stringlengths 265
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The crewed Gateway shall provide the capability for the onboard crew to manually override software functionality when the transition to manual operation will not cause a catastrophic event
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: the transition to manual operation will not cause a catastrophic event
EFFECT_1: The crewed Gateway shall provide the capability for the onboard crew to manually override software functionality
VARIABLE: the transition to manual operation
CONDITION: cause a catastrophic event
NEGATION: will not
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Tools will be verified in a Gateway flight-like environment to ensure they are adequate to support manual control and operations
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Tools will be verified in a Gateway flight-like environment
KEYWORD: to ensure
EFFECT_1: they are adequate to support manual control
AND: and
EFFECT_2: operations
CONDITION: operations
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Three separate cables must run between the elements in order to meet TTE fault tolerance specification
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Three separate cables must run between the elements
KEYWORD: in order
EFFECT_1: to meet TTE fault tolerance specification
VARIABLE: TTE fault tolerance specification
CONDITION: to meet
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide internal lighting for the illumination required for all operational tasks dependent on visible light
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: required for
CAUSE_2: visible light
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall provide internal lighting for the illumination
CONDITION: visible
CAUSE_1: all operational tasks
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The required lighting levels vary depending on the task being performed
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: the task being performed
EFFECT_1: The required lighting levels vary
KEYWORD: depending on
VARIABLE: the task
CONDITION: being performed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Supplemental lighting is required in order for imagery to be acceptable
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: imagery to be acceptable
CAUSE_1: Supplemental lighting is required
KEYWORD: in order for
VARIABLE: imagery
CONDITION: to be acceptable
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This is needed for EVA situational awareness and will be helpful for EVR operations
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: This is needed
CAUSE_1: for EVA situational awareness
EFFECT_2: will be helpful for EVR operations
AND: and
VARIABLE: EVA situational awareness
CONDITION: will be helpful for EVR operations
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide a minimum of 32kW for Gateway use when SEP is inactive
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: SEP is inactive
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall provide a minimum of 32kW for Gateway use
CONDITION: is inactive
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
It is expected that more than 32kW is available and can be distributed when both power domains are utilized
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: both power domains are utilized
EFFECT_1: more than 32kW is available
EFFECT_2: can be distributed
NOT_RELEVANT: It is expected that
AND: and
VARIABLE: both power domains
CONDITION: are utilized
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: While critical systems must be capable of running from a single power domain, more power above allocated limits is available when SEP is not being utilized or is running at low power
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: critical systems must be capable of running
CAUSE_1: a single power domain
CAUSE_2: SEP is not being utilized
CAUSE_3: is running at low power
EFFECT_2: more power above allocated limits is available
CONDITION: is running at low power
NEGATION: is not
OR: or
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway will provide redundant primary power transmission to each radial docking port to provide the adjoining (docked) Gateway element access to the over-all Gateway primary power
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway will provide redundant primary power transmission to each radial docking port
VARIABLE: Gateway element access to the over-all Gateway primary power
CONDITION: to provide
NOT_RELEVANT: (docked)
EFFECT_1: Gateway element access to the over-all Gateway primary power
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The radial docking port primary power system interfaces are redundant, meaning that in case of a single radial docking connector failure, the remaining docking connector has to transfer at least 16 kW
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: a single radial docking connector failure
EFFECT_1: the remaining docking connector has to transfer at least 16 kW
NOT_RELEVANT: The radial docking port primary power system interfaces are redundant, meaning that
KEYWORD: in case of
VARIABLE: the remaining docking connector
CONDITION: has to transfer at least 16 kW
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Source and load emulators will be required to verify the power quality between power interfaces
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: to verify the power quality between power interfaces
CAUSE_1: Source
CAUSE_2: load emulators will be required
AND: and
VARIABLE: load emulators
CONDITION: will be required
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The module-to-module primary power is redundant, meaning that in case of a single docking system connector failure, the remaining NDS connector has to carry the full limit of a single power domain
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: The module-to-module primary power is redundant, meaning that
KEYWORD: in case of
CAUSE_1: a single docking system connector failure
EFFECT_1: the remaining NDS connector has to carry the full limit of a single power domain
VARIABLE: the remaining NDS connector
CONDITION: has to carry the full limit of a single power domain
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide energy storage capacity capable of supplying a minimum of 32kW during non-insolation periods of at least 1.5 hrs
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: during
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall provide energy storage capacity capable of supplying a minimum of 32kW
VARIABLE: non-insolation periods
CONDITION: of at least 1.5 hrs
CAUSE_1: non-insolation periods of at least 1.5 hrs
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Once a module is attached to the Gateway, that module's battery is part of the integrated Gateway primary power system and feeds all elements of the Gateway
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: a module is attached to the Gateway
EFFECT_1: that module's battery is part of the integrated Gateway primary power system
EFFECT_2: feeds all elements of the Gateway
AND: and
VARIABLE: that module's battery
CONDITION: feeds all elements of the Gateway
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Collectively, all the batteries have to supply power to the Gateway during non-insolation periods such as an eclipse
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: such as an eclipse
EFFECT_1: all the batteries have to supply power to the Gateway
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: non-insolation periods
VARIABLE: all the batteries
CONDITION: have to supply power to the Gateway
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway elements will be required to adhere to the Gateway Element Power Allocation Tables to prevent excessive power demands from over loading the PPE array
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway elements will be required to adhere to the Gateway Element Power Allocation Tables
EFFECT_1: to prevent excessive power demands from over loading the PPE array
VARIABLE: excessive power demands from over loading the PPE array
CONDITION: to prevent
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Utilization needs to have a minimum of 4kW power reserved to support the various utilization and science objectives planned for Gateway
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Utilization needs to have a minimum of 4kW power reserved
EFFECT_1: to support the various utilization
AND: and
EFFECT_2: science objectives planned for Gateway
VARIABLE: science objectives planned for Gateway
CONDITION: to support
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The start-up sequence will automatically energize the appropriate power and avionics equipment to get the element to a commandable state
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The start-up sequence will automatically energize the appropriate power
CAUSE_2: avionics equipment
EFFECT_1: to get the element to a commandable state
CONDITION: to a commandable state
AND: and
VARIABLE: the element
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide imagery to support operations during all mission phases
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall provide imagery
CAUSE_2: all mission phases
KEYWORD: during
EFFECT_1: to support operations
VARIABLE: all mission phases
CONDITION: to support
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Top-level requirement establishing the need for the Gateway vehicle to generate imagery (with associated audio, where applicable) and make that imagery available to other Exploration systems (Orion, Mission Systems, etc.)
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: (Orion, Mission Systems, etc.)
CAUSE_1: Top-level requirement
EFFECT_1: the Gateway vehicle to generate imagery
AND: and
EFFECT_2: make that imagery available to other Exploration systems
KEYWORD: establishing the need for
VARIABLE: that imagery
CONDITION: available to other Exploration systems
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: An integrated Environmental Control and Life Support System will be implemented across Gateway to ensure habitability across all habitable volumes, including visiting vehicles attached and open to the Gateway
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: An integrated Environmental Control
AND: and
CAUSE_2: Life Support System will be implemented across Gateway
EFFECT_1: to ensure habitability across all habitable volumes
EFFECT_3: open to the Gateway
VARIABLE: visiting vehicles
CONDITION: attached
EFFECT_2: visiting vehicles attached
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall condition the atmosphere in habitable volumes and attached visiting vehicles to maintain temperature and humidity levels and to provide proper atmosphere circulation within the habitable volumes
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall condition the atmosphere in habitable volumes
CAUSE_2: attached visiting vehicles
EFFECT_1: to maintain temperature
EFFECT_2: humidity levels
EFFECT_3: to provide proper atmosphere circulation within the habitable volumes
AND: and
VARIABLE: proper atmosphere circulation within the habitable volumes
CONDITION: to provide
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Air conditioning includes circulation of air to ensure proper mixing, and maintaining the temperature and humidity levels within system capabilities
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Air conditioning includes circulation of air
EFFECT_1: to ensure proper mixing
EFFECT_2: maintaining the temperature
EFFECT_3: humidity levels within system capabilities
AND: and
VARIABLE: humidity levels within system capabilities
CONDITION: maintaining
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Potable water is necessary to maintain crew hydration during Gateway operations
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Potable water is necessary
CAUSE_2: Gateway operations
EFFECT_1: to maintain crew hydration
KEYWORD: during
VARIABLE: Potable water
CONDITION: is necessary
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Water may also be needed for operating science and technology payloads, and other systems such as the EVA suit
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Water may also be needed
CAUSE_1: operating science
AND: and
CAUSE_2: technology payloads
CAUSE_3: other systems
NOT_RELEVANT: such as the EVA suit
VARIABLE: other systems
CONDITION: may also be needed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This capability is needed in both crewed and uncrewed mission phases
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: This capability is needed
CAUSE_1: crewed
CAUSE_2: uncrewed mission phases
AND: both
VARIABLE: mission phases
CONDITION: uncrewed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
End item fire protection is accomplished primarily by controlling flammable materials and ignition sources
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: controlling flammable materials
CAUSE_2: ignition sources
EFFECT_1: End item fire protection is accomplished
KEYWORD: primarily by
AND: and
VARIABLE: End item fire protection
CONDITION: is accomplished
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Gateway shall maintain airborne contaminants below applicable limits for nominal human performance during crewed periods
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: crewed periods
EFFECT_1: Gateway shall maintain airborne contaminants below applicable limits for nominal human performance
CONDITION: shall maintain airborne contaminants below applicable limits for nominal human performance
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Additionally, particles associated with lunar regolith may be presented to the Gateway after a human lunar mission and through lunar sample return through the Science Airlock
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: Additionally
EFFECT_1: particles associated with lunar regolith may be presented to the Gateway
KEYWORD: after
CAUSE_1: a human lunar mission
CAUSE_2: through lunar sample return through the Science Airlock
AND: and
VARIABLE: through lunar sample
CONDITION: return through the Science Airlock
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
While collection is only applicable during the crewed period, any long term storage may need to be managed during the uncrewed period
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: collection is only applicable
CAUSE_1: the crewed period
EFFECT_2: any long term storage may need to be managed
CAUSE_2: the uncrewed period
VARIABLE: period
CONDITION: uncrewed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Hardware must be readily accessible to allow escape in the shortest amount of time
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Hardware must be readily accessible
EFFECT_1: to allow escape in the shortest amount of time
VARIABLE: Hardware
CONDITION: must be readily accessible
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: During crewed operations, the dew point will remain within crew comfort levels
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: crewed operations
EFFECT_1: the dew point will remain within crew comfort levels
VARIABLE: the dew point
CONDITION: will remain within crew comfort levels
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
During the uncrewed period, the cabin may be very dry with a dew point less than 4C (39F) at lowest allowable temperature
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: the uncrewed period
EFFECT_1: at lowest allowable temperature
VARIABLE: the cabin
CONDITION: at lowest allowable temperature
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The humidity will passively be reduced as the pressure is maintained with dry gasses and no crew is present to replenish atmospheric vapor
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The humidity will passively be reduced
CAUSE_2: the pressure is maintained with dry gasses
CAUSE_3: no crew is present
EFFECT_1: to replenish atmospheric vapor
AND: as
VARIABLE: atmospheric vapor
CONDITION: to replenish
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Appropriate design of electronics must be included to control electrostatic discharge (ESD) hazards
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Appropriate design of electronics must be included
EFFECT_1: hazards
VARIABLE: Appropriate design of electronics
CONDITION: must be included
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Enriched oxygen concentrations increase the flammability of materials within that environment
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Enriched oxygen concentrations
CAUSE_2: that environment
KEYWORD: within
EFFECT_1: increase the flammability of materials
VARIABLE: that environment
CONDITION: increase
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Elevated oxygen concentrations are needed at lower pressures to sustain human life
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: to sustain human life
CAUSE_1: Elevated oxygen concentrations are needed at lower pressures
VARIABLE: human life
CONDITION: to sustain
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: When crewed, the Gateway will be nominally maintained at pressures near to Earth sea level 101 kPa (14.7 psi)
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: (14.7 psi).
CAUSE_1: crewed
EFFECT_1: the Gateway will be nominally maintained at pressures near to Earth sea level 101 kPa
CONDITION: will be nominally maintained at pressures near to Earth sea level 101 kPa
VARIABLE: the Gateway
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: This requirements establishes the full temperature control range for the Gateway during both crewed and uncrewed periods
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: This requirements establishes the full temperature control range for the Gateway
KEYWORD: during
AND: and
CAUSE_1: crewed
CAUSE_2: uncrewed periods
VARIABLE: periods
CONDITION: uncrewed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway will maintain temperatures according to crew capability during crewed mission phases
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: crewed mission phases
EFFECT_1: The Gateway will maintain temperatures according to crew capability
CONDITION: will maintain temperatures according to crew capability
VARIABLE: The Gateway
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Vestibule pressurization is required prior to hatch opening between modules and to allow a visiting vehicle to be opened to the Gateway Habitation Element
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Vestibule pressurization is required
CAUSE_1: to hatch opening between modules
CAUSE_2: to allow a visiting vehicle to be opened to the Gateway Habitation Element
VARIABLE: a visiting vehicle
AND: and
CONDITION: to be opened to the Gateway Habitation Element
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall limit disturbances caused by venting of fluids and gasses per the <TBD-L2- GW-059> table
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: venting of fluids
AND: and
CAUSE_2: gasses per the <TBD-L2- GW-059> table
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall limit disturbances
KEYWORD: caused by
VARIABLE: gasses
CONDITION: per the <TBD-L2- GW-059> table
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Each module may utilize active and/or passive thermal control methods to meet thermal requirements
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Each module may utilize active
AND: and
OR: or
CAUSE_2: passive thermal control methods
EFFECT_1: to meet thermal requirements
VARIABLE: thermal requirements
CONDITION: to meet
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Any modules with habitable volumes must also maintain the internal environment within thermal limits for both crewed and uncrewed operations
### Assistant:
CAUSE_2: crewed
CAUSE_3: uncrewed operations
CAUSE_1: Any modules with habitable volumes
EFFECT_1: must also maintain the internal environment within thermal limits
AND: and
VARIABLE: operations
CONDITION: uncrewed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Each Module's TCS will need to be responsible for its own thermal independence and ability to manage its own heatloads during nominal operations
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: Each Module's TCS
EFFECT_1: Each Module's TCS will need to be responsible for its own thermal independence
AND: and
EFFECT_2: ability to manage its own heatloads
CONDITION: nominal
VARIABLE: operations
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Detection of leaks will allow for response and repair, in the event of an atmospheric leak, by the crew or autonomously
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: in the event of
CAUSE_1: an atmospheric leak
EFFECT_1: Detection of leaks will allow for response
AND: and
EFFECT_2: by the crew
OR: or
EFFECT_3: autonomously
VARIABLE: an atmospheric leak
CONDITION: autonomously
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Localization of leaks will allow for response and repair, in the event of an atmospheric leak, by the crew during crewed periods or autonomously during uncrewed periods
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Localization of leaks will allow for response
AND: and
EFFECT_2: by the crew
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: an atmospheric leak
CAUSE_2: crewed periods
OR: or
EFFECT_3: autonomously
CAUSE_3: uncrewed periods
VARIABLE: an atmospheric leak
CONDITION: uncrewed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: DSG-SPEC-MECH-017, Gateway Program Docking System Specification compliant mechanisms only provide an 800mm diameter passageway for a distance of 3-4 ft when mated
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: mated
EFFECT_1: Gateway Program Docking System Specification compliant mechanisms only provide an 800mm diameter passageway for a distance of 3-4 ft
CONDITION: only provide an 800mm diameter passageway for a distance of 3-4 ft
VARIABLE: Gateway Program Docking System Specification compliant mechanisms
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Items to be transferred between Gateway Elements need to be sized appropriately
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Items to be transferred between Gateway Elements
EFFECT_1: to be sized appropriately
CONDITION: to be sized appropriately
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall be equipped with passive or active crew exercise equipment isolation systems to reduce induced loads to the primary structure to less than or equal to <TBD-L2-GW- Gateway structure
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall be equipped with passive
CAUSE_2: active crew exercise equipment isolation systems
OR: or
EFFECT_1: to reduce induced loads to the primary structure to less than
EFFECT_2: equal to <TBD-L2-GW- Gateway structure
VARIABLE: induced loads to the primary structure
CONDITION: equal to <TBD-L2-GW- Gateway structure
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Catastrophic hazards that cannot be controlled using failure tolerance may be exempted from the failure tolerance requirements with mandatory concurrence from the Technical Authorities and Director, Johnson Space Center (JSC) (for crew risk acceptance)
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: Catastrophic hazards
NEGATION: cannot
CONDITION: Director, Johnson Space Center
CAUSE_1: cannot be controlled using failure tolerance
AND: and
NOT_RELEVANT: (JSC) (for crew risk acceptance)
EFFECT_1: may be exempted from the failure tolerance requirements with mandatory concurrence from the Technical Authorities
EFFECT_2: Director, Johnson Space Center
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Compliance with this requirement can be accomplished at the end item level or through a combination of hazard controls at the Module/System levels and end item level
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: through
CAUSE_1: the end item level
OR: or
CAUSE_2: a combination of hazard controls at the Module/System levels and end item level
EFFECT_1: Compliance with this requirement can be accomplished
VARIABLE: hazard controls at the Module/System levels and end item level
CONDITION: a combination of
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Acceptance of these approaches by the Technical Authorities avoids processing waivers for numerous hazard causes where failure tolerance is not the appropriate approach
### Assistant:
CAUSE_2: failure tolerance is not the appropriate approach
CAUSE_1: Acceptance of these approaches by the Technical Authorities
EFFECT_1: avoids processing waivers for numerous hazard causes
KEYWORD: where
VARIABLE: processing waivers for numerous hazard causes
NEGATION: is not
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Critical hazards do not require failure tolerance for human-rating, however, critical hazards can have a significant impact on Loss of Mission (LOM) risk
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: Critical hazards do not require failure tolerance for human-rating
CAUSE_1: critical hazards
EFFECT_1: risk
CONDITION: can have a significant
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Failure tolerance for critical hazards may be required to meet probability of loss of mission or system reliability requirements (if applicable)
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Failure tolerance for critical hazards may be required
EFFECT_1: to meet probability of loss of mission
OR: or
EFFECT_2: system reliability requirements
NOT_RELEVANT: (if applicable)
VARIABLE: probability of loss of mission
CONDITION: system reliability requirements
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Emergency systems, EVA or emergency operations cannot be used as a leg of failure tolerance as these emergency systems and equipment cannot definitively prevent an initiating event
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Emergency systems
EFFECT_3: emergency operations cannot be used as a leg of failure tolerance
CAUSE_1: these emergency systems
CAUSE_2: equipment cannot definitively prevent an initiating event
AND: and
VARIABLE: equipment
OR: or
NEGATION: cannot
CONDITION: definitively prevent an initiating event
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Where redundancy is used to satisfy the failure tolerance requirement, this design requirement provides maximum protection from common cause events
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: redundancy is used to satisfy the failure tolerance requirement
EFFECT_1: this design requirement provides maximum protection from common cause events
VARIABLE: this design requirement
CONDITION: provides maximum protection from common cause events
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The NASA-STD is a companion to NPR 8715.6 and provides specific requirements and assessment methods to assure compliance with the NPR
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: provides specific requirements
CAUSE_2: assessment methods
EFFECT_1: to assure compliance with the NPR
AND: and
VARIABLE: compliance with the NPR
CONDITION: to assure
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Similarly, co-location of related, sequential functional work areas can reduce transit time, communication errors, and operational delays
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: can reduce transit time
EFFECT_2: communication errors
AND: and
EFFECT_3: operational delays
CAUSE_1: co-location of related, sequential functional work areas
VARIABLE: operational delays
CONDITION: can reduce
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
As mission duration and complexity increase, the capability required to prevent and manage medical contingencies correspondingly increases
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: mission duration
CAUSE_2: complexity increase
EFFECT_1: the capability required to prevent
EFFECT_2: manage medical contingencies correspondingly increases
AND: and
VARIABLE: manage medical contingencies
CONDITION: correspondingly increases
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Limiting the transfer of microorganisms to the food preparation areas protects crew health
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Limiting the transfer of microorganisms to the food preparation areas
EFFECT_1: protects crew health
VARIABLE: crew health
CONDITION: protects
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
To properly control the contamination of the food preparation area from the body waste management and hygiene areas, a task analysis must be performed to identify important design factors (i.e. concurrent use of the areas, volume needed at each location to prevent contact, distance between areas, storage and accessibility requirements, etc.)
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: To properly control the contamination of the food preparation area from the body waste management
CAUSE_2: hygiene areas
AND: and
CAUSE_1: a task analysis must be performed to identify important design factors
NOT_RELEVANT: (i.e. concurrent use of the areas, volume needed at each location to prevent contact, distance between areas, storage and accessibility requirements, etc.)
VARIABLE: a task analysis
EFFECT_2: hygiene areas
CONDITION: must be performed to identify important design factors
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Radiation environmental protection ensures in-flight capabilities for the monitoring and provision of alerts and warnings for the space weather (ionizing radiation) environment
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Radiation environmental protection
EFFECT_1: ensures in-flight capabilities for the monitoring
EFFECT_2: provision of alerts
EFFECT_3: environment
NOT_RELEVANT: (ionizing radiation)
AND: and
VARIABLE: environment
CONDITION: provision of
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall maintain a shirt sleeve environment in all habitable volumes during crewed missions
### Assistant:
CONDITION: habitable
CAUSE_2: crewed missions
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall maintain a shirt sleeve environment
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: all habitable volumes
VARIABLE: missions
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The vehicle must also be robust enough to maintain safe, comfortable atmospheric conditions within physiological ranges during crew induced thermal loading such as exercise
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: crew induced thermal loading
NOT_RELEVANT: such as exercise
KEYWORD: during
EFFECT_1: The vehicle must also be robust enough to maintain safe
EFFECT_2: comfortable atmospheric conditions within physiological ranges
VARIABLE: thermal loading
CONDITION: crew induced
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Biological waste, including vomit and feminine hygiene products, can also cause injury and transmit disease
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Biological waste
NOT_RELEVANT: including vomit and feminine hygiene products
EFFECT_1: can also cause injury
EFFECT_2: transmit disease
VARIABLE: Biological waste
AND: and
CONDITION: can also cause injury
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall tolerate inadvertent operator action in the presence of any single system failure
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall tolerate inadvertent operator action
CAUSE_1: the presence of any single system failure
VARIABLE: any single system failure
CONDITION: the presence of
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Where the system is designed to protect for more than one inadvertent action, the level of protection after a single system failure may be reduced - but still protects from a single inadvertent operator action
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: may be reduced
KEYWORD: after
CAUSE_1: a single system failure
AND: but
EFFECT_2: still protects from a single inadvertent operator action
NOT_RELEVANT: Where the system is designed to protect for more than one inadvertent action
VARIABLE: a single system failure
CONDITION: still protects from a single inadvertent operator action
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
In addition, this ensures that back-up capabilities, such as back-up flight software, maintain the same-level of tolerance to human error as the primary system
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: such as back-up flight software
CAUSE_1: this
EFFECT_1: maintain the same-level of tolerance to human error as the primary system
KEYWORD: ensures that
VARIABLE: back-up capabilities
CONDITION: maintain the same-level of tolerance to human error as the primary system
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
For EVA operations, the DCS prevention design must be coordinated for total pressure, ppO2, and pre-breath protocol between all vehicles/elements inhabited by EVA crew prior to and after EVA (e.g., Orion, Gateway, Airlock, Lander)
### Assistant:
CAUSE_2: to
AND: and
CAUSE_3: after EVA
CAUSE_1: EVA operations
EFFECT_1: the DCS prevention design must be coordinated for total pressure
EFFECT_2: ppO2
EFFECT_3: pre-breath protocol between all vehicles/elements inhabited by EVA crew
CONDITION: pre-breath protocol between all vehicles/elements inhabited by EVA crew
NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g., Orion, Gateway, Airlock, Lander)
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
If not properly contained, trash contents could damage equipment, injure crewmembers, or transmit disease
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: not properly contained
EFFECT_1: trash contents could damage equipment
EFFECT_2: injure crewmembers
OR: or
EFFECT_3: transmit disease
CONDITION: transmit disease
VARIABLE: trash contents
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Operations analysis should be performed to drive trash containment design
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Operations analysis should be performed
EFFECT_1: to drive trash containment design
VARIABLE: trash containment design
CONDITION: to drive
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
EVA operations will be available once the Gateway airlock module is added to the Gateway and EVA suits are present
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: EVA operations will be available
CAUSE_1: the Gateway airlock module is added to the Gateway
AND: and
CAUSE_2: EVA suits are present
CONDITION: are present
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide EVA compatible accommodations to support continuous translation across adjacent (berthed/docked) modules
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall provide EVA compatible accommodations
EFFECT_1: modules
NOT_RELEVANT: (berthed/docked)
VARIABLE: modules
CONDITION: to support
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: EVA translation across the Gateway stack is necessary to support both EVA test objectives and contingency EVAs regardless of the status of EVR capabilities
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: regardless of the status of EVR capabilities
VARIABLE: contingency EVAs
CAUSE_1: EVA translation across the Gateway stack is necessary
EFFECT_1: to support both EVA test objectives
AND: and
EFFECT_2: contingency EVAs
CONDITION: is necessary
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This may result in the need for handrails to be installed around the circumference of the end of each module and/or extending radial towards the end-cone or docking adapter
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: This
EFFECT_1: the need for handrails to be installed around the circumference of the end of each module
AND: and
OR: or
EFFECT_2: extending radial towards the end-cone
EFFECT_3: docking adapter
VARIABLE: docking adapter
KEYWORD: may result in
CONDITION: the need for
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
An integrated analysis will be performed to optimize continuous translation paths across the integrated Gateway system
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: An integrated analysis will be performed
EFFECT_1: to optimize continuous translation paths across the integrated Gateway system
VARIABLE: continuous translation paths across the integrated Gateway system
CONDITION: to optimize
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The EVR IRDD provides the interoperability requirements to enable common robotic interface installation on modules, ORUs and payloads
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The EVR IRDD provides the interoperability requirements
EFFECT_1: to enable common robotic interface installation on modules
EFFECT_3: payloads
AND: and
VARIABLE: payloads
CONDITION: to enable
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
These services will also be provided during manipulation (except thermal control)
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: These services will also be provided
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: manipulation
VARIABLE: manipulation
CONDITION: will also be provided
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
An integrated analysis will be performed to determine the location of translation paths
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: An integrated analysis will be performed
EFFECT_1: to determine the location of translation paths
VARIABLE: the location of translation paths
CONDITION: to determine
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The coverage of Gateway will be assessed and analyzed to determine the location requirements
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The coverage of Gateway will be assessed
AND: and
CAUSE_2: analyzed
EFFECT_1: to determine the location requirements
VARIABLE: the location requirements
CONDITION: to determine
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Robotic end-to-end relocation will require a reconfiguration of TTE topology, as well as payload and ORU mate/demate operations
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Robotic end-to-end relocation
EFFECT_1: will require a reconfiguration of TTE topology
AND: and
EFFECT_2: payload
EFFECT_3: ORU mate/demate operations
VARIABLE: ORU mate/demate operations
CONDITION: will require
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Adherence to this subsystem specification will ensure that the internal robotics system can successfully achieve its tasks and goals while minimizing the overall impact to the Gateway
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Adherence to this subsystem specification
CONDITION: minimizing
EFFECT_1: the internal robotics system can successfully achieve its tasks
EFFECT_2: goals
EFFECT_3: minimizing the overall impact to the Gateway
AND: and
KEYWORD: will ensure that
VARIABLE: the overall impact to the Gateway
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Complexity of a robotic system is greatly reduced if an appropriate markings system is used to simplify identification and localization
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: an appropriate markings system is used to simplify identification
AND: and
CAUSE_2: localization
EFFECT_1: Complexity of a robotic system is greatly reduced
VARIABLE: an appropriate markings system
CONDITION: localization
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: This will ensure all locations accessible by internal robotics is also accessible to crew
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: This will ensure
CAUSE_1: all locations accessible by internal robotics
EFFECT_1: is also accessible to crew
VARIABLE: all locations
CONDITION: is also accessible to crew.
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Complexity of a robotic system is greatly reduced if design of human interfaces also considers robotic manipulation
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Complexity of a robotic system is greatly reduced
CAUSE_1: design of human interfaces also considers robotic manipulation
VARIABLE: design of human interfaces
CONDITION: also considers robotic manipulation
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide stowage and charging interfaces to support internal robotics operations
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall provide stowage
AND: and
CAUSE_2: charging interfaces
EFFECT_1: to support internal robotics operations
VARIABLE: internal robotics operations
CONDITION: to support
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Gateway needs to distribute resources required to support internal robotics operations to the modules where internal robotics operations are performed
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: to the modules
CAUSE_2: internal robotics operations are performed
CAUSE_1: required to support internal robotics operations
KEYWORD: where
VARIABLE: internal robotics operations
CONDITION: are performed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall use robotically compatible interfaces to allow the IVR system to access/retrieve/install internal logistics cargo
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall use robotically compatible interfaces
EFFECT_1: to allow the IVR system to access/retrieve/install internal logistics cargo
VARIABLE: the IVR system
CONDITION: to access/retrieve/install internal logistics cargo
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Internal and external payloads will be operated during crewed and uncrewed periods
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Internal
AND: and
EFFECT_2: external payloads will be operated
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: crewed
CAUSE_2: uncrewed periods
CONDITION: will be operated
VARIABLE: external payloads
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Most payloads would not require crew interaction (likely apart from instrument installation and setup) and would continue to operate during uncrewed periods
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: Most payloads would not require crew interaction
AND: and
EFFECT_2: would continue to operate
KEYWORD: during
CONDITION: would continue to operate
CAUSE_1: uncrewed periods
VARIABLE: Most payloads
NOT_RELEVANT: (likely apart from instrument installation and setup)
NEGATION: would not
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Minimizes flight hardware development to support payloads
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Minimizes flight hardware development
EFFECT_1: to support payloads
VARIABLE: payloads
CONDITION: to support
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide a minimum of three (3) cubic meters (m3) of internal volume for powered payload locations
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: of internal volume
CAUSE_1: powered payload locations
VARIABLE: payload locations
CONDITION: powered
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This volume does not include payloads or equipment that could be deployed in open spaces or passageways
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: This volume does not include payloads
EFFECT_2: equipment
CAUSE_1: could be deployed in open spaces
CAUSE_2: passageways
OR: or
VARIABLE: include payloads
NEGATION: does not
CONDITION: equipment
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide <TBD-L2-GW-016> internal volume for powered multi-use equipment to support utilization, in addition to volume for powered payload locations
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall provide <TBD-L2-GW-016> internal volume for powered multi-use equipment
EFFECT_1: to support utilization
AND: in addition to
EFFECT_2: volume for powered payload locations
VARIABLE: volume for powered payload locations
CONDITION: to support
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall have a minimum of 1,000 kg on-orbit mass allocated for utilization, for each crewed Gateway mission
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: The Gateway shall have a minimum of 1,000 kg on-orbit mass allocated for utilization
CAUSE_1: each crewed Gateway mission
VARIABLE: The Gateway
CONDITION: shall have a minimum of 1,000 kg on-orbit mass allocated for utilization
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Gateway shall provide enhanced inherent capabilities to facilitate science
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The Gateway shall provide enhanced inherent capabilities
EFFECT_1: to facilitate science
VARIABLE: The Gateway
CONDITION: shall provide enhanced inherent capabilities
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Several utilization payloads would benefit from deployment from the Gateway into final orbits
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: deployment from the Gateway into final orbits
EFFECT_1: Several utilization payloads would benefit
VARIABLE: deployment from the Gateway into final orbits
CONDITION: would benefit
### END