduism. Only by establishing the supremacy of Christ as a chosen prophet can the Hindu come to reject Hinduism and become a Christian. However, despite these challenges and centuries where Christianity has occupied a low position in Indian society, India is becoming one of the fastest-converting Christian nations. To be an Arab Christian is to be condemned as a persecuted minority, yet such Christians are a gateway to the past. Many mainstream Arabs are Christian, and Christians have historically been in many elite positions of power, most notably in Ba’athist regimes. Yet, amongst the commoners, many still find themselves on the periphery of society, due to their loyalty to ancient historical groups. Most noteworthy of these are the Copts of Egypt, the Assyrians of Iraq and Syria, the Kurds, and the Maronites of Lebanon. Arabs were some of the first peoples to encounter Jesus, see His miracles, and even watch Him crucified and resurrected from the dead. The growth of Christianity in the Arab world was perhaps one of the most organic growths of the Faith. There were not many great expeditions of evangelism inside the Arab world, as the Faith took off very naturally. The violent arrival of Islam onto the Arab scene has dealt a very damaging blow to the Christian identity of Arabs, but yet, to this day, many Christian Arabs are direct descendants from the first generation of Christians who walked with Christ Himself. To many of these Arab and even non-Arab groups, often times being a Christian is a way to keep the ancient folkish traditions alive in the face of jihadist Islam, which seeks to undermine folkish traditions and blend all peoples into a universalist identity of the ummah. The sad reality regarding Arab Christianity is that it is on the verge of extermination. In 1948, the Holy Land was 18% Christian, and now it is only 2%. The dual problem of a rising jihadist Islam and hostile Israeli policies forces Arab Christians to either depart or stay and be persecuted. Without a vibrant Christian Europe or United States to stand as a bulwark against a rising Islamism or force the hand of Israel to be more tolerant, Christianity’s future in its home region looks bleak. Notwithstanding Jesus’s fulfillment of their own prophecy, Christ for the Hebrews has been one of the most difficult encounters in the Christian faith. To an extent it has already been decided, when in Matthew 27:24-25 the Jewish mob declared, “His blood be on us and on our children!” The Jews had then rejected their promised Messiah and therefore condemned themselves to spiritual exile. That being said, this does not render it impossible for Jews to become Christians. For the Jew that becomes a Christian, he is meeting the fulfillment of the God of his ancestors that was never fully revealed to him. The prophets gave the Jews glimpses, but even the patriarchs and prophets in the Old Testament did not clearly know the Messiah, but rather believed on the promise of the Messiah. So the Hebrew that comes to Christ is receiving the fulfillment of his patrimony. Sadly, most Hebrews stand in fulfillment of the Jewish mob’s pledge and take great pride in scorning Jesus. To the majority of Jews, Jesus is a renegade, the most dangerous false Messiah to ever curse the Jewish people. By rejecting the divinity of Jesus Christ, the breach with Christianity is complete. When the Hebrews were exiled and began to live amongst Christians in Christian lands, the Talmud was constructed in order to provide Jews with the ways and means to be Jewish while not being in the Holy Land. This required Jews to develop a coherent doctrine regarding Jesus Christ and the Christians. The Babylonian Talmud provides this, cursing Jesus as a practitioner of witchcraft, reviling Mary as a fornicatress and whore. Though it affirms Jesus’s crucifixion, it asserts that He deserved it as a criminal who is now burning in hell in His own excrement. There is no other religion where Jesus is treated with such hostility. Though Islam does not treat Christians with much dignity, it does regard Jesus Christ as a prophet, and the Koran pays great honor to the Virgin Mother. Jesus to the Hebrews, then, is either the greatest fulfillment of history or their greatest enemy, because Jesus Christ presently, just as He did in His era, poses the greatest threat to Jewish earthly power. The Jews have turned their history, symbols, heritage, and so forth into such an idol that they cannot and could not recognize Jesus when He came to them. Therefore Christianity becomes the most heinous of all enemies to the Jews, because it is the perversion of their faith and must consequently be treated with the greatest resistance. Unlike European paganism, in which the paradigms of Christianity made it much easier to present the Christ as a fulfillment of Greek philosophical thought or a stronger chieftain than Odin, the Jesus of the Orient is much more confrontational. To an extent He is yet to resonate with Oriental thought patterns and folkways. He is an outside figure with an outside message, mainly identified with the political power of the white-man. This notwithstanding, in due time we can await a Christianized Orient as the Gospel goes forth.
Power wound resistance is a two terminal electronic component made of resistance material, which has a certain structure and can limit the current passing through the circuit. A fixed resistor is one whose resistance cannot be changed. Variable resistance is called potentiometer or variable resistor. The ideal resistor is linear, that is, the instantaneous current passing through the resistor is proportional to the applied instantaneous voltage. Some special resistors, such as thermistors, varistors and sensitive elements, have nonlinear relationship between voltage and current. 电阻器是电子电路中应用数锈钢铸件 螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 冲压机 防撞护栏模具量最多的元件,通常按功率和阻值形成不同系列,供电路设计者选用。电阻器在电路中主要用来调节和稳定电流与电压,可作为分流器和分压器,也可作电路匹配负载。 Resistor is the most widely used component in electronic circuit. It usually forms different series according to power and resistance value for circuit designer to choose. The resistor is mainly used to regulate and stabilize the current and voltage in the circuit. It can be used as a shunt and voltage divider, or as a circuit matching load.
Pravda No. 50, March 1, 1913 | Published according to | From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1968 First printing 1963 Second printing 1968 Translated from the Russian by Stepan Apresyan Edited by Clemens Dutt 562 | | The chief thing in the doctrine of Marx is that it brings out the historic role of the proletariat as the builder of socialist society. Has the course of events all over the world confirmed this doctrine since it was expounded by Marx? Marx first advanced it in 1844. The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels, published in 1848, gave an integral and systematic exposition of this doctrine, an exposition which has remained the best to this day. Since then world history has clearly been divided into three main periods: (1) from the revolution of 1848 to the Paris Commune (1871); (2) from the Paris Commune to the Russian revolution (1905); (3) since the Russian revolution. Let us see what has been the destiny of Marx's doctrine in each of these periods. At the beginning of the first period Marx's doctrine by no means dominated. It was only one of the very numerous groups or trends of socialism. The forms of socialism that did dominate were in the main akin to our Narodism: in comprehension of the materialist basis of historical movement, inability to single out the role and significance of each class in capitalist society, concealment of the bourgeois nature of democratic reforms under diverse, quasi-socialist phrases about the "people", "justice", "right", and so on. The revolution of 1848 struck a deadly blow at all these vociferous, motley and ostentatious forms of pre-Marxian socialism. In all countries, the revolution revealed the various classes of society in action. The shooting of the workers by the republican bourgeoisie in Paris in the June days of 1848 finally revealed that the proletariat alone was socialist by nature. The liberal bourgeoisie dreaded the independence of this class a hundred times more than it did any kind of reaction. The craven liberals grovelled before reaction. The peasantry were content with the abolition of the survivals of feudalism and joined the supporters of order, wavering but occasionally between workers' democracy and bourgeois liberalism. All doctrines of non-cIass socialism and non-class politics proved to be sheer nonsense. The Paris Commune (1871) completed this development of bourgeois changes; the republic, i.e., the form of political organisation in which class relations appear in their most unconcealed form, owed its consolidation solely to the heroism of the proletariat. In all the other European countries, a more tangled and less complete development led to the same result -- a bourgeois society that had taken definite shape. Towards the end of the first period (1848-71), a period of storms and revolutions, pre-Marxian socialism was dead. Independent proletarian parties came into being: the First International (1864-72) and the German Social-Democratic Party. The second period (1872-1904) was distinguished from the first by its "peaceful" character, by the absence of revolutions. The West had finished with bourgeois revolutions. The East had not yet risen to them. The West entered a phase of "peaceful" preparations for the changes to come. Socialist parties, basically proletarian, were formed everywhere, and learned to use bourgeois parliamentarism and to found their own daily press, their educational institutions, their trade unions and their co-operative societies. Marx's doctrine gained a complete victory and began to spread. The selection and mustering of the forces of the proletariat and its preparation for the coming battles made slow but steady progress. The dialectics of history were such that the theoretical victory of Marxism compelled its enemies to disguise themselves as Marxists. Liberalism, rotten within, tried to revive itself in the form of socialist opportunism. They interpreted the period of preparing the forces for great battles as renunciation of these battles. Improvement of the conditions of the slaves to fight against wage slavery they took to mean the sale by the slaves of their right to liberty for a few pence. They cravenly preached "social peace" (i.e., peace with the slave-owners), renunciation of the class struggle, etc. They had very many adherents among socialist members of parliament, various officials of the working-class movement, and the "sympathising" intelligentsia. However, the opportunists had scarcely congratulated themselves on "social peace" and on the non-necessity of storms under "democracy " when a new source of great world storms opened up in Asia. The Russian revolution was followed by revolutions in Turkey, Persia and China. It is in this era of storms and their "repercussions" in Europe that we are now living. No matter what the fate of the great Chinese republic, against which various "civilised" hyenas are now whetting their teeth, no power on earth can restore the old serfdom in Asia or wipe out the heroic democracy of the masses in the Asiatic and semi-Asiatic countries. Certain people who were inattentive to the conditions for preparing and developing the mass struggle were driven to despair and to anarchism by the lengthy delays in the decisive struggle against capitalism in Europe. We can now see how short-sighted and faint-hearted this anarchist despair is. The fact that Asia, with its population of eight hundred million, has been drawn into the struggle for these same European ideals should inspire us with optimism and not despair. The Asiatic revolutions have again shown us the spinelessness and baseness of liberalism, the exceptional importance of the independence of the democratic masses, and the pronounced demarcation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie of all kinds. After the experience both of Europe and Asia, anyone who speaks of non-class politics and non-class socialism, ought simply to be put in a cage and exhibited alongside the Australian kangaroo or something like that. After Asia, Europe has also begun to stir, although not in the Asiatic way. The "peaceful" period of 1872-1904 has passed, never to return. The high cost of living and the tyranny of the trusts are leading to an unprecedented sharpening of the economic struggle, which has set into movement even the British workers who have been most corrupted by liberalism. We see a political crisis brewing even in the most "diehard", bourgeois-Junker country, Germany. The frenzied arming and the policy of imperialism are turning modern Europe into a "social peace" which is more like a gunpowder barrel. Meanwhile the decay of all the bourgeois parties and the maturing of the proletariat are making steady progress. Since the appearance of Marxism, each of the three great periods of world history has brought Marxism new confirmation and new triumphs. But a still greater triumph awaits Marxism, as the doctrine of the proletariat, in the coming period of history. OF THE DOCTRINE OF KARL MARX
1. 03. Friend B: I look washed out. Publications Publications such as books, magazines, newspapers, blogs and research papers. Required material - includes print material selected by staff, that must be used by the teacher to develop the objectives of a specific planned course. With copy like. Media simply refers to a vehicle or means of message delivery system to carry an ad message to a targeted audience. This type of news media used to be the only way of delivering information to the public. Media simply refers to a vehicle or means of message delivery system to carry an ad message to a targeted audience. The US print media had a 30% decline in income from online and off-line distribution and advertisement between 2007 and 2009. A Beatle takes the place of Uncle Sam in this ad for a rock radio station . Digital media is a broad term for any media delivered to an electronic device such as a mobile phone. The main task of media planners is to select the most appropriate media channels that can effectively communicate . While going face-to-camera can be intimidating for some, stepping in front of the camera has a powerful way to elicit trust, humanize your product, and put a face to your name. The use of Advil's signature yellow type reinforces the brand's equity. EDEKA Weihnachtsclip - #heimkommen. For example, use the sports section of a newspaper for a math lesson. Ecommerce Resources. a book contains the same information throughout its life. Watch on. Students can . 10. That's a great use case, but this next example is different. People relied on newspapers and magazines to learn everything, from recipes and entertainment news to important information about the country or the world. Learn From 6 Top National and Local Print Marketing Collateral Examples. These are the forms of advertising that have been around for years, and many have had success with traditional media campaigns. Electronic media is any electronic device, infrastructure or software that is used to communicate. Media brand and broadcaster Vice, known for covering often controversial and NSFW topics, curated a number of experiences for Airbnb inspired by some of its most successful content. The Power of Media #1. 9. 1. This ad to promote a rock radio station is the work of Sao Paolo agency Lua Propaganda (opens in new tab), with illustration by 2020 Studios.It smartly updates James Montgomery Flagg's 1917 "I Want You" Poster for the American war effort, swapping Uncle Sam for John Lennon. As for electronic media, although it has a much wider reach and allows for greater flexibility, its results still do not compare to the quality customer relationships you can gain from using a print media strategy. From 2015 to 2019, U.S. companies spent an average of $25 billion annually on print advertising. So, here are 10 examples of fantastic marketing creative from IKEA. It is a more advanced form of media. Different types of newspapers cater to various audiences, and one can select the particular category accordingly. Vehicle advertising is also an interesting . Electronic media does allow businesses and retailers to use . 6 - Chupa Chups: Sugar-Free Lollipops Chupa Chups is a famous brand, while lollipops remain their most important product. Radio Television Print Physically printed media that has its own audience. Starting from woodblock printing in 200 CE to digital printing that is currently in use, printing has definitely come a long way. Media like TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor and Internet are instruments to convey an advertising message to the public. It is slower than electronic media as printing . Media-induced muck-ups and outrages are virtually preordained as due diligence and restraint fall to the wayside in pursuit of being the first to break a story. So, those who run the newspapers and magazines will be extra careful while publishing the news or articles. It is one of the earliest forms of media. 2. You soak the ad in water, wrap it around the bottle, and put it in the freezer. One is super excited, whereas the other isn't so sure.) While many non-physical marketing materials are useful for a single purpose, the benefits of print media extend farther than most people think. Fortify: Ventilator Part Mold. Copy from Hiut Denim's homepage. Difference Between Print Media and Broadcast Media. Examples of print resources include, but are not limited to: textbooks, workbooks, reference books, newspapers, journals and magazines. 2. Why we like it: We love this job ad because it perfectly targets its ideal candidates - experienced bartenders. News by definition is a report of the latest and most recent events. Example: My uncle is as blind as a bat without his spectacles. Print Media. These items can stay in offices or homes for months or even years after they are received. Media like TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor and Internet are instruments to convey an advertising message to the public. Publications, brochures, posters and other types of printed materials are physical items. print: [noun] a mark made by pressure : impression. Straightforward meets brand personality (Hiut Denim) Copy from a previous version of Hiut Denim's homepage. It provides the coordination of sound, sight, motion and immediacy that no other medium provides. Alternative media can be print, digital, audio, video . Unfortunately to see page breaks you'll need to print to PDF manually each time. Print media is the earlier form of media. 1. Print media is communication based on printed materials that have a physical presence. S olutions to screen display issues may cause problems in the print-out of the page. This allows for precise targeting of advertising and promotion. 2. It is the latest and novel method of advertising. a) a blog b) a newspaper c) a magazine's website d) all of the above ******* #2. Examples of Traditional Media. They can enhance lessons in all subject areas. This often creates your client's first impression of you. To go through print media one should be literate as it needs to read the information. H&M's Close the Loop. Electronic media is the advanced form of media. User Experience and Usability. Ads are printed in hard copy across different types of publications such as newspapers, magazines, brochures, or direct mail. In print media Live show, Live discussion, and Live reporting is not possible it is based on the interval update method. Copy from Hiut Denim's homepage. We recently wrote about why women are talking about H&M's latest campaign, but its 'Close the Loop' ad is another example of the brand's innovative marketing. 02. For the launch of a new anti-wrinkle product aimed at men, the brand's agency pulled out some advertising magic. The print media covers comparatively lesser areas and genres of content because the type of information it can display is very limited. Social Media For instance, the smartphone uses print media such as e-books and news apps to deliver text based technology. The following are common types of media. 10 Glaring Examples Of News Reporting Gone Wrong. The job ad: Bartender. You can also use the sed command to replace a word only if a given match is found in the line. For example, to replace the word a with an if the word orange is present in the line: sed -e '/orange/ s/a/an/g' textfile.txt. Billboards (Static, Digital and Mobile ), Banners, Point of sale advertising, Wall writings, Building wraps, Bus shelter posters, are some of the examples of Outdoor media. 01:38. This groundbreaking ad directed by award-winning documentarian Lauren Greenfield and a predominantly female team, on . With copy like. people can edit information, videos, songs, texts and then send to other viewers. For the generations of the 80s and 90s, print media was the only media of entertain. The length of news differs significantly in both print and broadcast media. planned course information. It is one of the earliest forms of media. 2. Electronic media can be edited, e.g. Electronic media has many uses including journalism, news, marketing, education, engineering, digital art, virtual reality, entertainment, transportation and military purposes. In May of 2020, haircare brand L'Oreal teamed with soap opera actor and . Making false, exaggerated, or unverified claims. The term digital media mostly refers to media from the perspective of users while electronic media refers to media technologies. something impressed with a print or formed in a mold. In fact, they learned everything from newspapers or magazines: recipes, celebrity lives, weather, business, politics, and more. 5. a book contains the same information throughout its life. Originally Answered: What are some examples of print media? Thus, it covers more areas, genres, and topics pretty conveniently and generously. This type of media used to be the only way to convey information to the public. In a newspaper for example, journalists can write into great details . It only publishes info in a printed form (hard copy) and then releases it to its users to make it more reader-friendly than the electronic media. It recognizes the heart of human emotion. This Google Creative Lab and Anyways Creative projects brought phone advertising to life. 2. These items can stay in offices or homes for months or even years after they are received. Google Creative Lab's collaboration with Anyways Creative puts a fresh spin on phone advertising, using animation to put a more human face on a field filled with shiny gadget porn. 6. Print media includes: tampons was abruptly taken off the shelves after supply . Since 1911, Nivea has been a leader in the skincare industry. Print is Tangible. Moble Apps Example #4: Humorous job ad. Perhaps one of the best ways to apologize is to sing it. 2. Examples of print text include anything we see in writing, like poems and letters. 6. 2. The publications are less crowded . You look sooo good! Edeka. 1. Here are fifty print ads that are creatively brilliant. To do this in Chrome on Mac, open developer tools, then use the command-shift-P shortcut for "Run Command" and search for "Emulate CSS print media type". For the generations of the 80s and 90s, print media was the only medium of entertainment. Format for Print: @media, @page. (Alshaali & Varshney, 2005) Less Print Ads - With more and more businesses relying solely on the Internet for their advertising needs, the decline of print publication can actually be used as a marketing advantage. In a desperate bid to compel potential and existing customers to buy their products or services, some marketers use false statements, exaggerated benefits, or make unverifiable claims about their offers. The most popular example of media convergence is the Smartphone. 04. iPhone people talking Pixel 2. This one is a tear-jerker and wins full points for its sensitive depiction of the harsh reality of the modern world. Which of the following is an example of a public service announcement, or PSA? Face-to-camera video. 2. Some forms of the print media have huge and trusted followers. Straightforward meets brand personality (Hiut Denim) Copy from a previous version of Hiut Denim's homepage. In 2010, a line of O.B. Related: Top 10 Importance of Advertising to Consumers. Electronic Media: Electronic Media is a form of mass media as the name suggests the news or information is shared through electronic medium. You can use two special style sections, @media print and @page. Print media such as newspapers and magazines are like living text. Print media is always a good method of showcasing your brand, including your: logo, mission statement, and location. The rapid free-flow of information is a curse-pocked blessing. Anderson Cooper fakes Syria war footage by dubbing in sound effects and playing chaotic video next to a Syrian . 12/07/2016 soyang Leave a comment Magazines, newspapers, flyers, newsletters, scholarly journals and other materials that are physically printed on paper are examples of print media. The earliest it can report a story is one day ahead due to printing and delivery. Nivea Men: Because Life Makes Wrinkles. Whereas in digital media, we can modify or delete the contents. There are various types of print media which help advertisers to target a particular segment of consumers. However, when Chupa Chups decided to follow the growing market trend and create a sugar-free lollipop, they needed an excellent print ad to spread the word about it. "#LikeAGirl". The woman's demonstration of strength despite her age is memorable and gets you to stop on the page. Newspapers, magazine production, novels, graphic arts and illustrating, A n y thing cocerning Font, Lettering, Formatting, and the use of the printed form of language to convey information and ideas can be termed thusly. Print media knows how to appreciate the value of memories. You can easily showcase your logo, business name, address, phone number, website, and any social media links. Print media is an easy medium to spread awareness or advertise to any particular geographical area. Radio Traditional radio and digital equivalents such as podcasts. Take for example the much respected but not often read newspaper. Hubba Bubba. Non-print text is the use of photos, graphics, or other images to communicate ideas. Business owners no longer needed Yellow Pages or ad placements to get exposure. This is definitely a great boost to attract readership. Television Advertising. They are generally delivered at home, or are available at newsstands, and it is the most inexpensive way to reach a huge mass of people quickly. The print ad was made with salt particles, which reduce the . It is a process of using ink on paper to show us images and text by using a printing press. Amazon. The use of colour has a great range of depth and the focus of the lips is well executed, as they still look real.
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Standex is a most popular supplier to the world’s main manufacturers of electrical power distribution and management methods. Explore real-world functions of engineering and see the skillsets and information elements wanted in our free online course. By using the Co-Browse feature, you’re agreeing to allow a help consultant from Digi-Key to view your browser remotely. When the Co-Browse window opens, give the session ID that is positioned in the toolbar to the consultant. Electronic music is a shape-shifting genre—the steady, heady pulse of techno is worlds faraway from the hyperactive pop-and-snap of drum ‘n’ bass or the woozy heave of storage. But that very tendency toward mutation has made electronic music home to a few of the most exciting music of the final five years.
The Dawn of the Artificial Kidney Artificial kidneys may sound like something from a science fiction movie, but these ground-breaking new treatments are currently being designed and tested across the globe. These scientific advances offer patients with kidney failure the hope of more prompt or less burdensome treatments in the future, but can they become a reality? Today, patients with kidney failure have two main options: a kidney transplant or dialysis. Either treatment can replace some lost kidney function and prolong life, but each comes with drawbacks. People opting for a transplant may face long waiting times due to donor organ shortages and will need lifelong treatment to dampen their immune system (known as immunosuppression). Those receiving dialysis can begin treatment more promptly. However, they often feel tied down by the demands of regular dialysis sessions and restrictions on food and drink. Meet the innovative dialysis and transplant technologies being developed for the future… The wearable (or portable) artificial kidney These backpack-sized dialysis devices could potentially allow a person to do blood-filtering dialysis (haemodialysis) any time and any place. This would mean more frequent removal of waste and fluid and the ability to do dialysis ‘on the go’ or away from home. This could improve people’s quality of life. The devices will be quite lightweight (5–10 kg) and rely on long-lasting batteries, advances in miniaturisation (the art of making things tiny), and new filtering membranes. Two of the best-known lightweight dialysis devices in development are: - The Ambulatory Kidney to Improve Vitality (AKTIV), being developed at the University of Washington, USA. - The Neokidney, being developed by the Dutch Kidney Foundation in partnership with several companies. Both teams hope to start clinical testing on 2022–2023. The bioartifical or ‘cyborg’ implantable kidney A bioartificial kidney is being developed that consists of a blood filtration unit (called the haemofilter) and human kidney cells (called the bioreactor). The live cells could theoretically perform other important functions of a real kidney, such as releasing hormones to control blood pressure. The idea is that the device would be implanted by surgery similar to a transplant operation. It would then stay in the body for many years. The cells used in the device would be grown from the patient’s own cells and kept in a special compartment away from the person’s bloodstream. This means the patient probably won’t need to take drugs to dampen their immune system (immunosuppressants), unlike a traditional transplant. The best-known bioartificial kidney is being developed by The Kidney Project, at the University of California, San Francisco. The team is in the process of testing the two components of the device. If the haemofilter works safely in animals, then clinical trials in humans could begin in or after 2022. Technical challenges include keeping the device working long-term. Laboratory-grown living kidneys Several researchers around the world are attempting to grow a complete human kidney using kidney cells from embryos, stem cells from adults or cloned tissue. Stem cells are early cells that usually lie dormant in the body. They can develop into many different cell types when needed. Cloned tissue is made by taking the DNA out of the cell you want to copy and putting it into a new cell, which multiplies. A team from Manchester University is the first in the world to have grown the parts of the kidney that filter blood (nephrons) in a laboratory dish using human stem cells. The laboratory-grown nephrons were then implanted into a mouse. They were able to filter the animal’s blood and produce urine, similarly to how a normal kidney works. With healthy kidneys having an estimated 1 million nephrons each, the process would need scaling up to grow whole organs ready for transplantation. The beauty of using a patient’s own stem cells is that this could help to avoid their body rejecting the laboratory-grown kidney (which can happen with today’s kidney transplants). The ability to grow nephrons in the lab is an exciting development. However, this research is in the early days. A lot more work is needed before lab-grown whole kidneys become available to patients. - Hits: 60640
Query: NC_016582:9050528 Streptomyces bingchenggensis BCW-1 chromosome, complete genome Lineage: Streptomyces bingchenggensis; Streptomyces; Streptomycetaceae; Actinomycetales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria General Information: Streptomyces bingchenggensis BCW-1 was isolated from a soil sample collected in Harbin, China. This species produces milbemycins, a family of macrocyclic lactones widely used in human health, animal health, and crop protection. The characteristic earthy smell of freshly plowed soil is actually attributed to the aromatic terpenoid geosmin produced by species of Streptomyces. There are currently 364 known species of this genus, many of which are the most important industrial producers of antibiotics and other secondary metabolites of antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antitumor nature, as well as immunosuppressants, antihypercholesterolemics, etc. Streptomycetes are crucial in the soil environment because their diverse metabolism allows them to degrade the insoluble remains of other organisms, including recalcitrant compounds such as lignocelluloses and chitin. Streptomycetes produce both substrate and aerial mycelium. The latter shows characteristic modes of branching, and in the course of the streptomycete complex life cycle, these hyphae are partly transformed into chains of spores, which are often called conidia or arthrospores. An important feature in Streptomyces is the presence of type-I peptidoglycan in the cell walls that contains characteristic interpeptide glycine bridges. Another remarkable trait of streptomycetes is that they contain very large (~8 million base pairs which is about twice the size of most bacterial genomes) linear chromosomes with distinct telomeres. These rearrangements consist of the deletion of several hundred kilobases, often associated with the amplification of an adjacent sequence, and lead to metabolic diversity within the Streptomyces group. Sequencing of several strains of Streptomyces is aimed partly on understanding the mechanisms involved in these diversification processes.
Impact Health and Social Care Services on the Nation’s Health Instructions: This section of a report is about UK mental health services, so please use only UK policies such as Mental Health Act and Community Care Act, NOT international policies. Please do not include introduction and conclusion as this is the middle part of the report. 2.1 Evaluate the impact of the current Health and Social Care services on the Nation’s Health 2.2 Identify key government policies and analyse the effects they have on health and social care provision. 3. Understand the organization of local Health and Social Care services 3.1 Evaluate the relationship between structures delivering primary and secondary health care • Health and Social Care Services and the Nation’s Mental Health (300 words) (2.1) In this section you need to evaluate service provision by exploring the numbers of people with a mental illness diagnosis, and explain whether the evidence suggests that they are well cared for or not. • Government Policies and Social Care Provision (300 words) (2.2) In this section you need to identify government policies and analyse their effect on service provision. E.g. how does the policy of moving people into community care effect the service a person can have. ( 2 policies Mental Health act and Community care act; and can include case studies of mentally ill patients eg. Christopher Clunis – Schizophrenic patient stabbed Jonathan Zito 1992. ) • The Relationship between Primary and Secondary Mental Health Care (300 words) (3.1) In this section you need to evaluate local (Medway and Kent area in UK) primary and secondary services, and evaluate how well they work together to provide care. Impact Health and Social Care Services on the Nation’s Health Mental health patients receive care facilitation in a number of ways, through Health and Social care services. There are 57 mental health trusts and 86 independent mental health hospitals that are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC, 2015). The CQC further indicates that as of 31st March 2015, there were 19,656 detained inpatients. Apart from inpatients, there are also outpatients. Detention of inpatients is guided by the Mental Health Act, whereby it was used more than 58,000 times in the year 2014/15. The Care Quality Commission report provides insight into service provided to mental illness patients, although it mainly focuses on adherence to the Mental Health Act. Based on the evidence presented in the report, it would appear that patients with mental illness diagnosis are generally well cared for. For instance, the CQC points out that it had found numerous examples of improvements on services, citing an instance where patients had been provided with a Wi-Fi connection. They also found evidence of support and protection of patient’s rights, all astute indicators of the good quality of care. While in general, there is proper care for patients, there are still many areas of concern in the provision of service. One problem area that has been pointed out is medication and treatment practices. The CQC reports that capacity assessment for medication during patient admission was lacking in 32% of the total cases assessed. Another area is in the facilitation of support to patients to enhance their involvement in their care. The type of facilitation envisioned here includes the type of information patients receive, and external support (CQC, 2015). This lack of facilitation has a detrimental effect since it could hamper patient recovery. Other effects include lengthened stays in the hospital as well as poor discharge, and an elevated risk of readmission. Key Government Policies The UK government has been active in developing policies regarding health and social care provision. In particular, the policies regarding social care in the UK appear to target the setting up of an interagency inter-professional workforce (Tope & Thomas, 2007). Apart from government policies, there are a number of laws governing the provision of health services and care. An example of this is the National Health Services Act. Another more confined act in terms of its scope is the Mental Health Act 1983, which mainly targets health care and service provision to patients diagnosed with mental illness. As part of its efforts to support the interagency and inter-professional framework, the government has introduced several initiatives. For example, several mechanisms were introduced into the National Health Service Act (1977) towards this end. Sections 28A and 28BB enabled the transfer of money between NHS and local authorities (Tope & Thomas, 2007). Furthermore, under section 31 of the Act, introduced in 1999, there are three new mechanisms which have the same aim. They include pooled budgets, integrated service provision, and lead commissioning. The effects of these mechanisms are to improve efficiency in service delivery, by reducing the barriers associated with collaborative working between these different agencies and staff in local authorities. The Mental Health Act has had a profound impact on improving the quality of care that mentally ill patients receive. For instance, there was a 10% year over year increase from 2014 to 2015 in the number of people detained in accordance with the act (CQC, 2015). One of the most significant impacts of the Mental Health Act is that it has severely redacted the level of freedom patients, through provisions which restrict the rights of individuals. The organization of local Health and Social Care services Primary health care and secondary health care differ fundamentally in the nature of care received. Primary care is the first point of a contact with a health professional for a patient suffering from a particular illness. It is the gateway to receiving specialist care. A patient may be referred to a secondary care professional, in the event that the primary care provider perceives there is a need to do so. The secondary care provider usually possesses expertise in the issue facing the patient. The Kent and Medway area has a large number of patients with mental illness, with 163000-190000 people suffering from common mental health problems. A majority of patients with mental health needs receive care from the primary care GPs. In the event that these patients require specialized care, then these GPs will refer the patients to secondary health care providers (White, 2013). In Medway, these referrals are made to the Medway Integrated Mental Health Service, which further accept referrals from other parties, including self-screen referrals. Medway has an elaborate referral system which sets out the various organs to which primary practitioners can make referrals. These organs include the Alcohol Services, eating Disorders Services and the Mental Health Services for Learning Disability. Each of these organs has its own set of eligibility criteria, which set out which patients qualify for referral to that particular entity. alternate interplay in the movement of patients occurs during recovery. While the norm is that patients move from primary care practitioners to secondary care practitioners, as patients recover, they may move back to their GP. The NHS in Medway and Kent area commits itself to supporting GP practices so that they are able to take back the management of patients from secondary care services (NHS, 2013). The various frameworks set in place create a synergistic relationship that improves the overall quality of care that patients receive. CQC. (2015). Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2014/15. Care Quality commission. NHS. (2013). Live It Well Strategy. Retrieved from Medway: It Well strategy final2.pdf Tope, R., & Thomas, E. (2007). Health and Social Care Policy and the Inter-professional Agenda. NHS. White, K. (2013). Mental Health Services in Medway. Kent: Medway Mental Health Services.
California's unique climate makes us a leading agricultural producer, but some of the areas with the most productive farmland of the state also suffer from the worst air quality in the nation. This not only impacts crops, but also impacts public health: 1 in 6 children living in California’s Central Valley suffer from asthma. Agricultural activities also produce climate-changing emissions, like methane. California is working to reduce the contribution agricultural activity makes to poor air quality with sensible regulations that balance the need to address public health while protecting the economy. Keep up to date with the latest information regarding regulations for agricultural equipment and emissions.
Multi-spectral imaging captures image data at specific frequencies across the electromagnetic spectrum. Whilst the human eye can see a variety of colours ranging from violet to red, wavelengths can be shorter (ultraviolet) or longer (infrared), which are invisible to the naked eye. These invisible wavebands are very indicative of the characteristics of the soil, plants and crops, which make them extremely useful in all types of vegetation analysis. Using a drone to capture these images is advantageous to other methods such as satellite images or manned aircrafts; a drone is less likely to be hindered by clouds or atmospheric conditions; the images can be captured at specific times of day when they can give more effective readings; and it is a far more cost-effective way of taking the images. Using the Micasense Altum sensor mounted on a DJI Inspire 2 we are able to capture multi spectral imagery.The Altum sensor captures six bands blue, green, red, red edge, near infrared (NIR) and thermal all during the one flight. Images are processed using Agisoft Metashape Professional. Data can be supplied as separate bands or RGB, composite infra red or composite red edge. For further analysis the data can also be supplied as NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) or NDRE (Normalized Difference red edge). What is NDVI and NDRE? NDVI and NDRE are spectral indices constructed from a combination of two distinct frequencies of light. NDVI is built up from a combination of visual red light and near-infrared (NIR) light. NDRE uses a combination of NIR light and a frequency band that sits on the transition region between visual red and NIR light — hence the name “Red Edge”. NDVI is the most common index used to indicate the density of vegetation. NDVI is calculated (NIR-Red)/(NIR+Red). It’s basically the ‘greeness’ of the plant, which shows when it is growing through the process of photosynthesis. Vegetation which is photosynthetically active absorbs more red light and reflects infrared light, whereas dead vegetation reflects more red light and less infrared light.Therefore, by using NDVI processing, we can asses the strength of vegetation. NDRE is an index that can only be formulated when the Red edge band is available in a sensor. NDRE is calculated (NIR-RedEdge)/(NIR+RedEdge) It is sensitive to chlorophyll content in leaves (how green a leaf appears), variability in leaf area, and soil background effects. NDRE is a better indicator of vegetation health/vigor than NDVI for mid to late season crops that have accumulated high levels of chlorophyll in their leaves because red-edge light is more translucent to leaves than red light and so it is less likely to be completely absorbed by a canopy.
6 Fantastic Nutrients to Boost Your Immune System Many believe that we can improve our immune systems by eating one particular type of food, herbal remedy, or vitamin. That a particular fruit or supplement will guarantee us extra protection from infection and disease. It is more complicated than that! Our spleen, liver, skin, gut and lymph nodes are constantly at work to protect us from unhealthy pathogens like viruses and bacteria. The key to a strong immune system is a continuous stream of nutrients from a well balanced diet. There are a number of key nutrients to support immune function and eating a variety of foods everyday can ensure optimum health. Key nutrients to support immune function Vitamin A is abundant in cheese, herring, tuna, liver, yogurt, carrots, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, dried apricots and sweet potato. The best sources of Vitamin C are mango, red and green bell peppers, cauliflower, tomato juice, Brussels sprouts, and kiwi fruit. The best sources of vitamin D can be found in tuna and salmon. A daily supplement may be recommended to ensure adequate…
Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by a Friendly Gardener Peperomia is a beautiful, easy-to-care-for houseplant that is the perfect choice for beginners, home gardeners with little time, or those who travel frequently. But my peperomia is drooping, why? Despite its ease of care, it can occasionally suffer some problems and one of the most common is drooping. Let’s examine why peperomia plants droop and how to fix your plant. A Droopy Peperomia The most common causes for droopy peperomia are underwatering and dehydration although substantially low humidity levels can contribute. However, these aren’t the only reasons. Other causes may include extreme environmental temperatures, the onslaught of root rot, or an infestation by pests. All these problems can be resolved if caught early and treated. Here’s what to watch for and how to aid your plant in recovery. What Causes Peperomia Leaves Drooping? Consider that a healthy peperomia will feature strong, firm stems and foliage. The plant will grow upright with leaves that do not bend. If your plant has soft, flexible stems and leaves and the plant sags, you have droopy peperomia. The most common causes of droopy peperomia include - Lack of humidity - Improper environmental temperatures - Improper fertilization - Pest infestations - Repotting trauma - Dusty foliage Overwatering is the primary cause of fatality for houseplants. If the plant’s stems appear floppy and soggy or mushy and of course wilt, your plant is most probably overwatered. Yellow leaves are also indicative of overwatering as is a peperomia dropping healthy leaves. To aid in preventing overwatering, use a soil mix that is loose and guarantees excellent drainage and soil aeration. If the soil bed retains excess water, the root system will be deprived of oxygen and your plant will suffocate. Root rot will take hold and roots will be unable to furnish nutrients. Your plant will begin to droop and if left untreated will die. If the plant already appears mushy, you need to repot it. Remove the plant, rinse off the root system with tepid water and trim off all compromised unhealthy roots. Repot your plant in fresh soil in a pot with a good number of drainage holes. Water thoroughly and permit the excess water to drain. After, water approximately every ten days. This is usually the most common cause of peperomia leaves drooping. A peperomia will store water in the foliage so that they feel firm to the touch. Remember that plants transpire, so they will always be emitting some amount of vapor. If leaves do not contain enough water, they will show that they are stressed. When a peperomia is dehydrated, it will have difficulty standing upright. The plant will no longer be firm and will sag. Leaves droop and the edges and tips can turn brown. While this is not a houseplant that seeks constant moisture, it also cannot be left bone dry. When the soil is dry approximately an inch to two deep, it’s time for watering. This will generally occur every one to three weeks depending on the plant’s environment. Lack of Humidity Generally, peperomia thrives in normal household humidity, but if you have a dryer climate, your plant can suffer. Humidity levels generally drop indoors in the winter due to heating and occasionally in the summer if air conditioning is frequent. When a peperomia is struggling with indoor humidity levels, it may begin to curl its leaves followed by drooping. This reduces the plant’s foliage surface to retain moisture. As tropical plants, peperomia will enjoy higher humidity levels in its natural habitat. A hygrometer can indicate if your plants are getting sufficient humidity. Most tropical plants, including peperomias, will thrive at 50% or higher. If you need to improve humidity levels, use a space humidifier, or a pebble tray underneath your plant. Grouping plants together will also raise humidity through the creation of a microclimate. Occasional misting can help. Improper Environmental Temperatures Tropical peperomias like temperatures that measure between 60° and 80°F. If temps drop below 50°F your plant will be in trouble and stressed. Leaves may curl and the plant may wilt. These plants cannot handle freezing temperatures or frost. Freezing causes the formation of crystals within the plant which destroy the structure and lead to death. Extreme temps registering above 80°F will also cause plants to stress as well as direct sunlight exposure, so be careful if you take your peperomia outdoors for a spell in the summer or warmer months. Peperomias are not heavy feeders so overfertilization is unwarranted. Exaggerated feeding will cause a buildup of salts in the soil bed that will prevent roots from absorbing adequate water. Foliage will yellow or turn brown on tips and edges due to dehydration. Drooping will follow. If you think you have overfertilized, flush out your plant’s soil bed to remove salt buildup or repot your plant entirely in fresh soil and avoid fertilizing for several months. When you do feed, use a liquid plant fertilizer that has been diluted. Peperomias are relatively pest-free, but if they are exposed to another plant that is infected, an infestation can follow. The more common pests that afflict houseplants include spider mites, mealybugs, or whiteflies. If you place your plant outdoors on a deck, porch, or balcony, it can be invaded by fungus gnats, thrips, or scales as well and you may see an occasional caterpillar, snail, or slug munching holes in leaves. When left untreated, you may observe peperomia leaves drooping. Examine foliage, stems, and the soil bed surface for evidence of pests. Manually remove any that you see and consider showering your plant in tepid water to remove those you cannot see. Treat your plant with insecticidal soap or a natural pesticide like Neem oil that is non-toxic to humans and pets. When plants are repotted, they suffer a bit of shock until they acclimatize to their new soil bed. This can cause a bit of drooping. When repotting do not leave roots exposed for too long a time. Reposition your plant in its same location or one with the same light, indoor temperature, and humidity level as before. Environmental change can contribute to your plant drooping. Dust is not a major problem but when left to accumulate on leaves it can reduce the plant’s ability to absorb sunshine and reduce the release of gases from foliage. Shower your plant with tepid water to clean leaves occasionally or wipe foliage with a soft damp cloth.
Gold has always stood for the safe haven of investment when inflation is high. We are currently experiencing a rise in inflation in Europe. What can this mean for the gold market and what impact does inflation have on the value of paper money? A contribution by economist Valentin Markus Schulte, Berlin. A short consideration from the view of the precious metal dealer Gold was one of the first metals to be processed by humans. The durability of the precious metal, the rarity of the find and the favorable physical properties made gold attractive to early man. The first gold finds have been dated by archaeologists to the year 4500 BC. In the Copper Age, systematic gold mining is said to have begun by man. At the beginning of the modern era, Spain rose to become a major European power due to extensive gold discoveries in the American colonies. Gold was the trigger for wars and campaigns of conquest and cost many lives. In historical observation, it is striking that gold has been used as a medium of exchange or as the first currency for thousands of years. In Germany, the gold mark was legal tender from 1871 to 1918. At the beginning of the First World War, the Reichsbank’s gold cover was lifted in order to be able to increase the money supply unchecked. The war demanded large amounts of money that could no longer be held in gold in purely quantitative terms. Other nations lifted the gold peg of their currency much later. Most importantly, the gold peg of the U.S. dollar was removed in 1971. U.S. President Richard Nixon and his advisors in the White House in Washington, D.C., realized that the large quantity of dollars in circulation could no longer be backed in gold. The fact that the U.S. government had until then promised to exchange 35 dollars for an ounce of gold threatened the loss of U.S. gold reserves. A new era of monetary policy had dawned, in which central banks had a largely free hand. From then on, paper money was just paper This can be seen, for example, in the monetary policy of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. If the euro were gold-linked, it would not be possible to carry out government bond purchase programs worth billions, which are financed by increasing the money supply. What is inflation? Almost everyone knows the word inflation, but what does it mean? Inflation is a reduction in the purchasing power of money. In other words, money becomes worth less. This knowledge is based on the research of the British economist John Stuart Mill and was later concretized by the Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman. Inflation can result from an increase in the money supply by central banks or, in the short term, from demand pull inflation and supply push inflation. The central bank usually strives to maintain a certain level of inflation in its currency area. It does this, on the one hand, to provide an incentive for consumption and investment and, on the other, to reduce government debt or at least keep it stable. Surveys show that the figures published by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main do not match the feelings of the population. The inflation index may be deceiving, and so are the feelings of the population. In any case, everyone who observes price trends over a longer period of time knows that prices are rising and that inflation is therefore a given. By the possession of gold an investor can protect himself at least to parts against it. Here a possibility is given to protect its money both for the case of an extreme crisis and before the creeping inflation. „Gold seems to be more stable than paper money“ From time to time there are irritations regarding the gold price and phases of flattening. However, these are normal and not necessarily cause for alarm. What is important is that gold seems to be more stable than paper money. Forecasts about the further development of inflation or the further development of the gold price are difficult. However, private investors can be advised in good conscience to invest parts of their assets in gold as a hedge. Valentin Markus Schulte Economist, Stud. Iur Law Office Dr. Thomas Schulte Maltese Street 170 Phone: +49 30 221922020 The Kanzlei attorney Dr. Schulte is successfully active since 1995 civilly with emphasis in the area of the Internet, reputation and competition right. It represents country widely the interests of individual investors. Supplementing sender data with the law office location find you in the imprint on the Internet side
How to cook a delicious pot of yam porridge Yam porridge is a traditional West African dish made from yams, a type of root vegetable. It is a hearty and filling dish that is often served for breakfast or dinner. Yam porridge is relatively easy to make, and it can be customized to your own taste preferences. The main ingredient in yam porridge is, of course, yams. Yams are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. They are also a good source of complex carbohydrates, which can help you feel full and satisfied after eating. In addition to yams, yam porridge can also include other ingredients such as vegetables, meat, and fish. Common vegetables that are added to yam porridge include tomatoes, onions, and peppers. Meat and fish can also be added to the porridge for extra flavor and protein. Yam porridge is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in many different ways. It can be served hot or cold, and it can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Yam porridge is also a popular dish to serve at parties and gatherings. How to prepare yam porridge Yam porridge is a staple food in many West African countries. It is a simple dish to make, but it is packed with flavor and nutrition. Here are seven key aspects of how to prepare yam porridge: - Choosing the right yams: The type of yam you use will affect the flavor and texture of your porridge. Look for yams that are firm and have a deep brown skin. - Preparing the yams: Peel and cut the yams into small cubes. You can also grate the yams if you prefer a smoother porridge. - Cooking the yams: The yams can be boiled, steamed, or fried. Boiling is the most common method, and it takes about 15-20 minutes. - Adding other ingredients: Once the yams are cooked, you can add other ingredients to your porridge, such as vegetables, meat, or fish. Common vegetables that are added to yam porridge include tomatoes, onions, and peppers. - Seasoning the porridge: Yam porridge can be seasoned with a variety of spices, such as salt, pepper, and chili powder. You can also add herbs, such as basil or thyme, to your porridge. - Cooking the porridge: Once the yams and other ingredients have been added, the porridge should be cooked until it is thick and creamy. This will take about 10-15 minutes. - Serving the porridge: Yam porridge can be served hot or cold. It can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Yam porridge is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in many different ways. It is a healthy and filling meal that is perfect for any occasion. Choosing the right yams When preparing yam porridge, choosing the right type of yam is essential. Different varieties of yams have distinct flavors and textures, which can significantly impact the overall quality of the dish. By selecting yams that are firm and have a deep brown skin, you can ensure that your porridge will have a rich, full-bodied flavor and a smooth, creamy texture. - Varieties of Yams: There are numerous varieties of yams available, each with its own unique characteristics. Some popular choices for yam porridge include the yellow yam, the white yam, and the purple yam. Yellow yams are known for their sweet, nutty flavor and firm texture, while white yams have a milder flavor and a more starchy texture. Purple yams are less common but offer a distinctive earthy flavor and a vibrant purple color. - Firmness and Skin Color: The firmness of the yam is a good indicator of its maturity and quality. Yams that are too soft may be overripe and have a mushy texture, while yams that are too hard may be underripe and have a stringy texture. Look for yams that have a firm, even texture when pressed gently. The skin color of the yam can also provide clues about its maturity. Yams with a deep brown skin are typically mature and have a sweeter flavor, while yams with a lighter skin color may be less ripe and have a more starchy flavor. - Flavor and Texture: The type of yam you choose will significantly impact the flavor and texture of your porridge. Yellow yams will produce a porridge with a sweet, nutty flavor and a firm texture, while white yams will produce a porridge with a milder flavor and a more starchy texture. Purple yams will impart a unique earthy flavor and a vibrant purple color to your porridge. By carefully selecting the right type of yam, you can create a delicious and nutritious pot of yam porridge that is sure to please everyone at the table. Preparing the yams Preparing the yams is a crucial step in making yam porridge. The size and shape of the yam pieces will affect the texture of the porridge, and the method of preparation will affect the cooking time. By understanding the different ways to prepare yams for porridge, you can achieve your desired consistency and flavor. - Size and Shape: The size and shape of the yam pieces will affect the texture of the porridge. Smaller pieces will cook more quickly and result in a smoother porridge, while larger pieces will take longer to cook and will give the porridge a more chunky texture. You can cut the yams into cubes, slices, or wedges, depending on your preference. - Method of Preparation: Yams can be peeled and cut using a knife or a grater. Using a knife will give you more control over the size and shape of the yam pieces, while using a grater will produce smaller, more uniform pieces. If you are using a grater, be sure to use the coarse grating holes to avoid making the porridge too mushy. - Cooking Time: The cooking time for the yams will vary depending on the size and shape of the pieces and the method of preparation. Smaller pieces will cook more quickly than larger pieces, and yams that have been grated will cook more quickly than yams that have been cut with a knife. Be sure to check the yams regularly to ensure that they are cooked through but not overcooked. By following these tips, you can prepare yams for porridge in a way that will give you the desired texture and flavor. Experiment with different sizes, shapes, and methods of preparation to find what you like best. Cooking the yams Cooking the yams is a crucial step in preparing yam porridge. The method of cooking will affect the texture and flavor of the porridge, and the cooking time will vary depending on the size and shape of the yam pieces. By understanding the different methods of cooking yams, you can achieve the desired results for your porridge. - Boiling: Boiling is the most common method for cooking yams for porridge. It is a simple and effective method that produces tender, flavorful yams. To boil the yams, place them in a pot of cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the yams are tender. Drain the yams and mash or puree them before adding them to the porridge. - Steaming: Steaming is a healthy and gentle method for cooking yams. It preserves the nutrients and flavor of the yams, and it results in a tender, moist texture. To steam the yams, place them in a steamer basket over a pot of boiling water. Cover and steam for 15-20 minutes, or until the yams are tender. Remove the yams from the steamer and mash or puree them before adding them to the porridge. - Frying: Frying is a quick and easy method for cooking yams. It produces a crispy, flavorful exterior and a tender interior. To fry the yams, heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the yams and cook for 5-7 minutes per side, or until they are golden brown and tender. Remove the yams from the pan and mash or puree them before adding them to the porridge. The method of cooking the yams will ultimately depend on your personal preferences and the desired texture and flavor of the porridge. Experiment with different methods to find what you like best. Adding other ingredients Adding other ingredients to yam porridge is an important step in preparing the dish. It allows you to customize the flavor and texture of the porridge to your liking, and it also provides an opportunity to add additional nutrients. Common vegetables that are added to yam porridge include tomatoes, onions, and peppers. These vegetables add sweetness, savoryness, and a bit of crunch to the porridge. Other popular additions include leafy greens, such as spinach or kale, and meats, such as chicken or beef. You can also add fish, such as salmon or tilapia, to the porridge for a protein-rich meal. The addition of other ingredients to yam porridge is not only a matter of personal preference, but it also has a practical significance. By adding vegetables, meat, or fish to the porridge, you can increase the nutritional value of the dish. Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while meat and fish are good sources of protein. By combining these ingredients, you can create a well-rounded meal that is both delicious and nutritious. In conclusion, adding other ingredients to yam porridge is an important step in preparing the dish. It allows you to customize the flavor and texture of the porridge to your liking, and it also provides an opportunity to add additional nutrients. By understanding the importance of adding other ingredients to yam porridge, you can create a delicious and nutritious meal that is sure to please everyone at the table. Seasoning the porridge Seasoning the porridge is an important step in preparing yam porridge. It enhances the flavor of the porridge and makes it more enjoyable to eat. There are many different spices and herbs that can be used to season yam porridge. Some popular choices include salt, pepper, chili powder, basil, and thyme. These spices and herbs add a variety of flavors to the porridge, making it more complex and interesting. Salt and pepper are essential for seasoning any dish, and they help to bring out the natural flavors of the other ingredients. Chili powder adds a bit of heat to the porridge, making it more flavorful and satisfying. Basil and thyme are both aromatic herbs that add a fresh, earthy flavor to the porridge. The amount of spices and herbs that you add to your porridge is a matter of personal preference. Some people like their porridge to be more spicy, while others prefer a milder flavor. It is important to start with a small amount of spices and herbs and then add more to taste. You can always add more spices and herbs later, but it is difficult to remove them once they have been added. Seasoning the porridge is a simple but important step in preparing yam porridge. By adding a variety of spices and herbs, you can create a delicious and flavorful porridge that everyone will enjoy. Cooking the porridge Cooking the porridge is a crucial step in preparing yam porridge. It is during this step that the flavors of the yams and other ingredients come together to create a delicious and satisfying dish. The cooking process also thickens the porridge, giving it its characteristic creamy texture. By understanding the importance of cooking the porridge properly, you can ensure that your yam porridge turns out perfectly every time. - The Role of Cooking: Cooking the porridge serves several important functions. First, it helps to soften the yams and other ingredients, making them easier to digest. Second, cooking helps to release the flavors of the ingredients, creating a more flavorful porridge. Third, cooking thickens the porridge, giving it its characteristic creamy texture. - Cooking Time: The cooking time for yam porridge will vary depending on the size and shape of the yam pieces and the other ingredients that have been added. However, as a general rule, the porridge should be cooked for 10-15 minutes, or until it has thickened and reached the desired consistency. - Tips for Cooking the Porridge: Here are a few tips for cooking yam porridge: - Be sure to stir the porridge regularly to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot. - If the porridge becomes too thick, you can add a little bit of water or milk to thin it out. - If the porridge is not thick enough, you can continue to cook it until it reaches the desired consistency. By following these tips, you can cook yam porridge perfectly every time. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today! Serving the porridge The versatility of yam porridge is one of its defining characteristics. It can be served hot or cold, making it a suitable dish for any time of day. Whether you enjoy it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, yam porridge is a delicious and satisfying meal. - Serving Temperature: The temperature at which yam porridge is served depends on personal preference. Some people prefer to eat it hot, while others prefer it cold. There is no right or wrong answer, so serve it at the temperature that you find most enjoyable. - Meal Options: Yam porridge can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is a hearty and filling dish that can easily be tailored to your appetite. For a light meal, serve yam porridge with a side of fruit or yogurt. For a more substantial meal, serve it with a side of meat or fish. - Cultural Significance: In many West African cultures, yam porridge is considered a staple food. It is often served at special occasions, such as weddings and funerals. Yam porridge is also a popular dish to serve to guests. - Health Benefits: Yam porridge is a healthy and nutritious dish. It is a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. Yam porridge is also a good source of potassium, which is an important mineral for maintaining blood pressure. The versatility of yam porridge makes it a popular dish all over the world. Whether you enjoy it hot or cold, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, yam porridge is a delicious and satisfying meal. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) This section addresses common questions and misconceptions about "how to prepare yam porridge." It provides concise and informative answers to guide readers in preparing this delectable dish. Question 1: What type of yams should I use for porridge? Answer: Look for firm yams with a deep brown skin. These yams will have a richer flavor and a smoother texture when cooked. Question 2: How do I prepare the yams for porridge? Answer: Peel and cut the yams into small cubes or grate them for a smoother porridge. Avoid overcooking the yams, as they should retain a slight firmness. Question 3: What are some common ingredients added to yam porridge? Answer: Vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and peppers are frequently added to enhance the flavor of yam porridge. Meat, fish, or leafy greens can also be incorporated for added protein and nutrients. Question 4: How do I season yam porridge? Answer: Season the porridge with spices like salt, pepper, and chili powder to taste. Herbs such as basil or thyme can be added for an aromatic touch. Question 5: How long should I cook yam porridge? Answer: Cook the porridge for 10-15 minutes, or until it reaches your desired consistency. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and adjust the cooking time as needed. Question 6: How can I serve yam porridge? Answer: Yam porridge can be served hot or cold, depending on your preference. It can be enjoyed as a main dish or as a side accompaniment to other meals. In summary, preparing yam porridge involves selecting the right type of yams, preparing them properly, and incorporating flavorful ingredients. By following these guidelines, you can create a delicious and satisfying dish that is enjoyed in many cultures worldwide. Transition to the next article section: For additional insights and variations on yam porridge, explore the sections below. In conclusion, preparing yam porridge is a culinary art that combines simple ingredients with diverse flavors. This article has explored the intricacies of yam porridge, providing a comprehensive guide to its preparation. From selecting the right yams to adding flavorful ingredients and achieving the perfect consistency, each step has been carefully examined. Yam porridge stands not only as a delicious dish but also as a symbol of cultural heritage and nourishment. Its versatility allows it to be enjoyed in countless variations, catering to a wide range of palates and preferences. Whether served as a hearty breakfast, a comforting, or a flavorful side dish, yam porridge continues to captivate taste buds worldwide.
STONY BROOK, NY, January 5, 2022 – Entering a third year of the COVID-19 pandemic and the latest infection surge nationwide comes with many challenges. One of those is for a continued adequate supply of masks, including the often used N95 respirator masks for healthcare and other settings. A study led by Stony Brook University researchers discovered that a readily available method using dry ovens can be used to disinfect N95s for reuse, in settings where new masks may not be available. Their findings are published in PLOS ONE. To combat any shortages of N95 masks during the pandemic, many institutions were forced to search for other alternatives to protect health care providers and their patients. While some studies have evaluated the impact of various methods of decontamination on how well masks filter viral-sized particles, this study adds to such research and also addresses the equally important concept of maintaining proper mask fit after decontamination. Electron microscopy image showing that dry head disinfection at 100 degrees C did not damage the microscopic structure of N95 masks. “Our study demonstrated that treatment of N95 face masks using dry heat was sufficient to inactivate COVID-19, while preserving the ability of these masks to filter aerosolized particles for potentially exposed workers,” summarizes Kenneth Shroyer, MD, PhD, lead author and the Marvin Kushner Professor and Chair of Pathology at the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University. Since heat is potentially more readily accessible than other methods of decontamination in many healthcare facilities, the researchers used dry heat sterilization to disinfect the masks. They also used X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, contact angle, and electron microscopy collected at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials—a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory—to test for changes in the material of N95 masks post decontamination. By contrast, other methods for disinfection, including treatment with hydrogen peroxide vapor, may be equally effective in specially equipped facilities but are usually not available in most hospitals or outpatient clinical care facilities. Graduate student John Yuen wearing an N95 mask for fit testing in the Aerosol Research Laboratory led by Daniel Knopf in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. Dr. Shroyer and colleagues also tested autoclaving, which is widely available in most hospitals and is a proven method of sterilization but found that this caused the fit of the respirator onto the user’s face to fail. Thus, the researchers ruled out autoclaving as a safe method to decontaminate N95 masks. The research involved experts from the School of Medicine, the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Institute for Electrochemically Stored Energy, and the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), along with colleagues in the Interdisciplinary Science Department and the Center for Functional Materials at Brookhaven National Laboratory. For additional details about the initial studies that served as the foundation for this study – which was launched during the first wave of the pandemic in April 2020 – see this story. Dr. Shroyer emphasizes that the findings from the study highlight the importance of both optimal disinfection and mask fit and suggest that when no other decontamination alternatives are available, N95 masks can be reused after dry heat treatment to ensure the safety of health care workers. Originally Appeared Here
Before my pseudo triplets were diagnosed with lead poisoning, I knew what all my friends knew about lead in old homes: Just don’t lick the paint or let your kids touch peeling paint chips, and you’ll probably be totally fine. How devastatingly wrong I was. Even seemingly unchipped paint, when on high-friction areas (like doors and windows), can produce microscopic dust: enough to sicken or poison a small child. A window A/C can blow in lead dust from a window built before 1978, or can blow in lead dust from construction outside: enough to sicken a child. Many popular children’s toys and foods contain lead at high enough levels to sicken a child–yes, even in 2024. Lead is such a prevalent problem that there was a recall this year on over 450,000 children’s toys sold at Costco for containing an illegal level of lead paint. And in 2023, over 500 children were lead poisoned (or had elevated lead levels) by a popular children’s apple cinnamon food pouch. Lead is so highly toxic that if a child does get access to peeling paint, a tiny chip the size of a pinky fingernail can put them in a coma or even be fatal. But even microscopic lead exposure is dangerous. There is no safe level of lead. And all it takes is a sugar packet’s worth of lead dust, sprinkled over an area the size of a football field, to poison a child. “Children can become poisoned in the blink of an eye,” Jane Nickert, director of nursing at the Washtenaw Health Department, said. “Unfortunately it takes longer for lead levels to start coming down once they’ve been poisoned; they don’t decline as quickly as they go up.” Lead can be in children’s art supplies, bathtubs, jewelry, children’s toys, processed foods, used rugs and even permeate popular hobbies. “Lead is an equal opportunity poison,” Nickert said. She notes that in Washtenaw County, “We are seeing kids poisoned in areas (with new housing) that we might not expect.” If you want to protect your child from any lead exposure, here are 20 areas in which lead can show up in your everyday life. Avoid lead in your FOOD. Lead can be in: Certain foods, such as spinach and sunflower Root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and cassava These are more vulnerable to lead contamination because they are grown in the soil, so any lead-containing particles can attach to the skin and even leech through the skin onto the food itself. Any dirt on the skin is a potential lead contaminant. Any processed foods Processing equipment in factories is notorious for often having parts that are worn down, exposing lead paint or lead parts and contaminating the foods they are processing. This is why the same food (a potato, for example) is at much higher risk of being lead-contaminated when it’s processed vs cooked at home: since lead contamination can occur at the growing, processing, and packaging stages of food, this means homecooked food is only at risk at the “growing” stage, vs processed foods, which are at risk at all three stages. These are notorious for carrying high levels of lead. In some countries, lead is flat-out added to spices like turmeric to beautify its color, so be wary of purchasing spices from other countries. Turmeric, chili powder, coriander, cloves, and curry are all high-risk spices. Avoid lead in your home. Lead can be in: Any painted surface, pre-1978 Lead paint wasn’t banned in the U. S. until 1978, so any surface painted before then has the risk of containing lead; and any home built before 1940 is considered guaranteed to have lead paint. A lead inspection can show you if there’s any lead under layers of paint. Painting over walls with encapsulation paint is often considered sufficient to contain lead, but not for high-friction areas like doors or windows. If these contain lead, they can still leech through as microscopic dust. “Who would think the simple act of opening and closing a window in an old home, even if the paint is intact, just that friction can create lead dust?” Nickert said. “There’s a misconception that a child has to pick a paint chip off the wall and put it in the mouth, but that’s not how most children are poisoned. Lead is heavy and tends to fall to the ground, and then children (especially younger children) explore the ground via hand to mouth skills.” Some bathtub glazes contain lead; and virtually all clawfoot tubs contain lead. Many homes actually still have lead pipes bringing the water. Lead can also exist in homes without lead service lines, because brass or chrome-plated brass faucets can use lead solder. To be safer, test your water for lead; only use cold water for drinking and cooking (hot water contains more lead particles); let the water run for several minutes before you use it to flush out water that’s been sitting in the pipes (with more time to gather lead); and purchase a lead-certified water filter. Your soil can become contaminated by chipping paint; renovations (even ones done inside); or your neighbor’s home. Soil near a home is more risky than soil further out in your yard; and yards by busy roads can be more at-risk than yards in quieter areas. Home lead inspections will also test your soil, especially if it’s a child’s play area. Construction disturbs soil and can send lead-contaminated particles into the air. Yes, this is scary in Michigan, since so much of the summer is construction season! Nickert notes, “There’s a slight increase in lead levels in the summer months because children are playing outside more, or we open our windows more, or there’s more road construction–it can get into the air and get into our houses.” She said the Health Department is seeing more and more lead poisoning levels “coincide with construction. Avoid lead in your Activities/ hobbies. Lead can be in: Children’s art supplies Yes, even art supplies labeled non-toxic. For example, sidewalk chalk marketed for children and sold at Target contained dangerous levels of lead. Children’s toys or accessories Dlesot toddler barrettes from Amazon were tested to contain 31,000ppm of lead in the red and white barrettes (any lead over 90ppm is illegal for items used by children) in 2024. The Stanley Jr. Kids Wheelbarrow and 7-piece Garden Sets, marketed for kids, contained an illegal level of lead and over 450,000 units were recalled after being sold at Costco in 2024. Imported toys or other objects Try not to buy toys from countries like China, for example — millions of toys from China contain high levels of lead. Avoid cheap websites like Temu and Wish, which source from low-regulation countries–be aware that items on Amazon can come from these places too. Imported or antique/vintage cookware or tupperware can contain dangerous lead in the glaze. It can be especially prevalent in glazes. This family experienced lead poisoning due to their children swimming in a pool where the filter lines were weighed down with scuba weights. High levels of lead have been found in various jewelries, including cheap children’s jewelry. Fishing sinkers and ammunition are all high-risk activities. Lead contamination can get on your clothes, skin or car from these activities and can expose your child. Auto repair work, recycling batteries, working with antiques, or working in construction are all also high-risk activities that can bring dangerous levels of lead into the home. This is the first article in our series on lead poisoning hazards for Michigan’s children: its prevalence, its impact, how to avoid being lead poisoned, and how to heal after exposure has happened.
Healthy skin is characterized by a balanced skin barrier and a well-hydrated epidermis. Discover what the skin's barrier function is and how to keep it strengthened and in balance. The skin barrier is the outer surface of the skin, composed of cells, lipids and amino acids. When the skin's barrier function is working properly there is a hydrolipidic balance. The importance of the skin barrier function Its main functions are protection and moisture retention. A healthy skin barrier can help defend against environmental aggressors such as sun and pollution. When strengthened, it can counteract the action of free radicals, which cause premature aging of the skin, as well as various disorders such as sensitivity, redness or flaking. The skin barrier also has the function of retaining and regulating moisture within the skin. The entire Annie Blume collection has been formulated to respect and strengthen the skin barrier, so that it is balanced, healthy, hydrated, nourished and prevents premature skin aging. Causes of a damaged skin barrier The balance of the hydrolipidic film can be disturbed for a multitude of reasons. Externally, UVA and UVB rays, pollution, pollen, sudden changes in temperature, air conditioning and heating. Internally, stress and cyclical changes of the skin have an influence. In skin care, there are also triggers of barrier function imbalance such as shaving and waxing, using a cleanser with a high detergent content (they tend to foam a lot and leave the skin tight), sleeping with make-up or sunscreen, chemical peels, aggressive active ingredients, etc. How to strengthen the barrier function First of all, the most important product is the cleanser. RAINFOREST has been formulated to remove dirt while respecting the skin's hydrolipidic mantle. It also provides the skin with vitamins, enzymes and nutrition. Therefore, after washing your face, your skin does not feel tight. And, thanks to its lactic acid content, it helps to restore the skin's natural balance. Next, it is advisable to opt for ingredients that help to retain water in the skin. Hyaluronic acid, present in SUNSHINE lightweight moisturizer, retains up to 1.000 times its weight in water, ensuring that the skin stays hydrated all day long.
Backwash, perspiration, and saliva all contribute to the smell of a water bottle. Keeping water bottles in a moist place or keeping the lid on for lengthy periods without liquid in the bottle might lead to an unpleasant aroma. Reasons Why Does My Water Bottle Smell: The usage of water bottles is vital to reducing the amount of single-use plastic in our environment. Despite their ease and durability, these bottles also are susceptible to “unpleasant” odors. - Disposable plastic water bottles often develop an unpleasant odour after a week or two of being opened, as you may have experienced. It is a stench that slowly grows on you, becoming more overpowering as time passes. People who want to save money and reduce their environmental impact by refilling and reusing water bottles may find themselves in a pickle. - Is there a reason why these water bottles begin to smell bad so quickly? Bottles made of other materials, such as stainless steel or aluminium, do not have this issue. Why is it that not all plastic bottles have this problem? Disposable plastic bottles are constructed of low-quality plastic that is more susceptible to heat and light than high-quality plastic containers, making them less durable. They may rapidly decay if left in the sun or heat, resulting in an unpleasant stench. - Even while it may be a contributing element, bacteria that accumulate on the interior of a plastic container are more likely to cause the stench. All of us know that any wet surface attracts germs, and the interior of a water bottle is a wet surface by definition. If the bottle is empty, the interior of the plastic is likely coated with condensation created by water that evaporates from the bottom of the bottle. - It might be challenging to remove germs and stains from a plastic surface once they have built up. Cleaning utensils can’t fit in most water bottles because of their narrow mouths. Thus, this is particularly true. When a water bottle starts to smell, most people toss it away and buy a new one. - To remove the odour and extend the life of your water bottle, there are a few methods that you may use to attempt to do so. You’ll have to clean these bottles by hand since they can’t be placed in the dishwasher. - After filling it with water, add soap or detergent and shake it well. Fill the bottle to the brim with water after vigorously shaking it for about a minute. As long as the bottle is left open, the solution will loosen dirt, filth, and germs. After that, please give it a good, thorough wash in cold water. - It will typically smell better after that, and you may use it for a little longer before it returns. To save yourself the hassle, consider purchasing a high-quality water bottle that can be washed and reused time and time again without deterioration. - Disposable plastic water bottles can’t compete with that long-term solution. That musty stench will get you if dangerous chemicals seeping out of your plastic container don’t. If you’re going to spend any money, it’s best to do it right the first time. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Rotten Eggs? The presence of hydrogen sulphide might give your water bottle a rotten egg smell. Sulphur bacteria, particularly in well water, may cause this issue if there is a problem with the water heater. Hydrogen sulphide, a noxious odour, may be produced due to these problems. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Sweat? Poor cleaning, the development of microbes, enhanced sulfur water, mould induced by excess soap, or the chemical interaction between minerals in water with a plastic material that has begun leaching plasticizers are the most common causes of foul smells like sweat in reusable plastic water bottles. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Dirt? Using reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastic bottles is a far better solution for the environment. However, use it for just a long period without cleaning it properly. You’ll become ill when water bottles are kept in a moist environment or with their lids tightly closed, the bacteria that cause foul odours grow more rapidly, so they smell terrible. Because the liquid is the only item we keep in our water bottles, we do not clean them after each usage. However, germs from your mouth might enter the bottle & start blossoming, resulting in an unpleasant odour. - Mould In Soap Water bottles that smell bad are either replaced by a new one or washed, depending on how terrible the odour is. If you accidentally leave soap residue in the bottle or the lid, it might grow mould and become an unpleasant stench. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Metal? - Bacteria Colonize and Proliferate There is a chance that germs and mould might develop up. Even if you’re solely drinking water from your water bottle, small quantities of acids produced by these bacteria may degrade stainless steel and cause it to smell or leach into your beverages. Using bleach in the water bottle or noticing that the water bottle is rusting in places might contribute to the overpowering metal taste and odour. - Acidic beverages A tiny amount of corrosion may occur in stainless steel from acidic beverages such as lemon juice or water and other variations of the citrus fruit, including coffee, tea, soda, and more. Your acidic drink will not be affected much, but you may detect a metallic taste when you fill your water bottle. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Plastic? Let us take a closer look at these factors. - Shabby maintenance Inadequate cleaning is a significant contributor to plastic bottles’ musty aroma. If they are not cleaned correctly after each use, water bottles acquire scents and slight discolouration. Keeping the water bottle wet or sealing it for an extended period might speed up the process. Some individuals use the bottle without washing with detergent for a lengthy period. There are unpleasant aromas that develop over time that may be tasted in the beverage when consumed. Foul odours might also be caused by improper storage. If the plastic bottle is to be reused several times, it is advised to be well cleaned. If the plastic bottle is not going to be used for a lengthy period, another suggestion is to empty it and flip it inverted to drain all the liquid. Microorganisms will have a time that is more challenging spreading if the bottles are dry. They believe that water is the only item in their bottle. Thus they do not wash it every time they use it. This is a common misconception. Microorganisms may, however, infiltrate your bottle every moment you take a drink. A lousy odour might also be caused by dust particles in the air entering the bottle and growing. Microorganisms may survive and thrive in water because it is clean and dissolves organic materials. A biofilm of bacteria builds if you observe an oily or slippery coating within the plastic water bottle. These germs cause foul odours in the future. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Sour? Drinking from reusable water bottles causes an unpleasant odour since germs from backwash, sweat, and saliva are all collected in the bottles. Reusable water bottles may develop an unpleasant odour quicker if kept in a moist environment or if the lid is left on tightly for an extended time. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Gas? Clean water has no smell. In the event of a chemical spill, do not consume any water that has been exposed to a strong odour. After hearing that plastic water bottles of this size were being used to store fuel and subsequently recycled back into drinking water bottlers in Massachusetts, this precaution is recommended. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Chemicals? To get rid of a plastic-like flavour, you must wash the bottle. To prevent water stains, dry the bottle thoroughly after washing it. After purchasing one, it’s also essential to wash a new plastic water bottle right away. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Mold? Bacteria buildup is the primary cause of a water bottle’s mouldy odour. This is a typical issue when you drink from a water bottle regularly. They may be an issue if you don’t routinely and adequately cleanse your water bottle. The unfortunate reality is that many individuals leave their bottles locked or in moist places for lengthy periods without any water inside of them. The smell and taste are also awful. It’s best to keep your bottle without the lid once you’ve washed it so that it can air dry rapidly. You can avoid a repeat of the problem if you know how it got there in the first place. There is no need to worry about the scent of your water bottle after using this method. - Improper Cleanliness As a result, they are excellent at trapping smells and germs. Mould and mildew may grow in water containers that haven’t been thoroughly cleaned. When this happens, the fragrance of the bottle’s contents might be transferred to the liquids within. Keep your water bottle fresh by cleaning it regularly to avoid a mouldy odour. When not in use, allow your water bottle to dry thoroughly before reusing it. - Cold Weather Both plastic and metal water bottles are impacted when it comes to hot weather. As a result, the water bottles’ fragrance resembles a wet dog’s since the water bottles’ air or gas has dissolved. The temperature does not affect stainless steel water bottles like the Hydro Cell stainless steel bottles. The ThermoCell technology used in the manufacture of Hydro Cell water bottles offers excellent insulation. Since of this, your water bottle will not smell like a wet dog because temperatures will not affect the bottles. - The Amount Of Time You Keep Water Stored When you keep your water in a metal or plastic container for an extended time, it begins to smell mould. This is because plastics and certain metals may contaminate the water supply. On the other hand, stainless steel water bottles like the Hydro Cell water bottles don’t create a lingering odour when used to store water. Hydro Cell water bottles keep water fresh for a whole week with the best vacuum seal technology available. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Vinegar? Your water is probably tainted with chlorine if it has a vinegar scent. As a disinfectant used in cities for more than a century, chlorine is a prevalent contaminant in municipally supplied water. People, other animals and birds are safe in tiny amounts of chlorinated water that kills various microorganisms. However, chlorinated water should be avoided by all reptiles, amphibians, and aquatic pets. When it comes to chlorine-treated water, the most common criticism is that it has a disagreeable taste and odour. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Like Feet? Since the bottom of a bottle is difficult to clean, germs and mould may form there. After more than a day without washing the bottle, a thorough overnight soaking in boiling should get rid of a faint stink. Why Does My Water Bottle Smell Weird? One of the most common causes of plastic bottles smelling bad or weird is a lack of thorough cleaning. If a plastic water bottle is not thoroughly cleaned after each use, it may eventually acquire smells and slight discoloration. If the water bottle is kept in a moist environment or sealed with water for a lengthy period, the process may be accelerated. It is best to clean your plastic water bottle regularly and avoid leaving it unclean or overflowing with water. Your plastic water bottles will last longer if they are immediately drained and cleaned after each use. Soap should be used sparingly, and you should permanently remove any soap residue from the water bottle’s lid or the lid of the water bottle. Soap should be used regularly to prevent microbial contamination, which is the most common odour source. Plastic bottles may be cleansed and deodorized with a tiny quantity of bleach if your condition is more urgent. If water has to be stored for an extended period, the content of sulfur compounds should be checked as well.
‘We saw inhumanity close up’. What is gained by school students from Scotland visiting Auschwitz? As the education for citizenship agenda continues to impact on schools in the UK and with the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) in conjunction with the Scottish Government introducing its Lessons From Auschwitz (LFA) project for students and teachers in Scotland, this article focuses on the Scottish context and investigates the school processes by which students are chosen to participate in the LFA project, the impact the LFA project has on student personal growth, and the range of follow‐up activities in their schools and communities. The methodology employed online questionnaires and face‐to‐face interviews which were designed to ascertain student perceptions of the LFA project and the impact that this project had on student participants, their schools, and their communities. Findings demonstrate that the student cohort were highly academic students who took their responsibilities on return to their schools very seriously and organized a wide range of events, both in their schools and in their communities. There was clear evidence that the LFA project had led to extra teaching and awareness of the Holocaust, racism, and human rights; and that students’ citizenship values had been enhanced. Holocaust Education Educational Tours Curriculum and Schoolbooks Citizenship Main Topic: Holocaust and Memorial Schools: Non-Jewish Link to article (paywalled), ‘We saw inhumanity close up’. What is gained by school students from Scotland visiting Auschwitz?
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam then joined on 7 January 1984, Viet Nam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999, making up what is today the ten Member States of ASEAN. As set out in the ASEAN Declaration, the aims and purposes of ASEAN are: 1. To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations; 2. To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter; 3. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields; 4. To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres; 5. To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilisation of their agriculture and industries, the expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of international commodity trade, the improvement of their transportation and communications facilities and the raising of the living standards of their peoples; 6. To promote Southeast Asian studies; and 7. To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with existing international and regional organisations with similar aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation among themselves. In their relations with one another, the ASEAN Member States have adopted the following fundamental principles, as contained in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) of 1976: 1. Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations; 2. The right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion; 3. Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another; 4. Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful manner; 5. Renunciation of the threat or use of force; and 6. Effective cooperation among themselves.
The landscape of education in Southeast Asia is rapidly evolving, driven by government initiatives and collaborative efforts across ASEAN member states. One key driver in this transformation is the pursuit of “Apa Program Pemerintah Untuk Memajukan Pendidikan Di Asean,” which translates to “government APA programs to advance education in ASEAN.” These programs represent a multifaceted approach to elevating educational standards, fostering regional cooperation, and equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in the globalized world. While the specific acronym “APA” might not directly correspond to a universally recognized program across all ASEAN nations, it signifies the commitment of governments in the region to prioritize education through various initiatives. Understanding the spirit of “APA” requires exploring the individual and collective efforts undertaken by ASEAN governments to propel the education sector forward. ASEAN’s Shared Vision for Education At the heart of these endeavors lies a shared vision for a more integrated and prosperous ASEAN community. This vision recognizes education as a cornerstone for achieving economic growth, social progress, and regional competitiveness. To materialize this vision, ASEAN has formulated several blueprints and frameworks that guide member states in harmonizing their education systems and promoting regional cooperation. These include the ASEAN Work Plan on Education, the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF), and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025. Key Focus Areas of Government Initiatives While each ASEAN member state tailors its education programs to address specific national contexts, several common themes emerge in their initiatives. These include: - Enhancing Access to Quality Education: Governments are investing heavily in expanding access to quality education at all levels, particularly in underserved communities. This involves building new schools, improving infrastructure, and providing scholarships and financial assistance to disadvantaged students. - Promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET): Recognizing the demand for skilled labor in the rapidly evolving job market, ASEAN governments are prioritizing TVET to equip individuals with practical skills aligned with industry needs. - Strengthening Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: In the face of technological advancements and a growing digital economy, ASEAN nations are placing significant emphasis on strengthening STEM education to foster innovation and equip students with 21st-century skills. Cross-Border Collaboration and Partnerships Recognizing that education transcends national boundaries, ASEAN governments are actively engaged in cross-border collaborations and partnerships to enhance educational outcomes. These partnerships take various forms, including: - Student and Faculty Exchange Programs: These programs facilitate the exchange of knowledge, cultures, and perspectives among ASEAN member states, fostering a sense of regional identity and promoting understanding. - Joint Research and Development Initiatives: ASEAN governments are collaborating on research projects to address common challenges in the education sector and develop innovative teaching methodologies. - Sharing of Best Practices and Resources: Platforms for dialogue and knowledge sharing allow ASEAN countries to learn from each other’s successes and challenges in implementing educational reforms. Challenges and Opportunities While ASEAN governments have made significant strides in advancing education, challenges remain. These include: - Bridging the Digital Divide: Ensuring equitable access to technology and digital literacy remains a pressing concern, particularly in rural and remote areas. - Upskilling and Reskilling the Workforce: As technology rapidly transforms industries, governments face the challenge of continuously upskilling and reskilling the workforce to meet evolving labor market demands. - Securing Sustainable Funding for Education: Sustaining investments in education and exploring innovative financing mechanisms is crucial to ensure long-term growth and development in the sector. Looking Ahead: A Brighter Future for ASEAN Education The pursuit of “apa program pemerintah untuk memajukan pendidikan di asean” reflects a deep commitment to empowering future generations and securing a brighter future for the region. By continuing to invest in quality education, fostering collaboration, and embracing innovation, ASEAN governments are paving the way for a more prosperous, inclusive, and interconnected Southeast Asia. 1. What are some examples of specific education initiatives by ASEAN governments? Each ASEAN nation has its programs, such as Indonesia’s “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom to Learn) or Singapore’s “SkillsFuture” initiative. These programs reflect the diverse needs and priorities of each country while aligning with the broader ASEAN education goals. 2. How does the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) benefit students? The AQRF facilitates the recognition of educational qualifications across ASEAN countries. This makes it easier for students to pursue higher education or employment opportunities within the region, enhancing regional mobility and integration. 3. How can I learn more about scholarship opportunities for ASEAN students? The ASEAN Secretariat website and the education ministries of individual ASEAN countries are valuable resources for exploring scholarship opportunities. Additionally, organizations like the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) offer various scholarship programs for students in the region. Need further assistance? Contact us at Phone: 0369020373, Email: [email protected], or visit us at Thôn Ngọc Liễn, Hiệp Hòa, Bắc Giang, Việt Nam. Our customer service team is available 24/7.
It’s common knowledge that laptops age over time, and eventually the time comes to throw in the towel and fork out the cash for a new one. But sometimes, when a laptop is having issues, the solution is actually in the battery. The first (and most obvious) sign that the battery is dying, is that it runs out of power at a faster rate. Batteries have a certain amount of times they can be charged and discharged, this is called a charging cycle. Once the battery hits a certain number of these cycles (400 is the average), the performance quality drops and it fails to hold its charge. If you regularly use your laptop plugged in, your battery may be past its use-by date. Random shutdowns are also a key sign that there is something wrong with the battery. This can also be a sign that the hard drive is beginning to fail as well. Lastly, overheating. If your laptop is overheating constantly, especially underneath, it may a be another sign that the battery is on its last legs. While batteries can’t necessarily be ‘fixed’, there are ways to restore them and extend their life and delay having to purchase a new one. The first method is to monitor your power use. Most laptops have built apps that allow you to monitor power usage, and view which apps are draining it the most. Try closing the apps that are using the most energy (Google Chrome and Facebook normally do this), and switching off Bluetooth, this will relieve pressure on the battery. Secondly, removing the battery when it isn’t needed. If you are frequently using your PC laptop while plugged in, you may want to take the battery out, and leave the laptop plugged into the wall. This will save the battery cycles for when you use the computer remotely. Unfortunately, you can't do this with MacBooks. Nowadays laptop batteries are within a reasonable price range for anybody to afford. They can be as cheap as $20.00 and can climb well into the hundreds, depending on what type of laptop you own. It is important to remember when buying a battery that you will get what you pay for. A cheaper battery may end up doing more harm to your laptop, especially if it's an older model. As for MacBooks, we recommend getting Apple or an authorised Apple reseller to have a look Don’t just toss your battery away, as they contain harmful chemicals and if they end up in a landfill, they can cause extensive environmental damage. There are battery recycling plants located all over Melbourne, you can find your nearest one here.
Table of Contents What is the Certificate of Incumbency? A Certificate of Incumbency is an official document used to confirm the identities of key individuals within a company, such as executives, directors, or shareholders. It is also known by various other names, including officer’s certificate, register of directors, certificate of officers, or secretary’s certificate. This document is primarily utilized by Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) or corporations. It’s important to note that when a new Certificate of Incumbency is created, the previous one becomes invalid. When do you need to use the Certificate of Incumbency? A Delaware Certificate of Incumbency serves to identify who has the power to legally decide on behalf of a business or LLC in 4 circumstances. For business deal-making or signing any official documents An agreement becomes invalid (null and void) when an unauthorized signing officer signs a contract with another party. That’s when a certificate of incumbency comes in handy to prove the authority of the signatory. This is especially important when you expand business across borders, or outside of Delaware. Organizations wishing to work with your LLC need to know who in your organization is authorized to sign contracts with them before entering into partnerships. A third party can rest assured about the legality and trustworthiness of this document because it contains the company seal and is preserved by the corporate secretary. Opening bank accounts Opening bank accounts for Delaware companies is a significant activity that needs this certificate. The bank or any other financial institution will inquire about your authorized agents if you wish to open a checking or business banking account. Certificates of incumbency are a requirement to create new accounts, apart from other legal documents that establish your business under state laws. This is easier for the banks to verify that the person opening the business account is authorized. For example, let’s say you are the President of a business who comes to the bank for a transaction. You can show the bank this certificate with your name and (president) title cited on the document. This way, the bank knows that you are a legal representative. Confirming the minute book is valid The Minute Book records all the vital documents, such as annual reports, bylaws, shareholders’ or directors’ resolutions, and meetings. When there is a need to validate the signing officers in the Minute Book, the certificate of incumbency will come in handy (usually when the government agencies or auditors need to confirm the validity). What information should be included in a Certificate Of Incumbency? The first thing is a lead-in text of the secretary that introduces his/her name, on behalf of what company, and claims that the following signatures are true. You can refer to the Certificate of Incumbency LLC sample for a more details. Following the introduction, the document lists all individuals within the company who have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the business. This list includes their names and titles, along with spaces for their signatures. The document should include the names, titles, and blank spaces for signatures of the president, CEO, shareholders, officers, treasurer, and registered agents. Additionally, the secretary’s signature is also required. Each signature provided by these authorized officials serves as a reference point. This is crucial in case unauthorized parties attempt to forge signatures, as it helps prevent any illicit or questionable business transactions conducted on behalf of the company. Finally, at the conclusion of the certificate, you will find the company seal, as previously mentioned. How to get a Certificate Of Incumbency? To get a Certificate of Incumbency LLC, you can simplify this process with two main steps: Prepare all the information to make a draft: You should draft a complete list of authorized people to speed up the process. Usually, the company secretary will handle this work. Create and file the company’s minute book: This one should be filed because it confirms who has the authority to sign or enter an agreement. Who signs a Certificate of Incumbency? All parties with signing authority, usually a Secretary or a designated company officer, must sign and print their names. And the last step is sealing the contract when the company’s secretary signs at the bottom. Delaware Certificate of Incumbency is related to business contracts, legal matters, and settling disputes in the future. That’s why you need to put more effort into getting it done when starting a company. The advice for you is to seek an experienced consultant’s help to ensure the procedure’s completion. Or feel free to contact us at [email protected] for assistance. Frequently Asked Questions Does Delaware issue Certificate Of Incumbency? Yes, Delaware can issue a Certificate of Incumbency, though you can do it on your own. Many Delaware companies prefer a third party to issue this certificate. Is a Certificate Of Incumbency necessary? Yes, it is. Especially if you want to open a business bank account as it will be easier for the banks to verify your identity and authority. For entering partnerships or opening accounts, this is also necessary. Both you and the opposite party must confirm the identity (of the signer). This shows your partners that the person they are working with is an authorized representative. Disclaimer: While BBCIncorp strives to make the information on this website as timely and accurate as possible, the information itself is for reference purposes only. You should not substitute the information provided in this article for competent legal advice. Feel free to contact BBCIncorp’s customer services for advice on your specific cases. Industry News & Insights Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter! Stay in the know and be empowered with our strategic how-tos, resources, and guidelines.
Sophie looked out the window as her parents drove her up the long driveway to the treatment center. She wasn’t so sure she need to be in rehabilitation for teens, but her parents were certain it was necessary. She couldn’t get a handle on her depression and anxiety and her doctors could only advise inpatient treatment. Sophie, 14, was afraid of being away from her family, especially her little sister, Emily, who was only 8. Would the other kids make fun of her? Would she be able to stay alone for 3 months? Who was going to help her with her homework? These were just a few of the questions Sophie had as the car came to a stop at the front door. So, what does happen on a daily basis in rehabilitation for teens? A typical day starts with breakfast and self-care, followed by group therapy, individual therapy, academics, chores, and recreation. It is not unusual for teens to let themselves go when they are in a bad mental state. Teens entering a rehab facility may have completely ignored self-care because they are dealing with other, more pressing issues. Rehabilitation for teens requires that teens learn about the importance of self-care. It is hard to fix what’s going on in the mind if the body is in bad shape. The idea of self-care can be overwhelming at first. People today consider self-care as maybe taking a long bath or treating oneself to a shopping spree; but, self-care is so much more. Self-care is unique to each person. For some people, self-care will be doing the dishes after being depressed for days on end; for others, it will be going to a movie after a bad week. However you practice healthy self-care is okay. Teens can wrongly deduce that self-care is a selfish act, but there’s a difference between being selfish and practicing self-care. Self-care is about learning to love and care for yourself. It can be challenging, but showing yourself patience, compassion, and love is the foundation of getting and staying healthy. Self-care is also about eating right. Teen rehabs include learning about proper eating habits and what’s good for the body. If a teen has an eating disorder, this is also a critical part of their treatment plan. Many teens overuse caffeine and other legal substances to help them cope, but they don’t realize how that can damage multiple body systems and interfere with sleep. Sophie never once thought about self-care as a way to cope with her depression and anxiety. Putting that focus on positive ways to care for herself helped her start the process of coping with her feelings. She was also used to skipping breakfast – and she never once thought it could be detrimental to her overall health or even contribute to her depression. Once teens have practiced self-care and had a nutritious breakfast, they move on to the next order of the day: group therapy. Group therapy can be intimidating and scary. Most rehabilitation for teens includes group therapy as a critical key in the overall process. Sophie was scared of group therapy. She felt like she was going to be judged and ridiculed by the other teens, especially those who didn’t understand depression. Teens newer to the process can benefit by seeing others who work to overcome their issues and move forward with an enjoyable life. There is power and influence in group therapy, along with support, strength, and confidence to be gained from one another. Experts support the positive impact of groups in adolescent residential rehabilitation. While individual therapy will always be central to the teen’s recovery program, work done in group sessions, with an audience of one’s peers, recognizes the importance of peers at this stage of a teen’s life. Teens tend to be more open and truthful in peer groups and can identify with feelings and issues expressed by their peers that they themselves may not have addressed yet. Identifying with other teens gives them a sense of belonging and hope that if their peers can develop, mature, and heal, so can they. Professionally led peer group meetings are safe and structured, allowing students to gain insight and possibly learn and perfect new coping mechanisms for life. Sophie wasn’t sure at first about going to group, but in time she saw the value of knowing she was not alone and that others struggled just as she did. Group also provides accountability among students; as a group, they make a commitment to working together on their issues. The more Sophie went to group, the more confident she was to help others, which promoted her self-esteem and gave her a sense of personal growth. After group, students would then attend individual therapy – a place Sophie wanted nothing to do with. In individual therapy, it is common to address issues even the patient has no desire to address. It is very painful to admit problems, relive traumas, or talk about embarrassing subjects. Sophie felt so ashamed by her self-perceived weakness. She didn’t want to go into therapy and admit that she was not strong enough to deal with her problems on her own. She wanted to be like her parents – tough cookies who never let anything get in the way. But as part of a teen rehab program, individual therapy is a must. However, individual therapy has both advantages and disadvantages. In individual therapy, the teens are guaranteed privacy and confidentiality. This is crucial for the teen to build a sense of trust in others and a comfortability with sharing their issues. The one-on-one attention from the therapist gives the therapist the opportunity to fully understand the specific problems of each teen and help them develop an individualized approach to treatment. When working with a therapist one on one, the therapist can better analyze and treat the teen. This allows for the teen to work at his or her own pace, speeding up or slowing down as needed for proper adjustment. Individual therapy allows for the client to get a self-awareness of his or her needs without the distraction of a group setting. The therapist and teen can create a deep sense of trust and a positive working relationship. However, individual therapy can have its drawbacks. Some teens may need to relate with other teens who share similar issues. This comradery in group therapy can be much more powerful than what a teen can find in individual therapy. Individual therapy also calls for a certain level of self-motivation that many teens lack. The teen may not be committed to doing the work, making positive changes, or applying new techniques to dealing with his or her issues. As she worked with her therapist, Sophie found that the individual attention really forced her to focus on her issues and not get distracted by the group therapy dynamics. Sophie came to terms with her past traumas and learned how they affected her depression and anxiety. And all of this therapy was time consuming, leaving Sophie feeling a bit anxious about her schoolwork. Sophie was really worried about how she was going to keep up with schoolwork in with residential rehabilitation treatment. She had always been a good student and didn’t want this 90-day program to put her behind. Sophie was relieved to find out that her treatment center had a great academics program. It’s not uncommon for teen rehab centers to offer academic programs so teens don’t fall behind in school. Some centers use tutors or even licensed teachers to help keep the teens on track. Academic programs offered by teen rehab facilities can be designed as self-study or distance-learning through an online learning platform. During their stay at teen rehab centers, teens work on school assignments while attending individual therapy and group therapy. Tutors or teachers evaluate where teens stand academically. They teens are provided with academic support to help them reach their academic goals. At many teen rehab centers, residents are expected to finish their schoolwork, including all homework assignments. Sophie found the tutors and teachers at her facility to be extremely helpful. They were kind-hearted, patient, and understood the frustration that comes with anxiety. They helped Sophie with her AP course work, catching up on where she was behind, tutoring when she didn’t understand something, and even getting her mindset ready for the SAT. Sophie never realized how anxious she was about her schoolwork until she started working on her own at the rehabilitation facility. She was scared to flunk English and math because she really wanted to be the first in her family to go to college. She never realized it before, but her parents put a lot of pressure on her to succeed academically. With the help of her therapist, Sophie came to terms with her academic goals and created a realistic plan to help her get into college. After schoolwork was done, Sophie went to the cork board to see what her chores were for the afternoon. Chores were something Sophia actually looked forward to. She had a list of chores at home and having them at rehab gave her a sense of normalcy. For many teens with mental health issues, life has become unmanageable by the time they enter a rehabilitation program. They often cannot follow daily routines, including doing chores around the house. When this is the case, teens need to learn how to build structure and schedules into their daily lives. Having assigned daily chores helps teens who need it understand the value of a routine. Most teens don’t realize that chores are a functional part of daily living, and they need to find a way to live functionally. Sophie particularly liked doing laundry and helping with the cooking. She had a roommate who loved washing dishes and vacuuming; and most of the boys had chores like taking out the trash, cutting the grass, or raking leaves. In the rehabilitation environment, chores help teens prepare for the small stuff of daily living that seem overwhelming when they are dealing with mental health issues. And while therapy, school, and chores are essential parts of a daily schedule, there must also be time for recreation – it can even be therapeutic! While Sophie was not always a social butterfly, she found out quickly that recreation time was a great opportunity for talking with others who found themselves in the same, desperate situation. Whether it was playing an organized game or just tossing a ball around, Sophie grew to look forward to recreation time. Most facilities use some kind of recreational therapy as a therapeutic treatment option. It calls on the teens to use recreational skills to address limitations of the individual. These limitations are often psychological or social. But anything that prevents a person’s happiness and a person’s daily ability to function can be dealt with through recreational therapy. Sophie, for example, was never athletic. But with the encouragement of her therapist and her groupmates, she started playing volleyball with some other residents. They never kept score – they just enjoyed playing the game. Sophie found after a few days of playing that she actually had some athletic bones in her body! This gave her self-esteem a great boost and also gave her something to talk about with the other teens at the facility. This type of recreational therapy can improve a teen’s mental health, physical health, independence, relationships, and communication. Recreational therapy programs help reduce the side effects or symptoms of a mental health issue. They focus on improving all facets of a teen’s life. Sophie’s 90 days were up. She was so happy to see her family, but, surprisingly, she was sad to leave behind the teens who had become her friends and support system. She was able to keep in touch with them via text and found that teen rehab was just what she needed to put her back on a path to success.
Hope is the belief in a positive future. It is an optimistic, exciting sense of what is possible. In this time of global health crisis, economic uncertainty, racial reckoning, and physical disconnection from other human beings, the day to day challenges of doing everything differently make it difficult to hold onto hope. Yet hope is an antidote to despair. It can give us the energy to persevere and can offer a sense of purpose, calm and connection. Parents are children’s first hope builders. Your presence, connection, and attitude can help your child be more hopeful. They look to you to set their sail. Try some of these ideas to bring hope into your regular family practice. - Name hope. Share examples of when you feel hopeful about something. Encourage your child to do the same. Notice how the positive energy of hope impacts the situation. What you have hope for may or may not turn out to be true, but the awareness and sense of hope is powerful. - See their strengths. You want your children to be the best they can be, but often that results in noticing what is wrong, more than what is right. Spend some time thinking about who your child is. What are their strengths? What do you appreciate about them? Think about how their strengths will help them be adults that make the world a better place. Notice your child’s strengths out loud. Their belief in themselves and their capability will foster their hope. - Avoid rescuing children. If they bump up against an obstacle, let them you know that you have faith that they can figure it out. Encourage them to work it out for themselves. This doesn’t mean abandonment, you can coach them or give them ideas Stay connected and interested…as a cheerleader rather than fixer. - Talk about the future. Plan for the future. As new opportunities come up, discuss the possible outcomes. It is okay to be unsure, but find things that help you feel hopeful about the situation. Start a savings account that your whole family contributes to for a future outing together. Put things on the calendar for the future and model flexibility when plans need to be altered when the time comes. - Start a hands-on project. Many of our hours these days are spent in the online world. Find a project to do with your kids that allows them to touch materials and use tools. It’s good for them to be a part of the beginning, middle and completion of something real that they can see and hold. This process from conception through to finished product inspires a sense of competence, accomplishment and control that inspires hope. Here are some ideas for DIY projects. - Read, read, read. Books can be a wonderful resource for helping children build hope. There are lots of children’s stories about finding joy and connection on the other side of adversity.
Researchers Sharpen DNA Mapping Tue, 10/08/2024 - 11:12am Proof-of-concept experiments in the Rice lab of chemist Christy Landes identified DNA sequences as short as 50 nucleotides at room temperature, a feat she said is impossible with standard microscopes that cannot see targets that small, or electron microscopes that require targets to be in a vacuum or cryogenically frozen. The technique called “super-localization microscopy” has been known for a while, Landes said, but its application in biosensing is just beginning. Scientists have seen individual double-stranded DNA molecules under optical microscopes for years, but the ability to see single-stranded DNA is a new achievement, and breaking the diffraction limit of light adds value, she said. The work by Landes, Rice postdoctoral associate Jixin Chen and undergraduate student Alberto Bremauntz is detailed in the American Chemical Society journal Applied Materials and Interfaces. The Rice researchers call their super-resolution technique “motion blur point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography” (mbPAINT). With it, they resolved structures as small as 30 nanometers (billionths of a meter) by making, essentially, a movie of fluorescent DNA probes flowing over a known target sequence along an immobilized single strand of DNA. The probes are labeled with a fluorescent dye that lights up only when attached to the target DNA. In the experimental setup, most would flow by unseen, but some would bind to the target for a few milliseconds, just long enough to be captured by the camera before the moving liquid pulled them away. Processing images of these brief events amidst the background blur allows the researchers to image objects smaller than the natural diffraction limits of light-based imaging, which do not allow for the resolution of targets smaller than the wavelength of light used to illuminate them. Even the Landes lab’s system is subject to these physical limitations. Individual images of fluorescing probes on targets are just a pixelated blur. But it’s a blur with a bright spot, and careful analysis of multiple images allows the researchers to pinpoint that spot along the strand. “The probes are moving so fast that in real time, all we would see with the camera is a line,” Chen said. But when the camera firing at 30-millisecond intervals happened to catch a bound probe, it clearly stood out. The probes sometime picked out two sequences along a strand that would have been seen as a single blur via regular fluorescent microscopy. Landes said one goal for mbPAINT is to map ever-smaller fragments of DNA. “Eventually, we’d like to get down to a couple of nucleotides,” she said. “Some diseases are characterized by one amino acid mutation, which is three nucleotides, and there are many diseases associated with very small genetic mutations that we’d like to be able to identify. “We’re thinking this method will be ideally suited for diseases associated with small, localized mutations that are not possible to detect in any other inexpensive way,” she said. Landes sees mpPAINT as not only more cost-effective but also able to capture information electron microscopes cannot. “One of the reasons people invented electron microscopy is to image objects smaller than light’s diffraction limit, because biomolecules such as proteins and DNAs are smaller than that,” she said. “But electron microscopy requires cryogenic temperatures or a vacuum. You can’t easily watch things react in solution. “The advent of this technology allows us to see the biological processes of nano-sized objects as they happen in water, with buffers and salts, at room temperature, at body temperature or even in a cell. It’s very exciting,” Landes said. Rice graduate students Lydia Kisley and Bo Shaung are co-authors of the paper. The National Science Foundation, the Welch Foundation and the National Institutes of Health supported the research. Source: Rice University
Bushfire Sense and Nonsense By Viv Forbes Bushfires are normal events in this season in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere – in Australia, Africa and South America. Even Captain Cook noted many fires in Eastern Australia in 1770, long before the era of “global warming” hysteria. What is unusual is the number and ferocity of recent Australian fires. Destructive bushfires need three things – a big load of dry fuel, hot dry winds and a point of ignition. A big load of dry fuel, close to towns and buildings, in this season, is a sign of gross mis-management (seen most commonly in public lands). That fuel should have been raked, dozed or burnt in safer weather conditions. Hot dry winds are not unusual in this season in these latitudes – no use whinging. But how do 100+ bushfires start suddenly? Machinery occasionally starts fires but not 120 fires in a short time. There have been no lightning storms so who are the arsonists or idiots starting these fires?
Fishing is a hobby enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. When heading out onto the water, there are a few basic pieces of equipment needed to ensure a successful trip. Fishing can be as expensive or as inexpensive a hobby as you want. A fishing pole is an essential part of your fishing gear and of your fishing trip. The fishing line goes from the pole into the water. A fishing reel is attached to a pole and allows an angler to cast out the bait and reel it back in with a fish. Spinning, bait-cast, spin-cast and fly are popular types of reels. Fishing line is also needed to get the bait and hook into the water. There are several different types, including monofilament, braided and fluorocarbon. Bait is needed to attract the fish. There are many different types of bait–both artificial and natural. Artificial baits mimic the natural food sources of fish. When you go fishing, you will need hooks to catch the fish once it bites your bait. Hooks are normally included in artificial baits, while the angler usually applies the natural bait to a hook. Hooks Bait is necessary.
Alarming Projections for Global CO2 Emissions The international community confronts an immense challenge in addressing climate change as projections indicate that this year will witness an all-time high in global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The Urgent Call for Drastic Carbon Reduction Scientists assert that carbon pollution must be reduced by nearly half this decade to meet the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) above pre-industrial levels. Disconcerting Shift in CO2 Trends Preliminary data suggest that CO2 levels, which experts anticipated to decrease by around five percent this year, now project an increase of up to one and a half percent. Expert Insights and Warnings According to AFP, Glen Peters, the scientist leading the research, remarked, “A reduction in emissions by 2023 is highly improbable.” Current predictions predict a 0.5–1.5 percent increase in CO2 emissions from cars, planes, electricity, heating, and food production. Peters, who serves as the research director at the CICERO climate research institute in Norway, pointed out, “As emissions persist in rising, achieving pathways compliant with the Paris Agreement becomes progressively more challenging.” He will publish his final report in December before a crucial UN climate summit in the UAE with world leaders. The agenda will focus on fossil fuel use, a major cause of CO2 pollution. However, there is not all bad news. Hope Amidst Challenges: Transition to Cleaner Energy The International Energy Agency (IEA) has predicted that global demand for oil, gas, and coal will peak in this decade. The IEA previously forecasted this year that the ‘remarkable’ growth of electric vehicles and cleaner energy technologies will contribute to this. Nevertheless, the energy watchdog cautioned that “persistently high emissions” during the economic recovery following the pandemic and the energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pose obstacles to addressing global warming. Peters noted that the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy should already be underway, but he added, “This is regrettably not occurring in any substantial manner at present.” There were expectations that the highest levels of greenhouse gas emissions would be reached in 2015, followed by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, both projections failed to materialize, as carbon dioxide levels continued to increase with no signs of abating. Prominent scientists have also warned that exceeding 1.5°C (2.7°F) above pre-industrial levels in global temperatures could potentially trigger a hazardous turning point in the climate system. Peters remarked, “Yet, here we are once more, with a new peak anticipated in 2022 and yet another peak expected in 2023.” “My concern is that we are only transitioning away from fossil fuels and doing only half the job by increasing clean energy production.” According to the IEA, CO2 emissions reached an all-time high of 36.8 billion tonnes in 2022, an increase of 321 million tonnes, or 0.9%.
About this course You could apply only to individual courses at this level. Send us a request and we will provide you with options and details. What is an A-level? Advanced Levels or A-Levels are subject-based qualifications that British students aged 16 or older must get if they plan to enter university or just want to gain better knowledge in a particular study area or professionthey are into. A-levels are studied across two years: your AS year (Year 12) and your A2 year (Year 13). - Study four subjects in their AS year. - Drop one, which they achieve an AS-level in. - Continue with the other three in their A2 year to achieve full A-levels in these. What A-level subjects can you study? There are around 80 different subjects available to study at A-level. However, the options available to you will depend on which your school or college offers. Typical A-level subjects include: - Ones you’ve studied before: history, music, chemistry etc. - Variations on ones you’ve studied before: eg you could choose between English literature, English language, or English literature and language; or you could take maths and further maths. - Subjects you’ve never had the chance to study before: eg law, philosophy, psychology etc. English, maths and sometimes science are the important subjects to get this in – not just when applying to A-levels, but to university and jobs too – as well as any subjects you plan to study at A-level. Do A levels expire? No, they don’t. What Advantages Can A-Level Maths Offer You? Having A-level maths can open up a world of opportunities in the working world. In fact, A-level maths makes you more desirable as an employee. Those with an A-level maths qualification usually earn around 10% more than those with other qualifications and that problem solving in mathematics, i.e. logical thinking and statistical analysis, are closer to those used in the workplace. Numbers, problem solving and equations are actually used in both home and working life. Popular career choices for those with A-level maths include engineering, computing, accountancy, economics, banking, business, retail management, surveying, psychology, air traffic control, architecture, cartography, psychology and teaching. What Advantages Will A-level ICT Offer You? There can be few jobs these days where the use and/or application of ICT is not important. Subsequently, people with proven ICT skills, such as an A-level in ICT qualification, are much in demand by employers locally, nationally and internationally. As report writing is important in an ICT environment — a good standard of literacy will be required too. What Advantages Will A-level English Language and Literature Offer You? Studying A-level English Language and Literature gives you the opportunity to improve and extend your knowledge and understanding of English literature and language development, so that you might more fully enjoy it. A-level English Language and Literature is an ideal preparation for those intending to study English further and is, of course, of great relevance to careers in many industries and businesses. What Advantages Can A-Level Physics Offer You? Having A-level physics offers you access to a huge range of options for both further education and careers. A-level physics is a highly respected form of qualification that can open doors to a number of possibilities. Possible career options with A-level physics include food scientist, climatologist, radiographer, ergonomics expert, medical physicist, geophysicist, chemist, oceanography, naval architect, audio technician and orthoptist, to name but a few. There are a huge range of careers where A-level physics is highly desirable, not to mention the engineering possibilities, such as flight, design, mining, medical, electrical/electronic, mechanical, aeronautical and agricultural. What Advantages Will A-level German Offer You? Apart from studying A-level German to then go on to university to study German or another modern language to a higher level, simply having an A-level in German could be very useful in any number of careers. With the German economy being such a powerhouse of the European economy – many companies will welcome recruits who can communicate in German fluently. Also, if you simply enjoy visiting Germany or have regular contact with German friends – then studying A-level German will undoubtedly enhance your experiences and enjoyment. What Advantages Will A-level Spanish Offer You? Having the qualification A-level Spanish will be of great benefit for anyone seeking work in Spain, work as a Spanish translator or, indeed, anyone hoping to study Spanish or other European languages in higher education. Students of A-level Travel and Tourism might also consider taking this A-level. Needless to say, of course, if you simply enjoy visiting Spain, then having the ability and confidence to read, write and speak well in Spanish — can only enhance your enjoyment of being in Spain. A-level 16-19 y.o. | A-level preparation, individually | 72 lessons on each subject, every lesson lasts 90 minutes | Price of the course (1 subject) 4255 € | Registration fee 100 € |
Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects populations all over the globe. In fact, it is estimated that over 10 million people live with the condition worldwide. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative health condition that affects the nerve cells in the brain that control the body’s movement. The disease is a progressive condition with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease increasing gradually as time goes by. The condition received its name via James Parkinson who is a London doctor that first reported symptoms related to the condition in the early 1800s. What Are Common Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease? One of the hard things about treating Parkinson’s disease is that symptoms vary widely among patients. It’s a condition that seems to affect many patients differently. Some of the more common symptoms are broken up into two categories – those that affect the patient’s motor function and those that do not. Common symptoms related to motor function include movement tremors, the ‘freezing’ of physical functions, and rigidity. Common non-motor function-related symptoms include fatigue/tiredness, depression, and ongoing physical pain. Symptoms tend to appear more often among people that are 60 years old or older, however, people can develop symptoms earlier in life as well. Cannabis as a Treatment Some of the more common pharmaceutical treatments for Parkinson’s disease involve dopamine promoters, pain medications, antidepressants, cognition-enhancing medications, and anti-tremor medications. Every one of those pharmaceutical drugs come with their own varying levels of side-effects and other potential dangers such as severe addiction. Cannabis, on the other hand, is not nearly as harmful as the previously mentioned medications, which is likely why more Parkinson’s patients are using the cannabis plant for medical purposes. A recent survey of Parkinson’s patients found that nearly 1 out of every 4 are using medical cannabis to treat their condition. The researchers behind the survey are pushing for more research to learn more about best practices when treating Parkinson’s with cannabis, which is an ongoing issue. “Our results suggest that although there are many people with PD using cannabis as a [complementary alternative] treatment for their motor and non-motor symptoms, the lack of formal guidance about cannabis usage for PD may underlie inconsistencies in use and reported effectiveness,” researchers concluded.
Where is Costa Rica? Nestled in Central America, Costa Rica is bordered by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. It is flanked by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica is renowned for its lush landscapes and dedication to sustainability. Despite its small size, the country boasts an impressive array of natural resources that are vital to its economy and environmental goals. From vast tropical forests and rich biodiversity to renewable energy sources and fertile agricultural land, Costa Rica natural resources are abundant and carefully managed to ensure a greener future. This commitment has made Costa Rica a global leader in conservation and eco-friendly development. Main Costa Rica Natural Resources Forests and Biodiversity Costa Rica is home to about 6% of the world’s biodiversity, a remarkable feat for a small country. Over 25% of its land is protected as national parks, reserves, and wildlife refuges. This protection helps conserve countless plant and animal species, many of which are unique or endangered. The country’s forests, including tropical rainforests, cloud forests, and dry forests, provide valuable resources like medicinal plants and timber. These forests also play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, absorbing more carbon dioxide than Costa Rica emits. This supports the nation’s goal of carbon neutrality. Additionally, eco-tourism, driven by Costa Rica’s biodiversity, generates millions of dollars each year and benefits local communities. Renewable Energy Sources Costa Rica is a global leader in renewable energy. Nearly all of the country’s electricity comes from renewable sources. The diverse landscape, rich in rivers, geothermal activity, and sunshine, makes Costa Rica ideal for clean energy production. - Hydropower: Costa Rica’s rivers generate most of the country’s electricity. The mountainous terrain and frequent rainfall provide a reliable water supply for energy production, particularly in the rainy season. - Geothermal Energy: Costa Rica, located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, has access to geothermal energy from volcanic activity. This resource is increasingly harnessed, particularly during dry periods when hydropower is less reliable. - Wind and Solar: Wind farms in Guanacaste and solar panels nationwide help diversify Costa Rica’s energy portfolio. These sources ensure a steady energy supply year-round and contribute to the country’s goal of carbon neutrality. Costa Rica’s location between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea gives it rich marine resources. Its waters are home to diverse marine life, including coral reefs, fish, and other aquatic species, vital to both biodiversity and the economy. - Fisheries: Costa Rica prioritizes sustainable fishing practices, protecting certain species and combating overfishing. Fish exports and local fisheries provide significant income and food for coastal communities. - Marine Biodiversity and Tourism: Marine reserves like Cocos Island National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, attract divers and marine biologists. Tourism activities such as whale watching, scuba diving, and snorkeling generate substantial revenue and promote conservation. Agricultural Land and Fertile Soil Costa Rica’s fertile soils, especially in the Central Valley and coastal plains, make it an ideal location for agriculture. The country’s rich volcanic soil is perfect for growing crops like coffee, bananas, pineapples, and sugarcane, which are key exports for the nation. - Coffee: Costa Rica is famous for its high-quality coffee, which is grown in volcanic soils at high altitudes. Coffee production not only supports the economy but is also a cultural staple. - Bananas and Pineapples: Costa Rica is one of the world’s largest exporters of bananas and pineapples. These industries provide employment for thousands of Costa Ricans and are essential for the country’s agricultural economy. Learn more about Costa Rica Tropical fruits in our blog. - Sustainable Agriculture: Costa Rica has taken significant steps to promote sustainable farming practices. Organic farming, permaculture, and agroforestry are growing trends, as farmers and businesses recognize the value of preserving the land for future generations. Costa Rica’s abundant rainfall ensures a plentiful supply of freshwater, supporting agriculture, energy generation, and daily life. Freshwater resources come from rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers. - Rivers and Lakes: Costa Rica’s rivers not only support hydropower but also provide water for irrigation, drinking, and recreational activities. - Watersheds and Conservation: Watershed management is a priority in Costa Rica, where protecting water quality is crucial for both human use and ecosystems. Efforts to reduce pollution and maintain clean water sources are supported by government policies and community initiatives. Minerals and Geological Resources Costa Rica’s restrictive policy on mineral extraction protects its environment, but the country still has valuable geological resources. Its volcanic regions provide geothermal energy, and construction materials like limestone are produced. Costa Rica has chosen to limit mineral exploitation to avoid environmental harm. This decision reflects the country’s long-term ecological vision over short-term economic gains, making it unique among nations with similar resources. Ready to experience the natural beauty and incredible resources of Costa Rica firsthand? Discover it all with The Castle of Oz. Our luxurious all-inclusive villa, perfect for weddings and serene retreats, is nestled in paradise. With a commitment to sustainability through solar power and rainwater capture, we offer the perfect comfort. Book your stay with us and make Costa Rica’s natural wonders part of your story! Costa Rica is located in Central America, is bordered by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. It is flanked by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. What are costa rica’s natural resources? – Forests and Biodiversity – Renewable Energy Sources – Marine Resources -Agricultural Land and Fertile Soil – Freshwater Resources – Minerals and Geological Resources Reference Website for this Blog
That prenatal events can have life-long consequences is now well established. Nevertheless, research on the Fetal Origins Hypothesis is flourishing and has expanded to include the early childhood (postnatal) environment. Why does this literature have a “second act?” We summarize the major themes and contributions driving the empirical literature since our 2011 reviews, and try to interpret the literature in light of an overarching conceptual framework about how human capital is produced early in life. One major finding is that relatively mild shocks in early life can have substantial negative impacts, but that the effects are often heterogeneous reflecting differences in child endowments, budget constraints, and production technologies. Moreover, shocks, investments, and interventions can interact in complex ways that are only beginning to be understood. Many advances in our knowledge are due to increasing accessibility of comprehensive administrative data that allow events in early life to be linked to long-term outcomes. Yet, we still know relatively little about the interval between, and thus about whether it would be feasible to identify and intervene with affected individuals at some point between early life and adulthood. We do know enough, however, to be able to identify some interventions that hold promise for improving child outcomes in early life and throughout the life course.
The federal government is not adequately prepared to deal with the potential consequences of a large-scale biological attack on the U.S., including the massive decontamination effort that would be required, warns a report by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Biosecurity. A major release of a biological warfare agent could potentially result in hundreds of thousands of illnesses and deaths and cost trillions of dollars to clean up, the study notes. Contaminated areas might include buildings, streets, parks, and vehicles, which would probably all need to be decontaminated before an affected city could be inhabited again. "Given the U.S. experience with the 2001 anthrax attacks, it is possible that a city might be uninhabitable for an extensive period of time following a large biological attack," the report says. Federal roles and responsibilities for decontamination research and response are not clearly spelled out, often overlap, and are generally underfunded, according to the analysis. In addition, the various federal agencies have too few personnel trained in decontamination.
Fair Isle sweaters have a rich history and an enduring charm that continues to captivate fashion enthusiasts. Named after a small island in Scotland, these sweaters are renowned for their intricate patterns and warm, cozy fabric. Whether you’re a fashion aficionado or someone looking to add a touch of tradition to your wardrobe, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know about Fair Isle sweaters, from their history to how to wear and care for them. What is a Fair Isle Sweater? Definition and Origin A Fair Isle sweater is a type of knitted garment characterized by its use of traditional patterns and colors. The name “Fair Isle” comes from the Fair Isle, one of the Shetland Islands in Scotland, where this distinctive style of knitting originated. These sweaters are known for their use of multiple colors in geometric patterns, often incorporating motifs like snowflakes, diamonds, and bands. - Color Patterns: Fair Isle sweaters are known for their vibrant, multi-colored designs. The patterns are typically created using a technique called stranded colorwork, where different colors of yarn are used to create intricate designs. - Warmth and Comfort: Made from wool or wool-blend yarns, Fair Isle sweaters are incredibly warm and soft, making them perfect for cold weather. - Traditional Motifs: Common motifs include geometric shapes, snowflakes, and nature-inspired designs, reflecting the rich heritage of the Shetland Islands. The History of Fair Isle Sweaters Origins and Development The history of Fair Isle sweaters dates back to the early 20th century. The traditional patterns were inspired by the natural surroundings of the Shetland Islands, where local knitters used the resources available to create practical and beautiful garments. In the 1920s, the Isle sweater gained popularity beyond its local roots when British aristocrats and celebrities began to wear them. The sweater’s charm was further cemented in the 1950s and 60s when it became a symbol of classic British style. Fair Isle knitting represents a fusion of practicality and artistry. The intricate designs were originally used to keep fishermen warm during harsh weather conditions. Over time, these sweaters have become a symbol of British craftsmanship and heritage, celebrated for their intricate beauty and cultural significance. How to Wear a Fair Isle Sweater - Casual Look: Pair a Fair Isle sweater with jeans and boots for a relaxed, everyday look. The sweater’s patterns add a touch of visual interest to a simple outfit. - Layering: Fair Isle sweaters work well as layering pieces. Throw a tailored coat or jacket over your sweater to stay warm and stylish. - Accessorize: Complement your Fair Isle sweater with accessories like scarves or hats in coordinating colors. This can help balance the vibrant patterns and add a polished touch to your outfit. Fair Isle sweaters are versatile enough to be worn for various occasions: - Casual Outings: Ideal for weekend activities, casual meet-ups, and holiday gatherings. - Outdoor Activities: Perfect for outdoor adventures like hiking or skiing, thanks to their warmth and durability. - Festive Events: Their traditional patterns make them a popular choice for festive occasions and holiday celebrations. Caring for Your Isle Sweater - Hand Wash: To maintain the quality and shape of your Fair Isle sweater, hand wash it in cold water using a gentle wool detergent. Avoid wringing or twisting the sweater to prevent stretching. - Dry Flat: Lay the sweater flat on a clean towel to dry. Avoid hanging it, as this can cause the sweater to lose its shape. - Keep It Cool and Dry: Store your Fair Isle sweater in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture damage and mold growth. - Avoid Moths: Use moth repellents or cedar blocks to protect the wool from moths and pests. Where to Buy Isle Sweaters - High-Street Stores: Many high-street fashion retailers offer Fair Isle sweaters, especially during the fall and winter seasons. - Luxury Brands: For a more premium option, luxury fashion brands and boutiques often feature high-quality Fair Isle sweaters made from fine wool and designed with exquisite patterns. - Online Marketplaces: Websites like Amazon, Etsy, and specialized knitting stores offer a wide range of Fair Isle sweaters, from traditional to modern variations. If you’re looking for something unique, consider exploring custom knitting options. Many artisans and small businesses offer bespoke Fair Isle sweaters tailored to your specifications. The Isle sweater is a timeless garment that combines traditional craftsmanship with modern style. Its rich history, distinctive patterns, and versatile wearability make it a cherished piece in any wardrobe. Whether you’re drawn to its cultural significance or simply appreciate its aesthetic appeal, a Fair Isle sweater is a classic investment that will keep you warm and stylish for years to come. To read more, Click Here
Early on in our headphone research we realized there was a need to develop a listening test method that allowed us to conduct more controlled double-blind listening tests on different headphones. This was necessary in order to remove tactile cues (headphone weight and clamping force), visual and psychological biases (e.g. headphone brand, price, celebrity endorsement,etc ) from listeners’ sound quality judgements of headphones. While these factors (apart from clamping force) don’t physically affect the sound of headphones, our previous research into blind vs. sighted listening tests revealed their cognitive influence affects listeners’ loudspeaker preferences , often in adverse ways. In sighted tests, listeners were also less sensitive and discriminating compared to blind conditions when judging different loudspeakers including their interaction with different music selections and loudspeaker positions in the room. For that reason, consumers should be dubious of loudspeaker and headphone reviews that are based solely on sighted listening. While blind loudspeakers listening tests are possible through the addition of an acoustically-transparent- visually-opaque-curtain, there is no simple way to hide the identity of a headphone when the listener is wearing it. In our first headphone listening tests, the experimenter positionally substituted the different headphones onto the listener’s head from behind so that the headphone could not be visually identified. However, after a couple of trials, listeners began to identify certain headphones simply by their weight and clamping force. One of the easiest headphones for listeners to identify was the Audeze LCD-2, which was considerably heavier (522 grams) and more uncomfortable than the other headphones. The test was essentially no longer blind. To that end, a virtual headphone method was developed whereby listeners could A/B different models of headphones that were virtualized through a single pair of headphones (the replicator headphone). Details on the method and its validation were presented at the 51st Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Loudspeakers and Headphones in Helsinki, Finland in 2013. A PDF of the slide presentation can be found here. Headphone virtualization is done by measuring the frequency response of the different headphones at the DRP (eardrum reference point) using a G.R.A.S. 45 AG, and then equalizing the replicator headphone to match the measured responses of the real headphones. In this way, listeners can make instantaneous A/B comparisons between any number of virtualized headphones through the same headphone without the visual and tactile clues biasing their judgment. More details about the method are in the slides and AES preprint. An important questions is: “How accurate are the virtual headphones compared to the actual headphones”? In terms of their linear acoustic performance they are quite similar. Fig. 2 compares the measured frequency response of the actual versus virtualized headphones. The agreement is quite good up to 8-10 kHz above which we didn’t aggressively equalize the headphones because of measurement errors and large variations related to headphone positioning both on the coupler and the listeners’ head. More importantly, “Do the actual and virtual headphones sound similar”? To answer this question we performed a validation experiment where listeners evaluated 6 different headphone using both standard and virtual listening methods Listeners gave both preference and spectral balance ratings in both standard and virtual tests. For headphone preference ratings the correlation between standard and virtual test results was r = 0.85. A correlation of 1 would be perfect but 85% agreement is not bad, and hopefully more accurate than headphone ratings based on sighted evaluations. The differences between virtual and standard test results we believe are in part due to nuisance variables that were not perfectly controlled across the two test methods. A significant nuisance variable would likely be headphone leakage that would affect the amount of bass heard depending on the fit of the headphone on the individual listener. This would have affected the results in the standard test but not the virtual one where we used an open-back headphone that largely eliminates leakage variations across listeners. Headphone weight and tactile cues were present in the standard test but not the virtual test, and this could in part explain the differences in results. If these two variables could be better controlled even higher accuracy can be achieved in virtual headphone listening. Some additional benefits from virtual headphone testing were discovered besides eliminating sighted and psychological biases: the listening tests are faster, more efficient and more sensitive. When listeners can quickly switch and compare all of the headphones in a single trial, auditory memory is less of a factor, and they are better able to discriminate among the choices. Since this paper was written in 2013, we’ve improved the accuracy of the virtualization in part by developing a custom pinnae for our GRAS 45 CA that better simulates the leakage effects of headphones measured on real human subjects . Finally, it’s important to acknowledge what the virtual headphone method doesn’t capture: 1) non-minimum phase effects (mostly occurring at higher frequencies) and 2) non-linear distortions that are level-dependent. The effect of these two variables on virtual headphone test method have been recently tested experimentally and will be the topic of a future blog posting. Stay tuned. Floyd Toole and Sean Olive,”Hearing is Believing vs. Believing is Hearing: Blind vs. Sighted Listening Tests, and Other Interesting Things,” presented at the 97th AES Convention, preprint 3894 (1994). Download here. Sean E. Todd Welti, “Improved Measurement of Leakage Effects for Circum-Aural and Supra-Aural Headphones,” presented at the 38th AES Convention, (May 2014). Download here. Product on saleAudiophile Vinyl Records Cleaning BundleOriginal price was: €44.95.€34.95Current price is: €34.95. excl. VAT Product on saleEasy Start Vinyl Records Cleaning KitOriginal price was: €39.90.€29.90Current price is: €29.90. excl. VAT Vinyl Records Cleaner Easy Groove Concentrate€19.95 excl. VAT Easy Groove Super Set€199.00 excl. VAT Easy Groove Enzycaster – vinyl records prewash cleaner€25.00 excl. VAT Easy Groove Spray&Wipe vinyl records cleaner€19.95 excl. VAT
When working with timestamps in Google Sheets, it’s common to need separate date and time components for various analytical tasks. Google Sheets allows you to achieve this efficiently, even if you’re not a spreadsheet expert. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to use built-in functions and custom formulas to split date and time from timestamps, enhancing data organization and readability. Understanding Timestamps in Google Sheets Google Sheets users frequently encounter timestamps, which are composite datetime values representing both date and time. This section will specifically address the foundational elements of timestamps within Google Sheets, along with methods for referencing real-time data. The Basics of Timestamps A timestamp in Google Sheets is a datetime value that contains both date and time information in a single cell. These values are convenient for tracking the exact moment an event occurs and are often automatically generated through various functions or manual input. - Format: The typical format for a timestamp looks something like MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss, where the first part represents the date, followed by the time. - Conversion and Extraction: Users can manipulate these values to extract either the date or time using built-in date and time functions. Referencing Current Date and Time To insert the current date and time into a cell, Google Sheets offers several options: - =NOW(): This function provides the exact current datetime. - =TODAY(): Unlike NOW(), this function only returns the current date and not the time. These functions are volatile; they update their value every time there are changes made in the sheet or upon refresh. They play an essential role in formulas that require up-to-date information. Techniques for Splitting Timestamps When working with timestamps in Google Sheets, it’s essential to know how to separate date and time components effectively. There are several methods to accomplish this, from using built-in functions to crafting custom formulas that cater to specific needs. Using Built-in Functions Google Sheets provides users with a range of built-in functions to split timestamps into date or time values. The SPLIT function allows one to cut a timestamp at the space character, which typically separates the date and time in a DateTime value. T his method requires specifying the delimiter, a character or series of characters that indicates where to divide the string. =SPLIT(A1, ” “) In the example above, A1 contains the timestamp and a space ” ” is used as the delimiter. This will generate two distinct outputs: one for the date and another for the time, placing them into separate columns. Custom Formulas for Date and Time Extraction For users needing a more tailored approach, custom formulas using functions like DATEVALUE and TIMEVALUE are available. These functions perform the extraction by converting the date and time parts of timestamps into numbers representing their equivalent dates and times in Google Sheets. The DATEVALUE function extracts just the date portion and is apt for converting datetime to date without the time. On the other hand, to extract the time component, the formula may include a calculation that subtracts the date-only value from the full timestamp, often resulting in a fraction that represents the time. Supercharge your spreadsheets with GPT-powered AI tools for building formulas, charts, pivots, SQL and more. Simple prompts for automatic generation. Here, MOD is used with 1 as the divisor to yield only the time-related fraction of the timestamp. Formatting Extracted Values After extraction, presenting these values in a human-readable format is crucial. Google Sheets lets users format these values as dates or times through the Format menu or by employing custom format functions within formulas. To configure the display of the date component into day, month, and year, the following format codes can be applied: For the time component, to show hour, minute, and second, the appropriate format may look like this: =TEXT(MOD(A1, 1), “hh:mm:ss”) These methods facilitate a range of calculations and queries while formatting ensures clarity in the distinction between dates and times within a dataset. These techniques empower you to perform various calculations and queries while maintaining clarity in distinguishing between dates and times within your dataset. Ready to enhance your Google Sheets skills further? Explore Coefficient for seamless data management and advanced spreadsheet solutions. Get started with Coefficient.
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Argon2 vs PBKDF2, two of the most popular password hashing algorithms in the world of cybersecurity. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between Argon2 and PBKDF2, examining their security features, performance, and best use cases. Whether you are a developer looking to enhance your application’s security or simply curious about the best practices for protecting your sensitive data, you’ll find valuable insights here. Join us as we break down the strengths and weaknesses of each hashing method, helping you make an informed decision for your password management needs. What is Argon2 Argon2 is a modern cryptographic hash function specifically designed for password hashing and key derivation. Developed in 2015 and the winner of the Password Hashing Competition (PHC), Argon2 focuses on security against both brute-force attacks and specialized hardware attacks. It comes in two variants: Argon2d, which is resistant to GPU cracking attacks, and Argon2i, which is optimized for side-channel attack resistance. The flexibility in configuring memory usage, time cost, and parallelism makes Argon2 a powerful choice for developers looking to enhance password security. Popular Use Cases of Argon2 Argon2 is increasingly being adopted across various applications due to its robust security features. Some of the most popular use cases include: - Web Applications: Many web applications utilize Argon2 for securely storing user passwords. It ensures that even if the database is compromised, the passwords remain protected. - Mobile Apps: Developers of mobile applications use Argon2 to enhance the security of sensitive user data, such as authentication tokens and personal information. - Cryptocurrency Wallets: With the rise of cryptocurrencies, Argon2 is employed in wallets to secure private keys, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access. What is PBKDF2 PBKDF2, or Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2, is a widely used key derivation function that applies a pseudorandom function, such as HMAC, to a password along with a salt and an iteration count. Introduced in 2000 and specified in RFC 2898, PBKDF2 is designed to make password cracking more difficult by increasing the time it takes to compute the hash. While it is an established and trusted method, its reliance on parameters like iteration count makes it less flexible compared to newer alternatives like Argon2. Popular Use Cases of PBKDF2 PBKDF2 remains a popular choice in various applications, including: - Legacy Systems: Many older systems still utilize PBKDF2 for password hashing due to its long-standing reputation and established security practices. - Secure File Storage: Applications that require secure file storage use PBKDF2 for encrypting file access keys, ensuring that unauthorized users cannot easily gain access. - Web Services: Various web services implement PBKDF2 for user authentication, providing a reliable means of protecting user credentials. Argon2 vs PBKDF2: Understanding the Differences While both Argon2 and PBKDF2 serve the same ultimate purpose of securely hashing passwords, they differ significantly in design and performance. Argon2 offers more advanced security features, including memory-hardness properties, which make it resistant to GPU and ASIC attacks. PBKDF2, while secure, relies primarily on increasing iteration counts, which can be less effective against modern hardware. Argon2 is designed to be highly configurable, allowing developers to adjust memory and processing time according to their needs. This adaptability makes it well-suited for various environments. On the other hand, PBKDF2 can be less flexible, as it primarily focuses on the number of iterations, which might not be sufficient against powerful hardware. Adoption and Support Argon2 is gaining traction in modern applications, supported by many programming languages and frameworks. PBKDF2 has been widely adopted for years, giving it a solid base in established systems. However, as security standards evolve, Argon2's advantages may lead to a decline in PBKDF2's popularity. In the debate of Argon2 vs PBKDF2, Argon2 emerges as the more advanced and flexible option for password hashing and key derivation. Its innovative design prioritizes security against contemporary threats, making it an ideal choice for new applications. However, PBKDF2's long-standing reliability means it will continue to be utilized in legacy systems. Ultimately, the choice between Argon2 and PBKDF2 should be guided by specific project requirements, security needs, and future scalability considerations. As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve, opting for the most robust hashing algorithm is crucial in safeguarding sensitive user data.
Arteries in the body Pro Research Analysisby Searched over 200M research papers Understanding Arteries in the Human Body Types of Blood Vessels: Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins The human circulatory system comprises three main types of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, and veins. Arteries are responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood from the heart to various tissues and organs throughout the body . The aorta, the largest artery, branches into smaller arteries that supply blood to specific regions, including the kidneys, liver, intestines, and extremities. Classification of Arteries: Elastic, Muscular, and Arterioles Arteries are categorized based on their size and the composition of their walls. The largest arteries, known as elastic arteries, have walls rich in elastic tissue, allowing them to withstand and regulate the high pressure of blood pumped from the heart. As arteries branch and decrease in size, they become muscular arteries, which contain more smooth muscle and less elastic tissue. The smallest arteries, called arterioles, are highly responsive to neural and endocrine signals, adjusting their diameter to regulate blood flow and pressure before blood enters the capillaries. End Arterial System and Capillary Beds In certain organs, arteries form an end arterial system, where they branch and subdivide without forming anastomoses (connections) with adjacent arteries. This system ensures that each artery independently supplies blood to its designated capillary bed. An example of this is found in the kidneys. If an artery in this system becomes occluded, it can lead to tissue necrosis due to the lack of alternative blood supply routes. Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a condition characterized by the blockage of arteries that supply blood to the extremities, often due to atherosclerosis. This condition can lead to reduced blood flow, causing symptoms such as pain and, in severe cases, tissue damage. PAD is a common manifestation of atherosclerosis, which can affect various major arteries in the body, including those in the heart (coronary artery disease) and brain (cerebrovascular disease). Anatomical Variations and Clinical Relevance The anatomy of arteries can vary significantly among individuals, which has important implications for medical imaging and surgical procedures. Knowledge of these variations is crucial for healthcare professionals to avoid complications during interventions. For instance, the presence of aberrant arteries or unusual topographies can pose risks during surgeries and require careful planning. Molecular Distinction Between Arteries and Veins Recent research has revealed that arterial and venous endothelial cells are molecularly distinct even before the heart begins to pump blood in embryos. This discovery highlights the existence of genetic programs that coordinate the differentiation of arteries and veins, challenging the previous belief that circulatory dynamics alone established this distinction. Arterial Anatomy in Specific Regions The abdominal artery, originating from the heart, supplies oxygenated blood to the abdominal and pelvic organs and the legs. Advanced imaging techniques, such as CT and MR, are used to model the abdominal artery for detailed analysis, which is essential for understanding blood flow dynamics and addressing issues like atherosclerosis. The cerebral arteries, which supply blood to the brain, exhibit both similarities and differences between humans and other species, such as rats. These arteries are prone to conditions like aneurysms and thrombosis, which can lead to serious health issues. The presence of collateral circulation in humans provides a safety margin, ensuring continued blood supply in case of occlusion. Arteries play a crucial role in the circulatory system by delivering oxygen-rich blood from the heart to various parts of the body. Understanding the different types of arteries, their anatomical variations, and conditions like PAD is essential for effective medical diagnosis and treatment. Advances in imaging and molecular biology continue to enhance our knowledge of arterial function and pathology, contributing to improved healthcare outcomes. Sources and full results Most relevant research papers on this topic
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month is observed every November to spotlight pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancers worldwide. Known as a "silent killer," pancreatic cancer often goes undetected until it reaches advanced stages, making awareness and early diagnosis crucial. Through education and awareness, this month serves as an opportunity to unite people, support those affected, and highlight the ongoing research efforts to improve treatment and survival rates. Pancreatic cancer is the 12th most common cancer globally, but its impact is disproportionately high due to its low survival rate. It's the 11th most common cancer in both men and women, yet it ranks among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Here’s a closer look at what pancreatic cancer is, its global impact, and what we can do to combat this devastating disease. The Global Burden of Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer has become a growing health issue worldwide. According to the latest statistics from 2022, there were over 510,992 new cases of pancreatic cancer globally. In terms of mortality, it claimed approximately 467,409 lives in the same year. This high mortality rate emphasises the aggressive nature of pancreatic cancer and the challenges in treating it. While pancreatic cancer cases are rising globally, certain countries bear the brunt more heavily than others. The 10 countries with the highest incidence of pancreatic cancer and the highest number of related deaths include the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom, to name a few. In India, for instance, there were 13,661 new cases and 12,759 deaths attributed to pancreatic cancer in 2022. Although India's case numbers are relatively lower than in some Western countries, the fatality rate is similarly concerning. Pancreatic Cancer Statistics at a Glance - Worldwide New Cases (2022): 510,992 - Worldwide Deaths (2022): 467,409 - New Cases in India (2022): 13,661 - Deaths in India (2022): 12,759 These statistics show a bleak picture, but they also underscore the importance of early diagnosis, timely intervention, and continued research to improve survival rates. History of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month was established to foster a sense of solidarity and focus public attention on a disease that often gets overlooked. Organizations worldwide, such as the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) and the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition, work tirelessly to amplify awareness and funding for research. The concept behind the awareness month is rooted in the urgent need for advancements in detection and treatment. Pancreatic cancer's late diagnosis is often due to a lack of symptoms in its early stages. By the time it’s detected, it has often spread to other organs, making treatment options limited. Advocacy groups use this month to organize events, share stories, raise funds, and promote educational resources, all to spread awareness and hope for patients and their families. Why Pancreatic Cancer Is So Deadly Pancreatic cancer's high mortality rate can be attributed to several factors. The pancreas is located deep within the abdomen, making it difficult to detect abnormalities in its early stages. The symptoms are often vague, such as abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, and loss of appetite, which can be mistaken for other conditions. These factors contribute to delayed diagnosis and treatment, with most patients only being diagnosed at advanced stages when the cancer has already spread. The survival rate for pancreatic cancer is low, with only about 10% of patients surviving five years after diagnosis. This rate drops even further for those diagnosed at later stages, highlighting the importance of early detection and awareness. Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer Although the exact cause of pancreatic cancer is still unknown, several risk factors may increase an individual’s likelihood of developing the disease: Age: Most people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are over the age of 60. Smoking: Tobacco use significantly increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Family History: Individuals with a family history of pancreatic cancer have a higher risk. Chronic Pancreatitis: Long-term inflammation of the pancreas can increase the risk. Diabetes: There is a link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer, although it’s not entirely understood. Obesity and Diet: Obesity and a diet high in red and processed meats are considered risk factors. Awareness of these risk factors can help individuals assess their risk and make lifestyle changes to reduce their likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer. Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer Since pancreatic cancer is often asymptomatic in its early stages, recognizing symptoms can be challenging. However, as the cancer progresses, some common signs include: - Abdominal or back pain - Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) - Sudden weight loss - Loss of appetite - Dark-colored urine - Fatigue and weakness - Digestive problems, including nausea and vomiting If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms persistently, it’s essential to consult our best oncologist. Early diagnosis can make a significant difference. Advancements and Hope: The Path Forward While pancreatic cancer remains difficult to treat, research efforts are ongoing to develop better diagnostic tools, treatment options, and, hopefully, a cure. Some recent advancements include: Immunotherapy: New studies are exploring ways to stimulate the immune system to target cancer cells. Personalized Medicine: Genetic testing is being used to create customized treatments based on an individual’s genetic makeup. Early Detection Techniques: Researchers are working on developing blood tests and other tools to detect pancreatic cancer in its early stages. These advancements are hopeful signs that we may be able to improve survival rates and outcomes for those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the future. The Role of Continental Hospitals in Pancreatic Cancer Care Continental Hospitals is committed to providing world-class care for patients affected by pancreatic cancer. Our team of oncology specialists, equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans, is dedicated to offering the best possible care to our patients. From early screening programs to innovative treatment options, Continental Hospitals strives to be at the forefront of pancreatic cancer care in India. We understand the physical and emotional challenges that come with a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and our compassionate team is here to support you and your loved ones every step of the way. Conclusion: Together, We Can Make a Difference Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month reminds us that, together, we can make strides in fighting this silent killer. By increasing awareness, recognizing symptoms, and supporting research efforts, we can help make early detection and better treatment a reality for more people. If you are experiencing symptoms that could be related to pancreatic cancer, consult our best oncologist. Related Blog Articles:
The ARIA Project relates to the feasibility of "free-range" fish farming i.e. growing and harvesting certain species within a designated area of sea without the need for cages. The sedentary nature of many fish species may also be used to favour an open ranch approach to fish culture especially for high value species like the bags. (Dicentrarchus labrax) and it is this fish which will be used in the initial trials. The main areas to be investigated during the exploratory stage are into work already done on ABR (Auditory Brain Stem Response) into the conditioning of bass to respond to suitable acoustic signals and into design features required in an automatic feeding and capture station (AFS). The latter requires investigation into the most appropriate technology to solve the problem of manufacturing and mooring a complex electronic device long term in the harshest of environments - the sea.
Everyone needs a daily dose of iron, nutrients and minerals in the food they eat. Our present lifestyle is convenient and easy, but the majority of them are consumed medically or artificially. It is important to know the vessels in which you cook your food. Cooking in plastic containers in microwaves can be convenient but it can deteriorate your health. Using traditional vessels like copper, silver, clay, brass, bronze or more seems old school but they are a healthy approach and add nutrients to your meal. There are ways which can provide their body with what it needs in a natural manner. The cooking style we follow has an impact on our health. Cooking in the right kind of vessel can actually add nutrients to food and make it healthier. The style of cooking and choice of utensils impacts the nutrition value of food. Here are the health benefits of each cooking vessel as explained by dietician and nutritionist, Dr Rohini Patil. Copper is really beneficial for digestive health as it relieves gas, acidity and constipation. It helps to detox the body and prevents the formation of toxic materials. Copper helps in better absorption of nutrients from your diet or what you eat. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Copper can also be used to achieve healthy skin. The antioxidants properties of copper help to prevent seizure and reduce the risk of strokes. Using silver vessels looks not only royal and elegant, but it also has many health benefits. Silver acts as an anti-bacterial metal. It strengthens immunity and builds strong metabolism. Silver vessels help to reduce acidity and increase brain functioning. It also helps to fight seasonal ailments. Cooking food in silver utensils keeps the food fresh for a longer time. Silver has a cooling nature that helps in smooth digestion. It is recommended to feed kids in silver utensils. Brass produces melanin for healthy hair and skin. Drinking water from brass vessels helps to boost immunity. It prevents abdominal infections and can also help in curing respiratory disease like cough and asthma. As zinc is present in brass utensils it helps in purifying the blood. Natural oil is released when food is cooked in brass utensils, adding a distinct flavour and taste to the food. Brass preserves the consistency of herbs and pickles. Bronze has natural curing properties. It helps strengthen the nervous system. Bronze can help to reduce obesity. Bronze helps in boosting immunity and helps in improving haemoglobin level and regulating blood pressure. It also helps in improving eyesight. Cooking in clay utensils adds many important nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and sulphur to the food which are extremely beneficial for our body. Clay pots retain the nutritive value of food. Cooking in clay pots can boost your cardiovascular health. Clay helps in restoring ph balance of your food and neutralizes the acidity. It is also recommended to drink water from a clay pot as it adds nutrients to water and also provides multiple health benefits. About the Author: Dietician and nutritionist, Dr Rohini Patil, founder and CEO of Nutracy Lifestyle.