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Start is connected with Get ready for bath which is then connected with Remove clothes which is further connected with Get into bath. Get into bath is connected with Wash which is then connected with Get out of bath. Get out of bath is connected with Switch off the light which is finally connected with Get dressed.
Promotion is connected with Manager Post which is then connected with both Send Letter via Internet and Auditor Schedules Opening Conference. Auditor Schedules Opening Conference is then connected with both Send Opening Conference Confirmation (via Email) and Risk Assessment by Auditors which is further connected with Documentation. Documentation is connected with Opening Conference which is further connected with both Risk Assessment by Auditors and Manager Reviews Planning. Manager Reviews Planning is connected with Fieldwork Performance which is then connected with Audit Observation Form which is further connected with Finalization which is finally connected with Fieldwork Performance.
You are so hungry is connected with Is Mama at home? which if Is Mama at home? is Yes then ENoy your lunch and if Is Mama at home? is No then Ask your friend which is then connected with Anything you want to eat?. If Anything you want to eat? is Yes then Enjoy your lunch and If Anything you want to eat? is No then Feel lazy to go out?. If Feel lazy to go out? is I want to go out for some fresh air then Go out and if Feel lazy to go out? is Yes, I am very lazy to go out then Order online. Both Order online and Go out are connected with Anything you want to eat?. If Anything you want to eat? is Yes then Enjoy your lunch and if Anything you want to eat? is No then Stay hungry.
Customer Consulting and Quotation is connected with Deal? which if Deal? is No then Go home and if Deal? is Yes then Invoice which is then connected with Shipping. Shipping is connected with Custom Clearance which is then connected with Payment mode which is further connected with Delivery. Delivery is connected with Service Payment which is then connected with Pay Foreign Exchange?. If Pay Foreign Exchange is No then Stop and if Pay Foreign Exchange is Yes then Payment which is then connected with Stop.
Start is connected with guess number which is then connected with if<=10 which if<=10 is true then small number and if<=10 is false then if>10 and <=80. Also, if>10 and <=80 is true then medium number and if>10 and <=80 is false then large number. Small number, medium number, and large number all are connected with end.
START is connected with Take Inputs which is then connected with Perimeter=2*(length+width) which is further connected with Print the perimeter which is finally connected with END.
Begin is connected with Initial Population which is then connected with Fitness Evaluation which is further connected with Tournament Selection. Tournament Selection is connected with Team Selection which is then connected with Finalize Team which is further connected with New Generation. New Generation is connected with condition fulfil? which if condition fulfil? is YES then connector and if condition fulfil? is NO then again Tournament Selection.
CPU is connected with Is the process controlled? which if Is the process controlled? is Yes then Does a solution already exist? and if Is the process controlled? is No then Develop a controlled process which is then connected with Does a solution already exist?. If Does a solution already exist? is No then Any problem? and if Does a solution already exist? is Yes then Fix it now!. If Any problem? is Yes then Is it designed related? and also if Any problem? is Yes then Figure out simplest solution. If Is it design related? is No then Is the problem complex? and if Is it design related? is Yes then Update. If Is the problem complex? is Yes then 6-Sigma or other and if Is the problem complex? is No then Is the problem related to the 8 Wastes? which if Is the problem related to the 8 Wastes? is Yes then Stop.
Start is connected with Documentation Work which is then connected with Print cycle count sheets which is further connected with Perform physical count of stock. Perform physical count of stock is connected with Enter physical counts which is then connected with Report differences which is further connected with Recount inventory?. If Recount inventory? is No then Post inventory documents which is then connected with End and if Recount inventory? is Yes then Display documents which is then connected with Perform physical count of stock which is finally connected with Report differences.
Start is connected with Door bell which is then connected with Ready to face the world? which if Ready to face the world? is Yes then Get Up which is then connected with End and if Ready to face the world? is No then Ignore which is then connected with Delay inevitable for 5 minutes which is finally connected with Door bell.
REST API is connected with pre process which is then connected with document-filter-topic which is further connected with document-converter. document-converter is connected with document-converter-topic which is further connected with Topic. Topic is then connected with both publisher-topic and workflow.
Enter Details is connected with Confirmation which is then connected with Attempts? which if Attempts? is Yes then Display and if Attempts? is No then Confirmation.
START is connected with K is equal to 0 which is then connected with LOOP. LOOP is connected with YES OR NO?. If YES OR NO, is yes then calculate K as K+1 which is then connected to LOOP. If YES OR NO is No then PRINT K which is finally connected with STOP.
Randomly generating a group of parameters of SVM model is connected with Calculate all the values which is then connected with Finding out the optimal fitness value. Finding out the optimal fitness value is connected with Are optimazation criteria met?. If Are optimazation criteria met? is No then Generating new group by evolutionary operation which is further connected with Calculate all the values and if Are optimazation criteria met? is Yes then Finish.
Inferred OD is connected with Get array of paths from O to D which is then connected with Find the best route which is further connected with Trip exists?. If Trip exists? is No then Arrival Time Inference Fails and if Trip exists? is Yes then Find arrival time at segment alighting location which is then connected with Arrival Time?. If Arrival Time? is No then Next trip which is then connected with Trip exists? and if Arrival Time? is Yes then Final segment which if Final segment is No then Check another one which is then connected with Find the best route and if Final segment is Yes then alighting time + egress time = arrival time.
Start is connected with identity authentication which is then connected with identity verification. If identity verification is N then Try Again which is further connected with identity verification and if identity verification is Y then Profile. If Profile is N then User and if Profile is Y then identity management.
Begin is connected with Run Main FLASH which is then connectedw ith Is the Main FLASH Application OK?. If Is the Main FLASH Application OK? is No then Initialize IAP Interface and if Is the Main FLASH Application OK? is Yes then Main Application which is also then connected with Initialize IAP Interface. Initialize IAP Interface is connected with Is IAP Request Received? which if Is IAP Request Received? is No then again Is IAP Request Received? and if Is IAP Request Received? is Yes then Reprogram Main Application which is finally connected with RESET.
Raw Image is connected with De-noising which is then connected with Image Thresholding which is further connected with Isolated pixels removal. Isolated pixels removal is connected with Inverse Image which is then connected with Mean Average which is further connected with Operator. Operator is connected with Interpolation Image, Correlation Image, and Sampling. Also, Correlation Image is connected with Edge Detection.
Start is connected with Read Inputs which is then connected with Calculate S. Calculate is connected with Calculate area=sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) which is then connected with Print area which is finally connected with End.
User is connected with Login? which if Login is No then Activate Events and if Login? is Yes then Manage friends and Check message.Then Check message and Activate Events are connected with Manage Events which is finally connected with Finish.
Start is connected with Administrator which is then connected with both Admin two and Admin one. Admin two is connected with User One and Login. Admin one is connected with User Four and Unknown. Login is connected with Secret Question and Unknown is connected with Database.
reference is connected with Noice romovel which is then connected with Subsampling, Time alignment, and Similarities. Time alignment is connected with Similarities which is further connected with Analysis of feature distribution. Subsampling is connected with Information Extraction which is then connected with Global temporal degradation which is further connected with Perceptually aggregation and Analysis of feature distribution is also connected with Perceptually motivated aggregation which is finally connected with Result.
Start is connected with Read Temp which is then connected with Temp<32? which if Temp<32? is Yes then Go out and if Temp<32 is No then Don't go out. Then Go out and Don't go out both are connected with End.
Start is connected with Initial which is then connected with Process. If Process is Yes then Data and if Process is No then Data. Both Data are connected with Document.
Start is connected with Probelm which is then connected with Develop an Algorithm which is further connected with Think creativity. Think creativity is connected with Create an Action Plan which is then connected with Discuss which is further connected with Test the Solution. Test the Solution is connected with Is the Problem Solved? which if Is the Problem Solved? is No then again Think creativity and if Is the Problem Solved? is Yes then End.
Input is connected with Filtering which is then connected with Connect ribs which is further connected with Skeleton which is finally connected with Segmentation Using Level set.
Exploration is connected with Drilling and blasting which is then connected with Mining which is further connected with Separation. Separation is connected with Refining which is finally connected with Distribution.
Start is connected with Username acceptable?. If Username acceptable? is No then Close as "Apolicy" or "Invalid" and If Username acceptable? is Yes then Any blocks?. If Any blocks? is No then Account already exist? which if Account already exist? is Yes then Created recently. If Created recently is No then Close and if Created recently is Yes then Drope request and if Account already exist? is No then SUL taken?. If SUL taken? is Yes then Close Program and if SUL taken? is No then Conflicting accounts?. If Conficting accounts? is Yes then Check another website and if Conficting accounts? is No then Create account.
Artificial Intelligence is connected with Machine Learning which is further connected with Deep Learning.
Start is connected with A=1 which is then connected with A<=10? which if A<=0? is F then End and if A<=10? is T then Print A which is further connected with A=A+1. A=A+1 is connected with A<=10? and End.
Awkward? is connected with both No and Yes. If No then Stay and if Yes then Talk with others. Talk with others is connectedw ith both Yes and No. If Yes then Stay and if No then Leave.
Source is connected with Electrical Transmit which is then connected with Optical which is further connected with fibre cable. Fibre cable is connected with Demodular which is then connected with receiver which is finally connected with Destination.
Start is connected with Read Value which is then connected with Temp<32? which if Temp<32? is Yes then Print Cold and if Temp<32? is No then Print Not Cold. Print Cold and Print Not Cold both are connected with End.
Start is connected with Are you happy? which if Are you happy? is Yes then Very good, have a great day! which is further connected with Finish and if Are you happy? is No then Want to be happy? which is then connected with Very good, Then you are already happy which is further connected with Finish. Also, If Want to be happy? is No then Stay fit which is finally connected with Start.
Begin is connected with Development Plan which is then connected with Form a Team which is further connected with Give contract. Give Contract is connected with Planning which is then connected with Estimate cost which is further connected with Tender pas. Tender pass is connected with Finalize which is finally connected with Finish.
Begin is connected with Do you want to do this? which is then connected with Don't do it which is further connected with End. Do you want to do this? is also connected with Will it likely end in disaster?. If Will it likely end in disaster? is No then Do it which is then connected with End and if Will it likely end in disaster? is Yes then Good Movie?. If Good Movie? is No then Don't do it and if Good Movie? is Yes then Do it.
If Start is Disapproved then Keyword reected and also Start is connected with both Marketer gathers outreach list and Writer creates article draft (With image ideas). Writer creates article draft (With image ideas) is then coonected with Feedback and if feedback is Edits needed then again Writer creates article draft (With image ideas) and also Feedback is connected with Designer creates graphics which is further connected with Marketer optimizes article & publishes it which is finally connectedw ith Finish.
If Global is UART then Bluetooth and if Bluetooth is I2C then Accelerometer and also Battery Monitor. If USB Connector is 5V then Battery which is then connected with LiPo Battery and if LiPo Battery is 3.7V then Battery Monitor. Also, LiPo Battery is further connected with Voltage Regulator.
Start is connected with Login which is then connected with Verified?. If Verified is No then Login and if Verified is Yes then Dashboard which is then connected with Click on the report incident link which is further connected with Fill the form. Fill the form is connected with Validation Module which is then connected with Need?. If Need? is No then Update form which is then connected with Submit which is further connected with Validation Module. If Need? is Yes then View comments on the post which is finally connected with Stop.
Start is connected with Input which is then connected with C=A+B which is further connected with Print B which is finally connected with End.
Food poision, virus, and Toxic item all are connected with Damaged bone marrow which is then connected with Inability to digest food. Inability to digest food is connected with Anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia which is then connected with Infection, bleeding which is finally connected with high risk.
Data acquistion for vibration signal is connected with Pressue control unit which is then connected with Characteristic frequency exits. If Characteristic frequency exits is NO then Normal condition and if Characteristic frequency exits is YES then Characteristic not exist. If Characteristic not exist is YES then Not Good condition and if Characteristic not exist is NO then Blade with crack.
Candidate is connected with Are two candidate left?. If Are two candidate left? is no then Eliminate last place candidate which is connected with Recount all ballots which is further connected with Are two candidate left?. And, If Are two candidate left? is yes then Finish.
board is connected with Lighting, Power, and General power. Power is then connected with Conveyer 1 which is further connected with Processing which is finally connected with Conveyer.
Start is connected with Username which is then connected with Password which is further connected with Username && Password corresponds to the ones in database?. If Username && Password corresponds to the ones in database? is Yes then Enter ID and password and if Username && Password corresponds to the ones in database? is No then "Invalid credentials" which is then connected with Username. Enter ID and password is connected with Is User_ID blocked? which if Is User_ID blocked? is Yes then "403 Forbidden" and if Is User_ID blocked? is No then Login successfully. "403 Forbidden" is connected with Username and Login successfully is connected with End.
Tuner is connected with Mixer. Also, Noise is connected with Mixer which is then connected with IF Amplifier which is further connected with Detector which is finally connected with AF Amplifier.
Input Image is connected with Feature extraction which is then connected with SVM Classifier which is then connected with Normal and Abnormal. Database is connected with SVM Classifier.
Goals, Planning, Trust, Action, Result all are connected with Winning.
Construction is connected with Acceptance of transformer is connected with both Insulating oil treatment and Accessories Installation which is then connected with Vacuum. Insulating oil treatment and Vacuum both are connected with Sample Test which is then connected with Hot oil circulation. Hot oil circulation is connected with Check impurities which is then connected with Standing which is finally connected with Completed.
Identify Problem is connected with User "Issues" which if User "Issues" is No then Browser Issue and if User "Issues" is Yes then Login Fixed. If Browser Issue is Yes then Different Browser and if Browser Issue is No then Platform Issue which if Platform Issue is No then Import Settings and if Platform Issue is Yes then Use Different Platform. If Import Settings is No then Settings and if Import Settings is Yes then use different version. If Settings is No then Content Issue and if Settings is Yes then Adjust Settings and if Content Issue is Yes then Change Content.
BEGIN is connected with Enter Limit which is then connected with Initialize number which is further connected with Set Sum equal to 0. Set Sum equal to 0 is connected with Do which is further connected with If Sum>Limit which if Sum>Limit is true then Display Number and Sum. If Sum>Limit is false then Update values which is further connected with Decrease loss. Decrease loss is then connected with DO and also DIsplay Number and Sum is connected with END.
TV not working is connected with Switch On? which if Switch On? is No then Switch on and if Switch On? is yes then Power supply?. If Power supply? is No then Wait for power and if Power supply? is Yes then Finish.
Strat is connected with Initialize parameters of particle swarm which is then connected with Calculate the fitness function which is then connected with Compare with others fitness. Compare with others fitness is connected with Update the global best position of particle swarm which is then connected with Find overall performance which is further connected with Does it satisfy the termination conditions?. If Does it satisfy the termination conditions? is N then Calculate the fitness function and if Does it satisfy the termination conditions? is Y then Display the results which is finally connected with End.
Circuit is connected with Process which is then connected with CONTROL CIRCUIT which is further connected with VALVES. If Condenser is Air then SERVICE UNIT F,R,L,P which if SERVICE UNIT F,R,L,P is Lubricated Air then VALVES which is then connected with CYLINDER.
Start is connected with Fill the bath with water which is then connected with Add warm water which is further connected with Get into bath. Get into bath is connected with Wash which is then connected with Come Out which is further connected with Empty the bath water. Empty the bath water is connected with Get dressed which is finally connected with End.
START is connected with Input variables which is then connected with C=(F-32)*519 which is further connected with Display all variables which is finally connected with STOP.
Start is connected with Login Page which if Login Page is No then Reconfirm and if Login Page is Yes then Check which is then connected with NewsFeed. Also, Reconfirm is connected with Login Page. NewsFeed is connected with Like which is further connected with End.
Start is connected with Input which is then connected with C=A+B which is further connected with Print A which is finally connected with End.
Start Loop is connected with Initialize which if Initialize is False then End Loop and if Initialize is True then Process which is then connected with Increment or Decrement which is finally connected with Initialize.
Start is connected with Set up the training pattern which is then connected with Set up the structure which is further connected with Use the training pattern. Use the Training pattern is connected with Training finished? which if Training finished? is no then Use the training pattern and if Training finished? is yes then Save the connection weights which is then connected with Power quality Analysis which is finally connected with End.
Initial is connected with Fitness Computation which is then connected with both Fitness and Converged?. If Converged? is YES then STOP and if Converged? is NO then Reproduction which is further connected with New Generation which is finally connected with Fitness Computation.
Database searches n=408, Conference abstracts n=16, and n=68 are connected with Records identified n=492 which is then connected with both Records screened and Duplicates removed. Records screened is then connected with both Records independently screened by two reviewers and Clearly irrelevant records removed. Then, Records independently screened by two reviewers is connected with Full-text articles retrieved and Irrelevant records removed. Full-text articles retrieved is then connected with both Stop the process and Update.
Start is connected with READ which is then connected with M=1 F=1 which is further connected with F=F*M. F=F*M is connected with M=N? which if M=N? is NO then M=M+1 which is further connected with F=F*M and if M=N? is YES then PRINT which is further connected with END.
START is connected with Input Variable: K which is then connected with If K%2==0 which if K%2==0 is False then Print: K is odd and if K%2==0 is True then Print: K is Even which is finally connected with STOP.
1 is connected with Costumer Order which is then connected with Sales Order which is further connected with Documentation. If Documentation is No then again Sales Order and if Documentation is YES then Prepare DO which is further connected with Shipment. Shipment is connected with Goods Delivered which is finally connected with 2.
Topic is connected with Power signal which if Power signal is Stream then Processor and if Processor is also Stream then Output which is finally connected with End.
Start is connected with Greet which if Greet is FAILURE then ACCEPT NO COMMANDS otherwise Greet is connected with Enter ID. Enter ID is connected with INPUT DRIVER INFORMATION which is then connected with Verify finger scan. Verify finger scan is connected with SCAN FINGER AGAIN which is then connected with 1st AND 2nd SCAN MATCH?. If 1st AND 2nd SCAN MATCH? is NO then Enter ID and if 1st AND 2nd SCAN MATCH? is YES then Login which is finally connected with STOP.
STORAGE is connected with Separation which is then connected with MILLING which is further connected with HULLS GRINDING. HULLS GRINDING is connected with DRY EXTRUDING which is then connected with FULL PRESSING which is then connected with both Waste removal and OIL CLARIFICATION. Waste removal is connected with CAKE STORAGE and OIL CLARIFICATION is connected with CRUDE OIL STORAGE.
Start is connected with Look for address which is then connected with Did you find it?. If Did you find it? is No then Ask someone and If Did you find it? is Yes then Stop looking. If Ask Someone is Yes then Look for address and if Ask someone is No then Stop looking.
Start is connected with count=0 which is then connected with Operation which is further connected with count=count+1. count=count+1 is connected with Is count<10 which if Is count<10 is YES then Operation and if Is count<10 is NO then Stop.
Start is connected with Select the area to check which is then connected with Generating inventory list which is further connected with The warehouse manager arrived at the location. The warehouse manager arrived at the location is connected with Read the goods which is then connected with Count all which is further connected with Keep inventory. If Keep inventory is Y then Select the area to check and if Keep inventory is N then Summary inventory information which is further connected with Data base. Data base is connected with Check everything which is finally connected with End.
If New Member eneters User name and Password then Login which is then connected with Authentication which is then connected with D1. If Authentication is existing member then validation and if Authentication is not a member then Print info which is then connected with New Member. Also, If Authentication is ADP Username ADP Password then Validation and if Validation is ADP Username ADP Password then D2.
START is connected with Do you understand English? which if Do you understand English? is YES then GOOD which is further connected with LET'S GO DRINK and if Do you understand English? is NO then OKAY, YOU SEE THE LINE LABELED "YES"?. If OKAY, YOU SEE THE LINE LABELED "YES"? is YES then ..AND YOU CAN SEE THE ONES LABELED "NOT"? which if ..AND YOU CAN SEE THE ONES LABELED "NOT"? is YES then GOOD and if ..AND YOU CAN SEE THE ONES LABELED "NOT"? is NO then BUT YOU JUST FOLLOWED THEM TWICE!. And if OKAY, YOU SEE THE LINE LABELED "YES"? is NO then BUT YOU SEE THE ONES LABELED "NO". If BUT YOU SEE THE ONES LABELED "NO" is YES then Okay and if BUT YOU SEE THE ONES LABELED "NO" is NO then LISTEN which is then connected with I HATE YOU. If BUT YOU JUST FOLLOWED THEM TWICE! is YES then (THAT WASN'T A QUESTION.) which is then connected with SCREW IT which is further connected with LET'S GO DRINK. If LET'S GO DRINK is 6 DRINKS then I should go home. Also, if BUT YOU JUST FOLLOWED THEM TWICE! is NO then (THAT WASN'T A QUESTION.).
Movie is connected with has subtitles which if has subtitles is No then Ask someone and if has subtitles is Yes then Type. If Type is Single then Summarize based on selected algorithm and if Type is Combined then Crate new algorithm. Also, Summarize based on selected algorithm and Crate new algorithm both are connected with Generate the summarized video.
Start is connected with Take Input which is then connected with If Number%2==0. If Number%2==0 is False then Print: "Number is odd" and if Number%2==0 is True then Print result which is finally connected with End.
Select Topic is connected with Background Search which is then connected with Develop Search Strategy which is further connected with Task assign. Task assign is connected with Evaluate Information for Accuracy Reliability which is then connected with Discuss with others which is further connected with Revision of Paper. Revision of Paper is then connected with both Report and Submit.
Converter is connected with Boost Converter and also Monitor is connected with Boost Converter.
Begin is connected with Make coffee which is then connected with Browse the web? which if Browse the web? is Yes then Make coffee and if Browse the web? is No then Okay then which is further connected with See you later which is finally connected with Thing done.
Input Devices is connected with Process which is then connected with Output Devices and Memory is also connected with Process.
Start is connected with Find changes in work which is then connected with Approval. If Approval is No then Ignore change and if Approval is Yes then Method which is then connected with Agree?. If Agree? is Yes then Expand and if Agree? is No then Discard. Expand, Discard, and Ignore change all are connected with END.
Inspection for toxic drugs in each house is connected with Team selection for different Inspection which is then connected with Agree and describe domains and subdomains which is further connected with Panel review and feedback. Panel review and feedback is connected with Consensus which if Consensus is No then Panel review results, implemented changes which is further connected with Agree and describe domains and subdomains. If Consensus is Yes then Summarize results which is then connected with Feedback which is further connected with Consensus. If Consensus is No then Panel review results, implement changes which is further connected with Feedback and if Consensus is Yes then Publish results.
Initiate agent is connected with Evaluate the fitness for each agent which is then connected with Update values. Update values is connected with Calculate M and a for each agent which is then connected with Update velocity and position which is further connected with Meeting end of criterion?. If Meeting end of criterion? is No then Evaluate the fitness for each agent and if Meeting end of criterion? is Yes then Finish.
Problem is connected with Find Solution which is then connected with New Solution. If New Solution is No then Escalate When Out of Ideas for New Theories and If New Solution is Yes then Test the Theory which is then connected with Theory Confirmed?. If Theory Confirmed? is No then Find Solution and if Theory Confirmed? is Yes then Establish a Plan of Action.
START is connected to K is equal to 0 which is then connected with LOOP and further connected with YES OR NO?. Also, YES OR NO is connected with both calculate K as K+1 and PRINT K. Calculate K as K+1 is then connected to LOOP and PRINT K is connected to STOP.
Start is connected with Identify Problem which is then connected with work on it. Work on it is connected with Note them down in a diagram or table which is then connected with Ask for assistant which is further connected with Need more help?. If Need more help? is No then Ask for assistant and if Need more help? is Yes then Find solutions to the root causes identified which is finally connected with End.
Plaintext is connected with Ciphertext which is then connected with Plaintext. Also, ID is connected with Ciphertext and Pass is connected with Plaintext.
Start is connected with Interested in watching movie? which if Interested in watching movie? is no then Well, go read a book then. and if Interested in watching movie? is yes then Know the story?. If Know the story? is no then Think about what part of the process you need to see and if Know the story? is yes then Let's start.
Start is connected with Read Temperature which is then connected with Temperature<32? which if Temperature<32? is YES then Not so cold and if Temperature<32? is NO then Cold. Also, Not so cold and Cold both are connected with End.
Begin is connected with Pre-configuration which is then connected with Input which is further connected with Input Signal Analysis. Input Signal Analysis is connected with Input Signal Analysis Finished? which if Input Signal Analysis Finished? is YES then Output Signal Analysis which is then connected with Output Signal Analysis Finished?. If Output Signal Analysis Finished? is No then Update which is further connected with Input and if Output Signal Analysis Finished? is YES then Back to work which is also connected with Input.
Website is connected with Login Page which is then connected with Is the login correct? which if Is the login correct? is Incorrect Credentials then Login Page otherwise Is the login correct? is connected with Enter.
Sensor is connected with Arduino which is then connected with Home automation.
Initialization is connected with System update Time-updating which is then connected with DVL Availble? which if DVL Availble is N then System update Time-updating and if DVL Availble is Y then Measurement-updating. Measurement-updating is connected with Alingment Over? which if Alignment Over? is N then System update Time-updating and if Alignment Over? is Y then End.
Start is connected with Read which is then connected with Update value which is further connected with Print. Print is connected with X>0 which if X>0 is YES then Update value and if X>0 is NO then End.
If Got the first dose? is Yes then 1 dose and if Got the first dose? is No/Don't know then Got second dose?. If Got second dose? is Yes then 1 dose and if Got second dose? is No/Don't know then 2 doses.
Input 3D Coordinates of atomic nuclei is connected with both Different parts of nuclei and Formation. Different parts of nuclei is connected with Formation which is then connected with Diagonalization which is further connected with Converged?. If Converged? is Yes then Calculate Properties End and if Converged? is No then Formation.
Begin is connected with Do You Understand Flowcharts? which if Do You Understand Flowcharts? is Yes then Great! which is then connected with Explain everyone and if Do You Understand Flowcharts? is No then Would You Like to Start With the Basics?. If Would You Like to Start With the Basics? is YES then Read each detail and if Would You Like to Start With the Basics? is NO then Further Reading About Flowcharts.
Memory is connected with Tx: Epely maneuver which is then connected with Positional test. If Positional test is Resolution of the PC-BPPV then End of Study and If Positional test is Treatment failure then Random allocation. Random allocation is then connected with both Malware Test and Tx: Semont maneuver. Also, Malware Test and Tx: Semont maneuver both are connected with Positional test which is finally connected with End of study.
Work flow is connected with model estimator which is then connected with model merger which is further connected with region classifier. Region classifier is connected with region splitter which is then connected with Extract which is further connected with region generator which is finally connected with model estimator.
Source is connected with Transmitter which is then connected with Transmission channel which is further connected with Receiver. Receiver is connected with Destination. Also, Amplifier is connected with Transmission channel.
Begin is connected with Generate new colony which is then connected with Colony performance evaluation which is further connected with Binary Search. Binary Search is connected with Crowding distance sorting which is then connected with Update colony which is further connected with Need more values?. If Need more values? is No then Colony performance evaluation and if Need more values? is Yes then End.