**HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA YA KISHAPU** > **OFISI YA MTENDAJI,** > > **KIJIJI/KATA ..............................** > > **S.L.P 1288** > > **KISHAPU.** > > **TAREHE ....................................** NDUGU, ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... **YAH: WITO MAALUM OFISINI SIKU YA ........................TAREHE ............................** **SAA ...................................... HAPA OFISI YA MTENDAJI WA KIJIJI/KATA.** Unatakiwa kufika hapa ofisini siku ya .................................................. Tarehe na saa ilitajwa hapo juu. Sababu ya wito huu ni kwamba ..................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hivyo hudhuria bila kukosa wito huu. Tafadhari zingatia kuwa hatua zingine zitafuata dhidi yako endapo utapuuza wito huu. **Asante,** **Wako,** **..........................................** **HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA YA KISHAPU** > **OFISI YA MTENDAJI,** > > **KIJIJI/KATA ..............................** > > **S.L.P 1288** > > **KISHAPU.** > > **TAREHE ....................................** NDUGU, ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... **YAH: WITO MAALUM OFISINI SIKU YA ........................TAREHE ............................** **SAA ...................................... HAPA OFISI YA MTENDAJI WA KIJIJI/KATA.** Unatakiwa kufika hapa ofisini siku ya .................................................. Tarehe na saa ilitajwa hapo juu. Sababu ya wito huu ni kwamba ..................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hivyo hudhuria bila kukosa wito huu. Tafadhari zingatia kuwa hatua zingine zitafuata dhidi yako endapo utapuuza wito huu. **Asante,** **Wako,** **..........................................**
<table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate knowledge of the concept of History and appreciates the importance of source of History.</td> <td>Explain the concept and the importance of and source of History.</td> <td><p><strong>J</strong></p> <p><strong>AN</strong></p> <p><strong>U</strong></p> <p><strong>A</strong></p> <p><strong>R</strong></p> <p><strong>Y</strong></p></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>SOURCES AND IMPORTANCE OF HISTORY</td> <td><p>-Mining History</p> <p>-Importance of History</p> <p>-Sources of History</p> <p>-Advantages and limitations of sources of History.</p> <p>-Functions of various sources of History</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>14 2</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>i)</p> <p>To guide the students in groups to read the text and discuss the importance of History.</p> <p>ii)</p> <p>To guide the students to present the points raised by the groups and write the roles.</p> <p>-do-</p> <p>-do-</p></td> <td><p>i)</p> <p>The students will conduct the groups discussing and present their findings classwise.</p> <p>ii)</p> <p>The students will write the notes and answering the questions.</p> <p>iii)</p> <p>The students will be given the task drawing the maps related to the topic.</p></td> <td><p>i)</p> <p>Guiding questions</p> <p>ii)</p> <p>Written sources</p> <p>iii)</p> <p>Sketch and wall map showing Historical sites.</p></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>The development of Africa societies up to the 19<sup>th</sup> C by TAIE</p></li> <li><p>History of Sec schools book one (T.A.I.E)</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate ability to examine the theories of the original evolution of man and draw conclusion.</td> <td>To explain the theories of the origin and evolution of man.</td> <td><p><strong>F</strong></p> <p><strong>E</strong></p> <p><strong>B</strong></p> <p><strong>R</strong></p> <p><strong>U</strong></p> <p><strong>A</strong></p> <p><strong>R</strong></p> <p><strong>Y</strong></p></td> <td>4</td> <td>EVOLUTION OF MAN TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT.</td> <td><p>i)</p> <p>Evolution of man</p> <p>ii)</p> <p>Early or old stone age (Paledithic)</p></td> <td>3</td> <td><p>i) Using the question and answer technique to guide the students to explain the meaning of various sub topics.</p> <p>ii)To guide the students in groups to conduct a library research on the theories of evolution of man and creation.</p> <p>iii)To guide students in groups for discussion.</p></td> <td><p>-do-</p> <p>-do-</p> <p>-do-</p></td> <td><p>i)</p> <p>Written sources</p> <p>ii)</p> <p>Drawing of tools used.</p> <p>iii)</p> <p>Written texts.</p></td> <td>-do-</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td><strong>MARCH</strong></td> <td>3</td> <td>-do-</td> <td><p>iii)</p> <p>Middle stone age (Mesolithic)</p> <p>(a) Types of tools used</p></td> <td>8</td> <td><p>(iv)</p> <p>To guide the students in groups to draw and name the various tools used in each age.</p> <p>(v)</p> <p>To guide the students and explain how man obtained food.</p></td> <td><p>(i)</p> <p>The students will conduct the group discussion and present their findings classwise.</p> <p>(ii)</p> <p>The students will write the notes and questions which will be provided topic wise.</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>(b)Physical changes</p> <p>(c) How man obtained food</p> <p>(d) Inventor of five at advantages</p> <p>(iv)Late or new stone age (Neolithic)</p> <p>(a)Types of tools used</p> <p>(b)Physical changes</p> <p>(c)How iron was discovered</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>(i)To guide the students in groups to conduct library research and describe the tools used.</p> <p>(ii)To guide the student to draw tools used during the Mesolithic age.</p> <p>(iii) To guide students to present their findings regarding the physical changes of man during this age.</p> <p>(iv)To guide the students to present the advantages and invention and uses of fire.</p></td> <td><p>(iii)The students will draw the various tools use during various age’s.</p> <p>-do-</p></td> <td><p>-do-</p> <p>-do-</p></td> <td><ol type="I"> <li><p>The development of African History Society up to the 19<sup>th</sup> C by T.I.E</p></li> <li><p>History of African up to the 19<sup>th</sup> C by T.I.E</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13"><strong>31<sup>st</sup> MARCH TO APRIL 9<sup>TH</sup> – MIDTERM TEST AND BREAK.</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">Demonstrate ability to relate man’s development to the environment and technology.</td> <td rowspan="2">To relate man’s development to the environment and technology.</td> <td><p><strong>A</strong></p> <p><strong>P</strong></p> <p><strong>R</strong></p> <p><strong>I</strong></p> <p><strong>L</strong></p></td> <td>2</td> <td>DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND THEIR IMPACT</td> <td><p>a)Agriculture</p> <p>-Types of agriculture</p> <p>-How it changed the life of man.</p> <p>-Handcraft Industries and mining in Pre-colonial Africa.</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>(i)Teachers will guide the students to answer various questions.</p> <p>(ii)To guide the students in groups to read written sources and show the relationship of Environment and agriculture.</p> <p>(iii)To guide the groups to present in the class their findings for further discussions.</p></td> <td><p>(i)To guide the students theory questions and answers</p> <p>-do-</p> <p>(ii)To guide the students in groups to read written sources and short the relationship of environment and agriculture.</p> <p>-do-</p></td> <td>-do-</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>(i) The development of African by T.I.E</p> <p>(ii) History of African book One – Oxford.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p><strong>M</strong></p> <p><strong>A</strong></p> <p><strong>Y</strong></p></td> <td>4</td> <td>-do-</td> <td><p>Meaning of handcraft industries</p> <p>-Types of industries and their advantaged</p></td> <td>7</td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>J</p> <p>UN</p> <p>E</p></td> <td>1</td> <td><p>-Types of minerals in Pre-Colonial.</p> <p>-Trade in Pre-colonial</p> <p>-Local trade</p> <p>-Regional trade</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13"><p><strong>10<sup>th</sup> TERMINAL EXAM FOR O’LEVEL UP TO 17<sup>TH</sup> OF MAY.</strong></p> <p><strong>18<sup>TH</sup> JUNE LONG VACATION FOR 5 WEEKS.</strong></p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>To demonstrate ability to related peoples economic activities to the development of their social and political organization.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>To explain how peoples economic activities influenced the development of their social and political organization in Pre-Colonial Africa.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>J</strong></p> <p><strong>U</strong></p> <p><strong>L</strong></p> <p><strong>Y</strong></p></td> <td>1</td> <td><blockquote> <p>Development of social and political systems.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Kinship</p> <p>-Meaning</p> <p>-Social and political organization</p></td> <td>3</td> <td><p>(i) To guide the students to answer the written and oral questions.</p> <p>(ii)To guide the students in groups to present their class findings.</p></td> <td><p>(i)Students will ask the questions.</p> <p>(ii) Students a groups will read the written sources.</p></td> <td>-do-</td> <td><blockquote> <p>(i) Development of African societies by TIAE</p> <p>(II) The History of East Africa up to 19<sup>th</sup> C</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td><p><strong>A</strong></p> <p><strong>U</strong></p> <p><strong>G</strong></p> <p><strong>U</strong></p> <p><strong>S</strong></p> <p><strong>T</strong></p></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(b)</p> <p>Age-Set</p> <p>Meaning</p> <p>-Social and political organization</p></td> <td>6</td> <td>(iii) To guide the students to read the written sources.</td> <td>(iii)Students will present in their class their finding for further discussion.</td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>S</p> <p>E</p> <p>P</p> <p>T</p> <p>EM</p> <p>B</p> <p>E</p> <p>R</p></td> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c) Ntemiship</p> <p>-Meaning</p> <p>-Social and political system.</p></td> <td>6</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13"><strong>ONE WEEK MID – TERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td><p><strong>OC</strong></p> <p><strong>TOB</strong></p> <p><strong>E</strong></p> <p><strong>R</strong></p></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(a)State organization</p> <p>-Meaning</p> <p>Factors for centralized states at Non centralised states.</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>-do-</td> <td>-do-</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>NOV</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="9"><strong>REVISION &amp; ANNUAL EXAMS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p><strong>DE</strong></p> <p><strong>C</strong></p></td> <td></td> <td colspan="9"><strong>LONG – VACATION UP TO JANUARY 2014</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
CHEMISTRY - F2.(1).md
**Name of teacher: [HASSAN YUSUFU]{.underline} Name of School: [SHAMSIYE SECONDARY SCHOOL]{.underline}** **Year: [2016]{.underline} Term: [1 & 2]{.underline}** **Class/Stream: [FORM TWO]{.underline} Subject: [CHEMISTRY]{.underline}** <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></th> <th><strong>Learning Activities</strong></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></th> <th><strong>Remarks</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Preparing and testing properties of simple gases in the laboratory.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>To explain the preparation and properties of simple gases.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>JANUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3rd</td> <td rowspan="2">OXYGEN</td> <td colspan="2">1.1Preparation and properties of Oxygen</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students on preparation of Oxygen from Hydrogen peroxide</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to carry out the characteristic test for Oxygen gas.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion on the physical and chemical properties of oxygen</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Carrying out an experiment to prepare Oxygen from H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> or by heating KCLO<sub>3</sub></p></li> <li><p>Burning metals and some non-metals to oxygen.</p></li> <li><p>In groups, to discuss the risks of using KMnO<sub>4</sub> and HgO to prepare oxygen in laboratory.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">H2O2, KCLO3, MnO2, flat bottomed flask, beehive shelve, delivery tube, troughs, gas jar, water, thistle funnel, freshly prepared O2, P, litmus paper, candle, combustion spoon, Mg ribbon, C, S, Ca granules, wooden splint, KMnO4.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to prepare and collect a sample of oxygen gas in the laboratory.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to perform simple experiments on physical and chemical properties of oxygen has.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain properties of oxygen.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>4th</td> <td colspan="2">1.2 Uses of oxygen</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students in groups to discuss daily life uses of oxygen.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the relationship between uses of oxygen and properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing about uses of oxygen</p></li> <li><p>Discussing about the relationship between uses of oxygen and properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts, flip charts, pictures showing uses and properties of oxygen in the mentioned process.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to list the uses of oxygen in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to relate some uses of oxygen to its properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>4th&amp;</p> <p>1<sup>st</sup></p></td> <td rowspan="2">HYDROGEN</td> <td colspan="2">2.1 Preparation and properties of Hydrogen.</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Demonstration on the preparation of a small sample of hydrogen using Zinc and dilute HCl</p></li> <li><p>Demonstrating an experiment on ‘pop’ sound test for hydrogen.</p></li> <li><p>Carrying out an experiment on reduction of CuO using H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding a discussion on the physical and chemical properties of H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Observing the demonstration on the preparation of sample of hydrogen using Zinc and dilute HCl.</p></li> <li><p>Demonstrating an experiment on ‘pop’ sound test for hydrogen.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing on the physical and chemical properties of H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Zinc granules, dil. HCl, trough, thistle funnel, beehive shelves, flat bottomed flask, test tube, wooden splints, CuO, PbO, litmus paper, CoCl, paper, combustion tubes, source of heat, anhydrous CaCl<sub>2</sub>, wall chart showing physical and chemical properties of H<sub>2</sub>.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Explain the preparation of a sample H<sub>2</sub> in the laboratory.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain properties of H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>1<sup>st</sup></td> <td colspan="2">2.2 Uses of Hydrogen</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading discussion on the uses of Hydrogen industrially to manufacture margarine and ammonia.</p></li> <li><p>Leading discussion on the relationship between uses and properties of hydrogen.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing in groups the daily life uses of hydrogen.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing on the relationship between the uses and properties of hydrogen.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall chart, flip charts, pictures showing the production of ammonium fertilizers, margarine, uses of hydrogen, properties of hydrogen.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to state the uses of hydrogen gas in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to relate some uses of hydrogen to its properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Treating and purifying water with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>To purify and use water while conserving the environment.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td rowspan="2">WATER</td> <td colspan="2">3.1 Occurrence and nature of water.</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Lead discussion on the occurrence and nature of water.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss and present the concept of water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw water cycle and discuss it.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the relationship between water cycle and environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the occurrence and nature of water.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing and presenting the concept of water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing and discussing water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the relationship between water cycle and environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall chart showing occurrence of water, wall chart and picture displaying water cycle.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to describe the occurrence and nature of water.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to describe water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to relate water cycle and environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">3.2 Properties of water</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Demonstrating an experiment on boiling and melting points of water.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to test for water using CoCl<sub>2</sub> paper and anhydrous copper (II) sulphate.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to carry out reaction between water and some metals.</p></li> <li><p>Facilitating discussion on physical and chemical properties of water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Carrying out an experiment on boiling and melting points of water.</p></li> <li><p>Testing for water usingCoCl<sub>2</sub> and anhydrous CuSO<sub>4</sub></p></li> <li><p>Carrying out reactions between water and some metals.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing physical and chemical properties of water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Thermometer, CoCl<sub>2</sub> paper, anhydrous CuSO<sub>4,</sub> water, Na, Ca, Mg, K, litmus paper and wall charts showing physical chemical properties of water.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to perform simple experiments on physical and chemical properties of water.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the properties of water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">3.3 Treatment and purification of water</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students on discussions of different methods of treating and purifying water at home.</p></li> <li><p>Visiting large scale water treatment plant.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion on different chemicals used to treat large scale of water.</p></li> <li><p>Lead and summarize discussion on water treatment.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing different methods of treating and purifying water at home.</p></li> <li><p>Purifying water after boiling by filtering by using a clean piece of cloth.</p></li> <li><p>Preparing a simple water filter by using sand, charcoal and gravel and use it for filtering water.</p></li> <li><p>Visiting and writing a report on a large scale water treatment plant.</p></li> </ol> <ol start="5" type="i"> <li><p>Discussing different chemicals used in large scale water treatment and importance of treatment in daily life.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Water, clean piece of cloth, sand, charcoal, gravels, filter paper, boiling vessels (sufurias), water guard pellets/tablet, water treatment plant, wall charts showing large scale.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to demonstrate the process of domestic water treatment and purification.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to describe the process of urban water treatment.</p></li> </ol> <ol start="6" type="i"> <li><p>iii) Ability to explain the importance of water treatment and purification.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2">3.4 Uses of water</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Lead and summarizes the discussion on the uses of water in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to dissolve different substances in water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the uses of water in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Dissolving different substances in water and list the dissolved ones.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts showing uses of water, table salt, sugar, toothpaste, water, kerosene, detergent soap.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to state the uses of water in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to compare solubility of different substances in water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>Using fuels efficiently and sustainably with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>(i) To importance in efficiency and sustainability in using fuels.</p> <p>(ii) To promoting the use of fuels with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>MARCH</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1<sup>ST</sup></td> <td rowspan="2">FUELS AND ENERGY</td> <td colspan="2">4.1 Fuel sources</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading a discussion of different sources of fuels found I Tanzania.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion and summarizing the process of making charcoal in small scale.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the different sources of fuels found in Tanzania.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the process of making charcoal.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Kerosene, fire wood, charcoal, petrol, heating gas, diesel, wall charts showing process of making charcoal.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to identify different sources of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to describe methods of obtaining fuels from locally available materials.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">4.2 Categories of fuels</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Summarizing the classification of fuels according to their states.</p></li> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the efficiency of different kind of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Supervising students to burn different fuels and determine their calorific values.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Listing fuels according to their states.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the efficiency of different kind of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Burning different fuels and determine their calorific values.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Heating gas, charcoal, fire wood, kerosene, piece of wood.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to classify fuels according to their states.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to classify fuels according to efficiency.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>MIDTERM TESTS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Using fuels efficiently and sustainably with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>(i) To explain the importance in efficiency and sustainability in using fuels</p> <p>(ii) To promote the use of fuels with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1<sup>ST</sup></td> <td rowspan="3">FUELS AND ENERGY</td> <td colspan="2">4.3 Uses of fuels</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading a discussion on uses of fuels in daily life and environmental effects of depending on fire wood and charcoal as sources of fuel.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion on deforestation, vegetation, and alternative sources of fuels.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the uses of fuels in daily life and environmental effects.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing deforestation, vegetation, and alternative sources of fuels.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts showing uses of fuels, disadvantages of deforestation and alternative sources of fuels.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to list uses of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to assess the environmental effect of charcoal and fire wood as sources of fuels.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">4.4 Conservation of energy</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the impossibility of destroying or creating energy.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to perform experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another and to discuss the results obtained.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the impossibility of destroying or creating energy.(law of conservation of energy)</p></li> <li><p>Performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another and to discuss the results.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts showing energy change, voltaic cell, electric cell, bar magnets, iron fillings, water, source of heat, Cu foil, H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>(1M), lamp bulb, beaker, Mg ribbon, Abrasive paper, Fe fillings.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the law of conservation of energy.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">4.5 Renewable Energy(Biogas)</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading a discussion on the working mechanism of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Assisting students to construct a model of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the applications of biogas in daily life use of biogas as environmental friendly type of fuel.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discuss the working mechanism of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Construct a model of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Discuss the applications of biogas in daily life use of biogas as environmental friendly type of fuel.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts and pictures showing biogas plant, biogas plant model, water pipes, concrete, sewage, cow dung, and wall chart showing uses of biogas.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the working mechanism of biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to construct a simple biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the use of biogas with environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Applying periodicity to explain characteristic of elements.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>To explain the structure of an atom and periodic trend.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>APRIL</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td rowspan="3">ATOMIC STRUCTURE</td> <td colspan="2">5.1 The Atom</td> <td>2</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students to discuss Dalton’s contribution to the structure of an atom.</p></li> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the modern concept of Dalton’s atomic structure.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Dividing a solid substance into fine indivisible particles and discussing Dalton’s contribution to structure of an atom.</p></li> <li><p>Analysing the Dalton’s atomic theory.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Pieces of chalks, marble chips, pestle, mortar, paper, wall charts showing Dalton’s atomic theory, modern periodic table.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain Dalton’s contribution to atomic structure.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the modern concept of Dalton’s atomic structure.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2">5.2 Subatomic particles</td> <td>2</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to identify the position of sub-atomic particles.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the properties of each particle in an atom.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Identifying the position of sub-atomic particles.</p></li> <li><p>Explaining the properties of each particle in an atom.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Pictures/models of an atom, atomic diagrams.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to identify subatomic particles.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain properties of each sub-atomic particle.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>1<sup>st</sup>,</p> <p>&amp; 2<sup>nd</sup></p></td> <td colspan="2">5.3 Electronic arrangement</td> <td>10</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to establish the maximum number of electrons in the shell.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw energy shell diagrams of common atoms.</p></li> <li><p>Summarizing energy shell diagrams.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Establishing the maximum number of electrons in the shell.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing energy shell diagrams of common atoms.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Atomic diagrams, wall charts showing energy shell diagrams.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to establish the maximum number of electrons in the shells.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to draw energy shell diagrams.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">5.4 Atomic number, mass number and isotopy.</td> <td>10</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the relationship between the atomic number and number of protons and the role played in relating the atomic number and protons.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students on how to obtain mass number.</p></li> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the concept of isotopy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the relationship between the atomic number and number of protons and the role played in relating the atomic number and protons.</p></li> <li><p>Obtaining mass number.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the concept of isotopy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Models/charts, pictures showing the atomic number of elements, playing cards, wall charts showing the number of protons and neutrons of elements, wall charts showing isotopes of C, Cl, O and H.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to relate atomic number with number of protons.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to the mass number of an atom from number of protons and neutrons.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the concept of isotopy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><strong>3<sup>rd</sup></strong></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>TERMINAL EXAMS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="15"><strong>LONG VACATION</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="3"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td>MAY</td> <td>5<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2">PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION</td> <td>6.1 Periodicity</td> <td>1</td> <td>Leading a discussion on the concept of periodicity.</td> <td colspan="3">Explaining periodicity.</td> <td>Wall chart displaying the modern periodic table.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2">Ability to explain the concept of periodicity.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">JUNE</td> <td>1<sup>st</sup></td> <td>6.2 General trends</td> <td>10</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the change of properties across the period.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the change of properties down the group.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to write electronic configurations of 1<sup>st</sup> 20 elements.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><blockquote> <p>Listing down the changes of properties across the period.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Listing down the changes in properties down the group.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Writing the electronic configurations of 1<sup>st</sup> 20 elements.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table and atomic models.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain changes in properties of elements across the periods and down the groups.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to use electronic configurations</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup>, 3<sup>rd</sup>&amp; 4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2">FORMULA, BONDİNG AND NOMENCLATURE</td> <td>7.1 Valence and chemical formulae</td> <td>12</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the concept of valency.</p></li> <li><p>Using questions and answers in writing simple formula of binary compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Leading discussion on the concept of empirical and molecular formula.</p></li> <li><p>Summarizing students’ activities on empirical and molecular formula.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><blockquote> <p>Discussing the concept of valency.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Writing simple formulae of binary compounds.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Discussing and interpreting the information given the empirical and molecular formula.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Calculating the empirical and molecular formulae of various compounds.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, valence cards, Styrofoam spheres, models/wall charts/pictures showing molecular and empirical formulae.</td> <td colspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)YouTube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain valency.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to write simple formulae of binary compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain and calculate the empirical and molecular formulae.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="3"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4">JULY</td> <td>1st</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td> <td>7.2 Oxidation states</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading discussion and summarizing the concepts of oxidation states.</p></li> <li><p>Providing activities on valence and oxidation states.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the concept of oxidation states.</p></li> <li><p>Performing activities on valence and oxidation states.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing oxidation state and valence.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">Ability to explain the oxidation states and to differentiate oxidation state from valence.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td>7.3 Radicals</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading questions on names and formulae of radicals.</p></li> <li><p>Illustrating the writing of the chemical formulae of common compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Practicing writing and naming formulae of common radicals.</p></li> <li><p>Practicing writing of chemical formulae of common compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing common radicals.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the concept of radicals.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to write chemical formulae of compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="14"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="2">SEPTEMBER</td> <td><p>1<sup>st</sup></p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>2<sup>nd</sup></p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>7.4 Covalent bonding</td> <td>8</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding the discussion on the concept of covalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw electron diagram to show covalent bonding in binary molecules.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the properties of covalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to perform experiments on covalent compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the concept of covalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing electron diagram to show covalent bonding in binary molecules.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the properties of covalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Performing experiments on covalent compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing covalent compounds, O2, H2, kerosene, diesel, water, bulb, connecting wires, carbon electrodes and beaker.</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the covalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to state the properties of covalent bonding.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td>3<sup>rd</sup>&amp; 4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>7.5 Electrovalent bonding</td> <td>8</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading discussion on electrovalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw electro diagrams to show electrovalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the properties of electrovalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to perform experiments on ionic compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the concept of electrovalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing electron diagrams to ionic bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the properties of electrovalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Performing simple experiments on ionic bonding.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing electrovalent compounds, table salt, H2O, KCl, bulb, ammeter, connecting wires, carbon electrodes, and beakers.</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the ionic bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to state the properties of ionic compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>FORM 2 NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD I MIDTERM EXAM`S SUBJECT: WRITING SKILLS DATE NAME CLASS- I MARCH, 2024 TIME: | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | DICTATION 1._______________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________ 4._______________________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________________ Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box. 6.There are ____ consonant sounds [a] 21 [ b] 5[c] 11 7. What colour is your hair? _____ [a] red [b] purple [c] black 8. Leaves are ________ [a] white [b] green [c] orange 9. There are ____ letters of alphabets [a] 20 [b] 1 5 [c] 26 10. We go to school for_________ days [a] five [b] seven [c] two Fill in the missing letters 11. Aa Bb Cc ______ 12.Mm Nn _____ Pp 13.Ee ______ Gg Hh 14. Pp Qq ______ Ss Change these words in small letters 15. WATER = ______________ 16. LION =_____________ Change these words in capital letters. 17. mother= __________ 18. family = __________ 19. school = ___________ 20. grass = ___________ Write the number of the vowels from these words 21 . Plate = __________ 22. Butterfly = _________ Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions: John is a boy. He is six years old. He is in standard one at Bondeni Primary school. John has two friends, Ally and Juma. John and his friends like to ride a bicycle. QUESTIONS: 23. Is John a boy or a girl? _______________________________ 24. How old is John? _________________________________ 25. John and his friends like to ________________________________ THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![3_image_0.png](3_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD I MIDTERM EXAM`S SUBJECT: NUMERACY DATE: NAME: CLASS:I MARCH, 2024 TIME: | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Write the missing numbers. 1. 92, 93 , ____ 2. 88, _____, 90 Write in figures. 7. 8. Write number in words. ![4_image_0.png](4_image_0.png) Circle the smallest numbers 9. 20 10 15 30 10. 85 48 58 68 Underline the greatest numbers 11. 75 60 98 13 12. 55 45 15 50 ![5_image_0.png](5_image_0.png) 13. 21, 80, 10, 22, 18 _________________________________ ![5_image_1.png](5_image_1.png) 14. 99, 100, 56, 23, 78 _____________________________________ ![5_image_2.png](5_image_2.png) ![5_image_3.png](5_image_3.png) Count the objects and write the correct number in figures 15. _____________ 16. _____________ Add the following. 17. 9 + 2+ 0 = 18. 8 + 2 + 5 = Subtract the following numbers 19. 7 - 1 - 5 = ![6_image_0.png](6_image_0.png) 20. 10 - 3 - 2 = Find the missing number in the box 21. 4 + = 4 22. 5 - = 3 Name the following shapes (Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle) ![6_image_1.png](6_image_1.png) 23. 24. 25. THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![7_image_0.png](7_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD I MIDTERM EXAM`S SUBJECT: READING DATE: NAME: ![7_image_1.png](7_image_1.png) MARCH, 2024 CLASS:I TIME: | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Read the following sounds 1. b f p l y 2. a w k s n ![8_image_0.png](8_image_0.png) 12. ___________are flowers 13. ___________are pencils 14. ___________is a road 15. _________are boys Complete by using is **or are** 16. My mother_____________cooking rice 17. We_____________playing netball 18. They___________eating food 19. She ___________crying 20. He____________reading a story book Read the story and answer the questions below. THE RAINBOW A rainbow is made of seven colours these are green,red,yellow, orange, blue, violet and indigo .Rainbows can exist at night ,Rainbows can be full circles .The first colour in a rainbow is violet and the last colour is red. QUESTIONS 21. Rainbow has ______________colours. 22. What is first colour in a rainbow_____________ 23. _____________ is the last colour in a rainbow. 24. Rainbow can exist at _________________ 25. What is the heading of our story? ______________________ THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![10_image_0.png](10_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD I MIDTERM EXAM`S SUBJECT: CULTURE, SPORTS AND ARTS NAME: DATE: CLASS:I MARCH, 2024 TIME: | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Choose the correct answer and write its answer in the box. 1. Which cloth is worn by Masai people among the following?______ (a)Batik gown (b) msuli (c) Lubega 2. Our teacher told us that we have to eat traditional foods. Which one is not traditional among the following?______ (a)Ugali (b) sweet potatoes (c) pizza 3. We should wear traditional attire. Which attire does not originate from Tanzania?_____ (a)Kanga (b) kaniki (c) suit 4. Which one is played by blowing?______ (A) Horn (b) shaker (c) flutes 5. Which traditional musical tool is operative by beating?_____ (a)Drum (b) rattles (c) ankle bells 6. Identify non-traditional musical tool among the following _____ (a)Guitar (b) shaker (c) horn 7. Which cloth is mostly worn by people from Zanzibar and pwani?____ (a)Jeans and shirt (b) kanzu and msuli (c) suit 8. The food you eat during the night is called dinner which one do you eat at night?____ (a)Tea (b) rice and fish (c) bread 9. What is not the advantage of doing physical exercises?______ (a)To make our bodies fit (b) to avoid diseases (c) to become rich 10. Which cloth is worn by women among the following? _____ (a)Trouser (b) msuli (c) kanga and blouse Match the items in list a with those in list B | LIST A | ANSWERS | LIST B | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | 11.The attire for men | (a)Sindimba (b) Lizombe (c)Mdundiko (d) Mganda (e)Trouser and shirt | | | 12.traditional dance of Sukuma tribe 13.The traditional dance of Makonde Tribe 14.The Traditional of Ngoni Tribe 15.The traditional dance of zaramo tribe | | | What kind of foods do you see in **picture?** ![12_image_0.png](12_image_0.png) 16. 17. ![13_image_0.png](13_image_0.png) 23. go to people come from______________ region (Dodoma, Tabora) 24. Hehe people originate from ______________ (Mbeya, Iringa) 25. khanga dress is worn by _____________________ (women,men) 18. 19. 20. THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![14_image_0.png](14_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD I MIDTERM EXAM`S HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT NAME DATE MARCH, 2024 CLASS:I ![14_image_1.png](14_image_1.png) TIME: | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box given. 1. James wants to brush his teeth with tool can use?_______ (a)tooth brush (b) towel (c) sponge 2. I want to clean my nose which tool can I use?_______ (a)soap (b) piece of cloth (c) tooth paste 3. Where do you to take shower _______ (a)in the bedroom (b) in the kitchen (c) bathroom 4. Which tool do you use to cut your nails?______ (a)Nail cuter (b)scissors (c) comb 5. My grandfather is feeling cold which cloth can he wear?_______ (a)vest (b) sweater (c) short 6. I use the ______to dry my body after taking shower (a)Scarf (b) towel (c) sweater 7. What steps begin when washing your face?______ (a)Washing eyes (b) applying body oil on the face (c) wiping the nose using piece of cloth 8. I use a __________to comb my hair (a) soap (b) hair comb (c) mirror 9. We should take bath at least______per day. a. Twice b. once c. thrice 10.We use towel for_______________ a. drying our body our body c. applying on our body | Match the items in LIST A and those in LIST B No. LIST A ANSWERS | | | LIST B | |--------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------|---------|----------| | 11. | Breathing | a. | ears | | 12. | Listening | b. hand | | | 13. | Jumping | c. | mouth | | 14. | Touching | d. | legs | | 15. | Eating | e. | nose | Choose the answer from the brackets and write it in the spaces provided 16.We use________________ to keep water (bucket, basket) 17.Water is for_________________ (playing, bathing) 18.___________________for sweeping the floor (dustpan, broom) 19.We use _____________ for brushing our teeth ( toothbrush, comb) 20.The first main part of the body is__________ (abdomen, head) ![16_image_0.png](16_image_0.png) Name these pictures ![16_image_1.png](16_image_1.png) 24. _______________ ![17_image_0.png](17_image_0.png) THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![18_image_0.png](18_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA ROBO MUHUL ![18_image_1.png](18_image_1.png) DARASA LA KWANZA SOMO: KUSOMA JINA TAREHE DRS-I ![18_image_2.png](18_image_2.png) MACHI, 2024 MUDA: | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Jibu maswali yote IMLA 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ ![19_image_0.png](19_image_0.png) Andikasautizamwanzokwakilaneno. 9.Sauti ya neon embe ni ________ 10.Sauti ya neon imba ni ________ 11.Sauti ya neon omba ni ________ 12.Sauti ya neon andazi ni ________ 13.Sauti ya neon ua ni ________ Soma maneno yafuatayo kwa usahihi. 14. Kaka kobe kuku dada deki daka damu 15. Meno kinu lima kelele Tenganisha silabi za maneno yafuatayo ![20_image_0.png](20_image_0.png) Ujuzi katika kusoma maneno 21. Kichwa, sabuni 22. Pandwa, punda 23. Dhamana, thumuni 24. theluthi, thelathini 25. Kondoo, kitanda THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![21_image_0.png](21_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA ROBO MUHUL ![21_image_1.png](21_image_1.png) ![21_image_2.png](21_image_2.png) DARASA LA KWANZA SOMO: KUANDIKA JINA TAREHE DRS-I ![21_image_3.png](21_image_3.png) | MACHI, 2024 | MUDA: | | | |---------------|----------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Jibu maswali yote IMLA 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 11. Matunda = 12. Chaki = 13. Mwanajeshi = 14. Morogoro = 15. Mafiga = ![22_image_0.png](22_image_0.png) Panga maneno haya kwa mpangilio sahihi ili yalete maana 16. koafi ____________ 17. ukuku ____________ 18. kashu ____________ 19. miku ____________ 20. noji ___________ ![23_image_0.png](23_image_0.png) Taja aina mbili za ndege. 21. _____________ ![23_image_1.png](23_image_1.png) 22. _____________ **Andika majina matatu ya wanyama wa nyumbani** 23. ___________________________ ![23_image_2.png](23_image_2.png) ![23_image_3.png](23_image_3.png) ![23_image_4.png](23_image_4.png) ![23_image_5.png](23_image_5.png) ![23_image_6.png](23_image_6.png) ![23_image_7.png](23_image_7.png) ![23_image_8.png](23_image_8.png) 24. ___________________________ 25. ___________________________
F2 -
<table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>JANUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2">2</td> <td rowspan="2">HUMAN ACTIVITIES</td> <td><p>(a).</p> <p>Concept of Human activities</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>Group of students to discuss the meaning of Human activities.</td> <td>In groups to discuss the concept of human activities.</td> <td><p>Text about Human activities</p> <p>*Photographs of various human activities.</p></td> <td></td> <td>Question and answers.</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>(b) Identify major types of human activities</td> <td></td> <td>Provide different photographs that shows human activities.</td> <td>*In pairs to discuss what they see in the picture.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Book Two Geography</td> <td>Question and answers.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>The knowledge of types, characteristics, importance, problem &amp; ability to apply farming skills to meet human needs.</td> <td>Types, characteristic, importance &amp; problems of crops farming and animal keeping.</td> <td>3</td> <td>AGRICULTURE</td> <td><ol type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Small scale Agriculture</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>-Brainstorm students to describe the characteristics of small scale agriculture.</p> <p>-Give pictures on small scale farming in Tanzania.</p></td> <td>Students to identify what they see in the pictures and describing the characteristics of small scale agriculture at subsistence level;</td> <td><p>-photographs on small scale agriculture.</p> <p>-Agricultural map of Tanzania.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Discussion.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td><blockquote> <p>JANUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>-Presentation on effects of rapid population growth on small scale agriculture.</p> <p>-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of small scale agriculture and ways to improve small scale agriculture.</p></td> <td><p>-Guide students in presentations to discuss the effects of rapid population growth on small scale/</p> <p>-Brainstorm on ways of improving small scale agriculture.</p></td> <td>-Farm sites under small scale agriculture.</td> <td>Msabila Geography for Secondary schools book Two.</td> <td>- Presentation.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td>AGRICULTURE</td> <td><p>(b)</p> <p>Large scale Agriculture.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td><p>-Provide world map of agriculture and brainstorm students to list the major crops grown in large scale agriculture and describe.</p> <p>-Discuss characteristics of large scale agriculture, and identify major producing countries for respective crops in the world</p></td> <td><p>-In person to list the types of large scale agriculture and name crops grown in each type.</p> <p>-Using a world map on agriculture to discuss and identify and locate producing countries for respective crops.</p></td> <td>-World map on Agriculture</td> <td>-Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Questions and answers.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="10">MONTHLY EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Livestock Keeping</p></td> <td>3</td> <td><p>Provide photographs on livestock and ask students to identify different types of livestock keeping and explain how livestock keeping is practiced.</p> <p>- Explain in groups to discuss the benefits and contract of livestock keeping practices and o compare livestock keeping between Australia and Tanzania.</p></td> <td><p>-In person to identify what is seen on the photographs and explain how livestock keeping is practiced.</p> <p>-Discussion on benefits and constraints of livestock keeping practices and compare livestock keeping between Australia and Tanzania.</p></td> <td><p>Photographs on livestock keeping.</p> <p>-Maps of Australia and Tanzania showing livestock keeping.</p></td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Quiz to see if they understand the concept of livestock keeping.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3">An understanding of the importance of Natural resources and ability to use and conserve natural resources to protect the environment.</td> <td rowspan="3">The importance of water, problem linked to it and necessary management practices.</td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>MARCH FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>4</p> <p>1</p> <p>-</p> <p>3</p></td> <td>WATER MANAGEMENT FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.</td> <td><ol type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Importance of water.</p></td> <td><p>5</p> <p>6</p></td> <td>Bringing charts and pictures on the uses of water and ask students to explain what they see on the picture.</td> <td>-Discussing what the students see in the picture.</td> <td>-Charts and pictures on the uses of water.</td> <td>Bunnet</td> <td>Discussion to see if the importance of water is clear.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>In groups to describe relationship family size, water supply and relationship between vegetation and water supply and how girl child</td> <td>-From the expensive to explain individually how distance to water source affect girls.</td> <td>Sites of catchment areas.</td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Questions and answers.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td>(b) River Basin Development</td> <td>4</td> <td><p>-Read texts on river development ad describe conditions for river basin development.</p> <p>-Give maps to students to book Rufiji and Tennessee River Basin Project.</p></td> <td>To state in pairs the condition for river basin developments and in individual to book Rufiji and Tennessee River Basin project.</td> <td>-Maps of the booting of Rufiji River Basin project and the Tennessee Valley Authority.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Oral questions to see if they understand the concept of River Basin.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MARCH</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Land reclamation</p></td> <td>7</td> <td>Providing photographs if reclaimed areas the students to explain aims for land reclamation and describe technology used in land reclamation.</td> <td>-Guide students to explain the aims of land reclamation and describe techniques used in land reclamation.</td> <td>-photographs on land reclamation in USA + Netherlands.</td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Oral questions.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3">An understanding of the importance of Natural Resources</td> <td rowspan="3">The importance of forestry problems linked to it and necessary management practices.</td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td></td> <td>(d) Sustainable use of water resources</td> <td>6</td> <td>In groups to explain the types of underground water and how it on be tape for use at local and national level.</td> <td>Guide students to explain the types of underground water and differentiate different resources that are obtained from water.</td> <td>Maps of Tanzania drainage.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td>(e)Water Pollution</td> <td>2</td> <td>Presentation on the sources of write pollution and describe ways of conserving water resources.</td> <td>Guide students to present the sources of water pollution and describe ways of conserving water resources.</td> <td>Film on conservation of water.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Oral questions to see if the concept of water pollution is understood.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3</td> <td>SUSTAINABLE USE OF FOREST RESOURCES.</td> <td><ol type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Types of forestry resources</p></td> <td>3</td> <td>Give them film and then ask them to identify types of forests and locate the distribution of forests by types and explain factors for their distribution.</td> <td>From the film students to identify types of forest and their distribution and factors for their distribution.</td> <td>Film on forest distribution.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(b)</p> <p>Importance of forestry resources</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>By using prior knowledge on forestry resources students to discuss the importance and values of forests in social and economic life.</td> <td>Discussion on the forestry resources students to discuss the importance and values of forests in social and economic life.</td> <td>Pictures showing types of forests.</td> <td>Geography Book Two – Msabila</td> <td>Oral questions.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="8">MONTHLY EXAMINATIONS START</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Important areas of forest products, their transport and se in the world.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>In groups to guide students to discuss importance countries in timber, production by using well map and Atlas-then explain the means of transport and problems of timber transportation in the world.</td> <td>Guide students to point out the important countries in timber production then explain the means of transport and problems of timber transport in the world.</td> <td>Photographs showing transportation of logs.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td>(d) Problems associated with forestry resources harvesting.</td> <td>3</td> <td>By using a video show students to identify problems facing forestry resources and ways to address problems facing forestry in the world.</td> <td>Guide students to brainstorm on different ways of addressing problems facing forest in the world.</td> <td>Video show</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>-Discussion</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="11">TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS (5 DAYS)</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4">An understanding of the importance of natural resources</td> <td rowspan="4">The importance of mineral resources and problems linked to them.</td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>JUNE</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3</td> <td>SUSTAINABLE MINING</td> <td><ol type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Types of mining industry.</p></td> <td>3</td> <td>Guide students in groups to name different types of mining industries.</td> <td>Discuss the types of mining industry.</td> <td>Photographs showing different mining centers.</td> <td>Geography Book Two – Msabila.</td> <td></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td>(b) Types and distribution of mining regions in the world</td> <td>3</td> <td>In groups to explain major types of minerals found in the world and locate mining regions in the world map and the types of minerals extracted.</td> <td>Guide students to discuss major types of minerals found in the world.</td> <td>World map on minerals distribution.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>1-2</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Methods of mining</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>-By using a world map on minerals distribution students to categorize various ways of mining and explain ways of processing different types of minerals.</td> <td>-Discussion on various ways of mining.</td> <td>Texts on ways of mining.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Oral questions.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3-4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(d)</p> <p>Contribution of mining industry to the economy of Tanzania</p></td> <td>4</td> <td>By using a map to guide students in groups to study data showing the production of different minerals in Tanzania and make presentation.</td> <td>Presentation on economic important of mining to the economy of Tanzania.</td> <td>-Picture showing jewels and <u>germs</u></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Presentation to see their knowledge on mining.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>JULY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1-2</td> <td></td> <td>(e) Effects of the mining industry in the environment</td> <td>4</td> <td>Organiser visit to a nearby mining area, students to observe the effects of mining activities to the environment.</td> <td>-Discuss the effects of mining activities to the environment.</td> <td>-Mining site.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td rowspan="2">Quiz to see if they understood what they saw in the mining.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">3</td> <td></td> <td>(f) <u>Focal</u> studies oil production in the middle.</td> <td>6</td> <td><p>-Guide students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oil production in Middle East and Natural Gas in Tanzania.</p> <p>-Guide students to discuss lessons which Tanzania can learn from these case studies.</p></td> <td><p>-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oil production in Middle East and Natural gas in Tanzania.</p> <p>-Brainstorm the lessons which Tanzania on learn from these case studies.</p></td> <td>-Map of Tanzania showing natural gas.</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="7">MID TERM EXAMINATIONS FOR NECTA &amp; INTER</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>An understanding of the importance of natural resources.</td> <td>The importance of natural resources to the economy of the country.</td> <td>4</td> <td>TOURISM</td> <td>(a) Concept of Tourism</td> <td>2</td> <td>Using questions and answers together with pictures the teacher to guide students to define tourism.</td> <td>Discussion on the concept of tourism.</td> <td>Written documents.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Questions and answers.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>AUGUST</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td>TOURISM</td> <td><ol start="2" type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Factors for the development and growth of the tourist industry in the world.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>By using pictures showing tourist sites, students in groups to describe factors contributed to the growth and development of tourism industry in the world.</td> <td>-Describe factors which have contributed to the development and growth of tourism in the world.</td> <td>-Photograph showing tourist sites.</td> <td>Book Two geography for Secondary Schools.</td> <td>Questions and answers on factors for the development of tourism.</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Importance of tourism in the world</p></td> <td>5</td> <td><p>Guide students to brainstorm importance of tourism.</p> <p>-Make presentation on the importance and identify the impact of tourism and state ways of addressing the negative impact of tourism.</p></td> <td>Explain the importance of tourism. Make presentation on the impact of tourism and state ways of addressing the negative impacts of tourism.</td> <td>Tourist sites.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>(d)</p> <p>Focal studies on tourism industry</p></td> <td>8</td> <td>Using map of Tanzania, Namibia and Switzerland and guide students to discuss factors which promote growth of tourism industry in these countries – and identify problems facing this industry.</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MONTHLY EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>-Guide students to identify methods used to increase the income and lesson that can be drawn to promote tourism industry in Tanzania.</td> <td>-Students to discuss the factors which promote growth of tourism industry and identify problems facing tourism.</td> <td>-Promotional materials and information from the Tanzania tourist Board.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>The knowledge on types, factors for location and importance of manufacturing.</td> <td>The types, factors for location, importance + Management of hazards of manufacturing industry.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>SEPTEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td>6. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY</td> <td>(a) Concept and importnce of manufacturing industry.</td> <td>4</td> <td>Guide students to define manufacturing and explain the importance of it.</td> <td>Define the meaning of manufacturing industry and explain the importance of it.</td> <td>Photographs of industrial products.</td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Oral question on the importance of manufacturing industry.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td>(b) Types of manufacturing industry</td> <td>8</td> <td>Guide students to discuss in groups on the types of manufacturing industry and identify products of each type of manufacturing industry.</td> <td>Students in groups to discuss on the types of manufacturing industry and identify products of each type of manufacturing industry.</td> <td>-Different industrial product.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>OCTOBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td></td> <td><ol start="3" type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Factors for location of industry</p></td> <td>8</td> <td>By using prior knowledge guide students to brainstorm factors for location of industry.</td> <td>Students in pairs to discuss the factors for location of industry.</td> <td><p>-Industrial areas</p> <p>-Texts on manufacturing</p></td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Oral questions on factors for location of industry.</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td><p>(d)</p> <p>Pollutants from manufacturing industry.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>Guide students by using texts on industrial pollutants to discuss the concept of pollutants and explain how each pollutant affects the environment.</td> <td>Discuss on the concept of pollutants and explain how each pollutants affects the environment.</td> <td>Physical industrial plant.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3</td> <td></td> <td><p>(e)</p> <p>Focal studies</p></td> <td>3</td> <td>By using photographs of cars in Japan guide students in discussing the production of cars in Japan, Electronic equipment in S. Korea and Textiles in Tanzania.</td> <td>Discussion by using photograph to see how Japan is producing cars, electronics equipment in S. Korea and Textiles in Tanzania and identify lessons from Japan and S. Korea to Tanzania.</td> <td><p>-Photographs of production of cars in Japan</p> <p>-Texts on industrial activities.</p></td> <td>-Geography for Secondary School TIE</td> <td>Discussion &amp; on focal studies.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4">The knowledge on types, location and existing problems of a power and energy resources</td> <td rowspan="4">The types, location sustainable use, <u>accuracy</u> problem the management of power and energy resources.</td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>NOVEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td rowspan="4">7. SUSTAINABLE USE OF POWER AND ENERGY RESOURCES.</td> <td>(a) Define Power and Energy</td> <td>2</td> <td>Guide students brainstorm the definition of power and energy.</td> <td>Students in groups to discuss the concept of power and energy.</td> <td>Real power sources like firewood charcoal.</td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Oral questions.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3">2</td> <td>(b) Major sources of Power</td> <td>8</td> <td>Using different photographs of energy and power sources the teacher to guide students to describe major sources of power and energy and describe the origin of different types of energy and power sources.</td> <td>Describe major sources of power an energy and origin of different types of energy and power sources.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Oral questions on sources of power.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Methods of extracting power and energy.</p></td> <td>8</td> <td>Providing coolest calculators and guide students to discuss methods used to extract power and energy.</td> <td>Discussing the methods used to extract power and energy.</td> <td>Pictures showing various methods for extracting the resources.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Discussion on methods of extract power and energy.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>(d) Problems facing power and energy production</td> <td>2</td> <td>Organize a visit to various energy producing centres and discuss problems facing power and energy production.</td> <td>-Visit various energy production centre and discuss problems facing power and energy production.</td> <td>Photographs</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Presentation on problems facing power and energy production.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>NOVEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>(e) Focal studies solar and wind power in USA, HEP and Biogas in Tanzania.</td> <td>5</td> <td>In groups to guide students to discuss the importance of power in Tanzania and problems facing this sector and give ways to solve these problems.</td> <td>Discussion on importance of power in Tanzania and problems facing their sector and give ways to solve the problems.</td> <td>Photographs on wind and solar power harnessing in USA and Biogas in Tanzania.</td> <td>Geography Book Two – Msabila.</td> <td>Discussion on the focal studies.</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">The knowledge on importance and different types of transportation in East Africa.</td> <td rowspan="2">The types, importance and problems of transport in East Africa.</td> <td>3</td> <td rowspan="2">8. TRANSPORT</td> <td>(a) Main types of transport</td> <td>4</td> <td>Guide students to brainstorm the definition of transport and main types of transport in the world.</td> <td>Students in persons to define transport and the types of transport in the world.</td> <td>Maps showing transport system in East Africa and in the world</td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two.</td> <td>Questions on types of transport.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td>(b) Importance of transport</td> <td>4</td> <td>Guide students in groups to discuss the importance of transport in Tanzania and East Africa.</td> <td>Students in groups to discuss the importance of transport in East Africa.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>(c) Problems facing transport industry</td> <td>4</td> <td>Guide students to discuss the problems facing transportation in East Africa.</td> <td>In groups to discuss the problems facing transportation in East Africa and solution taken in addressing the problems facing transportation in Tanzania.</td> <td><p>Maps of relief features of East Africa.</p> <p>A site of modern transport system.</p></td> <td>Geography for Secondary School Book Two</td> <td><p>‘’</p> <p>‘’</p></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA OFISI YA RAIS TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA HALMASHAURI YA MANISPAA YA UBUNGO MTIHANI WA UTAMILIFU WA PILI **DARASA LA SABA** 04 HISABATI Muda: Saa 2:00 Agosti, 2024 MAELEKEZO 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu **A, B** na C zenye jumla ya maswali **nane** (8). 2. Jibu maswali **yote**. 3. Onesha wazi njia zilizotumika kujibu maswali yote katika nafasi iliyotolewa kwenye karatasi ya maswali 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi, isipokuwa** katika michoro ni lazima kutumia penseli. 5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika Namba yako ya Mtihani na **Jina la Shule yako** katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia. KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU NAMBA YA SWALI ALAMA **SAHIHI YA MTAHINI** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JUMLA SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI | upande wa kulia. | KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU | | |-------------------------|------------------------------|-------------------| | NAMBA YA SWALI | ALAMA | SAHIHI YA MTAHINI | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | | | JUMLA SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI | Ukurasa wa 1 kati ya 4 | | | | | Namba ya Mtahiniwa _______________________ Jina la Shule ______________________________ | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | SEHEMU A: (ALAMA 10) | | | Kokotoa maswali yafuatayo ukionesha wazi njia iliyotumika katika kupata jibu sahihi Na. Swali Sehemu ya kazi na jibu 1. i) 4947 + (4392 + 4499)= ii) 0.749 + 32.94= iii) 70908 - 43999= iv) 481 4 - 293 5 = +11+-4) × (+17 - +34) v) ( vi) 12.3 ÷ 2.05= vii) viii) 193 5 +112 3 = ix) 727 × 34= x) -1047 - -4089= SEHEMU B: ALAMA (30) Na. Swali Sehemu ya kazi na jibu 2. i) Tafuata namba inayofuata katika mfululizo huu, 225,169,121,81 na _____________ ii) Kadiria 47.0447 katika viwango 2 vya desimali. iii) Tafuta jumla ya namba tasa zote zilizopo kati ya 90 - 100 iv) Tafuta KKS cha 3,7 na 11 v) Andika 2×2 ×2×4×4×4×4 katika mtindo wa vipeo vi) Frank alitakiwa kuandika mwaka 1999 kwa kirumi. Je, unadhani aliandikaje? Na. Swali Sehemu ya kazi na jibu 3. i) Wastani wa namba tano ni 70. Ukurasa wa 2 kati ya 4 | | | | | | Namba ya Mtahiniwa _______________________ Jina la Shule ______________________________ | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tafuta jumla ya namba hizo zinazotofautiana kwa 6 na namba tatu za mwanzo ni 4,26 na 10 ii) Tafuta kipeuo cha pili cha √625 iii) Tafuta zao la (47)2 × (14)0 | | | | Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya kazi na jibu | | 4. | i) | Tafuta KDS cha 4,18 na 9 | | ii) | Kadiria namba 478304 katika makumi elfu ya karibu. | | | iii) Umri wa Frank ni 1 2 ya umri wa John. Miaka 4 ijayo umri wa Frank utakuwa 3 5 ya umri wa John. Tafuta umri wa Frank miaka 4 ijayo | | | | Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya kazi na jibu | | | 2 | | | 5. | i) Badili 2 | % kuwa sehemu rahisi 3 | | ii) Kokotoa thamani ya −𝑎2+𝑏2 ikiwa a =5, b=2 (𝑎+𝑏)(𝑎+𝑏) iii) Badili meta 4750 kuwa kilometa | | | | Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya kazi na jibu | | 6. | i) Tafuta thamani ya 'n' ikiwa 2:3=(90 - 2n):120 ii) Tafuta namba mraba ya 42 iii) Gawanya saa 5 na dakika 20 kwa 4 SEHEMU C: ALAMA (10)Ukurasa wa 3 kati ya 4 | | | | Namba ya Mtahiniwa _______________________ Jina la Shule ______________________________ | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------| | Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya kazi na jibu | | 7. | i) Kielelezo kifuatacho kinaonyesha matumizi ya mshahara wa Bwana Alvin. Kama hutumia sh 114,480/= kwa kodi. Tafuta kiasi anachotumia kununua chakula | | | b) Grafu ifuatayo inaonyesha idadi ya Samaki waliovuliwa kwa muda wa saa 8 Ni saa ngapi Samaki walivuliwa wengi zaidi? | | | | Na. | Swali | Sehemu ya kai na jibu | | 8. | i) Tafuta urefu kutoka A hadi B bila 22 kupitia O (= ) 7 | | | (Jibu katika viwango viwili vya desimali) ii) Tafuta sehemu yenye kivuli (=22 ) 7 iii) Taja jina la pembetatu inayopatikana kwa kuunganisha majira ya nukta hizi x(1,0), y(-3,-3), z(+3,-3) | | | Ukurasa wa 4 kati ya 4
ENGLISH1 (1).md
![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE ![0_image_1.png](0_image_1.png) REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERMENT TEMEKE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MOCK EXAMINATION FOR STANDARD VII SUBJECT : ENGLISH LANGUAGE TIME : 1:30 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. This paper consists section A, B and C with seven (07) Questions 2. Answer all questions. 3. All answers should be written in the space provided in a question paper. 4. All answers should be written by blue ink or black ink 5. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room. 6. write your candidates number at right hand side on your paper on each page. | FOR EXAMINER'S USES ONLY | | | |----------------------------|-------|-----------------------| | QUESTION NUMBER | MARKS | EXAMINER'S SIGNATURE | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | | | TOTAL | | | ## Section A [ ] 1. Listen Carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer question by writing the letter of the correct answer in the brackets: (i) Who encourage Zawadi to study hard? A: His friends B: His mother C: His brother D: His Father E: His teacher (ii) When did Zawadi's Mother wake him up? A. Every weekend in the evening B. weekday in the morning C. Every weekday in the morningD. Every weekend E. Weekends (iii) Why Zawadi did not see the need to go to school studying ? Because he........................... A. Was the only son child in their rich family B. His mother forced him C. Liked studying D. Liked to sleep E. Liked to go on the street (iv) Where did Zawadi go instead of going to school? A. To the shop B. To school C. To the library D. To his friends E. To the market (v) Why Zawadi never liked using computer from the schools ? Because_______________ A. He did not know to use computer B. School computer were destroyed C. He loved computer D. They were expensive E. He did not like studying 2. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided [ ] (i) We were eating rice while Jesca .......................... her story book. A: is reading B. were reading C. was reading D. read E. had read (ii) I have nothing in my pocket; please give me .................................. money for fare. A. few B. many C. a D. some E. any (iii) What is the correct active voice for the statements " the tree is being cut by a man " A. A man is cut the tree B. A man is cutting the tree C. A man was cutting the tree D. A man cut the tree E. A man cuts the tree (iv) Cobra did not like to work .......................................... he lived a poor life. A. and B. for C. so. D. yet E. or (v) That is the person ....................... fifty goats and sheep were stollen last week A. whom B. who C. where D. which E. whose [ ] 3. Complete the following sentences by choosing the words from the box below ( i - v) Boys's , for , enough , boys' , pile , bar, was, are. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] (i) Mwamba is strong ....................................... to lift up that box (ii) Madam Minja worked at Amana Bank ........................................... twenty years. (iii) Masumbuko joined Tabora ............................................ Secondary School last year (iv) Rehema bought a .................................................. of soap and a kilo of sugar. (v) Each of the boys ................................................... given a packet of sweets 4. Match the items in column A which correspond to those in the column B by writing letter in the answer grid provided | answer grid provided COLUMN A | ANSWERS | COLUMN B | | | |---------------------------------|----------------------------------------------|---------------|----|------------| | [ | ] | A: Quarrel | | | | (i) | Something with good appearance | [ | ] | B: Grab | | (ii) | The act or practice of inflicting pain or | | | | | | Suffering on someone as a punishment | [ | ] | C: Realise | | (iii) | Taking something with your hand | | | | | suddenly | firmly or roughly | D: Attractive | | | | [ | ] | | | | | (iv) | Suddenly begin to understand | E: Torture | | | | [ | ] | | | | | (v) | Have a disagreement over something SECTION B | | | | 5: Fill in the blank spaces with the correct answer to complete the sentences (i) A person who does not eat meat or fish is known as................................................................... (ii) I saw a .............................................. of bees at the jungle . (iii) Morisson is a very talented football player from Ghana. How do we call a person from Ghana? .................................................... (iv) " A sinful man saw God face to face ". Which figure of speech in the underline phrase? ....................................................... ( v) Mwanzalima is too young ......................................... go to school alone ## 6. Read The Passage Below And Answer The Questions That Follows Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa . It is nineteen thousand three hundred and forty one feet above the sea level . It is covered with snow at the top .It is very cold ,so you should make sure you have warm clothes and enough food to eat on the way. Tourists from all over the world like to climb the mount. We protect Mount Kilimanjaro because the government makes more than fifty million US dollars from foreign tourists every year. ## Questions (i) According to the passage who liked to climb Mount Kilimanjaro ? .................................................................................................................................. (ii) Why we protected Mount Kilimanjaro? We protect Mount Kilimanjaro. ................................................................................................................................................. (iii) It is said that Mount Kilimanjaro is covered the top ( iv) What is being advised to do when we are climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. | We should make sure we | and | |---------------------------|-------| ............................................................................................................................................................ (v) Suggest the tittle of the passage.................................................................................................. ## Section : C Composition 7. Re - arrange the following sentences in the correct order using letter A,B,C,D and E to make a good paragraph (i) He then welcomed him to speak to all of us in the stadium ( ) (ii) After the speech , everyone was impressed by his generosity ( ) (iii) The gates of the venue were opened on time by christopher ( ) (iv) Then Mr. Joshua announced the arrival of the guest of honour (v) In his speech he promised to build the village dispensary ( ) ( )
TANZANIA HEADS OF ISLAMIC SCHOOLS COUNCIL FORM IV INTER ISLAMIC MOCK EXAMINATION **2021** 033/1 BIOLOGY 1 ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) ![0_image_1.png](0_image_1.png) MARKING SCHEME 1. | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | |----------------|------|-------|------|-----|------|-------|--------|------|-----| | E | C | D | B | D | A | A | B | B | B | | @ 1 = 10 MARKS | | | | | | | | | | | I | II | III | IV | V | |-----|------|-------|------|-----| | H | F | E | A | C | 2. ## Section B (60 Marks) 3. (a) (i) Thrombocytes - Necessary for blood clotting 01 - Prevent loss of blood | | Red blood cell | White blood cell | |------------------|------------------------|--------------------| | (i) | Has haemoglobin | Has no haemoglobin | | (ii) | Smaller in size | Large in size | | (iii) | Lack nuclear | Nucleated | | Cancave in shape | Have no definite shape | | | (iv) | | | (ii) Plasma - Transportation of dissolved food substance - Transport hormones - Distribute heat/regulate body temperature 01 - Transport waste products from the tissue to the execratory organs (iii) Leukocytes - Engulf foreign bodies - Produce antibodies for defense against diseases 01 @ 01 x 03 = 03 marks (b) Red blood cell **White blood cell** (i) Has haemoglobin Has no haemoglobin (ii) Smaller in size Large in size (iii) Lack nuclear Nucleated ## 03 4. (a) (i) Germination Is the development of the seed into seedling (ii) Seed dormancy Is the state of inactivity which prevent the seed from germinating even under a favorable conditions./ Inability of the seed to germinate (iii) Seed viability Is the ability of the seed to germinate @ 1 x 3 (03 marks) (b) Factors that affect the rate of growth in plants. (Any three) (i) Light: Adequate light is necessary for photosynthesis to take place so as to manufacture food which is necessary for plant growth. (ii) Temperature: Temperature affect the rate of metabolism hence growth any temperature deviation may affect plants growth. (iii) Water: Trowing plants contain as much as 90 percent water. Water also play a crucial role for photosynthesis respiration and transportation. (iv) Soil: Plant grow well where the foil contains proper humidity and the right balance of all the mineral and nutrients. (v) Carbondioxide and oxygen. Oxygen: Is essential for respiration and utilization of by-products of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide: Is required for manufacturing of sugar by plant and finally contribute to the proper plants growth. Any 03 points @ 01 x 03 (03 marks) 5. (a) Digestion: Refers to the breaking down of food into simpler soluble form to be absorbed and utilized by the body. **02 marks** (b) (i) Because woman show great need for iron minerals than men. Also unpolished cereal are rich in minerals like selenium and manganese which are needed by pregnant (expectant) mother to maintain good health and proper growth of foetus. (ii) Because pancrease secretes the digestive juice that contains digestive enzymes but possess no room for digestion of food hence not considered as site for digestion of food substrates. @ 02 x 2 (04 marks) 6. (a) (i) Excretion: Is the removal of waste products of metabolism white Regulation is the maintenance of constant internal body environments and needs. (b) (i) Bile - Liver 01 (ii) Sweat - Sweat gland 01 (c) When blood sugar level rise above the normal level beta cells of islet of Langerhans in the pancrease release (secretes) insulin hormone; Insulin hormone convert excess glucose into glycogen which is then stored in the liver for future use. 02 7. (a) Ball and socket joints **Hinge joints** (i) They allow bones to be moved freely in all planes. (i) Allow restricted movement in one plane only (ii) Located the shoulder and hips (ii) Located at the knee and elbow Any @ 1 ½ x 2 = (03 marks) (b) Skeletal muscles **Cardiac muscles** (i) Attached to the bone (i) Found in the heart only (ii) Controlled by somatic nervous system (ii) Controlled by at automatic/autonomic nervous system (iii) Aid movement of the body eg limbs (iii) Pumping of the blood (iv) Fatiqued (iv ) Cannot undergo fatiqued v) Voluntary vi) Involuntary Any two @ 1 ½ x 2 (03 marks) 8. (i) Carbondioxide concentration in the blood: High amount of carbondioxide in the blood lead to increase in rate of breathing. (ii) Haemoglobin concentration: The increase in the rate of breathing triggers on if the concentration of haemoglobin in the blood is low, led oxygen reaches the cell and breathing rate increase to compensate the shortage to meet the oxygen demand. (iii) Physical exercise: The rate of gaseous exchange increase during physical exercise so as to provide the body cell with enough oxygen to aid muscle contraction and relax white at rest state the rate of breathing reduced. (iv) Atmospheric pressure: The higher you go (climbing mountain) the rate of breathing increase due to increase in atmospheric pressure and decrease of amount of oxygen. (v) Age and healthy status (Any three @ 03 x 2 = 06 Marks) 9. (a) (i) X hY (ii) X hX h $$\mathrm{(i)}$$ $$\mathbf{\partial})$$ (iii) X HY (iv) X HX H (v) X HX h @ 00 ½ x 5 ( **2 ½ marks)** 9. (b) Let H be the gene for normal Let h be the gene for haemophilia **00 ½** Parental genotype HhY x XHXh ![3_image_0.png](3_image_0.png) Meosis Gametes Fertilization X Haemophilic Male ## 03Marks 10. (a) Modula oblongata regulate the following - Heart beat, swallowing, sneezing, shivering and other involuntary activities. Will not be regulated **02 marks** (b) Hypothalamus - Coordinate and control autonomic nervous system. - Control thirsty, appetite and sleep. Will not be conceived **02 marks** (c) Cerebellum Fail to Maintain posture and balance. **[02 marks]** 11. (a) Cell differenciation Refers to the specialization of the cells to the functions. 02marks (b) (i) Root hair cell - Absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. **02marks** (ii) Guard cells - Control opening and closing of the stomata. **02 marks** (iii) Pollen grain cells - for pollination (iv) Palisade cells- Photosynthesis 12. All living things share the following common characteristics (i) Nutrition : Is the way organism obtain food form their environment. (ii) Excretion: Is the removing out of waste products of metabolism. (iii) Reproduction: Is the ability of a living things to give new ones of their own kind. (iv) Respiration: Is step by step breaking down of food to release energy. Any three 02 x 3 (06 marks) ## Section C 13. (i) Manufacturing of antibiotics eg. Streptomycin manufactured by bacteria. (ii) Recycling of the nutrients e.g. Nitrogen fixing bacteria. (iii) Decomposition of organic matter. (iv) Digestion of cellulose of Ruminant animals. (v) Sewage system, bacteria break down pollutants. (vi) Formation of cheese, butter and flavours of four milk. (vii) Increase soil fertility Intro - **02 marks)** Any 6 points @ 2 x 6 = 12 marks Conclusion 01 mark 14. (i) Physical contacts with infected person e.g. HIV - Sexual contacts with infected person (victim) without safety measures, - Covid-19. (ii) Contact with contaminated surface on object. (iii) Insects or animal bites capable of transmitting the disease (e.g. Malaria by female anopheles mosquito, tick and tsetse fly bite. (iv) Air bone such as tuberculosis and Covid-19. Intro - 01 mark) Any 4 points @ 2 x 4 = 08 marks Conclusion 01 mark = 10 Marks 15. (i) Anyone who has exposed to the risk behavior. (ii) Anyone who is seriously considering changing of behavior. (iii) Those who diagnosed with a sexual transmitted infection or tuberculosis. (iv) Those who have had more than one sexual partners. (v) Women or men whose spouses may be living with HIV (discordant couples).
**PRESIDENT'S OFFICE** **REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **WISHITELEJA SECONDARY SCHOOL** **FORM THREE ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- NOVEMBER 2021** **BIOLOGY** **[TIME: 2:30 Hours Tuesday, 30^th^ November 2021 a.m.]{.underline}** **Instructions** - This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of thirteen (13) questions - Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C of which question 11 is compulsory - Write your name on every page of your answer sheet > **SECTION A (20 MARKS)** > > 1\. For each of the items (i) -- (x), choose the most correct answer > from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item > number in answer sheet provided > > i\. Locomotion is not exhibited by one of the following organisms > > A. Pumpkin plant B. Elephant C. Paramecium D. Euglena > > ii\. Synovial fluid is only found in > > A. Immovable joints B. Slightly fixed joints C. Movable joints D. > Slightly movable joints > > iii\. The tympanic membrane is known as > > A. Ear drums B. Ossicles C. Eustachian tube D. Cochlea > > iv\. The filtered substance from the blood in the glomerulus have the > following properties > > A. Large molecules B. Red molecules C. White molecules D. Small > molecules > > v\. Panting is the breathing quickly characterized by hanging out > tongue done by > > A. Mouse B. Dog C. Human D. Elephant > > vi\. The disease causing agents are also known as > > A. Parasite B. Saprophytes C. Pathogens D. Pests > > vii\. Which one of the following is not a plant hormone? > > A. Gibberellins B. Auxins C. Cytokinins D. Oxytocin > > viii\. Animals which slow down their body activities to withstand > extreme low temperature and little food are said to be: > > A. Hibernation B. aestivation C. Behavioral regulation D. > Physiological regulation > > ix\. Which one are the respiratory gases > > A. Nitrogen and ammonia B. Sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide > > C. Carbon monoxide and ammonia D. Carbon dioxide and Oxygen > > x\. Turning waste materials into useful products that can be used > again > > A. Recycling B. Re -- using C. Reducing D. Tipping > > 2\. Match List A with their corresponding components in List B by > writing the letter of the correct response in the answer sheet > provided +----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | **LIST A** | **LIST B** | +==============================================+=======================+ | i\. Gland that secrete enzyme and hormone | A. Oxytocin | | | | | ii\. Hormone that stimulate metabolism of | B. Insulin | | Carbohydrate lipid and protein | | | | C. Glucagon | | iii\. The gland that secretes Oestrogen and | | | Progesterone hormone | D. Starch | | | | | iv\. It produce male sex hormone | E. Glycogen | | | | | v\. The hormone that helps reabsorption of | F. Lipase | | water in the kidney | | | | G. Thyroid gland | | vi\. The hormone that helps to give birth by | | | causing the contraction of uterine wall | H. Pancreas | | | | | vii\. Storage form of Carbohydrate in plant | I. Antidiuretic | | | | | viii\. The condition when blood sugar level | J. Thyroxin | | rise above the normal | | | | K. Testes | | ix\. Enzyme that digest fat and oil in the | | | ileum | L. Ovary | | | | | x\. The hormone that convert glycogen into | M. Hyperglycaemia | | glucose in animal body | | | | N. Hypoglycaemia | | | | | | O. Adrenal gland | | | | | | P. Pituitary gland | | | | | | Q. Cortisol hormone | +----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ **SECTION B (60 MARKS)** > Answer all questions in this section > > 3\. a/ List four blood components and give one function for each > > b/ Give reasons, why arteries transport blood in high pressure > > 4\. a/ Explain, how animals adapted to live in cold climate > > b/ Mention four excretory waste products in plants > > 5\. a/ Draw a structure of human tongue and label four different taste > buds > > b/ Why a person fail to taste food during cold weather? > > 6\. Give five reasons, why Biology subject is taught in different > schools in Tanzania? > > 7\. a/ Give four component of first aid kit and how can be used for > each component to help a victims. > > b/ Why a person who bitted by snake is not advised to move his or her > parts of the body, running or walking and giving an alcohol? > > 8\. Why a poor waste disposal is a problem? Give four points > > 9\. a/ Mention four factors that hinder immunity of a body > > b/ Give the respiratory surfaces of the following organisms > > \(i\) Fish (ii) Cat (iii) Paramecium (iv) Grasshopper > > 10\. Give three advantages and disadvantages of kingdom fungi. > > **SECTION C (20 MARKS)** > > Answer **two questions** in this section, question 11 is compulsory > > 11\. With aid of well labeled diagrams, explain the process of urine > formation in human > > 12\. Explain how human being can preserve food next consumption > traditionary by giving four points > > 13\. Write an essay on HIV/AIDS by giving cause, five symptoms and > four ways of transmitting the disease.
Name of teacher: HASSAN YUSUFU Name of School: **[SHAMSIYE SECONDARY SCHOOL]{.underline}** Year: **2016** TERM: **1 & 2** Class/Stream: **FORM ONE** Subject: **CHEMISTRY** <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 16%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">Using chemistry skills and knowledge in daily life.</td> <td rowspan="2">To explain the concept of chemistry in daily life.</td> <td rowspan="2"><p>J</p> <p>ANUAR</p> <p>Y</p></td> <td rowspan="2">3</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>1. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1.</p> <p>The concept of Chemistry</p></td> <td>2</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>discuss the meaning of chemistry.</p> <ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>discuss how materials and objects are made by application of chemistry e.g. soap, petrol, ethanol etc.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>concept of chemistry.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To name the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>substance made by applying chemical methods.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Wall</p></li> </ul> <p>charts &amp; pictures showing different chemical activities &amp; industrial chemical process.</p> <p>Detergents, soft, drinks medicine etc.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>To give</p></li> </ul> <p>the meaning of chemistry.</p> <ul> <li><p>To</p></li> </ul> <p>mention any other four objects made by application of chemistry.</p> <ul> <li><p>In groups</p></li> </ul> <p>to mention area where chemistry is applied.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>2.</p> <p>The importance of chemistry in life.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>discuss how chemistry is applied in industrial and at home.</p> <ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>discuss the importance of chemistry in daily life by giving examples on production of drugs and medicine, soap fertilizer and alcohol.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To mention area</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>where chemistry is applied.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To state the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>importance of chemistry in daily life, by giving examples.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Wall</p></li> </ul> <p>charts &amp; pictures of industrials, chemical hospital, pharmacy, domestic, kitchen, fertilizer, insect sides, hard drinks.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Working safely in a chemistry laboratory.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Carrying out chemistry activities safely and efficiently.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4 &amp; 1</td> <td><blockquote> <p>2. LABORATORY TECHNIQUESE AND SAFETY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1.</p> <p>Rules and safety precautions in chemistry laboratory.</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>discuss every laboratory rule and establish its importance.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>discuss the laboratory safety measures.</p></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To prepare a list of</p></li> </ol> <p>ten safety rules in chemistry laboratory.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To explain the</p></li> </ol> <p>safety measure to a chemistry laboratory.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Chemistry laboratory manual.</p></li> <li><p>Wall charts of written laboratory rules.</p></li> <li><p>Wall charts showing safety measure for a chemistry laboratory.</p></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford. ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN. iv)You tube( for video clips)</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To mention and</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>explain the safety measure needed to avoid accidents in chemistry laboratory.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>1</td> <td></td> <td><p>2.</p> <p>First aid and first aid kit.</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to discuss activities which are likely to accidents in a chemistry laboratory.</p></li> <li><p>To guide students to name every item found in a first aid kit.</p></li> </ol> <p>iii) To guide students to</p> <p>stimulate a mock use of each item in a first aid kit.</p></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To identify</p></li> </ol> <p>possible causes of accidents in chemistry laboratory.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To name the items</p></li> </ol> <p>found in a first aid kit.</p> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To</p></li> </ol> <p>demonstrate how each first aid kit item is used.</p> <p>iv) To use the</p> <p>first aid kit to provide first aid to an accident victim.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Wall chart pictures showing possible laboratory accidents.</p></li> <li><p>First aid kit containing all of its items.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>How</p></li> </ul> <p>many</p> <p>possible causes of accidents I a chemistry laboratory.</p> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>Name all</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <p>The items found in a first aid kit.</p> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>Demonstrate how</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <p>you can provide First aid.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>3.</p> <p>Basic chemistry laboratory apparatus with their uses.</p></td> <td>6</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>names of different pieces of apparatuses used in chemistry laboratory.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To summarize the</p></li> </ol> <p>names of pieces apparatuses used in chemistry laboratory.</p> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to categorize laboratory apparatus into apparatus for;</p></li> </ol> <ul> <li><p>holding</p></li> <li><p>taking measurements;</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>volume and temperature</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><p>heating purposes</p></li> </ul> <ol start="4" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to practice the uses of apparatus for measuring;</p></li> </ol> <ul> <li><p>volume of liquids</p> <ul> <li><p>volume of gases</p></li> <li><p>masses of solids</p></li> <li><p>temperature</p></li> </ul></li> </ul></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To name the different</p></li> <li><p>pieces of</p></li> </ol> <p>apparatuses used in chemistry laboratory.</p> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To copy the</p></li> </ol> <p>summary.</p> <ol start="4" type="i"> <li><p>To categorize</p></li> </ol> <p>chemistry laboratory apparatus according to their uses.</p> <ol start="5" type="i"> <li><p>To use apparatus</p></li> </ol> <p>to measure volume, mass and temperature.</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>List</p></li> </ul> <p>names of</p> <p>apparatuses used in a chemistry laboratory.</p> <ul> <li><p>Categorize</p></li> </ul> <p>chemistry apparatus according to their uses.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Treating and purifying water with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>To purify and use water while conserving the environment.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td>4. Warning signs</td> <td>6</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>draw a simple diagram of the following warning signs;</p> <ul> <li><p>Toxic</p></li> <li><p>Harmful</p></li> <li><p>Irritant</p></li> <li><p>Explosive</p></li> <li><p>Corrosive</p></li> <li><p>Oxidant</p></li> </ul> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>discuss the meaning of different warning signs.</p></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To draw and</p></li> </ol> <p>label the basic chemistry warning signs.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To explain the</p></li> </ol> <p>meaning of different warning signs.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Oxidant</p></li> </ul> <p>KMnO<sub>4</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>,</p> <ul> <li><p>Irritant;</p></li> </ul> <p>H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></p> <ul> <li><p>Explosive</p></li> <li><p>Corrosive; H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></p></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford. ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN. iv)You tube( for video clips)</p> </blockquote></td> <td>Draw and label the basic chemistry warning signs.</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td>3. HEAT SOURCES AND FLAMES</td> <td><p>1.</p> <p>Heat sources</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>To discuss with students about how to use the following heat sources in a chemistry laboratory;</p> <ul> <li><p>candle</p></li> <li><p>spirit burner</p></li> <li><p>corrosive burner (kibatari)</p></li> <li><p>charcoal burner</p></li> </ul> <ol type="i"> <li><p>To discuss with students about how Bunsen burner works.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><p>i) To discuss with</p> <p>teacher about how to use the heat sources in a chemistry laboratory.</p> <p>To explain how a Bunsen burner works.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Candle</p></li> <li><p>Spirit</p></li> </ul> <p>burner</p> <ul> <li><p>Kerosene burner (kibatari)</p></li> <li><p>Charcoal burner</p></li> <li><p>Bunsen burner</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Identify</p></li> </ul> <p>different kind of heat sources that can be used in chemistry laboratory.</p> <ul> <li><p>Explain</p></li> </ul> <p>the working function of a Bunsen burner.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Applying the scientific procedures in carrying out investigations in chemistry</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3</td> <td></td> <td><p>2.</p> <p>Types of flames</p></td> <td>04</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>use different types of burners to produce luminous and non-luminous flames.</p> </blockquote> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>discuss how different flames are used.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><p>flame test of elements</p></li> <li><p>production of light</p></li> <li><p>production of heat</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To produce</p></li> </ol> <p>luminous and non-luminous flames from different fuel burns.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To state the uses</p></li> </ol> <p>of different types of flames.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Spirit burner</p></li> <li><p>Kerosene burner (kibatari)</p></li> <li><p>Charcoal burner</p></li> <li><p>Bunsen burner</p></li> <li><p>Kerosene fuel</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Produce</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>luminous and non-luminous flames from different burners.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4</td> <td><p>4.</p> <p>THE SCIENTIFIC PROCEDURES</p></td> <td>1. Significance of the scientific procedures.</td> <td>02</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>discuss about the measuring of the scientific procedures.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To discuss with</p></li> </ol> <p>students about how the scientific procedures are used in carrying out systematic investigations.</p></td> <td>To explain the concept of scientific procedure.</td> <td><ul> <li><p>Wall</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>charts showing the steps of scientific procedures.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><p>Picture</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>of chemists working in laboratory</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Explain</p></li> </ul> <p>the concept of chemists.</p> <ul> <li><p>Explain</p></li> </ul> <p>the importance of scientific procedures.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>2.</p> <p>The main steps of scientific procedures.</p></td> <td>01</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To discuss with</p></li> </ol> <p>students about the following steps of scientific procedures;</p> <ul> <li><p>Observation of the</p></li> </ul> <p>scientific</p> <p>phenomena.</p> <ul> <li><p>Statement of the</p></li> </ul> <p>problem.</p> <ul> <li><p>Formation of</p></li> </ul> <p>hypothesis.</p> <ul> <li><p>Observation and</p></li> </ul> <p>collection of</p> <p>data.</p> <ul> <li><p>Data analysis and</p></li> </ul> <p>interpretation.</p> <ul> <li><p>Making inference and</p></li> </ul> <p>conclusion.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To describe</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>each step of scientific procedures.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>- Wall</p> <p>charts showing the steps of scientific procedures.</p></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Describe</p></li> </ul> <p>each step of scientific procedures.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Dealing with nature and properties of matter.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Explaining the nature and properties of matter.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>A</p> <p>P R</p> <p>I L</p></td> <td>1</td> <td></td> <td>3. Application of the scientific procedures.</td> <td>4</td> <td>To supervise the students’ projects.</td> <td>To apply the scientific procedure in carrying out a project on a chemistry problem.</td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td>Apply the scientific procedure in carrying out a project on a chemistry investigation.</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">2-5</td> <td>5. MATTER</td> <td><p>1.</p> <p>Concept of matter.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>To guide students to discuss the meaning and definition of matter.</td> <td>To explain the concept of matter.</td> <td>Solid, liquid and gases.</td> <td>Explain the meaning of matter with examples.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td>2. States of matter.</td> <td></td> <td><p>i) To guide students to</p> <blockquote> <p>apply the kinetic nature of matter to explain the existence of matter in three states; solids, liquids and gases.</p> </blockquote> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>demonstrate the change of matter from one state to another.</p> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To discuss with</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>students the advantages of changing one state of matter to another.</p> </blockquote> <p>Distillation to form pure</p> <p>components of a mixture.</p> <ul> <li><p>Evaporation of dry things.</p></li> </ul> <p>formation of ice in refrigerator</p> <ol start="4" type="i"> <li><p>Melting of metal to form alloy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To describe the three states of matter.</p></li> <li><p>To explain the importance of changing one state of matter to another.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> <td>Demonstrate how you can change one state of matter to another and explain their importance.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Differentiate physical from chemical properties of matter.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td>2. Physical and chemical changes.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To discuss with</p></li> </ol> <p>students about the meaning and characteristics of physical change.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>carry out experiments on physical change, to include;</p> <ul> <li><p>melting of ice</p></li> <li><p>boiling of water</p></li> <li><p>condensation of steam</p></li> <li><p>formation of ice</p></li> <li><p>magnetization of iron</p></li> <li><p>sublimation of solid</p></li> </ul> <p>iodine</p> <ul> <li><p>grinding of chalk</p></li> <li><p>dissolving sugar or salt</p></li> </ul> <p>in water</p> <ul> <li><p>evaporation</p></li> </ul> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <p>carry out the following chemical changes;</p> <ul> <li><p>decomposition of solid carbonate</p></li> </ul> <ul> <li><p>burning of any fuel</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To describe the</p></li> </ol> <p>characteristics of physical change.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To carry out</p></li> </ol> <p>experiments on physical changes of matter.</p> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To describe the</p></li> </ol> <p>characteristics of chemical changes.</p> <ol start="4" type="i"> <li><p>To carry out</p></li> </ol> <p>experiments on chemical changes.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>sugar</p></li> <li><p>table</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>salt</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><p>heat source</p></li> <li><p>kettle</p></li> <li><p>chalk</p></li> <li><p>pestle and mortal</p></li> <li><p>magnet</p></li> <li><p>solid iodine</p></li> <li><p>water</p></li> <li><p>ice</p></li> <li><p>Pb(NO3) solution, CuSO4 solution, Zn metal, CuCO3,</p></li> <li><p>Acids</p></li> <li><p>candle</p></li> <li><p>Aluminium foil</p></li> <li><p>Magnesium ribbon</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Describe</p></li> </ul> <p>characteristics of physical change.</p> <ul> <li><p>Describe</p></li> </ul> <p>the characteristics of chemical changes.</p> <ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="8"><strong>MIDTERM TESTS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="8"><strong>MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td></td> <td>4. Elements and symbols.</td> <td>6</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>discuss the meaning of an element as compared to other substances.</p> </blockquote> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To discuss with</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>students on how to use alphabetical letters and their combinations to form the symbols of elements.</p> </blockquote> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To guide students on</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>how to use the periodic table to differentiate metals from non-metals.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>To explain the</p></li> </ol> <p>meaning of element.</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>To assign names and symbols to;</p> <ul> <li><p>Monoatomic elements. eg: Al, K, etc.</p></li> <li><p>Polyatomic elements; O<sub>2</sub>, Cl<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>.</p></li> <li><p>Special elements</p></li> </ul></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>which carry Latin names; Na, Fe, Ag, etc</p> </blockquote> <ol start="3" type="i"> <li><p>To assign names</p></li> </ol> <p>and symbols to chemical compounds.</p> <ol start="4" type="i"> <li><p>To differentiate</p></li> </ol> <p>metals elements from non-metals.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Copper</p></li> <li><p>sodium</p></li> <li><p>zinc</p></li> <li><p>Aluminium</p></li> <li><p>iron</p></li> <li><p>sulphur</p></li> <li><p>hydrogen</p></li> <li><p>periodic table.</p></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td><ul> <li><p>With</p></li> </ul> <p>examples explain the meaning of element.</p> <p>- Assign names and symbols to different elements.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td>5. Compounds and mixtures.</td> <td>09</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students to</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>discuss the impossibility of destroying or creating energy.</p> </blockquote> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>perform experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another and to discuss the results obtained.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the</p></li> </ol> <p>impossibility of destroying or creating energy.(law of conservation of energy)</p> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>Performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another and to discuss the results.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Wall charts showing energy change, voltaic cell, electric cell, bar magnets, iron fillings, water, source of heat, Cu foil, H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>(1M), lamp bulb, beaker, Mg ribbon, Abrasive paper, Fe fillings.</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>to explain the law of conservation of energy.</p> </blockquote> <ol start="2" type="i"> <li><p>Ability</p></li> </ol> <blockquote> <p>to performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another.</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td>A P R I L</td> <td>5</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to demonstrate the changes of mater from one state to another.</p></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the importance of changing one state of matter to another.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>Demonstrate how you can change one state to another and their importance.</p></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Differentiate physical from chemical properties of matter.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2">MA Y</td> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students the advantage of changing one states of matter to another.</p></li> <li><p>E.g</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>- Distillation of form pure components of mixtures.</p> <p>- Evaporation of dry things</p> <p>- Formation of ice in refrigerators.</p> <p>- Melting metal to form alloys.</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3</td> <td></td> <td><p>3.</p> <p>Physical and chemical changes.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students about the meaning and characteristics of physical change.</p></li> <li><p>To guide student to carry out the experiments on physical change and to include</p></li> <li><p>Melting of ice</p></li> <li><p>Boiling of water</p></li> <li><p>Condensation of steem</p></li> <li><p>Formation of ice.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To describe the characteristics of a physical change.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>To carry out experiments on physical changes of matter.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Sugar</p></li> <li><p>Table salt</p></li> <li><p>Heat source</p></li> <li><p>Kettle</p></li> <li><p>Chalk</p></li> <li><p>Pesth and mortar</p></li> <li><p>Magnet solid iodine</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Describe the characteristics of physical change.</p></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Magnetization of iron</p></li> <li><p>Sublimation of solid iodine</p></li> <li><p>Grinding of chalk</p></li> <li><p>Dissolving sugar or salt in water</p></li> <li><p>Evaporation</p></li> <li><p>To guide students to carry out the following chemical changes</p></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>-Decomposition of solid carbonate</p> <p>-Burning of and fuel</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To describe the characteristics of chemical change.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>To carry out experiments on chemical change.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Water</p></li> <li><p>Ice</p></li> <li><p>Pb(No<sub>3</sub>)solution</p></li> <li><p>Cuso<sub>4</sub> solution</p></li> <li><p>Zu metal</p></li> <li><p>CaCo<sub>3</sub></p></li> <li><p>Candle</p></li> <li><p>Aluminium foil</p></li> <li><p>Magnesium ribbon</p></li> <li><p>Acids.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Describe the characteristics of chemical change.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13"><strong>1 – 06- 2013 – TERMINAL EXAMINATION</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>J</p> <p>U</p> <p>L</p> <p>Y</p></td> <td>4-5</td> <td></td> <td><p>4.</p> <p>Elements and Symbols</p></td> <td>6</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to discuss the meaning of an element as compared to other substances.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>meaning of elements.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To assign names</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>and symbols to</p> </blockquote> <p>- Mono atomic elements e.g Al, K, Na, Cu, pb etc.</p> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>Polyatomic</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>elements e.g O<sub>2</sub>, Cl<sub>3</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>, S<sub>8</sub>, P<sub>4</sub></p> </blockquote> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>Special elements</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>K, Na, Fe, Ag, An, Hg, Pb, Sn, Sb, Cu which carry latin names</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>With example explain the meaning of element.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4">Applying a different methods to separate mixtures into pure components.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>on how to use alpha be trial letters and their combinations to form the symbols of elements.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To assign names</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <p>had symbols to chemical elements.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>‘’</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Assign</p></li> </ul> <p>names and symbols to differentiate element.</p></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students on</p></li> </ul> <p>how to use the periodic table to differentiate metals elements from non-metals elements.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To differentiate</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>metals elements and non-metals elements.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>‘’</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Explain</p></li> </ul> <p>the meaning and give example of compounds and mixtures.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"><p>AUGUS</p> <p>T</p></td> <td rowspan="2">1-3</td> <td rowspan="2"><p>5.</p> <p>Compounds and mixtures.</p></td> <td>9</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>discuss the differences between compounds and mixtures by referring to their characteristics properties.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To differentiate</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>between compounds and mixtures by referring to their characteristics properties.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>‘’</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>prepare binary compound such as iron II sulphide (Fes) from a mixture of solid iron fillings and awarded sulphur by heating.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To prepare a binary compound.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><blockquote> <p>‘’</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Prepare</p></li> </ul> <p>bring using Fe and Sulphur powder.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>AUGUS</p> <p>T</p></td> <td rowspan="4"><p>4-5</p> <p>2-3</p></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students about the properties of compounds in compassion to the properties of its constitute elements.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To compare the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>properties of a compound with those of its constituents elements.</p> </blockquote></td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Compare</p></li> </ul> <p>the properties of compound with those of its constituent element.</p></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>the meaning of mixtures and its examples.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>meaning of mixture with example.</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>about properties of solutions suspension, and emulsions.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To classify</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>mixtures into solutions, suspensions, and emulsions.</p> </blockquote></td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Clarify a</p></li> </ul> <p>mixtures into solutions, suspensions an emulsions.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>S</p> <p>E</p> <p>P</p> <p>T</p> <p>E</p> <p>M</p> <p>B</p> <p>E</p> <p>R</p></td> <td><p>5.</p> <p>Separation of mixture</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>about the procedures for carrying out the following separation</p> <ul> <li><p>Decantation</p></li> <li><p>Filtration</p></li> <li><p>Evaporation</p></li> <li><p>Simple distillation</p></li> <li><p>Fractural distillation</p></li> <li><p>sublimation</p></li> <li><p>Chromatography</p></li> <li><p>Layer separation</p></li> <li><p>Solvent extractric</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To carry out the different methods used to separate mixture.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Colour flower</p></li> <li><p>Kerosene</p></li> <li><p>Water</p></li> <li><p>Black ink</p></li> <li><p>Ethanol</p></li> <li><p>iodine</p></li> <li><p>Crystal sugar</p></li> <li><p>clay soil</p></li> <li><p>Toluene</p></li> <li><p>Filter paper</p></li> <li><p>Heat</p></li> <li><p>Source</p></li> <li><p>Funnel;</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to discuss the importance of obtaining separate components of the mixtures.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the significance of separating different mixtures.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To explain</p></li> </ul> <p>common methods of separating mixture.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13"><strong>MID – TERM EXAMINATION</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>OC</p> <p>TOB</p> <p>E</p> <p>R</p></td> <td rowspan="3">2</td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>AIR COMBUSTION, RUSTING AND FIRE FIGHTGING</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>1.</p> <p>Composition of air.</p></td> <td rowspan="3">2</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to discuss the proportions of different gases in air.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To name the gases present in air and their proportions.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Walls</p></li> </ul> <p>/Charts showing composition of air.</p></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Names</p></li> </ul> <p>the gases present in air and their proportion.</p></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><ul> <li><p>To facilitate students to</p></li> </ul> <p>demonstrate the presence of the following gases in air.</p> <blockquote> <p>- Carbon dioxide</p> <p>-Oxygen</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To demonstrate</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>the presence of different gases in air.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Line write</p></li> <li><p>Phosphorus</p></li> <li><p>Bell jar</p></li> <li><p>Water</p></li> <li><p>Trough</p></li> <li><p>Candle</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>Carry out</p></li> </ul> <p>experiment to demonstrate the presence of oxygen in air.</p> <ul> <li><p>Determining</p></li> </ul> <p>a proportion of oxygen in air.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><ul> <li><p>To facilitate student to carry out an experiment to determine the percentage of oxygen in air.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To determine the percentage of oxygen in air experimentally.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td rowspan="3">3</td> <td rowspan="5"><blockquote> <p>2. COMBUSTION</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3">3</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>the meaning and significance of combustion in real life.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>meaning of combustion and their significance in real life.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>Piece Of Paper Candle Charcoal Kerosene Spirit.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Explain</p></li> </ul> <p>the meaning of combustion?</p></td> <td rowspan="5"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>determine the product of complete combustion of the following substance in air.</p> <ul> <li><p>Kerosene, charcoal,</p></li> </ul> <p>paper</p> <ul> <li><p>Candle, spirit</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To demonstrate</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>the combustion of different substances in air and analyse the products.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Analyse</p></li> </ul> <p>the product obtained when different substance burned in air.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with student</p></li> </ul> <p>the application of combustion in real life for explain to mobile</p> <ul> <li><p>Burners to get heat and light.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To describe of</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>application of combustion if real life.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Describe</p></li> </ul> <p>the application of combustion in real life.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">4 - 5</td> <td><p>3.</p> <p>Fire fighting</p></td> <td>6</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>about the fire caused by</p> <ul> <li><p>Petroleum products</p></li> <li><p>Electricity</p></li> <li><p>Wood and charcoal</p></li> <li><p>Paper.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To classify the types of fires according to their causes.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>Kerosene</p></li> <li><p>Spirit</p></li> <li><p>Paper</p></li> <li><p>Charcoal</p></li> <li><p>Match</p></li> </ul> <p>box</p> <ul> <li><p>Sand</p></li> </ul> <p>bucket</p> <ul> <li><p>Waterless</p></li> <li><p>Foam fire</p></li> </ul> <p>extinguisher</p> <ul> <li><p>Soda acid</p></li> <li><p>Fire</p></li> </ul> <p>extinguisher.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>Classify types of fire according to their sources.</p></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>about the reasons why specific types of fires should be extinguished by specific types of fire extinguisher.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To identify different types of fire extinguishers used different types of fire.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To lead discussion about the parts played by fuel and oxygen in a fire.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To state the</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>components needed to start fire.</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>about the classification of fire extinguishers into:</p> <blockquote> <p>Soda – acid type</p> <p>Foam type</p> <p>Water types</p> <p>Blanket types.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To classify</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>extinguishers according to the chemicals they contain.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>Asbestos</p></li> <li><p>Blanket</p></li> <li><p>Soda-acid</p></li> <li><p>Fire</p></li> </ul> <p>extinguisher</p> <ul> <li><p>Foam fire</p></li> </ul> <p>Extinguisher.</p> <p>Sand bucket.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><ul> <li><p>State the</p></li> </ul> <p>chemical present in different extinguisher.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>prepare a small fire carefully e.g. Burning a small paper or a candle, and extinguish it.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To prepare a small</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>fire extinguisher of the soda-acid types and use to extinguish a small fire.</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>NOV</p> <p>EMB</p> <p>E</p> <p>R</p></td> <td rowspan="3">1&amp;2</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>4.</p> <p>Rusting</p></td> <td>6</td> <td><ul> <li><p>To discuss with students</p></li> </ul> <p>about the meaning of rusting and economic importance.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To explain the concept of rusting.</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="3"><ul> <li><p>Iron filing</p></li> <li><p>Steel/wool</p></li> <li><p>water</p></li> <li><p>cotton</p></li> <li><p>mol</p></li> <li><p>Grease</p></li> <li><p>Petroleum</p></li> <li><p>Jelly</p></li> <li><p>Heat</p></li> <li><p>Source</p></li> <li><p>Mg ribbon</p></li> <li><p>HCl solution</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"><ul> <li><p>Explain</p></li> </ul> <p>with example the meaning of rusting.</p> <ul> <li><p>Carry out</p></li> </ul> <p>Experiment to demonstrate condition necessary for rusting.</p></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To guide students to</p></li> </ul> <p>design an experiment to demonstrate the eruditions necessary for iron to rust.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To demonstrate</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>the erudition necessary for iron to rust.</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Summarize and discuss</p></li> </ul> <p>the experimental findings.</p></td> <td><ul> <li><blockquote> <p>To carry out</p> </blockquote></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>experiments on different methods of preventing iron from rusting.</p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13">ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></th> <th>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</th> <th><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Kuwasiliana</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>sanifu.</p></td> <td><p>Kuwasilinana</p> <p>Kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>katika</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>na</p> <p>watu</p> <p>au</p> <p>jamii</p> <p>katika</p> <p>miktadha</p> <p>mbalimbali.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>J A N U A R I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>2</strong></p> <p><strong>3</strong></p></td> <td><p>MAWASILIANO</p> <ul> <li><p>Lugha</p></li> </ul> <p>kama chombo cha mawasiliano</p> <ul> <li><p>Matamshi</p></li> </ul> <p>na lafudhi ya Kiswahili</p> <blockquote> <p>AINA</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>MANENO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>Maana ya Lugha</p> <ul> <li><p>Dhima za lugha</p></li> <li><p>Tanzu za lugha</p></li> <li><p>Umuhimu wa lugha</p></li> </ul> <p>Ubainishaji wa aina za maneno</p></td> <td><p><strong>4</strong></p> <p><strong>8</strong></p></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwa mbinu ya maswali na majibu ili waweze kuelezea maana ya lugha.</p> <p>Kuongoza mjadala kuhusu dhima za lugha na umuhimu wa kutumia lugha kwa ufasaha.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi ili waweze kubainisha aina za maneno kulingana na matumizi yake kwenye tungo.</p> <ul> <li><p>Nomino</p></li> <li><p>Viwakilishi</p></li> <li><p>Vielezi</p></li> <li><p>Vitenzi</p></li> <li><p>Viunganishi</p></li> <li><p>Vihisishi</p></li> <li><p>Vivumishi</p></li> </ul></td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p> <p>Wataandika dondoo muhimu kwenye madaftari yao.</p> <p>Watajadiliana kwa lugha fasaha.</p> <p>Watashiriki kubainisha aina za maneno.</p> <p>Watafafanua dhima za aina za maneno.</p> <p>Wataandika dondoo kwenye madaftari yao</p></td> <td><p>CHATI</p> <p>NA JEDWALI ZA</p> <p>TANZU</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>LUGHA</p> <p>TUNGO</p> <p>MBALIMBALI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>KISWAHILI</p></td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1998) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p> <p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u> - I</p> <p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td> <td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua dhima za lugha katika mawasiliano.</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia lugha fasaha</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua aina za maneno na kuzitumia kwenye miktadha fofauti.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Kuwasiliana</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>sanifu.</p></td> <td><p>Kuwasilinana</p> <p>Kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>katika</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>na</p> <p>watu</p> <p>au</p> <p>jamii</p> <p>katika</p> <p>miktadha</p> <p>mbalimbali</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>F E B R U A R I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p> <p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p></td> <td>KUTUMIA KAMUSI</td> <td><p>Ufafanuzi wa aina za maneno</p> <p>Matumizi ya aina za maneno.</p> <p>Matumizi ya kamusi .</p> <ul> <li><p>Aina za kamusi</p></li> </ul> <p>i) Wahidia</p> <p>ii)Mahuluti</p> <p>iii) Istilahi</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>Kufafanua aina tatu za nomino.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia aina tatu za maneno.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia kamusi.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubaini aina za kamusi, mpangilio wa taarifa zilizomo kwenye kamusi.</p></td> <td><p>Watashiriki katika somo.</p> <p>Watajifunza kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno.</p> <p>Kutumia sentensi mbalimbali ili kuonesha miktadha ya utumizi wa aina za maneno.</p> <p>Watajadiliana ili kubaini mpangilio wa maneno kwenye kamusi,</p> <p>Aina za Kamusi na taarifa za kamusi.</p></td> <td><p>TUNGO ZENYE AINA MBALIMBALI ZA MANENO.</p> <p>TUNGO MBALIMBALI</p> <p>KAMUSI</p> <p>YA</p> <p>KISWAHILI</p> <p>SANIFU</p></td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p> <p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u></p> <p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td> <td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno kwenye muktadha wa tungo</p> <p>Kutumia aina saba za maneno.</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia kamusi ili kupata taarifa mbalimbali.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p>&amp;<strong>1</strong></p></td> <td colspan="8">MTIHANI WA NUSU MUHULA NA LIKIZO FUPI.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>Kubaini</p> <p>Kuhakikkisha</p> <p>Na</p> <p>kutunga</p> <p>kazi</p> <p>za</p> <p>fasihi</p> <p>simulizi.</p></td> <td><p>Kubaini</p> <p>Kuhaikikisha</p> <p>na</p> <p>kutunga</p> <p>kazi</p> <p>za</p> <p>fasihi</p> <p>simulizi</p> <p>kwa Kiswahili.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>M A C H I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p></td> <td>FASIHI KWA UJUMLA</td> <td><p>Dhima za fasihi</p> <p>Aina za fasihi</p></td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kueleza maana ya fasihi aina za fasihi na dhima za fasihi.</p> <p>Wanafunzi waweze kutofautisha kazi za fasihi na zizizo za kifasihi.</p></td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p> <p>Watajadiliana</p> <p>Wataandika dondoo mbalimbali.</p></td> <td><p>SEMI MBALIMBALI</p> <p>CHATI YA TANZU ZA FASIHI.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Njogu</p> <p>na chimerah (1999)</p> <p><u>Ufundishaji</u></p> <p><u>wa</u></p> <p><u>fasihi.</u></p> <p><u>Nadharia na mbinu , Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Nairobi.</u></p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Wanafunzi waweze kufafanua dhima mbalimbali za fasihi.</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kubainisha tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>1</strong></td> <td><p>FASIHI</p> <p>SIMULIZI</p></td> <td>Ubainishaji wa Tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>4</td> <td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubaini tanzu za fasihi simulizi na pia waweze kubainisha tofauti kati ya fasihi simulizi na andishi.</td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p> <p>Watazipanga tanzu za fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia kigezo cha maumbo ya tanzu.</p></td> <td>KAZI MBALIMBALI ZA FASIHI SIMULIZI.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Kubaini kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>Kubaini kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi kwa kiswahili</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>M E I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>FASIHI SIMULIZI</td> <td><p>Ufafanuzi wa vipera vya Tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</p> <ul> <li><p>Hadithi</p></li> <li><p>Semi</p></li> <li><p>Ushairi</p></li> <li><p>Maigizo</p></li> </ul> <p>(sanaa za maonesho)</p></td> <td>16</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubainisha vipera vya tanzu za fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia maudhui.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi wakusanye kazi mbalimbali za fasihi simulizi kama vile hadidhi, semi, maigizo na ushairi.</p> <p>Kuwelekeza kuzipanga kazi hizo kwa kuzingatia usawa wa muundo kwa kila kipera.</p></td> <td><p>Wataainisha tanzu na vipera vya Fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia maudhui.</p> <p>Watakusanya kazi mbalimbali.</p> <p>Watazipanga kazi</p></td> <td><p>CHATI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>TANZU</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>FASIHI</p> <p>SIMULIZI.</p></td> <td><p>Njogu</p> <p>na chimerah (1999)</p> <p><u>Ufundishaji</u></p> <p><u>wa</u></p> <p><u>fasihi.</u></p> <p><u>Nadharia na mbinu ,</u> Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Nairobi</p> <p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u></p> <p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td> <td><p>Mwanafunzi</p> <p>aweze</p> <p>kubainisha</p> <p>tanzu na</p> <p>vipera vya</p> <p>fasihi</p> <p>simulizi kwa</p> <p>kutumia</p> <p>chati za</p> <p>ukutani.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA KWANZA PAMOJA NA LIKIZO NDEFU.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Kubainisha kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi kwa Kiswahili.</td> <td>Kubainisha kuhakiki na kutunga fasihi simulizi kwa Kiswahili.</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>J U L A I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p> <p>4</p> <p>1</p></td> <td><p>UHAKIKI</p> <p>WA</p> <p>KAZI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>FASIHI SIMULIZI</p></td> <td>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>16</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubainisha vigezo vya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p> <p>Kuainisha vipengele vyoe vya <u>fani</u> na <u>maudhui.</u></p> <p>Kuhakiki hadithi na semi.</p></td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo kuhusu vigezo vya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p> <p>Watahakiki hadithi na semi kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p></td> <td><p>CHATI YA TANZAU ZA FASIHI.</p> <p>HADITHI MBALIMBALI ZA FASIHI SIMULIZI.</p></td> <td>Wanafunzi waweze kuhakiki kazi za fasihi simulizi darasani.</td> <td><p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili</u></p> <p><u>Shule za sekondari kidato cha kwanza.</u></p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyoko katika lugha ya kiswahili</td> <td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa taarifa au mazungumzo yanayolingana na kiwango chake cha Kiswahili.</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>A G O S T I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p> <p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;4</strong></p></td> <td>USIMULIZI</td> <td><p>Usimulizi wa</p> <p>hadithi.</p></td> <td>16</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kusimulia hadidhi za kwenye matini au wanazozikumbuka.</p> <p>Hadithi zizingatie elimu ya mazingira athari za ajira kwa watoto, UKIMWI, Nakadhalika.</p></td> <td><p>Watasimulia hadithi kwa kuzingatia mbinu za utambaji matamshi sahihi ya Kiswahili na kiimbo.</p> <p>Watajadili kufaa kwa mafumbo yanayopatikana.</p></td> <td><p>MATINI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>HADITHI</p></td> <td></td> <td>Oxford University Press DSM.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Kuandika habari fupi kwa</p> <p>kuzingatia taratibu za uandishi.</p></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>S E P T E M B A</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p></td> <td>UANDISHI WA INSHA</td> <td>Insha za wasifu</td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwakutumia insha isiyokuwa na mpangilio mzuri.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kupanga insha hiyo katika mpangilio mzuri kisha kubaini umbo la insha.</p> <p>Kuwapa insha ya kisanaa na isiyo ya kisanaa kisha kuwaongoza ili kubaini tofauti zilizomo.</p></td> <td><p>Watafanya mazoezi ya kuipanga insha katika mtiririko mzuri kisha kubaini umbo la insha.</p> <p>Utangulizi – Kiini - Hitimishao</p> <p>Watabainisha tofauti zilizomo kisha watatunga na kuwasilisha kwa mdomo na maandishi mbele ya darasa.</p></td> <td><p>MAKALA MBALIMBALI ZA INSHA KUTOKA VITABUNI NA MAGAZETINI.</p> <p>CHATI ZA AINA ZA INSHA.</p></td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p></td> <td>Mwanafunzi aweze kutunga insha za wasifu kwa mbinu mbalimbali.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>‘’</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>UANDISHI WA BARUA</td> <td>Barua za kirafiki.</td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kuelezea dhana ya barua muundo wake na umuhimu.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki taratibu za uandishi wa barua.</p> <ul> <li><p>Anuani</p></li> <li><p>Tarehe</p></li> <li><p>Maamkizi</p></li> <li><p>Salamu</p></li> <li><p>Kiini</p></li> <li><p>Hitimisho</p></li> </ul> <p>Bahasha na stempu.</p></td> <td><p>Wataeleza dhara ya barua muundo wake umuhimu wake.</p> <p>Wataandika barua kwa kuzingatia vigezo vyote vinavyohitajika.</p></td> <td>VIELELEZO VYA BARUA KUTOKA MAGAZETINI NA VITABUNI</td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p></td> <td>Wanafunzi waweze kuandika barua za kirafiki.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MITIHANI YA NUSU MUHULA NA LIKIZO FUPI</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali ya Kiswahili</td> <td rowspan="2">Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali ya vitabu vya Kiswahili vyenye taarifa fupi na rahisi ili kupata ujumbe mahsusi.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>O K T O B A</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>UFAHAMU</td> <td>Ufahamu wa kusikiliza na kusoma kwa sauti</td> <td></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi wasome kimyakimya kwa sauti, kwa burudani.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kujibu maswali na kubaini mawazo makuu.</p></td> <td><p>Watasoma kwa sauti kimyakimya na kwa burudani kwa kuzingatia lafudh i sahihi ya Kiswahili.</p> <p>Watajibu maswali baada ya kubain mawazo makuu.</p></td> <td>MAKALA ZENYE MADA ANUWAI KAMA VILE MAZINGIRA UKIMWI N.K</td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p></td> <td>Mwanafunzi aweze kufahamu mawazo kutoka kwenye vifungu vya habari.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td>UFUPISHO</td> <td></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kufupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu.</p> <p>Ufupisho usizidi theluthi mona (1/3) ya habari.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza waweze kutoa taarifa muhimu za kitabu – mwandishi, mchapaji, mhariri, mwaka.</p></td> <td><p>Watafupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu.</p> <p>Watabainisha taarifa muhimu za itabu kama vile jina la mwandishi, mchapishaji, mhariri, mwaka nk.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> <td>Mwanafunzi aweze kufupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu ukubwa (1/3) na kupata taarifa.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13"><p><strong>NOVEMBA &amp; DESEMBA - MARUDIO YA MADA MBALIMBALI NA MITIHANI YA KUMALIZIA MWAKA</strong></p> <p><strong>LIKIZO YA MWISHO WA MWAKA.</strong></p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><p>To</p> <p>demonstrate knowledge on the motive for interaction among the people of Africa.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Understand</p> <p>and explain the</p> <p>Motives for the interaction among the people of Africa.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>JANUARY</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>2</td> <td rowspan="2"><p>1.</p> <p>INTERACTION AMONG THE PEOPLE OF AFRICA</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>(a) Social and Economic factors for interaction</p> <p>(b) The coming of Ngoni</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Guide the students on the factors that contributed to the interaction among the people of Africa.</p> <p>To lead discussion on the impact of interaction to the people of Africa.</p></td> <td><p>To engage students in discussion on the factors for interaction.</p> <p>To read written source of interaction and engage in lesson effectively.</p></td> <td>Sketching map of the interaction among the people of Africa.</td> <td>Mastering to African History for Secondary school.</td> <td>(a)Draw a map of Africa and label the sources and routes used during those interactions.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3</td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Guide the students meaning and causes of Ngoni migration.</p> <p>Guide the students on the effects of Ngoni Migration in East &amp; Central Africa.</p> <p>Guide the students in groups to read about &amp; explain the Ngoni Migration.</p></td> <td><p>Drawing map showing routes of Ngoni migration to Central &amp; East Africa.</p> <p>To lead discussion in questions and answer technique to guide students to discuss the social &amp; political effects of Ngoni Migration.</p></td> <td><p>Written sources on the social, political and economic effects of Ngoni Migration.</p> <p>Sketching map of showing the Ngoni Migration.</p></td> <td>-//-</td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Explain the social effects of Ngoni Migration.</p> <p>(b)</p> <p>Explain the political effects of Ngoni Migration.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">Demonstrate knowledge and show appreciation Social &amp; Economic development in Pre-colonial Africa.</td> <td rowspan="2">Understanding and appreciate the level of Social &amp; Economic development in Pre-Colonial Africa.</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td>4</td> <td rowspan="2"><p>2.</p> <p>SOCIAL – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT &amp; PRODUCTION IN PRE-COLONIAL AFRICA.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>(a)Social Organization &amp; Production.</p> <p>(b) Types of Social Organization.</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>To guide the groups to present, discuss &amp; clarify the response on the meaning of social organization &amp; production.</p> <p>Guide the students in the groups to read written source on social organization and production.</p></td> <td>Providing the meaning of Social organization.</td> <td>Written sources on the meaning of social organization &amp; production.</td> <td>Mastering African History.</td> <td>Explain the meaning of social organization.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Assign students to read written sources on the meaning, origin and practice of Communalism.</p> <p>Use role play to show how land was controlled.</p> <p>Brainstorm the students on the meaning of feudalism &amp; communalism.</p></td> <td><p>Engaging the students full on the discussion on African feudalism.</p> <p>Brainstorm students on the meaning of Slavery.</p></td> <td>Written sources on the meaning of Communalism and its characteristic.</td> <td>-//-</td> <td><p>Explain the origin of Slavery in Africa.</p> <p>Explain the main factors at Slavery in Africa.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">Shows the abilities to examine and explain the motives for the coming at Foreigners to Africa.</td> <td rowspan="2">Explain the motives for the coming of Foreigners to Africa from earliest times up to 1850s.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>FEBRUARY</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>1</p> <p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td>AFRICA AND THE EXTERNAL WORLD</td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Early contract with the middle East &amp; Far East.</p></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>2</p></td> <td><p>Guide students in groups to read written sources to identify &amp; discuss the motives of the contacts between middle East and Far East.</p> <p>Guide the groups to present their responses in class for discussion and clarification.</p> <p>Leading the discussion on the different types of commodities involved.</p></td> <td>Providing the students with the walls maps to show the regions involved in these contracts.</td> <td><p>Written sources on the contacts between African and Middle East.</p> <p>Walls of maps of Indian Ocean region showing countries surrounding the Indian ocean.</p></td> <td>Mastering to African History.</td> <td>Explain the social &amp; economic motives of contracts between African &amp; Middle East.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><p>(b)</p> <p>Contact with Europe</p> <p>(i)</p> <p>The Portuguese</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>Explain the social and economic motives of the contact between African and Portuguese.</p> <p>To identify the commodities this involved doing contacts.</p> <p>Sketch map to guide the students to identify the regions &amp; countries involved.</p></td> <td><p>Guide students discussion on the failure of Portuguese.</p> <p>Guiding the students on the influence &amp; impact of Portuguese in Africa.</p> <p>To describe them.</p></td> <td><p>Wall map and sketch maps on African an Europe and voyage of discovery.</p> <p>Written sources on the contacts between African &amp; Portuguese.</p></td> <td>-//-</td> <td>Explain the effects of doing fall of Portuguese in East Africa.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p><strong>MARCH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(ii)</p> <p>Dutch settlement at Cape.</p></td> <td></td> <td>Leading students on the influence of Dutch at the Cape &amp; their impact.</td> <td>To describe the activities of Dutch at the Cape of South Africa.</td> <td>Relevant sketch maps of South Africa and Europe.</td> <td>-//-</td> <td>Explain the Boer trek in South Africa.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>(iii)</p> <p>Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean &amp;Trans-Atlantic slave trade.</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>Leading the students on the influence of Sultan of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean.</td> <td>Listen attentively and engaging fully in discussion reacting to the lesson.</td> <td></td> <td>History for Secondary Schools.</td> <td>Explain the factors for rise of Trans-Atlantic slave trade.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>4</p> <p>2</p></td> <td colspan="9"><strong>MID – TERM TEST &amp; SHORT VACATION</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>2</td> <td>Guiding the students on origin and affects of Atlantic Slave trade.</td> <td>Explain the origin and effects of Atlantic slave in Africa.</td> <td></td> <td>-//-</td> <td>Explain the social economic effects of Atlantic Slave trade.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">Demonstrates knowledge on the development of capitalist and analyses how and why it in Florence social &amp; economic changes in Africa.</td> <td rowspan="2">Understand and explain &amp; why the development of Capitalism influenced social and economic charges in Africa.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>APRIL</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>INDUSTRIAL CAPITALISM</td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Demand of Industrial Capitalism</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Guide students through question &amp; answers to explain the running of industrial Capitalist.</p> <p>Lead students in groups using written sources to read, discuss and make brief notes on why Europe experienced the demand for raw materials, markets etc.</p></td> <td>Assist the students in groups to present their responses in class for discussion and clarification.</td> <td>Written sources on the demands of raw materials, markets etc.</td> <td>-//-</td> <td rowspan="2">Explain why Europe experienced demand for agriculture product.</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><p>(b)</p> <p>Agents of Industrial Capitalism.</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>To guide students, individually to research on the names, sponsors and the roles, of the</p> <ul> <li><blockquote> <p>Explore</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Trader</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Missionaries</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Companies</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Association</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><p>Students to draw sketch maps showing the routes used by the agents of Capitalism.</p> <p>Students in groups read, discuss and summarize the impact of agents.</p></td> <td><p>Literature on the roles of agents of industrial Capitalism.</p> <p>Sketch map showing the important routes used by agents of Capitalism.</p></td> <td><p>History for Secondary School Book Two.</p> <p>-//-</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAY</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Abolition of Slave trade</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Guide the students on the running and origin of abolition of slave trade.</p> <p>Lead the students in presenting their responses in class for discussion and clarification.</p> <p>Guide the students to conduct a date base for assessing the geniuses of the reasons given for the abolition of slave trade.</p></td> <td><p>Students to read the written sources, discuss and explain the social and economic effects of abolition of slave trade.</p> <p>Students in group make notes on the treaties used in the process of abolition of slave trade.</p></td> <td><p>Written sources on the tactics used in the process of abolition of slave trade.</p> <p>Written sources on social and economic effects of abolition of slave trade.</p></td> <td><p>History for Secondary School Book Two.</p> <p>-//-</p></td> <td>Assess the social effects of abolition of slave trade.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>(d)</p> <p>British occupation of South Africa via the cape.</p></td> <td>4</td> <td>To lead the students in groups to find out from written sources why British were interested in the Capes of South Africa.</td> <td>Student in group to present their findings especially in the remaining attached in capitalism.</td> <td>Literature on the facture used to colonise the Cape of South.</td> <td>History of Southern Africa.</td> <td>Explain the main motives for British occupation in South Africa.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>JUNE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>1-4</td> <td colspan="9"><strong>TERMINAL EXAM &amp; LONG VACATION</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>JULY</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>-</p> <p>4</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>4</p> <p>4</p></td> <td><p>Guide the students individually, to find out from written sources on the factors used by the British to occupy the Cape.</p> <p>Guide the students in groups to discuss and compile routes on the factors used by the British to occupy cape.</p></td> <td><p>Students to engage on the discussion on the causes of bore teak in South Africa.</p> <p>Sketching map on those areas occupied by the Boers in South Africa.</p></td> <td>Literature on the reason and effects of Boer trek in South Africa.</td> <td>-//-</td> <td>Be able to explain the reason for the Boer trek in South Africa.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>AUGUST</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>1</td> <td colspan="9"><strong>END OF SYLABUS / REVISION</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
: : THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UBUNGO MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SECOND MOCK EXAMINATION FOR STANDARD **VII** 02 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Time: 1:40 Hours Agosti, 2024 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of section **A, B** and C with a total of seven (7) questions. 2. Answer **all** questions in the space provided in this paper. 3. Section A and B carry **twenty (20)** marks each and section C carries **ten (10)** marks. 4. All writings must be in blue or **black** ink pen, except drawings which must be in pencil. 5. Communication devices and any unauthorized material **are not allowed** in the examination room. 6. Write **your Examination Number and Name of your School** at the top right corner of every page. | | FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY | | | |--------------------------|---------------------------|--------|----------------------| | QUESTION NUMBER | | SCORES | EXAMINER'S INITIALS | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | | | TOTAL CHECKER'S INITIALS | | | | : : ## Section A: (20 Marks) 1. Listen carefully the story read by the invigilator then answer item (i) - (v) by choosing the letter of the correct answer and write it in the box provided. i. The two friends were walking in the __________________________ (a) forests (b) bush (c) street (d) desert (e) ground ii. One friend slapped another friend because of __________________ (a) anger (b) hunger (c) noise (d) arguments (e) thirsty iii. What did the friends find in the desert? _______________________ (a) stones (b) animals (c) sand (d) dust (e) water iv. The present form of word took is (a) taken (b) taking (c) take (d) took (e) takes v. Where did a slapped friend write for his friends? (a) on a rock (b) stone (c) sand (d) paper (e) dust 2. Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided i. The pupils of Uluguru secondary school water flowers before they go to class. In which word class is the underline word. (a) verb (b) adjective (c) preposition (d) nouns (e) pronouns ii. Marice was taken to the dustiest ______ her tooth was painfully aching. (a) so (b) and (c) yet (d) for (e) but iii. They were all quick but he was the _____of all. (a) quickest (b) quicker (c) more quick (d) quickly (e) quicken iv. I am strong ______ to lift a sack of maize. (a) enough (b) enough also (c) despite (d) enough to (e) more v. We took our bags to the kitchen, but later we could not remember ____________________we had kept them. (a) why (b) whom (c) where (d) which (e) who 3. Choose word from the box to complete the sentences Prepares, dizzy, greet, checkup, wake up, obedient, oculist, fruiter. i. Teddy was sent by her mother to buy oranges, mangoes and bananas from a ___________________________________ ii. A person who treats our eyes is known as __________________________ iii. Noni and Johari ______________________________early in the morning every day. : : iv. Monica __________________________ breakfast while Jeni sweeps the compound. v. When the teacher enters the classroom the pupils __________________her. | 4. | Match the words from column A to Column B in order to get their meanings COLUMN A ANSWER COLUMN B | | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------| | i | The sun smiled at me | A: Metaphor | | ii | Interpol, motel and brunch | B: Homonyms | | iii | My father is a lion, he is very cruel | C: Compounding | | iv | I left my watch on the bench as I went to watch a football match | D: Blending | | v | Airplane, butterfly, housefly and classroom | E: Homograph F: Personification G: Simile | ## Section B 5. Change the verbs given in the bracket to the correct form i. I missed your call. I was ______________ my homework when you called (do) ii. My sister __________________ very good English in 2008. (**speak**) iii. The pupils are ____________________ football at the moment. (**play**) iv. We would have won the match if we ____________enough practice (do) v. Each of the pupils ________________________an essay every day (**write**) 6. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the question followed Fluffy was a young rooster who lived on the big farm with other of his kind. He spent his pleasant days foraging for food or dozing off in the shade when the afternoon sun was very hot. He played and enjoyed taking a dust bath with other chickens. One day the farmer came into his coop and grabbed his two wings. He was so afraid because he didn't know why he was taken. He was then kept in a cage and taken far away from his farmer's house. After he arrived where he was taken, he started to live a miserable life because other roasters didn't like him. They felt jealous and sometimes attacked his soft feathers with their sharp beaks. He the realized there's no place like home. ## Questions i. How did fluffy spend his pleasant days? ________________________ : : ii. Why did other rooster attack fluffy?______________________________ iii. Who came and grabbed his wings? _____________________________ iv. Where was fluffy dozing when the sun was very hot? _______________ v. Suggest the suitable title of the passage. _________________________ ## Section C: (10 Marks) 7. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order by giving them letters **A, B, C, D, E** in the box provided i. Come with your brothers and sister ii. Well, I am writing to invite you to attend my birthday party iii. I am fine and I hope you are also doing well iv. It will be held at home on Saturday afternoon v. Dear John
60340814548.609764 + -694.2696519073735 = 60340813854.34011 -1297298689 + -6125921.842776777 = -1303424610.8427768 -8073894040850 + 87 = -8073894040763 4620009 + 22632310403 = 22636930412 -2668101181.90913 + 100000000000000.0 = 99997331898818.1 954820452 + -5527332543.390961 = -4572512091.390961 8304 + 41069953611564.84 = 41069953619868.84 -100000000000000 + 30257525 = -99999969742475 64520.94547144675 + -188514 = -123993.05452855324 -544725.2373119474 + -60568618333.53036 = -60569163058.76767 3081888034.291118 + 78203205.74303672 = 3160091240.034155 1 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000001.0 79959561355136.16 + 59063578712.370285 = 80018624933848.53 9237118 + 46.8828983584998 = 9237164.882898359 3302 + -61.76692303496371 = 3240.233076965036 154718296162 + -37.45380167379782 = 154718296124.5462 28442044492902 + 8726966728807 = 37169011221709 735930.5516814438 + 1850467631.6648731 = 1851203562.2165546 64292195525.30271 + 2424.3457536656615 = 64292197949.64847 -34 + -9006 = -9040 68086 + 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585526865822 = 585526865818 892.7487035711761 + 13.412526769455056 = 906.1612303406312 17147 + -3587772050 = -3587754903 97 + -5.98241038081815 = 91.01758961918185 -190.55557276201563 + -635960412015 = -635960412205.5555 4723940325337.723 + -632 = 4723940324705.723 791 + -796996825478.4979 = -796996824687.4979 -4729932642816 + 80058975119.10274 = -4649873667696.897 352606.43784262094 + -51.44941252509506 = 352554.98843009584 542853468791 + 53375163346702 = 53918016815493 -100000000000000.0 + 215751177.34303817 = -99999784248822.66 -2.442782295534211 + 652669545371 = 652669545368.5573 2546768 + 49039359968.91476 = 49041906736.91476 -8798473.031005267 + 36748.19047196999 = -8761724.840533298 -7841863510547 + -35711639.82541135 = -7841899222186.825 7357340195041 + 124802705844 = 7482142900885 -59080995 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999940919005.0 20225463 + -1.0319183579685776 = 20225461.968081642 4307044579 + 32836224012.64067 = 37143268591.64067 -86854559789 + 100000000000000.0 = 99913145440211.0 150589616662.74005 + -100000000000000.0 = -99849410383337.27 -9315.909242682392 + 40939952136 = 40939942820.09076 87193.7774395195 + 30988.564945341044 = 118182.34238486055 6 + 81938096286.66629 = 81938096292.66629 83778265365123.25 + -6366690385.794949 = 83771898674737.45 566666 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999433334.0 164779 + -5623690014 = -5623525235 1 + -756478553 = -756478552 7 + 704 = 711 -51682118.92929526 + 41 = -51682077.92929526 -552597.4402596992 + 96947504 = 96394906.5597403 13441630 + 742 = 13442372 -3673 + -5722484500611.339 = -5722484504284.339 -7548337667 + -2.4626597505081955 = -7548337669.46266 7 + -7920193730.906224 = -7920193723.906224 100000000000000 + 719 = 100000000000719 -313190432815.78577 + 99846 = -313190332969.78577 -880885080.6525041 + 23147529 = -857737551.6525041 -92999432974 + -123234199775 = -216233632749 -11678 + -61655652158.325005 = -61655663836.325005 -31596122375.090775 + -846379304494.9993 = -877975426870.0901 44392855824326.234 + -7849.271674233384 = 44392855816476.96 57666 + 64380.49165806609 = 122046.49165806608 -581100304.7770352 + -29202401827387 = -29202982927691.777 64583677890 + -664210570 = 63919467320 -389.0166443108032 + 4083 = 3693.9833556891967 4052466 + 295830.0791379988 = 4348296.079137999 931684945.4975934 + 100000000000000 = 100000931684945.5 -41.70591997244254 + -5494917 = -5494958.705919973 -5526683092.809267 + 7.8176443182078375 = -5526683084.991623 5862557225582 + 6045812 = 5862563271394 -296034.3439694564 + -7553545 = -7849579.343969457 2351731413342 + -115301.50615022825 = 2351731298040.4937 9882362 + -40293227 = -30410865 -45676 + -823030591 = -823076267 -23019 + 52018752145.38 = 52018729126.38 -25335096086 + -21313 = -25335117399 -3 + -70304.63578590495 = -70307.63578590495 34684760534617.96 + 692093 = 34684761226710.96 -560 + -52948.864794284076 = -53508.864794284076 -125628309.20351912 + 9624 = -125618685.20351912 40730 + -9 = 40721 -862506.9156410653 + 840153.1219911693 = -22353.793649896048 -100000000000000 + -6.182688531522951 = -100000000000006.19 -4793653939.367163 + -932.1503127230717 = -4793654871.517475 98580779101 + 9892221835 = 108473000936 270.40686589112545 + -9131973664 = -9131973393.593134 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 -472961483.33785826 + 74418231 = -398543252.33785826 -7046618497685.135 + 991169124 = -7045627328561.135 38007073.88314892 + -32051.542738916894 = 37975022.34041001 100000000000000 + 33322606.454362787 = 100000033322606.45 67 + 298219.6156430901 = 298286.6156430901 -25714699.31279421 + -8763.711308656159 = -25723463.024102863 -865.2650800645074 + -45 = -910.2650800645074 2.837630544150361 + -3370020574187 = -3370020574184.1626 -7341685.94248482 + -830779554809.3259 = -830786896495.2684 -5798 + 473614900 = 473609102 3296.204913909941 + -60366154741349 = -60366154738052.8 -82060 + 3889847278904.817 = 3889847196844.817 -953849 + -4393731487375 = -4393732441224 66270283.18770106 + 707031120067 = 707097390350.1877 -20103185636 + -3.2216829498212425 = -20103185639.221684 -100000000000000 + -3402087267858.0356 = -103402087267858.03 -99002266.6471047 + 9006901359 = 8907899092.352896 56432051446683.74 + -34521634 = 56432016925049.74 -4138816077.3329644 + 5504145251 = 1365329173.6670356 439 + -329.1064852688577 = 109.89351473114232 -3.445805909291166 + 730.3921544382135 = 726.9463485289224 94098024.85166597 + 56515796711284.29 = 56515890809309.14 134802362786 + -89179581162950.78 = -89044778800164.78 958 + 732131.1245187138 = 733089.1245187138 -42029609.246907935 + -993 = -42030602.246907935 967600.2113659781 + 2.243582760832126 = 967602.4549487389 12123332851413.07 + -44337005499.143524 = 12078995845913.928 -405571.38983260293 + -822257718.6797997 = -822663290.0696323 -3819702683.237626 + -689761.9117198738 = -3820392445.149346 22498536817380.5 + -80 = 22498536817300.5 100000000000000 + 3404447460 = 100003404447460 -209831103668 + -852467.3708603265 = -209831956135.37085 -7976726945.239889 + -490725537821.55695 = -498702264766.7968 -490298593.5141851 + 8766753.706197347 = -481531839.80798775 14058046 + 491944 = 14549990 5927.428810519054 + 873 = 6800.428810519054 2 + -669.8441601853586 = -667.8441601853586 7 + 9570609969.71909 = 9570609976.71909 -13298 + -1629238291170 = -1629238304468 68459690849020 + 20258059800046.29 = 88717750649066.28 -5090533 + 978179419 = 973088886 1571177370389 + 43 = 1571177370432 -307905.0131143428 + -9589331980696 = -9589332288601.014 67191571 + 4675734.590626368 = 71867305.59062637 -3041706502682.045 + 100556 = -3041706402126.045 -368795852134 + -961.9882578133053 = -368795853095.9883 -100000000000000 + 862824112 = -99999137175888 -320.44012916096693 + -9664836 = -9665156.44012916 100000000000000 + -90 = 99999999999910 7.186945563761678 + -778904.8416925288 = -778897.654746965 -4336996987050.178 + -3630878657063.623 = -7967875644113.801 -724.8934561320472 + -91 = -815.8934561320472 3848 + 88692410.40577096 = 88696258.40577096 -4 + -448859.16894654173 = -448863.16894654173 -1687550408.3180323 + 400266.7622781622 = -1687150141.5557542 2890266 + -4883138431 = -4880248165 716861.7791446964 + -504.883052968922 = 716356.8960917275 5518736031759.572 + 100000000000000 = 105518736031759.58 63769 + -100000000000000 = -99999999936231 624957.3250385841 + -22269525679 = -22268900721.67496 94516013 + 3.8802397244534976 = 94516016.88023973 7941146512417 + -12528.33306488079 = 7941146499888.667 540 + 2 = 542 -387.4347049615313 + 6287749 = 6287361.565295039 326210183133 + 5537666581.179479 = 331747849714.1795 -3802103494965 + -78689229.88230136 = -3802182184194.8823 -8716466234.151882 + -9896.730614568867 = -8716476130.882496 -58457469 + -2276.2868614864337 = -58459745.28686149 -21428 + -9462995.713509098 = -9484423.713509098 47174717102.99074 + -40707257354773 = -40660082637670.01 2743873 + 333979022801 = 333981766674 -95459988713253 + -822349724301.7544 = -96282338437554.75 852 + -9 = 843 -8157.223547516375 + -3147 = -11304.223547516376 -8682395813 + 53398822230 = 44716426417 5196957866204.162 + 75654460411 = 5272612326615.162 -5617196.379475115 + 366555299 = 360938102.6205249 -694690184 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999305309816.0 -650121464.834189 + 76499 = -650044965.834189 -564993162 + 65968478255.0086 = 65403485093.0086 786.7823585635725 + 3077.518396610885 = 3864.300755174457 -971917149629 + -99579931458.25314 = -1071497081087.2532 -5179179.325272498 + -19289864570755 = -19289869749934.324 -14563067367.017462 + -380207737302 = -394770804669.01746 -12959430911288 + -7580514 = -12959438491802 4296746391.101213 + 27.521648786880256 = 4296746418.622862 -42008951125252 + -2643736 = -42008953768988 3994288382868 + 4897.713034761347 = 3994288387765.713 -100000000000000.0 + -4.946052263126337 = -100000000000004.95 -64275 + 17048901 = 16984626 -3555487440820 + -5917453510985.262 = -9472940951805.262 -413291325952 + 1833908369.083087 = -411457417582.91693 -1 + -44251122178.21637 = -44251122179.21637 -376.1624787360955 + -9041797.881540675 = -9042174.04401941 -5484945438722.108 + 100000000000000 = 94515054561277.89 -398505 + -4357148836 = -4357547341 -7419439568442.213 + 100000000000000 = 92580560431557.78 374.2314047913613 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000374.23 41676278034167.44 + -1317378536.5810537 = 41674960655630.86 100000000000000.0 + 2542.692001658065 = 100000000002542.69 -5.138400614647815 + 5 = -0.13840061464781517 272202149 + -46918648818959 = -46918376616810 23.846317330880453 + -168640931162.29932 = -168640931138.453 -89.03091462290607 + -51180629521400 = -51180629521489.03 -8233 + -32498320.385687217 = -32506553.385687217 -72958165598034.12 + -5169 = -72958165603203.12 4503 + 390.7208795334132 = 4893.720879533414 -459184 + 793370.7641515684 = 334186.7641515684 -66 + 63548420441 = 63548420375 -396.68088095247725 + -6 = -402.68088095247725 -79741057.87830168 + -11015394 = -90756451.87830168 9383126243.558914 + 42 = 9383126285.558914 2084881.9370244017 + 219698368210 = 219700453091.937 -7816 + 727336.9859031226 = 719520.9859031226 5419436080065 + 497 = 5419436080562 66.57633122533238 + 23971168553 = 23971168619.576332 -544927061530.0296 + 8812029 = -544918249501.0296 738.5233673537995 + 1129.810344223008 = 1868.3337115768077 91.7708214539906 + -1568 = -1476.2291785460093 -6359263 + 2304696938062 = 2304690578799 -6526.337717179111 + 428151913 = 428145386.6622828 -169317319.50995904 + 9284241045419.281 = 9284071728099.771 342.3400798671095 + 4.753678074904233 = 347.0937579420138 82189493315666.95 + -695.0488757880372 = 82189493314971.9 552 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000552 -87181851508 + -59.70724465805529 = -87181851567.70724 -12876973055421.574 + -533.2220342316255 = -12876973055954.797 121360212.85056272 + -41016489156563 = -41016367796350.15 58800416267809 + -100000000000000 = -41199583732191 -800579568 + 225196876.64762703 = -575382691.352373 53852750705729.13 + 100000000000000 = 153852750705729.12 8037 + -76702108931 = -76702100894 14735352224655.707 + -6275514.088382629 = 14735345949141.62 69622082570464 + 582429077 = 69622664999541 2592 + 91777949390452.27 = 91777949393044.27 3892503324.558483 + 100000000000000 = 100003892503324.56 -594 + 40859.11186259193 = 40265.11186259193 -73137532651.25522 + -301389775479 = -374527308130.25525 77 + 4.591589847055314 = 81.59158984705532 8310263843694 + -1275 = 8310263842419 -7032199039.958693 + -88250 = -7032287289.958693 -190 + 3597294 = 3597104 -496581781 + -6326.735574290892 = -496588107.7355743 4539130161.562002 + 33284.40871385359 = 4539163445.970716 773030974 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999226969026.0 113826145878.38971 + -792185504.9893744 = 113033960373.40033 156.40042547880677 + -411.1750597209761 = -254.77463424216933 80952089260335.39 + 915846746 = 80953005107081.39 987332 + 223 = 987555 -72310933068027 + -100000000000000 = -172310933068027 -100000000000000.0 + 1959221 = -99999998040779.0 4.198286596923287 + -579217520090 = -579217520085.8018 -2340363.2434916473 + -5562 = -2345925.2434916473 -867776.0227049764 + -91829913 = -92697689.02270497 -86279618 + -804349520263 = -804435799881 -46687 + -98.73087296969196 = -46785.73087296969 9322 + -4230631190.4836183 = -4230621868.4836183 246947137 + -25187327291 = -24940380154 7556215991.093381 + 198 = 7556216189.093381 -959195.212971982 + -677292 = -1636487.212971982 -55.052392150439225 + -1719842996.683259 = -1719843051.7356513 56.01617049428842 + -62084519670 = -62084519613.98383 6 + -366213596608 = -366213596602 -8771566.656331941 + -780365 = -9551931.656331941 -897913744846 + 579195 = -897913165651 -76 + -50605 = -50681 -60428040 + 51480 = -60376560 -581972 + 73037048981422.34 = 73037048399450.34 6106132551443 + -2736288.4229837833 = 6106129815154.577 -59769329386091 + -840342863.9319795 = -59770169728954.93 93809.08087584285 + 38509930.83421251 = 38603739.915088356 258954468510.35248 + -4176317319020.6 = -3917362850510.2476 -9587714.197395323 + -39612202813.66612 = -39621790527.86352 9277797.534453884 + 12199364137825.78 = 12199373415623.314 921219236 + 2295055692.0663123 = 3216274928.0663123 -95739198216751 + -613113 = -95739198829864 2482357 + -73 = 2482284 -85996 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000085996.0 74652382185 + -9085131349243 = -9010478967058 -71849450394885 + -5912390976.900531 = -71855362785861.9 -35805437.96300519 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999964194562.03 -100000000000000.0 + -1.462905552042187 = -100000000000001.47 41824645 + 722857 = 42547502 217474 + -8 = 217466 -9 + 7689.473734513997 = 7680.473734513997 -7868 + -44.18431340079914 = -7912.1843134007995 -42 + 72963 = 72921 6518025570172 + -33902440951804 = -27384415381632 66971782 + 53566 = 67025348 -66942221033441 + -5480489714442 = -72422710747883 33533481846454 + 900795838873 = 34434277685327 -6824.188086203338 + 74 = -6750.188086203338 -254521120.0438313 + -7010.716927769889 = -254528130.76075906 -9224244507087 + -96730.96879619414 = -9224244603817.969 -50218440238143.375 + 3750599927.986942 = -50214689638215.39 -5700837996405 + 46582.17613049141 = -5700837949822.824 790225697042.2894 + -67192957229351 = -66402731532308.71 7 + 7772 = 7779 54.088216431446455 + -17.907432881130692 = 36.180783550315766 -66133898 + -6889009129294.803 = -6889075263192.803 -76.65671542946768 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999923.34 -6257.636772840135 + -380.4002744743743 = -6638.0370473145085 -291.6504397701043 + -925789.9702901008 = -926081.6207298709 1524950259973 + 789428.4629197498 = 1524951049401.463 571224074725 + 593381531.5876989 = 571817456256.5876 -11983005004 + 725739591298.8833 = 713756586294.8833 541647413.9057636 + 156694.6636931178 = 541804108.5694567 77.32072642947206 + 968556021368.4146 = 968556021445.7352 777690.9907385169 + 90938.83643238709 = 868629.827170904 -13039775465900.678 + 2592269.3821848277 = -13039772873631.295 -171 + 9485613863589.691 = 9485613863418.691 70992920 + -8463.74677327539 = 70984456.25322673 -49.22685795498604 + -29985 = -30034.226857954985 5389 + 53322034.18179549 = 53327423.18179549 327592260 + -26932281774648.098 = -26931954182388.098 -1195358.79696911 + -509686756 = -510882114.7969691 6.101494614834201 + 9 = 15.101494614834202 100000000000000 + 365014224 = 100000365014224 100000000000000.0 + 218922552369 = 100218922552369.0 2.6540279933244877 + 71019752808687.9 = 71019752808690.56 90530965000835 + 88504477640362 = 179035442641197 -68648943598 + -5643 = -68648949241 -970826134 + -150551.88728255566 = -970976685.8872826 6797 + 653025293.1177223 = 653032090.1177223 8036892333967 + -12 = 8036892333955 29377181994798.688 + 5576115 = 29377187570913.688 44739.116978567545 + 59363576 = 59408315.11697857 196148.86695906523 + -21123494181.29879 = -21123298032.43183 8569819609279.121 + 2643083910664.2334 = 11212903519943.355 -8796503954228.418 + 73453404017 = -8723050550211.418 963104 + -427325135500.2947 = -427324172396.2947 -61 + 3035 = 2974 -100000000000000 + -649 = -100000000000649 -391229218408 + -158 = -391229218566 -602989 + -5640527.569522509 = -6243516.569522509 53692611045 + -385061.3794223938 = 53692225983.620575 463.07524786921635 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999536.92 8739195.486180617 + 1 = 8739196.486180617 23881013156018 + 33291331867196.98 = 57172345023214.984 -360398.75023717014 + -20341430825341 = -20341431185739.75 7585950627193 + 3 = 7585950627196 -479996818.8271021 + -2882893 = -482879711.8271021 -3255 + 143703818737.3078 = 143703815482.3078 -9617148.159587875 + 9.57851583204287 = -9617138.581072044 88365.87692482438 + -55.08494352470561 = 88310.79198129967 9694848395335 + -684607 = 9694847710728 -47.85402578085718 + -5304706757.261761 = -5304706805.115787 -4554031431277 + 6780969277983.747 = 2226937846706.747 1541 + -90727 = -89186 66259766154.75331 + -79609132680323 = -79542872914168.25 50570772869 + 615.1443121463157 = 50570773484.14431 16.922040414841277 + -181 = -164.07795958515874 243151.96659896374 + 273006.8043187364 = 516158.77091770014 -7355394145843.236 + -75666167 = -7355469812010.236 8646.027444296637 + 821451201878.955 = 821451210524.9824 -1201201551528.28 + -3982562 = -1201205534090.28 60204 + -783955883.3463658 = -783895679.3463658 -27722.0546908143 + -902096652.479071 = -902124374.5337619 -5640248313317 + -2401 = -5640248315718 -9486538.586240044 + -2356782623 = -2366269161.58624 9489961.034393633 + 9 = 9489970.034393633 -83256.60331957923 + 9763782460 = 9763699203.39668 32 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000032.0 -4511.676475953389 + 47548884070 = 47548879558.323524 928138223034 + 926259232.4903799 = 929064482266.4904 -256253 + -361 = -256614 -59 + -3 = -62 78257.17566184049 + -698 = 77559.17566184049 6476180 + 491.08402432107465 = 6476671.084024321 95673142.15887372 + -74881149003.89871 = -74785475861.73984 47012192 + 9135692738 = 9182704930 8605 + 74287 = 82892 3217642987118.7314 + -67171237531082 = -63953594543963.266 6620.387161118321 + 926800283 = 926806903.3871611 5853125 + 91.93653824870269 = 5853216.936538248 53.6765947188607 + 64065957 = 64066010.67659472 357635.01511702104 + -1540 = 356095.01511702104 -77085095 + -81.64357026334933 = -77085176.64357026 9 + 40303.56211927454 = 40312.56211927454 307398287265 + 384 = 307398287649 61 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000061.0 -6673632694 + 8636598574 = 1962965880 57.40720423490894 + 3342044676 = 3342044733.407204 -2425414361 + 832186.7612389254 = -2424582174.238761 3.52641531586791 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000003.53 -100000000000000.0 + 448649.484397262 = -99999999551350.52 4521170 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000004521170.0 -8 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000008.0 -3607143436 + -96727.79833569544 = -3607240163.7983356 100000000000000 + -60084314567.78295 = 99939915685432.22 -98950652 + -96.48949437040746 = -98950748.48949437 73649.5246952991 + 4039465038242 = 4039465111891.525 -861869536289 + 818713807237 = -43155729052 -433560.30518482986 + 5172690418636.979 = 5172689985076.673 575800468.7630603 + 3988881437923 = 3989457238391.763 -832040 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999167960.0 -76717 + -834534259352.7905 = -834534336069.7905 28023216 + -508704 = 27514512 5202826.695192585 + 100000000000000 = 100000005202826.69 99448646.9708133 + 55963.881995702686 = 99504610.85280901 -9847 + -3041250716.160061 = -3041260563.160061 531.4485431252945 + -8241642.637845588 = -8241111.189302463 24307831.975639313 + 577393.3688302995 = 24885225.344469614 -188082 + -2504 = -190586 -100000000000000 + -4475716 = -100000004475716 910134635876.2894 + 157053087495 = 1067187723371.2894 7474672 + -94590488.67461401 = -87115816.67461401 5649998233 + -71205245922831.4 = -71199595924598.4 -814055965.972482 + -5811016011 = -6625071976.972482 1412996789811.9475 + 721277547893.2268 = 2134274337705.1743 -6308 + -58857852336373 = -58857852342681 -734655553 + -219309127 = -953964680 8880872 + 1995457612233.5322 = 1995466493105.5322 -712 + 7 = -705 -50 + 159312494 = 159312444 -953477397 + -7624226718 = -8577704115 -1145 + -9.975427925027374 = -1154.9754279250274 44 + -1493423143967 = -1493423143923 100000000000000 + 27425009326.42482 = 100027425009326.42 -36633926.245154336 + -100000000000000 = -100000036633926.25 782697.4242091039 + -6777734 = -5995036.575790896 498584 + 61410084912118.96 = 61410085410702.96 -252714637 + 2164675.257510174 = -250549961.7424898 -100000000000000 + -1115373.0485764227 = -100000001115373.05 9332.209594821848 + 896544 = 905876.2095948218 66 + -4 = 62 739247.1515859712 + 8448685955609.352 = 8448686694856.503 12993 + -34584988251.4787 = -34584975258.4787 6.914797732208153 + -8.646981473455211 = -1.7321837412470584 100000000000000.0 + 1345910013.493695 = 100001345910013.5 -70112657813600.22 + -96 = -70112657813696.22 -26330231184805 + -50037.59432488165 = -26330231234842.594 601107587584 + 57438454 = 601165026038 215632477.97381687 + 910025 = 216542502.97381687 9250154592 + 180248226406.55624 = 189498380998.55624 -98752836451314 + 9772845772.974237 = -98743063605541.03 168936131925.2527 + -84817515096492 = -84648578964566.75 606076 + 653 = 606729 3401988952699.668 + 8 = 3401988952707.668 -8695486744352 + -425243 = -8695487169595 -5.672947943464864 + 8444363.39721361 = 8444357.724265667 1 + 909342814 = 909342815 1596178.3857535315 + -94676774.22759865 = -93080595.84184512 -9934 + -891.0026998223758 = -10825.002699822377 48915231844 + 3438285048659 = 3487200280503 -7176145961 + -96516600542.82191 = -103692746503.82191 4685890184689.409 + -4592 = 4685890180097.409 -5 + 874524107426 = 874524107421 -69561993476827.34 + -11202203999279 = -80764197476106.34 8100873683691 + -386005544646.4103 = 7714868139044.59 1808.184107176297 + 6.801479564818744 = 1814.9855867411156 100000000000000.0 + -286402286783.7578 = 99713597713216.25 -2895 + 66633925533.887375 = 66633922638.887375 995.762220896003 + -90307408.79208758 = -90306413.0298667 115881549194 + -79973659295525.97 = -79857777746331.97 -7891230017.970723 + -984555.2348720295 = -7892214573.205595 58127698484486.59 + 690.6938421618948 = 58127698485177.29 836.261053631454 + -489 = 347.26105363145405 7 + -1120 = -1113 6268 + -48859008.34433505 = -48852740.34433505 100000000000000.0 + 8841 = 100000000008841.0 5598.669671547184 + -8867897178039.2 = -8867897172440.53 3134271128322.5405 + -413213190 = 3133857915132.5405 -1001.9656171143255 + 2606298.8827906027 = 2605296.9171734885 28780873 + -89997.11478751976 = 28690875.88521248 6721 + -8189397017561 = -8189397010840 -3.34629884003928 + 9503670 = 9503666.65370116 -429 + -847763872441 = -847763872870 30906.114125541117 + 90492 = 121398.11412554112 -365716753.83326304 + 4009 = -365712744.83326304 271727550 + 47994 = 271775544 44425.473667068625 + -8195237041.39102 = -8195192615.917353 7646130.062662409 + -42513205806647 = -42513198160516.94 -9128739390 + -3039 = -9128742429 99.86520699674902 + -587784054 = -587783954.134793 -247824073.27609748 + -52.646386488531355 = -247824125.92248395 906754705 + -1707805 = 905046900 -5.201986180743839 + -10383823606606.875 = -10383823606612.076 2094917214200.5635 + 5187 = 2094917219387.5635 -82 + 53564910.401294775 = 53564828.401294775 18.261146533027734 + 97588221974 = 97588221992.26114 -37926 + -8870196 = -8908122 -30.614348490093928 + -89 = -119.61434849009393 -5454523768544 + -58317.91146037357 = -5454523826861.911 986645466 + -6253064084.130476 = -5266418618.130476 95.83590572001526 + 90.5303528454475 = 186.36625856546277 -45761445.691655815 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999954238554.31 -100000000000000.0 + -1857143971 = -100001857143971.0 -512 + -48 = -560 7006788 + -59032.66695965002 = 6947755.33304035 -9184.989433966319 + 31245548 = 31236363.010566033 -10744294843277 + -7580.99417143877 = -10744294850857.994 -404773624828.87994 + -442300.7070226815 = -404774067129.587 550163.6525488023 + -89063711.43869317 = -88513547.78614436 3016525.974186126 + 7337534432 = 7340550957.974186 -6 + -4199 = -4205 -7.796173167125462 + 19501940758 = 19501940750.203827 -5 + 983 = 978 -8901812480 + -9366365238006.242 = -9375267050486.242 -9 + 77045530.65478046 = 77045521.65478046 100000000000000.0 + 90683297002 = 100090683297002.0 -5594671.047021103 + 584252 = -5010419.047021103 -229078607 + -901219432 = -1130298039 -43.19600925707724 + 5921.724188239164 = 5878.5281789820865 85640296997 + 440006507035 = 525646804032 -81472087393.68271 + 26252.4036360101 = -81472061141.27907 232.85803941389992 + 58930071491.80358 = 58930071724.66162 97 + -404301470 = -404301373 230 + 2995143 = 2995373 36554341748.72633 + 564904728.6080029 = 37119246477.334335 479434013142.3273 + 43 = 479434013185.3273 40314723.896516755 + -666819.2884906299 = 39647904.608026125 75311 + 4058279.6786802984 = 4133590.6786802984 145979521 + -61 = 145979460 7081046.049986341 + -560948 = 6520098.049986341 -406556 + -100000000000000 = -100000000406556 -5 + 221028085425 = 221028085420 100000000000000.0 + -2336512726901 = 97663487273099.0 84260397600010.28 + 32163427 = 84260429763437.28 45665687 + 980490740755 = 980536406442 9423 + -3347877913166.4287 = -3347877903743.4287 84692732098.77509 + 128874788523.132 = 213567520621.9071 9.71651063333069 + 89 = 98.71651063333069 714153913 + -74782362908 = -74068208995 -4889188.149272855 + 51 = -4889137.149272855 9232851 + -901807181073.6724 = -901797948222.6724 -4264922088 + -1.9787164733870743 = -4264922089.9787164 -100000000000000 + 3604085588307 = -96395914411693 83343565077099 + -35411674574 = 83308153402525 69516076688 + 9 = 69516076697 -5823930.388167609 + 1100626164740 = 1100620340809.6118 -94827095.43691732 + -2878.6504573183815 = -94829974.08737464 -497713027582 + -4 = -497713027586 -889526575.097989 + -314625906.4970335 = -1204152481.5950224 113098680713 + -562780.6852245303 = 113098117932.31477 -77844.0617235045 + 64669706635456.68 = 64669706557612.62 -4304334067799 + 427462749996.5074 = -3876871317802.4927 5318 + 36 = 5354 204737 + 2056735 = 2261472 -5573929121502.8955 + -165126 = -5573929286628.8955 -100000000000000 + 806701 = -99999999193299 508 + 823783157696.0945 = 823783158204.0945 -7.2706335711776156 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992.73 99051.87711453854 + 95447414907 = 95447513958.87712 249817 + 490 = 250307 842813976 + 1516558307535 = 1517401121511 -434860825 + 100000000000000 = 99999565139175 5 + 179 = 184 -60059223 + 27.173870031081382 = -60059195.826129965 -13494250777930 + -4050428528573.1426 = -17544679306503.143 64 + -964.8459771984571 = -900.8459771984571 9643437202746.406 + 100000000000000 = 109643437202746.4 36700875 + 37576474694 = 37613175569 10715.39861348247 + -73579956944063 = -73579956933347.6 73766.93222196153 + -628095326770.7634 = -628095253003.8312 67027339525.17494 + -701494199228.31 = -634466859703.1351 28.78134931905391 + 2699092182112.377 = 2699092182141.158 656301 + -30637230073188 = -30637229416887 6659873657.74867 + 71264389892427.36 = 71271049766085.11 -74878933069882 + 100000000000000 = 25121066930118 -913 + 546.9614265296088 = -366.03857347039116 -6581981940585 + -8356531581195.969 = -14938513521780.969 1 + -903 = -902 -386593311433.82605 + -9964090788.783432 = -396557402222.6095 665773113 + 74745456251 = 75411229364 -9482647124 + -1610653 = -9484257777 -3 + 6919382.2086345535 = 6919379.2086345535 -5163352 + 657870.22724608 = -4505481.77275392 24605674447373 + -7305547 = 24605667141826 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 -10 + -14399 = -14409 38090 + -674311659162 = -674311621072 3.0981018900110127 + -6601629.661427447 = -6601626.563325557 559912515272.5593 + -49261.91100852914 = 559912466010.6483 -64423405 + -1629318561285.9822 = -1629382984690.9822 622 + -648171881.9550092 = -648171259.9550092 63730 + -5414291262872 = -5414291199142 7556 + -917627127 = -917619571 -8707.628407827844 + -100000000000000 = -100000000008707.62 -540946747821 + -100000000000000 = -100540946747821 7.1186607012079275 + 85.94314572935052 = 93.06180643055845 54253261.277004346 + -975.0401681310613 = 54252286.23683622 100000000000000.0 + 64322.35371782449 = 100000000064322.36 -65714873407 + 822353352 = -64892520055 404703251543 + 46280152.96040154 = 404749531695.9604 67936182910227 + -100000000000000 = -32063817089773 -4322910530509.246 + 77500.66824080276 = -4322910453008.5776 -9047819710143.523 + -3030 = -9047819713173.523 4720510 + -3603.4770871322457 = 4716906.522912867 13602251032.385096 + 839 = 13602251871.385096 55261 + 229107 = 284368 34289480 + -7.338405982316622 = 34289472.66159402 52 + 70655750247228.64 = 70655750247280.64 593877977.6729078 + 583453026 = 1177331003.6729078 -1.5268910060366985 + 3135058.1392524946 = 3135056.6123614884 -84197100 + 88169618435321.84 = 88169534238221.84 417543339.737291 + -15949101518.215109 = -15531558178.477818 -3582360499 + -7535152222.386584 = -11117512721.386585 19 + 63189729.81107517 = 63189748.81107517 -4616 + 56019132504952.914 = 56019132500336.914 7155.763115576171 + -30521.738341544857 = -23365.975225968687 90923571 + 698556501.4154516 = 789480072.4154516 -862019109438.5056 + 9951484.990900422 = -862009157953.5148 -77945097725995 + 934681753402 = -77010415972593 -101266243102 + -4614751146 = -105880994248 -50870194371735 + -879179372 = -50871073551107 -299859 + -78308.76375022024 = -378167.76375022024 -80 + 7706712911140 = 7706712911060 9.459525810580198 + 43539311893841.8 = 43539311893851.26 100000000000000.0 + -739963241036.4086 = 99260036758963.6 6985695 + -23200929 = -16215234 -88998802303.1818 + 211585 = -88998590718.1818 80258.29164807164 + 11018 = 91276.29164807164 1 + -103353701983 = -103353701982 6653.497829654008 + -51740450.668516584 = -51733797.17068693 4312242479.024467 + 1138.259909777527 = 4312243617.284377 59189.67552158729 + -55488876 = -55429686.32447841 -6.825276488525476 + 74593311.16465649 = 74593304.33938 371.3822392208819 + 8220.402579778507 = 8591.78481899939 9269801873203 + -5773944750341 = 3495857122862 -7118 + -477174400 = -477181518 -53563462.97824333 + 54.72221200265309 = -53563408.25603133 -509391116418 + 900804038.0128863 = -508490312379.9871 -100000000000000 + 5800814.937790803 = -99999994199185.06 -162889051.59998393 + 83102543738 = 82939654686.40001 3987934 + 9292258370182 = 9292262358116 911 + 7474567 = 7475478 -761770212436 + -9314934597.476414 = -771085147033.4764 -13272288 + 7866 = -13264422 -2586 + 908805.8069084769 = 906219.8069084769 -44243047.228665374 + 74.26535117093186 = -44242972.963314205 -7548377175 + 416 = -7548376759 35.2346786583593 + -5675422805566.585 = -5675422805531.351 -100000000000000 + 32337673527847 = -67662326472153 560 + -64375516878498 = -64375516877938 100000000000000 + -6383689 = 99999993616311 5 + 76 = 81 -2878501827331 + 123095180.94116966 = -2878378732150.0586 9922.007996817361 + 8591.844126953674 = 18513.852123771037 -8750725231580 + -71252 = -8750725302832 -100000000000000.0 + -95837830965 = -100095837830965.0 -3886740 + -160.30574009937226 = -3886900.3057400994 5737.931246736767 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994262.06 44291601.87806491 + 798658088234.6583 = 798702379836.5364 7937791 + -2668644281608.877 = -2668636343817.877 -47423659 + -10125736.5469252 = -57549395.5469252 -5065156 + 177876796061 = 177871730905 224107.8624982786 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999775892.14 -7728 + -1865030638.9475794 = -1865038366.9475794 114092 + -2981363112007.091 = -2981362997915.091 100000000000000.0 + 12302886260167 = 112302886260167.0 820668652885 + 658831124334.0121 = 1479499777219.0122 -80846165437991 + 5803137901531.093 = -75043027536459.9 -8923603504 + 940149.8674747784 = -8922663354.132524 9 + 14690283 = 14690292 -101935.36435290324 + -2669515 = -2771450.3643529033 850452 + -995642487137 = -995641636685 907 + -70707046998939 = -70707046998032 -24220.97407303074 + 100000000000000 = 99999999975779.03 1794.4107952434865 + -97393626525.8768 = -97393624731.466 -2069787345532 + -94768.35169121064 = -2069787440300.3518 14584 + 1735790.1446797394 = 1750374.1446797394 12599 + -12608238.720115425 = -12595639.720115425 -7.910817137782843 + 891811300 = 891811292.0891829 -100000000000000.0 + -825048 = -100000000825048.0 68753.23038684782 + -7874902 = -7806148.769613152 632053134 + -43724567704090.17 = -43723935650956.17 9261337644941 + -31818166506305 = -22556828861364 -41760 + 695270131 = 695228371 709355561961.2156 + -205898407.07315588 = 709149663554.1425 -44386288 + -15267 = -44401555 51953858537107 + 609.3473348682746 = 51953858537716.34 31185945423.49756 + -24594556043.71467 = 6591389379.78289 -7291092244 + 5413242704.049606 = -1877849539.9503937 -422302.6676118278 + -154223.91080894988 = -576526.5784207777 -80262655 + -63053.1268351753 = -80325708.12683518 -776509092163.0153 + -477327614 = -776986419777.0153 1056690 + 69.86613052235086 = 1056759.8661305225 -5326691774.32026 + -4573 = -5326696347.32026 -29122761 + -4040821132 = -4069943893 -6 + 48251 = 48245 -3158241573226 + -47382283608399 = -50540525181625 -5900250437118 + 953.9534568676726 = -5900250436164.047 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 448448672923.70447 + -6 = 448448672917.70447 -92 + -5115952468 = -5115952560 67804357725575.82 + 46259.356850921424 = 67804357771835.18 100000000000000.0 + -26044125399.966774 = 99973955874600.03 100000000000000 + -1580503631.8745003 = 99998419496368.12 3.581991379606077 + 7280874127311.25 = 7280874127314.832 -5901758694390 + 51 = -5901758694339 1940937191 + 4143670188734.2607 = 4145611125925.2607 88963.81561137049 + -94111.07901329463 = -5147.263401924138 -32 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999968 28 + 6580374 = 6580402 -677 + 10 = -667 -81 + -9.326680572577029 = -90.32668057257703 1434260.5901211512 + -733.6214964567522 = 1433526.9686246945 803689063712.71 + 543269137 = 804232332849.71 -2 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000002 -705815439.5919222 + 3 = -705815436.5919222 98669974 + -6030 = 98663944 7408181328.11573 + 619055374 = 8027236702.11573 75 + 45205 = 45280 12253927 + -33720378.211404756 = -21466451.211404756 740876.981291377 + 686106291.4044042 = 686847168.3856956 -6662016891138 + 9685 = -6662016881453 9939.390415007638 + 2514951 = 2524890.3904150077 5.377372581893856 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999994.62 -20027261188997.242 + -97127476945996 = -117154738134993.25 -84427 + 572313 = 487886 -77352387.1337644 + 5.875034981221395 = -77352381.25872941 -874581 + 7281020144.60655 = 7280145563.60655 -1358 + 2837859987 = 2837858629 -8485510 + -7841.101972523132 = -8493351.101972522 -100000000000000 + -148546648124 = -100148546648124 46945.262704273824 + -989599510.954092 = -989552565.6913878 -600.3520999594883 + 732975409104.4203 = 732975408504.0682 -48 + -7530 = -7578 -4 + 5422388245046.121 = 5422388245042.121 -54645203 + -60.58260854198194 = -54645263.58260854 670327324103 + -594482 = 670326729621 -605000046 + 10061 = -604989985 -91146 + 110832 = 19686 -7679289761332.542 + 100000000000000.0 = 92320710238667.45 -8141041629.491725 + 2774628235.502429 = -5366413393.989296 14702 + 595491973.7656314 = 595506675.7656314 99120851840 + 9821.47120944265 = 99120861661.4712 -54747 + 142136971939.64343 = 142136917192.64343 -732045877525 + -5 = -732045877530 55698383.2404141 + -965452.085778894 = 54732931.154635206 100000000000000.0 + -7768 = 99999999992232.0 -86 + 64474 = 64388 4486576478580.1 + 8.781213318606218 = 4486576478588.881 3645866615963 + 9677729.584741333 = 3645876293692.585 330252195 + -51105990916.35827 = -50775738721.35827 341.82248041192474 + -59 = 282.82248041192474 21847689998334 + 4 = 21847689998338 100000000000000.0 + -9072810 = 99999990927190.0 6346647 + 983780.7447242176 = 7330427.744724218 3.686922898269725 + -216329344.60037422 = -216329340.9134513 -760 + 1180987 = 1180227 33133650.642882623 + -865 = 33132785.642882623 -91104213707183 + -31622.882205288755 = -91104213738805.88 25462 + -8 = 25454 -94214404657 + -6473464167 = -100687868824 752566504 + 362.1734202326018 = 752566866.1734202 -559270987031 + -704 = -559270987735 529166 + -743 = 528423 6775707564367.437 + 4881.1419177675025 = 6775707569248.578 24487.837977070318 + 4 = 24491.837977070318 -29034 + 5316308546 = 5316279512 -8752 + -75128600266790.16 = -75128600275542.16 77128.00546146215 + -8943 = 68185.00546146215 -4903910963963 + -339250354 = -4904250214317 -19363100930 + -7723481994.403852 = -27086582924.403854 1 + -546523497431.7309 = -546523497430.7309 100000000000000.0 + -7600318769.612955 = 99992399681230.39 -7975 + -582 = -8557 14905816186.628912 + 790680198746 = 805586014932.6289 9750 + -99594618 = -99584868 90207701272105.53 + 55 = 90207701272160.53 -52982 + 69091091947528.68 = 69091091894546.68 7 + -4848 = -4841 3105830 + 200805.13321790303 = 3306635.133217903 -100000000000000 + 87 = -99999999999913 -453541318007 + 576383 = -453540741624 9576019 + 2511177880 = 2520753899 -2.4175284473210708 + 30059773972250 = 30059773972247.582 3556581 + -89669897 = -86113316 42527274504.72876 + 7743848.779166874 = 42535018353.50793 -20833 + -100000000000000 = -100000000020833 5063359913892 + 923 = 5063359914815 81925 + -4642 = 77283 -176 + -869396711417.03 = -869396711593.03 -70834013600861.33 + 69510336.7265737 = -70833944090524.6 3.0906448274666345 + -7017886198635.292 = -7017886198632.201 -55346254 + -70696754981156.81 = -70696810327410.81 -5695161692 + 801878367 = -4893283325 198601244852 + 1862808981886 = 2061410226738 100000000000000 + -55404.78219196868 = 99999999944595.22 -100000000000000 + 110.39535052036709 = -99999999999889.61 -7802838400049.968 + -9206835525 = -7812045235574.968 814732 + -6394.800100606178 = 808337.1998993938 -23682179564139.086 + -9207904.239171732 = -23682188772043.324 5595641035718.222 + 885620850.0246528 = 5596526656568.246 -67192.82794388988 + 6321176499 = 6321109306.172056 63537241196.16003 + -518181183125 = -454643941928.83997 -54509627822.60862 + -2475938902371 = -2530448530193.6084 -496 + -918182795446 = -918182795942 9940.006026077963 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999990060.0 -9213.251833438218 + -888596.2241716974 = -897809.4760051356 -707120061249 + 878626 = -707119182623 -3577.11811317658 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999996422.88 -14.496001035847037 + -96711276839 = -96711276853.496 410 + 57787.278942691286 = 58197.278942691286 8422.01343814262 + -17234.043738340857 = -8812.030300198237 192772357306.5711 + -44904899582 = 147867457724.5711 7091869.514512736 + 68.99570448722068 = 7091938.510217223 -8 + -838843984773 = -838843984781 81484.40547108627 + 66022366.1531028 = 66103850.55857389 -4586307183363.709 + 4522123.884523735 = -4586302661239.824 4515.278978957593 + -52399567445.32188 = -52399562930.0429 926710193.7844157 + 56963317 = 983673510.7844157 -699578 + -24556681326 = -24557380904 -37476342043.31479 + -2939287623948.876 = -2976763965992.191 897152594.5344884 + -634510364.5154176 = 262642230.01907086 -2801.1961884206203 + -55747280681 = -55747283482.19619 4678356935476.523 + 6448 = 4678356941924.523 -21 + -8 = -29 -3322217.474362136 + 4491508071405.199 = 4491504749187.725 -21367995.997755505 + 366.803623647941 = -21367629.19413186 4144.768443058656 + -434 = 3710.768443058656 -4341548058.357444 + -7007112430.48835 = -11348660488.845795 -521 + -99346.01759879648 = -99867.01759879648 -3793731635 + 3285.9260983189592 = -3793728349.0739017 -386351 + 603542721139.3975 = 603542334788.3975 277.3643805932785 + 890152982656 = 890152982933.3644 688201080042 + -91026288142 = 597174791900 3010990666701 + -17016563125745 = -14005572459044 -89306960.94218187 + 7974355.737842525 = -81332605.20433934 6459079.992387664 + -7231476 = -772396.0076123364 -141.2450997114493 + -3714034311 = -3714034452.2450995 6527768.131333631 + 5.235968292583091 = 6527773.367301924 -235.39592910236667 + -5512.3578830773795 = -5747.753812179746 362108777269 + 76531155781857 = 76893264559126 -71460627275179.47 + -46521623.64318003 = -71460673796803.11 -6107705007.355553 + 3411121069 = -2696583938.3555527 -9972839655 + -867.4291080928319 = -9972840522.429108 -908682201 + 1764511 = -906917690 66682487.69649015 + 2382 = 66684869.69649015 -3 + 6987669808899.74 = 6987669808896.74 -9926411268.59477 + 991704385234.955 = 981777973966.3602 544 + 9804815132.360104 = 9804815676.360104 -83963126750 + -9.599853902439476 = -83963126759.59985 95973.87259512472 + -292201.5563337519 = -196227.68373862718 303528073.62356615 + -1160227.2533622272 = 302367846.3702039 -55048443.433015615 + 874.3041564860719 = -55047569.128859125 -6341.328586168358 + 928480132.5920753 = 928473791.2634891 100000000000000.0 + -95797832480.26016 = 99904202167519.73 -846910.2190112835 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999153089.78 388.12918741000124 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999611.88 72.64695399642363 + 97.5646850257518 = 170.21163902217543 7.394341913941021 + -59080942407 = -59080942399.60566 -8376818 + 5 = -8376813 8 + -858913 = -858905 -42.165747543858195 + -4329073 = -4329115.165747544 100000000000000.0 + 8596453 = 100000008596453.0 -810390.5730437347 + -39402586.58121912 = -40212977.154262856 45804911410 + 177.05570188151282 = 45804911587.0557 -51 + 669616.8896501167 = 669565.8896501167 87875484022342 + 213633 = 87875484235975 -144418005652.63687 + 3541439594 = -140876566058.63687 -100000000000000 + 36585408798 = -99963414591202 -6828703506742.761 + 3586368085 = -6825117138657.761 -280112.5731270472 + 2330202568561.259 = 2330202288448.6855 6442828.980001085 + 8439377342781.803 = 8439383785610.783 89701472.41568625 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999910298527.58 -60417.319796828044 + 571122609266.7391 = 571122548849.4193 36398894856715.125 + 100000000000000 = 136398894856715.12 -5612189605083 + 99102547926895 = 93490358321812 229010539 + 424088239209.9481 = 424317249748.9481 -355340 + -6498028782573.844 = -6498029137913.844 98874476.10710773 + -733336309.2477702 = -634461833.1406624 8 + -3302693763.2482595 = -3302693755.2482595 645897364625 + -21.28436455583742 = 645897364603.7156 63476589232286.695 + -37377932.46545845 = 63476551854354.23 3372742 + 621249 = 3993991 44977933491 + 226503 = 44978159994 279.76448696814566 + -31 = 248.76448696814566 38.90251069124483 + -6250851173.554476 = -6250851134.651965 286.69089200706935 + -366961728159 = -366961727872.3091 41 + -57977592868.48954 = -57977592827.48954 46898276 + 70736 = 46969012 -3738 + 86.11967084686897 = -3651.8803291531312 5779863 + 10745311050.029469 = 10751090913.029469 -5293.482718537067 + -4171775 = -4177068.482718537 62068 + 96565930892.17438 = 96565992960.17438 -9731639 + 618980814 = 609249175 11435205572 + -858655721 = 10576549851 -105087593.37113827 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000105087593.38 2922116477.213433 + 100000000000000 = 100002922116477.22 -6571714149 + -955258.3926930253 = -6572669407.392693 46.12215232983824 + 9214979.203766331 = 9215025.325918661 -105 + 63714480 = 63714375 100000000000000.0 + 1 = 100000000000001.0 -9 + 21383008 = 21382999 42935059 + 709438.4432958233 = 43644497.44329582 46648360993810 + -1497 = 46648360992313 996177939411 + 648 = 996177940059 -6.568570424614931 + -85679138772195 = -85679138772201.56 -2062926690 + -16668824790815 = -16670887717505 135973 + 6762.864136344202 = 142735.8641363442 1.18918197643637 + 6610610981 = 6610610982.189182 -71051618 + 2.5840346935468848 = -71051615.4159653 179.54626394859972 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999820.45 418720759419.4069 + -98.964577938399 = 418720759320.4423 100000000000000.0 + 643821843011.6492 = 100643821843011.66 6483102486.1508045 + 9188652688 = 15671755174.150805 -3769450.2483158135 + -8078039.154476736 = -11847489.402792549 -2364924709.2019005 + -500388.3110523027 = -2365425097.512953 2 + 41176826298.551674 = 41176826300.551674 -20215 + -3129.9121410703615 = -23344.912141070363 -375635902527.1367 + -771371172.3267481 = -376407273699.46344 -3104.9471849755605 + 372478245285.93066 = 372478242180.98346 1935 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000001935.0 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 76 + -616449 = -616373 7 + -776 = -769 4.032746760597447 + -6374880822788 = -6374880822783.967 -48298 + 8740115275 = 8740066977 100000000000000.0 + 10982954331.414513 = 100010982954331.42 4.386795548806599 + -22785313.520623647 = -22785309.133828096 6466070774.636948 + -134180690985 = -127714620210.36305 96278.20240723657 + -162529955.57571533 = -162433677.3733081 12572.502748746976 + 100000000000000 = 100000000012572.5 -51728115059098 + -24212.195421142707 = -51728115083310.195 125718.13597176586 + 100000000000000 = 100000000125718.14 -53792873573974 + -8774188747 = -53801647762721 -152726973.59571123 + 5.04505356043336 = -152726968.55065766 -7 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999993 -675313596 + 89760694465 = 89085380869 100000000000000 + 5463986645760 = 105463986645760 -872 + -832 = -1704 -94046807763881.19 + -42899 = -94046807806780.19 12324364431461 + 525711.4688104324 = 12324364957172.469 75384002365 + -56678 = 75383945687 -201104078382 + -562 = -201104078944 -4816541.594475241 + 4325444 = -491097.5944752414 72 + -22167 = -22095 -4027572061820 + -35714.85608381741 = -4027572097534.856 3 + 594539237679.1792 = 594539237682.1792 75188665682 + 120071105686 = 195259771368 995307148 + -42417305784.507996 = -41421998636.507996 -61530 + -69474250308327.734 = -69474250369857.734 64164 + -45661728 = -45597564 7312.599289980534 + -92 = 7220.599289980534 -37220275831317 + -43764.57925385625 = -37220275875081.58 -7 + 669960.0200845844 = 669953.0200845844 -534.6686796522952 + -5520602.574034069 = -5521137.2427137215 -835259152694.7971 + 283.5091242303064 = -835259152411.288 57230.654974605626 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000057230.66 94740098608 + -3177.1436139784537 = 94740095430.85638 586030018169.427 + -12 = 586030018157.427 549184967 + -758 = 549184209 -42386.577154206054 + -860223041 = -860265427.5771542 -43619310017656 + -614990 = -43619310632646 -862897209 + 1380920 = -861516289 -76670677422.80222 + 15.442037378697767 = -76670677407.36018 9137906.350485519 + -4 = 9137902.350485519 715461673.8843045 + 1669838 = 717131511.8843045 -685780 + -205.14721306106068 = -685985.1472130611 5806959766614.035 + 48913651377338 = 54720611143952.03 2744209 + -37074360552951.88 = -37074357808742.88 12 + 52227528035.72485 = 52227528047.72485 -43419922 + -76798855 = -120218777 472510314 + -34.50437444401627 = 472510279.49562556 7603 + 68 = 7671 -944911128 + 885.9872837152454 = -944910242.0127163 -2353.261133030615 + -87126 = -89479.26113303061 100000000000000 + -502.42425697263735 = 99999999999497.58 56073744888 + 86457 = 56073831345 100000000000000.0 + -70366365.85552481 = 99999929633634.14 3735006225386.785 + -85714.64545901133 = 3735006139672.1396 -57463068218.620255 + 573825234474.6135 = 516362166255.9933 95291468978531 + 5062985005800 = 100354453984331 -7.835212575845398 + -40714.698207594745 = -40722.53342017059 -96.99956671968486 + 197171729.50895536 = 197171632.50938863 -253856522693.35056 + 100000000000000.0 = 99746143477306.66 200248.88152179783 + 854299.743405938 = 1054548.624927736 -81847.34881195155 + 15 = -81832.34881195155 326489968 + 708712752.0125381 = 1035202720.0125381 91691348467752.28 + -50 = 91691348467702.28 87996423772.76268 + 4544748.7752713105 = 88000968521.53795 -29235.7960136864 + -9119 = -38354.7960136864 -8.30307808565619 + -87257342.36911407 = -87257350.67219216 -21962392003 + -68779035 = -22031171038 883948845.8095738 + -98558 = 883850287.8095738 173.17416494306616 + -2942109.1592061557 = -2941935.9850412128 -100000000000000 + 369.22485412570194 = -99999999999630.78 -697715 + 91212686 = 90514971 -7899 + -813096332.999054 = -813104231.999054 -93780461.86992083 + -21511878 = -115292339.86992083 121824 + 8741299496796 = 8741299618620 3.4769628194329742 + -93767371.89961235 = -93767368.42264953 -918382555 + 9913412010899.16 = 9912493628344.16 -2064.31115461007 + -965789.1080051075 = -967853.4191597176 541981349460.99506 + 820924717.0685889 = 542802274178.06366 97090488.18897672 + -64006318116301 = -64006221025812.81 33 + 9338648701.440931 = 9338648734.440931 -43569606801036 + 170209273.94903848 = -43569436591762.055 -265768718106.9898 + -49.653141899570635 = -265768718156.64294 -9638291 + 28 = -9638263 -3.572251706415465 + 4596 = 4592.427748293585 -87 + 7.2921686826493906 = -79.70783131735061 -90589066924 + -7057 = -90589073981 -14617961813284.047 + 57641791417863.08 = 43023829604579.03 72086609144.47563 + -6919.704549063752 = 72086602224.77109 3369364994415 + 100000000000000.0 = 103369364994415.0 -52658674488.97101 + 15926698386 = -36731976102.97101 -37.546110381466676 + -97600.07058623999 = -97637.61669662145 -22075640216962 + -574289.3129013884 = -22075640791251.312 2816302566119 + -947088.0575963423 = 2816301619030.9424 -60336786466 + -932.4389712140209 = -60336787398.43897 -79933893 + 71033.49284215027 = -79862859.50715785 2505083273 + -2444.2152973070442 = 2505080828.784703 -683820146 + 1470588361884.3953 = 1469904541738.3953 96852.62118679585 + -995 = 95857.62118679585 1161717524 + 4582123000070.658 = 4583284717594.658 436932 + 65750723489 = 65751160421 63812 + -976982409811 = -976982345999 59089669.739328295 + -346158973 = -287069303.26067173 -67549 + 27251937703.84112 = 27251870154.84112 143 + 6847863170978.366 = 6847863171121.366 61076503 + -73343634556041 = -73343573479538 -7.357688037370845 + 292650356.9711828 = 292650349.6134948 85791 + 8955643.464848291 = 9041434.464848291 222613.74296104198 + -100000000000000 = -99999999777386.25 -630.7459968568077 + -3985238.5907790465 = -3985869.336775903 -58.56718035932934 + 6748.229256479898 = 6689.662076120569 72336607592676.88 + 6481011021 = 72343088603697.88 -56883032 + 584032.6804928039 = -56298999.3195072 73187101889494.81 + 3 = 73187101889497.81 788792292 + -6866.005161473609 = 788785425.9948385 -19686472 + -4079.089786463084 = -19690551.089786462 -804348119 + -75986917738.54337 = -76791265857.54337 45 + 9880524247513 = 9880524247558 6386892.187588558 + 25696466647384.844 = 25696473034277.03 -100000000000000 + -9.585532798891883 = -100000000000009.58 2526438484.0889144 + -2222986642.9423056 = 303451841.1466088 319013763507.6978 + 100000000000000 = 100319013763507.7 3.9808418128665295 + 929214322228 = 929214322231.9808 2 + -9625.027613616752 = -9623.027613616752 14830260999379.195 + -146721348257.856 = 14683539651121.34 9471403774.441225 + 33 = 9471403807.441225 964200.908483905 + -258 = 963942.908483905 1974162171 + -89919352 = 1884242819 -557 + 8287289202605 = 8287289202048 9941188723.15825 + -499104.48618942033 = 9940689618.672062 100000000000000 + 1 = 100000000000001 100000000000000 + 989236432 = 100000989236432 -2629.4574376120995 + -2637.554588321765 = -5267.012025933865 3643677634791.987 + 744794152 = 3644422428943.987 -902961 + 311 = -902650 6 + 16152.125357830711 = 16158.125357830711 380575028649.2567 + 100000000000000 = 100380575028649.25 5989 + -3208.8167911671826 = 2780.1832088328174 14325.493699183051 + -63231971.952978685 = -63217646.4592795 -252950.68283892013 + -6099731 = -6352681.6828389205 71842230.00171033 + 87 = 71842317.00171033 -68162 + -876.3542648147941 = -69038.3542648148 -38031613616331 + 70.55135868229739 = -38031613616260.445 -9213865475608.828 + -81335 = -9213865556943.828 1.110940552151101 + 9185947856.981407 = 9185947858.092348 -38778231 + -319343 = -39097574 198792032366.17987 + -6250079472815 = -6051287440448.82 -7 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999993.0 4921792.26562467 + -94483492113.7509 = -94478570321.48528 478.8486342729929 + -65.47347172205166 = 413.37516255094124 370 + 82557223 = 82557593 85154 + 716.8897821774333 = 85870.88978217743 652 + -9975.86169552737 = -9323.86169552737 9.642983900244744 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999990.36 -55870565502254.91 + -9.910249260303832 = -55870565502264.82 -9971859351031 + -8401056670.537582 = -9980260407701.537 919168008 + 9265415481647 = 9266334649655 -2507.5321645696276 + 5.448662062513661 = -2502.083502507114 -81293321731298.19 + -92872.60015861297 = -81293321824170.78 48179 + 40974947943 = 40974996122 -20558146590.049614 + 528577727 = -20029568863.049614 -145235.22101320312 + -88708023633630 = -88708023778865.22 -53544844212548 + -100000000000000.0 = -153544844212548.0 100000000000000.0 + 76720479576897.12 = 176720479576897.12 4181127233 + 52581733046628.625 = 52585914173861.625 -32.57328547928458 + 692.1941836978168 = 659.6208982185323 -75 + 14.931029574493024 = -60.068970425506976 85 + -1476437625483 = -1476437625398 59387632658404 + -4669950.141524743 = 59387627988453.86 -6723704145194.199 + -345405.31602451083 = -6723704490599.516 -71363316.69217284 + 5446699044893 = 5446627681576.308 -92110236 + 100000000000000 = 99999907889764 9963.944537928835 + -62779.13125889847 = -52815.186720969636 -119067635 + 21046503234.651062 = 20927435599.651062 -762928885784 + 100000000000000 = 99237071114216 2972230196 + -289900646562.3725 = -286928416366.3725 -74638670952.54486 + 776160654.3241429 = -73862510298.22072 6 + -1579030842142 = -1579030842136 67151.17383099039 + -941068 = -873916.8261690096 46448954067332 + -661 = 46448954066671 41803.289366311416 + -1765638365096.2925 = -1765638323293.0032 74.90003715262642 + 250.42339104120236 = 325.3234281938288 -3969883 + 9199516 = 5229633 100000000000000 + 802877961 = 100000802877961 -944347731 + -6 = -944347737 1 + -46914015999861.34 = -46914015999860.34 1171.4258607920297 + 82990 = 84161.42586079203 -10333.487434140245 + 5978171819566.345 = 5978171809232.857 287670970.2151332 + 850762 = 288521732.2151332 -77 + 6431 = 6354 438331009213.66815 + -2 = 438331009211.66815 51931.95983913136 + 922202456 = 922254387.9598391 -57404702315 + -48162981740 = -105567684055 100413794 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999899586206.0 78946 + -7602152241 = -7602073295 -4 + -64090659378130.84 = -64090659378134.84 -41057154995809 + -689.1863518785212 = -41057154996498.19 9610932071440 + 4.419403999245951 = 9610932071444.42 100000000000000 + -2 = 99999999999998 40297 + -100000000000000 = -99999999959703 5646655.237536955 + -9050768997129.975 = -9050763350474.736 474511.6697101427 + -332.72983368923394 = 474178.9398764535 36530145134718 + -550445 = 36530144584273 556820.0056077845 + -996886 = -440065.9943922155 -57 + 81.01776245157865 = 24.017762451578648 -100000000000000 + -26992.094143927272 = -100000000026992.1 -71845044 + 9688 = -71835356 -574 + -825 = -1399 -100000000000000 + 973.4414975762703 = -99999999999026.56 -9.338107992628537 + -5606017467 = -5606017476.338108 8005422.042912396 + 9962306957 = 9970312379.042912 -50275104779 + 13 = -50275104766 9221577.533802915 + -5837856102.554215 = -5828634525.020412 -89564088314.6078 + 659599 = -89563428715.6078 -7935960106781 + 5300 = -7935960101481 -90920.49376335517 + -264158 = -355078.4937633552 -687725981685.3757 + 7307934898 = -680418046787.3757 67302.25593358696 + 6609.535000066993 = 73911.79093365395 4777896129 + 53840186.39780082 = 4831736315.3978 -8971643151329 + -100000000000000.0 = -108971643151329.0 19129430428828.164 + -9 = 19129430428819.164 1419 + 48564280448479.14 = 48564280449898.14 302011209 + 5699.998789121591 = 302016908.99878913 19212252 + 63115924.9985345 = 82328176.9985345 9.718451998312169 + 65.4025991417878 = 75.12105114009998 -8262405.359747972 + -62054773.94902499 = -70317179.30877297 -3.754961624973078 + -12113.536355916065 = -12117.291317541038 9.700477821127208 + 11419.20825167135 = 11428.908729492478 -8810843435 + -7 = -8810843442 40190440918235.13 + 848107.7036380339 = 40190441766342.836 -96191511758165 + -100000000000000.0 = -196191511758165.0 -698.8660159105984 + -465479121.97822875 = -465479820.84424466 487402333.99681306 + 100000000000000 = 100000487402334.0 75072822243.39017 + 606438899 = 75679261142.39017 24.381679123151322 + 805626985758 = 805626985782.3817 100000000000000 + -7629544.268980897 = 99999992370455.73 -100000000000000.0 + -68016034324753 = -168016034324753.0 992813739630 + 870057407.1307274 = 993683797037.1307 -100000000000000.0 + -854 = -100000000000854.0 -51682648.901271135 + -396.0257103347593 = -51683044.92698147 2373891215621 + 12408.503343518792 = 2373891228029.5034 492943228856 + -59043134 = 492884185722 98914254603.32463 + 401.8855408542102 = 98914255005.21017 -45959.39301808486 + 2070764 = 2024804.6069819152 596507435701 + 4356 = 596507440057 -43.044024233448546 + -8252346.189041703 = -8252389.233065937 -48526043468.62645 + -53998706 = -48580042174.62645 8059111095128 + 3212602252.450373 = 8062323697380.45 100000000000000 + -893667.0779920868 = 99999999106332.92 7366038.492265323 + 2504.66309504045 = 7368543.155360363 85 + -649081 = -648996 644283230.3905991 + 100000000000000 = 100000644283230.39 -4 + 234 = 230 -96 + -867379 = -867475 -814 + -99293358984891 = -99293358985705 8993875218.00755 + 9486.440135959334 = 8993884704.447685 701.4764282139115 + -404860 = -404158.52357178606 -859.2220640812258 + 227820141.20210955 = 227819281.98004547 -2393447313211.913 + -4408524.5020559225 = -2393451721736.415 2713.0895956307595 + 967205179096.4965 = 967205181809.586 4162801301128 + -100000000000000 = -95837198698872 -616.697905556877 + -7248881 = -7249497.697905557 -26288099483440.977 + 9379.519560863164 = -26288099474061.457 1847409372298.643 + 44458172.5572099 = 1847453830471.2002 385744111 + 66218616 = 451962727 -3258812151 + -17627.03019819552 = -3258829778.030198 3274199.8025913564 + 4736337 = 8010536.802591356 -14807887456 + 624693.7183760473 = -14807262762.281624 1588 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000001588.0 2514062404.390994 + 160047.7557276904 = 2514222452.146722 -5801729 + 6963707287510.719 = 6963701485781.719 8977474508 + 7044.34655160988 = 8977481552.346552 58046543033547.836 + -659702851094 = 57386840182453.836 -3.377470506119407 + 83572.6328523206 = 83569.25538181448 88137 + -61736.23079281778 = 26400.769207182217 9325.291580951212 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999990674.7 17389557259 + 73 = 17389557332 2056849.8845240683 + -50685975134235 = -50685973077385.12 -2660 + -250158789909 = -250158792569 -100000000000000.0 + -66885448037.094696 = -100066885448037.1 367 + 2039.8810192773394 = 2406.8810192773394 63441305 + -48019247 = 15422058 -3193584358 + -209.71530964362208 = -3193584567.7153096 66349248204.44694 + 3027344117155.242 = 3093693365359.689 -100000000000000.0 + 60329.527798708565 = -99999999939670.47 -6 + -970754468916.6292 = -970754468922.6292 -9.65490547458004 + -5583991403990.8125 = -5583991404000.468 -1636 + 75350688836878 = 75350688835242 -17438.37893077826 + -323161.65501768055 = -340600.0339484588 -3196440199570.589 + -10899298 = -3196451098868.589 -5272 + -323842109401 = -323842114673 -83195873033 + 8 = -83195873025 56801846 + 500841 = 57302687 63687433 + -5330772.065195611 = 58356660.93480439 -920875468427.3082 + 3212.7011176982155 = -920875465214.607 72 + 634205.4875319559 = 634277.4875319559 20258949499191 + -4 = 20258949499187 14963036449320 + 16 = 14963036449336 559508084079 + 56377.0297335482 = 559508140456.0298 16286 + -40027850527.83344 = -40027834241.83344 130721 + 76 = 130797 6511093903 + 6.970559260134711 = 6511093909.970559 -152219 + 100000000000000 = 99999999847781 -1624.5599692651952 + -19903001 = -19904625.559969265 -12059193.34162549 + -100000000000000 = -100000012059193.34 -1834377809575 + 80825038516861 = 78990660707286 -64433.45577981293 + 389562840979 = 389562776545.54425 -43.45208548774183 + 953 = 909.5479145122582 -61788992056667 + 6962375.935222134 = -61788985094291.06 -399176 + -409513507 = -409912683 53016 + 32738633015 = 32738686031 78793313 + -7434053.643870463 = 71359259.35612954 -23878658656 + 7609175.379729826 = -23871049480.62027 -9164526.226689247 + -3.7120797905819387 = -9164529.938769039 -5 + -83001.13820280996 = -83006.13820280996 -762 + 43631771810.19626 = 43631771048.19626 976620397499.7615 + 7883447.3959131595 = 976628280947.1573 -51441 + 8764128977164 = 8764128925723 159.5782417453091 + 73951340521 = 73951340680.57825 2.870216036538457 + -6 = -3.129783963461543 43954009506668.875 + -361340081347 = 43592669425321.875 -38 + -575274994973.7031 = -575274995011.7031 4565234620426 + 1097.1541425684693 = 4565234621523.154 518902.9884165236 + -81.71643758626054 = 518821.2719789374 -5124364.080663803 + -695 = -5125059.080663803 -7228324052148.743 + -66477248540 = -7294801300688.743 9.629593570454666 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000009.62 -7.805019792302293 + -7613595.817867 = -7613603.622886792 -1 + -6089869619.850137 = -6089869620.850137 -5 + 55 = 50 -1 + -381719 = -381720 83071.4948354082 + 45489252.92624165 = 45572324.42107706 789602803.0864373 + 32930980 = 822533783.0864373 59670548659558 + 381644267 = 59670930303825 -13435 + 554527214 = 554513779 439849641734.68 + 2 = 439849641736.68 -9352453.836174082 + -7787256973490.642 = -7787266325944.478 8 + 2 = 10 -100509.93666869454 + -3844254288.671705 = -3844354798.6083736 -49 + -797411545 = -797411594 -4311036 + 358553935466.72845 = 358549624430.72845 6718907552 + -949 = 6718906603 31721058939.436123 + 100000000000000.0 = 100031721058939.44 3994 + -18451524752 = -18451520758 -402 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999598.0 148857 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000148857.0 -9485404704.963066 + 5 = -9485404699.963066 982912523163 + -97223080811 = 885689442352 3041958281493.656 + 14267521214 = 3056225802707.656 8128224086016.63 + -24068740095.4013 = 8104155345921.229 2.089006762198585 + 579 = 581.0890067621986 5791928 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000005791928.0 -1085020185976.7284 + -9827.425655282304 = -1085020195804.154 -2440 + 2039264 = 2036824 860614 + -18026557003.152813 = -18025696389.152813 -819.9141083498623 + -267106716 = -267107535.91410834 824 + 524.8616242393737 = 1348.8616242393737 22185762760234.215 + 35017.11657946122 = 22185762795251.332 -537402327116.1496 + -9655 = -537402336771.1496 906423293.5322473 + 817038 = 907240331.5322473 9.607811401227641 + -943948120979.4528 = -943948120969.845 89400.58495236495 + -931590624799.4436 = -931590535398.8586 -200582608684 + -7 = -200582608691 9.72934846889724 + -6.828598707393735 = 2.900749761503504 71313.37498947146 + 56172.31782466741 = 127485.69281413886 -21293 + -402.843563718956 = -21695.843563718958 436 + 9500.4023076397 = 9936.4023076397 -75 + 3760347 = 3760272 1864195688.8149872 + 7.35510672384114 = 1864195696.170094 70106636622 + -749671316 = 69356965306 -361314849.00469035 + 1728356.2079262414 = -359586492.79676414 615526 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999384474.0 3349870557 + 36.89834394342188 = 3349870593.898344 75091733429996.9 + -100000000000000 = -24908266570003.094 8320497544038 + -76.54824291190643 = 8320497543961.452 -26130103355994.25 + -100000000000000.0 = -126130103355994.25 -16726016129809 + -6055316664429.218 = -22781332794238.22 3549145819851.92 + 100000000000000 = 103549145819851.92 89237755.10986632 + 13924812344542.262 = 13924901582297.371 -584175 + -82855427673.64717 = -82856011848.64717 -2540 + 79360162 = 79357622 16571720996 + 286110.98412685166 = 16572007106.984127 1082071.5012464763 + -32488401805521 = -32488400723449.5 -99271 + -6798314829.720914 = -6798414100.720914 426930.8281807919 + -7449935272309 = -7449934845378.172 -97899977217531 + -2.3446498710214203 = -97899977217533.34 100000000000000 + -1.9935908482450027 = 99999999999998.0 -31105.925009866696 + 5.6071861647079615 = -31100.31782370199 273732.27709838876 + 56050187.84537806 = 56323920.12247645 -2911 + -620232133 = -620235044 100000000000000 + -960160175192 = 99039839824808 581631144.260813 + -82623843 = 499007301.260813 -7 + -27488931430018 = -27488931430025 -39205462794.952866 + 429027249 = -38776435545.952866 6088.321014311534 + -6993366149 = -6993360060.678986 22393120376 + 72069 = 22393192445 901048 + 764717615551.5168 = 764718516599.5168 -7544418 + -54 = -7544472 497890596966.6014 + 100000000000000 = 100497890596966.6 -973.500740199434 + 55 = -918.500740199434 -767069704.9285866 + -51998 = -767121702.9285866 -98633259.09555687 + 197082230.4710072 = 98448971.37545033 -7.268697604585625 + 978409683 = 978409675.7313024 105704 + -5381839435 = -5381733731 -100000000000000.0 + -9517.585206392572 = -100000000009517.58 355213899890.59766 + 5.639590807856541 = 355213899896.23724 -9743905 + 8746 = -9735159 -7540.250612161031 + -4.573679553445317 = -7544.824291714476 263336567378.08682 + -100000000000000.0 = -99736663432621.9 -100000000000000.0 + 7074966291.147863 = -99992925033708.86 -199780077.48878467 + -909 = -199780986.48878467 8.794648275145267 + 7693608147751.939 = 7693608147760.734 6.400908340349108 + 629179648887 = 629179648893.4009 -44 + -718549370568.9576 = -718549370612.9576 -5538455467 + -46 = -5538455513 -25368320925582 + -26 = -25368320925608 9185147939295 + -66470018.56533317 = 9185081469276.436 3829 + -84865288353279.58 = -84865288349450.58 1366868355 + 907938641 = 2274806996 -75510408884.12823 + -137953092568.81885 = -213463501452.94708 -169 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999831 97 + -8717598561163 = -8717598561066 100000000000000 + -4 = 99999999999996 2000965.9357793718 + -745783719 = -743782753.0642207 6859937846 + -570.645941101109 = 6859937275.354059 60714973114692.15 + -328052436 = 60714645062256.15 -45198707 + -513 = -45199220 108 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999892 8927001805.637924 + -8721.115729929636 = 8926993084.522194 763817 + 278970.48338411824 = 1042787.4833841182 -139 + 546974918959 = 546974918820 323191502.9764685 + 6740793608 = 7063985110.976468 -31417860.74295144 + -854973938605.1587 = -855005356465.9016 826100815644.6896 + 9.079412201701688 = 826100815653.769 -1918865 + 470751652 = 468832787 -10.926354102568878 + 4803238159333 = 4803238159322.073 -3161506079187 + -78197263884 = -3239703343071 -6.172942373353806 + -1735134335 = -1735134341.1729424 -90434361579862.4 + -8112 = -90434361587974.4 77337135.7817605 + -15006025499972.035 = -15005948162836.254 -96948861446489.73 + -335282040.52520645 = -96949196728530.27 -10.126780829387574 + -31292331107 = -31292331117.12678 287717743 + 72677007970.88235 = 72964725713.88235 9783984325.354746 + -7586 = 9783976739.354746 -1123.8914845522183 + 594585 = 593461.1085154478 74758350.20367911 + 443209781127.97375 = 443284539478.1774 33211898 + -996827 = 32215071 402 + -1 = 401 -2837621 + -8883 = -2846504 -22034931350000.883 + 61.4523098421048 = -22034931349939.43 57 + 926789 = 926846 -4108430081633.699 + -695644299 = -4109125725932.699 -48547093751.97489 + -2829.1021230187835 = -48547096581.07701 -270133184 + 8063 = -270125121 718936829.7311268 + -42131200771222 = -42130481834392.266 -5 + -78169752732 = -78169752737 -4373864285.126414 + 27393 = -4373836892.126414 -5888752803948 + -69234316209517 = -75123069013465 100000000000000.0 + -7515.423326768298 = 99999999992484.58 -975 + -727109490752 = -727109491727 75579126 + 873266.0732191509 = 76452392.07321915 -46 + 979623998787 = 979623998741 81745 + 997.1506837389852 = 82742.15068373899 11452759616657 + 72330 = 11452759688987 -68433 + 55694437940.66996 = 55694369507.66996 -149368815064.7191 + 89350164.59582365 = -149279464900.12326 8542792258395.343 + -8891053 = 8542783367342.343 -918109132.1740916 + 440338573724 = 439420464591.8259 22054174361.130375 + -19987782305 = 2066392056.130375 1 + -18748459701543.777 = -18748459701542.777 -2030310 + 944998691.799565 = 942968381.799565 8818437132945.729 + -14.320754097028185 = 8818437132931.408 92893750656.64911 + -779.3633393842009 = 92893749877.28577 -931163544193.9514 + -368396980192.97754 = -1299560524386.929 -491505616820.58856 + 38281886943.517845 = -453223729877.07074 1 + 908.2222280777066 = 909.2222280777066 -1689991766 + -36069892.42247085 = -1726061658.4224708 -5984471.2607263075 + 34034 = -5950437.2607263075 7.997273516955488 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000008.0 55392113.95611493 + -6111 = 55386002.95611493 -3 + -22541271961769 = -22541271961772 -100000000000000 + -89782584.87387356 = -100000089782584.88 -135076625 + 53673495 = -81403130 -707940197644.0327 + -830017295 = -708770214939.0327 5232890152 + -2130548309.2490551 = 3102341842.750945 18470925625451.9 + -6139639102 = 18464785986349.9 -1125.3360854704972 + -3802.9769923464073 = -4928.313077816904 49 + -6208841972100 = -6208841972051 -7678 + 167949 = 160271 76525457859.11673 + 69801708526148 = 69878233984007.12 2867179809 + -79716999 = 2787462810 -14104.240807294504 + -93.80117893191539 = -14198.041986226419 -61721 + -7471 = -69192 -8872 + -78.68171087276538 = -8950.681710872765 363 + 6.111533231605391 = 369.1115332316054 -734774279.4163369 + -100000000000000 = -100000734774279.42 661826884.919917 + -48157610 = 613669274.919917 9 + -86953 = -86944 -5507512150.585907 + -9705932.424574433 = -5517218083.010482 82766690904783.45 + -9565 = 82766690895218.45 3.3068018738537805 + -9 = -5.6931981261462195 856161564928.94 + 7.813031377806719 = 856161564936.7529 3671060543.964423 + 8093300071.482747 = 11764360615.44717 -82777007095897.28 + -106298 = -82777007202195.28 -538892904087 + -38034924137 = -576927828224 -73242863.87376231 + 720.9055120834033 = -73242142.96825023 -5475911032.937388 + 6998632.494364976 = -5468912400.443024 -182619.94482066028 + -8165028971.595742 = -8165211591.540563 -91260 + -71 = -91331 -37965808703058.734 + 2414 = -37965808700644.734 -28083 + 2295967494 = 2295939411 -63051648354387 + 7747716 = -63051640606671 1802545.680911495 + 27.32563007332071 = 1802573.0065415683 49442640.828149766 + -105240749.3943824 = -55798108.56623264 87024302 + -2668224666718 = -2668137642416 3417 + 3.451024408397426 = 3420.4510244083976 -2845612148.4248867 + -66 = -2845612214.4248867 9563032880.750317 + 4696.609288469205 = 9563037577.359606 53827766262079.8 + -39.24966117766387 = 53827766262040.55 8045102.071109187 + -5 = 8045097.071109187 -6803652668224 + 89752928737784.64 = 82949276069560.64 18463875484.374832 + -86 = 18463875398.374832 9151.577482411694 + 632208.168820488 = 641359.7463028997 8606.342676833992 + 3675466026 = 3675474632.3426766 -585932267 + -6229495966873.031 = -6230081899140.031 6244460966.002315 + 100000000000000 = 100006244460966.0 955225.0004283345 + 316 = 955541.0004283345 60084882 + -509599017 = -449514135 91176431 + 31933735676890.758 = 31933826853321.758 972 + -187765972187 = -187765971215 100000000000000.0 + 2157 = 100000000002157.0 -99585508.03299686 + 7984065901 = 7884480392.967003 -783174.1150060672 + 218.30265528245724 = -782955.8123507848 -9266455.075582732 + -106098 = -9372553.075582732 14996315973.67556 + -681446 = 14995634527.67556 150377107637 + -608247160572 = -457870052935 973.2120058924119 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999026.78 22.304305925105698 + 85250390477 = 85250390499.3043 25956.32847776405 + 632641754960 = 632641780916.3285 64453192615 + -4643365010167 = -4578911817552 -9534 + -57024561892.54862 = -57024571426.54862 -100000000000000.0 + -47985767883207.36 = -147985767883207.38 66213543338067.766 + 45464 = 66213543383531.766 -77917011531333 + 9102103007 = -77907909428326 44805295808802.67 + -966222.7939755077 = 44805294842579.875 96673066094798 + -45180395858846.81 = 51492670235951.19 99461713 + 45.43501007954822 = 99461758.43501008 9334637303.393833 + 46180019.65136114 = 9380817323.045195 -2 + -3470581 = -3470583 91604485802221.89 + 91884888053126.86 = 183489373855348.75 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 903163340 + 100000000000000 = 100000903163340 7799726742961 + -290.38868190021327 = 7799726742670.611 -42383896831816.94 + 334699.4733538412 = -42383896497117.46 3814144643847.3506 + -243 = 3814144643604.3506 -5722005 + -51400194637234 = -51400200359239 -360518194 + 40801040 = -319717154 1799 + 1573800712 = 1573802511 9955187758602.516 + -566044874 = 9954621713728.516 405.2000526981975 + 4705007 = 4705412.200052698 182594390 + 52527715207 = 52710309597 -782349723.4415193 + -4649059 = -786998782.4415193 -10706186073 + 86 = -10706185987 -442958 + -79.4387586153803 = -443037.4387586154 -666512 + -22.87713765483141 = -666534.8771376548 648785904.8471382 + 241613.380519356 = 649027518.2276576 -779.9931813950697 + -38210877917.21391 = -38210878697.20709 -414 + 10444 = 10030 257325904.95523793 + 662 = 257326566.95523793 1662892530 + -7999025668143.921 = -7997362775613.921 92.95555204531827 + -9366028321228.516 = -9366028321135.56 -866873414 + -100000000000000 = -100000866873414 -48 + 918.9306629676001 = 870.9306629676001 2123.1185237084856 + 1520959 = 1523082.1185237085 66254.83381027046 + -6264980.613973756 = -6198725.780163486 2.542688154871992 + 2 = 4.542688154871993 58819561 + 78143317482232 = 78143376301793 -50707986 + -844727032 = -895435018 -100000000000000.0 + -70088610.7949884 = -100000070088610.8 -6616537 + 77.74319883551034 = -6616459.256801165 -7413096 + 156 = -7412940 -525 + 2007595 = 2007070 -205329077230.55072 + -23.03334993559892 = -205329077253.58408 -100000000000000 + 47478161208898.945 = -52521838791101.055 -77.07745859317113 + -96 = -173.07745859317112 6018 + -51484496375.60187 = -51484490357.60187 605596643797.0669 + -152491345.5108406 = 605444152451.556 -690973 + -4241.74653101737 = -695214.7465310174 -375052334294 + -7359719657898.336 = -7734771992192.336 -1842.16147207825 + 2025106695285.7998 = 2025106693443.6384 3901410528751 + -912387608 = 3900498141143 21 + 350130 = 350151 -1582 + 223 = -1359 57570.994909622255 + 132411201 = 132468771.99490963 -23687265211316.457 + -736191176800.6057 = -24423456388117.062 367242.60425464396 + 259216627948 = 259216995190.60425 -100000000000000.0 + 720845920 = -99999279154080.0 -3.0545007253069056 + -2330120565565.2207 = -2330120565568.2754 -7702507764.552824 + -61178 = -7702568942.552824 20.505399773777356 + -278061720778.25793 = -278061720757.75256 -29066.02455243493 + 79231721566.69809 = 79231692500.67354 -7419.596063728896 + -11071189624501 = -11071189631920.596 -100431043 + 9744686418267.523 = 9744585987224.523 39708924382.95938 + -24204072992 = 15504851390.959381 -636623 + 8783031723 = 8782395100 428301623506 + 4760869918 = 433062493424 -42530.21015001049 + 675940504.824618 = 675897974.614468 -7.616692349654484 + 9321207827.53915 = 9321207819.922459 7.787400599023658 + -46.9308373460631 = -39.143436747039445 -88624417374 + 626611 = -88623790763 12255.322798965712 + -2916061102 = -2916048846.6772013 -98917654961545.64 + 108131 = -98917654853414.64 652651736 + 4.024255580647465 = 652651740.0242556 -485389 + 322440.9115831034 = -162948.0884168966 24431.25550892897 + -953.7582812302559 = 23477.497227698714 8108792791 + 51.35348536798562 = 8108792842.353485 934905000611.8861 + -88285310.98281609 = 934816715300.9033 -100000000000000.0 + 54228.09736592797 = -99999999945771.9 -7206 + -5915 = -13121 7.772477070321271 + 70 = 77.77247707032127 -982 + -231805 = -232787 -9215140305843 + -64484281260.524025 = -9279624587103.523 50.486082345811056 + 6090371645121.712 = 6090371645172.198 15583671707 + -835678994963.6494 = -820095323256.6494 19 + 9746394823 = 9746394842 -73990053422758 + -175635 = -73990053598393 -86992593384544.03 + 74437658.61299115 = -86992518946885.42 52.823207663557305 + 4576781701179.282 = 4576781701232.105 2275.9686974651518 + -3016308269.5712967 = -3016305993.602599 -59152847087.986565 + 53185.094512564814 = -59152793902.89205 52666985.582895935 + 594609.6075509365 = 53261595.19044687 -827711 + 14 = -827697 -1048945.8064674868 + 99.71879588564344 = -1048846.0876716012 -94069498.14846222 + -834 = -94070332.14846222 9430340738.342587 + 8 = 9430340746.342587 469721.9686100491 + -9 = 469712.9686100491 8.613971760026814 + 866 = 874.6139717600269 -23927577690 + -8254183902.925621 = -32181761592.92562 -23136956504618.383 + 6 = -23136956504612.383 -7 + -20182347278 = -20182347285 -100000000000000.0 + 208268621133 = -99791731378867.0 -14.290796112729517 + -885901 = -885915.2907961127 -463420175752.91736 + -353338107 = -463773513859.91736 -383500963518 + 14648278313840.229 = 14264777350322.229 -100000000000000.0 + 3900.6187670228123 = -99999999996099.38 -87876001805971.83 + -817.567108135545 = -87876001806789.39 8383525723 + 2529192.7431934304 = 8386054915.743194 -9368094819 + -66610 = -9368161429 18 + 9228 = 9246 83531.96351684979 + 316719 = 400250.9635168498 6665954366 + -4338907577676.2896 = -4332241623310.2896 -100000000000000.0 + 480370792281 = -99519629207719.0 66056308 + 34.29696247036454 = 66056342.29696247 -100000000000000 + 579780 = -99999999420220 -2505 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000002505.0 -100000000000000 + 65529 = -99999999934471 6368 + -100000000000000 = -99999999993632 -981919596935.3097 + -343083686874.3301 = -1325003283809.6396 9208373 + -4155019 = 5053354 -6.305732366726798 + -27262 = -27268.305732366727 -134.73572672011412 + -1559120881292 = -1559120881426.7358 5740393593 + 100000000000000 = 100005740393593 53091262484690.51 + -122767356713.98172 = 52968495127976.52 3824147483944.8174 + -65590.48515467756 = 3824147418354.332 2071572505 + 321446.37718609645 = 2071893951.377186 6.572673020176881 + -7999162073709.951 = -7999162073703.379 4696.404715216575 + -374916228303 = -374916223606.5953 471415650 + 1 = 471415651 6 + -85652.53938357117 = -85646.53938357117 34607497251678.04 + -99907115559 = 34507590136119.04 -1.4168847848137465 + 400721 = 400719.5831152152 -50 + 81923531.1288667 = 81923481.1288667 36.42680484209659 + 74030580.33737674 = 74030616.76418158 -290594744 + 99.71199032936515 = -290594644.28800964 -46782 + -973.2204702619313 = -47755.220470261935 89409.43140255757 + 961001106 = 961090515.4314026 -546088 + -3733584 = -4279672 -15270869 + 987817021678.2191 = 987801750809.2191 -410173891707 + 539358208927 = 129184317220 -7445151174083 + 637575568886 = -6807575605197 -100000000000000.0 + -10836287293.05088 = -100010836287293.05 626.3251008185999 + 4 = 630.3251008185999 -52035293326 + -191756 = -52035485082 59239837722 + 100000000000000 = 100059239837722 92678749717986.92 + -7245140040012.689 = 85433609677974.23 4228288 + -44571268.0919416 = -40342980.0919416 6433871.784713127 + -13268 = 6420603.784713127 -492626767067.77325 + -37995465 = -492664762532.77325 7667876674091 + -2746213620705 = 4921663053386 9768863130 + -89.18325836241024 = 9768863040.816742 -5 + -4783878834.72016 = -4783878839.72016 100000000000000.0 + -62323128768016.336 = 37676871231983.664 -7269207389 + 541377855255.9172 = 534108647866.9172 842577668567.6459 + 2634.327084752894 = 842577671201.9729 -35126236974.960236 + -89 = -35126237063.960236 -4245224 + -882967929.4281769 = -887213153.4281769 -2081578263.519579 + -307 = -2081578570.519579 -7947857651013 + -32 = -7947857651045 3619809585114 + 81982771779090 = 85602581364204 2 + -742711324736 = -742711324734 23 + 6186954 = 6186977 -470647 + 755150588.976447 = 754679941.976447 -51508567406385 + 44861515.38869904 = -51508522544869.61 -659.7880679436593 + 7521902964 = 7521902304.211932 -100000000000000 + 73702145 = -99999926297855 -100000000000000 + -6902371273075.477 = -106902371273075.47 773.834945566334 + -249 = 524.834945566334 -8936923.813808069 + -56022956063672.734 = -56022965000596.55 465020.76064446114 + 507861 = 972881.7606444611 15545.489138816636 + 9512473575.675816 = 9512489121.164955 200927983961.31516 + 396364 = 200928380325.31516 78578963685323.38 + 14658973555.60822 = 78593622658878.98 6343275166 + 2352587 = 6345627753 -40244.44634133292 + 536552937 = 536512692.55365866 100000000000000.0 + -4587 = 99999999995413.0 5737293.664492917 + 2230526259.015356 = 2236263552.679849 -29808 + 267219.3187165947 = 237411.31871659472 -94551282090 + -4067.8438311035234 = -94551286157.84383 96 + -651158743336 = -651158743240 508019688027.1523 + 372.76577290015706 = 508019688399.918 7784517889086 + 63248878 = 7784581137964 -100000000000000 + 248 = -99999999999752 759036953 + 3.70397076242409 = 759036956.7039708 -8258748575069 + -16 = -8258748575085 70 + 5724.128699323882 = 5794.128699323882 186309753 + -553411267 = -367101514 2649161.5188011215 + -2220713.4731386174 = 428448.04566250416 -5138795910.235239 + 944735 = -5137851175.235239 -18633748271555 + -5652663 = -18633753924218 -157.34026968317562 + -5218617 = -5218774.340269683 853 + 41916559408888 = 41916559409741 9.885242192851273 + 9156935090 = 9156935099.885242 6059 + 3 = 6062 7827864819.839507 + 100000000000000.0 = 100007827864819.84 41985018131232.53 + 903338 = 41985019034570.53 910298 + -5330409.004336273 = -4420111.004336273 -353.6579447961333 + -77629657.92323993 = -77630011.58118473 -74880.29247177945 + -11133281264.484442 = -11133356144.776913 94784540.5754189 + -7952807168152 = -7952712383611.425 7047 + -563905277.6971616 = -563898230.6971616 3.8545976650565272 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000003.86 149042754.20991495 + 715 = 149043469.20991495 -85974091575384.36 + 1 = -85974091575383.36 73699859.1703791 + 80858261.84650871 = 154558121.0168878 81926562160 + 88617996062 = 170544558222 545948.0637519669 + 45 = 545993.0637519669 -92447071.82980086 + -1.9489321958101753 = -92447073.77873306 53618.51782601589 + -111387072372.45609 = -111387018753.93826 -100000000000000 + -5694035090365 = -105694035090365 -823 + 62203 = 61380 541031 + 870439409213.8661 = 870439950244.8661 139875369.377194 + -3905315935856.653 = -3905176060487.276 -9382657686561.67 + -7511 = -9382657694072.67 -89241591379868 + -2981 = -89241591382849 -859695377368 + 4896502924566 = 4036807547198 68 + -648035979.0829364 = -648035911.0829364 3100147.745443938 + 81.84318011565053 = 3100229.5886240536 63523868954 + 34.91885439758821 = 63523868988.91885 358149116.85609543 + 107626024385 = 107984173501.8561 1341183.1895473192 + -13069108511 = -13067767327.810453 -26443318926476.137 + -7 = -26443318926483.137 100000000000000 + -1717 = 99999999998283 -121 + -5 = -126 971 + 990644758393 = 990644759364 626.1582856203426 + -9478626138.92179 = -9478625512.763504 684651449 + -862.6081266212428 = 684650586.3918734 -854.210720503469 + 7 = -847.210720503469 -685 + 33.5067591496478 = -651.4932408503522 -5195 + -6.0450534550934805 = -5201.045053455094 17190452 + -804628 = 16385824 8 + 9773235044 = 9773235052 -25419.86784467076 + 8548.636345752548 = -16871.231498918212 -8230.352460122995 + -802192 = -810422.352460123 -92547.01564125312 + 405838 = 313290.9843587469 29042.297224572034 + 186274334576.50375 = 186274363618.80096 240883834.5361099 + -47 = 240883787.5361099 21.05987618924992 + 3795119122 = 3795119143.059876 -49428196.23855362 + -33 = -49428229.23855362 133352569 + 8667758.709854644 = 142020327.70985463 83861.40208026378 + -985570422.6837678 = -985486561.2816875 495 + -839089.8727568955 = -838594.8727568955 -5461528789888 + 100000000000000.0 = 94538471210112.0 67163628 + 7950 = 67171578 309545781.35186076 + -273321 = 309272460.35186076 96167119777139 + -471.6690667299366 = 96167119776667.33 -100000000000000.0 + 7.936109487194812 = -99999999999992.06 671905 + -62542094128169 = -62542093456264 2602540.839117907 + 67051372806102.54 = 67051375408643.375 1208722792 + -43.96883252514637 = 1208722748.0311675 66847236 + 5089571116.820484 = 5156418352.820484 5093294451 + 432315.7010926948 = 5093726766.701093 -3120 + -100000000000000 = -100000000003120 5403.609603501309 + 6220959 = 6226362.609603501 -17.711508566584612 + -990.6171695205501 = -1008.3286780871347 82801761425174 + -44.08414444690142 = 82801761425129.92 -5.971669996440692 + -38624 = -38629.97166999644 93 + 486383.01541539375 = 486476.01541539375 -56050639308.88027 + -32 = -56050639340.88027 6093059361.997727 + -2303979610060 = -2297886550698.0024 -61391831078765 + -429653590.2396345 = -61392260732355.24 304896301452 + 866656662134.0045 = 1171552963586.0044 2 + -83861973094 = -83861973092 -9070844953724 + 572338 = -9070844381386 -72097869494.75583 + 661735334 = -71436134160.75583 -6038.81087410795 + -51243 = -57281.81087410795 4748 + -6778 = -2030 -190537 + -40 = -190577 668462 + 616045 = 1284507 -416697584110.5908 + -652662836 = -417350246946.5908 -70.05130089655403 + -218148.46646911325 = -218218.5177700098 196.71961948946955 + 84 = 280.71961948946955 -678482652.6478921 + -100000000000000 = -100000678482652.64 -237269450 + 412187 = -236857263 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 16245.89905716704 + 481990621338.9803 = 481990637584.87933 7461275 + 6619 = 7467894 -38293.19283124161 + -791394.1672650563 = -829687.3600962979 3403433.388994501 + 6.934684314537717 = 3403440.3236788157 9388972 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000009388972.0 -85407702 + -70207 = -85477909 677.3812493369994 + -22832577012.825615 = -22832576335.444366 -36948230903.18604 + -286436148.9843564 = -37234667052.1704 -6260116657379 + -3769087.3608583272 = -6260120426466.361 755.9992302873693 + -908539.1301519368 = -907783.1309216494 -50639279512183 + 5257025624770.506 = -45382253887412.49 -7726283684 + -5224447 = -7731508131 -506 + 285397656284 = 285397655778 -9926 + 3.767045797087735 = -9922.232954202913 398030.6889640918 + 141981.36026815744 = 540012.0492322493 -35.7475567129939 + 4716974364342.433 = 4716974364306.686 289589 + -13068634175055 = -13068633885466 -3482230822884 + -3 = -3482230822887 954107204 + -100000000000000 = -99999045892796 29351 + 40 = 29391 -8 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000008 -7856482684.461205 + 68587729.93786904 = -7787894954.523335 -250633234808 + 9269907516.81023 = -241363327291.18976 4433205678338.591 + -327421248.13183445 = 4432878257090.459 -449814817155.9597 + -45723 = -449814862878.9597 100000000000000 + -2178292 = 99999997821708 6264 + 3 = 6267 8810874 + -95794 = 8715080 -357615.59783056576 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000357615.6 -998888777843.0404 + 881090481.4058595 = -998007687361.6345 -4400337 + 828808681320.9949 = 828804280983.9949 -34741 + -4 = -34745 -644056189.1588739 + 1246618640826.698 = 1245974584637.539 2706 + 8792106805 = 8792109511 5078725712 + -34 = 5078725678 428699506 + -554321 = 428145185 50566620.30637494 + -8 = 50566612.30637494 -7774.109085752916 + 3202 = -4572.109085752916 -7466 + -12.030826037604777 = -7478.030826037605 94711580066 + 3.527053023663565 = 94711580069.52705 -3743.0396236834345 + 410.07217998830754 = -3332.967443695127 42574 + -1.0018349881212791 = 42572.99816501188 -5.256619406677246 + -32575.86797684616 = -32581.124596252837 -100000000000000 + -7749 = -100000000007749 1841527 + -788408150943.9673 = -788406309416.9673 -462717925546 + 842426571 = -461875498975 878 + 403048395.75005263 = 403049273.75005263 402214.2254394117 + -4552733081.715231 = -4552330867.489792 -62237143.46091071 + -7979860414645.384 = -7979922651788.845 -3.4875702104436144 + 32.6395313587896 = 29.151961148345983 -4553987242 + 523.5410772770304 = -4553986718.458922 -545418.6487846052 + 47739912137.012344 = 47739366718.36356 1 + 938034348923.4501 = 938034348924.4501 8193683374.598441 + -7970420304096 = -7962226620721.401 1.774944333758366 + 84701 = 84702.77494433375 73 + -47868059.71140389 = -47867986.71140389 -277922.1551819991 + 22527481.08363442 = 22249558.92845242 855631.2782285422 + -1295 = 854336.2782285422 53345775076.74161 + -1711 = 53345773365.74161 -5122 + 7 = -5115 583284450 + 5144707199317.889 = 5145290483767.889 14719.698212154024 + 144620095636 = 144620110355.6982 -71051808 + -3436774207.0917835 = -3507826015.0917835 -32788344313174.06 + 4.207235964527987 = -32788344313169.85 -5378.149170904261 + 808339.6882916536 = 802961.5391207493 -100000000000000.0 + -588.2950814533101 = -100000000000588.3 9437411.353323285 + -866597.8918238851 = 8570813.461499399 3278715.942938491 + -7132182999.583244 = -7128904283.6403055 736413745763 + 26227576711 = 762641322474 -13389576.198924974 + -240 = -13389816.198924974 3 + -561174387.1841935 = -561174384.1841935 4183735989104 + -8053781155093.348 = -3870045165989.3477 -76001629 + -828549.5860894017 = -76830178.5860894 745280.7161784964 + -358.96529112625507 = 744921.7508873701 533563965086.74634 + 6 = 533563965092.74634 -14 + 30171 = 30157 -43.52326847577998 + 39092023 = 39091979.476731524 -158 + -62 = -220 9459.125523388811 + -579.129896818476 = 8879.995626570335 -63770358.76450578 + -91 = -63770449.76450578 -1694874057132.6028 + -711086.4826269466 = -1694874768219.0854 -574449 + 691327159.1019919 = 690752710.1019919 356663 + 34.248739465960576 = 356697.24873946595 -100000000000000 + 9683.181124511671 = -99999999990316.81 -6567701923180 + -7002 = -6567701930182 71391792457656.52 + 296708.4919062351 = 71391792754365.0 -69774307313 + 6.023272760737473 = -69774307306.97673 -2.5586006581938423 + 770274157411 = 770274157408.4414 -2.27998989226314 + 572200 = 572197.7200101077 -67 + -6 = -73 -815734.7397432689 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000815734.73 100000000000000 + 406699748009.78186 = 100406699748009.78 -47274041950557 + 9632820748307 = -37641221202250 10620 + -391619673 = -391609053 -697904.0855623122 + 78.55406060004749 = -697825.5315017122 -5481142524501.985 + 32932.82077018572 = -5481142491569.165 -68354810945.8592 + -97 = -68354811042.8592 7 + 36.706145773440085 = 43.706145773440085 -373826 + -155742427889.08374 = -155742801715.08374 6940171547 + -48033297366 = -41093125819 -943 + 7094.672625032087 = 6151.672625032087 49 + 68684 = 68733 90760 + 47840316095.054184 = 47840406855.054184 73214409764 + 536 = 73214410300 -779554 + 52438381417868 = 52438380638314 495829.50895042915 + -301771735 = -301275905.4910496 20955238893794 + 30129212718.03555 = 20985368106512.035 -100000000000000.0 + -510409.5731184924 = -100000000510409.58 -10614 + -356296 = -366910 6048086.906160667 + -455055.31990699 = 5593031.586253677 -58.623436364262815 + 1.8992113833212083 = -56.72422498094161 -1865 + -448 = -2313 -61343763.23361522 + 287600 = -61056163.23361522 -3118489197449.334 + -3287758.347303617 = -3118492485207.681 17275.662218349145 + 4856 = 22131.662218349145 -2005132562 + 39677764785976 = 39675759653414 7787174133 + 9089474256.432114 = 16876648389.432114 94 + 29495 = 29589 70244984417.23193 + -8497872507 = 61747111910.23193 -100000000000000 + 4224.1227912413215 = -99999999995775.88 -7118247 + 8406.837718906943 = -7109840.162281093 -651076.9554640893 + -2 = -651078.9554640893 -6817 + 54562914243768.11 = 54562914236951.11 -6238157151.099423 + -15365450018 = -21603607169.099422 75261931541 + 13464089 = 75275395630 100000000000000 + -6967332414230 = 93032667585770 578053.4679210718 + -28312150766 = -28311572712.532078 -5702 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000005702.0 -100000000000000 + 221526470975.9565 = -99778473529024.05 454 + -61374613658 = -61374613204 -634326.8375933315 + 4575284.655783532 = 3940957.8181902007 -2917428.97521214 + 1694104.8024664125 = -1223324.1727457275 -15932 + -4 = -15936 -6 + 716968.9078535608 = 716962.9078535608 643008069.1927359 + -56675 = 642951394.1927359 9936700.308518449 + 2289.8761452914378 = 9938990.18466374 5225104 + 99667.97549417031 = 5324771.975494171 1861868.8371248667 + -71075239 = -69213370.16287513 -92618503 + -69364184452549.055 = -69364277071052.055 4901.741064337825 + 67027515321 = 67027520222.741066 -59681761.78125856 + 71 = -59681690.78125856 22 + 2081142908801 = 2081142908823 -5 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999995.0 100000000000000 + -677197642550.6743 = 99322802357449.33 75651799615766.0 + 336362092.25639373 = 75652135977858.25 73547652183244.67 + 64112888353.93249 = 73611765071598.61 -885 + 802754 = 801869 -134832.82855031692 + -143220878557.72284 = -143221013390.5514 -691 + -4 = -695 100000000000000 + -62189 = 99999999937811 -1353050686944 + 1689405.4199094032 = -1353048997538.58 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 -8454069 + -128841 = -8582910 20285965424377.555 + 39443244.48879903 = 20286004867622.043 91875038.66818617 + -129091 = 91745947.66818617 89142540138.9633 + -183 = 89142539955.9633 819269 + 48494 = 867763 715796136284.9156 + 5046205.697223787 = 715801182490.6129 8927.376157169154 + 853313658843.1447 = 853313667770.5208 4 + 93637746.4406405 = 93637750.4406405 -53271249111519 + -630338 = -53271249741857 -694 + 16672994 = 16672300 182096 + 97903 = 279999 98712084801179.62 + 5368972407 = 98717453773586.62 -246178618.97090274 + -6936821970 = -7183000588.970902 8863704.510118674 + -864484 = 7999220.5101186745 -83614477775 + -43.877932047895335 = -83614477818.87793 -4025077 + 9021175363.41452 = 9017150286.41452 -2.1422147356921073 + -3371 = -3373.142214735692 120.78657112140175 + -51845552957.63055 = -51845552836.84398 -17635 + 20557568325549 = 20557568307914 8592450078740.958 + 2646.560406260428 = 8592450081387.519 16740398 + 470028.1077785986 = 17210426.107778598 5291367.881803533 + -4756072 = 535295.8818035331 13862433409005 + 238 = 13862433409243 -1244320958.8617668 + -100000000000000.0 = -100001244320958.86 -100000000000000.0 + -76806.97312673375 = -100000000076806.97 -624.667466404882 + -671832 = -672456.6674664048 -74211 + 829859969293.4302 = 829859895082.4302 100000000000000.0 + 33 = 100000000000033.0 96808 + -99220080.61103287 = -99123272.61103287 489.82901612485483 + -10.198711625449606 = 479.6303044994052 -70398512984 + 74901 = -70398438083 -7 + -19409620166178.82 = -19409620166185.82 1811.4158280771758 + -156440 = -154628.58417192282 1661230498.2337427 + 5921919.819925371 = 1667152418.053668 90215562355 + -404374098050.6091 = -314158535695.6091 -89883967698660.55 + 8303 = -89883967690357.55 85210 + 62436672486.61379 = 62436757696.61379 3819 + -11239.779846745932 = -7420.779846745932 355.3769183415917 + -437434068867.3356 = -437434068511.9587 -6553587 + -5983800286 = -5990353873 1824.1854322011466 + 4666.993609387327 = 6491.179041588473 -760981005666.5231 + -746.4440241790466 = -760981006412.967 -100000000000000 + 8538.559530927003 = -99999999991461.44 39 + -4437 = -4398 29521905612448.582 + -9865820757 = 29512039791691.582 -552126 + -4581944 = -5134070 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -39277 + 9681765046.49978 = 9681725769.49978 256319161 + 52863 = 256372024 570835.5404142337 + 769 = 571604.5404142337 1303413 + -58669238 = -57365825 -3 + -99558824 = -99558827 -8720 + 7186.72118924323 = -1533.2788107567703 56533174116.54315 + 708713 = 56533882829.54315 -7206811.622597414 + -8594234164998.595 = -8594241371810.218 38321590869688.66 + 3638555.5225351797 = 38321594508244.18 89697271238 + 1120.1265479653546 = 89697272358.12654 7447036425 + 416 = 7447036841 -64525609466 + 378279 = -64525231187 -100000000000000 + -794.5138887427181 = -100000000000794.52 -67576 + -472072226282.6485 = -472072293858.6485 -60830036312608.27 + 19540 = -60830036293068.27 2874674542 + -8080289576645.444 = -8077414902103.444 31163314835.866623 + -5798984.232946014 = 31157515851.63368 -436.2134228758518 + 813597697335 = 813597696898.7866 20485 + 698987 = 719472 6416.53950601714 + -2284783437964 = -2284783431547.4604 969424999385.575 + 757717516.6268443 = 970182716902.2018 1663 + -661405466.3311673 = -661403803.3311673 18.88624478871385 + -9434.666062417917 = -9415.779817629204 -70170083268 + 306060880696 = 235890797428 35161187896 + -1712508 = 35159475388 1566871327904.671 + -77017646571639 = -75450775243734.33 -2268197618805 + -558911380 = -2268756530185 -65 + 16847822663.119709 = 16847822598.119709 -100000000000000 + 19658330073 = -99980341669927 -933 + 6696656401 = 6696655468 100000000000000.0 + 28 = 100000000000028.0 -18833917949.698288 + -3067 = -18833921016.698288 699.7160798297361 + 48116092360.14051 = 48116093059.85659 65 + -44818090 = -44818025 -40870038134.59866 + -5103959 = -40875142093.59866 -305883.02898300986 + 5180663791560.208 = 5180663485677.179 684649 + -59826436578 = -59825751929 264128002 + -5 = 264127997 -1227370 + 24633072.327043165 = 23405702.327043165 65633653412502.516 + 51221485767 = 65684874898269.516 -83927673778634.5 + 3696.6554014289927 = -83927673774937.84 1410276.7159071192 + -69 = 1410207.7159071192 -1525.5525517052538 + 514 = -1011.5525517052538 186 + -5482595371293.302 = -5482595371107.302 85218 + 93197691.61654046 = 93282909.61654046 5 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000005.0 -9214686150118 + -100000000000000.0 = -109214686150118.0 -86184544.47894229 + 3763133 = -82421411.47894229 -97965753.80748902 + -516940951.2744344 = -614906705.0819234 -8.967480956805254 + -17 = -25.967480956805254 -9612558.017556526 + -8657221.779117104 = -18269779.79667363 -3971 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000003971.0 -756.2722282115471 + 809 = 52.727771788452856 5.139950461733921 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.86 -998.1991567087873 + 519086.7915341076 = 518088.5923773988 6376201641 + -7 = 6376201634 -604 + 34424028854571.117 = 34424028853967.117 27.48079351590793 + -54404526.52642839 = -54404499.04563487 434455323 + -20158.511357899377 = 434435164.4886421 100000000000000.0 + -533795687559.5935 = 99466204312440.4 -24336.095315302344 + 492 = -23844.095315302344 68 + 1.544835524508203 = 69.5448355245082 -418833227861 + 98752329165 = -320080898696 56732.056787716756 + 85179.99843710416 = 141912.0552248209 2884861 + 372661573.2698168 = 375546434.2698168 1558 + -3834962011.3084702 = -3834960453.3084702 -6087.501473024294 + 828263260 = 828257172.4985269 -31914530691 + -7 = -31914530698 -4259741896096.8857 + -43998735537 = -4303740631633.8857 -896465 + 6426774 = 5530309 -7612 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000007612.0 64111 + -5784984752 = -5784920641 721253615869 + -28931 = 721253586938 -5896535 + -260029337628 = -260035234163 -6862.803246502556 + 1972819.0553003466 = 1965956.252053844 65024012671.31949 + 83135938285 = 148159950956.3195 92367324963430 + -82567 = 92367324880863 -62449460 + -5529.415828114513 = -62454989.415828116 -1158874.5227860452 + -51736511709220.87 = -51736512868095.39 -2396635.4509453652 + -100000000000000 = -100000002396635.45 -556965215436 + 100000000000000.0 = 99443034784564.0 486 + 7523018134107.591 = 7523018134593.591 -9 + -49 = -58 245451518.62125167 + 704425347 = 949876865.6212517 -9503131366.441809 + -435978.42607578787 = -9503567344.867884 -318895551 + 658740008 = 339844457 -2863169 + 1363341.2956599526 = -1499827.7043400474 72783581981056 + -253134 = 72783581727922 4 + -740131216 = -740131212 51122.14159860993 + 214115067 = 214166189.1415986 357969.5765309839 + 57.4555030444704 = 358027.0320340284 -3054514348 + 6 = -3054514342 829 + 15902733626 = 15902734455 -92939.82815696839 + -3 = -92942.82815696839 29447 + 3401360324930.269 = 3401360354377.269 31947.36154235278 + -35979729 = -35947781.63845765 52083260950809.38 + 83614380 = 52083344565189.38 -9.591304309576689 + 4.966410163404331 = -4.624894146172358 574477 + -2477805960230 = -2477805385753 -8578669580.676521 + -7375 = -8578676955.676521 -8093445939 + -2428090361782.5215 = -2436183807721.5215 95 + -106292711836.80775 = -106292711741.80775 -8328.299285276935 + -785871080.006923 = -785879408.3062083 98564 + -5603155692.553931 = -5603057128.553931 -748347.9921782515 + -3056510817 = -3057259164.9921784 -99832373.53909303 + -1917753581.3693252 = -2017585954.9084182 347.7010149127666 + -45916553.77703959 = -45916206.076024674 8350631 + 2.133430490478485 = 8350633.13343049 1785 + 98749 = 100534 850202.0369865535 + -24662219 = -23812016.963013448 9 + 874321 = 874330 46221.63450506842 + 773995.989411502 = 820217.6239165704 78564736.21484539 + 47473.4598226211 = 78612209.67466801 -100000000000000.0 + 436952.1864034275 = -99999999563047.81 1437351222 + 59565084 = 1496916306 -9598768823.523539 + -17556234 = -9616325057.523539 -100000000000000 + -207883523.53124928 = -100000207883523.53 245021.16545013632 + 7469651252725 = 7469651497746.165 -59345255135 + 13114920227218.104 = 13055574972083.104 23835008343 + -783605 = 23834224738 22673 + -908666501.5162209 = -908643828.5162209 72872.67886415886 + -100000000000000 = -99999999927127.33 7 + -6653368657300 = -6653368657293 6516 + -7728.494293671965 = -1212.4942936719654 -6997493.455370568 + -6938974096895 = -6938981094388.455 -291919212 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999708080788.0 -8165827.905947814 + 13591449507115.723 = 13591441341287.816 146118.0975630614 + -365.3676288174168 = 145752.72993424398 -51171061474007.86 + 153 = -51171061473854.86 100000000000000 + -57.15664465353216 = 99999999999942.84 195011 + 4395259 = 4590270 -401029 + -42389706705600 = -42389707106629 -7.5890501035015525 + -60377809405 = -60377809412.58905 6955842 + 79751243.20096263 = 86707085.20096263 95128050784014 + 526 = 95128050784540 100000000000000 + -8 = 99999999999992 11266902463060 + -19 = 11266902463041 -75 + 511100.005539718 = 511025.005539718 394497 + -74.81054681974253 = 394422.18945318024 -337864587910.25134 + -100000000000000.0 = -100337864587910.25 4.680122182495272 + -267876093977.28253 = -267876093972.60242 6.357703680086897 + 267060.67245323095 = 267067.03015691106 -4346491 + 5086.6421459857975 = -4341404.357854014 -931230923977.663 + 6345229506085.049 = 5413998582107.386 -9 + 76294705985636 = 76294705985627 -100000000000000.0 + -175320783248.0174 = -100175320783248.02 -100000000000000 + 439680454 = -99999560319546 -8633140534859 + 100000000000000.0 = 91366859465141.0 843285836.8398175 + -3.151608639323664 = 843285833.6882089 -3071291241.4397955 + 7903.441940285052 = -3071283337.997855 -903267 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999096733.0 6 + 294 = 300 -894765837 + 551406 = -894214431 959 + 71832311118680.3 = 71832311119639.3 103819 + -876949 = -773130 -77636.99007297968 + 80451 = 2814.009927020321 7516270659 + 863.7379189388765 = 7516271522.737919 -2452428912613.672 + -30685529.77717309 = -2452459598143.449 -743003706.7288511 + 709064.8092919957 = -742294641.9195591 -75 + 343015.6629821132 = 342940.6629821132 548079471.2577134 + -714296238083.203 = -713748158611.9453 -51333214 + -94.21890095445315 = -51333308.218900956 100000000000000 + 46463093 = 100000046463093 -364061478003.20276 + 821.0349535586726 = -364061477182.1678 -84647288757 + -62914098726 = -147561387483 58 + -7 = 51 2.820728639560045 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000002.83 -4.700752065379492 + -5075.920453775889 = -5080.621205841268 -26156004 + 854.966552227385 = -26155149.033447772 -48233 + -305557.0679295792 = -353790.0679295792 -3958.757585122956 + 98237.74389742588 = 94278.98631230294 985284957757.289 + -191.26722735092318 = 985284957566.0217 -6327485803.595016 + 27523306418011.062 = 27516978932207.47 5348.517024135688 + -6860.286822989664 = -1511.7697988539758 31174386404 + 471461461.0571747 = 31645847865.057175 78660161.46113522 + 926821411 = 1005481572.4611353 -100000000000000 + -966340 = -100000000966340 8301864118.351465 + -90446770688178.67 = -90438468824060.33 -40550215.10996715 + -5560562584.888206 = -5601112799.998173 3385837.80528368 + 100000000000000 = 100000003385837.81 3146641 + -69301 = 3077340 37121071351 + -537 = 37121070814 -278449 + -46291.3602151279 = -324740.3602151279 2978.8691177141927 + 19292 = 22270.86911771419 100000000000000 + 1116 = 100000000001116 -57230363.240777574 + 3145408196448 = 3145350966084.7593 7533061550 + -592071666099.6526 = -584538604549.6526 100000000000000 + -9922833763297 = 90077166236703 10903.84884826219 + -2.869684203088184 = 10900.979164059103 -7441308.67771998 + 8 = -7441300.67771998 978439245.7876374 + 469665 = 978908910.7876374 603610216.516269 + -8.68526654113331 = 603610207.8310025 -10660597 + 32.10965445619429 = -10660564.890345544 -33577098929.21689 + 37980.882583503975 = -33577060948.334305 92235156 + 6.729788960918084 = 92235162.72978896 51.32893211423678 + 1269561 = 1269612.3289321142 6020.470699784889 + 139663116964 = 139663122984.4707 498109.35718216473 + -56222855 = -55724745.64281783 230219.24345868168 + 7 = 230226.24345868168 36497399139615 + -333253929.4667926 = 36497065885685.53 100000000000000 + -1133334739600 = 98866665260400 -6957693123806.41 + 21591716387506 = 14634023263699.59 -3286439.903634079 + 38.177609212745054 = -3286401.726024866 -1.7410333998474932 + 5273 = 5271.258966600152 271439655732 + -4331148082.9097 = 267108507649.0903 58.43213184524726 + -147.9222513836617 = -89.49011953841443 420147609.118876 + 926.2090294409496 = 420148535.3279054 426222863.1069293 + -72380.3095620008 = 426150482.7973673 -100000000000000.0 + -863845.4692404446 = -100000000863845.47 1.123305434879192 + -9458865038486 = -9458865038484.877 82 + -8364947 = -8364865 25881917159.17163 + 100000000000000 = 100025881917159.17 -3951155515 + -2637375 = -3953792890 -100000000000000 + -981738401 = -100000981738401 100000000000000 + -27991.5384413431 = 99999999972008.47 -65247541435769.125 + 29794423627100.227 = -35453117808668.9 451443 + 8 = 451451 -97.99387993440125 + -926.0118617323734 = -1024.0057416667746 -43351331722042.42 + 74410738555 = -43276920983487.42 870936.6994395555 + 47.992946020569676 = 870984.6923855761 22142485921 + 59498883511420 = 59521025997341 7 + -9983599299.479454 = -9983599292.479454 -98336304761147 + -3958319260.7738647 = -98340263080407.78 -72086.44945144274 + -1011635769.9738389 = -1011707856.4232904 -415400671074 + -7.959259252578992 = -415400671081.9593 803986315945 + -193613141289 = 610373174656 -629926820456.8219 + -8215 = -629926828671.8219 -4098589.049305958 + -498403818 = -502502407.049306 -611885208703.5535 + -94789269743005 = -95401154951708.55 54.03648056122125 + -6644.628199086399 = -6590.591718525177 -29921 + -63351 = -93272 -510 + 5080.404557405437 = 4570.404557405437 63707431959254.24 + -9765.775692974565 = 63707431949488.47 -781234251139 + 884934789444.4904 = 103700538305.49036 -17968 + 85147768235692 = 85147768217724 2359274492676 + 8841692815 = 2368116185491 60 + -64603472459.23933 = -64603472399.23933 23728 + -6.588011243773763 = 23721.411988756226 205 + -16539631053339 = -16539631053134 -196971691.16009244 + 423.08443048951324 = -196971268.07566196 -69 + -9457614606.923153 = -9457614675.923153 3409619489 + -9494466 = 3400125023 6405 + -8106130685133 = -8106130678728 88066404027.68832 + -3323032 = 88063080995.68832 2224980 + 96888 = 2321868 -3847534948971 + -562361709 = -3848097310680 -450164 + -5278631874.440617 = -5279082038.440617 39521737578.70425 + 70684518913 = 110206256491.70425 -8 + -382400081.1521802 = -382400089.1521802 424703.8733850217 + -386.6322554756843 = 424317.241129546 -48218928853996 + 21734.50193329881 = -48218928832261.5 6585.226749267241 + -25925463.573617257 = -25918878.34686799 -3860787.0170687367 + 286972025015 = 286968164227.9829 -494495553702 + -2556945681379.427 = -3051441235081.427 -719184689637 + -39563580215720 = -40282764905357 192233.89972257896 + 3355455229.586691 = 3355647463.4864135 -100000000000000.0 + -512980745 = -100000512980745.0 244.4103152245385 + 13368680746710.385 = 13368680746954.795 770.1064677544186 + -728151.1085957801 = -727381.0021280256 6486 + 2790 = 9276 5722 + -26003649 = -25997927 834511364378.0868 + 4948866293957 = 5783377658335.087 718483.7659330888 + 93796 = 812279.7659330888 -18371280.051497627 + 9768045737 = 9749674456.948502 100000000000000.0 + 4 = 100000000000004.0 577428780953.6785 + -5420286467 = 572008494486.6785 -6151943390608 + 4609188.314224995 = -6151938781419.686 100000000000000 + -63475540 = 99999936524460 -5542 + 83.77422943600796 = -5458.225770563992 74450750.87566683 + 81729430.44361553 = 156180181.31928235 -107.82065969341616 + -26009570.924772628 = -26009678.74543232 -445651625397.73364 + -94 = -445651625491.73364 -4187412445214 + -3 = -4187412445217 173604.38659001887 + 81379022.16541412 = 81552626.55200414 -387 + -648 = -1035 7705131 + 6296249 = 14001380 -67527299345.31105 + 8012563 = -67519286782.31105 6 + -3702883273.428096 = -3702883267.428096 114961.5757180829 + -7724783 = -7609821.4242819175 36.178425045073524 + -83706507 = -83706470.82157496 34646885 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000034646885.0 -9185 + -86089416.47756737 = -86098601.47756737 -2678890 + -2560256194938 = -2560258873828 -2187742529453.585 + -7.273026905878543 = -2187742529460.858 555856 + -39517839408181 = -39517838852325 -61579837966374 + 390494868.1898758 = -61579447471505.81 -9808.826555808371 + -37 = -9845.826555808371 6120.758648242966 + 6404128537883 = 6404128544003.759 -478145.2989443294 + -24928 = -503073.2989443294 9355 + -68726808334.72296 = -68726798979.72296 -557211453 + -638592 = -557850045 -733751649.0088067 + -456915970715 = -457649722364.0088 2 + 59782.69836926464 = 59784.69836926464 -828497762110 + 80079374946031 = 79250877183921 -7079109576 + 100000000000000 = 99992920890424 -54305901349.43214 + 144.06088908519715 = -54305901205.37125 -8 + -3098674352863 = -3098674352871 -447725384005.3825 + 42878272776 = -404847111229.3825 -95 + 95179.44397220397 = 95084.44397220397 -323205 + 12211518 = 11888313 94 + 44811.91232117734 = 44905.91232117734 -806611020979 + 53674144724829 = 52867533703850 -100000000000000.0 + -775 = -100000000000775.0 -38 + -24229560.677456595 = -24229598.677456595 100000000000000 + -332 = 99999999999668 9.118793993645511 + 13008408227.713734 = 13008408236.832527 6.622113071444435 + -31504860.148365024 = -31504853.526251953 -20246027 + -584369 = -20830396 -484714295043.23 + 1584434.6372968743 = -484712710608.5927 -170 + 5990162900 = 5990162730 1853123428.8523345 + -732291478664.1814 = -730438355235.3291 -905364.8700538357 + -424567853 = -425473217.8700538 -3696216656 + -9602263 = -3705818919 -38797 + 55036428409.06018 = 55036389612.06018 -3985985516263.0776 + -54052942.3270772 = -3986039569205.405 97595760108 + -49835646.31861378 = 97545924461.68138 -64429006 + 5978935512703.229 = 5978871083697.229 -42154.35665230865 + -804648.9058268336 = -846803.2624791422 -94328 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999905672.0 6190 + -55925667414632.34 = -55925667408442.34 6 + 8760170 = 8760176 -193.978144136713 + 929702405774.8378 = 929702405580.8596 5369992640556 + -594663019850 = 4775329620706 66.62463186377931 + 773714256795.5352 = 773714256862.1598 62 + -16017238 = -16017176 221715130152 + 7634313946045.493 = 7856029076197.493 -23943 + 233061973 = 233038030 8718174795.956247 + -18587250 = 8699587545.956247 -458324 + -539.2679129979406 = -458863.2679129979 -6259090681939 + -79717451449.64787 = -6338808133388.647 -6206180 + -5571664107.603596 = -5577870287.603596 -9127494590 + -548590.6804238339 = -9128043180.680424 -22433119754574 + -598.054624965502 = -22433119755172.055 -22.77917741057726 + 48302775925.75646 = 48302775902.97729 -384384 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999615616.0 337302.53417280276 + 1383361070571 = 1383361407873.5342 -2.9654652206581984 + -663085.6477928951 = -663088.6132581157 8199950 + -9.134390421671759 = 8199940.865609579 -551278215448.2816 + -972446674.6251978 = -552250662122.9069 93444714649043.5 + -142362 = 93444714506681.5 -893.8261533194186 + 107378078580.89447 = 107378077687.06831 607 + 6.393617681173139 = 613.3936176811732 -853583422208 + 71.96854181440682 = -853583422136.0315 858571668.1016057 + 65878.75002531798 = 858637546.8516309 -45 + -3999968.3484536693 = -4000013.3484536693 414314170.75259143 + -54465763859.34578 = -54051449688.593185 100000000000000.0 + -832731268140.1796 = 99167268731859.83 -1.0718111599671591 + 9 = 7.928188840032841 4095 + -61200209166252 = -61200209162157 -5480124312.303658 + 5309033349 = -171090963.30365753 73504600793.7001 + 7607549.194288434 = 73512208342.8944 4845282.968664249 + 96570921347.85841 = 96575766630.82707 112046033722 + 932689581291 = 1044735615013 48022516 + -4894.085425502548 = 48017621.9145745 79064689894174 + -72991839.21321051 = 79064616902334.78 -5160036212632 + 7 = -5160036212625 446240440.59689796 + -9552.868215806726 = 446230887.72868216 34504870467510 + -8074303541 = 34496796163969 -83610996950425.69 + 6996382.245142563 = -83610989954043.44 71181.87446577837 + 2983.1738570948164 = 74165.04832287319 415142533.2360665 + 7503617447.237918 = 7918759980.473985 745244234514 + 927497410 = 746171731924 7034513 + 330554313234.5552 = 330561347747.5552 -8 + 35380981726858 = 35380981726850 -1781703368300.029 + 19224243.367866207 = -1781684144056.6611 83530036720 + 5.594206670959597 = 83530036725.59421 11.77421283959437 + 1729332.6586514 = 1729344.4328642394 -37413 + -100000000000000 = -100000000037413 891883.7673248838 + 37597974.746399775 = 38489858.51372466 -553473960885 + 738000039143.1451 = 184526078258.14514 8294 + -100000000000000 = -99999999991706 -76839.7552948794 + 31054.2315366552 = -45785.523758224204 56.73103088237923 + -6421.770882831051 = -6365.039851948672 6942034.400378796 + 776 = 6942810.400378796 -100000000000000 + 3395 = -99999999996605 9714 + 59302291357429.195 = 59302291367143.195 -59302717716400.69 + 5527449470232.148 = -53775268246168.54 3208052808.436829 + 6982129.436074236 = 3215034937.8729033 41.34466424285987 + -424689.7170560066 = -424648.3723917637 -2022939259398 + 680280 = -2022938579118 72973485443.23387 + -100000000000000 = -99927026514556.77 298215 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999701785.0 10.521267754955163 + 60561959.460164905 = 60561969.98143266 56631.67578350028 + 4 = 56635.67578350028 -19504416.685167003 + 976664 = -18527752.685167003 445 + -868212.7138599982 = -867767.7138599982 10824.258870942394 + -421718833 = -421708008.74112904 6006.153975719694 + -800 = 5206.153975719694 3.2033641934160726 + 18 = 21.20336419341607 4728717822.130513 + -7214143165.410681 = -2485425343.2801676 -94216247.95101501 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000094216247.95 20424580.53030677 + -9271.662096573744 = 20415308.868210196 -7314032407.007902 + 60976212.14851408 = -7253056194.859388 173 + 49458011471.672325 = 49458011644.672325 -30899178662928.516 + 7446.7130582481595 = -30899178655481.8 241903454800 + 5926 = 241903460726 -681722874006.3665 + 23213 = -681722850793.3665 690567114 + -5591490.263764427 = 684975623.7362356 -7847909709367 + -9.239806205451682 = -7847909709376.24 12987 + 24256 = 37243 217092755839 + -8491242645874.837 = -8274149890035.837 -100000000000000.0 + -4321955 = -100000004321955.0 -43975107310212 + -54709450254 = -44029816760466 -48.69016364736566 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000048.69 -5360109061.371495 + -11868631.910512164 = -5371977693.282007 8229.72790802794 + 1760321300 = 1760329529.7279081 -51163399.547414914 + 659388188183 = 659337024783.4526 -8310304557 + -247242 = -8310551799 -47624324355886 + 43260589 = -47624281095297 37488938 + 695.1801964178345 = 37489633.18019642 -2059929872 + 882084006 = -1177845866 433145823084.66956 + 714282988 = 433860106072.66956 157069809650 + 100000000000000.0 = 100157069809650.0 9190.485791210085 + 100000000000000 = 100000000009190.48 -517.3732275557641 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000517.38 6329 + 6074705876 = 6074712205 -5228848916 + 71895542756.77652 = 66666693840.77652 -55190585944 + -7576 = -55190593520 -68 + 784285165825.4558 = 784285165757.4558 37331.74059401662 + 56814277388 = 56814314719.74059 -53415285136722.34 + -89562 = -53415285226284.34 -6379474.10020857 + 746.4873358066385 = -6378727.612872764 -8594 + 3136.4048306473014 = -5457.595169352699 86381.14664098869 + -439484193.11197764 = -439397811.9653366 5616619 + -3249034268 = -3243417649 -9181315.564842973 + 872727.3037202491 = -8308588.261122724 92210960350017.14 + 8.144550925419203 = 92210960350025.28 -7694.745425999081 + 100000000000000 = 99999999992305.25 443647132.79254746 + 356 = 443647488.79254746 2189196.441496034 + 388562239920 = 388564429116.44147 -23493181749.388565 + 859 = -23493180890.388565 -100000000000000.0 + -6488.086954405256 = -100000000006488.1 59691 + 222149262.4799652 = 222208953.4799652 -14400541926973 + 75 = -14400541926898 -330468377719 + 2962628.3606657656 = -330465415090.63934 -6134959997661.009 + 745420 = -6134959252241.009 87396861438 + -38124518421 = 49272343017 -702092110763.7048 + -533022589817.2186 = -1235114700580.9233 -19 + 74941033 = 74941014 -37147 + -248807400247 = -248807437394 -723.4980209628123 + -4516 = -5239.498020962812 -5822121449 + -1403912210 = -7226033659 7.620829562308322 + -932341.7530569076 = -932334.1322273453 -78531473058.81448 + -3 = -78531473061.81448 41350938238 + 2737182962.8428926 = 44088121200.842896 95.79515465655793 + -733 = -637.2048453434421 6685 + 8788983467931 = 8788983474616 -6354.476243340309 + 3361325110424 = 3361325104069.524 -59257 + 312070025 = 312010768 616874394538.9115 + 1239.6761945056837 = 616874395778.5876 3791087 + -907851467.4352287 = -904060380.4352287 -8224.859304387988 + -33481.548688289404 = -41706.40799267739 49 + -749 = -700 32.35513593946105 + -3714618359337.3647 = -3714618359305.01 -4804923666 + -87875677680.01234 = -92680601346.01234 64407593911950.56 + 44053 = 64407593956003.56 -6026410276 + 244 = -6026410032 -5312125121458 + 4036655463489 = -1275469657969 -100000000000000 + 73295416121089.3 = -26704583878910.703 -5038 + -569 = -5607 660023797060 + 100000000000000.0 = 100660023797060.0 -631 + 77820630565013.48 = 77820630564382.48 4390.510186218809 + -873001293460.3275 = -873001289069.8174 -929378.2454902248 + -5814627855 = -5815557233.24549 246 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000246 948494 + 9371051244033 = 9371052192527 -8 + -47681.26377934657 = -47689.26377934657 -76623181 + 313362290421 = 313285667240 -13150197374 + 983939113 = -12166258261 -9887 + -72717254872480.94 = -72717254882367.94 2504861075 + -19086290072.29999 = -16581428997.299992 145924.9267041757 + -1962280164.8993564 = -1962134239.9726522 341 + -51283269576143.76 = -51283269575802.76 -7.179442046707908 + 54183 = 54175.820557953295 -70088604324.71796 + 6268916505.102537 = -63819687819.61542 4773118613 + 7776786540420 = 7781559659033 -2.4633144898486092 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000002.47 -66349 + 804207549.5921803 = 804141200.5921803 241450 + 6309969283.001748 = 6310210733.001748 6732626.743474498 + 155211340 = 161943966.74347448 -45615571493 + 21237248 = -45594334245 3894112930 + 409053699.03212416 = 4303166629.0321245 -79617460826 + -5641.752847658059 = -79617466467.75285 -6707176 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000006707176.0 -366160172.7465706 + -100000000000000 = -100000366160172.75 -100000000000000.0 + 6.727225254500536 = -99999999999993.27 80224503338737 + 6420755812.160671 = 80230924094549.16 -100000000000000.0 + 211909.5413080359 = -99999999788090.45 582742063.5068607 + 2318 = 582744381.5068607 -79956.25000544018 + 3104229756768 = 3104229676811.75 6946636176.049256 + 544274742.1862135 = 7490910918.23547 337660.0433496616 + -30184393704750.547 = -30184393367090.504 -7223.2542234628145 + -424687031 = -424694254.25422347 -51928.64838672689 + 7313 = -44615.64838672689 -85666468887017 + 8758819.378849316 = -85666460128197.62 587907 + 778591454031.9536 = 778592041938.9536 34732461107278 + 440136641 = 34732901243919 -62680185390545.945 + 67738993800 = -62612446396745.945 -885361834 + 2860888956.310193 = 1975527122.310193 96405090349.47559 + 471911.2355267899 = 96405562260.7111 2 + 67121816.67215651 = 67121818.67215651 9864139457377.72 + 30085.311463640366 = 9864139487463.031 -33361017.894057453 + 93875.12064450924 = -33267142.773412943 -85391.89363577172 + 4579742245.953957 = 4579656854.060321 65541066417 + -1843792470.2694092 = 63697273946.73059 3774.5577922485177 + 2897548 = 2901322.5577922487 100000000000000 + 6058291.385022797 = 100000006058291.39 100000000000000 + -71070185000 = 99928929815000 8868842918165.06 + -526373283531.6258 = 8342469634633.435 9.796048546510045 + -194322015.84786803 = -194322006.05181947 9298504699 + -7928104.758470168 = 9290576594.24153 -5178.042460291598 + 2.766623650518704 = -5175.27583664108 -6714907 + -53449273349 = -53455988256 8134503351170 + -85682710 = 8134417668460 -72492.57844120346 + 96916349 = 96843856.4215588 916451202361 + -3938955932826.792 = -3022504730465.792 231169384370.73822 + 2064128547560.5662 = 2295297931931.304 -85.05397858365906 + -8611559283793 = -8611559283878.054 -2 + 4742025819.985066 = 4742025817.985066 2042853.373568432 + -20282871923028.44 = -20282869880175.066 -6252030294 + -46992312018 = -53244342312 -788956756 + 86008.51228196318 = -788870747.487718 9706458 + 696526961 = 706233419 3281719786811.553 + -853775106501 = 2427944680310.553 9 + 145.09095218577946 = 154.09095218577946 -88663246 + -828238688.6416885 = -916901934.6416885 -54763.73514244978 + 47661040877736.28 = 47661040822972.55 3284816856.3466725 + -55466918824047.61 = -55463634007191.266 824230285 + -4 = 824230281 -3.8719484737262264 + 99587683522251 = 99587683522247.12 -588996 + 8913880.937417783 = 8324884.937417783 7455029.008133371 + 38698765.337855466 = 46153794.34598884 9553050038713 + 8665928300416.619 = 18218978339129.617 -6462764914 + -2.2787366211347724 = -6462764916.278737 -5 + -70871064 = -70871069 793803447 + -1.2434884403848585 = 793803445.7565116 -90175.85713066647 + -887201.3883514889 = -977377.2454821554 -94552501951466 + 16413210794998 = -78139291156468 22.353036715432175 + -81205667156 = -81205667133.64696 92174949143 + -47314028.79518745 = 92127635114.20482 4 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999996.0 3937446339.7728148 + -3.1810823376101354 = 3937446336.5917325 -43523088598049.68 + -2644441255 = -43525733039304.68 -5251344950.406492 + -13 = -5251344963.406492 35475553.731521204 + 3432690 = 38908243.731521204 100000000000000 + -3 = 99999999999997 -1298212749 + -72138297793.38434 = -73436510542.38434 375838046495.51935 + 4824843275615.256 = 5200681322110.775 100000000000000.0 + 6825803384977 = 106825803384977.0 5505481690.491747 + -7617375487 = -2111893796.508253 -5622053905034 + 65933761376648 = 60311707471614 32309268252480 + -100000000000000.0 = -67690731747520.0 -7.728826405941845 + 4114822570 = 4114822562.2711735 -999 + 9825794179 = 9825793180 185220206.6600855 + 984899026740.3948 = 985084246947.0548 -67536145.93056114 + -1 = -67536146.93056114 -8526109.247442301 + 49679036306773 = 49679027780663.75 72242.154558704 + 773.2311760262684 = 73015.38573473027 1 + -123.88002239783515 = -122.88002239783515 4056168 + 3297624.6993386303 = 7353792.69933863 -954491 + -3631697250925.6904 = -3631698205416.6904 -63621974545.411514 + 65.19737882730374 = -63621974480.214134 -675 + 727037239217.9541 = 727037238542.9541 -65462888800 + 14365465 = -65448523335 -8316715 + -3599559497235 = -3599567813950 -91126675221 + -341909019598.0936 = -433035694819.0936 -915620122611 + 100000000000000.0 = 99084379877389.0 -612559 + 4059 = -608500 931118741475 + 12753000458825.928 = 13684119200300.928 -29207.949029812597 + 65.00575889918301 = -29142.943270913413 -3.130065026278257 + -3.0964263500092413 = -6.226491376287498 -557440 + 96.29418492448397 = -557343.7058150755 82165.34678017443 + -8109732737252 = -8109732655086.653 8942491 + 4504574 = 13447065 -473623504 + 272989762 = -200633742 9 + -87 = -78 40283968179.80496 + -834695 = 40283133484.80496 71230098 + -260.97317866595364 = 71229837.02682133 712271086533.5585 + 255 = 712271086788.5585 14849423 + 19.255308155656373 = 14849442.255308155 9098542789417.45 + -99487870568.30473 = 8999054918849.145 -14.529117706526211 + -95560 = -95574.52911770652 56047813014491.56 + -801367921593 = 55246445092898.56 806008 + -8772121955492 = -8772121149484 96.99223321740321 + -9620.794517980752 = -9523.80228476335 -523849281609.24725 + 47142605256.46932 = -476706676352.77795 -42024356594.70421 + -734.837858844916 = -42024357329.54207 -624762 + -9.679009994603026 = -624771.6790099946 -91.53359371125019 + -99117.27527743868 = -99208.80887114993 237 + -674795333826.6708 = -674795333589.6708 6369448168007.797 + 7136539 = 6369455304546.797 95254.05933344494 + 7799055 = 7894309.059333445 -4488246137284.618 + 46.74306062468735 = -4488246137237.875 -688439 + 37185415.335113734 = 36496976.335113734 -85564873191.96236 + -995094628.0947325 = -86559967820.05708 -85806742181.74225 + 16320814.700865177 = -85790421367.04138 -1 + 70434164039.03482 = 70434164038.03482 7161.168219627077 + 2522208.9788058223 = 2529370.147025449 -69192418.71022952 + 5511687 = -63680731.710229516 -3345236 + -19260894893275 = -19260898238511 815918.4581442861 + -29 = 815889.4581442861 -39 + 80412323603481.38 = 80412323603442.38 -100000000000000.0 + -5790978.86854662 = -100000005790978.88 75690193918 + -53.677082199524435 = 75690193864.32292 -147.6652829204546 + -159157443985 = -159157444132.66528 -55725785.667569555 + 376924002.72824305 = 321198217.0606735 -3040.7444232356347 + -96524978120.67273 = -96524981161.41716 -35604065693.1764 + -4350974.701091254 = -35608416667.87749 979589.5996495673 + 93506037638128.42 = 93506038617718.02 2430831.876838287 + 2613902 = 5044733.876838287 24.582573232026185 + -247359906679.80228 = -247359906655.2197 -6228699518976 + -324608177701.8429 = -6553307696677.843 25873972 + 613501.9771173897 = 26487473.97711739 7569437674940 + -61 = 7569437674879 -7151364398928 + -37407053 = -7151401805981 -410215466289.7548 + 100000000000000 = 99589784533710.25 53486 + 61400.77868336609 = 114886.77868336608 -61397664549.73849 + -4080 = -61397668629.73849 2 + 9616.44891137127 = 9618.44891137127 -4334420 + 619187 = -3715233 709350469.6414183 + -9428820 = 699921649.6414183 61 + -45623070.69586911 = -45623009.69586911 -305156.9455104926 + 8256.499552795267 = -296900.44595769735 -95502.60573668306 + -29 = -95531.60573668306 -239.22776135364697 + -47347291 = -47347530.22776135 -34718389398924 + 623394 = -34718388775530 3331715844 + -2 = 3331715842 -5.369435779716833 + -3362.491256625755 = -3367.8606924054716 -4239989 + 610205840 = 605965851 675105629186 + 5713597.941637539 = 675111342783.9417 251614820.41065437 + 26637645806.528893 = 26889260626.93955 7390734544 + 73372893425060.73 = 73380284159604.73 11447559.632625988 + -383578.7661634461 = 11063980.866462542 -66206 + 6127373.555715406 = 6061167.555715406 -4704 + -93.91115905680348 = -4797.911159056804 -5612646273275 + -44.052854414609996 = -5612646273319.053 624 + -989749701 = -989749077 -58761757823696 + -79739476160 = -58841497299856 -1140192445173.5918 + -3081370646 = -1143273815819.5918 -2698.5096957487167 + 626143.0462085068 = 623444.5365127581 -41399171133.88001 + -31.61563150307301 = -41399171165.49564 2728012063096 + 4089159282.778097 = 2732101222378.7783 76351587889211.19 + -1734876898 = 76349853012313.19 2 + 8635000892803 = 8635000892805 889905172 + 1157 = 889906329 -59944050 + -4075193.370075385 = -64019243.37007538 -9857842082107 + 62524237443670 = 52666395361563 -21811226.574118294 + 755155 = -21056071.574118294 100000000000000 + -94953738.06470422 = 99999905046261.94 873841422136.916 + 660356900981 = 1534198323117.916 1687911 + -61159605288062 = -61159603600151 -52 + 2165296714 = 2165296662 8014491018 + -6488079.0364898965 = 8008002938.9635105 5527793297950.447 + 100000000000000.0 = 105527793297950.45 286921.8446866405 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000286921.84 14.746880067497344 + -9793291024.293036 = -9793291009.546156 300313 + -8.995271817511306 = 300304.0047281825 53 + -68330241116.09963 = -68330241063.09963 -95.90460408018677 + -744.5984700863097 = -840.5030741664965 2453900 + 298880893123 = 298883347023 -4256176408999.7246 + 8368296025 = -4247808112974.7246 -298807633807 + -100000000000000 = -100298807633807 7729 + 620564978967 = 620564986696 -253028753 + 3.448517817797582 = -253028749.55148217 100000000000000 + -723.0514166883962 = 99999999999276.95 2094743047466 + 5292050596 = 2100035098062 -94862167 + 89456625973.65117 = 89361763806.65117 82768299842 + -100000000000000.0 = -99917231700158.0 -30795973 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999969204027.0 -592526.6118329952 + 1707185049 = 1706592522.388167 192959809223.16626 + -90911206666311 = -90718246857087.83 801.4691353996126 + 889886165723 = 889886166524.4691 -987720029 + 33372327 = -954347702 58009998.0592172 + -46582783.704701245 = 11427214.354515955 -9447.208050981393 + 106053429793 = 106053420345.79195 9687751129 + 48823 = 9687799952 -22 + 819929371201.6685 = 819929371179.6685 100000000000000 + 2900554 = 100000002900554 53.1878107288354 + -6.757408982321795 = 46.43040174651361 -7785180991528.33 + -1685534.9818322095 = -7785182677063.312 299472 + 8298.06673851882 = 307770.0667385188 118.54575339302215 + 143569 = 143687.54575339303 30 + 6260054.356769052 = 6260084.356769052 373771.8951791235 + -465192132 = -464818360.10482085 32710.044003822444 + 48333.1982190883 = 81043.24222291075 659 + -8 = 651 6378576737145.691 + -62741045402.43945 = 6315835691743.252 98999494107 + -900499777072.3302 = -801500282965.3302 -812223946170 + 68.65374591781833 = -812223946101.3463 -52999658.316253 + -3806705 = -56806363.316253 2447 + 6372.786601144529 = 8819.78660114453 -88085456295831 + -220925243904.38583 = -88306381539735.39 -157.57286507027527 + -1778283 = -1778440.5728650703 41358971 + 2 = 41358973 1556 + 8504844879922.451 = 8504844881478.451 -4634302 + 9623705462222 = 9623700827920 -619 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000619.0 -802.4801931708225 + -38 = -840.4801931708225 629 + -34433127.508982316 = -34432498.508982316 11753467.978905711 + 80859471678994.73 = 80859483432462.72 224 + -456026868.16091084 = -456026644.16091084 -2648616481 + -16702886 = -2665319367 61175482218.499855 + -21752282 = 61153729936.499855 -609699426.8047522 + 2067.430854644016 = -609697359.3738976 -543245763.7658693 + -24953915660 = -25497161423.76587 7022368022 + 60121177517209.72 = 60128199885231.72 100000000000000.0 + 10677638659518 = 110677638659518.0 889785497532.3906 + 6862013168605.151 = 7751798666137.542 5700608087674 + 53722 = 5700608141396 -100000000000000.0 + -39827590 = -100000039827590.0 -100000000000000.0 + -681542.3997390077 = -100000000681542.4 40861714644583.76 + 100000000000000 = 140861714644583.75 -3170 + -7677574944 = -7677578114 -550118056403.86 + -100000000000000 = -100550118056403.86 43559921605246.45 + -835.2812012992833 = 43559921604411.17 88634900084363.23 + 62163983 = 88634962248346.23 -99837175028319 + -224293646259.06616 = -100061468674578.06 -519 + 34650855830009 = 34650855829490 -9779671.881007262 + -734324 = -10513995.881007262 -7137 + 64.86589818979658 = -7072.134101810203 8984419966720.207 + 91 = 8984419966811.207 -545999.6665682285 + 2441558.1761421687 = 1895558.5095739402 4819108711092.111 + -1233488650484 = 3585620060608.1113 -2698514.86156273 + 280795.6040969037 = -2417719.2574658263 -99.2778451999951 + -6068187.427416653 = -6068286.7052618535 -98096847.85799678 + -7792263 = -105889110.85799678 661397.723711329 + -96.97844364460725 = 661300.7452676845 -4835 + -669407710614 = -669407715449 32303880 + -336759577 = -304455697 7254139415.937715 + -427797418.30078447 = 6826341997.63693 -100000000000000.0 + 1821706557 = -99998178293443.0 -944976270.4881202 + -647368227345.2444 = -648313203615.7325 2658681.3791136704 + 2863602745 = 2866261426.3791137 580434627.5568215 + -92354835617 = -91774400989.44318 38569891 + -52.51154537663396 = 38569838.488454625 100000000000000.0 + -48.97400656393424 = 99999999999951.03 -15187.386184551087 + 96023.56009661927 = 80836.17391206819 987204404 + 8195031 = 995399435 2336456 + -724690.2205088291 = 1611765.7794911708 -69461907.87284234 + -7834.876883134185 = -69469742.74972548 23655228969986.617 + 2635724476 = 23657864694462.617 -193573155 + 6580277707.258178 = 6386704552.258178 -7447 + -833475860149 = -833475867596 -4 + -4623 = -4627 -523.9992296207818 + 3755.2045425237366 = 3231.2053129029546 -530029850 + -5653.9415697874765 = -530035503.9415698 268425 + 529194 = 797619 -99369203766131.77 + -5539727590.27486 = -99374743493722.05 -23465.226880102076 + 830250.653130524 = 806785.4262504219 -8708962552174 + -100000000000000 = -108708962552174 564492806.674394 + 8196820476498 = 8197384969304.675 -6958474 + -775572501996.0107 = -775579460470.0107 -82803739251196.58 + 46499831026.842766 = -82757239420169.73 -23194959426921.938 + 462210270.19475245 = -23194497216651.742 -9 + 493151.17464913294 = 493142.17464913294 -30356873587339.89 + 43183428855849 = 12826555268509.11 -152647254 + -24928540130053.07 = -24928692777307.07 -7855136.088527965 + 261.7243071613382 = -7854874.364220804 -433.9166868792674 + -51896577668441.75 = -51896577668875.664 1275855850 + -8 = 1275855842 2160478.9741403433 + 8658401276084 = 8658403436562.975 -515.3689874102006 + 281470825.8208821 = 281470310.4518947 -760.4843341826202 + -355817.5337388514 = -356578.018073034 6991555.519205186 + 4026991173420.351 = 4026998164975.87 215914326 + -100000000000000 = -99999784085674 76297.40901581322 + 998700136 = 998776433.4090158 -733270943689 + -6059535.553419178 = -733277003224.5535 -48910.784557658524 + -9178129 = -9227039.78455766 -91318476207153.52 + -343317 = -91318476550470.52 21661769312422.12 + 100000000000000 = 121661769312422.12 -57903.599659564956 + 7767.4232763630025 = -50136.17638320195 5057863256398 + 8669485647979 = 13727348904377 -51 + -2217782305.3282127 = -2217782356.3282127 -8798469 + 100000000000000 = 99999991201531 53323675 + 232460079.94798678 = 285783754.9479868 -6185921268 + -71852651274460 = -71858837195728 242041 + 631460079795 = 631460321836 60557498 + -2728961143555 = -2728900586057 -682266505430.6327 + 85.29003093474456 = -682266505345.3427 100000000000000 + 1242739150513 = 101242739150513 8039012.4935393585 + 100000000000000 = 100000008039012.5 -756483651984.4337 + -655449637455.0391 = -1411933289439.4727 -95.79357932726153 + -4537999654935 = -4537999655030.794 28537514.510994967 + 77176552.00589798 = 105714066.51689295 9024 + 95550219541814 = 95550219550838 -26996015 + -644670298.0508614 = -671666313.0508614 -396372701.73176455 + -48505350860.20609 = -48901723561.93786 -6637 + -90422666433.07527 = -90422673070.07527 -6144 + 151406311.11930776 = 151400167.11930776 622444.6937301506 + 1362419315733.199 = 1362419938177.8928 -267691.6863799719 + -30946254 = -31213945.686379973 74.82755841516871 + 3272 = 3346.827558415169 -5193 + -92814218 = -92819411 -8478915233233 + -7704747.802152862 = -8478922937980.802 9068260625812 + 905 = 9068260626717 -6093478846617.598 + 7 = -6093478846610.598 7688.083646194346 + -80732.5052312838 = -73044.42158508945 133210091218 + -100000000000000.0 = -99866789908782.0 706730462082.261 + 18799936.334514853 = 706749262018.5955 663.0881414814614 + -78343079224332.03 = -78343079223668.94 -6562311 + -2678085.4228761187 = -9240396.42287612 571516056362.4685 + 60440063 = 571576496425.4685 333953658.541153 + 87406472 = 421360130.541153 -323359718073 + -920.6241978673723 = -323359718993.6242 42714 + 18043052.820427366 = 18085766.820427366 53248 + 1836627586 = 1836680834 -299.56567979609844 + 2466458802954 = 2466458802654.434 1740283767.4366343 + 1200019523 = 2940303290.436634 -93.36615801948955 + -9558727324 = -9558727417.366158 8656326326 + -755725330 = 7900600996 -7338 + -96893 = -104231 -8100928135681 + -3901.636746716242 = -8100928139582.637 98.21680162263253 + 299 = 397.21680162263254 66.00656890013525 + 9 = 75.00656890013525 2.504400989364396 + -84616.97792441066 = -84614.4735234213 89.89571020206293 + 1566203 = 1566292.8957102022 858652.6638036707 + 109341696621.4098 = 109342555274.07361 -524663.3575431565 + -19979109628241.992 = -19979110152905.35 275 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000275 -922.8972685199273 + 6835808251420 = 6835808250497.103 654.0975110734196 + -95172060786 = -95172060131.9025 95402449.5088306 + -43.12280951890883 = 95402406.38602109 -998366397130.6548 + 5375418954117 = 4377052556986.345 -1741044.5525051905 + 8247256 = 6506211.4474948095 -279148781965.6314 + 48889866 = -279099892099.6314 -36600874000277 + -2915826256098 = -39516700256375 -472667.1338929301 + 8502274970 = 8501802302.866107 -76998677865.06772 + 831145344 = -76167532521.06772 -3467 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999996533.0 -26915.497786174692 + -65203.23934313589 = -92118.73712931058 -4539183 + -991.6222377302781 = -4540174.62223773 -49292047 + 6 = -49292041 -2090082845676 + -597512258.7211607 = -2090680357934.7212 6062478481 + 1575768735727 = 1581831214208 -26926.972113631648 + 329932358 = 329905431.0278864 -479902.50554590876 + 189242.78182809358 = -290659.7237178152 67 + 19147914745264.297 = 19147914745331.297 -37222.22919549415 + -8505378 = -8542600.229195494 8026.638202348744 + 1542569407.165141 = 1542577433.8033435 51750402.46929348 + 6855167821829 = 6855219572231.47 582.403540805145 + -769423.4950078521 = -768841.091467047 25526708715 + -3538056577 = 21988652138 7 + -7 = 0 5.6486953441649135 + -420785155854 = -420785155848.3513 -100000000000000.0 + -8 = -100000000000008.0 8261756193505 + 462373371358.36304 = 8724129564863.363 -511684104704 + 680351422.5676787 = -511003753281.4323 21449784708373.035 + -12682853825.293583 = 21437101854547.742 60009728 + -51288190157.62442 = -51228180429.62442 -45406 + -39682777713 = -39682823119 75142.39035201621 + 26061496.328234993 = 26136638.718587007 100000000000000 + 541 = 100000000000541 220314395740.93735 + 4293 = 220314400033.93735 -9 + 4548189101156.129 = 4548189101147.129 -69456386 + -1384669329 = -1454125715 69529088990463.87 + 763036138418 = 70292125128881.87 -82.60749438589498 + 2 = -80.60749438589498 -181 + 65782819977.9467 = 65782819796.9467 -48 + -9954377853 = -9954377901 -431.14819553711294 + 59282801 = 59282369.851804465 -72 + 7125596.676767214 = 7125524.676767214 6900648483.612445 + -946111819 = 5954536664.612445 24804610637934.89 + 64759396 = 24804675397330.89 881707004778.0892 + 87285169113.79599 = 968992173891.8853 100000000000000.0 + -44313.52421941479 = 99999999955686.47 636.4886122314275 + -43358053341 = -43358052704.51139 -6.440236523124081 + -9753500323.716911 = -9753500330.157148 38962311.16145778 + 5233 = 38967544.16145778 5.727541891304406 + 83 = 88.72754189130441 -100000000000000.0 + 897532206.888173 = -99999102467793.11 -981.090594410014 + 5053.206690897245 = 4072.1160964872306 -1625.3254187669959 + -185464664.49651814 = -185466289.8219369 -100000000000000.0 + 83.17115278393837 = -99999999999916.83 -3243 + 681064634.7326252 = 681061391.7326252 7252357966.925982 + 7229284867.735458 = 14481642834.661442 -70834303.29346517 + 100000000000000 = 99999929165696.7 100000000000000 + 798441231414.9128 = 100798441231414.9 -43570445744023 + 4995 = -43570445739028 -618234.6381336743 + -83144069360215.5 = -83144069978450.14 -417 + -7038788655 = -7038789072 7 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000007.0 -14623213801353 + 4677.970732753673 = -14623213796675.03 1130.1850115091631 + -373.2338144666464 = 756.9511970425167 7057210240740 + -69927785.85399497 = 7057140312954.146 -8364983 + -897220033.2947985 = -905585016.2947985 -40748.06630869283 + -755848395324.9209 = -755848436072.9872 -3738 + 389 = -3349 -9693.123297075072 + 51825493825 = 51825484131.8767 81122405 + 1977201760068.0244 = 1977282882473.0244 -485.0890123477117 + 5 = -480.0890123477117 -7 + -7058279978318 = -7058279978325 -100000000000000.0 + 6152329081017.284 = -93847670918982.72 -846720517 + -403788907175 = -404635627692 85271246.14652053 + 49090740680072 = 49090825951318.15 94630556459.8493 + -251989371130.83548 = -157358814670.98618 -702844263.2195729 + 100000000000000 = 99999297155736.78 100000000000000.0 + -188670.77997246996 = 99999999811329.22 -8190215371162 + 100000000000000.0 = 91809784628838.0 -1670679981033.0332 + 317087351343.0229 = -1353592629690.0103 664700935 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999335299065.0 57330889025257.33 + -5980 = 57330889019277.33 -6349455802355 + 5773077.489752385 = -6349450029277.51 1363235343890 + -53554300015429.86 = -52191064671539.86 -872348430161 + 8716749743641 = 7844401313480 8945466313897.951 + -8395.888606630602 = 8945466305502.062 62180319.02791832 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999937819680.97 -5 + 3001953725.696882 = 3001953720.696882 -1302242579.5681887 + 2800733592641.5283 = 2799431350061.96 -276315022959.06195 + -25610947601400 = -25887262624359.062 8.59461551546465 + 875 = 883.5946155154646 -1733.4983314778378 + 173935 = 172201.50166852216 -8717933421713 + -6829.252573695334 = -8717933428542.253 670633531476 + 9.138988179638533 = 670633531485.139 8228078 + 45.80215877905271 = 8228123.802158779 -235153288051.42075 + 7458595914.742127 = -227694692136.67862 2351.3102231071653 + -79726574559800 = -79726574557448.69 -395376 + 40830172.960598364 = 40434796.960598364 -7736.5477342356135 + 13986910 = 13979173.452265764 837 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999163.0 -7250520005.399528 + -3785374463.2512608 = -11035894468.650787 -9257 + 95513 = 86256 48379138 + 9887.938506353945 = 48389025.93850636 45547425068 + 5464153163231.677 = 5509700588299.677 44.19530266428841 + -35251379433 = -35251379388.804695 -37124073018917 + -485.2633232768355 = -37124073019402.266 -62101388 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999937898612.0 46 + 738355666585 = 738355666631 -5997113249379.506 + 39021641 = -5997074227738.506 100000000000000 + -2933442168390.5176 = 97066557831609.48 -532171.3976403533 + 9774.55675994573 = -522396.84088040754 6.799072740352068 + 7180058917.423375 = 7180058924.222447 87 + 3.9184768781024264 = 90.91847687810242 649479 + 59058.42739790107 = 708537.4273979011 77764 + 63 = 77827 -64835596382242.84 + 92492542727064 = 27656946344821.156 1913313083 + -536448 = 1912776635 3165957622 + -100000000000000.0 = -99996834042378.0 -25033 + 713237801 = 713212768 31312694.203630783 + -2901947057 = -2870634362.796369 -8602.19967289136 + 82412 = 73809.80032710863 100000000000000 + -212188.61437803728 = 99999999787811.39 5975287888 + 436886644511 = 442861932399 7318361843.06955 + -8782359923848.883 = -8775041562005.813 -7584019.427962795 + 5665924 = -1918095.427962795 -5105246.155848946 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000005105246.16 -13490693123871.56 + 6113192411.83495 = -13484579931459.727 249769578 + 272238323.92879915 = 522007901.92879915 -27762476597717.81 + 807619237802 = -26954857359915.81 -1009821364.9841031 + 6217445454296 = 6216435632931.016 100000000000000 + -9723 = 99999999990277 549903250659 + -8.510317473148383 = 549903250650.4896 -4996667.23054393 + 2298.2728650596487 = -4994368.95767887 -914694285.1833313 + -99983054.35148714 = -1014677339.5348184 1186 + 671893196232 = 671893197418 763 + -7948548432.030985 = -7948547669.030985 191734235.8447315 + -9.669793897945818 = 191734226.1749376 -85634.34229741024 + -9 = -85643.34229741024 -7621985675074.936 + 29920108153467.586 = 22298122478392.65 -6771849569178.66 + 4 = -6771849569174.66 100000000000000 + 9397671597978 = 109397671597978 8901246.039308582 + -95276.72021706133 = 8805969.31909152 768260427 + 1947268.5974936476 = 770207695.5974936 100000000000000 + 274741952.445091 = 100000274741952.44 552402311 + 64453299116028 = 64453851518339 -2604350192328.2275 + -4961713878543 = -7566064070871.228 -48738025 + -8024.2998475954055 = -48746049.299847595 -40779228029.826675 + 40954877851.87904 = 175649822.05236816 -94985 + 274 = -94711 83809260763.22958 + 3646428 = 83812907191.22958 497.06372362286123 + -6.441412631976454 = 490.6223109908848 -9615586191.99995 + -6103104000575.892 = -6112719586767.892 -80117433 + 78.58751046219253 = -80117354.41248953 -248373 + 405 = -247968 -1405.369124343882 + 74.78840690122382 = -1330.5807174426582 622201440697 + -100000000000000 = -99377798559303 -4280535342 + -92893692.24946271 = -4373429034.249463 748770840602.1686 + 5985081244.299701 = 754755921846.4683 -9208045533.592829 + -2370315207630.3613 = -2379523253163.954 -8344352585 + 369924439.29670644 = -7974428145.703294 -264.3614877780291 + 20095712 = 20095447.63851222 2890977 + 82307128864 = 82310019841 -24908914098982 + -952550971.880641 = -24909866649953.88 -1645299221.614286 + -4383538156 = -6028837377.614286 927.6070629124649 + 811965 = 812892.6070629124 -11145253290 + -98014139.77262326 = -11243267429.772623 68.17161618803229 + 86831.21440199632 = 86899.38601818435 369 + 5782068887 = 5782069256 185651 + 68.96670992574218 = 185719.96670992573 72 + 62753 = 62825 -9832234 + -9328520 = -19160754 -1066084 + 49 = -1066035 714790 + 77259965680 = 77260680470 8.64673216055558 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000008.64 3618433 + 895712.4807322668 = 4514145.480732267 796965088.6660041 + -8.296955236766884 = 796965080.3690488 -46898583852152.484 + -5004 = -46898583857156.484 -2616.578481083501 + -9743 = -12359.578481083501 613404473 + 56 = 613404529 150578.54783002584 + -852022109405 = -852021958826.4521 -1454145605154 + 9422796852.993877 = -1444722808301.006 835890002 + -4401 = 835885601 5334701316.272848 + 975 = 5334702291.272848 421857997.4697489 + 30913757267765.59 = 30914179125763.06 60081 + 3.906750668100379 = 60084.9067506681 4465 + 169941823 = 169946288 -338786242189 + 544111.7947875254 = -338785698077.2052 -100000000000000 + -23 = -100000000000023 573509209.5572313 + 532685.2477190266 = 574041894.8049504 -7633394904258.186 + 1972202462632.329 = -5661192441625.856 3896 + 39820093439741 = 39820093443637 -57142527176.223785 + 4237413182.5387444 = -52905113993.68504 699371.7779536413 + -77556 = 621815.7779536413 74091222151 + -66502017860971.45 = -66427926638820.45 505559719 + 75459604441048 = 75460110000767 318751 + 39.52645367589803 = 318790.5264536759 81 + -579498112629 = -579498112548 82191703797689 + 715633 = 82191704513322 8.17462614994444 + 9202146739807 = 9202146739815.174 -32890351265 + 74.71055972520105 = -32890351190.28944 -6.8857248517556044 + -79761071220.57193 = -79761071227.45766 -100000000000000 + -58487115178.21348 = -100058487115178.22 -9279987407 + -616215795534 = -625495782941 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -97 + 7214133137251 = 7214133137154 -43830668022.29541 + -2102 = -43830670124.29541 -58.79514685434176 + -8282846724242.666 = -8282846724301.461 -1311695575.9833446 + 100000000000000 = 99998688304424.02 60393643981 + 33.38826282830348 = 60393644014.38826 19 + -6.141496244007579 = 12.858503755992421 100000000000000 + -8680 = 99999999991320 -5883 + 61.3890996893791 = -5821.610900310621 -77600041017.23148 + -205638 = -77600246655.23148 -1343962996505.6519 + 67928274000325.4 = 66584311003819.75 -550 + -693620 = -694170 338016 + 9504295843 = 9504633859 -633074.7881531607 + 25348153853808.19 = 25348153220733.402 5791398.879134832 + 5089853341.647198 = 5095644740.526333 -100000000000000 + -95122210949350 = -195122210949350 971 + -5 = 966 -17652790 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000017652790.0 -75 + -1767.628439201956 = -1842.628439201956 -96273843448 + -21033696163 = -117307539611 674.0631043447213 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000674.06 -497087.11764037784 + -898025.2516940315 = -1395112.3693344095 268708658584 + 3974005356 = 272682663940 -352709683 + -170931010.86937827 = -523640693.86937827 94919.03404048408 + -100000000000000 = -99999999905080.97 100000000000000 + 7 = 100000000000007 -6555207143815.045 + 100 = -6555207143715.045 98551 + -2746019300997.174 = -2746019202446.174 12843551275097 + 7416045 = 12843558691142 -77558607831041.6 + 100000000000000 = 22441392168958.406 11 + -967832190.4444114 = -967832179.4444114 347.5486118169223 + -1368838.2717446983 = -1368490.7231328813 -5836 + -972031113 = -972036949 -100000000000000.0 + -5271476179480 = -105271476179480.0 8050803703 + 698476492878.7788 = 706527296581.7788 -537257635597.29236 + -744109998.4171559 = -538001745595.70953 1 + 28796372 = 28796373 -6071875510 + -8059364 = -6079934874 100000000000000.0 + 68.10157472452599 = 100000000000068.11 -9282173526 + -131.61338808868416 = -9282173657.613388 -100000000000000 + 6228.14518559209 = -99999999993771.86 56369473350 + -983118 = 56368490232 -21779475.06887192 + -54599 = -21834074.06887192 1592 + 7856 = 9448 -660792468 + 59 = -660792409 -100000000000000 + 6.49211063989109 = -99999999999993.52 7650087245.866678 + 350295.6844421914 = 7650437541.551121 -20620505367405.203 + -22223120 = -20620527590525.203 -25130752606 + -95454913 = -25226207519 15918232.708995644 + 524731462 = 540649694.7089957 297709198764.82587 + 4.882669996741204 = 297709198769.70856 7.533216263625735 + 8414911.066217551 = 8414918.599433815 8818700491 + -6696941390.525018 = 2121759100.4749823 -250290641 + -4315463916.317839 = -4565754557.317839 9 + -22903078 = -22903069 -5746353014281 + 606354722489 = -5139998291792 952616.0400880197 + 346404171652 = 346405124268.0401 33267197.115580328 + -1 = 33267196.115580328 287.3266530420294 + -5 = 282.3266530420294 -653913024.0065389 + -8402947204392 = -8403601117416.007 -303830155982 + 21333 = -303830134649 138429602737 + -3 = 138429602734 -7482 + 91031110382.86983 = 91031102900.86983 14921193950 + -215833414826 = -200912220876 -55337889.72158122 + -7800503719.330769 = -7855841609.05235 -62485982174 + -384828690826 = -447314673000 6212446378729 + 716 = 6212446379445 -41233876 + 46325397606 = 46284163730 -100000000000000.0 + 3040315600978 = -96959684399022.0 100000000000000.0 + 75378.29846372506 = 100000000075378.3 -48136218.68553104 + 9.121504553367359 = -48136209.56402649 1 + -11030851906741.213 = -11030851906740.213 38.664974855391954 + -721132624.2118953 = -721132585.5469205 -58157861801 + 1667785.561275955 = -58156194015.43872 -771.7036230510861 + 7813.596363179681 = 7041.8927401285955 -100000000000000 + 6868287255 = -99993131712745 -77799121489719.28 + 100000000000000.0 = 22200878510280.72 74031299752358.53 + 34522 = 74031299786880.53 -59734711993163 + 3251928551.977417 = -59731460064611.02 -8914036494 + 226896.12428712996 = -8913809597.875713 44912140 + -9843.152648600073 = 44902296.8473514 -5311.017836712253 + -74110113057 = -74110118368.01784 938 + 82012205 = 82013143 -406049711133.0209 + 25878 = -406049685255.0209 -7616.2889307186615 + 62 = -7554.2889307186615 26869797272348.492 + 1946.236698429661 = 26869797274294.73 504147.67417615844 + -961561982019 = -961561477871.3258 129748105.95623872 + -25933.41910754739 = 129722172.53713118 97672.58621257496 + 48076227.30348212 = 48173899.8896947 94683687.80625615 + -5759015.028962627 = 88924672.77729352 -91045.09664123548 + -227.9896438493219 = -91273.08628508479 -28036364.801831536 + 961924 = -27074440.801831536 -45514.3942439266 + -67308025527600.76 = -67308025573115.15 -96035 + -1398 = -97433 4.588418371933646 + 942086.9072442681 = 942091.4956626401 36256 + 90.69723427788146 = 36346.69723427788 9431 + -278.2833450466584 = 9152.716654953341 -3886967457 + -11765041.514645873 = -3898732498.514646 -50.51893644912725 + -6.586933417322827 = -57.10586986645008 -210060.0094713203 + -100000000000000 = -100000000210060.02 -65326279.266152635 + -2310579912744.881 = -2310645239024.147 15123219958 + -55022684132 = -39899464174 -9684510473 + 59341.26365533295 = -9684451131.736345 -5201.774250721563 + 24985965.67625119 = 24980763.90200047 -753510 + 5311 = -748199 2878.55998936534 + 4913392258.058026 = 4913395136.618015 9196268305274.293 + -34 = 9196268305240.293 -3 + -9590 = -9593 -1589715693.6901417 + -8470402804.20332 = -10060118497.893461 -47565230.725962415 + 89489376887236.4 = 89489329322005.69 5.229565130448133 + 66214664631 = 66214664636.22957 -6428799058 + 1567.9617606223367 = -6428797490.0382395 -674 + 71723850664549 = 71723850663875 -8767446 + -7424 = -8774870 73689935384782 + 24718110400329 = 98408045785111 98328959041 + -234911412 = 98094047629 -608.0417690152885 + -2404.9766466290575 = -3013.018415644346 -69949.32328194793 + -471 = -70420.32328194793 887900135.3926015 + -30040.380263906532 = 887870095.0123376 5002.7555455584425 + 1 = 5003.7555455584425 -6524926760 + -971731.3042427624 = -6525898491.304243 -1 + 13587159 = 13587158 48185530785 + -39495972149 = 8689558636 100000000000000.0 + 43594617496.70773 = 100043594617496.7 -34.86805747963999 + 755.9037357996953 = 721.0356783200552 3 + -961575545059.706 = -961575545056.706 100000000000000 + -19.97920677271188 = 99999999999980.02 36421 + 2309401611528 = 2309401647949 -73272.49385250415 + -806379 = -879651.4938525042 -6896056272.798332 + 6658804.697229656 = -6889397468.101103 -3643704 + 100000000000000 = 99999996356296 46108710542.44183 + -100000000000000.0 = -99953891289457.56 480 + 7012398131405.989 = 7012398131885.989 2097059511689.7476 + -104874577301 = 1992184934388.7476 -80941021725 + 80008889 = -80861012836 -12862739915 + 4324726562 = -8538013353 -661984 + -6930874.511424154 = -7592858.511424154 -51521 + 48886195111795 = 48886195060274 632673701264.801 + -20580488 = 632653120776.801 62088319825.98994 + -50.18031244454065 = 62088319775.80962 94635908333.75557 + -763629427 = 93872278906.75557 -4.834245841488109 + -84631280 = -84631284.83424585 2 + -42277716 = -42277714 427076411071 + 59168.93992796668 = 427076470239.93994 -68108975159 + 7308784192789.954 = 7240675217630.954 -100000000000000 + -26871182 = -100000026871182 -837074 + 17037.20067756036 = -820036.7993224396 86123 + 2331 = 88454 -8911974 + 2421975132875 = 2421966220901 6750051086.403149 + 956.7703782437997 = 6750052043.173527 346633079562.60986 + -9441632 = 346623637930.60986 90.85254513604953 + 5260.938898276056 = 5351.791443412105 426234589 + -2842103 = 423392486 -9 + -11669679424982.008 = -11669679424991.008 7498.662148924437 + -866 = 6632.662148924437 50155.73902732938 + 625.2565892006336 = 50780.99561653001 -1089.0470449724653 + 100000000000000 = 99999999998910.95 -2 + 87443374249 = 87443374247 4583.6575612049255 + -50281090142.34579 = -50281085558.688225 -85005887281608 + -89 = -85005887281697 6.669974785243725 + 5258461.240480863 = 5258467.910455648 -755.7361240453121 + 8597012199 = 8597011443.263876 38 + -940 = -902 665084.5754440847 + -4836.561777039315 = 660248.0136670454 -7834774202590.177 + -36005.170773241305 = -7834774238595.348 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 619146995700.919 + 6333796 = 619153329496.919 702148283.1632621 + -3838189 = 698310094.1632621 45693448131738.65 + 836454860087.3765 = 46529902991826.02 95496 + 808135.0422344453 = 903631.0422344453 -3818017636548.971 + 727743338 = -3817289893210.971 9153930902631.312 + 4726805740732 = 13880736643363.312 51 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999949 -472.4616869794002 + -91559975.4590152 = -91560447.92070219 5.877733782951633 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999994.12 -47445197232374 + -20479409629112 = -67924606861486 100000000000000.0 + 6557675 = 100000006557675.0 -8259400469 + 334703.7430089754 = -8259065765.256991 223150.43471044427 + -948.2190779858867 = 222202.2156324584 -5605360056424 + 54699549.92136154 = -5605305356874.079 20395448284602 + 1.7333795557277325 = 20395448284603.734 8435738299661 + -2565721.5845374367 = 8435735733939.415 -6755.433426298399 + -5451596520565.438 = -5451596527320.872 82445408308 + -47452 = 82445360856 -420765866.0209496 + 328 = -420765538.0209496 100000000000000.0 + 1878920811 = 100001878920811.0 3238786610.1516147 + 85868090 = 3324654700.1516147 16342850.662797514 + 9 = 16342859.662797514 -100000000000000.0 + -63602.416097296686 = -100000000063602.42 21.75447853772325 + -42.21490052840559 = -20.46042199068234 -543 + -2148.4762652977265 = -2691.4762652977265 47401911234.14366 + 33604969069786.406 = 33652370981020.55 49872780621827 + 5744.160906073794 = 49872780627571.164 -903759 + -470694.54432081484 = -1374453.5443208148 -46381027.72340416 + 415.1310612500864 = -46380612.59234291 -1.1561723930243086 + 574428565.5848203 = 574428564.4286479 34025 + 23289079650 = 23289113675 -47862101668 + 27069514888 = -20792586780 41846473850784.336 + -1793232.7244997914 = 41846472057551.61 5941 + -94073398735045.97 = -94073398729104.97 -68518969795.26453 + -7536295.75509525 = -68526506091.01962 -7134191290930 + -178917942.46488297 = -7134370208872.465 -635000131531.1475 + 7907815711936 = 7272815580404.853 -54373036461607 + 641159240887 = -53731877220720 -65 + 7 = -58 -2770673 + 5999345.592817382 = 3228672.592817382 -6.613637800923191 + -45939205487.81474 = -45939205494.42838 39308285730871.61 + -16446777 = 39308269284094.61 6966414498.224431 + 819405055 = 7785819553.224431 526.0676374585744 + -4358031537 = -4358031010.932363 100000000000000 + -17 = 99999999999983 7950391348836 + -31861538948158 = -23911147599322 69612519266.85721 + 1499 = 69612520765.85721 -6296876.766069265 + 3.0315876108010364 = -6296873.734481654 -91 + 90164991713282.47 = 90164991713191.47 161207748866.93805 + -17086906.897746667 = 161190661960.0403 7352.842387584319 + 90708403.37829757 = 90715756.22068515 2787 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999997213.0 63123514512586 + 45927010932152 = 109050525444738 65836032752191.62 + 92.86883583592244 = 65836032752284.484 4131836441343.391 + 448 = 4131836441791.391 523389771.4876443 + -6474855289 = -5951465517.512356 3542799182 + 47696 = 3542846878 -810350589 + -2325537203319 = -2326347553908 -24.030008774584076 + 1364 = 1339.969991225416 -976.3928275106981 + -7107.516521287464 = -8083.909348798162 42114541773.87036 + -418.142788058768 = 42114541355.72757 -78946.10369739641 + -37647008 = -37725954.1036974 -99656.80620574777 + -4 = -99660.80620574777 12.006815970522062 + -8938636643 = -8938636630.993183 9445461815429 + 351.8706616361766 = 9445461815780.871 -1 + -36708966639 = -36708966640 2.634681610749911 + -190.8902238822834 = -188.2555422715335 -21 + 4520094.551176475 = 4520073.551176475 -1.3928520371808286 + -25956771.973084114 = -25956773.365936153 2914210274758 + -295004891812.39075 = 2619205382945.6094 -87745703 + 22007 = -87723696 -54385713407887 + -191905 = -54385713599792 -836.2144344924303 + -4.449777430657036 = -840.6642119230874 5858665874.010468 + 100000000000000 = 100005858665874.02 -992213.9763012659 + -372 = -992585.9763012659 -339388224487.2716 + -261067844.8252233 = -339649292332.0968 18662722609273 + -424 = 18662722608849 -8817532559949 + 4424633241.381281 = -8813107926707.62 -100000000000000.0 + -61414781 = -100000061414781.0 234610619.9569943 + -39284978556290 = -39284743945670.05 -77.40783333269678 + 3216089047361.6597 = 3216089047284.252 -25702793.91590036 + -9256850.209553793 = -34959644.12545416 35301738148427 + -9168336 = 35301728980091 45268549571.50865 + 2.262935587967234 = 45268549573.77158 11194046 + -8509830 = 2684216 100000000000000 + -61930914.455564775 = 99999938069085.55 775149.4385453124 + -943776.2725362417 = -168626.8339909293 12261.639246575747 + -78823 = -66561.36075342425 2876736 + 644049.9643335007 = 3520785.9643335007 16061.137250531749 + 7355395795535 = 7355395811596.138 44 + 3473888.7423442653 = 3473932.7423442653 2327370 + 8616352.078895953 = 10943722.078895953 -91389 + 98548158287439 = 98548158196050 -819.2973245121151 + 742 = -77.2973245121151 -8518062613.664544 + 3706672224.3076053 = -4811390389.356939 -9 + -612353744.7254426 = -612353753.7254426 90423787072710.61 + -9573516350 = 90414213556360.61 79.28236902311939 + -5177 = -5097.71763097688 97644964 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000097644964.0 503918023825 + -31956694140108 = -31452776116283 -15.74149380729045 + 21 = 5.25850619270955 -5487967137 + 97591.92697334105 = -5487869545.073027 8 + -92162473073908 = -92162473073900 -14068425026615.145 + 28262808452.551517 = -14040162218162.594 -9922.72092694679 + -145060963.99063635 = -145070886.7115633 1.5460833667847802 + 4811 = 4812.546083366785 -92467144650837 + 90360846.51949288 = -92467054289990.48 -5 + -7219980434061 = -7219980434066 148741681532 + -883644 = 148740797888 -180978611996.10083 + -852058230 = -181830670226.10083 -465356624 + 26306 = -465330318 580997538.7855082 + 77 = 580997615.7855082 -87 + 11304692713.184902 = 11304692626.184902 -1382102181299 + 5.685723032714254 = -1382102181293.3142 7.25660968514877 + 57385597 = 57385604.256609686 88992794 + -3123 = 88989671 663648628993.6254 + -21508.83985360903 = 663648607484.7855 -774857045.2300787 + -347857313 = -1122714358.2300787 5548416037.798502 + -767799160291 = -762250744253.2015 9872810.591010202 + -7 = 9872803.591010202 -2027720300 + 259 = -2027720041 56916.68965551474 + 70050166.19683096 = 70107082.88648647 187373981.9604363 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000187373981.95 -758.5252739973034 + -9416598071 = -9416598829.525274 -56 + -33 = -89 -330566901.7651907 + -67600.90605922558 = -330634502.6712499 867834 + -1 = 867833 -100000000000000 + 43295.336370159275 = -99999999956704.66 -5090.33702503608 + -328788849053 = -328788854143.33704 28213764156.57231 + 12104027.557677655 = 28225868184.12999 341.77930293131266 + -8436816385.20818 = -8436816043.428878 81136943 + -553907.4287533077 = 80583035.5712467 -88865269714.03442 + -58185984812584.32 = -58274850082298.35 -77349445203 + 85510595427.2678 = 8161150224.267807 1 + -716.8419780361825 = -715.8419780361825 -162747860 + -958854639.1924995 = -1121602499.1924996 40764 + -808772173.5990117 = -808731409.5990117 -100000000000000 + -30.195658071954547 = -100000000000030.2 -359.86768441285517 + 7720552558178 = 7720552557818.132 31725435.94626975 + 726435176.6503689 = 758160612.5966387 -3542811 + -95412113711619 = -95412117254430 -40480206081 + -9351154580467 = -9391634786548 -16.68525105813701 + 47769903197862.6 = 47769903197845.914 792170501.1100649 + 2559330 = 794729831.1100649 91745 + -8317229155433.216 = -8317229063688.216 -8284.390198543455 + 669258144.631804 = 669249860.2416054 46121698523.60745 + 90506111020757.98 = 90552232719281.6 18784.80873932786 + 67916077878770 = 67916077897554.81 6961 + 899007849007.9796 = 899007855968.9796 -100000000000000 + 3.3821045681733746 = -99999999999996.62 33214.16075658248 + 56024825365086.26 = 56024825398300.42 -851.8065772030639 + 9730326 = 9729474.193422796 392071.19167778967 + -127.8505101336754 = 391943.341167656 -88935564402112 + -40644438275.64012 = -88976208840387.64 35831183 + 923372678.5067141 = 959203861.5067141 100000000000000.0 + 8608212488173 = 108608212488173.0 2861123.1493770313 + -378225867 = -375364743.85062295 92346.58795753325 + 58676951482665.72 = 58676951575012.305 -524.3157954065954 + -69823571424 = -69823571948.3158 34143200854 + -478679413169 = -444536212315 -9877.895463356479 + 25674516.16607265 = 25664638.270609297 85267.66262847644 + -54747621.25417731 = -54662353.59154883 -6442465 + -32280 = -6474745 -2292709581496 + 665.6289054073577 = -2292709580830.371 -51221410.95835355 + 100000000000000 = 99999948778589.05 -3643951 + -293332 = -3937283 8559.266673571143 + -141.50013722210338 = 8417.76653634904 -4756 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999995244.0 92273805.21048348 + 5696032671.716148 = 5788306476.926632 146238165 + -51584 = 146186581 760 + -74.1146103009737 = 685.8853896990263 692835792 + 100000000000000 = 100000692835792 -3282478854316 + 96626951 = -3282382227365 66089984941.4946 + 98.61238026999683 = 66089985040.10698 -4722968408.939498 + -1032.3991162068817 = -4722969441.338614 903769456369 + 265 = 903769456634 -556385893014.5426 + 78254665869.35829 = -478131227145.1843 -9898773215 + 99478188916 = 89579415701 5806386169.473138 + -48002780512509.07 = -47996974126339.59 771033.4103915334 + -8006728964816 = -8006728193782.59 77453639 + 804807048926 = 804884502565 -4433734638.01075 + -92 = -4433734730.01075 -325933679155.8564 + 12990576170539.543 = 12664642491383.688 -1331424442.0354474 + 9 = -1331424433.0354474 -3046000265 + 7.187420441325633 = -3046000257.8125796 4532 + -30174515579693 = -30174515575161 -582510727 + 31868076596407.344 = 31867494085680.344 100000000000000 + -1377323885 = 99998622676115 999757697896.2749 + -95319.4204286257 = 999757602576.8545 -9665317336.750114 + 128114594228 = 118449276891.24988 -90529271656 + 7077 = -90529264579 -7.543745977828586 + -6912 = -6919.543745977829 3589442744 + 890139.2532210873 = 3590332883.253221 -9 + -89774793 = -89774802 59182524417042 + 42618.42260043132 = 59182524459660.42 -4 + -603.2874348183864 = -607.2874348183864 -6659921462 + -100000000000000 = -100006659921462 85997092223 + 79227874507.42375 = 165224966730.42377 -33.51035053758742 + -738802286235.2653 = -738802286268.7756 970072281322 + 36 = 970072281358 -9545037558.763468 + -1916.3454680708041 = -9545039475.108936 -5277.550918301026 + -3994800659966.16 = -3994800665243.711 -5205775940.868933 + -424973 = -5206200913.868933 -91075919751356.81 + -662125888663.0925 = -91738045640019.9 424567.97548993025 + 422376257447 = 422376682014.97546 -197800.93148473487 + -98011098 = -98208898.93148473 -5596.645124132687 + -94 = -5690.645124132687 4012654916132.965 + 2950160822.558626 = 4015605076955.5234 -590475 + 25652436487.512196 = 25651846012.512196 6302623874889 + -233886.79019683838 = 6302623641002.21 5735815336 + -2142055410364 = -2136319595028 6026532093872 + -699 = 6026532093173 93183972310226 + -19954785491574.387 = 73229186818651.61 -899.1332578485768 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999100.86 580.4508472448049 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999419.55 7075148057 + 100000000000000.0 = 100007075148057.0 4214527587 + -85.72058062545018 = 4214527501.2794194 8.65201658512855 + 11941948338636 = 11941948338644.652 -1096841.9422749518 + 45468058 = 44371216.05772505 -3232145780 + -5.328537593814617 = -3232145785.3285375 40913989434819.22 + -3940191378 = 40910049243441.22 -84754497771 + -49643884.60427197 = -84804141655.60428 -27443826 + 5 = -27443821 100000000000000 + -92682582.13397785 = 99999907317417.86 8 + -642729 = -642721 -1045298045 + -30565408.280749913 = -1075863453.2807498 4810879028490.194 + 46.961068107913235 = 4810879028537.155 -42464695544 + -15084185.684976377 = -42479779729.684975 -847758839 + -7431 = -847766270 -174986277 + -679282155764 = -679457142041 17043 + -38 = 17005 78044222.84516424 + 840673.0604631752 = 78884895.90562741 -219 + 43523579125870.516 = 43523579125651.516 -5657610.742057778 + -17 = -5657627.742057778 43173232008 + 4.938516806363774 = 43173232012.938515 6263719082.692289 + 91.3022325771501 = 6263719173.994522 45523867830.0942 + 2329017465621 = 2374541333451.094 -9225497504.787205 + 5549.38414299187 = -9225491955.40306 315.316176407845 + 4225768892.01696 = 4225769207.3331366 -2816.250207761267 + 2 = -2814.250207761267 5 + -3.573749544272418 = 1.426250455727582 -29614602 + -489553226532 = -489582841134 -4002463078045.473 + 2349239192650 = -1653223885395.4731 -74532590022391.3 + 10 = -74532590022381.3 14 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999986 -6947826.048833127 + 790201987727.6653 = 790195039901.6165 -55260930792212 + -100000000000000 = -155260930792212 9121762126541 + 8460 = 9121762135001 -13167663249708 + 40 = -13167663249668 -273528 + 169032759898 = 169032486370 -54188092090979.69 + 61950242399 = -54126141848580.69 3 + -58719213506.53383 = -58719213503.53383 21 + 73740 = 73761 -100000000000000.0 + 21337.63140013018 = -99999999978662.38 57882513225339.234 + -732473870 = 57881780751469.234 -100000000000000 + 924 = -99999999999076 -243079 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000243079.0 -1236281 + -94.71842359902581 = -1236375.718423599 -450 + -65798 = -66248 -893179.9917817083 + -790741.75513427 = -1683921.7469159784 653893403 + 4512355208937.242 = 4513009102340.242 851123.3023587198 + 513070.92519377754 = 1364194.2275524973 -75986 + 38.96667299950663 = -75947.03332700049 73762290800662 + 22693335104590.93 = 96455625905252.94 41 + 2.8927362307449616 = 43.89273623074496 5013.806077092273 + 100000000000000 = 100000000005013.81 -99422028 + -297376282269 = -297475704297 -4986136.643406579 + 1639248434.8685708 = 1634262298.2251642 100000000000000 + -6.145993723084989 = 99999999999993.86 -174 + -5361905 = -5362079 -5858.862099960315 + 803670882238 = 803670876379.138 80432625312674 + 2645861.7060099794 = 80432627958535.7 37013629588000.016 + -3439451.1600170457 = 37013626148548.86 -53614702.80494343 + 97000159418161.17 = 97000105803458.36 -536848402.2734101 + 22314084582 = 21777236179.72659 13.979069696198081 + 110665279 = 110665292.9790697 9592396589502 + 1754983966.756877 = 9594151573468.758 124973835831.78442 + 65945 = 124973901776.78442 7.907746942236844 + 7 = 14.907746942236844 29794754075426.58 + -26309382747733.855 = 3485371327692.7227 -7271766.947348009 + -30 = -7271796.947348009 -445109672669.5968 + -7570527869958.143 = -8015637542627.739 1229702681004.1018 + -24899267.663242534 = 1229677781736.4385 80476 + 5056 = 85532 10593138.01845812 + 947052650 = 957645788.0184581 -6.147663231664358 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999993.86 -284077481 + 40679 = -284036802 49669987570916 + -99715249217366 = -50045261646450 -972384549 + -62956463896 = -63928848445 -99776 + -41003286 = -41103062 -87.42226036583625 + -98250150 = -98250237.42226036 -100000000000000 + 8708.950661234307 = -99999999991291.05 -100000000000000 + 535884 = -99999999464116 -1.5145525330560434 + -9620309.792510075 = -9620311.30706261 8693072205272 + -73647282.00093822 = 8692998557989.999 -8380667653.140922 + 236474407643 = 228093739989.85907 39050821440.168076 + 26226139636.115715 = 65276961076.28379 691907773 + -100000000000000 = -99999308092227 2668682.063336958 + 646177295106 = 646179963788.0634 748627364176.6222 + 8440496.497391839 = 748635804673.1196 -34039 + -6335257.7065558145 = -6369296.7065558145 -120456665063 + 6534588147690.867 = 6414131482627.867 -79633020270855.62 + 77099446 = -79632943171409.62 -413429 + -3 = -413432 856143 + -785981680 = -785125537 87730711883.0596 + 6 = 87730711889.0596 -4454530349596.275 + 30 = -4454530349566.275 -79521667287.14249 + 21475 = -79521645812.14249 -184908938120 + -9741752.462553173 = -184918679872.46255 378.2570016140188 + 30631890373640.203 = 30631890374018.46 -6535927741195.229 + -50235046113.604935 = -6586162787308.833 56080625246595.03 + 35.11802726195449 = 56080625246630.15 -31051.802410702872 + -820 = -31871.802410702872 76363480 + -1713155968.704916 = -1636792488.704916 6.213841538974019 + -65509345034 = -65509345027.786156 23819161775 + -9956370238805 = -9932551077030 -278086592.99267936 + -41801415856 = -42079502448.992676 489 + 67.1915650528571 = 556.1915650528571 -1.4585414431369434 + -512751122.1398298 = -512751123.59837127 9 + -915013568775 = -915013568766 -839810195673.2278 + 88932000484 = -750878195189.2278 6032915.476264448 + -16593817.718846671 = -10560902.242582224 372 + 57777109036 = 57777109408 -43214782000984 + -100000000000000.0 = -143214782000984.0 -310322325948 + -84265850126.89699 = -394588176074.897 26 + -2114913 = -2114887 -787176611 + 92615995 = -694560616 936422.9537342242 + -62185785814.78299 = -62184849391.829254 -11741389696.881529 + -72511270904 = -84252660600.88153 4162248583373.774 + -1.5313264356467822 = 4162248583372.2427 -3772910.236404926 + 3 = -3772907.236404926 -68875804.91524678 + 88751 = -68787053.91524678 -100000000000000.0 + -5555273189687.636 = -105555273189687.64 4.798535192983417 + 86803.63717527574 = 86808.43571046872 -77.75368368804979 + 93820494 = 93820416.24631631 3205312 + -1503.7538944862504 = 3203808.2461055135 60469655 + 9.284407018368807 = 60469664.28440702 46588 + -84513 = -37925 8502154276 + 11815765681.156319 = 20317919957.15632 100000000000000 + 90347702713419.89 = 190347702713419.88 4840307.201418435 + -7459044582905.0625 = -7459039742597.861 -87.18718349324803 + -79771211 = -79771298.1871835 -166261 + -44618313848235.11 = -44618314014496.11 100000000000000 + -57846.800370163015 = 99999999942153.2 92006158 + 38266261808 = 38358267966 -3071106 + -67 = -3071173 4769054249425 + -98460636055887 = -93691581806462 723605.1224674259 + 81787601174201.23 = 81787601897806.36 344566759.35613674 + -32264433.278332204 = 312302326.07780457 91 + -334790669.40684384 = -334790578.40684384 -8457.92830620089 + -4657068 = -4665525.928306201 -22 + 85.74176621316053 = 63.74176621316053 3940782291309.837 + -55625 = 3940782235684.837 -13 + 57372260.62522034 = 57372247.62522034 5848558647411.608 + 3730960497.5479894 = 5852289607909.156 -2456.362035331399 + 62063986373814 = 62063986371357.64 -745221.4586873282 + -4688849601366 = -4688850346587.459 -706270609 + -8234576.899431753 = -714505185.8994317 -8586.418360188807 + 265.47511879572266 = -8320.943241393084 42 + 824271374.4509977 = 824271416.4509977 8369769 + 3990564487 = 3998934256 93951651567.90134 + -982699889573 = -888748238005.0986 -12910944.438002313 + -52922637443006 = -52922650353950.44 -790900435.9444379 + 90076196951 = 89285296515.05556 468 + -2153279013209 = -2153279012741 187201 + 68306132.11218433 = 68493333.11218433 -3224242110 + -577175344.6554171 = -3801417454.655417 100000000000000 + -7810630019701.951 = 92189369980298.05 -57 + 3479 = 3422 752399.2472468562 + 84531913 = 85284312.24724686 312084061562 + 1174.895397031899 = 312084062736.8954 100000000000000.0 + -915 = 99999999999085.0 -12.472318219847171 + 61 = 48.52768178015283 19867581454.268875 + 68927860897 = 88795442351.26888 2340914570 + 40 = 2340914610 -87.25779923681586 + -987014805.9889266 = -987014893.2467259 95665860 + -242.65518864168908 = 95665617.34481137 2 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999998.0 -1449207169.2229633 + 19678902.91312666 = -1429528266.3098366 866775791.0189945 + -20692 = 866755099.0189945 5227081.084960193 + -391456471 = -386229389.9150398 50970 + 78 = 51048 -9189303903714.258 + 187839887 = -9189116063827.258 194195.41752271377 + 8312 = 202507.41752271377 47.93624995260653 + -537010009209.3074 = -537010009161.3711 -940928412.8378663 + -79597210.00263022 = -1020525622.8404965 -72077350420929 + 1306 = -72077350419623 -274006256 + 7973770 = -266032486 -7183800.264246911 + -540 = -7184340.264246911 -167268768875 + 9690431679.431244 = -157578337195.56876 22789722 + 84 = 22789806 -100000000000000 + -49239209173614.76 = -149239209173614.75 6021672.727974685 + -59.596311988403144 = 6021613.131662697 6.653988542434673 + -513.8046849338822 = -507.1506963914475 79032.44484397546 + -728298083824.6893 = -728298004792.2445 2205.062985814762 + 6 = 2211.062985814762 29760611 + 7162.113611986867 = 29767773.11361199 -4610546011206 + -32803 = -4610546044009 -640 + -931.6082873145193 = -1571.6082873145192 1184 + 83355313.38253966 = 83356497.38253966 8048750927512.085 + 100000000000000 = 108048750927512.08 198701910.32155555 + -687 = 198701223.32155555 59353 + 27.306976868573138 = 59380.306976868575 -960743819966 + -474737115489 = -1435480935455 -788119533095.7031 + 51438004345032 = 50649884811936.3 -2116636 + -100000000000000 = -100000002116636 -96925.21829330224 + -579 = -97504.21829330224 -11597113.599601327 + 3331677840024 = 3331666242910.4004 32632748521837 + 22024268779339 = 54657017301176 -518199964437 + -5.555947208347935 = -518199964442.55597 -357459909.2239863 + -9308606155479 = -9308963615388.225 50 + -2470.1710557501624 = -2420.1710557501624 -46377659655551 + -2.8265378015361966 = -46377659655553.83 -72.53485677719449 + 4281.773547988202 = 4209.238691211008 7516766923.33327 + 100000000000000 = 100007516766923.33 82698172959 + 6614848537718 = 6697546710677 -5071741823.296101 + 140781.92609888327 = -5071601041.370002 -23.00156728897842 + 860243022638 = 860243022614.9984 927334.3422714341 + -626.923224216383 = 926707.4190472178 -100000000000000 + 81084 = -99999999918916 67700081 + 8264435768.719281 = 8332135849.719281 91 + 32548957 = 32549048 -63661585021.20185 + -26651163838901 = -26714825423922.203 8441112 + 629248523840.1077 = 629256964952.1077 57257380232626.78 + 884303596 = 57258264536222.78 -36008560038757.39 + 499009555.6864878 = -36008061029201.7 -970594109.4436411 + -27277690300629.203 = -27278660894738.65 -24723387.063242108 + -10 = -24723397.063242108 51436 + -18942 = 32494 42197 + -6009494140829 = -6009494098632 -389536569 + -21247 = -389557816 -9257496718.864853 + 56987173754 = 47729677035.13515 48753660342 + 730206600281.9619 = 778960260623.9619 48 + 37273889797 = 37273889845 -100000000000000.0 + -8.367091064939348 = -100000000000008.36 26.043082571321474 + 275835 = 275861.0430825713 -95980 + 394.3910155848848 = -95585.60898441511 69313210975713.75 + 917620556.4114699 = 69314128596270.164 -448609 + 86675274363 = 86674825754 -75281312769760.03 + -3531803.434902419 = -75281316301563.47 100000000000000.0 + 79881.4723926802 = 100000000079881.47 36991333421541.11 + -100000000000000.0 = -63008666578458.89 -16001047448 + 179233 = -16000868215 368339.177827273 + 12454170696744.648 = 12454171065083.826 37.22238953829148 + 21996831618175.094 = 21996831618212.316 -29024094214 + -826497950 = -29850592164 -993101.6409375846 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999006898.36 110451118 + -3099822469275 = -3099712018157 -700639 + 6 = -700633 368493249355.88025 + -18154483891.747883 = 350338765464.1324 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -89020 + 567 = -88453 -95114862358283.92 + 141.5440303224811 = -95114862358142.38 3 + 93 = 96 -82082.09447272836 + 9163859190.478897 = 9163777108.384424 4407047374339.295 + -91082755597246 = -86675708222906.7 -97305256141602 + 15817339616985.293 = -81487916524616.7 -542.3789757558975 + -6589 = -7131.378975755897 3748025530 + 49462705232.084984 = 53210730762.084984 -2931784338626 + 78510147.68008094 = -2931705828478.32 23969002 + 725 = 23969727 78785.9925190434 + -8471245203909.1045 = -8471245125123.112 9819111162149.777 + -5442.62947212153 = 9819111156707.148 1617004.745776615 + 335 = 1617339.745776615 -8829712567.444 + -100000000000000 = -100008829712567.44 -971745.9884669166 + 54376 = -917369.9884669166 83.458530323103 + 7231559777022 = 7231559777105.459 14745366650 + -24657872201.01767 = -9912505551.01767 -75486.7476180256 + -1607730691 = -1607806177.747618 -6 + 90758.68545362845 = 90752.68545362845 100000000000000.0 + 9170 = 100000000009170.0 57357 + 22217637446 = 22217694803 -38809479 + -3472745622.6735263 = -3511555101.6735263 7874252472.096429 + -2449662372535.59 = -2441788120063.4937 -100000000000000.0 + -4.0997031197962315 = -100000000000004.1 65.84074087038374 + -21884361542568.688 = -21884361542502.848 -973 + -450415256275 = -450415257248 95338.73386662325 + 2182 = 97520.73386662325 100000000000000 + 19779.256500483447 = 100000000019779.25 667398.372503043 + -8050262.163850037 = -7382863.791346994 -2763644 + -79412672393009.7 = -79412675156653.7 6942250 + -94974091 = -88031841 618391141 + -7487385040018.81 = -7486766648877.81 428.7147736903284 + 40230.97295146732 = 40659.68772515765 13359226486843.053 + 8740564268 = 13367967051111.053 9 + -90 = -81 -16.211511653153956 + 96871480565.6481 = 96871480549.43658 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 31771249.327731043 + -6068 = 31765181.327731043 -3053835196313 + -19040.655321148944 = -3053835215353.6553 -753301.3829347969 + 49933304086.21256 = 49932550784.82963 230525502328.16266 + 3508 = 230525505836.16266 141644188328 + 29289650078138.156 = 29431294266466.156 -100000000000000.0 + 303866 = -99999999696134.0 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 943633096.5101497 + -133.29068799384737 = 943632963.2194617 751276177.0887141 + -6642961824 = -5891685646.911285 -8329884230819 + -93.02021186539905 = -8329884230912.0205 -54799.069288522005 + 52300085 = 52245285.93071148 227.92586067082385 + 9944303072540 = 9944303072767.926 -100000000000000 + 4.350272748962787 = -99999999999995.66 -575 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000575.0 -99365151197.09106 + 902382.8611197097 = -99364248814.22995 -82 + -1387516.5352532524 = -1387598.5352532524 -65732262.994298205 + -180684064 = -246416326.99429822 -4.85663025079923 + 55.47646381979612 = 50.619833568996896 -842423649631.4387 + 72 = -842423649559.4387 769025.3690861367 + -26194642341.878914 = -26193873316.509827 100000000000000.0 + 2 = 100000000000002.0 -33838242323846.152 + 95570380 = -33838146753466.152 -90299833349.7846 + 100000000000000.0 = 99909700166650.22 7.017147760160333 + 15204716.938274007 = 15204723.955421768 880283478949 + -51446052112730 = -50565768633781 5.418313797531053 + 99722.97834646246 = 99728.39666026 100000000000000.0 + 7804147525544 = 107804147525544.0 -7475705454.781653 + -24471573082.834084 = -31947278537.615738 -5464 + 5 = -5459 4251786454879 + -2390718333.1333165 = 4249395736545.8667 -1349122277 + 100000000000000 = 99998650877723 -3.2918592714358237 + 3778.25833360303 = 3774.9664743315943 6.707146577443446 + 367897331 = 367897337.7071466 -100000000000000.0 + 84514582802465.92 = -15485417197534.078 677897812 + 7.345316701928308 = 677897819.3453166 -586900100226.9298 + -2868984978.1783943 = -589769085205.1082 8139884 + 8.82216727191664 = 8139892.822167272 -718287 + 29357651002905 = 29357650284618 -229038397079 + -34.127043779756576 = -229038397113.12704 -616108988711.8462 + -1076209.6670929587 = -616110064921.5133 -5788 + -71.97790881737049 = -5859.977908817371 -5203766982058 + -9911103296285 = -15114870278343 9571415.627757763 + 46457431182.889854 = 46467002598.51761 -27657 + 156410705294.83728 = 156410677637.83728 64944.47360382682 + 43745 = 108689.47360382682 -20 + 560655342166 = 560655342146 4812870244639.729 + -39170998.5737013 = 4812831073641.155 -8435314160.941863 + -4617988209402.974 = -4626423523563.915 54769 + 67549936.81446123 = 67604705.81446123 2181158881109.9136 + -4167447 = 2181154713662.9136 27878038525.31953 + 43359042.401547804 = 27921397567.721077 -236230615892 + -4999810 = -236235615702 -994412701798.8718 + 57828 = -994412643970.8718 826976866.7107606 + 33470074093699.594 = 33470901070566.305 8025322861 + 43 = 8025322904 -80 + -36.0455626991625 = -116.0455626991625 699295253 + -1423537 = 697871716 -5850378 + 188.66262237334735 = -5850189.337377626 7191343590181.85 + -31 = 7191343590150.85 31005850 + -5306562258495 = -5306531252645 -49753 + -13061477198 = -13061526951 399113.5537796646 + 85898.79197521086 = 485012.34575487545 -15 + 83548431951866 = 83548431951851 -270086104820 + -22633180756.01567 = -292719285576.0157 65777.5744233149 + -66736 = -958.4255766850983 1676052 + 8908 = 1684960 -88897431.09417742 + 394.8288458436385 = -88897036.26533158 5.85561010003256 + -63278981528.79824 = -63278981522.94263 63018 + 872.0514716234491 = 63890.05147162345 4.868008152223937 + 1845628 = 1845632.868008152 -384052.6909729341 + 4.6188273905113455 = -384048.07214554364 33360.853800624376 + -9268037.09532239 = -9234676.241521765 -80219.56157752148 + -393147 = -473366.5615775215 -5538278645459 + -895 = -5538278646354 5306602223589.05 + 78698 = 5306602302287.05 -965578791055.0186 + 2826280 = -965575964775.0186 -18610061.19113221 + -102.9215675690666 = -18610164.11269978 1467370095393.5942 + -293428 = 1467369801965.5942 19520 + 1357012089940 = 1357012109460 -5 + 33 = 28 343375924785.7451 + -100000000000000 = -99656624075214.25 17851 + 898222303 = 898240154 -4573837750.8592415 + -608169789213.0227 = -612743626963.882 100000000000000.0 + 661 = 100000000000661.0 -228397142 + -8125.448126323203 = -228405267.44812632 72 + -79137728.81964055 = -79137656.81964055 -491607951306 + 9183079.129839147 = -491598768226.8702 100000000000000.0 + -47951813711 = 99952048186289.0 -100000000000000.0 + 9036615875860 = -90963384124140.0 100000000000000 + -78901903 = 99999921098097 29801662541117 + 100000000000000.0 = 129801662541117.0 818497.2609550847 + 2549106.0892595844 = 3367603.350214669 -70 + 93.82266864055316 = 23.82266864055316 -5304.674191615134 + -2090766260042.279 = -2090766265346.9531 -599 + 4.61166329126 = -594.38833670874 -20.503548348478716 + 2101.4039489385405 = 2080.9004005900615 8720076308 + 94.27888956259092 = 8720076402.278889 50.555613488629156 + -6172195512 = -6172195461.4443865 -9.108637031814784 + -146631074769.06848 = -146631074778.17712 63357 + 4334015 = 4397372 -4 + -9589419562 = -9589419566 -55273545.59464983 + 587098 = -54686447.59464983 9204168 + 79133.2833859327 = 9283301.283385932 655211182968.3282 + 18312.327410117745 = 655211201280.6556 -13303546 + 8379545.0823457455 = -4924000.9176542545 -8994611015934 + -429705 = -8994611445639 -698319 + -100000000000000 = -100000000698319 -9147677 + 335620754931 = 335611607254 31958.991982507272 + -2110878426799 = -2110878394840.008 748647.0335259422 + 778105111 = 778853758.033526 81270434.81562251 + -16206619 = 65063815.81562251 -66659042321640.42 + 427.57442198117883 = -66659042321212.84 -11312481.347673152 + 25449598735287 = 25449587422805.652 608333077564.1486 + -5573262.12212646 = 608327504302.0265 9916692610514.818 + 6.107466222851393 = 9916692610520.926 -528586540 + 100000000000000 = 99999471413460 66789.51446678411 + -224084.73338121752 = -157295.2189144334 -803.0658325042119 + 3215254491766 = 3215254490962.934 -100000000000000.0 + 48358826 = -99999951641174.0 100000000000000 + 621301058.8262281 = 100000621301058.83 -100000000000000 + 905439599 = -99999094560401 -94194692.70822188 + 286 = -94194406.70822188 33620 + 503885 = 537505 3.1058194220040996 + 45112 = 45115.105819422 -788 + 3929692337581 = 3929692336793 49521419.76279272 + -51899567.29292215 = -2378147.530129425 -14115 + -2861970165.9692802 = -2861984280.9692802 35877060 + 1128870 = 37005930 -100000000000000 + -68 = -100000000000068 2872 + 251118 = 253990 -1538178736064 + 722201059968.4182 = -815977676095.5818 738799928906 + 339049615.4942528 = 739138978521.4943 -912462191385 + -4398702 = -912466590087 -100000000000000.0 + 1960775166337 = -98039224833663.0 100000000000000.0 + 36231.37343978809 = 100000000036231.38 41062 + -86307770989457.89 = -86307770948395.89 -14104074518 + 6665 = -14104067853 761 + 139311.7617466464 = 140072.7617466464 -388.10557463032205 + 8939 = 8550.894425369677 -55819819233 + 7039480976146.942 = 6983661156913.942 -1224414025471.0278 + -8770179 = -1224422795650.0278 -393625799655 + 168.23586570687556 = -393625799486.76416 -20.882292504153597 + -4581784994790.424 = -4581784994811.306 91510525664 + -750897 = 91509774767 -5.700448261333422 + -740044475072 = -740044475077.7004 23942 + -8.626283607359976 = 23933.37371639264 -50.86501618124021 + -9 = -59.86501618124021 31661674792.17177 + 77654371542 = 109316046334.17177 -6076413138.809322 + 7100870495788.468 = 7094794082649.658 -390777.17787581356 + 31137678344.501854 = 31137287567.32398 -5306 + 4851368742401.806 = 4851368737095.806 -12829286726231.576 + -317.0626098077789 = -12829286726548.639 100000000000000.0 + -423.9462585479497 = 99999999999576.05 490530698766.0594 + -37136225 = 490493562541.0594 -96771550614.89873 + 86105 = -96771464509.89873 -8495244875085.1045 + 31309.414795655735 = -8495244843775.689 419.82004058221287 + 71 = 490.82004058221287 62422.39484314541 + -86272509884 = -86272447461.60516 45167.06863927131 + -3595179544830.686 = -3595179499663.617 14548 + -1347960 = -1333412 -179253675308 + 229288678 = -179024386630 -5975025970 + 4425944134.35371 = -1549081835.6462898 228386205404 + 79700284.29886605 = 228465905688.29886 7 + 724942.7603000554 = 724949.7603000554 -8019531024198.372 + 100000000000000 = 91980468975801.62 -918490182 + -35800944.73154205 = -954291126.7315421 -46631404358059.81 + -167 = -46631404358226.81 7030484612.611923 + 1040783 = 7031525395.611923 6.320233036761449 + -16246984959 = -16246984952.679768 33.45677258158423 + -5.832107924997614 = 27.624664656586617 -457286 + 20117.6054283701 = -437168.3945716299 -2866012401.365506 + 1465 = -2866010936.365506 4511578570 + 67865620765.495926 = 72377199335.49593 13322645.059086695 + 2749 = 13325394.059086695 62.752925145608664 + 342281.30669668945 = 342344.05962183507 -6756251315187.14 + 205 = -6756251314982.14 4.317347902654383 + 94450 = 94454.31734790266 -64874566.271431856 + -7 = -64874573.271431856 2875 + 49017535980655 = 49017535983530 100000000000000 + -41889320541864.72 = 58110679458135.28 80973.42788736425 + 177511.13776870992 = 258484.56565607415 -51 + 8.812223067110434 = -42.18777693288956 346219596.53660804 + 96709434271 = 97055653867.5366 83.08651440069698 + -56738666599802.305 = -56738666599719.22 512510481420.4193 + 231993 = 512510713413.4193 -262745.5245334467 + 183 = -262562.5245334467 482 + -43439967522043.55 = -43439967521561.55 7667863143687 + 27913 = 7667863171600 53697787736.065704 + -879.1483810371087 = 53697786856.91732 -16961213.047631145 + 963 = -16960250.047631145 -79981146233.582 + 2815908.5013377927 = -79978330325.08066 86008013192943.45 + -564 = 86008013192379.45 454534881 + -571.2889698950685 = 454534309.7110301 -445481039.4208776 + 5133678421.152771 = 4688197381.731894 -48097196190779 + -36.35621278529766 = -48097196190815.36 -100000000000000 + -305699 = -100000000305699 -370566 + -8765808185367.034 = -8765808555933.034 4675020859 + 743314498548 = 747989519407 -919490424.8641087 + 986514326556.4525 = 985594836131.5884 3942.093148146181 + 9 = 3951.093148146181 -585 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999415 52.1629253351062 + -771796834647.1448 = -771796834594.9818 -563 + -3.323146206375843 = -566.3231462063759 4 + -5896219804434.237 = -5896219804430.237 7.845713542237045 + 2021.8645456547504 = 2029.7102591969874 -6 + 378616 = 378610 2626394378 + 929924 = 2627324302 30168862 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000030168862.0 -3946909.6616132734 + 40 = -3946869.6616132734 7236631301339.677 + -7091706225.19343 = 7229539595114.483 28268870516.79412 + -91787634716391.86 = -91759365845875.06 -920628742550.0981 + 12996635.865017854 = -920615745914.2332 6529897300.730975 + -5603 = 6529891697.730975 859383356.5034225 + 21901489.218322888 = 881284845.7217454 946988 + -9998825223501 = -9998824276513 -100000000000000.0 + -6763466793.759192 = -100006763466793.77 58914862100346.02 + -1.3526408650006971 = 58914862100344.67 -365.51779803101334 + 2914041546.630316 = 2914041181.112518 7394890215.328978 + -1065.6403554983492 = 7394889149.688622 -9298293904657 + -747014877.7078445 = -9299040919534.707 5826058.608939718 + -106.32610566044477 = 5825952.282834058 99087762 + -3268181930105.467 = -3268082842343.467 61884699875741.94 + -948210 = 61884698927531.94 310487013676 + 25223628.715765096 = 310512237304.71576 -98.49675205185741 + 9403046848 = 9403046749.503248 -8835338389065 + 58189.77696809642 = -8835338330875.223 -9339036607 + -28964.30946900229 = -9339065571.30947 5616987942 + -8975522682.628149 = -3358534740.628149 9273727.50189551 + -85289852 = -76016124.49810448 -815.3712220561819 + 337251.2796356163 = 336435.90841356013 12 + -9720013872572.238 = -9720013872560.238 99615659427731 + -34678 = 99615659393053 -7806718180360.261 + 5.480388046745807 = -7806718180354.78 330228009 + 62 = 330228071 26554217760892 + -2785624905447.6396 = 23768592855444.36 -58891688348 + 2426625273.0748167 = -56465063074.925186 8455129321904.956 + -55350210072838 = -46895080750933.05 6395605 + 9943922576 = 9950318181 -599878483093 + -225.64510779520344 = -599878483318.6451 -668990 + -1172 = -670162 100000000000000 + 9253525607272.582 = 109253525607272.58 593559082.5633297 + -100000000000000 = -99999406440917.44 -7908972336417.893 + -100000000000000 = -107908972336417.89 -55210947.546657845 + -100000000000000 = -100000055210947.55 -9657544 + 21463722263846 = 21463712606302 479932227.76876503 + -54.84702875517565 = 479932172.9217363 934728.1543049929 + 280435417 = 281370145.154305 521116497718 + -234380.0710990638 = 521116263337.9289 40448879423680.625 + -2378.2301201831915 = 40448879421302.4 -7246935 + -7269 = -7254204 -146122 + 85 = -146037 -61467 + 100000000000000 = 99999999938533 -7 + 669906.5187110333 = 669899.5187110333 -4007 + 8871216271873 = 8871216267866 64709097883.21705 + 72448884.5025739 = 64781546767.71962 -67012679061 + -719274.157670703 = -67013398335.15767 -30743.679030600568 + 81196.68845080456 = 50453.00942020399 100000000000000 + 648.4585839393523 = 100000000000648.45 89100707 + 865954037 = 955054744 93322387433 + 93186 = 93322480619 -434352863 + 6406357174441.368 = 6405922821578.368 -478501964570.90796 + 63065658386.97045 = -415436306183.9375 3861780.504852094 + 788096235955.2925 = 788100097735.7974 -834539012398 + -963103557.3203118 = -835502115955.3203 5238694541 + -62584.324151222005 = 5238631956.675849 36954403177 + 481.0208749588409 = 36954403658.020874 927977944908 + -335173541.45861304 = 927642771366.5414 81 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000081 -3 + -3536878 = -3536881 -5529.661530850833 + 921225.1731299909 = 915695.5115991401 -6624047879 + 3 = -6624047876 -4722773195713 + -864593 = -4722774060306 -24496.104864100485 + 178187883049 = 178187858552.89514 4140146 + 15 = 4140161 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -1421057.5417128028 + -4.4300474592675725 = -1421061.971760262 15666299 + 6210076 = 21876375 -629279.7442235778 + 39 = -629240.7442235778 159405 + -1461.6942572314942 = 157943.3057427685 -424 + 8082.984230360963 = 7658.984230360963 5 + -60544393775 = -60544393770 639.9903679502097 + -30.729990651503247 = 609.2603772987064 90 + 3 = 93 -8098231020 + -15965375 = -8114196395 102.592272899995 + -213295481.75795203 = -213295379.16567913 742.3676574807946 + -1956173008.022779 = -1956172265.6551216 51223211007.19759 + -24704446 = 51198506561.19759 -5445482 + -28982.81801320542 = -5474464.818013205 100000000000000.0 + -82261904890475.05 = 17738095109524.953 327 + 383510367 = 383510694 -2231853207.7486234 + 6086577 = -2225766630.7486234 -100000000000000 + 62 = -99999999999938 14495.912333806624 + 5705966 = 5720461.912333807 -574 + 15239881 = 15239307 -100000000000000 + 4917291 = -99999995082709 -49803281.902154945 + -329554873 = -379358154.9021549 208430964257.14044 + 814.3070242412376 = 208430965071.44748 82664566117091.5 + -93269864.74385902 = 82664472847226.75 9.956293470339354 + -821340180562.2397 = -821340180552.2834 -930123762 + -2327.6447131446193 = -930126089.6447132 8487325093915.385 + 3587358634020.5503 = 12074683727935.936 963 + -56534.077257371115 = -55571.077257371115 791539203544 + 440588127653.97974 = 1232127331197.9797 68155569835.48108 + 391.3510814299843 = 68155570226.83216 -536211827805 + 67 = -536211827738 -178.77896801108858 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999821.22 -13 + -268132657 = -268132670 3726.09418780401 + 9.988167347898184 = 3736.082355151908 -100000000000000 + -42 = -100000000000042 29569187238 + -828042336 = 28741144902 -801523171.8375335 + 11.507835903978066 = -801523160.3296976 -313692 + 54589659023421 = 54589658709729 -14997.264996233658 + 55 = -14942.264996233658 -6070944532044.508 + -2381664428 = -6073326196472.508 4310983 + 886.8194521506986 = 4311869.819452151 -3454853 + -433675.25729380426 = -3888528.257293804 -167842.28717593715 + -401 = -168243.28717593715 210 + 1179877991843.771 = 1179877992053.771 -69 + 78055262476 = 78055262407 -9444545554184 + 17.661988670251027 = -9444545554166.338 -67 + 1558779 = 1558712 25.779245679253425 + 8563194057.842586 = 8563194083.621831 3696299795 + 9382191320 = 13078491115 87 + 9541785221.14139 = 9541785308.14139 33959979464928.91 + -2608356 = 33959976856572.91 -9405 + -424385663340.32635 = -424385672745.32635 7908064 + 1910.8804748334069 = 7909974.880474834 74782461384304 + 90293097198208 = 165075558582512 63 + 203197193.87501284 = 203197256.87501284 -100000000000000 + 204132700783.47348 = -99795867299216.53 -59031823835278.51 + 5 = -59031823835273.51 -4529.058847943929 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999995470.94 49.06469838700469 + -80252148747.07574 = -80252148698.01105 85352779.02640787 + -8068213495501 = -8068128142721.974 618104 + -3155572376599.2554 = -3155571758495.2554 75342480580 + -32 = 75342480548 28.211000011255575 + -9941415691657 = -9941415691628.79 9179598 + -230883657460 = -230874477862 9467 + 57985 = 67452 377657.53554771544 + -6805387677664 = -6805387300006.465 -7163107124.041697 + -66789501.61431233 = -7229896625.656009 -40863303254.865036 + 96.08137422666117 = -40863303158.78366 568302744.4173666 + 5792099166009.684 = 5792667468754.101 3727415057347 + 9146742 = 3727424204089 -1165765.4974448083 + 36219 = -1129546.4974448083 899009833.707572 + -697 = 899009136.707572 7 + 55.33350731422759 = 62.33350731422759 3803158278325 + -285370692 = 3802872907633 -149850878.58874458 + 367.0594038340743 = -149850511.52934074 -5685342721 + -96225 = -5685438946 -95631.95938207845 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999904368.05 -11271 + 7 = -11264 723 + 12.331694055741602 = 735.3316940557417 -1933319 + -75602947827496.45 = -75602949760815.45 -625164038441 + -5274305871 = -630438344312 8327892824 + -2069619 = 8325823205 -8776887022 + -100000000000000.0 = -100008776887022.0 3114476885697 + 388.8166856494703 = 3114476886085.817 -6055204255629 + 4794359161536.602 = -1260845094092.3984 8.476751811766366 + 3.211440886122072 = 11.688192697888438 -607333422555 + 450648.74120853574 = -607332971906.2588 496889167269.4099 + 5241206600571.298 = 5738095767840.708 -743395990870 + -47205063296185 = -47948459287055 -100000000000000.0 + -4578071070195 = -104578071070195.0 29949234278 + -705229116637 = -675279882359 6466085788026.067 + -797382771.7213933 = 6465288405254.346 6204801829121 + -9.816705950796377 = 6204801829111.184 -9269.79667468456 + 5505279702348 = 5505279693078.203 2478044 + -262 = 2477782 47967407396942 + -6284 = 47967407390658 850912.0020937563 + 8882161 = 9733073.002093757 -113923493964.7365 + -100000000000000.0 = -100113923493964.73 -4949072.532080163 + 16 = -4949056.532080163 369213626255 + -889888.735509342 = 369212736366.26447 81972.91232469291 + -7131946.712126491 = -7049973.799801798 -523 + -192963740286 = -192963740809 -13779447216.93666 + -1992556.971082177 = -13781439773.907743 9 + -75704 = -75695 -6053.344961128322 + 24173679190136 = 24173679184082.656 314859880 + 565403690438 = 565718550318 -322860467 + 97.4368633699607 = -322860369.56313664 -6 + -2518636.5173795605 = -2518642.5173795605 -101.13983854582695 + 7658 = 7556.860161454173 427681807111.6626 + -95999199.71018806 = 427585807911.9524 -4573003.964713922 + 108 = -4572895.964713922 750760353067.2437 + 6906912592025 = 7657672945092.244 -65538995637528 + -268191.91758891544 = -65538995905719.914 1929529540.6529012 + 112355467004 = 114284996544.65291 100000000000000 + -99535488681.66284 = 99900464511318.34 -1877042313212.9243 + 54 = -1877042313158.9243 -100000000000000 + -22198925 = -100000022198925 -71421103356989.31 + 265 = -71421103356724.31 -765784134.1286815 + -4 = -765784138.1286815 1394 + -67347664.45061062 = -67346270.45061062 -8084 + -552337685.6413193 = -552345769.6413193 -5470299 + -22321045019 = -22326515318 -7140.117610326764 + -379.8582125673906 = -7519.975822894155 -58 + 585891 = 585833 -100000000000000 + -91502118.92759871 = -100000091502118.92 -7.002856659038522 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000007.0 -77656826.35978365 + -2827.8791849188665 = -77659654.23896857 -696 + 6825451 = 6824755 -762809481690 + 91335 = -762809390355 28560631.58779632 + -7087500877863 = -7087472317231.412 -181 + 765362535.1553928 = 765362354.1553928 65.7218943242579 + -194 = -128.2781056757421 -93535143462.31136 + -755269.7266472295 = -93535898732.03801 -860842564118 + -7370753631743 = -8231596195861 1515613818.531024 + 489.37620343088724 = 1515614307.9072275 59 + 74301236.06448866 = 74301295.06448866 -83716877924970.42 + 74689.99719777505 = -83716877850280.42 -4074948 + 2889980.9475121633 = -1184967.0524878367 913383047.86273 + -4170337966.207119 = -3256954918.344389 93756136 + -519783014670.9059 = -519689258534.9059 4027121121.6041656 + -33931298.59226356 = 3993189823.011902 -100000000000000 + 36118133165 = -99963881866835 -8902730 + 63514189078153.36 = 63514180175423.36 9863870703603.984 + -2914606002.6168175 = 9860956097601.367 -100000000000000.0 + -9197852 = -100000009197852.0 49809905.1297814 + 8621757.024957135 = 58431662.15473854 -6866950.899716399 + -402239.83876153233 = -7269190.738477931 -4300773978 + 2920168125 = -1380605853 -9962465836301 + 263 = -9962465836038 -9775.568484581432 + 70155374 = 70145598.43151543 -5.713456798037835 + -91280225453 = -91280225458.71346 2653 + 932.4020231306964 = 3585.4020231306963 -8 + -967 = -975 -66227250129342 + -7860 = -66227250137202 -25433.48094539268 + 8095259.618936876 = 8069826.137991483 -5.894650140151606 + -2206749450 = -2206749455.89465 -134142 + 999 = -133143 51.71768349131776 + 26.93442084415991 = 78.65210433547767 -56070.089455029796 + -91.62133300739018 = -56161.710788037184 -3584.3391477836494 + 1009442982438 = 1009442978853.6609 193028274892.46204 + 424236 = 193028699128.46204 -89 + -562570937.8963987 = -562571026.8963987 -3757407761598.132 + 39790114 = -3757367971484.132 -100000000000000 + -82303 = -100000000082303 -38295874102.03926 + 35906 = -38295838196.03926 100000000000000.0 + 3.4037809672408206 = 100000000000003.4 27.29503501496614 + -4809899 = -4809871.704964985 5378 + -140024262980.4877 = -140024257602.4877 -11360172708883 + 1043831 = -11360171665052 -346 + 168847094060 = 168847093714 31 + -9937206349408 = -9937206349377 100000000000000 + 10875897374.53168 = 100010875897374.53 -129568.42551625759 + -39868164.33475411 = -39997732.760270365 -6 + -8412338180.177288 = -8412338186.177288 61 + 74 = 135 96946478361965 + -30777399444 = 96915700962521 -54375588700.02736 + -947202178180.8691 = -1001577766880.8965 77396.28618836186 + -44543551233.022865 = -44543473836.73668 -8639706476.780708 + 65.55597265679084 = -8639706411.224735 37817825512.790924 + -7773100659.050695 = 30044724853.740227 43988 + 30 = 44018 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 7583511 + -9033598151205.494 = -9033590567694.494 -6330080098121.34 + 5535.247058871248 = -6330080092586.093 -336776271 + 946419 = -335829852 89.17155009498158 + -987254912860 = -987254912770.8285 1 + 7499201818006.808 = 7499201818007.808 4 + 31650275075299.996 = 31650275075303.996 -8329 + -8522 = -16851 8418409580914 + 7899581564 = 8426309162478 443032782.2296933 + 83702439.35220975 = 526735221.58190304 -5657398330570 + 4165901 = -5657394164669 -3703.2554963376656 + 544319976192.7745 = 544319972489.519 3175257652171.6865 + -5477401463061 = -2302143810889.3135 3.239634140214807 + 8394 = 8397.239634140215 -96138.51959011442 + 65287976252 = 65287880113.48041 9258397023 + 100000000000000.0 = 100009258397023.0 -97359362.41692835 + 96805 = -97262557.41692835 79047653 + -20878644624 = -20799596971 79 + -2.284572733569644 = 76.71542726643035 -100000000000000.0 + -120049 = -100000000120049.0 664261553 + 100000000000000 = 100000664261553 -9998778.157521997 + 47277.80634300551 = -9951500.35117899 -492844659 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999507155341.0 -3528182856.544201 + 8 = -3528182848.544201 -244973844542 + -8697833557592 = -8942807402134 -251235 + -345679228122.6062 = -345679479357.6062 -7539617143686 + 6.701920272144749 = -7539617143679.298 -472321.08129912463 + 319477455428.07336 = 319476983106.99207 -53967157131053 + -47756.069554867114 = -53967157178809.07 647673 + 6493.647732839852 = 654166.6477328398 65943 + -174666.19066131208 = -108723.19066131208 -3921645936886 + -100000000000000 = -103921645936886 -943893926 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999056106074.0 41 + -59.66377005194482 = -18.663770051944823 -5.006772891464676 + -67121528760.63439 = -67121528765.64117 16622510621.01057 + 6.9964047360025665 = 16622510628.006975 -7792495253860 + -62048679678.9136 = -7854543933538.914 -9002.295279263706 + -88459178811894.77 = -88459178820897.06 -20495677235880 + -3939637717733.4917 = -24435314953613.492 -100000000000000 + -343639164942.8667 = -100343639164942.86 51649617754719 + -47 = 51649617754672 5820.354874283144 + 3098.349241499482 = 8918.704115782626 -100000000000000 + -75599040892 = -100075599040892 -3344391394.8870716 + 3705347077.930575 = 360955683.0435033 236317.96728374404 + 699441484 = 699677801.9672837 -903309.284911153 + 45487.03445133652 = -857822.2504598165 4216454433408.651 + 100000000000000 = 104216454433408.66 -35909878 + -693416.6563405273 = -36603294.656340525 -4974783873 + 4800 = -4974779073 474 + -1979657 = -1979183 8848 + -1 = 8847 -728 + 76359691161 = 76359690433 5356227093243.656 + -5713.845285744666 = 5356227087529.811 330681931 + 93 = 330682024 2735718.4901382686 + 25185.875152757522 = 2760904.365291026 2.1634085988633114 + -241877886263.1167 = -241877886260.95328 -100000000000000 + -80174.80893656779 = -100000000080174.81 -9825163 + -9 = -9825172 579973027451 + -67533 = 579972959918 -193.38196817021685 + 260366801 = 260366607.61803183 -100000000000000.0 + 842 = -99999999999158.0 903364703906 + 79827890151.46469 = 983192594057.4647 85525 + -31 = 85494 -8944 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000008944.0 121550311 + -301028061419 = -300906511108 391 + -76645916942 = -76645916551 -167415966 + 9.809853352876905 = -167415956.19014665 -7959579 + -838926805445.2805 = -838934765024.2805 -165333486.9667337 + 40040306499868 = 40040141166381.03 9.430379406974337 + -5904140016667 = -5904140016657.569 86418699 + -5191562.338650458 = 81227136.66134953 -1109034.1142716673 + 637 = -1108397.1142716673 7515761311.783829 + -1969523 = 7513791788.783829 -230 + -5763764224865 = -5763764225095 -83391.80491001946 + 616457598 = 616374206.1950899 688.8594714865492 + -937408779 = -937408090.1405286 386.798586767202 + -2.2542276971974404 = 384.54435907000453 -2884198.493057398 + 438 = -2883760.493057398 98156421.06927086 + 730324.6696092375 = 98886745.7388801 -36844581796 + -100000000000000 = -100036844581796 -6799696600.024904 + 129374 = -6799567226.024904 156466107 + 9.353145888284903 = 156466116.3531459 -9 + 2400735728577 = 2400735728568 773809039467.1086 + 100000000000000 = 100773809039467.11 65573.72231912827 + -5.307034593084113 = 65568.41528453518 -1605866868390.4888 + 9139 = -1605866859251.4888 -100000000000000.0 + -718096239613.5387 = -100718096239613.53 -4341642 + -8879112000457 = -8879116342099 -135090042169.97849 + 5.6429784873763165 = -135090042164.33551 -725357074134.2268 + -1944582538339.0151 = -2669939612473.242 -100000000000000.0 + -27683.872254062615 = -100000000027683.88 -100000000000000.0 + -985801.8122285387 = -100000000985801.81 -9350324909346.12 + 203100105.75182357 = -9350121809240.367 -74783.72693602377 + 9 = -74774.72693602377 -35627683802 + -76869725149376.84 = -76905352833178.84 -4 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999996.0 -159148058 + -538.4063281640897 = -159148596.40632817 -1435981746852.984 + 562319.2001970699 = -1435981184533.7837 -52.32045554518981 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999947.67 -100000000000000 + -78330125234.92061 = -100078330125234.92 -68169431 + -7056444626503 = -7056512795934 -100000000000000 + -7 = -100000000000007 6812.741268939525 + -6536657698783.252 = -6536657691970.511 3466.516352290722 + -8592223738545.518 = -8592223735079.001 -100000000000000.0 + 254413255340.10275 = -99745586744659.89 -9900.990289579348 + 43758948481604.5 = 43758948471703.51 6202561469 + -590533 = 6201970936 4400933 + -7175595 = -2774662 9214145045898 + -57897.698632347856 = 9214144988000.3 -4296769790.605085 + 21828219054354 = 21823922284563.395 -100000000000000.0 + 58131 = -99999999941869.0 2 + 7233419.150813121 = 7233421.150813121 -729223208 + -60250099201 = -60979322409 -19449062 + -9 = -19449071 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -79258.5672826299 + -137684.9734916033 = -216943.5407742332 -192332.18841203325 + 531 = -191801.18841203325 7439681508 + 2869609410582 = 2877049092090 898 + 917802491629 = 917802492527 8715 + -57 = 8658 -51 + -71947171.8037076 = -71947222.8037076 71784401685380.34 + 271 = 71784401685651.34 1.9462201671561918 + 185 = 186.94622016715618 -635799696 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999364200304.0 2 + -844481370 = -844481368 -269291 + 779073 = 509782 641.2851060885416 + 7237673062357.697 = 7237673062998.982 -1 + -849336121 = -849336122 -40313679218369 + 5 = -40313679218364 -67.80649896173182 + 33071670190998 = 33071670190930.195 -784921 + -38 = -784959 -9711.356065519913 + -8 = -9719.356065519913 -116.17868855483142 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000116.17 100000000000000 + 37891 = 100000000037891 -73302505692183.4 + 129541639338.43228 = -73172964052844.97 61.14788510501949 + 3685.2850042596247 = 3746.4328893646443 -9494 + 6876.287157812563 = -2617.7128421874368 -4991528846349.115 + -100000000000000.0 = -104991528846349.11 32 + 93495100 = 93495132 6577726244494 + -963878219 = 6576762366275 100000000000000.0 + -85.28763406262308 = 99999999999914.72 -371581796 + 290568670136.462 = 290197088340.462 -100000000000000.0 + 127241103411.61618 = -99872758896588.39 -96 + -7 = -103 5462743540310 + -20950243135906.97 = -15487499595596.969 -28867094.40877476 + -5 = -28867099.40877476 -396399.89132022543 + -100000000000000 = -100000000396399.89 -3818940.2302210634 + -6307556.0769723235 = -10126496.307193387 -630856.0493313613 + -38810191 = -39441047.04933136 -37960049 + 49642679027.43575 = 49604718978.43575 -337.66036894199067 + 674006067766 = 674006067428.3396 824.3646225118596 + 92085978983751 = 92085978984575.36 -81586.98493398874 + 186430.65308914334 = 104843.66815515459 -3131 + 274174 = 271043 5744164634 + -82.1642671702112 = 5744164551.835732 78191027140.75012 + -859970 = 78190167170.75012 -589373774675.7297 + -910162914564.154 = -1499536689239.8838 -100000000000000.0 + 7112 = -99999999992888.0 218702.66737895575 + -1427.9311711959679 = 217274.7362077598 -743326.7666104735 + 5905560 = 5162233.233389527 -6407581898 + -100000000000000.0 = -100006407581898.0 -73650558 + -5658047 = -79308605 7680531994929 + -737146 = 7680531257783 -828921 + -7580699300695.973 = -7580700129616.973 100000000000000 + 825036021 = 100000825036021 12850611046.853992 + -7818935302.293919 = 5031675744.560074 541752613.2670206 + 98253 = 541850866.2670206 519265043782 + 664.2612006405969 = 519265044446.2612 -4370339373 + -88528939365.85994 = -92899278738.85994 -762.7868363138746 + 66.48836184461271 = -696.2984744692619 5321727 + 1 = 5321728 8017632165 + -40850264463 = -32832632298 -80.46814160737227 + -71447 = -71527.46814160737 2462325775288.0166 + 1730582 = 2462327505870.0166 -3768.667678350503 + -457497 = -461265.6676783505 -100000000000000 + -76400539249963 = -176400539249963 -6775256123670 + -5035064545011.365 = -11810320668681.365 -226378940829.04846 + 100000000000000.0 = 99773621059170.95 -605674.0748072993 + -540526339.1429552 = -541132013.2177625 -897477 + -9385050908.29681 = -9385948385.29681 -61779449986 + 97548642510913.14 = 97486863060927.14 22207773 + -100000000000000 = -99999977792227 -1561269493585 + 3140735918275 = 1579466424690 -396214.91184307885 + 8763454360994 = 8763453964779.088 83391 + -3364505.221791537 = -3281114.221791537 3096977018908.963 + 99063.34461918897 = 3096977117972.3076 5650.088118752135 + 4270358 = 4276008.088118752 9283138962.764748 + -35913372374.40082 = -26630233411.63607 44960497288.79542 + 8192053435510.194 = 8237013932798.99 47369738 + -459.57716279687804 = 47369278.422837205 -44045586066699 + -4001476.09640959 = -44045590068175.09 56761751806 + 34012626452715 = 34069388204521 -1701.3743553515428 + 76490.79608135637 = 74789.42172600483 48162.68525286837 + -9789.490709837872 = 38373.19454303049 458829817982.50604 + -313108897.445001 = 458516709085.06104 -781 + -4703334417.339251 = -4703335198.339251 58786740030.70892 + -48338163811 = 10448576219.708923 82 + 63789362511721.195 = 63789362511803.195 591361764.2583201 + 11923047085692.453 = 11923638447456.71 6324608809073 + 2009511480 = 6326618320553 -72226792213724.97 + -100000000000000.0 = -172226792213724.97 818.2390501856704 + 344 = 1162.2390501856703 -2561 + -1326 = -3887 -346805250852.6083 + 35475.67644706231 = -346805215376.9318 -768708276.1646572 + 5275493.650756731 = -763432782.5139005 65 + -58914 = -58849 -178349184 + 997700.803813936 = -177351483.19618607 5 + -1.3960800483225528 = 3.6039199516774474 1394.0104128762155 + 165832.94974819772 = 167226.96016107392 100000000000000 + -70365356685593 = 29634643314407 156304966.08613533 + 862941 = 157167907.08613533 11 + -9650726571076.031 = -9650726571065.031 -733913108132 + 55.26377406391326 = -733913108076.7362 51 + -7433757542 = -7433757491 898726 + -96485.74021844834 = 802240.2597815517 900371.8581735699 + 642728046136 = 642728946507.8582 -473969.0062591533 + -547089152470 = -547089626439.0063 530892261805.39557 + 100000000000000 = 100530892261805.39 220.0082344989311 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999779.98 -100000000000000.0 + 6194887173472.215 = -93805112826527.78 4384247 + -7158.3533986620905 = 4377088.646601338 -72.3778955812854 + 871328.9869300682 = 871256.6090344869 -88.74020845061884 + 3445729.836936086 = 3445641.0967276352 -4083811 + -4254.548725816663 = -4088065.548725817 873.1245906557109 + -3 = 870.1245906557109 -4659874779852.809 + 90 = -4659874779762.809 -5025922.0576873 + 9638255.988446452 = 4612333.9307591515 5.440673100471471 + 217675 = 217680.44067310047 586 + 105230963.94795015 = 105231549.94795015 -92025952899112.72 + 32.02236998772702 = -92025952899080.7 8005 + 6651383418809.062 = 6651383426814.062 93729554 + 427630.1385274424 = 94157184.13852744 -5109257 + 6 = -5109251 6732096543100.088 + -609850320666 = 6122246222434.088 -4987444587136 + -3547749628 = -4990992336764 -9445125022903 + 92122774534385 = 82677649511482 -350037995 + 90581 = -349947414 -49085807 + -100000000000000 = -100000049085807 -4730238.082237715 + -379424.3015114429 = -5109662.383749158 1574448813683.1597 + -76224677 = 1574372589006.1597 61607233.85013156 + -672535555 = -610928321.1498685 -32630342386.3268 + -22263284520723 = -22295914863109.33 951.9706533432778 + 2236188618 = 2236189569.9706535 -78842820.01734316 + 593 = -78842227.01734316 784584298644.7551 + -26250835830.196877 = 758333462814.5582 701565 + -96671992.85951246 = -95970427.85951246 -4592862 + 7392398765211.46 = 7392394172349.46 -77987892037569 + 884614659094 = -77103277378475 81.2035763120859 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000081.2 -1773035.7417904495 + 65278772998 = 65276999962.25821 8055652775476 + 3088306.4925663806 = 8055655863782.492 56978 + -15954381783551.11 = -15954381726573.11 -46 + -394117 = -394163 100000000000000 + 30655908213.892357 = 100030655908213.89 -511879.2839897876 + -70690901962.83618 = -70691413842.12018 899280.189897861 + 265003.71813933935 = 1164283.9080372003 334934242 + -4864.342548430247 = 334929377.65745157 100000000000000 + 70.54552025128636 = 100000000000070.55 -77466870789.39879 + 351987.7975892124 = -77466518801.6012 9647127836.302488 + -55295688853890.305 = -55286041726054.0 5759 + -43687605 = -43681846 27106444074.06871 + -30809 = 27106413265.06871 -77 + -70242496220788.68 = -70242496220865.68 8190768143 + -427261 = 8190340882 -916444474355 + -418.3137716706407 = -916444474773.3137 8324947 + 629246.211714529 = 8954193.211714529 3864456800.794638 + -735.9768253144638 = 3864456064.817813 -64515011253.414375 + 98844019.55022536 = -64416167233.86415 7505314871 + -6981 = 7505307890 666186.5290013711 + -6452.315063827133 = 659734.213937544 717434355.7942826 + 98 = 717434453.7942826 -35317343443699 + 2428418764147 = -32888924679552 768877047951 + 644.6995741227937 = 768877048595.6996 30769461.508888267 + 3 = 30769464.508888267 348942793 + -5415505128 = -5066562335 -20434143470 + -6810724864681.361 = -6831159008151.361 -489.99373078856155 + -70331753 = -70332242.99373078 -66677206 + 217.76705826622768 = -66676988.23294173 900239312 + 4025864459739.4595 = 4026764699051.4595 107746228 + 38392263220762 = 38392370966990 11062921879927.03 + 202335972330.62616 = 11265257852257.656 -6714808220237 + -48 = -6714808220285 -2.0209197071938965 + -20248.955463979568 = -20250.97638368676 -751910173.8948635 + -29159246584.00444 = -29911156757.899303 -964 + 6096441640.815404 = 6096440676.815404 50124167703742.1 + -735451 = 50124166968291.1 -44061625 + -1280847043 = -1324908668 6.488251737258759 + -1712 = -1705.5117482627413 -6358182030434.576 + 20813674839822 = 14455492809387.424 47597544 + -26934713186.685196 = -26887115642.685196 758974652178.8595 + -96431741850.76738 = 662542910328.0922 428248.0306843023 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000428248.03 -21740826517.024395 + 11864853944.96635 = -9875972572.058044 -8 + -5730.9385336714 = -5738.9385336714 8112640595438.599 + 49 = 8112640595487.599 9 + 85723832.85828799 = 85723841.85828799 -8071930084430.42 + 364492666608 = -7707437417822.42 -76688966 + 15016445.787896104 = -61672520.212103896 9 + 7778995553984.399 = 7778995553993.399 -66799143.687007375 + 500610.40374571073 = -66298533.283261664 -9579591512035.797 + 387087813.21866685 = -9579204424222.578 -4391983865137 + 75837557158670 = 71445573293533 89288989 + -684694969689 = -684605680700 8136100.8102506595 + 76892360.97624266 = 85028461.78649332 -65695334 + 3.128392413633364 = -65695330.87160759 -89650 + 351704054 = 351614404 -933484 + -9345018 = -10278502 -3600228531.332055 + -5581459694.377732 = -9181688225.709787 1300757 + -227403949079 = -227402648322 29413.36096148941 + -902007 = -872593.6390385106 -1022611639 + -532655654432.30634 = -533678266071.30634 -601290228.4070752 + -577194883 = -1178485111.4070752 88775.28513065555 + 98358622012457 = 98358622101232.28 2771 + 457046948191 = 457046950962 -41 + -59201.497981195556 = -59242.497981195556 -48522136415.30441 + -64037704020362.07 = -64086226156777.375 718226.4565994834 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999281773.55 89125056744690.89 + 8737927686080.937 = 97862984430771.83 -5793119.258437838 + -100000000000000 = -100000005793119.27 2084113.4950356479 + -4854072138552.43 = -4854070054438.935 -72855359607688.53 + -42144.79481121916 = -72855359649833.33 21354587912258.547 + 642125513821.9744 = 21996713426080.52 -7528258.879918568 + 17 = -7528241.879918568 -77356725 + -9160.255391827268 = -77365885.25539182 -2839959199951 + -187156.34291752853 = -2839959387107.343 -45 + -557677.8604827602 = -557722.8604827602 -382583322 + 2589742554.3173656 = 2207159232.3173656 7784644.971288618 + 981936.0795245572 = 8766581.050813176 -2545957.4063602323 + 41217.640478643676 = -2504739.7658815887 8.11201384280939 + 19091 = 19099.11201384281 9700 + -43539529720.4845 = -43539520020.4845 -576917.0995513576 + -714377 = -1291294.0995513576 1155570192.1982822 + 897910476102.5343 = 899066046294.7325 3460714596.4454975 + 31.705334781424032 = 3460714628.150832 510563702.937908 + 5.982383249714876 = 510563708.92029124 100000000000000 + 2962988.929184496 = 100000002962988.92 -330301.317404342 + 7411.763120347505 = -322889.5542839945 -640401.3476668635 + -71314976 = -71955377.34766686 -969818537864 + -58258 = -969818596122 -74 + 31476603 = 31476529 43650273.1712676 + 1317085152674 = 1317128802947.1714 71 + 70543 = 70614 6333282843012 + 1235 = 6333282844247 -3375 + -4119 = -7494 -8215833 + 24278947776.80842 = 24270731943.80842 -92084493017683.66 + -569.6464111932576 = -92084493018253.3 -727211231.1098288 + -1265850.861757949 = -728477081.9715868 23600739001 + -47206954588.576485 = -23606215587.576485 40745632423451 + 31893 = 40745632455344 -27 + 453311910082.23755 = 453311910055.23755 78805594640.20256 + 97732337.95633954 = 78903326978.1589 -543 + -5484279511564.35 = -5484279512107.35 35 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000035.0 34 + 99966198893 = 99966198927 9.348102538897312 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999990.66 -743087777 + 5051905910216.289 = 5051162822439.289 -590927.9297402676 + -7869.369625041662 = -598797.2993653092 7234.40379705177 + -42093238035.21602 = -42093230800.812225 -59 + 96778.08373052806 = 96719.08373052806 585819 + 22443507.86667259 = 23029326.86667259 -2 + 2764077.8975041145 = 2764075.8975041145 71595 + -39523 = 32072 17564522596490.975 + -517.2202965020573 = 17564522595973.754 25164038840505.953 + 67205 = 25164038907710.953 -693250.7452891513 + -916.9327454675426 = -694167.6780346188 448 + -630952953496.4163 = -630952953048.4163 91447272.34798273 + -80824053.85896797 = 10623218.48901476 970359 + 5102421.947716074 = 6072780.947716074 113803496180 + 87122628773178.77 = 87236432269358.77 -7.448998291962393 + 29028694 = 29028686.55100171 -7576811674.722426 + 128437558506 = 120860746831.27757 -8944045767591 + -4782877.717139493 = -8944050550468.717 -30049795871251 + 8295 = -30049795862956 -692313169560 + 100000000000000.0 = 99307686830440.0 334286963.56923866 + -9 = 334286954.56923866 1737731879734.0972 + 429 = 1737731880163.0972 -985050 + -8036.419315934381 = -993086.4193159344 -566 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999434.0 66.09906704669677 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999933.9 4903467454845 + 3432859 = 4903470887704 1254367461868 + -6829215939.416377 = 1247538245928.5837 -94246420816 + 3371743719312 = 3277497298496 -709751987 + -9514 = -709761501 -88978.39213560379 + 61368961429505 = 61368961340526.61 92047752159.36311 + 7028.299386625712 = 92047759187.6625 -85593132561649 + -2900260283.870363 = -85596032821932.88 1589054706 + -3681 = 1589051025 -41.539874122232575 + 129839.34253555935 = 129797.80266143712 100000000000000.0 + 988 = 100000000000988.0 246326085 + -67140745.83382753 = 179185339.16617247 6348345809 + -9258723873.754772 = -2910378064.754772 67316 + 25206743743934.594 = 25206743811250.594 -618 + 4822813.282821825 = 4822195.282821825 5355690485155 + -7958 = 5355690477197 -118999 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999881001.0 -650466632054.9 + 8631502 = -650458000552.9 -42248815323632 + -67.36704391416498 = -42248815323699.37 99155866 + 82118771997.99942 = 82217927863.99942 1944127878768 + 100000000000000 = 101944127878768 7773706591.784122 + -1 = 7773706590.784122 63 + -9013474 = -9013411 850456628441.7223 + -74680904513776 = -73830447885334.28 -30618205815989.78 + -79609256 = -30618285425245.78 -259720.76680540098 + -96595244 = -96854964.7668054 -7488473519701 + 100000000000000 = 92511526480299 9565357011.269295 + 100000000000000.0 = 100009565357011.27 43495604152912.97 + -2 = 43495604152910.97 -1.788457714360261 + 167656 = 167654.21154228563 92521110708 + -692015.4687260787 = 92520418692.53128 257488774.67836592 + -6848134028507.344 = -6847876539732.665 -3907688822950 + 9680285926726.762 = 5772597103776.762 612.468057659955 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999387.53 -1062192336636.0144 + -288415.4351449553 = -1062192625051.4496 -89915624368 + -25769 = -89915650137 -8060357278535 + 6473924658569 = -1586432619966 8915 + 2864737549538.5166 = 2864737558453.5166 62670144118731 + -57685449 = 62670086433282 -100000000000000 + -460048203932 = -100460048203932 -185503.4391215759 + -496437.4329822078 = -681940.8721037838 25069 + -3 = 25066 200 + 4398 = 4598 -824442973191.1696 + -1 = -824442973192.1696 46109830630 + -5469144.729270158 = 46104361485.27073 -958227 + 2.147632507828283 = -958224.8523674922 7617645155 + -350230735 = 7267414420 9529860914.421188 + -7 = 9529860907.421188 -7.709168151303935 + 2853719920 = 2853719912.290832 490 + -475 = 15 1 + 4631.350591073264 = 4632.350591073264 -78094345997033.38 + 545006 = -78094345452027.38 669 + 4552156148 = 4552156817 46704244.77112365 + 2957724 = 49661968.77112365 -6741674959 + 361715.8125698422 = -6741313243.18743 -2920461967005 + -79 = -2920461967084 5916908934.531608 + 3223642134999 = 3229559043933.5317 -877396374572 + -365 = -877396374937 -478527076.7937332 + 81112892225.11998 = 80634365148.32625 1589935323.7984738 + 100000000000000 = 100001589935323.8 -9.52145108505414 + -3010056.5207705284 = -3010066.042221613 -55578326 + 647423191.2967995 = 591844865.2967995 -317 + 2.525648010732831 = -314.4743519892672 -5493502666 + 31107.29004627084 = -5493471558.709953 -60262439198591.16 + 5482.606436777099 = -60262439193108.55 5465391705505 + 97976889495.11667 = 5563368595000.116 -9343616695180.266 + -25568017802095 = -34911634497275.266 -71998335.24499202 + -7 = -71998342.24499202 -9 + -980 = -989 -1243824439788 + 39158.70258903757 = -1243824400629.2974 -3796164014617 + -1 = -3796164014618 151954 + -6777 = 145177 -59684461795743 + 472 = -59684461795271 4421299233883 + -254172110.8373707 = 4421045061772.163 631784843.909319 + -26517.54292324032 = 631758326.3663958 101826431 + -61 = 101826370 99045097343 + 840.2086549281831 = 99045098183.20865 -10862982388311 + 9937 = -10862982378374 -40560879 + 92218124851.06476 = 92177563972.06476 -23 + -112551077909.31158 = -112551077932.31158 -18110895234 + 134407.8625607501 = -18110760826.13744 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -784037922.9341456 + 13673406175998 = 13672622138075.066 734569.1180081419 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000734569.12 37985601545 + -769656518.7784957 = 37215945026.221504 230491 + -32 = 230459 -3199720308 + 71142839032604.86 = 71139639312296.86 239084166 + 55883093.41550052 = 294967259.4155005 -495054.325413232 + 29203.345422289924 = -465850.9799909421 -9626539000.949991 + 774228424.4653176 = -8852310576.484674 -3 + 4.409119006744267 = 1.409119006744267 2941967 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000002941967.0 4819986414093.334 + 42480201099.46428 = 4862466615192.798 -6298520597200.39 + -815.0706236492932 = -6298520598015.46 9832080 + -524494738534.39923 = -524484906454.39923 -159726980454.48987 + -38666.697338425394 = -159727019121.1872 82371453 + 50394052.290869884 = 132765505.29086989 7292.732117728791 + -7.480506789933089 = 7285.251610938858 909704 + 602.3890652925347 = 910306.3890652925 9497275 + -33087959861.22773 = -33078462586.22773 91792 + -7856 = 83936 1076.0528282413686 + 1568897738362.0898 = 1568897739438.1426 -33 + 62.17810943016404 = 29.178109430164042 573 + -399089665 = -399089092 -15 + 7607799502978.171 = 7607799502963.171 -1 + -2162775.2620472554 = -2162776.2620472554 -67.23848245181614 + -456321.81943364855 = -456389.05791610037 22 + 936896 = 936918 92846861602568.81 + 983603311.682503 = 92847845205880.5 641186.9279159871 + -5156469350919.925 = -5156468709732.997 91314110749 + 8539981642672 = 8631295753421 100000000000000.0 + -582 = 99999999999418.0 6 + -17946836354.586334 = -17946836348.586334 -1 + -877.0812925874651 = -878.0812925874651 169.8470383679168 + 2045708.1441037825 = 2045877.9911421505 -911.2006553019366 + 3.3964514327441178 = -907.8042038691925 5810.883432395533 + 57416442 = 57422252.883432396 -27.82964655979103 + -922240480182 = -922240480209.8296 -100000000000000.0 + -899246 = -100000000899246.0 865683009.2549894 + -354950048665 = -354084365655.745 -4558035.182084299 + 2528.4251233738014 = -4555506.756960925 -996929 + 8.822435216484934 = -996920.1775647835 -4312.292046752771 + 69255389620.647 = 69255385308.35495 494711968.654808 + -801 = 494711167.654808 -102312969904.2119 + 1711.2998715467807 = -102312968192.91203 8.65988206657488 + 33587.03762593831 = 33595.69750800489 6617650 + 15715 = 6633365 14921787692391.357 + 77591 = 14921787769982.357 84481741.28660505 + -59954799034104.1 = -59954714552362.81 185718681 + -2484984271279 = -2484798552598 831675672.568089 + 3309 = 831678981.568089 51146300989 + -990.1071704127571 = 51146299998.89283 -24070495022868.715 + 4720 = -24070495018148.715 3157 + -100000000000000 = -99999999996843 909514018 + 24225674092600.703 = 24226583606618.703 2.345823383775482 + -8298645.518108809 = -8298643.1722854255 272858050 + 873173738 = 1146031788 724400131 + -55118570 = 669281561 -2123 + 75320287070 = 75320284947 -9435279474 + 78295652649210.97 = 78286217369736.97 100000000000000 + 47183.55501457089 = 100000000047183.56 -2344805284.679636 + 42951.670537685975 = -2344762333.0090985 19780392058.466724 + 100000000000000 = 100019780392058.47 -8460270657 + -47.741464221278434 = -8460270704.741465 -100000000000000 + -23046192949510.992 = -123046192949511.0 -1210716011.3621595 + -17983166.227486085 = -1228699177.5896456 1763 + -2240814280901 = -2240814279138 -8 + -9360865663 = -9360865671 6038096221353.483 + 38774478.85931192 = 6038134995832.343 48.5694830387647 + 38385317036885 = 38385317036933.57 -8521294713 + -1922396 = -8523217109 59297237800 + -9323 = 59297228477 804242.5054455984 + 8146.943062724261 = 812389.4485083227 877830014.7864095 + -34 = 877829980.7864095 9045307 + 899543037 = 908588344 50187725280.53458 + 3.515530115436908 = 50187725284.05011 -92.60533096989795 + -58 = -150.60533096989795 -74 + -4 = -78 -8479107410.28196 + 63783684932476.7 = 63775205825066.42 918626 + -39997677 = -39079051 -88173824029765 + -67485506 = -88173891515271 292.96714180899016 + 2110758463 = 2110758755.9671419 -2922576 + -971440785 = -974363361 2114734893 + -3111367753358 = -3109253018465 -306337758.5644434 + 588927171 = 282589412.4355566 -9459681397716 + -2494.7785326381495 = -9459681400210.78 29418 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999970582.0 9791903046 + -459220896 = 9332682150 640017.6537358626 + -680.9865854354566 = 639336.6671504271 -100000000000000.0 + 8307435 = -99999991692565.0 7256233381.661979 + 42974866144 = 50231099525.66198 905190306 + -573 = 905189733 -6 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000006.0 179169213 + -100000000000000 = -99999820830787 774629 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999225371.0 -19670.885173944993 + -2172575 = -2192245.885173945 3604.6085758971353 + 8139201074 = 8139204678.608576 100000000000000 + -99429 = 99999999900571 6957 + -2066668936.291747 = -2066661979.291747 -49861348454 + 59 = -49861348395 2487884 + -29442977658491 = -29442975170607 73195963427 + -5805005722.177069 = 67390957704.82293 -770627283.2814295 + 249671599060 = 248900971776.71857 8604820.582964089 + 8 = 8604828.582964089 5040458988156 + -4646226688 = 5035812761468 -79803 + 68.38464471169308 = -79734.6153552883 -8.966472175242977 + -1.3886771778627505 = -10.355149353105727 -843483891916.6769 + -100000000000000 = -100843483891916.67 100000000000000.0 + -5.074347595515362 = 99999999999994.92 -774272695845 + -7 = -774272695852 -925127760.9811857 + -20756096723814.77 = -20757021851575.75 8391.888532194589 + -11891770362056 = -11891770353664.111 6971737 + 10574318373.076885 = 10581290110.076885 1237754048313 + 92669495154262.36 = 93907249202575.36 -100000000000000.0 + 23038.364371828462 = -99999999976961.64 386447300198 + 5369 = 386447305567 -836935592373 + 167082.980870916 = -836935425290.0192 -35003.39907344441 + -6730771233077 = -6730771268080.399 -1 + 563797506354 = 563797506353 -5.317094785071735 + -6773698762 = -6773698767.317095 75098977 + -394069554 = -318970577 67801.68860652528 + 249189546285.7284 = 249189614087.417 100000000000000 + 1 = 100000000000001 -407.16185345965124 + -634.4797540209746 = -1041.641607480626 -4318055960970 + 595039685 = -4317460921285 -3469869 + 204077681.84586734 = 200607812.84586734 -185.31061918120645 + -9583816297 = -9583816482.31062 26.892529352278892 + 50514.669652083 = 50541.56218143528 -87133412 + 28696502700678.445 = 28696415567266.445 -90.14243741840642 + 788038064299.4403 = 788038064209.2979 -110586 + 392029 = 281443 -100000000000000.0 + -531535.2171504026 = -100000000531535.22 -9.020382411089892 + 90053509899228.03 = 90053509899219.02 7.8492546251919615 + -95217909960850 = -95217909960842.16 1488281638 + 45041660 = 1533323298 461595 + -48243992.79875671 = -47782397.79875671 100000000000000 + -106441764.27030797 = 99999893558235.73 301764546 + 62982649507258 = 62982951271804 -4929929689238.081 + 7229727 = -4929922459511.081 -93036104 + 63931632109.81025 = 63838596005.81025 -57275.1353445256 + -4183.042670021824 = -61458.178014547426 -7478907 + -18837003527769.605 = -18837011006676.605 -6986548 + 158857105228 = 158850118680 89585099129232.7 + 69 = 89585099129301.7 6605 + 260452187 = 260458792 88599486 + -9903347582324 = -9903258982838 47004470373.54903 + -100000000000000.0 = -99952995529626.45 421744952 + -8834776687 = -8413031735 58094629.78794281 + -51174510933.451614 = -51116416303.66367 5537816.6545873955 + 493918346 = 499456162.6545874 -65 + 9482847875.895855 = 9482847810.895855 -76513437714 + -780883 = -76514218597 7969593239403 + -845040924484 = 7124552314919 -18860410661.650932 + -832830 = -18861243491.650932 -867.8530875581786 + -482389260 = -482390127.85308754 688384499 + 99.9345970142029 = 688384598.934597 -9531224044822.59 + 7322.4831988418355 = -9531224037500.107 -796377348.4032096 + -663 = -796378011.4032096 -8029484528064 + -200534534238 = -8230019062302 -7368183052 + 100000000000000.0 = 99992631816948.0 -6576672 + -857940 = -7434612 503657653393 + -8 = 503657653385 582 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999418.0 6571104186 + 20610.566603645755 = 6571124796.566604 -830055204352.7711 + 3653 = -830055200699.7711 806184114530 + 44.30076459748271 = 806184114574.3008 -439984231.0610098 + 5437015408727 = 5436575424495.939 -3466596685712.7295 + -104734701 = -3466701420413.7295 -5256074632205.328 + 52877532 = -5256021754673.328 8809.5603903828 + -65356.99468081336 = -56547.43429043056 5095822323873.683 + -162281.47795158735 = 5095822161592.205 2624.107610201987 + 728495.0511813211 = 731119.1587915232 -55.56515389029456 + -51309921903.83025 = -51309921959.39541 -1613978551980 + 3237 = -1613978548743 9033952679 + -600741501 = 8433211178 710.3100266495215 + 736814896160.4187 = 736814896870.7288 -66.5921791317855 + -5333887.894621482 = -5333954.486800614 48.38093010965312 + -574776752238 = -574776752189.619 -3389327272.631678 + -90 = -3389327362.631678 -29.293638548841617 + -86644.0075642437 = -86673.30120279254 -9349 + -3044.9038553574164 = -12393.903855357417 57090 + -22541.69139413515 = 34548.30860586485 6659680964293.765 + 4737263 = 6659685701556.765 -65340128.819317795 + -630853388 = -696193516.8193178 -485351371.2272865 + 8201 = -485343170.2272865 163018518061.00128 + 42.2977152172382 = 163018518103.299 -100000000000000 + 1 = -99999999999999 7820549311451 + -1594 = 7820549309857 -50760073 + -8315376585 = -8366136658 -7729433942853.698 + 65515251583 = -7663918691270.698 7487406527.628101 + -7.336877470371683 = 7487406520.291224 -2523453849.1024914 + 2723972917722.6934 = 2721449463873.591 3944750021 + 63818484 = 4008568505 -5.041765112426619 + -18.081527541438255 = -23.123292653864873 7 + 355781367093 = 355781367100 -44.98159545033424 + -75.72927222577286 = -120.7108676761071 -8 + 858 = 850 -6509980221425.5625 + 9379.479910923403 = -6509980212046.083 4283897811 + -100000000000000.0 = -99995716102189.0 9521963353872 + 93164576 = 9522056518448 -48 + 1132863163 = 1132863115 44736431588 + 66739071.12702021 = 44803170659.12702 -14184 + 293801959648.98364 = 293801945464.98364 -895698217019 + -3315140584651.0664 = -4210838801670.0664 -2710 + -349 = -3059 53.46072729426532 + -775809591.7269973 = -775809538.2662699 -100000000000000.0 + 1765826.6024893122 = -99999998234173.39 367183.73189900746 + 87.15230117935666 = 367270.8842001868 368413029.4774967 + 7.432893960931106 = 368413036.9103906 -612902921905.5498 + -462283438451 = -1075186360356.5498 8581336171 + -969315184853 = -960733848682 218740206237.45062 + -67012571 = 218673193666.45062 78758045641.35698 + -838.9639366816059 = 78758044802.39304 -83311429049298.4 + 595729.905608265 = -83311428453568.5 53.04624444243901 + -45027 = -44973.95375555756 -545808988.1009793 + 848080350.3184972 = 302271362.21751785 1.7882106907215878 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999998.22 6.079432206541938 + 6834492983836 = 6834492983842.079 21955014048 + -51 = 21955013997 2205436 + 3 = 2205439 -1035248 + -75093958089.08899 = -75094993337.08899 -666.9344311182404 + 5058408821107 = 5058408820440.065 3977606.571269336 + 491077.55338517914 = 4468684.124654516 531619 + 54802 = 586421 -90245570277891.58 + -13582176.329574328 = -90245583860067.9 -910483.2755088103 + -384.1500340792881 = -910867.4255428896 3975413580637.339 + 37494381384 = 4012907962021.339 546493 + -342456977792 = -342456431299 -10795240967245 + 600.1556363146452 = -10795240966644.844 3512994682.5115027 + -36101093442831.67 = -36097580448149.164 2383645 + -5.230118936654929 = 2383639.769881063 998417843.9200364 + 984302 = 999402145.9200364 -885970.0598555836 + 484850.97957338596 = -401119.0802821976 45670784295050.43 + 78 = 45670784295128.43 -29029 + -29784.864557968827 = -58813.86455796883 -100000000000000 + -1201072088529.5706 = -101201072088529.58 4 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999996 204.42637928503305 + 381 = 585.426379285033 -9537581078 + -749917086603 = -759454667681 1239874935.6006558 + 37939588778.79074 = 39179463714.391396 47277084.37568745 + 100000000000000 = 100000047277084.38 -933636047303 + 2907852936 = -930728194367 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -604107444888 + 28700 = -604107416188 7805 + -43054708.83553903 = -43046903.83553903 71801774148.88635 + -48353728 = 71753420420.88635 7467263199 + 197278026.90300953 = 7664541225.903009 -5188670215417 + -5718640.618181711 = -5188675934057.618 -82474112304701.77 + -711 = -82474112305412.77 266561.30025908817 + 12 = 266573.30025908817 -1610 + -42803927835415 = -42803927837025 895639107.4020399 + -69003401158423.98 = -69002505519316.58 371514314.8624453 + 654 = 371514968.8624453 -2627354263.772128 + 8845375679.821909 = 6218021416.049781 40547338631471.664 + 1.3689708305556643 = 40547338631473.03 3379931 + -40 = 3379891 -889792.5713888184 + 934180817.120403 = 933291024.5490142 8 + -255951 = -255943 602499747930 + 3216 = 602499751146 -81216.42420305565 + -91419488581.41829 = -91419569797.8425 -100000000000000 + -93587381513.73755 = -100093587381513.73 -9356440667492 + -7842172631882 = -17198613299374 -1929 + -9985217133.032448 = -9985219062.032448 100000000000000.0 + -51971301 = 99999948028699.0 -24572.750441897886 + -49607564936 = -49607589508.75044 288113977 + -368640640007.44385 = -368352526030.44385 -100000000000000.0 + -45 = -100000000000045.0 100000000000000 + -976164.2139699007 = 99999999023835.78 860470334376 + -2233.889090891967 = 860470332142.111 -626043986048 + -339 = -626043986387 -100000000000000.0 + -54.54503223521269 = -100000000000054.55 5429582028556.42 + -975911247 = 5428606117309.42 2051900753 + 431717.71146494674 = 2052332470.711465 -100000000000000 + -635 = -100000000000635 648811.0552192652 + -40821017.16816436 = -40172206.112945095 95 + 9523670902446 = 9523670902541 -46366 + 185.11801061702005 = -46180.88198938298 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -614137184017 + 7323.386110261914 = -614137176693.6139 11920428953095 + -3419067 = 11920425534028 -6734448385.262788 + -979089158.5602431 = -7713537543.82303 66 + 961.5353329358957 = 1027.5353329358957 6800363674757 + -9122082107964.188 = -2321718433207.1875 643 + 1789628398926 = 1789628399569 -6565 + 405139218251.3673 = 405139211686.3673 -96411986314794 + 71825057.15602729 = -96411914489736.84 907890.0687442968 + 4122562.3079253696 = 5030452.376669667 -5.933784730121042 + 60209192 = 60209186.06621527 -8 + -7313619016357.98 = -7313619016365.98 -48914533477423 + 2542459 = -48914530934964 -848088387569 + -183766 = -848088571335 -5753298 + 5 = -5753293 59984686097387.11 + 488708.5104546084 = 59984686586095.62 -8448991.096609201 + 305731048.3987337 = 297282057.3021245 58269240252120.99 + 9639984484 = 58278880236604.99 7 + -550064 = -550057 6533194.4147762945 + 86239.65644141886 = 6619434.071217713 40344734282405 + 99680564.6168126 = 40344833962969.62 906328283608 + -900774633.5003406 = 905427508974.4996 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 413298003.3214849 + 9587538.667585846 = 422885541.9890708 -22650998 + -865087093494 = -865109744492 -258716970 + 205940549980 = 205681833010 544326866 + -70610777748773 = -70610233421907 4 + 4723 = 4727 3558.7145137480184 + -6.52016342770852 = 3552.1943503203097 246207527 + 361316.4487249456 = 246568843.44872496 8481262902.26355 + 484876535864.59125 = 493357798766.8548 8768812372.761524 + -9926746042454 = -9917977230081.238 100000000000000.0 + 1.3642027683510074 = 100000000000001.36 -80727061683 + -2608 = -80727064291 32213937357.933952 + 881429 = 32214818786.933952 -563879159154 + 42.90471881273556 = -563879159111.0953 447978031107 + -100000000000000.0 = -99552021968893.0 -9317278919 + -4092 = -9317283011 -9564.009049873495 + -6078451 = -6088015.009049874 8201.324132026508 + -510040091 = -510031889.675868 8977.230680221755 + 26331158209 = 26331167186.23068 -3790656019.802656 + 45320282.53373719 = -3745335737.268919 59553.50537896708 + -141723013944.83643 = -141722954391.33105 -34983529.65900151 + 79156918 = 44173388.34099849 348892557 + -8288538295.132746 = -7939645738.132746 427 + 45995469.018016756 = 45995896.018016756 37.687303970803654 + 95947312214123.11 = 95947312214160.8 -9414404513200 + 6.579273265851521 = -9414404513193.42 7570 + 41924331 = 41931901 -4771.931618737372 + 787535747 = 787530975.0683813 20.058698540567175 + -9690250 = -9690229.94130146 -6229415 + 73136010943 = 73129781528 300.44688943990775 + -690 = -389.55311056009225 -8.478555723418694 + -16025336 = -16025344.478555724 9817182073354 + 4973826134185.414 = 14791008207539.414 -883575751 + -7.933313534559979 = -883575758.9333135 8546768154 + -598632.3486346689 = 8546169521.651365 156966.4688257812 + 84 = 157050.4688257812 -8181 + 847235678 = 847227497 75678955.29176632 + -3294 = 75675661.29176632 9244746095 + -848541573.6878554 = 8396204521.312144 -48610874.722802244 + -925228415307 = -925277026181.7228 4435 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000004435.0 -89.64146793813956 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000089.64 3017707923.209925 + -134611.11621171806 = 3017573312.0937133 68.20640020014456 + -69150686048.35587 = -69150685980.14946 -28622.823241732047 + 100000000000000 = 99999999971377.17 279866.46526003187 + -7.558286654794729 = 279858.90697337704 -748.9848202102762 + -5 = -753.9848202102762 100000000000000 + -5505195460 = 99994494804540 10863 + 36227449497 = 36227460360 2.9081022592188113 + 8942462200 = 8942462202.908102 3241572 + 9.592745470482564 = 3241581.5927454703 -23988469288553 + 7555774938.181458 = -23980913513614.82 802 + -40889 = -40087 7949689 + -22248680803505 = -22248672853816 -72464 + -662 = -73126 55963.647222967484 + 267751.30314431293 = 323714.9503672804 405401022.5518967 + 848900115979.9756 = 849305517002.5275 -5553111841093 + -8748348 = -5553120589441 1.854618906478493 + 7168383042427 = 7168383042428.8545 -179648.44736113324 + -709 = -180357.44736113324 -55191211722.58886 + 100000000000000 = 99944808788277.4 86814190.1449448 + -447571760108 = -447484945917.85504 -100000000000000 + -34556877683762.88 = -134556877683762.88 -18010 + 100000000000000 = 99999999981990 -9639087011 + -77355354443 = -86994441454 23077415.841147177 + -6.47941147818496 = 23077409.361735698 23 + -12136109289468.979 = -12136109289445.979 656893976504 + -275.46417145582575 = 656893976228.5359 40 + -60207348.73052665 = -60207308.73052665 -100000000000000 + -2112527335 = -100002112527335 922955 + -82883125046 = -82882202091 -7915753404.352356 + -72261990734423 = -72269906487827.36 974 + -593.1408818219713 = 380.85911817802867 428774.97815966833 + -592204879 = -591776104.0218403 -699515334780 + 447492070163.0655 = -252023264616.9345 -6.869861833891678 + -4183001403382.537 = -4183001403389.4067 3653081785582 + -2 = 3653081785580 -26.18571155301981 + -692115 = -692141.185711553 -5113750 + 205805809332 = 205800695582 5126 + -807455366170 = -807455361044 976246198 + -9637493 = 966608705 -1867973090 + -7426 = -1867980516 -683965 + 2660810263097 = 2660809579132 49480226321791 + -55044367 = 49480171277424 6246845 + -91738.66910481738 = 6155106.330895183 68202906.44180429 + -68 = 68202838.44180429 -1.851674984245609 + 75254904583.33649 = 75254904581.48482 1509.0352635611564 + -754.8942800943432 = 754.1409834668132 33166290 + -40090057705846 = -40090024539556 909711 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000909711.0 -8904804297130 + 3.381775907977657 = -8904804297126.62 11427915725 + -70374843851 = -58946928126 -28477883.452743705 + 58767631 = 30289747.547256295 -6150665580.219866 + -422747282382 = -428897947962.21985 -63744892966047.414 + -692.640283049043 = -63744892966740.055 -9840082786 + -26485.738559182533 = -9840109271.73856 -9192 + -228319085 = -228328277 -100000000000000 + 1850468905117.7412 = -98149531094882.27 1313783343.0204878 + -66110242 = 1247673101.0204878 9978000 + 285306066650 = 285316044650 100000000000000 + 65806295207170 = 165806295207170 -3810.481747676834 + 386 = -3424.481747676834 -224060 + -894896 = -1118956 -62504 + -35528239903 = -35528302407 -4780142 + 9148232 = 4368090 -7008967789.988102 + -13626150.244399065 = -7022593940.232501 2279540849.4630404 + 59083229097.23066 = 61362769946.6937 815728614.5388407 + 90956573085 = 91772301699.53883 98339 + -38 = 98301 -9715 + 4043922.225192028 = 4034207.225192028 8198 + 7 = 8205 78764528207624 + 4078727479814 = 82843255687438 995.2234307471373 + 314722187.2157581 = 314723182.43918884 83127252776 + 100000000000000 = 100083127252776 133535 + 9 = 133544 834971 + -554381763718.9321 = -554380928747.9321 100000000000000 + 78855724040939.6 = 178855724040939.6 -56 + -7.345124552803371 = -63.34512455280337 12159347272699.393 + 5502.3383639383965 = 12159347278201.73 522217 + -937693281 = -937171064 97642 + -1112563 = -1014921 -99781888069.96153 + 9.433029935391817 = -99781888060.5285 434840.94984667277 + -606 = 434234.94984667277 8 + -67664.3687542925 = -67656.3687542925 2565 + 89.4343267629929 = 2654.434326762993 3859 + 98965610602 = 98965614461 31.28369863490491 + -958 = -926.7163013650951 100000000000000 + -97.85790103134954 = 99999999999902.14 -92257113551821 + 3961 = -92257113547860 -54383086624427.74 + -22660074585394 = -77043161209821.75 -8.71547993639356 + -90.66818923131942 = -99.38366916771298 547.5129166459128 + 561216837.5822581 = 561217385.0951748 -629575.3393159691 + -230015916 = -230645491.33931598 1680715332213.0571 + -69.41945038541127 = 1680715332143.6377 100000000000000.0 + -763.1966008292055 = 99999999999236.8 -5091835886149.502 + 435096242 = -5091400789907.502 -12099042271702 + -44.53699089010807 = -12099042271746.537 -47893177492.11582 + 6984 = -47893170508.11582 -915601475.4069777 + 7454686457.86132 = 6539084982.454342 -7415597312 + -23 = -7415597335 712767203875.9929 + 440.61959022494796 = 712767204316.6125 511937910 + -419697008480 = -419185070570 -22670499 + 525393853206 = 525371182707 -7056.648156927905 + 1311620467700.4004 = 1311620460643.7522 -851806.9288483423 + 799757.810078335 = -52049.11877000728 -87389743135 + 489883 = -87389253252 481523988770 + 421399821329.01154 = 902923810099.0115 -497.02521464989275 + 3218580581 = 3218580083.9747853 51730430963.6508 + 135 = 51730431098.6508 -37402966061984 + 100000000000000.0 = 62597033938016.0 9152361316583 + 24008789 = 9152385325372 18565964536488.895 + 31842718304577.625 = 50408682841066.516 655597.5859086358 + 100000000000000 = 100000000655597.58 76.25878500207278 + -53576215 = -53576138.741215 100000000000000.0 + -594352251 = 99999405647749.0 43737321565.09541 + 478 = 43737322043.09541 63167.880810646595 + -29116179857.798737 = -29116116689.917927 45779 + 4654439734 = 4654485513 926090.4818079105 + -7671883807.120585 = -7670957716.638778 5361481.042994929 + 93070433009.32997 = 93075794490.37297 -9010173614 + 9055428638.09325 = 45255024.093250275 -20524879178.270985 + 713933 = -20524165245.270985 7353 + 581694 = 589047 -25298532466393.016 + 2354112649.577957 = -25296178353743.438 -32682060 + -44095410.268272795 = -76777470.26827279 871.3125294721851 + -96624762319671.66 = -96624762318800.34 650744192821 + -48242234177510 = -47591489984689 79740020419.92809 + 8271.085386857685 = 79740028691.01347 6 + 148102437960 = 148102437966 -4462966621.739407 + -44315871495687.97 = -44320334462309.71 2023847901 + 4830214 = 2028678115 -439936934.41298497 + -6248771168116 = -6249211105050.413 6513 + 290 = 6803 8363532 + 38743 = 8402275 -3839982.5307539436 + -3941735942 = -3945575924.530754 254110.0584768299 + -903120176.8379934 = -902866066.7795166 84058272302001 + -4180 = 84058272297821 90.03322150583661 + -89 = 1.0332215058366074 63 + -75672221 = -75672158 -7140 + -23.796837186474775 = -7163.7968371864745 2261169 + -1.746525469701571 = 2261167.2534745303 96522121188809.86 + -28.48040646153671 = 96522121188781.38 -8595836777.134846 + 29 = -8595836748.134846 14157300608445 + 4.734432723562907 = 14157300608449.734 -404067560026.0096 + 28648 = -404067531378.0096 -258.0300579099835 + -9.778738326830638 = -267.80879623681415 39 + -32865742.48974182 = -32865703.48974182 -1682459 + -8060645.178782823 = -9743104.178782823 -1603706459621 + -306.10765062376106 = -1603706459927.1077 -39844.156346726595 + -4359699 = -4399543.156346726 -100000000000000 + 8263667367 = -99991736332633 772914241 + -30285.94478927582 = 772883955.0552107 -4888955718.889029 + 290450.36258994864 = -4888665268.526439 -29 + -257652 = -257681 -38562774820211 + 4149 = -38562774816062 -216105475 + -52522.99263077559 = -216157997.99263078 -86293758823810.69 + 6975689 = -86293751848121.69 -100000000000000.0 + -1.2338465028788206 = -100000000000001.23 3544178512991.003 + -882266 = 3544177630725.003 -12 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999988 4811476 + 2884423910997 = 2884428722473 3530574 + 30150 = 3560724 1314210161.1403093 + 2539 = 1314212700.1403093 99138766257.3127 + 955370704 = 100094136961.3127 48.73368695220508 + -67079324.42787479 = -67079275.694187835 -224220703 + -7488649515138 = -7488873735841 823782211.3862834 + 14496202058 = 15319984269.386284 -9229196 + 7 = -9229189 666772.9351642411 + 5 = 666777.9351642411 5302888307.15364 + -751618609.5155143 = 4551269697.638125 698893.6624913659 + -290185.49124819064 = 408708.1712431753 -80105 + -76393879.57535072 = -76473984.57535072 -2714823.3564020833 + 850 = -2713973.3564020833 33280523797746 + -3.9119527385056845 = 33280523797742.09 -18699806152 + -27497951.248139095 = -18727304103.24814 82323735959034.89 + -100000000000000.0 = -17676264040965.11 -5.794225837807375 + 9655.767316606178 = 9649.97309076837 -480056048763.0899 + -100000000000000.0 = -100480056048763.1 -74146968244012.28 + 8339577310100.836 = -65807390933911.445 -399777568.75539464 + 349350556 = -50427012.75539464 32032 + 388006216168.2917 = 388006248200.2917 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 553167113117.8623 + 65600.88031679668 = 553167178718.7427 8685351 + -38429377.394111596 = -29744026.394111596 100000000000000 + -17307649344.292973 = 99982692350655.7 -15887322 + -5155669326220.41 = -5155685213542.41 -77848456.90813811 + -38076394805.095406 = -38154243262.00354 -100000000000000.0 + -71519.09600050165 = -100000000071519.1 100000000000000.0 + -49637182699199.586 = 50362817300800.414 -664377629923 + -100000000000000.0 = -100664377629923.0 878950005 + 774757302.2603847 = 1653707307.2603846 2615539 + -818043616 = -815428077 8 + -3503661683953.51 = -3503661683945.51 -3.524702925906717 + -660710065662 = -660710065665.5247 788912859995 + 7 = 788912860002 18010280042758.97 + -6873681432.909543 = 18003406361326.06 -52149104.12881352 + 827287954874.9186 = 827235805770.7898 3009 + 83 = 3092 -68181035550.17896 + 89719.40057640168 = -68180945830.77839 206323535 + 525500375.6479965 = 731823910.6479964 -465263168.05461353 + -39106489 = -504369657.05461353 -3195012.119027603 + 43237539.8719344 = 40042527.7529068 -9289583 + 91360.82237953342 = -9198222.177620467 8278 + -153320888 = -153312610 153 + -963017308 = -963017155 95458447.4898899 + 51439 = 95509886.4898899 100000000000000 + -13449729200.105162 = 99986550270799.89 7506272937580 + 53933565.19335545 = 7506326871145.193 100000000000000.0 + 534 = 100000000000534.0 5670674 + -4616.297975927273 = 5666057.702024072 9053097008.016254 + 20491921920 = 29545018928.016254 -76994426391304 + 18520185.812264875 = -76994407871118.19 -18087883650.962624 + 801882184593 = 783794300942.0374 5912406671.847017 + 7883215248879 = 7889127655550.847 -44884.50990777981 + -100000000000000 = -100000000044884.52 17166.605459542894 + 2321896200495 = 2321896217661.6055 575202700911 + -100000000000000.0 = -99424797299089.0 -43044.88067023026 + 19697.146841930033 = -23347.73382830023 -3373308740799 + 59688195543.213936 = -3313620545255.786 7825308896.95379 + 825.214221611437 = 7825309722.168012 5713.960586186965 + 81225368214 = 81225373927.96059 -9335330.064731114 + -59142253940566.35 = -59142263275896.414 -281815363123 + 19896402.22167309 = -281795466720.7783 64162 + -96762247674234.36 = -96762247610072.36 95.96365543964279 + -26 = 69.96365543964279 -1677588263695 + 423853 = -1677587839842 87874947 + -128152777463.36696 = -128064902516.36696 924955.7773825512 + -8992248293693.375 = -8992247368737.598 -61596.24973590343 + 100000000000000 = 99999999938403.75 100000000000000 + -4 = 99999999999996 21202360767226.695 + -60291985.11912846 = 21202300475241.58 -4 + -69870724.99889521 = -69870728.99889521 515695430500 + 33 = 515695430533 -887863322822 + -432.3879072593376 = -887863323254.388 9.058287027213831 + -71562609 = -71562599.94171298 3653892462335 + -239278456 = 3653653183879 -38.7767464651268 + -451 = -489.7767464651268 6645898415.601804 + 7.132036162488309 = 6645898422.73384 -3752022.5149932243 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999996247977.48 32466.344384861146 + 6874656 = 6907122.344384861 -37.269270335855296 + 469937460725 = 469937460687.7307 -2555441 + -8781758435 = -8784313876 589 + 42399685886 = 42399686475 -8778.048907690143 + 179526350 = 179517571.9510923 -1847 + 84150124870823 = 84150124868976 69832116505962.14 + 100000000000000.0 = 169832116505962.12 704.3476424812385 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999295.66 3646838324.08165 + 820318513 = 4467156837.08165 5.545579596797152 + 8835.321522102186 = 8840.867101698983 154823401275 + 1212821317928.7305 = 1367644719203.7305 71965847 + -5288.1450496130765 = 71960558.85495038 -1002509 + -68728551 = -69731060 57043664065332.375 + -21 = 57043664065311.375 -78420330838.93344 + -7805581 = -78428136419.93344 1117057.9336936006 + -197990.2837162088 = 919067.6499773918 5987324103114.9795 + -48478500.28873607 = 5987275624614.69 92190717993143.95 + -9.617849094506239 = 92190717993134.33 57627672 + 39661007903996.734 = 39661065531668.734 39839292610368 + 71 = 39839292610439 54 + -9.52580483625657 = 44.47419516374343 -141658 + 8.982535221735407 = -141649.01746477827 -8341608680 + -2.7018661903437007 = -8341608682.701866 2591688841249 + 8665659377 = 2600354500626 285305.16307827644 + -2.5543178210412303 = 285302.6087604554 5510050918276.468 + 89166 = 5510051007442.468 -17427095.457516395 + 9946 = -17417149.457516395 -6147285835 + 270425095 = -5876860740 -5431 + 896.72936393922 = -4534.27063606078 -7076.8006178434935 + 580830731825 = 580830724748.1993 77634 + 5.273598857660112 = 77639.27359885766 100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 16544353216076 + 4587779242934 = 21132132459010 100000000000000.0 + 3468206160 = 100003468206160.0 21726014373.282158 + 60469.469467107345 = 21726074842.751625 -3 + -349144 = -349147 -505402949763.3007 + -395.995420223107 = -505402950159.29614 197.87193353773608 + -5637327796163.614 = -5637327795965.742 -2 + -592435.6866007735 = -592437.6866007735 50383 + -830 = 49553 3178817760911 + -48864662884957 = -45685845124046 43 + -6.881013900478064 = 36.11898609952193 237 + 9519611308.550484 = 9519611545.550484 10.529960446982013 + 65858515 = 65858525.529960446 38844756876614.33 + -84403806908559.73 = -45559050031945.41 69 + -553 = -484 4564538620280.697 + -3 = 4564538620277.697 4650377.253598191 + -81846741924 = -81842091546.7464 -38023427370928.65 + -66350669024.96456 = -38089778039953.61 -162.1025955848709 + 570.5699879757391 = 408.4673923908682 -8881234019 + 5436060 = -8875797959 47369 + -8584114 = -8536745 27578554838.833286 + -492838.20102948707 = 27578062000.632256 -9 + -4669 = -4678 7845535019177.462 + -31112749163638 = -23267214144460.54 946571230601 + -266249398.45995113 = 946304981202.54 23691 + 5 = 23696 -22665499005 + -17925.720592020723 = -22665516930.720592 -33320788979305.934 + 30094842.269210592 = -33320758884463.664 974.2988891544156 + -98339 = -97364.70111084558 -95081507555732 + 100000000000000 = 4918492444268 34414921970.39661 + 44629792.51915036 = 34459551762.91576 86347772780.22144 + 5172344 = 86352945124.22144 388602064.6086954 + 47.256854532928905 = 388602111.8655499 34 + -77523.00025072516 = -77489.00025072516 576794 + 915988630.5167273 = 916565424.5167273 -3 + 1920738247259 = 1920738247256 -302420568969.65784 + -8964380125 = -311384949094.65784 -2.8378866616200686 + 6932546 = 6932543.162113339 -8790407511 + 4107124796886.889 = 4098334389375.889 -68851210.48230898 + -3033761 = -71884971.48230898 -3 + -3185083296560 = -3185083296563 -100000000000000 + 7232602 = -99999992767398 3943941517.2870197 + 252109572 = 4196051089.2870197 -35861474548877.96 + 619064.5936084329 = -35861473929813.37 819386933602 + -100000000000000.0 = -99180613066398.0 8358001.613937419 + 57756236 = 66114237.61393742 59290902608646 + 78809367867 = 59369711976513 -5698466 + -4193 = -5702659 60 + 53749391203 = 53749391263 7127536 + 2098170 = 9225706 -2906465764878.2515 + 5864.628949459278 = -2906465759013.6226 -6498541.17771043 + -185 = -6498726.17771043 -251241359325.90564 + 26886432260906 = 26635190901580.094 19 + 8271578 = 8271597 -100000000000000 + 996516 = -99999999003484 430617 + -70750552969.63821 = -70750122352.63821 -26525317883.08831 + 891714158233 = 865188840349.9117 6 + -23099.89221835691 = -23093.89221835691 -4.755094770886662 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999995.25 4175281994492.319 + 3463384734.8435173 = 4178745379227.1626 -6925483414.542368 + 49.74208355685651 = -6925483364.800284 100000000000000 + -5504456.8148933165 = 99999994495543.19 89087172725.72557 + -5751236049.886371 = 83335936675.8392 2116194673343.5334 + -6516168.388756121 = 2116188157175.1448 9.373676791721854 + 66178802.2556892 = 66178811.62936599 467440427102.7016 + -7.279803858681723 = 467440427095.4218 2.4747141953857406 + 113027213441 = 113027213443.47472 -51 + -48598 = -48649 609250.6743180442 + 7953 = 617203.6743180442 2601 + 934 = 3535 33165.75755667343 + 574795324006 = 574795357171.7576 -48304776981204.484 + 1745984.2795995427 = -48304775235220.2 -228140418757.9272 + 44426282 = -228095992475.9272 -9.46295943637535 + -5096705560 = -5096705569.462959 -3819119883091 + 7516314119 = -3811603568972 38894 + 21.461955634616423 = 38915.461955634615 -2397170632.877452 + -9.409510653720288 = -2397170642.2869625 2429297 + 5824 = 2435121 -54487074315208 + -1488.3340536827882 = -54487074316696.336 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 2115404854.8046863 + -9782695373283 = -9780579968428.195 -89242947167748.77 + 702246832.9954808 = -89242244920915.77 6870529554104 + 444 = 6870529554548 -103.55825493672236 + -601219949 = -601220052.558255 -168 + -312231.4968838446 = -312399.4968838446 258916029264.88025 + -2.8732360496337055 = 258916029262.00702 161918093 + -87425947485 = -87264029392 -7361945566 + -26501085 = -7388446651 686433.1817371255 + 740170196979 = 740170883412.1818 -55101 + 79072309 = 79017208 2.854978473181137 + -58456498 = -58456495.14502153 36 + 134672.14124996087 = 134708.14124996087 -6790970.093156026 + -26400.586360642545 = -6817370.679516668 100000000000000.0 + -5157.55331128611 = 99999999994842.45 98136041 + -7.991953590747124 = 98136033.0080464 6659.112093258724 + 898798601198 = 898798607857.112 86049976322.36311 + 68031772870.284805 = 154081749192.64792 5776.33920538606 + -480423098851 = -480423093074.66077 57414238880.49413 + -521 = 57414238359.49413 978 + 48745598412 = 48745599390 -2093028 + 6825606 = 4732578 -4432 + -293.5550704249712 = -4725.555070424971 77692951 + -9858992516 = -9781299565 -26030872846519 + 571301267 = -26030301545252 7676.5814305669155 + -50.94083547544593 = 7625.64059509147 -70970043156685.16 + -7.386196464686468 = -70970043156692.55 -46 + 93723843 = 93723797 -77176634.69955456 + 518 = -77176116.69955456 37924473333.55906 + 631473409.9067247 = 38555946743.46578 324036.64436971856 + -5268501771.858849 = -5268177735.2144785 90795143205.35715 + -53029074074205.945 = -52938278931000.586 79615742247663.1 + -8680.106011911786 = 79615742238982.98 532288256 + -44703357 = 487584899 10 + -76812512224.41762 = -76812512214.41762 9330970958 + -1953.5939645211665 = 9330969004.406036 84372509372038 + 100000000000000 = 184372509372038 -336.2820227042355 + -7.6195495779876135 = -343.9015722822231 -972.7478180293816 + 887754715891.5302 = 887754714918.7823 6.999354510840829 + 37793713259.00049 = 37793713265.99984 -411113785171.6913 + -24807456060 = -435921241231.6913 5 + 48285.52523395719 = 48290.52523395719 100000000000000 + 99.27244404351771 = 100000000000099.27 6570547.231157925 + -8233176 = -1662628.768842075 -214 + 136676683.0110216 = 136676469.0110216 -2104773480 + -70334944859 = -72439718339 7 + -343 = -336 3100005 + -5349522019.746584 = -5346422014.746584 625792242.6493549 + -100000000000000 = -99999374207757.34 34437462 + -2023881 = 32413581 -90268970927730.05 + -1266150941112 = -91535121868842.05 7793427.276733431 + -30682419217.375053 = -30674625790.09832 -990333745112.0087 + 27027.269045135756 = -990333718084.7396 1694428093 + 340776544.06185806 = 2035204637.0618582 -577129931.4213941 + -4189511222789 = -4190088352720.4214 -719.9401775993579 + 149344814290 = 149344813570.0598 -100000000000000.0 + 6749178382.678254 = -99993250821617.33 446583344704 + -9268.77943209317 = 446583335435.2206 -13589203086 + 936952050415 = 923362847329 -7579760320 + 479550083388.76556 = 471970323068.76556 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 9720502425 + 9076571878132.396 = 9086292380557.396 -2202 + 93347369837 = 93347367635 93072478213 + 100000000000000.0 = 100093072478213.0 -37252129643.75845 + -249854695 = -37501984338.75845 -29310076 + 50048617669416 = 50048588359340 -525838196521 + -1384032837377 = -1909871033898 5.014922440237397 + -3892889.7980472427 = -3892884.7831248026 -8.265253795731645 + 516 = 507.73474620426833 6155702241557.945 + 2682181.2976490282 = 6155704923739.243 -98082531201.7266 + -12830.011530953077 = -98082544031.73813 -260667 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999739333.0 -1245399.7918874787 + 100000000000000 = 99999998754600.2 100000000000000.0 + -48857991678.3961 = 99951142008321.61 845184192647.216 + 1087179019809 = 1932363212456.2158 560992381709.7167 + 46556682 = 561038938391.7167 -548 + 3571 = 3023 -252987215985.59845 + -58072117614673 = -58325104830658.6 1697142.1671861543 + -561652449415 = -561650752272.8328 100000000000000.0 + -8426.03449229078 = 99999999991573.97 -89602769.7367318 + 6135830.4701704895 = -83466939.26656131 55723496562 + 4044 = 55723500606 -56113719.97991863 + 3101313.272507714 = -53012406.70741092 -594.0115092252298 + 221100568.21015513 = 221099974.1986459 -23472354707474 + -816991584.8285722 = -23473171699058.83 831853992205 + 25.22491904429991 = 831853992230.225 -98328898226237.61 + 6 = -98328898226231.61 465914750412.418 + -7570878575085.126 = -7104963824672.708 8254409.03837049 + 291 = 8254700.03837049 -54.5354855527203 + 5104061504882 = 5104061504827.465 448896592.7684787 + 354909.9739574074 = 449251502.7424361 17853013308400 + -43112626569652 = -25259613261252 -639102211.2878228 + 700561.7570427117 = -638401649.5307801 4213.749022382041 + 29 = 4242.749022382041 1 + 8604511425 = 8604511426 -743092779410 + 6 = -743092779404 4933137 + -2932335.374086323 = 2000801.6259136768 -91541326323.09991 + -7284.0388977356515 = -91541333607.13881 -3372943601251.314 + 7011660097 = -3365931941154.314 -100000000000000.0 + -75011258 = -100000075011258.0 -50808919373372.734 + -310128182 = -50809229501554.734 75162501136899 + -1444296239 = 75161056840660 102609409.4679045 + 24420876436667 = 24420979046076.47 469830 + -86592 = 383238 541786642.1766169 + 960181835436 = 960723622078.1766 -57933378445986.516 + 29709.02038037435 = -57933378416277.49 -305 + -9.741611485358577 = -314.7416114853586 168 + -86110.18363105095 = -85942.18363105095 -912742620447.1576 + 49912915.53606264 = -912692707531.6216 40736902.46847741 + 1604211944510.518 = 1604252681412.9866 2.3612574330323137 + 802668 = 802670.3612574331 136.67003870009057 + 5 = 141.67003870009057 -8348245 + -62963.505351500375 = -8411208.5053515 19922806996 + -36947259335060.39 = -36927336528064.39 28807039627 + 8317514716071.338 = 8346321755698.338 -87870125285.34532 + 3836312 = -87866288973.34532 27048507077194.848 + 192354 = 27048507269548.848 925897269 + -51488534.76657111 = 874408734.2334288 890.7539915375586 + 61775239.42103321 = 61776130.17502475 -861 + -827888 = -828749 -1878850168470 + 1210837778 = -1877639330692 -9 + 83256 = 83247 -60299798491 + -7096 = -60299805587 1277348014.7396533 + -4 = 1277348010.7396533 -562743519025.9509 + 3398993455.8845515 = -559344525570.0664 69335738.83957681 + 971367.7703928347 = 70307106.60996965 -821175448525 + -4 = -821175448529 -620700198606.2048 + -10 = -620700198616.2048 -24187429235.814186 + -8517 = -24187437752.814186 -211884.56936043297 + 100000000000000 = 99999999788115.44 -100000000000000 + 6 = -99999999999994 8505029908 + 3587429 = 8508617337 53.06857107447703 + 732624362 = 732624415.0685711 -4728652199680 + -82643731796563 = -87372383996243 658046 + 990130 = 1648176 -268076742 + 28690120337.60695 = 28422043595.60695 161717839.18149805 + -3194 = 161714645.18149805 -68.61517374074478 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000068.61 -38583499 + -2380852793.232774 = -2419436292.232774 -746077780018.5048 + -100000000000000.0 = -100746077780018.5 100000000000000 + 49.53653364230901 = 100000000000049.53 -10845 + 6.213789949834084 = -10838.786210050166 46270.169613613514 + 17.52665989600598 = 46287.69627350952 -7919433665.766335 + 74260 = -7919359405.766335 9676516.287857862 + 123946177.38417815 = 133622693.672036 -57.13782608782433 + -6560846.960256625 = -6560904.098082713 -44652738659.23552 + -7.357143806954644 = -44652738666.59267 -305983.15150368994 + 55301.615466030504 = -250681.53603765945 13.019503243346898 + -2637917912784.4336 = -2637917912771.414 -73245546995 + -234011227.40536445 = -73479558222.40536 -97771.52302371724 + -87764.71157493383 = -185536.23459865106 35.85592757626959 + -273.85919952139886 = -238.00327194512926 -47586743406.6933 + -15.51379183205523 = -47586743422.20709 100000000000000.0 + -124.59621896643904 = 99999999999875.4 100000000000000 + 85860733934.58353 = 100085860733934.58 3104462263272 + -44 = 3104462263228 66550 + -50537317590 = -50537251040 680308833532 + -281174214 = 680027659318 -6023733742073 + -45422471442 = -6069156213515 664615583 + -744896575256 = -744231959673 -536693.5252441573 + 812978037219 = 812977500525.4747 -3418562055.2332935 + -90256473963459 = -90259892525514.23 2670974510 + 100000000000000.0 = 100002670974510.0 -331812 + 63086751172210 = 63086750840398 58.660358581918864 + -6782955.8173652785 = -6782897.157006697 992691313 + -7955.877322313846 = 992683357.1226777 -100000000000000.0 + -50018281960563 = -150018281960563.0 -21260970428838.92 + 84896.86495259221 = -21260970343942.06 9511637956.584517 + -707226.742729627 = 9510930729.841787 850869099689 + 7047996296 = 857917095985 -432357.9228706312 + 71688854705 = 71688422347.07713 -96250916503283 + 22930911 = -96250893572372 378 + 4261.556232160372 = 4639.556232160372 -205648 + 35755132878 = 35754927230 -9582.830931939157 + -57679912 = -57689494.83093194 6391434340 + -7.202920291110886 = 6391434332.79708 -557901 + -971094094.3365785 = -971651995.3365785 -8396 + -23212 = -31608 166066682 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000166066682.0 -8945030411264 + 40 = -8945030411224 754.98393185335 + 1406686.4231881348 = 1407441.4071199882 -100000000000000 + -3772.1190139098826 = -100000000003772.12 82934705112771.67 + 64.4399018886231 = 82934705112836.11 -7460109.992745349 + 50592743274122 = 50592735814012.01 -47460174 + 417411270337.5741 = 417363810163.5741 -8905934529 + -61391580 = -8967326109 -491363003843.4626 + 975104.9110068185 = -491362028738.5516 -895864472582.0033 + -100000000000000 = -100895864472582.0 28463757881306 + 15794851643714.277 = 44258609525020.28 706089727578 + -59.39579562641413 = 706089727518.6042 -1040.4969902074963 + -9220174 = -9221214.496990208 -6655614.433737822 + -55 = -6655669.433737822 -304540110 + -543185398.2568852 = -847725508.2568852 85888931865.76093 + -899542641522.2122 = -813653709656.4512 -34713 + 860739 = 826026 -7153344746 + -250762 = -7153595508 36900592 + -414 = 36900178 -100000000000000.0 + 3283775861025.77 = -96716224138974.23 -85210668468.91772 + 3295 = -85210665173.91772 79859611152 + -38972742319 = 40886868833 -6782202.988867672 + -63 = -6782265.988867672 26551594 + 987252210 = 1013803804 -6196290305416 + -4148570.583837002 = -6196294453986.584 776526059 + 158335811888.28128 = 159112337947.28128 -69674507740501 + -11484.636441505496 = -69674507751985.63 2909.160246649734 + 100000000000000 = 100000000002909.16 -47 + -11.744356905604475 = -58.74435690560448 39264759 + -476855425981 = -476816161222 9 + 94110072 = 94110081 84133.44331873418 + -15407332.769199535 = -15323199.325880801 159329.70152324898 + -8746101 = -8586771.298476752 3886.979207787139 + 2406878.5217039827 = 2410765.50091177 2.060099626836009 + -2561748452 = -2561748449.9399004 -880866068036 + -592589 = -880866660625 100000000000000 + 23760353.112145938 = 100000023760353.11 -177431 + 43721558 = 43544127 -64850079.68231853 + 535.7571584030213 = -64849543.925160125 -5 + 67.91325102823009 = 62.91325102823009 6.630353388713688 + 7341930847879 = 7341930847885.63 -97131 + -39 = -97170 -100000000000000 + 6378739285803 = -93621260714197 2.1209331367220323 + 29061463804088.797 = 29061463804090.918 8126320798826 + 83777357568144 = 91903678366970 -46091545307 + 53 = -46091545254 -8010171220309 + 4.642124634451298 = -8010171220304.357 49.78481044503742 + 33 = 82.78481044503742 13737129213.92813 + -100000000000000 = -99986262870786.08 -27146224645 + -653980291349 = -681126515994 -29234583 + 5523373566835 = 5523344332252 99371 + -5123598 = -5024227 5653083441.598934 + -349635 = 5652733806.598934 -2206885726 + -409247 = -2207294973 -100000000000000.0 + -573787 = -100000000573787.0 -81484453261552.0 + -90460565 = -81484543722117.0 5550504700159 + -7680 = 5550504692479 -560.1550756441861 + 6328.9496004520215 = 5768.794524807836 59.04317789826276 + -561.1109332478898 = -502.067755349627 -56226610973423 + 668682 = -56226610304741 725.8503827775919 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999274.16 -16.24174215773095 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000016.23 -409045 + -588551.6491003396 = -997596.6491003396 -8598639478780 + 100000000000000 = 91401360521220 -28899070724 + -724054082.0431262 = -29623124806.043125 -4.848530288990959 + -448495395550 = -448495395554.8485 -96206111487.08217 + -84335322 = -96290446809.08217 759.4593658552442 + -7.33042970585422 = 752.1289361493899 897257854.6519703 + 2844728.4331468614 = 900102583.0851171 -4293017969076 + 22 = -4293017969054 497279130219.2838 + -4664122 = 497274466097.2838 -8108352 + -119 = -8108471 -899214691 + -691485793 = -1590700484 100000000000000.0 + -1571.9773006174157 = 99999999998428.02 -119238358821 + 39608249.28579855 = -119198750571.7142 -4736965350049 + -351090.84984247806 = -4736965701139.85 4023709336.553471 + -1073.4074894724235 = 4023708263.145982 4390.36163752028 + 6544439547653 = 6544439552043.361 612213659038 + -3344354.1981107546 = 612210314683.8019 -4826 + 381703625 = 381698799 83712516.54981148 + 27691809136606.816 = 27691892849123.367 -53017608557.900604 + -224713.9838825293 = -53017833271.88448 4630.370429464638 + -19905895 = -19901264.629570536 -6.649722177665641 + -8266730147.631933 = -8266730154.281655 -7843.681615412052 + 554943120668 = 554943112824.3184 -496.3444372542947 + -495478843542.6854 = -495478844039.02985 6815423006265 + 67606770101.62575 = 6883029776366.626 94 + 33217894 = 33217988 7792722 + 8 = 7792730 50297.22608634165 + -9660138236 = -9660087938.773914 757345250384.8182 + -615174947313.2273 = 142170303071.59094 831.8838930260395 + 83477015278.8673 = 83477016110.75119 -2380 + -9681.533610631637 = -12061.533610631637 -52288.08679124743 + -15411 = -67699.08679124742 -15199172 + -9163327300 = -9178526472 860569.1922835225 + 27526.157672345318 = 888095.3499558677 -1179989 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999998820011.0 -100000000000000.0 + -8080804 = -100000008080804.0 -457341.32926514966 + 9881685 = 9424343.67073485 -44066620879031.59 + -6266858744 = -44072887737775.59 59945397417.00063 + -54683982693 = 5261414724.000633 -3003578.634602474 + -739 = -3004317.634602474 67439 + -84940500.34728755 = -84873061.34728755 1955 + 8.743945666220664 = 1963.7439456662207 1481 + -530163113 = -530161632 3253295 + -199188990 = -195935695 4401894517617.747 + 100000000000000 = 104401894517617.75 314248555 + 90.91902584858909 = 314248645.91902584 71703969310848.58 + -4606705998610.752 = 67097263312237.83 -7625 + -271.78676319192186 = -7896.786763191922 -35 + -79216561.29269964 = -79216596.29269964 3880131.7618368617 + 496388 = 4376519.761836862 -61723303818.17393 + -71307 = -61723375125.17393 -9808.952695323655 + 879974 = 870165.0473046764 264104802 + 920985219976.1986 = 921249324778.1986 -654371796407.1019 + -6401336212055 = -7055708008462.102 1 + 87698524.05709678 = 87698525.05709678 -56990856.458188176 + -494684394.9011444 = -551675251.3593326 6755805681452 + -9048497781 = 6746757183671 9678259187 + 3221437.399627622 = 9681480624.399628 5454 + -57560 = -52106 -8773856.168108806 + 65675471404131 = 65675462630274.83 -320369408981 + 145 = -320369408836 654601359 + 65293663464 = 65948264823 100000000000000.0 + 10438942.062206786 = 100000010438942.06 -75297916.82999438 + 60981530 = -14316386.82999438 58 + 521694782785 = 521694782843 4602114371368.186 + -4778436 = 4602109592932.186 8706623.14454241 + 118863742910.33102 = 118872449533.47557 7726322006140.764 + -16684.810711580692 = 7726321989455.953 1.592786079618623 + -200207 = -200205.40721392038 379103852928.9429 + 96195057295301.39 = 96574161148230.33 -97763.72766079618 + 94385918176 = 94385820412.27234 4261587115503.9536 + -20341.672402052907 = 4261587095162.2812 -385746.9890741249 + -87646247798558 = -87646248184304.98 91657.65594318236 + -6474650128944.188 = -6474650037286.532 -8249.626401172634 + 910604055212 = 910604046962.3737 8555490708994.066 + 562192.2695713288 = 8555491271186.336 27 + 9.500813284001655 = 36.50081328400165 -9271.458319099667 + -3484 = -12755.458319099667 -100000000000000.0 + -8566342 = -100000008566342.0 19830488052503.69 + 100000000000000.0 = 119830488052503.69 951769806.2801075 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999048230193.72 7998727.016954354 + 3399613250 = 3407611977.0169544 -1424863.2930925533 + -841668217556 = -841669642419.2931 38374.855399837215 + -3399524829 = -3399486454.1446004 -827423672 + -7434037708825 = -7434865132497 -100000000000000.0 + 531 = -99999999999469.0 2382.8972467477315 + 73242743855.12439 = 73242746238.02164 6.278467819974276 + 2397518679 = 2397518685.2784677 298604951460.9214 + -2222717.7896074248 = 298602728743.1318 -41338610422.20836 + -100000000000000.0 = -100041338610422.2 100000000000000 + -33773513419.54228 = 99966226486580.45 67245806533.590034 + -21588245.607101545 = 67224218287.98293 -24823578851 + 1265518213 = -23558060638 -3539734.380829497 + -75437017656 = -75440557390.38083 100000000000000.0 + -9 = 99999999999991.0 -3969793761 + -168665 = -3969962426 218184377.83495098 + -66169536885079 = -66169318700701.164 -61 + -780.475353829721 = -841.475353829721 146144677003 + -1 = 146144677002 930.167706603674 + -59.704432025102534 = 870.4632745785715 -55041850767471 + 535777262.53717864 = -55041314990208.46 302888488.3294425 + -312.8751881527214 = 302888175.4542543 -55481669360497 + 100000000000000 = 44518330639503 -9607 + 77241673.76712771 = 77232066.76712771 -94654497143 + 234510307 = -94419986836 -1142161208 + 551285 = -1141609923 -819645977577.6199 + 44294716 = -819601682861.6199 -59 + -58973272657.11983 = -58973272716.11983 1552186.0383563014 + -2944048 = -1391861.9616436986 -79884735.9074588 + 1324.8975258736943 = -79883411.00993292 -7.63637313335481 + 116210563570.00294 = 116210563562.36658 -906518552.0292331 + 2019.4470176846921 = -906516532.5822154 100000000000000 + -5907710173 = 99994092289827 297090 + -69340472051 = -69340174961 3856802055750 + 196 = 3856802055946 5032.287560546363 + 33730867061178.94 = 33730867066211.23 55221139 + -4.781280426902541 = 55221134.21871957 17270938440889.883 + -32.11336208901973 = 17270938440857.77 10250576 + 7999219 = 18249795 91905854556 + -55971996 = 91849882560 29119291263792.836 + -664163 = 29119290599629.836 100000000000000 + -825828818.3477762 = 99999174171181.66 61852633 + 8045.895517907768 = 61860678.89551791 4.629587963169254 + 88947205716377.83 = 88947205716382.45 717897.978229334 + 24 = 717921.978229334 -2814.6454608256613 + 53952756156518 = 53952756153703.35 -9 + 921.7764316473827 = 912.7764316473827 100000000000000.0 + 6398902182895 = 106398902182895.0 14.019179248374284 + 5.740863392572832 = 19.760042640947116 14509425 + -1109556569477.1646 = -1109542060052.1646 8781947.982203852 + -107024 = 8674923.982203852 -1 + -6111834.61267348 = -6111835.61267348 -8300955802.609426 + 100000000000000 = 99991699044197.39 -100000000000000.0 + 72.00250068391719 = -99999999999928.0 -440218615070.13715 + 54254795 = -440164360275.13715 23.25537946397289 + -4487460494214.719 = -4487460494191.463 8301505101462.886 + 328630.05106287834 = 8301505430092.937 508470.95182368346 + -804037102400.6943 = -804036593929.7426 -6571363.288862025 + -2 = -6571365.288862025 -987.9086608741862 + -79787817956636 = -79787817957623.9 -928163522.5973278 + -2.4743648988680627 = -928163525.0716927 -256835367 + -86279834151 = -86536669518 -5787250.09860987 + 45814783816099.914 = 45814778028849.81 54815376581613.68 + -675880010 = 54814700701603.68 5.92302140239802 + -8897653097755 = -8897653097749.076 60681.0327614619 + 764407 = 825088.0327614619 8128 + -696026535 = -696018407 1242 + 9502553.620110137 = 9503795.620110137 34545841279313 + 661915.9035240059 = 34545841941228.902 6932714656.093811 + 475 = 6932715131.093811 -9603 + -87821 = -97424 -4 + 6.790782491873726 = 2.790782491873726 -620.873218427921 + 36317 = 35696.12678157208 -35386 + 75.00041012272123 = -35310.999589877276 -6337 + -5545.648390657676 = -11882.648390657676 -56.793959997790765 + -762398427 = -762398483.79396 67725119 + -60837234 = 6887885 17.488964316466465 + -506472258008.6127 = -506472257991.1237 -23554553641.595963 + 41965 = -23554511676.595963 -39036886526474.06 + -4012506.5948373773 = -39036890538980.66 7964424991 + 99928918.62903146 = 8064353909.629031 2970.1426720009827 + -231002.79962650142 = -228032.65695450045 56 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999944.0 -57324985741.66613 + -1761355516 = -59086341257.66613 7 + 48858488 = 48858495 -5609926679373 + 63 = -5609926679310 -179 + -1450 = -1629 -965903 + 1556594466021.5767 = 1556593500118.5767 66791126046009 + -178092742.06451684 = 66790947953266.94 -17694.122498785222 + 51694939907524.766 = 51694939889830.64 1 + 151 = 152 7.8262178490439736 + -163369 = -163361.17378215096 8336118 + 2184472.28464235 = 10520590.28464235 -87219307699 + -926988.437973716 = -87220234687.43797 -6860.228962664543 + 216 = -6644.228962664543 -3476188 + -3258013053.574525 = -3261489241.574525 -58321348199821 + -8201369209095 = -66522717408916 -678525.4915171852 + -695275346038.0908 = -695276024563.5824 -100000000000000.0 + 657 = -99999999999343.0 -626 + -30344358659746 = -30344358660372 1206228332671.5469 + 47.063257777511446 = 1206228332718.61 7751 + -6391.137043235161 = 1359.8629567648386 -4.929751342295053 + 30581 = 30576.070248657707 100000000000000.0 + -1562 = 99999999998438.0 20580713624 + -62710762471768 = -62690181758144 6868413.171804442 + -380447421392 = -380440552978.8282 382037149425.59686 + 51688302969.15334 = 433725452394.7502 6909753.09391677 + -4725872.081394255 = 2183881.012522515 -4068.110592015231 + 6574314633 = 6574310564.889408 4562581195.189037 + 286989129862 = 291551711057.189 1079523 + 808198 = 1887721 -49810 + -71005591008399.84 = -71005591058209.84 5669.288267757997 + 100000000000000 = 100000000005669.28 521169576206.8865 + 100000000000000.0 = 100521169576206.89 -3753974142 + 4573285948.168287 = 819311806.1682873 -72216.42564579223 + -31817543.998167936 = -31889760.423813727 127064221.31764485 + -3 = 127064218.31764485 6542553.978920225 + 9430353056 = 9436895609.97892 -40411775 + -1214.5101207220719 = -40412989.51012072 651413832394.739 + -942490249 = 650471342145.739 3152251341815 + -41238150430642 = -38085899088827 -9686410 + -22699532043469 = -22699541729879 1350312 + 8472210553907 = 8472211904219 16 + -38402978 = -38402962 -8.22705518412645 + 67678988644561 = 67678988644552.77 5614740187529 + -188.5346656569847 = 5614740187340.466 79368.64243512547 + -592431477376.7883 = -592431398008.1459 -3451968254 + 80982 = -3451887272 -69417447581 + -840448 = -69418288029 -5555615.735364763 + 89140137.15781564 = 83584521.42245087 100000000000000.0 + 29.42724231414966 = 100000000000029.42 -2 + 52808571238.10344 = 52808571236.10344 -700845.7538982319 + -7077.216053739366 = -707922.9699519713 36082610.55678277 + -27227686.733344518 = 8854923.82343825 72693608548.35272 + 700757.8596987758 = 72694309306.21242 -5027.224011968122 + -9113528 = -9118555.224011969 950739343288 + -954144456.4516913 = 949785198831.5483 933 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999067 92791553750719.19 + 62051 = 92791553812770.19 -4385516252360 + 103161 = -4385516149199 100000000000000.0 + 1645520959700.5603 = 101645520959700.56 6859181.281449448 + 41250464690430 = 41250471549611.28 -2901611877194.8374 + -77 = -2901611877271.8374 48945985846897 + -9 = 48945985846888 -885834 + 7031257930.56458 = 7030372096.56458 -618058 + 653.3020996756004 = -617404.6979003244 -72673206083 + 62365024310 = -10308181773 -742909770393 + -657127632925 = -1400037403318 1211342.9688574155 + 35051756425 = 35052967767.96886 -7018269548 + -76250260.69616878 = -7094519808.696169 209.6226064690678 + 732146.2792942282 = 732355.9019006973 -5847 + -4152 = -9999 -7 + 261624791551 = 261624791544 96600684903.53201 + -2850154 = 96597834749.53201 -70.3617881804553 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000070.36 91772.84550882765 + 4810.468975074411 = 96583.31448390207 -21429.447200220806 + 87884.43456536945 = 66454.98736514864 -22655203739.574615 + 6285904610431 = 6263249406691.426 -5781.505752831302 + 21.747175339256962 = -5759.758577492044 100000000000000 + 769109 = 100000000769109 -960587067120.8938 + -81771179482.76852 = -1042358246603.6624 41745631.77779035 + -3.026679614620179 = 41745628.75111074 100000000000000 + 231669445003 = 100231669445003 -55426330671474.05 + 4478 = -55426330666996.05 -371563384467 + -60255464 = -371623639931 -601720922 + -1354304955 = -1956025877 -24329051772663 + 485 = -24329051772178 60240089 + -15679326.385774551 = 44560762.61422545 38184176422531 + 68.69188895415095 = 38184176422599.695 -29 + 9466540823.912342 = 9466540794.912342 99266765586.65771 + 3710371823207 = 3809638588793.6577 50057317 + -1 = 50057316 -46713957776542.13 + 917456.5104553424 = -46713956859085.625 41471.21886167774 + 463015389345.6617 = 463015430816.88055 1151 + -2490894474759.3193 = -2490894473608.3193 932999936016 + -3339.0778602491155 = 932999932676.9221 982606321.5159335 + 59.67535389009919 = 982606381.1912874 -5584.607293363403 + -4.108686247063778 = -5588.715979610467 -152452697800.2146 + -79118263235313.72 = -79270715933113.94 100000000000000.0 + -5048050856 = 99994951949144.0 81874018 + 760651826245.8107 = 760733700263.8107 100000000000000 + -37 = 99999999999963 -15 + -2104578 = -2104593 100000000000000 + 259.64300395185234 = 100000000000259.64 67167418378430 + -85921567352265 = -18754148973835 -120.05268244028724 + -2395371.061700842 = -2395491.114383282 58938.427806495136 + 7 = 58945.427806495136 -38934314367 + 8 = -38934314359 9766553602124.762 + 66279359423 = 9832832961547.762 4241021198.9456854 + 6 = 4241021204.9456854 -100000000000000.0 + 904505471 = -99999095494529.0 -9374717.406624591 + 8429521063 = 8420146345.593375 750162 + -751640.0588628142 = -1478.058862814214 -100000000000000.0 + -342 = -100000000000342.0 -521272730.33281475 + 76526 = -521196204.33281475 -194129702 + 4613352793179.013 = 4613158663477.013 29821483847994 + 98984880 = 29821582832874 14 + 1743 = 1757 26 + -3358 = -3332 -54457878432065.93 + -27950083766113.742 = -82407962198179.67 187689246117.69525 + -2345269588353 = -2157580342235.3047 60285337234.78977 + 706219980.2302668 = 60991557215.02004 -83936912.07257302 + -4238652235622 = -4238736172534.0728 -3162565756 + -100000000000000.0 = -100003162565756.0 52961132478.03361 + 61187210034396 = 61240171166874.03 -150960.34682038933 + 16 = -150944.34682038933 97.30544447226134 + -666 = -568.6945555277387 -67236864353198.47 + -5 = -67236864353203.47 -4646489165.450886 + -100000000000000 = -100004646489165.45 5869444.799667697 + -95.07785925714246 = 5869349.72180844 37525124 + -9 = 37525115 -455850864.77084506 + 44549535826591.94 = 44549079975727.164 -69129698052377 + -9663.792082455126 = -69129698062040.79 -8.070737978515714 + 1698389936.3624637 = 1698389928.2917256 -7025685838000 + -1978 = -7025685839978 -8777380803 + -352706625 = -9130087428 3790449.504263889 + 835477 = 4625926.504263889 -1063925299 + -9164883 = -1073090182 -1847748 + -7768657 = -9616405 220803926125 + -1942086317 = 218861839808 -23110102382 + -56645291472313.67 = -56668401574695.67 566823.2618139145 + -554.306343847382 = 566268.9554700671 -373191380 + -65.33998995063027 = -373191445.33998996 -7659439864 + 34135553000820.594 = 34127893560956.594 -7535 + 3255 = -4280 -100000000000000 + -6152054981.32117 = -100006152054981.33 -86 + -187.10733457836022 = -273.1073345783602 526553887 + 8270156.20402501 = 534824043.20402503 3.809234422109279 + -396539914 = -396539910.19076556 940676503327 + -802159808927 = 138516694400 6333897.204047013 + 9143069 = 15476966.204047013 -732852869337.07 + 485933341145 = -246919528192.06995 809.2841450105757 + 76.65690318176406 = 885.9410481923397 638145919 + -63621610871097.92 = -63620972725178.92 -6782844577426 + -649413 = -6782845226839 5781045060405 + -48795.255472700774 = 5781045011609.744 607.914285305269 + -6949168649 = -6949168041.085714 84408 + 93315799877 = 93315884285 64213039 + -94420036955.10286 = -94355823916.10286 -36968 + -634867735284.1265 = -634867772252.1265 -7937827.973597461 + -74399257183616 = -74399265121443.97 860188527260 + 7077343 = 860195604603 89898047190 + 14526193702025 = 14616091749215 53216 + 100000000000000 = 100000000053216 5027875.140251216 + 9 = 5027884.140251216 -362063550 + 8716505985 = 8354442435 629013499163.4343 + 751836683.0801796 = 629765335846.5145 124229378862.64252 + 38680268675 = 162909647537.64252 265504323997.9516 + -79431269325.00136 = 186073054672.95026 -9100421206 + -287 = -9100421493 -73391646896439.75 + -5432489406.331778 = -73397079385846.08 -415601019940.3402 + -682484 = -415601702424.3402 -6305329390598.249 + -858.1494732413951 = -6305329391456.398 -1 + -6.700979723293225 = -7.700979723293225 -690707553.2997007 + -1 = -690707554.2997007 -59.871600608437284 + -438699.7169240118 = -438759.5885246203 218394.13441101834 + 37630154 = 37848548.13441102 7499877669981.986 + 904739.240870129 = 7499878574721.228 -548468775.686151 + 809.8625845353724 = -548467965.8235664 137383844.1139024 + 9654558803256.21 = 9654696187100.324 100000000000000.0 + -30656 = 99999999969344.0 1437715 + -248175.55765150927 = 1189539.4423484907 502.8699429214965 + 39098569384.311554 = 39098569887.181496 -70.8019506875257 + 44620370899.40069 = 44620370828.59874 -3545765 + -17.080297089506246 = -3545782.0802970896 2201524698.67477 + 29.89771080847651 = 2201524728.5724807 -100000000000000.0 + -509396000681 = -100509396000681.0 9897371231956.217 + -77020690.06775996 = 9897294211266.148 4635313.6003340855 + -18429 = 4616884.6003340855 5553.507803685607 + 100000000000000 = 100000000005553.5 303815 + 626943893245 = 626944197060 -790458987 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000790458987.0 7.1582850637654865 + -291823.7807515179 = -291816.62246645417 90 + 1846412597.06578 = 1846412687.06578 100000000000000 + 740891928525 = 100740891928525 676080.8604095463 + -790 = 675290.8604095463 81.21001782900174 + -563528894 = -563528812.7899822 6761479311021 + 89796017661331.03 = 96557496972352.03 901682 + 240237033.46351752 = 241138715.46351752 9522798.056494609 + -3367.386567956965 = 9519430.66992665 65.81022043159625 + -972485 = -972419.1897795683 -382774304 + -9715.861250808302 = -382784019.8612508 -376454 + 50261076597969.93 = 50261076221515.93 7339465908.881441 + 533830.082581383 = 7339999738.964023 8789143 + 825530280.7357689 = 834319423.7357689 100000000000000 + 4297110.49370618 = 100000004297110.5 -6972.96337028916 + 4086777 = 4079804.036629711 73017724898625.5 + -18.18639531135481 = 73017724898607.31 -98370920.6649479 + -94983165.58849727 = -193354086.25344515 -4621120484.991818 + -78827 = -4621199311.991818 8209 + -234661.7222156317 = -226452.7222156317 48543796051097.7 + -85011111762042.56 = -36467315710944.86 91276599 + -81107275.99189468 = 10169323.008105323 27607562.766605385 + -80 = 27607482.766605385 7516069710.560817 + -52 = 7516069658.560817 54128000411006 + 60098363675690 = 114226364086696 656 + -237594.9539903004 = -236938.9539903004 6 + -99154825038866.47 = -99154825038860.47 -981.8971391794915 + 836922.5304357769 = 835940.6332965974 -972 + -1953679091455 = -1953679092427 12339.285698325522 + 966977 = 979316.2856983255 63 + -1961644832596.7227 = -1961644832533.7227 24358823480284 + 50193.6770906177 = 24358823530477.676 -643 + -99233984766273.97 = -99233984766916.97 -5576289016 + 100000000000000 = 99994423710984 -615311899875 + 9939088054499 = 9323776154624 -100000000000000 + 11011 = -99999999988989 100000000000000.0 + -70031 = 99999999929969.0 -100000000000000.0 + -1.6914392919262546 = -100000000000001.69 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 958 + -55398190.22709437 = -55397232.22709437 38878.56615432698 + -3 = 38875.56615432698 -100000000000000 + -3654878561309.8 = -103654878561309.8 4063804 + 267494599 = 271558403 4065014419.598294 + -68764142332143 = -68760077317723.4 -91502 + 2031424995 = 2031333493 -50.524297605926385 + 5883930 = 5883879.475702394 8400952857.195627 + 886.255147073145 = 8400953743.450774 459670596 + 25816873.596318834 = 485487469.59631884 393900.8573901649 + 3469 = 397369.8573901649 -879435 + 62808306463820 = 62808305584385 262 + -918956799004 = -918956798742 -2156423218.9468603 + 59634723 = -2096788495.9468603 288 + 370967096638 = 370967096926 -1.5877012637101529 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000001.6 -2 + 2324 = 2322 3011345191 + -100000000000000 = -99996988654809 -4860667298474 + 1290907 = -4860666007567 1 + -545 = -544 -100000000000000.0 + 873.6053432853768 = -99999999999126.39 -377363107.2877147 + -56878517413 = -57255880520.28771 52 + 4948612602 = 4948612654 -913685759 + -3076446239.9817004 = -3990131998.9817004 -6079520634788 + -37480908487619 = -43560429122407 -196 + -5.2787318535474705 = -201.27873185354747 8368661409153.661 + 6480481189325 = 14849142598478.66 -8437356.97175441 + 892731065.2977663 = 884293708.3260119 -86468 + 33443268317195.156 = 33443268230727.156 20534166 + 58543.056460787695 = 20592709.056460787 68323408507500.65 + 640 = 68323408508140.65 100000000000000 + 1745998584097 = 101745998584097 -165308614240.01755 + 2465 = -165308611775.01755 45300653728.51708 + -75958.29111735224 = 45300577770.22597 -10.060535623865974 + -64.09978760264204 = -74.16032322650801 940.9568588311565 + -572865265299.4026 = -572865264358.4457 5985897745 + 72353368356.26474 = 78339266101.26474 -497.1874405130798 + -406442543017.0901 = -406442543514.2775 68 + 9570143 = 9570211 -6385835 + -8331894 = -14717729 899751.8671544415 + -53192059 = -52292307.13284556 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 2931983.233482443 + -6588944 = -3656960.766517557 -9461428.965785855 + -90107439.57173175 = -99568868.5375176 -63308559271465.06 + 191894611503 = -63116664659962.06 183051 + -83458910058280.47 = -83458909875229.47 -675317.3537232331 + 73103316650.69879 = 73102641333.34506 -6 + -9.465217798060094 = -15.465217798060094 925645515.3940034 + -3951864036.8842936 = -3026218521.49029 -75657758 + 6604775452671 = 6604699794913 -8024951376.319281 + -752133476.4431993 = -8777084852.76248 615 + -6263040846 = -6263040231 542289057 + 9.175788106566793 = 542289066.1757882 -97163184.13471507 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000097163184.14 4511 + -70.967426873238 = 4440.032573126762 5377162457.387366 + -68.5806839603147 = 5377162388.806683 -8471043361923.57 + 100000000000000 = 91528956638076.44 -605607525.6648974 + 308 = -605607217.6648974 56015439 + 534143362.4657918 = 590158801.4657918 -95710879 + -7607700167653.299 = -7607795878532.299 82603 + 1.170887733488322 = 82604.17088773349 100000000000000.0 + 83 = 100000000000083.0 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -100000000000000.0 + -1448144680967 = -101448144680967.0 -100000000000000 + 72000435.10282466 = -99999927999564.89 -82531383586323 + 12068295 = -82531371518028 -3800373.0718067526 + -31.379027877766806 = -3800404.4508346305 -10448887980239.586 + -955577543972.169 = -11404465524211.754 4099793557 + -350938871 = 3748854686 -25.56812704677758 + 6115652151688.105 = 6115652151662.537 48.55731088503428 + 42617856 = 42617904.55731089 5858524.480930187 + 7606 = 5866130.480930187 -71192377746.28735 + 7709.292684346665 = -71192370036.99467 -273063131416 + -87117342.99758755 = -273150248758.9976 801100921 + 84412223 = 885513144 434652 + 828.0436101098858 = 435480.0436101099 22420338 + -60992034590.95727 = -60969614252.95727 6803.402645827731 + -9753614292.394934 = -9753607488.992289 -877548 + -5596317674.683189 = -5597195222.683189 -307854 + -7 = -307861 93438.7446253787 + -100000000000000 = -99999999906561.25 100000000000000 + 893 = 100000000000893 -8998815982386.742 + -25686385539 = -9024502367925.742 72323284018.35074 + 100000000000000 = 100072323284018.34 100000000000000 + -35856739 = 99999964143261 91229155326845 + 7934763575148 = 99163918901993 -9418709580 + -36 = -9418709616 944157740 + 3 = 944157743 -9223.954714572857 + 702592 = 693368.0452854271 -9547730 + -1.4566642188945138 = -9547731.45666422 -139424267803 + -100000000000000 = -100139424267803 10771777 + -3 = 10771774 9118243 + -6930036 = 2188207 -81100885669 + 34110471 = -81066775198 49923218834774 + 3.1833566865677865 = 49923218834777.18 41703309270265 + -4605536699210 = 37097772571055 336.6082443208957 + 87047654 = 87047990.60824431 19611063528601 + -4977393092 = 19606086135509 63845890303119.31 + -813480176.3160503 = 63845076822943.0 -16003314212152 + -901.0325683532402 = -16003314213053.033 84230.38741726546 + 973 = 85203.38741726546 -6251151890 + 79661878182.34125 = 73410726292.34125 -6124405603329 + 68336827630 = -6056068775699 -34370107907 + -600028303 = -34970136210 804877 + 99 = 804976 95901335.40525924 + 12000591346 = 12096492681.40526 -927840.9968805165 + -953.6394964013052 = -928794.6363769178 770456239 + -15336058020 = -14565601781 -4584451851.790075 + 442698.9946390711 = -4584009152.795436 -9652217904190 + -49349506067264.56 = -59001723971454.56 34586202.61923458 + 2450.209818501796 = 34588652.82905308 889437239129.1582 + 100000000000000.0 = 100889437239129.16 10348465157167 + -70277.45720660573 = 10348465086889.543 9434410.795377886 + 450808536 = 460242946.7953779 6970.868968294827 + 30358934 = 30365904.868968293 36447 + -5745521144.811606 = -5745484697.811606 -864.4969884614567 + 1584199982.8783302 = 1584199118.3813417 6368635282.806694 + 48129135949 = 54497771231.806694 -602.6775663810874 + 18022355400684 = 18022355400081.324 86502.40144950691 + -76.91183663731212 = 86425.4896128696 26540274131358.65 + 525504 = 26540274656862.65 -658 + 47 = -611 9959359 + 12.80949129706186 = 9959371.809491297 449793058 + -100000000000000 = -99999550206942 -429629391 + 6960484903 = 6530855512 100000000000000 + 9650802716263 = 109650802716263 46419513.86251926 + -87.18771593432403 = 46419426.674803324 94488016408.63553 + 36914481 = 94524930889.63553 29354596757034.05 + -1311851 = 29354595445183.05 -7935854954165 + -25142099.008887738 = -7935880096264.009 30445004460623 + -126940042556 = 30318064418067 3402532461 + 813831637.5924025 = 4216364098.5924025 -100000000000000 + -89337 = -100000000089337 66 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999934.0 4870980.568733359 + -48.246670399806696 = 4870932.322062959 -907.5952026050695 + 44708.748850542914 = 43801.15364793784 871096 + -32657900.200898074 = -31786804.200898074 -40833500.818085626 + -251535806824.2825 = -251576640325.1006 -8 + 556586246967 = 556586246959 -55792341821040.836 + -40006261381959.984 = -95798603203000.81 100000000000000.0 + -86.94397593242219 = 99999999999913.06 -9586096198.325993 + -6624815.179289069 = -9592721013.505281 -9.44403244387781 + 69 = 59.55596755612219 147506 + -280874315352.3003 = -280874167846.3003 -3199 + 31222.688689130176 = 28023.688689130176 955978031.232201 + -1750.0929725541118 = 955976281.1392285 -87264576100.4198 + 91943767151 = 4679191050.5802 -53202725.37727023 + -100000000000000 = -100000053202725.38 5.2872366268014765 + -2.033709238187673 = 3.2535273886138034 -2545432.616539227 + -104274471 = -106819903.61653922 100000000000000 + 39560788469563.15 = 139560788469563.16 -7935794.668461558 + -40563816 = -48499610.66846156 10.954067450218565 + -83449501896379 = -83449501896368.05 91108.99125744689 + -733693480615.4733 = -733693389506.482 -34010089316.34762 + -995405 = -34011084721.34762 4554704 + -8868966974 = -8864412270 36318345278 + -96658517094442 = -96622198749164 8451877812322.459 + -7393526834225.615 = 1058350978096.8438 100000000000000.0 + 33 = 100000000000033.0 3705.494610737669 + -61492337 = -61488631.505389266 -3841.091368002013 + 265115815300.61548 = 265115811459.5241 768464225981.4968 + -4950897 = 768459275084.4968 -100000000000000 + -282087 = -100000000282087 -34427533 + -974034 = -35401567 68239365445606.8 + 29035146 = 68239394480752.8 431543728655.995 + 100000000000000 = 100431543728656.0 -1803752970.4138277 + -16662370.122703366 = -1820415340.536531 -61462963733 + 24.23986039608924 = -61462963708.76014 612.0091085874323 + 2997463 = 2998075.0091085876 -28.700009864119068 + 7402 = 7373.299990135881 1866982.1417314694 + -83779334912 = -83777467929.85826 846620.6625091583 + 2393 = 849013.6625091583 572104688328.617 + -7136361124.289878 = 564968327204.327 -100000000000000.0 + -8442605614 = -100008442605614.0 -6541440 + 3999246424654.8955 = 3999239883214.8955 867376973740 + -8558 = 867376965182 33.84682654877804 + -2141590214713 = -2141590214679.153 -6402837.886702003 + 4761.251993545204 = -6398076.634708458 11617.013003831853 + -2869157108643.059 = -2869157097026.046 758006.889385469 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999241993.11 -46092078.73486328 + -35196 = -46127274.73486328 928534404 + -2.279093678902129 = 928534401.7209064 -100000000000000 + -201 = -100000000000201 -86024259.10620165 + -5.651795514408958 = -86024264.75799717 -8.306661680109785 + 7224738672.461751 = 7224738664.155089 91378804326 + 7201.576084204415 = 91378811527.57608 -440186208896.99713 + -36928.383407767804 = -440186245825.38055 433310 + 7016714 = 7450024 5036742 + -51 = 5036691 109745376355 + 19834302710 = 129579679065 33414401827.547237 + 916892441.5913271 = 34331294269.138565 -71870.1369798046 + -100000000000000 = -100000000071870.14 100000000000000 + 22.416270582005605 = 100000000000022.42 -9355202343246.727 + -100000000000000 = -109355202343246.72 -1176895229681 + -33990333565.216408 = -1210885563246.2163 7922420230.165515 + -8.83337054147457 = 7922420221.332145 4607527 + 6500 = 4614027 91098.59377633932 + -100000000000000 = -99999999908901.4 -37924.79875316763 + -17975206.0719356 = -18013130.87068877 4636437029900.333 + 100000000000000 = 104636437029900.33 57365072 + -72.8719349924931 = 57364999.128065005 663 + -93478531.19982955 = -93477868.19982955 739843944 + -20689 = 739823255 -7368.141599075032 + -268751392489.44235 = -268751399857.58395 6283400368.968553 + -3724234 = 6279676134.968553 -100000000000000.0 + -27904127 = -100000027904127.0 58.13394257438183 + 8752 = 8810.133942574383 55826169952408 + -77.99380198577784 = 55826169952330.01 906831049.2935151 + -100000000000000 = -99999093168950.7 36613985224.09109 + -7517746.054221025 = 36606467478.036865 88920844.92930074 + -100000000000000 = -99999911079155.08 -9545727757 + -6253.426514281038 = -9545734010.426514 -610003.9340538718 + -89681865.56685689 = -90291869.50091076 329236.4394684445 + -9688668850313 = -9688668521076.56 100000000000000.0 + 97258229 = 100000097258229.0 16854581 + 3281 = 16857862 -2308150435.278475 + 876848 = -2307273587.278475 64 + -65234899732 = -65234899668 -1546 + 7741755996 = 7741754450 17895293970.587826 + 1592.3836163374524 = 17895295562.971443 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 27917562329574.445 + 90 = 27917562329664.445 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 555.804081343251 + 2777040 = 2777595.804081343 -850827169320 + -6998220 = -850834167540 457683698 + 1572399918009 = 1572857601707 -30401918149 + -31973 = -30401950122 100000000000000.0 + -4606723.194984158 = 99999995393276.81 79914 + -100000000000000 = -99999999920086 -65 + -84312763.96427606 = -84312828.96427606 -425.0258543015426 + -650851873 = -650852298.0258543 -540969 + 780121138665.4655 = 780120597696.4655 5134903859304 + -2065082 = 5134901794222 8168632542.636803 + 3355646 = 8171988188.636803 9664725990240 + -23700675765.018494 = 9641025314474.982 6172908405.868935 + -88972.15834590579 = 6172819433.710588 9862825796.749329 + -66046.99749724314 = 9862759749.751831 52817 + -57489 = -4672 35241 + -36 = 35205 -972819085294 + -46910.02178508914 = -972819132204.0217 -599 + 90823647797 = 90823647198 22874159876408 + -6850 = 22874159869558 4766917353371.027 + -4925068.202315791 = 4766912428302.825 2772 + 878140561666.49 = 878140564438.49 2529002822.539466 + 77665.58535682978 = 2529080488.1248226 9926.536227890121 + 1027082159 = 1027092085.536228 -48.72210129776831 + 698962765.6258832 = 698962716.9037819 -6278541.63448145 + -1436936 = -7715477.63448145 -4 + -12109.981420177593 = -12113.981420177593 404.7563206268489 + 7.501032479097357 = 412.25735310594627 -317.84579528750095 + 78088.8108368665 = 77770.965041579 -28886106 + 29262778011.751953 = 29233891905.751953 574592542247 + -6285842749.848172 = 568306699497.1519 85.92345633613492 + -9731738946.374054 = -9731738860.450598 844022 + -9400350240.455853 = -9399506218.455853 -9397 + 5274 = -4123 -6089208726202 + 52332003.61564347 = -6089156394198.385 -449452689925.81366 + -243164 = -449452933089.81366 76.55069522563647 + 85.61004125743888 = 162.16073648307537 100000000000000.0 + -93935.37839740586 = 99999999906064.62 26750887472.606712 + 67226278 = 26818113750.606712 59465247.34201837 + 11037983003739.277 = 11038042468986.62 77087 + 799598338655 = 799598415742 -43828 + 41458078115 = 41458034287 -983034276200 + -4315023476697 = -5298057752897 53 + 206 = 259 3434412891.851853 + 2488057280.4994116 = 5922470172.351265 20 + -94.40055985015533 = -74.40055985015533 192 + 884227941 = 884228133 925562 + 72383995667 = 72384921229 -1615149 + 27 = -1615122 -355065051.65081644 + -971321163189.6215 = -971676228241.2722 -95597155812906 + 14853913869309 = -80743241943597 2748385.9433583147 + -16 = 2748369.9433583147 -7 + 47324573185092 = 47324573185085 91860948.20516482 + 100000000000000 = 100000091860948.2 93.48610569477638 + -999438130749.6753 = -999438130656.1892 -753380 + 38797286.12910552 = 38043906.12910552 562 + -52409255 = -52408693 -5076349599 + 791407445823.58 = 786331096224.58 -40819961259511.99 + -303685171.91795516 = -40820264944683.91 43473152881391.47 + -4627 = 43473152876764.47 50280198.29224237 + 9194734334352.166 = 9194784614550.459 -795922 + 42388480609.83523 = 42387684687.83523 6242735013739.539 + -26445900601 = 6216289113138.539 78840033940703 + -9583240 = 78840024357463 55911 + -914 = 54997 8 + -501481 = -501473 3526 + 6028861611 = 6028865137 58652366189.26673 + 4536800.790312778 = 58656902990.057045 3838709471.1169825 + -701595394152.5767 = -697756684681.4597 123372511186 + -82740960 = 123289770226 -79062314666405.0 + -700517031495.7374 = -79762831697900.73 911696307296 + 899651614754 = 1811347922050 69041162.96834674 + -11846529765 = -11777488602.031652 9532 + 9 = 9541 -90 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000090 822335.7700876137 + 5792 = 828127.7700876137 -95676 + -60 = -95736 2061 + -168 = 1893 -76945059964499 + -97.82967033085646 = -76945059964596.83 -372703.8665775348 + 38017220598379 = 38017220225675.13 -7563679258 + -5971397267.991374 = -13535076525.991375 244 + -8567.552994041285 = -8323.552994041285 -597324672108 + -1 = -597324672109 -478032300 + 35654036586 = 35176004286 8432894318409.109 + -3726451446928 = 4706442871481.109 -4673681379 + -100000000000000 = -100004673681379 9499.915730162782 + 3 = 9502.915730162782 -8847891.732542062 + 219.2366159315622 = -8847672.49592613 -1592957214336.234 + -100000000000000.0 = -101592957214336.23 7540701845 + -29090209851224 = -29082669149379 96683278 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999903316722.0 5049859482 + 386 = 5049859868 407.42992857322656 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000407.44 6083 + -8281795.025812729 = -8275712.025812729 77 + 9017893832786.64 = 9017893832863.64 8289.99447824308 + 1742900.5092267967 = 1751190.5037050399 -9432 + 92839224687740 = 92839224678308 30147109 + -68559 = 30078550 620488 + 100000000000000 = 100000000620488 4957672.945858104 + 11747787525489 = 11747792483161.945 -6.835252678366352 + 1873545834.366651 = 1873545827.5313983 2855372 + 82235 = 2937607 6639092994.766377 + -7177982249931 = -7171343156936.233 -359102.092955836 + -8561400858905.093 = -8561401218007.186 72909803216984.28 + -908832 = 72909802308152.28 5066290322945 + 66900.13466374608 = 5066290389845.135 62442972834971 + -466.2433886435238 = 62442972834504.76 -8571 + 871 = -7700 683524572.298925 + 45469763014160 = 45470446538732.3 -137.42317625089325 + 909 = 771.5768237491068 -8447240.85991463 + 422 = -8446818.85991463 -342981602476 + -90.37043897728823 = -342981602566.3704 -188094966 + -3697465214882 = -3697653309848 -78 + 2992822.156968345 = 2992744.156968345 -86357.39808639177 + 754154199190.3209 = 754154112832.9229 564530143947.4569 + -3152393781136.8286 = -2587863637189.3716 84814 + -3 = 84811 -49403795192034 + -9.245000689781541 = -49403795192043.24 7.923471779399453 + 5016854 = 5016861.92347178 -13172431 + -6457883403 = -6471055834 -81815593.12293811 + 65297624633 = 65215809039.87706 7880887714046.393 + -9005824112.50301 = 7871881889933.89 -54177568974 + -64253993231.23328 = -118431562205.23328 4449072 + 498994.20194295835 = 4948066.201942958 -5021.612458687553 + -409543803.1162254 = -409548824.7286841 37834032137814.39 + 46444.929074867476 = 37834032184259.32 -43169091166732.69 + -51620003.52872877 = -43169142786736.22 -5711095308.302251 + -676471 = -5711771779.302251 82075306.55595954 + -65314306.872676365 = 16760999.683283173 -58261499404.750114 + -22402.902153440307 = -58261521807.65227 -5 + -365202724.13888216 = -365202729.13888216 -13760830080767.145 + 285.8778049714059 = -13760830080481.268 6135547 + 83074559321.41612 = 83080694868.41612 -81816510.39421274 + 3755322198.182257 = 3673505687.7880445 -5758 + 70557249672 = 70557243914 -3972580504 + 100000000000000.0 = 99996027419496.0 -100000000000000 + 78564419415.85817 = -99921435580584.14 -37578042 + -9702914377137 = -9702951955179 -689333419.8667699 + -57990824827193 = -57991514160612.87 -64 + -99951477.7050621 = -99951541.7050621 -5229197835955 + -99219749755 = -5328417585710 -100000000000000 + -91003.93669657361 = -100000000091003.94 468622 + 9 = 468631 -991820645.7640017 + -26158 = -991846803.7640017 100000000000000.0 + -2083.8318353828518 = 99999999997916.17 54953.8747468922 + 2995892.350420378 = 3050846.2251672703 585761894 + 8818156.357118184 = 594580050.3571181 8545329902137 + 867274421.2813475 = 8546197176558.281 -7991150629658 + -65719 = -7991150695377 8655855659 + 445958.2338776446 = 8656301617.233877 560.7386351492955 + 10586781392.148956 = 10586781952.887592 -51369413055 + -1387682 = -51370800737 -221866169473.99933 + -5429 = -221866174902.99933 90040.53746837977 + 8799498.161642544 = 8889538.699110923 88109.61726869193 + 1834.2906606174747 = 89943.90792930941 -94387278.26651053 + -52.118980177364676 = -94387330.38549072 -85770.9992166367 + 790536441415 = 790536355644.0007 -7007302.150995691 + 19798541302 = 19791533999.849003 -6505264.831849131 + -92625355.04197875 = -99130619.87382787 498559678541.47626 + 45 = 498559678586.47626 -6530 + -26562.74116407555 = -33092.741164075545 79957651190 + 860905548540.0083 = 940863199730.0083 -7939802865 + 39298193 = -7900504672 -2128101.1204365757 + 367 = -2127734.1204365757 238 + 51 = 289 2075734.3789386416 + -25561.853535961603 = 2050172.52540268 142721989113 + -5732591.928434345 = 142716256521.07156 11071252057776.443 + 5301 = 11071252063077.443 7830.656140995672 + 65795771 = 65803601.656141 787 + -92300740054807.23 = -92300740054020.23 -2874 + -9630760557 = -9630763431 -24835929568975.18 + 945.8585504404826 = -24835929568029.32 449380.92510218476 + 3 = 449383.92510218476 -9511737377.709587 + -3.2044579698880877 = -9511737380.914045 -3930 + -32985991266.842777 = -32985995196.842777 -742283160638 + 121124.9898195799 = -742283039513.0101 100000000000000.0 + -8765240 = 99999991234760.0 556928870380.9546 + 100000000000000 = 100556928870380.95 -50649567730720 + -5222884 = -50649572953604 4692793306.379011 + 7679 = 4692800985.379011 -211960.49871793552 + -17640 = -229600.49871793552 -279077149.83833164 + -55288.33633392351 = -279132438.1746656 -656.8865989272599 + -18935501 = -18936157.886598926 -410571264872.1909 + -21002.843831906084 = -410571285875.0347 -347 + -6 = -353 521675 + -9.154586041566667 = 521665.8454139584 -669015 + -37758 = -706773 -9648237613909.625 + 2488 = -9648237611421.625 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 -690656343943.7513 + 100000000000000.0 = 99309343656056.25 -100000000000000 + -66740738020.74529 = -100066740738020.75 564465289 + -3751701.610696998 = 560713587.389303 -100000000000000.0 + -386 = -100000000000386.0 -7625285114.711039 + 436 = -7625284678.711039 -79034953541425 + -273129.767487986 = -79034953814554.77 4129834786.0730195 + -100000000000000.0 = -99995870165213.92 -41 + 6767718333.16261 = 6767718292.16261 41.669616333339306 + 85030533.55328776 = 85030575.22290409 -1128545301.1573179 + -4919670973 = -6048216274.157318 675004 + -1559719587720 = -1559718912716 72853.2298050644 + 4369280.983569063 = 4442134.213374128 197.9141494355623 + -935437015311.8729 = -935437015113.9587 35 + 21571234.125636734 = 21571269.125636734 -100000000000000 + 275.09897495035517 = -99999999999724.9 -3 + -1 = -4 -536464631 + 469 = -536464162 -3032213346 + -23544 = -3032236890 -62821 + -261072433313 = -261072496134 -3872 + 777635008796 = 777635004924 23355616913442.582 + 34.554105848111874 = 23355616913477.137 3084183219.6979933 + 387085 = 3084570304.6979933 -57 + 26304.179134469494 = 26247.179134469494 87603612 + -3249077756159.867 = -3248990152547.867 -36030 + 611 = -35419 590.5786213005476 + -96275942049.02272 = -96275941458.44409 213894.54799931566 + 5410.865061058907 = 219305.41306037456 -7517150213188.292 + 52475638898576.75 = 44958488685388.46 39395766544.98407 + 197359 = 39395963903.98407 680.7704245543212 + -439216 = -438535.2295754457 -406285742.5242579 + -27983655574310.53 = -27984061860053.055 -9113122 + -78584 = -9191706 -50483954189.92451 + 236.30667997230606 = -50483953953.61783 -5535792 + 8.7914171584587 = -5535783.208582842 -951719 + 32223904029.121 = 32222952310.121 696524895 + -8828819.158142917 = 687696075.8418571 19 + -86718911928.27296 = -86718911909.27296 -100000000000000 + -28198.47799246999 = -100000000028198.48 671111 + -661432084 = -660760973 -90014345937 + 108 = -90014345829 934792821061 + 151518032537 = 1086310853598 -614.1534664742692 + -808326570161.1547 = -808326570775.3081 93494802.25873064 + -22578252303 = -22484757500.74127 393957215.9104939 + 2236269283999.1787 = 2236663241215.0894 -2478454 + 100000000000000 = 99999997521546 -56312.30197006058 + 8659145.8427816 = 8602833.540811539 -93668552887495.77 + 100000000000000.0 = 6331447112504.234 -36385173154 + 169769499 = -36215403655 -9.877583761104027 + -624789801 = -624789810.8775837 -477310711.29421645 + 940090.2995993845 = -476370620.99461704 5753313 + 80907793.91917077 = 86661106.91917077 7249760 + -548027543 = -540777783 20360707534.14994 + -2089141569.3671622 = 18271565964.78278 -8335.61983033091 + 876162450984.6086 = 876162442648.9888 -58485.42496058984 + 4362 = -54123.42496058984 -5 + -73350067.14516628 = -73350072.14516628 -195.49637400230773 + -7173053136.475158 = -7173053331.971532 68 + -3735297028042 = -3735297027974 21219.136137349262 + -4100220675107.0615 = -4100220653887.9253 -9078133110 + -100000000000000.0 = -100009078133110.0 941348138 + 8352311312.629636 = 9293659450.629635 -2124 + -100000000000000 = -100000000002124 19208.88895129049 + 6304778724.600783 = 6304797933.489735 -647830 + -14945102 = -15592932 -13067 + -5 = -13072 -3057060989.756175 + 77034693.4880429 = -2980026296.268132 -794937733 + 6098764419 = 5303826686 32799.9392416844 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000032799.94 4609891296337.621 + -63.34538504603172 = 4609891296274.275 -39794 + -31.18345964486827 = -39825.18345964487 -361567555 + -54 = -361567609 63345.41855722681 + -9.759307022271116 = 63335.65925020454 -605254392617 + -1231356132 = -606485748749 -75282107116043 + -697 = -75282107116740 -2208547978456 + -6.887290278220923 = -2208547978462.887 5989.868054524685 + -15701 = -9711.131945475314 1 + 35710 = 35711 -900.4974445564029 + -17.893579992216235 = -918.3910245486192 43.95702875750037 + -723.2614997195236 = -679.3044709620233 -6.6939540469536185 + -56.25593098470021 = -62.94988503165383 -5229246953708 + 5 = -5229246953703 8762.551514348628 + -5753524463.162312 = -5753515700.610797 68994 + 9654559416 = 9654628410 -95809.07439354042 + -5814824.339132688 = -5910633.413526229 -12 + 8935988.341847956 = 8935976.341847956 -559047747935.7205 + -664637.4779942156 = -559048412573.1985 26779072790105.35 + -428.4476573660642 = 26779072789676.902 -78414043991703 + -791592046207 = -79205636037910 -99460700990.54008 + 3421610529 = -96039090461.54008 -3.8576090748886793 + -9523949272694.473 = -9523949272698.33 -573362.8030263793 + -82683.57347484144 = -656046.3765012207 -366 + 315.92368284832617 = -50.076317151673834 -536642363.51357347 + 954519645274.4998 = 953983002910.9862 -6772.593807347359 + 93.8105542658636 = -6678.783253081496 3.2868383588114316 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999996.72 309168.33520862344 + -100000000000000 = -99999999690831.67 -14954014120.642376 + -738354 = -14954752474.642376 -7611417969108.56 + -4546.1949761387 = -7611417973654.755 -42006 + 9006638168911.129 = 9006638126905.129 -5.459904362926811 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999994.55 891687952408 + -894116.4093478312 = 891687058291.5907 70 + -3469488422 = -3469488352 2274326 + -4516 = 2269810 64816702264075 + -4 = 64816702264071 -66173 + 92342109.30057116 = 92275936.30057116 -50186163.74179383 + 23535562.335200354 = -26650601.40659348 488135474.5630734 + -47938641913.072815 = -47450506438.50974 -2079967.1777397592 + 727309521049.854 = 727307441082.6763 3565.4088608264565 + 7.399545897701224 = 3572.8084067241575 -379.13978447430156 + 43557 = 43177.860215525696 -2732311890201 + -2735658.836996464 = -2732314625859.837 -270073139.7664463 + -49113298070330.87 = -49113568143470.63 814148.0511048058 + -498679820.4281495 = -497865672.37704474 -8 + -750 = -758 -355950170 + -1273.4688680404959 = -355951443.468868 26 + -1053872195055 = -1053872195029 -40688790314 + 858622509 = -39830167805 177.57306546176113 + 79344695 = 79344872.57306546 -949879.1057384846 + -73.46860661562607 = -949952.5743451003 -4289522.525972182 + -9509.006238921953 = -4299031.5322111035 -100000000000000 + -516214.46837525937 = -100000000516214.47 -527198 + -438.1102222748452 = -527636.1102222749 502217026 + 70276.44920952122 = 502287302.4492095 -148222255.77782 + -343099 = -148565354.77782 -3834808.314264206 + 392.4206699940855 = -3834415.893594212 801.7229407487114 + -714022.9150505897 = -713221.192109841 -2495275.7179553867 + 428 = -2494847.7179553867 -100000000000000 + -13.160176728061582 = -100000000000013.16 86627565034 + -1488147.8064416086 = 86626076886.19356 -66285690 + 43.13229526070425 = -66285646.86770474 -855642 + 3838 = -851804 -6690078 + 6216528 = -473550 -9.687507795626106 + 5248520.328113035 = 5248510.64060524 961359560897 + 59 = 961359560956 33775385.27458756 + 1392316649077.1938 = 1392350424462.4685 -297212 + 45 = -297167 -52386420446.740944 + 1535392968893 = 1483006548446.259 -50 + 7224487342.501913 = 7224487292.501913 49131 + 64030409 = 64079540 70356633958954 + -549553727987.5605 = 69807080230966.44 -51090459064.899796 + -6409.471260375345 = -51090465474.371056 5005225044.45655 + 2705 = 5005227749.45655 -9482052374437.402 + -11.990602401191296 = -9482052374449.393 7907 + -51872746194.10037 = -51872738287.10037 16872281186.248001 + -100000000000000 = -99983127718813.75 689572067.4091681 + -813490102163.2384 = -812800530095.8292 -5187802.350065422 + 2003183468.8913703 = 1997995666.5413048 -258348670 + 3.032772751640747 = -258348666.96722725 -62485182797056.94 + 3650066.9197176187 = -62485179146990.016 59538 + -26376649381375.03 = -26376649321837.03 2953972466.501625 + 18374 = 2953990840.501625 436240.950595835 + 8194275 = 8630515.950595835 128 + 4123608351.4557476 = 4123608479.4557476 -74 + -89135538999372 = -89135538999446 84072975.00088161 + -96509583 = -12436607.999118388 -54416774691235.695 + 64749475354159.2 = 10332700662923.508 -6976987 + 6312 = -6970675 8896.907336516962 + 3958828 = 3967724.907336517 -69850765153318 + -313367135407.6583 = -70164132288725.66 -100000000000000.0 + -81258029264488.05 = -181258029264488.06 5190272323.737365 + -321 = 5190272002.737365 -7865710.263141247 + -213169 = -8078879.263141247 100000000000000 + 1655175386440 = 101655175386440 -2837351.9392471234 + -5987035406068 = -5987038243419.939 6984619.635280604 + -37.882601056038055 = 6984581.752679547 3905242.578149196 + 328286498550 = 328290403792.5781 2675501.505378938 + -418.36657202119943 = 2675083.138806917 273686786618 + -3221420 = 273683565198 5.145353767229146 + 614796.2933711864 = 614801.4387249536 -29312656 + 7259421657285 = 7259392344629 75 + 4003 = 4078 -9943335688994 + 7461.50721652789 = -9943335681532.492 1539 + -794260921511.5884 = -794260919972.5884 -3145802848899 + 3051729642877 = -94073206022 86236 + -4 = 86232 964249 + -99191158225 = -99190193976 -4114654193608 + 40219.039154497164 = -4114654153388.961 2562368364.0893936 + 40918153.341083065 = 2603286517.4304767 -9254419.895262612 + 20871230570.493282 = 20861976150.59802 26103 + -2157 = 23946 79173.70718441001 + 287114668 = 287193841.70718443 35776227959905 + -156538 = 35776227803367 14868310548728.41 + 48975878657.46917 = 14917286427385.879 6508321103135.045 + -35705640593732.47 = -29197319490597.42 -98221132948681.1 + -92772394977 = -98313905343658.1 -487591862593.7927 + 614.1126217043169 = -487591861979.6801 -3030226440.1733484 + 80974329.52004726 = -2949252110.6533012 7768900035713.593 + 92416789674090 = 100185689709803.6 3438485261.616966 + 50681 = 3438535942.616966 -52199419 + -8544623851870.066 = -8544676051289.066 -39705936 + -809147733 = -848853669 -451 + -9860489.22875633 = -9860940.22875633 8288378.360249987 + 710561470153 = 710569758531.3602 -401679 + -97283477626.30446 = -97283879305.30446 9851631 + 1533856965088 = 1533866816719 8.551918656248244 + -58732511834 = -58732511825.44808 100000000000000 + -7877563.071190371 = 99999992122436.92 3616.408599302891 + -70277614.99923947 = -70273998.59064017 -3896624 + 1070.1877870704866 = -3895553.8122129296 15375189517 + 54307.64044298605 = 15375243824.640444 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 42247088880691.875 + -6487088577575.601 = 35760000303116.27 538 + 75173033.96058154 = 75173571.96058154 81.18202667597812 + 3331508615.6575937 = 3331508696.8396206 -354674.4226419963 + 3774628390.80684 = 3774273716.3841977 245689484240.24042 + 30671 = 245689514911.24042 -1221 + 937809821364.5375 = 937809820143.5375 -3.2893215061462056 + -12692911314534.596 = -12692911314537.885 -3247688092 + -4160308 = -3251848400 -89268643859 + -21539962230521.117 = -21629230874380.117 -855.8355954173679 + -1476517791343 = -1476517792198.8357 7248818578.618286 + -7524211 = 7241294367.618286 -5.630285938892784 + 378 = 372.36971406110723 529829942 + 660366 = 530490308 -937 + -1519951508.0718613 = -1519952445.0718613 233630.00765076396 + 1.3195340270099005 = 233631.32718479098 548279356 + 500307375.96868277 = 1048586731.9686828 546333 + -7.201069533061 = 546325.798930467 -57401826556428.555 + 17 = -57401826556411.555 77423.7841073028 + 7449485651 = 7449563074.784107 3464155860.3782916 + -16.076505390299758 = 3464155844.3017864 100000000000000 + 774901158.15181 = 100000774901158.16 41539548 + -9580439 = 31959109 -257974819261.81403 + 542.563322275796 = -257974818719.2507 100000000000000 + -33586596687785 = 66413403312215 -3.4783790402469963 + 1.8835219470617517 = -1.5948570931852446 8964487.937555745 + -9214034810356.277 = -9214025845868.34 7164205 + -357 = 7163848 2638720.287633533 + -1299227 = 1339493.2876335331 358725.6911209101 + -198 = 358527.6911209101 -817417034.4182893 + 476398856 = -341018178.4182893 1.3001727347128103 + -211782633 = -211782631.69982725 -325.4125936051778 + 3786337817.438666 = 3786337492.026072 471192528881 + 100000000000000.0 = 100471192528881.0 -100000000000000 + 3695095.758992726 = -99999996304904.23 424.37197475321346 + -60.046126539497 = 364.3258482137165 -100000000000000.0 + -44009343 = -100000044009343.0 -781267.5199719117 + 80806.56811918295 = -700460.9518527287 -633353.7507753 + -353434998309 = -353435631662.7508 6033155516868.422 + -6934359 = 6033148582509.422 100000000000000.0 + 3654173337.667415 = 100003654173337.67 -315593350998 + -9121362620.297056 = -324714713618.29706 878529737409 + -451576 = 878529285833 -73886525822686.08 + -876.212517799586 = -73886525823562.3 8096823.138648187 + 4228 = 8101051.138648187 100000000000000 + -8689.698918951815 = 99999999991310.3 -4184272.563617188 + 100000000000000 = 99999995815727.44 18 + -799 = -781 -3154550999 + 93096983785180.89 = 93093829234181.89 351849681 + 7196309 = 359045990 -100000000000000 + 878835.1100778339 = -99999999121164.89 -420401406.42947096 + -289 = -420401695.42947096 -9249969.151494294 + -758280.5734925088 = -10008249.724986803 -721335958583 + 289627908198.32825 = -431708050384.67175 -481785872427.2519 + -93590217809879 = -94072003682306.25 53 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000053 100000000000000.0 + -152447677 = 99999847552323.0 282973052 + 5848229551 = 6131202603 4089235844.6997614 + 6.524722817863052 = 4089235851.2244844 -796993877 + 9932.280210304807 = -796983944.7197897 1405504729500.34 + 37.8695574924035 = 1405504729538.2097 256940.0256423911 + -23641020779580 = -23641020522639.973 91971.35741151767 + 21184907.58229002 = 21276878.93970154 -97171 + 52052.59169406046 = -45118.40830593954 -252 + 510133186364.60187 = 510133186112.60187 -2271.6902957979228 + 825946.6017362176 = 823674.9114404197 98 + -12860774583189.89 = -12860774583091.89 8806473173986 + -164089775.79689753 = 8806309084210.203 -72105574790 + 13710.486075786916 = -72105561079.51393 7106.080564093365 + -6857.359006963781 = 248.72155712958374 47196 + -721359677 = -721312481 -453049788.7166228 + 505455780 = 52405991.28337717 278.08377698007735 + 52953 = 53231.08377698008 -662147 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000662147.0 -772 + 88911 = 88139 -105375 + 5617505353 = 5617399978 9 + 13368150.508216003 = 13368159.508216003 -62440444.89766815 + -192433421 = -254873865.89766815 756247 + -6574889057.856222 = -6574132810.856222 -10407258037793.092 + -7481076735638.107 = -17888334773431.2 45123569924 + -588194125909 = -543070555985 -7280864.287644787 + -22854153190190.656 = -22854160471054.945 -3294980879156.8003 + -816.9327449452794 = -3294980879973.733 69.02086559176384 + -586123416.2429634 = -586123347.2220979 63578540446736 + 1495697 = 63578541942433 29234223886.838715 + 61721128466710.7 = 61750362690597.54 -5677479979 + 7114361669596.693 = 7108684189617.693 -85 + 136.95051664236155 = 51.95051664236155 16.777781290090275 + 71521882 = 71521898.7777813 -4244141.388666926 + -4006961890468.7275 = -4006966134610.116 551.4531593101606 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000551.45 31873023659029 + 6033635909262.399 = 37906659568291.4 -557898.0843420776 + 245353308 = 244795409.9156579 -94583.07675161118 + -7871748249 = -7871842832.076752 -55255387666661 + -100000000000000.0 = -155255387666661.0 -100000000000000 + -24430093 = -100000024430093 68819873.01661403 + -3189709.4592866846 = 65630163.55732735 -5287221586 + 100000000000000.0 = 99994712778414.0 -195975247323.10565 + 26097875.55320136 = -195949149447.55246 -29017735607496.09 + 8850097184 = -29008885510312.09 -21409 + 967820156878 = 967820135469 834 + 69338447210423.12 = 69338447211257.12 567077301124 + 4 = 567077301128 953190.6552598326 + 2917167962 = 2918121152.6552596 760 + 188550465 = 188551225 -7151414437743.3545 + -449207.6176748975 = -7151414886950.972 -813454242 + 26486383849607.63 = 26485570395365.63 -30602379.15170013 + 48541710 = 17939330.84829987 6803.52113315512 + 2036 = 8839.52113315512 414148 + 975798.837111293 = 1389946.8371112929 95227953165.02014 + 4 = 95227953169.02014 52505 + -4135595039864.577 = -4135594987359.577 -1 + -29353776 = -29353777 495 + 7846993102 = 7846993597 9097 + -5.87355725200865 = 9091.126442747991 -36474 + -5944575 = -5981049 918926159612 + 75386428432 = 994312588044 5242708.995516747 + 6622693226259 = 6622698468967.995 -943537 + -100000000000000 = -100000000943537 -9799015583812.873 + -629938096.8705499 = -9799645521909.744 921379170138 + 7190320.426363644 = 921386360458.4264 -14252893.55251242 + 56086.32752933756 = -14196807.224983083 -100000000000000.0 + 49995.639732884534 = -99999999950004.36 4253572388106 + -5255216576473.275 = -1001644188367.2754 -8668879541755.949 + -537 = -8668879542292.949 -5716 + 68917341663007 = 68917341657291 7568796 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999992431204.0 -5823.441708086454 + 21267261441.90155 = 21267255618.459843 9982 + -39943795324.982605 = -39943785342.982605 -7134 + 72732 = 65598 6 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999994 9539979138 + 926217 = 9540905355 -212354161 + 136569 = -212217592 -1235421567.1509845 + 9.600990681468426 = -1235421557.5499938 -100000000000000.0 + -598769 = -100000000598769.0 192 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000192 123709 + -1501326067 = -1501202358 -100000000000000 + 3483511431.508641 = -99996516488568.48 72.17396417230745 + 5381351887360 = 5381351887432.174 -1779.8488657145404 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001779.84 3552823049554 + 36599840591.27784 = 3589422890145.278 936.5769631810032 + -64540 = -63603.423036819 352342 + -530077049559 = -530076697217 -19410.420815136633 + -30 = -19440.420815136633 -1453.0320619731006 + 499.42649927186267 = -953.6055627012379 -100000000000000.0 + 21071663 = -99999978928337.0 8.53128822171009 + 4389 = 4397.53128822171 6 + -916648823.4134455 = -916648817.4134455 70160890.37097672 + -360750150176 = -360679989285.629 -157643214.01784128 + -638597498.2439846 = -796240712.2618258 -962921976 + -100000000000000 = -100000962921976 -72838 + 1932561075 = 1932488237 37717132556.03646 + -801066.9965601788 = 37716331489.0399 356472.5150681134 + 57760222.06928029 = 58116694.5843484 -5514837 + 732675.5205914389 = -4782161.479408561 20941812894577.062 + -117532.82610997328 = 20941812777044.24 -82.64370565987308 + 4893.710399127978 = 4811.066693468105 -36386954731709 + 9594460289004 = -26792494442705 2355348635627.678 + 23 = 2355348635650.678 -100000000000000.0 + 54396798788468.95 = -45603201211531.05 965.0985657377001 + 467083535057.0801 = 467083536022.17865 -42307.63004066008 + -91488615611665 = -91488615653972.62 1946784719.2409215 + -487469930.81818813 = 1459314788.4227333 100000000000000 + 85783.20149919039 = 100000000085783.2 -4881291 + -669654083580 = -669658964871 723398752.5933036 + -6 = 723398746.5933036 -6736998103565.71 + -4432162251038 = -11169160354603.71 -23085432686020.645 + -6063139728.3142 = -23091495825748.957 -93359478824.55513 + -1250492709 = -94609971533.55513 39214077036447 + -389737939698.6966 = 38824339096748.305 393115084168 + -36 = 393115084132 -766558713 + -96721626652583 = -96722393211296 -44518279.7777797 + 509081.6684380075 = -44009198.10934169 -958 + 4.4700730826004165 = -953.5299269173996 -568.9870991693663 + 8453056.374841517 = 8452487.387742348 471522280.67281127 + -365169374138.3541 = -364697851857.68134 -4 + 14199908801.498726 = 14199908797.498726 -26196344242 + -1.0598836987693043 = -26196344243.059883 -58.79625660774028 + -8504468 = -8504526.796256607 2150197344739 + 8054834355970 = 10205031700709 -2311043216.7634373 + 2326811292700 = 2324500249483.2363 5856 + 46668780234 = 46668786090 424 + 394063224.2957371 = 394063648.2957371 -1570216287.3756716 + -496716451 = -2066932738.3756716 100000000000000 + -6838 = 99999999993162 961673.0706067128 + 72234408.69765055 = 73196081.76825726 57496590308 + -262.3337012118651 = 57496590045.6663 80 + -58594024237942 = -58594024237862 473079 + -77418 = 395661 100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -37807478347755.16 + -6033298376793.709 = -43840776724548.87 -248706263679.7394 + 94731589387.20026 = -153974674292.53915 38067493.38989036 + 5031693620.02387 = 5069761113.413761 21777123070.041054 + -610278375 = 21166844695.041054 598.2899480046651 + -296327255 = -296326656.710052 41716 + -100000000000000 = -99999999958284 63644 + 523.0641598523976 = 64167.064159852394 -14098.455791509683 + -367.09954000225713 = -14465.55533151194 67827607700 + -321327283053 = -253499675353 6711890 + 39391 = 6751281 -52080 + 704050762.7394831 = 703998682.7394831 -773303100.1531677 + 16604754 = -756698346.1531677 949150.3811352594 + -2426.4866501559873 = 946723.8944851034 -73170206958492 + -79214 = -73170207037706 -100000000000000.0 + -58862993410.97596 = -100058862993410.97 36167 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000036167.0 39966413989 + -3630757567702 = -3590791153713 578249992 + -7888684784.500157 = -7310434792.500157 47362869.90900034 + 9056 = 47371925.90900034 9065197557.216486 + -556243604526.939 = -547178406969.7225 2839.6777269002196 + -34835300958.233055 = -34835298118.55533 100000000000000.0 + -52074647326613.71 = 47925352673386.29 -100000000000000.0 + 288 = -99999999999712.0 8275438605 + -565655685658 = -557380247053 -5333209639.241413 + 10.070866263241598 = -5333209629.170547 -77298667904 + 4411031775 = -72887636129 57.72484841170522 + -51.76952049417331 = 5.9553279175319105 -631.1301685266099 + 37826 = 37194.86983147339 -3084630783167 + 894511492.4348065 = -3083736271674.5654 100000000000000 + 4903225.146211166 = 100000004903225.14 5543794229522.414 + -4 = 5543794229518.414 41551 + -64621232 = -64579681 -81.16588528083676 + -52386 = -52467.16588528084 586207983 + 572819969087 = 573406177070 4 + -47 = -43 478648302.45545274 + -52785784 = 425862518.45545274 6842828692 + -100000000000000 = -99993157171308 -7.137943467572791 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992.86 -66347317810382 + 2 = -66347317810380 48 + -221 = -173 39.249722679672935 + -407830262.4348923 = -407830223.18516964 1775911610955.771 + 6837307 = 1775918448262.771 -3300887841.7378855 + 12253196220170.043 = 12249895332328.305 -86798214 + -93 = -86798307 -345056.71132947656 + 7.652853035475549 = -345049.0584764411 -85 + 1925053371.3614202 = 1925053286.3614202 -9591424237.817938 + -250768001 = -9842192238.817938 8.835812721862009 + 8224 = 8232.835812721862 8449414953.328907 + -56765299757793.14 = -56756850342839.81 -100000000000000 + -10637312257420 = -110637312257420 33432.17121937342 + -5427195 = -5393762.828780627 -35618977222 + 3.3747829650282313 = -35618977218.62521 -3.088445031789038 + 1422121075803 = 1422121075799.9116 3 + -758334759 = -758334756 -697798 + 55145.49268658982 = -642652.5073134102 -8585203702855 + 612279.0622183887 = -8585203090575.9375 -80678813748994 + 100000000000000 = 19321186251006 -19033763 + -267357.9018080223 = -19301120.901808023 -860455736485.3176 + -1362423 = -860457098908.3176 -7394017 + 152223045484 = 152215651467 -658676533.3676099 + 222907.52348525508 = -658453625.8441246 -92352891465 + -88041515045.8874 = -180394406510.8874 986939.279896938 + -955964084 = -954977144.720103 67395813827170 + 1987811067844.75 = 69383624895014.75 6595.021700295416 + 202373435777 = 202373442372.0217 -3324120.460925188 + 363789.4337020647 = -2960331.0272231232 958 + -49065910376.73324 = -49065909418.73324 -165.67172490971961 + -8972688 = -8972853.67172491 135975 + -9129986092 = -9129850117 -122.00981813858988 + -774137332865.1727 = -774137332987.1825 -100000000000000.0 + 537 = -99999999999463.0 45264737536 + -73027985.98487808 = 45191709550.01512 -656740301072.9418 + -161362214933 = -818102516005.9418 867386 + -66163305.27298091 = -65295919.27298091 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 7332651 + -13435 = 7319216 4520 + 236888776919 = 236888781439 -595481112190.4359 + -36421931677.42163 = -631903043867.8575 23364481583879.938 + 100000000000000.0 = 123364481583879.94 9744.726709047807 + -2.8884147308822823 = 9741.838294316925 -4065594417 + 100000000000000 = 99995934405583 -5 + -60201912 = -60201917 -2745170247.150874 + -3975707737 = -6720877984.150874 -24049 + -621.6804827297287 = -24670.680482729727 -984380.851411375 + 1956769621 = 1955785240.1485887 1352142983406.6177 + 998 = 1352142984404.6177 -46708572581 + 993 = -46708571588 -7619167866318.538 + -8881747169.839893 = -7628049613488.378 -100000000000000 + 7991.154804175683 = -99999999992008.84 287973.56707838847 + 3499438.506871934 = 3787412.0739503223 431.6132979176091 + -719051870.2580358 = -719051438.6447378 -5 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999995.0 6307174176789.381 + 995658 = 6307175172447.381 30731781873 + -1695463.743432139 = 30730086409.25657 2925838982578.8145 + 3210818308573.627 = 6136657291152.441 -60058556.05465086 + -58622257187.91782 = -58682315743.97247 786813197169 + 12268508631951.057 = 13055321829120.057 -5075735753509.49 + 53366763 = -5075682386746.49 -8656823.584056165 + 4892.768138782794 = -8651930.815917382 4417 + -83178.94560458216 = -78761.94560458216 -3 + -2776489140.173032 = -2776489143.173032 66 + -78754688544 = -78754688478 -37 + 43604564413108 = 43604564413071 100000000000000 + 41 = 100000000000041 64205142.33181078 + -100000000000000 = -99999935794857.67 -5885857167869.521 + -356.2655264760926 = -5885857168225.787 -817 + 7163573.160432994 = 7162756.160432994 165509.3873194714 + -56956780232976 = -56956780067466.61 66837951186996 + 2809758 = 66837953996754 51 + -1223352 = -1223301 373232466.1261032 + -803008992223 = -802635759756.8739 99332444 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999900667556.0 -7360614728 + -82024434447.33566 = -89385049175.33566 13372525 + -25513043585625 = -25513030213100 6589.898028804933 + -8478.373844053265 = -1888.4758152483319 35593835780.86742 + -72.1978097192081 = 35593835708.66961 469106791675.79004 + -3658855131089.387 = -3189748339413.597 940.3801030715402 + -6553709911 = -6553708970.619897 -2533198.812450112 + 6791088410.802732 = 6788555211.990282 -3 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999997 64 + 65586 = 65650 -43631 + 95092850605 = 95092806974 -76.58536590471414 + 15478 = 15401.414634095287 -801.0977466423675 + -7436864 = -7437665.097746642 264816460620.0894 + 167418284284 = 432234744904.08936 38825 + -1112884950.4167867 = -1112846125.4167867 46399092130.69841 + 100000000000000.0 = 100046399092130.7 -9731440047371.863 + -95456465.91428085 = -9731535503837.777 56524.94239647083 + 672022853870.4512 = 672022910395.3936 -20702196.399870455 + 87957204 = 67255007.60012954 80493023106542.14 + 38024.39062962764 = 80493023144566.53 -38951846486.44463 + -23 = -38951846509.44463 -23 + -91095071776676 = -91095071776699 100000000000000 + 730313 = 100000000730313 -154.78004761483004 + -8820660827051 = -8820660827205.78 -86782754588.02571 + 3717 = -86782750871.02571 -100000000000000 + 28763659163670.516 = -71236340836329.48 679355132672 + 5.992383120099056 = 679355132677.9924 47988.21320059146 + 898808.8938560107 = 946797.1070566023 737454.036542495 + -29118023 = -28380568.963457506 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 98594779753102.17 + 100000000000000.0 = 198594779753102.2 -3245959486.700045 + 20.716551637768884 = -3245959465.9834933 56301344126.43816 + 5.019229974761036 = 56301344131.4574 460057432.37105197 + 3181 = 460060613.37105197 -89 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999911.0 218745 + -2286976833261.5776 = -2286976614516.5776 51170735377349 + -279513392635.3203 = 50891221984713.68 -474717445.8725143 + -6128947.279393927 = -480846393.1519082 -34694 + 39021 = 4327 33471270394316 + -653135.6566091543 = 33471269741180.344 3026374848 + 4021456245.1866198 = 7047831093.18662 -39928 + -100000000000000 = -100000000039928 -70235622163 + 220785366203 = 150549744040 19052201.910175607 + 7475.122351492971 = 19059677.0325271 -2.304955750227569 + 5909675410.596457 = 5909675408.291501 -5347306.189920561 + -4227560 = -9574866.189920561 -2913111 + 557839 = -2355272 7.881265179563556 + -428.31364564469686 = -420.4323804651333 -3263809586 + -9592008505.70819 = -12855818091.70819 -14452525691349 + -100000000000000.0 = -114452525691349.0 -6393 + 465905525324.7484 = 465905518931.7484 -76741 + -336875989597 = -336876066338 -5919631500.682383 + -687 = -5919632187.682383 -35785277 + -5289 = -35790566 -9724065221370.21 + 4.251719986168224 = -9724065221365.959 -4955 + -93735 = -98690 -7240637917381 + -306.8000678671053 = -7240637917687.8 639097549606 + 17539721.57936319 = 639115089327.5793 1587197 + -1.9928560528832953 = 1587195.007143947 -1413667283410.7158 + 827 = -1413667282583.7158 -224830467919 + 7856990366 = -216973477553 9332738.843361694 + 665959776829 = 665969109567.8434 -115 + -6287784609.212596 = -6287784724.212596 394627147.3730556 + 3916553605.836111 = 4311180753.209167 81234491263 + -5179108.838218759 = 81229312154.16177 439003 + -28.33396305413374 = 438974.6660369459 -99839000724 + -69346203461849.14 = -69446042462573.14 2807431466724.615 + -31324853371 = 2776106613353.615 21133918.210101426 + 59935686711643 = 59935707845561.21 -47187170006 + 7361850.839320985 = -47179808155.16068 -788049 + 6175416294 = 6174628245 68944152.38672577 + -65 = 68944087.38672577 6657 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006657.0 57.882500667289776 + -24 = 33.882500667289776 309266739 + -6 = 309266733 -100000000000000 + -9267900.652397227 = -100000009267900.66 388026417.52830136 + 4345511451 = 4733537868.528301 100000000000000.0 + 864.5762371998826 = 100000000000864.58 80827976307941 + 3380625 = 80827979688566 -74193020166.57178 + 36.15606341636949 = -74193020130.41571 -2606.328873213116 + -4921072449 = -4921075055.328874 -327699 + -269593691 = -269921390 86399072.7829672 + -16607587.211208936 = 69791485.57175826 8823431339376 + -375 = 8823431339001 67606.4641836723 + 18887.791693010186 = 86494.2558766825 -96740.70856784412 + -616630942790 = -616631039530.7086 -2965892268455.3867 + 59385315716432 = 56419423447976.61 -5929.409984821089 + 104 = -5825.409984821089 75146 + 968619 = 1043765 -837704 + 594682985610 = 594682147906 -7936 + 38791.1464822573 = 30855.146482257303 -10973 + 94.87708955904289 = -10878.122910440958 1985023304 + 34828437090669.043 = 34830422113973.043 -9648384.324684976 + -469914431.19612855 = -479562815.5208135 8401746093.647246 + 1530065.53335578 = 8403276159.180602 30947657776 + 405577547.69646347 = 31353235323.696465 5 + -8387257592.138615 = -8387257587.138615 -27016110694223 + 107.39078967974474 = -27016110694115.61 55804666531.4664 + -462.7248519562817 = 55804666068.74155 -641 + 4726560243971.537 = 4726560243330.537 1823938303991 + -6579534653.763368 = 1817358769337.2366 43.29108244808775 + 17438765459151.041 = 17438765459194.332 1200685.896622539 + -5202171 = -4001485.103377461 69112754007 + -97234 = 69112656773 -773.2628789588326 + 3477864044033.0386 = 3477864043259.776 -951345772603.3258 + 969102847 = -950376669756.3258 84517136421268.53 + 75455613 = 84517211876881.53 -91095083094.13562 + 15884735279442.08 = 15793640196347.945 9515420609122.268 + -439511 = 9515420169611.268 8.86870701015114 + 3140691619332.088 = 3140691619340.9565 -2474853 + -862146143.5263094 = -864620996.5263094 -5477145136239.445 + -8.86304071646318 = -5477145136248.309 91860 + 159661641 = 159753501 -4776107751.169701 + 90275542658.94528 = 85499434907.77557 663.3770982239317 + -7643910168221.748 = -7643910167558.371 -9032457.523651736 + -941434.8566815364 = -9973892.380333273 4038726824561 + -93980 = 4038726730581 -89972687.28398769 + 6958720192743 = 6958630220055.716 15028321.442401383 + -213036372 = -198008050.55759862 -3997678630.973206 + -796844676.9044213 = -4794523307.877627 933275354.4764321 + -121246 = 933154108.4764321 -4108.4339029924095 + -4771 = -8879.433902992409 -741480.8790278764 + 966194790778 = 966194049297.121 -3046792888399 + 8514 = -3046792879885 29035071 + 541476688.7088379 = 570511759.7088379 251720231526.10904 + -31913963267.664097 = 219806268258.44495 8313426066411 + -75.66001613289053 = 8313426066335.34 6.865295574105376 + -4.877511829705404 = 1.9877837443999722 -96359.81721171505 + 3076458062274.4243 = 3076457965914.607 -135967776.7915182 + -2754472939.895795 = -2890440716.687313 39357947743496 + 19813192.74434731 = 39357967556688.74 -180.8837358294349 + 24186.394169969484 = 24005.51043414005 -1 + 8983726606 = 8983726605 64168.04316042819 + -3847801324.1632924 = -3847737156.120132 -5626077.922749801 + 7016332150858 = 7016326524780.077 -560.402199814396 + 9296 = 8735.597800185604 81208.02114950263 + -127410794788.36104 = -127410713580.33989 -34246105840 + -5113 = -34246110953 3744070683942 + 6610979484654 = 10355050168596 229061100.5537483 + 732220070 = 961281170.5537484 -27795221603838 + -4169455775887.427 = -31964677379725.426 361.8344834135557 + -951370534.0390694 = -951370172.204586 -613540772279 + 754947683 = -612785824596 -9 + -91.23457085478115 = -100.23457085478115 898248266.9609149 + 17.35981821734323 = 898248284.3207331 -3782447965787.109 + 214357797024 = -3568090168763.109 22303 + 25682463365428 = 25682463387731 272818110.6191895 + -243707961314.3869 = -243435143203.7677 40.20171988108345 + -694 = -653.7982801189165 -52.659434380310046 + 1015 = 962.34056561969 3333147845.7705774 + 6225.769451839225 = 3333154071.540029 55281661744409 + -86576307 = 55281575168102 95 + -4927211 = -4927116 -397035306.1401978 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000397035306.14 5100729 + -4576526.106342269 = 524202.8936577309 -65 + -197550707.94522142 = -197550772.94522142 9056968.864474662 + -45910750970640.77 = -45910741913671.91 48275 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000048275.0 -694069.5790801814 + -5998921680728 = -5998922374797.579 333916 + -6466891362009.634 = -6466891028093.634 -5371600 + -3004025 = -8375625 667.8978112956606 + 9171.143906237125 = 9839.041717532786 -5637265417956.616 + 84097 = -5637265333859.616 20731 + 4459712236983.752 = 4459712257714.752 -8186655842.796594 + -100000000000000.0 = -100008186655842.8 999 + 1515400019.4070163 = 1515401018.4070163 -100000000000000.0 + -3653660612 = -100003653660612.0 25260746436292 + 409 = 25260746436701 -4161.3226707594495 + -41 = -4202.3226707594495 55781157079262.43 + 69695 = 55781157148957.43 -3220747827786.1655 + 87393641489002 = 84172893661215.83 -36.864090448907945 + -217018612 = -217018648.86409044 -2555531.8753382666 + -311 = -2555842.8753382666 -3943402305600 + 792817450.6248479 = -3942609488149.375 55400224828 + -89262.96992335543 = 55400135565.030075 -76319573.07265627 + -3 = -76319576.07265627 4341243 + -2828476698276 = -2828472357033 9 + 59 = 68 -33392756683 + 833205136 = -32559551547 81251991 + -26436 = 81225555 6423725183 + -76995263832.47879 = -70571538649.47879 58992261930981.19 + 1965 = 58992261932946.19 -40.277876721278865 + -4030239504.9141445 = -4030239545.1920214 3478391.2617155486 + -243844 = 3234547.2617155486 592692487506.1616 + 5912834 = 592698400340.1616 -11 + -76708 = -76719 -5106733 + 936664 = -4170069 100000000000000.0 + -265838077797 = 99734161922203.0 3366 + 7727006.324569247 = 7730372.324569247 86419 + -57 = 86362 100000000000000.0 + 40658965962545.06 = 140658965962545.06 -849536 + -8286.705842095987 = -857822.705842096 8 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000008 36893578 + -283450 = 36610128 75445857819.9798 + -18138366258076.695 = -18062920400256.715 4081.5837193233147 + -1677081344718 = -1677081340636.4163 -2 + 958 = 956 626680.1020691413 + 400.7207448584112 = 627080.8228139997 406160 + 16554554579466 = 16554554985626 731 + 1664969260.027135 = 1664969991.027135 2.2834047231884 + -28408.52650612631 = -28406.24310140312 -100000000000000.0 + 967.7766220930657 = -99999999999032.22 6150723.672403362 + 84537088.95149216 = 90687812.62389553 41 + 5 = 46 92402889476 + 53.74374439142996 = 92402889529.74374 -839 + 98.154755996817 = -740.845244003183 -997 + 497541 = 496544 75954.66411089126 + 5.236211213220521 = 75959.90032210448 -100000000000000 + 880214792.1150931 = -99999119785207.89 42 + -7592261532.32212 = -7592261490.32212 -465.523379865936 + 178208453195.7704 = 178208452730.247 100000000000000.0 + -1030336 = 99999998969664.0 -2354129855.4554806 + 8612929 = -2345516926.4554806 61855.99108549092 + 9 = 61864.99108549092 23675560663 + -875.2261478006918 = 23675559787.773853 927 + -4150446110 = -4150445183 5531555423210 + 9433779664089.836 = 14965335087299.836 -3923469887327 + -3219051 = -3923473106378 -5.162320918281558 + 3623106289 = 3623106283.837679 -7431013 + -186329471175 = -186336902188 915248676689.1747 + -49 = 915248676640.1747 -312147455 + -201018 = -312348473 27804522363.01878 + 343312012.448009 = 28147834375.46679 -100000000000000.0 + 43624100.88933476 = -99999956375899.11 8584021.633068157 + 415905 = 8999926.633068157 -60456 + -6 = -60462 86001.2785297043 + -9171.034093413147 = 76830.24443629115 -2243846.0217221184 + -2284628 = -4528474.021722118 -89594143910512.66 + -272807944.2954539 = -89594416718456.95 -61845347752.167404 + -7542588225.335511 = -69387935977.50291 -88.28458835992791 + 82410379995567.4 = 82410379995479.12 1457597530965.2146 + -3866554 = 1457593664411.2146 9192.348758814784 + -2984.882815960139 = 6207.465942854645 97031692843129 + 41645584137.590576 = 97073338427266.6 56551783.97920322 + -7060 = 56544723.97920322 -40635352618 + -101127 = -40635453745 -19933.14607385418 + 11226601718578 = 11226601698644.854 108 + 8523144 = 8523252 100000000000000 + -128550.91220046754 = 99999999871449.1 -21030253 + 3757190 = -17273063 -373502.631937752 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999626497.38 -336242991160.3749 + 272597929 = -335970393231.3749 5630490698512.403 + 18567540 = 5630509266052.403 30576600188320 + 28180965.650087267 = 30576628369285.65 4811739772962.766 + -88664050360 = 4723075722602.766 -30 + -822990484065 = -822990484095 -1 + -5399669442466 = -5399669442467 -7521972974056 + -753 = -7521972974809 95672556.90814176 + -33 = 95672523.90814176 -14910 + 230609364429.3499 = 230609349519.3499 -6436759345223.464 + -5418588009.042795 = -6442177933232.507 1900.8516810662356 + -5332658441650.06 = -5332658439749.208 -12516824917642.64 + 5602791431.9499655 = -12511222126210.691 931.1554051314939 + 510215072221 = 510215073152.1554 502700626.7793484 + -735894801.9352053 = -233194175.15585697 831903813.9972137 + -885 = 831902928.9972137 434722207677 + 4069097 = 434726276774 47615580.984521106 + 2.630918210318451 = 47615583.61543932 525410135 + 100000000000000 = 100000525410135 -982052442987.068 + 100000000000000 = 99017947557012.94 -2035576870.3617163 + 41047210.12357358 = -1994529660.2381427 5909 + -125528257184.17912 = -125528251275.17912 -9679089181 + -496128047501.7299 = -505807136682.7299 674 + 188142423 = 188143097 -63.602947498546364 + -578783220 = -578783283.6029475 -9096633938523 + 2 = -9096633938521 958651081 + -624732296487 = -623773645406 -2042593942069.2778 + 5989 = -2042593936080.2778 57 + 9311155320293 = 9311155320350 88157635782 + -28752532.944856703 = 88128883249.05515 -61523549377572 + -58795851 = -61523608173423 98.42733353547914 + 61786308359231.06 = 61786308359329.49 81876055587346.42 + -681.2912807646857 = 81876055586665.12 69.59221758854498 + 388151589583 = 388151589652.5922 -342.3106503231384 + -85959354378355 = -85959354378697.31 -652986644.3521527 + -16221251363157 = -16221904349801.352 7437 + 70 = 7507 -100000000000000.0 + 9148693224.627949 = -99990851306775.38 100000000000000 + 13852578262.306385 = 100013852578262.31 -100000000000000.0 + 4738130690735 = -95261869309265.0 73985747.19392073 + -59468 = 73926279.19392073 90705958 + 5122 = 90711080 2482110881756.2617 + 3026.4939687111832 = 2482110884782.756 88 + -8531.801640142294 = -8443.801640142294 -1847926127527 + -184069002 = -1848110196529 -9.73438262591357 + -5051271.144966155 = -5051280.879348781 -4260651.716967546 + 734 = -4259917.716967546 91156218036835 + -38232701625250.95 = 52923516411584.05 -31579770652966.504 + 100000000000000 = 68420229347033.5 6674563893.063575 + -6109007842596.809 = -6102333278703.745 1.4751762513554998 + 6.384697384503679 = 7.859873635859179 -415594886371 + -56.12371519713252 = -415594886427.1237 7.185847745961036 + 576016568064 = 576016568071.1858 -7746133516253 + -44621 = -7746133560874 3881552127403 + 35863143718.59836 = 3917415271121.598 3 + -326743311.5825763 = -326743308.5825763 -98194.58011470182 + 1879531 = 1781336.4198852982 -3818 + 14692.218911265438 = 10874.218911265438 862583572 + -391120662 = 471462910 -67751918889 + 100000000000000.0 = 99932248081111.0 4239460347114 + 79933991864650.77 = 84173452211764.77 -100000000000000 + 934671011513.9802 = -99065328988486.02 65581393389437.32 + 61269848813 = 65642663238250.32 -7783782353.458489 + -60297.35728434362 = -7783842650.815774 2 + -3437 = -3435 -7941820411032 + -8724018 = -7941829135050 50257373161 + -31547111451755.395 = -31496854078594.395 -49.809607878857065 + -70656550.28743902 = -70656600.0970469 8567556.748049947 + -89575.85972729286 = 8477980.888322653 764786922075.492 + 2235 = 764786924310.492 24056348 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000024056348.0 7783 + 79788.3129654181 = 87571.3129654181 -88.69541442136077 + 724457 = 724368.3045855786 38.89294167868103 + -3.0993382931649247 = 35.7936033855161 -5852884041 + -966273332 = -6819157373 -91692176.84758617 + -66018253742082.37 = -66018345434259.21 189441528339 + -1676572988129.9814 = -1487131459790.9814 3004259951.3918214 + 695623.8626452243 = 3004955575.2544665 -27881.16272503634 + -85504839.35990857 = -85532720.5226336 4480836764562 + -16453898 = 4480820310664 8973293333751 + 2281389584 = 8975574723335 -673197345538 + 75 = -673197345463 918325803 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000918325803.0 -31391425909177.953 + -783919.7154421929 = -31391426693097.668 -88.10550689698123 + 228582882 = 228582793.8944931 144 + 9296.000965627993 = 9440.000965627993 -20267367672254.29 + -1570.3316096688056 = -20267367673824.62 -90273 + -100000000000000 = -100000000090273 -135 + -68431634953.31225 = -68431635088.31225 -909121899783.3158 + -175536747113 = -1084658646896.3158 749874100239.2076 + -40022 = 749874060217.2076 -691323.3236013931 + -78342 = -769665.3236013931 -9990502842219 + 9204579415 = -9981298262804 -519082058173 + 7010604205286 = 6491522147113 -44135555889 + -7816706 = -44143372595 9145096 + 19775105 = 28920201 2860522518 + 9416220148.543278 = 12276742666.543278 100000000000000 + 7162203.162311712 = 100000007162203.16 827443530 + 623466098.1129711 = 1450909628.112971 -712593618968.3783 + 6132.5648299864815 = -712593612835.8135 734651674347.3955 + -27168336111.921597 = 707483338235.4739 -632031261907.5164 + 31293142756091.273 = 30661111494183.758 31 + 1786981741.177248 = 1786981772.177248 6.3143954021504864 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000006.31 -170105165.44393718 + -74784.42269768148 = -170179949.86663488 -3024168274 + -3 = -3024168277 -8140432475384 + 40719050814.45108 = -8099713424569.549 58040097613776 + 9439066 = 58040107052842 -100000000000000 + 838384385548.4342 = -99161615614451.56 -40.38105966873154 + -91192116286.8724 = -91192116327.25346 41871.30110663491 + 4034608.3264276315 = 4076479.6275342666 67 + 85289 = 85356 -100000000000000.0 + 9697820.29329196 = -99999990302179.7 27635214952 + 56084744.242178425 = 27691299696.24218 96296050566288 + -2078626.882514717 = 96296048487661.12 -788.0037277100253 + 29037665175.58103 = 29037664387.577305 -40702987314179 + -530202765253.74475 = -41233190079432.74 -2754518 + -3516.2411533999743 = -2758034.2411534 14 + 2629752879744 = 2629752879758 1234395507638.618 + -6487.810988362966 = 1234395501150.807 -70229.34362981434 + -90140652 = -90210881.3436298 20477.081922328813 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999979522.92 1986.2104653639294 + 53.87799842654711 = 2040.0884637904765 -65919976076.2354 + 77187.7904436149 = -65919898888.444954 -16541.139412071712 + 463242490528.9269 = 463242473987.7875 1 + -21316 = -21315 -980 + 783326675.5268544 = 783325695.5268544 -160734925977.99777 + -100000000000000.0 = -100160734925978.0 -68480342563 + 922494 = -68479420069 -31449545009 + 37 = -31449544972 73125816941146 + 17586.448554931285 = 73125816958732.45 34641 + -1156854842.9224834 = -1156820201.9224834 -88.49960857839616 + -208122528.74666965 = -208122617.24627823 10953431197161.266 + 91319675667 = 11044750872828.266 100000000000000.0 + -26 = 99999999999974.0 -337503 + 3043050 = 2705547 2.785493468148541 + -84426725 = -84426722.21450654 100000000000000.0 + 81867940033227.83 = 181867940033227.8 -130745142.1441738 + -6052536 = -136797678.1441738 2.099837880867309 + 55492536 = 55492538.099837884 -9735.653350815981 + -4220595055.29652 = -4220604790.949871 -6065073773504 + -26148979749138 = -32214053522642 -711.1235332759294 + -2.29598831427666 = -713.419521590206 476261.5919339713 + -1003771351970.1646 = -1003770875708.5726 -4005300621 + 100000000000000 = 99995994699379 -30934151064803.938 + 315670.1327306817 = -30934150749133.805 5 + 6.093442358514651 = 11.09344235851465 -87130752 + -239 = -87130991 -60.11893332873185 + 47565911 = 47565850.88106667 -403569622942.9151 + -100000000000000 = -100403569622942.92 -3852707 + 7081170697100 = 7081166844393 97417842997 + -541662.3408830811 = 97417301334.65912 3700965.431663172 + 71282708221 = 71286409186.43166 63268705 + -538468211372.69934 = -538404942667.69934 302906767.0618025 + 48183.46833673129 = 302954950.53013927 -8050742743.148481 + 77582.24676690527 = -8050665160.901714 33616.35916951377 + -3147731 = -3114114.640830486 -41745538397110.18 + -20.117684123146333 = -41745538397130.3 168402.8876170726 + 56405138899.3319 = 56405307302.21952 -864 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999136 72.84181361222281 + -458290.5265298892 = -458217.684716277 9170.484862099416 + -720958079326 = -720958070155.5151 -3943 + -5683131700675 = -5683131704618 97704968.35329737 + -660862 = 97044106.35329737 -31738182997972.0 + -1476260669.9955745 = -31739659258641.996 5082 + -326 = 4756 8230462969 + 19425 = 8230482394 -356 + -18.001040215347928 = -374.0010402153479 44694096094 + 100000000000000.0 = 100044694096094.0 -239.6255773554381 + -1.1783202744920191 = -240.80389762993013 82451353057199 + 89413043616.64772 = 82540766100815.64 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -100000000000000 + -86888953660077 = -186888953660077 46435477.217984065 + 4993.9500919474085 = 46440471.168076016 -44563642.94293188 + -82355764351781.98 = -82355808915424.92 -21723 + 1280478434.4962654 = 1280456711.4962654 8373 + 8664545.239304874 = 8672918.239304874 -7.422322086652649 + -493307 = -493314.42232208664 -501910460 + 330708060173 = 330206149713 -71008489894178 + 2233036 = -71008487661142 241 + 5.889723791644651 = 246.88972379164466 621.8864037146683 + -4893.9096984608295 = -4272.023294746161 12252770473 + 211906 = 12252982379 -5844920.700285456 + 2301144743763.9985 = 2301138898843.2983 44915.98956206642 + 108.4196605888718 = 45024.40922265529 -48.930585730666245 + 21.594220012003483 = -27.336365718662762 -8 + -985247337402 = -985247337410 94.19213530303344 + 58739.90928628311 = 58834.10142158614 60170850 + 6448 = 60177298 811990320 + 461632.8702884679 = 812451952.8702885 -681267839.5631526 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000681267839.56 857138108243 + -73703681 = 857064404562 -474139299620 + -32011082533988.72 = -32485221833608.72 -54.59739209278608 + -3163269.8745608125 = -3163324.4719529054 -3046811387.498419 + -21420136629 = -24466948016.49842 -116.8455657611211 + -13747085.44130193 = -13747202.286867691 6273479106056 + 4779632566088 = 11053111672144 -39570 + -93439083.72926988 = -93478653.72926988 84452623223.75235 + -47 = 84452623176.75235 36984172529156 + 154021379570 = 37138193908726 -100000000000000.0 + -7571645 = -100000007571645.0 -18100.39807182902 + -2326992 = -2345092.398071829 3419961 + 4715.810011128706 = 3424676.810011129 8679671340.959217 + -997418822.2998699 = 7682252518.659348 2795556.613921674 + -510 = 2795046.613921674 -5060710.278681468 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000005060710.28 -995342073 + -2977939224462.0933 = -2978934566535.0933 5717933 + 7 = 5717940 25603956127686 + 432538500755.13153 = 26036494628441.133 -1735978 + 25324.80136066005 = -1710653.19863934 -5321891092656.02 + 806 = -5321891091850.02 1586.79569782113 + -293968.13914483576 = -292381.34344701463 100000000000000.0 + -5139 = 99999999994861.0 -865 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000865.0 100000000000000.0 + 62127402383951 = 162127402383951.0 973537152243.461 + 44.86031809878262 = 973537152288.3214 1523103331145.583 + 507534445.8443483 = 1523610865591.4272 -514622616 + 8799866707 = 8285244091 -4916082.838663801 + 28672 = -4887410.838663801 98184.60100834415 + 2246790339.271343 = 2246888523.8723516 -3 + 9701405053.027792 = 9701405050.027792 4.7634285107314005 + 6123191051843 = 6123191051847.764 -8 + 24.848821810845514 = 16.848821810845514 -7289822 + 2 = -7289820 -28697973116.93313 + 902925754088.4795 = 874227780971.5464 269982244 + 2725814488 = 2995796732 -3094865348 + 3425076748731 = 3421981883383 -8790328 + -15410893309819.727 = -15410902100147.727 48421 + -2486254235 = -2486205814 -425 + -61254.880449316035 = -61679.880449316035 -924 + -480.97673069496057 = -1404.9767306949607 3811380780 + 934.8412371886675 = 3811381714.841237 6695458389966.166 + -43257238.02139663 = 6695415132728.145 6647942 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000006647942.0 90310771332048.8 + -25289 = 90310771306759.8 100000000000000.0 + 89 = 100000000000089.0 -86485797.32963674 + -25225001 = -111710798.32963674 855.5089980302565 + 85546560880.67845 = 85546561736.18745 -966.1747695978135 + -71540378.84452319 = -71541345.01929279 -119410636450 + 100000000000000 = 99880589363550 -98557739450951 + 2725964967835.0537 = -95831774483115.95 -559.9897988540467 + 87072711 = 87072151.01020114 5463163 + 6 = 5463169 -81133969073 + 794404227 = -80339564846 -318433099639 + -6220167645779.543 = -6538600745418.543 -825 + -69424392324721 = -69424392325546 -82735358722 + -85417733758527.33 = -85500469117249.33 -983260501 + -10078277925043.65 = -10079261185544.65 7745358998 + 71890 = 7745430888 8906 + 89460477886095.16 = 89460477895001.16 -615198320 + -5986428.301506462 = -621184748.3015065 71229766 + -446 = 71229320 40312839.64655851 + 3679808475.484994 = 3720121315.131552 3829016006.205915 + -100000000000000.0 = -99996170983993.8 -7455471.703867084 + 4324104535.548445 = 4316649063.844578 -644303 + -414103409937.48627 = -414104054240.48627 444122 + 6992858453 = 6993302575 -64110517176 + 64787488241.91606 = 676971065.9160614 -1.9801791992124822 + 393.10015527913583 = 391.11997607992333 -58641103 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000058641103.0 -70576157465.03658 + 323714661116.7757 = 253138503651.73914 -9.264749284367097 + -270777472256 = -270777472265.26474 -68995759.20118034 + -691246784 = -760242543.2011803 100000000000000.0 + 342.4626781310693 = 100000000000342.47 -70249.34219435268 + 5 = -70244.34219435268 -742591064 + -5781097676421.625 = -5781840267485.625 -9976 + -75019.84623301754 = -84995.84623301754 23274919.746665277 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999976725080.25 47.09885765696468 + 81897965220 = 81897965267.09886 -27113893809521.195 + 4030139563 = -27109863669958.195 60136400390422 + 781900.3690109118 = 60136401172322.37 -3703152 + -2818288310.814394 = -2821991462.814394 585491 + -100000000000000 = -99999999414509 9303753662423 + 5 = 9303753662428 959 + 9485113.015288198 = 9486072.015288198 -2730421834.8917446 + -385.671723654512 = -2730422220.5634685 8362069 + -25651349724 = -25642987655 -100000000000000 + -1508.250087268078 = -100000000001508.25 -32600354583.07162 + -501.5432062400258 = -32600355084.614826 -364377990.83834463 + 2593546650117 = 2593182272126.1616 9927.430647363824 + -2617897782380 = -2617897772452.5693 3832 + 4263472591 = 4263476423 254301393.18186122 + 45230052053668 = 45230306355061.18 -88.64199438845827 + 1127035.6359775974 = 1126946.993983209 71265 + 96 = 71361 -56004043.145174414 + -3269987287330 = -3270043291373.145 100000000000000 + -42482661.58632965 = 99999957517338.4 -838880545237 + -135897770980.2359 = -974778316217.2358 835302179 + 5804784.784971981 = 841106963.784972 -516.7651674685435 + -408086 = -408602.7651674685 -9705957326442.777 + -4807738934922 = -14513696261364.777 -88802767938056 + 3004633.158697304 = -88802764933422.84 265471924 + -6280525083.266919 = -6015053159.266919 -84515436976990 + 6090932457.357657 = -84509346044532.64 -1215412 + -704906705 = -706122117 9842284562529 + 805 = 9842284563334 -58 + -499482840369 = -499482840427 968084941.6820533 + 8 = 968084949.6820533 129805921.12416047 + 4.561502866643158 = 129805925.68566334 10593 + -525932055725.10443 = -525932045132.10443 9334183 + -8715254.03484388 = 618928.9651561193 -9749871 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000009749871.0 -4402391508 + 6207595463127 = 6203193071619 33572955533 + 79880037410333 = 79913610365866 -26111846502864 + 100000000000000 = 73888153497136 1688433.1897292715 + -753452868.4755253 = -751764435.285796 1735565592 + 98204608068 = 99940173660 627 + -25185 = -24558 -100000000000000 + 730527 = -99999999269473 -96971295.04238364 + -885263541544.2734 = -885360512839.3158 560582992 + 50.321211615465025 = 560583042.3212116 20420369593791 + -54515268398.66602 = 20365854325392.332 63 + -723.4882395273313 = -660.4882395273313 -100000000000000 + 20095784066 = -99979904215934 412 + -649 = -237 -63625 + 3350143 = 3286518 70095.11318308469 + -857609248071.0583 = -857609177975.9452 591827423881 + -65 = 591827423816 74205956897.84262 + -4680016.603319056 = 74201276881.2393 100000000000000.0 + 205.33027917681648 = 100000000000205.33 6 + -221117242854.7343 = -221117242848.7343 96954816 + 7020.764060540954 = 96961836.76406054 -59808175762.37607 + -27603.537945034852 = -59808203365.91402 -55398.084940084016 + 326955777.3344636 = 326900379.2495235 100000000000000.0 + 1 = 100000000000001.0 99783684271901 + -98.70261296743615 = 99783684271802.3 8712676344.86486 + 37456 = 8712713800.86486 99250084313453.62 + -532562.2352191154 = 99250083780891.39 -7 + 80597.34024931879 = 80590.34024931879 961432300 + 99879556281295 = 99880517713595 174074542717.34375 + -784845022.0690304 = 173289697695.27472 28.708862653285465 + 310358.7828786507 = 310387.491741304 -8159384732393 + 21.141485069743357 = -8159384732371.858 -12035064 + 57049.659815141 = -11978014.34018486 -961 + 6232 = 5271 -9 + -164521676763 = -164521676772 -705785 + 26879955.054348513 = 26174170.054348513 940581 + 2842713660932.8784 = 2842714601513.8784 -558 + -811026110173.864 = -811026110731.864 -5469.75462112619 + 373500602283 = 373500596813.24536 -87622 + 384135 = 296513 873372053170.9255 + -7.963515415054578 = 873372053162.962 -7 + 392239773665 = 392239773658 7356708.465901681 + -9883855281157.684 = -9883847924449.217 -804065139718 + 100000000000000.0 = 99195934860282.0 921.6265162719847 + -690 = 231.62651627198466 48430960.95844293 + -7 = 48430953.95844293 -83997812335664.05 + -53095839 = -83997865431503.05 765.1504152822823 + -498689286.9601367 = -498688521.8097214 24270062994193 + 6.603891288004368 = 24270062994199.605 -56333.927636450884 + -8330139834738 = -8330139891071.928 456673 + -52324 = 404349 -608889 + 488755 = -120134 -176900612.70847064 + 84 = -176900528.70847064 9443884 + 3954.035765024183 = 9447838.035765024 646.9763679391632 + 1663.6934826517186 = 2310.6698505908817 732134 + -25 = 732109 1241025109449 + -26070.375121809804 = 1241025083378.625 -100000000000000 + -933689.9047889329 = -100000000933689.9 -9098775547557 + -187 = -9098775547744 5958.575678570993 + 679308.9537290311 = 685267.5294076022 -5572.493095021727 + 9359089365062 = 9359089359489.508 99.09580171352422 + 964299299 = 964299398.0958017 -9753023381618 + 550260 = -9753022831358 -84714379 + -3171909423.4343667 = -3256623802.4343667 -7901 + -1676827105 = -1676835006 7 + -85.42462363515439 = -78.42462363515439 -5.483967206848703 + 833284599493 = 833284599487.516 -100000000000000 + 806394145.5001858 = -99999193605854.5 -94343911.79484878 + -4296531440 = -4390875351.794848 100000000000000.0 + -56869 = 99999999943131.0 7453076493 + -81935509.57377657 = 7371140983.426224 -8901 + -6643341578795 = -6643341587696 90428.2482907875 + -638647.7892940586 = -548219.5410032711 -2 + -847102 = -847104 78798653384281.19 + -99203.70236529213 = 78798653285077.48 755678.1837279424 + -9046904201757.41 = -9046903446079.227 -100000000000000.0 + 4592659097 = -99995407340903.0 683425851831.14 + 1844408 = 683427696239.14 -9996731998705 + -47099792624 = -10043831791329 -58989043270 + -7 = -58989043277 994359426159 + 100000000000000 = 100994359426159 7810994595597.285 + -5292 = 7810994590305.285 -88794051118.7301 + 27 = -88794051091.7301 -60550164796836 + 21736 = -60550164775100 -108690815641 + -2157.1851228737514 = -108690817798.18512 5785778010006 + -560708837.2683039 = 5785217301168.731 -4231470016408 + 724 = -4231470015684 -8.087298109637542 + -7.873552627886144 = -15.960850737523685 2696883501176 + -90 = 2696883501086 -30364 + -7.801472597821471 = -30371.80147259782 -3 + -9 = -12 -64.34743287976013 + -9207920 = -9207984.34743288 4013074122110 + -920772813149 = 3092301308961 -9208.787577158333 + -346413401 = -346422609.78757715 -85836204 + -6408499.103103004 = -92244703.10310301 -56788991031895 + -100000000000000.0 = -156788991031895.0 56063.14754220314 + -344631301 = -344575237.8524578 100000000000000.0 + 34130215 = 100000034130215.0 -17485374020 + -64.3730857853653 = -17485374084.373085 -568772.9323276656 + -310303307187.43994 = -310303875960.37225 -580394906.2833916 + -6908275 = -587303181.2833916 4740683903488.794 + 61916 = 4740683965404.794 -8474.1732944785 + 675648864 = 675640389.8267056 -93880829447425.08 + 71702746344687.22 = -22178083102737.86 6059586.694968244 + 917249534 = 923309120.6949682 5347561573 + 53242396478 = 58589958051 279366404131 + 6010334.927854218 = 279372414465.92786 -229578 + -612 = -230190 -9958691.72678241 + 3363293446737.324 = 3363283488045.5977 -76.99376919439463 + 233 = 156.00623080560536 -13823184482.041588 + -59363.75967583027 = -13823243845.801264 8 + 282683 = 282691 -100000000000000.0 + -16064.809775923633 = -100000000016064.81 -349029.58818385017 + 366.3670067654587 = -348663.2211770847 700 + -9944343271429.672 = -9944343270729.672 -470527997329.8125 + -78.09722719772154 = -470527997407.9097 57469645022403.32 + -100000000000000.0 = -42530354977596.68 100000000000000.0 + 782342.9757756526 = 100000000782342.97 -11847984169211.266 + -1572217878 = -11849556387089.266 -96746325.10658666 + 726104074181 = 726007327855.8934 1.0409014189903765 + 916 = 917.0409014189904 47 + -6034401899 = -6034401852 -2790732920332 + 9.673457093361893 = -2790732920322.3267 992169057.9516402 + 7930187.565532231 = 1000099245.5171725 -8715932019.517448 + 77.20546126956006 = -8715931942.311987 5248018508 + -1592302928713 = -1587054910205 9045889671.02792 + -84886 = 9045804785.02792 -88 + 417548812409.64557 = 417548812321.64557 -81.56834971733701 + 70560217002658 = 70560217002576.44 746 + -77971861.30865283 = -77971115.30865283 -7954235622845 + 32064096 = -7954203558749 -136.45678959040688 + 61198917 = 61198780.54321041 791519168834.434 + -474.1429825521154 = 791519168360.291 -13347121358 + -9596806324283 = -9610153445641 -2985324 + 103265921.59405887 = 100280597.59405887 100000000000000 + 8275.460561096806 = 100000000008275.45 83315077224.25655 + 9620393090223.389 = 9703708167447.645 -24874247919 + -62468240 = -24936716159 -1185899462622 + 83232413.6105801 = -1185816230208.3894 86194090494 + 65717209 = 86259807703 406479334956.7988 + -68356558687 = 338122776269.7988 -228102 + -62843009010 = -62843237112 617799.6423592668 + -3922773228 = -3922155428.3576407 29.72562729207376 + -88.04393013770975 = -58.31830284563599 9253070695.12548 + -219775635 = 9033295060.12548 -91490215082 + 67667 = -91490147415 -555 + -74407944490435 = -74407944490990 715258 + -5.111482873584562 = 715252.8885171264 7503 + -73 = 7430 -3046165448.7874327 + -6212495420 = -9258660868.787434 608506.4744743858 + 855513.5834486558 = 1464020.0579230417 77465297992 + -57897219872694.234 = -57819754574702.234 1495935063918.8257 + 590 = 1495935064508.8257 -2390380.7006103406 + 59647873.68137987 = 57257492.98076953 -421948768 + -886.0668790995297 = -421949654.0668791 4802754443 + 533851013970 = 538653768413 6931528235 + -1 = 6931528234 16785 + 304747592.6419703 = 304764377.6419703 59122 + 5633477853 = 5633536975 -651709403392.8302 + 61621 = -651709341771.8302 -929330744002 + 89141466 = -929241602536 876498808.3059891 + 330776846188.0668 = 331653344996.37274 -38364898 + -3553900819 = -3592265717 100000000000000.0 + 213420.61337998734 = 100000000213420.61 -3068.6011470818194 + 7.689534103348377 = -3060.911612978471 -94849658736407 + -884 = -94849658737291 378024 + 3683923559.923557 = 3684301583.923557 -917903036184.526 + -12383518106766 = -13301421142950.525 -13511 + 334.1072953689526 = -13176.892704631047 -7274647546.066251 + 49187500884222.62 = 49180226236676.555 -1 + -72167685307547.03 = -72167685307548.03 100000000000000.0 + 3202289178991.347 = 103202289178991.34 1150713 + 27755827327416 = 27755828478129 -11649.916778836308 + -127027 = -138676.9167788363 -47264923402.93353 + 48.48076850024081 = -47264923354.45277 8102016737.748279 + 1837.1443028877977 = 8102018574.892582 -7867033659 + -6.11392164726111 = -7867033665.113922 8675049188812.089 + 97595 = 8675049286407.089 -42267564269725.3 + 6528367816912.654 = -35739196452812.64 -532279379900 + -77644410 = -532357024310 10463244971 + 16961531745493 = 16971994990464 100000000000000.0 + -34514147339 = 99965485852661.0 -521372260702 + 276827136403 = -244545124299 71862836 + -388562642711 = -388490779875 -8383903.138626332 + 713.259766624622 = -8383189.878859708 -256249991.72935387 + -44617.61795138357 = -256294609.34730527 97.03441455917769 + -7.8484544660301685 = 89.18596009314753 -77919795 + 84754 = -77835041 -8 + -153722087.59765217 = -153722095.59765217 100000000000000 + -71059737.00011495 = 99999928940263.0 -96110518 + 12911 = -96097607 467049230.87891173 + 33105692829.28404 = 33572742060.16295 -100000000000000.0 + 4676618444 = -99995323381556.0 7329 + -4990405476.998474 = -4990398147.998474 -9 + 6600784951.096563 = 6600784942.096563 -58926419197735.69 + -255980523722.71896 = -59182399721458.41 -24518576 + 806.7688943645012 = -24517769.231105637 -297407053359.55206 + -5929042.41655051 = -297412982401.9686 21305744542039.223 + -134533917 = 21305610008122.223 21789 + 65.77778968861196 = 21854.77778968861 -96660847667.54512 + -6092288395.3252945 = -102753136062.87042 3 + -71.81525430955107 = -68.81525430955107 5058.259973737413 + 79 = 5137.259973737413 -309582 + 675270089238.0178 = 675269779656.0178 -50338759793989.68 + -847030.3994837274 = -50338760641020.08 667996 + -99624705238.52756 = -99624037242.52756 100000000000000.0 + 51456814504.0622 = 100051456814504.06 6494536 + 428669909772 = 428676404308 -56452.71009589024 + -4673396614278.787 = -4673396670731.497 8661217391203 + 670568492294.8074 = 9331785883497.807 6581380.567771696 + -421 = 6580959.567771696 855542 + 49786 = 905328 4510461254886 + -32.63222036056088 = 4510461254853.368 -96554530232 + 276691739111 = 180137208879 -1.7534990798235672 + 4120905.5797542115 = 4120903.8262551315 9743109933516 + 875.8946022064594 = 9743109934391.895 504263.48425994965 + -65767.35187730708 = 438496.1323826426 -7 + -12055.579427628762 = -12062.579427628762 -20539450.991834477 + 94318521377.84572 = 94297981926.85388 42025.014844414414 + -7181515.030055028 = -7139490.015210614 1.4781418828596582 + 85153653.96913883 = 85153655.44728072 43657.27436447897 + 839005885332.5349 = 839005928989.8093 618748590 + 3.3386974843011785 = 618748593.3386974 -71888672988044.88 + 276222631.03224814 = -71888396765413.84 100000000000000 + -432 = 99999999999568 -6079.383218797582 + 100000000000000 = 99999999993920.61 224.12432450363679 + 78884596794.23859 = 78884597018.36292 81.06916514892441 + 454216.26565155655 = 454297.3348167055 5350590421 + -7 = 5350590414 -30435 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000030435.0 10960126 + -981.1847253415748 = 10959144.815274658 -100000000000000.0 + -7041794249 = -100007041794249.0 -291741257 + -469 = -291741726 -4255630.442134778 + 43 = -4255587.442134778 30404897 + 7 = 30404904 -859.6545575248879 + -46260 = -47119.65455752489 -2373.105402213013 + 8564001670.669048 = 8563999297.563646 41.33649281033519 + -4666567 = -4666525.66350719 887336214172.9333 + -450949.19610021333 = 887335763223.7373 -2346678017931.9507 + 9190442415 = -2337487575516.9507 -9703 + -5995503604.562595 = -5995513307.562595 -361304267 + 697225762336.7915 = 696864458069.7915 -2216 + -2080697193.0924273 = -2080699409.0924273 15909253260.289982 + -961388338689.3972 = -945479085429.1072 -5460316793 + -5546627229.913786 = -11006944022.913786 476 + 107.89861064999455 = 583.8986106499946 19.147478562819234 + 2110506.264120831 = 2110525.411599394 -55 + -81971398.64210634 = -81971453.64210634 -71.57224624837676 + -9 = -80.57224624837676 4192486125307.019 + 229.35626120603422 = 4192486125536.3755 100000000000000 + -2318820339073 = 97681179660927 -30099477433759.625 + -864875 = -30099478298634.625 49825016755 + 64101273351.24423 = 113926290106.24423 -26.03733565173628 + 3030422254786.8345 = 3030422254760.7974 -9707929511314.795 + -80825324865881.36 = -90533254377196.16 4882.183370322205 + 8665200228784.449 = 8665200233666.633 -31329406133536.105 + -58889777533 = -31388295911069.105 -78867836111.64177 + -50238526062881.875 = -50317393898993.516 372494260113.0327 + 1.4003621780109836 = 372494260114.4331 -5861004459183 + 1.471354494823104 = -5861004459181.528 771344 + -9562752 = -8791408 -61168689702.120636 + 100000000000000.0 = 99938831310297.88 269.3852976012189 + 7 = 276.3852976012189 5008479165.093443 + -5844.556438099223 = 5008473320.537004 100000000000000.0 + 92 = 100000000000092.0 -550259887630 + 85705.27641218124 = -550259801924.7236 100000000000000.0 + 3350965410566 = 103350965410566.0 -577918996 + 62338246.697090395 = -515580749.3029096 -757128937 + 63.476105081822325 = -757128873.5238949 -2 + -85.77997062785953 = -87.77997062785953 100000000000000.0 + 54.721311878666555 = 100000000000054.72 91754228186112.02 + -79396704 = 91754148789408.02 -79470566844348.44 + -44556355998646.08 = -124026922842994.52 -555149 + 3464945595751.68 = 3464945040602.68 -1419164379 + 594894783853.0376 = 593475619474.0376 -535248 + -3392676.7297657393 = -3927924.7297657393 588636847256 + 311197020.0509785 = 588948044276.051 -85714192347743.2 + -4 = -85714192347747.2 -1174530 + -955.6342958947756 = -1175485.6342958948 -43450 + -95218961827210 = -95218961870660 -99756955 + 604.947289740662 = -99756350.05271026 889143089.6748903 + 8681966.754888814 = 897825056.429779 -70 + 4702785479757.352 = 4702785479687.352 13 + -7.912495292094016 = 5.087504707905984 -2044496448238 + -820989536934.0834 = -2865485985172.0835 20 + 72469.33505998316 = 72489.33505998316 -27821927908.97545 + -8348845 = -27830276753.97545 775.471448980146 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000775.47 9515975672332.004 + 580852 = 9515976253184.004 -7.465072080858247 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000007.47 100000000000000 + -502 = 99999999999498 -100000000000000.0 + 75736.10502645174 = -99999999924263.89 50173 + -3 = 50170 -100000000000000 + -4152609 = -100000004152609 -9046372.307448637 + -637283428639.3328 = -637292475011.6403 -724559482 + -82090178.2600111 = -806649660.2600111 8847596789943 + 499378529 = 8848096168472 -843327198.8163562 + 26783 = -843300415.8163562 542812614884 + -261612394929.85132 = 281200219954.1487 -42390 + -3765.95918955727 = -46155.95918955727 46421493 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999953578507.0 29.55454996397973 + 1738053.9786059866 = 1738083.5331559505 80286492498 + -35217731146.66576 = 45068761351.33424 -2968427243099 + 7552256646431 = 4583829403332 7888.816713049194 + 41411471442164.7 = 41411471450053.52 -34451325.9467859 + 6586902.797978732 = -27864423.148807164 -50424892 + 84 = -50424808 -873717.384139248 + -195.51623919016882 = -873912.9003784382 100000000000000 + -530975068833.54865 = 99469024931166.45 -63 + 619330464435.5647 = 619330464372.5647 -100000000000000 + -60021461871 = -100060021461871 -3973120 + -91167724138.45364 = -91171697258.45364 -4 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999996 796466807661 + 2116.160417139542 = 796466809777.1604 1160123 + -439417193 = -438257070 365.1846691760685 + 6997041334 = 6997041699.1846695 -7696224541749 + -1412 = -7696224543161 100000000000000.0 + 106814367 = 100000106814367.0 -99148120095.98628 + -132223138209 = -231371258304.98627 -37234.75012171449 + 567263056.5366017 = 567225821.78648 -415667834309.20966 + 53850592042231.14 = 53434924207921.93 -62167 + 675858.1758561605 = 613691.1758561605 -373545 + 211889 = -161656 -91 + -450096412543.50183 = -450096412634.50183 5389923.879034009 + -13131437032473 = -13131431642549.121 -35618826072.39685 + -920758388461 = -956377214533.3969 -4391246301339.239 + 87 = -4391246301252.239 88.39038493360846 + 3953257718930 = 3953257719018.3906 385917.93379287043 + -74805 = 311112.93379287043 2.5425044723454553 + -7.238605209633162 = -4.696100737287707 -9 + -321064 = -321073 -603531 + -100000000000000 = -100000000603531 -4945 + 9687 = 4742 665411710.4570032 + -5095898 = 660315812.4570032 -31734185438009.887 + -6267457325.829616 = -31740452895335.715 921726857.3875438 + -34122788.5952456 = 887604068.7922982 -3582618 + 2 = -3582616 -5 + 72494975.86218241 = 72494970.86218241 -5725106909.598159 + -2546680267180 = -2552405374089.598 -34959939.811324045 + 8090599005 = 8055639065.188676 860344145.7446036 + -44581308.42144215 = 815762837.3231615 -7612967149609 + 363 = -7612967149246 -64047.61276371997 + 27442442.31966792 = 27378394.7069042 -603355.1733278615 + 8888.593728063479 = -594466.579599798 -8444420.665057331 + -352679 = -8797099.665057331 -583322967683 + 100000000000000.0 = 99416677032317.0 6095570247 + 8 = 6095570255 -60291056.40401429 + 98652156 = 38361099.59598571 -465043953753.4251 + 723385661191 = 258341707437.5749 -5403238.367395326 + -34797012.65180091 = -40200251.019196235 -3054004217236.621 + 9 = -3054004217227.621 95004575.55209565 + -858365711662 = -858270707086.4479 -463962277.8580109 + -178 = -463962455.8580109 5640.135966119508 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000005640.14 -72533021531459 + -58204874545603.9 = -130737896077062.9 7241828153253 + 442920 = 7241828596173 72.57764384112356 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999927.42 95950.17833971334 + 5023503734620.225 = 5023503830570.403 12489470387041.018 + 702 = 12489470387743.018 -44952 + -28846024858 = -28846069810 100000000000000.0 + -4122 = 99999999995878.0 -44621254397.13565 + 113016 = -44621141381.13565 -59.149380846073 + 94026674 = 94026614.85061915 2296879.6291459505 + 21782561806.793793 = 21784858686.42294 6 + -91070702.8967503 = -91070696.8967503 -88 + 951786468 = 951786380 545998370846 + 728103840441 = 1274102211287 -70146545389085.23 + -687878201173 = -70834423590258.22 289295598073.06726 + 586656.7151274732 = 289296184729.7824 -41536339549.83385 + 417078775 = -41119260774.83385 7214095702544.057 + -70535679326 = 7143560023218.057 4508 + -844425346328 = -844425341820 -45246.53378288389 + -94 = -45340.53378288389 5364 + -4368856316.035542 = -4368850952.035542 -16265661945 + 32480 = -16265629465 90633.30518378875 + 491.181728267786 = 91124.48691205653 -8432.139631929127 + -2278355207 = -2278363639.1396317 499218897338.79333 + -3614760.4393451647 = 499215282578.354 3 + 65791 = 65794 813914125 + 617.7266554600665 = 813914742.7266555 898 + 797829561133.5547 = 797829562031.5547 -4037 + 348.18127086686263 = -3688.8187291331374 4221295.590462195 + 1 = 4221296.590462195 67410859694 + 995.5713858738377 = 67410860689.57139 -3361092 + -1210.9739488426242 = -3362302.973948843 265.06747273894894 + -6.810508100832026 = 258.2569646381169 100000000000000.0 + 29 = 100000000000029.0 -3201008577 + -63688801869 = -66889810446 -100000000000000.0 + 529507.8749552288 = -99999999470492.12 -7541720716 + -95 = -7541720811 -3961210288517.1963 + -100000000000000.0 = -103961210288517.2 -669432 + 196592533780 = 196591864348 81991611953558 + -63.56776578666269 = 81991611953494.44 -9143286940066 + -62082774383948 = -71226061324014 -62537323988.54864 + 96334778 = -62440989210.54864 -63707726 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000063707726.0 503.4755613001236 + -888.8438848095637 = -385.36832350944013 260100235376.52655 + 1281593391004.6394 = 1541693626381.166 -68 + 254384.7787313861 = 254316.7787313861 877 + -8616 = -7739 443931156510 + 84.32485321484651 = 443931156594.3248 -211 + -164019476312.30505 = -164019476523.30505 98094174 + 7753402113994.141 = 7753500208168.141 -3 + -675540367145 = -675540367148 582.5828722726287 + 3428.5344972243893 = 4011.117369497018 -44381781664668 + -75761392161300.5 = -120143173825968.5 -222376.82084672194 + 9922086 = 9699709.179153278 -661985393 + -86733.40515637625 = -662072126.4051564 7.517380294905605 + 91.09729087620865 = 98.61467117111425 -7.151000833603645 + 3428670929 = 3428670921.848999 9374340895065 + -99623236199477.88 = -90248895304412.88 8857 + 5153824.9734587055 = 5162681.9734587055 45450064.26686442 + 1602835139051.5737 = 1602880589115.8406 -306001067 + -2082619676819.6826 = -2082925677886.6826 550099019458.779 + -427.4206607726134 = 550099019031.3584 -4.032104507024376 + 2 = -2.0321045070243757 409950 + -130570721726.57193 = -130570311776.57193 2308753 + 298683399.4155123 = 300992152.4155123 5847.577716599895 + 232005 = 237852.5777165999 -917288070278 + -523947674 = -917812017952 65052036660 + -100000000000000.0 = -99934947963340.0 639899170.2975504 + 113959190686 = 114599089856.29755 -6 + -7389885019246 = -7389885019252 43897407849 + -9 = 43897407840 -3409613 + 855340000710 = 855336591097 8787121848934.167 + 63928242.32951858 = 8787185777176.496 -5.415030488463995 + -78284800660113 = -78284800660118.42 -3206023031 + 5389818203 = 2183795172 17838830 + -960391195978.1208 = -960373357148.1208 7724685262711 + -30918484283814 = -23193799021103 -14571.150497009323 + -426789761065.32684 = -426789775636.47736 -4 + 41299.90835249901 = 41295.90835249901 3968245173869.307 + 2600.932052918024 = 3968245176470.2393 2067631727.8244004 + -96071235040.98312 = -94003603313.15872 87448889931655 + -8353061.629797896 = 87448881578593.38 100000000000000.0 + -6519101 = 99999993480899.0 -74691037961517 + 7.250913402204664 = -74691037961509.75 -57281389961.641594 + -6760 = -57281396721.641594 -38508017239251 + -5226666073874.739 = -43734683313125.74 68640462232918.52 + -6181 = 68640462226737.52 2609778 + 56551994732067.38 = 56551997341845.38 -139282600662.43713 + -51261551842876 = -51400834443538.44 8048321762947 + 64845506241287.21 = 72893828004234.22 562015549911.2395 + -968944785960 = -406929236048.7605 -159759.94849478384 + -52179491 = -52339250.948494785 -1523656588936.3208 + -473311829 = -1524129900765.3208 -224 + -7758446996485.006 = -7758446996709.006 95804635.1528385 + -66 = 95804569.1528385 45176302022 + 89 = 45176302111 -6100947 + 393948478 = 387847531 -4515.769103919808 + -928 = -5443.769103919808 -199148204495.6045 + 120604.67911106408 = -199148083890.92538 -984407229350.3584 + -491065106044.0557 = -1475472335394.414 -413 + -773262311314 = -773262311727 9021082549437.68 + -92543.12198115632 = 9021082456894.559 3.3764983820387604 + 26440724 = 26440727.376498383 -100000000000000.0 + -4.1749810647830286 = -100000000000004.17 82604849911 + -966094982489.3751 = -883490132578.3751 750.7274459631875 + -649664555374.3289 = -649664554623.6014 -100000000000000 + 398728.46553438704 = -99999999601271.53 100000000000000.0 + 407776443395 = 100407776443395.0 452307478947.7446 + 99273642.22555912 = 452406752589.9702 -3914.338390429604 + 4 = -3910.338390429604 -100000000000000 + 89190801 = -99999910809199 100000000000000 + 48669 = 100000000048669 71805186983892 + 167935 = 71805187151827 392820.0790923489 + -80769447987321 = -80769447594500.92 -5558822.9680634765 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000005558822.97 -2352820297 + 9 = -2352820288 -97410171724.49495 + 3287402713.8413477 = -94122769010.6536 74748611 + 2705762 = 77454373 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 974233315 + 52323396599 = 53297629914 -4001036957.2685046 + 73956 = -4000963001.2685046 -629383223989.0573 + 147.16037158393144 = -629383223841.8969 74584 + 56671351.05036902 = 56745935.05036902 -38 + 4582626693928 = 4582626693890 914.7255083056111 + 4708822602 = 4708823516.725509 -50.80520565323648 + -57034.70798633219 = -57085.51319198543 -5057246 + -51191873016.329124 = -51196930262.329124 359032767444.2468 + 42.117984071380455 = 359032767486.3648 -5488.9894486037865 + 7989249900847 = 7989249895358.011 605 + -761895.4681184159 = -761290.4681184159 896 + 138282224.35667974 = 138283120.35667974 2959625 + 4546573.274018676 = 7506198.274018676 515637405562.5926 + -95166037489.10281 = 420471368073.48975 -83184056.19196256 + 396 = -83183660.19196256 827214264.3072526 + 530527733699.46893 = 531354947963.7762 15409545354.994518 + 5726948 = 15415272302.994518 -3.4324759049676783 + 1.8683767988589022 = -1.5640991061087761 8030297 + 244190414116.27045 = 244198444413.27045 -97164862096 + 8602452 = -97156259644 -100000000000000.0 + 7 = -99999999999993.0 61.9949526402331 + 3558868.381252639 = 3558930.376205279 595546 + 287 = 595833 40.001315629288264 + -8531829 = -8531788.99868437 632653.6849054629 + -4601488 = -3968834.315094537 -56876989975 + 75744435 = -56801245540 -100000000000000 + -862 = -100000000000862 -19.92353485291342 + -5370 = -5389.923534852914 59634750 + 22 = 59634772 53621636102082 + -56 = 53621636102026 -550647747794 + -69 = -550647747863 -28449 + 56 = -28393 968002 + -3190555.7846061275 = -2222553.7846061275 448539012.8537955 + 100000000000000 = 100000448539012.86 510074140170 + -56981 = 510074083189 -45.631683095134896 + 112218299 = 112218253.3683169 7.203950744792866 + 3.5479038926990163 = 10.751854637491883 2581 + 646282256427.1943 = 646282259008.1943 33965.71051042447 + -556324055 = -556290089.2894896 -100000000000000.0 + 5662.851444372288 = -99999999994337.16 2 + -83 = -81 60525156793.36446 + -95 = 60525156698.36446 -677 + -6780833758084.034 = -6780833758761.034 -123 + 6118480590.370005 = 6118480467.370005 -7563000 + -24709485072066 = -24709492635066 100000000000000 + -10.638383745034082 = 99999999999989.36 67074.15998870268 + 8157233375.060004 = 8157300449.219993 -163.13593872332592 + -64456344 = -64456507.13593873 -1481 + -212908 = -214389 -100000000000000 + -749914 = -100000000749914 76868708006229.47 + 34 = 76868708006263.47 -15415985337 + -5 = -15415985342 40236527.08679268 + -100000000000000 = -99999959763472.9 8761407724 + -41148583378 = -32387175654 -5 + 28354689231.517136 = 28354689226.517136 1215415394.2815528 + 50.83583958131005 = 1215415445.1173923 392459147220 + 549707116397 = 942166263617 -70 + -3466136126.608102 = -3466136196.608102 -60823 + -8039265 = -8100088 -758963908961 + -233646 = -758964142607 -81206392338 + 36303400921817 = 36222194529479 -96950433 + 2773563169633 = 2773466219200 -925 + 114617594 = 114616669 -2494 + -7082744 = -7085238 155656971900.26517 + -5738089020 = 149918882880.26517 -312 + 203840650 = 203840338 -283389806084 + 159704671.4944535 = -283230101412.50555 -359775.289931346 + -337175208 = -337534983.28993136 7520586.275011597 + 21813305994.47883 = 21820826580.75384 361508 + -56105938270259 = -56105937908751 -5937633.967830489 + 1649885732 = 1643948098.0321696 -100000000000000 + 6599 = -99999999993401 -975.240295202334 + -705541120.3738158 = -705542095.614111 44107758883316.01 + -1990405 = 44107756892911.01 108571955760 + -8773111471.30083 = 99798844288.69917 -815 + 348024404938.64404 = 348024404123.64404 72 + 7542916715.494763 = 7542916787.494763 -95.00224642861411 + -465 = -560.0022464286142 -742037.1187543556 + -8257468650851.655 = -8257469392888.774 23043.049243008587 + 4722737.026237195 = 4745780.075480204 96731075 + 5951305.008268351 = 102682380.00826836 -12119138893282.719 + -139707 = -12119139032989.719 1492750348.2574744 + 578514586 = 2071264934.2574744 -4286788126.3489375 + 627.16335347721 = -4286787499.185584 1941407029 + 9254 = 1941416283 -75904498.0779686 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000075904498.08 989797.2039015437 + 8 = 989805.2039015437 -75610996573.16922 + -100000000000000.0 = -100075610996573.17 -19.70051435157243 + -6545893 = -6545912.700514352 -7987824241.739454 + -4787775448.6132145 = -12775599690.352669 1584096089883 + 24195474405441 = 25779570495324 42.02350356712813 + -7528507 = -7528464.976496433 -2 + 68922.66032172844 = 68920.66032172844 447 + -860.3365560760027 = -413.3365560760027 -2564705213.3952055 + 947923289 = -1616781924.3952055 -503.6859507543326 + -6027486 = -6027989.685950754 -833065 + -312339959 = -313173024 5803690451834.779 + -61666709575747.305 = -55863019123912.52 -3303058.114115882 + -935.0566546444903 = -3303993.170770527 78591605304 + 397383003277.3655 = 475974608581.3655 -3042651687 + 91.35477065009958 = -3042651595.6452293 8319 + -655225760001 = -655225751682 -255268841781 + 85299794738244 = 85044525896463 92674561203452 + -534217 = 92674560669235 -170.93236669059206 + -23159373170340.133 = -23159373170511.066 97 + 795093 = 795190 968518 + -921105 = 47413 4124517872 + 1592805193176 = 1596929711048 -3384969 + 2035 = -3382934 5332314133 + -92 = 5332314041 -19713221394237.58 + 6525630.87457364 = -19713214868606.703 63528909 + -75317319476462.34 = -75317255947553.34 587399196990.2854 + -87350 = 587399109640.2854 1201 + -1451885720039.4277 = -1451885718838.4277 -59061911577 + -7321 = -59061918898 34.30537380907002 + -44.19838419268895 = -9.893010383618929 -602 + -95138.73797551163 = -95740.73797551163 -472 + 63167028260430 = 63167028259958 66.02630593634422 + 55119768.62759487 = 55119834.65390081 -26 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000026 100000000000000.0 + -522 = 99999999999478.0 -5591 + 70230886.34863994 = 70225295.34863994 -69127082876747.43 + 98070294 = -69126984806453.43 -490395189094.5277 + -199594782262.49945 = -689989971357.0271 70545502195 + -5155.941555213555 = 70545497039.05844 -8951855632447 + -5517363327.485756 = -8957372995774.486 -58649536016 + -7 = -58649536023 -53 + -892.23658421937 = -945.23658421937 84492 + 4205875132 = 4205959624 9097249152215 + -57.41227917330279 = 9097249152157.588 -4478.91625775769 + 6885 = 2406.08374224231 76012429269.82108 + -54340693919 = 21671735350.821075 574887326109 + 592834561 = 575480160670 89156261243.09575 + 557861089.2349452 = 89714122332.33069 731 + 301.8215926571378 = 1032.821592657138 -511307191113 + -83604605941864 = -84115913132977 20604664.74501402 + 85.47643225639142 = 20604750.221446276 -24638 + -865825898912.0756 = -865825923550.0756 -5197 + 100000000000000 = 99999999994803 -654.4362857436219 + 380911023165.8512 = 380911022511.4149 -218653071.1922739 + 97 = -218652974.1922739 -5 + -22 = -27 -77838396781680.22 + 5306898.43558908 = -77838391474781.78 410340288434.21954 + 121451918.71461204 = 410461740352.93414 -9626892.706612034 + -37 = -9626929.706612034 -691322239.6333517 + 1591690553826 = 1590999231586.3667 -3095 + 19857836653553 = 19857836650458 832224342437.8907 + 100000000000000.0 = 100832224342437.89 -6103381079.557379 + 668324568546 = 662221187466.4426 -708484615 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000708484615.0 -6.754175732603417 + -5 = -11.754175732603418 9067 + -995338 = -986271 -766.7690519541696 + 57.19734453761011 = -709.5717074165595 -11870569493.825129 + 569.9856436011157 = -11870568923.839485 229774263184 + -162625.62404136368 = 229774100558.37595 36056703503.77887 + -9549173352671.049 = -9513116649167.27 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -100000000000000.0 + -82338354233.3413 = -100082338354233.34 -6957066847 + -5593030 = -6962659877 -28729539871.604977 + -80183396613407.12 = -80212126153278.73 9026327 + -405566 = 8620761 33536423236539.676 + -9132504510503.191 = 24403918726036.484 7.270898486238615 + -427072.0274417238 = -427064.75654323754 457306 + 3247885 = 3705191 6551 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006551.0 -56 + 712 = 656 2 + -368.74555759011827 = -366.74555759011827 968157880 + 246634804 = 1214792684 6385367677312 + 254543220212 = 6639910897524 877158 + 310823 = 1187981 -325748921839 + -31117805.234942555 = -325780039644.2349 -84609.90327012779 + 974310301428.1232 = 974310216818.2198 -100000000000000.0 + 3473920.9112827955 = -99999996526079.1 396.5423987304725 + 4986768898291 = 4986768898687.542 30272185794.738457 + 724109429543.6511 = 754381615338.3895 -6 + 391164299567 = 391164299561 903205 + 24.872960548250727 = 903229.8729605483 -782241355651.2701 + -9088272160.904305 = -791329627812.1744 -47857169179 + 100000000000000.0 = 99952142830821.0 10594630549815.605 + -90328045.45362957 = 10594540221770.152 -8523921915151 + 5524139171.416144 = -8518397775979.584 81890537628905 + -622386 = 81890537006519 -49379791643 + 5687 = -49379785956 8208100.7755172895 + 89420483879.58377 = 89428691980.35928 4171374108.7011313 + -1 = 4171374107.7011313 -80209326066779.9 + -54425188964728.336 = -134634515031508.25 463388.850081379 + 100000000000000 = 100000000463388.84 1164797.3983417277 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000001164797.39 -514 + 3873619 = 3873105 -8750961422.083805 + -1.5693756508391106 = -8750961423.653181 3 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999997.0 -806009086428.7686 + 2.28019018318886 = -806009086426.4884 1215415344437 + 13737.875812077713 = 1215415358174.8757 -44123112568427 + 230 = -44123112568197 100000000000000 + -2082 = 99999999997918 185566.32079822128 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999814433.67 -100000000000000.0 + 1136.9314297669587 = -99999999998863.06 887.0730896670445 + 8820145.383694077 = 8821032.456783744 7228199842 + -729978966.4206707 = 6498220875.5793295 9830 + 97764968822 = 97764978652 100000000000000 + -700 = 99999999999300 91893944091468 + 100000000000000.0 = 191893944091468.0 75718432212239 + -34.45709791050867 = 75718432212204.55 10.403292095905885 + -14081637.001134247 = -14081626.597842151 -564.2583898551163 + 69 = -495.2583898551163 -58480454531.08834 + -5997289286.414708 = -64477743817.50305 -854411425.4781642 + 2618961346.4468775 = 1764549920.9687133 -72004492854 + 100000000000000.0 = 99927995507146.0 -9643492164 + 56 = -9643492108 100000000000000.0 + 65045173 = 100000065045173.0 -95917.56103872368 + -94180876 = -94276793.56103872 43723737 + -8.553452599360504 = 43723728.446547404 -4055894889121.3574 + 172 = -4055894888949.3574 -472377674.69235086 + -8467392048860 = -8467864426534.692 944 + -70783.79922960897 = -69839.79922960897 -75112432488.43277 + 143100468704 = 67988036215.56723 -39 + -752 = -791 -563337881 + -899408652 = -1462746533 -100000000000000 + 71062.11231741836 = -99999999928937.89 727858141 + 100000000000000 = 100000727858141 -3508784009 + -700949310091 = -704458094100 23992.737511741216 + 653279295.9012858 = 653303288.6387975 -49383835 + -945 = -49384780 36666037521546.38 + 6210.831407149198 = 36666037527757.21 70564558 + 29614276174.0201 = 29684840732.0201 940233101215 + -100000000000000.0 = -99059766898785.0 6797243445605.12 + 4568106813 = 6801811552418.12 884213899.1399912 + -394220 = 883819679.1399912 86222312661.15234 + 3627882333.565822 = 89850194994.71817 -744762936.6069814 + -43453324754769 = -43454069517705.61 -19516938 + -952390995 = -971907933 -125255.95818052121 + 712388414496 = 712388289240.0419 -533749.0541536213 + -4.764910447093339 = -533753.8190640684 -21577 + 10073981703443 = 10073981681866 -2 + -96.25577842559451 = -98.25577842559451 39625.649859968165 + 330428018924.61456 = 330428058550.2644 -43905395 + 5134895198 = 5090989803 -90734755287271.72 + 7610059930388 = -83124695356883.72 -8410221 + -661 = -8410882 5533881195.202656 + 76948397745 = 82482278940.20265 158.8843040064598 + 5063166 = 5063324.884304007 21283147479 + 92670584637955.53 = 92691867785434.53 11 + 97755804010353 = 97755804010364 52535057 + -22671732 = 29863325 100000000000000 + 798408 = 100000000798408 -540810745 + 4422764 = -536387981 -7278752130 + -78845525744.14345 = -86124277874.14345 -2342251290.21898 + 50548871594223 = 50546529342932.78 -100000000000000.0 + 7915695904 = -99992084304096.0 74992559783.74222 + 815174.5993036779 = 74993374958.34152 62428 + -48485.57227252698 = 13942.42772747302 -202 + 6948021700.070076 = 6948021498.070076 -18163535133937.793 + -2649 = -18163535136586.793 -4148313199.834163 + -436110032 = -4584423231.834164 -4669091 + 211687923931 = 211683254840 381.56449783992946 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999618.44 -86512 + 217 = -86295 -44898698 + -100000000000000 = -100000044898698 -6993465.806593592 + -441.6873841819524 = -6993907.493977774 1708.628774717068 + 2758296540 = 2758298248.6287746 -73047137.25701827 + 2.2136273912281874 = -73047135.04339087 100000000000000.0 + 35514074086265 = 135514074086265.0 -620804509914.8674 + 565 = -620804509349.8674 100000000000000.0 + -49899.40433593007 = 99999999950100.6 731.3384823605143 + -47.25377914558041 = 684.0847032149338 32206161.673596893 + 9558512.24359705 = 41764673.91719394 -100000000000000.0 + -74878957744152 = -174878957744152.0 -66.93978510119037 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999933.06 -6.412617140321798 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999993.6 -97967315.19595017 + -66491 = -98033806.19595017 100000000000000 + -2459.4367575545457 = 99999999997540.56 801486234 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000801486234.0 1049208726325 + -691.0955144809967 = 1049208725633.9045 -90 + -4386.272410462165 = -4476.272410462165 -272 + 4054004599900.9175 = 4054004599628.9175 -5378590750.203462 + 622.5837580778193 = -5378590127.619703 5 + 9.330110673699913 = 14.330110673699913 100000000000000.0 + -5683621406.742671 = 99994316378593.25 1472 + 4359913614140.656 = 4359913615612.656 489.9540554468882 + 12336678299138 = 12336678299627.953 253.5021259925543 + 7584056479 = 7584056732.502126 219032226338 + 100000000000000.0 = 100219032226338.0 -347272806.13001746 + 3151 = -347269655.13001746 -100000000000000 + -824614 = -100000000824614 -9851218 + 80008.54743762405 = -9771209.452562377 749.3632441153028 + 134.53081082462825 = 883.894054939931 94282900157195 + 4399913248 = 94287300070443 800.15996078209 + -69468415978862 = -69468415978061.84 994.2513262337357 + -768.8448395449705 = 225.4064866887652 85430728 + -286614471 = -201183743 -8169574194249.743 + 9120078890 = -8160454115359.743 -158 + -78286551 = -78286709 -11.195761441018222 + 904.3713926997774 = 893.1756312587592 296872085 + 766950723980 = 767247596065 -814727 + 56 = -814671 -89487374092 + 783 = -89487373309 -267491664157.08307 + 173.48862221723795 = -267491663983.59445 -7784307.832208758 + -632577767933 = -632585552240.8322 659884.038757186 + -369191651280.57556 = -369190991396.5368 -3774 + -2729 = -6503 -734152518.8395897 + -640354421 = -1374506939.8395896 58725102558 + -2400851509.4860096 = 56324251048.51399 99123 + -94940518463113 = -94940518363990 19511.509818392733 + 64367673236852 = 64367673256363.51 -84396191706 + -77.25137896377007 = -84396191783.25137 -20985893813 + -595.5441813330908 = -20985894408.54418 -8755261.204194162 + -564538 = -9319799.204194162 -82986 + 8101266959 = 8101183973 -99789224.36191864 + -538231535 = -638020759.3619187 -54252117966.96114 + -533675348 = -54785793314.96114 -54983.174721526535 + -2221692 = -2276675.1747215264 -3942199.080707861 + -668795673256 = -668799615455.0807 -149687241.36176565 + -803781767 = -953469008.3617656 52595711877585.52 + 6996323737.063206 = 52602708201322.586 3 + 8306 = 8309 550084 + 8180758.511934866 = 8730842.511934865 -997939223.9603931 + -93489261 = -1091428484.960393 -5476.949730771475 + -80 = -5556.949730771475 -211424974571 + 86226140909085.42 = 86014715934514.42 2317 + 539578302381 = 539578304698 52395563582885.92 + 255441046.30717173 = 52395819023932.23 70645.40440591174 + 81480841652.78622 = 81480912298.19063 -5174838.070057262 + 1775 = -5173063.070057262 246143155444 + 60082646.4678224 = 246203238090.46783 40684456781.514084 + 100000000000000 = 100040684456781.52 -142 + -783681 = -783823 -65212194972 + -381.64868598220846 = -65212195353.64869 -83 + -8925567976.127365 = -8925568059.127365 -291431621 + 91593.7186847929 = -291340027.2813152 -17430292574270 + -558403056129.789 = -17988695630399.79 69.21747881324173 + -61.24872025536647 = 7.968758557875255 -885533918.7201805 + 81327 = -885452591.7201805 396788661.413137 + -91 = 396788570.413137 93997935 + 9269756888633.082 = 9269850886568.082 -951035 + -76205272700 = -76206223735 788192.2121368003 + -221842554010 = -221841765817.78787 97116067189 + -95434 = 97115971755 -365192 + -8322.73525028447 = -373514.7352502845 -3873 + -8.534498971976198 = -3881.534498971976 197334.40047759347 + 462 = 197796.40047759347 -528 + 3310920703685.3403 = 3310920703157.3403 -8995.373535503575 + 42210155 = 42201159.62646449 -100000000000000 + 79518969655261.4 = -20481030344738.594 -9731807630.85561 + 66971.40889040321 = -9731740659.44672 7857890.467106541 + -7314703647 = -7306845756.532893 -3100794941602.7764 + 859507281053.6809 = -2241287660549.0957 -2293817 + 100000000000000 = 99999997706183 -41186644.22292329 + -791.5623169313852 = -41187435.785240225 7659787827505 + 597 = 7659787828102 -82958062.52332623 + -879 = -82958941.52332623 -3052251.626206419 + 7308.579825124373 = -3044943.0463812947 -58907.1946930698 + -9381735403 = -9381794310.194693 885371 + -79650359 = -78764988 -8076.816221959556 + -2535671 = -2543747.8162219594 -60122 + 6816061 = 6755939 9.142737455579358 + 2156881220 = 2156881229.1427374 -19420403 + 42360844888.55159 = 42341424485.55159 -130502459438 + 7499.553237810522 = -130502451938.44676 645.4112625565646 + -83476 = -82830.58873744344 -9300901815.715778 + -5 = -9300901820.715778 274732 + -1907811464.0717828 = -1907536732.0717828 -83153.50266995002 + -51232253173514 = -51232253256667.5 -8029 + 9142956425 = 9142948396 1896 + -79042076086826 = -79042076084930 754277.9660008147 + -7878034 = -7123756.033999185 -9.844121281249542 + -5139932537972.145 = -5139932537981.988 6763854022.111599 + 20696461754409 = 20703225608431.113 489.9639105726091 + 2398616535.279753 = 2398617025.243664 83995952793.53592 + -883 = 83995951910.53592 -864255838631 + 962087 = -864254876544 -777058076.5981826 + 778356610 = 1298533.401817441 61585412749372 + 215040 = 61585412964412 -100000000000000 + 423229703.3918386 = -99999576770296.61 100000000000000.0 + 91015 = 100000000091015.0 -9419934925809.201 + 33152605150999 = 23732670225189.797 -4700 + 693075687049 = 693075682349 708802211.8088286 + 12393364339634.852 = 12394073141846.66 -2472703270309.4287 + 998366551.8772824 = -2471704903757.5513 -62756244474 + 20946861823785 = 20884105579311 80027808225 + -23424170153051 = -23344142344826 380936758440.4312 + 3881918362.2836537 = 384818676802.71484 -11442446.362856321 + -26602147.54241077 = -38044593.90526709 83.1125159218316 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000083.11 -998091 + -8496278102231 = -8496279100322 -862692689137.2585 + 686 = -862692688451.2585 -801831846.3610237 + -4445 = -801836291.3610237 -79174345716049.34 + 100000000000000.0 = 20825654283950.656 -3761.944467047987 + -1567768 = -1571529.944467048 -28666542634 + 100000000000000 = 99971333457366 -94811780 + -34747 = -94846527 57909259.87688664 + 64274313352 = 64332222611.876884 6453594610 + 10655605.643282 = 6464250215.643282 85698165227 + -247017.63411068628 = 85697918209.36589 -7904.835827452034 + -8188485.420324165 = -8196390.2561516175 5327514400681 + 5364712.431059902 = 5327519765393.431 9.950734363504678 + -41486.57646993064 = -41476.62573556713 -784194537405 + 15330615037248 = 14546420499843 -220033 + -100000000000000 = -100000000220033 9445842478.914928 + 274 = 9445842752.914928 -34429139.85203847 + 811843195755.6345 = 811808766615.7825 478172446064.458 + 1585181051.7389545 = 479757627116.19696 100000000000000 + 114362608921.57004 = 100114362608921.56 -8 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992 -1485.690482434193 + 3096521045156.468 = 3096521043670.7773 -916378.8473959786 + -780531743.6579081 = -781448122.5053041 809623813897.3599 + 400607112387.57574 = 1210230926284.9355 -14771477.208561879 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999985228522.8 167.22012960521437 + 92880465340858.66 = 92880465341025.88 8038480 + 1 = 8038481 -5245999.543089384 + 100000000000000 = 99999994754000.45 -934344620913.8729 + -54696196 = -934399317109.8729 3914070823.7769365 + 66075631.30426689 = 3980146455.0812035 528.7193182747399 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999471.28 -986 + 80734825018.44705 = 80734824032.44705 9128160.802316677 + 9145138408479.203 = 9145147536640.006 62259944.47951524 + 353628462 = 415888406.47951525 9694208968 + -54887537 = 9639321431 -100000000000000.0 + 20182603 = -99999979817397.0 3306604546.593518 + -867941030798.2996 = -864634426251.706 -2827953333008.115 + -50.328142915583875 = -2827953333058.4434 -89068283.26738262 + -4246826880.5463824 = -4335895163.813765 -16029077846 + -6024471287499 = -6040500365345 -31915.779646719708 + 8689559903608 = 8689559871692.221 320.2209385768764 + 2593392406302.3223 = 2593392406622.543 -342194907.37262905 + 7414844.589036312 = -334780062.78359276 -39480425252426.51 + -44815 = -39480425297241.51 6.597484636091049 + 874.2783259698783 = 880.8758106059694 -759119390028 + 811 = -759119389217 46109017895552.52 + 100000000000000 = 146109017895552.53 3276300463 + -8835.408663186263 = 3276291627.5913367 -34927205009110.83 + 5 = -34927205009105.83 43652585591 + -5812470169.814893 = 37840115421.185104 -49859619350 + 58.64344780068214 = -49859619291.35655 34301928124 + 68215.99254967584 = 34301996339.99255 -974633645 + -475157.33373007475 = -975108802.3337301 -90.34097027857378 + 7841698557194 = 7841698557103.659 5 + 5128386175573.27 = 5128386175578.27 -91821671373.61775 + 2876 = -91821668497.61775 6199210.95439189 + 5505535.4614616465 = 11704746.415853538 -9034405509420.422 + 943245139880.1592 = -8091160369540.263 51099571079248 + -68300528838623 = -17200957759375 4116939815571.741 + 75.70606678763195 = 4116939815647.4473 100000000000000.0 + 25004866678423 = 125004866678423.0 -80313.51409630083 + -96558128.70835148 = -96638442.22244778 -7023677326 + -57834603814073 = -57841627491399 -48804013699134 + 25075.22121553417 = -48804013674058.78 -96406.10128410318 + -9785902728883.79 = -9785902825289.89 -13 + 9.490359223478126 = -3.5096407765218736 -457947 + 23359878 = 22901931 -991974.2570273826 + 8568933 = 7576958.742972617 -29497 + -2607947 = -2637444 818182 + -20666750152.071083 = -20665931970.071083 1649650529.6869059 + 413749985 = 2063400514.6869059 9989996 + 648165 = 10638161 278249867933 + -1175.7602631303957 = 278249866757.23975 69 + 51239475295.4517 = 51239475364.4517 -93553216787.64653 + 510980239357.08765 = 417427022569.4411 81.70543581307949 + 890897 = 890978.705435813 -6949 + 1518589 = 1511640 14937 + -804 = 14133 53567.721786698115 + -822605 = -769037.2782133019 -3.353924142232523 + 56935086475219 = 56935086475215.65 -161673132541.59116 + -366312 = -161673498853.59116 82545659179988.77 + -6122057424916.2295 = 76423601755072.53 29725 + -178774250124.04156 = -178774220399.04156 -237.8706176411036 + 50064532.06664391 = 50064294.196026266 -5064 + -4223463036 = -4223468100 1392362439 + 8114565548.318774 = 9506927987.318775 -5750877 + 419988385175 = 419982634298 6876381739.89395 + -73975393912214.44 = -73968517530474.55 9219769959310 + 641 = 9219769959951 9765559 + 100000000000000 = 100000009765559 -466.4043069230215 + 403128 = 402661.59569307696 6930207496846.264 + 8513261216 = 6938720758062.264 13465.501779729286 + 3549143223391.9546 = 3549143236857.4565 -1338.3786923195275 + -3969900 = -3971238.3786923196 -994 + -29133295632554.93 = -29133295633548.93 17516445495515.266 + 88 = 17516445495603.266 90505746.96951836 + -360996352.7289349 = -270490605.7594165 25.166187682727394 + 1046490537 = 1046490562.1661876 7145058713198 + -679951471088 = 6465107242110 -412187 + 649990154.981456 = 649577967.981456 -850 + 31185641853 = 31185641003 884093440061.2434 + 1 = 884093440062.2434 -44160634940175 + 583893 = -44160634356282 876 + -405849913 = -405849037 -51804428497.32165 + -40663619.98371307 = -51845092117.30536 -1534377077 + -871 = -1534377948 100000000000000 + -5581553 = 99999994418447 -391185698 + 36003 = -391149695 -100000000000000 + 5 = -99999999999995 -2261405.204836879 + 28 = -2261377.204836879 958535.2001312323 + 937620180.7785935 = 938578715.9787247 -95526821165.6403 + 3793547761.2250843 = -91733273404.41522 -185088769159 + -618600756.2028887 = -185707369915.20288 -38469.62864033966 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999961530.38 -6645 + 28497220028 = 28497213383 3.0526709639291205 + -6842984367.410532 = -6842984364.357861 -85884.19706826704 + -10108387 = -10194271.197068267 -2063075070 + -61918 = -2063136988 -7317267518.009194 + 2367 = -7317265151.009194 -8021.401629944798 + 33712 = 25690.598370055202 399351963894 + 95264674262 = 494616638156 -36392 + -20509217 = -20545609 96681046199112.95 + 8447648039 = 96689493847151.95 -20612348 + -324604.399217524 = -20936952.399217524 2693201974.233698 + 4.297696657881247 = 2693201978.5313945 -40592502 + -189520116559 = -189560709061 274905035151.04016 + -155027354.47121206 = 274750007796.56894 -756618350.2007022 + -39093659648200 = -39094416266550.2 9541417787464 + 100000000000000.0 = 109541417787464.0 9630301960466 + 9245197918.042088 = 9639547158384.043 -91031.44590787822 + -7259.555598784127 = -98291.00150666235 -29116759.366238534 + 21.48352237764207 = -29116737.882716157 -257238 + -591637314903 = -591637572141 -5279216384012.019 + -13872478064009 = -19151694448021.02 279.82475299112485 + 227476552.2072496 = 227476832.0320026 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 4931517 + 8219586.567394583 = 13151103.567394583 1265532308144 + -423642976794.4044 = 841889331349.5956 -238 + 6454956.00016601 = 6454718.00016601 2859106977494.797 + -100000000000000.0 = -97140893022505.2 901073627583 + -55 = 901073627528 357 + -707946964342.0131 = -707946963985.0131 -349289293 + -53311547983844.164 = -53311897273137.164 29527822554323 + 1028485461054.1156 = 30556308015377.117 -297198769 + -7871908472430 = -7872205671199 1716318271 + 609853371603.7942 = 611569689874.7942 -8962350.423681432 + -86138486.69165604 = -95100837.11533748 1993939840794.8628 + -756866890077 = 1237072950717.8628 49169419075637 + -17482360159.079437 = 49151936715477.92 77188509766304.84 + 27346 = 77188509793650.84 197856 + 41.84767465571684 = 197897.84767465573 -28236.17841252025 + -48702602525474.78 = -48702602553710.96 8484293539809 + 7.36499781599899 = 8484293539816.365 88616999156758 + 21355908 = 88617020512666 -100000000000000 + -940 = -100000000000940 -5347 + -517421743 = -517427090 -3.695217322636939 + -1879865037060.6504 = -1879865037064.3457 -6651519668497 + 34027611574715.16 = 27376091906218.16 -46.64986787850256 + -668736339364.0524 = -668736339410.7023 3627778121 + 3587876925.87218 = 7215655046.87218 45783203153593 + 414497605995 = 46197700759588 146295885693.90604 + -697389551 = 145598496142.90604 -54449.32016211231 + 1286 = -53163.32016211231 977.691920233382 + -63608288176861 = -63608288175883.305 -4.507649669745598 + 791.5989401012599 = 787.0912904315144 -88025 + 23484.740728540164 = -64540.259271459836 2340792771293 + -75.26097032222047 = 2340792771217.7393 -64 + 550604063029.795 = 550604062965.795 100000000000000 + -1317450538180.6772 = 98682549461819.33 -637784.417088133 + -9 = -637793.417088133 -34 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999966 -9074955635.656338 + 7 = -9074955628.656338 5171207599.113411 + 6716246468938 = 6721417676537.113 43 + 6578344.074251891 = 6578387.074251891 6815235444 + -7906261078946.722 = -7899445843502.722 4.6349346573122645 + -4108139055.2730145 = -4108139050.63808 -4897412746 + -16561091794290 = -16565989207036 8939707.13142538 + 389460014231.7586 = 389468953938.89 83442337 + 968952340340 = 969035782677 18997722690 + 50352412971 = 69350135661 -100000000000000 + 5327818691167.545 = -94672181308832.45 -88180854 + -715781636336.589 = -715869817190.589 775886.741215074 + -44145765 = -43369878.25878493 38722800307 + 50422 = 38722850729 23714866059435 + 2054160680.84016 = 23716920220115.84 -3917 + -92096821231970 = -92096821235887 5003601 + 8496849223.071685 = 8501852824.071685 -66772854542 + -29830304.411563 = -66802684846.41156 5394.40032572672 + -300.63370033584175 = 5093.766625390878 64494.733408842665 + -88064418107 = -88064353612.26659 77937191.30524771 + -75.39434035445105 = 77937115.91090736 427536116086.7166 + -6.4867223063545625 = 427536116080.2299 9781441359.050652 + 6 = 9781441365.050652 64913391308 + 3741479.808719327 = 64917132787.808716 -17465 + 59961695.30734523 = 59944230.30734523 3774022117.451105 + -90813814438142 = -90810040416024.55 6871448737.306934 + 128277179.22584836 = 6999725916.532783 -99104310253947 + 4455.566014675669 = -99104310249491.44 -5846192896.623701 + -38 = -5846192934.623701 -7690330 + 12043.630893599748 = -7678286.3691064 81000.89959163747 + -65286050892.135124 = -65285969891.235535 -728 + -2003 = -2731 8 + -49.11870636714551 = -41.11870636714551 -38518621566 + -64115.91783935762 = -38518685681.91784 4679878692544 + -3.8573947253611327 = 4679878692540.143 -937 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999063.0 -83082075 + -7588499254859.164 = -7588582336934.164 -93646859 + 2.940503836302688 = -93646856.05949616 895281 + 2 = 895283 8783842554 + 51019618339 = 59803460893 4328078679988.975 + 673 = 4328078680661.975 874933611.0013666 + -591885544009 = -591010610397.9987 241639437.8573515 + 247261 = 241886698.8573515 286331847914.27496 + 100000000000000 = 100286331847914.28 58817834743 + 12318537186.20121 = 71136371929.2012 618803345839 + -66.74689448680559 = 618803345772.253 4646531.44399536 + -761304.509287765 = 3885226.934707595 -61315.71780025551 + -3.086804890507709 = -61318.80460514602 5260781 + 5037052 = 10297833 -40751364011088 + 723189220 = -40750640821868 155054731.7313242 + 587103555 = 742158286.7313242 9616445 + -4591941343727.181 = -4591931727282.181 71895475584 + -60190838167.38009 = 11704637416.619911 2457.464711956261 + 7662611729 = 7662614186.464712 -36566357446604.17 + -95670332222002.73 = -132236689668606.9 -40377781119269.96 + 100000000000000 = 59622218880730.04 -6497377474403 + 64433393 = -6497313041010 270 + -6231542.290968539 = -6231272.290968539 -46 + -9751382 = -9751428 -416764667953.2262 + 104.96693431416669 = -416764667848.2593 -350699.5719955283 + -8152489579952.608 = -8152489930652.181 8291713349836 + -63153987 = 8291650195849 -70 + 12.749979654161887 = -57.25002034583811 -98785862 + 8.183591853262628 = -98785853.81640814 -892 + -784592051.7527122 = -784592943.7527122 960351.8025131597 + 56948727750402 = 56948728710753.805 386612119.9922292 + -384659784.57963634 = 1952335.4125928879 43524863.67404208 + 1342.9628092770606 = 43526206.63685136 -2617.8858268884824 + 475560571674.15643 = 475560569056.2706 -1.349170502387472 + 1920509946.0380733 = 1920509944.6889029 -23506229.21815527 + -6658920116382.934 = -6658943622612.151 1986 + 47586916942721.99 = 47586916944707.99 -1466873141.7574332 + 707672.9807984718 = -1466165468.7766347 -392255 + 541.1031501510802 = -391713.8968498489 -9033.76160496234 + -802 = -9835.76160496234 5090836.982875581 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999994909163.02 50340.087023979606 + 96463.6444765817 = 146803.7315005613 -993842530088 + -86235680992577.44 = -87229523522665.44 851087.637961236 + 8 = 851095.637961236 -26402.229906311408 + -95 = -26497.229906311408 -8869652020.607567 + 3028846230.8847065 = -5840805789.72286 84932 + -572025354.4649724 = -571940422.4649724 -43502902.89488356 + 7141261865646.468 = 7141218362743.573 -1591294488 + 100000000000000.0 = 99998408705512.0 85580476 + 13864.612820383443 = 85594340.61282039 9448 + 96238179678327 = 96238179687775 -100000000000000.0 + 3660856882183.298 = -96339143117816.7 -93232368338 + -695410276 = -93927778614 -713589 + -6 = -713595 -465133431.52127606 + 976 = -465132455.52127606 -335.32327929191996 + -1505901.0618144781 = -1506236.38509377 100000000000000 + 318.86257976349316 = 100000000000318.86 -11 + 750121969 = 750121958 -5971252 + -76423113 = -82394365 -6127.236324370418 + -62357851128810 = -62357851134937.234 -73985.28918646579 + -723131.0958719932 = -797116.385058459 8949519 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999991050481.0 -317 + 90982073514498 = 90982073514181 -5 + -3158782171 = -3158782176 9238 + -100000000000000 = -99999999990762 9856 + -61755.67974864313 = -51899.67974864313 -3602 + -207962.4158018496 = -211564.4158018496 2967928792.583893 + -25551134091 = -22583205298.416107 -3280169530.379828 + -908115.4434110475 = -3281077645.823239 17589239450064.453 + 100000000000000 = 117589239450064.45 1.0481240972668262 + -5 = -3.951875902733174 13.86573594670166 + 628883638 = 628883651.8657359 8816317261.700699 + 98256744489 = 107073061750.7007 38633805051 + 258552016114 = 297185821165 3476.4052200553924 + -6.786695240572766 = 3469.6185248148195 -9492507.393500946 + 2009 = -9490498.393500946 24.50667954642381 + 834793352108 = 834793352132.5067 76376946608304 + 6021776670.846416 = 76382968384974.84 -250596744 + -3703275309912 = -3703525906656 -93000418 + -86 = -93000504 94 + 3480159682.5232773 = 3480159776.5232773 -307 + -6330652065.923791 = -6330652372.923791 8914376232950 + -109876.82790628278 = 8914376123073.172 347 + 9614915890042 = 9614915890389 -177900 + 827670391985.7799 = 827670214085.7799 -100000000000000 + -838492345 = -100000838492345 90234 + -9919.515724305478 = 80314.48427569453 -3675467643.7126155 + -85687844634 = -89363312277.71262 -171 + -685064291.2567571 = -685064462.2567571 993399808639.2028 + 1610115047.4508643 = 995009923686.6536 -18462451 + 3497301233 = 3478838782 -394620034 + -34317443.819623314 = -428937477.8196233 -66690789763358 + 100000000000000.0 = 33309210236642.0 986927870.273909 + -5 = 986927865.273909 28634.533355690655 + -650547 = -621912.4666443093 -3625194962.0348268 + -5.579454173786963 = -3625194967.6142807 57931857194 + 9156739418696 = 9214671275890 -102837.58447317735 + 6009997923.538436 = 6009895085.953962 795274323122 + 831343685 = 796105666807 2754219007.75793 + -3230737674.5893216 = -476518666.8313918 -4645238015800 + -509196515 = -4645747212315 100000000000000.0 + -4644686718201 = 95355313281799.0 -84.16007464275225 + 1196584467541.5557 = 1196584467457.3955 -390789513.9163709 + 20257682.306155793 = -370531831.6102151 -2456 + 102734160 = 102731704 -812909203353.4152 + -6955.881282133686 = -812909210309.2964 5021239754683 + 7414051.241121366 = 5021247168734.241 -311073911.47565186 + 9610876559.979877 = 9299802648.504225 100000000000000 + -6 = 99999999999994 5134813.72276862 + 8448337.867848642 = 13583151.590617262 809254 + 4649622 = 5458876 431 + 4 = 435 -6384136863147.787 + -22893766141882 = -29277903005029.79 -7.694691982304641 + 565447.1093498521 = 565439.4146578697 74 + 8305434706226.138 = 8305434706300.138 39 + 2.548470419318993 = 41.548470419318996 -967.2758975297293 + -36267247920.343445 = -36267248887.61934 -7.08698463099192 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000007.1 -7407019249834 + 9994309720846.178 = 2587290471012.1777 593.4930648530958 + 84616.60965765048 = 85210.10272250358 5824175185685.493 + -9 = 5824175185676.493 4.924571189532685 + -8540 = -8535.075428810467 -98784681551863.86 + -810924.6213776502 = -98784682362788.48 -4475065739986 + 902155.9479737434 = -4475064837830.052 -5298772.339340423 + -3705280425 = -3710579197.33934 64.62218425115532 + -90667.95332001057 = -90603.3311357594 9356 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000009356.0 63234151226839 + 762084919052.7145 = 63996236145891.71 -13257531951.237803 + -52 = -13257532003.237803 100000000000000.0 + 67384.13973544791 = 100000000067384.14 -640.7408352047966 + 16600290476061.727 = 16600290475420.986 -259828560239.52988 + -216.25456740096593 = -259828560455.78445 649673229663 + 8755115.960590199 = 649681984778.9606 16784 + -260 = 16524 -78638 + 25205419859.17047 = 25205341221.17047 -2256 + -2 = -2258 40568081.271429196 + 67332345911 = 67372913992.27143 -63371037324917.4 + 283564 = -63371037041353.4 131.70266481495065 + 54 = 185.70266481495065 -35628151.755177654 + 9043746.730578361 = -26584405.02459929 3755909890.003577 + 747308616 = 4503218506.003577 -976 + 36 = -940 16032.225519444368 + 56593695 = 56609727.22551944 1 + 329 = 330 32290 + -1434700229 = -1434667939 3539519.1490567853 + 8495750.011839792 = 12035269.160896577 -68649025 + -104 = -68649129 -7739047 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000007739047.0 -92 + 9463086.684834579 = 9462994.684834579 -4411244028081 + -332421587856.22656 = -4743665615937.227 391 + 2 = 393 9546347304375 + 9126255.768515084 = 9546356430630.768 100000000000000 + 7863291 = 100000007863291 -48928350712300 + 429868830 = -48927920843470 24876.526374425193 + -303 = 24573.526374425193 -27758466350739.543 + 100000000000000.0 = 72241533649260.45 9633.239949344275 + 7265697567 = 7265707200.239949 61429602181289 + 106771 = 61429602288060 2303617033644 + 854627 = 2303617888271 -9087 + 100000000000000 = 99999999990913 -139309271.90424725 + 6345.8832672425215 = -139302926.02098 88 + -4795905.081536793 = -4795817.081536793 -8168002.3490930395 + -154531 = -8322533.3490930395 27.853812718654186 + -78655603118169 = -78655603118141.14 684358891291 + 85108625280134 = 85792984171425 321120 + 27.00082822930043 = 321147.0008282293 5.156472249251704 + 71787 = 71792.15647224925 57001.813926607654 + -868.6835303256968 = 56133.13039628196 79 + -161675971948 = -161675971869 -9094209 + -4501 = -9098710 -26.99849427924578 + 66281996663458 = 66281996663431.0 -5.3583273764531505 + 932117.9799997912 = 932112.6216724148 -16928693977083 + 7872141437990 = -9056552539093 -7720759 + -5291031562234.514 = -5291039282993.514 5209 + 2679500 = 2684709 -706204 + 254673611502.5306 = 254672905298.5306 568332.4351489738 + -5740.82846275049 = 562591.6066862233 -5792150.351260853 + -2 = -5792152.351260853 -2963008860289 + -4.981157175666155 = -2963008860293.981 -473601977 + 157618118.6221076 = -315983858.3778924 -1891.2812054835517 + 3 = -1888.2812054835517 43964084 + -100000000000000 = -99999956035916 -8594718896.970757 + 50 = -8594718846.970757 5387.409705770813 + -50.14801008716706 = 5337.261695683646 14782422 + -49 = 14782373 8079082051432 + 3 = 8079082051435 -6678318032.063052 + -31.256853391505516 = -6678318063.319905 135 + 6350 = 6485 -26719939444520.453 + 8656085156 = -26711283359364.453 4 + 673 = 677 -364112391 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999635887609.0 -7.557606395906073 + -515 = -522.5576063959061 568424364962 + 4567277 = 568428932239 -67838586977 + 3881.898805021312 = -67838583095.1012 3.6324150783514915 + 21483410292 = 21483410295.632416 54336356163189 + -100000000000000.0 = -45663643836811.0 3650.0202099690337 + 43325.07936072679 = 46975.09957069583 -2778242432915 + 796526.2844924505 = -2778241636388.7153 -100000000000000.0 + -5261108.19113794 = -100000005261108.19 -84960371.06776111 + 98567729.41622542 = 13607358.34846431 -277554537429 + -32.11917763612367 = -277554537461.1192 -7108.2229163785205 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999992891.78 6146535434.781758 + -85147303777904.62 = -85141157242469.84 470803337.27302116 + 564391961.5053082 = 1035195298.7783294 111.43259770622397 + 9058425766 = 9058425877.432598 12108195975.355743 + 57824.218956418605 = 12108253799.5747 -8 + 95555.51722398617 = 95547.51722398617 24234570.72920427 + 23364759.500311613 = 47599330.22951588 742450451.5030624 + 25.04436137876117 = 742450476.5474237 9936300527408.33 + -24 = 9936300527384.33 -100000000000000.0 + 85812265498.00612 = -99914187734502.0 101 + 75.34162581853369 = 176.34162581853369 1909935 + 2773673179 = 2775583114 -77 + 3524876.1240373743 = 3524799.1240373743 -100000000000000 + 9216848640593.158 = -90783151359406.84 5 + 3835204170 = 3835204175 100000000000000 + 7608555.304667844 = 100000007608555.3 6378785578.866194 + -12361850197 = -5983064618.133806 450 + 601328261548.4553 = 601328261998.4553 5186521.223832553 + 5.247814338009874 = 5186526.471646891 -16 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999984 1994302430 + -92232.96365068824 = 1994210197.0363493 450658 + 34681064158699.324 = 34681064609357.324 -2600.090038466679 + 62675962.58247517 = 62673362.49243671 33863643886945 + -586.3380857314121 = 33863643886358.66 741.0778690048779 + 334627 = 335368.07786900486 11.033348052911254 + -81049581258 = -81049581246.96666 2210 + 132952.28190083674 = 135162.28190083674 465131348.1776145 + -76498411.6896725 = 388632936.487942 70493234.22356853 + -70054520.54714829 = 438713.6764202416 -784418430.4560435 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000784418430.45 -1805302 + 9223348272757.037 = 9223346467455.037 99960.27437347894 + 23.98223861756299 = 99984.2566120965 100000000000000 + 63.85098104760389 = 100000000000063.84 -6 + -1237075536 = -1237075542 -6182791851183 + -100000000000000.0 = -106182791851183.0 -98490824514.42807 + 54 = -98490824460.42807 -250 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000250 -70494626286 + -5 = -70494626291 -639386577454.2816 + -7055661830347.682 = -7695048407801.963 -919954.9230228812 + -4.398358315335985 = -919959.3213811965 -4843801082173 + 2966768982 = -4840834313191 7.502139907512673 + -1441693200893 = -1441693200885.4978 -906127986.1596836 + 97912 = -906030074.1596836 621.9294105697985 + 69832747367636 = 69832747368257.93 647 + 8853872754201.371 = 8853872754848.371 28 + 21502240245 = 21502240273 3967974246 + 34 = 3967974280 409899416 + -2305362 = 407594054 -100000000000000 + -8808354264 = -100008808354264 -7.49326759790954 + -49 = -56.49326759790954 971658671562 + 88997991.16712683 = 971747669553.1671 -29423048595 + 75.25949554203852 = -29423048519.740505 -8.717181892469299 + 7720 = 7711.282818107531 -4117456172 + 87897185081152 = 87893067624980 83747 + -920578202 = -920494455 7442 + 2819906426745.5205 = 2819906434187.5205 -7277206.496137282 + 86 = -7277120.496137282 530102711 + 846196 = 530948907 178620049.25042802 + -41.571373918273025 = 178620007.6790541 5 + -917657726131 = -917657726126 -68 + -95467826952 = -95467827020 -8753 + 356071446.47396016 = 356062693.47396016 -17260485 + 7231382 = -10029103 -218098986031 + 279.4714390759209 = -218098985751.52856 -495955733116.0594 + 100000000000000 = 99504044266883.94 666 + 5429771.652007846 = 5430437.652007846 -5376 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000005376.0 2 + 76101484742882 = 76101484742884 -51582 + 4708613878498.785 = 4708613826916.785 -19400356149096.754 + 94000.13487132125 = -19400356055096.617 -59172397057.08825 + 100000000000000.0 = 99940827602942.9 -100000000000000.0 + 204259.8966496422 = -99999999795740.11 17501714 + 29.105845618883038 = 17501743.10584562 -100000000000000.0 + 3001 = -99999999996999.0 100000000000000 + 549.6033727600118 = 100000000000549.61 100000000000000.0 + 9776 = 100000000009776.0 -5729188581.190972 + -68654 = -5729257235.190972 20772 + -1145 = 19627 100000000000000 + -48301848102561.05 = 51698151897438.95 -9474878783102 + 8421.843184440626 = -9474878774680.156 -95412848594 + 932 = -95412847662 -2 + 52.13280870472559 = 50.13280870472559 88241583 + 968691940839.0555 = 968780182422.0555 33426897231.96818 + 6125724109 = 39552621340.968185 86646363607.60217 + 311116408.7420294 = 86957480016.34421 -312901688.0583837 + 1248172969512.4521 = 1247860067824.3938 -82839112328 + -100000000000000 = -100082839112328 -4525409759968.24 + 3605287 = -4525406154681.24 -57750188 + 502526479.10356444 = 444776291.10356444 2096659133119 + 3479.634573862722 = 2096659136598.6345 359040.2862732529 + -5794244074 = -5793885033.713727 68486.75998206444 + 725643.9475007165 = 794130.707482781 100000000000000.0 + -296118 = 99999999703882.0 -74.97299962964681 + 790865166046 = 790865165971.027 54018943999765 + -5941.945802378326 = 54018943993823.055 8851 + -100000000000000 = -99999999991149 -326.3652646776844 + 409.93091647500904 = 83.56565179732462 299755407 + 860175404 = 1159930811 -588948320380 + 3397609024303.4644 = 2808660703923.4644 71155345.49514687 + -994177304.702905 = -923021959.2077582 -97 + 2410219642289.7803 = 2410219642192.7803 611650535052.8489 + -6035044180443.895 = -5423393645391.046 -4 + -97902626627.44116 = -97902626631.44116 811.0281432224177 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000811.03 6 + 656283643 = 656283649 543990311.3502357 + 40097 = 544030408.3502357 -6597518457 + 600.1076710421203 = -6597517856.892329 -839608.7478998346 + -588977270196 = -588978109804.7479 81.51568237782922 + 4692497575 = 4692497656.515682 -947377.2332869201 + -5943.897100171242 = -953321.1303870913 324755512.0409931 + -9258 = 324746254.0409931 -60806099.688409284 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000060806099.69 -5400960957 + 11924124.385773275 = -5389036832.614226 -100000000000000 + 91881384233 = -99908118615767 -937 + -64157964297.54093 = -64157965234.54093 324495195.89494324 + -8.649993298923608 = 324495187.24494994 -67392944850869 + 280 = -67392944850589 -764637823.9610201 + 1619766509792 = 1619001871968.039 -268368 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000268368.0 -100000000000000 + 2342441.674592371 = -99999997657558.33 28077240204 + 5651371.336837593 = 28082891575.336838 -235184377 + 254 = -235184123 16845489165041 + 4817987 = 16845493983028 9623050046 + 828019 = 9623878065 -32902 + 6469823 = 6436921 -58 + 217004926 = 217004868 19726 + -80313672192386.12 = -80313672172660.12 -100000000000000 + -890253356697.3319 = -100890253356697.33 -50106430685961 + 100000000000000.0 = 49893569314039.0 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 873959813918.0818 + 21035273.408003896 = 873980849191.4897 42251472928.02353 + 441848157774.4058 = 484099630702.4293 -31 + 95916735036642 = 95916735036611 -589270630999 + -2.1422521350853945 = -589270631001.1422 -195391655.36941597 + 6890764621.8592415 = 6695372966.489825 -164.68155836768827 + 296701017 = 296700852.3184416 986610823275.8728 + 9855516 = 986620678791.8728 84438775546498.9 + 16.603608102751338 = 84438775546515.52 -12.099145837191235 + -621581168 = -621581180.0991459 2535703.250728773 + -88570.32678798951 = 2447132.9239407834 13781902.065277964 + 9274013.50524017 = 23055915.570518136 6729409363587.539 + 4.825856817211271 = 6729409363592.365 -79.83753226879622 + 4729404671 = 4729404591.162468 -173.3799080346266 + 190.59064457477962 = 17.21073654015302 734553.1192470493 + -70.36714556285905 = 734482.7521014864 -349785.9155528282 + 843722866.5164653 = 843373080.6009125 -9075340406.959091 + 100000000000000 = 99990924659593.05 -69630271996 + -2591889.3986667283 = -69632863885.39867 636464458919.9875 + -428363.7707435206 = 636464030556.2168 100000000000000 + 339 = 100000000000339 -1498.610270650584 + 69 = -1429.610270650584 3466274576056.9795 + -80.21717448007674 = 3466274575976.762 -38388953129 + 7717437329793.988 = 7679048376664.988 7557387101.310045 + 672896002.3903402 = 8230283103.700385 4849164 + 39133.386894596275 = 4888297.386894597 -953342596250 + 472816438183 = -480526158067 -4711195.843224946 + 1478.8807610170702 = -4709716.962463929 -5971.944777426596 + -4596986 = -4602957.944777426 -100000000000000.0 + -6721761676680 = -106721761676680.0 -5095080.205051251 + -1.7969936222795917 = -5095082.002044873 806249 + -51523 = 754726 695312243204.9498 + -85.1854228396822 = 695312243119.7644 -40341.08108088026 + -384 = -40725.08108088026 -100000000000000 + 65328722710156.875 = -34671277289843.125 -8 + -93635219123 = -93635219131 -5035268.606050488 + 787685907246 = 787680871977.3939 5995607.060004683 + 9619222078.872955 = 9625217685.93296 72067114527926.31 + -7190.865831210048 = 72067114520735.45 -98.58085938746996 + -1293119.9960099445 = -1293218.576869332 44637792126799.375 + -339104973337.318 = 44298687153462.055 -4870671878 + -75467126980615.56 = -75471997652493.56 -94333889190.67064 + 925347 = -94332963843.67064 72.25573210604361 + -3008540246067.0605 = -3008540245994.8047 -9219828598 + 137413.11218067294 = -9219691184.88782 553.5724389400305 + 401.9605331150294 = 955.5329720550599 -769 + -8434.795628455277 = -9203.795628455277 -92614650967822 + 450610.9382425984 = -92614650517211.06 351 + 4921170635462.502 = 4921170635813.502 -2.2742001557178426 + 84516501074672.84 = 84516501074670.56 55079 + -1703046268 = -1702991189 567612572858 + 26486227611113.758 = 27053840183971.758 -100000000000000 + -829559133130 = -100829559133130 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 60.367404284666634 + -72261717069.82254 = -72261717009.45514 100000000000000 + 7 = 100000000000007 -1049196289.5292879 + 810753587.9066924 = -238442701.62259555 85680701839642 + -804.9692426442406 = 85680701838837.03 4561408 + -4830.544590942042 = 4556577.455409058 -97752 + 3650225240.2364216 = 3650127488.2364216 -8.70660886586952 + 649 = 640.2933911341305 -53737002 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999946262998.0 -9001555.31262053 + 1320962726266.585 = 1320953724711.2725 30050650 + -152980 = 29897670 -100000000000000.0 + -337216 = -100000000337216.0 3808276530 + 5137282699 = 8945559229 100000000000000 + -6198638141441.3955 = 93801361858558.61 70 + 9235746303196 = 9235746303266 369827478733.3246 + 9797540343.986055 = 379625019077.31067 -7440248000168.892 + 30977694.542702775 = -7440217022474.349 3888.5546175072773 + 5446569 = 5450457.554617507 3301489048 + 68886250 = 3370375298 6360873727028 + 1782.5720089272304 = 6360873728810.572 968 + -89692259778756.61 = -89692259777788.61 393929327993 + -63743216 = 393865584777 -311375.23678880424 + -901651870.6814436 = -901963245.9182323 -7629207.547712852 + -220818131275.21143 = -220825760482.75912 55045366540749.47 + 69113241827491 = 124158608368240.47 -77676634.70802486 + -8215.178198424846 = -77684849.88622329 812840 + 54186328763973 = 54186329576813 -58396 + -72 = -58468 -160484128342.9543 + 35061053392.96973 = -125423074949.98459 -100000000000000 + -264224 = -100000000264224 72 + -13.96391083250877 = 58.03608916749123 -167993161124.7889 + 35597082372477.41 = 35429089211352.62 5.587317553067207 + -293909470 = -293909464.4126825 694375624850.6427 + -287 = 694375624563.6427 77683109480.88058 + 75 = 77683109555.88058 -163.8535429940128 + 387900030261 = 387900030097.1465 -637648123952.3953 + 78663.09105603518 = -637648045289.3042 9391384 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000009391384.0 -13819.35395810916 + -9570534028843.707 = -9570534042663.06 -9040925607000 + 100000000000000 = 90959074393000 -283858910848 + 54861 = -283858855987 310 + -712 = -402 662343 + 582.0089525866829 = 662925.0089525867 -8222757205485.923 + 478814731.58750606 = -8222278390754.335 -10198989929.428728 + -84994003055971 = -85004202045900.42 -16013.775133822572 + 7540.755316196017 = -8473.019817626555 100000000000000 + -222039.50413861818 = 99999999777960.5 -26916022.906240415 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000026916022.9 -98836420133.32484 + -5310110065 = -104146530198.32484 220330549869 + 199865585800 = 420196135669 -470595594.00394404 + 29683775776567 = 29683305180972.996 -8162671230.104126 + -62710417598.74944 = -70873088828.85358 61517078408489 + -1478699340.1783533 = 61515599709148.82 593399.4857387352 + -9016 = 584383.4857387352 -49 + -216530074.76132175 = -216530123.76132175 -126443406.24044256 + -2739 = -126446145.24044256 518637074398 + -17385834156 = 501251240242 75179421 + -727 = 75178694 -492.07729870576156 + 2.4788210150558343 = -489.59847769070575 63010525723.99442 + -324205 = 63010201518.99442 6360035.111503673 + 8286332961025.573 = 8286339321060.685 -9418737492399.305 + -1181.4443529293085 = -9418737493580.75 -2921311737847.6045 + 774 = -2921311737073.6045 237.14785258992447 + 373.7469184030788 = 610.8947709930032 -45 + -5771962445647.717 = -5771962445692.717 682865.2465040883 + -60.42312665955966 = 682804.8233774287 -4981304185.7581215 + 100000000000000.0 = 99995018695814.23 -1827 + 51353.02629530341 = 49526.02629530341 1821793847328.6057 + -6806642860048 = -4984849012719.395 -771354604 + -184286.83492354583 = -771538890.8349235 -100000000000000.0 + 465459231.8639318 = -99999534540768.14 47940201273 + -656 = 47940200617 862.1272868011386 + 61250578306771.36 = 61250578307633.484 68.89127822671225 + 8997178106 = 8997178174.891277 -819886029454 + -5270309.030985414 = -819891299763.031 70238348205955.23 + -571031 = 70238347634924.23 -47051305920634 + -10825005 = -47051316745639 -4694783.2974359505 + -8.71903884578488 = -4694792.016474796 -4869.664709827811 + 807064155147 = 807064150277.3353 -280611 + -1758943 = -2039554 -1405119413022 + 100000000000000.0 = 98594880586978.0 -16433254584.183563 + -2 = -16433254586.183563 -7531.296827256247 + 8269424666 = 8269417134.703173 -392.12301787501633 + 3504669559.0310984 = 3504669166.9080806 70625902 + 373.58622256791284 = 70626275.58622257 100000000000000.0 + -8 = 99999999999992.0 -168510036 + -370738195321.84985 = -370906705357.84985 -459 + -348582855 = -348583314 20108 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000020108.0 5159551 + -77681.89094760902 = 5081869.109052391 2925778022 + 4938858409851.736 = 4941784187873.736 759397102192.6765 + -452778683475.29034 = 306618418717.38617 73870250 + 100000000000000 = 100000073870250 50790465 + -965393611220.9138 = -965342820755.9138 -7029465563449 + 33 = -7029465563416 -6612 + 100000000000000 = 99999999993388 -53127555962664.484 + -289476195.87457883 = -53127845438860.36 -12.462342131094667 + 442423574649.9555 = 442423574637.49316 8243526.032147975 + 9993.234206966123 = 8253519.266354941 58 + -28705.88397973594 = -28647.88397973594 -2369.6339813808936 + -930397025259.5637 = -930397027629.1978 -9794482617493 + -38.19361498675415 = -9794482617531.193 -41129048415059 + 4616982 = -41129043798077 4637185.84666224 + 2687208828756.0264 = 2687213465941.873 52024438943.826126 + 829842862666 = 881867301609.8262 69985614.9368373 + 736962917845.594 = 737032903460.5309 -70724.21989191142 + -527.0675659593205 = -71251.28745787074 -146224 + 81 = -146143 698045 + 8848 = 706893 -98553143 + -8838439246467.082 = -8838537799610.082 -613136 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999386864.0 -100000000000000 + -118778106068 = -100118778106068 1 + 1.9881068708275205 = 2.9881068708275205 -1367844552560.9639 + -13 = -1367844552573.9639 -60544329434.01514 + 1394245833 = -59150083601.01514 -3426781.530779658 + 408489653 = 405062871.46922034 -8951122034 + -28996.639768199624 = -8951151030.639769 100000000000000.0 + 20510971208939.64 = 120510971208939.64 304.1014885072526 + -43937.81804018138 = -43633.71655167413 4416323.761453175 + -95321551883844.3 = -95321547467520.53 -74724071.90414678 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000074724071.9 703867 + -97.77326986577297 = 703769.2267301342 222957051663 + 54854.53977319132 = 222957106517.53976 754 + 3113237414 = 3113238168 -100000000000000 + 62895924047 = -99937104075953 17562.617082079487 + 65041676727249.42 = 65041676744812.04 -899353777707.4102 + -39708208096 = -939061985803.4102 1830157 + -64992817110859.9 = -64992815280702.9 -100000000000000.0 + 8948573654204.58 = -91051426345795.42 6065732586 + -88088194880 = -82022462294 34 + 9.87391889147486 = 43.87391889147486 -136 + -681986506084.7 = -681986506220.7 -4.822862951488176 + -17064271244.603062 = -17064271249.425924 714013782.2342207 + -456331 = 713557451.2342207 8726.616257960233 + 94245 = 102971.61625796024 -9954738374.334747 + 424.81913771787697 = -9954737949.51561 -76110103935139 + -834 = -76110103935973 -18132425.159635626 + -100000000000000 = -100000018132425.16 -4778478390.674562 + -3 = -4778478393.674562 -16193463629 + -73484235.15740824 = -16266947864.157408 100000000000000 + 94 = 100000000000094 -100000000000000 + -4352455250 = -100004352455250 100000000000000.0 + 8033208539 = 100008033208539.0 -6943745601.759035 + -6373 = -6943751974.759035 79872 + 6451449.786765304 = 6531321.786765304 -66841421 + 980742463.9904075 = 913901042.9904075 -70889302 + -8192000407.876835 = -8262889709.876835 43.3297304340624 + 62248718 = 62248761.329730436 -79148009594491 + 28.000032497954404 = -79148009594463.0 -862923 + 168462 = -694461 11420649 + 343024.3606997902 = 11763673.36069979 59.6682457414309 + -2201758552 = -2201758492.331754 100000000000000.0 + 986416.2538587094 = 100000000986416.25 19731 + -94.0847659664467 = 19636.915234033553 5262852258829 + 1830687494109.0864 = 7093539752938.086 109837457660.19673 + 8932393.772267986 = 109846390053.969 50611450 + -814 = 50610636 7502397566254 + 5.280426601346535 = 7502397566259.28 77682362 + 1 = 77682363 -271318 + 898142338443 = 898142067125 527346627675 + 32582528142593 = 33109874770268 -2.725246639191297 + 7225870212693.211 = 7225870212690.485 4275.721457335845 + 36.6299017876533 = 4312.351359123499 907.1365773824662 + 9 = 916.1365773824662 2 + 30 = 32 2048647.7118533084 + -299623851499 = -299621802851.28815 -91441428135930 + -100000000000000 = -191441428135930 7364.889944656039 + -11 = 7353.889944656039 -7166140.2832296295 + 6142504.355154663 = -1023635.9280749662 -42.53331280467641 + -5644 = -5686.533312804677 -6975785037604 + 24936542897695.15 = 17960757860091.15 -3359681633.553425 + -8484884268924 = -8488243950557.554 37713245370.0969 + -619494 = 37712625876.0969 63168276 + 35942587627.16612 = 36005755903.16612 110672 + -402.61560746960447 = 110269.3843925304 -10.68318428790908 + 7651460103.809656 = 7651460093.1264715 -40458673485932.4 + -256025443251.55142 = -40714698929183.95 -8075 + 31967200 = 31959125 -70782.6614599399 + 38328014487499 = 38328014416716.336 -834014171.4016719 + -99598599669.67665 = -100432613841.07832 23243 + 654 = 23897 -1 + 670834256291 = 670834256290 3321.2448628753596 + 46 = 3367.2448628753596 -269.4241679039138 + -7335946.762349798 = -7336216.186517702 5.203736287651289 + 22179070.139201157 = 22179075.342937443 -35673033525.36371 + 25 = -35673033500.36371 -100000000000000 + 213674170 = -99999786325830 802473.5009817737 + 5723182771651 = 5723183574124.501 1803 + -44520226858.30558 = -44520225055.30558 2295968.9374167267 + -306839299 = -304543330.06258327 744.214059201532 + -539958.0627668118 = -539213.8487076103 42657.577666471014 + 8328.799822564535 = 50986.37748903555 -838 + -4907486.053281777 = -4908324.053281777 2791856842.9166765 + 39996358616.273964 = 42788215459.19064 7742777112937.735 + -37618 = 7742777075319.735 -696509349 + 773.7095923501445 = -696508575.2904077 7 + 5949001 = 5949008 4 + -23717910713252 = -23717910713248 43003480833780 + 9783210 = 43003490616990 -61258616521 + 914 = -61258615607 464.0624492585444 + 2200874020 = 2200874484.0624495 -925 + -1519051 = -1519976 -52.51542612386214 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000052.52 -548992934146.7372 + 1630915549.2856565 = -547362018597.45154 4 + 7769711.073803977 = 7769715.073803977 321777695450.7075 + 71604106967920 = 71925884663370.7 -10593 + 34047 = 23454 6231578679952 + 386 = 6231578680338 -48381505530828 + -884.5974785848425 = -48381505531712.59 -31003989267397.477 + 77560 = -31003989189837.477 -7.332641855966691 + -5.043080574766009 = -12.3757224307327 -893990563075.821 + -96.48961781149141 = -893990563172.3107 -825515988707.8218 + -54633.60890284289 = -825516043341.4307 8174481868301 + 70704 = 8174481939005 924726514425 + 8973067143 = 933699581568 89 + -97013186 = -97013097 -100000000000000 + 3633924 = -99999996366076 -964922318691.0052 + 501940827.4357536 = -964420377863.5695 3540730 + 480672442905 = 480675983635 48 + 1663 = 1711 70 + -89246132990.47725 = -89246132920.47725 4958259.762569705 + 2.9004221299936876 = 4958262.662991835 1970662783070.2544 + -57483670249117 = -55513007466046.74 -4591566.84307782 + -52283482761 = -52288074327.84308 -696658585182.5656 + 597589528 = -696060995654.5656 8559.681687811199 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999991440.31 908 + -601966 = -601058 8397.582864853659 + 23144051281 = 23144059678.582867 358924191 + 85.11598572203071 = 358924276.11598575 -7353891732.483719 + 100000000000000.0 = 99992646108267.52 939202701 + -549754541462.7602 = -548815338761.7602 -48608907 + 542 = -48608365 591.658451529014 + -8284524588 = -8284523996.341549 -37.06327009806448 + -95790.60567495343 = -95827.6689450515 -241336.77558105235 + 2532230 = 2290893.2244189475 8529968719445 + 589195031.9584341 = 8530557914476.958 99545 + -8536111 = -8436566 405269486885.8016 + 3282499433391 = 3687768920276.802 -7596735317662 + -36566480029.705505 = -7633301797691.705 3513568987.0718246 + -605 = 3513568382.0718246 -536287.3862082651 + 62 = -536225.3862082651 -52.824767573434805 + -716342.6464023477 = -716395.4711699211 -100000000000000.0 + 273509934 = -99999726490066.0 -2634588.3296073256 + -2754.2947075293473 = -2637342.624314855 -7804906656469.478 + -100000000000000.0 = -107804906656469.48 -5766 + -979817056410 = -979817062176 -369.7875834888547 + 86539.4174464258 = 86169.62986293694 -9874 + 82.69009408512294 = -9791.309905914877 2.2818846500924117 + -419036.03907532373 = -419033.7571906736 -315437055859 + 63879239175778.58 = 63563802119919.58 -100000000000000 + 8.457159323529861 = -99999999999991.55 -9575492147 + -815733.6761040571 = -9576307880.676104 -690580738394 + 3808900 = -690576929494 1554 + -84172 = -82618 -838836476.0039399 + -27418556280745.656 = -27419395117221.66 -74906230182816 + 83807.9164427078 = -74906230099008.08 100000000000000.0 + 64429971715.42321 = 100064429971715.42 -7842829302 + -2878.4468435188974 = -7842832180.446843 7566943.366381223 + 969 = 7567912.366381223 6176194.360306655 + -629798411660 = -629792235465.6396 -84 + 21630.80361705536 = 21546.80361705536 -4599855 + 54604563.24264297 = 50004708.24264297 2078951464.463089 + -5185454 = 2073766010.463089 -582770.6300865851 + 100000000000000 = 99999999417229.38 -2964474.216149561 + -49530.956774887454 = -3014005.1729244487 -3703017948 + 8629459.820590034 = -3694388488.17941 -127367 + 82966.15604702572 = -44400.843952974275 -730181.8690922722 + -232782974891.56415 = -232783705073.43323 -70485.3376861684 + -45.533324521522715 = -70530.87101068992 -91999574 + -458.41052574459445 = -92000032.41052574 -717.4841618821093 + -216447077956.97797 = -216447078674.46213 674319200 + -5241518 = 669077682 845282.190733775 + -1460378 = -615095.809266225 38235695 + -916415 = 37319280 1230782736989.435 + -24973 = 1230782712016.435 -129 + -680825367 = -680825496 -851 + -3227600028235 = -3227600029086 935418561 + -61347 = 935357214 1.6367798151152764 + -17781517177 = -17781517175.36322 26354612538854.96 + 29251435499821 = 55606048038675.96 -276.8682830163822 + -681698362255.5359 = -681698362532.4042 940626.0995890112 + -3808281 = -2867654.900410989 -371370000537.7031 + 72809315897549.03 = 72437945897011.33 197968124 + -787075431824 = -786877463700 -7783960331984 + -100000000000000 = -107783960331984 -23980212.79613526 + -841570356 = -865550568.7961353 -80024838098005 + -9721.276592387407 = -80024838107726.28 -997747 + 43156499 = 42158752 306282645.3708909 + 4913596 = 311196241.3708909 -35425061075.352684 + 40905254133 = 5480193057.647316 86323938672 + 6756567023 = 93080505695 100000000000000.0 + 7 = 100000000000007.0 2.5920601556083316 + -1484217355813.447 = -1484217355810.855 -56696 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999943304.0 817006967.55769 + -72446303 = 744560664.55769 -100000000000000.0 + 71814245.74902947 = -99999928185754.25 -16 + -44700576195392.98 = -44700576195408.98 -173279 + 3570561682307.9136 = 3570561509028.9136 5636215632515 + 230679 = 5636215863194 5011.896843333324 + -28800368860214 = -28800368855202.1 54018239 + 370.71775040202726 = 54018609.7177504 702179 + -3363235132.7797737 = -3362532953.7797737 34126832285 + -100000000000000 = -99965873167715 8.189855336184944 + -9040 = -9031.810144663816 -38048627 + 8411.141403755111 = -38040215.85859624 -5.114415946990725 + 20165 = 20159.88558405301 -26731019.950528823 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000026731019.95 -5274 + 30051413060733 = 30051413055459 4436571.171502462 + 99227750919173.86 = 99227755355745.03 80875453760.81502 + 100000000000000 = 100080875453760.81 12 + -91974933.63979399 = -91974921.63979399 8774691.695093792 + 100000000000000 = 100000008774691.69 -329577744.7715455 + 5 = -329577739.7715455 -515002244 + 67127287 = -447874957 -92.85091294985615 + -13581425302792.723 = -13581425302885.574 2644240238 + 668 = 2644240906 -289853212265.24115 + 4656358745059.297 = 4366505532794.0557 -530654681.2021044 + -3212.23025469971 = -530657893.4323591 3302074.780201831 + 5 = 3302079.780201831 72761 + 404797 = 477558 -274751360.9837842 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000274751360.98 -452894 + -238 = -453132 70491.1792804538 + 7269 = 77760.1792804538 194775366662 + 81062239487395.84 = 81257014854057.84 -222525 + 9177631 = 8955106 -13264164087 + 100000000000000.0 = 99986735835913.0 -252029.5894672172 + -690221788682.445 = -690222040712.0344 -9845 + 67033103633.27744 = 67033093788.27744 -8635443.552377718 + -32506.457134577133 = -8667950.009512294 31508823635.269352 + 5493936578.296265 = 37002760213.56561 -5.822410850540249 + 1293.8622524109824 = 1288.039841560442 7525339 + 8968326 = 16493665 -797120 + -19619642272464.93 = -19619643069584.93 147.14384525113007 + 25.966488060539014 = 173.11033331166908 28124 + -78199.86841398785 = -50075.868413987846 -32106681604342.883 + 9101357 = -32106672502985.883 913 + 5 = 918 -79050.03023654912 + 4013.069878156054 = -75036.96035839307 -85771253289887.38 + -5.821972272953451 = -85771253289893.2 -51498.21675106084 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000051498.22 4408.7241083309655 + 482.97921933034854 = 4891.703327661314 165588410932 + 8181041 = 165596591973 -91556.73761589231 + -100000000000000 = -100000000091556.73 6575444615602.711 + 280958048 = 6575725573650.711 47 + -58638974349 = -58638974302 2793979 + -52000841792.487526 = -51998047813.487526 -1784682061.5127983 + 55748 = -1784626313.5127983 926398196650.2063 + 7751196483827 = 8677594680477.206 97543527340 + -12594 = 97543514746 -32844657051 + -97875893533 = -130720550584 4061 + 868175262.6480018 = 868179323.6480018 -5245669842846.684 + 33790660887 = -5211879181959.684 213486053206 + 203145 = 213486256351 28410.142266336006 + -915780.3889492231 = -887370.2466828871 -3226478086972 + 578.4792148286938 = -3226478086393.521 -2747355 + -51361.95334599786 = -2798716.9533459977 29.35685341582146 + 1 = 30.35685341582146 -100000000000000.0 + -18 = -100000000000018.0 593 + 7167885863801 = 7167885864394 -3887019768 + -94956425865.97998 = -98843445633.97998 -42587235 + -94128 = -42681363 684.0336135625728 + -52795 = -52110.96638643743 -6975 + 813708018409.7458 = 813708011434.7458 577250207.0552568 + 3209656708134.791 = 3210233958341.846 -1.060045905732043 + -76.73449814360059 = -77.79454404933263 -4422000 + -28089321961763 = -28089326383763 -91481027934307.94 + 3685874197 = -91477342060110.94 -5831137 + 5188.599319911212 = -5825948.400680088 86541548880292.05 + 179206 = 86541549059498.05 -87521.8085956674 + 29.625654367385838 = -87492.18294130002 850833 + -867918 = -17085 -100000000000000.0 + -85157475087.1373 = -100085157475087.14 5641575553 + 8984875223.77848 = 14626450776.77848 88255897417 + -50016897 = 88205880520 557601090846.1315 + 2717919462.283704 = 560319010308.4152 66.06324195927913 + 429633114.3011649 = 429633180.3644069 102576.91865266503 + -62590 = 39986.91865266503 67394454369 + 6863843397.648248 = 74258297766.64825 -77706.30357181256 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999922293.7 79493 + -1989543984082 = -1989543904589 -78915755259033 + -17465.07212727052 = -78915755276498.08 -251759608761 + -3220431830.833377 = -254980040591.83337 -7723130131 + 95030.22667446602 = -7723035100.773326 3519740077860 + 79 = 3519740077939 7867410.068210242 + 6199251.385188384 = 14066661.453398626 3808.9814435499643 + 82286403636498.53 = 82286403640307.52 2525202411 + 985.6030421517854 = 2525203396.603042 919271922085 + -648401439903 = 270870482182 100000000000000.0 + 738604.9750562228 = 100000000738604.97 -726074.6324250139 + -4111 = -730185.6324250139 949.4868165675985 + -49490 = -48540.5131834324 -66035113592416 + 885847511.213557 = -66034227744904.79 14897172 + -23086874389816.43 = -23086859492644.43 475211351170 + 115.91798068764774 = 475211351285.91797 -305 + 3420 = 3115 56592146348 + 33757231695.258892 = 90349378043.2589 57 + 62851755.18365353 = 62851812.18365353 45367099773218.22 + 1651033479823.305 = 47018133253041.52 98773704497343.53 + 8.747262713636156 = 98773704497352.28 651501.8817384196 + -2813.737355327291 = 648688.1443830924 9 + -6063055955377 = -6063055955368 3719463376 + 130442758 = 3849906134 225523.68998144596 + -9860029 = -9634505.310018554 -5333479644.754548 + -5791851 = -5339271495.754548 2884.5309148040415 + 51698292325723 = 51698292328607.53 -791541750 + 5902350 = -785639400 -7414415180 + -91700480042 = -99114895222 -6191.849513315677 + 708465443157.9132 = 708465436966.0637 20589097177137.973 + 31080786961 = 20620177964098.973 -43805120.067125134 + -202 = -43805322.067125134 -91399113615 + -6216569459964.836 = -6307968573579.836 31455405085.9806 + 441.9525305591055 = 31455405527.93313 31982886.699974447 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999968017113.3 57180 + -64163006.121316284 = -64105826.121316284 -27933735356354 + -78528083 = -27933813884437 388813618.2182158 + 339553063.09530497 = 728366681.3135208 -8.757922649478715 + 336881982760 = 336881982751.24207 3728061 + 766502 = 4494563 444066.9735216211 + 3786511495644.056 = 3786511939711.03 57.59799586157741 + -674.1201319207918 = -616.5221360592144 5447933381 + 2416442475 = 7864375856 -458 + -403433 = -403891 87851467.6173138 + 89288926.89808719 = 177140394.515401 63620 + -713034644.0123625 = -712971024.0123625 -948271316247.481 + -33.72982240076866 = -948271316281.2108 -5681676.823381675 + 62922691.11796324 = 57241014.29458156 66.24340235037741 + 5 = 71.24340235037741 -89680613148 + 4519154379509 = 4429473766361 -7910 + -6 = -7916 2541218768.0754547 + 58084 = 2541276852.0754547 4015092777925 + -624821228.7111516 = 4014467956696.289 100000000000000.0 + 2463.1424001231103 = 100000000002463.14 717.4432843265281 + -44803974 = -44803256.556715675 3455867.177942349 + -47108381 = -43652513.82205765 -1531233494466.734 + -37114 = -1531233531580.734 -7731702879.574853 + -100000000000000 = -100007731702879.58 -56468115 + -39163374696 = -39219842811 -30.196687446841477 + 3790457 = 3790426.803312553 184256929 + 800.6502890553062 = 184257729.65028906 -5081207423042.026 + 2 = -5081207423040.026 -72214 + 7082000795.004544 = 7081928581.004544 23184651316655.0 + -68033125511 = 23116618191144.0 -268955.1375022623 + -34.03955686073492 = -268989.17705912306 -233537.32888088864 + -488255009.80616945 = -488488547.13505036 -1054729.4948276 + 220.33674143904534 = -1054509.158086161 -100000000000000 + -98 = -100000000000098 -9250813 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999990749187.0 33016 + 984504275 = 984537291 116139724.4968795 + -1123749135.3104653 = -1007609410.8135859 3417360262 + -3687 = 3417356575 20280.308200232714 + 859753869 = 859774149.3082002 -125.50034951247696 + 8 = -117.50034951247696 -46672 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000046672.0 27907.313841273764 + 4674490065 = 4674517972.313841 330026.6410406132 + 5400762671.752734 = 5401092698.393775 -22267529170.97484 + -631608.8379558766 = -22268160779.812794 3642986 + 394731.55812006735 = 4037717.558120067 -53857512763.705284 + -87217504077346.31 = -87271361590110.02 6270578.838294922 + 1941897730389.477 = 1941904000968.3154 43323859 + -49.057128046607495 = 43323809.94287195 -1821.3380917538839 + 56566.67686991565 = 54745.33877816177 -858 + -82762 = -83620 -5007625862 + 84318447398 = 79310821536 68436.13879682799 + 649075777.3574736 = 649144213.4962704 63945.56602108103 + 425358.79754410265 = 489304.3635651837 85824.81352269779 + -856.7865394394942 = 84968.0269832583 1701432.457654424 + -8611.115493379111 = 1692821.342161045 -623 + -41208590.986872226 = -41209213.986872226 -79 + 33384504653 = 33384504574 5.0518836846047765 + -5003 = -4997.948116315395 71506.10757769432 + 951179069633.784 = 951179141139.8916 554431270012 + 77337448718.7896 = 631768718730.7896 -4.243885199311389 + -628296393.696006 = -628296397.9398911 -43159214.4985373 + 35911836533 = 35868677318.501465 -3 + -611271160 = -611271163 834105240523 + -7619502.212890717 = 834097621020.7871 -100000000000000.0 + -53146413 = -100000053146413.0 68328717226.72743 + -283110 = 68328434116.72743 -16919.715376000862 + 785.3847277346991 = -16134.330648266163 927017096.4590552 + 7043.305598898704 = 927024139.764654 -100000000000000.0 + -3.702598393913124 = -100000000000003.7 -7007040.635612617 + -100000000000000 = -100000007007040.64 100000000000000.0 + 4242428.540365662 = 100000004242428.55 -36.57322711500392 + 942292.7674317744 = 942256.1942046594 507882401.8144059 + 5371 = 507887772.8144059 7608596.357850317 + -58145331861221.195 = -58145324252624.836 132790340 + -7692377251.4739485 = -7559586911.4739485 -5164122900192.064 + 4627115750097 = -537007150095.06445 -8525.600005096276 + -688.2951242044194 = -9213.895129300696 -354 + -5998 = -6352 5 + 7838 = 7843 -1823982 + -953570 = -2777552 855429.2494068084 + -6887968425.552731 = -6887112996.303324 798648036565.4148 + 28342198565 = 826990235130.4148 -1 + 807517180665.4835 = 807517180664.4835 37818799412437 + -51975660.91455059 = 37818747436776.086 -212 + 51092393794.93597 = 51092393582.93597 -941987788634 + -9 = -941987788643 4026207.313610792 + -1 = 4026206.313610792 -78625497 + -4834160 = -83459657 -64796039.87034017 + -449 = -64796488.87034017 514 + -283064489 = -283063975 -494890365.939226 + 6449 = -494883916.939226 -4878522.176258558 + 67567063 = 62688540.82374144 -626145248157.234 + -8874134 = -626154122291.234 -47.37506579998584 + 881.2562607597856 = 833.8811949597998 8.299264159892358 + -2139727 = -2139718.70073584 -14235 + 36.90121564667987 = -14198.09878435332 -3551954679 + -18 = -3551954697 -812.2776746668457 + 31037156516.96997 = 31037155704.692295 -542.2763927613128 + -2775574018 = -2775574560.276393 9.963194733476115 + -324981105.26355314 = -324981095.3003584 69415086078 + -8625662 = 69406460416 1626655.1579717044 + 12671831046 = 12673457701.157972 94115734233 + -92720235.59200275 = 94023013997.408 -100000000000000.0 + 5171 = -99999999994829.0 -78752068.52240139 + 7 = -78752061.52240139 597656239685 + 397753656678.4744 = 995409896363.4744 100000000000000.0 + 14864157.203698948 = 100000014864157.2 797529476.8150166 + 826667335.1228489 = 1624196811.9378655 15488 + 86155600.0693153 = 86171088.0693153 -611704341507.03 + 9796715.329654995 = -611694544791.7003 100000000000000 + -551915.5482205944 = 99999999448084.45 -9792481938399.523 + -830532131 = -9793312470530.523 25956489054042 + -126753.02944431719 = 25956488927288.97 446.2175621477699 + -82477041103553 = -82477041103106.78 85267 + 977 = 86244 22959602787159 + -14130901829190.152 = 8828700957968.848 462027 + 32723719233923.96 = 32723719695950.96 14 + -67838 = -67824 -90355660099407.39 + -304174.5143331896 = -90355660403581.9 -1498520257 + -2050.8927569954512 = -1498522307.892757 -442422559.9162613 + 73967850366 = 73525427806.08374 -920620 + -7248417.456073566 = -8169037.456073566 -4837720.483885219 + -442377963164 = -442382800884.4839 -40.99582539931765 + 3994.6875720152434 = 3953.6917466159257 -8035574655301 + -94346290398343.81 = -102381865053644.81 977 + 915791057 = 915792034 -7230500280094.802 + 687 = -7230500279407.802 -866532069 + -894.0804043538952 = -866532963.0804044 155474897.48542517 + -3.9809587327066405 = 155474893.50446644 -100000000000000 + 6102574692.541784 = -99993897425307.45 533012415861 + 230229461346 = 763241877207 318516 + 38540084448 = 38540402964 -790153368362.4357 + -798972824.2382116 = -790952341186.6738 6.118464278727197 + -54805886180822.01 = -54805886180815.89 414531237 + -8947 = 414522290 68566228631437.69 + -5546 = 68566228625891.69 259 + -97554566056.0552 = -97554565797.0552 -34399773.589962244 + 7476333653240 = 7476299253466.41 282268440.7780134 + -474395493 = -192127052.2219866 -100000000000000.0 + -8592.9892889193 = -100000000008592.98 -6614159563.222637 + 230.58513945167988 = -6614159332.637498 -948344449 + -89055.12122241154 = -948433504.1212224 -12178654147521 + -984236557.4390748 = -12179638384078.44 291593.8392390755 + 4381584038917.385 = 4381584330511.224 -67.5206894666068 + -517043855139.11536 = -517043855206.63605 59.23654615179279 + 962158518292 = 962158518351.2366 5818850533 + -96084573174574.55 = -96078754324041.55 -596 + 4089165802528.4844 = 4089165801932.4844 -94.99614730282701 + -4881189158523.771 = -4881189158618.768 -6824375724 + 75976150 = -6748399574 457246142 + 4036040820 = 4493286962 -567.5442367145661 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000567.55 -84208.25754585363 + -9139737 = -9223945.257545853 -741466414 + -4 = -741466418 -3 + -508154.13685664895 = -508157.13685664895 -56740956099 + -81020.34506712065 = -56741037119.34507 -2879607850 + 54 = -2879607796 -100000000000000 + 1600550595.6168752 = -99998399449404.39 -18987 + 70563083342 = 70563064355 -50176 + 1405403.6977681366 = 1355227.6977681366 -666521.0214761948 + -100000000000000 = -100000000666521.02 -818 + 978796 = 977978 241 + -99193580.90370455 = -99193339.90370455 91629177619961 + -231881 = 91629177388080 1 + -369 = -368 53638104485046 + 381434663570.51276 = 54019539148616.516 832795337993.4894 + -49451 = 832795288542.4894 30869423755881.0 + -7938 = 30869423747943.0 98382045746687.8 + 40523071 = 98382086269758.8 -40966.695290231546 + 830 = -40136.695290231546 531526174 + -213 = 531525961 -4828573359 + 68 = -4828573291 1582631985.1276894 + 3873.994266295272 = 1582635859.1219556 -4905104890034 + 100000000000000 = 95094895109966 22550575 + -7151731260 = -7129180685 612.9865407173647 + 686914809 = 686915421.9865407 40310819479 + 319624491 = 40630443970 100000000000000.0 + -200359514645.50272 = 99799640485354.5 -6697.732940008317 + 7585340671.122688 = 7585333973.389749 -100000000000000 + -74 = -100000000000074 95051.04646659401 + -801.9485802439157 = 94249.0978863501 -26179525579.133423 + -791 = -26179526370.133423 615214.3963201833 + 2630 = 617844.3963201833 26011 + -6019627011.396871 = -6019601000.396871 65626104728 + -221055113189 = -155429008461 -4230925 + 8774414.504161458 = 4543489.504161458 -6068.369530143286 + -1 = -6069.369530143286 94 + -27000135.064900905 = -27000041.064900905 -1366642 + 463679970 = 462313328 -1814.4964180327354 + 96881983124.54782 = 96881981310.0514 321123233 + -22922298726.286102 = -22601175493.286102 990277471 + -862536790 = 127740681 -5400586.189352024 + -610.9539749196558 = -5401197.143326944 -1606902279 + -761070914 = -2367973193 77603.6980406623 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000077603.7 251 + 467854295 = 467854546 -7836656807 + -8.956082601536629 = -7836656815.956082 -32111.493637648266 + -191.14500325482868 = -32302.638640903093 -9347.316940363513 + -4647.338145433645 = -13994.655085797158 4019916 + 53260237.93373629 = 57280153.93373629 86.31491705371864 + -5826177014655.044 = -5826177014568.7295 -81883433 + -1157545084 = -1239428517 -30696798255129 + -3087 = -30696798258216 702325.0660925508 + -7388234860192.478 = -7388234157867.411 66650865424.82394 + 6047638.749083957 = 66656913063.57302 -734263986 + 44148501 = -690115485 -9912806.217438368 + 81413593927.28668 = 81403681121.06924 -956419177924 + 67931903 = -956351246021 73140924462094.67 + -18721.873182811585 = 73140924443372.8 6792745082251.923 + 1407802427.3825247 = 6794152884679.306 9 + 3674068751315 = 3674068751324 -5062982881801.199 + -100000000000000 = -105062982881801.2 -533 + 85756143.10428254 = 85755610.10428254 126614650 + -9385802.052901164 = 117228847.94709884 -5548203703.612085 + -31186 = -5548234889.612085 -828143.8696902196 + 9 = -828134.8696902196 -10 + -1.1170118386085255 = -11.117011838608526 736393985066 + -100000000000000.0 = -99263606014934.0 508054514008 + -1934.550204868107 = 508054512073.44977 7041661532 + 420.1808408311322 = 7041661952.1808405 969831171250 + -586156.6650019253 = 969830585093.335 1495179679651.1133 + 43.41090407679886 = 1495179679694.5242 -29450892.957060628 + 100000000000000 = 99999970549107.05 346962.157286059 + -9140820 = -8793857.84271394 76.2149607724802 + -750 = -673.7850392275197 8106825304208.986 + -100000000000000 = -91893174695791.02 -6017536.657770615 + 3751 = -6013785.657770615 2.74554468247548 + -21827025062114.617 = -21827025062111.87 54745569.13171312 + 93505479352233 = 93505534097802.12 32336851.75780689 + 250743725.61884505 = 283080577.37665194 -29934917640370.586 + 97891902892067.58 = 67956985251696.99 -26922746882.11687 + -45046397050 = -71969143932.11687 -69729275.21731646 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000069729275.22 -62 + 901872412 = 901872350 -6466293.780831686 + 153042277584 = 153035811290.21918 423331954867.39813 + -5682727 = 423326272140.39813 8 + 7368 = 7376 9711657 + 836 = 9712493 833.3051701347117 + 89284388820522.3 = 89284388821355.61 -91226959727836.47 + -41554604 = -91227001282440.47 -60961215 + -161220 = -61122435 8097 + 55420561096409.69 = 55420561104506.69 -158 + 54 = -104 643.0555618025878 + 3339114503760.233 = 3339114504403.2886 5963.569526911637 + 7490186917436 = 7490186923399.569 70821 + -70637461428.17566 = -70637390607.17566 -91054452915593 + 921344891913.959 = -90133108023679.05 6764934511.890514 + 8467787 = 6773402298.890514 100000000000000 + -79 = 99999999999921 25381569524727.734 + -66576347012 = 25314993177715.734 83544576002944 + 860945453.5854506 = 83545436948397.58 5307.516656714189 + 7809523011 = 7809528318.516657 6445962940.5491905 + -980067604846.9952 = -973621641906.446 203302988 + -2259779.292636431 = 201043208.70736358 100000000000000 + 8096600.122122264 = 100000008096600.12 -73782630540803 + -16.98871076062884 = -73782630540819.98 100000000000000.0 + -20194 = 99999999979806.0 -74680.562019854 + 827.2507911494139 = -73853.31122870458 -63258694 + -7192745732123 = -7192808990817 4407672.081109738 + 233.90442872037724 = 4407905.985538458 3461295334.7045236 + -5717471996721.443 = -5714010701386.739 -527714.6777688307 + -321079.4529332905 = -848794.1307021212 872000.8952531386 + 920842.3493763403 = 1792843.244629479 -4706672756021.789 + -5 = -4706672756026.789 1818305038921 + 3981866389273.029 = 5800171428194.029 -73146333019 + -255 = -73146333274 -6817254514709 + -100000000000000 = -106817254514709 8654076231111 + 82695 = 8654076313806 607597 + -73808232 = -73200635 84739.12721378404 + -112554 = -27814.872786215958 32 + -8305666.601445419 = -8305634.601445419 -100000000000000.0 + 9844925400 = -99990155074600.0 -3050269 + 236791 = -2813478 -6379335303304 + 673764309553.6714 = -5705570993750.328 -450 + 241208911 = 241208461 51172629142.15599 + 331299.4346335047 = 51172960441.59062 -582599466720 + 3025.6716140002954 = -582599463694.3284 -462077957.8558099 + -9964569322778 = -9965031400735.855 42.33908275114777 + 49215 = 49257.33908275115 3.5241980119574414 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999996.47 -424087 + 791395180.9339405 = 790971093.9339405 -5887599799.034861 + -35842783 = -5923442582.034861 8631950548.113716 + 3106648041796 = 3115279992344.114 3949.2211945397344 + -67046315970288.125 = -67046315966338.91 -9716934061096 + -48437.8902137427 = -9716934109533.89 3922348006438.95 + 55469679084.962555 = 3977817685523.9126 -50792 + 87662096581 = 87662045789 -177363596882 + -90 = -177363596972 -54770.99462254936 + -169 = -54939.99462254936 -35433464 + -99680985858888.02 = -99681021292352.02 5164203655 + -100000000000000.0 = -99994835796345.0 798808888976.6498 + 77580163921901.56 = 78378972810878.22 -27911 + 329967.4613503241 = 302056.4613503241 -6934169246.665771 + 236653206 = -6697516040.665771 3339796445764.4736 + 3641 = 3339796449405.4736 6170654243507.873 + 2462917 = 6170656706424.873 6991.836667304282 + -71608423.04394108 = -71601431.20727378 -5636642032.903037 + -11.147468762024538 = -5636642044.050506 -920871 + -833897.2735530378 = -1754768.2735530378 25985 + 79 = 26064 69967 + -80133173 = -80063206 9410505 + -850 = 9409655 -969.4824247318381 + 5.24450674751362 = -964.2379179843246 2 + 50989.68768436336 = 50991.68768436336 14.786280125486087 + -7013101 = -7013086.213719875 30665545225414 + -1117514 = 30665544107900 25312951504905.03 + 8940340634330.988 = 34253292139236.02 8729167771.289955 + -4374912 = 8724792859.289955 1950.1477456366806 + 31 = 1981.1477456366806 -34128031392247 + 510566289827 = -33617465102420 -1070.9092034172681 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999998929.1 -51041677657 + 4 = -51041677653 -188.4211000991398 + 194252634 = 194252445.5788999 5652762986373.57 + 95294618349479.88 = 100947381335853.44 -584557736141.0046 + 14 = -584557736127.0046 -6820.127878482585 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000006820.12 -51292.810053099034 + 87434476 = 87383183.1899469 857.6061603825424 + 6031.896123624525 = 6889.502284007067 -70526.32154130194 + 60465496 = 60394969.6784587 9558765.706206845 + -676797327046.669 = -676787768280.9628 45805201607537.69 + -44232616.74552961 = 45805157374920.945 6592476551.074164 + -3183480342216 = -3176887865664.926 405 + 7056.950718410147 = 7461.950718410147 480049.3251379694 + 1929279809057 = 1929280289106.3252 -1 + -3642421185149.5596 = -3642421185150.5596 -7717.678874845005 + -187027 = -194744.678874845 -24883176181755 + -23121660.22773982 = -24883199303415.227 554124814 + -9670322453.620823 = -9116197639.620823 -7438443.492004334 + -515361059672 = -515368498115.492 4442703.250975833 + -44 = 4442659.250975833 1 + -23175398 = -23175397 -218022.9036180224 + 10038364 = 9820341.096381977 6450448 + -880530.2108016721 = 5569917.789198328 -6 + -179 = -185 -188047.8281280445 + -6798127 = -6986174.8281280445 -314195 + -670737 = -984932 4.114715552947504 + 80756423528587.02 = 80756423528591.12 -40 + 58652027.656053394 = 58651987.656053394 8699504504741 + 3577947711 = 8703082452452 -492609302056.2972 + 18897356.289538965 = -492590404700.0076 985034821 + 660127496406.4436 = 661112531227.4436 31294294894588 + -626499.1671936571 = 31294294268088.832 647052867084 + -386 = 647052866698 -100000000000000.0 + 938.3333441859321 = -99999999999061.67 413 + -99225225492218 = -99225225491805 -477561711.97121686 + -883626643866 = -884104205577.9712 349 + -776 = -427 8027833881823 + -71364080779810 = -63336246897987 972021913.2629224 + -5 = 972021908.2629224 -4053471 + -61576415.82977708 = -65629886.82977708 100000000000000.0 + -71093976.53683451 = 99999928906023.47 -4248730 + -5 = -4248735 3676806167056 + -2 = 3676806167054 -7956.6087991858585 + 7055764.237496293 = 7047807.628697108 -9527106029.00934 + -91068574624.48528 = -100595680653.49461 5935115533.6690855 + -4547 = 5935110986.6690855 -400025 + -83.23504884623154 = -400108.2350488462 -67271418410 + 25 = -67271418385 -820582917491 + -683796407191.3318 = -1504379324682.3318 272103722.22644013 + -89921886301255 = -89921614197532.78 -201905247 + 8594786050 = 8392880803 166711 + -7108677.238534025 = -6941966.238534025 904377 + -100000000000000 = -99999999095623 -5930958155256 + 9906 = -5930958145350 6607425 + -778898 = 5828527 45.01090287859324 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999954.98 -289 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999711 23929788 + -79928.02936307302 = 23849859.970636927 -75 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000075.0 54.70791744314229 + 21 = 75.70791744314229 -4 + 861 = 857 98 + -80150005016 = -80150004918 3.4378680301053093 + -6470752.351067728 = -6470748.913199699 -548515600 + 9355310898414 = 9354762382814 100000000000000 + -41038223 = 99999958961777 -8 + 60082761363456.36 = 60082761363448.36 -733143912248 + -10506884610229.715 = -11240028522477.715 -4218857011 + 9815349182910 = 9811130325899 100000000000000.0 + -363679.4469741527 = 99999999636320.55 -90286197 + 83969437.4620024 = -6316759.537997603 6 + 15 = 21 613830210424 + -82152784066.87308 = 531677426357.12695 100000000000000 + 1735916899.9714642 = 100001735916899.97 404354086.01441425 + -7232 = 404346854.01441425 -519 + -46768212.47319803 = -46768731.47319803 100000000000000.0 + -34.13389707284203 = 99999999999965.86 -35783194211 + 869648 = -35782324563 -625217.686337245 + -739 = -625956.686337245 656990290597 + 5250784069984.768 = 5907774360581.768 -2.2308154672237515 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999997.77 -100000000000000 + 10 = -99999999999990 -3607996648269 + -100000000000000.0 = -103607996648269.0 -35608 + -711869.7999194108 = -747477.7999194108 -6620973624 + 43235556839119.47 = 43228935865495.47 40401263.05082622 + 623982.9674251901 = 41025246.01825141 -46553683741 + 45031.62468076815 = -46553638709.37532 -3803112533220.7305 + -3.4002389297198925 = -3803112533224.131 43941470.61073955 + 41748247256.30083 = 41792188726.91157 34054689 + 3207660582 = 3241715271 62.5091529023649 + -60240783505966.516 = -60240783505904.01 37267576.638087556 + 424300.1490612859 = 37691876.78714884 -186458 + -8338584665 = -8338771123 -1823512.1535191382 + -8023500783902.344 = -8023502607414.497 743231824.2325932 + 1.081286758287029 = 743231825.31388 100000000000000 + 23197 = 100000000023197 9 + 554412.3934312763 = 554421.3934312763 738935460134.8086 + 358293 = 738935818427.8086 -62099763801584 + 313498857077 = -61786264944507 -561302.3990573853 + 8855 = -552447.3990573853 -92098775341474.9 + 2652591 = -92098772688883.9 52 + 36 = 88 22451 + -244629627 = -244607176 2787271213 + 9105 = 2787280318 386009532 + 369134748.72567964 = 755144280.7256796 6678323 + 28900792271 = 28907470594 -27841339127011.977 + 7.712662940949708 = -27841339127004.266 -6086055.150871865 + 307 = -6085748.150871865 -9.073109034228706 + -8136321503 = -8136321512.073109 -730.1621897399223 + 391218339 = 391217608.8378103 100000000000000.0 + 43687.193206048876 = 100000000043687.19 -73168662369 + 93115.61326700034 = -73168569253.38673 7061.477005989979 + 8691514184 = 8691521245.477007 3414952 + -870933.9532863484 = 2544018.0467136516 -83641.93957209836 + -91948709.47300965 = -92032351.41258174 8941159913506.812 + -794334273604.9414 = 8146825639901.871 32257 + 219949083803.2404 = 219949116060.2404 35352938576.26091 + 5070223805967.691 = 5105576744543.952 -924.5448379270339 + -1718.4336277977604 = -2642.978465724794 22265 + -346438156963.9844 = -346438134698.9844 13070674 + 624903.4100403145 = 13695577.410040315 -100000000000000 + -80960 = -100000000080960 854335803373.3179 + 293444610 = 854629247983.3179 -43035918 + 1414027802651.3047 = 1413984766733.3047 2900692526572 + -83 = 2900692526489 931531 + 441470058.9744874 = 442401589.9744874 89370.61261527425 + -57 = 89313.61261527425 -100000000000000 + 875378442867 = -99124621557133 77 + 34781633461 = 34781633538 60777366014 + 9253891.186649602 = 60786619905.18665 -602.1835063150854 + -719719746484 = -719719747086.1835 -3469208.1231304547 + -63346691 = -66815899.123130456 -213143764647.40582 + -3484027283.872597 = -216627791931.2784 -117948517975.65894 + 74733459.6567645 = -117873784516.00217 -632963.2742607956 + 8753981288232.523 = 8753980655269.249 -1609406521649 + 2549729945127 = 940323423478 6132412 + 9107397851312.928 = 9107403983724.928 -53017677389.06434 + 9609502338648.652 = 9556484661259.588 -350.7234949646394 + 74 = -276.7234949646394 -49 + 31752.99992016685 = 31703.99992016685 -45242339361.860916 + 48161060286657 = 48115817947295.14 -8102298 + -35.65181661672564 = -8102333.651816617 12035843567 + -100000000000000 = -99987964156433 6283863 + 24142 = 6308005 258334668.84921473 + -19 = 258334649.84921473 -14970946.800185628 + 9.81524017690925 = -14970936.984945452 470116997830 + -4800826 = 470112197004 682577.6968294329 + 12320126915538.14 = 12320127598115.838 25481678767866 + -100000000000000 = -74518321232134 2571253560.2589355 + -7013807581 = -4442554020.741064 748235778 + 90523445652600.14 = 90524193888378.14 3 + -71341178100 = -71341178097 -18387723340241 + -7055 = -18387723347296 -1403698217.521425 + -3112936857391.1875 = -3114340555608.709 -106397313.42055735 + -100000000000000 = -100000106397313.42 -650987660308 + -525362122576.147 = -1176349782884.147 64967.57190668141 + 6200532958 = 6200597925.571907 -52.634830516006254 + -3827.2541156098246 = -3879.888946125831 7363.345310522536 + -7.17901338110611 = 7356.16629714143 -20425969.116335884 + -29802171 = -50228140.116335884 -89180504302.10753 + 8477873591523 = 8388693087220.893 484878712184.08765 + 2 = 484878712186.08765 -8073456882 + -2908821607528 = -2916895064410 -923621736.4209496 + -4382169945 = -5305791681.42095 -7822984354.413274 + -8164877473958 = -8172700458312.413 100000000000000 + -9865602.428818053 = 99999990134397.58 -5787 + -911998 = -917785 100000000000000 + 73429992.98384924 = 100000073429992.98 -794.3988464328366 + 62.25275614779123 = -732.1460902850454 25392 + 976092997455.44 = 976093022847.44 4430809.350552278 + -113.24042839505474 = 4430696.110123883 5723756 + -257 = 5723499 -2450 + -561 = -3011 -33129629 + 89 = -33129540 -4054034.445019632 + -6.435919078240603 = -4054040.88093871 -3096 + -100000000000000 = -100000000003096 -844491265 + 9406073 = -835085192 -773489253670.895 + -6938803 = -773496192473.895 -17682.039555254858 + -3006 = -20688.039555254858 -57 + 856426651586.1937 = 856426651529.1937 189248892.55192032 + -66780702 = 122468190.55192032 75903048224 + -4 = 75903048220 -47510041161761 + -8903511.01200091 = -47510050065272.016 -2699794 + 534 = -2699260 26226272709142.414 + -2.719419278969378 = 26226272709139.695 980503783 + -792402143.5335526 = 188101639.46644735 -2008954292 + 100000000000000 = 99997991045708 -39 + -568564939 = -568564978 538.7774418988956 + 8297995 = 8298533.777441899 -100000000000000 + 9719357.03906686 = -99999990280642.95 -8441.552311946776 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000008441.55 -630200192879 + -49092.30651936045 = -630200241971.3065 283106273255.5667 + 9556770624776.035 = 9839876898031.602 -81867615 + 956330180.4622008 = 874462565.4622008 -62131.76034032457 + 1243548.3661549187 = 1181416.605814594 -935 + 77359.26335013406 = 76424.26335013406 -13566330694.009266 + -672 = -13566331366.009266 4477557 + -42408 = 4435149 -8178671113.843297 + -100000000000000 = -100008178671113.84 -379711.0761958786 + 2047476.1378282565 = 1667765.0616323778 -797484581521.711 + -9391029967.765045 = -806875611489.4761 -58194582 + -643125647234 = -643183841816 3474541.3723276705 + -32 = 3474509.3723276705 -53604.230186550725 + -65996 = -119600.23018655073 -89097.65523103041 + -4588 = -93685.65523103041 -99303818966 + 1607 = -99303817359 6109077925.080216 + 5376087304 = 11485165229.080215 737789.4826490406 + -5902 = 731887.4826490406 683058886.2455444 + -585598649996.304 = -584915591110.0583 -100000000000000.0 + -544.1597944702755 = -100000000000544.16 3.194272146699368 + 8.565186464030733 = 11.7594586107301 -1 + 37 = 36 9001865027920.137 + -42 = 9001865027878.137 5 + 18 = 23 100000000000000 + -63838692.43896059 = 99999936161307.56 608045.0418581422 + 5.69620226613327 = 608050.7380604084 487001.3723250519 + -287264546966.84924 = -287264059965.4769 -5001098 + -399.901945321201 = -5001497.901945321 -9 + 4.4152913814614205 = -4.5847086185385795 5368408857207 + -80111 = 5368408777096 -115 + 190 = 75 -74183534295828.06 + 887137.5449579679 = -74183533408690.52 93739057245754 + 85296571 = 93739142542325 1082046658 + 464382.3592269584 = 1082511040.359227 -34.595602445702355 + 4706312 = 4706277.404397555 -210918028 + -409.50221749735846 = -210918437.5022175 -6 + 77.94678716678125 = 71.94678716678125 -5861175451172 + -9.266317698529164 = -5861175451181.267 89960715 + -46889.353325252196 = 89913825.64667475 752 + -71.47733328041689 = 680.5226667195831 249024039267.5134 + -1234890111 = 247789149156.5134 -71443124.65277708 + 236315711089 = 236244267964.34723 159 + 408127984 = 408128143 -67589073966.910164 + -100000000000000.0 = -100067589073966.9 -5143438394920.691 + 5941 = -5143438388979.691 249124.71514611325 + 100000000000000 = 100000000249124.72 -4385 + -13833775.220397327 = -13838160.220397327 -92289776417902.48 + -83.50346426634898 = -92289776417985.98 -100000000000000.0 + -196 = -100000000000196.0 -18004 + 298 = -17706 79299224245 + -883626363486 = -804327139241 -69259 + 522.0969581634117 = -68736.90304183659 997054.1028332631 + -293 = 996761.1028332631 8964616226 + -237314.49627732072 = 8964378911.503723 -13.925679441084728 + -230.16029450413527 = -244.08597394522 949619110.4237324 + -823628.3210890698 = 948795482.1026434 -10923819741 + -920805367.5614756 = -11844625108.561476 -189523.69856164686 + 67493904632 = 67493715108.30144 -570056094.0606122 + -718273322.2821802 = -1288329416.3427925 -632372 + -24153865814.577698 = -24154498186.577698 96962984.49217606 + 8.129619960166321 = 96962992.62179601 -4060687 + -790163.2855552592 = -4850850.285555259 -1546522 + -882 = -1547404 -9597740574113.473 + 372139326693.98535 = -9225601247419.488 -32537325367445 + 969599710398.0741 = -31567725657046.926 8391540059.098828 + 91192.67576834868 = 8391631251.774596 948.2621199510403 + 579052154 = 579053102.26212 -474298479250.0705 + -100000000000000 = -100474298479250.08 3002189871709 + -29 = 3002189871680 -227441297010 + 2433074 = -227438863936 71516.388059969 + -100000000000000 = -99999999928483.61 7080.925757458407 + -26703972607453 = -26703972600372.074 24439 + -1 = 24438 -4878.925373624106 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000004878.92 761.3877451010495 + -28429440863081.97 = -28429440862320.582 104640795735 + -6561447 = 104634234288 -36959851466568 + 94848421708640.75 = 57888570242072.75 98529.44760213797 + -79456434899929 = -79456434801399.55 -61.43388096304045 + -74271 = -74332.43388096304 58094 + 569152868075 = 569152926169 -345193.6266994411 + 127259.71503912684 = -217933.91166031428 -100000000000000 + 8955352416164 = -91044647583836 -100000000000000.0 + 1966 = -99999999998034.0 -100000000000000.0 + 1155889307 = -99998844110693.0 -97112450164.38306 + -37917365120577.09 = -38014477570741.48 -7966.052653546401 + 1 = -7965.052653546401 -920522047867 + 765 = -920522047102 622527478 + 41 = 622527519 8745061622688.633 + -673.3354043894049 = 8745061622015.298 -30847984 + -17042188 = -47890172 -910183766493.1643 + -1824574440388.5122 = -2734758206881.677 -92957781 + 72228193118 = 72135235337 -64427272.350936204 + -830584083 = -895011355.3509362 -714811.7116544357 + -211 = -715022.7116544357 82 + 27.101445391069998 = 109.10144539107 -100000000000000 + 774203 = -99999999225797 -983636854316.1862 + 414 = -983636853902.1862 -7549054 + 239571836.59140113 = 232022782.59140113 1926.6923753857388 + 193.8649197902186 = 2120.5572951759573 8685974 + -54494752481.79488 = -54486066507.79488 -100000000000000.0 + 3877267.65017494 = -99999996122732.34 -100000000000000 + -7730432937978.375 = -107730432937978.38 4 + 8.600473449543879 = 12.600473449543879 -285849624115 + -9453241330789 = -9739090954904 -47679132035 + -149.12130184266542 = -47679132184.1213 16385300.591058288 + -986303.1370434028 = 15398997.454014884 -4 + -9.570541360032836 = -13.570541360032836 -3155 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999996845.0 846757217712.2697 + 2463494383351 = 3310251601063.2695 -8928 + 129075920 = 129066992 49070694.051388115 + 9.96265449604987 = 49070704.01404261 5.550620469089729 + -439171684570 = -439171684564.4494 -16240199.721708024 + 89563739744 = 89547499544.27829 -6764 + -76895905889823.81 = -76895905896587.81 -8922152 + -347881.7205915174 = -9270033.720591517 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -6.35900130410744 + -778561041422 = -778561041428.359 7409 + -249575.3731413686 = -242166.3731413686 8974 + -89259839 = -89250865 35933846058329 + 9804536858768 = 45738382917097 44047795 + 287.36827154921025 = 44048082.36827155 -3850145.496009694 + -98367.08591912947 = -3948512.5819288236 7574261906422.266 + 144964 = 7574262051386.266 100000000000000 + 563 = 100000000000563 870261646353.4033 + -64762719 = 870196883634.4033 6118567 + -2 = 6118565 -4613546745 + 23605980213 = 18992433468 -2657669328.269841 + -78448144631.39297 = -81105813959.66281 8817877600662 + -90701540.17431504 = 8817786899121.826 -711025328059 + -831094983640.8828 = -1542120311699.8828 -721137897979.4908 + 16459.401365794998 = -721137881520.0895 -6502951.106075277 + -66851583.13206844 = -73354534.23814371 100000000000000 + -1.950745089934899 = 99999999999998.05 -100000000000000 + 5266827000.279215 = -99994733172999.72 -699959962.9139692 + 644 = -699959318.9139692 -233837279.83980334 + 100000000000000 = 99999766162720.16 -191555792.78722996 + -3807995.381656249 = -195363788.1688862 -185799883.95778263 + -6 = -185799889.95778263 434.95544636752953 + 5013048511534.268 = 5013048511969.223 -953.0937706974743 + -50 = -1003.0937706974743 -17418689301867.262 + 70638699410444.34 = 53220010108577.08 -81.48743654340345 + -22995553 = -22995634.487436544 -6748692770.882989 + -6504341433 = -13253034203.882988 234779016.25326282 + 944449533867.1427 = 944684312883.396 822508373.481501 + -83703929040 = -82881420666.5185 9211162.68166985 + 16573202852702.021 = 16573212063864.703 -2115 + 98128674820720 = 98128674818605 35947507324.38707 + -760924827 = 35186582497.38707 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -90781.11625685806 + -3 = -90784.11625685806 4065911108 + 34582691215910.65 = 34586757127018.65 -391985700.9238483 + 3909998481.8186855 = 3518012780.8948374 -21914448874 + 100000000000000 = 99978085551126 3822 + -40939.07008595411 = -37117.07008595411 -1426529266565 + 286 = -1426529266279 373752 + -19896585050996.164 = -19896584677244.164 66127164.036498025 + 2832 = 66129996.036498025 5136852429.167613 + 6778732199.281744 = 11915584628.449356 -7637193748547.448 + 7474705269.651221 = -7629719043277.797 555.0800701687714 + -845.8512807986683 = -290.7712106298969 -5262.515673589352 + 94057984.90468113 = 94052722.38900754 -3489082 + 367833339544 = 367829850462 82233 + -41714506227 = -41714423994 86 + 865349041060 = 865349041146 5942158.990685485 + 88053611.97451816 = 93995770.96520364 813196 + 258172890.59791997 = 258986086.59791997 92914459788936 + 4477.353091391133 = 92914459793413.36 67497277827 + -6760 = 67497271067 47436 + 87330797973 = 87330845409 4788067.640024575 + 3 = 4788070.640024575 -99239 + 35088568679 = 35088469440 -41553039 + 73096772 = 31543733 97272140597100.97 + -63092083131.5982 = 97209048513969.38 -22923289907878.51 + 78051066017453 = 55127776109574.484 85001570.00825422 + -72101316 = 12900254.008254215 687 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999313.0 -4738370830.860189 + 995455 = -4737375375.860189 -4431 + -715010742400 = -715010746831 4250938.221239384 + -631137372496 = -631133121557.7788 821097 + -93 = 821004 100000000000000.0 + -91.71317562133687 = 99999999999908.28 -5 + -1.5853675686751134 = -6.585367568675114 1760112741.0553982 + -299 = 1760112442.0553982 57422178676.05413 + -33438979158.493927 = 23983199517.560204 -100000000000000.0 + -54.13285941076771 = -100000000000054.14 -97668144.37645048 + 2 = -97668142.37645048 -682715 + -34932722516476.76 = -34932723199191.76 403807.61013325513 + -7788033439.901963 = -7787629632.29183 1240 + 3996061.102778901 = 3997301.102778901 -93963211655990 + 4 = -93963211655986 184213441.38619643 + 100000000000000 = 100000184213441.39 -94512.69977703966 + -631621482050 = -631621576562.6998 -4.800868707951388 + 836.7736683823796 = 831.9727996744282 100000000000000 + -6767615921 = 99993232384079 55 + -640.8081145850516 = -585.8081145850516 -708776455 + -21553 = -708798008 36747810.11239832 + 16647139480113.379 = 16647176227923.492 -56569479940019 + -257 = -56569479940276 934438594523.6469 + 883267159 = 935321861682.6469 -8 + -51443167735679 = -51443167735687 64437230900825.82 + -566158493.125405 = 64436664742332.695 1251.1044796963552 + -100000000000000 = -99999999998748.89 22772533 + 94448.58989956538 = 22866981.589899566 -8.021258253934338 + 9162 = 9153.978741746065 5 + -1273660218 = -1273660213 6.824934748850792 + 2.474895610750683 = 9.299830359601476 -2.0611721608183466 + 53.06473950286221 = 51.003567342043866 -100000000000000 + -58039046 = -100000058039046 -355.4078901918365 + 9208.400456607455 = 8852.992566415618 -429176.5909300711 + -83.02314634922568 = -429259.6140764203 547879311460 + -41179150481894.36 = -40631271170434.36 8 + -508.57255479556926 = -500.57255479556926 75134.23659123243 + 49956606901 = 49956682035.23659 85807180019470.56 + -423735258226.8067 = 85383444761243.75 -5841911949 + 2438311119565.042 = 2432469207616.042 3730 + -1056409378375 = -1056409374645 -1869204233707.8381 + -1581 = -1869204235288.8381 -1296686962159.3472 + 676.6011227186302 = -1296686961482.746 514671785 + -9306204 = 505365581 -75189815428.35269 + -429206220171 = -504396035599.35266 -4342459749909.071 + -2126869884332.8833 = -6469329634241.954 -2609447073 + 688738 = -2608758335 8350025513 + -245.85661954309472 = 8350025267.14338 -100000000000000 + 2.753898892928532 = -99999999999997.25 715586975 + 9794903737 = 10510490712 -7106061292 + -6287234183887 = -6294340245179 -98283 + 31 = -98252 -7275176 + -456 = -7275632 883004.7333757001 + -3992251851551.6245 = -3992250968546.891 508539977388.94794 + 661.2110490437991 = 508539978050.159 -375927358 + 51468814850.64719 = 51092887492.64719 58015155848.062904 + 894487283 = 58909643131.062904 4413650826.526913 + -1 = 4413650825.526913 -572341.2876748891 + 90251539565690.02 = 90251538993348.73 -97514 + 374133399.525138 = 374035885.525138 44.97765313675101 + -191197801.82887772 = -191197756.85122457 -459 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999541.0 75575207679 + 8.35903252197117 = 75575207687.35904 -744475194 + 42945 = -744432249 -87441 + 231010 = 143569 -100000000000000.0 + -91 = -100000000000091.0 68145621 + 332580288 = 400725909 7586200624 + 76565493.01479286 = 7662766117.014792 -8.82079898630586 + 433923888.17415357 = 433923879.3533546 3995510028 + 991541566.4462718 = 4987051594.446272 -100000000000000 + -9561141519.18173 = -100009561141519.19 1228206048.1174111 + -35110 = 1228170938.1174111 -203463756.95710015 + -934205 = -204397961.95710015 -927.5047202225463 + 8338366 = 8337438.495279778 -6.446040503894161 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000006.45 -848414 + 4502904442 = 4502056028 2452630.31257084 + 25847221026410 = 25847223479040.312 -24568.608935473407 + -90716.32606655074 = -115284.93500202414 -80.45036525710293 + 74206004723.31326 = 74206004642.8629 -61.85982311089487 + 103.4661625527442 = 41.60633944184932 -4271611418555 + -100000000000000.0 = -104271611418555.0 777384.4566117037 + 1485362399939 = 1485363177323.4565 -100000000000000.0 + 117889006 = -99999882110994.0 100000000000000.0 + -4 = 99999999999996.0 -5144251562 + -6510893 = -5150762455 100000000000000.0 + 3.9213010919765665 = 100000000000003.92 599.8688781976423 + -46937106793296 = -46937106792696.13 -520 + -2566767388367.157 = -2566767388887.157 9718995218 + -77463344858312.7 = -77453625863094.7 158340793753.75684 + 269013855501.53595 = 427354649255.2928 15654.338935709899 + -27340482368 = -27340466713.661064 763014104567.3173 + 9334536.82169997 = 763023439104.1389 3407695637696 + -968743462.4471244 = 3406726894233.5527 -217621705990 + 13.834271222512626 = -217621705976.16574 -921079261 + -18301487578135 = -18302408657396 100000000000000.0 + -5983473 = 99999994016527.0 615734.5508943301 + 86600423317 = 86601039051.55089 87474128001.85692 + -51 = 87474127950.85692 3675904700 + -140198587 = 3535706113 45.890288454414005 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000045.89 61107818122511 + -2222034991.4525905 = 61105596087519.55 83135984335955 + -1731268.2192383844 = 83135982604686.78 -7409 + 6836136313646 = 6836136306237 -568331861428 + -385598 = -568332247026 29666364573 + 85042052.5654945 = 29751406625.565495 100000000000000 + -94938984457 = 99905061015543 6135531 + -100000000000000 = -99999993864469 -649985724.4795338 + 25109.67238759075 = -649960614.8071462 466071 + -7701585269620 = -7701584803549 5350114648482 + 71233938.94709949 = 5350185882420.947 8379153828 + 61 = 8379153889 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 956269628010 + 973882352286.8755 = 1930151980296.8755 -361982.31005366414 + -10 = -361992.31005366414 -714.0197913464237 + 20871407 = 20870692.980208654 476.7658065911914 + -7342949.761449136 = -7342472.995642545 -872646180.8506258 + -542728504.3014212 = -1415374685.152047 23.00778565812252 + 6904074355.084252 = 6904074378.092038 -178 + 41.17694765103429 = -136.82305234896572
29793984305894.023 + 8469577.472916692 = 29793992775471.496 4899 + -53218261630.88603 = -53218256731.88603 -5766693197 + 100000000000000 = 99994233306803 989112613514.3374 + -10399829043 = 978712784471.3374 -2715395540.8898954 + -493736609724.064 = -496452005264.9539 1.8419918284701806 + 3518373866752.6367 = 3518373866754.4785 731447.6683201722 + -4 = 731443.6683201722 582393.2295850958 + -995952 = -413558.7704149042 -112785162134 + 63254.30659056427 = -112785098879.6934 6473171.711712651 + -4 = 6473167.711712651 7 + 902882281281.6432 = 902882281288.6432 -7642570 + 90007 = -7552563 100000000000000 + 6418816293005.449 = 106418816293005.45 -2.6251531348141275 + 937.4530587445263 = 934.8279056097122 65699 + -97839227 = -97773528 519947107319.46735 + -28445215641.78572 = 491501891677.68164 7 + -75140526237072 = -75140526237065 -3802532147857 + 98588292106024 = 94785759958167 4.651494769132054 + -45497 = -45492.34850523087 200237 + -5.0152700791638845 = 200231.98472992083 2914.3272229498043 + -100000000000000 = -99999999997085.67 752365.7900181689 + -397461 = 354904.79001816886 -100000000000000 + -32.26900882049607 = -100000000000032.27 -3070 + -8636678493 = -8636681563 -7.9840058236343925 + -307.1289663804786 = -315.11297220411296 100000000000000 + 48988769165 = 100048988769165 -167.844824832766 + -4063941443471 = -4063941443638.8447 -81423216 + 8656824.436679745 = -72766391.56332025 -14.482421003152357 + 16676 = 16661.51757899685 -8958.303459182014 + -8684556.69362688 = -8693514.997086063 100000000000000 + -949734 = 99999999050266 -8676124759057 + 17.92107457968623 = -8676124759039.079 -9441925.137822017 + 39551116 = 30109190.862177983 -21547492464 + 988059729922 = 966512237458 99215166.24409382 + 98171140435 = 98270355601.2441 2729790032.7479587 + 916445051411.4083 = 919174841444.1562 -4.836472223237927 + -31892872656.263306 = -31892872661.099777 534.8405045116135 + -96488769421.44344 = -96488768886.60294 -576888 + 89462634276.4793 = 89462057388.4793 2 + 67653489321.791916 = 67653489323.791916 2228464 + -413 = 2228051 -4356922503.13368 + 74787715.15181698 = -4282134787.9818635 2505365.4938227264 + 65017814114 = 65020319479.49382 -984 + -4356380 = -4357364 -602795.8138120577 + -2328686 = -2931481.8138120575 305479203133.1006 + 771330541376 = 1076809744509.1006 840.8642347046903 + 5055652983.119659 = 5055653823.983894 679722166.5247978 + -8418.593319357165 = 679713747.9314784 -1705 + 9468973.056484222 = 9467268.056484222 455.4395758008088 + 186910607915 = 186910608370.43958 8570.422713580432 + -100000000000000 = -99999999991429.58 45728259.293995865 + 16974.494534024125 = 45745233.78852989 -5.387459646084238 + 64141.046394969126 = 64135.658935323045 3809501 + 214204006776 = 214207816277 9.861366204033725 + -7 = 2.8613662040337253 -82.92805432276442 + 2182 = 2099.0719456772354 708.5278401406327 + -973505871 = -973505162.4721599 -6768.467632613595 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000006768.47 27324385232.433105 + -49113006183169.69 = -49085681797937.26 -40 + 89472124.0820029 = 89472084.0820029 929084229902 + -100000000000000.0 = -99070915770098.0 -950447 + -60808048.428428724 = -61758495.428428724 -86897973106 + 1905.1486405795013 = -86897971200.85136 -5162102.4706129 + 896.4426069440557 = -5161206.028005957 -3.7554399210086475 + 20.054472327386392 = 16.299032406377744 70434927 + -99119098871.0285 = -99048663944.0285 -566327.0421288568 + 45581735.23837873 = 45015408.19624988 -45.53344416634937 + 53686830514.6226 = 53686830469.08915 615846 + -46759.560201650085 = 569086.4397983499 -426351581218 + 903 = -426351580315 -7 + -12346599376.585226 = -12346599383.585226 -118502319.1841822 + -21731989130.545586 = -21850491449.729767 8912402.36461385 + 47067573173.567535 = 47076485575.93215 100000000000000 + -58630629987.77821 = 99941369370012.22 -868645328 + -9918079984388.033 = -9918948629716.033 989 + 68413844768.802086 = 68413845757.802086 -422617354617.4519 + 81 = -422617354536.4519 -89290964883.11835 + 38847237 = -89252117646.11835 -14015592.916446295 + -8216811501 = -8230827093.916447 -8312495.850296898 + 251175878689.74252 = 251167566193.8922 -86 + 839179524 = 839179438 94741 + -100000000000000 = -99999999905259 719595456960.4049 + 366 = 719595457326.4049 -350916961389.8772 + -730.890606022928 = -350916962120.7678 404563079 + 7498293 = 412061372 -674.4419028195549 + 12.07486551448428 = -662.3670373050707 1113 + 63.56119897640946 = 1176.5611989764095 30.292470111245883 + 9 = 39.29247011124588 816614231394.7108 + -4989 = 816614226405.7108 -5691579.505791155 + -529012818905.96155 = -529018510485.46735 30861.57260544831 + -3 = 30858.57260544831 -98906439 + -401245188981.8225 = -401344095420.8225 100000000000000.0 + -195669525.95806974 = 99999804330474.05 500590783.0024412 + 911311 = 501502094.0024412 -7018779986628 + 1819217 = -7018778167411 -7614 + 99447923009747.2 = 99447923002133.2 -1911899388.0337243 + -31585593616 = -33497493004.033726 8004112.66166256 + 424 = 8004536.66166256 -6141325925.500654 + 58564 = -6141267361.500654 8775246 + -5700673204 = -5691897958 -33667478676.920322 + 100000000000000 = 99966332521323.08 212557 + 617204047 = 617416604 8553 + 627865 = 636418 -2442874342 + -5710225426714 = -5712668301056 -1 + 66330733056.53392 = 66330733055.53392 48530 + 100000000000000 = 100000000048530 -4.65393509249987 + -32838258063 = -32838258067.653934 -518446719 + -91385521890054.78 = -91386040336773.78 67304851.87393542 + -35044750032992 = -35044682728140.125 -3001375883.4557476 + 793382163752.5604 = 790380787869.1047 -66331165353 + 5618903572 = -60712261781 -2928998728.7222996 + 808.9355132090096 = -2928997919.7867866 121987522.81804861 + -7430946 = 114556576.81804861 -44.764360717892906 + 265263 = 265218.2356392821 1237065476.0903614 + -9838868 = 1227226608.0903614 19980485002090.973 + 303840485166 = 20284325487256.973 5.418371585692556 + -8.122514209284041 = -2.704142623591485 -161022355 + 57.735063394920594 = -161022297.2649366 6004.501496731919 + 9217870588.994621 = 9217876593.496119 -100000000000000.0 + 773179 = -99999999226821.0 -643 + 19964078556443.95 = 19964078555800.95 100000000000000 + -6159588060960 = 93840411939040 -875341851566 + -65 = -875341851631 100000000000000.0 + 88334 = 100000000088334.0 3225011810.9019785 + -458207406156 = -454982394345.098 100000000000000 + 525612015.1453599 = 100000525612015.14 -92389670746.74927 + -100000000000000.0 = -100092389670746.75 -426955430307 + -30171 = -426955460478 -35271522 + 8671747611 = 8636476089 69544228.7844418 + -1340504971 = -1270960742.2155583 -28.499499494404937 + 76368.85200448142 = 76340.35250498702 7 + 32677809482318 = 32677809482325 -2234141778.3765945 + 4720221.256991193 = -2229421557.119603 7911.022322182626 + 2657.3261169622338 = 10568.34843914486 77955979.54424085 + 349 = 77956328.54424085 284381.93220972246 + 311945425.79921305 = 312229807.7314228 973998959284.107 + -64050623 = 973934908661.107 51 + -894467855 = -894467804 834.6206354602791 + 8.445883099762447 = 843.0665185600416 2762057300386.9355 + -579.7571912791205 = 2762057299807.178 13199969 + 3677592257542.4053 = 3677605457511.4053 -100000000000000 + 1 = -99999999999999 -107249177987.73209 + 532844.1073395656 = -107248645143.62474 8414821563850.58 + 5501351.89088717 = 8414827065202.471 -68187.01027561624 + 596034000922.679 = 596033932735.6687 -464.21077022317195 + -12617 = -13081.210770223171 396.99102589960415 + -5 = 391.99102589960415 -96065 + -298 = -96363 -3428946281 + -47595132413.60524 = -51024078694.60524 -6368767.313608096 + -100000000000000 = -100000006368767.31 -405602.7636122013 + 54663289.462907255 = 54257686.69929505 -49082036998950 + -1691705.723698803 = -49082038690655.73 -97068409643512 + -6112544853400 = -103180954496912 -1242247.7263745433 + -9318334406506.12 = -9318335648753.846 296388324085.547 + -727.1707106845704 = 296388323358.3763 -1707 + 1846003.664064095 = 1844296.664064095 8497 + -62130963264.65231 = -62130954767.65231 120 + 742854.215362046 = 742974.215362046 -39336 + -70227.82625613609 = -109563.82625613609 4291055191 + -2724 = 4291052467 -88997 + 895890299770 = 895890210773 7533.516048184233 + -77973 = -70439.48395181577 4 + -684300.6656137314 = -684296.6656137314 -5257296070526 + -79951739105 = -5337247809631 8763424116 + -337 = 8763423779 6734335.123868191 + -70818 = 6663517.123868191 79 + 25 = 104 9792356860861.77 + -84684186 = 9792272176675.77 -4353589130232 + -61 = -4353589130293 64.07481325396793 + -77834913658 = -77834913593.92519 100000000000000.0 + -88532255 = 99999911467745.0 716403536127 + 70384637005171.66 = 71101040541298.66 1.4901668764211071 + -675686042689.5498 = -675686042688.0597 99383650239 + 99 = 99383650338 -719181471.1551073 + 76097013.35149059 = -643084457.8036166 -570706779 + 5808819.56906066 = -564897959.4309393 81221 + -97 = 81124 -59349702 + -2196.6038808628455 = -59351898.60388086 -534116836.79110795 + -461742901 = -995859737.7911079 -982 + 53683.5202065353 = 52701.5202065353 74.81885893547329 + 2907.699375443356 = 2982.518234378829 100000000000000.0 + 8732291860982 = 108732291860982.0 -8625697 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000008625697.0 4970 + -132601 = -127631 -3 + 4754227698.247002 = 4754227695.247002 -4314469463591 + -777959159 = -4315247422750 720568381757.5966 + -48978.9150561354 = 720568332778.6815 37563.30958185074 + 685629317918.9293 = 685629355482.2389 40870383527359.64 + 3103954812 = 40873487482171.64 46 + 124714471 = 124714517 5053715386589.725 + 809 = 5053715387398.725 29.41979001068308 + -7975.715952892181 = -7946.296162881498 90540 + -19 = 90521 131390 + 335919597.8862932 = 336050987.8862932 -627442.1704680106 + -66.82632517123973 = -627508.9967931819 166998943 + 45184561 = 212183504 -100000000000000 + 541050362 = -99999458949638 59601701778149 + 250720 = 59601702028869 90103371917453 + -7267917814.894303 = 90096103999638.11 -830656 + -5492 = -836148 -4 + 87151152092 = 87151152088 -93 + 212837 = 212744 100000000000000.0 + 460149085012.68396 = 100460149085012.69 100000000000000 + 762817.976209728 = 100000000762817.97 47759754.88729018 + -8081849 = 39677905.88729018 67980636398 + -74543 = 67980561855 -23148 + -2 = -23150 -270.6192888254981 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000270.62 600572093.3166496 + 176 = 600572269.3166496 -41776289 + 100000000000000 = 99999958223711 -43549368691 + 760001724230.4178 = 716452355539.4178 -709582320412.0074 + 9439455484 = -700142864928.0074 3965623549 + 73559.88515396437 = 3965697108.885154 -3983858048724.023 + 610 = -3983858048114.023 -97090669.36901654 + -250.91452327853537 = -97090920.28353982 1818316.4819381456 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999998181683.52 464810316 + -99 = 464810217 6 + 8116397987774 = 8116397987780 -511993933 + 64070617348454.66 = 64070105354521.66 -2815593190588 + -2090825428735 = -4906418619323 5737185970446 + -83673025 = 5737102297421 49647388289.884186 + -96.10888749411293 = 49647388193.7753 -27599097068.86925 + -804097004 = -28403194072.86925 -720074464173.7174 + -292.1794279346998 = -720074464465.8969 100000000000000 + -12048578939 = 99987951421061 -546553.9633146878 + 5136822 = 4590268.036685312 8231769512273.465 + -1668759636 = 8230100752637.465 -240389501 + 75768448178728.73 = 75768207789227.73 -796 + -283658559255 = -283658560051 38665997502049 + -100000000000000 = -61334002497951 18354982408237.82 + 3041684052607.141 = 21396666460844.96 -100000000000000.0 + 74 = -99999999999926.0 50678963925700.914 + 31692008919.332825 = 50710655934620.25 -28208510053098.547 + 36.23224319821833 = -28208510053062.316 -419431531 + -5136495941904.428 = -5136915373435.428 -34948731597.59257 + -615235.3400629391 = -34949346832.93263 3985296 + 83882.75593341074 = 4069178.755933411 -975189849882.7756 + 967311550 = -974222538332.7756 -8533 + 20745546.331840515 = 20737013.331840515 561.7155984506453 + 1750977792429.4385 = 1750977792991.154 657063318724.6082 + -485243604 = 656578075120.6082 -9 + 38516661014 = 38516661005 -54428039253 + 100000000000000 = 99945571960747 -317 + -2970563 = -2970880 -4 + 46236895964 = 46236895960 79864.39562056436 + -17374098.643172696 = -17294234.24755213 -71969931 + 798.5688890815886 = -71969132.43111092 4367771593405.4023 + 8 = 4367771593413.4023 -857779780959 + -7769 = -857779788728 756411 + -7396980382.143402 = -7396223971.143402 -7611.2470342829565 + -691.8171873813653 = -8303.064221664321 2507003528111.875 + 69 = 2507003528180.875 -717.2647726267315 + -7601 = -8318.264772626731 691180747909.4331 + 91193811236.19812 = 782374559145.6312 16467118 + 2.1816706298927935 = 16467120.18167063 -1.1056771024729266 + 59067.75937790117 = 59066.6537007987 65.56143901617827 + -2681135572562.257 = -2681135572496.6953 21435372.948119782 + -11365 = 21424007.948119782 -414417304 + -3012 = -414420316 -8036126462056 + 687130110071 = -7348996351985 215 + -471090055.63359445 = -471089840.63359445 -540451769 + 345468999.3276739 = -194982769.6723261 2597862159528 + -84718465702 = 2513143693826 100000000000000.0 + -3497 = 99999999996503.0 -5336029422.86691 + -100000000000000.0 = -100005336029422.86 -9984445510047.186 + 6244438490246 = -3740007019801.1855 -865042 + 741565698868 = 741564833826 250558.50479357218 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000250558.5 -27015142872558.125 + 110816678.2126056 = -27015032055879.914 -4852031994 + -56722482926357 = -56727334958351 100000000000000 + -8.904945183250485 = 99999999999991.1 -395.7901097103995 + -74817657419132.92 = -74817657419528.72 124506.97729708094 + 5004050.7909876555 = 5128557.768284736 -9661033487578 + -986890469027 = -10647923956605 6710362587.239624 + 4 = 6710362591.239624 4.5739887378726465 + -75033697.375168 = -75033692.80117926 97101890 + 8947621633 = 9044723523 31183757063.76928 + -7672090526702 = -7640906769638.23 6794649465 + 32250839.446681898 = 6826900304.446682 -161 + 86642740389.02849 = 86642740228.02849 -7916420582.343252 + -155 = -7916420737.343252 -19299649.636824735 + -3546199344 = -3565498993.6368246 -88205963390 + 48010166 = -88157953224 1384.3257122375378 + -1628500495 = -1628499110.6742878 -68.52622807434886 + 5855867081901 = 5855867081832.474 6402984616613.1045 + 95467 = 6402984712080.1045 -9721.861538303781 + 53071 = 43349.13846169622 1338021952843.0464 + 750678560 = 1338772631403.0464 -36532415422.44388 + 9614042.8678124 = -36522801379.576065 -25566896090.666588 + -331880249.84012103 = -25898776340.50671 -6886 + -13 = -6899 -695988 + 9068.291415886888 = -686919.7085841132 8 + 5898825909 = 5898825917 6505.89576946042 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006505.89 -15395.640825827304 + 131643.52239744048 = 116247.88157161318 72333445678 + 408475085 = 72741920763 -813291721977 + -497462 = -813292219439 -476878 + -4 = -476882 -574593313837 + -7368702669 = -581962016506 3901.412362553636 + -500319832421 = -500319828519.58765 -717069.1332861756 + -51 = -717120.1332861756 256364739768.28403 + -714 = 256364739054.28403 9278271 + 796 = 9279067 3.611745088617711 + -10 = -6.388254911382289 5.488666039914263 + -90841619223.69623 = -90841619218.20757 395.9248576959439 + -66801 = -66405.07514230405 82259556.71866359 + 7 = 82259563.71866359 -83927023917841 + 289046 = -83927023628795 -71333.38514508907 + 16235.002934063043 = -55098.38221102602 -100000000000000 + 18439006.440524224 = -99999981560993.56 6566249.09803691 + -793821160960.0686 = -793814594710.9706 -203160.3172792681 + 116600827.10609156 = 116397666.7888123 128682058585.80945 + 41.25138153081791 = 128682058627.06084 309 + 5645781730644 = 5645781730953 -1085378 + 59599451.08453836 = 58514073.08453836 -55079797032339.38 + 8.76785146423137 = -55079797032330.62 -71799.7647019804 + -7.181920533410668 = -71806.94662251382 -59138639364672.766 + -989927 = -59138640354599.766 -73 + 266138.7452212206 = 266065.7452212206 -259536.30403159888 + 4155.660897128246 = -255380.64313447062 -69257815962 + -964143 = -69258780105 7209765741834 + -7244.794266142233 = 7209765734589.206 453505 + -59299433 = -58845928 -64651082224.36921 + -3992160867790 = -4056811950014.369 -975325417 + 1 = -975325416 -8 + -787.9733248964258 = -795.9733248964258 -3657067930 + 933629005487 = 929971937557 9129211829.237068 + -503.65157399589793 = 9129211325.585495 1790262795 + 6534615.192401899 = 1796797410.192402 -744979664044 + -4.967377697902699 = -744979664048.9674 42301938493191.07 + -70 = 42301938493121.07 -1055101 + 45815345867.326035 = 45814290766.326035 2 + -2322 = -2320 -4861945 + 19621335.707690887 = 14759390.707690887 -965 + -461249617 = -461250582 100000000000000.0 + -98321.6731251 = 99999999901678.33 546924605 + -703373046812 = -702826122207 -5.859329887417251 + 886.2437965178832 = 880.3844666304659 59958959.0996151 + -31992425.088770643 = 27966534.010844454 -13574583313 + -368111309727.83344 = -381685893040.83344 559 + 4242 = 4801 -45247785782279.66 + -3733255 = -45247789515534.66 950239512956 + -1989848.1274570413 = 950237523107.8726 -27 + 507395846.7681182 = 507395819.7681182 -859851508.0407081 + 768.5775415722641 = -859850739.4631665 73.2677113674797 + -528666620607 = -528666620533.7323 -100000000000000 + 9256697603740 = -90743302396260 78255.93601813128 + 47025643369.45338 = 47025721625.3894 -66 + -59913 = -59979 212.26145991618077 + -5527 = -5314.738540083819 35919019280 + 296.6859200954313 = 35919019576.68592 92548938965964.33 + -99263.3563270817 = 92548938866700.97 -96 + -3719053 = -3719149 -68677274668.941635 + 82783004.5909688 = -68594491664.35067 80.03489248138185 + 10692077610666.81 = 10692077610746.846 6498931.360419451 + 135176498.10627913 = 141675429.4666986 458.2826974776885 + 41875505218746 = 41875505219204.28 6 + -30 = -24 -665030798 + -383305424 = -1048336222 -1.1619086430021435 + 876452183.1473447 = 876452181.9854361 -261 + 4 = -257 45930504509 + -28448446278.883503 = 17482058230.116497 5845627202.460185 + 590641562826.0693 = 596487190028.5295 -423165 + -981116043081.2407 = -981116466246.2407 -52984010.28724537 + -4451064682143.596 = -4451117666153.883 813507 + 1199.888760551043 = 814706.888760551 -588.9810141459584 + 21202.815851421918 = 20613.834837275957 1045 + -51767264225 = -51767263180 -1206145899 + 5499162599400 = 5497956453501 -1757 + -5283175.495485455 = -5284932.495485455 -898.5271619096177 + -5615 = -6513.5271619096175 -92947340468.38417 + -624 = -92947341092.38417 -7256398 + -7631 = -7264029 46047911497.905365 + -6.604587495429982 = 46047911491.30078 82805743816504 + 470998 = 82805744287502 224767 + -457246 = -232479 9128503757 + 955798621388 = 964927125145 -8720547043.741806 + 48.31598317621956 = -8720546995.425823 100000000000000 + -80338115 = 99999919661885 -72.72653232481838 + -196018144.507621 = -196018217.2341533 87668206 + 37308409611.82644 = 37396077817.82644 64288.98082661272 + 82369284316529 = 82369284380817.98 -92741 + -690356592255 = -690356684996 -18254 + -452651653.4983361 = -452669907.4983361 -2326664 + 161664049751.91608 = 161661723087.91608 -92945.27923943572 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000092945.28 -481 + 9999764581 = 9999764100 643 + 757125.8590504653 = 757768.8590504653 802678741388 + 1.0245530978966393 = 802678741389.0245 7274924702.647303 + 50259319101849 = 50266594026551.65 7381275702259 + -100000000000000.0 = -92618724297741.0 1373103484.1947508 + 8491114260 = 9864217744.194752 -19156 + -4799 = -23955 -69404582924 + -359012582.13241637 = -69763595506.13242 118914 + 9 = 118923 -461549 + 9.496628093385377 = -461539.50337190664 -6 + 4377982009 = 4377982003 -9103.807470647738 + 56752140033269.91 = 56752140024166.1 2395.5764280185476 + 636 = 3031.5764280185476 43948041750.9353 + -41114544300116 = -41070596258365.06 -45 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999955 15715.551358265464 + 947906503 = 947922218.5513582 3.5087947912937953 + 79.17853267822629 = 82.68732746952008 927967107.6348258 + -281440.59358073724 = 927685667.0412451 -782.2186673386948 + 3719401416.9980626 = 3719400634.779395 -8156637.814140604 + -1.5901094758461496 = -8156639.40425008 6600284878.372203 + 1165 = 6600286043.372203 -8752338 + 100000000000000 = 99999991247662 -584.0894591848383 + -18940368285777 = -18940368286361.09 -100000000000000.0 + -16 = -100000000000016.0 -16.575869410946645 + -12308339293392 = -12308339293408.576 6258776959884.078 + -9400 = 6258776950484.078 -9805605.494152253 + -69382735037885 = -69382744843490.49 -2.9325679582738324 + 203454109 = 203454106.06743205 7418854274.139434 + -4721821.43545289 = 7414132452.703981 -54268478052009.01 + 78866864.8163794 = -54268399185144.195 -9.054179522487964 + 9937 = 9927.945820477513 7 + 6232.646911747259 = 6239.646911747259 -80887.0912190765 + -914509353.8430703 = -914590240.9342893 -100000000000000.0 + -25.572629686363577 = -100000000000025.58 -11629045281 + -62594247.981902264 = -11691639528.981903 2084842361484.4956 + -4360778.059717644 = 2084838000706.4358 -94313 + -4 = -94317 -830522449205 + 4062164 = -830518387041 8776.3014254041 + -32069348506960.344 = -32069348498184.043 26833 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000026833.0 -9.947894451169178 + 7951099005.490332 = 7951098995.542438 -1726.8795268133058 + -7689615751.741111 = -7689617478.620638 -98263622691287 + -2048227431 = -98265670918718 -2481 + 100000000000000 = 99999999997519 -27273185.01844889 + 491693036773.00037 = 491665763587.98193 5410027186 + -5 = 5410027181 76626422514 + -100000000000000.0 = -99923373577486.0 989.3371652512047 + -3698806180206 = -3698806179216.6626 14530 + -43766.18931769938 = -29236.189317699384 -2187253 + 944119358176.8411 = 944117170923.8411 -335978430503 + 3793252974276 = 3457274543773 -58956 + 20 = -58936 4812.5515074924815 + 36371869356 = 36371874168.551506 -6722684159.53008 + -9 = -6722684168.53008 -21458.804500384722 + 9157 = -12301.804500384722 4673 + -99517383397634.73 = -99517383392961.73 31490846.73488885 + 498.0270816828718 = 31491344.761970535 734312.2285376725 + -232823804194 = -232823069881.77145 -84672.87304448456 + -495375 = -580047.8730444845 -7486349 + -9606.407231108275 = -7495955.407231108 -87579735731.16026 + -541.7709307677064 = -87579736272.9312 -914157256 + -294.54138498621285 = -914157550.5413849 -896264.059213082 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000896264.06 -6128 + 8400870417 = 8400864289 714.7361150258293 + 1625860393.6494865 = 1625861108.3856015 100000000000000 + 1244221297557 = 101244221297557 1 + 21905464 = 21905465 697 + -107624153 = -107623456 47 + -1.1703180246341578 = 45.829681975365844 -895330222 + -10893.23541704787 = -895341115.235417 -47928561.28687785 + 2622301 = -45306260.28687785 -349772143570 + -452512.87830041704 = -349772596082.8783 -7251634 + -2371767 = -9623401 -3.4055551938606534 + 770603 = 770599.5944448061 56.90859421738257 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000056.9 -4918721.474498615 + -9682058885569 = -9682063804290.475 77843816021539 + 100000000000000 = 177843816021539 -2 + 74455902 = 74455900 80475 + 397652.20048360986 = 478127.20048360986 3070264800945 + 56712094192437 = 59782358993382 6361606075.502366 + -7 = 6361606068.502366 -29.754076210213654 + 37243806300832 = 37243806300802.24 -100000000000000 + 888 = -99999999999112 -117447825676.28314 + 11420997.060846606 = -117436404679.22229 -9284.983564616754 + -39202492 = -39211776.983564615 -8377457537481.726 + -517523601.93356586 = -8377975061083.659 -6.178247754304791 + -35766.082214072674 = -35772.260461826976 -57629168.40279116 + 63603 = -57565565.40279116 58475727545 + 8 = 58475727553 -9806796882559 + -864.0229410529762 = -9806796883423.023 100000000000000 + 3956 = 100000000003956 83 + 749 = 832 912815 + -6955 = 905860 55887 + 223140 = 279027 5211 + -71361.50223083192 = -66150.50223083192 96 + 3047739451.6590204 = 3047739547.6590204 6415848723 + -5 = 6415848718 -40601544850573 + 5389418932 = -40596155431641 100000000000000 + -3147116 = 99999996852884 -5133 + -93117642.0936055 = -93122775.0936055 -2234354756978.207 + -9693815402.42559 = -2244048572380.633 -313501715306.9565 + -6485556134627 = -6799057849933.956 23873474977601 + 452511278635.67334 = 24325986256236.67 -78021295673 + 29 = -78021295644 -6716161.267441238 + 3898938269381 = 3898931553219.7324 41 + 6717415.414112952 = 6717456.414112952 54.714451795717544 + -730 = -675.2855482042825 586667 + -683667462 = -683080795 -7080782 + -5435799 = -12516581 9357445.125951074 + -242.8585156699268 = 9357202.267435404 -299 + 25490251 = 25489952 9381 + -86152.29544862911 = -76771.29544862911 6724979867041 + -21975360213 = 6703004506828 8147932530 + -62258124204 = -54110191674 -100000000000000.0 + -19344 = -100000000019344.0 6700938080229.607 + 2.583730795636052 = 6700938080232.191 -100000000000000.0 + -1350.9744137051046 = -100000000001350.97 -1358 + -5880301 = -5881659 2924846.7050425066 + -303789655 = -300864808.2949575 14019546589.795546 + 785326.7871655358 = 14020331916.58271 -670578484 + -6060148558552 = -6060819137036 -9828922789 + -1892514.6185275991 = -9830815303.618528 -75562804725592 + -4418335276.149519 = -75567223060868.16 -7099763619336.217 + 53762557826.65853 = -7046001061509.559 -7010119.792986645 + -838978557.203891 = -845988676.9968777 4007.808790469313 + -225366712 = -225362704.19120952 9294761 + 42204.61419200465 = 9336965.614192005 48413 + -85 = 48328 -87904753398 + 5156617963.938972 = -82748135434.06104 -77805 + -40653068840032 = -40653068917837 -38561692354 + 98883158638.38531 = 60321466284.385315 -367434747454 + 3 = -367434747451 100000000000000 + -37949315.00100887 = 99999962050685.0 8360034694.912797 + -9744053159863.91 = -9735693125168.998 -8929920293299.041 + -7881733088 = -8937802026387.041 -54293526651 + -261 = -54293526912 257.50360036765045 + 77687945664978 = 77687945665235.5 -31328570 + -151.3690757509264 = -31328721.36907575 996.0064047504867 + -5876275454 = -5876274457.993595 872.1157966810453 + -941219474774.0367 = -941219473901.9209 -899568727.4157954 + -576390168495 = -577289737222.4158 -139.12356080561815 + -9164 = -9303.123560805618 904621770958.6885 + -805688838 = 903816082120.6885 -84963.90796940784 + 403 = -84560.90796940784 -3318975592 + 99 = -3318975493 14 + -97 = -83 -44920108209 + -1994264 = -44922102473 -3096.245192982213 + -897.6667763255942 = -3993.9119693078073 -8662730367.04229 + 782721.086010553 = -8661947645.95628 423.2118279691984 + -2030790067471 = -2030790067047.788 556 + -71 = 485 -852451326332 + -2441 = -852451328773 100000000000000 + -69391 = 99999999930609 3822614743242.665 + -83197 = 3822614660045.665 4610 + 856396654518 = 856396659128 40957611317545.125 + -4902739804608 = 36054871512937.125 -831373775.2351941 + 758119310954 = 757287937178.7648 -9961248.514542017 + 40134194676434.45 = 40134184715185.94 -17289000735.305336 + -3674.612455819266 = -17289004409.917793 32706770 + -3784 = 32702986 -91131178911 + 606 = -91131178305 8778959780429.661 + -4035093220 = 8774924687209.661 -991580 + 887206393600.7501 = 887205402020.7501 -5578634746.453614 + 2365461876.4806485 = -3213172869.9729657 -4827753184.502201 + 52906774.945036195 = -4774846409.557165 -4954 + -26409404211 = -26409409165 6597665890788.266 + -418899307846.08685 = 6178766582942.179 -50990381103799.375 + 848933775464 = -50141447328335.375 809 + 48313243549603.18 = 48313243550412.18 29010997894681 + 40 = 29010997894721 -896976434 + 813935784 = -83040650 -100000000000000.0 + -369738915469 = -100369738915469.0 -57848105488698 + -85127526171.79625 = -57933233014869.8 90939359.6566201 + 263370978 = 354310337.6566201 164060946340.4642 + 100000000000000 = 100164060946340.47 340255240 + -37025394477440.84 = -37025054222200.84 41933914462470 + 28050047868.41815 = 41961964510338.42 109753 + 26777.63567068381 = 136530.6356706838 -602414315 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999397585685.0 -324282 + -462371717435 = -462372041717 -700691593.6584202 + 83549 = -700608044.6584202 51740 + 312.8238697193528 = 52052.82386971935 73034726377 + 9229357043128.338 = 9302391769505.338 686713210456 + -4420725158 = 682292485298 463339096.4431349 + -621223337916 = -620759998819.5569 8 + 63552.82655079259 = 63560.82655079259 51 + -7734.045873845791 = -7683.045873845791 -86852400669879 + 30 = -86852400669849 971 + -5432.8055696348265 = -4461.8055696348265 12462.694237714019 + -432187 = -419724.305762286 -881869090317.9548 + 174.61851136066164 = -881869090143.3363 228811154.51040852 + 35631097919.683716 = 35859909074.19412 3098861379056 + 9288279646.651764 = 3108149658702.652 1.0138424125877172 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999998.98 -2391760630927 + -764.4508355227019 = -2391760631691.4507 -4792 + -4 = -4796 -578248138.3746271 + -20180.8190707885 = -578268319.1936979 100000000000000.0 + 3587 = 100000000003587.0 887208.4360327316 + 88652210826 = 88653098034.43604 -91496725032.87653 + 22107 = -91496702925.87653 -15878.083876812056 + 29608361505.472954 = 29608345627.389076 -273056882 + -24845300872269.02 = -24845573929151.02 1.281589461260813 + -375425129827.5992 = -375425129826.31757 -5060.781475311535 + 577925758 = 577920697.2185247 -6106558892.668871 + 25316203963812 = 25310097404919.332 206 + 79.29393567098884 = 285.29393567098884 68464175.82054181 + 7716250.095787592 = 76180425.91632941 1.521935541931212 + -1549586386333 = -1549586386331.478 4518365 + 1865368.8212491039 = 6383733.821249104 -2685640.142943299 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000002685640.14 15600192583 + -8.952563821452241 = 15600192574.047436 385759125.05723554 + 8694731.124872208 = 394453856.18210775 -100000000000000 + 960574.8562599891 = -99999999039425.14 -4099941537148.4263 + 71555264309472 = 67455322772323.57 6045022307528.987 + 8.5223131000509 = 6045022307537.51 -57739765728020.8 + 5958 = -57739765722062.8 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 58 + 11709421816.411455 = 11709421874.411455 100000000000000 + 847.9840627816644 = 100000000000847.98 553719253.2547491 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999446280746.75 -243961935392.33716 + -93 = -243961935485.33716 -1595616251.9799519 + 3022791 = -1592593460.9799519 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 0.0 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 81 + -5856 = -5775 3144.889143153777 + -6245.143581494776 = -3100.2544383409995 -2945949040860.8467 + -67 = -2945949040927.8467 58668 + 238.91202875159027 = 58906.91202875159 100000000000000 + 67107773.7400445 = 100000067107773.73 100000000000000.0 + 83 = 100000000000083.0 -27781363 + 19926.52466781895 = -27761436.475332182 -182642 + -3658261045353 = -3658261227995 -5.375719647681005 + -2 = -7.375719647681005 81.80108159732679 + -79678.09413940435 = -79596.29305780702 1 + -7.114271526156601 = -6.114271526156601 26186128542595 + -93971777868.13745 = 26092156764726.863 -8059725 + 296223.7081231107 = -7763501.29187689 -338384034867 + 114681826572 = -223702208295 89707759.42052901 + 6 = 89707765.42052901 142294 + 8042564.893102111 = 8184858.893102111 -5 + -50194201 = -50194206 -696586.047731421 + -8782396 = -9478982.047731422 -340.8609310066131 + -46239 = -46579.86093100661 -2 + -620663505178 = -620663505180 -76231354 + 70035938704 = 69959707350 -40254.60992008378 + -68968928418954.87 = -68968928459209.48 85381953421521 + 3741 = 85381953425262 -100000000000000.0 + -141021.40985703247 = -100000000141021.4 368275450.4091146 + 464.17399189292075 = 368275914.5831065 29607770.24675384 + 6.225996034023497 = 29607776.472749874 22309 + 6799605850926.539 = 6799605873235.539 88.10885186828037 + 3460.5933654370956 = 3548.702217305376 -73913330.43154591 + -742 = -73914072.43154591 -92644589175380 + 2532634489.839182 = -92642056540890.16 -38231667.17107718 + 2582536614 = 2544304946.8289227 94211148691830.47 + -194392.28320492958 = 94211148497438.19 5919896603.55267 + 9337390785.11588 = 15257287388.668549 -30599976.90011208 + -47.3151125331603 = -30600024.215224616 711133631.9323761 + -50350033367616 = -50349322233984.07 97 + 5971526398181 = 5971526398278 100000000000000 + -27759469515.646915 = 99972240530484.36 -89719209 + 28103619167 = 28013899958 52 + 18.755328127299144 = 70.75532812729915 -476171.9469439746 + -1705076448.2343283 = -1705552620.1812723 -9 + 4782570 = 4782561 -1249352.8456388693 + -1932061 = -3181413.8456388693 7337163386718.147 + 5789669553978.115 = 13126832940696.262 28312326052484.293 + 71454.88437090462 = 28312326123939.176 -14240 + -79 = -14319 26.35090859853224 + 19133033.210809045 = 19133059.561717644 -178 + 4.575131697341014 = -173.42486830265898 10 + -616.4422799877769 = -606.4422799877769 5203145 + 930284081.3130136 = 935487226.3130136 650208 + 488138631.777373 = 488788839.777373 -8401 + -9656190 = -9664591 -26995189.36281018 + -43.480185358293866 = -26995232.84299554 -7 + -1013 = -1020 1067898.6047840463 + 403247201145 = 403248269043.6048 -100000000000000 + -410.8035937784207 = -100000000000410.8 -39487980.06221863 + 36701 = -39451279.06221863 -72267804.55941352 + 975101182 = 902833377.4405864 -6166875457008 + 100000000000000 = 93833124542992 87.78351665859475 + -50844102039 = -50844101951.216484 46288628306871 + -2340949005.269238 = 46286287357865.734 -42 + -7660930 = -7660972 6425190 + -6213 = 6418977 -100000000000000.0 + -8.15215662534817 = -100000000000008.16 -998484756.4431349 + -1663348914.2139611 = -2661833670.657096 420492997 + -9889374924263 = -9888954431266 731400548181.5457 + 35.26948187792205 = 731400548216.8152 -32106267055583.723 + -70723 = -32106267126306.723 3.4141418410776296 + 2763223 = 2763226.414141841 71311 + -4105.262494564218 = 67205.73750543578 -80 + 969440728587.2809 = 969440728507.2809 -3988.6755320740317 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000003988.67 -100000000000000 + -1116513208.859763 = -100001116513208.86 -77.57262277568562 + 617461 = 617383.4273772243 -92114281 + 346255.99778792943 = -91768025.00221208 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 100000000000000.0 + 76296810158.59909 = 100076296810158.6 77822935937611 + -596255165572.1925 = 77226680772038.81 -53969.0204738276 + -56482.06377846411 = -110451.08425229171 1579352385 + -7367247003478 = -7365667651093 102141.00368273736 + 8429016 = 8531157.003682738 5621969366439.098 + 4 = 5621969366443.098 872388 + -61774581.38768238 = -60902193.38768238 626293503.4056109 + -3.166189049833118 = 626293500.2394218 50066370238.96906 + 59065196842744 = 59115263212982.97 -9941606000783 + 6703546003 = -9934902454780 -94066146701 + 149894893708.83197 = 55828747007.83197 168 + 322058426 = 322058594 -422151957 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999577848043.0 2607637573.5036726 + 76357421 = 2683994994.5036726 -294021 + 734398363868.1946 = 734398069847.1946 86920894190977.47 + -667227.0110799533 = 86920893523750.45 -34633229723.54646 + 5 = -34633229718.54646 1211918559500.6836 + -89662862 = 1211828896638.6836 582374293950.6783 + -6635706811963 = -6053332518012.321 9987680201364.621 + -2809492453991.7334 = 7178187747372.888 -97930450998686 + 36538 = -97930450962148 5396118356.266189 + 87149231850351.44 = 87154627968707.7 -1468 + 13110 = 11642 -100000000000000.0 + -58617938826 = -100058617938826.0 8931.965598553303 + 5 = 8936.965598553303 100000000000000 + -33 = 99999999999967 802 + 3347 = 4149 -44 + 9377983 = 9377939 64219582904773 + 2546238363.426276 = 64222129143136.43 496987798.09784603 + 916347 = 497904145.09784603 62167672034 + 1943.901033905416 = 62167673977.90103 -41972063827974 + 3284 = -41972063824690 -15 + -24.949844690783582 = -39.94984469078358 -74717.28131071186 + -1 = -74718.28131071186 567717112.4633563 + 4119747746.7551837 = 4687464859.21854 -594820345769.815 + 235126385.33938694 = -594585219384.4756 -6953678 + -72845079.23376647 = -79798757.23376647 100000000000000.0 + 63175887 = 100000063175887.0 -97439 + 281.3742382258233 = -97157.62576177418 -66970506667692 + 53.661120812963645 = -66970506667638.336 -5128.648635624397 + -45368 = -50496.6486356244 -1956111822.9742372 + -270883586368 = -272839698190.97424 -605 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000605 -33 + 94248894 = 94248861 -34109 + -71243986589 = -71244020698 -92823403494911 + -9910218 = -92823413405129 7063699709.209649 + -6908475265.611524 = 155224443.59812546 -140077125 + -90156325502 = -90296402627 231449312666 + 29.242266132706632 = 231449312695.24228 138591 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999861409.0 -200 + 17201275 = 17201075 367.17044615583654 + -3185018475233 = -3185018474865.8296 -6989958.984308745 + -30230093.2602123 = -37220052.244521044 -100000000000000 + -11418355273 = -100011418355273 422.47335630534303 + -9503 = -9080.526643694657 -17.509497542211925 + 36619313133 = 36619313115.4905 5548 + 122.59035573948208 = 5670.590355739482 -100000000000000.0 + 9489.335042439629 = -99999999990510.67 -2025352851.5952964 + 86 = -2025352765.5952964 -157898734 + -47 = -157898781 -5742245797 + 2249404862693 = 2243662616896 69389707924 + -158268 = 69389549656 16462841.31855632 + -356431130.74955964 = -339968289.43100333 6699086 + 5.667282124005842 = 6699091.667282124 2.8672439703121952 + 18 = 20.867243970312195 -1988.9099458509374 + 171102424 = 171100435.09005415 4850198.156740745 + 2.6972400967945114 = 4850200.853980841 -44511 + -84756819256563 = -84756819301074 -4433128.719751615 + 625975965.0068262 = 621542836.2870746 -26120028 + -80320329564001.84 = -80320355684029.84 -857357 + 100000000000000 = 99999999142643 1864.9592445415024 + -3458.79778093857 = -1593.8385363970679 458.5202137510586 + 8444821.59962916 = 8445280.119842911 -2.304416547255513 + -431646278310.48596 = -431646278312.7904 11653855500483.352 + -880.0208262347344 = 11653855499603.33 8768744358.55222 + -9221916970262.127 = -9213148225903.574 -5885 + -46604913.950188115 = -46610798.950188115 -27241153.69750918 + 795753 = -26445400.69750918 -658376827263 + -48421243605407 = -49079620432670 -1474.9681093671368 + -957425837 = -957427311.9681094 -600738909 + -28898669.22572688 = -629637578.2257268 -11 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000011.0 932179145.803027 + -245 = 932178900.803027 -4917003.943098303 + -1119991284557 = -1119996201560.943 -8912845776 + 7941614993.72231 = -971230782.2776899 7729655259080.311 + 3063042840 = 7732718301920.311 738290.9809275803 + -848221757494.4513 = -848221019203.4703 -8.214730598549725 + -5027635431.010198 = -5027635439.224928 -855515068614 + 45.469355914944664 = -855515068568.5306 628828175120.8453 + 64237161 = 628892412281.8453 8.497879933923599 + 32914915020322 = 32914915020330.496 -8995617.600968678 + 9519 = -8986098.600968678 1950703226019.4788 + 49943396715184 = 51894099941203.48 542683274.1685358 + 119132432811 = 119675116085.16853 856269.7898398557 + 54635 = 910904.7898398557 -4680.969639366087 + 1816029138 = 1816024457.0303607 1752841918.2416205 + 100000000000000.0 = 100001752841918.23 -585302.161152265 + 4 = -585298.161152265 -98665829 + 2661129971.9447813 = 2562464142.9447813 82551533312 + -23984.333919711775 = 82551509327.66608 -887029.2189307915 + -38282975358 = -38283862387.21893 326.2691254393495 + 645880318 = 645880644.2691255 202 + 734334923.9485644 = 734335125.9485644 -6470181828598.327 + -44940799235 = -6515122627833.327 -91939 + -790292848167.8951 = -790292940106.8951 -92653352496.961 + -100000000000000.0 = -100092653352496.97 -14.109609232854854 + -3689722 = -3689736.1096092327 70683 + -7445306438 = -7445235755 60 + -76213325607012.06 = -76213325606952.06 -16815453765 + 6703131 = -16808750634 -3.503106548675702 + 55011.939012933784 = 55008.43590638511 100000000000000 + -852574.6515668135 = 99999999147425.34 -2385460662980 + 63 = -2385460662917 945501777.8135793 + -956718361.7948486 = -11216583.98126924 97729582.54090002 + -37903485861 = -37805756278.4591 -451.36563052293417 + -207211 = -207662.36563052292 63290 + 45874835042823 = 45874835106113 3541824771 + -897647406023 = -894105581252 2048784 + 5075882244088.982 = 5075884292872.982 -47.510674394862214 + -257749.5227055429 = -257797.03337993778 -403208.2354673776 + 97088222879.8383 = 97087819671.60283 7431821.007896018 + -9674280563 = -9666848741.992104 824930209 + -51691025 = 773239184 -7110813.693553017 + -1.8852088799036681 = -7110815.578761897 -12171 + -8376564063.870446 = -8376576234.870446 -100000000000000.0 + -645619 = -100000000645619.0 -2045036098886 + 100000000000000.0 = 97954963901114.0 32800292 + 82912863375279.66 = 82912896175571.66 1524.7935192937712 + 62344162899012 = 62344162900536.8 3793.3561938302482 + 90.62860950454451 = 3883.9848033347926 -1135 + 63.00379207542654 = -1071.9962079245734 -17170554308.866297 + -1877752361868 = -1894922916176.8662 2953125004.6692157 + -3125 = 2953121879.6692157 887565200055 + 12 = 887565200067 -7484796655935.27 + 681789 = -7484795974146.27 -473139.7969807768 + 5 = -473134.7969807768 3.56147171709344 + 12.527243373073233 = 16.088715090166673 100000000000000.0 + 12 = 100000000000012.0 -62163090155 + -857386410.879781 = -63020476565.87978 10156.05449958161 + 1.102558737241 = 10157.157058318851 191760406 + 546948807.0857207 = 738709213.0857207 -871 + 7 = -864 5852486.75448577 + 238834.32536121653 = 6091321.079846987 8646448106519 + 1169774983.649776 = 8647617881502.649 -33.50672084584137 + 231772936 = 231772902.49327916 67100.68607118074 + -20213042.202032022 = -20145941.515960842 -816561218017 + -206 = -816561218223 72194377180.44269 + 100000000000000.0 = 100072194377180.44 -7.024175535701978 + 72525 = 72517.9758244643 -715.9010684972312 + 854669684397.9971 = 854669683682.096 66157581494890 + -631563016.9152615 = 66156949931873.086 -66221727287.43859 + -2 = -66221727289.43859 -78016576477514.66 + 2381804759 = -78014194672755.66 100000000000000 + 6592745.6028756425 = 100000006592745.61 -53120.09577100885 + 4 = -53116.09577100885 121091543.14685717 + 350393 = 121441936.14685717 808643.4033495429 + 32525263007 = 32526071650.40335 -34225828.36069065 + 545.390114390749 = -34225282.970576264 -5209826 + 65104304.58055749 = 59894478.58055749 66196727.30032374 + -252441 = 65944286.30032374 -86054977.41571465 + -143837.45850741497 = -86198814.87422207 -90363400258 + 2074512112722 = 1984148712464 -80407 + -43407.14867050456 = -123814.14867050457 -410475 + -229126970861 = -229127381336 574.4730118477277 + -5 = 569.4730118477277 2 + -7467899716 = -7467899714 -59345084.07921289 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000059345084.08 -477055765196.8802 + 47572 = -477055717624.8802 72867938783 + 1840575641 = 74708514424 52.335176034501494 + -2196819023.19545 = -2196818970.860274 -49390209831.494095 + -4095717.768105002 = -49394305549.2622 -44530020287687.805 + 334553660827 = -44195466626860.805 22989596511005 + -7689 = 22989596503316 4027962992 + 651.2710133402013 = 4027963643.2710133 -3108.357877502975 + 100000000000000 = 99999999996891.64 -7 + 8431732196 = 8431732189 -1171.545451937712 + -24132639558.140034 = -24132640729.685486 -31962.927028381862 + 69642504753159 = 69642504721196.07 -208251046731 + -4 = -208251046735 -4.381661838206259 + 5920180390.340878 = 5920180385.959216 -5606891892047.037 + 3.1784216198656434 = -5606891892043.858 55648685904030.42 + -696029 = 55648685208001.42 835727425.9797457 + 5049.069184528662 = 835732475.0489303 -54010885 + -39.27949563848297 = -54010924.27949564 -1625361138.8033748 + 1017250874500 = 1015625513361.1967 -7802.413024609902 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000007802.4 -21552588 + -281419.7861374096 = -21834007.78613741 -724037052722.3237 + 3 = -724037052719.3237 -18886.389307779697 + -524666529969.9934 = -524666548856.3827 24958561086 + -907569805.8397664 = 24050991280.160233 -294014254313.61597 + -47867652.760101624 = -294062121966.3761 -591092101 + 23007.165759002364 = -591069093.834241 -9112 + 1872370032751 = 1872370023639 3733.184662042802 + -3459262431082.1567 = -3459262427348.972 -383642.5780190772 + -820.2166029395031 = -384462.7946220167 9331 + 72 = 9403 18047251287 + -902643556772.9298 = -884596305485.9298 9487714009535 + -40642242.06538421 = 9487673367292.936 -44160.030720897936 + 52399616058 = 52399571897.96928 457.23459100267337 + -23772629614556.97 = -23772629614099.734 357304.39291033614 + -99799359919541.78 = -99799359562237.39 -4701531301.67868 + 779596.3839473085 = -4700751705.294733 -265493650540 + -794166.2821855686 = -265494444706.2822 80962968435.78076 + -6.271683871795855 = 80962968429.50908 31807148275.395237 + 100000000000000 = 100031807148275.39 810014711.2538677 + -9704114868092 = -9703304853380.746 100000000000000.0 + 625 = 100000000000625.0 -9576.238398818723 + 58443729461467 = 58443729451890.76 -1.1337389636053168 + 2927.6328142497714 = 2926.499075286166 -7054485885 + 92088 = -7054393797 -107778131.21254313 + 3 = -107778128.21254313 -255237 + 341929683760 = 341929428523 -46101510166 + 2 = -46101510164 3512222779.93026 + -3 = 3512222776.93026 -5475.7207252600365 + 396791274 = 396785798.27927476 6889.7705938519175 + 20743849298370 = 20743849305259.77 100000000000000.0 + -816032448 = 99999183967552.0 -5095179434.839607 + -100000000000000 = -100005095179434.84 4167008199361.927 + -100000000000000 = -95832991800638.08 -985336894694.8535 + -57236035201925 = -58221372096619.85 -7666139174634.883 + -54.08438227873565 = -7666139174688.967 28247289403840.855 + 124 = 28247289403964.855 -2679421.916357033 + -59330895191238 = -59330897870659.914 743267715.6786922 + -6247858969800.319 = -6247115702084.641 -100000000000000 + 285698384055 = -99714301615945 -42523365.059092134 + -54954615786995.914 = -54954658310360.98 83353816348229.5 + -89930810500041.34 = -6576994151811.844 -100000000000000.0 + 310533840.4449854 = -99999689466159.56 -7329509 + 65.75687000090811 = -7329443.243129999 -35926124696.0054 + 100000000000000.0 = 99964073875304.0 67 + 18252 = 18319 144.23196408566798 + -61722530657117 = -61722530656972.766 -100000000000000.0 + -3.349353137700271 = -100000000000003.34 8034336253.044591 + -52.57335260515795 = 8034336200.471238 20.070046902380863 + -47440218243692.734 = -47440218243672.664 -11409321285.194647 + -43150420 = -11452471705.194647 -3647457606.9967403 + 73509 = -3647384097.9967403 6906 + 519636026.90467054 = 519642932.90467054 549449256937.65924 + -100000000000000.0 = -99450550743062.34 -5.196021011314933 + -800567.4358472102 = -800572.6318682216 209.25590114914064 + -27798 = -27588.74409885086 6718963765188.803 + 940503 = 6718964705691.803 -100000000000000 + 81792732180 = -99918207267820 -100000000000000 + -902422228 = -100000902422228 -28815460996914.6 + 100000000000000.0 = 71184539003085.4 967386 + 11765568.26353544 = 12732954.26353544 72.67042776166954 + 8062.086203040623 = 8134.756630802292 100000000000000 + 17982241 = 100000017982241 3729 + 2 = 3731 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 6822.376586280145 + 1384875964.1989732 = 1384882786.5755594 69424009540068.94 + -9930622269.506947 = 69414078917799.43 43440482622 + -5514302 = 43434968320 -82409973298513.92 + 43576451 = -82409929722062.92 96554.21656645708 + -98916771431459 = -98916771334904.78 -2576961849207.8994 + 70656455599355 = 68079493750147.1 -1964 + -748 = -2712 4426.5052569926265 + -70373.20750325033 = -65946.70224625772 -9256824044 + 912.8529035431526 = -9256823131.147097 -9605401550 + 89188385106 = 79582983556 35972583 + 204102622363 = 204138594946 -17239.242798716215 + -112.57014572630973 = -17351.812944442525 51232301.46806232 + 25474701521689 = 25474752753990.47 -94047 + 49928171 = 49834124 -43670319786977.234 + 93150 = -43670319693827.234 -9 + 50496408679.51253 = 50496408670.51253 -298190.4288873024 + 630 = -297560.4288873024 5.041413956279469 + 79742434 = 79742439.04141396 9.775840711141571 + 18 = 27.77584071114157 -454 + 43268.749049248436 = 42814.749049248436 94257 + -64402625924 = -64402531667 -6130.894267309956 + 1.0836305198993328 = -6129.810636790057 14 + -12099 = -12085 -81.33963249000787 + 7291554202 = 7291554120.660368 703473885438 + 872250063 = 704346135501 100000000000000.0 + 2 = 100000000000002.0 -405077015 + -973820.5075504387 = -406050835.5075504 84 + -55008434336156.84 = -55008434336072.84 -6.711919435094437 + 22 = 15.288080564905563 7384227097906 + 24141830906613 = 31526058004519 -580 + -35735465.82098087 = -35736045.82098087 -215735.17574699016 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999784264.83 -98072264613641 + 2 = -98072264613639 -58661468.83200591 + 4242574897000 = 4242516235531.168 854339160474 + 86364.82250817334 = 854339246838.8225 17423.716432375983 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000017423.72 630908678.7785606 + 427829 = 631336507.7785606 53668563677533 + 21868691762511.734 = 75537255440044.73 878102 + 18.413436300725497 = 878120.4134363007 65 + 3835059191.075349 = 3835059256.075349 -273386925.0460912 + 27301486966.14756 = 27028100041.101467 1237046.8038083378 + 853.7480261720084 = 1237900.5518345097 -6291952.482295562 + -6653 = -6298605.482295562 -7 + -70016054392 = -70016054399 887814130 + -85.29995319673999 = 887814044.7000468 574147994344.0311 + 100000000000000 = 100574147994344.03 2626530422 + -2132.7147037427176 = 2626528289.2852964 -89 + 452411839462.8213 = 452411839373.8213 -60949.05120542207 + -6.045992620638276 = -60955.097198042706 -778.8690438324138 + -8342106.307700911 = -8342885.176744743 7209969291 + 79812366770715 = 79819576740006 66273230720 + -5629687548043 = -5563414317323 56942 + -815194269 = -815137327 4 + 14535329920339.031 = 14535329920343.031 -5053746484280 + -97448189 = -5053843932469 6413257635 + -87 = 6413257548 2095 + 78103.28086669656 = 80198.28086669656 9143472.924591467 + 1223283 = 10366755.924591467 -785985718130 + 346138559718 = -439847158412 2059435576651 + -5818331153.952903 = 2053617245497.047 50421973.98434403 + -574330810742.0624 = -574280388768.078 6 + -4232062705.0328436 = -4232062699.0328436 3490.5400514201924 + 561473103.4555047 = 561476593.9955561 -4498435698.15233 + -15556765022 = -20055200720.15233 -89484057250 + -464845594655 = -554329651905 -6519 + 75872840553386.5 = 75872840546867.5 100000000000000.0 + -2365824 = 99999997634176.0 60195331486300.08 + 8.62625257313642 = 60195331486308.7 758644326733 + -66905 = 758644259828 -100000000000000.0 + 39166900 = -99999960833100.0 3 + 3428211888334.959 = 3428211888337.959 -100000000000000.0 + -56931887.30519692 = -100000056931887.31 1105591355948.9824 + -9600910 = 1105581755038.9824 -94766 + -2660490.060897141 = -2755256.060897141 -80867 + 9610 = -71257 739711057070 + 2295439065.5759583 = 742006496135.5759 80.10465287837722 + -69839 = -69758.89534712162 -684169047134.7394 + 67564 = -684168979570.7394 88668605904 + -38415159.46068397 = 88630190744.53932 -442617.54388065584 + 51254190.915920675 = 50811573.37204002 -611523723 + 251123.73483516055 = -611272599.2651649 100000000000000 + -431801047936.7733 = 99568198952063.23 471162126451 + -44632889023915.11 = -44161726897464.11 -66221859 + 91.22415436479322 = -66221767.77584563 67782679880812 + 3699524603578 = 71482204484390 55764024286072 + -436349 = 55764023849723 -5325.133892227536 + -4.361016770542063 = -5329.494908998078 618242366 + -2 = 618242364 7408824982102 + 8987735.58173243 = 7408833969837.582 -7555.742110801074 + -710.8479449752276 = -8266.590055776302 3347.7234039375107 + 599421383.8465006 = 599424731.5699046 17475 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000017475.0 7527087281620 + 239361767.88973352 = 7527326643387.89 858010817672.4067 + -90106622.86118828 = 857920711049.5455 98040243993965 + 36829596 = 98040280823561 213311077545 + 8.681209247358964 = 213311077553.6812 885359.4454118854 + 54784972385 = 54785857744.44541 87957.38731718673 + -425919794591.4354 = -425919706634.0481 -4569141103664 + -228035311528 = -4797176415192 -8702161137125 + -1600140.049154656 = -8702162737265.049 90697140028.97403 + 71 = 90697140099.97403 -35993401114603 + -792522840614.2238 = -36785923955217.23 684846 + 274375.72557767044 = 959221.7255776704 -14252 + -717285 = -731537 -5 + 18624.657129237356 = 18619.657129237356 142 + 46242558727493.45 = 46242558727635.45 6163950 + -646 = 6163304 3 + -8984.328495430556 = -8981.328495430556 6077214965 + 93 = 6077215058 73275224 + 6052696682 = 6125971906 -725412657 + -73876084112.37386 = -74601496769.37386 35020.796727325695 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999964979.2 5.294320198172159 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.7 37073868333.51558 + -53699952.058648966 = 37020168381.45693 9477244745346.1 + -140168712.49978983 = 9477104576633.6 55.769251520689295 + -5216367268.04845 = -5216367212.279199 827838367539 + 4518 = 827838372057 -6 + 7662386889 = 7662386883 -100000000000000.0 + 233 = -99999999999767.0 -6373348247 + 420628096 = -5952720151 81735259.71794319 + -4411234.398085333 = 77324025.31985787 78025.06220064369 + 97824738.92668015 = 97902763.9888808 16572799828 + -6820865317737.022 = -6804292517909.022 -47 + 1036122 = 1036075 81838576068999 + -80168 = 81838575988831 -5215 + 16442073402146 = 16442073396931 -58339521041006.914 + 4574584 = -58339516466422.914 -110749 + -9950537345059 = -9950537455808 -519.8707885215827 + -8.564251824541962 = -528.4350403461247 621350918.339288 + 898624157535 = 899245508453.3392 80 + 76249990022 = 76249990102 -64890376263030.65 + 7342387.516205529 = -64890368920643.13 7238.417404936206 + 930610619.7975417 = 930617858.2149466 420676180735 + 78203 = 420676258938 488278132.80122393 + -99255168 = 389022964.80122393 -2741762526 + 100000000000000.0 = 99997258237474.0 -5440.858849720729 + -9759212181920.342 = -9759212187361.201 275989 + 861298 = 1137287 50335711277 + -9076294175.123863 = 41259417101.87614 -75582189240.07947 + 359 = -75582188881.07947 893821026479.732 + 83343542.43926944 = 893904370022.1713 -100000000000000.0 + 56047170098 = -99943952829902.0 -2102 + 7430 = 5328 36475941590 + -89839 = 36475851751 7683538 + 3757875112.326426 = 3765558650.326426 27121841 + -3341 = 27118500 -8 + -49.24303511846247 = -57.24303511846247 -360163056778 + -204760.01910511806 = -360163261538.0191 -71814 + 34061479366.944195 = 34061407552.944195 -5588366481.782308 + 7209034338.898046 = 1620667857.115738 -544.3995664497154 + 68026532984.25629 = 68026532439.85672 254178518472 + 51487892097.167694 = 305666410569.1677 -425178354 + -34190874807437 = -34191299985791 39740.7939519164 + -6214615.462065371 = -6174874.668113454 -923068279.8103384 + 253 = -923068026.8103384 49437.941159584596 + -65523 = -16085.058840415404 -28253 + 177 = -28076 -49841.862342961795 + -85161708 = -85211549.86234297 -95077550514489.16 + 9384190605936.613 = -85693359908552.55 -7276849199372 + -4242344253451.0107 = -11519193452823.012 100000000000000 + -9.973040746391712 = 99999999999990.03 6 + 76024599292.2663 = 76024599298.2663 -2183720539160 + 28842260492 = -2154878278668 -100000000000000.0 + -285 = -100000000000285.0 -100000000000000 + 313913520544 = -99686086479456 56469 + 73 = 56542 -9749531111 + 79887206 = -9669643905 524037594139 + -5112921731616.704 = -4588884137477.704 1340 + -749615 = -748275 53415.04580101306 + -4105 = 49310.04580101306 4426862923.298132 + 38218.90937512764 = 4426901142.207507 9.672745378856582 + -32952598.841806095 = -32952589.169060715 100000000000000 + 824148338.9498041 = 100000824148338.95 -310506660178.9558 + -9549539732800.566 = -9860046392979.521 -665 + -33585.83351482867 = -34250.83351482867 -6.184901516009921 + 933669240796.8873 = 933669240790.7024 8139215635.533605 + -6 = 8139215629.533605 -341197841304 + 140.96850194342812 = -341197841163.0315 100000000000000.0 + 708991.8672219089 = 100000000708991.88 -95 + -61061859209.54001 = -61061859304.54001 -3 + 60254348965859 = 60254348965856 -46.57826058211591 + -50887812147.77696 = -50887812194.355225 10316.885679858146 + -65888013623 = -65888003306.11432 8579042 + 797 = 8579839 33011611481 + 80570.63323871477 = 33011692051.63324 72013.68006937846 + 5670604477912 = 5670604549925.68 -842692335710 + 324740 = -842692010970 -846144787.722985 + -2313068492807.2554 = -2313914637594.9785 -6.1721511843672054 + -244961272929.389 = -244961272935.56116 9125336 + -61.38619184019414 = 9125274.61380816 4871269 + -3.949255720441928 = 4871265.050744279 -10352521166 + -926539056.2378532 = -11279060222.237854 62784910212 + -8810319 = 62776099893 -15 + 81.14689959933548 = 66.14689959933548 -69.25771491882179 + -56537830454537 = -56537830454606.26 -100000000000000.0 + 19894925 = -99999980105075.0 23650048708.95007 + -64411757246327.29 = -64388107197618.336 -2754097893 + -1513838135848 = -1516592233741 85566720481556.4 + 6586803666 = 85573307285222.4 412642226.0135872 + -267.490015398727 = 412641958.5235718 -4783816722 + 3273513726.110307 = -1510302995.8896928 -73609401792663 + 86 = -73609401792577 7246560719 + -5270611877868 = -5263365317149 -89 + -189434991909 = -189434991998 8009 + -299169365.63205194 = -299161356.63205194 -8286438539 + -100000000000000 = -100008286438539 -344932817.84134877 + -788073 = -345720890.84134877 -539786 + 5756052 = 5216266 -96954472380.3506 + -265 = -96954472645.3506 -1.6886840915236343 + 8 = 6.311315908476366 -9313355890 + 4005356018745 = 3996042662855 -5653538204439.676 + 9464595294932.135 = 3811057090492.459 -8 + -6164.464896840056 = -6172.464896840056 26013149546.558315 + 70.19922594656391 = 26013149616.75754 -4140490893.874362 + 2745044 = -4137745849.874362 -4 + 686083804.7479842 = 686083800.7479842 2154307 + 84202.10857104263 = 2238509.108571043 75031299.66809863 + -764.800599746599 = 75030534.86749887 48439775112 + 248484786347 = 296924561459 954070751.2460341 + 55472042105.600204 = 56426112856.84624 -100000000000000.0 + 24995702501 = -99975004297499.0 -95157722074.48215 + -2.245078201205291 = -95157722076.72722 -96543955.49664874 + -2733338970460.175 = -2733435514415.6714 856054 + -7479627856917 = -7479627000863 7396356542412 + -8928348790967 = -1531992248555 237557486.41254333 + 546952083 = 784509569.4125433 -100000000000000.0 + 751603490359 = -99248396509641.0 66 + -49476 = -49410 16929159308090.04 + 23849.201998603585 = 16929159331939.24 25282.42787629657 + -14899170520 = -14899145237.572124 -744894037920.3207 + 6640119361 = -738253918559.3207 1886470149 + -40882237118602.41 = -40880350648453.41 5264798287282 + -155057 = 5264798132225 -36252 + 821478830420.43 = 821478794168.43 -2674970286954 + 100000000000000.0 = 97325029713046.0 34.24663734624007 + 67.83347505703533 = 102.0801124032754 823670072.8737669 + 12479779284 = 13303449356.873768 -793230.9674431251 + 9950544507499.941 = 9950543714268.975 -8607686122.815609 + -4 = -8607686126.815609 -17973.14561132951 + -26779079024395 = -26779079042368.145 -1565781404.786285 + 100000000000000.0 = 99998434218595.22 -12776922.104818933 + 60775.72217896684 = -12716146.382639965 83692481390 + -1.9651193371651008 = 83692481388.03488 60241686145 + -4261765825181.164 = -4201524139036.164 -979.7521396219362 + 511 = -468.7521396219362 2713 + -6866685 = -6863972 51903185073 + 50601656215 = 102504841288 -24713.945729436018 + 497872.7501167815 = 473158.8043873455 -991928458171 + 4397709.700475419 = -991924060461.2996 917.578841655343 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000917.58 249362214 + 789484524.3002794 = 1038846738.3002794 -338546203558 + -53 = -338546203611 -8150662006 + 5253304879293 = 5245154217287 6262698266385 + -4 = 6262698266381 8527.72421671881 + -5735010700 = -5735002172.275784 -4 + -4167789256 = -4167789260 -559.6408359280018 + -6010138803641.02 = -6010138804200.66 7 + -19776.17075342011 = -19769.17075342011 641468189827 + 4306452.079397577 = 641472496279.0793 -30114968167141 + 2552 = -30114968164589 372035814 + -34039890372010 = -34039518336196 -4601667971 + 66995532.080661096 = -4534672438.919339 -527358 + -77357243666018 = -77357244193376 934973 + -274 = 934699 -9889911164213.518 + 1569164448.4354405 = -9888341999765.082 869017 + 3612784 = 4481801 -17431354693 + -3129375.492374987 = -17434484068.492374 -8 + -4 = -12 -212 + -60620575542 = -60620575754 -6229920 + 58259.486062711534 = -6171660.513937289 -364604743.70224994 + 490.4874084541185 = -364604253.2148415 75.33419598109107 + -501616922463.065 = -501616922387.73083 3818627840899.484 + -8892191.643924614 = 3818618948707.84 -600526.3535375174 + -407.7396690666458 = -600934.093206584 1854877154491 + -3529.1670227921063 = 1854877150961.833 23005 + -266.45487202505444 = 22738.545127974947 3332860588524.3633 + 1072536957515 = 4405397546039.363 4625087 + -8509072 = -3883985 817 + 57189325361 = 57189326178 96.3274407248901 + -66231257844932.39 = -66231257844836.06 87948099876467 + 496970085.2229878 = 87948596846552.22 6993524.996177734 + 10747590672 = 10754584196.996178 34364 + 986024.2988841647 = 1020388.2988841647 -324 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000324 72 + 773520963374 = 773520963446 81367677608.39458 + -27593472697761.492 = -27512105020153.098 -65507301678271.02 + -398.41635963261103 = -65507301678669.44 -88.34048624761182 + -54253.882461435154 = -54342.22294768276 308.41593872365263 + 46444249787 = 46444250095.41594 -1452232 + -1967981549331.151 = -1967983001563.151 -9057336313098 + -450495871871.152 = -9507832184969.152 -1517508083213.5715 + 840321734 = -1516667761479.5715 -100000000000000 + 923344417875.1039 = -99076655582124.89 13077203724656 + 40867358 = 13077244592014 318472 + -87530214 = -87211742 -5.575050048433801 + 7554647.955336636 = 7554642.380286587 946188741665.248 + 7586797279.648378 = 953775538944.8965 43939177261.59448 + 7300456.101611772 = 43946477717.69609 -34227 + -9762971.537577769 = -9797198.537577769 -65478378.75139619 + -100000000000000 = -100000065478378.75 -1.6932760238525302 + -5 = -6.69327602385253 2.7743383844254534 + -2134991.4289679565 = -2134988.654629572 -8567870592973 + -53846557049635.35 = -62414427642608.35 100000000000000 + 68825887.35584581 = 100000068825887.36 -2448673 + -100000000000000 = -100000002448673 -7994 + 153324763 = 153316769 -6138.266185980414 + -42844589.152764246 = -42850727.41895023 100000000000000.0 + -8291641195658 = 91708358804342.0 100000000000000.0 + -46288119360 = 99953711880640.0 64165810791.77477 + 6 = 64165810797.77477 883.267892334842 + -198534083573 = -198534082689.73212 -2853 + 807518069 = 807515216 -22756393.528916076 + 5 = -22756388.528916076 4499983935 + 5316.799001286393 = 4499989251.799002 -5407.106855121999 + 97177660286 = 97177654878.89314 5 + -61334739930599.09 = -61334739930594.09 -682234923978 + -7368.16084210501 = -682234931346.1609 -282660165009.4144 + -454041 = -282660619050.4144 55259737903 + 6127468190789 = 6182727928692 -40 + 53 = 13 334319.2593581773 + 738 = 335057.2593581773 9438 + 939394884514 = 939394893952 583 + 5 = 588 -455980 + -96350015 = -96805995 -9108072656 + -8.542079120133245 = -9108072664.54208 112.70587537791336 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000112.7 -87787766007771.17 + 4736984064648.89 = -83050781943122.28 -7158427324974 + -917039 = -7158428242013 -6552349647351.899 + -507285915180 = -7059635562531.899 26503 + -98981797965740.25 = -98981797939237.25 100000000000000.0 + 5641723992332 = 105641723992332.0 -48787.83733958804 + 102784 = 53996.16266041196 299 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000299 202829102693.7359 + -705.3370040088494 = 202829101988.3989 -779532 + -4897671908 = -4898451440 -100000000000000 + -7021951876.490863 = -100007021951876.48 68811302291307.02 + -171.98092029097765 = 68811302291135.04 -980637.6324419811 + 4927843.5001828205 = 3947205.8677408393 1967698968 + 1519007310210 = 1520975009178 18830891093588 + -585.0641187474865 = 18830891093002.938 367508128894 + -4710861189.919365 = 362797267704.0806 5303308425011.553 + 4.174471124146351 = 5303308425015.728 8642248.365307152 + 100000000000000 = 100000008642248.36 535389259493.7006 + -91469.60488776882 = 535389168024.09576 2456299 + -9879858.07292524 = -7423559.07292524 5094175661.471452 + 94262223868 = 99356399529.47145 -2622.421406562403 + -40.22733131598973 = -2662.6487378783927 1658725 + 842460424.955705 = 844119149.955705 -855686788586 + -96882064679 = -952568853265 -7139769232 + 2079696025945 = 2072556256713 43.92854973554801 + -2 = 41.92854973554801 -9.163564965430508 + 3.7280684347777346 = -5.435496530652774 -744979519850 + 115751356944 = -629228162906 8.628365106771454 + 75255044466 = 75255044474.62837 505 + -2379016545104.368 = -2379016544599.368 36355681342376.95 + -2554627603275 = 33801053739101.953 -6057 + 60312477911.42771 = 60312471854.42771 -909378 + 319800.4421013328 = -589577.5578986672 -44163.49697020487 + -476 = -44639.49697020487 -100000000000000.0 + 49113 = -99999999950887.0 862 + -501585690078.7986 = -501585689216.7986 -100000000000000.0 + 471 = -99999999999529.0 -22041.5323980487 + 436590999400 = 436590977358.4676 -92793822440 + 439886.2415472033 = -92793382553.75845 883310673.4456531 + -89 = 883310584.4456531 52588204 + -30600 = 52557604 33206769 + 49268899 = 82475668 8894152226.840717 + -90576667647846.53 = -90567773495619.69 6.714091333701646 + -35 = -28.285908666298354 667554793535.8593 + -81903295565476 = -81235740771940.14 51 + 4329 = 4380 -559008.4611170546 + -4.20151776900661 = -559012.6626348236 -46001967.865545884 + 6589151120587.282 = 6589105118619.417 100000000000000.0 + -602949088 = 99999397050912.0 -264186628087 + 940371516 = -263246256571 74449 + 997393437535.109 = 997393511984.109 -84534319729036.31 + -5128880340421.047 = -89663200069457.36 -73.51474633765599 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000073.52 -89975 + 8880.276779992324 = -81094.72322000767 -7011603 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000007011603.0 -5700380764331.922 + 94888.74535068784 = -5700380669443.177 187153.15965671066 + -29288519 = -29101365.84034329 -54067747843402 + 100000000000000 = 45932252156598 -125429509 + -7423.525068679214 = -125436932.52506869 -749486011.3403467 + -95829 = -749581840.3403467 64348293633547 + -746 = 64348293632801 -462429858 + 831221330725 = 830758900867 -4325991 + 8790047477 = 8785721486 227014363 + 905837.2944124038 = 227920200.2944124 274059059.90104455 + 184207726.70606542 = 458266786.60710996 3292765827361 + -7702696.252081725 = 3292758124664.748 9537385842.897078 + 282.1872862751601 = 9537386125.084364 8403050363 + 88.26485837558758 = 8403050451.264858 -2680440082.9504995 + -5546138374856.124 = -5548818814939.074 -22.19212327435457 + -258.6562731874545 = -280.84839646180905 -628615059 + 64446881645369 = 64446253030310 71941759.36074336 + 78 = 71941837.36074336 -8284493648516 + 53596 = -8284493594920 -131 + 98099558 = 98099427 -18131867365 + 7 = -18131867358 -8570.680923248688 + -100000000000000 = -100000000008570.69 -40 + -9766781528457 = -9766781528497 26905128841929 + 53 = 26905128841982 100000000000000.0 + 419471592.27287096 = 100000419471592.27 -100000000000000.0 + 26 = -99999999999974.0 -1730905 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999998269095.0 -7708627210619.227 + 49744945357404 = 42036318146784.77 -719453580784 + -526.1404231158912 = -719453581310.1404 -9140837466.384602 + 17217.329281591563 = -9140820249.05532 -62423429701034.79 + 7955229381.822554 = -62415474471652.97 -86654924887.56187 + -10883280983267.812 = -10969935908155.375 92638711009 + -85323194604 = 7315516405 -83849541 + 90.77191441115461 = -83849450.22808559 93008051256618 + -92168879534601.38 = 839171722016.625 95956408550816.7 + -22504998 = 95956386045818.7 -628690003632.1093 + -8 = -628690003640.1093 -19814 + -15 = -19829 -5765781675 + -98959551.80474438 = -5864741226.804745 47478783943 + 543892045074 = 591370829017 8977445329.064785 + 17138.61665452893 = 8977462467.68144 931026 + -9.614409802164813 = 931016.3855901979 -205 + 6904 = 6699 -369 + -6798674398.4627495 = -6798674767.4627495 216.39638072461736 + 35304562044627 = 35304562044843.4 -5.030724773887646 + -415.56114983662195 = -420.5918746105096 93895228981 + -100000000000000 = -99906104771019 497773 + -5366600709.515649 = -5366102936.515649 761081649450.1932 + -1958886407132.0508 = -1197804757681.8574 -59.323786686852955 + -8513478903 = -8513478962.323787 7 + -500351142545 = -500351142538 3594.826744038941 + 100000000000000 = 100000000003594.83 -654882198 + 4290275 = -650591923 -88089558503 + -18 = -88089558521 42127 + 3861177668444 = 3861177710571 -9 + 473683 = 473674 -948932.5671376955 + -100000000000000 = -100000000948932.56 4.037419963137927 + -9191 = -9186.962580036861 -18768 + 92878126 = 92859358 -630497831.6425447 + 41849996787866.47 = 41849366290034.83 3602162999.6808805 + -509398056.90904695 = 3092764942.7718334 121319131889 + 95178831528 = 216497963417 5914879363.8502245 + -73784371 = 5841094992.8502245 31094664952 + 352121496394 = 383216161346 -18410598267 + 1302.769976291529 = -18410596964.230022 100000000000000 + 9709673798 = 100009709673798 100000000000000 + -5319535 = 99999994680465 -15116.08638334303 + -81002144617733.86 = -81002144632849.95 717544.7406466464 + 7367960306 = 7368677850.740646 735315 + -1699 = 733616 -13.209566749626799 + 8109202698.29898 = 8109202685.089413 -3317 + 902326 = 899009 920596814.4510386 + -73361.45637762288 = 920523452.994661 -9360649544.310966 + -4895732146798.016 = -4905092796342.326 91879 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000091879.0 748 + 1463964744 = 1463965492 -439978 + 8.053956041937713 = -439969.9460439581 -6.76239076533501 + 21664077643.812664 = 21664077637.050274 24414 + -8.604635646148417 = 24405.39536435385 -7 + 99131 = 99124 28 + 6 = 34 -7441648829.866862 + -2715563 = -7444364392.866862 939.8316201462659 + -11.785846136783162 = 928.0457740094828 -9.646837978984367 + -9175357672083 = -9175357672092.646 -17 + -4382433213.411562 = -4382433230.411562 1540 + 79470503541063.97 = 79470503542603.97 -55061082939 + -87364 = -55061170303 -489038 + -9191067454 = -9191556492 7 + 235.93433361631662 = 242.93433361631662 -7525962855.206175 + 479867487.5694188 = -7046095367.636756 -23487524.903683424 + 617 = -23486907.903683424 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 -6441058565594 + -2511943.1140426937 = -6441061077537.114 5895287267598 + 59864541 = 5895347132139 45.06633919799411 + -55697223950 = -55697223904.93366 -436747744426.3904 + -100000000000000 = -100436747744426.39 -8376437065181.188 + 399612.4159880034 = -8376436665568.772 3054669768 + 26 = 3054669794 148 + -945326202964.2941 = -945326202816.2941 -6195931574065.665 + -937706294854.1064 = -7133637868919.771 -305332514876.54895 + 46572834272155 = 46267501757278.45 884505074588.1431 + 31751700113.9793 = 916256774702.1223 59462863.53937971 + 7 = 59462870.53937971 817250217.3792702 + -44 = 817250173.3792702 30501719637 + -5268576822.38914 = 25233142814.61086 124 + -6081830.380903152 = -6081706.380903152 963918694 + 510.4554461947173 = 963919204.4554462 -41124.78941312366 + 93.45158218009809 = -41031.337830943565 576122644 + -62292099 = 513830545 -47351958898 + 8 = -47351958890 -47 + -927635924816 = -927635924863 -1738571750 + 2196793467 = 458221717 62971214897239 + 97092977 = 62971311990216 -52631 + -73 = -52704 -418208 + 9458866063369 = 9458865645161 88 + 19720225976120.375 = 19720225976208.375 335772.3870080068 + -15636 = 320136.3870080068 937824 + -7317.924064391171 = 930506.0759356088 -58 + -245 = -303 100000000000000 + -807.5200749719751 = 99999999999192.48 -667051837786 + 9447869 = -667042389917 -100000000000000.0 + 807.0294500381718 = -99999999999192.97 5180318.786855631 + 85452984899 = 85458165217.78685 -87094.05822334293 + 67723050173791.945 = 67723050086697.89 2414326 + -22870.693006141053 = 2391455.306993859 1 + 64962388311 = 64962388312 31 + -5.702907594699625 = 25.297092405300376 -1 + 410811456917 = 410811456916 487176849 + -25701297973832.66 = -25700810796983.66 -43.58492801309511 + -36572422.81160949 = -36572466.396537505 342536095158.36346 + -903313.395597116 = 342535191844.9679 -39134827669262 + -7774298 = -39134835443560 69949810094184 + 24317565596509 = 94267375690693 -66.83528538660377 + 37461714195754.45 = 37461714195687.62 -500357404840.9416 + -485919854370.78815 = -986277259211.7297 619263016673.167 + 8330744194979.847 = 8950007211653.014 66788712228.90028 + 41106912.82310105 = 66829819141.72339 3547612081 + -11858548.739420185 = 3535753532.2605796 -100000000000000 + -3374878880 = -100003374878880 43222902.92214208 + 66 = 43222968.92214208 15 + 64038.18292175576 = 64053.18292175576 10.224035076298994 + 7.4526021536777085 = 17.676637229976702 -21 + 9215354031778.914 = 9215354031757.914 -1293387 + 406146941.55718726 = 404853554.55718726 -64433 + -366879036794 = -366879101227 8801042.02084786 + 52910 = 8853952.02084786 100000000000000 + -2.7785705350826255 = 99999999999997.22 -419474 + -59429212186803 = -59429212606277 -828053.6283945942 + 49692264899064 = 49692264071010.375 -8.92473694104965 + 19007165648253 = 19007165648244.074 -218 + 57714 = 57496 -2.7419468520895895 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000002.73 100000000000000 + 25 = 100000000000025 2823376546387 + 36128671859143 = 38952048405530 -81481447249152.77 + 360826608816.0055 = -81120620640336.77 7.461619793912536 + -185 = -177.53838020608745 -94813832 + 8614676122.154 = 8519862290.153999 77 + -8.023747627409875 = 68.97625237259012 -82178.98273526492 + -84892 = -167070.98273526493 -87865199677051 + -585436960 = -87865785114011 -6532124.053997321 + -100000000000000 = -100000006532124.05 3544.9655744011156 + 5 = 3549.9655744011156 68291708622110 + -10728 = 68291708611382 -4220625482399.859 + -6652723071973 = -10873348554372.86 -821311812250.2062 + 102282 = -821311709968.2062 -516210.69120716705 + 840791682111.0255 = 840791165900.3344 -9520876599 + -7.035312952698972 = -9520876606.035313 -5325645 + 280682863.483411 = 275357218.483411 -13429591072 + -59404.75743950848 = -13429650476.757439 297497123.0523032 + 431497688417 = 431795185540.0523 -7433591920198 + 421826.16329826263 = -7433591498371.837 7816759537.2742815 + 100000000000000 = 100007816759537.28 -583319972.7470005 + -24766248628594 = -24766831948566.746 -878.5035361384199 + -91018 = -91896.50353613842 -100000000000000 + 66191412342724 = -33808587657276 72854.98935570742 + 3 = 72857.98935570742 588356149 + 88024328638 = 88612684787 45805353071144 + -13211746920 = 45792141324224 6105597084 + -9.045749511661908 = 6105597074.95425 2.737922801038067 + 942625190.9230429 = 942625193.6609657 1536888.3566608024 + 597921800.5434847 = 599458688.9001455 -2183198266174.4924 + -8272.082492720707 = -2183198274446.575 85.03780226182565 + 68738812 = 68738897.03780226 46668914815890 + -3 = 46668914815887 2.176164267128543 + 9969205540 = 9969205542.176165 -82674.27785025976 + -2928215 = -3010889.2778502596 -30294697388592.76 + 7 = -30294697388585.76 -1193935987 + -100000000000000.0 = -100001193935987.0 9013167918.560932 + -7889.6866026427115 = 9013160028.874329 1655552593695 + 18688221615.312523 = 1674240815310.3125 742506624571 + -2537024 = 742504087547 14 + 7537631812 = 7537631826 -78996920.59930606 + -7759.646940803837 = -79004680.24624686 -47197119737166 + 79705086705849 = 32507966968683 8 + 4964287763 = 4964287771 -2052285494453.5173 + -5945.079820079231 = -2052285500398.5972 251267271.71513656 + -552240.9788496799 = 250715030.73628688 -615917 + 97664574862170 = 97664574246253 -95548 + -872667204028.093 = -872667299576.093 -6431197545346.11 + 4852865074.46254 = -6426344680271.647 -23997809143.786263 + 100000000000000 = 99976002190856.22 42498.596198507475 + -493819966 = -493777467.4038015 -69786406 + 100000000000000 = 99999930213594 -7827270670095.772 + 8573 = -7827270661522.772 1735921.7884880635 + 86695538811943 = 86695540547864.78 279266825 + -4390281 = 274876544 6528154978 + 190403.69111989214 = 6528345381.69112 -7209 + -64932309.04335824 = -64939518.04335824 -6326621180055.538 + 5335003 = -6326615845052.538 79945070806 + -83 = 79945070723 22 + -4302146 = -4302124 -1537.086354995711 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001537.1 -56065651 + 2302048 = -53763603 -30265912427046 + 106.44585881768872 = -30265912426939.555 -8021548 + 1142.7431833398887 = -8020405.25681666 -845.557755617265 + 42866575391.74048 = 42866574546.182724 22298134724987.746 + -887081467 = 22297247643520.746 -25253.486886944047 + -8633424 = -8658677.486886945 -6 + 27697 = 27691 -100000000000000 + 3 = -99999999999997 7794261 + 67264236789545 = 67264244583806 -73297613390 + -31280 = -73297644670 -680164.1086068392 + -5091 = -685255.1086068392 -496018484 + 3032.8879702434856 = -496015451.11202973 1 + 95.8249772275069 = 96.8249772275069 1403588570262.157 + 100000000000000.0 = 101403588570262.16 17998.2667131705 + 912234 = 930232.2667131705 819683662914.9907 + -46799550 = 819636863364.9907 -63581284343188.15 + 35003754.98501128 = -63581249339433.164 -100000000000000 + -546555411.4305978 = -100000546555411.44 -10689859373.879536 + 36197 = -10689823176.879536 181651.08761849412 + -33296287 = -33114635.912381507 7442.395556090642 + -43689532760.62265 = -43689525318.2271 75690924034.99463 + -4429101.981675908 = 75686494933.01295 7432352397529 + 100000000000000.0 = 107432352397529.0 1947372.1668341875 + 111462931776.6306 = 111464879148.79744 -1610329722937 + 97 = -1610329722840 -40394297.97198245 + -7297856488706 = -7297896883003.972 3569828863 + -13099957391276 = -13096387562413 -396596 + 2330701 = 1934105 675780532.0357094 + 61.94256449844955 = 675780593.9782739 -5410.252595915181 + -6689512 = -6694922.252595915 -43228685735380 + 18 = -43228685735362 -8292758683 + 47172.93423169528 = -8292711510.065768 756219810637 + -73500 = 756219737137 100000000000000.0 + 5698493 = 100000005698493.0 621258.2667243873 + 69623486269147 = 69623486890405.266 -9193 + -5.209695640424411 = -9198.209695640424 87922032133.39705 + 30.658334152012642 = 87922032164.05539 -2.123352284971391 + -31334373475024 = -31334373475026.125 -704.4484411282855 + 5528325891 = 5528325186.5515585 34698014.73655099 + 268 = 34698282.73655099 -65428855 + 428850 = -65000005 2.3783420667821202 + -321 = -318.6216579332179 -307579.2411305446 + 1540829.5557721006 = 1233250.314641556 7071 + 2284420877 = 2284427948 9.81690081227914 + -762089 = -762079.1830991877 2 + 2 = 4 -5.380846225657026 + -5628183417 = -5628183422.380846 25578726837.559555 + 657569902 = 26236296739.559555 -5811163 + 3263169 = -2547994 -3787190 + 13 = -3787177 2319206.425359387 + 36396916.6926198 = 38716123.117979184 7171873905552 + 74865647344 = 7246739552896 6573 + 5586494.541312249 = 5593067.541312249 -5792946932038.903 + -857449.712827478 = -5792947789488.616 -73 + -54647746 = -54647819 -615103484963 + -4261 = -615103489224 -77719795.19760217 + -35341457977619 = -35341535697414.195 210803519356.9637 + -938931250082 = -728127730725.0363 -8334328 + -700.6763126150399 = -8335028.676312615 -52481460488235.625 + -669745312593.1268 = -53151205800828.75 6722353303016.648 + -55538570 = 6722297764446.648 -672527645 + -8152 = -672535797 100000000000000.0 + -9701324.055434054 = 99999990298675.94 -3377428 + -78955354 = -82332782 8640.288507122037 + 9098 = 17738.288507122037 -100000000000000 + 20687 = -99999999979313 -388957184 + -4.0161674751045435 = -388957188.01616746 8132905 + 73870642.62651658 = 82003547.62651658 21.748538234488514 + -701132634.0680557 = -701132612.3195175 -3899600.9238923355 + -88441712073 = -88445611673.92389 5743107991136.155 + -22.48213680797039 = 5743107991113.673 -100000000000000 + -408601709.7665071 = -100000408601709.77 61268734292 + -74163616564296 = -74102347830004 7528997971 + -189562.36957290617 = 7528808408.630427 365 + -8808154568.667377 = -8808154203.667377 -13892355956480 + -4568206367.175634 = -13896924162847.176 -55737727272081 + 39670740175 = -55698056531906 7165923 + -50.606919179690664 = 7165872.39308082 -35530122058.11566 + 43679564307414.125 = 43644034185356.01 17131 + -730323037182.4274 = -730323020051.4274 -976616580 + -2181661540.437294 = -3158278120.437294 75528794514 + 9 = 75528794523 -7951486323 + 32 = -7951486291 100000000000000.0 + 28988 = 100000000028988.0 9522795742144.695 + 630 = 9522795742774.695 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = 0.0 -1757317 + -770.3034463064554 = -1758087.3034463064 100000000000000.0 + -93.71792095249528 = 99999999999906.28 77.65914888519845 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999922.34 77158682208 + 17795.509797807506 = 77158700003.5098 -8597180942 + 8.938427149951599 = -8597180933.061573 -100000000000000 + 216040.0526838272 = -99999999783959.95 909539338507 + -45436393741323 = -44526854402816 -2588864261.6627216 + 66360531946073.42 = 66357943081811.76 -1659664.073280523 + 905242206 = 903582541.9267194 -784.079110260433 + 338837 = 338052.9208897396 74131020599.46329 + -691 = 74131019908.46329 -22694810634334.664 + 6464.263607738943 = -22694810627870.402 51.7547348979062 + -854128 = -854076.2452651021 -92629815017.10217 + 6.56615829725826 = -92629815010.53601 499023 + -6455488750176 = -6455488251153 -867742486.8459942 + -992725456.0588094 = -1860467942.9048038 100000000000000.0 + -52.85119083050278 = 99999999999947.16 7338387576168.268 + 100000000000000.0 = 107338387576168.27 100000000000000.0 + -70542924882506 = 29457075117494.0 43557240041.59053 + 9441001653 = 52998241694.59053 -19366075141 + -846415375891 = -865781451032 1216503043133 + 550817 = 1216503593950 972 + -27193597446241 = -27193597445269 948359118 + -565433084 = 382926034 94453485698009 + 6888536412 = 94460374234421 22.640498578209233 + -885820.018638758 = -885797.3781401798 689942962494.7456 + 4.31569920154492 = 689942962499.0613 -98374.64536950845 + -61375725000293 = -61375725098667.65 44622156.97277075 + -91.90185889627831 = 44622065.070911855 80318557719952.62 + 5.869160307991735 = 80318557719958.5 -894536758398 + -21 = -894536758419 -567560078970 + 52371071.61750696 = -567507707898.3824 79660063530162 + 88291845784 = 79748355375946 94.34979316449842 + 846733486 = 846733580.3497932 798290159.7495466 + 60 = 798290219.7495466 -1 + -60 = -61 100000000000000.0 + -23494.104146839003 = 99999999976505.89 -69.56278549956954 + -4090259.657438681 = -4090329.2202241807 9310869320 + 58.85442762647326 = 9310869378.854427 86.99012306380345 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000086.98 -53805083439 + -6546451 = -53811629890 -953372 + 472097086868 = 472096133496 50932406188107.08 + 100000000000000 = 150932406188107.06 7 + 819 = 826 -795677493 + -7.642486445357115 = -795677500.6424865 9695049442937.164 + 8189784.4660893865 = 9695057632721.63 -56374361 + -2939.0772353922716 = -56377300.07723539 484944234 + 533129530780.451 = 533614475014.451 868565821.7890267 + -5573808 = 862992013.7890267 327.0025832401428 + 3 = 330.0025832401428 2534939 + -109310 = 2425629 -69.81029258014485 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000069.81 -349346 + -6451933442 = -6452282788 -208197149 + -47498297.53792565 = -255695446.53792566 4252664503607 + 342.3618810716239 = 4252664503949.362 -3 + 4299 = 4296 -9518461223705.656 + 76.89680830427093 = -9518461223628.76 509 + -107756879 = -107756370 -2465.6773370066508 + 5.91134073262827 = -2459.7659962740227 68829369.87258035 + -688670.946486948 = 68140698.9260934 83544 + 553883476 = 553967020 -8315516088457 + -107.63469650999812 = -8315516088564.635 -346067167.7408091 + 5545626217217 = 5545280150049.259 62.094234046819615 + -10620377550 = -10620377487.905766 -529326010.61347055 + -4308397120 = -4837723130.61347 -2099.480990261055 + 85.30359416414481 = -2014.1773960969101 -100000000000000.0 + 308 = -99999999999692.0 -13386877473 + 100000000000000 = 99986613122527 7818.644244956264 + -6421065387.432505 = -6421057568.7882595 -48599806057.577225 + 924 = -48599805133.577225 -100000000000000.0 + -50604118317 = -100050604118317.0 55481283.1692994 + -72884581004846.1 = -72884525523562.92 669099016 + 93 = 669099109 -15656 + 34566 = 18910 -4760882049.995222 + 896 = -4760881153.995222 -609862514737.3855 + 49843929677.24158 = -560018585060.1439 -7321512651529 + -100000000000000 = -107321512651529 7105127502541.425 + -191723146829.11865 = 6913404355712.307 -329902220 + -8299.906059155674 = -329910519.90605915 2760126788 + 6661336308564 = 6664096435352 -81803583865 + -772.5301025219377 = -81803584637.5301 477563481676 + 26625978.912122466 = 477590107654.9121 100000000000000 + -99.7320759359966 = 99999999999900.27 35278690943.61012 + 100000000000000 = 100035278690943.61 -726.3148924685913 + -29682528.852278084 = -29683255.16717055 -3281413038 + 4955624415756 = 4952343002718 80290072551 + 88711681640311.58 = 88791971712862.58 -7774793444 + -3809324747.757716 = -11584118191.757717 -6311788465315 + -8568354022 = -6320356819337 -221 + 3.1311523818370404 = -217.86884761816296 100000000000000 + 6361.8616404404975 = 100000000006361.86 6354 + -267789844.55618578 = -267783490.55618578 437681.4507282578 + 56923 = 494604.4507282578 13943235935 + 97340235521484.38 = 97354178757419.38 -732470369 + -8081 = -732478450 92754.13213556887 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999907245.88 -32279763811.446194 + 668222749010.3325 = 635942985198.8864 -858146426.6405115 + -3737040405.48653 = -4595186832.127041 -579211 + 8519778 = 7940567 -6148537.218504273 + 8013217.391221232 = 1864680.1727169584 -37578420861104 + 100000000000000 = 62421579138896 -48269334402 + -34.66511265265942 = -48269334436.665115 -754220546.5549572 + -653056944303 = -653811164849.5549 418 + 748.503025616396 = 1166.503025616396 32.43319955724105 + -404580621058.4895 = -404580621026.0563 623811286.2263274 + -273497846397 = -272874035110.77368 -499773007535 + -877179477 = -500650187012 4966976 + 61 = 4967037 -621908574147 + 28269339318.743122 = -593639234828.2568 -107817021337.75781 + 64715 = -107816956622.75781 3.0423485856297967 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000003.05 -592032594.5520715 + -62557846.335967004 = -654590440.8880384 131 + -76733228735530.06 = -76733228735399.06 639.0907701501926 + -47919894937.52229 = -47919894298.431526 78375550 + 56333 = 78431883 -5704 + -637.0803447658925 = -6341.080344765893 -329033145 + -36 = -329033181 992 + -7880453958.028914 = -7880452966.028914 -59960822301267.86 + -580.4854941249641 = -59960822301848.34 -5805539.352423658 + -1286515800009.0684 = -1286521605548.421 -752.2689632870059 + -99845379 = -99846131.26896329 31380274.980890185 + -3763609474025 = -3763578093750.019 61257858462072.99 + -508808909 = 61257349653163.99 -183974068951 + -199750.68769123225 = -183974268701.68768 39181.593631636075 + -906128996089 = -906128956907.4064 -7 + -4300699.696017357 = -4300706.696017357 -7217898041 + -79921659.3501676 = -7297819700.350167 -930797333739.595 + 1218344568715.001 = 287547234975.406 -27788764.062312987 + 600043 = -27188721.062312987 38084849886630.38 + -67310 = 38084849819320.38 1 + 9230505001809 = 9230505001810 2119 + 546123971510 = 546123973629 -840965804816 + 751933897422.1276 = -89031907393.87244 -45716184 + -2144 = -45718328 -32674899 + 9657393154390 = 9657360479491 -7461329960 + -30446 = -7461360406 -89818 + -276108642.96032304 = -276198460.96032304 31730992992777 + 7118810646709 = 38849803639486 -73883034594929.55 + 986476540.2852337 = -73882048118389.27 -90 + 797613.9630349006 = 797523.9630349006 -34291575233411.316 + -8766 = -34291575242177.316 -804967629563.0769 + -9963895649.457815 = -814931525212.5347 363 + -56493105917 = -56493105554 927544043.0423286 + -5.078349374947967 = 927544037.9639792 -7007.808030230522 + -92823 = -99830.80803023052 -390524 + -61533523102 = -61533913626 5477065 + -6601721638293 = -6601716161228 18969 + -109609592994 = -109609574025 53737654119.51887 + 100000000000000.0 = 100053737654119.52 893798901 + 939992.0821653531 = 894738893.0821654 16307624377480.36 + -94386102576751.19 = -78078478199270.83 -3783.9970113138115 + -24822158798330 = -24822158802113.996 -842 + 30163599 = 30162757 -87604908.88190381 + -9.776865843954884 = -87604918.65876965 -50869867 + 9182866890317.402 = 9182816020450.402 12272923450.132998 + -8.038038396040433 = 12272923442.09496 611382634.0093155 + -2873.7078102845217 = 611379760.3015052 -284549834 + -452807902445 = -453092452279 40 + 292990000129 = 292990000169 5197391289375.108 + -605069.7909391674 = 5197390684305.317 -92030249631439 + -1618407886913.3647 = -93648657518352.36 -22475625.335186213 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999977524374.67 -884221 + 290.33423252591643 = -883930.6657674741 -110.16974836633747 + 5309 = 5198.830251633663 -2315808.0951959365 + -80029197 = -82345005.09519593 374208669 + 77826698643 = 78200907312 -16392461602948.312 + -5 = -16392461602953.312 2190104874375 + 8509006.353595447 = 2190113383381.3535 569922708591 + 6596059 = 569929304650 849 + 26107601530.077583 = 26107602379.077583 86778390500760.02 + -9360.490703682355 = 86778390491399.53 904089686598 + 7058 = 904089693656 492614 + -56936926078920.38 = -56936925586306.38 -203280 + 4266738231826 = 4266738028546 -1462984336 + 2858 = -1462981478 9.128294455146488 + 61281757069.18215 = 61281757078.31045 2247893 + -24.020340010840236 = 2247868.979659989 -9122352107102.604 + 92 = -9122352107010.604 -87108 + -91176181289 = -91176268397 6048 + 70239 = 76287 180.27790186170725 + 7274774 = 7274954.277901862 -301350480 + -904706.7112325358 = -302255186.71123254 5.0231227903518025 + 85150143 = 85150148.02312279 70167611 + -9991.956672608787 = 70157619.04332739 91714182786.48947 + 79499505.33894837 = 91793682291.82841 4557 + -325.0952457383959 = 4231.9047542616045 -100000000000000 + 524019215 = -99999475980785 -4516557712 + -80600089.51199211 = -4597157801.511992 -1218446 + -9204.118067793184 = -1227650.118067793 -9.903728862266686 + 19230572885792.54 = 19230572885782.637 95398391006.63383 + 24528 = 95398415534.63383 -656694536 + -30.78090785570128 = -656694566.7809079 -2782261413251 + -386 = -2782261413637 6794 + -70193617.03046548 = -70186823.03046548 39707142487324 + 240.38444234760317 = 39707142487564.38 92881 + 36 = 92917 -1500495411.6510477 + -10121 = -1500505532.6510477 2838353.599395385 + 63.89762905259323 = 2838417.4970244374 -74869643.62864445 + -8921753190.53434 = -8996622834.162985 100000000000000 + 9851027702 = 100009851027702 771.3365493279668 + 93583095866.54863 = 93583096637.88518 -593739639.1800718 + -699354.9806706817 = -594438994.1607425 7950729 + -188464808058 = -188456857329 -619399453.4467163 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000619399453.45 -755580445593 + -11 = -755580445604 61076339317338.164 + 7075680875.604327 = 61083414998213.766 75310607 + -512836419339 = -512761108732 23663.736402330884 + -294517.5364568485 = -270853.80005451763 62445532106.445656 + -59171 = 62445472935.445656 643723573004.1272 + -657268073 = 643066304931.1272 4980364106 + -100000000000000.0 = -99995019635894.0 31731410706778 + 219273.06823784916 = 31731410926051.066 18391 + 91287516143 = 91287534534 76.39834093253386 + 64074243 = 64074319.39834093 100000000000000 + -7209 = 99999999992791 -920749049026.5557 + -77129083532145.39 = -78049832581171.95 39010 + 5031296140 = 5031335150 56798110.48640379 + 310385 = 57108495.48640379 98200 + 1470.7568441506705 = 99670.75684415067 34591791 + 8029541238.779467 = 8064133029.779467 -3845109 + -290.32297059247355 = -3845399.3229705924 -702.9018415438356 + 8204020 = 8203317.098158456 65887248773971.3 + 3856985361 = 65891105759332.3 -51237456767.46095 + -1097687030.3048806 = -52335143797.76583 60975051345299.84 + -5535159714861.915 = 55439891630437.93 -963457.918616807 + 653.872438868951 = -962804.046177938 -2252072441.2455406 + -802.7487741056599 = -2252073243.9943147 -23383436802.544647 + -763 = -23383437565.544647 -253892680303.5272 + 485810.33776792366 = -253892194493.18942 393913 + 2780531219204 = 2780531613117 37 + 661181550.0914971 = 661181587.0914971 7354864929262 + 934258 = 7354865863520 -651523657.3272994 + 6410157244176.729 = 6409505720519.401 -253364.87699140044 + -26100866346 = -26101119710.87699 -2620036748070.714 + -3219233617.009765 = -2623255981687.7236 76691518.99070606 + 60789524247635.734 = 60789600939154.73 -99888233111.5811 + -1856948.298034536 = -99890090059.87914 -352161679 + 495707354 = 143545675 95.1099621032692 + -93899776555.25371 = -93899776460.14375 38.285182318913805 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999961.72 -8099268.62167342 + -59904 = -8159172.62167342 8858.903880945749 + 15290.097121611117 = 24149.001002556866 -100000000000000.0 + -75383232387940.0 = -175383232387940.0 96882680354943.6 + -7974617 = 96882672380326.6 -44 + 80190 = 80146 509.0063289108091 + 75358021184677.44 = 75358021185186.44 -530956.1386366505 + 100000000000000 = 99999999469043.86 -165451898126.82745 + 9 = -165451898117.82745 2876161.306492649 + 997581.3579262552 = 3873742.664418904 100000000000000 + -2946807990.0815687 = 99997053192009.92 1 + -6418191.496323974 = -6418190.496323974 915936001262 + -936.2197472077559 = 915936000325.7803 445243 + 9611857509088.293 = 9611857954331.293 -100000000000000.0 + 5396739069029 = -94603260930971.0 -8.178192917564722 + -5970.621268739163 = -5978.7994616567275 5933.447191619619 + -74.3231633194894 = 5859.12402830013 100000000000000.0 + 71949956099919.86 = 171949956099919.88 1356428476.3215184 + -100000000000000 = -99998643571523.67 53801705158550 + 6852 = 53801705165402 -6026.602760836364 + 1815 = -4211.602760836364 -19907806197361 + 41969631599871.39 = 22061825402510.39 -499 + -96154585583434.03 = -96154585583933.03 -8706883514 + 8571 = -8706874943 8712821450.928064 + 22 = 8712821472.928064 89428 + -62095935959740.26 = -62095935870312.26 3514048694.883809 + 93533648934.55923 = 97047697629.44304 75148.52925365558 + -296.9229143866869 = 74851.6063392689 78035571983388 + 59541939975.1949 = 78095113923363.19 -719 + 1367742.5003429218 = 1367023.5003429218 52747.065128073285 + 2261 = 55008.065128073285 309070.2509801623 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000309070.25 100000000000000.0 + -38232 = 99999999961768.0 26677.61254914602 + -6391811267 = -6391784589.387451 -100000000000000 + -484795 = -100000000484795 20833656141506 + 4292464306036 = 25126120447542 725446679 + -124530877 = 600915802 181951926573 + -8363797913.787832 = 173588128659.21216 8925506 + -61 = 8925445 -827356730109 + 53410213939.82395 = -773946516169.176 -3601634351 + -352391171.69083613 = -3954025522.690836 100000000000000 + -533945491929.30176 = 99466054508070.7 68 + 2829428 = 2829496 47 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000047 3287 + 62654 = 65941 44109083411990.375 + -100000000000000.0 = -55890916588009.625 -26199202 + 41325553221908 = 41325527022706 -9875923486934 + -4320 = -9875923491254 9.802161012828655 + 17.10374770164507 = 26.905908714473725 -9972578675 + 72019 = -9972506656 40991965882347.445 + 11 = 40991965882358.445 301932114797 + -706516 = 301931408281 -22709121 + 499023.992266354 = -22210097.007733647 6928219785291 + -55501005747.109955 = 6872718779543.89 -7997.556683017558 + 81685503020.33377 = 81685495022.77708 9760522569725 + 47 = 9760522569772 45504986292 + -294586050817.71216 = -249081064525.71216 51687770.33827515 + -8416.189504337406 = 51679354.14877081 -100000000000000 + 701 = -99999999999299 -131355415610 + -275616 = -131355691226 -8925371 + -43.08132877029984 = -8925414.08132877 -32850721712999 + -39981 = -32850721752980 476.2077906164494 + -751 = -274.7922093835506 -920544161 + 547883 = -919996278 -601661288 + 790.5156116040826 = -601660497.4843884 -67261935268861 + -8508499.511953782 = -67261943777360.516 -21.32167216602865 + 11348170988110.258 = 11348170988088.936 -3.5541475284559687 + 5800948 = 5800944.4458524715 -953514.4746036486 + -658369364 = -659322878.4746037 -60722590.43589002 + -9017506603 = -9078229193.43589 -607436.5357248834 + -1810773286 = -1811380722.5357249 266464583318 + -1653013253178.0195 = -1386548669860.0195 374994662443 + 415789698 = 375410452141 8452.150609071148 + 969961649.9115384 = 969970102.0621474 -50133691273.17701 + -799 = -50133692072.17701 100000000000000.0 + 30969403438408.87 = 130969403438408.88 30.005141983684332 + 51030071044591.96 = 51030071044621.97 91 + -42933395011695.28 = -42933395011604.28 100000000000000.0 + -91631689238.5678 = 99908368310761.44 74580.47099706868 + -100000000000000 = -99999999925419.53 118 + 24114010.565382965 = 24114128.565382965 -4840064859.41882 + -45358 = -4840110217.41882 382 + -8856802403719 = -8856802403337 -17176289100154.025 + 32 = -17176289100122.025 -9451094698174 + 7682.41134480053 = -9451094690491.588 -100000000000000 + -3975 = -100000000003975 37836823887 + 613931128975.2592 = 651767952862.2592 68 + 213626562.47609496 = 213626630.47609496 -78 + -391 = -469 942700263.3411562 + -100000000000000 = -99999057299736.66 -322 + 825389.3708694262 = 825067.3708694262 -1424115112029 + 84759411297091 = 83335296185062 10236111.467589555 + 5133472394979 = 5133482631090.468 -93873252168425.3 + 4126944.5880565783 = -93873248041480.7 -736424160264 + 47190175209 = -689233985055 -914 + -35796024369132 = -35796024370046 35 + 35113 = 35148 -50484001932647.914 + 689804178093.5055 = -49794197754554.41 98173245771952 + -817563831811.1537 = 97355681940140.84 -57830354355994.29 + -623.81076794708 = -57830354356618.1 -4 + 555 = 551 659862.0430454194 + 366025557699 = 366026217561.043 -6101091.785621633 + 237.63382525311394 = -6100854.15179638 98653860729.80908 + -100000000000000.0 = -99901346139270.19 3278 + 9.469539966730723 = 3287.4695399667307 9311680.464438776 + 1248284.5321210483 = 10559964.996559825 -864240076 + -3864 = -864243940 -55.454284508561756 + 2788 = 2732.5457154914384 -6247299.041751921 + 2366.3102951924484 = -6244932.731456729 -72650913212 + 34795043692195 = 34722392778983 -59233 + 92617347995 = 92617288762 -78849790.63542141 + -59327 = -78909117.63542141 47687922550547.35 + 210983585622 = 47898906136169.35 -376931.67622415395 + 662528590 = 662151658.3237759 81899068589 + -3 = 81899068586 -32867.57009811116 + -7306560023 = -7306592890.570098 31769374.40026271 + -87215845719293 = -87215813949918.6 96387386844888 + 85396763.53755431 = 96387472241651.53 476972463157 + -9626 = 476972453531 -46267 + -66593867691449.53 = -66593867737716.53 -771170 + 86494 = -684676 873423992 + -8722288.306540497 = 864701703.6934595 965566.5147924765 + 100000000000000 = 100000000965566.52 86.53813115959503 + 5185 = 5271.538131159595 -1680157297827.5835 + -4 = -1680157297831.5835 45637918796405.74 + -70064 = 45637918726341.74 -489672078538 + -851850 = -489672930388 -5.88112414991179 + -9308 = -9313.881124149912 475900 + -84917631836222.9 = -84917631360322.9 5923583324691.184 + -73620.67596999518 = 5923583251070.508 -8844698 + 104 = -8844594 -3209448670 + -641785.5343617321 = -3210090455.534362 -252.88885365530234 + 372 = 119.11114634469766 -30805.346704758198 + 1069.4312321474792 = -29735.91547261072 -1802734075737 + 38.25026199032392 = -1802734075698.7498 -493486.3143753086 + 100000000000000 = 99999999506513.69 7513428678 + 7629286155935 = 7636799584613 -14421623995531.902 + -31557915150418.363 = -45979539145950.266 596.4864770487643 + 611793496245 = 611793496841.4865 -698894023407 + -48.6766540995819 = -698894023455.6766 -833445254.8503916 + -77148132.84948874 = -910593387.6998804 912246177.8742456 + 4.153351094228739 = 912246182.0275967 -2701.4068498596835 + -916.4641378787751 = -3617.8709877384586 96449.2432936203 + -7170325235.454745 = -7170228786.211452 -44.961809995557815 + -723 = -767.9618099955578 100000000000000 + -6165 = 99999999993835 734252 + -27048941510200.04 = -27048940775948.04 41001909339 + 3245597679228 = 3286599588567 -1653728380.338688 + 14577183.234105527 = -1639151197.1045823 -6.414249857394974 + 2077 = 2070.585750142605 -4578769328 + 100000000000000.0 = 99995421230672.0 -709096116.6187435 + -97861095.27007216 = -806957211.8888156 -88599.99945814924 + -43421764980 = -43421853579.99946 -1969392.9329284069 + -91435623.63542576 = -93405016.56835417 8.660411474589 + -458894713062.33655 = -458894713053.67615 -43.10298304074866 + -42669.13903294573 = -42712.24201598648 -4585014301876.23 + 42025363 = -4584972276513.23 97725349187942 + -9598503 = 97725339589439 -34827611.465669475 + -3 = -34827614.465669475 -92557970583 + 29400324273257.723 = 29307766302674.723 -359847474362.7905 + 8000 = -359847466362.7905 67469 + -897482103.5146221 = -897414634.5146221 -462892845937 + -91027808.67667519 = -462983873745.6767 46725648098908 + 853217 = 46725648952125 378 + -61.35500283902494 = 316.64499716097504 -24017354 + -6930.339381916196 = -24024284.339381915 417181 + -8937298411970 = -8937297994789 97574339097450 + -293303615.3563387 = 97574045793834.64 57230716895 + -37843718252287 = -37786487535392 -521.5176499447231 + 75094193247.42343 = 75094192725.90578 378004232 + -8279156484970.516 = -8278778480738.516 -100000000000000 + -6900945.965765611 = -100000006900945.97 -4124350762.338202 + -174337640050 = -178461990812.3382 -948675174 + 569579055792 = 568630380618 -78910009167959 + -4 = -78910009167963 -20747714248346.047 + -100000000000000.0 = -120747714248346.05 57470461658.67869 + -22175194869.315918 = 35295266789.36277 -804259305456.0087 + -6713771350.179684 = -810973076806.1884 -4600256327558.611 + -61147124317 = -4661403451875.611 -178 + -6139575386 = -6139575564 -300.45428295274723 + 8283 = 7982.545717047253 -570034803187 + 20071 = -570034783116 21724 + 9653224372660 = 9653224394384 -43000738165 + 99981798.91660847 = -42900756366.08339 1714.4617437815186 + -896425896995 = -896425895280.5382 -766661778 + -6794 = -766668572 -35902480677 + -7435444 = -35909916121 56554413491756.86 + -949 = 56554413490807.86 1187 + -9813.93519683211 = -8626.93519683211 -100000000000000.0 + 77468585978.61694 = -99922531414021.39 -100000000000000.0 + 96033.82960340926 = -99999999903966.17 550 + 1831359.3239967264 = 1831909.3239967264 314698785940 + -892921933287.7346 = -578223147347.7346 -7 + -4194.719913025192 = -4201.719913025192 62931278 + -666 = 62930612 612 + -6025 = -5413 649821252.782834 + -9782008 = 640039244.782834 199868519.44902718 + 7521913 = 207390432.44902718 -2002.16961219709 + -100000000000000 = -100000000002002.17 2248526769 + 378343432 = 2626870201 9 + 6984366468112 = 6984366468121 5283538 + -1379257983309 = -1379252699771 92263137209.9555 + 82 = 92263137291.9555 3296.6156329217756 + 324996515.03969437 = 324999811.6553273 5559 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994441 -742876331866 + -48367008489 = -791243340355 651.6280212499869 + 8930129444.203346 = 8930130095.831367 66084474376.65822 + 994364.7967414445 = 66085468741.454956 -78070.37087620932 + -5.452809084519857 = -78075.82368529384 -483881909490 + -9916999083.50154 = -493798908573.5015 81766 + 3356171960.7361765 = 3356253726.7361765 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -587251029.487121 + 434436 = -586816593.487121 -266948756.405906 + -9303144609481 = -9303411558237.406 -1738.6584132030512 + 19031517572929.047 = 19031517571190.387 85251.54075778657 + -7763.933938996486 = 77487.60681879008 -741877 + -6911285 = -7653162 -155030566 + -250 = -155030816 -82408703.88346311 + -47774626 = -130183329.88346311 -13.69650309417726 + 69099551337 = 69099551323.3035 749394779102 + 57127605134724.62 = 57876999913826.62 6324041.68017623 + -1440059084853.4126 = -1440052760811.7324 5528479.9128075745 + 621969280563.2875 = 621974809043.2003 -19 + -166390332 = -166390351 -353199874.92058116 + -635901293 = -989101167.9205811 -5993505771040 + -47207981123828 = -53201486894868 -631205452.9531332 + 52 = -631205400.9531332 -933986 + -4004.3730216372574 = -937990.3730216372 -6456650.903257726 + 74622546 = 68165895.09674227 -56691603530.582924 + -785614702.1509318 = -57477218232.73386 44353390455999 + 17198191385 = 44370588647384 743.715158384566 + 6841164839 = 6841165582.715158 -596684338683.6016 + 6.593577888222314 = -596684338677.0079 -326169786790 + -95840370497849 = -96166540284639 62.111212290883316 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999937.89 -26354638990658.58 + -88.99764549199213 = -26354638990747.574 -683 + -455.2038141997314 = -1138.2038141997314 -100000000000000.0 + 26762299653974 = -73237700346026.0 5531641428192 + 44539923.21437836 = 5531685968115.215 -91.00728595532992 + -925607484527.833 = -925607484618.8403 318490311 + 59994276359 = 60312766670 -2620.062286516664 + -410424.15101574897 = -413044.2133022656 2997286510.1789103 + -6.489161389050048 = 2997286503.689749 -44222900844147 + -798198810.5593208 = -44223699042957.56 2398488718272 + 35726862407640.8 = 38125351125912.8 -107089390.93697476 + 476125415924 = 476018326533.06305 -439503.6899082229 + -82969564395.17981 = -82970003898.86972 85915.61348692606 + 7088518798364.467 = 7088518884280.08 205767.0995736171 + -904353287826.3123 = -904353082059.2126 419480945708.9325 + -571006095 = 418909939613.9325 6322945020530 + 146436 = 6322945166966 -7428965152518.856 + -351107 = -7428965503625.856 -100000000000000.0 + -357437046972.2189 = -100357437046972.22 -100000000000000 + 868135 = -99999999131865 -94707 + 88996 = -5711 -982022713713.173 + 3544.6278094246754 = -982022710168.5452 5757778.701814793 + -53045553639056 = -53045547881277.3 182556.1377217133 + -649029657612 = -649029475055.8623 -1275.0471673139257 + -197589.19580853503 = -198864.24297584896 -78294.70551254116 + 98792 = 20497.294487458843 6043027203 + -10 = 6043027193 75490 + 110 = 75600 -611467670963 + -898.5357906010329 = -611467671861.5358 -664985736240.4166 + -87467236.3750201 = -665073203476.7916 -3992859517.567899 + -8081964.070457234 = -4000941481.6383567 -3351720790.885188 + 858289495063.5499 = 854937774272.6648 6445651.350011374 + 390063296 = 396508947.35001135 8920838 + 303.50835443911495 = 8921141.508354438 -696723993975 + -99580016928373.06 = -100276740922348.06 6932209 + -1 = 6932208 1.690647541426019 + -4435294216094.656 = -4435294216092.966 -84 + -61.0812469437177 = -145.0812469437177 -1814.7414955555562 + 9398 = 7583.258504444444 -100000000000000.0 + 596 = -99999999999404.0 33.44384579885312 + -1897230.146921094 = -1897196.703075295 9619299 + 668029.4127644078 = 10287328.412764408 -6607693.810471735 + 1546588.2011012319 = -5061105.609370504 -162623 + 100000000000000 = 99999999837377 -3729652005778.0195 + -98 = -3729652005876.0195 -94792646502 + 24131808322374.17 = 24037015675872.17 22792239750660.285 + 1966638887394 = 24758878638054.285 905270.170394119 + 1931902221.868768 = 1932807492.0391622 108666008 + -6487.287185418703 = 108659520.71281458 -34434968675627.223 + -100000000000000.0 = -134434968675627.22 -8086 + 19077312551722.605 = 19077312543636.605 -100000000000000 + 8808060.697321957 = -99999991191939.3 -8622.116200650506 + -63033111 = -63041733.11620065 467.89177056403014 + -76115305 = -76114837.10822943 333468.6615936291 + 148125 = 481593.6615936291 -495525158.28135926 + -8 = -495525166.28135926 -15277204.031105828 + 5676112 = -9601092.031105828 31941 + -641971 = -610030 -5122816171341.396 + -17460 = -5122816188801.396 182574 + 56.69174520304558 = 182630.69174520305 11 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000011 -22605 + 5353323.733187355 = 5330718.733187355 -7159.55454226099 + -378934895 = -378942054.55454224 887062277 + -366977.2092110683 = 886695299.7907889 1729074664.4431849 + -97300.88258824586 = 1728977363.5605967 -8431 + -99449578033332 = -99449578041763 -9467.807313787744 + 6.954064578561485 = -9460.853249209182 -1 + -43946486913 = -43946486914 14211.081448934456 + 4676028195.499945 = 4676042406.581393 -100000000000000 + 877.1891469983564 = -99999999999122.81 -859556964.9421896 + 5545015359434.314 = 5544155802469.372 503289398660 + 93977 = 503289492637 -28249655473 + -42248 = -28249697721 -45741414623.17968 + 1303162505757.815 = 1257421091134.6353 979122 + 89208353471116 = 89208354450238 -2 + -3 = -5 9355882594173 + 58075619.01487755 = 9355940669792.016 -100000000000000.0 + 923216.1614076727 = -99999999076783.84 -24 + -5.017397798296681 = -29.01739779829668 -3676149507.286425 + -43 = -3676149550.286425 6745722571025 + 39101654385.28095 = 6784824225410.281 -4627447976 + 30431.861353446242 = -4627417544.138646 -358410.7141858742 + 3874 = -354536.7141858742 -623 + -93672242940064.27 = -93672242940687.27 -95270.02416991834 + -40350134.34027325 = -40445404.364443175 -811394.3140239915 + 16.112878156689927 = -811378.2011458348 97863511033828 + -90018060778050.48 = 7845450255777.516 -16657447 + 644725724260 = 644709066813 55185046 + 5311638 = 60496684 -60 + -769927 = -769987 4115807 + -79849801 = -75733994 -81628.18808565238 + 2710117 = 2628488.8119143476 3384098846.72454 + 1930 = 3384100776.72454 -634429346.1112859 + 90081.60561706017 = -634339264.5056689 -13412 + 823429.6812983732 = 810017.6812983732 100000000000000 + 80817199571223 = 180817199571223 -100000000000000 + -38537 = -100000000038537 25994894.69116749 + 18244091361138 = 18244117356032.69 7389040080.940432 + -100000000000000.0 = -99992610959919.06 5467572834 + 100000000000000.0 = 100005467572834.0 -351311033362.3225 + -135505790 = -351446539152.3225 -1433629843810.0251 + -134917502.6240598 = -1433764761312.6492 6207316 + 337.23517164524185 = 6207653.235171645 -5.271720029900923 + -90772975787.07002 = -90772975792.34174 -6458709 + 404909675.6088599 = 398450966.6088599 -234233177921 + 880461161527.9546 = 646227983606.9546 -292578 + 321618950498 = 321618657920 24 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999976.0 -396720902647 + 21436571025 = -375284331622 -614171107 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000614171107.0 4800 + -100000000000000 = -99999999995200 -490842505.93273056 + 71 = -490842434.93273056 -166 + -4407996.944387805 = -4408162.944387805 -2 + -5534204090892.716 = -5534204090894.716 -411332 + 66 = -411266 9085510 + -1058836581116 = -1058827495606 -100000000000000 + 997820.1581285043 = -99999999002179.84 958618812.9072977 + -823160497424 = -822201878611.0927 -747002361.6882665 + 181.21967783636595 = -747002180.4685887 -17533261408 + -1668605042.1349092 = -19201866450.13491 -845563151.1857525 + -4870898485478 = -4871744048629.186 66848441 + 76433257 = 143281698 -2619823.889458085 + 962773.7225112863 = -1657050.1669467986 1534355580427 + 5740582193 = 1540096162620 -100000000000000 + 818273.8114705387 = -99999999181726.19 838274900.8776922 + 40151699 = 878426599.8776922 883 + 94825.86857133923 = 95708.86857133923 4041426071374 + 9730801.280550824 = 4041435802175.281 284157 + -42.16101088483908 = 284114.83898911515 -639394767.1981133 + 350636 = -639044131.1981133 -717147.823526538 + -31 = -717178.823526538 33977859183 + 7720700169959 = 7754678029142 -952073.5769554158 + 9 = -952064.5769554158 904.0442602984087 + -7656432166 = -7656431261.95574 77205107310 + 7.608449389624813 = 77205107317.60844 -5266457318341.24 + -99599229650.7207 = -5366056547991.961 416 + 5 = 421 -44836 + -843807481 = -843852317 -86946592054 + 3598318944 = -83348273110 100000000000000 + -361 = 99999999999639 249171154.9685882 + 6252378522429.301 = 6252627693584.27 30282168275079 + -829 = 30282168274250 67386066 + 4204136715306 = 4204204101372 -118183.3377585969 + 2809375674733.29 = 2809375556549.952 -498294290097 + -2106200 = -498296396297 34022917344851.99 + -1.1325339222444302 = 34022917344850.855 35243 + 37306849812.02439 = 37306885055.02439 -5918374896.533195 + 95053 = -5918279843.533195 76931886695379 + 2383341660 = 76934270037039 735.699033005595 + -15 = 720.699033005595 191790 + -763.5093886790537 = 191026.49061132094 324692149713.3338 + 19715992.90242167 = 324711865706.2362 401229684561 + 905.1431579839233 = 401229685466.1432 65.75582257140789 + 94089480951506.02 = 94089480951571.77 -532247227864 + 650857477441.0934 = 118610249577.09338 819016437905 + -6645856019 = 812370581886 11208 + -6298862 = -6287654 4055.324548055768 + -5096 = -1040.675451944232 29.764785988011838 + -278205804109.30133 = -278205804079.53656 -18735339 + -5.928265431500832 = -18735344.92826543 -99167.84758484866 + 100000000000000 = 99999999900832.16 -81647784 + -6615617.868945426 = -88263401.86894542 -74934846.38570595 + -96587156 = -171522002.38570595 -93662.23185879976 + -270704698049.91977 = -270704791712.15164 39 + 5 = 44 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -91116563.45454827 + 57651038631145 = 57650947514581.55 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 54 + -965.5921436278807 = -911.5921436278807 -18992418959777 + 3118824 = -18992415840953 190378630.36565202 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000190378630.36 35558140.41286075 + 5401 = 35563541.41286075 990.1356079439122 + -947952155673 = -947952154682.8644 100000000000000 + -3234.9285984506196 = 99999999996765.08 -10.329718074157142 + -235 = -245.32971807415714 -9308.269320250274 + 5879851015.817034 = 5879841707.547713 538944058.1828095 + 333.7702764574933 = 538944391.9530859 6708 + -680455 = -673747 -10893310022.267353 + 34458 = -10893275564.267353 -50576622036 + -8146 = -50576630182 -6 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000006.0 -51430.781855185836 + -1252935885.007228 = -1252987315.789083 836984581047.232 + 1065109681356.965 = 1902094262404.197 4778342210 + -9001153459428 = -8996375117218 82472668092.83443 + 61940 = 82472730032.83443 -89374763401338 + 100000000000000 = 10625236598662 79923383867290 + 17 = 79923383867307 5783670649064 + 79308592.2722201 = 5783749957656.272 -697382484.3993971 + -7429117612660 = -7429814995144.399 58571113865 + -80921510172.69395 = -22350396307.693954 -18227679810535.414 + -956 = -18227679811491.414 -20705185.0142178 + -5289223997976 = -5289244703161.015 -395146 + -93863539040303.47 = -93863539435449.47 -5009 + -65569133785.36966 = -65569138794.36966 -664 + 887194757 = 887194093 1964.2562769330384 + 6935.984789182587 = 8900.241066115625 -8.901657903770822 + -633319.3741398862 = -633328.27579779 -100000000000000.0 + 90420808.16612402 = -99999909579191.83 494.4718982789969 + 42066.63220282803 = 42561.10410110703 -8683141.789769273 + -90 = -8683231.789769273 -652315346640 + -365075469 = -652680422109 276 + 46107331849488 = 46107331849764 100000000000000 + 49946055.42161165 = 100000049946055.42 -37 + -47195 = -47232 -7361 + 173918060.44855678 = 173910699.44855678 1390188451 + -1207216.721457782 = 1388981234.2785423 8494469018952.93 + 8981.032270588019 = 8494469027933.962 758 + -6625 = -5867 602.6216256110358 + 9402 = 10004.621625611037 100000000000000.0 + -97911.41502131466 = 99999999902088.58 9327422 + -1684394 = 7643028 -97431039276481.7 + 1634 = -97431039274847.7 -8423 + 56037946178104 = 56037946169681 -406447251112.6004 + -856122447.1496704 = -407303373559.75006 -1204.6797115447662 + 88649539548060.39 = 88649539546855.7 -33194692427188.258 + 391 = -33194692426797.258 70832.10256192979 + 3373.7153497955346 = 74205.81791172532 24.709483231503583 + -17754319983.561077 = -17754319958.851593 4.915901539484876 + -88621105.68465783 = -88621100.76875629 72924218.99439497 + 647835.4231293347 = 73572054.41752431 -34.70026282971779 + -3684397 = -3684431.7002628297 85.17605213561409 + 1250932783584 = 1250932783669.176 -100000000000000 + -3093674 = -100000003093674 340960595851.36743 + 746881827230 = 1087842423081.3674 65 + 6522353.471881313 = 6522418.471881313 7 + 32717076.54958907 = 32717083.54958907 -396.1866449744957 + 630.9367712603242 = 234.75012628582851 32630.691142149564 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000032630.69 765501086274.6306 + 4283 = 765501090557.6306 4261894.601925818 + 842086371183 = 842090633077.6019 -963144183.6110418 + 955101 = -962189082.6110418 96655 + 9676910419.942247 = 9677007074.942247 66830291.71238301 + -4 = 66830287.71238301 -206846521.17930382 + 3961644485.8618956 = 3754797964.682592 -1753.102463036841 + -821414 = -823167.1024630369 2261847503330.22 + 1.1406071791038972 = 2261847503331.361 -14.043792360453178 + 583326065.7557135 = 583326051.7119211 54712.03053364917 + 8.63741384548175 = 54720.66794749466 -4916 + 90632365354 = 90632360438 914154 + 253209942260 = 253210856414 -896944824 + 5917 = -896938907 643740.4618764778 + -227752573618.96793 = -227751929878.50604 -3 + -8750877554.638462 = -8750877557.638462 -50879039746 + 6477713.854328788 = -50872562032.14567 -703874806.4818305 + -15190.401635360808 = -703889996.8834659 330309 + -23741165.746546388 = -23410856.746546388 -675122928.2129964 + 12980426862778.781 = 12979751739850.568 2900908617 + 7875933166 = 10776841783 -7704525209.43363 + -1113270632481.19 = -1120975157690.6235 -50699564579 + 3456998117 = -47242566462 8453379865 + 89897.72473669359 = 8453469762.724737 6.777137350777297 + 1761312 = 1761318.7771373508 -8167 + 28107910642654 = 28107910634487 -100000000000000.0 + 2036.8369490269927 = -99999999997963.16 -7921 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999992079.0 -816345349 + 115.5388350842871 = -816345233.461165 -9 + -68689598093279 = -68689598093288 163078192.0671997 + 30163748123546.87 = 30163911201738.938 -626587 + 81860123324143 = 81860122697556 -4009.7850608275235 + 43 = -3966.7850608275235 -65259885177450 + -5743 = -65259885183193 986.4364442590105 + 1811731 = 1812717.436444259 -22766906 + -518336056 = -541102962 -16434 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000016434.0 7392 + 7 = 7399 4492848985.096933 + 5019133547.373047 = 9511982532.46998 -22105.437617832977 + 23481 = 1375.5623821670233 -719.3410706204367 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999280.66 -1790959078639.1892 + 100000000000000.0 = 98209040921360.81 -80643055103.5013 + -330277700549 = -410920755652.5013 2387134552616.808 + 8681404.887359314 = 2387143234021.6953 -36658405.98898441 + 6 = -36658399.98898441 -604547373380.9956 + 99135.68961325641 = -604547274245.306 -4.707316478008861 + 370210109.73829496 = 370210105.0309785 -563298861 + 1015360.8065313724 = -562283500.1934686 -463.62769303686457 + 8.684858389743866 = -454.9428346471207 6242618200852.5 + -194380422 = 6242423820430.5 442964 + -376 = 442588 -91.1864325558362 + -90004 = -90095.18643255584 -81192 + -66507892.43287861 = -66589084.43287861 881028282.2188846 + 191607094696 = 192488122978.21887 -100000000000000 + -2.7064431481346682 = -100000000000002.7 64 + -737559852.0058274 = -737559788.0058274 55.71833500536296 + -232.66738023667259 = -176.94904523130964 25 + 2.1348438562681373 = 27.134843856268137 -87456.28704951242 + 5713687 = 5626230.712950488 12 + -44341926 = -44341914 1068469555994 + -10115373922046.84 = -9046904366052.84 -9326663770 + 27259571 = -9299404199 -44281213281.54234 + -78.50414680659692 = -44281213360.04649 98694354 + 6196.057547185153 = 98700550.05754718 21425341.79332784 + 73405123989 = 73426549330.79333 24343135 + 455.18284730217385 = 24343590.182847302 -586 + -589184 = -589770 97972668712959 + -67508951208394.32 = 30463717504564.68 -6501612.353975063 + -2649016946693 = -2649023448305.354 303296068.57350814 + 84741.94407228394 = 303380810.51758045 -5993076917 + -469 = -5993077386 -36633.92104883697 + -38921799986248.91 = -38921800022882.83 2.8649060953565604 + -5608.4235713824055 = -5605.558665287049 69795290426505 + -10658061444 = 69784632365061 100000000000000.0 + 58461835776.93795 = 100058461835776.94 165.52891131755715 + -800.380393880544 = -634.8514825629869 723338.6014272647 + 10850447 = 11573785.601427265 2006230828.2318504 + 30809695822738.86 = 30811702053567.09 -254476.0225210885 + 28.390027427285666 = -254447.63249366122 1887259921938 + -9415144411711 = -7527884489773 5548315176 + -12853808045594 = -12848259730418 2527171 + 871670760.933374 = 874197931.933374 9607117327.175188 + -10508.92805313541 = 9607106818.247135 22212139847.327946 + -3627 = 22212136220.327946 -48626559.20555522 + 521311 = -48105248.20555522 3880813999 + 3108584739176 = 3112465553175 -34.122313706136104 + 33916371736952 = 33916371736917.88 530808 + -48021653.283756375 = -47490845.283756375 -1540961588145.0503 + -11.515504442234986 = -1540961588156.566 5127862763408 + 290.9622106736473 = 5127862763698.962 100000000000000 + -28.77372218479443 = 99999999999971.22 -42082.21341837244 + 6131055901070 = 6131055858987.786 96578108255522 + 8148690.394184274 = 96578116404212.39 68.63535741944663 + 74403681243.55884 = 74403681312.1942 93156 + 713814707 = 713907863 912766 + 946853429.5769788 = 947766195.5769788 9.564329980144741 + 81 = 90.56432998014475 917627863.8115313 + -2058955569 = -1141327705.1884687 -1416451552.758925 + -713194268.7856963 = -2129645821.5446212 100000000000000.0 + 9566016896.260185 = 100009566016896.27 1563814.0903662844 + -548848.982635096 = 1014965.1077311884 -8572202 + -100000000000000 = -100000008572202 3483.221901324101 + 3851 = 7334.221901324101 136896589854 + 83 = 136896589937 -14726597772 + -2131.9744883832627 = -14726599903.97449 -64387249081.18913 + 24.21426998957117 = -64387249056.97486 8883337644 + -9.118506763891514 = 8883337634.881493 50869505.94295423 + 59862739494122 = 59862790363627.945 -5854848 + -444098727.8466351 = -449953575.8466351 2998.4195536091165 + 5428901203676.456 = 5428901206674.876 -5442 + 9911056479488.592 = 9911056474046.592 -8081336487904 + 2765629284234 = -5315707203670 -23681383044.224117 + -960000035.898303 = -24641383080.12242 6.666262609743646 + -73933.06771097952 = -73926.40144836978 49672748549540.37 + -8 = 49672748549532.37 -848 + -4652732301157.254 = -4652732302005.254 2995 + -197250.81839342223 = -194255.81839342223 773987122521.4546 + 34945323 = 774022067844.4546 553311935503 + -3323 = 553311932180 983653620 + 364959005326.1582 = 365942658946.1582 -43710.88046109423 + 2904696754060.7837 = 2904696710349.9033 -93211990.75031365 + -7886 = -93219876.75031365 -4 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999996.0 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 3733634977717 + -234.65029045962407 = 3733634977482.3496 -42843092608044 + -5215 = -42843092613259 -54135049303193 + 95000647118243 = 40865597815050 -530351023063 + 7160317640354 = 6629966617291 6384099158202 + -8464458941980.861 = -2080359783778.8613 -1158.5504920984765 + 1 = -1157.5504920984765 -8740499.660114974 + 3887585219.3863974 = 3878844719.7262826 3070.7836630525235 + 99901312118 = 99901315188.78366 -56049593 + 25185317 = -30864276 -8038426836393.637 + 4050542841875 = -3987883994518.6367 -85831 + 82823.69433527377 = -3007.3056647262274 -1189039267721 + -1637904002666.5085 = -2826943270387.509 -63474 + -3.9594700286351836 = -63477.95947002863 58671300513104.4 + -62945.74658402885 = 58671300450158.65 5132360.671393281 + -368440 = 4763920.671393281 835239 + -93674212521.53725 = -93673377282.53725 -650256043.4172208 + -13450649.63044005 = -663706693.0476608 -6679102.020385282 + 708749717704 = 708743038601.9796 1144 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999998856.0 100000000000000 + -2 = 99999999999998 -417265883999.87726 + -5984 = -417265889983.87726 1.5602269043103785 + -1.861221526628668 = -0.30099462231828955 -449 + 55735901.15442658 = 55735452.15442658 9982609184.45734 + -7 = 9982609177.45734 -7.755639939826158 + 6331 = 6323.244360060174 -89 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000089 -41671 + -49974391204646.77 = -49974391246317.77 -100000000000000 + 9.14569951047273 = -99999999999990.86 -4474748716221.246 + -962 = -4474748717183.246 100000000000000 + -614446320 = 99999385553680 -4340910 + 296224761.9483675 = 291883851.9483675 77173 + 23707739289450 = 23707739366623 958.4003174497176 + 50372 = 51330.40031744972 -100000000000000 + 9053964.49261223 = -99999990946035.5 -9762 + 57733102311.46535 = 57733092549.46535 -860412517 + 58 = -860412459 498.9947275668732 + -558 = -59.00527243312678 -2456000565642.905 + -608228062157 = -3064228627799.905 -818592600705 + -5192218218 = -823784818923 -412 + -285971983 = -285972395 -14 + 83057054.12017395 = 83057040.12017395 55 + -9 = 46 836453289.9278295 + 36199.00937859218 = 836489488.937208 8867423674996 + -94033089792.34041 = 8773390585203.659 -959.4618325921253 + 8106836.783923134 = 8105877.322090542 50777448470797 + -46153.112983507424 = 50777448424643.89 5698.037364318561 + -982421438 = -982415739.9626356 -13057339035 + -64248986 = -13121588021 -77399 + 637302.0005878016 = 559903.0005878016 -239451 + -7354025949 = -7354265400 50828791113.08101 + -2709469126 = 48119321987.08101 1035679790690 + -48 = 1035679790642 311 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000311 332982055 + -634831305.2811222 = -301849250.2811222 -8235412.6453106385 + -55896444499341.68 = -55896452734754.33 -98964945264305 + 33.03562028860226 = -98964945264271.97 -76909052088291.73 + 1916242 = -76909050172049.73 31.88559600611083 + 411595 = 411626.8855960061 8939950935.534235 + -100000000000000 = -99991060049064.47 -2757596942.855686 + -61547708964.579735 = -64305305907.435425 -72294591300735 + -720 = -72294591301455 -571776607.951997 + -685 = -571777292.951997 -100000000000000.0 + -25137 = -100000000025137.0 -984620531163.2059 + -6691164705905.475 = -7675785237068.681 -7629710074620.238 + -3789429352.898673 = -7633499503973.137 4 + -290436.1356386805 = -290432.1356386805 4094938920992.766 + -48299696 = 4094890621296.766 -950310162876 + -6467866315266 = -7418176478142 -87702228965113.42 + 7104180 = -87702221860933.42 -7899 + 72424921.2878846 = 72417022.2878846 -5747072.941207921 + 1021.1240099737056 = -5746051.817197948 75442109553013.62 + -4779682415.77504 = 75437329870597.84 41906128.55889082 + -38.1471341264614 = 41906090.411756694 190894205847.96393 + 960400675541.5155 = 1151294881389.4795 53 + -6932.918799562991 = -6879.918799562991 4223.606873695395 + 524550405 = 524554628.6068737 851049934257.2356 + 7020848094380 = 7871898028637.235 5 + -61.509833083458716 = -56.509833083458716 8315170994286 + -48623044 = 8315122371242 633.0858459559057 + -723396359 = -723395725.914154 85647 + -48826493 = -48740846 358040.39182052424 + 69648346418207 = 69648346776247.39 -2334324753 + -25513035437 = -27847360190 -20715.42529807376 + 100000000000000 = 99999999979284.58 -1730132242543 + 720915721.0643785 = -1729411326821.9355 -6578072185.334146 + 1930402542594.488 = 1923824470409.1538 -610869 + -2884065476.4012146 = -2884676345.4012146 5840.59814587573 + -3801610 = -3795769.4018541244 -18678.03161495448 + -47132123111 = -47132141789.03162 3446407417.0940504 + -543456055704.4272 = -540009648287.3331 -33127783 + 100000000000000 = 99999966872217 -88 + -5584.645970342249 = -5672.645970342249 -611734133.1431718 + 6465688338709.227 = 6465076604576.083 -98982559824 + -7505.18430557652 = -98982567329.18431 -40.15077891546518 + 75523708108.04816 = 75523708067.89738 -1758 + 2890994955708.334 = 2890994953950.334 588 + 951158497.8344957 = 951159085.8344957 37519026883967 + 2414479215069.169 = 39933506099036.17 556810527.9844692 + 3586650.676481777 = 560397178.6609509 7492845 + 88350850 = 95843695 85358114 + 19940644 = 105298758 85055403620841 + 90415465574 = 85145819086415 8148562915.310586 + 2978554123 = 11127117038.310585 50543886935.455894 + -20714917422935 = -20664373535999.543 8455575960871 + 931142219 = 8456507103090 -7 + -750934468.8327018 = -750934475.8327018 -100000000000000.0 + 71311873242 = -99928688126758.0 264281.3971059682 + 4.941943967113129 = 264286.33904993534 723673.8640403498 + -69900407 = -69176733.13595966 96 + -910 = -814 -983081218.0401864 + -21748930011895.16 = -21749913093113.2 92026362.18943231 + -4026304275 = -3934277912.810568 -658690194875 + 2097853289479 = 1439163094604 -6311109018839 + -3 = -6311109018842 -760173979 + 144937483725 = 144177309746 7736 + 5968660.925722953 = 5976396.925722953 100000000000000 + -62.82174691867519 = 99999999999937.17 4977192122973 + -6638885721.35147 = 4970553237251.648 -80402560393470 + -3327375418 = -80405887768888 652807711 + 341579 = 653149290 -50108.234658740526 + 9756.41657956162 = -40351.818079178905 100000000000000 + -55 = 99999999999945 100000000000000.0 + -6282790293.450609 = 99993717209706.55 84652.28510656647 + 3105528053 = 3105612705.2851067 10572050894 + -45899035.07476002 = 10526151858.92524 42 + 727 = 769 5893550 + -2881224554 = -2875331004 -5767 + -58864010413 = -58864016180 -75401 + -7359887 = -7435288 93725.17004149444 + 795880534.4252428 = 795974259.5952842 -37.13319094193871 + -988513913250 = -988513913287.1332 -64.66395328054327 + 9854735 = 9854670.33604672 41578687183036.805 + -50469.11853596652 = 41578687132567.69 5792862.696613657 + 337825 = 6130687.696613657 91504174270 + 4262363873506.291 = 4353868047776.291 -9989328169755 + 112046294152 = -9877281875603 -4336480440.696575 + -435127618 = -4771608058.696575 -39.652552361105606 + 98797721070038.23 = 98797721069998.58 -281272654 + -697605.6140074988 = -281970259.6140075 -2.4264147218895986 + -219 = -221.42641472188959 11383083679.45734 + 6269949406.949815 = 17653033086.407154 720628 + -4910.261385589953 = 715717.73861441 -2136825378 + -5858635 = -2142684013 -3 + 5229.136493986531 = 5226.136493986531 -4522535568 + 965875983.2495815 = -3556659584.7504187 -432422 + 2014604151049.3494 = 2014603718627.3494 43.60865676276298 + 751693316.6463335 = 751693360.2549902 -890560 + -249765960114 = -249766850674 969 + 678775458.4718871 = 678776427.4718871 649084621544.7751 + 4715530.404815849 = 649089337075.1799 -1706.354648314912 + -9272059 = -9273765.354648314 -100000000000000.0 + -66.53853857975346 = -100000000000066.53 -21251.70187478017 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000021251.7 -871709.3396695887 + 6.630733824329459 = -871702.7089357644 99.94006050587333 + -5674159582912 = -5674159582812.06 23167317321 + 84187301.54966272 = 23251504622.549664 -100000000000000 + 535426 = -99999999464574 100000000000000.0 + 4749315842 = 100004749315842.0 -100000000000000 + -746919486.3925586 = -100000746919486.39 -629 + -22851.123295151476 = -23480.123295151476 -914183.989336715 + 2899849047670 = 2899848133486.0107 501 + -764465.8150907969 = -763964.8150907969 -8964843565376.986 + -697805422063 = -9662648987439.986 -5787280 + -641473996.4728509 = -647261276.4728509 364 + 6926623567.929167 = 6926623931.929167 11175736600.966946 + 3779117376.448574 = 14954853977.41552 -48479154122634 + 22766235071 = -48456387887563 935361846.2332792 + 468981 = 935830827.2332792 -10676848 + 715037495719.6252 = 715026818871.6252 -556322622689 + -77744491910.9665 = -634067114599.9666 -3456 + 94282158185344 = 94282158181888 24583796.155767754 + -512.7915530090025 = 24583283.364214744 18393892217.584633 + -8862135.757434424 = 18385030081.827198 -9419510939.960796 + -8615 = -9419519554.960796 -6817 + -758866.271592259 = -765683.271592259 712320825938 + -561.4594945805475 = 712320825376.5405 22 + -5466405410019 = -5466405409997 -65070905651 + 1658334831 = -63412570820 -89467315384.5902 + 92551545 = -89374763839.5902 100000000000000 + -474 = 99999999999526 -4442 + -82669.46919426252 = -87111.46919426252 4861488510 + 9303.512793196895 = 4861497813.512794 -100000000000000 + -754068 = -100000000754068 887073373561 + 99440626.2093881 = 887172814187.2094 62072247692800 + -79941622.211857 = 62072167751177.79 -5881704.298487725 + 4738939739.576762 = 4733058035.278275 7338824 + -4618 = 7334206 346175 + -3906.210756121271 = 342268.78924387874 9856593466 + -30212 = 9856563254 87677.710024811 + -14781.512131473424 = 72896.19789333756 -53.25462177127385 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000053.25 -172516 + -14030 = -186546 4986818 + -387 = 4986431 -68176.89067030977 + 225035220.8894533 = 224967043.998783 996767154207.3279 + 49046610207978 = 50043377362185.33 85614.8898849679 + -475783.64256560814 = -390168.75268064026 1.380306150288416 + -88114 = -88112.61969384972 4914958369 + 47898624868182 = 47903539826551 -53479.33231553918 + 3993.534870486257 = -49485.79744505292 -12.440625589443485 + -994843.3597233257 = -994855.8003489152 5527 + -6624686 = -6619159 642.3219202692326 + 199.03986502916803 = 841.3617852984006 79539987461 + -82770494 = 79457216967 195907376702.69284 + -716150 = 195906660552.69284 -69171161 + 842946627.0743864 = 773775466.0743864 -14857769.202909201 + -265219.5662141996 = -15122988.769123401 -49713 + -65664631012648.305 = -65664631062361.305 100000000000000.0 + 58901923 = 100000058901923.0 -617499404184.0986 + -30709712797 = -648209116981.0986 -748.498182633261 + -43369993824615 = -43369993825363.5 1850 + -29146514303608 = -29146514301758 -119 + 552494 = 552375 -491460 + -53 = -491513 7547314605.048266 + 1669 = 7547316274.048266 -125048 + -834938 = -959986 574461429.1407068 + 1510 = 574462939.1407068 73636510 + -432937058.036965 = -359300548.036965 4 + -32160035796 = -32160035792 22349014 + 655 = 22349669 -4715254574841 + -67406705890.20791 = -4782661280731.208 -89281797683933.58 + 3303623037.946779 = -89278494060895.62 9571265005132.555 + 859002292439 = 10430267297571.555 751032332.9765594 + -91976932218 = -91225899885.02344 2 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000002 49648241337 + 28161562560964 = 28211210802301 -391138.21500282525 + 970367590415 = 970367199276.785 8047 + -1585.2370164133204 = 6461.762983586679 4990 + 51 = 5041 -211127.6559835379 + 59536115335 = 59535904207.34402 -6851796880735 + -33974917504 = -6885771798239 -79 + -978810184 = -978810263 7105081706 + -6190.9693316144485 = 7105075515.030668 3934.965546825395 + 2056.789437991718 = 5991.754984817113 -2.200912741396776 + 99150743.29671866 = 99150741.09580591 131010681600 + -718.1362378483951 = 131010680881.86377 -20311435 + -253592.6864803119 = -20565027.686480314 -91148415247 + 73175.87236667128 = -91148342071.12764 -20141709768795 + -7.302404254044464 = -20141709768802.3 35407.04280016248 + 100000000000000 = 100000000035407.05 11.318568952265021 + -8267226685331 = -8267226685319.682 75210816.41216053 + -49869 = 75160947.41216053 81649536.38839327 + -6.720310614737318 = 81649529.66808265 398359201740.1768 + 134 = 398359201874.1768 -6.802211675532181 + -971305.8895213618 = -971312.6917330374 237745713 + -6389115726.958317 = -6151370013.958317 97574963313.28253 + -543398 = 97574419915.28253 4720951368000.346 + -11.419618905884496 = 4720951367988.926 8 + -394030661217.44 = -394030661209.44 440833934.51085687 + -87010928736117.5 = -87010487902182.98 -91739368830678 + -7324327.764398737 = -91739376155005.77 5905180524343 + -38 = 5905180524305 972.5725007716169 + 225439.81416172627 = 226412.38666249788 -100000000000000.0 + -253611661910 = -100253611661910.0 90.42444138493204 + 98291 = 98381.42444138494 -620748768.6849085 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999379251231.31 836949775.537374 + 56275526908.0627 = 57112476683.600075 -5088659.218230668 + 8216.904751013062 = -5080442.313479655 753522863.11392 + 6 = 753522869.11392 982259355838 + 18721 = 982259374559 60.22510483087228 + -75133939987.53653 = -75133939927.31143 -7422498583745 + -7 = -7422498583752 -20282439618 + -22520721257197.273 = -22541003696815.273 -78365289701 + -2988138475455 = -3066503765156 23326344506.19861 + -757772257594 = -734445913087.8014 8897181860130 + 953.4437098285041 = 8897181861083.443 53407 + -5654455709 = -5654402302 8541461722.597701 + -100000000000000 = -99991458538277.4 -5.169831902472904 + -67008.15971809215 = -67013.32954999463 -7689430.252504756 + -521818596.271288 = -529508026.52379274 9.670716818479741 + -408 = -398.3292831815203 60834291 + -5660738897.184738 = -5599904606.184738 -87094825157179 + -100000000000000.0 = -187094825157179.0 2190975 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999997809025.0 -6365793908 + -1996973.6032906785 = -6367790881.603291 202.4287823790643 + -4988 = -4785.571217620935 589591.6781092937 + 5.826006500557291 = 589597.5041157942 7169477912262.85 + -9882716438.600805 = 7159595195824.249 -468970.4772824479 + -65496769007.133545 = -65497237977.610825 -543206480362.45166 + -72691 = -543206553053.45166 -90141835547347 + -56458170.442273326 = -90141892005517.44 -2142569 + 5233528116 = 5231385547 -530 + 1168270 = 1167740 -4763191527026 + -78975689575668 = -83738881102694 -320329265 + 5848873 = -314480392 9596573662 + 9318486215786.898 = 9328082789448.898 374161 + 46776105325884.93 = 46776105700045.93 -1763407 + -645290202 = -647053609 -8027427493273.078 + -220691 = -8027427713964.078 100000000000000 + 134526381774.52826 = 100134526381774.53 -4991071922.46209 + 5125384821.801041 = 134312899.3389511 -616252 + -812.3123988341138 = -617064.3123988342 19218561770.150124 + 68.80199006344914 = 19218561838.952114 388004.7679119213 + -64398043980462.91 = -64398043592458.14 17866383 + 25764 = 17892147 20 + 7435932800.186024 = 7435932820.186024 -30.854547143776333 + -4699422.725007068 = -4699453.579554212 6895140907.341522 + 650.283302465139 = 6895141557.624825 896975562155.7921 + 89111429651064 = 90008405213219.8 221887149634 + -823210141263.5627 = -601322991629.5627 100000000000000 + 729696503338 = 100729696503338 4291224.814396499 + 17291.536839202254 = 4308516.351235701 -324196719823 + 38 = -324196719785 72704.6604438191 + -4.292343554062744 = 72700.36810026504 775.1599229835952 + 56350232548 = 56350233323.15992 -4 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000004 100000000000000 + -99379758568876.22 = 620241431123.7812 43019 + -98922661840.66483 = -98922618821.66483 -6358 + -4302.845519695493 = -10660.845519695493 36709.178511938626 + 1481018085353.6543 = 1481018122062.8328 1986 + -14767477 = -14765491 -13013.653837987387 + -4570543793 = -4570556806.653838 -8812315086175.508 + -5401852464397.642 = -14214167550573.148 -24.3305123183697 + -4 = -28.3305123183697 -410618 + -5260.145009318364 = -415878.14500931837 -402359902249 + -100000000000000 = -100402359902249 80013.77833671503 + 941183837373 = 941183917386.7783 -91301294138.84326 + 7845 = -91301286293.84326 -9417359.31023176 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999990582640.69 -907682402.1195974 + 257965082946.15863 = 257057400544.03903 -6.030287025017562 + 6.538492214283147 = 0.5082051892655857 35731085200063 + -5343181616732 = 30387903583331 406 + -41180454587753.61 = -41180454587347.61 -69 + -2397.6262200098236 = -2466.6262200098236 7.517369989882603 + -70052 = -70044.48263001011 -8615903161.61433 + 40925200502047.41 = 40916584598885.79 -647688294.4899526 + 272 = -647688022.4899526 78772637 + -5171721001140.479 = -5171642228503.479 -42423599454 + -538297.312015377 = -42424137751.31201 -28954 + -946660.6726602252 = -975614.6726602252 -25658.430497607183 + -17811 = -43469.43049760719 -15160543 + -19231 = -15179774 480274.15971251996 + 2355769 = 2836043.15971252 -883056 + -141492853.35406286 = -142375909.35406286 6639.9251850631 + 676411892.249178 = 676418532.1743631 -28297.902999662678 + -1522074591.8560672 = -1522102889.7590668 4.537764717200935 + 19549172255952.09 = 19549172255956.63 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 243800 + -38 = 243762 1936129 + 44684532776.89533 = 44686468905.89533 46353 + -2938701 = -2892348 -999350884 + -3480 = -999354364 -100000000000000 + -6533875 = -100000006533875 -2914378924311.1016 + -798054954 = -2915176979265.1016 388099976 + -930729812 = -542629836 -79465994225712.84 + -162807169.1919927 = -79466157032882.03 9.35500901591377 + -265045 = -265035.64499098406 64307300021998 + 804912761.4209071 = 64308104934759.42 -59675818213 + 34119.86558155241 = -59675784093.134415 -98006167979085 + -1 = -98006167979086 -5933.33638617219 + 34794093700555.426 = 34794093694622.09 794268290.4569724 + 63807053.06507237 = 858075343.5220448 448520655445.0862 + 97157619.05002736 = 448617813064.1362 37570 + 100000000000000 = 100000000037570 -100000000000000 + 579482241.6123804 = -99999420517758.39 -121258873.06042793 + 5148109039 = 5026850165.939572 2369223005 + 21260 = 2369244265 100000000000000 + 88557810708260 = 188557810708260 6832287 + -3951100030267.623 = -3951093197980.623 -151680861.39531133 + -947198.0417629009 = -152628059.4370742 -55 + -3034052597 = -3034052652 -100000000000000 + 566 = -99999999999434 -54230836565401.27 + -85657743820.4687 = -54316494309221.74 -9697252799777.91 + -3141133.1304872995 = -9697255940911.041 -800389 + -92636.27147434473 = -893025.2714743448 5085982025.821297 + 87855203 = 5173837228.821297 71506974071 + 2438981974252 = 2510488948323 -100000000000000 + -613382960753 = -100613382960753 -8247159 + 16266695 = 8019536 6393037387626.03 + -164270046500 = 6228767341126.03 -785083881964 + -65641 = -785083947605 25.545596278135648 + -2786.8080771445043 = -2761.2624808663686 -95755622485 + -140529052193 = -236284674678 -183923.34576927355 + 1 = -183922.34576927355 -837.9345932640792 + -6712309434 = -6712310271.934593 4852596 + 7408 = 4860004 421444577213.5729 + 8441179151633.697 = 8862623728847.27 100000000000000.0 + 90848.80541691175 = 100000000090848.81 -78978523.67951865 + -100000000000000 = -100000078978523.67 3475708990.816315 + -5771669781.810255 = -2295960790.99394 -6294 + -97660.52020027196 = -103954.52020027196 100000000000000 + 8.95224171347391 = 100000000000008.95 -42800914.504784465 + -100000000000000 = -100000042800914.5 -1733900.8150610593 + 4163.555876350318 = -1729737.259184709 43867535785544.64 + -5254357988627 = 38613177796917.64 -675547282 + -103516 = -675650798 -4265552821214 + -900906.5034471244 = -4265553722120.5034 -49537.95860961298 + -3.4305400417629697 = -49541.389149654744 6481335362645 + -2424210762 = 6478911151883 41640677384945 + -23119896058272 = 18520781326673 99.91255156145085 + -2.350835372088115 = 97.56171618936274 -80289279829805.03 + 5153036.5059686415 = -80289274676768.53 126724616.1679315 + -195.387776266471 = 126724420.78015523 64459050 + -48846 = 64410204 5070073984534 + 7.606207148875032 = 5070073984541.606 478705407588.6195 + -836026525320.2657 = -357321117731.64624 387 + -5180 = -4793 404018 + -542 = 403476 -395389272561.2858 + -855354.9698165223 = -395390127916.2556 47250634 + 4705775011 = 4753025645 96385180.26700214 + -70369665 = 26015515.267002136 317010164 + -9 = 317010155 -5892395173.514759 + -9152806247.868906 = -15045201421.383665 11 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999989 53978829 + 5168.213795948499 = 53983997.213795945 363545263335.33746 + -476130.5015305911 = 363544787204.83594 -1544982.0263802237 + 38179 = -1506803.0263802237 -33883881530486 + -38883420205 = -33922764950691 -49.33354760366482 + 22023239.953413345 = 22023190.61986574 -6907718.239726896 + 413356 = -6494362.239726896 -34780 + 62275965029171.86 = 62275964994391.86 8443036.760106124 + 5024062075449 = 5024070518485.76 6411411 + -9915841182.849686 = -9909429771.849686 -135032106130.54404 + -100000000000000.0 = -100135032106130.55 -7104201 + 33634418969.866943 = 33627314768.866943 -81308225638787.62 + -7105986 = -81308232744773.62 7344461271.065192 + -816434379241 = -809089917969.9348 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -64106704.28795411 + 81572816.32589202 = 17466112.03793791 3572428236.143626 + 2231 = 3572430467.143626 -40286665964 + -5039885 = -40291705849 -6133 + 18906 = 12773 -9936294880 + 2396700805 = -7539594075 64640260 + 25177680325689 = 25177744965949 -5010942936.588697 + 6 = -5010942930.588697 43015082677 + 100000000000000 = 100043015082677 967929.3560396299 + -737022 = 230907.3560396299 -8049004383.598342 + -9064.762968794334 = -8049013448.361311 9063807885 + -43669301608262.33 = -43660237800377.33 3210564.3036976135 + -3 = 3210561.3036976135 -148120452 + 7227319035283.496 = 7227170914831.496 6253 + -882 = 5371 5449973504.041703 + -6789933.283975427 = 5443183570.757728 -339056529 + -5.8951101626068745 = -339056534.8951102 91284339391832 + 1782701566.7172587 = 91286122093398.72 -5645157842569.816 + -72 = -5645157842641.816 -69892202385.28702 + 30876227742 = -39015974643.28702 721830580.3623228 + 340648794 = 1062479374.3623228 -6643691517 + -825.5516157517098 = -6643692342.551616 73922897604173 + -4912145936900 = 69010751667273 -386152.64018270856 + -358791568410 = -358791954562.6402 -9108370193 + -2712320.5555527816 = -9111082513.555553 1 + 822 = 823 -42.88242895026129 + -200316571365.97055 = -200316571408.85297 -953865982 + 544783.5015930021 = -953321198.498407 -26770837318.767975 + -38 = -26770837356.767975 -256798384 + 6.692661762550953 = -256798377.30733824 -9195019583.835655 + 182760050 = -9012259533.835655 -9853014606.36404 + -1206410633 = -11059425239.36404 187046796.4044816 + 833879 = 187880675.4044816 -3793911.283505292 + -51224 = -3845135.283505292 100000000000000 + -3356 = 99999999996644 20675038220483 + 551224196283 = 21226262416766 7 + 84072942582413.12 = 84072942582420.12 -939351928023.4252 + 99631997391.29324 = -839719930632.132 -296730918 + 2133883652637.083 = 2133586921719.083 -589.6333674552665 + 2416778.363647436 = 2416188.7302799807 52.79985939453948 + 345319 = 345371.79985939455 -495.3442725477875 + -9715519579 = -9715520074.344273 -39.88204308739344 + 977879 = 977839.1179569126 -100000000000000 + 88 = -99999999999912 21166 + -724798 = -703632 -417480553373 + -5414 = -417480558787 26594901395 + -758 = 26594900637 -339 + -8862987342615 = -8862987342954 7599466011.520007 + -100000000000000.0 = -99992400533988.48 9 + 8111349347.401497 = 8111349356.401497 2895678786.966151 + -5815.986971457991 = 2895672970.97918 193308 + -44106085661 = -44105892353 982.2337627313897 + 22.482383093007275 = 1004.7161458243969 461502295 + -5.322902460229922 = 461502289.67709756 -282040.08810852154 + -28916.57595607936 = -310956.6640646009 -9644303934.036095 + 574 = -9644303360.036095 2.3582179032010155 + -40.43395279858203 = -38.07573489538101 7.365462226834822 + -78119445.73783664 = -78119438.37237442 -8518455 + -42298874 = -50817329 55723443318.835236 + 100000000000000.0 = 100055723443318.83 88451956385244.7 + 88 = 88451956385332.7 7518.350538732324 + -441175010.9983992 = -441167492.64786047 -2464747 + -41915550092.14887 = -41918014839.14887 38683290811.06537 + -19 = 38683290792.06537 -440420 + -4318 = -444738 -298.12115061068187 + 9153519 = 9153220.878849389 -9.649831579584678 + 59 = 49.35016842041532 46274604186578.52 + -5078731734.905442 = 46269525454843.62 -6880715.915780938 + 4273371717095.1445 = 4273364836379.2285 437062.25761489844 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999562937.75 -25 + -412 = -437 -26901 + -5772651 = -5799552 100000000000000 + 1 = 100000000000001 -526950 + 659.0960576097671 = -526290.9039423902 -120.02002438638738 + -2680938.962237905 = -2681058.982262291 7799.905982999568 + 89934.78508985095 = 97734.69107285052 4964193 + -929175623.4901818 = -924211430.4901818 304443 + 930864545991 = 930864850434 -95545 + -988 = -96533 5869218025991 + -100000000000000 = -94130781974009 -9.226494808612584 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999990.78 863876603.8526804 + -68995896.83531016 = 794880707.0173702 7479 + 2 = 7481 53.77250099832196 + -6066556692.779142 = -6066556639.006641 1041669702966.0997 + 3470472789 = 1045140175755.0997 450 + 484847174.18927276 = 484847624.18927276 3005575866 + 859756 = 3006435622 -27770 + 374247905.16047376 = 374220135.16047376 -770458412.2543325 + 28329 = -770430083.2543325 -956537858353.6863 + 921994.9853722937 = -956536936358.7009 -86944 + 534.3602615142111 = -86409.63973848578 -8009148 + -53474827074058 = -53474835083206 5041488440.783697 + 525568364915 = 530609853355.7837 -3651939 + 153 = -3651786 28304 + 455480.67663481785 = 483784.67663481785 -86077 + 6336751.511843564 = 6250674.511843564 100000000000000 + -9629 = 99999999990371 73167.42199943848 + -8333423551 = -8333350383.578001 -91955757313.5959 + -46547661.89209447 = -92002304975.48799 -63 + 71425689.81405139 = 71425626.81405139 -1148603085 + -337278.18020464014 = -1148940363.1802046 -40 + 7989927 = 7989887 -675346963 + -3747119.8832925535 = -679094082.8832926 1220.3066176773195 + 2872420279.560504 = 2872421499.8671217 -83811787352.5061 + 54.9103762091048 = -83811787297.59573 2220 + 97747087721 = 97747089941 407138.1856856597 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000407138.19 -384794002473.8696 + -1718330353655 = -2103124356128.8696 -100000000000000 + 772229124904.2516 = -99227770875095.75 -46 + 70090139784.77637 = 70090139738.77637 4247086075970 + -65423008829678.68 = -61175922753708.68 -2764049949 + -210.51989757496537 = -2764050159.5198975 3 + -5662846125376 = -5662846125373 10177691242.38745 + 28363575852.858654 = 38541267095.2461 89 + -186772 = -186683 694575812.6588328 + -100000000000000 = -99999305424187.34 -692230115 + -3.825827023540909 = -692230118.825827 -2677068365208.084 + -871.922199371661 = -2677068366080.0063 452537148955 + 11735753577 = 464272902532 -47298 + -302066528.71248376 = -302113826.71248376 1711476663867.5964 + -4181 = 1711476659686.5964 846963411814 + -634928164255 = 212035247559 -404239 + 133.5799351303595 = -404105.4200648696 889105.8292577591 + 58381611460783.375 = 58381612349889.2 6851585492.878927 + -353659878488 = -346808292995.1211 85 + 122616886103 = 122616886188 92312750 + 4202.7421955846885 = 92316952.74219559 -99486 + -70678 = -170164 686254110.1454982 + -3634 = 686250476.1454982 -656579 + -249.61369912946256 = -656828.6136991294 69853.37377280273 + 1883883360095 = 1883883429948.3738 29113561873958 + -7971494 = 29113553902464 100000000000000.0 + 1869072343 = 100001869072343.0 353109.03033842915 + 96780498.28174019 = 97133607.31207862 -6883032.598605085 + -47415 = -6930447.598605085 -1398856821.4433143 + -5 = -1398856826.4433143 823712686939 + 8364380.833626698 = 823721051319.8336 1147.7999116628105 + 4131106713148.8325 = 4131106714296.6323 -732167661.8813738 + 4685257229 = 3953089567.118626 4.966238364750168 + 8361110501 = 8361110505.966238 -848.0359301711147 + 15449.54121170325 = 14601.505281532136 242757553656.24213 + -456370 = 242757097286.24213 -44199947940.51804 + 245.5580514528712 = -44199947694.95999 52 + -268.29527568061644 = -216.29527568061644 -552.9921810558654 + 8 = -544.9921810558654 -47649052704 + 68812544979815 = 68764895927111 -5401.419468089413 + -955.3397213905541 = -6356.759189479968 847045255.7570143 + -282205 = 846763050.7570143 282060128034.1986 + 234.87438797359204 = 282060128269.073 -2 + 7735714698648.604 = 7735714698646.604 901941930367 + -91489 = 901941838878 -1671.6391407023925 + 33469407040.541485 = 33469405368.902344 97172 + 6444282 = 6541454 -824731659 + 783761 = -823947898 100000000000000 + 4105660573700 = 104105660573700 307822437.6880368 + 2247646.796539975 = 310070084.48457676 32 + 33714472792480.566 = 33714472792512.566 -4933705.050468213 + -51498755 = -56432460.050468214 -994651257 + -20519427423.629658 = -21514078680.629658 100000000000000.0 + -8834262 = 99999991165738.0 92.19343280997305 + -45788628840.470634 = -45788628748.2772 -8560 + 8918001422.253826 = 8917992862.253826 85459656.24864224 + 79245.58308436647 = 85538901.8317266 -71211.96299850968 + 547307342301 = 547307271089.037 432028 + 3 = 432031 -64142928 + 1597689.7034291788 = -62545238.29657082 324.81000399065016 + -89146 = -88821.18999600934 -7537 + 337360.4546909803 = 329823.4546909803 9.140473187839515 + -30348561 = -30348551.859526813 -729 + -844602600 = -844603329 16117973166983 + -656086.2821162096 = 16117972510896.719 -2522454923.4210224 + 340963409786.7707 = 338440954863.3497 697622618378.1927 + -9.432272924126476 = 697622618368.7605 -5753787024 + 11 = -5753787013 35206094347.70817 + 86 = 35206094433.70817 43567217 + 94234494783.31592 = 94278062000.31592 -846 + -46.890608977512294 = -892.8906089775123 1677 + -5615 = -3938 -76141514.76626527 + 4887437.975268053 = -71254076.79099722 -78635071 + 89 = -78634982 97316220538 + 184 = 97316220722 100000000000000 + 4483316.849255558 = 100000004483316.84 5942 + -77876083671382.75 = -77876083665440.75 189658504050.43643 + 84 = 189658504134.43643 1740.351940988603 + 89384419199286 = 89384419201026.36 100000000000000 + -743092632462.5836 = 99256907367537.42 -244607220813.64267 + -6332565 = -244613553378.64267 -82381 + 136294524 = 136212143 -2086388.832980172 + 99241 = -1987147.832980172 6951 + 30672.28435851409 = 37623.284358514094 -3815263780 + -46961590662221.33 = -46965405926001.33 6 + 429045039411 = 429045039417 2217.420382949287 + -387862939.0376766 = -387860721.6172936 30862527412.639153 + 31682 = 30862559094.639153 4975905698.488565 + -14570366337504.445 = -14565390431805.957 -756839939.392793 + 100000000000000 = 99999243160060.61 -298998994.6230111 + -93270992177.44862 = -93569991172.07164 82.15821244160033 + -727 = -644.8417875583997 22107.119533489236 + 60958417 = 60980524.11953349 5.356241107145173 + -4 = 1.3562411071451734 -3397515 + 515 = -3397000 -39793286090022.39 + 78 = -39793286089944.39 -8328 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000008328.0 -8747693 + -3 = -8747696 10106.836536324436 + 94580576458593 = 94580576468699.84 12580649327.358278 + -2444932 = 12578204395.358278 -100000000000000.0 + 3.8110935900067306 = -99999999999996.19 2559966780962.3506 + -6449.905959915078 = 2559966774512.445 -75127.07988299122 + 46763036 = 46687908.920117006 31547.40258112329 + 100000000000000 = 100000000031547.4 -685232.6841572548 + 1.6179491797603314 = -685231.066208075 91458841 + 46.65936463681218 = 91458887.65936464 1809 + 49094508467.888565 = 49094510276.888565 -583934787843 + 4286543098817 = 3702608310974 -73873483.97139204 + 1069997624570 = 1069923751086.0286 15098749370.755993 + 9.347838953270154 = 15098749380.103832 -466254.0972704379 + 9159382051 = 9158915796.902729 231664268421.18973 + -450405250421.08575 = -218740981999.89603 6574153283.016817 + -8479591857.322942 = -1905438574.3061247 6232.43323207809 + -751290 = -745057.5667679219 662993251115 + 43788568126.10786 = 706781819241.1079 99491924090.49635 + -4.027207358124389 = 99491924086.46915 -162 + 966951.1806395726 = 966789.1806395726 6074.354794355468 + 7 = 6081.354794355468 -92220 + -67222767237 = -67222859457 -390 + -82587.54032079372 = -82977.54032079372 -77760619650 + 679147 = -77759940503 -89425.92892507598 + -25607 = -115032.92892507598 7436495475606.065 + -3 = 7436495475603.065 -463.78000081335676 + -6565376 = -6565839.780000813 -1426276.6723096326 + 7831 = -1418445.6723096326 -52554 + -328644954 = -328697508 347 + -376.3129536176515 = -29.312953617651488 299146.5345104869 + 311526772698.4297 = 311527071844.9642 -27350 + 12964 = -14386 340687533 + -484419 = 340203114 52906933178938 + -316289984945.66724 = 52590643193992.336 -418195163 + 14383752 = -403811411 7 + 22130323659 = 22130323666 5978755551548.707 + -943.1094296513658 = 5978755550605.598 -6 + 25164112.11624792 = 25164106.11624792 18082050.017884422 + -431337774176.5761 = -431319692126.5582 23890043985 + -81046905350026.8 = -81023015306041.8 -4.115963884280459 + -75420375896.10338 = -75420375900.21935 -33.92103875054218 + 9055.488971767405 = 9021.567933016862 100000000000000 + 35662 = 100000000035662 -46108.56600041706 + 15.866417372433865 = -46092.699583044625 -51182299640 + -2921332598939 = -2972514898579 -31.12564719746083 + 141.73674659192503 = 110.61109939446419 -88901971 + 4 = -88901967 -54907.35999079954 + -6 = -54913.35999079954 -5 + -7798 = -7803 335211195126.1242 + 890640707 = 336101835833.1242 -100000000000000 + 95307434 = -99999904692566 89.84586729810044 + -617782253292 = -617782253202.1542 -8372013417.502147 + 35746745202684.625 = 35738373189267.125 -3761172.2670509573 + 76174804351 = 76171043178.73296 -8710850852.974516 + 100000000000000 = 99991289149147.03 312.10519369309714 + -43 = 269.10519369309714 -995161076.5053071 + 6163952865 = 5168791788.494693 92056386815 + -90119 = 92056296696 -20244 + -2239441.264627207 = -2259685.264627207 -85493.22703181997 + -76575743773 = -76575829266.22704 -3903542322523.68 + -319944981505.2594 = -4223487304028.9395 989274438 + -33207489.326727603 = 956066948.6732724 100000000000000 + 783992794130.0042 = 100783992794130.0 -40246536749 + -4349 = -40246541098 -444 + -97792743461 = -97792743905 -100000000000000.0 + -98.2443781535804 = -100000000000098.25 5684136 + 311367310683 = 311372994819 100000000000000 + -74367862808.42792 = 99925632137191.58 8314788499.989673 + 913204347 = 9227992846.989674 367843956.72070754 + -2092506 = 365751450.72070754 -3668 + 377 = -3291 3220467672853.496 + 6703352.156235146 = 3220474376205.6523 -100000000000000 + 55876834444019 = -44123165555981 -9.987033829812722 + -2011214484444 = -2011214484453.987 77200135 + -7161.500157585038 = 77192973.49984242 8496 + -11247076453 = -11247067957 100000000000000 + 6 = 100000000000006 -761.4657704670628 + -571937154 = -571937915.4657705 -777443756676.2219 + -552060837930.252 = -1329504594606.4739 3 + -40523 = -40520 -4.708221112087067 + 19320363507344.344 = 19320363507339.637 1546094990779 + 86023.58022179693 = 1546095076802.5803 28320461675800.016 + 7438938908 = 28327900614708.016 -716488492433 + 565331972647 = -151156519786 4180 + -13001.86088225395 = -8821.86088225395 677083.0803203019 + 4 = 677087.0803203019 -14638 + 549649046.7077696 = 549634408.7077696 6 + 40487291512027 = 40487291512033 7733.591263883269 + -66876071535543.23 = -66876071527809.63 845014654688 + -227.76749642628397 = 845014654460.2325 -737 + -82219629380.81334 = -82219630117.81334 92517470111528.53 + 513641584.4259877 = 92517983753112.95 -783085.5400356898 + -18919091.457723573 = -19702176.997759264 55708.56110501866 + -2451816571483.16 = -2451816515774.599 -96760740004 + 97960.82511572656 = -96760642043.17488 75458334001.4638 + 100000000000000 = 100075458334001.47 8703814605467 + -100000000000000 = -91296185394533 -118201.22336498485 + 62605 = -55596.22336498485 -157900.9863306166 + -5724314.952222638 = -5882215.938553254 44342 + -532685283081 = -532685238739 -6669462.053332411 + -111669312 = -118338774.05333242 -60448987603 + 8525449835802.53 = 8465000848199.53 684 + 14383137101276.139 = 14383137101960.139 -82115.24087942753 + 66537390.22804036 = 66455274.987160936 -14 + 254641135.43144095 = 254641121.43144095 62 + 914869.2342414738 = 914931.2342414738 9204374981146.818 + 493.0448548765087 = 9204374981639.863 -9 + -4954654.861270183 = -4954663.861270183 -7273342 + 7856.029508710856 = -7265485.970491289 -2619918758.3980117 + -100000000000000 = -100002619918758.39 -535.971350648314 + 62576350.13544846 = 62575814.164097816 -455522186.92637855 + 79031858135853 = 79031402613666.08 -7607.096266576228 + -73080341062690.75 = -73080341070297.84 -808.4324075204019 + 5209848199.642391 = 5209847391.209984 80.98573118304999 + 7511 = 7591.98573118305 648 + -61416235764.23804 = -61416235116.23804 6725024 + -25169123378780.945 = -25169116653756.945 -724845470618 + -254812602101.43222 = -979658072719.4323 599467.4077114403 + 26 = 599493.4077114403 -31417471283 + 4141 = -31417467142 -381454 + 682052067.3294227 = 681670613.3294227 413 + 64189521875544.016 = 64189521875957.016 -282355159.4861114 + 806864970371 = 806582615211.5139 -574376 + 3794.1010014911635 = -570581.8989985088 -9594323564 + -487692464864 = -497286788428 76 + 81617212.19088611 = 81617288.19088611 567979887.505485 + 6610348954 = 7178328841.505486 -25137332361572.82 + 473850870 = -25136858510702.82 494392039 + -3690262.2032317477 = 490701776.79676825 -7277027 + 82107465 = 74830438 71342301257849 + 6932155.412083047 = 71342308190004.4 1 + 6 = 7 -88042949 + -8 = -88042957 2662609526.0264206 + 849 = 2662610375.0264206 -8653356333006 + 100000000000000.0 = 91346643666994.0 162651893463 + 439936.1015161824 = 162652333399.1015 -98270771677960.67 + 76530.08103879957 = -98270771601430.6 -4845437769912 + -434833 = -4845438204745 -56482072 + -2716985399.0200443 = -2773467471.0200443 -9081 + 269245351313 = 269245342232 -485563813852 + 409 = -485563813443 17260885.693671793 + 36687821933.873924 = 36705082819.5676 -23194428 + -996513580148.3505 = -996536774576.3505 -23098.58482889371 + 7086 = -16012.584828893709 77648682526 + -625936 = 77648056590 4238527512801 + 660085009.7142708 = 4239187597810.7144 -8404135997203 + 71160132475090 = 62755996477887 1263802595 + 5603190.271430848 = 1269405785.2714307 -100000000000000 + 800876492 = -99999199123508 6.950868870714226 + -9237737231690 = -9237737231683.049 95094 + -100000000000000 = -99999999904906 6026 + -5853823938417 = -5853823932391 -9203.771828699255 + -21723413572.06761 = -21723422775.83944 1 + 673360435 = 673360436 -136835893.41365546 + -70603.32225987333 = -136906496.73591533 5778406915559.222 + 153237643.57427883 = 5778560153202.796 8947.40247137886 + 839124013 = 839132960.4024714 -691.8105243336148 + 795359024926.7659 = 795359024234.9553 -13248364 + -856691744 = -869940108 -13530.943164015252 + 17245721508 = 17245707977.056835 598.6395918926563 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000598.64 -9486110 + 8630878610644 = 8630869124534 -31965 + 6551726 = 6519761 -1132799 + 9587.375240021278 = -1123211.6247599786 354196964 + -5423 = 354191541 850661672533.2618 + 23237024 = 850684909557.2618 -7182269376.332926 + -4583032395883.809 = -4590214665260.142 5949471539125 + 165480134271 = 6114951673396 656376.9979088628 + -607129.2674551164 = 49247.73045374639 -695578856108 + -89.36339074349056 = -695578856197.3634 10205930.505673317 + -3223466716859 = -3223456510928.494 -594601737917.4304 + -4102979.1847895356 = -594605840896.6152 11392.540166729232 + 46802605 = 46813997.54016673 334583.097528004 + -879573031154.667 = -879572696571.5695 -709197442652 + -512215417.7676892 = -709709658069.7677 58875184.51919496 + 7020757472.762694 = 7079632657.281889 -6926791601.228058 + -4.6471079336201235 = -6926791605.875166 5919334328 + -96304222584.28755 = -90384888256.28755 -3709.3460770324427 + 57532 = 53822.653922967555 872180541.1257503 + -577526964 = 294653577.1257503 -4448226 + 52964.39182278412 = -4395261.608177216 -54782472083 + -842517 = -54783314600 -2847.9015104016785 + 3217173463781 = 3217173460933.0986 -7725.535214122724 + -55241135579429.23 = -55241135587154.766 -8240.730625612614 + 1096000277653.7305 = 1096000269412.9999 -185 + -4 = -189 3200.0927202716407 + -79771075 = -79767874.90727973 -5287444869 + -6408 = -5287451277 75764468984615.53 + -4581575175.071093 = 75759887409440.45 64369 + 9699 = 74068 -3610348 + 8.405704812358575 = -3610339.594295188 -361.689553905618 + 8446 = 8084.310446094382 -4 + 34567743830083.03 = 34567743830079.03 -6497495.082324718 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000006497495.08 45532.42521735583 + -712689307161 = -712689261628.5748 -24770559 + -6200.093380058062 = -24776759.093380056 -864.3339665296684 + -81085919.50158136 = -81086783.83554788 883416220 + -61522.683130541205 = 883354697.3168695 695011363 + -54197759.925609104 = 640813603.0743909 -670.822451755217 + -40045366985.71264 = -40045367656.53509 -15181597839685.297 + -100000000000000 = -115181597839685.3 -43728 + -59 = -43787 -30169 + 41398.02909256751 = 11229.029092567507 799 + -32.2342765490929 = 766.7657234509071 71027893238937 + 100000000000000.0 = 171027893238937.0 9 + 7 = 16 128 + 66054687792 = 66054687920 -38385036.20224297 + -30907365247 = -30945750283.202244 -5962476213748.135 + -5 = -5962476213753.135 68507389 + 643.002021110796 = 68508032.0020211 100000000000000 + 91 = 100000000000091 -77 + -719343794612.3583 = -719343794689.3583 -1542.5302306261392 + 52511010466.56074 = 52511008924.03051 -792333870984.1718 + -40078349064 = -832412220048.1718 -366318.7748531162 + 8141673 = 7775354.225146884 -95495807966 + 94032295312.24458 = -1463512653.7554169 -164936170096 + -100000000000000 = -100164936170096 -160992 + 531 = -160461 976372 + -372987145703 = -372986169331 -86.34558921671179 + 78580.94629331105 = 78494.60070409434 -28704484914192.14 + -366982.76003655593 = -28704485281174.902 -6 + -7095.285838697355 = -7101.285838697355 -100000000000000.0 + 90802458834112 = -9197541165888.0 378870813.1338382 + -8417560 = 370453253.1338382 -958780006.9634445 + 1600 = -958778406.9634445 632059635420 + -3843057573 = 628216577847 -98 + 29.83064336343923 = -68.16935663656076 -9742134 + -2445 = -9744579 73605076853.38559 + 851606 = 73605928459.38559 -57829791917.56576 + 58006547.07070568 = -57771785370.49505 -3500130519.3269496 + -8455877527696.665 = -8459377658215.992 -38 + 7.960666617998876 = -30.039333382001125 49.45329432652839 + 556315 = 556364.4532943266 6187639962 + -7111284.95762777 = 6180528677.042373 69451 + -23.239171785158398 = 69427.76082821484 -7953966738567 + 20461 = -7953966718106 3981825261 + -517748 = 3981307513 -75249720.15022387 + 19533.909626660316 = -75230186.2405972 -257 + -18473049.342142783 = -18473306.342142783 -2 + -2.944076713209202 = -4.944076713209202 117590960502.4527 + -3858251064387 = -3740660103884.5474 -100000000000000 + -977083 = -100000000977083 334579575001.8906 + 62.686298242846135 = 334579575064.5769 678 + -90143568 = -90142890 -510854940836.4232 + 100000000000000 = 99489145059163.58 10850145885999.074 + -600012.6226747683 = 10850145285986.451 -62277738812 + 839884999.4174813 = -61437853812.58252 -54.69456168428724 + 9440929317025 = 9440929316970.305 -4818171 + -69058321795584 = -69058326613755 71 + 81.77728697562826 = 152.77728697562827 -9.859380557013754 + 213406797 = 213406787.14061946 -26 + -6439567017 = -6439567043 -100000000000000.0 + -774 = -100000000000774.0 -67749254632372.77 + -17 = -67749254632389.77 -5.153664191020122 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999994.84 20 + -683699237 = -683699217 100000000000000.0 + -5847424258042.289 = 94152575741957.72 -3805658 + 6352129 = 2546471 99949086782 + 4.477199471144201 = 99949086786.4772 100000000000000.0 + -16975271504601 = 83024728495399.0 22.445637710219657 + 947061163870 = 947061163892.4457 -4865 + 16 = -4849 -3400.515053492006 + 67648 = 64247.484946508 -8 + -329 = -337 -812944.6480740351 + -135520.2813553387 = -948464.9294293737 41065603525972 + -3607043892874 = 37458559633098 -47738270446290 + -2937224 = -47738273383514 -5.069278301975047 + 7 = 1.9307216980249526 7046697361283.779 + -100000000000000 = -92953302638716.22 -100000000000000.0 + -126999168779.4874 = -100126999168779.48 826 + 74570963.04458782 = 74571789.04458782 -77564 + -435 = -77999 367 + 52830094454100 = 52830094454467 -8372150119376 + 78575 = -8372150040801 9685859272 + -1156161 = 9684703111 -624.8325845376592 + -764581344158.9913 = -764581344783.824 -6934881214488.935 + -68072692821 = -7002953907309.935 507176707120.5593 + 71942 = 507176779062.5593 -100000000000000.0 + -12089108419962.764 = -112089108419962.77 -603667804127.875 + 86661426109960 = 86057758305832.12 -1 + 9306604877880.984 = 9306604877879.984 681759278452 + 7109443553 = 688868722005 95080 + 728.4000351620238 = 95808.40003516202 -720888.0617410027 + 280252440 = 279531551.938259 100000000000000 + 87307 = 100000000087307 -10812103741123 + -1995075.6207502354 = -10812105736198.621 -48621224586 + -100000000000000.0 = -100048621224586.0 -865467509 + 231.989674904329 = -865467277.0103251 6585027671.293523 + 453.8421486933499 = 6585028125.135672 89.35162393557057 + -756747857670 = -756747857580.6483 5619869301499.137 + 487.6048635795686 = 5619869301986.741 1198804255.0606272 + 6072991792692 = 6074190596947.061 3514008538 + -8927768119 = -5413759581 9.831297127071377 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000009.83 -14052966402 + 3017.062262645046 = -14052963384.937737 -75867460129.63577 + -58638678356168.52 = -58714545816298.16 -85493066413 + -1771064641.1419563 = -87264131054.14195 940 + -3766544.2639675946 = -3765604.2639675946 91799890.74527249 + 415569082.8620544 = 507368973.60732687 -671850089536 + -73143221 = -671923232757 1 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000001.0 -36994.36180527709 + 49143790555665.48 = 49143790518671.12 9 + -149 = -140 -90094094489966 + 840215677469 = -89253878812497 1992.4298318951037 + 763413.4039687951 = 765405.8338006901 937963564841 + -787218632 = 937176346209 -44772.251915728964 + 251890543 = 251845770.74808428 -1 + 3269753889960.2446 = 3269753889959.2446 45911348874626.12 + 62 = 45911348874688.12 -72 + 67119239.47508916 = 67119167.47508916 -8812382780 + 93385135.45832889 = -8718997644.541672 -100000000000000 + -7215.860967921924 = -100000000007215.86 3741833543.882605 + -525929994723.9421 = -522188161180.05945 332676.0464997298 + -18657488740.63433 = -18657156064.58783 1.9485848947038424 + 4512820.891159547 = 4512822.839744441 -95882851722761 + 8.698370621563981 = -95882851722752.3 -79205285757350.03 + 618807494 = -79204666949856.03 -63.275424296603305 + 600 = 536.7245757033967 9642.558988387407 + -59518364901963 = -59518364892320.44 770958.4610285524 + -80243 = 690715.4610285524 -3475285626537 + 67962055422.83395 = -3407323571114.166 95472 + 53629820211.86968 = 53629915683.86968 -12.918477005876099 + 155952128695 = 155952128682.0815 -188.21722820026366 + 1283277145884 = 1283277145695.7827 -7093039464947.288 + 19582524743479 = 12489485278531.71 326 + 94584824.98738515 = 94585150.98738515 46 + 351588694 = 351588740 100000000000000 + 7134206.654993363 = 100000007134206.66 -6020.42058026806 + -51823440681406 = -51823440687426.42 3746 + 9350500215.781124 = 9350503961.781124 50639902716392.38 + 926 = 50639902717318.38 12 + 802083069.5417889 = 802083081.5417889 18101.610740490105 + -512130.88238243293 = -494029.27164194285 -8.333885570619241 + -47004 = -47012.33388557062 10122927603 + -899286483.3588761 = 9223641119.641125 94446820.44390418 + 7797804274.320703 = 7892251094.764606 576897650.2662102 + -155709 = 576741941.2662102 4.665947685353521 + -61024632 = -61024627.33405232 2597 + 9010.634813603847 = 11607.634813603847 -100000000000000.0 + 6085.120041601006 = -99999999993914.88 -56382740.26933265 + -9.219870758692 = -56382749.48920341 -5314 + -65528.29788896289 = -70842.29788896289 37 + 4249129765850.391 = 4249129765887.391 -8.492183796681772 + -18593766 = -18593774.492183797 -470467 + 9215833368.00653 = 9215362901.00653 -4755787821.07644 + 86590842181121.7 = 86586086393300.62 -796584 + -67.32582914086967 = -796651.3258291408 -1761899016.4900439 + -9 = -1761899025.4900439 32942817 + 45487455928824.836 = 45487488871641.836 -84074190881073.4 + 222701520072.97516 = -83851489361000.44 8.045722965583337 + 49 = 57.04572296558334 -457709 + -825.7762551397885 = -458534.7762551398 100000000000000.0 + -9845 = 99999999990155.0 -6.35850446082215 + -8.134204608185787 = -14.492709069007937 56718652.83250082 + -8632315167.14436 = -8575596514.311859 -960059.7863264945 + 9 = -960050.7863264945 76170720.48036815 + 35951.34212544278 = 76206671.8224936 -299501509378.9458 + -78414014626366 = -78713516135744.95 -8.68386431575355 + 62327909500316.93 = 62327909500308.24 92608631539.23412 + 964708770495.9208 = 1057317402035.1549 -366802514095 + 317583 = -366802196512 30991 + 73723857980944 = 73723858011935 100000000000000 + 297059483 = 100000297059483 71.10932470133714 + -59189 = -59117.890675298666 -54856014225.937874 + -31224409 = -54887238634.937874 -9074 + 8543838877.306287 = 8543829803.306287 21578213.39127863 + -45861 = 21532352.39127863 -7778234432902.001 + 8 = -7778234432894.001 16694623207315 + 32610178.507286694 = 16694655817493.508 58546.073343189004 + -5 = 58541.073343189004 835.544594355293 + -29938858042037.742 = -29938858041202.2 850499 + -9247626 = -8397127 -208074095 + -90.56606061703603 = -208074185.5660606 -715207427068 + 89263 = -715207337805 -4629632460108.95 + 47.40419565535119 = -4629632460061.546 73957332.34303866 + -20483883873.062393 = -20409926540.719353 3028480802885 + -52420694308828.516 = -49392213505943.516 -41206 + 951077546 = 951036340 62107259524900.33 + 2007698583730 = 64114958108630.33 100000000000000.0 + -90109032596 = 99909890967404.0 -12496.2345817115 + -89 = -12585.2345817115 97507468 + 288805999 = 386313467 -3348463352320 + 731086 = -3348462621234 -240624702 + -54446533124 = -54687157826 139290503850.6489 + -7 = 139290503843.6489 9134123858370 + -9 = 9134123858361 2845647.627003205 + -586227637.7436699 = -583381990.1166667 -6637006093482.816 + -68847314255458.0 = -75484320348940.81 -13640736421.548906 + -47 = -13640736468.548906 -32 + 19 = -13 596021976 + 31369893.961758774 = 627391869.9617587 -9339658 + 312429.50717988226 = -9027228.492820118 9918971 + 29977905.71516015 = 39896876.71516015 -94.6394998022561 + 60070639 = 60070544.360500194 -284 + -4920 = -5204 62005 + 9080729455 = 9080791460 -100000000000000 + -40460042506118 = -140460042506118 -7851814.9086864395 + 26576609325645 = 26576601473830.09 532380857183.0866 + -248385156953.2269 = 283995700229.85974 513327.8878279867 + 8737.317680590379 = 522065.20550857706 -1796 + -55062.5702284283 = -56858.5702284283 79.69126649903144 + 1780446790 = 1780446869.6912665 -95 + -121789229831 = -121789229926 -39 + -37731.908306381905 = -37770.908306381905 1.7703619759876703 + 34415707231 = 34415707232.77036 -2 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000002.0 -80695 + -1077.729069495849 = -81772.72906949585 -30410921305713.887 + 71.97310891236768 = -30410921305641.914 -99240160999662 + -4027 = -99240161003689 449736532.3287506 + -1044688 = 448691844.3287506 -54920 + -103794436.4385135 = -103849356.4385135 -66200466206.76444 + -7160509 = -66207626715.76444 670208.6291847406 + -458616834525 = -458616164316.3708 -5375232 + 6.311481689254578 = -5375225.688518311 -100000000000000 + 3 = -99999999999997 281504233 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999718495767.0 4260.5902481393205 + -9193 = -4932.4097518606795 42668924443692 + -1177049828774.7559 = 41491874614917.24 254420981 + -5 = 254420976 51 + 8270224788113 = 8270224788164 8248460522.1515045 + -4845207440152 = -4836958979629.849 6705973589 + 9 = 6705973598 8449529328.405496 + -227718662 = 8221810666.405496 5663833 + 1502550824666 = 1502556488499 -834837990.6766573 + 4621528 = -830216462.6766573 -100000000000000 + -151273 = -100000000151273 -5605093675 + -38782 = -5605132457 11.256035861651693 + -7517865594334 = -7517865594322.744 3623343 + 8012.199476443058 = 3631355.199476443 91476.6849523752 + 4.0268816813140145 = 91480.71183405652 -28232198.830583826 + -4730 = -28236928.830583826 -5.682048585166063 + 31400.771264945706 = 31395.08921636054 -9755.926931691132 + 363.627586266628 = -9392.299345424504 -80 + 688.3507231362283 = 608.3507231362283 -96552413 + -8 = -96552421 1859.294200093167 + -9296 = -7436.705799906833 -414027618.629096 + 4322791273.6002445 = 3908763654.9711485 80092394622098.36 + -130506.04675932092 = 80092394491592.31 1715 + 67431 = 69146 -19454056671.588875 + 2401665.764268065 = -19451655005.824608 -100000000000000 + -26872478499924.336 = -126872478499924.34 25079 + 363424559 = 363449638 100000000000000.0 + -20866926684 = 99979133073316.0 -7.053177120691893 + 8542.533032033158 = 8535.479854912466 770.1820387791723 + -5553 = -4782.817961220828 -139 + 635495828 = 635495689 -100000000000000 + 7868.265907403677 = -99999999992131.73 865973642048 + 7079253.464551764 = 865980721301.4646 -525303.4656977146 + 2073307.1743604348 = 1548003.7086627202 -35002162464458 + -1 = -35002162464459 -87123634 + -100000000000000 = -100000087123634 -777294.1450518861 + -7735617605583.858 = -7735618382878.004 2956959204250 + 26677902 = 2956985882152 -6772834855356.651 + 967810873.9305366 = -6771867044482.721 641796846476 + 51398819875.846794 = 693195666351.8468 -9908741545700.219 + 5045812143.714521 = -9903695733556.504 2677859.244132438 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000002677859.25 890618382597 + -1217348880837 = -326730498240 219.48963509138662 + -545354645504 = -545354645284.5104 100000000000000 + 127637.70767233623 = 100000000127637.7 100000000000000 + 57.71542188055875 = 100000000000057.72 -3975.4413192786997 + -93733451538336.2 = -93733451542311.64 446 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999554 -6058886155 + 3318306.492624215 = -6055567848.507376 -812031083188.7246 + -35937 = -812031119125.7246 70167704.33594832 + -225179706443 = -225109538738.66406 -5839898559136 + -77471631263248.7 = -83311529822384.7 -9901243.50554528 + 100000000000000 = 99999990098756.5 -992901350875.4888 + -337982211 = -993239333086.4888 391221967521.44775 + -88869 = 391221878652.44775 340513414.35387194 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999659486585.64 31876002725603.25 + -607751392.3505387 = 31875394974210.9 96887627 + -325376109.8290378 = -228488482.8290378 -262 + -11900914652867.383 = -11900914653129.383 -164419468 + -6557682.585258059 = -170977150.58525807 991.0349279735324 + -331 = 660.0349279735324 9090073007321.93 + -4 = 9090073007317.93 1817480.0484592135 + -6105765.776893052 = -4288285.728433839 -498 + -691.4353798123738 = -1189.4353798123739 20577738 + 778537895 = 799115633 73.31205375913478 + -722.992063576852 = -649.6800098177173 -39783359126 + -99229293.88215163 = -39882588419.88215 -159964785.48670614 + 1706358 = -158258427.48670614 979352080.3692813 + -47.244581620922204 = 979352033.1246997 -1423 + -9723 = -11146 -1536 + -1.435674880738099 = -1537.4356748807381 274052528736 + -9812967738835 = -9538915210099 7729719607 + -15401950245 = -7672230638 -3.916537218723211 + -1923 = -1926.9165372187233 -9563348 + 3711.1931080154645 = -9559636.806891985 -691803 + -754019777 = -754711580 8 + -5284486.820234264 = -5284478.820234264 2.6233740600399775 + -82784 = -82781.37662593996 169544.27812081235 + 7590.1422809718415 = 177134.42040178418 4637449391 + 53671944 = 4691121335 9.432942836599187 + 681519.2658899586 = 681528.6988327951 -559.7588005719163 + -8738880013717 = -8738880014276.759 -100000000000000 + 80.91542822071007 = -99999999999919.08 -2075 + -5 = -2080 -3 + -771596406 = -771596409 -63392901715 + -253.24487754946944 = -63392901968.24488 -98004907 + 3706792 = -94298115 -46879671 + 65878.57435374425 = -46813792.42564625 -514843797 + 5798717848.535367 = 5283874051.535367 887277473.3653057 + 58195577428 = 59082854901.3653 -93873.0162395891 + -1638124210434 = -1638124304307.0164 -88913790576464 + 58 = -88913790576406 -153102 + -521578969.61986893 = -521732071.61986893 54363 + -80367926 = -80313563 27878017402998 + 30351382743165.21 = 58229400146163.21 359943.377329827 + 161 = 360104.377329827 -6 + 96497 = 96491 -4 + -858152725771.1257 = -858152725775.1257 82816636.68827763 + -28539879031 = -28457062394.31172 901413 + -10369823 = -9468410 872943565866.2441 + -48375.77109185561 = 872943517490.473 27.88164737199034 + 166464366.92638823 = 166464394.8080356 -109706607.76160388 + -2201510483562 = -2201620190169.7617 -357666836 + 1406671.317846865 = -356260164.6821531 -78865079.21609159 + 802475365809.1005 = 802396500729.8844 76.19797644888305 + 62457507471 = 62457507547.197975 67539706191153.555 + 469855 = 67539706661008.555 100000000000000.0 + -56195931109443 = 43804068890557.0 -876116 + -16376058154.903387 = -16376934270.903387 -7802 + -882079 = -889881 309397725.4866494 + -181 = 309397544.4866494 159271947097 + -98784.65650885564 = 159271848312.3435 -9.473762167321347 + -60871911.67787227 = -60871921.15163444 -679.5857324421661 + 59 = -620.5857324421661 6787437997.898803 + -635048267 = 6152389730.898803 -25981811 + 11.43467526437289 = -25981799.565324735 -8794758 + 554980.9329327045 = -8239777.067067295 162 + -732 = -570 -885 + 4374911.732005714 = 4374026.732005714 2 + 845358 = 845360 9 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999991.0 83997423.35897747 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000083997423.36 -3094881 + 2 = -3094879 91.71926314358127 + -210327180.0871833 = -210327088.36792016 -9855338190084 + -3594142007456.4053 = -13449480197540.406 5661968 + -100000000000000 = -99999994338032 -9898 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000009898.0 -74799570060 + -2433831.6410065885 = -74802003891.641 -50403.38599797386 + -68.87400272049717 = -50472.26000069436 -4592157160.4484215 + 88534090584.2897 = 83941933423.84128 -6024 + 100000000000000 = 99999999993976 483095036 + 953 = 483095989 336 + -44586024.92838666 = -44585688.92838666 340.40213243631126 + -8609341254 = -8609340913.597868 5130 + -509848139.470345 = -509843009.470345 100000000000000 + -62.16506154248242 = 99999999999937.83 2550 + -58647073862203 = -58647073859653 -5445935960544.687 + -334426958578.5524 = -5780362919123.239 3 + -26729714 = -26729711 636.5333802914497 + 756 = 1392.5333802914497 -81307022751.377 + 2 = -81307022749.377 883 + 138 = 1021 92516119012795.86 + -6507543716 = 92509611469079.86 100000000000000.0 + 871.8829834988405 = 100000000000871.89 -27.823261844311517 + -735740 = -735767.8232618443 13634534037 + -887785692 = 12746748345 311832547.5118947 + 978438962491 = 978750795038.5118 -4.032341515959672 + 8219547178 = 8219547173.967658 83272 + 3422507885.1955843 = 3422591157.1955843 -653815 + -30.49943409368264 = -653845.4994340937 -6971735.618265347 + -3750.2893314094704 = -6975485.907596756 770 + -774879987739 = -774879986969 100000000000000.0 + -348488602 = 99999651511398.0 3299867.877392482 + -265995553.85973182 = -262695685.98233935 25116881645 + 22978567978.184235 = 48095449623.184235 17917 + 39 = 17956 3328190 + 8838198.712189639 = 12166388.712189639 70342.76526403143 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000070342.77 57449 + -8996.433419284687 = 48452.56658071531 -7832130019.120436 + 790103039.7421497 = -7042026979.378286 -45843006780703.92 + 62302766 = -45842944477937.92 -652 + 424783.8610543058 = 424131.8610543058 7445118547 + -223.7330381503525 = 7445118323.266962 -306173 + -54997246317115 = -54997246623288 -43872947612.4019 + 7416624156.054272 = -36456323456.347626 678.2422970009541 + -91796286010829.33 = -91796286010151.08 -64 + -1616 = -1680 7195760111 + 7225678.444960627 = 7202985789.444961 -21149 + 617195986933.9976 = 617195965784.9976 -7396 + -737135666855 = -737135674251 -48441659154861.03 + 4410760038863.89 = -44030899115997.14 78642.44957473039 + -715404371.8259221 = -715325729.3763474 -29090 + 7.869168368780074 = -29082.13083163122 -9 + 892542 = 892533 887.1475863862603 + -8560516799.07152 = -8560515911.923933 60840193175 + 9714484 = 60849907659 -36963589359519.2 + 69415 = -36963589290104.2 271678 + 744817417.7129579 = 745089095.7129579 5993917434740 + 8827887177742.752 = 14821804612482.752 -8321778363.820044 + -100000000000000.0 = -100008321778363.81 -100000000000000.0 + 26875705 = -99999973124295.0 3427.2908133502706 + -261785827 = -261782399.70918664 100000000000000.0 + 7792369116 = 100007792369116.0 -11.161421308875179 + -879372523.2299225 = -879372534.3913438 -915386.9621383668 + -4587714.753072038 = -5503101.715210405 100000000000000 + 399771 = 100000000399771 828449.1356458649 + -86715053 = -85886603.86435413 2334452 + 2 = 2334454 -520 + 4989969636054.416 = 4989969635534.416 -2607285326.2195816 + -100000000000000.0 = -100002607285326.22 347426 + 4138426140.2858157 = 4138773566.2858157 19363 + -72494755 = -72475392 -78699108706.61932 + 44838583784394 = 44759884675687.38 434556.1371228503 + -3412091636583.897 = -3412091202027.76 -100000000000000 + -94632192894 = -100094632192894 -7 + 26.500143177750168 = 19.500143177750168 -266822949007 + -6210413.107589343 = -266829159420.10757 -70076379079.36087 + 54372657075 = -15703722004.36087 2754376239.674164 + 5579044 = 2759955283.674164 7543.124021396556 + -39339257246 = -39339249702.87598 624004753429 + -1183.9853947059282 = 624004752245.0146 962881034996 + -89 = 962881034907 -51879494324 + 877808.2919200466 = -51878616515.70808 -75359063.31792924 + 6858 = -75352205.31792924 2742.866135180041 + -39919796422465 = -39919796419722.13 -70.76973574169156 + 384346432.74219286 = 384346361.9724571 -4 + 8.180731024119819 = 4.180731024119819 81912449127250.53 + 869 = 81912449128119.53 -1 + -4462039434144.049 = -4462039434145.049 -7026934.853913308 + 54053582.47009196 = 47026647.616178654 3563301736 + 75605374546276.25 = 75608937848012.25 -1229794736036.094 + 8159129921 = -1221635606115.094 3725840930 + 24220.01420123844 = 3725865150.014201 -43384.182917226724 + -160749303 = -160792687.18291724 122 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999878 -100000000000000 + -8244 = -100000000008244 -100000000000000.0 + 2.2393793879242847 = -99999999999997.77 6954466057449 + 5961595803.131232 = 6960427653252.131 916 + 8497.438489477077 = 9413.438489477077 -522125062296.69476 + -100000000000000.0 = -100522125062296.69 23.5880400736739 + -5398239248.778996 = -5398239225.190956 -3353730 + -54771595.11577302 = -58125325.11577302 -74287318657 + -705 = -74287319362 -344907.1813364603 + 749153386460 = 749153041552.8186 985.5524788890265 + 174318798.75757125 = 174319784.31005013 -5798011.376871281 + -616685 = -6414696.376871281 -481440449195.64874 + 14474590650712 = 13993150201516.352 -84095.02480907063 + -51649876275749 = -51649876359844.02 -53.958649462780514 + -1184972.298901368 = -1185026.2575508307 51632063.59348835 + 62539 = 51694602.59348835 9991317488 + -76333211859 = -66341894371 1099.5709618216742 + 100000000000000 = 100000000001099.58 5486126566654 + -323041423428.1708 = 5163085143225.829 9497662 + -6586681922 = -6577184260 55214945.40068107 + 641439626645 = 641494841590.4006 5333904 + 15557 = 5349461 100000000000000 + -14527949318.291569 = 99985472050681.7 -9284612676 + -6585995371.660312 = -15870608047.660313 -57896.03873421435 + -7694351 = -7752247.038734214 8406000.214303039 + 79743.25567733691 = 8485743.469980376 -56.1040516139427 + 9939424 = 9939367.895948386 -6457.191798741125 + 2 = -6455.191798741125 -30.0549051748586 + 432986.4496231694 = 432956.3947179945 -50.597542221446936 + 191665.81128779455 = 191615.2137455731 279512573593.2224 + -984648006167.0881 = -705135432573.8657 -26852004715.23784 + 80648975027831.44 = 80622123023116.2 4874503122069 + 5458060.10327796 = 4874508580129.104 85 + -1044639311.4563946 = -1044639226.4563946 -68618726558236.52 + 100000000000000.0 = 31381273441763.477 7404077487.436368 + -47936954098738.31 = -47929550021250.875 156743681602 + 22011280.396387868 = 156765692882.3964 -8157.702535600271 + -72220834.86960724 = -72228992.57214284 54 + 7197.598106817555 = 7251.598106817555 -636389702883 + 13 = -636389702870 -6.505585293762676 + -8082 = -8088.505585293763 489905.2558410745 + 49999539.02390196 = 50489444.27974304 -835160.0516531799 + -95303123301 = -95303958461.05165 -100000000000000.0 + -40 = -100000000000040.0 516 + -89062 = -88546 -34.88658511616097 + -6057759871761.967 = -6057759871796.854 24024521640.761566 + 612586 = 24025134226.761566 -79078610593.45169 + -88573503.40819716 = -79167184096.8599 100000000000000.0 + -811 = 99999999999189.0 1061094 + 7612.834537465986 = 1068706.834537466 -56993046.689383954 + 42709524779575.96 = 42709467786529.27 3998283013.553197 + 35.48885664253454 = 3998283049.0420537 2784695411 + 99589869 = 2884285280 6916438.829735992 + -48773 = 6867665.829735992 38532389 + 38789660320698 = 38789698853087 -613038327249.3616 + 39950263607907.91 = 39337225280658.55 1472810816265.1436 + 2183 = 1472810818448.1436 -79753892086988 + -12195023363.796469 = -79766087110351.8 6502609224 + 81440202 = 6584049426 1438.3104559099324 + -248603593.06183404 = -248602154.75137812 -975 + 20665675015959 = 20665675014984 845 + 1389385043 = 1389385888 -100000000000000 + -88833 = -100000000088833 -39936 + -2677303562.8359222 = -2677343498.8359222 821123.3957197699 + 55581775141.83927 = 55582596265.23499 -1051024675504.2863 + -6766549501750 = -7817574177254.286 -3.1156666741981924 + -13437215420.099724 = -13437215423.215391 -9726702 + 456170 = -9270532 -1740669948219 + 47060641.11933325 = -1740622887577.8806 100000000000000 + -41 = 99999999999959 -37051.041015186376 + 2114422896.0700305 = 2114385845.0290153 9863402722.81595 + 99 = 9863402821.81595 28.20125640638353 + -30576.060822332125 = -30547.85956592574 2399779 + 6428705139 = 6431104918 15989 + 65111 = 81100 740.0756674539651 + -310877371.60405445 = -310876631.528387 -75981606.86596426 + -9743491.972152362 = -85725098.83811663 -156302 + -1 = -156303 1571 + 648 = 2219 3 + -6428 = -6425 5961537803213.792 + -591479178149.7291 = 5370058625064.0625 100000000000000.0 + -849 = 99999999999151.0 735279.0643048902 + 7 = 735286.0643048902 -7604185217 + 9227110084 = 1622924867 -8918746724.064661 + 3328444 = -8915418280.064661 200390077377 + -231325762851 = -30935685474 77093031 + 37981493 = 115074524 69955018099 + -24497285789063.613 = -24427330770964.613 9834352432557.504 + 664.937650275648 = 9834352433222.441 88191132.728598 + -357 = 88190775.728598 -4138629 + 24802265221167 = 24802261082538 100000000000000 + 9087311903935 = 109087311903935 -319571.8662541497 + 71815 = -247756.8662541497 829782 + 3389007232 = 3389837014 15191463 + -4950775108324.692 = -4950759916861.692 -50154.03185479619 + -3205320.5863010846 = -3255474.618155881 97 + 498710545813 = 498710545910 6214644554 + -7753408428006 = -7747193783452 4.304696044561123 + -98813667278.97859 = -98813667274.67389 9.086552250417832 + 7647950562745 = 7647950562754.087 57.42066638104527 + -92 = -34.57933361895473 -100000000000000.0 + -23112406 = -100000023112406.0 -81355944.61584519 + -7474448789106 = -7474530145050.616 85395447251088 + 95798352540 = 85491245603628 -19481231304 + 100000000000000 = 99980518768696 6 + 33.733892994712335 = 39.733892994712335 6509377909843 + -100000000000000.0 = -93490622090157.0 100369692 + 199777 = 100569469 74045 + -73809729740.21904 = -73809655695.21904 -51829070519 + -9135372 = -51838205891 -100000000000000 + -15946617292 = -100015946617292 -76013458434957 + -25.72803841919677 = -76013458434982.73 318601421939 + 9634.913619202365 = 318601431573.91364 -229988122457 + -5 = -229988122462 57573868628381.61 + -81147560189.56291 = 57492721068192.05 -976906384068.9805 + 6 = -976906384062.9805 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 0.0 46 + 492162072700.80145 = 492162072746.80145 508.93623234257245 + 1604592099847.43 = 1604592100356.3662 -8370.459691899217 + 9.273439171609628 = -8361.186252727608 942460989 + -83477012074.61482 = -82534551085.61482 9 + 643313180109.2886 = 643313180118.2886 449794605713 + -63.79808072152189 = 449794605649.2019 3554939.1015315517 + -26 = 3554913.1015315517 -68015238 + 785819.4634266522 = -67229418.53657335 7483687702764.766 + 12923149648791.623 = 20406837351556.39 3733768189984 + 34463062479.430984 = 3768231252463.431 -88855197074 + -139163781 = -88994360855 -11 + 726.7430851919885 = 715.7430851919885 -89.03590138776666 + -99525136773517.36 = -99525136773606.39 -100000000000000 + -6.529273575213969 = -100000000000006.53 -61050960 + -65799 = -61116759 -26894.919722987263 + 78.13281426740042 = -26816.786908719863 93669388.4868904 + 87878531562225.92 = 87878625231614.4 -3 + -5.558230884855417 = -8.558230884855417 -29527.81476723611 + -8903.775694012244 = -38431.59046124835 1322193125475.124 + 6628743567761.605 = 7950936693236.7295 293741566446.62946 + 9760249272015 = 10053990838461.629 -6207.528177260293 + -314385817 = -314392024.52817726 -74653259 + -9 = -74653268 542 + -50 = 492 -8218736836.801458 + -492279.390140318 = -8219229116.191599 848530984 + 7229573376265.262 = 7230421907249.262 94470825581942.69 + -9467692603384.191 = 85003132978558.5 -1607844483390 + -81438111.93383811 = -1607925921501.9338 242518371.40180314 + -708082 = 241810289.40180314 -155546432 + 7109.296600738623 = -155539322.70339927 -1230.275756423069 + -6766939 = -6768169.275756423 92.02296654151924 + -438.7018764193209 = -346.6789098778017 9 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000009.0 -2746600663365.0083 + 68531631299 = -2678069032066.0083 -3178743.846904448 + 15175502355160 = 15175499176416.152 -137873070325.1567 + -457370213.57274646 = -138330440538.72946 -75841275531362.6 + 100000000000000.0 = 24158724468637.406 -100000000000000.0 + -40 = -100000000000040.0 -47976075862642.16 + 720375900.931473 = -47975355486741.23 -15152.710650717561 + 20393780 = 20378627.289349284 233282579156 + 59995.430339683735 = 233282639151.43033 100000000000000.0 + 82158350 = 100000082158350.0 4329188670678.5977 + 148.79310501010264 = 4329188670827.3906 4.210822669426317 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000004.2 24311363889 + -83 = 24311363806 -476571911758 + -68148036782318 = -68624608694076 -900693427.2020911 + 3013 = -900690414.2020911 5241 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994759 -6557852309 + 652109 = -6557200200 88.80925884505929 + 2144777995.3691943 = 2144778084.1784532 -30008306 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999969991694.0 40240645752 + 50627811198 = 90868456950 301124049059.7399 + 77252 = 301124126311.7399 3070093558657.6562 + 484 = 3070093559141.6562 85628 + -833745 = -748117 -6652292042872.507 + -620833 = -6652292663705.507 -79321976763459.6 + 3524164558 = -79318452598901.6 -5923927310623 + -3 = -5923927310626 45717620233927.67 + 21248379 = 45717641482306.67 -59356841116.02095 + -6.176420754116642 = -59356841122.19737 895670096.9465303 + -252553747086.03815 = -251658076989.0916 -100000000000000 + 4080042154154 = -95919957845846 722545914155.6123 + 100000000000000.0 = 100722545914155.61 4682049881 + -51395589722.03934 = -46713539841.03934 6885856960666.539 + 767677.5215888071 = 6885857728344.061 1548229065.0684602 + 817926045.4582477 = 2366155110.5267076 9012069408 + 8436859.447624551 = 9020506267.447624 -100000000000000 + 791499854800 = -99208500145200 910.9718510094718 + -7829 = -6918.028148990528 145 + -23444206508 = -23444206363 -341 + 4479133384 = 4479133043 -268145973763 + 202832859.39669213 = -267943140903.6033 9 + -5896984242363.9375 = -5896984242354.9375 -39736.0417618284 + -58892849594.35087 = -58892889330.39263 12405109485.864702 + 111377940088 = 123783049573.8647 -460811886002.80774 + 673112012268.2538 = 212300126265.44604 -20959 + -477088712.07460296 = -477109671.07460296 81892137.0944725 + -2185685460.4369855 = -2103793323.342513 -9552220 + 8826.821792039642 = -9543393.17820796 -89402695 + 44801 = -89357894 78424208629750 + -9349851109.247803 = 78414858778640.75 4015841990 + -479.3246771053722 = 4015841510.675323 2961608 + 304200 = 3265808 -42707531529987.305 + -1.257503327604856 = -42707531529988.56 9166.149420153411 + 92328212 = 92337378.14942016 -244139083190 + 6 = -244139083184 14618.247405401762 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999985381.75 58699854801824.88 + 59972 = 58699854861796.88 -8866247981429.133 + 100000000000000 = 91133752018570.88 -211045 + -8293907 = -8504952 -89383178.29439817 + 5.193792558399081 = -89383173.10060562 -81188482 + 85467.54034338071 = -81103014.45965663 -33531 + 754948484861.894 = 754948451330.894 203955410.1191408 + -3959149151.979375 = -3755193741.8602343 97527499 + 950419 = 98477918 -653002 + -44674.05717868351 = -697676.0571786835 31 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000031.0 -2446812245651 + 26966954153.96633 = -2419845291497.0337 100000000000000.0 + -7084446056960 = 92915553943040.0 7523296357 + -122.24328794899009 = 7523296234.756712 714724572.5852425 + -9658394.710151376 = 705066177.8750911 -57982374464198.12 + 8484438.917009842 = -57982365979759.2 93467418002521 + 739467.7439993371 = 93467418741988.75 893733785.7078736 + 56506437.19583117 = 950240222.9037048 760 + 188025933 = 188026693 -74276816642469.1 + 1365425642.7259665 = -74275451216826.38 -73 + -89209840034793.22 = -89209840034866.22 -383393 + 4666099.294285007 = 4282706.294285007 69.04208558016472 + -84587502.34358281 = -84587433.30149724 -10126325957471.86 + 3984281653485 = -6142044303986.859 6660 + -8023597905.807474 = -8023591245.807474 52383571 + 9122602250534.535 = 9122654634105.535 81525222412699 + -340.3950628656385 = 81525222412358.61 72.59459027660031 + 68344105993107.04 = 68344105993179.63 -83695554488 + -79941 = -83695634429 724250340.9916878 + -3393062314.3009667 = -2668811973.309279 -89537520916976.95 + 875 = -89537520916101.95 531263798.15201104 + -45.6301116217326 = 531263752.5218994 -354573087.7665312 + -9.136589895644766 = -354573096.9031211 739636459 + -59207826.53583272 = 680428632.4641672 183470190 + -25688.265334740216 = 183444501.73466527 30 + -92915.71539237928 = -92885.71539237928 -40762651.49182971 + -55402.60044849578 = -40818054.092278205 86 + 8893835423.269375 = 8893835509.269375 5.6087828271533 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999994.39 -75 + 67161307736 = 67161307661 -100000000000000 + 31670714870.94041 = -99968329285129.06 6899419.556228328 + -710 = 6898709.556228328 867543.2059358236 + -47805432671 = -47804565127.79407 2710283335600.957 + 60387.78350420625 = 2710283395988.7407 100000000000000.0 + 951109368.7660253 = 100000951109368.77 -867 + 690335990473 = 690335989606 49333632 + 384286337 = 433619969 -81910119 + 72 = -81910047 977.626497380595 + -6.748079714953415 = 970.8784176656416 42548432.090344235 + -65555091745 = -65512543312.90965 56999 + 7.927527898631956 = 57006.92752789863 -100000000000000.0 + -1860470603488.3628 = -101860470603488.36 927657101.6142071 + 9.470046712452454 = 927657111.0842539 9.184654542043756 + 14542264240 = 14542264249.184654 4455428 + 4 = 4455432 -622279034413.7869 + -848447.3689503288 = -622279882861.1558 5039162959 + -59698 = 5039103261 -1500008416933 + -49212123.09374331 = -1500057629056.0938 10730.653820541764 + -28758592301.88926 = -28758581571.23544 100000000000000.0 + -9.993588275320372 = 99999999999990.0 5.893603577750335 + -22382077 = -22382071.10639642 -100000000000000.0 + -29994.817764199426 = -100000000029994.81 -5187247295.295202 + -44001721043300 = -44006908290595.3 59762 + 7133747220682 = 7133747280444 9921490405390.049 + -855 = 9921490404535.049 5 + -2273563076316.9233 = -2273563076311.9233 8215202 + 76830824546.92407 = 76839039748.92407 -676938 + 898802456 = 898125518 -952208.6660061602 + -811.0094130707924 = -953019.675419231 3 + 18657291511 = 18657291514 -100000000000000 + -508.7188626492219 = -100000000000508.72 82571877380 + -907425002937 = -824853125557 100000000000000.0 + 29875653 = 100000029875653.0 -6149409356.2846 + -9120 = -6149418476.2846 -1613660157 + -20695543.431381993 = -1634355700.431382 -29476747 + -1833673754 = -1863150501 3 + -856827 = -856824 -100000000000000.0 + -7280147671 = -100007280147671.0 -34826154.511870906 + 1066.865899224718 = -34825087.64597168 -70.07620921362847 + 1349174.0270980503 = 1349103.9508888368 -6836 + 35 = -6801 2718167590 + -474395.75032545166 = 2717693194.2496743 1 + 31157046 = 31157047 -653451359.6691607 + -317 = -653451676.6691607 86159781279.65767 + 62224 = 86159843503.65767 -174468693 + 579952204235.6506 = 579777735542.6506 -650181 + 19 = -650162 -39453750123 + -237006432952 = -276460183075 -65963524 + 45302.5022131452 = -65918221.49778686 -9665378606582.305 + -9799848755535.71 = -19465227362118.016 9 + 175.75234000780017 = 184.75234000780017 -768938893023 + -877475089.6762061 = -769816368112.6761 -769163.8032301783 + -31.689737292611085 = -769195.4929674709 7252.480301724745 + -27.951493806763555 = 7224.528807917982 906033198345 + 57769721 = 906090968066 -9586369193.243275 + 86711.14139434717 = -9586282482.101881 941000.186474065 + 954207.6802875698 = 1895207.8667616346 88 + 1622635 = 1622723 100000000000000.0 + 79004238 = 100000079004238.0 86763852562.04497 + -7.479617741410944 = 86763852554.56535 -1835.74568892318 + 361926975670.9738 = 361926973835.22815 88871985707888 + -9013282964.738903 = 88862972424923.27 -19655414987506 + 9 = -19655414987497 -166863354.7545655 + -69774786800.26418 = -69941650155.01874 47474.27052813442 + -856984 = -809509.7294718656 -552420129599 + 30673016 = -552389456583 -5064726830 + -78814515 = -5143541345 661172 + -66484 = 594688 -8658 + -3788.1131435796146 = -12446.113143579614 -87880.86477284928 + -1267 = -89147.86477284928 268574757979 + -2332708 = 268572425271 69 + 51 = 120 864.4690312854011 + -5.906015171069171 = 858.563016114332 721878915464.2186 + 616419150.5893631 = 722495334614.808 8380250.490435192 + -16203683266572 = -16203674886321.51 -466620 + 552288 = 85668 42801035058332 + -39.92354343467428 = 42801035058292.08 -3563.640868214216 + -58847930.05496316 = -58851493.69583137 100000000000000 + -666279365965.076 = 99333720634034.92 -586925452954.437 + 100000000000000.0 = 99413074547045.56 -53853.87922857382 + -25 = -53878.87922857382 4 + 6745338.128674621 = 6745342.128674621 221.01387770756662 + -22 = 199.01387770756662 53439737944 + -6331883.617792743 = 53433406060.38221 298265769615 + -6801792.997141104 = 298258967822.00287 7.707236824559999 + -69.13867586420785 = -61.431439039647856 -5535.052313249017 + 26024243932 = 26024238396.947685 905612.2778818255 + -73647689 = -72742076.72211817 100000000000000 + 35313595.5576119 = 100000035313595.56 -16.83797094963662 + 26118521.499597132 = 26118504.661626182 -8378252655885 + 30307791133714.832 = 21929538477829.832 -96335942499 + -334.5883084350324 = -96335942833.5883 4545538698641.85 + -3073483808 = 4542465214833.85 3819637525108.527 + 103025981 = 3819740551089.527 -1899389876 + 8.804996319569431 = -1899389867.1950037 2351282841 + 643942191 = 2995225032 9 + 28777886395.58731 = 28777886404.58731 3853330 + -563556984 = -559703654 3953163 + 3667.8070431910946 = 3956830.807043191 6.547440004149767 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000006.55 3167 + -226.2981949777813 = 2940.7018050222187 12.92679215837542 + 6640.564103459348 = 6653.490895617723 7 + 809250486347 = 809250486354 -535660877 + -495052255.9146505 = -1030713132.9146504 2 + 57.48216213117542 = 59.48216213117542 -79784052965716 + -265 = -79784052965981 -857067710397.8381 + 100000000000000 = 99142932289602.16 -658040.4636829135 + 2684113706392.377 = 2684113048351.913 66567724708729.734 + 15 = 66567724708744.734 100000000000000 + 57 = 100000000000057 23758 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000023758.0 9575 + 670797621.8933047 = 670807196.8933047 -2360213641839 + 461446 = -2360213180393 -144076894723 + -100000000000000.0 = -100144076894723.0 -70.81399502030104 + 52.47738257722341 = -18.336612443077627 236884018010.9606 + 687283639.4009385 = 237571301650.36154 6141663744 + 6.979934935582258 = 6141663750.979935 -432512329.37239826 + 100000000000000 = 99999567487670.62 8545038.361946695 + -1696499397200 = -1696490852161.638 -100000000000000 + -5404434212327 = -105404434212327 -5352286 + -85974433682.11539 = -85979785968.11539 29602344398.25996 + -100000000000000 = -99970397655601.73 5120548.862841578 + -6514320 = -1393771.1371584218 567532398.5794913 + 4 = 567532402.5794913 -70924777405 + 3056207711 = -67868569694 -32166 + 8218.238078351784 = -23947.761921648216 -566004308483 + -9873334 = -566014181817 -4265.066967797318 + 38487562.107196 = 38483297.0402282 -778.8853181818441 + 39 = -739.8853181818441 -96257949193 + -9306479755233 = -9402737704426 888803745.6386694 + -644.2567673206548 = 888803101.3819021 -73921615782001.98 + -6770 = -73921615788771.98 6926228021582.582 + 8934584017341.107 = 15860812038923.69 -1803241401514 + -3847 = -1803241405361 41078 + 420020.8386538111 = 461098.8386538111 -468169219 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000468169219.0 -58696103545805.86 + -50211205293438 = -108907308839243.86 362.12508026609396 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999637.88 -898073991612.7202 + -34970.20751815011 = -898074026582.9277 -7.262161413016307 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992.73 -385.19472741328906 + 2365.6247960751566 = 1980.4300686618676 9806.157230304685 + 71068558.39915521 = 71078364.55638552 -95908223190.91028 + -211098488 = -96119321678.91028 56896 + -8 = 56888 390258133.0814801 + -6509266599974.65 = -6508876341841.569 57353785.17068779 + -85458441.05548906 = -28104655.884801276 4.164349992441383 + 63595988 = 63595992.164349996 96152267510 + 36932.89057110236 = 96152304442.89056 -4.342035992443293 + 852775032151 = 852775032146.658 -3.466482805727935 + 77869 = 77865.53351719427 2945773004 + 84 = 2945773088 2181340378113.8845 + 5707123 = 2181346085236.8845 -53.164274215346396 + 720 = 666.8357257846536 73 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999927 -62179337409391.445 + 21667936403 = -62157669472988.445 -5123452218141.504 + 143451557069 = -4980000661072.504 91285539 + -20191 = 91265348 -28.73006231455018 + 7567.61315399623 = 7538.88309168168 14133660 + 54684886522 = 54699020182 7965 + -4 = 7961 -8691.061116508332 + -5151424.944778381 = -5160116.005894889 -4980924356.98274 + 285.1370328008609 = -4980924071.845708 -81 + 26737983 = 26737902 42825600 + -499.81732642174234 = 42825100.18267358 -85210032968079.52 + 4844162 = -85210028123917.52 4007754440010 + -8.670015634409445 = 4007754440001.33 -92128809885 + -45663629246.85393 = -137792439131.85394 -46200688849.14838 + -70 = -46200688919.14838 1338.0274741532185 + -607059066912.282 = -607059065574.2545 22125614499642 + -75239035680338 = -53113421180696 -59480290.68328686 + -39984124 = -99464414.68328686 6067445.1728265 + 1 = 6067446.1728265 21.31848142212843 + 6977997136315 = 6977997136336.318 -23.350303541737382 + -641 = -664.3503035417374 334398 + -576479783.5070472 = -576145385.5070472 -97266258.7053025 + 534288572.3508779 = 437022313.6455754 -214775918 + -74171948.43548955 = -288947866.43548954 100000000000000 + 6.436722755577969 = 100000000000006.44 -8746084 + -47265769 = -56011853 5821303579086 + 86 = 5821303579172 100000000000000 + 4360 = 100000000004360 195569916126.16943 + 42051539455303.08 = 42247109371429.25 92230.39833350663 + 392415227891 = 392415320121.3983 -69 + 795010 = 794941 -3933020 + -935666 = -4868686 -1518469720 + -9086790169413 = -9088308639133 16.058761550172754 + -892592733 = -892592716.9412384 8505693 + -5936715004283 = -5936706498590 -622159.2594887252 + 85157815 = 84535655.74051127 -7859227551571.041 + 8339754241684.966 = 480526690113.9248 -1.3666568978744107 + 6593311 = 6593309.633343102 844448679324.6469 + -7237.7745182890785 = 844448672086.8723 3574 + 10908623748.44336 = 10908627322.44336 3028559075028 + -162.59105724485602 = 3028559074865.409 -8069114.2759932475 + -56781097676.763985 = -56789166791.03998 -88127479590834 + 34643699.64417218 = -88127444947134.36 -27225 + 10 = -27215 8.527023023234417 + 697500 = 697508.5270230232 -97579406 + 452.7391552050926 = -97578953.2608448 -4162102719 + 971687.4139690246 = -4161131031.586031 7629897649449.413 + 636451419781 = 8266349069230.413 654 + -9295.35811567862 = -8641.35811567862 6148296447 + 84088199989 = 90236496436 7960529.825210148 + -99070 = 7861459.825210148 -69740090 + 3.4345306081500273 = -69740086.5654694 4355802 + -600666521821.3992 = -600662166019.3992 80.10254413483263 + 742944536.8204488 = 742944616.922993 167209 + 8929 = 176138 34712 + -8552855304334.045 = -8552855269622.045 -99069442260.5621 + 1278638324.3557365 = -97790803936.20636 523113 + -585.092524384577 = 522527.90747561544 -304933375711 + -67761394345 = -372694770056 16107450467.443417 + 97617833.8510774 = 16205068301.294495 482860545002 + 1566750108679.3833 = 2049610653681.3833 -51606629472.00297 + -17923913721.416985 = -69530543193.41995 -59429654 + -555398 = -59985052 66010239061506 + 100000000000000 = 166010239061506 -30548314.006800264 + 847.4688650707527 = -30547466.537935194 -88460.73329577889 + 429323676.32829666 = 429235215.59500086 994057293927.2391 + -23954391 = 994033339536.2391 7341 + 3.5355848708670052 = 7344.535584870867 -529886 + 2827454441031.709 = 2827453911145.709 -46451523174604.555 + -3886244.138817722 = -46451527060848.695 -846239 + -584 = -846823 830108 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000830108.0 2082666169 + 83514.40369712791 = 2082749683.403697 874073192.4631386 + -9765812206913.746 = -9764938133721.283 637829 + 56048577245910 = 56048577883739 828 + 517632.1393753992 = 518460.1393753992 -596478234 + -2412569 = -598890803 27.50808852011408 + 8344400831 = 8344400858.508088 65041687 + -6.067883710935173 = 65041680.93211629 -896271256.4626924 + -10082599908.271177 = -10978871164.73387 -7169202.302398353 + 39260904186.42962 = 39253734984.12722 100000000000000.0 + -23652620 = 99999976347380.0 7493 + -50.99302986637139 = 7442.006970133629 -54852617002 + 405176.22223192966 = -54852211825.77777 7655082339.287838 + 690.1749191875842 = 7655083029.462757 100000000000000.0 + -816445354 = 99999183554646.0 105294957166.05592 + -36 = 105294957130.05592 -189 + 782 = 593 -3358945079 + -862113532 = -4221058611 537579576542 + 1 = 537579576543 762569261897 + -7 = 762569261890 942 + -42062348.209200576 = -42061406.209200576 -4027 + -35045535 = -35049562 86433 + -35461528 = -35375095 35075278244902.6 + 98586347 = 35075376831249.6 -95 + 533 = 438 -365385483901.32153 + -977290 = -365386461191.32153 -68441 + -9500444428810.031 = -9500444497251.031 9 + -362.36581063914537 = -353.36581063914537 -6579.202729518365 + 420236029.41501784 = 420229450.2122883 -2124.0938220699763 + -9753057038416 = -9753057040540.094 937860461.8083433 + -120401986.89623 = 817458474.9121133 560361351.9917222 + -4005503605036 = -4004943243684.0083 25017741278.2789 + 59782 = 25017801060.2789 -68249558609 + 9753865586694 = 9685616028085 -100000000000000 + -147 = -100000000000147 -3505270654172 + -1471823 = -3505272125995 19061 + -83254.0662258939 = -64193.0662258939 -7853802969245 + -31519127369.50677 = -7885322096614.507 -263728 + -23889.88161042083 = -287617.8816104208 45302.63667567511 + 7961.9090769779405 = 53264.54575265305 -920.6906923075571 + 69079196.61256689 = 69078275.92187458 2.050777028102967 + -10049.11293742808 = -10047.062160399977 -95059524386.58469 + -5018.4791217428865 = -95059529405.06381 9 + -52147640865669 = -52147640865660 251498906800.65524 + -84229 = 251498822571.65524 -3.9353739722702232 + -6594226 = -6594229.935373972 522751060998.4883 + -43146669467379 = -42623918406380.516 87 + 9882.854110531216 = 9969.854110531216 -48107186282 + -913141.3728329599 = -48108099423.37283 -5501314239.575351 + 83245647219 = 77744332979.42465 75029 + -425422792799 = -425422717770 82244811526.06982 + -3545937215992 = -3463692404465.93 -345534 + 3.494754975736836 = -345530.5052450243 -173802071.0487308 + -683967.515754048 = -174486038.56448483 -835 + -570240767355 = -570240768190 -7940 + 628622898465 = 628622890525 -100000000000000 + -1306.5779914906063 = -100000000001306.58 830918.5756958072 + -83898916255.10579 = -83898085336.53009 -78170519651509 + 556089886.4188198 = -78169963561622.58 7015350001 + 7667127374185.978 = 7674142724186.978 -33402125790459 + -4676794627403 = -38078920417862 -70 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000070 -13727018899807 + 460438.2896072074 = -13727018439368.71 80663770688 + -375411.6826505084 = 80663395276.31735 93160284.78550208 + 5380964 = 98541248.78550208 57920839 + 51658 = 57972497 -100000000000000.0 + -5183932038012 = -105183932038012.0 -10926.096212521641 + -6332288192.600709 = -6332299118.696921 -70829.67127874168 + 7394 = -63435.671278741676 3779256222301 + 7312 = 3779256229613 544181358.6075699 + -2686147403 = -2141966044.39243 100000000000000 + -572516296 = 99999427483704 -100000000000000.0 + -34954068.14099039 = -100000034954068.14 -806511450 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999193488550.0 -72577420.12992021 + 746 = -72576674.12992021 -130608109 + -868265 = -131476374 -52765631998.00852 + -82400630.87918139 = -52848032628.8877 -7688259.62452459 + -40596.21409629095 = -7728855.838620881 -24846659072 + -62401090 = -24909060162 31517046 + -22 = 31517024 251283612 + 62028 = 251345640 -590263475865.103 + -750751.4082816946 = -590264226616.5114 -30 + 708819.6781681525 = 708789.6781681525 -2445 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999997555.0 -39841848811.0703 + 85971467575379.17 = 85931625726568.11 100000000000000.0 + -58855595978.102104 = 99941144404021.89 1361.549449531011 + 5380926637241.858 = 5380926638603.408 40701746607489.88 + -6595425643139 = 34106320964350.883 5254530572934.592 + -100000000000000.0 = -94745469427065.4 79158004345.24959 + -99 = 79158004246.24959 5708965.281919777 + 4449539952 = 4455248917.2819195 807.9919840721572 + 30765 = 31572.991984072156 -1885647 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999998114353.0 63092 + 59733248182.32221 = 59733311274.32221 -178 + 9554909496.04902 = 9554909318.04902 212653812.19924825 + -4507224549.903238 = -4294570737.70399 100000000000000.0 + 6899272329849 = 106899272329849.0 -26131336 + -193 = -26131529 75782587 + -645688327635 = -645612545048 -17195265808.42994 + 87336 = -17195178472.42994 -1 + 147 = 146 387895 + 608631530206.3497 = 608631918101.3497 902 + 556729.5408610227 = 557631.5408610227 9 + -50314267768498.914 = -50314267768489.914 50502634506785 + -728574.1806340473 = 50502633778210.82 6713.28407116382 + -60486 = -53772.71592883618 -17663 + -4532238 = -4549901 -57006774623393 + 41.10143288074847 = -57006774623351.9 82053691 + 3473 = 82057164 51 + -37.75381144618754 = 13.246188553812459 -56787303218068 + 934559120770 = -55852744097298 -146940156864 + 58616648 = -146881540216 9 + 43194322.81691007 = 43194331.81691007 -23 + -3205 = -3228 -37213504.76849516 + 7611369265.078283 = 7574155760.309788 3 + 659722471 = 659722474 368.84720615752315 + -902607335644 = -902607335275.1528 882307 + 695595 = 1577902 470321656221 + -1 = 470321656220 -1 + -2011 = -2012 39.3604852562554 + 840 = 879.3604852562554 -463071735 + -5650417021 = -6113488756 -394.6209687539544 + 78479337797 = 78479337402.37903 -810593.3376406679 + 569989627 = 569179033.6623594 83362625208677.75 + -195.88654381082273 = 83362625208481.86 4.379060442541617 + -6708345 = -6708340.620939557 -140148320296.54022 + -28144595347 = -168292915643.54022 -388672815511 + 29498 = -388672786013 100000000000000.0 + -67086069353.51328 = 99932913930646.48 85855515446981.39 + -20 = 85855515446961.39 -3725.086819423228 + 45707.84944212596 = 41982.762622702736 -268.8705323208852 + 25276562146.632233 = 25276561877.7617 -32885 + 85471 = 52586 2593293469710.2305 + 7779512415 = 2601072982125.2305 528282790 + 52178615323 = 52706898113 -898 + 101109456 = 101108558 49 + 28288 = 28337 100000000000000.0 + 48374 = 100000000048374.0 -431366893536 + -100000000000000.0 = -100431366893536.0 -53969959.58610443 + 543406551 = 489436591.41389555 44125879 + 938167092262.4448 = 938211218141.4448 -4399372104840.938 + 100000000000000.0 = 95600627895159.06 6889019.80976563 + 24949023.600576073 = 31838043.410341702 6.336607794708571 + 73504579420 = 73504579426.33661 82.04401598927437 + -1 = 81.04401598927437 534798324899 + 9825643977103 = 10360442302002 41405241294 + 91995 = 41405333289 63317 + 40448252 = 40511569 91792245535783.7 + -71762511795910 = 20029733739873.703 100000000000000 + -59 = 99999999999941 245159113.73838803 + -42080557.60531463 = 203078556.1330734 780910139223.9996 + 5137386143 = 786047525366.9996 100000000000000 + 2152531372 = 100002152531372 -218 + -514.240920223582 = -732.240920223582 113517.6316406605 + -82475 = 31042.631640660504 -7567356312672.891 + -1.0440866496383578 = -7567356312673.935 52351587612 + 95895665.39980079 = 52447483277.3998 -81512958.12800345 + -2988 = -81515946.12800345 8997 + -5.222104252252703 = 8991.777895747748 69710077648346 + 19477674751.2388 = 69729555323097.24 8261.151775711041 + 7449737382365.097 = 7449737390626.248 8537922.103741322 + -8503.13798959952 = 8529418.965751722 -682465144.9523141 + 75679707 = -606785437.9523141 -154.5060931169906 + -533063978643 = -533063978797.5061 -39745603 + 614716934054.2369 = 614677188451.2369 -60965793674048.664 + -34265998811398.242 = -95231792485446.9 -55913.358269360135 + 7600.734085512408 = -48312.62418384773 -6256597141.376723 + 5 = -6256597136.376723 -410186746737.0283 + -273824145 = -410460570882.0283 -32749068365786.363 + 9021348422834 = -23727719942952.363 -57 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000057.0 4150380236.7403216 + -12204.4929712275 = 4150368032.24735 201407599693.5528 + -4223270368 = 197184329325.5528 -8418269676 + -73714895 = -8491984571 5238712 + 712891886.7746874 = 718130598.7746874 -89291 + -37.444445142724156 = -89328.44444514273 -14 + 65332022.45646623 = 65332008.45646623 5.489298127948495 + -9586032.850943124 = -9586027.361644996 145188461626.89886 + -866960.4135703424 = 145187594666.4853 100000000000000 + 758357958424.7073 = 100758357958424.7 -885013000 + 40212018 = -844800982 -100000000000000 + -96193.96050645821 = -100000000096193.95 614171502587.4104 + 22591888.46739068 = 614194094475.8778 -441894812663.2936 + 66213863 = -441828598800.2936 98029475809.91536 + -7395740979463 = -7297711503653.085 6 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.0 27105032391122 + 9145014996108.54 = 36250047387230.54 -487278945938 + -36081372832456.45 = -36568651778394.45 35015338660227 + 100000000000000.0 = 135015338660227.0 16431126949206 + 39533 = 16431126988739 -20793 + -13360072994743.07 = -13360073015536.07 6878 + 30459524862 = 30459531740 42438267 + -4283021811256 = -4282979372989 -62681767264452 + 9599747852339 = -53082019412113 100000000000000 + 5484749337335 = 105484749337335 -1182 + -954.9862659661092 = -2136.9862659661094 -332101461.61886907 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000332101461.62 -407.58992766067934 + 8992 = 8584.41007233932 173558272956.8606 + 670594 = 173558943550.8606 8292.644958037443 + 699965151263.3495 = 699965159555.9944 59813746.70121075 + -448306.26229785307 = 59365440.4389129 -100000000000000 + 12710 = -99999999987290 62649985 + 219388.8759297275 = 62869373.87592973 8111501.944477786 + 6662684214333 = 6662692325834.944 -78.78923270935813 + -93.34565671870205 = -172.13488942806018 239722411825.84662 + 100000000000000.0 = 100239722411825.84 57708734170878.945 + 805.3275137030289 = 57708734171684.27 14851.617265843644 + 5712584594 = 5712599445.617266 64301382898297 + -9651505954035.547 = 54649876944261.45 -963766 + -28.71967780502193 = -963794.719677805 -26706686992.463776 + -341715 = -26707028707.463776 -5288276776.843983 + -4 = -5288276780.843983 450621376074.19904 + 1899067814.6252537 = 452520443888.8243 -18753224618 + 6849518558.378869 = -11903706059.621132 47 + -1392696690018 = -1392696689971 -140590770072 + -3227 = -140590773299 -100000000000000.0 + -1321486 = -100000001321486.0 270006659 + -2608 = 270004051 6079254 + 193.74495172084806 = 6079447.744951721 492.8733353779696 + 7127361969489.939 = 7127361969982.8125 728078659062.2517 + -7370728.139663061 = 728071288334.112 943615830198.7013 + 4900309 = 943620730507.7013 528 + 97760823411733 = 97760823412261 -994551252 + -3451 = -994554703 -547954077000.78314 + -100000000000000.0 = -100547954077000.78 3420826525120.244 + -10597312908782 = -7176486383661.756 2091379 + -719451811 = -717360432 58426 + -1340.978696749488 = 57085.02130325051 -182246186.68305856 + 76 = -182246110.68305856 -450468.74231515586 + 5415354 = 4964885.257684845 -8922916376.133179 + 793123597 = -8129792779.133179 -74.28397688070801 + 98 = 23.71602311929199 614809673.189791 + 6909545940815 = 6910160750488.189 76288383.48885712 + 554990343 = 631278726.4888572 8717271.896887975 + -541651242.3446307 = -532933970.44774276 -100000000000000.0 + -82194753508800.9 = -182194753508800.9 -2945.0740768933338 + 100000000000000 = 99999999997054.92 -93248450 + -30.227823272735062 = -93248480.22782327 639745435145.2002 + -9.122271955159867 = 639745435136.0779 9534.851610992582 + -308659.8222231999 = -299124.9706122073 4080841 + 7108 = 4087949 5295459335925 + -828.2650653281386 = 5295459335096.735 -122468346.86377771 + 63 = -122468283.86377771 -53 + -21985603664.189476 = -21985603717.189476 5573924 + -61010 = 5512914 -15858240 + 61125858880.289955 = 61110000640.289955 -13 + -197422068275.31006 = -197422068288.31006 20920328 + 724695421323.5254 = 724716341651.5254 51905507788 + 100000000000000.0 = 100051905507788.0 100000000000000 + 5.090705833712278 = 100000000000005.1 -2304927086 + -5043449004.98485 = -7348376090.98485 18301087 + -294 = 18300793 6491 + -412.1288799757422 = 6078.871120024258 6.970599494491312 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000006.97 -778862 + 8.44583311528617 = -778853.5541668847 -8 + -785.0775751101565 = -793.0775751101565 -5498.460878002178 + -77 = -5575.460878002178 -786.2855877711316 + 20402279174895 = 20402279174108.715 6.005866860076658 + -47338608320402.87 = -47338608320396.86 -22 + 4 = -18 -90810966768627 + 644881445223 = -90166085323404 92387210.50078282 + 38.142194168980026 = 92387248.64297698 -592908434 + -7114042 = -600022476 8249690444 + -72639 = 8249617805 3 + -10420 = -10417 74 + 536062668204 = 536062668278 -394777910713.0196 + 524265 = -394777386448.0196 -1.7634453260001735 + 759489384 = 759489382.2365546 -365404417884.87195 + 383825 = -365404034059.87195 100000000000000 + -9540729230 = 99990459270770 -1979153321 + 124483871 = -1854669450 -33.10756967763905 + 3086268909668 = 3086268909634.8926 44.776401792589375 + -920408990030 = -920408989985.2236 408.1349940878228 + -811393211177.1985 = -811393210769.0635 2 + 862396531556 = 862396531558 -5797609145.892731 + 82159087.80713224 = -5715450058.085598 26168904 + -6910052831950 = -6910026663046 -6433.250118111328 + 2234540 = 2228106.7498818887 5955 + 7069789359110 = 7069789365065 -49 + -7 = -56 2994316813762 + -8542955 = 2994308270807 -22778002403917.242 + 100000000000000.0 = 77221997596082.75 100000000000000 + -9371274229 = 99990628725771 -43925940 + -11094532 = -55020472 -636136516 + 93 = -636136423 -6135.714149657973 + 470999229.7133988 = 470993093.99924916 -1467 + 73242066 = 73240599 -79921730754465 + 13664603821003.34 = -66257126933461.66 -17.37061475284708 + -3 = -20.37061475284708 -71114.00083418938 + 35124393093 = 35124321978.99917 -4769396.797514876 + 23146388 = 18376991.20248512 7 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999993.0 -4981 + 1898 = -3083 -7282786.791969335 + 28211145777669 = 28211138494882.207 -7 + 4497527231.334665 = 4497527224.334665 -79.66826689229671 + -48 = -127.66826689229671 -140589900.72624102 + -550173 = -141140073.72624102 -67115852016244 + 332188972934 = -66783663043310 -97237758092.56128 + -28060 = -97237786152.56128 -20970935748804.387 + -57306780712.41566 = -21028242529516.8 686485 + -5614.034900866864 = 680870.9650991331 -4002052024 + -100000000000000 = -100004002052024 548943683381.0002 + 862 = 548943684243.0002 78 + 4538627607147 = 4538627607225 76280559 + 467410655.19463724 = 543691214.1946373 3934392 + -919890679.4995373 = -915956287.4995373 -7919459264898 + 128482475 = -7919330782423 144013239 + -94211468.28016055 = 49801770.71983945 -1034502.5095289189 + -852 = -1035354.5095289189 -33137734591160 + 492775.38329206 = -33137734098384.617 -237412900784.94946 + 32529653806 = -204883246978.94946 -100000000000000 + 728 = -99999999999272 -78129554 + 120580.5448371886 = -78008973.45516281 55873055110442 + 47618435 = 55873102728877 -100000000000000 + 68360827182402.3 = -31639172817597.703 -2168728 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000002168728.0 -359145211.0370445 + 59 = -359145152.0370445 -8713 + 367136306496.75574 = 367136297783.75574 277580.057104762 + 858451341954 = 858451619534.0571 -17544034941 + 9.930027059496938 = -17544034931.069973 -87360516336275.73 + -100000000000000.0 = -187360516336275.75 -521.2024206678176 + -39906 = -40427.20242066782 100000000000000.0 + -77616517575 = 99922383482425.0 8853195.754742472 + 966497352.7691507 = 975350548.5238932 -86869 + 967024470.6525387 = 966937601.6525387 12015335.87361665 + 924942555 = 936957890.8736167 -359 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000359.0 -50875349288929.83 + 5178502785.188963 = -50870170786144.64 7892077110864.205 + 3.5820831923401597 = 7892077110867.787 -998763923.3645325 + -594 = -998764517.3645325 604426.687721126 + 132009724 = 132614150.68772113 18.702500942387793 + 244775 = 244793.7025009424 -15 + -161076.31235744755 = -161091.31235744755 -66242803998286 + 100000000000000.0 = 33757196001714.0 -2989969 + -805.3176389606164 = -2990774.3176389607 -13817980765.202679 + -5471594551 = -19289575316.20268 -505747645668.81726 + 1898522498.2642465 = -503849123170.55304 -748.9410954927199 + -526851577492.4312 = -526851578241.3723 -96766094051176 + -6877528619688.538 = -103643622670864.53 257390 + 38051039 = 38308429 167 + 44518470488272 = 44518470488439 54723143.7512609 + 946.464609792936 = 54724090.21587069 -878135578.5394468 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999121864421.45 82243 + 82936778.39664584 = 83019021.39664584 3 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000003 -29464894666 + -49384.31325003622 = -29464944050.31325 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 68482052419464 + 100000000000000 = 168482052419464 -3.416924414643426 + -7.020837202621381 = -10.437761617264808 -100000000000000 + -641019192600 = -100641019192600 1298958 + 6479210.748622493 = 7778168.748622493 100000000000000 + 8727447645 = 100008727447645 61.203654291678674 + 982353 = 982414.2036542917 11372539296021 + 69 = 11372539296090 741040736.25034 + 935993 = 741976729.25034 -23834 + 7 = -23827 91722165295047.89 + 4362111.780782567 = 91722169657159.67 51778963267.36288 + 697076.3448199332 = 51779660343.707695 -989936.6456572713 + 53 = -989883.6456572713 2835991631634.591 + 71751515078 = 2907743146712.591 -5318078972358.9375 + -968389456002 = -6286468428360.9375 50117517796208 + -62 = 50117517796146 139637034954.2199 + -50.310853063615134 = 139637034903.90906 57736608306.20842 + -773.8279592289404 = 57736607532.38046 429047.6517486893 + 8441752496776 = 8441752925823.651 -974358905.8367686 + 53149586.6538424 = -921209319.1829262 -100000000000000.0 + 94719037054831 = -5280962945169.0 737297662040.937 + -9206353208.907948 = 728091308832.029 -86780294267376.39 + 5767.917048361772 = -86780294261608.47 1711.4818793513903 + -5093886.197598712 = -5092174.71571936 -5454981.941571805 + 7 = -5454974.941571805 -51390 + 62 = -51328 -70.67579499915048 + -8372732033378 = -8372732033448.676 -96006013097 + -763858015.3044709 = -96769871112.30447 -430208962181.65247 + 550.9993425625541 = -430208961630.65314 -50876788866090 + 86757493354803 = 35880704488713 7177.1803993919575 + -202329598857.71063 = -202329591680.53024 -1480521.5386041626 + -17777747.60686701 = -19258269.145471174 9737.212272417783 + 8112863082.2502775 = 8112872819.46255 -66.24818216793494 + 88632.29826037069 = 88566.05007820275 1530406223 + -1427 = 1530404796 -14128474 + -9204267650828 = -9204281779302 -4117.53137760506 + -82982023155.76979 = -82982027273.30116 4501553466640.887 + -7591 = 4501553459049.887 25154450 + 3.0581297361978317 = 25154453.058129735 -1739971448966 + -71968080 = -1740043417046 -4.171806947842384 + -7615 = -7619.171806947842 52054602 + -5343861 = 46710741 -9861972 + 396.88860505647705 = -9861575.111394944 -93.68714668272776 + 8492510205996.425 = 8492510205902.737 -7512692611 + -1098.5034164453305 = -7512693709.503416 -826154.9013062653 + -9387847 = -10214001.901306266 -68897031296332 + -43719851.13452361 = -68897075016183.13 910 + -939 = -29 37964745606398.805 + -322762 = 37964745283636.805 -8599.49940417495 + -41.28226133233319 = -8640.781665507284 6814031.643430923 + -4054702797.498155 = -4047888765.8547244 788368990328 + -99985207814.29654 = 688383782513.7035 -270541315 + 13864089511 = 13593548196 -4016715.855989847 + -8607145 = -12623860.855989847 598122570.1387188 + 5061990344351.287 = 5062588466921.426 -21802744 + 488 = -21802256 458 + 8469723750 = 8469724208 -3901 + -221 = -4122 -406764651066.14087 + -167781877.12348562 = -406932432943.26434 -100000000000000 + -53276871600 = -100053276871600 922396443152.5587 + -769331 = 922395673821.5587 -9 + 49 = 40 541597090942.76483 + -393.57167088011215 = 541597090549.1932 -40917750201 + -835892.8820708983 = -40918586093.88207 99766187271803.22 + -6.365616780582713 = 99766187271796.86 2690468408984 + 4 = 2690468408988 -748367459937 + -188735204095.30383 = -937102664032.3038 5669843288 + -91406920644 = -85737077356 78869758407974.44 + 665666028.2799681 = 78870424074002.72 25791646101.432 + 84464033 = 25876110134.432 -93636103616868.48 + 72293278.48140588 = -93636031323590.0 -83 + 19527974147296 = 19527974147213 -83338660273745 + 100000000000000 = 16661339726255 -24 + -63012718810700.04 = -63012718810724.04 -74390266.34336412 + -9248434458.529354 = -9322824724.872719 713260197 + 7 = 713260204 -100000000000000 + 646824653598.2463 = -99353175346401.75 -81 + 536057206 = 536057125 8337487236532.057 + 100000000000000 = 108337487236532.06 -9882.13536222168 + -8481.17851284668 = -18363.313875068357 -14799.83248997351 + -91388 = -106187.83248997352 -87065 + 93572261.49500377 = 93485196.49500377 73 + 27870567792655.535 = 27870567792728.535 529 + 7022 = 7551 -273.95448858950044 + 42885245 = 42884971.04551141 100000000000000.0 + -6252470538449 = 93747529461551.0 3 + 83205217.6718059 = 83205220.6718059 3 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999997.0 9869 + 600063717303 = 600063727172 -59857588214174 + -57844473.278615996 = -59857646058647.28 3145770058.9665203 + 7256072221.181204 = 10401842280.147724 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -8734.297480392195 + 897527 = 888792.7025196078 4 + 2273977547088.567 = 2273977547092.567 8314531 + -584.5041020377247 = 8313946.495897963 39105012 + 741441766049 = 741480871061 20336893.402425177 + 3327319439 = 3347656332.4024253 -992356 + -546076719023 = -546077711379 -2841937 + -64352823849.964386 = -64355665786.964386 -208763 + -68032275075371 = -68032275284134 17899996820308 + 100000000000000.0 = 117899996820308.0 -325375553221 + -613254677.2831573 = -325988807898.28314 73.02135406082425 + 3.2443620330349257 = 76.26571609385918 -44960 + -2111022790619 = -2111022835579 -6.482243168374755 + 79784.09152057536 = 79777.60927740698 -4224 + -6370233 = -6374457 3546555269 + 100000000000000.0 = 100003546555269.0 -100000000000000 + 976105867 = -99999023894133 -87272309.29864849 + 96846630232.31624 = 96759357923.0176 76.30682406741843 + 801.661493303098 = 877.9683173705165 1674717555.2137904 + 8761.232569801405 = 1674726316.44636 -29516958469573 + 83725351 = -29516874744222 -645532399.61031 + 7452811.312158191 = -638079588.2981517 -9244 + -9156305769294 = -9156305778538 -97362208299.00534 + 43130406.9586536 = -97319077892.04669 906888881515.7374 + 6326786 = 906895208301.7374 464701298102.8994 + -3119 = 464701294983.8994 -933644349680 + 4970834744 = -928673514936 -9672.78007827914 + -79.14370179315704 = -9751.923780072297 11742.857984768014 + 8 = 11750.857984768014 95009 + 299447813.80242765 = 299542822.80242765 7241597269.418405 + -100000000000000.0 = -99992758402730.58 -555277316.8776691 + -46327355.035130024 = -601604671.9127991 -7209121089274 + 95.70772147451511 = -7209121089178.292 61.741715132187245 + -69288813709962.586 = -69288813709900.84 -1140362171280 + -7150088495 = -1147512259775 -891885022149.0115 + -6529764.88020137 = -891891551913.8917 383650554857.98846 + 61006659.36599103 = 383711561517.35443 3402.107066968805 + -5908.922618683598 = -2506.8155517147925 -6173917107669.179 + 60 = -6173917107609.179 9533224975916.5 + 233.2225291670845 = 9533224976149.723 -2605136287 + -1793274178.5016356 = -4398410465.501636 69109809048 + 48807221088.49899 = 117917030136.499 8008.424111770789 + -6941.818350760155 = 1066.6057610106336 -4344224658763.713 + -9215180669.15453 = -4353439839432.867 465993426 + 2767136.4417024013 = 468760562.4417024 -997750317.1610209 + 77 = -997750240.1610209 741.1059506660429 + -665433237 = -665432495.8940493 -57861309373896 + -69307925113 = -57930617299009 -75 + -35 = -110 -5427587132.237945 + 65.17628101155452 = -5427587067.061664 -100000000000000 + 9645 = -99999999990355 -9947234.549441433 + 1971169863 = 1961222628.4505587 1347171 + -56.18636235425799 = 1347114.8136376457 79.31346343151353 + 42570.7077647756 = 42650.021228207115 78861528 + -140364.5028877642 = 78721163.49711223 -13851433321.231926 + 3 = -13851433318.231926 100000000000000 + 610607 = 100000000610607 58396.76722376926 + 523439994 = 523498390.7672238 2985025958129 + -2850953900 = 2982175004229 -311752947.3822632 + 7187.088799986037 = -311745760.2934632 8962 + 49026786058 = 49026795020 25 + 87611971784 = 87611971809 3019 + -27324960043988 = -27324960040969 -4869062266717.495 + -1075839163988.744 = -5944901430706.239 57201117828614.086 + 9711.745022533143 = 57201117838325.83 416160392015 + -61712 = 416160330303 4459510.885654736 + 98565.00374983654 = 4558075.889404573 -8612652083007.235 + 3.8166257551160956 = -8612652083003.419 -1340.6174889466251 + -10429992834.47202 = -10429994175.089508 -59799523913752.73 + 100000000000000.0 = 40200476086247.27 -80899791.68369226 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999919100208.31 -533506.4642342157 + 49.482827878448376 = -533456.9814063372 -4639 + -123206621.78276552 = -123211260.78276552 6582 + -819745437.3784533 = -819738855.3784533 66.96378797105356 + -37998739297 = -37998739230.03621 -6.334978344042626 + -484318.9273835972 = -484325.2623619412 16976757964320.656 + 552547348633.4849 = 17529305312954.14 -8860502820299 + 49848247428421.1 = 40987744608122.1 1454867606 + 6709809953 = 8164677559 -46007959.57649222 + 694279 = -45313680.57649222 802 + -7527 = -6725 -93415590490239 + 744.807963951302 = -93415590489494.19 -28580300865261 + 284068 = -28580300581193 4454299 + 478222615800.42255 = 478227070099.42255 -51093 + 1429964336 = 1429913243 9981820070.290548 + 44 = 9981820114.290548 257577375 + -251 = 257577124 9362766289 + -5296.90150898919 = 9362760992.098492 754846959811 + 100000000000000.0 = 100754846959811.0 9468005908.137085 + -64522845147235 = -64513377141326.86 904890.8653881339 + -71954.62688942655 = 832936.2384987073 768076248326 + 350512440.6119541 = 768426760766.6119 8 + -4354.964227336455 = -4346.964227336455 -1979911520 + -466316792 = -2446228312 621 + -3940155.438447029 = -3939534.438447029 32.48206192457192 + 3030234.005499703 = 3030266.4875616273 97899441.38949671 + -16682 = 97882759.38949671 -18149848058278 + -53319754815664 = -71469602873942 28 + -6099011.00163002 = -6098983.00163002 -5.165417575690923 + -3033366.2651664102 = -3033371.430583986 21823187 + 771.5328098985182 = 21823958.5328099 -614729.1187475946 + 4704586.73930656 = 4089857.620558965 86411638571.87878 + -4403864888220.688 = -4317453249648.8096 -8949173304539 + 100000000000000.0 = 91050826695461.0 -489 + -6875 = -7364 24799268.134120595 + -9562630 = 15236638.134120595 100000000000000.0 + -7376261 = 99999992623739.0 -970455.655366184 + 8288 = -962167.655366184 100000000000000 + 21752761180032 = 121752761180032 7992663.452428264 + 156336009639 = 156344002302.45242 -54726 + -68501.82402112891 = -123227.82402112891 -88759119088923.72 + -410 = -88759119089333.72 -100000000000000.0 + -78800346 = -100000078800346.0 24974509181 + -68891 = 24974440290 -6568911.336119984 + -9.784029452381288 = -6568921.120149436 -1186 + -61763603354907.25 = -61763603356093.25 2.393083933390355 + 20747277346 = 20747277348.393085 248949 + 927834447682 = 927834696631 -669473447408.5665 + -783078548738 = -1452551996146.5664 -1004.7145142616174 + 100000000000000 = 99999999998995.28 270714412 + -54581816892211.25 = -54581546177799.25 -6499141.599336599 + -435542780 = -442041921.5993366 7364422 + 615323 = 7979745 -704878759 + -6072531135601.265 = -6073236014360.265 914090649457.3359 + 9068700669.50838 = 923159350126.8444 59657.17119312701 + 3315112 = 3374769.171193127 49108754720339.516 + 363714631 = 49109118434970.516 629.5612967329381 + -71.04759299860707 = 558.513703734331 -247513029 + -6642064 = -254155093 82919856562 + 353.41010061953534 = 82919856915.4101 -31653298 + 17485 = -31635813 -7.610093272223514 + 86037884357715 = 86037884357707.39 8 + 32 = 40 -9739 + -21784222907 = -21784232646 745889388978.5605 + 21563403243718 = 22309292632696.562 -54108146 + 1205434812.3184447 = 1151326666.3184447 -3899002.5916644773 + 88160585392259.14 = 88160581493256.55 -568880 + 795718 = 226838 -100000000000000 + -507753 = -100000000507753 1.0545143906034151 + -190 = -188.9454856093966 -87332991775817.2 + -1360.2753968046381 = -87332991777177.48 79.61993351191117 + 6.97235662205094 = 86.59229013396211 -283740662081.0312 + 967052.4665781746 = -283739695028.56464 53751622.332722716 + 4001394955397.4697 = 4001448707019.8022 -84157954455.11142 + -482 = -84157954937.11142 60521 + 40260 = 100781 39274147 + 8982580522365.924 = 8982619796512.924 94239.2823489191 + -144409779 = -144315539.71765107 96247.61051958644 + -3783011.904856434 = -3686764.2943368475 -18544 + -66.97246100636855 = -18610.972461006368 7.111836027963062 + -645260051 = -645260043.8881639 -500205.7510619026 + 75858546.6402303 = 75358340.8891684 -12984221188496 + 705917074731.1107 = -12278304113764.889 -976619.3768189276 + -658366531251.2424 = -658367507870.6193 8341606.118948472 + 788168851193.7827 = 788177192799.9016 48738728.6443903 + -9686879802 = -9638141073.35561 -274888348286.7679 + 9148198467 = -265740149819.76788 -624096043 + -89511143 = -713607186 54 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000054 -34219245169436 + 53.41640419480353 = -34219245169382.582 2963748.7719416954 + -348222.85838661384 = 2615525.9135550815 396087107 + -9755344314.915571 = -9359257207.915571 3889 + 49730815 = 49734704 -121600 + -14226500571.099329 = -14226622171.099329 735 + 3256650073339 = 3256650074074 -301745.37609451247 + 7.0546603563049555 = -301738.32143415615 24173627.076380707 + 721.5581218617157 = 24174348.634502567 -61 + -561 = -622 23.0327330671032 + 47.36775190736614 = 70.40048497446935 -24111914328503 + -298583 = -24111914627086 -4330258 + 74946706173.28159 = 74942375915.28159 -38 + 73726474900 = 73726474862 702 + 46034610860 = 46034611562 -578 + -76292.0886941539 = -76870.0886941539 54773604999.21422 + -6962050.164053105 = 54766642949.05016 8 + -6501459.035413102 = -6501451.035413102 -888841847 + 67737427913 = 66848586066 310074462859 + -60522841230 = 249551621629 -9 + -164061964231.0865 = -164061964240.0865 -100000000000000.0 + 401128433956.093 = -99598871566043.9 -5 + -44075258 = -44075263 7997094 + -64 = 7997030 -8582.620263533403 + -185408516254.36145 = -185408524836.98172 -881149 + 62671313.27933075 = 61790164.27933075 3014 + -981980.3016903249 = -978966.3016903249 -100000000000000 + -3.209292425940129 = -100000000000003.2 -100000000000000.0 + -381.4176279690822 = -100000000000381.42 939037885 + 40483758852.69122 = 41422796737.69122 79499842275448.52 + -80115450567.86125 = 79419726824880.66 4.258076261331033 + -4701638.69140741 = -4701634.433331149 -963165 + -8324469133.787361 = -8325432298.787361 4 + -367873.3263453076 = -367869.3263453076 6 + 3719765020834 = 3719765020840 -87524907.8612426 + 299 = -87524608.8612426 66378942048.43742 + -9764441.662990294 = 66369177606.77444 190974297032 + -71711726953290 = -71520752656258 -80306728435 + 4899361921.556948 = -75407366513.44305 -100000000000000.0 + -34502070888523 = -134502070888523.0 -69908.70153678337 + -260 = -70168.70153678337 918 + -1090805.2627174212 = -1089887.2627174212 2261924 + -6504221152.0521555 = -6501959228.0521555 -259 + 2469106.0217326507 = 2468847.0217326507 9 + 778624288.9800953 = 778624297.9800953 34 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999966.0 -7433612073.88108 + 7504781 = -7426107292.88108 -701530549779.973 + 100000000000000 = 99298469450220.03 5588768 + 48348512184 = 48354100952 -8584684753.56228 + 2321937.382248169 = -8582362816.180032 -87 + 15854863059609 = 15854863059522 -310 + 492094.161186587 = 491784.161186587 -592283671 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000592283671.0 8774878716 + -9202654.575634263 = 8765676061.424366 -9.148871127901858 + 24.10226387238601 = 14.953392744484153 -6213041697 + -97094 = -6213138791 6 + 694295.6231864414 = 694301.6231864414 4849636 + 741678 = 5591314 -457141982347.8952 + 6.492035300581795 = -457141982341.40314 387317039 + -7886878.190668237 = 379430160.8093318 101.71935290174329 + -26 = 75.71935290174329 2919545.0630078893 + -2563 = 2916982.0630078893 -349 + 787973702588.9474 = 787973702239.9474 -28367502396815 + -443 = -28367502397258 -79311.83230613107 + -686.2027019200024 = -79998.03500805107 33552526.3909732 + -9.065718253251877 = 33552517.325254947 -854710.5165600893 + 51779515306.21461 = 51778660595.698044 80.40928924026163 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000080.4 -39128240599279.97 + 6 = -39128240599273.97 65 + 48510252876664.875 = 48510252876729.875 9326932907.415033 + -86127190289444.48 = -86117863356537.06 -19 + -87361058747557.66 = -87361058747576.66 -61625942833 + -2420635 = -61628363468 943272373.9853323 + 7962.430121815765 = 943280336.415454 84963918 + -9.05720950899332 = 84963908.9427905 298852418591 + 18584889810381.836 = 18883742228972.836 -4994547838077 + -87741367692680.34 = -92735915530757.34 -4013775150 + -60771.145668057536 = -4013835921.145668 -78860351488 + -6 = -78860351494 -8440538 + 868.7078414008054 = -8439669.2921586 -25170334882595.086 + -71227164 = -25170406109759.086 577.866376237308 + 82679860239.40686 = 82679860817.27324 -9.044611856194367 + 979302104890.7782 = 979302104881.7336 -33260.20771987758 + -45853355 = -45886615.20771988 -75035605.98881792 + 801.570909981289 = -75034804.41790794 6189 + -3599701 = -3593512 -468.1882040966225 + 14457957 = 14457488.811795903 -45518.90870862026 + -5496.364509404576 = -51015.27321802484 -176 + 95576873.85369655 = 95576697.85369655 80217.79980806641 + -8146919.8742204765 = -8066702.07441241 98539500005283 + -2.6790344904921395 = 98539500005280.33 -524376 + -6 = -524382 9415401097.188248 + 984382540343.4031 = 993797941440.5913 1.2233721166351228 + 27349.692965656835 = 27350.91633777347 3900209 + 100000000000000 = 100000003900209 4793 + 2709760.501064362 = 2714553.501064362 -99885.00402190628 + 36240055 = 36140169.995978095 57681841.035999134 + -48619966611 = -48562284769.964005 8 + -60428990 = -60428982 712563 + 484.32462393927244 = 713047.3246239392 -172 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000172 -91863283604.61945 + -822989523.5210599 = -92686273128.1405 -191.87880901393314 + -6694408838.767838 = -6694409030.6466465 8 + 5654196702451.66 = 5654196702459.66 -15273236698944.598 + 9 = -15273236698935.598 -40 + 908663501.7797449 = 908663461.7797449 -8882322365 + 30846264768.118454 = 21963942403.118454 93 + 18272 = 18365 2775405879 + 100000000000000 = 100002775405879 517 + 320356915 = 320357432 6.630711189133468 + 64457913 = 64457919.63071119 -37250811 + 6 = -37250805 -356700 + 519 = -356181 101479905218.42482 + -41 = 101479905177.42482 6418708.691502843 + -100000000000000 = -99999993581291.31 -40519671547312 + 3308231835106 = -37211439712206 -9398.49428491288 + 2263946496237 = 2263946486838.506 -4738.5363989241105 + -8841.720354654279 = -13580.25675357839 -64693050137699.21 + -932135 = -64693051069834.21 -252136097511 + 1351422892876 = 1099286795365 -53305466966 + -94524751751 = -147830218717 -2197144512130 + -49157035 = -2197193669165 32.989600630426 + 3457.9472361908906 = 3490.936836821317 -72218914301.90036 + -47299695 = -72266213996.90036 -83488106.8326645 + -9257.541369738832 = -83497364.37403424 100000000000000.0 + 7 = 100000000000007.0 27487898162619.32 + 392 = 27487898163011.32 724520 + 82189469 = 82913989 -8 + 525379410.3842172 = 525379402.3842172 85.02121755002196 + 687621429709 = 687621429794.0212 -519591.52870704327 + 80779016 = 80259424.47129296 87033319417 + -1 = 87033319416 -407021 + -11517028748376.346 = -11517029155397.346 767.1870092957232 + 56.6874279690617 = 823.8744372647849 27304168932 + 503644.81660409103 = 27304672576.816605 -87208775.3240719 + 1804 = -87206971.3240719 -949986 + -20013 = -969999 4606011 + -53458023 = -48852012 9892422477 + -94 = 9892422383 -543487467 + 4538961044 = 3995473577 -766086213164 + -781.0419685110211 = -766086213945.042 6398587388191 + 10574.744124959565 = 6398587398765.744 -87776995508230 + -392 = -87776995508622 -2571209 + 322830.5550099307 = -2248378.444990069 -646.166575024024 + 47850714579154 = 47850714578507.836 185088 + 76917612863.44128 = 76917797951.44128 10167.710607124169 + -4422377744 = -4422367576.289392 -89627 + -5488462.348257528 = -5578089.348257528 5895834 + -5606608699.842654 = -5600712865.842654 -15141 + 3.421535389733541 = -15137.578464610266 232094 + 82087466 = 82319560 -8.419042054524313 + -132009.91369757228 = -132018.3327396268 80173664564 + -5629212436.684795 = 74544452127.3152 90392.93705961297 + 2.0835934687311597 = 90395.02065308171 -48673.530402566015 + 6187509873876 = 6187509825202.47 6257578473.223425 + -3 = 6257578470.223425 7230.288588086625 + -743653.9994874367 = -736423.7108993501 630.5421271431643 + -543702.5143129884 = -543071.9721858453 -5939.301951661149 + 100000000000000 = 99999999994060.7 -2085576.7841212433 + 6001639559.355081 = 5999553982.570959 -14712942259.302727 + 274757474054.35385 = 260044531795.05112 -9838963173.42593 + 100000000000000 = 99990161036826.58 -44039 + -84916.10838737465 = -128955.10838737465 2887504 + -100000000000000 = -99999997112496 100000000000000.0 + -9.52750916784808 = 99999999999990.47 -9 + -8681.789027893738 = -8690.789027893738 7676651842.34978 + -100000000000000 = -99992323348157.66 -90 + 9066.035048848058 = 8976.035048848058 -33339.25747242615 + 199 = -33140.25747242615 881165 + -746.9817380554326 = 880418.0182619445 -7494830 + 71465 = -7423365 -70356.84511898592 + 69628391.43546434 = 69558034.59034535 -601076130494 + -98518526494 = -699594656988 65299963.5950663 + -67.23409338993537 = 65299896.36097291 -5803773.041680303 + 90.81696889515928 = -5803682.224711408 -684984653.2517371 + 88444615.44594568 = -596540037.8057914 -632792344015.6074 + 85 = -632792343930.6074 96 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000096 -100000000000000 + -7 = -100000000000007 -100000000000000.0 + 40693274 = -99999959306726.0 75517663.88775975 + -646 = 75517017.88775975 -264.816484297394 + -855.1316680884711 = -1119.9481523858651 -173.246739231676 + 1972754160307.931 = 1972754160134.684 -764904.7877395299 + -650447679 = -651212583.7877395 40070.3287193173 + -100000000000000 = -99999999959929.67 574067106 + -177569061.26421577 = 396498044.73578423 100000000000000.0 + -947441815527.5221 = 99052558184472.48 -96706277462764.25 + -781 = -96706277463545.25 -370221.58871610585 + 715 = -369506.58871610585 -2528890177366.916 + 9318715109 = -2519571462257.916 9027 + 9199.27391165364 = 18226.27391165364 3822190284198 + -35076582410117.113 = -31254392125919.113 -6 + 333952881.0756341 = 333952875.0756341 35838276005384.766 + -835952983.4326197 = 35837440052401.336 -3860073040273.9414 + -99191 = -3860073139464.9414 7802157.261072038 + 682 = 7802839.261072038 3.4971142998109483 + 6528522.790957598 = 6528526.288071898 108398 + 7838278458 = 7838386856 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 -163761023635 + 820773086118 = 657012062483 -7645085.476374071 + 60 = -7645025.476374071 118 + -91.63865431461619 = 26.36134568538381 466960046.8071472 + -14450274.668804377 = 452509772.13834286 4037.1969115666802 + -68 = 3969.1969115666802 -13866069406.523186 + 1.0796060209517542 = -13866069405.44358 -1021890258320.1068 + 377829626739.89825 = -644060631580.2085 640 + 158.97731330936693 = 798.977313309367 -487279543936 + -4599 = -487279548535 -4895.545620910768 + -81.65742666311371 = -4977.203047573881 100000000000000.0 + -12602688.803267773 = 99999987397311.2 -27313119947750.305 + -30816174730669.754 = -58129294678420.06 4838.875855094055 + 8140542265813.232 = 8140542270652.108 -20948081.281619646 + 6813832469.523556 = 6792884388.241936 -52185050249.811485 + -9269051 = -52194319300.811485 654950107278 + 48872395082783 = 49527345190061 461251026 + -11247548 = 450003478 -31763151817847.152 + -951121192778.6155 = -32714273010625.77 -68 + -3 = -71 -96390295.83589897 + 3505574931.4920425 = 3409184635.6561437 31 + 19981344.7159289 = 19981375.7159289 -19156120.04107991 + -3020.2486679947256 = -19159140.289747905 -360925672981 + -38849933708797.914 = -39210859381778.914 -8693166 + 7133 = -8686033 -9892079.35886395 + 6.641158076566319 = -9892072.717705874 82727196889415 + 430294761 = 82727627184176 -8475.50438910388 + 53.403778078757405 = -8422.100611025124 6663.820126752317 + -4224 = 2439.8201267523173 9354.090172657976 + -489123.15615091025 = -479769.06597825227 -1433.3894075657868 + -556501268138.7798 = -556501269572.1692 -93885.54695577249 + 324870976 = 324777090.45304424 67034125022268 + -36616329832659 = 30417795189609 -3294764491.7082167 + -85298 = -3294849789.7082167 100000000000000 + -12863147 = 99999987136853 9695858019 + 8.763069173962496 = 9695858027.76307 20206263236.602913 + 59829 = 20206323065.602913 -59318398695136 + -898866983.627099 = -59319297562119.625 467982324748.8029 + 288.5975042108506 = 467982325037.40045 4628200894.942684 + 23307810173 = 27936011067.942684 100000000000000.0 + -9659770705431 = 90340229294569.0 84089.5339949257 + -9852366409 = -9852282319.466005 -3484885293479.4966 + -96217775.88719627 = -3484981511255.384 35191 + 625018524 = 625053715 19194817377669 + 67319732520.53402 = 19262137110189.535 2308501.319012847 + 61413054435276.28 = 61413056743777.6 -603253 + -51 = -603304 -24788.854106383624 + 207 = -24581.854106383624 100000000000000.0 + 6584.312445563637 = 100000000006584.31 2599796.349319265 + -8273868 = -5674071.650680735 225395726352.58112 + 155904446925.75754 = 381300173278.3386 5 + 84222 = 84227 -92.60260812121182 + -247539151921.1501 = -247539152013.7527 33.99151986164948 + -21942258486007.562 = -21942258485973.57 597733.9565218769 + 262264302 = 262862035.95652187 -8822336746064 + -5714346060.845181 = -8828051092124.846 -100000000000000 + 71847491122.40225 = -99928152508877.6 -4148.487433528212 + -5 = -4153.487433528212 66583298.955682926 + 100000000000000 = 100000066583298.95 739.5906405265238 + -242766307990 = -242766307250.40936 -988204 + 1721803 = 733599 -58015462713 + 100000000000000.0 = 99941984537287.0 -96119015376 + -94664.23944190773 = -96119110040.23944 -7323283128746 + -371584466333.93787 = -7694867595079.9375 -2514.837268249521 + -2020630 = -2023144.8372682496 -7770332.668028289 + 39.21403144647009 = -7770293.453996843 -4922116 + -646158.9388910925 = -5568274.938891092 -24122836751.2971 + 910261637612 = 886138800860.7029 -9 + -8805073611.69504 = -8805073620.69504 45244392151127.51 + -26.42094157292909 = 45244392151101.086 -130192929.25707334 + -177862501.81938326 = -308055431.0764566 -629 + -6963221819637.068 = -6963221820266.068 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 4963127185403 + 95603540380349 = 100566667565752 -2787847.6643601484 + 100000000000000 = 99999997212152.33 7.902138275137928 + 49545266 = 49545273.90213828 2.130204006437202 + -700872654 = -700872651.869796 18534.989962155036 + 75813399.39667815 = 75831934.38664031 -161 + 37706857.78075786 = 37706696.78075786 4964 + 870294 = 875258 63896757 + 83724207405258.94 = 83724271302015.94 60.045999993436645 + 93 = 153.04599999343665 733428821598.8132 + 725374430.63609 = 734154196029.4493 206842727046.78778 + 161515770.08672142 = 207004242816.8745 9380264 + 7029613327.708534 = 7038993591.708534 3326335282 + -4 = 3326335278 5446629.507158727 + 869751897420 = 869757344049.5072 -18185.510799033804 + -928 = -19113.510799033804 -100000000000000 + 371 = -99999999999629 734994.8756115659 + 131180386 = 131915380.87561156 -15.295573017741184 + -487.9143331605244 = -503.20990617826556 -811 + -587109 = -587920 -45721 + 22.30007941507578 = -45698.69992058492 -91947692713272.88 + -47924 = -91947692761196.88 88970768114910.3 + -100000000000000 = -11029231885089.703 18202 + 9994 = 28196 17666815190 + -9789 = 17666805401 6215 + -415535 = -409320 -94123954349321 + -1886 = -94123954351207 851164982097 + -249466 = 851164732631 -4917227616.00642 + -5.594750760459512 = -4917227621.601171 7.611071957311984 + -718.3689760783996 = -710.7579041210876 -1 + 18215868837.40803 = 18215868836.40803 -288424.65653889463 + -5087261544.172141 = -5087549968.82868 1821.1927398456623 + -6108 = -4286.807260154337 -6 + -24.0014041791341 = -30.0014041791341 -100000000000000.0 + -3908 = -100000000003908.0 -244882219643 + 1.2855109989103104 = -244882219641.71448 -2331057516.711386 + -65800091364129.93 = -65802422421646.64 -66490594864154 + -3848 = -66490594868002 -37.927899884913636 + -3.4364523331652475 = -41.364352218078885 -58560847.29123224 + 9 = -58560838.29123224 9131500 + -367050990110 = -367041858610 -9083150745583 + 9853212.7781328 = -9083140892370.223 598015084.4743924 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000598015084.47 -5.803341417317233 + -4058924 = -4058929.803341417 6058935.039055279 + -41 = 6058894.039055279 5.218659752532907 + 342.2085504792533 = 347.4272102317862 -6355216 + 94 = -6355122 9 + 8686399671 = 8686399680 96561901384103.8 + -26874 = 96561901357229.8 27618.50205598018 + -27093300516490 = -27093300488871.496 8201074.3514515 + -9501 = 8191573.3514515 12399122.438738206 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999987600877.56 -5 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000005.0 -1436.3751358305908 + -311636173875.5563 = -311636175311.9314 927135809 + -983789619 = -56653810 -8409877322945 + 100000000000000 = 91590122677055 -41461186234148 + -549447024.1852384 = -41461735681172.19 -1984.523109377954 + 349512535.3184706 = 349510550.7953612 18146 + -7 = 18139 -2915963.8271829 + 59300292.599535875 = 56384328.77235298 41488893.55564998 + -897340311671.7128 = -897298822778.1571 -5439353464.739842 + -74723725829838.9 = -74729165183303.64 -762 + 5580.1425305488665 = 4818.1425305488665 152.90237829576108 + -6044154 = -6044001.097621704 1971.0291557340183 + 40.72949508400804 = 2011.7586508180264 -40488.201873108854 + 7110033843291.062 = 7110033802802.859 -2547288193374 + 678314586372 = -1868973607002 100000000000000.0 + 47719252629898.164 = 147719252629898.16 20977849.44568374 + -6606934659.451102 = -6585956810.005419 -72249991837694 + 378754.5235341507 = -72249991458939.47 -554.0150922670945 + 279225073069.23004 = 279225072515.21497 -8.954063568612256 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000008.95 -1321886.8824008326 + 1.5770623455605892 = -1321885.305338487 -82 + 3 = -79 -44677863.57767445 + -151198918581.08237 = -151243596444.66003 91110.4695352228 + -9879801.66115562 = -9788691.191620398 -954530.7881813406 + -9946381 = -10900911.78818134 -940991.3728969704 + -8469135656721 = -8469136597712.373 73198835421352 + 26628348708.16021 = 73225463770060.16 -39 + 6605316302 = 6605316263 -306972098058 + 86158.66159765517 = -306972011899.3384 -227 + 512432047 = 512431820 -535019534794.90704 + -2300368.445070927 = -535021835163.3521 80974 + -725291363 = -725210389 -1965.3923426488673 + 720100648410 = 720100646444.6077 4852.068091512894 + -3617422.9523662655 = -3612570.8842747523 5343015335.526835 + -4414648 = 5338600687.526835 -2661 + -5 = -2666 -4594398 + 5646.131467021689 = -4588751.868532978 -6440589 + 4351757938.145957 = 4345317349.145957 5014757805412 + -29461 = 5014757775951 -6310991321 + 53871003303257 = 53864692311936 -4899704.723241184 + -9320524955.873407 = -9325424660.59665 80.73130269918803 + -21952074.65898986 = -21951993.92768716 5 + 675 = 680 52773288450435 + -60166716 = 52773228283719 -11219.856570426262 + -751 = -11970.856570426262 967947248369.7762 + 5670 = 967947254039.7762 -8 + -1427337619469 = -1427337619477 5787116110.801351 + 426045893257.9773 = 431833009368.7786 58239929067.93966 + -6.721350370625338 = 58239929061.21831 2927016 + 89 = 2927105 -19964663491 + 4652615639640 = 4632650976149 66 + -39081060370702.28 = -39081060370636.28 -21836828691207 + 7.791552157791649 = -21836828691199.207 -177.62695439457403 + 28813296830340.242 = 28813296830162.613 -12454682074617.035 + -379180 = -12454682453797.035 -2617946.3194503067 + 955573737 = 952955790.6805497 1.334176114022838 + -434.0796635333347 = -432.74548741931187 294 + 799430 = 799724 3328927068200.515 + -143288255324.53433 = 3185638812875.981 -37524690222 + 100000000000000.0 = 99962475309778.0 -210623 + -26678292047.2268 = -26678502670.2268 -100000000000000 + -89972728.59997332 = -100000089972728.6 -23403665.487600125 + -8823247.009432644 = -32226912.49703277 -37 + 678421266726 = 678421266689 432810127125 + -30009 = 432810097116 -2458040.7009068322 + 4.295716650812924 = -2458036.4051901815 87067245371 + 5105 = 87067250476 -71 + -29745447.461358394 = -29745518.461358394 -43 + -626414.074249593 = -626457.074249593 4477085632.853085 + 852953.375921044 = 4477938586.229006 3025420447108.7935 + -3684379963499 = -658959516390.2065 100000000000000.0 + -2227013334.5394735 = 99997772986665.45 9269645 + 7093781427.751988 = 7103051072.751988 -934627542.9959513 + 89.69458517050039 = -934627453.3013661 9826127.353682986 + 171.93085324176405 = 9826299.284536228 100000000000000 + 191745.58385626128 = 100000000191745.58 -100000000000000 + -12499.644712395126 = -100000000012499.64 3000543355445 + 86370507 = 3000629725952 -2220.942539939106 + 3106833635175 = 3106833632954.0576 -34984.86214735983 + 858480704.1966348 = 858445719.3344874 21903 + -742879791898 = -742879769995 19.463303401824 + 5579768.800941536 = 5579788.264244938 -31 + 95374886.97707687 = 95374855.97707687 -23165293 + -589928901 = -613094194 -1052278762648 + -100000000000000 = -101052278762648 381358 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999618642.0 14109712 + 13325983961966.076 = 13325998071678.076 -439678225591.229 + 4223081.459794527 = -439674002509.7692 3839621.2414527563 + 1 = 3839622.2414527563 2784 + -7060534566191.69 = -7060534563407.69 -100000000000000 + 7042744289 = -99992957255711 622637.2924997855 + 6010413406106.878 = 6010414028744.171 -8890.332103362454 + -87345637.23378791 = -87354527.56589127 5 + -63849.424246220304 = -63844.424246220304 -8829.43866060668 + 55694164754.944176 = 55694155925.505516 987745 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999012255.0 8272547629273 + 100000000000000.0 = 108272547629273.0 -3614 + 2 = -3612 -895 + 28820 = 27925 4078601576519 + -7108283163 = 4071493293356 9689191.105728783 + 6179 = 9695370.105728783 -7754.005557463583 + -7100724.784416273 = -7108478.789973737 -263883485 + -569.9249251568485 = -263884054.92492515 -9126.868620796413 + -9459564.447829071 = -9468691.316449868 1560782 + 94228468533.34344 = 94230029315.34344 1334891634183.4172 + 76218.40213445647 = 1334891710401.8193 4 + -28995 = -28991 -350478.9756495315 + 2048889131989.6294 = 2048888781510.6538 81.55671517050298 + 3101752256.181349 = 3101752337.738064 -45978694 + 1.1962604457130812 = -45978692.803739555 53221.77133820927 + -7120.161184054784 = 46101.610154154485 20283225882.453323 + 6701494 = 20289927376.453323 -53.090443122458524 + -605 = -658.0904431224585 59567 + -7185637734.190381 = -7185578167.190381 86349.69856242531 + -7 = 86342.69856242531 -2899672649355.033 + -9169142496.02676 = -2908841791851.06 953006367.5644258 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000953006367.56 48327757 + -2627960 = 45699797 -4385284572785.3857 + -4979 = -4385284577764.3857 510366985995 + 545195.8881101774 = 510367531190.8881 83601761898.04135 + 80.57195857132334 = 83601761978.61331 186116.56596293813 + 229 = 186345.56596293813 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -393747 + 8583.048227788217 = -385163.95177221176 83340923 + 2633652450 = 2716993373 734143796 + 469.8138738390854 = 734144265.8138739 -3424.183356650036 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999996575.81 39558464524 + 9367429021624.627 = 9406987486148.627 508334628.3362087 + 967.7710474346635 = 508335596.1072561 -100000000000000 + 3 = -99999999999997 -234 + 25276681773 = 25276681539 -7982025147415.983 + -910563648.9150395 = -7982935711064.898 84052009247.26273 + -98327 = 84051910920.26273 41305 + -126297.43841237982 = -84992.43841237982 59674599 + -76.40784515657838 = 59674522.592154846 -79019 + 2006196481567 = 2006196402548 15516029518376 + 6 = 15516029518382 3697.893334540886 + -65 = 3632.893334540886 6036621186 + 652669 = 6037273855 -9 + 69445604825 = 69445604816 -699963263253.3024 + -56.70006586840198 = -699963263310.0024 -7813 + -14459 = -22272 -8978.904657605357 + -6410 = -15388.904657605357 62491875293155 + 1.9957615486392624 = 62491875293156.99 3855089.907808336 + 2828.6558830688855 = 3857918.5636914046 -2.4085057504005487 + -293381494 = -293381496.40850574 -97846.23386436945 + 8078040.284172969 = 7980194.050308599 -6578374567460 + 9758556014 = -6568616011446 431213266798.59717 + 46109953.706197046 = 431259376752.30334 25 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000025.0 217 + -4928746839524.389 = -4928746839307.389 100000000000000 + 578253232680 = 100578253232680 -97295938594.53291 + -8908880898071 = -9006176836665.533 -6 + 5582.183333802287 = 5576.183333802287 48828489622829 + 7798867123069 = 56627356745898 100000000000000 + -984246051.6056571 = 99999015753948.39 187044155852 + 488763.9795856742 = 187044644615.97958 36354 + -46.01735622615129 = 36307.98264377385 21 + 759747594 = 759747615 -69110180459490 + 9833853 = -69110170625637 -81766 + 95860448.68265162 = 95778682.68265162 -2947350516 + 7970895909.499838 = 5023545393.499838 -797005339704 + 644632127 = -796360707577 5701.9596256876 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994298.05 -9056 + 314 = -8742 -7 + -36 = -43 -753032.3235846598 + -176756625 = -177509657.32358465 257888.514048449 + -90881678744639 = -90881678486750.48 8392440158686 + 5206.067635018181 = 8392440163892.067 -23 + 614996989.8713853 = 614996966.8713853 61863 + -8398157321351 = -8398157259488 -1052967.2979514133 + -81227727.92064738 = -82280695.2185988 -6934 + 442 = -6492 6513988.640240127 + 6740632 = 13254620.640240127 90561.0146098339 + -519678056.89298844 = -519587495.8783786 100000000000000.0 + -326 = 99999999999674.0 -7323928408842.479 + -838546713867.0815 = -8162475122709.561 -27042.4024629759 + -3.937930243659499 = -27046.34039321956 696015 + -60063137.198155984 = -59367122.198155984 32 + -10735185378.292166 = -10735185346.292166 352916.57256616815 + 1567489145.5583262 = 1567842062.1308925 217083 + 6852917131427.308 = 6852917348510.308 -44101056211289.05 + 54 = -44101056211235.05 3304434298756.057 + -100000000000000.0 = -96695565701243.94 25 + 950026059888.3975 = 950026059913.3975 -89825 + 8240707 = 8150882 623658 + -236878196069 = -236877572411 -3711 + -9452810119.721754 = -9452813830.721754 -1194938884.903684 + -100000000000000 = -100001194938884.9 477.2482112906038 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000477.25 17153555 + -2463888292 = -2446734737 -723306987 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000723306987.0 -719.6658261129987 + 5946599 = 5945879.334173887 3908133 + -10200777848.82759 = -10196869715.82759 -387590065 + 33673687292558.938 = 33673299702493.938 66927110340433 + -31 = 66927110340402 -98218.9883494951 + 8650106551733 = 8650106453514.012 -6290297706984 + 6954235716433.139 = 663938009449.1387 67.8439428033177 + -489150327902 = -489150327834.15607 4 + -2.3332397207684377 = 1.6667602792315623 -4.153840612642314 + -8368006898 = -8368006902.153841 395692652131 + 1777977118440.7607 = 2173669770571.7607 2.1924015893111566 + -80736 = -80733.80759841068 896.0875557290183 + 129365.46651448397 = 130261.55407021298 6 + 328470737009.9916 = 328470737015.9916 19 + -10088562.016164593 = -10088543.016164593 6 + 775322 = 775328 -56346.3830719937 + -90436836128194 = -90436836184540.39 -67.8577984603765 + -5295830.769513457 = -5295898.627311917 349672074.1276022 + -4430004493841.979 = -4429654821767.851 -400580116219 + 253488234 = -400326627985 503374398.29278755 + 42632859 = 546007257.2927876 3677233620 + 762285945343 = 765963178963 -3909727728570 + 32051580 = -3909695676990 -7116.767333804933 + -894353 = -901469.767333805 -8 + -304 = -312 228689 + -14264.31868381788 = 214424.68131618213 67758802 + 1866251005.2294002 = 1934009807.2294002 5198712.915339559 + -511169120.99301773 = -505970408.0776782 -2293169042131.1924 + -19349.50158532302 = -2293169061480.694 6481 + 5572.836131393061 = 12053.836131393062 39568346745934 + -9997918862799 = 29570427883135 -27888975.761630807 + 951763 = -26937212.761630807 200307 + 785656124011 = 785656324318 479.28565216189025 + 706982815.5798968 = 706983294.865549 -4149599 + -3950.138160708805 = -4153549.138160709 793940972 + -5661.458188982538 = 793935310.541811 1410505513724.6963 + -100000000000000.0 = -98589494486275.3 7201 + -67 = 7134 715 + -93848.68378941642 = -93133.68378941642 30 + -58271802195840 = -58271802195810 -18709658.732006453 + -12298766323.084026 = -12317475981.816032 -100000000000000 + -4 = -100000000000004 -44929138454.30217 + 8070339448718.905 = 8025410310264.604 -999872563 + 53601552893242 = 53600553020679 787223717 + -626.8671509305588 = 787223090.1328491 -592802445.7264919 + 5939304.265162011 = -586863141.4613299 43 + 20411268107.397514 = 20411268150.397514 -3.995032618099242 + -95526052 = -95526055.99503262 55844753931973.52 + -97153.01323888257 = 55844753834820.51 69634395358.6133 + -47460016713059 = -47390382317700.38 -10835 + 4.092196523501071 = -10830.907803476499 100000000000000.0 + -348599154915.2312 = 99651400845084.77 -69676.93720259209 + -562509.2387850338 = -632186.175987626 -448856609156 + 499347954 = -448357261202 100000000000000 + 4119.781781014238 = 100000000004119.78 -100000000000000 + -32654840 = -100000032654840 5233686992.087852 + 5943872562 = 11177559554.087852 -881339387624 + -140319157662.30237 = -1021658545286.3024 -60604997517 + -17150804425 = -77755801942 200834445 + 28247123134.25008 = 28447957579.25008 7754626.074407343 + 61139921176526 = 61139928931152.08 -656318835620.8495 + 2908337958112 = 2252019122491.1504 9661287850.694777 + -44046 = 9661243804.694777 136.15786897497134 + -277054622.3259578 = -277054486.1680888 -98268525 + 700864 = -97567661 -295.70781859332516 + -369 = -664.7078185933251 -5493.1600180778405 + 49 = -5444.1600180778405 35990.80642613697 + 100000000000000 = 100000000035990.81 20800786.25863373 + 470460008 = 491260794.25863373 100000000000000.0 + -11207965348.023663 = 99988792034651.97 -67320772 + -100000000000000 = -100000067320772 -79181754789859.67 + 724683115.9433986 = -79181030106743.73 9970272863.589079 + -42747190 = 9927525673.589079 86143028114417 + 100000000000000.0 = 186143028114417.0 29830638037 + 2748623187358 = 2778453825395 836354324015 + 926 = 836354324941 274634802 + -8096481 = 266538321 108.47405636762333 + -935230381 = -935230272.5259436 100000000000000.0 + -8.08076224084946 = 99999999999991.92 2331755419271.01 + -4.405980205707451 = 2331755419266.604 1921869476985 + 83570.45307205452 = 1921869560555.4531 -54061680911922.22 + 69886 = -54061680842036.22 -4527577741 + 3364901210617.144 = 3360373632876.144 772853 + 73378 = 846231 -80018597 + 79942665359936 = 79942585341339 72113184 + 229100 = 72342284 -7068601348913 + -5 = -7068601348918 -375654887.326572 + 10760530015338.47 = 10760154360451.145 -12 + -417265138.9595477 = -417265150.9595477 -3538729217478 + 855.4103720742062 = -3538729216622.59 -4690982.637556158 + -541510027875.61273 = -541514718858.2503 -7674815066.751232 + 4478535424.178133 = -3196279642.573099 2519.340380030988 + 17922.97976497869 = 20442.320145009675 -837330945 + 77742485 = -759588460 8456532279.675102 + -257144.38097790553 = 8456275135.294125 -93850348 + -66 = -93850414 736701 + -597 = 736104 776293004 + -8710 = 776284294 -91776.48452251015 + -603008.1596712589 = -694784.644193769 11817475.793112582 + -93 = 11817382.793112582 791 + 835075 = 835866 8429124444.701316 + 53265333255197 = 53273762379641.7 14888.790443265938 + -61425.23360594012 = -46536.443162674186 56230664793.56476 + 1595 = 56230666388.56476 -100000000000000.0 + -2112444 = -100000002112444.0 8105360750753 + -258063256.08807778 = 8105102687496.912 474 + -43831449490267 = -43831449489793 -1367647554999 + 1451.412878128806 = -1367647553547.5872 2207663 + -967243923615.5507 = -967241715952.5507 -85438104507 + 5872678094.919873 = -79565426412.08012 -330306775 + 1412945282086 = 1412614975311 -54139385303280.01 + -89130968327133 = -143270353630413.0 -921365584 + 70752.11982275409 = -921294831.8801773 303877995465 + -7422 = 303877988043 -38594.46741451562 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000038594.47 651105634 + -524018311565.60565 = -523367205931.60565 426 + 342601 = 343027 559.7625670835571 + 89036222798 = 89036223357.76257 -16285 + 5276.522981322223 = -11008.477018677777 85945155587.47925 + -548338221.6422415 = 85396817365.837 -4073073253750.95 + -3407882063.987456 = -4076481135814.9375 217297651379.3736 + 853 = 217297652232.3736 -3797014865665 + -536.2899627656508 = -3797014866201.29 -7635653427555.543 + 86 = -7635653427469.543 89861704 + -456932150 = -367070446 -100000000000000.0 + 710580123646.7338 = -99289419876353.27 -879511775571.0654 + 14052.487961859035 = -879511761518.5775 -110781977 + -2396374419.473263 = -2507156396.473263 100000000000000.0 + -512870302 = 99999487129698.0 -296.4331228887037 + -78 = -374.4331228887037 -650340 + -2856.579551819119 = -653196.5795518191 -4394369909 + 883203.6650496384 = -4393486705.33495 -8647255434321 + 9585 = -8647255424736 49711709072706 + -852655031.5012264 = 49710856417674.5 -29 + 63 = 34 16.745635496289726 + 5144782512.938532 = 5144782529.684167 14745409619416.887 + 2.7122660811015935 = 14745409619419.6 123.72282409637297 + 999 = 1122.722824096373 509943974033.7816 + -7358.713453828658 = 509943966675.0682 5023.12586717663 + -28577245070517.277 = -28577245065494.152 -69 + -562330044705.958 = -562330044774.958 -58.99777737993441 + 51708070 = 51708011.00222262 82649020.51195194 + -8521.084253908099 = 82640499.42769803 -680018.2827782355 + 31407882 = 30727863.717221763 9139803528.56686 + -97312798890 = -88172995361.43314 -258.3189938512654 + 8432177.449983109 = 8431919.130989257 -74835883.22668628 + -716137875.361828 = -790973758.5885142 23478250057 + 537002220062.8773 = 560480470119.8773 2296803 + 53704687.647932336 = 56001490.647932336 71955 + 1232 = 73187 1957680373 + 3036430.249825336 = 1960716803.2498252 7539488953.474709 + 263 = 7539489216.474709 870667 + -3821964917.832029 = -3821094250.832029 -577587355809.3041 + 91.61916271891678 = -577587355717.6849 86.13413593928544 + -44 = 42.13413593928544 8 + 3159.3597176358467 = 3167.3597176358467 939589716947 + -1435886583.6582954 = 938153830363.3417 -25696679 + 80957455535.13574 = 80931758856.13574 657328679 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000657328679.0 667276.8238008919 + 7 = 667283.8238008919 -6395.683940328496 + 98 = -6297.683940328496 -81861703.90123774 + 5894128.833037356 = -75967575.06820038 -815162.5830468418 + 653708809024 = 653707993861.417 -69227516 + -51616433374.87444 = -51685660890.87444 7 + 3974429.39745384 = 3974436.39745384 751093248 + -26308.82425625804 = 751066939.1757437 96565 + -947028569 = -946932004 6135699.209118765 + 100000000000000 = 100000006135699.2 5 + -150.6706738946773 = -145.6706738946773 70342734859707.195 + 625865573 = 70343360725280.195 68142193378521.25 + -47447368108613.9 = 20694825269907.35 -20527619411.560383 + 784853529 = -19742765882.560383 -449099769 + -17171515 = -466271284 -1 + -9199383.818443984 = -9199384.818443984 8343141262045.598 + 88.07875878823816 = 8343141262133.677 -81.37967192369042 + 5900320.345295963 = 5900238.965624039 -34989 + -1035721342 = -1035756331 741089299.4780253 + -78 = 741089221.4780253 -6048649761224.235 + -940128261 = -6049589889485.235 -63.02577233179675 + 522.829024109019 = 459.8032517772222 -522 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000522.0 8 + -62326274510 = -62326274502 -4411010623901 + 59297 = -4411010564604 -8417 + -59341145890146 = -59341145898563 34636144692.81889 + -349808 = 34635794884.81889 -100000000000000.0 + -37740798 = -100000037740798.0 613263555001 + 175789927 = 613439344928 8464 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000008464.0 -632324.5643455718 + 35979513 = 35347188.43565443 -625235.9190861065 + -2 = -625237.9190861065 6374 + 17913 = 24287 1078520404579.2059 + -900699795.0728482 = 1077619704784.133 49387 + -415514 = -366127 116 + 856852518 = 856852634 70953 + -2994017958.1364074 = -2993947005.1364074 479410129 + 214 = 479410343 530.2958095399154 + 8700.597961985946 = 9230.893771525862 -77 + -9.525765912350483 = -86.52576591235048 90812257 + -17104119159.13263 = -17013306902.13263 -100000000000000.0 + 46126366.395237245 = -99999953873633.61 -19947167.976189204 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000019947167.97 68588 + -7792399007.414891 = -7792330419.414891 -728 + 58556720825 = 58556720097 3526778 + 8437826796426.542 = 8437830323204.542 722256654 + -37 = 722256617 2148185344571.0737 + 100000000000000.0 = 102148185344571.08 -8 + -21.398442867500542 = -29.398442867500542 -78064714451 + -709702373537 = -787767087988 -618040346060 + 100000000000000 = 99381959653940 -996460146.547207 + -50735 = -996510881.547207 58683586 + 35.98319453005013 = 58683621.98319453 -357 + -7258240641621.171 = -7258240641978.171 -6 + -94 = -100 -742 + -2.408055882599643 = -744.4080558825997 58507218372.73336 + -452.9819685839469 = 58507217919.75139 -100000000000000 + -318889218.59378433 = -100000318889218.6 -4349813618105 + -45.87503567279796 = -4349813618150.875 -100000000000000 + 2588377262 = -99997411622738 877.0600450876751 + -73685360952877 = -73685360951999.94 338601289336 + 53.9345943339008 = 338601289389.9346 -60722 + -349350316279.2517 = -349350377001.2517 -100000000000000 + -2951464801586 = -102951464801586 274128 + -668323 = -394195 4165450491375.239 + 74589 = 4165450565964.239 80907727220.74854 + 7687.128331692483 = 80907734907.87686 4806.092728405947 + 65.44096060262618 = 4871.533689008574 -100000000000000 + 111411884148 = -99888588115852 18 + -62986642096668 = -62986642096650 847098113103.8807 + -544295.6490088747 = 847097568808.2317 29590258280660 + -85717474819.67438 = 29504540805840.324 291622.7818051053 + 575.5572505519665 = 292198.3390556572 901697816557 + -90027679862.341 = 811670136694.6589 -5440172624970 + -5450357 = -5440178075327 -2.1068858588476194 + 274326 = 274323.89311414113 340761.8185228184 + 40979 = 381740.8185228184 -1.1498286007104601 + 81945294673 = 81945294671.85017 476209512.56402165 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999523790487.44 -3060604 + -9238796 = -12299400 -829845077588.3164 + 7 = -829845077581.3164 -873974 + -222 = -874196 1150983869304 + -453547.3531884371 = 1150983415756.6467 6602076.981783553 + -3147.685101135692 = 6598929.296682417 59577466433340.96 + 712995285536.8342 = 60290461718877.8 -51467395 + -100000000000000 = -100000051467395 6 + -9 = -3 9526 + 79768 = 89294 63319006751 + -1603 = 63319005148 -9198022063 + -6780783495987.202 = -6789981518050.202 -4.630036621120739 + -1.9942020449592772 = -6.624238666080016 1.2469703759257609 + 342661670496 = 342661670497.24695 796702648.7590342 + -86303 = 796616345.7590342 9904632677.668812 + 42234330.499148846 = 9946867008.167961 2924186331133.0835 + -2.43753507377145 = 2924186331130.646 260 + -3261430614853.0063 = -3261430614593.0063 -5298.171295194654 + 965150434.8736751 = 965145136.70238 3717927152.748172 + 449731965045.81195 = 453449892198.5601 -707.6478888333419 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999292.36 5 + 4215255743686 = 4215255743691 3136868094 + -14558384.970342629 = 3122309709.0296574 6042999 + 1790982578418.375 = 1790988621417.375 9713873.589175815 + 6822 = 9720695.589175815 -391.4396537605751 + -6559563.752591339 = -6559955.1922451 -30323.77447702364 + 18519747 = 18489423.225522976 -100000000000000.0 + 40766580.93444042 = -99999959233419.06 -7531966 + 74045 = -7457921 -3979447.502411306 + -46587104724.27007 = -46591084171.772484 -100000000000000.0 + 5392355045215 = -94607644954785.0 9065.010434893818 + -2690798522201 = -2690798513135.9897 47529123886 + 100000000000000.0 = 100047529123886.0 802.6210204497669 + 435538.6407140743 = 436341.2617345241 -2180091006691.5322 + 100000000000000.0 = 97819908993308.47 -70677 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999929323.0 28476143977.16345 + -1300640144.2646313 = 27175503832.89882 824 + -19033215295198 = -19033215294374 337417897374.0399 + 21326604 = 337439223978.0399 -91099453689.6358 + 100000000000000 = 99908900546310.36 -8776480371699 + -116865 = -8776480488564 52352774926 + -74742.16688940713 = 52352700183.83311 -150608285 + -95005561719325 = -95005712327610 -447 + -32.69613879841134 = -479.6961387984113 38732798757255.08 + -757203025097 = 37975595732158.08 47009 + -913 = 46096 434331410548 + 8 = 434331410556 -4728.436251672151 + 3894217912370.1978 = 3894217907641.7617 100000000000000 + -88800.41135687733 = 99999999911199.6 8812696 + -64770091492 = -64761278796 -699013440147.9768 + -52215298 = -699065655445.9768 -1.6348739905877916 + -4450859107142.05 = -4450859107143.685 411163085898.1918 + 823824943153.4734 = 1234988029051.665 100000000000000 + -5 = 99999999999995 -56953132903496 + 49.21824607277418 = -56953132903446.78 -764535537861 + -180850.79124927009 = -764535718711.7913 -5788272592.593932 + 260 = -5788272332.593932 647950411 + 15 = 647950426 -395584497912 + 7852294.836282967 = -395576645617.1637 -83 + -80281918.25078836 = -80282001.25078836 186771.97119669607 + -341819 = -155047.02880330393 -5 + -6407.192828978258 = -6412.192828978258 -60934 + -539740.5031008015 = -600674.5031008015 -31308.72431303717 + -33418923 = -33450231.724313036 89558655182.33784 + -980779 = 89557674403.33784 -29485.23585432917 + 73 = -29412.23585432917 -1560845 + -1495046182257 = -1495047743102 100000000000000 + -645 = 99999999999355 -655582696.1218227 + -319.3856583088069 = -655583015.507481 571331.2183393041 + 27207843517 = 27208414848.218338 -9918776511 + 100000000000000 = 99990081223489 49750207291.86646 + 7.083815264892687 = 49750207298.95028 -37 + -624.1837394809344 = -661.1837394809344 82.65766280929154 + -1418109317 = -1418109234.3423371 -766739412299 + -30682 = -766739442981 100000000000000.0 + 148795 = 100000000148795.0 -822285.1441511259 + 7.178022756098142 = -822277.9661283698 -3556162211531.797 + 18 = -3556162211513.797 100000000000000.0 + 87673548.74619648 = 100000087673548.75 9.589355927085931 + 23 = 32.58935592708593 100000000000000 + 276.86248609384825 = 100000000000276.86 -830605787583.5914 + 67.39790771622967 = -830605787516.1935 712.421726705927 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999287.58 -244.41148703834747 + -6296150033.038972 = -6296150277.450459 124.54976586938156 + -2344 = -2219.4502341306184 -120 + 15 = -105 -5189015259271 + 19032050 = -5188996227221 900095.4236063943 + -20207.38870977387 = 879888.0348966204 5814.520531302593 + 7635.65522423615 = 13450.175755538743 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 4299533 + 2463796245250 = 2463800544783 46105062 + 5485698323249 = 5485744428311 575775235939 + 470154033469 = 1045929269408 7899688691 + -99024953 = 7800663738 100000000000000 + 7519007219.875254 = 100007519007219.88 -4 + 972959398 = 972959394 -100000000000000 + 12805887588 = -99987194112412 -757158096550 + -9957213244232 = -10714371340782 -1767442472 + 846 = -1767441626 181443963 + 223078.86063397393 = 181667041.86063397 -912.7573152798186 + -378.77693557513464 = -1291.5342508549534 -5 + -141176.67410540266 = -141181.67410540266 62517480181570 + 148743.43478339296 = 62517480330313.44 -2154186328 + -1716816186368.653 = -1718970372696.653 37018086924 + 877865465.3133138 = 37895952389.31332 -87887 + 100000000000000 = 99999999912113 1499469486971 + -1552.5665675493392 = 1499469485418.4333 4482025614186 + 5812739583.585022 = 4487838353769.585 18012.29453846474 + -13.060804973043854 = 17999.233733491696 -1769.6329381702271 + -515573525067 = -515573526836.63293 6733 + -124571711886 = -124571705153 -5859462019 + -239404925173 = -245264387192 66084233939204 + 23810563705 = 66108044502909 102845190133.19804 + 66473 = 102845256606.19804 -56315902837495.836 + 3.260325699685706 = -56315902837492.58 11858.482860029542 + -73 = 11785.482860029542 -24646451 + -248499.49081115445 = -24894950.490811154 -100000000000000 + -53.483726705221734 = -100000000000053.48 100000000000000.0 + 673837.7693540335 = 100000000673837.77 1565874008839 + 5.503668052672114 = 1565874008844.5037 62870 + -5595178.678775195 = -5532308.678775195 464162042329 + 8 = 464162042337 9798481538532 + 32282.469161494933 = 9798481570814.469 954083 + -951885.5377104668 = 2197.4622895332286 -2528.917260262833 + 22295735 = 22293206.082739737 6536848695033.218 + 40993647 = 6536889688680.218 -881.7829510934924 + 341 = -540.7829510934924 232 + 3076755.192994116 = 3076987.192994116 7.775168251202059 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999992.22 9943267 + 26631723261909 = 26631733205176 -90399 + -50395558499024.914 = -50395558589423.914 5.549549383506714 + -76737177 = -76737171.45045061 -80 + -4327.134408171626 = -4407.134408171626 100000000000000 + -8075.901842315816 = 99999999991924.1 -982054598.8496352 + -7616714614878.23 = -7617696669477.08 -60595740.49601651 + -2374129476681.184 = -2374190072421.68 -643971149858 + 59757525.26699994 = -643911392332.733 -1369023554480.7073 + 647558.8618004491 = -1369022906921.8455 -947249 + -597660 = -1544909 -145270418.21670008 + 2145052.8323794515 = -143125365.38432062 -7249828 + -29519 = -7279347 978308389628 + 25609762 = 978333999390 3163 + 670309524974 = 670309528137 -606347916387 + 6230121.842396631 = -606341686265.1576 992789 + 1314 = 994103 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 28894879.429611553 + -5 = 28894874.429611553 -7465656142463.091 + 5.3084528577869925 = -7465656142457.782 83.97579301160687 + -29 = 54.97579301160687 -83321165776 + -9488457791 = -92809623567 -10809911555 + -4850688445.813925 = -15660600000.813925 4274367759.3549037 + -6.225310077257754 = 4274367753.129594 86321631266.33714 + -77199.0951468479 = 86321554067.24199 100000000000000.0 + -6985634427 = 99993014365573.0 -100000000000000.0 + -37383464863643 = -137383464863643.0 -9691.746310834676 + -418489871560.44415 = -418489881252.1905 491630738009.8696 + -808 = 491630737201.8696 8340181580.721883 + -33040162.97695936 = 8307141417.744924 -951148 + 854661171383 = 854660220235 -7141222843633.518 + 46884737 = -7141175958896.518 -755257031876 + -153684456 = -755410716332 50356 + -965868933.7852465 = -965818577.7852465 7700.623789801572 + -5716396031794.889 = -5716396024094.265 -4132.927149248821 + -54393 = -58525.92714924882 -2603460116036 + -2924204693 = -2606384320729 523312829.2929499 + -3452898797.329265 = -2929585968.036315 6681004795.396354 + 795629999.694869 = 7476634795.091223 20180.151594761068 + -7396049662.00257 = -7396029481.850975 -40040 + -5746.20575473471 = -45786.20575473471 -8598936.007482437 + -5.3793847464895865 = -8598941.386867184 -8.25176866602269 + 79364071187.5424 = 79364071179.29063 5763919567201 + 337860 = 5763919905061 -5467182.743164316 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000005467182.75 -18881188.478675522 + 1133825.1268893743 = -17747363.351786148 -388.68248012413216 + 6.878555338360601 = -381.8039247857715 100000000000000.0 + -11 = 99999999999989.0 4862.901438174327 + 100000000000000 = 100000000004862.9 1.2793955180837746 + -990785.0578985151 = -990783.778502997 -8912 + -150918 = -159830 9601708703.299208 + 789 = 9601709492.299208 3516.5744401327684 + 1 = 3517.5744401327684 653 + -27436105 = -27435452 -26531824.987541318 + -3230031423 = -3256563247.987541 100000000000000.0 + 42531705605967 = 142531705605967.0 8359 + -190060269951.7825 = -190060261592.7825 8343 + -283 = 8060 -100000000000000 + -255040 = -100000000255040 -7108127845566 + -200790927572 = -7308918773138 958893799952 + -43499170.61903586 = 958850300781.381 -48685890260977 + -6411579 = -48685896672556 2030755972 + -84.22625499766787 = 2030755887.773745 -37.37292634962857 + -1636163537497.9045 = -1636163537535.2776 -100000000000000.0 + 93032281.01937322 = -99999906967718.98 9156022784241 + -38150978806.699394 = 9117871805434.3 65.70846429532315 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999934.3 48333274 + 401168 = 48734442 100000000000000.0 + 3488157320 = 100003488157320.0 83113293672284 + 42993159.38073175 = 83113336665443.38 96 + 1737160.3601281964 = 1737256.3601281964 -9.467416765641559 + -837269978 = -837269987.4674168 -1302031861 + 23608740.435609937 = -1278423120.5643902 90944522.33490697 + 694119938628 = 694210883150.335 -941831.4651893708 + 6712949144 = 6712007312.534811 199 + -23958201600640 = -23958201600441 -78 + -296622988883.7445 = -296622988961.7445 -414170 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000414170.0 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 45.00149970725476 + 5945894242328 = 5945894242373.002 -984671 + 55593791 = 54609120 57823354129.60006 + 3 = 57823354132.60006 -59234 + -121.99268727366827 = -59355.99268727367 -100000000000000 + 80734504 = -99999919265496 71.9987687712824 + 7842745134440 = 7842745134511.999 76852520585 + 972.5368772141773 = 76852521557.53688 -93124040 + 580542 = -92543498 472.7749792785422 + 61587529810716.31 = 61587529811189.086 16189677.443079002 + 3616942 = 19806619.443079002 3833.900743779522 + -48811.30638632204 = -44977.405642542515 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -222112826812 + -209016497055 = -431129323867 528045 + 272878593.8201392 = 273406638.8201392 77758026871531.66 + 7013188511 = 77765040060042.66 2203.018347117262 + -635147335.615324 = -635145132.5969769 4255216.783061566 + -98812935 = -94557718.21693844 453075531 + 3706964.424342973 = 456782495.424343 267165.7385115168 + 6951250572 = 6951517737.738511 64 + 51095586656895 = 51095586656959 665 + -62972.30274012535 = -62307.30274012535 629025717554 + -100000000000000.0 = -99370974282446.0 6292867.213120999 + 3416778 = 9709645.213120999 799 + -78263 = -77464 -471024339744 + 35722334 = -470988617410 5 + -91173168434145 = -91173168434140 -65.04750639785544 + 66.59956551092243 = 1.5520591130669885 401576621477.3116 + 4037906272.930138 = 405614527750.2417 -6377593904.849917 + -66 = -6377593970.849917 -100000000000000.0 + -9317829071336 = -109317829071336.0 -43017474612782.76 + -237.70560354406928 = -43017474613020.46 -6276224619.153078 + 166601760702 = 160325536082.84692 376048968.4738543 + -85227.39294435842 = 375963741.08090997 9954266518426 + -186932047939.35815 = 9767334470486.643 -62536279222197.695 + -81640064337828.77 = -144176343560026.47 100000000000000.0 + -2310337198029 = 97689662801971.0 683.7323452178039 + 3347209 = 3347892.732345218 -8904877766434 + -7397612 = -8904885164046 -14950.426112332583 + 97375121899082 = 97375121884131.58 -2015.8561600038274 + -6606.018240091162 = -8621.874400094988 -83815816663.30461 + 266.8418821751794 = -83815816396.46272 -5578 + -188983910643.8891 = -188983916221.8891 -3 + -25138.70605777127 = -25141.70605777127 94 + 67221773919062.27 = 67221773919156.27 -743.9134522404846 + -7 = -750.9134522404846 182 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000182 45565982460932.805 + 100000000000000.0 = 145565982460932.8 -8133323.488643832 + 4562029116983 = 4562020983659.512 -8823162906137.352 + -1716.3833080713907 = -8823162907853.734 766540487.7788992 + -242584918277 = -241818377789.2211 -409839603.72759926 + -610794095397.6191 = -611203935001.3467 98526867189 + -37281727029 = 61245140160 912538791.122631 + 3432155442 = 4344694233.122631 513500625.0291067 + -44358523820 = -43845023194.970894 17446055610267.13 + 3606.6152041740606 = 17446055613873.746 9871415583703 + -91560742069.28932 = 9779854841633.71 83.48892703191892 + -158.4785617408958 = -74.98963470897688 726371931835.4155 + 931294.4466801011 = 726372863129.8622 81718241544 + -530622682 = 81187618862 -2567 + -500154635.98658925 = -500157202.98658925 3147406814.4363995 + -8882312.287619118 = 3138524502.1487803 -3923.6746137647783 + 47489 = 43565.32538623522 -9588 + -34.9245421395849 = -9622.924542139584 -8068217599 + 635 = -8068216964 -807.7351784749628 + -85712659284 = -85712660091.73518 1.899814213415619 + -64 = -62.10018578658438 437236924 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999562763076.0 -2282 + 100000000000000 = 99999999997718 -100000000000000 + -291 = -100000000000291 5188953.933022615 + -100000000000000 = -99999994811046.06 -531750 + -284.2980905134309 = -532034.2980905134 -100000000000000.0 + -6 = -100000000000006.0 84595138622 + 247645888849 = 332241027471 -11712 + -9904.34150884483 = -21616.34150884483 -446461681.728626 + -222.59205519811024 = -446461904.3206812 -7989468576534.148 + -282650 = -7989468859184.148 79782044101765 + -252256.3354225351 = 79782043849508.67 -971 + -7238049 = -7239020 1836935580133.7864 + 5052492059940.311 = 6889427640074.097 -92 + 4736968146576.821 = 4736968146484.821 -2300475.370060274 + -272663915580.8441 = -272666216056.21414 63938519.607056424 + 344 = 63938863.607056424 -7993711 + 942452 = -7051259 -100000000000000.0 + -934802197031 = -100934802197031.0 -63651948.854186215 + -2336.321564613434 = -63654285.17575083 73.20997004009783 + 23.479595336381866 = 96.68956537647969 37052 + 7769322068492 = 7769322105544 -38260256 + -570 = -38260826 -42.63960528358293 + -9 = -51.63960528358293 997455655189.1508 + 98713119017 = 1096168774206.1508 7141273068264 + -6071.429556861123 = 7141273062192.57 -48 + -47314067396 = -47314067444 6526320.386744493 + -3.616273618186675 = 6526316.770470874 -7546723553430 + 24703695741032 = 17156972187602 30054632838 + -15266.324919579198 = 30054617571.67508 956116.7920707407 + 7130.24409199182 = 963247.0361627325 100000000000000.0 + -243052470.66937578 = 99999756947529.33 25144550312957.633 + -476403825842 = 24668146487115.633 -17.444788893381297 + -56014 = -56031.44478889338 -478475510931.48456 + -91268458.3906481 = -478566779389.8752 149071211731.87936 + 94077478313470.83 = 94226549525202.7 -93906041705 + 5255537954480 = 5161631912775 880034314724.4133 + 9277 = 880034324001.4133 5917208939.651249 + -6.347926526857298 = 5917208933.303323 2807499872535.1963 + -46783890585 = 2760715981950.1963 -9689018975.84136 + -361175.8139054576 = -9689380151.655266 6525941 + 10367196 = 16893137 91682397293 + -14101145811 = 77581251482 12 + -9003 = -8991 -78910634828.64326 + 3306.9873722146895 = -78910631521.6559 1714301853942 + -725086778 = 1713576767164 -65737307 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999934262693.0 5507509009 + 7.629642898867416 = 5507509016.6296425 73448535821234 + 4411649060 = 73452947470294 87292752.15371951 + 1880 = 87294632.15371951 3269666633900 + 86012963959 = 3355679597859 654.3752179407566 + 5 = 659.3752179407566 -2643784362.044544 + -30824978057987 = -30827621842349.043 -39588097985827 + 7420922 = -39588090564905 5626653829505.304 + 781676965 = 5627435506470.304 108551404 + 50382077389 = 50490628793 48060371502 + -45606 = 48060325896 -5335998519654.289 + -853893293.8774642 = -5336852412948.167 8737885 + 7362993784.634857 = 7371731669.634857 976756395.9430429 + -85598.08204646847 = 976670797.8609964 97694671192 + -81187040 = 97613484152 8.236353149764245 + 9102128 = 9102136.23635315 108117890.13527031 + 3542.4108011450962 = 108121432.54607145 1156310 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000001156310.0 16885698737.3137 + -4423 = 16885694314.3137 -687859835987 + 6037818482.070937 = -681822017504.9291 7896.476936871115 + -5760762 = -5752865.523063129 82416667682 + 100000000000000 = 100082416667682 23664155765.80732 + -38326857593158.53 = -38303193437392.73 -5.993696797716415 + -7826614170 = -7826614175.993697 -128.48332254475915 + 85226949958966 = 85226949958837.52 50.647854636388566 + 772674810.9732497 = 772674861.6211044 2382342 + -11252010778497 = -11252008396155 -100000000000000.0 + 15749060842 = -99984250939158.0 -100000000000000 + 85655.36502563518 = -99999999914344.64 61 + -34259550199.59161 = -34259550138.59161 4125469181707 + -100000000000000 = -95874530818293 -8464744.420573428 + -860955591 = -869420335.4205735 -100000000000000 + -28.437374113431765 = -100000000000028.44 -20.82762691099932 + -5968656 = -5968676.827626911 -48.310837857938985 + -162 = -210.310837857939 -10428204341808.879 + -95.93320169429836 = -10428204341904.812 198853.69237373467 + 902759615090.1466 = 902759813943.839 -3652861358.2141743 + 6892539779 = 3239678420.7858257 57217 + 2369981 = 2427198 85612064087170.0 + 3104792743455 = 88716856830625.0 6307 + 195 = 6502 590738003 + -196516369786 = -195925631783 -826149832 + -513.2200357077965 = -826150345.2200357 3241773385.4722757 + 145743.10848051606 = 3241919128.580756 -68699830198.07856 + -85720582503.3105 = -154420412701.38907 2885645 + -760083.8955981939 = 2125561.1044018064 26851630476338 + 69632959.033238 = 26851700109297.035 -9702487.147843955 + 8 = -9702479.147843955 9775 + -574782.392474189 = -565007.392474189 -33280.29619484414 + -1928422 = -1961702.2961948442 -55.73774715655233 + 9321003952391.854 = 9321003952336.115 -37948106318 + 929594 = -37947176724 13311 + 9936.334600878528 = 23247.33460087853 6063214723568.171 + -100000000000000.0 = -93936785276431.83 -1334673 + -140634489674.26227 = -140635824347.26227 -4 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999996 9912785949510.338 + -83.1262926768586 = 9912785949427.21 643932496492 + -100000000000000 = -99356067503508 -10 + -712740 = -712750 31903925303891.953 + 89 = 31903925303980.953 -4169034 + -8716.77478926909 = -4177750.774789269 241184398 + 75300.23865965343 = 241259698.23865965 69604290198250 + -5833148 = 69604284365102 660.2894295376127 + 306.3045693406199 = 966.5939988782326 765.6172448967362 + -35715119.457047656 = -35714353.83980276 -396.3431297741906 + 207733433230 = 207733432833.65686 -91809297386002.81 + -38229.4751508394 = -91809297424232.28 9452893106520 + 164374086 = 9453057480606 -14814045018480 + 378290 = -14814044640190 -472 + -792679465 = -792679937 24270203731482 + -7070947 = 24270196660535 713 + -1710 = -997 100000000000000 + 42610.1460078414 = 100000000042610.14 -57303427820666.05 + -21512288078444.598 = -78815715899110.64 -63968537.64480902 + 100000000000000 = 99999936031462.36 713850350479.1461 + 4.899697510749382 = 713850350484.0458 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 12108 + 895526 = 907634 6008 + -976806464054 = -976806458046 509 + 92258505319481 = 92258505319990 -123.2053100066316 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000123.2 -727426976.6676909 + -971179915281 = -971907342257.6677 -574 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999426 -108288505.54063728 + 1.8245098766980872 = -108288503.71612741 968587280.8651621 + -23733 = 968563547.8651621 9342 + -233830 = -224488 -6351107296895.604 + 2 = -6351107296893.604 8334946518 + -7 = 8334946511 100000000000000.0 + -33.02475609364281 = 99999999999966.97 509752952564 + -796157077767.615 = -286404125203.615 446836.605898578 + 367274 = 814110.605898578 4578101011.223082 + -33530.30167049472 = 4578067480.9214115 14362 + 71252.21025734488 = 85614.21025734488 -9664685059815.531 + -578186501.9357662 = -9665263246317.467 100000000000000.0 + -8287.934657469617 = 99999999991712.06 -520635986424 + 445566080.281724 = -520190420343.71826 -499.8044976057331 + -393843475373 = -393843475872.8045 951737429 + 62312282493274 = 62313234230703 -599357307022.7535 + -96534.79463482578 = -599357403557.5482 -16652928089178 + 4064486278 = -16648863602900 -51472320775297.234 + 3308 = -51472320771989.234 2279125268 + -89031796683 = -86752671415 -7154117864 + -68683741085 = -75837858949 -61333971532 + -19307672596.973827 = -80641644128.97383 1 + 536889611.2990083 = 536889612.2990083 6.349039227659143 + -408375257 = -408375250.65096074 100000000000000 + -6989149 = 99999993010851 -24042638119903 + 83942 = -24042638035961 4406139 + -4 = 4406135 -594793.589962361 + -852039301.4047118 = -852634094.9946742 -100000000000000.0 + 940.5333255916263 = -99999999999059.47 100000000000000.0 + -941256.1977591227 = 99999999058743.8 6454 + -3.962784540918142 = 6450.037215459082 -1125548818212.1975 + -4090998873.0914607 = -1129639817085.289 23947753041045.734 + -72966 = 23947752968079.734 100000000000000 + -8528782 = 99999991471218 -1206.2618278402606 + -899327 = -900533.2618278402 -810971564336 + -65246961335741.67 = -66057932900077.67 9846677455772 + 9.763705144306359 = 9846677455781.764 2576 + 9.081006416709569 = 2585.0810064167094 -9774.976884453634 + -73240428013.04533 = -73240437788.02222 -41 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000041 -6578090451298.1455 + 97809404885.02708 = -6480281046413.118 -450.1401534474496 + 9487312618 = 9487312167.859846 533110330.42999005 + -6.581471705133425 = 533110323.8485184 9658.218106827824 + 714743022740.2645 = 714743032398.4827 -2924857 + 2208453 = -716404 -7964090 + 1257147 = -6706943 3467069085 + 58557617231270 = 58561084300355 69806726941426.8 + -39412 = 69806726902014.8 3430710424 + 47336428532481.76 = 47339859242905.76 100000000000000 + 2856 = 100000000002856 -57664920.8652124 + 2107191 = -55557729.8652124 57006463028 + -939532807442 = -882526344414 -92990 + 297002.27973283763 = 204012.27973283763 81384388325.1466 + 3662037684.6864786 = 85046426009.83308 684 + -88.5235416186137 = 595.4764583813862 50537831.5730686 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000050537831.58 100000000000000 + -5197261727 = 99994802738273 -1328371184949.8171 + 547.3168981353529 = -1328371184402.5002 -81802235143 + 51039798737843 = 50957996502700 -363546852 + 52478076.617932335 = -311068775.3820677 -868 + -1756905.0431872574 = -1757773.0431872574 -95666 + 357.7930671059797 = -95308.20693289403 -261 + 864.0951398392814 = 603.0951398392814 -59975553 + -78963087781329 = -78963147756882 24.113383980329253 + 9775.359726034829 = 9799.473110015158 12680.818537542178 + -72766591711583.56 = -72766591698902.75 19243258018231 + -55875521834028.445 = -36632263815797.445 -81.58647809220334 + 949910521.5214942 = 949910439.935016 5.361615225071407 + -759589847576.1459 = -759589847570.7843 -100000000000000.0 + 202281791917.0878 = -99797718208082.9 100000000000000.0 + -152408 = 99999999847592.0 5 + -76.60593822639989 = -71.60593822639989 -1103.8967358714337 + 445.36524111456475 = -658.531494756869 8.985287365922007 + -48 = -39.014712634077995 -840483 + 1.292652208724524 = -840481.7073477913 4505965873 + 59639796951.65924 = 64145762824.65924 134 + 304006012935.1024 = 304006013069.1024 8867 + 33.16757232524514 = 8900.167572325245 -22524429741 + -448124 = -22524877865 -680 + -59002.52953109672 = -59682.52953109672 -632.4124319085183 + 59279957.41497197 = 59279325.00254006 313841902957 + 5310593.804086987 = 313847213550.8041 -6799504 + -451357.3900852702 = -7250861.390085271 -311.1308793938386 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000311.12 4571.266834357159 + -85426206.5847023 = -85421635.31786793 1318993391.9838052 + 6 = 1318993397.9838052 -636628572735 + -354481068.6271647 = -636983053803.6272 6876118 + -1.7234644360712528 = 6876116.276535564 -27902550.335998654 + -2304156.9150225483 = -30206707.251021203 -38 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999962 -70845 + 86057551658621.92 = 86057551587776.92 -1402563654059 + 10791485503953 = 9388921849894 -85445271073040 + 4.068737652568309 = -85445271073035.94 -20382454086303.547 + -980545.5391068878 = -20382455066849.086 -100000000000000 + -9419 = -100000000009419 100000000000000 + 632.1062369877071 = 100000000000632.11 686305643.7052934 + 9813890188736.527 = 9814576494380.232 -357876154.04910684 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999642123845.95 -29.0459623597869 + -40025778174686.89 = -40025778174715.94 -5 + -344 = -349 7006.441802532296 + -8132658602 = -8132651595.558197 40421505 + 857 = 40422362 -382.5069768193623 + -15 = -397.5069768193623 -585.935598641264 + 63156674349 = 63156673763.0644 -274356862.18297815 + 6224355535383.131 = 6224081178520.948 1054077.5812068519 + 4 = 1054081.5812068519 495349093.22716296 + 100000000000000 = 100000495349093.23 -931957919.1475781 + -2631254977 = -3563212896.1475782 -266215417928 + -96364.95181525062 = -266215514292.9518 8328302497144.68 + -49099520276.572975 = 8279202976868.106 -5254263 + -472574079 = -477828342 7389439762.669996 + -575346.6541371435 = 7388864416.015859 3806688089782.2407 + -86266878476.62422 = 3720421211305.6167 35819373402123 + -519 = 35819373401604 -84.87226531809316 + -15 = -99.87226531809316 -316485554.12351644 + -8366306115702 = -8366622601256.123 -18428781965017.715 + -141124541.67465806 = -18428923089559.39 88623165 + 29269709811988 = 29269798435153 -519.0726892781829 + 8883.181726077972 = 8364.10903679979 -302.21579850973154 + -522761961767.057 = -522761962069.2728 7.75031522639839 + -74378640815.03114 = -74378640807.28082 280485 + 27613896183.7616 = 27614176668.7616 -80053985547285.31 + -45.86738129031385 = -80053985547331.19 -517 + -841 = -1358 -4532645624.144793 + 7 = -4532645617.144793 -17295526993 + -620190349258.5142 = -637485876251.5142 -958.4808189833069 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000958.48 288052503 + -8.24063988293913 = 288052494.75936013 1570585.3030731017 + 23044244.838489234 = 24614830.141562335 281823 + 42.07750159204309 = 281865.07750159205 -5552.745944647665 + -4397668.83549424 = -4403221.581438888 -1127466 + 28566 = -1098900 29820726143.591766 + -4273923145 = 25546802998.591766 37275891218.17265 + 82841 = 37275974059.17265 80473449362 + -7762385073 = 72711064289 -375827.41737759614 + -830282676373.4631 = -830283052200.8805 -544656687662.3499 + -69489547110 = -614146234772.3499 34909375458 + 27829674608.2329 = 62739050066.232895 -6718555141 + 32598336 = -6685956805 -291988.3733543024 + -290572765989.6319 = -290573057978.00525 53 + -839724630521 = -839724630468 -100000000000000 + 701120.5541072603 = -99999999298879.45 -95663.51277989519 + 6419 = -89244.51277989519 12223 + 186647.22131693177 = 198870.22131693177 -68189412723678 + 100000000000000 = 31810587276322 4872743862788.574 + -397969895650.79034 = 4474773967137.784 -96473651189 + -3788792969 = -100262444158 -71960357.52311286 + -55718142829531 = -55718214789888.52 -100000000000000 + 720770.4927355377 = -99999999279229.5 3816076574060.3516 + -4493626 = 3816072080434.3516 67455548 + 70099551.87095778 = 137555099.8709578 26 + -886.3237474994886 = -860.3237474994886 18284320.67646121 + 98001377.71685301 = 116285698.39331421 71334.97254044589 + 793811.6037269969 = 865146.5762674428 -5934780 + 87409395291205 = 87409389356425 83259750625622 + -3133 = 83259750622489 -14 + -5 = -19 -8342522035 + 39425156905.834885 = 31082634870.834885 -92247535358.47946 + 16479287721 = -75768247637.47946 -1.3084898901040471 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000001.31 283170336.95554185 + -58 = 283170278.95554185 -34565418380610 + 596 = -34565418380014 867722.8122613041 + -77566 = 790156.8122613041 -862.2458233954457 + 778512403145 = 778512402282.7542 -62 + 9071155719 = 9071155657 225497848535 + -43.64518536120683 = 225497848491.35483 -396081352926.0801 + 5212084565 = -390869268361.0801 -281159417.9399357 + 3276 = -281156141.9399357 324173.7540154421 + 100000000000000 = 100000000324173.75 759166045 + 885339.1249849863 = 760051384.124985 418755 + -8 = 418747 -6731485342.183769 + 823 = -6731484519.183769 7028693769089 + 9980021779.429745 = 7038673790868.43 -40443892 + 7876517479 = 7836073587 -4089297352646.1455 + -7016 = -4089297359662.1455 -979.7302197100075 + -164349655816 = -164349656795.73022 -594.071901231112 + 84571.67017430518 = 83977.59827307407 -57623118905465 + 639953512389.7378 = -56983165393075.266 -96411 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000096411.0 5384 + -195742193 = -195736809 -2868 + -1919.7913387563544 = -4787.791338756355 -4841057 + 2497056416574.661 = 2497051575517.661 -30516.803592097527 + 5850049982616.086 = 5850049952099.282 -30649486 + -8906640138973 = -8906670788459 887105887245.0154 + 8673686.389064176 = 887114560931.4044 -47574961782297.2 + 844.8777406115388 = -47574961781452.33 -265.62807285030294 + 60292671881477.56 = 60292671881211.94 100000000000000.0 + 608531 = 100000000608531.0 730 + 458 = 1188 100000000000000.0 + -46 = 99999999999954.0 -7063.782219934864 + -68534 = -75597.78221993486 -5326766186141 + -5379817.947954273 = -5326771565958.948 575.0072445408653 + 689792973 = 689793548.0072446 -8968.869545352021 + -958214912452.8075 = -958214921421.677 -19 + -659566 = -659585 33891.73919801315 + 2425.7229288204726 = 36317.46212683362 11447965213208.445 + -470.5294011105635 = 11447965212737.916 -525116.2049437389 + 6112344903.267473 = 6111819787.06253 -9270544.064372763 + 68080 = -9202464.064372763 423571531.9477746 + 473398756.5218936 = 896970288.4696681 -3.8988328265472454 + -1459064 = -1459067.8988328266 276557 + 238 = 276795 -932688855 + 875389918.3670926 = -57298936.63290739 -9969428.622883234 + -7064174808625 = -7064184778053.623 598385.5851629963 + 8941667392 = 8942265777.585163 9672 + 4700.222750547893 = 14372.222750547893 -8 + -450961.5099555913 = -450969.5099555913 -86908101633845 + 548871.7388315119 = -86908101084973.27 -164242.12845438952 + -73787221.70769554 = -73951463.83614993 483156 + 39053827081.264404 = 39054310237.264404 39 + -74640266638998 = -74640266638959 41 + 53129702 = 53129743 -100000000000000.0 + 3752254034 = -99996247745966.0 753259296.1823993 + 522191981 = 1275451277.1823993 -217753349635.4834 + 830129.5635033647 = -217752519505.9199 14518011811.099281 + -34853350.63185905 = 14483158460.467422 -52640117 + -6373983224419 = -6374035864536 -1471926993.456745 + 9815501507264.803 = 9814029580271.346 -83941994414 + -93457704130.9203 = -177399698544.9203 73741.2164828883 + 6881020 = 6954761.216482888 -3983677.8781079934 + 10292880335111 = 10292876351433.121 -35807596368756.984 + -8 = -35807596368764.984 79.79787955580566 + 2 = 81.79787955580566 100000000000000 + 7943598905691 = 107943598905691 -587 + 43337 = 42750 -66341840.62605706 + -100000000000000 = -100000066341840.62 -5520438463302 + -779 = -5520438464081 -3141218.203947251 + -41214528426 = -41217669644.20395 -250317 + -24.875345815113413 = -250341.87534581512 978905817.1623114 + -268204 = 978637613.1623114 -100000000000000 + 96.33886066414902 = -99999999999903.66 -243897.71132853103 + 4140960125 = 4140716227.2886715 12148424.186139587 + 618 = 12149042.186139587 -51760468 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999948239532.0 434601634 + -5.4094371214687 = 434601628.5905629 -5529.812789100721 + -3792453 = -3797982.8127891007 73803020 + 33 = 73803053 -78 + 82815948 = 82815870 595037295212.7163 + 100000000000000.0 = 100595037295212.72 -984535261599 + 7373.338758671082 = -984535254225.6613 43999 + 603 = 44602 -5070 + -663132337736 = -663132342806 -33036894803033.223 + -945525582 = -33037840328615.223 -406767.60185113666 + -708336400686 = -708336807453.6018 -40786.828738374345 + -76.62092822343037 = -40863.44966659777 4347612955263.2446 + 175453138 = 4347788408401.2446 97477836 + 82008167020.76471 = 82105644856.76471 7154365666.012138 + 55054712847 = 62209078513.01214 16013882270506.246 + -7297021 = 16013874973485.246 -3493977767870.8013 + -741.7595948699332 = -3493977768612.561 -89245420752.12947 + 2.66827423557713 = -89245420749.4612 -73324728374804.0 + 518 = -73324728374286.0 -4404568 + -100000000000000 = -100000004404568 -3924728.801767851 + -58379.94956461667 = -3983108.751332468 100000000000000.0 + 514483081513 = 100514483081513.0 -9009446970.41372 + 9847313193.547178 = 837866223.1334591 219555001115 + -5228646653197 = -5009091652082 408.02379783793975 + 889817586 = 889817994.0237979 100000000000000 + -91.59547477111926 = 99999999999908.4 5472.8653492659105 + 7630849035 = 7630854507.865349 -64916762721763.234 + 632.418065297262 = -64916762721130.81 -6 + -22799089.7180305 = -22799095.7180305 -851502756789.071 + 62123.874498252415 = -851502694665.1965 -2580205312 + 494102.75180153915 = -2579711209.2481985 -90923 + -1490491674439.7087 = -1490491765362.7087 -915784.2547325179 + 5927481744.709199 = 5926565960.454467 153916755.39599895 + -3044.8488178816006 = 153913710.54718107 -64759427030.00124 + -300496095 = -65059923125.00124 -358690245.0516505 + -788773593.9463397 = -1147463838.9979901 -21345.049166733097 + -3947458.5891318237 = -3968803.6382985567 -4481991.885858988 + -13828709649393 = -13828714131384.887 -52.95074542503427 + 438762756.44556606 = 438762703.49482065 338026527 + 963669399983 = 964007426510 8715 + -2609601.0037456406 = -2600886.0037456406 4.2392609225657 + 121 = 125.2392609225657 -37.600849462280635 + -79 = -116.60084946228064 7 + -7.752126700838171 = -0.7521267008381711 6100450417632.818 + 66060359880.69562 = 6166510777513.514 662190 + -40113.67923255819 = 622076.3207674418 -51042.48086092753 + 3.1221961039733888 = -51039.35866482356 362158298882.0637 + 758 = 362158299640.0637 595836 + 626402 = 1222238 71236444903693 + -9657036189921 = 61579408713772 42271.515554310965 + -171146063 = -171103791.4844457 -760156.6348334302 + -426003723.6039934 = -426763880.2388269 4842181 + -222667.5726505668 = 4619513.427349433 -936694 + 65664998354368.37 = 65664997417674.37 -100000000000000 + 21571143606.097687 = -99978428856393.9 -995423210.3826816 + -38745144.07016769 = -1034168354.4528493 -51762438792.350716 + -42.131026239411625 = -51762438834.48174 308311689562.96594 + -1978437 = 308309711125.96594 -93 + -9614248605.594452 = -9614248698.594452 -26114919019.334892 + 934909943235.9003 = 908795024216.5654 9142839127207 + -25010316013663 = -15867476886456 4394 + -68486603558.47407 = -68486599164.47407 -3.227834115913056 + 8698003987.385849 = 8698003984.158014 -5864673 + 11032661 = 5167988 72.02414229014602 + 499899521110 = 499899521182.0242 -100000000000000.0 + -599.4853507758523 = -100000000000599.48 18947205.97099732 + -4218.361603402086 = 18942987.609393917 -603880 + 902 = -602978 158.7977915106838 + 429.93073467266476 = 588.7285261833485 7 + 1186708 = 1186715 39419746582087 + -670 = 39419746581417 -20359621 + -60291107850 = -60311467471 -811992429 + -61177484800743.44 = -61178296793172.44 -100000000000000 + 7168108075.509357 = -99992831891924.48 3414623140528 + -929007784 = 3413694132744 9410331373439 + -31857179873063 = -22446848499624 230436.91301856976 + -34248405293.768585 = -34248174856.855568 100000000000000 + 924338 = 100000000924338 -22930986735671.58 + -89083007842950 = -112013994578621.58 739855343.1183312 + -68950031085446 = -68949291230102.88 5014 + 42012937851.59517 = 42012942865.59517 675109402.8305465 + -7485.126686946121 = 675101917.7038596 -455950779 + -775297900087.7167 = -775753850866.7167 -424712 + -63646.32278643146 = -488358.32278643147 56.21012716838343 + -14993758 = -14993701.78987283 8088171 + -5055.495105920311 = 8083115.50489408 37672528800.43454 + -833 = 37672527967.43454 -1790782.9546071198 + 38074095571.49043 = 38072304788.53583 6660.502362389049 + -5662658 = -5655997.497637611 100000000000000 + -25009 = 99999999974991 -8836 + 731036986.7027261 = 731028150.7027261 -82 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999918 -480 + -83144231.49892919 = -83144711.49892919 -7851.66795123311 + -35768691 = -35776542.66795123 4 + -6744644.477426949 = -6744640.477426949 -84204994681402.27 + -173602906747 = -84378597588149.27 -364844598174.23267 + 605488858027 = 240644259852.76733 -497496 + -46988.15075931428 = -544484.1507593143 -3.921167607926634 + 4163538790029.7754 = 4163538790025.854 -7663 + -27756617064 = -27756624727 96816802682.14214 + -30766.829149596124 = 96816771915.31299 -11628090627447 + 24 = -11628090627423 763566673638 + -50304402437781 = -49540835764143 5472864093723 + 8998446915516.734 = 14471311009239.734 -31030688279565.113 + 86896251.01310235 = -31030601383314.1 588.6569036747876 + -997368774.9285809 = -997368186.2716773 -78522275168.854 + -6766.505158004328 = -78522281935.35916 -47414081.202166714 + -154708 = -47568789.202166714 3832049742 + -25050 = 3832024692 307 + 3721970532.3428693 = 3721970839.3428693 -8 + -68296415855153 = -68296415855161 461610 + -91123494253104 = -91123493791494 -5154996816095.334 + -71555819643.47772 = -5226552635738.812 -204332721.82646596 + 46111779202684 = 46111574869962.17 -656228691187.2618 + -58.04489122219887 = -656228691245.3068 402174748420 + 398619351702 = 800794100122 -339.56474831225665 + 708.4275502420941 = 368.8628019298374 50005546838693 + -992597585.8260759 = 50004554241107.17 17731287986049 + 84007479657 = 17815295465706 -268 + -6904501 = -6904769 -967137 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999032863.0 4822.23787190748 + 3084967542424.882 = 3084967547247.1196 -1 + -19924849848.023262 = -19924849849.023262 65.29605138290006 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999934.7 30671413192 + 3984372 = 30675397564 351 + -120 = 231 451 + 90923637482246 = 90923637482697 73787182248 + -41204741424477 = -41130954242229 -8469146038.386031 + -39851375140019.625 = -39859844286058.01 3.2433600580345017 + 911 = 914.2433600580345 63.30256941028519 + -2536626.1042659665 = -2536562.801696556 8.052563671476435 + 81102857 = 81102865.05256367 7605463660.765509 + -4823729125055.855 = -4816123661395.09 -93371 + -889670248 = -889763619 9136090.195112089 + 9157348 = 18293438.195112087 -42589.725281971376 + 95636.23074283397 = 53046.505460862594 -79595185.39522097 + -86263174 = -165858359.39522097 -709554 + -71860 = -781414 100000000000000 + -47199894650.79465 = 99952800105349.2 565 + -83405638.78574088 = -83405073.78574088 980114.211433993 + -2446.6041241712064 = 977667.6073098218 -983782.8692965925 + 37518268036 = 37517284253.13071 -45019052481424 + -19648560081628.883 = -64667612563052.88 611240881.7831094 + 868760 = 612109641.7831094 -110.99882229347332 + 78086 = 77975.00117770652 24042582636 + 979351348623.2705 = 1003393931259.2705 -204086147 + -8695242297.113098 = -8899328444.113098 819.7071752298059 + 9 = 828.7071752298059 581001572411 + 589018398.8961513 = 581590590809.8961 -778574735 + -907364 = -779482099 -4.306849296005776 + -140.62968527736922 = -144.93653457337498 4839580 + -713172.3982776232 = 4126407.601722377 517802784006 + 24813.921661847642 = 517802808819.9217 -1963728075125.8276 + 55355820558021.32 = 53392092482895.49 -18932259299815 + -72810 = -18932259372625 8801729730 + -25698 = 8801704032 17395.12999447539 + 8 = 17403.12999447539 -520 + 20723788029 = 20723787509 5575722.630529791 + -59178505657372.93 = -59178500081650.3 94 + 13134 = 13228 674075 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999325925.0 272580584 + -409.3297821902166 = 272580174.6702178 100000000000000 + -41292879608.88377 = 99958707120391.11 7437934195260.123 + -100000000000000 = -92562065804739.88 -341216400.17195237 + -809045854.3369561 = -1150262254.5089085 55606306 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000055606306.0 -481737953365.68225 + -11183 = -481737964548.68225 -9396.38184366108 + 382078761341 = 382078751944.61816 -49935750.60364065 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000049935750.61 66852738064 + 4972888658.05781 = 71825626722.05782 655039.6515795882 + 7374651.058073089 = 8029690.709652677 533779.6326305724 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999466220.38 -4287876834272.95 + 39744.61920093351 = -4287876794528.331 -58729 + 96035798310.9148 = 96035739581.9148 -46660795679 + -6311643 = -46667107322 694838907 + 40767 = 694879674 -89663.37407423055 + -4754989432.955942 = -4755079096.330016 470761137539.3142 + 71143800445546 = 71614561583085.31 7.61234406665239 + 49829401299601 = 49829401299608.61 5973.31811348508 + 78878096248232 = 78878096254205.31 6942731 + 9.707216670728798 = 6942740.707216671 5190846.537793907 + -6803297509780.215 = -6803292318933.677 -1 + -470291839 = -470291840 -27960545077087 + -100000000000000.0 = -127960545077087.0 -614587220.0391796 + 262764119448 = 262149532227.96082 39.10608648285701 + -57048.311338022344 = -57009.20525153949 -100000000000000.0 + -2910.4005727335298 = -100000000002910.4 24 + -4 = 20 22300.074296250736 + 796959794.5596592 = 796982094.6339555 -4201 + 646527 = 642326 -8974968425 + -53623858.22795348 = -9028592283.227953 -9230 + -3294881968.3991747 = -3294891198.3991747 -3 + -4244045647.9743958 = -4244045650.9743958 1155.8187863098722 + 59353461832683.125 = 59353461833838.945 -8166124440947.553 + -749924 = -8166125190871.553 76190071594854.75 + 5267289091213 = 81457360686067.75 33650035499337.27 + -4060104473271 = 29589931026066.27 -278037773.62571275 + -7 = -278037780.62571275 -1475667656242.7686 + -69789750418 = -1545457406660.7686 20697572.328180514 + 3034625 = 23732197.328180514 154214.8660263133 + -4931179068487.93 = -4931178914273.063 -37161388504536.266 + -2868871620803.96 = -40030260125340.23 5435.2004104016805 + 71158871191413.69 = 71158871196848.89 176648538 + -82456103286921 = -82455926638383 100000000000000.0 + 9 = 100000000000009.0 -15.395795579506176 + -2449599051 = -2449599066.3957953 -9927576.697831148 + -613.8260527762403 = -9928190.523883924 -21980497738.360394 + 7006516785.771879 = -14973980952.588514 100000000000000.0 + 223421690 = 100000223421690.0 716756 + 100000000000000 = 100000000716756 9861111 + 7680147010 = 7690008121 -37192482986228.69 + -27.33955884106156 = -37192482986256.02 -1449469306 + -66072453185 = -67521922491 74344897 + -906053263.8023635 = -831708366.8023635 -430823 + -163605.6203124678 = -594428.6203124678 6.487817107057031 + -922072278.0868602 = -922072271.5990431 87023354348.84488 + 69276000885714.305 = 69363024240063.15 -2426876649575.3467 + -126 = -2426876649701.3467 13100197734.727766 + -100000000000000.0 = -99986899802265.27 16.420965657914913 + -52191 = -52174.57903434209 9.495265983201293 + 722358118.9369643 = 722358128.4322302 598809035985.8416 + -538304802633 = 60504233352.84155 1.0612232143722498 + -77827545138.62236 = -77827545137.56114 26035289 + 2902 = 26038191 -32802916 + -3.3383032323253525 = -32802919.33830323 -36228637280063.56 + -38779 = -36228637318842.56 100514.66935877407 + 27.814398318848323 = 100542.48375709292 -595150.6909123211 + 735838010840.4982 = 735837415689.8073 161727478828 + -606154397 = 161121324431 497356332.6560698 + 78479965821797.27 = 78480463178129.92 510881009.7530529 + -172779479 = 338101530.7530529 -8595667560499.631 + 33542955.852711484 = -8595634017543.778 -36257559.89928141 + 587413818 = 551156258.1007186 -4161930.917055268 + 576370701 = 572208770.0829448 -9539951608 + -373096.44274452457 = -9540324704.442745 97603762336 + -456576992636 = -358973230300 2463623 + -2629911749956.1323 = -2629909286333.1323 -1565656584314 + 16116185.53534226 = -1565640468128.4646 6535632 + -753.4862001209808 = 6534878.513799879 917138182625.7091 + 773 = 917138183398.7091 8291 + -139409 = -131118 -143 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000143.0 -7.957444855082103 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999992.05 -100000000000000 + 8978.492526985014 = -99999999991021.5 56938206.71913923 + 77992.43033068549 = 57016199.14946992 -1188145193506.1238 + 683 = -1188145192823.1238 -21395892518389.926 + -3.5418805398512045 = -21395892518393.47 6 + -184.79704956774816 = -178.79704956774816 -60079.5029721073 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999939920.5 835541526037.2109 + 6759223186.473686 = 842300749223.6846 -13686951.331015103 + -317703665233 = -317717352184.331 -8417612204116.441 + -7 = -8417612204123.441 427177250110.2445 + -3 = 427177250107.2445 -6579358030761.65 + 6290176630.334406 = -6573067854131.316 681.1773326728456 + -92716580341 = -92716579659.82266 -1364075 + 8908228294075 = 8908226930000 63420978928.525826 + 27512862 = 63448491790.525826 19718434.19773948 + -6.129684507771067 = 19718428.06805497 -59560369.40226542 + -9693153 = -69253522.40226543 82740938 + 9332159509057 = 9332242249995 68108110257 + -763875261692 = -695767151435 54 + -30949169631.779552 = -30949169577.779552 334 + -83048624.64573967 = -83048290.64573967 67170072.25595888 + 60061297 = 127231369.25595888 -68099.58504408892 + 966.6816726802311 = -67132.90337140868 -84477.20081756036 + -3921678069151.6646 = -3921678153628.865 -95460519082039.7 + 46416.41986646698 = -95460519035623.28 -45376175510 + 851 = -45376174659 72535.03825271204 + -90528 = -17992.96174728796 62863.24788747452 + -9440285310357.379 = -9440285247494.13 2349 + -808165877 = -808163528 2 + -1723583.7271585169 = -1723581.7271585169 6909 + -86 = 6823 55226856457 + 70095098 = 55296951555 -4100273902 + 100000000000000 = 99995899726098 -764.9837540913439 + -7189698 = -7190462.983754091 -530755 + -761206.7249331272 = -1291961.7249331272 134003.57549558743 + 226329 = 360332.5754955874 -57975606947985 + -49213581 = -57975656161566 -22281961037088 + -717909506 = -22282678946594 -10388950.458662558 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000010388950.45 34.35060250985216 + -415630666164 = -415630666129.6494 -4 + 924685115 = 924685111 8495042337677 + 4109399567885 = 12604441905562 95667.09997623102 + 945 = 96612.09997623102 21569541890 + -919770720 = 20649771170 -62199985214214.37 + -6352560404 = -62206337774618.37 10388723398275.137 + -4184110287211.16 = 6204613111063.977 16780076.10792785 + 1567450 = 18347526.10792785 100000000000000 + -9728041 = 99999990271959 -4843829236.511551 + 86545997468035 = 86541153638798.48 -460458 + -13016025 = -13476483 64407490181 + 266728 = 64407756909 18743994013.09336 + 52738.85548837641 = 18744046751.94885 -604.2714378971227 + 441402487339 = 441402486734.7286 -81525678 + 303 = -81525375 -5101657732992.838 + -7439615706434.599 = -12541273439427.438 6448375 + -100000000000000 = -99999993551625 76832726 + 272.60762655891773 = 76832998.60762656 9012439418548 + -64 = 9012439418484 11733595188933 + 7007.792170531938 = 11733595195940.793 -188287827 + 12065784510 = 11877496683 94894933321287.6 + -51944286096930 = 42950647224357.59 63500.585851354466 + -7.359340188131669 = 63493.22651116634 -630973 + -85432 = -716405 735737802 + 86383 = 735824185 74418488929 + -605667 = 74417883262 100000000000000.0 + 8 = 100000000000008.0 -290735552.8449794 + -816.061840344754 = -290736368.90681976 -7.053668604980373 + 1891 = 1883.9463313950196 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 86729797.56102943 + -92675366464044 = -92675279734246.44 -703 + -53305462919767 = -53305462920470 -80903071686935.38 + -373768.90080758027 = -80903072060704.28 4518.6049686941715 + -871047627721.3329 = -871047623202.7279 885081947.2955124 + -138.61774160465177 = 885081808.6777709 -100000000000000 + 662 = -99999999999338 -143243088701 + -52312901.75558411 = -143295401602.75558 100000000000000.0 + -37497268467.15585 = 99962502731532.84 -3508729674 + -919355 = -3509649029 -528095.9678395283 + 52746448458 = 52745920362.03216 -50386172043.13614 + -100000000000000.0 = -100050386172043.14 1404636 + -176 = 1404460 4575378233981.982 + -4629577.077017847 = 4575373604404.905 7.128056117885768 + 6.470576005996639 = 13.598632123882407 952633674454 + 56730762 = 952690405216 -92767056826 + 16051214515 = -76715842311 -4922536.292773908 + 89261139742 = 89256217205.70723 -68655909842008.63 + 50167337.7742908 = -68655859674670.86 100000000000000 + -394.5330603075752 = 99999999999605.47 -469908435 + 17895047 = -452013388 6501.110276259927 + 2799656387.2711163 = 2799662888.3813925 95 + -961496010.6859719 = -961495915.6859719 -85235451285 + 30 = -85235451255 57413881.61948794 + 51707173.21459773 = 109121054.83408567 -685 + 6480219233050.403 = 6480219232365.403 -100000000000000 + 1755209 = -99999998244791 3970687426141.241 + 45720 = 3970687471861.241 -471384.60498726135 + -559316 = -1030700.6049872614 -90627422765090.36 + 541643241.9816935 = -90626881121848.38 -100000000000000.0 + 115576988516 = -99884423011484.0 641 + 26069708225888.89 = 26069708226529.89 -59376340760 + -1.1748913154829812 = -59376340761.17489 -99848.43050223375 + 98903452.33090818 = 98803603.90040594 -82219.23386368123 + -42395 = -124614.23386368123 71388007024875 + 7583970.601462537 = 71388014608845.6 2977038918.7550306 + 56065.513869608105 = 2977094984.2689004 -5 + -30436877499.505867 = -30436877504.505867 34417.93063695953 + 8776865431909.587 = 8776865466327.518 3812427361076.7305 + -60386413 = 3812366974663.7305 909555098236.0247 + 17 = 909555098253.0247 1688719597660.6729 + 27826 = 1688719625486.6729 763759814 + 20377369 = 784137183 1927282517097.664 + 260.18952162479377 = 1927282517357.8535 -732119.8320573115 + 751737360866 = 751736628746.168 -1.3958876626566867 + 7954840608.642562 = 7954840607.246675 312867772835 + -989868178420 = -677000405585 100000000000000 + 1172641903258 = 101172641903258 -96537.64887652482 + 662330.6437135772 = 565792.9948370524 -6319060553 + 81711314284201.88 = 81704995223648.88 935.6456758088683 + 6041.443186697677 = 6977.088862506545 -49676790842.30725 + -635 = -49676791477.30725 -53.864086570496696 + 49 = -4.864086570496696 -3157744575.7295423 + -56637811 = -3214382386.7295423 303.4187825785016 + -8409746514 = -8409746210.581218 49076783.79286031 + -830.786051433136 = 49075953.00680888 48063448739601 + -32742962626824.13 = 15320486112776.871 60181.86891048628 + 30 = 60211.86891048628 5 + -17399651800192.5 = -17399651800187.5 14010 + 2818996975882.1543 = 2818996989892.1543 14 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999986.0 -47193557618657.56 + -6 = -47193557618663.56 4065767165 + -7252697320099.201 = -7248631552934.201 12995858595648 + -69851.84287861892 = 12995858525796.156 346267850.36437917 + 100000000000000 = 100000346267850.36 7288804547929.296 + 978878645.4963851 = 7289783426574.792 -9003263 + 2147674136200 = 2147665132937 -100000000000000 + 749534365 = -99999250465635 -90 + -99 = -189 5863813012581 + 100000000000000.0 = 105863813012581.0 -11503.374524699479 + -30540617360589 = -30540617372092.375 258.82053501509193 + -9 = 249.82053501509193 174429754797.19482 + 347955463641.7267 = 522385218438.9215 8219511.517703833 + -755282430 = -747062918.4822961 5129337286435 + 2868972557.524481 = 5132206258992.524 100000000000000.0 + 9918810440207 = 109918810440207.0 -100000000000000.0 + -8257899180.268766 = -100008257899180.27 4.808702506617062 + 741.4406216405009 = 746.2493241471179 844563793322.111 + 5.704532187780227 = 844563793327.8156 88947331790448.2 + 100000000000000 = 188947331790448.2 2.474464537924079 + -1515178 = -1515175.5255354622 -73817846161858.88 + -4238.2276095074 = -73817846166097.11 52315370011 + -416 = 52315369595 2904912045 + -147205 = 2904764840 4580283150 + -75 = 4580283075 260569006189.7367 + -3 = 260569006186.7367 465820942101 + 5158178 = 465826100279 77511.32082508536 + 810098.8406680059 = 887610.1614930913 8 + 515532706.98215425 = 515532714.98215425 756843685.0091788 + 29 = 756843714.0091788 573.2800959680827 + 4257.2231497031535 = 4830.503245671236 86 + -68 = 18 78164.06851238977 + 330228137911 = 330228216075.06854 -301970755572 + 901189 = -301969854383 -1.3227071374524848 + -38361865181369.33 = -38361865181370.65 21.568049231081975 + -88820.89115132183 = -88799.32310209076 37.46918108040664 + 6524753 = 6524790.46918108 5 + -30907858936.866257 = -30907858931.866257 40642777.82850399 + 100000000000000 = 100000040642777.83 663738478 + -8132680005808 = -8132016267330 -865753.8546552274 + -7749964.3108348595 = -8615718.165490087 56344370233.01046 + 9787 = 56344380020.01046 -324.66577356936796 + 90325531945 = 90325531620.33423 2 + 436 = 438 388569808207.8598 + 49857066786.57034 = 438426874994.4302 9859402.014554555 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999990140597.98 -9.091549478559717 + -8416211 = -8416220.091549478 -20701630 + 100000000000000 = 99999979298370 -891 + 1340784947 = 1340784056 -7081358632769.814 + 75911693067558 = 68830334434788.19 22045466757 + -7 = 22045466750 3086 + -181.61185525244343 = 2904.3881447475565 -30054945975958.527 + -314277279543 = -30369223255501.527 -3200723 + -7195.359388374777 = -3207918.3593883747 -827386.6930266406 + 963326.7023324013 = 135940.00930576073 -12884104.70501202 + -494229758.02317804 = -507113862.72819006 23.35664407026829 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999976.64 -467 + -1882637833 = -1882638300 62 + 1512.618382596036 = 1574.618382596036 100000000000000.0 + -60151.58929197584 = 99999999939848.4 13803882.681047708 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999986196117.31 7581 + -72.5351702126663 = 7508.464829787334 -83430349.17479251 + -84546671685.02599 = -84630102034.20078 -100000000000000 + -3613648699 = -100003613648699 698 + 4074210 = 4074908 -919.4889452009108 + 6943696.928856905 = 6942777.439911704 444756927.5960389 + -546307 = 444210620.5960389 -218076651036.99176 + -6289580331403.18 = -6507656982440.172 -465669 + -2872856430.6604085 = -2873322099.6604085 56.83581811270356 + 168182595 = 168182651.8358181 -10410763551.152702 + 566796123.8198783 = -9843967427.332825 131263 + 823460021105 = 823460152368 18349466.95018631 + 572791724151 = 572810073617.9502 1290789607166.9265 + -30665 = 1290789576501.9265 -169827252.6281907 + -18 = -169827270.6281907 -515179.8882239164 + -3740 = -518919.8882239164 -24498636.193263367 + 428664471 = 404165834.80673665 5260.9111769072415 + -369688242068 = -369688236807.0888 27857248 + 105.8655834722145 = 27857353.865583472 -931.820456135248 + 389326329117 = 389326328185.17957 853245639554.4822 + -26255 = 853245613299.4822 -3314451601057.789 + -9.746063310220501 = -3314451601067.535 100000000000000.0 + 198841382 = 100000198841382.0 395116 + 35966166852321.41 = 35966167247437.41 9398602992.363098 + -75.24596427328333 = 9398602917.117134 4833088907 + -9646790355.708477 = -4813701448.708477 -4284823900 + 60.14267975191652 = -4284823839.8573203 4.511303892917782 + -873930997701 = -873930997696.4886 -48471.43825537551 + -62128121.23290088 = -62176592.67115626 -255586566213 + 529402247508 = 273815681295 -92925 + -37458470639.98448 = -37458563564.98448 35981004113 + -2.096306486426077 = 35981004110.903694 -8386615 + 957101299.2253356 = 948714684.2253356 -49209192.58300508 + 84.78615743178553 = -49209107.79684765 77364572308008.69 + -88993288998447 = -11628716690438.312 68684303479.13863 + -7741 = 68684295738.13863 98 + -134271294 = -134271196 29 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999971 47506555430.14656 + -7262037888019 = -7214531332588.854 -781594561.4699574 + -838986078 = -1620580639.4699574 -1258692 + 2267817 = 1009125 -100000000000000.0 + 478697870869 = -99521302129131.0 743974990 + 9897511111 = 10641486101 138 + 23492.867985295637 = 23630.867985295637 -3751377.107191099 + -111137253194.3493 = -111141004571.4565 640697.9361194355 + -922914.9230284557 = -282216.9869090202 -70456 + 8.1342572460645 = -70447.86574275393 750864692 + -57675032.72362103 = 693189659.276379 -699020842633 + 528154762.9506493 = -698492687870.0493 -63223433.02035985 + 6290123 = -56933310.02035985 22670511324.7769 + -661095 = 22669850229.7769 43279638703.8135 + 388083072906 = 431362711609.8135 -65779246409.2764 + -100000000000000.0 = -100065779246409.28 -51457215973.64466 + 2072433044168 = 2020975828194.3552 -1010799799922.4353 + 691565227.932469 = -1010108234694.5028 26823.622804772174 + -14425 = 12398.622804772174 -27887183326 + 60420748372276 = 60392861188950 56344503 + -8 = 56344495 6929408.253472548 + 851764416322.3577 = 851771345730.6111 63988703149639 + -8417 = 63988703141222 -3697129810 + -9.70046767800918 = -3697129819.7004676 -8657997492256.202 + 210562274267 = -8447435217989.202 5870876288.711053 + -923419 = 5869952869.711053 166878997.94155568 + -62 = 166878935.94155568 -829084395348 + -5688.577032660622 = -829084401036.577 3 + 77253062263980.81 = 77253062263983.81 325107641676.425 + -74522339.07663605 = 325033119337.3483 -901821103.5129039 + -2666534626.53458 = -3568355730.0474844 45167270499566 + -25331023387 = 45141939476179 -2588.4097570683607 + -68155176349647 = -68155176352235.41 -676134893327.689 + 7143686 = -676127749641.689 -8 + 322402 = 322394 57.970781578942926 + -29763004856.16917 = -29763004798.198387 7987 + 208986184 = 208994171 -2955196111 + 70.14059427028305 = -2955196040.8594055 -2010 + -4461957137.888945 = -4461959147.888945 -5591621901 + 98693899230 = 93102277329 -15544512465 + -1482.307584161238 = -15544513947.307585 -719885659.3576394 + 954781861747 = 954061976087.6423 682750132.4445877 + 97083674073.32309 = 97766424205.76767 -35229577111.63037 + -4.3912205702652685 = -35229577116.02159 -483456.24715588917 + 92 = -483364.24715588917 100000000000000.0 + 782255122990.9185 = 100782255122990.92 -5.612897138372027 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000005.61 172296501 + 4930353527.995161 = 5102650028.995161 -991107702 + -3 = -991107705 -100000000000000.0 + -88.97521225712026 = -100000000000088.97 -100000000000000 + -98479983 = -100000098479983 -435099663.0317201 + 2.7151069462978428 = -435099660.31661314 -2828242512 + -9611950039.258894 = -12440192551.258894 20766063258165.523 + 4593086.313021157 = 20766067851251.836 100000000000000 + -9095338921848 = 90904661078152 3688541275.9025717 + -362782 = 3688178493.9025717 -127505061 + -5127135.415460716 = -132632196.41546072 709594170.9846625 + 7 = 709594177.9846625 -83756.7213899827 + 6254 = -77502.7213899827 -966891608 + -318259059.47694194 = -1285150667.476942 824676.741793863 + 1745460 = 2570136.741793863 -5885.629479451249 + 926905956 = 926900070.3705206 11220070.06501453 + -464127.1847077561 = 10755942.880306775 327832712 + -92769.84516297732 = 327739942.154837 -61059927971.80737 + -233757724.21349785 = -61293685696.020874 -878520238055 + 849650.1414343584 = -878519388404.8585 317 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000317 9611049684 + -363003207.3608075 = 9248046476.639193 -56903 + -2231249914963 = -2231249971866 -4573 + -7870440444028.434 = -7870440448601.434 97860949 + -21970285488922 = -21970187627973 -100000000000000.0 + 63442418 = -99999936557582.0 -12638357303 + -14032728 = -12652390031 -958.6948927006033 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000958.69 81754509.62857802 + -268 = 81754241.62857802 245874768083 + -20880856977890 = -20634982209807 -33767072514743.957 + 7996893181704.684 = -25770179333039.273 -83267299.31379911 + 67320389717475 = 67320306450175.69 -706714137255.0079 + 1212 = -706714136043.0079 38 + 59459 = 59497 41607 + 4560145296152.727 = 4560145337759.727 161433918 + 8137766859742 = 8137928293660 -44712418887644.59 + 4559.488388325861 = -44712418883085.1 1545358648631.0488 + -93933953326.86028 = 1451424695304.1885 -40223131 + -1.2535150030315372 = -40223132.253515005 -76839076 + -8641767251817.44 = -8641844090893.44 -64661 + -74183708 = -74248369 76920.3854857172 + -723.5639769440528 = 76196.82150877315 337866082133.82446 + 7368183 = 337873450316.82446 6616 + 2358904 = 2365520 21635073 + 2949 = 21638022 7586 + -78413359688766 = -78413359681180 -14488656.111835167 + 4055345501253.096 = 4055331012596.9844 24780397.58047221 + 61615 = 24842012.58047221 -5264538.616308683 + 205180368753 = 205175104214.3837 -45601072 + -92482480 = -138083552 31867121179868 + 860751.4849480278 = 31867122040619.484 100000000000000.0 + -21011808478.355515 = 99978988191521.64 -90628.19387859179 + 1944766 = 1854137.8061214082 25 + -8812330531.659096 = -8812330506.659096 -204315.85230873543 + -17685977239068.492 = -17685977443384.344 1927128506774.2686 + -656408309764.3274 = 1270720197009.9412 29198 + -78525505010482 = -78525504981284 62866.26013011157 + 90590829 = 90653695.2601301 -8714 + 7308050 = 7299336 145.22854908630225 + -116132576 = -116132430.7714509 -412 + -898890061039 = -898890061451 -7415769.528379513 + 373065.0859059158 = -7042704.442473597 64152765690.13162 + 909946.5675176721 = 64153675636.69914 -7117424994.670999 + -100000000000000.0 = -100007117424994.67 -39 + 917926280.6201992 = 917926241.6201992 47955053.123711176 + -840838564387 = -840790609333.8763 88130.38839391974 + -975978007 = -975889876.6116061 25824370.422920898 + 2334564647544 = 2334590471914.423 -72 + 3501311290.653567 = 3501311218.653567 84973482.31850134 + 45037861391.90596 = 45122834874.224464 -7464892539698.337 + 60078075 = -7464832461623.337 -22307 + 7094269230854 = 7094269208547 353222247.42573035 + 962905819.7609391 = 1316128067.1866693 46032174.94430462 + 68083588336278.68 = 68083634368453.625 -327 + -9220822446.550545 = -9220822773.550545 76822 + 680525 = 757347 92677051990.11353 + 115184751 = 92792236741.11353 -8.40987001588462 + 64267903070090 = 64267903070081.59 -269427173694.68118 + -56271998353.456955 = -325699172048.1381 139959221403.17947 + -61971.34102252847 = 139959159431.83844 -938.8726606467227 + -70043518140.04114 = -70043519078.9138 -93949226935 + 7517948.898919569 = -93941708986.10107 2 + 30341162306221.918 = 30341162306223.918 -8638174863176 + -918085802784.5624 = -9556260665960.562 -470373660985 + 82986727 = -470290674258 -693618971396 + 10720.578596689451 = -693618960675.4214 -541617.0760124389 + -3604716964.2684646 = -3605258581.344477 942 + -5942385370.4115095 = -5942384428.4115095 -4067710 + 7 = -4067703 -353 + 7088 = 6735 462988791387 + 375248816972 = 838237608359 -17301.797979515864 + -61383752478821.305 = -61383752496123.1 51308.06678060231 + 81472656719 = 81472708027.06679 79 + -37149814130920 = -37149814130841 -100000000000000.0 + -69.2498358221005 = -100000000000069.25 1052.2858903999645 + -59482159.70050689 = -59481107.41461649 8714983747438.042 + -6251.210028956854 = 8714983741186.832 -86639971777 + 617812832.7464069 = -86022158944.25359 796325244619.7583 + 3483750564242 = 4280075808861.7583 -368607.37271602784 + 48972681887 = 48972313279.62728 -72602502950 + -462 = -72602503412 77391.70442411225 + -6.599340026621184 = 77385.10508408563 -86082762895108.5 + -9397938.586975358 = -86082772293047.1 -100000000000000 + 53537.47092689486 = -99999999946462.53 -4222362879480.4175 + -78093978 = -4222440973458.4175 -98238.72440019534 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999901761.28 3579.1048587102878 + 4617162099992 = 4617162103571.1045 -276645 + 7459657680370 = 7459657403725 -2298 + 34.69367414042572 = -2263.3063258595744 -100000000000000.0 + 191428 = -99999999808572.0 9848117948650 + 760525272.4819095 = 9848878473922.482 -100000000000000 + 4293445.038437583 = -99999995706554.97 -3470672 + 25816486704062 = 25816483233390 829844587 + -76333190517663 = -76332360673076 24013710.053638913 + -9.021261925108302 = 24013701.032376986 550800.2342747151 + -43320387256 = -43319836455.765724 -5070 + -537955203 = -537960273 90167520522026.98 + 62 = 90167520522088.98 4522293.695823852 + -90 = 4522203.695823852 6.165626463600374 + 76205960.67974058 = 76205966.84536704 7802677936787 + 641207695.5885953 = 7803319144482.589 611181551959.2874 + 47611923635093.56 = 48223105187052.85 68 + 16.47132667762025 = 84.47132667762025 19233022911.56583 + -100000000000000.0 = -99980766977088.44 49586710617 + 37867317591224.83 = 37916904301841.83 565761087 + 74568761062856 = 74569326823943 -33309918.059856262 + -75.05323487649163 = -33309993.113091137 870292108822.5189 + 163370441.5773354 = 870455479264.0963 -853487026131 + -2 = -853487026133 -2484694194267.341 + -96.03495958867458 = -2484694194363.376 -1815496864 + -59622023408 = -61437520272 198399025921.89636 + 34207478.42298847 = 198433233400.31934 -141146736.23199064 + -3607857755930.587 = -3607998902666.819 81306341330921 + 707915808384.9891 = 82014257139305.98 23606386 + 6175 = 23612561 1891 + -6888697471351 = -6888697469460 536688247 + -100000000000000 = -99999463311753 100000000000000.0 + 4670398 = 100000004670398.0 -100000000000000.0 + 832086.7366326242 = -99999999167913.27 240134789492 + 100000000000000 = 100240134789492 8660230372.784061 + -972499310.0537984 = 7687731062.730263 7549758831308 + -2748243.361718109 = 7549756083064.639 -12951327567946 + -690246.6365105159 = -12951328258192.637 657386283.701627 + 986856 = 658373139.701627 100000000000000 + -918.619018717925 = 99999999999081.38 96001340936112 + 91 = 96001340936203 717000963.5456372 + -762272601 = -45271637.45436275 -3894453842.9865823 + 845214.9034262567 = -3893608628.083156 100000000000000 + 69057120756394 = 169057120756394 5305740.134097214 + 83 = 5305823.134097214 -6798410035407 + 58.829025872024246 = -6798410035348.171 -424.56774119130085 + 86539543954 = 86539543529.43227 -543767.7455395274 + 953360812.2641014 = 952817044.5185618 -103.36964294836673 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999896.62 -22.401677764921583 + 83.74933821594593 = 61.34766045102434 -90599238 + 2658.8033237947593 = -90596579.19667621 -8371265042 + 231195596291 = 222824331249 -1202036735.5258126 + -582 = -1202037317.5258126 10798 + 46109 = 56907 4.1638288862753505 + -1674621958 = -1674621953.8361712 -59060057747 + 448930731 = -58611127016 93405079 + -1332603883 = -1239198804 289877712 + -7.704823630895763 = 289877704.2951764 -25112.470849545254 + 48295400653940.78 = 48295400628828.31 4.768132310857869 + -3190047102908.418 = -3190047102903.65 48336.326370039795 + -6.11215432858856 = 48330.2142157112 42329336536.45131 + -835 = 42329335701.45131 -61820 + -3311328436.007095 = -3311390256.007095 100000000000000.0 + 30919480.634651523 = 100000030919480.64 -94 + 3090 = 2996 88662764079 + -2434500118534.809 = -2345837354455.809 65733651608226 + 5537.350941790385 = 65733651613763.35 18984820043806 + -574534943694.5258 = 18410285100111.473 27215115571212.99 + -2728550599.8126574 = 27212387020613.176 844279411844 + 34 = 844279411878 2366110 + -44590165769949 = -44590163403839 -256492610140.24176 + -64324838865 = -320817449005.24176 100000000000000.0 + 390050612939 = 100390050612939.0 70073.74805758824 + 8977737618 = 8977807691.748058 -590981499518.5343 + 100000000000000 = 99409018500481.47 -2850274634.6234264 + -8262992582545.418 = -8265842857180.041 28.989924197564587 + -3694837.651660565 = -3694808.6617363673 2405.744231872674 + 502.47683127811086 = 2908.2210631507846 62958739246079.16 + 1 = 62958739246080.16 5429946377 + 6665 = 5429953042 -6652697 + 57613156.37989552 = 50960459.37989552 647283 + -363187.47650255536 = 284095.52349744464 -466952651988.7325 + -7977 = -466952659965.7325 -415462443143.5996 + 33770105054.325665 = -381692338089.2739 380822697 + -444739520.5532495 = -63916823.55324948 -82891920010003 + 888.217531797696 = -82891920009114.78 -72235001401 + 1218529623534 = 1146294622133 -54348 + -10726.511046349908 = -65074.51104634991 3390 + -46.19413467037049 = 3343.8058653296293 855736823 + 8642167846 = 9497904669 -3 + -16160454998236.795 = -16160454998239.795 5669294087486 + 796141.1043317422 = 5669294883627.1045 -157183380981.92032 + 528910155 = -156654470826.92032 100000000000000 + -68139302.26146871 = 99999931860697.73 49558.08903263935 + 246503157053.37943 = 246503206611.46844 -8527164127832 + 768816756 = -8526395311076 505071815 + 8486.530599550397 = 505080301.53059953 100000000000000 + -198 = 99999999999802 3.6007856260767586 + -5118826 = -5118822.399214374 -76147.06487939211 + -75120476723920.06 = -75120476800067.12 -48567924792.96253 + -76849153.52630812 = -48644773946.48884 -9704451619 + 1402831602708.2512 = 1393127151089.2512 11 + -9272936260.243559 = -9272936249.243559 -770003112.9071178 + 361053384948 = 360283381835.0929 847674680.1495059 + 2 = 847674682.1495059 766682866.3510929 + -7140 = 766675726.3510929 -330873 + 100000000000000 = 99999999669127 934626 + 1631780.7888199175 = 2566406.7888199175 -910.5962789392597 + 4049655 = 4048744.4037210606 42496.80692354018 + 28497999 = 28540495.80692354 65530.30976460395 + -10204660607.440937 = -10204595077.131172 -6.065392376293415 + -4834138751507.611 = -4834138751513.677 82270251053 + -257280 = 82269993773 -51568607 + 18.890272334000468 = -51568588.109727666 -100000000000000 + -20693956524.79487 = -100020693956524.8 -100000000000000.0 + -47565678 = -100000047565678.0 59946317128 + 53581496 = 59999898624 -5139107624290 + 7 = -5139107624283 9047317494487 + -3748 = 9047317490739 -9608305399 + -8873587207117.67 = -8883195512516.67 -5030979672.153692 + -94952 = -5031074624.153692 -762359387 + -36375959.95961535 = -798735346.9596153 -51.79541301741167 + -9493424415412 = -9493424415463.795 67401581344652.086 + 85130 = 67401581429782.086 -2743 + 26486411.422357 = 26483668.422357 86136760.19503379 + -56577651 = 29559109.19503379 7142.365717879135 + -95427 = -88284.63428212087 2654311.587264609 + -429702.3226718492 = 2224609.26459276 100000000000000.0 + 190646.6698913437 = 100000000190646.67 13 + -76914721.13971868 = -76914708.13971868 357 + -5991190 = -5990833 -7106466.087843697 + -52 = -7106518.087843697 5209171769019.447 + -99 = 5209171768920.447 69 + 69.06509334493154 = 138.06509334493154 21.428514335743383 + -9 = 12.428514335743383 -90777780188628.08 + -53380109762.34398 = -90831160298390.42 -8 + -52378.68390812198 = -52386.68390812198 -771947941.5914834 + 9944615482 = 9172667540.408516 -305 + -616881155634 = -616881155939 -45552634414803.85 + 58465299 = -45552575949504.85 -3650633 + 24 = -3650609 -956588.8715639871 + 78802849901426.28 = 78802848944837.4 339922.3934246447 + 8916.558931051288 = 348838.952355696 276.9087161500076 + 4376901411 = 4376901687.908716 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -77288.7481594387 + -9165751 = -9243039.748159438 -68129079 + -8749782333.207342 = -8817911412.207342 38.98833765797771 + 41451546532 = 41451546570.988335 397837 + 689348861291.8232 = 689349259128.8232 -100000000000000.0 + 5464685243 = -99994535314757.0 100000000000000 + -2829526884 = 99997170473116 52533449 + 26664 = 52560113 -4.835848492683361 + -7 = -11.835848492683361 95584085.06262353 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000095584085.06 585325912009 + 543285931 = 585869197940 -66536570115541 + -653581485 = -66537223697026 152556 + 3.3766056516761602 = 152559.3766056517 -59555798089.12092 + -89523332309.6917 = -149079130398.81262 4.871890163846139 + 7003843154.345107 = 7003843159.216997 -100000000000000 + -70036414928850.34 = -170036414928850.34 -1174753440 + -811935958422.434 = -813110711862.434 35.374252386141094 + -1476872302 = -1476872266.6257477 -45143872 + -19214.89690427148 = -45163086.896904275 6 + -87579974708 = -87579974702 -9.838983054694324 + 3.0714549275423146 = -6.76752812715201 -8184010641604 + -46.53608382797102 = -8184010641650.536 -25.41914411284657 + 2805806437770 = 2805806437744.581 993.6332149357871 + 9928645140921.203 = 9928645141914.836 80 + -4474442 = -4474362 9291916191.623383 + 14995960 = 9306912151.623383 88851155.66306655 + 4276357722169.904 = 4276446573325.567 -9.761212605627275 + -778778 = -778787.7612126056 90884.14503348224 + -544956468784 = -544956377899.855 -6072911.280006663 + 704405587.596717 = 698332676.3167104 -269285012 + 6597816.783076238 = -262687195.21692377 -402.4752370946621 + 91373 = 90970.52476290533 548571.7945509917 + 842378327 = 842926898.794551 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 6 + -1197688911 = -1197688905 64498365923725.21 + -45853989761344 = 18644376162381.21 9768508.188223677 + 3156037.832750269 = 12924546.020973947 -3 + 910386759.9173584 = 910386756.9173584 4667090959 + -6345737 = 4660745222 -100000000000000 + -97043.47281171144 = -100000000097043.47 564258 + 869809835 = 870374093 -49432.94416728784 + 29343 = -20089.94416728784 -100000000000000.0 + 2946385.843356363 = -99999997053614.16 -100000000000000 + -710537813.2699904 = -100000710537813.27 46859809.423781864 + 60544.31881553356 = 46920353.7425974 -100000000000000.0 + -449975933035.9593 = -100449975933035.95 -77026 + -251 = -77277 1965790.3036710024 + 55953489972756.2 = 55953491938546.51 3655393360.455734 + -79588277333469.0 = -79584621940108.55 21263026603867.156 + -3 = 21263026603864.156 3794.7859820246263 + -660570319023.4327 = -660570315228.6467 -95434269870 + -768504498 = -96202774368 18276 + -96762977345.43718 = -96762959069.43718 -4565685 + 14396 = -4551289 -5.507347786904055 + -7850.821194322331 = -7856.328542109235 -464007 + -6756.8259572136985 = -470763.8259572137 -15556.823178342507 + 38577 = 23020.176821657493 791.8190177187641 + 5 = 796.8190177187641 -95407245340.57469 + 7921926169 = -87485319171.57469 -8616989461726.35 + -9521366659743.152 = -18138356121469.5 787.0286908615078 + 931991685982 = 931991686769.0287 530480180.6971988 + 9859784400.046265 = 10390264580.743464 -65.58582880716028 + 61142314 = 61142248.4141712 -451497.97319886944 + 9.580667757982622 = -451488.3925311114 148982796778 + 848.2869012075641 = 148982797626.2869 -51754.06365616454 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000051754.06 -90568986829961.17 + 21048832.403404243 = -90568965781128.77 5.95124501523392 + -70.68602813301915 = -64.73478311778523 -7201852 + -26.721823471790106 = -7201878.721823472 564966224304 + -51 = 564966224253 49307666271.83845 + 775816.1722973653 = 49308442088.01074 2 + 1216670695924 = 1216670695926 -17143 + -4422741285.169941 = -4422758428.169941 4230240 + -3 = 4230237 444745 + 288561 = 733306 1 + -4147 = -4146 778840864918.5503 + 70256437098413 = 71035277963331.55 35973449415 + 849190 = 35974298605 64883324871969.836 + 85745643182375.11 = 150628968054344.94 838480355980 + 115643989 = 838595999969 -45764.69812194174 + 965397149.7538781 = 965351385.0557562 -4545663 + -86 = -4545749 -37042291186248 + 5034986791750.211 = -32007304394497.79 3270058542 + -6275329.032605536 = 3263783212.9673944 -5382656 + 205.11713230176764 = -5382450.882867699 26534851550 + 23845986.74178955 = 26558697536.74179 72170007 + 741575116.0900172 = 813745123.0900172 6800 + -6103 = 697 28063206684.327023 + -706756 = 28062499928.327023 -78.85639483459804 + 53268856033351 = 53268856033272.14 -2312.3664883729525 + 5924924779335 = 5924924777022.634 97789273666.96172 + 9064675452 = 106853949118.96172 -7902908434 + 16963711058643 = 16955808150209 -763792509182 + 37464.20006615012 = -763792471717.7999 2481690701 + 145040369 = 2626731070 -207794655346 + 60 = -207794655286 -7795.333665644135 + -2871299785.3648033 = -2871307580.698469 -61.48940785207234 + 8212363545.632414 = 8212363484.143006 65741539039 + 322986171.11085355 = 66064525210.110855 -613682937152 + -2.928364614571469 = -613682937154.9283 2368636513520 + -30743836.305948712 = 2368605769683.694 80531106 + 3202049299624.569 = 3202129830730.569 108.33577444467943 + 615087944.3835435 = 615088052.7193179 9022581 + -2 = 9022579 4.679324669217543 + -2265307121772 = -2265307121767.321 12974928 + 94249.62167825382 = 13069177.621678254 -100000000000000.0 + -60939025777 = -100060939025777.0 37757 + 847 = 38604 173.68159294083773 + 5477964.796403529 = 5478138.47799647 76513379277561.4 + -69265.23952193106 = 76513379208296.17 794755913.1522721 + 295792028.6267506 = 1090547941.7790227 -49 + 902 = 853 -8728779933391 + 1374952.768238192 = -8728778558438.231 85654844 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999914345156.0 9554512.95144696 + 85548273.73873706 = 95102786.69018403 -56891902682 + -302092 = -56892204774 -40281918360 + 37725383313.851944 = -2556535046.148056 -5271464.841127122 + 78 = -5271386.841127122 7716041858 + -434415650033 = -426699608175 82207383906.6018 + -1273894519563 = -1191687135656.3982 874398738067.5332 + 415340201 = 874814078268.5332 6 + -19252331 = -19252325 9942707586674.424 + -452.9323772588818 = 9942707586221.492 -33052 + -586228691.590342 = -586261743.590342 -6666 + -6950.8361895476355 = -13616.836189547636 5.19371377380958 + -950.3644232542263 = -945.1707094804167 1.2017787198583232 + 8541458076045 = 8541458076046.202 5 + 59620 = 59625 778990189270 + 53.48750829056239 = 778990189323.4875 321747.2394152923 + 9854441996 = 9854763743.239416 -882824650.5431582 + -803621.4970174099 = -883628272.0401756 -5336647521.410104 + -83 = -5336647604.410104 -8842914338727 + -527477316.08207494 = -8843441816043.082 93327602 + 381379890415 = 381473218017 45 + 65.86674132041996 = 110.86674132041996 35960758.86576834 + 4584440524.69018 = 4620401283.555948 8 + -77.75918964533234 = -69.75918964533234 -100000000000000.0 + -42103329924.22078 = -100042103329924.22 21034743416 + 904156840928.2539 = 925191584344.2539 -933 + 989480 = 988547 -310861029 + 993147.922202405 = -309867881.0777976 100000000000000.0 + -69195163 = 99999930804837.0 46544.708901346086 + -9 = 46535.708901346086 6379885716233 + 84650879757.19267 = 6464536595990.192 -1819126546366.4756 + 9534419281286 = 7715292734919.524 34460980252 + 7918512 = 34468898764 98788216 + 100000000000000 = 100000098788216 714594338.1147227 + 71588510335017.95 = 71589224929356.06 -8029166 + -68617.88172584008 = -8097783.88172584 89035106 + 7468408313046 = 7468497348152 29948962566376 + -6428664 = 29948956137712 100000000000000.0 + 430968470646.5881 = 100430968470646.6 406804 + -112910852132 = -112910445328 -100000000000000.0 + -94084032157 = -100094084032157.0 -23.519187920223818 + -439.89996161173104 = -463.4191495319549 3.3764654858523415 + -8565302443.013911 = -8565302439.637445 -532063 + -6900605546.2356825 = -6901137609.2356825 3219730192467 + 972211 = 3219731164678 -5430955369.849729 + -81.49088797646799 = -5430955451.340616 54822755351 + 3596.266466736191 = 54822758947.266464 -9141803089.666641 + 1215631036936.7463 = 1206489233847.0796 -24107856596.87749 + -59249 = -24107915845.87749 -108421403744.13155 + 2822 = -108421400922.13155 50543587860013.73 + -2 = 50543587860011.73 -217919555761.0709 + -72761267212340.75 = -72979186768101.83 943176 + -63 = 943113 -96020291411674.06 + 913.1298231190164 = -96020291410760.94 -16.39494991853777 + -6.295612084857574 = -22.690562003395343 -5918316873 + -801887164558 = -807805481431 -408263.8369330284 + -533868404 = -534276667.836933 156.32289473699308 + 2871148.8692235183 = 2871305.1921182554 881822477 + -7160273321.626643 = -6278450844.626643 381 + 9185002216.125277 = 9185002597.125277 18.373760364801598 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000018.38 -3884796 + 68477 = -3816319 2904 + 7692101 = 7695005 219 + 162585669418 = 162585669637 -3864 + -52320488.25929251 = -52324352.25929251 433885.474349509 + 397769 = 831654.474349509 -63408335 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000063408335.0 -82 + -2464989.5505629326 = -2465071.5505629326 97009 + -256266511.09465843 = -256169502.09465843 1467 + 62295246.733148225 = 62296713.733148225 2761525473.1557198 + 395955506.7730864 = 3157480979.9288063 72663 + 55723963418 = 55724036081 -959036894377 + 263167944116.60458 = -695868950260.3954 -81858 + -417736853 = -417818711 -100000000000000 + 251 = -99999999999749 -6517991 + 1 = -6517990 25104 + -3507147906837 = -3507147881733 138707087.71661425 + 668008422481.9021 = 668147129569.6188 39.78516427323039 + -70444.71605653576 = -70404.93089226254 -97887550995.05325 + 401121770 = -97486429225.05325 -9935383 + -263.71634824619827 = -9935646.716348246 -84 + -37 = -121 70 + 201025642.9623779 = 201025712.9623779 -470116056754 + -175361437.6013177 = -470291418191.6013 961581 + 3078467.0962180584 = 4040048.0962180584 115 + -24853830035 = -24853829920 654644411290 + 1338865910933.2734 = 1993510322223.2734 -40194220197 + 7674661742861 = 7634467522664 483 + 563604492782 = 563604493265 -5873.15648876639 + 69686706823621 = 69686706817747.84 -40897 + 59192709.59417585 = 59151812.59417585 -1449665811211.4712 + -5 = -1449665811216.4712 -5 + -5710.0251771707135 = -5715.0251771707135 7533723 + -6230369 = 1303354 68070058574 + -963626674955 = -895556616381 -18024339149 + 454065989806 = 436041650657 -33.94584919040837 + -17.869104137978972 = -51.81495332838734 4212636 + -16920163.83809601 = -12707527.838096011 407318.6205677228 + 57 = 407375.6205677228 686.7182746343675 + -9203490629300 = -9203490628613.281 48 + 70515939605.42598 = 70515939653.42598 4099607.4958744077 + 4298738881164 = 4298742980771.496 -35867.68711944243 + 573098556736 = 573098520868.3129 -94 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000094 780449 + -100000000000000 = -99999999219551 7 + 8171.424883991391 = 8178.424883991391 47 + -284 = -237 -866107.5758015234 + -3149305127677 = -3149305993784.5757 4 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999996.0 668774995294 + 262.9937183150503 = 668774995556.9938 -4704211.857418964 + -6874081968127.859 = -6874086672339.717 -966 + -1246513030.750123 = -1246513996.750123 -2.6270781674669035 + 81446815.06285913 = 81446812.43578097 5.9935712245321735 + -42 = -36.006428775467825 -82172235.59542063 + 9358.491295193233 = -82162877.10412544 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 209708982316.57007 + -96455280937076 = -96245571954759.44 223816697 + 63938065 = 287754762 -4268108 + -7642.283742339502 = -4275750.283742339 5525531086694.934 + -98 = 5525531086596.934 -3792593495017.16 + 573628749662 = -3218964745355.16 -9763249411.084568 + 625763458114.0056 = 616000208702.921 -9.19535812172039 + 89 = 79.80464187827961 -7671052615.119773 + 78 = -7671052537.119773 869305323.9861447 + -1583736975294.747 = -1582867669970.761 -17262652100.620174 + 3360385589698 = 3343122937597.38 -1068 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001068.0 -99841069994 + 20 = -99841069974 257352546819 + 8373788506460.87 = 8631141053279.87 -100000000000000 + -46496.34782220894 = -100000000046496.34 259 + -38514 = -38255 100000000000000.0 + 99488155227142.78 = 199488155227142.78 -875843780339 + 3064152.145397898 = -875840716186.8546 -494715.8616682803 + -3 = -494718.8616682803 -85253708952 + 73.48673917529293 = -85253708878.51326 26949 + 7036088378658.678 = 7036088405607.678 -6 + -328.1967245731147 = -334.1967245731147 3 + -48 = -45 -291102.12719574885 + 24098191891.543938 = 24097900789.41674 -771 + -2845607 = -2846378 32816903848363 + -74647347 = 32816829201016 -985774.4958860375 + 1.4157616440635192 = -985773.0801243935 4 + 3 = 7 -701489706859.793 + -22546054525.11199 = -724035761384.9049 -53785361779 + 30 = -53785361749 -82968817579413 + 3.912525304602325 = -82968817579409.1 52 + 27002671218.813385 = 27002671270.813385 60886872491 + 3232.2482212662912 = 60886875723.24822 746.1682937371897 + 5.506591339367096 = 751.6748850765568 -83.9932778341127 + -86318 = -86401.99327783412 92187 + -100000000000000 = -99999999907813 465198654.2410362 + 6785889264.849181 = 7251087919.090218 410 + 445417877759.58044 = 445417878169.58044 8270902.979040808 + -3306370277.6552253 = -3298099374.6761847 -14595526803623.82 + -58999475738.62012 = -14654526279362.441 69545749865 + 2161080 = 69547910945 8738 + -6 = 8732 -31241703 + -27965.32672714026 = -31269668.32672714 4463.649532286559 + 96.4682115744809 = 4560.11774386104 500.48617598532496 + 8569065248.351895 = 8569065748.838071 3361 + 2 = 3363 46 + -203345327133.43823 = -203345327087.43823 -48 + -23913427513 = -23913427561 950267150 + -434523999 = 515743151 100000000000000.0 + -3260756134 = 99996739243866.0 23454616579 + -1077653 = 23453538926 100000000000000.0 + -274750917.6264671 = 99999725249082.38 -92824 + 2458248929.043147 = 2458156105.043147 -679602645 + -1303 = -679603948 -4 + 66810 = 66806 -9773309189.422474 + 72609550666.00574 = 62836241476.58327 -100000000000000.0 + 4883 = -99999999995117.0 -54235867 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000054235867.0 -100000000000000.0 + -815853.041020183 = -100000000815853.05 -482669940.814856 + -4440712537365.227 = -4441195207306.041 -201 + -247869214 = -247869415 8 + -4.4093123660839035 = 3.5906876339160965 -925 + 47201208091 = 47201207166 15915249.096654505 + -77231834 = -61316584.903345495 415693613208.8545 + -42966366 = 415650646842.8545 577540343555 + 87133159559554.38 = 87710699903109.38 -6532692663689.998 + 1427060791 = -6531265602898.998 81581831213898 + 119044 = 81581831332942 -546670 + -3276899 = -3823569 34443063783405.887 + 826285968769 = 35269349752174.89 13157162010 + 90.33597452717461 = 13157162100.335974 114114.1947765804 + 55.3056011051194 = 114169.50037768553 -7412299.860258662 + -70 = -7412369.860258662 899976201829.8785 + -58759235945124.414 = -57859259743294.54 -9 + 18813 = 18804 -825.4884642015369 + 5944772 = 5943946.511535798 -27524513 + -59596581 = -87121094 -302736209 + 199735 = -302536474 8940230.970556721 + 11642720292555 = 11642729232785.97 242.26570315840186 + -2845494044.7463055 = -2845493802.4806023 33413 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000033413.0 59502 + -358833 = -299331 74775198452044.03 + -17106158423 = 74758092293621.03 55550778602.23623 + 83466489433.99953 = 139017268036.23575 9.515574977789386 + -52 = -42.484425022210615 -6370743921.102667 + -40706564300200.71 = -40712935044121.81 -934029614.2445331 + -33132 = -934062746.2445331 752633 + 75389 = 828022 -694.6765210073895 + -55473884363 = -55473885057.67652 321574.52391136234 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999678425.47 -321151304.2321584 + 2104506000628 = 2104184849323.7678 -38.655679979071856 + 61163524552857.555 = 61163524552818.9 -4502968961 + 6801865370824.088 = 6797362401863.088 69393235.98846927 + 69107 = 69462342.98846927 100000000000000 + 933021775183 = 100933021775183 20 + -96.0156504335904 = -76.0156504335904 99624 + -86921 = 12703 6655823701916.863 + -6664780.727330866 = 6655817037136.136 -925976242 + -33116540651.89769 = -34042516893.89769 6140 + -13 = 6127 6.531976956968077 + 4361563434496.1313 = 4361563434502.663 -627.2329029353999 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000627.23 -40 + 8543.809238295635 = 8503.809238295635 -493826477 + 167380 = -493659097 43.1002342949231 + 770155177.5748246 = 770155220.6750588 -53 + -9094810921.063683 = -9094810974.063683 -16310897351 + -8254303969.084369 = -24565201320.08437 -8994408.55655792 + 1586763 = -7407645.55655792 8191320080137.704 + -100000000000000.0 = -91808679919862.3 279229478535.69806 + 992681053 = 280222159588.69806 7425956201070 + -653.8924517676049 = 7425956200416.107 -9334848422094 + 7565017225 = -9327283404869 99489726582 + 62343.38099568336 = 99489788925.381 -83480 + -59973610608587 = -59973610692067 -65154527621.82666 + -61 = -65154527682.82666 -34463322 + -348.1455452413144 = -34463670.145545244 -86701 + -7253867611644.568 = -7253867698345.568 -487264007 + 8071 = -487255936 63659.27024822829 + -60629169431.49367 = -60629105772.22342 869.8393106630659 + 41886.8693404246 = 42756.70865108767 6175208542568 + 35.563717557529245 = 6175208542603.563 6 + 662054 = 662060 -738343.567470954 + 956974946 = 956236602.4325291 4 + -9063520 = -9063516 712744466.0925919 + 3235475357221.2686 = 3236188101687.3613 -4 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999996.0 -1996963 + 8917275.688867612 = 6920312.688867612 45868531196.36595 + 797 = 45868531993.36595 11149.96690229847 + 60031.73784626883 = 71181.7047485673 6737541289 + -79469 = 6737461820 -739194 + -93.84540020344001 = -739287.8454002035 -44859562 + -301227848629 = -301272708191 -78663009018014.62 + -40 = -78663009018054.62 -432187.25160258234 + -183.61201853399206 = -432370.8636211163 -8704559.533333922 + -51610.0378922458 = -8756169.571226168 -312616855.30196726 + 422 = -312616433.30196726 -7026.953622705196 + 56405108 = 56398081.046377294 7166403405919 + -18326572031711 = -11160168625792 30617963364965 + -720466746 = 30617242898219 -95620297181488 + -4462369771422 = -100082666952910 100000000000000 + 18.960395550157273 = 100000000000018.95 -652.2755867408532 + -44.728938402980546 = -697.0045251438338 7158579123532 + -81 = 7158579123451 -2925963 + -1276846.69621579 = -4202809.69621579 -418675 + 180.13981360367006 = -418494.86018639634 319.15984217037993 + 4123903.6351269693 = 4124222.7949691396 11224069253429 + 8382.210052873324 = 11224069261811.21 168949 + 115.60696274234257 = 169064.60696274234 3 + 11107 = 11110 -281659574020 + 38 = -281659573982 -67589819593 + 28447.292466249266 = -67589791145.707535 100000000000000 + -7 = 99999999999993 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 46030.65679316898 + 8861819 = 8907849.65679317 -481.93651911087295 + 78843.0811696799 = 78361.14465056904 -2249391237 + 40930681530615 = 40928432139378 190925.53769235697 + -1406689048 = -1406498122.4623077 -2267.4741291738937 + 8 = -2259.4741291738937 39588940107.132164 + -56 = 39588940051.132164 1.733977717480272 + -957107.6481014391 = -957105.9141237217 891543155 + 5633853756 = 6525396911 -51420 + -618864 = -670284 817571 + -1303838128 = -1303020557 1947 + 99 = 2046 -100000000000000 + 69564 = -99999999930436 74519256814.85986 + -78903.63385765276 = 74519177911.22601 7143001 + 21043865 = 28186866 -841448431 + 4413710.426665878 = -837034720.5733341 -4564 + -7068 = -11632 377 + -99.41573000668186 = 277.5842699933181 -66316 + 8101513121 = 8101446805 670 + 85401227776 = 85401228446 -100000000000000.0 + 28224039.528640017 = -99999971775960.47 -5.112189327704133 + 54595664650.73981 = 54595664645.62762 -2174.839926894812 + 4460355.602752022 = 4458180.762825128 66841495.867692135 + 86209450184637 = 86209517026132.88 -413708.2050491617 + 582 = -413126.2050491617 47174724 + -28950 = 47145774 548254491.6989594 + -53868050286.610344 = -53319795794.911385 147508 + 455.3214304147006 = 147963.3214304147 -8 + 18 = 10 -56936187392846 + 35422759484404.414 = -21513427908441.586 4054099789 + -98357.84939628869 = 4054001431.150604 8476 + 7579.2941061269385 = 16055.294106126938 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 2213244952 + 90215.19517938326 = 2213335167.1951795 -575830001 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000575830001.0 896 + -15526424610.759384 = -15526423714.759384 2917844 + 8 = 2917852 37 + 85.79834890751017 = 122.79834890751017 -72419143 + -22512.438155862365 = -72441655.43815586 -100000000000000 + -59498988695 = -100059498988695 -328864735676.499 + -917935.9393859524 = -328865653612.4384 1 + -40505869959189 = -40505869959188 3200.5265122302276 + -91449838192.45503 = -91449834991.92851 -506049.1044915374 + 94 = -505955.1044915374 100000000000000.0 + -404508914400.44855 = 99595491085599.55 -642504283 + 9603004642 = 8960500359 -68221893 + 68487441732813.2 = 68487373510920.2 -100000000000000.0 + 806731618427.1881 = -99193268381572.81 -61 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999939 -71054817.70068426 + -6496539211.213068 = -6567594028.913753 -28961628 + -28.206422707554566 = -28961656.20642271 -89492501366360 + 42018769.515892476 = -89492459347590.48 81733481101 + 18215329 = 81751696430 94895739850202.75 + 34116338 = 94895773966540.75 -3.9209199519370443 + -4521201745.935802 = -4521201749.856723 -493609742591.80304 + -90449.7911639647 = -493609833041.5942 -100000000000000.0 + -643.4000665791247 = -100000000000643.4 413767.37102862424 + -744.4006908963164 = 413022.9703377279 -7752324699593.996 + -3709552.456078244 = -7752328409146.452 -4847290237 + 71177146920.25008 = 66329856683.25008 8727 + -17555750 = -17547023 -1875713936 + 85229 = -1875628707 -8110108.886890984 + 8653010.494456235 = 542901.6075652512 99.40659019620782 + -7004892021069 = -7004892020969.594 87704946329880.98 + -51105.62709172778 = 87704946278775.36 -269787291.71663135 + -18603188418096 = -18603458205387.715 -76019139 + 71133934736 = 71057915597 88138 + -6.480303597453587 = 88131.51969640255 -471055 + 465309032.7265319 = 464837977.7265319 100000000000000.0 + 29.91343111590828 = 100000000000029.9 -951597 + -302710076364 = -302711027961 -46948840727.67076 + -100000000000000.0 = -100046948840727.67 5.323354977254423 + -81261701352.1162 = -81261701346.79285 6 + 48631 = 48637 1 + 5600 = 5601 3282393686203.0903 + 4500.300959570972 = 3282393690703.391 100000000000000 + -7.55693978796653 = 99999999999992.44 -58289343308.53945 + -440657608.00476974 = -58730000916.54422 633508618156 + 528307.7129429926 = 633509146463.7129 432804.7519206179 + 2679.21203109983 = 435483.9639517177 4.518159890573182 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999995.48 -384 + -27326 = -27710 59474 + -97039431437464 = -97039431377990 2663991547.6804724 + -33275 = 2663958272.6804724 -1006 + 6567.621429023816 = 5561.621429023816 -1249716842385 + 4457164465703.162 = 3207447623318.162 456322.1139065211 + -3538235 = -3081912.8860934786 -100000000000000 + 9794266304.871944 = -99990205733695.12 -452895.7838055785 + -71308483 = -71761378.78380558 9916952931 + 4123349 = 9921076280 -8 + -8488184 = -8488192 -878005015428.5337 + 960888161 = -877044127267.5337 18881 + 645784587 = 645803468 9059204776 + 38834257139409.97 = 38843316344185.97 -82891426127532.92 + -1563.3208254412616 = -82891426129096.25 -15.078138967956546 + -22905388 = -22905403.078138966 -7981.394214708113 + -111649308414 = -111649316395.39421 -1089690.137437862 + 7154397785 = 7153308094.862562 30988 + -6 = 30982 -62071968910138 + -89.42735808689056 = -62071968910227.43 -879028 + -82662118058047.77 = -82662118937075.77 891 + 48081457420 = 48081458311 78404050.37399271 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000078404050.38 -417560575946.8131 + 867607 = -417559708339.8131 3204611.509714119 + 317.1522759551225 = 3204928.6619900744 -445.655961455088 + -47975850.913930446 = -47976296.5698919 -953884.7930511889 + 4.308498341060632 = -953880.4845528479 69614375009625 + 1844791.9326326577 = 69614376854416.93 6.483399254322835 + 5630511848116 = 5630511848122.483 -592575643.1056211 + -509268400236.1269 = -509860975879.2325 -28525146 + 3086 = -28522060 -68734450191.29303 + 332826305911 = 264091855719.70697 -1168832138 + -1.6570010992300106 = -1168832139.657001 -2957 + 2074.726308114715 = -882.2736918852852 -4746970341.401316 + 3.106212973579213 = -4746970338.295103 5998332993 + -100000000000000 = -99994001667007 -8411510219344.13 + 40331799452081.29 = 31920289232737.16 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -80.93883890858699 + -478.3149007926664 = -559.2537397012534 -5894084973.032929 + 4493 = -5894080480.032929 39 + 20602448783.77871 = 20602448822.77871 -989043.4811439378 + -60384474.961646155 = -61373518.44279009 -81584 + -22238882562853 = -22238882644437 -7228495678.248595 + -100000000000000.0 = -100007228495678.25 100000000000000 + -11462176436540.562 = 88537823563459.44 -9241964152376 + -33002524 = -9241997154900 -63615593.323350616 + 405411561.7096276 = 341795968.386277 -89.68203591810963 + 66100 = 66010.31796408189 2775.696213098465 + 33858001.599965766 = 33860777.29617886 2 + -18982673483.030804 = -18982673481.030804 -4089393809 + -33671 = -4089427480 2321468741.4522543 + 70906159.91027974 = 2392374901.362534 60.76098085720961 + 1.8735611848966571 = 62.63454204210627 -6.445658086479409 + -665521728065 = -665521728071.4457 -809 + 58.25100672398047 = -750.7489932760195 -806346.7985433647 + 100000000000000 = 99999999193653.2 -860454 + -7814.71286320131 = -868268.7128632013 11319377 + -27779.6332774739 = 11291597.366722526 -546 + -51783 = -52329 -96 + -30638561096520.9 = -30638561096616.9 -819.4144266160536 + 95082 = 94262.58557338394 -3659 + 62.18072228247495 = -3596.819277717525 41610526550 + 37902.92426133291 = 41610564452.92426 -1671836861764.0847 + -14049 = -1671836875813.0847 -361.35242503803033 + 6.08229985913687 = -355.27012517889347 -275.1432237010083 + 97802259 = 97801983.8567763 -31383346.965104084 + 261657977 = 230274630.03489593 8688464.79264225 + -707438 = 7981026.792642251 2992 + 18.01838375560635 = 3010.0183837556065 539 + 9007544 = 9008083 938007 + -26178364772.903046 = -26177426765.903046 20213 + -490215125.639161 = -490194912.639161 -357364 + -76989027125215 = -76989027482579 100000000000000 + 5428.593854078974 = 100000000005428.6 4160361376.7818284 + 75434856399622.56 = 75439016760999.34 4038.02285249512 + -3199696198 = -3199692159.9771476 -4527197.172762683 + 146557424 = 142030226.8272373 1.6064662996848371 + 581 = 582.6064662996848 377 + -6.410761947023731 = 370.58923805297627 -8 + -99950423.33026294 = -99950431.33026294 -100000000000000 + 767.5406375724353 = -99999999999232.45 -4709064686931.8125 + -28673669627 = -4737738356558.8125 68874447491146 + -628.0873204815814 = 68874447490517.914 341 + -1972190430.1339774 = -1972190089.1339774 -296540 + 4007 = -292533 -1130753 + 334192817431 = 334191686678 794406316 + -2.9530160980441655 = 794406313.046984 32480661967940 + -9410 = 32480661958530 100000000000000.0 + -232983229.77354 = 99999767016770.22 3406559.2891838755 + -9110 = 3397449.2891838755 -256741283.5512903 + 991 = -256740292.5512903 -8.484472940244066 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000008.48 -1827 + 865460338411 = 865460336584 62 + 400191170.1994707 = 400191232.1994707 -77446003824119.56 + -65049104959840 = -142495108783959.56 89.53966264654836 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999910.45 100000000000000 + 3398634315658.769 = 103398634315658.77 612528 + 767312957 = 767925485 -345959.88877094275 + -47555288911 = -47555634870.88877 -8233802695 + -52100375387096 = -52108609189791 -55187753359 + -88243150777935.94 = -88298338531294.94 -52738910294.5145 + -9017 = -52738919311.5145 4540409306.457346 + -71511654269657.95 = -71507113860351.5 9394698097679 + 215844346017.43994 = 9610542443696.44 75.76272680548077 + -89628796846.93755 = -89628796771.17482 435475527400 + -99308326531817.23 = -98872851004417.23 -527332824423.19946 + -22593 = -527332847016.19946 -1135.2921522535694 + -32681429393.17996 = -32681430528.47211 2 + 821.2471037394065 = 823.2471037394065 7836991.004364681 + 4677939 = 12514930.00436468 4934309750723.994 + 51.79126147731435 = 4934309750775.785 7272.720684180401 + 62109642923979 = 62109642931251.72 122765916 + -46190220403277.26 = -46190097637361.26 -36019400645045.44 + 10066.117994731918 = -36019400634979.32 8290094 + 100000000000000 = 100000008290094 -2 + 56649390488 = 56649390486 -100000000000000.0 + 471 = -99999999999529.0 3006 + -100000000000000 = -99999999996994 -8374.341624197277 + 587870594742.6489 = 587870586368.3073 -100000000000000.0 + 88681822508965 = -11318177491035.0 -64866429938.45979 + -57466785907.09888 = -122333215845.55867 -931158.3665435396 + -6243.435899113087 = -937401.8024426526 31360269705 + 6.138465244321781 = 31360269711.138466 -7940 + -25.97028844242476 = -7965.970288442425 -100000000000000 + -1.1485833660652567 = -100000000000001.16 98239.82939358475 + 7491 = 105730.82939358475 -13788324995 + 48124 = -13788276871 89713.99763643595 + 75016739567462.03 = 75016739657176.03 -2203975.1237507276 + 52735351708695 = 52735349504719.875 706 + -179757702955 = -179757702249 -5012403044.841116 + -98076068 = -5110479112.841116 -53568935481.8888 + 8105306724.41152 = -45463628757.47728 978690773870 + -2665633032434.4873 = -1686942258564.4873 -4 + -575 = -579 18 + 928 = 946 772589733800 + 4440162772336.193 = 5212752506136.193 169 + -8243568.569395264 = -8243399.569395264 -8.326834987806372 + -5.223310004898089 = -13.55014499270446 -8128276780689.108 + -9001563.794269644 = -8128285782252.902 -965254833 + 3225 = -965251608 -859707585.3317088 + 13994548 = -845713037.3317088 5028.83262670218 + 7985425.018650932 = 7990453.8512776345 -52662175770 + 11 = -52662175759 580799458002 + -7300133 = 580792157869 3850.582460048318 + 67412.17443572414 = 71262.75689577246 -85 + -4192 = -4277 445045.6179234524 + -618 = 444427.6179234524 -54.02512692509881 + -75023847.10342976 = -75023901.12855668 -6323326.653629221 + 597449287 = 591125960.3463708 -1321258 + -27 = -1321285 100000000000000 + 15.568286495915608 = 100000000000015.56 -13592138856.326658 + 100000000000000.0 = 99986407861143.67 -92028298 + 3 = -92028295 -34822922 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000034822922.0 -9994839080781.404 + -359871926085.3865 = -10354711006866.791 -396594747462 + -7 = -396594747469 373474801296.99365 + 69770.54303826593 = 373474871067.5367 595254876 + 96.32527533104533 = 595254972.3252753 964704002.8930326 + 569912073 = 1534616075.8930326 -1969.105928272252 + -19212368.75477612 = -19214337.860704392 -10.834188810159455 + 8015 = 8004.1658111898405 7818 + 714199167 = 714206985 2217732969091 + 579 = 2217732969670 -3557180583 + -2811014 = -3559991597 -526235838 + -6.936844994608569 = -526235844.936845 -4841195 + -31 = -4841226 269950366 + -14198931013354 = -14198661062988 -47537.63158175295 + -99.37799203135569 = -47637.0095737843 9862914382 + 29591575398383.246 = 29601438312765.246 -409134879735.7896 + 465 = -409134879270.7896 -9497465.019753207 + 652.2100834880173 = -9496812.809669718 32270097 + 294874209054 = 294906479151 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 4657301404796.404 + -4722134098 = 4652579270698.404 -100000000000000.0 + -32.3794987465522 = -100000000000032.38 971674 + -701189036000 = -701188064326 6.246668435388427 + 9069289694 = 9069289700.246668 -335664092.4090923 + -53957.76032880265 = -335718050.16942114 -55071.63505643008 + 95018594865264 = 95018594810192.36 -580436464.5470976 + 865486249969 = 864905813504.4529 -7241029554 + 9226 = -7241020328 3825598177830.5635 + -53494352201 = 3772103825629.5635 -71554.63994496869 + -734320149 = -734391703.6399449 -6173952080776 + -6798569.287283511 = -6173958879345.287 1362793.096311191 + 41848.78974268527 = 1404641.8860538765 295551 + 68.9527256907854 = 295619.9527256908 -595731921 + -59.102411934779525 = -595731980.102412 85967440668.12833 + 7176380661 = 93143821329.12833 53686955167.45664 + 566.1107856167886 = 53686955733.56743 -168523596.29849395 + 74371380358.99919 = 74202856762.7007 -21042495788618 + 34601059.2614962 = -21042461187558.74 32921533.831666064 + 917.8931143274143 = 32922451.724780392 4598824640248 + -25 = 4598824640223 47 + -4323 = -4276 -676241346955 + -66923231063556.69 = -67599472410511.69 238 + -356226.7130416038 = -355988.7130416038 600.1268196975368 + 8260.505644722496 = 8860.632464420032 -5902005 + -69045387546879 = -69045393448884 44221421235927 + -7197380.583371637 = 44221414038546.414 -9.491597655534127 + -1442980615 = -1442980624.4915977 8773832974 + 73187995399 = 81961828373 -21340518596.4307 + -85260585909.97467 = -106601104506.40536 -7020524188515 + -3046007.743256218 = -7020527234522.743 -159875114818.90576 + -7 = -159875114825.90576 -82263 + 14462.864970804847 = -67800.13502919515 91870.9620456895 + 4.424865546800934 = 91875.3869112363 -2576006.608587891 + -1037098828 = -1039674834.6085879 -3.55363288003607 + -75844798.75763974 = -75844802.31127262 3910.4627094665743 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000003910.47 -58790864181753 + -6162636606173.412 = -64953500787926.414 85764058982482.52 + -68162292 = 85763990820190.52 1298873241 + -33269273.843067534 = 1265603967.1569324 -83185328937.36072 + -363957451506 = -447142780443.3607 -722205 + 373726865.58774847 = 373004660.58774847 -3264575572 + -9103 = -3264584675 -6054 + -80702215.57606176 = -80708269.57606176 12337213.076287756 + 2 = 12337215.076287756 9188.575903813768 + 847705.613438258 = 856894.1893420718 4341699093652.152 + -5424 = 4341699088228.152 5.636401323967113 + -46829512811947 = -46829512811941.37 140339 + -66169 = 74170 -408021.56771639694 + 74.703456966174 = -407946.8642594308 -100000000000000.0 + -852 = -100000000000852.0 -35113956981 + 8264889149876 = 8229775192895 -805678477254 + -3215.5565871071867 = -805678480469.5566 56811518 + 5304866119 = 5361677637 -18600 + -8.051082254782933 = -18608.051082254784 100000000000000.0 + 835816987506.8104 = 100835816987506.81 -233623338388.9062 + -73134616 = -233696473004.9062 -824.640313501781 + -5 = -829.640313501781 -324492920818.6206 + 342503221060 = 18010300241.379395 1885360567.5755873 + -898939.6695223225 = 1884461627.906065 -1562290.7151215984 + -824177 = -2386467.7151215984 -204501133848.9414 + -100000000000000 = -100204501133848.94 19662240028235.04 + -8465466432 = 19653774561803.04 65077552450 + 1684995 = 65079237445 -65110066 + 77 = -65109989 -690 + -73233 = -73923 -5.610906103890235 + -2824.6863029499073 = -2830.2972090537974 -7246199622331 + 65743 = -7246199556588 -211366961.64484823 + 3350.9361044233165 = -211363610.7087438 -3757985560 + 2194535619512.5042 = 2190777633952.5042 -8399301743 + -23386315121698.98 = -23394714423441.98 317505142 + 6121 = 317511263 -4930406478 + -5543580918983 = -5548511325461 51678 + 75220919350594 = 75220919402272 -90787142 + 1834722 = -88952420 -4605002.0666378215 + -9 = -4605011.0666378215 2473.63505168357 + 942130824.4608076 = 942133298.0958593 -135873052 + -100000000000000 = -100000135873052 3530725 + -5260.176414508765 = 3525464.823585491 740756.9365161736 + -42089440.528217666 = -41348683.59170149 -1008 + -504636606363.7199 = -504636607371.7199 395955971 + -216056128 = 179899843 -3088246699473 + -611864.7479653757 = -3088247311337.748 6.341050400185551 + 96314781.69366533 = 96314788.03471573 -115902.76168958168 + 1716434.7455381458 = 1600531.983848564 66800772979638.586 + -330636.0039375767 = 66800772649002.58 -293133010008 + -63305727334136 = -63598860344144 8378 + -24265629892058 = -24265629883680 -37701266394 + -2863328860109 = -2901030126503 142544931468 + 35007947729641.723 = 35150492661109.723 -100000000000000.0 + 2915239.1661198763 = -99999997084760.83 -584650429.9333684 + -9.046572433768734 = -584650438.9799409 -915932.5579810678 + -29.95409689327745 = -915962.5120779611 -163023316781 + -81052.52072760831 = -163023397833.52072 761.3169780999083 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000761.31 21 + -13472435 = -13472414 8726138163619 + -662258702545 = 8063879461074 -60983472236309 + 73510442.76179741 = -60983398725866.234 -5419921535.020686 + -2640251481.6564226 = -8060173016.677109 -7.32001832146482 + -326590834.3161066 = -326590841.63612497 -4642619.718519539 + -261927955 = -266570574.71851954 5689423189752 + -22378 = 5689423167374 670386 + -49897800268944 = -49897799598558 30100466069602 + 8472938331167 = 38573404400769 -2574 + -750606 = -753180 40529906.70409481 + 1433266297244.8562 = 1433306827151.5603 1176 + -58481325582790.74 = -58481325581614.74 6869518022.756727 + -73022981078163.75 = -73016111560141.0 6778422604360 + 6427 = 6778422610787 4.308582220435293 + 1712436 = 1712440.3085822205 220537470274.60974 + -68459.43788827286 = 220537401815.17184 -85050800 + 318677209.98289645 = 233626409.98289645 9434239866614 + -737501952.4659675 = 9433502364661.533 -58489839711828.164 + -8 = -58489839711836.164 100000000000000 + -73261091939519 = 26738908060481 4404021173776 + 873061311523.7812 = 5277082485299.781 -49 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000049.0 -151424.22818990363 + 5762873.537660269 = 5611449.309470366 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -761725736.2247714 + 6353.516192520634 = -761719382.7085788 6809 + 874932204201 = 874932211010 682435 + 74239157472.54588 = 74239839907.54588 -4534859471.099432 + -100000000000000 = -100004534859471.1 -855199979.0326099 + 467374414.5821213 = -387825564.4504886 100000000000000.0 + 189057506 = 100000189057506.0 -100000000000000.0 + -7760507.1752571035 = -100000007760507.17 9628.730495603946 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999990371.27 95.4893828850811 + -5751053 = -5750957.510617115 9.530380738406253 + 223404172 = 223404181.53038073 6299378684 + 100000000000000 = 100006299378684 -633.6107404798606 + -966190651810 = -966190652443.6107 997843325082.9727 + -35.61977769101519 = 997843325047.3529 -712820578.6169964 + -8351624838.740398 = -9064445417.357395 5315522139 + 4623979845.910754 = 9939501984.910755 -2213795131614 + -60354 = -2213795191968 -54589202.87320069 + 63885413069 = 63830823866.1268 -166188298.27299255 + -48934.30169119784 = -166237232.57468376 97944.45683888586 + -917133805808 = -917133707863.5432 57108904007349.46 + 794.5817655192454 = 57108904008144.04 -66496421645274.33 + 3535349971.7566233 = -66492886295302.57 43915108252267.55 + 292.7587639820839 = 43915108252560.305 5841311 + -9903022647.792944 = -9897181336.792944 -100000000000000 + 1087396727667 = -98912603272333 -53869.85730648264 + 58815733745.0817 = 58815679875.224396 -7 + 61 = 54 -2.861145996137447 + -8502 = -8504.861145996138 100000000000000.0 + -9745597237 = 99990254402763.0 9775185084.201435 + 7600.955442352922 = 9775192685.156878 81989735131 + -6 = 81989735125 -98 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000098 607346042704 + 75257965740 = 682604008444 56 + 197704522158.34515 = 197704522214.34515 62996171615938.44 + -960621 = 62996170655317.44 -100000000000000.0 + -6990495313 = -100006990495313.0 78159717550.23051 + -60385001276284.125 = -60306841558733.89 -898313 + 8 = -898305 -47110396581341.41 + 230 = -47110396581111.41 9.456447455429773 + -135058636.3129366 = -135058626.85648915 10873.829409758737 + -31527 = -20653.170590241265 4812772 + 44606110 = 49418882 44153941.59962101 + 45846750729176.516 = 45846794883118.12 961.7369512105777 + 78981794697819.44 = 78981794698781.17 -6960223534 + 257214.7914382759 = -6959966319.208562 -100000000000000.0 + -137202377388 = -100137202377388.0 100000000000000 + -76668891631 = 99923331108369 -40013053898318.86 + -33776168.79430147 = -40013087674487.66 77005879612566 + -718 = 77005879611848 -871244.3640029839 + 774676076189 = 774675204944.636 -9740299967245.217 + 7534540.38869652 = -9740292432704.828 7377857.621137433 + 100000000000000 = 100000007377857.62 9 + -4854843.055632617 = -4854834.055632617 877.6872504217309 + -1307.6398437179218 = -429.9525932961909 17 + -943216.9837621256 = -943199.9837621256 7.444336798740369 + -8972430509.849365 = -8972430502.40503 -8014388048.934275 + -72467628 = -8086855676.934275 100000000000000.0 + 88629588616 = 100088629588616.0 100000000000000.0 + 965775 = 100000000965775.0 -36515330.39513682 + 3504764 = -33010566.39513682 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 -49671268 + -785340.1815363467 = -50456608.18153635 662633 + 914207.4335781351 = 1576840.433578135 306875 + -50.25476216251349 = 306824.7452378375 -73237.93280645917 + -5055174269.102019 = -5055247507.034825 37 + 4938160564 = 4938160601 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 100000000000000 + 2336500199415 = 102336500199415 55463826411436 + 16473320382.741695 = 55480299731818.74 480 + 532068224.9312407 = 532068704.9312407 26982 + 4 = 26986 -41421061 + -2511146.861327613 = -43932207.86132761 -477387383616.74677 + -656016.5422606276 = -477388039633.289 100000000000000 + 5916966675497 = 105916966675497 -7545432323.732401 + 50009360.090128236 = -7495422963.642273 -105653589 + -87456137 = -193109726 -87817345758580.84 + 38510999157 = -87778834759423.84 887.2435723951342 + -62 = 825.2435723951342 -8296.36036777664 + -98641.32097756155 = -106937.68134533819 682 + -76896646702.78168 = -76896646020.78168 721608.3924242413 + 702 = 722310.3924242413 47801602511546 + 363193735 = 47801965705281 -4858874.258031821 + 4468003410.334276 = 4463144536.076244 -1 + 741563418.306842 = 741563417.306842 -366268585959 + -57 = -366268586016 100000000000000.0 + -915010646 = 99999084989354.0 38698558.23256283 + 62744.94410708175 = 38761303.17666992 91326085251.64987 + 65437 = 91326150688.64987 -63234144719.35061 + 91090296510458.69 = 91027062365739.34 -886945 + -215778707 = -216665652 92964446143.21626 + -7.264332154387003 = 92964446135.95193 -10782068 + -9024812031786 = -9024822813854 69570656 + 501085.02052668756 = 70071741.02052669 -48.023552088124056 + 248115 = 248066.97644791187 223375007.96798855 + -482.32643024713 = 223374525.6415583 -11349874003905 + -10327.73902773651 = -11349874014232.738 -42648 + -67289297080 = -67289339728 6 + 126803577 = 126803583 -9.455989841431808 + -6.170882971837821 = -15.626872813269628 73 + 95361209.57673274 = 95361282.57673274 82029.97768525421 + -8348492 = -8266462.022314746 100000000000000.0 + 99199284748517.25 = 199199284748517.25 6331600368389.916 + -68092 = 6331600300297.916 84 + 15048584 = 15048668 -62714106 + -62331187756.361855 = -62393901862.361855 -95821496526 + 2883600605.353388 = -92937895920.6466 -1607 + -966333 = -967940 -43 + 79837444462.84047 = 79837444419.84047 600250699 + -34770955017392 = -34770354766693 39231.178864254354 + -6146 = 33085.178864254354 -86317327979606 + -35764517939 = -86353092497545 -859 + -2793518578 = -2793519437 328830 + 8775481352.5042 = 8775810182.5042 -73149 + -322256 = -395405 77535.69606292802 + 3418 = 80953.69606292802 -725 + -30859813892 = -30859814617 -332.7892778241488 + 338931503.53809696 = 338931170.7488191 -5741.402013201025 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000005741.4 -196185962034.70554 + -60968903408.47707 = -257154865443.18262 -9338994409 + -708202593179.389 = -717541587588.389 -8785 + 1 = -8784 5258106089 + 44601577529711 = 44606835635800 -677872011258 + 8388800533273.929 = 7710928522015.929 6644847668 + -11619633558.625357 = -4974785890.625357 85240266942986 + -45516 = 85240266897470 744672337 + -407 = 744671930 91248424.53135581 + -336969038955 = -336877790530.4686 15966.351540477015 + -31464275562.950745 = -31464259596.599205 -100000000000000.0 + -9499246 = -100000009499246.0 12 + -679.9811781246667 = -667.9811781246667 6293519 + 403823707.712843 = 410117226.712843 6 + 4668436569653.342 = 4668436569659.342 9441986410811.684 + -90469998.43140586 = 9441895940813.252 85692465631 + -75084391938.3088 = 10608073692.691193 -47062543744526.56 + -76405039706 = -47138948784232.56 -735655.8326477283 + 355030196702.37756 = 355029461046.5449 40959397378 + -356320878 = 40603076500 -73869203833878 + -49636 = -73869203883514 51338939442.04374 + -320317549 = 51018621893.04374 -6031039 + -5325978086039 = -5325984117078 22510243.443058424 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000022510243.44 -68381370590605.62 + 230708816.02130812 = -68381139881789.59 49.267391327549056 + 797473851 = 797473900.2673913 -308865967.2785311 + 614577619352 = 614268753384.7214 13257 + -2 = 13255 -31877.47389776925 + 4193879510 = 4193847632.526102 -9122525 + -5512098426.71288 = -5521220951.71288 -3069010231 + 951980363.076938 = -2117029867.9230618 -630.9094939201354 + 49528762437082.78 = 49528762436451.875 4701970329.081055 + 672922131012.299 = 677624101341.38 7 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999993 -18627367 + -484982108.7656452 = -503609475.7656452 49188791732 + -100000000000000 = -99950811208268 -100000000000000.0 + -687578673807.4264 = -100687578673807.42 -8465398507988 + 70504714882586 = 62039316374598 -8664330957015.46 + 73199172359 = -8591131784656.46 -388168537082 + 64.93079558694257 = -388168537017.0692 -36887780731.23996 + -5631793257043.728 = -5668681037774.968 -1801011 + 73961805 = 72160794 100000000000000.0 + 644936.3298693857 = 100000000644936.33 74991.16433322462 + -5638555.925945462 = -5563564.761612237 -72.40971859519112 + -57228.30727124007 = -57300.71698983526 -72126300432.35818 + 7753.40342471 = -72126292678.95476 9700271.814257309 + -941942426 = -932242154.1857427 -5489 + -61.129463414292346 = -5550.129463414292 -889.7079017730528 + 740125250.242554 = 740124360.5346522 989697.6752497152 + -16825.31853566981 = 972872.3567140454 -88534650886.80193 + -30766914396795.89 = -30855449047682.69 9.310656774389921 + -8050082106122 = -8050082106112.689 -7486180764.386785 + 8880053170.195824 = 1393872405.809039 -100000000000000.0 + 1 = -99999999999999.0 -9399588633.363064 + -4259029.630259495 = -9403847662.993322 -698983.4103472638 + 960027 = 261043.5896527362 3843831631085.0303 + -6922 = 3843831624163.0303 100000000000000.0 + -542413 = 99999999457587.0 7552331153748 + -4 = 7552331153744 60858 + -10212721761 = -10212660903 -97233115912 + -72039981718877 = -72137214834789 -9677819 + 7.82766383697232 = -9677811.172336163 -5103120 + -4662073 = -9765193 -100000000000000.0 + -5577084.890880381 = -100000005577084.89 -11 + 705.3149675071188 = 694.3149675071188 -47824648385275 + 96761638415358 = 48936990030083 -79.18518360361196 + -862104527.4618646 = -862104606.6470482 -508117063541 + 100000000000000.0 = 99491882936459.0 -201574915.8156327 + 80252163 = -121322752.8156327 6.801860026636869 + -27726814616188.434 = -27726814616181.633 6507973 + 581 = 6508554 100000000000000.0 + 405956724003.01105 = 100405956724003.02 837665732 + 171 = 837665903 9228063 + -9174508947 = -9165280884 61687264 + -9593975424.47108 = -9532288160.47108 -4472347117 + 5896123878804 = 5891651531687 -750 + -199390.90001517403 = -200140.90001517403 56078152723 + 15385079965 = 71463232688 2295633.489522057 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999997704366.52 5600.828181596535 + -9730260990 = -9730255389.171818 -100000000000000.0 + -16.898944778767817 = -100000000000016.9 119391051.25505883 + -174369272 = -54978220.744941175 -97308 + 86689438238224.0 = 86689438140916.0 -36054535018.25389 + -82.16495193500671 = -36054535100.418846 -1.687950461426083 + 9498.066076864367 = 9496.37812640294 -6890.043034425415 + 2695213.445808594 = 2688323.4027741686 -8.624625077029837 + -7714860715.763414 = -7714860724.38804 -491933721 + -1375 = -491935096 63324915232510 + 6149.6920470136365 = 63324915238659.695 -845292316112.8407 + 3594 = -845292312518.8407 -4527335210.370871 + -8850404399299.54 = -8854931734509.91 2028230749.6922288 + 5176129402330 = 5178157633079.692 4543 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999995457.0 -67932668 + -4306 = -67936974 -250 + -326830715384 = -326830715634 -7.427071147705319 + 621078844373.3983 = 621078844365.9712 -6914.926139324271 + 340972713 = 340965798.0738607 6951742 + 647787.2824172262 = 7599529.282417227 -152496314 + -1 = -152496315 -104065771.28671426 + 37652791163605 = 37652687097833.71 8 + 68485768083039.19 = 68485768083047.19 708483169899.3098 + 77561378234573.12 = 78269861404472.44 5621632341 + 7398 = 5621639739 6454 + -629252 = -622798 34743.35194657907 + -8.49147203843225 = 34734.860474540634 1 + -828274813003.7513 = -828274813002.7513 -91097118764174.02 + -22376 = -91097118786550.02 41902 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000041902.0 -100000000000000 + 7950495926670.9795 = -92049504073329.02 -3868045714.3149014 + 607021.9180452809 = -3867438692.3968563 594437701.8267646 + -3038864248414.62 = -3038269810712.7935 -1689762069 + -590 = -1689762659 -6 + 3.6351475411289123 = -2.3648524588710877 74810035416 + 764686276969 = 839496312385 -9 + 938405176 = 938405167 -3472825.398951451 + 9750292962.557577 = 9746820137.158627 -45350.48085028385 + 4.174387699827334 = -45346.30646258402 -4005217.8022084977 + -100000000000000 = -100000004005217.8 35733759790 + -7364975698530 = -7329241938740 22770525 + 38866235521025.6 = 38866258291550.6 -100000000000000.0 + 130 = -99999999999870.0 -332974380 + -2 = -332974382 -2 + 247 = 245 -4 + 961.2249289757755 = 957.2249289757755 34511274210775.32 + -123874 = 34511274086901.32 -58950876238073.48 + 351880.11893632234 = -58950875886193.36 -785 + -3559274849 = -3559275634 100000000000000.0 + 19226.92191388787 = 100000000019226.92 43836620487 + -143206913846 = -99370293359 -75556717580 + -100000000000000 = -100075556717580 -6403036075414.373 + 62749064884 = -6340287010530.373 -82541808183 + 146736299217.19016 = 64194491034.190155 77 + 673204270 = 673204347 22170699.240998425 + 781.8845882925898 = 22171481.12558672 -61943016537353 + -11388149017540.328 = -73331165554893.33 6708 + -17229688 = -17222980 222161950.7255717 + 69028022 = 291189972.7255717 70083501357547.08 + 13397079 = 70083514754626.08 -208938326.9179191 + 961441097.4759247 = 752502770.5580056 -5693 + -239521901 = -239527594 260.72891229158097 + 24.23692373909836 = 284.9658360306793 -503481610256.4499 + -400080455 = -503881690711.4499 -8892284 + 6226798 = -2665486 -72392 + 288744946488.8092 = 288744874096.8092 3482.454491929855 + 1148.8062733579286 = 4631.260765287783 -364940641953.80115 + -8897589 = -364949539542.80115 -32890043366593 + 293350017980.4566 = -32596693348612.543 -53727774024961.28 + -635625054569.248 = -54363399079530.53 -29865383805.96617 + 10763819.527598666 = -29854619986.438572 76013819543.34412 + -4621230426931 = -4545216607387.656 -4667428363 + 5939625525852 = 5934958097489 -12731916730653.965 + -862795250394.9877 = -13594711981048.953 702736 + 100000000000000 = 100000000702736 62835496.40101366 + 5918279.11557725 = 68753775.51659091 8010163044321 + 344226657 = 8010507270978 -69.38455327099135 + -55850951754324.09 = -55850951754393.48 -993796549840 + 5796441970 = -988000107870 -174786901.1507926 + 530754695122 = 530579908220.8492 1 + -3.7662840955907413 = -2.7662840955907413 4.738811426011994 + -4444 = -4439.261188573988 -2.069294109606203 + 18306928547144.902 = 18306928547142.832 -3435401490955 + -39 = -3435401490994 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 2 + -1.63840026403682 = 0.36159973596317996 4 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999996 328883620503.9442 + 53383 = 328883673886.9442 7808959 + -77210255803620.56 = -77210247994661.56 95031990 + -699 = 95031291 741456.9725461636 + -10576154786.181778 = -10575413329.209232 -73677 + 70512732531.8214 = 70512658854.8214 -497170182081.66705 + 409.01381528598523 = -497170181672.65326 304762 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999695238.0 100000000000000 + 5593.091341418049 = 100000000005593.1 22968561096632.062 + -74303330962150 = -51334769865517.94 -7615.367822961219 + 440057851 = 440050235.63217705 3472318.401671571 + 71106761 = 74579079.40167157 5944078977423.923 + -7698080.955519325 = 5944071279342.968 -402795.0189160151 + 8.232031419207686 = -402786.7868845959 -327166 + 221 = -326945 -5302344814 + -100000000000000.0 = -100005302344814.0 -269122275617 + -22272095616313 = -22541217891930 -797835474968.93 + -81453450.93049864 = -797916928419.8606 -89587523008949 + -1 = -89587523008950 -216961 + 509741161 = 509524200 78246 + 4285187000.7701654 = 4285265246.7701654 5396395479117 + 94561997.531621 = 5396490041114.531 731304308.5038757 + 9595675027.610481 = 10326979336.114357 -61363294988 + 668614 = -61362626374 100000000000000 + 7931706569419.197 = 107931706569419.2 3 + -69467547322564.97 = -69467547322561.97 580408598.1965501 + 50670559.13422004 = 631079157.3307701 -8284316675 + -87417098 = -8371733773 9870488 + 2756 = 9873244 -65662924 + -9395851803284 = -9395917466208 -3328004.932713735 + -32577250613 = -32580578617.932713 -8342.475382265799 + 643334.7547061447 = 634992.2793238789 -88.3645116715399 + -289299415812.1466 = -289299415900.5111 9082814 + 356084048854.80225 = 356093131668.80225 42212606.13723856 + -41079007044.58441 = -41036794438.447174 559 + 62026577157 = 62026577716 36.88651659687184 + -38112791530 = -38112791493.11348 -980426308544.146 + -62362845827.91185 = -1042789154372.0579 37016634654271 + 7 = 37016634654278 500139.3491078732 + -8787575605678.31 = -8787575105538.961 25.944586782516062 + -3252119359.2067733 = -3252119333.2621865 -95037647972 + -25231 = -95037673203 -91 + 79885590 = 79885499 12914559 + 100000000000000 = 100000012914559 5919411908 + -363901.5163405945 = 5919048006.48366 196739 + -63321.26773120682 = 133417.7322687932 2758907 + 7.683661554707785 = 2758914.683661555 40964073024 + 3579.188338338385 = 40964076603.18834 -47379.35358997635 + 18273.8428789825 = -29105.51071099385 -912.4138965399865 + 238.15312238120276 = -674.2607741587838 -33745265275.20076 + 251871336.51853937 = -33493393938.68222 22248219532.15097 + -640 = 22248218892.15097 -219630444519 + 61 = -219630444458 9256120.458477538 + 6061810465 = 6071066585.458478 -6912375661465 + -656516042.7374343 = -6913032177507.737 729433185.3503413 + -100000000000000 = -99999270566814.66 -27 + -93675473610947 = -93675473610974 1805031161929 + -100000000000000.0 = -98194968838071.0 -39742693 + -13 = -39742706 -868829481277 + 5868891001268.954 = 5000061519991.954 -99 + 800024567554.8046 = 800024567455.8046 -620856785 + 681145 = -620175640 6.053975439258009 + -875633 = -875626.9460245607 3 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000003 216560104 + -566124939793 = -565908379689 91122.10969638922 + 87595158 = 87686280.10969639 -71 + -7211 = -7282 31369713319.71727 + -8379.282839416303 = 31369704940.43443 2784 + 6.601248326501624 = 2790.6012483265017 4761525374293 + 155728 = 4761525530021 -541183548661.96545 + 100000000000000 = 99458816451338.03 -8545 + -1476886505871.2983 = -1476886514416.2983 -992494471097.2863 + 583469961 = -991911001136.2863 -427650780.8554698 + 100000000000000 = 99999572349219.14 4046 + -55966987407727 = -55966987403681 -974748844 + 6869 = -974741975 -23610505367707 + -757266813218 = -24367772180925 14459560 + -2 = 14459558 369191959.6699036 + 229409 = 369421368.6699036 4 + 339034643 = 339034647 -660289207593.046 + -7288334456693 = -7948623664286.046 -3.878118327135633 + -4313.557072921058 = -4317.435191248193 1312567.8974091609 + -923727755.552418 = -922415187.6550088 -45977958687 + -1863162885 = -47841121572 -97.80252563152833 + -32149270 = -32149367.802525632 -772.7178799254121 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000772.72 -15 + -9013457 = -9013472 -7417922 + -515.5001073943125 = -7418437.5001073945 -100000000000000.0 + -3366530355.6522565 = -100003366530355.66 3708481020046 + 100000000000000.0 = 103708481020046.0 -56208418762654.39 + -6.088507823817464 = -56208418762660.48 8820 + 2.328063558752942 = 8822.328063558753 -57210.44772457736 + -79 = -57289.44772457736 3748977 + 7 = 3748984 -69925470796 + -2425224806 = -72350695602 -653.0986091135051 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999346.9 -37622616851381 + -17109208931202.867 = -54731825782583.87 -539485696.7373564 + -556.0974978734266 = -539486252.8348542 -83.26315031462103 + 9.18904041273784 = -74.07410990188319 672.7196616322018 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000672.72 8 + 105704635 = 105704643 681829.8557038032 + 2256.7103416081236 = 684086.5660454114 -508789 + 115 = -508674 473262698219.15594 + -54735561 = 473207962658.15594 -149927.4321366627 + 6967 = -142960.4321366627 110943710.81445874 + -60574 = 110883136.81445874 6.21379077117511 + 502 = 508.2137907711751 -608623860.5627561 + -149828168749 = -150436792609.56274 -6343.176614018629 + 81186238358833.31 = 81186238352490.14 -5211517350 + -12751448.018812636 = -5224268798.018812 16151 + 1491 = 17642 618030 + -5692245288703.024 = -5692244670673.024 -31604315773968 + 4112427148605.8545 = -27491888625362.145 -58675552578823.67 + 1133089 = -58675551445734.67 66617864334420 + 7.1856340281277635 = 66617864334427.19 -4 + 127.25878525674634 = 123.25878525674634 72531004 + -4857250078 = -4784719074 73048454 + -12044365661145.783 = -12044292612691.783 -35780339477.68013 + -78 = -35780339555.68013 -3.5306434115175307 + 188602810.95523977 = 188602807.42459637 -8319 + 2375 = -5944 4961101490 + 970527.7617508845 = 4962072017.761751 -991297891 + 878674.8815709421 = -990419216.1184291 -177073840576.20706 + -4.136488741408528 = -177073840580.34354 681004.6380501842 + -21 = 680983.6380501842 3735403 + 6 = 3735409 -4501830441531.149 + 195479.98966812977 = -4501830246051.16 56.46711220643602 + -785.1357991471183 = -728.6686869406823 -7948 + -25636958 = -25644906 4909197170915 + -801275.3644803859 = 4909196369639.636 9.929422767817435 + 680232960389 = 680232960398.9294 79218.91409179904 + 3656786 = 3736004.914091799 -4 + 80823.84347903982 = 80819.84347903982 -236225164314 + -4950322 = -236230114636 51780568 + -28181741 = 23598827 456440647 + 61164046 = 517604693 -60.437495317730885 + 8193309 = 8193248.562504683 -5587835239 + -1669478396525.8179 = -1675066231764.8179 223 + 24782 = 25005 -9454289780774.168 + 100000000000000 = 90545710219225.83 -84.92126754036492 + 86850120199314 = 86850120199229.08 9690956254131.188 + -8531.509476288433 = 9690956245599.678 716.2034971553077 + 33410568220762.707 = 33410568221478.91 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 4559788.755559072 + 29859347 = 34419135.75555907 -6 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999994.0 -3.7086395989641066 + -64.37429367230561 = -68.08293327126972 100000000000000 + 62 = 100000000000062 4647983819355 + -6.691308390889097 = 4647983819348.309 934 + -51375183814652 = -51375183813718 -3477073674 + -449.9951574573782 = -3477074123.9951572 -28474 + 96653923 = 96625449 -866 + 410 = -456 -159469104 + 937001047230 = 936841578126 72.26792627135498 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000072.27 4690146959080 + 12474824 = 4690159433904 56978616631.73357 + 375936142 = 57354552773.73357 11745064594.780035 + 75492905165834.06 = 75504650230428.84 9606.89440639353 + -73854279.63931441 = -73844672.74490802 55849 + 100000000000000 = 100000000055849 -836 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000836 -1523 + -91837389293859 = -91837389295382 1609255648330 + 87140257 = 1609342788587 365.06967138333584 + 116.0520984664915 = 481.12176984982733 -7035 + -5.407591536761685 = -7040.407591536762 -88.3468582136502 + 1906986374596 = 1906986374507.653 -378 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000378.0 -54 + 863746992417.1505 = 863746992363.1505 100000000000000.0 + 99.26751466646743 = 100000000000099.27 -100000000000000.0 + 4968940217 = -99995031059783.0 -553.6897240933054 + 95091561217 = 95091560663.31027 84332719833.89134 + -198 = 84332719635.89134 -1270110.68249661 + -1949172.413371326 = -3219283.095867936 68085383 + -1922738.4685115 = 66162644.5314885 -5873 + -695470608293 = -695470614166 -164752209 + -4020239839 = -4184992048 -54696420359.30442 + 31052113003 = -23644307356.30442 -1.0956581402661931 + 43575844.668587536 = 43575843.5729294 -812379 + -9558036571.180758 = -9558848950.180758 2724 + 6311589715426 = 6311589718150 -338873745 + -319 = -338874064 -41985141854074.5 + -501125.90088197286 = -41985142355200.4 73247.17925367015 + 9509794157275 = 9509794230522.18 -925.9279977669669 + -67039024534877.89 = -67039024535803.82 7 + 386239 = 386246 3779 + 11901.211236277444 = 15680.211236277444 -74125265.16305125 + -35465227413 = -35539352678.16305 7737712545 + 441040709057.2954 = 448778421602.2954 -835490 + 33688505233104.883 = 33688504397614.883 -4248760786.2361083 + 86414329364 = 82165568577.76389 -953068.223551156 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000953068.22 2753709 + -465871373.1153401 = -463117664.1153401 613324080 + 79737190004 = 80350514084 -6268770121 + -8346196.443721222 = -6277116317.443721 -6847226389573.412 + -6.37429988038469 = -6847226389579.786 301 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000301 477622.0062225713 + 175922826 = 176400448.00622258 304289923.53542924 + -100000000000000 = -99999695710076.47 -724119 + 80268296.35857879 = 79544177.35857879 107021629137 + -5093819.108123265 = 107016535317.89188 72267953320073 + -73830 = 72267953246243 4748761406 + 59.973121027406705 = 4748761465.973121 128167227459.49101 + -1036.3660351245176 = 128167226423.12498 6859304797701.785 + -213926168376.04114 = 6645378629325.744 -9 + -849857.380407259 = -849866.380407259 8664249 + -2 = 8664247 -802846 + 2375867227.550537 = 2375064381.550537 9937.55194069818 + -13197552879651.621 = -13197552869714.068 177846166.78721392 + 45.473490084852344 = 177846212.260704 308734965 + -914164847531.6349 = -913856112566.6349 -489847 + -608004 = -1097851 -1675319.0824299678 + 4622691261357 = 4622689586037.918 -7 + 328.9917060112292 = 321.9917060112292 15654177 + 59928 = 15714105 201090302.75537336 + 92970131388187.31 = 92970332478490.06 -77862.51387526955 + 51524169.74194435 = 51446307.22806908 48538704661684.83 + 5774413046 = 48544479074730.83 4579415 + 56010022880250.68 = 56010027459665.68 -8832514389 + 521131332275 = 512298817886 8345.92018016116 + -50202568969.515724 = -50202560623.59554 77187393145 + 1169666.3407602813 = 77188562811.34076 -95478.56132368738 + 65 = -95413.56132368738 1273743 + -7124.298487699599 = 1266618.7015123004 19724551710976 + 1611293681248 = 21335845392224 -64906820346766.29 + -40887027677313 = -105793848024079.28 -7139 + 938142425 = 938135286 -100000000000000 + 6728.492674393757 = -99999999993271.5 -3.664204650808646 + -4023668520.368603 = -4023668524.032808 1563015908149.9526 + 5257125141523.91 = 6820141049673.863 -2902.227046752976 + 7854593344.50955 = 7854590442.282503 729533671396 + -179922972.45989132 = 729353748423.5402 -5179316.07677432 + 1307356 = -3871960.0767743196 -93265370558139 + -73520089345053 = -166785459903192 -33362190196115.797 + 1609143616.330291 = -33360581052499.465 59604983770 + -3861.949920498083 = 59604979908.05008 -839 + -4 = -843 80202566.83692484 + -4.349227857941484 = 80202562.48769698 -998829134.2317317 + 980134785.8159647 = -18694348.415766954 7326181451.453234 + 9764 = 7326191215.453234 -90939917.26812167 + -876041753651.7484 = -876132693569.0165 -58171410232 + 49540131079004 = 49481959668772 -5351887.1989126615 + -5716 = -5357603.1989126615 -383374192 + -2138849054556 = -2139232428748 -8905162.96745884 + 412611 = -8492551.96745884 -682 + 92804 = 92122 -58342079.707036756 + -723864655 = -782206734.7070367 -9630961974777.758 + -50.21551816139599 = -9630961974827.973 8906.453346461203 + 7638313142629 = 7638313151535.453 7388878384.5286665 + 672146731.1753739 = 8061025115.704041 580.6210882433384 + -8585.714861135795 = -8005.093772892456 -9150879 + 29115464.10215922 = 19964585.10215922 9935073321 + 884366913.0992914 = 10819440234.09929 -86297 + -81680125692383 = -81680125778680 -673433.1817874203 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000673433.19 -93296142351 + 57438985285.551 = -35857157065.449 -9 + -1612763.2271953346 = -1612772.2271953346 96577 + -89096684466 = -89096587889 2989567 + -5554866223966.705 = -5554863234399.705 7515.171289560714 + -45593 = -38077.82871043929 -63 + -2701 = -2764 -68.06821422574967 + 6121441574 = 6121441505.931786 -867451 + -5832030482118.211 = -5832031349569.211 -998.0587188097156 + -4502.521695216828 = -5500.5804140265445 -859307877.2344786 + -95531.19714828131 = -859403408.4316269 7918 + 5200809571 = 5200817489 841640195.853415 + 5760437207 = 6602077402.853415 -66507054120752.17 + 5712664450597.5205 = -60794389670154.65 56023 + 740653841.2143661 = 740709864.2143661 -81745738 + 189154304.25228888 = 107408566.25228888 2368700 + 9838633802390.092 = 9838636171090.092 -4024906896119.8857 + -3.56943813814759 = -4024906896123.455 -34126648 + 27260387728 = 27226261080 -200768643 + 656439679.2672198 = 455671036.2672198 503.0673556048686 + 963 = 1466.0673556048687 -7036017947149 + 270222 = -7036017676927 7016815712398 + -29 = 7016815712369 5261952.921429972 + -498.3932782064552 = 5261454.5281517655 3.6462720314931287 + -569575116802 = -569575116798.3538 -9540778037610.803 + 79337684938684.34 = 69796906901073.54 -890717.890782668 + -9 = -890726.890782668 2047679.1637460152 + -3810065596 = -3808017916.836254 -9728882.998411054 + -564581916 = -574310798.998411 -9151466.769308498 + -4662 = -9156128.769308498 -5868429998.307826 + -8 = -5868430006.307826 5649866608 + 41787634397.17965 = 47437501005.17965 9579028320274.238 + -11700203 = 9579016620071.238 -3837763381445 + -6140533.86255713 = -3837769521978.863 -2024219863815.3188 + -8916743.837037142 = -2024228780559.156 1 + 333032 = 333033 69508609301431.29 + -374757816.7456762 = 69508234543614.55 -18731800388460 + -82633338.41042168 = -18731883021798.41 -100000000000000.0 + -90731433652.5331 = -100090731433652.53 36.45306445880983 + 420810239495 = 420810239531.45306 6 + -5784813093992 = -5784813093986 -499297 + -9053 = -508350 708797489 + 86993148.10332596 = 795790637.103326 -8 + -30861364 = -30861372 100000000000000.0 + 656 = 100000000000656.0 76277473197.25017 + -83098.79209445024 = 76277390098.45807 67654871.0016479 + -6052391393287.086 = -6052323738416.084 52921.08462245848 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999947078.92 -29 + 7025959533139 = 7025959533110 -3 + 80455056654247.86 = 80455056654244.86 803 + -65.87192551359095 = 737.1280744864091 -99302951400905.16 + -79522375772351 = -178825327173256.16 -20214244251750 + 3653191 = -20214240598559 955418801.2861708 + -8913885.148629643 = 946504916.1375412 1637 + 601 = 2238 9491745410 + -76 = 9491745334 -940239 + -4406604599.01759 = -4407544838.01759 13259836997.341774 + 162671258 = 13422508255.341774 -452 + -94169590377343.5 = -94169590377795.5 -7026321462.164663 + -50141501 = -7076462963.164663 -539050398219 + 64526 = -539050333693 7836016 + -86891371.37361164 = -79055355.37361164 -8 + 999 = 991 -992304384.3266479 + 3023.7887141375772 = -992301360.5379337 -97384642.53358793 + -9689.888234066308 = -97394332.421822 -48609583804667.38 + -15040941384.266525 = -48624624746051.65 -100000000000000 + -96572157834556.22 = -196572157834556.22 -654082084321.5765 + -79539251.18199809 = -654161623572.7585 9078063278.066025 + 1.275758679560803 = 9078063279.341784 8301466607 + 100000000000000.0 = 100008301466607.0 36155654.063688464 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000036155654.06 -39704167 + 695661.789788864 = -39008505.210211135 91.06579368043049 + 652059356.0818454 = 652059447.147639 889.6252661494291 + 721278426517 = 721278427406.6252 -8302483 + 29917 = -8272566 2.2695671490678206 + 2617582032 = 2617582034.269567 -84.85473321639974 + 14578048.326307641 = 14577963.471574426 -783.7132958038153 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000783.72 -100000000000000.0 + -5982839917 = -100005982839917.0 2480 + -5 = 2475 100000000000000.0 + 22.210534838769586 = 100000000000022.2 72133782726 + -6767 = 72133775959 -845512 + -45090756857941 = -45090757703453 -617 + -67114623772.33045 = -67114624389.33045 7795665216217.191 + -847200339 = 7794818015878.191 792906 + -6696088073400.332 = -6696087280494.332 732497708.6389012 + -37875.03418040674 = 732459833.6047208 6919575.6951078 + -217 = 6919358.6951078 -544 + -639 = -1183 90373664350478 + 9787 = 90373664360265 2117044478 + -3142421 = 2113902057 77118144.87232675 + -74340 = 77043804.87232675 482498003540.8078 + 77074754955418.53 = 77557252958959.34 28540.916509124818 + -7342475828.486508 = -7342447287.57 100000000000000.0 + 5455257 = 100000005455257.0 219.17172590486933 + 679.6669793271732 = 898.8387052320425 100000000000000.0 + -52038 = 99999999947962.0 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -511945 + -3282112533.719224 = -3282624478.719224 129448 + -83.00776784494285 = 129364.99223215505 -844275.969992555 + 294.2002858027481 = -843981.7697067523 859972997392.5242 + 698387459 = 860671384851.5242 -100000000000000.0 + -35550.003512241325 = -100000000035550.0 49709768325.20303 + 43465625730 = 93175394055.20303 7380458961.828276 + 2802 = 7380461763.828276 -28247615618 + -79546683969140.75 = -79574931584758.75 94312330.89126976 + 802 = 94313132.89126976 -2494771452109.0054 + 100000000000000.0 = 97505228547891.0 44034509104 + 66921034.908190235 = 44101430138.90819 141 + -9536666990.290257 = -9536666849.290257 9797266011 + 90991434234230 = 91001231500241 -2946877 + 8426790599912 = 8426787653035 -100000000000000.0 + 8793450963251.116 = -91206549036748.89 -958615572325.8662 + -49426384791687.0 = -50385000364012.87 -652590862478 + 3186131 = -652587676347 -87 + 7850731883 = 7850731796 -47604104564 + 4427.558302626294 = -47604100136.441696 851 + 198573.74600235466 = 199424.74600235466 -24899834.222812586 + -83145601.51520307 = -108045435.73801565 973086 + -2244661798480.373 = -2244660825394.373 -607854615361 + -48652947 = -607903268308 580134400 + -3325044949.9077997 = -2744910549.9077997 9.339584418072421 + -36 = -26.66041558192758 4010389.068215491 + 187.58418432108414 = 4010576.652399812 -100000000000000.0 + 3591828188.2473483 = -99996408171811.75 -1711467 + -58316714221272.3 = -58316715932739.3 31192300643209 + 644431229805.7412 = 31836731873014.742 -706387 + 7219 = -699168 77014542 + 391263 = 77405805 59 + -65262489999120 = -65262489999061 -9839517.890592337 + 725514354 = 715674836.1094077 68.5475098172167 + 785274.4008763687 = 785342.9483861859 -3073.006551776408 + -433361240 = -433364313.0065518 7828 + 168355951561.06293 = 168355959389.06293 -33.60313961232143 + 8.510172269769397 = -25.09296734255203 -84496 + 776891873001.7042 = 776891788505.7042 42.04458504662842 + 9.4649537231627 = 51.50953876979112 99008539.02412587 + 4.481651361994948 = 99008543.50577724 22980297943936.824 + -45248 = 22980297898688.824 67 + -536270575 = -536270508 -41 + -6.305158899163178 = -47.305158899163175 4774.0224889040055 + -872094656651 = -872094651876.9775 381750293.8488817 + -569922830316.4973 = -569541080022.6484 59314222.42948563 + -100000000000000 = -99999940685777.58 -991718046097.3108 + 5470841290.4147 = -986247204806.8961 -142 + -692835 = -692977 -41.80502410783468 + -5848602.595157782 = -5848644.4001818895 8390419.840170957 + -6322.278154163485 = 8384097.5620167935 100000000000000.0 + 6.719197835599281 = 100000000000006.72 1363.0787768602481 + 1 = 1364.0787768602481 5316317 + 35016462.152586475 = 40332779.152586475 -24778525463.148075 + -5.312415541740881 = -24778525468.46049 -4732.277535939452 + -460455.466193107 = -465187.7437290465 100000000000000 + -38381897399.04769 = 99961618102600.95 -36 + -6522415.032310958 = -6522451.032310958 9666809695483 + 52429816339006.77 = 62096626034489.77 4.935488714861567 + 72090591319 = 72090591323.93549 -175.46652046694183 + 53668.86675021385 = 53493.400229746905 -2975621 + 388183463193.16797 = 388180487572.16797 61 + -2350722.986876743 = -2350661.986876743 -5 + -532919458 = -532919463 -459656.2365825126 + 496961544 = 496501887.7634175 -100000000000000.0 + 676921734.8335426 = -99999323078265.17 842543459562 + 35745683603 = 878289143165 -4431417621425 + 100000000000000.0 = 95568582378575.0 59.80104986951034 + -2888.815193026083 = -2829.0141431565726 -453179338308.71045 + -4615443993.334444 = -457794782302.0449 4861864968 + 1675 = 4861866643 -12844412461327 + 653050754 = -12843759410573 776 + -94020154850772.12 = -94020154849996.12 -161093 + 6925476.499649079 = 6764383.499649079 -6430 + -51912034.076013334 = -51918464.076013334 -8036140186741.404 + 608 = -8036140186133.404 -6.5763933276463 + 5.062389829619371 = -1.5140034980269288 37809.93690917092 + 539 = 38348.93690917092 -50888 + -76870962 = -76921850 -100000000000000 + -5.956671042796662 = -100000000000005.95 -100000000000000.0 + 970387843063 = -99029612156937.0 6826918 + 88192111.6583641 = 95019029.6583641 62647 + 3535 = 66182 -338865442443.75824 + -404664610.6032968 = -339270107054.3615 988004908390 + 939378054367.31 = 1927382962757.31 962916583287.8252 + 6712 = 962916589999.8252 9223 + 96651347617.64714 = 96651356840.64714 -4079844249409 + -403856473.94749844 = -4080248105882.9473 -9222071177860 + -7015.793881959302 = -9222071184875.793 -754284 + -1540937 = -2295221 909537321033 + 605723.9512862551 = 909537926756.9513 -99861608126174.1 + 12264834 = -99861595861340.1 -82515320258651.56 + -45195227499447 = -127710547758098.56 -6587.2289691166325 + -8182886088122 = -8182886094709.229 -7229368.695571232 + 45553 = -7183815.695571232 -3026338 + 61975.8154408029 = -2964362.184559197 -8676719639231 + 756536 = -8676718882695 -36 + 37987404.92541871 = 37987368.92541871 43.69509725166765 + 3841.069518042548 = 3884.7646152942157 100000000000000.0 + 727735439585 = 100727735439585.0 -156 + -5.780298779322311 = -161.78029877932232 -92.37452788388254 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999907.62 -979.055369872122 + 5801.42062773666 = 4822.365257864538 -977 + -67052725 = -67053702 -5371785181058.424 + -330113 = -5371785511171.424 -4.4960406922592835 + -85120804.70690215 = -85120809.20294283 -6398147705 + -100039 = -6398247744 -100000000000000 + -9 = -100000000000009 -577905925320.4102 + -806162511.2122675 = -578712087831.6224 -61104386493.47727 + 1209483100.0653458 = -59894903393.41193 24235.148281565977 + 3053217507715.9517 = 3053217531951.1 -5300 + 58895771940.82339 = 58895766640.82339 1.670520845417549 + 41.218828981988175 = 42.889349827405724 209325651169 + 77149489.3934406 = 209402800658.39343 -979466336128 + 209542399989 = -769923936139 298.8504143798792 + 7324 = 7622.850414379879 -37990.2327292103 + -9368000707479.754 = -9368000745469.986 -100000000000000.0 + 4 = -99999999999996.0 -903058997771.0742 + 160890 = -903058836881.0742 -5494.367389384838 + -5.40204385086166 = -5499.7694332357 -1567.0610642316938 + -950 = -2517.0610642316938 -6.165529880324427 + 3 = -3.165529880324427 -702749 + 553148629.7953291 = 552445880.7953291 109 + 25530.93497131385 = 25639.93497131385 -571966243012.4954 + 100000000000000 = 99428033756987.5 544 + -55688.87497448091 = -55144.87497448091 -100000000000000 + 7906297217 = -99992093702783 5242 + 52 = 5294 35670506562852.04 + 50966104 = 35670557528956.04 7 + -9177 = -9170 18895 + 603723236034 = 603723254929 12117.206839126846 + 9.964863289000949 = 12127.171702415846 1.4016873481653078 + 295677 = 295678.40168734815 81213 + -4003971790747 = -4003971709534 -100000000000000.0 + -958 = -100000000000958.0 -39.73398691055351 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999960.27 -27924089878682 + -3202.0153792741303 = -27924089881884.016 -32543334663 + 4778.866872143677 = -32543329884.13313 8535221420037 + 100000000000000.0 = 108535221420037.0 -7560342752367 + -6471904 = -7560349224271 -5904762276.98038 + -12519587 = -5917281863.98038 548 + 1014652608.9932975 = 1014653156.9932975 -9820.476789979211 + 7821096359.454113 = 7821086538.977323 53.718773166654415 + 6644452.537780217 = 6644506.256553384 293904964.03424436 + 785.828238208836 = 293905749.86248255 84.85218456229282 + 2 = 86.85218456229282 624712767 + 686352.9437966051 = 625399119.9437966 -10652239511213.986 + 439447055857 = -10212792455356.986 -97 + 51769027 = 51768930 -1296843 + 8152550664315 = 8152549367472 -7621 + -37667 = -45288 93574654.70814244 + -444917991.99816483 = -351343337.2900224 1362929.0636208274 + -3933070 = -2570140.936379173 -4 + -5715 = -5719 83607.1732098201 + 90337 = 173944.17320982012 -542651304065.03046 + 3179606552265 = 2636955248199.9697 100000000000000 + 689685.4105466042 = 100000000689685.4 -11054962 + 26924.86763302109 = -11028037.13236698 -492362274309 + 57.06329841770288 = -492362274251.9367 -30 + -7.824946232764676 = -37.824946232764674 -684887250387 + -5207323720 = -690094574107 -79246 + 7775547252536.739 = 7775547173290.739 38603.4362102068 + 614 = 39217.4362102068 -2124182436.9646058 + -8494395102015.769 = -8496519284452.733 1311044 + 827.7453233744368 = 1311871.7453233744 606.9273808860656 + 927200205 = 927200811.9273809 -877198.736843783 + 95520135296 = 95519258097.26315 100000000000000 + 4756708 = 100000004756708 96266135.59130388 + -282809.0077762739 = 95983326.58352761 7 + 4.318131376196071 = 11.318131376196071 8697702.904552734 + 38564112123196.234 = 38564120820899.14 26402043202363.953 + 9293907.628991723 = 26402052496271.582 -9 + 659242994332 = 659242994323 84335138499 + -39.76851379723915 = 84335138459.23149 3460 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999996540.0 62735.10368376418 + -22636 = 40099.10368376418 -12000736987 + 100000000000000 = 99987999263013 86752.2918726495 + 1867712.816646547 = 1954465.1085191965 2324218514.1746454 + 74.61423942941002 = 2324218588.7888846 -91.82380576389325 + -2 = -93.82380576389325 100000000000000 + 324041643 = 100000324041643 -11464639805582.004 + -7 = -11464639805589.004 -60925 + -129425832.51609018 = -129486757.51609018 605.9363178164199 + 97.62678862530923 = 703.5631064417291 -63.964976206362856 + -729183 = -729246.9649762063 -35637298672.0573 + -563496227 = -36200794899.0573 -5707420799581 + 337891321.95818084 = -5707082908259.042 100000000000000 + 1 = 100000000000001 -9608246206.546799 + 9228652823.70878 = -379593382.8380184 148579587.60375056 + 3992546100768 = 3992694680355.6035 -654.4566297906396 + 928 = 273.54337020936043 -41158.675355435116 + -2717795 = -2758953.6753554353 -100000000000000 + 46.84029191389699 = -99999999999953.16 63366242994 + -100000000000000 = -99936633757006 -7129394065397 + 4096539 = -7129389968858 458794017229 + 979977 = 458794997206 -47.98597318521403 + 2812875.5039230813 = 2812827.517949896 -730061 + -151.88230797962098 = -730212.8823079796 80563169064 + -176453561 = 80386715503 1.693519334892465 + 2610098569325 = 2610098569326.6934 100000000000000 + 241 = 100000000000241 321 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000321 -22 + -65802 = -65824 -752905869.8385019 + -3 = -752905872.8385019 -8167232735.990086 + 5486832120 = -2680400615.9900856 7672985253 + 549 = 7672985802 4145108.33194579 + -236455.33665139283 = 3908652.995294397 -30.453321134307345 + 238787979 = 238787948.54667887 57768388094 + 974972487 = 58743360581 7.999294858765747 + 411729424.5816098 = 411729432.58090466 -216571347060 + -72707.02579096062 = -216571419767.0258 -899 + -92134367485 = -92134368384 42730134 + -609268161972.0033 = -609225431838.0033 127512 + 85297868 = 85425380 972193.1412360629 + 7567494 = 8539687.141236063 -25981330591 + -414.13008203980445 = -25981331005.13008 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -317789184 + 5515680078123.8 = 5515362288939.8 93653745071.06766 + 697683 = 93654442754.06766 718.9456436765265 + 902136 = 902854.9456436766 -100000000000000.0 + -69045212019192.16 = -169045212019192.16 -56.31241404253452 + 6420 = 6363.687585957466 47953323098.96277 + 528364592552.9804 = 576317915651.9431 3853794 + 8058483.418201715 = 11912277.418201715 6431216191110 + -7.73296725639309 = 6431216191102.267 613992917168.645 + 100000000000000 = 100613992917168.64 -7084682525 + -1122074.995366281 = -7085804599.995366 926.324242147113 + -96.11730181164667 = 830.2069403354662 168 + 1335 = 1503 -2825454922955 + -9949473.162436727 = -2825464872428.1626 -3347958260972.4565 + -444530002.29117084 = -3348402790974.7476 -5991.8037161233015 + -202099001247.42676 = -202099007239.23047 5512488476613 + 2341791365.9045057 = 5514830267978.904 29667643990 + 436680 = 29668080670 81930871850 + -100000000000000 = -99918069128150 713.114190059752 + 67 = 780.114190059752 6 + -20356953646747.68 = -20356953646741.68 97608225 + -939.4219545907446 = 97607285.57804541 -5.282436492363267 + -149.1107448248238 = -154.39318131718707 -544608042 + -100000000000000 = -100000544608042 87454713067.24434 + -3117619289233.4385 = -3030164576166.1943 2731 + -6.508624930565681 = 2724.4913750694345 -100000000000000.0 + -60694339611 = -100060694339611.0 716935352.5579965 + -90316577183516 = -90315860248163.44 8177064476770.064 + 4500156731 = 8181564633501.064 -8321 + -542973624267.82477 = -542973632588.82477 9489947167 + 1731817.21336934 = 9491678984.21337 92385.15187327706 + 4695555311 = 4695647696.151874 -55743099 + -2571.877208596883 = -55745670.8772086 413381495 + -49961107289.66295 = -49547725794.66295 9.4699267930432 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000009.47 2907986004811.331 + 311 = 2907986005122.331 87882394 + -11 = 87882383 36385598 + -2471587 = 33914011 9172657468493.87 + 69298388488788.0 = 78471045957281.88 5773982035100.764 + -100000000000000.0 = -94226017964899.23 2451144404516.9463 + -83844306652 = 2367300097864.9463 -49371360.593896925 + 4192.70911405562 = -49367167.88478287 38 + 87309.28826282683 = 87347.28826282683 -44292715.12227237 + 6965326719 = 6921034003.8777275 100000000000000 + -83.97296337858545 = 99999999999916.03 834589539853.3 + -38.618300969004736 = 834589539814.6818 -51062408322 + 211992069.31532854 = -50850416252.68467 -686704452.6102827 + -298.2955580714681 = -686704750.9058408 -100000000000000 + 37935140782867.66 = -62064859217132.34 -100000000000000 + -9766501.82170084 = -100000009766501.83 -560.3555832161164 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000560.36 -4727753 + -41533110.55352047 = -46260863.55352047 -954226.8155996036 + 768504 = -185722.81559960358 -68318694268928 + 60685.275546186844 = -68318694208242.73 -8457096195.698621 + 539986264141 = 531529167945.3014 9175.70484645044 + 87334.61654208785 = 96510.32138853829 -55.53353789334443 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000055.53 -30790801386848 + 61614027671813.8 = 30823226284965.797 -29966524.68783248 + 44 = -29966480.68783248 -2815.667962887128 + 9416799 = 9413983.332037114 9 + -75550428646 = -75550428637 100000000000000.0 + 467225179.03769505 = 100000467225179.03 68609239171 + 100000000000000.0 = 100068609239171.0 92970 + -2354934.9773414605 = -2261964.9773414605 81 + -3837083949945.0654 = -3837083949864.0654 -63.22733349871489 + 2 = -61.22733349871489 -100000000000000.0 + -1441429.1279817505 = -100000001441429.12 -285.8932580683362 + 505791815.4227636 = 505791529.5295055 -4861193403183 + 955155 = -4861192448028 -733 + -2 = -735 789728618 + 944.9073925082678 = 789729562.9073925 -100000000000000.0 + 78073959774.04715 = -99921926040225.95 78323295898752.02 + -50519385567184.164 = 27803910331567.85 -56346729063 + -24508.942339874753 = -56346753571.94234 3698 + -8131881102.283448 = -8131877404.283448 -462.3266080274197 + 4 = -458.3266080274197 -6075518389 + -364327320664 = -370402839053 17740294.363306426 + 28963013 = 46703307.363306426 -8333870424426 + -83.81742816215899 = -8333870424509.817 -50.904962883501696 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000050.9 -953.3253604267837 + 990853 = 989899.6746395732 782197444 + -631027650.4618099 = 151169793.53819013 -97406489834 + 4089.4687158305233 = -97406485744.53128 -28 + -49627 = -49655 2450568110366.8984 + -50202620771071.48 = -47752052660704.58 -95409908884555.42 + -23250269.32151691 = -95409932134824.75 413928.8949342301 + -64379146179 = -64378732250.105064 743198154.0424486 + -3500149358450 = -3499406160295.9575 70.55944255476658 + -18023282910.59986 = -18023282840.040417 -116021049753.32141 + -178070888.30945775 = -116199120641.63087 -68201594105748.75 + 2699406.1920301337 = -68201591406342.555 5003801952 + 6051604845764 = 6056608647716 -9366947318 + 900734727542.5234 = 891367780224.5234 9907582 + 2400911.5661490746 = 12308493.566149075 738539831050 + -221647136.59084022 = 738318183913.4092 -7525583 + -416941103075 = -416948628658 2097176169973.7803 + -6152490839.086954 = 2091023679134.6934 75078098 + -89513549223916.38 = -89513474145818.38 9043910.76512574 + 1133 = 9045043.76512574 1725768491498.1 + 18872 = 1725768510370.1 -4207.031506649451 + -2699 = -6906.031506649451 83533 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999916467.0 36483585543320 + 627891036855.5354 = 37111476580175.54 10493999225 + 1161283311446 = 1171777310671 -7624604 + -55.98252954195077 = -7624659.982529542 8574970489.191004 + 2.1651430478165223 = 8574970491.356147 -9509 + 9538037 = 9528528 1806187973.3704686 + 615 = 1806188588.3704686 6398259092282 + 550752912 = 6398809845194 -2927303532 + -50320.36922397635 = -2927353852.369224 57631416.74489676 + -2.324190344285908 = 57631414.42070642 579.1670011292874 + -4310473 = -4309893.832998871 5103099625.671265 + 100000000000000 = 100005103099625.67 -1166516702508 + 5216594.530073459 = -1166511485913.47 980893957381.4307 + -31286.214613243297 = 980893926095.2161 100000000000000 + 32077 = 100000000032077 -100000000000000.0 + -1774.5685688298781 = -100000000001774.56 -928.5762016079777 + 1741587454014 = 1741587453085.4238 -59130242990.77869 + -6718229 = -59136961219.77869 -40737 + -6242639 = -6283376 -48773045170524.13 + -25750 = -48773045196274.13 41432392009 + 2 = 41432392011 3769625901 + 159183.99639929621 = 3769785084.9963994 100000000000000.0 + -82827.62991167973 = 99999999917172.38 -100000000000000 + -953554421004 = -100953554421004 -348282468644.1127 + 8939153401.422924 = -339343315242.68976 100000000000000.0 + 567305267 = 100000567305267.0 47594202 + 1 = 47594203 -39 + -478875021050.9581 = -478875021089.9581 -845161463 + 252.52503342618795 = -845161210.4749665 -29 + -81829794114111.05 = -81829794114140.05 -792404614965.8779 + 100000000000000 = 99207595385034.12 -945466273 + 413907 = -945052366 498129910.3778417 + 831555.7533683523 = 498961466.1312101 -492030688426 + -25830792497814.64 = -26322823186240.64 8820571583853 + -718738745.1615074 = 8819852845107.838 95581312.53059353 + -75712.30509329254 = 95505600.22550024 62760981685.02055 + 3223448935845.573 = 3286209917530.5938 -79725.83629878362 + 7027657433.091744 = 7027577707.2554455 263185 + -7.138598231496154 = 263177.8614017685 -60922495844.84191 + -755825.8520463416 = -60923251670.693954 71325901221632.88 + -100000000000000 = -28674098778367.125 22206185163.961243 + -247312.94446149486 = 22205937851.01678 -597355.7043685104 + -47131747762878 = -47131748360233.7 909667.190115028 + 520 = 910187.190115028 -30555403187239 + -4.33742231440211 = -30555403187243.336 -65491.53374022435 + -594386818660.387 = -594386884151.9207 526582443.60469633 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999473417556.39 8314923010 + -721380954 = 7593542056 31871 + -90722149453.73001 = -90722117582.73001 3642434378258 + 25129552.682479277 = 3642459507810.6826 -974172067.9847482 + -8043837.316664919 = -982215905.3014132 94690504 + 981315 = 95671819 6778323296814.099 + -12341762 = 6778310955052.099 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 0.0 -2919848901058.6426 + 503137200545.70447 = -2416711700512.938 36.576636459487595 + 452.96785023781604 = 489.5444866973036 -6567194066.900562 + 5967086218535.737 = 5960519024468.837 -27.48251067635741 + -81835 = -81862.48251067636 -2274.1761707130886 + -9051512624 = -9051514898.17617 5847.764268509544 + 615901055607.4573 = 615901061455.2216 256977203 + -635.4545938420015 = 256976567.54540616 8568846407.489659 + -26 = 8568846381.489659 -273760922 + 6376618921 = 6102857999 -28 + -42379426434325 = -42379426434353 -1843 + -12970.364117585335 = -14813.364117585335 -61717.38801043729 + 3224702119 = 3224640401.6119895 148 + 65816 = 65964 1.6739771250008153 + 436.7942269376782 = 438.46820406267904 -100000000000000 + -742156212 = -100000742156212 100000000000000.0 + 3194.7434396010644 = 100000000003194.75 -32614930 + 2697028.823523641 = -29917901.17647636 -640.8498966101369 + -29889868.567044027 = -29890509.416940637 -100000000000000 + 15.870560783171006 = -99999999999984.12 -4453.797266466704 + 34102107352.90656 = 34102102899.10929 2 + 15.960450652999043 = 17.960450652999043 -100000000000000 + 974.462259417919 = -99999999999025.53 -6238627.056856764 + -100000000000000 = -100000006238627.06 100000000000000.0 + 39112.52263103742 = 100000000039112.52 549 + 4093723225691 = 4093723226240 -559405935 + -1413710989 = -1973116924 -937162027276 + 7598296250 = -929563731026 -7778098.030895188 + -75 = -7778173.030895188 584825965.6956503 + 6113544.893512853 = 590939510.5891632 -61115438069 + 39 = -61115438030 -697.2000325441687 + 106 = -591.2000325441687 14174703820.252195 + 9 = 14174703829.252195 673.2478042734937 + 790710 = 791383.2478042735 719044 + 8954.034791678012 = 727998.034791678 -8406813408219.539 + -2530312202304.461 = -10937125610524.0 -972150 + -723207451.074102 = -724179601.074102 60512933742.92481 + -1 = 60512933741.92481 -88356036222.2514 + -965833946 = -89321870168.2514 9551414384359 + -100000000000000 = -90448585615641 -53804986.8757736 + -18696167652.84916 = -18749972639.724934 5.830744129148671 + 465215081.49523586 = 465215087.32598 -33.9236329479293 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999966.08 9560 + -8928227.551313084 = -8918667.551313084 100000000000000.0 + 88468019.68078247 = 100000088468019.69 -900 + -79884404286 = -79884405186 1026 + -813476941.6282417 = -813475915.6282417 -1965453.3087067525 + -81.60784735163284 = -1965534.916554104 567569498732.5237 + -1498127066276 = -930557567543.4763 -945195718.7823021 + -6820525246429.777 = -6821470442148.56 65616552 + -26796418183 = -26730801631 100000000000000.0 + -47526031114 = 99952473968886.0 626308.925856232 + -51.59273643764777 = 626257.3331197943 -4943663127522 + 4936714722646 = -6948404876 9536925428 + 251844583702 = 261381509130 -466244938989 + -255735364.33735636 = -466500674353.33734 -487 + -435498287 = -435498774 -26977568999719.73 + -55812465181300 = -82790034181019.73 162.43627507192988 + 6.449927410643704 = 168.8862024825736 -82280300079944.7 + 9.254720541001907 = -82280300079935.45 -99373 + 62829184243 = 62829084870 -81 + 7000779.543667507 = 7000698.543667507 -834670555647.1086 + -23047793.16004122 = -834693603440.2687 -71906910.24904191 + 4.599376631581032 = -71906905.64966528 19495 + 5273899776458.426 = 5273899795953.426 48335329.768330365 + -56067606.96618404 = -7732277.197853677 374152933281.3117 + 59878.593771383654 = 374152993159.90546 29 + -533633781122.14703 = -533633781093.14703 9287188991304 + -581.8296764169195 = 9287188990722.17 -32954228.589139782 + -65055946904.46733 = -65088901133.05647 5779026204.346023 + 51.144043055975956 = 5779026255.490066 7298104 + -286.68244537564664 = 7297817.317554625 -960641 + -885 = -961526 -599705849 + -969.211574334711 = -599706818.2115743 532 + 81 = 613 -908890.2984014387 + 4378638.765660512 = 3469748.4672590736 -1 + -613421848 = -613421849 726.504721180295 + -4257876.367651224 = -4257149.862930044 8999614535.361574 + 914151371395.3287 = 923150985930.6903 -50187668692.01233 + -429656 = -50188098348.01233 72773 + -37896002.84527691 = -37823229.84527691 -21462596640 + -2506856372.0942316 = -23969453012.09423 -102273646167 + -102.53466686739392 = -102273646269.53467 4.942615519099803 + 422 = 426.94261551909983 -960439485 + -3969 = -960443454 308482059425.1474 + 484867558 = 308966926983.1474 20888107032260 + 202576024 = 20888309608284 -7 + 29506.445797149056 = 29499.445797149056 -802707 + 4481489 = 3678782 53560 + 8857031.43846095 = 8910591.43846095 -37241555786.751656 + 39084 = -37241516702.751656 6486707 + 7717671040862.79 = 7717677527569.79 -74552098818275 + -3699.812586378003 = -74552098821974.81 -544075042 + -43642834 = -587717876 -258219184 + -5424213390.768755 = -5682432574.768755 700923185893.0709 + 8684 = 700923194577.0709 652986398.5327727 + -114929855 = 538056543.5327727 5985005580 + 584132139.6433994 = 6569137719.643399 -100000000000000 + -6405114835629.922 = -106405114835629.92 -2417.402712081869 + 7847112921440 = 7847112919022.598 -639191959 + -803412 = -639995371 704663 + 376250183286.8419 = 376250887949.8419 689361.0550912826 + -400 = 688961.0550912826 -25518 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000025518.0 -855.3674306885 + -1312 = -2167.3674306885 -77607 + 777185719650.6521 = 777185642043.6521 -586850528 + 1691 = -586848837 -170688447314 + -332 = -170688447646 2117106980 + -4.687422448790823 = 2117106975.3125775 26.918506311051637 + 958004062614.3772 = 958004062641.2957 7225579.475567976 + -7 = 7225572.475567976 -37023092 + -2040126865.987617 = -2077149957.987617 -62.66398095045652 + 1795999041799 = 1795999041736.336 127680 + -23 = 127657 100000000000000 + 60897482928522.734 = 160897482928522.75 1381.079920976204 + 244847.8299413697 = 246228.9098623459 -249664817238.644 + -88780.66849339801 = -249664906019.3125 760326986.4106735 + -5572393709.146189 = -4812066722.735516 -4227524073956 + -31307.53331016247 = -4227524105263.533 -70019.68229763902 + 2813963221.857339 = 2813893202.175041 1209948018.9544709 + -100000000000000 = -99998790051981.05 -15490020856 + 7321.463209299588 = -15490013534.53679 7588436.314250483 + -68292003 = -60703566.685749516 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 362.9049286730242 + 1764998262.5471492 = 1764998625.4520779 -293404713 + -1589 = -293406302 2646540495.2409086 + 558997.5812370061 = 2647099492.8221455 1139.4679324341218 + -96 = 1043.4679324341218 3841941.7368756854 + -100000000000000 = -99999996158058.27 5199 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999994801.0 -82372.92989648695 + 7739028.361353579 = 7656655.431457092 98801025498.03647 + -6725507644718 = -6626706619219.964 4170.807720612968 + 3538390227.0364776 = 3538394397.844198 80134129722.67792 + -5950601049605 = -5870466919882.322 -1630090797.9620175 + 52.04035249381601 = -1630090745.921665 37642253089937 + -4784270.431480678 = 37642248305666.57 -25828301741 + -38404796.92116308 = -25866706537.92116 643.3906391045196 + -23256372732.998478 = -23256372089.607838 5550.061118105748 + -14347.53714734954 = -8797.476029243791 -100000000000000 + -378 = -100000000000378 734.5025606470389 + -607636375831.1091 = -607636375096.6066 84113275034075 + 511755285542 = 84625030319617 780850462 + -100000000000000 = -99999219149538 85 + -99134.27479908716 = -99049.27479908716 74138138525.00815 + -70403485876.03711 = 3734652648.971039 -113656452 + 677441368.8850967 = 563784916.8850967 2685050152328.9756 + -662124100 = 2684388028228.9756 806237459.1365955 + 188.65257244234368 = 806237647.7891679 3025029 + -6209.302403770186 = 3018819.6975962296 9995.562487901188 + -4353164790376 = -4353164780380.4375 -1894550.9577558637 + -255746350 = -257640900.95775586 31.84442061162534 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000031.84 -21009764474.87693 + 826 = -21009763648.87693 -4.255730673701883 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000004.25 -60 + -7424139.638673127 = -7424199.638673127 -763.4158333141337 + 30916.78164772855 = 30153.365814414414 20049.71794823412 + -16715924296.396677 = -16715904246.678728 -7.761964760027504 + 817568383694 = 817568383686.238 -73.9857094716026 + 792829.3386752192 = 792755.3529657476 19939 + -1900859087.3531573 = -1900839148.3531573 96 + 384297646 = 384297742 3350934899557 + -3.277388883177706 = 3350934899553.7227 3 + 3129137838075.4014 = 3129137838078.4014 7922.099960815525 + -1787597755747 = -1787597747824.9001 -407334.6320137518 + 27283595971180 = 27283595563845.367 24065 + 68121622202361 = 68121622226426 19900144858.53739 + 732572 = 19900877430.53739 91963206 + 6536 = 91969742 -98854686206 + -570797314905 = -669652001111 2556 + 42175051389.38436 = 42175053945.38436 25886 + 93.41943085629863 = 25979.4194308563 9244612 + -45720060.90236015 = -36475448.90236015 -6.587196473424489 + -28089804828.196888 = -28089804834.784084 77224792581 + 60821991031300 = 60899215823881 -631991489 + -692048447.6624404 = -1324039936.6624403 -9351.628483290253 + -6584082321.565483 = -6584091673.193966 7620672139 + 9093 = 7620681232 331983788312.1619 + 48394532131981 = 48726515920293.164 60623999381117.26 + 18 = 60623999381135.26 5 + 55686735663.60958 = 55686735668.60958 -7008521.073641038 + -8907925316864 = -8907932325385.074 -6418255349.428821 + 73191 = -6418182158.428821 20492012463311.594 + -9504.031520681092 = 20492012453807.562 65.50643338330113 + 729811 = 729876.5064333833 19090345.491475984 + 1 = 19090346.491475984 -5180.670853112587 + 100000000000000 = 99999999994819.33 -22573408004 + 7703916 = -22565704088 7.842539754590258 + -96.78840675899907 = -88.94586700440881 16615789.386295412 + 720568697 = 737184486.3862954 100000000000000 + -882875977 = 99999117124023 -959094326396 + -1568748984 = -960663075380 9.285714454322417 + -908926.5853478316 = -908917.2996333772 772 + -42498923 = -42498151 -4 + -61312357 = -61312361 25005.895884903883 + 54214 = 79219.89588490388 280019212 + 20143137 = 300162349 7814517.602552054 + 936131.0569075659 = 8750648.65945962 272153255714.29007 + 520969919 = 272674225633.29007 692996528852.9598 + -964962.568874683 = 692995563890.391 -100000000000000 + -7817673.479936557 = -100000007817673.48 -5640021 + 370811288735 = 370805648714 744 + -11574.03440668505 = -10830.03440668505 80617 + 26680930.481053308 = 26761547.481053308 -267946.42107222276 + -401652.10245208896 = -669598.5235243117 5175015.055660393 + 11.283370746699083 = 5175026.339031139 -27853122 + -7792.166385503405 = -27860914.1663855 -16679617473 + -43855536.23972139 = -16723473009.239721 35240483 + -9770667729 = -9735427246 8723641750.856997 + -52 = 8723641698.856997 -331189 + 716451228005 = 716450896816 -4606823.150252819 + -9.134378341368627 = -4606832.28463116 -1116861.7771470568 + -128.06542383591727 = -1116989.8425708928 -160207928789.9176 + 297369065 = -159910559724.9176 -70 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000070.0 -100000000000000.0 + -5063.665970144211 = -100000000005063.67 -53662 + -21322983276.772495 = -21323036938.772495 174276895.63167012 + 46144.1549637004 = 174323039.78663382 365596 + -8785138247 = -8784772651 -43 + 5541538310.068943 = 5541538267.068943 -14068728751538.547 + -28.094625360502842 = -14068728751566.64 -81142866762 + 271617.72394052154 = -81142595144.27606 200448.35332478132 + -48853108001365.734 = -48853107800917.38 -569165289166 + 88.80381714034115 = -569165289077.1962 244.76983505025552 + 93347.95708986437 = 93592.72692491463 80404501667751 + 38 = 80404501667789 -41661 + -654.6509712453735 = -42315.65097124537 -66101267462917 + -57828966 = -66101325291883 -100000000000000.0 + -23243997887259 = -123243997887259.0 -497642461168 + -100000000000000.0 = -100497642461168.0 100000000000000 + -962916 = 99999999037084 1944695736209 + -33741.97436642239 = 1944695702467.0256 -8443 + 53748450222 = 53748441779 70931474212 + -976561 = 70930497651 -6822549.6027694205 + -76334 = -6898883.6027694205 -96112702.719271 + 11670807.55101053 = -84441895.16826047 -5064177407 + 20961985720920.613 = 20956921543513.613 682949020704.2305 + 1241638 = 682950262342.2305 7481020371.144088 + -100000000000000 = -99992518979628.86 -688169904909.4694 + 58721145926224.25 = 58032976021314.78 -8133621974.114404 + -338976949 = -8472598923.114404 660449812493.7003 + -20360844023282.22 = -19700394210788.52 13327253282279.514 + -4893652951.856106 = 13322359629327.658 69689577 + 44 = 69689621 1454761537 + -5 = 1454761532 -597867550 + -9834857049.156435 = -10432724599.156435 -54.7459959377535 + -281260 = -281314.74599593773 3314648829907 + 8854096 = 3314657684003 -4001184317203 + 39178720708 = -3962005596495 -127222.50089052884 + 53298861971 = 53298734748.49911 8121411655047.107 + 78658.61027014817 = 8121411733705.718 -24747661597 + -7452419.971943591 = -24755114016.971943 -360892799617.8359 + -1506943.0823591757 = -360894306560.9182 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 36 + -9126.186809406823 = -9090.186809406823 -54870171569.38036 + -9734.525710715334 = -54870181303.906075 97.636221162206 + -84199322850160 = -84199322850062.36 8303821.589634319 + 7954.828547925507 = 8311776.4181822445 92161 + 97949612882 = 97949705043 16703468168800.545 + 100000000000000.0 = 116703468168800.55 92339.69601978053 + 71302876.94894972 = 71395216.64496951 -285730081749 + 58024560952.48471 = -227705520796.5153 -41 + -124619060.81924784 = -124619101.81924784 -730026856 + -5756468469838 = -5757198496694 -62663865849.1976 + 341883 = -62663523966.1976 -41163322.16450779 + 140.1548595020648 = -41163182.009648286 -3460138.1721466673 + 8163306507 = 8159846368.827853 84790405754513.5 + -648745.3530443247 = 84790405105768.14 22914186.923197053 + -377460459555 = -377437545368.0768 6386324 + -4804478290589 = -4804471904265 7972844.786574659 + -593241077.5455325 = -585268232.7589579 6149731.138304821 + 7777485550595 = 7777491700326.139 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = 0.0 5.119488042424401 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.88 -72.29631162049023 + 975518244 = 975518171.7036884 99713621338 + 8302184139.0558405 = 108015805477.05585 444522 + -3520.405651183553 = 441001.59434881643 -46936509910 + -7687840185538 = -7734776695448 -83131 + 9444386767.137897 = 9444303636.137897 2597811.5895111975 + 3.298486596216045 = 2597814.887997794 41307286.168922976 + -59.44762674113061 = 41307226.721296236 -134 + 72150260110 = 72150259976 65663404843489 + -9886025.981339332 = 65663394957463.016 -928849 + -51304053966.583 = -51304982815.583 -14.940746676570893 + -101569249 = -101569263.94074668 968796138555 + 493093128582.7811 = 1461889267137.7812 99816 + 758388.073328538 = 858204.073328538 505508180.8118407 + 632912.8390275016 = 506141093.65086824 -88854.14949821611 + 64577943868899.99 = 64577943780045.84 -230636 + 3752 = -226884 -26564778449263 + -5767568302 = -26570546017565 -3665151332.5409665 + 56.94259266681151 = -3665151275.598374 3442006 + 7210212 = 10652218 6714695049552.475 + 98542477.01306662 = 6714793592029.487 -185 + -13262 = -13447 -33245 + 110420919.06697415 = 110387674.06697415 11 + -277561998504 = -277561998493 -1176159105154 + -8843264658.21676 = -1185002369812.2168 730 + 63245278976.85826 = 63245279706.85826 4616208 + 88202 = 4704410 778 + -210908008706.7121 = -210908007928.7121 7598.419803863249 + -459808 = -452209.5801961367 510440704.52713853 + 461 = 510441165.52713853 -53240642028 + -3 = -53240642031 -6.425886513233126 + -322462874.7083298 = -322462881.1342163 1078648004362 + -99807206510085 = -98728558505723 -5295473 + -100000000000000 = -100000005295473 -7189415.599601308 + 778533.5918464607 = -6410882.007754847 376 + -64596890 = -64596514 6.726428597813644 + 721446102 = 721446108.7264286 -5102.888593558699 + 987860760611 = 987860755508.1115 6730925.08654875 + 18699651646548.176 = 18699658377473.26 -942278 + -7332 = -949610 4064 + -65476 = -61412 320113 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999679887.0 29 + -15868474 = -15868445 -55304294868.094315 + -5301225353053 = -5356529647921.095 -99731.41018424321 + -957522789 = -957622520.4101843 -8391 + 829652291.8048494 = 829643900.8048494 -78.17421948919936 + -3294971597 = -3294971675.1742196 100000000000000.0 + 60883050955640.92 = 160883050955640.94 -39 + 9 = -30 -355908780.1234412 + -92935418313 = -93291327093.12344 -95 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999905 5219.732019942403 + 7106278147440.358 = 7106278152660.091 21951.980498232893 + -100000000000000 = -99999999978048.02 -32756.16552643017 + 57361.00743932709 = 24604.84191289692 2889512201595 + -375426494.69658923 = 2889136775100.303 912520.2910296343 + -18 = 912502.2910296343 5337207.527941478 + -5 = 5337202.527941478 -429.37748576539036 + 61946485.423767634 = 61946056.04628187 84 + 6643658534.303699 = 6643658618.303699 -81372533954 + -1614.9575646393987 = -81372535568.95757 64300579099079 + 6562 = 64300579105641 1287117174013 + 530.8631992048947 = 1287117174543.8633 -7 + -9 = -16 471761.15603148943 + 79718404285.81897 = 79718876046.975 53586 + -92 = 53494 2231180405 + -19714941136653 = -19712709956248 -60263.851688366965 + 861545 = 801281.148311633 -9286513432.253332 + 6971 = -9286506461.253332 -2 + 8116172.455745548 = 8116170.455745548 82471 + 38 = 82509 110690310.70896704 + -943096736.7767216 = -832406426.0677545 86537 + 471 = 87008 969381.8610374071 + 14.50616897829466 = 969396.3672063854 53260023884441.43 + -929621847579.1222 = 52330402036862.305 -34958 + -9338051956024 = -9338051990982 100000000000000.0 + 803268350593.0065 = 100803268350593.0 96536981 + -24679791396.713516 = -24583254415.713516 20586097268.508984 + -100000000000000 = -99979413902731.48 -26459449 + -629616012295.5084 = -629642471744.5084 7063751605967.433 + 1955034687575.3267 = 9018786293542.76 -7339182.459564078 + 62163698168771 = 62163690829588.54 258056691.3369271 + -953425004.89882 = -695368313.561893 -22639471 + -25 = -22639496 100000000000000.0 + 30294.34443617213 = 100000000030294.34 -1726 + -13 = -1739 6 + 81576222418748 = 81576222418754 21213078 + 10966379.889706036 = 32179457.889706038 -512781354 + -2574949553359 = -2575462334713 9260628129782 + 5087574225419.984 = 14348202355201.984 9183.49543973526 + 70617403 = 70626586.49543974 -387 + -9318.277338688906 = -9705.277338688906 -41768864356.39961 + -8350227529242.095 = -8391996393598.494 814384.1588359416 + 349.74740758021005 = 814733.9062435218 18536002020471 + 889 = 18536002021360 59607211 + -912962292523.5466 = -912902685312.5466 -610200.870006134 + 2624758 = 2014557.129993866 524 + -664496099.347801 = -664495575.347801 -5007827364920.98 + -7933648694.220096 = -5015761013615.2 23302 + 2472796757.63374 = 2472820059.63374 -100000000000000 + 6796979131 = -99993203020869 -59448320.30624758 + 650592359.2912608 = 591144038.9850132 9404 + 159.08646670349535 = 9563.086466703495 217173509787 + 3.820321555796372 = 217173509790.8203 28601193 + 31159132591555 = 31159161192748 300375413.8984037 + -489753600506 = -489453225092.1016 4.243989682120183 + -2505269401769.669 = -2505269401765.425 -1245636.3122898212 + 1361.888599672183 = -1244274.423690149 -490.5749937397068 + -690524412.5542543 = -690524903.129248 8244172 + 2829940017.7076893 = 2838184189.7076893 -1590475587829 + -668445194344.2081 = -2258920782173.208 -52459139609910.414 + -3095295742429 = -55554435352339.414 -4105 + -31270559900.877796 = -31270564005.877796 146872642 + -15729249100455.504 = -15729102227813.504 708642 + -100000000000000 = -99999999291358 55792.37034972748 + -352784486 = -352728693.6296503 313896326448.01855 + 27343 = 313896353791.01855 6779758845738 + 2316816 = 6779761162554 -21618 + 6.765811356144282 = -21611.234188643855 3755613358 + -3995125782.3780937 = -239512424.37809372 952287380 + -32890286 = 919397094 -100000000000000 + 977499637999.386 = -99022500362000.61 5463030814.027167 + 681971963.1563851 = 6145002777.183553 -28497221.87197059 + 1470994513773 = 1470966016551.128 -43505832003503 + -582653180943 = -44088485184446 9335 + 8424571 = 8433906 -90.14194967356113 + -6 = -96.14194967356113 8 + 832012 = 832020 -6719323.227915035 + 29265298938907.83 = 29265292219584.6 -4213243896220.591 + 33348415.25208448 = -4213210547805.339 -3039949508061 + -13937009159 = -3053886517220 1246184923107 + 4.855320163710082 = 1246184923111.8552 -55359.17899664642 + 20947703.63275954 = 20892344.453762896 7668402214.066969 + -65785238 = 7602616976.066969 23685057164848.5 + -2569 = 23685057162279.5 -7.763383390268538 + -156318 = -156325.76338339027 100000000000000.0 + 149195223 = 100000149195223.0 680351.8452557029 + 67.92009339645362 = 680419.7653490993 -828321608131.6218 + -1342775646067.449 = -2171097254199.0708 81603431224 + -87790917 = 81515640307 5087455 + -1427457797024 = -1427452709569 -679995 + -41614.54814780966 = -721609.5481478097 -1959979 + -54491671860.15709 = -54493631839.15709 8475951585 + -4648048 = 8471303537 -6681203257037 + 421492 = -6681202835545 -187554 + -692800694849.9336 = -692800882403.9336 874 + 827514880866.2434 = 827514881740.2434 100000000000000 + 2552899841 = 100002552899841 -736.1029374161016 + -15243420166764.586 = -15243420167500.69 44955.260524443496 + 24434 = 69389.2605244435 431424780.3090844 + -48561801626847.04 = -48561370202066.73 -6487 + -52.32250351435214 = -6539.322503514352 -329956963856.1736 + -83858073703.6797 = -413815037559.8533 1840176193.9286525 + 9341749519644.723 = 9343589695838.65 -8237190 + -8410965401 = -8419202591 -378331480.56600326 + 65938639025384.516 = 65938260693903.95 2188524.855157478 + -71739157339.34637 = -71736968814.49121 -680221867651.9698 + 673.8023577468027 = -680221866978.1675 -209588020872 + -100000000000000 = -100209588020872 -61603486 + 9924999 = -51678487 -37258100 + 84226 = -37173874 9854067085126 + 595884830.1947422 = 9854662969956.195 75015014.98665565 + -6749214940 = -6674199925.013345 -1 + 863950 = 863949 119.93642116220482 + 674681495.9360249 = 674681615.8724461 4361 + -9.384550470147893 = 4351.615449529852 75424169.39941812 + 74193146599841 = 74193222024010.4 -2 + 387917.7920250038 = 387915.7920250038 -93397614318.32222 + -90739.11166981024 = -93397705057.43388 -376441 + 73425410877596.5 = 73425410501155.5 6.290410408227162 + -1.9609453823718295 = 4.329465025855333 241151.8509387913 + 37.04449909179661 = 241188.8954378831 -25943184.408577718 + -800205 = -26743389.408577718 -138621.52189286094 + 55454952429227.07 = 55454952290605.55 100000000000000.0 + -9.560285857279176 = 99999999999990.44 -313404 + 79631875 = 79318471 -6 + -8 = -14 -758676 + 49102 = -709574 37 + -43 = -6 -9740935.176670337 + 1033371503.4234515 = 1023630568.2467812 -36711400728549.92 + 964576015515.7089 = -35746824713034.21 69947462.2488609 + -5161403100101.6875 = -5161333152639.438 11286 + 5539.683338780702 = 16825.683338780702 -8107888.480447056 + -93086804498.27434 = -93094912386.75479 127213681226 + 100000000000000 = 100127213681226 327468352357.8557 + 48.74456402545816 = 327468352406.6003 -56448 + 863.0154140622487 = -55584.98458593775 7918032532 + -90252232 = 7827780300 75797125.6831981 + 2618366715654.0176 = 2618442512779.7007 -2241883926498.672 + 43146.4022993132 = -2241883883352.2695 -443334 + -747877 = -1191211 -957 + -39299401637057.47 = -39299401638014.47 -47801975.274831355 + -5413.9359282162995 = -47807389.21075957 -83495156732 + 3617823362.786347 = -79877333369.21365 1688818611 + 9790800 = 1698609411 -27 + 720 = 693 67928 + -2396308212 = -2396240284 -2606013465745.7393 + -100000000000000 = -102606013465745.73 250238.25612041441 + 74805831622918.9 = 74805831873157.16 833 + -38440117197.19954 = -38440116364.19954 -32970 + 23747 = -9223 162 + 5537 = 5699 6957965.245647732 + 9822439.278176993 = 16780404.523824725 -108.20408147835396 + 4741672195205.799 = 4741672195097.595 -83355839274.18892 + 684505 = -83355154769.18892 -100000000000000 + -6044031479.25202 = -100006044031479.25 696436 + -6513976977825.784 = -6513976281389.784 -130.9960482598903 + -35149 = -35279.99604825989 835603699770.8568 + -26900002163.84954 = 808703697607.0073 13444294988830 + -3909324241284.6045 = 9534970747545.395 -710503892875 + 3951373550.759399 = -706552519324.2406 32092326779.53333 + -13.556059592121612 = 32092326765.97727 -66860 + -343302685230.99475 = -343302752090.99475 -164503 + 87404898798 = 87404734295 -4818125632 + 3351.5275539143267 = -4818122280.472446 -1751101019 + -587735.8804329429 = -1751688754.8804328 -301884538989 + -3996828 = -301888535817 868597469098 + 825 = 868597469923 -321727509963.67126 + 37593345655125 = 37271618145161.33 -5259 + -14613960.60852397 = -14619219.60852397 24 + 94812.94663599523 = 94836.94663599523 -60662.34682336492 + -47.72702849006622 = -60710.073851854984 -3735894375514.955 + -100000000000000.0 = -103735894375514.95 132 + -508320060609 = -508320060477 -3077130132.974414 + 81272365.06003532 = -2995857767.9143786 47444081737710 + 38395 = 47444081776105 100000000000000.0 + -985554 = 99999999014446.0 -446301421765.68616 + 1.526621220445995 = -446301421764.15955 103392202471.7557 + -3 = 103392202468.7557 -260339324.40254718 + -6423159603406 = -6423419942730.402 -6725378277 + -772306 = -6726150583 -7779780877.967421 + -41180760698.723236 = -48960541576.69066 -78975 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000078975.0 -44.34629901107901 + 680493205089 = 680493205044.6537 -57181552801.65199 + 65 = -57181552736.65199 -1.0949538544453583 + -607093.4046598263 = -607094.4996136808 3380006112 + -10.689688198915272 = 3380006101.310312 -79978 + -12873374.25423467 = -12953352.25423467 -65618176959.9527 + -5647 = -65618182606.9527 89517487709 + 91411800.09989688 = 89608899509.0999 92 + -79745497683 = -79745497591 1018600 + 78181 = 1096781 1552141394.4835086 + -5.783887355290072 = 1552141388.6996212 -1324786390 + -74251581940 = -75576368330 -91703941507454.9 + -89191116550779.7 = -180895058058234.62 6651457395801.764 + -100000000000000 = -93348542604198.23 81843512420203 + -7199090450211 = 74644421969992 -9760606658576.508 + 42 = -9760606658534.508 -116858006999 + -14 = -116858007013 -2716392.1575143435 + -5901948412.235653 = -5904664804.3931675 73062.41286777836 + -44236349504952.34 = -44236349431889.93 90 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000090 7.343882294440397 + 53592104666 = 53592104673.34388 5.059632305627669 + 640400406867 = 640400406872.0597 16731.38249510602 + -969340764031.2151 = -969340747299.8326 9071 + -63406942704904.2 = -63406942695833.2 -114656189.86927989 + 5397081608502.539 = 5396966952312.67 100000000000000.0 + -7 = 99999999999993.0 -738 + 8274232695.28546 = 8274231957.28546 494 + -3683 = -3189 -968176681.4426403 + 1024 = -968175657.4426403 4996069483 + 4363230.296706706 = 5000432713.296707 43406487474.34554 + -912241544774.8044 = -868835057300.4589 -2636327 + 1551621162 = 1548984835 53 + -987899716169.9325 = -987899716116.9325 -46176847.32756693 + -656072633355 = -656118810202.3275 -66176907 + 3176034970806.1035 = 3175968793899.1035 -3 + -997981 = -997984 -297267.13904240297 + 2064029720228.1775 = 2064029422961.0383 -421620711691.06 + 637283 = -421620074408.06 -3 + 8613120.438089114 = 8613117.438089114 -33798817461 + -100000000000000.0 = -100033798817461.0 -895523 + 4392.158455099968 = -891130.8415449001 -949840576.5183599 + 853049682 = -96790894.5183599 767414603 + 54299186.49556409 = 821713789.4955641 8782 + 30794229800 = 30794238582 875341.9738376434 + 54934749.95253666 = 55810091.9263743 -642048386 + 1765907.5821045977 = -640282478.4178954 3448 + 7548726.090242958 = 7552174.090242958 -18214005669734 + 46512777.361778826 = -18213959156956.637 240499583563 + -51026490612637 = -50785991029074 554275093103.6973 + 141823387 = 554416916490.6973 -8.468751618204463 + -3296031 = -3296039.468751618 120020345.89308743 + 2388.8168388934664 = 120022734.70992632 7.390996240875761 + 3254598783812 = 3254598783819.391 68651463321.9076 + 2514573159 = 71166036480.9076 -5133423998272.49 + -53456.82281596314 = -5133424051729.313 100000000000000.0 + 24532457916220 = 124532457916220.0 8810654823 + 73569.2070470447 = 8810728392.207047 1008.4317287721367 + -5558416 = -5557407.568271228 -67081053184.76086 + 6947466246.476281 = -60133586938.28458 -84 + 245063630129 = 245063630045 -53494301235814.75 + -52904.46847438735 = -53494301288719.22 -14468707.220266243 + -42068 = -14510775.220266243 43374262357473 + -386957875853.7921 = 42987304481619.21 371067569800 + -2490404956 = 368577164844 -3363 + 5 = -3358 12.755771405556585 + -18.30247096392367 = -5.546699558367086 -582644380166 + 831806.0150573107 = -582643548359.985 -61014.27852151063 + -8938844864 = -8938905878.27852 -16 + 79109.8245081112 = 79093.8245081112 9112083292 + 95936607301 = 105048690593 618323174441.9008 + 5.229575509240317 = 618323174447.1304 -6.4275115252708135 + -653247839.0114149 = -653247845.4389265 -100000000000000 + -55243002 = -100000055243002 -8 + -75147 = -75155 143608896.8892468 + -27935.91419257317 = 143580960.9750542 -48.95483348176081 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999951.05 68 + -93762107 = -93762039 179278248.05545634 + -25.73763984690696 = 179278222.3178165 43030233.41865531 + -100000000000000 = -99999956969766.58 -673001196257.722 + -51481392824 = -724482589081.722 25938174167302 + 64087463615536 = 90025637782838 -549 + -10486701.76266971 = -10487250.76266971 -8635.591188746472 + -70064593121528 = -70064593130163.59 -93365 + 4394337929 = 4394244564 -6904451062 + -664526869.7981426 = -7568977931.798142 -100596128402.77641 + 7884230937276 = 7783634808873.224 5210746192.349949 + 306600710530 = 311811456722.35 -92587343 + 3365544.1087317453 = -89221798.89126825 -4.752210714786052 + -8143.327124896736 = -8148.079335611522 -877 + 2716702505020.4624 = 2716702504143.4624 -910533.5529404142 + -8135.591486059359 = -918669.1444264735 8864 + 61 = 8925 -4701616272 + 163720060 = -4537896212 74437239075.94897 + -7791646709.331033 = 66645592366.61794 430581 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000430581.0 -51.61399194040995 + -1559.0355349323706 = -1610.6495268727806 940973231 + -73823737 = 867149494 -18272.235477126702 + -7599.248429652249 = -25871.48390677895 -100000000000000.0 + 1998125383.1779776 = -99998001874616.83 5712 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994288 370405407412.17957 + -83299506 = 370322107906.17957 3070361 + 43622137959 = 43625208320 982657344.0181161 + 10557.757847581242 = 982667901.7759637 -33.58052311002861 + 904841.5475711789 = 904807.9670480689 67832140 + -8140731378.311564 = -8072899238.311564 99416805914995.16 + -800872 = 99416805114123.16 593924.5547586099 + 285781361.2093749 = 286375285.7641335 2723336841 + -39837 = 2723297004 96439218494087 + 83387.44717746356 = 96439218577474.45 -53 + -38993400 = -38993453 752.1057998900214 + 1590737.8708840176 = 1591489.9766839077 -68706.03883407415 + 2612.7200704152433 = -66093.3187636589 332144051 + -68.89306369390488 = 332143982.10693634 -17225 + 8517613779716 = 8517613762491 91386949.99562448 + 501.57115602044365 = 91387451.56678051 2895603.8722043745 + -75601962126.59741 = -75599066522.7252 85132 + 100000000000000 = 100000000085132 -100000000000000.0 + 9 = -99999999999991.0 27739414774 + 473017445446.6861 = 500756860220.6861 86817771659 + -260796.4891040882 = 86817510862.5109 565239214518.0996 + -47159839 = 565192054679.0996 45331961836238.95 + -63 = 45331961836175.95 9574894998513 + 4561624171.988776 = 9579456622684.988 75013.83705277034 + 1215904.600621832 = 1290918.4376746025 -61953082370851 + -741451 = -61953083112302 -69105114968493.2 + 5016723661.491686 = -69100098244831.71 378.95948591225044 + -742392492.4753311 = -742392113.5158452 -6497.423180010237 + -100000000000000 = -100000000006497.42 2308112673.6974926 + 360.889812274311 = 2308113034.587305 -505.54598147261044 + 54935782 = 54935276.454018526 8.337336986362772 + -177929387 = -177929378.662663 2878763251 + 37.4929128824414 = 2878763288.492913 35.50263421332594 + -8.183934647631922 = 27.31869956569402 -417531398446.7756 + -6 = -417531398452.7756 -96428070062 + 92521974963171 = 92425546893109 -38517 + 6318635875 = 6318597358 707 + -8 = 699 100000000000000 + 60.659225031678815 = 100000000000060.66 -4267643916.3269067 + 7962101.146304012 = -4259681815.1806026 -220124.6804668002 + 8033 = -212091.6804668002 -98984823708154.19 + -575424574944.2032 = -99560248283098.39 42473.083867091744 + -126779.45866776064 = -84306.3748006689 59725786929878 + -31182927845.45279 = 59694604002032.55 80656052 + 3016783099598 = 3016863755650 -39 + 643620104.8335625 = 643620065.8335625 -7234.336926539101 + 109275.48816981618 = 102041.15124327707 1760597184739 + -100000000000000.0 = -98239402815261.0 -3 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000003 785507513 + 36677805182796 = 36678590690309 6755084567.804998 + -51449454060104.75 = -51442698975536.945 5714441633.859159 + -9 = 5714441624.859159 407919425 + -7551472174547.231 = -7551064255122.231 147 + 5684558406.299536 = 5684558553.299536 470543 + -100000000000000 = -99999999529457 2884132618155.5366 + 8118940479805.852 = 11003073097961.389 -607313754 + -13126696747086.412 = -13127304060840.412 -90 + -195081838 = -195081928 -224517104.27769327 + 2576 = -224514528.27769327 100000000000000.0 + 193863730 = 100000193863730.0 -8346061 + -264275751.8147856 = -272621812.8147856 921345228602.2609 + -591679.2479818729 = 921344636923.013 75733929045 + 553007 = 75734482052 573389416984.9016 + -8682052.751329195 = 573380734932.1503 -5385682890505 + 3450894960.2852964 = -5382231995544.715 -563754812 + -100000000000000 = -100000563754812 -9768 + -507646226.0705379 = -507655994.0705379 -602118372568.9724 + 84732351 = -602033640217.9724 73745072864.83185 + -6215.173158943996 = 73745066649.65869 42336.87650395407 + 2086298194507 = 2086298236843.8765 100000000000000.0 + 76949465672761 = 176949465672761.0 58204891 + 2390936680424 = 2390994885315 389450031873 + -217998 = 389449813875 4 + -250326706.30828565 = -250326702.30828565 54747 + -34703528423.47212 = -34703473676.47212 9320756552090.73 + 159962732881 = 9480719284971.73 -5459988731821 + -100000000000000 = -105459988731821 -612426.2633092316 + 393613 = -218813.2633092316 -7043 + -4766342228 = -4766349271 25091043134139 + -536060844639 = 24554982289500 921787 + 9352007479.04451 = 9352929266.04451 28634716388719 + 38364917363 = 28673081306082 85278229.50509231 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000085278229.5 -100000000000000 + -656300265898.2256 = -100656300265898.22 -2946385805.233518 + 34237790489 = 31291404683.766483 -10831.456227513925 + -615132414 = -615143245.4562275 -14692970.8183172 + -320369 = -15013339.8183172 -380 + 1954766120.0773058 = 1954765740.0773058 17873419154297.3 + -6.684022123854893 = 17873419154290.617 -100000000000000 + 7297.901543010063 = -99999999992702.1 -978 + -7.1662322011476425 = -985.1662322011476 23791273113 + 1252051.8093887833 = 23792525164.809387 -100000000000000 + 11445928.53119028 = -99999988554071.47 264363578.1448839 + -57210 = 264306368.1448839 360317126507.0062 + 6.265305857141015 = 360317126513.27155 80108868610700 + -6.187688301027107 = 80108868610693.81 -52032097991895.43 + 9 = -52032097991886.43 -917995 + 310.42022021827984 = -917684.5797797818 -3789 + 57685.38963520175 = 53896.38963520175 -439704.3328272746 + -716.4439578512644 = -440420.77678512584 826371903708 + -66249722 = 826305653986 65 + -53.48886689813409 = 11.511133101865909 43119688 + -83209012147.15875 = -83165892459.15875 4983 + -32217377103.432743 = -32217372120.432743 -754.4822656298835 + -395294550.9502273 = -395295305.432493 5002 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994998 -1349.311282764392 + 99660198971 = 99660197621.68872 34.50095632910697 + 8601753248223 = 8601753248257.501 775198 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999224802.0 920314 + -864783.3143556983 = 55530.6856443017 2865.1722589280716 + 835210 = 838075.1722589281 -488 + -1174466 = -1174954 -6369522.9653888745 + -100000000000000 = -100000006369522.97 -7677.611384005118 + -8385385179267.199 = -8385385186944.811 71040063620470 + 21006117088782.97 = 92046180709252.97 -30213868.358068667 + 454830.7263605577 = -29759037.631708108 -16.421199084501872 + 261883.35830121537 = 261866.93710213088 9566.520978401282 + 830763495479 = 830763505045.521 136669227 + 9 = 136669236 -11623 + 938921500 = 938909877 -482100923 + -41574.91289211909 = -482142497.9128921 4 + 906798742269.5209 = 906798742273.5209 -5895050384760 + -809369089 = -5895859753849 313764227.8007125 + -734 = 313763493.8007125 -410567293162 + -2.3393673125917984 = -410567293164.33936 2379459117 + -437624.6020230694 = 2379021492.397977 -86491194 + 30803033490382 = 30802946999188 737329.3719695456 + 415949834063 = 415950571392.37195 576916821.5070502 + -4274304509.5893207 = -3697387688.0822706 -61063484 + 292657431.9680319 = 231593947.96803188 -5508940466.9252825 + -64775015.44126614 = -5573715482.366549 -710 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999290 -76385790196 + 37098 = -76385753098 100000000000000.0 + -340 = 99999999999660.0 1785074276711 + 409505396 = 1785483782107 -13246913723.786285 + -99 = -13246913822.786285 660447 + -42950.80845856784 = 617496.1915414322 -800473909299.4923 + -92.36172284544134 = -800473909391.854 25838.88005993071 + 94293459254899 = 94293459280737.88 1890200421 + 19241539.336864 = 1909441960.336864 -720380120 + 297411073384.1473 = 296690693264.1473 94839949.23722188 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000094839949.23 -1 + -903.1019542292951 = -904.1019542292951 -373227363197.4726 + -753258.7890166052 = -373228116456.2616 31013384.192564044 + 4930.321452359711 = 31018314.514016405 508253692.5084427 + 1028811233219 = 1029319486911.5084 -1.1033057676926759 + 7.210524162116768 = 6.107218394424093 36284003580 + 1117547135425 = 1153831139005 100000000000000 + 70694464435553 = 170694464435553 8477800635.68837 + -26148892609.221977 = -17671091973.533607 37.06313715960292 + -1319064046575.933 = -1319064046538.8699 757609413.7044407 + 49345259838.97038 = 50102869252.67482 58971.05838212432 + -7898341 = -7839369.941617875 -1505296 + -9768556375 = -9770061671 -834.3568822148076 + 67104227608.892624 = 67104226774.53574 -681178 + 76865939053 = 76865257875 -100000000000000.0 + -77269.57228363072 = -100000000077269.58 -603.6402124959882 + 1914 = 1310.3597875040118 5943 + 19 = 5962 774163937.4741206 + -4934546850 = -4160382912.5258794 -6328417141684.625 + 826499883 = -6327590641801.625 -96507.96078802932 + -2484838 = -2581345.9607880292 1.8399006390270691 + 3.441083322352223 = 5.280983961379292 544138164 + 5 = 544138169 -224064.23041606735 + -1967137.2984832567 = -2191201.528899324 -2.605698999734478 + 58897.392465314835 = 58894.7867663151 1.960740564419741 + 76745127984258 = 76745127984259.95 -90206 + 9 = -90197 8369 + 2995.675005826134 = 11364.675005826135 -8717 + -58789386675 = -58789395392 67283779182615.1 + 6628884648178 = 73912663830793.1 -100000000000000 + 859 = -99999999999141 -75394924 + -92485306 = -167880230 2622728995369 + -896350603841.1216 = 1726378391527.8784 34008334305.602108 + -97845.00066556205 = 34008236460.601444 100000000000000 + -41 = 99999999999959 -65447099060.71191 + 88755486.94314611 = -65358343573.76876 365910134542.89874 + -381183317.7870256 = 365528951225.1117 -5510903337 + -687669.6258128523 = -5511591006.625813 159 + 3712925743.0023527 = 3712925902.0023527 -36581175033661 + -995245996.1146358 = -36582170279657.12 -490.9425680919704 + -392655882.27085716 = -392656373.2134252 -20.966183312304423 + -796706.6273285486 = -796727.5935118609 -459389804716.4061 + 1017277028813 = 557887224096.5939 745777595 + -30818243848424.156 = -30817498070829.156 -668387 + 479727 = -188660 -631863160344.6536 + 1402425101210.8252 = 770561940866.1716 -75093302 + 39373.8118531268 = -75053928.18814687 -6669 + 306938842.93100977 = 306932173.93100977 100000000000000 + -7016740434.700327 = 99992983259565.3 -100000000000000 + -566635674801 = -100566635674801 4404 + 600617.9078066533 = 605021.9078066533 57118467784885.555 + -4076793614.477667 = 57114390991271.08 65472900.03660434 + 48387437902513.03 = 48387503375413.07 9 + 528549009 = 528549018 -12814860411749 + -9460092102069.855 = -22274952513818.855 -18921069346101.51 + 36082708893 = -18884986637208.51 1321.4256507375912 + -98196309252972.16 = -98196309251650.73 -100000000000000 + 80.18372022459704 = -99999999999919.81 24846580769.714916 + 4841430220.930059 = 29688010990.644974 -65510485135219 + 44694.13019094105 = -65510485090524.87 -100000000000000.0 + 402818 = -99999999597182.0 -100000000000000.0 + -115556410845 = -100115556410845.0 86627356571 + 3356.2947333652396 = 86627359927.29474 -3116709 + -989822.3608895268 = -4106531.360889527 2484637 + 904465.8781246137 = 3389102.878124614 3933630546609 + 395576763.42350715 = 3934026123372.4233 12.802497586900584 + 712651387008.3094 = 712651387021.1119 24281 + 754871476.0157565 = 754895757.0157565 100000000000000.0 + -5122 = 99999999994878.0 3610 + -18707641543 = -18707637933 8794218139019 + 37904584731 = 8832122723750 -8396.273973918618 + 35034302881741.53 = 35034302873345.258 -63950088763689.266 + -134390 = -63950088898079.266 -1400787.9419848565 + 320168952520 = 320167551732.05804 882064 + 146621643 = 147503707 64816974 + -2022.8670538237566 = 64814951.13294618 4039.6013646630595 + -423.0944759236761 = 3616.5068887393836 -62981822750649.02 + 80741199289984.55 = 17759376539335.523 -48984 + 8417732251646 = 8417732202662 6252.334995149274 + -126712433680.99934 = -126712427428.66435 -190750735 + -74790131 = -265540866 -23489848071675 + -721499823048.4868 = -24211347894723.49 40947.471098509995 + 14460638227954.027 = 14460638268901.498 -7668516438.434021 + 610154399.9594053 = -7058362038.474616 -7512767.994946477 + 69553.84886353888 = -7443214.146082938 -100000000000000.0 + -83476 = -100000000083476.0 808328001195 + 492638042835.6254 = 1300966044030.6255 4166264.275550854 + -6996 = 4159268.275550854 -22335568 + 1963.000190916819 = -22333604.999809083 7.7661806803601525 + 40183 = 40190.76618068036 -2398809542851 + -20819.843735041588 = -2398809563670.8438 56177 + 42212803509764.11 = 42212803565941.11 -5432162303 + 82618762962590.22 = 82613330800287.22 -677851595753 + -3.9474255539323058 = -677851595756.9474 -12.442133848958697 + -7339715949 = -7339715961.442134 721876 + 385.0670884361578 = 722261.0670884361 3.2071281995031224 + -2183383.8560859226 = -2183380.6489577233 4417628 + 832396813539 = 832401231167 -71266098 + -58.28458904483663 = -71266156.28458905 -82670977712.55168 + -106294288.73594162 = -82777272001.28763 42213411.57738207 + -1.4886948331506558 = 42213410.08868724 1151778.5398255629 + 67501992.59555423 = 68653771.13537979 25 + 63.40007052402156 = 88.40007052402156 -2597691116353 + -138650456 = -2597829766809 -100000000000000 + 5943544006.273684 = -99994056455993.72 32738441055.745247 + -98553 = 32738342502.745247 -86648384761 + 69178783.07763723 = -86579205977.92236 -244542462007 + -79897999 = -244622360006 6878827.688517648 + 911155513 = 918034340.6885177 88484459 + -91972274654.92467 = -91883790195.92467 -76194407163.63135 + -33058784 = -76227465947.63135 -80 + -5929526789833.514 = -5929526789913.514 -34874502541 + -100000000000000 = -100034874502541 8144914.9668662185 + -3956040 = 4188874.9668662185 26.34741915526975 + 91120284.13902885 = 91120310.486448 429203856 + -173896194 = 255307662 -8312978600881.182 + -5810792167 = -8318789393048.182 -4146963364 + 158.23704198045795 = -4146963205.762958 34491 + -1044762472.1183425 = -1044727981.1183425 6962135234618.372 + -1.3168730770950503 = 6962135234617.056 67173.88930806157 + -3953333.2539995434 = -3886159.364691482 -100000000000000 + 680963603.8601954 = -99999319036396.14 -30484127038.710793 + 3384745725662 = 3354261598623.289 -73122 + 37468.43807676545 = -35653.56192323455 -598879.8108311145 + -5636.533050519294 = -604516.3438816338 -2 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000002 -535950.9067968205 + -519.8457339633012 = -536470.7525307838 -92875885550.47575 + 13018352.901090678 = -92862867197.57466 961225750249 + -769697499.5127454 = 960456052749.4873 50 + -44.669022972383694 = 5.330977027616306 3253603025.226686 + 4149199294999.427 = 4152452898024.6533 -273656 + 35205583.294731095 = 34931927.294731095 33761819 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999966238181.0 9831.032313537704 + 46189868.09492265 = 46199699.12723619 8283477020406.477 + -65255 = 8283476955151.477 5229385474755 + 58960100360 = 5288345575115 8088.752999968566 + -388432689.3852328 = -388424600.63223284 -6618500505.392721 + -4209130585181 = -4215749085686.3926 -2500 + 501887083 = 501884583 4960693470.3470745 + 476622 = 4961170092.3470745 -54928522486300.09 + 196197.88663733806 = -54928522290102.21 -100000000000000.0 + 42647249040.736496 = -99957352750959.27 961623145.1001576 + -12 = 961623133.1001576 -62638445 + 596138422581.1931 = 596075784136.1931 1174494861669.8916 + -22312 = 1174494839357.8916 36.982701368737 + 92847.47883069803 = 92884.46153206677 2021568448194.8076 + 179730731.5778091 = 2021748178926.3855 527.9506832962038 + -4 = 523.9506832962038 -98.53386128964547 + 9316386822.208078 = 9316386723.674217 -85669292.94227098 + 3 = -85669289.94227098 -139235 + -911107993232.5151 = -911108132467.5151 6968609697 + 13803.945242467553 = 6968623500.945243 17877604927301 + -1201051262 = 17876403876039 -4.855879209955392 + 12276.729133296902 = 12271.873254086946 -18176672.827940017 + -9594206 = -27770878.827940017 22798209693 + 3087474051456.422 = 3110272261149.422 -46450 + -66799640680521.05 = -66799640726971.05 939521.6666957466 + -8950 = 930571.6666957466 5788596.766083698 + -550543.9338560388 = 5238052.8322276585 1 + 95747 = 95748 -69872074182 + 9.640363052699932 = -69872074172.35963 784809 + -89021439.69462341 = -88236630.69462341 49807889486700 + 292968773 = 49808182455473 100000000000000 + -12169669966710 = 87830330033290 -567904970.5205295 + 58194 = -567846776.5205295 -33489 + 65725035 = 65691546 -44051556439.65442 + 7211325385249 = 7167273828809.346 3379620.0742519363 + -44557669.53829838 = -41178049.46404645 9081870.703423958 + 58.691968508577375 = 9081929.395392466 2614 + -79917949772 = -79917947158 892925091.1029162 + -81614 = 892843477.1029162 -56168814 + 919864305.5732445 = 863695491.5732445 5747611706 + 6 = 5747611712 546121075 + 74 = 546121149 582553022396 + 4666584.9200906195 = 582557688980.92 7828.410690401999 + 1267336170785.5762 = 1267336178613.9868 -6673670486.148059 + 4888192 = -6668782294.148059 -44761601963088.25 + -55468865.15868171 = -44761657431953.41 898195447 + -218733 = 897976714 -67841 + -23899322.469666645 = -23967163.469666645 -61065151531948 + 30.071443421308597 = -61065151531917.93 6754334 + 4860841250075.461 = 4860848004409.461 936306548.7553339 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000936306548.75 448911027 + 2134854803873 = 2135303714900 5 + 70507.8251387914 = 70512.8251387914 762.9766002773537 + 4334 = 5096.976600277354 -52 + -48523146235932 = -48523146235984 -415054.53465862013 + -271545.34637930593 = -686599.8810379261 10323861002554 + -7 = 10323861002547 -4404665833 + 964618.4553687503 = -4403701214.544631 -116960660533.93764 + -100000000000000 = -100116960660533.94 20472782 + -5.805706673509451 = 20472776.194293328 4845189872.984693 + -100000000000000 = -99995154810127.02 95009844980.97644 + 100000000000000 = 100095009844980.97 -597050192766.6768 + 38740.73612131378 = -597050154025.9407 39379.83743195016 + 493221761946.629 = 493221801326.46643 -97008190226 + -94068972.02376302 = -97102259198.02376 -34736464735 + -728044.9979034157 = -34737192779.9979 -983230877094 + -758269.3642001007 = -983231635363.3643 93.92313929545111 + 28673970100171 = 28673970100264.92 10899096942 + -800359217312 = -789460120370 -9225483623 + -82525334360078.23 = -82534559843701.23 9 + -49.868118041673675 = -40.868118041673675 759684040544 + -8.711548473570097 = 759684040535.2885 7324596 + -6112278493598 = -6112271169002 -3.0078029535266992 + -900018099 = -900018102.007803 170942165 + -81041.88940596458 = 170861123.11059403 17 + 7636128171697 = 7636128171714 -329555937.968913 + 9130181743941.482 = 9129852188003.514 -169176.56538177264 + 54727594760.579666 = 54727425584.01428 -23587726125280.65 + -5598008539511 = -29185734664791.65 -937345 + -7834118879881 = -7834119817226 -53122710 + 4290814580954.445 = 4290761458244.445 -5 + 931700.5378929325 = 931695.5378929325 295126 + -1.2660334603869492 = 295124.7339665396 5090563 + 606027 = 5696590 -99750714541 + -59991003.26670323 = -99810705544.26671 -1788553 + -69453962306226 = -69453964094779 -749331.561456265 + -52162377721 = -52163127052.561455 -298882727951.65295 + 945441957100 = 646559229148.347 6.261385403241555 + -4138736284802 = -4138736284795.739 7.786741129626666 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999992.22 17849709277679.72 + 691537829691 = 18541247107370.72 -1.9683257644383574 + 87120652138288 = 87120652138286.03 -79941639.6679558 + -36617338.93705861 = -116558978.60501441 54313194393317 + -7 = 54313194393310 39093321 + -1925793 = 37167528 -48339201296.6699 + -7284547179361.375 = -7332886380658.045 -60.2965976458728 + 89527538924 = 89527538863.7034 3595474654 + -58 = 3595474596 -936632614016 + -100000000000000 = -100936632614016 845019899408 + -128772380168 = 716247519240 89516.11957748616 + -9126957899399 = -9126957809882.88 9496 + -959.3826998954235 = 8536.617300104577 -27879218563529 + 284.01181417310363 = -27879218563244.99 9.324813395491315 + 528.3553491640507 = 537.680162559542 100000000000000 + -73094282960.71747 = 99926905717039.28 -92523616976141 + 75570654255.35352 = -92448046321885.64 -36869 + -685859783858 = -685859820727 -39944912.35546127 + 7329845630420 = 7329805685507.645 -238483735570.27155 + -599036418.9321281 = -239082771989.20367 146794325 + -2448642094.9895167 = -2301847769.9895167 -3852705597 + 100000000000000.0 = 99996147294403.0 246936.0553774616 + 341.69353706565573 = 247277.74891452724 8423457422179 + 861472680.481241 = 8424318894859.481 2751316.1807817686 + -100000000000000 = -99999997248683.81 -618227558.9453948 + -380.85108533425574 = -618227939.7964801 92265051402934 + -395 = 92265051402539 1369.2751799114658 + -549778.6267055755 = -548409.351525664 -520892681.6480739 + -99.29133453893452 = -520892780.9394084 507170022.05345714 + -100000000000000 = -99999492829977.95 -7447982799706.311 + 2822054539660.9185 = -4625928260045.393 -564.2954153522383 + 3563069794943 = 3563069794378.7046 -9963980 + 9 = -9963971 -70681039649.46213 + -677534839031.0996 = -748215878680.5618 -3058984 + 385.8715210489656 = -3058598.128478951 -67885834599144.6 + 1912.4063590739174 = -67885834597232.195 61314371194.44441 + -46685123629671.8 = -46623809258477.35 161277.92231872596 + -9831076307214.92 = -9831076145936.998 -61870328145564.414 + -473.78694800610714 = -61870328146038.2 100000000000000 + -5676888573015 = 94323111426985 -2 + -1772828474877.213 = -1772828474879.213 -61578797353 + -4653600316094.057 = -4715179113447.057 919226568904 + -1941132465255 = -1021905896351 946 + -550064.9140592453 = -549118.9140592453 8352061132.130563 + -138 = 8352060994.130563 -953705405.9446598 + -100000000000000 = -100000953705405.94 9295.919342753305 + 446852382867.45013 = 446852392163.3695 -3943562335.74822 + -11514 = -3943573849.74822 -8229.215807291162 + 7802347952288 = 7802347944058.784 -607881057476.967 + -21572041902718 = -22179922960194.97 -8974 + 591740.0013383469 = 582766.0013383469 413702137513.9409 + 979407988.7033336 = 414681545502.6442 54586519 + 943726463 = 998312982 886611306536 + 3954441.144725644 = 886615260977.1448 9.055654659191228 + 8929262827.196625 = 8929262836.25228 7967.414403558988 + 559171 = 567138.4144035589 116 + -26196237145.18198 = -26196237029.18198 891.207767359288 + 656232 = 657123.2077673593 -7614272451023 + 723.5285912337954 = -7614272450299.472 -58945276812.55335 + 278 = -58945276534.55335 -5144715998474.376 + 11860086.318652801 = -5144704138388.058 786158837806.3995 + -64 = 786158837742.3995 31611 + -768897202.3487251 = -768865591.3487251 701953748142.2521 + 7870.98218948535 = 701953756013.2343 -5254.1133204057605 + -100000000000000 = -100000000005254.11 -87361752440 + 53232952890 = -34128799550 16.632861438266342 + -2027372259632 = -2027372259615.3672 -9119 + 8835804 = 8826685 -88536288 + -213556642 = -302092930 4613851465413.301 + -81761653109030 = -77147801643616.7 840544 + -3614.2028705776506 = 836929.7971294223 3798.019192247607 + -120924 = -117125.98080775239 6 + -82734328329.46352 = -82734328323.46352 -45.45280228947766 + -4789 = -4834.452802289477 3882 + -58.192909977697965 = 3823.807090022302 -450476913685.2921 + 61949384.82352986 = -450414964300.46857 9 + 316104.9204902744 = 316113.9204902744 -9.626897875542358 + 3980.788572452951 = 3971.1616745774086 -37036877.55421206 + -443350081914.38556 = -443387118791.93976 35335077341853 + 1847666617.2813926 = 35336925008470.28 -157810.13678495667 + -382307716891 = -382307874701.1368 30965767688640 + -1080737 = 30965766607903 19779278335432 + -877.6281446045824 = 19779278334554.37 722805 + 100000000000000 = 100000000722805 2456.600050975384 + -7302562 = -7300105.399949024 -10277 + -6311 = -16588 -8961312785867 + 97968911.62547839 = -8961214816955.375 167151186 + -18511100832730 = -18510933681544 4437587639 + -27606266542.56722 = -23168678903.56722 -6149067434.207235 + 9.65680305874183 = -6149067424.550432 717081.7013822383 + -2.858228302161214 = 717078.8431539361 9614280548 + -100000000000000 = -99990385719452 -170.69267465536535 + 51228488252.66155 = 51228488081.96888 100000000000000.0 + 740059401074 = 100740059401074.0 -13708888750196 + -84374265 = -13708973124461 -6782344 + 8675696330627 = 8675689548283 -51584840603022.086 + -45136.19557774857 = -51584840648158.28 578 + -9192131314803 = -9192131314225 -3314392180839 + -100000000000000 = -103314392180839 -69886143774429.33 + -22 = -69886143774451.33 9834564426.764906 + -54181983 = 9780382443.764906 28183963792615 + -93618021189.60397 = 28090345771425.395 3432090531714.921 + 9111.417803805685 = 3432090540826.339 -4687600030 + -8.14900525959447 = -4687600038.149005 -411111929238.52234 + 72.55694297961328 = -411111929165.9654 6141369001 + -878475469.996411 = 5262893531.003589 -7.518807046401225 + 51.882870538046454 = 44.364063491645226 41849990613.71084 + -1689655 = 41848300958.71084 -100000000000000.0 + 5322588860 = -99994677411140.0 -36128493.64285907 + 75844.96213481152 = -36052648.68072426 -7717.237472208552 + 99093055 = 99085337.7625278 980004888 + 7781518.782135379 = 987786406.7821354 291223437 + -17215890259500 = -17215599036063 -37242933805.75124 + -4135533 = -37247069338.75124 2867 + -209348.48288505507 = -206481.48288505507 -97 + -2565.514348570533 = -2662.514348570533 8263765 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000008263765.0 1118 + 788 = 1906 -3314027 + -24.73747215753714 = -3314051.7374721575 100000000000000.0 + 33057395994093 = 133057395994093.0 -610 + -105740439 = -105741049 -58361028759.348816 + -940540887 = -59301569646.348816 301548218.77026236 + -1924441294.5721965 = -1622893075.8019342 -60575883726.24612 + 6824.1356924204365 = -60575876902.11043 -80148.40258547726 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000080148.4 -50548874989871.0 + -3376400883 = -50552251390754.0 46061 + 95852562 = 95898623 6787019812483 + 30.800079127081492 = 6787019812513.8 -997271 + 778 = -996493 6623266 + 8.553209388823173 = 6623274.553209389 66.07128975686446 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999933.92 202174 + -80391 = 121783 2673323 + -100000000000000 = -99999997326677 -32.630641709215894 + -8752277.244402451 = -8752309.875044161 -421362.10877805896 + -4260172592 = -4260593954.108778 -49.80139774630056 + 136860836558.73116 = 136860836508.92976 59674722 + 707268273 = 766942995 983 + 7292.860909619112 = 8275.860909619112 219681468684 + 609 = 219681469293 -382080234.4441654 + -236807156072 = -237189236306.44415 -57612.391425147856 + -186753860021 = -186753917633.39142 78.95732334632388 + 634044984.2857678 = 634045063.2430911 -85222485421686 + 7069518068.382989 = -85215415903617.61 7615819531.33455 + -5.934069358740043 = 7615819525.40048 -8489709142187.583 + -331272.69472160545 = -8489709473460.277 -3149 + 37780614 = 37777465 -49901.34507457197 + 9501101 = 9451199.654925428 271756644687 + -100000000000000 = -99728243355313 -1344639 + -373.06004564117643 = -1345012.0600456411 -68775919 + 9202698725.867447 = 9133922806.867447 14992102 + -34734880060 = -34719887958 -3786983582255 + 60780199.95271854 = -3786922802055.0474 -13.725909821904589 + 465 = 451.27409017809543 -1349922947953 + -100000000000000.0 = -101349922947953.0 -3043202612453.6895 + 374486221680 = -2668716390773.6895 -3571707.506478528 + 1.2653445141478952 = -3571706.241134014 -79188.08768651863 + -3 = -79191.08768651863 -3.0299560339892504 + 61881 = 61877.97004396601 60380814919297 + 1677.3667402648143 = 60380814920974.37 7955921 + 6457216 = 14413137 1720.2496387631618 + 961621.2191970756 = 963341.4688358387 -283264353.932511 + -1614378 = -284878731.932511 -943093 + -9854739.182267388 = -10797832.182267388 -38113232214.18811 + -8636.804945570357 = -38113240850.99306 -7801177170802 + -24597898 = -7801201768700 1.2507776688899412 + 787934871 = 787934872.2507777 -395968.8246505065 + -2784482619779 = -2784483015747.8247 72337.11384828389 + 3184988982592.338 = 3184989054929.4517 6427616668862.816 + -237284027.94145763 = 6427379384834.875 208763746.3302285 + -3461 = 208760285.3302285 -7536772.930583405 + 8595 = -7528177.930583405 -729642435068.0602 + 44514.47893541524 = -729642390553.5813 -3373698628.2674904 + 182811313.7054187 = -3190887314.562072 99.48042274852443 + 22637442901.692616 = 22637443001.17304 7360618040 + 4590625.704010885 = 7365208665.704011 -46 + -70.18651221164441 = -116.18651221164441 -70389357 + 642141998192.8896 = 642071608835.8896 -6596797654140.863 + -42337744917076.95 = -48934542571217.81 73781318246.43994 + -6995600996 = 66785717250.43994 51220 + -558 = 50662 2012154167422.1255 + -334756355670 = 1677397811752.1255 82475977585 + -70055 = 82475907530 602535398.6847379 + -50530083 = 552005315.6847379 822.9175545968483 + -13204835222573 = -13204835221750.082 -7030 + 547744 = 540714 -5889627846.585042 + -737517887001 = -743407514847.5851 9 + 8890 = 8899 -7301770.774904843 + -458 = -7302228.774904843 -595540 + -490 = -596030 92 + -905757491 = -905757399 -228 + 279.51083878383304 = 51.51083878383304 1588501756326 + -332401255 = 1588169355071 -79100191847953 + -5 = -79100191847958 -8077850063091 + -100000000000000 = -108077850063091 504.1024644690448 + -798.4469502179567 = -294.3444857489119 11998730.324260896 + 853389.9488784516 = 12852120.273139348 -2300.650273305102 + 2 = -2298.650273305102 8 + 621577967.6855099 = 621577975.6855099 4447853 + 57692954873 = 57697402726 -362602 + 160148.72893786363 = -202453.27106213637 100000000000000.0 + 6243026405 = 100006243026405.0 -202363 + -7942037122051.214 = -7942037324414.214 -844334 + 235596 = -608738 56021698.154816896 + 773813954419.5039 = 773869976117.6587 530886846677 + -734650288.9143769 = 530152196388.08563 665.0013522107747 + -9275181617.58646 = -9275180952.585108 6214 + 353008059 = 353014273 -38853231894 + -100000000000000.0 = -100038853231894.0 -237102284899.35602 + 100000000000000.0 = 99762897715100.64 -17474345918075.018 + -45941317353 = -17520287235428.018 -151149 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000151149.0 -40653176758773 + -82791164843.06146 = -40735967923616.06 6338710393785.074 + -164847031188.2008 = 6173863362596.873 -985296536 + 9468102 = -975828434 -57856851.93645371 + -9 = -57856860.93645371 -24203432.29055023 + -58107284151615.516 = -58107308355047.805 1247545012 + 60540198 = 1308085210 1641 + 28630004 = 28631645 11037561703941 + 3504775.5937638734 = 11037565208716.594 -4397579783477 + 161265938407.4646 = -4236313845069.535 5 + -61.47340834641523 = -56.47340834641523 -58720121682 + -47934217690 = -106654339372 416 + 98431741225790 = 98431741226206 -576.9622348597685 + 887705551 = 887704974.0377651 87815567223556.03 + -2207071 = 87815565016485.03 104.97955612647732 + 58973103.44664857 = 58973208.4262047 -418971 + 99349866 = 98930895 86 + 69.22494184779241 = 155.22494184779242 -771670.49228059 + 323793412498.7954 = 323792640828.3031 -2694867052061 + -38828.95632456303 = -2694867090889.9565 73427871054.84662 + 2469031206 = 75896902260.84662 -158079550 + 50920736672976.69 = 50920578593426.69 74184124.25977458 + -8748976.22547263 = 65435148.03430195 -187215303 + -294 = -187215597 3553.8980639869346 + 986056146.7804351 = 986059700.6784991 -44638515 + -118 = -44638633 315129.3161373316 + -100000000000000 = -99999999684870.69 857677438 + 24541410729 = 25399088167 6.616268088596254 + -702.3919699767639 = -695.7757018881676 9745901853.083067 + -3.7405074980550808 = 9745901849.34256 -15600534.862905823 + 288435.23115045007 = -15312099.631755373 52668.24563549798 + -419043.931916568 = -366375.68628107005 -2 + -647536168 = -647536170 -62.28948585598951 + 78655091966.2103 = 78655091903.9208 161783 + -834074 = -672291 -915.7565847012048 + 4716665578992 = 4716665578076.243 313018824403 + 100000000000000 = 100313018824403 71824.73965046137 + -29518075.734847084 = -29446250.995196622 99818 + -8713997 = -8614179 -871782250.084396 + 90917 = -871691333.084396 8702.157738516353 + -58135891 = -58127188.842261486 -7982477.7797258645 + 91975 = -7890502.7797258645 9590803908691.371 + -7220240043094.618 = 2370563865596.753 -668 + -26591521279 = -26591521947 4.366489648489886 + 5764839399 = 5764839403.366489 150 + -722501267.9419808 = -722501117.9419808 -1397825426854 + 565814205915 = -832011220939 22283232.72036533 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999977716767.28 -948.575794510791 + 60064269.24653523 = 60063320.670740716 210472006048 + -100000000000000 = -99789527993952 483197.5427739586 + -89461597931436 = -89461597448238.45 -7378458794769.522 + 724939 = -7378458069830.522 -2507673.3205567156 + 1 = -2507672.3205567156 7426718870560 + 469392 = 7426719339952 1.1541015000865693 + -1279351740263.42 = -1279351740262.2659 -21.911616079218295 + 86510410 = 86510388.08838393 -62190089937 + 34.07984488809405 = -62190089902.92016 -873858085.7811985 + -33426517291933.83 = -33427391150019.61 5750927522 + -62971387417388 = -62965636489866 -4.012991381324835 + -4437401128199.045 = -4437401128203.058 21921817472388.133 + 92795797127745 = 114717614600133.12 -4.740368103824425 + -5 = -9.740368103824425 89243629797091 + 7843823104156 = 97087452901247 -670748786218 + -77 = -670748786295 -8023884374 + 5 = -8023884369 516792609660.2976 + -267678170.7932741 = 516524931489.50433 -34.73816000586251 + 35766 = 35731.261839994135 18198811905489 + 4709996313357.988 = 22908808218846.99 6854 + -6663168590311 = -6663168583457 -100000000000000 + -565965522 = -100000565965522 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 9.6091125323765 + 3565136 = 3565145.6091125323 -4156279547.882955 + 100000000000000 = 99995843720452.11 976398110 + -63039918 = 913358192 -79489.25923286607 + 93643570 = 93564080.74076714 50885515465 + 638090385526 = 688975900991 4933.025931069163 + 93840648767661 = 93840648772594.03 -22250721899.64194 + -5824677250 = -28075399149.64194 -60885973.813217975 + -804.8028202220048 = -60886778.616038196 7110005150442.3125 + -289.39309782163787 = 7110005150152.919 -74263 + 640.5710002004852 = -73622.42899979952 56931009551.33981 + 206401269 = 57137410820.33981 -8.042232420987935 + -3223.291528073025 = -3231.333760494013 224839609008 + 7529 = 224839616537 -4718750450 + 7 = -4718750443 -7030860.162964526 + 6375195034393.897 = 6375188003533.734 5974202847.883577 + 67357665262 = 73331868109.88358 18 + -49 = -31 7722536 + -4148 = 7718388 568.3255685919466 + -9946714.080053924 = -9946145.754485331 -268520.1120063575 + -579901806980.1409 = -579902075500.2529 12513869 + 647 = 12514516 -394713 + -3798071 = -4192784 -2560996136114 + -2 = -2560996136116 550 + 2391188124089 = 2391188124639 -1 + -2313161.921447508 = -2313162.921447508 3505117 + -62205146.39787888 = -58700029.39787888 -2596441.351958018 + -499 = -2596940.351958018 -3658374841017.742 + 1470.4092156023423 = -3658374839547.333 -7403735550 + 597445213.3347034 = -6806290336.665297 47 + 946168545 = 946168592 20680753671.04109 + -498340174203.0 = -477659420531.9589 13680188 + -8.392455052874528 = 13680179.607544947 56521076244 + -7134266232155 = -7077745155911 244557.7574882445 + 4904896960785.691 = 4904897205343.449 715121438509.7687 + 519601 = 715121958110.7687 -61130708612815.18 + -6215746356176.267 = -67346454968991.445 -19.16889133428849 + -1027494187419.0208 = -1027494187438.1897 -252 + 95397103 = 95396851 229586364.31818715 + -4976 = 229581388.31818715 -35624140894205 + 829066493437 = -34795074400768 -39308018.33123717 + 74 = -39307944.33123717 96176 + -5727454929 = -5727358753 100000000000000.0 + 6763897376 = 100006763897376.0 68950960659161.99 + -1929609048.176412 = 68949031050113.81 -277196353941 + -100000000000000.0 = -100277196353941.0 -197848.52365180757 + -14 = -197862.52365180757 -499452960 + -60781041505610 = -60781540958570 -8898116 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999991101884.0 9609497136725 + -41706401597829 = -32096904461104 -137 + -8 = -145 6.392288385635697 + 7932416.4920005305 = 7932422.884288916 -732326337.1117511 + 7.052850564251327 = -732326330.0589005 89.42422648831122 + -408145.1382898714 = -408055.71406338306 -5.785468137932797 + 36408600046035.1 = 36408600046029.31 477527593 + 4889 = 477532482 67265421138305 + -322.42466766135203 = 67265421137982.58 34215422630795.973 + 28832695848898.1 = 63048118479694.08 -275051122346 + 6758 = -275051115588 -778 + 3082405064333 = 3082405063555 -15926864 + -5587781.734806429 = -21514645.73480643 -4 + 2273240015 = 2273240011 -44.17575165933772 + 1 = -43.17575165933772 88521 + 13828365888781.9 = 13828365977302.9 18510 + 2 = 18512 3486884754697.5327 + 9098527.693224568 = 3486893853225.226 15880.325658080394 + -100000000000000 = -99999999984119.67 60878310510774.64 + 100000000000000 = 160878310510774.62 -22600021.16695332 + 27798984432.866447 = 27776384411.699493 -6394135023616 + 100000000000000 = 93605864976384 6082700 + 254514078689.26547 = 254520161389.26547 25951847.003399737 + -86172322063959 = -86172296112112.0 97187.1121984388 + 320 = 97507.1121984388 388444625760 + -4141.158843707731 = 388444621618.8412 -45206770423383 + -781559.2888959295 = -45206771204942.29 679 + 7736.382364734489 = 8415.382364734489 811593815875 + -6558325 = 811587257550 -2211958269 + 100000000000000 = 99997788041731 -587514225 + -23157.04983123632 = -587537382.0498313 -427742016732.87573 + 9587.881403031186 = -427742007144.9943 -71362186 + 1047923148334.0566 = 1047851786148.0566 -16 + -773749369840 = -773749369856 -313173489246 + 100000000000000.0 = 99686826510754.0 96527 + 184932421817 = 184932518344 -6267107354.872822 + 53190851896 = 46923744541.12718 100000000000000 + -8194994909898 = 91805005090102 -694224609723.7201 + -8493 = -694224618216.7201 872089 + 4667556 = 5539645 648456014.2418288 + -108692943607.2852 = -108044487593.04338 -18100 + -440.210393374651 = -18540.21039337465 5326828546.194585 + 26975220739745.547 = 26980547568291.742 561.9748560628915 + 5973748543203.574 = 5973748543765.549 -3459163 + -7705365578.372192 = -7708824741.372192 -773240513.6215069 + 30620235424 = 29846994910.378494 -3514050658025 + 41522399795.38748 = -3472528258229.6123 -720190545450 + -2 = -720190545452 8 + 192.84492078990786 = 200.84492078990786 1687837536.3742404 + 11786107.673423946 = 1699623644.0476644 1707299109.7339435 + 377838384481.43604 = 379545683591.17 8239 + -8050287449412 = -8050287441173 18.52791725996611 + 75985578.30749401 = 75985596.83541128 -734492020468 + 1 = -734492020467 9070405563763 + 100000000000000.0 = 109070405563763.0 -5356470651585.267 + 79863 = -5356470571722.267 -185829572.03807044 + -6 = -185829578.03807044 35554757608393 + -100000000000000.0 = -64445242391607.0 -28716714648766.883 + 470683980143.85114 = -28246030668623.03 -26 + -36363453773367.984 = -36363453773393.984 -121 + -4151 = -4272 100000000000000.0 + -830576135 = 99999169423865.0 -2573347943488.3945 + -250 = -2573347943738.3945 -563 + -3 = -566 9204980739 + 849981492.137096 = 10054962231.137096 -44361408039151 + -670282041 = -44362078321192 56798771174447 + -73 = 56798771174374
-19339421915847.92 + 356857456 = -19339065058391.92 -275883.1376998439 + -37356169.53096858 = -37632052.66866842 91.01782218799151 + 896684891.3743788 = 896684982.392201 4690917.075380698 + -51.00732995777351 = 4690866.06805074 -93715168.89819565 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000093715168.89 -1671.37392277557 + 8 = -1663.37392277557 -4756 + 8306392766546 = 8306392761790 871967 + -372721.223175207 = 499245.776824793 5 + 7041968019.494836 = 7041968024.494836 -90092842.7159761 + 771953 = -89320889.7159761 -10655823809.293177 + -8.879183852441844 = -10655823818.172361 6528000.805146214 + -81 = 6527919.805146214 -100000000000000 + 52136936 = -99999947863064 -106579565.17920877 + -100000000000000 = -100000106579565.17 -41063948456.58857 + -45422022838.27335 = -86485971294.86192 844671992779 + 100000000000000 = 100844671992779 9098301.79626371 + 469221903364.03687 = 469231001665.8331 -7194486412.324696 + -3944 = -7194490356.324696 -684989776.9470682 + -15206703.777718576 = -700196480.7247868 500143.26173020113 + -3512860.9138093935 = -3012717.6520791925 -23537724720457.32 + -506462984571.0662 = -24044187705028.387 -4489575255821 + 77.98958978960262 = -4489575255743.011 -586986 + -3 = -586989 915729 + 1 = 915730 -981435691.0696229 + -6.815922655286945 = -981435697.8855455 -654031144 + -100000000000000 = -100000654031144 84738.83469864179 + -65718 = 19020.83469864179 -100000000000000 + 2524402231.2475586 = -99997475597768.75 5.337646001961025 + 710193.6423739396 = 710198.9800199416 -486183.6733381752 + 1534233 = 1048049.3266618247 72581.51366561724 + 99189441061.6391 = 99189513643.15277 -100000000000000.0 + -6985775801314 = -106985775801314.0 -1.1109932557847646 + 2941665.826645102 = 2941664.715651846 -62774621.989361525 + -48689070876582.375 = -48689133651204.37 985543071529.0356 + -12892.826061146747 = 985543058636.2096 100000000000000 + 653 = 100000000000653 -6942856929346 + 66482.1362953875 = -6942856862863.863 -201 + 87093228464 = 87093228263 11.938004916232737 + -38400 = -38388.061995083764 905696146279 + 969 = 905696147248 -276713.67578833166 + -6.737494540043492 = -276720.4132828717 -66852959651938.445 + -9307.912418229873 = -66852959661246.36 -48432482637 + -5437730090668.49 = -5486162573305.49 -978413.583488872 + -26390364421642 = -26390365400055.582 64794619862271 + 100000000000000 = 164794619862271 -861 + 9945862865197 = 9945862864336 1849755 + 6675256.154010109 = 8525011.15401011 -3217953 + 519857.0452409282 = -2698095.9547590716 -5 + -871396.2570390651 = -871401.2570390651 6123331 + 6184 = 6129515 339.532818980373 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999660.47 97.36524663920419 + 427 = 524.3652466392042 81553.13468856072 + 1383174.545128253 = 1464727.6798168137 414.3684733183248 + -22463172400 = -22463171985.631527 53704082982 + 2168817418.4763803 = 55872900400.47638 100000000000000 + -99033191883802.42 = 966808116197.5781 -62 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999938 -933 + 8 = -925 -80494858161562.4 + -3397142729035.4785 = -83892000890597.89 -3844939085210.6113 + 65.66339269922798 = -3844939085144.9478 100000000000000.0 + -15.25091160962198 = 99999999999984.75 8 + -53846954873562.78 = -53846954873554.78 79784728280.2431 + 52658 = 79784780938.2431 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = 0.0 6858041355.146019 + 100000000000000 = 100006858041355.14 -94697024 + -9 = -94697033 -32160827288032.93 + -830.5321080831695 = -32160827288863.46 -608007 + -3606501188.670742 = -3607109195.670742 -47908752686700 + -35708493801096 = -83617246487796 443674.72037671437 + 91530895473058.05 = 91530895916732.77 222141017 + 4601120406.726996 = 4823261423.726996 440367382646 + -832073.3836988676 = 440366550572.6163 -137.62329626008145 + 670807473165 = 670807473027.3767 3513280787476.0566 + 8516348830 = 3521797136306.0566 4 + 27964339648 = 27964339652 -5064704291.004654 + -201232169578 = -206296873869.00464 -466839731698 + 555 = -466839731143 -6828959 + 735.3749795259538 = -6828223.625020474 -5956968208826.221 + 85602029802001 = 79645061593174.78 40699516400 + 35437008 = 40734953408 2436 + 71444366 = 71446802 -725518325047 + 7 = -725518325040 -3853.6075836614673 + 3121364602297.6606 = 3121364598444.053 -84022506091611 + 100000000000000 = 15977493908389 100000000000000.0 + 3139056210655.782 = 103139056210655.78 -100000000000000.0 + -9385044868.628807 = -100009385044868.62 679626668.4914583 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000679626668.48 2 + -7 = -5 98096 + 3221061 = 3319157 -4189 + -525 = -4714 -731.7380436310916 + 9708813459 = 9708812727.261957 -547.8255138313139 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999452.17 -6446392539 + -169310392118.8905 = -175756784657.8905 233955.3790308325 + -227143 = 6812.379030832497 -20.768522237435604 + 2 = -18.768522237435604 -17831150628155 + -17861.451382382602 = -17831150646016.453 -2097016088680 + -5254.159493125211 = -2097016093934.1594 5845002.332413662 + -263 = 5844739.332413662 -54496388339.14535 + 2 = -54496388337.14535 -33141 + -41.932776969290245 = -33182.93277696929 81 + -6705.414250337212 = -6624.414250337212 9195079959073 + 6.739248252621381 = 9195079959079.738 28363538033787.457 + -875508479572 = 27488029554215.457 -5 + 269342349568 = 269342349563 9079610035 + 271 = 9079610306 2319963.0274801278 + 1823879288595.3477 = 1823881608558.3752 -933763847375 + 287173458.8176887 = -933476673916.1823 949709 + -9.092148761368113 = 949699.9078512386 268552267 + 4347043017 = 4615595284 957655306715.721 + -94128424.76734933 = 957561178290.9536 -905266340750 + -2342704.3562914766 = -905268683454.3563 10445561170591.463 + -100000000000000.0 = -89554438829408.53 -20556 + 71 = -20485 65472.32981618188 + 10816834408 = 10816899880.329817 1710650156128 + 6 = 1710650156134 -54417 + -6531.672621704193 = -60948.672621704194 756073393621 + -74458314395649 = -73702241002028 40233 + -23321364999686.086 = -23321364959453.086 2769815 + -3079.9794882377955 = 2766735.0205117622 4737454.407371699 + 788697 = 5526151.407371699 869.3000087467555 + 4933674538 = 4933675407.300009 -379.2413611258838 + -137.84565761025618 = -517.08701873614 -327218580150.79065 + 54124.22602170123 = -327218526026.56464 261940037 + 861 = 261940898 -32439.937260479768 + 1 = -32438.937260479768 74244438 + 63822 = 74308260 465554791624.521 + 148227876 = 465703019500.521 -617313513700.1353 + 108879982053 = -508433531647.13525 -321 + 52.83205787965461 = -268.1679421203454 -791188825550.1666 + 6475 = -791188819075.1666 -40279408.586227804 + 273657.91833073593 = -40005750.66789707 93799351412.37291 + 2482712834.2930536 = 96282064246.66597 -53842332239.49181 + 49660 = -53842282579.49181 -58345364803157.81 + 6.259615241893496 = -58345364803151.555 -50339 + 8380122 = 8329783 159780 + 579768480.4630692 = 579928260.4630692 7420947370.439317 + -8554437179116 = -8547016231745.561 -92152339225.69614 + -7163624567.170149 = -99315963792.86629 599352098896.1461 + -100000000000000 = -99400647901103.86 -653328 + 647904 = -5424 40255473 + -100000000000000 = -99999959744527 -85780549.828559 + -5191.743135653943 = -85785741.57169466 43206803622087 + -5875 = 43206803616212 652058.2776816317 + 9755166 = 10407224.277681632 -19268.751552357833 + -100000000000000 = -100000000019268.75 886446 + 3123631617001 = 3123632503447 509595 + 68906.82288092421 = 578501.8228809242 -45.741728940552576 + -24713869 = -24713914.74172894 9354315800443.844 + 1677320649310 = 11031636449753.844 6346443662 + -100000000000000 = -99993653556338 2132356.615278904 + 54136581 = 56268937.61527891 1 + -887768134.4036857 = -887768133.4036857 -3944551 + 825467 = -3119084 227219.9358158621 + -48.75094556358787 = 227171.18487029852 100000000000000 + -1415 = 99999999998585 50180852618.79091 + 64590803 = 50245443421.79091 84976.33234978069 + -5 = 84971.33234978069 100000000000000.0 + -202 = 99999999999798.0 -5512 + 771821194 = 771815682 467547626165.3476 + -837.5471878516317 = 467547625327.8004 72786193261842 + 7851724698.794907 = 72794044986540.8 -4905 + 60025 = 55120 35 + -7839817 = -7839782 984306084559.41 + -5300051.083981481 = 984300784508.326 -562451741020 + -6245342000.416123 = -568697083020.4161 81.63952955367616 + -853420676 = -853420594.3604704 -773822126 + -7230.0323502940855 = -773829356.0323503 -98312174608 + 2404117725969 = 2305805551361 -96599327997 + 315.6323525345893 = -96599327681.36765 -84 + -617443.4427432695 = -617527.4427432695 38259536.3549689 + -934.539514274355 = 38258601.815454625 -2887626 + 4526.09469759782 = -2883099.905302402 -100000000000000.0 + 961399638.34937 = -99999038600361.66 -997524.7823714617 + -663497.5440201926 = -1661022.3263916543 -8287454.818033355 + -24.21412932687287 = -8287479.032162682 87 + 14225746 = 14225833 73027640995434.34 + 3887.017581897776 = 73027640999321.36 -100000000000000.0 + 6567.516058499389 = -99999999993432.48 -27755067838262.08 + -7033 = -27755067845295.08 828465228 + -643.1029369306386 = 828464584.897063 532731255161.97284 + -191246.67372886094 = 532731063915.29913 -26438716592 + 1.3984286239034107 = -26438716590.60157 -85878.28537797948 + -2.866646070495479 = -85881.15202404998 -6360.656810295331 + -9333 = -15693.656810295332 58915371189152 + -101 = 58915371189051 -9133001342569 + 53604157.04572777 = -9132947738411.955 -14.363203188975252 + -26989492953255 = -26989492953269.363 -23275.530069659704 + 100000000000000 = 99999999976724.47 15935 + 6.906016839913016 = 15941.906016839914 -6429346268 + 9 = -6429346259 -9196793 + -4 = -9196797 -79031793019447 + -100000000000000 = -179031793019447 4.289950550363756 + 5661535.673696412 = 5661539.963646962 729999.6126949296 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000729999.61 -338 + 3654775906 = 3654775568 6539.6818452674115 + -33509387.37577928 = -33502847.693934012 635.1428753731446 + 959574958 = 959575593.1428753 -58 + 3439875 = 3439817 -6974365 + -610991 = -7585356 -1358862 + 5.331588486198565 = -1358856.6684115138 65003 + -1032 = 63971 3883520322.375426 + -827165797383.1434 = -823282277060.7681 -9060622640485.873 + 946884632 = -9059675755853.873 -403473077.7989278 + -970.9835545880585 = -403474048.7824824 97156273640861 + -579321303518 = 96576952337343 816176769399 + -4923.112615863245 = 816176764475.8873 100000000000000 + 35735.84144416661 = 100000000035735.84 3638.2716101479205 + -259690 = -256051.72838985207 6405.644881265434 + 2299700928251 = 2299700934656.645 -41313566 + 943622262257 = 943580948691 835.8772287055576 + -5269 = -4433.122771294442 -55293617 + -70 = -55293687 3250633401397 + 2.907962728156545 = 3250633401399.908 -310603 + 66912.70049393649 = -243690.29950606351 -582979.9423187347 + -5577865097.645374 = -5578448077.587693 40745438 + -38050882 = 2694556 25290 + 32653594.511875793 = 32678884.511875793 -168242619 + 605.6246740778197 = -168242013.37532592 5279991.888266921 + -7379 = 5272612.888266921 -3379060580239 + 508819303 = -3378551760936 2541089 + 342226.5685911814 = 2883315.568591181 -556.4399185977325 + 379 = -177.43991859773246 303058019.65890694 + -487265457829 = -486962399809.34106 -14.228387208025444 + -971843541 = -971843555.2283872 -715 + 6448 = 5733 100000000000000 + 15320400274.454002 = 100015320400274.45 -54797662409 + -83210280 = -54880872689 763880849 + -7311 = 763873538 20688.597637974104 + 6957 = 27645.597637974104 52872043429075.02 + 97.05128554822906 = 52872043429172.08 5570702694 + -434041395 = 5136661299 6162552329671 + 8650965017.862349 = 6171203294688.862 -976877551467 + 24804690586583.65 = 23827813035116.65 68046576998.52983 + -81530102891272 = -81462056314273.47 -100000000000000.0 + -545979808.6328216 = -100000545979808.64 96144.63284664403 + 84601990916207 = 84601991012351.64 -492953 + 153042 = -339911 31917669396.503296 + 50743231 = 31968412627.503296 -97985292294.12798 + 89895.68558762131 = -97985202398.44238 3816056792.7573967 + -10006847.873583922 = 3806049944.883813 4048.271822931013 + 91472.68720857415 = 95520.95903150516 -759761.9535186148 + 8506628092571 = 8506627332809.047 -5063749 + -5 = -5063754 -47 + 813.7175306957021 = 766.7175306957021 102189082 + -85079.12292695501 = 102104002.87707305 100000000000000.0 + 3077562 = 100000003077562.0 523065569836 + 466979711.63170826 = 523532549547.6317 -68462154.92361085 + 4857155727.672228 = 4788693572.748617 564 + -2.876441297988808 = 561.1235587020112 6950.986440438298 + -93469738666.47375 = -93469731715.48732 566474.8993083839 + 49458350725.389305 = 49458917200.28861 -68189194817.48308 + 4014980.243104611 = -68185179837.239975 -2270205126737 + 291 = -2270205126446 38793749173254.27 + 88.55517281920066 = 38793749173342.83 -11368 + 69987618808.99197 = 69987607440.99197 556518776960.5325 + -8729088 = 556510047872.5325 -173357242 + 2754044575705 = 2753871218463 8.430910784179249 + 90147 = 90155.43091078418 7557451055261.31 + 3197547390 = 7560648602651.31 -9331259197 + 604962076783 = 595630817586 -131830.2407721718 + 9186321335 = 9186189504.759228 -461.382140718697 + 8763 = 8301.617859281303 84381309604.9934 + 2969824852.3777375 = 87351134457.37112 73458 + -444442918159.5827 = -444442844701.5827 -112.355254919517 + -7.591685788628164 = -119.94694070814516 75763534.86368237 + -5.27114042836288 = 75763529.59254195 -8894.371116504519 + -319655986132 = -319655995026.3711 816.2380678362309 + -371973574.2346784 = -371972757.9966105 45 + -652680721161.3503 = -652680721116.3503 -47 + -632951789371 = -632951789418 -533 + 6.252169101832314 = -526.7478308981676 -7185.363014701556 + 84410699 = 84403513.6369853 86 + 88883044.6657377 = 88883130.6657377 3969790912352.081 + 4518080.708756095 = 3969795430432.79 -800065 + -4.658582701470991 = -800069.6585827015 16443 + -91056 = -74613 -9117906 + -80975060987869.7 = -80975070105775.7 863105 + 7.306525046089121 = 863112.3065250461 26792.096740699857 + 18658 = 45450.09674069985 -24172 + -9 = -24181 -196798847.02791786 + -200.22496312268913 = -196799047.252881 586024339.1234756 + -142 = 586024197.1234756 66032751758 + 90482799.29170741 = 66123234557.29171 -7850307587666 + 305560265515 = -7544747322151 -22163 + 55.041324087708375 = -22107.95867591229 -178051687596 + 2 = -178051687594 -92.0603712882273 + -3836616234.3448625 = -3836616326.405234 237.73161760503763 + -661915 = -661677.2683823949 7595564398.301283 + -510413796706.3425 = -502818232308.04126 -43905026.00169731 + -6 = -43905032.00169731 615969193145 + -7077283.5502520995 = 615962115861.4497 -1519673584579 + -14 = -1519673584593 -585994.6682629341 + -9.00382927830339 = -586003.6720922124 722722195 + -7040371979 = -6317649784 -76 + -854366289577.6033 = -854366289653.6033 -724937940 + -899019288034 = -899744225974 -100000000000000.0 + -119316268.1701878 = -100000119316268.17 -8443.772908762454 + 892 = -7551.772908762454 -82991 + -60202968687907.66 = -60202968770898.66 -818619.8848568916 + -8857793 = -9676412.88485689 -5.937776725181925 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000005.94 -28901283535501 + -75967253338366 = -104868536873867 80004825860884.02 + 974 = 80004825861858.02 -9 + 99960905579 = 99960905570 -71781 + -99854843110756.77 = -99854843182537.77 -133612286302.69933 + 46.35528189388007 = -133612286256.34404 -479692840068.42725 + 35377332204277.84 = 34897639364209.418 7 + -40290.84467888063 = -40283.84467888063 3374602898878.264 + -5 = 3374602898873.264 1200 + 539705 = 540905 -123.74613313055877 + 36616 = 36492.25386686944 -55241253988 + 100000000000000 = 99944758746012 8 + -29354811.41561529 = -29354803.41561529 635345026663 + 1699664602 = 637044691265 209.85926930080842 + 83028016789 = 83028016998.85927 23.808062823657906 + -991950121447 = -991950121423.1919 -9422.091939197207 + -727140.8479601145 = -736562.9398993116 -95283506.4862647 + 2938899006867 = 2938803723360.5137 -361583.832755578 + 42 = -361541.832755578 -31315966214913 + 8777564028 = -31307188650885 -58715034824 + 82343 = -58714952481 23049654 + 7453991321017 = 7454014370671 18468897474777.117 + 61150.78019259906 = 18468897535927.9 -8 + -764717186.2771362 = -764717194.2771362 5952 + -8752037932.09384 = -8752031980.09384 -65983116 + 34501508 = -31481608 721 + 475583436193 = 475583436914 -532978 + 630704.7600088491 = 97726.76000884909 53766100.078627795 + 3924854255803.3584 = 3924908021903.437 24763854826770.55 + 5638538206 = 24769493364976.55 40 + 86559409308 = 86559409348 1 + 52737250184314 = 52737250184315 -134437 + -15910459482396 = -15910459616833 100064.12446721845 + 9635180839084.746 = 9635180939148.871 -5763 + 89623638872 = 89623633109 676.4250535878382 + 206 = 882.4250535878382 -740 + -20234279260937 = -20234279261677 13007251.865193058 + -836843790144.4904 = -836830782892.6251 -238.3207738355924 + -1415.7061475413334 = -1654.0269213769259 -6885777111477.37 + -94 = -6885777111571.37 48376193828634.25 + 8615123940.533684 = 48384808952574.78 206.8056322031386 + 45011907031151 = 45011907031357.805 -35846731464322.44 + 8153898973 = -35838577565349.44 273694055522.78748 + -100000000000000 = -99726305944477.22 86 + 7125209953 = 7125210039 377304881 + 2669110105507.669 = 2669487410388.669 -3843.9312660214987 + 581396542 = 581392698.0687339 -1570064215035 + 64424.71550354595 = -1570064150610.2844 -7671.316091205309 + 80697066519.288 = 80697058847.97191 251606500648.97397 + 39.700126531886404 = 251606500688.6741 7821362118.73687 + 947543270.3102413 = 8768905389.047112 4.3014522012301555 + -3246.3318637786356 = -3242.0304115774056 1823952.3851675147 + 561759 = 2385711.385167515 -89173728628448.95 + -43909186.907878965 = -89173772537635.86 112646622.93478197 + -94006 = 112552616.93478197 562909 + -958284109.2796314 = -957721200.2796314 -357880216225 + -8790927826113.035 = -9148808042338.035 -154 + -96677 = -96831 -910331.1707111406 + -551332536687 = -551333447018.1707 835754 + -37973 = 797781 27631065 + -51827134200.32776 = -51799503135.32776 -9073765725775.752 + 761048.9544606966 = -9073764964726.797 4.377630927483637 + -6 = -1.6223690725163626 -270989298052 + -241590855849.68204 = -512580153901.682 5.215200422413354 + 9748265110 = 9748265115.2152 98496796110607 + 589017708.691202 = 98497385128315.69 -497933134871.2906 + -704303444 = -498637438315.2906 -75687393803.5322 + -50756118497108.97 = -50831805890912.5 36506124486422 + -39171724578363.06 = -2665600091941.0625 -28440028937 + 748341.3399232506 = -28439280595.660076 -19559 + -692354 = -711913 -4388875577248.5947 + 2895119435998.363 = -1493756141250.232 -680548 + 376.44139715878623 = -680171.5586028412 22357228034.90603 + -4201.758122229801 = 22357223833.147907 -14985151721350.855 + -1215792.197596032 = -14985152937143.053 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 -83 + 3069.8431078894214 = 2986.8431078894214 -17148663367644 + -100000000000000.0 = -117148663367644.0 61.799375644634274 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000061.8 47967174141277 + -48680 = 47967174092597 -627446404 + 8917811618954.027 = 8917184172550.027 -34344509440.78053 + 287994.8184180793 = -34344221445.962112 694 + -3159218.558625418 = -3158524.558625418 9230.947349560234 + -50 = 9180.947349560234 845741361 + -683327.620108283 = 845058033.3798918 -914336 + -59767.77784204068 = -974103.7778420406 -21.99627413292642 + -65 = -86.99627413292642 54890565929.470055 + -1317527 = 54889248402.470055 -100000000000000 + -3890317164326.0044 = -103890317164326.0 133830498.38133441 + 222.67801034258082 = 133830721.05934475 3604695650749.8804 + 2 = 3604695650751.8804 67237880.76713368 + -92629 = 67145251.76713368 -9393 + -9.657412648102156 = -9402.657412648103 100000000000000 + -805 = 99999999999195 100000000000000.0 + -100195 = 99999999899805.0 -95075600566.96907 + -732201776.150201 = -95807802343.11928 44495538159329 + -15.621732551163692 = 44495538159313.375 5 + -8306.72672747213 = -8301.72672747213 13047005421119.281 + 963 = 13047005422082.281 -49.276167527057346 + -1.9520656479104894 = -51.22823317496783 2323170110718 + -386 = 2323170110332 41821.91207008358 + 2451546653.721341 = 2451588475.6334114 654477084102.2222 + 13284393161796.15 = 13938870245898.373 5140436077.407833 + -26650309.70878861 = 5113785767.699044 454560.89990765555 + 3940347141477.3555 = 3940347596038.2554 -7.87448992529518 + -104 = -111.87448992529518 89.14002014341942 + 4364183 = 4364272.140020143 -945512465876.0973 + -88067764038 = -1033580229914.0973 317 + 875 = 1192 69187829902737.68 + 8.468179184172351 = 69187829902746.15 -535295.7113190256 + -88019532.20177929 = -88554827.91309832 67760794 + 81400906528416.61 = 81400974289210.61 81764445 + -82624 = 81681821 345 + -30018194.004771076 = -30017849.004771076 -996428.0192100351 + 600.6574664485111 = -995827.3617435866 -1309327654277.7646 + 531 = -1309327653746.7646 5203364301230.332 + -100000000000000 = -94796635698769.67 -650013114113.777 + 69 = -650013114044.777 6719418110729.623 + -47587383130.267 = 6671830727599.356 -937761777 + 87293622 = -850468155 -78934 + -6580282788385.473 = -6580282867319.473 -773428216297 + 98660032 = -773329556265 57022659329255.76 + 5 = 57022659329260.76 2331702851139 + -594061 = 2331702257078 -71173173897540.75 + 14221325301.319527 = -71158952572239.44 5758 + 939734861 = 939740619 33712836887 + 6126507.40517329 = 33718963394.405174 679363731 + -5357 = 679358374 9937457111 + -95 = 9937457016 36 + 35859.26191431662 = 35895.26191431662 -5900.703246986026 + 8790908930 = 8790903029.296753 480005480681 + -213789 = 480005266892 2.054039221409197 + -850.8208327282879 = -848.7667935068787 -62148 + 1652233 = 1590085 72137433 + -8195103519291.915 = -8195031381858.915 856 + -5.7236523175170895 = 850.2763476824829 -100000000000000.0 + -8869.598047149371 = -100000000008869.6 -8315.57442866231 + 100000000000000 = 99999999991684.42 -4067116 + 3.8112346049882704 = -4067112.188765395 -5190303.431936838 + 249955476766 = 249950286462.56805 6796867792423.526 + -789957.0446494864 = 6796867002466.481 -7839.642964974994 + 3 = -7836.642964974994 -100000000000000.0 + 726072 = -99999999273928.0 2 + -91 = -89 -71113594663379.78 + -3413 = -71113594666792.78 -7044302116.690612 + -5789113.562257822 = -7050091230.25287 109320819079.69917 + 350423096.6429908 = 109671242176.34216 49.534772181138855 + -994278.8748786859 = -994229.3401065047 -2867247520431.7686 + -9287596836709 = -12154844357140.77 2280.509034840644 + 79729281.0136649 = 79731561.52269974 -90470672692.51875 + -7417999757045.761 = -7508470429738.279 -100000000000000 + -32220015895 = -100032220015895 -90 + 2537785031 = 2537784941 100000000000000 + 6382278509 = 100006382278509 -100000000000000 + -7746538445 = -100007746538445 -592385432.5645612 + -98584788140 = -99177173572.56456 100000000000000.0 + -4675 = 99999999995325.0 95340734.35424991 + -9827968.746590145 = 85512765.60765976 85714.77801156747 + 7559350281.1060295 = 7559435995.884041 -11990906190992 + 1 = -11990906190991 78100391699.29517 + 722.6815877146801 = 78100392421.97676 -4119224514 + -100000000000000 = -100004119224514 -3244931 + -83064281728495 = -83064284973426 -29 + 35038.85281562661 = 35009.85281562661 -100000000000000 + 453298478975.48083 = -99546701521024.52 8589907438393.472 + -7247330296492.583 = 1342577141900.8887 43324 + 100000000000000 = 100000000043324 69050895572 + 3.098268075931223 = 69050895575.09827 823254137 + -665 = 823253472 932705880 + -3408 = 932702472 -946053918 + 2773489.0881906557 = -943280428.9118093 -35.44277162715984 + -472114872.6567019 = -472114908.09947354 -324 + -16094576844 = -16094577168 2551670924.97768 + 79 = 2551671003.97768 171.92508559964455 + 27147350642752 = 27147350642923.926 4917792 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000004917792.0 -432520335 + -67412.91080499702 = -432587747.910805 13983289228995.148 + 467192932.0020176 = 13983756421927.15 -5772600913621 + 8.920717789997154 = -5772600913612.079 27568 + 5254.705683250882 = 32822.70568325088 -42.77069878158716 + -312648 = -312690.7706987816 55175723186660.25 + -8094852737.3487215 = 55167628333922.9 -3466840545883.3423 + -9658568 = -3466850204451.3423 -6725585807 + 9875951693.35139 = 3150365886.351391 91046239113.34799 + -23841845628916 = -23750799389802.652 -98950460933.9875 + 4522 = -98950456411.9875 1551965.7251428657 + -478.3158884863506 = 1551487.4092543793 -9 + 67987.23185139708 = 67978.23185139708 -2027799 + 939637 = -1088162 679096.9644909061 + -7821.567827431481 = 671275.3966634746 4863749 + 83142875290253.2 = 83142880154002.2 94820857844363.19 + -59437.69044862188 = 94820857784925.5 -544739 + -2283.597637395123 = -547022.5976373951 -2698183661218 + 84294759719 = -2613888901499 -4661 + 31.549301485231815 = -4629.450698514768 -940894.8165349261 + -34930714054 = -34931654948.816536 -7842048108590 + -30771251172778.47 = -38613299281368.47 -53876805.71426804 + 100000000000000 = 99999946123194.28 -4.407206712610561 + 94468 = 94463.59279328739 -68 + 296991425 = 296991357 -74192914627 + -470487 = -74193385114 -963118482 + 836528.2801731147 = -962281953.7198269 286973721441.59674 + 8473695071 = 295447416512.59674 -2525535612.203484 + 3.1821270940300446 = -2525535609.021357 -422399608128 + -32007 = -422399640135 6097770630325.981 + -9798145879110 = -3700375248784.0186 -80483540375 + -14292742211.440739 = -94776282586.44073 311866086.6332245 + 959773410 = 1271639496.6332245 527077 + -180552545.67832157 = -180025468.67832157 -2290 + 1148940 = 1146650 -1961138418796 + -102387383249 = -2063525802045 61718564697 + 59 = 61718564756 -306.58976707955424 + 219 = -87.58976707955424 -931076660.1295058 + -21567104873.831245 = -22498181533.96075 747565546375 + -7997644209060 = -7250078662685 7 + -4722375207803 = -4722375207796 -2520069940.996605 + -408071229.24689144 = -2928141170.2434964 984464.3782668621 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999015535.62 100000000000000.0 + 7204900275216.526 = 107204900275216.53 -100000000000000.0 + -2753998687 = -100002753998687.0 -204143.54490101952 + 341268351.76754194 = 341064208.22264093 -8117.417866751745 + 100000000000000 = 99999999991882.58 603440586961 + 997103151.7760706 = 604437690112.7761 -6.457312185247594 + -4913587562765 = -4913587562771.457 7670.087111889632 + -469 = 7201.087111889632 793973762916.2767 + -1144499.7025698 = 793972618416.5742 -15 + -895.4890673125112 = -910.4890673125112 -322534 + 68657.71330992134 = -253876.28669007868 -2.0867447199593276 + 3911540107 = 3911540104.913255 567364298794 + 100000000000000 = 100567364298794 -8 + 460196146.299537 = 460196138.299537 -61840351114.75017 + 446 = -61840350668.75017 39272 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000039272.0 -278.4655250339274 + -112923085140 = -112923085418.46553 510170 + 2 = 510172 -6578992818320.062 + 100000000000000.0 = 93421007181679.94 -27601 + 863282933.6000242 = 863255332.6000242 -357.7753241796385 + -3084859222.405817 = -3084859580.1811414 -17233.691482598682 + -7605206147 = -7605223380.691483 100000000000000.0 + 2152141.1891925326 = 100000002152141.19 89896095711334.72 + 100000000000000 = 189896095711334.72 30047330111002 + -6573591329828.73 = 23473738781173.27 -3282653377 + -7724491520887.443 = -7727774174264.443 -7184.924496288379 + -931465858 = -931473042.9244963 8536.336510206056 + -6827747849 = -6827739312.663489 100000000000000.0 + -1556347967216 = 98443652032784.0 62223548 + -879373 = 61344175 -201108261 + 7582784914.99598 = 7381676653.99598 94 + -7341066 = -7340972 861633930.8945415 + 4414005139 = 5275639069.894542 146620989535.29248 + 5 = 146620989540.29248 -9758735.101611169 + 5906 = -9752829.101611169 917174067.0332808 + 618306511.1137419 = 1535480578.1470227 46869500740 + -6777320.067779979 = 46862723419.93222 -100000000000000.0 + 8092391711.751744 = -99991907608288.25 3657.543665961606 + 299938551068.07117 = 299938554725.6148 47918 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999952082.0 -321892525400 + 815 = -321892524585 -51488 + 4525.657879999544 = -46962.34212000045 5 + 6251867734.990761 = 6251867739.990761 174452 + -44340660300.64438 = -44340485848.64438 -38534743391 + 2654777680.1661186 = -35879965710.83388 -410452921 + 655726310984.1072 = 655315858063.1072 -866649.6160730629 + 24725.839513480696 = -841923.7765595822 443254462155 + 38091494 = 443292553649 10515969 + -491 = 10515478 -591766358950.2878 + -378118268742 = -969884627692.2878 -22 + 136622005 = 136621983 -40060529221.993324 + 100000000000000 = 99959939470778.0 -1866085761912.0938 + 8199317.302779086 = -1866077562594.791 -75678189 + 74655.60071217331 = -75603533.39928782 -91196.0599443402 + 9192314.185751066 = 9101118.125806725 15061 + 600027 = 615088 -939549.8991044224 + -87067.2866937958 = -1026617.1857982182 99717296.48105648 + 7387.857192629068 = 99724684.33824912 5.366100712992659 + 935409 = 935414.366100713 -20359280524495.89 + -77345565626854 = -97704846151349.89 -100000000000000.0 + 2506721.619401272 = -99999997493278.38 -7991 + 3229.1210528476354 = -4761.878947152365 100000000000000 + 899611 = 100000000899611 -7144209347267.108 + -744735 = -7144210092002.108 -9892370.264162855 + -48638522.86228696 = -58530893.126449816 77775840543.22192 + 555.4780824945756 = 77775841098.70001 -51627152082.51776 + 4968167593.617689 = -46658984488.90007 -85580474 + 945360550335.4135 = 945274969861.4135 -6.447017699189248 + -72222615.70173946 = -72222622.14875716 793571 + -4 = 793567 -9614511996230.93 + 664.0698461504456 = -9614511995566.86 942268773401.1768 + -26572116435 = 915696656966.1768 1491403755675.0308 + 44795321 = 1491448550996.0308 -74353 + -180 = -74533 799569146247 + 100000000000000 = 100799569146247 540.2198991951709 + 1647937 = 1648477.2198991952 4059.5712368894947 + -9602.684603321615 = -5543.1133664321205 2086426905.121109 + 54184374043 = 56270800948.12111 5311 + -291765.995301635 = -286454.995301635 -1007236006.8220172 + -84525952 = -1091761958.8220172 -235.1346521851079 + 43067240 = 43067004.86534782 -57989051959032 + 1.4889393621271512 = -57989051959030.51 4420561470060 + -6147308 = 4420555322752 -19.049879693627172 + 53574700996 = 53574700976.95012 481.81427338354456 + -5480000 = -5479518.1857266165 -100000000000000 + 74615049735535 = -25384950264465 91837462063.80202 + -325849363425 = -234011901361.198 -3.6327923041461507 + -8783437605339.377 = -8783437605343.01 17916104.23320258 + 86618418145 = 86636334249.2332 85126 + -1018.8121622709606 = 84107.18783772904 -9985386894.491667 + -89561.98578122644 = -9985476456.477448 -460787300 + 62409118711 = 61948331411 281252284593 + -100000000000000.0 = -99718747715407.0 815580738 + 37 = 815580775 68263114 + 15512 = 68278626 702872362.3044912 + 8.518943256614282 = 702872370.8234345 -8 + -968789013588.8654 = -968789013596.8654 1808.4247065755947 + -7655915051 = -7655913242.575294 -63743751179.85447 + 663.2412738838924 = -63743750516.6132 670764116 + -68393664981339 = -68392994217223 -5634878 + -658237587 = -663872465 2195372062 + -1652436.4476658439 = 2193719625.5523343 717969 + 881.471751371894 = 718850.4717513719 10326819937 + 763534843525 = 773861663462 -864640679573.658 + 41202541025 = -823438138548.658 -4645025414738 + -7 = -4645025414745 -14227 + -1982.8000760873592 = -16209.800076087358 551412342041 + 100000000000000.0 = 100551412342041.0 -64 + -54 = -118 -8.074188854394139 + -860930782728.1957 = -860930782736.2699 -277.44920800900235 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000277.45 263.3076527019788 + 410097.42566905846 = 410360.73332176043 374940616610 + 8456 = 374940625066 -1825.552749650383 + -738905886 = -738907711.5527496 -72220566516.81647 + -18394580063203.566 = -18466800629720.383 -72395258045.4499 + -18807977119.69179 = -91203235165.1417 -52546.463970641766 + 100000000000000 = 99999999947453.53 -4783613 + -50536 = -4834149 -536476948291 + 14.288170236267028 = -536476948276.71185 675791157.4162607 + -288954123.6207721 = 386837033.7954886 -9838579.947136957 + 241910335 = 232071755.05286303 -58485593264945 + -51624787342.96675 = -58537218052287.97 -805919288738 + 8907012.65601046 = -805910381725.344 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 70679249 + -962064.5066650806 = 69717184.49333492 -70125168835717.6 + -214.60371815758697 = -70125168835932.2 100000000000000 + -2039895 = 99999997960105 -100000000000000 + -32688814.525648963 = -100000032688814.53 494425.3379452589 + 8452102254.351727 = 8452596679.6896715 345343329.26260674 + 91 = 345343420.26260674 -100000000000000 + 33207106056 = -99966792893944 4404695784397.922 + 77896940664.07913 = 4482592725062.001 7.243417201358446 + 67282155226 = 67282155233.243416 41914287054 + -95093289277831.11 = -95051374990777.11 798995215 + 95 = 798995310 -100000000000000 + 76478.50155808096 = -99999999923521.5 -805241924747.1361 + 44091.60615470979 = -805241880655.5299 -415 + 1384 = 969 -400796000432 + 707.7851886361318 = -400795999724.2148 362394548259 + -8450 = 362394539809 3340178.327893858 + 1551.2600098963749 = 3341729.5879037543 88365771 + 23 = 88365794 897997108 + -54417522369781 = -54416624372673 -85025317 + -31607.754185487927 = -85056924.75418548 100000000000000.0 + -21122462.398045085 = 99999978877537.61 -374.1868955577861 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000374.19 8945808 + -46535619 = -37589811 6 + -315136360 = -315136354 63.73548629390843 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999936.27 -89.51513766357472 + 66.80465588316801 = -22.71048178040671 5.262429730124356 + 18005 = 18010.262429730123 100000000000000.0 + -3949760760.876098 = 99996050239239.12 74756316 + 740244 = 75496560 6987.240063642165 + 1 = 6988.240063642165 716315309987.6931 + 1222354881.4492986 = 717537664869.1425 100000000000000 + -862508.7390878208 = 99999999137491.27 -7301552 + -596957126035 = -596964427587 194.41530721010867 + 69816742610 = 69816742804.41531 -2008.7949930493041 + 4744964277.530132 = 4744962268.735139 -3809173860 + -7920330208.979829 = -11729504068.979828 37463649195213.28 + 693367333 = 37464342562546.28 66455 + -848740.803370589 = -782285.803370589 -44099281351 + 9293785 = -44089987566 54013849579549 + 41 = 54013849579590 142333069938 + 187757 = 142333257695 6747 + -39569131145404.02 = -39569131138657.02 -73496425705.35614 + 5249354686536.115 = 5175858260830.759 -924814241521.9608 + 964559 = -924813276962.9608 55442.664812989744 + -6.655629617683961 = 55436.00918337206 94 + 5740005 = 5740099 -761048068.6242862 + -958598.529642392 = -762006667.1539285 -52.16854597213588 + -2.2935680782010115 = -54.46211405033689 48379640 + -91653027282428.56 = -91652978902788.56 -69 + -72032.80140519518 = -72101.80140519518 -72586060086691.47 + -7422090.455928703 = -72586067508781.92 9268202 + -3297 = 9264905 8400916866803.878 + 88804311821696 = 97205228688499.88 247 + 4207591379 = 4207591626 -90561452675.74156 + -382742 = -90561835417.74156 302190.23975267116 + -80731.90098391548 = 221458.33876875567 7445843253 + 46399671.83562357 = 7492242924.835624 -62899996092337.1 + -4420731430964.754 = -67320727523301.86 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 467176988 + 1988.7154359175065 = 467178976.7154359 1.7125460490075166 + 140712087 = 140712088.71254605 27558978134161.867 + -87383015 = 27558890751146.867 6.9860279455032375 + 34912553.69356624 = 34912560.67959419 -1 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999999.0 9.515029876365093 + -14835505967.030724 = -14835505957.515694 96560.06916511187 + -9308070829 = -9307974268.930836 99.04817572422787 + 2476611 = 2476710.048175724 -47184849423 + -263298608100 = -310483457523 100000000000000 + 9025.393830581641 = 100000000009025.39 -288838.9244451985 + -160093340184 = -160093629022.92444 858.3550549666734 + -27118489 = -27117630.644945033 8638698544.94146 + -7714654 = 8630983890.94146 -4132 + 698394365 = 698390233 693102.9999474955 + 172.24272779480975 = 693275.2426752903 -611 + -46260.87238384108 = -46871.87238384108 3238858 + 1 = 3238859 1785632829966.4001 + 8926976780 = 1794559806746.4001 25.36090656968147 + 33317 = 33342.36090656968 18220305011085 + -7 = 18220305011078 19 + -311635666.2793683 = -311635647.2793683 -901.1241602331705 + -6056545646 = -6056546547.12416 -92.44947563373665 + -523615485407.5053 = -523615485499.9548 91525254.21868601 + 4195109494.537416 = 4286634748.756102 3543 + -3803969144029 = -3803969140486 -308723073965 + 346826321 = -308376247644 7776459 + -33498 = 7742961 5946026 + 73052946337 = 73058892363 -599143.5720314321 + -5235624 = -5834767.572031432 322811366301 + 7769409302950 = 8092220669251 -2 + 11592683.494725864 = 11592681.494725864 773 + 525759674654 = 525759675427 -8640337284321.831 + 18283869359482.33 = 9643532075160.496 -3069772.89110209 + 24218903 = 21149130.10889791 -260 + 57830116 = 57829856 525577.5695283103 + 4568447934047.14 = 4568448459624.709 -24935696885 + -2576171995073 = -2601107691958 -262269617827.3461 + -7434438578826.621 = -7696708196653.967 5 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000005.0 -4780196 + -39.99335446971828 = -4780235.99335447 -763559903.4414804 + -72 = -763559975.4414804 561032024 + -7301164 = 553730860 879248128785 + 4767491545.932295 = 884015620330.9323 -100000000000000.0 + 6699671.336823299 = -99999993300328.66 -8682997753936.822 + -934 = -8682997754870.822 -72.0042775313766 + 7774289.968143571 = 7774217.96386604 9408000.981102858 + 37.06857637789008 = 9408038.049679236 1 + -313330056 = -313330055 -2714983678198 + 70413791 = -2714913264407 3624855108 + 54 = 3624855162 -2762269 + -96504734 = -99267003 -7961172507843 + -100000000000000.0 = -107961172507843.0 -27279659048.76804 + -47.983180903619406 = -27279659096.75122 -8168849509042 + 73467062 = -8168776041980 100000000000000 + -26954.357567965093 = 99999999973045.64 5793349 + 9752901 = 15546250 9864148333583.371 + 4698386040 = 9868846719623.371 7105 + 24145188370.394413 = 24145195475.394413 -10246.767354427942 + 100000000000000 = 99999999989753.23 -1572579522006 + -2 = -1572579522008 -8024692102 + 69 = -8024692033 477 + 60244.07730907451 = 60721.07730907451 6462550 + 425 = 6462975 -65792943537274 + -9497044717645 = -75289988254919 -3298563705 + 5662104487.1115675 = 2363540782.1115675 -9536973597.448725 + 1672 = -9536971925.448725 -99933353.61908415 + 507516032471.2013 = 507416099117.5822 432.50395918849307 + 1133307742011.297 = 1133307742443.801 -42836921966.059326 + -64312 = -42836986278.059326 -6729214183713 + -2528587587420.036 = -9257801771133.035 -28928543 + 224505937023 = 224477008480 806508.1941794564 + -865201302296 = -865200495787.8058 15158.550461144565 + 582 = 15740.550461144565 7740 + -6 = 7734 -234603 + -379874 = -614477 93111695 + -4878435066575.824 = -4878341954880.824 10880987.34144767 + 100000000000000 = 100000010880987.34 -328 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999672.0 390975803 + 1271.4554470628636 = 390977074.4554471 -245524468.12677038 + 9543.196162941493 = -245514924.93060744 373.55464874214846 + 857418199266 = 857418199639.5547 -100000000000000.0 + -4009462363081.0664 = -104009462363081.06 545.5229135133112 + -159726.04830544195 = -159180.52539192865 -26 + 918.4879573054886 = 892.4879573054886 73 + -94598533 = -94598460 -933159.6978507249 + 719603641.7335072 = 718670482.0356565 -9690777.946230598 + 26.517058123302853 = -9690751.429172475 -100000000000000.0 + -7248 = -100000000007248.0 -5084.2731771785 + 468903558307 = 468903553222.7268 -438517936 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999561482064.0 94349015 + 8491461753149.129 = 8491556102164.129 -572.5580633840219 + -39 = -611.5580633840219 -603.0140357800367 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000603.02 -20697254725571 + 867793876652 = -19829460848919 -7525.761098494226 + 28193862172.56518 = 28193854646.804085 -100000000000000 + -615859058.793765 = -100000615859058.8 -70585.49889367892 + 3396 = -67189.49889367892 -7146442 + 7533195883301.154 = 7533188736859.154 100000000000000 + 512 = 100000000000512 90028 + 65802357115586.195 = 65802357205614.195 2354291784.222497 + -397 = 2354291387.222497 7.06025347468561 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000007.06 -753700 + -100000000000000 = -100000000753700 5779207437 + 100000000000000 = 100005779207437 100000000000000 + 97752396367517.31 = 197752396367517.3 31625.74041345435 + -49984.9382435301 = -18359.19783007575 59906504805 + 33526.67870626479 = 59906538331.6787 -100000000000000 + 39476.81460402311 = -99999999960523.19 -100000000000000.0 + -125004.7217330075 = -100000000125004.72 -144768224706.6631 + -3361404883341.892 = -3506173108048.555 -7364688 + 1789.6729552793058 = -7362898.327044721 -100000000000000.0 + -980716284 = -100000980716284.0 -7845587687431.123 + -194328561476.09488 = -8039916248907.218 -4142790632122 + -489170.5711317343 = -4142791121292.5713 -100000000000000 + -50383478480881 = -150383478480881 -38638868061298 + -1101819001677 = -39740687062975 112715.32462658458 + 6337653 = 6450368.324626585 8585402147746 + 82267769.95386541 = 8585484415515.954 60803 + 99870303660.30157 = 99870364463.30157 21.41563420885325 + 6007 = 6028.415634208854 -29.30203469407954 + -61532 = -61561.30203469408 5781510973 + -983560830.6528913 = 4797950142.347109 100000000000000 + 386027 = 100000000386027 -2191 + 6515.093546948326 = 4324.093546948326 846 + 5138206.642341038 = 5139052.642341038 -28454.548879173995 + -74737819861.28166 = -74737848315.83054 -74 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999926 9262030.214160036 + 9006836144696.617 = 9006845406726.832 60060847 + 634.4751466361944 = 60061481.47514664 568757 + -4954420338878.784 = -4954419770121.784 -999916925402.5773 + -8132294984945 = -9132211910347.578 1434282935.9914074 + 4 = 1434282939.9914074 99.95943451922471 + 31335833.30777143 = 31335933.26720595 208743.94021382136 + -3235749095044.27 = -3235748886300.3296 -245.56062700552255 + -8585 = -8830.560627005523 -1838038000262.448 + -6502305029 = -1844540305291.448 100000000000000 + -6463493639851 = 93536506360149 -32 + 505602 = 505570 2423 + -197136110.74876684 = -197133687.74876684 100000000000000.0 + 46 = 100000000000046.0 230283738.41561455 + 302260 = 230585998.41561455 -612327932659.9327 + -12 = -612327932671.9327 100000000000000 + 60.16277658812945 = 100000000000060.16 108491010.07094204 + 491.8806566795334 = 108491501.95159872 -19 + -340123 = -340142 5145937 + -5241 = 5140696 70702602993034 + 52 = 70702602993086 9152814467282 + -5760 = 9152814461522 -96571 + 16060068 = 15963497 -195870702218.46765 + -5055 = -195870707273.46765 38950376610496.31 + 448.0933088611784 = 38950376610944.41 8574.20452344188 + -39 = 8535.20452344188 -86019854 + -54995944 = -141015798 -672 + -82412809.48539689 = -82413481.48539689 937816351791 + 37189 = 937816388980 -44790279 + 42509305.265846774 = -2280973.734153226 31966627.246003605 + -10987004983696 = -10986973017068.754 63547 + -6092964433.772629 = -6092900886.772629 -57893 + 1.4512246979309207 = -57891.54877530207 -39645365184 + 7 = -39645365177 -64 + -4 = -68 619480915207 + 9427852338.52524 = 628908767545.5253 37252 + 5604814983 = 5604852235 285551 + 880045660 = 880331211 8221 + 2010367765215.4512 = 2010367773436.4512 -6322812568148.753 + -5513534.490271683 = -6322818081683.243 -3042340484880.217 + -56 = -3042340484936.217 241.90871518383807 + -1.237753359797577 = 240.6709618240405 -55248.91056210235 + -74.15543326211204 = -55323.06599536446 5 + 72579 = 72584 901538.4599324546 + 14472679414.391987 = 14473580952.85192 -3545655.5870231725 + -243636.27771468388 = -3789291.864737856 -242536483819.45673 + 64749.23284736174 = -242536419070.22388 4285664462341 + 132769.15416059364 = 4285664595110.1543 5925329.72088995 + 68230 = 5993559.72088995 -668734999569 + -74802340 = -668809801909 14 + 9 = 23 -227311203229.34146 + -91.60041469054183 = -227311203320.94186 -847647 + -13892.589589281804 = -861539.5895892818 10400.41813182069 + -57523168798.59878 = -57523158398.18065 100000000000000.0 + 1996740355 = 100001996740355.0 44480.54808482051 + -7761.709944851927 = 36718.83813996858 2464028.641404615 + -107272130668.32054 = -107269666639.67914 6588790279 + -515663 = 6588274616 325574.220995467 + 9829.368274281253 = 335403.58926974825 -5414291608754 + 1309589763639 = -4104701845115 -511876123609 + 82 = -511876123527 -32049347.656972684 + -75994.54026888633 = -32125342.19724157 16857 + 1575216779055 = 1575216795912 131375597 + -8265277.138069306 = 123110319.8619307 100000000000000.0 + 604692339.2696425 = 100000604692339.27 -100000000000000.0 + 511657824610.3415 = -99488342175389.66 -233377805676 + 52770 = -233377752906 -100000000000000.0 + -599200764430 = -100599200764430.0 18034187035 + 99969738631026 = 99987772818061 -25 + -30 = -55 5467311730.507924 + -483.74407118518457 = 5467311246.763853 89965.8643181391 + 81197131021.63187 = 81197220987.49619 527668907987.65326 + -23125 = 527668884862.65326 -51 + 94.63535945574318 = 43.635359455743185 -2980643050 + -862173653 = -3842816703 100000000000000 + -3810 = 99999999996190 -100000000000000 + -17856536925072.41 = -117856536925072.4 -80319505.14310801 + -4046407641826 = -4046487961331.143 -7247826.037172134 + 1939437468.601001 = 1932189642.563829 46099569 + 520 = 46100089 99260.68207995986 + -105466.3281792691 = -6205.646099309233 190.99230374187482 + 9903994105.755713 = 9903994296.748016 49145492845475 + -6 = 49145492845469 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -69310.79640322027 + 268776 = 199465.20359677973 -3059 + -515 = -3574 -66994 + -2905616965310.05 = -2905617032304.05 -27317189732 + -2727491272363.51 = -2754808462095.51 -8061 + -54.865426139617995 = -8115.865426139618 1970.5051285353566 + -4958860.589751011 = -4956890.084622475 54677386452.21757 + -1099209 = 54676287243.21757 -348668693676 + -81695 = -348668775371 -8 + -3809 = -3817 872071987745 + 6865145053556 = 7737217041301 85388317669504 + -9955131521504.71 = 75433186147999.28 2577123 + -28906 = 2548217 -7940456.146061206 + -1795 = -7942251.146061206 -95695 + 8370280464.743284 = 8370184769.743284 -4007074701578.717 + 122740.81399248181 = -4007074578837.903 14639001793440.64 + 3663606.3322058115 = 14639005457046.973 9551200599244.621 + -4827 = 9551200594417.621 -199.40792167969693 + -944158343 = -944158542.4079217 -967685023.5040615 + -5331 = -967690354.5040615 -488447074435 + 1630288 = -488445444147 7.8363457715530105 + -77 = -69.16365422844699 -8011820350571 + -91 = -8011820350662 -671940254.0723432 + -6882260785412 = -6882932725666.072 2098456798576 + 487577606.3197682 = 2098944376182.3198 -4191002901856 + 71638232859.10086 = -4119364668996.899 83280019836.49217 + 7936461 = 83287956297.49217 177837419 + 84295085819291 = 84295263656710 100000000000000.0 + 5511189344.848325 = 100005511189344.84 87372 + -2755306316 = -2755218944 51112350 + -9234 = 51103116 -274868786.1677671 + -421854.4112158058 = -275290640.5789829 -701577747204 + 158619978 = -701419127226 100000000000000.0 + 7015365258040.18 = 107015365258040.19 -320 + -103665 = -103985 38762.71155071807 + 216045686 = 216084448.7115507 -38371201 + 74346 = -38296855 -6.466610315948344 + 238508777409.69653 = 238508777403.22992 -20722386532.084877 + 16 = -20722386516.084877 -914 + 657090462675.8728 = 657090461761.8728 -582603 + 107.68898510942275 = -582495.3110148906 -988.7349352236434 + -826361950 = -826362938.7349352 527302186644.6372 + 6338069248.074275 = 533640255892.7115 -641978895225.8296 + 6670640047.93851 = -635308255177.8911 -100000000000000 + -20742.023656933343 = -100000000020742.03 81363321289412.0 + 6258565.584104869 = 81363327547977.58 78794 + -3144 = 75650 1866019153.3340557 + 35201.74149262592 = 1866054355.0755482 -263 + 478.8777257236133 = 215.8777257236133 -634690343360.3352 + -5015158 = -634695358518.3352 -360707.2932545637 + -733 = -361440.2932545637 2204.6342844347364 + 55045572780.576035 = 55045574985.21032 -831186062948.064 + 645.9071386026408 = -831186062302.1569 192180.738924215 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999807819.27 71602 + -871.4508634095026 = 70730.5491365905 -1579 + 368634993925 = 368634992346 -994002383399 + 39390364295062 = 38396361911663 3741880217024.698 + -100000000000000 = -96258119782975.3 118712.32484392954 + -759 = 117953.32484392954 -100000000000000.0 + -52 = -100000000000052.0 870.5623725073954 + 645.9510554089511 = 1516.5134279163465 135328691271.37047 + -2757894.5359112294 = 135325933376.83456 100000000000000.0 + -29607971073741 = 70392028926259.0 -9.153136473548912 + -1088799330 = -1088799339.1531365 387206.30515298183 + 2508.8968100896022 = 389715.2019630714 10085947.795702409 + -901448898 = -891362950.2042975 96488862553113 + 65.646574166498 = 96488862553178.64 -14815813216.405464 + -757.2671847028746 = -14815813973.67265 539 + 841890318 = 841890857 -68260 + -81818661.88149515 = -81886921.88149515 392720837069 + 8834784211 = 401555621280 6 + -55308 = -55302 100000000000000.0 + -32657038943113 = 67342961056887.0 6362056.844852151 + 444684514.444761 = 451046571.2896131 -4.4024262699048275 + -87348475.4180774 = -87348479.82050367 4691376907005.426 + 98353564 = 4691475260569.426 100000000000000.0 + 8871.267574610483 = 100000000008871.27 -961376643 + 4314377853 = 3353001210 -11145218 + -6537617.420305659 = -17682835.420305658 100000000000000 + -56329362664.88028 = 99943670637335.12 -574178732.8122909 + 39.131330383832704 = -574178693.6809605 96323071806952 + 19954439 = 96323091761391 100000000000000.0 + 63.65874479440446 = 100000000000063.66 7732483459164 + 92713221845106 = 100445705304270 1503590365463.4653 + -67055081.850365736 = 1503523310381.615 629351819354.1272 + -82540487243.51915 = 546811332110.60803 2291193255938 + 4986271 = 2291198242209 670.3850648894883 + 778177941.353567 = 778178611.7386318 19234552009156.047 + 100000000000000 = 119234552009156.05 376456 + -50841233.54617332 = -50464777.54617332 -72362377016547.44 + -100000000000000 = -172362377016547.44 -100000000000000 + -353720348.614241 = -100000353720348.61 -1279380932148.0605 + 3673192584195 = 2393811652046.9395 -52.88582956267624 + 97605147.84086116 = 97605094.95503159 -56003.89784821785 + -295111 = -351114.89784821786 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -231570495113 + -77 = -231570495190 -9501441 + -32 = -9501473 807149596994.3102 + -302226.0314363047 = 807149294768.2787 20493 + 78.90082456894311 = 20571.900824568944 75338031123916.78 + 84.85377747245256 = 75338031124001.64 -3.5672121894265327 + 28819310471440.21 = 28819310471436.645 100000000000000.0 + -549917446644.9039 = 99450082553355.1 547805079961 + 757368801549 = 1305173881510 -593804631530 + 987943093.3494052 = -592816688436.6506 59781810931927.3 + -5042 = 59781810926885.3 -7235 + -782.5107939314308 = -8017.510793931431 -73109 + -85.09108004967418 = -73194.09108004968 71.87297752382771 + 898314.7556542605 = 898386.6286317843 -851220477449 + 156732.45163223086 = -851220320716.5483 -290185853835.7986 + -85116754 = -290270970589.7986 91190.50364902178 + 289742 = 380932.5036490218 -28355286870775 + 35983255095 = -28319303615680 -3.318487689092459 + -881359191097 = -881359191100.3185 6952292319272 + 65 = 6952292319337 505298495877 + 8748214699282.44 = 9253513195159.441 -279 + -55162859939.170784 = -55162860218.170784 100000000000000 + -74.73550630445344 = 99999999999925.27 -34226 + 84655628476018.28 = 84655628441792.28 748.930998000879 + 5787499.211844149 = 5788248.14284215 277884082980 + 29789877965.588497 = 307673960945.5885 -870 + -2.287762632925409 = -872.2877626329254 100000000000000.0 + 221.5207857123883 = 100000000000221.52 6302624577 + 3281747 = 6305906324 -81696294612800 + -8254.68602497087 = -81696294621054.69 42066355.11620701 + 141346374 = 183412729.116207 62925.84443124889 + 484.67407266395617 = 63410.51850391284 -7594558691.968279 + -8623.32061545019 = -7594567315.288895 -100000000000000.0 + 94956947532.71716 = -99905043052467.28 -66770299784 + 914700330442 = 847930030658 -60262543506.15966 + 253949529807.6339 = 193686986301.47424 6001 + -8540.450164881677 = -2539.4501648816768 -436566840 + 2791.849913257473 = -436564048.15008676 -439210734605 + -94 = -439210734699 1.4548520546708708 + -4793360611180 = -4793360611178.545 100000000000000 + -51198482800856.234 = 48801517199143.766 242.001795967315 + -954899.9183394617 = -954657.9165434943 -317596.935594025 + 5 = -317591.935594025 3370950865065.78 + -539.6255361555842 = 3370950864526.1543 -84 + 2046592 = 2046508 -1066850.7690213518 + 1128374477556 = 1128373410705.231 52307324106 + 93372170023 = 145679494129 -3.063638459334798 + 147732.41752409664 = 147729.3538856373 -425699.27856695466 + 244107.65231957487 = -181591.62624737978 -92.67470736893954 + 96250694729 = 96250694636.32529 65231558 + 706917753 = 772149311 36.956539259920284 + -30229 = -30192.04346074008 -425689375 + -4882 = -425694257 -20.390890418796946 + -86832175 = -86832195.39089042 -6207067 + -36683611185522 = -36683617392589 -65797366.355000444 + 541665624.4335728 = 475868258.07857233 -69.48605638003227 + 534.5157040608683 = 465.02964768083604 -4237.583588700341 + -82600090010 = -82600094247.58359 -4081813794 + 40200715967 = 36118902173 -79764478025060 + -100000000000000 = -179764478025060 -3129463027006.2656 + 2122647067103 = -1006815959903.2656 -100000000000000.0 + -87087998000429.11 = -187087998000429.12 928.4304677614497 + -835671291875 = -835671290946.5696 -3538.3263428263963 + -981717850787 = -981717854325.3263 -130672078 + 99649.76432553196 = -130572428.23567447 67858.04071222851 + 610.1737789938265 = 68468.21449122233 -1595380392073 + 933862508200.8871 = -661517883872.1129 328.21106207794264 + 917534164370 = 917534164698.211 -4893074.796218578 + -95645502999279 = -95645507892353.8 43357938.45340334 + -9306308961746.203 = -9306265603807.75 -94410.57935821237 + 7.47382911646052 = -94403.10552909592 8132496921524.176 + 4602115664887.346 = 12734612586411.521 -28229288760.892654 + 552.7117610850559 = -28229288208.180893 689.3419998560332 + 4 = 693.3419998560332 2 + -27.762050659084874 = -25.762050659084874 4272620.780119834 + -8.395313167771434 = 4272612.384806666 -864.854771271134 + 3916.3959804621336 = 3051.5412091909993 58258139277.64135 + -79678012 = 58178461265.64135 7299622808.829319 + 969691034.9819773 = 8269313843.811296 6254 + -11064906383936.502 = -11064906377682.502 4623127514162 + -764 = 4623127513398 -174751 + -47767600 = -47942351 -968924753.940239 + -8299.183454553167 = -968933053.1236935 -389.09242552287407 + 1 = -388.09242552287407 -84096 + 54 = -84042 61362852390508 + 7474257627800 = 68837110018308 7770332317050.587 + -73169.8605236416 = 7770332243880.727 -21516201316.680847 + -5.4705660760359205 = -21516201322.151413 100000000000000.0 + -69 = 99999999999931.0 -4015 + -32415979388 = -32415983403 -100000000000000 + -1 = -100000000000001 90543890732804 + 37044123 = 90543927776927 -63760054830146.04 + 81537637439315.47 = 17777582609169.43 25355319851.844734 + 100000000000000 = 100025355319851.84 -582366404.1648637 + -9721 = -582376125.1648637 94835963518613 + 6726925345643 = 101562888864256 8235333944853.069 + -21754210062968.133 = -13518876118115.062 284684729.23845077 + 2302511115534 = 2302795800263.2383 -74339001.15326878 + -23345.233362156643 = -74362346.38663094 91610 + 3 = 91613 8.595337614843725 + -225966109.12736264 = -225966100.532025 -5.618162168416165 + -73906021.4050494 = -73906027.02321157 404 + -41077411.78007612 = -41077007.78007612 -6368905899776.688 + 3338078 = -6368902561698.688 69 + 5618929 = 5618998 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -69.35019047998234 + 75739531157252 = 75739531157182.66 -394181.5898661521 + 34 = -394147.5898661521 65255298250889.914 + 8171784 = 65255306422673.914 -275.6493279959771 + -45826165445 = -45826165720.64933 94611 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999905389.0 -90744 + -587407941 = -587498685 238 + 5.116194383510097 = 243.1161943835101 1 + -2862513745 = -2862513744 2855266181.4194083 + -4652 = 2855261529.4194083 3.6894700200858326 + -59280090.73623248 = -59280087.04676246 -100000000000000.0 + 41.80975163790159 = -99999999999958.19 42187457.48617783 + -51524167 = -9336709.513822168 -5396251835.726253 + 7307 = -5396244528.726253 -4182293533.9929857 + 62389465656596.96 = 62385283363062.97 -2471861948 + 64628 = -2471797320 -90902472494.89969 + 396880331934.8848 = 305977859439.9851 3.2697027106776546 + -1294383 = -1294379.7302972893 767153594.8120896 + 2882817209795 = 2883584363389.812 -62 + -78624405263.20203 = -78624405325.20203 7679278644999.958 + 17541265719.027943 = 7696819910718.986 910615442.422308 + 144657.3380138509 = 910760099.7603219 8483 + -9411775104.98631 = -9411766621.98631 507919305.07131493 + 472930042608 = 473437961913.0713 920.7372383144938 + 503953420404 = 503953421324.73724 -2796641392 + -3.3192834520177947 = -2796641395.3192835 772855772317.1053 + -5439414.3595302235 = 772850332902.7458 -73593860 + 925251280869 = 925177687009 -11.873873493221454 + 47682070539962 = 47682070539950.125 5950193190.11544 + -107.61769581539833 = 5950193082.497745 -100000000000000 + 4474736.569750357 = -99999995525263.44 -68.97763173434501 + 788036.4585496098 = 787967.4809178754 -4 + -7702632959 = -7702632963 -526672554 + -354359442920 = -354886115474 -98899263794 + 9569823.640105776 = -98889693970.3599 52319 + 7974416 = 8026735 6530946636699.428 + 6236506008594.816 = 12767452645294.244 -95845365488.09268 + 13892150189.257278 = -81953215298.8354 -93740098477.19609 + -71672.15278001266 = -93740170149.34888 13706005394.55703 + -4617364191.789103 = 9088641202.767927 -320422569421.47473 + -6300593.190236791 = -320428870014.665 3837451430513.932 + 526368734709 = 4363820165222.932 -100000000000000.0 + 9544674481.583866 = -99990455325518.42 -23 + -66.67544250745357 = -89.67544250745357 -2638345 + -58543488380.44098 = -58546126725.44098 -9381515 + 9656428920115 = 9656419538600 44746463.87768947 + -587192041780 = -587147295316.1223 -8108 + 100000000000000 = 99999999991892 -2 + 17940 = 17938 769486 + -4611 = 764875 906.6029410583683 + -257313329206 = -257313328299.39706 82388.62333701369 + 8443469.716140687 = 8525858.339477701 -540719349473 + -426621807203 = -967341156676 12564629 + -517.1593476116263 = 12564111.840652388 -4 + 524735854450.46594 = 524735854446.46594 367436141840 + 1 = 367436141841 100000000000000 + 42136403915 = 100042136403915 88 + -6943 = -6855 100000000000000.0 + -4386 = 99999999995614.0 -13444126 + 100000000000000 = 99999986555874 472967 + -83456359240 = -83455886273 616102656660 + 945610672940.4808 = 1561713329600.481 7.2871449328320494 + -968678 = -968670.7128550672 -1368.647896108489 + -85683621170.6741 = -85683622539.322 -21711744623867 + -65058 = -21711744688925 969101 + 60 = 969161 100000000000000.0 + 65 = 100000000000065.0 -5055343971623.851 + 710 = -5055343970913.851 -95071963 + 29627.96124339007 = -95042335.03875661 100000000000000.0 + -3 = 99999999999997.0 -7232727.62320019 + 47928044686139.46 = 47928037453411.836 27849190725 + -100000000000000 = -99972150809275 -7118995956276 + -729391 = -7118996685667 -8115670159687 + 2638.693206334525 = -8115670157048.307 -82133.86470943574 + -827632.5194773361 = -909766.3841867718 918149646468 + 6574269419258 = 7492419065726 -8447758.696663626 + 1152562919107.572 = 1152554471348.8752 76.3400045427817 + -750511 = -750434.6599954573 64767644 + 28814 = 64796458 -3308 + -914.4087895381758 = -4222.408789538176 733293136288 + -94767170736.5408 = 638525965551.4592 319342.14043387363 + -9806.541494573616 = 309535.5989393 100000000000000 + 61667.263655337585 = 100000000061667.27 100000000000000 + 455356640038 = 100455356640038 -484964 + -443492694202.93665 = -443493179166.93665 -64654.176091120375 + 551459033 = 551394378.8239089 -100000000000000.0 + -7779667409 = -100007779667409.0 -8.417160924968908 + -6818 = -6826.417160924969 8 + -9558687282.682491 = -9558687274.682491 100000000000000.0 + 7300248642.288995 = 100007300248642.28 621 + -855 = -234 492 + 6900560622 = 6900561114 -72790 + -170671 = -243461 -696 + 641331775 = 641331079 100000000000000.0 + 84748 = 100000000084748.0 -34738364111181 + -4562240749.733944 = -34742926351930.734 228 + -524133433.7342858 = -524133205.7342858 6684.139790468802 + -1 = 6683.139790468802 100000000000000.0 + 1316 = 100000000001316.0 669.7918163803262 + 750402499.7950797 = 750403169.5868961 -3 + -9776.21823317926 = -9779.21823317926 -211039.4775922226 + 245674.79459723193 = 34635.31700500933 -727457822.7088404 + -40338202152386.5 = -40338929610209.21 254249800123 + 96.62343458027435 = 254249800219.62344 3432047.915124973 + 21254760921 = 21258192968.915127 -9.746243979873155 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999990.25 81498100776.73529 + 26386159013 = 107884259789.73529 9 + -98 = -89 -458737691 + 6102776214 = 5644038523 -8876203952 + 351834927 = -8524369025 58405.47530680426 + -441 = 57964.47530680426 707.283937681142 + 67016511430240.5 = 67016511430947.78 -371 + 2185284 = 2184913 82 + -1081007322 = -1081007240 -4943166.138669038 + -90087061950707.98 = -90087066893874.12 -3527439623837.417 + 111 = -3527439623726.417 -4198.791534515646 + 13821.301383012578 = 9622.509848496931 2276618 + -3983215 = -1706597 716495132818.1584 + -100000000000000.0 = -99283504867181.84 99262300950300 + -7839661112.731042 = 99254461289187.27 98043297 + -2341525428.779126 = -2243482131.779126 -100000000000000 + -617.5692537616344 = -100000000000617.56 -6176216821470.309 + -686143.692767152 = -6176217507614.001 622743612.9451482 + -2089651 = 620653961.9451482 2904087 + 100000000000000 = 100000002904087 25705 + 38620563470998.5 = 38620563496703.5 -514268 + -9 = -514277 -301731.04930984543 + -105729956845 = -105730258576.04932 4597327272 + -1993362849040 = -1988765521768 -782.2574231949735 + 9577054024607.445 = 9577054023825.188 -55371792282481 + 667566548314.7842 = -54704225734166.22 -2.6029271021032567 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000002.61 -6.636589280091828 + -2690209044 = -2690209050.636589 3716613914.271936 + -50651981028987 = -50648264415072.73 5946365.584957093 + -5835263552466.715 = -5835257606101.13 1 + 449 = 450 7817771.152413324 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999992182228.84 14 + 32 = 46 -7911875665.390957 + 1144849320.5726743 = -6767026344.818283 71502856 + -791052317647.3479 = -790980814791.3479 50328 + 7529 = 57857 -7074036.22273646 + 33270917803.440327 = 33263843767.21759 714798364 + 45.73641378141874 = 714798409.7364138 554324 + 100000000000000 = 100000000554324 324787.790681896 + -4539 = 320248.790681896 317 + 15532.709766074604 = 15849.709766074604 7267787220481 + 8544273914062.668 = 15812061134543.668 9.863571651409405 + 4 = 13.863571651409405 -462194995.718313 + 5 = -462194990.718313 -100000000000000.0 + 1 = -99999999999999.0 665389903.7142384 + 14419 = 665404322.7142384 -100000000000000 + 4738.296163847248 = -99999999995261.7 -743103.459928153 + -66.9917517109704 = -743170.451679864 36640.54833120812 + 5.356244434174895 = 36645.90457564229 -1466619314377.3967 + -502836347668 = -1969455662045.3967 35 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999965 8246429 + 507494700 = 515741129 341475 + 7169033682 = 7169375157 22497020233034.85 + -55136971959236.11 = -32639951726201.258 651922.6797967927 + 872430371226.2765 = 872431023148.9563 44960025 + 21442375849693 = 21442420809718 58609771392 + 6308331.262471289 = 58616079723.262474 -5 + 671.8440273596273 = 666.8440273596273 5868401735 + 57131775849 = 63000177584 -7253799258771.773 + 26649741.429775313 = -7253772609030.344 -55100448357 + 82808321.23978394 = -55017640035.760216 7575.545686579851 + 4053 = 11628.545686579851 45442913030755 + 58 = 45442913030813 951644.81717145 + -28205112.96711789 = -27253468.14994644 21240.04361215457 + 200 = 21440.04361215457 7958 + -100000000000000 = -99999999992042 -46559026816.18016 + 5355041131 = -41203985685.18016 -8844.443173470801 + 37003.5531907156 = 28159.110017244795 23.96140255734765 + 8707057749 = 8707057772.961403 -57719 + -1223136726 = -1223194445 -8912814 + 3 = -8912811 9 + -594702443864 = -594702443855 100000000000000 + -747084203896 = 99252915796104 -100000000000000 + -8045443.181443652 = -100000008045443.19 9664461504 + -100000000000000.0 = -99990335538496.0 -7714181948 + -1668204128.3780704 = -9382386076.37807 500.4923172437644 + 80536510026 = 80536510526.49232 192760 + -2262694.532671262 = -2069934.532671262 -8742707585 + 359821076 = -8382886509 26 + -1.1037611282865905 = 24.89623887171341 -4808931 + -68905711 = -73714642 3947 + 7482 = 11429 693975 + -20752530 = -20058555 -1595154.5746454806 + -867027205.3537742 = -868622359.9284197 79714252.2943773 + -49823406307198.664 = -49823326592946.37 -3759580703691 + 62108056 = -3759518595635 -5585912790182.555 + -508276926.76500267 = -5586421067109.319 -7324780316643 + -8453 = -7324780325096 -9019601 + 57521411 = 48501810 -100000000000000 + -47.02564646391652 = -100000000000047.03 -156.69610759860154 + 8805791.908413835 = 8805635.212306237 559169.3174509481 + -686154739.251143 = -685595569.933692 79 + 4709275256 = 4709275335 -346742053303.8998 + 22380 = -346742030923.8998 8.38676632039115 + 512836193.16158646 = 512836201.5483528 -5652738209.64258 + -11 = -5652738220.64258 1545.4302361013845 + 947261224754.0596 = 947261226299.4897 100000000000000 + -300593100 = 99999699406900 -6855775459.821398 + 100000000000000 = 99993144224540.17 -7.261815775364893 + -5414.792932417102 = -5422.054748192467 -525175.3974098829 + 54703599.29815572 = 54178423.90074583 -598860726817 + 3602104591542 = 3003243864725 -3116057810491 + -73154 = -3116057883645 244228 + -851438234.0412998 = -851194006.0412998 5724914648 + -54122787 = 5670791861 -642661144817 + -8624863.989399243 = -642669769680.9894 88014222713.65126 + 27 = 88014222740.65126 -904 + -59485165.12588088 = -59486069.12588088 741 + -2251370970 = -2251370229 32746716 + 6282663.447177659 = 39029379.447177656 -100000000000000.0 + 1385508695.638264 = -99998614491304.36 -2535762040.6935606 + -281.41289649140913 = -2535762322.106457 42256724 + 2348212921 = 2390469645 366.036600085971 + 784.28468964349 = 1150.321289729461 38 + -736837062 = -736837024 1073156779409 + 917878480749.169 = 1991035260158.169 -16159.981055515616 + -4 = -16163.981055515616 -100000000000000.0 + -10435126629 = -100010435126629.0 -9153228.62016937 + 9 = -9153219.62016937 -443346532600.60583 + -943448155 = -444289980755.60583 -72884124541 + -2680248787.201907 = -75564373328.2019 -3332617591.8123302 + 614366528 = -2718251063.8123302 -81 + -78441601196872.25 = -78441601196953.25 3259731300.0400686 + -9443 = 3259721857.0400686 89388.76462644064 + 69646033917 = 69646123305.76463 64363852086 + -46672657083.01439 = 17691195002.98561 2614752168.2945786 + 931253158 = 3546005326.2945786 857 + -75768508448 = -75768507591 -79836306612492.61 + -202727337.18675584 = -79836509339829.8 -4280294.925985586 + 40 = -4280254.925985586 -100000000000000.0 + -71757263291376 = -171757263291376.0 -9635309260.798138 + -94 = -9635309354.798138 -67749.90760359401 + 9116 = -58633.90760359401 6047301016.946313 + 52829413195.149704 = 58876714212.096016 -5.9071799727028775 + 8242469643 = 8242469637.09282 -992692961.3674735 + 8613585 = -984079376.3674735 -100000000000000 + -7914 = -100000000007914 3597 + -3.1250739609780585 = 3593.874926039022 2201342268.500304 + 7489 = 2201349757.500304 -28864813811.41567 + -2760306 = -28867574117.41567 90923072834739.0 + -943923243129.9174 = 89979149591609.08 7585840051148 + 494 = 7585840051642 4134 + 3386 = 7520 -59231543154229.81 + -981114004.1863068 = -59232524268234.0 6542350284 + 20818685891.623627 = 27361036175.623627 -721 + 546019.3021537758 = 545298.3021537758 -959135876864.7395 + -388394422 = -959524271286.7395 -25312619141 + 34383618 = -25278235523 -588587913.2313776 + 6637.992061503952 = -588581275.2393161 -13.790673725938227 + -44861.133371100565 = -44874.924044826505 -92011465 + 83621436 = -8390029 -46330722.51160875 + -959.1767333366727 = -46331681.68834209 -841367050.2109035 + -46317266118561 = -46318107485611.21 1918864.2194729466 + 1187.1734519508614 = 1920051.3929248974 27943172095 + -9267389683381.191 = -9239446511286.191 -86088076933 + -68304 = -86088145237 -9740383936684.664 + -42.24044485616749 = -9740383936726.904 99 + 460758917566.6257 = 460758917665.6257 344.3838688946564 + -96352.33384963914 = -96007.94998074448 618 + 67339 = 67957 82017010454 + 95537 = 82017105991 -48985905441.35893 + 37220563440485.86 = 37171577535044.5 8567.559227197715 + 790681787095.0646 = 790681795662.6238 18064160 + -43834564 = -25770404 40268140995797 + 83578845 = 40268224574642 -442235 + 554.3667202966726 = -441680.6332797033 22597047.31623192 + 813 = 22597860.31623192 -25356 + 9412149577139 = 9412149551783 97984024 + -130279087.28532799 = -32295063.285327986 323377976 + 1223.0888594058695 = 323379199.0888594 -9792908.489484575 + 222029419302 = 222019626393.51053 20688553762464.65 + -95486666.5821878 = 20688458275798.066 -69975491 + 3.8893751549194153 = -69975487.11062485 6.050758869676577 + -1684 = -1677.9492411303233 -141777.75408016733 + -2861460.1466683643 = -3003237.900748532 -114.87694560124984 + 722213 = 722098.1230543988 6787.535047638432 + -349.08927090087457 = 6438.445776737557 -4075456676.3676248 + 5010604453490.13 = 5006528996813.763 100000000000000.0 + 76 = 100000000000076.0 -618045651330 + -8572672.529639585 = -618054224002.5297 672056.4439384066 + -70760277.43478934 = -70088220.99085094 -804647529839 + 984.0055518662277 = -804647528854.9945 10231865632292.67 + 78260080.72569443 = 10231943892373.396 -100000000000000.0 + -732 = -100000000000732.0 -23077970621159 + 9.913704761817632 = -23077970621149.086 54263 + 1.8369815468930324 = 54264.83698154689 3935624677 + 77.36257225189323 = 3935624754.362572 -93220506 + 54290280 = -38930226 -18451231367772 + 6505243358204 = -11945988009568 100000000000000.0 + 19272009.894753687 = 100000019272009.89 -4756.925386298926 + -95990 = -100746.92538629893 581492338615 + -9776745861.259727 = 571715592753.7402 9 + 627.4825701732665 = 636.4825701732665 -6818836797544.935 + -44638086554 = -6863474884098.935 69.06295155779193 + 75388727.85680851 = 75388796.91976008 -517084823 + 63181793 = -453903030 -9141485316154.611 + -7234723485.04108 = -9148720039639.652 -57600991343.416954 + 219 = -57600991124.416954 -100000000000000 + 42735718 = -99999957264282 -18017964349730.53 + -485 = -18017964350215.53 100000000000000 + -8320973873.294824 = 99991679026126.7 9586610157.51175 + 355391844.900697 = 9942002002.412447 -4.38374501498587 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999995.61 -8651 + -2.7372708966374186 = -8653.737270896638 7537348794437.831 + -97.14273346105131 = 7537348794340.688 -863154315309 + -360850019 = -863515165328 -1.7877478480973537 + 8 = 6.212252151902646 78495195598818.5 + -35098706.130124345 = 78495160500112.38 -3217657239431 + 31 = -3217657239400 -5617066084540.165 + -18189149842646 = -23806215927186.164 39552129735007.7 + -447 = 39552129734560.7 -2.6809972011423255 + 43432.41650606896 = 43429.73550886782 -97065231049454.69 + 36030754033.58673 = -97029200295421.1 100000000000000.0 + -6357 = 99999999993643.0 99 + -54446519610824 = -54446519610725 298477918 + 34495354761.4424 = 34793832679.4424 836865893083 + -100000000000000 = -99163134106917 -7.579389424419844 + -31546445912131 = -31546445912138.58 -23.655692424854664 + -7407278133.545432 = -7407278157.201124 45294 + 128545310492 = 128545355786 -15229049.161576323 + 665859355 = 650630305.8384237 8227004709081.503 + 6.827926552853623 = 8227004709088.331 67171604 + 80993520709883.89 = 80993587881487.89 9.447332138223617 + 106496055673.60681 = 106496055683.05414 -1430686.438766221 + -448379051.85401094 = -449809738.2927772 -901711312 + 153066964523.28427 = 152165253211.28427 -8895636984 + 25089 = -8895611895 192736.8565416737 + 6487225090695.1455 = 6487225283432.002 1628214 + 33656745 = 35284959 8.4847477030935 + -18547887.545968607 = -18547879.061220903 5768433.822959177 + -2.4672173492047516 = 5768431.355741828 648 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999352.0 47240907462 + 1809.7595058568986 = 47240909271.75951 9 + 54 = 63 734196056 + -96 = 734195960 51150.154122680804 + -38415722154.712296 = -38415671004.558174 509.8174607364927 + -644021475 = -644020965.1825392 92616.16273415952 + -7.372866522834767 = 92608.78986763667 -7946374178414 + -824.8332582635904 = -7946374179238.833 3749780 + -100000000000000 = -99999996250220 -51517764 + 13394.12682615562 = -51504369.87317385 -743738 + 81616669.42222029 = 80872931.42222029 3.567549019856275 + -5432212876 = -5432212872.432451 -177 + -10199854045062.705 = -10199854045239.705 -591493 + 4441237461825.365 = 4441236870332.365 -4758791.670867684 + -62816.57698823271 = -4821608.247855917 13621087 + 163 = 13621250 208955.5227238091 + -8.603367259257233 = 208946.91935654983 -34645391964163 + -701682325218 = -35347074289381 -4465625821044.772 + 226773.73605604388 = -4465625594271.036 -950.2194065248856 + -988032 = -988982.2194065249 35 + 612803119851 = 612803119886 580677.7590487807 + -100000000000000 = -99999999419322.23 -468866.8421834366 + -4139271515 = -4139740381.8421836 8495652532 + -13905.416321316174 = 8495638626.583678 83217130 + -1243 = 83215887 -8459 + -98621950.31646319 = -98630409.31646319 -100000000000000.0 + 6268656409687.231 = -93731343590312.77 -766359621 + -47.01793405013225 = -766359668.0179341 9847758.469468597 + -75 = 9847683.469468597 -92.88336484391439 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000092.89 973972017.7288079 + 8512.770239091005 = 973980530.499047 -185139946163 + -1075649064 = -186215595227 9316562088 + 65942 = 9316628030 234 + -5785667218 = -5785666984 -60403237965249.3 + -63309866197031.766 = -123713104162281.06 -850924.9967409975 + 51971103395791.86 = 51971102544866.86 165952 + 22134 = 188086 -69.64917769995003 + 93084.86356910144 = 93015.21439140149 78671 + 537247893217 = 537247971888 -2249654.0092147235 + -221525239.51670194 = -223774893.52591667 -680981321857.762 + 7536326353.436253 = -673444995504.3257 92388686712 + 100000000000000 = 100092388686712 -7405494055 + 56.9929216475617 = -7405493998.007078 42223.578157525626 + -3.656337625670229 = 42219.92181989996 -59782385733205.47 + 3143755225925.26 = -56638630507280.21 2103970459944 + -9867308909297.861 = -7763338449353.861 -510568 + 669766285 = 669255717 675.2166732873536 + -573900560 = -573899884.7833267 -65666586807312.92 + 85.27399606954536 = -65666586807227.65 824 + -1945542.6082416172 = -1944718.6082416172 -957900.0804941484 + -4902151223.68009 = -4903109123.760584 412562 + 25643012.292644486 = 26055574.292644486 963472 + 6840955250 = 6841918722 3331036.3540576105 + -58 = 3330978.3540576105 301672736.12892115 + -890547810984 = -890246138247.8711 371692138914.91223 + -93630205369 = 278061933545.91223 86839236099.91685 + -8280 = 86839227819.91685 -100000000000000.0 + 30.587439123656996 = -99999999999969.4 -1582498 + -7210.760354198631 = -1589708.7603541985 -3349109 + -3770458867147 = -3770462216256 6712454563716 + -472021667.6864235 = 6711982542048.313 31 + -4203 = -4172 -100000000000000 + 3398001743090.5654 = -96601998256909.44 15950182246848 + 78985 = 15950182325833 -1534954684777.814 + 5.082242649093005 = -1534954684772.7317 4.535106556421317 + -87465 = -87460.46489344358 3205715937083.4824 + 705755732191 = 3911471669274.4824 -1683751 + -64 = -1683815 1260663638.305321 + 5899826702362 = 5901087366000.306 -587113839043.2308 + 812813 = -587113026230.2308 215.10255127266058 + 54 = 269.10255127266055 94978080685362 + 1560363892.9345908 = 94979641049254.94 -2.5367744348429424 + 374587253237 = 374587253234.4632 611509515346.4121 + 4687653535704 = 5299163051050.412 -386291621376 + -5 = -386291621381 48809219 + 429608 = 49238827 95794255816575.55 + -186 = 95794255816389.55 -100000000000000 + 99148564.43612656 = -99999900851435.56 9.285364552917729 + -758266.7414358034 = -758257.4560712505 -92334919.86586048 + 98 = -92334821.86586048 -27571032731 + -9.665395154757965 = -27571032740.665394 -7 + -381097648.4858763 = -381097655.4858763 -8604453.19810037 + 83530 = -8520923.19810037 -95072592094937.6 + 4315997702 = -95068276097235.6 77780117918726 + 320514951 = 77780438433677 -946773 + 9.367201276859536 = -946763.6327987232 8031934153524 + 66059.78089255316 = 8031934219583.781 -2269.0442897076773 + 31421324038.60728 = 31421321769.562992 8881324203434.008 + -6138547113409 = 2742777090025.008 523 + 2992166709 = 2992167232 -1458.3103431139302 + -4026259061.0541763 = -4026260519.3645196 -59722 + -282413504461.6328 = -282413564183.6328 -34242880837811 + 1.083500574952438 = -34242880837809.918 4080243286 + 9524457 = 4089767743 252424764059 + 448.2092628682103 = 252424764507.20926 -5849654 + -3445322.084103776 = -9294976.084103776 -2.0904099621204617 + 3133982 = 3133979.909590038 35 + -357 = -322 934093029452.7046 + 13121144225 = 947214173677.7046 -94.78565444051115 + 67713099041088 = 67713099040993.21 100000000000000.0 + 98900248.08888133 = 100000098900248.1 63881585390996 + 35 = 63881585391031 7334.8624863060695 + -2119 = 5215.8624863060695 -7 + -5896.235003606653 = -5903.235003606653 -72454414576943.5 + -92156090.56614889 = -72454506733034.06 473705 + 2372 = 476077 -65959.29876704409 + 41 = -65918.29876704409 -6.613554155599551 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999993.39 4545632.220579082 + -982179798.7569203 = -977634166.5363413 -429 + 325 = -104 456096 + -95366543429291.64 = -95366542973195.64 -7038055679169 + 622.5906492879652 = -7038055678546.409 -8264.553283067436 + 7095047.82127956 = 7086783.267996493 -186238 + 846032.062033773 = 659794.062033773 -2.572831218284988 + -2605.7355738551305 = -2608.3084050734155 655010871 + -2616425051 = -1961414180 80845150.1274579 + 198208328982.97226 = 198289174133.09973 40881322608421.34 + 61877495665726 = 102758818274147.34 -31.570305295086563 + -34286581000128.27 = -34286581000159.84 -931864230 + 6318555362942.381 = 6317623498712.381 -10280925662812.127 + 49879.70718355392 = -10280925612932.42 -12931.993463890929 + 64529 = 51597.00653610907 60979 + 34712076377.44954 = 34712137356.44954 -43277522 + -48 = -43277570 -8.551987742934912 + 7540902299811 = 7540902299802.448 7.471521042100545 + -54154347 = -54154339.52847896 100000000000000 + -107.07259980199863 = 99999999999892.92 -6 + -640765.7327386852 = -640771.7327386852 3304419656154.8726 + -9.380781406387399 = 3304419656145.4917 -71831793424 + 4486358983 = -67345434441 52 + 815038054 = 815038106 -9165.061900494431 + 25173.798268646788 = 16008.736368152357 -631 + -748.0922257802646 = -1379.0922257802645 -70 + -81629545643.2109 = -81629545713.2109 85 + -4820196635.306693 = -4820196550.306693 -2351 + -93989522105618 = -93989522107969 -350 + -520568 = -520918 -11860151 + 569220059967.3486 = 569208199816.3486 44850303.26061048 + 602622129903.1641 = 602666980206.4247 9299536618.579004 + 29527498.86248617 = 9329064117.44149 -947243503797 + -27121509971 = -974365013768 -106.28965500890195 + 39739 = 39632.7103449911 136269774744 + -6174160343459 = -6037890568715 69 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000069 570.0310232479515 + -7314 = -6743.968976752049 8853057147 + -393.2118500532513 = 8853056753.78815 -55142344439765 + 49726524874776 = -5415819564989 -8880.142583416224 + 100000000000000 = 99999999991119.86 756074504599 + 100000000000000.0 = 100756074504599.0 534315062 + 9 = 534315071 -13049380042 + 285.34367865746333 = -13049379756.65632 28458239462 + 90 = 28458239552 51098708227.36548 + 4 = 51098708231.36548 47707 + 46560966162 = 46561013869 -483 + 620771 = 620288 674213 + 86014.9506269453 = 760227.9506269454 -1480.90461038586 + 10552372 = 10550891.095389614 -457589 + 9.975451992283249 = -457579.0245480077 7025553.289216778 + 9037260808423 = 9037267833976.29 66993794312.6912 + -95232.76392509656 = 66993699079.92728 -357 + 601 = 244 4837.440174963387 + -29.184901394954416 = 4808.255273568433 57.91848045253589 + -33380363 = -33380305.081519548 6583025873.377272 + 953599137137.3871 = 960182163010.7644 -274867602 + -58089832281419.516 = -58090107149021.516 -4802550533742.233 + 4211423 = -4802546322319.233 41921235928.43773 + 23049.58166232574 = 41921258978.019394 65767733016.70004 + 13087264.80919787 = 65780820281.50924 6623.459448402877 + 670832 = 677455.4594484029 -1434705941504 + 17870 = -1434705923634 -28459854753.361847 + 18558283201923.305 = 18529823347169.94 -6.47519157128643 + -275678830 = -275678836.4751916 24975.136293081814 + -5.7544070166307275 = 24969.381886065185 89027006456852 + -100000000000000 = -10972993543148 -69706176 + -93966441.15629472 = -163672617.1562947 -368.66334073326686 + -31116845570 = -31116845938.66334 -55948928 + 81329.18435026989 = -55867598.81564973 -97.4137453783184 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999902.6 24 + 525020 = 525044 -84355364 + -9385.086626638507 = -84364749.08662663 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -7477312 + -8609568.884121742 = -16086880.884121742 3264766.323094236 + -93001532701.03722 = -92998267934.71413 -193909 + -5681793270 = -5681987179 -16552976860446 + -53522005973 = -16606498866419 82765895 + -4268456240850.447 = -4268373474955.447 -263582.6131991474 + -1881106453 = -1881370035.6131992 5602365233.56818 + 80 = 5602365313.56818 3 + -748.6621825331439 = -745.6621825331439 61985818850.79836 + -988589685.0389625 = 60997229165.7594 -130831099261 + 100000000000000.0 = 99869168900739.0 95146827.73469226 + -972389 = 94174438.73469226 4621340003.345915 + 4580944130.160574 = 9202284133.506489 3390492568288 + -2717000475496.6787 = 673492092791.3213 -372.93298711081184 + -1019 = -1391.9329871108118 350293348887 + -1183870272014.0059 = -833576923127.0059 -2 + 479216.20846066775 = 479214.20846066775 -98590 + -98670612161884 = -98670612260474 -13307384.171857908 + -466284 = -13773668.171857908 -767781140 + -78575579451328.53 = -78576347232468.53 -49.04738585778818 + -56746060.230730474 = -56746109.27811633 -66921553 + -124093370.21167699 = -191014923.21167699 16.138754139021675 + 225.77475807560492 = 241.9135122146266 11668566.221031917 + -86940279966 = -86928611399.77896 -79751421140 + -145595.8507731224 = -79751566735.85077 -12210434 + -601829761059.2617 = -601841971493.2617 -640.8882908160417 + 60 = -580.8882908160417 8211733703.017678 + 23340539 = 8235074242.017678 -17579995317.32482 + 634 = -17579994683.32482 -89.90244508031533 + -95.2148736461596 = -185.11731872647493 93088.26739317435 + 204680 = 297768.26739317435 -5477698525289 + -12181 = -5477698537470 3227562 + 95612785170 = 95616012732 142831390.26796526 + -91595035.81912965 = 51236354.44883561 7841352.713035007 + -51949330571626 = -51949322730273.29 79 + -415026479682.4974 = -415026479603.4974 -31703581 + 885433534.0759405 = 853729953.0759405 100000000000000 + 775634 = 100000000775634 796 + -75643322.32827485 = -75642526.32827485 -9027342813.855846 + 16265.371701936037 = -9027326548.484144 998 + 3570 = 4568 -32313362964 + 93035 = -32313269929 43 + 1050.1755035810847 = 1093.1755035810847 -5.423990533353065 + -9774 = -9779.423990533352 -6183820547 + -6865637342596.125 = -6871821163143.125 -46469478895.53378 + -6535007829.780796 = -53004486725.314575 7686081 + 3188883603680 = 3188891289761 334588659.3391913 + 668161.1433164822 = 335256820.4825078 22 + 389.4690219081248 = 411.4690219081248 -3273.0656179337675 + -2933373191770.6157 = -2933373195043.681 -47160777973451 + 88602591818 = -47072175381633 -918708864.7888985 + 173478140416 = 172559431551.2111 923283696613 + -390974806 = 922892721807 -3089213 + -59 = -3089272 628850254 + 699.2945854297369 = 628850953.2945855 -233164377 + -39318.79133305895 = -233203695.79133305 899.2987166871299 + 24929706 = 24930605.298716687 -220.6367694350529 + -74192451.41445103 = -74192672.05122046 -2804.36408688714 + -2922.101775497969 = -5726.465862385108 82.28312183220737 + -44051778 = -44051695.71687817 432.04955063424546 + -85769.98986238662 = -85337.94031175238 8060026 + 688261257 = 696321283 -18027 + -4.394355163746713 = -18031.394355163746 -99387262244569 + -5421055 = -99387267665624 -9896 + 79.10844398945603 = -9816.891556010543 52329726528 + 315 = 52329726843 637518401787 + -2592 = 637518399195 592837622234.9246 + -723835265 = 592113786969.9246 90747.39414777803 + -87928.95191571786 = 2818.4422320601734 -7 + 44079.387839970055 = 44072.387839970055 -80511824110471.47 + 5843627 = -80511818266844.47 7617.636963416318 + -6490723295404.042 = -6490723287786.405 -5774146345505 + 100000000000000.0 = 94225853654495.0 3654273708750.704 + -443105892.1058341 = 3653830602858.598 -3943183018 + 449510128549 = 445566945531 100000000000000.0 + -7064.7207475418745 = 99999999992935.28 -170593140955 + 2 = -170593140953 22583848 + -97155969 = -74572121 4025787021311 + -98.22248713664793 = 4025787021212.7773 -9304548935 + -6485.084066590205 = -9304555420.084066 -450746.68988844764 + 685 = -450061.68988844764 -5683962401539 + 432875.8299184365 = -5683961968663.17 -54770097.960677154 + 100000000000000 = 99999945229902.05 -537.4944213178146 + -6386538713600 = -6386538714137.494 -4473604337415.568 + -645 = -4473604338060.568 100000000000000.0 + 28.933359763135364 = 100000000000028.94 -100000000000000.0 + 2681 = -99999999997319.0 9 + 4543725324349.158 = 4543725324358.158 -24775891694646 + 55 = -24775891694591 27964960 + -600966165641.4448 = -600938200681.4448 -47881462.32538112 + 6916.970137186994 = -47874545.355243936 -8850152737756.266 + 29233505427 = -8820919232329.266 71703624601350.67 + 3119560 = 71703627720910.67 -978929946 + 407537.84799791157 = -978522408.1520021 5305576371 + 35016.370990515534 = 5305611387.370991 -909828720745 + 140.63979141288638 = -909828720604.3602 -774779591.1561329 + -87179238468.13348 = -87954018059.28961 -31990895 + 3 = -31990892 -84778279 + -7 = -84778286 3764626 + -7466965109362 = -7466961344736 -100000000000000 + -2 = -100000000000002 -9.539668868077218 + 9332514 = 9332504.460331133 -355471 + -3007 = -358478 8624853.49265058 + 9464922114.626366 = 9473546968.119017 -687567 + -42362 = -729929 -472 + 69138250364547.36 = 69138250364075.36 -12339958226 + 644.6238263190205 = -12339957581.376173 -13203954.974219333 + -137634 = -13341588.974219333 20668174656.892353 + 77114 = 20668251770.892353 90790435 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000090790435.0 -8872652844 + 100000000000000 = 99991127347156 100000000000000 + -19301473905.292442 = 99980698526094.7 84581446 + 134408003942.3913 = 134492585388.3913 81812 + 61089210030 = 61089291842 10785645350.872957 + 99833607974340.27 = 99844393619691.14 -7489 + -56608.60898511766 = -64097.60898511766 -73112500735 + -67012 = -73112567747 -91156398958.33365 + 4752372515269 = 4661216116310.666 968.8233076116666 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999031.17 358466 + -9.416899083995457 = 358456.583100916 -8143947391007.75 + 5.373629017617637 = -8143947391002.376 -1 + 76415685280679 = 76415685280678 41481870458687 + -100000000000000 = -58518129541313 55.4880158308599 + 151 = 206.4880158308599 7 + -136838449433 = -136838449426 20622 + -219382995 = -219362373 215645.3443474198 + 28970519 = 29186164.34434742 -61575.98687105159 + -47 = -61622.98687105159 -9095252311.280912 + 956.3161382112467 = -9095251354.964775 -68494789361109.54 + -848 = -68494789361957.54 -73548114.73290436 + -61893 = -73610007.73290436 -100000000000000.0 + 7 = -99999999999993.0 -971 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000971 -803 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000803 -5795890137933 + 9 = -5795890137924 560.1903362227007 + 3.7412326814376957 = 563.9315689041384 1.2339930083383055 + 1.348001864334765 = 2.5819948726730706 -5143143797 + 29508811.150345404 = -5113634985.849654 89436677570.37843 + -8 = 89436677562.37843 6408378333 + 79312.40499978967 = 6408457645.405 -45 + -843877756 = -843877801 -344777104.1671189 + 978.4449789354826 = -344776125.72213995 -25451.44374447172 + 1341914714930 = 1341914689478.5562 -8675330355282 + 100000000000000 = 91324669644718 922598.0144986506 + -523445897 = -522523298.98550135 633170 + 6735 = 639905 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = 0.0 -88 + 17 = -71 -551446471248.4247 + -8902751973 = -560349223221.4247 -87778767076449.1 + 6104 = -87778767070345.1 100000000000000 + -8940 = 99999999991060 -3689871419352 + 897469.8439359914 = -3689870521882.1562 107.82002527486677 + -2807.2530267428046 = -2699.433001467938 100000000000000 + 945890058726 = 100945890058726 -7 + 947212765.2127733 = 947212758.2127733 -9817 + 61423168 = 61413351 719625671280.1602 + 69178360 = 719694849640.1602 -4414915 + 5441174926661.469 = 5441170511746.469 -65 + 329370.6792209067 = 329305.6792209067 24299895492 + 382.60683385939205 = 24299895874.606834 7471273315.789366 + -6411167032 = 1060106283.7893658 -2095 + 665331340.4639323 = 665329245.4639323 2448231.939344147 + 5146768388 = 5149216619.939344 -9.809866897551569 + -2347395.9713340383 = -2347405.781200936 -50908901.55861769 + -177 = -50909078.55861769 876375046 + 3 = 876375049 237044608418 + -99176810138 = 137867798280 -6790236117129.8545 + 71.07501851512491 = -6790236117058.779 4 + -3264 = -3260 9997552496871.402 + 83.54643922030083 = 9997552496954.95 -45315843 + 18184.62280281171 = -45297658.37719719 3319.498710542346 + 627652156206 = 627652159525.4987 -89487900968.73407 + -22856221813.2017 = -112344122781.93576 7742.612341020844 + -364.74012948305403 = 7377.87221153779 100000000000000 + -599 = 99999999999401 51455614687.90827 + 66424062778534.11 = 66475518393222.016 5875898.651384591 + 100000000000000 = 100000005875898.66 8882202.236744909 + 1777511201720.4438 = 1777520083922.6807 161169401874.07138 + 374902 = 161169776776.07138 -949738 + 9651242036.122465 = 9650292298.122465 -7671342 + 92226692855 = 92219021513 -98420.216389514 + 4.114753602797618 = -98416.1016359112 5840271553.399218 + 33.32378166242323 = 5840271586.723 71099.48460087363 + 251586582.87787133 = 251657682.3624722 98 + 68494.6854680524 = 68592.6854680524 45651605979 + -66584914.26854625 = 45585021064.73145 410203647 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999589796353.0 -4793155 + 6339 = -4786816 -71820122 + -770769608.7396023 = -842589730.7396023 -3981463 + 4329640.638487779 = 348177.6384877786 -723064.9236750142 + -4.675682029727207 = -723069.5993570439 6284335.355366318 + 237038207663.94662 = 237044491999.302 -100000000000000.0 + -1182636 = -100000001182636.0 6662.32442439033 + 37278027954689 = 37278027961351.33 -6686.552387740494 + 3890 = -2796.552387740494 58660317266213 + -3781 = 58660317262432 -16074722.641105969 + 40.327674841053735 = -16074682.313431127 75333249371 + -67353 = 75333182018 -6.747050153117128 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999993.25 5384574098541.078 + -83762549315240.16 = -78377975216699.08 -817078300490.7748 + 165351.22307375225 = -817078135139.5518 -26277975271365.387 + 44 = -26277975271321.387 39670166126071.54 + -8745219385 = 39661420906686.54 17 + 829333483499.806 = 829333483516.806 16 + -9298948772459.1 = -9298948772443.1 1134706661 + -1 = 1134706660 639.9079646455674 + 1000978507614 = 1000978508253.908 7791 + -64044 = -56253 -2667473158516.382 + -198915969.0437097 = -2667672074485.426 22029334 + -4431812195910.578 = -4431790166576.578 100000000000000.0 + -398271817421.83185 = 99601728182578.17 100000000000000 + -757419 = 99999999242581 -929232 + -9231239533587.336 = -9231240462819.336 -409048 + -678.7553756425485 = -409726.75537564256 79417256 + -1417 = 79415839 -7511656990 + -45419960203.214935 = -52931617193.214935 71023 + -7561380 = -7490357 -7.394973509740032 + 42380501437.838684 = 42380501430.44371 16029480767962.219 + -1528631447872 = 14500849320090.219 79829342345585.66 + 241622315 = 79829583967900.66 -5.08511157221482 + -5533928.170761916 = -5533933.255873488 -56603 + 100000000000000 = 99999999943397 100000000000000 + 24512980839224.375 = 124512980839224.38 -51465493236091.6 + -1281.2190144470935 = -51465493237372.82 5585953600261 + 744192.4208131888 = 5585954344453.421 630197550076.3175 + 4042.4078375060853 = 630197554118.7253 68420108 + 22545768.790512912 = 90965876.79051292 -44536.83626622136 + -55123079651460.85 = -55123079695997.69 682193885429.88 + 9 = 682193885438.88 2470239 + -615267 = 1854972 528020906133 + -47 = 528020906086 749.5779184789923 + 9984452474.065268 = 9984453223.643187 627.2602359674205 + -811245323119.5863 = -811245322492.326 -100000000000000.0 + -21727720895.45517 = -100021727720895.45 9153481.65528654 + 361504540467 = 361513693948.6553 8423537.075251382 + -3283618864198 = -3283610440660.925 -61967601 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000061967601.0 -688.9786168287866 + 470198026327 = 470198025638.02136 50439910233 + -545878 = 50439364355 -307039 + -3958969351415.2666 = -3958969658454.2666 -4.756433029821302 + -8896096 = -8896100.75643303 76684.8698337159 + -14630746027221 = -14630745950536.13 932493736583 + 990600386 = 933484336969 -32969544 + -23560.446657057855 = -32993104.446657058 -100000000000000 + -4079088837.7687106 = -100004079088837.77 -82494.32935948465 + 762555.2851252491 = 680060.9557657645 49920292145.47875 + 100000000000000 = 100049920292145.48 78155662881206.06 + 206 = 78155662881412.06 688.9570944321498 + 8353626.749188094 = 8354315.706282526 6503461556368.664 + -67098629 = 6503394457739.664 -9 + 975200865186 = 975200865177 100000000000000 + -1753009499.5766864 = 99998246990500.42 -6026987 + -4505201 = -10532188 3901627 + -389390949 = -385489322 -1610 + 44378771 = 44377161 52144.232047271296 + -57 = 52087.232047271296 719637.5050053046 + 68865.3276882068 = 788502.8326935114 -36751849193.24093 + 24 = -36751849169.24093 3587.4417428080133 + 84662244184087.98 = 84662244187675.42 380.2583906133875 + 20640895492263 = 20640895492643.258 -71311304893849.81 + -588984739 = -71311893878588.81 -7 + -8675448647092 = -8675448647099 -70024927667420.12 + -8924533396 = -70033852200816.12 309265801655.0327 + 619429.8164469977 = 309266421084.8492 -227570 + -100000000000000 = -100000000227570 -30719610824407 + -94406592.90010963 = -30719705230999.9 8871094.740688417 + -4499810832.518654 = -4490939737.777966 -367.00180030000104 + -13900814866 = -13900815233.0018 4 + 5919 = 5923 -4 + -97.36595054291092 = -101.36595054291092 6989 + 1650700279007.7312 = 1650700285996.7312 100000000000000 + 9608524223 = 100009608524223 265 + 38 = 303 -62784 + 54929622051309 = 54929621988525 223966839.55190396 + -83243352880 = -83019386040.44809 6502.283455644457 + -748 = 5754.283455644457 -6428.89738978006 + 64953130234.877235 = 64953123805.97984 -517288189.73167527 + 398.26104667514477 = -517287791.4706286 -100000000000000.0 + -8.36006426880389 = -100000000000008.36 690 + -7.594919699507513 = 682.4050803004925 914344 + 5788851621.05192 = 5789765965.05192 16968605 + 57909770689 = 57926739294 50 + -91772619183910.34 = -91772619183860.34 4475461377924 + 48064493.38632765 = 4475509442417.387 58951153 + -63674308 = -4723155 -9.65935138341981 + -69791304.17222275 = -69791313.83157413 -9716818043 + -46667 = -9716864710 83087263 + -487.20493796300485 = 83086775.79506204 1813180330 + 7334.533997882518 = 1813187664.5339978 -96948 + 305391438.00840986 = 305294490.00840986 -689544 + -86030662582352.05 = -86030663271896.05 6037032514202 + -522149.2317494874 = 6037031992052.769 -1696.0074021055657 + -9761.99749657141 = -11458.004898676976 -69 + 5 = -64 -847263.2124982104 + 9106936948 = 9106089684.787502 -57478303 + 4833 = -57473470 6618275510912 + -46842770788 = 6571432740124 100000000000000.0 + 801274.0988354358 = 100000000801274.1 -1 + 4908988.193580585 = 4908987.193580585 3662341837.8403325 + 60364 = 3662402201.8403325 -80683604564 + -47638450 = -80731243014 -95377850.58768511 + -50530.02616025922 = -95428380.61384536 -525351486 + -515535305500 = -516060656986 -9111766144.968586 + 466 = -9111765678.968586 351033.32894288865 + -85 = 350948.32894288865 -36479818131770 + 196 = -36479818131574 100000000000000 + -965.8179160378365 = 99999999999034.19 8432247992 + 75857925 = 8508105917 -54723545198.926025 + 8 = -54723545190.926025 -64 + -3144021922951.558 = -3144021923015.558 100000000000000.0 + 7 = 100000000000007.0 -893307380 + -7776.993077945566 = -893315156.993078 654.0640053092565 + 775239670024 = 775239670678.064 -100000000000000.0 + 735014073.6431205 = -99999264985926.36 -22243282.20827526 + 525.8733312783488 = -22242756.33494398 -1040006 + 42225995722 = 42224955716 -118641442.93904166 + 7955706.814358175 = -110685736.12468348 9063266643242.473 + 94144009224758.44 = 103207275868000.9 96725170819.14786 + 9744897656.183294 = 106470068475.33115 -4744421336791.377 + -5 = -4744421336796.377 -8591640229146 + -9443829331 = -8601084058477 -2646698605690.9814 + 75100624085300 = 72453925479609.02 93 + 8636332951961.283 = 8636332952054.283 993031 + -81791179288 = -81790186257 3950223 + 70978.43604068088 = 4021201.436040681 -184543274053 + -329600936305 = -514144210358 -29106450 + 4141250.330794997 = -24965199.669205002 1931700.385423131 + 2913029.4635247122 = 4844729.848947844 2 + 6340406753146.333 = 6340406753148.333 -33 + 164962333.43694037 = 164962300.43694037 975038.032255434 + 802544978.6245656 = 803520016.656821 -73547849.06236349 + 14031497116870.287 = 14031423569021.225 -3996 + -418.30926710279556 = -4414.309267102795 3 + -309618.8665685226 = -309615.8665685226 -97255321.81920658 + -9564082.259427167 = -106819404.07863376 -348379445576 + 615.1441530452729 = -348379444960.85583 -754523735364 + -24565196419.587402 = -779088931783.5874 9375542.064943388 + 827.1245489160664 = 9376369.189492304 -9969977 + -839134686.6245537 = -849104663.6245537 3 + -61421.072052725656 = -61418.072052725656 -6069989601.078153 + -25470296645 = -31540286246.07815 -115440382233.87 + 5331349242 = -110109032991.87 29044678.30370101 + 255639.3629236099 = 29300317.66662462 -967134420.4544114 + 832383 = -966302037.4544114 -53.931606162492 + 9939.375619965876 = 9885.444013803384 528.1452087787808 + -22112341011978.625 = -22112341011450.48 329629 + 148.13410746228405 = 329777.1341074623 294161.9264250117 + -26413.555913847016 = 267748.3705111647 1 + 7669622949.958705 = 7669622950.958705 7707826 + 2 = 7707828 -393962.58859962056 + 7142445 = 6748482.41140038 -24.84554563518927 + -374298599 = -374298623.84554565 -21 + 8.274137475283958 = -12.725862524716042 453 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000453.0 2.381020352561863 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000002.38 459320429.3687443 + 534576555461 = 535035875890.3688 -23208002.568569444 + -16937138 = -40145140.568569444 795714136537 + 2895 = 795714139432 734097612881 + -53454782209 = 680642830672 58775.25455402059 + 9722561787812 = 9722561846587.254 -94900.89668169363 + -517 = -95417.89668169363 876811346.5264026 + 224271938601.81653 = 225148749948.34293 36173116.690746166 + 360495431152 = 360531604268.69073 408090348342.0611 + -78028176889.04398 = 330062171453.0171 37696519065.769325 + 531585 = 37697050650.769325 -31350116051 + -8.403365773204644 = -31350116059.403366 -100000000000000.0 + 71556661.02154791 = -99999928443338.98 -59 + 272.89832391336915 = 213.89832391336915 -76 + 968 = 892 -10795889.181167979 + 72189869823781.34 = 72189859027892.16 9374154.60107572 + -948 = 9373206.60107572 -1478920011556.9683 + -867730642934.153 = -2346650654491.121 -119352.76136195486 + -5982969472141 = -5982969591493.762 805925658 + 56492643876500 = 56493449802158 100000000000000 + 256576.1272650274 = 100000000256576.12 4754588.259795744 + 8 = 4754596.259795744 231605280 + 965170.7951009566 = 232570450.79510096 -88 + 76576 = 76488 -39799497091727.734 + 100000000000000 = 60200502908272.266 3 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999997.0 -4726496383.238682 + 68864827533 = 64138331149.76132 7 + -82 = -75 -6 + -39055.49684922293 = -39061.49684922293 58472413731911.164 + -55125335 = 58472358606576.164 -1.9432858126094712 + 17557 = 17555.05671418739 320 + -787507884 = -787507564 378729961.4162213 + -213588853684 = -213210123722.58377 -589367649 + 604966.0606246341 = -588762682.9393754 -47772 + 586992024.71345 = 586944252.71345 500502 + 100000000000000 = 100000000500502 -49427905595.75668 + 55858 = -49427849737.75668 -1701250218.9812107 + -9202 = -1701259420.9812107 7548.5963607045105 + 64644771291.00742 = 64644778839.60378 3.8428106039004346 + 496846514 = 496846517.84281063 2413 + -3910870555557.9775 = -3910870553144.9775 -10737161626 + 40 = -10737161586 805432.2996408638 + 5056.947815373159 = 810489.247456237 -5155 + -939 = -6094 -5929996.229531185 + 40377336569 = 40371406572.77047 87107385665215 + 8703 = 87107385673918 -222105690310.135 + 100000000000000 = 99777894309689.86 -6648322 + -887 = -6649209 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 0.0 94047467917415 + 13065.585516533483 = 94047467930480.58 49590682186.37384 + -819117607 = 48771564579.37384 37264.160017304705 + -7631.527249389884 = 29632.63276791482 32151287008008.992 + 181.65188171750435 = 32151287008190.645 -813469848.2950057 + 1408 = -813468440.2950057 56184 + 90965884054778 = 90965884110962 -467.97950000250404 + 6104293720.90928 = 6104293252.92978 -89215905667209 + 75519017.41137725 = -89215830148191.6 -899104063713.9989 + -100000000000000.0 = -100899104063714.0 576714521593.3014 + -640237.9150628997 = 576713881355.3864 -7324378810 + 504 = -7324378306 35629 + -65681510991575.88 = -65681510955946.88 -64823261206912 + 60199886 = -64823201007026 9.986477207196227 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999990.02 850277352.76874 + 10477393582 = 11327670934.76874 -100000000000000.0 + 862143708269 = -99137856291731.0 197309746.99599096 + 5998393654685.699 = 5998590964432.695 -6236732359048.948 + -98877.30241692474 = -6236732457926.251 -361082.01358429727 + 17 = -361065.01358429727 -22266533 + -76672808128623 = -76672830395156 -329204.7439723466 + -34957441539.54648 = -34957770744.29045 -352.9062126627898 + -97.20751442020243 = -450.1137270829922 8653.788050356692 + -8095337.118613079 = -8086683.330562723 57091.435904560356 + -103078 = -45986.564095439644 -87050219316.01045 + 16715 = -87050202601.01045 -818757.0380565125 + -7971259726.216475 = -7972078483.254531 37 + -5395304 = -5395267 4 + -7513077423.04191 = -7513077419.04191 -157024389820.50714 + 2993303875.1426897 = -154031085945.36444 94888386 + -14595.909526343476 = 94873790.09047365 -2055 + -365367.4038381325 = -367422.4038381325 -650611901764 + -21833 = -650611923597 46 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000046.0 -251 + 960 = 709 -96494.99104867912 + 7.3161214726467065 = -96487.67492720648 -68.63558692804807 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999931.36 75816545471.48654 + -100000000000000 = -99924183454528.52 -537462597514 + 759.5317422408898 = -537462596754.46826 -57115808750986.36 + -15964834463 = -57131773585449.36 100000000000000.0 + 77824075974.02296 = 100077824075974.02 -262765379 + 83.38554674957558 = -262765295.61445326 -7948 + -4 = -7952 -54058789.998581246 + 17774926762325.703 = 17774872703535.703 -8887.651231169484 + -5033949827.618158 = -5033958715.269389 -849908 + -348609601992.3617 = -348610451900.3617 -35743 + -337.04474022208603 = -36080.04474022209 -270.465117129285 + -67494018001100 = -67494018001370.47 -73.05882336871427 + 1256657 = 1256583.9411766313 -7 + 562954745249 = 562954745242 -185659531 + -410981.7257616521 = -186070512.72576165 100000000000000 + -89442822247242.8 = 10557177752757.203 2752609712911 + 57356.98956298574 = 2752609770267.9897 759 + 91 = 850 7513654 + -579849 = 6933805 561283 + -3.530944711188502 = 561279.4690552888 -9566 + -709170.7442625233 = -718736.7442625233 -8.328110475254226 + -704937 = -704945.3281104752 92519424.71669285 + 3240400050833 = 3240492570257.717 -512.4421662699947 + -423.51387300495634 = -935.9560392749511 958177374 + -2375460 = 955801914 8385420598.520508 + 78030 = 8385498628.520508 44263251619118.97 + -971162596.6940238 = 44262280456522.27 -230057219 + -426984176910 = -427214234129 8937378674.10799 + -2682.415784346231 = 8937375991.692205 42488 + 773906.7865630789 = 816394.7865630789 -2045 + 457 = -1588 6646347461995.19 + 10131 = 6646347472126.19 -52401731531 + -48903034583 = -101304766114 -457942.13571276434 + -2510266845060.211 = -2510267303002.3467 -9 + 672658993 = 672658984 91239465 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000091239465.0 -156250.07114681113 + 70330235.05467132 = 70173984.9835245 -78902173.19988765 + -18505685431 = -18584587604.199886 89112 + 60665909749878 = 60665909838990 893 + -5389.571814858825 = -4496.571814858825 -47522732988 + -8615900304.188002 = -56138633292.188 329055501751.0154 + -8435.826129837966 = 329055493315.1893 -100000000000000.0 + -270539.82709948136 = -100000000270539.83 618318351075 + 528 = 618318351603 22782137 + -4699437169436 = -4699414387299 809030199838 + -963196160 = 808067003678 -90071784 + 4245872056345.666 = 4245781984561.666 2170 + 603.7361283086462 = 2773.736128308646 -54344043 + 2 = -54344041 478872 + -145354.1240856487 = 333517.8759143513 31778096251080.6 + -4.949250136603416 = 31778096251075.652 -102766041688 + 100000000000000 = 99897233958312 -94607301365810.8 + -9160432649 = -94616461798459.8 759546.2911148943 + -235843034.29657704 = -235083488.00546214 -33663123 + -100000000000000 = -100000033663123 7536933 + 44021786.272838086 = 51558719.272838086 4395479551.707105 + -1050 = 4395478501.707105 22137232511290.387 + -76982445502 = 22060250065788.387 2885491341112 + -20383249845560.83 = -17497758504448.828 -100000000000000 + 8826475768131 = -91173524231869 3753433.2575148675 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000003753433.25 -579568259 + -357.42005426865666 = -579568616.4200543 -3084214811900 + -803877.8094842243 = -3084215615777.8096 -18521932.067441605 + 863733212.3742349 = 845211280.3067933 64226.37819962465 + -533346847493.9633 = -533346783267.58514 -204387104694 + 100000000000000.0 = 99795612895306.0 -39 + -3392305 = -3392344 -465 + -623921 = -624386 8930385.369220426 + -100000000000000 = -99999991069614.62 -3462 + -21286 = -24748 76077592.51477236 + 1086513794256.2114 = 1086589871848.7262 -4340839772802.9688 + -818 = -4340839773620.9688 -8836436.913053356 + -549050 = -9385486.913053356 -577.4071907674473 + 23491627273720 = 23491627273142.594 -973127008448 + 7414332.402447711 = -973119594115.5975 66916 + -10061719454.201504 = -10061652538.201504 -6871996041735 + 89488711558108.92 = 82616715516373.92 10.396824972975299 + -73.8498578801292 = -63.45303290715391 -24366404 + 4.35038936520189 = -24366399.649610635 100000000000000 + -8990984964907.29 = 91009015035092.72 -7348377213353.195 + -66666585216.65772 = -7415043798569.854 66601527515488.54 + 91362388 = 66601618877876.54 -7897790190.67217 + -9267 = -7897799457.67217 -78354.49901008705 + -5.737762078163309 = -78360.23677216521 -79559 + -30 = -79589 2 + -8448681648747 = -8448681648745 7.358312887961629 + -2.108929509458293 = 5.249383378503336 58272593 + -673413 = 57599180 18977366415.81224 + 41174928226 = 60152294641.81224 -43 + -2464998745.17051 = -2464998788.17051 6229099 + -134684.118155606 = 6094414.881844394 -42583 + 192375396 = 192332813 370364347 + -403.56130903339886 = 370363943.43869096 -9617097602040 + -4125813153064.237 = -13742910755104.236 108342239838.0563 + -198565348.01606488 = 108143674490.04024 272289.97638297325 + 337917272 = 338189561.976383 -777 + 5015301118 = 5015300341 239.1821854867311 + -57434691 = -57434451.817814514 5348904567.514404 + -100000000000000.0 = -99994651095432.48 -57387585.32967633 + 553 = -57387032.32967633 100000000000000 + 79051471 = 100000079051471 62193553 + -94984140913989 = -94984078720436 5.5562167906721225 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.44 298660 + 1685703857119 = 1685704155779 -771838876 + -100000000000000 = -100000771838876 -556736094.9028203 + -26505.30796794359 = -556762600.2107882 -817749976.2383728 + -22323.874024074088 = -817772300.1123968 6354884901348 + 811123.993593758 = 6354885712471.993 363312028031.56866 + 45519722558901 = 45883034586932.57 77.37721462516683 + -88036093815351.7 = -88036093815274.33 -7392 + 4.2624253855587355 = -7387.737574614442 -92854602.66837853 + -19940008838190 = -19940101692792.668 52327466.55488933 + -8899109841.666553 = -8846782375.111664 8949988820 + -4556 = 8949984264 -7388309973.274639 + -4442964 = -7392752937.274639 13088 + 213328797.54691353 = 213341885.54691353 28 + 5 = 33 -3.9667568604710706 + -4.121325449144032 = -8.088082309615103 477995707877 + 15786 = 477995723663 -77736996303090 + -95157532888785 = -172894529191875 585157647294.3276 + -72040978674595.0 = -71455821027300.67 -100000000000000.0 + 79 = -99999999999921.0 -21326470315401.42 + 316 = -21326470315085.42 6114723061.696383 + -2068720.5844009456 = 6112654341.111982 3420.483124374068 + 900 = 4320.483124374068 736963433.2474068 + 55567553.138597645 = 792530986.3860044 24986980197916 + 956.4695349837014 = 24986980198872.47 -91040218781.91103 + 449321569043.08545 = 358281350261.17444 -21145047973.164284 + 1.3973296317698787 = -21145047971.766953 -1397618540.1994455 + 813463280.9217196 = -584155259.2777259 -574.1289072952136 + -504 = -1078.1289072952136 -120853160 + -7 = -120853167 -5876467308 + -171 = -5876467479 56798294343 + 86700968720117 = 86757767014460 482 + 650960855283.0092 = 650960855765.0092 -1470.5635671460097 + 2020 = 549.4364328539903 56816408893314 + 282417395748.90265 = 57098826289062.91 1.1345787925135946 + 6303050552255 = 6303050552256.135 8335.167676721538 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000008335.17 -100000000000000 + 63123970.85066651 = -99999936876029.16 432867326699 + 651718901 = 433519045600 8090666135113.107 + 7605611092085.04 = 15696277227198.148 93668495507426.14 + 886 = 93668495508312.14 619039 + -29852767406491 = -29852766787452 548.2540463002017 + 4387628 = 4388176.2540463 100000000000000.0 + -3 = 99999999999997.0 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 164 + -96201526458530.69 = -96201526458366.69 56009 + 354870248.03062797 = 354926257.03062797 160643818.16385615 + -622 = 160643196.16385615 -939.6549234538642 + -5741770068.709849 = -5741771008.364773 966156 + 94051 = 1060207 35422376715664 + 127237.16519965194 = 35422376842901.164 569735 + 5515 = 575250 1 + 583.0165267222015 = 584.0165267222015 455716 + -26104 = 429612 719 + 2869635980372 = 2869635981091 100000000000000 + -1430.383539362455 = 99999999998569.61 114399457 + -66 = 114399391 100000000000000.0 + 8937504469.7658 = 100008937504469.77 -6 + 5266 = 5260 -329669193331.8087 + -9913.372829027596 = -329669203245.1815 -2996894 + 183 = -2996711 79812781665.11736 + -64433055305716.49 = -64353242524051.375 1887.4388890066691 + 1917903.5197446048 = 1919790.9586336114 9183.5583645734 + -96794030.52699085 = -96784846.96862628 -6544226861405 + -100000000000000 = -106544226861405 241280 + 823.6172717324674 = 242103.61727173248 -2 + 699362 = 699360 -55556203409 + -6975.141000300652 = -55556210384.141 -49403.91524290333 + -9147440 = -9196843.915242903 -706923 + 104445329.24280946 = 103738406.24280946 -100000000000000.0 + 6263312172.1922 = -99993736687827.81 8578533231037.524 + -10170486.439637516 = 8578523060551.085 134215883080.95358 + 2.2447527944313723 = 134215883083.19833 4903 + 1 = 4904 -83.89639415820557 + 2068772 = 2068688.1036058418 7610427 + 72329880.62678389 = 79940307.62678389 100000000000000 + -8437976035237 = 91562023964763 74.44483389214972 + -623 = -548.5551661078503 -100000000000000 + 317764.50499650184 = -99999999682235.5 -97512.62963741513 + -4143077051301.753 = -4143077148814.3823 -1.1333482171952725 + 7938928.096893625 = 7938926.963545408 692907938269.9397 + -8063221.53869332 = 692899875048.401 -95 + -937 = -1032 -4418541885588 + 64676680 = -4418477208908 -82075 + -3958003863 = -3958085938 -510169586779 + 9505486943 = -500664099836 9748450042951.85 + 780 = 9748450043731.85 825.8373504576241 + -48567207 = -48566381.16264954 -851618.3048021321 + 326043158210.0563 = 326042306591.75146 6198701339 + -5911 = 6198695428 3937468131687.8496 + -796 = 3937468130891.8496 -34896.64745439353 + 44125844629511 = 44125844594614.35 -45 + 11193708799.551144 = 11193708754.551144 -4393 + 48 = -4345 -2519.81213753241 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000002519.81 -80585.37134226784 + -804090.8183865487 = -884676.1897288165 7504 + 39996874445980 = 39996874453484 -26286415350515 + -6281059241 = -26292696409756 94975 + 294064479.06505966 = 294159454.06505966 -80265322518743.0 + -1477006881 = -80266799525624.0 795768360702.5867 + -8 = 795768360694.5867 5.3279609972329895 + -92522614 = -92522608.672039 -7876714002381 + 2633.5651150441986 = -7876713999747.435 50600307 + -7765 = 50592542 2579539.5295811165 + -2035738556 = -2033159016.470419 -178790.64644525253 + -681019 = -859809.6464452525 3850.7597049308756 + -34203834862 = -34203831011.240295 -38038 + 70.45957919077023 = -37967.54042080923 -48.13301497751097 + -2900974.19686015 = -2901022.3298751274 29840782 + -419.2626599494286 = 29840362.73734005 -6159873.308633607 + 8006.424994715003 = -6151866.883638892 -82783538 + -100000000000000 = -100000082783538 -9929941187970.596 + 91868 = -9929941096102.596 -4 + 73197798883.22186 = 73197798879.22186 -540329 + 2 = -540327 -76679444909152.4 + 10093993.903268917 = -76679434815158.5 19.167988215684176 + 8403719661013.55 = 8403719661032.718 -660737557217 + 30409107307 = -630328449910 375188202.0276737 + 9203.975392006669 = 375197406.0030657 5346917027 + -89 = 5346916938 -26706468 + 69316165516.96625 = 69289459048.96625 743691981.532593 + -2040203778 = -1296511796.467407 97316945457034.5 + 9804157190315.285 = 107121102647349.78 -63417312317 + -9068073 = -63426380390 914050892598.0244 + 8536318662202 = 9450369554800.023 35.20236526684664 + 584023631.9612553 = 584023667.1636206 820.1584700868914 + -4500671 = -4499850.841529913 -185 + 65349415498.166176 = 65349415313.166176 44135463309 + -854175013 = 43281288296 -898255126736 + 3 = -898255126733 15 + -49966585341 = -49966585326 -8 + 8 = 0 6184460.275966984 + -4636775 = 1547685.2759669842 91555241 + -866578224565 = -866486669324 78.17023020201616 + -128529097309 = -128529097230.82977 34642284 + -326680317404.58954 = -326645675120.58954 100000000000000.0 + 1818437718.8421495 = 100001818437718.84 1708692110485 + -746 = 1708692109739 -8342740 + 944.3463118645709 = -8341795.653688136 -5448297 + -305062179 = -310510476 96.21764858788758 + 621687506193.5741 = 621687506289.7917 -77007 + -84040546.89734568 = -84117553.89734568 570327 + -62320 = 508007 -33269594176 + 65856431.07167137 = -33203737744.92833 6675.330004133645 + 9647298561 = 9647305236.330004 -991381351372 + -3140343.653403153 = -991384491715.6534 9.366171161569824 + -60.562716421931924 = -51.1965452603621 -139564 + 4178107053.327091 = 4177967489.327091 5018608374 + -83 = 5018608291 82155.98821542649 + -15082457396.175455 = -15082375240.18724 22272960295.56375 + 45.28233345838098 = 22272960340.846085 2899 + -327695 = -324796 -6190383661 + -129.6101734072397 = -6190383790.610173 350.2215510701217 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999649.78 813794 + -6.130502078597972 = 813787.8694979214 -330.2852107306878 + -29030883440334.258 = -29030883440664.543 70233407526 + 78755858348 = 148989265874 14.351450060476195 + -5271.612574981851 = -5257.261124921375 -100000000000000 + -87811787231.56563 = -100087811787231.56 -504884763999 + -10 = -504884764009 919795025222.3126 + 6243.616825334897 = 919795031465.9294 -407622 + -622534244 = -622941866 28131517140.251007 + 76542248721884.84 = 76570380239025.1 -2995424 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999997004576.0 3139890.155153858 + 8 = 3139898.155153858 28 + 4707541244 = 4707541272 -6690.958066305463 + -40180292161355 = -40180292168045.96 -51637913961.26303 + 33939.92667127085 = -51637880021.33636 46393.87176713292 + 447155382 = 447201775.8717671 819843776548 + -83464998789791 = -82645155013243 75346 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999924654.0 373611.08486426173 + 7353183408267.022 = 7353183781878.107 34037775 + -8863844.454884753 = 25173930.545115247 8720194240 + -542714.4001000486 = 8719651525.5999 -86791620997807 + -80248936127489 = -167040557125296 -56381429 + -359039 = -56740468 -7565 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000007565.0 -4883080 + 2164.1446416294684 = -4880915.855358371 -9743473472475.459 + 60141564.876993924 = -9743413330910.582 7 + 713 = 720 -15616 + -138980.2095150387 = -154596.2095150387 3961413423 + 135280564811 = 139241978234 686585.7015008745 + -1 = 686584.7015008745 -8442898161304.131 + -9102 = -8442898170406.131 7 + 28476.8401388848 = 28483.8401388848 14374903080866.227 + 812201102.513578 = 14375715281968.74 320.0802978165097 + -5 = 315.0802978165097 6896489672383.857 + 65223615538088.484 = 72120105210472.34 27208.08952239427 + -3623 = 23585.08952239427 -1.7722622393028504 + 84163.64492840787 = 84161.87266616857 379042793550 + -568901375316.1055 = -189858581766.10547 -99453083 + -899060901 = -998513984 -498793421020 + 1630.071080859167 = -498793419389.9289 -24051009245137.53 + 1428.9814136898099 = -24051009243708.55 7593583881.311328 + -192803 = 7593391078.311328 8290865710 + -18799102072 = -10508236362 63702152995 + 41970187 = 63744123182 -60.13023148268446 + -64997719 = -64997779.130231485 -8696 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000008696.0 -8983412.731140334 + 6937623 = -2045789.7311403342 -100000000000000.0 + 568582 = -99999999431418.0 -98.53273139445872 + 58755 = 58656.46726860554 96154826.34025802 + 533.2431676720059 = 96155359.58342569 -160536220113.09055 + -519135960 = -161055356073.09055 -9249419988.31673 + -434280211 = -9683700199.31673 4354 + 106856499212.6175 = 106856503566.6175 86060.22786407771 + -4.809622037371983 = 86055.41824204034 2853854007937 + -955 = 2853854006982 -872725115.5856147 + -86956352598033 = -86957225323148.58 -2.5790736863235786 + -818544.0503219807 = -818546.629395667 -214.19345488916724 + 4468.741771854886 = 4254.548316965718 -297545988991 + 2.3302947855011493 = -297545988988.6697 74813 + -89 = 74724 -13246674.36171816 + -2.4055324163971985 = -13246676.767250575 -73772270.3931429 + 385572236204 = 385498463933.6069 -7 + 1566465436126.9106 = 1566465436119.9106 -617482 + -9213.960290225921 = -626695.9602902259 -1729018620139.2021 + -5901793.901912887 = -1729024521933.104 -93018.5745492431 + 2.9257045997740634 = -93015.64884464332 1855130 + -297657866414 = -297656011284 -5.923824052285083 + -7805.728074778528 = -7811.6518988308135 256 + -2776 = -2520 44550292 + -15756214.649095856 = 28794077.350904144 -58075086072.08682 + 292.64861109817275 = -58075085779.43821 61276205409.95851 + 3 = 61276205412.95851 -3165400.760127548 + -43776860759082 = -43776863924482.76 -3933 + -57649.492344378894 = -61582.492344378894 -453492848759.5588 + -48139419 = -453540988178.5588 50913.26770405995 + -86644923238545 = -86644923187631.73 3.2202252891151755 + 434767682 = 434767685.2202253 31924506.72305676 + 9447399216 = 9479323722.723057 -100000000000000 + -296549046266.66223 = -100296549046266.66 137322628562.32318 + -2883 = 137322625679.32318 -62537 + 26487775117.511833 = 26487712580.511833 3030 + -805620960408 = -805620957378 8818898877 + 995 = 8818899872 -357553 + -910 = -358463 -29605 + -7 = -29612 -78.34489631865905 + -1991999381603 = -1991999381681.345 -383 + 80707038054262.06 = 80707038053879.06 -4649026595168.117 + -6976 = -4649026602144.117 80650.40690786336 + -123488268271.44206 = -123488187621.03516 -6 + 4872.321404589877 = 4866.321404589877 992 + -514 = 478 54367618 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000054367618.0 100000000000000.0 + -5839.764798545324 = 99999999994160.23 -18136055648320 + -5385329643478 = -23521385291798 -49207853642815.91 + -321.4182545378213 = -49207853643137.33 4 + -6466326 = -6466322 -3.0473847775983662 + 5 = 1.9526152224016338 -3 + 53668015482.04849 = 53668015479.04849 -47745587227 + 83789.89020064472 = -47745503437.1098 -309133738.07038414 + -2175223 = -311308961.07038414 -359527519 + 933216460402.5217 = 932856932883.5217 2352921973.1122932 + 4 = 2352921977.1122932 566340923 + 73594486926.52298 = 74160827849.52298 762561416744 + 7.552840068179039 = 762561416751.5529 1 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999999.0 -82189741 + 8.41339438169965 = -82189732.58660562 -8439340 + 2.3697377958931547 = -8439337.630262204 78240072647.32437 + 263164.9448716386 = 78240335812.26924 9.75643932226528 + -538587488.5609288 = -538587478.8044895 -3867642195845.8447 + -4218272120 = -3871860467965.8447 -121.48028681136668 + -9296593077.094395 = -9296593198.574682 81 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999919 -4907404182.559172 + -10245 = -4907414427.559172 8932 + -5.909098003429539 = 8926.090901996571 -8478460940 + -99947356.36268969 = -8578408296.36269 -752079890 + -9676817534029.656 = -9677569613919.656 82724271478181.83 + -100000000000000 = -17275728521818.172 19116804019138.523 + 84 = 19116804019222.523 75768498517 + 85.98669276123887 = 75768498602.9867 -826682021 + -4106046341.574782 = -4932728362.574781 -6753584526390.235 + 62742966357603.4 = 55989381831213.164 -6343814741 + 9142735 = -6334672006 33590237869.715992 + -100000000000000.0 = -99966409762130.28 -79701340 + -90945766692 = -91025468032 -5361817 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000005361817.0 100000000000000 + -89294129648785.66 = 10705870351214.344 3.4600324028803957 + 4 = 7.460032402880396 -39477 + 95374765160 = 95374725683 -83710708.65266453 + -96.72786169105586 = -83710805.38052621 -87333723 + 5.434273340785227 = -87333717.56572665 64451 + 5 = 64456 -1 + -179621685556.69586 = -179621685557.69586 -3171422160 + 100000000000000 = 99996828577840 888012 + 59.38072213378143 = 888071.3807221338 735438 + -29 = 735409 -304 + -171534777166 = -171534777470 -8400446 + 114276904170 = 114268503724 4524.342103968697 + 3510.7234764217687 = 8035.0655803904665 -9284624235 + -88969285330.60988 = -98253909565.60988 -5075305827843 + -47256762.60040733 = -5075353084605.601 100000000000000.0 + -18143671316.80855 = 99981856328683.19 -2.3945776446900426 + 8616105.216250032 = 8616102.821672387 -5163 + 100000000000000 = 99999999994837 -54847362281588 + 804177 = -54847361477411 92840988 + -490896342867.40247 = -490803501879.40247 -7937968514731 + 7714665127164.408 = -223303387566.5918 869.0783858025632 + -8 = 861.0783858025632 25974475.057660013 + 419903588156.7545 = 419929562631.8122 684447974982 + -4.199334603058209 = 684447974977.8007 -7515843143981.403 + 574683389.1113855 = -7515268460592.292 14082743.553489164 + 89677.36411228639 = 14172420.91760145 -3278 + 4.711503497646553 = -3273.2884965023536 8 + 218628.71148397762 = 218636.71148397762 7418076988.30764 + 4282 = 7418081270.30764 10700942698029.697 + 714003894257.7699 = 11414946592287.467 5079873396044.507 + 1207 = 5079873397251.507 -731733633980.1207 + -380058822463 = -1111792456443.1206 69327931170.31378 + 100000000000000 = 100069327931170.31 45217490925.810394 + 100000000000000.0 = 100045217490925.81 -30521958874.198566 + -1 = -30521958875.198566 111211897.1897401 + 6007980 = 117219877.1897401 7317824953448.767 + 100000000000000 = 107317824953448.77 29 + 25.411650798496026 = 54.41165079849603 -47895878852.72899 + -863610566 = -48759489418.72899 612965 + -2374.4020386956386 = 610590.5979613044 839331 + -77.44578562837131 = 839253.5542143716 -2711187.892028413 + -317 = -2711504.892028413 -477029927 + 339964076 = -137065851 -15890825 + -81356540.72968164 = -97247365.72968164 2072891.342930668 + -31397 = 2041494.342930668 -122.14159341801839 + -4471159349539.17 = -4471159349661.312 -8.834495525514832 + 88832678675701 = 88832678675692.17 634211986365.1562 + 2.9954099866576356 = 634211986368.1516 -1945.346899434398 + 5 = -1940.346899434398 30937 + -4793320793623.781 = -4793320762686.781 231995.7865704514 + -8682 = 223313.7865704514 324879 + 62219458104.67049 = 62219782983.67049 17.973307495020663 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000017.97 -8066.194924411261 + -658751041576.2961 = -658751049642.4911 441997432878.5796 + 2786808578425.074 = 3228806011303.654 -22474240953212.49 + 8138823957700 = -14335416995512.488 27563.841209739287 + -92277983 = -92250419.15879026 100000000000000.0 + 839348312.5160966 = 100000839348312.52 -3493385610 + -5662258.732202939 = -3499047868.732203 -1968480509.0658872 + 48023 = -1968432486.0658872 33 + 462927152.80653214 = 462927185.80653214 1241 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999998759.0 -27827 + 729678138606.5999 = 729678110779.5999 -75791 + 683442773019.416 = 683442697228.416 100000000000000.0 + -414024308 = 99999585975692.0 71398 + 7.583284353773152 = 71405.58328435378 -7253897 + -9286365.94277458 = -16540262.94277458 -2.0347839798320813 + 82410219683016.66 = 82410219683014.62 8.749412350842807 + 496501 = 496509.7494123508 3209629931 + -100000000000000.0 = -99996790370069.0 77414423235 + -3.310816867932938 = 77414423231.68918 8876607 + 18110368909 = 18119245516 19846502486918 + 9388121827.35339 = 19855890608745.35 264331.1732913401 + -91819 = 172512.17329134012 -1429606.1972197779 + -401049535 = -402479141.1972198 -5467774128765 + -79600 = -5467774208365 100000000000000.0 + -2489065214.8287907 = 99997510934785.17 -263870635577 + 669 = -263870634908 1 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000001 -55.67806203686496 + -64509305790 = -64509305845.67806 8682 + -766593657.6795796 = -766584975.6795796 -942 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999058 51031961.097221635 + -21 = 51031940.097221635 32448425912.93445 + -16802.922169458463 = 32448409110.01228 -20.210466010230874 + 482.0684555325237 = 461.8579895222929 -8.753923611745297 + -50213186 = -50213194.75392361 58850.69436307895 + 81300879321095.2 = 81300879379945.89 34242685 + -8411390 = 25831295 9691679 + 578109.1115739322 = 10269788.111573933 -100000000000000 + 7462.461566175604 = -99999999992537.53 -4.3479744510565 + -6837 = -6841.347974451057 -312 + 16963457336 = 16963457024 589794.9890838021 + -854250944.8191081 = -853661149.8300244 -3061.0817915790935 + 5470234 = 5467172.918208421 4350371475898 + -71298061.58090487 = 4350300177836.419 -1964604983 + 44593059.491758585 = -1920011923.5082414 22454.520845507635 + 44771578646709.08 = 44771578669163.6 -47956721286 + -318.1016063216348 = -47956721604.10161 -493477104 + 9 = -493477095 2448836.907559103 + 78.49573112078534 = 2448915.403290224 -578891547 + 9879196854.787039 = 9300305307.787039 47903.06444716713 + 280595772.96082044 = 280643676.0252676 -46950856 + 100000000000000 = 99999953049144 -45945264.94382929 + -612352.4465850702 = -46557617.39041436 -6074519701848 + -59466544689526.8 = -65541064391374.8 66901366 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999933098634.0 -993.3199214261438 + 32217408603.709084 = 32217407610.389164 127.00354845702773 + -98857.90206344622 = -98730.8985149892 -8753463492742 + 45987432751 = -8707476059991 34332906.31451583 + 4981 = 34337887.31451583 -117352 + -31291386631 = -31291503983 2 + -9 = -7 -849 + 9135.321465553578 = 8286.321465553578 -7.686221233371958 + -1556.2771568026396 = -1563.9633780360116 87696679996.44576 + 93 = 87696680089.44576 4336508278.744209 + -100000000000000 = -99995663491721.25 -116.30274868024948 + -8433 = -8549.30274868025 11373917166.31035 + 40768737197 = 52142654363.31035 12392821796041 + 50980.14544597679 = 12392821847021.145 -73836534809142 + -479695542.0841605 = -73837014504684.08 100000000000000 + -149800431 = 99999850199569 -60415261 + -2724 = -60417985 -9235781.81590648 + -8134878453.65851 = -8144114235.474417 -690491310.6965923 + -733660154.1587985 = -1424151464.8553908 61450.145196233614 + -1655 = 59795.145196233614 100000000000000 + -63913545568 = 99936086454432 -3183775444.762418 + 519 = -3183774925.762418 11661.455455870138 + 81859427368.933 = 81859439030.38846 -12369480023.77549 + -9563267384025.695 = -9575636864049.47 -221917689944.38257 + 100000000000000 = 99778082310055.62 -32.12849348312946 + 5 = -27.12849348312946 -100000000000000.0 + 755.9962552306704 = -99999999999244.0 719057.5655762537 + 261310713746 = 261311432803.56558 -15 + 41132431924591.58 = 41132431924576.58 55093 + 4849314 = 4904407 27793235452.764076 + -596817 = 27792638635.764076 -206988.144129101 + -23 = -207011.144129101 -10269618130695.383 + 8555 = -10269618122140.383 82582311 + -11744600 = 70837711 625019966809 + 288113656.91136557 = 625308080465.9114 4852038 + 86360580 = 91212618 -478174876852 + -4000145036 = -482175021888 32202 + 100000000000000 = 100000000032202 70304162331972 + 7086885067 = 70311249217039 -8567045.810656495 + 20350865161.055805 = 20342298115.245148 269406 + -583149 = -313743 4511417634329 + -471328 = 4511417163001 783992 + 38974407974.6055 = 38975191966.6055 840627640.3098699 + 958.6058695392194 = 840628598.9157394 -245460021 + -6.448129239780344 = -245460027.44812924 -24245 + -100000000000000 = -100000000024245 66800871978285.88 + -8666747033284 = 58134124945001.88 -1528.466709631582 + 95642073225008.2 = 95642073223479.73 100000000000000.0 + -1154330843.7040136 = 99998845669156.3 9 + -23278738070.593796 = -23278738061.593796 -26305 + 2001469.2203921648 = 1975164.2203921648 -7809687912478 + -2232565342 = -7811920477820 -1390856885.646122 + 616070 = -1390240815.646122 -790001933347 + -6533319627669.237 = -7323321561016.237 880663320926 + -647909480883.9434 = 232753840042.05664 -86309 + 3185798611070 = 3185798524761 -74 + -94463883827285 = -94463883827359 6580170680826.994 + 682.8128861883831 = 6580170681509.807 2654296200858 + 7352084127425.725 = 10006380328283.725 -966 + 4879659543 = 4879658577 995863011009 + 878.1412454024301 = 995863011887.1412 -8 + -74640384 = -74640392 261465582777.57782 + -76390905928.70392 = 185074676848.8739 21328541465 + 8015211.173538913 = 21336556676.17354 -518300604419.8908 + 60.563842000062905 = -518300604359.32697 -5835165310700 + 69 = -5835165310631 -56305675606.65183 + -5423090 = -56311098696.65183 8784091889473.994 + -392.2820112380933 = 8784091889081.712 885587043416 + 638 = 885587044054 -8872594.036414545 + 7203672 = -1668922.036414545 -70.94628509259655 + 18990369 = 18990298.05371491 -474799 + 562822862757 = 562822387958 -6.781063450615744 + 24 = 17.218936549384257 160535543935.22726 + -403255078.0682783 = 160132288857.159 -114914123.95903851 + -2745.698888604258 = -114916869.65792711 55520546660115.516 + 100000000000000.0 = 155520546660115.5 5 + -8.465779383664724 = -3.4657793836647244 -2361933959.2052364 + 770391805 = -1591542154.2052364 14736229182688 + 3565748 = 14736232748436 -9.240226687412436 + -99691354.3454578 = -99691363.5856845 -100000000000000 + -1005794681959 = -101005794681959 3 + -45.89422085236685 = -42.89422085236685 3623 + -71764.0957117985 = -68141.0957117985 -1560956919206 + 38564191 = -1560918355015 -55312956.45161258 + 4109.825251228016 = -55308846.62636135 -5180976198 + 28621713581990.562 = 28616532605792.562 31769783084435.305 + 6369075.4944144795 = 31769789453510.8 -578705513.9294752 + 22466204.566665538 = -556239309.3628097 -95306366164491 + -45535.26351391048 = -95306366210026.27 8781068 + -3975181463474 = -3975172682406 -448769 + 79297676069523.81 = 79297675620754.81 100000000000000 + 10236609 = 100000010236609 71354.15830792909 + -55945028328.72028 = -55944956974.56197 7339 + -15925622179.762547 = -15925614840.762547 701225606 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000701225606.0 100000000000000.0 + 3700838 = 100000003700838.0 -100000000000000.0 + 239.33070798248545 = -99999999999760.67 5205487714.960503 + 583.0965957810229 = 5205488298.057098 -895184810 + -48591530394770.19 = -48592425579580.19 -45657709616016.08 + 78 = -45657709615938.08 411 + -61331743645915 = -61331743645504 29581780051 + -8806323218725.145 = -8776741438674.145 100000000000000.0 + -786461455.6170828 = 99999213538544.39 -636871380.4517134 + -4694365.854367692 = -641565746.3060812 -33809 + 6942403.819571983 = 6908594.819571983 255739082974.1809 + 23654 = 255739106628.1809 53493095429896.48 + -5290190407.869998 = 53487805239488.61 2332388.905257652 + 721962 = 3054350.905257652 27596.52336640778 + 1167201.9255004574 = 1194798.4488668651 9 + 806 = 815 875888574534 + 9.746550959635295 = 875888574543.7466 -34.45839552945155 + -16700699687518 = -16700699687552.459 50074641.615432054 + -485617797903 = -485567723261.3846 8.549444212872341 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999991.45 -599 + 47 = -552 5351 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000005351.0 100000000000000.0 + 6519191.790129661 = 100000006519191.8 -49177.2197430979 + 599210287.931676 = 599161110.7119329 42392732787 + -1452581.4426745141 = 42391280205.55733 -1951.3623666834978 + 9 = -1942.3623666834978 8.909958319339777 + -702694267072 = -702694267063.0901 81.53301468250204 + 35562969 = 35563050.533014685 23683699523.643642 + 8 = 23683699531.643642 918506377120.8507 + -78866573978.07356 = 839639803142.7771 25628593 + -100000000000000 = -99999974371407 -94 + 2854 = 2760 -5472067273565 + 389086766495.6746 = -5082980507069.325 83583343.63560483 + -87260618343093.12 = -87260534759749.48 -24436.09930862752 + -253.11631627228317 = -24689.215624899804 -60.316174001259846 + -7164680915650 = -7164680915710.316 100000000000000.0 + -9436 = 99999999990564.0 430999775368.14136 + -6616 = 430999768752.14136 67143057330556 + -34 = 67143057330522 456067037.4141253 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000456067037.42 -34898033274 + 478300994658 = 443402961384 100000000000000 + 991292352978 = 100991292352978 44078731369 + 1306171632.3877933 = 45384903001.387794 -100000000000000 + -99837178345203 = -199837178345203 -694.3146574220167 + 819745375075 = 819745374380.6853 4714724885597 + 233588006 = 4714958473603 100000000000000 + 63540931.746117756 = 100000063540931.75 32474330557218 + -100000000000000 = -67525669442782 -294330.9008598487 + -15771.440428880544 = -310102.3412887293 -7839952529 + 18154972847145 = 18147132894616 157.07837461450333 + -860359259300.5494 = -860359259143.4711 -61.8101994943887 + -211392 = -211453.8101994944 341725 + 24256914610877.28 = 24256914952602.28 2780.9328087980657 + 34483258307 = 34483261087.93281 83184056793 + 12994308 = 83197051101 -206 + 365 = 159 -6 + -52779301 = -52779307 -498760281 + 84053226 = -414707055 4501514965899 + 10510489035 = 4512025454934 -7722510549 + 8624856 = -7713885693 904182744228 + 952985.2854606477 = 904183697213.2854 493.77015782004514 + 92716296480.88953 = 92716296974.65968 19793 + 79278254.38295338 = 79298047.38295338 1.1228954162067548 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999998.88 76972997962602.88 + 2254406.1693821824 = 76973000217009.05 -2 + 50 = 48 -4627759 + 66399978 = 61772219 639135592512.9324 + 63.77612237901912 = 639135592576.7085 4.790504602668913 + -18555 = -18550.209495397332 -5911650584629 + 9442.607237425605 = -5911650575186.393 6478 + -697848970422 = -697848963944 6 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.0 -70305995975726 + -6004361.35546576 = -70306001980087.35 4787 + -349944731246 = -349944726459 -61565 + -87813417162458.44 = -87813417224023.44 5608979216624.676 + -190 = 5608979216434.676 -3401.075756430522 + 18647279128.16992 = 18647275727.094166 -16288533480683 + -98 = -16288533480781 856632 + -28972786967 = -28971930335 -35854269396.53233 + 19042.0505804637 = -35854250354.48175 4.554804621085909 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999995.44 -6790741122144.766 + -40485006030.231445 = -6831226128174.997 50577952307937 + 564758280210 = 51142710588147 -17875802.09194848 + -5814660052 = -5832535854.0919485 -1 + 7397470637993 = 7397470637992 -54056 + 5491901 = 5437845 2286747196566.535 + -838278.3123029434 = 2286746358288.2227 13411.266012222373 + 4855498 = 4868909.2660122225 -60395681284304.89 + 5814581.322516088 = -60395675469723.57 -63.6190412409899 + -7020148420 = -7020148483.619041 -62991312000978 + 1 = -62991312000977 -23 + -4.075280646706938 = -27.075280646706936 37.070990685251004 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000037.08 93917487374229.33 + -293398 = 93917487080831.33 -34301894207 + -63366.92263610204 = -34301957573.922638 -548.8278717986686 + -6078342290472 = -6078342291020.828 24.37288496894221 + 77619748.50763308 = 77619772.88051805 28861873.865121145 + 10772023128379.514 = 10772051990253.379 131689 + -957605 = -825916 27062490077.08625 + -6897551932456.178 = -6870489442379.092 -135921.15901093962 + 65433686992.715416 = 65433551071.556404 172178.50323182315 + 393345676204 = 393345848382.50323 89523677 + -7076958.806440002 = 82446718.19356 241256 + 8491 = 249747 -5807967363707 + 57349502489 = -5750617861218 -27187.344354434434 + 828443997531 = 828443970343.6556 8467327036128.455 + -62063 = 8467326974065.455 100000000000000.0 + 57969090.36591415 = 100000057969090.36 -81627041483027 + -9981 = -81627041493008 -870.602375314182 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000870.61 125 + 634636644 = 634636769 75722319.84476492 + 47323024035 = 47398746354.844765 -34.50815638625579 + 4385073774159 = 4385073774124.4917 -100000000000000 + -32857456.45050046 = -100000032857456.45 -31100014 + -325010.7188024655 = -31425024.718802467 838502 + -3736.048053445262 = 834765.9519465547 -49584681009718.94 + 31306.01595079039 = -49584680978412.92 143913.48649678106 + 6781.105696679937 = 150694.592193461 -14832035.22597242 + 879078 = -13952957.22597242 -9779074833 + 140709.78911950346 = -9778934123.21088 -55483119529 + 5060570.993550438 = -55478058958.00645 3193720294.3084674 + 1392336 = 3195112630.3084674 -100000000000000 + 4351101 = -99999995648899 -1081 + -56431555.79557114 = -56432636.79557114 736.9885986194919 + 9032571 = 9033307.988598619 -215547792212 + 8155182376.283489 = -207392609835.71652 95946407845.85909 + -100000000000000 = -99904053592154.14 -773 + -3289937060.090092 = -3289937833.090092 -2728575045.0158353 + 8.239885457471708 = -2728575036.77595 -2088.6405832483124 + -564634337462.4402 = -564634339551.0808 -50761875658.381424 + -368557026.6611834 = -51130432685.04261 766 + 7882 = 8648 100000000000000.0 + 23692630932812 = 123692630932812.0 858.0782664645805 + 1683034.441637617 = 1683892.5199040817 88498724 + 2755571605203 = 2755660103927 21734.896389772024 + 6011214149.00004 = 6011235883.89643 35222027904.15153 + -82358628328872 = -82323406300967.84 548192594973.33466 + -767.1906529524481 = 548192594206.144 72 + 48572486872.8506 = 48572486944.8506 -75907863899678.66 + -100000000000000.0 = -175907863899678.66 7.743148522261325 + -45667778.94292206 = -45667771.19977354 -9656879932693.285 + 2.552308717492881 = -9656879932690.732 -2279285255 + -365161 = -2279650416 230007066759.02258 + -840737.6827692547 = 230006226021.3398 -52 + -682 = -734 -38354012024 + 575 = -38354011449 -126924519327 + 94337 = -126924424990 -8322429096085.71 + 8022685 = -8322421073400.71 -5837698044777.859 + -604351640090 = -6442049684867.859 -6775727 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000006775727.0 -659988837 + -9764.381898912376 = -659998601.3818989 35301199651373 + -4327815530.324659 = 35296871835842.67 -33279915117269 + 5166567.849397002 = -33279909950701.152 41222765393.4639 + -763.0283148457357 = 41222764630.435585 49294192562003.51 + 853053 = 49294193415056.51 -2520.4522328700236 + -1340720287.8009539 = -1340722808.2531867 6 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.0 -190547 + 59316.51950497061 = -131230.4804950294 19404522617.77939 + -2954133074.3367596 = 16450389543.442629 4798320.060289067 + -19662898100 = -19658099779.939713 820.2088307910485 + 881.0138849702264 = 1701.222715761275 -4895092984.437952 + 977630 = -4894115354.437952 -911895925.0145622 + 9742779981 = 8830884055.985437 -60372264119174.055 + -911160604539 = -61283424723713.055 35498.3444520067 + -100000000000000 = -99999999964501.66 -2488097970453.4067 + -100000000000000.0 = -102488097970453.4 1322.8957010632955 + -6869337110 = -6869335787.104299 -102988.72193640664 + -9705 = -112693.72193640664 8165829600.867308 + 566.9635645093647 = 8165830167.830873 17310059265637.035 + 69757265019 = 17379816530656.035 11119611848332.387 + -979.3040179703136 = 11119611847353.082 14115 + 1 = 14116 755300 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999244700.0 -338078 + 50508695.08745182 = 50170617.08745182 81511 + 34926.688605827854 = 116437.68860582786 793 + 5923824.122751612 = 5924617.122751612 888 + 83.94081146216081 = 971.9408114621608 -73139144388512 + -46210021974261 = -119349166362773 49892 + -809373296 = -809323404 -36585785403 + 4087.026370360459 = -36585781315.97363 -470928652.5221169 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000470928652.52 1943 + -653560349.6121994 = -653558406.6121994 7776482971 + 762084780.5936223 = 8538567751.593622 -815659 + 7 = -815652 -5537514.408097561 + -51.120702789087055 = -5537565.528800351 -2983469 + -2 = -2983471 623379408 + -3143623327 = -2520243919 100000000000000.0 + 39166383097 = 100039166383097.0 100000000000000.0 + -45762.52652453117 = 99999999954237.47 -20754705184.368397 + 467945038794 = 447190333609.6316 408820409291 + -646380769767.4578 = -237560360476.45776 5.892644652667258 + -9144747833419.43 = -9144747833413.537 -1585.1991611779322 + -7573855.817688609 = -7575441.016849786 5237726860.473692 + -430588 = 5237296272.473692 90267210538971 + 8 = 90267210538979 2215436242 + 90.56140347086445 = 2215436332.5614033 82013850288 + -100000000000000.0 = -99917986149712.0 -38829432.96522902 + -8772101901547 = -8772140730979.965 -1.620426645073641 + 1280.934711238848 = 1279.3142845937743 -14788930942323 + 69476614973 = -14719454327350 15877397057 + -15837707305 = 39689752 100000000000000.0 + 295093 = 100000000295093.0 -100000000000000.0 + -5974896.202653694 = -100000005974896.2 581 + -802.7889318530559 = -221.78893185305594 -892178.798914127 + 308502345425 = 308501453246.2011 97 + 34965667224839 = 34965667224936 266095.5719990315 + 5635.14487356864 = 271730.71687260014 -84136286.34733431 + -51995100733.9468 = -52079237020.294136 -127556 + 344 = -127212 582.1010145747725 + -568 = 14.101014574772535 -81554360649027.89 + 100000000000000 = 18445639350972.11 -100000000000000.0 + -9081322700899 = -109081322700899.0 -20997898222 + -269967387 = -21267865609 4390.701710909424 + 87 = 4477.701710909424 1372271 + 179.29093878355405 = 1372450.2909387837 620 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000620.0 7938201 + 68184 = 8006385 722190.2033723794 + 94355026607160.52 = 94355027329350.72 1.5919437426816256 + 686 = 687.5919437426817 -546234572.624732 + -937378560 = -1483613132.624732 5 + 5630738 = 5630743 92.69431476855144 + -15392324326306.902 = -15392324326214.209 -4016 + -5 = -4021 -9263577 + 6408.225503736959 = -9257168.774496263 -90698545 + -28590 = -90727135 -127523330 + 8382 = -127514948 -695678222.1174742 + 5470384955420.396 = 5469689277198.279 33515399810 + -3813.4867189016145 = 33515395996.513283 -64026 + 39 = -63987 34.49241389969374 + -7752839685826.27 = -7752839685791.777 -62.35084858682139 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999937.66 308401 + -45205437201.78403 = -45205128800.78403 90769963.0872236 + -86933278119379.53 = -86933187349416.44 100160815086.90591 + -92580446.00218083 = 100068234640.90373 96.70523433511143 + -65933543840745 = -65933543840648.3 -1 + -9.433857149762456 = -10.433857149762456 7839.312497834089 + 92380719843 = 92380727682.3125 -100695464080 + 971 = -100695463109 468874301.08417886 + 8651293942211.374 = 8651762816512.458 -90874831.9411992 + 65207424.30901873 = -25667407.632180467 8 + -249022832173 = -249022832165 8 + -889136559538.176 = -889136559530.176 4479.937719497088 + 4626385.641096627 = 4630865.578816124 857.2488613747498 + -38014420.451734975 = -38013563.2028736 -161991 + -69444054662546 = -69444054824537 9928.127338223356 + -12904 = -2975.8726617766442 787164502513 + -6399428411911.056 = -5612263909398.056 100000000000000 + -830409434.1477556 = 99999169590565.86 84858002735 + 23712308697 = 108570311432 3857317764.175878 + 753 = 3857318517.175878 -463362 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000463362.0 -49583416 + 32610.134529166487 = -49550805.865470834 243186856 + 706 = 243187562 5.996732502998144 + -577.7891201593989 = -571.7923876564007 788 + -63356 = -62568 -100000000000000.0 + 5 = -99999999999995.0 -59027383 + -897153.2349331881 = -59924536.23493319 -26.39697539494819 + 663172604200 = 663172604173.603 33969 + -87993936552072 = -87993936518103 60419138 + 3202577121939.9766 = 3202637541077.9766 -8492 + 7148591 = 7140099 -10.383168989693809 + 391728834 = 391728823.616831 -58186782 + -17603.67808709708 = -58204385.6780871 -100000000000000 + 32891946.709277537 = -99999967108053.3 -231319 + 65346859932969 = 65346859701650 -81796433593698.1 + -250205 = -81796433843903.1 70722367224 + 510359.97621137585 = 70722877583.97621 1247.5636154746269 + -45 = 1202.5636154746269 792212 + 47103689751.13272 = 47104481963.13272 -9679961 + -317392 = -9997353 7 + -7.712719292616981 = -0.7127192926169812 -853821 + 82.03399035037432 = -853738.9660096497 4225523847597 + 7624895039 = 4233148742636 3458141498 + 2662289676.733597 = 6120431174.733597 508928.0673860413 + -589427450.4522346 = -588918522.3848486 22657082728252.652 + -144695776 = 22656938032476.652 -890071 + -701 = -890772 -54696221.61091571 + -3.997500583658099 = -54696225.6084163 -100000000000000.0 + 3848005 = -99999996151995.0 -18.529207283399913 + 8040553.512998776 = 8040534.983791492 217 + 555656682840.1417 = 555656683057.1417 13.180134813387152 + -29366 = -29352.81986518661 -588 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000588.0 -84381315.83410248 + -5511306083.981009 = -5595687399.815111 -800382613.425252 + -68621 = -800451234.425252 51357021301238.87 + -6.063554459531162 = 51357021301232.805 -83096186502302.4 + 3 = -83096186502299.4 90182720788642 + -309091191465 = 89873629597177 627 + -610519592 = -610518965 -8696.082827478534 + -944089.0332376657 = -952785.1160651442 5587 + 78452447.5884154 = 78458034.5884154 545790947 + 493891317.48965436 = 1039682264.4896543 6238184 + -8945479.2502588 = -2707295.2502587996 -449744884667.85284 + -65422570345 = -515167455012.85284 538970598082 + 7 = 538970598089 38420.30091970478 + 8206 = 46626.30091970478 -632214 + 8268 = -623946 55992150 + 44963075194781.555 = 44963131186931.555 -8.754936049086151 + -18522.44158295548 = -18531.196519004563 79693 + 46567945420140.13 = 46567945499833.13 39290565874 + 64 = 39290565938 96971376102 + 280032 = 96971656134 -874643 + -954950 = -1829593 1 + -98800210 = -98800209 407904235 + -926 = 407903309 -78416820927601 + -735.7351092210514 = -78416820928336.73 5525048022.915496 + -4466433256 = 1058614766.9154959 74658 + 15379.926015722169 = 90037.92601572217 63418454734666.375 + -462423482091.25 = 62956031252575.125 -73989250072352.45 + 6345 = -73989250066007.45 158 + 200038 = 200196 -6 + 722822 = 722816 4 + -5100 = -5096 8412245787110.49 + 94717785952.66016 = 8506963573063.15 -216.59185914448997 + -3294309792645.226 = -3294309792861.818 -4023 + 6471122.976997076 = 6467099.976997076 -8611089210 + 944250793.6278007 = -7666838416.372199 -7469850535718 + -380082387364.0215 = -7849932923082.021 -1 + -5468106442525 = -5468106442526 -91977 + 65.40577475590649 = -91911.59422524409 4246556947558 + 192701601933 = 4439258549491 -754372.8301642658 + -73940 = -828312.8301642658 -316677885286.2107 + 618905504 = -316058979782.2107 6935 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006935.0 5525816 + -98.1272956588996 = 5525717.872704341 574799332805 + -2461096.8411030294 = 574796871708.1589 -31141467546095 + 89.09837951988543 = -31141467546005.902 -9450173207 + -4389 = -9450177596 315074.3847271018 + 3816028.1594369803 = 4131102.544164082 1860112.215308542 + 68493033684.55739 = 68494893796.7727 -90447308 + -38499603952258 = -38499694399566 -7831914384 + 96117855.1466732 = -7735796528.853327 63743 + 49726286 = 49790029 -8855834 + 9562900709 = 9554044875 -12140 + -6762875052 = -6762887192 -3228.663766411316 + 737607065.8419042 = 737603837.1781378 1036042030.1631799 + -16 = 1036042014.1631799 -890679650 + -9659450294.354107 = -10550129944.354107 100000000000000 + 6744171.832558142 = 100000006744171.83 4033426956.773294 + -51794403124749 = -51790369697792.23 -14475975764974 + -983162672.1638048 = -14476958927646.164 509788039 + -1540279953603 = -1539770165564 -21363799188206.836 + -628 = -21363799188834.836 92.51157684368683 + -9383966 = -9383873.488423156 -100000000000000 + -978893092668.4197 = -100978893092668.42 68574046 + -63424621 = 5149425 -7936821647212.363 + -78.21554123669551 = -7936821647290.579 158637 + 7282422370.559192 = 7282581007.559192 -27403947788.54517 + -31291755.673564754 = -27435239544.218735 -545938046365 + -57851 = -545938104216 8599772214194.493 + -9229456599671.57 = -629684385477.0771 49473612174469 + 100000000000000.0 = 149473612174469.0 -372573775 + -5443508 = -378017283 7810177031.731664 + -129425595172 = -121615418140.26834 -100000000000000.0 + -267 = -100000000000267.0 320067360.00649595 + 736671158 = 1056738518.006496 -3744784838.3401446 + 97962 = -3744686876.3401446 1697222106.1338258 + -4882792624339.777 = -4881095402233.644 69702242.04272419 + 45114.035292591405 = 69747356.07801679 5618988873734.4375 + 638617447 = 5619627491181.4375 14459288.868111756 + -2084443.6511145318 = 12374845.216997225 30150.070635209144 + 5194128691931.955 = 5194128722082.025 -8824629 + 7 = -8824622 895961334 + -19709.578852392755 = 895941624.4211476 3 + 408 = 411 -100000000000000.0 + -4372490153671 = -104372490153671.0 6.250468494938914 + 205301526064 = 205301526070.25046 1799889419 + -294287.8540429508 = 1799595131.145957 -5154313281456 + -281.73384777960325 = -5154313281737.733 97640606.51773489 + -96890931524822 = -96890833884215.48 -3799854.849951765 + 55988136071139 = 55988132271284.15 -41492719 + 938595 = -40554124 773453 + -27399884 = -26626431 1993395829631.18 + -76619436.77637905 = 1993319210194.4036 526 + 95033252714.29767 = 95033253240.29767 100000000000000.0 + 2464762292 = 100002464762292.0 -6 + -5437.292975387364 = -5443.292975387364 -3539605257703.5884 + 173 = -3539605257530.5884 -1844803593719.8096 + 4040.3967825570753 = -1844803589679.4128 -7535967085.829321 + -671679191812.0793 = -679215158897.9087 3084.9143556144086 + 303184.23656735127 = 306269.15092296567 -43634.6349998144 + -7 = -43641.6349998144 2780.105106344902 + 112967442 = 112970222.10510634 3531466565 + 55 = 3531466620 93440704301 + -96935864.21851228 = 93343768436.7815 449.7337514643796 + 750031.3213474227 = 750481.0550988871 -460581916 + 1623431 = -458958485 596.3383072807849 + 528023 = 528619.3383072808 -55734069956.94683 + -65.24680865106572 = -55734070022.19364 -75773652717 + -66036973327169 = -66112746979886 -21187152198 + 100000000000000.0 = 99978812847802.0 -701482961520 + -100000000000000 = -100701482961520 -100000000000000 + 86929770.71919705 = -99999913070229.28 7.487975357419002 + 13.395599033005418 = 20.88357439042442 84030871624087.31 + -949.0159989680088 = 84030871623138.3 100000000000000.0 + -9413 = 99999999990587.0 -100000000000000 + -7592376288278 = -107592376288278 -8848261214606 + -8504177751 = -8856765392357 9839 + 3380588 = 3390427 -10 + 5 = -5 -79813714686055.88 + 8637488 = -79813706048567.88 -544730198106.65393 + -626977.279098881 = -544730825083.93304 100000000000000.0 + 87211644080859 = 187211644080859.0 -3048370.3111255346 + -987345 = -4035715.3111255346 1697677.922707878 + 53080072972.01678 = 53081770649.93948 65.82509927379141 + -35.96695511174865 = 29.858144162042755 -54248996534423.03 + 9153 = -54248996525270.03 -19482847303926 + -3813386691 = -19486660690617 12.467108085366212 + 72842371 = 72842383.46710809 274838480079 + 850016067955 = 1124854548034 -274011925.6882241 + -1695713134 = -1969725059.688224 71564852076 + 9899296 = 71574751372 3.5070895181499067 + -88152778264 = -88152778260.4929 3181.7217379278977 + -6277 = -3095.2782620721023 5479507396505 + 161232454118 = 5640739850623 -943205 + 768413064 = 767469859 -6236.276338353634 + -82783788.8593597 = -82790025.13569805 100000000000000 + 70985 = 100000000070985 9745212159921.213 + -3135226814408.0723 = 6609985345513.141 -6291873 + -162197584080.25946 = -162203875953.25946 -8469628174.075704 + 18237657865.474842 = 9768029691.39914 -1163165 + -84165068435673.81 = -84165069598838.81 -90176590008.69525 + -4755438675.839592 = -94932028684.53485 -9 + -66.2756828106307 = -75.2756828106307 83249940161.89516 + 168554511785 = 251804451946.89514 -912377457383.4247 + -57508 = -912377514891.4247 -33838216550.61587 + -934 = -33838217484.61587 -9895.469616787383 + -3807.050649558554 = -13702.520266345937 -100000000000000 + 863763301 = -99999136236699 -941850667.7728724 + 958471 = -940892196.7728724 380189473 + 14885657625 = 15265847098 821307948.0569618 + 8735890574260.299 = 8736711882208.355 -70522886 + -75388884005 = -75459406891 -12 + -870 = -882 -22926575857.975624 + -29415936543 = -52342512400.975624 17.875572490887777 + -398790.3989212196 = -398772.52334872866 13011593 + -97331253.31069767 = -84319660.31069767 7431576462 + 7711555491 = 15143131953 -3805 + 422260 = 418455 8364559.666724695 + -5.545369534746857 = 8364554.12135516 -98.07957176180511 + 39574563739076.984 = 39574563738978.91 100000000000000 + -6516403220739 = 93483596779261 659591540 + 97771942.85557857 = 757363482.8555785 -90 + -883310 = -883400 12983605.803321755 + 25312 = 13008917.803321755 -8619282275 + 57 = -8619282218 -6739722209.032421 + -57095805641030.695 = -57102545363239.73 -595385.8509393493 + -42682065 = -43277450.85093935 823484351357 + 2581454.6588359936 = 823486932811.6588 46393401 + 83462875145 = 83509268546 -74613733549835.78 + -27.22364687632371 = -74613733549863.0 11 + 3229489066.668349 = 3229489077.668349 58 + 92282879087606.31 = 92282879087664.31 52293925322569.336 + -418711.1892670572 = 52293924903858.15 -2566983484553 + 26509914126473.945 = 23942930641920.945 -1 + 78205285.60586563 = 78205284.60586563 -827 + 893 = 66 980209 + -54035537206.09958 = -54034556997.09958 -3510519184982.068 + -6573.093339129751 = -3510519191555.161 88601885.52854234 + -794009.3883024693 = 87807876.14023986 4530815.393069072 + 18209 = 4549024.393069072 -519321.9577460428 + -100000000000000 = -100000000519321.95 -92944799757702.67 + -2755782275.7870755 = -92947555539978.45 -5474027 + 73216583722 = 73211109695 -34010209568 + 100000000000000 = 99965989790432 -4468997598733.939 + 51568230.88325583 = -4468946030503.057 -3230124 + 1 = -3230123 -100000000000000.0 + 5276189319 = -99994723810681.0 427 + 232286071202.9212 = 232286071629.9212 672.8565568864419 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999327.14 -848716.4615613475 + 2 = -848714.4615613475 -532 + 42757493.92586067 = 42756961.92586067 450797406 + -3947.773426489547 = 450793458.2265735 8741640540 + -7.071515724059117 = 8741640532.928484 -111101.5257247849 + 100000000000000 = 99999999888898.47 85161179.68891649 + -245861 = 84915318.68891649 -9321.076508761736 + -529577417.3146442 = -529586738.391153 -845616 + -6734978374316.669 = -6734979219932.669 -5570503 + -91740.23185283846 = -5662243.231852839 32 + -674951853877 = -674951853845 91005 + 81657797490179 = 81657797581184 7162048589241 + -10243662918 = 7151804926323 75813.11452857094 + -7849500.662597116 = -7773687.548068545 876.7770597711985 + 272042.11723620404 = 272918.8942959752 -7650842501.752547 + 368 = -7650842133.752547 64502242.0528013 + 18965 = 64521207.0528013 -9153446.61136495 + 187925.70962137665 = -8965520.901743572 564444.4268747465 + -49 = 564395.4268747465 -8162528046708 + 186 = -8162528046522 -8548 + 1754182.2550125055 = 1745634.2550125055 4975 + 4 = 4979 3567824524180.1304 + 985997797 = 3568810521977.1304 -74894160.31894845 + 966331556 = 891437395.6810515 -9036617640.998306 + 7703291 = -9028914349.998306 -82072400175 + 8 = -82072400167 89 + 48611123503297 = 48611123503386 -383108301.0938789 + -238475054.58636284 = -621583355.6802418 7501373 + 26.806619567474673 = 7501399.806619568 -263 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000263.0 2018 + 785.3493693386832 = 2803.349369338683 8859802400612 + -2823 = 8859802397789 -4265582.381976573 + -2647 = -4268229.381976573 -1185462 + 518212299.85857636 = 517026837.85857636 -3.8909518141924457 + 71867693579.9028 = 71867693576.01186 156440522 + -7858000 = 148582522 -13943013144347 + -8839.229836380822 = -13943013153186.23 -209738 + 92294512 = 92084774 -2355 + 126988739509 = 126988737154 -49176284926 + -20666680694 = -69842965620 6 + 417237087846.6403 = 417237087852.6403 -7.280221301929212 + -5631159 = -5631166.280221302 6914691 + 3.4874723634249887 = 6914694.487472364 393569 + -410284037 = -409890468 46510888.74144302 + 388477 = 46899365.74144302 910642904727 + -49698064 = 910593206663 -9 + -89.67788422529716 = -98.67788422529716 100000000000000.0 + 7927336541.356579 = 100007927336541.36 -7865704485213.94 + 100000000000000 = 92134295514786.06 -464828101210 + -477 = -464828101687 -287520055 + 65498142065922.7 = 65497854545867.7 22498703801793 + 671 = 22498703802464 -731167 + 72540727499.20639 = 72539996332.20639 4069 + 2731300.827898698 = 2735369.827898698 -8898 + -4012116800 = -4012125698 93000926.51751581 + -8 = 93000918.51751581 23680172179 + 275593.1446199813 = 23680447772.14462 -74057227929686 + 60 = -74057227929626 9769801.133061156 + -5680992805966.031 = -5680983036164.898 -8594161 + -19796664569404.254 = -19796673163565.254 -100000000000000 + 65415393630868.945 = -34584606369131.055 785595993013 + -179201 = 785595813812 9473 + 1 = 9474 120751 + -748088699938 = -748088579187 -82 + -22648.817503932056 = -22730.817503932056 -875698 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000875698.0 7602922812.428138 + -813552 = 7602109260.428138 94817972.84655182 + 1801473220.0427482 = 1896291192.8893 50631766082710 + 31694696679 = 50663460779389 -8139684636.467026 + 62.47768881654624 = -8139684573.989337 41042 + -56726606056351.81 = -56726606015309.81 794.5012109452174 + -23885595117938 = -23885595117143.5 757626961 + -4 = 757626957 -3467524 + -7427843981 = -7431311505 -90850647818.53818 + 1436096500.4026203 = -89414551318.13556 -1900680 + 56193204 = 54292524 -90263 + -1348 = -91611 -472708864761.38306 + -4455998116395.297 = -4928706981156.68 -122729.39098126118 + -1.2006334799672809 = -122730.59161474115 622908269180 + 390942040.58756876 = 623299211220.5875 -7.407822656348809 + 19837.35928896864 = 19829.95146631229 4243 + -29572.182015148665 = -25329.182015148665 -265630580392.90457 + 993749.499919839 = -265629586643.40466 22222085 + 841030 = 23063115 42146756101692 + 740 = 42146756102432 -74.6494383637309 + -58 = -132.6494383637309 -65312452649.01496 + -410538405 = -65722991054.01496 93443349925890 + -67 = 93443349925823 -100000000000000.0 + 6 = -99999999999994.0 448.15452433445233 + 66595861438 = 66595861886.154526 422733 + 969836004682 = 969836427415 -801793953.7452718 + 16425908 = -785368045.7452718 -1 + -2162371803 = -2162371804 760964811991.3401 + 100000000000000 = 100760964811991.34 7995 + 373708978 = 373716973 9 + -54144162255276 = -54144162255267 985673787484 + 867.0966275808112 = 985673788351.0967 -170.55590854451202 + -12497098124.192383 = -12497098294.748291 -6361100.891167674 + 3605348514947 = 3605342153846.109 2.6138224444170435 + 9 = 11.613822444417043 -441.06425673464383 + -45530053927762.516 = -45530053928203.58 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 2 + 880342591600.2585 = 880342591602.2585 -330 + 729073293428.3169 = 729073293098.3169 5.912273896634637 + -210251571.79323542 = -210251565.88096154 -41129.21308147193 + 9359085080506 = 9359085039376.787 -100000000000000.0 + -4999724456032.814 = -104999724456032.81 3761856590 + -100000000000000 = -99996238143410 1777.1713359953858 + -46843138.96722455 = -46841361.79588856 -51275.84594849409 + 6900699461993 = 6900699410717.154 -8207.669667330172 + 7181789749.267144 = 7181781541.597477 -67520908334.80719 + 840788580913 = 773267672578.1929 95 + -324692.8059905933 = -324597.8059905933 -7.3753908681035245 + 9542934939696 = 9542934939688.625 -2527.863631156614 + -6656095544.069401 = -6656098071.933032 100000000000000.0 + 272631.6095160373 = 100000000272631.61 100000000000000.0 + 5.617533687330817 = 100000000000005.62 4761891657113.89 + -12178771928 = 4749712885185.89 -6.6513613183211 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000006.66 24624963616805 + -452581 = 24624963164224 62399052168 + 100000000000000 = 100062399052168 -7582908596 + 5282 = -7582903314 -373 + 76674771770 = 76674771397 100000000000000.0 + -949861774256 = 99050138225744.0 -114327554.94030134 + 372145747 = 257818192.05969864 716312561737 + 3399585016.353546 = 719712146753.3535 7.5574429851054346 + -8222540194156.406 = -8222540194148.849 100000000000000 + -993672912 = 99999006327088 -5223422456298.895 + 3578264453026 = -1645158003272.8945 -81108380.0303555 + 28133814223 = 28052705842.969643 -880590885.0626318 + -3100389791.519626 = -3980980676.582258 928 + 81373.23935655906 = 82301.23935655906 68698437851 + 8454143.027570054 = 68706891994.02757 64 + -5863 = -5799 -1998716 + -913947249509 = -913949248225 92222771230443 + 4075207389695.7256 = 96297978620138.72 43121071061.11403 + 696850434 = 43817921495.11403 8311182 + 8 = 8311190 801974.1481106614 + -63375 = 738599.1481106614 22 + 200035935443.46027 = 200035935465.46027 247481427 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999752518573.0 -113047 + -4.46601564217025 = -113051.46601564217 100000000000000 + -46.70479251558697 = 99999999999953.3 347089941 + -6 = 347089935 216.45887281618218 + 2634253390.5101695 = 2634253606.9690423 16.42375289209479 + 1907 = 1923.4237528920949 -56571175.827402495 + -3.233395959671644 = -56571179.06079845 -949105.4680124572 + 52 = -949053.4680124572 6966519416 + 30252874909896 = 30259841429312 -1.495576325077463 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000001.5 3454434389640 + -7293330465 = 3447141059175 -908965.2759020503 + 9360 = -899605.2759020503 44579939306971 + -789007736 = 44579150299235 -684882136.1156684 + 2203067.0174105414 = -682679069.0982579 704937505482 + 531261 = 704938036743 -1042078465372 + -86864036536 = -1128942501908 -1071.8032269463379 + -938.0295953833373 = -2009.8328223296753 7880.367438539508 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000007880.38 67740667.00749567 + 7300634328.64876 = 7368374995.656256 8803.266462631096 + -19877736301363.68 = -19877736292560.414 -56723 + 734422392 = 734365669 813333172209.0753 + -117.78959274956476 = 813333172091.2858 -260341851703.3521 + -9812480.515840303 = -260351664183.86795 8993199065 + -78986337.00307791 = 8914212727.996922 -499 + -92559560048 = -92559560547 6459798 + 62984191833.61187 = 62990651631.61187 765 + 40.40328144079191 = 805.403281440792 -69718700972756 + 22964244082880 = -46754456889876 -119208325 + -9.740807224875262 = -119208334.74080722 83329729586 + 742092240.3719906 = 84071821826.372 -253717273223 + 55608859 = -253661664364 741766.8329766382 + 9236 = 751002.8329766382 -78165.5575758402 + 87200328585 = 87200250419.44243 6762856707277.491 + -50.171148706517386 = 6762856707227.32 -609.2617808151388 + 6726653071729 = 6726653071119.738 87344362662.95683 + 329699678.0011207 = 87674062340.95795 -7204868824092 + -193 = -7204868824285 -6913 + -371458788 = -371465701 -100000000000000 + 666551040 = -99999333448960 -96128.96336076163 + 889 = -95239.96336076163 -6219203.781521342 + -15629734055827.07 = -15629740275030.852 4198744 + 143088001777.11456 = 143092200521.11456 28556956618883.39 + -31 = 28556956618852.39 -8725.433557688151 + 163931711318 = 163931702592.56644 45108.72113410359 + 3819984999963.451 = 3819985045072.1724 100000000000000 + 5176.23955424806 = 100000000005176.23 -335 + 2832124 = 2831789 608 + -19474489866.271584 = -19474489258.271584 -8928599 + -36528 = -8965127 1046464908454 + -475.3131816783205 = 1046464907978.6868 890587221856.1349 + 131688296360 = 1022275518216.1349 -2954437.864798109 + -3 = -2954440.864798109 -634249171.6062844 + -122854.80744206216 = -634372026.4137264 -91.34159485316697 + 1458302424251.6152 = 1458302424160.2737 -2.6257525794543124 + -204579.05311124527 = -204581.67886382472 5.9644196872778314 + 92069.59096663253 = 92075.55538631981 -8345.695924490294 + 11596 = 3250.3040755097063 -2079058017716 + -22227342788.96213 = -2101285360504.9622 9245870 + 627290010385.0128 = 627299256255.0128 7.435534121751011 + 18729870571.15471 = 18729870578.590244 623 + -81853255556970 = -81853255556347 253917 + -100000000000000 = -99999999746083 61.78699138821789 + -4488688.690126281 = -4488626.903134893 310611316 + -486122 = 310125194 -18825386544176 + -100000000000000 = -118825386544176 42868584608286.945 + -5299112.921360654 = 42868579309174.02 -237855.4973338867 + -4616075 = -4853930.497333887 -1497 + -88.14073404016635 = -1585.1407340401663 -5055847 + -5 = -5055852 -92 + 97226188689 = 97226188597 -7286664720 + 281464105531 = 274177440811 100000000000000 + -2228 = 99999999997772 -55368460.82711812 + 4425931220.324038 = 4370562759.49692 -45021 + -5655390140014.522 = -5655390185035.522 27061940476990.145 + 6149517894752.808 = 33211458371742.953 -8421197 + 31965.53599019437 = -8389231.464009807 -6408352 + 7530632980620 = 7530626572268 89019 + -8358272862 = -8358183843 -157.8982086711199 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000157.89 48265115161.34886 + 100000000000000.0 = 100048265115161.34 7479964139671.326 + -3320 = 7479964136351.326 7 + 45428 = 45435 -43357028063.27896 + -2039172.5774172088 = -43359067235.85638 -227047871 + -100000000000000 = -100000227047871 -100000000000000.0 + -9713416008.951351 = -100009713416008.95 100000000000000 + 56 = 100000000000056 8532558515824.402 + 100000000000000 = 108532558515824.4 -81801 + 773931969786.7753 = 773931887985.7753 -181.45765212693584 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000181.45 -573058396386 + 6021.135091664642 = -573058390364.8649 -559.4412167361136 + 57594435346308.47 = 57594435345749.03 81492536.54915264 + 737922219 = 819414755.5491526 4164707736768 + 584227592839.6936 = 4748935329607.693 7126426031477.699 + 168206 = 7126426199683.699 -37680499.02096494 + 33156396429658 = 33156358749158.98 -62273.85796417241 + -9 = -62282.85796417241 441340905 + 351554721529.38055 = 351996062434.38055 -100000000000000.0 + -32515790 = -100000032515790.0 5162885.048923268 + 961067593 = 966230478.0489233 -7854649551 + -33457288104337 = -33465142753888 929.9144806288265 + 659360 = 660289.9144806288 5411.37521610168 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000005411.38 -3.549508064588407 + -118 = -121.54950806458841 -162.82971073177157 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000162.83 -41654 + -114375832645 = -114375874299 107400 + -349526732479 = -349526625079 -7473913714 + -2614193036.771135 = -10088106750.771135 -8 + 552983949.9779134 = 552983941.9779134 100000000000000 + -48738220189893.375 = 51261779810106.625 591.1377055008315 + 27219506986 = 27219507577.137707 -9301311970 + 847542427.6095355 = -8453769542.390465 3206 + 85340062769.48299 = 85340065975.48299 -768.2141567490836 + 87743999.97403358 = 87743231.75987683 -342621214882 + -982107.6343721848 = -342622196989.6344 -674952116405 + -124131445 = -675076247850 798963 + -664648042055 = -664647243092 7.157036948644664 + 98.16320292433302 = 105.32023987297768 -350107288.7939361 + 248284991089 = 247934883800.20605 61.07812791032522 + -1 = 60.07812791032522 -4932.973055059014 + 1116889996.9743636 = 1116885064.0013084 40911934748513 + -94415219854.08769 = 40817519528658.914 -98910988.19787276 + 412090307775.27985 = 411991396787.082 -116364447872 + -4981.269806567766 = -116364452853.2698 -11184937 + 670243869105 = 670232684168 -100000000000000 + -26698.096829150785 = -100000000026698.1 -9.181481142237397 + -34537739 = -34537748.181481145 96722297 + 139825456.7787702 = 236547753.7787702 -32911144 + -54223187.447970144 = -87134331.44797015 43761725.455962434 + -6452991919 = -6409230193.544038 -639576997595 + 42452.8673755292 = -639576955142.1326 99502666.48159806 + 43728672902906.5 = 43728772405572.984 -59659 + 2135322005 = 2135262346 4 + 30254104942.570557 = 30254104946.570557 32292008033.771545 + 9704608 = 32301712641.771545 -47300 + 37073480264 = 37073432964 77122128.68590975 + -83192.00417598258 = 77038936.68173377 522.6321525962504 + -12.478120938357964 = 510.15403165789246 -202.93355148621185 + 419.25481841039755 = 216.3212669241857 25.011969733954054 + 654609025 = 654609050.0119697 -6247950568675.199 + -33211989790.922405 = -6281162558466.122 -8238911073 + 267642.6293194623 = -8238643430.370681 2855070936.561681 + -6810909942 = -3955839005.438319 692584.010148744 + -971183678784.6978 = -971182986200.6876 8.195269621184416 + -8.291476484714199 = -0.09620686352978325 5.0758345967385505 + 171945963058 = 171945963063.07584 -615935973 + 10059216 = -605876757 -63820485577472 + -8405519.778887168 = -63820493982991.78 8078508579785.953 + 5318011 = 8078513897796.953 2539525 + 54660524 = 57200049 -6820577 + 540957.3776781124 = -6279619.622321888 -77972112224.7052 + 7913599954.29279 = -70058512270.41241 2358 + -27131493.70852615 = -27129135.70852615 -374869048994 + -122797471470.02638 = -497666520464.02637 5813009.469620224 + -756984298335.7926 = -756978485326.323 -591095077258 + -661928347.4189177 = -591757005605.419 -93059826533.41483 + 4500574148 = -88559252385.41483 100000000000000.0 + -91764343808 = 99908235656192.0 -3 + 73309 = 73306 -6198.667539798136 + -9793427145213 = -9793427151411.668 -7770552 + -69 = -7770621 97099359881.75262 + 8 = 97099359889.75262 -20386878 + -4024 = -20390902 -5230524234496.079 + -23.3004821461703 = -5230524234519.38 -2319 + 9901 = 7582 628509687976 + 14879486166.655773 = 643389174142.6558 502001702 + 670897079.7504107 = 1172898781.7504106 -5924198 + 15514181831.777706 = 15508257633.777706 46.16479084174238 + 7498491824.712002 = 7498491870.876793 54663188.213301875 + 373496725449.37213 = 373551388637.58545 -2681 + 3680557.2439665203 = 3677876.2439665203 97.3491704931751 + 684304388 = 684304485.3491704 43367211494069 + 494 = 43367211494563 89423554.0085405 + 16 = 89423570.0085405 -4687.17493621615 + -56463006.72013347 = -56467693.89506968 100000000000000.0 + 2484641779075 = 102484641779075.0 -9472086 + 494107674611.6294 = 494098202525.6294 99230.08296797036 + 2623832498209 = 2623832597439.083 -7764010976.40473 + -6 = -7764010982.40473 2397326.5109674754 + -547995267 = -545597940.4890325 -100000000000000 + -4066135.6243514395 = -100000004066135.62 -70134159931801 + -9091066458519.432 = -79225226390320.44 32988861379852.496 + -100000000000000 = -67011138620147.5 -1995466071501 + -819331 = -1995466890832 -100000000000000 + -36522400.08378592 = -100000036522400.08 -3592043014189.4863 + 968361.6344011319 = -3592042045827.852 -82841044631.70879 + 69793676446 = -13047368185.708786 4898997549613.32 + 8162903838063 = 13061901387676.32 -100000000000000 + 471655.43915067206 = -99999999528344.56 -527590 + -9214357811 = -9214885401 -767280172011.3533 + -367301 = -767280539312.3533 -11035481.868004775 + 469394484507 = 469383449025.132 6114.8484938091415 + -31236497.72341889 = -31230382.87492508 -1925619090.4895768 + -100000000000000.0 = -100001925619090.48 415501276836.3631 + 100000000000000.0 = 100415501276836.36 966439.7948103303 + -5011574 = -4045134.2051896695 83.37963457322087 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999916.62 -9482 + 5753008.686221475 = 5743526.686221475 -533630696691.48236 + 59800516820845 = 59266886124153.516 -640675885 + 2750103466025 = 2749462790140 -66138.35852286739 + 22830115 = 22763976.641477134 41419 + 379412.16261901753 = 420831.16261901753 8220.685698876416 + 5775 = 13995.685698876416 19111026645044.367 + -21697877592.83813 = 19089328767451.527 -4441416591.540152 + -48 = -4441416639.540152 79 + 2333485.0391082624 = 2333564.0391082624 100000000000000.0 + 41382497616624.55 = 141382497616624.56 -100000000000000 + -55111911 = -100000055111911 8354 + -333.89912147955636 = 8020.100878520444 60730254.734235525 + -1993.62871792304 = 60728261.1055176 649592730 + -5.077993270978219 = 649592724.9220067 -100000000000000 + 542265453894.718 = -99457734546105.28 5639239095 + 426440.5530771232 = 5639665535.553077 71351358521 + 457574741.04243624 = 71808933262.04243 45900134664.55805 + 900172104190.898 = 946072238855.456 -978 + -503281.52803618665 = -504259.52803618665 28.757253925025655 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999971.25 97 + -979904135511.638 = -979904135414.638 -100000000000000 + -28751791923 = -100028751791923 -3491302920904.7793 + -100000000000000 = -103491302920904.78 -51331528.232545815 + -9891429274 = -9942760802.232546 -691891038577 + 46689620711 = -645201417866 8093538822511 + -3736159845738.9746 = 4357378976772.0254 2382331938.1865063 + 70463483994 = 72845815932.18651 100000000000000.0 + 695904.3888853565 = 100000000695904.39 17794590595 + -76916809992.49518 = -59122219397.49518 -27234211684201.383 + 306443 = -27234211377758.383 20332297036 + -6570622309 = 13761674727 4.479126638525024 + -9495955 = -9495950.520873362 -423328.79455243394 + 8730743332188.108 = 8730742908859.313 -300793139969.7182 + 2.1634245663108276 = -300793139967.55475 279036197.79631877 + -567774871 = -288738673.20368123 5636115.15771686 + 32534.992677290233 = 5668650.15039415 -383.40204149986437 + 8366253 = 8365869.5979585005 -305351989.5916556 + -87404 = -305439393.5916556 -6.961942133477438 + 8789873.549928669 = 8789866.587986536 -6365 + 44353753454231.84 = 44353753447866.84 743826528091 + 965850368237.4169 = 1709676896328.417 7167106267484.136 + 9074161755.62182 = 7176180429239.758 49183760289 + 3982524156956 = 4031707917245 51994510497207 + -97137.03547580681 = 51994510400069.96 -782433516395.9385 + 833631843667 = 51198327271.06152 -76.1097106111559 + 748 = 671.890289388844 -533032148 + -91895977034948 = -91896510067096 -7554046.852553352 + 472.5278935979431 = -7553574.324659754 -94102979279 + 39923660427.59487 = -54179318851.40513 -18 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999982 50345.41834873187 + 94 = 50439.41834873187 -68.57053011387617 + -93.6909570587357 = -162.26148717261188 57364655377797.19 + 611317537 = 57365266695334.19 -4871151.660636758 + -7660145209362 = -7660150080513.66 -7 + -8 = -15 -618676.7080512001 + 7 = -618669.7080512001 -4224946.904303807 + -73180865824888 = -73180870049834.9 67492194828.6658 + 5406.722270169019 = 67492200235.38807 -786491.8726261782 + 52.201667322604166 = -786439.6709588555 -3958 + -97 = -4055 354 + -68080092896.716255 = -68080092542.716255 29130724.87146091 + -2042340 = 27088384.87146091 7.976197884429703 + -882.7700083296119 = -874.7938104451822 -54543883507.18914 + 3121056559588 = 3066512676080.811 693 + 53.43291788068163 = 746.4329178806817 -8064 + -887.7992876832618 = -8951.799287683261 -7153274093.172226 + 2 = -7153274091.172226 5.271918213766896 + -76820 = -76814.72808178623 9 + -467677975 = -467677966 -5668 + -8.605809518574265 = -5676.6058095185745 8259462.156179659 + 993613884321 = 993622143783.1561 -82.38683851664968 + -3 = -85.38683851664968 -48316446 + -554929649 = -603246095 -6526915808.844113 + 4605156879 = -1921758929.8441133 92315235.98789728 + -139910470497 = -139818155261.01212 6 + -651361447.1374689 = -651361441.1374689 4060189008.377835 + -41787377 = 4018401631.377835 6.711297886438298 + 271180 = 271186.71129788645 -6014.119453317676 + -9619256469120 = -9619256475134.12 93033 + 8654169966743.736 = 8654170059776.736 -100000000000000.0 + 16139518874 = -99983860481126.0 56698120342.67956 + -9626516.118276771 = 56688493826.56128 -2733 + -832764677.5375845 = -832767410.5375845 -57676505 + -98.06346845129664 = -57676603.06346845 -95972362105703.5 + 440 = -95972362105263.5 -98693658 + 812 = -98692846 -4183242 + 3.3155194658547296 = -4183238.684480534 -8839713223341.705 + 59304 = -8839713164037.705 928399811 + -279374848393.8463 = -278446448582.8463 13754.677225216208 + 1925837.177464263 = 1939591.8546894793 -86074539073 + -94.2608259435714 = -86074539167.26082 -6477947.458753738 + -25823999070676 = -25824005548623.457 72689363 + 488234175516.0831 = 488306864879.0831 -381793.6293900993 + -217 = -382010.6293900993 -833656442 + 64195668020 = 63362011578 -768722166 + 1418749249.1207478 = 650027083.1207478 -9575913249756 + 9077306 = -9575904172450 5.230520450685582 + 4491509.503484746 = 4491514.734005197 6.8674146145357176 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999993.12 -79502572684315.92 + 55571.31265873113 = -79502572628744.61 -12141699.997696405 + -92723089.99272673 = -104864789.99042313 4 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000004.0 54312817011.03428 + -5703148287.877509 = 48609668723.15677 -5311245650 + 7.087393756957091 = -5311245642.912606 8217867864396.828 + -982186521.2771783 = 8216885677875.551 -4441188305.731432 + -2540276691.30855 = -6981464997.039982 284200453583.9053 + -92403 = 284200361180.9053 -61375341696 + -501.08438183231414 = -61375342197.08438 71113597 + 100000000000000 = 100000071113597 7289.115808206766 + -1045078263 = -1045070973.8841918 75626944325511.62 + 6243.893261690582 = 75626944331755.52 100000000000000 + -55556951765835 = 44443048234165 1158078.378351469 + -442499425 = -441341346.62164855 -5598315.34336778 + 59658 = -5538657.34336778 7 + -32.745004739357654 = -25.745004739357654 -8261514905828 + 82760185 = -8261432145643 -4666331944 + -9566691613344.64 = -9571357945288.64 189 + 915 = 1104 707.6775416286822 + -504589329113.33514 = -504589328405.6576 -684155695 + 676519664600 = 675835508905 3805386501590 + 769151078388.7097 = 4574537579978.71 581 + 69703208960 = 69703209541 -78491183674.8978 + 3571268658.591695 = -74919915016.3061 -7807373028823 + -30 = -7807373028853 -25107923428.781418 + -16197620.452982092 = -25124121049.2344 -2635372979.402546 + 1556.555201267027 = -2635371422.847345 79537823769250.75 + 358024034.008188 = 79538181793284.77 7946160124 + -6.84593119143649 = 7946160117.154069 6.320592581710838 + -211153668 = -211153661.67940742 -92419 + 882630 = 790211 917.1077029994751 + -920377 = -919459.8922970005 67952814009723.79 + 2244297667 = 67955058307390.79 -95.3288278371588 + -8971797225 = -8971797320.328827 -69 + -6414421932.527052 = -6414422001.527052 3.3149045387088094 + 66644967802205.086 = 66644967802208.4 -8561.32279075819 + 395491 = 386929.6772092418 100000000000000 + 62548.454725508025 = 100000000062548.45 27928943346 + -1434 = 27928941912 -916785497637 + 8345.342992610298 = -916785489291.657 -768677423828 + -16.332096528475677 = -768677423844.3322 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 73536 + -25080075245 = -25080001709 -100000000000000.0 + 4455244631103 = -95544755368897.0 -3537496521 + 98715658.32944155 = -3438780862.6705585 62733999380.03442 + -402516240 = 62331483140.03442 958646689584 + 2.9181342853914267 = 958646689586.9181 -52609469204179.89 + 20038426888315 = -32571042315864.89 -52201231 + 944201404.1630464 = 892000173.1630464 6.13251752488182 + 812108995471 = 812108995477.1326 -579.81287377584 + 48124101.25751782 = 48123521.44464405 7.291540318716142 + -56437311494318.39 = -56437311494311.1 -5118740 + -6 = -5118746 7702303171.607186 + -32770 = 7702270401.607186 -9931581240 + -4.398289845399969 = -9931581244.39829 -98338608234.25131 + -5165.19794298932 = -98338613399.44925 -412039161.01119405 + 299853.9596387842 = -411739307.0515553 100000000000000.0 + 1554773672426 = 101554773672426.0 9387.761895496371 + 691633703 = 691643090.7618955 -63 + 48795198615621.734 = 48795198615558.734 -52 + -5126570202.504803 = -5126570254.504803 -7270 + 100000000000000 = 99999999992730 98.30883315045469 + 11177.860533039753 = 11276.169366190208 80018732888209 + -3437454755969 = 76581278132240 -85465176.85578208 + 745963076 = 660497899.144218 4588630435935.303 + -483245297.5927097 = 4588147190637.71 -943905112452 + 3 = -943905112449 771960020945.6051 + 9642400 = 771969663345.6051 570123913 + -41438449904.41588 = -40868325991.41588 90667020604.91614 + 210267075190 = 300934095794.91614 -4718.00331183404 + 277372567190.21674 = 277372562472.21344 -91556670.89698024 + -517755.3307413134 = -92074426.22772156 -824588 + -8229224 = -9053812 -357505.6842150816 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999642494.31 3865223307.951679 + -100000000000000 = -99996134776692.05 51748 + 44459.07929099667 = 96207.07929099667 -1476331104 + 450492.1267090591 = -1475880611.873291 -67397643764.70639 + -3 = -67397643767.70639 8714813.086178686 + 30645241.496935476 = 39360054.58311416 8809008530 + 818701 = 8809827231 -884409047.8442193 + 3550 = -884405497.8442193 -832080756.2764771 + -2174 = -832082930.2764771 91303966 + 71 = 91304037 1 + 9343.911277934074 = 9344.911277934074 6754815.01550536 + 9927565 = 16682380.01550536 97311484997299.14 + -985502.4390041688 = 97311484011796.7 1.748094345612198 + -12776271 = -12776269.251905654 76.91365784561562 + -968 = -891.0863421543844 -456730529709 + -100000000000000 = -100456730529709 -20005909425162 + -8230.469198282513 = -20005909433392.47 -11 + -56851942467328.336 = -56851942467339.336 3475 + -27378631694052 = -27378631690577 18.445191215050734 + 9712290927875.748 = 9712290927894.193 -6456 + 4406 = -2050 5724 + 4330984654691 = 4330984660415 -7013 + 8461284597463.742 = 8461284590450.742 80.36254453313511 + -8433.514344199044 = -8353.15179966591 452.9014204449691 + 42255216.40006478 = 42255669.301485226 488.7685519611587 + 64 = 552.7685519611587 5681917560359 + 772611490 = 5682690171849 91236191.93349166 + -108 = 91236083.93349166 2618472 + 50483745.375324935 = 53102217.375324935 -91466574612596.3 + 38220956125.725784 = -91428353656470.58 56814387788 + 6767420.179868133 = 56821155208.17987 375605847.7561845 + 97810 = 375703657.7561845 15992802 + -6690276.184640641 = 9302525.815359358 -17.396767791722223 + -789588056 = -789588073.3967677 275688318965.1659 + 93.9431018082842 = 275688319059.109 -100000000000000.0 + -6789952643 = -100006789952643.0 -167696 + -39234312693936.5 = -39234312861632.5 -345100990.8059361 + -2600914472 = -2946015462.805936 -1283839.8774695313 + -42790833652.13339 = -42792117492.010864 40288389 + 495232.52099013084 = 40783621.52099013 -760121 + -8292289790 = -8293049911 63219194607243 + 73393.84584580635 = 63219194680636.84 -48875.30098387569 + -4 = -48879.30098387569 -500557703321 + -136408221 = -500694111542 36.246404985237945 + -37022.50043817832 = -36986.25403319309 94.86232030219172 + -3241051.2914833557 = -3240956.4291630536 472041 + 85457 = 557498 75.41207996686224 + 820 = 895.4120799668623 601138407833.5764 + -100000000000000.0 = -99398861592166.42 14918.295638265063 + -3606990 = -3592071.704361735 91398430971904.47 + -58787934411 = 91339643037493.47 -5586 + -23405.450687977776 = -28991.450687977776 65609.79694722412 + 65 = 65674.79694722412 6198809578853 + -80 = 6198809578773 457.2926227556337 + -7477302.712746943 = -7476845.420124188 5479093676297 + -729.3895097192404 = 5479093675567.61 -45 + 3448488984 = 3448488939 76389 + 168 = 76557 3257.7150413508352 + 45 = 3302.7150413508352 -882422894 + -1045257759324.7494 = -1046140182218.7494 7697105670 + -806640183 = 6890465487 2017.7653895395965 + -4.281394231586334 = 2013.4839953080102 -100000000000000.0 + 5165 = -99999999994835.0 5852883.3897177875 + -235 = 5852648.3897177875 90595977951.45702 + 237884374995 = 328480352946.45703 100000000000000.0 + -1358086565132 = 98641913434868.0 -5554269914700.8 + -9507053756664.895 = -15061323671365.695 27457443 + 85908790353917.2 = 85908817811360.2 8.129287427582668 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999991.88 557546694044 + -100000000000000.0 = -99442453305956.0 3470.3992109115966 + -204657117.92335775 = -204653647.52414685 -1564.0945757945767 + 8 = -1556.0945757945767 -8.76450556180243 + 601 = 592.2354944381975 41046393933 + -100000000000000 = -99958953606067 -903.9151936103208 + -481098844 = -481099747.9151936 95.69634067754897 + 3917075637064.265 = 3917075637159.9614 848528933958 + 100000000000000.0 = 100848528933958.0 312 + 7925238841556 = 7925238841868 464210616.31641495 + 771336 = 464981952.31641495 84 + -8298.112433515485 = -8214.112433515485 91035485.9587742 + 4092376 = 95127861.9587742 -86507946567733 + 3635843120252 = -82872103447481 34280514516444 + -8372232943.901993 = 34272142283500.098 -7135573.988955565 + -29869743184.512062 = -29876878758.50102 745722 + -12561344120 = -12560598398 113.87908528306471 + -46511105936030 = -46511105935916.12 -4 + 3313223.1369762192 = 3313219.1369762192 3395273950.601674 + 4591743154083.076 = 4595138428033.678 -54509 + 1021 = -53488 -38 + -83717396233526.23 = -83717396233564.23 42 + 1025222215.2731342 = 1025222257.2731342 91707 + -851680.1961891701 = -759973.1961891701 610129276997.7478 + 59834742074508.8 = 60444871351506.55 2624805915784.925 + 92559 = 2624806008343.925 -67774071 + -337558568 = -405332639 -4 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000004 -7408631 + -9.886016871383777 = -7408640.886016872 -959 + -3505 = -4464 184865795971 + -824 = 184865795147 -26 + 5691334264816 = 5691334264790 100000000000000 + -57387889864947.11 = 42612110135052.89 24781988622982 + 622255043.8065395 = 24782610878025.805 -3862039171992.496 + 82.54161356141928 = -3862039171909.9546 -814978 + -2636187503 = -2637002481 382984864662.3349 + -550375092239.3389 = -167390227577.00397 -310545374054.33203 + 508229.00496651174 = -310544865825.3271 564711532.7638891 + 874721 = 565586253.7638891 2594 + 74470685598.77802 = 74470688192.77802 -9631349832206 + -748157211986.6993 = -10379507044192.7 -63351.19818254503 + 212202.87443361175 = 148851.67625106673 -78712654389521 + 72301666832984 = -6410987556537 432336390.60042906 + -4275473 = 428060917.60042906 -7751.012775165579 + -8784257 = -8792008.012775166 651329148146 + -6806055123 = 644523093023 -287166004 + -97867120 = -385033124 80 + 4 = 84 -303.12687717606957 + -659 = -962.1268771760696 -264619.88873969926 + 564199007744 = 564198743124.1112 92.43090376432035 + -3 = 89.43090376432035 -5329 + -259.12575459027306 = -5588.125754590273 -3918089696126 + -372255662277.2501 = -4290345358403.25 -37996997133751 + -52667063.29183365 = -37997049800814.29 558415017 + -4117 = 558410900 -5329269.102226647 + -822 = -5330091.102226647 -913371263675 + 175.16927399309134 = -913371263499.8307 46620255982268.48 + -6376250186223 = 40244005796045.48 -59385953946.61237 + -551 = -59385954497.61237 678954.5260057438 + 976288092.066508 = 976967046.5925138 99749718052.33806 + -7512000 = 99742206052.33806 7507210004149.943 + 33933803.346914515 = 7507243937953.29 -1160 + 526587496.1004544 = 526586336.1004544 -8652596181.100384 + 3920 = -8652592261.100384 -5264997083683.219 + -1594711 = -5264998678394.219 -893033.1410013471 + -76 = -893109.1410013471 287276431120.17944 + 809 = 287276431929.17944 928865920.7265937 + -400 = 928865520.7265937 -6576719573 + -62778214909.791 = -69354934482.791 -6326 + -271283775.21103513 = -271290101.21103513 -100000000000000 + -501 = -100000000000501 54761028 + 7827863.513901788 = 62588891.513901785 1645865 + 41510172052603.75 = 41510173698468.75 -100000000000000.0 + 349855890827.8843 = -99650144109172.11 69363.96353109292 + -4502149 = -4432785.036468907 -919838771.0562351 + -23489814 = -943328585.0562351 845526 + 2628624 = 3474150 919 + 908778172.91036 = 908779091.91036 3999295270767.2715 + -60961670459213.74 = -56962375188446.47 4572.185337651473 + 3421489.0460345456 = 3426061.231372197 -207444.6726739217 + 50157 = -157287.6726739217 606695.1576545057 + -32156 = 574539.1576545057 89420779.09975713 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999910579220.9 43386652 + -6843648068431 = -6843604681779 4 + 66967766633.64451 = 66967766637.64451 -579 + -5 = -584 -81596428631.46466 + 75824688531117.16 = 75743092102485.69 -22162 + -155848806457.38855 = -155848828619.38855 -5282821425 + 530.540218984002 = -5282820894.459781 -836232461419 + -59683392685.94537 = -895915854104.9453 -5067507575 + -4142627806.367406 = -9210135381.367405 1791 + 9558 = 11349 100000000000000.0 + 58683 = 100000000058683.0 827226544796 + 7066.696730466695 = 827226551862.6968 -50 + -27230358189 = -27230358239 -46 + -9.91095343567125 = -55.910953435671246 54600424418993.68 + -797698.9051954835 = 54600423621294.77 6667.328314178572 + 800708.1082073572 = 807375.4365215359 91758269291426.44 + 27 = 91758269291453.44 810728100688 + 686532866971.2506 = 1497260967659.2505 70769712.6926356 + -37939275445 = -37868505732.307365 -11743988250.591099 + -772282380.1636534 = -12516270630.754753 -856372632723 + 6 = -856372632717 70.7341851643543 + -2715709 = -2715638.2658148357 -77096 + 100000000000000 = 99999999922904 2620780740211.6445 + -962357131.4678122 = 2619818383080.177 -100000000000000 + -5041542141175 = -105041542141175 5115898.18057465 + -52541810.82454731 = -47425912.643972665 18 + 9216630059182 = 9216630059200 -10124887 + 3327028 = -6797859 -3055.2075413626853 + -49 = -3104.2075413626853 -100000000000000 + -653276056.6748679 = -100000653276056.67 4633275.467071176 + 3842607 = 8475882.467071176 158.54824003425495 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000158.55 4760374225890 + -100000000000000 = -95239625774110 8959.58566573144 + -100000000000000 = -99999999991040.42 100000000000000.0 + 9715551 = 100000009715551.0 -77121646822 + 2315.766178932838 = -77121644506.23383 4041.924525019951 + 275 = 4316.924525019951 100000000000000.0 + -4225860.68840264 = 99999995774139.31 6563888 + 29381400 = 35945288 -315 + -82145 = -82460 -2857926163.977582 + -2711769 = -2860637932.977582 -9.423975039393577 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000009.42 59174292 + -9937738569344.375 = -9937679395052.375 843676 + 3181438272 = 3182281948 -6087892259.509255 + 5125688 = -6082766571.509255 453998061951.3776 + -658 = 453998061293.3776 -257562080446 + -8 = -257562080454 21996.53298272757 + -288052162.32466173 = -288030165.791679 194245198297.75253 + -4002733446.33975 = 190242464851.41278 1241350746720.7056 + 8486449377910.2705 = 9727800124630.977 21091819 + -11297977887 = -11276886068 -20.2735285120198 + -90361636477717 = -90361636477737.28 -688204363 + 70 = -688204293 -91 + 893149129700 = 893149129609 973426805775 + -76554972807.6983 = 896871832967.3018 1.2654555896022295 + -6345776121074 = -6345776121072.734 -256644957.05252805 + -564997504543 = -565254149500.0525 38.10118890308519 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000038.1 -5 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999995.0 -7018 + -99709981.34256606 = -99716999.34256606 -18.589389700773804 + 25002.46297210874 = 24983.873582407967 5295684 + 5233176799423 = 5233182095107 -1269644042.504378 + -55771995340348.7 = -55773264984391.21 40989 + 5335.152615345343 = 46324.152615345345 965 + -958728 = -957763 -23750560.87234517 + 1267 = -23749293.87234517 -58364.29856555498 + 4927912980828 = 4927912922463.701 -993 + -62554211.76947969 = -62555204.76947969 472281476 + 931577381983.4962 = 932049663459.4962 7147501 + 7.028641210678974 = 7147508.028641211 -132572719789 + -1396 = -132572721185 -5.000139152860083 + -61818 = -61823.00013915286 637.4901484973549 + 808430 = 809067.4901484974 536704520 + -84200683 = 452503837 98102974791347 + 73864719.85957676 = 98103048656066.86 100000000000000 + 7380216035 = 100007380216035 9845070 + -100000000000000 = -99999990154930 -58.76548022403025 + 53022580.37559131 = 53022521.61011109 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 798.683119582937 + -4594632435 = -4594631636.31688 100000000000000.0 + 35934507188.22032 = 100035934507188.22 8156552 + 97081081065670.62 = 97081089222222.62 -9398 + -5757145.093826666 = -5766543.093826666 -5269110682 + -904326914024 = -909596024706 50628097 + -62 = 50628035 -1 + -6791693184009 = -6791693184010 9549901.810579179 + -23428610223338.367 = -23428600673436.555 87031.20027434494 + -95858383476.71152 = -95858296445.51125 -21.02594524972098 + 8 = -13.02594524972098 -100000000000000 + -864363674594 = -100864363674594 7062 + -100000000000000 = -99999999992938 -100000000000000 + -8255.011675467824 = -100000000008255.02 503090825514 + 100000000000000 = 100503090825514 326463 + 652944549364 = 652944875827 2802227202683 + 4402 = 2802227207085 -23597627455.521126 + -9504240055855 = -9527837683310.521 -30496969325.204193 + -100000000000000.0 = -100030496969325.2 -50812418 + -140136726 = -190949144 3689921388142 + -806 = 3689921387336 56.23358970494752 + -6382.362035675268 = -6326.12844597032 -17179906 + 4150080797 = 4132900891 91588248808052.81 + 73 = 91588248808125.81 35975226329.01907 + -77182.60415835008 = 35975149146.41492 90517564 + -45179115675.05473 = -45088598111.05473 -23818232089 + -7407998.692287424 = -23825640087.692287 -7624005 + 334 = -7623671 926 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000926 21403383575 + 9526683479.957056 = 30930067054.957054 154251538870.60562 + 27 = 154251538897.60562 -705822 + -38845 = -744667 5 + 99475959516 = 99475959521 88.94592937689413 + -30468058.192966934 = -30467969.247037556 -30861107 + 539 = -30860568 30445827867343.605 + -100000000000000.0 = -69554172132656.39 -9329461941 + -716522917.2822118 = -10045984858.282211 810888620326 + 732643527.5921757 = 811621263853.5922 7 + -13732 = -13725 -408.03501870551855 + 6 = -402.03501870551855 8635 + -42191841464228.92 = -42191841455593.92 9912 + 6500595266223 = 6500595276135 690830.2573346407 + 891941 = 1582771.2573346407 -322903 + -467956832 = -468279735 7979779718.447815 + 894 = 7979780612.447815 -553 + 9840289 = 9839736 689971116529 + -73911312672.73138 = 616059803856.2686 9291517.638354033 + -4161.195898084681 = 9287356.44245595 79.67587044228144 + 766688605844.6943 = 766688605924.3702 6137567938.458309 + 231859792586 = 237997360524.4583 -3025635146956.1934 + 7.903070779245374 = -3025635146948.2905 -25656585837.745773 + 85.53005497735369 = -25656585752.215717 325693745.02058697 + -779.8710908587421 = 325692965.14949614 -293154896248 + -47048411366 = -340203307614 5733574 + -17525.53714633101 = 5716048.462853669 72106065 + -566 = 72105499 -78235695798 + -82099371971 = -160335067769 -100000000000000 + -539640 = -100000000539640 -37678435575 + 46.93101108404196 = -37678435528.06899 -38506 + -926249.6413861493 = -964755.6413861493 3867 + 1579249.5799343237 = 1583116.5799343237 -493828251588 + -6050968004570 = -6544796256158 22016713049.84996 + 100000000000000.0 = 100022016713049.84 7311756151 + 54837145274.6332 = 62148901425.6332 628567062.2557976 + 63078527006643.055 = 63079155573705.31 -121375021.73938663 + 166127129 = 44752107.26061337 4010302.3323868713 + -32318800310.864895 = -32314790008.53251 -6105824719 + 534846 = -6105289873 -8006834582 + -7321734.01671864 = -8014156316.016719 23.17435255179665 + 140177 = 140200.1743525518 8301949183893.356 + 3672017.956477068 = 8301952855911.3125 -956344691 + 49928159707613 = 49927203362922 94259174329 + 6372 = 94259180701 2 + 841.3722376083005 = 843.3722376083005 -30970688704 + 11 = -30970688693 1059 + -8519958.238064054 = -8518899.238064054 -6205365450.106557 + -608924 = -6205974374.106557 -100000000000000.0 + 32536796457711.04 = -67463203542288.96 45 + 4297.592323839217 = 4342.592323839217 11494.23570024153 + -824881.3622150413 = -813387.1265147998 -2092734.2269032178 + 773 = -2091961.2269032178 3397 + -29604643444 = -29604640047 -70526 + -88357709649404 = -88357709719930 100000000000000.0 + 7.212296940139475 = 100000000000007.22 -2137575792975.7795 + 2618810735 = -2134956982240.7795 -9227 + -100000000000000 = -100000000009227 9 + 32962983896 = 32962983905 -100000000000000.0 + -71133496683.94711 = -100071133496683.95 7156988846.451304 + -792659959212.8937 = -785502970366.4424 428.050224799937 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999571.95 2140489736.425961 + 9.64565576532962 = 2140489746.071617 5421 + -488365.3903094327 = -482944.3903094327 -64990285171083 + 2.948003792488811 = -64990285171080.055 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = 0.0 -968 + -39992613702183.77 = -39992613703151.77 -72.88337597472083 + -33448 = -33520.88337597472 56920 + -81095255888859 = -81095255831939 -5060302942254.275 + -23.26897383812244 = -5060302942277.544 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -6361875394718.35 + 66238837531 = -6295636557187.35 -5 + 28441091.852987204 = 28441086.852987204 45435 + -6248072830.842955 = -6248027395.842955 830696909954 + -7514704.327416468 = 830689395249.6726 33.67333475301275 + -170.9233950705243 = -137.25006031751155 4.835285834189953 + -5513795.028042109 = -5513790.192756275 82 + 517 = 599 -12731566 + 92878453096784 = 92878440365218 4201586309078.2197 + 16260866264.901424 = 4217847175343.121 83867985749827.55 + -20.00819110150134 = 83867985749807.53 2.1023141334456987 + 635964175 = 635964177.1023141 -2994756002355 + 85321025270 = -2909434977085 2847011815925 + 6073861445 = 2853085677370 -16209376.190726269 + -656079 = -16865455.19072627 -511606282095.55316 + 92233.83070422504 = -511606189861.7225 34655.42122888439 + -601539625.7452958 = -601504970.3240669 8419195091273 + 186310.61730181344 = 8419195277583.617 -499024352.8296704 + -993610.6846936396 = -500017963.51436406 -21.482918533655265 + 813573877.5434052 = 813573856.0604867 -61 + -84973159026.29579 = -84973159087.29579 -5212012767.350315 + -7529603 = -5219542370.350315 69304874915 + 53097115 = 69357972030 -5857779682.867983 + 2206 = -5857777476.867983 5455591.567489847 + -90.60692468786026 = 5455500.960565159 48886492306 + 5074733 = 48891567039 -54335526956061 + -625 = -54335526956686 -32363.378558356875 + 11 = -32352.378558356875 -53724849150112 + 37.394627283739595 = -53724849150074.6 -4 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000004 -795.5439931694463 + -737287 = -738082.5439931694 298841450.80570096 + 90381.47080469041 = 298931832.27650565 3480 + 230 = 3710 -7918226498.94716 + -2748.308224709627 = -7918229247.255384 96675391773233.31 + -8119.464475384291 = 96675391765113.84 -3883626544 + 90.833843970626 = -3883626453.166156 -5457563 + -2490804.796004057 = -7948367.796004057 775033436566 + -100000000000000.0 = -99224966563434.0 22.150514849008086 + 9278587233 = 9278587255.150515 7881658853758 + -100000000000000 = -92118341146242 -9361759.548642982 + -47497564 = -56859323.54864298 993424.3350279643 + -100000000000000 = -99999999006575.67 30404330 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000030404330.0 -100000000000000 + -2930671796 = -100002930671796 5 + -2185.446657916982 = -2180.446657916982 100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -350377695408.0912 + -683131.6532135605 = -350378378539.7444 6102715409579 + 3646865 = 6102719056444 59 + -91925861 = -91925802 34430835.43420263 + 5 = 34430840.43420263 7867.614893281149 + -6 = 7861.614893281149 -44279 + 9872725924 = 9872681645 624728 + -63839475832.60309 = -63838851104.60309 100000000000000.0 + 1879724650.5666218 = 100001879724650.56 -55990741986203.16 + -255585 = -55990742241788.16 29726477046254 + -563516223905 = 29162960822349 349888478804 + 4537165008242.338 = 4887053487046.338 -36637394604.965805 + -2 = -36637394606.965805 432952714 + 550.015065298126 = 432953264.0150653 -614870883711 + 39786.871431967855 = -614870843924.1285 -8453928 + 9 = -8453919 -100000000000000 + 6 = -99999999999994 -501088932517 + 100000000000000.0 = 99498911067483.0 -56927002.59744914 + 1181912745 = 1124985742.402551 -365.8556648627683 + 334431 = 334065.1443351372 5431866687 + 69.62565811422004 = 5431866756.625658 -2208896 + -9655201.735819237 = -11864097.735819237 2192280 + 9529.192216301866 = 2201809.192216302 -534.672591702023 + 51 = -483.67259170202306 76435.95514292624 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999923564.05 -100000000000000 + -50755185701.9813 = -100050755185701.98 32 + 535.5569132203452 = 567.5569132203452 -8346771492816 + -839174.7342388121 = -8346772331990.734 -5784702.69759823 + 9344189.192275628 = 3559486.4946773984 4662724457.726879 + -76589022 = 4586135435.726879 8871756996271.7 + -480206784.2621155 = 8871276789487.438 -2 + -3202 = -3204 -27830208 + 705107251.559338 = 677277043.559338 -84343320.8436752 + -8161 = -84351481.8436752 8601092 + 590250502262 = 590259103354 6662710991896.206 + -67661365649676.71 = -60998654657780.51 4113 + 10667860 = 10671973 763953116.33898 + 3910350243138 = 3911114196254.339 4988839.865174151 + 130244.66048012578 = 5119084.525654277 -61448091 + 84394471133119 = 84394409685028 -2024013.5099562726 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999997975986.48 -499.51055493172225 + 85781828540 = 85781828040.48944 -9579607381209.328 + 9210.811008868954 = -9579607371998.518 457869498 + -89215611761.15738 = -88757742263.15738 62988 + -9946.53635978132 = 53041.46364021868 1449.1491982906139 + -65337 = -63887.850801709385 -100000000000000 + -646093156704.4138 = -100646093156704.4 837638387847.5311 + 1.6752473927473654 = 837638387849.2064 62016.29191015479 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000062016.3 -100000000000000.0 + 64717429480952 = -35282570519048.0 -546271882.0241961 + -2.3975564986092697 = -546271884.4217527 -711 + -517537834317 = -517537835028 -768270726591.7632 + -5282306106333.874 = -6050576832925.637 -49564101064 + 50436025938307 = 50386461837243 -910 + -43136491 = -43137401 -35181114851016.227 + -18 = -35181114851034.227 137119025720 + -50973340554136.43 = -50836221528416.43 4760899251 + -74472 = 4760824779 -47 + -401584127.0794147 = -401584174.0794147 -87213167.3753055 + -2307334651 = -2394547818.3753057 32021240 + 805250 = 32826490 26472.337255782208 + 341194047 = 341220519.3372558 9602896 + -8 = 9602888 100000000000000 + 36463065341 = 100036463065341 -952764 + -3829 = -956593 40495717 + 50047109305703 = 50047149801420 57 + 83026827954394 = 83026827954451 7136981824 + 20.42295776906323 = 7136981844.422957 -7761747036090.766 + -299566695651 = -8061313731741.766 70419 + -1289608436 = -1289538017 45269450.46826646 + -7531274596 = -7486005145.5317335 -491323055613.17053 + -733641630079.2548 = -1224964685692.4253 -6397.021839501412 + 3849098076747.27 = 3849098070350.248 200 + 5685 = 5885 -164065 + -740 = -164805 -611364980809.4626 + -9933.687443325385 = -611364990743.1501 20244328.081699472 + -643 = 20243685.081699472 -6097674196 + -95853929437.67354 = -101951603633.67354 372643861 + 281915090740 = 282287734601 -59046 + -8688584163544 = -8688584222590 -5 + 17047745907121 = 17047745907116 9353159564 + 809118.808452512 = 9353968682.808453 66091 + -10630.99462843979 = 55460.00537156021 -70397 + -82201220586 = -82201290983 -9.641926652038137 + 10828156.194083985 = 10828146.552157333 -1385882781247.3726 + 77771 = -1385882703476.3726 720842.9362982749 + -94094.94283023104 = 626747.9934680439 -78225651206 + -798191680 = -79023842886 10977344.66715846 + 239.3553748078993 = 10977584.022533268 35329250673029.57 + 99 = 35329250673128.57 -10794957272 + -9759081.406962216 = -10804716353.406961 -23601467377.66941 + 36640.62943778287 = -23601430737.039974 2110.7617973763445 + -989.2652820324274 = 1121.496515343917 145619.93059611236 + -180516.54638762033 = -34896.61579150797 100000000000000.0 + -28277471911867 = 71722528088133.0 87 + 566646066110.6453 = 566646066197.6453 576998680086.219 + -838.1817383849979 = 576998679248.0372 -88 + -744529278 = -744529366 -7752.137524612516 + 5080600477 = 5080592724.862475 8.050611799071508 + 7281757.687793207 = 7281765.738405006 328544 + -4499460000 = -4499131456 7547374 + -43317462562177.89 = -43317455014803.89 -664.6832019937458 + 33467 = 32802.31679800626 929 + 574755.0419572401 = 575684.0419572401 -2011417474.8906088 + -255.8469415408252 = -2011417730.7375503 11921762.782529226 + -352175 = 11569587.782529226 -5404489423 + -4459.4119586716715 = -5404493882.411959 104124254 + 5740 = 104129994 -1041.1894948580818 + -32 = -1073.1894948580818 -7066.578088309245 + 375363909 = 375356842.4219117 -250132.64257548845 + 16415.44461022086 = -233717.19796526758 -53060647144776.8 + -41283846917950.0 = -94344494062726.8 -686.63382434297 + 384774133901 = 384774133214.36615 69615.51156340344 + 6710237808 = 6710307423.511563 -5364.941034431884 + 100000000000000 = 99999999994635.06 -5153.642330246523 + -8 = -5161.642330246523 75571669370 + 5161 = 75571674531 -6960451282 + -88312 = -6960539594 30112446113146 + -32782367694147.957 = -2669921581001.957 98232516 + 9 = 98232525 82.27070135313045 + 743304.3048164471 = 743386.5755178002 837426457438.4539 + -83214477 = 837343242961.4539 381100067 + -40.5460993591223 = 381100026.45390064 100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 13797.800421264534 + 546613334.5346284 = 546627132.3350496 -39119.41550956789 + -9.877125162280189 = -39129.29263473017 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -14.245344373817893 + 851650.1132045228 = 851635.8678601489 1670.8953299920063 + 97579866 = 97581536.89533 68540779320.3893 + 3737310373829.086 = 3805851153149.475 9046667313677.57 + 39651325113 = 9086318638790.57 -953719.6915102048 + 6669020 = 5715300.308489795 -5292104 + -71413971.05940357 = -76706075.05940357 -8206553782104.597 + -4215087380292 = -12421641162396.598 20228823602.004875 + -100000000000000.0 = -99979771176398.0 42716195.23671409 + -100000000000000 = -99999957283804.77 36781963313.71776 + -425 = 36781962888.71776 28495032229.649193 + 813782977 = 29308815206.649193 29847.380214055956 + -838.2987727065938 = 29009.081441349364 -100000000000000 + -634633 = -100000000634633 464305.5104860418 + 978548277489 = 978548741794.5105 -53 + -66656979 = -66657032 6699131 + -742 = 6698389 9398.584076791942 + -324381033.3535098 = -324371634.769433 644167470 + 82354348 = 726521818 63515102.40040413 + -1281.6537972620185 = 63513820.74660687 -50933862892796 + -7.19916351605886 = -50933862892803.195 42641977 + 3211261641861.7876 = 3211304283838.7876 97437063500.37459 + -941 = 97437062559.37459 -432779112.28959525 + 4 = -432779108.28959525 186258936.9061515 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000186258936.9 -4.942537360621039 + -423 = -427.94253736062103 -87130146329.70746 + 530012.8730346956 = -87129616316.83443 -461758191 + -847765.973228368 = -462605956.9732284 702372095 + -79.88357981810967 = 702372015.1164201 -1416787095.603859 + -20071298575 = -21488085670.60386 8549180 + 46117 = 8595297 36935587.289794624 + -1.473883335122565 = 36935585.815911286 459008376817 + 79190371226.52132 = 538198748043.5213 -543515 + 167506568 = 166963053 -690643171 + -228 = -690643399 -87731159455442 + -100000000000000 = -187731159455442 -9427579089 + 4529169697 = -4898409392 8269886942 + -7302641412 = 967245530 -71809016366 + 7.637507655617874 = -71809016358.36249 -35813233528.24707 + -1823801048752.0713 = -1859614282280.3184 27175657384428 + 954138635.0498848 = 27176611523063.05 -895415.4866225381 + 4224597191853 = 4224596296437.513 50110 + -559776987645 = -559776937535 24076277611630 + -23322474 = 24076254289156 6530326.99962765 + 1973 = 6532299.99962765 -305310.7396758044 + 7608 = -297702.7396758044 5542322693104.035 + -24838186059.60431 = 5517484507044.431 -77 + 90.580726428684 = 13.580726428684002 -905660815 + -79539264.31024532 = -985200079.3102453 4528506036620.818 + 46874776 = 4528552911396.818 3717962758508.0513 + 964.9614242213288 = 3717962759473.0127 -547457786324 + -71698270.7388058 = -547529484594.73883 5571947 + 95501347496.4777 = 95506919443.4777 -2653871760107.1465 + -403.8576940663899 = -2653871760511.0044 15 + -40200007120 = -40200007105 -55833363439 + 7468372206.902085 = -48364991232.097916 -1073392106117 + -9294 = -1073392115411 404695825 + -907168165629.8407 = -906763469804.8407 96 + -919927913.41598 = -919927817.41598 -93417 + -977626982.3122538 = -977720399.3122538 -65529 + 930274440.0890443 = 930208911.0890443 78769473415579.8 + 37204048203299.95 = 115973521618879.75 -898707590336 + -709490459 = -899417080795 -94620 + -1063087.8219968327 = -1157707.8219968327 5353.949098088794 + 56509515015.345406 = 56509520369.2945 4363253.0097384285 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000004363253.02 100000000000000.0 + -633230475519 = 99366769524481.0 530863110.70783615 + -36.77204803417868 = 530863073.9357881 46.58431561920997 + 6500276622360 = 6500276622406.584 -57588201564870.57 + 429574.45224765094 = -57588201135296.12 325691 + -485 = 325206 -99472252342.50041 + -11868018858 = -111340271200.50041 -39173441220423.76 + 32 = -39173441220391.76 -820157967 + 7095 = -820150872 -12240 + 64078106.015417054 = 64065866.015417054 6518 + 1.582194023179031 = 6519.582194023179 -84551163.6312749 + 924230801.0763077 = 839679637.4450327 55.092449402901885 + -2240.6190610794847 = -2185.526611676583 -5672.909968487756 + -850.4562522407551 = -6523.366220728511 -12745716.981493173 + 7.071584576544527 = -12745709.909908596 100000000000000.0 + 510904589.25711346 = 100000510904589.25 -71067473237.63217 + -4047072436 = -75114545673.63217 -70.23455453013725 + -2480767001565.9995 = -2480767001636.234 -906289.3677755477 + -2201944206089 = -2201945112378.3677 -9.034137877382868 + -91368.03755167886 = -91377.07168955625 86287486079273.6 + 5374.559607457861 = 86287486084648.16 -67630633.04344943 + 3485 = -67627148.04344943 -81846 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999918154.0 -8 + 8979878840882 = 8979878840874 -814091.6557400281 + -67924953877 = -67925767968.65574 757856969.111075 + -949714.6020502402 = 756907254.5090249 -949110492794 + -991 = -949110493785 -302110.2185815179 + -2678713 = -2980823.218581518 255325246.14403343 + -8.479522415689317 = 255325237.66451102 99859882348714 + -1225090381.6119008 = 99858657258332.39 523990275 + 55 = 523990330 477672604968 + 5365.768947065623 = 477672610333.7689 -684496412666.235 + -3402644952398.815 = -4087141365065.05 -55310.73436614061 + 7018205978843 = 7018205923532.266 -51.89701506145796 + -2871 = -2922.8970150614578 294741.8244753289 + -4 = 294737.8244753289 365.1143975294776 + 5.532152237601145 = 370.6465497670788 -375748 + -21010902066 = -21011277814 1.915813799549999 + -404 = -402.08418620045 -40658629.439398855 + -2 = -40658631.439398855 430369 + 39286114857323 = 39286115287692 87572.1631595315 + -23.39471275474735 = 87548.76844677675 -866861 + -31211689444.315166 = -31212556305.315166 -373362328.363287 + 968.0071638673833 = -373361360.3561231 63189972.258445285 + 6771634 = 69961606.2584453 -1758527024777 + 348206763 = -1758178818014 9609 + 28900347313.925167 = 28900356922.925167 -42467216389324 + -351 = -42467216389675 -80903.69430403197 + -9888471350900 = -9888471431803.693 16018692823112.787 + -859901301 = 16017832921811.787 -9784901 + -753613053 = -763397954 -25 + -82 = -107 84259437950864.1 + 28496177995432 = 112755615946296.1 100000000000000 + -19413726095 = 99980586273905 -811258041438 + -704747109118 = -1516005150556 -100000000000000.0 + 98621794906 = -99901378205094.0 44577257092023 + 7807176199 = 44585064268222 -160060765507 + 95527280.86099218 = -159965238226.139 -19 + -2119.096118517504 = -2138.096118517504 -600282 + -445337448 = -445937730 3655 + 861583373611.5902 = 861583377266.5902 -729370826.5313803 + -91424.31615410492 = -729462250.8475344 14275.104504981588 + -135103939280 = -135103925004.8955 5085641452.026848 + -27037993139.005146 = -21952351686.9783 25 + 923104.7063295691 = 923129.7063295691 83734521043 + 80.0261911216051 = 83734521123.02618 -4811 + -3179886719811 = -3179886724622 755971651057 + -1250199198796.271 = -494227547739.271 -164 + -717368793940.2577 = -717368794104.2577 91078.29574938545 + -15.98949370324833 = 91062.3062556822 -4298561222429.4785 + -100000000000000.0 = -104298561222429.48 -6051779880.863573 + -8 = -6051779888.863573 50282170.405412756 + -96.0722579026877 = 50282074.33315485 9147852 + 14020.445847547608 = 9161872.445847547 986502641.3043642 + 348238993.2026744 = 1334741634.5070386 5023584.010882387 + 4108.786056775483 = 5027692.796939163 26072 + 4135 = 30207 7201144253512.098 + 907583387078.1389 = 8108727640590.236 4240349207 + -8837799 = 4231511408 -58.48459528130948 + 727727.9312565436 = 727669.4466612623 8129925 + -2054381905999.4822 = -2054373776074.4822 -170.59938262900326 + 91 = -79.59938262900326 -181780605.43282658 + 71506847531605.12 = 71506665750999.69 -44.24936483656168 + 33553945616 = 33553945571.750637 127 + 56274548 = 56274675 -8584.51091920786 + -6900122 = -6908706.510919208 102 + -7411046716.974787 = -7411046614.974787 38347 + -2435040133399.8447 = -2435040095052.8447 2967555 + -7317841 = -4350286 85530.01786243933 + 4451532094.398474 = 4451617624.416336 100000000000000 + -230483232344 = 99769516767656 -746294217.4709965 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000746294217.47 2650640813260 + 78.2465173131239 = 2650640813338.2466 658600 + 6270950490.414261 = 6271609090.414261 91000110 + -527.6480502428753 = 90999582.35194975 818.0542332074791 + 84924356 = 84925174.05423321 -801222 + 6262.146596015116 = -794959.8534039849 -9861.867341537183 + 711904854030.6816 = 711904844168.8143 55990383.99426756 + -3050704651029 = -3050648660645.006 97686731.84302577 + 843702925726 = 843800612457.843 -44650715288106 + 993806.5771798074 = -44650714294299.42 609 + -957015908714 = -957015908105 55507.5719230044 + 66670 = 122177.5719230044 -6257.100561349047 + 517002121 = 516995863.8994387 -7.622655648555277 + -56.830961169030196 = -64.45361681758547 681222273 + 19400.392009029558 = 681241673.392009 -5508458876 + -79496911861.08362 = -85005370737.08362 91318 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999908682.0 -37 + 8907648969962.47 = 8907648969925.47 -5368125 + 53023510 = 47655385 918 + -3.406375801422234 = 914.5936241985778 99147 + 4 = 99151 70714366507.72261 + 86618296 = 70800984803.72261 -5565402300 + 7 = -5565402293 -746107918549 + 26844.664914949357 = -746107891704.3351 -8489472739 + -17863318774 = -26352791513 27550872543339 + 8357958215346.13 = 35908830758685.13 -37328856616 + -40635941 = -37369492557 -100000000000000.0 + 13239301824892 = -86760698175108.0 9435953.295559201 + 418.65080602528406 = 9436371.946365226 12397536725133 + -10 = 12397536725123 12560648663 + 17 = 12560648680 -100000000000000 + -200971237997 = -100200971237997 -51853768556 + 621.1274255031008 = -51853767934.872574 3.43303594335508 + -2256.9295026589057 = -2253.4964667155505 64831843660 + -2362461 = 64829481199 1345955 + 100000000000000 = 100000001345955 -100000000000000 + 51286312535 = -99948713687465 3628081 + -81531485663.72945 = -81527857582.72945 -5410 + -5507877705.8911705 = -5507883115.8911705 -3880468489.196784 + 45442263 = -3835026226.196784 8821 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000008821.0 21822023.41980096 + 2860752227434.9204 = 2860774049458.3403 21.224048279138806 + -62265 = -62243.77595172086 -174 + -6036331 = -6036505 1072953474970.9363 + 85574.19083892064 = 1072953560545.1271 55702 + -6806122105142.777 = -6806122049440.777 32419 + -9049828881175.48 = -9049828848756.48 -2745846.659348432 + 29864845206 = 29862099359.340652 50571588959.972725 + 12605299 = 50584194258.972725 68043 + -60914.174435690365 = 7128.8255643096345 100000000000000 + -620531.9794450069 = 99999999379468.02 2495461357135.132 + -41874 = 2495461315261.132 -886098.5100034868 + -45210.68349405698 = -931309.1934975437 -2482796529997.205 + 33301.62924280345 = -2482796496695.5757 -4964.215431547969 + -976806462.5148247 = -976811426.7302563 94794554899 + -95677 = 94794459222 -923376491.2850358 + -50717 = -923427208.2850358 -3722699784810 + 45449536 = -3722654335274 76.3614328872188 + 5216867146512 = 5216867146588.361 -729292676.5392767 + 197669.87867995925 = -729095006.6605967 100000000000000 + -964.675963583835 = 99999999999035.33 2169422.1908199806 + 3889980826.4141693 = 3892150248.6049895 263791.07744305744 + 763499477 = 763763268.077443 37914396290.2048 + 911 = 37914397201.2048 551.5063091142408 + 3360813981.53243 = 3360814533.038739 89 + 43218796485692 = 43218796485781 813524039.7658206 + 157513.72349265017 = 813681553.4893132 -2366679 + -231934197065 = -231936563744 97197367.67790425 + 213626 = 97410993.67790425 -19247412 + 691802761762.4926 = 691783514350.4926 471641656179 + 100000000000000.0 = 100471641656179.0 203849071 + -860.8268354799509 = 203848210.17316452 -650897 + 34645114608115 = 34645113957218 -677.322333579422 + -17646670 = -17647347.322333578 6768559398269 + 6639531258566.804 = 13408090656835.805 611.4956399592401 + 2428667260.874487 = 2428667872.3701267 66240141.25478864 + -684736927 = -618496785.7452114 -81711 + -2677252197.1374607 = -2677333908.1374607 1.467043031763908 + 93533 = 93534.46704303176 3988451 + -8267539391 = -8263550940 -485550 + -42.09958283940824 = -485592.0995828394 -1085.8612296203446 + -5244658476.569048 = -5244659562.430278 90141131 + -27128687 = 63012444 -53 + 7939837.875533576 = 7939784.875533576 -55751855.92896915 + -13664194622448.621 = -13664250374304.55 220366343199.8686 + 1218230.8211763327 = 220367561430.68976 -10973.658645790936 + -374715120.51869076 = -374726094.1773366 100000000000000.0 + -93.36160782809267 = 99999999999906.64 -312360922 + -80 = -312361002 -67130662338.7068 + -4087735943.408196 = -71218398282.115 -16.032663158146846 + -565 = -581.0326631581469 -1.0103299807609254 + 9529041223331.82 = 9529041223330.81 -9297347 + 4584446889 = 4575149542 7021431991.755352 + -6397473946.975447 = 623958044.7799053 9257536 + -364446176700 = -364436919164 -30 + 5764.754156205501 = 5734.754156205501 100000000000000.0 + -31.928822942562963 = 99999999999968.08 8328812120 + -15.7199849289314 = 8328812104.280015 1 + 920 = 921 50377.77790930621 + -8659942 = -8609564.222090693 -125175358262.28 + 9448666749940 = 9323491391677.72 -70 + -63406162 = -63406232 -295687281972 + 84 = -295687281888 -8567148879.758892 + 64944998 = -8502203881.758892 516268.02872975543 + -598 = 515670.02872975543 4 + 7636945.43947021 = 7636949.43947021 -3838.626801534485 + -79.09522729628603 = -3917.722028830771 200431231 + -441 = 200430790 -3817932879 + -62927.28845452663 = -3817995806.2884545 3.047293330393477 + 9230.437815009534 = 9233.485108339928 11565729.714374956 + 83913739 = 95479468.71437496 -109635886799 + 78682 = -109635808117 75427 + -80288069054871.05 = -80288068979444.05 -1745660.149289044 + 14077973 = 12332312.850710956 15 + -518383.4735166657 = -518368.4735166657 465126.1117114998 + -7 = 465119.1117114998 -5765905 + -3794070.236347225 = -9559975.236347225 18 + -35988993952.66851 = -35988993934.66851 15561490 + -18 = 15561472 8220.965928788868 + 55659163628928 = 55659163637148.97 -6218460735142.342 + -127822.78096337318 = -6218460862965.123 -46923491293372 + -6525760688540.953 = -53449251981912.95 100000000000000.0 + 903991433 = 100000903991433.0 62249943.54295963 + 5938204252 = 6000454195.542959 -5281.675722264712 + 56.4632028428692 = -5225.212519421842 -461662666.03512996 + 646760.1928181216 = -461015905.84231186 18575941 + 5657 = 18581598 -58.428655664492254 + 841125382 = 841125323.5713444 -495342.241837374 + -26080548342081.918 = -26080548837424.16 -6023891.417548685 + 9.900514431340598 = -6023881.517034254 89459052425137.2 + -5522721242.039546 = 89453529703895.16 -30468933041 + -2 = -30468933043 979.1050053123436 + 437727933 = 437728912.1050053 -74399399.9830923 + -4.527810995060408 = -74399404.51090328 -6334055982.540555 + 600766840 = -5733289142.540555 -13558124663 + 5782.977316462525 = -13558118880.022684 4815163 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999995184837.0 41278 + -117484316189 = -117484274911 75287786212551.81 + 7094 = 75287786219645.81 -415957844.2349307 + -2014331 = -417972175.2349307 91000362391437.84 + -63745.027596930675 = 91000362327692.81 39226638376.880875 + 774160120 = 40000798496.880875 -5246379867 + 99381165.87939788 = -5146998701.120602 78.14491589506807 + -204720.6542383083 = -204642.50932241324 840 + 5806628.359703806 = 5807468.359703806 -8348245980671.152 + 44020 = -8348245936651.152 -932629 + 2.1801625506055244 = -932626.8198374494 -479727383349 + 195 = -479727383154 4794359251557.6455 + 1537447 = 4794360789004.6455 -22515494845.91626 + 642845 = -22514852000.91626 -90002201725.31256 + 88738330.59454748 = -89913463394.71802 280349149256 + -3533.1035192248296 = 280349145722.8965 251427415846 + 91745631677.2346 = 343173047523.2346 -49670933.704332545 + -6659689867.0783825 = -6709360800.782715 72654885264258.11 + 360581280.1964629 = 72655245845538.31 463226613 + 7 = 463226620 -290.05957179036 + -936101371 = -936101661.0595717 -15544.507246387502 + 26148201533807.926 = 26148201518263.418 172930366591.30267 + 7158452695.034824 = 180088819286.3375 -331432781931.2555 + 4 = -331432781927.2555 -69611575536 + 15419 = -69611560117 -46884.95992098351 + -61924 = -108808.9599209835 -99764 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000099764.0 -745157 + -171332.56452149292 = -916489.5645214929 67864843.08401233 + 3788859873 = 3856724716.0840125 25567.441807054376 + -4173817741406.7153 = -4173817715839.2734 458806 + -55 = 458751 -6.33998716211194 + 6.692448992596803 = 0.352461830484863 120 + -7364.5469882334055 = -7244.5469882334055 4443213.117478909 + 7929773312650 = 7929777755863.117 -25663248 + 5.2904299518230635 = -25663242.709570047 -2782559651.5149536 + -4963119573.967164 = -7745679225.482118 -433030 + -100000000000000 = -100000000433030 53141370754 + 1187050520 = 54328421274 93016687477101.28 + 3971198.9562057634 = 93016691448300.23 -696919 + -30657280 = -31354199 -29339265174295.695 + -21.351044811311773 = -29339265174317.047 -100000000000000 + 76150 = -99999999923850 5922824273746 + 3409984619.008786 = 5926234258365.009 31971944 + -868 = 31971076 -9095.25075325663 + 2084289.8206757337 = 2075194.569922477 -578.8405490106776 + 103339793986.57907 = 103339793407.73853 100000000000000.0 + 40823 = 100000000040823.0 9148.662905352896 + 971294 = 980442.6629053529 -9 + -747419018409.1489 = -747419018418.1489 7181.437759409035 + -81281910762807 = -81281910755625.56 100000000000000 + -2687 = 99999999997313 -8.924713256666688 + -244124496226.58325 = -244124496235.50797 -7457 + -681288 = -688745 -267491.37985799776 + -20508240.15086124 = -20775731.53071924 -36170005.246555895 + 7145826.573874351 = -29024178.672681544 -8.952245657713204 + 1467196587196.7761 = 1467196587187.824 -55938663096 + -683598163.9148362 = -56622261259.91483 2.0460917828822374 + -16346 = -16343.953908217118 92035738178429 + 307005867.2916758 = 92036045184296.3 -292837024771.4796 + -6700035695.572756 = -299537060467.05237 -100000000000000 + -6454238855891.33 = -106454238855891.33 411221 + -2 = 411219 -27 + -2238668382374.468 = -2238668382401.468 -16430 + 6.873339981095668 = -16423.126660018905 4451834.949995649 + 83887908840.03117 = 83892360674.98117 27.67905898270344 + -371.89317918638017 = -344.2141202036767 -100000000000000 + -741154651.0857412 = -100000741154651.08 -96181.06076141886 + 3630.2049100873505 = -92550.85585133151 -3050626108128 + -894212426 = -3051520320554 8768972414.076988 + 5634225.1590580605 = 8774606639.236046 -57514204399872 + -7264709 = -57514211664581 -84008366224272.1 + -61991.1989812671 = -84008366286263.3 -250377836230.9833 + -43818040047.24783 = -294195876278.23114 -565.8353803113973 + 32005063101407 = 32005063100841.164 -100000000000000 + 6241758 = -99999993758242 2638363473.050168 + -852413230333.575 = -849774866860.5248 43514125050454.86 + -6667399776 = 43507457650678.86 6.799637709521037 + 8055938490.277133 = 8055938497.076771 10765215198 + -59733570.463502824 = 10705481627.536497 -5571113369 + -1284729 = -5572398098 778705170590 + -15040.298239121534 = 778705155549.7018 -562189 + 375.9209194654173 = -561813.0790805346 -976483.0394231756 + 100000000000000 = 99999999023516.95 786358.3483097928 + -1161 = 785197.3483097928 -100000000000000 + 2505 = -99999999997495 59432165318.238335 + 9.185425409656792 = 59432165327.42376 -89853655.50504003 + 21174602277659 = 21174512424003.496 -2175458795 + -4942661591641.655 = -4944837050436.655 -3 + 55112581087632 = 55112581087629 26884358 + 5999863366.130902 = 6026747724.130902 -23928169822.935482 + -9581383904368 = -9605312074190.936 -6737336.183069657 + 72831824.53306487 = 66094488.34999522 819 + -60 = 759 -752503925.8023609 + -114431.45611167124 = -752618357.2584726 1981.2465189055 + -554775153041 = -554775151059.7535 -60772.6928507784 + 126704 = 65931.3071492216 -8.571212756126485 + -332 = -340.5712127561265 -4148 + -276160.93298535125 = -280308.93298535125 -957.4932880557409 + 334021 = 333063.50671194424 -7874 + -904 = -8778 -52442970655214.984 + 1 = -52442970655213.984 -59468.73274012982 + 439.24047699030035 = -59029.49226313952 -468387028.97852796 + -100000000000000 = -100000468387028.98 9070491.861612657 + 701773851.4847716 = 710844343.3463843 45301765572.54345 + 76142225901007 = 76187527666579.55 -703729 + -904514 = -1608243 404434.1300181943 + -169429388.05686066 = -169024953.92684245 112 + -13.609424388781388 = 98.39057561121861 411161600.19982255 + -392230979 = 18930621.199822545 -770612 + 3321613 = 2551001 -94076153636280 + -62561462 = -94076216197742 37413662437.64058 + -530.7987361893048 = 37413661906.84184 893518732925.6173 + -41423187618741 = -40529668885815.38 100000000000000.0 + -683485852.957301 = 99999316514147.05 -100000000000000 + -851.6440292962355 = -100000000000851.64 -477198.53630083293 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999522801.47 -79230.90940016696 + -171123448118.45728 = -171123527349.36667 344671111677.6205 + 3800339452.745167 = 348471451130.36566 971 + 87858989371018 = 87858989371989 21360521.852176603 + 71014540122 = 71035900643.85217 62 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999938.0 -652722684836.149 + 52792.40151872611 = -652722632043.7476 65889720 + 571646462689 = 571712352409 73984702.37883723 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999926015297.62 -5444504357725.054 + -275.07477148042074 = -5444504358000.129 -8815023 + -16 = -8815039 100000000000000.0 + -965230653852.9008 = 99034769346147.1 -85010070260690.86 + -3255752026504 = -88265822287194.86 166904234169 + -857380.4784629073 = 166903376788.52155 5663496.040879569 + 2324621365949 = 2324627029445.041 78343168869720.34 + -673495674 = 78342495374046.34 -3910456385.1305575 + -750426.6970017316 = -3911206811.8275595 -14738360627.862667 + -6.400026654232868 = -14738360634.262693 -37 + -145984268231.55676 = -145984268268.55676 -6497157193817.696 + -5316 = -6497157199133.696 6.973952802566584 + 652928009315.3947 = 652928009322.3687 7880.770603872422 + -7581159450.268952 = -7581151569.498348 79 + -2470 = -2391 -4801105 + 7547.145781273866 = -4793557.854218726 381921551463.4502 + 24 = 381921551487.4502 463342 + 3541512826.2325234 = 3541976168.2325234 69775.73093213397 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999930224.27 -100000000000000 + 317884389223.35156 = -99682115610776.66 -490638101 + 1 = -490638100 7726142585943.062 + 5491790075 = 7731634376018.062 4 + -93 = -89 -4809370918629.948 + 79170 = -4809370839459.948 23337.444723604647 + 491.41857189138403 = 23828.86329549603 -9.333848427698198 + 149612973560 = 149612973550.66614 7530524 + 16703982758347.828 = 16703990288871.828 -58626167863999.85 + 9565763.138710326 = -58626158298236.71 9880804879.157864 + -45303014.92351427 = 9835501864.23435 -545202056664 + 14632.88902997126 = -545202042031.11096 -8978.158038741745 + -187300689.00296116 = -187309667.1609999 -66183807428023 + -68136018.66680524 = -66183875564041.664 -9789852885670 + -65246.54676074534 = -9789852950916.547 -3437826158787 + -100000000000000.0 = -103437826158787.0 -854977 + -3334612 = -4189589 -7168031783 + 1058 = -7168030725 6654895 + -320327 = 6334568 -11.833100489404595 + -51235281540305 = -51235281540316.836 94137.14239119644 + -6482314 = -6388176.857608804 -89351987957606.78 + -47705965132 = -89399693922738.78 -6.86177611266646 + -68 = -74.86177611266646 -213312554.83139616 + -88165691 = -301478245.83139616 7696439867.477096 + 122395 = 7696562262.477096 -62040305351.36725 + 43623.65982496662 = -62040261727.70742 -5 + 9943918408.130026 = 9943918403.130026 3278089 + -1576965609.7826853 = -1573687520.7826853 64916092866144.08 + -41860708319.25173 = 64874232157824.83 -97 + -9755.37713602542 = -9852.37713602542 883194991527 + -28075475893806 = -27192280902279 90496.73753109518 + -791776.5146209853 = -701279.7770898901 -727424775140 + -76 = -727424775216 4520.098611990611 + 22745267623.462875 = 22745272143.56149 -6395252191128.235 + -78 = -6395252191206.235 4555495160.522886 + 4654972278 = 9210467438.522886 -14.69055923261054 + 21 = 6.309440767389461 -112.84818985768621 + 8302 = 8189.1518101423135 6489414 + 29491267.800710298 = 35980681.8007103 459736.36289028294 + 6048729619.965896 = 6049189356.328786 -535.0375282375361 + 8596340201 = 8596339665.962471 81122463297 + 26 = 81122463323 861584.6181842737 + 23840440698989 = 23840441560573.617 -42034411240 + -31533347751432 = -31575382162672 71.92201702558265 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999928.08 6955781417561 + -66358591 = 6955715058970 -65439554.35912102 + 8619492605 = 8554053050.640879 -260 + -65549207 = -65549467 8790 + 872 = 9662 -339653921875.1697 + -558.0828056345888 = -339653922433.2525 3.7583996157040165 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000003.77 -46043704207.61784 + 648195.3297872671 = -46043056012.288055 -6.812900946259175 + 17433649.98406954 = 17433643.171168596 -26542619524850 + 4574060052651 = -21968559472199 -77.36127317698758 + -93173941495.0404 = -93173941572.40167 3.806836123572702 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999996.19 -83475454690532.45 + 107105.04809184918 = -83475454583427.4 2828575571921.966 + 90928 = 2828575662849.966 -73146459236 + 134.47081083627782 = -73146459101.52919 -811211249.8716096 + 9907096 = -801304153.8716096 3958864250 + 93027579591 = 96986443841 -9804315511.605198 + -513308.373275577 = -9804828819.978474 -6203710937 + 63419125192 = 57215414255 -7 + 732629140287 = 732629140280 32474064572 + 738192292.6394027 = 33212256864.639404 -18129 + 60879695.25141595 = 60861566.25141595 -44731230.96972562 + -567703 = -45298933.96972562 -8938007.145199377 + 65 = -8937942.145199377 3 + 43435940.44234961 = 43435943.44234961 9934742366607.293 + -934.6798506329326 = 9934742365672.613 599601798923.539 + 180.82159779438638 = 599601799104.3606 8902918276618 + -84343613 = 8902833933005 976108151 + 3 = 976108154 100000000000000 + 435186899635.73145 = 100435186899635.73 707225 + -100000000000000 = -99999999292775 1 + 2360 = 2361 -9699366655 + 93266946737257.56 = 93257247370602.56 4873054371274.25 + -749621.710616349 = 4873053621652.539 4505910642196.041 + 35527.82311682375 = 4505910677723.864 7865.549357117956 + 7353356517 = 7353364382.549357 -4163738453.019937 + -391664.1881174434 = -4164130117.2080545 433824697.32969975 + -1560.702012088323 = 433823136.6276877 51938042 + -77 = 51937965 915247 + -9 = 915238 -836 + -806043.3578507416 = -806879.3578507416 6320 + -42144 = -35824 -613616257645.7021 + -6 = -613616257651.7021 -983714274631.8573 + 100000000000000.0 = 99016285725368.14 57 + -6043.690926046168 = -5986.690926046168 446733995 + -6299 = 446727696 -581873 + 497818700 = 497236827 -5079 + -299156 = -304235 -6620.851034420752 + 8503327 = 8496706.148965579 602576 + -4078518672560 = -4078518069984 -364350731 + 39402.60776668138 = -364311328.3922333 7614.154358311406 + -9322556047.77618 = -9322548433.621822 -485663474232.98126 + -1.2145348415387875 = -485663474234.1958 -3823295 + -86.53590687215674 = -3823381.5359068722 -57882294.402549334 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000057882294.4 63516740 + 5824.657548967814 = 63522564.65754897 50274.85388863188 + -921131 = -870856.1461113681 100.77139326032756 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999899.23 -56892691.683922954 + 100000000000000 = 99999943107308.31 -7800233 + 8291 = -7791942 -462190343 + 93480.84727302573 = -462096862.15272695 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 9 + -611540.1172785945 = -611531.1172785945 98625 + 125599135757.3414 = 125599234382.3414 -96469075554 + -38349 = -96469113903 -35791357.161385074 + -14260376.104597945 = -50051733.265983015 832 + 62550583534890 = 62550583535722 -36934485945625 + -8.356498631037622 = -36934485945633.36 -3543420.1154307737 + 58.81757259259516 = -3543361.297858181 -26242.844683335774 + 1918908535 = 1918882292.1553166 586066769968.5586 + 3854555.6038065404 = 586070624524.1624 -84708422457.1961 + -195378642872.8344 = -280087065330.0305 -86 + 1867805637.9635596 = 1867805551.9635596 7680057991874 + -28819613 = 7680029172261 -100000000000000.0 + -5850.866657633479 = -100000000005850.86 -4837191209 + -799132 = -4837990341 3262880540547 + -41954122 = 3262838586425 -1015 + -4 = -1019 20720387662511.156 + -712 = 20720387661799.156 19800544277156.617 + 6827 = 19800544283983.617 -15485538090927 + 71593273388910 = 56107735297983 889896251738.0948 + 15820 = 889896267558.0948 61617639 + 16819.898061879023 = 61634458.89806188 91528481.22474669 + 614346135858.8676 = 614437664340.0923 512311408940.52277 + -23270427909915 = -22758116500974.477 -8 + -963931704 = -963931712 7813405870 + 69161051.00155966 = 7882566921.001559 3744 + 3.1126887121582576 = 3747.112688712158 5768734630879 + -36494843180072.234 = -30726108549193.234 100000000000000.0 + -821071027 = 99999178928973.0 -79.44354336716248 + -31 = -110.44354336716248 -21558 + 372 = -21186 3 + -1751519565 = -1751519562 -7 + 92141 = 92134 -1.8730354748036313 + 19203593656195.68 = 19203593656193.81 -99969351011.19098 + -275546484 = -100244897495.19098 48147302943.59773 + -85148.9468944838 = 48147217794.65084 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -7 + -20155622 = -20155629 8998015512799 + 8178 = 8998015520977 -6904998 + 1.4872859671032943 = -6904996.512714033 8272.627859618759 + 57822649.169693045 = 57830921.79755267 -912710364089 + 1858416658045.0024 = 945706293956.0024 -776401060.2934712 + -10924193847 = -11700594907.29347 64 + 12401444.113437308 = 12401508.113437308 -28054288317325.473 + 696260 = -28054287621065.473 -8718260291090.454 + 472 = -8718260290618.454 -5304375249569 + -100000000000000.0 = -105304375249569.0 4569 + -3718429995.780785 = -3718425426.780785 296834 + -5315087770381.974 = -5315087473547.974 317536072456 + 100000000000000 = 100317536072456 100000000000000 + 69233253 = 100000069233253 -84371 + 988007418845.3165 = 988007334474.3165 6749017.393709567 + 30971190272208 = 30971197021225.395 -4261054941.531158 + -9580683 = -4270635624.531158 -705816447.2890117 + 98.70720327177054 = -705816348.5818084 -1946282961845.6821 + 44513.141893035085 = -1946282917332.5403 -31927769.96784138 + 156542 = -31771227.96784138 -3158323607 + 4170836268 = 1012512661 -53 + 69997856189898 = 69997856189845 -5823607.626799422 + -3462038595206.3867 = -3462044418814.0137 -49286145299 + 47933.786757043046 = -49286097365.21324 395725481 + 155049943.46889964 = 550775424.4688996 -80532.2575495248 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000080532.25 628476267.3053225 + -53407 = 628422860.3053225 -408935640626.78656 + 840.7554945614613 = -408935639786.03107 -588.243699732334 + 83368576385 = 83368575796.7563 3568 + -19250628747 = -19250625179 -46856057844 + -4772998828354.324 = -4819854886198.324 -3492081.8181565693 + 530370630.76120514 = 526878548.9430486 2769195778 + -5184501630.119844 = -2415305852.1198444 -4646224364511.982 + 529248858209.72833 = -4116975506302.254 -64735.13160076782 + 1.4229150568473785 = -64733.70868571097 6.398915426442636 + 74829601615044 = 74829601615050.4 -86174459 + -63158772049673.78 = -63158858224132.78 -478521297137.44293 + 33557472251 = -444963824886.44293 1 + 5319 = 5320 -904756929804.4818 + 535614261 = -904221315543.4818 -4528693.443453975 + -6346931 = -10875624.443453975 880338302037.5852 + 173380878 = 880511682915.5852 612904594829 + 3128497.3975555724 = 612907723326.3976 5391804573926 + 6761 = 5391804580687 344166306172 + 639241 = 344166945413 -760364024 + -4160 = -760368184 20376998.261605408 + -632455638.4078898 = -612078640.1462845 6563.069293100186 + -6 = 6557.069293100186 382036731422.67896 + 7.813717653932756 = 382036731430.4927 1706.0577456325605 + -5565.9861375139035 = -3859.928391881343 4687 + -528874365.4587117 = -528869678.4587117 6114494939 + 35617447633 = 41731942572 -724822.4081285251 + -35375189897333 = -35375190622155.41 -18 + 29359 = 29341 -100000000000000 + -8178783540193 = -108178783540193 1432372 + 5718924099 = 5720356471 -96810 + -37 = -96847 981263 + -59.594115395242 = 981203.4058846048 -687075994242.582 + -33477361610.480484 = -720553355853.0625 31802041656.790062 + 284 = 31802041940.790062 30218880 + 45 = 30218925 2998345583540.2725 + -4233899458660 = -1235553875119.7275 22732 + -647927145892.6216 = -647927123160.6216 641618345997 + -89963973188 = 551654372809 -587.819801829553 + -92139.32504094348 = -92727.14484277304 -3104942784 + -85.59434622454192 = -3104942869.594346 -89537.74120706852 + -845697030.2062353 = -845786567.9474424 -6497758626612.037 + 13175453629831 = 6677695003218.963 -3569302995907.6196 + -5 = -3569302995912.6196 -2966225287374.6206 + -2101925 = -2966227389299.6206 -314179317.22747105 + 6946912103593 = 6946597924275.772 -191309.97417607307 + 9934885601.132072 = 9934694291.157896 -1981.2531844734565 + -257 = -2238.2531844734567 7747242.091229105 + 62816019522483.55 = 62816027269725.64 100000000000000 + 64706592661 = 100064706592661 100000000000000 + 8590140607.256035 = 100008590140607.25 -6868269 + -39188.02257562597 = -6907457.022575626 -2024 + -2738599 = -2740623 -5 + -3165383466 = -3165383471 -764590620569.8608 + -871363318.2866993 = -765461983888.1476 5581116371.821991 + 746106719612.1519 = 751687835983.9739 5288541.054777852 + 57.5684879220831 = 5288598.623265774 -6155 + -7972 = -14127 444 + 787460.0024551358 = 787904.0024551358 -7731031128.085736 + -5257 = -7731036385.085736 -4917.64404775394 + 97588 = 92670.35595224606 6958.176747289136 + -427678823843.1193 = -427678816884.94257 -17168752932 + -129188963970 = -146357716902 -56899961 + 431127973422.2685 = 431071073461.2685 -508379695499 + -7439009408 = -515818704907 9589523.504979584 + -3248 = 9586275.504979584 52937888588952 + -7320.536442256918 = 52937888581631.46 24914418430 + 4585639410269.979 = 4610553828699.979 -35733.72262581147 + -39123.21181580588 = -74856.93444161734 18413563.946076106 + -2185306072462.3193 = -2185287658898.3733 738845382633 + -42333954.953311466 = 738803048678.0466 -9726081509831.559 + -25 = -9726081509856.559 502727910 + -8584902820.273274 = -8082174910.273274 -895.2363947220084 + -20965435866.378693 = -20965436761.615086 10.915564555624709 + -65538012.573739484 = -65538001.65817493 -7850125256418.761 + -100000000000000.0 = -107850125256418.77 91802006536465 + 100266367 = 91802106802832 -731266 + 61100.83340699764 = -670165.1665930024 4822817.984439819 + 921083.2359786255 = 5743901.220418445 100000000000000 + -8 = 99999999999992 -76818528638.19861 + 1033521096.226996 = -75785007541.97162 -79608637818496.97 + 6905 = -79608637811591.97 9184690088354 + -8813283637041.928 = 371406451312.07227 31188 + -753533818.9931687 = -753502630.9931687 9728883 + 3193.207470207592 = 9732076.207470208 -29.48824652259277 + 3322055487.4900646 = 3322055458.001818 7094472552999.038 + -3276513 = 7094469276486.038 1307 + 4 = 1311 -2624 + -692686107111 = -692686109735 -5864 + -3592652654 = -3592658518 63.44750200933766 + -367190.72216184693 = -367127.2746598376 -3972 + 6402965696242 = 6402965692270 -47120 + -1728.1566208302431 = -48848.15662083025 -61857832212 + 528527342.07460356 = -61329304869.9254 -4985588.22965686 + 881111 = -4104477.22965686 -2008384007 + -383090492 = -2391474499 2554105318135 + 1686686636.6519532 = 2555792004771.652 83568813373.0241 + 6017967.82384173 = 83574831340.84793 -17025931045138 + -39302936 = -17025970348074 6.749009723612042 + 653.4977604889639 = 660.2467702125759 -47464241837.45145 + 9151.274859002735 = -47464232686.17659 439294.5600107026 + -32424967 = -31985672.4399893 3.6631716338074383 + -618.5022980398151 = -614.8391264060076 -998.4563071137369 + 9.910574874679343 = -988.5457322390575 866412.2091237577 + -65580921546294 = -65580920679881.79 5 + 66410656977356 = 66410656977361 7955022257327.201 + -88.70890067719778 = 7955022257238.492 948881277566 + 100000000000000.0 = 100948881277566.0 -100000000000000 + 552779434629 = -99447220565371 100000000000000.0 + 2512241680856.5566 = 102512241680856.56 7215 + 79345632640985 = 79345632648200 261695779 + 2321128.449321627 = 264016907.44932163 -90057745877 + 95548306726 = 5490560849 -479 + 939438875967.0315 = 939438875488.0315 -100000000000000.0 + 8249612.412713797 = -99999991750387.6 -51776.63893143883 + -25741246 = -25793022.63893144 -78958 + 2631 = -76327 42535 + -567422 = -524887 14126110.074988786 + -46292638.61659553 = -32166528.541606743 1804552.774345834 + 385721838890.8484 = 385723643443.62274 137294.86711331835 + 9 = 137303.86711331835 -85.65743649185282 + -84982257990 = -84982258075.65744 -29326919669197 + 4643 = -29326919664554 4377056016945.2114 + -773.4485660410307 = 4377056016171.7627 -4072733135596 + -5965156065.681438 = -4078698291661.6816 46154153321191 + -56806059294809.0 = -10651905973618.0 8 + 1 = 9 -99678477.17349169 + -15583460340.715971 = -15683138817.889463 -186666.5038965633 + 5 = -186661.5038965633 -2736601599838.996 + 94.07951307096612 = -2736601599744.9165 85596427.46459728 + 48228697938 = 48314294365.4646 634842 + 5238702.739285477 = 5873544.739285477 45812790596 + -752.6945053385496 = 45812789843.3055 75084408371052 + -1424158.6116798301 = 75084406946893.39 100000000000000 + 1073902 = 100000001073902 27091990764 + 100000000000000.0 = 100027091990764.0 -26.250944935033264 + -7 = -33.25094493503326 79 + 56057543354.44579 = 56057543433.44579 12 + 2097 = 2109 -85810 + -1751.7905808505527 = -87561.79058085055 -218.28661735272428 + 279363.2965777958 = 279145.0099604431 -348.0727111319171 + 433266.08489767904 = 432918.0121865471 1227572488 + 8967946167516 = 8969173740004 -89693.5675401976 + -7060 = -96753.5675401976 86025309241 + 100000000000000 = 100086025309241 1 + 6215716889453 = 6215716889454 39906809766 + 90001051887 = 129907861653 8164701931.909748 + 100000000000000.0 = 100008164701931.9 800309464877.4395 + -62996 = 800309401881.4395 -751 + 99914690337 = 99914689586 -189907028329 + -781 = -189907029110 -2530747.4745685216 + 695.4869804245894 = -2530051.987588097 6336105 + -481.6900099784673 = 6335623.309990021 2773220.3718154663 + -84364080467882 = -84364077694661.62 -8091837 + -15566416885.311474 = -15574508722.311474 -1966158 + 7 = -1966151 97 + 3387078.8639276274 = 3387175.8639276274 3765635179.9877124 + 94817896105 = 98583531284.98772 -4572441521598.195 + -3913509253375 = -8485950774973.195 -5552019 + 4983 = -5547036 -502.6095928951181 + -89 = -591.6095928951181 -973869214622 + 1063374 = -973868151248 -509859 + 100000000000000 = 99999999490141 -6933963235 + 92129902121.07619 = 85195938886.07619 -1560475606.4568155 + 5940 = -1560469666.4568155 776387625022 + -725369.2936931275 = 776386899652.7063 4419859987 + 7521387683.4241705 = 11941247670.424171 79.79545575223891 + 725823.0218920525 = 725902.8173478048 252734.05015237993 + -7462031596.546237 = -7461778862.496084 -7254048.825418489 + 2 = -7254046.825418489 44690996424285.875 + 904 = 44690996425189.875 -596123840390 + -4259155847 = -600382996237 700374442 + -192.62837444569246 = 700374249.3716255 -21681778 + -89206 = -21770984 50 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999950 -256.9158765344486 + -77698 = -77954.91587653445 21203.629181068438 + 1 = 21204.629181068438 2961587.148092494 + -234069802646.47418 = -234066841059.32608 -55056746262025.36 + 1079330843343 = -53977415418682.36 100000000000000.0 + 2495774559.066794 = 100002495774559.06 395 + -1278497504 = -1278497109 708831049690 + -25.424310102116312 = 708831049664.5757 4.593476575176027 + -71619141600187.34 = -71619141600182.75 -134400516338.02017 + 97.3377777617709 = -134400516240.68239 -78140194 + -6816111.116183505 = -84956305.1161835 -53230731 + -817.5573219219951 = -53231548.55732192 192648082971 + 74687388 = 192722770359 -2 + 49984738732.52764 = 49984738730.52764 -18 + -82.77805203644897 = -100.77805203644897 -2804312199 + 5799335200715.511 = 5796530888516.511 -4030.6527700018682 + -100000000000000 = -100000000004030.66 -694522003 + -100000000000000 = -100000694522003 78318300 + 5473569.364190402 = 83791869.3641904 8613410.997737303 + 978697998 = 987311408.9977373 13303836219.706316 + 100000000000000.0 = 100013303836219.7 -587482.1722900851 + 672719370616 = 672718783133.8278 995351422 + 5 = 995351427 383 + 6 = 389 -9428357877 + 9520 = -9428348357 -574010.2213237879 + 17 = -573993.2213237879 -53.66694432808373 + -813568926 = -813568979.6669444 -352 + 13564151520338.613 = 13564151519986.613 8514437230979 + -710.7545501001264 = 8514437230268.245 -532925.2597833548 + 4308.4621326220995 = -528616.7976507327 -5566737794344 + -931 = -5566737795275 -73444092051.23608 + -1600484704 = -75044576755.23608 -7368042.976344899 + 3473.1637519704013 = -7364569.812592929 64918.99830191167 + -85869859.25423889 = -85804940.25593698 23344343808549.15 + -64851008 = 23344278957541.15 41 + 79847 = 79888 45220819442.19036 + -42276.25080772894 = 45220777165.93955 24723 + -5675997285961 = -5675997261238 68791629434903.08 + 100000000000000 = 168791629434903.06 -3 + -61833324146.9567 = -61833324149.9567 2876 + 284026.27573892777 = 286902.27573892777 906161998 + -36310.92335763901 = 906125687.0766424 313108483076.5425 + -586949968452 = -273841485375.45752 -1.770560832520145 + 67572 = 67570.22943916748 -78649884 + 487.0906916044593 = -78649396.90930839 77481988 + 7833406703.950371 = 7910888691.950371 556 + -462439795 = -462439239 4169598193 + -2686396 = 4166911797 53 + -72767661.20688564 = -72767608.20688564 2001012605.184804 + 813829968316.5673 = 815830980921.7521 46329064499 + 61789.31595052721 = 46329126288.31595 4744.574549641533 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999995255.42 -533962285990.73694 + -4081171082073 = -4615133368063.737 81539 + 7441 = 88980 -621957496.0862828 + 64943847118.94018 = 64321889622.8539 -947119043754.2095 + -98.14756027537574 = -947119043852.357 6735 + -6799 = -64 -6365.904033579024 + -812215941 = -812222306.9040335 89181 + 6205170.468861666 = 6294351.468861666 3848476.5409246827 + 82985352997.74724 = 82989201474.28816 785732687338 + -3422473446293 = -2636740758955 29.143749136983885 + -133465370 = -133465340.85625087 -771938.4820525161 + 323 = -771615.4820525161 42320.78240709379 + -518460763 = -518418442.2175929 824 + -198.06063553127325 = 625.9393644687268 -241740714.2644276 + -7529.751966188973 = -241748244.01639378 232196 + 56666881.148617126 = 56899077.148617126 100000000000000.0 + 50561041.99488366 = 100000050561042.0 90 + -54397 = -54307 9834109.125385778 + -76856729643.91595 = -76846895534.79057 100000000000000 + 36.55626317614231 = 100000000000036.56 -7857669127655 + -6338582191687.334 = -14196251319342.334 -619040196596.4528 + 88579500668407.42 = 87960460471810.97 -185 + -3.3774351227537927 = -188.37743512275378 -16561853812.97354 + -423 = -16561854235.97354 -100000000000000.0 + 25365759904333 = -74634240095667.0 57151072189446 + -23255480623.862503 = 57127816708822.14 -643.4466629730034 + -420 = -1063.4466629730034 100000000000000 + -41006466518498 = 58993533481502 -8.481451190004192 + 77044099912884 = 77044099912875.52 58.91364808284432 + 59559879.410242386 = 59559938.32389047 -77874716 + -5290084 = -83164800 381 + 674.4139738872435 = 1055.4139738872436 1029.0851960902778 + -10920318077621.863 = -10920318076592.777 28040356 + 3471407647.0052824 = 3499448003.0052824 100000000000000 + 2461737143 = 100002461737143 22035 + 5 = 22040 -5147.501148545306 + -6 = -5153.501148545306 -823049050215.918 + -26301387437874.83 = -27124436488090.746 -79229 + 21273695990.459084 = 21273616761.459084 -388605119 + -52159615863 = -52548220982 -115.46707847366928 + 96 = -19.467078473669275 954837472022 + -81701132 = 954755770890 -6136448 + 50062627540756 = 50062621404308 66 + -124801 = -124735 8 + -3168509.5390266203 = -3168501.5390266203 3131979525.1995955 + 767168840377.4868 = 770300819902.6864 66106441449.61934 + -2 = 66106441447.61934 6413941247700.507 + 639890.112789186 = 6413941887590.619 -3439 + 8791891939 = 8791888500 552114028.7014074 + -643670 = 551470358.7014074 -838 + -2.3691622826833822 = -840.3691622826834 871693445.6462051 + 78836 = 871772281.6462051 -7492880945.407256 + -1344354789 = -8837235734.407257 6 + 44778 = 44784 70.82394484662228 + -20.735575010889676 = 50.08836983573261 626 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000626 952826.5013781732 + 3892258.4627780383 = 4845084.964156211 2.2336239410849785 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000002.23 9005560186877 + -451993563516 = 8553566623361 70264 + 9228 = 79492 -776340217537 + -509430236750 = -1285770454287 6796799.274601598 + 15377237432.876604 = 15384034232.151205 68.09780034374538 + 142 = 210.09780034374538 -699315901595 + 44.022550670848446 = -699315901550.9774 39 + -3250410089126 = -3250410089087 29.615414789668566 + -118203.8566943556 = -118174.24127956593 100000000000000 + -7560.048656063445 = 99999999992439.95 -2.2466785564383387 + -6764418207867.151 = -6764418207869.398 -7 + 74349469 = 74349462 35749.32150213697 + 811791431.2664123 = 811827180.5879143 -144.13342026066542 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000144.14 -1475037.9976188936 + -1.4571443931655876 = -1475039.4547632867 -1901526809267.0688 + -45.376910342746996 = -1901526809312.4458 -9263.650794703884 + -99854.13321586137 = -109117.78401056526 2078.4215102774488 + -160757486.60297376 = -160755408.18146348 1049316.1757701456 + 41362791355 = 41363840671.17577 -59280 + -8539888366407 = -8539888425687 -114817577.08329989 + -72128213706 = -72243031283.0833 72447851 + 79315880.09237711 = 151763731.09237713 -9231832.514542453 + 6089066 = -3142766.514542453 764.4587913710059 + -40319933033103.33 = -40319933032338.87 -92228437147 + 51648927.97196821 = -92176788219.02803 31006026729074 + 494 = 31006026729568 -8165 + -9248428.294365425 = -9256593.294365425 683323264 + 57591641690327 = 57592325013591 98025 + -9 = 98016 51985.215061985306 + -57830.631972540934 = -5845.416910555628 3239 + 12483237360194 = 12483237363433 16655149530 + 939522 = 16656089052 -175059 + 8796 = -166263 4070 + -5473847 = -5469777 664885796735.2479 + -1943515527 = 662942281208.2479 7288622829872.659 + -36288585.00229583 = 7288586541287.657 900574.8814896136 + 5437244221364 = 5437245121938.882 -100000000000000 + -9746215.882635346 = -100000009746215.88 22475120 + 137.2600431688163 = 22475257.26004317 -480461 + -9085377 = -9565838 -3938404786005.663 + -162301948370 = -4100706734375.663 564313 + -3.072610046682697 = 564309.9273899533 -7144262488.227941 + 4482 = -7144258006.227941 17 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000017 45998626.72024451 + -331457 = 45667169.72024451 -9.939823830865684 + 92005 = 91995.06017616914 993077377 + -8553968.08115947 = 984523408.9188405 -85903877977068.19 + -4638478 = -85903882615546.19 -68294 + -42049284 = -42117578 -5769544026596 + -665855207921.5691 = -6435399234517.569 1876 + 86474.01201675982 = 88350.01201675982 4140743789.6480203 + -134470769.05093223 = 4006273020.597088 -37779042139260 + -48887442005791.9 = -86666484145051.9 75725.88030683792 + 195056214 = 195131939.88030684 98659501484271.48 + 9374159441346 = 108033660925617.48 6248847533284 + 29.16583809790792 = 6248847533313.166 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 -135239 + -4441936 = -4577175 -577.9539086148548 + 24723.881813342196 = 24145.92790472734 7887836786.2617035 + 100000000000000.0 = 100007887836786.27 51633341 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999948366659.0 9 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000009.0 952836 + 946.0386239026019 = 953782.0386239026 9181.326936272137 + -7224571587868.723 = -7224571578687.3955 -7368646.8315635035 + 347092536.96796 = 339723890.13639647 -427186 + -14038.425570075535 = -441224.4255700755 150625946 + 58186879749712 = 58187030375658 -28706451.0276911 + 236 = -28706215.0276911 -36434649940415 + 52 = -36434649940363 48975115900091.21 + 95018706.78017141 = 48975210918797.99 -9695.837459598779 + 426171185 = 426161489.1625404 -785201 + -4320 = -789521 5317694384731.832 + -384231355.20932907 = 5317310153376.623 -37942235963 + -657441980205 = -695384216168 -4199946991644 + 100000000000000 = 95800053008356 360511 + -61 = 360450 -3077131529.3492727 + 8137280.157727834 = -3068994249.191545 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 196358.51335028856 + 2123711813 = 2123908171.5133502 -9.842082273236514 + -70.6997403279965 = -80.54182260123301 50502932 + 18763 = 50521695 -29824 + -985969811 = -985999635 35.06974059589551 + -6.135632101811761 = 28.93410849408375 -73787832489088 + 47790299.658733614 = -73787784698788.34 50801 + -718 = 50083 -140795201441 + 100000000000000 = 99859204798559 405 + -45844 = -45439 5138795631412 + 64598223 = 5138860229635 61093936186659 + 29197774370.136066 = 61123133961029.13 9 + 30028 = 30037 -66421392170.03157 + -451006111 = -66872398281.03157 187313 + 1680990 = 1868303 788299539 + -2 = 788299537 80102634416.72018 + -6471174526 = 73631459890.72018 740766078570 + -3377925761914.534 = -2637159683344.534 6842780.821238537 + -7717 = 6835063.821238537 100000000000000 + 98032005129774.86 = 198032005129774.88 -838908 + -6938114000624.067 = -6938114839532.067 -7.112108631969615 + -42444518656 = -42444518663.11211 -38295177277.65553 + -93899399614425 = -93937694791702.66 96 + -1674 = -1578 -49.212225438276405 + 768940845431.9733 = 768940845382.761 -4 + -769797 = -769801 -828038441409 + -8683219.114836568 = -828047124628.1149 950 + -71093 = -70143 -100000000000000 + 66704340 = -99999933295660 20.877157568409743 + -17.693695661111015 = 3.183461907298728 241782198.88324237 + -707 = 241781491.88324237 4818387600 + 66.73300431852705 = 4818387666.733005 3020125131430 + 100000000000000 = 103020125131430 918 + 2870181.0014882702 = 2871099.0014882702 3.3544255648007777 + -6377 = -6373.645574435199 -90432176753 + 127 = -90432176626 -307842522 + -70667027 = -378509549 845481979 + 5674650666.932597 = 6520132645.932597 9357807181944.623 + 9351142.694300814 = 9357816533087.316 3981720816 + 5.474600086730809 = 3981720821.4746003 -150531883712 + -36286960825 = -186818844537 -100000000000000.0 + 79435901342.40105 = -99920564098657.6 9275298970 + -23.276000658127074 = 9275298946.723999 -1196212.3713867294 + -6223865596.436626 = -6225061808.808013 -2232486104 + -5 = -2232486109 439757 + 67478060.18714692 = 67917817.18714692 -6966154400677 + 88908666896604 = 81942512495927 614.404801120741 + -96952920086716.72 = -96952920086102.31 -9982665846 + -753733959069 = -763716624915 -5810020566.350654 + -18403 = -5810038969.350654 10388424.577844096 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999989611575.42 4304106692479 + -71544763835.28778 = 4232561928643.7124 -131371662.80125846 + -8203.971819373532 = -131379866.77307783 -3406108324 + 182981 = -3405925343 -8 + 3907015692.4067388 = 3907015684.4067388 6434 + 13280 = 19714 5668406 + 59324089377077.85 = 59324095045483.85 -251 + -5754658765.65204 = -5754659016.65204 -57026289.94576367 + 7727181 = -49299108.94576367 6.472063744394969 + -7559.678928583021 = -7553.206864838626 964534252531.9843 + 377.19033419721745 = 964534252909.1746 -501.5059802315367 + -59238 = -59739.50598023154 25681738537.041695 + -100000000000000 = -99974318261462.95 70 + 9308622.429270443 = 9308692.429270443 -79881 + -106451427 = -106531308 100000000000000.0 + -66.07195636658061 = 99999999999933.92 533863696 + -945650.8355064136 = 532918045.16449356 -3590205738 + 1313045 = -3588892693 -40784927.30787897 + -88894396066417 = -88894436851344.31 82164483.46733944 + -1 = 82164482.46733944 1805.3446304347458 + -69237 = -67431.65536956525 -3820 + 53.56386399122462 = -3766.4361360087755 96 + 6974.414008068309 = 7070.414008068309 -7151083063024 + -27166 = -7151083090190 93862586539026.3 + -965895.383264625 = 93862585573130.9 330129035848.0284 + 665 = 330129036513.0284 13468788001750.059 + 254186 = 13468788255936.059 -362.6874560134217 + 18856038.155921355 = 18855675.468465343 9212181059307 + 1250026.034368634 = 9212182309333.035 851621 + 117355 = 968976 43547471631487 + -1135717325121 = 42411754306366 -100000000000000 + 1 = -99999999999999 -5.117416243618978 + -4280442 = -4280447.117416244 100000000000000 + -6.0881029713562995 = 99999999999993.9 -512322045777 + 57160 = -512321988617 -96.97093730984646 + 251061361.00371844 = 251061264.03278112 8775172810 + 89282 = 8775262092 -728356875.7377802 + -19723911 = -748080786.7377802 41474582.1716125 + 719457628056.6537 = 719499102638.8253 -5787430192146 + -206088051.9451884 = -5787636280197.945 70325 + -225818630960.90094 = -225818560635.90094 -60760679 + -711235128 = -771995807 -363058.3803776742 + 2.611862558594633 = -363055.7685151156 8441584985.227673 + -167113.78981425933 = 8441417871.437859 69.54300829983035 + -53.02487289652805 = 16.518135403302296 -16841707 + -22.1514898975562 = -16841729.1514899 3923028 + 130998150.49495713 = 134921178.49495715 100000000000000.0 + -4214946646357 = 95785053353643.0 9574175391645 + -2153485808587 = 7420689583058 46151527261839 + -63841374754 = 46087685887085 808540.3907823226 + -7.624156630450847 = 808532.7666256921 8129394 + 72360.96895055816 = 8201754.968950558 -64404906869.8243 + 3823 = -64404903046.8243 -17326 + -94081190.26607452 = -94098516.26607452 522770066.40851474 + 6 = 522770072.40851474 100000000000000.0 + 452205874.51982784 = 100000452205874.52 -122.05630115759666 + 443937915.9335064 = 443937793.87720525 11450.67824491359 + 1125710 = 1137160.6782449137 60.10736791857127 + -803.3429540131968 = -743.2355860946255 -9222546969.727837 + -6120.229085077947 = -9222553089.956923 -100000000000000.0 + -5610167 = -100000005610167.0 -62796 + 885601.8223011097 = 822805.8223011097 2704195821.8662214 + -90103.510100033 = 2704105718.3561215 -14931.234159407544 + 4.6447576256489285 = -14926.589401781896 -9.844630059232315 + 494642494746 = 494642494736.1554 -20921355511 + 7076 = -20921348435 -75487195833 + -75 = -75487195908 1052607 + -41827 = 1010780 -6960677533321.46 + 23965467.59537547 = -6960653567853.864 100000000000000 + 94 = 100000000000094 -6150875.9305766225 + 2204760769 = 2198609893.069423 661 + 11.651403193984265 = 672.6514031939843 2583398 + 56633319332.663246 = 56635902730.663246 88939 + -39688366.52736452 = -39599427.52736452 -4085633889 + -4106178022312 = -4110263656201 -56719696 + -3934462.87780205 = -60654158.87780205 -100000000000000.0 + 6749363405.100016 = -99993250636594.9 405811708879 + -8161 = 405811700718 -100000000000000 + 98993368601 = -99901006631399 -5788998831 + -432151432.57511884 = -6221150263.575119 -75336213238902 + -84710106057750 = -160046319296652 794181434.3303518 + -2238225663262 = -2237431481827.6694 -8650926908 + -100000000000000.0 = -100008650926908.0 -94582880.56296238 + -9430681.378965031 = -104013561.94192742 2324 + 58328307742 = 58328310066 66738119641666 + -23384.259796934115 = 66738119618281.74 -8930 + 45812555852.10781 = 45812546922.10781 -245145348.83004567 + 100000000000000 = 99999754854651.17 639350.5590721099 + -3767783518.818821 = -3767144168.259749 609 + 1425790084.850686 = 1425790693.850686 81838988641029.97 + 235184.00391487294 = 81838988876213.97 14801375013 + 100000000000000.0 = 100014801375013.0 -262 + 91939077963165 = 91939077962903 8824873380.808624 + -9081821 = 8815791559.808624 -7335870002224.225 + 567530653737 = -6768339348487.225 163.1045638798813 + -9003288661404 = -9003288661240.895 -100000000000000 + -524698.6613057381 = -100000000524698.66 81995208488010.61 + -59309135.22162234 = 81995149178875.39 1589.4098688903673 + -20698.67404618191 = -19109.26417729154 90270852949206.77 + 950828021983 = 91221680971189.77 -899334 + -7518144.034637443 = -8417478.034637444 -5291165 + -86293339443 = -86298630608 -4 + -6475.401041752723 = -6479.401041752723 682610852.1783361 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999317389147.83 -35143 + -97418788560.28792 = -97418823703.28792 78683991.93895355 + -55.440755543167924 = 78683936.498198 54277375 + 9.274846669822075 = 54277384.27484667 493903 + -83798883 = -83304980 -37.16844909137379 + 3113 = 3075.831550908626 -637191233 + 631 = -637190602 29720199305869 + 408885.6899313045 = 29720199714754.69 -36013619046713.56 + -49.987352107757175 = -36013619046763.55 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 100000000000000 + -910232.3529212478 = 99999999089767.64 100000000000000.0 + 960714966 = 100000960714966.0 -72039023342.63037 + -7866704381.544567 = -79905727724.17494 -250871572125 + -1 = -250871572126 43321722411.21648 + 239579256 = 43561301667.21648 -663545326 + 55132 = -663490194 -9702768527889.018 + 282 = -9702768527607.018 -174504 + -19952011819467 = -19952011993971 34 + 60 = 94 93.14670016870299 + 7323732.733699759 = 7323825.8803999275 -51364146705063.73 + 100000000000000.0 = 48635853294936.27 551747252.1224312 + 7.162377027197224 = 551747259.2848082 522451579 + -55448791338266 = -55448268886687 -75509347 + 68907.73294947622 = -75440439.26705052 -98397772771317.92 + -8535359344.2617855 = -98406308130662.19 62216.78378733669 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999937783.22 9995193548556.514 + 624201.470476354 = 9995194172757.984 806501271597 + 100000000000000.0 = 100806501271597.0 -4976 + 18726241670659 = 18726241665683 81588184112 + 316 = 81588184428 6189196047 + -7718.5601894738875 = 6189188328.439811 9563483251078 + -12820562974058 = -3257079722980 52767520 + -927580871.3343805 = -874813351.3343805 912.1509387467905 + -9867331 = -9866418.849061253 -868.0675317288433 + 745788509.258576 = 745787641.1910443 694363337104.588 + -3293299814283 = -2598936477178.412 -1600152.4624319482 + -853121627136.1512 = -853123227288.6136 77745086221 + 4361086491082 = 4438831577303 6882.117474532068 + -37.64572262824431 = 6844.471751903823 98536042743222 + 69.68408924114348 = 98536042743291.69 -6 + -3163579.3473846125 = -3163585.3473846125 -6.013923526585777 + -1411665.619481762 = -1411671.6334052884 39919162.230565555 + 401142207 = 441061369.23056555 465323589.3136257 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000465323589.31 -920.6444120461439 + 255385163 = 255384242.35558796 81096 + 76 = 81172 -163636.23650711353 + 12847419.66455822 = 12683783.428051107 281546 + -3.413877923050673 = 281542.58612207696 48637 + 100000000000000 = 100000000048637 -100000000000000.0 + 56775096965510.89 = -43224903034489.11 -18621947834.49907 + 640408 = -18621307426.49907 181530.8594116161 + -862501182205.4326 = -862501000674.5732 349.23269711981544 + -36.59183699577307 = 312.6408601240424 63879396.121055014 + -88.81288552866208 = 63879307.308169484 496638.15282629844 + 389831545 = 390328183.1528263 -8392.12547991344 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999991607.88 97069752.74138257 + -228194 = 96841558.74138257 85115211662.4813 + 4036793.712365171 = 85119248456.19366 -100000000000000 + -684091.2205630469 = -100000000684091.22 -457101018405 + -5663 = -457101024068 8983 + -56189828596113 = -56189828587130 -182921185.77889183 + -1410254690889 = -1410437612074.7788 -920.8825396266095 + -977 = -1897.8825396266095 -6138969935 + -57717279182 = -63856249117 7859.303574050872 + 554550.1034787234 = 562409.4070527743 -4586972 + 86837826236.97473 = 86833239264.97473 3749269257641.19 + 8664706 = 3749277922347.19 -4716214877 + 266006015.8023979 = -4450208861.197602 -36391.218634037694 + 868200279.0602103 = 868163887.8415763 -94525925603132.75 + 58.059667145071934 = -94525925603074.69 -450963.12537263834 + -56128217446321 = -56128217897284.125 21458705506229 + 2953.8002860485976 = 21458705509182.8 100000000000000 + -88415618853.59572 = 99911584381146.4 -25870.773683979744 + -7341 = -33211.77368397974 971364276580 + 31.054670044664622 = 971364276611.0547 -356 + -38 = -394 -6761.78530899305 + 300.94786328329604 = -6460.837445709754 -8 + 90626.36283973728 = 90618.36283973728 487333725 + 526974637970 = 527461971695 4473978.1635276545 + -765631134.6860803 = -761157156.5225527 -158.18764375369994 + -37039.50772561005 = -37197.69536936375 7927302.292085573 + -3355.831485270768 = 7923946.460600303 -16082738623 + 121 = -16082738502 297080008905 + 838975 = 297080847880 100000000000000 + -57863515814 = 99942136484186 -346.4274947770776 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000346.42 -2809403426594 + -8394 = -2809403434988 5542299061.04903 + -6828796312007 = -6823254012945.951 14180051367.692335 + 87175108679468 = 87189288730835.69 27960 + 9082331870.103893 = 9082359830.103893 -837707.4432925071 + -8377528.960271107 = -9215236.403563615 3709756272.6606994 + -47.492495954893656 = 3709756225.1682034 145366.51440639942 + -4015.876639607751 = 141350.63776679168 49124851555 + 631693 = 49125483248 -44202642496.16347 + 9630369217168 = 9586166574671.836 890824017 + -1.3399574863607102 = 890824015.6600425 -38592.28748979066 + -77437 = -116029.28748979066 -5549286 + -9 = -5549295 389849.256110946 + -8890652433206 = -8890652043356.744 655864326 + 7050227075210.308 = 7050882939536.308 -6363521 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999993636479.0 -1929141699179 + -777897.3634147481 = -1929142477076.3635 -82815077.17011766 + 45 = -82815032.17011766 100000000000000.0 + 70003366 = 100000070003366.0 -606211596 + 79763.5395612402 = -606131832.4604387 -5669 + 2376998773227 = 2376998767558 -479151754920 + -46628505168.908356 = -525780260088.9083 -87.25025469452429 + 60360382658.39252 = 60360382571.142265 -14679559385563 + 564854658.3257574 = -14678994530904.674 -5758.688952243429 + 5 = -5753.688952243429 -100000000000000.0 + 3597.2873727652773 = -99999999996402.72 19459914 + 3897523598 = 3916983512 -100000000000000.0 + -85196139.64968386 = -100000085196139.66 -45793279450666 + -100000000000000.0 = -145793279450666.0 485452.95642008155 + -672.8824801803846 = 484780.0739399012 -2054472144 + 5733980558.457399 = 3679508414.4573994 -7837925.6649902975 + 2435517736613 = 2435509898687.335 39191062 + 28151824579 = 28191015641 -43013848095145.19 + -83807.49438475116 = -43013848178952.68 31 + 95089076441.6264 = 95089076472.6264 -174 + 83.90194307653529 = -90.09805692346471 -60 + -80 = -140 970500200.9237106 + -3431636903.683353 = -2461136702.7596426 63 + 905698 = 905761 28021611.579339843 + -40.15702171577274 = 28021571.422318127 -10524.457895957596 + -9186069799434 = -9186069809958.457 -9490186 + 5067434 = -4422752 -72960614791.68445 + -148146095 = -73108760886.68445 -826701178 + -8532786881 = -9359488059 100000000000000.0 + 328989 = 100000000328989.0 -86 + -4078 = -4164 564703693.7562487 + -7512 = 564696181.7562487 9887977220.55816 + -9073704608920.898 = -9063816631700.34 -968848.1780362227 + 5207244.251329408 = 4238396.073293185 -94500 + -7.531097124240555 = -94507.53109712424 -100000000000000 + 34439884809 = -99965560115191 -692492759816.6891 + -826799279.0596098 = -693319559095.7487 52431377324 + 383 = 52431377707 -988195945996.5181 + 5266 = -988195940730.5181 -87370 + 574352.2957450994 = 486982.2957450994 -71.23533756674946 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999928.77 37 + 2 = 39 -753.5097197559265 + 27557633 = 27556879.490280244 -468850.3129071772 + -61190896022952 = -61190896491802.31 27535328918 + -2.2712503905257146 = 27535328915.72875 -792086780 + 21537724 = -770549056 -978.1810296067353 + -1015775827 = -1015776805.1810296 -33895.98118544712 + -4137.752598165764 = -38033.733783612886 509698 + -4.299761195098975 = 509693.7002388049 91656068.94508232 + 66770703143176.91 = 66770794799245.85 37222.796558988484 + 10374263274403.48 = 10374263311626.277 -29567 + -8408270.662648449 = -8437837.662648449 -623481852 + 4366861624 = 3743379772 2054195972962.2754 + -430773204 = 2053765199758.2754 -367749192 + 45504.862039113454 = -367703687.1379609 73494879965 + -68479026912.33923 = 5015853052.660767 -13.226346903289127 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999986.78 48.05767199227314 + 557.8612832869503 = 605.9189552792235 -100000000000000 + 6709601379604.807 = -93290398620395.19 100000000000000.0 + -2334104555683.0967 = 97665895444316.9 7 + -4325554.627030972 = -4325547.627030972 -73.09396566069805 + 511 = 437.906034339302 -100000000000000 + 3178552238117.37 = -96821447761882.62 -40516054423758.734 + -44723 = -40516054468481.734 620.4164863241683 + 760502883 = 760503503.4164864 173.89318058975584 + 5209279414.00428 = 5209279587.897461 -69585047261 + 122522099518 = 52937052257 -100000000000000.0 + -6 = -100000000000006.0 5052555307344.696 + -1517481679 = 5051037825665.696 90070230 + 520120.30949308886 = 90590350.3094931 -966 + 5950432390.883619 = 5950431424.883619 -50291109016979.29 + 7.785085636711996 = -50291109016971.51 97 + 8974372899 = 8974372996 -3.7325018507166674 + 684120 = 684116.2674981493 263729635 + -100000000000000 = -99999736270365 31157324 + -179.8769456618624 = 31157144.123054337 7576335102718.962 + -56324125663 = 7520010977055.962 -100000000000000.0 + -771.1363219852816 = -100000000000771.14 -5 + 34887938208888.75 = 34887938208883.75 -1228 + -34421795.566021904 = -34423023.566021904 -3 + -952118689 = -952118692 80670201351851 + -14810246046227.37 = 65859955305623.63 30551649494 + -449485016175.17395 = -418933366681.17395 33142064664.513065 + -65737024.46422701 = 33076327640.04884 492400983 + 255394.58584041512 = 492656377.5858404 -98.46959782082978 + -7820709262509.415 = -7820709262607.885 5950638907947.509 + -5972 = 5950638901975.509 4122347811 + -1177.7575540317555 = 4122346633.242446 3123564617126.199 + 42065177340.760056 = 3165629794466.9595 95 + -349607612141.35583 = -349607612046.35583 -5512.764028098462 + -2508841 = -2514353.7640280984 -100000000000000.0 + -89562201929 = -100089562201929.0 -399546772 + -828125217 = -1227671989 231351 + 34457870889597 = 34457871120948 -6207263.634963911 + -5640208205991.699 = -5640214413255.334 -7 + 96968420045 = 96968420038 -835.2918872483295 + 859 = 23.708112751670456 65818369.49065613 + -3 = 65818366.49065613 845.0875129435208 + 4727409268844.77 = 4727409269689.857 137751627479.2335 + -219270.68815650177 = 137751408208.54532 -3285.8782204952226 + 4013511.6858572117 = 4010225.8076367164 -7281091402949.8955 + -4228960.166644234 = -7281095631910.0625 -3280243.6926576537 + -100000000000000 = -100000003280243.69 -100000000000000.0 + -265515186883.90244 = -100265515186883.9 81227913.13952127 + 83691627 = 164919540.13952127 3377011693.4038258 + -614.8726718266222 = 3377011078.531154 296 + 59974205222 = 59974205518 632367328 + 443389023111 = 444021390439 6358992 + 246320.43817805676 = 6605312.438178057 835451 + -922538.3295337384 = -87087.32953373843 -3.582780422523682 + -96897 = -96900.58278042253 88747 + -44267497302 = -44267408555 604.2425336334686 + 9 = 613.2425336334686 -6.198292639223518 + -3 = -9.198292639223517 -44499963890.4843 + -18322 = -44499982212.4843 -678612255119.3989 + 40001142647870 = 39322530392750.6 -100000000000000 + 71871555928 = -99928128444072 100000000000000 + -6118 = 99999999993882 4486076.715637405 + 91564 = 4577640.715637405 -30 + -1219997005760 = -1219997005790 100000000000000 + 3265869.362796947 = 100000003265869.36 125261619757 + 94758120 = 125356377877 3230450697.1462216 + -4.5202465951004385 = 3230450692.625975 61 + -937575 = -937514 -5631002 + 78517074380498 = 78517068749496 -61 + 4186723 = 4186662 2033 + -100000000000000 = -99999999997967 -100000000000000 + -427466 = -100000000427466 731293123212.3232 + -7158 = 731293116054.3232 9237089088.291862 + -232472 = 9236856616.291862 6254 + 8230688603025 = 8230688609279 60277365380125.555 + 98.18919048301989 = 60277365380223.74 -24021198377130.0 + -141988376339 = -24163186753469.0 6 + 458792054071.7897 = 458792054077.7897 -9.343541371734036 + -45 = -54.343541371734034 21050462.764831483 + 528396816428.15546 = 528417866890.9203 -9.635637714054145 + -596509143322.8348 = -596509143332.4705 -4941200924 + 63075077276836.984 = 63070136075912.984 -453042 + 8100501758337.575 = 8100501305295.575 -8137899416.0419445 + -67041307 = -8204940723.0419445 -100000000000000.0 + 58513723299520 = -41486276700480.0 82361916626 + -7417296024352 = -7334934107726 -5766354619 + -455860200.88434345 = -6222214819.884343 -491073 + 58927517 = 58436444 59459 + -19890.835659705917 = 39568.16434029408 44671.39580481739 + 185109908663 = 185109953334.3958 -46109097871.757225 + -318 = -46109098189.757225 84 + -2 = 82 1 + 5521378.209503679 = 5521379.209503679 -2175611079231.424 + 97971158494898.55 = 95795547415667.12 -36845061615.506836 + 2287153505.49689 = -34557908110.00995 63 + -19075373 = -19075310 -47871058234471.71 + -7 = -47871058234478.71 83006.52249963215 + -6131664 = -6048657.477500368 -63356.465999449676 + 706758609805.3273 = 706758546448.8613 -91316927193.96054 + -406795 = -91317333988.96054 7384 + -161616767.85576445 = -161609383.85576445 6259211 + 9818031 = 16077242 36472 + -143197 = -106725 -25174.68982679932 + -7919469634644 = -7919469659818.689 -139290302 + 100000000000000 = 99999860709698 -5 + 22825 = 22820 431513.68901990866 + 2683078217438.3047 = 2683078648951.9937 -53593.57128269963 + -480752.0701425821 = -534345.6414252818 -100000000000000 + -1448514610 = -100001448514610 -172035402.04777825 + 163.9035510667838 = -172035238.14422718 1 + 660186.0213833444 = 660187.0213833444 6572025593 + 182253 = 6572207846 6868833837469 + 37195991093 = 6906029828562 789 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000789 -83.2281250769326 + -771652 = -771735.228125077 -22224047151 + 70110305734584.766 = 70088081687433.766 603029033 + 230085.67534494697 = 603259118.675345 5676472298325 + 2.573727202322793 = 5676472298327.573 -3 + -9832446609.60501 = -9832446612.60501 17.931572051341195 + 5539056.612419037 = 5539074.543991089 13463 + -883853.0057299349 = -870390.0057299349 24.554192242132324 + -520360 = -520335.44580775785 77859757050463.73 + 100000000000000.0 = 177859757050463.75 2151 + 42152726 = 42154877 5314 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000005314.0 -863687 + 38 = -863649 43005.372312384075 + -83292639.00559567 = -83249633.63328329 9011.299427034777 + -8574.8840586767 = 436.4153683580771 -4939699103727 + 731552978 = -4938967550749 -5915691744 + 567762.3074991757 = -5915123981.692501 1503.8897369569963 + -638639298 = -638637794.110263 -82880263.68767413 + 2 = -82880261.68767413 239202227846 + 816.6647482792355 = 239202228662.66473 9964 + 83266723899026 = 83266723908990 -7988 + 330876186 = 330868198 28.758101310439923 + -2821289.5982820373 = -2821260.8401807267 -93836613.26883812 + -8352 = -93844965.26883812 -2922537125341 + -82057792032 = -3004594917373 33.31136232901038 + -8.9649689991619 = 24.34639332984848 -52269398 + 62292884298361.07 = 62292832028963.07 100000000000000.0 + 98486852810465.1 = 198486852810465.1 715.5616083249757 + 478.14485578187316 = 1193.706464106849 -100000000000000 + -9313480304.529064 = -100009313480304.53 6526305623504 + -15586879829.451859 = 6510718743674.548 795350 + -92.44935083845776 = 795257.5506491616 -770998371025 + -19133 = -770998390158 9.5703402841379 + -2901197 = -2901187.429659716 -65 + 58467 = 58402 100000000000000 + 7925513738 = 100007925513738 -1530219713 + -27.635201241868952 = -1530219740.6352012 -73 + 4 = -69 91212938425567 + -8483385378.979013 = 91204455040188.02 88.40707220176051 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999911.6 4460166059 + 61404121950 = 65864288009 -7226299475.018616 + 38205645 = -7188093830.018616 79053 + -70999944174078 = -70999944095025 596612 + -54932928435797 = -54932927839185 28 + -6431891.556406182 = -6431863.556406182 17678 + -1546009 = -1528331 9.548673248086134 + 364157013 = 364157022.5486733 567 + 71375580657.14034 = 71375581224.14034 6432684040.008413 + -7467591591514 = -7461158907473.991 14648345183672 + 9 = 14648345183681 -100000000000000.0 + -5994 = -100000000005994.0 1385030384176 + -892171546969 = 492858837207 736037991 + -21223858230.87764 = -20487820239.87764 -947132319257.7245 + -582900 = -947132902157.7245 5812 + 100000000000000 = 100000000005812 -1600386008330.0369 + -100000000000000.0 = -101600386008330.03 7720711875.45911 + 588.6599165815064 = 7720712464.119027 461 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000461 -655856 + 51301804864454 = 51301804208598 110172563341 + -318384649479 = -208212086138 613430512.9177337 + 397820860581 = 398434291093.9177 -5247141945.629936 + 297771093745.2543 = 292523951799.6243 -8375179885354.402 + -558393.7456178346 = -8375180443748.148 -9994449754 + 770.2216095028786 = -9994448983.77839 -1107331539119.2747 + -3.261302038640119 = -1107331539122.536 4700807874 + 5837 = 4700813711 1183410.1441795938 + 8130.582722262751 = 1191540.7269018565 -9390409879687.977 + -824614807199 = -10215024686886.977 443029.4210915544 + -9209.981532503854 = 433819.43955905054 9129504803209.95 + -9100062370 = 9120404740839.95 27080385 + 1945 = 27082330 4574083705449 + 2555066769.187476 = 4576638772218.1875 83992 + -165807225356.09546 = -165807141364.09546 825143663663.327 + -6600214523192 = -5775070859528.673 6202899 + -959.6230177359681 = 6201939.376982264 -9 + -7.908495543037814 = -16.908495543037816 271 + 80.41935319689995 = 351.4193531968999 -4.79982344696724 + -4017 = -4021.7998234469674 -288578 + -7704323.7066716775 = -7992901.7066716775 -171970560.02711725 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999828029439.97 -284936135909.38745 + -9161594623.469398 = -294097730532.8569 -100000000000000 + 7090332291 = -99992909667709 -100000000000000 + 9836.907855284251 = -99999999990163.1 33.93191485288531 + 49981 = 50014.93191485289 -327451808217.5229 + 976207957 = -326475600260.5229 751.6577426136154 + 8415932456536.879 = 8415932457288.537 -28854162013774 + -253268425 = -28854415282199 415063 + 23180 = 438243 100000000000000.0 + -93870856074510.88 = 6129143925489.125 209450.84053295525 + -4204216978 = -4204007527.159467 3826 + 985167.1756263075 = 988993.1756263075 -5263 + 9205234522643.715 = 9205234517380.715 84269190.99700814 + 726539119.4563448 = 810808310.4533529 -67203047387.44866 + -8909965735 = -76113013122.44867 -599637.3323585492 + -6.562088064640696 = -599643.8944466138 -1803099122849 + -19266139.62308439 = -1803118388988.623 90129034834769 + 478633.2396915766 = 90129035313402.23 9734435655780.053 + -99636176866.09566 = 9634799478913.957 -8435592.731460337 + 3978 = -8431614.731460337 -8788920715836.521 + -823192210010.2593 = -9612112925846.781 378607986828 + -3528865166424.6504 = -3150257179596.6504 -439113320733.60425 + -1410788578758.0952 = -1849901899491.6995 -57358 + 96407 = 39049 69918660453665.18 + -65690.69004922423 = 69918660387974.49 -907636.3742449484 + -89 = -907725.3742449484 -48439018.803682216 + 26122340.575548984 = -22316678.22813323 -100000000000000 + 42887995635 = -99957112004365 4413984430115 + 353113894701.9724 = 4767098324816.973 -26.706188296582507 + 343238.85825514124 = 343212.15206684463 -704 + -24 = -728 -2299836629431 + -83.54927994443275 = -2299836629514.5493 189560156891.30624 + 78.64831284274466 = 189560156969.95456 -100000000000000.0 + -695830 = -100000000695830.0 916 + -64305427365 = -64305426449 93 + 631328130 = 631328223 -54 + 2257 = 2203 -100000000000000 + -6138621912344 = -106138621912344 9489 + 428650024150.9815 = 428650033639.9815 100000000000000 + -7310706 = 99999992689294 7876 + 1594732.3025633863 = 1602608.3025633863 -25.32993521417203 + 6.400289795692291 = -18.929645418479737 -4093.644748080197 + -54011607773548 = -54011607777641.65 -305554 + -3391 = -308945 16506042306649 + 100000000000000 = 116506042306649 -3231196050293 + 49240504660630.82 = 46009308610337.82 641419 + -8921908865647.453 = -8921908224228.453 -92557635544040.86 + 1718921798232 = -90838713745808.86 -5871.0962597902535 + 16447 = 10575.903740209746 8419160074 + -9815647113639 = -9807227953565 69.83793419028856 + 988 = 1057.8379341902885 4733.23531554568 + -496.0910991413177 = 4237.144216404363 568430 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000568430.0 -268889 + 8654738 = 8385849 -6 + 495802770.20014673 = 495802764.20014673 -417994423.8747415 + 547345 = -417447078.8747415 -58 + 920213854.7209766 = 920213796.7209766 -513.4142942959134 + 5855981002.619419 = 5855980489.205125 -8031.45555056703 + 709222212 = 709214180.5444494 61360223.44553656 + 21851916176 = 21913276399.445538 -13005573761 + 81978922752686.27 = 81965917178925.27 903 + -8 = 895 -70041143257145 + -4.971379261204796 = -70041143257149.97 7288170246907.979 + -1520239332 = 7286650007575.979 -4 + 3521873170887 = 3521873170883 -308653177.02576923 + 1098 = -308652079.02576923 4.347328077288537 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000004.34 56823 + -39142389.541313894 = -39085566.541313894 -21175.007162195376 + 720025103 = 720003927.9928378 -53 + -276835742 = -276835795 -2630 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000002630.0 -929326511.0869395 + -50159036185555.18 = -50159965512066.266 39 + 9991918521620.21 = 9991918521659.21 -9451727607.95683 + 9453930 = -9442273677.95683 506918.3656184092 + -128172 = 378746.3656184092 -8021 + 71499156767707 = 71499156759686 5813459132.214104 + -60821042712927 = -60815229253794.79 -7130642 + 6077.6181965706955 = -7124564.38180343 -60.27813690470331 + -338548889260 = -338548889320.27814 307544.30279819353 + -97072977878.21123 = -97072670333.90843 100000000000000.0 + -5037315777415.15 = 94962684222584.84 78460337.48542872 + 1 = 78460338.48542872 -8.077377658322346 + -96887063035 = -96887063043.07738 854033262169 + 74605 = 854033336774 100000000000000 + 10691107910.130651 = 100010691107910.12 29737.69968951503 + 860975538.8631598 = 861005276.5628493 1049544775500.9974 + -3380063048514.8125 = -2330518273013.815 -3809917992079.4873 + 357632602710.22034 = -3452285389369.267 -710298212 + -4305550185 = -5015848397 9008290 + 189761.5755382536 = 9198051.575538253 799275.633771302 + 4709277825 = 4710077100.633771 50 + 226929 = 226979 -1271804738.881813 + -5728753784783 = -5730025589521.882 2 + -8 = -6 45564313983 + -100000000000000 = -99954435686017 86538083.86052775 + 982873.1468008199 = 87520957.00732857 -513051644573.57904 + -648959 = -513052293532.57904 -503759714.6270163 + 16669410821 = 16165651106.372984 53465 + 6.592836951732857 = 53471.592836951735 5908 + 26 = 5934 -553 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999447 -8905836104.52015 + -825096.9988987476 = -8906661201.519049 78005242593768 + 9858849057.161005 = 78015101442825.16 7548444003.553667 + -99593 = 7548344410.553667 2691317314 + -30582.10459299451 = 2691286731.895407 8315404270 + -61542484458.14262 = -53227080188.14262 90684086504.55688 + -518493.5708157349 = 90683568010.98607 89074383381.24709 + 455.81854838582564 = 89074383837.06563 48.931717714616546 + -104083 = -104034.06828228539 9133373093697.49 + -63475.5608379242 = 9133373030221.93 -3972 + -26175 = -30147 -75.54183597151157 + -343586.4550536949 = -343661.9968896664 27906086752796 + 4349781660932 = 32255868413728 11355201 + -80681668620.46088 = -80670313419.46088 -3 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000003.0 100000000000000 + 2653376153 = 100002653376153 -24074031 + -8087726434.2983465 = -8111800465.2983465 794289521343 + -66876 = 794289454467 19980966.103310287 + 5773458045218.624 = 5773478026184.728 -3.2419593845910617 + -6024490 = -6024493.241959385 -5725153.823154746 + -13636035032813.17 = -13636040757966.992 401 + -7429256389772.453 = -7429256389371.453 -7013011095391.107 + 34.847830595142455 = -7013011095356.26 100000000000000 + 2806727 = 100000002806727 -30223442.535795208 + 578469005.1808207 = 548245562.6450255 52408157308237 + -1474.9636043333758 = 52408157306762.04 258728 + 853997027 = 854255755 539946145.2778122 + 34351002 = 574297147.2778122 748647317197 + 27141500 = 748674458697 -616901.8310159311 + -440704.1364880578 = -1057605.9675039889 27.360699763127553 + -952640651848 = -952640651820.6393 -3662215996144 + 12451 = -3662215983693 -722181257 + 3807619254915.8486 = 3806897073658.8486 -747394404441 + -7185.885350041453 = -747394411626.8854 122933.64322259145 + -810374232764 = -810374109830.3568 521210.34892921336 + 9 = 521219.34892921336 98395675164.95299 + 4 = 98395675168.95299 -7294 + -37452412273541 = -37452412280835 2924 + -16449605224.164867 = -16449602300.164867 602595706 + 68.639106996926 = 602595774.639107 100000000000000 + 998929.8288909964 = 100000000998929.83 8188589 + -4 = 8188585 -4581669.0666302545 + -21.941568189001018 = -4581691.008198444 -60389476762500 + -11.126656923781965 = -60389476762511.125 -1353.1555772356546 + -85718948872382 = -85718948873735.16 829043677.3185561 + 91033603088490 = 91034432132167.31 -3532490245 + 4444163283678 = 4440630793433 -843663695.2717432 + -611982046.2634034 = -1455645741.5351467 100000000000000 + -9.821831905794877 = 99999999999990.17 480.8844224907955 + 924029082046 = 924029082526.8844 80524333977017.61 + 9564199924 = 80533898176941.61 756511060508 + 5220545380 = 761731605888 -728 + -61935.274986204204 = -62663.274986204204 -13135690383.46379 + 19246596053778 = 19233460363394.535 -358491.689862139 + -80811716.34392473 = -81170208.03378686 -9486301114 + 28904.62266821664 = -9486272209.377333 689771 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999310229.0 -959 + -98288993303 = -98288994262 -20.506275841871016 + -3.1444545448651513 = -23.650730386736168 80688 + 3879 = 84567 6.08346301192737 + -6 = 0.08346301192737027 100000000000000.0 + -84637306.28318961 = 99999915362693.72 5249713912947 + 65316185360206 = 70565899273153 -2025089671777 + -212758.32371940388 = -2025089884535.3237 -45 + 373051248354.7351 = 373051248309.7351 46 + -6440940686154 = -6440940686108 -1379147.7851461566 + 43.784459464330915 = -1379104.0006866923 -25523.743654663187 + -19180395.449651614 = -19205919.19330628 3295 + -180 = 3115 -61 + -9268146077.787083 = -9268146138.787083 64490645342470 + -100000000000000.0 = -35509354657530.0 -38 + 3068853710007.3735 = 3068853709969.3735 -100000000000000 + -696796333888.4617 = -100696796333888.47 557813897043 + 97456877479 = 655270774522 34737925778474.72 + -154.53807261176848 = 34737925778320.18 17256 + 2 = 17258 1757.5555393033658 + -21509026 = -21507268.444460697 -51839685 + 1551572329864.9333 = 1551520490179.9333 -6.213193653295802 + -60984 = -60990.2131936533 -681 + 825.3287032948266 = 144.3287032948266 -100000000000000.0 + -248892448 = -100000248892448.0 49580.275925162285 + -741404313096 = -741404263515.7241 -296045.88312630606 + -2903489823002 = -2903490119047.8833 76630896987.72552 + -8.13405847121569 = 76630896979.59146 991.655525016766 + 198330313608 = 198330314599.65552 -197.60128949452388 + 139530412.4087883 = 139530214.8074988 292.0561381132111 + 1405249.6302351973 = 1405541.6863733104 -58488923464.38921 + -74833578820927 = -74892067744391.39 13273.382642647935 + 42243929812.584564 = 42243943085.96721 -8651546883 + 878095004004.096 = 869443457121.096 -822681.0103466052 + -51 = -822732.0103466052 -6963.547034161673 + -9944.468858142733 = -16908.015892304407 -6662336.528776845 + -27048861.553216614 = -33711198.08199346 -5831.3582878100715 + -7346769188.835902 = -7346775020.19419 5427994 + -68363313.96837336 = -62935319.96837336 331908625959.97784 + 4845.168181408233 = 331908630805.146 13730.828836924498 + -100000000000000 = -99999999986269.17 -31802275 + 7304191.454799724 = -24498083.545200277 -265.4138651164991 + -18598429.9612218 = -18598695.375086915 100000000000000.0 + 58343166158.48595 = 100058343166158.48 -5261 + 70.75065552791249 = -5190.249344472088 485164 + -378113808459.5888 = -378113323295.5888 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = 0.0 1 + 518 = 519 15936478241092.176 + -1 = 15936478241091.176 4617370594421.088 + -86 = 4617370594335.088 405261.78341846215 + 3.9631685298208206 = 405265.74658699194 -7226311 + -5398682800190.472 = -5398690026501.472 100000000000000.0 + 256894733068 = 100256894733068.0 9333435682771.11 + -8956 = 9333435673815.11 -100000000000000 + -6081848618 = -100006081848618 -7317042 + 453794947 = 446477905 -3 + -37939756866.37818 = -37939756869.37818 -4120295009 + -433699781.9857896 = -4553994790.985789 -35493 + -47046651910 = -47046687403 -94969010555657.22 + -5.108904694141575 = -94969010555662.33 1643.0484131114545 + 79591 = 81234.04841311145 5411731550670 + 77541 = 5411731628211 8811836869795.664 + -45228 = 8811836824567.664 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 -44094.16209703468 + 1991 = -42103.16209703468 6836983 + 988850875995.0613 = 988857712978.0613 -4804058.63324578 + -832721 = -5636779.63324578 97521.46917244921 + 96475573.74924801 = 96573095.21842046 -98787956163398.31 + -592732661.6217337 = -98788548896059.94 100000000000000 + -416833736.230199 = 99999583166263.77 927.1393472215755 + -3263033.559848306 = -3262106.420501084 -10036001 + -100000000000000 = -100000010036001 -353.04681360237964 + -305683.8791232823 = -306036.9259368847 -8550 + -100000000000000 = -100000000008550 19625018.946288314 + -38.89195912411435 = 19624980.05432919 -7927.359377607832 + 100000000000000 = 99999999992072.64 -846.5096737999061 + 4984.002233403904 = 4137.4925596039975 96059889312188.86 + -29044 = 96059889283144.86 -308092869757 + -1677839492911 = -1985932362668 -377899 + 370565737 = 370187838 -763.8605123761389 + -8403234.541842218 = -8403998.402354594 78 + -378856.2792511813 = -378778.2792511813 19252601.89378705 + -2898 = 19249703.89378705 -47 + -91031 = -91078 9511377231968 + 100000000000000.0 = 109511377231968.0 36070244594.63379 + -100000000000000 = -99963929755405.36 -5 + 297097 = 297092 51075237115732.77 + -25678064.388724435 = 51075211437668.38 -813132547 + 882 = -813131665 -5.87569651559399 + -76 = -81.87569651559399 942626656.3477418 + 8335552573196 = 8336495199852.348 6798542138 + -100000000000000.0 = -99993201457862.0 5075600.424439814 + 6809 = 5082409.424439814 3165.368167512882 + -99265.0860689829 = -96099.71790147002 -46.826222555996 + 524658 = 524611.173777444 -59956750475968.625 + -92469811 = -59956842945779.625 3064830952 + 172656209.01980653 = 3237487161.0198064 60 + -849444.3483376832 = -849384.3483376832 6309939.196739769 + -8627.624005874886 = 6301311.572733894 1.3424221422674933 + -51038105630870.67 = -51038105630869.33 -994 + -962310701431.8944 = -962310702425.8944 -6371013220 + -599216 = -6371612436 -664242.9999870008 + -3192432.958199244 = -3856675.9581862446 169.26503522740342 + 4 = 173.26503522740342 100000000000000.0 + -8708993877099 = 91291006122901.0 -614087231045.2269 + -53308980139256 = -53923067370301.23 -2614979653.7607393 + 8446297757653 = 8443682777999.239 149992002 + 283878237002 = 284028229004 6 + 9 = 15 -385710.9192783409 + 24758065950.82788 = 24757680239.908604 3 + -1803563309 = -1803563306 9 + 45132915787687 = 45132915787696 -5.960419652061988 + -9.159705424723315 = -15.120125076785303 92730508.12645254 + 87969464517.04898 = 88062195025.17543 -3498316460369.1846 + -3.7869511818006387 = -3498316460372.9717 3665487859.0428815 + 36468228327139 = 36471893814998.04 65.70266931475412 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999934.3 578494326174.95 + -46 = 578494326128.95 -31187179117730 + -152188 = -31187179269918 9833218.950141309 + -4.921899393476003 = 9833214.028241916 -9.803290212290092 + -262343836 = -262343845.80329022 573055557.4943044 + -85690 = 572969867.4943044 -6289.579248844179 + 100000000000000 = 99999999993710.42 -100000000000000 + -95381.41004699486 = -100000000095381.4 -23552301979212.2 + 196.9648210835426 = -23552301979015.234 100000000000000.0 + 6242607 = 100000006242607.0 -28979071105914.992 + -100000000000000 = -128979071105915.0 35368072328952 + 32605.25568707896 = 35368072361557.26 -4 + -646173142 = -646173146 -74994622 + -730747.9090997154 = -75725369.90909971 823022255420 + -12085163410 = 810937092010 -91348673233.60205 + 573231353135.09 = 481882679901.4879 45705008660 + -100000000000000 = -99954294991340 -860273270 + 38590961169736.18 = 38590100896466.18 -59142116209771 + -100000000000000.0 = -159142116209771.0 -345289.22794452426 + -96247715042097 = -96247715387386.23 -100000000000000.0 + -17726802.526119433 = -100000017726802.53 515452678758.4401 + -3499685634934 = -2984232956175.56 6337394404.901333 + -957344899 = 5380049505.901333 -100000000000000.0 + 1369644.2666474648 = -99999998630355.73 -1178 + 2411370491 = 2411369313 6537 + -44497851.52098849 = -44491314.52098849 845665 + 726453826338.3501 = 726454672003.3501 -594707981651 + 23 = -594707981628 89364391214.62697 + 42585431.17448547 = 89406976645.80145 702322.8441840409 + -7089028749.845656 = -7088326427.001472 -6 + 440.5179825627297 = 434.5179825627297 9079918725.7673 + 7457747275 = 16537666000.7673 -3026 + -2618517 = -2621543 -858.8413071998274 + -99600 = -100458.84130719982 -894 + 81 = -813 -2584.5992131837 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999997415.4 -451552 + -2.2884793153286442 = -451554.28847931535 5.806804061077722 + -9.869662774574259 = -4.062858713496537 272878613.72330034 + 75248230461.92789 = 75521109075.65118 29214 + -416697751397.6678 = -416697722183.6678 638 + 560841 = 561479 549 + 2.081706667041357 = 551.0817066670413 -668.8364402176776 + -85058058772720 = -85058058773388.84 145725819661 + -59132988279586 = -58987262459925 -572597132387 + 48012337071657 = 47439739939270 966392.3595651864 + -818643.992077004 = 147748.36748818238 2.998579081916951 + -973828327184 = -973828327181.0015 349465.0530527358 + 4125760358 = 4126109823.053053 -8690010 + -2 = -8690012 994179 + -71510 = 922669 -736.6884136597965 + 78371059 = 78370322.31158634 100000000000000.0 + -9445283162173 = 90554716837827.0 127310559.37769952 + -2382 = 127308177.37769952 -641 + -1.9417781819207924 = -642.9417781819208 -20702484305231 + 3463098883476 = -17239385421755 -5707325933 + 5326006 = -5701999927 -7802.469951826672 + 88150330494 = 88150322691.53004 50547725850 + 521 = 50547726371 -593424255.0521348 + 2836894792380.964 = 2836301368125.9116 34276 + -3586.407019870265 = 30689.592980129735 -37726966623230 + 8455465.650881764 = -37726958167764.35 6.028701414715834 + -169.88011014566555 = -163.85140873094971 100000000000000.0 + 751.6297996184526 = 100000000000751.62 100000000000000 + 907670939.2812968 = 100000907670939.28 27862 + 107256.57323977372 = 135118.57323977372 649577 + 4962 = 654539 -510729170604.48645 + -97514024627828.95 = -98024753798433.44 -953 + 311495721 = 311494768 289.2004112246557 + 53 = 342.2004112246557 7930199164597.98 + -49269791 = 7930149894806.98 -48 + -93000971407088 = -93000971407136 -589001925173 + -20550.502073873897 = -589001945723.5021 -399 + -36.710158994155734 = -435.71015899415573 82124347 + -881951799 = -799827452 2140 + 91814463.55103086 = 91816603.55103086 226.57167414900346 + 8806545165733.125 = 8806545165959.697 -100000000000000.0 + 6947.6323938296055 = -99999999993052.38 -1772191 + -3380224 = -5152415 907033175.4169358 + 8474 = 907041649.4169358 -2874550834916 + -805182587156 = -3679733422072 -75.78586012125095 + 235.9179431619084 = 160.13208304065745 3974576868318 + -11935.7879168625 = 3974576856382.212 -70948044.92317158 + 7896604776.204133 = 7825656731.280961 613766.6495175045 + 1366320593.2908323 = 1366934359.9403498 -45441001516.76158 + -6425866 = -45447427382.76158 -9 + -842761.6034756933 = -842770.6034756933 32.182061712393605 + 5605266217433 = 5605266217465.182 -209222217.52784374 + 86875444806.8272 = 86666222589.29935 85 + 614789.5188817971 = 614874.5188817971 -7345410 + -1711956 = -9057366 34688133959 + -100000000000000 = -99965311866041 58897447868093 + 100000000000000 = 158897447868093 7249252389372.596 + -72486161 = 7249179903211.596 1722337.0430177068 + -3044472.309432407 = -1322135.2664147 4114608 + 757172927804.9026 = 757177042412.9026 -6051623 + 91.53584320426069 = -6051531.464156795 -705586.7325710804 + 379850914.0324129 = 379145327.2998418 -236 + 16 = -220 -52.88949805572603 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999947.11 -36.08570570741311 + -69833 = -69869.08570570742 -7.065844702268243 + 4841831742.632795 = 4841831735.566951 64 + -23 = 41 -5380737.991964356 + -4934512164792.232 = -4934517545530.225 6.452682091520955 + 3468824675 = 3468824681.452682 89.05769497399467 + -67.76369244010787 = 21.294002533886797 -805 + 713737530.6288941 = 713736725.6288941 -763.4182292973018 + 500027633534.20447 = 500027632770.78625 7 + 407.66014151089627 = 414.66014151089627 -1488.482676968007 + -177627.03226416907 = -179115.51494113708 -3954 + -6441804211798.005 = -6441804215752.005 8548290159.653135 + -72534219965.32924 = -63985929805.6761 -27658518 + 84458110335.54846 = 84430451817.54846 -77 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999923.0 -31095571622 + -344.6778152290534 = -31095571966.677814 30483 + -598086.2263283553 = -567603.2263283553 -2.48097313984616 + -58 = -60.48097313984616 58722198.00202885 + -3200 = 58718998.00202885 -100000000000000 + 26786368845807.742 = -73213631154192.25 -3453037 + 38163370140480 = 38163366687443 -4 + 57426067712.43061 = 57426067708.43061 6.260690862195153 + 2037730363.371346 = 2037730369.632037 -299986414.7734326 + 834352.9915116086 = -299152061.781921 -2187795 + -4895734.002618212 = -7083529.002618212 -4513693048 + 47931855 = -4465761193 -79683798.92085575 + -2107517064244 = -2107596748042.921 39567721997 + -61665.713791727234 = 39567660331.28621 74852796387242 + 51757395 = 74852848144637 82745430008.10631 + 244757414.53465518 = 82990187422.64096 -100000000000000 + 375066123669 = -99624933876331 38868710.19308674 + -28192896614 = -28154027903.80691 1347498554.4935927 + -3071603380433.2827 = -3070255881878.789 -7118161793887.939 + -8544805914573.704 = -15662967708461.645 -772406.8189115488 + -736408 = -1508814.8189115487 -70368435 + 13678082834504.78 = 13678012466069.78 873031263 + -100000000000000 = -99999126968737 768134 + -549 = 767585 9765542.166205794 + 91052290907016.75 = 91052300672558.92 -59133.730036081986 + 7276.071556476988 = -51857.658479605 5871798333285 + 50993554 = 5871849326839 219 + -43819.27214985556 = -43600.27214985556 62452 + -5828957181069.83 = -5828957118617.83 627882355278 + -13658.921150381486 = 627882341619.0789 -620390 + -887505585 = -888125975 -100000000000000 + 5103047640 = -99994896952360 -7658878 + 8243260986.901698 = 8235602108.901698 -22759920351715 + 37 = -22759920351678 -2 + -75413 = -75415 -94 + -861681685 = -861681779 163737907101 + -100000000000000.0 = -99836262092899.0 3 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000003.0 -204.16374486198032 + 1.0345996650620726 = -203.12914519691824 -785885473079 + 3876867 = -785881596212 -8356.8458009117 + 694829427226 = 694829418869.1542 355889137.1734588 + -546544508 = -190655370.8265412 -7705331.036081237 + 20294.083833173165 = -7685036.952248064 -98168950277168 + 58.3826217064737 = -98168950277109.62 -5346868928342.273 + 1871.0879426016245 = -5346868926471.186 -66.47901759080356 + 7581158 = 7581091.520982409 -5511525652342.714 + -39.06590125921197 = -5511525652381.779 6712744935044.215 + 476509.98343049997 = 6712745411554.198 -52.423543757135356 + -19 = -71.42354375713535 63339.05428398337 + 4755729274367.514 = 4755729337706.568 64570955853932 + 3507381498922 = 68078337352854 -4807 + 4744698.704748005 = 4739891.704748005 3518 + 150 = 3668 -85.95082900095733 + 4115101507 = 4115101421.049171 9 + 27692913.61047285 = 27692922.61047285 -9778717804724.352 + 9181.928477878051 = -9778717795542.424 -47.311750217504354 + -3994 = -4041.311750217504 -100.27745376213208 + 42 = -58.27745376213208 -4946 + 1628198059 = 1628193113 94764958727571 + -760711 = 94764957966860 2716588833486.585 + -32903 = 2716588800583.585 -100000000000000 + -115 = -100000000000115 -381.87509042063226 + -2071753 = -2072134.8750904207 -100000000000000.0 + -99864259074499 = -199864259074499.0 5793147936 + 97.98055560445425 = 5793148033.980556 -57509.64614858547 + -6.249232034134303 = -57515.8953806196 -34009658238706.344 + -645349259175 = -34655007497881.344 845732.6020438056 + -91569794466810 = -91569793621077.39 -37 + 70937141.25888938 = 70937104.25888938 5975258 + -55063510427784.17 = -55063504452526.17 -5950065508963.266 + -5162.7684564027895 = -5950065514126.034 -2 + -3 = -5 -70632968.69357643 + 431082724 = 360449755.30642354 451910741882.0502 + 358604399133 = 810515141015.0502 74232041571699.12 + 465621.4671863315 = 74232042037320.6 22701 + 5551191577167 = 5551191599868 964818559 + -38.35780740875278 = 964818520.6421926 9 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000009.0 15485037 + 8666078922325 = 8666094407362 -846696 + 77229057834896.81 = 77229056988200.81 -87331064.34753904 + 30379148537152.64 = 30379061206088.293 -800755577.1258878 + 99429057870136 = 99428257114558.88 100000000000000.0 + 122.4999819474121 = 100000000000122.5 -48792758576407.82 + -50.9532963363327 = -48792758576458.77 -42379 + -7961959 = -8004338 -694261110652.1094 + 100000000000000.0 = 99305738889347.89 100000000000000 + -76.11973698285654 = 99999999999923.88 -333.7479409179657 + 3765542875 = 3765542541.252059 -95380141336 + 9.761572772051855 = -95380141326.23843 30844082 + -9 = 30844073 -14472514 + -6549700146 = -6564172660 304046.92614014 + -9834167 = -9530120.07385986 -9.240999743684334 + 527.1571054816841 = 517.9161057379997 6684542.669599809 + -82632.57506214135 = 6601910.094537667 100000000000000 + -821788 = 99999999178212 335 + 725040539 = 725040874 -327063 + -107951555.91660479 = -108278618.91660479 -5890.686995404341 + -21147.69322355691 = -27038.380218961254 -3788923545 + -20400506847924.457 = -20404295771469.457 -769.907374571211 + 9159204557698.793 = 9159204556928.885 -858585137 + -250868633 = -1109453770 34742762.19792199 + -28316.909622747902 = 34714445.28829924 3620785 + 92517213734224 = 92517217355009 -4081039635.241922 + 17562328078.19479 = 13481288442.952868 4528095373 + -65.92345815629844 = 4528095307.076542 2758506 + -29125.81736635445 = 2729380.1826336454 -15409015.686733626 + -80732 = -15489747.686733626 -470228752.7842013 + -7061721240 = -7531949992.784202 -6782398607413 + -9731888 = -6782408339301 -72482978521411.19 + 46336 = -72482978475075.19 -7 + 8151 = 8144 -3479658.1966685327 + 44694965 = 41215306.803331465 -8986951145.835003 + -984124881 = -9971076026.835003 -5447343222306 + -2176973.32570218 = -5447345399279.326 -79.39608966800357 + -7896110.700074422 = -7896190.096164091 -2172 + -14793057 = -14795229 -932221 + 907178 = -25043 -1337597972.4900925 + 87784203 = -1249813769.4900925 -1700 + -141 = -1841 -100000000000000.0 + 822 = -99999999999178.0 -195941 + 48134195995631.9 = 48134195799690.9 96090022 + 7492029.734917911 = 103582051.73491791 19412912.677714903 + -4853851950713 = -4853832537800.322 4 + -409064160456 = -409064160452 276032742.4847822 + 550684.8752710227 = 276583427.36005324 9076456843912.32 + -914285 = 9076455929627.32 -35424739 + -76285449766130 = -76285485190869 -728 + 975423717837 = 975423717109 5639 + -90355580721 = -90355575082 -100000000000000 + -8079734759416.49 = -108079734759416.48 -4.243984121442628 + -5374755724 = -5374755728.243984 -911.2236819149316 + -5 = -916.2236819149316 75099 + -4.778247675485633 = 75094.22175232452 -100000000000000 + -3 = -100000000000003 6 + -54903639 = -54903633 100000000000000.0 + -7923521943 = 99992076478057.0 7346 + 9811297783088.975 = 9811297790434.975 -5.859165381530775 + 62290 = 62284.14083461847 -857723.4012976512 + 67183685504 = 67182827780.5987 -690420 + 6545311 = 5854891 -366 + 7432329910 = 7432329544 57894463641.13063 + -24134591.2883495 = 57870329049.84228 2883.033844232663 + -16970413115166 = -16970413112282.967 892140954.0317906 + 130673 = 892271627.0317906 727 + 753763569624.9773 = 753763570351.9773 425328266651.15955 + 16521 = 425328283172.15955 474202.56753811426 + -537755.1387961268 = -63552.571258012555 783118236223 + -2990083397 = 780128152826 611716854 + -561530 = 611155324 -4587.714573346995 + -18306.65881897774 = -22894.373392324735 -598355503 + 292043.6722774949 = -598063459.3277225 40492 + 6313166047374.082 = 6313166087866.082 -194424384 + 1436023692 = 1241599308 73991433141825.45 + -7497073544 = 73983936068281.45 -648788022006.1438 + 683689277727.0411 = 34901255720.89734 -768099936.4949677 + 64619.269303273984 = -768035317.2256644 846175253681.6864 + 100000000000000.0 = 100846175253681.69 -141335828.31652278 + 100000000000000 = 99999858664171.69 -261533948 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000261533948.0 389188.4719116412 + 84426.72020819697 = 473615.19211983815 8443710830.57292 + -94111.43774889893 = 8443616719.135171 -6934737101 + -9.495368731476528 = -6934737110.495369 -8290257929 + 40003 = -8290217926 542162370073.5429 + 5 = 542162370078.5429 -7000886 + -7004485285.890078 = -7011486171.890078 -9413825635770.916 + 1192534.2062948488 = -9413824443236.709 8784396282530 + -3846468150 = 8780549814380 95545233707324 + -877293 = 95545232830031 -2509944650.912246 + 8403987273417.596 = 8401477328766.684 -1367242 + 7136511.61063226 = 5769269.61063226 3986188709 + 6820600432849 = 6824586621558 -148937011.87882847 + -7297276397478.11 = -7297425334489.989 265247342 + 108775407868 = 109040655210 -38 + -790454302.1698443 = -790454340.1698443 45 + 43924984.34471919 = 43925029.34471919 -1833 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001833.0 3974432836073 + 100000000000000 = 103974432836073 -6641 + 6003667970 = 6003661329 -14988748212.997053 + -63.047457247871634 = -14988748276.04451 -89872541414701 + -7 = -89872541414708 78256 + 573694159856 = 573694238112 2.318066443294241 + 8737.196321694482 = 8739.514388137777 -6828866535481.152 + 31757220372.30855 = -6797109315108.844 38251636772601 + -9504872.079015076 = 38251627267728.92 -958839192249.7773 + 100000000000000 = 99041160807750.22 -100000000000000.0 + -7628 = -100000000007628.0 -8 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992 801213975967.4487 + -384824096 = 800829151871.4487 5398600247982.295 + 1.372576370026387 = 5398600247983.668 7391 + -271989135.9525573 = -271981744.9525573 -46980232162565.836 + -24 = -46980232162589.836 -60473 + 116194.31213129789 = 55721.31213129789 -82922437330709 + 715.2330571704448 = -82922437329993.77 5 + 4880239893143.695 = 4880239893148.695 4193758 + 4 = 4193762 -100000000000000 + 580870496771 = -99419129503229 -77.12325006161218 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999922.88 -2.8747842897143165 + 854029912800.785 = 854029912797.9103 -2416456.3175370544 + 915477641.1151371 = 913061184.7976 100000000000000 + 528821 = 100000000528821 -40000.62490786702 + -3037637790.568201 = -3037677791.193109 18.79294629709229 + 653 = 671.7929462970923 -621072226567 + 5241.444548365678 = -621072221325.5554 -2352508520.529023 + 100000000000000.0 = 99997647491479.47 6304316184.7450075 + 7850404 = 6312166588.7450075 -83 + 83776714059353.39 = 83776714059270.39 -446 + 213357.41783623662 = 212911.41783623662 -53311056.71431423 + 72423315190424.5 = 72423261879367.78 -6319023983 + 28948439436877 = 28942120412894 3 + 969627539705.538 = 969627539708.538 -296550973402.26447 + -7 = -296550973409.26447 -9400429857 + 35641962604 = 26241532747 7 + 9811 = 9818 100000000000000.0 + 181.6936711817497 = 100000000000181.69 -3015906542.1293306 + 317 = -3015906225.1293306 -42976636854.998566 + 100000000000000 = 99957023363145.0 -16571359283.459915 + 100000000000000.0 = 99983428640716.55 3611353 + -80297006577 = -80293395224 1495625120625 + -48435.422625123596 = 1495625072189.5774 -2827016.0062753186 + -306.0084629178973 = -2827322.0147382366 -23137979249555.555 + 666988504516 = -22470990745039.555 54 + 5958213.382535177 = 5958267.382535177 8332 + -65393176 = -65384844 89124 + 476.7374313939267 = 89600.73743139392 611550.0779755767 + 295 = 611845.0779755767 125748 + -4878389 = -4752641 -79992176971 + 63296927.27308678 = -79928880043.72691 -891267.3931880961 + 4.000777252068627 = -891263.3924108441 8386662 + 231088809102 = 231097195764 -194439427714.03027 + 19591582442989.332 = 19397143015275.3 558591 + 398.4467685716759 = 558989.4467685716 1150 + 9.892191784577232 = 1159.8921917845773 509.89423947598937 + 9395661751 = 9395662260.89424 15257323.425764978 + 320.93985592176006 = 15257644.3656209 -91578.53234943043 + 680886676 = 680795097.4676505 66715714158232.03 + -76 = 66715714158156.03 -100000000000000.0 + 5 = -99999999999995.0 -7077748589961 + -21445410967467.336 = -28523159557428.336 977612765.055438 + -2 = 977612763.055438 -3484438.604565583 + -421142308354.7184 = -421145792793.32294 390328461059.9625 + 1.198041784976531 = 390328461061.1606 -4742407675107.303 + 100000000000000 = 95257592324892.7 46645806948 + 52960.53019937689 = 46645859908.5302 95371328669.75522 + -284236 = 95371044433.75522 4 + 400000.04834932496 = 400004.04834932496 -100000000000000 + -95491599800991.4 = -195491599800991.4 -67881.29087278048 + 822145.2761439274 = 754263.9852711469 684 + 720513.8188964645 = 721197.8188964645 81698737.04706283 + 332010204 = 413708941.0470628 -56096.41080523201 + 3007822056 = 3007765959.589195 -25502682 + 759.8872353909734 = -25501922.112764608 73.97477632192057 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999926.03 8935421773 + 161076541388 = 170011963161 126316.90258028996 + -503347581.6401044 = -503221264.73752415 5651.166744768954 + 6637630058 = 6637635709.166745 4532663321.7075815 + -8167960086.858753 = -3635296765.1511717 -74724812549730 + -3577885574169 = -78302698123899 78465381624572 + -619990743 = 78464761633829 26291261410 + -5 = 26291261405 -174849275832 + 98132 = -174849177700 -13569127 + -3996398441447 = -3996412010574 -80723312 + 1220 = -80722092 -41681.12481627276 + 8428.317310298891 = -33252.80750597386 -50.77043535343645 + -887020651 = -887020701.7704353 36158696865 + 4106 = 36158700971 -3739143894 + -275554.1390025804 = -3739419448.139003 -93 + 536.2879764568042 = 443.28797645680424 -3 + 43318613 = 43318610 -100000000000000.0 + 7 = -99999999999993.0 597.067492221078 + -4.93399214257993 = 592.1335000784982 -352.7168498035223 + 6027420250363 = 6027420250010.283 4 + 1351077744520.122 = 1351077744524.122 5277476194.715183 + -54211933 = 5223264261.715183 456451977711.1204 + 21972058352074 = 22428510329785.12 -989.1328203585338 + -77095781 = -77096770.13282035 -651.0161610270852 + 553855098498 = 553855097846.9839 -2019480435905.379 + 22566 = -2019480413339.379 716.2287336638152 + -8148112848732.882 = -8148112848016.653 -765445608.0275872 + 435384121156.53174 = 434618675548.50415 -79499 + -36289008558469 = -36289008637968 84055306970982 + -336319123 = 84054970651859 642359.8559546396 + -841 = 641518.8559546396 8593607219810 + -133380319 = 8593473839491 -13585139830597.016 + 100000000000000.0 = 86414860169402.98 -2.466225363877847 + -61084331135 = -61084331137.466225 -4258 + -3.085432226215325 = -4261.085432226216 -541 + 609945288.4451706 = 609944747.4451706 -43808555566513 + -50080975 = -43808605647488 686934.7130300106 + -83.00788947443169 = 686851.7051405362 -87065575705973 + -3179374937.749641 = -87068755080910.75 752.4236097146188 + 1207057796441 = 1207057797193.4236 3516212348233 + -157238.3827702335 = 3516212190994.617 2343449647206.181 + 293859 = 2343449941065.181 -10106750.07300684 + -2417.1169699246284 = -10109167.189976765 -3 + -4653883724 = -4653883727 100000000000000.0 + 74677264071.14049 = 100074677264071.14 528070127157 + -56.03183876870722 = 528070127100.96814 -345654.8889827706 + -5156853 = -5502507.888982771 -4435538.199262596 + -511 = -4436049.199262596 42436968.876372695 + 135 = 42437103.876372695 91511980427.03 + 1294091 = 91513274518.03 22644389.09053886 + 3522342195144 = 3522364839533.0903 54.30093343386756 + -55511.37583388811 = -55457.074900454245 182527 + -314416056276 = -314415873749 -37972001799 + -6477749152 = -44449750951 432483.72094646265 + -126493086007 = -126492653523.27905 -686.6499929205476 + -3766991.8731103237 = -3767678.523103244 -2825324.7651722413 + -67 = -2825391.7651722413 100000000000000 + -96352.43774768937 = 99999999903647.56 -9636254 + 713561 = -8922693 -1844 + 93771630851555.14 = 93771630849711.14 708 + 407961308226 = 407961308934 61470483515484 + 96761786.40721802 = 61470580277270.41 -86180037.63349774 + 788304530.1298988 = 702124492.4964011 -48906790501617 + 131347013390.36804 = -48775443488226.63 73935.53042942434 + -21216975094 = -21216901158.46957 73853003096386.31 + -4821893944291.743 = 69031109152094.57 -3214304330 + -50 = -3214304380 -1067281189 + 8230985803 = 7163704614 713469456 + -378428288 = 335041168 45240.13365575995 + -4.61487078408396 = 45235.518784975866 -780534728.7691485 + -16.716502922862258 = -780534745.4856514 1128356 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000001128356.0 1677173 + -180387213864.29443 = -180385536691.29443 814264 + -8 = 814256 100000000000000.0 + -796.9995289595984 = 99999999999203.0 960481910883 + -100000000000000.0 = -99039518089117.0 92106011835078.45 + -9 = 92106011835069.45 -1500557289.9009438 + -258763386 = -1759320675.9009438 864997346723 + 7699302 = 865005046025 69665936145.18999 + -81680312482.88301 = -12014376337.693024 72807892421.90009 + -100000000000000.0 = -99927192107578.1 -29987 + 5494483 = 5464496 4911314781.9977455 + -5247 = 4911309534.9977455 -49791671498282 + 41720563 = -49791629777719 69082 + -100000000000000 = -99999999930918 4448 + -9923080759315.805 = -9923080754867.805 666448976029.0841 + 6671.051785203397 = 666448982700.1359 -430 + -746.454758038118 = -1176.4547580381181 -3502 + -65086 = -68588 -2284.5174680288874 + 4722 = 2437.4825319711126 -68717 + 5526064328.148209 = 5525995611.148209 9966170372.470102 + 7026.757791333465 = 9966177399.227894 -743392988 + 66435089280123 = 66434345887135 321545749185 + 45 = 321545749230 1414 + 4982986597 = 4982988011 -1109862.7775544696 + -31508.88009693095 = -1141371.6576514007 -570068203.9721575 + -5414598968.581236 = -5984667172.553393 -51592426461 + 538875380 = -51053551081 -41339171131278 + 497898553480.83716 = -40841272577797.164 367998981578 + 22.968084087989926 = 367998981600.9681 954960611165.9912 + -91334402602638 = -90379441991472.02 -2292774481.6382427 + -6.777128730184253 = -2292774488.4153714 -270202761739.0077 + -100000000000000.0 = -100270202761739.0 -430.03624337417665 + 56175612828 = 56175612397.96376 -57855975770.55534 + 27012 = -57855948758.55534 -4675925710473.412 + -5149183073 = -4681074893546.412 8104.125610320682 + 797659.0150442476 = 805763.1406545683 -2711848974 + -9769465.118924836 = -2721618439.1189246 -8336719441198.333 + 76747907 = -8336642693291.333 22 + 4 = 26 -97056 + -67035774891 = -67035871947 -432440807 + 67481043 = -364959764 -463015826.0072074 + 117946 = -462897880.0072074 9 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999991.0 -100000000000000 + 743733887423 = -99256266112577 824310822351 + 165176225.29242134 = 824475998576.2925 -448 + -427198591044.33325 = -427198591492.33325 201039918453.6499 + 965.2296046419441 = 201039919418.87952 93468.45939399296 + -46965.21945757096 = 46503.239936422004 -13235981788165.906 + -697 = -13235981788862.906 -802951178244 + -77293.79592986485 = -802951255537.7959 -100000000000000.0 + 549312381.9821951 = -99999450687618.02 -657345308232.8225 + -1528498498835.5493 = -2185843807068.3718 -5 + 60346686.26889254 = 60346681.26889254 27436021.48369853 + -20745849392613.684 = -20745821956592.2 100000000000000 + -5285673930 = 99994714326070 8303002.170150976 + 100000000000000 = 100000008303002.17 243 + 7550476 = 7550719 -7984320 + -882412344 = -890396664 11553088.167385535 + 12797327753071.84 = 12797339306160.008 8150116168531.72 + -100000000000000 = -91849883831468.28 -77868729929 + 88422736.39059617 = -77780307192.6094 60866547.848611355 + -61.13366456086099 = 60866486.71494679 7325983698608.625 + 710213149.5586748 = 7326693911758.184 -8.230580062825172 + 294306345972.4997 = 294306345964.2691 86889355419 + -202064.67402532772 = 86889153354.32597 -456764842.0986276 + 737645368.9035403 = 280880526.8049126 782.5415444069407 + 45500520153 = 45500520935.54154 -4.806101153529705 + 2781871714.920842 = 2781871710.114741 6428 + 5784814643 = 5784821071 -374077399860 + -100000000000000 = -100374077399860 -7.308137039238696 + -49.439908195633606 = -56.7480452348723 -5343.402089654571 + 87338262030 = 87338256686.59792 3.6616743439231594 + -42631494401578 = -42631494401574.336 17532631.919029947 + 2434711948.32146 = 2452244580.2404895 78909787.4327238 + -4870106434318.824 = -4870027524531.392 -667998252 + 91769.1211819949 = -667906482.878818 -49960.864398909056 + -75 = -50035.864398909056 72350 + -553851039388.6353 = -553850967038.6353 4728002.925680133 + -4800997641058.0 = -4800992913055.074 -631037357.1601822 + -26186639525 = -26817676882.160183 7 + -7134586 = -7134579 830229 + -2514569 = -1684340 -399980692482 + -3375.613677281174 = -399980695857.61365 -282408196667.9923 + 2716.0101141676923 = -282408193951.9822 5 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000005 -5327 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000005327.0 -933787295 + -61235 = -933848530 2061024065.5123215 + -9484622912250 = -9482561888184.488 -757982195 + 18 = -757982177 9093486407 + 100000000000000.0 = 100009093486407.0 -75469601.81202759 + -2859360 = -78328961.81202759 -31130357529 + -64647.51299675909 = -31130422176.512997 -621915777208 + 3428731198.27365 = -618487046009.7263 -100000000000000.0 + 710.8458622177869 = -99999999999289.16 -15661.417940313853 + 741380830 = 741365168.5820597 681 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999319.0 -20566 + -299142682707 = -299142703273 -398150292143.4332 + -2261745 = -398152553888.4332 755660765 + -78111787535 = -77356126770 100000000000000.0 + -13.014310569498559 = 99999999999986.98 -24949441534.390522 + -8891733 = -24958333267.390522 100000000000000 + 34736109 = 100000034736109 -7751518.254668348 + 7455.790756813142 = -7744062.463911534 -106786502868 + 100000000000000.0 = 99893213497132.0 75237 + 721117 = 796354 -88544437719648 + 68450087508.86521 = -88475987632139.14 -2458366 + -182896199.84359267 = -185354565.84359267 -42.096609383569 + 43778847378401 = 43778847378358.91 -5 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999995.0 2 + 62851747314.06429 = 62851747316.06429 -343.3716858107322 + 703885341548 = 703885341204.6283 -100000000000000 + -8709 = -100000000008709 -26658119441 + -237.8264116155125 = -26658119678.826412 -28641.433826744087 + -2783156913.2550764 = -2783185554.6889033 -27343262493 + -1374573.3396114851 = -27344637066.33961 -11.592323717495907 + 885558777 = 885558765.4076763 684935 + -262 = 684673 -100000000000000.0 + 8437457 = -99999991562543.0 36289754197141 + -41460352343937.33 = -5170598146796.328 7768595489962.583 + 5.866889050328605 = 7768595489968.45 -6892375.621093392 + 751680780.2624584 = 744788404.641365 -100000000000000.0 + 638601438574.6453 = -99361398561425.36 90024060011 + 30323669.068530537 = 90054383680.06853 1660464.6030688344 + 9.372748115492104 = 1660473.97581695 2938 + -370932 = -367994 192037309.414306 + 8751790 = 200789099.414306 -207714187.19497073 + -174860519236 = -175068233423.19498 64060549172.21265 + 58.89309547981454 = 64060549231.10574 -48533872.32909126 + -443220088943.5702 = -443268622815.8993 -100000000000000 + 19.595244458707285 = -99999999999980.4 -8109276852.8606615 + -52103609084.193794 = -60212885937.05446 -294979030417.4028 + 5 = -294979030412.4028 862346281400.2264 + -65.83337447505906 = 862346281334.3931 -6693219 + 74.07338258220952 = -6693144.9266174175 980.1213960350989 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000980.12 6108428.638003547 + 89012373 = 95120801.63800354 -13474133449586 + -50012.62452446713 = -13474133499598.625 35253894.40176582 + 6393928 = 41647822.40176582 -98413802050099 + -9223479176755 = -107637281226854 149809841.3137863 + -93934133207692.16 = -93933983397850.84 49.6874604172712 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000049.69 -768087766168 + -100000000000000 = -100768087766168 677.95235021938 + 7635603797.863024 = 7635604475.815374 -100000000000000 + 91770550175560 = -8229449824440 81628263820 + -8128881854 = 73499381966 2395065775476.718 + -8 = 2395065775468.718 87844157814778 + -7812299715 = 87836345515063 3886 + -63158239244 = -63158235358 -6899318 + -87.92254568265585 = -6899405.922545683 88417988186515 + 479163322126.869 = 88897151508641.88 2288685219108.8105 + 303241386 = 2288988460494.8105 -408 + 4246410307 = 4246409899 -3563.271937549216 + -7092775.359052397 = -7096338.630989946 857.1194704344892 + 303657262.10649556 = 303658119.225966 -688234.1204768847 + -8821075968566 = -8821076656800.121 -100000000000000 + -53013538747.987625 = -100053013538747.98 4217043924751.3335 + 29979843 = 4217073904594.3335 -806.8628091690438 + -7406889948993.665 = -7406889949800.528 -94373465 + 668194182 = 573820717 6093.3800257152025 + -2906754417 = -2906748323.619974 37891248.294461265 + -724940.7837008683 = 37166307.5107604 -5189659660 + 75869885 = -5113789775 -71819.27418896674 + 4333185707482 = 4333185635662.7256 -9248506.510371774 + 730412654 = 721164147.4896282 88148 + -89.97457520479885 = 88058.0254247952 713878177720.7754 + 96917102583 = 810795280303.7754 67680847120.49537 + 73088545407.676 = 140769392528.17136 5577772 + 8342980359146.181 = 8342985936918.181 -333467 + 10565301 = 10231834 9544297953914 + 45851084.7439749 = 9544343804998.744 637112899 + 73 = 637112972 -8803894 + 61147211521 = 61138407627 -8723398400902 + 81293020 = -8723317107882 -18266558993.745617 + 8292542753559 = 8274276194565.254 4482 + 8458406.691272851 = 8462888.691272851 -18245703340 + -102.03371780452385 = -18245703442.03372 56721 + -77 = 56644 -37606564.31411527 + -639831637524.7683 = -639869244089.0824 37139 + -453660736285.97687 = -453660699146.97687 418939298148.987 + 94733651172 = 513672949320.987 613556206542.7002 + -539635214967 = 73920991575.7002 845280765 + -99615666069978.42 = -99614820789213.42 39 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000039.0 -523222 + -493738919552.6839 = -493739442774.6839 -72027.45888544378 + -802439 = -874466.4588854437 26955963.82580763 + -3808 = 26952155.82580763 -6.428835719382473 + -7404905499689.349 = -7404905499695.777 100000000000000.0 + 17914650584 = 100017914650584.0 -98393 + 726428.7424201169 = 628035.7424201169 395378620413 + -100000000000000 = -99604621379587 -2258113 + -867 = -2258980 -100000000000000.0 + -3185575709 = -100003185575709.0 -4210490540 + 71169910.10778353 = -4139320629.8922167 -8771888.884961154 + 50 = -8771838.884961154 901921023 + -945.5926089322139 = 901920077.4073911 -9425.25926060815 + -52546831472511.56 = -52546831481936.82 136.85003664206408 + -6698270271.357031 = -6698270134.506994 -3934376.9210773143 + -75465270026077 = -75465273960453.92 97871630 + 461399476407.10754 = 461497348037.10754 -640110.1741550554 + -505902 = -1146012.1741550555 100000000000000.0 + 61461000481200 = 161461000481200.0 96198536.98129605 + -429.2986742368115 = 96198107.6826218 9313516187343 + -25274.139914515617 = 9313516162068.86 -2596800.8196372148 + 5868456502 = 5865859701.180363 8317.916852566643 + 19912 = 28229.916852566643 -7144405 + -886483.1113780455 = -8030888.111378046 719322930.6820116 + 854498544008.8031 = 855217866939.4851 -74110374214.90387 + 2538.754565103316 = -74110371676.1493 -503.3804793335947 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000503.38 77893863508 + -5700977 = 77888162531 -1456.831024002529 + 9 = -1447.831024002529 -5766200191.184702 + 28781936 = -5737418255.184702 51865625249.83713 + 4001539 = 51869626788.83713 3778019458794 + 27232789567.15322 = 3805252248361.1533 58848.61123210863 + 4283799.523825845 = 4342648.135057953 298541 + 4.586884666449514 = 298545.58688466647 -1004727277.3924656 + 4726605043 = 3721877765.6075344 -3865513181276 + 979 = -3865513180297 -40040.362844500574 + -406394470041 = -406394510081.36285 792724 + 31636 = 824360 705769830216 + -30.834392155210143 = 705769830185.1656 9688254 + -40689936784.71427 = -40680248530.71427 -683 + 5541022.811730539 = 5540339.811730539 -100000000000000.0 + -592186.7199954335 = -100000000592186.72 9773906887.322672 + -118503.86089663669 = 9773788383.461775 54131483 + 5947549331 = 6001680814 -821470328 + 69197.68905697291 = -821401130.310943 330177011906.9158 + 100000000000000.0 = 100330177011906.92 1 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999999 -20943963072 + 4415310.141964407 = -20939547761.858036 -9811331.271808831 + -9844.408306676778 = -9821175.680115508 -65800 + 2412.588895369111 = -63387.41110463089 755.6675645333993 + -24 = 731.6675645333993 -2522.4173766563354 + -96190.73981286457 = -98713.1571895209 -95236173413969 + 14.28855678792455 = -95236173413954.72 91572833408.0091 + 85145506490898 = 85237079324306.02 -6464 + 73476109968282.95 = 73476109961818.95 -1 + 217530648.89530975 = 217530647.89530975 140483345 + -4396112.560408261 = 136087232.43959174 -23598 + 57 = -23541 24881643726.39772 + -176305769880 = -151424126153.6023 100000000000000.0 + 528133.7985757871 = 100000000528133.8 -9954059 + 537174999.3252404 = 527220940.3252404 -37254764 + -4051145379 = -4088400143 2790 + -89622023.08140571 = -89619233.08140571 7852.325943057618 + 983776050.8019619 = 983783903.127905 -73640 + -7618.817663811242 = -81258.81766381123 -65538620660.94407 + -201400.61687179655 = -65538822061.56094 7114390018.412011 + -136.93285562119604 = 7114389881.479156 -6899541 + -23079.241101677344 = -6922620.2411016775 -6194769 + -43715 = -6238484 -5458075169 + -6321759 = -5464396928 -100000000000000.0 + 75437.78113936902 = -99999999924562.22 -23420176911 + -100000000000000 = -100023420176911 -32192.999946674365 + 77878 = 45685.00005332564 -676 + 50386321600 = 50386320924 30252955 + 9418 = 30262373 -44.01125849001038 + -66016900996 = -66016901040.01126 -738264949821.8604 + 7 = -738264949814.8604 -207458544.03555715 + -6934626830 = -7142085374.035557 -681707251.8857628 + -779972.7424234923 = -682487224.6281863 -9903268502 + 11053272 = -9892215230 4575904534 + 432290.40596018493 = 4576336824.40596 -40.54997684178746 + 769.7389247171957 = 729.1889478754082 363493533.6600979 + 3317.7473869234123 = 363496851.4074848 67585711 + 816083.1209274306 = 68401794.12092742 -523361329.13844866 + 50516546483982.016 = 50516023122652.875 3231297172104 + 5227.183916526501 = 3231297177331.184 4307740062.206572 + 81419501219140 = 81423808959202.2 -7733696400198.647 + 100000000000000 = 92266303599801.36 641935981.1227525 + -62536207649864.89 = -62535565713883.766 -576 + 993184603564 = 993184602988 -17744053369 + -990.3463458089275 = -17744054359.346344 -2566286212 + -12611182384648.074 = -12613748670860.074 -29921257 + 562332929 = 532411672 -4418428817.243486 + -409341757452.32825 = -413760186269.5717 -31.80984512277613 + 3 = -28.80984512277613 -57764.09301079012 + -931635.3643853607 = -989399.4573961508 -5192521422048 + 687.8575924176848 = -5192521421360.143 30.35420006443323 + 694049902 = 694049932.3542 -452.14557121156037 + 19345260.952041276 = 19344808.806470063 89334808.69967934 + 4236382.916537571 = 93571191.61621691 -558683641.5251844 + 20612 = -558663029.5251844 63 + -83262 = -83199 63686402744.21973 + -100000000000000.0 = -99936313597255.78 6.8549913557615945 + -89304 = -89297.14500864423 1.7151773949823665 + -66.22466822320155 = -64.50949082821919 -9062103.845192831 + -1521751.2709678528 = -10583855.116160683 100000000000000 + 9891631391160.674 = 109891631391160.67 -864103077403.2456 + -4018165.920173427 = -864107095569.1658 6969065991201.563 + 390.20715479846785 = 6969065991591.7705 -2016.2785367045574 + -3880891.51610016 = -3882907.794636864 -9515 + -590708.3330926324 = -600223.3330926324 -9620343085.214037 + -329359491416 = -338979834501.21405 58805862551.64858 + 3489.998094981935 = 58805866041.646675 7566934288 + 1599908419 = 9166842707 100000000000000.0 + -6365216767206.79 = 93634783232793.2 -5514121781630 + 8 = -5514121781622 52.58545263453366 + 7.935682421490302 = 60.521135056023965 -918.6852686012218 + 3816235618.7529182 = 3816234700.06765 100000000000000.0 + 334407 = 100000000334407.0 7611741938.435079 + -328413863376 = -320802121437.56494 -100000000000000.0 + -24021304418446 = -124021304418446.0 46824073854929 + 4886618 = 46824078741547 -100000000000000 + -267212.44168627786 = -100000000267212.44 5983 + -447.1653002364028 = 5535.834699763597 67323006825287 + 7740778106629.424 = 75063784931916.42 -579785830371.5383 + -4490181162.030834 = -584276011533.5692 6.902126252842427 + 154 = 160.90212625284244 -111 + 45018884850373 = 45018884850262 -400744677 + 90566950042 = 90166205365 -7996944 + -67925 = -8064869 33.61662694987701 + -9629107 = -9629073.38337305 -100000000000000.0 + -99055459.05370472 = -100000099055459.05 717290 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999282710.0 -5625264398.933587 + 84792171732117 = 84786546467718.06 -4896791767963.273 + -7447977468694 = -12344769236657.273 100000000000000 + 64586 = 100000000064586 4.006970690078278 + -29518 = -29513.99302930992 -2241814.424600981 + -450 = -2242264.424600981 -739455524 + 2885148932 = 2145693408 -250768475.92465538 + 442585 = -250325890.92465538 -9251600283.949692 + -100000000000000.0 = -100009251600283.95 -225629 + -5.094263475250457 = -225634.09426347524 547240.7343319845 + -4249293.220857383 = -3702052.486525398 -100000000000000 + 89264883.39898725 = -99999910735116.6 16980993977099.482 + -100000000000000 = -83019006022900.52 7756389470.152395 + -85 = 7756389385.152395 947287922871 + 69111628543471 = 70058916466342 38961294609823 + -28 = 38961294609795 -14097382808212.86 + -6116874549456.19 = -20214257357669.05 9996 + 408743329165.169 = 408743339161.169 45678093 + -666341265 = -620663172 -77946610509597 + 88048810266.68448 = -77858561699330.31 -14807314437.514572 + -9209572289 = -24016886726.514572 -6416 + -9773 = -16189 -100000000000000 + 8801985572.57674 = -99991198014427.42 100000000000000.0 + 2.8982127929343284 = 100000000000002.89 -802735628572 + -66278372 = -802801906944 32 + -80063 = -80031 -4287577 + -3074.924993897123 = -4290651.924993897 -70571.51713996919 + 3575021.966234989 = 3504450.4490950196 100000000000000 + 47705869775151 = 147705869775151 100000000000000.0 + -8440896955.396553 = 99991559103044.61 8039603.33104724 + -985202827 = -977163223.6689527 811472.5775496147 + -100000000000000 = -99999999188527.42 -10 + -57604155.53359484 = -57604165.53359484 -70.88159088234244 + -3592933072.641245 = -3592933143.5228357 -89658863360 + 3203.2608940627674 = -89658860156.7391 -65.71534056623895 + 851.7877538260082 = 786.0724132597692 5150758 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999994849242.0 -80.05606838463119 + -7822.827348836545 = -7902.883417221176 2.652456030993163 + -7201041105015 = -7201041105012.348 506100.3475792294 + 91949268.5828132 = 92455368.93039243 -83484897 + 760002.4748221842 = -82724894.52517782 731236943484 + 23345613311.442867 = 754582556795.4429 26033.192486016087 + 276.6195798333242 = 26309.81206584941 159867.24543952072 + -4 = 159863.24543952072 7286524838 + -108 = 7286524730 575747602 + -378071664.98959714 = 197675937.01040286 -341.4242235684561 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999658.58 539739150.5288763 + 50391 = 539789541.5288763 95716785000 + -2977535 = 95713807465 -8176884758.470045 + 7604904.211064984 = -8169279854.25898 216019531.1834592 + -152367.08965899606 = 215867164.0938002 -8077.785887031473 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000008077.78 -100000000000000 + 8391 = -99999999991609 35377 + 62295245655 = 62295281032 7 + 836078667.3708795 = 836078674.3708795 -658633036791 + -822182066 = -659455218857 -36421045.706289366 + 1.4615352965922228 = -36421044.24475407 -97755731795148 + 7653.860192945468 = -97755731787494.14 42460967.47647792 + -100000000000000 = -99999957539032.53 70 + -669248163 = -669248093 1364802 + -1 = 1364801 -8648423600.733194 + 92617886199 = 83969462598.2668 -3083470922352.4883 + 100000000000000.0 = 96916529077647.52 9998863.497058524 + 6310638871793.625 = 6310648870657.122 79906786055 + -7984.208015489824 = 79906778070.79198 488140913.82407945 + 936610 = 489077523.82407945 73.94501605893454 + -476349307104 = -476349307030.055 100000000000000 + 639547 = 100000000639547 488157840.21918887 + -64320037399705.375 = -64319549241865.16 3022445 + 607580.5394550441 = 3630025.539455044 -7304411.89975417 + -9323083670.284313 = -9330388082.184067 4103708369 + 5867255551958.828 = 5871359260327.828 -6231.239119831849 + 74898834601 = 74898828369.76088 -6 + 15886.837462519214 = 15880.837462519214 -733635384853 + 478951.82502415037 = -733634905901.1749 9306077416537.912 + -21087 = 9306077395450.912 150.57217158689136 + 8 = 158.57217158689136 84886774 + -15684844631.141903 = -15599957857.141903 205520735 + 4610.187025699655 = 205525345.1870257 44362.102626870226 + -953966.2185985157 = -909604.1159716455 -78 + -90990944281 = -90990944359 -7.06590601718554 + 95511730713 = 95511730705.9341 208034 + 17725.252099034777 = 225759.25209903478 100000000000000.0 + -1763988461062 = 98236011538938.0 439180236549 + -6 = 439180236543 -977925426 + -3558108723.2598395 = -4536034149.25984 -35222216400.87926 + -2 = -35222216402.87926 15 + 637005132.514236 = 637005147.514236 615950.8023624285 + -61359671002448 = -61359670386497.195 229763609748 + 832836959243.854 = 1062600568991.854 599451536 + -2.7127505286666063 = 599451533.2872494 -18701.357215012256 + 14 = -18687.357215012256 72842830 + 100000000000000 = 100000072842830 -100000000000000 + 13 = -99999999999987 26128670065.48194 + -694150175061.3254 = -668021504995.8435 -1 + -59470467777065.62 = -59470467777066.62 -7943 + 810 = -7133 74364280.96653616 + -90 = 74364190.96653616 100000000000000.0 + -7344 = 99999999992656.0 -23582388759.01606 + 6 = -23582388753.01606 232437213 + 560577087 = 793014300 -864962527010 + 32702681636068.6 = 31837719109058.6 -100000000000000 + -73 = -100000000000073 100000000000000 + -3815045715.361262 = 99996184954284.64 91970970203.51602 + -540 = 91970969663.51602 6443834 + -526 = 6443308 8 + -26467191176.065174 = -26467191168.065174 14550800 + -68055987 = -53505187 -49.38379288453263 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000049.39 669615744157 + -100000000000000 = -99330384255843 -9631431574.974619 + 7630281 = -9623801293.974619 3791285338.55993 + -29997866.664248116 = 3761287471.895682 792677.5905367616 + -523268 = 269409.59053676156 -100000000000000.0 + 61085.65422951334 = -99999999938914.34 7466.977436673571 + 42889722446586 = 42889722454052.98 957761452745.9164 + 6297 = 957761459042.9164 33979547378422 + 9217.591707657719 = 33979547387639.59 -100000000000000.0 + -5935.524967131201 = -100000000005935.53 5727326 + -9244147 = -3516821 2429024396.7825384 + 379 = 2429024775.7825384 -63129998208.36644 + -867722113 = -63997720321.36644 -20489157357582.844 + -6.387481786838992 = -20489157357589.23 -7337915978058 + 100000000000000.0 = 92662084021942.0 -36312885 + -6087799.699849697 = -42400684.699849695 -91.61059225489724 + 286.4860384914338 = 194.87544623653656 417199148.01574296 + -2993.2546928353668 = 417196154.7610501 -1 + -437954.45389525394 = -437955.45389525394 -90264394048.52184 + -3165957953047 = -3256222347095.522 5418765 + -15163.27976409624 = 5403601.720235904 -1 + -7330506640822 = -7330506640823 -61856576.076147296 + -2081 = -61858657.076147296 -1.3885878728609038 + 52582946 = 52582944.61141213 -9.979350782645133 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000009.98 -539.5182773149065 + -64419 = -64958.518277314906 72 + 3 = 75 404106452229.183 + -348581518093 = 55524934136.18298 -310223897478 + 41 = -310223897437 -422.39927808909187 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999577.6 -879629855.0003873 + -56028162602554.43 = -56029042232409.43 -7359 + -937313128 = -937320487 744344 + -52089.334495048184 = 692254.6655049518 -3771112854738 + 8163338253.443523 = -3762949516484.5566 11472.724103748313 + 5 = 11477.724103748313 709304.262420857 + 51670893.93386104 = 52380198.196281895 -2956936.4304433176 + -5419408 = -8376344.430443318 -100000000000000.0 + 96 = -99999999999904.0 -5977671361885.898 + -8 = -5977671361893.898 -1205276.5237569534 + -7620.191713231192 = -1212896.7154701846 9817 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999990183.0 291339218759 + 43142189446854.92 = 43433528665613.92 -91478158 + 35 = -91478123 -80545126606.0938 + -100000000000000 = -100080545126606.1 -6065349 + -819.5326508408372 = -6066168.5326508405 -60583283 + -11512708 = -72095991 -865592.7522453353 + 47631032019.88497 = 47630166427.13273 -66.40137914690436 + -67.33650405620529 = -133.73788320310965 100000000000000.0 + 790111325988.7571 = 100790111325988.75 58240.979771685976 + -100000000000000 = -99999999941759.02 -448871682391 + -9951339.375186443 = -448881633730.3752 5246231 + 5.388077229235917 = 5246236.388077229 -21 + -5.862953527201903 = -26.862953527201903 6648678080 + 17224666015425 = 17231314693505 -44022 + 52842294734 = 52842250712 3633457210315.8076 + -693579 = 3633456516736.8076 69180872 + -15689179980 = -15619999108 -616728 + 8 = -616720 408533.51636100037 + 34 = 408567.51636100037 86751 + 82535591970.91788 = 82535678721.91788 95159651677530 + 98576.05843444089 = 95159651776106.06 -271587759872 + -37932893677251.836 = -38204481437123.836 95764592107.66304 + 130447425 = 95895039532.66304 53768976 + 6237329392167.2 = 6237383161143.2 5341.920299107163 + 100000000000000 = 100000000005341.92 -781780 + 5 = -781775 9816204059 + 840137.0992092157 = 9817044196.099209 84613562 + 100000000000000 = 100000084613562 -284896.03185410233 + -262936393262.90314 = -262936678158.935 229075465.18327808 + -42354391453.84416 = -42125315988.66088 791029901 + 28559115 = 819589016 4 + 4944.419768078738 = 4948.419768078738 1837784.525693252 + 20404.439824121157 = 1858188.965517373 -7592 + -10903719.773561433 = -10911311.773561433 -483156 + -702049143.0074391 = -702532299.0074391 1449741474688.449 + -3154829119 = 1446586645569.449 1225.3431469273792 + -4025781828982.0503 = -4025781827756.707 -16452856 + -66.04625853319374 = -16452922.046258533 -912077434952.5215 + -25819481299748.69 = -26731558734701.21 -95783956351521 + 685158216.2637603 = -95783271193304.73 4383310.320691835 + -230665244 = -226281933.67930818 14435 + -6938.494890061718 = 7496.505109938282 -36141807671966 + 165329718144.53177 = -35976477953821.47 -390755 + -38655 = -429410 83.3620852462705 + -231084528108.52875 = -231084528025.16666 -833 + -86718043356.74278 = -86718044189.74278 54218650532 + -100000000000000 = -99945781349468 1051887683635 + -744746100.12015 = 1051142937534.8799 -1250761193241.107 + 2514 = -1250761190727.107 161690237337.96893 + -80111923434232 = -79950233196894.03 87472.11979232536 + 6222662 = 6310134.119792325 -37812022.64655827 + -7835.892074961053 = -37819858.53863323 -374942461.0824803 + -8.242517357182997 = -374942469.32499766 -909928961755.561 + 8552812631.349577 = -901376149124.2114 -74129475.76265925 + 201562378667 = 201488249191.23734 -6495.643854447789 + -31359 = -37854.643854447786 100000000000000 + 264053628983 = 100264053628983 -55 + 86042482.0001883 = 86042427.0001883 -772835857.8783168 + -706139642371 = -706912478228.8783 11971170 + -5 = 11971165 -1844253.9725450473 + 22 = -1844231.9725450473 -100000000000000.0 + -96232958993 = -100096232958993.0 -829288527453 + 6205042 = -829282322411 100000000000000.0 + 85065 = 100000000085065.0 994913 + -3254495.3606350813 = -2259582.3606350813 8749245683.481604 + 95231.56441660448 = 8749340915.04602 -63956.95978489579 + -9745.085095959193 = -73702.04488085498 790066 + -158 = 789908 -9799 + -824392638 = -824402437 -1 + -5 = -6 28410286166253.527 + 3705991533.6001525 = 28413992157787.13 849142232.982604 + 35172.280152617845 = 849177405.2627566 793420.2905504439 + -5608766569995.294 = -5608765776575.003 698418 + -603 = 697815 -71610216.06749323 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999928389783.94 3.39146522978694 + 71948572089.07788 = 71948572092.46935 -4482141867424.336 + 29888670922637.273 = 25406529055212.938 -8797.453550257804 + -201208.62003675383 = -210006.07358701163 1372.7540259246357 + 3707973875 = 3707975247.754026 -655263930.3410203 + -557.5351134058257 = -655264487.8761338 100000000000000 + 2 = 100000000000002 66526645.16133405 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000066526645.16 -6485635567315.177 + 20773.935417002627 = -6485635546541.241 231018 + 98306607878 = 98306838896 84365.6119803993 + 32 = 84397.6119803993 -8833.759295903483 + -2853882.4294809364 = -2862716.18877684 -55650304690578.83 + 2372.934466117081 = -55650304688205.89 96454510887 + -130146350103 = -33691839216 -723999774.7772417 + -993939100578.6798 = -994663100353.457 -16913923069916 + 48852783 = -16913874217133 7318798988 + 6 = 7318798994 -9142414983.83199 + -801 = -9142415784.83199 4891370957 + 49885 = 4891420842 -67854.13755110303 + -7 = -67861.13755110303 -1763248690778 + -19247807.50695525 = -1763267938585.5068 48242246705085.68 + -1140555950466 = 47101690754619.68 82 + -9505175.01948957 = -9505093.01948957 70 + 359663 = 359733 -61597684 + 41987.31103078932 = -61555696.68896921 -5 + -43817 = -43822 -912011484381 + 66233952 = -911945250429 -88885454372495.14 + 62095 = -88885454310400.14 -405191280 + -324152278121 = -324557469401 -64072765 + 6.050450221337787 = -64072758.94954978 -440 + 209047025 = 209046585 -740656291 + 8620653383100.177 = 8619912726809.177 793429020.4725952 + -1904945361 = -1111516340.5274048 74 + 8597740451 = 8597740525 -1427731.7478793277 + 60139029885 = 60137602153.25212 -169837956293.86288 + -23.22881623999944 = -169837956317.0917 336178495058.3576 + 541104129122 = 877282624180.3577 -359.93044835565684 + 3.8694361302967133 = -356.0610122253601 -119100859 + -99940.07510284631 = -119200799.07510285 -2690 + 80541 = 77851 -5228.425898709281 + -6720 = -11948.42589870928 22920491 + -94384582749394.9 = -94384559828903.9 -100000000000000 + 5821728 = -99999994178272 100000000000000.0 + 5025 = 100000000005025.0 -81307231046.15988 + -994865847289 = -1076173078335.1599 1220237 + -65983.50800562068 = 1154253.4919943793 -51568629429 + 8227972754 = -43340656675 2627.3938410656256 + 1997582 = 2000209.3938410657 39136354244.74719 + -89366647 = 39046987597.74719 58020496478912.89 + -119788566349.30159 = 57900707912563.586 -295912726965.7611 + 892415.7203820586 = -295911834550.0407 141225 + 3.2479709128932797 = 141228.2479709129 -34 + -40606543375827.96 = -40606543375861.96 -5598 + 560879881 = 560874283 2.9536050754283503 + -1981277 = -1981274.0463949246 -8 + 61065608882 = 61065608874 6915298.646225426 + 6.489884042188377 = 6915305.1361094685 -932559977968.9678 + -67.50589312201805 = -932559978036.4736 -100000000000000.0 + 1921909331048 = -98078090668952.0 -1839991728552 + 2 = -1839991728550 89528.08542476232 + 43714.99961463472 = 133243.08503939703 -452461300226.6662 + -9491748216683 = -9944209516909.666 -172938488.71791115 + 1632605600.7627952 = 1459667112.044884 -67592610 + 6379403145233.88 = 6379335552623.88 5 + -626485343.4855334 = -626485338.4855334 100000000000000 + -5 = 99999999999995 -61402070549 + 6298.557364718486 = -61402064250.442635 169.82747715806318 + 38372734804605 = 38372734804774.83 -6147204373 + 361759969.2564182 = -5785444403.743582 -4797 + -6.5620390860151785 = -4803.562039086015 35 + 889.9289480058593 = 924.9289480058593 504.36318611820735 + 59107254.50887719 = 59107758.87206331 -4849152842 + -73867 = -4849226709 295306686 + -84568544895 = -84273238209 855296081659.8123 + -222570865.75194424 = 855073510794.0603 5535 + -6082.027735397594 = -547.0277353975944 2810708512 + 7192 = 2810715704 -71745958168 + 100000000000000.0 = 99928254041832.0 -53173.42760410859 + 14870 = -38303.42760410859 8722497057004.379 + -379960 = 8722496677044.379 93572681832950.23 + 7761448280 = 93580443281230.23 -87198010397 + 344573072 = -86853437325 8614 + 118 = 8732 -761453 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999238547.0 305604275 + -845222477 = -539618202 554490816 + -435.3882451113748 = 554490380.6117549 208318 + 718 = 209036 -128222928564 + -32941 = -128222961505 -2645 + -7016.561140775027 = -9661.561140775026 7495738410472.909 + -9828752519363.799 = -2333014108890.8896 -40748905 + -4 = -40748909 6513248468587.92 + 1960242093.833973 = 6515208710681.754 6978850.672739432 + 14654423828.402437 = 14661402679.075176 9615805785.065416 + 14940.213962023108 = 9615820725.279379 -70069 + -23263.086477879107 = -93332.08647787911 -77.06497638272181 + -4572929775 = -4572929852.064977 3553758104765 + -64176637156459 = -60622879051694 -9212 + 40462667579.30208 = 40462658367.30208 1027 + -4139390 = -4138363 3395128949 + -5389669332.66801 = -1994540383.6680098 801775735901 + 504993091.67716795 = 802280728992.6771 100000000000000.0 + -620129624 = 99999379870376.0 714.8033250776585 + -67560232017724 = -67560232017009.195 -78200398 + -370932.54489902843 = -78571330.54489903 -8642514010 + 704.2486487783985 = -8642513305.75135 75739413014 + -100000000000000.0 = -99924260586986.0 1777261711046 + -1057065 = 1777260653981 -1778 + 5420 = 3642 100000000000000.0 + -76.71572540256041 = 99999999999923.28 866.436713600973 + 80698333 = 80699199.4367136 -8135036.25023594 + 473607453711 = 473599318674.74976 -6258291692 + -60123 = -6258351815 -515600 + -59410135123562 = -59410135639162 -11.554636628851215 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999988.45 -2375067901.2263007 + -8 = -2375067909.2263007 6890.137635127871 + 660011952593.9833 = 660011959484.121 -2 + 816 = 814 1018435155.5115045 + 100000000000000 = 100001018435155.52 -368744481 + -4.715621477509888 = -368744485.7156215 7642390199638 + -8329028405 = 7634061171233 83878777763.91055 + 13303.849833186268 = 83878791067.76039 -66585526 + 7928816344488 = 7928749758962 -99695975532.53827 + 92151.4754420238 = -99695883381.06282 100000000000000.0 + -608624398.9793265 = 99999391375601.02 404447.27592501795 + -14504923338 = -14504518890.724075 -8415372786.825332 + 84913.23091967433 = -8415287873.594412 663828672101 + -7405692607141.282 = -6741863935040.282 -3858931751.7760286 + 60.63354440601086 = -3858931691.142484 885 + 649099471724 = 649099472609 48269.23359130738 + 54473804 = 54522073.23359131 -69040953 + 88.51174334584016 = -69040864.48825665 -4775 + -9779 = -14554 -100000000000000 + 614311454 = -99999385688546 18221935408675 + 869739606 = 18222805148281 -17741939 + 15783061617904 = 15783043875965 -808421 + -2647.7870406513102 = -811068.7870406513 8009573.471535172 + -80404696.4116731 = -72395122.94013792 3087360659459 + 71934501 = 3087432593960 8511079130710.289 + 2.8271655590070406 = 8511079130713.116 -65437 + 1782001910819.6836 = 1782001845382.6836 6544350.222119665 + 7817 = 6552167.222119665 891920452476 + -7556 = 891920444920 3.2780715173597588 + 916310916 = 916310919.2780715 -6.878869420638965 + -3242437152910.1685 = -3242437152917.0474 -2949228621.5387497 + 27985 = -2949200636.5387497 -84638426122 + 7734888.214398543 = -84630691233.7856 419 + -3305920.6320329965 = -3305501.6320329965 -53807.718017440544 + -1265443.784955899 = -1319251.5029733395 -33138275229.884495 + 85.9154824299738 = -33138275143.969013 -164223.78065921844 + -4014 = -168237.78065921844 -3447038706.5606503 + 8044884.665919915 = -3438993821.8947306 -7.25260670409777 + 2.1713636080565943 = -5.081243096041176 8675672 + -91227722567.3287 = -91219046895.3287 116403 + -130.8472605980357 = 116272.15273940196 13372015 + -1523.239775625032 = 13370491.760224376 5553008208.2098465 + 9988025645114.8 = 9993578653323.01 -34509738 + -1325464455505.0928 = -1325498965243.0928 227 + 62.20279172512639 = 289.2027917251264 430722373745 + 75586951726852.77 = 76017674100597.77 5 + -577068.3715327786 = -577063.3715327786 2632116 + 65379965 = 68012081 -6860803034222.354 + -148949868886 = -7009752903108.354 5479015935 + -3 = 5479015932 220183469504.78363 + 617.2081921232434 = 220183470121.99182 2445 + -74.34571194401957 = 2370.6542880559805 100000000000000 + 937.8634163237693 = 100000000000937.86 8606103150089.914 + 2 = 8606103150091.914 -100000000000000.0 + 42 = -99999999999958.0 5373.581142353167 + -490929916.24430406 = -490924542.6631617 95 + -27626674 = -27626579 1.0256768811095625 + 903328.4972486508 = 903329.5229255318 208 + 732478 = 732686 -100000000000000 + 26293.134685812016 = -99999999973706.86 616949 + 561545 = 1178494 -256346.33232281025 + 7598.404223852336 = -248747.92809895793 19.779073138725053 + 51 = 70.77907313872505 -790.8324123523672 + 52256352680619.61 = 52256352679828.77 96101049420 + 766405301413 = 862506350833 -44 + 143788166.23688486 = 143788122.23688486 -57.958433494311464 + 889817445093.64 = 889817445035.6816 -100273.69663016564 + 2690163527512 = 2690163427238.303 1173810196 + -56223657721326 = -56222483911130 -482031 + 552314.9649095084 = 70283.96490950836 -4880494 + 35.79143873135756 = -4880458.208561269 751.9251838272091 + 90913 = 91664.9251838272 214221955333.89667 + 610818588671 = 825040544004.8967 -62189724.47396135 + -1 = -62189725.47396135 -9505176141.274199 + 507636.975503659 = -9504668504.298695 9529995.153288415 + -31221763708883.656 = -31221754178888.504 2309 + -816522658.0119675 = -816520349.0119675 -49.31912103220159 + 797173604294.5828 = 797173604245.2637 398.4228969378345 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999601.58 -58600404222871 + 558539 = -58600403664332 -16581834 + -9858137248 = -9874719082 487 + -417382.072675257 = -416895.072675257 -733463162951.3735 + -47754058.301730976 = -733510917009.6753 639391603561 + 123182.80672281893 = 639391726743.8068 -3714755782 + 4227250.868212739 = -3710528531.1317873 -485631 + 670553561942 = 670553076311 -13.365861947187838 + 9370851024262.713 = 9370851024249.348 931705.7316334869 + 83.46137334523053 = 931789.1930068322 -3.826633339344129 + 111976165 = 111976161.17336667 -1 + 33972706366841 = 33972706366840 -100000000000000.0 + 817 = -99999999999183.0 43 + 1176263063831.3403 = 1176263063874.3403 7.38237911439472 + 37.19695545133164 = 44.579334565726356 64217547558208 + 988 = 64217547559196 2391355 + -9891093384176.35 = -9891090992821.35 -312073 + 100000000000000 = 99999999687927 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -91896286 + -367 = -91896653 -6090675040583 + 20966845621093 = 14876170580510 -53108976.590469375 + 28412 = -53080564.590469375 -7 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999993 -258038 + 9134428.34302657 = 8876390.34302657 49133221376.50592 + -92067979 = 49041153397.50592 7252155 + -46014589478 = -46007337323 -596961003.475066 + 5609392608008.158 = 5608795647004.684 507 + 9.162778362421687 = 516.1627783624217 44327.164579935474 + 7665139077 = 7665183404.16458 3164790 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999996835210.0 5618410.5158508895 + 100000000000000 = 100000005618410.52 1 + -37.351007846395234 = -36.351007846395234 75128844273771.84 + 100000000000000.0 = 175128844273771.84 38150595 + 4635 = 38155230 116323 + -5080937780474.957 = -5080937664151.957 859.3227658450039 + -19925.035752907697 = -19065.712987062692 -31114275.470798776 + -100000000000000 = -100000031114275.47 93199 + 5145280.51373782 = 5238479.51373782 -7845558323888.581 + 79546553.23264943 = -7845478777335.349 -13196076484682.143 + -1414 = -13196076486096.143 -63232203176 + 450074754 = -62782128422 100000000000000.0 + -91951133032.06862 = 99908048866967.94 -835480.2766858627 + 1022.1641846868803 = -834458.1125011758 -4506.2557629676685 + -76912672704669.62 = -76912672709175.88 594267671091.1753 + 100000000000000.0 = 100594267671091.17 -62.20828631614271 + -70107 = -70169.20828631615 5.330652233627231 + -72.29208790300785 = -66.96143566938062 3483198305.0901637 + 795.679393392587 = 3483199100.769557 -85634.57859240708 + -1270335650284 = -1270335735918.5786 91775680 + 91604594818874 = 91604686594554 -985048723722.3805 + 95665833.24956651 = -984953057889.131 7484 + 73853 = 81337 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 0.0 -375633474153 + 38944738223798 = 38569104749645 8536130536 + 656750.6953016634 = 8536787286.695302 -50413353189289.51 + 9577403 = -50413343611886.51 85375.01526647978 + 7 = 85382.01526647978 65651 + 4258 = 69909 -899097281366.8608 + -57639 = -899097339005.8608 -4322.349378650871 + -25836172.872637324 = -25840495.222015973 68499335528 + -2125250498202 = -2056751162674 2496648537518.9233 + -100000000000000.0 = -97503351462481.08 -48812116.47191607 + 654484278.7925389 = 605672162.3206228 100000000000000 + -13166458 = 99999986833542 250035.38310050932 + -62977449787952 = -62977449537916.62 40542 + 710674236 = 710714778 -206.8751528484931 + -1.2660388268647504 = -208.14119167535785 379555334238 + 52992454095.56687 = 432547788333.5669 -100000000000000.0 + -292921013244.0333 = -100292921013244.03 93415848439.81674 + -72851832 = 93342996607.81674 -7118981856.283569 + -9470380734075.812 = -9477499715932.096 100000000000000 + 6027254501 = 100006027254501 -704.9509459652049 + -407305 = -408009.9509459652 206566055.47654474 + -44533547.60332853 = 162032507.8732162 -364787394 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000364787394.0 814991.061058882 + 56802 = 871793.061058882 5339 + -583955660439.7703 = -583955655100.7703 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 922163221161 + -2859795958 = 919303425203 -9450459496809.734 + 100000000000000 = 90549540503190.27 -7486564464763.3125 + -8692525 = -7486573157288.3125 -585348562 + -460371460319.29504 = -460956808881.29504 -6748820736.704795 + -3186625 = -6752007361.704795 97865 + -57360784891876.52 = -57360784794011.52 5.0562912038008525 + 5651 = 5656.056291203801 -19637664 + 900602 = -18737062 273547130.2212978 + -51187294 = 222359836.2212978 862027.9509026319 + -8446453054332 = -8446452192304.049 353 + 2.7719829168861594 = 355.77198291688615 -82230831577.59793 + -5 = -82230831582.59793 -7109957999.6940155 + -59501620.42230724 = -7169459620.1163225 9547101.495793218 + 13382114340492 = 13382123887593.496 26105633.697840963 + 30.78573568060291 = 26105664.483576644 65987594 + -6632962 = 59354632 -247674724356 + -73.04337597395777 = -247674724429.04337 288942956052.7883 + -803450 = 288942152602.7883 -2292433932.2164173 + -52 = -2292433984.2164173 -995 + -70111 = -71106 91000656278 + -100000000000000 = -99908999343722 26841.903100405714 + -23507888955.493134 = -23507862113.590034 71111033018167 + -61 = 71111033018106 -74.70510410396611 + -20044.821770048242 = -20119.52687415221 869.347296376941 + 58378.20867217898 = 59247.55596855592 -822.8987722384128 + -30911.70971636544 = -31734.60848860385 -1305131208.343339 + -8699 = -1305139907.343339 -2096050.2105937765 + 696509034.4643158 = 694412984.253722 -100000000000000.0 + 2354.669323962693 = -99999999997645.33 -745.9777091940211 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000745.98 2910156629966 + -945746.6844203186 = 2910155684219.3154 -46702 + -8880580.839066193 = -8927282.839066193 100000000000000 + 49868674376 = 100049868674376 3588562197045.725 + 13 = 3588562197058.725 290165943 + -444688726982 = -444398561039 52684829.76010907 + 97622.96332673644 = 52782452.723435804 50.93439499781011 + -79861989145007 = -79861989144956.06 -3848723573638.9062 + -3670629571 = -3852394203209.9062 -93401974565894 + -92537820363241.78 = -185939794929135.78 -23.38712059549667 + 443.25718856064486 = 419.8700679651482 2781594484533.341 + -6021730.201408426 = 2781588462803.1396 3174331216 + 4176.385128025013 = 3174335392.385128 4597 + 14305276777 = 14305281374 -56800283778.859726 + 237144911902 = 180344628123.14026 100000000000000 + 33664077694 = 100033664077694 -3835.5778830217855 + -9703485.138925578 = -9707320.7168086 284534327868 + -100000000000000 = -99715465672132 -50906996819687.52 + -845207675 = -50907842027362.52 914686651932 + -5 = 914686651927 -44079.50848708492 + 775435589 = 775391509.4915129 -753593788928 + -75771253081719 = -76524846870647 6646299.193204802 + -878393.5212146809 = 5767905.671990122 4.165719228216305 + -18750896324785 = -18750896324780.836 -581675167267.805 + 81764005.52547595 = -581593403262.2795 -5190945251441.134 + 320089 = -5190944931352.134 -3297236350387.175 + 9307816101.22562 = -3287928534285.949 8425031707 + -47960025.88773855 = 8377071681.112262 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 3 + -2968782 = -2968779 25 + -13 = 12 1 + -377387101786 = -377387101785 -650927784 + -3819225 = -654747009 75842649.55102421 + 43647159 = 119489808.55102421 -34 + 32285710453737.76 = 32285710453703.76 -2215492201071 + 95358760523.59991 = -2120133440547.4001 -2298038306.4887686 + 9985578781 = 7687540474.511231 1032342 + -5 = 1032337 -18.007011756331295 + 62465433.97598161 = 62465415.96896985 -95852 + -90 = -95942 3 + -832943 = -832940 100000000000000.0 + 994435.7833402752 = 100000000994435.78 -9604835636888.678 + -22044116913214 = -31648952550102.68 -68564202 + -59526668048 = -59595232250 -8816264923 + -262581620002.83414 = -271397884925.83414 63734502775 + -316739.65426809527 = 63734186035.34573 53002675448 + 588079.711999842 = 53003263527.712 925 + 68278094 = 68279019 -692935150258.9658 + -1284745735270.1875 = -1977680885529.1533 -160072164 + -961.2376229562326 = -160073125.23762295 -33229541421.95315 + -8041520621459.594 = -8074750162881.547 89174958405 + -879994968210 = -790820009805 88884079562 + 4 = 88884079566 3205977635349 + -4 = 3205977635345 781547821614.4249 + -100 = 781547821514.4249 586969031954 + -2768856816403.4023 = -2181887784449.4023 -9 + 802194831748 = 802194831739 8779.797397126293 + 79961289600 = 79961298379.7974 902592346676.7473 + 2447210 = 902594793886.7473 100000000000000.0 + 73663226 = 100000073663226.0 10627864261 + -7498834198232.481 = -7488206333971.481 -34.42522671099918 + -64455868764.53185 = -64455868798.95708 -369490119833.1249 + -93893935100.2 = -463384054933.3249 44852.38098873932 + -72013079 = -71968226.61901127 100000000000000.0 + 97 = 100000000000097.0 100000000000000.0 + 91312584 = 100000091312584.0 -47567682221.381165 + 617609919 = -46950072302.381165 235975056732 + -58292821814009.65 = -58056846757277.65 47463626.52489575 + 3622719312.224604 = 3670182938.7495 720195105 + 5.190523259356809 = 720195110.1905233 -10899436 + -266728.0644937273 = -11166164.064493727 -7376.86298806379 + 859517162.2877896 = 859509785.4248015 135.47321248148728 + 893158114940.7921 = 893158115076.2654 -81588180048 + 992897435805 = 911309255757 100000000000000.0 + 30496685 = 100000030496685.0 -1865431032073.6636 + -95543816.77381742 = -1865526575890.4375 999914578191 + 614 = 999914578805 580026667691 + 2565640 = 580029233331 -5836167514 + -9 = -5836167523 -75712850920155 + 6249285528430 = -69463565391725 170725609.0102827 + -7 = 170725602.0102827 -75.14097390448393 + 820824254.7564838 = 820824179.6155099 100000000000000 + -324588 = 99999999675412 -633716113440 + -5.889711765595136 = -633716113445.8898 -117713104 + -9481230 = -127194334 8192417666 + 9056642864 = 17249060530 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -6 + 26157377301 = 26157377295 85840.99901535577 + 7395978 = 7481818.9990153555 4042 + 95 = 4137 5 + 20136739189833 = 20136739189838 -617 + -91140471702361.8 = -91140471702978.8 82011 + 6122878480.345209 = 6122960491.345209 -40 + 6.14831977439878 = -33.85168022560122 -66521698158 + 726747516.9143032 = -65794950641.08569 -6746.244789872133 + 287506027712 = 287506020965.7552 512092347 + -2 = 512092345 64 + -57797294616794 = -57797294616730 6.449659229689606 + -3388024557605 = -3388024557598.5503 14801641 + 973034.6470636753 = 15774675.647063676 -9312.52341390163 + 695479713.554312 = 695470401.0308981 -619623502345.8915 + 18790444.59628348 = -619604711901.2952 257983.1906233507 + -506904352 = -506646368.80937666 7831795.091533092 + 3073031745804.3477 = 3073039577599.439 392157753 + -8481113202.598647 = -8088955449.598647 98 + -9981825385052.633 = -9981825384954.633 -100000000000000.0 + 71182828 = -99999928817172.0 -25889125 + -4197526160.3624673 = -4223415285.3624673 -393074748759.1692 + 488146981 = -392586601778.1692 -24709560271149 + -269786443450 = -24979346714599 -523491829.4649992 + 126321310 = -397170519.4649992 -1851.4854948804593 + 4554.796067209252 = 2703.3105723287927 -100000000000000 + -234 = -100000000000234 3583948696352.5425 + -3 = 3583948696349.5425 193375151459.4574 + 5978475 = 193381129934.4574 100000000000000.0 + -24473.85115286481 = 99999999975526.16 91304961.37135114 + 7797110.524863947 = 99102071.89621508 54439.3519214741 + 70538.92752025144 = 124978.27944172555 -719 + 83701602899874.95 = 83701602899155.95 6370280024 + -3360 = 6370276664 35.05629425625118 + -309615591035.21313 = -309615591000.15686 2464 + 517367265948.91156 = 517367268412.91156 814.9409007018663 + 2944117863 = 2944118677.940901 7 + 757934 = 757941 -30423605195670 + 9.036149882575275 = -30423605195660.965 -178142997 + -9541233935391 = -9541412078388 -1626 + 59658868671924 = 59658868670298 -801 + 7550586411407 = 7550586410606 4723520777.340908 + 60053688127839 = 60058411648616.34 -348 + -23312653237.904396 = -23312653585.904396 89.04086812065403 + -7482444387058 = -7482444386968.959 8205639265678.035 + 75512245592.45036 = 8281151511270.485 -44083699011077 + 100000000000000 = 55916300988923 -8.005881564548258 + -19392019847073.254 = -19392019847081.26 -87163.92056583332 + -16237622 = -16324785.920565832 952 + -90.42182893080168 = 861.5781710691983 68069979504024 + 195759819832 = 68265739323856 -48959681305575.25 + -923.9445190408227 = -48959681306499.195 88116183 + -5827700166 = -5739583983 283672250 + 55180272 = 338852522 -9057.387625990914 + 992768303 = 992759245.6123741 100000000000000 + 81119916635165.89 = 181119916635165.88 -78637877334.46375 + 1272039422.3783002 = -77365837912.08545 35634.308097191024 + -324.20666933408467 = 35310.10142785694 -2.9667564214047117 + 903.1168440195485 = 900.1500875981437 -66687982 + 64079243 = -2608739 -776 + -9703770292380 = -9703770293156 53125678680155.375 + 660.0842201616649 = 53125678680815.46 17 + 547.5229732486603 = 564.5229732486603 -70525054201 + -48877120286288 = -48947645340489 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 291962599739.00415 + -100000000000000 = -99708037400261.0 -42785752104 + 352 = -42785751752 209771396 + -87393490.88774286 = 122377905.11225714 -5 + 572.8269954599175 = 567.8269954599175 73838.86577773093 + -2404472422548 = -2404472348709.1343 -100000000000000 + -734527206 = -100000734527206 -66656064767.620865 + -244440440 = -66900505207.620865 100000000000000.0 + 125.43000280973277 = 100000000000125.44 -578602046834.1384 + 341.7621020388998 = -578602046492.3763 -1646025256.9292316 + -11 = -1646025267.9292316 36739216 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000036739216.0 8 + 724777.594713237 = 724785.594713237 501689298055.0887 + 760985 = 501690059040.0887 8766439177441 + -133 = 8766439177308 91522329560 + -5615418989475 = -5523896659915 -6052221845738.352 + -82599475.59385213 = -6052304445213.945 1.111777375198308 + 45996814992582 = 45996814992583.11 -11 + 7542065221.364525 = 7542065210.364525 -99 + 342757972177 = 342757972078 8 + -178716076414.09854 = -178716076406.09854 -235.24875284806873 + 20908175352 = 20908175116.751247 -72386701297.42886 + -64.32550660751531 = -72386701361.75436 -263.00629013600695 + 187938173488 = 187938173224.9937 7041825.75213695 + -5416599 = 1625226.7521369504 -7 + -185471.74261961237 = -185478.74261961237 -67346371288 + -115416822.82033953 = -67461788110.82034 943749722 + -3609935.534396145 = 940139786.4656038 -7.100148518295926 + 69751745270.11554 = 69751745263.0154 70169869733891 + -730 = 70169869733161 -53190945693.97279 + 31643 = -53190914050.97279 1643.028878458963 + 785553336 = 785554979.0288785 12694425770 + -100000000000000.0 = -99987305574230.0 -3475329852 + 150012620946.86533 = 146537291094.86533 -33011269685.30064 + -3492554 = -33014762239.30064 -954117.8244725193 + -40053709.534963384 = -41007827.3594359 3300366842910 + 23690293530 = 3324057136440 4954 + -948879399.7705588 = -948874445.7705588 4416 + 507560819837 = 507560824253 -8 + -683801.4955379779 = -683809.4955379779 -75822754490062 + 8674444177934 = -67148310312128 -5264249992 + -44556142300599.06 = -44561406550591.06 -242 + 6 = -236 77151548451079.42 + -3819083550 = 77147729367529.42 7 + -632743834890.175 = -632743834883.175 39563836847 + 19969 = 39563856816 -345678 + -929.0539760196725 = -346607.05397601967 -337.42001866768237 + -390295583448 = -390295583785.42004 -55190503806775 + -46496952288471 = -101687456095246 32994556721009.03 + -6196.732754707106 = 32994556714812.297 -100000000000000 + -485883.7306222763 = -100000000485883.73 1636210049628 + 548.6456223944915 = 1636210050176.6455 -94851308087.98253 + 3947882299 = -90903425788.98253 -7403606476383 + 32.53916208738904 = -7403606476350.461 84600657359478 + -69617.30171578261 = 84600657289860.7 -46282662050278.164 + -748635 = -46282662798913.164 8981238680 + -1721761 = 8979516919 -9645432561110.646 + -43.023139596102205 = -9645432561153.67 4709600764.024252 + 882.6066113275443 = 4709601646.630863 -10740.51596999808 + 92190.64810401502 = 81450.13213401695 -94 + 941424.8979662312 = 941330.8979662312 -70.9490674931525 + -54927 = -54997.94906749315 -6023 + -4 = -6027 -2601.8567238035275 + 642728 = 640126.1432761964 -49780 + 468221964386 = 468221914606 -8171725631700.926 + 3 = -8171725631697.926 -113984128 + -8912632893718.938 = -8912746877846.938 -6956422777.066529 + 7396 = -6956415381.066529 3290010116878.1855 + 82926243559697.42 = 86216253676575.61 -61260287.5458189 + -9748 = -61270035.5458189 5496201245.845508 + 5664.27776038879 = 5496206910.123268 698 + -4494117990 = -4494117292 -71 + 851031025008 = 851031024937 8461811122899.655 + -275041 = 8461810847858.655 78493 + 610075905150.1631 = 610075983643.1631 685434524374.6072 + -6181518661755 = -5496084137380.393 35457052.05140679 + -339.12978450883634 = 35456712.921622284 100000000000000 + -693832280619.7964 = 99306167719380.2 -100000000000000 + -5416286354.711487 = -100005416286354.72 -5049707.032279671 + 25.05947577196111 = -5049681.972803899 -55300163451582 + 1937 = -55300163449645 575068009251.5961 + 56886826821744.555 = 57461894830996.15 685 + 81 = 766 339101933541.5507 + 47177724228 = 386279657769.5507 -3.165698292667599 + -3578 = -3581.1656982926675 34214 + 21753.619060607052 = 55967.61906060705 80689222453 + -21 = 80689222432 966055.3061256872 + 626074.4872636003 = 1592129.7933892875 -78703702 + -26804 = -78730506 -6687656.511768152 + -3584449308 = -3591136964.5117683 -100000000000000.0 + -84353979793 = -100084353979793.0 744260 + -97153 = 647107 19447648702.180763 + -486.11020693231677 = 19447648216.070557 410259575210 + -406762756.7105113 = 409852812453.2895 54301648673.38863 + -49.243171839264285 = 54301648624.14546 -417120333173.94794 + 71843589 = -417048489584.94794 4 + -136.27554053339628 = -132.27554053339628 100000000000000.0 + -7.303411590513763 = 99999999999992.7 66320351796.5026 + 25348 = 66320377144.5026 -53 + -473935.7237198581 = -473988.7237198581 -7362782582489.176 + -4381918117725.136 = -11744700700214.312 -3823634841944.987 + 9938597186863 = 6114962344918.014 66978381.00519796 + -53558006 = 13420375.005197957 18870461.13073764 + -5.552975371988986 = 18870455.57776227 85 + -989164 = -989079 38 + 1251728737.0767815 = 1251728775.0767815 -91 + 915.8596467228745 = 824.8596467228745 -6623682.370033705 + -127 = -6623809.370033705 -64060 + 2804321570793 = 2804321506733 117205.47237437512 + 1278748284256.4214 = 1278748401461.8938 -77.23713072661758 + 53954 = 53876.762869273385 -47 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000047.0 751674 + -31434058236036.934 = -31434057484362.934 -5741 + 1 = -5740 -8915.533395490933 + -6995384090070 = -6995384098985.533 -3583298.802328054 + -458294388 = -461877686.80232805 -9.927550319670178 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000009.92 5683 + -16528322505 = -16528316822 -79559764977423.44 + -1343174 = -79559766320597.44 -955 + 963490380628.4907 = 963490379673.4907 -8487931 + -6385 = -8494316 83752456249770 + -7151918026 = 83745304331744 184437774194 + -53153963544987.46 = -52969525770793.46 -582.9183707871807 + -721.5195230177583 = -1304.437893804939 9345196 + 27018076717 = 27027421913 -100000000000000 + -1706161973 = -100001706161973 63987317066.81981 + -1503 = 63987315563.81981 8208231987.989449 + -8962610680 = -754378692.0105515 100000000000000 + -1293988.002351232 = 99999998706012.0 7562 + 89517686375397.75 = 89517686382959.75 -879 + 1966380649342.5166 = 1966380648463.5166 -970374247.8505093 + -19840700343.587967 = -20811074591.438477 -294105536572 + -12452244155644.668 = -12746349692216.668 -4285332529349.629 + -3215542108697 = -7500874638046.629 -8847264537.444023 + -84402742505379.45 = -84411589769916.89 9130784439.812393 + -223086283967.11563 = -213955499527.30322 -100000000000000.0 + 904653199.9974724 = -99999095346800.0 8385 + -4.334862122354591 = 8380.665137877646 -561767578233.0193 + -98813279560808 = -99375047139041.02 62613132623228.38 + -299677372042 = 62313455251186.38 100000000000000 + -1950223365500.5215 = 98049776634499.48 -941.6013532111658 + -73153 = -74094.60135321117 -503113313.73339903 + -455108297 = -958221610.733399 -91 + -19.254577525267422 = -110.25457752526742 -9117134338.314226 + 84538360626.72598 = 75421226288.41176 78021086371.54541 + -41 = 78021086330.54541 83179075 + -770.0994525942749 = 83178304.9005474 32428.006949396367 + 284929558078 = 284929590506.00696 -88627731 + -4770.804174940973 = -88632501.80417494 -6697537 + 637069392.4399651 = 630371855.4399651 -271 + 1.016118826484391 = -269.9838811735156 -63721194117773.055 + 35369887390.560074 = -63685824230382.49 571 + 282412.9419382104 = 282983.9419382104 -446831.57114291436 + 249118.72786245428 = -197712.84328046007 4692242083767.182 + -430 = 4692242083337.182 2695.751782118239 + -83.14638395921037 = 2612.605398159029 2507 + -92667688.95795053 = -92665181.95795053 3029.011790513913 + 9165602936632.355 = 9165602939661.367 17615 + 2269192.585356226 = 2286807.585356226 940854508.2642707 + -939570188 = 1284320.2642706633 27960 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999972040.0 956021380 + 9 = 956021389 -45799 + 164651798034 = 164651752235 1499683 + 709 = 1500392 -145353856996 + 82545035259185 = 82399681402189 710 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000710 96179341260.97202 + -911312194280.3519 = -815132853019.3799 -15996739465 + -12 = -15996739477 9704279617.4923 + -75.8644653078926 = 9704279541.627834 20714810.304070435 + 374941.1195416558 = 21089751.42361209 3955901782951 + 215247332555 = 4171149115506 6.610831173828777 + 902 = 908.6108311738287 -78789.80632991514 + -8016 = -86805.80632991514 -622089173486.9038 + 7660.019468093372 = -622089165826.8844 8668391577129.473 + -69619956665.91928 = 8598771620463.554 95923 + 4676669383 = 4676765306 87.09843324889302 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999912.9 100000000000000.0 + -9729220077204.086 = 90270779922795.9 -20803.031037256384 + -82690304552648.62 = -82690304573451.66 787692828 + -5733667573942.092 = -5732879881114.092 5255867961311 + -55858525 = 5255812102786 7332.111707023028 + 16296996765.966755 = 16297004098.078463 16448241587 + -7842574325.034888 = 8605667261.96511 -94773314490 + -35.61664484657264 = -94773314525.61664 61539.345306671436 + -4738673.838394534 = -4677134.493087863 -912628.0625406867 + 23375954 = 22463325.937459312 9089477.213184219 + -6004900 = 3084577.213184219 -590765869.3619056 + -8 = -590765877.3619056 32212559.996146604 + 5257158 = 37469717.996146604 -199933460.84839696 + 24084396.292075966 = -175849064.556321 58.99678230707419 + -2196136747 = -2196136688.0032177 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 7.082254225242749 + 1857306 = 1857313.0822542252 8630240.886653438 + 54227243340 = 54235873580.88665 -6221573707206 + 100000000000000 = 93778426292794 8486170690163.341 + -100000000000000 = -91513829309836.66 -908488.6345770056 + 33714.752608801486 = -874773.8819682042 -1804429040.827416 + 1589367938269 = 1587563509228.1726 96882 + 34910 = 131792 442895567.10501724 + 56344628602997.43 = 56345071498564.53 90767.1512473745 + 1728075 = 1818842.1512473745 -11590.572114592196 + 3031109702.8081017 = 3031098112.235987 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 -51542134167281.89 + 5567924969817 = -45974209197464.89 68617951870685 + 669348221237 = 69287300091922 467296612240 + -27 = 467296612213 -100000000000000 + -6003423267.108223 = -100006003423267.11 59.67471961392433 + -31710919.818948098 = -31710860.144228484 3280577424 + -840002252.4424323 = 2440575171.5575676 -3883 + 911291783806 = 911291779923 26702182 + -5643417756 = -5616715574 74573889890742.66 + 6.938185065528222 = 74573889890749.6 91870929048822.25 + -85146686.49664678 = 91870843902135.75 -9454.936647856763 + 356297725767 = 356297716312.06335 8704296.252348501 + 867693261473 = 867701965769.2523 979.5269922455245 + 144473.39821582142 = 145452.92520806694 712.7765517478275 + -236361 = -235648.22344825216 -77010516638.06638 + 8.689250225759345 = -77010516629.37712 -757148.4928172298 + 2976 = -754172.4928172298 43298724 + -84821010.89336435 = -41522286.893364355 -764973187.8802838 + 2025716.963764818 = -762947470.916519 143807469512 + 6663680794239 = 6807488263751 -36713150987.97682 + 77780.94729780147 = -36713073207.029526 7055 + -907519463 = -907512408 1579704 + -602278.2679902394 = 977425.7320097606 3964939 + -2026861889378.6572 = -2026857924439.6572 688655198361.6066 + -9496973246500 = -8808318048138.393 -353773.2584266069 + 70698.27562643574 = -283074.9828001711 -731 + -86.61824958136025 = -817.6182495813603 69758416159664 + -1555410150.183444 = 69756860749513.82 49165949119 + -33843961812725 = -33794795863606 34502.50128655041 + 6600630450.603816 = 6600664953.105103 -15319.68366671839 + 3180627160.1230187 = 3180611840.439352 6991874.438947843 + 65835185.89091254 = 72827060.32986039 1.2264752447906098 + -230497942698.91962 = -230497942697.69315 2019025623 + 54 = 2019025677 -1126676045.9660752 + 405276 = -1126270769.9660752 -100000000000000 + 4 = -99999999999996 30707991 + -259.5270032004963 = 30707731.4729968 41224550066037 + 353 = 41224550066390 72893.60495972366 + -962.7177107947971 = 71930.88724892886 -180.31286613217486 + 21087338 = 21087157.687133867 22310 + 9126344185.234047 = 9126366495.234047 8928997130483.518 + -59108213.53522843 = 8928938022269.982 -100000000000000.0 + -9721.853458503216 = -100000000009721.86 885375633.1261175 + -31799606184.54998 = -30914230551.423862 69264396754710.15 + -618 = 69264396754092.15 -932970456.6064992 + 77674.25145755686 = -932892782.3550416 -50600981843449 + 100000000000000.0 = 49399018156551.0 45704773034.59895 + -443 = 45704772591.59895 19980997731654.7 + 242209885807.33795 = 20223207617462.04 57054 + -4 = 57050 68377326654.773796 + 1016244647 = 69393571301.7738 -100000000000000 + 15873148105851.508 = -84126851894148.5 85818311123 + -684402602101 = -598584290978 8045298965804.334 + -100000000000000 = -91954701034195.67 -1186 + 7042962543801.968 = 7042962542615.968 -6 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999994.0 -773.7573510937176 + 40519921.21332345 = 40519147.45597236 2830986055298.9893 + 205391134 = 2831191446432.9893 11820.811064142381 + 16289225 = 16301045.811064143 55931004840614.48 + -371381386.4891283 = 55930633459227.984 -25869890501.9066 + 33216 = -25869857285.9066 6604 + -85559842.32819916 = -85553238.32819916 1855479.6025417177 + -7281708323289.1875 = -7281706467809.585 8598248307282.879 + -2 = 8598248307280.879 -4340848124.296841 + -9687380.397715896 = -4350535504.694556 97303.92472890629 + -361581465313 = -361581368009.07526 -6.877193055874248 + 45.0704225689794 = 38.19322951310515 -40 + 53.70821857627268 = 13.708218576272678 -167492513542 + 7727180 = -167484786362 -18127365766 + -9858592672.73284 = -27985958438.73284 53987948174119 + -1845152860 = 53986103021259 100000000000000 + -66895510286.274475 = 99933104489713.72 378 + 513934 = 514312 33215608267020 + -39.67356224508543 = 33215608266980.33 100000000000000.0 + 43010911975.416245 = 100043010911975.42 100000000000000.0 + -28972.267473821452 = 99999999971027.73 5688069 + 876166.1385194091 = 6564235.138519409 -27081739084774 + 769464083.5361503 = -27080969620690.465 5684185.515533133 + -100000000000000 = -99999994315814.48 93682450 + 813107 = 94495557 -5448656154763.782 + -7600684074888.552 = -13049340229652.334 1.1957048535860353 + 8138322060 = 8138322061.195704 424820334 + -636106252534.2627 = -635681432200.2627 512517175420 + -80975 = 512517094445 -5298943871.510429 + -663958 = -5299607829.510429 -881 + 551030769881.0449 = 551030769000.0449 -169.58428915648457 + -2995137060375 = -2995137060544.5845 -499.79086199801975 + -98997254671.39847 = -98997255171.18933 83407 + 46310594253 = 46310677660 -6.251124870094944 + 6601506713 = 6601506706.748875 3571525 + 4571622059.589568 = 4575193584.589568 819462.4879834705 + 341430843787.9083 = 341431663250.3963 5426606698.644548 + -602 = 5426606096.644548 5793619.085507025 + 19720.405257314414 = 5813339.490764339 996278 + 885770018 = 886766296 2554976613.0432014 + -100000000000000.0 = -99997445023386.95 -73882693659674 + -5832898.287761598 = -73882699492572.28 9621416 + 777248444.4387133 = 786869860.4387133 424520890 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999575479110.0 8918231 + 901078306569.245 = 901087224800.245 8729.742728964991 + -100000000000000 = -99999999991270.25 -18496.344870329645 + 5583128098 = 5583109601.655129 5340896756226 + -100000000000000 = -94659103243774 -38143303299726.41 + -98827 = -38143303398553.41 3712490992 + -6 = 3712490986 392003 + -12295 = 379708 -939542235.2775174 + -4850.443332915671 = -939547085.7208503 -293674.1960549516 + 400090179.2618564 = 399796505.06580144 -166 + 72636109120 = 72636108954 8195388314.322862 + -656849 = 8194731465.322862 -56903333511 + 6419.521321212587 = -56903327091.478676 -9487907.714220282 + 203232656081 = 203223168173.28577 -14 + 5660 = 5646 -53189.51002435082 + -6646414 = -6699603.510024351 -6042.3497258187 + -146767835420.10123 = -146767841462.45096 850929241400.7979 + 3.749074826124751 = 850929241404.5469 55303671288275 + -900292461156 = 54403378827119 100000000000000.0 + -695633270 = 99999304366730.0 92491008.41702867 + -559929227.6963623 = -467438219.2793336 4.939462248367684 + -60223857 = -60223852.06053775 -60572041655506.83 + -77 = -60572041655583.83 -410169051.2986528 + -8803029239338 = -8803439408389.299 -3 + 87899764988 = 87899764985 7581.158733180347 + -854067619205 = -854067611623.8413 100000000000000 + -97.57419933308246 = 99999999999902.42 920807876 + -7752312544108.763 = -7751391736232.763 -4501.219617446992 + -68062080.95342739 = -68066582.17304483 -72095650.7895888 + -36901826 = -108997476.7895888 48689942496192 + -4872.554385367717 = 48689942491319.445 -42984797443 + 623461346168 = 580476548725 89421025 + -693769763.3592736 = -604348738.3592736 1 + -819.7147125279643 = -818.7147125279643 4599209017 + 504299664689 = 508898873706 -3793 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999996207.0 -644462225666.223 + -15748138 = -644477973804.223 -1684009108751 + -498905 = -1684009607656 80005 + 940493531025.6155 = 940493611030.6155 987744.8298920268 + -9315774.540693488 = -8328029.710801461 -14757559902632 + -323099 = -14757560225731 -8783790556213 + 25553350 = -8783765002863 78.70675691200029 + 90961894 = 90961972.7067569 -100000000000000.0 + 59537283626643.72 = -40462716373356.28 8664550264328.113 + 85172273.15111342 = 8664635436601.265 -900718322 + -88649967 = -989368289 -796413546.4474595 + -6240422792.374557 = -7036836338.822016 5040 + 983533777.4540565 = 983538817.4540565 8829976787569 + 1536983354439.2131 = 10366960142008.213 56814790 + 600.2497261814917 = 56815390.24972618 -1190261601567 + -7.562318660512706 = -1190261601574.5623 -4315143390 + -47362964716263 = -47367279859653 -365129021604 + 2 = -365129021602 178162363724.2188 + -364798 = 178161998926.2188 -21963 + -3696137524203.983 = -3696137546166.983 5 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999995.0 824475377034.3131 + 77694696 = 824553071730.3131 384211 + -1425390 = -1041179 -820673162642 + -9.763925698232566 = -820673162651.7639 -522511942955 + -3386 = -522511946341 68718111137.68432 + 186467 = 68718297604.68432 -9 + 4769319190508.271 = 4769319190499.271 -2455533417 + 737698053832 = 735242520415 35807 + -100000000000000 = -99999999964193 -128617 + -22359426165606.344 = -22359426294223.344 13 + -65321.91227689995 = -65308.91227689995 91084930.55477293 + 639997855265.4756 = 640088940196.0304 -213036.0529230008 + -80606413687 = -80606626723.05292 71589165273272 + -51583.717114641 = 71589165221688.28 925400121 + 509937 = 925910058 67 + -76741312 = -76741245 -845082461 + 6784525735335 = 6783680652874 -5952752.426668978 + -872744.0469044907 = -6825496.473573469 43376352579988.305 + -1764909244 = 43374587670744.305 -91014831074 + 3254237 = -91011576837 -1488952.0729988525 + 810 = -1488142.0729988525 -1821648 + -46970616623.584274 = -46972438271.584274 20.33432020922487 + 41681074757.328445 = 41681074777.662766 97.8380152265168 + -504335.5857162642 = -504237.7477010377 -2748193 + 257324.7014954763 = -2490868.298504524 4138867728952.5747 + -420 = 4138867728532.5747 388.45583793307185 + -43.61643228220648 = 344.8394056508654 -100000000000000.0 + 413 = -99999999999587.0 11566.930351822788 + -6.627888548790212 = 11560.302463273998 2838726.022019161 + 9336909.19646823 = 12175635.218487391 -100000000000000.0 + -19399.497556464776 = -100000000019399.5 -8.36714699516273 + 6722094614994 = 6722094614985.633 -623807837006 + -2850332.4041045727 = -623810687338.404 -65 + 45853262 = 45853197 73104006330 + -619504221.1467483 = 72484502108.85326 44248.28340830317 + 691012244831.5565 = 691012289079.84 840628305333.2854 + 23400143 = 840651705476.2854 -16008225 + 78888033575.29004 = 78872025350.29004 -27133 + 865839818.0064061 = 865812685.0064061 -5253599 + -130.3349033422379 = -5253729.334903343 9280408195.64822 + -956.9027627564491 = 9280407238.745457 -668142013688 + -2067 = -668142015755 -41 + -6090 = -6131 804 + -151817619581.54822 = -151817618777.54822 568136 + -4.323737036736706 = 568131.6762629632 355558 + -923246560308.1812 = -923246204750.1812 -58236876992649 + -100000000000000 = -158236876992649 22488252518412 + -67 = 22488252518345 6379.558158084687 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999993620.44 839717008 + -837765454.115143 = 1951553.8848570585 -164945 + 192999724.0744968 = 192834779.0744968 -7233251533.989536 + 632349526.3557355 = -6600902007.6338005 1781023 + 480921.3404172249 = 2261944.340417225 2568646523 + -186455 = 2568460068 98333430.64193133 + 57 = 98333487.64193133 11364.380337078785 + 43659 = 55023.38033707879 -11 + 120835628832 = 120835628821 25684794 + 100000000000000 = 100000025684794 752.3499636791706 + -3560660.9042715193 = -3559908.5543078403 -5279748487 + -1827500253773 = -1832780002260 988.1281231476479 + -985 = 3.128123147647898 -269389583895.6762 + 226.26103052133277 = -269389583669.4152 6347260789558.462 + -41259586 = 6347219529972.462 -520 + -4853941.516695244 = -4854461.516695244 6154761465.951448 + 4 = 6154761469.951448 -9817831055357 + 9438.52430484745 = -9817831045918.477 -5580208036 + 223246176.49342245 = -5356961859.5065775 -28268402119705.24 + 9865.643745456175 = -28268402109839.594 3904296.7513001496 + -45 = 3904251.7513001496 2711397936 + -2110855.014102271 = 2709287080.9858975 -502869939659.18414 + -86914.54299528422 = -502870026573.7271 68246685998 + 61522703.60708619 = 68308208701.607086 67 + -2 = 65 3661 + 86.86693983829068 = 3747.866939838291 7743372.500198904 + 227801072240.4911 = 227808815612.9913 204303 + -5154881884 = -5154677581 60492.00419038618 + -90796897211 = -90796836718.9958 25389347896883 + -44768.08933979599 = 25389347852114.91 -6793896.944784381 + -295322379 = -302116275.9447844 -404860466 + -5053576.379958095 = -409914042.3799581 100000000000000.0 + 2793158231 = 100002793158231.0 64431.7578289733 + 853 = 65284.7578289733 96530896 + -5185953455341.879 = -5185856924445.879 -3594823551025.4863 + 8843.212253140238 = -3594823542182.274 -718662.2018914777 + 65 = -718597.2018914777 -620064 + -962.8527149665452 = -621026.8527149665 82865155830 + 950664.9065772884 = 82866106494.90657 -60798 + -29513424.92246683 = -29574222.92246683 -8.70434750496539 + 5087698535 = 5087698526.295652 -3148145331410 + 207.1376658658553 = -3148145331202.8623 -536389117445.5061 + 9457573897 = -526931543548.5061 -74581600127.60138 + -69663266937437 = -69737848537564.6 100000000000000 + 2 = 100000000000002 78201439696197.94 + 451939 = 78201440148136.94 63746412393853.86 + -22781493656.79821 = 63723630900197.06 5785477.943588288 + -34814 = 5750663.943588288 346541424.4868978 + 29551620141.751846 = 29898161566.238743 999.563196532871 + -67 = 932.563196532871 -4665 + -2975 = -7640 -100000000000000 + 21294468.733774714 = -99999978705531.27 100000000000000 + -74553704763982.97 = 25446295236017.03 216848940 + -9623 = 216839317 245882 + 8 = 245890 506324827973 + 100000000000000 = 100506324827973 195607743.9691863 + -4690419.367262816 = 190917324.6019235 3769842166351.106 + 958906509017.5515 = 4728748675368.657 691.189063490293 + -57.872337258350925 = 633.3167262319421 -9.214685402633938 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999990.78 -59450635 + 230.2848007572763 = -59450404.71519924 -970609 + -439112783 = -440083392 -8428581224 + -3089616.8257359387 = -8431670840.825736 -2899399762 + 50759535.05216683 = -2848640226.947833 -839922902248.136 + -348 = -839922902596.136 -56.213193684855106 + -732513468 = -732513524.2131937 -7587 + 100000000000000 = 99999999992413 452704 + 94982 = 547686 8931794 + -16.495054234860067 = 8931777.504945764 4888772.155787816 + 9542290722590 = 9542295611362.156 -10629201.87173944 + -8105192724.86922 = -8115821926.740959 392534451.3170405 + -69.8942370807901 = 392534381.4228034 -89 + 54.24932938646536 = -34.75067061353464 -100000000000000.0 + -86189340626.16774 = -100086189340626.17 95.69867575841887 + -4.947772498404461 = 90.75090326001441 -206889 + -100000000000000 = -100000000206889 91547.98035526798 + -9534418 = -9442870.019644732 -3592426678982 + -229938098144 = -3822364777126 -6881810.970344968 + -364041726537.3937 = -364048608348.364 -271101511999 + -35731 = -271101547730 100000000000000.0 + -385.9551244663098 = 99999999999614.05 288 + 29864 = 30152 367173 + -22216668710 = -22216301537 86732696911 + -743966879325.8496 = -657234182414.8496 625 + 69886.23333895406 = 70511.23333895406 -1051685945521.8207 + 44941619255699.91 = 43889933310178.086 -823013 + 6265881.3817574745 = 5442868.3817574745 4590509850762.934 + -66.43304623112762 = 4590509850696.501 -100000000000000.0 + 51331122654564.336 = -48668877345435.664 2722758.0032039676 + 25 = 2722783.0032039676 233384.80055829269 + -75430984281595 = -75430984048210.2 -15095631.201319437 + 353.094367411549 = -15095278.106952026 30956 + -1528 = 29428 10293840307 + -484.3460167551182 = 10293839822.653984 -54381.00715420511 + 776 = -53605.00715420511 -8257.403359167402 + 1553484056 = 1553475798.5966408 -497.08959050030165 + 73142248 = 73141750.9104095 -8 + 504.69809194155124 = 496.69809194155124 -9495497533 + 74577200310.57971 = 65081702777.57971 -275 + 413944209830 = 413944209555 8473.403250992233 + 624710.7753556091 = 633184.1786066013 -3222.5622722388453 + -781223 = -784445.5622722389 -937 + 8420116.626174709 = 8419179.626174709 -6345 + -9989062872.63793 = -9989069217.63793 -56450.91860128103 + 325114 = 268663.081398719 100000000000000.0 + 2262840893713.0703 = 102262840893713.06 -363.152473376814 + -7002413468251.509 = -7002413468614.661 -987745154690 + 2762410 = -987742392280 515692917342 + 473625.7551813776 = 515693390967.7552 55930409643439 + 5467 = 55930409648906 57620530002 + 83090859229300.27 = 83148479759302.27 301 + 9756.356106296404 = 10057.356106296404 -2431.6027111198937 + 3880145496 = 3880143064.397289 4427296.758690154 + -11362340627240.543 = -11362336199943.785 -87965292 + 982.7995402735055 = -87964309.20045973 -78297920926 + -8 = -78297920934 100000000000000 + 4705.547397654867 = 100000000004705.55 -356 + 74302835728142 = 74302835727786 46773824413 + -9099557115 = 37674267298 3178519953.4000216 + -30208 = 3178489745.4000216 -79.47147604173695 + 199603 = 199523.52852395826 -71747 + -95.99427127291604 = -71842.99427127291 -10 + 455 = 445 3070.6951652006287 + 100000000000000 = 100000000003070.69 25916461419832.555 + -2379552.1298862295 = 25916459040280.426 -909055073.0070788 + 9532382.082179984 = -899522690.9248987 2939468680.32075 + 59 = 2939468739.32075 61516385.37142873 + 8824 = 61525209.37142873 -434921279.8883041 + 8264.794669509069 = -434913015.0936346 541873411 + -3.7456541829243024 = 541873407.2543458 -610.340982490322 + -172086039828.1538 = -172086040438.49478 -18456.634429110698 + -508520.5693664952 = -526977.2037956059 -906767990 + -67.9697675574176 = -906768057.9697676 -35510734448 + 538727051.1009394 = -34972007396.89906 -251 + 5.405104658301255 = -245.59489534169876 -2431 + 4527503309485.738 = 4527503307054.738 -4434780654 + 93755 = -4434686899 -2832440532214.0303 + 5663262 = -2832434868952.0303 4752214969896.253 + -720646.8897520292 = 4752214249249.363 545768221.5779567 + -3343818733 = -2798050511.4220433 74463379365.01086 + 33150.26159360964 = 74463412515.27246 978053.8765014622 + -415507311 = -414529257.12349856 100000000000000 + -1.0045539170843707 = 99999999999999.0 -601864491441.3635 + 225241565936 = -376622925505.3635 7279 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000007279.0 5345 + -4068521836219.7617 = -4068521830874.7617 -2168951.839833691 + 481106826.3955719 = 478937874.5557382 -36 + -2867901413.0975657 = -2867901449.0975657 8 + -87595696 = -87595688 -34453993222.23685 + -100000000000000 = -100034453993222.23 100000000000000.0 + -4411204293826 = 95588795706174.0 -2125743489813.3052 + 3869644530655 = 1743901040841.6948 -96906251 + 6.931231883565497 = -96906244.06876811 -70933033789 + -8 = -70933033797 4148326908528 + 100000000000000 = 104148326908528 896 + -263357914.26561365 = -263357018.26561365 -6346682.111280519 + -70.20740980334054 = -6346752.318690322 -220903.15927173098 + 6500.686748217337 = -214402.47252351366 50153292.504044496 + -1768 = 50151524.504044496 19918 + 15869 = 35787 161031890923.0126 + -667506179873 = -506474288949.9874 3613.314067642316 + 75408452134.61038 = 75408455747.92445 59971.21515130337 + 3133014072.4581246 = 3133074043.673276 88873.96379481468 + 95576503229347 = 95576503318220.97 -97607731303 + -38350 = -97607769653 -800200046414 + -9775706547.934753 = -809975752961.9348 -1716 + -1024 = -2740 2 + 7462.584666325016 = 7464.584666325016 -18493809.843678623 + -9.792259426057958 = -18493819.63593805 -687006386850 + 21 = -687006386829 95889775733 + -494622.05633215944 = 95889281110.94366 -469708547045 + -6326811 = -469714873856 -6943193.661502757 + -7416 = -6950609.661502757 -25215392072 + -738691684.2399871 = -25954083756.239986 3537035.5135474624 + -5.600982989426753 = 3537029.9125644728 -8943289509 + -65.50654429287891 = -8943289574.506544 796108085262 + -2.67639205356548 = 796108085259.3236 79092 + 20 = 79112 45073684725804.41 + 8308395814641.686 = 53382080540446.09 7917603498 + -35408 = 7917568090 47999 + -15.151119396139237 = 47983.84888060386 -100000000000000.0 + -679790091 = -100000679790091.0 46 + 82787016768 = 82787016814 -41749536.68154527 + 5414427 = -36335109.68154527 79102710643.0136 + -798147370803.0796 = -719044660160.066 42869784632.49436 + -784906.4953484565 = 42868999725.999016 -84399152.58135106 + -350619157217 = -350703556369.58136 -921966.1704533934 + 98010819523241 = 98010818601274.83 6592.017131685181 + 6823891888924.811 = 6823891895516.828 562458.1264038542 + 74632276689 = 74632839147.1264 -27867064.26870441 + -70767486531874.0 = -70767514398938.27 -94229204.72174966 + 791010 = -93438194.72174966 -662149117511.2554 + -50424 = -662149167935.2554 -100000000000000.0 + -42871472609640 = -142871472609640.0 75.40269981141093 + 3659655694439 = 3659655694514.403 69795 + -528 = 69267 1673 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000001673.0 -5311085406166.004 + 9754 = -5311085396412.004 -22850076.32618536 + -82393818734883 = -82393841584959.33 -93002673630086 + -21962.565638148357 = -93002673652048.56 941489425156 + 100000000000000.0 = 100941489425156.0 -2813548.4511968517 + 635683 = -2177865.4511968517 -2320250321.6763387 + -37523996.46770379 = -2357774318.1440425 64000.83359161837 + -5693405 = -5629404.166408381 -62684676.52995909 + 654 = -62684022.52995909 2231488163.794774 + 34710.31319354971 = 2231522874.1079674 -50378630607621.73 + 1776.6507763959007 = -50378630605845.08 1999.026666080061 + -844217632.1252459 = -844215633.0985799 9436841158851 + 100000000000000.0 = 109436841158851.0 48168288431.99283 + -86728144222924.22 = -86679975934492.22 -7005251 + 9901880648667 = 9901873643416 82 + -46263568398599 = -46263568398517 32094051 + -151867805 = -119773754 -833962009 + 586476209.9212797 = -247485799.07872033 -69319958026 + -9.012672554487537 = -69319958035.01268 -80385570934 + -344.48861589285093 = -80385571278.48862 27239.845285146235 + 177.6022278170733 = 27417.44751296331 32432234840.9283 + 874296.7323737799 = 32433109137.66067 -6196261052348 + 64847770 = -6196196204578 -805917572587.8826 + -32041011764779 = -32846929337366.883 5566779.26979988 + -6 = 5566773.26979988 79517827 + 1980394 = 81498221 9992991.514002677 + 421.54040470714364 = 9993413.054407384 8031618923399 + -3071 = 8031618920328 -44121540794477.33 + 5757.879930851549 = -44121540788719.445 18.602867916464007 + -166 = -147.397132083536 9627010.7950788 + 2721430 = 12348440.7950788 965.9940599404849 + -39.58486924967704 = 926.4091906908079 -44959124389319.8 + -7937224411.408714 = -44967061613731.2 -15776 + -261343408.1177816 = -261359184.1177816 -693496313353.727 + 5520209404117.882 = 4826713090764.154 -46.48600582922413 + 57.72141860227816 = 11.23541277305403 100000000000000.0 + 963.0898563130014 = 100000000000963.1 569533977 + -59247 = 569474730 -259613431 + -29434196.765517008 = -289047627.765517 -8617 + 934.676820540136 = -7682.323179459864 9 + 88304858 = 88304867 61634074555 + 67689102.0835149 = 61701763657.08351 844551910852.2686 + 30612792529786 = 31457344440638.27 -45836259.29880424 + 630912847 = 585076587.7011957 50285601 + -13 = 50285588 -1164525.221255071 + 56.770341684482716 = -1164468.4509133864 1401 + 196627457975.053 = 196627459376.053 460.77534979388247 + 814555544.9563588 = 814556005.7317085 100000000000000 + 4615 = 100000000004615 -3587564786403.8013 + 147 = -3587564786256.8013 -2490236064.08213 + -100000000000000 = -100002490236064.08 -8200366 + -246822255632 = -246830455998 -99.43107709370555 + -564643366590.708 = -564643366690.139 -434317672152.65424 + -45045387 = -434362717539.65424 62 + -4648161322.183473 = -4648161260.183473 2.66226545227501 + 15572492221454 = 15572492221456.662 856 + -262763463 = -262762607 4625539944.8468 + -360683260.86180985 = 4264856683.98499 289913363 + -82018801 = 207894562 -4936384 + -100000000000000 = -100000004936384 10205596061392.977 + -2.2229790211631997 = 10205596061390.754 99.3363797966367 + 686102401333 = 686102401432.3364 25.854527232113824 + 22985046878723.29 = 22985046878749.145 7533 + 827573.3179363322 = 835106.3179363322 4.9696446429002545 + 62728796170 = 62728796174.96964 5776439.972901822 + 89295.01714939972 = 5865734.990051222 -52220722056526 + 213.56489424780807 = -52220722056312.44 202.6804788939342 + 95630.36081705304 = 95833.04129594697 -7.516734675840733 + 9.158217760884561 = 1.641483085043828 100000000000000 + 4674909 = 100000004674909 81025959779 + 475465871 = 81501425650 7593 + -3000378444.7193394 = -3000370851.7193394 -100000000000000.0 + 5473782039734.107 = -94526217960265.89 -7300284714227 + 909616977884 = -6390667736343 575149573.2984524 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999424850426.7 610921177 + 100000000000000 = 100000610921177 1 + -8365720952778.896 = -8365720952777.896 -591564271372 + -3.551604239177094 = -591564271375.5516 -316418125215 + 39566843148.27623 = -276851282066.72375 -100000000000000 + 412693721497.8921 = -99587306278502.11 100000000000000 + -4774 = 99999999995226 -4.736262209215166 + -6 = -10.736262209215166 1344241 + 2973159994.1635566 = 2974504235.1635566 344750449189.07886 + 3465262 = 344753914451.07886 3503967877542.709 + -86073028253000 = -82569060375457.3 -603731 + -70040528.22043884 = -70644259.22043884 6878826.89927225 + -48061224 = -41182397.10072775 -95233271046 + 2940754.91552574 = -95230330291.08447 -1211733116 + 438 = -1211732678 97974624705 + 318.77437390370505 = 97974625023.77437 6997764285212 + -4430519 = 6997759854693 -79192910108 + -73505367625 = -152698277733 -100000000000000.0 + -51975186 = -100000051975186.0 -553.4812611890231 + -2.699760309851408 = -556.1810214988745 355235778457 + -64575.36788358785 = 355235713881.63214 100000000000000.0 + -60086966903384.98 = 39913033096615.02 31937580 + -59865911412215 = -59865879474635 559.0172571630976 + 49 = 608.0172571630976 -7410016022.730669 + -135105219344.34775 = -142515235367.07843 -4 + 35.28741460399389 = 31.287414603993888 6.457351877256281 + -686.8568517895133 = -680.3994999122569 -100000000000000.0 + 2314778799 = -99997685221201.0 -729994969.9404299 + -5 = -729994974.9404299 751629.3520360537 + 142279 = 893908.3520360537 21937233 + -43964489985847.25 = -43964468048614.25 32227492566448.88 + -61818091 = 32227430748357.88 -96 + -309 = -405 -47471822.86105371 + -1 = -47471823.86105371 -9334 + 97344672225820.62 = 97344672216486.62 744 + -295 = 449 497403 + 5.116241982916381 = 497408.1162419829 296502539 + -949104889347.375 = -948808386808.375 -3136705993609.312 + 29499041654344 = 26362335660734.688 -6807992983046 + 60 = -6807992982986 6001.761580684372 + -14722.259844661598 = -8720.498263977224 169.09613332481723 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999830.9 -60598.385163602805 + 680 = -59918.385163602805 -5744865217 + -100000000000000 = -100005744865217 -3192117748.313578 + 903 = -3192116845.313578 100000000000000.0 + 7.4755982703252775 = 100000000000007.47 8637.627606499635 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000008637.62 6 + 58395529241927 = 58395529241933 -65769036305 + 12051489.191505352 = -65756984815.808495 49 + 24.61990763047271 = 73.61990763047271 -7831526.708687446 + 749674509756 = 749666678229.2913 -6856059783 + -6151669583456.774 = -6158525643239.774 -371125352647 + -976939431 = -372102292078 -100000000000000.0 + -9113246684.364277 = -100009113246684.36 44952489.63222395 + -7272 = 44945217.63222395 -69254 + 984.8856340107549 = -68269.11436598924 9.816921351349917 + 414519734 = 414519743.81692135 -66032247.43166211 + 971299 = -65060948.43166211 -1.6903926021831963 + 92005897255.5752 = 92005897253.8848 -5073 + 8718 = 3645 -763.8384425317823 + -921839423295.0621 = -921839424058.9006 51736517324 + -9333609 = 51727183715 87877747061 + 84.95797296851472 = 87877747145.95798 996129 + 80061111258826 = 80061112254955 66212.79971177375 + -91055 = -24842.200288226246 4849654311711 + 46.49870961738717 = 4849654311757.499 6036536576 + 2356934970 = 8393471546 -100000000000000.0 + -862 = -100000000000862.0 -6.39509300133754 + 51 = 44.60490699866246 -6198.87397262046 + -365942.9689960685 = -372141.842968689 -100000000000000.0 + -53148207.99534974 = -100000053148208.0 3959279 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999996040721.0 -3.2863036684780584 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000003.28 86350401 + 491068750860 = 491155101261 -9.364873181279808 + 749547864 = 749547854.6351268 -381208 + 773.0201433093138 = -380434.9798566907 9770088923 + 2 = 9770088925 -100000000000000 + -4711690332661.942 = -104711690332661.94 -68138105960 + 876730 = -68137229230 18151094230.174904 + -2765.210804353692 = 18151091464.9641 -73.43919312063534 + 8 = -65.43919312063534 -5159.346569852063 + 7.140908347633152 = -5152.20566150443 -3229413 + 4.959154359274455 = -3229408.040845641 8351128 + -927225897 = -918874769 -603471150279 + -9196663279.045849 = -612667813558.0459 322707 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000322707.0 100000000000000.0 + 1635579 = 100000001635579.0 64303550.68218312 + -12010 = 64291540.68218312 7417519798 + 9549084423 = 16966604221 222157727.40698928 + 91380676807650 = 91380898965377.4 -230.84252367112143 + -689.4460768326959 = -920.2886005038173 554194950.1003051 + -6394207532537.428 = -6393653337587.327 -1354 + -9644216.884210413 = -9645570.884210413 59886736 + -69711.15160549546 = 59817024.848394506 3701626701688 + -8050685.57373644 = 3701618651002.4263 -99996550774.3631 + -7.157709256286086 = -99996550781.52081 -50000.71886336812 + -24465025.83020951 = -24515026.549072877 -532 + 60490 = 59958 8252321537.000239 + 25590791903 = 33843113440.00024 -820 + -350 = -1170 408680 + 782 = 409462 -4533314 + 952.5758237251946 = -4532361.424176275 -3862356 + -115348610165.28693 = -115352472521.28693 881053475554 + 679.805562518046 = 881053476233.8055 419 + -629516208 = -629515789 -135 + -3433365516849 = -3433365516984 -255 + -15356.698367553723 = -15611.698367553723 32987934 + -32.94881391143545 = 32987901.05118609 -51665.93713209359 + -429932240009.6699 = -429932291675.60706 5901506009044 + 8790194 = 5901514799238 34601797226.28862 + -2110261178.6655414 = 32491536047.623077 4658544.547844229 + -427.47851185520693 = 4658117.069332374 -100000000000000 + 64 = -99999999999936 114043.23005475661 + -9049545645160.41 = -9049545531117.18 170605748483 + -985.0666914245144 = 170605747497.93332 3542741.8977273544 + 646047.2955888524 = 4188789.193316207 40 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000040 -1014.1417844921508 + 1521 = 506.8582155078492 9016524234748 + 23929271501.334137 = 9040453506249.334 47704912494471.1 + -2016558737950.9177 = 45688353756520.19 23.296468906021026 + -3454158925.747096 = -3454158902.4506273 -194741781.51257452 + 778333 = -193963448.51257452 92760025915313 + -29440270009.163315 = 92730585645303.84 28438084168.01044 + -6354307 = 28431729861.01044 -30155565802244 + 61947529474137 = 31791963671893 -32 + 50834315.40896402 = 50834283.40896402 -100000000000000.0 + -8090330.977230533 = -100000008090330.98 -1842463996.878165 + -6420.366012965076 = -1842470417.244178 -1 + 245147.44333935127 = 245146.44333935127 60758560 + 100000000000000 = 100000060758560 -86963 + -4531338.898499347 = -4618301.898499347 -100000000000000 + 81.52832671188456 = -99999999999918.47 -43677.60831166229 + -97 = -43774.60831166229 996519 + -56874394 = -55877875 5061590.651173903 + -6820623204387 = -6820618142796.349 75997497636245.4 + 750674442 = 75998248310687.4 -76249952308 + -5.716214725167836 = -76249952313.71622 9 + 6281670.922169238 = 6281679.922169238 -97 + -18033273 = -18033370 61965959774 + 51794727308853 = 51856693268627 6349.5885087094875 + 12394710.840414466 = 12401060.428923177 13226 + -664.4394131303866 = 12561.560586869613 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 427.24067815215216 + 933 = 1360.2406781521522 7209560 + 480790856 = 488000416 3335 + -280614 = -277279 274 + -1.0169793806854628 = 272.9830206193145 -10297.358904305453 + -73143559.80296528 = -73153857.16186959 100000000000000 + 811.5568071325295 = 100000000000811.56 106698126026.32979 + 529 = 106698126555.32979 742555 + 6.6775522064187856 = 742561.6775522064 11374038750800.406 + 1.2227216541388801 = 11374038750801.629 35782315235067 + -100000000000000 = -64217684764933 -858276 + 1373 = -856903 34132 + 63 = 34195 -4 + 8 = 4 -6862665092736 + -2576 = -6862665095312 -93589.43720786549 + 433529 = 339939.56279213453 -61080171831 + 47353767643 = -13726404188 470334816458 + 424687036 = 470759503494 -86559534.51831178 + 9658120022.618183 = 9571560488.09987 62.097554836725294 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999937.9 645428.2612783146 + 20.878293527690015 = 645449.1395718423 -83133140.7363866 + -4679287618922 = -4679370752062.736 -9521673740.43404 + -4683787.051042901 = -9526357527.485083 -32674296758365 + 33459558129579 = 785261371214 -4940169962 + 435951743.7564084 = -4504218218.243591 41205622 + -733 = 41204889 -365955862109.7152 + 2157425914 = -363798436195.7152 50141058.08302064 + 698.5185838978382 = 50141756.60160454 744.5522197357252 + 96.91423608222536 = 841.4664558179505 8121362.539676013 + 5276.424261692972 = 8126638.963937706 -65560470159578 + 78487694157.02446 = -65481982465420.98 -6704144526399.469 + -100000000000000 = -106704144526399.47 12733866 + 64085145828131 = 64085158561997 668103349 + 5 = 668103354 -3 + -457525740671.6698 = -457525740674.6698 -796173787928 + 8476220 = -796165311708 -65535143 + 7653736776 = 7588201633 8568726098411 + 538037619 = 8569264136030 100000000000000 + -64974756677 = 99935025243323 -140278 + -78073 = -218351 635367230 + 6582 = 635373812 254900 + -96433168293747.94 = -96433168038847.94 2394442016742 + 5741949 = 2394447758691 -116.0494382186419 + 875 = 758.9505617813581 6332377990 + 7731644 = 6340109634 70915646918.25095 + -1 = 70915646917.25095 -864.0959018068033 + -827.5062319570703 = -1691.6021337638736 -117291 + 671534435793.6942 = 671534318502.6942 -70996679274959 + 95230057953 = -70901449217006 -2 + -15504864 = -15504866 -6444222266135 + 1116252077924 = -5327970188211 -19716620641 + 30879.159024532582 = -19716589761.840977 100000000000000.0 + -13239871856.642118 = 99986760128143.36 100000000000000.0 + -12200.196796084692 = 99999999987799.8 -132950901099.17711 + -582883987.0564257 = -133533785086.23354 -41633428.06391288 + 644899.1399435622 = -40988528.92396932 -2 + 81285.62996740117 = 81283.62996740117 4090 + -16085318021709.773 = -16085318017619.773 1533126624655 + 5503087011632.067 = 7036213636287.067 995816569 + -98628.58567512404 = 995717940.4143249 -5335 + 43515937234394 = 43515937229059 618.3130657431263 + -673763.0252806888 = -673144.7122149457 -698099542.3161491 + -6004577 = -704104119.3161491 -7984 + 9675 = 1691 -236 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000236.0 2741914.327446365 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999997258085.67 -3049943198.6679955 + 27241632.086402398 = -3022701566.581593 -7094681 + 36627 = -7058054 37 + 84002742336842.58 = 84002742336879.58 -7923142095799.667 + 7179.4192945784025 = -7923142088620.248 -93165.34667884908 + -393573578.17447996 = -393666743.5211588 6203397 + 6653815.594662145 = 12857212.594662145 5364.782505738883 + 4246775159.270784 = 4246780524.0532894 4495766 + 69477.12496719827 = 4565243.124967198 13214698854816 + 1153760.9817919598 = 13214700008576.982 -882938000 + -9088924895 = -9971862895 715.3798852803018 + -719 = -3.620114719698222 622649.7671639796 + 11.416638764971282 = 622661.1838027446 -3371.959262419406 + -575495514 = -575498885.9592624 7372585728 + -78180.20916331443 = 7372507547.790836 -999334953653.0741 + -7.578187625105075 = -999334953660.6523 66477.46324578446 + -799416539269 = -799416472791.5367 56040323.9191215 + -87439 = 55952884.9191215 1.279762039720274 + 508.0106755254011 = 509.29043756512135 266317 + 1216339663 = 1216605980 -55844471881197 + 18015333527.890835 = -55826456547669.11 -8322658902736.71 + -1697 = -8322658904433.71 -100000000000000.0 + 828346 = -99999999171654.0 307385 + 583.8582309104723 = 307968.8582309105 16975658881.747713 + 340.81331086330806 = 16975659222.561024 -8436342219229 + -37680187482 = -8474022406711 -7383445623668.919 + 4616428827 = -7378829194841.919 2142372891 + 495349762 = 2637722653 872102249.6637822 + -100000000000000 = -99999127897750.34 8798396.99751324 + -16766553 = -7968156.00248676 -67405.09453956694 + -9810373.136430398 = -9877778.230969965 3482157.5456925267 + -67161454097504.31 = -67161450615346.766 -53 + -894060548 = -894060601 -239914791932 + -50.71187095620881 = -239914791982.71188 -4.789241181906146 + 66453961298.526085 = 66453961293.73685 -6403097 + -70690.44878551981 = -6473787.44878552 1362 + 719.3569416526292 = 2081.3569416526293 65931.53899547979 + 386877942141 = 386878008072.539 28301416803.761543 + 42.23264413548015 = 28301416845.994186 -74395207073 + -32293 = -74395239366 -41640840284 + 7414125526 = -34226714758 -6311925972554.37 + 5188202 = -6311920784352.37 8 + -46674052130 = -46674052122 67242780.14422569 + 59 = 67242839.14422569 -3.7822847320048267 + -826 = -829.7822847320049 651158077.9254956 + -6951770704.874827 = -6300612626.949331 427142674235 + 95642016 = 427238316251 6.42624217332886 + 9 = 15.426242173328859 -527107574699 + -67 = -527107574766 -62129146589162 + 708628.7514125584 = -62129145880533.25 -100000000000000.0 + 810141 = -99999999189859.0 711222727170 + 89675797 = 711312402967 23463 + -39973898287.51536 = -39973874824.51536 -34485634059 + 463271733565 = 428786099506 -599465367309 + -536497406465.1618 = -1135962773774.1619 376191415.7774313 + 7792.808733798778 = 376199208.58616513 -433340190441 + 290.1507806939862 = -433340190150.84924 -8786826376632.721 + -9 = -8786826376641.721 4741990482.541512 + 9482 = 4741999964.541512 -100000000000000.0 + -922585596184 = -100922585596184.0 9837.422313484498 + -392855116.6544437 = -392845279.23213017 -611 + -496456.3756533015 = -497067.3756533015 -6.640348431141028 + 989034.1668620277 = 989027.5265135965 46721391176 + -95 = 46721391081 -100000000000000.0 + -6502151791447.059 = -106502151791447.06 4 + 475415592.92967325 = 475415596.92967325 5.466128817061993 + -971 = -965.533871182938 89 + -902870764.1212656 = -902870675.1212656 -2942783976 + -100000000000000.0 = -100002942783976.0 -93.36043869066322 + 60753.84857316822 = 60660.48813447756 -8743165895795.046 + 16766471623124.385 = 8023305727329.339 7921119 + -703 = 7920416 -59223 + 26797.07227761786 = -32425.92772238214 -9522 + 3464.5963830685296 = -6057.40361693147 -6148452683.814594 + -62242.07335933108 = -6148514925.887954 943 + -381329430 = -381328487 8750 + 590792.6213413836 = 599542.6213413836 -814993519343.494 + 4176731.183993825 = -814989342612.31 -3371853.4755954742 + 227361876664.12494 = 227358504810.64935 -700582 + 661391086.0511073 = 660690504.0511073 507422268860.6227 + -87774255210 = 419648013650.6227 -37983 + 507844747607.07275 = 507844709624.07275 41.377642207237045 + 1035476359 = 1035476400.3776422 68.24036460763894 + 1161 = 1229.2403646076389 -4.5166214344811415 + 32.76688030592388 = 28.250258871442735 -24174791984 + -444 = -24174792428 556837 + 56074.8588555366 = 612911.8588555366 -23951546862 + -29 = -23951546891 76256746116122.16 + 3383593223 = 76260129709345.16 -702860781.657957 + -94 = -702860875.657957 -7583.50401794242 + -99 = -7682.50401794242 4494828528 + 1087879007402 = 1092373835930 60078.78974428079 + 5244000 = 5304078.789744281 22922308 + 73897085137 = 73920007445 -137.99762080432617 + 63186585298407 = 63186585298269.0 3609910799947.687 + 100000000000000 = 103609910799947.69 -275745030087 + 5401845.88395276 = -275739628241.116 -79549193.49224283 + -5218659672837.988 = -5218739222031.48 727021718802 + -882678566 = 726139040236 -20 + -25.781249216789554 = -45.781249216789554 -6731.006661648116 + -95052571016027 = -95052571022758.0 -9039914476358.117 + -2561 = -9039914478919.117 738838440.2311031 + 637424566296 = 638163404736.2311 121211667 + 87032633 = 208244300 -21610177.708390724 + -2467.1555177038563 = -21612644.86390843 77558562302932.58 + 2.257059034902679 = 77558562302934.83 100000000000000 + 77380654749408.78 = 177380654749408.78 -228601874841 + 3719654 = -228598155187 -5237 + -2197703304237.3015 = -2197703309474.3015 -52075855959 + -723.3995949861305 = -52075856682.3996 266153.09310200607 + -710.8615793623966 = 265442.23152264365 -489587333831.89514 + 77609044575 = -411978289256.89514 -127804067404.98819 + -5 = -127804067409.98819 -1.9807807348522646 + -79 = -80.98078073485226 476070449255 + -826.362348862912 = 476070448428.63763 584482658 + 58.333397678126865 = 584482716.3333976 59.84344953938237 + -560979558.9302127 = -560979499.0867631 446.8474478934385 + 87 = 533.8474478934386 -622168.2216270156 + -182008884 = -182631052.22162703 -7840626660237 + -48.59744106287874 = -7840626660285.598 958 + -7198796116088.301 = -7198796115130.301 -91880.47082597742 + -955308468 = -955400348.470826 854.0084599659954 + 287.2498839394801 = 1141.2583439054756 -5084995339 + 4417.721070215423 = -5084990921.27893 7008.351938532283 + -2802284369 = -2802277360.6480613 -352.4147734531788 + 86733833602197.62 = 86733833601845.2 37186.79600953295 + -184317537 = -184280350.20399046 -5.320482225021117 + -13407.335725365825 = -13412.656207590846 -25412643593 + -404 = -25412643997 -34 + -29833396727748 = -29833396727782 -87198043.67446373 + 3182695582.065924 = 3095497538.3914604 -47 + 31169505247442.74 = 31169505247395.74 876787.8677790104 + -693097109805 = -693096233017.1322 24004294515935 + -75820882 = 24004218695053 69755462133 + 100000000000000.0 = 100069755462133.0 234656055098.68616 + 100000000000000.0 = 100234656055098.69 973898.0842451875 + -470.3705211324902 = 973427.713724055 85966078785158.44 + -792867887 = 85965285917271.44 70.91911442981166 + 23934393 = 23934463.91911443 -2115 + 646524376315.2642 = 646524374200.2642 -82597940.60110192 + -5158.526465243855 = -82603099.12756716 -1951.7763255003617 + 7459845987408.29 = 7459845985456.514 6632759952 + -100000000000000 = -99993367240048 4841384784 + 4335149 = 4845719933 100000000000000.0 + 439264.6803462583 = 100000000439264.69 -82529351061627.44 + -464.08136330204854 = -82529351062091.52 20561448704.770573 + -695 = 20561448009.770573 6664537.441211869 + 5 = 6664542.441211869 9726819 + 3577083689.4803967 = 3586810508.4803967 -1.2659435750486336 + 74028416427 = 74028416425.73405 -6 + -8501323 = -8501329 -317264210 + 8271.28574754867 = -317255938.7142525 79840877623158 + 117.20918693679167 = 79840877623275.2 -574052.2126370601 + 50120 = -523932.2126370601 100000000000000.0 + 912841093939 = 100912841093939.0 24253790178.459923 + 100000000000000 = 100024253790178.45 -2984886981.6180844 + -921901687.2338803 = -3906788668.851965 -4396668 + -1655375328256.272 = -1655379724924.272 7788303 + 630386 = 8418689 -49515188 + 141353719 = 91838531 -723651.0824535269 + 21378231482.390335 = 21377507831.30788 -100000000000000.0 + -4296 = -100000000004296.0 1584726 + -3526327.1257665865 = -1941601.1257665865 60874414937.603676 + -233744 = 60874181193.603676 -24470539127904.72 + -40760091200238 = -65230630328142.72 9439281484813 + 4588735935133 = 14028017419946 4563 + 100000000000000 = 100000000004563 78970259.19142573 + -83796050911679.67 = -83795971941420.48 31.225377113921592 + -824157996862 = -824157996830.7747 -7597618.818981176 + 670081 = -6927537.818981176 220219483565.77625 + -385935789762 = -165716306196.22375 71209937891126 + 100000000000000.0 = 171209937891126.0 2434269333.6278 + 840080582365 = 842514851698.6278 64530648425.34978 + -87 = 64530648338.34978 301623 + -668651599 = -668349976 17939886681 + 59.734795480464115 = 17939886740.734795 -97340.89244131591 + 7673313405927 = 7673313308586.107 84661718043 + -662230425.0075366 = 83999487617.99246 -35876 + -6 = -35882 100000000000000.0 + -9976111598 = 99990023888402.0 11762848.76831917 + 9052470.620166138 = 20815319.38848531 91519093796647 + 1958.066902466137 = 91519093798605.06 -2537708467 + -699783813922 = -702321522389 68377657306679.33 + 89863905.74941926 = 68377747170585.08 70.8504322474304 + -2062989248426 = -2062989248355.1497 -442 + 828913216.0649534 = 828912774.0649534 100000000000000 + -4422.404595506892 = 99999999995577.6 581200294632.3403 + 2796851.183527636 = 581203091483.5238 -8188722023.4387 + -965101467714 = -973290189737.4387 3796036543260.2935 + 1078174198 = 3797114717458.2935 872690575.9632365 + -720389.9354219523 = 871970186.0278145 5936708737371.701 + -9040 = 5936708728331.701 -7660.120354661613 + 445878176367 = 445878168706.87964 28876958892.210285 + 6400986466512.924 = 6429863425405.134 -381679579 + 9 = -381679570 -7939.114648954713 + -805919935549 = -805919943488.1146 -9226130 + 769.6048799418309 = -9225360.395120058 448.7706742124355 + 158861.54545476427 = 159310.3161289767 24878912714898 + 10500 = 24878912725398 -1312 + 82.25183721853298 = -1229.748162781467 -3.546421257684468 + -31181587827109.9 = -31181587827113.445 -45350 + 56 = -45294 9876.626799015268 + -3002674.876712636 = -2992798.2499136208 -905991 + -6941876952785 = -6941877858776 3732584.3733554985 + 306226.8176505101 = 4038811.1910060085 -55337.57723512387 + 531392618.15875727 = 531337280.58152217 879.9972610845169 + 767820 = 768699.9972610845 -8836710130.52413 + 336.4747877147539 = -8836709794.049341 29994210744723.973 + 54798790410659 = 84793001155382.97 273407762.8149855 + 8.022979883557214 = 273407770.83796537 -79024244 + 281687034.6168827 = 202662790.61688268 -100000000000000.0 + -154651 = -100000000154651.0 50195658679.14213 + 930909152.4150188 = 51126567831.557144 -6469940 + -88685064 = -95155004 -4749606372155 + -5072037461.269644 = -4754678409616.27 -47387068934 + 8510.496332002485 = -47387060423.50367 -657963 + 5223 = -652740 1909974 + 139488868470.31445 = 139490778444.31445 560987696615.8213 + -7148552053619.912 = -6587564357004.091 7327909 + 64.74255472038999 = 7327973.7425547205 713757 + 5 = 713762 -7376597045 + 4741789841520.377 = 4734413244475.377 -98260427143453.94 + -961 = -98260427144414.94 -34748248325 + 63.74207055873916 = -34748248261.25793 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 -15829015725175.969 + -900424313042.2396 = -16729440038218.209 -75415609 + -267160335.74705532 = -342575944.7470553 -92.47621456091814 + 32 = -60.47621456091814 100000000000000.0 + 986295316082 = 100986295316082.0 -46886909 + 548824325 = 501937416 158117290520.53537 + 5.5766910593086765 = 158117290526.11206 13775749198 + 6.547289812137899 = 13775749204.547289 -57159775935852 + 78179 = -57159775857673 2101615047.0377154 + 1639235 = 2103254282.0377154 4.529715536410126 + 750917974.0879307 = 750917978.6176462 -5245080608356 + 19048893700.726044 = -5226031714655.274 -9144669.792326463 + -81839.21479341551 = -9226509.00711988 7401080.598036196 + 6326333253.807169 = 6333734334.405205 6010391520 + 704573 = 6011096093 2786958443 + -458238 = 2786500205 431811 + 4643518265511.208 = 4643518697322.208 7214 + -6275129.982379936 = -6267915.982379936 -314186.80261249153 + -44 = -314230.80261249153 2861011033 + 58260601305.33629 = 61121612338.33629 8750 + -605452.8322246943 = -596702.8322246943 -9405394499.24183 + -100000000000000 = -100009405394499.23 -1288435.7249528659 + -623 = -1289058.7249528659 100000000000000.0 + 217220794.70025933 = 100000217220794.7 2418084443509.325 + -6626450792265.779 = -4208366348756.454 4 + 10.886627194941742 = 14.886627194941742 572767781 + 88281.81557658111 = 572856062.8155766 95405213637385 + 100000000000000.0 = 195405213637385.0 -74195706330627.84 + -2126020904125.953 = -76321727234753.8 -748194185 + 4281.69344663357 = -748189903.3065534 -91 + -525910533.8528255 = -525910624.8528255 -100000000000000.0 + 29079 = -99999999970921.0 -130023652.06714612 + 9.874632594660367 = -130023642.19251353 320.92031599358336 + -80625325 = -80625004.079684 -64329006600 + 820 = -64329005780 -76261787118.33374 + -70750177473 = -147011964591.33374 -31769.512095870527 + -599349392 = -599381161.5120959 7566 + -945.0048910280843 = 6620.995108971916 -29134918.04253429 + 75086498309 = 75057363390.95746 -91 + 88545801838.7561 = 88545801747.7561 8047.541592997524 + 773458454997 = 773458463044.5416 64400151.68873312 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000064400151.69 -100000000000000.0 + -38.663513400706876 = -100000000000038.66 5.752368379946926 + -71089857587471.81 = -71089857587466.06 -6243 + -65747730718471.89 = -65747730724714.89 22 + 7489254886.146192 = 7489254908.146192 93203397908713.8 + 1998843642.7097988 = 93205396752356.5 100000000000000.0 + -78827.51469190177 = 99999999921172.48 -5558678.332923265 + 756653.818678057 = -4802024.514245208 -965 + 80116765210142.22 = 80116765209177.22 -5.696694491749057 + -991251575654.384 = -991251575660.0807 -14.53258497852881 + -34732.96968424613 = -34747.50226922466 9886639.426457942 + 70565777268.7982 = 70575663908.22466 -4510007781128 + -8 = -4510007781136 -80048112891608 + -40309 = -80048112931917 -82 + -206.37264396321518 = -288.3726439632152 -5332761830529.234 + 11 = -5332761830518.234 -574621822.0343485 + 383565114 = -191056708.0343485 864 + 9208379709.685795 = 9208380573.685795 -4081242704 + 2829738 = -4078412966 -21627.654403497763 + 100000000000000 = 99999999978372.34 -232603 + -7535207105948 = -7535207338551 -18853506209.974083 + -3440.3402649018803 = -18853509650.314346 33851927310 + -100000000000000.0 = -99966148072690.0 -3184.305029498393 + 1578370645 = 1578367460.6949706 14236.39807524652 + -2874926500.7423363 = -2874912264.344261 866.3473790654036 + 885599887714.7156 = 885599888581.063 9431061370724.133 + 48636 = 9431061419360.133 -86546901403085.7 + -7846764 = -86546909249849.7 7.275108000215477 + 50852468391 = 50852468398.27511 -3321863.3533119964 + 6860.323636088325 = -3315003.029675908 18479697096 + -54975350.72410748 = 18424721745.275894 40640686430.234604 + -681817465.2095652 = 39958868965.02504 -8308570271 + 100000000000000.0 = 99991691429729.0 -100000000000000.0 + -414565432774 = -100414565432774.0 918626257319 + 79352875573.41713 = 997979132892.4171 32827825009.806744 + 7165650113 = 39993475122.80675 -3439083430589.9536 + -2813 = -3439083433402.9536 -100000000000000 + -610230227 = -100000610230227 14.064921517847196 + 586.4689685185758 = 600.533890036423 60185835.52480035 + 571776012334 = 571836198169.5248 87.78954829019534 + 94483261.34267016 = 94483349.13221845 -30355 + 3527588483697 = 3527588453342 -3906507.583931724 + 73797.27154291107 = -3832710.312388813 58027822240910 + -650859 = 58027821590051 -1483929 + -4003622100.3155346 = -4005106029.3155346 328005663.1510365 + -118425.40471625191 = 327887237.74632025 5632953 + -53925 = 5579028 100000000000000 + 14968835 = 100000014968835 -6641627147392.911 + -3683226 = -6641630830618.911 374691 + -3801.184253496112 = 370889.8157465039 8558476861864 + 40717031 = 8558517578895 -6180 + -490785773832.8041 = -490785780012.8041 -738882282.9544147 + -7999381.316889652 = -746881664.2713044 -219819692086.984 + -78 = -219819692164.984 -147381813.43467817 + -531461620.65135795 = -678843434.0860361 -79791531097197.0 + -54451835.43260771 = -79791585549032.44 8.313456265889164 + -4448887662657 = -4448887662648.687 225324681.93702185 + 90982528870456.12 = 90982754195138.06 -7.484095722230104 + 676291667.5364567 = 676291660.052361 590559115152 + 84230790 = 590643345942 -28063518496 + 9162.20871310157 = -28063509333.791286 3.2576295404146713 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999996.75 -198996536.73315287 + -100000000000000 = -100000198996536.73 28995143 + 4065 = 28999208 87426508.6281638 + -33983422557343 = -33983335130834.37 -113593 + -2548696126 = -2548809719 9186057464085.984 + -9899853871.074669 = 9176157610214.91 8 + 396856 = 396864 76024145857107.19 + -57784167 = 76024088072940.19 -189879604517.66132 + -8247037781435 = -8436917385952.661 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 964557118 + 6998.11011403219 = 964564116.110114 -7127203.754014639 + -82224511 = -89351714.75401464 7139942620347 + 2 = 7139942620349 -619988 + 3197325547.678473 = 3196705559.678473 100000000000000 + 5539.689483987906 = 100000000005539.69 -617731922015 + 2325906789 = -615406015226 46478100766724 + -20722378921 = 46457378387803 -84327378 + -3335 = -84330713 743354.8094130019 + 412380623 = 413123977.809413 -3968660012.3118653 + 62406 = -3968597606.3118653 90473871.45290124 + 6.038694153064663 = 90473877.4915954 1750844823 + -2403966.581988342 = 1748440856.4180117 635030680434 + -7.909311793157949 = 635030680426.0907 -418792710403 + -71033222.52087809 = -418863743625.5209 -773102.9019593328 + -714596401527.6375 = -714597174630.5394 -57964535777192 + 778964621639.3949 = -57185571155552.6 3527 + 6537857557827.988 = 6537857561354.988 6910222326.167221 + -931869605.6787299 = 5978352720.488491 401634.64763994404 + 2218671175688 = 2218671577322.6475 8544780 + -22668243566 = -22659698786 -80519414561077.94 + -6236395179.793521 = -80525650956257.73 16243877124 + -50317721182 = -34073844058 90193074992902 + 9880749029908.793 = 100073824022810.8 4.925599415026596 + 74814042351 = 74814042355.9256 -36448363913967.89 + -2689 = -36448363916656.89 7520588 + -7.709826040504306 = 7520580.29017396 2096079704.7570124 + 2111203481 = 4207283185.7570124 -27808835.890670367 + 2217284.1020875983 = -25591551.78858277 -3 + 77569.07296783812 = 77566.07296783812 95906676482380 + -64141340.2613202 = 95906612341039.73 -4092695244034 + 564907347271 = -3527787896763 -47.2172592812451 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999952.78 3 + 99014622501057 = 99014622501060 -70857.36321441352 + 7947925.762569264 = 7877068.39935485 126700 + -943019309107 = -943019182407 -81088958071.70743 + -729363998051.4938 = -810452956123.2012 -11495.79526138142 + 764961240208 = 764961228712.2047 872 + 62715394555.04709 = 62715395427.04709 47231038048858 + -706418146019 = 46524619902839 32688543559 + 100000000000000.0 = 100032688543559.0 3.680391215429344 + 24875839184396 = 24875839184399.68 113163 + 536847233766.4033 = 536847346929.4033 -1100141 + 46819826376.60206 = 46818726235.60206 -53879431458 + -92801604866847 = -92855484298305 -8094599326960.237 + -496 = -8094599327456.237 -10.372204590522522 + 20489 = 20478.627795409477 230845512559.36084 + -4705378.984026392 = 230840807180.3768 977387949.1326728 + 439 = 977388388.1326728 -691 + 5987 = 5296 -4.253053039679191 + 86 = 81.74694696032081 -335 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000335 -601879449700.231 + -84904027.83030237 = -601964353728.0613 -65191917205 + -88500356942.17828 = -153692274147.17828 7 + -31618081627 = -31618081620 -922574 + 1.2445443624453782 = -922572.7554556376 -7966174114.189174 + -824.735927317539 = -7966174938.925101 1908793 + -8794192 = -6885399 75438642903046 + 266604109523 = 75705247012569 74149147086864 + -9040085393688.734 = 65109061693175.266 -100000000000000.0 + -66876982.13883839 = -100000066876982.14 645652039325.5789 + 9853377 = 645661892702.5789 5 + -416 = -411 -100000000000000.0 + -4215336849284 = -104215336849284.0 -28588911 + 6 = -28588905 -4213265 + -67 = -4213332 41521922.374625444 + -828996912292 = -828955390369.6254 3245962.0652641323 + 6624727478.110882 = 6627973440.176146 4258403992695.047 + -56223594394.36002 = 4202180398300.687 19161123489279 + 100000000000000 = 119161123489279 -11769898129827.227 + 100000000000000 = 88230101870172.78 -30451488.589897215 + -900328818.5941588 = -930780307.184056 806.1374176646822 + 8 = 814.1374176646822 100000000000000 + -3.0928975535809715 = 99999999999996.9 -49467070.04311767 + 9 = -49467061.04311767 64662676.36690857 + -100000000000000 = -99999935337323.64 100000000000000 + -97969 = 99999999902031 -215610478.38220474 + 90255 = -215520223.38220474 -4572.162715895085 + 6026836631.522496 = 6026832059.35978 86762558552482 + 2999853256496.1157 = 89762411808978.11 89036557074.17752 + 5 = 89036557079.17752 449292 + 100000000000000 = 100000000449292 21457.32135711057 + 35 = 21492.32135711057 -5 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000005.0 -17912921161488.043 + -7294571 = -17912928456059.043 100000000000000 + 58122089232882 = 158122089232882 -1693880 + 81318533422451.67 = 81318531728571.67 141 + 575547857915.3027 = 575547858056.3027 -92683905.3857685 + 8207799 = -84476106.3857685 -30482 + -43334065314.297226 = -43334095796.297226 -2425 + -4549476892332.813 = -4549476894757.813 15540473869 + 71647548916011.58 = 71663089389880.58 -4031815885 + -544.8682437775308 = -4031816429.8682437 -4.060532776238749 + 76736874992.81561 = 76736874988.75508 70716 + -7.288237472584277 = 70708.71176252741 12 + 765.8101798864761 = 777.8101798864761 -981123410 + -844.3072684680404 = -981124254.3072685 20099 + 494031612607.9331 = 494031632706.9331 1399924065739.5232 + -33418695539273.805 = -32018771473534.28 -467312187 + 96875203 = -370436984 5240 + -100000000000000 = -99999999994760 -4401103228187 + -675952680 = -4401779180867 226973813 + -52262103 = 174711710 83439918116.3727 + 527012411.5316953 = 83966930527.90439 -2821521932 + -14966305.469375245 = -2836488237.469375 -71.0843275010997 + 91 = 19.915672498900307 -9754.210018181777 + 95.57862180189473 = -9658.631396379882 53.982202065569844 + 642377.166567183 = 642431.1487692485 -7465274113.157967 + -97135 = -7465371248.157967 8 + 578358.5629351233 = 578366.5629351233 -82543812121897.42 + -765.7632908094408 = -82543812122663.19 88882820 + 28229695 = 117112515 -58562522.13915206 + -54741131.14525244 = -113303653.28440449 5397840962.795157 + -6120 = 5397834842.795157 761034 + 3885812 = 4646846 8339430092 + -2762407697022.4575 = -2754068266930.4575 -100000000000000.0 + 19757088041 = -99980242911959.0 -973.5523899091062 + 59868515.33630642 = 59867541.78391651 556668025217.8896 + 95480639 = 556763505856.8896 -4515144966702.441 + -47721380148.28397 = -4562866346850.726 -71684870110846.78 + 99854.26475873028 = -71684870010992.52 -73203.62289844839 + 99632471458193.25 = 99632471384989.62 685 + -90958415095086.16 = -90958415094401.16 -790546017.0967163 + 1039 = -790544978.0967163 -100000000000000 + 50.62359719749328 = -99999999999949.38 6257827842.208556 + 9 = 6257827851.208556 -984793407850.6287 + -100000000000000.0 = -100984793407850.62 -160085.182507671 + 4.256591782518813 = -160080.92591588848 5904 + 75479.24920553125 = 81383.24920553125 -53.78190572231989 + 89 = 35.21809427768011 -922149.3325935844 + -643580.5708533347 = -1565729.9034469193 499376.5886410844 + -15699230908493.361 = -15699230409116.773 -8417663887 + 547730915.3708096 = -7869932971.62919 99231822.51897332 + 9370 = 99241192.51897332 -53570608548044 + -64331.92635201934 = -53570608612375.93 393656003008.8657 + -3853.66548983093 = 393655999155.20026 -51599710 + 669886947973.1881 = 669835348263.1881 -8876.899872607974 + 9379739767644.55 = 9379739758767.65 -40448474 + -46994633939452 = -46994674387926 -100000000000000 + 5069406.6786928335 = -99999994930593.33 3.630880938835177 + -99936228294 = -99936228290.36913 -98 + 22653620641.861923 = 22653620543.861923 100584 + -1098219475 = -1098118891 -501828.065197468 + 440754771 = 440252942.93480253 31116585904542.31 + 27 = 31116585904569.31 1953391626350.1665 + -100000000000000 = -98046608373649.83 -1160473.952393064 + 8093 = -1152380.952393064 3819678550406 + 74316521262.2044 = 3893995071668.2046 -6 + 696121874052 = 696121874046 8 + 55404.32094190787 = 55412.32094190787 -47432916084662 + 7.962174917227683 = -47432916084654.04 -100000000000000.0 + 9970.408144453513 = -99999999990029.6 43500 + 339157881984 = 339157925484 -873.103092665811 + -92 = -965.103092665811 -593665624109 + 5427228486218 = 4833562862109 6648069371747 + -8680811 = 6648060690936 -236.28316194374486 + 628998769793.272 = 628998769556.9888 924172873.5052706 + 2104136561.955709 = 3028309435.4609795 23352214772 + -48 = 23352214724 -580374348 + 4281039650.561129 = 3700665302.561129 -59234.85733391908 + -100000000000000 = -100000000059234.86 -5458.260451801672 + 2.0993353860526947 = -5456.161116415619 -122527.39191871288 + 771 = -121756.39191871288 -92357.11777043153 + 8563320794.680428 = 8563228437.562657 50861.0018819387 + 7 = 50868.0018819387 967348245031 + 77852408879694.72 = 78819757124725.72 1733674128502 + -67368.45872116298 = 1733674061133.5413 -2517 + -83613 = -86130 -7 + 325485704 = 325485697 23305456478818 + -94.15684969326777 = 23305456478723.844 91.10669070898027 + -971 = -879.8933092910197 -22704076621259.46 + -521407981547 = -23225484602806.46 -9339.689211774894 + 52855 = 43515.310788225106 994178 + -84624676486 = -84623682308 -2550.1082944815025 + 6089844898 = 6089842347.8917055 -68048001306 + 4471 = -68047996835 -100000000000000 + -71370725.09670264 = -100000071370725.1 2478769850.439954 + -761060228.7886615 = 1717709621.6512923 5.960982123515977 + -7.212851161282639 = -1.2518690377666628 -24546023.36700224 + -2265.621971675456 = -24548288.988973916 -949205631 + 384774732449.30304 = 383825526818.30304 4.256533167948124 + -93076525222.71873 = -93076525218.4622 2098915.5373248234 + -72240921290 = -72238822374.46268 974 + -9243999267790 = -9243999266816 -93686605530886.86 + 6022752.6755131 = -93686599508134.19 21 + 53752218.482907794 = 53752239.482907794 -1142 + 90377.06256469975 = 89235.06256469975 -981780618.3292179 + 86583846 = -895196772.3292179 -45469231.576388925 + -20347786602919.84 = -20347832072151.418 595437589804.0996 + -866644.8064105128 = 595436723159.2932 2.873069255867339 + 6.748864560528374 = 9.621933816395714 94485 + -952823.9479371894 = -858338.9479371894 8276555655 + 59333674480 = 67610230135 -415450605569.29224 + -649424277145.345 = -1064874882714.6372 608119507663 + -4964639760322.365 = -4356520252659.365 753 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000753.0 32239899557443.902 + 83 = 32239899557526.902 -834929 + -374 = -835303 571985261538 + -4962.83860739418 = 571985256575.1614 -236815922951 + -656.692366289099 = -236815923607.69235 -3317558844839.317 + -67376 = -3317558912215.317 -9 + 4 = -5 478956.96894190874 + -615660.9578146845 = -136703.98887277575 -66960177575 + -45 = -66960177620 -837225149.8079432 + -2 = -837225151.8079432 -92.27735826687456 + 40119647902078 = 40119647901985.72 -25981.045603553463 + -2 = -25983.045603553463 8607335773544.61 + -100000000000000 = -91392664226455.39 881432243.8348782 + -5 = 881432238.8348782 -4139200697 + 614330.4377741483 = -4138586366.562226 -18160168.709880255 + 3664282787.4346113 = 3646122618.724731 1183 + -100000000000000 = -99999999998817 -2893009989029 + -37.775206780766894 = -2893009989066.7754 -44528261576619 + -100000000000000.0 = -144528261576619.0 -24344596027408 + -122 = -24344596027530 -12818.400525512383 + -8607251622648.149 = -8607251635466.55 -71112514.16494879 + -499397475409.8651 = -499468587924.0301 3382550337 + -9763966.26425849 = 3372786370.7357416 -2.8881670712247582 + 536447.8682785693 = 536444.980111498 100000000000000 + -5123888811 = 99994876111189 -100000000000000 + -476933036650 = -100476933036650 6881963 + -12758.866846308676 = 6869204.133153691 -61474208 + -17374 = -61491582 -595353817024.4445 + -1247589987615.9976 = -1842943804640.442 983752959166 + -85.0584298163104 = 983752959080.9415 -3279439007558 + -7711169801586 = -10990608809144 -55370149114 + -59208 = -55370208322 -31324348.50547227 + 23779083 = -7545265.505472269 671632.6836805556 + -794993540.6206095 = -794321907.936929 -62716318.890049025 + 100000000000000 = 99999937283681.11 4068327 + -220289.65995169326 = 3848037.3400483066 -4.248805497150329 + -787185.5965975237 = -787189.8454030209 50874164 + 962217660660 = 962268534824 -5 + -8760.483766877325 = -8765.483766877325 -2847776711 + 558536.755372623 = -2847218174.2446275 -716901 + -922 = -717823 -1978.4504086112302 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001978.45 -5752003852 + 245013550.77090305 = -5506990301.229097 83 + -6981240.490009325 = -6981157.490009325 -100000000000000.0 + 871 = -99999999999129.0 -9914 + 38349010263.05603 = 38349000349.05603 70428 + 9310571681.127155 = 9310642109.127155 100000000000000.0 + -433103042 = 99999566896958.0 2234.6455115734107 + 7135844 = 7138078.645511573 91.9811845721422 + -74995026.63667646 = -74994934.65549189 95483513206.05844 + 4906.149549805608 = 95483518112.208 -25223487 + -337037115.4678571 = -362260602.4678571 9557 + -33578.35709627021 = -24021.357096270207 207.34487349399353 + -4339319 = -4339111.655126506 -374105509092 + -8176 = -374105517268 -821210852824 + 635268 = -821210217556 465 + -505.88428012567164 = -40.88428012567164 227000 + -9 = 226991 -431619464833 + -408553895065.9287 = -840173359898.9287 -97 + 11015634 = 11015537 501527.4549030441 + 846724293 = 847225820.454903 -7.858910061599419 + 7313.430418720742 = 7305.571508659143 -96510474 + 141 = -96510333 -38820243690778 + -3022687 = -38820246713465 65305160199224 + -691.794453549685 = 65305160198532.2 -100000000000000.0 + -9.88291462348275 = -100000000000009.89 -8966440238009 + -875619368.7398603 = -8967315857377.74 -38229 + 48515.096439162895 = 10286.096439162895 -64758949164.173454 + 188.84118247408452 = -64758948975.332275 33355557518852.53 + 82089688.22211048 = 33355639608540.754 -919194558.0142168 + 31027441250334.062 = 31026522055776.047 -754491 + -470 = -754961 -42816767.39463036 + -66.4707106117919 = -42816833.86534097 -28571965796 + -1319536 = -28573285332 -24398307043822 + -120 = -24398307043942 -99871012981388 + 611075764222 = -99259937217166 -3773660.032934256 + 5560785.85393361 = 1787125.8209993541 3290 + -3303541886184.027 = -3303541882894.027 -5.735341021171369 + 9202824.353485245 = 9202818.618144223 275171860821.1052 + 640885321043.2852 = 916057181864.3904 -1935081211312.3572 + -90056143243.5073 = -2025137354555.8645 -7436 + 84169813542 = 84169806106 -28737969030.091835 + -670145 = -28738639175.091835 -71086.3409233174 + -8601218.653890176 = -8672304.994813493 2799876.6934707365 + 88767229 = 91567105.69347073 -78168712065 + 42511530322 = -35657181743 7227022.003764096 + 5166990163312.213 = 5166997390334.217 7.347442962285073 + -6 = 1.347442962285073 -833.0379467288323 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999166.97 -9078331337 + 8308 = -9078323029 -796.290549826648 + 8874542214.280008 = 8874541417.989458 -1.112147910767898 + 442188737633 = 442188737631.8879 46 + 127176453 = 127176499 -7982.410887547444 + -9661245563.157534 = -9661253545.56842 -53060 + 1417168430 = 1417115370 662 + -8316.699365598937 = -7654.699365598937 797065847556 + 59884057401570.03 = 60681123249126.03 -9410397 + 50 = -9410347 20963863370238 + -100000000000000.0 = -79036136629762.0 96 + -6352 = -6256 6874585746943 + -212373 = 6874585534570 436640.0831492035 + 161954193 = 162390833.0831492 605125.3391970563 + 9911428049.73194 = 9912033175.071136 -481885773 + 635.3758166740888 = -481885137.6241833 -5287289238 + 90224341288.13837 = 84937052050.13837 1687 + -727211577596 = -727211575909 32547 + -388717555 = -388685008 4.53821291423547 + -3136397567.55171 = -3136397563.0134974 461804030.7802496 + 244720 = 462048750.7802496 3089510311408.67 + -1549811743273 = 1539698568135.67 74599.52351603974 + -8078833581072.663 = -8078833506473.14 -4299923930.875761 + 2412695400 = -1887228530.875761 7751617874.954601 + 16639288.85336868 = 7768257163.80797 -17450657684711.578 + -9.573819177158423 = -17450657684721.152 7679511573 + -40799 = 7679470774 821797692397.15 + -740 = 821797691657.15 -829596 + 53 = -829543 -45828.44682640428 + -100000000000000 = -100000000045828.45 -7706293107122.2 + -981942329309.0514 = -8688235436431.252 -35778473223.36702 + 7341 = -35778465882.36702 -36366433159938 + 727859 = -36366432432079 -19854109242.185265 + 3234494764185.3813 = 3214640654943.1963 63196082.67176029 + -758901422.8158734 = -695705340.1441131 -892.7151385849107 + -56987 = -57879.715138584914 5447885459927 + 7872152 = 5447893332079 100000000000000 + 6241466610692.523 = 106241466610692.53 592752.2875717803 + -38019210569 = -38018617816.712425 996120394.2384254 + 823300 = 996943694.2384254 -18481795510159.332 + 66636263 = -18481728873896.332 40537 + -75166 = -34629 -262230.0499883432 + -87982512.53638664 = -88244742.58637498 -8509034679419 + 30039 = -8509034649380 14517562988.853132 + -7571231.684428612 = 14509991757.168703 -92596853508700 + -36406304753801.19 = -129003158262501.19 -28431976 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000028431976.0 2094348815598.613 + 58319598254438 = 60413947070036.61 -8086645307337 + 100000000000000 = 91913354692663 -77630.35449902588 + -39052027817.68318 = -39052105448.03768 96.2621923846548 + -85913749347 = -85913749250.73781 9293843222 + -1792757772.3760962 = 7501085449.623903 -206 + 880491077.4486375 = 880490871.4486375 472629 + 6896.3501163744995 = 479525.3501163745 -1765364.7946384363 + 487 = -1764877.7946384363 -4180369112592 + 1417.3510947433554 = -4180369111174.649 1612742706 + 373.30919638743484 = 1612743079.3091965 -22587669153978 + -384.2462201463146 = -22587669154362.246 7142898281092.492 + -90760433116 = 7052137847976.492 -26236276045994.004 + -911 = -26236276046905.004 8 + -3602211210611 = -3602211210603 5301345.780036582 + 931208803.5518326 = 936510149.3318691 -49377.598590177666 + -562788 = -612165.5985901777 -39 + -90 = -129 -45091783247828.26 + 8058041078.497002 = -45083725206749.76 -136623162367.1958 + -5350.919351251428 = -136623167718.11516 8277422025.381936 + -784181200.5826961 = 7493240824.79924 -100000000000000.0 + -953 = -100000000000953.0 23618.524509118044 + -100000000000000 = -99999999976381.47 -4181546587688 + -8 = -4181546587696 -27161 + 3097278.086261789 = 3070117.086261789 -808888520403 + -2653836 = -808891174239 67077227585657 + -572 = 67077227585085 8450819 + 4739505969 = 4747956788 -1673095816.947242 + 973.9021431404141 = -1673094843.0450988 102858696.64463101 + 7591706.44100922 = 110450403.08564024 -98622.35760763132 + -84873992.79203972 = -84972615.14964736 -111065122.77591598 + 29782007943875 = 29781896878752.223 8407957492 + -4625185616922 = -4616777659430 75242797 + 1593.6704375759277 = 75244390.67043757 -11035 + -4633457565 = -4633468600 932927902071.3105 + -100000000000000 = -99067072097928.69 -26214316074 + 100000000000000 = 99973785683926 89652718146.85997 + 62427416836965 = 62517069555111.86 -9767809334744.51 + 395889810482 = -9371919524262.51 322.44462756393284 + 1000345561345.0547 = 1000345561667.4993 46 + 54787782 = 54787828 -6 + -55811822040 = -55811822046 2480488738687 + -5458750922289.705 = -2978262183602.705 7232570 + 4060504.8393149716 = 11293074.839314971 58116.25228622529 + 814.7066480653409 = 58930.958934290626 -645589 + 706740130.6937661 = 706094541.6937661 -5256 + 100.78191879331764 = -5155.218081206683 -239129969403 + 31.456014961024504 = -239129969371.54398 -981981812913 + -630126 = -981982443039 -6850.98533866639 + 1988.9900770681702 = -4861.99526159822 95341079775355 + -42471 = 95341079732884 -2008169446.5954218 + 9823797395966.941 = 9821789226520.346 100000000000000.0 + -200 = 99999999999800.0 634146.2473472495 + -100000000000000 = -99999999365853.75 -6829467917 + -80 = -6829467997 9364586566570.129 + 42 = 9364586566612.129 8111547771528.589 + -807 = 8111547770721.589 899140 + -7420302917011 = -7420302017871 68224403670024.11 + 3096702.4664817867 = 68224406766726.58 -9 + 3.7613474553182593 = -5.238652544681741 -983598126 + 5365 = -983592761 -4194.366753447185 + 2581884.6756355423 = 2577690.308882095 -618438384 + 4590941.981516743 = -613847442.0184833 50.3228722843227 + 82823469390655 = 82823469390705.33 25563597.194550328 + 3871540896553.8164 = 3871566460151.0107 201 + 66676 = 66877 12654.61559644721 + -29182572762.5944 = -29182560107.9788 516 + -467 = 49 -369634 + 5894 = -363740 -7 + 595080937 = 595080930 -47540067 + 8068175837 = 8020635770 -100000000000000.0 + -8144075 = -100000008144075.0 -673197129 + -82591658 = -755788787 410.38254876009955 + 8660740259329 = 8660740259739.383 -100000000000000 + 2 = -99999999999998 987578 + 5791746.219375533 = 6779324.219375533 -30426 + 63718006.24958882 = 63687580.24958882 2.673387862399335 + 579 = 581.6733878623993 -9020280334818 + 4720176543353 = -4300103791465 62298085007325.82 + 9.16029847788077 = 62298085007334.984 -1455 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999998545.0 -6370668094.720612 + -9560714184.839722 = -15931382279.560333 -88.6861498870284 + 6728545.51987269 = 6728456.833722803 -3 + 7.760672481497033 = 4.760672481497033 -2006867278 + 34768156186 = 32761288908 -118233 + 64 = -118169 -37 + -39 = -76 -42222158073294.86 + -5419395705.388151 = -42227577469000.25 368625893234.78876 + -4554 = 368625888680.78876 9.056803789384933 + 4899373 = 4899382.056803789 1201044 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000001201044.0 6103958238 + 23230.222985988694 = 6103981468.222986 2 + -2119629028621.4062 = -2119629028619.4062 4702594 + 54071643633 = 54076346227 9907.481114234995 + 26060477345309 = 26060477355216.48 -1988097 + 88 = -1988009 -5 + 4.2388289262307755 = -0.7611710737692245 -684.6306577362898 + 37 = -647.6306577362898 100000000000000 + 7000658371535 = 107000658371535 49033 + -7740029924132 = -7740029875099 -48221311484464.7 + 8692592585 = -48212618891879.7 -985910 + 3137755831438 = 3137754845528 5923866.914569017 + -3047 = 5920819.914569017 8586814516220 + -409982469969 = 8176832046251 -5 + 69913842652142.71 = 69913842652137.71 179040180996 + -27 = 179040180969 395368 + -75029201.69657296 = -74633833.69657296 8082276.156193256 + -75884405223.43106 = -75876322947.27487 810311752.5135921 + -88565932788.55762 = -87755621036.04402 4757129 + 4.8787864772294 = 4757133.878786477 8297462438 + -6 = 8297462432 -5603871968 + -8377639309 = -13981511277 -7521355826610 + -19597453244 = -7540953279854 58 + -815365003.0616778 = -815364945.0616778 -989670413.6003449 + 19083 = -989651330.6003449 1782818 + -564162.7948805222 = 1218655.2051194778 77207.56327497402 + 641726903.111446 = 641804110.674721 8 + -3268556214 = -3268556206 9995536528.534966 + -904029589 = 9091506939.534966 87080.31091823969 + 97368917 = 97455997.31091824 4130093795.9427896 + -6740496824.335966 = -2610403028.3931766 -25 + -6.840118383054847 = -31.840118383054847 -5294937 + 85970 = -5208967 550.8395616791236 + 6276540973894.315 = 6276540974445.155 34090 + 362043343958.8492 = 362043378048.8492 6.376270109569055 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999993.62 31077 + 650 = 31727 -174 + 5987 = 5813 64 + -1180 = -1116 -1 + -8086872.057375025 = -8086873.057375025 -20321560213733 + -3393131.316655176 = -20321563606864.316 6995627492 + 1.9248583561736128 = 6995627493.924858 38917837895697 + 50227528 = 38917888123225 -295624 + -803898 = -1099522 -33392179253.55219 + -47207609986 = -80599789239.55219 -2322151344036 + -4078589084 = -2326229933120 71 + -132 = -61 1517384.9278469896 + -74282774 = -72765389.07215302 7117587495 + -100000000000000.0 = -99992882412505.0 5821233972514 + -19749269 = 5821214223245 -447817628 + -43840 = -447861468 -83719 + 2624741663.5250635 = 2624657944.5250635 -1360732.1758248843 + -55 = -1360787.1758248843 -1782.8669939833271 + -992769931881 = -992769933663.867 3 + -66.2821766871748 = -63.2821766871748 955 + -167854 = -166899 835.7808501033021 + -70629707 = -70628871.2191499 -4120588394772.264 + 843075401342.3691 = -3277512993429.895 20035314324554.64 + -9687.052196750432 = 20035314314867.59 88526891.26504655 + -24 = 88526867.26504655 -6378687.277543332 + -579672382961.2737 = -579678761648.5513 -40.63026102284975 + -9986.766828024283 = -10027.397089047134 -1745000458119.9424 + 681228 = -1744999776891.9424 -100000000000000 + 733 = -99999999999267 155.63292997720868 + 5653024837156 = 5653024837311.633 -7003229 + 9188.790293915546 = -6994040.209706085 -24126 + -9.431514852034725 = -24135.431514852036 4219701 + -94110892170962.9 = -94110887951261.9 377.92240822931274 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000377.92 24271922543409.44 + 762652496.5632782 = 24272685195906.004 -4083190779676.375 + 168328647436 = -3914862132240.375 69105.04528883012 + -30273951781 = -30273882675.954712 174239842 + 69728326591245 = 69728500831087 -100000000000000 + 76926437791 = -99923073562209 -9906654 + 2908412.5611399217 = -6998241.438860078 -98401296227347.36 + 5329 = -98401296222018.36 -7337028453 + 572590.4883141607 = -7336455862.511685 6.496638432014209 + 41213422012.23598 = 41213422018.73261 -5019227833261.616 + 94528 = -5019227738733.616 969307483.988035 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999030692516.02 -23054192 + 3710868.482550489 = -19343323.517449513 -74505257 + -926 = -74506183 33299927.57258726 + -4911576 = 28388351.57258726 9295770848841.82 + -469 = 9295770848372.82 -55023575117.37714 + -101240 = -55023676357.37714 2219154447359.7725 + -536153812715 = 1683000634644.7725 -5873740.221139487 + -582 = -5874322.221139487 5693602128178 + -61546408766436.97 = -55852806638258.97 -100000000000000 + -307062333316 = -100307062333316 -4055.5464955289344 + 182679923487 = 182679919431.4535 -84889587430.52571 + 71 = -84889587359.52571 -346.7697580346045 + -23763938770389.76 = -23763938770736.53 30 + 60 = 90 -14649978154897.871 + 846419994 = -14649131734903.871 756708.9518100984 + -32.16606546412641 = 756676.7857446342 -39589938.679532245 + 52.23389187498587 = -39589886.44564037 10415616.236480765 + -428466567362 = -428456151745.7635 -66489.18185546985 + -294472.77960591007 = -360961.9614613799 -835308528680.6887 + -63002804677.248665 = -898311333357.9374 -7064408.965450958 + -385154938.3066609 = -392219347.27211183 -1303657 + 963148385312 = 963147081655 9599475873 + -1352532576175 = -1342933100302 9805400 + 5747 = 9811147 134.12810145664633 + 1028378.5051922625 = 1028512.6332937191 -687534.4131617785 + -4655053484784.748 = -4655054172319.161 -43977710252 + 5824 = -43977704428 1289.3087146728121 + -361030 = -359740.6912853272 17678317560777 + 74.40316216069938 = 17678317560851.402 -326315.3811369755 + 50272.290514356166 = -276043.0906226193 -45.80194606303471 + 9753230162949.516 = 9753230162903.713 -198 + -7025697901 = -7025698099 -7.779556067866292 + -5051705355.276723 = -5051705363.056279 525534 + 35651 = 561185 691339.8778238922 + -9701619 = -9010279.122176107 -28058484.44885347 + 8.283502816560091 = -28058476.165350653 402377713 + 198261272579 = 198663650292 -48.00127370042364 + -57693841570 = -57693841618.001274 -3398044862 + 100000000000000 = 99996601955138 2.2616153835397927 + -3500485566283.937 = -3500485566281.6753 -100000000000000 + -16952765 = -100000016952765 -35306110045 + 6524400200875.767 = 6489094090830.767 57964212098579 + -807385 = 57964211291194 -436202 + -11503.714329435246 = -447705.71432943526 10562 + 924516776 = 924527338 83829818077.74274 + -841242752797 = -757412934719.2573 2400622370295 + 1076873527692.683 = 3477495897987.683 -100000000000000.0 + 3639 = -99999999996361.0 -700678893764.9723 + -725010239.1988987 = -701403904004.1711 -998890.6720292948 + -314447.53151502786 = -1313338.2035443226 -100000000000000 + -2805226 = -100000002805226 -9.47866581740912 + 6666873684.890447 = 6666873675.411781 617 + 136104818.03210446 = 136105435.03210446 -969 + 8921836326.025177 = 8921835357.025177 43543053496238 + 18723550794530 = 62266604290768 26535622395 + -3706.5015540889945 = 26535618688.498447 93059 + 837206 = 930265 -442930 + 8721086785.652676 = 8720643855.652676 -100000000000000.0 + -60 = -100000000000060.0 3061580725308 + 73730484522791 = 76792065248099 -79170 + -64088 = -143258 699585973159 + -61 = 699585973098 55983940555.42988 + 36.436831478293755 = 55983940591.86671 993558510.6165066 + -887947682.9520016 = 105610827.664505 20640 + 77 = 20717 -970968.860400621 + -5 = -970973.860400621 17207669.41563928 + -67543511978.00648 = -67526304308.590836 89513883.42507738 + -9666103.381418299 = 79847780.04365908 61175115248230.83 + 155844 = 61175115404074.83 617522586 + 987188 = 618509774 -694036028 + -949678148 = -1643714176 100000000000000.0 + 361207 = 100000000361207.0 400.8488625936583 + 470.7297066965303 = 871.5785692901886 -103402751 + -23110525 = -126513276 1.9767991426914822 + -754 = -752.0232008573086 89.8219119098515 + -78023489236 = -78023489146.17809 6555017875983 + 794281485712.7947 = 7349299361695.795 -7112520433223.182 + -14399947225 = -7126920380448.182 -1735106695375 + -17.411742681205716 = -1735106695392.4116 -2795150066.0440054 + 16 = -2795150050.0440054 -2640698 + 100000000000000 = 99999997359302 86122694997667.3 + -9373 = 86122694988294.3 352539675 + 532 = 352540207 100000000000000.0 + 358007660473.6209 = 100358007660473.62 6481679479 + -100000000000000 = -99993518320521 -88383647646.70195 + -8329633836383.641 = -8418017484030.343 3273238895.7666926 + 766503 = 3274005398.7666926 -13860901 + -3226592563215.6714 = -3226606424116.6714 66 + 1567.460130074187 = 1633.460130074187 -99493024 + -137025632156 = -137125125180 565765610.0516627 + 988 = 565766598.0516627 -115766284683.09906 + 8.613722195306295 = -115766284674.48534 -4490422363605 + 37814 = -4490422325791 -376599100178.32025 + 52603025752154.64 = 52226426651976.32 57054145153529 + 121 = 57054145153650 9305627704891.504 + -1580169.2709977173 = 9305626124722.232 -89774441895652.3 + -2697349 = -89774444593001.3 -61114959.64776185 + -2677933747 = -2739048706.647762 2202 + -3.2140599181991774 = 2198.7859400818006 81576.92080709663 + -344849914.00302804 = -344768337.0822209 81130 + 84773.9757670331 = 165903.97576703312 -8139865 + -216765866617 = -216774006482 -1034018 + 382.1973234156094 = -1033635.8026765843 3.574815494908281 + 70.85193278688331 = 74.42674828179159 -3911105238662.091 + 14430178385.780663 = -3896675060276.31 -32986.11543496227 + -49286414158403.56 = -49286414191389.68 419782320.10608006 + 7906.4436341839355 = 419790226.54971427 -20776.745687209983 + 6.024103114752671 = -20770.72158409523 495694321 + 23472057387516 = 23472553081837 -2150.688724202249 + 18114811444 = 18114809293.311275 -249373479 + -4667 = -249378146 -6246707537054.079 + 100000000000000 = 93753292462945.92 74166 + -6 = 74160 -110439.59717133822 + -623 = -111062.59717133822 100000000000000.0 + 744 = 100000000000744.0 8802932.889578462 + 100000000000000 = 100000008802932.89 7277 + 1890865.602487424 = 1898142.602487424 690.2759562237968 + -818160 = -817469.7240437762 -911.8959382676394 + -67010.40963829905 = -67922.3055765667 -648978480019 + 68327035662586 = 67678057182567 -364 + 26617430880 = 26617430516 48611.69321749823 + -77827085892 = -77827037280.30678 1 + -97 = -96 42 + -4123071 = -4123029 -867748440470 + -79859424 = -867828299894 34.91200076075858 + 6058806671.071537 = 6058806705.983538 267482 + -3824877984.563835 = -3824610502.563835 237273 + 74864984270 = 74865221543 -55367634.61810843 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000055367634.62 -44015810.85397132 + 5077476725 = 5033460914.1460285 -34898732.97647405 + 853146321 = 818247588.023526 -3219443603663.6973 + -2348965867.742874 = -3221792569531.44 -37104214.24323591 + 785534.3116054225 = -36318679.931630485 63817452 + -9279029452103 = -9278965634651 252.3416047776161 + 26 = 278.3416047776161 -449031030 + -10725279006483 = -10725728037513 -3170851690465 + -63466.92086445767 = -3170851753931.921 -2706768878518.503 + -5747311.220097972 = -2706774625829.723 -100000000000000 + 8.429184056640773 = -99999999999991.58 525234.5026969828 + -829384 = -304149.4973030172 198908.70221306966 + -16391015 = -16192106.29778693 -53566 + 26015106452 = 26015052886 -95036644 + 7700763075044 = 7700668038400 -6473294485 + 8 = -6473294477 -3359905.849409816 + -64786318328723 = -64786321688628.85 2826374 + 3453579512.274502 = 3456405886.274502 80.63411961884024 + -1506275682.9983401 = -1506275602.3642206 -489592363895.36816 + 490.43734025199126 = -489592363404.93085 24595683028.789047 + 831324964821.8499 = 855920647850.6389 4455 + 20729239424.103096 = 20729243879.103096 5654140844 + -6728 = 5654134116 -910661822 + -60264492190048 = -60265402851870 -3805627.44487962 + -6849409326936 = -6849413132563.445 -100000000000000.0 + -27.808387003523734 = -100000000000027.81 -31905506852 + -912797806898.4534 = -944703313750.4534 834607911 + -9562 = 834598349 -483611428 + -903155 = -484514583 -91658798565 + -933341017 = -92592139582 6.109193361083699 + -5929489414474 = -5929489414467.891 3400209769.403234 + 1665346048.9035583 = 5065555818.306792 -1451 + 13687377 = 13685926 -91161.80769737076 + 449516008885 = 449515917723.1923 957908.3891275269 + 5028654341338.925 = 5028655299247.313 -778663299350 + -46558 = -778663345908 -6905038 + 4603198535 = 4596293497 -25619863378 + -634382166.1198072 = -26254245544.11981 -3917420458.7202415 + -100000000000000.0 = -100003917420458.72 -967.005366569893 + 13636596605011 = 13636596604043.994 28.60584360463208 + -499201637 = -499201608.3941564 -100000000000000.0 + -452024623.9273681 = -100000452024623.92 -3.181693440835336 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999996.81 64705317.939141646 + -4055995045274 = -4055930339956.061 6.55111134986187 + -5740797660807 = -5740797660800.449 37 + -74783045504 = -74783045467 -929080 + -32227085325483 = -32227086254563 9337.686185624592 + 448212224280.41876 = 448212233618.1049 32612 + 209170 = 241782 -9516705340.393427 + -75649574.63201383 = -9592354915.02544 262136.7694112861 + 1708189.9155145674 = 1970326.6849258535 100000000000000 + 411371795090 = 100411371795090 -85494261212 + -9907877274563 = -9993371535775 -55726.65657151461 + -9 = -55735.65657151461 -23 + 29 = 6 100000000000000 + 56 = 100000000000056 26358.27399079527 + -950709.5784858369 = -924351.3044950416 -99783997969.53235 + -8271103.102997951 = -99792269072.63535 -252563.1212128676 + 961713.7623692825 = 709150.641156415 -22806920740 + -77688469.03919427 = -22884609209.039196 1.974263857850309 + -2.9340957148318045 = -0.9598318569814956 519209177884.01416 + 17201337378.270374 = 536410515262.28455 2699.253317767073 + 7979692 = 7982391.253317767 9 + 286208019 = 286208028 20804.654991600004 + 100000000000000 = 100000000020804.66 -84284237.42031395 + 654.9277115764526 = -84283582.49260238 -2220167.6612133803 + 61488829669742 = 61488827449574.336 -36 + -808369523 = -808369559 83.0945423301618 + 2824842606.6994715 = 2824842689.794014 477015598.8210803 + -76004 = 476939594.8210803 99305992.56209403 + 4332029 = 103638021.56209403 6198898894809.034 + 2622761220 = 6201521656029.034 88667780705.37106 + -678317189129 = -589649408423.6289 -96615089226628 + 517742184358 = -96097347042270 -35.037081449340874 + 6.607665947640642 = -28.429415501700234 -21015070.67420464 + 4539789 = -16475281.67420464 369 + 48958 = 49327 721.853816149666 + -93240865835159.42 = -93240865834437.56 7676822815 + -71206.63828677399 = 7676751608.361713 -3 + 20645437041362 = 20645437041359 7913352060.48594 + 4 = 7913352064.48594 -8854448786913 + -74178643173.21097 = -8928627430086.21 -38991441 + -7145992121.786162 = -7184983562.786162 -45046954523861.19 + 516783 = -45046954007078.19 -9.450329185652988 + 5630448760 = 5630448750.549671 -23 + 3536773.1597118205 = 3536750.1597118205 66039495387654.78 + -42601035.48090872 = 66039452786619.3 -2506 + -714712339426 = -714712341932 -273865.64636154135 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999726134.36 -87668474640473 + -396895466284.492 = -88065370106757.48 -31312022.401314445 + -74057185019715.34 = -74057216331737.75 8342 + -88922187.86071715 = -88913845.86071715 -83.73643762714072 + -9090633568648 = -9090633568731.736 -945248 + -9235259826.795153 = -9236205074.795153 -53236190074355 + -7450887 = -53236197525242 -37.93096075746347 + -34596279907859.793 = -34596279907897.723 27.034459095732043 + 49569813.68458894 = 49569840.71904804 107893.73528637414 + -9404.980480722537 = 98488.75480565161 -805541.4715466732 + -4 = -805545.4715466732 -792222311727 + -29696323223507 = -30488545535234 839917 + -1092777 = -252860 -7229868376.358679 + 8327470636.924097 = 1097602260.5654182 -52419.68890325222 + 411.98668235547086 = -52007.702220896754 -57018621067340 + 69856644411.1846 = -56948764422928.81 299.5024236706113 + 398 = 697.5024236706113 825 + -1783217526 = -1783216701 -58371.08841805812 + -50581.378177487284 = -108952.46659554541 16396211 + -78623217598.73083 = -78606821387.73083 -7686429.670932217 + -3231578074.616085 = -3239264504.2870173 100000000000000.0 + -2.307444245110448 = 99999999999997.69 -7600447 + -42915.82306727371 = -7643362.823067274 5731352.261690556 + -770007329 = -764275976.7383095 4499 + 4870973619.016453 = 4870978118.016453 -8 + -289221 = -289229 -6 + -4049033 = -4049039 484929227 + 66 = 484929293 -6076253789821.608 + 2681079938856 = -3395173850965.6084 7739436984.643661 + 57826 = 7739494810.643661 -914190.3344413295 + 1799359655784.8396 = 1799358741594.5051 -355272.231005243 + -157208098497.77792 = -157208453770.00894 -26326045049589 + -253777360004.4367 = -26579822409593.438 8.97587644119394 + 70710148 = 70710156.97587644 -3 + 3587.2134078570784 = 3584.2134078570784 100000000000000 + -2 = 99999999999998 -25792775296336 + -3207964543 = -25795983260879 2909557.047980455 + 100000000000000 = 100000002909557.05 315628 + -9406486060.893457 = -9406170432.893457 40437158 + -57376212762 = -57335775604 -11669486.211062435 + 74021453464507.7 = 74021441795021.48 71029817195 + -664797.7666550211 = 71029152397.23334 -73186314206.03435 + 4673193 = -73181641013.03435 -77250 + 12085910272846.6 = 12085910195596.6 6 + -32875318090.92774 = -32875318084.92774 -19843712189071.43 + -88711948802.10547 = -19932424137873.535 394 + -37841.556445002505 = -37447.556445002505 7.134680213789386 + 8889370360389 = 8889370360396.135 -270.45994920494826 + -259.71982745491005 = -530.1797766598584 24895126 + 5420570.800436347 = 30315696.800436348 -1105652 + -1477290 = -2582942 81502991695 + -3983.12710887191 = 81502987711.8729 625474176354 + 2459212852.288456 = 627933389206.2885 3014911647318 + -100000000000000.0 = -96985088352682.0 10 + -782 = -772 82057408444806 + -7019944559699.244 = 75037463885106.75 -13524481622.083 + 621890 = -13523859732.083 84 + -422921.3047486656 = -422837.3047486656 621.2189248358441 + -325808344.76961297 = -325807723.55068815 -7.790468600889205 + 8379544 = 8379536.209531399 -97018242890.09293 + -838133764 = -97856376654.09293 -612567159689 + -5285 = -612567164974 -96271229379.8636 + -53412358.18865732 = -96324641738.05226 -86 + 592126 = 592040 -50374596782700.57 + 7958443.784659195 = -50374588824256.79 4675 + 63988169751.254555 = 63988174426.254555 -52562125 + 71155951 = 18593826 -4971485123210 + 3828187380.768754 = -4967656935829.231 -800.2301249499378 + 72663275215 = 72663274414.76988 67.64922085136837 + -1956139216.9028568 = -1956139149.253636 -401232219875 + 441425859665.44025 = 40193639790.44025 -59274305 + -216098394.86920804 = -275372699.86920804 2827485428 + 48 = 2827485476 88905586213043.11 + -995689.8203630327 = 88905585217353.28 -67311426.9767609 + 9881639636738.607 = 9881572325311.63 -61 + -37907 = -37968 -50.55720184586225 + 59534245.32327827 = 59534194.76607642 320405 + -66608319829171.27 = -66608319508766.27 -37131.71025401403 + 5925330623505.524 = 5925330586373.814 79216702450 + -82184175417098 = -82104958714648 8512101991780.676 + -76.25214905125394 = 8512101991704.424 28540849484354 + -7028687488 = 28533820796866 -232.77754579414113 + 14374322 = 14374089.222454205 -79750858 + -69.62769468843467 = -79750927.62769468 -110796834518.4855 + 7946775 = -110788887743.4855 50879 + 519218 = 570097 -86660.91792379408 + 4502 = -82158.91792379408 9404459.743514307 + 103473966207.01257 = 103483370666.75609 56.56605467962284 + -8994840901894 = -8994840901837.434 -87055926321.19444 + 100000000000000 = 99912944073678.81 40051034 + 2364974729400.121 = 2365014780434.121 -566 + -77878064.8073273 = -77878630.8073273 32100205.625575554 + -434356 = 31665849.625575554 939349 + 1647860.6623516753 = 2587209.6623516753 -7.992245403165215 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000008.0 4415615 + 100000000000000 = 100000004415615 8995534237 + -799992 = 8994734245 -2387257308301 + 254 = -2387257308047 6528.628163825835 + 9414070613.25866 = 9414077141.886824 5399.2069235233375 + 870119.5652871324 = 875518.7722106557 -304.86091656040514 + 201 = -103.86091656040514 -1 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999999.0 -109158100 + -25501 = -109183601 61795000753945 + 41.80775484174379 = 61795000753986.805 -95 + 4182043 = 4181948 89672 + 896585001.823867 = 896674673.823867 9829842 + -338815.62658698147 = 9491026.373413019 874167996631 + 3171138499736 = 4045306496367 -87.34690096707754 + 52353173.89590999 = 52353086.54900902 100000000000000.0 + -26793250594435 = 73206749405565.0 -93586464006 + -5346 = -93586469352 -7.447449008289114 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000007.45 849.0303963036039 + 8543443096671 = 8543443097520.03 738.021557271396 + 174080766.00947666 = 174081504.03103393 8.390078250684201 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999991.61 -418390104.7265465 + -867703868.3025782 = -1286093973.0291247 7 + -32591338018384 = -32591338018377 22.847130426456996 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000022.84 -2634.9630461050956 + 62557596098 = 62557593463.03696 58049.76507872578 + 210.65068413510664 = 58260.41576286089 414 + 17 = 431 -26174703722483.367 + -47180732942 = -26221884455425.367 44.45507600250112 + 172339679573.187 = 172339679617.6421 -355.64278819164747 + -96993169.13717692 = -96993524.7799651 -60560537961588.88 + 77256221971137 = 16695684009548.117 -36687458302.90938 + -987235843.5928285 = -37674694146.502205 3031.440523456956 + 9299186 = 9302217.440523457 -3393347139.7755527 + -49.931823975228426 = -3393347189.707377 -17624 + 4755 = -12869 100000000000000.0 + 62858481989.336044 = 100062858481989.34 -97094543 + 71618 = -97022925 5 + 3838.080294097786 = 3843.080294097786 -4074997608.4303346 + 8376289470757.271 = 8372214473148.841 390810700178 + 257394.65608753214 = 390810957572.65607 -69.16088565879048 + -37206533515178.57 = -37206533515247.734 74260711409163.47 + 20635793541 = 74281347202704.47 5400281532 + 2719773992 = 8120055524 142506796543.00073 + -4722163.204884598 = 142502074379.79584 -674403762373 + -99159811 = -674502922184 -79218.4423775381 + 76744110219 = 76744031000.55762 -100000000000000.0 + 4.528477912094925 = -99999999999995.47 167361423744.4314 + -6146 = 167361417598.4314 -7 + -818330711.6866233 = -818330718.6866233 98183 + 5 = 98188 54318148 + 71439772129069 = 71439826447217 7431452761468 + -628.4911706033598 = 7431452760839.509 67056.13393434932 + -7723216101.853992 = -7723149045.720058 -3.1986067997534344 + -9213174844 = -9213174847.198606 43094076496649 + -3418996854377 = 39675079642272 196840 + -6270098397 = -6269901557 -52456380715 + 971699.7552195297 = -52455409015.24478 50177735812539 + 511964120.6351184 = 50178247776659.63 13582389 + 811162092 = 824744481 -689827391 + 106 = -689827285 -48750158870052.055 + -158325238.5332223 = -48750317195290.586 -4698993594469.256 + 80639.8673998498 = -4698993513829.389 -100000000000000 + -4 = -100000000000004 -100000000000000 + 64912357755917 = -35087642244083 -16.263921538647285 + -9.38608272611376 = -25.650004264761044 1 + 883279545303 = 883279545304 -47312778.76653668 + 84920687688526 = 84920640375747.23 443834311.5549818 + 402212180 = 846046491.5549818 -4451040338 + 1017798528.0929605 = -3433241809.9070396 -96999 + 361300082328.989 = 361299985329.989 -5693488 + 353387417.24304485 = 347693929.24304485 -8 + 3267583.2997213174 = 3267575.2997213174 -2640999432516.381 + -574936 = -2641000007452.381 3888268577066 + -187.04827659418058 = 3888268576878.9517 -7532715416.489312 + 14047656965765 = 14040124250348.51 -5819247642368 + -13390425 = -5819261032793 8.621935379040007 + -70.63778458405707 = -62.01584920501706 -80 + -4 = -84 -5074766 + -79907303906.6213 = -79912378672.6213 8026.638582193458 + 2 = 8028.638582193458 -562350669125.8088 + -761862001606 = -1324212670731.8088 8472870 + 2548 = 8475418 7936949.93713017 + -38412017958017.375 = -38412010021067.44 -100000000000000 + 1696772929 = -99998303227071 640449 + -6811167237 = -6810526788 -355.89873975317437 + -280119531363 = -280119531718.89874 797346086392.8529 + -729093841.4250048 = 796616992551.4279 19178415203818 + -590141063 = 19177825062755 -1225.9224018595505 + -6692353426.168651 = -6692354652.091052 100000000000000 + 1555290158 = 100001555290158 -1356471240744 + 498 = -1356471240246 -433352111.4083808 + 9472875.078857005 = -423879236.3295238 481720807.2274106 + -4583 = 481716224.2274106 836641.0693591809 + -52879910.91604514 = -52043269.84668595 -2362003003.357505 + 1927567 = -2360075436.357505 720185389 + 89953398033704 = 89954118219093 13257 + -7899 = 5358 563746295308.4045 + -18665021522.959663 = 545081273785.4449 100000000000000.0 + -77137767644 = 99922862232356.0 100000000000000.0 + -1.6282876203547545 = 99999999999998.38 -711.2817011155364 + 5146114 = 5145402.718298884 35342956020947.516 + 996 = 35342956021943.516 2587 + 8169.17419605244 = 10756.17419605244 -11744295025076.934 + 100000000000000.0 = 88255704974923.06 -7.938832890593807 + -6435527356110 = -6435527356117.938 -823046.1609962155 + -38918368652806.33 = -38918369475852.49 -7114884.526238503 + -6816774.770705807 = -13931659.296944309 1597.314200682511 + -3056401 = -3054803.6857993174 -64578355.197115146 + -94510857770047.86 = -94510922348403.06 -8570334301.987586 + -5723 = -8570340024.987586 -100000000000000.0 + -46953676 = -100000046953676.0 -332694.5798225797 + -298441497 = -298774191.5798226 -675808.5505417823 + -175359557304 = -175360233112.55054 822904860 + 841441 = 823746301 -80113744.71751814 + -1348770284098.3584 = -1348850397843.076 43987888039.18202 + 29606.642227525535 = 43987917645.82425 100000000000000.0 + 2278481907.8009295 = 100002278481907.8 8806 + -85062309.1591409 = -85053503.1591409 -955 + 6977.480585113778 = 6022.480585113778 -65305.52811867783 + -138735.8549110863 = -204041.3830297641 17.68863579598169 + -87346 = -87328.31136420401 539462543357.5883 + -346806296.8100953 = 539115737060.7782 -100000000000000 + -48601399658.53401 = -100048601399658.53 -8 + 39 = 31 9076794.598117664 + -76890247518 = -76881170723.40189 11873887062014 + -3020637.3101047347 = 11873884041376.69 68.051477912584 + 707984673793 = 707984673861.0515 13503897598520 + -4864040 = 13503892734480 91 + -8 = 83 23 + -909445605 = -909445582 480365493412 + 232932352.6603509 = 480598425764.66034 366873973.26491296 + 82793131.80594985 = 449667105.0708628 -454972514559.672 + 32102115161 = -422870399398.672 9.933186824722997 + -7.523843486917477 = 2.4093433378055193 -7 + -360113102.17223966 = -360113109.17223966 -929.2440854135915 + 58448723.737212144 = 58447794.49312673 68632985 + 100000000000000 = 100000068632985 -452 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999548 335935466.2700316 + -73089 = 335862377.2700316 -75007967.62845723 + -70.900810921469 = -75008038.52926816 97 + -32304809553.76456 = -32304809456.76456 -3024161180 + 633599.0546868837 = -3023527580.945313 3.478042739836492 + -73075393684 = -73075393680.52196 -100000000000000.0 + -200688105.52904195 = -100000200688105.53 9781374947148.336 + 8 = 9781374947156.336 -925795195.4459466 + -90 = -925795285.4459466 -100000000000000 + -7049731.740436447 = -100000007049731.73 177.17868984288754 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999822.83 -310 + 34018882 = 34018572 -100000000000000 + -72 = -100000000000072 72916050107 + -181639 = 72915868468 -908.6745380367523 + -77786140796.05342 = -77786141704.72797 -100000000000000.0 + -52.2648094967597 = -100000000000052.27 -52744323393466.03 + 9816.230963161193 = -52744323383649.8 -49171818235 + -92173022390.75677 = -141344840625.75677 -13896747.236593194 + -407895389.71377766 = -421792136.95037085 636469451 + 597.4942047443974 = 636470048.4942048 -898092064 + 663366 = -897428698 393424517 + 795906683.6412332 = 1189331200.6412332 -100000000000000 + 328.99959036616536 = -99999999999671.0 239990 + -502364 = -262374 9264.274359447136 + -97166.91295428983 = -87902.63859484269 99494469 + 65172869 = 164667338 -81132545184 + -44999.70862381515 = -81132590183.70862 100000000000000 + -912275.658339503 = 99999999087724.34 -71592886608154 + 4.911929388609844 = -71592886608149.1 -9301069531.84322 + 56377 = -9301013154.84322 800.2173713270039 + -374989.09374056297 = -374188.876369236 -48482188.94323245 + -561881 = -49044069.94323245 4640550295123 + -7960288 = 4640542334835 915884946964 + -31874235923 = 884010711041 -74363.49520469562 + -27493374.791701324 = -27567738.28690602 20814517949.146374 + 2 = 20814517951.146374 -43 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999957 -531.9805158683068 + -7839650507701 = -7839650508232.98 6926206 + 5134982420.467688 = 5141908626.467688 11279445057 + 6190289999137.681 = 6201569444194.681 14482.867858763719 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000014482.88 -8324 + 6130326887169 = 6130326878845 -211 + 491890.39033669594 = 491679.39033669594 -94 + -7324979334967.054 = -7324979335061.054 -7.892965721746412 + -29569032 = -29569039.892965723 -457454844585 + 62257982.40103735 = -457392586602.59894 -396944.93325027457 + -2813.206165633762 = -399758.1394159083 62 + -410.95149941492247 = -348.95149941492247 868596469.1398411 + 57.21801828294447 = 868596526.3578594 5284950 + -17329000145.235558 = -17323715195.235558 -1016420550090 + 5.27576123552068 = -1016420550084.7242 -1633965 + -702054 = -2336019 -5043446.66058936 + 446986668 = 441943221.33941066 -189 + 3251 = 3062 -62204419333494.78 + -5267316090.170729 = -62209686649584.95 -4364710.6256034 + -100000000000000 = -100000004364710.62 -2516548960347 + 945841033014.9058 = -1570707927332.0942 90537761048 + 588681112.6199701 = 91126442160.61996 -52252612674 + 927664 = -52251685010 363465100623 + 95278246866.03026 = 458743347489.0303 -91337066206380.06 + -51137768 = -91337117344148.06 333093 + 507447462.2394453 = 507780555.2394453 -58526563 + -100000000000000 = -100000058526563 -4538 + -8386854714.201258 = -8386859252.201258 4.0537808090672005 + 5492905682342 = 5492905682346.054 100000000000000 + -239529599 = 99999760470401 -269341114.6544759 + -780772131.4782727 = -1050113246.1327486 -4560315672.705765 + 54526673196520 = 54522112880847.3 -6 + 1927152596.6931734 = 1927152590.6931734 -1167740628 + 38597535 = -1129143093 8844 + -94016932930.63922 = -94016924086.63922 340953.325716212 + -6476147568124 = -6476147227170.674 -98345006285408.42 + -33884.00727840031 = -98345006319292.42 816972560 + -30019723790311 = -30018906817751 5984210687 + -34826483683.93514 = -28842272996.935143 -6967054277312 + -13 = -6967054277325 1109243881700 + -18 = 1109243881682 -6493068499995.74 + 65 = -6493068499930.74 838132457 + 8582.592573732845 = 838141039.5925738 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 9429.415600865788 + -55540 = -46110.58439913421 31467988785741 + 7615707229.261088 = 31475604492970.26 4152723833 + 9380481 = 4162104314 -62820830.18533269 + 43450701255031.66 = 43450638434201.47 96182620 + 7945733429.362716 = 8041916049.362716 -31818 + -43541249109 = -43541280927 -18821395743344 + -9110814861.491474 = -18830506558205.492 540736770702 + -2294817799841 = -1754081029139 66473 + -534033.3459003103 = -467560.3459003103 -3590701546900.4956 + 541 = -3590701546359.4956 -8399806775 + 28944284199.860462 = 20544477424.860462 122758.83935066558 + -19867.841702334525 = 102890.99764833106 -3338439099 + -74193635811776.4 = -74196974250875.4 -9508586536126 + -683576790.9194123 = -9509270112916.92 86798741848.16557 + 76111302915 = 162910044763.1656 -645775.1858041007 + -798268.7455631443 = -1444043.931367245 -1317184193932 + -5329186912275 = -6646371106207 -709167691 + -5956 = -709173647 80519138415229 + 12736092968961 = 93255231384190 -48004193 + -82 = -48004275 -9382 + -15037139766410.33 = -15037139775792.33 -68406422036887.78 + -829.892054859526 = -68406422037717.67 -100000000000000 + 928 = -99999999999072 92 + -4131.948590605416 = -4039.948590605416 -690981372204.3105 + -9333257523 = -700314629727.3105 580779.1682742981 + -5470.93403376195 = 575308.2342405361 95795207.94291903 + -437703.604533207 = 95357504.33838582 4.523949281525088 + 95838403930143 = 95838403930147.53 34057 + 68 = 34125 535430659149 + -60272 = 535430598877 46327 + -60.50918278842662 = 46266.490817211576 -314082340.6612587 + -2615036130.075585 = -2929118470.7368436 -338356788.9668566 + 877.4795539340549 = -338355911.48730266 -95.862383708833 + 4565 = 4469.137616291167 -8219745748172.869 + -12171168557385.043 = -20390914305557.914 8 + -61604401924202.78 = -61604401924194.78 -9403555.658644935 + 2062.9543355559445 = -9401492.70430938 -100000000000000 + -986462118 = -100000986462118 -866568.8533951379 + -92 = -866660.8533951379 -59746724078230 + -49099 = -59746724127329 -4528.75070459168 + 4744966.479177319 = 4740437.728472727 7309263.8476320915 + 5139481 = 12448744.847632091 100000000000000.0 + 25448.811176053612 = 100000000025448.81 -3395705 + -311.0271547933633 = -3396016.0271547935 -7.240174280504576 + -89194.5859105342 = -89201.8260848147 -8559286.980267284 + -89148 = -8648434.980267284 4035391445019 + -100000000000000.0 = -95964608554981.0 -289280874 + 490776702 = 201495828 -4639 + 805661128.4111933 = 805656489.4111933 4903609.305716548 + -3700021988.00259 = -3695118378.6968737 45014 + -71674 = -26660 5953415.0851598 + -3706039187.185787 = -3700085772.1006274 -26216950671628.68 + 22985416712290.34 = -3231533959338.34 66631316650403 + 73198512435009.1 = 139829829085412.1 229212 + -965.8118948014563 = 228246.18810519855 7807216.529560852 + 2582.4940254072562 = 7809799.023586259 -99147119261092.67 + 8593375706.903557 = -99138525885385.77 100000000000000.0 + -7384.477885352839 = 99999999992615.52 -4195221231 + -471 = -4195221702 -6393 + 33112818846191.406 = 33112818839798.406 4927721171085 + 39484 = 4927721210569 53136528590175.79 + -827575446943.104 = 52308953143232.69 7549602 + -214 = 7549388 5334227697.503849 + 26 = 5334227723.503849 -4985787577 + 8859.767003234116 = -4985778717.232997 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 -6396576885551 + 42867207319.31164 = -6353709678231.688 -344319234708 + -8 = -344319234716 6352906787639 + 444 = 6352906788083 5607112838443.706 + 87961971772.94537 = 5695074810216.651 -63115377.34798645 + -24707255023749.973 = -24707318139127.32 926 + -42647897930 = -42647897004 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -4081 + -6794140 = -6798221 -7187465947.480934 + -6082 = -7187472029.480934 86674783616366.39 + 7 = 86674783616373.39 -96.03400812513088 + 94.940122319568 = -1.093885805562877 -628 + 468638178999 = 468638178371 100000000000000.0 + 28.229048166748456 = 100000000000028.23 20.233611635930927 + 749863.0360766283 = 749883.2696882642 100000000000000 + 4 = 100000000000004 -1987 + -706200282.0088336 = -706202269.0088336 322.03870741840285 + -851.9442934647324 = -529.9055860463295 634386347939.8096 + -92896042.84381534 = 634293451896.9657 -100000000000000 + -15821475308 = -100015821475308 -5016719 + 282712 = -4734007 -100000000000000 + 94 = -99999999999906 -481906 + -4869903747801.587 = -4869904229707.587 -3.7743717681651185 + 76988560 = 76988556.22562823 100000000000000 + -90680 = 99999999909320 -92739042383786.52 + -37838.05601838791 = -92739042421624.58 82867123455905.23 + -367 = 82867123455538.23 -100000000000000.0 + 512350101239.4334 = -99487649898760.56 -23081.28287126017 + -8841332454276.688 = -8841332477357.97 -367815292204 + -80963816206982 = -81331631499186 15 + -2380034952320 = -2380034952305 2100 + -5611008 = -5608908 65070 + -839 = 64231 5752442865127.634 + -6299704161 = 5746143160966.634 -816275 + 80645.48728245514 = -735629.5127175448 559.3181419566604 + -21451 = -20891.68185804334 7184804841130.235 + -45852 = 7184804795278.235 91100.17078237903 + 3319036880.797919 = 3319127980.9687014 -100000000000000.0 + -26322873270 = -100026322873270.0 5094078723892 + -288 = 5094078723604 729438 + -92783067 = -92053629 3.999805741019335 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999996.0 4.361040753825682 + 2.547017782902654 = 6.908058536728336 -53.795339646428495 + -706300972 = -706301025.7953397 10.477909769369036 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000010.48 347643 + 75382533676 = 75382881319 99062882899838.27 + 7.497739180886998 = 99062882899845.77 -49502050.75324968 + 6134725511 = 6085223460.24675 3661521144488.962 + 100000000000000.0 = 103661521144488.97 -904 + -144112807250.61307 = -144112808154.61307 -31 + 8429241650531 = 8429241650500 7620133923723 + 100000000000000 = 107620133923723 -66.41534214918978 + -685752411.0243843 = -685752477.4397264 -5531484090932.252 + -969187643146 = -6500671734078.252 5254940395686 + -584659 = 5254939811027 7849 + -5907.405574623742 = 1941.5944253762582 635076433 + 6240472809 = 6875549242 -35907649818098 + -213790023661 = -36121439841759 97666.61295310388 + 60304032822.90839 = 60304130489.52134 -587692313118.1066 + 5543757.31588501 = -587686769360.7906 1535946782 + 133843870371.99826 = 135379817153.99826 -795.705931063549 + -2363644828 = -2363645623.705931 8996773974 + -6415517158279 = -6406520384305 -81595307 + 956 = -81594351 -9678 + 324362487701 = 324362478023 -7868755489976.709 + -24 = -7868755490000.709 63 + -1474960.1282776655 = -1474897.1282776655 8878448.360968422 + 2682311762770.9014 = 2682320641219.262 417035 + 20856.950253199793 = 437891.9502531998 -9333 + 282801466 = 282792133 -7725131458.155694 + 36.66071970519535 = -7725131421.494974 353456.35186014895 + 757656468783 = 757656822239.3518 -866 + 147221.91714741001 = 146355.91714741001 960617818057 + 100000000000000 = 100960617818057 -32481.680252657738 + -11599 = -44080.68025265774 52816182682814.84 + 6796334445721.6455 = 59612517128536.49 284276 + -1798106098 = -1797821822 631038939375.8892 + 9 = 631038939384.8892 316068274662 + 76407629.41509476 = 316144682291.4151 -92701294.16444698 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000092701294.17 -578 + -608404801259.8416 = -608404801837.8416 -808171417173 + -350712630.1709814 = -808522129803.171 -100000000000000.0 + -234 = -100000000000234.0 -9838881768493.2 + 43850751347 = -9795031017146.2 2259 + 716 = 2975 366835 + -3850643650299.244 = -3850643283464.244 9249 + 796756456 = 796765705 -2955056 + -527072171.98993766 = -530027227.98993766 -53958629163.5106 + 78636249055 = 24677619891.489403 -166785815859 + 13884.630969787164 = -166785801974.36902 -4.342154739989596 + 1328 = 1323.6578452600104 -100000000000000 + 97 = -99999999999903 -90204953875609.53 + 14647.63743991504 = -90204953860961.89 48106380.43389346 + 315776956375 = 315825062755.4339 17319531069637.373 + 52607.318402398785 = 17319531122244.691 -3506918807013.614 + -6592607917.275089 = -3513511414930.8887 1236468452041.0383 + 100000000000000.0 = 101236468452041.03 -15694824.963826712 + 940336091 = 924641266.0361733 44384347397121 + 631206277 = 44384978603398 595895 + 533315898 = 533911793 207.4110980430795 + 754345891360 = 754345891567.4111 309095134.7464723 + -836288190 = -527193055.2535277 -4064623514 + 35 = -4064623479 -1842704949 + -2226.888048492813 = -1842707175.8880484 1581199367924 + -747853123 = 1580451514801 2192844863106 + 792071 = 2192845655177 6547096273774.872 + -955529567 = 6546140744207.872 -851103.7947861041 + -1.3529612575335535 = -851105.1477473617 27841562122.32763 + 131916.55312227813 = 27841694038.880753 4 + 67.96647851484545 = 71.96647851484545 90722.38500470336 + -733542522 = -733451799.6149952 -100000000000000 + 20873.979613936885 = -99999999979126.02 22534.990550812003 + -100000000000000 = -99999999977465.02 -35573121752632.38 + -3703737595818 = -39276859348450.38 -962817219 + -27138475402 = -28101292621 596 + 3869.2124813484766 = 4465.212481348477 7548051511412 + 8807761.170721458 = 7548060319173.171 -663419.5445425643 + 100000000000000 = 99999999336580.45 355341 + -100000000000000 = -99999999644659 10732543347.510254 + -573941.8750102774 = 10731969405.635244 69803093895102.836 + 7401 = 69803093902503.836 611921338230.8916 + 71502008 = 611992840238.8916 -612184247262.043 + 47090967967011 = 46478783719748.95 310379833 + 48812 = 310428645 -61.75648050616164 + -6536375918 = -6536375979.75648 -58025 + 109770.46419690797 = 51745.46419690797 -5041041753.181094 + -4603203 = -5045644956.181094 414206063765.504 + -16849126664 = 397356937101.504 1829187 + -8533591.02818671 = -6704404.028186711 -856594.2026242951 + -683105501 = -683962095.2026243 -8 + -433893.4564092733 = -433901.4564092733 -27102839730601.562 + -17810462 = -27102857541063.562 -31358049.594885852 + -267209 = -31625258.594885852 -2.9621956251154042 + 96652.41675569843 = 96649.45456007331 -8 + 701519 = 701511 8555324.840822201 + 100000000000000 = 100000008555324.84 -27638767852 + -64117114761.26017 = -91755882613.26016 -718 + 8 = -710 742 + -577064.1411312397 = -576322.1411312397 -3 + -3 = -6 -3714418 + -25140349254190.094 = -25140352968608.094 -9827259191 + -15716094914351.625 = -15725922173542.625 100000000000000 + 7.890316498143379 = 100000000000007.89 -66979.78651463972 + 87061075.6420171 = 86994095.85550246 -4170695432224 + 771286452600 = -3399408979624 46956637601 + -100000000000000 = -99953043362399 350047458002 + 6111.69585447781 = 350047464113.69586 892 + 577567862723 = 577567863615 1692 + -30305.77038249104 = -28613.77038249104 -988 + 21340790630 = 21340789642 -100000000000000.0 + 959138144868 = -99040861855132.0 -25 + -74 = -99 -442254437 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999557745563.0 21375790037834.082 + -100000000000000.0 = -78624209962165.92 -2889032893316 + 89817 = -2889032803499 -8364007682051.968 + 9205 = -8364007672846.968 9869913 + -18545171006 = -18535301093 1147539424427 + -849745583157.7463 = 297793841269.25366 -77.52860090035307 + 993 = 915.471399099647 1691 + 89.12896564724969 = 1780.1289656472497 184.74443552881573 + -6425768141 = -6425767956.255565 -518998681767.55963 + 2010.8072967048586 = -518998679756.7523 783845.5741222395 + 251 = 784096.5741222395 734650697.2197043 + 46991556.42910021 = 781642253.6488044 -7.247690140059657 + -974851 = -974858.24769014 57244988 + 74470026941 = 74527271929 6248109314.845495 + 8984865611 = 15232974925.845495 372525 + -32607984914185.04 = -32607984541660.04 -5167377400 + -270603732577 = -275771109977 -75709288 + 4734.729229579541 = -75704553.27077042 333521965865.1957 + 7161446 = 333529127311.1957 -377008 + -9 = -377017 1474947014.320977 + 3829587118440 = 3831062065454.321 -9234649768 + 22 = -9234649746 -6195667834 + 2722828799748.343 = 2716633131914.343 5608.090435944704 + 2115168.319084065 = 2120776.4095200095 760000 + -4.1305540095458815 = 759995.8694459904 377163188326 + 1210953484456.5952 = 1588116672782.5952 -5588.569360966266 + 43689.21549386624 = 38100.64613289998 466632446210.2739 + 8 = 466632446218.2739 100000000000000.0 + 7249340 = 100000007249340.0 31973667714015 + 476848188 = 31974144562203 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 -3411 + 89034978457.58789 = 89034975046.58789 -319282.13529359334 + -88 = -319370.13529359334 -65048610637013 + 29107.9449223215 = -65048610607905.055 -6427986994.261487 + 92690 = -6427894304.261487 836393.8298325859 + -243.83980446341874 = 836149.9900281224 -6.653261401034969 + 429.00275920890505 = 422.3494978078701 -1933 + 8.296359177484472 = -1924.7036408225156 -634112426.8835007 + -55.8136187292495 = -634112482.6971195 -22.38892770804928 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999977.61 8126006.067941321 + -3803 = 8122203.067941321 5185489292795.566 + 65616741278817 = 70802230571612.56 4032 + 560 = 4592 9485.713905128126 + 1965813177753 = 1965813187238.7139 398.6467358953703 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999601.36 3.706074308021024 + 3396 = 3399.706074308021 8 + -793876049.1098683 = -793876041.1098683 -571478276 + 4088941028970 = 4088369550694 201177133.88488424 + 1524 = 201178657.88488424 3471851079.830032 + 659582408736.9182 = 663054259816.7483 -5724923 + 30852243 = 25127320 -951820725765 + 2647856 = -951818077909 -1534111518848.42 + -58 = -1534111518906.42 -13631990866094 + -976398156 = -13632967264250 100000000000000.0 + 1.2302383574514464 = 100000000000001.23 665168 + -3873 = 661295 5 + 941527.6446192958 = 941532.6446192958 -26.81431522084053 + 879482649263.7399 = 879482649236.9255 805189854 + -58181 = 805131673 -421638 + 2689.278734175855 = -418948.72126582416 90278228703353 + -5620084811976 = 84658143891377 315777.42881175317 + -428914560720 = -428914244942.57117 -64717629172400 + -733260.2713170389 = -64717629905660.27 91.43965851484786 + 665.7024368080956 = 757.1420953229435 -304.3301426061445 + -23 = -327.3301426061445 -2738461683.020999 + -358.98336284545957 = -2738462042.0043616 -34 + 66485760.41106618 = 66485726.41106618 1 + 3580122338.087233 = 3580122339.087233 100000000000000.0 + 15513672550724 = 115513672550724.0 -2501184794564.7837 + -75 = -2501184794639.7837 93141780009977 + -5111.294749329068 = 93141780004865.7 -10976358 + -48799 = -11025157 -95317686 + 1572618854734.565 = 1572523537048.565 -11471 + 44.77266497266953 = -11426.22733502733 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 -5371079425.368224 + -21364955357010 = -21370326436435.367 -70497963686.18091 + -7697634 = -70505661320.18091 -106607.34951391163 + -2606369947050.954 = -2606370053658.3037 9 + -77584323 = -77584314 -7015687 + 59236360.55568101 = 52220673.55568101 -756 + -6 = -762 3017019345.4434175 + 4211519630 = 7228538975.443418 2 + -855482.9509455868 = -855480.9509455868 66590.26729449198 + -897274970151 = -897274903560.7327 926684227.6425359 + -100000000000000 = -99999073315772.36 314 + 27328572077998 = 27328572078312 8313589 + -2620356186571.6826 = -2620347872982.6826 -4572760 + 84634.38974983986 = -4488125.61025016 -100000000000000 + 11901441940116.105 = -88098558059883.89 41118.12287213163 + 329074911005 = 329074952123.12286 86653337.46378909 + 9262.888204970595 = 86662600.35199407 -73.33040109457805 + -859314924624.1176 = -859314924697.448 1 + -28584796169.97964 = -28584796168.97964 -62685570596.83984 + 4089753323.8188 = -58595817273.02104 7057682 + 7485.7425660812505 = 7065167.742566082 9881 + -42.54983540324034 = 9838.45016459676 -100000000000000.0 + -861609 = -100000000861609.0 14857960.502411433 + 8988165.378551094 = 23846125.88096253 3.950737646066748 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000003.95 87663 + -500 = 87163 84349.5841979934 + 833331.4124455861 = 917680.9966435794 100000000000000 + 137 = 100000000000137 1199.4551177942112 + 74377424592857.6 = 74377424594057.05 6827573 + -18071584859788 = -18071578032215 -100000000000000.0 + 966477017761.0094 = -99033522982238.98 120.26918284312404 + -91007708093252.77 = -91007708093132.5 7225948.121939755 + 18 = 7225966.121939755 810224772878.8967 + -20.057241126953333 = 810224772858.8395 38 + -20 = 18 830929843908 + -33082415489.806484 = 797847428418.1935 -9064690 + 5865593.026133985 = -3199096.9738660147 100000000000000 + -60546764 = 99999939453236 -100000000000000 + 608254 = -99999999391746 -12276 + 42094152206198 = 42094152193922 46644629859 + 8 = 46644629867 -51745833359403.23 + -88702700 = -51745922062103.23 -8427693580.386471 + -9 = -8427693589.386471 85438559727068.56 + -48.37874153533919 = 85438559727020.19 94370.456873212 + -9102607515696 = -9102607421325.543 330367 + -69126022016998.84 = -69126021686631.84 -100000000000000.0 + -4963.824090396674 = -100000000004963.83 58.59944492377862 + 9399083777559 = 9399083777617.6 572666704767.4701 + -4394 = 572666700373.4701 -100000000000000.0 + -39174665038.38224 = -100039174665038.38 -353514801.4906446 + 694958739.4459774 = 341443937.9553329 -4410.553089086468 + -302251432419 = -302251436829.5531 -533070708.5901434 + -56 = -533070764.5901434 -34.01388557581172 + -6.099788284012941 = -40.11367385982466 -9563981783 + 508437.93756169075 = -9563473345.062439 -1181789079 + 84491623983835 = 84490442194756 100000000000000.0 + 25079 = 100000000025079.0 98.49295803866356 + -718276 = -718177.5070419613 11775538551508 + 100000000000000.0 = 111775538551508.0 34782983536429.43 + 696752546.447427 = 34783680288975.88 -52557475727343.03 + 602558100343 = -51954917627000.03 -423.3129932006613 + 32734418884 = 32734418460.687008 48128132.762523636 + -100000000000000 = -99999951871867.23 4096954.557037608 + 631.6317439055579 = 4097586.188781514 751616634 + -9396 = 751607238 87522461 + 31536.325747450235 = 87553997.32574745 854 + -149893208768 = -149893207914 908.4775660274785 + 78916065182196 = 78916065183104.48 4403059 + 1 = 4403060 -934 + -210510922075 = -210510923009 4573.056101863274 + 9.83819218794402 = 4582.894294051218 -33298851207222.63 + 55559681 = -33298795647541.63 100000000000000 + -1911.2043799780895 = 99999999998088.8 5.9840076984433415 + 314504274 = 314504279.9840077 -319742914.46888316 + 8382471.8708390035 = -311360442.59804416 39483683307004.75 + -55643127889145.13 = -16159444582140.383 -42501.15028645923 + 36392793 = 36350291.84971354 437071 + 4.984142446593854 = 437075.9841424466 243889.9607858394 + -100000000000000 = -99999999756110.05 -7554085509210 + -13.839669382716236 = -7554085509223.84 -86.45428883285787 + -8 = -94.45428883285787 388838 + -3 = 388835 8221856974017 + -93823172.91308832 = 8221763150844.087 -8779061247 + 874 = -8779060373 -11206588698943.8 + -1359.9685761316819 = -11206588700303.77 485220939.9100284 + 184001228899.83972 = 184486449839.74976 66880 + -1500.8428480816613 = 65379.15715191834 -62494.5487230262 + 857386382625 = 857386320130.4513 -91824988819 + -3961693159508 = -4053518148327 -3636718484.128646 + -7096974553 = -10733693037.128647 845494.4677592693 + 73143280097192 = 73143280942686.47 3212001198427 + 814199618.3852127 = 3212815398045.3853 -793087245.1401753 + 4531.481413603275 = -793082713.6587617 9922570 + 76039883 = 85962453 100000000000000.0 + -4100679856467.5747 = 95899320143532.42 52 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999948.0 -8318522 + -465031.2376546895 = -8783553.23765469 -94209623.45742777 + -4421520041.035364 = -4515729664.492792 100000000000000 + 93748538.55240238 = 100000093748538.55 326713629493 + 24506178 = 326738135671 -2840126527.7521625 + 15612793546 = 12772667018.247837 91108962395.11601 + 358284072.2247297 = 91467246467.34074 702405257 + 96.50640367575443 = 702405353.5064037 -4 + -33.22158211116236 = -37.22158211116236 227756 + -187614084 = -187386328 664398 + 851 = 665249 -343510 + -9.869620833130524 = -343519.86962083314 -52347719069819 + 54096528309631.586 = 1748809239812.586 -100000000000000 + -74 = -100000000000074 -508101 + -924242 = -1432343 57.2419531829537 + 97 = 154.2419531829537 -2 + -93041 = -93043 -9408086764328 + -94782473.49484816 = -9408181546801.494 15330127288.143433 + -12 = 15330127276.143433 7805742933359 + 1954.197084855985 = 7805742935313.197 79139136 + 7228867904.31234 = 7308007040.31234 100000000000000.0 + 41020 = 100000000041020.0 68582061751893.86 + -460143363799 = 68121918388094.86 -100000000000000 + -328166 = -100000000328166 -239207081879.06903 + -12201825.661735304 = -239219283704.73077 34.716777727637705 + -34399890222.47786 = -34399890187.761086 -1035656966.9291723 + 671249 = -1034985717.9291723 73021.05479230336 + -7809 = 65212.05479230336 2 + 2168170605 = 2168170607 -6160770.985024093 + 4545385419.24897 = 4539224648.263946 -5032810.905768815 + -4688.857075875419 = -5037499.762844691 -339977.67663747026 + 1 = -339976.67663747026 -77075066142 + -35937555.3072485 = -77111003697.30725 4359.317477040585 + 89965.62286135602 = 94324.94033839661 -95908 + 48503 = -47405 -9682907.565829193 + -683855588 = -693538495.5658292 71598416161293.8 + 22009938.691486936 = 71598438171232.48 1592669671.0242872 + -1932618.8584732297 = 1590737052.165814 -30950090605.717236 + -55615.06121701939 = -30950146220.778454 -2836275 + 5467 = -2830808 8446975601.420378 + -5655650.571559247 = 8441319950.848819 -2556008418641 + 100000000000000.0 = 97443991581359.0 -80 + 590.3300749926346 = 510.33007499263465 602583 + 266944823 = 267547406 -73 + 749296286046 = 749296285973 53551 + -6.702642410993999 = 53544.29735758901 100000000000000 + 174918035.39762694 = 100000174918035.39 71705087 + 875208957250 = 875280662337 -882148628 + 76233986570.45378 = 75351837942.45378 -4074801920 + -9225178490154.8 = -9229253292074.8 -60641847 + 100000000000000 = 99999939358153 -206042.23145457468 + 112011190107 = 112010984064.76854 5619856 + 1740602 = 7360458 8848 + 6160.743504971648 = 15008.743504971648 6281928398340.085 + -91705503216728.73 = -85423574818388.66 818165059352.3986 + 2.6930006806908766 = 818165059355.0916 -6786200945 + 616.519537336462 = -6786200328.480463 -2463170990509.9023 + -894957517.8537377 = -2464065948027.756 -9942996 + 389 = -9942607 -97977.80558675811 + -48195.76223072553 = -146173.56781748365 -97353 + 86917 = -10436 52981.87858639609 + 17574 = 70555.87858639608 8219 + -511 = 7708 625099580.417006 + -7405423 = 617694157.417006 -17926983364823.516 + -4 = -17926983364827.516 1.046600816727659 + -496.3798435992681 = -495.3332427825404 620326.4331609304 + 16191781268.751993 = 16192401595.185154 6660.179357364827 + 80613162 = 80619822.17935736 -5.1896457398736215 + 43516 = 43510.810354260124 553148 + 8.678128911804972 = 553156.6781289118 6338271.594948103 + 30036 = 6368307.594948103 -22169.396766503145 + 20828006123461.37 = 20828006101291.973 -3885508.001950166 + 95723638 = 91838129.99804984 -100000000000000 + 73211275606.81412 = -99926788724393.19 71907 + -59765.27498321005 = 12141.725016789947 100000000000000 + 551 = 100000000000551 -26818096731.95394 + 273.3853706513264 = -26818096458.56857 -19142152580.402634 + -118000772.49294713 = -19260153352.89558 -841814693572 + 83 = -841814693489 -4137.855352832982 + 223934737423.0427 = 223934733285.18735 673 + 34831437.38974069 = 34832110.38974069 5137095 + 264683879114.31238 = 264689016209.31238 -11.608745894043123 + 8769 = 8757.391254105956 2.2227067114214334 + -7.2367216849595914 = -5.014014973538158 -86305579197525 + 2123945927719 = -84181633269806 -725462641705 + -1893883345 = -727356525050 -3722366156 + 91087924 = -3631278232 -100000000000000 + -7145.156491987168 = -100000000007145.16 1279701 + -3085324171 = -3084044470 -4074778312027.25 + 9.44678763622711 = -4074778312017.803 3.0732098938641497 + -80694 = -80690.92679010614 -86795.1511052812 + -42752057436456 = -42752057523251.15 99 + 96776107059428 = 96776107059527 -8501555.557981074 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999991498444.44 -406742951 + 570527.0520522003 = -406172423.9479478 1124607532 + 29975366966.44137 = 31099974498.44137 -917939241 + -88 = -917939329 -74663.49608347061 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000074663.5 4355.5464809397645 + 954323740 = 954328095.5464809 100000000000000 + -6646794101781 = 93353205898219 -634 + -911064043 = -911064677 -65455506 + 9922.33578767024 = -65445583.66421233 40958351645 + -1150667398010 = -1109709046365 3118 + -742 = 2376 5605910870.364961 + 3.3893849614876594 = 5605910873.754346 1914177518.2456746 + -722 = 1914176796.2456746 8.463339199236785 + 1562478 = 1562486.4633391993 -865781629643 + -6297253440002.93 = -7163035069645.93
-9 + -6681287 = -6681296 -49326.968621556254 + -72511 = -121837.96862155625 -5 + -32.61930333126628 = -37.61930333126628 177340025.83768776 + 404701264.69590294 = 582041290.5335907 -7543752 + -32 = -7543784 19.36799668965866 + -9090.475048904227 = -9071.10705221457 -6685746456295.241 + 9250.762587649773 = -6685746447044.479 4858397104914.002 + -35475273065818.664 = -30616875960904.664 -697555189922 + 100000000000000 = 99302444810078 829407623 + 9957130713293 = 9957960120916 948797.4829881598 + 9484174 = 10432971.48298816 47730218.489238985 + -7545516099.926993 = -7497785881.437755 181660 + -61 = 181599 1600387424 + 85268.10551824806 = 1600472692.1055183 49.850595395785746 + 813737.9425601306 = 813787.7931555264 -4178.296015348722 + -44127.200915891124 = -48305.496931239846 4016942170.632878 + 60517871.754501365 = 4077460042.387379 5432.213845908485 + -4414740 = -4409307.786154091 -715991018 + -90601294987212 = -90602010978230 -9992058.894180814 + -32726256242 = -32736248300.89418 5.951942156007723 + -16 = -10.048057843992277 2576930086814 + -6549.608491300555 = 2576930080264.3916 -9836914836145 + -119.0934208546554 = -9836914836264.094 78328.11415525782 + 2209521772634.7344 = 2209521850962.8486 -5.111622931915324 + 119004100382 = 119004100376.88838 -115551.26061077023 + 5 = -115546.26061077023 1402399581.403334 + 972283.8683982613 = 1403371865.271732 6147209360.569031 + -10418068328.869234 = -4270858968.3002033 -32038233101 + 1593792 = -32036639309 677677634127.3958 + -17648335 = 677659985792.3958 100000000000000.0 + 86017246432.30495 = 100086017246432.31 5600501517681 + -220172.6213446862 = 5600501297508.379 -52 + 5.776133522412273 = -46.22386647758773 69472662171 + 8.56380415377614 = 69472662179.5638 2532166045 + -78445323832.89594 = -75913157787.89594 -100000000000000 + -1.3365530751743557 = -100000000000001.34 35066671306 + 539953197145 = 575019868451 -562854594 + -6997453492697 = -6998016347291 -37 + -3830736 = -3830773 -153 + -5 = -158 9187.792558875903 + 100000000000000 = 100000000009187.8 2243464474731.459 + 348292913479 = 2591757388210.459 -34113949.404830545 + -983912.9652695428 = -35097862.37010009 -5585.193672810824 + 55 = -5530.193672810824 2986140 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999997013860.0 103.66362628014366 + 48342261948 = 48342262051.66363 -534457337.53486407 + -56842 = -534514179.53486407 -18021583271336.63 + 41 = -18021583271295.63 -5260918479.0237875 + -2299581979484 = -2304842897963.024 7422 + 740320268.9293331 = 740327690.9293331 -374 + -64657.26241200399 = -65031.26241200399 6926096.698040622 + 37.18368997533701 = 6926133.8817305975 -96074 + 395 = -95679 459222.2092056329 + -2144910475197 = -2144910015974.7908 -4706084.106083993 + -7517095146 = -7521801230.106084 -400698 + 6 = -400692 951710612420.4037 + -95215685.89509363 = 951615396734.5085 5006.085369582721 + 71263397.35286082 = 71268403.43823041 -100000000000000.0 + 79750.4157903941 = -99999999920249.58 87297839977153 + -6584484.737502398 = 87297833392668.27 31003990944691.457 + -100000000000000.0 = -68996009055308.55 -58019436.65301534 + 12 = -58019424.65301534 -3319942331717.5566 + -4 = -3319942331721.5566 744415 + 924.8886863606008 = 745339.8886863606 -25497 + -100000000000000 = -100000000025497 -15952000405132.771 + -6965.719952552673 = -15952000412098.492 -100000000000000 + -9002520.952559566 = -100000009002520.95 4551204.609283532 + -877969 = 3673235.609283532 -227 + -38579 = -38806 -2744 + -498392193009.10565 = -498392195753.10565 100000000000000.0 + -1461561 = 99999998538439.0 -7415.3780930375115 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000007415.38 9 + -457881 = -457872 -412899 + -19137 = -432036 8452311 + 82758646921276 = 82758655373587 4.099483171660846 + -98029610281321.44 = -98029610281317.34 -3565967008 + 6427942941032 = 6424376974024 943671849558.2772 + 8311213.415689262 = 943680160771.6929 -232468.95488774488 + -338463 = -570931.9548877449 9.451981934812958 + -9915883955552.191 = -9915883955542.74 -5842536184 + -271657871913 = -277500408097 -98275323 + -3822.554342008427 = -98279145.554342 6976415573099.583 + 3755564306.1096005 = 6980171137405.692 7 + 71548669218300 = 71548669218307 53061706622280.41 + 97 = 53061706622377.41 6243196257 + 7.563674616786311 = 6243196264.563675 -1.5750185074425596 + -89640085.4726726 = -89640087.0476911 7308405485938.822 + 2660744 = 7308408146682.822 19523238.16098853 + -1990.9956611444677 = 19521247.165327385 9571600 + -100000000000000 = -99999990428400 550748 + 52372521063043 = 52372521613791 -62183987360 + 99452.31807928048 = -62183887907.68192 446477696.2936671 + 231150128299.3767 = 231596605995.67038 91350461888978 + -728795134543 = 90621666754435 -1385112 + -31190094.133152235 = -32575206.133152235 58 + -4 = 54 7769408.318732163 + -44302 = 7725106.318732163 -997.8064458197679 + 170171333203.62796 = 170171332205.8215 6196203525182 + -7439 = 6196203517743 -16655 + 6632 = -10023 -81252.90152141482 + 45864 = -35388.901521414824 37332014214883 + -556173411 = 37331458041472 1 + 97799744 = 97799745 -83 + 8291192.607748646 = 8291109.607748646 -8174172 + -29112 = -8203284 -1.5506875136441662 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999998.45 12544 + 145222.81371031931 = 157766.81371031931 -9004760 + -96 = -9004856 -3 + -8.250808925468155 = -11.250808925468155 -7.988136947666246 + -5922487 = -5922494.988136948 -888576579.3074906 + 1 = -888576578.3074906 -43013891.499083534 + -9 = -43013900.499083534 -70425 + -585834.5625522976 = -656259.5625522976 585 + -9903665555703.377 = -9903665555118.377 -8 + -425686045.28583133 = -425686053.28583133 -9256498 + 2455786.5751407295 = -6800711.42485927 405868235366 + 100000000000000 = 100405868235366 7589863.691181339 + 100000000000000 = 100000007589863.69 -3508311 + 5027069720.70003 = 5023561409.70003 -82911687396 + -68426 = -82911755822 -503332980859.377 + 4327529.145047281 = -503328653330.232 5.02784589619788 + -484585.2438968974 = -484580.2160510012 64046244493 + -753577884 = 63292666609 -78889184775.73152 + 1943282.58212048 = -78887241493.1494 845239016.0003699 + -1381481196 = -536242179.9996301 28942743.418959394 + -996232609684 = -996203666940.581 38137689318585.49 + -901 = 38137689317684.49 6158467802.8913555 + -899066611438.7385 = -892908143635.8472 746404252.0062284 + -1175733442176 = -1174987037923.9937 91780551164.74226 + 398741575 = 92179292739.74226 876.1957179849697 + 4950.344081208981 = 5826.539799193951 -6816610026.807668 + -897078307570 = -903894917596.8076 -15455 + -218772818351 = -218772833806 24274289882656 + -18.445751956251897 = 24274289882637.555 8643044025.08123 + -8651458179086.981 = -8642815135061.9 304422783 + 8932549611 = 9236972394 -845690 + 24.06808760428956 = -845665.9319123958 -147075205 + 3.2934622293213835 = -147075201.70653778 4618 + -563744 = -559126 -71708897820188 + -39153315 = -71708936973503 751894658.7066444 + 1 = 751894659.7066444 -5977628 + 6457 = -5971171 -99896286059.67879 + 877192 = -99895408867.67879 36 + 821.23363158564 = 857.23363158564 100000000000000.0 + 4366152112593.7197 = 104366152112593.72 367763371642 + 2586571610 = 370349943252 100000000000000.0 + 579 = 100000000000579.0 8204736 + -4333787981.495091 = -4325583245.495091 -6167 + -1507.7859240590285 = -7674.785924059029 -70.78915661899521 + -976046 = -976116.789156619 -7940596558483 + 40 = -7940596558443 34982674989936 + -9679291008 = 34972995698928 -383342615956 + 6286048756 = -377056567200 -9517283713406 + -220053180578.08868 = -9737336893984.088 -5572122.645109614 + 53013060214993 = 53013054642870.35 -6116172 + -296579902413 = -296586018585 -95277714.4174607 + -29354699602.70768 = -29449977317.12514 142844 + -145354585 = -145211741 64 + 48747 = 48811 -85253.66459567212 + -4377106.163491633 = -4462359.828087305 47 + -30569 = -30522 -9566291.258057915 + -24010215503.87587 = -24019781795.133926 -8954791944 + 68238068416652.66 = 68229113624708.66 100000000000000.0 + -9094808002884.67 = 90905191997115.33 58394413031 + -349 = 58394412682 -1323507497 + -1539896 = -1325047393 2 + 240098 = 240100 -2165935.6852312842 + 373757 = -1792178.6852312842 2618.1604118316764 + -67 = 2551.1604118316764 98094640780290.86 + 92521 = 98094640872811.86 -246097.37834746792 + 94578832 = 94332734.62165253 -100000000000000 + 677165.6945782162 = -99999999322834.31 -56 + -91573656.23970884 = -91573712.23970884 886884 + 100000000000000 = 100000000886884 -6010507891.058595 + -472953.91023772507 = -6010980844.968832 959.1586380505413 + 7854240263 = 7854241222.158638 -1030676024 + 7879746.00454129 = -1022796277.9954587 -9623 + -2839889073941.538 = -2839889083564.538 97.0707409505515 + -46876984 = -46876886.92925905 83854487 + 97908624940.74176 = 97992479427.74176 6479 + 2981098253289.958 = 2981098259768.958 -9443983325662 + -7 = -9443983325669 967 + 1628177.3779629963 = 1629144.3779629963 -6685966602192 + 100000000000000 = 93314033397808 -62945 + -2 = -62947 637434233647.9911 + 7609728 = 637441843375.9911 3.364685308675713 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999996.64 -3 + -5489.637310220487 = -5492.637310220487 2344552650294.6436 + 56950117 = 2344609600411.6436 -98860734184685.33 + 464771087.65567803 = -98860269413597.67 9.408642334225316 + 3566876430622 = 3566876430631.4087 -733863057.0709492 + 646300605.1543429 = -87562451.9166063 41 + 33919717.42740382 = 33919758.42740382 -21072.022560217487 + -639579926.5532743 = -639600998.5758345 -5974629.134011427 + -3251106626.664191 = -3257081255.798202 -85930158.15273146 + -96995.78691165264 = -86027153.93964311 -14 + 7595 = 7581 -7.720581866766397 + -39590028.32170896 = -39590036.04229083 4125533.968261488 + 7.077290010484692 = 4125541.0455514984 927268.4288290716 + 98732618996 = 98733546264.42883 2010549613391 + -9997442902263.498 = -7986893288872.498 758.7662200988586 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999241.23 -764198119 + 4786070088027.104 = 4785305889908.104 -3513786693.2951446 + -7489863291 = -11003649984.295145 -39686096432 + 99528343 = -39586568089 100000000000000.0 + -637775284236 = 99362224715764.0 -19107585128114.34 + 21348724.501664255 = -19107563779389.84 6379198.541035702 + 455937254596 = 455943633794.541 -243679769 + -44788509.31282857 = -288468278.31282854 -8388 + 6544444383202.6455 = 6544444374814.6455 -430830537674.04877 + 719530290 = -430111007384.04877 897575 + -584096 = 313479 -38404264945583.35 + -20651131 = -38404285596714.35 21928.64231557995 + 82029331.15197375 = 82051259.79428934 -5379227523 + 7990438035955.998 = 7985058808432.998 -8047993933114 + -181680 = -8047994114794 -343685.20543370966 + 3297.5621231926884 = -340387.64331051696 -100000000000000 + -914.7665206323034 = -100000000000914.77 6905970.037844958 + -188201.3954160076 = 6717768.64242895 -9839 + -65265596 = -65275435 3264078866 + 17662344 = 3281741210 -4022928 + 568134948851.4751 = 568130925923.4751 -801242994824.133 + 776286.381583395 = -801242218537.7515 -16 + -8797496.682081226 = -8797512.682081226 9274 + 1559905072326 = 1559905081600 558373728 + 97722553.89489967 = 656096281.8948996 87677615 + -1530202109294.1196 = -1530114431679.1196 -2 + 956238050097 = 956238050095 58634820026 + 100000000000000 = 100058634820026 66156156 + 82917385.81741522 = 149073541.81741524 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 76596 + 3156577 = 3233173 95529036.929041 + -4 = 95529032.929041 213374830705 + -3188039 = 213371642666 11770770004 + -913873174.3614229 = 10856896829.638577 -17584923.2628581 + -623259512 = -640844435.2628582 -196823.1916665646 + -878850815.0466908 = -879047638.2383574 815168671.7704351 + -3071 = 815165600.7704351 8127536630219 + 3 = 8127536630222 -712004268.8956401 + -347.90615820337484 = -712004616.8017983 8653.709910425805 + -100000000000000 = -99999999991346.3 -169396559863 + -893865705 = -170290425568 257602392029 + -96335860.17756073 = 257506056168.82245 -553 + -908 = -1461 85497957813 + -201567 = 85497756246 6991961976950.585 + 100000000000000 = 106991961976950.58 -76311.70375126861 + -593893150 = -593969461.7037513 701608023118 + -52011847331427.79 = -51310239308309.79 -485 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999515.0 743942.918316218 + 54 = 743996.918316218 -4669938545084 + 39575005141.48247 = -4630363539942.518 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 2 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000002 -45.591854584133216 + -91390180258.92311 = -91390180304.51497 100000000000000.0 + -5877141001685 = 94122858998315.0 26824629945708 + -968841374 = 26823661104334 -3.102106763758077 + -32328573781694.21 = -32328573781697.312 6635842132193.478 + -70.51217640487994 = 6635842132122.966 -41172377118673 + 5322639 = -41172371796034 -44545335.46218963 + 8750883064 = 8706337728.537811 -96.78300514804627 + -633320512 = -633320608.7830051 -100000000000000 + -3127718.706222793 = -100000003127718.7 99461810 + 22.083138481778885 = 99461832.08313848 7038400454.6007185 + -60682589079.448456 = -53644188624.84774 -49295.1894084937 + -630231445174.0784 = -630231494469.2678 30948899768 + 6 = 30948899774 -841613068910 + -51769371406.03201 = -893382440316.032 1585925 + 3913527005311 = 3913528591236 37322483.35751503 + 6153349.469111936 = 43475832.826626964 7521256372.598853 + 50048339311199.58 = 50055860567572.18 8028824866606.327 + -62826 = 8028824803780.327 44640757454224.09 + -4685.54440167123 = 44640757449538.55 6 + -379614584 = -379614578 -914029657 + -18774850414603 = -18775764444260 -198029684276.95044 + 56776413522.60434 = -141253270754.3461 967.9924901976865 + -13974775917.562227 = -13974774949.569736 -6 + 3297734 = 3297728 -2252793647 + -760595.8123516289 = -2253554242.8123517 -6290225628.822139 + -7237464820144.729 = -7243755045773.551 16891 + 861007736.2705181 = 861024627.2705181 23496947693 + -260119.72022769038 = 23496687573.279774 657 + 76407024 = 76407681 -17600277184687.94 + -69148 = -17600277253835.94 9990850838896.494 + -232423.0027799383 = 9990850606473.492 96186220.31736174 + -148 = 96186072.31736174 1311861.9128831467 + 5982250 = 7294111.912883147 -104 + 5 = -99 -7 + 6975336362 = 6975336355 -100000000000000 + 65273.569661238915 = -99999999934726.44 598275122840.1345 + -100000000000000 = -99401724877159.86 -58484814 + -6866398484520 = -6866456969334 -562484734.8054296 + 49021990.10137348 = -513462744.7040561 -294791.46894026233 + 65837166327.24631 = 65836871535.77737 -8310207334.950563 + 100000000000000 = 99991689792665.05 -288441317281 + 522684.77008590166 = -288440794596.2299 -100361128.32960801 + 2340 = -100358788.32960801 100000000000000 + 925618027.036853 = 100000925618027.03 -7792.783087334569 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000007792.78 -3 + 5881448 = 5881445 39.01379255538946 + -894875256920 = -894875256880.9862 516 + -29398 = -28882 -10517632686 + -8.63804073985132 = -10517632694.63804 -100000000000000.0 + -2003257.5189244268 = -100000002003257.52 4878120383.938261 + -4782389317 = 95731066.93826103 29570 + 11 = 29581 44134913.80942906 + 462 = 44135375.80942906 713.3065382281249 + 7876916560124.358 = 7876916560837.665 -307.71648074964617 + -2758184.20487199 = -2758491.9213527394 3846502 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000003846502.0 -6861665694 + 28219923543632 = 28213061877938 -100000000000000 + 46009350.017410025 = -99999953990649.98 244378121669.67004 + 80232.56913189535 = 244378201902.23917 423.3937095232321 + -52680616280244.13 = -52680616279820.74 -3834278 + -1.1968150992811188 = -3834279.196815099 100000000000000.0 + -2 = 99999999999998.0 519878886011 + 235754.81270677765 = 519879121765.8127 324672.46766077535 + -298801 = 25871.46766077535 -6116899852943.836 + -2.455028546804466 = -6116899852946.291 -5074 + 674 = -4400 -4540500207.7405205 + -12173554827856.965 = -12178095328064.705 -456695 + 95 = -456600 -6597 + 6 = -6591 189371 + 96521.95722082768 = 285892.9572208277 -4 + -7 = -11 18342488523350.47 + 8095861440375 = 26438349963725.47 70.74624773384426 + -426697708 = -426697637.2537523 -2164191062788 + -100000000000000.0 = -102164191062788.0 -8 + -51644.97005518387 = -51652.97005518387 -561548886529.1702 + 16914624442.555195 = -544634262086.615 533 + -1704.8062910128017 = -1171.8062910128017 88 + -48567738711625 = -48567738711537 100000000000000 + -940861.2246822703 = 99999999059138.78 6661284687963 + -14 = 6661284687949 52551588880276 + 3419 = 52551588883695 -39076245640.97699 + -91122.15717257677 = -39076336763.13416 -100000000000000.0 + -214 = -100000000000214.0 496356 + -595 = 495761 7.3214402983889535 + -783.775622664798 = -776.454182366409 -6781480680382 + 88.97071597210095 = -6781480680293.029 -8465125425752 + 1146016895197 = -7319108530555 -2804170972816 + 9564602975 = -2794606369841 1769240505111 + -60583209129751.49 = -58813968624640.49 15226058409495 + -8.777238561210957 = 15226058409486.223 -34534 + 29521398 = 29486864 259626794 + 817462.4452174382 = 260444256.44521743 -900999626583 + -66989165926183.016 = -67890165552766.016 2184142876993 + -100000000000000.0 = -97815857123007.0 -45822.338079666166 + 15781724526 = 15781678703.66192 -3388016419784.018 + 538450.6475645567 = -3388015881333.3706 8750509516273.294 + -70543373 = 8750438972900.294 -1696249 + -33622589834657.043 = -33622591530906.043 -238572525.11295456 + 876252196842.4106 = 876013624317.2977 5115899 + 11330672037.997791 = 11335787936.997791 -381.45023284444386 + 818171738154 = 818171737772.5498 6671905338028 + -602.1870233730056 = 6671905337425.8125 100000000000000.0 + 85268835334.47102 = 100085268835334.47 -1805272979 + -722 = -1805273701 830877400353 + 654 = 830877401007 2062.6443260510696 + -156873306065 = -156873304002.35568 251765832710 + -100000000000000.0 = -99748234167290.0 -6076.026167622876 + 382.25374637388126 = -5693.772421248995 367850201866 + -1689194608138 = -1321344406272 36747487 + 592489691561 = 592526439048 32274716.19839217 + 1695788262091 = 1695820536807.1985 -5.982861647272793 + 373001224.2273525 = 373001218.24449086 518 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000518.0 -7164229163.743451 + 239925774 = -6924303389.743451 635765524.1667514 + 6556559.087407811 = 642322083.2541592 100000000000000.0 + 6885429376.760577 = 100006885429376.77 -34155302745137 + 57280199500.702034 = -34098022545636.297 64233735.21222196 + -85620313111534.92 = -85620248877799.7 233041421.15342242 + -5.938962035396457 = 233041415.21446037 -3465.701087197713 + 8303780 = 8300314.298912803 -605 + 4184 = 3579 2.718498106528142 + 3011862078471 = 3011862078473.7183 30546420.67180526 + -90459748.6332231 = -59913327.96141784 -166387148134.72925 + -930 = -166387149064.72925 9956.096660275878 + 81132 = 91088.09666027589 3924212745591 + 1479263741.4490898 = 3925692009332.449 2.0964323932025417 + 38299 = 38301.096432393206 -5.378166794089565 + -7247980232921.09 = -7247980232926.468 100000000000000 + 14174750 = 100000014174750 369237503606 + -76909.72796377113 = 369237426696.27203 41504600636643 + 88465977399670.27 = 129970578036313.27 -60335306 + 39641 = -60295665 -1 + 1.1965837527261167 = 0.19658375272611672 -21764181330 + 49 = -21764181281 -2 + -60968911 = -60968913 -31557044 + 2886897252.3853273 = 2855340208.3853273 -82.39048489683748 + 816375459.1491424 = 816375376.7586575 330291413.43564594 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000330291413.44 60774735387344.72 + 72399 = 60774735459743.72 -31178886574079 + -1817 = -31178886575896 8774352.101133317 + -2754027479.151869 = -2745253127.0507355 4 + 7416.120735911256 = 7420.120735911256 -561961361.1499662 + -5837 = -561967198.1499662 49521497 + 84840055 = 134361552 -100000000000000 + -405.41094412314595 = -100000000000405.4 -1353851591.3642464 + 3012402426282 = 3011048574690.6357 782471276980 + -7982643863.246923 = 774488633116.753 8506309416.257225 + 2759.8520736476503 = 8506312176.109299 653.3618312722118 + 6192.95991044187 = 6846.321741714082 -409494757.94753283 + -2874669.382973971 = -412369427.3305068 -40448227995 + 44 = -40448227951 -7854.3605655103465 + 2101803096057 = 2101803088202.6394 475.4318280854405 + -3843345281579 = -3843345281103.5684 -1868.9367302958738 + -825605083934.0092 = -825605085802.9459 -100000000000000 + -34.63086140680409 = -100000000000034.62 -9355269293.935204 + -58113678844.37183 = -67468948138.30704 -6.1388306344238135 + -12948432 = -12948438.138830634 563548118743 + -524690404593 = 38857714150 -415073367880.73486 + -7486 = -415073375366.73486 1855286421.6324594 + 100000000000000 = 100001855286421.62 -5091887734688.615 + 3488.6114217783556 = -5091887731200.004 -6419.802678640856 + -100000000000000 = -100000000006419.8 -511 + -15545649.280580197 = -15546160.280580197 -628705 + -521908940611.0262 = -521909569316.0262 -42230827.22740638 + -90430298796874.75 = -90430341027701.98 -464780 + 5487 = -459293 34029467064 + 62418021 = 34091885085 -95898267077.2259 + -971 = -95898268048.2259 8430 + 5968526.930068997 = 5976956.930068997 8438.688649712736 + -32796016610169 = -32796016601730.312 -45770006.10469922 + -9.374663267915066 = -45770015.47936249 -959 + 33047 = 32088 -100000000000000 + 39547567 = -99999960452433 433 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000433.0 51010972 + 73.19251863614049 = 51011045.19251864 59550.569002301905 + 55953.252886970666 = 115503.82188927257 -7263581 + -35762.73984767025 = -7299343.73984767 -988607 + -100000000000000 = -100000000988607 498618 + -93695 = 404923 61587 + -890849124392.3877 = -890849062805.3877 -112410946 + 13957966694024 = 13957854283078 -774114165696 + -7.0365409612614025 = -774114165703.0365 -19684501274.77758 + 3681287682.079675 = -16003213592.697905 1.1766192531631727 + 7948663178.5754175 = 7948663179.752037 896.8036750793534 + -7052066689878 = -7052066688981.196 -3578.4728582410844 + -53929.01962397881 = -57507.492482219895 -84118363.05701357 + 3685184.3173023397 = -80433178.73971123 2831614741977 + -746008865.1415408 = 2830868733111.8584 5743847597102 + -550310435 = 5743297286667 21201034035.128544 + 867868155417 = 889069189452.1285 -4939636020 + -46 = -4939636066 2141390.035174328 + 3745509718805.199 = 3745511860195.2344 -30603873.22392455 + -2589785675.8022375 = -2620389549.026162 -9.39417319135774 + -45605484358725.54 = -45605484358734.93 -5300833 + -270313341109 = -270318641942 5089000273 + 100000000000000.0 = 100005089000273.0 8392576241409 + 43.031775691218506 = 8392576241452.032 223117 + -367745 = -144628 -44759554485990 + -291487372517 = -45051041858507 6822 + 84636300276 = 84636307098 71921.6953590452 + 89041888837430.95 = 89041888909352.66 50928 + -366753826869 = -366753775941 8642135563580.399 + 96160598 = 8642231724178.399 -100000000000000 + -2296680.5600858624 = -100000002296680.56 37104 + 15281539307 = 15281576411 418918033.12409884 + 2531713 = 421449746.12409884 26.880057116618307 + 2.9232226474984877 = 29.803279764116795 349032044936 + -50.699965726231774 = 349032044885.30005 -1806825764811.8557 + 19736660139109 = 17929834374297.145 -109581142 + 4682634 = -104898508 -91539698.09671459 + -36.96001195268779 = -91539735.05672655 -406 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999594.0 100000000000000.0 + -59886 = 99999999940114.0 -2437207858 + 100000000000000 = 99997562792142 -100000000000000 + 92327752 = -99999907672248 -5 + -20982646579.55036 = -20982646584.55036 602.1326568854545 + -3462124217.7728896 = -3462123615.6402326 540136276.7243661 + -162126041 = 378010235.72436607 -5317152365.148644 + 3999358 = -5313153007.148644 6213008 + 106030 = 6319038 -63735478722022.57 + 6954 = -63735478715068.57 -2488679456575 + -495927.262792617 = -2488679952502.2627 77697461098736.88 + -4360134 = 77697456738602.88 15.164458746041921 + 7699886 = 7699901.164458746 -9197.544174728071 + 12052772.767683897 = 12043575.223509168 -100000000000000.0 + 118 = -99999999999882.0 -45 + 296419522366.19995 = 296419522321.19995 -583086 + 1510579668 = 1509996582 53999527828 + 25491879540 = 79491407368 6.559371771559577 + 46435207 = 46435213.55937177 -7 + 687 = 680 4 + -43195103606834.08 = -43195103606830.08 573049002601.0398 + 67.44729891742014 = 573049002668.487 1496466297058.5657 + 477 = 1496466297535.5657 -4725618 + 63.393084977729764 = -4725554.606915022 767 + -601958058.2022626 = -601957291.2022626 -52559926358178.88 + -13888012685 = -52573814370863.88 -6 + -6417469 = -6417475 -896 + -9399 = -10295 36786.65027900004 + 25614268.700299323 = 25651055.350578323 91462672106317 + 4498512934 = 91467170619251 73179084969.81793 + -4053636865 = 69125448104.81793 -26022 + 57268974759 = 57268948737 -80761811982396.95 + 76541 = -80761811905855.95 -581750 + -35.75341674181574 = -581785.7534167418 46418698 + 179840979817.3584 = 179887398515.3584 238.52220168108664 + -178515 = -178276.47779831893 -65339720 + 137916.7022569496 = -65201803.29774305 -925845525882 + -690801390107.2499 = -1616646915989.25 -8677.8301188959 + 32398 = 23720.1698811041 11187.50708440146 + 74.94486544676164 = 11262.451949848222 549426549906.63696 + -25418525691.260597 = 524008024215.37634 135187527 + -3806433 = 131381094 -155388554543.4519 + 2868.6147942403722 = -155388551674.8371 47379674228.71747 + -100000000000000 = -99952620325771.28 90166109315.84235 + 569268862259 = 659434971574.8423 1 + -605915902 = -605915901 -71063406140 + -2285 = -71063408425 -747015.5509620091 + 5725216 = 4978200.4490379905 2 + 1497203587 = 1497203589 8 + 285798.63596590224 = 285806.63596590224 2856198464848.858 + -4.987202007278941 = 2856198464843.8706 85385612979.40465 + 7679479509.748593 = 93065092489.15324 -9.12636463969481 + -48398204520.69699 = -48398204529.82336 -9645190.002676198 + 4097 = -9641093.002676198 -100000000000000.0 + -21 = -100000000000021.0 -5383 + 7382152.891155726 = 7376769.891155726 2.7425474556149485 + -1025826699334 = -1025826699331.2574 8130848 + -440190.1721368529 = 7690657.8278631475 87777353 + 63820678 = 151598031 3924.1836083176577 + 2626376181.5495033 = 2626380105.733112 6099 + -305333 = -299234 -22.367065880740505 + 9 = -13.367065880740505 100000000000000.0 + 5674.422540730985 = 100000000005674.42 -3288272271312.2344 + -9 = -3288272271321.2344 8313781 + -176443962140 = -176435648359 -100000000000000.0 + 65195120 = -99999934804880.0 44560870856606.22 + 1.8582231770656565 = 44560870856608.08 -623.7703393476905 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999376.23 72199874688 + 5606968498.293582 = 77806843186.29358 -5272493889.785248 + 11796195098326.969 = 11790922604437.184 -8100473.954991939 + 108562 = -7991911.954991939 -8548214 + -245635242.40757155 = -254183456.40757155 22284429031.20921 + -45269311.47151314 = 22239159719.737698 43.42945147862271 + 341574019.0323012 = 341574062.46175265 806553 + -7 = 806546 -100000000000000 + -58088507.58741497 = -100000058088507.6 2767.4823100714634 + -2 = 2765.4823100714634 7079.794236056999 + 27.358591770130754 = 7107.15282782713 -924389341520 + -6215145292.254827 = -930604486812.2549 23 + 6.0850818487810425 = 29.085081848781044 2666244253.1900167 + -3012.0275720566615 = 2666241241.1624446 -44020.57534025576 + -595100234.4828682 = -595144255.0582085 97445394 + -99438152277943 = -99438054832549 3.408776391185141 + 18503072306557.21 = 18503072306560.62 -381937458 + 555.043362171622 = -381936902.9566378 -49904.35793121457 + -32.04620834202903 = -49936.404139556595 377944831228.1746 + 9107026262092 = 9484971093320.174 -358695763 + -645.1091187748062 = -358696408.10911876 -583 + 2490240422.8013754 = 2490239839.8013754 41.915603087647426 + -7478422 = -7478380.084396913 -57641904012684.81 + -8711.282399848991 = -57641904021396.09 29728509657 + 12 = 29728509669 -502117862574.738 + -9 = -502117862583.738 80890332.44455795 + 1714978016.851835 = 1795868349.296393 -18532197903.692154 + 3 = -18532197900.692154 -261.74519134277716 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000261.75 351414706 + 5959 = 351420665 -79389674.41185604 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000079389674.4 1794684 + -21564804330438.94 = -21564802535754.94 -826 + -64277510088668.28 = -64277510089494.28 -11224712428401.768 + -5373208905529 = -16597921333930.768 409796072.03557956 + -13489745 = 396306327.03557956 -9005587 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999990994413.0 6984396674599.556 + 4830175.59476096 = 6984401504775.15 4883202959 + 762669 = 4883965628 308328.699469525 + -15422441.486814834 = -15114112.787345309 575001 + -7231294 = -6656293 -508.79500443116666 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000508.8 1705491252.870442 + 5800917.16550221 = 1711292170.0359442 399915135191 + -935988984 = 398979146207 -914722599840.9318 + -9961495605055.61 = -10876218204896.541 2107009024 + 95903572 = 2202912596 7447854962 + -100000000000000.0 = -99992552145038.0 -3973.620782237682 + -3 = -3976.620782237682 1147.0106921187382 + 99787917203409 = 99787917204556.02 658.3950488425546 + 7762097789496 = 7762097790154.3955 -3992140089623 + 62690697207 = -3929449392416 9592492502.306967 + -65101463424 = -55508970921.69303 -95.26687243937126 + 98762.84644448699 = 98667.57957204762 604827372 + 54719934722658 = 54720539550030 -688.5280454512033 + 89964868 = 89964179.47195455 -410420219 + -4 = -410420223 907693738 + -917703415806 = -916795722068 -2089830 + -404658902.42369264 = -406748732.42369264 63.483210123517395 + 20883228111141.48 = 20883228111204.965 -5473263404.377882 + 212171859050.17273 = 206698595645.79486 -87352007507112 + 6060.619077762393 = -87352007501051.38 3074079458 + 5.817311283306192 = 3074079463.8173113 -99837479634 + -2151.2529066844963 = -99837481785.2529 -3969894978 + 78707.67448796533 = -3969816270.325512 82500 + -100000000000000 = -99999999917500 38296758614607.6 + -2.8214667914645313 = 38296758614604.78 -6334461085625 + -37568771748 = -6372029857373 -220 + -47887.979953021335 = -48107.979953021335 -505395142762.52466 + -103958743112 = -609353885874.5247 25 + 18765 = 18790 9309 + 2037 = 11346 -36064 + -8608432226.260311 = -8608468290.260311 94236700864.19804 + 73543367980.10635 = 167780068844.30438 22825.77612642975 + -500082958.9085415 = -500060133.13241506 -13629906 + 26227238002 = 26213608096 320587.79755933175 + 104.99796187451031 = 320692.7955212063 -214987353 + -972339961894 = -972554949247 -3338529452 + 53957191.49523678 = -3284572260.504763 100000000000000 + -3715381 = 99999996284619 601215662942.1887 + 7950971432 = 609166634374.1887 46887956126653.06 + 977630115 = 46888933756768.06 -45870585205294 + 1111.4156716822183 = -45870585204182.586 9869822 + 315833908 = 325703730 -719.348640477444 + -74412841 = -74413560.34864047 5388670162 + 100000000000000.0 = 100005388670162.0 663084203 + -159919159923 = -159256075720 -355900426 + 141793018.65522957 = -214107407.34477043 -12618607969182.871 + 675.6024265074449 = -12618607968507.27 8066533.952137081 + -294331408.0883466 = -286264874.13620955 4379646 + -92677556942281 = -92677552562635 1869355954 + -31002472.37441745 = 1838353481.6255825 464602183 + 685200537 = 1149802720 -92 + -2 = -94 -38442441.07921848 + -718842556 = -757284997.0792185 -9606 + 235473.83764361418 = 225867.83764361418 -7483496469 + 206386.02645922324 = -7483290082.97354 1844413 + 863 = 1845276 188 + -8707.480787761644 = -8519.480787761644 -347311716007 + -7879986.637825374 = -347319595993.6378 3491399889.269881 + 53199193385 = 56690593274.26988 57489 + -8.441437989308852 = 57480.558562010694 3441560132 + 261 = 3441560393 -9.443492731000193 + 11016727661824 = 11016727661814.557 -41426721 + 341 = -41426380 60748096898 + -43794797603104.88 = -43734049506206.88 782166779719.6436 + -8968.787507077654 = 782166770750.8561 701872.123517517 + 2825786.246619677 = 3527658.370137194 92553450 + 56826343745.64837 = 56918897195.64837 1726352678720 + -8830.645764718953 = 1726352669889.3542 8374582506657.336 + -304510098009.9231 = 8070072408647.413 -90284217358549 + -100000000000000.0 = -190284217358549.0 -5663593.663689135 + -78614705147254 = -78614710810847.66 931.1559978445722 + -4758 = -3826.844002155428 -6471740 + -10633679258 = -10640150998 52117515742 + -9898 = 52117505844 -961731584851 + 292437827.6911771 = -961439147023.3088 -53490834893.174385 + -359249.0272983066 = -53491194142.20168 -26316019935 + 266681436.22761226 = -26049338498.77239 59195122 + 5064506.022693628 = 64259628.02269363 -1654.388096112363 + -10608192.860106092 = -10609847.248202205 1953213.0386852152 + -203240 = 1749973.0386852152 -50970 + -4870035 = -4921005 755286268973.6583 + -24 = 755286268949.6583 -22616.953394499214 + 6849734329784 = 6849734307167.047 -4896199374.826466 + -100000000000000 = -100004896199374.83 59225146 + -218789896611 = -218730671465 29676972606.119568 + 130324716.8368451 = 29807297322.956413 -13 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999987 944631634.8807123 + 645161.4688492479 = 945276796.3495616 100000000000000.0 + 126818 = 100000000126818.0 -80 + 30388135571 = 30388135491 -629485121240.2587 + -3551771163 = -633036892403.2587 2124353198558 + -7785631350292 = -5661278151734 771921925939.8271 + 45171 = 771921971110.8271 5248530618911 + 9939972729 = 5258470591640 20 + -774522211 = -774522191 7512.665077093981 + -712725541727.8383 = -712725534215.1732 -636932.4591721268 + 838205 = 201272.54082787316 -100000000000000.0 + 90 = -99999999999910.0 -819982.8729060352 + 17254989178 = 17254169195.127094 -110630233.23984773 + -464885036581.91956 = -464995666815.1594 -4426950566.31238 + 1392825.8542354158 = -4425557740.458144 -3459990343893.107 + 3 = -3459990343890.107 617.3822181665407 + 893067495014.3641 = 893067495631.7463 -701101.5255912254 + -1326 = -702427.5255912254 -96051 + -710 = -96761 39880842818.023224 + -1173473609997.1794 = -1133592767179.1562 889795.9661115138 + 22 = 889817.9661115138 -8686317745894.538 + 981309 = -8686316764585.538 -36569817227554 + -100000000000000.0 = -136569817227554.0 14282766717.751572 + 4190325 = 14286957042.751572 8251739 + 75 = 8251814 663272 + 7 = 663279 7347048 + 4104421 = 11451469 -68399259 + -3329589743062.134 = -3329658142321.134 -100000000000000.0 + -21986 = -100000000021986.0 8458 + -1410044713 = -1410036255 311 + -8 = 303 -3813250.63669408 + -94996761 = -98810011.63669407 -6024967317220 + -3977 = -6024967321197 -75028197037.73529 + -206395903730 = -281424100767.7353 10.033913685239904 + -395.63433824505915 = -385.60042455981926 43157603081737 + 241.65430547548235 = 43157603081978.66 -7640218127194 + -63767.23049203353 = -7640218190961.23 -582 + -95.1759888357913 = -677.1759888357913 9578 + -98326975600640.67 = -98326975591062.67 100000000000000.0 + -45711041658007.74 = 54288958341992.26 -450123.20705967786 + -6514236601 = -6514686724.20706 -6321.05126887588 + 5442923753.496561 = 5442917432.445292 -8 + 881804884179.1378 = 881804884171.1378 -5055148733.545441 + 6668767100 = 1613618366.4545593 -886 + 51055560367 = 51055559481 -73378055387215.42 + -7026 = -73378055394241.42 -74905631.25150052 + -53.03752199601629 = -74905684.28902252 -94.26811430121171 + -221365 = -221459.2681143012 -11189634785388.79 + 3003063250968 = -8186571534420.789 2820 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999997180.0 -4606 + 75.89300923641052 = -4530.106990763589 92.45688926434129 + 316.5721637076022 = 409.0290529719435 -10163021601474.807 + -82927248088 = -10245948849562.807 592 + -2137160679 = -2137160087 3122958 + 92240 = 3215198 -434561878451.23456 + -47117205799115.2 = -47551767677566.44 2 + -9689641.81370308 = -9689639.81370308 -100000000000000.0 + -806435.53342278 = -100000000806435.53 -72 + 9960542.479769869 = 9960470.479769869 11.204703327102143 + -79446.24245242635 = -79435.03774909924 -1 + -62146 = -62147 24849690441313 + 11812063372322.51 = 36661753813635.51 -3201453380554 + -645153986.074175 = -3202098534540.074 5895288602094.078 + -5659053381 = 5889629548713.078 590.7490044715717 + -968720922021 = -968720921430.251 70917442944.65613 + -236980154733.19196 = -166062711788.53583 69717316 + 2772422 = 72489738 -44 + -98.25146924407328 = -142.2514692440733 -477843 + 7888.714517654614 = -469954.2854823454 -7515 + -4 = -7519 14199.162273993512 + 577079622.316625 = 577093821.478899 252 + -6966800989.827658 = -6966800737.827658 474856756 + 510388248707.80414 = 510863105463.80414 -1 + -61 = -62 -314826452 + -41451379221183 = -41451694047635 2343201091.241432 + -950.9428905951224 = 2343200140.2985415 46506629 + -3913812.443288149 = 42592816.55671185 9256562648185 + -90053115.19033892 = 9256472595069.81 69594015026339 + -100000000000000.0 = -30405984973661.0 1 + -263182.4800353076 = -263181.4800353076 -68415990158.93184 + 8001723132103 = 7933307141944.068 -100000000000000 + -9721573.47150965 = -100000009721573.47 65.67531182006721 + 38851075.969509065 = 38851141.644820884 -38997451.53355855 + 7508 = -38989943.53355855 100000000000000.0 + -42057518857 = 99957942481143.0 8520427640.396265 + -4320.79380722105 = 8520423319.602458 -23000223228088.61 + -8359868090.609583 = -23008583096179.22 -59890415931 + -58476982.48686704 = -59948892913.48687 30.459771718722322 + -4714026759.479769 = -4714026729.019997 97097024.44198827 + -756293 = 96340731.44198827 -19443503215 + 2772809960.7886543 = -16670693254.211346 -949.2203680297466 + -85 = -1034.2203680297466 499130 + 84242192737630 = 84242193236760 1134 + 70772615260 = 70772616394 -839340608083.0862 + 91226151231167.3 = 90386810623084.2 1714856084170 + -8501471083.834602 = 1706354613086.1653 100000000000000 + 259 = 100000000000259 -5054 + 53758976 = 53753922 7.869596293422292 + -71259434.83716649 = -71259426.9675702 -53049 + -3128.0855123560973 = -56177.0855123561 367622639167 + 703140.8527245967 = 367623342307.8527 -144.6174454348935 + 953626455647.8304 = 953626455503.213 -2462940 + -3379109 = -5842049 -95010.80602583064 + -93 = -95103.80602583064 -6123 + -92342358987 = -92342365110 1 + -396681886 = -396681885 -2246 + -1001632575.1386969 = -1001634821.1386969 4161055.407915066 + -263624065.26231414 = -259463009.85439909 -2497352446150.5996 + 9676093568555.559 = 7178741122404.959 248519 + 909 = 249428 -100000000000000 + 9 = -99999999999991 95399274839.40314 + -3079464 = 95396195375.40314 -4381025852.622576 + -5255718883742.869 = -5260099909595.492 7724645908 + -100000000000000 = -99992275354092 -781.4531940781882 + 46189763 = 46188981.54680592 -832047157 + 859201901619 = 858369854462 45144149.950677395 + 97263083015.7812 = 97308227165.73189 28992313816.664734 + -5909143220051 = -5880150906234.335 -232261.97629478617 + 66364 = -165897.97629478617 -100000000000000.0 + -6193 = -100000000006193.0 -60288408764 + -176.05089508956178 = -60288408940.050896 13470.640365822619 + -2632881.147248814 = -2619410.506882991 -149271.27809576035 + -7741723950 = -7741873221.278096 -9266595182676.633 + 67482.6120405296 = -9266595115194.021 -8855841944 + -7030847.270400398 = -8862872791.270401 26364426697 + 7819 = 26364434516 -100000000000000.0 + 2.833777254078476 = -99999999999997.17 30093020892.042385 + -3462385688069.525 = -3432292667177.4824 -100000000000000.0 + -607463351 = -100000607463351.0 6.454803289018112 + -43715946474 = -43715946467.5452 219348053744.84515 + -47 = 219348053697.84515 -286996132 + -68421992329 = -68708988461 1823 + 7117.065392543437 = 8940.065392543438 77683650.60212377 + -10944.78987909714 = 77672705.81224467 97842255123 + -100000000000000 = -99902157744877 -37814015753297 + -390 = -37814015753687 -409820312 + -96 = -409820408 248731332055.72366 + 100000000000000 = 100248731332055.72 198853808.59853584 + -8811414598.107613 = -8612560789.509077 2908981 + -4750.338869054687 = 2904230.661130945 -863.1003846400026 + -5 = -868.1003846400026 556465 + -1 = 556464 6602802270 + 992266268300.465 = 998869070570.465 7883769542 + 53.10302123185415 = 7883769595.103022 -73054223496 + 883820163609.1663 = 810765940113.1663 4608282055516 + -407805 = 4608281647711 506734318 + 820.047302730126 = 506735138.0473027 -6 + -49 = -55 161580972 + -650192596.375263 = -488611624.375263 -989705297303 + 499628830190 = -490076467113 -4997323927767.442 + -507.81779985618783 = -4997323928275.26 -569407885 + -202685.89599568548 = -569610570.8959957 711211.6153176798 + -4985002.619561747 = -4273791.004244067 -2785862 + -31490566 = -34276428 805736.8774835184 + -469801266974 = -469800461237.1225 -834.4443259920804 + -558165 = -558999.444325992 50182470727 + 981.0203974504667 = 50182471708.0204 59782374612.64243 + 66232101594291.42 = 66291883968904.06 -60704078823.73933 + 74042139 = -60630036684.73933 -4855.541377910078 + 55677.190533311186 = 50821.64915540111 5797751.331078219 + 7 = 5797758.331078219 8551912474 + -322911 = 8551589563 -1996.8916952846457 + 987223406.7084459 = 987221409.8167506 -58328583114 + -9269710487 = -67598293601 2140729638.2253308 + -26395010565.969475 = -24254280927.744144 -19062 + -82781183865884.38 = -82781183884946.38 -96232150086197 + -25590.209926530646 = -96232150111787.2 42958.97609366863 + -22179872949296 = -22179872906337.023 -73417542384277.6 + 5421081 = -73417536963196.6 -51620044076 + -46491677 = -51666535753 -597046918050.1353 + 11414314186487.707 = 10817267268437.572 -421671280 + -728.7755565627265 = -421672008.77555656 -37366146 + 21 = -37366125 577794 + -60669356202 = -60668778408 -956228548.386096 + -5.56701127403773 = -956228553.9531072 -3441050553.3447957 + 7821794.344841068 = -3433228758.9999547 -6.692549285018333 + 503.2265998713735 = 496.53405058635514 -18091.88062203831 + -64 = -18155.88062203831 -100000000000000.0 + 513264968257.5966 = -99486735031742.4 1622450026321 + -552098 = 1622449474223 41 + 7529097.058750258 = 7529138.058750258 57178614487 + -3.851521640498385 = 57178614483.148476 -12712713868858 + -9798213363692.568 = -22510927232550.57 54099897171 + -93 = 54099897078 58024945343133.484 + -32 = 58024945343101.484 -4934608.592582942 + 905293 = -4029315.592582942 -71038 + 100000000000000 = 99999999928962 -5954653510.337641 + -88427070959 = -94381724469.33765 2945139287 + 5437210489 = 8382349776 -36053494067.40019 + 911389.5880984914 = -36052582677.812096 189897602744.28088 + -51258 = 189897551486.28088 -462622 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000462622.0 -93087.5775800185 + -614 = -93701.5775800185 24775149725645.273 + -1540 = 24775149724105.273 -3839614.176213331 + -900425636.773497 = -904265250.9497104 53.44759498109967 + -8972201370450.387 = -8972201370396.94 -5497904.296084935 + -559017479.1432354 = -564515383.4393203 100000000000000 + 927.1533037388554 = 100000000000927.16 8108119691059.807 + -208252111.40565825 = 8107911438948.401 -6334 + 1984803038220.376 = 1984803031886.376 -266434 + 4093 = -262341 -7.518544916435017 + -71204047477736 = -71204047477743.52 -35024704559278 + -88306462.64327477 = -35024792865740.645 -100000000000000 + 14089.599685003424 = -99999999985910.4 -24588765375756 + 3855 = -24588765371901 2035.9102359615413 + 100000000000000 = 100000000002035.9 2306.0432675362554 + 761 = 3067.0432675362554 70001318.78071623 + -6 = 70001312.78071623 -84.67495814748841 + 87676477 = 87676392.32504185 74022 + -9494.45858409193 = 64527.54141590807 58189.426009738 + -5 = 58184.426009738 9.602478525628534 + 16 = 25.602478525628534 -122728730.2138643 + 290371444.58423626 = 167642714.37037197 -679834159 + 823644.9119930915 = -679010514.0880069 -820738782.9704177 + -580755003.184643 = -1401493786.1550608 -31.858934775840673 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000031.86 8593.242317734977 + -47780588.17403971 = -47771994.93172197 -39234144847897.17 + -5733 = -39234144853630.17 -4.350941966767912 + 44621114890 = 44621114885.649055 -74933992850 + 3600860 = -74930391990 -734825.423447059 + 7643056776 = 7642321950.576553 -550603163 + -48 = -550603211 2474107 + 3.503194932904544 = 2474110.503194933 -1401489407.5070856 + 9.47551827770782 = -1401489398.0315673 -912952.1458803922 + 580688424657.67 = 580687511705.5242 15 + 95337166884 = 95337166899 1099 + 9 = 1108 9.60813086995148 + -922265714342.4259 = -922265714332.8177 133 + -514869 = -514736 11051441743.70105 + -94.95161618015736 = 11051441648.749434 100000000000000 + -5.532401892418745 = 99999999999994.47 -9822269086 + 439 = -9822268647 175754673 + 87428694513.09145 = 87604449186.09145 5 + -372.249988561513 = -367.249988561513 -439186002.7393669 + 58936569282 = 58497383279.260635 27966045 + 755.7508313273815 = 27966800.75083133 -1.9367458123105545 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000001.94 4946.482985598365 + 911115.4033615337 = 916061.886347132 -947996 + 9070410.485061796 = 8122414.485061796 -254 + 512361063 = 512360809 99584868.94427845 + -25805916 = 73778952.94427845 -100000000000000.0 + -7299581376147 = -107299581376147.0 -3492995144 + -347.69814496936533 = -3492995491.698145 -307.42219773096076 + -48208855471.349945 = -48208855778.77214 -264.5158904180771 + 36027415586.05993 = 36027415321.54404 8.880719873754886 + -94978826.51203744 = -94978817.63131757 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 52259150087.70719 + 35881223 = 52295031310.70719 28901127797413 + -95188201870 = 28805939595543 665371234749.7365 + 60161 = 665371294910.7365 79572334.30572243 + 5894 = 79578228.30572243 -163959 + -3326.801676141299 = -167285.8016761413 4588572901 + 6000584037177 = 6005172610078 6859162 + 555056408681 = 555063267843 25743969786073 + 21243718748092 = 46987688534165 -5160347287773.887 + -3910.098294765686 = -5160347291683.985 761737329024.7704 + 664796205.1845664 = 762402125229.955 7233423536.6066675 + 70814 = 7233494350.6066675 87931736.65156966 + -81756078.06955332 = 6175658.582016349 100000000000000.0 + -29133676455.94575 = 99970866323544.05 -89887277014965 + 8897240528071 = -80990036486894 100000000000000 + 8848084.247814527 = 100000008848084.25 904600568028.8647 + 19 = 904600568047.8647 -1127890438650.766 + -2689175 = -1127893127825.766 -7316714403135.114 + 9643640.53595933 = -7316704759494.578 93080914670920 + -39 = 93080914670881 -8349331.368052492 + 659425452.3954597 = 651076121.0274072 91973464503858.02 + 724493280889 = 92697957784747.02 48597053.862285644 + 4967939543604.762 = 4967988140658.624 -552916 + -46412509762 = -46413062678 78 + -182.85039130635124 = -104.85039130635124 -871390208271.9108 + 44305234974.73981 = -827084973297.1709 72666033303.90903 + 4 = 72666033307.90903 81384240.37489437 + -688323332718 = -688241948477.6251 1963542 + 445 = 1963987 -86986821.17914195 + -209187979 = -296174800.17914194 -57738.86083348685 + -100000000000000 = -100000000057738.86 31996684 + 1748807 = 33745491 61550.996529720425 + -100000000000000 = -99999999938449.0 4489 + 803.1465514306904 = 5292.14655143069 -11669 + 5585 = -6084 8 + -22529297437.741364 = -22529297429.741364 590.8674757582123 + -445270324490 = -445270323899.1325 72187603.2535984 + 1581204 = 73768807.2535984 -2.8901684299067805 + 40612679099.20312 = 40612679096.31295 -3025.106741039943 + -4578757448.126741 = -4578760473.233482 -100000000000000 + 3528.364484169091 = -99999999996471.64 451 + 964.3276849169094 = 1415.3276849169094 685485789780.2914 + -960399764 = 684525390016.2914 -132136746885 + 2620 = -132136744265 -76560239036136.0 + 84197 = -76560238951939.0 -59479436222.74455 + 100000000000000.0 = 99940520563777.25 34935 + 50948890.72513833 = 50983825.72513833 684408315661.269 + -724856321 = 683683459340.269 28286.85507579267 + 7077585.328504349 = 7105872.1835801415 1084239548.1657403 + -2529 = 1084237019.1657403 951.6916348573973 + -12 = 939.6916348573973 -8424993.127027757 + 8681458.25013418 = 256465.1231064219 -3 + 529184689278.1796 = 529184689275.1796 204.86635016269247 + 12124.398020862594 = 12329.264371025287 100000000000000 + 8588886182 = 100008588886182 9127988007764 + 100000000000000.0 = 109127988007764.0 -8635271292 + -1.5547765529940267 = -8635271293.554777 -1953.5590188753215 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001953.56 -12778338 + -311102476270.31714 = -311115254608.31714 -16406 + 84083.4963708075 = 67677.4963708075 -100000000000000.0 + -7331081.297197937 = -100000007331081.3 -8582770 + 2180430.380831092 = -6402339.619168907 623543289 + 2116563006 = 2740106295 -21 + -45579007679.202324 = -45579007700.202324 -69586789920.6591 + -457064781352 = -526651571272.6591 -5996866 + -878 = -5997744 -6307582517 + 8841076645.175026 = 2533494128.175026 61074735 + -743959374147 = -743898299412 -534147730 + -151202128.8563286 = -685349858.8563286 85867 + -367607239080.0631 = -367607153213.0631 -1278764.0452102004 + -1.3421419987781733 = -1278765.387352199 -68099437 + -7956178.243502673 = -76055615.24350268 2.6170242600847198 + 402660810.23951155 = 402660812.8565358 -354577061422 + -72583 = -354577134005 -9202 + 35082892.34357011 = 35073690.34357011 -86683849307432.1 + -538879936.900212 = -86684388187369.0 -95852388.07204223 + 9101 = -95843287.07204223 862387691765 + -22713740363.705685 = 839673951401.2943 -26423597.81138896 + 8223.049597583047 = -26415374.761791375 -714478 + 761208.9192776408 = 46730.91927764076 2637.636871427944 + -940475932.5030885 = -940473294.866217 59040394 + -897208 = 58143186 -73.71266770036019 + -7814107553693 = -7814107553766.713 41735689954791 + 232027414666 = 41967717369457 -77.92428553114064 + -4698 = -4775.92428553114 -14363 + -12 = -14375 962002087000.059 + -5965750 = 961996121250.059 68693159 + -5 = 68693154 482463294 + 4270 = 482467564 180.2248157075194 + -353850569826.2909 = -353850569646.0661 62657170605833.2 + -18474729181612 = 44182441424221.2 -351711509 + 8378898.436325153 = -343332610.56367487 -6722146988135.25 + -100000000000000 = -106722146988135.25 -9545023612418 + 60374 = -9545023552044 5643845832.447067 + -9458842850452 = -9453199004619.553 -100000000000000 + -2645765376256.128 = -102645765376256.12 -42900.24076973038 + -44665297729.34872 = -44665340629.589485 -97.39331921928127 + -979312960 = -979313057.3933192 -137856.41006650007 + -197696.8511000331 = -335553.26116653316 32707052678.651966 + -1486031829031 = -1453324776352.3481 30497476548 + 8206 = 30497484754 -1203490270 + -1 = -1203490271 -11177 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000011177.0 391505139 + -2222 = 391502917 -100000000000000.0 + 31.40017756575566 = -99999999999968.6 -558838110550 + 5187626756293.367 = 4628788645743.367 100000000000000.0 + -14212382 = 99999985787618.0 -100000000000000.0 + 7.91418656053974 = -99999999999992.08 4137575.0411298047 + -757183758 = -753046182.9588702 -697327.5191047499 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999302672.48 13611981 + -7566526.53396512 = 6045454.46603488 -136176997893.74402 + -43986661500300 = -44122838498193.74 819.6762667873837 + 3275393 = 3276212.6762667876 -59143850891 + 4960 = -59143845931 55903030.64076237 + 63 = 55903093.64076237 1340.352000886238 + -6319 = -4978.647999113762 -1080.6763393168224 + -7973640 = -7974720.676339317 950.327362906028 + 62323445 = 62324395.3273629 -7860631 + -90964487761088.33 = -90964495621719.33 2949 + -836734.9179955837 = -833785.9179955837 -52289176083567 + -65871648432.69151 = -52355047731999.695 97400770209298 + -4814275355.816344 = 97395955933942.19 417486055 + -6518464.006015101 = 410967590.9939849 100000000000000.0 + 49361 = 100000000049361.0 -64.4930013783803 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000064.5 -65590.21603684747 + 8969840927 = 8969775336.783962 4992970203.889303 + -317007223846.32324 = -312014253642.43396 -68820312924443.305 + 5560.507000847206 = -68820312918882.8 330449 + 63232363762672.72 = 63232364093121.72 -1994.783535760239 + 669.5823327606179 = -1325.201202999621 1592 + -6210054.121963571 = -6208462.121963571 -60227507600.41926 + 60100 = -60227447500.41926 -1953827.4303959124 + 8413162 = 6459334.569604088 4476.204913297934 + 21353973533734 = 21353973538210.203 -40829 + -8232434645990 = -8232434686819 99966813 + 60577 = 100027390 -27998519121 + 46940155035.23299 = 18941635914.232986 -244.77045541976707 + -64840 = -65084.77045541977 -9863976720.751305 + 543672490921.9337 = 533808514201.18243 29254791 + 5151.311305809847 = 29259942.31130581 -940729 + 93.42786874992083 = -940635.57213125 73521308698978 + 715.2624704360425 = 73521308699693.27 -60026696 + 5248689 = -54778007 -90106948923 + 24499916298.662697 = -65607032624.3373 5.356288325251892 + -792582941 = -792582935.6437117 119599680.44733168 + -75289894 = 44309786.44733168 -51781524474393 + 7007863850462.924 = -44773660623930.08 301701232 + 312356815.58146286 = 614058047.5814629 -5056713139059 + -47.48720861768517 = -5056713139106.487 7786.483958243673 + 32844283076 = 32844290862.48396 2351291280.8343663 + -3704691.971259568 = 2347586588.8631067 761 + -30646 = -29885 4749.274377520285 + 9128487858209 = 9128487862958.273 -5201.891086219094 + 503.5208444238781 = -4698.370241795216 -3506133031607.746 + -451383247359 = -3957516278966.746 -22.36474450911953 + -15874.16900310863 = -15896.533747617748 94524.94040403457 + -6896124448.442266 = -6896029923.501863 2089 + 31 = 2120 -1.2351668605130055 + 287078.27846831654 = 287077.043301456 -158.56794352704947 + 683983.8600856246 = 683825.2921420976 38331913173.65849 + 9460645703.513885 = 47792558877.17238 -9538696459450 + 306581630 = -9538389877820 -76458233024.65936 + 66490995 = -76391742029.65936 771619908.5134809 + 616262513 = 1387882421.513481 -1852580635459.229 + -89457 = -1852580724916.229 -3252776.141036834 + -38861610259.60487 = -38864863035.74591 -82406346.67083587 + -10133660 = -92540006.67083587 7.540338917593318 + 90173161117.19994 = 90173161124.74028 913006438099.1019 + -30 = 913006438069.1019 -775331.9052625662 + 663084285713 = 663083510381.0947 -48.56187029966646 + -1 = -49.56187029966646 227693.36165838625 + -27.44827120608153 = 227665.91338718016 5039 + 115441 = 120480 -6258143515414 + 62089 = -6258143453325 -9782556598.904873 + 5.887624620530534 = -9782556593.017248 321103300 + -5184456463.000446 = -4863353163.000446 97548.68339330572 + -1434795.651889563 = -1337246.9684962574 221.69169676976253 + -391650021 = -391649799.30830324 -45469124.822539404 + 17992669524766 = 17992624055641.176 96988284698.95966 + 6396643.927752029 = 96994681342.8874 -100000000000000.0 + -22313946.47695433 = -100000022313946.48 -99218 + -5677155865694 = -5677155964912 -90.31799198945578 + 106200600 = 106200509.68200801 -100123.98085151192 + -864698125026 = -864698225149.9808 -917829.8507021584 + -381365646 = -382283475.85070217 3388990025976 + 8162930998.980755 = 3397152956974.981 973840013 + -621288082 = 352551931 -70981054366616 + 507204 = -70981053859412 7980984.86695001 + -100000000000000 = -99999992019015.14 57652420755 + -76634614076 = -18982193321 947.4933226022418 + -34.68761973241952 = 912.8057028698223 67 + -89667922.95637254 = -89667855.95637254 -17051950414901 + -27657522802699.55 = -44709473217600.55 -932594106 + 15743 = -932578363 93930.64882844903 + -2869519.813462304 = -2775589.1646338548 71335616123.74194 + -3602667.037928202 = 71332013456.70401 8194829985.199065 + -8.079217021564325 = 8194829977.119848 -552123.558541671 + -25411523298954 = -25411523851077.56 -4199621 + -546484 = -4746105 100000000000000 + -9 = 99999999999991 100000000000000.0 + -36663848407645 = 63336151592355.0 932753685731.9049 + 73612.97744537734 = 932753759344.8823 -4.137872373124265 + 53.670268955690666 = 49.5323965825664 -591572542 + 741109926493 = 740518353951 -4.015671773563226 + -90356570 = -90356574.01567177 464.9885261113607 + 45284071.66310674 = 45284536.65163285 -438375 + -36714078126321.234 = -36714078564696.234 -5 + -95893777600.73663 = -95893777605.73663 100000000000000 + 1248132554340 = 101248132554340 -24741781 + 333960765.7153389 = 309218984.7153389 -150082.4610379437 + 316 = -149766.4610379437 -976280.4310320102 + 51207794158511.164 = 51207793182230.734 552073511.2618871 + -13 = 552073498.2618871 512853003573.86035 + -31501481750 = 481351521823.86035 934.7330583790155 + -70935417909.75873 = -70935416975.02567 -77280062895 + -37617.608004808135 = -77280100512.608 100000000000000.0 + -4573 = 99999999995427.0 28483125576 + -246 = 28483125330 94931614057798 + 37836242957.79889 = 94969450300755.8 6792258671 + 4192411282091 = 4199203540762 -88993.42716166086 + -6.277787732437877 = -88999.7049493933 2 + 19 = 21 -962789.7000902455 + 4089755472.6371603 = 4088792682.93707 50770 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999949230.0 32014383.993412443 + -4657031714774 = -4656999700390.007 -89973383196979.78 + -996162.8144592878 = -89973384193142.6 9977631 + -8.61611514704203 = 9977622.383884853 -191627 + -452236609709 = -452236801336 100000000000000.0 + -111721 = 99999999888279.0 5614324737 + 466.2580771611852 = 5614325203.258078 -78928244342 + -57321.865916778086 = -78928301663.86592 41676785320 + 433514 = 41677218834 70975.82738342969 + -15099.62062296606 = 55876.206760463625 921179.0579214381 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000921179.06 39023525131391 + -59 = 39023525131332 901026281 + 560.8962729590397 = 901026841.896273 600535470.2641041 + 198923357812.57617 = 199523893282.84027 -96.73084468342871 + -3485146963.196436 = -3485147059.9272804 100000000000000 + -475951811.01324546 = 99999524048188.98 -741.258346745843 + -111648 = -112389.25834674585 63466055106 + 66318895 = 63532374001 -48624 + -18056066266240.465 = -18056066314864.465 -422400 + -938868728 = -939291128 -3610823136.8777285 + -659386925884.4174 = -662997749021.295 -7048658503368.14 + 8243075633 = -7040415427735.14 -511035192.9783739 + -4 = -511035196.9783739 -325.59369339022896 + -8 = -333.59369339022896 -9718405461850.965 + 29580625104.876026 = -9688824836746.088 3054860138.884858 + 2318070214 = 5372930352.884858 -4345399048 + 100000000000000.0 = 99995654600952.0 90 + 75 = 165 9182 + -3526426687782 = -3526426678600 -57357608.83502637 + -60729381795 = -60786739403.83503 2.496027269920773 + 7266568105 = 7266568107.496027 -30867.55878830417 + 45206635.81225352 = 45175768.25346521 100000000000000 + -6597502346 = 99993402497654 746623.7026066093 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999253376.3 -79365081661.27754 + 8649282 = -79356432379.27754 -27655.328917672643 + -255108 = -282763.3289176726 492720271 + -59 = 492720212 7991519989 + -545768274281 = -537776754292 -119228880.12812755 + 66098759.89714859 = -53130120.23097896 91109 + -616 = 90493 -1516.3259078501014 + 75225705.30676705 = 75224188.98085919 -31282418 + 26598 = -31255820 68784.73936378748 + 9038.52777444418 = 77823.26713823166 -798944414 + 15 = -798944399 98066193744947 + 24955988 = 98066218700935 548 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000548 -61158101039993.25 + 555433.7351307855 = -61158100484559.516 1983318830650.8027 + 100000000000000 = 101983318830650.8 -6988888604.549328 + -92.38759419787621 = -6988888696.936922 564302 + 100000000000000 = 100000000564302 -90971729768576.56 + -880318117439.3312 = -91852047886015.89 41940451973091 + 721934 = 41940452695025 85.85289246160059 + 8151134828 = 8151134913.852893 -48617 + -35 = -48652 -651.9101388313827 + -3477720 = -3478371.9101388315 -33011159 + 23566492.303402767 = -9444666.696597233 122.24016204057247 + 8 = 130.24016204057247 -175387419783.5303 + -89931774862232.61 = -90107162282016.14 8811230071.474964 + -66728.79948987812 = 8811163342.675474 3808.9378314882883 + -60303869 = -60300060.06216851 -90961572469547.84 + -5526932361 = -90967099401908.84 -39917030842280 + -32515226.248763952 = -39917063357506.25 -896378 + 9531380514814 = 9531379618436 21890549408.894157 + 2505940856 = 24396490264.894157 7 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999993 -3.218745647062403 + 6726614.570395078 = 6726611.351649431 -718072.730646185 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999281927.27 35750314.744249314 + 777112.0903553421 = 36527426.83460466 7129.740459754316 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999992870.27 75.42143901658346 + -12133276 = -12133200.578560984 100000000000000.0 + -7299 = 99999999992701.0 -67 + -9746637289733 = -9746637289800 -24055537889286 + 1014176118315.5211 = -23041361770970.48 -12359014329 + -4355617580.73465 = -16714631909.73465 3600105467.3056874 + 29442494784.116447 = 33042600251.422134 -88111483.64080033 + 2756508.7679580897 = -85354974.87284224 -485385253.4810652 + -6004 = -485391257.4810652 -30020.365347965442 + -6 = -30026.365347965442 -9489.046985098545 + 89402456570 = 89402447080.95302 -5765573.156492517 + 7853628532 = 7847862958.843508 -169099707506 + 7 = -169099707499 -3727668 + -833224 = -4560892 -625139.3077531527 + 2011277947699.629 = 2011277322560.321 -100000000000000 + 944455799.6879487 = -99999055544200.31 467565242783.06146 + 32335 = 467565275118.06146 -861976 + 85 = -861891 7291798752761.046 + -481763.87396630214 = 7291798270997.172 5.746125319361786 + -2560816.6485744263 = -2560810.902449107 -8081 + -720589904716.2903 = -720589912797.2903 -3835231994903 + -100000000000000 = -103835231994903 -8.47240896378843 + -2885841.2785830805 = -2885849.7509920443 -202833678457 + -544.8058330772185 = -202833679001.80585 6383055716 + 2415896249577.5767 = 2422279305293.5767 6715215 + -491406.26420233404 = 6223808.735797666 -140279 + 28838321570.33377 = 28838181291.33377 34.62879541335971 + -4384542418944.765 = -4384542418910.136 -96730 + -392.1337065412135 = -97122.13370654121 -2077937226 + 578 = -2077936648 8274242 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999991725758.0 -498726.4868165081 + -98031527265.88208 = -98032025992.3689 3.198218181952364 + 85.1665829954261 = 88.36480117737847 5859682 + 1.7829649152957359 = 5859683.782964915 -7 + -7844211872.875008 = -7844211879.875008 -2804895589829 + 7767097682.0558605 = -2797128492146.9443 4595396397 + -9693989903 = -5098593506 591277 + 52849528443 = 52850119720 100000000000000.0 + 25 = 100000000000025.0 6585.152682072464 + -15237266247790.05 = -15237266241204.898 7071717744918.172 + -43.99629988859471 = 7071717744874.176 -630116419 + -121.19067850723313 = -630116540.1906785 -72 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999928 154792038.7581703 + 1887.2952270040719 = 154793926.0533973 3.4247081529963816 + 384258365 = 384258368.4247081 749205.6975334219 + 58747115203.36188 = 58747864409.05941 812707915 + -76.68557463171726 = 812707838.3144253 -5350100.038545954 + -100000000000000 = -100000005350100.03 -34377 + 393 = -33984 -5604858 + -44440 = -5649298 41221 + 399808050.0598617 = 399849271.0598617 -71056475304161 + -72588292059802 = -143644767363963 -8705 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999991295.0 9392 + 42803999688929.73 = 42803999698321.73 66.29025519281234 + -46 = 20.29025519281234 -64965.21589310896 + -95262168 = -95327133.2158931 96471779 + 6665285 = 103137064 939547 + 5.516149491589268 = 939552.5161494915 -796.1807825702762 + -8859471548 = -8859472344.180782 109675748211.19963 + -779405090493 = -669729342281.8004 -36968524 + -35 = -36968559 -748380038.1581973 + 546327113.6334977 = -202052924.52469957 -8644997048125 + 6833691435 = -8638163356690 -100000000000000.0 + 21435876056634.25 = -78564123943365.75 -829 + 597061620.3668278 = 597060791.3668278 -30764411265741.03 + -4334.472305947438 = -30764411270075.504 -5419242875.309536 + 5452283763954 = 5446864521078.69 7 + 8 = 15 100000000000000.0 + -157836183 = 99999842163817.0 11886822376.408817 + 146920622720 = 158807445096.4088 6901873 + 56454038288157 = 56454045190030 -31 + -2696830549 = -2696830580 -998427 + 52054571997738.35 = 52054570999311.35 310603176791 + -100.4693512947025 = 310603176690.53064 -850116.3614913366 + -38.65057774265205 = -850155.0120690792 -35 + -367104796916 = -367104796951 100000000000000.0 + -1440156939605 = 98559843060395.0 -85124321.56689836 + -670 = -85124991.56689836 -698210138.7373573 + 89866855317.64969 = 89168645178.91234 -75168193 + 744013 = -74424180 -437098.5933431276 + -38309226 = -38746324.59334313 -100000000000000 + -1.8090946856755223 = -100000000000001.81 -33298.03424721096 + -73 = -33371.03424721096 -309245046980.2729 + 755616.4325034404 = -309244291363.8404 222397.38128673256 + -100000000000000 = -99999999777602.62 103776801990.2053 + 3447510102093.55 = 3551286904083.755 6817293.664117548 + 8444015703.28991 = 8450832996.954028 946893106970 + 77 = 946893107047 -13370423.204708733 + -432299380669 = -432312751092.2047 -54690640.44814074 + 3 = -54690637.44814074 -333291042 + -6136 = -333297178 -4543 + -305695586431.4131 = -305695590974.4131 -647396702660 + 5088388.646279866 = -647391614271.3538 471977985536 + -26.402570974242185 = 471977985509.5974 4.76507557882825 + -6307 = -6302.234924421172 -87 + 9055.340908751707 = 8968.340908751707 188401 + -7610 = 180791 7900.964413558581 + 777287 = 785187.9644135586 4510575.317524422 + -5 = 4510570.317524422 652759822.3794106 + 637163.738236884 = 653396986.1176475 -100000000000000 + 310954 = -99999999689046 540.4555071420216 + 89837.56067238133 = 90378.01617952334 -71 + 5395 = 5324 -10189604.176394474 + -99265920178.96437 = -99276109783.14076 -3031201571374.1465 + 100000000000000.0 = 96968798428625.86 -69236 + -1169808828951.3713 = -1169808898187.3713 382569 + 733840722 = 734223291 -7094744779.851207 + -13773822429 = -20868567208.851208 -587010553 + -16208766 = -603219319 -5447941255638 + 84 = -5447941255554 -1013545734 + 44125551.368667185 = -969420182.6313329 38416818 + -6279486.981045968 = 32137331.01895403 -851232074.7881896 + -430004546 = -1281236620.7881896 -28322933 + 450563829016 = 450535506083 4.832793418698008 + 162433 = 162437.8327934187 8894.339692678259 + -49.89371212696678 = 8844.445980551292 1145524334051.4487 + -3400688362709.8193 = -2255164028658.3706 -3940.9128011342814 + -64.0362689863077 = -4004.949070120589 -6.123365548090528 + -2538722 = -2538728.123365548 87252957401.52338 + 211927265962.52075 = 299180223364.0441 -415248 + 126053.40642869391 = -289194.5935713061 -92914537.06892295 + 13587 = -92900950.06892295 25030 + -6368340.203217594 = -6343310.203217594 162.9680082659329 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999837.03 38551695533312 + 28222 = 38551695561534 -584 + -4775212 = -4775796 100000000000000 + -836538072457 = 99163461927543 976097439247.5034 + 17501.569831737306 = 976097456749.0732 8564435985225 + -73415631.36063458 = 8564362569593.64 44135 + 4333469.769004757 = 4377604.769004757 50054940609500.44 + -71634.78538456434 = 50054940537865.65 -62 + -4666158800.303048 = -4666158862.303048 17116635541 + -62 = 17116635479 -32634634981807 + 2209496052521.0615 = -30425138929285.938 -753221 + -465 = -753686 62979.06715615014 + -760.8205052706309 = 62218.246650879504 -4879852600.412563 + -148864 = -4880001464.412563 -770977085.4377701 + -6187277.421346273 = -777164362.8591164 24689793476753 + 794678141.4326472 = 24690588154894.434 49320.65420887488 + -3183003804107.335 = -3183003754786.6807 114988964 + 14991998152427 = 14992113141391 54659416938.641396 + -6945164386705.62 = -6890504969766.979 -100000000000000 + -9558943796 = -100009558943796 28999277 + -2645 = 28996632 8 + -1243416 = -1243408 -55760 + 751883.0579217407 = 696123.0579217407 5.366158169461489 + 3 = 8.366158169461489 9 + -3924466061613 = -3924466061604 776850365.4238868 + -28238257991 = -27461407625.576115 -171785682.0111528 + -34538 = -171820220.0111528 -9430.172934406126 + 396607046.7124718 = 396597616.5395374 -88630700559 + 8144670.91667753 = -88622555888.08333 -100000000000000.0 + -55262984394978 = -155262984394978.0 5854.171202230105 + -40226.836702732006 = -34372.6655005019 -92718477.95326614 + 90162838 = -2555639.953266144 38654971 + -5143.493217346891 = 38649827.50678265 -80243886.1762345 + 75083133.22954904 = -5160752.946685463 -7.525225332049887 + 52876.92588802835 = 52869.4006626963 -7183.815065368239 + -14044571744.110191 = -14044578927.925257 6.170635237881652 + 592791268427.538 = 592791268433.7086 -3280.4390578667853 + 5 = -3275.4390578667853 -35555255583.02626 + 6 = -35555255577.02626 82776034044 + 100000000000000.0 = 100082776034044.0 -3112392.370892574 + -4423171170443 = -4423174282835.371 4855914392119 + 72 = 4855914392191 8266 + 91.43165181102653 = 8357.431651811026 -3856494819.5890303 + -357559565506.39246 = -361416060325.9815 -730647005936.8136 + -16465064531.71521 = -747112070468.5288 -42646856820 + 3.4396736380040127 = -42646856816.560326 -39274453691 + -4684.7475028877125 = -39274458375.747505 -757001.1710674642 + 998796 = 241794.82893253583 -2154834 + 3911 = -2150923 -6429 + -8638 = -15067 524532.147420848 + 2881962.863686663 = 3406495.011107511 4213385601883 + -100000000000000 = -95786614398117 -22812715428.68277 + -332152722025.7632 = -354965437454.4459 -152962392310 + -82.93827548866187 = -152962392392.93826 -5477 + 32888.35824659308 = 27411.35824659308 5767.376507637153 + 30970385083735 = 30970385089502.375 -28.763722375286147 + 730310337807.138 = 730310337778.3743 23 + 91354 = 91377 -53.92983985395398 + -12 = -65.92983985395398 -102215.19565655099 + -446573.8314863946 = -548789.0271429457 -673.9063881541107 + 24550565106.947983 = 24550564433.041595 -20281851088.00298 + -2 = -20281851090.00298 -5736694596959 + 54419398.76865261 = -5736640177560.231 -397594468082 + 41523266264107 = 41125671796025 117864.59012371092 + 9 = 117873.59012371092 18.188283180345767 + 5613271780371.824 = 5613271780390.013 -2 + 791.4366691871595 = 789.4366691871595 -95.48873242155756 + 779757380528 = 779757380432.5112 -3333236375.0216413 + -1983216818699.1636 = -1986550055074.1853 -850807.6804716137 + -21416723 = -22267530.680471614 -9314410.778042547 + 664405 = -8650005.778042547 -69.44805158520757 + -22592 = -22661.44805158521 -99475 + -494710 = -594185 67525187 + 160683811 = 228208998 30543618327 + -7 = 30543618320 -8.011470352784961 + 73927021247.92633 = 73927021239.91486 -3262314741 + -87184275 = -3349499016 -9368824490605.113 + -539992147942.09216 = -9908816638547.205 96.09530341619667 + -69726161907417 = -69726161907320.91 4352421.274916567 + -59850.89502657557 = 4292570.379889991 -6768591139.815772 + -435300134 = -7203891273.815772 637801 + -318 = 637483 9154 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999990846.0 -421 + -47408833480661.945 = -47408833481082.945 -69 + 8365294 = 8365225 51526122609.27328 + -209275.79689614061 = 51525913333.47638 789616194503.2998 + -100000000000000.0 = -99210383805496.7 -56 + -323144827482 = -323144827538 -149659675466 + 2688242175 = -146971433291 90.22643960363789 + -730968397.3953274 = -730968307.1688879 -3954191459577 + -931028776053.2921 = -4885220235630.292 -935872964 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000935872964.0 65933043388396.75 + 866043015806.9343 = 66799086404203.69 -651350436359 + 2241131352415 = 1589780916056 -631423 + 3548898 = 2917475 8205482299.950536 + -7867576280438 = -7859370798138.05 3997958 + -4792 = 3993166 46 + -388 = -342 -3 + 39213 = 39210 -178426585.50316384 + -83233 = -178509818.50316384 -426391771878 + 34477958.9634666 = -426357293919.03656 293332.1753314091 + -90554618222.16324 = -90554324889.9879 -3042081.6197219254 + -482692.4593774386 = -3524774.079099364 58899925206225 + 24396467522 = 58924321673747 -4290298703712 + 7904398938.844976 = -4282394304773.155 -22989113777928.86 + -4 = -22989113777932.86 -8016.614595569663 + 2881986 = 2873969.3854044303 24602785 + 766791 = 25369576 799343 + 59153960216036 = 59153961015379 -743 + 84 = -659 -233661834.9994971 + -100000000000000 = -100000233661835.0 -1976 + -244105136 = -244107112 100000000000000.0 + -21939.613514194563 = 99999999978060.39 -100000000000000.0 + -14.631366247655695 = -100000000000014.62 -42426063001460.39 + -739798413067.6478 = -43165861414528.04 -94569.6301021415 + 569175563064.6399 = 569175468495.0098 -7395639278 + -1 = -7395639279 -2994770979837 + -25572004620 = -3020342984457 30188138125686.6 + 3 = 30188138125689.6 100000000000000.0 + 14677889 = 100000014677889.0 24364465747730.25 + -27068.573406326916 = 24364465720661.676 905257240 + -377035962.8988245 = 528221277.1011755 693587.5554211718 + 174025104.98223984 = 174718692.53766102 -224299751977.12833 + 5795715483769.26 = 5571415731792.132 5 + 66176199498.95559 = 66176199503.95559 -653 + 25689990309763.5 = 25689990309110.5 2752.83923600251 + 482 = 3234.83923600251 64811508183.69142 + 1754124 = 64813262307.69142 5126606 + -45478527434689.52 = -45478522308083.52 7948002.0795061 + 560727376395 = 560735324397.0795 -2216.1424072641603 + 595978593.2884183 = 595976377.146011 350 + 9 = 359 -20067029.141649578 + -6329208 = -26396237.141649578 34 + 796710381539.8687 = 796710381573.8687 4974759.391191343 + -8906 = 4965853.391191343 9308457.307608236 + -37217511607 = -37208203149.69239 -51752045803329.2 + 768916258014.7452 = -50983129545314.46 3136081722010 + 8522 = 3136081730532 6701.124266068994 + -97738814065453 = -97738814058751.88 -25856693.049558774 + 804 = -25855889.049558774 69.8692031250221 + 91 = 160.8692031250221 77822.7264493591 + -100000000000000 = -99999999922177.28 -10376 + 99354150.88577713 = 99343774.88577713 954423 + -74694245669549 = -74694244715126 100000000000000 + -8945.928383117569 = 99999999991054.08 -2328 + 14998481221.064117 = 14998478893.064117 3559 + -5689207699.900653 = -5689204140.900653 161641 + 466951232.17192435 = 467112873.17192435 -45819237987041 + -1540.182352875556 = -45819237988581.18 81569236.78312019 + 9.696738329734954 = 81569246.47985852 313660813.87940764 + -19.915084996148714 = 313660793.9643226 -6427682 + 16852 = -6410830 -47164587.34330952 + 498768775 = 451604187.6566905 8448.462344346592 + 57357261657591 = 57357261666039.46 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 -666832253.2416736 + -6.112593032205269 = -666832259.3542666 5789384 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000005789384.0 -6058554 + 3635 = -6054919 737943 + -92.56532799885704 = 737850.4346720012 3997 + 44.66931586273744 = 4041.669315862737 -62768903455302.58 + 7724345508106 = -55044557947196.58 -989991 + -27722276339215.223 = -27722277329206.223 -2110739.3382638413 + -44 = -2110783.3382638413 -53978996426188.61 + 100000000000000 = 46021003573811.39 -559390685328.7424 + -87563217339.18509 = -646953902667.9275 -6929748990512.97 + -42694013810089.97 = -49623762800602.94 433857635 + 25253030 = 459110665 4814.154747779337 + 7740884885731 = 7740884890545.154 -1367.3964022555965 + -11534325831 = -11534327198.396402 368 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999632.0 -9 + 38698.07615857729 = 38689.07615857729 717637214369 + -95.04518812941276 = 717637214273.9548 19497715658510.13 + 166713685.73220792 = 19497882372195.86 -6466196 + -673738 = -7139934 219149388 + 232468.95471725217 = 219381856.95471725 4883796936.386253 + -9275 = 4883787661.386253 194628490063 + 98.97404880718443 = 194628490161.97406 8788219000 + -93389.33255341538 = 8788125610.667446 -100000000000000.0 + 6616762 = -99999993383238.0 -61870 + 3578 = -58292 2.982584881146043 + -625600653 = -625600650.0174152 -6 + 7.680441016075805 = 1.6804410160758048 63421706 + -100000000000000 = -99999936578294 -100000000000000.0 + -4.4654660879261225 = -100000000000004.47 -2762462133273.1357 + 3126.9835923552746 = -2762462130146.1523 35632373.01941152 + -83991395 = -48359021.98058848 61412422816075 + -100000000000000.0 = -38587577183925.0 -4.920642300441958 + 5827 = 5822.079357699558 9575301 + 355296 = 9930597 -75.98122622966216 + -457929007.82770103 = -457929083.80892724 2466 + 88956 = 91422 -80211532831.47792 + -1 = -80211532832.47792 91721 + 100000000000000 = 100000000091721 -6354285.781465576 + -18682567.3584804 = -25036853.139945976 12005473116145.676 + -88 = 12005473116057.676 740222.6999168706 + -8896 = 731326.6999168706 -8.195846990470322 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000008.2 891478.6800889529 + -100000000000000 = -99999999108521.31 645573868693 + 63832.78551653358 = 645573932525.7855 56588118880 + 25587123714995.445 = 25643711833875.445 -444994083.90044653 + 5830714439 = 5385720355.099553 11450125348.975697 + -64004172666752 = -63992722541403.02 100000000000000 + 1897354284897 = 101897354284897 30707933 + 7844135943296.42 = 7844166651229.42 -7742031.487779649 + -78543673629826.22 = -78543681371857.7 -60130528.11774523 + 35663529617944.234 = 35663469487416.12 -6.22928766761251 + -36 = -42.22928766761251 71001952263606 + -78889083938837.12 = -7887131675231.125 -9727725036010.498 + 6 = -9727725036004.498 556677 + -81320201 = -80763524 -330768332440 + -661535.9973036514 = -330768993975.9973 -35049429462.42056 + -100000000000000 = -100035049429462.42 -743.5423200161149 + -7277202 = -7277945.542320016 10923352 + -5866057433294 = -5866046509942 -318002228492.69226 + 100000000000000 = 99681997771507.31 -67507.22402944154 + -2517424 = -2584931.2240294414 -8265885248.928286 + 62237273149408 = 62229007264159.07 4837130 + -5339.920055890915 = 4831790.07994411 -8 + -66786657957639.375 = -66786657957647.375 -68489 + -5082920706914.887 = -5082920775403.887 6181021 + 3220369142977.6924 = 3220375323998.6924 2703446412.0582047 + -2100.268467294809 = 2703444311.789737 -8563761095435 + 5563673893.187545 = -8558197421541.8125 -41522858721.1436 + 64705640081.72334 = 23182781360.579742 81756753.58793889 + 204757268.09138614 = 286514021.67932504 1935752071069.703 + -6364819.353741228 = 1935745706250.349 5623839 + 410427.050291221 = 6034266.050291221 64487 + -1206816469788 = -1206816405301 7497.875181680072 + -29 = 7468.875181680072 -700695670190.3335 + 9370225959329.348 = 8669530289139.014 -100000000000000.0 + 51854.569634797925 = -99999999948145.44 994379 + -9122349943.43598 = -9121355564.43598 -4818205 + 8 = -4818197 36485920 + 13129.417095099485 = 36499049.4170951 10.342118762717762 + -4.343580639182484 = 5.998538123535278 -2375362975178 + 28830192424.174194 = -2346532782753.8257 -256011794 + -3.552252305610932 = -256011797.5522523 -9429348253 + -77796749 = -9507145002 -94559905.77619845 + -6298.766248408911 = -94566204.54244685 -9555665988 + 243900803815 = 234345137827 4445608174 + 97807984.09087992 = 4543416158.090879 -4289793502631 + 275149362 = -4289518353269 -7114.925550826911 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999992885.08 -273.8589361785425 + -3061194158.138957 = -3061194431.9978933 -584.1195571164689 + 4282718152630.9385 = 4282718152046.819 -224730139515 + -204772.15270007204 = -224730344287.1527 1531.4602432886677 + 52068813 = 52070344.46024329 339957858.86566216 + 4876558931661.486 = 4876898889520.352 -7773633969080 + -633362965.532895 = -7774267332045.533 836419642835.8594 + -21055740771 = 815363902064.8594 -285933071.78818 + 97426453.1045593 = -188506618.6836207 88499143986 + -109065601 = 88390078385 688.8031866523027 + -8953804.828475365 = -8953116.025288712 100000000000000.0 + 3416857045.2361746 = 100003416857045.23 603093834303 + -84966914795232 = -84363820960929 -236975548 + 260621244.62516853 = 23645696.625168532 -596564195.5797741 + 724.3777619435871 = -596563471.2020122 -10563595015.518648 + 28474221891 = 17910626875.481354 -291 + -463867872 = -463868163 59845643064801.71 + 404088391 = 59846047153192.71 -6949317.902949415 + -21842473583 = -21849422900.90295 -318267810 + 6294571006435 = 6294252738625 14.723472318518553 + -95454865228.91512 = -95454865214.19165 699531 + 990398.2021991839 = 1689929.2021991839 301945369.76951724 + -10608984.161319686 = 291336385.60819757 -73397890183.47908 + 3401535 = -73394488648.47908 456873877945.321 + 667311435 = 457541189380.321 -906791.491292933 + -75891.57730886742 = -982683.0686018004 -100000000000000.0 + -35 = -100000000000035.0 -76.76411944588985 + -7.164464399419869 = -83.92858384530972 3011.1087091508944 + -7 = 3004.1087091508944 85629648 + -52.63157109368369 = 85629595.3684289 -22265 + 5924077 = 5901812 100000000000000.0 + 72788711820 = 100072788711820.0 -95853.71208973414 + -2 = -95855.71208973414 -89947048283.28534 + 55823.30948578183 = -89946992459.97586 9 + -1353630185.1384373 = -1353630176.1384373 -34921883 + -7 = -34921890 69590368169.7811 + 94972333777623.11 = 95041924145792.89 38576811.71843257 + 36257661182469 = 36257699759280.72 -841267.7937044859 + -2.776347317011348 = -841270.5700518029 -5166761782564 + -116069150 = -5166877851714 -357479.9158845184 + 5347085933 = 5346728453.084115 -80770696140 + 1447497508 = -79323198632 -440820 + 54064553.60880019 = 53623733.60880019 72562376 + -29611717079638 = -29611644517262 -523079 + 6343562756.671303 = 6343039677.671303 90721539294402 + -8253.176651951955 = 90721539286148.83 49458754329303.414 + 100000000000000.0 = 149458754329303.4 -6574170118 + 21502475788668.47 = 21495901618550.47 2813957.3060554685 + -86078.2516087796 = 2727879.054446689 -316316.9156187704 + 1273 = -315043.9156187704 -3 + -75677406313164.86 = -75677406313167.86 8726193 + 387399382922.9346 = 387408109115.9346 366.5209970558693 + -7841 = -7474.479002944131 79 + -63 = 16 -100000000000000.0 + -2580985009 = -100002580985009.0 -380614.0032711282 + -7987106266.731522 = -7987486880.734793 -45931.08296480241 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000045931.08 -49929.44284406216 + -1 = -49930.44284406216 -22597030801291.477 + -9504195441 = -22606534996732.477 17316041 + 2964.9502013803194 = 17319005.95020138 5310691 + -370.0640175534035 = 5310320.935982446 8888393749073 + -55413436753 = 8832980312320 98437 + -9524911996 = -9524813559 -696091.4846521606 + -72785 = -768876.4846521606 -297.7796281089659 + -3.897479861128351 = -301.67710797009426 7642852311219.631 + 100000000000000 = 107642852311219.62 -8142 + 67.05492770528713 = -8074.945072294713 -8149933152 + -1878 = -8149935030 805337202059.5919 + 9.651042644358677 = 805337202069.2429 -1599 + 942770464 = 942768865 1491248462136.6702 + 7448371 = 1491255910507.6702 -607144.8756405776 + -32738.747658406595 = -639883.6232989843 -11673074664512 + 9632997289 = -11663441667223 -8.814821529429688 + -5657690 = -5657698.814821529 56307614764418.22 + -324 = 56307614764094.22 1683713201.1757321 + -4923 = 1683708278.1757321 2077516011555.3203 + -3925459047 = 2073590552508.3203 3347734391834 + -59.28234439446939 = 3347734391774.718 -1153.5540324078954 + 5487 = 4333.445967592104 2613.498329365143 + -2598.2265376479345 = 15.271791717208544 539039272156.17975 + -40941611.15961472 = 538998330545.02014 -21114081463460 + -62607608957621.09 = -83721690421081.1 94783945 + 920.4563251027897 = 94784865.4563251 -8105022392816 + -78282549.85058452 = -8105100675365.851 1.1492708526713553 + -212.07712334213733 = -210.92785248946598 19844382 + -276766.83375271363 = 19567615.166247286 989035727.7412455 + -99953112733426 = -99952123697698.27 602005186 + 782893.152598824 = 602788079.1525989 -9436953.02596785 + -7097974855962.281 = -7097984292915.308 -1006410216 + 8883499420668.543 = 8882493010452.543 -4 + 22 = 18 -307352 + 401061.7370653752 = 93709.7370653752 -63494497476 + 5.2975836483296534 = -63494497470.702415 6362550 + -979.3443753110067 = 6361570.655624689 48738750817.59642 + 877130672284 = 925869423101.5964 -100000000000000 + -4664238 = -100000004664238 -58937527087.96539 + 46 = -58937527041.96539 8611607715032.147 + -8736080 = 8611598978952.147 -31454936 + -6628572342.151509 = -6660027278.151509 -3.626055169259419 + -377269588.4146563 = -377269592.04071146 880945805.1974999 + -5243449.608582389 = 875702355.5889175 80209323646.86841 + -1929374998.2512763 = 78279948648.61713 9888357512004 + -6674403012.957992 = 9881683108991.043 8129 + -520.7123032691604 = 7608.287696730839 -6685665088.803233 + -4447.089683750026 = -6685669535.892917 13 + -4971516300 = -4971516287 50613 + -5756828 = -5706215 14786705631362 + 100000000000000 = 114786705631362 -910176906474.8606 + 40935735947.19281 = -869241170527.6677 -9742382 + -204 = -9742586 4981617 + -924123391.6239194 = -919141774.6239194 7 + 727822624.8392031 = 727822631.8392031 -80688415035 + -28963592 = -80717378627 77424452.99498512 + 3.7394786285824617 = 77424456.73446375 -52051696727.65979 + -707160208 = -52758856935.65979 -86063392868056.86 + -100000000000000 = -186063392868056.88 906904107 + 86.50162723929255 = 906904193.5016272 34887267 + 6398 = 34893665 222309188.71223617 + -4832403846 = -4610094657.287764 -42767976321 + -439951695548.2061 = -482719671869.2061 3747284082 + 5233.744261514107 = 3747289315.7442617 51130 + 8742 = 59872 -7165 + -5350387 = -5357552 993765099602.8408 + -46 = 993765099556.8408 21374030702 + -51 = 21374030651 -8599161113745.625 + 219379708 = -8598941734037.625 -3616068522 + 958120.6054355531 = -3615110401.3945646 7824816294 + -221877062391 = -214052246097 -11448491689572 + 49941910175.36473 = -11398549779396.635 824817728529.0353 + -44 = 824817728485.0353 81999.4746552366 + -6 = 81993.4746552366 -835478.9369571694 + -7602679903 = -7603515381.936957 -7525131990142 + 66590387101.407036 = -7458541603040.593 -63639.167371344134 + 1623666 = 1560026.832628656 -34775.87121290319 + -592558487558.0103 = -592558522333.8815 -188503.51464767253 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000188503.52 8392143 + -4809399212 = -4801007069 -810044015175.9106 + 6308392712975.403 = 5498348697799.492 585.0273616433067 + -87265.50823387771 = -86680.4808722344 -501 + 76984 = 76483 875 + -109887399469.79066 = -109887398594.79066 455409381652.83875 + -706 = 455409380946.83875 -60339611 + -303959977146 = -304020316757 84658869027206 + 21160285661880.562 = 105819154689086.56 6213872.6732274 + -85.24814971143864 = 6213787.425077688 -3654568136464.2437 + 2910566.2322998326 = -3654565225898.011 123148 + -94225.26503747779 = 28922.734962522212 426237.0716622177 + 33 = 426270.0716622177 6.963729752634897 + -9674.657522222822 = -9667.693792470187 6136073 + -996.8164643495695 = 6135076.18353565 -975688093 + 3.524744971435973 = -975688089.475255 21.275303347683128 + -5054391217802.14 = -5054391217780.864 47591411249 + 4858535958140 = 4906127369389 3384402624 + 5 = 3384402629 -1328 + -339469 = -340797 -3342264280.795009 + 16290672458500.805 = 16287330194220.01 -100000000000000 + -4955322525717 = -104955322525717 -8555385137121.553 + 72614827362 = -8482770309759.553 7013826109940.556 + -41698792269.51402 = 6972127317671.042 7532297702785.012 + -979681406.8160716 = 7531318021378.195 -9.647973729131936 + -7577082381055 = -7577082381064.648 -8361.996426945387 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999991638.0 -68.8033954733385 + -42459355432 = -42459355500.8034 -9279142060.605862 + 100000000000000.0 = 99990720857939.39 5079 + -7082 = -2003 80212.61891952553 + 715188290 = 715268502.6189195 95013049.20122701 + 76108254146.94148 = 76203267196.14272 794618424 + -39911107520.98219 = -39116489096.98219 979562649 + 2973520980367 = 2974500543016 1635 + 93307805 = 93309440 60948395458895 + 53527 = 60948395512422 -21147 + 53836534 = 53815387 621563498.3484724 + 40.57296662027659 = 621563538.9214389 -8041341398340.491 + 4065500987 = -8037275897353.491 -3247461.7128371433 + 637553 = -2609908.7128371433 -29985702441168.332 + 83608598538719.0 = 53622896097550.67 469 + 5662165 = 5662634 -6445516400.5724125 + -2360513218.0517044 = -8806029618.624117 -68890605696100.164 + 7727758 = -68890597968342.164 -100000000000000.0 + 2407959 = -99999997592041.0 -75782986.45978022 + 80019.78746064354 = -75702966.67231958 54.80752667160623 + -4 = 50.80752667160623 315473798 + -100000000000000 = -99999684526202 -8.26159575494848 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999991.73 -65723801724 + -75797756.07867618 = -65799599480.078674 34 + 5013.97724917693 = 5047.97724917693 9872.823332361173 + -6553211.046055104 = -6543338.222722743 -391 + 14034.052453288801 = 13643.052453288801 343425895349 + -87.68605012192721 = 343425895261.31396 -1745590.3722395187 + 83182866433 = 83181120842.62776 23348637670 + 30.92936045589506 = 23348637700.92936 -401907249 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000401907249.0 8004980576808 + -17013 = 8004980559795 422865543.6042325 + 692215689.6344334 = 1115081233.2386658 172649478.7299337 + -57957635903007.625 = -57957463253528.9 62413855457304 + 91.4611412586525 = 62413855457395.46 -6360493914018 + -233 = -6360493914251 339004 + -100000000000000 = -99999999660996 71.02261816365768 + -69 = 2.0226181636576825 12221595 + -81792362 = -69570767 -751 + -2.2161267431978793 = -753.2161267431978 -71957.85479933265 + 8963338749.703308 = 8963266791.848509 90 + 7755953 = 7756043 -18.344781306088652 + -4573.160642785795 = -4591.5054240918835 -1 + -69107 = -69108 -682226.850094024 + -21187.4456075474 = -703414.2957015714 100000000000000 + 658208.718586718 = 100000000658208.72 58886343377.217834 + -77674124.69705825 = 58808669252.520775 6055340.530280654 + 911383008 = 917438348.5302807 221328 + -78.62665507643939 = 221249.37334492357 100000000000000 + -59676778 = 99999940323222 -212533 + 871372 = 658839 8254220297 + 991 = 8254221288 -43337969.80978276 + -95 = -43338064.80978276 9.66720311266797 + 696507207 = 696507216.6672031 493512386523 + -9 = 493512386514 942687.6797062083 + 100000000000000 = 100000000942687.69 -1634783189.2610722 + 43.0483652077224 = -1634783146.212707 -16.37464019946549 + -384380 = -384396.3746401995 -93210088260182 + -100000000000000.0 = -193210088260182.0 -2 + -1662192.773405231 = -1662194.773405231 57688378.45290447 + 151997255 = 209685633.45290446 -33760 + -77423137 = -77456897 -12096 + -6 = -12102 -760153736.092637 + -613.1028780231361 = -760154349.1955149 360 + 499630941223 = 499630941583 -420455 + 478833282245 = 478832861790 -79896008715207.03 + 24544979855 = -79871463735352.03 -69671018043 + -84211966562.03972 = -153882984605.03973 -264906603257 + 4640139.998024626 = -264901963117.00198 5265239029 + -6895822339 = -1630583310 502 + -648826625 = -648826123 -8 + 1.2167771973451411 = -6.783222802654858 -6185614.301519344 + -31 = -6185645.301519344 58804 + 86219719135 = 86219777939 331265193.93422973 + -6 = 331265187.93422973 100000000000000.0 + 36 = 100000000000036.0 707257.6884277739 + -1646.4369706501034 = 705611.2514571238 9.459655385055548 + -4071464.285305967 = -4071454.825650582 -700040667724.9575 + 66826634252 = -633214033472.9575 -7935355930.619065 + -100000000000000 = -100007935355930.62 1697052.948475257 + 827559638.2500803 = 829256691.1985556 -9248205745 + 56476 = -9248149269 -9169687374.131435 + 53458727 = -9116228647.131435 -7 + -9759749 = -9759756 -767.4841449415143 + 3.44777013537474 = -764.0363748061395 3728353 + -400982249.16547984 = -397253896.16547984 34978272839803 + 4739248402987 = 39717521242790 4678177007 + -35668061476686.71 = -35663383299679.71 -8 + 916 = 908 9248081 + -58500731 = -49252650 588820820.2147908 + -12433853 = 576386967.2147908 -7.0500524762051615 + 29 = 21.94994752379484 -441453.53328068 + -9646 = -451099.53328068 31936010875338.363 + -96448 = 31936010778890.363 -540 + -4.107845838199863 = -544.1078458381999 66066110710 + 12541280961.398148 = 78607391671.39815 -847064100780 + 877.8502295958215 = -847064099902.1498 -5226067045.454586 + -322040901420.2804 = -327266968465.735 -19843073 + -3337004.7179619954 = -23180077.717961997 583229.1968212435 + 21536 = 604765.1968212435 15255375391 + 842242184604.9863 = 857497559995.9863 -4951217848826 + -74 = -4951217848900 -87544201950 + 1952.872819099814 = -87544199997.12718 -1845717349.75183 + 157.97124751712508 = -1845717191.7805827 -50818854.00927885 + -255857 = -51074711.00927885 -95799 + 1153590011.0090177 = 1153494212.0090177 -93666654765094.52 + -8296477560153 = -101963132325247.52 4590.877632962631 + 68692434098191 = 68692434102781.875 8826.519442176013 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000008826.52 308361 + 15916977 = 16225338 57 + 340.9072237050617 = 397.9072237050617 74 + 18075010676 = 18075010750 -100000000000000 + -571810677162.1357 = -100571810677162.14 -55960988619.46387 + 161974118849 = 106013130229.53613 23037 + 1221.6693339645876 = 24258.669333964586 -44547138 + -75259239.27876844 = -119806377.27876844 40071997956.7808 + -980532186108 = -940460188151.2192 -47246709778.825005 + -60.481794051443714 = -47246709839.3068 -15677 + 87241 = 71564 48119 + 911 = 49030 -100000000000000.0 + -629560942 = -100000629560942.0 2287.805571516282 + -8.119989928591455 = 2279.68558158769 -655650941 + -44827929.17954621 = -700478870.1795462 -616.4093043138259 + 31872679963.252865 = 31872679346.84356 7922 + -53192171490.43466 = -53192163568.43466 -43908664835 + 1859.4613984396792 = -43908662975.538605 -81397.10876090638 + -40154142987 = -40154224384.108765 1549701582 + 80 = 1549701662 394801297 + 17198205003.69755 = 17593006300.69755 -32112853210802 + 570 = -32112853210232 -100000000000000 + -44.044413470625244 = -100000000000044.05 44168451868695 + -631544 = 44168451237151 6821762645960.865 + 304.8431330258584 = 6821762646265.708 4666089870 + -4835 = 4666085035 51540.87000994888 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000051540.88 6892821134945.01 + 6053706362963 = 12946527497908.01 -639 + 730 = 91 -8738256390 + 8621050130 = -117206260 -7061001421433 + 51970354302412.81 = 44909352880979.81 -72.77733964734036 + -33414883 = -33414955.77733965 1316077.7415421107 + -27172042 = -25855964.258457888 8474932626.955485 + 355384167 = 8830316793.955486 -100000000000000.0 + 984199 = -99999999015801.0 -61817.98422291138 + 7915 = -53902.98422291138 9203409052566 + -32457.04525671943 = 9203409020108.955 160.2119692855257 + 157 = 317.2119692855257 8867207 + 53469987425894 = 53469996293101 -75698394113 + -422832 = -75698816945 -3304408106152.198 + 8083657759497 = 4779249653344.802 -776359 + -37341.7206917312 = -813700.7206917312 -952602 + 100000000000000 = 99999999047398 848472 + 550.3861735649438 = 849022.3861735649 548980143 + 662156034.0065564 = 1211136177.0065565 -93247728 + 3.693978130385271 = -93247724.30602187 -203706.992224533 + 96663933.33278072 = 96460226.34055619 3764.044576611867 + -565835.436423029 = -562071.3918464172 363.0747071499267 + -6244 = -5880.925292850074 -351.90421594428125 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000351.9 -632 + -5306.4406880689885 = -5938.4406880689885 53162630726763.555 + -63755748.82384162 = 53162566971014.734 896341 + -67736235581.95479 = -67735339240.95479 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 2495479309847.267 + 8579341327861 = 11074820637708.268 -69403361760722 + 4922772025464 = -64480589735258 -6621333 + 61460.06117215684 = -6559872.938827843 8673 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000008673.0 2 + -56596236300.82351 = -56596236298.82351 -7968.858514701374 + -9006807559.966637 = -9006815528.825151 100000000000000 + -5.073005234065066 = 99999999999994.92 -7084077373571.559 + 4364496 = -7084073009075.559 -47 + -9796922 = -9796969 -896.0698255999032 + -58988732312 = -58988733208.069824 155442.8393748928 + 92493570 = 92649012.8393749 -76 + -2899529425 = -2899529501 -59172302425.715645 + -100000000000000 = -100059172302425.72 915 + 756343758636 = 756343759551 -951051703472 + 6469345223100 = 5518293519628 -2567710602993 + 6249999 = -2567704352994 -100000000000000 + -6793012820 = -100006793012820 7353674008967 + 51580581 = 7353725589548 -8694591125091 + -43384 = -8694591168475 99.61956221555089 + -4085653120.9007587 = -4085653021.2811966 -28206 + -3600089789636 = -3600089817842 -93.22941038826393 + 21105564249 = 21105564155.770588 4091 + 47.98483456544207 = 4138.984834565442 -3172447399432.757 + -13 = -3172447399445.757 50714694301892 + 100000000000000 = 150714694301892 -100000000000000 + 17609701811933.938 = -82390298188066.06 92014013.51084907 + 6233347518499 = 6233439532512.511 362885958060 + -4654.013816526269 = 362885953405.9862 -8220 + 5882048 = 5873828 9284775 + -696283391218.5856 = -696274106443.5856 -2882443447.6038923 + -765442.4634023233 = -2883208890.0672946 -9283.469939708937 + -61161 = -70444.46993970894 -27741920 + 14 = -27741906 212951513.9218741 + 7994021.661329058 = 220945535.58320317 -263442149495.40216 + -10250811887964.387 = -10514254037459.79 22214425307.046623 + -59 = 22214425248.046623 -315272 + 6636.435599189481 = -308635.5644008105 6 + -98875507841219.97 = -98875507841213.97 -40.32627071027311 + 7458263 = 7458222.673729289 -32907587595378 + -1937 = -32907587597315 624419.9825572366 + -4165.530639512517 = 620254.4519177241 -773.6980542331384 + -10673291515448.773 = -10673291516222.47 100000000000000.0 + -94371.34222011449 = 99999999905628.66 71744511355.52576 + 768616003.7362381 = 72513127359.262 2182400216508 + -56102686977.966606 = 2126297529530.0334 -92700.51598100044 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000092700.52 -9282008496737.34 + -410469907454.3582 = -9692478404191.697 -901432 + -156012 = -1057444 -17358.965459782034 + -953067 = -970425.965459782 100000000000000.0 + -59249405.131201684 = 99999940750594.88 754 + 330043237569.32166 = 330043238323.32166 -100000000000000 + 509631.60180449835 = -99999999490368.39 -9911235491706.887 + 479735.8412988556 = -9911235011971.045 -89294324564866.0 + -2.3361885702194027 = -89294324564868.34 91280516152333.48 + -6579085572519 = 84701430579814.48 -3732278958 + -965596.7114698461 = -3733244554.7114697 235711956 + -90157019436628 = -90156783724672 109.54530166135288 + 4907771211.037659 = 4907771320.58296 70047.50242486791 + -100000000000000 = -99999999929952.5 -9 + -4576919.999379767 = -4576928.999379767 -71966680660734.31 + 646468038548 = -71320212622186.31 995980763.7920234 + -210341 = 995770422.7920234 -8.017251427062714 + -4987932498449.278 = -4987932498457.296 -7 + -4561199277261.433 = -4561199277268.433 5478188945378 + 33203310825631 = 38681499771009 6 + -37112890197.95854 = -37112890191.95854 -57.71269741911204 + 974016.3337954332 = 973958.6210980141 100000000000000.0 + -696959.5581075541 = 99999999303040.44 6819 + 823 = 7642 -6808.622254071466 + 325699.0051977795 = 318890.38294370804 264595535443.7379 + -3581820039.866377 = 261013715403.87155 338 + -88990011.17823672 = -88989673.17823672 100000000000000 + -50885.05513451479 = 99999999949114.94 6615014808 + -100000000000000.0 = -99993384985192.0 454059182690 + -287643 = 454058895047 6134.36088323247 + 931995170 = 932001304.3608832 503.9839436808994 + 3 = 506.9839436808994 -517933363 + -735080526105.3553 = -735598459468.3553 -582405.529376148 + 4 = -582401.529376148 -263582.3260935715 + -549021663481 = -549021927063.3261 6565901145.630822 + 100000000000000.0 = 100006565901145.62 -3093908375631.67 + -56698.589993726964 = -3093908432330.26 -6971368292037.646 + -6834813.925891111 = -6971375126851.572 6 + 2070905880325 = 2070905880331 7.5443533302611465 + 7450637952 = 7450637959.5443535 -9030.152806179683 + 9254621 = 9245590.84719382 433380.8448950147 + 9 = 433389.8448950147 18834660682653 + -25295.48496804193 = 18834660657357.516 -3259698181083 + -626821967.4734665 = -3260325003050.4736 5978 + -5.205491943701819 = 5972.794508056299 17152487001 + 49237221.914333515 = 17201724222.914333 726342903 + -644495473 = 81847430 100000000000000 + 8271272295 = 100008271272295 4 + 4 = 8 61947.221500078136 + 762733003694.6499 = 762733065641.8715 -20780286989.060616 + 7121.156814875323 = -20780279867.9038 -23283 + 100000000000000 = 99999999976717 -1.1057206751055597 + 4849767.835798496 = 4849766.730077821 674 + -1147800118253 = -1147800117579 -878.1074328578918 + -8979595997821 = -8979595998699.107 96162659304315.92 + 23096015419.583824 = 96185755319735.5 1664.080486693154 + -266835249042 = -266835247377.91953 -1575387631160 + -640717.8806224532 = -1575388271877.8806 27531419290980.844 + -9160940532797 = 18370478758183.844 84.63739881161104 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999915.36 -4452235351468.119 + -6707976759 = -4458943328227.119 100000000000000 + -47065685197877 = 52934314802123 -518611997760.6088 + 492033710.9290345 = -518119964049.6798 100000000000000 + -15784554006488 = 84215445993512 100000000000000.0 + -5687300040 = 99994312699960.0 78804113 + -77991121603768 = -77991042799655 -80741542890004.2 + -98.36960986922344 = -80741542890102.58 1655419216577 + -33584748394011 = -31929329177434 -704075673011 + 3291803654 = -700783869357 -724491783 + -6014705779.791099 = -6739197562.791099 -8715531 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999991284469.0 960456.9695540145 + -5524 = 954932.9695540145 96537287.34499918 + -6042800835 = -5946263547.655001 61319 + -1136084746 = -1136023427 84.83088628998813 + -7173408989.523553 = -7173408904.692667 -3803580 + -100000000000000 = -100000003803580 -9814896 + 379 = -9814517 -508 + -5378719091485 = -5378719091993 793.8971051585928 + -7022136858.751865 = -7022136064.85476 -885591.9987482674 + -9.63851709629136 = -885601.6372653637 6119495 + -3402.275455810539 = 6116092.72454419 -105264 + 779686574654.481 = 779686469390.481 -6 + -621488495778 = -621488495784 2879483564499 + -9.729267997131755 = 2879483564489.2705 -81304156 + -674.5427222321188 = -81304830.54272223 -42881 + -371499.1944417505 = -414380.1944417505 -562321.5775498808 + -1899.537472874586 = -564221.1150227555 69224666585136.75 + 7437452893627.025 = 76662119478763.78 -50325072.77225086 + -100000000000000 = -100000050325072.77 -792275 + -22521 = -814796 -16427688978.83767 + -45997011.099340096 = -16473685989.93701 -4.72999843062574 + 732195.7893130425 = 732191.059314612 163111598555.82617 + -6838.784992255097 = 163111591717.04117 -178989 + 9818192561.964361 = 9818013572.964361 -73497029500.40848 + -2807.760650181246 = -73497032308.16913 -100000000000000 + -551628812207.1965 = -100551628812207.2 100000000000000 + -8506237271467.008 = 91493762728533.0 6751593690.773302 + 924271586.7929637 = 7675865277.566266 -92335003853 + -510 = -92335004363 -80639415988.70378 + -6374078782 = -87013494770.70378 -5389.3456888052315 + 9894095319735.71 = 9894095314346.365 -8466924 + -6776043384.3181095 = -6784510308.3181095 -754522785703.5004 + 28305 = -754522757398.5004 5016.371163417407 + -5171.818876032752 = -155.44771261534515 -506482.804674484 + -779814553.5940902 = -780321036.3987647 1624678183461.0144 + 3674416 = 1624681857877.0144 -1593073181 + -5797311026335 = -5798904099516 374350579933 + -1202681.349420604 = 374349377251.6506 12830 + 933769.509898189 = 946599.509898189 198356400.66984785 + -6498795 = 191857605.66984785 -74725571 + 22812252145788 = 22812177420217 3189.55303881538 + -6 = 3183.55303881538 797632 + -973774 = -176142 -705269.0567044051 + -4266.827514898787 = -709535.8842193038 11459977296 + 1985.6371705009142 = 11459979281.63717 -24109871908.439972 + 85 = -24109871823.439972 -7 + 43948982 = 43948975 -41265126138737.67 + -90669170979407 = -131934297118144.67 751207747.227781 + 3350040338 = 4101248085.2277813 76558878 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000076558878.0 5496 + -3022 = 2474 68062131503 + -58.35806715607479 = 68062131444.64193 14954.50316793218 + 13262823407.878868 = 13262838362.382036 246.76086561752467 + 4.227858473106108 = 250.98872409063077 -49367606805151.664 + 196493 = -49367606608658.664 50325.0915007077 + -4554449 = -4504123.908499292 2.8662916141077006 + -86977555106361.17 = -86977555106358.31 71395803916827.66 + 326975031207.3933 = 71722778948035.05 163583 + -6534.838530796528 = 157048.16146920348 -100000000000000 + 817 = -99999999999183 -31450987918176 + 7395671576293 = -24055316341883 -100000000000000.0 + 9953.271807450166 = -99999999990046.73 -92156334 + -2486.6512835772983 = -92158820.65128358 -960731 + 17653329130574 = 17653328169843 -285.96427295090405 + 78047007059.745 = 78047006773.78072 -7743092 + -100000000000000 = -100000007743092 62 + -6889470853.287745 = -6889470791.287745 -42348396 + 1.2515986178973992 = -42348394.74840138 -6 + 44 = 38 -346299.0161476257 + -3596 = -349895.0161476257 395225255 + 13881134018 = 14276359273 5296749.967735338 + -516663975524.94104 = -516658678774.9733 -72830927 + 7411567364625.335 = 7411494533698.335 3526702062.4617934 + 26963195918 = 30489897980.461792 -7.39810153755764 + 6846.858006690356 = 6839.4599051527985 4803219028.303877 + 66005968.587927654 = 4869224996.891805 96.15295787557297 + -112844045 = -112843948.84704213 -23 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999977 11.075528870956427 + -691.0772124387563 = -680.0016835677999 112973904 + -1589822162493.2876 = -1589709188589.2876 8.048195291213666 + 8.364068430610182 = 16.412263721823848 -88421974588 + 3133175 = -88418841413 -2311534 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000002311534.0 57.062670004553354 + -3 = 54.062670004553354 33679149114.761448 + 39085672605 = 72764821719.76144 -6329668454.499257 + -502291886 = -6831960340.499257 8015085338.561444 + -316 = 8015085022.561444 576.1927193940631 + 68139744236 = 68139744812.19272 128129291488 + -6436966762784 = -6308837471296 -11349 + -263.7977385586828 = -11612.797738558682 8554.560634006251 + 180461808 = 180470362.56063402 -8181 + 2160 = -6021 -2068849 + -2 = -2068851 68863 + -42392171838.52548 = -42392102975.52548 17148.073602445424 + 33843 = 50991.07360244542 -33.18457416630999 + 7671415401343.248 = 7671415401310.063 93364320.07162935 + 5628.7958342440825 = 93369948.86746359 121.11784951102868 + 29 = 150.11784951102868 31936598754265 + 8207276 = 31936606961541 63653 + 7534 = 71187 -55 + -93977613 = -93977668 478201 + 99938 = 578139 377008692106 + 68 = 377008692174 -9277452226054 + 282833346 = -9277169392708 -34 + 75260011824.98347 = 75260011790.98347 -34581237.64627567 + 8414619427 = 8380038189.3537245 -1741426867.5308242 + -2748931 = -1744175798.5308242 -5 + -9143533740696.82 = -9143533740701.82 8.290897494069503 + 94031 = 94039.29089749407 -4243313304 + 7582091.632221111 = -4235731212.367779 73173243973164.84 + 1440068881340 = 74613312854504.84 7.8076113674328 + 55336.97667807695 = 55344.78428944438 -2.8181819876221255 + 69707136274382 = 69707136274379.18 33 + -93.47923486656236 = -60.479234866562365 299892741437.9743 + -2642416166.250041 = 297250325271.72424 6 + 390004107370 = 390004107376 84809075 + -45724937221092 = -45724852412017 35539.047295823955 + -31138190377 = -31138154837.952705 -55 + 38919730537195 = 38919730537140 -6823.916621627954 + -903402053865 = -903402060688.9166 97 + -16576928782599.805 = -16576928782502.805 -100000000000000 + 4 = -99999999999996 -72454289118.30806 + 467560108.57624537 = -71986729009.73181 -412652962754 + 280437769 = -412372524985 -6660194731 + 44489293 = -6615705438 5468451138760 + -76129065568604 = -70660614429844 9.700101261237087 + -2554854305174.05 = -2554854305164.3496 67320729893145 + 24.062304242404124 = 67320729893169.06 1.9894158508934707 + 661 = 662.9894158508935 -15079604 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999984920396.0 76481019068898 + 4727.781414266634 = 76481019073625.78 -1926118937.915412 + -15055749 = -1941174686.915412 4073261313048.657 + -8 = 4073261313040.657 -66273469625009.234 + 2638172240.168836 = -66270831452769.06 -562407139.7826092 + -2146936807 = -2709343946.782609 -7315.254018428922 + -4.874001904590697 = -7320.128020333513 859997943238 + -8 = 859997943230 48556432 + -1151768408135.9734 = -1151719851703.9734 -100000000000000.0 + -4909867.062692394 = -100000004909867.06 2727550402 + 8498617521962.34 = 8501345072364.34 63071652624.538864 + -695515926059.5793 = -632444273435.0405 -71.0516437238424 + -11664880360751 = -11664880360822.05 -1556401173210.9272 + 84.5547826546512 = -1556401173126.3726 -9327849563 + 832976968.0315305 = -8494872594.96847 23034885634936 + 21022.466894057172 = 23034885655958.47 -5062967761440 + -39485.2440204601 = -5062967800925.244 -9394.212224811237 + 2991 = -6403.212224811237 22.11072236583257 + 8853.62631285158 = 8875.737035217413 -7020871374 + -7065860.649877057 = -7027937234.649877 754638736922.7412 + 3.506179158123787 = 754638736926.2474 -725291602358.3269 + 543.144121647995 = -725291601815.1827 -87.25372120861984 + 901 = 813.7462787913802 967 + 20539695210613.586 = 20539695211580.586 8461888.795153685 + -1.8180279421077516 = 8461886.977125743 776528573353.5847 + 100000000000000.0 = 100776528573353.58 4 + 7789874003.58713 = 7789874007.58713 23154074135156.527 + 56 = 23154074135212.527 97760677 + -60877811.44019797 = 36882865.55980203 -9046771.940459376 + 36707954223822.97 = 36707945177051.03 -55547461809334.98 + -14814455.672226604 = -55547476623790.65 540017.3842653979 + -100000000000000 = -99999999459982.61 5835.358922226184 + 39098.67081157873 = 44934.02973380492 -763646155352.9337 + 98966915542746.73 = 98203269387393.8 4677078499093.066 + 906890571.6582944 = 4677985389664.725 -6548025440.4579 + 9073002584866 = 9066454559425.543 -8799297 + 5238568397453.655 = 5238559598156.655 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 75791 + 30.484219036806437 = 75821.4842190368 2663062199465 + 1.2936116433571003 = 2663062199466.2935 -6187.719349218186 + -8655374351431.982 = -8655374357619.702 -46822.73615454042 + 783 = -46039.73615454042 -2.6212655702580734 + -85 = -87.62126557025807 739.2086338942688 + -5.0518587607718 = 734.156775133497 -36692405017.46369 + 4464 = -36692400553.46369 685835.3787100575 + 69724.59039263558 = 755559.969102693 -61940263595144.49 + 100000000000000 = 38059736404855.51 6333.859946846811 + -62276687509.872795 = -62276681176.01285 4790 + -618500242275.2814 = -618500237485.2814 8801.637923183573 + -4600769 = -4591967.362076816 9580094594 + -41905098004159.79 = -41895517909565.79 9422 + -81870 = -72448 -100000000000000.0 + -55114536684766 = -155114536684766.0 76623437079459 + 9398547799055 = 86021984878514 702952 + 83.59937884327105 = 703035.5993788433 -715294994055.2694 + -35968254480319 = -36683549474374.266 7253873.266724287 + 675938749634.2518 = 675946003507.5186 -5618940809899 + -35034633730 = -5653975443629 96106.24404578785 + 9972.184150307981 = 106078.42819609583 97552307754 + -3197775482 = 94354532272 677896 + -473425014656.5652 = -473424336760.5652 258696598 + 8814222814864.918 = 8814481511462.918 149812 + -217500984030.8614 = -217500834218.8614 -8687630.03488894 + -4.613402999543123 = -8687634.64829194 52259 + 7070176 = 7122435 417.94054692762546 + 84801.5949963765 = 85219.53554330413 7.511012889301077 + 2160777.716967321 = 2160785.2279802104 -8343467 + 14 = -8343453 96851368 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000096851368.0 -330 + -23.974709463493333 = -353.97470946349335 -67852 + -7699826238216 = -7699826306068 -4338050 + 865125 = -3472925 20372595.877238136 + 45897231711 = 45917604306.877235 -1743744592099 + -100000000000000.0 = -101743744592099.0 -100000000000000 + 7043320640504.694 = -92956679359495.31 19932 + 359029290344.9944 = 359029310276.9944 9424065585 + -233 = 9424065352 -5346141.322811634 + -2.116408565703575 = -5346143.4392202 31291.304767702957 + -2565224 = -2533932.695232297 929129528910 + -7006764745472.2 = -6077635216562.2 -2379903724035 + 5839885.085041301 = -2379897884149.915 91376628 + -528166148.2056487 = -436789520.2056487 -89 + -728225397878.2091 = -728225397967.2091 -126 + -31931655063.121346 = -31931655189.121346 608940906.5054955 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000608940906.5 45558 + 910230.1138583936 = 955788.1138583936 -6390.9459674015125 + 83409677526547.02 = 83409677520156.06 602476891886 + -964.6229755052773 = 602476890921.3771 -9850345227773.133 + -423497391 = -9850768725164.133 -8222518677904.454 + -6.573067699803053 = -8222518677911.027 -329217949 + -1188202424.614743 = -1517420373.614743 7562.338108688907 + 27.370024521885476 = 7589.708133210792 -90.27502161112511 + 87780553 = 87780462.72497839 -8942.075072425978 + 3296443080177 = 3296443071234.925 -764.1156858258001 + 7818127872062.7 = 7818127871298.585 -43951725.70729132 + 7596 = -43944129.70729132 71 + -47683959171 = -47683959100 -4.896804488852209 + 210228 = 210223.10319551115 -207874528.66914973 + 432840085037.1517 = 432632210508.48254 -8303.72952525999 + 9234786062392 = 9234786054088.27 68557657772.3923 + -558583800.705318 = 67999073971.68699 -100000000000000 + -128.21285179267127 = -100000000000128.22 596 + 4279158 = 4279754 -79746636630 + 79003378.78488773 = -79667633251.21512 -696465752967 + 100000000000000 = 99303534247033 100000000000000.0 + 84158763436 = 100084158763436.0 467537765 + -65267619 = 402270146 7310622.839233506 + -10305 = 7300317.839233506 -387206129 + 3276 = -387202853 14731705255432.691 + -2121998 = 14731703133434.691 41167136296254 + 100000000000000 = 141167136296254 -100000000000000 + 27926398242 = -99972073601758 -56838489 + -573 = -56839062 -5146472006064.799 + 30195186802 = -5116276819262.799 305343388154 + -47053 = 305343341101 84.95602282267718 + -1932882 = -1932797.0439771772 8033648 + 3350162278997.2754 = 3350170312645.2754 -13 + -32.23212856804419 = -45.23212856804419 32589329779 + -508004378369 = -475415048590 7984510681 + 57142482.91224023 = 8041653163.91224 9 + -57471759023611.234 = -57471759023602.234 79193769559 + 47.82014837268028 = 79193769606.82014 1 + 638635504 = 638635505 -59894693.77535354 + -2914930 = -62809623.77535354 -77163315.42825603 + 6 = -77163309.42825603 8795376427456.964 + -4749.035688513229 = 8795376422707.928 -733840421 + -5242213775974 = -5242947616395 4850696 + 19015 = 4869711 -4 + -3328.3618703480024 = -3332.3618703480024 658374986 + -9836925224.027102 = -9178550238.027102 31398246119.92082 + 7 = 31398246126.92082 -7 + 23487 = 23480 -91032244264540 + -9 = -91032244264549 732.6619825957526 + -177681310.51961255 = -177680577.85762995 394848 + -100000000000000 = -99999999605152 -15454850552801 + 813562655 = -15454036990146 -19237266155 + -38544.239501873744 = -19237304699.239502 5970768989 + 3339.199789992103 = 5970772328.19979 -36565911076 + 808974939651 = 772409028575 6667505004267 + -60266 = 6667504944001 100000000000000 + 3621116921 = 100003621116921 27961.77664958853 + -68608416.01010258 = -68580454.23345299 -636.2577172963069 + 4072438471331 = 4072438470694.742 1880 + 74253787174452.06 = 74253787176332.06 14.43306937591164 + 520636 = 520650.4330693759 -788270399 + 816482613432.1259 = 815694343033.1259 66 + -9766877951478.926 = -9766877951412.926 140.79222575203332 + -42148171413 = -42148171272.20777 297256444.25235426 + 6725914040 = 7023170484.252355 2606213613974.5273 + 93899124183188.98 = 96505337797163.52 246036 + -89217661 = -88971625 6.7648702635719085 + -308716474836 = -308716474829.2351 -6920.713022501489 + -41776888088936 = -41776888095856.71 1246659.0617598207 + 4084 = 1250743.0617598207 4868.006353728065 + 44036790552.13309 = 44036795420.13944 -151 + -94371662844 = -94371662995 -22053928288 + 7197723909.808034 = -14856204378.191967 -4673.824928111685 + -4697512716 = -4697517389.824928 -1967947 + -44033721989052.984 = -44033723956999.984 331772142201 + 562575497 = 332334717698 -7 + 79049080014 = 79049080007 90225 + -166 = 90059 -857776680 + -10389 = -857787069 -100000000000000.0 + 279584600844.6125 = -99720415399155.39 -134928994.381456 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000134928994.38 -395004243.2299043 + 6.750270344747847 = -395004236.4796339 -40 + -20599.281085729745 = -20639.281085729745 -587589428.3881154 + -4193663363502.5903 = -4194250952930.9785 -95293050466 + -100000000000000 = -100095293050466 855518641.0391862 + -89760509445094.47 = -89759653926453.42 -65733819472682.82 + 9107812944060 = -56626006528622.82 -14422892 + 79220416376 = 79205993484 -58119 + 903853200.0021719 = 903795081.0021719 -285412392022.18915 + -100000000000000.0 = -100285412392022.19 -300783044300.2189 + 50963490846281 = 50662707801980.78 -27188006.21652058 + 646643379836 = 646616191829.7834 -9.97905520338462 + 707667819 = 707667809.0209448 322292 + 99.27273304159331 = 322391.2727330416 -100000000000000 + 6333248026 = -99993666751974 661 + -64435.310964118326 = -63774.310964118326 -20763937586151 + -3667951369 = -20767605537520 -4.670594063711238 + 35396527532485 = 35396527532480.33 -956.5461604893487 + 18435452833635 = 18435452832678.453 12834954 + -100000000000000 = -99999987165046 -91489293456.741 + -47769469.22172543 = -91537062925.96272 540459 + 44.07820685965522 = 540503.0782068596 386452743.39347845 + -1421.1719530355497 = 386451322.22152543 7127158642.926997 + 64719 = 7127223361.926997 -667596594.4609338 + 346807466410.41 = 346139869815.94904 -14004414.771719443 + -76177302161323 = -76177316165737.77 21661749125415 + 84386108953472 = 106047858078887 -2.1713917572127834 + -7903231916121 = -7903231916123.172 6386292.899132533 + 1756711487396 = 1756717873688.8992 -36339820082180.14 + -69256320.25750086 = -36339889338500.4 -15030037.586396454 + -3.676500761745217 = -15030041.262897216 -300.57617065627477 + 208.6499865788282 = -91.92618407744658 -3560040 + -64952032946.70012 = -64955592986.70012 597808.7542977629 + 47156791854.65067 = 47157389663.40497 63918690248524.72 + 39563.9629174506 = 63918690288088.68 9454275621369.488 + -7076 = 9454275614293.488 -93805467.61568679 + -859452531.3271558 = -953257998.9428426 -700195464 + -891982.9755847475 = -701087446.9755847 -915693046.9956526 + -3283189 = -918976235.9956526 744008811226 + -723670827 = 743285140399 38471935027003.27 + 100000000000000 = 138471935027003.28 86529837.47140518 + 27574.791749813765 = 86557412.263155 619239426 + -6.824515614602735 = 619239419.1754844 417336334351 + 75.83690483573001 = 417336334426.8369 5625 + 557393 = 563018 2.1285803866999133 + -421690.98461542214 = -421688.85603503545 -98097798115725 + 3178 = -98097798112547 -26326646 + 40905342985406.67 = 40905316658760.67 263326.8512269378 + 81634.13890539919 = 344960.99013233697 -100000000000000.0 + 202393665337 = -99797606334663.0 477413 + 8206808172627 = 8206808650040 -4579034248 + 97953 = -4578936295 -185.06133584920934 + -34.110037914998955 = -219.17137376420828 -686813.2230613235 + -4437 = -691250.2230613235 -7298580133289.763 + -504533986.3169732 = -7299084667276.08 -137414.87582522846 + -5427.7731322595955 = -142842.64895748807 -7496 + 932657081 = 932649585 8777893355.32291 + -100000000000000.0 = -99991222106644.67 -8879205421703.21 + -76369.17871520942 = -8879205498072.39 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 7279777.251254157 + -24327000.823546425 = -17047223.57229227 27482386 + 103.74172699197695 = 27482489.74172699 9378062 + 9927706 = 19305768 4905820605484.081 + -87551550087511 = -82645729482026.92 -6711490695958.556 + 708078783.8453164 = -6710782617174.71 -9560560245005.41 + 16415239 = -9560543829766.41 694.9416725181661 + 434.7884768289041 = 1129.7301493470702 -100000000000000.0 + -8705989 = -100000008705989.0 92 + -741044829041 = -741044828949 -36004648040498 + 811275.2880853537 = -36004647229222.71 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -100000000000000.0 + 6325953.772716015 = -99999993674046.23 -45540700.67017074 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000045540700.67 -55883066194 + -77711280.16747873 = -55960777474.16748 -19890137826466 + -9 = -19890137826475 -5605970212322.123 + -54917944122.95398 = -5660888156445.077 7780542.282705552 + -514.0826075910468 = 7780028.200097961 448529577771 + -495262332258 = -46732754487 253097437614 + 146256069.20395833 = 253243693683.20395 8.613083076864758 + 43417.61937900458 = 43426.23246208145 872600755 + 2.34510089623889 = 872600757.3451009 1056131911 + -100000000000000 = -99998943868089 -11485758014340.014 + -7857738853.508099 = -11493615753193.521 63710.12899660824 + -473067032946.427 = -473066969236.29803 764157417210 + 9.821385045204968 = 764157417219.8214 -123219041.96840818 + 6013368.6729234755 = -117205673.2954847 1197356 + -479394713408 = -479393516052 -6.950866305212143 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000006.95 72231884 + 3501228672 = 3573460556 -100000000000000.0 + -20.239516962291724 = -100000000000020.23 -6.414605923357471 + 758884965247.5687 = 758884965241.1542 -5.414370111168889 + -306600 = -306605.4143701112 27321888.57996609 + -5329899758 = -5302577869.420033 -28633744448957 + -8 = -28633744448965 47215524 + 24048841 = 71264365 -4244479482426.694 + 5753.340928577376 = -4244479476673.353 -5332909.307463915 + 11480907.962256864 = 6147998.654792949 100000000000000.0 + -7086464953663 = 92913535046337.0 -50905870863.31577 + 116896401166 = 65990530302.68423 100000000000000.0 + 81 = 100000000000081.0 -85832920665 + -9224823657 = -95057744322 -6743971944 + 84224 = -6743887720 178590206.38517612 + 6932.717870212146 = 178597139.10304633 896930 + 47 = 896977 164.97939608387725 + -18.97753848044681 = 146.00185760343044 -59935152996042.06 + -694047573262 = -60629200569304.06 1724 + 1316 = 3040 -67283 + -161849291412.37994 = -161849358695.37994 -11693978.881292723 + 85502030222.66493 = 85490336243.78365 -931495 + -84995385926.55762 = -84996317421.55762 480410 + 7.044125999502132 = 480417.0441259995 67660 + 3693858921.0705314 = 3693926581.0705314 -57894990663986.9 + 8106.640074275364 = -57894990655880.26 -492344354 + 456686254623 = 456193910269 -75.15847945150885 + -541683410900.83765 = -541683410975.99615 27.125295893195684 + -801998640 = -801998612.8747041 -402 + 6188501 = 6188099 3106789 + -4439104191.9169235 = -4435997402.9169235 16424229530317 + -134781 = 16424229395536 -17582 + -69813007 = -69830589 -8733474.044611018 + 36072674911 = 36063941436.95539 -850453 + 58310432426414 = 58310431575961 3.712195016239697 + -676353667.536362 = -676353663.824167 818225015568 + -9611154.352927215 = 818215404413.6471 -28081141 + -52310837497 = -52338918638 -4299551092288.801 + -18110436646.393505 = -4317661528935.1943 188825747310 + 100000000000000 = 100188825747310 -2733.811870611016 + -19689748.876248486 = -19692482.6881191 -2805 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999997195.0 -82 + -4369257498 = -4369257580 327967034939.16016 + -70169092703326 = -69841125668386.84 -53480617.332331195 + -45052315.0612965 = -98532932.3936277 758.4933447578447 + 7771714.818150433 = 7772473.3114951905 18055.14330630954 + -609852361 = -609834305.8566937 6244 + 53914669453.74373 = 53914675697.74373 -100000000000000.0 + -5 = -100000000000005.0 -73396447.45916995 + -836939810 = -910336257.45917 -71.11358512443636 + -67606892011.059395 = -67606892082.17298 -917 + 69667867328.23436 = 69667866411.23436 -9634101000 + 5561 = -9634095439 21850.370391262335 + 60730 = 82580.37039126233 -54690 + 656251271 = 656196581 1957324 + 35199 = 1992523 -4 + -8144.127659162233 = -8148.127659162233 686830342773 + 1887647912941 = 2574478255714 -830 + 68117 = 67287 822022746832.0714 + -202651.16388595893 = 822022544180.9075 315169746903 + 9174598102.133858 = 324344345005.13385 -78572.39579284568 + 7 = -78565.39579284568 89319020560 + 15853 = 89319036413 -7614066163.697083 + 9596353617.887253 = 1982287454.1901693 -8635.582595837153 + -685566832.0837837 = -685575467.6663796 31.14181477113367 + -3018.759002051821 = -2987.617187280687 -8094.872520033888 + -5409720 = -5417814.872520034 -200.14651147917422 + 5120119.725243125 = 5119919.578731646 -183203492.51679814 + 12207857883.266806 = 12024654390.750008 -100000000000000 + 7494101870 = -99992505898130 -72375717988670.19 + -46 = -72375717988716.19 -100000000000000 + -77907040.91118988 = -100000077907040.9 -8314 + 31881826672941 = 31881826664627 6112487487 + -377336.5553449169 = 6112110150.444655 -65200.309763366364 + 1.3345942579860075 = -65198.97516910838 -946398886972.4745 + 181561275.34311414 = -946217325697.1313 2874691664.1932216 + 100000000000000 = 100002874691664.19 1406134405150.0005 + -752831 = 1406133652319.0005 544091436168 + 633085799.6459112 = 544724521967.64594 -60.675849591528305 + -64971075765411 = -64971075765471.68 100000000000000 + 5 = 100000000000005 -11716 + 3604.2719517046917 = -8111.728048295308 5.856057758696011 + -8487 = -8481.143942241304 -39486551 + 632641331382 = 632601844831 3376172306465 + 9651603757610.78 = 13027776064075.78 6441 + -6362919732.342144 = -6362913291.342144 -13640867315909 + -653456952849.1448 = -14294324268758.145 646104.6228242746 + 95805215619.3278 = 95805861723.95062 269 + -129043604311.37706 = -129043604042.37706 314 + -28549158952 = -28549158638 -100000000000000 + 9016.750166324051 = -99999999990983.25 100000000000000 + 3711492 = 100000003711492 47199404987 + 77.6057484400444 = 47199405064.60575 1045235349.5075895 + -96594864 = 948640485.5075895 630097.2625338439 + -399681791.4287188 = -399051694.16618496 3 + -4176 = -4173 -966 + 764708529659.7378 = 764708528693.7378 8066882.312169381 + -3 = 8066879.312169381 -244.81504816551706 + 98.53917126065281 = -146.27587690486425 -573436550778 + 51948955.36361845 = -573384601822.6364 -93 + -767.4942328102636 = -860.4942328102636 633210 + -72.8692478333655 = 633137.1307521666 -40976.53302764329 + 11361925 = 11320948.466972357 -15883277738.07742 + 2129815266937.8254 = 2113931989199.748 4050865196 + -35048 = 4050830148 100000000000000.0 + 8883027.81833349 = 100000008883027.81 -8948.662987973752 + 83143509.70025064 = 83134561.03726266 -46 + 227075.9448212536 = 227029.9448212536 -2609299 + -6 = -2609305 169 + -71201451673219 = -71201451673050 24671.04185524544 + -100000000000000 = -99999999975328.95 148582772556 + -79812260022.8705 = 68770512533.1295 6134431768049.098 + -2594458 = 6134429173591.098 212796.12824962466 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000212796.12 4.820606919973374 + -93027.0869227118 = -93022.26631579181 100000000000000.0 + -194756230 = 99999805243770.0 254.2148834374564 + 8921290368913.441 = 8921290369167.656 4623.471174327797 + -34909788028.167465 = -34909783404.69629 -81310099504722.16 + 7720180772 = -81302379323950.16 7099201995 + -67219.01342310174 = 7099134775.986577 -13739 + -6683 = -20422 -2 + -5102 = -5104 -982396354514.6556 + -629638709882.9888 = -1612035064397.6445 1275299.3214287937 + 76 = 1275375.3214287937 549 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999451 -2020759731 + 29 = -2020759702 82142858593 + -17 = 82142858576 44048235118 + 1645520829.933875 = 45693755947.933876 -8575722702.816611 + -15736080461670.965 = -15744656184373.781 7708.800813707817 + 38512060.38453308 = 38519769.18534678 -100000000000000 + 4566710118 = -99995433289882 -6848613927 + -7.983966218767449 = -6848613934.983966 -27936898392.581505 + -902 = -27936899294.581505 -2533228718 + 98629.92496217902 = -2533130088.075038 24.16646735963733 + -312.30739372081916 = -288.1409263611818 788131099 + 76.12746616368881 = 788131175.1274662 4180824.2000850947 + 9154919908 = 9159100732.200085 -90025858.4514898 + 720.990129210258 = -90025137.46136059 2050763270773.9958 + -699210694700 = 1351552576073.9958 100000000000000.0 + -2729937565 = 99997270062435.0 -43823364664215 + 780309 = -43823363883906 -167809107535 + -100000000000000.0 = -100167809107535.0 -35.93460766985799 + 83021075709 = 83021075673.0654 9793657534842 + -90455784822 = 9703201750020 -7.571320381759375 + -8187 = -8194.57132038176 100000000000000.0 + 823208.8978551044 = 100000000823208.89 1.0646127667614036 + 4019.979387421743 = 4021.0440001885045 100000000000000 + 8742.227420451094 = 100000000008742.23 9206624.623497484 + 1825 = 9208449.623497484 -28584219 + 25454848585.91449 = 25426264366.91449 56730374122 + -100000000000000 = -99943269625878 -395 + -1683202526.6785147 = -1683202921.6785147 85365625688 + -172.57628507028613 = 85365625515.42372 37696011820313 + 6.5815887172761345 = 37696011820319.58 -62985606255 + -169159061128 = -232144667383 -921442477917 + 5247029 = -921437230888 100000000000000.0 + 706382.0637179256 = 100000000706382.06 -8683 + -38041294516780.984 = -38041294525463.984 -29325050322 + -79894622039314.88 = -79923947089636.88 -35658.62578799315 + 4376600845653 = 4376600809994.374 -9470543784 + -675272.5137146614 = -9471219056.513714 -57720621813.66565 + 3335675024345.3677 = 3277954402531.702 928923718.4544587 + 226 = 928923944.4544587 5953 + 37515497289099 = 37515497295052 49409331818904 + -929757576650 = 48479574242254 308439.9452347588 + -53 = 308386.9452347588 -9767.902999888962 + 5 = -9762.902999888962 7 + -7352 = -7345 436769355.7142961 + -88 = 436769267.7142961 100000000000000.0 + -61422363.28718787 = 99999938577636.72 -518528 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999481472.0 -117560.80925939383 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999882439.19 -132813579 + 777464202 = 644650623 80956322048000 + -4005 = 80956322043995 -147098427.0435843 + -60889100986 = -61036199413.04359 8821013616083.932 + -4134341932.1547894 = 8816879274151.777 -95780779039 + 88259381 = -95692519658 -4155 + -119.2545014228138 = -4274.2545014228135 4161972373.7577686 + 6678770.54319289 = 4168651144.3009615 6523611306.148198 + -9 = 6523611297.148198 -358884735649.4314 + 61765 = -358884673884.4314 66 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999934 -9.767757820230141 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999990.23 127803567 + -23174750.870262213 = 104628816.1297378 -927 + -3.4545534123630923 = -930.4545534123631 1397144141251 + 73462502701 = 1470606643952 398900 + 7847 = 406747 428084852843.53973 + 23526556967.947662 = 451611409811.4874 585969850 + -6984436 = 578985414 -126 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999874.0 -68574659517.68815 + -567.6308156848611 = -68574660085.31896 92496981591.18199 + -3 = 92496981588.18199 -87121801674730.12 + -74.7737294019025 = -87121801674804.9 -169339 + -36 = -169375 994585669 + 23710.00815663154 = 994609379.0081567 729 + -4437 = -3708 -54 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000054.0 113292448 + -33548484708810.668 = -33548371416362.668 694385398437 + 56302968743.94415 = 750688367180.9441 77201739974851.47 + -76 = 77201739974775.47 100000000000000.0 + 234440.4074406093 = 100000000234440.4 -14751111073226.645 + -692007637 = -14751803080863.645 100000000000000 + 8907655929647.816 = 108907655929647.81 48353843909 + 224690427013 = 273044270922 -8970184629132.0 + 2 = -8970184629130.0 2 + 964311.8887684942 = 964313.8887684942 22867186131.575214 + -8729440730113 = -8706573543981.425 -574118124 + -3031771424 = -3605889548 -2471708.1304061133 + 642 = -2471066.1304061133 -608448514741.7462 + -9604090615024.371 = -10212539129766.117 7 + -140 = -133 705819759 + 534 = 705820293 51212721297186.95 + 442384581610.82605 = 51655105878797.78 4466853 + 2 = 4466855 -564.8296833813331 + 63329998501963 = 63329998501398.17 334517948726 + -8427232955.358362 = 326090715770.64166 5983553963.88716 + 446131007739.6543 = 452114561703.54144 89.14972329267488 + 1134399.0134197958 = 1134488.1631430883 -9917213081.211607 + -601801332 = -10519014413.211607 18300.54876127169 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999981699.45 600991522947.5938 + -69946510 = 600921576437.5938 52850120330607 + -925983056.3604922 = 52849194347550.64 4892194131.786577 + -71988045094 = -67095850962.213425 2522.303492112761 + -89489593589 = -89489591066.6965 67528484200.372116 + 8984507156 = 76512991356.37212 551946654.7302198 + -219828896646 = -219276949991.26978 912219430.774655 + 78.76140390222461 = 912219509.5360589 376617418147 + -5030.350227832722 = 376617413116.6498 -37280 + -1.152805981461374 = -37281.15280598146 -425 + -54079242.54371578 = -54079667.54371578 -8273275247940.965 + -42111857.197525926 = -8273317359798.162 9409 + 30 = 9439 -11.189239918672714 + -1252724519433.704 = -1252724519444.8933 -5.366617536920213 + -51731 = -51736.36661753692 400131.96767695306 + -47759656717697.77 = -47759656317565.805 601 + -4034768708.066453 = -4034768107.066453 -62 + -128895436806 = -128895436868 -60248135480.92193 + 100000000000000.0 = 99939751864519.08 506557790.2892539 + 769771344.5286033 = 1276329134.8178573 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 -636981014 + 100000000000000 = 99999363018986 4529353600.51351 + -290.7979247069194 = 4529353309.715585 -13125012297.72338 + -615575.2014931566 = -13125627872.924871 15818039622892.152 + -36767671686054.8 = -20949632063162.645 -7422934452308.143 + -53480.60694335182 = -7422934505788.75 9841143290 + 67947.18598462723 = 9841211237.185986 -9279 + -8519058826045 = -8519058835324 978360813988 + -916973638.7162117 = 977443840349.2838 -2897990086 + -6351387 = -2904341473 -100000000000000.0 + 32 = -99999999999968.0 33595207331.142094 + 835253452451 = 868848659782.1421 -4254666 + -6497502514.569153 = -6501757180.569153 5771804 + 22358561.24383369 = 28130365.24383369 -138913141 + 100000000000000 = 99999861086859 -21310044 + 69126422 = 47816378 9267 + 304 = 9571 87886637941 + -405190066763.18225 = -317303428822.18225 6.851350318455477 + -54350173 = -54350166.148649685 3291801.079041622 + 6747.68317772203 = 3298548.7622193443 -769640832844.203 + 71383873 = -769569448971.203 -244516992.6205181 + -51044327611850 = -51044572128842.62 -8.28449772617729 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000008.28 91770687 + 207 = 91770894 -53 + -53506759867 = -53506759920 -14 + -772157 = -772171 -88750 + 9902 = -78848 8578940038324 + -3113488439 = 8575826549885 18295101.070118822 + -8046765051.129419 = -8028469950.0593 -4211.241575256543 + 65.14003333817875 = -4146.101541918364 2460204.6960968073 + -479.25073215499435 = 2459725.445364652 215081.12654397092 + 456269176 = 456484257.126544 -52707 + 89432650512.9041 = 89432597805.9041 -100000000000000.0 + 8638 = -99999999991362.0 944236.3869234024 + 4.775514037013814 = 944241.1624374394 -95724790217961.88 + -73577052692554 = -169301842910515.88 -68694931823110 + -8490205602 = -68703422028712 -17725321238868.434 + -8056505501.663593 = -17733377744370.098 789513.493339228 + 4 = 789517.493339228 9492281 + -13685659282 = -13676167001 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 2007850677.0570145 + 63047133136 = 65054983813.057014 170483262 + -598594606.7038035 = -428111344.70380354 -79213454025 + 98816135229905 = 98736921775880 -9884208519 + -6.680324489102223 = -9884208525.680325 100000000000000.0 + 8.639874384541901 = 100000000000008.64 -24.80987442276427 + 299580339 = 299580314.1901256 -84825 + -28303.12066926031 = -113128.1206692603 -2081135.9864169445 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000002081135.98 -2738 + 2 = -2736 2268 + 33.80525103658812 = 2301.8052510365883 1564951 + -5 = 1564946 -661 + -7154 = -7815 -545.8905136768805 + -27745087 = -27745632.890513677 -362115909600.12634 + -952 = -362115910552.12634 1663524633 + 1 = 1663524634 373 + 437 = 810 -8645832.181439616 + -856722768.6441127 = -865368600.8255523 -9.787344346097074 + 1784.9083927974343 = 1775.1210484513372 6522403752347 + 39878333345 = 6562282085692 -972.4764111380155 + -48211363.265151136 = -48212335.74156228 -5537944515 + 40660760606 = 35122816091 100000000000000.0 + 638568281400.9302 = 100638568281400.94 -9034.712012611457 + 9556166350.495556 = 9556157315.783543 64265.07601137792 + 9856746.992693232 = 9921012.06870461 423737 + -1777.6674773541815 = 421959.3325226458 89185132321702 + -5284.579629650401 = 89185132316417.42 -6521.728693310715 + -89292397 = -89298918.7286933 -58.12989331028188 + -7.321326390182151 = -65.45121970046404 -9030 + -676131116150.6829 = -676131125180.6829 6913 + -83 = 6830 25.372631100372935 + -780164780.3218038 = -780164754.9491727 65159860329837 + 2241165 = 65159862571002 47706911.66501599 + -77 = 47706834.66501599 -1101977901913.65 + -525954269 = -1102503856182.65 -5 + 473 = 468 -321886165120 + 952309.3317280682 = -321885212810.6683 7273 + 76.9373744931979 = 7349.937374493198 -6292 + 79720455.66070281 = 79714163.66070281 -29.131623579763428 + -10771024.743913364 = -10771053.875536943 -77073602 + 91 = -77073511 -32620.348162586906 + -82 = -32702.348162586906 95.21012914858089 + 6305768 = 6305863.210129148 110.74662916165553 + -23174993.67301815 = -23174882.92638899 -100000000000000 + -596799250531 = -100596799250531 -607958857761.052 + 44602 = -607958813159.052 35645571 + 76116375462 = 76152021033 68965 + 851.1978495973839 = 69816.19784959739 203286398334 + -78 = 203286398256 -100000000000000.0 + 583186.0251543471 = -99999999416813.97 -878.1242001308229 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999121.88 -5614097197.439997 + -759218.2658609063 = -5614856415.705857 1784.5320981111665 + -261799 = -260014.46790188883 5457804981.653356 + 81342280 = 5539147261.653356 53559784666.61966 + 22852.760356322997 = 53559807519.38001 1392.5014442751758 + 6346435.249995275 = 6347827.751439551 877525352698 + -82977034642134 = -82099509289436 177 + -85139215 = -85139038 734228 + 848667 = 1582895 2921201494 + -12616856371 = -9695654877 677110707048 + 719431018 = 677830138066 4904968699173.131 + -38291471 = 4904930407702.131 -411.3476957990481 + 3.286788891220433 = -408.06090690782764 -37 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000037.0 -50613.59155053872 + -480226535 = -480277148.5915505 3025.98828936719 + -6923110 = -6920084.011710633 -89754855066.05379 + -8907.740983819454 = -89754863973.79477 -55054.29418017906 + 8964661 = 8909606.705819821 -90201608185754.44 + -6 = -90201608185760.44 718744339071 + -826875912820 = -108131573749 567 + 775977223.6031405 = 775977790.6031405 455.7502866081518 + -33976 = -33520.24971339185 286.0066094809884 + -653818.5545824609 = -653532.54797298 65616709340307.44 + 495404787386 = 66112114127693.44 -942496 + 756.8268994541714 = -941739.1731005459 -1113381 + 70227316.67747578 = 69113935.67747578 735143 + 9 = 735152 -357 + -1884216371090.5845 = -1884216371447.5845 583257830892 + 9.062348023027202 = 583257830901.0624 100000000000000.0 + 5019660306.123758 = 100005019660306.12 -93.9523362366215 + 733284.2322836301 = 733190.2799473935 93469 + -100000000000000 = -99999999906531 687165472750 + 871667 = 687166344417 100000000000000 + 8 = 100000000000008 -733.1316556771334 + -77839426205.48354 = -77839426938.61519 -319428316261 + 587782 = -319427728479 -21169716 + -214251743617.16724 = -214272913333.16724 88237137913473.31 + -319.78053962791694 = 88237137913153.53 -8787051286352.661 + -50254986 = -8787101541338.661 29509458 + -3902307111400.0005 = -3902277601942.0005 97381631.29356831 + 65838686041 = 65936067672.29357 -64287772 + 3729717489514.164 = 3729653201742.164 82541567162.41528 + 32.443662503730124 = 82541567194.85895 3879623396754 + 100000000000000.0 = 103879623396754.0 97858982.10761608 + -578805492549 = -578707633566.8923 -808664990 + -1585739905022 = -1586548570012 465319888802 + 2.1499707787610474 = 465319888804.14996 -333212158946 + 1681 = -333212157265 1.1730670402874497 + 589641632009 = 589641632010.1731 863 + 940754171.6071355 = 940755034.6071355 -832112.1880918397 + 73966717275 = 73965885162.8119 -343803.8436644786 + -55291.90753183762 = -399095.75119631627 237928 + 648092750485 = 648092988413 -38317692.61961162 + 397896622.73992336 = 359578930.12031174 -29025 + -79.09356508171803 = -29104.09356508172 611 + 2526464 = 2527075 1319 + -6269132.032711974 = -6267813.032711974 -67808834.14341792 + -92216168.74302524 = -160025002.88644317 17727052367244 + -54683508695425 = -36956456328181 6697729564 + -1.1125209775229252 = 6697729562.887479 -3.7405147192567774 + -9.958690251395796 = -13.699204970652573 -990414525340 + -110849528 = -990525374868 6543.811835128719 + -80836.50767079144 = -74292.69583566271 -30027 + 71423.43124174017 = 41396.43124174017 -8611201021 + 68127347390469.79 = 68118736189448.79 2500748.323727047 + 9 = 2500757.323727047 -286920437.4725627 + -100000000000000 = -100000286920437.47 -793623241.1421853 + 100000000000000 = 99999206376758.86 -20356131.168518726 + 348638.0184141147 = -20007493.150104612 28762228502.60195 + -6 = 28762228496.60195 80101392483762.28 + -21.191156858759342 = 80101392483741.1 -8714 + 444307150529.08704 = 444307141815.08704 -9865001.078202736 + -6437387.2961148545 = -16302388.37431759 -58787743686062.82 + 18.923240952179132 = -58787743686043.9 -7.10802411852771 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000007.11 51.09406339874435 + 55.80175764192267 = 106.89582104066702 20693382514787 + 97367 = 20693382612154 74051297 + -888404 = 73162893 16189427.550518546 + -9906970681737 = -9906954492309.45 60341 + -37412.86968305393 = 22928.130316946073 -100000000000000.0 + 87567 = -99999999912433.0 1977506 + -54523071.00666838 = -52545565.00666838 -9776851 + -9888656558 = -9898433409 -7472521.008542569 + -337901.3105237 = -7810422.319066269 100000000000000 + 6033058427728 = 106033058427728 9487083005456 + -69363986.7127797 = 9487013641469.287 8797158.7712955 + -60.56053577021307 = 8797098.210759731 -61622887344 + -852969886 = -62475857230 -3031976894 + -8507667 = -3040484561 11.017568184006173 + -875786.70488389 = -875775.6873157059 -38190253 + -893.4792384667135 = -38191146.479238465 -320729436 + 4 = -320729432 89778175596 + -1611 = 89778173985 941926211297.8802 + -993032 = 941925218265.8802 100000000000000.0 + 889474380.289762 = 100000889474380.3 8309809673323 + 1323480798095 = 9633290471418 9119336064.830494 + -1542792601386.1294 = -1533673265321.2988 74.50436543345734 + 7501.16524603225 = 7575.669611465708 -541558255499.30566 + 5686725474 = -535871530025.30566 350982 + 97154 = 448136 -100000000000000 + 7064636767.663295 = -99992935363232.34 -49 + 1481 = 1432 -710.653186334056 + -406243099 = -406243809.6531863 20745181.382803127 + -38840087 = -18094905.617196873 -4.014602472436127 + -9921677961 = -9921677965.014603 824579762887 + -6574442328.705233 = 818005320558.2948 2914625764.8612356 + 100000000000000.0 = 100002914625764.86 -87338052442 + 774.112557017151 = -87338051667.88744 -98224343994.22552 + 49750.150591197904 = -98224294244.07494 54495 + -100000000000000 = -99999999945505 32867803704.994564 + 515362115.3442023 = 33383165820.338768 38 + 437 = 475 100000000000000 + -40198113534 = 99959801886466 -883.8399728658408 + 863611.2948893809 = 862727.454916515 72 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999928.0 65891940990.161514 + 53859 = 65891994849.161514 72589896289.45003 + 6910850.580772265 = 72596807140.03079 1184326917351.7458 + -684650158.4681199 = 1183642267193.2778 40237964.364260174 + -82226 = 40155738.364260174 100000000000000 + 214 = 100000000000214 4502 + 95334 = 99836 -40 + -172290662 = -172290702 -12869265.653303176 + 729 = -12868536.653303176 13386004547.615025 + 3 = 13386004550.615025 -96663036.44881067 + 9.708026092203333 = -96663026.74078457 -7.062744960169922 + 95682795 = 95682787.93725504 -79403895401199.75 + 48193374.874140896 = -79403847207824.88 -2092622151007.3918 + 266206028 = -2092355944979.3918 -77 + 685 = 608 -1579747224314 + -2124.767137693002 = -1579747226438.767 100000000000000.0 + 732802855509.0585 = 100732802855509.06 -240596524 + -16479 = -240613003 -99688.00322568743 + 46492011794.53156 = 46491912106.528336 5.239584682752093 + -27620852283582.92 = -27620852283577.684 -63.191798509166226 + 25368 = 25304.808201490832 52180901.64451272 + 100000000000000 = 100000052180901.64 -82.74526196102671 + -6709.587036118532 = -6792.332298079558 -311 + -83357392419.10742 = -83357392730.10742 7310 + 2.079568816111482 = 7312.0795688161115 73109183 + -5358700728864 = -5358627619681 -771 + -3.331092478676228 = -774.3310924786763 -591134.8011288842 + 353429120 = 352837985.19887114 -40202943392.40964 + 9826 = -40202933566.40964 1127232011.2215664 + 810844952.910332 = 1938076964.1318984 -304891.0891704346 + -8962401.684569724 = -9267292.77374016 -50076828399.594765 + 76 = -50076828323.594765 -5104646972.768755 + 8.32896949899768 = -5104646964.439785 -5223 + 18618638 = 18613415 -100000000000000 + 88391577414055.72 = -11608422585944.281 -100000000000000 + -90937807248824 = -190937807248824 7 + -695369.8388075768 = -695362.8388075768 6387.134743491706 + 9918 = 16305.134743491706 -615 + 848077.7240791498 = 847462.7240791498 7140 + 4.081861714446147 = 7144.081861714446 -61972.68147550318 + -3372723679369 = -3372723741341.6816 -49309370407 + 2974293.901206509 = -49306396113.09879 33493802 + -54217221425 = -54183727623 -29411482826758.992 + 1993.8852501776828 = -29411482824765.105 -100000000000000 + 855456.4066557019 = -99999999144543.6 -4143.509270613189 + -20866.226432722353 = -25009.735703335544 87.33518502031336 + -73131928815297.94 = -73131928815210.61 -176255885225.69452 + 2944.04548665309 = -176255882281.64902 23079.265197246503 + -25.977051242639625 = 23053.288146003862 959922142176 + -7800228152164 = -6840306009988 31143422 + 277776458572.951 = 277807601994.951 -749 + 132353361.81934941 = 132352612.81934941 12391758719 + -7255 = 12391751464 800334553433.6829 + 2360922.421148815 = 800336914356.104 -100000000000000.0 + 1 = -99999999999999.0 100000000000000.0 + -9466633369665 = 90533366630335.0 -336597.14972157707 + 1575 = -335022.14972157707 -8079066724 + -68300885.9784989 = -8147367609.978498 538100089.5267887 + -49535187 = 488564902.5267887 -92883169101.28119 + 8388095.408085976 = -92874781005.87311 -463042491 + -5968477738476.163 = -5968940780967.163 20 + 46347682 = 46347702 -106 + 8500918 = 8500812 -530931.1343685497 + -770859549 = -771390480.1343685 533448394144 + 65 = 533448394209 -4 + -539670057 = -539670061 920757370189 + -10668075 = 920746702114 25681.190559586772 + -979362046.0833844 = -979336364.8928248 55079810.19317765 + -93437412.72129026 = -38357602.52811261 236091325543.8158 + -42487874485669.62 = -42251783160125.805 -876082828 + 88032732.8839985 = -788050095.1160015 -6 + 7825457974144 = 7825457974138 2880739912 + -7 = 2880739905 31740773673 + -24650028 = 31716123645 -4914552322161 + 5148259784.57836 = -4909404062376.422 -9040470882067 + 100000000000000.0 = 90959529117933.0 -717404018 + 1409 = -717402609 -79265.35749114213 + -41806569919 = -41806649184.35749 439 + 6654.109803631646 = 7093.109803631646 -85810074 + 913924610847 = 913838800773 -403519794666 + -9590730010 = -413110524676 92555658.17729488 + -580 = 92555078.17729488 8607741382 + 5120022.665954502 = 8612861404.665955 -6797 + -92286919788143 = -92286919794940 71088330.02128953 + 5078574 = 76166904.02128953 -25 + -477.31544240741505 = -502.31544240741505 -13 + -66998232841.49563 = -66998232854.49563 3804.9734627623725 + 1036256014 = 1036259818.9734628 5040045848572.885 + -83034784461 = 4957011064111.885 516517334547 + -100000000000000.0 = -99483482665453.0 16187391 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999983812609.0 756.7745053978326 + -332.3893588482084 = 424.3851465496242 -56771305.38039709 + 1.0786732398453798 = -56771304.301723845 64934325440273 + 100000000000000.0 = 164934325440273.0 -85 + -3.818773180697981 = -88.81877318069797 -83.23177250329276 + -199163794.85322738 = -199163878.0849999 36215967 + -92956801.12658699 = -56740834.12658699 -32330775.627612982 + 77 = -32330698.627612982 662814095924.8237 + -16015.658869304683 = 662814079909.1649 7415491.825108457 + -853739443.2704436 = -846323951.4453351 -6860284969.541979 + -43.842132978001324 = -6860285013.384111 -474082472307 + 329678731 = -473752793576 -374 + 433823574849 = 433823574475 -946 + 93312257624.74988 = 93312256678.74988 3786991038 + -5426 = 3786985612 -2241.0638915725394 + -9316063748512.31 = -9316063750753.375 -460092610444 + -92226139831100 = -92686232441544 -778476616619 + 53878174 = -778422738445 -9466966 + 789 = -9466177 -46.361812349964666 + 7.459084184399762 = -38.9027281655649 148168645184 + 5193 = 148168650377 -48 + -111928 = -111976 9451807 + -5019088272584.735 = -5019078820777.735 -100000000000000.0 + -513 = -100000000000513.0 96735167 + 44033.08114493543 = 96779200.08114493 -868 + -5 = -873 -5382 + -37363731855076 = -37363731860458 58355700918253.375 + 98 = 58355700918351.375 -3848532440443 + -1695432652.8217528 = -3850227873095.822 -100000000000000 + -4 = -100000000000004 51768713393.960304 + -5277612583870.275 = -5225843870476.315 -55940 + -916.6890415279026 = -56856.689041527905 4139780189 + 100000000000000.0 = 100004139780189.0 405140361374.7849 + 82697 = 405140444071.7849 80713007038 + 736621412882 = 817334419920 520.3888497770738 + -12367373366518 = -12367373365997.611 751825508229.9042 + -1440 = 751825506789.9042 2812.382933263605 + 64643793275.97396 = 64643796088.356895 -94 + 58444089 = 58443995 99 + -76 = 23 -17590469744048.732 + -63.56341723579247 = -17590469744112.295 3301385.5165577233 + -465817450.49171877 = -462516064.9751611 43133686669 + -28.09617884665521 = 43133686640.903824 -100000000000000.0 + -575399915 = -100000575399915.0 -3846002 + 57326294550087.56 = 57326290704085.56 -250052169925.80075 + -555.5075302555765 = -250052170481.3083 3 + -5.6546252323376835 = -2.6546252323376835 -26.397322041956237 + 945935.3745849708 = 945908.9772629288 -4900028916.160688 + 100000000000000 = 99995099971083.84 -1 + 2.612473033876542 = 1.612473033876542 9703 + -7977211406331 = -7977211396628 -3157682941.149128 + -492666445720.835 = -495824128661.98413 -191.73528348833176 + -22859865876.176678 = -22859866067.91196 -7511 + 94898812 = 94891301 956715 + -76832836.87964153 = -75876121.87964153 37 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999963.0 442403.3570555412 + -1306588 = -864184.6429444589 2804.3039711404454 + 716 = 3520.3039711404454 630115289.3478729 + 528952 = 630644241.3478729 806088489373.8536 + 100000000000000.0 = 100806088489373.86 -35284 + 5101266.727504256 = 5065982.727504256 -1 + 4547817.5174610885 = 4547816.5174610885 -46.6299033056864 + 21337409.333874367 = 21337362.70397106 -71043585814470.66 + -471558512.8898479 = -71044057372983.55 -39.259349134908064 + -148.37098597653775 = -187.63033511144582 500128.5635119308 + 225.95313905424322 = 500354.51665098505 300615.2138966797 + 239.4308337268473 = 300854.6447304065 84830 + 92728 = 177558 34028077377.604233 + 3306728.9904872854 = 34031384106.59472 849358523456 + -9002 = 849358514454 -383316609832 + -755129174161.5123 = -1138445783993.5122 34033.19415275827 + -177501621346 = -177501587312.80585 8363987.670297454 + 47823486531.1262 = 47831850518.79649 -158350748 + 62321071660 = 62162720912 -47671479 + -693045962.1152625 = -740717441.1152625 -54746928.50971894 + -76451 = -54823379.50971894 -3970873924 + -3056499927.4089413 = -7027373851.408941 679830846 + 66734180424 = 67414011270 219845 + -6631 = 213214 -3125 + 1969133.913543996 = 1966008.913543996 100000000000000 + 85614204 = 100000085614204 92254 + 2.4037786690950766 = 92256.40377866909 4140.414500290161 + -40863546570 = -40863542429.5855 -452382834778 + -307657353329.2363 = -760040188107.2363 -4400727326283 + -9 = -4400727326292 -503 + -315.0110921288523 = -818.0110921288523 51850002588070 + 6249468.221368614 = 51850008837538.22 -6725192702 + 935907088.4594619 = -5789285613.540538 8845127970 + 28895476747572 = 28904321875542 -2912959.1753892116 + -44170837566192.555 = -44170840479151.73 -30817229 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000030817229.0 980.4180741300468 + 45 = 1025.4180741300468 -229.3398447144429 + -188.07026703626354 = -417.41011175070645 -6251 + 89 = -6162 473 + -60949843824.0113 = -60949843351.0113 -315827250.18952125 + 22835 = -315804415.18952125 -999353127 + 271494511 = -727858616 -18 + 98.82585036191529 = 80.82585036191529 -360790254889.37506 + 863780254 = -359926474635.37506 -11075741139 + 5.394711427684562 = -11075741133.60529 51703187886894.2 + -6 = 51703187886888.2 -1901 + -65191 = -67092 7 + 3469233745.7030783 = 3469233752.7030783 -42590410479 + 3936015586 = -38654394893 17247.45185600363 + 93199924 = 93217171.451856 26242080801329 + 19601790.997302964 = 26242100403119.996 -943558.4796492321 + -613617 = -1557175.4796492322 -3.338795839808669 + 2 = -1.338795839808669 -2623766507 + 105519761814.07341 = 102895995307.07341 42613.69818967434 + 252.12970292747636 = 42865.82789260182 4036029.615145892 + 4413792.851196707 = 8449822.466342598 991423462.6725746 + 21312689967216 = 21313681390678.67 12056399836986.18 + -155 = 12056399836831.18 -100000000000000 + -60267226854 = -100060267226854 884459.5737407263 + 100000000000000 = 100000000884459.58 -57 + 345123389.9138856 = 345123332.9138856 -39 + -961289500157 = -961289500196 645253207.6389673 + 100000000000000 = 100000645253207.64 3975 + -777529 = -773554 743184075167 + 438407062 = 743622482229 6405774.77746535 + -9.999118359945657 = 6405764.77834699 -90586657783.06494 + 94884.19724438504 = -90586562898.86769 91498679964327 + 2974283 = 91498682938610 1158506701 + 590749422.0235746 = 1749256123.0235746 688.0042725304562 + 577507 = 578195.0042725304 -100000000000000 + -734402.606731183 = -100000000734402.61 -35899277562237.516 + 669706573356.905 = -35229570988880.61 73674881397592.23 + 6304785773588.52 = 79979667171180.75 3170970 + -257782.3899540835 = 2913187.6100459164 -35371132616 + -996639906271 = -1032011038887 -100000000000000.0 + 4516021606089 = -95483978393911.0 -9987141 + 100000000000000 = 99999990012859 42713810345.03154 + 72300255614410 = 72342969424755.03 8 + 750 = 758 4347692738542.5425 + -745337258.9346066 = 4346947401283.608 178423473641 + -703.1454199309603 = 178423472937.85458 69313809828.87134 + 46453580080 = 115767389908.87134 -100000000000000 + 167.1902618629929 = -99999999999832.81 100000000000000.0 + -2.174110072292361 = 99999999999997.83 -7259.787095408284 + -2974349668.940007 = -2974356928.7271028 4 + 93196050.2904237 = 93196054.2904237 -100000000000000 + -5411770906.927728 = -100005411770906.92 -100000000000000.0 + 2.4109669244768517 = -99999999999997.6 -555.1522445081531 + -96445436783378.64 = -96445436783933.8 -577 + -3801037503.852974 = -3801038080.852974 94.72930165169528 + 32394970884752 = 32394970884846.73 -7155051992 + 228270986.2655716 = -6926781005.734428 74053 + 96 = 74149 61998076129.13021 + 99.28271729511452 = 61998076228.412926 15917983743 + -79 = 15917983664 -835663762.29867 + 38171551056565.84 = 38170715392803.55 29876.29601282156 + 3819412627238.587 = 3819412657114.883 -5524261893.799628 + 654.1929718512957 = -5524261239.606656 52621 + 336 = 52957 -84.43860364273371 + 78111498384250.3 = 78111498384165.86 695619717.8635354 + -18060835501088 = -18060139881370.137 9341587 + -881158369.7568365 = -871816782.7568365 7.673890183211937 + -8154335856934 = -8154335856926.326 -73302722338.84717 + 7214527884 = -66088194454.84717 9733030.501235768 + -38106090.57782019 = -28373060.07658442 -88890 + 27607038455 = 27606949565 -900348516835.4685 + -97416614.50538723 = -900445933449.9739 47035170283.79774 + -5100434276883.484 = -5053399106599.687 -5530.513276923407 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000005530.52 13 + -4906637.472980812 = -4906624.472980812 -1865265084920.249 + 5 = -1865265084915.249 87750340 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000087750340.0 413554615778.8575 + -386621019.0515942 = 413167994759.8059 1376 + 5058.247376781304 = 6434.247376781304 8199.637151622741 + -881416 = -873216.3628483772 264340 + -1 = 264339 -44.34742925607767 + -5459243 = -5459287.347429256 31797.521269316763 + 60121 = 91918.52126931676 677523039140.1934 + 100000000000000.0 = 100677523039140.19 -21571027554133.57 + 15485222154.420431 = -21555542331979.15 100000000000000 + -3327887738.0975704 = 99996672112261.9 100000000000000.0 + -948444 = 99999999051556.0 54974 + -100000000000000 = -99999999945026 -6699405189988.233 + -82497.55017769973 = -6699405272485.783 56785 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999943215.0 749199 + 82.73577415370124 = 749281.7357741537 6379298786696.096 + -144 = 6379298786552.096 -21173567971 + -790.5861851294978 = -21173568761.586185 38.43074770521089 + -98 = -59.56925229478911 -1.179981699566014 + 51274.32058254109 = 51273.14060084153 922340885.4938332 + 318569.33237640304 = 922659454.8262095 9902616383 + -6305.458307856853 = 9902610077.541693 559621320 + 534584.3168634713 = 560155904.3168634 -43432211 + -154910131149.32593 = -154953563360.32593 9755969518.409756 + 38000.29606719868 = 9756007518.705822 94830990.92805745 + 412243718 = 507074708.92805743 -95324592 + 9431380478.284866 = 9336055886.284866 -30035433060.255833 + -568094.1469773718 = -30036001154.40281 -7.572265229366537 + 2349253301604.742 = 2349253301597.17 -87855 + 3904 = -83951 -380.11340851665886 + 863326 = 862945.8865914834 -6 + 698845.4254804256 = 698839.4254804256 -6672.320808706959 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000006672.33 -33 + -62655676726814.66 = -62655676726847.66 79882665628933.25 + 4.262328773610841 = 79882665628937.52 100000000000000 + 2875.7917946672173 = 100000000002875.8 45485570 + 631107909366.6025 = 631153394936.6025 -871.8409747306982 + 6.915679251745464 = -864.9252954789528 -38285443423 + -3231.3995295285254 = -38285446654.39953 -615330389562.817 + -75535689569878.6 = -76151019959441.4 9715692847.734055 + -283.1172883350731 = 9715692564.616766 -64386773 + -70469109144.75964 = -70533495917.75964 -4323504297.587849 + -8782210887210 = -8786534391507.588 -4.230362511842214 + -59256936672 = -59256936676.23036 9653 + -488.42655073588577 = 9164.573449264115 -5150326521 + 385430919699 = 380280593178 29555205.09510614 + 55294102.04306474 = 84849307.13817088 6.547531942489611 + -324730244028 = -324730244021.45245 -7781066056070.279 + -74 = -7781066056144.279 36013 + 5718714488.790269 = 5718750501.790269 34757705472513 + 100000000000000.0 = 134757705472513.0 -267 + 5632727.5309855 = 5632460.5309855 -28492057492202.81 + 510 = -28492057491692.81 -8970152210.315506 + -71842.7355855854 = -8970224053.051092 -85.7066275238168 + -7313743.5943206735 = -7313829.300948197 7109895.55859923 + -14695 = 7095200.55859923 77970 + -15977826043387.94 = -15977825965417.94 3990235615358.6216 + -40 = 3990235615318.6216 -3846391469 + 38425669408593 = 38421823017124 25854.669367557646 + -3143079.9258580706 = -3117225.2564905128 71780507542063 + 44539225235.77342 = 71825046767298.77 -440476342815.03796 + 8675360.085067485 = -440467667454.9529 -5912.812119859898 + -230879947.36211506 = -230885860.17423493 60744 + -100000000000000 = -99999999939256 -4159893896079 + -6867096 = -4159900763175 5238599564.134104 + 739 = 5238600303.134104 849086167.7342063 + -9.254366125190263 = 849086158.4798402 -417 + 7983.857103372036 = 7566.857103372036 -382039569.1304278 + 94896311091 = 94514271521.86957 -92277172.25263417 + 309558591111.7488 = 309466313939.49615 965469299386 + 75826977580440 = 76792446879826 -232464903912.0277 + -6829732134 = -239294636046.0277 -86 + -79.4785530586318 = -165.4785530586318 53120602311.779854 + 100000000000000.0 = 100053120602311.78 -22331 + -6057619261622.206 = -6057619283953.206 -229528905361.6332 + -100000000000000 = -100229528905361.64 -26207408434.804237 + -8776895925741.515 = -8803103334176.318 880678466.9700735 + -53831338 = 826847128.9700735 3697009665446 + 78481473623576.45 = 82178483289022.45 4317673 + 370084141039.4296 = 370088458712.4296 96483599513206.2 + 410712.26175452094 = 96483599923918.47 -4.610857135294827 + -91909515331.31882 = -91909515335.92967 302429488877.7765 + 8306135.702284517 = 302437795013.47876 -505284 + 12442.010053180278 = -492841.9899468197 -65251590 + -446939207078 = -447004458668 -96725477799.1607 + 3617.7098223248145 = -96725474181.45088 -138662967 + -86266196579.5217 = -86404859546.5217 29723.786248484 + 749 = 30472.786248484 -100000000000000 + -313702318928.35266 = -100313702318928.36 -59360594 + 7139089971930 = 7139030611336 -779322205 + 74.88859215266079 = -779322130.1114079 -99898120558933 + 79.70364982250538 = -99898120558853.3 -899.8784336785625 + 12 = -887.8784336785625 -4649709.899439341 + -43439 = -4693148.899439341 -21598560062 + 47416925904340 = 47395327344278 715317960582.4283 + 100000000000000.0 = 100715317960582.42 16174042941824.027 + 8228069140496 = 24402112082320.027 3101288 + -86177.60692581737 = 3015110.393074183 -8487288620 + -100000000000000.0 = -100008487288620.0 -7 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000007 100000000000000 + -65386 = 99999999934614 788 + -5170183526189 = -5170183525401 -5216137258.263351 + 156.3672856300086 = -5216137101.896066 3937156501.343162 + 456681 = 3937613182.343162 1447141924.7607164 + -990231 = 1446151693.7607164 -69216.52845771897 + 3.821677677171306 = -69212.7067800418 -18 + 9 = -9 8633134887475.906 + -2110711.249666254 = 8633132776764.656 4640729532311 + -7294.442656777468 = 4640729525016.558 509783246.34016 + 16767434090.707487 = 17277217337.047646 -57712 + -3 = -57715 9788.969304381775 + 51134904985668.41 = 51134904995457.375 1684803887.312291 + 578167 = 1685382054.312291 90359699045372.31 + 574655151231 = 90934354196603.31 -9.745392803842018 + 3812051.2057857285 = 3812041.4603929245 52 + -67292.81963272647 = -67240.81963272647 -740409194423 + 5293522.397428985 = -740403900900.6025 970562133 + -903.3173298377106 = 970561229.6826701 -4954945334 + 4672766763 = -282178571 -65401 + -8633670 = -8699071 378277151497 + -8975780988350.965 = -8597503836853.965 -59663.348392231004 + -363390190 = -363449853.34839225 -47162.39708503294 + 2284.2815957581197 = -44878.11548927482 -1846961147.7579057 + -7847.949907914328 = -1846968995.7078137 3948172236 + -9633421 = 3938538815 -83596020140.2799 + -5 = -83596020145.2799 251358.19938016776 + -9982658618.842157 = -9982407260.642776 1.4119691915196424 + -472 = -470.58803080848037 -100000000000000.0 + 190565.07072652012 = -99999999809434.92 3 + -15184731028591 = -15184731028588 412869 + -82.61686455072748 = 412786.38313544926 -7.532587504211141 + -87 = -94.53258750421114 24730994 + -38548.144045459245 = 24692445.85595454 -47.58904912695663 + 133053.38567638374 = 133005.7966272568 -2546 + 4351135964241.1074 = 4351135961695.1074 190 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000190 -92463222384.26672 + -2176148543275 = -2268611765659.2666 961181816.4125407 + -9921.00137684146 = 961171895.4111638 728726622055 + 100000000000000 = 100728726622055 -84920049.71711683 + -22192 = -84942241.71711683 -498423745.7166421 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000498423745.72 -974831.3871070518 + 3158617671233.573 = 3158616696402.186 -73079236098.93497 + 30500652127226 = 30427572891127.066 -5000437302522 + -100000000000000 = -105000437302522 -413026045 + 87458210627680.89 = 87457797601635.89 13074917 + 6978.667445514448 = 13081895.667445514 -851.9488519201296 + -1468372626705 = -1468372627556.9487 57016990 + -100000000000000 = -99999942983010 9027 + -947186.1367851433 = -938159.1367851433 -16.160340649409996 + -102956578833 = -102956578849.16034 100000000000000.0 + -64032.56187789315 = 99999999935967.44 -14708722666.225578 + 405335323.6053048 = -14303387342.620274 6348487241422 + 71279538170818.44 = 77628025412240.44 5536.397587153916 + -39.51636936327171 = 5496.881217790644 57892933261068.18 + -533598.9387671959 = 57892932727469.24 84374906828.2867 + 4286089018992.6987 = 4370463925820.9854 5.6133730569322395 + 854 = 859.6133730569322 387.0110825138725 + 62903390961.7297 = 62903391348.74078 -81045 + 336563214940 = 336563133895 567918091 + 100000000000000 = 100000567918091 956 + 5226819276 = 5226820232 6194061502550.564 + 9018153531924 = 15212215034474.564 87626.70101726997 + 6 = 87632.70101726997 798330888 + -217 = 798330671 -4 + 9084649.86754565 = 9084645.86754565 27926835887.327057 + -100000000000000.0 = -99972073164112.67 249 + -991800612825.5985 = -991800612576.5985 62881358290173 + 91002.0891173434 = 62881358381175.086 -33003580 + 3.871827811218452 = -33003576.12817219 -54988 + -68.37369400435034 = -55056.37369400435 -100000000000000.0 + 713653 = -99999999286347.0 -191089502 + -110900456923 = -111091546425 48470783864578 + -7348655.664666056 = 48470776515922.336 100000000000000 + -2118.160648359076 = 99999999997881.84 100000000000000.0 + -9263596097 = 99990736403903.0 627532.7077167754 + 3930700 = 4558232.707716775 -54107.81352884477 + 369832201492 = 369832147384.18646 -100000000000000 + 5254844 = -99999994745156 -6056.312514784472 + 1 = -6055.312514784472 54872108652519 + 109 = 54872108652628 -8917501994996.805 + -468.3489924461834 = -8917501995465.154 3 + -6068601 = -6068598 59 + 10855 = 10914 -6283591634823 + 356304524473 = -5927287110350 -821590696127.5004 + 7282297938.504717 = -814308398188.9956 -96 + -706079 = -706175 -231019 + -9.897260850718062 = -231028.89726085073 -5 + -7633932 = -7633937 -93637600452 + -78340397080873.31 = -78434034681325.31 -18187834.034370724 + -32 = -18187866.034370724 2907171864523.1465 + 35945467901761.56 = 38852639766284.71 952981 + 8058.5493347698 = 961039.5493347698 -906715584.6089646 + -65809638980498.38 = -65810545696082.99 531.152506472775 + 2703179.665738917 = 2703710.8182453895 -2177879551471.5713 + 10754.461447141151 = -2177879540717.1099 663952830225.2115 + 9 = 663952830234.2115 -52.666399981200755 + 7909634349867 = 7909634349814.334 7319588.028453136 + -455006 = 6864582.028453136 45879590 + -61 = 45879529 -778.509851163766 + -1854204993202.399 = -1854204993980.9087 100000000000000 + 7533 = 100000000007533 4.187697541871588 + -247 = -242.8123024581284 -13.178264314530288 + -2901962.0047277687 = -2901975.182992083 9761906866688.352 + 12.29340063866246 = 9761906866700.645 -412.1498078310865 + -67.78894187916339 = -479.9387497102499 5388683723456.631 + -4.348137521020563 = 5388683723452.283 -75106226666129 + -6 = -75106226666135 9 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000009.0 966355 + 4 = 966359 -173902.02129858892 + -253234.99364135406 = -427137.014939943 659807.1531363074 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000659807.16 -711 + 7572179011 = 7572178300 -6 + -932 = -938 -636.7937719373174 + 166391840 = 166391203.20622808 5153 + -24618.396613174074 = -19465.396613174074 -5442.512369897725 + 10042677247 = 10042671804.48763 -873 + -21861 = -22734 -832902350444 + -54 = -832902350498 57374331.13176751 + 50938 = 57425269.13176751 100000000000000 + 523090969.205865 = 100000523090969.2 31976780746 + -8343840883.110889 = 23632939862.88911 98864.20353896066 + -8957939 = -8859074.79646104 -100000000000000.0 + -70194.23406280101 = -100000000070194.23 -487914932 + 198305 = -487716627 501 + -372.08252173646605 = 128.91747826353395 407377.8369677518 + 497568 = 904945.8369677518 550867 + 2719 = 553586 -7159323302415 + 2825450.09674573 = -7159320476964.903 21 + -2172288777.760723 = -2172288756.760723 784 + -5473.075308816591 = -4689.075308816591 4901913.976282101 + 4 = 4901917.976282101 -67360 + -9684249122819 = -9684249190179 -320 + -59.51715903098993 = -379.51715903098994 2791 + 74442647623 = 74442650414 -3487266.698290263 + 8461 = -3478805.698290263 5037412 + -39 = 5037373 1681853430 + 13388.80254866165 = 1681866818.8025486 -3 + -41793814 = -41793817 -49160118335257.68 + -543841840338 = -49703960175595.68 -996.1061025185061 + 13138388331.558754 = 13138387335.452652 -7617387709 + -82063167213.9991 = -89680554922.9991 -5596556394 + 6928477 = -5589627917 2235693 + 587526952793.6155 = 587529188486.6155 -100000000000000 + 92458129000.80515 = -99907541870999.19 53864239591426 + 970365.2766645867 = 53864240561791.27 100000000000000 + -62 = 99999999999938 -286385.3389474541 + -44046259.523979425 = -44332644.86292688 130.71769784368473 + 72 = 202.71769784368473 2658792775.709673 + -631 = 2658792144.709673 -30.77663781347787 + -975679.371861671 = -975710.1484994844 38548 + 5164163145582.014 = 5164163184130.014 -9030965.667499233 + 8118850.247864453 = -912115.4196347799 -1016363247258.928 + -6606343070006.573 = -7622706317265.501 54275107430792 + -57776711613136 = -3501604182344 -86615586911 + -1248465.981119095 = -86616835376.98112 1092072502.3331194 + 6739471918 = 7831544420.333119 -92 + -11417587.75196343 = -11417679.75196343 -100000000000000 + 674527 = -99999999325473 38461320895.80504 + 56159 = 38461377054.80504 -54951336949704 + 100000000000000 = 45048663050296 -975737967026.122 + -100000000000000.0 = -100975737967026.12 -9072 + 890105015 = 890095943 100000000000000.0 + -2177189 = 99999997822811.0 -144846879447.60168 + 86831823682035 = 86686976802587.39 7.882081920225349 + -8777827846 = -8777827838.117918 -61045562 + -4682.404350379322 = -61050244.40435038 65439386509542 + 8340434 = 65439394849976 638.2535204916301 + 981918.5267936768 = 982556.7803141684 -62407508 + -3649 = -62411157 -33251470557.25993 + 85 = -33251470472.25993 77.67441483974972 + 48602988798272.32 = 48602988798349.99 -764 + -75593882 = -75594646 -51389237 + -100000000000000 = -100000051389237 -23271079688862 + 90145959.79850625 = -23270989542902.203 -15.591667872044116 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000015.6 -5239 + 32137 = 26898 -7699285.690607174 + -81804620336 = -81812319621.69061 -48 + -424218 = -424266 100000000000000.0 + 9928 = 100000000009928.0 -214.775826196183 + -82560.42726549788 = -82775.20309169407 39825301563 + 115 = 39825301678 91626343 + 55207429986 = 55299056329 66530003633 + -744811495116.8335 = -678281491483.8335 20.63849402652252 + 1124724 = 1124744.6384940266 -100000000000000 + -48616766.594647825 = -100000048616766.6 -5256916574461.035 + 95482802088.66504 = -5161433772372.37 -426 + -5136697 = -5137123 -29693092239 + 229 = -29693092010 537.3148577338832 + -55.720549567567474 = 481.5943081663157 -375 + 98327306.78376335 = 98326931.78376335 11 + 5390.267893426011 = 5401.267893426011 8217285883.931169 + 88086156645 = 96303442528.93117 520105194889.18317 + 17272661.784327865 = 520122467550.96747 562 + 51 = 613 -57909700.991818674 + -94 = -57909794.991818674 -50992161.44855092 + -96362898721599 = -96362949713760.45 -2807537757.967388 + 39 = -2807537718.967388 7779972832890 + 2134593873774.403 = 9914566706664.402 -270 + -32844.72842730314 = -33114.72842730314 -649726183 + 836309.2308792581 = -648889873.7691207 53719861.145692654 + -91683924934.25969 = -91630205073.114 -85403373770299.64 + 32288305.1793876 = -85403341481994.47 19640 + 24454511.090593413 = 24474151.090593413 6768758.388413142 + -78572384416 = -78565615657.61159 -745720339432 + -28471783311 = -774192122743 -1203314892085.7495 + -7817072477393 = -9020387369478.75 -70596.66164927647 + -7773551466.473176 = -7773622063.134826 974783 + 5888773726891.216 = 5888774701674.216 498027 + 23596292301826.645 = 23596292799853.645 53041 + 7128731832 = 7128784873 616594219.2709357 + 3162319863.918841 = 3778914083.1897764 66 + -78 = -12 -309151818941 + -906.8917190479015 = -309151819847.8917 -373183404 + -456930 = -373640334 -3905152934.4859247 + -78388985276 = -82294138210.48593 10619 + 68562304570829.29 = 68562304581448.29 2516434294 + 84.24621769185747 = 2516434378.2462177 -211827.0759418523 + -4965114384 = -4965326211.075942 -812572209.3830274 + 3354227995.968271 = 2541655786.585243 732065255859.04 + 177 = 732065256036.04 9354945414.249552 + -909083910499 = -899728965084.7505 -59491 + 9507979784554 = 9507979725063 102663 + -9654082206.362728 = -9653979543.362728 -436289616719 + 67.4830005667335 = -436289616651.517 -8865863 + 68521560453702 = 68521551587839 2887.3779999769795 + -617794310.3657215 = -617791422.9877214 100000000000000.0 + -7362205.828981512 = 99999992637794.17 6941710453669 + 9661338 = 6941720115007 -830152680179.4774 + -3474129 = -830156154308.4774 26503780812.185608 + 447690115812.3667 = 474193896624.5523 -17011294003.807648 + 691872.5722204515 = -17010602131.235428 -27696903353298.45 + 42635924233.79399 = -27654267429064.656 -436886337929 + -100000000000000.0 = -100436886337929.0 -78.7801856458421 + -7 = -85.7801856458421 -12787714.689015761 + -4.695231805707441 = -12787719.384247568 3017736.1812281176 + -737521 = 2280215.1812281176 803546.4303049062 + 9603.937756020465 = 813150.3680609267 11264368 + -94527473623 = -94516209255 2392582 + -1 = 2392581 92673027.37959251 + 736592255.1190536 = 829265282.4986461 -7888470994 + -155153019673.4108 = -163041490667.4108 209369.53645676607 + 130.8986081404324 = 209500.43506490652 61721.329293585906 + 578570.3320876856 = 640291.6613812714 3.210622652441514 + 845038 = 845041.2106226524 -9.571194579076883 + -62 = -71.57119457907689 78.00424519309715 + -11 = 67.00424519309715 727430246498.3334 + -100000000000000 = -99272569753501.67 -23.00575339940132 + -53922510770743 = -53922510770766.01 28507634.549127005 + -1 = 28507633.549127005 -74211.48261414614 + -248331 = -322542.48261414614 -958781499060.9603 + -32335235444525.176 = -33294016943586.137 -10659732 + -3389 = -10663121 6624 + 800070686.1701689 = 800077310.1701689 -100000000000000 + -509973.0379800117 = -100000000509973.03 -100000000000000 + 88580 = -99999999911420 19 + -856484201209.807 = -856484201190.807 100000000000000.0 + -3851 = 99999999996149.0 99663268089 + 100000000000000 = 100099663268089 900.0224319915787 + -133 = 767.0224319915787 -492.01920724611574 + 40523780 = 40523287.98079275 187387 + -363271092.79580545 = -363083705.79580545 1029798.9101550241 + -19436886425937 = -19436885396138.09 -915629660904 + 8373.567273280463 = -915629652530.4327 8.678191544195524 + -66156734695.032074 = -66156734686.35388 -55328386667340.016 + 7441254964.58592 = -55320945412375.43 -6 + -91506.42923559684 = -91512.42923559684 -54570780.30654304 + -853818908.2592987 = -908389688.5658417 -47 + -24234245089 = -24234245136 89708.59580153077 + -4.437774768681599 = 89704.15802676209 -25 + -628204483950.3887 = -628204483975.3887 288360 + -6826685321.50753 = -6826396961.50753 674 + -2432.4978706892784 = -1758.4978706892784 -33348027 + 495834906.3879344 = 462486879.3879344 -24618418.480538815 + 43490672543 = 43466054124.51946 -933.0339208944165 + 5.573392760297652 = -927.4605281341188 776264053776.5935 + -32924 = 776264020852.5935 90422158182 + -91009421 = 90331148761 -100000000000000.0 + -9510.094100686789 = -100000000009510.1 755704 + 452713519574 = 452714275278 -21117469454 + -192.0716536312364 = -21117469646.071655 -851 + 16036434474 = 16036433623 100000000000000 + -8633168343891 = 91366831656109 96159 + -935 = 95224 -12489043432684 + -9816.835356210022 = -12489043442500.836 -579684822.063458 + -616948 = -580301770.063458 -68569263512 + -697744620.6757126 = -69267008132.67572 -4 + -2.5183131111662442 = -6.518313111166244 1300671648732.418 + -437166394 = 1300234482338.418 -92.48099580025294 + -37039016655788 = -37039016655880.484 -993 + -5878 = -6871 1583362008184 + 2994495315.4705057 = 1586356503499.4705 296904 + -707325680.3087964 = -707028776.3087964 92084077511.00388 + 3872110456.948462 = 95956187967.95233 345195.2115658674 + -754381295.6148306 = -754036100.4032648 3635 + -5339.9780665775725 = -1704.9780665775725 -57394792 + -6401 = -57401193 6895325.7884799745 + -88601498860.42786 = -88594603534.63937 100000000000000.0 + 9921727242472.158 = 109921727242472.16 542 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999458.0 10291755729342.443 + -31.924663716590782 = 10291755729310.52 3290875841552.018 + 83521192587 = 3374397034139.018 4.078615268646044 + 949889176.133664 = 949889180.2122793 -23765844 + -692 = -23766536 9554857.433333317 + -9095972 = 458885.4333333168 4985404 + 895568319860.1692 = 895573305264.1692 -9098870919 + -6035841734430.528 = -6044940605349.528 4792552381141 + -21725626.186228544 = 4792530655514.813 11467273184.04988 + -7959 = 11467265225.04988 -3128879 + -24116043 = -27244922 413 + 47 = 460 -9044640957.83906 + -87365269932375.95 = -87374314573333.8 -28937791 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000028937791.0 -7728 + 898.1582385834633 = -6829.841761416536 55812304950.12611 + 88058 = 55812393008.12611 9974352120563 + 100000000000000 = 109974352120563 -362951 + 98057166844219 = 98057166481268 1448709835363 + 55264.624607675076 = 1448709890627.6245 -61945.59043411963 + 5926505316.971328 = 5926443371.380894 -867.8663796648508 + 89230377846663 = 89230377845795.14 -856798650680.5602 + -293407758768.6206 = -1150206409449.1807 53.21070007953755 + -3417107 = -3417053.7892999207 -40532538643371.28 + 6860606608100.825 = -33671932035270.457 -3588696814.010087 + -111555800304.6611 = -115144497118.67119 -80894020212283.81 + 3892588 = -80894016319695.81 995.3779608687348 + -10835529.931675676 = -10834534.553714808 77000120390529 + -458344.35529631516 = 77000119932184.64 31573199739 + -21873242551.848 = 9699957187.152 3 + 89 = 92 80779141 + -4915800407.775326 = -4835021266.775326 16294 + 13538738700947.178 = 13538738717241.178 -29 + 18198638 = 18198609 -14875943295687 + 6993 = -14875943288694 100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 34445583770.64461 + -7 = 34445583763.64461 2255901861651.4014 + 69.43344678486562 = 2255901861720.835 676 + -2009389 = -2008713 -688074 + 703663889.7297876 = 702975815.7297876 99122 + 1669878411844 = 1669878510966 -34945863115.40057 + 78316.15999513323 = -34945784799.24058 -153 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999847 9796263.587515775 + 7532.9615829146005 = 9803796.54909869 891613843433.5377 + 683 = 891613844116.5377 87388870166845.23 + 3 = 87388870166848.23 -27554.83067337387 + -25 = -27579.83067337387 -73244794 + 4562 = -73240232 19565 + -9678 = 9887 -6992834762119 + 7.530002777492628 = -6992834762111.47 5636383 + 837 = 5637220 -499013287.4043047 + -965976 = -499979263.4043047 100000000000000 + -945975245288.3042 = 99054024754711.7 -1 + 889730.9687110452 = 889729.9687110452 -63306717 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000063306717.0 55966.84344583266 + -830880.5764972637 = -774913.7330514311 -8623285546 + -22122244 = -8645407790 64423532.55590994 + 820 = 64424352.55590994 7 + -8671974464 = -8671974457 -219 + -62537053044629.28 = -62537053044848.28 -8161024947 + -6119 = -8161031066 -1289833.3644627647 + -3169.763349026291 = -1293003.127811791 -88 + 852886 = 852798 368875273078 + 2026.821109202516 = 368875275104.8211 -5 + -3571391111292.818 = -3571391111297.818 7284.505205565579 + -9432399531 = -9432392246.494795 -7404678800177.629 + 50351707352454.945 = 42947028552277.31 9850 + -7385973 = -7376123 -78663 + 2022.126788751024 = -76640.87321124898 -974045036 + 23640182776195.4 = 23639208731159.4 -7083345744003.784 + 51815060206469.96 = 44731714462466.18 716.1997993758039 + -7751627360.578413 = -7751626644.378613 5655.5318275516975 + 69415000505.72379 = 69415006161.25562 2 + 93420 = 93422 -100000000000000.0 + -89706054828306.62 = -189706054828306.62 -38693719010.652435 + -591.9242405617508 = -38693719602.576675 100000000000000 + -5 = 99999999999995 82733480942.53749 + -420438745 = 82313042197.53749 5895865344 + 21 = 5895865365 -3786 + 23463015307.766632 = 23463011521.766632 93200117220.83994 + -84.91295850274948 = 93200117135.92697 8283449679 + -474356846.6831668 = 7809092832.3168335 -860 + -9 = -869 146595423.5406063 + -3.7477747892191777 = 146595419.7928315 3168013 + 25383999758499 = 25384002926512 93638939064114.53 + 910163.5528896321 = 93638939974278.08 9.416892477072357 + -6181888802.760677 = -6181888793.343785 -100000000000000 + -389173285674 = -100389173285674 552 + -7471176838 = -7471176286 -331716374 + 8538 = -331707836 -73815 + -653024726232 = -653024800047 2 + -466009986858.0691 = -466009986856.0691 -87563.65075053636 + 499216 = 411652.34924946364 1.6466107839336686 + -4318198.684872665 = -4318197.038261881 -81539987021.78207 + -7825811221475 = -7907351208496.782 -807247 + -48048 = -855295 -458 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999542.0 -138545.627131717 + -85323231226580 = -85323231365125.62 100000000000000.0 + -78971021696 = 99921028978304.0 980932 + -9190199046.401354 = -9189218114.401354 100000000000000.0 + 378302.5814718816 = 100000000378302.58 -25428 + -128481 = -153909 -78.53639161246859 + 905211646 = 905211567.4636084 98.46169718226464 + -43.317275972754906 = 55.14442120950974 -2 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999998 46464362327715.94 + 637439307.288862 = 46464999767023.23 -4269162.494472448 + -3529297895.3641405 = -3533567057.858613 64937053349 + -931 = 64937052418 78466832536012.25 + -909828458 = 78465922707554.25 -30617250.812645618 + -40122570 = -70739820.81264561 -957.889745334138 + -102 = -1059.8897453341378 -2.1430411760814065 + -4.001359072428233 = -6.14440024850964 920512636212 + -45932816090190 = -45012303453978 -30160780368.813087 + 54688 = -30160725680.813087 -95740419313.88593 + -417 = -95740419730.88593 27 + -76345797542827 = -76345797542800 98566373 + -56052843 = 42513530 5379552 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999994620448.0 -470651066928 + 53329.707001924886 = -470651013598.29297 7839.821611504159 + 892866438945 = 892866446784.8217 -1 + -89997029914473 = -89997029914474 3 + 481 = 484 850323856.1057843 + 437798531.33877283 = 1288122387.4445572 -9681739 + -438847430 = -448529169 4 + 5.032440133203904 = 9.032440133203904 88174.23564652618 + -487917.481784114 = -399743.2461375878 854.207144303445 + -291083399310.5099 = -291083398456.30273 -96379098933790.98 + -7957945 = -96379106891735.98 16201073953226 + -6178383090203.262 = 10022690863022.738 -1695 + -74984862123 = -74984863818 411.4857216978677 + -90 = 321.4857216978677 -468.34911103355853 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000468.34 -3113785511868 + 4483057578615 = 1369272066747 -100000000000000.0 + -62397060179 = -100062397060179.0 -7632408 + 80493074171258 = 80493066538850 4595003.822857482 + 75836177951.8273 = 75840772955.65016 69564791624107.71 + 88745902501.73407 = 69653537526609.445 431126634.5093094 + -2394169242506 = -2393738115871.4907 74215305777 + -100000000000000 = -99925784694223 100000000000000 + 22879.500481507246 = 100000000022879.5 100000000000000.0 + 41404229.740655005 = 100000041404229.73 307052 + -630123 = -323071 -100000000000000 + 552907375481.4934 = -99447092624518.5 6471305 + -3878371.32181669 = 2592933.67818331 91837057020187 + 145413394867 = 91982470415054 -58909422209519 + -98 = -58909422209617 -668581546 + -49073114944565 = -49073783526111 46682358455112 + 1565.0553369750796 = 46682358456677.055 -287139811.2290839 + 976910591756 = 976623451944.7709 -612571.5992104777 + -27640341082169.355 = -27640341694740.953 -4380610 + -80 = -4380690 -9 + -637376 = -637385 3.7551661323918664 + -617457.1906755513 = -617453.435509419 1444784186361 + 100000000000000 = 101444784186361 -7.628016526465188 + -86808278 = -86808285.62801653 -7550773005294.9 + -98582390606.38512 = -7649355395901.285 -100000000000000.0 + 9564950 = -99999990435050.0 9053150162.499037 + 450 = 9053150612.499037 25375668144.41246 + 7247107518637.555 = 7272483186781.967 88083096.53366171 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000088083096.53 55957697.04510604 + -23.866291956428377 = 55957673.17881408 74559450060178 + 975105.312332081 = 74559451035283.31 -1.2792479763459086 + 32 = 30.720752023654093 65709046 + -8 = 65709038 27148352207.297707 + -99.67409109581799 = 27148352107.623615 94 + 286630.43575261696 = 286724.43575261696 6906.598546585672 + 488.8888580260522 = 7395.487404611724 -5216252 + -87882602.13083117 = -93098854.13083117 9582 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999990418.0 -8.000751747652417 + 28115080016693.89 = 28115080016685.89 -35789215628.48476 + 8698053729056.214 = 8662264513427.7295 5529588495 + -8457998148693 = -8452468560198 5.523709058901591 + 9659822.771483423 = 9659828.295192482 91 + -23996.798253700035 = -23905.798253700035 637.1301890571341 + 3320 = 3957.130189057134 82526771651.12566 + 6836.718027009188 = 82526778487.84369 -51.43925235627817 + 43362375848861 = 43362375848809.56 -9366121263.099733 + 904342682.031078 = -8461778581.068655 509104099 + -4480598374 = -3971494275 -5318839821 + 72939814074 = 67620974253 78170269097569.33 + -86731629873456.78 = -8561360775887.453 44653430 + 58 = 44653488 1356893.6595864058 + 67.81623037006713 = 1356961.4758167758 -391120.8676365905 + 32530.640986850583 = -358590.2266497399 -89516888 + 165473 = -89351415 -78717298012140.34 + -40339.2418987515 = -78717298052479.58 -7343622745964.786 + 100000000000000.0 = 92656377254035.22 -396 + 860077 = 859681 -2101.2924090483193 + 4 = -2097.2924090483193 644.7106366791598 + 35762880503237.4 = 35762880503882.11 -75473925528897 + 5143224341 = -75468782304556 -1635008 + 269125.3339774066 = -1365882.6660225934 -4970124738231 + -13690637 = -4970138428868 -398362 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000398362.0 42249479.45115699 + -4282134624.164811 = -4239885144.713654 58443651358275.39 + 100000000000000 = 158443651358275.38 -61681935909 + -25277808964 = -86959744873 592369 + -12045676 = -11453307 221189715.63706177 + 4.6822673229694995 = 221189720.31932908 -23950329.920692448 + -65055641 = -89005970.92069244 -64435626 + -5809124420 = -5873560046 30325354277 + -100000000000000.0 = -99969674645723.0 -100000000000000 + -773335002 = -100000773335002 957.6949020934862 + -22 = 935.6949020934862 100000000000000 + 282.0580681974417 = 100000000000282.06 -7.83416749616564 + -9626981937.737892 = -9626981945.57206 79602195133880.12 + -1.1134977438140572 = 79602195133879.02 7445006380181 + 62231559 = 7445068611740 9287.720906577977 + -869622.0133212595 = -860334.2924146815 -275.24646732442045 + 15753925.35550714 = 15753650.109039815 -43760360723.22207 + -2444511 = -43762805234.22207 100000000000000.0 + -8.725670658284397 = 99999999999991.28 -29464.911732100263 + -229269198.06310466 = -229298662.97483677 100000000000000 + 59895149401 = 100059895149401 -203300565.91975772 + 794 = -203299771.91975772 -5050222059 + -6166.929276840296 = -5050228225.929276 -38874 + -3.011212066890648 = -38877.01121206689 34829774613557 + -8.684563006486892 = 34829774613548.316 -294665235159 + -80150558.22595839 = -294745385717.22595 97648236375340 + 6293265 = 97648242668605 -48130754 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000048130754.0 -6188767182670.132 + 423 = -6188767182247.132 1784.6670028038702 + 588564898 = 588566682.6670028 73721166543462 + -75348323 = 73721091195139 -221351282.87209898 + -77184.97905470352 = -221428467.85115367 -100000000000000.0 + -292273614891.03284 = -100292273614891.03 -48137 + -94888159323.31694 = -94888207460.31694 -86.09415867527348 + 363541 = 363454.9058413247 -9851.114549558319 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000009851.11 -17540092.04291855 + -70527676 = -88067768.04291855 86285153 + 63434222.828203484 = 149719375.8282035 21682 + -900407.5501655269 = -878725.5501655269 -78.21078689304424 + 42181203 = 42181124.789213106 458739546973 + -30985162168245.21 = -30526422621272.21 22 + 80209187346362.44 = 80209187346384.44 590596190706 + 96567649603.42233 = 687163840309.4224 8388 + -6 = 8382 2061279104721.471 + -858801052 = 2060420303669.471 -637.1438682351759 + -5.267749417603971 = -642.4116176527799 25818.21510518186 + 4358049771 = 4358075589.215105 42646841433554.125 + -87970.10492315343 = 42646841345584.02 -319462260 + 5825 = -319456435 27325360702225.21 + -28636294.223858133 = 27325332065930.99 281.60429707913545 + -96564472307203.78 = -96564472306922.17 -9780135672302 + 87647 = -9780135584655 21793.403645875136 + 881 = 22674.403645875136 62820822412.29678 + -779932849.123667 = 62040889563.17312 -5063513.891559521 + -8 = -5063521.891559521 983509133926 + -2050630283.0836568 = 981458503642.9164 104605107552 + 661 = 104605108213 -474.57699258920803 + 437.9201998704125 = -36.65679271879554 -68492858.7012415 + -691945417632 = -692013910490.7013 44.82348772797944 + -36446265412.04245 = -36446265367.21896 -3627383 + 56192661.13300695 = 52565278.13300695 6394.199328678618 + -915016281065.6411 = -915016274671.4418 327236.685505381 + 55119 = 382355.685505381 -24894219482.97065 + 199847098.60520506 = -24694372384.365444 -22148283058746 + 1519533628.3651357 = -22146763525117.637 -290.76824366921056 + -4830710 = -4831000.7682436695 -25226 + -77441442477.07132 = -77441467703.07132 -15128.425299947023 + 1009615.0432133479 = 994486.6179134009 49194452985723.51 + 12.871598989932359 = 49194452985736.38 81181200780639 + -430482489.3807878 = 81180770298149.62 -5480281470.743388 + -100000000000000.0 = -100005480281470.75 1099658448477 + -923.4289686864872 = 1099658447553.571 6.711691073329253 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999993.28 26 + -746305.1653815177 = -746279.1653815177 -267847670430 + -3465 = -267847673895 -950125920425.6494 + 8450820199 = -941675100226.6494 -48.024624441906944 + 10760153588 = 10760153539.975376 590082.0399054391 + -25767900874 = -25767310791.960094 -5.136980663676672 + -8 = -13.136980663676672 66270143.71901948 + -41416.20071065625 = 66228727.518308826 -3399324 + -327490681560.3429 = -327494080884.3429 581.0300287850729 + 329206.7534637817 = 329787.7834925667 -296651.36443938187 + 37 = -296614.36443938187 97331813441.68922 + -18123.189321084657 = 97331795318.49991 -2387674632.0022087 + -764250408.0489771 = -3151925040.0511856 -7228563 + -6.278431678788655 = -7228569.278431679 358532171026 + -682870067 = 357849300959 100000000000000.0 + -982069779380.467 = 99017930220619.53 -661312.6434280812 + -275602833.2355168 = -276264145.8789449 -87008398598 + 322.9632847307642 = -87008398275.03671 -1875.4881109599478 + -60222820972 = -60222822847.48811 2210 + 1244284 = 1246494 28.15155185987948 + -14885.03822013053 = -14856.88666827065 -13292939271169.457 + 76874129140505 = 63581189869335.55 84 + -7727806.698154202 = -7727722.698154202 28822003775 + -683682 = 28821320093 86811072 + 351538050.50677323 = 438349122.50677323 -6645854967 + -94.61099766112763 = -6645855061.610997 -100000000000000 + 26768147852.21536 = -99973231852147.78 68068561496.14612 + 7494195.154320249 = 68076055691.30044 -5539800 + -43952225710 = -43957765510 -1174712.329869342 + 4370 = -1170342.329869342 7802733293 + 518451948698 = 526254681991 851441304104 + 4023509209030.9453 = 4874950513134.945 8382393.403902186 + 3976 = 8386369.403902186 -264141212584 + 67269643.85455383 = -264073942940.14545 49310 + 71360087316 = 71360136626 -60145838911832.695 + 28773558909732 = -31372280002100.695 -329385.8452520837 + 5809068389725.943 = 5809068060340.098 40341899082226.31 + 9 = 40341899082235.31 -4025014018206.7905 + -4 = -4025014018210.7905 -685.5411341527576 + 108 = -577.5411341527576 2366100302113 + -764.783977429356 = 2366100301348.216 5002295671.940832 + 4943491.033075836 = 5007239162.973908 9225144111 + 69913955.46606457 = 9295058066.466064 -31595739605.213 + 2461573617102 = 2429977877496.787 -379.28458839725454 + 8680 = 8300.715411602745 22 + -3381.8738967896375 = -3359.8738967896375 -4350707157 + 241.88580363974262 = -4350706915.114197 -26971928.736351643 + 167 = -26971761.736351643 -4250241054.7182226 + -8.026340042556342 = -4250241062.7445626 -934.3701640409914 + -1725 = -2659.3701640409913 -4187775376 + 19245711.762370296 = -4168529664.23763 -1054742.0727689024 + 84.71085958949361 = -1054657.361909313 3931700645.433526 + -115131678148.00986 = -111199977502.57632 -97478 + -5417852136.924201 = -5417949614.924201 3693305735286.9297 + -792982724873.2378 = 2900323010413.692 8137523.3336536 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000008137523.33 -267.6298070979687 + -1 = -268.6298070979687 47607817962 + -424950177097 = -377342359135 -5479388179565 + 8358119487181 = 2878731307616 -47184462.36417933 + -40196.884380883595 = -47224659.24856021 9466750725.446806 + -797069796428.8882 = -787603045703.4414 -8783885.66390732 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999991216114.34 3177522408.2035456 + -8973453862531 = -8970276340122.797 -335788150186 + 35503 = -335788114683 -6.459647937552324 + -7065920.947009179 = -7065927.4066571165 38083454781907.92 + 845150870.6668234 = 38084299932778.586 -15622464.23656521 + 16052990725.780483 = 16037368261.543919 -2.7703638205001764 + -84883512940 = -84883512942.77037 -73291833 + -300.83988377578976 = -73292133.83988377 65762.3827570035 + 88049235 = 88114997.38275701 66 + -89908653050232.39 = -89908653050166.39 -6.85966676613803 + -49425803995782 = -49425803995788.86 -84.74320863712857 + 9 = -75.74320863712857 -7649834912015 + 61237 = -7649834850778 548.1321564115412 + -1.1193333974087696 = 547.0128230141324 76461421864866 + 5171834936475 = 81633256801341 -9225.93368515559 + -4428862833.395733 = -4428872059.329418 -495.30042218875093 + -552662.3351975271 = -553157.6356197158 2142821 + -9444857568.760368 = -9442714747.760368 1718861716 + 5600934682 = 7319796398 -1224 + 11906367.232705992 = 11905143.232705992 54736991296298 + -345449161778.6928 = 54391542134519.305 68.59561096510365 + -14086.041957538753 = -14017.44634657365 6861463501 + -548925423601.7965 = -542063960100.7965 -97608357 + -43199.45857803241 = -97651556.45857804 651224220 + 1705735532155.421 = 1706386756375.421 67010151 + -28025 = 66982126 52.24536875922032 + 97449411.76305926 = 97449464.00842802 8390153117419.542 + -100000000000000 = -91609846882580.45 977570042203 + -3852240231 = 973717801972 -7.8861675161089995 + -74155758169.13788 = -74155758177.02405 -56.197859641458756 + 981244071717.7363 = 981244071661.5385 -46542082 + 75671 = -46466411 95778203832.35516 + 44 = 95778203876.35516 894805250 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999105194750.0 84364460571695 + 16641862835299 = 101006323406994 100000000000000.0 + -8564693495 = 99991435306505.0 -48850064596.09539 + -100000000000000 = -100048850064596.1 -3893442350558 + -74296826.06167333 = -3893516647384.0615 918 + -9 = 909 -627641 + -5763441531391.806 = -5763442159032.806 60.74004818204222 + 62701941119 = 62701941179.74005 4548042 + -56.71708616052766 = 4547985.282913839 -8507.004900631167 + 105526251436.71118 = 105526242929.70628 -2474990314.638317 + 3875.6382359167583 = -2474986439.000081 477732.972772035 + 828 = 478560.972772035 -100000000000000.0 + 1925 = -99999999998075.0 -92480305108.18759 + -807 = -92480305915.18759 -414801615.09155136 + 5294942.376030809 = -409506672.71552056 565892528529.4275 + -872.0326379952343 = 565892527657.3949 -984271419153.6539 + -72839306 = -984344258459.6539 9090396079.692738 + -88197449139.67535 = -79107053059.98262 21768.84691700776 + 1.1640842940182958 = 21770.011001301777 26013 + 388.6409011629799 = 26401.64090116298 929813582849 + 6726.944339579765 = 929813589575.9443 -72606574.02790855 + 274472444345.15298 = 274399837771.12506 92 + -30114139.065160844 = -30114047.065160844 44.632027692899136 + 12598514627026.877 = 12598514627071.51 69431950666651 + 13420.141887262642 = 69431950680071.14 8692078644726.717 + 30326538820.16765 = 8722405183546.885 71420767843989 + -87298397 = 71420680545592 30278214802303 + -4821043573 = 30273393758730 -4355.694431417593 + -1292534807454 = -1292534811809.6943 3289081172802 + -6889313147.036812 = 3282191859654.9634 -388788545.2982165 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999611211454.7 467728808079 + -5123631539998.142 = -4655902731919.142 -5.238015513584268 + 70 = 64.76198448641573 -76495038159948 + -22052289546.43224 = -76517090449494.44 -7713556 + 3942.0552992820476 = -7709613.944700718 -39834915 + -56866421248014 = -56866461082929 689313.0168634738 + -91384565306274.77 = -91384564616961.75 628680715 + -834882.7599448367 = 627845832.2400552 100000000000000 + -898.566286260256 = 99999999999101.44 6 + 420900663 = 420900669 -100000000000000 + -7936521.513603076 = -100000007936521.52 -3596.517486697792 + 6484290 = 6480693.482513302 9859106125420.83 + -6174 = 9859106119246.83 -999430802 + 503 = -999430299 4483771 + -1 = 4483770 -2285211.634700332 + 87458.95937696319 = -2197752.6753233685 -100000000000000.0 + -3125 = -100000000003125.0 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 12527843853912 + -5215163522 = 12522628690390 132593227.1807638 + 30884293647 = 31016886874.180763 -3722551.88603664 + -2507647984.6056485 = -2511370536.4916854 -222998969161 + 8 = -222998969153 -26427330358 + -100000000000000 = -100026427330358 5625 + 91975.96666042118 = 97600.96666042118 -29 + -6244468940564 = -6244468940593 -2 + -769740893.488152 = -769740895.488152 32435706569 + -4451084889.932594 = 27984621679.067406 5687006031203.321 + 613087749 = 5687619118952.321 -52.00748370832049 + 875358162.9060677 = 875358110.898584 8855 + 11339419393.768862 = 11339428248.768862 -685095989007.1897 + 606532 = -685095382475.1897 693.4811276230762 + 22606.637001253865 = 23300.11812887694 -8.7455605427117 + -27845 = -27853.745560542713 93953501.32279307 + 26679455700.571472 = 26773409201.894264 -35 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000035.0 21090 + -100000000000000 = -99999999978910 -954640 + 64393294 = 63438654 -80.24249342640775 + 9.36715588346448 = -70.87533754294327 -832900886408.4122 + -59178049511572 = -60010950397980.414 512657892.31707656 + -7824253807.139105 = -7311595914.822028 -787438 + -569.9216219224836 = -788007.9216219225 -19353608.375053994 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000019353608.38 73842710881 + 7789 = 73842718670 435468 + 63151332 = 63586800 1415 + -90.68161177251265 = 1324.3183882274873 7381 + -310973 = -303592 -421369 + 898042948729 = 898042527360 -47418583 + -51628.03267152054 = -47470211.03267152 -83793 + -79552785.44637525 = -79636578.44637525 36027912 + -4 = 36027908 -84425 + -92234730579 = -92234815004 -100000000000000 + -9483746495.438086 = -100009483746495.44 -3907831.6484299055 + -269683 = -4177514.6484299055 73334.59376739303 + 47743 = 121077.59376739303 -3965168.588282982 + -97010 = -4062178.588282982 -264 + -2.3058055145082186 = -266.3058055145082 -5295315047970 + -100000000000000 = -105295315047970 927568302 + 2996.2990176801923 = 927571298.2990177 5448788.386698866 + 48987141101570.96 = 48987146550359.34 -1971.446972269256 + -35602.81041042278 = -37574.25738269204 6 + -724384.1683325839 = -724378.1683325839 2395797818535 + 2852436 = 2395800670971 326218788.0761515 + 642597095958 = 642923314746.0762 497.9464517780313 + -41573723335 = -41573722837.05355 -763785876276 + 330993007907.98566 = -432792868368.01434 -6530713078.428595 + -540491087 = -7071204165.428595 941416.6841912953 + 6 = 941422.6841912953 66 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999934.0 64224.47692607951 + -86800353922.82898 = -86800289698.35205 -55236841579 + -86915605936 = -142152447515 -100000000000000.0 + 88077729365 = -99911922270635.0 406 + -94152 = -93746 100000000000000.0 + -3130907482 = 99996869092518.0 96208743.14972505 + 74205707.07233565 = 170414450.22206068 6838544519401 + -6216.276716600812 = 6838544513184.724 6.694836158154976 + 17596792 = 17596798.69483616 90856294366801.52 + -165.40859148046667 = 90856294366636.11 -61 + -84 = -145 423 + -61473100.98381076 = -61472677.98381076 -164575 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999835425.0 -88336.95930697052 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999911663.05 -127571.34781492242 + -5776214429918.4375 = -5776214557489.785 100000000000000 + 526615 = 100000000526615 -58235205776766 + -557598043 = -58235763374809 98981218243.63739 + -767267 = 98980450976.63739 -366257 + -549704294 = -550070551 -953978 + 259364 = -694614 -83613384.5465046 + -17083618002964 = -17083701616348.547 -98842.5574639498 + 76789130788551 = 76789130689708.44 -8732586044369 + -90122569984 = -8822708614353 81011624.45048454 + -100000000000000 = -99999918988375.55 83326 + -7245519 = -7162193 736.5146630736418 + -64 = 672.5146630736418 -86727.30376141192 + -590 = -87317.30376141192 45.31198563875834 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000045.31 21696 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000021696.0 2236863309 + 965834 = 2237829143 96160.33554946353 + -368 = 95792.33554946353 5543570862 + 2 = 5543570864 9 + 8498029809 = 8498029818 750 + 7655403749576.8 = 7655403750326.8 -96768641 + 963234070789.8975 = 963137302148.8975 24784422 + -8297909765.133034 = -8273125343.133034 34952 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999965048.0 100000000000000.0 + -230370 = 99999999769630.0 -85.92938936630512 + 85906 = 85820.0706106337 816372326231.2177 + 57560226520.02987 = 873932552751.2476 -679 + 8 = -671 -58943003079 + 858504961 = -58084498118 -846332318343.5299 + -9191263.296023663 = -846341509606.8259 -7389.0883360608295 + 87910673 = 87903283.91166393 421 + -9860680877638 = -9860680877217 893080248 + -6814665.070623568 = 886265582.9293765 -3299.0709678418893 + 36179 = 32879.929032158114 321700550273 + -3986876884842 = -3665176334569 2666055239 + -70.1156776167239 = 2666055168.884322 -2446584366 + -544762.8628678226 = -2447129128.862868 33036.67634276351 + -327 = 32709.67634276351 -7049879305.434753 + 198601 = -7049680704.434753 -5147007490984 + 9 = -5147007490975 53.08156794193594 + 34345922134581.05 = 34345922134634.133 315365542153 + -3540.9777289224317 = 315365538612.0223 -528514.5138747519 + -96021306298197 = -96021306826711.52 100000000000000.0 + -48266968.09561862 = 99999951733031.9 320001301651.1686 + -61894 = 320001239757.1686 27106 + 4 = 27110 915750713874 + 30 = 915750713904 -1126126 + 387633929119 = 387632802993 -889.2897521121566 + 44.411538299709264 = -844.8782138124474 -11411311576805 + -41.49817263349571 = -11411311576846.498 441316843573 + -6318924914 = 434997918659 -185141407008 + -574920873686 = -760062280694 -8081324061.822461 + 23249288 = -8058074773.822461 -8105745767912.425 + 9036321199304.957 = 930575431392.5322 -65488183604038.33 + 394843 = -65488183209195.33 754461 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999245539.0 -503664040772 + 24212211264984.33 = 23708547224212.33 66 + -1962.168968537598 = -1896.168968537598 -730157150422.3684 + 98396221128347 = 97666063977924.62 100000000000000 + -804 = 99999999999196 100000000000000 + -3880313382 = 99996119686618 217 + 5954 = 6171 -811652161770 + 4.100386492766727 = -811652161765.8997 -75176018861.99927 + -75357027.79123357 = -75251375889.7905 3598782740098.9785 + -100000000000000 = -96401217259901.02 57223770.47867511 + 6 = 57223776.47867511 38.37961678116016 + 667794 = 667832.3796167811 3082 + -5490380 = -5487298 100000000000000 + 8153525508899.012 = 108153525508899.02 -11744 + -71196886402.4031 = -71196898146.4031 -921669 + -24043.204615650036 = -945712.20461565 56.49838088950825 + 7278621 = 7278677.498380889 -85138482218 + 53 = -85138482165 75.97457139737068 + 2312875917857.198 = 2312875917933.173 -2796.636954951925 + 261789 = 258992.36304504809 537 + -6.596219240940838 = 530.4037807590591 -55911082980615.305 + -3567063405.0189047 = -55914650044020.32 -9751.458317135352 + 81625953319276.11 = 81625953309524.66 265553770305.25452 + 984608851 = 266538379156.25452 -13 + -901609761.121272 = -901609774.121272 8145929.6611590395 + -30346095 = -22200165.33884096 -85511281.37717704 + -65.8523004802775 = -85511347.22947752 -808 + 1628199923.110507 = 1628199115.110507 24826930404611.312 + -4991 = 24826930399620.312 5003258.144464664 + -1054.055973569984 = 5002204.088491094 67451111.8774592 + 1.1488971180841963 = 67451113.02635631 -2 + -42755.18341184213 = -42757.18341184213 140954 + -872440.5163350344 = -731486.5163350344 -346318777046 + -4070203231363.0835 = -4416522008409.084 100000000000000 + -528216720.06661963 = 99999471783279.94 -100000000000000.0 + -248999377008 = -100248999377008.0 1720914406786.864 + 96 = 1720914406882.864 31519742 + 97500 = 31617242 -300336798270 + -944289938264.2125 = -1244626736534.2124 -244724576.67832017 + -97495935.0982002 = -342220511.7765204 -694373 + 10263.333509717826 = -684109.6664902822 8.0688911127071 + 16423808 = 16423816.068891114 -31535.733235293996 + 26830.662527239325 = -4705.070708054671 -39683175253558 + 14495300 = -39683160758258 3515766.6493332954 + -3632175.6724768747 = -116409.02314357925 -4880411432990.607 + -87513 = -4880411520503.607 -3837535989486 + 7911.628326127525 = -3837535981574.3716 -860974036575.3824 + 52.996918560047774 = -860974036522.3855 -918193041483 + 6888423540 = -911304617943 4199152 + 2 = 4199154 -309800351 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999690199649.0 -28399 + -50541675740.21083 = -50541704139.21083 4313100.615512051 + 11541613 = 15854713.61551205 -1574886440.5327582 + -9871738.706611283 = -1584758179.2393696 67209332860324.32 + 175 = 67209332860499.32 -59458996.40305299 + -437.1912960811964 = -59459433.59434907 15778227 + 55922236510101 = 55922252288328 -100000000000000 + -65800272 = -100000065800272 297585423 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999702414577.0 -917366684745.227 + 3734617149.7324386 = -913632067595.4946 50865546088 + 2177 = 50865548265 -57150392 + -9904799.048921952 = -67055191.04892195 24027853 + -74395 = 23953458 88279356 + 100000000000000 = 100000088279356 -511660 + 96453 = -415207 -376495 + 91150081 = 90773586 -5214827.405750979 + 8916512.148312353 = 3701684.742561374 -10203 + 100000000000000 = 99999999989797 6551.794489545619 + -100000000000000 = -99999999993448.2 -72893.60620646308 + 41844868.84219007 = 41771975.23598361 -1 + -3.4644091340705785 = -4.4644091340705785 -95062083359376.95 + -40540493693220 = -135602577052596.95 100000000000000.0 + -17980498.778833296 = 99999982019501.22 341014148106 + 654749554.8926222 = 341668897660.89264 -720 + -89399810 = -89400530 -9229358669.074078 + -5.960579369343999 = -9229358675.034657 -88 + -33351139 = -33351227 941203.503819026 + 43.89706928904979 = 941247.400888315 -47387310.66751619 + -9091 = -47396401.66751619 58430820896 + 35270 = 58430856166 791427080 + -5420.944725165658 = 791421659.0552748 76 + 368530 = 368606 94615977269256.0 + 43392.776572456285 = 94615977312648.78 -649696068591.2507 + -959985 = -649697028576.2507 -58782512873.87391 + -688317.1150333824 = -58783201190.988945 5394282.155939368 + -6107763.672243306 = -713481.5163039388 -73273 + -971935.3220364496 = -1045208.3220364496 -1024914.4222975135 + 6909992715857.12 = 6909991690942.698 77407.91119395658 + 6418 = 83825.91119395658 24925 + 465294066.9513117 = 465318991.9513117 -2041257510 + 3511 = -2041253999 -151480 + 4446266.09078544 = 4294786.09078544 8006 + 4.973591701083827 = 8010.973591701084 -2384.229472950982 + 100000000000000 = 99999999997615.77 40.700990946369075 + 771246938597 = 771246938637.701 318300127269 + -7.37641620719052 = 318300127261.6236 3630626 + -6 = 3630620 -25556 + -480720896 = -480746452 59266 + -846209008.2095528 = -846149742.2095528 -5196594 + -5702554 = -10899148 -85509855435580.3 + -100000000000000.0 = -185509855435580.3 11469224611898.012 + -31855858 = 11469192756040.012 54531 + -100000000000000 = -99999999945469 100000000000000 + -2.6064852454563923 = 99999999999997.39 -200726518.85151607 + -39471087.79717738 = -240197606.64869344 145069.3253120174 + -230209 = -85139.6746879826 -2.6937685767150192 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000002.69 -57299052807582 + -41845353995623.695 = -99144406803205.69 8663.398952568918 + -2158243.8628392406 = -2149580.4638866717 -36193872.49949155 + 77959812811015.84 = 77959776617143.34 -911700182376 + -81759 = -911700264135 -35.416533911103556 + -88426536712.05762 = -88426536747.47415 -56 + 144 = 88 19464.588946494216 + 240415433 = 240434897.5889465 72950421583.04813 + 4066660273.241263 = 77017081856.28938 -6593820346538 + -5981207.191288534 = -6593826327745.191 -4606 + 92821.83235415087 = 88215.83235415087 8775124 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000008775124.0 746929505672.034 + 166496434562.60748 = 913425940234.6416 45439207420521.89 + -51890598285392.53 = -6451390864870.641 72769963267.56595 + -566794.3566161792 = 72769396473.20934 612148695193 + -29659907649576 = -29047758954383 -739740 + 57.93510317678689 = -739682.0648968233 -30567 + -90936236725.92406 = -90936267292.92406 -7620530760.596731 + 120978792 = -7499551968.596731 79 + 59940193062839.75 = 59940193062918.75 -857116 + 9795624157 = 9794767041 9126.452701504593 + 3819770.5721722804 = 3828897.024873785 -45760217106 + -6360943373065 = -6406703590171 6.0341023507646065 + 42 = 48.034102350764606 2411930549 + 545434549739.1293 = 547846480288.1293 -79571.12062503636 + -963 = -80534.12062503636 639919280709 + 26101513.26692041 = 639945382222.267 -444581692642.5841 + 1273440713 = -443308251929.5841 -8061.185929709801 + -7.367248765086323 = -8068.553178474887 -176639.35682121286 + 8063607.277041569 = 7886967.920220356 -745.5678046108468 + 4960138747 = 4960138001.432196 709 + 714977982.7658584 = 714978691.7658584 97639.4337359799 + -1.9255064538303561 = 97637.50822952607 -29 + -29.271809219562748 = -58.27180921956275 62903827 + -42334546927812 = -42334484023985 100000000000000 + -213 = 99999999999787 44326715092026.375 + 37005120.17534838 = 44326752097146.55 -63690145552.814575 + -8543456.583671387 = -63698689009.39825 5.896050050271749 + 1265669 = 1265674.8960500502 -641371.8986154306 + 25769748015519.625 = 25769747374147.727 -7.306930569822728 + -2.4216207699264705 = -9.728551339749199 55090200 + 9543643 = 64633843 732347.3485576665 + 960389762076 = 960390494423.3485 -7 + 798.8420997025828 = 791.8420997025828 -11886 + 354308519 = 354296633 -21 + 306828295376.9972 = 306828295355.9972 8610782398 + -6396 = 8610776002 2887911273.8034606 + -100000000000000 = -99997112088726.2 -91722.25494797323 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999908277.75 -100000000000000.0 + 210721.36773385468 = -99999999789278.62 20240948361146.18 + -4571631418 = 20236376729728.18 8037886.645258949 + 74016671943171.5 = 74016679981058.14 37302822719 + 1462325468 = 38765148187 -1276468.922368119 + -2007893 = -3284361.922368119 52641528130277 + -8337788.359757318 = 52641519792488.64 -3122820043549 + -5 = -3122820043554 492.98053753560686 + -3986854 = -3986361.0194624644 -270739274720.28677 + 630008075429 = 359268800708.71326 -5766 + -7174955181.572005 = -7174960947.572005 6856443.452703161 + 8049 = 6864492.452703161 -310748648300.55396 + -732.2069998951866 = -310748649032.7609 6 + 2639772693.3291407 = 2639772699.3291407 656636394 + 16264480929439 = 16265137565833 8658775080512.597 + 95060.22064168584 = 8658775175572.817 -377688907.2543103 + -94.44977956105515 = -377689001.7040899 32357637099.086998 + -369652.592057873 = 32357267446.49494 2217963613509.584 + 9400008.101281261 = 2217973013517.685 64018423129621 + -14297471 = 64018408832150 2.8566095490091623 + 4511648.486362243 = 4511651.342971792 -100000000000000.0 + -7366333422.769115 = -100007366333422.77 43563673210290 + -5378562515742 = 38185110694548 -233689045541 + 100000000000000.0 = 99766310954459.0 100000000000000.0 + 12496533542.640913 = 100012496533542.64 -18 + 70340949899 = 70340949881 32.506848770856266 + -869814737 = -869814704.4931512 83 + -3.530814727752867 = 79.46918527224713 -960908751498 + -34585392.675401405 = -960943336890.6754 758 + 15 = 773 -530768507 + 283158890.07434416 = -247609616.92565584 -355 + -176005 = -176360 574 + 69208789.01488835 = 69209363.01488835 880955.3485911108 + 41724904793.11383 = 41725785748.462425 100000000000000.0 + -59921.46060959823 = 99999999940078.55 311802 + -105567687829 = -105567376027 -27149714306 + 8.308137458818067 = -27149714297.691864 510804473136 + -23958537366.644455 = 486845935769.3555 -100000000000000 + -3586438748.544192 = -100003586438748.55 -3 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000003.0 -388343477660.3187 + -100000000000000.0 = -100388343477660.31 -1337213 + -486606184.0332458 = -487943397.0332458 2609914 + -100000000000000 = -99999997390086 -4.797689831139027 + 86058.2605602184 = 86053.46287038726 853511102518 + -6344408123 = 847166694395 -9.363345703258117 + 91053 = 91043.63665429674 -9593707 + 228.57150039043165 = -9593478.42849961 -75721906446.63254 + 651.7341676497473 = -75721905794.89838 100000000000000 + 9.758058262018698 = 100000000000009.77 -100000000000000 + 4 = -99999999999996 -82197801672.67596 + 4243006.048514046 = -82193558666.62746 7875294.140655226 + 35448 = 7910742.140655226 -8.25196932167282 + 2956519.276108806 = 2956511.0241394844 -6 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999994.0 -8535.955337071497 + 5721 = -2814.9553370714966 -100000000000000 + -47133010776267.65 = -147133010776267.66 6595 + 9 = 6604 2600064408.461382 + 29729504.90300268 = 2629793913.3643847 7154125930 + 6008.286098378541 = 7154131938.2860985 -95160846599170.83 + 21341140059040 = -73819706540130.83 -811788.6155525419 + -81347623.89035074 = -82159412.50590329 -35082 + -836340 = -871422 -4724581.877014086 + -96387353.94188473 = -101111935.81889881 -744241.8449971238 + -8 = -744249.8449971238 6263.370294847448 + 58512 = 64775.370294847446 -2744361738 + -774 = -2744362512 -7334728042.260274 + 1 = -7334728041.260274 -76291199.09009425 + -34876591587 = -34952882786.090096 9566 + 8559128610654 = 8559128620220 -8.15085298696355 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999991.84 -8140.228796013365 + 705008.5404352398 = 696868.3116392264 909.402510319118 + 3746 = 4655.402510319118 8 + 27499 = 27507 208011.34010983468 + -71725255.9193305 = -71517244.57922065 -53249.78995773398 + 739910483248.7355 = 739910429998.9456 -66983.76218721762 + 732154933461.1995 = 732154866477.4373 73.8585224104126 + 831.3297928739231 = 905.1883152843357 -331.2496135088961 + 108.00182100845558 = -223.24779250044054 311408.80909763963 + 80590 = 391998.80909763963 -53646888751565.31 + -43104582685390.72 = -96751471436956.03 51974.70323433945 + -69505621.65153645 = -69453646.9483021 69765021342.23175 + -60996273 = 69704025069.23175 192518034737 + 2509832521613.37 = 2702350556350.37 43.61118349187742 + -534030695 = -534030651.38881654 80.36581690566722 + 5414475258 = 5414475338.365817 369.5957446551229 + -114577 = -114207.40425534488 12882032643 + -176.12173993192212 = 12882032466.87826 2997068406 + -29 = 2997068377 40599054.50301634 + 2084127193053 = 2084167792107.503 -76.707302832176 + -51055966237 = -51055966313.707306 100000000000000.0 + -27856997285 = 99972143002715.0 704055397432.3033 + 100000000000000 = 100704055397432.3 992 + 5998206.231086594 = 5999198.231086594 8835 + 410704920 = 410713755 1135 + 94.23703535938358 = 1229.2370353593835 28190673492.11392 + -742216781627 = -714026108134.8861 6802 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006802.0 91328981.06805256 + 26.529170697930212 = 91329007.59722325 -20177271.235719427 + 638650944807 = 638630767535.7643 65.97770300347852 + 2499896450064 = 2499896450129.9775 -5949820 + -3959638278414.131 = -3959644228234.131 -9.920332698804096 + -637141715479.4268 = -637141715489.347 -255.31284691421135 + -9818378029991.912 = -9818378030247.225 63846901 + -9505.333126742824 = 63837395.666873254 148444843382 + 84777727.79333906 = 148529621109.79333 2840642 + 8 = 2840650 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 77837705040627 + -244297 = 77837704796330 -43565036643 + 14 = -43565036629 3.477478175547994 + 9 = 12.477478175547994 82106210034492 + -3906492082730 = 78199717951762 100000000000000.0 + 1494 = 100000000001494.0 -4850211082048.592 + -291949.2907510816 = -4850211373997.883 -17043676 + 853.1327744911964 = -17042822.86722551 -759623790 + -5289.952180493223 = -759629079.9521805 5191460 + 6019130.552175028 = 11210590.552175028 -9613998.369133888 + -71.87520862596264 = -9614070.244342513 4899294536 + 9777696079.406954 = 14676990615.406954 173617834.13481838 + -1915571 = 171702263.13481838 -50131403227437.55 + 1225352019461 = -48906051207976.55 6478651852813.839 + 9276193.647082966 = 6478661129007.486 -4.31332824678765 + -1670529842049 = -1670529842053.3132 2059412269444 + 75559830 = 2059487829274 -16665 + -555335010 = -555351675 5999426985256 + 6.692515933881769 = 5999426985262.692 -7.496520580439665 + -86211.87116485732 = -86219.36768543776 20968744419418 + 100000000000000.0 = 120968744419418.0 87635625094 + 3 = 87635625097 -71544727834 + 746.8618607367601 = -71544727087.13814 6198542011712.552 + 79921969442900 = 86120511454612.55 -7480343 + 800210.4254426179 = -6680132.574557383 -83864778.5026759 + 16655 = -83848123.5026759 -1170.939554009655 + 26478149661107.156 = 26478149659936.215 -4086.288927160239 + -8977 = -13063.28892716024 93063382 + 97058656464.24068 = 97151719846.24068 453410931875.1616 + -53 = 453410931822.1616 985608.3567976456 + 5963662425.0757885 = 5964648033.432586 -175253454023.16425 + 66873 = -175253387150.16425 2974 + 919 = 3893 -3.579246971998187 + -39344773417 = -39344773420.57925 -924.7913343536977 + 572.8163881349435 = -351.9749462187542 735494199.4851662 + 92 = 735494291.4851662 570043.6122283536 + -4 = 570039.6122283536 73673593 + -3588406 = 70085187 86092164008002 + -540144342.5020266 = 86091623863659.5 277727093.1202936 + 7505885375.379355 = 7783612468.499649 -810307850 + 332342133181 = 331531825331 4748198179.016504 + 50 = 4748198229.016504 86 + -27881441846 = -27881441760 8957320183573.586 + 100000000000000 = 108957320183573.6 -61039422986 + 261523.56914045368 = -61039161462.43086 1 + -31490789157.325336 = -31490789156.325336 -76502742818.02032 + 95153646392 = 18650903573.979675 -9714.259342038386 + -628218453 = -628228167.2593421 526433767132 + -539.9540303779395 = 526433766592.04596 -17823119631075.008 + 7944654482.188354 = -17815174976592.82 -782230365 + 36773519.162304424 = -745456845.8376956 -897467 + -7219.962165904811 = -904686.9621659048 67177785355 + 23562488841658.594 = 23629666627013.594 -7341483 + 3764 = -7337719 -5190.803914975767 + -309382280502 = -309382285692.8039 4439185812 + -5570206 = 4433615606 -93932965.12857912 + 518 = -93932447.12857912 6277 + 99966444836.09392 = 99966451113.09392 230 + -71045994.12549022 = -71045764.12549022 -90092.17713600151 + 419 = -89673.17713600151 -421326890219.99695 + 326212865290 = -95114024929.99695 -100000000000000 + 837283715.6174386 = -99999162716284.38 600636758 + -546315.280942343 = 600090442.7190577 4 + 24193338671 = 24193338675 -31112719.466098618 + 624743 = -30487976.466098618 -1518813250422.6484 + 100000000000000.0 = 98481186749577.34 -210693055.3607781 + -97 = -210693152.3607781 312 + 76825806277.90749 = 76825806589.90749 -959 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000959.0 -16525183772393 + -65.76290539308087 = -16525183772458.764 8146297493206 + 100000000000000 = 108146297493206 -3293603 + -6845398852.186005 = -6848692455.186005 6208323.591679869 + -58926534.7874068 = -52718211.19572693 7793003319.265942 + -100000000000000.0 = -99992206996680.73 -50427 + -77692910634558.84 = -77692910684985.84 -831715213.6848665 + 5697831319936 = 5696999604722.315 143.30212597751273 + -254.3427366201571 = -111.04061064264437 301 + -80765800806204.48 = -80765800805903.48 805942023 + 8723 = 805950746 9506 + 184066 = 193572 -7 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000007 -59.45831132959781 + -4564141.4630526565 = -4564200.921363986 36522377.443318665 + 9190.297929222203 = 36531567.741247885 -6436803695 + -293265285903.9263 = -299702089598.9263 -428 + 9377.105656873977 = 8949.105656873977 8.911592100403638 + 2389148 = 2389156.9115921003 5233240.018657068 + 408653 = 5641893.018657068 64858760501544.695 + -1740486262.0177493 = 64857020015282.68 -100000000000000.0 + 7939 = -99999999992061.0 55385694396.737564 + 832.290067707192 = 55385695229.02763 35669958 + -107126818 = -71456860 -783094987 + 735 = -783094252 752982746835 + 870969727678 = 1623952474513 51.56119059036823 + -286533970 = -286533918.4388094 285382639361.59863 + 77.55541527671846 = 285382639439.15405 20578.11675832676 + 8553006682.555452 = 8553027260.672211 -684248390 + 100000000000000 = 99999315751610 67896647503454 + -76382.65979536872 = 67896647427071.34 6 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999994.0 -84165.46836140224 + -67468001946896.52 = -67468002031061.99 -871257.9537883869 + -824852 = -1696109.953788387 417192 + -905802880 = -905385688 -7445493.304080744 + -8643243810702 = -8643251256195.304 -6.176646072327884 + 788718843.970014 = 788718837.7933679 -32158415792 + -33 = -32158415825 -75668992 + -7451585289 = -7527254281 -132903748 + 33352455877919.66 = 33352322974171.66 -2203320487409.859 + -2313141147573 = -4516461634982.859 4440008 + -98104366746355.89 = -98104362306347.89 -69418820 + 47615604908.52513 = 47546186088.52513 -122721689394.8147 + 6 = -122721689388.8147 -330734731137.56116 + 567469992 = -330167261145.56116 250101.6704962922 + 7495536927.242628 = 7495787028.913124 -5493397981477.486 + 7810681100 = -5485587300377.486 -308970563699.824 + 827600.3622718146 = -308969736099.46173 -1009435056685 + 679014115085.1837 = -330420941599.8163 7556772240 + 680416293006.0886 = 687973065246.0886 -8804578436839.305 + -572754700501.5776 = -9377333137340.883 -100000000000000 + 262154.50298703497 = -99999999737845.5 514842845032 + 71397.46566046416 = 514842916429.46564 -8093181857534 + 95721849.09192798 = -8093086135684.908 -3621701655071 + 902786963974.848 = -2718914691096.152 -553526314.5750017 + 51120666316 = 50567140001.424995 16484.18424069464 + 8885034077614 = 8885034094098.184 39591179066199 + 21448363.288226582 = 39591200514562.29 -5545638618.94584 + -6023945 = -5551662563.94584 37872548679640.766 + 629333744229.4305 = 38501882423870.195 -4321.54771137442 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999995678.45 -93872788505533 + 65286 = -93872788440247 194749286 + -96935.67616604376 = 194652350.32383394 -91 + -8198522568 = -8198522659 -67005153976027.17 + 99551221511 = -66905602754516.17 4125.422388495057 + -4976319694 = -4976315568.577612 100000000000000.0 + 89446958413477.23 = 189446958413477.25 4734121.60937877 + -3720027 = 1014094.60937877 -1788910.7032824596 + -3557 = -1792467.7032824596 -25859173155.916664 + 7933978 = -25851239177.916664 100000000000000 + -446658711352 = 99553341288648 883827.0285298359 + -41 = 883786.0285298359 312861272 + -2007 = 312859265 -100000000000000 + -309 = -100000000000309 -4186206522174.055 + 796731889 = -4185409790285.055 -29417 + -79971286165233.75 = -79971286194650.75 -60344.869699585906 + -100000000000000 = -100000000060344.88 100000000000000.0 + -93.03974106366374 = 99999999999906.95 3426125.020939438 + -838822 = 2587303.020939438 -55 + 690937975400.3918 = 690937975345.3918 -539419.2753926823 + 80 = -539339.2753926823 41548848994 + 6.176483584801653 = 41548849000.17648 -7859199.444678061 + -53970523599.452354 = -53978382798.89703 -1771387.1042282123 + -51047363 = -52818750.10422821 -984781280 + 371939774756.1531 = 370954993476.1531 8 + 41.76127772882252 = 49.76127772882252 -624408498641 + 9587617267439 = 8963208768798 39997261 + -777060939.7134262 = -737063678.7134262 23220561.23220995 + 38720819 = 61941380.23220995 100000000000000 + 270373.2032479788 = 100000000270373.2 -657070.6310776166 + 1972335065 = 1971677994.3689225 100000000000000 + -2960944389614 = 97039055610386 -4.778097921829378 + 71.04379826792594 = 66.26570034609657 100000000000000.0 + 6333.552889089363 = 100000000006333.55 13.92952004074315 + 377728677.0115871 = 377728690.9411071 -363290234.0736819 + -54419.01099845769 = -363344653.0846804 -215627762 + -5.741030569360445 = -215627767.74103057 581494.8158004384 + -8256.17150376009 = 573238.6442966784 86.63931619741153 + 9339482291285 = 9339482291371.639 -328629.40030914784 + 9210028295595.994 = 9210027966966.594 -99.78204731502196 + 817353329.0091451 = 817353229.2270979 -349.52527055891437 + -31437173323.946606 = -31437173673.471878 -4.49136880500102 + 4157516472 = 4157516467.508631 25077591 + 915686 = 25993277 -1992574 + -100000000000000 = -100000001992574 -74564 + -104707727 = -104782291 -5162358473.599873 + -819118976 = -5981477449.599873 7407213 + 8570855417.956594 = 8578262630.956594 61236 + 6027 = 67263 -210300789492 + 57412070765752.2 = 57201769976260.2 77659073661 + 10377959988638.684 = 10455619062299.684 991578 + 1583910.7104621814 = 2575488.7104621814 5727502443663.178 + -52896130332497.79 = -47168627888834.61 -644 + 39409004.1786741 = 39408360.1786741 29213812624.945164 + -979.7499308589421 = 29213811645.195232 2893745973417 + -2635.3350925133 = 2893745970781.665 935719 + 49348133404.97571 = 49349069123.97571 3574080975746 + -8462465 = 3574072513281 28 + -772663043 = -772663015 100000000000000.0 + 92291119954 = 100092291119954.0 -8 + -55643299497053.414 = -55643299497061.414 4308982 + 6846163739 = 6850472721 544584289.2699268 + 695919410.0452434 = 1240503699.3151703 70632104340872 + 100000000000000 = 170632104340872 -2833055.2569946507 + 592186 = -2240869.2569946507 60 + 241793409032.3825 = 241793409092.3825 965834588.1483096 + -86.58050967870163 = 965834501.5677999 -5593250312 + -5364927673.578015 = -10958177985.578014 110261709 + 649556078284.2474 = 649666339993.2474 861878232290.4247 + -682739.1542378 = 861877549551.2704 45 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000045 59342.868673041645 + -5085684336 = -5085624993.131327 -597676.8350071204 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000597676.83 -582359 + 3427344 = 2844985 10253823572212 + 19382276412214.97 = 29636099984426.97 -791301084086 + -100000000000000.0 = -100791301084086.0 -1944243584648.477 + -4472617228 = -1948716201876.477 -433831 + 9 = -433822 -11425857996212 + -90.0215171202594 = -11425857996302.021 407.0250517739845 + 45796710633.18859 = 45796711040.213646 -1896892059.617611 + 22.53723553427919 = -1896892037.0803754 98680848761 + 7812 = 98680856573 67116590635 + -671699690 = 66444890945 794510 + -93 = 794417 100000000000000 + -67.19318777577135 = 99999999999932.81 48416754722.851326 + -68499 = 48416686223.851326 736347920863 + 76819597957259.64 = 77555945878122.64 7374425.432233014 + 7311996 = 14686421.432233013 9482.117578089137 + 4059786252.2823553 = 4059795734.3999333 -36358534983697.445 + 39257566 = -36358495726131.445 -8652735676 + -3.8547977238105835 = -8652735679.854797 6893624849 + -7865945870 = -972321021 64030316 + 143933585 = 207963901 -9943499 + 98738848700.26753 = 98728905201.26753 -576484284869 + -889713782136.3214 = -1466198067005.3213 34310086229 + -7131690232.681899 = 27178395996.3181 -557 + -125889649812.66531 = -125889650369.66531 3928473202.7627835 + -27 = 3928473175.7627835 9623974 + -240753970117 = -240744346143 -100000000000000.0 + -771 = -100000000000771.0 -7722385 + 61 = -7722324 -29079182027 + -497 = -29079182524 790284448577 + 23117720513636 = 23908004962213 -78872 + 199 = -78673 1628225351853 + -194881398.22576964 = 1628030470454.7742 16102.207181612222 + -209719 = -193616.79281838777 -517165947.81921893 + -71187354874.98083 = -71704520822.80005 -709 + -37658128818308.3 = -37658128819017.3 205351390263 + 924 = 205351391187 19196099937561 + 80917781038005.23 = 100113880975566.23 17051014938942.434 + 2653521265 = 17053668460207.434 68639266112136.27 + -999473430277 = 67639792681859.27 -65285185.426019855 + 5774894047991 = 5774828762805.574 16 + -498.05972468854173 = -482.05972468854173 6955550434508 + 100000000000000.0 = 106955550434508.0 36147.226054048195 + 100000000000000 = 100000000036147.22 -3917473 + -57770707734306.42 = -57770711651779.42 2266589344730 + -100000000000000.0 = -97733410655270.0 90 + -4067084.9083502623 = -4066994.9083502623 501369938.3504516 + -222723.21130452142 = 501147215.13914704 -22974416002777.477 + -10853476.009119634 = -22974426856253.484 -3239659466.5802617 + 1006523737 = -2233135729.5802617 -1403587534564.896 + 68917306 = -1403518617258.896 -464941827245.7307 + -12003513471.19052 = -476945340716.9212 -86283574.65112795 + 7898 = -86275676.65112795 -5802.881023421935 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999994197.12 248376506 + 40 = 248376546 42041 + -1990195996046 = -1990195954005 -185473631850 + 100000000000000 = 99814526368150 -37014051627.52448 + -9616973854 = -46631025481.52448 -3008737649 + 6835789409 = 3827051760 -52771440027755.92 + 7010323365236 = -45761116662519.92 -57 + -595339068.7610219 = -595339125.7610219 -54327.036181811265 + -6204190.149527968 = -6258517.185709779 -82.27770447204604 + -10474085 = -10474167.277704472 -5384108508795 + 17529225405627.666 = 12145116896832.666 2 + -51079441065 = -51079441063 -1569790265 + 487961 = -1569302304 -76961631833638.58 + -905 = -76961631834543.58 9688613 + -11967015093158.61 = -11967005404545.61 100000000000000.0 + 830661811.076256 = 100000830661811.08 30975326 + 969303 = 31944629 5990808.649734295 + -2808439799666.1973 = -2808433808857.5474 509743 + 1142532403514 = 1142532913257 -882 + 87710756543 = 87710755661 -989 + 6689 = 5700 640.8850615568247 + 4988.350746109403 = 5629.235807666228 -2970239766630 + -8327687.413356355 = -2970248094317.4136 -81.14091022617994 + 44297179356543 = 44297179356461.86 -552 + -7175773187.94133 = -7175773739.94133 -95620342947966 + 897315.8678689486 = -95620342050650.12 -88381026 + 64247311209 = 64158930183 35974120458 + 100000000000000 = 100035974120458 -5456662491220.267 + -50 = -5456662491270.267 100000000000000.0 + 148125382 = 100000148125382.0 37191216634.48253 + -229 = 37191216405.48253 31 + -47408742 = -47408711 -179.92393169856012 + -8 = -187.92393169856012 65431115 + 114 = 65431229 -100000000000000.0 + -598893983763 = -100598893983763.0 -245872 + -12760517938 = -12760763810 22425 + 81737421947.05466 = 81737444372.05466 3262405 + -5.268841772251364 = 3262399.7311582277 215 + -2039740366.6587644 = -2039740151.6587644 5763873569 + -100000000000000.0 = -99994236126431.0 -7533900 + -87344518.0194452 = -94878418.0194452 99297 + -779623733.6277618 = -779524436.6277618 985676092292 + -30.895988216331293 = 985676092261.104 -3045411 + 5844917.517120333 = 2799506.5171203334 951525533.3116459 + -6739099.59857113 = 944786433.7130747 2688417400828 + 754276855358 = 3442694256186 192693909493 + 74.02138620782522 = 192693909567.0214 273177416954.33148 + 1 = 273177416955.33148 -257717.3967774024 + -6820553294090.863 = -6820553551808.26 -523097255.6139809 + 4512113.525778217 = -518585142.08820266 70601954 + 212.29257958972735 = 70602166.29257959 7199 + 289 = 7488 981310615.5158577 + -39024.24399160058 = 981271591.2718661 -73.42380924222627 + 8075803089.1214285 = 8075803015.697619 -624696374.6068817 + 70176 = -624626198.6068817 -2458896.512161822 + 5409817952587.435 = 5409815493690.923 375.25352371510985 + -69 = 306.25352371510985 4720233225069 + 1372.8246217078877 = 4720233226441.824 2470315245333 + 3 = 2470315245336 -70018 + -7 = -70025 9021561379237.82 + -6059032 = 9021555320205.82 -177.63994741443622 + -275945.8159635599 = -276123.45591097436 85807496.1229819 + 2453 = 85809949.1229819 -34383672856 + 1807281034.6353202 = -32576391821.36468 -93.16306053760655 + 6519812321623 = 6519812321529.837 10396291115899.873 + -95353597761956.86 = -84957306646056.98 767492 + 57347606535320.945 = 57347607302812.945 -368875556760.4093 + -6 = -368875556766.4093 38 + 8 = 46 4749092284991 + 64 = 4749092285055 -67133525601.29474 + -1682500583.18119 = -68816026184.47592 6414548742 + -1356328 = 6413192414 -725078814283 + -442132784489.9628 = -1167211598772.963 -80391688403093 + 100000000000000 = 19608311596907 9918449820893 + 73507534155514 = 83425983976407 89101950.69536336 + 905980132 = 995082082.6953634 7685 + -478545817759.4397 = -478545810074.4397 -64510.569838588635 + 5187336 = 5122825.430161411 6622897361809.157 + 74965620640.67332 = 6697862982449.83 -4185903836318.8315 + -4634 = -4185903840952.8315 512935 + -270152917.3252745 = -269639982.3252745 -84220010849949.39 + 9.735359977485759 = -84220010849939.66 629742184853 + 3162428.549164494 = 629745347281.5492 2 + 35382.38613768446 = 35384.38613768446 -523907969 + 14038 = -523893931 -100000000000000.0 + 495651082.4713429 = -99999504348917.53 1259464658535.1538 + -100000000000000 = -98740535341464.84 -868742351933 + 100000000000000 = 99131257648067 -4136693 + 52 = -4136641 13591543075026.213 + -100000000000000 = -86408456924973.78 -83671578 + 87666981190291 = 87666897518713 100000000000000.0 + 39453607640.88574 = 100039453607640.89 56677150 + -677 = 56676473 41412677952815 + -617 = 41412677952198 296482059290 + -741412.7584697109 = 296481317877.2415 724628 + 55036.797453956984 = 779664.797453957 792812949121.7705 + 55.956469326242235 = 792812949177.7269 -569042569 + 368628422538 = 368059379969 -150658 + -2.111304224607239 = -150660.1113042246 557287124 + -73692888 = 483594236 -74234423178004.19 + 2721156180 = -74231702021824.19 6530 + 296.99020620870857 = 6826.9902062087085 2042 + -427543.10946504975 = -425501.10946504975 -100000000000000.0 + 380989739915 = -99619010260085.0 9465317317.567043 + 51531873325773 = 51541338643090.57 -80738.08781785851 + 2456 = -78282.08781785851 -7408.715121826757 + -87161061 = -87168469.71512182 -829641503 + 7 = -829641496 -34439 + -8989280161722.793 = -8989280196161.793 100000000000000 + -95224 = 99999999904776 -529243499902 + 865681811 = -528377818091 -92143334190244 + -361.63564689162934 = -92143334190605.64 14949066515658 + 36429301261031.16 = 51378367776689.16 46795307 + 79258 = 46874565 -37906 + 69981477704 = 69981439798 -1285765821253.7126 + -96801296858875.27 = -98087062680128.98 298329733.36951303 + -100000000000000 = -99999701670266.62 3 + 187363 = 187366 -3372857529133.1953 + -100000000000000 = -103372857529133.19 -6086.485324895596 + 9903.883216649534 = 3817.397891753938 -13089851345.352068 + -515713870453.8302 = -528803721799.18225 2549155.010067478 + 436805485908.20764 = 436808035063.2177 404395828 + 38712907100 = 39117302928 -54182211 + 6329750110903 = 6329695928692 -8178 + -604.964739085657 = -8782.964739085657 -4007512 + -61644154863 = -61648162375 -66214171630616 + 6989550.226304757 = -66214164641065.77 -327862453 + -76405313.22958268 = -404267766.22958267 71286364.27993223 + -9171128 = 62115236.27993223 1 + -804846170877.6697 = -804846170876.6697 455841990.9900299 + -8822.185249116155 = 455833168.8047808 8.975384926714941 + 1.0445938411263793 = 10.019978767841321 39903315395528 + -188045049209.1845 = 39715270346318.81 7736 + -40464755 = -40457019 -31307753.428101078 + 13510.089574934003 = -31294243.338526145 -49 + 76033792271513 = 76033792271464 32045765 + -41.086694457290534 = 32045723.913305543 -96617397517007.44 + -8297.543324047376 = -96617397525304.98 -536063331 + -18 = -536063349 -373 + -5251595230345.0625 = -5251595230718.0625 -76638 + 1677721.5106748017 = 1601083.5106748017 7745 + 25837 = 33582 -9045043514569 + -12 = -9045043514581 -987264297.819504 + -594.5096250380259 = -987264892.3291291 2806587 + 63760892584.512024 = 63763699171.512024 15143854 + 323088 = 15466942 -10 + 44791729841 = 44791729831 -98837380.00240536 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999901162620.0 -8.743738367171122 + 6432220140 = 6432220131.256262 8.281374897568679 + -5214011021303 = -5214011021294.719 -69105588.63527906 + 29666 = -69075922.63527906 41367 + 35136877991564.805 = 35136878032931.805 -1316769761.3032966 + -3817.4278262821817 = -1316773578.7311227 302380.98953891103 + 5929575318 = 5929877698.989539 100000000000000.0 + -8986807848845 = 91013192151155.0 -769877117 + -70126283505 = -70896160622 -3 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999997 6361541996062.047 + -100000000000000 = -93638458003937.95 4068245399 + 4.663480584449742 = 4068245403.6634808 304.02964622554725 + -842573 = -842268.9703537745 -297823136171.31934 + 821.8500854227932 = -297823135349.46924 -100000000000000 + -9952.021423162594 = -100000000009952.02 3594.0789921800347 + -100000000000000 = -99999999996405.92 -588173416936 + -557 = -588173417493 485576 + -78509285.75402835 = -78023709.75402835 -5149955 + -8133397471848 = -8133402621803 36203309318227.29 + -88 = 36203309318139.29 74.2608880013135 + -3278598329486.394 = -3278598329412.1333 324297.4019657582 + 7704 = 332001.4019657582 -3 + -61356.92009912037 = -61359.92009912037 832226.9394401088 + -7394472217566 = -7394471385339.061 -593364.4215748585 + 9555755801.707502 = 9555162437.285927 -372 + 856392379 = 856392007 -332666 + 749402 = 416736 -9950622510 + -1.186253552862969 = -9950622511.186255 7445971143 + -13996499631.85371 = -6550528488.85371 -596915087 + 115028 = -596800059 -7321332469302 + 910 = -7321332468392 -100000000000000 + -4 = -100000000000004 652977631.6125704 + -71073098819 = -70420121187.38744 -818938929980.2394 + -816 = -818938930796.2394 -8629.481615793362 + 5434.283300048657 = -3195.198315744705 29866862415 + -287241723451.88855 = -257374861036.88855 -292476 + 1552162.6341962405 = 1259686.6341962405 -100000000000000 + -1055 = -100000000001055 5 + 3380709201881 = 3380709201886 21.194215089835723 + 1.391177397170161 = 22.585392487005883 -9 + 11881625543177 = 11881625543168 28 + 780813995563 = 780813995591 5472878081 + 8.71051441403814 = 5472878089.710514 612540838 + 714909.1189031288 = 613255747.1189032 23520 + 38475910.71506335 = 38499430.71506335 -45 + 5748942511.662501 = 5748942466.662501 -55422 + 925.1265584168724 = -54496.87344158313 -7731950900074.974 + 712370.569019297 = -7731950187704.404 -3440948412184.145 + -4221.67171102832 = -3440948416405.817 -124 + -750421694141 = -750421694265 1097616517 + -328942872.2743297 = 768673644.7256703 -484278294 + -4279.96615921806 = -484282573.9661592 -28085294677343.03 + 357092 = -28085294320251.03 -595431105 + -97428 = -595528533 -756520713.305545 + -1231 = -756521944.305545 -9724944.956198653 + 477460558516 = 477450833571.0438 -100000000000000 + 88 = -99999999999912 596634739 + 526071 = 597160810 1102 + -479700399.71656823 = -479699297.71656823 -68638250.09633204 + 6172.657465213236 = -68632077.43886682 77394025454422.22 + -15027 = 77394025439395.22 844813738 + -100000000000000 = -99999155186262 27295230318863.273 + 56581382647098 = 83876612965961.28 -6540.609746246539 + -3805128.2811708027 = -3811668.8909170493 -4 + -951.5681128287156 = -955.5681128287156 -645909974667 + -275.95441896512693 = -645909974942.9545 -60015665026506.16 + 342494934 = -60015322531572.16 -67.35881325562765 + 2831212172 = 2831212104.6411867 3779299 + 9.723274105253905 = 3779308.723274105 5626032 + 689571747534 = 689577373566 -25953401028552.633 + 8.22905219178286 = -25953401028544.402 51076498849764.21 + -835 = 51076498848929.21 24407.176973325993 + 8.949639138259842 = 24416.126612464253 -432927511.05336446 + -24406 = -432951917.05336446 -21765408170806.86 + 5147929840.363037 = -21760260240966.496 87031565.5608331 + 1 = 87031566.5608331 -5044.452392239747 + 5496097991887 = 5496097986842.548 8095622.352774386 + 523 = 8096145.352774386 100000000000000 + -4775159179.393244 = 99995224840820.61 580 + -47.83860210872081 = 532.1613978912792 -68784783 + 4163 = -68780620 702 + -45785765 = -45785063 273.44075209299695 + 966 = 1239.440752092997 3 + 67787716887.04991 = 67787716890.04991 100000000000000.0 + -33452755 = 99999966547245.0 -5916431 + -713032711994.8187 = -713038628425.8187 908 + 8363371.067519074 = 8364279.067519074 8708001814821 + 462641659266.4385 = 9170643474087.438 -741456.2159713403 + -61 = -741517.2159713403 83.43417144991115 + 29.610473648430947 = 113.0446450983421 3952042354631.761 + 93853265487257.92 = 97805307841889.69 4458928.584945267 + 100000000000000 = 100000004458928.58 554037437812.0825 + 56 = 554037437868.0825 -46160167328422 + 7712395 = -46160159616027 7248.239312191258 + 30239255277 = 30239262525.23931 82906625732.163 + 44 = 82906625776.163 -5288289137422 + -866.9195947886649 = -5288289138288.92 100000000000000.0 + 359241 = 100000000359241.0 -37768947503145 + -24929 = -37768947528074 -1.4134139595512134 + -56305 = -56306.41341395955 11781064096 + -65617379764 = -53836315668 730581.2441554588 + 764191930114.4312 = 764192660695.6753 -462939310.1763122 + 82 = -462939228.1763122 100000000000000.0 + -724 = 99999999999276.0 9292120 + -9.003866245098681 = 9292110.996133754 7269950670 + 1444814063184.2424 = 1452084013854.2424 -35573 + 257145 = 221572 -100000000000000 + 308084082563.5045 = -99691915917436.5 677 + -75763215.86793333 = -75762538.86793333 -100000000000000 + 551190224852 = -99448809775148 379 + -380314957.25560725 = -380314578.25560725 100000000000000.0 + -2198719219.393445 = 99997801280780.61 92590786846382 + 100000000000000.0 = 192590786846382.0 -6112.935405308216 + 3440851.192369996 = 3434738.2569646877 4518010.918133991 + -5.276236386912821 = 4518005.641897604 39734613737966 + -7623784248 = 39726989953718 519669263.9064638 + 52037454 = 571706717.9064639 143227798236.04858 + 77445 = 143227875681.04858 6840402323373 + -7047797507 = 6833354525866 592 + -325025 = -324433 52234450 + -7382801905 = -7330567455 -47719989760 + -439397 = -47720429157 -83878932.72797522 + -19783147604.577774 = -19867026537.305748 -251948 + -635916414941 = -635916666889 -330 + -13.075388062372577 = -343.07538806237255 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 5627 + -75183928349 = -75183922722 8295395085 + -4637479744 = 3657915341 7173044781748 + -100000000000000 = -92826955218252 -5463 + -943549.7229689035 = -949012.7229689035 -1026377 + 9668951014447.344 = 9668949988070.344 311140 + 69478649135 = 69478960275 -7900098139 + -122489.09908733278 = -7900220628.099088 -6089.241564095878 + 85607 = 79517.75843590412 8078 + 989240 = 997318 93 + 2935 = 3028 -97639244023 + -2375668929337.442 = -2473308173360.442 40 + 571549711396 = 571549711436 65019079066 + -386953375701 = -321934296635 -2797.2239707256695 + -84154.80998173189 = -86952.03395245755 -97910755689 + 63675.71635725693 = -97910692013.28365 -649151128 + -587123.8748791211 = -649738251.8748791 420074.13593107864 + -98695105464.32004 = -98694685390.18411 -14 + -6.820333023479861 = -20.82033302347986 82841941562642.97 + -44251079833704 = 38590861728938.97 43730342186586.55 + -8.202427096054826 = 43730342186578.34 -85397999086 + -311 = -85397999397 -49373137 + -21.577574304405914 = -49373158.577574305 213934378052 + 34657195.99682855 = 213969035247.99683 -2858892752814.755 + 69775737676294 = 66916844923479.24 -213 + 638.5958745587509 = 425.5958745587509 -4597.865466459807 + 6373 = 1775.134533540193 -28028910682661 + -761449767.1732708 = -28029672132428.17 -928039343 + 75478756 = -852560587 -395 + -344422871 = -344423266 41.99665501303973 + -17033464404555 = -17033464404513.004 -100000000000000 + -33882 = -100000000033882 -4558.780177833882 + -8839860473646.64 = -8839860478205.42 48359679318 + -89774.13912877165 = 48359589543.86087 8 + -64369178999 = -64369178991 3716 + 307726112 = 307729828 29657 + -91014402918699.06 = -91014402889042.06 -88773 + 23037465576 = 23037376803 -8932 + -64494524064 = -64494532996 7.881411404701241 + -9.116277127054847 = -1.2348657223536055 -200 + 2347757701903.002 = 2347757701703.002 -804778496832 + 614 = -804778496218 2 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000002.0 61148 + -8545266 = -8484118 -6448783.093380924 + 444648779333.58044 = 444642330550.48706 -8.553392069748302 + -3 = -11.553392069748302 876876272437.8638 + 795711720.3480685 = 877671984158.2118 232845818 + -7.967632162143316 = 232845810.03236783 -84319 + 2285793233951.168 = 2285793149632.168 -606595926.3125842 + 5010478.138036209 = -601585448.1745479 -6697 + 710935043.0579896 = 710928346.0579896 -37340890154.21419 + 3380987 = -37337509167.21419 5.313791396747449 + -47220355141 = -47220355135.68621 -65911 + -1571146 = -1637057 -934584318284 + 780789.3188776142 = -934583537494.6812 -7590.684164361214 + -4228 = -11818.684164361213 9249793469664.244 + 78893.782564162 = 9249793548558.027 -392832073540.25714 + 21574700858233.883 = 21181868784693.625 6576277 + 4821452 = 11397729 4.158044844554034 + -13828601237.631239 = -13828601233.473194 -38016273181298 + -840.5365946907108 = -38016273182138.54 -8789.234899319985 + 991710 = 982920.7651006801 8076150275305.966 + 28349649 = 8076178624954.966 -8148128877 + 63266 = -8148065611 92756755629.47232 + 8308.852590326962 = 92756763938.3249 4401217153.23949 + -202094.7164072416 = 4401015058.523083 585 + 569142 = 569727 332636421177.46387 + 84783525 = 332721204702.46387 -53592982350214 + 7256 = -53592982342958 -54641845854265.305 + 77605220169821 = 22963374315555.695 -96 + -868536 = -868632 61911.63298198457 + -9002415824833.598 = -9002415762921.965 -7017346.235716951 + 100000000000000 = 99999992982653.77 -29557391201 + -8207865874215 = -8237423265416 44.82865749180314 + 46 = 90.82865749180314 57 + -104.86629331425938 = -47.86629331425938 3202 + 3 = 3205 331993459809.35425 + -5882141634220.633 = -5550148174411.278 2.818203035739456 + 63 = 65.81820303573946 97410 + -486 = 96924 100000000000000 + 217195998785 = 100217195998785 -723755912 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999276244088.0 206462692.890865 + 178106407815.00867 = 178312870507.89954 548522194551 + -31996403.427009266 = 548490198147.573 -4929.824583378266 + 49.36516156550265 = -4880.459421812763 8108.590718954873 + 33036046635700.145 = 33036046643808.734 -2336701 + 637617591162 = 637615254461 63447593.94880159 + -468 = 63447125.94880159 -439 + 6114780 = 6114341 -73711005686.76746 + 323892454 = -73387113232.76746 -89.54735307888735 + -15371.404010810522 = -15460.95136388941 7 + 21594249 = 21594256 2.44693935597154 + 737127.6357785763 = 737130.0827179322 86712189592434 + -4704452.015261013 = 86712184887981.98 -83211507174662 + -686 = -83211507175348 49026 + -6696.520033850919 = 42329.47996614908 -9192.507647155535 + -46.28191951820281 = -9238.789566673739 -8 + -7463542582498.958 = -7463542582506.958 -80234998 + -82567923115 = -82648158113 -47236.15559528901 + 30051621.257326048 = 30004385.10173076 -47.182568647004274 + 6216952562 = 6216952514.817431 -9 + 9494021089.33031 = 9494021080.33031 2047.2871431631525 + -1 = 2046.2871431631525 7883720482992.695 + -858348339.0955892 = 7882862134653.6 3332519930 + -5 = 3332519925 16611487669 + -28691 = 16611458978 -99.4034940565268 + 7274797 = 7274697.596505944 -51717.45295507966 + -8421854625702.388 = -8421854677419.841 -45.29140614444603 + -53727933.60709625 = -53727978.898502395 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -97237547.91198535 + -602531822344 = -602629059891.912 59 + 9184427200 = 9184427259 -100000000000000.0 + 633620326 = -99999366379674.0 17967019109.55835 + 29263 = 17967048372.55835 -8 + 17148249.277567424 = 17148241.277567424 -782163814.3058474 + -92100.23203406997 = -782255914.5378815 676069.5199226219 + 6965472 = 7641541.519922622 -314360659.7437429 + -3404 = -314364063.7437429 505665832 + 49098882401609 = 49099388067441 -61 + -5241168234915.627 = -5241168234976.627 -3.586963480586684 + -25640877.56697736 = -25640881.15394084 -38491240932.951904 + 6387893270567.5 = 6349402029634.548 93694132 + -68610.83791831904 = 93625521.16208167 -256851147.24356022 + 58104805.47316073 = -198746341.7703995 -8002413489670 + -4843311.3640604485 = -8002418332981.364 -322.0709145544487 + 6097813 = 6097490.929085446 54.316744545983845 + -9567978836 = -9567978781.683256 -36259450160781.89 + -6086128.006054559 = -36259456246909.9 72133285.33304329 + -5 = 72133280.33304329 491047838.9427058 + 5380012 = 496427850.9427058 898803457 + -1 = 898803456 -22370 + 1 = -22369 -5333818662.82831 + -82012.24752397022 = -5333900675.075834 -24442458272 + 3 = -24442458269 5483.36515991651 + -3651 = 1832.3651599165096 -36489923682 + 1902489373737 = 1865999450055 80806271939.03648 + 41441794046 = 122248065985.03648 79236 + 58423896893 = 58423976129 -372140.46024439746 + -1814 = -373954.46024439746 9876 + -31.26567474035706 = 9844.734325259644 -23155081.023673162 + 32324.477169381113 = -23122756.546503782 -12189316746480.887 + 499522.8764495119 = -12189316246958.01 88343795 + -1 = 88343794 847704336.6736256 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000847704336.67 42 + -5552679 = -5552637 7 + 73927 = 73934 71771010068075 + -8.957011367800263 = 71771010068066.05 -462428667282 + 23330191936 = -439098475346 -5 + 9540.619499922337 = 9535.619499922337 4537 + 4 = 4541 6457050 + -6611817783642.733 = -6611811326592.733 -85203012374 + 47 = -85203012327 -1918905278.1190205 + -4524438.995909106 = -1923429717.1149297 -2735006478565 + -7937614529314.227 = -10672621007879.227 854628512954.4923 + 61623053199 = 916251566153.4923 165226154.26469678 + -9086214915340 = -9086049689185.734 -94521698241.19019 + -10020176922.82683 = -104541875164.01701 -86081.9834968889 + -6794485473 = -6794571554.983497 -75845150578359 + 11851824 = -75845138726535 -373784651245 + 12 = -373784651233 574399462.9509728 + -71364.6973169732 = 574328098.2536558 40443 + -8606941801.457447 = -8606901358.457447 -969458603 + -2677463001601.342 = -2678432460204.342 -22.47119056620837 + 662697789678.7006 = 662697789656.2294 -3084736559648.753 + -97.10897121238983 = -3084736559745.862 673657.0363587452 + -71 = 673586.0363587452 339994905.10066354 + -5974824.736118661 = 334020080.36454487 3486 + -6 = 3480 -24939672924650 + -18486692729 = -24958159617379 -928.8920161710255 + -28315007263411 = -28315007264339.89 3470 + -87904058 = -87900588 -6807177.676838365 + 7891483943164 = 7891477135986.323 100000000000000 + 717634263 = 100000717634263 553097996.7356888 + -130.23340747476945 = 553097866.5022813 785 + -842787837428 = -842787836643 790 + 618285 = 619075 -438453883637 + -586700605171 = -1025154488808 5313190536.357675 + 217705858003.30725 = 223019048539.66492 6199962 + -64.74738713009545 = 6199897.25261287 6593 + 9832817962373 = 9832817968966 5 + 90854313 = 90854318 10473.40097791821 + 3.6305930513897273 = 10477.0315709696 -71293878534924 + 49543276 = -71293828991648 6488041 + 676321481340 = 676327969381 -771392 + 93.46931657253802 = -771298.5306834275 1 + 8318.902825167199 = 8319.902825167199 -18758253 + 100000000000000 = 99999981241747 27547506745 + -7355 = 27547499390 -768 + -30980.164750200925 = -31748.164750200925 648832845315.6562 + -9427423.940834055 = 648823417891.7155 1888559895 + -17519622.43561311 = 1871040272.5643868 28.31146627211836 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999971.69 36811049796884 + 710430580209 = 37521480377093 2395930014390.688 + -94526182.69079098 = 2395835488207.997 -692702903 + -28875.248525607687 = -692731778.2485256 10985 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000010985.0 -17870810816827 + 100000000000000 = 82129189183173 -21701038385077 + 9709 = -21701038375368 -54861754 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000054861754.0 -671294992473.3683 + -4471486092821 = -5142781085294.368 726147.1829010522 + -971255.7072931483 = -245108.5243920961 -66568066903020.85 + -94522269162.07364 = -66662589172182.92 -611270123.5765113 + 9378055494 = 8766785370.423489 -269415921724 + -7614809926109.666 = -7884225847833.666 -88499658293.40001 + -5645155391766 = -5733655050059.4 28 + 31725199844636.777 = 31725199844664.777 8 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999992.0 -9694325 + -1287337578181 = -1287347272506 -3.6080163930553675 + 55409663996110 = 55409663996106.39 -532.5858533500145 + 40.43483339469397 = -492.1510199553206 -61 + -960990999.1063248 = -960991060.1063248 2117266198.337041 + -100000000000000.0 = -99997882733801.66 799.6523734502908 + 82828399047297.02 = 82828399048096.67 -64815440496744 + 1390542530472.9597 = -63424897966271.04 648061.8890278435 + 775706 = 1423767.8890278435 871396.9732046211 + -27925869 = -27054472.02679538 41825.30065177062 + 46098131253625.71 = 46098131295451.01 -2699.4031862180404 + 78458 = 75758.59681378196 -3725808.9230461787 + 100000000000000 = 99999996274191.08 -106426044.08751817 + -45835 = -106471879.08751817 3143316665639 + -345 = 3143316665294 357 + -263392646702.10675 = -263392646345.10675 519013760 + -1 = 519013759 64520 + 835103224244.8241 = 835103288764.8241 33038988 + -7192910 = 25846078 -540985397850 + 9285.121322776231 = -540985388564.87866 -13714433267975 + 535005.9369201434 = -13714432732969.062 -31 + 555716631 = 555716600 1451539515 + 54384605356.37506 = 55836144871.37506 2 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000002.0 -64692942481951.05 + 82780771612.66211 = -64610161710338.38 100000000000000 + -49882608902340.27 = 50117391097659.73 -8816296.127154695 + -7463295318.730221 = -7472111614.857375 -100000000000000.0 + 306948.8202861938 = -99999999693051.19 -9506201672258.371 + -78148446.76898521 = -9506279820705.14 7188423075922 + 121991328472 = 7310414404394 3477546363954.5923 + 638707647325.1626 = 4116254011279.755 -6647996 + -8246811.018702306 = -14894807.018702306 980862.9535112241 + 3548470.7859617164 = 4529333.739472941 -95240454427699 + 14898180 = -95240439529519 -245620174.12977925 + 4375692259.221096 = 4130072085.0913167 7249973785 + 716240012294 = 723489986079 71 + 64122233675.4762 = 64122233746.4762 66272 + -3211528.9356684797 = -3145256.9356684797 6490953934 + 3211481.5964077166 = 6494165415.596408 -319027 + -52375.62615684036 = -371402.62615684036 500889 + -470 = 500419 3202 + 4211.4140979105 = 7413.4140979105 706618846198 + -29060 = 706618817138 -8 + -4041168.744350317 = -4041176.744350317 65483835.13528954 + 91896 = 65575731.13528954 943400.9950072938 + 73708629495 = 73709572895.99501 186159194 + -60660 = 186098534 -7972578356182 + -1492976660.7365875 = -7974071332842.736 936895131.4126035 + -55987481863609 = -55986544968477.586 -98.30098031842898 + -1032 = -1130.300980318429 6015076706 + 745118.4141582928 = 6015821824.414158 1436508 + -76315514806514 = -76315513370006 -13490164380348 + 79431790517 = -13410732589831 -39737161461416 + -16183908.498414906 = -39737177645324.5 2691465497893 + -1597.8926002489002 = 2691465496295.1074 41000497.13154042 + -92772647079023 = -92772606078525.88 960059623.8876926 + -650761976 = 309297647.8876926 -8145038 + 19583451216 = 19575306178 94686925512100.03 + -90.26700410918805 = 94686925512009.77 9 + -30400.68887844506 = -30391.68887844506 9.79642151757423 + -13.212998979050111 = -3.4165774614758817 -738 + -5 = -743 38.14566703888775 + -5620245931448 = -5620245931409.8545 1868 + 6547 = 8415 467643499.547259 + 1815431658 = 2283075157.547259 683591181.1021941 + -216767.25867603786 = 683374413.843518 -57060271.460439965 + 507896908 = 450836636.53956 -9.96297949252809 + -614992133828 = -614992133837.963 217696 + 787098889048 = 787099106744 -14.085012786721135 + 51 = 36.91498721327886 798106294.6910056 + 32856955 = 830963249.6910056 -890904961499 + 2389.3764138763254 = -890904959109.6235 824 + 48097706144.47149 = 48097706968.47149 -100000000000000.0 + 511095368585.09454 = -99488904631414.9 574208.6645990808 + -4915569 = -4341360.335400919 7512328665 + -70958622313.37459 = -63446293648.37459 -374797.19872692553 + -83077315139 = -83077689936.19873 -47670304424 + -342177.91193379066 = -47670646601.911934 87705643115 + 135.99017232785096 = 87705643250.99017 -173692742 + 42805539332 = 42631846590 5 + 48630447 = 48630452 2.4080437754748094 + -48902541 = -48902538.59195623 398812276.4863012 + -4055967469002.866 = -4055568656726.38 -52.20749255827134 + 7969129261 = 7969129208.792507 -33989115346.71762 + -48 = -33989115394.71762 18796.82761382943 + -100000000000000 = -99999999981203.17 -6978836993.82289 + 100000000000000 = 99993021163006.17 -27764429013.19207 + 7227344679.805572 = -20537084333.386497 -224015316.7112851 + 6634004 = -217381312.7112851 -757033503452.3959 + -564506372597.1235 = -1321539876049.5195 91 + -9 = 82 654169553.6574997 + -100000000000000 = -99999345830446.34 -254539 + 8324532535 = 8324277996 -564422 + 3490930383062.638 = 3490929818640.638 709728457 + -7376 = 709721081 -6607815.714316779 + 8139948599.1348295 = 8133340783.420513 121.16782210317992 + -1597305203.3694484 = -1597305082.2016263 -23601587.914112117 + 61066622 = 37465034.08588788 59143636 + -100000000000000 = -99999940856364 7295995 + 875826.8934188433 = 8171821.893418843 26877.399808529368 + 58681105796664 = 58681105823541.4 -61154168 + 9123427928.53453 = 9062273760.53453 983.4944996532691 + -4 = 979.4944996532691 2523080995.611973 + 763959.2065805758 = 2523844954.8185534 686836295 + 91513 = 686927808 -1778890.942747265 + 759 = -1778131.942747265 -7633464684 + -2079036729 = -9712501413 7331992688388 + 100000000000000 = 107331992688388 -774364552558 + 9359.920710699367 = -774364543198.0793 59505227013.59363 + 702067234.9106312 = 60207294248.50426 768955.2091779246 + 6.235390605445016 = 768961.44456853 -100000000000000 + 2783365502 = -99997216634498 -2424280893805 + 5800936197772.948 = 3376655303967.948 -755.5705055121944 + -6165165.000157601 = -6165920.570663113 498.2195910050727 + -5414606446009.222 = -5414606445511.002 -43250541171.009605 + -99463722 = -43350004893.009605 -8.987350590373278 + 1398 = 1389.0126494096266 7464336 + 2880173355773.938 = 2880180820109.938 -853202.75529636 + -169.2369158972325 = -853371.9922122572 68 + -93646232.08034971 = -93646164.08034971 -947195006.0536863 + 2096115795 = 1148920788.9463139 8625300584919 + 489 = 8625300585408 -27017832 + -507608 = -27525440 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 7982848.624325576 + 237884646 = 245867494.62432557 100000000000000 + 313698001308.71844 = 100313698001308.72 219695334.15023986 + 2547236865897.8 = 2547456561231.95 -1040610956.028074 + -49593477247563 = -49594517858519.03 6552163507 + -902499.0865067322 = 6551261007.913493 9027117906 + 72055605311.9346 = 81082723217.9346 20939701478239.83 + -285284 = 20939701192955.83 -2 + 75626 = 75624 46107807733 + 100000000000000 = 100046107807733 6396543650 + -8.93535450253541 = 6396543641.064646 -1614437349 + -165963042637.07416 = -167577479986.07416 889.0181264978036 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999110.98 -908165992.5318633 + -47632.31131748942 = -908213624.8431808 -243240432222 + 93333288825 = -149907143397 -87 + 43.31584533034226 = -43.68415466965774 -55.41687933941098 + -664.4279796279135 = -719.8448589673245 -93 + -83 = -176 9924.807742673092 + -3362.4594168903377 = 6562.348325782755 796.5470674561685 + -969040.4519567426 = -968243.9048892864 -5526 + -7066644 = -7072170 -9.756277393417047 + -104726.7900386358 = -104736.54631602921 809.3189351756794 + 3075612.2195201134 = 3076421.5384552893 100000000000000 + -99442.3880130349 = 99999999900557.61 24512209096.118866 + -100000000000000 = -99975487790903.88 63335487252 + -95735769528277 = -95672434041025 3.2881264214815733 + 665874632.7349352 = 665874636.0230616 -100000000000000.0 + 12240899474156 = -87759100525844.0 65027141432 + 484861541572 = 549888683004 -837889749 + 1624245573 = 786355824 5958867 + -100000000000000 = -99999994041133 -32720546321361 + -73384 = -32720546394745 -8772293 + 4.990933099577109 = -8772288.0090669 -7026588949430.288 + 3.5226798832872115 = -7026588949426.766 41 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999959.0 168948753 + 536915609352.64154 = 537084558105.64154 6933817536 + 12 = 6933817548 5 + 27680 = 27685 673 + -5555143677.143864 = -5555143004.143864 65996590140218 + 42391604122 = 66038981744340 -71412767637.06659 + 70591654 = -71342175983.06659 57466701503.22188 + 5343993.187866251 = 57472045496.409744 -6937265 + -61091 = -6998356 -419073 + 100000000000000 = 99999999580927 1128.947270370642 + 76335457.29852052 = 76336586.24579088 -8878337.930746011 + 67 = -8878270.930746011 -2924773860183 + 88 = -2924773860095 -9340384827808 + 461735 = -9340384366073 63183153995 + 918465802629 = 981648956624 -604402792780 + -979563.161740767 = -604403772343.1617 -2192136 + 727510.2404684334 = -1464625.7595315666 74924080 + 9016727.392569136 = 83940807.39256914 -24932300787272 + -16096458652406.273 = -41028759439678.27 -66496234096773 + -938327 = -66496235035100 100000000000000.0 + -891248869.7759486 = 99999108751130.22 -1701138318016.1938 + -3144.4861633842484 = -1701138321160.68 44325904934902.35 + -5397227.101749178 = 44325899537675.25 64981603479.37363 + 7921.35645207833 = 64981611400.73008 282.1182407574088 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999717.88 -59030384645112.31 + 23.966337624302703 = -59030384645088.34 28317362.67179377 + 67 = 28317429.67179377 -100000000000000 + 5972.638761894643 = -99999999994027.36 7 + -8551353357 = -8551353350 843924 + -393 = 843531 38991176262.36429 + 649955.2612954639 = 38991826217.62559 2064808.081620628 + 57.48610407825197 = 2064865.5677247064 -7188358206934 + 28982510158 = -7159375696776 30309537373695.117 + -1471858372 = 30308065515323.117 -2091088611046.1787 + 100000000000000 = 97908911388953.83 -55562730.67633379 + -46467.24664151857 = -55609197.92297531 100000000000000.0 + -3480918997.7418556 = 99996519081002.27 100000000000000 + -89805961836187.66 = 10194038163812.344 66689.6279690649 + -585 = 66104.6279690649 691.4939981980677 + -4768977201744.378 = -4768977201052.884 -45732324534596 + 3428086752.196282 = -45728896447843.805 569620727.8136555 + 2427040 = 572047767.8136555 458 + 58.67023854516765 = 516.6702385451676 979621 + -39974350.17157178 = -38994729.17157178 -1847 + 968645 = 966798 -9 + 9.740399211826764 = 0.7403992118267642 108925319830.35771 + 70056494723.50192 = 178981814553.85962 -8445.976737557228 + 9 = -8436.976737557228 50.62399094382254 + 1 = 51.62399094382254 -100000000000000.0 + -7147725186 = -100007147725186.0 -759735279 + 3559849819782 = 3559090084503 2632495.82697084 + 42.48932419639299 = 2632538.316295036 -887.1445393286713 + -8491940117529 = -8491940118416.145 78551647.24046685 + -77863 = 78473784.24046685 679674.0244382946 + 9009205 = 9688879.024438296 28976 + 1 = 28977 -5.301075727793828 + 81022606981413 = 81022606981407.7 76123084.2200082 + -893330399 = -817207314.7799919 74153932 + -5 = 74153927 -5 + 635466234.9503204 = 635466229.9503204 -935878802.5951217 + 96188572343 = 95252693540.40488 531 + -5660677 = -5660146 100000000000000 + 20445150770940 = 120445150770940 84 + 424659 = 424743 -3515607355818.036 + 100000000000000.0 = 96484392644181.97 -2.4387367377533233 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000002.44 -39255730.22442001 + 7092493 = -32163237.22442001 -987 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000987 -8.137789651491124 + -602007510182 = -602007510190.1378 -1671942259710 + 90 = -1671942259620 217821539334.29062 + 555 = 217821539889.29062 -2944 + 94649.59744628386 = 91705.59744628386 -6581159928813.98 + 5471 = -6581159923342.98 -6 + -4655520168.927702 = -4655520174.927702 56254736394872.734 + 1063.1135849151824 = 56254736395935.85 100000000000000 + 6.593261738199882 = 100000000000006.6 419948151.91098744 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999580051848.1 -11344504785889 + 100000000000000.0 = 88655495214111.0 918788496040 + -690970046 = 918097525994 -25687.353751460465 + -6 = -25693.353751460465 158167.50869232984 + 8869744222 = 8869902389.508692 385054067719.5394 + 95.30623426095428 = 385054067814.84564 6320045.516197151 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999993679954.48 -85295164866.85927 + -100000000000000 = -100085295164866.86 -636.6683523515859 + -6.580093776683151 = -643.248446128269 9 + -5.1973279418818565 = 3.8026720581181435 3.475355793926455 + -736139903720 = -736139903716.5247 -426664.88265871647 + 5.415304968742488 = -426659.46735374775 -100000000000000 + -6156.362688890307 = -100000000006156.36 -321.57475482590326 + -1631307.8319330611 = -1631629.406687887 3.5870293421172024 + -725.0827891540586 = -721.4957598119414 92898404.03806667 + 953185221 = 1046083625.0380666 454265728.9041708 + -100000000000000 = -99999545734271.1 -3773 + 53818542984 = 53818539211 -596935317593.9058 + 610196.1702490235 = -596934707397.7355 -52369292925.511475 + 121569238275.34557 = 69199945349.83409 22162941201.84774 + 53.01563553446177 = 22162941254.863377 684.5227128041292 + -468359167.23116016 = -468358482.70844734 8314488142.883526 + 2253312670.37838 = 10567800813.261906 552.98915415662 + 7188676558098.849 = 7188676558651.838 -29552.305125289717 + -701793929 = -701823481.3051252 -8596999613585.038 + 6309486 = -8596993304099.038 891338763 + 54316290837.42918 = 55207629600.42918 -6561.872996270509 + -486.5098340579534 = -7048.382830328463 -295182 + -100000000000000 = -100000000295182 8195557177.01567 + 70762.46148326666 = 8195627939.477153 -754675707 + 5316648917 = 4561973210 32451 + -269 = 32182 79472 + -35893859 = -35814387 13681 + 2431744.238645386 = 2445425.238645386 433.45729131707554 + 2191419233.782338 = 2191419667.2396293 -98223 + -39705.64745067101 = -137928.647450671 50425019 + -767324 = 49657695 -93856189093813 + 50410473590259.1 = -43445715503553.9 -487205.19881266664 + 6.221198897001724 = -487198.97761376965 -6936842874729.358 + -5928 = -6936842880657.358 -393.31188741313275 + 30360393289287 = 30360393288893.688 1299103365 + -25976366769 = -24677263404 9983.945659802032 + 795637937685 = 795637947668.9457 267520735 + 928869072.7536488 = 1196389807.7536488 9495193301356.848 + 206429246 = 9495399730602.848 -40077415742861.58 + -4723142728703 = -44800558471564.58 100000000000000 + -9745172016 = 99990254827984 838231956.3430967 + -4559201 = 833672755.3430967 -6205150903.077382 + -782 = -6205151685.077382 46 + 36834985279310 = 36834985279356 25620271999616 + -341.1912211181784 = 25620271999274.81 30570.337696603685 + 690388990.8097403 = 690419561.1474369 392076 + -18393774.937264338 = -18001698.937264338 -9296248991522 + 942075058996.204 = -8354173932525.796 312274860 + -712794.5020685102 = 311562065.4979315 317.1828422441073 + 52852092845 = 52852093162.18284 -7 + -4418545 = -4418552 -6374248744124 + -1629186844738.9758 = -8003435588862.976 -628523.0877961529 + 76094355329 = 76093726805.9122 -93.8933171380774 + -3304410636.4138713 = -3304410730.3071885 -91 + -452436 = -452527 3 + -984.0562985048616 = -981.0562985048616 -53619942493 + 77539140.97748809 = -53542403352.022514 -516.1796800229283 + 9365.031572496733 = 8848.851892473805 -40635205700 + -65872.26992548992 = -40635271572.26993 -62354680232.199646 + 96276295302461 = 96213940622228.8 -8 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000008.0 911754.1703738885 + 2355517695106 = 2355518606860.1704 9746.274818370095 + 85211 = 94957.27481837009 9632.279078716972 + -48444600322.435936 = -48444590690.15686 64193827259.40556 + 7239992033504 = 7304185860763.405 -974 + -30 = -1004 -577680274.0833204 + -977557.4509119705 = -578657831.5342324 -374130321759 + 5436.246424507699 = -374130316322.7536 -502594967 + 636 = -502594331 6636860793 + -469728014930.1561 = -463091154137.1561 -5641.754315308837 + 746286 = 740644.2456846911 -61316 + -415885.1451733687 = -477201.1451733687 -429274538 + 418.16558843224516 = -429274119.83441156 -2 + -964817785 = -964817787 -515712670800 + -817692200669.8655 = -1333404871469.8655 -94932956499936 + -217777975 = -94933174277911 51205525621352.08 + -292 = 51205525621060.08 -6764326111.008336 + -634 = -6764326745.008336 281053881884 + -56.35753667056377 = 281053881827.64246 -7235.835261344111 + 112.65516489205908 = -7123.180096452052 968586 + -1071 = 967515 -91652667.72987913 + -3 = -91652670.72987913 -1813.928978942376 + -2.0385576970912016 = -1815.9675366394672 -964869726965.8381 + -4.737119647078442 = -964869726970.5752 -100000000000000 + 96864122142519.25 = -3135877857480.75 -3634315487 + 363130204.24834913 = -3271185282.751651 -926939987.280054 + 171.9945023781509 = -926939815.2855515 100000000000000.0 + -4921395 = 99999995078605.0 -2 + 8248457555.936914 = 8248457553.936914 -11899453825 + 969 = -11899452856 31496948327887.547 + -152354 = 31496948175533.547 12044235342.471142 + 5990 = 12044241332.471142 66830 + -108.37811578710513 = 66721.6218842129 619316.2992731312 + 5973806609267.951 = 5973807228584.25 -82249122995523.7 + -194399436 = -82249317394959.7 -598 + 94166 = 93568 -2574 + 31463147208244.207 = 31463147205670.207 104 + 192 = 296 51.848119436522644 + 4795808545.432142 = 4795808597.280262 -4 + -38390 = -38394 100000000000000 + 8761162 = 100000008761162 -3010745.8640538165 + 68256591625 = 68253580879.13595 -732.9480221604629 + -288769458 = -288770190.9480222 -5901 + 4083097450509 = 4083097444608 -73298958466 + 2396178 = -73296562288 -8884466257774.504 + 6094463760 = -8878371794014.504 -728 + 92308769 = 92308041 19 + 72015574157 = 72015574176 -27127152750.658535 + -29220837 = -27156373587.658535 -883 + -83457.1728735922 = -84340.1728735922 -8309358.754079963 + -15620 = -8324978.754079963 24549696578129 + 134331825359 = 24684028403488 34 + 9081.877588241337 = 9115.877588241337 308209 + -695289969 = -694981760 -3407.5362248870606 + -112.96004593425317 = -3520.496270821314 -55335444 + 34948426 = -20387018 -3701637.425055246 + -100000000000000 = -100000003701637.42 -22139952147 + 737250788 = -21402701359 -1648913639621 + 568 = -1648913639053 100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = 0 742434810546 + 40657 = 742434851203 67603836.6622431 + 37954146175174.766 = 37954213779011.43 -81151.06326330075 + 3063081308 = 3063000156.9367366 4444.133792035877 + 3338793 = 3343237.1337920357 -100000000000000.0 + -34.59056686898152 = -100000000000034.6 -6 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999994.0 -454991 + -890299 = -1345290 9637 + -85811.3356070484 = -76174.3356070484 551746858387 + -873071332.226408 = 550873787054.7736 -35188797.882585876 + 8240762.641431077 = -26948035.241154797 -38395 + -5333446730 = -5333485125 -8889361 + 41044823800.67476 = 41035934439.67476 4 + -74238.38710909129 = -74234.38710909129 -4.241164459793859 + 20611549803084.383 = 20611549803080.14 7982861114 + -46 = 7982861068 8217510 + -8939400101.34605 = -8931182591.34605 -5939054190.1129675 + 7130072.260116906 = -5931924117.852851 -93003062954 + -43926 = -93003106880 -807974121388 + 7.77227459296865 = -807974121380.2278 978235189.3196554 + -3155 = 978232034.3196554 -610409.502551114 + 3983 = -606426.502551114 99.36095839833187 + 53412206 = 53412305.3609584 -100000000000000 + -3234 = -100000000003234 100000000000000.0 + 6081126 = 100000006081126.0 99442525908734 + 5989122 = 99442531897856 -2828 + 9357590000.068272 = 9357587172.068272 106359.36382488412 + 3508485 = 3614844.363824884 83595808509 + -2.1908867854012137 = 83595808506.80911 -2185.2020017828763 + 100000000000000 = 99999999997814.8 674757155029.779 + 99044441 = 674856199470.779 -47182 + -687005.1825721456 = -734187.1825721456 19393202631003.062 + -1 = 19393202631002.062 -73 + 5 = -68 -91.36562568417996 + -449779762287 = -449779762378.3656 79 + -91059966 = -91059887 -84746852781054 + 386 = -84746852780668 74 + -79910578.82064669 = -79910504.82064669 1 + -614.1759431184688 = -613.1759431184688 -100000000000000.0 + 8237648.341551546 = -99999991762351.66 -979.6303652223256 + -389881.1033775774 = -390860.7337427997 -311.7385959861548 + 92362557.4692731 = 92362245.73067711 -640128393807 + -6436506 = -640134830313 -42537423424 + 339202815001 = 296665391577 -100000000000000 + 98956 = -99999999901044 -1937 + 7.221591326591672 = -1929.7784086734084 7439984060 + -5130703204527.775 = -5123263220467.775 36 + -17436.536549400305 = -17400.536549400305 82 + -69310 = -69228 89984527895.12404 + -27108994518955 = -27019009991059.875 -20031818544304 + 919312645281.2507 = -19112505899022.75 -356.4878658898107 + -7247025155.969422 = -7247025512.457288 -87120634789629 + 228559.90200441694 = -87120634561069.1 6759 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006759.0 4.464666253914986 + 6272187227.4170885 = 6272187231.881755 -565489.07792433 + -2092712307152 = -2092712872641.078 498 + -4487494.719097871 = -4486996.719097871 81538601358057 + -192694.88793276128 = 81538601165362.11 -95396890597417 + 35589166769 = -95361301430648 -44396.34032940326 + -42457533874359 = -42457533918755.34 711733031.6271139 + -91540.80238455294 = 711641490.8247294 662620496649 + 900121.5472809017 = 662621396770.5472 718971183094 + -442069 = 718970741025 -80305222822.17957 + -2838933074617 = -2919238297439.1797 981925.0650457708 + 8489629.335406248 = 9471554.400452018 7031340764.879413 + -60821850525 = -53790509760.12059 -536 + 951186 = 950650 514470036 + 71920 = 514541956 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 0 -55397102818.26205 + -391544383122 = -446941485940.262 6544192860920.651 + -1550002533.691077 = 6542642858386.96 -94545641001.68874 + 9059799107035.025 = 8965253466033.336 -73303854927108 + -3636780515625 = -76940635442733 16104.673584150018 + 5571740 = 5587844.67358415 -675965349 + -100000000000000 = -100000675965349 77 + 94042211719942 = 94042211720019 10021071.691835515 + -8007253391 = -7997232319.308165 -1453977753843 + 658 = -1453977753185 43747208184544 + -1666005141 = 43745542179403 -298913991563 + 6480 = -298913985083 -40169955.16988787 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999959830044.83 -65569.21517642259 + -5662070.777400691 = -5727639.992577113 -100000000000000 + -24904942 = -100000024904942 -55762285997982 + -234868536554 = -55997154534536 63 + -654761483438 = -654761483375 -212243143021.50714 + -97.58984489957369 = -212243143119.097 588413004 + 9 = 588413013 -720715 + 488158911 = 487438196 3666630 + 4.596951753717343 = 3666634.596951754 149248 + 344.80800459003774 = 149592.80800459004 -928480660.3688079 + 1560195046 = 631714385.6311921 -1 + 6 = 5 6.52433548907791 + -481.5787431186005 = -475.05440762952264 -73691543.40029235 + 109821185.7435842 = 36129642.34329185 2931514.082959829 + -35 = 2931479.082959829 6030 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000006030.0 29955039302303.586 + 245692965479 = 30200732267782.586 23427315121141 + -81760321.09380059 = 23427233360819.906 -610752 + 29860.23238081572 = -580891.7676191843 -41317316.25386757 + -64621 = -41381937.25386757 -476954552 + 5.940450549536293 = -476954546.05954945 18736493800720.14 + -100000000000000.0 = -81263506199279.86 59762972039756.695 + -782356 = 59762971257400.695 -2724033.13308621 + 5524320.42154313 = 2800287.2884569196 702208352 + -5962739570242.411 = -5962037361890.411 -7 + -43955954 = -43955961 26671228604222 + 329567345.5894939 = 26671558171567.59 9305583028 + 65062 = 9305648090 612166 + 4301403692919 = 4301404305085 -5603974074 + 2475384454982.9497 = 2469780480908.9497 -596897928.8833623 + 43917364214141 = 43916767316212.12 -699.8026074911635 + -9879419.315127935 = -9880119.117735427 -38701269922815.3 + -921913 = -38701270844728.3 -55 + 70157643 = 70157588 -358598525.6405449 + -8696605268900 = -8696963867425.641 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -20948733483 + -93033 = -20948826516 25322403869669.508 + -170318479114.1351 = 25152085390555.37 -14477.05584582315 + 1 = -14476.05584582315 -3113 + -43898997154028.9 = -43898997157141.9 5512552 + -89618792254641 = -89618786742089 -354059024646 + -7708738687241 = -8062797711887 -19262529971838.992 + 849.1980823446993 = -19262529970989.793 435938 + 49 = 435987 -947425868279 + -403247668069 = -1350673536348 13261 + -2333360.9347773385 = -2320099.9347773385 -80539042.43757443 + -194498.9898975427 = -80733541.42747198 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -7.064004322812691 + -945 = -952.0640043228127 -370284496225.5774 + 33974575601 = -336309920624.5774 43.07199077379056 + 280 = 323.07199077379056 -5027221620245.779 + -7151074982 = -5034372695227.779 -8999934.72992417 + -5617489333641.406 = -5617498333576.136 152968638 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999847031362.0 98386815.23466642 + -10582 = 98376233.23466642 -7797 + -41669045.446321905 = -41676842.446321905 9139791230 + -6.834067458116592 = 9139791223.165932 -8699716978 + 88621547415444 = 88612847698466 6300071960.469272 + 9.866159911756277 = 6300071970.335431 32299.41218685346 + 77906128608621 = 77906128640920.4 -707926967934 + 827126.4934588788 = -707926140807.5066 100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 200000000000000.0 -7470447539 + -3342830.5429473887 = -7473790369.542948 51559846333608.62 + -237998272225.0296 = 51321848061383.586 -663167884925 + -66858381002819 = -67521548887744 100000000000000 + 32223844071260 = 132223844071260 7131032272 + -9392460256 = -2261427984 -6 + -6.384642915838325 = -12.384642915838324 -6808310 + 950816 = -5857494 2600836.7643062426 + -75362 = 2525474.7643062426 -8838 + 980131 = 971293 131214 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999868786.0 690.1550350020849 + -8202.195609432867 = -7512.040574430782 59520408.532717034 + -3033302032.865964 = -2973781624.3332467 2530303575014.994 + -55.85917873240015 = 2530303574959.135 -4834291745 + 94240 = -4834197505 519064323.67525345 + 39540322453126.67 = 39540841517450.34 2987149538.144194 + -42802997928.693825 = -39815848390.54963 -2.8122424718816035 + -78474086082349.62 = -78474086082352.44 -82424023097970 + 100000000000000.0 = 17575976902030.0 -91.35539985550125 + 2 = -89.35539985550125 -73.67765399383373 + 384422721494 = 384422721420.3223 4488608235507.806 + 7638598 = 4488615874105.806 184442465.98181897 + -23016622 = 161425843.98181897 -1433604 + 94871.33461088742 = -1338732.6653891127 -35.04919621784192 + 4324.382284894131 = 4289.333088676289 9087403.443774616 + 8 = 9087411.443774616 -8050684382 + 25546 = -8050658836 584.4420643919609 + -5669484288 = -5669483703.557936 17 + -354 = -337 386983134240.82306 + -404256.68316759064 = 386982729984.1399 44522367814.641014 + 88 = 44522367902.641014 -782842669.3921787 + -680659047.182137 = -1463501716.5743155 -901522887 + -3304.6260477316328 = -901526191.6260477 93717 + -2891088729 = -2890995012 -64615380.7333057 + 3.9326020457815347 = -64615376.80070365 100000000000000.0 + 64505 = 100000000064505.0 -85524426044.64919 + 52649579.16748685 = -85471776465.4817 -19048722764052.742 + -5 = -19048722764057.742 -3197 + 8867 = 5670 -892044594 + -24113214.696458235 = -916157808.6964582 100000000000000 + 3455080 = 100000003455080 -671625 + 57722188.33495194 = 57050563.33495194 100000000000000.0 + -68261660602 = 99931738339398.0 -18669348352766.16 + 93187321.36432669 = -18669255165444.797 616 + 7753.287758074517 = 8369.287758074517 -91725796368 + -574708849 = -92300505217 33136 + 435090.75156333076 = 468226.75156333076 8575164587119.898 + -809 = 8575164586310.898 3008029813145 + 10075302222167 = 13083332035312 -9972096.458074545 + -43829847758 = -43839819854.45808 -99294181737.26524 + 11007042 = -99283174695.26524 -57305.4129321862 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999942694.6 27145728 + 7656754 = 34802482 24818146038 + 36644773.23743206 = 24854790811.23743 16334901856 + -393672.6345588647 = 16334508183.36544 -16.9137257845031 + 48 = 31.0862742154969 99696 + 68064 = 167760 -98163907.21862444 + -4347394268281 = -4347492432188.2188 3840465.1987364534 + -100000000000000 = -99999996159534.8 763128224.5292058 + 6284048762927 = 6284811891151.529 -306703.53605995397 + 772989058.8683984 = 772682355.3323385 6 + -77231167431694 = -77231167431688 -30.144923906117135 + 97269675577321.0 = 97269675577290.86 -54 + -490949527.2409155 = -490949581.2409155 -619.5909480912313 + 820091.7073252021 = 819472.1163771108 6.786233978872572 + 82489 = 82495.78623397887 -4.371046935830845 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999995.62 -24444715 + 5410221552791 = 5410197108076 505376431.9465813 + -599775094797 = -599269718365.0535 327535 + -966 = 326569 -47836617743 + -75817193757.96283 = -123653811500.96283 -814295602 + -45 = -814295647 -4067666.4296249775 + -818797.3721953807 = -4886463.801820358 -6311477410.409305 + 41112192482086 = 41105881004675.59 -31635.670516924154 + 245908289018.43353 = 245908257382.76303 -47211594890.03957 + 67937426 = -47143657464.03957 91818448150 + 100000000000000 = 100091818448150 -36531125712 + -60319185295992 = -60355716421704 -455823337 + -76121329903702.69 = -76121785727039.69 -41492221 + 56.50134922658649 = -41492164.498650774 182612166210.60312 + -91792 = 182612074418.60312 -4255807 + -7 = -4255814 -748 + 33909229.523322426 = 33908481.523322426 -583.3942709542182 + -89938312917.8706 = -89938313501.26488 2526252232457.131 + -1711133646098.6416 = 815118586358.4893 305 + 28471587599.841267 = 28471587904.841267 -3149967 + 72 = -3149895 4907.34584886757 + -6887 = -1979.6541511324303 201563098.92613837 + 505089873904 = 505291437002.92615 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000.0 2995317179.3110285 + 443549919 = 3438867098.3110285 -4498534.368161345 + -78339191266 = -78343689800.36816 30317439191 + 4483.464220980855 = 30317443674.464222 -72861859619 + 2286.037455237275 = -72861857332.96254 1 + 36574020160 = 36574020161 10 + -6272931.216743777 = -6272921.216743777 490339327 + 29168989 = 519508316 -83063914432.45433 + 8070.708800077766 = -83063906361.74553 100000000000000.0 + 222580.3508453205 = 100000000222580.34 6651760 + 9573826 = 16225586 1734 + -21555808689 = -21555806955 -85218586285.792 + -1733633610098 = -1818852196383.792 241800852836 + -91808015.3067588 = 241709044820.69324 -1985 + -35872634 = -35874619 4.185706351638856 + -881.2417250942801 = -877.0560187426413 -885049826978.1725 + 66.41490351755199 = -885049826911.7576 772230.471199336 + -95367678991552 = -95367678219321.53 -8750697815.632265 + 976886467400 = 968135769584.3677 93.75091019007496 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999906.25 780879171826.0082 + -3.0748927050819614 = 780879171822.9332 100000000000000 + -949.5437813408607 = 99999999999050.45 28985 + -8738884.073072245 = -8709899.073072245 -100000000000000.0 + 1944502238077.8816 = -98055497761922.12 -100000000000000 + 311768122 = -99999688231878 -5511476564920.186 + 936 = -5511476563984.186 -60793.161148072075 + 7096067.757787157 = 7035274.596639085 2 + -81 = -79 567333226162.5837 + -3122453823 = 564210772339.5837 -935.2580531151599 + -42360171721 = -42360172656.25806 -1587671258.920267 + 7094905.803714303 = -1580576353.1165528 -7.491588871295873 + -707755644 = -707755651.4915888 -100000000000000 + 900128375492 = -99099871624508 -20229124.82891506 + -49515298471846 = -49515318700970.83 -426063138.58232623 + 78 = -426063060.58232623 -17283367 + -8358.656824447418 = -17291725.656824447 -100000000000000.0 + -41 = -100000000000041.0 -6406935118743 + 448 = -6406935118295 32765854348 + 9 = 32765854357 3934975912.4565964 + -54795952 = 3880179960.4565964 -860.957270952053 + -992641 = -993501.957270952 4242683 + 675611019705 = 675615262388 -615818 + -91077948751.74002 = -91078564569.74002 686461.1394970107 + -1365.376014639528 = 685095.7634823712 -90326622217445 + 7.750759693432408 = -90326622217437.25 931729650.0467126 + -513044305 = 418685345.04671264 -770406 + 100000000000000 = 99999999229594 -891863 + 4282001982759.354 = 4282001090896.354 83676516 + -4078329.787500115 = 79598186.21249989 -2276853 + -9496 = -2286349 -87262017 + 1012135549 = 924873532 86 + -8719.130700326281 = -8633.130700326281 -23 + -5906409 = -5906432 -30924884 + -365894.523463487 = -31290778.523463488 6588757 + 2723942446775.454 = 2723949035532.454 35 + -40.933318217098616 = -5.933318217098616 100156 + -100000000000000 = -99999999899844 -3.8302962527726585 + -1003285376564.741 = -1003285376568.5713 1 + 21100748872.29813 = 21100748873.29813 19 + 22.951808694400437 = 41.95180869440044 -8073 + 4102235247 = 4102227174 15671437 + -643361679846 = -643346008409 93 + 80979759412982.02 = 80979759413075.02 305843582.39137733 + 4749246127.57393 = 5055089709.965307 9926494 + 6346 = 9932840 -134.793819025817 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000134.8 -54856184445 + -9811493793355.023 = -9866349977800.023 -186474910.0336569 + -614450412062 = -614636886972.0337 6468.798117063716 + 28803 = 35271.798117063714 -803840742061.5494 + -1031158508.4171361 = -804871900569.9666 -100000000000000.0 + -97764745705 = -100097764745705.0 100000000000000.0 + -4349309231603 = 95650690768397.0 1184766256563 + -60 = 1184766256503 -7006 + -20774 = -27780 5278261 + 79317762765213 = 79317768043474 -100000000000000.0 + -426 = -100000000000426.0 -23978838874.84102 + 479953774.1698725 = -23498885100.671146 -563986.2328354584 + -11170433593.637316 = -11170997579.870152 18852490869222.508 + -232381863.73367333 = 18852258487358.773 31317.688353259637 + 9463102.509942021 = 9494420.19829528 -8267364604 + 37 = -8267364567 -5168.595994154727 + -58610009423728.305 = -58610009428896.9 -116357238.25888027 + 672593.8813264016 = -115684644.37755387 -8199638245465.389 + -97249914769 = -8296888160234.389 34.27726797765783 + 4786 = 4820.277267977658 -9481680418.486134 + 233540573882.9754 = 224058893464.48926 7871 + -322329.9111725447 = -314458.9111725447 -8024828.208072067 + -188.38126199073827 = -8025016.589334058 100000000000000 + 4.017774747443698 = 100000000000004.02 -9.341412417295848 + -898155.7710251275 = -898165.1124375447 39580186294909 + -894695169979.3146 = 38685491124929.69 82925739545291.92 + -9814 = 82925739535477.92 95067 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000095067.0 -46670 + -31691944730.539375 = -31691991400.539375 100000000000000.0 + -21751237991848 = 78248762008152.0 8827.474832888056 + 801848857143 = 801848865970.4749 923.2134466567807 + -61530200 = -61529276.786553346 939.450140221989 + -1421694662676 = -1421694661736.5498 3971345075690.81 + -589327 = 3971344486363.81 61307.33187267925 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000061307.33 7.884328350396013 + -380708 = -380700.1156716496 -76706 + 5.870977824837974 = -76700.12902217516 -18 + -39570510966460 = -39570510966478 17215521128038.617 + 100000000000000 = 117215521128038.62 5237373349.750633 + -210196 = 5237163153.750633 -3642753 + 49986.360832577884 = -3592766.639167422 29378937717714.387 + -62767326200131.09 = -33388388482416.707 698591243595 + -100000000000000 = -99301408756405 55946592 + -1531339.913413275 = 54415252.08658673 -297554008.85890067 + -100000000000000 = -100000297554008.86 -717179.5609154429 + 638 = -716541.5609154429 88361411072721.33 + -135692874.27568614 = 88361275379847.05 12389157241174.064 + -435075732.17970234 = 12388722165441.885 -72834991880 + 3451350 = -72831540530 268 + 822051502017.7413 = 822051502285.7413 -3159.7204363770616 + -100000000000000 = -100000000003159.72 517885 + -903171.152385129 = -385286.152385129 -100000000000000.0 + 9 = -99999999999991.0 -5120706 + 497177089855 = 497171969149 8542680856099 + 67.14105122398584 = 8542680856166.141 -163361.85610347864 + -50022308 = -50185669.85610348 5865661119263 + 4439.556729310507 = 5865661123702.557 -9232349 + 55828249785.474884 = 55819017436.474884 -76238 + -3526 = -79764 -913922538735 + -13.002830483471556 = -913922538748.0028 85839348 + -42214421517036 = -42214335677688 -292662217.088876 + 97 = -292662120.088876 -7330924038.072019 + -64688297 = -7395612335.072019 53247009690437 + 1780072 = 53247011470509 1894696 + -608765636293.7505 = -608763741597.7505 -45130899911.17181 + -5673.4949268358105 = -45130905584.66673 -1.284684950541669 + 7198018184728 = 7198018184726.715 300589836.93997264 + -1674538 = 298915298.93997264 -38 + 61102829102621 = 61102829102583 -473524069570.15564 + -100000000000000.0 = -100473524069570.16 505.2437950142673 + 6.595154182084059 = 511.83894919635134 6633115571 + -66226086422514.055 = -66219453306943.055 954614091707 + -58158900 = 954555932807 -4195847461585.5537 + -5417 = -4195847467002.5537 160 + 8.386951943748265 = 168.38695194374827 -8518687580.649068 + -688199465.4572343 = -9206887046.106302 8.22220785862696 + 673405675 = 673405683.2222079 95422 + -84039.64719022342 = 11382.352809776581 3703640.2467673267 + 313753.0385482793 = 4017393.285315606 -47875 + 903288.3215585151 = 855413.3215585151 -7.659049736032696 + -7180.28291856165 = -7187.941968297683 -68 + 7 = -61 56 + -5249533.929730415 = -5249477.929730415 34.41142628985202 + 104.39175294582068 = 138.8031792356727 -36.01939960439978 + -71809743370 = -71809743406.0194 -57046 + 71204 = 14158 36134029036.42818 + -5029 = 36134024007.42818 8325425437328.646 + -38 = 8325425437290.646 -577442676861 + -2701740612996.423 = -3279183289857.423 -1101 + -33979691715.3078 = -33979692816.3078 20872156.850732025 + -420231488866.73944 = -420210616709.88873 301174200102 + -100000000000000.0 = -99698825799898.0 -545063019.8764448 + 123635.1464118593 = -544939384.7300329 -100000000000000.0 + -28836857 = -100000028836857.0 3 + 724.0840719329923 = 727.0840719329923 -826002994.2251086 + 1347817262058 = 1346991259063.775 549 + 881523.2915376768 = 882072.2915376768 2793366731286.0107 + 1055.3781399217855 = 2793366732341.3887 -3980397186558.2305 + -37244.42566037082 = -3980397223802.6562 -556305506.6396284 + 6584029437059 = 6583473131552.36 74.47917898722221 + 7615418447514 = 7615418447588.4795 92119738.58962156 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999907880261.4 -556.2889429677509 + -722 = -1278.288942967751 972359989640.2831 + -1617811 = 972358371829.2831 1479816007 + 3 = 1479816010 -9189620718578 + 3 = -9189620718575 14499967192 + -709.3298069041265 = 14499966482.670193 96380993612 + -939175969817.2574 = -842794976205.2574 -3654 + -86640092107869.69 = -86640092111523.69 73.77055997376516 + -5657643472.488273 = -5657643398.717712 26078087824442 + -169476621612.02637 = 25908611202829.973 9 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999991.0 16031833.700257193 + -658273214190.3435 = -658257182356.6432 -8.528219651915848 + -43988785861476 = -43988785861484.53 556.43137571086 + 44 = 600.43137571086 -100000000000000.0 + 2843552451197.421 = -97156447548802.58 5623.5698257891 + -3146382150.3865523 = -3146376526.8167267 -7186955317520.522 + 100000000000000 = 92813044682479.48 73367063478.72836 + -572952115764 = -499585052285.2716 -49660086018026.05 + -52519300949.78884 = -49712605318975.836 -156194921096.54956 + -13944781088767.555 = -14100976009864.104 -8566279151 + -20121161952 = -28687441103 -822.1295067980633 + -12833261 = -12834083.129506798 -83936864.34876902 + -61839 = -83998703.34876902 1217150005156.8037 + 6 = 1217150005162.8037 -721858182801 + -98116.27213843216 = -721858280917.2721 -100000000000000 + 755.8628953311556 = -99999999999244.14 -4936804 + -2355148.8229748006 = -7291952.822974801 -15424317.449059142 + -2360.3267683189 = -15426677.77582746 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 -63178281130.02084 + 37596798781 = -25581482349.020844 378462327 + -472928 = 377989399 -2013290026782.311 + 30308114 = -2013259718668.311 -6219113106183 + -100000000000000.0 = -106219113106183.0 8682625660436.925 + 399883967632 = 9082509628068.926 -4896 + 327 = -4569 47564447520797 + -617.2700779478132 = 47564447520179.73 2 + -3419 = -3417 60 + 375.49022501729763 = 435.49022501729763 8272759493672 + -84.17358527793482 = 8272759493587.826 839224228050 + -505013685 = 838719214365 44215771700 + 1109.8060784581378 = 44215772809.806076 86932787704 + -82822472706015 = -82735539918311 -87424129882 + 215515784 = -87208614098 5460832447794.274 + 2541018853723.664 = 8001851301517.938 -9831514812219.527 + 289.34955210093074 = -9831514811930.178 -361084.20498035185 + -88384884.47831298 = -88745968.68329334 -9616.103327161316 + 33026.70130189152 = 23410.5979747302 -6045 + 2220566 = 2214521 860.0459873190011 + 668651 = 669511.045987319 -677 + 222877.61162593943 = 222200.61162593943 -6402611635523 + -535.250448070233 = -6402611636058.25 164287 + 40629 = 204916 -209253323 + -380444112.97005165 = -589697435.9700516 38 + 7790262.40021026 = 7790300.40021026 74.35195109401155 + -865996907.2609558 = -865996832.9090047 160523.88785610953 + -8 = 160515.88785610953 8357066190699 + 52071509814 = 8409137700513 -1 + -2190332 = -2190333 2 + 319 = 321 75 + 440 = 515 -4766017.8615127085 + -807023 = -5573040.8615127085 377.18646585051454 + 80667665 = 80668042.18646584 -77812830612.97644 + 350.30248390298414 = -77812830262.67395 8588253207624 + 100000000000000.0 = 108588253207624.0 -5 + -634435 = -634440 -2559.625423990021 + 5.714797530246966 = -2553.910626459774 529348551731.81604 + 4 = 529348551735.81604 -894580 + -9.808553029752224 = -894589.8085530298 53944293.254815795 + 215 = 53944508.254815795 -758476955366 + 632.1716489294796 = -758476954733.8284 3731 + -9240089.088375404 = -9236358.088375404 598256.3455531183 + -258037627 = -257439370.65444687 -453806079469 + -10 = -453806079479 -51832650216.805756 + -943 = -51832651159.805756 100000000000000 + -6007582316571.673 = 93992417683428.33 3928310 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999996071690.0 2491929.8031511805 + -6008.577433652148 = 2485921.2257175283 -1428564646.1614203 + 2.6734438723752243 = -1428564643.4879766 -48453602843690 + 81717545859 = -48371885297831 100000000000000.0 + -34512520756.653824 = 99965487479243.34 -942811780.7610563 + -100000000000000 = -100000942811780.77 -562.3716011893684 + 921253620.3578508 = 921253057.9862496 -100000000000000 + -1320760762.210035 = -100001320760762.2 -25736349837.329536 + 115 = -25736349722.329536 5802827612356.825 + -964891878.5446295 = 5801862720478.28 7738915463.679434 + -100000000000000 = -99992261084536.33 -1036852973505 + -43220.72030397243 = -1036853016725.7203 -11065515799.904451 + 37.02832262758272 = -11065515762.87613 2733439019.204921 + -100000000000000.0 = -99997266560980.8 6048391204.189743 + -76.99841367547295 = 6048391127.191329 -911498878822.3201 + 180878.63145417572 = -911498697943.6886 -5856635 + -87386.6236263348 = -5944021.623626335 -100000000000000.0 + 51.30548103751854 = -99999999999948.69 100000000000000 + 535.5806629932151 = 100000000000535.58 -12621990.108547583 + -671478 = -13293468.108547583 8.208309701542811 + 80 = 88.20830970154282 -725955381345.1348 + 145698448091.7721 = -580256933253.3627 -97390892334 + -7527217.58574847 = -97398419551.58575 2111.8118668304296 + 11 = 2122.8118668304296 -664 + 36511327.16839394 = 36510663.16839394 100000000000000.0 + 291294 = 100000000291294.0 8779196854.394817 + 68006880.71033412 = 8847203735.105152 -831757717 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999168242283.0 536828238 + 307183493.80465716 = 844011731.8046572 90758905.64039554 + 49.66622831487531 = 90758955.30662385 -822554153 + 100000000000000 = 99999177445847 -319109061 + -85 = -319109146 7068603677730.26 + -794 = 7068603676936.26 -9095766257 + -53933801048.59861 = -63029567305.59861 977667 + 701.6046342724637 = 978368.6046342725 -572684.1276695046 + 3 = -572681.1276695046 51.048053344067675 + -88662682985062 = -88662682985010.95 72258770637222.45 + -1256263564393.1118 = 71002507072829.34 -28329407669.914818 + -100000000000000 = -100028329407669.92 -89276370.27790175 + -3336653 = -92613023.27790175 647376935.0138868 + 43630209 = 691007144.0138868 -8422044 + 6311000 = -2111044 -512219001 + 657683453.5603678 = 145464452.56036782 39983534303.62367 + -16832 = 39983517471.62367 87960718757680.36 + -811033104161 = 87149685653519.36 1705746483.6249819 + 20254484268803.617 = 20256190015287.242 9927 + -4842 = 5085 -5279803582 + -100000000000000 = -100005279803582 -43011 + -6.286655862780015 = -43017.28665586278 1617207097562 + 54919368097 = 1672126465659 7305.049129030679 + 977.7893615056436 = 8282.838490536322 -23511435333453 + 89409329644.53911 = -23422026003808.46 60.56374507715551 + 8639840 = 8639900.563745078 -574.79037911867 + -667049914.8899683 = -667050489.6803474 30203481 + -95390531237 = -95360327756 28903.005381257655 + -7088.6647126276475 = 21814.340668630008 33592656474647 + -51 = 33592656474596 -5 + -9884 = -9889 -6114366152 + -4799.859671968863 = -6114370951.859672 -181961.1425443655 + 3665930453422 = 3665930271460.8574 -56609983734.60868 + -100000000000000.0 = -100056609983734.61 -4104877 + 61451446.53653687 = 57346569.53653687 -21757568273 + -14198080 = -21771766353 -100000000000000 + 5281651835793.181 = -94718348164206.81 -553766.1221584019 + -93810.40124799771 = -647576.5234063996 -884079406.7328216 + -14492659.120645715 = -898572065.8534673 -7 + 3.183798235328317 = -3.816201764671683 88 + -1907 = -1819 -616 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999384.0 -3.1935802587910858 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999996.81 66243 + -2 = 66241 -8591 + -93044718648 = -93044727239 44683 + 5105993383574.481 = 5105993428257.481 98267890 + 45146490433474 = 45146588701364 14409899288.472378 + 938808 = 14410838096.472378 322436000 + -1630.2777947093014 = 322434369.7222053 -232200.3552918394 + 774149.3201263179 = 541948.9648344785 -294568125.59792453 + 68327352.91963851 = -226240772.67828602 -7553380980685.055 + -5082454 = -7553386063139.055 -100000000000000 + 1653.0380787579743 = -99999999998346.97 824271 + 543593 = 1367864 -317586 + -124764489.18539096 = -125082075.18539096 121422.76807847788 + 62990 = 184412.76807847788 567649 + -240015.88300754988 = 327633.1169924501 4301.332964577275 + -82720281918483 = -82720281914181.67 18189874394 + 56596189.66640537 = 18246470583.666405 6062086485981 + -865565.8682146503 = 6062085620415.132 -816580.649013412 + -9828164076 = -9828980656.649014 68569288.32409658 + -652004252.8335929 = -583434964.5094963 427605.3768122767 + 8947679956010.674 = 8947680383616.05 5 + -48780993839434.65 = -48780993839429.65 622436.1961981689 + 3790168905.9192624 = 3790791342.1154604 7559 + -7154292994 = -7154285435 -6009423885790 + 2524612.555222475 = -6009421361177.444 1103356 + 63197144419 = 63198247775 -543656722244 + -100000000000000 = -100543656722244 -8689339112048 + 7732679296.511922 = -8681606432751.488 6777747412.205535 + 7 = 6777747419.205535 100000000000000.0 + -52591.068916522796 = 99999999947408.94 600.0906773184172 + -86 = 514.0906773184172 -963434328193.115 + -5524771.403219232 = -963439852964.5182 72702306265913 + 84667610759 = 72786973876672 687661356926.0748 + 8311 = 687661365237.0748 8082 + -84078278.6403967 = -84070196.6403967 -430495798493 + -2081 = -430495800574 -616142566 + 38344 = -616104222 -28071.915672474086 + 8444.96221620344 = -19626.953456270647 -100000000000000.0 + -9306818536203.586 = -109306818536203.6 933940.4710317602 + -2847.266344684563 = 931093.2046870757 -73 + 231220747 = 231220674 -3249.4510200181485 + 9152265 = 9149015.548979983 -108 + 95 = -13 100000000000000.0 + -43115054110 = 99956884945890.0 -3093.793118684976 + 54673531022154.84 = 54673531019061.05 -95 + 3461714750294.8096 = 3461714750199.8096 6846447081 + 66404 = 6846513485 -1755 + -9135 = -10890 69407370326.40619 + 244647229.18388325 = 69652017555.59007 43943438745250.14 + 91958995 = 43943530704245.14 9075205392.83574 + 2 = 9075205394.83574 -44596360594174.67 + -100000000000000 = -144596360594174.7 36298168503.3065 + 7769438 = 36305937941.3065 713.1349818351573 + 98100.2693633484 = 98813.40434518356 -831598807067.1779 + -76980360125573 = -77811958932640.17 773.3237485189105 + -645 = 128.32374851891052 2816 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000002816.0 360.3685856973553 + -7647678949821.416 = -7647678949461.048 91392053.59802365 + -554674984 = -463282930.40197635 -4940457319321 + -453397 = -4940457772718 257048889906.7245 + -921623719 = 256127266187.7245 -391339234157.20715 + 656892016232.9442 = 265552782075.73706 -584884127 + -6 = -584884133 4372.568786603112 + 8279376 = 8283748.568786603 957705150.3775564 + 2.3314441625959716 = 957705152.7090006 97449286.84850298 + 59881640100.714516 = 59979089387.56302 45442.034652706905 + 891606 = 937048.0346527069 -335597009310.45825 + 195869699981 = -139727309329.45825 324 + -49240534.49075854 = -49240210.49075854 -115785270 + 40759971648874.04 = 40759855863604.04 313187379897 + 9284861213 = 322472241110 -123225771.23572876 + 911444689.4921649 = 788218918.2564361 170179.22065461992 + 658554 = 828733.2206546199 634513403.3861516 + 52828700324.02129 = 53463213727.40745 84969293.54926991 + 478959.9479635202 = 85448253.49723344 -11970.32213833978 + -10995371614.295778 = -10995383584.617916 78076344622619 + -93952473117.45451 = 77982392149501.55 604450.3956825255 + -2291813 = -1687362.6043174746 1 + -2811191427.2795744 = -2811191426.2795744 -96922592039720 + -8412769 = -96922600452489 -72785744443558.84 + -3256953.3959413515 = -72785747700512.23 -6.043066636472271 + 60392000556060.93 = 60392000556054.88 3891.3424261064697 + -100000000000000 = -99999999996108.66 9265910365.225666 + 8.574170993735887 = 9265910373.799837 7965 + 473787 = 481752 100000000000000.0 + 1523.294661824987 = 100000000001523.3 228281428688 + 1 = 228281428689 672 + -534847 = -534175 27264534035399.17 + -48424690.226765916 = 27264485610708.945 -20163 + -29096397270760 = -29096397290923 -2688781.7831646167 + -33538 = -2722319.7831646167 -180417 + 1857773 = 1677356 5412017998.021039 + 8094568 = 5420112566.021039 8717362726.437103 + -378787.36163627077 = 8716983939.075466 562 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999438.0 9736866804.549778 + 2972 = 9736869776.549778 3090 + 694 = 3784 776 + 859239444 = 859240220 6392591820590.052 + 71749901741950.84 = 78142493562540.89 16 + -26999779026 = -26999779010 6247786 + 63729339401.27276 = 63735587187.27276 -8544 + 5437677697 = 5437669153 5115 + 709716298.3836247 = 709721413.3836247 4557 + -4 = 4553 3 + -2530737376509.4365 = -2530737376506.4365 806.9493022403672 + -5.331666455012402 = 801.6176357853548 2458821350.261997 + 345182 = 2459166532.261997 -854639 + 4850639500.42042 = 4849784861.42042 328.7295925876085 + 605457 = 605785.7295925876 -105.36318726566154 + -646029576 = -646029681.3631873 -195136620104 + -665 = -195136620769 -91 + 24 = -67 -9175250729 + -9050592103143 = -9059767353872 5642009305.017504 + 68940474312225 = 68946116321530.016 -335695919585 + 73636 = -335695845949 2.4065578649019796 + 7004.938144921047 = 7007.344702785949 8 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999992.0 -100000000000000 + 80560547 = -99999919439453 -211 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999789.0 78393253 + -34000537.46228449 = 44392715.53771551 730.8399340327313 + -470217 = -469486.16006596724 778.3603342006079 + -904530 = -903751.6396657994 -69651305202.0812 + -5752 = -69651310954.0812 69376522672 + -966 = 69376521706 -8145553.230178892 + 9255740416 = 9247594862.769821 510098753507.0913 + 9754781132290.234 = 10264879885797.326 63087320270545.97 + -7206 = 63087320263339.97 -26618219537900 + -100000000000000.0 = -126618219537900.0 -171643864.21083874 + 6738.457321027146 = -171637125.75351772 380754 + -2 = 380752 -92848.57662707054 + 43 = -92805.57662707054 437323444.9512359 + 178381425.80354244 = 615704870.7547784 750782032.0998417 + 1386143561224 = 1386894343256.0999 -17204023364 + -100000000000000.0 = -100017204023364.0 17644406239.68533 + 43 = 17644406282.68533 -350331609827 + 891377.741765563 = -350330718449.25824 27190528.674171757 + -8378369.297199007 = 18812159.37697275 -100000000000000 + -4357381060 = -100004357381060 32807303 + -90780687593942 = -90780654786639 989651591364 + -72084000311 = 917567591053 533933 + 4850104 = 5384037 25310452821.164986 + -116598697774 = -91288244952.83502 294 + -53817.50643549347 = -53523.50643549347 883640264631.0638 + -5008693226379.977 = -4125052961748.9126 -23 + 28443795504330.61 = 28443795504307.61 -1534653431.6148427 + -9220817946286 = -9222352599717.615 2 + 8 = 10 467.3676477743771 + 53.04105656787508 = 520.4087043422521 4681430556 + 52092947.76211745 = 4733523503.762117 54431415.09380652 + -483.12947556723384 = 54430931.96433096 -100000000000000 + 74764443 = -99999925235557 -3116927366 + -1764257880105.4907 = -1767374807471.4907 108209231.10897508 + -6850055997.197951 = -6741846766.088976 5443616 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999994556384.0 -35.11391172431328 + -96 = -131.11391172431328 13.6237461363365 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999986.38 765565472.4413452 + -93564.97536830374 = 765471907.465977 -15799564884 + 75219 = -15799489665 100000000000000.0 + -60255078.47890194 = 99999939744921.52 6729836938 + -323343 = 6729513595 -9586561725 + -3 = -9586561728 63081002.05465627 + 275 = 63081277.05465627 -177547350437 + -178.06923358154856 = -177547350615.06924 10163147971301.49 + 62574 = 10163148033875.49 45363015122385 + 480618104871 = 45843633227256 56026.03809060099 + -17775040604828 = -17775040548801.96 82.91480285628757 + 3306433793187 = 3306433793269.915 390060.82929771784 + 8240.915753292022 = 398301.7450510099 -8377554986 + 5465.150165680615 = -8377549520.849834 -68597817510.44162 + 11067.615491780458 = -68597806442.826126 -544887 + -1.9981791260433726 = -544888.9981791261 -41 + 271.46121916505797 = 230.46121916505797 -2450403 + 67884168408581.766 = 67884165958178.766 -825134472 + -2543600.5284295958 = -827678072.5284296 1632451570747.3809 + -32423445993605.17 = -30790994422857.79 -675336823661 + -8629.145176979913 = -675336832290.1451 -931829927 + 524819.2884359101 = -931305107.7115641 -242738.49262071168 + 4856519905.715225 = 4856277167.222605 4075.0119933359383 + 65638665466448.09 = 65638665470523.11 3640.135111993077 + 7.642104027920543 = 3647.7772160209975 -903339493.5973638 + 79 = -903339414.5973638 -42175852402 + -3723956 = -42179576358 -442590672.74354535 + 32544287428993 = 32543844838320.258 8368 + 97 = 8465 7875141186.293488 + 7679496737.513747 = 15554637923.807236 -1957107 + 96.28591215606946 = -1957010.714087844 -27302014.709150556 + 8624.500630044842 = -27293390.208520513 536592 + 1295205 = 1831797 -10541241 + -3502.979783386785 = -10544743.979783386 9258024.43266692 + 38042 = 9296066.43266692 -36497070193124.234 + 22.802557376605527 = -36497070193101.43 -28075 + -476084361038.86957 = -476084389113.86957 -4233309892155.907 + 96917220 = -4233212974935.907 -7401772540828 + -9873337525318 = -17275110066146 -5352495946 + 872353399.9187407 = -4480142546.081259 -100000000000000 + -631837262.406667 = -100000631837262.4 286874907 + -31 = 286874876 79457858212 + -208.0157276995497 = 79457858003.98427 -17328114982.024258 + 2990.8755368040793 = -17328111991.14872 42112 + 3616267895.5290737 = 3616310007.5290737 -87 + -19935556474735 = -19935556474822 -19052169148 + 872012053.2177773 = -18180157094.782223 -73196405633.49911 + 28658 = -73196376975.49911 91.13168976720647 + 3529742 = 3529833.1316897674 4107180.2208224554 + -9 = 4107171.2208224554 9850728 + 21075634745131.008 = 21075644595859.008 -54.656662431216496 + -6271140243228 = -6271140243282.656 -28936958732469 + 6.536418421763139 = -28936958732462.465 50621319144.5087 + -233251594106.5577 = -182630274962.049 -19 + 6160 = 6141 3 + -52210961555920.91 = -52210961555917.91 75 + 1686627157 = 1686627232 -214311742.70139587 + -302661 = -214614403.70139587 -7661595 + -452879.2259954249 = -8114474.225995425 -2975370 + -62397407.999835044 = -65372777.999835044 1 + 38461720 = 38461721 -830985.4228215108 + -1125448191156 = -1125449022141.4229 -1774.6694859320478 + -18897037 = -18898811.66948593 -90802771035999.73 + 489003965.47831655 = -90802282032034.25 93540436934183.45 + 110261053359.67645 = 93650697987543.12 68 + 9080.413353988195 = 9148.413353988195 -162113311709 + 32621885935 = -129491425774 -31810747 + -3074427460430.86 = -3074459271177.86 -663.1713932344259 + -2823697870834.4272 = -2823697871497.5986 -31 + -7041666817899 = -7041666817930 100000000000000.0 + -52751.77847418869 = 99999999947248.22 13489647648340 + 1928621145422.3774 = 15418268793762.377 -11.033577136587624 + 45218.70564088403 = 45207.67206374744 -8308.855332234943 + 53368570406418.96 = 53368570398110.11 -90770788997364 + -270640231020 = -91041429228384 -5682028.058202776 + 3850120007 = 3844437978.9417973 -8 + 994782277 = 994782269 -5512442723 + 1605979 = -5510836744 7225.404693930544 + -8727203884.35611 = -8727196658.951416 -721.3808024075186 + -316740480492.182 = -316740481213.5628 40464961041690 + -742 = 40464961040948 -21192531.588792365 + -4560340.851242712 = -25752872.440035075 -2868484795 + 948.0527582587238 = -2868483846.947242 81140629467 + 14141.75851518691 = 81140643608.75851 862.3911864845397 + 7380553698826.356 = 7380553699688.748 -86 + -808231019931.9741 = -808231020017.9741 874739650.6834005 + 7539484360 = 8414224010.6834 2224911873119.277 + -69162488056.55045 = 2155749385062.7263 -283943 + 4830416 = 4546473 539903114976 + -198348 = 539902916628 665708697915 + -100000000000000.0 = -99334291302085.0 865303.9139138376 + 719.7052414003858 = 866023.619155238 -5 + -656619.0123463988 = -656624.0123463988 81203361216 + 648565 = 81204009781 973611290.1462452 + -14292184307 = -13318573016.853754 -7758666900.09814 + 70633755.70048207 = -7688033144.397657 45198.79742457047 + -800959.4300320889 = -755760.6326075185 1 + 34713.94567530377 = 34714.94567530377 100000000000000 + 190065.4366384674 = 100000000190065.44 39694751266398 + -5084910147 = 39689666356251 22 + 368420032052.1821 = 368420032074.1821 -95301526.37823106 + -7983131.750506746 = -103284658.1287378 -3791607608.8693914 + -95534561426 = -99326169034.86938 -29.350188479298794 + 371 = 341.6498115207012 100000000000000.0 + 60053499339 = 100060053499339.0 -78784947 + -3741 = -78788688 -40114978846992.05 + -1.5740226480815647 = -40114978846993.62 -856.239408217172 + -61448463.61921808 = -61449319.8586263 823979447 + 657140845770 = 657964825217 -5247037 + 9636.584709807325 = -5237400.415290193 -96547399796.08226 + -43 = -96547399839.08226 -176972.52091989137 + 2.202324334496074 = -176970.31859555686 -16413297 + 71468.64868022481 = -16341828.351319775 -2 + -1111919 = -1111921 477271215 + 128022906960.7868 = 128500178175.7868 922229467 + 100000000000000 = 100000922229467 -541136846 + -41041115701.07083 = -41582252547.07083 -14940 + -31235519045544.26 = -31235519060484.26 100000000000000 + 64949408.627494164 = 100000064949408.62 93057619753 + 443195644.43319124 = 93500815397.4332 838731471279.0369 + -2458276789320.0264 = -1619545318040.9895 9261 + 698.578500992577 = 9959.578500992577 93105739988450.27 + -618907781025.8467 = 92486832207424.42 -2.1514327008545053 + -7393.256376093591 = -7395.407808794445 5290023520.164999 + 48.58017590500524 = 5290023568.745175 12339014749521 + -45919369028857 = -33580354279336 -63434142980763.69 + -98.37538025719425 = -63434142980862.06 -1774002247301.3647 + -100000000000000.0 = -101774002247301.36 57958385421271 + -4436934607 = 57953948486664 -89023238464562.44 + -66002.45251343487 = -89023238530564.89 -352836138 + 6 = -352836132 37420.36911126786 + 7408939 = 7446359.369111268 43268073466599 + -869882 = 43268072596717 712024284674 + -938.0058088513916 = 712024283735.9941 792552187991 + 886.7151636882803 = 792552188877.7152 -68341 + -1044244156968 = -1044244225309 -314181107739.1382 + -2258872.4248874546 = -314183366611.56305 530364 + 878 = 531242 52000235469432 + -7682179296.937781 = 51992553290135.06 -13.169937738950209 + 119010510 = 119010496.83006226 -3014433707328.6533 + 209456508.8408636 = -3014224250819.8125 -23857 + 880279 = 856422 -482017131389.44507 + 6412417370677 = 5930400239287.555 13.471720857234782 + 8876623984.602032 = 8876623998.073753 -2188581 + 8023160 = 5834579 624897 + -377361382 = -376736485 861.3565437171629 + -8493.546406546722 = -7632.189862829559 11143966534939 + 966521193 = 11144933056132 58574450.27566463 + -95332080838.31555 = -95273506388.03989 -83688049926425 + 76413682.26549464 = -83687973512742.73 61315422 + 53258691.234237716 = 114574113.23423772 -95879.83747986994 + 69237 = -26642.837479869937 273815451 + -4912195514635 = -4911921699184 -100000000000000.0 + -7259212 = -100000007259212.0 -100000000000000 + 146310432326.9133 = -99853689567673.1 811075.4391866178 + 67 = 811142.4391866178 -100000000000000.0 + -152433 = -100000000152433.0 75756607406 + 100000000000000.0 = 100075756607406.0 91734302 + 453682625075.75385 = 453774359377.75385 -79104061 + 8561.849202724552 = -79095499.15079728 9.702243861069388 + -55370424960.488174 = -55370424950.78593 29677027 + -32505153 = -2828126 -100000000000000.0 + 5677.126450628876 = -99999999994322.88 40975298488.48897 + -7645638860594 = -7604663562105.511 -51210 + 6884 = -44326 4489607498281.146 + 5745281808123.727 = 10234889306404.873 -8160 + 9169651932.475574 = 9169643772.475574 -29 + 5201859698901 = 5201859698872 -983.5346450440312 + 7805959922804.962 = 7805959921821.428 -8039 + -29430352.51590127 = -29438391.51590127 -100000000000000 + 43768495 = -99999956231505 1 + -5149319 = -5149318 179187.90337853876 + -85523572279.24963 = -85523393091.34625 67588 + -8618745837 = -8618678249 -100000000000000 + 59529752350249.484 = -40470247649750.516 74.13927859920409 + -562083.299885195 = -562009.1606065958 -3.8278952051985202 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000003.83 22 + 8790390447895 = 8790390447917 5.353353353306091 + -6.7515516203369215 = -1.3981982670308302 686.1650963362245 + 827017.5305998917 = 827703.695696228 92 + 7.042363136900226 = 99.04236313690022 74956524384444 + 5227251279686.986 = 80183775664130.98 -221921.71388896182 + -4509937 = -4731858.713888962 577205571 + 59942602628820 = 59943179834391 11084449394396.004 + 1593762 = 11084450988158.004 -58433295604.96678 + -8392.256009854655 = -58433303997.22279 -53963335 + 714358.3959638884 = -53248976.604036115 490377191.3855226 + 33963836 = 524341027.3855226 8515.94958178205 + 727 = 9242.94958178205 -959041967.8929535 + -4842579.876319336 = -963884547.7692728 -643 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000643 99815942 + -851059 = 98964883 54512303 + -993.6155444046262 = 54511309.3844556 217301386885.61194 + -535487.1306386056 = 217300851398.4813 402 + 80307696667452.75 = 80307696667854.75 -100000000000000.0 + -485417553162.7557 = -100485417553162.75 -36297422883147.95 + -2088502543574 = -38385925426721.95 950676.1004834855 + 3497414766599 = 3497415717275.1006 63796888.00480111 + -3067.7277795305117 = 63793820.27702158 -99376585 + -72289441435 = -72388818020 737122092.8039824 + 1881414 = 739003506.8039824 -47817914256952.336 + -771258 = -47817915028210.336 -84656204.59000514 + 5513338406.237004 = 5428682201.646999 82106596781 + 11236146.974078342 = 82117832927.97408 -6983358 + -109673470460.14845 = -109680453818.14845 -807.9450574602573 + 4171.52799217933 = 3363.5829347190725 -887616270294 + 97121495 = -887519148799 -545546 + 441 = -545105 78186166.66604573 + -4388019741.295509 = -4309833574.629463 -92037075 + 328176321565.1366 = 328084284490.1366 939980357 + -85926482450.68198 = -84986502093.68198 100000000000000 + 598236 = 100000000598236 -3.9331999085611526 + 411321321058 = 411321321054.0668 7706126342 + -24 = 7706126318 7938200 + 63140883050 = 63148821250 -1165251296307.8774 + 60130294713 = -1105121001594.8774 -21720.83568880454 + -100000000000000 = -100000000021720.83 -27484057622.414055 + -662.374653801647 = -27484058284.788708 -739.413849059676 + -805390.4229146129 = -806129.8367636726 85287657879 + 757237 = 85288415116 4662195809.724224 + 100000000000000.0 = 100004662195809.72 3106 + 8829280556.9549 = 8829283662.9549 51295187614.09689 + -38093590 = 51257094024.09689 -16785 + -31119710133 = -31119726918 -97120750720.7158 + 7 = -97120750713.7158 -327469754686.15216 + 7840254867050 = 7512785112363.848 605065 + 49.6850589879622 = 605114.6850589879 1408381114.8830724 + 77045 = 1408458159.8830724 -225230 + 461322364 = 461097134 -39717373579885.016 + 2375736.295416341 = -39717371204148.72 258807.16002177284 + -9832724483 = -9832465675.83998 -33522880950.74962 + -86236078901 = -119758959851.74962 469762144899.8753 + -6797912.966042102 = 469755346986.90924 371614 + 159424.20765578328 = 531038.2076557833 -420046551284 + 945449356 = -419101101928 29613021007 + -22249 = 29612998758 -64455927559954.08 + -679821694129.0148 = -65135749254083.09 100000000000000.0 + -83154496341.92664 = 99916845503658.08 63413270734818 + 614 = 63413270735432 854525175286 + -162832437178 = 691692738108 100000000000000.0 + -7959090327 = 99992040909673.0 2735.210986988295 + -89.0582760931203 = 2646.152710895175 -66.10837118185587 + -8209222 = -8209288.108371181 -25790394527.649635 + -435.9588864271098 = -25790394963.60852 24940529668 + -4.777476253564416 = 24940529663.222523 9229176334 + -95203280 = 9133973054 -237498918944 + -16.43979912799907 = -237498918960.4398 -62910 + -47339298772375.055 = -47339298835285.055 92 + -4986 = -4894 550522 + -7044666898288.521 = -7044666347766.521 1542663665057.5474 + 57514 = 1542663722571.5474 -99 + 4 = -95 -7917229.083089354 + -17270448220844 = -17270456138073.084 -217704960.72340325 + 60336301 = -157368659.72340325 -294374263991 + 100000000000000 = 99705625736009 31536 + 75383880827837.11 = 75383880859373.11 4 + 571065726962.6592 = 571065726966.6592 98929439.26489836 + -1196770261 = -1097840821.7351017 -878436197897 + 9267197011.261036 = -869169000885.739 3563803 + 8492163266807.341 = 8492166830610.341 97284171067821 + 100000000000000.0 = 197284171067821.0 500973097 + -460030126646.68024 = -459529153549.68024 -24784169418 + 775.0229313889475 = -24784168642.97707 64294.34064516015 + 56.93579833349762 = 64351.27644349365 9477779798.383074 + 831.8134251258025 = 9477780630.196499 -5098330468 + 64 = -5098330404 -70670620258 + -31822424813.52861 = -102493045071.52861 5864 + 764 = 6628 724021 + -46133812330388.38 = -46133811606367.38 737928 + -99 = 737829 -231294630592.6646 + 76686554817.46771 = -154608075775.1969 -984438186896.9116 + -10666361908.698887 = -995104548805.6105 968 + 58612.15180442972 = 59580.15180442972 -100000000000000 + 3953179033.9135365 = -99996046820966.1 -75100871774.21518 + -8728 = -75100880502.21518 35747950368097.98 + 4856 = 35747950372953.98 -858.656571368517 + 60617958210069 = 60617958209210.34 70368532839007 + -2839437916084.473 = 67529094922922.52 -1978834.535711375 + -100000000000000 = -100000001978834.53 -100000000000000 + 53145136892 = -99946854863108 773464213496.3645 + -72835.95401391697 = 773464140660.4105 -50111402700 + 6645421021 = -43465981679 -27.406609093634042 + -1476600019042.2734 = -1476600019069.68 5 + 5124.292955859473 = 5129.292955859473 -8080559.389681749 + 3052 = -8077507.389681749 217238295658.0432 + -82501951507.7851 = 134736344150.25812 6510690 + -1282004.0727558925 = 5228685.927244107 -751412150.7799058 + 8147108466.188675 = 7395696315.40877 9066867 + -3702.1261042104366 = 9063164.87389579 22 + 16126077483461.072 = 16126077483483.072 -21302.960485799187 + 4629208338.04023 = 4629187035.079744 -82396 + 466814.0786852128 = 384418.0786852128 72598639 + 6290 = 72604929 -1621.0251316599397 + -536267518.0908308 = -536269139.11596245 35.3164220905481 + 670514613.8105322 = 670514649.1269543 -746195857717.6797 + 7945 = -746195849772.6797 -100000000000000 + 15.5192615766189 = -99999999999984.48 -307000104760.9819 + -1019248 = -307001124008.9819 85664877.63893478 + 5799680 = 91464557.63893478 9.949246084058053 + 1564514723568 = 1564514723577.9492 26666251253 + -78021.55208465103 = 26666173231.447914 9316557274 + -100000000000000.0 = -99990683442726.0 -7530135033185.036 + -47930904600065 = -55461039633250.04 81790743247.80261 + 19024944350.02115 = 100815687597.82376 -75151 + -2030083 = -2105234 526769.8582769583 + -1882476.7138040615 = -1355706.8555271032 -12331 + -7005299593680.926 = -7005299606011.926 -9419041 + 50.73899945739314 = -9418990.261000542 18567844 + 478385480 = 496953324 -89460272332698 + -100000000000000.0 = -189460272332698.0 33681571029 + 40 = 33681571069 8716285823726.546 + 82154760964.95706 = 8798440584691.504 23969661.294001997 + -431979835 = -408010173.705998 -78064560785388 + -461912597.00330085 = -78065022697985.0 863 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999137.0 455 + -90699530123774.19 = -90699530123319.19 49794343722.02255 + 70973789554611 = 71023583898333.02 806939959.0823601 + -47.97692414096954 = 806939911.105436 -92039799088895 + 801318 = -92039798287577 75 + -2.3586584257814844 = 72.64134157421852 938.3463600135016 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999061.66 20 + 179294186224 = 179294186244 2441131880204 + -5168564879 = 2435963315325 -2 + -9372585584447 = -9372585584449 804083553098 + 94029219 = 804177582317 -65056 + 7 = -65049 648165319429 + -16303401907 = 631861917522 -93796115416517 + 6527717.677803488 = -93796108888799.33 5050875128.638458 + -967755 = 5049907373.638458 -8 + -650 = -658 -62452537592506 + 635541197 = -62451902051309 -3.9458563217127165 + -104059244 = -104059247.94585632 -100000000000000 + 792 = -99999999999208 4.912229641208033 + 903816 = 903820.9122296412 6608204 + 974946.2384933245 = 7583150.238493324 -107.02500489660389 + -8977833 = -8977940.025004897 322.47037120801224 + -28039.908560980653 = -27717.43818977264 -2 + -825549 = -825551 19.584643665929015 + 697.1501895128025 = 716.7348331787315 -64760659249.37319 + -10419783 = -64771079032.37319 9.980882992104512 + 1480841420.840276 = 1480841430.821159 -19166215392.269714 + 51.115825518749396 = -19166215341.15389 -2274984007 + 64.83641413306191 = -2274983942.1635857 -80492493019.16289 + -722.133836374119 = -80492493741.29672 433343609986.78204 + -66335.26633196246 = 433343543651.5157 -7889891 + 79.77226283190731 = -7889811.227737168 557 + -786.4661896452886 = -229.46618964528864 2 + 491 = 493 8496128683087 + -8.684071563301256 = 8496128683078.316 367448789956 + -11816098.872686395 = 367436973857.1273 89611.30620230803 + -41455112917596.53 = -41455112827985.23 74.04292159598384 + 1123 = 1197.042921595984 -8849525244760 + 7383.903745050286 = -8849525237376.096 934035747738.2811 + -14574979198343.639 = -13640943450605.357 -91724195.00862533 + 475906 = -91248289.00862533 2220815 + -89.57409671763396 = 2220725.4259032826 9.323602593901162 + -64755973966531.164 = -64755973966521.84 43803289003787.95 + -3824349843.136843 = 43799464653944.81 -123 + 38466061 = 38465938 4529951021.677769 + 100000000000000 = 100004529951021.67 3 + 7942172.918209896 = 7942175.918209896 -23778905 + 1597528437.0856686 = 1573749532.0856686 -83221164845713 + -1583930.0149238117 = -83221166429643.02 -9823877375 + 243094.56876726807 = -9823634280.431232 222422282 + 325.8493513880608 = 222422607.84935138 -8473981951.465833 + 100000000000000 = 99991526018048.53 73.97797613912792 + 33584882355964 = 33584882356037.977 -6943832140569 + -110.71606763839185 = -6943832140679.716 8489069582.001761 + 3288749756099 = 3297238825681.002 693121.4518196738 + -100000000000000 = -99999999306878.55 816707358351.2886 + 9350185282 = 826057543633.2886 -100000000000000 + 952483888.7566907 = -99999047516111.25 3461.910459562993 + -785654.2753911512 = -782192.3649315882 -3540488692790 + -11603619042547 = -15144107735337 1993781484.8453894 + -777.349713366488 = 1993780707.495676 -93867471609757.3 + -649142 = -93867472258899.3 -4929428644450 + -83 = -4929428644533 6 + 9.331222121816436 = 15.331222121816436 -87.15398547700886 + -3360 = -3447.153985477009 -241633982696 + 8561892134 = -233072090562 86347229448 + 188861735 = 86536091183 -494283539229 + -4759826.780220574 = -494288299055.7802 -550483.0730738027 + 7661 = -542822.0730738027 -3934197428253 + 356939.81875325926 = -3934197071313.181 -4536482 + -6644313930141 = -6644318466623 3425529.5515613975 + 100000000000000 = 100000003425529.55 -9657803155.39653 + -470.95179409839386 = -9657803626.348324 -8880804.110543717 + 85377.03138612273 = -8795427.079157595 3851768248904.171 + 100000000000000 = 103851768248904.17 -3628867694 + -76117797329.01036 = -79746665023.01036 -487978664659.1237 + -34281053 = -488012945712.1237 -16.791723608323117 + 16 = -0.7917236083231174 -853 + -40204625459761.38 = -40204625460614.38 5.318645868088081 + 59.41075062684924 = 64.72939649493732 7 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000007 -79265881756 + 94077952674.98318 = 14812070918.983185 -17257.321524928273 + 56016.817029692225 = 38759.49550476395 -39.92341131192853 + -1555824178 = -1555824217.9234114 84972075 + 3321.524664622764 = 84975396.52466463 6643 + -8 = 6635 95555 + -100000000000000 = -99999999904445 3.5576821364285363 + 946866.0557060501 = 946869.6133881866 81 + -9081663090654.715 = -9081663090573.715 -74283989052 + 18756699010762 = 18682415021710 923709567809.8873 + 96971114589415.92 = 97894824157225.81 -4768870 + 2777763393 = 2772994523 3811.799458088007 + 6653 = 10464.799458088008 -256951655781 + 495363017.7982268 = -256456292763.20178 93443 + -57290.91638925215 = 36152.08361074785 -100000000000000.0 + 991298 = -99999999008702.0 -542166922006 + 948823652.9355787 = -541218098353.0644 100000000000000.0 + -43296127 = 99999956703873.0 -39107 + 967142 = 928035 2366528708366 + -80977117 = 2366447731249 -20 + -31622 = -31642 2 + 3138 = 3140 78900490913 + -56456628.37833602 = 78844034284.62166 3789750964601 + -8929716 = 3789742034885 1787434805 + -100000000000000.0 = -99998212565195.0 9423 + 75939915 = 75949338 100000000000000.0 + 506846 = 100000000506846.0 -2814964 + -9 = -2814973 96915676393 + 68250.02359725488 = 96915744643.02359 -4404973631 + 9819220760.722591 = 5414247129.722591 100000000000000 + -63812993464167.734 = 36187006535832.266 -472912 + -22977 = -495889 -797070469.8562577 + -405.39945256566955 = -797070875.2557102 6934975.832539289 + 7474 = 6942449.832539289 -9727.456144028845 + -968 = -10695.456144028845 -6776205867.324251 + -2280896 = -6778486763.324251 31863714909628.81 + 832165894.9922622 = 31864547075523.8 100000000000000.0 + 4391535588 = 100004391535588.0 4 + -74000.5153001449 = -73996.5153001449 -4 + 9106994956259.205 = 9106994956255.205 -752021040048.231 + -736277 = -752021776325.231 -941.6675413569891 + 637016 = 636074.332458643 35035844887489.52 + 31926 = 35035844919415.52 -75 + -20793529.950887628 = -20793604.950887628 -3472654 + 68.69710079489673 = -3472585.302899205 22423295.487733323 + 30203040795.520943 = 30225464091.008675 2791.021623509949 + -2125.1724112841957 = 665.8492122257535 468377758775.51086 + 31227325585 = 499605084360.51086 -8015.037627750173 + 447 = -7568.037627750173 74 + 677272 = 677346 114260 + -7951792.842345328 = -7837532.842345328 59261.21244963834 + 71404647 = 71463908.21244964 -82459 + 77745903981342 = 77745903898883 4605828 + 2961083.2657146305 = 7566911.2657146305 -197577 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999802423.0 -9045425572.959232 + -3470086194726.6465 = -3479131620299.606 3 + -9283113555 = -9283113552 1486643546.1743526 + -97 = 1486643449.1743526 -56937374316.7867 + 5003354 = -56932370962.7867 -7137687409.32497 + -5020177857 = -12157865266.32497 904292163300 + -2989028 = 904289174272 62120597505692 + -334247380 = 62120263258312 -2959601.2237335127 + 467607238403 = 467604278801.77625 -20638866 + 988971558 = 968332692 2452072429937.2246 + -8 = 2452072429929.2246 -100000000000000 + -51824758.286642104 = -100000051824758.28 23407.457414569453 + -15339498571.027027 = -15339475163.569613 955727599185.3357 + 30586087589.67963 = 986313686775.0154 44 + 581 = 625 -9.860209782577629 + -83344592.2567787 = -83344602.11698848 7469.2731630258795 + -206.35189984357532 = 7262.921263182304 7162987975 + -2.287187894061365 = 7162987972.712812 -93 + -2634763711195.46 = -2634763711288.46 -8067.230424872732 + 46855220425 = 46855212357.76958 -686281692 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999313718308.0 -99728541 + -5349213.290556962 = -105077754.29055697 -5935234 + 4.435100887159651 = -5935229.564899113 691051.7219057692 + 756802968493 = 756803659544.7219 915.2017563338345 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999084.8 1606 + -8.346212148913919 = 1597.653787851086 -39453.92074482739 + 761.2038959966972 = -38692.71684883069 -847668 + 7724541.841759609 = 6876873.841759609 100000000000000.0 + -3756916.229093182 = 99999996243083.77 3759696 + 168007 = 3927703 -71361.67338178752 + -9069375092410.996 = -9069375163772.67 -77170172 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999922829828.0 9.232356343995992 + -41671353416 = -41671353406.76765 -811636663873 + 532 = -811636663341 -7452439424.879545 + 100000000000000.0 = 99992547560575.12 56117700.5005669 + 2.1645182891535106 = 56117702.66508519 158111.20363635398 + 4.312075017691365 = 158115.51571137167 2699.504399689864 + 512593629 = 512596328.5043997 5811073876.17903 + 6333.918715935394 = 5811080210.097746 -39701570226246.91 + -999 = -39701570227245.91 -6042965019442 + 7468 = -6042965011974 -42654.50431164676 + 505266.68368296005 = 462612.1793713133 -71952907.34958628 + -19.574554201061915 = -71952926.92414048 15.06982220242427 + 2896448.9804306664 = 2896464.050252869 -8969441 + -70930459729683 = -70930468699124 -44499578448324 + 398657243.5868763 = -44499179791080.414 58110002129137.5 + -39 = 58110002129098.5 -227 + 419184 = 418957 99819279820.59477 + 3.2914144698074606 = 99819279823.88618 -100000000000000.0 + -530.1521447771361 = -100000000000530.16 -35016.117523639114 + 4.999191570806723 = -35011.118332068305 85487155476.79068 + -938.1054957788072 = 85487154538.68518 -28 + -725 = -753 4072 + -3134.2053081685244 = 937.7946918314756 -8271339.092501557 + 34 = -8271305.092501557 45932324354 + -88493315968 = -42560991614 81.69422918544929 + -80947634114.97581 = -80947634033.28159 302764.78911116836 + -85707758125 = -85707455360.21089 94284575 + 281606956.94583464 = 375891531.94583464 2 + 4169785139686.8564 = 4169785139688.8564 3628124961684 + -907 = 3628124960777 -41098551 + 7045 = -41091506 10011229495507.69 + 539.9384160820058 = 10011229496047.627 -2444 + -2783222055942 = -2783222058386 -11617075047166.014 + -6 = -11617075047172.014 -2231673934.7759304 + 1.6108262300327034 = -2231673933.1651044 210713942.38448933 + 100000000000000 = 100000210713942.39 -64929377519.469 + 4.004122833110017 = -64929377515.46488 757712 + -334.4656857332706 = 757377.5343142668 -100000000000000.0 + 5506775576118.478 = -94493224423881.52 -100000000000000 + 764686 = -99999999235314 90776133478540 + 344654115801 = 91120787594341 40042939647 + -45373.68596505339 = 40042894273.31403 -4291.402440682659 + -4.652383704121997 = -4296.054824386782 286.56548383109566 + -62547 = -62260.434516168905 -100000000000000 + -77053566393941 = -177053566393941 -148674436535.8712 + 164.4873081191186 = -148674436371.38388 38133588422 + 24761046 = 38158349468 7134928547.422412 + 616129391175.2378 = 623264319722.6602 30746594821.158916 + 93874 = 30746688695.158916 -6182619989.190491 + 72.3792219784942 = -6182619916.811269 -19620.889322390794 + 8 = -19612.889322390794 974573710 + -10604202028550.328 = -10603227454840.328 24 + -8 = 16 9463049076 + -100000000000000.0 = -99990536950924.0 8541.623056432256 + 51.769355212868376 = 8593.392411645124 -29472 + 993.3791689600952 = -28478.620831039905 9516.545878502124 + 3136940380 = 3136949896.5458784 9014519088.325085 + -373919 = 9014145169.325085 -1991494365.5496304 + 5425932.2267375495 = -1986068433.322893 -60565507680 + -83598381007 = -144163888687 -777035.1203364034 + -8445880139006.219 = -8445880916041.339 -2949928213.9890594 + -595.6970044336565 = -2949928809.686064 -73495112840 + -90 = -73495112930 867.5130701151242 + -371992146.64025915 = -371991279.12718904 -264581932385 + 7 = -264581932378 76.34444283689791 + -6963651622904 = -6963651622827.655 263874549.6236963 + 83298.32530930567 = 263957847.9490056 -5.111651816067801 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999994.89 -34 + 6018219.243977304 = 6018185.243977304 485066 + 794240.8516995213 = 1279306.8516995213 2964.5681248063183 + 1213875264.4142497 = 1213878228.9823744 -5966.655209584175 + 74227129766.50818 = 74227123799.85297 20099724880.634293 + 80 = 20099724960.634293 7.310502239576906 + -949933594 = -949933586.6894977 7922167.678145447 + 111.52774691875962 = 7922279.205892365 690807.6323015515 + 87680006 = 88370813.63230155 9335481869227.21 + -8529104087536 = 806377781691.2109 6248724370.887919 + 6 = 6248724376.887919 -424744062858.0011 + 8127.903240566776 = -424744054730.09784 -3 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000003 5263.06343417106 + 217050880432 = 217050885695.06345 -5661 + 54406808767 = 54406803106 754005081 + 3165276 = 757170357 -100000000000000 + -718186471539.128 = -100718186471539.12 574753604.2316506 + -94553641.87116404 = 480199962.36048657 -26865207.136926435 + -1031 = -26866238.136926435 -73310 + 887497131 = 887423821 -87539772409316.45 + -93444956576 = -87633217365892.45 100000000000000 + 86849030161.04005 = 100086849030161.05 2.7436101911465993 + 489513619729 = 489513619731.7436 -237089 + 1029 = -236060 48686.8410308089 + -110661980710.23563 = -110661932023.39459 7385408943 + 191 = 7385409134 83228107638503.39 + -7019 = 83228107631484.39 -4.744833925955563 + 762812246 = 762812241.255166 -25105089.488251112 + 20591820660984 = 20591795555894.51 44 + -56.06066534346122 = -12.060665343461217 30281.541053500714 + -40.57666735099239 = 30240.96438614972 -2308119679266.7905 + 47.5527633236759 = -2308119679219.238 -33208134 + 758412412 = 725204278 62515 + -4567915607.7792 = -4567853092.7792 -519547716477.28625 + -287170 = -519548003647.28625 -6634 + 1195300825 = 1195294191 -48371 + -2640362 = -2688733 -35 + 631970576 = 631970541 -100000000000000 + 19 = -99999999999981 -811 + -7825.367487999954 = -8636.367487999954 -33833509179 + 1850 = -33833507329 -1161.9366431979333 + 333.7521268475948 = -828.1845163503385 9738 + -9358052 = -9348314 -136310436584 + -36215301.20738678 = -136346651885.20738 40569813 + -390471373 = -349901560 -100000000000000 + -139460938.23046723 = -100000139460938.23 -57604271.45241307 + 588631815.415673 = 531027543.96325994 -202587796.698464 + 121.28707184293657 = -202587675.41139215 36246901850106.25 + 3161437477.8117323 = 36250063287584.06 -79885876758 + 777135516290.7712 = 697249639532.7712 5 + 116669957.28004013 = 116669962.28004013 -64459.35731934577 + 12857.651747286081 = -51601.70557205969 185.98528135763036 + -4964306797.0408535 = -4964306611.0555725 985 + 596312994 = 596313979 -46691822559512.66 + 88627 = -46691822470885.66 4.445848792418299 + -3.0831000081274973 = 1.3627487842908015 43728362.95054723 + -475672843310 = -475629114947.04944 100000000000000 + 323854012516 = 100323854012516 -45.69053305428273 + 11446325.809676908 = 11446280.119143853 -4536975286 + 608168061 = -3928807225 -84595.15093540904 + -11665083 = -11749678.15093541 6059218.708125216 + 7531.7597595984935 = 6066750.467884814 -5699016835896.229 + -5770 = -5699016841666.229 -100000000000000 + 4927039211669.963 = -95072960788330.03 -4274249 + -370 = -4274619 -100000000000000.0 + 494178655 = -99999505821345.0 -241515 + 7596.099813850337 = -233918.90018614967 4272.977549926527 + -2223 = 2049.977549926527 -521.4413654081904 + 22402629000572 = 22402629000050.56 -100000000000000.0 + -58763 = -100000000058763.0 -77109835526 + 58 = -77109835468 -819849330913.484 + 60626.36005962993 = -819849270287.1239 -50214.301513981074 + -920.0124129497688 = -51134.313926930845 531782821816 + 39570212716777 = 40101995538593 -28 + 904473845402 = 904473845374 341 + 951450.4516697066 = 951791.4516697066 -898555711.497775 + 928.1532853191358 = -898554783.3444897 7160944 + 7.498733903693429 = 7160951.498733903 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 855102175.7315526 + 7744060356.791523 = 8599162532.523075 4554087650500.145 + -2386 = 4554087648114.145 337 + -1998011.8888279195 = -1997674.8888279195 -16649819 + -5266211174 = -5282860993 -95066.12091315408 + 5402 = -89664.12091315408 -91189934882009.17 + 2317 = -91189934879692.17 -979385 + 1 = -979384 -100000000000000 + 9.163615787998742 = -99999999999990.84 100000000000000.0 + 3655958489312 = 103655958489312.0 100000000000000 + -3230334716318 = 96769665283682 -809682607146.8381 + -9326520193648.03 = -10136202800794.867 -6007535.177468572 + 335 = -6007200.177468572 27217 + -69658 = -42441 -720.913501219817 + 48272034191.65671 = 48272033470.74321 971390333.5878859 + -9453117951 = -8481727617.412114 -58829170607.02885 + -70012759602 = -128841930209.02884 8245.4384209278 + 7088816599804.813 = 7088816608050.252 143570086697 + 83711044200319 = 83854614287016 -57840793690 + 299145321638 = 241304527948 52282 + 62 = 52344 4589.526574946412 + 6301356 = 6305945.526574946 -69977709342270 + 2249.837328960371 = -69977709340020.164 -21895347 + 4987272913 = 4965377566 -634759411 + -100000000000000 = -100000634759411 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 854693071164.6875 + -7949073597.113541 = 846743997567.574 -740013394423 + 169801475.9421981 = -739843592947.0579 -33612785538101.816 + 56601 = -33612785481500.816 80420251695 + -411829977004 = -331409725309 4440128276 + -3493755744178.801 = -3489315615902.801 38572755533149.56 + -273121867 = 38572482411282.56 751.3544944171599 + -9206318.464123901 = -9205567.109629484 94543 + -9 = 94534 100000000000000 + 77852661745148.08 = 177852661745148.06 6732367.286088272 + -100000000000000 = -99999993267632.72 -100000000000000.0 + -3532336040 = -100003532336040.0 -100000000000000.0 + 28514972976029 = -71485027023971.0 2484231260 + 95 = 2484231355 -6 + 69741872 = 69741866 36837743200 + -92860505348277.19 = -92823667605077.19 -254777305 + -95764787164 = -96019564469 89860943009.752 + 1394 = 89860944403.752 -36495 + 398632.28285306593 = 362137.28285306593 65538019402797 + 6441841984 = 65544461244781 75.72109434965115 + 404953193003.4937 = 404953193079.2148 -12422.137810749571 + 677347544.228847 = 677335122.0910363 9048.393893986125 + -24 = 9024.393893986125 -100000000000000.0 + 4 = -99999999999996.0 33234 + -725186610307.7104 = -725186577073.7104 -44981619 + 67.53530067588693 = -44981551.46469932 -8657928742.01884 + -2257509.3899692707 = -8660186251.40881 13.18632954397124 + 5 = 18.18632954397124 9175109.929603854 + -871 = 9174238.929603854 68 + 371402.92460439366 = 371470.92460439366 -4877 + 3559055114.750961 = 3559050237.750961 4709996381943 + -8480924771762.577 = -3770928389819.577 -72272 + -815805159.9167292 = -815877431.9167292 7 + -28186 = -28179 -479.2372409160906 + 72045786129.5426 = 72045785650.30536 -780.7558309268251 + -952 = -1732.7558309268252 -191182098214.24997 + 284.43018103343 = -191182097929.8198 -4055177565 + 353444398.24145067 = -3701733166.758549 7997156.346564286 + 47520.99344597441 = 8044677.340010261 19552101 + -91145 = 19460956 2695886676.1017094 + 100000000000000 = 100002695886676.11 100000000000000.0 + -763361 = 99999999236639.0 7569314591.019976 + 16046911690 = 23616226281.019974 535867591163.9962 + 710391665.780248 = 536577982829.7765 -6.313614270282368 + 442259348722 = 442259348715.6864 100000000000000.0 + 48574640.0386107 = 100000048574640.03 213703728160 + 7326359400284 = 7540063128444 68173474794.173294 + 42159478579300 = 42227652054094.17 -100000000000000 + -63522622821177.7 = -163522622821177.7 -48 + 741128778.0875373 = 741128730.0875373 -131917.1287530533 + -84196083.38906792 = -84328000.51782097 -8328342755735.729 + 4617.94670157469 = -8328342751117.782 -1012805.5993905851 + 100000000000000 = 99999998987194.4 8241.475402450142 + -348288454 = -348280212.5245975 1550894567.711583 + 14 = 1550894581.711583 -82276931.95794915 + 3752158463356.096 = 3752076186424.138 536045538742 + -100000000000000 = -99463954461258 -98534304.96682939 + 301760 = -98232544.96682939 -8445.430211994088 + -679627510 = -679635955.430212 -73631275 + 75187997572194 = 75187923940919 -1400094.6419267552 + -11494 = -1411588.6419267552 -4 + 48871846235 = 48871846231 970268 + -3643 = 966625 -8 + 882.1613028231565 = 874.1613028231565 51045183 + -69719422400121 = -69719371354938 -57 + 732 = 675 896510065 + -8760064148 = -7863554083 -130.73678519749333 + 1425343762959 = 1425343762828.2632 -67442019405 + -5 = -67442019410 4.834266968081457 + 85629338163382 = 85629338163386.83 59492347987959 + -145 = 59492347987814 -8116758426864.13 + 8279589494728 = 162831067863.87012 76153647659350 + -58500.39822620095 = 76153647600849.61 -31157366 + -48 = -31157414 3160261.2200204525 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999996839738.78 -100000000000000.0 + 9 = -99999999999991.0 90742.07540446089 + -77843415233607 = -77843415142864.92 -62991.95853640999 + 887.8893156374114 = -62104.06922077258 582954384.9549173 + 8225793959 = 8808748343.954918 -100000000000000.0 + 649.5976533352368 = -99999999999350.4 191315590 + 33240508.404059194 = 224556098.4040592 13.524771936314485 + -366175.3981989078 = -366161.8734269715 -59357 + 5475.352606924996 = -53881.64739307501 774754953 + 12476.58150269392 = 774767429.5815027 -9785 + -365127 = -374912 34019224261316.566 + 792289.16638584 = 34019225053605.734 -100000000000000.0 + 9637445728920 = -90362554271080.0 2275545 + 4865918.217239294 = 7141463.217239294 59231704173 + -7010868916661 = -6951637212488 -312 + 87892 = 87580 -49391 + 6930116055.654169 = 6930066664.654169 26.527991404173754 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999973.47 -395490801 + 6511436953 = 6115946152 -959923808 + 89288739950 = 88328816142 3279.210694402537 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000003279.2 27.08820166423198 + 256273075 = 256273102.08820167 -442262277.0094771 + -912.3533876874752 = -442263189.3628648 24178879404.469093 + -1743070.4622496015 = 24177136334.006844 -100000000000000 + -94581589.05664125 = -100000094581589.06 -39396 + -28195117.896515593 = -28234513.896515593 -6.831697114334307 + -1192.5020993445173 = -1199.3337964588516 -436598.02931193943 + 41275698.65417768 = 40839100.62486574 59627 + 2486054934452 = 2486054994079 29486386443.183304 + -803757088 = 28682629355.183304 29.9971787419243 + -18346411309.781616 = -18346411279.78444 9005.862454907028 + 515104610.34626615 = 515113616.20872104 9 + -9687 = -9678 630 + 6356350 = 6356980 -8 + -41258117 = -41258125 -42500843153.94829 + 29516536212435 = 29474035369281.05 -23.726582524055146 + -79.04812623441612 = -102.77470875847126 -93692 + -8556734431994 = -8556734525686 -25690682.325972505 + 38267288783131.05 = 38267263092448.72 18122514.344311465 + 143427870771 = 143445993285.3443 -100000000000000 + -62.057366575124256 = -100000000000062.06 796327856 + -46368875.47962904 = 749958980.520371 123892796.17002806 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000123892796.17 72451676 + 4534975664952 = 4535048116628 157 + -208120133 = -208119976 -100000000000000 + 418663122154.2926 = -99581336877845.7 504400.0249838347 + 34688.9948461301 = 539089.0198299648 7993549 + 80 = 7993629 -584.6117878186508 + 786 = 201.38821218134922 9109 + 100000000000000 = 100000000009109 59480773.221174374 + -685294927789 = -685235447015.7788 -13862379 + 839056 = -13023323 -6297859 + 65799976482 = 65793678623 100000000000000 + -877547 = 99999999122453 31722779434404 + 36022796 = 31722815457200 -879877021188 + -694.0721815425845 = -879877021882.0721 657339277762 + 3313441362293 = 3970780640055 7525881 + 43 = 7525924 -580539.6523650765 + -37470035.59305672 = -38050575.2454218 52010.9688332455 + 703512090547 = 703512142557.9689 -4558578.094522707 + -97195514 = -101754092.09452271 -9.169460401623956 + 3486154825717 = 3486154825707.8306 173548769.08005226 + 33783889652636 = 33784063201405.08 82.43352788570019 + 5 = 87.43352788570019 -1339949 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999998660051.0 23456693 + -94020321765860.31 = -94020298309167.31 -88088667 + -939.5626003082465 = -88089606.56260031 37.90823032870792 + -55502 = -55464.09176967129 41947578 + -75376830443.96552 = -75334882865.96552 5770.6437986281435 + -3.071303644262835 = 5767.5724949838805 -687313.9973587517 + -55366.35360969535 = -742680.350968447 -79461342546735.25 + -89242756668726 = -168704099215461.25 -9671227289.898989 + -1068151186283 = -1077822413572.899 100000000000000 + -859219729549.5419 = 99140780270450.45 -636955822 + 1575.5423242609513 = -636954246.4576757 6134462358704 + 243374 = 6134462602078 36312 + -38003408215.461136 = -38003371903.461136 33087122688943 + 287817 = 33087122976760 -100000000000000 + 422229940.23085314 = -99999577770059.77 -2837330.068474381 + 138616757 = 135779426.93152562 -524 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000524 585761 + 60092.819216970405 = 645853.8192169704 931329 + 9194 = 940523 -74012233483.37039 + 88692077479394 = 88618065245910.62 771597 + 8.671490567641854 = 771605.6714905676 -81580793782405.66 + -603948 = -81580794386353.66 -2983180711.6764326 + -63782343.17707022 = -3046963054.8535028 -7035 + 37 = -6998 -3666566638 + 4476413651.935128 = 809847013.9351282 -4402751304118.919 + -5017527 = -4402756321645.919 -702695879726.8488 + -208 = -702695879934.8488 4685690130 + -3897623484507 = -3892937794377 -9.396799494403563 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999990.61 -195 + 1302242 = 1302047 1 + 2548063649313 = 2548063649314 -4576309320 + -687432 = -4576996752 6657217718777 + 523455535 = 6657741174312 -53045751 + 5.595043082163496 = -53045745.404956914 -17065209.729387447 + 45389957.786113776 = 28324748.05672633 24906.554118785087 + -705850 = -680943.4458812149 -129480578.40301877 + 31047.807372346713 = -129449530.59564643 -663264600.139421 + 100000000000000 = 99999336735399.86 2.1518712152982613 + -790122503 = -790122500.8481288 -384403702.40961915 + -797525202.492924 = -1181928904.902543 4590859476881 + -3319.0645646341814 = 4590859473561.936 26165601037.73857 + 4 = 26165601041.73857 6.882487897389737 + 9735558 = 9735564.882487897 -348042848.8305893 + 57 = -348042791.8305893 -9010035803051 + 6888073224.938611 = -9003147729826.06 -39728509 + 68.28567545145154 = -39728440.71432455 -3414 + -94314965290 = -94314968704 -1997 + -214 = -2211 91896 + 6001679594.615752 = 6001771490.615752 18816569 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999981183431.0 9837586.427422527 + 3834113671.478353 = 3843951257.9057755 748804.9600649797 + -32388602 = -31639797.03993502 13364925343519.994 + 794837921585 = 14159763265104.994 -53904.85138940671 + -927437321126 = -927437375030.8514 -67741633134806.29 + 4923801171.62544 = -67736709333634.664 -9800747440 + -94481327 = -9895228767 -195265 + 87.13145251054196 = -195177.86854748946 35894477.96679726 + 219020130636.73538 = 219056025114.70218 -71926128994.91425 + 815199 = -71925313795.91425 858.8961648121449 + -96.59939794481681 = 762.2967668673281 -37955.90813953913 + -5 = -37960.90813953913 9074.773873978842 + -8785769256395 = -8785769247320.227 40233728010118.016 + 68514635614.82321 = 40302242645732.836 -9631.369638295071 + -3966606081985.5186 = -3966606091616.888 34022179976.36249 + -9125147219754.86 = -9091125039778.496 3362429477 + -100000000000000.0 = -99996637570523.0 64936226580 + -75721979 = 64860504601 5.213305700269116 + 42487272224.818245 = 42487272230.03155 6817849960973 + 739.1351709187369 = 6817849961712.135 207335 + -72184.94472893003 = 135150.05527106998 -3661459498692.841 + -5832469554624.799 = -9493929053317.64 60731168 + 96014969927260 = 96015030658428 7923011838054.497 + 3819308067127.6016 = 11742319905182.098 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 6248959 + -90585863801 = -90579614842 100000000000000.0 + -33 = 99999999999967.0 -325256.28029739903 + -81138666535942.22 = -81138666861198.5 -37943910868 + 897.7114418555724 = -37943909970.28856 57720175012036 + -925853945218 = 56794321066818 -8073 + -5021007611900.297 = -5021007619973.297 43497346171 + 5302939635831.547 = 5346436982002.547 6 + 3623884947.4908323 = 3623884953.4908323 4.998571413418786 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000005.0 -4940937213323 + -911467.4682107714 = -4940938124790.468 -180.09154935782203 + -513147 = -513327.0915493578 -8544433541.114329 + 724075645 = -7820357896.114329 -3235009 + -567695 = -3802704 -3.3885762137393516 + -6114177324 = -6114177327.3885765 -9079051182283 + 77101893394807.16 = 68022842212524.16 102381075711 + -740.8214709114707 = 102381074970.17853 -45619434.46805879 + 71125069679.76254 = 71079450245.29448 -62897 + -6448640.356180365 = -6511537.356180365 -64 + 4151 = 4087 -99260988244 + 1369511938163 = 1270250949919 93.8941956423975 + 894659 = 894752.8941956424 20822.815016008157 + -95381.34804708924 = -74558.53303108108 -856702116503 + -7408420 = -856709524923 1.7849128388243658 + 9555824304.892942 = 9555824306.677855 -7.880803474211523 + 307301629978.25854 = 307301629970.37775 -17459164243 + 2.542320487643098 = -17459164240.45768 -65100.307355912504 + -688247365 = -688312465.3073559 -9694 + 556118.8312473898 = 546424.8312473898 -6402.611309009691 + 374648.66317445406 = 368246.0518654444 7 + -556745084 = -556745077 523446498 + 70491773039126.53 = 70492296485624.53 -1 + 443 = 442 460334.4674662857 + -15668023634376.11 = -15668023174041.643 45396420 + -9771362250144.434 = -9771316853724.434 -6163991567 + -3492111228089 = -3498275219656 -273943625 + 890671.8543344397 = -273052953.1456656 1801895882802 + 4827568005326 = 6629463888128 3391 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000003391.0 -1.5454588360402097 + 5828067845.354444 = 5828067843.808985 -46086.5833605532 + -97843517.8156526 = -97889604.39901315 -509 + 51898673.80044041 = 51898164.80044041 21057457333.047947 + -29627716 = 21027829617.047947 -8 + 2535982125.2749286 = 2535982117.2749286 4133033337205 + 3527596 = 4133036864801 29046 + -80 = 28966 -6472271.941044558 + -444211983.58327794 = -450684255.5243225 -100000000000000 + -8431275 = -100000008431275 -496.94607358776034 + 1851076312202.3198 = 1851076311705.3738 -5961781119431 + 517897304.3661827 = -5961263222126.634 5278566462.592724 + 869 = 5278567331.592724 -81 + 2488636310.0002327 = 2488636229.0002327 849886609718.1302 + -28247 = 849886581471.1302 8712269107.30817 + 359.0462153125692 = 8712269466.354385 -100000000000000 + -758 = -100000000000758 79.99071342493396 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000079.98 -4898031 + -64946 = -4962977 50944229970469.31 + 3 = 50944229970472.31 -43403989884.237854 + 84573105.17498133 = -43319416779.062874 -778.3740361593979 + -5169141415.888253 = -5169142194.262289 41 + -75045367030 = -75045366989 19679.300038600086 + -631025.8161369273 = -611346.5160983272 -29446006 + -4 = -29446010 -9921560 + -74545.03331211253 = -9996105.033312112 -10533182770.81035 + -100000000000000.0 = -100010533182770.81 43179457 + 45.916433530645044 = 43179502.91643353 25342 + 486 = 25828 55779999472593.055 + -23590742 = 55779975881851.055 -56907304244639 + -7191658.565169722 = -56907311436297.56 -162407816 + 144.93469074878269 = -162407671.06530926 7275510360 + 89710983502014 = 89718259012374 93.90056271896394 + -93222785 = -93222691.09943728 451311 + 66892747 = 67344058 5 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999995.0 -69265752 + 987249016660 = 987179750908 -856287711 + -100000000000000 = -100000856287711 4474742 + 3962445.4681069693 = 8437187.46810697 28812.649335643553 + -76255.45664776079 = -47442.807312117235 -36 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000036 -1834.5043516475996 + -97 = -1931.5043516475996 -35820313999695.03 + -240116.7550293267 = -35820314239811.79 613836.662546769 + -4.99254136989107 = 613831.6700053992 57112874.03313526 + 6723.915995591477 = 57119597.94913085 36164.36665843207 + -256743084.09791362 = -256706919.7312552 100000000000000 + -727664133.1002209 = 99999272335866.9 7665680864 + 868 = 7665681732 -9 + -7246955.153647909 = -7246964.153647909 -63438.75479506011 + -54303258673835.75 = -54303258737274.51 447961 + -5355 = 442606 530598.4833814371 + -8267136895 = -8266606296.516619 -2621.117207047755 + -954144907.4598616 = -954147528.5770687 -223075077.65338886 + 2812465.8612514837 = -220262611.79213738 -15898871431 + -222566.49878007054 = -15899093997.49878 7651921759076 + 2631200870 = 7654552959946 -836753893 + -409425839532.8384 = -410262593425.8384 -114250702 + 7049796.611033306 = -107200905.3889667 -77387.10479702847 + 83651.06335173597 = 6263.958554707497 100000000000000 + 85029737 = 100000085029737 92337050 + 40429742354 = 40522079404 -646997644770 + -44655790576751 = -45302788221521 -42921195352926 + -100000000000000 = -142921195352926 -355.74494282473785 + -942 = -1297.7449428247378 -84 + 50763698 = 50763614 -3.619227196795931 + -808535320.9530504 = -808535324.5722775 -46655246161528.48 + 596721648375 = -46058524513153.48 757981.521295318 + 378682292523.17865 = 378683050504.69995 100000000000000 + 5714 = 100000000005714 -639.4879093988267 + 181.84501595090882 = -457.64289344791786 707 + 4534720.700790936 = 4535427.700790936 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -8359124434.530046 + -876.5236514344949 = -8359125311.053698 -1796 + 31572769797462.98 = 31572769795666.98 26 + -95297475.44465944 = -95297449.44465944 -79386563718283 + -2114.4674811217837 = -79386563720397.47 762788959924 + 472.1613127869371 = 762788960396.1613 100000000000000 + 310 = 100000000000310 99285056.90790671 + 609 = 99285665.90790671 -227593427830 + -4165220.59854118 = -227597593050.59854 50285409.87383831 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000050285409.88 66.31344709607792 + 723 = 789.3134470960779 -20777526923.21376 + -67686.07999947979 = -20777594609.29376 -297638693 + -1.2275116925931941 = -297638694.2275117 -8419951677732 + 8633 = -8419951669099 3214.8852797659583 + -8097.138001306507 = -4882.252721540549 44060.08795828844 + -7252984122.081542 = -7252940061.993584 -93863241 + -67657692513 = -67751555754 99315119853 + -4012 = 99315115841 -547934189.9185334 + -4738377 = -552672566.9185334 51768147674541.95 + -469922873.51193255 = 51767677751668.44 16570.44341496499 + -98423177 = -98406606.55658503 3305.342553756598 + -30724950.721886404 = -30721645.379332647 3532563 + -1060979 = 2471584 5569381 + 3315669.006643853 = 8885050.006643854 -5.300486551232394 + -7 = -12.300486551232394 -2982 + -628265639 = -628268621 -589.6441979059259 + 495.6862723094919 = -93.957925596434 5705164231026.743 + 597733523652.5844 = 6302897754679.327 56776022821240 + 28460340740787 = 85236363562027 -8902576270315 + 564705170.9462854 = -8902011565144.055 -699632216365.4337 + 4339578.597339679 = -699627876786.8364 -87807239.44920418 + -20849792.43230463 = -108657031.8815088 728451424.4528157 + -71.840904943185 = 728451352.6119107 -13706569026844.002 + 532.655808694633 = -13706569026311.346 72698319974 + 3678252498 = 76376572472 -165661690605.98102 + -9 = -165661690614.98102 807431139308 + 72063260.5729886 = 807503202568.573 -61 + 293831658437.7181 = 293831658376.7181 -376152411579.9596 + -308 = -376152411887.9596 -86019756 + 27431611.93185854 = -58588144.06814146 -3809913 + -710349184026 = -710352993939 1347295 + 7021217 = 8368512 -751283.6606435525 + -790739 = -1542022.6606435524 9682163 + 9073 = 9691236 6603654091.899038 + 304.32401494345083 = 6603654396.223053 -451730309782.433 + 642542377601.6909 = 190812067819.25793 5 + -302756280 = -302756275 337812510 + -1584956.475120558 = 336227553.52487946 3707 + -26952598 = -26948891 940357695808.4137 + -653353.7924897143 = 940357042454.6212 -8014782009 + -98013660.75357264 = -8112795669.753572 -89354942664118 + 5514759 = -89354937149359 47753654396.21542 + 44.30949837709312 = 47753654440.524925 -78.42793486220855 + -64935172782090 = -64935172782168.43 24 + -808654159571.052 = -808654159547.052 9183730.334634723 + 77628368144728 = 77628377328458.33 -3 + -26359736873734 = -26359736873737 -681303560456.7056 + -3668093 = -681307228549.7056 -86719445704943 + -54 = -86719445704997 746 + -185290 = -184544 -6.393210260720234 + 217488855.24815118 = 217488848.85494092 -41.144584620538836 + 840 = 798.8554153794612 -372167 + 7.88013572021469 = -372159.1198642798 -76107753280099.97 + -530712296660 = -76638465576759.97 48465785415882 + -31172896 = 48465754242986 85 + 8258638950.417116 = 8258639035.417116 -82483813124706.3 + 3810248156 = -82480002876550.3 40031489121.65888 + 2 = 40031489123.65888 -391021828167.22144 + 83602873 = -390938225294.22144 -491504409 + -40261.15334309276 = -491544670.1533431 -988128051919 + -6063364.810033372 = -988134115283.81 753 + -6530437201.447188 = -6530436448.447188 30.011094176979046 + -900646232 = -900646201.9889058 -722600352 + -95.96071947642012 = -722600447.9607195 -983419536788.0282 + -828 = -983419537616.0282 32115 + 3206267589.4115562 = 3206299704.4115562 -43317908604124.79 + -138 = -43317908604262.79 2.9525850828002995 + -8274547289926.292 = -8274547289923.34 -42.36486239183808 + -5838425890671.017 = -5838425890713.382 -709465489293.4972 + -5755938332.058192 = -715221427625.5554 -770595912135 + -424 = -770595912559 -5473158.432235885 + -68416220 = -73889378.43223588 64239 + -5.337669220737791 = 64233.66233077926 100000000000000.0 + 2142097023285 = 102142097023285.0 -83780 + -7233476904.058508 = -7233560684.058508 -47671.01504222194 + -303 = -47974.01504222194 -3432496.7711769766 + -760006218191 = -760009650687.7711 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 219246669562.69052 + -70.91421382559736 = 219246669491.7763 -100000000000000.0 + -54 = -100000000000054.0 -835674346879.6489 + -9141 = -835674356020.6489 -50233936939006.47 + -15197481.209159233 = -50233952136487.68 -69061726.4261758 + -2 = -69061728.4261758 5586204491004.043 + 300179017.1011164 = 5586504670021.145 8.651566115817916 + 8500002 = 8500010.651566116 100000000000000 + 20421295121629 = 120421295121629 -964575 + 25 = -964550 -629044.4397239588 + -737846039792 = -737846668836.4397 -473581106.65303415 + 665967075.8719945 = 192385969.21896034 -6996240.187844375 + 84414817 = 77418576.81215562 100000000000000.0 + 25912803339 = 100025912803339.0 -379304.56296065025 + 78 = -379226.56296065025 -2 + 5812.008410702877 = 5810.008410702877 -3473.388868566503 + 38376462810800 = 38376462807326.61 32 + 80184319 = 80184351 -2398055 + 6.202878858585059 = -2398048.7971211416 -495861988350.91895 + 99378351.15443027 = -495762609999.7645 1684500 + -3164505 = -1480005 3764438778033 + 69496462401.6871 = 3833935240434.687 100000000000000.0 + 884.7557593169502 = 100000000000884.75 -6187914630 + 7936 = -6187906694 7 + 995 = 1002 -100000000000000.0 + -389451.9472726372 = -100000000389451.95 9.216519116699352 + 4 = 13.216519116699352 9532466822855.504 + 569083248444 = 10101550071299.504 -13095270818 + -3111720672145.55 = -3124815942963.55 -15279 + -7141909502.114231 = -7141924781.114231 20 + -775294810071.6389 = -775294810051.6389 65850759428126.53 + -332 = 65850759427794.53 748 + 1001149779 = 1001150527 839179627.0500855 + 298 = 839179925.0500855 593340648 + -9776781258.081985 = -9183440610.081985 -47947437.064092524 + -5551182173.768144 = -5599129610.832236 -100000000000000 + 5463 = -99999999994537 -48136 + -100000000000000 = -100000000048136 9776 + 100000000000000 = 100000000009776 -96.3866503320721 + -343576159 = -343576255.3866503 -52604678756615 + 19486.612740069468 = -52604678737128.39 -100000000000000 + -750145410199.2745 = -100750145410199.28 -100000000000000 + 6671224525.462004 = -99993328775474.53 -589922389338 + 396933526223.54144 = -192988863114.45856 97191360701.46881 + 3 = 97191360704.46881 -100000000000000.0 + 7952 = -99999999992048.0 -77888480114 + -9102973595 = -86991453709 93306038725294.64 + 62026295479975 = 155332334205269.62 195.9447787850432 + -429595885784 = -429595885588.05524 -56.84008436657227 + 928358 = 928301.1599156334 100000000000000.0 + 1447070803.245805 = 100001447070803.25 48513398097401 + 8582587 = 48513406679988 15114 + -120.7452763193564 = 14993.254723680644 76124474124.08966 + -513484 = 76123960640.08966 160162518771.5182 + 4805372242 = 164967891013.5182 -95803735 + -5610576 = -101414311 -984581066 + 469.19078161890985 = -984580596.8092184 7.440232630691465 + -81658936767 = -81658936759.55977 -15367 + -7823460376711.631 = -7823460392078.631 -4553071787967 + -100000000000000.0 = -104553071787967.0 794932259.3839155 + -60185.33529864621 = 794872074.0486169 300595491938 + 9314839570 = 309910331508 27231528576691 + -748605975385.5067 = 26482922601305.492 -28 + -567304157058 = -567304157086 -2032999 + 36.70537837635601 = -2032962.2946216236 -580633078578.4154 + 139216203814.52148 = -441416874763.8939 59482150.85957665 + 54444.76309830365 = 59536595.62267496 604706 + -70905253672529.39 = -70905253067823.39 612777832.5469527 + -87354104373622 = -87353491595789.45 96700345044.7012 + -78.65125215142709 = 96700344966.04996 -28952310 + -42167304719 = -42196257029 472.73759530046874 + 84136747212366 = 84136747212838.73 100000000000000.0 + -91104937216184.9 = 8895062783815.094 -444560.9806542503 + -68438041787 = -68438486347.98065 -7312407876616 + 255.69535865346532 = -7312407876360.305 100000000000000 + -10522172732893 = 89477827267107 1329417513433.2034 + 415.35660655235756 = 1329417513848.56 6025416916345.363 + 137171.243273075 = 6025417053516.606 338 + 336 = 674 4937173577960 + 82646.16336919344 = 4937173660606.163 5195 + -4935842.558989184 = -4930647.558989184 -49.25529347661134 + 336038346 = 336038296.7447065 3702 + 632034607.1229073 = 632038309.1229073 -449947154803 + 43572999.046245836 = -449903581803.95374 -3092840687806 + -192306 = -3092840880112 -27619706936.141125 + -1 = -27619706937.141125 -8.04899618358106 + -9346039 = -9346047.048996184 -3 + 72.82510747666566 = 69.82510747666566 92827659102.42236 + -20.586242679021233 = 92827659081.83612 501371900 + -91806761.84861274 = 409565138.1513873 91.06859221976542 + -18443757050 = -18443756958.931408 1234516451 + 699217919 = 1933734370 256367113394 + -942444.8940476172 = 256366170949.10596 4.910822424070702 + -22.145821120497892 = -17.23499869642719 -430.8562107052232 + 41189.772446164614 = 40758.916235459394 100000000000000 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000 30.746531547051283 + 38 = 68.74653154705129 -131 + 727.2606193222607 = 596.2606193222607 556090844412 + 185 = 556090844597 -79305.05172472716 + -91420.6908017206 = -170725.74252644775 7311737.0659503 + -100000000000000 = -99999992688262.94 943 + -68253218154849.766 = -68253218153906.766 -14689687.343882143 + 100000000000000 = 99999985310312.66 -38532381354 + 7510.707713584804 = -38532373843.29229 40851311574180 + -84245 = 40851311489935 7065315342 + -74525108347.72598 = -67459793005.72598 76121024329 + -100000000000000.0 = -99923878975671.0 -6261124095087.272 + 52854309502528 = 46593185407440.73 100000000000000.0 + 8204311.1005012775 = 100000008204311.1 -41295587.82814191 + 23857101180231.08 = 23857059884643.25 -15393294105.7905 + 893 = -15393293212.7905 17381 + 782169535662 = 782169553043 619.1071167102014 + -3225414326644.19 = -3225414326025.083 12812577813958.057 + 1846.4766904153794 = 12812577815804.533 86513 + -758.3043878327428 = 85754.69561216726 649.3377293509747 + 977538274 = 977538923.3377293 607.0776855678353 + -6349231401.620444 = -6349230794.542759 57827453872 + 8 = 57827453880 943931522.0007215 + 745902083655.8479 = 746846015177.8486 6037472 + 67137367128024 = 67137373165496 7041299936.819174 + -7109251139 = -67951202.18082619 -63 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999937.0 -96141389810225 + -2.7681133267234843 = -96141389810227.77 -100000000000000 + -97282138629516.23 = -197282138629516.25 82014 + -4 = 82010 77.82190996754669 + 19542 = 19619.821909967548 3927994.1388105727 + -123637 = 3804357.1388105727 29333901 + -80872473763200 = -80872444429299 633623856752.168 + -135402418271 = 498221438481.16797 -62797486.38770114 + 8859751 = -53937735.38770114 34.21654448864482 + 931267 = 931301.2165444887 949496786961 + -4.522905406564817 = 949496786956.477 -100000000000000 + 9019601279687 = -90980398720313 -15502240055.732197 + -666 = -15502240721.732197 -77288 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999922712.0 290871616813 + -107264039983 = 183607576830 21596.086216465086 + -78688.25443886491 = -57092.16822239982 -118905229051 + 83.98216151832784 = -118905228967.01784 63 + 4616968.851394526 = 4617031.851394526 -30306 + 5712 = -24594 697851419.5232202 + 827424593923 = 828122445342.5232 -800 + 11423 = 10623 -52399663120691.35 + -68334685883.92141 = -52467997806575.27 -699.7300423812156 + 8183.364926214424 = 7483.634883833208 -1120253065546 + 3018033 = -1120250047513 616.0196513941928 + 57.214241627250786 = 673.2338930214436 792095.241840563 + -68051364968549 = -68051364176453.76 5558799.689861965 + -960007964 = -954449164.310138 4849.656242691267 + 1491 = 6340.656242691267 70156188207 + 100000000000000 = 100070156188207 434797849249.3063 + -96528.51457219213 = 434797752720.7917 -27493 + 59841947585614.77 = 59841947558121.77 8870.107108699234 + -5.165107897364907 = 8864.94200080187 25.373664448222325 + -3041446715108.1045 = -3041446715082.731 -3.6638044158682623 + -113381535756 = -113381535759.6638 -862539 + 84048765 = 83186226 -983903.1795706139 + 3926912583.8698483 = 3925928680.6902776 -534 + -89.37492054770219 = -623.3749205477022 -5653530770559.989 + -281749455 = -5653812520014.989 -877730118.3717049 + 91.74984814661552 = -877730026.6218568 7258998778 + 100000000000000 = 100007258998778 5466897324144 + 85969842257.4841 = 5552867166401.484 -77169131 + -83169749048 = -83246918179 -956841430 + 272 = -956841158 -154713 + 9299.934991483959 = -145413.06500851605 5243684236001 + -483219067.6180931 = 5243201016933.382 854497770.4399459 + -7287278 = 847210492.4399459 100000000000000 + -6 = 99999999999994 -540136666.9348509 + 100000000000000 = 99999459863333.06 -21801633089478.254 + -100000000000000.0 = -121801633089478.25 -2871.69360759185 + -6076376614468.431 = -6076376617340.124 -100000000000000 + -7208936378.662506 = -100007208936378.66 -8167735137482.427 + -5327570.795260292 = -8167740465053.222 21855531 + 93272818.01660404 = 115128349.01660404 569.1373975036945 + 619018263508.9426 = 619018264078.0801 -8255332153 + -945935329 = -9201267482 171042 + 69043928031303 = 69043928202345 -556143.8730971375 + 11163816453 = 11163260309.126904 -2.5306132113971787 + 24545417027099 = 24545417027096.47 44208 + -48053083636.65104 = -48053039428.65104 88733781579 + -66033039596 = 22700741983 -18097484.171705615 + 229 = -18097255.171705615 27745471058.63894 + -952 = 27745470106.63894 -62164 + 444826045613 = 444825983449 858792 + -100000000000000 = -99999999141208 53139 + 7318 = 60457 100000000000000.0 + -5113 = 99999999994887.0 58615496675 + -12.394094645759015 = 58615496662.6059 1116123.105483115 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999998883876.89 90837867149 + -6.876391544967467 = 90837867142.12361 308634164.6916454 + 56.14244361055375 = 308634220.834089 89279179045 + -84517.81628114881 = 89279094527.18372 -76.27077500606165 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000076.27 -869209 + -72 = -869281 -6791704211388.115 + -8603.476206892037 = -6791704219991.592 -460.40972852723854 + -317447 = -317907.40972852724 -486 + -689 = -1175 63385546966 + -5522404 = 63380024562 -8644488196480.194 + -4 = -8644488196484.194 -453145588433 + -2583 = -453145591016 -556423049076.2565 + 91687.93581725379 = -556422957388.3207 -100000000000000.0 + -3921885680.9737515 = -100003921885680.97 -91.66812292673671 + -56248064220 = -56248064311.66812 -981874 + -628199011.3796177 = -629180885.3796177 -3854156910.097506 + -330996.429823107 = -3854487906.527329 -86882090511870.27 + -5 = -86882090511875.27 3929 + 4265101344.97724 = 4265105273.97724 -12.713463064725712 + -1547780901835.124 = -1547780901847.8374 621.2645751376901 + 49147901.97544215 = 49148523.24001729 3494258368 + -24523522691 = -21029264323 -5500389858206 + 5.085602751963857 = -5500389858200.914 2 + 1876498.1187460881 = 1876500.1187460881 6880451092245 + -44928020.74792247 = 6880406164224.252 -6373 + 31.821072010354566 = -6341.178927989646 100000000000000 + -284755624316.7694 = 99715244375683.23 -362271530 + -1697631.90905745 = -363969161.90905744 -514.3916124851851 + -64231162966 = -64231163480.39161 -8156 + -307 = -8463 -86 + 867.8220178889815 = 781.8220178889815 76573885624 + -7996680930515 = -7920107044891 4 + -70.70087988399308 = -66.70087988399308 4800162265 + 396861.9786493076 = 4800559126.978649 -40285255.38162197 + -33858.217619678486 = -40319113.59924165 66944.21429542595 + 296843470.12744224 = 296910414.3417377 8 + 6969150 = 6969158 9484 + -90436391271269.89 = -90436391261785.89 99533931676919.08 + 40187658338144.73 = 139721590015063.81 98098243681951 + 3572833 = 98098247254784 -522055 + -184839265.37443957 = -185361320.37443957 97824 + 2654483960152 = 2654484057976 435 + -445 = -10 7966.46263208983 + 9424.53904807899 = 17391.001680168818 198.04523055389188 + -8.016915777391626 = 190.02831477650025 -12351289661778.188 + -552504578 = -12351842166356.188 -3790 + 568942 = 565152 440031 + -91058557.44846995 = -90618526.44846995 8954767 + -980746681 = -971791914 5199259669 + -76480772463 = -71281512794 -30 + 54208909354516 = 54208909354486 392821.9527418295 + 6039074020.683782 = 6039466842.636523 18764.63143594822 + 336271343085.8643 = 336271361850.4957 -1303801205.235598 + -80667054884976 = -80668358686181.23 -1980627 + 222356338486.064 = 222354357859.064 -812553834 + 87259312776855.23 = 87258500223021.23 -662359030764 + -936199845458.1251 = -1598558876222.125 15902.02224963346 + 30760124.917952985 = 30776026.94020262 -66558 + -34536532 = -34603090 -68 + -534246552.0140328 = -534246620.0140328 18877176.9823566 + 9105660.274104912 = 27982837.256461512 8589545555 + 834 = 8589546389 -76.1656865627505 + 13817947579.366518 = 13817947503.200832 -3071458 + -3102782.216014108 = -6174240.216014108 -7826 + 5329704 = 5321878 970 + 36 = 1006 332813505.72369164 + -100000000000000 = -99999667186494.28 -503881929.8013761 + 43467304.80578816 = -460414624.99558794 21154068.021400083 + -73933572 = -52779503.97859992 8656397898 + -51.696783255990695 = 8656397846.303217 -8 + -8791478648 = -8791478656 8528 + -39520550586 = -39520542058 262489568599 + -70477044.96941948 = 262419091554.03058 -2 + -5490.061305043013 = -5492.061305043013 -5246768.26910873 + -911194447991 = -911199694759.2692 -612282203514 + 995110.6447172676 = -612281208403.3552 28604969 + -57612460592063 = -57612431987094 -872261793063.1884 + -15530676254.496948 = -887792469317.6853 434 + -613092387.9041588 = -613091953.9041588 2922.0759679261264 + -777901.4458110528 = -774979.3698431266 -93210 + -8 = -93218 -9522335878 + 6.11113710496269 = -9522335871.888863 12565386924510 + 100000000000000 = 112565386924510 31134.70834495973 + 1.7221399276603304 = 31136.43048488739 -41320445058 + 747 = -41320444311 6993106943441 + 45496901611440 = 52490008554881 -9616 + -241921112 = -241930728 70143 + 38774946175724.625 = 38774946245867.625 -345229070810 + -47 = -345229070857 -100000000000000 + 53221581844.51882 = -99946778418155.48 7 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000007.0 -452243115 + 94909.92737829548 = -452148205.0726217 -922262.7926010899 + 96013792676 = 96012870413.2074 966955 + -8588 = 958367 27935001.13183319 + 945546937940.571 = 945574872941.7029 -858.050176457957 + 762963242600.2103 = 762963241742.1602 25808938809 + 100000000000000 = 100025808938809 39093809.7450734 + 1034 = 39094843.7450734 -16391759098 + 2389381843981.0083 = 2372990084883.0083 42.69247841525598 + -43661 = -43618.30752158474 6524 + -5274011296.857278 = -5274004772.857278 -7 + -9.385339359840039 = -16.38533935984004 -9009740600533.336 + 75921037350.83382 = -8933819563182.502 -100000000000000 + -3857807703 = -100003857807703 -2448172669 + 6631298430603 = 6628850257934 -684.7811426612116 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999315.22 6764657930.341178 + 3856824516296.681 = 3863589174227.0225 -796184.3557272719 + -9383973035141.16 = -9383973831325.516 -80230311818764.44 + -6196699 = -80230318015463.44 621726134 + 80829083417.74239 = 81450809551.74239 -55452 + -779609792 = -779665244 -970852309476 + -82902039.04988907 = -970935211515.0499 31605421887781 + -961680649881.1035 = 30643741237899.9 -81836305740330 + -3256 = -81836305743586 33492 + 4741695268 = 4741728760 -4246 + 641 = -3605 -2.7497044471940817 + -684350.4805327001 = -684353.2302371473 647827504 + 39480888.36411524 = 687308392.3641152 3879750.8405075483 + 43381.242677663875 = 3923132.083185212 -22781037460 + 344990.90840346797 = -22780692469.091595 -31669191870965.605 + -376592.31032661087 = -31669192247557.914 -50 + 15616885.362795308 = 15616835.362795308 -9588888 + -80260909024796 = -80260918613684 -727756655043.2216 + -31705 = -727756686748.2216 9 + 438 = 447 76603.692823624 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999923396.31 100000000000000 + -49708 = 99999999950292 -498013768539 + -202645.56447496457 = -498013971184.56445 185733069163 + -74961393 = 185658107770 936143017.7704388 + -368259787946 = -367323644928.22955 -5833214609 + 4711335954876 = 4705502740267 -599002220966.2612 + 572880190394.6068 = -26122030571.65442 45100795 + 18327376946.24817 = 18372477741.24817 507435.2601912241 + 38123424.528654754 = 38630859.78884598 -180 + 316.3936088942976 = 136.39360889429759 7 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000007.0 100000000000000.0 + -99425.33768039882 = 99999999900574.66 -9 + 3871488148.299321 = 3871488139.299321 -95754623684774.23 + -13409 = -95754623698183.23 -3700846.2374213035 + -31426 = -3732272.2374213035 -552309.6262956791 + -5212988932528.289 = -5212989484837.915 89 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999911.0 -450909131.271544 + 40324551.9757337 = -410584579.2958103 83697 + -388958045.5010592 = -388874348.5010592 -444304 + 592594037.1027601 = 592149733.1027601 23008 + 717559369 = 717582377 5955968689.517832 + 4403750939967 = 4409706908656.518 734 + -158726285 = -158725551 3 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999997 10783 + 825415 = 836198 -304386664.56205523 + -996781112126 = -997085498790.562 -585060589178.0984 + 60332837.5580053 = -585000256340.5404 1 + 398967 = 398968 -6.817146151055565 + 7436541 = 7436534.182853849 -261333 + -3385592422562.06 = -3385592683895.06 -5519569677.524969 + -100000000000000 = -100005519569677.53 100000000000000 + 3.672457715922034 = 100000000000003.67 100000000000000.0 + -2597.231678548893 = 99999999997402.77 -3409944512.1818776 + -4400801 = -3414345313.1818776 -99142218210 + -79558261473.81734 = -178700479683.81732 -36664306.74733296 + -6 = -36664312.74733296 -97807807330 + 7992726 = -97799814604 -4943.367013236982 + -47721409481172 = -47721409486115.37 3523886 + -541 = 3523345 33999651 + 3753 = 34003404 5024743.83993392 + -33406 = 4991337.83993392 439229 + 72236930 = 72676159 -3350702445 + -636648.2918272843 = -3351339093.291827 7182400742306.659 + -1109968681075 = 6072432061231.659 417448.66577849275 + -3526004 = -3108555.3342215074 -35354202569655.44 + -1964.64231715672 = -35354202571620.08 7877765 + -167861585186.95923 = -167853707421.95923 37242230069511 + -473530561.613415 = 37241756538949.38 -3283 + 761976.6933539618 = 758693.6933539618 6911905973341.688 + -5165273638.809883 = 6906740699702.879 651639847 + 4.885715797859555 = 651639851.8857158 7.224464953391531 + -262531 = -262523.7755350466 60166319458.78809 + 4346.254140770211 = 60166323805.04224 7644 + -307715.9682882546 = -300071.9682882546 -8.982950085747504 + -9574472015754 = -9574472015762.982 -202003 + 65849818512115 = 65849818310112 -100000000000000.0 + 65534896 = -99999934465104.0 -7268775 + 256247726 = 248978951 75 + 173190626671 = 173190626746 -73703.30748215193 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999926296.69 -530 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000530.0 -100000000000000.0 + -60374497832386.64 = -160374497832386.62 891542049506 + 28490941.889809027 = 891570540447.8898 -100000000000000.0 + 29 = -99999999999971.0 -720 + -86628547496.89462 = -86628548216.89462 -91325441 + 1102907882.3703082 = 1011582441.3703082 2482496981.8221154 + -18 = 2482496963.8221154 -8.018915673678551 + 23096032179 = 23096032170.981083 -9 + 2562899411711 = 2562899411702 4750 + -100000000000000 = -99999999995250 -3 + -9349007 = -9349010 -674546264.4893196 + -265067311 = -939613575.4893196 -92413696088983 + -859 = -92413696089842 5814718.063392398 + -13605850.346538858 = -7791132.283146461 4468838298.25536 + 2710165044.046869 = 7179003342.302229 -64 + 1464663183063 = 1464663182999 37785542451197.83 + 1817 = 37785542453014.83 54.912423838991806 + -6946051306947.502 = -6946051306892.59 433150 + -5767336510122.787 = -5767336076972.787 27805593817.142227 + -6260323 = 27799333494.142227 6252735228 + -89323637299838.95 = -89317384564610.95 99247352040223.3 + -223063 = 99247351817160.3 -2898293.629041964 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000002898293.62 279329550154.1354 + -710639.9538752578 = 279328839514.1815 -709476242.3993816 + -8093811 = -717570053.3993816 -44499.931646938974 + -9827576 = -9872075.93164694 -73.22501222370825 + 78588469755.22635 = 78588469682.00134 75988934612.03577 + -969052255468 = -893063320855.9642 100000000000000.0 + 920798887.1753197 = 100000920798887.17 1299318261.5809557 + 9451 = 1299327712.5809557 654339649326.2798 + 38645013 = 654378294339.2798 -566746187 + -70026895117.99033 = -70593641304.99033 -9541640 + 8755892281042 = 8755882739402 7675457164 + -1265312204574.0747 = -1257636747410.0747 -206286914657 + 6323 = -206286908334 74369501666 + 5334083.40197229 = 74374835749.40198 3130.5438269967894 + -591 = 2539.5438269967894 112807 + 9031423 = 9144230 -9060917.844560856 + -343 = -9061260.844560856 -106709 + 3757903291.133269 = 3757796582.133269 4608.109734504348 + -84800018.66469367 = -84795410.55495916 523827154.6397782 + -9454 = 523817700.6397782 -9619049278.719799 + 8377.09021709502 = -9619040901.629581 -7868244 + -37423498758 = -37431367002 51571.394191653664 + -11371336.996655 = -11319765.602463346 -513716976.36639315 + -14479325926286 = -14479839643262.367 288715163165 + 3065 = 288715166230 753.6444684539358 + 16055083.466329457 = 16055837.110797912 3823704636915.397 + 72612 = 3823704709527.397 100000000000000.0 + 9.163160981749769 = 100000000000009.16 7 + -197.9584308113939 = -190.9584308113939 -22256520.387568653 + -1430753.4403828688 = -23687273.82795152 -35920668143057 + 29923390270183 = -5997277872874 -7140557470 + 21.34973065286336 = -7140557448.6502695 -99862 + -46 = -99908 25179006.700230442 + 5.318299943360885 = 25179012.018530384 -47 + 677056 = 677009 7769648 + 67118216654.96196 = 67125986302.96196 100000000000000.0 + -7425780148927 = 92574219851073.0 325 + -59077589546392 = -59077589546067 -53955881 + -552.3205158351473 = -53956433.320515834 -100000000000000.0 + 220985471 = -99999779014529.0 30.90371509701673 + -9051 = -9020.096284902984 -5472 + -913371.96616396 = -918843.96616396 -39384482834773 + -76301.44170692223 = -39384482911074.445 -3688130076020 + -6268832.9947618265 = -3688136344852.9946 5122070.035327357 + 100000000000000 = 100000005122070.03 -485610352834.8332 + 32.00926063823801 = -485610352802.8239 9750792099 + 8403357116 = 18154149215 55223712868467.85 + 90210489831813 = 145434202700280.84 -90877783.14945625 + -6352421 = -97230204.14945625 4525376522.663467 + 87140644983 = 91666021505.66347 58433 + -312720 = -254287 240319.4685226068 + -964339083.4589157 = -964098763.9903932 51097522427590 + 6373171594045 = 57470694021635 705361375722.2212 + 9578653946390.648 = 10284015322112.87 -6550018 + -54337237345.47097 = -54343787363.47097 727351.7241810402 + -223330640224.21954 = -223329912872.49536 -7238.6605619505735 + -74790983 = -74798221.66056195 -8223404363697 + -3 = -8223404363700 312762176.22700626 + -2 = 312762174.22700626 -17130137265 + -2029538887419.2476 = -2046669024684.2476 -3368883946176.0166 + 204562404.27712893 = -3368679383771.7393 -100000000000000.0 + -180363.62470670644 = -100000000180363.62 -86653584607.15385 + -18422075230.602005 = -105075659837.75586 -1441.6466955029266 + -2 = -1443.6466955029266 -3550505050.106882 + -79796372.77986333 = -3630301422.8867455 -582.9580758983583 + -35.6356467160471 = -618.5937226144054 57375687839 + -13107282 = 57362580557 -801537.5361384801 + 3399.9408689380016 = -798137.5952695421 9185542987.411293 + -136 = 9185542851.411293 -631.3252785423258 + -3300470062.9281754 = -3300470694.253454 22331930.835152633 + 107039529836 = 107061861766.83516 2.1436391439384685 + -37043839 = -37043836.85636085 3610463.8608730095 + 5.01487304385295 = 3610468.875746053 -6515310.096986386 + -2846976 = -9362286.096986387 -100000000000000 + 39067804926 = -99960932195074 -24285 + -40738.68208987283 = -65023.68208987283 -80255.59750763426 + 7957.633412978282 = -72297.96409465598 19859.806522351304 + 49 = 19908.806522351304 -44303071.68473861 + -100000000000000 = -100000044303071.69 1122651962545.3523 + 986405655747.4263 = 2109057618292.7786 28.842008702354633 + 2236 = 2264.8420087023546 5 + 68868147395.92894 = 68868147400.92894 95026092528.27061 + -7.342933229313733 = 95026092520.92769 -230724598 + 332 = -230724266 -28818591995 + -735119715.9512975 = -29553711710.951298 -5483444698.321638 + 42837655134265.875 = 42832171689567.555 974384972.0581805 + 29 = 974385001.0581805 8368.235043387489 + -710156031 = -710147662.7649566 100000000000000.0 + 306559 = 100000000306559.0 -869774077161.2418 + 812452.0559848412 = -869773264709.1858 7665530.465162586 + -417489746311.985 = -417482080781.51984 652845688820.3889 + 8.010402465778721 = 652845688828.3993 -33560 + 687081533.5005112 = 687047973.5005112 59477348338625 + -299020136.87051475 = 59477049318488.13 71801.42795835456 + -16946.83567971638 = 54854.59227863818 -35632699569492.05 + -72.83339385749454 = -35632699569564.88 -76389028455 + -6126295129665 = -6202684158120 -17134 + -1587783 = -1604917 -91046 + 78324121.6488846 = 78233075.6488846 -22707804 + 576.2769214761139 = -22707227.723078523 76849936.90592018 + 2495514 = 79345450.90592018 -92622737224964 + 937419126.285984 = -92621799805837.72 -491.70279336512357 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000491.7 -36940481724520 + -6 = -36940481724526 -100000000000000 + 4808635894364 = -95191364105636 -99593893609405 + -653.1631087977344 = -99593893610058.16 -7762285514.292041 + -4396 = -7762289910.292041 1155565682459.9775 + -6429052.3750745915 = 1155559253407.6025 -348932740.1484782 + 328 = -348932412.1484782 -7.074078895267191 + 853552335743 = 853552335735.9259 -100000000000000.0 + 979.7440752317433 = -99999999999020.25 9489522 + -254 = 9489268 -3 + -8 = -11 -100 + 4140.80484031215 = 4040.80484031215 14.438018546592758 + -69771.92921426438 = -69757.49119571778 7124494 + 502.9132821994593 = 7124996.9132822 25626817021.227333 + -8732874496.277996 = 16893942524.949337 -61655228631 + -9723693.210329745 = -61664952324.21033 -2914.3968895429025 + 9792656.859734535 = 9789742.462844992 -49 + -224746490883.89243 = -224746490932.89243 9373978926.607294 + 36029787868464 = 36039161847390.61 -766551168 + -3631 = -766554799 73417461 + -6 = 73417455 6249306712235.235 + -6 = 6249306712229.235 9 + -7430877 = -7430868 39.38745628504232 + 625050736501 = 625050736540.3875 -97344.43365899462 + 87368797529625.08 = 87368797432280.64 -4 + -249 = -253 172 + -7270019735 = -7270019563 -61446991703 + -336476 = -61447328179 -13278046175 + 27276760593 = 13998714418 53879158.681616865 + -567765274.8038168 = -513886116.12219995 69703899688723.7 + 371970275.40689296 = 69704271658999.11 -1992762.6242970396 + -787257221157 = -787259213919.6243 -4957042016.719589 + -9087864086195 = -9092821128211.719 -7.118290531956303 + -7652841025489 = -7652841025496.118 -529940478.95984775 + -317.5314928704474 = -529940796.49134064 100000000000000.0 + 661851116604.2836 = 100661851116604.28 -6518554060807 + 100000000000000 = 93481445939193 5503.029982280331 + 6559 = 12062.029982280332 -91351935086.81172 + 606097179026 = 514745243939.1883 3033695547 + -9784 = 3033685763 -6799288615263.9795 + -5522486309999.286 = -12321774925263.266 130021247 + -74654072668614.73 = -74653942647367.73 43307742 + -27629563 = 15678179 100000000000000 + -3641589.5438560797 = 99999996358410.45 100000000000000.0 + -19 = 99999999999981.0 -8240261414 + -100000000000000 = -100008240261414 6268162.282731339 + 8249128589435.739 = 8249134857598.022 9843449095944 + 4712301 = 9843453808245 -369 + -87680 = -88049 -152697268305 + 7 = -152697268298 -9083.270457623057 + 994847 = 985763.7295423769 51396261.260522634 + -907510070183.7267 = -907458673922.4662 -6759513.919461807 + 792339.1399376616 = -5967174.779524146 393388124448.5958 + 897.2524023275602 = 393388125345.8482 -42176859915609 + 100000000000000.0 = 57823140084391.0 8019404171.301688 + -55509671869.73264 = -47490267698.430954 -244099247.69828367 + -9085281152088 = -9085525251335.7 7575.088020341947 + -6 = 7569.088020341947 56 + 71410273.87285215 = 71410329.87285215 944323779782.7622 + 4678785735362 = 5623109515144.762 -208654800682 + -9829184 = -208664629866 6937089178 + -26 = 6937089152 -546812983.7852222 + 9686069412988.863 = 9685522600005.078 -71787.56342335392 + 67203332.61901735 = 67131545.055594 4 + 9349124 = 9349128 8.288912756196325 + 85847489015272.75 = 85847489015281.03 6487818463816 + -1 = 6487818463815 132793793 + 5624628 = 138418421 -3265 + 578008 = 574743 -3516 + 54346.32372530021 = 50830.32372530021 100000000000000.0 + 58827906720881 = 158827906720881.0 70457690 + 86987336707175 = 86987407164865 -5031.6641480474955 + 1 = -5030.6641480474955 -1 + -38796821763834 = -38796821763835 -8114362593743 + 8934 = -8114362584809 -100000000000000 + 501939380.44653904 = -99999498060619.55 -568 + 6872731.6296205595 = 6872163.6296205595 -2291155.886776059 + 17091736316904 = 17091734025748.113 -60750576535189 + 2703463663 = -60747873071526 8593.427193090458 + 73399372 = 73407965.42719309 14875045603.406902 + 16 = 14875045619.406902 463464120962 + -100000000000000.0 = -99536535879038.0 30714 + -62671694053 = -62671663339 306.7116269578783 + -825.116400069164 = -518.4047731112857 43926 + 984816702 = 984860628 50076781478.54114 + 21916786448485.062 = 21966863229963.605 -6429096372 + -3648731 = -6432745103 51515778941005.234 + 7481312748022 = 58997091689027.234 785 + 9 = 794 66777.13062442362 + -6299674625.889979 = -6299607848.759355 -6868616911 + -100000000000000.0 = -100006868616911.0 781432666.182884 + -82644 = 781350022.182884 -27013584.920094304 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000027013584.92 -27.80500552963433 + -90747087553108 = -90747087553135.81 853107126 + -54318.14108249563 = 853052807.8589175 -100000000000000.0 + -84413 = -100000000084413.0 443095771 + 62238181722060.91 = 62238624817831.91 -100000000000000.0 + -858356376790 = -100858356376790.0 3.352014894116696 + -6834548936.027522 = -6834548932.675508 93486348046577 + -7.88724213484123 = 93486348046569.11 8686 + -34370223417074.082 = -34370223408388.082 684845.5344928373 + 864309334298.5126 = 864310019144.0471 -100000000000000.0 + 551034605 = -99999448965395.0 -6388884524566.231 + 28891398845124.875 = 22502514320558.645 -513345157.5937365 + 593.9680682496673 = -513344563.6256683 -32485512548276.613 + 935238362734 = -31550274185542.613 -530441073 + -8081377904608.522 = -8081908345681.522 -100000000000000 + 3879.742925777425 = -99999999996120.25 -8550031 + -323931644.3553569 = -332481675.3553569 5288314402.737185 + -63862375 = 5224452027.737185 -746622684181 + -230.12158070037881 = -746622684411.1216 -638321982733.0745 + -3085 = -638321985818.0745 907944 + -5 = 907939 -78207 + -30 = -78237 -100000000000000 + 127091846 = -99999872908154 9314120160281 + -8393392675 = 9305726767606 -35153524 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000035153524.0 37026220605.9592 + 49872396494300.56 = 49909422714906.52 610991351.5006353 + -65216988664088.3 = -65216377672736.8 1.4493132774072655 + 32508.942026266344 = 32510.391339543752 -432527067 + 5960163656 = 5527636589 -133 + -58013428716906.09 = -58013428717039.09 -505118 + 8853.638592037143 = -496264.36140796286 -899814322453.4674 + -87032885547.1687 = -986847208000.6361 -349150.1437651176 + -30 = -349180.1437651176 -72585437.41750377 + -5 = -72585442.41750377 256362168.6270764 + -51408 = 256310760.6270764 382294196.27201307 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999617705803.73 689207665 + -59389121.76280775 = 629818543.2371923 -34875 + 924980572 = 924945697 9508 + 2886 = 12394 81.55412053983123 + 4 = 85.55412053983123 -500345.8448335528 + 56945519724 = 56945019378.15517 5667060028212.228 + 988 = 5667060029200.228 1067.9418604605642 + 750842691032.9567 = 750842692100.8986 73866071310053 + -403.96644701563457 = 73866071309649.03 -4.942814186613325 + -80876746398328 = -80876746398332.94 -116624967046.13676 + -663019.294000154 = -116625630065.43077 66536982466670.48 + -281385965 = 66536701080705.48 3 + 7.347548955985611 = 10.347548955985612 -28535 + -95601 = -124136 86802631084731 + 21620607798 = 86824251692529 7.6037996008181885 + -7936.41256815368 = -7928.808768552862 -6491001268899.772 + 308156751.54866827 = -6490693112148.224 3515137310.5989337 + 681288369.0061172 = 4196425679.605051 61.63976540754234 + -59290764590 = -59290764528.36024 995557.3371643594 + 4992660 = 5988217.337164359 -554791095782.0435 + 35814.578272233746 = -554791059967.4652 5787875868734.214 + 42.72344454421275 = 5787875868776.9375 100000000000000.0 + -303064979697.7501 = 99696935020302.25 7269935445 + 26761336490 = 34031271935 -1233087065 + -2112820140979 = -2114053228044 -100000000000000 + -6091250554 = -100006091250554 -454213.71993679396 + -69784104826639.44 = -69784105280853.16 -3210690.690706578 + -57589472380937.42 = -57589475591628.11 3071324009.549757 + -45801587.225296035 = 3025522422.324461 -8703645342.765278 + -50121316380 = -58824961722.765274 995552.5637399906 + 6824109108499.433 = 6824110104051.996 -157.7955973848569 + 67 = -90.7955973848569 926 + -4384.536194654369 = -3458.536194654369 5568 + 15461999.702425197 = 15467567.702425197 24 + 31295465.269273236 = 31295489.269273236 -192.09383451321114 + 504189376 = 504189183.9061655 -1075.802923339959 + -84768040 = -84769115.80292334 -2958940 + -379.17940457132767 = -2959319.179404571 5868006.731251703 + 3684913 = 9552919.731251702 -54 + 867438036332 = 867438036278 -2824692.386525167 + -100000000000000 = -100000002824692.39 -100000000000000 + -50673096912 = -100050673096912 3405840 + 3081920.542106795 = 6487760.542106795 -7023584 + -269315973 = -276339557 -25719019657038.695 + -31648 = -25719019688686.695 100000000000000.0 + 3151905 = 100000003151905.0 -31484548254.276955 + -93177907170473 = -93209391718727.28 2542.0452438750835 + 58504253172.51536 = 58504255714.5606 100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 200000000000000.0 177039 + -100000000000000 = -99999999822961 -564158082 + 4529788829838.89 = 4529224671756.89 370484 + 681866387878.9482 = 681866758362.9482 9580065767484 + 5660405223267.718 = 15240470990751.719 -610866090 + -9062194424554.316 = -9062805290644.316 -249798238.55644843 + -2788 = -249801026.55644843 -92505 + 913.6158257808263 = -91591.38417421917 -75810441217.00937 + -75598600493186.42 = -75674410934403.44 -387.6840287849807 + 9920700.640149077 = 9920312.956120292 -4081015.425158453 + -32109427.823772624 = -36190443.24893108 -6896430258743.666 + -223.6296500888501 = -6896430258967.296 -49105550189 + 362387997.47837603 = -48743162191.52162 -100000000000000 + -43935345979.42152 = -100043935345979.42 32207277452221.367 + 5678731.713482145 = 32207283130953.082 48173135893.325035 + 70835 = 48173206728.325035 78775420535180 + -3865829998975.409 = 74909590536204.6 -100000000000000 + 8227820006 = -99991772179994 -1123 + 3.8274285395704406 = -1119.1725714604295 8035196490586 + -987236727702 = 7047959762884 -1371119155725.5908 + -16 = -1371119155741.5908 -3912585218.8599844 + -81417563 = -3994002781.8599844 -6.341068503216802 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000006.34 7686931 + -17524714597187.484 = -17524706910256.484 -7069172349 + -5362809862 = -12431982211 100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 37735634768164 + 57095907 = 37735691864071 -3419893698.45261 + -685075562282 = -688495455980.4526 100000000000000.0 + 38245 = 100000000038245.0 377092602.3861977 + 75974558.64507598 = 453067161.03127366 479417504062.89667 + 152869960 = 479570374022.89667 -51552.313267524165 + -4658590764.561472 = -4658642316.87474 100000000000000.0 + 63168.25224298679 = 100000000063168.25 100000000000000.0 + -4624 = 99999999995376.0 -40.106206787632026 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000040.11 9003898.628293507 + -23523.614358514824 = 8980375.013934992 860065.282571848 + 768.5573913431999 = 860833.8399631912 4193818402643 + -649.8285189359162 = 4193818401993.1714 -54742.51717742605 + -19775047826240 = -19775047880982.516 7092563201053.798 + -992674.4503563633 = 7092562208379.348 29437084473078 + 6526955183714 = 35964039656792 99 + 23924.920170656995 = 24023.920170656995 -149734921998.8947 + 1460737582236.7793 = 1311002660237.8845 -774 + -5965245 = -5966019 363 + 7466258413582 = 7466258413945 -73214824126231.16 + 8774072 = -73214815352159.16 13569574902.710388 + -39301634117 = -25732059214.28961 5099060740498 + 50430247829498.86 = 55529308569996.86 -6751995 + 2680743990577.8477 = 2680737238582.8477 -3.3892221517419494 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000003.39 -60835.036662251725 + 848905519283 = 848905458447.9634 59560868638186 + -517387074.13181406 = 59560351251111.87 -8154541460.713616 + -6650 = -8154548110.713616 -100000000000000.0 + 5957681154.315844 = -99994042318845.69 100000000000000 + 184.04371862140232 = 100000000000184.05 -2.4511695883487503 + 8932407200403.197 = 8932407200400.746 -3665 + -44306070969.46735 = -44306074634.46735 100000000000000 + -8103829280.263347 = 99991896170719.73 -90487878 + 59909232346007.45 = 59909141858129.45 -2936 + 93541347 = 93538411 37.08129410322789 + -945950428.1809431 = -945950391.0996491 -27337871047871.09 + -2386.7037964751353 = -27337871050257.793 3516784 + -73489465337.44447 = -73485948553.44447 227.3131318925592 + -78.89609241632752 = 148.41703947623168 89.0043595395683 + 970277 = 970366.0043595396 716 + -19.669492358934317 = 696.3305076410657 -55929470540.19271 + 387759008.72816914 = -55541711531.46454 -635527608 + 904.2066623986561 = -635526703.7933376 -860071 + 26960 = -833111 304480608478.09467 + 75127712.76954657 = 304555736190.8642 45990248211179 + -6050180.028839062 = 45990242160998.97 262493857 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000262493857.0 7240475485 + 1159986 = 7241635471 -69845134296415 + -28.872596517454614 = -69845134296443.875 -28.302688595104932 + -6585527533239 = -6585527533267.303 822535450.5484245 + 6329280187 = 7151815637.548425 685 + 3401058140675.503 = 3401058141360.503 74310.91218440267 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999925689.1 -101 + 940867 = 940766 45992754.27018419 + -3722.7224671956333 = 45989031.54771699 8791276905.222473 + -6277014 = 8784999891.222473 -438.1049927486475 + -3551027.433539121 = -3551465.5385318696 160917055 + -904 = 160916151 -34620141332 + 337363993 = -34282777339 460487006 + 53312925902.99141 = 53773412908.99141 28898275.0845392 + -98230.02010767264 = 28800045.06443153 8694539918 + 254806752820.92816 = 263501292738.92816 -97502.1204684835 + 33441854816.69421 = 33441757314.573742 -4339989403.529953 + 687201785.5440382 = -3652787617.9859147 6335540983.382397 + -730875618.7124414 = 5604665364.669955 -9642076.56367929 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000009642076.56 -6037.623904322581 + 3299472167219 = 3299472161181.376 -8351858.661909226 + -3212 = -8355070.661909226 -316738655 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999683261345.0 -217081483247.32507 + 7210563438 = -209870919809.32507 -3073780324672 + -162940466.7778756 = -3073943265138.778 -271239.21183313394 + 927002532 = 926731292.7881669 93860 + 1836859899 = 1836953759 490481.8134180633 + -742876926848 = -742876436366.1865 529.9066700707048 + 3086485.3509959583 = 3087015.257666029 329304609974 + -839372.8965000445 = 329303770601.1035 7 + -479686709276.7739 = -479686709269.7739 190623973251 + 157877893.59675807 = 190781851144.59677 -794555036.2649447 + -821166 = -795376202.2649447 -836888516658.2517 + 703468766040.6464 = -133419750617.60535 9046805060 + -823723532.3851925 = 8223081527.614807 -759.5040447513953 + 20.306159283582854 = -739.1978854678125 8303368139 + 100000000000000 = 100008303368139 468143075798 + 986699328478.5417 = 1454842404276.5417 6362303458.930796 + 9945.135848193773 = 6362313404.066644 -7963191518571.509 + -100000000000000 = -107963191518571.52 -34 + 6.4644037277669835 = -27.535596272233015 350881449799.96295 + -822 = 350881448977.96295 22423682584854 + -7297014472373 = 15126668112481 6671201.270097831 + -140635451.04902175 = -133964249.77892391 100000000000000.0 + -63738876450552 = 36261123549448.0 -9155.018556985524 + 2958549597015.543 = 2958549587860.5244 17603132563.128273 + 999759679.6800172 = 18602892242.80829 8548715.155801345 + -9496008219 = -9487459503.844198 -36 + -68148489 = -68148525 -100000000000000 + -725342658243 = -100725342658243 4819054134.919123 + 5 = 4819054139.919123 100000000000000 + -76974821011 = 99923025178989 -4.80717097318589 + 9.300002590182844 = 4.492831616996954 -100000000000000.0 + 66268216138666.2 = -33731783861333.797 27250542463046 + 1895309146708 = 29145851609754 9662594 + 1942687571 = 1952350165 5 + -53 = -48 13051350520314.656 + -3 = 13051350520311.656 -100000000000000.0 + -94448667 = -100000094448667.0 -335 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000335.0 -9184 + -2578791272.6978025 = -2578800456.6978025 -100000000000000.0 + -96308878.20924436 = -100000096308878.2 100000000000000.0 + 720.8280367205782 = 100000000000720.83 -7866659 + 130910 = -7735749 5131661409545 + -2880375 = 5131658529170 -522 + 532.3020293838524 = 10.302029383852414 37704467801.263466 + 5 = 37704467806.263466 615.371133615001 + 2766407 = 2767022.371133615 -795110.0670740543 + -8571161259377.853 = -8571162054487.92 -3591032920267.7686 + -42.831712967915 = -3591032920310.6 -304488650502.20984 + 8746 = -304488641756.20984 -36005.5164648285 + -39384368180 = -39384404185.516464 85.99793471156097 + 958622 = 958707.9979347115 3954498249.1242027 + -74 = 3954498175.1242027 95.19233195582889 + -49176098531010 = -49176098530914.805 -55561879213.41135 + -24507263750103.023 = -24562825629316.434 1082 + -7620616.400227095 = -7619534.400227095 569445750.0059375 + 28881775383 = 29451221133.005936 -59 + -3485759765.324118 = -3485759824.324118 6258041.9590863995 + 9905452 = 16163493.9590864 937359 + 36772630887851.84 = 36772631825210.84 8500893.608348668 + 917906347.1560972 = 926407240.7644458 16128.592709088407 + -91613573886510 = -91613573870381.4 240493 + -549505.0072043948 = -309012.0072043948 -4635 + -37112366 = -37117001 -16756079 + -715060 = -17471139 75590368835930 + 87374.31491422301 = 75590368923304.31 3605 + 42 = 3647 96567627893281 + 4169565.9102489264 = 96567632062846.9 8187624674853.071 + 76049158638.9224 = 8263673833491.994 100000000000000.0 + 1.6019748198878696 = 100000000000001.61 -626707 + 8626896894.387928 = 8626270187.387928 58078353 + -95.75172105560605 = 58078257.248278946 -4571817684866.748 + 887.984264331736 = -4571817683978.764 -3188705684.9631414 + -1640740111.7074394 = -4829445796.670581 -3873361.440334076 + -24283 = -3897644.440334076 82577634982646 + -1425514736284.5073 = 81152120246361.5 142.2747630435561 + 20260031.252867572 = 20260173.527630616 94756585327202 + 288556059688.08374 = 95045141386890.08 -100000000000000.0 + -928872745479 = -100928872745479.0 94 + 44.99422687121888 = 138.99422687121887 6915889298249 + -1149783065876.075 = 5766106232372.925 -29899 + -9901189247238.113 = -9901189277137.113 7658 + -432 = 7226 61442744876844 + 74352 = 61442744951196 -22 + 61127 = 61105 -22940.9787874139 + -28.228871450620826 = -22969.20765886452 -587 + 714 = 127 538316645467.60626 + 40433545581.810974 = 578750191049.4172 -11779739.262721432 + 829 = -11778910.262721432 4524724070 + 7400.344592813705 = 4524731470.344593 8449214571.807867 + 99066598 = 8548281169.807867 18 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000000018.0 1492300471307.247 + -100000000000000.0 = -98507699528692.75 -7680595254.23132 + -73436878 = -7754032132.23132 -2392514 + 72029901930 = 72027509416 -43126282761 + -6552667140294.381 = -6595793423055.381 -6131 + 4790 = -1341 100000000000000 + -87.12019940924269 = 99999999999912.88 1272721 + -46 = 1272675 4041560142200 + -5578.570371886976 = 4041560136621.4297 -4261735 + -93462159674887 = -93462163936622 6949.373922647553 + -34412189845184.25 = -34412189838234.875 7413.654960502159 + 8692.822677717126 = 16106.477638219285 -43676641.13605579 + -8739 = -43685380.13605579 -375876408 + 851.2713216317503 = -375875556.72867835 -2115996150572.4192 + 436.710954674112 = -2115996150135.7083 -8427168.682124376 + -55902555229731.31 = -55902563656899.99 -3818305183.489347 + 55571237 = -3762733946.489347 15482 + 99655640637 = 99655656119 -7967648380.43535 + -6.325359699653721 = -7967648386.76071 6476.504900307483 + 604317020344.3042 = 604317026820.8091 -2413 + -3 = -2416 262605112 + -44831146730644 = -44830884125532 -7573959656816.078 + -84719.33629170885 = -7573959741535.414 -6661 + 5077 = -1584 100000000000000.0 + 187729.82799435168 = 100000000187729.83 4444285 + -1374955.0325657194 = 3069329.9674342806 -7775 + 9456323838 = 9456316063 -90988644 + -646445774617 = -646536763261 37.0015595157561 + 68229436.89584118 = 68229473.89740069 -17 + -5698581 = -5698598 6 + -302 = -296 722152 + 5.416747495678827 = 722157.4167474956 -86714698330368.48 + -895550365081 = -87610248695449.48 -44801.649981583534 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000044801.66 -638557 + 648341352855 = 648340714298 3763799973 + 239232769 = 4003032742 -9682849298535.074 + -8.277094637195297 = -9682849298543.352 41621776 + -100000000000000 = -99999958378224 -76305 + 46484119 = 46407814 -124160 + -3 = -124163 8163815181331.209 + 100000000000000 = 108163815181331.2 120699725.30816105 + 37391890 = 158091615.30816105 -100000000000000.0 + 704 = -99999999999296.0 -395316303687.15857 + -100000000000000 = -100395316303687.16 -950082 + 781 = -949301 -59450127 + 49599888.28700389 = -9850238.71299611 -7710821 + -482768861186 = -482776572007 98652 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000098652.0 260666 + 937504.4205196616 = 1198170.4205196616 -46465631839584.89 + 100000000000000 = 53534368160415.11 91023486531.51666 + -444489807 = 90578996724.51666 839911334650.0737 + 33.58144181570948 = 839911334683.6552 39131895782 + -735947745273 = -696815849491 9671516569 + -47179856114694.64 = -47170184598125.64 311 + 73156139745 = 73156140056 1183194269764.8447 + 6505160379339.79 = 7688354649104.635 -608386.4004611912 + -20 = -608406.4004611912 545618 + -485111.83145942964 = 60506.16854057036 -335595.2291352366 + -3031509.1863623224 = -3367104.415497559 -61381.90125286064 + -2245489786 = -2245551167.9012527 -81311749804 + -22 = -81311749826 -824573.4868545193 + -55518186739 = -55519011312.486855 64340.65989998086 + -74347140108.95389 = -74347075768.29399 -9882344.120154668 + -769 = -9883113.120154668 -9140997 + 9934 = -9131063 -816977477.7550648 + 100000000000000 = 99999183022522.25 -43 + 96266 = 96223 2667 + -541308.8052481583 = -538641.8052481583 6565080841 + -952104 = 6564128737 -9383 + 3710436767.4384894 = 3710427384.4384894 5937 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999994063.0 -95460202659878.62 + -100000000000000 = -195460202659878.62 379611.02736110176 + 85754553433590 = 85754553813201.03 77.48892505256426 + -1131113133 = -1131113055.511075 -100000000000000.0 + 6802138925945.135 = -93197861074054.86 -4765 + 50875 = 46110 -4857896 + 964029 = -3893867 -8 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992 3901 + -13226362339690.803 = -13226362335789.803 6234943619.529304 + 8721.48893640727 = 6234952341.01824 798242307065 + 4761913 = 798247068978 -8314941.577197322 + -48899329629 = -48907644570.577194 -1845469412543.388 + 86546404847071.38 = 84700935434527.98 -42228106.740286425 + 256119129.7496666 = 213891023.00938016 -5867923585247.093 + 9189398219.702154 = -5858734187027.391 -8579235 + 637154845559 = 637146266324 790 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000790 -43338997809.44586 + 8062.534612580951 = -43338989746.91125 94724372538694.97 + 8967302017.764622 = 94733339840712.73 -32639645.608995676 + 88808301 = 56168655.391004324 -529915958 + -68622343.18319929 = -598538301.1831993 895611 + 27957 = 923568 -74629.12062263218 + 838.888419443346 = -73790.23220318883 -88301487.9751737 + 6428 = -88295059.9751737 -771248352 + 28874 = -771219478 682306061238 + 1439545723632.7456 = 2121851784870.7456 -2560819417167.458 + 539161190498 = -2021658226669.458 -1758708527 + 9748.53384751312 = -1758698778.4661524 69.61980450770164 + 178033 = 178102.6198045077 -33283683.59466491 + 1506124.6564757794 = -31777558.93818913 382950227 + 59 = 382950286 -7338522 + -529970860 = -537309382 -5803.715250349695 + 667713791 = 667707987.2847496 -378750 + 76.88742928474198 = -378673.11257071525 780709818 + -27312125223989 = -27311344514171 -798903 + -312447120 = -313246023 711567 + -38327768530.39393 = -38327056963.39393 4533 + -1343064750913 = -1343064746380 99409 + -963773370.9900136 = -963673961.9900136 1505075619300 + 7 = 1505075619307 -49008910782526 + -835.3618029959878 = -49008910783361.36 -27240971911475 + 3157276.349103877 = -27240968754198.652 3 + 4056015684.25752 = 4056015687.25752 9232.940618739914 + -7 = 9225.940618739914 7795446864 + -8723188371.344177 = -927741507.3441772 -798715587 + -71672362141993 = -71673160857580 -516791373288 + 2246937 = -516789126351 -36941324.73306699 + -53534755148 = -53571696472.73307 -32.04087802191235 + 7425472013.524676 = 7425471981.483798 63 + -9547585.120906824 = -9547522.120906824 19014.008969621555 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999980985.98 89237998 + -572737566.5831714 = -483499568.58317137 63 + -40.90035524564513 = 22.09964475435487 -1097842781.577238 + -162033901863 = -163131744644.57724 268884379727 + 881613808.5903267 = 269765993535.59033 -76873871634442.66 + -5367443676 = -76879239078118.66 -15877164.531150665 + -59906406291291 = -59906422168455.53 40344364.77819416 + -1919 = 40342445.77819416 60.314622086675165 + -517550 = -517489.68537791335 -29959.29112366029 + -7313.747336070857 = -37273.03845973115 -8 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999992 -86 + -768991221935.4733 = -768991222021.4733 100000000000000 + 177.98056654254634 = 100000000000177.98 71488334422.13217 + 87385561.42402872 = 71575719983.5562 -75484287598757.25 + 206573952 = -75484081024805.25 324 + 95.66268973757174 = 419.6626897375717 6170820145672 + 772143104069.7557 = 6942963249741.756 -100000000000000.0 + -78.26502325627804 = -100000000000078.27 252061458585.718 + -2940746509112 = -2688685050526.282 -42014754941 + -58679043235286 = -58721057990227 -6038.903218733745 + -994365175043.3755 = -994365181082.2787 100000000000000 + 529230.9160201685 = 100000000529230.92 -2525176370885 + 71277021924269.72 = 68751845553384.72 222422 + 32662904690.24463 = 32663127112.24463 335942 + 90107548957.01707 = 90107884899.01707 82628008838839.4 + -47262483.869981796 = 82627961576355.53 96015929 + 84.34892279345938 = 96016013.34892279 -6089577376.551859 + 100000000000000 = 99993910422623.45 -51.304362258563714 + 5 = -46.304362258563714 989.6745852931585 + 4252760 = 4253749.674585293 -215245.8722091574 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999784754.12 46766935814170.92 + -1432105 = 46766934382065.92 -634871952479 + -83749879140 = -718621831619 2703.058431208906 + 41274493.24785787 = 41277196.30628908 526.0802378162093 + 94767903609 = 94767904135.08023 4244635199 + -73679.09191856797 = 4244561519.9080815 150394.06654008484 + 303244728 = 303395122.06654006 876593863.5459094 + -49509 = 876544354.5459094 -4229 + 8.95761405918719 = -4220.042385940813 -7956.184411737155 + 73 = -7883.184411737155 30286.911953780036 + 5486 = 35772.911953780036 548 + -3615.984340367383 = -3067.984340367383 -34192.139583724 + -31941798886993 = -31941798921185.14 52553544853942 + -1528484 = 52553543325458 -100000000000000 + -771241362.6699591 = -100000771241362.67 -6520092693509.489 + 95112869686.82214 = -6424979823822.667 -90043136.17489353 + 36600479975 = 36510436838.8251 2545043995788 + 620095702007.426 = 3165139697795.426 36982714017 + 7 = 36982714024 3152 + -35.44870766835642 = 3116.5512923316437 48308236292 + 306546080519 = 354854316811 -4491171682 + -7 = -4491171689 34478.18153307233 + 18594 = 53072.18153307233 28811.081946195813 + 282249 = 311060.0819461958 2824671875 + 54043 = 2824725918 -725 + 4 = -721 199354161.5673507 + -71236931.58747742 = 128117229.97987327 -4329 + 94176 = 89847 -100000000000000.0 + 4665213 = -99999995334787.0 -19569.063993867563 + 4 = -19565.063993867563 -24932203579856 + 4444635367 = -24927758944489 14043.129322799457 + -3363446607.749626 = -3363432564.620303 729808.6052346688 + -40.2692607189096 = 729768.3359739499 -993920225 + -379000944178.32574 = -379994864403.32574 7784.072398481551 + 52099329382 = 52099337166.072395 421252277129.5331 + -99560463058565.5 = -99139210781435.97 180148519473.57935 + 218151430.89475763 = 180366670904.4741 -893640839122 + -100000000000000.0 = -100893640839122.0 -8337524 + 779622755322 = 779614417798 46586111064 + -6652 = 46586104412 59635 + 210 = 59845 884 + 95415893842.10599 = 95415894726.10599 4980850743 + 679366966.4052938 = 5660217709.405293 9.301758945091434 + -9645873524 = -9645873514.69824 902520017646.1718 + -33764598776 = 868755418870.1718 2132353952.8646667 + -7701107.9093325315 = 2124652844.9553342 -89866722912.03148 + -678210034810.1572 = -768076757722.1887 5484.681851279871 + 104225.76388220688 = 109710.44573348676 5565 + -73 = 5492 1595 + -80636917562.76088 = -80636915967.76088 7853948431.195275 + -4759549583 = 3094398848.1952753 -100000000000000.0 + -6.539408202187339 = -100000000000006.55 -9.402620073071084 + -207638.96194388098 = -207648.36456395403 -3367132722334.9194 + 93123695110.30893 = -3274009027224.6104 -63 + 259885025.05834457 = 259884962.05834457 -208.6157725965042 + 6435 = 6226.384227403496 -486 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000486 -378680519594.192 + -763630.9164240435 = -378681283225.10846 -4.751792324000428 + 850080148 = 850080143.2482077 13644460 + -4289437679.77226 = -4275793219.77226 220532211.90096772 + -2 = 220532209.90096772 -7628 + 926299 = 918671 -823 + 7804.117872738511 = 6981.117872738511 -843206998245 + 7479461610.489154 = -835727536634.5109 -1.6571680532123196 + 752 = 750.3428319467877 -100000000000000 + -74554 = -100000000074554 100000000000000.0 + -97354088.72549918 = 99999902645911.28 -8407579399430.246 + -82612006325765 = -91019585725195.25 -2929261.6173883164 + -6413.683621747618 = -2935675.301010064 7401591.388000268 + 5.9198191067749235 = 7401597.307819374 340389964.205915 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999659610035.8 -935879271.6876127 + 8049394707.654827 = 7113515435.967215 369.9233030725347 + 6801 = 7170.9233030725345 92003 + -30320164 = -30228161 -810863 + -34513562225.35745 = -34514373088.35745 630710933 + 6555197124 = 7185908057 37696565258094 + -4194 = 37696565253900 5404056 + 455295.2946920525 = 5859351.2946920525 -857.8350901743618 + -3.8816507250986696 = -861.7167408994604 -226 + 9735993980.942017 = 9735993754.942017 -959949 + 9.504205158903208 = -959939.4957948411 -2033 + 200360.69369510055 = 198327.69369510055 100000000000000.0 + 52 = 100000000000052.0 -2623011309 + -6474527123 = -9097538432 45762691208899 + 3989180595212 = 49751871804111 8233297 + -5418.416497191336 = 8227878.583502809 840 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999160 -2191739656167.3723 + 45478618 = -2191694177549.3723 -237 + -843.2685095892807 = -1080.2685095892807 -3238566840.6037993 + -71365.48537403383 = -3238638206.0891733 789760206 + -42156320132726 = -42155530372520 -79558 + -3706490910 = -3706570468 674365 + -4561380679800.906 = -4561380005435.906 835074222.308937 + -100000000000000 = -99999164925777.69 -1983664536569.4624 + 42927.577150441044 = -1983664493641.8853 78.05609463619135 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999921.94 -128.6884659109752 + -760021 = -760149.688465911 46567246996 + 7907.459293551957 = 46567254903.4593 1797502.337319009 + -28 = 1797474.337319009 4560154 + -63208076.043462895 = -58647922.043462895 18 + -2.6166014762510246 = 15.383398523748976 5165 + -262 = 4903 100000000000000.0 + -7770378 = 99999992229622.0 8942408328 + -85886420 = 8856521908 -1957638854739.6104 + -100000000000000 = -101957638854739.61 -100000000000000 + -30874575078732.473 = -130874575078732.47 -60115.795908718035 + 17.47283093813188 = -60098.3230777799 -100000000000000 + 9644391747 = -99990355608253 -87431203241218 + -1801 = -87431203243019 100000000000000.0 + -1211697699.798306 = 99998788302300.2 21474218359755 + 37548.99727573671 = 21474218397303.996 21.23995901445315 + -5645 = -5623.760040985547 -3549610860895.0674 + -7135121791.049213 = -3556745982686.1167 100000000000000 + -6063.769285908485 = 99999999993936.23 28300829 + 60.72177956680343 = 28300889.721779566 308963 + -928.0314881064885 = 308034.96851189353 868089.2004362148 + 423 = 868512.2004362148 -4043683979648.065 + 686351.8432198268 = -4043683293296.2217 9 + -6.453563803700131 = 2.5464361962998687 -62542376732.11739 + -3.3590622058087964 = -62542376735.476456 -945581610629 + 5937834 = -945575672795 3218671746.600496 + 22309528 = 3240981274.600496 -59 + 81340.0898615163 = 81281.0898615163 -5418178815.479215 + 53600 = -5418125215.479215 -245087504411.2652 + -5 = -245087504416.2652 100000000000000.0 + 9 = 100000000000009.0 -100000000000000 + 328857204 = -99999671142796 7414785141 + -4856.386388492094 = 7414780284.613611 25 + 3784759 = 3784784 -89.46767190054106 + 4181174639849 = 4181174639759.532 -14823243.821841259 + 6204574 = -8618669.821841259 -1683 + -229945639649 = -229945641332 19704571608.4051 + -408171659 = 19296399949.4051 980672759.8604379 + 258098 = 980930857.8604379 -6396413239 + 166990783554.08243 = 160594370315.08243 -837044457 + -36278353715309 = -36279190759766 100000000000000 + -212.6834965155246 = 99999999999787.31 321024123589 + 100000000000000.0 = 100321024123589.0 -6008009063.594453 + 458952533043 = 452944523979.4055 -6118481576427 + 4907617151.113071 = -6113573959275.887 436.41061809396837 + 5266604859671.634 = 5266604860108.044 -7357416960.287546 + 5 = -7357416955.287546 283038886.53552306 + -406 = 283038480.53552306 123.39195021690833 + -897 = -773.6080497830917 473568985449.5364 + 2.3020235550108143 = 473568985451.8384 -7893 + -989485555 = -989493448 3325.9184801070223 + -54.565784937790475 = 3271.352695169232 462847005784 + 3582.859491280775 = 462847009366.8595 -287249512 + -6467656 = -293717168 -241225 + -630857941.9194971 = -631099166.9194971 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000 = -200000000000000 -10450005897 + -9.258321024775261 = -10450005906.258322 -1467706084.9220827 + -2689496552160.1816 = -2690964258245.1035 -544099224056 + -58640867576019 = -59184966800075 -491415.0023799295 + 489229870180.8226 = 489229378765.8202 4356027374.050425 + -45950 = 4355981424.050425 1430003527.5786464 + -7435.550990315226 = 1429996092.027656 -1683.4497925481733 + -30233589887567.04 = -30233589889250.49 84 + -7281 = -7197 -7852067.862425099 + 1761970194 = 1754118126.137575 72338779 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000072338779.0 2697465583.560254 + 7115 = 2697472698.560254 1444500 + 5567269894.549144 = 5568714394.549144 5115143 + -89352 = 5025791 -78798857.55377406 + 14602045 = -64196812.55377406 -42145860750693 + 82864118693 = -42062996632000 -100000000000000.0 + 1234826261799.8271 = -98765173738200.17 -9050.872596732082 + -98211.77026448856 = -107262.64286122064 -6476286302365 + 100000000000000 = 93523713697635 126 + 80041 = 80167 -43855 + -6981524141842 = -6981524185697 97174441073220 + -1467.9642427733197 = 97174441071752.03 -500145362490 + -8212 = -500145370702 -6907825296 + -68.91937868759629 = -6907825364.919378 10.616641588806072 + 85751533 = 85751543.6166416 -432775078408 + 100000000000000 = 99567224921592 100000000000000 + -267920 = 99999999732080 297894081 + -73810759 = 224083322 -3566764.408112275 + 2.6512288598378904 = -3566761.756883415 133849.6964740992 + -52073348292.130844 = -52073214442.43437 124010600 + 40167.19439424963 = 124050767.19439425 -656673.1746476255 + 996.6599106942165 = -655676.5147369313 -2.4545909295223423 + 3346772077 = 3346772074.545409 5199625832602.658 + -62671.474638774125 = 5199625769931.184 -37326857905 + -453.28621708266246 = -37326858358.28622 5129 + 5114946972.683079 = 5114952101.683079 -71653 + -2.3631131528984803 = -71655.3631131529 4889695976003.242 + -13297995590.289825 = 4876397980412.952 64105431468801 + 5.947278946932132 = 64105431468806.945 9407 + -24173.64672969363 = -14766.646729693632 493103154828 + 9 = 493103154837 -100000000000000 + 210260.34090778913 = -99999999789739.66 -100000000000000 + 9356652408.33897 = -99990643347591.66 -73324747284808 + -369374 = -73324747654182 -28378 + 479986023 = 479957645 -6942 + 15739768.244784907 = 15732826.244784907 -38454423986496.68 + -10771901165 = -38465195887661.68 942.0834850530753 + 192146925681 = 192146926623.0835 -31825.821808251734 + -397065706511.6917 = -397065738337.51355 2284544 + -717 = 2283827 -63524901696 + -4 = -63524901700 -57344474 + -9 = -57344483 -251675882673 + 5348502080 = -246327380593 40152726845498 + 250168961 = 40152977014459 -18.926329667728936 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999981.08 7.536293333954747 + -91253 = -91245.46370666605 -500372 + -834125293 = -834625665 921.4261323027264 + 1.6862225623933906 = 923.1123548651198 -257.5368184385608 + -59632094.67241652 = -59632352.20923496 -68529512452855.14 + -19653323377922 = -88182835830777.14 -6658.825003353382 + -41975037.332485735 = -41981696.15748909 -67162099181796 + -64592107661.22078 = -67226691289457.22 -100000000000000.0 + 9 = -99999999999991.0 -2.666077079890866 + -212427235 = -212427237.66607708 -42535513579.483376 + 6150203 = -42529363376.483376 -7862594.218571873 + 621.9470520306666 = -7861972.271519843 -6621390645 + -955518 = -6622346163 726097989.5558206 + -82364 = 726015625.5558206 -20593 + 304008223 = 303987630 -318 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000000318.0 100000000000000.0 + -687 = 99999999999313.0 -907709394653 + -49132512.804045126 = -907758527165.8041 -2619290.592175 + 617.1337634894211 = -2618673.4584115106 -32817554813.173172 + -18 = -32817554831.173172 405223870 + 61997551640257 = 61997956864127 -986081235520 + -385173 = -986081620693 -9720585650709.162 + -9.20690193230512 = -9720585650718.37 4602.410324290584 + 1396436 = 1401038.4103242906 983770944569.0165 + -8 = 983770944561.0165 41 + -43621.798788580345 = -43580.798788580345 -963 + -46087.7602914903 = -47050.7602914903 70089028445.80856 + 495419259119 = 565508287564.8086 886553580 + 718188 = 887271768 -82 + 137748 = 137666 -4 + 1616035483.5757585 = 1616035479.5757585 631 + 17008 = 17639 -17611421 + 699133 = -16912288 -940162.4706413853 + -73575 = -1013737.4706413853 -963 + 7 = -956 46506019.136224404 + -456.28006500078146 = 46505562.856159404 2469186.5773918107 + 4942141611987 = 4942144081173.577 -42076635 + -41346.0556025939 = -42117981.055602595 25937152371159 + -79459.70547778695 = 25937152291699.293 65323.707173557195 + 5013705.7176209 = 5079029.424794457 100000000000000 + 15056058145.650164 = 100015056058145.66 70 + -7563634124209.444 = -7563634124139.444 -522031 + -24663518.757155217 = -25185549.757155217 -81485 + -88318.87016895662 = -169803.87016895664 -34307257959 + -100000000000000 = -100034307257959 -77.36682698830943 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000077.36 -7.559858143378315 + 4217.508962813681 = 4209.949104670302 -3737048.9697726048 + -6083685.450578368 = -9820734.420350973 394937072.4370418 + -43377244706251.69 = -43376849769179.25 6001653.100727999 + -305.1468971679602 = 6001347.953830831 6185965 + -392310467.5516647 = -386124502.5516647 -72030438 + -535388247.4059104 = -607418685.4059104 -5745912313 + 1232793613259 = 1227047700946 9979455 + 7006435869568 = 7006445849023 -8307613161762.652 + 4988644896033 = -3318968265729.6523 787.1459639028326 + 64960668019226 = 64960668020013.15 82.67139749382942 + 9572138899.535877 = 9572138982.207275 -9341.385812653272 + -319 = -9660.385812653272 -59648298303 + -984 = -59648299287 -2634400680775.409 + -3967362 = -2634404648137.409 -13947952314846 + -9383541866016 = -23331494180862 222324850.97607243 + 12 = 222324862.97607243 85601667563167.73 + 100000000000000.0 = 185601667563167.75 -9422757 + 338969.4282544976 = -9083787.571745502 7072589505.338889 + -470 = 7072589035.338889 5699250637666 + -587796334 = 5698662841332 -584243343.190737 + -17929442424324 = -17930026667667.19 -100000000000000 + -52156262315 = -100052156262315 1634710355 + 100000000000000.0 = 100001634710355.0 391588444 + 6437468747 = 6829057191 -100000000000000.0 + -376882.281166638 = -100000000376882.28 29543749837.18185 + 67498081169.03702 = 97041831006.21887 5234870948964.408 + -566779985972 = 4668090962992.408 -73659527094845.19 + -14242775516.920744 = -73673769870362.11 -550668154240.6731 + 1870010105670 = 1319341951429.327 -564882413695.8872 + 26592761503624.984 = 26027879089929.098 490 + 269655458567.9865 = 269655459057.9865 88895908611094 + 5093.532503261646 = 88895908616187.53 -5716358.595097789 + -11560712.073240949 = -17277070.66833874 -810 + -71232995327 = -71232996137 998036612 + -45 = 998036567 5732286203354 + 9 = 5732286203363 27 + 177 = 204 7916.221836004981 + -839816514767 = -839816506850.7782 7 + 6320530473.284159 = 6320530480.284159 -75599084.1780126 + 981730982.7896098 = 906131898.6115972 -196221.2665563983 + -159172496485 = -159172692706.26657 50.154925046351735 + -7367204532255.4375 = -7367204532205.282 -64280913994676.484 + 4922078685.836704 = -64275991915990.65 -732506366385.0847 + -651505582702.168 = -1384011949087.2527 49073553.4084332 + -2 = 49073551.4084332 -6722545174117.671 + 16197748549683 = 9475203375565.328 -793 + -4314 = -5107 -816390342104.3638 + 467129 = -816389874975.3638 -40308.82322378531 + -2178042484 = -2178082792.8232236 61.13038692029391 + 3.7754184312890327 = 64.90580535158294 -89365908699.01843 + 758317247735 = 668951339035.9816 -11.683408648369808 + -2707703822720 = -2707703822731.6836 12358485241.128168 + 401 = 12358485642.128168 -8516933 + 37191.143684103896 = -8479741.856315896 1214011254619 + -373 = 1214011254246 3503584562 + 506900 = 3504091462 310546247.0444424 + 974.888306167612 = 310547221.93274856 6194377763948 + -3 = 6194377763945 44682.08093141618 + -18232154548537.42 = -18232154503855.34 9 + -6439310013718 = -6439310013709 -60 + -3 = -63 72108956596 + 5016640918.538556 = 77125597514.53856 -5134798.957991626 + 27289 = -5107509.957991626 -6638 + 50653777966 = 50653771328 -7680734928823 + -684147152 = -7681419075975 -3742332.4979915475 + -13298.425876386429 = -3755630.923867934 -21765714.29647725 + 50998636 = 29232921.70352275 26702561 + 642748.1713093573 = 27345309.171309356 -43 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000043 3024676198976.6523 + 243003277 = 3024919202253.6523 15029441091075 + 9034196 = 15029450125271 -699489038.2450542 + -1781.1764438073023 = -699490819.4214981 100000000000000.0 + 536548 = 100000000536548.0 7083762.391669582 + -272 = 7083490.391669582 100000000000000.0 + -57416.04665856427 = 99999999942583.95 -6787.598305714196 + -95163947 = -95170734.59830572 79.06985281110826 + 18926.02001136387 = 19005.08986417498 -141048 + -8919 = -149967 2294337.1482946794 + -75464627640 = -75462333302.8517 4699411594.020292 + 59941 = 4699471535.020292 -100000000000000.0 + 5745184989251 = -94254815010749.0 8306.782245167433 + -5.10354520213123 = 8301.678699965301 34618044801372.7 + 57810278 = 34618102611650.7 22882413.30510554 + 5040154 = 27922567.30510554 -17682164154 + -145 = -17682164299 -100000000000000.0 + -500394934.2601559 = -100000500394934.27 -7268424 + 1986714 = -5281710 -8 + -88 = -96 -75260365208405 + -100000000000000 = -175260365208405 81024002171891.97 + -66760 = 81024002105131.97 8755.703332362664 + -972147 = -963391.2966676373 57223324458359 + 973537401197 = 58196861859556 -6478.064365887865 + -78198082944004 = -78198082950482.06 -6886940002.511915 + 92965850.49186224 = -6793974152.020053 -757607408289.4454 + 23096.41657499588 = -757607385193.0288 -48506444704 + 2695 = -48506442009 -808240995357.0323 + -97.21901197009564 = -808240995454.2513 242 + 400690885880.94653 = 400690886122.94653 -19082726276 + -291462830400.40643 = -310545556676.40643 665094670.3897457 + -48840061 = 616254609.3897457 -805894288.2679007 + -9314821715.89111 = -10120716004.15901 -9069 + 838 = -8231 50 + -23919 = -23869 1 + 672 = 673 581720.8991261907 + -4269 = 577451.8991261907 197791 + 70.64325975014908 = 197861.64325975016 3344 + 274629764 = 274633108 7 + -6932281694.977666 = -6932281687.977666 -818752209673.3802 + -7159 = -818752216832.3802 3.8924558608733806 + 4408959538 = 4408959541.892456 10 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000010 -7603302199 + -4604535690 = -12207837889 -36666 + 8531.548756074608 = -28134.451243925392 -1395165 + -9324407.263048366 = -10719572.263048366 -6911225320739.277 + -77521338015.22969 = -6988746658754.507 78446909727661.69 + -33 = 78446909727628.69 5 + -875.6081799950738 = -870.6081799950738 -9982561726907 + -1487.844978157091 = -9982561728394.846 3587686 + -100000000000000 = -99999996412314 -763511603972 + 508239459122.4677 = -255272144849.5323 -91983850 + 665 = -91983185 -54.2379357918407 + 823440960 = 823440905.7620642 879975.5325940968 + 81830 = 961805.5325940968 100000000000000.0 + 76018001686192 = 176018001686192.0 36231141637.8277 + -112355438994 = -76124297356.1723 -7770303667.699286 + 61422.113252256866 = -7770242245.586034 630 + 9986400 = 9987030 -287134 + 2419611676004 = 2419611388870 -64 + 92213 = 92149 5857286585859 + -697.735386841804 = 5857286585161.265 4597 + 2.4573186652444536 = 4599.457318665244 -61277036052043 + 3 = -61277036052040 35786825791480 + -3556683663.1247973 = 35783269107816.875 9551189354498.473 + -39226.19463718783 = 9551189315272.277 73.65221651123652 + 271.7420492672445 = 345.39426577848104 100000000000000 + 1781249057541 = 101781249057541 -9919 + 6 = -9913 2303198 + -6753 = 2296445 2914666345 + -2607 = 2914663738 -87.30486868222083 + -2515.9245399333504 = -2603.229408615571 4559.199744672708 + -2 = 4557.199744672708 -85091430 + -67591534.71473624 = -152682964.71473622 -21383153879.40398 + 277.58435722693156 = -21383153601.819622 22313107795.74504 + 831570684.5062023 = 23144678480.251244 -701112 + 4027496880.7597303 = 4026795768.7597303 -249287618974 + -733832233119 = -983119852093 -100000000000000 + 151033597259.52933 = -99848966402740.47 -3734614499764 + 40398636294813 = 36664021795049 -599736195.5623219 + 437300269736.4429 = 436700533540.88055 -90 + 100000000000000 = 99999999999910 -8860544 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000008860544.0 -100000000000000 + 3842327326687 = -96157672673313 80411057676257 + -83820993107.89032 = 80327236683149.11 867895543.6281604 + 288715.0545728912 = 868184258.6827333 89865132691 + -90 = 89865132601 55572 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999944428.0 54708713044222.125 + -1368373624219.4827 = 53340339420002.64 2 + 78 = 80 61464366106584.5 + -28301 = 61464366078283.5 36360039 + -8843.032078951976 = 36351195.96792105 2.70522097433404 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999997.3 -19217350483283 + 3 = -19217350483280 -6259956 + -67766702035 = -67772961991 71807462446678.53 + -36 = 71807462446642.53 -5667773 + 29.136270758100714 = -5667743.863729242 -3 + -76877.22783778908 = -76880.22783778908 75825.72109141131 + 36863765486.1514 = 36863841311.87249 -113737.19157169288 + -100000000000000 = -100000000113737.19 5169 + 4625360757672.594 = 4625360762841.594 -667926328.1284294 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999332073671.88 7 + -297244488174 = -297244488167 5 + 55389.94127697689 = 55394.94127697689 -6690325385950 + -121.79811889065203 = -6690325386071.798 903040239.4450915 + 4 = 903040243.4450915 633 + 68829881660694.26 = 68829881661327.26 3976.405589952927 + -317055508 = -317051531.59441006 6466878.760595165 + 796288986 = 802755864.7605952 9662 + 536431282718.21155 = 536431292380.21155 -3.8207059191481214 + -933525.612573701 = -933529.4332796201 1464409982617 + -75368840842.74306 = 1389041141774.2568 8538709897648.925 + 760.9546664808418 = 8538709898409.88 710089.4393216211 + -541477.7233708042 = 168611.71595081687 431142 + -91886.0893829228 = 339255.9106170772 351427934567 + -4640028 = 351423294539 6222.012246592909 + -7283477944547.473 = -7283477938325.46 925613.2341454399 + -2096413 = -1170799.76585456 11186783370851.043 + -1541.837240620283 = 11186783369309.205 63747727 + 2.863346088846236 = 63747729.86334609 345 + 61428584816.05236 = 61428585161.05236 100000000000000 + 3405770106864 = 103405770106864 -9044646980 + -4517383245 = -13562030225 125.25202083482853 + -32881.93233712708 = -32756.68031629225 -17277468100 + 436002 = -17277032098 -47644980765.73527 + 23563.258311075755 = -47644957202.47696 3024.985737871089 + -8647579 = -8644554.014262129 95.69925352252608 + -16901406.35521796 = -16901310.655964438 35221.25864447784 + -505788.83778733376 = -470567.57914285595 -424920594544.91583 + -102 = -424920594646.91583 -29294647826 + -9833876208065.875 = -9863170855891.875 38.56950407246825 + 5395814028021.273 = 5395814028059.843 -100000000000000.0 + 55304313814 = -99944695686186.0 58049652592.52733 + -426949.2477501251 = 58049225643.27958 -5455757899.807002 + -9528.719184495994 = -5455767428.526187 6624370688 + -7078434 = 6617292254 29903804.838785302 + -91.73154139442738 = 29903713.107243907 -30273225 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000030273225.0 773603389.5776212 + -266202973.27274528 = 507400416.30487597 -929715.6905809751 + -20842 = -950557.6905809751 765154388340.4833 + -4824.454530387924 = 765154383516.0287 92.25830754927594 + -7530136352798.054 = -7530136352705.795 -5154147520811.523 + 100000000000000 = 94845852479188.47 -6354302599 + -2661 = -6354305260 -750383095 + 21466.725097805516 = -750361628.2749022 33501277164676.582 + 295313889.7221874 = 33501572478566.305 -50337.320051397095 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999949662.69 -95 + 10249699984.478783 = 10249699889.478783 4389 + 781.5913580931434 = 5170.591358093144 -837153805299 + -919510772950.6339 = -1756664578249.6338 -77215 + -6.438019005712274 = -77221.43801900571 306441154.2896066 + -9 = 306441145.2896066 100000000000000.0 + 729346753445 = 100729346753445.0 -638.414890198888 + 73.3266297632993 = -565.0882604355887 9793388189 + -56370995984 = -46577607795 -955991556.29322 + -6237898081759.032 = -6238854073315.325 -100000000000000 + 229422247731 = -99770577752269 94.21778554232303 + 5951.307861178533 = 6045.5256467208565 77437.9568501215 + -4024.541545622763 = 73413.41530449873 3530273924283.6616 + -838022791 = 3529435901492.6616 -100000000000000.0 + 661.5208393185926 = -99999999999338.48 239847.7160987413 + -40103525612.65144 = -40103285764.93535 778 + 6174697 = 6175475 -73 + 3897439.3138642316 = 3897366.3138642316 11 + 385494312.0592152 = 385494323.0592152 3 + -5 = -2 6909333663718.487 + -989 = 6909333662729.487 -1896.1380305108128 + 71 = -1825.1380305108128 697954.979220759 + 92449.17820963345 = 790404.1574303925 -33060168578944 + 76486104.1900139 = -33060092092839.81 12 + 1 = 13 -27866132.943498585 + -8185733611.311729 = -8213599744.255228 -17260528160205 + 7722827 = -17260520437378 851338163.8265517 + 2466462.2118499847 = 853804626.0384016 58201027373.590096 + 91630809192.71779 = 149831836566.3079 -2364.7026857933784 + -496 = -2860.7026857933784 -140361872577 + -100000000000000 = -100140361872577 41194862 + -50550752286 = -50509557424 56057 + -123127066750.71289 = -123127010693.71289 595356135546 + -4 = 595356135542 -771 + 70071940863 = 70071940092 -559386880365 + -40572530859673.33 = -41131917740038.33 87665405.19261709 + -194906669.80759293 = -107241264.61497584 85840881.58919291 + 82168391665759 = 82168477506640.6 7653030 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999992346970.0 -100000000000000.0 + -4.683564637126148 = -100000000000004.69 100000000000000 + -8.333018604247359 = 99999999999991.67 -9746 + -79072205948758.56 = -79072205958504.56 -100000000000000.0 + 7482 = -99999999992518.0 2 + 34444229 = 34444231 -420950223229.39386 + 7.387211243838429 = -420950223222.00665 100000000000000.0 + -4787096008476.865 = 95212903991523.14 21493494338 + -349896.26080437447 = 21493144441.739197 2026779145.9235215 + -512541051525.27826 = -510514272379.35474 100000000000000.0 + 718848.8140539346 = 100000000718848.81 911799728 + -46749842218180 = -46748930418452 -7629125555861 + -760 = -7629125556621 74337411333444.98 + 530338256 = 74337941671700.98 -13028.768301071495 + 3678369.448649676 = 3665340.6803486045 651063235122.5715 + 28748382.872532517 = 651091983505.4441 6 + -7165790.882956613 = -7165784.882956613 9385.227476852495 + 4359.341924176502 = 13744.569401028997 28135343799.94744 + -5283747.769558158 = 28130060052.177883 790515998603 + -711531959962 = 78984038641 -1517708870673.2483 + 3171.850049495712 = -1517708867501.3982 -2 + -970879869137 = -970879869139 34.80692245686924 + 814116788 = 814116822.8069224 23728140505845.125 + -85700 = 23728140420145.125 -70032338239 + -845.0980982637509 = -70032339084.0981 3714515274 + -330.0016805857728 = 3714514943.9983196 -3804264 + 762 = -3803502 61220610643302 + 23538104441.326767 = 61244148747743.33 -420665548.64627665 + -80310084734 = -80730750282.64627 63799932 + -859 = 63799073 -675545637388 + -68835559.55739376 = -675614472947.5574 -6.985223103939933 + 838.1793107422093 = 831.1940876382694 -100000000000000.0 + 5794481.180631227 = -99999994205518.81 -901890338257.7327 + -246431994 = -902136770251.7327 191558678529 + -98097404.10411938 = 191460581124.89587 -57302 + -6306481388011.227 = -6306481445313.227 346558 + -4503311818031 = -4503311471473 46175124902 + 4280361099471 = 4326536224373 1049255675857.7457 + 7788285743.649711 = 1057043961601.3954 1 + -624343539069 = -624343539068 -5378 + -388265800085.48645 = -388265805463.48645 67532993202821 + -622989289402.4521 = 66910003913418.55 -964842677.166943 + -92612810.74792242 = -1057455487.9148654 504 + -711479936705 = -711479936201 -8618319008 + 662157509482 = 653539190474 -8448 + -1367.8639692367801 = -9815.86396923678 -21307744444144.844 + 9612196 = -21307734831948.844 100000000000000.0 + -8624.401547497593 = 99999999991375.6 67165685 + -36246018053631 = -36245950887946 48683164331459 + 2170.3259983429944 = 48683164333629.33 -604215378296 + -9317638157041 = -9921853535337 2 + 1375 = 1377 -100000000000000 + 895791 = -99999999104209 3 + 9099216036395.508 = 9099216036398.508 -5405310544.547915 + 25793443262628 = 25788037952083.453 -441 + 997040159 = 997039718 -598480 + 4366.834931897154 = -594113.1650681029 -681653934707.2224 + 768041 = -681653166666.2224 42.465066553572896 + 3721028 = 3721070.4650665536 27112200315325 + -55530.77494088503 = 27112200259794.227 10023883 + -49401 = 9974482 70 + -41167045958339 = -41167045958269 -33826741.99186892 + -16813805108 = -16847631849.991869 -65930390966 + 9857.497997011527 = -65930381108.50201 662 + -59001435172862 = -59001435172200 25495334121 + -58725084515 = -33229750394 383545463859.8188 + -531256255322.8207 = -147710791463.0019 -100000000000000 + 2855341038 = -99997144658962 990 + 18721425458 = 18721426448 -3667.3273934451904 + -7491.6824312389845 = -11159.009824684175 528909023093 + -4216833 = 528904806260 -2477896721.2908316 + -32547.170048454354 = -2477929268.46088 -4217055856328.2705 + -39.11395119642408 = -4217055856367.3843 30910873203700 + 100000000000000 = 130910873203700 297159738560.17236 + -64212321626 = 232947416934.17236 -543776 + -5317369213 = -5317912989 1611890 + -4401348.70218567 = -2789458.70218567 -35470 + 958263.2753909001 = 922793.2753909001 -3668.25005597872 + 19920699636.14223 = 19920695967.892174 21.61610610074724 + -61242688.18498897 = -61242666.56888287 -886247902921 + -366083 = -886248269004 3 + -7992.454659228181 = -7989.454659228181 -6190635116200 + -57 = -6190635116257 -70507963298561.16 + -862.6064967744114 = -70507963299423.77 31129 + -1663234547.1367545 = -1663203418.1367545 -75596.09826332494 + -340209.399457496 = -415805.49772082095 1397 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000001397.0 -44550159 + 57505846256 = 57461296097 -486.53750161436824 + -325261 = -325747.53750161437 -152321963969 + 1998 = -152321961971 2.059954980957838 + 524014788.9747218 = 524014791.0346768 -17205446 + -3.8384379570516907 = -17205449.838437956 -542107246711.76654 + 6534195582.916942 = -535573051128.8496 -55769774.93418364 + -9472300512.030048 = -9528070286.964231 -47351.0423477083 + 292542987 = 292495635.9576523 -32436712.140858505 + 38.119268018740456 = -32436674.021590486 -4137.407090079763 + 2816311 = 2812173.59290992 -23.486268652025863 + 12948 = 12924.513731347974 25.3757892018946 + -5 = 20.3757892018946 -73058.13254968094 + 9655717399035.787 = 9655717325977.654 47339980628475 + 16456747240 = 47356437375715 -12172521 + -9702736486945 = -9702748659466 384480552960 + 784 = 384480553744 4960428.689187294 + -2.6610133496879875 = 4960426.028173944 -6016407485 + 5674955.518672189 = -6010732529.481328 77081549.01243427 + -72968476365.27242 = -72891394816.25998 75905824235487 + 522 = 75905824236009 33000 + 558534936072 = 558534969072 -83.31732692304062 + -771487419274.1842 = -771487419357.5016 -34661.68541033233 + 9 = -34652.68541033233 -1872563618875.506 + 4002693816102 = 2130130197226.494 32 + 817 = 849 -100000000000000.0 + 100000000000000 = 0.0 -63497096.231890105 + -4710486.944042987 = -68207583.1759331 31.29647730546182 + -116 = -84.70352269453818 100000000000000 + 60005468557263.41 = 160005468557263.4 94575650803546 + 7155 = 94575650810701 889693.1767624194 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999110306.83 -685773260303.8783 + 4803147160 = -680970113143.8783 -4496838499.856401 + 86 = -4496838413.856401 42093618 + 14 = 42093632 -100000000000000.0 + 7606 = -99999999992394.0 100000000000000.0 + 8889252.736422773 = 100000008889252.73 100000000000000.0 + -734581053 = 99999265418947.0 7188588.12047938 + -8804240081 = -8797051492.87952 -431692.57250925025 + 100000000000000 = 99999999568307.42 60.91639294922216 + -416494.9860006608 = -416434.0696077116 -5.323497364276828 + -33 = -38.323497364276825 73041.27025232819 + -3386 = 69655.27025232819 1773856 + 372879.7233498177 = 2146735.7233498176 -7287 + 727.1508357692934 = -6559.849164230706 872879695 + 79 = 872879774 -91866164710.19394 + 7100 = -91866157610.19394 -20962393236 + -1737525318077 = -1758487711313 592911585.6520555 + -38086704391475.82 = -38086111479890.17 -418458727529.8699 + -100000000000000.0 = -100418458727529.88 1042593 + -5 = 1042588 -449.8051375621033 + -54700418096106 = -54700418096555.805 762 + 874839055 = 874839817 -74.65299871909565 + 67375969012 = 67375968937.347 201511.35045192804 + -324455673962.64923 = -324455472451.29877 807531485.5105178 + 83.59398130131277 = 807531569.1044991 5 + -41110 = -41105 -7945966304385.723 + 2.5984278089697557 = -7945966304383.124 7.5124927149000245 + 551.685359963272 = 559.1978526781721 -422778726066 + -409438946846 = -832217672912 870598926.7126253 + -85883582096 = -85012983169.28737 887191753.4783605 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999112808246.52 -6.172956629494326 + 2053 = 2046.8270433705056 -100000000000000 + 219039 = -99999999780961 -8126.878851680478 + -514733717.9280968 = -514741844.8069484 56.307677617620236 + -44087945.55155075 = -44087889.243873134 2527657.9681912977 + 5163409 = 7691066.968191298 -990266240 + 4580453972912 = 4579463706672 -3778 + 3551442356062.984 = 3551442352284.984 -64468372191928 + 425 = -64468372191503 8232.172677639031 + -65790544 = -65782311.827322364 -82835193 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999917164807.0 -79738010 + -91 = -79738101 130563269 + -9 = 130563260 221409535.73715895 + 27688 = 221437223.73715895 -146220768.51354775 + -207 = -146220975.51354775 948102774.8626071 + -94266118416250.88 = -94265170313476.02 -362104127167 + 9883.1123672598 = -362104117283.88763 77022752785260 + 91544.90674545194 = 77022752876804.9 -7.796226111213912 + 9 = 1.2037738887860883 -5080143727 + 81209889211.73074 = 76129745484.73074 -70208184327 + 454881 = -70207729446 84471773700 + 7730279 = 84479503979 721316.7316825024 + 9903306 = 10624622.731682502 9.12495340050162 + -151168.75195150985 = -151159.62699810936 -213811 + -15.045486613919746 = -213826.04548661393 93343374366184 + 202574762 = 93343576940946 882769.5068857906 + -270422129270 = -270421246500.4931 3253412489422 + -2657.471958346315 = 3253412486764.528 -16736194.421548635 + -5 = -16736199.421548635 846508.211654831 + -5643332825.91248 = -5642486317.700826 5629200 + -1559510565309 = -1559504936109 -69143 + 100000000000000 = 99999999930857 -75774.90786212617 + -441967963570.86926 = -441968039345.7771 -39472703386 + 6186147240027 = 6146674536641 -17.082888069644724 + 41793754 = 41793736.91711193 -42.03989531968668 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999999957.95 755175.3038898336 + 7411.855961519763 = 762587.1598513534 -265327 + -4777061208.986477 = -4777326535.986477 2800726 + 2498805.3813619046 = 5299531.381361905 -5579770563.879016 + -725726069662 = -731305840225.879 100000000000000.0 + 43042.4107343516 = 100000000043042.4 47617780750537.38 + -644284309619.9558 = 46973496440917.43 -216789221 + -79599422918 = -79816212139 7016.3550907989675 + 82.17856205666216 = 7098.53365285563 -100000000000000.0 + 6 = -99999999999994.0 412211343.0471371 + 46351811816 = 46764023159.047134 100000000000000.0 + 4576619436.249955 = 100004576619436.25 -9 + 3655 = 3646 46943527533.04865 + -68583.12450820979 = 46943458949.92414 -6715598327652 + -2269358207.0266895 = -6717867685859.026 157.02857679303185 + 337214795.54647946 = 337214952.57505625 939658.189898637 + -8603095457296.384 = -8603094517638.194 -447646 + -23861.55887978171 = -471507.5588797817 26.01379314238078 + -39 = -12.98620685761922 -3531419.982048582 + -65612719249500 = -65612722780919.984 -1512281 + -8778 = -1521059 -2785172786.0083294 + 1296410257.4704943 = -1488762528.5378351 -48871679769401.45 + -371916213.86611044 = -48872051685615.32 -27801 + -712826424869 = -712826452670 14216471625 + -45556869569.41703 = -31340397944.41703 10206809335.688898 + 989865 = 10207799200.688898 931290 + 28119.183516461122 = 959409.1835164612 726396 + 159614.64974484828 = 886010.6497448483 81589885733 + -58.55065192913922 = 81589885674.44934 12648703667 + 534 = 12648704201 -153513563818 + 20819.5295703531 = -153513542998.47043 72436647 + 100000000000000 = 100000072436647 -900137717445.8041 + 7733715128 = -892404002317.8041 435206851822 + -79774560179833 = -79339353328011 438265237 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000438265237.0 -45163.65880086793 + -1 = -45164.65880086793 -93562 + -67.5982553562616 = -93629.59825535626 -34373.21855202319 + -394 = -34767.21855202319 -435465820407 + -100000000000000 = -100435465820407 68331285153584.08 + -948087190 = 68330337066394.08 8800 + 373405000463 = 373405009263 -1.8905987912786073 + 7924 = 7922.1094012087215 -50570467 + -759568751.0608395 = -810139218.0608395 -6.183137698636379 + -39 = -45.18313769863638 -16.408432398117576 + 781.960639540043 = 765.5522071419254 9688104933 + 953 = 9688105886 -20151872008160.92 + 9277459.561415993 = -20151862730701.36 35924.768038019145 + -43651850591515.625 = -43651850555590.86 -48.95255217328581 + 18292186804 = 18292186755.047447 -5674064571122.133 + -99 = -5674064571221.133 3 + 524339 = 524342 -100000000000000.0 + -2622276408.159416 = -100002622276408.16 -37717139744432.99 + -944.2477236945185 = -37717139745377.24 -9829491031844.666 + -13521903188768 = -23351394220612.664 752512.0314407372 + -846440237.4779359 = -845687725.4464952 -148003.65471890153 + 5962.532497898082 = -142041.12222100343 -100000000000000 + -8646355297535 = -108646355297535 -8.864214523848236 + -92824336376 = -92824336384.86421 78704.245660939 + -14462893923767 = -14462893845062.754 8512131 + -7556619756 = -7548107625 -88231 + -805401901556.1337 = -805401989787.1337 -786688.1085344229 + 3 = -786685.1085344229 -66538 + 423 = -66115 -803716 + -358 = -804074 967360382977.1254 + 6538412.125626332 = 967366921389.251 -100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 18741 + 43241.950622463926 = 61982.950622463926 458935 + -4359575459617.9604 = -4359575000682.9604 -5447962687605 + 4932 = -5447962682673 -48999563157527.73 + -80700607 = -48999643858134.73 2811872.6474641114 + 32995824673.894707 = 32998636546.54217 6938 + -6981675115574.123 = -6981675108636.123 -5.313792325322974 + -3253.7740888621506 = -3259.0878811874736 -6370086.906355531 + -3891990016.4459047 = -3898360103.35226 -3190.179005442085 + 91.49229603798302 = -3098.6867094041017 -100000000000000.0 + -691390600.5231531 = -100000691390600.52 -7962674661393.931 + -21.769573489962323 = -7962674661415.7 -261998366.73721114 + 4354 = -261994012.73721114 100000000000000 + -1957077.0880359572 = 99999998042922.9 100000000000000 + 329399068.6306717 = 100000329399068.62 -69080445805241 + -625950915880 = -69706396721121 -2354507589.069252 + 772259.2298885281 = -2353735329.8393636 -37657092 + 17861.72044369797 = -37639230.279556304 -533549480159.9901 + 2584856535.172583 = -530964623624.8175 -447376.12987399084 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999552623.88 22419 + -6800536.7215773 = -6778117.7215773 -5002 + 100000000000000 = 99999999994998 927.2445964978328 + 83322095 = 83323022.2445965 -93150328596 + 3259621.372751143 = -93147068974.62724 -6710549.496079878 + 5233503730475.467 = 5233497019925.971 -993065126 + 46 = -993065080 5183244747 + 4729 = 5183249476 -73580.43541686093 + 43059 = -30521.435416860928 100000000000000 + 1853192678.521039 = 100001853192678.52 -100000000000000.0 + 71076888 = -99999928923112.0 -883435095 + 705504317101 = 704620882006 -43.58914721167341 + -8462 = -8505.589147211673 9268420209971.97 + -794587.4302116899 = 9268419415384.541 990983612174 + 2974 = 990983615148 -947458333.8304998 + 270828508 = -676629825.8304998 -5738 + 238570.19694869788 = 232832.19694869788 11319 + -57481345.709200844 = -57470026.709200844 8455 + 850 = 9305 1624834399110 + 123.53130790018332 = 1624834399233.5312 -36502060847259.89 + -78903.84695865972 = -36502060926163.734 -76803121722729.47 + 408815 = -76803121313914.47 -607472819.1555758 + 42108702 = -565364117.1555758 -2492700513.957904 + 944454.5872271252 = -2491756059.3706765 80835314520.06007 + -4948 = 80835309572.06007 -2209684199899.071 + 100000000000000 = 97790315800100.92 5 + 20602587177.34047 = 20602587182.34047 5205971031173.599 + -303822.45970889204 = 5205970727351.139 -1088092044 + 565591 = -1087526453 68512.52634738197 + -1489132604 = -1489064091.4736526 -94.58761009437555 + 3800499905658.7783 = 3800499905564.191 -9166009978479.867 + -100000000000000.0 = -109166009978479.88 -630556148 + 27253256 = -603302892 -62082930160.38964 + -2283 = -62082932443.38964 -5286178918488 + 75454409541373.89 = 70168230622885.89 2.232925780272545 + -1.5683411018133597 = 0.6645846784591853 7796616 + -4536920622.849855 = -4529124006.849855 7.838292979654426 + -100000000000000 = -99999999999992.16 100000000000000 + -6 = 99999999999994 -2.7701899199987015 + 21 = 18.2298100800013 -105693256561 + -33526728733.867207 = -139219985294.86722 100000000000000.0 + 446 = 100000000000446.0 -41654085814.52963 + 307157 = -41653778657.52963 17019582.93320036 + -941 = 17018641.93320036 -10214550 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000010214550.0 24947157866373.805 + -32364317 = 24947125502056.805 100000000000000.0 + 32.96935762951635 = 100000000000032.97 37515.63858289797 + 98 = 37613.63858289797 -7965576865.436929 + 73.23665855483523 = -7965576792.200271 99642020 + 788484938309.73 = 788584580329.73 -547627389 + -6718062108286.946 = -6718609735675.946 757027437.5734637 + 80929.59248442372 = 757108367.1659482 86 + -2852312820746.6357 = -2852312820660.6357 -3776438 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000003776438.0 1461172.5960347408 + 868.3094225444648 = 1462040.9054572852 70980.507017422 + -88820.24302232004 = -17839.736004898034 1 + -511101649563.18463 = -511101649562.18463 -1 + 88241821 = 88241820 2434949 + 58 = 2435007 -100000000000000 + -31344122968456 = -131344122968456 24939667371.751717 + -489055700.50532585 = 24450611671.24639 -666485475 + 59852779106229 = 59852112620754 -541711658472.38055 + 323595657 = -541388062815.38055 -4761880128035.817 + -55014429588 = -4816894557623.817 174.97393808402202 + -7.647361244095341 = 167.32657683992667 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -22 + -7155.571883007679 = -7177.571883007679 44087490696276 + 100000000000000 = 144087490696276 25235557751698 + 48672134804.52507 = 25284229886502.523 93833.77551396991 + -28639018388.019352 = -28638924554.24384 387 + -22743 = -22356 8 + -71.02012789133494 = -63.02012789133494 -19321150803383.82 + -48844681.220192805 = -19321199648065.04 -277775868318.61865 + 914503110 = -276861365208.61865 329035420380.53534 + -100000000000000.0 = -99670964579619.47 43241566 + 878.9269265633865 = 43242444.92692656 845.2718129396033 + -6 = 839.2718129396033 3045880512.5678806 + -100000000000000 = -99996954119487.44 -8472823926750 + 77915425 = -8472746011325 -6792.692564381281 + -84477912841787 = -84477912848579.69 -7364051.081222073 + -223.39597357962737 = -7364274.477195653 -823931 + -268445006.6822234 = -269268937.6822234 100000000000000.0 + 35731450933 = 100035731450933.0 83810 + 41235 = 125045 8858049378303.94 + 100000000000000 = 108858049378303.94 -597964973812 + 478396277.93484765 = -597486577534.0652 -29.929296222487203 + -9 = -38.9292962224872 -100000000000000.0 + -5875643617.949193 = -100005875643617.95 7.8856335454493705 + 41760265400630 = 41760265400637.88 3350920.651176206 + -10.271688338611607 = 3350910.379487867 -100000000000000.0 + 335841 = -99999999664159.0 -795128118 + 674061588872 = 673266460754 -843984235573 + 90533591755941.67 = 89689607520368.67 -100000000000000.0 + 567336 = -99999999432664.0 736936860550 + -91830076145767.45 = -91093139285217.45 7129493 + -369984047.6479917 = -362854554.6479917 76613349952670 + -2.9014654094328636 = 76613349952667.1 -79.20911615202718 + 426007838 = 426007758.79088384 71728362 + -1165.878693602832 = 71727196.1213064 6260942605307.484 + -47727975 = 6260894877332.484 -5 + -3 = -8 -245653.3437639408 + 798513.4463091166 = 552860.1025451757 594650504787 + -9426087362 = 585224417425 24363 + -6122586251.155763 = -6122561888.155763 -56158 + 3279936918.81773 = 3279880760.81773 2.381688743700982 + -120.6966274449329 = -118.31493870123192 -1 + 7924647201 = 7924647200 819868315976 + 83.84639864636382 = 819868316059.8464 -47446.54329845634 + 9976055031301.672 = 9976054983855.129 31 + -31759.84274239538 = -31728.84274239538 -9750344.557604158 + 9.650051207222592 = -9750334.907552952 -3301087290 + 3379349947595.68 = 3376048860305.68 27214418126142.062 + 500582 = 27214418626724.062 65050.876286647894 + 77 = 65127.876286647894 -2007880 + -65429028562.67159 = -65431036442.67159 162592888 + 34949.00679792731 = 162627837.00679794 3 + -624730 = -624727 836070849719 + -6109.121412248259 = 836070843609.8785 149656796082 + -764427.440829941 = 149656031654.55917 -1293 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000001293.0 -5502156833 + 638001.8318380531 = -5501518831.168162 886 + -51 = 835 -36191042325841 + -61487657273656.61 = -97678699599497.61 352975884500.5321 + 599.1310386443573 = 352975885099.66315 602292700.5383947 + -467 = 602292233.5383947 -2427652019 + -63513489647.272125 = -65941141666.272125 -9603814667 + -41555902.526630074 = -9645370569.52663 1550918585744.0996 + 899159981686.2452 = 2450078567430.3447 -8012796006 + -52097 = -8012848103 3245479718 + -6264963310781.933 = -6261717831063.933 -175737032.3539438 + -1775729877 = -1951466909.3539438 -794449057319.9182 + 43014345277730.33 = 42219896220410.41 544767440.6690607 + 2753.1475003820806 = 544770193.8165611 15458388579749 + -9770.192502428166 = 15458388569978.807 754357577 + -2557348304 = -1802990727 2088588530.084534 + -164716.7429726751 = 2088423813.3415613 -590 + -992.3747310505382 = -1582.3747310505382 -5549.670563608014 + -808414751.9982482 = -808420301.6688118 3049915714.5581307 + -466 = 3049915248.5581307 606975 + -2.911531403317458 = 606972.0884685967 62491417.16120338 + -3296.9128150898687 = 62488120.24838829 56 + -18849687671 = -18849687615 82760738 + -67007183 = 15753555 -6244394710278.253 + -6375745.00401959 = -6244401086023.257 1204117215879.2424 + -5969992931.315402 = 1198147222947.927 -9.723565225268212 + 71293 = 71283.27643477473 -8226983494.003477 + -8519822.684350444 = -8235503316.687827 -8914586736 + -29071655704879.633 = -29080570291615.633 -5920793 + -35510834 = -41431627 -24763434383.37477 + 642.1059474430447 = -24763433741.268826 -5 + 663593542 = 663593537 -3155064.702032356 + -100000000000000 = -100000003155064.7 983888937376 + -3893951152258 = -2910062214882 96.46018474268801 + 975979651960 = 975979652056.4602 -6612705546 + -721938.4166153708 = -6613427484.4166155 -97762299382.41628 + -100000000000000.0 = -100097762299382.42 -10703348004 + -62.63836444999684 = -10703348066.638365 -6783 + -918307127837 = -918307134620 157.12391757442876 + 4390834251 = 4390834408.123918 -971263.9440409006 + -32481095524600 = -32481096495863.945 -92630192837.23825 + -70 = -92630192907.23825 -100000000000000 + -40 = -100000000000040 -100000000000000 + -162003.1166315702 = -100000000162003.11 3938 + 853 = 4791 93658431.57007559 + 94438 = 93752869.57007559 -4873062111 + -2882399265372 = -2887272327483 -4.002874344653582 + -986 = -990.0028743446536 -26 + 3737297 = 3737271 109921 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000109921.0 100000000000000.0 + 73043365554 = 100073043365554.0 71065893802 + -738323835143.071 = -667257941341.071 518786 + -947 = 517839 -3 + -804943.7390845179 = -804946.7390845179 -155489918854 + -627902915503.5889 = -783392834357.5889 -4411458 + 9965.52511519296 = -4401492.474884807 -71309905.78579095 + 2355798951.95795 = 2284489046.172159 -4594887566588.338 + 68489.30830660433 = -4594887498099.029 100000000000000.0 + -2878802236090.3193 = 97121197763909.69 14174003345.90487 + -235556407252.3715 = -221382403906.4666 -6 + 808211862.1022741 = 808211856.1022741 668232753276 + 1832390868 = 670065144144 8576536252341.076 + -6.1465660113237135 = 8576536252334.93 9 + 7 = 16 54.63556046164008 + -8377593064 = -8377593009.36444 -87608477782.05005 + -49950 = -87608527732.05005 -554001007 + 184125669185 = 183571668178 583504.170580274 + 44.97281148920953 = 583549.1433917632 42857496243 + -2.6840997582702326 = 42857496240.3159 9485604 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999990514396.0 -44873.44209377557 + -18.723211967781918 = -44892.16530574335 -31.305260419271082 + -55098.89772751062 = -55130.20298792989 4424842 + -605786277213 = -605781852371 859961836.4207512 + 4 = 859961840.4207512 -34416207723 + 100000000000000.0 = 99965583792277.0 -83661 + -52543 = -136204 -8 + -3.484918696223921 = -11.484918696223922 583.9086631461419 + -69302160822095.57 = -69302160821511.664 -226 + 4820086059283.227 = 4820086059057.227 -93322 + 3289199217221.33 = 3289199123899.33 -576.5845478517214 + -91.26675149801457 = -667.8512993497359 9648065013420.256 + 909.3655222950706 = 9648065014329.621 -9417944443 + -87866.76694107175 = -9418032309.766941 -100000000000000 + -75.30968608045686 = -100000000000075.31 51551 + -95.9370915468951 = 51455.0629084531 -1915.7567663187815 + -71994 = -73909.75676631878 -5569.427576378033 + 17262677.923605036 = 17257108.496028658 -760.988589537574 + -87786113335 = -87786114095.98859 948849 + -4624031535918 = -4624030587069 8249918.195376755 + 61196689 = 69446607.19537675 -58981556 + 24213.30597307889 = -58957342.694026925 -8836656778.83392 + 911.3688607871765 = -8836655867.46506 -100000000000000 + 751980.7832194824 = -99999999248019.22 -7484102.079042997 + -2373657.899616804 = -9857759.978659801 797192877.4752003 + 36549533824 = 37346726701.4752 6899.052975160871 + -79178741140544 = -79178741133644.95 4809622328.52512 + 78505.74790878572 = 4809700834.273028 11458 + 493032290328.9166 = 493032301786.9166 -8746516243975.036 + -8261.674416960326 = -8746516252236.711 -976422107.7566814 + -98 = -976422205.7566814 -38965953030728 + -872832.2233101899 = -38965953903560.23 953992843464 + 75.15367213530597 = 953992843539.1537 386432130.89458543 + 295749441 = 682181571.8945854 -605820803665.2239 + -88278.33506516572 = -605820891943.559 -6903272042.015925 + -622713095294.0557 = -629616367336.0715 -5813.591031471865 + -754 = -6567.591031471865 -96662105.47987762 + -3047007 = -99709112.47987762 -72135479428 + -748504 = -72136227932 -5638 + -9646.809084644256 = -15284.809084644256 31.316260451735147 + -65.54918328071355 = -34.2329228289784 -38084502684 + -17130442597.114746 = -55214945281.114746 -13498684.33268958 + 36205198.59411979 = 22706514.261430208 100000000000000 + 148945354 = 100000148945354 100000000000000 + 5.339116456372533 = 100000000000005.34 365220.96255318914 + -928239235.974741 = -927874015.0121878 4076797806739.238 + -5517842.0822169045 = 4076792288897.156 -8310736396 + 100000000000000 = 99991689263604 -308152 + 6840.905027753562 = -301311.09497224644 -5643417289 + -3 = -5643417292 86276104.84868658 + -100000000000000 = -99999913723895.16 1.6872789107606625 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000001.69 85 + 540449202207.6625 = 540449202292.6625 2550627369.011817 + 42739155.20118948 = 2593366524.2130065 36 + -2.862819660550282 = 33.13718033944972 5.954702645832697 + -2663743616662.992 = -2663743616657.0376 410335571080.1143 + 56948392109274 = 57358727680354.12 100000000000000.0 + -38298666112 = 99961701333888.0 6468386 + -300838.2424745653 = 6167547.757525435 -648045 + -100000000000000 = -100000000648045 2973723 + -459511674 = -456537951 -73095 + 783461946 = 783388851 54177287428 + -3 = 54177287425 -9.416165938660793 + 2253794.7388743116 = 2253785.322708373 -1559554.559055423 + -7 = -1559561.559055423 -3469373760823 + -399779010009 = -3869152770832 -346130814 + -47783.587008793846 = -346178597.5870088 -6541170 + -66.362786260955 = -6541236.362786261 913.4891387185191 + -3.3452307321835084 = 910.1439079863356 -100000000000000 + 100000000000000.0 = 0.0 368035 + -51224747079.854324 = -51224379044.854324 2756586716.144677 + 85.93662742507685 = 2756586802.0813046 8804.328777150604 + 4239463496836 = 4239463505640.3286 -8747554.750595618 + 81954335.63528457 = 73206780.88468896 -50550121733482 + 28658613075.736668 = -50521463120406.266 -100000000000000.0 + -4793572385.329351 = -100004793572385.33 -746791175438.3474 + -62816.925267548424 = -746791238255.2727 -105115404606 + -9635189256669 = -9740304661275 8661561633544 + -3249 = 8661561630295 8018611275 + -367860203 = 7650751072 -6894 + -31204158029708.32 = -31204158036602.32 -621404077850 + 32.01806840428105 = -621404077817.9819 -93.06840580145932 + -1 = -94.06840580145932 -23593576910 + 8983 = -23593567927 -3138477 + -6225211301 = -6228349778 8835 + 8 = 8843 -4969 + 6690432 = 6685463 -228297220.28984505 + -3130861 = -231428081.28984505 -845186598011.9327 + -71481121540772.25 = -72326308138784.19 -894919.2973296213 + 30726603085614.875 = 30726602190695.58 -75513564118.67258 + 74.48178898384424 = -75513564044.19078 -831349662.8279563 + -26 = -831349688.8279563 -2173048.3267971445 + -147 = -2173195.3267971445 904319887 + 74897.55115500442 = 904394784.551155 4350131.829799522 + 31649441530104 = 31649445880235.83 7468457 + 85993271.5292906 = 93461728.5292906 9 + -4212942738661.0493 = -4212942738652.0493 -100000000000000.0 + -4 = -100000000000004.0 3.5624534083892136 + 78464 = 78467.56245340839 542 + 5742 = 6284 12859123312613 + 6 = 12859123312619 7039066080727.652 + -869497099742 = 6169568980985.652 -4247 + 25797.317697655977 = 21550.317697655977 90067755987484.34 + 772088856742 = 90839844844226.34 100000000000000.0 + -4826.03081457493 = 99999999995173.97 81084834 + 17.45939618688898 = 81084851.45939618 -833548462 + 6450754 = -827097708 86.22703673685287 + -5855660 = -5855573.772963263 -650057.9456579023 + 234406977.91689178 = 233756919.97123387 23750221.50510486 + -4030.2046763122357 = 23746191.300428547 -16.207925892190303 + 4 = -12.207925892190303 -56 + 711799 = 711743 -9749967.30787408 + 903.2852855282779 = -9749064.022588551 -100000000000000 + 2.0747149215417746 = -99999999999997.92 65318451630.41349 + 51088794 = 65369540424.41349 -9492291359453 + 706 = -9492291358747 1204260.0802369784 + -1673625975 = -1672421714.919763 -18049601899.15361 + 33 = -18049601866.15361 -37 + 22191030 = 22190993 797573363.2975004 + 65550.45624926744 = 797638913.7537496 -2322632065 + 145563059.3809339 = -2177069005.619066 655759291 + -72098 = 655687193 3 + -1102464675552 = -1102464675549 -6002828.804753497 + 16802228604.33425 = 16796225775.529495 206576 + -93748122619.06157 = -93747916043.06157 21310636967490.906 + -992899296181 = 20317737671309.906 -792710 + -80815533629645.97 = -80815534422355.97 7853036649843 + -981790759 = 7852054859084 8063258325406.707 + 29321 = 8063258354727.707 -862562.1547832863 + 93088229052711.23 = 93088228190149.08 -14498 + 837.0334858349893 = -13660.966514165011 -84066597503978.44 + 100000000000000.0 = 15933402496021.562 9643903985.835335 + 902 = 9643904887.835335 -939918590.203206 + 24867 = -939893723.203206 -9267736553323.16 + -30466 = -9267736583789.16 -41.44576512290821 + -852494.8623632045 = -852536.3081283274 1501559657605 + 805565.4308040839 = 1501560463170.431 6913008708 + -48780772969595.72 = -48773859960887.72 -367.4971141437597 + 75613052518990 = 75613052518622.5 -10050.167033672622 + -49139538.36442559 = -49149588.531459264 3235233 + 706897663807.3192 = 706900899040.3192 -26.079624967693867 + 72 = 45.92037503230613 58009.33769266485 + -6.472270733034308 = 58002.86542193181 -100000000000000 + -4457385810 = -100004457385810 -657 + 7256908.443863705 = 7256251.443863705 5777328 + 7.329534155342882 = 5777335.329534155 -9.331260378744123 + -809635 = -809644.3312603787 874100.7167343535 + -82044.45535204161 = 792056.2613823118 -1656019863.9756594 + -67030021589 = -68686041452.97566 90148435 + 3821306.585731297 = 93969741.5857313 -4438.11714329672 + 9352146772832 = 9352146768393.883 194250567.74294668 + 1977813223 = 2172063790.7429466 -22076094107166.297 + 19190358580105.86 = -2885735527060.4375 576.5635956881879 + -161.25534620201486 = 415.30824948617305 771733.1913746541 + -89 = 771644.1913746541 -70993.32443644974 + -423441996 = -423512989.3244364 -838374 + -416.1292917679129 = -838790.129291768 -632 + -9866.507894990991 = -10498.507894990991 37975482 + -636566.9277212151 = 37338915.07227878 270965735886 + 95 = 270965735981 -845825 + 87480 = -758345 672779.0928664376 + 804527354.5072811 = 805200133.6001475 -13 + -93118765716.06375 = -93118765729.06375 5412649132 + 7.2092163342790805 = 5412649139.209216 44.841767631893006 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000044.84 20793509.946949262 + -520340.45898425084 = 20273169.48796501 -8453612.535399001 + -57854 = -8511466.535399001 -1575581477 + -5840771614 = -7416353091 -716301608417 + -28843846 = -716330452263 -26414112430693 + 53613411 = -26414058817282 -543572.0817114371 + 45525250110 = 45524706537.91829 -92872418777.22548 + 72748306128935.48 = 72655433710158.27 40 + -5126207731269.139 = -5126207731229.139 -6985303016689 + 4141744988 = -6981161271701 -143180498701.12012 + 58516 = -143180440185.12012 10 + -2029117524439.281 = 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= 7688819.652956999 49215407.85346775 + 14484459529 = 14533674936.853468 478996925 + -4638.0906490200905 = 478992286.909351 330050 + -171645 = 158405 2394175175619.3477 + 80178.50251876804 = 2394175255797.85 -4942.39185730658 + 2.54048617370687 = -4939.851371132873 -744666783892.0408 + -3 = -744666783895.0408 -6863956.7766591385 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999993136043.22 25090839135791 + -7203614080668.195 = 17887225055122.805 -1602.7523596433857 + 5 = -1597.7523596433857 -1.2611679593252412 + -1803.472386749502 = -1804.7335547088273 379213 + -255784119 = -255404906 -113422.18777714873 + 85 = -113337.18777714873 -100000000000000.0 + -49947701712.76841 = -100049947701712.77 95 + -923873311847.2976 = -923873311752.2976 3 + 100000000000000 = 100000000000003 -100000000000000.0 + -73854066766132 = -173854066766132.0 653934.7389565646 + 70489497474468 = 70489498128402.73 -7352 + 3778882.9456189172 = 3771530.9456189172 3319190 + 85131435204095.64 = 85131438523285.64 8712324151698.101 + 8 = 8712324151706.101 -282809003530.49744 + -7857.825135085156 = -282809011388.3226 -21183042141207.367 + -965 = -21183042142172.367 2813 + -3161048.5004638936 = -3158235.5004638936 3922.0571925068625 + -6677 = -2754.9428074931375 100000000000000 + -49952712912 = 99950047287088 -3559320912.500967 + -450.11824972585794 = -3559321362.619217 24222532284.360016 + 1805423 = 24224337707.360016 63442846416.60133 + 771514848.0232409 = 64214361264.62457 4.410698797480143 + 429824242 = 429824246.4106988 7.2897691435813385 + -4243945 = -4243937.710230856 -3.7255842244404884 + 4410464 = 4410460.274415775 332015960 + 6343716295 = 6675732255 -2463.3418202896055 + -96301127.65142119 = -96303590.99324147 62.45671997023883 + 96033595377990.34 = 96033595378052.8 -674 + 97045064940033 = 97045064939359 -46534017830077 + -55069847539529 = -101603865369606 90.5112322234288 + 79 = 169.5112322234288 100000000000000 + 5555416890 = 100005555416890 5 + -329506029 = -329506024 24539034.734805405 + 51271265002.73133 = 51295804037.46613 161037920.4625105 + -21586895523.64897 = -21425857603.186462 3 + 8132045 = 8132048 -4 + 33873195139916 = 33873195139912 289745 + 728296448658.5952 = 728296738403.5952 511.31585595595266 + -9429166242 = -9429165730.684145 11 + 2159164454.567856 = 2159164465.567856 50292.51227010776 + 85548466108299.5 = 85548466158592.02 -413555752154.26196 + 6862072020586 = 6448516268431.738 -78629242662972 + 64703454337.498344 = -78564539208634.5 100000000000000 + 69791212.57270458 = 100000069791212.58 833229 + -16124 = 817105 -71161 + 98425043184 = 98424972023 85 + 63241 = 63326 -63220066887176 + -6.37347532725448 = -63220066887182.375 -46626620.504090585 + 66562334154413 = 66562287527792.49 83852624949 + 95011848443.35455 = 178864473392.35455 -5359450.366863136 + 3077134 = -2282316.366863136 -8919793518 + -34736.2466345939 = -8919828254.246635 9698794 + 1487904.5059427377 = 11186698.505942738 59551982580755.87 + -4 = 59551982580751.87 -190721 + -90 = -190811 4176248859218 + 56710675830255 = 60886924689473 -3945932528 + 6867221383542 = 6863275451014 537120239 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000537120239.0 63447 + 908058790736 = 908058854183 8 + 5.346108459392966 = 13.346108459392966 55780547151676 + -4.2868772230847 = 55780547151671.71 -1273629774.896594 + 27 = -1273629747.896594 -10678000 + -7962598 = -18640598 -6416 + 947873308.2916878 = 947866892.2916878 100000000000000.0 + 56909596153 = 100056909596153.0 43 + 37847 = 37890 -924762753936.6682 + 959064661 = -923803689275.6682 11661.881529602935 + 74117739 = 74129400.8815296 -997.6160724963071 + -999.0762195509496 = -1996.6922920472566 100000000000000.0 + 6.719603386765305 = 100000000000006.72 46659.06661792483 + 5114 = 51773.06661792483 100000000000000.0 + -98049136148.56564 = 99901950863851.44 -64636441.55930657 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999935363558.44 85860155051285.88 + 27819899.490281887 = 85860182871185.36 1763 + -643.5372356468188 = 1119.4627643531812 64450662.505113326 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999935549337.5 34714799619373.19 + 414 = 34714799619787.19 1571 + -100000000000000 = -99999999998429 -16387682743 + -426614917 = -16814297660 -46785502373.20198 + -58876956365.04812 = -105662458738.25009 -26.996225457879618 + -1096886253051 = -1096886253077.9962 24918.898728502427 + -271.95022177946237 = 24646.948506722965 163527173843.92987 + -422157278.3638188 = 163105016565.56604 -3141254 + 4516588 = 1375334 77813404.56205691 + -214280143 = -136466738.4379431 -72710882.6639669 + 6704.890759991567 = -72704177.7732069 -90 + 53748619229.698456 = 53748619139.698456 -93470596019.3256 + -9226326 = -93479822345.3256 -9726428926120.256 + -79836.85837188986 = -9726429005957.113 530255443 + -114011939.50173457 = 416243503.49826545 9908647662 + 2069827.3307545136 = 9910717489.330755 5422992.281786917 + 78 = 5423070.281786917 26.390292265237342 + -1.6491109776847561 = 24.741181287552585 96479005223163 + 100000000000000 = 196479005223163 -9304013958 + -4651019.4935655715 = -9308664977.493567 -100000000000000 + 2993413545 = -99997006586455 -8757035304 + 84831 = -8756950473 -552.745679893814 + 98 = -454.745679893814 -28504807342327.94 + 61 = -28504807342266.94 -869539 + -8733654349 = -8734523888 -47559551 + 100000000000000 = 99999952440449 97843648938.99174 + 7.801677396264918 = 97843648946.79343 100000000000000.0 + -1393608904.3905215 = 99998606391095.61 -292054714074 + 3.539497420449579 = -292054714070.4605 100000000000000.0 + -242724253654 = 99757275746346.0 895654087 + -212925 = 895441162 -2425384954709.25 + 100000000000000 = 97574615045290.75 100000000000000.0 + -6984822668.15673 = 99993015177331.84 69446 + 72910.12888486387 = 142356.12888486387 -92570884044.75809 + -178061068.9210279 = -92748945113.67911 34061990 + -40863 = 34021127 -627 + -3840138.981298933 = -3840765.981298933 -100000000000000 + 47972100731.13902 = -99952027899268.86 6070403576275 + 3.0977282328645366 = 6070403576278.098 -33013881097 + -1493794161.0234094 = -34507675258.02341 -100000000000000.0 + -94423.15010007375 = -100000000094423.16 -260 + 77742352.82705787 = 77742092.82705787 638 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999362.0 -8030957220.472929 + 339288.2067705584 = -8030617932.266158 932230385.230502 + 87401710 = 1019632095.230502 100000000000000 + 852 = 100000000000852 15574472 + 45527904708779 = 45527920283251 -23.658872645959292 + -161 = -184.6588726459593 -88250597935929 + 5256 = -88250597930673 -46276930159714 + 100000000000000 = 53723069840286 100000000000000 + 63 = 100000000000063 -132405054169.47377 + 839904.2335550946 = -132404214265.24022 897.8072312991038 + -4127 = -3229.192768700896 -832 + -75368042359388 = -75368042360220 -2637 + -964030213433.734 = -964030216070.734 -59508584832.687325 + -740113.2976115826 = -59509324945.98494 3361562.445764942 + 3892618932.4476776 = 3895980494.8934426 -284.07150026758734 + 92894686897.70859 = 92894686613.63708 9087 + 599950712507.5776 = 599950721594.5776 -55672717 + 561993514.2982286 = 506320797.2982286 -849809 + 93 = -849716 913248519.212335 + 34300443565928 = 34301356814447.21 -49928.41361713472 + -6637661342809 = -6637661392737.414 466.8467540373741 + 2 = 468.8467540373741 -5968.836467125323 + 41993917097 = 41993911128.163536 -98108666.09654486 + 1814850863978 = 1814752755311.9036 874914152.9365369 + -28127929 = 846786223.9365369 2094446471896 + -657046133478.3665 = 1437400338417.6335 -4171400998925 + -203043567 = -4171604042492 5.396831924226913 + 70941 = 70946.39683192423 2621979.2137685027 + -98052765777.07285 = -98050143797.85907 6564699067 + 8698408383866.755 = 8704973082933.755 -862441289.1743522 + -341648107198 = -342510548487.1744 -485002.44817761757 + -67084 = -552086.4481776175 7754 + 215.14280327598075 = 7969.14280327598 636407024 + -7035531728566.214 = -7034895321542.214 -9561.018704659069 + -3262579 = -3272140.018704659 -8741.353925103736 + -86 = -8827.353925103736 3836.0923240822704 + 100000000000000 = 100000000003836.1 -55784126698 + 98 = -55784126600 -105966 + 56429.10985926966 = -49536.89014073034 58159 + 74398131258 = 74398189417 5319319489964.013 + -4.8845613478655725 = 5319319489959.128 -12519040.432996107 + 69914354007705.71 = 69914341488665.28 2342167418561.1104 + 8046925 = 2342175465486.1104 3590219.5448649162 + 7135833019224 = 7135836609443.545 1.1690692715551951 + -54000 = -53998.83093072844 384574856478 + -4.010082988218838 = 384574856473.9899 4 + 49 = 53 -100000000000000 + 397148058782 = -99602851941218 -561708 + 968981980 = 968420272 7472822188 + 39410380526691.2 = 39417853348879.2 -5545947492231.886 + 660302276.3848736 = -5545287189955.501 151663 + 495 = 152158 4532.54343248457 + 627085322759.5706 = 627085327292.114 970793792383.9478 + 547312.4715584393 = 970794339696.4193 -64428512280.59982 + 5.44373741801629 = -64428512275.15608 -100000000000000 + -2 = -100000000000002 -72929781.96179539 + 15.35684160937193 = -72929766.60495378 48852919.137033984 + 50175.41923240121 = 48903094.55626638 -11243 + 53271548075.93153 = 53271536832.93153 -1884171076 + 2462.309340734791 = -1884168613.6906593 87934 + 583023177308.4094 = 583023265242.4094 -24185581647 + -20.452286494000283 = -24185581667.452286 24963824596412 + 2.1930782622876874 = 24963824596414.19 42596891 + -10658127529 = -10615530638 4279355139.2633495 + -983426.572990728 = 4278371712.6903586 -73589680948012.62 + 62299544455132.63 = -11290136492879.992 -395026552965.3499 + 374522726453 = -20503826512.349915 -835.8884753990096 + 69064882153528 = 69064882152692.11 -19055.893503948915 + -1.1322703722712522 = -19057.025774321188 9421854828734 + 2657998258.2175026 = 9424512826992.217 43048633976.43948 + 5348268058302 = 5391316692278.439 64674510127704.086 + 354536.2738392772 = 64674510482240.36 30790 + 2595 = 33385 -3334362 + 87179 = -3247183 -877342.958099318 + 5.599151819287954 = -877337.3589474987 97 + -193087975195 = -193087975098 154248676.82960165 + 1 = 154248677.82960165 -33.08204366675088 + -431951797463.2568 = -431951797496.3388 14602164 + -9310583143 = -9295980979 675.1205770289631 + -1094963556.9537652 = -1094962881.833188 -891430890 + -15743888 = -907174778 49224632071587.82 + 654631576689 = 49879263648276.82 -627161.420872817 + -27.93762865343526 = -627189.3585014705 100000000000000.0 + -619 = 99999999999381.0 5.4785776117732174 + 4991460 = 4991465.478577612 60.98442803111143 + 1358 = 1418.9844280311115 -1392843632231 + 17800.716642394687 = -1392843614430.2834 -1644537.5494093746 + -9 = -1644546.5494093746 7651818835120.567 + -585268564249.971 = 7066550270870.597 -32352 + -2480094.9368627667 = -2512446.9368627667 -91345.13609817761 + -75138682327543 = -75138682418888.14 -3 + 32548605 = 32548602 -3808350861803.968 + -44058195279 = -3852409057082.968 -493758539920.8417 + -23 = -493758539943.8417 -90297346570 + 4 = -90297346566 -187957213746.91525 + -97478943 = -188054692689.91525 93 + -8641034 = -8640941 105279706.13426358 + -24.569141485760188 = 105279681.56512208 -35889799091280 + 106155818.07162559 = -35889692935461.93 -692101091.5980978 + -884413434.2316843 = -1576514525.829782 231813.3530443129 + -482870968.2736706 = -482639154.9206263 -100000000000000.0 + 73023 = -99999999926977.0 62749933181969 + 45748.57653993485 = 62749933227717.58 100000000000000.0 + -6276495831586 = 93723504168414.0 -9.795037048048112 + -8683 = -8692.795037048048 -16200025021 + -62624868.31651879 = -16262649889.316519 -9740577537271.229 + 24300904.710987844 = -9740553236366.518 -93008005.97905138 + 1 = -93008004.97905138 38337927.57803978 + 72444 = 38410371.57803978 99 + 14 = 113 3648558036148.9995 + 778255438 = 3649336291586.9995 -19 + -7433203169.249597 = -7433203188.249597 21831796151958 + 415552241329 = 22247348393287 654247150380 + 865.8393559798501 = 654247151245.8394 884 + 79489011.07829395 = 79489895.07829395 2165406.284125327 + -8.305790566733254 = 2165397.9783347603 1714636.9283395985 + 58098481879 = 58100196515.92834 78926 + -66460027936.17776 = -66459949010.17776 -964902 + 43.9651234660776 = -964858.0348765339 -1023.9397626487104 + -95636895566 = -95636896589.93976 325973794503 + -14266991084140 = -13941017289637 -93445.44124146769 + -1013021644507.9342 = -1013021737953.3755 -100000000000000.0 + 4430 = -99999999995570.0 2 + -7290.376070251868 = -7288.376070251868 614223.417453157 + -94.40417581332245 = 614129.0132773437 325084060146.47815 + -5381.012066255299 = 325084054765.46606 -140576145.58827728 + 46878242255680 = 46878101679534.414 23457 + -38.05184684655069 = 23418.948153153447 -69023170118663.48 + 363841698 = -69022806276965.48 -52 + 308 = 256 170792674223.31192 + -68768.84730446753 = 170792605454.46463 -82542563530320.98 + -510432060586 = -83052995590906.98 1713607133189 + 9105664940772.703 = 10819272073961.703 2040873.9744427353 + 161670 = 2202543.9744427353 3544297049755 + -497947797158.5505 = 3046349252596.4497 -911095952856.4281 + -5904909844616.058 = -6816005797472.485 20197113913927 + -734131737.2731011 = 20196379782189.727 8520723 + -9058 = 8511665 571079200567.7373 + -100000000000000 = -99428920799432.27 84794 + -21678301461.668755 = -21678216667.668755 9951347837007 + 5 = 9951347837012 380.44282067480503 + 756.300948802332 = 1136.743769477137 272 + 18.38866525326531 = 290.3886652532653 -249002489277.1762 + 17 = -249002489260.1762 814028182.6002402 + -23.610729597516077 = 814028158.9895107 -7453362218.862263 + 9166 = -7453353052.862263 2052358603.8520825 + 3.0355101136966427 = 2052358606.8875926 363794464.66578066 + -1232263365673 = -1231899571208.3342 659911561 + -98736162.83411555 = 561175398.1658845 8358 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999991642.0 -3005097534 + 11499867481.978558 = 8494769947.978558 -4 + -414562842 = -414562846 -17478718032.270363 + -71630766139 = -89109484171.27036 2584111374.207432 + 9207920669 = 11792032043.207432 452948464805.3267 + -71514427944644 = -71061479479838.67 135 + 68363774 = 68363909 5080 + 248047 = 253127 100000000000000 + -22559541132 = 99977440458868 4.494808246738209 + 201579945783 = 201579945787.4948 8.027392652220993 + 7533954594 = 7533954602.027392 -1483581251601 + -799874.7074529221 = -1483582051475.7075 3200.735803618215 + -16747.578466202005 = -13546.84266258379 263512 + -4689409754.403601 = -4689146242.403601 16.247186387157196 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999983.75 1966293502275 + 4926265885040.97 = 6892559387315.97 -7249.554925338321 + -522638 = -529887.5549253384 96012668934758.62 + -35476811082 = 95977192123676.62 -482839418 + 8991 = -482830427 -522014.9398325415 + 96895438 = 96373423.06016746 20888286.4921232 + 7812 = 20896098.4921232 -2744911084.981495 + -100000000000000.0 = -100002744911084.98 -60946.22736948956 + 9677 = -51269.22736948956 71508317785382 + 623 = 71508317786005 -2 + 106002995.87297274 = 106002993.87297274 72509 + 2510705 = 2583214 462387658840.6514 + -63101.82211842785 = 462387595738.8293 74957958.34685734 + 432434428129 = 432509386087.34686 -2.319447023134363 + 99 = 96.68055297686564 478221 + 7571409065.522537 = 7571887286.522537 1 + 403442147153.6625 = 403442147154.6625 582107 + -6455 = 575652 100000000000000 + -4.63538043196215 = 99999999999995.36 -55666047467665 + 19669 = -55666047447996 -7429215.905582072 + 23 = -7429192.905582072 -35194351.25609726 + 9798371 = -25395980.256097257 6514.149447428531 + -81203951308 = -81203944793.85056 -75905.42772680426 + 90948927960746.56 = 90948927884841.14 -9.368664262498694 + -5988.632631490299 = -5998.001295752798 -911863.5386158633 + -100000000000000 = -100000000911863.53 545238959.1070333 + -90817844095248.6 = -90817298856289.48 874040239.051875 + -99446855507399.12 = -99445981467160.08 35 + 41549049160439 = 41549049160474 -551 + 528960 = 528409 87.2319564116692 + 9115.881284414176 = 9203.113240825845 99573 + -201504504.94478568 = -201404931.94478568 414872994686 + 73711318138 = 488584312824 262935 + -836658887 = -836395952 18141 + -8922574005.840776 = -8922555864.840776 -100000000000000 + -183949 = -100000000183949 -241246193 + 554 = -241245639 -398419080 + -422334068 = -820753148 34764322625546 + -2382.0677432004222 = 34764322623163.934 -6097865359453.265 + 125035601284 = -5972829758169.265 -53827026 + -6476.820965036965 = -53833502.82096504 -100000000000000 + 4862.878105640315 = -99999999995137.12 83700108366 + 921191.672037322 = 83701029557.67204 -390.85574784863337 + 87 = -303.85574784863337 -405233744.7789747 + 7312874 = -397920870.7789747 -196345261465.6677 + -3897581831214 = -4093927092679.6675 368.87596612466905 + -8692 = -8323.12403387533 -491 + -61 = -552 3979474203214 + 784 = 3979474203998 7.758703967729331 + 71443890549 = 71443890556.7587 -20421176299.26691 + 870.7275845492101 = -20421175428.539326 664784.7838696338 + 663570504.1921221 = 664235288.9759917 3.7996265708865784 + -74109705533.18654 = -74109705529.38692 69455 + -2813 = 66642 484003863479.28973 + -40.07849898233397 = 484003863439.21124 100000000000000.0 + -63 = 99999999999937.0 -6858615 + 8 = -6858607 100000000000000.0 + -83516.94928641312 = 99999999916483.05 -79603636742 + -11200904542 = -90804541284 300 + 403.3389924481573 = 703.3389924481573 3861564647642 + -2094164830608.551 = 1767399817033.449 -5289.374691772698 + -239043347630.7891 = -239043352920.1638 15981695411 + 63465229442.59386 = 79446924853.59386 -509.7925416747854 + 70321942524267 = 70321942523757.21 -97199834819630 + -9816232 = -97199844635862 -98691 + -4588916.584802648 = -4687607.584802648 -100000000000000.0 + 93538 = -99999999906462.0 78525 + -77377517 = -77298992 88119231.40015358 + -892847676456.3341 = -892759557224.934 100000000000000.0 + -136 = 99999999999864.0 -3157174.884935159 + -83.6565154688687 = -3157258.5414506276 -728177 + 503580 = -224597 44278418819 + 653 = 44278419472 96072763.23556879 + -100000000000000 = -99999903927236.77 -403556.65321525926 + -3464 = -407020.65321525926 -44 + 37835002 = 37834958 455880386382 + -2620919312297.977 = -2165038925915.977 -63033555671.157936 + 232 = -63033555439.157936 -8012576471.014565 + 38853 = -8012537618.014565 6691075 + 3314294064908.3193 = 3314300755983.3193 -22254835620 + -75549597847785.06 = -75571852683405.06 7498017964.654146 + -21584777971667 = -21577279953702.348 392822627 + 168382.28510335757 = 392991009.2851034 -7.121275377344858 + 404 = 396.8787246226551 469470298 + 17189009 = 486659307 -871.6446908891719 + 719474.1583177636 = 718602.5136268744 -464252431.38357955 + 6294096573297.693 = 6293632320866.31 -9581851876.995487 + -336118241.41586196 = -9917970118.411348 599175.984395958 + 22457587.08819653 = 23056763.07259249 4308865804154 + 5 = 4308865804159 -3 + -3.767938868096265 = -6.767938868096265 -59079428 + 627758997147.2207 = 627699917719.2207 55292746393.91903 + 9889.501649095762 = 55292756283.42068 59412572632 + -719545.5204946382 = 59411853086.47951 712314937141 + 383 = 712314937524 -26426658 + 87844.35175453797 = -26338813.64824546 4201.174945580885 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999995798.83 424415443845 + -597375831360.8564 = -172960387515.85645 -165266608342 + -714741 = -165267323083 -7349943727675.546 + -845681.1557501295 = -7349944573356.701 -40539 + 632392980 = 632352441 100000000000000.0 + -3 = 99999999999997.0 100000000000000.0 + -8.76666381278091 = 99999999999991.23 -6 + -334353 = -334359 8.761803001270241 + -46751614207.34867 = -46751614198.58687 28550328702 + -36182613252.74446 = -7632284550.744461 -26404286.62883228 + 304.58612669656077 = -26403982.042705584 -943.2189033955786 + 9367.57990978681 = 8424.361006391231 288.5996761743952 + -312 = -23.4003238256048 -356 + 50936051 = 50935695 -23966855226 + 52852578613607.92 = 52828611758381.92 84819328758455 + 588 = 84819328759043 700234521615.0322 + 553483117 = 700788004732.0322 -60231 + 4499509576 = 4499449345 -481945582195 + 74027507575156 = 73545561992961 411 + -89.86993530989947 = 321.13006469010054 -114710831960.37434 + -100000000000000.0 = -100114710831960.38 81 + 21371 = 21452 3783 + 1513632722.6410503 = 1513636505.6410503 -830292.8161045124 + -511681685 = -512511977.81610453 51037.35719655179 + -2737310.630975921 = -2686273.2737793694 -5693273682 + 16609705 = -5676663977 -912 + -20408737.767272513 = -20409649.767272513 -60238778700200.445 + -227337 = -60238778927537.445 24595322 + -12977714210.479486 = -12953118888.479486 359184.64200416586 + -6072790049888.537 = -6072789690703.8955 84868565850123 + -29832 = 84868565820291 6971.349410293752 + 377401.07257839164 = 384372.4219886854 120105 + 483 = 120588 5913392010932.749 + -38122036.53109605 = 5913353888896.218 -29 + -66.31093750186557 = -95.31093750186557 -8 + -2275042424.4548087 = -2275042432.4548087 -8.638571672082367 + -763886466.1383088 = -763886474.7768804 -41239187.14280556 + -56 = -41239243.14280556 163180627221.35028 + 4171.893907966025 = 163180631393.2442 -22188187646690 + 35.1923755814493 = -22188187646654.81 28610037481.23516 + 6623859427.025194 = 35233896908.26035 7158.825826333293 + -412 = 6746.825826333293 -100000000000000.0 + -966123099.7994791 = -100000966123099.8 98530723467118.06 + 27826390178286.977 = 126357113645405.03 -5.606005997425017 + -51567701642.45273 = -51567701648.05873 -6 + 1713625992199 = 1713625992193 2713762 + 378201053.8020769 = 380914815.8020769 7750.456960546847 + -349809 = -342058.54303945316 6191 + -1000 = 5191 45190849739227.31 + -9.844649396646535 = 45190849739217.47 -100000000000000 + 95012 = -99999999904988 5592 + -9045066925.784029 = -9045061333.784029 429.7325081986137 + -4813619 = -4813189.267491802 451130804 + 2242743.88888218 = 453373547.88888216 -7997 + -7160.424464884711 = -15157.42446488471 201011549497.82812 + -79910 = 201011469587.82812 -3363062.5684217927 + 95204165156 = 95200802093.43158 28449185122.4597 + -8.768180713981021 = 28449185113.69152 -7257 + -16938791987 = -16938799244 -4239486 + -65782670127.864235 = -65786909613.864235 -4116733806 + -672844977214.1597 = -676961711020.1597 -720142657218.6334 + 6584535970 = -713558121248.6334 196 + -344652.0420366265 = -344456.0420366265 379.5261195996452 + 8813792 = 8814171.5261196 -28337705716985.316 + 8239 = -28337705708746.316 -120363784 + -37432736134847 = -37432856498631 -29 + -9460146681099.93 = -9460146681128.93 6.632367132441265 + -15.998314732294752 = -9.365947599853486 63613 + 7 = 63620 38319 + -407581.9939780163 = -369262.9939780163 -31967720 + 100000000000000 = 99999968032280 -42369676273.23343 + -9188940635.649742 = -51558616908.88317 8128359 + -22530914 = -14402555 -51017226080.27518 + -100000000000000.0 = -100051017226080.28 3330424040552.02 + 630651.1285097939 = 3330424671203.1484 -217 + 5850 = 5633 -13 + -853497694 = -853497707 684.9126751350166 + 1357.1043104150203 = 2042.016985550037 100000000000000.0 + -990.5176517762317 = 99999999999009.48 -320263767091 + -82244422.21454309 = -320346011513.21454 6266096.53442205 + -743799833.2843461 = -737533736.7499241 98730761389132.64 + 100000000000000 = 198730761389132.62 52118.58303393361 + -82606415.75486125 = -82554297.17182732 61001.004620627304 + -589643914.5960399 = -589582913.5914192 528 + -736.7901724447637 = -208.7901724447637 79.16222888575145 + -487494670 = -487494590.8377711 -968847985914 + 46734557.0508928 = -968801251356.9491 -100000000000000.0 + 6075270665976.604 = -93924729334023.39 21140 + -553377270428 = -553377249288 168.19713860391917 + -33446361349104 = -33446361348935.805 -9556 + -831.1384432048545 = -10387.138443204854 -8383 + 680.0434265345427 = -7702.956573465457 40279022 + 9580 = 40288602 11815811387 + 45448432003.03038 = 57264243390.03038 -76.23024916178784 + 81240.8604994411 = 81164.63025027931 -35 + 28616129749898.14 = 28616129749863.14 6.934028039120898 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999993.06 54015 + -680518.5090207703 = -626503.5090207703 -415.91665083827644 + 98783.48404261626 = 98367.56739177798 995931830 + -1008 = 995930822 -770971306867.3517 + -32200941319628 = -32971912626495.35 -2489308913251.2075 + -4650975379385 = -7140284292636.207 -6790657438 + -15112454.37340164 = -6805769892.373402 -4934578 + 214644674276.81372 = 214639739698.81372 100000000000000 + -41757403.877162814 = 99999958242596.12 3 + -76623077887 = -76623077884 100000000000000 + -5657999407 = 99994342000593 58105814131570 + -6710316318 = 58099103815252 -39210 + 161.13042421295916 = -39048.86957578704 26309.850489185177 + 4336882.727493821 = 4363192.577983006 113.56847730186618 + 3 = 116.56847730186618 33472085483761.6 + 3386.2357185748956 = 33472085487147.836 -1702911629360 + -7988588 = -1702919617948 4859034 + -34521114228913 = -34521109369879 -94500654299 + 1074.4803462716807 = -94500653224.51965 -5 + -3759794 = -3759799 2206249422173 + 93322530.28938977 = 2206342744703.2896 -100000000000000 + -427559838 = -100000427559838 131 + 92 = 223 -5611345304142 + -6752452224547.224 = -12363797528689.223 37313694425271 + -390038820410.0981 = 36923655604860.9 -60 + 1495.2930560098835 = 1435.2930560098835 -6294 + 71956446289700 = 71956446283406 100000000000000.0 + -754 = 99999999999246.0 173011206.49807465 + -6989351.435366638 = 166021855.06270802 88.85162542280416 + -5124247914.66189 = -5124247825.810265 288.48518437351845 + -100000000000000.0 = -99999999999711.52 400718.0232529606 + -635944 = -235225.9767470394 -280249867.99601936 + -37 = -280249904.99601936 -1665971634 + 4.884677571803902 = -1665971629.1153224 -869936867609 + 8997583383.647987 = -860939284225.352 64595312049.066536 + -25207290705.77073 = 39388021343.29581 65804318375966 + -922.8630781861908 = 65804318375043.14 -34168 + -6.109508508317577 = -34174.109508508314 -4856505939206.271 + -5790368136 = -4862296307342.271 4119568157.6520243 + -571150233375 = -567030665217.348 -2294 + -8962 = -11256 50375796248.65327 + 5333396512.253586 = 55709192760.90685 18276 + 810.2417540806467 = 19086.241754080645 -324306792.2458714 + 246083951 = -78222841.24587142 -99828685588030.16 + 33600988066 = -99795084599964.16 -5504.787976773215 + 578904786647.4639 = 578904781142.6759 45023117704928 + 6216786350.71338 = 45029334491278.71 100000000000000 + 2571307840.58155 = 100002571307840.58 7.029774361721285 + 100 = 107.02977436172128 -100000000000000 + 832 = -99999999999168 100000000000000.0 + -34990076825.09004 = 99965009923174.9 6215059377.245672 + 2033146439055 = 2039361498432.2456 -66.7645102239012 + 57.77306794643839 = -8.99144227746281 1672245955 + 100000000000000.0 = 100001672245955.0 -5.218171467539058 + 40718688 = 40718682.78182853 569541.1603937682 + 834046 = 1403587.1603937682 -2629000245191.9805 + -27965269494 = -2656965514685.9805 91680275451370.48 + 66 = 91680275451436.48 -51297798973.7437 + 100000000000000.0 = 99948702201026.25 -601205599101.4507 + 5.0591931795967255 = -601205599096.3915 -1 + -99297371 = -99297372 -734090993853.5557 + 4144 = -734090989709.5557 -142111798 + -5327248244515 = -5327390356313 5.6527618976481175 + -1558834387.102662 = -1558834381.4499002 -44177935109.78348 + -53079219986769 = -53123397921878.78 981181 + 33611 = 1014792 76710 + -762.0608706519484 = 75947.93912934806 2828510.754432002 + 120168.35730516059 = 2948679.111737163 -853401783 + -423197 = -853824980 190652301638.00684 + -2 = 190652301636.00684 -100000000000000 + 2895.0730017062924 = -99999999997104.92 -928 + -236551 = -237479 -4246.024698387661 + -3068985.246653273 = -3073231.2713516606 297999624693 + 6972305978156.776 = 7270305602849.776 4584519940860.17 + 79857778759461.44 = 84442298700321.61 -37 + -1157550702.266315 = -1157550739.266315 238300536 + 764.507827268097 = 238301300.50782728 -206.65665286028232 + -798225542583.4814 = -798225542790.1381 100000000000000 + 41739099420324 = 141739099420324 -28303760 + -68 = -28303828 -100000000000000 + -100000000000000.0 = -200000000000000.0 -3545732 + -140.88439835135216 = -3545872.8843983514 56971776.41016455 + -2241522236.8669376 = -2184550460.4567733 -32164746282947 + 47297268762 = -32117449014185 -957671403 + -5729677958545.11 = -5730635629948.11 32 + -3795.409772486451 = -3763.409772486451 -29464 + 43805677843900 = 43805677814436 64409666491 + -6403092247142 = -6338682580651 -50788 + 5368840.726343912 = 5318052.726343912 554774716 + 9819055477719 = 9819610252435 65 + -44.66978768790306 = 20.33021231209694 -65255954039445 + 3215122957 = -65252738916488 78392173907075 + 95138427636.80449 = 78487312334711.8 -3734612462342.9966 + 730461 = -3734611731881.9966 -5 + 7015388828925 = 7015388828920 -6868446 + 278708.40786938305 = -6589737.592130617 -138.37688009717016 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000138.38 9136547917317.934 + 42057391433.39435 = 9178605308751.328 -64881357231 + -42858755.72993498 = -64924215986.729935 25530.50242022032 + -38776 = -13245.49757977968 686.2857081654856 + -78794131112250 = -78794131111563.72 -84620723.5997952 + -44931.43205919928 = -84665655.0318544 -2201291712.362751 + -2542930030 = -4744221742.362751 3787333436 + -157793.79805195265 = 3787175642.201948 -82569870298 + 78148982457377.03 = 78066412587079.03 -446493.67041707074 + 48.575041367434814 = -446445.0953757033 10995902522060 + 608255568533.9126 = 11604158090593.912 2562.45729217148 + 19365089866.45146 = 19365092428.908752 -701.2960522113599 + -8283368803.796818 = -8283369505.09287 33271 + 57844 = 91115 -368943361041 + 100000000000000.0 = 99631056638959.0 -544 + 12377080.954525027 = 12376536.954525027 100000000000000.0 + -2.7676669813580714 = 99999999999997.23 -920382801 + -202886124650 = -203806507451 57.07057790996948 + 44.702419124652536 = 101.77299703462202 -5027 + -38646866 = -38651893 48.45756901601236 + 57838234021021.04 = 57838234021069.5 100000000000000 + -8938 = 99999999991062 349253 + -6112841.748419972 = -5763588.748419972 -5448188991.37545 + -2209432962 = -7657621953.37545 123 + -47523704287 = -47523704164 -3183951381 + -910 = -3183952291 -63418.82660223951 + 31649262.55736926 = 31585843.73076702 839605197.3023269 + -74733.68699308476 = 839530463.6153338 62164040803110 + -1061138503 = 62162979664607 804980 + -99329730751 = -99328925771 -714589 + 5.490989260661351 = -714583.5090107394 -6166175133 + 32049087926.91482 = 25882912793.91482 100000000000000 + -9663 = 99999999990337 -33920584091 + 620152.7681645749 = -33919963938.231834 36848776869 + 5449.967220535292 = 36848782318.967224 -8233100217 + -90931 = -8233191148 -853538047.6377283 + 93008036.89776166 = -760530010.7399666 2922.666295036368 + -849.9562127331188 = 2072.7100823032492 7 + 7456968555.006569 = 7456968562.006569 -5.080704599750065 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000005.08 -193768.92011090164 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999999806231.08 6 + 73.22827903608352 = 79.22827903608352 -19528598 + 5428973.088567601 = -14099624.9114324 -93785161697 + -75342456437.8916 = -169127618134.8916 -521517670747.1144 + -5.2778602132520245 = -521517670752.3922 -160538962646 + 31627387595 = -128911575051 100000000000000.0 + 94098 = 100000000094098.0 100000000000000 + -922 = 99999999999078 606056 + -2133137274 = -2132531218 -612055640764.8857 + -67756580975.24461 = -679812221740.1304 -274424 + 88550300207.36049 = 88550025783.36049 6.160704294177967 + 511.6653684627999 = 517.8260727569779 -617.2154258030452 + 79 = -538.2154258030452 9725 + 7018537 = 7028262 -41317580 + -916020 = -42233600 100000000000000.0 + -100000000000000.0 = 0.0 -9674 + -1432.475812702392 = -11106.475812702392 -689290277 + -502206 = -689792483 -4565 + -9328 = -13893 914280.5652538943 + 100000000000000.0 = 100000000914280.56 33540764.118659124 + -21683369 = 11857395.118659124 482919795.4285695 + 2920547672 = 3403467467.4285693 42134890 + -48037.06502606631 = 42086852.93497393 2020206304 + -6869 = 2020199435 -60614038069 + -40061505 = -60654099574 -668560390664.8851 + -48471372 = -668608862036.8851 -2549934412628 + 2769 = -2549934409859 -9067 + -7272 = -16339 -35159669.99634446 + 66451.21226900062 = -35093218.78407546 867940180415.9166 + 24233592948804 = 25101533129219.918 7496255 + 7233.584173457824 = 7503488.584173458 1689304436165 + 3525 = 1689304439690 -13921.082224142192 + -2758726.275015424 = -2772647.3572395663 -34821063 + 59255102448.08854 = 59220281385.08854 92 + 8539516065058 = 8539516065150 4603240521354 + -11.765265010462647 = 4603240521342.234 7693.651982694393 + -26672058922138 = -26672058914444.348 -195244560828 + -4232409.117719638 = -195248793237.1177 92 + -959.530868428332 = -867.530868428332 -94261 + 14530 = -79731 -75223.40093626882 + -4397712791.157214 = -4397788014.55815 100000000000000 + 90064482076 = 100090064482076 14295.154666301267 + -100000000000000 = -99999999985704.84 1908571 + 47779757 = 49688328 16299168067 + 816330310167 = 832629478234 2838261.1276795752 + -5897403.070446173 = -3059141.9427665975 1209753706471.526 + 7818 = 1209753714289.526 -5558857 + -60405 = -5619262 -178996 + -69890520 = -70069516 -60519368513 + 2829.1203676292876 = -60519365683.87963 -1263425302509.7505 + 4872023955 = -1258553278554.7505 8544290237 + -100000000000000.0 = -99991455709763.0 11676928 + 43055.50238775564 = 11719983.502387756 -7123028942057.395 + 81024608 = -7122947917449.395 -80 + -100000000000000 = -100000000000080 -488958678.40827185 + 580 = -488958098.40827185 -74117 + 8 = -74109 9175285 + -9734 = 9165551 547457 + 34578741819790 = 34578742367247 -60074383288.042 + 773179 = -60073610109.042 -251225501.38259074 + -63175028 = -314400529.3825908 243575 + -855.5602601741924 = 242719.43973982582 51 + 889838986 = 889839037 -918685239433.7817 + 759769474.7742987 = -917925469959.0074 -73592.07637516191 + 1174363371 = 1174289778.9236248 9552898.392668538 + 546573373.4322994 = 556126271.8249679 818 + -7640.059511656143 = -6822.059511656143 9 + 5514 = 5523 280470.9317714959 + -74379121548 = -74378841077.06822 1 + -25564612889548 = -25564612889547 -4463135 + 9 = -4463126 100000000000000.0 + 39140057 = 100000039140057.0 54545 + -766722676.2573502 = -766668131.2573502 100000000000000 + 8.512680269376546 = 100000000000008.52 615374096507 + -513148389878.81433 = 102225706628.18567 208631.63331031922 + 70949925810.03122 = 70950134441.66454 261746111825.46826 + -9818 = 261746102007.46826 -3021.9810339576406 + 427798494.8767465 = 427795472.8957125 17913.250217246772 + -60.241079576706056 = 17853.009137670066 -4678706809.189131 + 283644.20362108905 = -4678423164.98551 3001.277749288447 + -64750325613 = -64750322611.72225 -45814364353744.07 + -5837869735832.164 = -51652234089576.234 -6754433039.449381 + -5770103391340 = -5776857824379.449 -919.1106381985204 + 88487927889.1403 = 88487926970.02966 -674 + -9934070345 = -9934071019 -6234 + 205 = -6029 -5725545139 + 3442370.300731863 = -5722102768.699268 886668434 + 71379469360345 = 71380356028779 -79688433 + 100000000000000.0 = 99999920311567.0 100000000000000.0 + 356487957076 = 100356487957076.0 2990045828005 + 5 = 2990045828010 1393079.6040606238 + 5982264138670 = 5982265531749.6045 800 + -2932680400859 = -2932680400059 -19 + 8587500453 = 8587500434 -98451164 + 238954769.66698518 = 140503605.66698518 971288441135.7804 + 1191861514 = 972480302649.7804 -63.17853121108857 + -14.245258812458767 = -77.42379002354734 -48858.889869843486 + 6791.624737929135 = -42067.26513191435 11.818135926461885 + 45787747276835.45 = 45787747276847.27 -9294368472 + 46398722 = -9247969750 -8.567069224184092 + -3605957209.761167 = -3605957218.328236 -64989938381 + 35056294 = -64954882087 3752284 + -810914 = 2941370 8262 + -4883117 = -4874855 -10 + 8333 = 8323 50442 + -85742823.38867266 = -85692381.38867266 16523 + 6672 = 23195 -765447 + -45975 = -811422 -5661398 + 6862134656.176731 = 6856473258.176731 -96869307202 + -5047356213.254385 = -101916663415.25438 3963926728497 + -815533387 = 3963111195110 70631811 + -7 = 70631804 63.22834209804667 + -529126529 = -529126465.7716579 -2935961089 + -8336176 = -2944297265 -2979106379 + -12040133904833 = -12043113011212 -9441 + -617744420353 = -617744429794 -706570443796 + 930453851530.4663 = 223883407734.4663 -325931708079 + 95758518045.0432 = -230173190033.9568 19416 + 712 = 20128 241553.7739444795 + -781970158.589499 = -781728604.8155545 978 + 9807.875867856472 = 10785.875867856472 -8 + -2 = -10 -537255.2364367959 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000000537255.23 -8570 + -44881403560201.1 = -44881403568771.1 3.5622225484677967 + 9359250585688 = 9359250585691.562 130407005 + -100000000000000 = -99999869592995 421386276653 + 685.8726201852713 = 421386277338.8726 -532219552250.7239 + -100000000000000.0 = -100532219552250.72 -604974348 + -737833937975.0372 = -738438912323.0372 -111149032 + -100000000000000.0 = -100000111149032.0 -100000000000000 + -79552 = -100000000079552 4343201 + -8426027717756.634 = -8426023374555.634 -100000000000000 + 6205795471987 = -93794204528013 -60505117753878 + -328184665 = -60505445938543
CHEMISTRY - F4.(1).md
Name of teacher: HASSAN YUSUFU Name of School**[SHAMSIYE SECONDARY SCHOOL]{.underline}** Year: **[2015]{.underline}** TERM: **[1^st^ & 2^nd^]{.underline}** Class/Stream: **[FORM FOUR]{.underline}** Subject: **[CHEMISTRY]{.underline}** <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Students should develop competences on</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>J</p> <p>ANUAR</p> <p>Y</p></td> <td colspan="2">3</td> <td rowspan="3">NON METALS AND THEIR COMPOUNDS</td> <td>General properties of non metal</td> <td>2</td> <td><p>-To guide students to discuss strong and weak oxidants as electron acceptor.</p> <p>-To guide the students to use gaseous Cl<sub>2</sub> to demonstrate displacement reaction and discussing the oxidizing properties of chlorine.</p></td> <td>To write equation shoeing how non metals gain electrons.</td> <td>Periodic table</td> <td></td> <td><p>Ability to explain oxidizing property of non metal.</p> <p>-Ability to understand displacement reaction of non metal.</p></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>Chlorine</td> <td>4</td> <td><p>To demonstrate</p> <p>-The use of Cl<sub>2</sub></p> <p>-Oxidizing property of Cl<sub>2</sub></p> <p>-To write equations for the reactions above.</p></td> <td>To write equation showing oxiding properties of Cl<sub>2</sub> and state its uses.</td> <td>Cl<sub>2</sub> gas, dyes, SO<sub>2</sub> H<sub>2</sub>S and FeCl<sub>2</sub></td> <td></td> <td>Ability to explain properties of Cl<sub>2</sub>.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2">4</td> <td><p>HCL</p> <p>(Hydrogen chloride)</p></td> <td>6</td> <td>To guide the students to prepare HClg lab and to show how Heling reacts with metals, oxides, hydroxides and carbonates.</td> <td><p>-To prepare HClg</p> <p>-To test solubility of HClg in water</p> <p>-To test the Ph of HCl and</p> <p>-Show how HClg reacts with NH<sub>3g</sub></p></td> <td>H<sub>2</sub>O, HClg pitscale lithrows paper NH<sub>3</sub>g, Ca, Mg, CaCO<sub>3</sub> oxide and hydrogen.</td> <td></td> <td>Ability to prepare HClg and to explain its properties.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"><strong>FEBRUARY</strong></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>Guiding the students to discuss the uses of HClg in qualitative and quantitative analysis.</td> <td>To discuss the uses of HClg</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>Ability to explain uses of HClg.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>1&amp;2</td> <td><p>S</p> <p>U</p> <p>L</p> <p>P</p> <p>H</p> <p>U</p> <p>R</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>10</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>To guide the students to discuss the extoction to sulphur by the frasch process.</p> <ul> <li><p>Oxidang and reducing properties of sulphur</p></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Uses of sulphur</p> </blockquote></li> </ul></td> <td><p>To discuss the extraction of sulphur.</p> <p>-To discuss the properties of sulphur and to collect some common materials made from sulphur.</p></td> <td>Wall chart showing extraction sulphur and uses of sulphur.</td> <td></td> <td><p>-Ability to explain the extraction of sulphur.</p> <p>-Ability to explain the properties of sulphur.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2&amp;3</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>SO<sub>2</sub></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Guiding the students to discuss the properties of SO<sub>2</sub> ie acidic, reducing bleaching and oxidiang.</p> <p>To discuss with students the use and hazards of SO<sub>2</sub></p></td> <td>To discuss the properties of SO<sub>2</sub> and its uses of together with hazards of SO<sub>2</sub></td> <td>SO<sub>2</sub>, NaOH, KMNO<sub>4</sub></td> <td></td> <td>Ability to state the properties and uses of SO<sub>2</sub><sup>.</sup></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3&amp;4</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></td> <td>8</td> <td>To give student to use le charterlier’s principle to discuss the contact process of manufactures of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></td> <td>To use the principle to discuss the manufacturing of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> by contact process.</td> <td>-Wall chart and picture showing the industrial manufacturing of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></td> <td></td> <td>Ability to describe the contact process for the manufacture of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4">MARCH</td> <td>1</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td><p>N</p> <p>I</p> <p>T</p> <p>R</p> <p>O</p> <p>G</p> <p>E</p> <p>N</p></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Guiding the students to prepare nitrogen gas in the lab.</p></li> <li><p>Assisting the student to explain the uses of nitrogen.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To prepare Nitrogen gas and test it under the teacher guidance.</p></li> <li><p>To discuss in group the uses of nitrogen.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Wall chart showing</p></li> <li><p>Uses of Nitrogen</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Ability of the student to prepare and tests nitrogen.</p></li> <li><p>To state uses of nitrogen.</p></li> </ul></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>AMONIA</td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Guiding the students to prepare dry sample of Ammonia in the laboratory.</p></li> <li><p>Leading the students to discuss the properties of Ammonia.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding them to discuss the uses of Ammonia</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To prepare dry Ammonia under the teacher guidance.</p></li> <li><p>To state properties of Ammonia. Eg. Solubility.</p></li> <li><p>To discuss uses of Ammonia.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub></p></li> <li><p>NH<sub>4</sub>Cl</p></li> <li><p>Cao</p></li> <li><p>Litmus paper</p></li> <li><p>Conc HCl</p></li> <li><p>Wall chart and pictures showing preparation of ammonium fertilizers.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><p>Ability to:-</p> <ul> <li><p>Prepare</p></li> <li><p>State properties and</p></li> <li><p>Uses of Ammonia in daily life.</p></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2</td> <td colspan="9">MID TERM EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3</td> <td colspan="9">MID TERM BREAK</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="2"><strong>MARCH</strong></td> <td rowspan="2">4</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>To guide the students to discuss how ammonia is converted to fertilizer and nitric acid.</td> <td>In groups to discuss the use of NH<sub>3</sub></td> <td>Pictures and charts showing industrial preparation of NH<sub>3</sub> fertilizer.</td> <td></td> <td>To be able to explain the uses of NH<sub>3</sub></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2">Carbon</td> <td rowspan="2">4</td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Guiding the students to discuss the presence of Carbon in, CO<sub>2</sub>, Carbonates shells, diamond, graphite.</p> <p>Teaching the students to discuss the diff and similarities in pry properties of carbon allotropes.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Under the guidance of the teachers to discuss the forms in which Carbon appears.</p> <p>To discuss the uses of Carbon allotropes.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Egg shells</p> <p>A carbonate pictures of diamond, coal and graphite allotropes of carbon.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>To be able to explain the forms in which carbon occurs.</p> <p>To be able to explain the allotrope form of Carbon.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><strong>APRIL</strong></td> <td rowspan="2">1</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>CO<sub>2</sub></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Guiding the students to prepare CO<sub>2</sub>g in the lab.</p> <p>Guiding the students to find out how CO<sub>2</sub> reacts with NaOH, CaCO<sub>3</sub>, Ca(OH), Mg and H<sub>2</sub>O</p> <p>Guiding the students to discuss the uses of CO<sub>2</sub></p></td> <td><p>-To prepare CO<sub>2</sub> in the lab by dil acid on Carbohydrates and</p> <p>-Test the prepared gas.</p> <p>-To find art how CO<sub>2</sub> reacts with NaOH, CaCO<sub>3</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O, Mg.</p> <p>-To discuss the use of CO<sub>2</sub></p></td> <td><p>CaCO<sub>3</sub>, HCl gas jar flask.</p> <p>CO<sub>2</sub>, Ca(H)<sub>2</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>0, mg</p> <p>Fire extinguisher fizzy drinks</p> <p>Baking powder</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>To be able to prepare and test (O<sub>2</sub> of on) to state the properties of it.</p> <p>To be able to explain uses of CO<sub>2</sub></p></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><strong>APRIL</strong></td> <td><p><strong>2</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;3</strong></p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>Hydro carbon</td> <td><blockquote> <p>10</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>-Teaching the students to discuss</p> <p>i) meaning of</p> <p>hydrocarbons</p> <p>ii) Structure of</p> <p>hydrocarbon</p> <p>iii) Classification of</p> <p>Hydrocarbon</p> <p>iv) Alkane, Alkene,</p> <p>Alkyene.</p> <p>-Guiding the students to write condensed and open structures of the 1<sup>st</sup> five members of homologous series Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne</p> <p>Guiding the students to use model (opens condensed structure of alkane, alkene and alkyne to discuss the concept ot Isomerism.</p> <p>-To guide the students to discuss the structural formula of the isomeric of lower hydrocarbons.</p></td> <td><p>To discuss the meaning, structure and classification of hydrocarbons.</p> <p>To write conclude and opens structure of the 1<sup>st</sup> five members of homologous series.</p> <p>To discuss the concept of isomerism using the model of hydrocarbon.</p> <p>To write the structural of all isomers of, Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne up to 5-C-atoms</p></td> <td><p>Models of carbon and H.atom</p> <p>Wall chart pictures and model illustrating isomerism.</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>To be able to identify 3 families of hydrocarbons.</p> <p>To be able to write homologous series of Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne.</p> <p>To be able to explain the concept of hydrocarbon.</p> <p>To be able to explain the concept of Isomerism.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><strong>APRIL</strong></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>To demonstrate the salvation native of Alkaline, and unsalvation nature of Alkene, Alkyne</p> <p>To discuss how methane reacts with O<sub>2</sub> and Cl<sub>2</sub>.</p> <p>Leads on discussion on how ethane reacts with H<sub>2</sub>, hydrogen halides and sulphuric acid.</p></td> <td><p>Participating on demonstration.</p> <p>Participating on discussion.</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>To be able to differentiate saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><strong>4</strong></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>ACOHOL</td> <td>6</td> <td><p>To lead discussion of the preparation of Ethanol in the lab.</p> <p>To lead discussion on general formation Cu H 2n + I OH</p></td> <td><p>Participating on the discussion and prepare ethanol</p> <p>To write the structure members of alcohol series using the G.F up To 5 - C – atom</p></td> <td><p>Glucose or sugar water</p> <p>-Yeast</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>To be able to prepare ethanol</p> <p>To be able to write the homologous series of Alcohol.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td>MAY</td> <td>1</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>CARBOXUILIC ACID</td> <td>5</td> <td><p>To guide students for fine out sources of organic acids.</p> <p>To guide the students to find out what happens to different type of alcohol when exposed to one.</p> <p>To lead discussing on oxidation of ethanol to ethanoic acid.</p> <p>To guide them to write closed aid open structure of carboxylic.</p> <p>To lead discussion on pineapple among of carboxylic aid.</p></td> <td><p>To demonstrate acidic nature of natural substances.</p> <p>To allow atmospheric oxidation of wine to form ethanoic acid.</p> <p>To write the open and condensed structure of carboxylic acid using G.F CuH 2n+i CooH</p> <p>To write open structure and systematic names of all isomers of carboxylic acid.</p></td> <td><p>-Milk</p> <p>-Vinegar</p> <p>-Citrus fruits</p> <p>-Wine</p> <p>-Utmoss paper</p> <p>Lucar brews</p> <p>-CH<sub>3</sub>COOH</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>To be able to identify natural source of organic acid.</p> <p>To be able to explain oxidations of alcohol to acid.</p> <p>To be able to write the structure of carboxylic.</p> <p>To be able to name the 1<sup>st</sup> is carboxylic acid members.</p></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><strong>2</strong></td> <td colspan="9"><strong>MID TERM EXAMINATIONS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><strong>3</strong></td> <td colspan="9"><strong>MID TERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
**MTIHANI WA SOMO LA LITURGIA** **MWAKA 2019** 1. Taja maana ya kitambaa cheupe......................................................................... 2. Kitambaa cha urujuani kinatumika wakati gani?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 3. Moto, damu, Roho mtakatifu na mashahidi wa Yesu maneno haya yanatumika kwenye kitambaa gani.............................................................. 4. Wakati wa ubarikio hutumika kitambaa gani?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 5. Taja maana ya kitambaa cha kijani.......................................................................... 6. Chora mchoro wa Alfa na Omega 7. Andika maana ya neno **IHS** 8. Andika maana ya herufi P 9. Chora alama ya utatu 10. Taja vitu ambavyo huwa vinatumika madhabahuni...................................................... 11. Vitu gani ambavyo huwa havitumiki wakati wa Ijumaa kuu........................................ 12. Alama ya kondoo inatumika katika kitambaa gani?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... 13. Alama ya ndimi za moto zinatumika kwenye kitambaa gani? .................................... 14. Alama ya utatu inatumika kwenye kitambaa gani?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 15. Kitambaa gani kinatumika kwa mwaka mzima ............................................ 16. Wakati wa ubarikio Mchungaji huwa anavaa stora gani?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... 17. Nani anaye andaa madhabahu? .......................................................... 18. Wakati wa ubarikio kwenye madhabahu hutandikwa vitambaa gani? ......................... 19. Vitambaa vya rangi ya madhabahu viko vingapi? ............................................................ 20. Kitambaa cheupe kinatumika wakati gani ? ..............................................................
THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 TANDARD III MIDTERM EXAM'S SUBJECT: SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY STREAM NAME: ![0_image_1.png](0_image_1.png) MARCH, 2024 TIME ... . | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | |----------|------------------------|--------------------| | | Score | | | Question | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 | | | | Total | | | # Section A: Multiple Choice 1. Choose the most correct answer (i) When Amina a got up in the morning, she found it was dark and sold which sense organs did he use? A. Eyes and skin B. Ears and eyes C. skin and Nose D. Nose and ears (ii) Which branch of science that deals with the matter and its properties is called A. Biology B. Physics C. Chemistry D. Experiments (iii) The following are careers of science EXCEPT A. Botany B. Farming C. Teaching D. Engineering (iv) How many sense organs do human beings have? A. Three B. Six C. four D. five (v) Which of the following is an example of liquid? A. Stone B. Milk C. Oxygen gas D. Sugar 2. **Choose the correct answer from the box provided** pupil, eyelashes, Iris, lens, Eyelids, Retina, Eyebrows ![1_image_0.png](1_image_0.png) (i) _______________ contains cells that are sensitive to light and enables the image to be formed (ii) the part of the eye that allows light to enter into the eye is called __________ (iii) ______________ prevent sweat, dust and other objects from entering the eye (iv) The part of the eye that focus light into the retina is called ______________ (v) ______________ regulates or reduce the amount of light that enters the eye. | 3. | Match the sentence in LIST A | with correct word from LIST B | | |------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------|----------------| | LIST | A | ANSWER | LIST B | | (i) | A scientist who deals with plants | A. | Medical doctor | | (ii) | A scientist who studies chemistry | B. | Engineer | |--------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|------------| | | C. | Veterinarian | | | (iii) | A scientist who deals with designing and construction of structures such as bridges and building | D. | Botanist | | | E. | Chemist | | | (iv) | A scientist who deals with animals | | | | (v) | A scientist who diagnoses and treats people in hospital | | | SECTION B: Read **the passage then answer the questions that follow.** 4. The environment is composed of living and non-living things. Living things are the things that have life. Living things are also known as organisms. Examples of living things are plants and animals. Non- living things are things that have no life. Examples of non –living things are a stone, a mountain and house. QUESTIONS (i) Living things are also known as ________________________ (ii) Mention one example of non –living things found in the passage ________ (iii) Examples of living things are plants and _____________________ (iv) ________________________are things that have life (v) Things that have no life are called ______________ 5. **Use the diagram below to answer question 5 (part i-v)** i.The drawing above represents the ____________________________ ii.The device above is very important when offering ___________ to a patient. State three tools that are found in the device above i. ________________________________ ii. ________________________________ iii. ________________________________ THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![3_image_0.png](3_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD III MIDTERM EXAM 'S SUBJECT: ARTS AND SPORTS STREAM _ TIME: 1:30 HRS NAME: ![3_image_1.png](3_image_1.png) MARCH, 2024 | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | ## Instructions Attempt all questions 1. **Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided** (i) Teacher Mbusiro asked standard three pupils that which type of musical instrument where by a musician blows air to produce a sound called? A. Wind musical instrument B. struck musical instrument C. stringed musical instrument D. Percussion musical instrument (ii) You as a class three learner, what is the name of the clothes used by an actor during performances on the stage? __ A. Make-up B. props C. Costumes D. Garments (iii) Mr. Mwamlima told us that a person who sings a song is called ____ A. Pilot B. an actor C. a singer D. a doctor (iv) Standard three pupils taught by arts and sports teacher that, the skills of imitating something is called ________ A. Acting B. Singing C. Crying D. Chewing (v) Mr. Nazir wants to buy tools for drawing a picture. Which of the following is not a tool for drawing? A. Pencil B. Rubber C. Chalk D. Hoe 2. **Answer items i-v by matching the information in list A with List B** LIST A LIST B (i) Drums | LIST | A | LIST B | | | | |--------|----------|----------------------------------------------|----|----|-------------------------| | (i) | Drums | ( | ) | | | | (ii) | Trumpets | ( | ) | A. | Wind musical instrument | | | B. | Materials used for drawing | | | | | | C. | Struck musical instrument | | | | | | D. | Natural ability of a person to do something | | | | | (iii) | an actor | ( | ) | | | | | ( | ) | | | | | (iv) | Pencil and Rubber | ( | ) | E. | A person who acts on the stage | |--------|---------------------|-----------------------------|-----|------|----------------------------------| | | F. | Keyboard musical instrument | | | | | (v) | Talent | | | | | 3. **Read the following passage and answer the questions by writing the correct answer** Music is made up of different sounds. The sounds can be of people or musical instruments. Therefore musical instruments are tools used to produce musical sounds. There are four types of musical instruments wind musical instruments, struck musical instruments, stringed musical instruments as well as percussion musical instruments Wind musical instruments these are types of musical instruments in which a musician blows air to produce sounds. Examples of these instruments are trumpets, baragumu, lilandi, flutes and lipenenga. QUESTIONS (i) The type of musical instruments in which a musician blows air to produce sounds is called __________________ (ii) Mention two examples of wind musical instruments (a) ____________________________________ (b) _____________________________________ (iii) The tools that are used to produce a musical sounds is called _______________ (iv) Mention two types of musical instruments (a) _____________________________________________________ (b) _____________________________________________________ (v) A person who acts on the stage is called ________________________ 4. **Draw the following pictures** ![5_image_0.png](5_image_0.png) ![5_image_2.png](5_image_2.png) ![5_image_3.png](5_image_3.png) Name the following musical instruments below ![5_image_1.png](5_image_1.png) ![5_image_4.png](5_image_4.png) iii. ____________ iv. ______________ v. _____________ ## Section E 5. Fill in the blanks ![6_image_0.png](6_image_0.png) (i) A person who has skills of creating works of art is called ______________ (ii) The objects that are used by actors on the stage is known as _________________ Mention two types of songs (iii) ___________________________________________________ (iv) ___________________________________________________ (v) Write one tool used in drawing ______________________________ THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![7_image_0.png](7_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD III MIDTERM EXAM ![7_image_2.png](7_image_2.png) SUBJECT: ENGLISH NAME ![7_image_1.png](7_image_1.png) STD III TIME 1:30HRS MARCH, 2024 | | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | |----------|----|------------------------|--------------------| | | | Score | | | Question | | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | | 5 | | | | Total | | | | Answer all questions SECTION A: DICTATION 1. **Listen carefully to the sentences which will be read by invigilator and write them in the** spaces provided. a) _______________________________________________________ b) _______________________________________________________ c) _______________________________________________________ d) _______________________________________________________ e) _______________________________________________________ SECTION B: VOCABULARY 2. **Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided**. i) The person who takes care for the sick people at the hospital is called: ![8_image_0.png](8_image_0.png) A. Doctor B. Nurse C. Dentist ( ) ii) The opposite of short is: A. Tall B. wide C. length ( ) iii) The plural form of child is: A. Children B. Childs C. Children ( ) iv) The word which rhyme with "sleep" is: A. Awake B. Jump C. Sweep ( ) v) Mother buys cabbage, onions and tomatoes at the: A. Butcher B. Market C. Bookshop ( ) SECTION C: GRAMMAR 3. **Choose the correct answer from the given words in the box below**. a, an, the, by, on, in i) __________ sun rises in the east. ii) Jesca goes to school __________ bus. iii) Give me _______ pen, pencil and a ruler. iv) She bought ______ orange for 50 shillings. v) Prosper walks home everyday _______ foot. SECTION D: COMPOSITION 4. Fill in the blanks with correct words. A week has ______________(i) days. These are Monday, Tuesday and _____________(ii). Other days are Thursday, Friday, ______________(iii) and Sunday. We always go to school from Monday to Friday. During the ______________(iv) we don't go to school. Weekends are Saturday and _______________(v). These are days used for cleanliness and visiting relatives. ## Section E: Comprehension 5. Read The Following Passage Carefully And Then Answer The Questions. Tanzania is a union of two countries. Those countries are Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Zanzibar is the Island part. The union was formed in 1964. Our two great leaders united our two countries. These leader are Mwalimu Julius KambarageNyerere who was a leader of Tanganyika and Sheikh AbeidAmanKarume who was a leader of Zanzibar. MwalimuNyerere was a fist president and AbeidKarume was a first vice president of tanzania. MwalimuNyerere died in 1999 and AbeidKarume was shot dead in 1972 and those days are the public holiday. We call them Nyerere Day and Karume Day. ![9_image_0.png](9_image_0.png) _____________________________________________ i) Tanzania is a Union of ______________________ and ___________________________ ![9_image_1.png](9_image_1.png) ![9_image_2.png](9_image_2.png) ![9_image_3.png](9_image_3.png) ![9_image_4.png](9_image_4.png) THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![10_image_0.png](10_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA ROBO MUHULA ![10_image_1.png](10_image_1.png) DARASA LA TATU SOMO: KISWAHILI JINA DRS III MARCH, 2024 MUDA : ... | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | SEHEMU: IMLA 1. Sikiliza kwa makini kisha andika kwa usahihi maneno au sentensi utakazosomewa i. ____________________________________________________ ii. ____________________________________________________ ![11_image_0.png](11_image_0.png) ![11_image_1.png](11_image_1.png) MSAMIATI NA SARUFI 2. **Chagua jibu sahihi na uandike herufi yake kwenye nafasi uliyopewa.** i. Musa anakula wali ____________ kijiko (a) na (b) cha (c) kwa (d) hata ii. Mtoto aliyefiwa na wazazi wake wote wawili huitwa ________ (a) mgane (b) yatima (c) mjane (d) mfiwa iii. Wingi wa neno kisu ni _____________ (a) mavisu (b) kisu (c) vifaa (d) visu ![11_image_2.png](11_image_2.png) ![11_image_3.png](11_image_3.png) iv. Kinyume cha neno **haribu** ni _________ (a) tengeneza (b) panga (c) halibu (d) kisu v. Wingi wa neno mhogo ni_______ a) Mamihogo b) mihogo c) tuhogo d) vihogo ## Methali, Nahau Na Vitendawili. 3. **Malizia/tegua methali/vitendawili na nahau zifuatazo** i. Mwenda kwao _______________________________ ii. Siku za mwizi ni____________________________ iii. Popoo mbili zavuka mto______________________ iv. Mchummia juani_____________________________ v. Kuku wangu hutagia miibani_______________ 4.**Watu hawa wanaitwaje** i. Anayetengeneza vito vya thamani kama hereni,bangili na mikufu huitwa__ ii. Anayeongoza meli _______________________ iii. Anayendesha gari __________________________ iv. Anayetengeneza vifaa kwa mbao kama milango,viti ______________ v. Anayebeba mizigo katika meli______________________________ 5.UFAHAMU : Soma kwa makini habari hii kisha Jibu maswali yote. Tulikuwa eneo la sokoni kumefurika na umati wa watu wakitafuta mahitaji yao mara tukasikia mwizi, mwizi, mwizi huyo, kijana mmoja alikuwa amekurupushwa na watu baada ya kupora simu ya mama mmoja. Haikuwa ajizi, bali nilijionea mwenyewe kijana akitimua mbio mithili ya simba mla watu. Ama kweli za mwizi ni arobaini, wananchi wenye hasira walimpiga na kumtoa roho. MASWALI: i. Eneo ambalo watu huenda kununua mahitaji ya kila siku ni ___________ ii. Watu wengi kwa pamoja huitwa____________________ (Msururu Umati Wingi) iii. Kitendo cha kuchukua kitu bila ya ruhusa ya mwenyewe ni ____________ (Kuiba Ulinzi Uchukuzi) iv. Kumtoa roho mtu ni _____________ ( Kuua, Kumchukua Kumponya) v. Ni methali gani imetumika katika kifungu cha habari hapo juu________ THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![13_image_0.png](13_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 TANDARD III MIDTERM EXAM 'S SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS DATE NAME STD III MARCH, 2024 TIME 2:00HRS | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | ## Answer All Questions | NO | QUESTION | WORK | ANSWER | |------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|----------| | 1.i | Teacher Masamba told their learners that three hundred plus one thousand. What is the correct answer | | | | ii. | Write number, two thousand and twenty in numerals | | | | iii. | How many chairs are shown below? Write your answer in words. Read the numbers below and write | | | | iv. | the three numbers below 500 400,700.350,550,120 | | | | v. | Mussa had 1000 cows; His wife came and took 998 cows. How many cows remained? | | | | 2.i | There were 888 telephones in the shop. After two months 775 telephones had been sold. How many telephones were left in the shop? | | | | ii. | Teacher Kyombo asked learners to find the difference of the following numbers 569 and 299 | | | | iii. | What is the sum of the following number 966 and 370.Write your answer in words | | | | iv. | Circle the smallest number; 73, 81, 19, 18, 31. | | | | v. | Write in descending order; 80, 90, 616, 58, 100, 94. | | | | 3. i | Write the following numbers in number words | | | | 6467 | | |--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | iii. | 9075 | | iv. | Grade two boys are 425 and girls 350. How many pupils are there in the class? | | v. | Write the following fraction in figures Three - seventh | | 4.i | Write the following number word in figures One thousand, six hundred and thirtyfour. | | ii. | Eight thousand, five hundred and fifty - two Identity the place value of 9 in each | | iii. | of the following 6947 | | iv. | 8569 | | v. | Which digit is in the thousands place in 7531 Write the following numbers in short | | 5 .i | form 7000 + 500+ 30 + 1 = | | ii. | 9000+ 300+ 40 + 2 = | | iii | What is the long form of the following number? 3156 The shaded part represents a | | iv. | fraction eaten from the loaf of bread. Which fraction remained? | | v | Write the number of circles from the pattern below. | |-----|--------------------------------------------------------| ![16_image_0.png](16_image_0.png) THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![17_image_0.png](17_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD III MIDTERM EXAM'S SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY &ENVIRONMENT ![17_image_1.png](17_image_1.png) DATE NAME STD III MARCH, 2024 TIME 1:30HRS | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Answer all questions 1. **Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the space provided.** (i) My future goals are to study about human being and his surroundings. What should I deal with? (a) Science (b) geography (c) mathematics (d) sports and art ( ) (ii) The environment is made up of natural and man-made components. Which one do humans use to grow crop and establish settlements? (a)Water (b) sky (c) land (d) plant ( ) (iii) Our grandmother lives along river Kagera which activity can she conducts in order to generate income? (a)Timber making (b) finishing and irrigation farming (c) hunting wild animals (d) mining ( ) (iv) Teacher Ndesamburo lives in Dar es salaam. Which weather does he experience among the following? (a)Hot weather (b) cold weather (c) cold and hot at the same time (d)humid ( ) (v) Which activity is associated with destruction of environment among the following? (a) Charcoal making (b) recycling waste (c) planting trees at school (d) Sweeping the school home compounds ( ) (vi) Mussa and Anicia were told to prepare t presentation about the atmosphere condition usually observed within twenty-four hours. Which term did they present? (a) Climate (b) lumbering (c) weather (d) resource ( ) (vii) The environmental expert from **NEMC** described the benefit of tree in human life. Which one was not mentioned? (a) Fresh air (b) traditional medicine (c) formation of rainfall (d) soil erosion ( ) (viii) What is the height of Mount Kilimanjaro? (a) 3450m (b) 5895m (c) 246m (d) 900m ( ) (b) 2. **Answer items i-vi by matching the items in list a with those of list B** LIST A ANSWER LIST B | (i) | The hard part of earth that is not covered by water | a) Kilimanjaro b) Land c) Peak d)Garden e) Valley f) Plain g) Plateau | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (ii) | An area planted with flower, fruit or vegetables | | | (iii) | The tallest mountain in | | | (iv) | Africa | | | (v) | The topmost part of a mountain | | | (vi) | An area of land found between two hills | | | (vii) | A float land form | | 3. **Read the study story below then answer items i-vii** The components of our surrounds or environment can be put into two main categories, which are living and non-living things include plant and animals and are also known as biotic components. Non bodies, sky, land and they are also known as a biotic. Living components depend on nonliving components of our surroundings. For example, stories and sand are used in building activities likewise people use water for irrigation and domestic uses the role of caving for environment is of everyone. Questions (i)There are ______________main components of the environment (ii) The living components of the environment are also known as _________________________ (iii)According the passage which do people use for irrigation in Farming activities?_______________ (iv).Who is responsible to take care of our surrounding? __________ (v).What is the other name for non- living components of the environment? ___________________ (vi).Mention one abiotic used by people in building houses_______ (vii).The living components of the environments include____________________and__________________ 4. **Study the picture below then answer the questions that follow.** ![20_image_1.png](20_image_1.png) ![20_image_0.png](20_image_0.png) (i)Which letter stands for mountain _________________ (ii) Which letter stands for a flat land form? ___________ ![20_image_2.png](20_image_2.png) THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![21_image_0.png](21_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA ROBO MUHULA DARASA LA TATU MO: HISTORIA YA TANZANIA NA MAADILI JINA TAREHE DRS III MACHI, 2024 MUDA : ... | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | |----------|------------------------|--------------------| | | Score | Checker's Initials | | Question | Examiner's Initials | | | number | | | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 | | | | Total | | | ## Jibu Maswali Yote 1. Chagua Jibu Sahihi Kisha Weka Herufi Sahihi Panapohusika i). Mwalimu Janethi Mussa aliwauliza wanafunzi wa darasa la tatu kuwa manufaa ya somo la historia ya Tanzania na maadili ni yapi kati ya haya yafuatayo?______ A. Kuendeleza wazee B.kuendeleza mambo mazuri na kuwa na maadili C. Kutuwezesha kupoteza maadili D.kuendeleza mambo mabaya ii). Wewe kama mwanafunzi wa darasa la tatu umejifunza njia nyingi za kupata historia ya Tanzania,kulingana na muda kuwa mfinyo tumetaja njia moja thibitisha kauli hii kwa kuchagua njia sahihi____ A. Kusimuliwa na kusoma vitabu B.kuiba nakala za vitabu C.kuimba na kuguna D. Kuwaona wageni kutoka nje ya Tanzania. iii). Mwalimu Yusuph aliwauliza wanafunzi wake kuwa Daktari Luis Leakey aligundua fuvu la binadamu wa kwanza mwaka gani?_____ A. 1599 B.1958 C. 1959 D. 1999 iv). Amina Abubakari anasoma darasa la tatu,aliulizwa na mwanafunzi mwenzake ataje matendo yenye maadili katika jamii alianza kuyataja isipokuwa_____ A. Kuwasaidia wazazi kazi za nyumbani B.kusalimia watu C.kuomba rushwa D. Kuongoza kundi la kuiba kalamu na daftari darasani. v).Sofia na Anna walikwenda kwa rafiki yao Aneth alipokuwa amelazwa hospitalini.Wewe kama mwanafunzi uliyejufunza matendo mbalimbali.Hilo ni tendo gani walilolifanya?_____ A. Tendo la maadili B.tendo la zamu C.tendo lisilo la maadili D.tendo la kuigiza 2. OANISHA FUNGU A NA FUNGU B KULETA MAANA KAMILI | Na | Fungu | A | Majibu | Fungu B | |------|---------|--------------------------------|----------|-----------| | i. | Rushwa | A.Huwakilisha watu wa Tanzania | | | | ii. | Sheria | B.Kundi maalumu katika jamii | | | | iii. | Wazee | C.Kugunduliwa fuvu la binadamu wa kwanza | |--------|--------------|---------------------------------------------| | iv. | 1959 | D.Adui wa haki kwa binadamu | | v. | Rangi nyeusi | E.Utaratibu unaowekwa iliufuatwe | ## 3. Soma Habari Hii Kisha Jibu Maswali Yafuatayo Karibu wanafunzi wa darasa la tatu.Haki ni jambo ambalo mtu anastahiki au kitu anachostahilikuwa nacho.Haki za binadamu ni wazo la kuwa kila mtu anastahili haki kadhaa si kwa kutegemea cheo,wala taifa,wala tabaka,wala jinsia,wala dini kwa sababu tu yeye yuko kundi Fulani.Mtoto ana haki ya kupata elimu,matibabu,chakula,kucheza na kuabudu pamoja na kusikilizwa nakujieleza. Kipo chombo maaluma kinachosimamia haki hizo zilizotajwa endapo zimekiukwa wahusika huchukuliwa hatua za kisheria ikiwemo faini pamoja na kifungo gerezani.Taifa letu linaongoza kwa kufuata haki za watoto pamoja na wanawake Maswali i).Kulingana na habari uliyosoma jambo gani mtu anastahiki kupata?__________ Taja haki tatu za watoto kutoka kulingana na mwandishi wa habari anavyosema ii). ____________________ ![23_image_0.png](23_image_0.png) HAKI iii).____________________ ![23_image_1.png](23_image_1.png) ![23_image_2.png](23_image_2.png) iv).____________________ ![23_image_3.png](23_image_3.png) v).Ni chombo gani kinachosimamia haki za watoto zinapovunjwa?_____________ 4. Tazama picha hizi kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo: ![24_image_0.png](24_image_0.png) i). Ni picha ipi inaonesha matendo yasiyo ya maadili katika jamii?____________ ii). Taja herufi za picha zinazoonesha matendo ya maadili kwenye jamii_________na_________________ iii).Katika picha A na B wanafunzi hawa wanatakiwa kujifunzia katika shule za aina gani kulingana na hali walizonazo?_________________ iv).Katika picha B mwanafunzi huyu ana mahitaji yake maalumu ni yapi?_______ v).Picha ipi inaonesha tendo la ukiukwaji wa haki za binadamu?_______________ 5. Jibu maswali yafuatayo kwa ufupi i). Ashura katika jaribio la hisabati alipata alama 15% kati ya 100%,alipofika nyumbania kesho yake alimletea mwalimu wake wa somo kiasi cha shilingi elfu tatu ili amwongezee alama.Hiki kitendo kinaitwaje?____________ ii).Wanafunzi wa darsa la tatu walitembelea makumbusho ya taifa iliyopo jiji Dar es salaam,walitazama fuvu la binadamu wa kwanza.Je unafikiri nani aligundua fuvu hilo?___________________ iii).Mwalimu Chikayo alitoa kazi ubaoni kuhusu ugunduzi wa fuvu la binadamu wa kwanza kwa kumbukumbu yako fuvu hilo liligunduliwa mwaka gani?________ iv).Mwamlima alikuwa anaipenda nchi yake,kadri miaka ilivyosogea mbele alianza kusaliti nchi na viongozi wake.Je Mwamlima Chikayo tutamwitaje?_____ ![25_image_0.png](25_image_0.png)
**MADA YA 2** **UKUAJI NA UENEAJI WA KISWAHILI NCHINI TANGANYIKA ENZI YA WAINGEREZA NA BAADA YA UHURU:** Ukuaji wa lugha ni hali ya kuongezeka kwa msamiati katika lugha. Msamiati huo hutokana na mabadiliko ya kiuchumi, kisiasa na kitamaduni yanayoikumba jamii. Waingereza walianza kuitawala Tanganyika baada ya vita ya kwanza ya Dunia (1914 -- 1918). Katika vita Wajerumani walishindwa na nchi ya Tanganyika ikatawaliwa na Waingereza hadi mwaka 1961. Kuna mambo mbalimbali ambayo yalifanywa na Waingereza na kusaidia katika kukuza Kiswahili hapa nchini, mambo hayo ni:- (i) **Utawala,** Kutokana na kutawaliwa na Waingereza kuna baadhi ya maneno ya Kiingereza yametoholewa na kuingizwa katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Maneno kama vile hospitali, picha, tai, blauzi, tani n.k. (ii) **Biashara,** Sambamba na kuendesha shughuli za kiutawala Waingereza waliendesha shughuli za biashara kati yao na wenyeji. Waingereza walileta biashara za viwanda kuja kuwauzia watu wa huku. Kutokana na biashara Kiswahili kilipata maneno mengine kama vile sketi, tochi, glasi, beseni, sigara, friji n.k. (iii) **Dini,** Ujio wa wakoloni wa kiingereza kuliambatana na shughuli za kidini. Waingereza walipofika Tanzania walileta dini. Kutokana na dini ya Ukristo tumechukua maneno mengi ya Kiingereza na kuyaweka katika msamiati wa lugha ya Kiswahili maneno kama vile Biblia, batiza, padri, sala, roho na kadhalika. Hata hivyo dini ya uislam pia ilisaidia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili maneno kama vile msikiti, shekhe, imamu, kusilimu, subuhana, alhaji, alhamdulilahi na mengineyo. (iv) **Utaalamu,** Kutokana na maendeleo ya Sayansi na teknolojia kuna manenotumeyachukua kutoka lugha ya kiingereza na kuyaingiza katika msamiati wa Kiswahili. Maneno kama fonimu, televisheni, mashine, chaki, rula, kalenda n.k (v) **Kusanifisha Kiswahili,** Mwishoni mwa mwaka 1930 waingereza walifanya juhudi za kusanifisha Kiswahili kwa lengo la kukuza msamiati na istilahi zake. Kutokana na kusanifishwa, Kiswahili kiliweza kutumika katika hali isiyoleta tofauti za msamiati na hivyo kusawazisha utumizi wa lugha. (vi) **Kuunda kamati ya kusanifisha lugha,** Chama cha kusanifisha lugha kiliundwa ili kihusike na Kiswahili sanifu. (The Interterritorial Language Swahili Commette). Madhumuni ya kamati hii ni kusimamiashughuli zote za kusanifisha Kiswahili, kupendekeza utaratibu wa matamshi, msamiati, miundo na maumbo ya Kiswahili. (vii) **Kuchapisha vitabu vya Kiswahili,** Baada ya kuanzishwa kwa shirika la kushughulikia upitiaji na uchapaji wa miswada (The East African Literature Bereau) kwa kifupi (EALB). Kwa kutumia kampuni hiyo vitabu mbalimbali vya Kiswahili viliweza kuchapishwa. Vitabu vya hayati Shaaban Robert, BW Swahili Grammar, Ashton, E.O Sarufi ya ufasaha nakadhalika. (viii) **Shughuli za ujenzi wa nchi,** Waingereza katika kufanikisha azma yao walijenga reli kutoka Tabora hadi Mwanza kwa kuendeleza iliyoachwa na wajerumani. Ujenzi wa reli ulisaidia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili maneno kama vile treni, reli, paseti, titi na mengine mengi yaliingizwa katika msamiati. **UENEAJI WA KISWAHILI ENZI YA WAINGEREZA** > Ueneaji wa lugha ni namna lugha inayotumika katika sehemu nyinginezo > zaidi mbali na pale ilipoanzia. > > Kihistoria, lugha ya Kiswahili imeanzia katika upwa wa Afrika > Mashariki na kuenea taratibu hadi sehemu za bara. > > Mambo yaliyosaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini wakati wa enzi ya > utawala wa waingereza ni haya yafuatayo:- (i) **Vyombo vya habari,** Vyombo vya habari vilivyosaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili vilikuwa redio, magazeti na majarida. Redio Tanganyika ilianza kurudha matangazo yake mwaka 1950 kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. Kwa upande wa magazeti yalikuwa yakichapishwa kwa Kiswahili wakati huo ni pamoja na gazeti la Mambo leo, sauti ya pwani, kiongozi, mwangaza, Habari za leo, Rafiki yangu na Habari za mwezi yote haya yalianzishwa na wakoloni kabla ua Uhuru. (ii) **Elimu,** Mfumo wa elimu chini ya utawala wa waingereza, masomo yote ya elimu ya msingi yalifundishwa kwa kutumia Kiswahili. Kwa ngazi ya sekondari pia Kiswahili kilikuwa somo mojawapo linalofundishwa katika shule za waafrika. Kutokana na mfumo wa kielimu, jamii iliweza wazungumzaji na wataalamumbalimbali wa Kiswahili. (iii) **Utawala,** Waingereza katika shughuli zote za kiutawala walisisitiza matumizi ya Kiswahili? Waingereza walilazimisha kila chifu afahamu Kiswahili iliatumike katika shughuli za kiutawala. Pia wafanyakazi wote wa serikali walilazimishwa wafahamu Kiswahili iliwapate ajira. (iv) **Kilimo,** Kilimo cha walowezi kiliendeshwa kwa kutumiwa vibarua ambao walitoka katika makabila tofauti. Lugha kuu ya mawasiliano miongoni mwa vibarua (manamba) ilikuwa Kiswahili. Kutokana na shughuli za mashamba, vibarua hao waliweza kueneza Kiswahili kwa urahisi zaidi hapa nchini. (v) **Muundo wa jeshi la K.A.R,** K.A.R ni jeshi la mkoloni ambalo liliunswa na askari kutoka makabila tofauti. Lugha kuu ya mawasiliano miongoni mwa askari hao ilikuwa Kiswahili. Askari walisaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini kwa vile kila mahali walipokwenda waliweza kutumia Kiswahili. **UKUAJI NA UENEAJI WA KISWAHILI BAADA YA UHURU** Baada ya Uhuru Kiswahili kimeenea sana nchini Tanzania. Yapo mambo muhimu ambayo yamechangia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili hapa nchini. Kimsingi, zipo sababu nyingi ambazo zimesaidia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini baada ya uhuru. Sababu hizo ni pamoja na:- (i) **Kuteuliwa kwa Kiswahili kuwa lugha ya Taifa.** Baada ya kupata uhuru serikali ilikiteua Kiswahili kuwa lugha ya Taifa na ilianza kutumika katika sehemu mbalimbali kama vile bungeni, mashirika ya umma na wizara za serikali zilihimizwa kutumia Kiswahili na kusababisha kuenea kwa urahisi. (ii) **Shughuli za kidini,** Katika kipindi hiki cha uhuru, shughuli za kidini zimesababisha kukuza lugha ya Kiswahili kutokana na namna zinavyoendeshwa kwa kutumia lugha ya Kiswahili. Dini zote mbili ukristo na uislamuhuendesha mahubiri yake kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. Kutokana na dini tmeweza kupata maneno kama vile mtakatifu, ulokole, kanisa, kanzu, shehe, sala, biblia, swala n.k. (iii) **Shughuli za biashara,** Biashara ni shughuli ambazo zinahusisha safari za sehemu tofauti na biashara tofauti. Misafara ya biashara katika sehemu mbalimbali husaidia sana kueneza Kiswahili. Maneno kama vile bei, punguzo, soko na ushuru yamezalishwa kutokana na shughuli za kibiashara. (iv) **Vyombo vya habari nchini,** Vyombo vya habari ni magazeti, majarida, redio, pamoja na televisheni. Vyombo hivi vimesaidia sana kukuza na kueneza Kiswahili baada ya uhuru nchini Tanzania kwa kutumia matangazo yake na vipindi mahususi au makala maalumu ya lugha ya Kiswahili. Kwa upande wa redio tunazo nyingi kama vile radio one, redio tumaini, TBC FM, Redio free Africa, redio faraja, clauds FM n.k. Televisheni nazo zinachangia kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini. Televisheni hizo ni I.T.V, T.B.C, Star T.V, Channel ten, Azam TV, Capital TV, Imani TV na kadhalika. (v) **Kuundwa kwa asasi za kueneza na kukuza kiswahili.** Baada ya uhuru serikali imechukua hatua ya kuunda asasi za kukuza na kueneza kiswahilikwa madhumuni ya kufundisha, kukuza na kuendeleza lugha ya Kiswahili. Asasi hizo ni (UKUTA) Hiki ni Chama cha Usanifu wa Kiswahili Tanzania, Baraza la Kiswahili Taifa (BAKITA), Baraza la Mitihani la Taifa (BAMITA), Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI) Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika (CHAKA), TAKILUKI na nyingine nyingi. (vi) **Kutumika katika kutoa elimu,** Mfumo wa elimu umesadia kukua na kuenea kwa kiswahili nchini baada ya uhuru. Hii ni kwasababu lugha ya imeendelea kuwa lugha ya kufundishia masomo yote kwa ngazi ya elimu ya msingi isipokuwa somo la kiingereza tu. Pia Kiswahili kinaendelea kuwa somo mojawapo katika shule za sekondari na vyuo. (vii) **Kampeni za siasa,** Miongoni mwa mambo ya kisiasa ambayo yamesaidia kukuza na kueneza Kiswahili baada ya uhuru ni kuanzishwa kwa vijiji vya ujamaa, Azimio la Arusha mfumo wa chama kimoja pamoja na kampeni za vyama vingi (mageuzi) zimesaidia sana kueneza Kiswahili hapa nchini. Kampeni za kisiasa zimezalisha misamiati ya Kiswahili kama vile kupe, unyonyaji, ujamaa, kabaila, dikteta, walalahoi, wapambe, uwekezaji, ujasiriamali, ari mpya, wakereketwa, ngangari, nguvu ya umma na mengineyo. (viii) **Mchango wawatu binafsi,** Wadau wakuu wa ukuzaji wa Kiswahili ni pamoja na waandishi wa vitabu pamoja na kazi nyingine za kisanaa ambazo zinahusiana na lugha ya Kiswahili. Baada ya uhuru wadau kama vile washairi, watunzi wa hadithi, tamthiliya na watengezaji wa filamu wameweza kujitokeza. Watu kama Shaaban Robert, Mathias Mnyapala, Mwalimu J.K Nyerere, M.M Mlokozi, K.K Kahigi, Mwansoko, Emmanuel Mbogo, E. Kezilahabi, Penina Mhando, F.E.M.K Senkoro na wengine wamefanyakazi ya kukikuza Kiswahili. (ix) **Kutumika kwa Kiswahili bungeni,** Kiswahili ndiyo lugha itumikayo bungeni, jambo hilinalo limesaidia kukuza Kiswahili na kukieneza pia. Kutokana na shughuli za bungeni yamepatikana maneno kama mswada, spika na hansadi za bunge. (x) **Kuanzishwa kwa Taasisi ya Elimu ya Watu Wazima,** Hatua nyingine muhimu iliyosaidia sana kukuza na kueneza lugha ya Kiswahili ilikuwa ni kuanzishwa kwa taasisi ya elimu ya watu wazima. Madhumuni makubwa ya taasisi hiyo ni kuwapa fursa ya kusoma watu wazima ambao hawakuwahi kupata elimu hiyo. (xi) **Shughuli za sanaa,** Shughuli hizi ni pamoja na muziki, utambaji wa hadithi, utunzi wa nyimbo, michezo ya kuigiza na nyinginezo. Shughuli hizo zimesaidia kuenea kwa Kiswahili kutokana na kuendeshwa kwa kutumia lugha hiyo. (xii) **Kutumika kwa Kiswahili katika shughuli zote za kiserikali.** Baada ya kupata uhuru Kiswahili kimekuwa ndiyo lugha inayotumika katika shughuli zote za kiofisi, jambo hili limewezesha watu wengi kuendelea kukijua Kiswahili kutokana na shughuli za kilasiku. **KUUNDWA KWA ASASI ZA KISWAHILI** Baada ya uhuru, serikali imechukua hatua mbalimbali ilikukuza Kiswahili. Hatua mojawapo ni ile ya kuunda asasi za ukuzaji wa Kiswahili. Asasi hizo ni:- 1. **UKUTA** Chama cha Usanifu wa Kiswahili na Ushairi Tanzania (UKUTA) chama hiki kilianzishwa na mshairi Mathias Mnyampala mwaka 1965 kwa lengo la kukuza ushairi na Kiswahili kwa ujumla. UKUTA iliandika vitabu mbalimbali vya Kiswahili kama vile ngonjera za UKUTA, mashairi ya azimio la Arusha na vingine. 2. **TUKI** Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI) kwasasa taasisi ya taaluma za Kiswahili (TATAKI). Chombo hiki kilianzishwa mwaka 1964 kikiwa kimetokana na ile kamati ya lugha ya Afrika mashariki ilipo hamishiwa chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam. Miongoni mwa shughuli za TATAKI kuanzia wakati huo hadi hivi sasa zimekuwa ni :- (i) Kufanya tafiti za Kiswahili katika Nyanja zake zote ambazo ni sarufi na fasihi. (ii) Kuchapisha machapisho mengine yatakayoonekana kuwa na manufaa. (iii) Kuendesha semina na warsha mbalimbali za Kiswahili pamoja na kuandika vitabu na majarida ya Kiswahili. (iv) Kuhifadhi kazi za Kiswahili na kutafsiri katika kiswahilii kazi zilizoandikwa kwa lugha za kigeni. **MAFANIKIO YA TUKI/TATAKI** (i) **TATAKI,** imefanikiwa kuchapisha vitabu mbalimbali vya fasihi na sarufi ya Kiswahili mfano wa vitabu hivyo ni SAMAKISA na SAMIKISA. (ii) **TUKI,** imefanikiwa kuchapisha na kutoa kamusi mbalimbali kama vile kamusi ya Kiswahili sanifu na kamusi ya Kiswahili kiingereza. (iii) **TATAKI,** imefanya uchunguzi wa tanzu mbalimbali za fasihi andishi na fasihi simulizi. (iv) **TATAKI,** imetafsiri vitabu vya masomo mbalimbali kwa Kiswahili toka kiingereza kwa mfano kitabu cha Historia kuu ya Afrika -- UNESCO. **MATATIZO YA TUKI** (i) Uhaba wa fedha za kuendeshea shughuli zao za utafiti wa Kiswahili kama vile semina, warsha na uchapaji wa vitabu na majarida. (ii) Uhaba wa vifaa vya kufanyia kazi unasababishwa na ukosefu wa fedha. (iii) Uhaba wa wataalam ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. **BAKITA,** Baraza la Kiswahili la Taifa (BAKITA) ni chombo kikuu cha serikali kinacho simamia shughuli za ukuzaji wa Kiswahili. BAKITA ilianzishwa mwaka 1967 kwa sheria ya Bunge Na. 27 kazi za BAKITA ni:- (i) Kukuza maendelo na matumizi ya Kiswahili fasaha. (ii) Kutoa jarida la Kiswahili litakaloongoza matumizi sahihi ya maneno na maendelo yake. (iii) Jukumu jingine la BAKITA ni kuendesha na kusimamia tafiti mbalimbali za Kiswahili kwa kushirikiana na mashirika ya umma, asasi na watu binafsi. (iv) Kuratibu kazi za ukuzaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili nchini na zile zinazofanyika nchi za nje. (v) Kushirikiana na Wizara ya Elimu kuthibitisha ufasaha wa lugha katika vitabu vya kiada vinavyoandikwa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili ili vitumike shuleni na vyuoni. (vi) Kushirikiana na wizara/idara zinazohusika katika kuandaa au kutoa tafsiri za maneno ya Kiswahili. > **MAFANIKIO YA BAKITA** (i) **BAKITA,** imeandaa istilahi za taaluma mbalimbali fizikia, biashara, kemia, bunge, posta, uchumi, ufundi n.k. (ii) **BAKITA,** inatoa majarida mbalimbali yanayohusu lugha ya Kiswahili. Sarufi na fasihi yake. (iii) **BAKITA,** huendesha vipindi mbalimbali kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili kwenye vyombo vya habari. > **MATATIZO YA BAKITA** (i) Uhaba wa wataalamu. (ii) Uhaba wa fedha za kuendeshea shughuli za BAKITA kama vile semina, warsha, makongamano na uchapishaji wa majarida. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. **CHAKA** Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika (CHAKA) kiliundwa mwaka 1978. Wazo la kuundwa kwa chama hiki lilijitokeza kwenye warsha ya kimataifa kuhusu usanifishaji wa istilahi iliyofanyika chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam. Wajumbe waanzilishi walitoka Kenya, Zambia, Msumbiji na Tanzania. Majukumu ya CHAKA katika kufanikisha ukuzaji na ueneaji wa Kiswahili ni pamoja na haya:- (i) Kukuza na kueneza Kiswahili kote Afrika. (ii) Kuleta umoja katika mataifa ya Afrika kwa kutumia lugha za asili. (iii) Kuanzisha vyama vya Kiswahili na vituo vya utafiti katika kila nchi mwanachama. (iv) CHAKA hushughulikia uandishi wa vitabu vya maarifa tofauti kwa lengo la kufikishia umma taarifa mbalimbali. **MATATIZO YA CHAKA** Baadhi ya matatizo yanayoikabili CHAKA ni:- (i) Kazi ya uchambuzi na usanifishaji haijapiga hatua kubwa kutokana na kutokuwepo na msukumo wa viongozi. (ii) Tanzania ni nchi pekee iliyoachiwa jukumu na kazi ya usanifishaji wa istilahi. (iii) Maneno mengine ya kigeni hutafutiwa tafsiri kwa Kiswahili bila utafiti mkubwwa ma kusabaisha kukosa mvuto kwa wasomaji wa kawaida. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. **TAKILUKI** > Taasisi ya Kiswahili na lugha za kigeni Zanzibar (TAKILUKI) iliundwa > mwaka 1979, na inafanya kazi chini ya wizara ya elimu na mafunzo ya > Amali Zanzibar. Baadhi ya kazi zake ni:- (i) Kuratibu na kusimamia maendeleo ya Kiswahili visiwani Zanzibar. (ii) Majukumu mengine ya TAKILUKI ni kukusanya na kuchambua fasihi simulizi ya visiwa vya pemba na Unguja. (iii) Kuchapisha vitabu na majarida mbalimbali kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. (iv) Kufanya tafiti kuhusu lahaja mbalimbali na fasihi zimulizi ya Kiswahili. (v) Kuendesha mafunzo ya masomo ya Kiswahili na lugha za kigeni kwa wanafunzi wenyeji na wa kutoka nje. **MAFANIKIO** **TAKILUKI** imeweza kupata mafanikio mbalimbali kama vile:- (i) **TAKILUKI** imechapisha vitabu mbalimbali vya fasihi andishi na fasihi simulizi kama vile mashairi ya malenga wapya. (ii) Imeendelea kufundisha lugha ya Kiswahili na lugha za kigeni kwa watu mbalimbali. (iii) Imeendelea kukusanya na kuchambua fasihi simulizi ya visiwa vya Unguja NA Pemba. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. **BAMITA** Baraza la mitihani la Taifa (BAMITA), lengo la chombo hiki ni kutahini Kiswahili katika viwango mbalimbali vya elimu nchini kuanzia shule za msingi, sekondari n avyuo. Mpaka sasa BAMITA imefanikiwa kutahini Kiswahili kwa viwango vya hadi kidato cha sita na stashahada. BAMITA pia bado haijaanza kutahini kwa kiwango cha shahada (chuo kikuu) 7. **TAASISI YA ELIMU YA WATU WAZIMA** Taasisi hii ilianzishwa mwaka 1963 kama chombo cha kutoa masomo ya jioni kwa wananchi. Pamoja na kufundisha masomo mengine, Taasisi hii ikishirikiana na idara ya elimu ya watu wazima imejishughulisha sana katika kufundisha watu wazima stadi za kusoma na kuandika kiswhaili ili kufuta ujinga. **Baadhi ya mafanikio ya Taasisi ya elimu ya watu wazima ni:-** (i) Kuanzisha idara ya mafunzo ya elimu ya watu wazima (E.W.W) ambapo wanafunzi kutoka Tanzania na nje ya nchi hufundishwa kusoma kupitia elimu ya watu wazima. (ii) Kutoa masomo ya jioni kwa watu wazima katika stadi za kusoma na kuandika Kiswahili. (iii) Kuanzisha maktaba makao makuu ya Taasisi ambayo husaidia wanafunzi kupata vitabu na majarida ya Kiswahili. **MATATIZO YA TAASISI YA ELIMU YA WATU WAZIMA** (i) Uhaba wa fedha kwaajili ya kufungua vituo sehemu mbalimbali nchini. (ii) Upungufu wa wataalamu wa kutoa mafunzo kwa wanafunzi katika sehemu mbalibali. (iii) Ukosefu wa teknolojia za kisasa katika sehemu mbalimbali kwa mfano intaneti. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 8. **TAASISI YA ELIMU TANZANIA (TET)** Taasisi hii ilianzishwa mwaka 1975 kwa madhumuni ya kuendesha shughuli za ukuzaji wa elimu nchini kwa kushirikiana na Wizara ya Elimu ya Taifa ambayo kwa sasa inajulikana kama Wizara ya Elimu Sayansi, Teknolojia na Mafunzo ya Ufundi. Majukumu ya Taasisi hii ni pamoja na kazi zifuatazo:- (i) Taasisi imekuwa ikijishughulisha na uandishi wa vitabu vya masomo mbalimbali vikiwemo vya somo la Kiswahili. (ii) Kutoa miongozo na ushauri kuhusu ufundishaji wa masomo mbalimbali hapa nchi. (iii) Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania hutoa mafunzo kwa walimu kuhusu ufundishaji wa mitaala mipya ikiwemo ya somo la Kiswahili. (iv) Taasisi hufanya kazi ya kupitia upya mara kwa mara mitaala ya masomo yote yanayofundishwa kuanzia ngazi ya chekechea hadi vyuo vya ualimu. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 9. **CHAMA CHA KISWAHILI CHA CHUO KIKUU CHA DAR ES SALAAM** Chama hiki kilianzishwa mwaka 1970 kwa juhudi za wanafunzi wa mwazo kabisa walioingia katika chuo kikuu kuchukua Kiswahili kama somo la shahada. Maudhui ya chama ilikuwa ni:- (i) Kuwapa wanafunzi nafasi ya kuvumbua na kukuza vipawa vyao katika isimu na fasihi ya Kiswahili. (ii) Kukuza ari ya kupenda somo la Kiswahili na kuthamini Kiswahili kwa ujumla. **MAFANIKIO** Baadhi ya ya mafanikio ya chma cha Kiswahili cha chuo kikuu cha Dar es salaam ni:- (i) Chama kimefanikiwa kutoa jarida la Kiswahili lijulikanalo kama kioo cha lugah linalojadili mambo mbalimbali ya lugha. (ii) Chama kimeweza kutoa nafasi kwa walimu, wanafunzi na wadau wa lugha ya Kiswahili kujadili na kuhakiki fani mbalimbali za fasihi na isimu. (iii) Chama pia huongozamakongamano ambayo mijadala yake huhaririwa na kutolewa katika majarida mbalimbali. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 10. **UWAVITA** Umoja wa Wandishi wa Vitabu Tanzania **(UWAVITA)** ulianzishwa mwaka 1978. 11. **BAKIZA** Baraza la Kiswahili la Zanzibar **(BAKIZA)** lilianzishwa mwaka 1983 kwa sheria Na. 4 ya Baraza la wawakilishi. **MUHITASALI** Vyombo vya ukuzaji wa Kiswahili vimefanikiwa kukuza Kiswahili kwa kiswango kinachoridhisha kwa sababu ya maendeleo ya Kiswahili tuliyonayo. Miongozi mwa mafanikio ya vyombo hivyo ni:- (i) Kuchapishwa kwa vitabu vingi vya Kiswahili. (ii) Kutambulika kwa amali mbalimbali za Kiswahili kutokana na tafiti za vyombo hivyo. (iii) Kuendeshwa kwa semina, warsha, makongamano na mafunzo ya Kiswahili. (iv) Kuongezeka kwa idadi ya wajuzi wa Kiswahili nchini. (v) Kuteuliwa kwa Kiswahili kuwa lugha mojawapo inayotumika katika vikao vya AU. (vi) Kufundishwa lugha ya kiswahili kwa viwango tofauti vya elimu kwa wazawa na wageni. Pamoja na mafanikio hayo, vyombo hivyo vinakabiliwa na matatizo mbalimbali yakiwemo haya:- (i) Upungufu wa wataalamu, wataalamu wengi hukimbilia nje ya nchi kutokana na kuvutwa na masilahi yaliyo mazuri. (ii) Vyombo hivyo pia havina fedha za kutosha kuendeshea shughuli za ukuzaji wa Kiswahili. (iii) Ukosefu wa vyombo vya habari na ofisi za kudumu. (iv) Taasisi pia zinakabiliwa na tatizo la kukosa vyombo vya usafiri, vitendea kazi vya kisasa kama vile intaneti, kompyuta na mashine za kurudufu, barua pepe, tovuti na faksi. (v) Vyombo vya ukuzaji wa Kiswahili baadhi havina ofisi za kudumu. Jamboambalo husababisha taasisi kuhamahama mara kwa mara na utendaji kazi wake kuathirika. > Yote haya huathiri utendaji kazi wa Taasisi hizo kwani hujikuta > zikifanya kazi katika mazingira magumu. > > Kukua kwa lugha ni kuongezeka kwa idadi ya msamiati wa kutosha katika > lugha husika. Kuenea kwa lugha ni kuongezeka kwa idadi ya watu > wanaotumia lugha husika pamoja na eneo pana kimatumizi. > > Kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini Tanzania kumegawanyika katika > sehemu kuu mbili ambazo ni:- (1) Kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili kabla ya uhuru. (2) Kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili baada ya uhuru. > Mambo ambayo yalichangia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili kabla ya uhuru > (enzi za ukoloni) ni pamoja na:- (i) Biashara (ii) Dini (iii) Utawala (iv) Elimu (v) Vyombo vya habari (vi) Harakati za kisiasa (vii) Shughuli za kilimo Kiswahili kabla ya uhuru kimepitia enzi tatu ambazo ni enzi za waarabu, wajerumani na enzi za waingereza. - **Waarabu walitumia Kiswahili katika shughuli zao kama vile** i. Utawala. ii. Walieneza dini ya kiislamu, ambayo ilihubiriwa kwa Kiswahili. iii. Walifanya biashara. iv. Walioa wanawake wa kiafrika (ndoa) yote haya yalichangia kukua kwa na kuenea kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. - **Wajerumani enzi zao walitumia lugha ya Kiswahili katika shughuli za:-** i. Utawala ii. Walianzisha chuo cha mafunzo ya lugha ya Kiswahili huko Berlin. iii. Walieneza dini ya kikristo. iv. Walianzisha vyombo vya habari, magazeti, kama vile rafiki yangu na habari za mwezi. v. Shughuli za kielimu. vi. Shughuli za kilimo. - **Kiswahili enzi za waingereza, waingereza walikuza na kueneza Kiswahili kwa njia mbalimbali kama vile:-** i. Shughuli za utawala ziliendeshwa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. ii. Elimu ilitolewa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. iii. Jeshi la KAR (King's African Rifles). iv. Vyombo vya habari. v. Kusanifisha lugha ya Kiswahili. vi. Kuunda kamati ya Afrika Mashariki. vii. Walijenga vyo vya ualimu. viii. Walichapisha vitabu na majarida mbalimbali kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. - **Kiswahili baada ya uhuru.** Baada ya uhuru, mambo yaliyosaidia kukua na kuenea kwa Kiswahili nchini Tanzania baada ya uhuru ni:- i. Kuanzishwa kwa Taasisi, (asasi) vyombo vya ukuzaji wa kiswahili kama kama vile **BAKITA, TEWW, TUKI, CHAKA, TAKILUKI, BAMITA, UKUTA, TET** na kadhalika. ii. Kuteuliwa kwa Kiswahili kuwa lugha ya Taifa. iii. Kuanzishwa kwa vikundi vya sanaa na muziki. iv. Elimu. v. Vyombo vya habari. vi. Dini vii. Biashara. viii. Kampeni za kisiasa. ix. Utawala x. Kutumika kwa lugha ya Kiswahili Bungeni. xi. Kuanzisha kwa Taasisi ya Elimu ya watu wazima. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. **NUKTA (Kituo kikuu) ( . )** Nukta ndiyo alama ya kituo iliyokuu kuliko alama nyingine zote za vituo. Alama hii katika uandishi hutumika kwa madhumuni yafuatayo:- a) Kuonyesha mwisho wa sentensi. > Mfano; Mtoto aliyeumia amelazwa hospitalini. > > [Mama na Baba]{.underline} wanalima shamba b) Kufupisha maneno. > Mfano; n.k. (na kadhalika) > > K.M (Kwa mfano) > > S.L.P (Sanduku la posta) > > C.C.M (Chama Cha Mapinduzi) c) Kutenganisha siku, mwezi na mwaka katika uandishi wa tarehe. > Kwa mfano; Ilikuwa tarehe 25.12.2016 > > Sherehe itafanyika 5.2.2017 > > Watakutana tarehe 18.11.2017 d) Kuandika anwani za tovuti > Kwa mfano; - Anwani ya tovuti ya baraza la mitihani ni - Tovuti ya Miladiayo ni - Anwani yetu ya tovuti ni www.mtembezi e) Kuonyesha vipimo na sehemu zake. > Mfano; - Shamba letu linaukubwa wa ekari 7.3. - Shule yetu iko umbali upatao km 32.7 toka wilayani. - Anatakiwa kutumia lita 4.5 za maji kwa siku. 2. **MKATO ( , )** Alama hii hujulikana kama **"koma"**. Alama hi hutumika kwa madhumuni yafuatayo:- a) Kuandika anwani. > Kwa mfano; - Anwani ya shule yetu ni S.L.P 566, Shinyanga - Afisa kilimo wa Wilaya, S.L.P 1288, Kishapu. b) Kutumika badala ya kiunganishi katika sentensi kwa mfano; - Ajenda iliyopangwa, haikujadiliwa. - Kama si kikao hiki, kikao kijacho. 3. **MSTARI WA MSHAZARI (/)** Alama hii hutumika kwa madhumuni tofauti kama vile:- - Kuandika namba za kumbukumbu katika barua kwa mfano; > Kumbu.Na.AS/12P/60 - Kutenganisha, mwezi na mwaka katika tarehe. > Kwa mfano: 16/12/2016 > > 12/01/2017 4. **MABANO ( )** Alama hii hutumika kuonyesha mambo mbalimbali wakati wa uandishi. a) Kuonyesha maana fupi ya maelezo fulani marefu. > Mfano; - Katika kilimo chetu tunatumia jembe la ng'ombe (plau) - Wanaishi kwa kuendesha biashara ndogondogo (ujasiriamali) 5. **ALAMA YA KISTARI (--)** Alama hii katika uandishi hutumika: a) Kutenganisha siku, mwezi, mwaka katika tarehe. > Mfano; - Kikao cha Bunge kiliahirishwa hadi tarehe 10 -- 4 -- 2017 - Maazimio haya yalipitishwa tarehe 11 -- 09 -- 2016 b) Kuonesha kwamba neno limekatwa kutokana na kufika ukingoni mwa karatasi ilikiwa bado linaendela. > Mfano; > > Wanyama wanatu -- > > mia miguu mine kutembea > > Magufuli ana -- > > Tumbua majipu yote c) Hutumika kuendeleza sauti au mlio wa kitu. > Mfano - Lo -- lo - Sala -- a -- a -- la! - Alianguka chini pu -- u -- u! d) Hutumika pia kuunga maneno mawili tofauti iliyawezekuwa neno moja. > Mfano; - Kipaza -- sauti - Paka -- shume 6. **ALAMA YA KUULIZA (?)** > Alama hii hutumiwa badala ya nukta au alama ya kushangaa ili kufunga > sentensi za maswali. Baada ya alama hii sentensi inayofuata huanza na > herufi kubwa. > > Kwa mfano. a) Wanakwaya wako wapi? b) Watahudhuria wageni wangapi? c) Donald Trump aliapishwa siku ngani? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. **ALAMA YA KUSHANGAA (!)** Alama hii nayo hutumika badala ya nukta na alama ya kuuliza ili kufunga ya mshangao. Baada ya alama hii sentensi inayofuata huanza na herufi kubwa. Alama hii huwekwa mbele ya vihisishi. Kwa mfano; - He! Ni wewe! - We! Denti umekalia kiti? Leta pesa zangu! - He! Kumbe wasanii ni vinara wa kuuza madawa ya kulevya! 8. **ALAMA ZA MTAJO ( " " ) AU ( ' ' )** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Alama hizi hutumiwa katika kukariri maneno yaliyosemwa Mfano; - Paul Makonda alisema "lazima tukomeshe biashara ya madawa ya > kulevya" - Nape akasema "hata mimi naunga mkono" 9. **NUKTA NA MKATO ( ; )** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Hutumika kuunga tungombili zenye hadhi sawa zisizo na kiunganishi. Kwa mfano; - Wengine wana shangilia, wengine wanalia. - Baba analima, Mama anafua. b) Hutumika pia kuonyesha pumziko la muda mrefu zaidi katika kusoma. > Mfano; - Alikwenda mpaka nyumbani kwake; Hakufanya lolote. - Mzee uliyemwona akitembea polepole; Ni babu yangu. 10. **NUKTA PACHA NA KISTARI ( :- )** Alama hii hutumika kuashiria sentensi fupifupi zilizo katika hali ya mfululizo wa orodha. Kwa mfano; i) Ajenda za mkutano huwa ni hizi:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Kufungua mkutano. b) Kusoma mapato na matumizi ya kijiji. c) Mengineyo. d) Kufunga mkutano. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ii) Madhumuni ya kuanzisha kikundi ni haya:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Kupiga vita umasikini. b) Kuhimiza kuchapa kazi. c) Kupambana na biashara haramu. d) Kuhimiza umoja na mshikamano. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 11. **KINYOTA ( \* )** Katika uandishi alama hii hutumika kwa madhumuni mbalimbali yakiwemo haya:- a) Kuonesha kuwa jambo fulani lina umuhimu sana. > Kwa mfano; > > \* Tafadhali usipuuze wito huu. > > \* Tumemwalika na mheshimiwa Diwani. 12. **MSTARI MREFU ( \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ )** Alama hii katika uandishi hutumika kuonyesha majina ya vitu, mathalani majina ya vitabu, ya masomo, ya kuvibainisha zaidi vitu hivyo: Mfano; - Gazeti la [Mawio]{.underline} ndilo lililofungiwa kwa uchochezi. - Somo la [Kiswahili]{.underline} litafaulisha wanafunzi. - [Diwani ya malenga wapya]{.underline} imetungwa na wasanii kutoka > Zanzibar. 13. **HERUFI KUBWA** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. Hutumiwa mwanzoni mwa sentensi baada ya nukta, alama ya kushangaza , au alama ya kuuliza. Kwa mfano; - Baba analima shambani. - "Wajerumani ni watu wa Taifa gani?" Mwalimu aliuliza. 2. Hutumika katika kuandika nomino za pekee kama vile majina ya watu, miji, vyeo na Mungu. > Kwa mfano; - Diana (ni jina la mtu) - Mbeya (jina la mji) - Allah (jina la Mungu) 3. Hutumika katika vifupi vya majina ya watu, vyama na kampuni. > Kwa mfano; - J.K.T -- Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa. - C.W.T -- Chama cha Walimu Tanzania. - DC -- District Commissioner. - MEK -- Mratibu Elimu Kata 14. **AYA** -- ni fungu la maneno katik ainsha au maandishi yoyote. Aya ni kifungu cha sentensi zinazoelezea wazo moja. Aya hufanyakazi zifuatazo:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Kueleza au kufafanua wazo maalumu. b) Kuwa na mawazo yaliyo katika mantiki. c) Kuwa na hitimisho pengine huwa na sentensi ya tamati ya habari nzima. > Kwa kawaida aya huonekana kwa mpangilia wa sentensi ya kwanza. Neon la > kwanza la sentensi hiyo huanzia sentimita moja kutoka kwenye mstari wa > pambizo. **UANDISHI WA INSHA ZA KIADA** Insha ni mfululizo wa sentensi zinazohusiana na mada inayozungumziwa au kuandikwa ambayo ianaweza kuwa ndefu au fupi. **AINA YA INSHA** Insha huweza kugawanyika kama ifuatavyo:- Insha za kisanaa Hoja Insha zisizo za kisanaa Insha Insha za kisanaa Wasifu Insha zisizo za kisanaa Insha za hoja ni insha zinazomtaka mwandishi wake kutoa mawazo, maoni na hoja zake kuhusu jambo au suala fulani. Insha hizi hutetea mawazo ya aina fulani. Hivyo basi insha za hoja hutumika kutetea au kukubali jambo fulani kwa hoja madhubuti. Insha za wasifu ni insha zinazoandikwa kuhusu sifa au maisha ya mtu fulani. Ingwa insha za wasifu zinaweza kuwa za kisanaa au zisizo za kisanaa. Insha za kisanaa ni insha ambazo zinaandikwa kwa kutumia lugha yenye mvuto kwa sababu imeandikwa kwa kutumia mbinu mbalimbali za kisanaa. Mbinu hizo ni kama vile tamathali za semi, nahau, miesmo, methali, taharuki, taswira (lugha ya picha). Insha zisizo za kisanaa ni insha zinazotumia lugha kavu ya moja kwa moja katika kueleza jambo linalohusika. Ni lugha isiyo na sanaa ndani yake insha zisizo za kisanaa ni insha ambazo hutumia lugha ya kawaida. Insha za kiada ni insha zisizo za kisanaa, insha hizi hutumia lugha ya kawaida tofauti na insha za kisanaa ambazo hutumia lugha ya kisanaa. Uandishi wa lugha za kiada kama ilivyo kwa insha nyinginezo huandikwa kwa kuzingatia taratibu zote za uandishi. **MAMBO YA KUZINGATIA KATIKA INSHA** 1. Kuzingatia kichwa cha habari na maelezo kama yapo. 2. Kuandika kwa kuzingatia taratibui za uandishi. 3. Kutotumialugha ya mkato kama vile (k.m, n.k, sh) 4. Kuandika utangulizi unaovuta makini ya msomaji. 5. Kuandika kiini cha insha kwa mpangilio unaofaa. 6. Kuandika mwisho wa insha (hitimisho) **MUUNDO WA INSHA** Muundo wa insha huzingatia mambo yafuatayo:- 1. **Kichwa cha insha --** Huandikwa kwa herufi kubwa katika juu ya insha. Kichwa cha insha kisizidi maneno matano. 2. **Mwanzo (utangulizi)** -- Huzingatia fasili ya mada au jambo linalozungumziwa, kwa kawaida utangulizi wa insha hauzidi aya moja. 3. **Kiini cha insha** -- hii ndiyo sehemu kuu ya insha huzingatia mawazo maku ambayo hupangwa katika aya zenye mtiririko mzuri wa mawazo. 4. **Hitimisho** -- (mwisho wa insha) hutoa msisitizo kwa yaliyojadiliwa. Huwa na maoni na mapendekezo ya mwandishi. **UFUNGUO** 1. Kichwa cha insha (habari) 2. Utangulizi wa insha (mwanzo) 3. Kiini cha insha (insha yenyewe) 4. Hitimisho (mwisho wa insha) > **MASWALI:** 1. Andika insha yenye maneno yasiyopungua miambili na hamsini na yasizidi miatatu kuhusu umuhimu wa huduma za simu ya mkononi. 2. Tunga insha ya hoja isiyozidi aya tanno inayohusu kichwa kimojawapo kati ya vichwa hivi. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) Umasikini uko kichwani mwako. ii) Madhara ya madawa ya kulevya. iii) Ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. **UANDISHI WA HOTUBA** Hotuba ni maelezo ambayo hutolewa na mtu mbele ya watu aghalabu mtoa hotuba huwa ni kiongozi. Hotuba hutolewa kwa madhumuni maalumu. Kwa mfano hotuba inaweza kutolea kwa madhumuni ya kutaka kuhimiza kazi, kufanya kampeni fulani au kutoa taarifa fulani kwa watu. Kushukuru au kuonesha msimamo wa kundi fulani kwa wengine. Hayo ndiyo malengo ya hotuba. **MUUNDO WA HOTUBA** Muundo wa hotuba una sehemu tatu kuu. Sehemu hiz ni:- a) salamu b) Utangulizi. c) Kiini cha hotuba d) Hitimisho ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. **Salamu** -- mfano "wananchi oyee". Au TYCS mapend! "Udumu uhuru na demokrasia" 2. **Utangulizi** -- utanngulizi huwa na utambulisho kulingana na vyeo katika mkutano au msafara, pia shukrani pamoja na muhtasari wa hotuba itakayo zungumziwa kwa mfano; Mheshimiwa mgeni rasm \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ au ndugu wananchi \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ 3. **Kiini cha hotuba** -- ndiyo sehemu ambayo inaonyesha jambo linalowasilishwa kwa wasikilizaji. Kiini hubeba ujumbe uliokusudiwa, umuhimu wake na hasara zake. 4. Hitimisho -- muhtasari wa kilichoongelewa, shukrani na maagano huzingatiwa. Aghalabu hotuba husitishwa kwa maneno kama haya; - Natoa shukrani zangu kwa wote mlionisikiliza. - Asanteni kwa kunisikiliza - Baada ya kusema hayo machache \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ **MASWALI** 1. Wewe ni diwani katika manispaa fulani yenye viwanda vinavyochafua mazingira kwa moshi, harufu mbaya, kelele, majitaka na takataka. Andika hotuba ya maneno kati ya 150 -- 200 utakayotoa kwa wenye viwanda ilikushawishi waepuke uchafuzi wa mazingira. 2. Mathalani wewe ni katibu kata fulani, ambayo ina sifa ya uchomaji moto mapori na uchomaji mkaa. Andika insha isiyozidi maneno 250 ili uwashawishi wananchi waepuke tabia hiyo. 3. Fikiria kwamba umechaguliwa kuwa mbunge wa jimbo fulani kwa kupata kura nyingi. Andika mfano wa hotuba ya kuwashukuru wapiga kura wako. 4. Tunga insha ya hoja isiyozidi maneno 200 inayohusu kichwa kimojawapo kati ya vichwa hivi:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Stadi za maisha. b) Umuhimu wa Elimu bure. c) Athari za biashara ya utumwa. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. Andika barua kwa mhariri wa gazeti la "Niashe" ukilalamika kuhusu takataka jijini Mwanza. Pendekeza jiji lenyewe laweza kusafishwa vipi? 6. Andika dayolojia ya watu wawili kuhusu athari za madawa ya kulevya. **UANDISHI WA RISALA** Risala ni taarifa fupi inayosomwa mbele ya kiongozi kwa niaba ya kundi fulani. Kwa maneno mengine risala ni hotuba iliyoandikwa na watu au viongozi wa chini ili itolewe kwa watu au viongozi wa ngazi ya juu. **MUUNDO WA RISALA** Risala hugawanywa katika sehemu kuu nne, ambazo ni:- i) Utangulizi ii) Mwanzo iii) Kiini iv) Mwisho - **Utangulizi,** sehemu hii hukaa maneno ya utangulizi kama vile salamu. Manenno hayo huwa ni ya salamu kama vile "mwenyekiti oyee"! au "wanakijiji oyeee"! au "Shinyanga safi!" - **Mwanzo,** hutoa utambulisho kwa kuzingatia itifaki na ukaribisho. Katika sehemu hii, hukaa maelezo yanayo fafanua waandishi wa risala na lengo la risala. > **Kwa mfano;** i) Risala ya wafugaji wa ng'ombe kwa waziri mkuu au ii) Risala ya wanakikundi kwa mheshimiwa mbunge au iii) Ifuatayo ni risala ya shule ya sekondari Songwa kwa mheshimiwa > diwani wa kata ya Songwa. - **Kiini,** kiini cha risala huonesha wazi masuala mbalimbali kama > vile lengo au malengo, mafanikio, matatizo, mapendekezo, maombi > n.k. (hapa ni risala yenywe) - **Mwisho,** baada ya kiini, hufuata hitimisho la risala katika > kuhitimisha huonyeshwa msisitizo, shukrani na jina la mtu > aliyeandika risala kwamba imeandikwa na fulani kwa mfano; i) Risala hii imeandikwa na mkuu wa shule ya sekondari Songwa mwalimu > Mipawa. **MASWALI** 1. a\) Nini maana ya risala? b\) Muundo wa risala unasehemu kuu ngapi? Zitaje. 2. Chora kielelezo kuonyesha muundo wa risala. 3. Ipo tofauti gani kati ya risala na hotuba? Eleza na toa mifano. **UANDISHI WA KUMBUKUMBU ZA MIKUTANO** Huu ni muhtasari wa mambo yote muhimu yaliyojadiliwa katika mkutano. **MALENGO YA KUANDIKA KUMBUKUMBU ZA MIKUTANO** i) Hurahishisha ufuatiliaji wa mambo endapo utahitajika. ii) Kurahisisha utekelezaji wa majukumu. iii) Kutunza marejeo ya vikao vitakavyo fuata na kwa vizazi vya baadae. **MUUNDO WA KUMBUKUMBU ZA MKUTANO** Katika kuandika kumbukumbu za mkutano mwandishi hana budi kuzingatia mambo yafuatayo:- 1. Kichwa cha kumbukumbu -- kitaonesha kuwa, mkutano unahusu nini, mahali ulipofanyika, mada na tarehe ya kufanyika kwake. 2. Mahudhurio, mwandishi anapaswa kuandika orodha ya majina ya watu waliohudhuria mkutano na wasiohudhuria. 3. Ajenda -- ajenda ni mambo yatakayozungumzwa katika mkutano. Baada ya mkutano mambo yaliyojadiliwa katika kila ajenda ni sharti yaandikwe kwa muhtasari. Kwa kila ajenda mwandishi hutakiwa kuonyesha kama ajenda hiyo inakubaliwa. 4. Kufungua mkutano -- mwenyekiti akishafungua mkutano, mwandishi au katibu aandike saa ya kufungua kikao na muhtasari ya yale yaliyozungumzea. 5. Kufunga mkutano -- baada ya majadiliano ya ajenda, mwenyekiti afunge mkutano. Mwandishi wa kumbukumbu azingatie muda au wakati kikao kilipofungwa. **SWALI: NECTA 2011** 1. Andika kumbukumbu za kikao cha wanafunzi kuhusu sherehe ya kumuaga mkuu wenu wa shule aliyepata wadhifa kuwa Afisa Elimu wa mkoa **MAJIBU** MUHTASARI WA KIKAO CHA KAMATI YA WANAFUNZI KUANDAA SHEREHE YA KUMUAGA MKUU WA SHULE KILICHOFANYIKA 20/10/2011 KATIKA UKUMBI WA SHULE KUANZIA SAA 4:00 -- 6:00 MCHANA. **WALIOHUDHURIA (WAWAKILISHI MADARASA)** 1. Jenipher Jackson I A 2. Diana Lucas IB 3. RASHID Kapela IC 4. Annastazia Mwakami IIA 5. Leonard Paul IIB 6. Mahona Charles IIIB 7. Nicholaus Jackson IV > **WASIOHUDHURIA** 1. Anastazia Andrea IIIB (Taarifa) 2. Elias Emmanuel IV (bila taarifa) > **AJENDA** 1. KUFUNGUA KIKAO 2. MAANDALIZI YA SHEREHE 3. MENGINEYO 4. KUFUNGA KIKAO **KUFUNGUA MKUTANO** Kiranja mkuu alichaguliwa kuwa mwenyekiti wa mkutano huo alifungua mkutano saa 4:00 asubuhi kwa kuwaeleza wajumbe madhumuni ya mkutano. **MAANDALIZI YA SHEREHE** Wanafunzi wafuatao walichaguliwa ili kuratibu kupanga na kuandaa na kusimamia sherehe ya kumuaga mkuu wa shule katika sherehe hiyo. Wanafunzi hao ni:- 1. Ndasa Hilu 2. Jenipher Samsoni 3. Jackline mziray 4. Joseph Fabian 5. Daniel Jones Wajumbe hao walikubali na kuahidi ushirikiano ili kufanikisha sherehe hiyo. **MENGINEYO** Wajumbe wasisitiza ushirikiano wa hali ya juu ilikufaniukisha sherehe hiyo. **KUFUNGA MKUTANO** Mwenyekiti alifunga kikao kwa kuwaomba wajumbe wote kuwa na ushirikiano. Kiako kilifungwa saa 6:00 mchana Imeidhinishwa Paschal Kayange Elizabeth Maganga Mwenyekiti Katibu MASWALI 1. Eleza dhima ya kumbukumbu, kasha fafanua mambo ya kuzingatia katika kuandika kumbukumbu. 2. Katika shughuli za mikutano, kumbukumbu za mikutano huandikwa na nani? **UANDISHI WA RIPOTI** Ripoti ni taarifa inayoeleza matokeo ya uchunguzi fulani. Suala fulani kama vile chanzo cha ajali za bodaboda, madhala y amimba katika umri mdogo, janga la ugonjwa wa UKIMWI, madawa ya kulevya. Ripoti huweza kuhusu kisa ulichoshuhudia kama vile wizi, ajali, ugaidi n.k **NAMNA YA KUANDIKA RIPOTI** Kabla ya kuandika ripoti kuwe na ushahidi unaohusu suala au jambo linaloandikiwa ripoti hiyo. **HATUA ZA UANDISHI** Kuna hatua za kufuata katika uandishi wa ripoti 1. **KICHWA CHA HABARI** Mtunzi aandike kichwa cha ripoti ambacho kinaonesha kiini cha ripoti, ripoti inahusu nini, tarehe ya tukio. 2. **UTANGULIZI** Katika hatua ya utangulizi mtunzi aeleze kwa muhtasari madhumuni ya ripoti. 3. **KIINI** Mtunzi aeleze mambo aliyoyaona, chanzo chake na madhara au faida yake. 4. **HITIMISHO** Katika kuhitimisha ripoti, mtunzi aonyeshe msimamo na baadaye mapendekezo yake. Baada ya hitimisho mtunzi aandike au aonyeshe ripoti imeandikwa na nani, cheo chake a tarehe ripoti hiyo ilipoandikwa. **MDAHALO** Mdahalo ni majadiliano yenye utaratibu maalumu. Ni kichocheo cha utafiti na njia ya kueleimishana. Mdahalo hufanywa kwa mashindano ambapo upande mmoja hutoa hoja za kutetea jambo linalozungumziwa na upande mwingine hutoa hoja za kupinga. Kila upande hujitahidi kutoa msimamo wao hadi mwisho **MUUNDO WA MDAHALO** 1. **UTANGULIZI** Utangulizi wa mdahalo huwa na maneno ya kuvuta makini ya wasikilizaji na ndiyo ufafanuzi wa mdahalo hutolewa. 2. **MDAHALO WENYEWE** Mzungumzaji huonyesha msimamo wake kuhusu mdahalo, hutoa hoja za kutetea kwa kutoa hoja zenye ushahidi. 3. **HITIMISHO** Hitimisho huwa na muhtasari wa mawazo makuu yamdahalo. **MAMBO YA KUZINGATIA KATIKA KUFANYA MDAHALO** 1. Mzungumzajianapaswa kuelewa kuwa mdahalo kabla ya kuanza kuutetea au kuupinga. 2. Mzungumzaji apange na aandae hoja zake kutetea au kupinga hoja hizo zinaweza kuandikiwa maelezo mafupi. 3. Hoja zote zipangwe kimantiki. **UHAKIKI WA KAZI ZA FASIHI ANDISHI** ## Uhakiki ni shughuli ya kupima kazi ya fasihi kwa undani ilikuona namna ilivyo katika maudhui na fani na kuelezea jinsi kazi hiyo inavyohusiana na jamii. Mhakiki ni mtu anayechambua kwa uyakinifu kazi za fasihi. Kuhakiki ni kitendo cha kutambua na kufafanua vipengele vya fani na maudhui katika kazi ya fasihi. Vipengele vya fani na maudhui ni kama vile:- i) Muundo ii) Mtindo iii) Wahusika iv) Lugha v) Mandhari Vipengele vya kimaudhui ni kama vile:- i) Dhamira ii) Migogoro iii) Ujumbe iv) Mtazamo v) Msimamo N.B Kazi yoyote ya fasihi inayohakikiwa ni lazima iwe na fani na maudhui **UHAKIKI WA TAMTHILIYA** Tamthiliya yoyote ni michezo ya kuigizab inayofanyika jukwaani au mahali popote pa wazi kama vile kwenye sherehe au kwenye burudani ya aina yoyote. Michezo ya kuigiza tunayoiona kwenye televisheni ni tamthiliya. Uhakiki wa tamthilya kama ilivyo kwa uhakiki wa mashairi na riwaya, huchunguza fani na maudhui. **FANI** Fani ni jumla ya mbinu, ufundi, mtindo wa vipengele vingine vinavyotumika kusawili maudhui. Hivyobasi fani ni umbo la nje la kazi ya fasihi. Katika uhakiki wa fani ya Tamthiliya, vipengele vya fani vinavyotakiwa kuchunguzwa ni muuondo, mtindo, mandhari, wahusika, matumizi ya lugha, taswira na jina la tamthiliya. 1. **MATUMIZI YA LUGHA** Lugha ndiyo nyenzo kuu ya kazi ya fasihi. Lugha ndiyo hutofautisha kazi ya fasihi na kazi isiyo ya kifasihi. Lugha ndiyo huipambanua kazi ya fasihi na aina nyingine za sanaa. Matumizi ya lugha katika tamthiliya huhusisha misemo, methali, nahau, tamathali za semi na vitendawili. Kwa hiyo uhakiki wa tamthiliya hutakiwa kuchunguza ni lugha gani iliyotumika (ngumu au nyepesi) vipengele vipi vya matumizi ya lugha vinavyojitokeza (tamathali za semi, nahau, vitendawili n.k) 2. **MTINDO** Mtindo ni namna mwandishi alivyotumia mbinu mbalimbali ilikubaini vionjo vya kazi na mwandishi mwenyewe kutokana na mazoea. Mtindo wa tamthiliya huwa ni wa daiolojia. Majibizano hufanyika kati ya watu wawili au zaidi amba huongea kwa zamu kwa kufuata utaratibu wa kujibizana. Kwa mfano; **Bella:** Best nilichokuitia siio kusuka tu, nataka tuongee. **Costansia:** Nini tena, harafu mbona huna raha! **Bella:** Mwenzio yamenikuta, si nina mimba, **Costansia:** Mamaa!harafu weweee! Bela we mbishi nimekupigia kelele sana....... Kuhusu uzazi wa mpango........ **Bella:** Kuhusu uzazi wa mpango? Kwahilo sitakaa nikuelewe, najuta ila sitaki niharibu kizazi change. **Costansia:** Nani kakwambia njia za uzazi wa mpango zinaua kizazi? 3. **MUUNDO** Muundo ni mpangilio wa visa na matukio katika kazi ya fasihi. Tamthiliya kimuundo hugawanywa katika maonyesho. Onyesho linapokuwa refu nalo hugawanywa katika sehemu kadhaa. Muundo wa tamthiliya unaweza kuwa muundo sahili, rejeshi au muundo changamano. 4. **MANDHARI** Mandhari (mazingira) ni sehemu ambayo matukio ya hadithi au masimulizi yanafanyika. Mandhari yanaweza kuwa ya kubuni au halisi. Mandhari ya tamthiliya yanawezakuwa yakubuni au halisi (ukweli) 5. **WAHUSIKA** Wahusika ni viumbe hai au sio hai ambao hutumika kuwakilisha matendo, mwenendo na tabia za binadamu wa kweli katika jamii. Tamthiliya lazima iwe na wahusika ambao wanawakilisha wanajamii halisi kwa matendo, kazi na tabia. Mhakiki wa tamthiliya hutakiwa kuchunguza na kubaini wahusika wakuu, wahusika wajenzi na wahusika wadogo. 6. **UJENZI WA TASWIRA** Taswira ni picha zinazojitokeza baada ya matumizi mbalimbali ya semi na ishara. Katika kuhakiki tamthiliya mhakiki hutakiwa kuchunguza aina za taswira zilizotumika na dhana ambazo zinamaanishwa na taswira hizo 7. **INA LA TAMTHILIYA** Tamthiliya yoyote lazima iwe na jina, yaani kichwa katika tamthiliya. Tunaangalia uhusiano wa jina la kitabu na yaliyomo. Hali kadhalika jalada la kitabu na uhusiano wake na maudhui ya kazi inayohusika. **MAUDHUI** Maudhui ni jumla ya mawazo yote ya mwandishi. Maudhui hujumuisha dhamira, migogoro, ujumbe, mafunzo, mtazamo, msimamo na falsafa. 1. **DHAMIRA** Dhamira ni wazo au mawazo makuu ambayo yamejitokeza katika kazi ya fasihi. Mambo muhimu ya kuchunguza zaidi wakati wa kuhakiki tamtiliya ni mawili, nayo ni:- i) Dhamira kuu ii) Dhamira ndogondogo > Mhakiki huchunguza dhamira kuu ni ipi na dhamira ndogo ni ipi. 2. **MIGOGORO** Migogoro ni hali ya mivutano au migogoro inajitokeza kati ya wahusika wawili au zaidi katika tabaka fulani na tabaka jingine kutokana na kutokubaliana juu ya mambo mbalimbali. Mambo haya yaweza kuwa ya kiuchumi, kisiasa au ya kijamii. Mhakiki wa tamthiliya hutakiwa kuchunguza mambo makubwa matatu, nayo ni wahusika wa migogoro, chanzo cha migogoro na hatima ya migogoro. 3. **UJUMBE** Ni funzo ambalo msomaji wa kazi ya fasihi hupata baada ya kusoma kazi fulani ya fasihi. Mafunzo ni jumla ya mambo yote ambayo msomaji wa kazi ya fasihi huyaelewa baada ya kusoma kazi fulani ya fasihi. 4. **MTAZAMO WA MWANDISHI** Huu ni msimamo ambao mwandishi na kazi ya fasihi anakuwa nao anaposhughulikia matatizo mbalimbali. Mtazamo wa mwandishi waweza kuwa wa kiyakinifu au kidhanifu. Msimamo wa mwandishi waweza kuwa wa kupinga au kuunga mkono jambo fulani. 5. **FALSAFA** Falsafa ni mwelekeo na imani ya mwandishi katika kazi ya fasihi. **UCHAMBUZI WA TAMTHILIYA** ***Jina la kitabu: Ngoswe -- Penzi kitovu cha uzembe.*** ***Mwandishi: E. Semzaba*** ***Mchapishaji: Nyambari Nyangwine Publishers*** ***Mwaka: 2006*** **UTANGULIZI** Kwa ujumla tamthiliya inaonyesha jinsi Ngoswe karani wa sense aliyetumwa kuhesabu watu vijijini alivyoharibu kazi yake kwa kuendekeza statrehe, ulevi na mambo ya mapenzi. Ngoswe alimtorosha binti wa mjumbe mitomingi aitwaye Mazoea. Lakini katika harakati za kutoroka mazoea alidondosha mkoba ambao ulikua na karatasi za sense. Mzee Mitomingi aliyekuwa akiwafukuza aliuokota mkoba huo na kurudinao nyumbani kwake ambapo alizichoma karatasi za sense mbele ya Ngoswe ambaye alirudi nyumbani pamoja na Mazoea baada ya kuona kuwa mkoba umeokotwa na itakuwa ni kazi bure kutoroka na mazoea bila kuwa na mkoba wake. **MAUDHUI** Dhamira kuu katika tamthiliya hii ni "uzembe ni adui wa maendeleo" uzembe huu umejitokeza katika sura mbalimbali za tamthiliya hii ambapo mhusika mkuu Ngoswe aliuonyesha uzembe wake kwa kujihusisha na anasa za ulevi na mapenzi ambavyo viliharibu kazi yake ya sense. Licha ya uzembe uliojitokeza katika dhamira kuu, kuna dhamira mbalimbali zilizojitokeza aktika tamthiliya hii. Dhamira hizi zinaonyesha masuala mbalimbali yaliyojitokeza kama ifuatvyo:- 1. **HASARA ZA ULEVI** Ulevi huharibu mipango ya kazi na kuzaa uzembe. Baadhi ya mabalozi walikuwapo vilabuni wala hawakujali kuwa ilikuwa ni siku ya sense. Mzee Mitomingi analalamika (U.K 6) **Mitomingi:** Haya ni matatizo, yote hii shauri ya pombe. Sina shaka mzee Chapuuka yupo kilabuni. **Ngoswe:** Hawezi kwenda kuitwa? **Mitomingi:** Haitasaidia, mkewe tu hana habari ya kuhesabu watu sembuse hao wengine! Kwa leo haiwezekaniki. > Pili, Ngoswe na balozi Mitomingi walikunywa pombe aina ya mnazi mpaka > wakalewa. Ngoswe amelewa pombe ya mnazi na kusinzia na kusababisha > baadhi ya karatasi kuungua moto. Ulevi ni jambo la htari katika kazi > na ni lazima upigwe vita kwenye jamii zetu. 2. **SUALA LA MAPENZI** Mapenzi na kazi ni vitu viwili ambavyo vikitendwa kwa wakati mmoja kazi huathirika. Ngoswe alipokuwa kazini katika kuhesabu watu alimpenda Mazoea binti mitomingi. Mapenzi kati ya Ngoswe na Mazoea yalisababisha karatsi za sense kuchomwa moto na mjumbe. "Mpenzi Mazoea nakupenda kifani sina" UK 22 " Mazoea hana raha bila ya kumwona fulani" UK 23. Maneno haya yanadhihirisha jinsi mapenzi yao yalivyokuwa yakitendeka. Mapenzi ya Ngoswe yanaonesha kuwa ni ya kitoto, na kwa vile ni ya kitoto, inaonekana wazi hayakufuata taratibu za mila na desturi zinazofuatwa na wanajamii. Kutokana na hali hiyo kazi ya kuhesabu watu inaharibika. 3. **UMUHIMU WA ELIMU** Elimu ni chombo muhimu kwajamii kama inatumiwa inavyostahili. Katika tamthiliya hii, suala la elimu linaonekana kutotiliwa maanani sana na wanakijiji ambako Ngoswe alikwenda kuwahesabu. Familia nyingi zinaeleza kuwa watoto hawasomi kwasababu shule ziko mbali na pale wanapoishi wao. (UK. 16) Kutokana na shule kuwa mbali yaelekea maendeleo ya kijijini yamebaki kuwa duni. Mfano unaonekana ni ule wa huduma muhimu kama hospitali kuwa mbali na pale wanapoishi (UK. 16). Ili upate maendeleo suala la elimu lazima litiliwe mkazo. Kwa upande mwingine elimu ikitumiwa vibaya haiwezi kuleta faida. Lwa mfano Ngoswe aliyekuwa amepata elimu ya kutosha ameshindwa kuitumia vyema katika kuleta ufanisi wa kazi. Ili elimu iweze kuwa ya manufaa ni lazima itumike katika kubadilisha jamii na kuisukuma mbele katika maendeleo. 4. **NDOA ZA MITARA** Suala la mitara imeonyesha athari mbovu katika malezi na utulivu wa familia nzima. Mwanaume akioa wake wengi familia inaongezeka na kuw kubwa kiasi cha kushindwa kutoa huduma muhimu. Familia ya Mitomingi ina watoto ambao huduma zao zinatia mashaka. Pia wanawake wanaoolewa katika mitara hawaelekei kuwa na upendo wa kweli katika familia yao. Mfano; Mama Inda na Mama Mazoea hawakuwa wanapendana kwa dhati. Kwasababu ya kutopendana ugomvi hauhepukiki miongoni mwao. Hivyoo basi tamthiliya ya Ngoswe inatoa tahadhari na onyo la kuoa mitara (wake zaidi ya mmoja) 5. **SUALA LA UMASIKINI** Umasikini unajitikeza katika vijiji vya asili kutokana na masiha duni wanayoishi hao. Maisha duni yalisababishwa na kutokuwepo kwa mipango bora ya kuviendeleza vijiji hivyo vya asili. Mfano; "Bwana utalala kibanda kilepale ingawa kinavujavuja" vilevile nyumba za wanakijiji ziko mbalimbali na vigumu kupeleka huduma "Nyumba hadi nyumba ni saa nne. Hii ni picha iliyojitokeza inayoonyesha umasikini katika vijiji vya asili. 6. **UJINGA** Ujinga kama umasikini umejitokeza kwa kutokuwepo mipango ya kuwaendeleza wanavijiji. Vijijini shule hakuna, shule ziko mbali. Mitomingi anamwambia Ngoswe hakuna shule hapa karibu, wazee hatusomagi wasomi ni nyie wa mjini (uk. 7). Watu wengi hawajui kusoma na kuandika. Mzee Jimbi anashindwa kujua umri wake (uk 10). Mzee mitomingi anashindwa kusoma kitambulisho cha Ngoswe (UK 3). Ili kuondoa ujinga miongoni mwa jamii ni lazima shule na huduma nyingine muhimu zisogezwe karibu na watu. 7. **IMANI ZA UCHAWI NA USHIRIKINA** Jamii ya balozi Mitomingi inaelekea pia kuwa na imani ya uchawi na ushirikina. Kwa mfano wakati wa kuhesabu watu baadhi wanaamini kuwa wachawi ndio wanaohesabu watu ili wawauwe (uk 14) **Mama:** "Sasa baba utatuhesabu vipi? **Mitomingi:** Kwanini? **Mama:** kama utatuhesabu basi wewe ni mchawi. **Mitomingi:** Mbona sikuelewi! **Mama:** Mchawi ndiye anayehesabu watotio wa wenzie ili awaroge, sasa wewe umchawi? Hata kama humchawi siwezi kukubali utuhesabu maana siwezi kujua kama nia yako ni mbaya au nzuri. Kutokana na hali hiyo wanavijiji wanashikilia imani za uchawi na ushirikina. Mtu akiugua wanaamini kuwa amelogwa. Kuhesabiwa waliamini kuwa ni mwiko kwa kuwa wakihesabiwa watakufa kwani kuhesabu watu ni kuwafanya wapungue yaani wafe. Mfano mzuri ni pale mama anamwambia Mitomingi "Kama utatuhesabu basi wewe u mchawi (UK 14) pia Mama wa kwanza anamwambia Mitomingi "wamemroga bure mmewangu alikufa akiwa na nguvu zake (UK 16) Kwa ujumla haya ni mawazo ambayo hayana umuhimu wowote kwa jamii zetu. Kufa kwa mtu si kurogwa tu ni pamoja na maradhi na kutompeleka hospitalini. Hivyo msanii anatahadharisha jamii kuwa imani hizi potofu lazima zipigwe vita. 8. **HATARI YA UVIVU.** Kijiji cha balozi Mitomingi kinaelekea kuwa na watu wengi wavivu. Watu wanajihusisha zaidi na ulevi kuliko kufanya kazi ili waweze kuinua uchumi wa familia zao. Kutokana na uvivu jamii ya akina Mitomingi haina maendeleleo, hakuna shule wala hospitali. Suala hili la uvivu linaelekea kuathiri kazi zozote zinazowahusu watu hao. Hapa msanii anaitahadharisha kuwa uvivu ni sumu ya maendeleo. 9. **MALEZI** Malezo bora kwa watoto ni wajibu wa wazazi. Mama Mazoea alikuwa akimpa maadali binti yake Mazoea ili asiwe anajitokeza kwa wanaume. Mamam Inda alikuwa hampendi Mazoea akimkanya bintiye. Alikuwa akitaka Mazoea awe na tabia mbaya. 10. **KUDHALILISHWA MWANAMKE** Wanawake wamedhalilishwa sana katika tamthiliya hii. Mitomingi anamkaripia mkewe mama Mazoea mbele ya Ngoswe (UK 18). Mitomingi anamwambia Mama Mazoea mbele ya Ngoswe na Mama indawaamke jogoo la kwanza wapike uji (UK 6). Mitomingi anawaambia wake zake kuwa akili zao ni sawa na Mazoea. Nyien wanawake akili zenu wote sawa si Mazoea si Mama yake (UK 26). 11. **UTAMADUNI** Wanakijiji walikuwa wakishangaa jinsi Ngoswe alivyokuwa na tabia tofauti na wao. Ngu zake zilikuwa za mtindo wa pecos na wanavijiji walimwita msarawili. Tabia ya Ngoswe ya kumkumbatia Mazoea ilimshangaza sana Mama Mazoea "Mama Mazoea anasema "mwenzangu tena nashindwa hata kusema. Hivyo walivyokuwa wamakumbatiana utafikiri ni bwana na bibi" (UK 26). Hata hivyo tabia na kitendo cha Ngoswe kumtorosha Mazoea kwa lengo la kumuoa bila kufuata utaratibu ni kinyume na mila na tamaduni za vijijini. 12. **NAFASI YA MWANAMKE KATIKA JAMII.** Tamthiliya ya Ngoswe imemchira mwanamke katika vipengele mbalimbali. Kwanza mwanamke namechorwa kama chombo cha starehe. Katika tamthiliya hii wanaume wameonekana kuwatumia wanawake kuoa mitara iliwanawake watumike kukidhi haja za wanaume. Pia Ngoswe alimtumia Mazoea kama chombo cha starehe. Pili mwanamke amechorwa kama kiumbe duni asiye na maamuzi. Mfano mzuri ni Mama Mazoea na Mama Inda na wote hawana sauti katika familia zao. Tatu mwanamke amechorwa kama mzazi na mlezi wa familia. Mfano mzuri ni Mama Inda na Mamam Mazoea ba watoto wengine katika Familia zao. Kwaujumla mwanamke amedidimizwa sana katika Tamthiliya hii, kwani amechorwa kama mwathirika wa kila aina ya uonevu na unyanyasaji. Mwanamke hathaminiwi na hafikiriwi kuwa anaweza kuchangia jambo lolote la maana. Tabia hii ya Mitomingi nay a wanaume wengi kuwadharau wanawake ni jambo ambalo lazima lipigwe vita. 13. **MVUTANO BAINA YA MIJI NA VIJIJI** Mwandishi ameonyesha tofauti za maisha ya mjini nay ale ya vijijini. Maisha ya mjini yanaonekana kuwa bora zaidi ya yale ya vijijini. Mjini kuna huduma bora za kijamii kama vile shule, hospitali na barabara. Pia mwandishi ameonesha tofauti za kiutamaduni kati ua mjini na vijijini kitendo cha Ngoswe kumtorosha Mazoea bila ridhaa ya wazazi wake ni kinyume na taratibu za vijijini, lakini jambo la kawaida kwa upande wa mjini na ni kutokana na kitendo hicho Ngengemkeni Mitomingi anachana karatasi za hesabu ya watu. Aidha Ngoswe anapendekeza watu kuishi pamoja kijamaa kwa upande wa Mitomingi anaona kuwa kuna umuhimu kwa watu wa mjini kufundishwa kuishi kijamaa ili aweze kuyajua vizuri maisha ya watu wa vijijini. Mwandishi anaona kuwa ilikuondoa mvutano kati ya miji na vijiji ni lazima watu wa mjini wajifunze taratibu za masisha ya watu wa vijijini ambao hawajaathirika sana na utamaduni wa kigeni. 14. **MIGOGORO** Migogoro ni migongano kati ya pande mbili au zaidi zinazokinzana kufikia uamuzi au kuafikiana katika jambo fulani. i. Mgogoro kati ya Ngoswe na wazazi wa Mazoea, inatokea ma uamuzi wa Ngoswe kumpenda Mazoea na kujaribu kumtorosha na Mitomingi akaziunguza karatasi za sense. ii. Mgogoro kati ya Mama Mazoea na Mazoea chanzo chake Mama Mazoea anapo mfuatilia binti ye katika nyendo zake mbalimbali za nyumbani. iii. Mgogoro kati ya Ngoswe na serikali unatokana na kitendo cha Ngoswe kuharibu kazi za hesabu ya watu. iv. Mgogoro kati ya Ngoswe na nafsi yake. Ngoswe alijilaumu kwa uzembe alioufanya na kusababisha karatasi za sense kuchomwa moto. v. Mgogoro wa utamaduni, Ngoswe anajikuta matatani alipoingiza tabia zake za mjini kwenye vijiji. Alizoea tabia za mjini za kupata wanawake hivihivi tu biala ndoa ndiyo maana alijiingiza katika mapenzi na Mazoea. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 15. **UJUMBE** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. Ulevi ni kikwazo katika maendeleo ya nchi. Ili tuendelee tunahitaji kutupilia mbali ulevi na uvivu katika jamii zetu. ii. Si jambo jema kuchanganya kazi, starehe na mapenzi wakati wa kazi uwe wa kazi tu na wakati wa starehe uwe wa starehe tu. iii. Elimu ni kitu muhimu sana katika jamii, na jamii isipokuwa na watu waliolelimika haiwezi kuendelea. iv. Ujamaa ndiyo njia ya kuondokana na matatizo ya ujinga, umaskini na maradhi. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 16. **FALSAFA** Mwandishi anaamini kuwa jamii inaweza kuingia katika matatizo pale inapochanganya vitu viwili kwa wakati mmoja. 17. **MSIMAMO** Mwandishi anamsimamo wa kimapinduzi, kwani amezungumza wazi juu ya matatizo mbalimbali yanayoikabili jamii kama vile umasikini, ulevi, maradhi uvuvi na tatizo la ndoa za mitara. **FANI** 1. **MUUNDO** Muundo ulitumika katika tamthiliya hii ni muundo wa moja kwa moja. Tamthiliya imegawanywa katika maonyesho matano, na kila onyesho lina kichwa cha kitaswira kinachoendana na yanayo jadiliwa. Hivyo msanii ametumia lugha y apicha kuonesha jinsi matukio yalivyokuwa yakiongezeka. Kwa mfano; sura ya kwanza ameiita kijito, sura ya pili Vijito, sura ya tatu ameiita mto, sura ya nne ameita Jito. 2. **MTINDO** Mwandishi ametumia mtindo wa dayolojia ambapo watu huzungumza na kujibizana na kutenda mambo mbalimbali, pia mtindo wa usimulizi upo kwa wahusika wenyewe na kuna ufafanuzi kwenye mabano. Mwisho ametumia ngonjera kuonyesha mazungumzo kati ya Ngoswe, Mitomingi na serikali. 3. **MATUMIZI YA LUGHA** Lugha iliyotumika katika tamthiliya hii ni nyepesi yenye lahaja za watu wa vijijini inayoeleweka kwa kila msomaji. Mwandishi anajitahidi sana kupamba lugha yake kwa kutumia tamathali za semi na mbinu nyingine za kisanaa pia kuna matumizi ya taswira (picha) A. **TAMATHALI ZA SEMI** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. **Tahibiha,** ni kulinganisha vitu kwa kutumia viounganishi maalum > kwa mfano:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Vumbi jekundu kama ugoro wa subiani (UK 2). b) Hebu kwanza tazama sarawili yake miguuni kama kengele ya bomani (UK 7). c) Nilitoka hapa na kujitupa kitandani kama gogo (UK 19). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ii. **Tahititi:** ni mbinu ya kisanaa ambayo mhusika huuliza swali > ambalo jibu lake analifahamu. Kwa mfano > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. **Tasfida:** hii ninahusu kupunguza ukali wa maneno kwa mfano:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Wala hajarudi ingekuwa ni kujisaidia si angekuwa amekwisha maliza? (UK 21) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` iv. **Mubalagha:** tammathali ya semi inahusu kutia chumvi neon > ilikuonesha msisitozo. > **Kwa mfano** a) Kujibu swali ni mwaka mzima \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ b) Jogoo wa kwanza tu kila mmmoja awe ameamka kutupikia uji (UK 5) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` v. Kejeli, huleta maana iliyo kinyume na ile iliyokusudiwa ama kinyume > na ukweli ulivyo. > Kwa mfano: a) pombe nay eye ni pete na chanda (UK 15) vi. **Taashira,** tamathali hii ni jina la kitu kidogo au sehemu ya kitu > inayowkilisha kitu kikubwa au kitu kamili. > **Kwa mfano;** a) Kuhusu mtungi. (UK 8) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` B. **MBINU NYINGINE ZA KISANAA** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. Mdokezo, ni mbinu ya kuanza kueleza wazo lakini haumalizi kwa mfano. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Mazoea: sijui \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ siwezi \_ \_ \_ \_ \_nina mwogopa baba (UK 22) b) Ngoswe: huyu motto wenu kwanza anaishi hapa au (UK 16) c) Nilikuwa ni \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ (UK 8) d) Kifaruhande naye ha \_ \_ \_ \_ (UK 8) e) Lakini bba \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ (UK 32) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ii. Tanakali sauti, (onomatopea), ni mbinu ya kuiga sauti au tabia. > Kwa mfano: a) Ngoswe anacheka Ha! Ha! Ha! (UK ) b) Alaa (UK 5) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` iii. Takriri, ni mbinu ya kurudia rudia maneno au silabi. > Kwa mfano. a) Karibu, karibu (UK 2) b) Acha tu, mwanangu acha tu (UK ) c) Hodi! Hodi! (UK 5) d) Makaratasi mengimengi (UK 5) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` C. **MISEMO** > Kwa mfano; a) Amefyeka mahari (UK 24) b) Ametia for a (UK 15) c) Kazi ya Mungu haina dosari (UK 14) d) Kata mzizi wa fitina(UK 10) e) Kupiga vibanga (UK 14) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` D. **METHALI** > Kwa mfano:- a) Penye nia pana njia (UK 23) b) Waona vyaelea vyaundwa (UK 25) c) Kuuliza kutaka kujua (UK 9) d) Mtu akuwaziae uovu haji kweupe (UK 15) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` E. **VITENDAWILI** > Kwa mfano a) Hebu keti tutupe mawe pangoni (uk 12) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` F. **MATUMIZI YA TASWIRA** > Taswira mbalimbali zimetumiwa na mwandishi katika tamthiliya hii. > Mwandishi ametumia taswira ya mto kwa kuhusisha na matukio ya > wahusika. > > Mwandishi analinganisha mwanzo wa mchezo na kijito. Kijito ni mto > mdogo sana. Hivyo matatizo na maelezo ya sehemu hii ni madogo > siomakubwa. > > Taswira ya vijito inaonyesha kuwa maswala yanayoshughulikiwa hapa > yameongezeka ingawa sio mazito. Ngoswe yuko mtoni katika shughuli ya > kuvuka bila shaka maji ua mto ni mengi (matatizo mengi). Sehemu ya > jito inaashiria kuna hatari mno (matatizo). Hatimaye Ngoswe anazamna > bahari na kupotea. Hapa ni kwamba Ngoswe amezama, makaratasi > yanachomwa moto na Mitomingi kutokana kosa kumtorosha Mazoea. 4. **WAHUSIKA** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. **Ngoswe** - Huyu ndiye mhusika mkuu katika tamthiliya hii. - Ni msomi anayepewa kazi ya kuhesabu watu - Ni kijana mwenye umri wa miaka25 -- 30 - Ni mzembe asiyejali kazi. - Sio mwaminifu ni kijana mwasherati. - Anawakilisha vijana wanaolewa na kusahau wajibu wao. - Alijali mapenzi na kusababisha tawkimu kuchomwa moto. - Ngoswe ni mfano wa watu wanaochanganya kazi na starehe. Matokeo yake ni kuharibu kazi. - Hafai kuigwa na jamii. 2. **Ngengemkeni Mitomingi** - Ni balozi - Anawake wawili - Hajui kusoma wala kuandika - Anawajibika vizuri kama balozi katika shughuli ya sense. - Anachma karatasi za tawkimu kutokana na Ngoswe kujaribu kumtorosha mazoea. - Anafaa kuigwa na jamii kwa ukarimu na awajibikaji. 3. **Mazoea** - Msichana wa umri wa miaka 18 -- 20 - Mwepesi wa kushawishika - Ni msichana aliyechumbiwa - Anawakilisha wasichana wa vijijini ambao ni rahisi kuvutiwa na wavulana wa mjini wanaovalia vizuri. - Pia mazoea anawakilisha wanawake wasio na msimamo maalum katika mapenzi. - Hivyo hafai kuigwa katika jamii. 4. **Mama Inda.** - Ni mke wa pili wa mzee Mitomingi. - Ana kijicho hapendi kuona mama Mazoea akimrekebisha tabia binti ye. - Ni mlezi wa familia. 5. **Mama Mazoea** - Mke wa kwanza wa Mitomingi. - Mwoga kwa mume wake. - Mama mwenye maadili mema kwa binti yake. - Ametumika kuonesha mwanamke anavyo dhalilishwa. 6. **Kifaruhende** - Ni balozi - Amewajibika vizuri watu wake wote wanahabari kuhusu sense. - Ni mcheshi na mwenye utani. - Anafaa kuigwa na jamii. 7. **Huzuni** - Mtoto wa kiume wa Mitomingi. - Anaheshima. Anambebea Ngoswe mzigo wake na kumpeleka kwao. - Anafaa kuigwa. 8. **Chapuuka** - Ni mzee balozi. - Hakuwajibika, watu wake hawana habari ya sense. - Hajali kazi ya serikali wala familia yake. - Mlevi alijidamkia vilabuni siku ya sense kuhesabu watu. - Hafai kuigwa na jamii. 9. **Mzee jimbi** - Mzee mwenye umri upatao miaka sitini - Hajui kusoma na kuandika. - Mume wa mama masikio. - Ana wake wawili. - Ni mbishi analazimisha aongezewe miaka. 5. **MANDHARI** Mandhari ya kijijini imetumika. Kijiji jicho kipo nchini Tanzania. Ni vijiji vya asili kabla ya ujama watu waliishi mbalimbali maisha ya shida, ujinga, umasikini na maradhi hali aliyoiacha mkoloni. 6. **JINA LA KITABU** Jina la kitabu Ngoswe penzi kitovu cha uzembe, linasadifu vizuri yale yaliyomo ndani ya kitabu hiki. Ngoswe ni jina la mhusika mkuu ambayo aliendekeza mapenzi na kuharibu kazi yake ya kuhesabu watu. 7. **KUFAULU/KUTOFAULU** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) **KUFAULU KWA MWANDISHI** > Mwandishi amefaulu kueleza uzembe unaotokana na mapenzi na ulevi. > Maudhui ya tamthiliya ya meona vizuri na fani yake, pia ametumia lugha > rahisi inayoeleweka kwa wasomaji. ii) **KUTOFAULU KWA MWANDISHI** > Mwandishi ameshindwa kutoa ufumbuzi thabiti wa matatizo yaliyoelezwa > kwenye tamthiliya hii. Kwa mfano mazungumzo kati ya serikali, Ngoswe > na Mitomingi hayatoi ufumbuzi thabiti kwani ufumbuzi alioutoa hauoani > na matatizo yaliyoelezwa katika tamthiliya. **UCHAMBUZI WA TAMTHILIYA** **Jina lakitabu: Kilio chetu** **Mwandishi: MEDICAL AID FOUNDATION** **Wachapishaji: Tanzania Publishing House (TPH)** **MWAKA: 1996** Kilio chetu ni tamthiliya ilitungwa na Medical Aid Foundation. Katika Tamthiliya hii kama asemavyo Vivian Mmari mwenyekiti wa Aid Foundation katika utangulizi wake anajaribu kuvunja ukimya uliotawala miongoni mwa wanajamii katika kutatua matatizo makubwa ya kijamii yatokanayo na mahusiano ya kijinsia. Tunasikia sauti za vilio vya watoto wanaodai haki ya kuelimishwa kuhusiana na mambo yanayoweza kuathiri maisha yao. Wanataka wazazi, walezi na watawala wao kuwa wazi ili kuyanusuru maisha yao. Ni imani ya mwandishi kwamba matatizo kama yale ya mimba katika umri mdogo, magonjwa ya zinaa kama UKIMWI, na kusambaratika kwa maadili katika jamii yamaweza kutatuliwa kwa kuwapa elimu watoto. Watoto wapatiwe elimu ya jinsia badala ya kuwajengea hofu au vitisho ambavyo kusema kweli ni silaha duni katika mapambano haya. **MAUDHUI:** Tamthiliya ya kilio chetu imebeba maudhui yanayozungukia mambo kadha wa kadha yanayohusu gonjwa la UKIMWI. Pengine ni vizuri kupitia dhamira zilizojitokeza katika tamthiliya hii. 1. **DHAMIRA KUU:** > **"MAPAMBANO DHIDI YA UKIMWI NA ELIMU YA JINSIA"** > > Umuhimu wa elimu ya jinsia ni suala ambalo limetawala katika > Tamthiliya hii. Kwa upande mmoja kuna wazazi na walezi ambao wako > tayari na wameamua kuvunja ukimya kati yao na watoto wao na kuzungumza > nao waziwazi juu ya mahusiano ya kijinsia na madhara yake. Wahusika > hao ni mjomba, Mama Anna na Baba Anna. > > Kwa upande mwingine kuna wazazi na walezi wanaoshikilia ukale. Hawa > wanaamini kwamba kuzungumza na watoto habari zinazohusu ngono na > mapenzi ni sawa na kuwafundisha tabia mbaya ya kujamiiana mapema. Mama > Suzi na mama Joti ni watetezi wa msimamo huu. Matokeo yake ni kupoteza > watoto. Baba Joti alipoteza mtoto wake kwa kutompatia elimu ya jinsia > mapema. > > Kilio chetu inahimiza juu ya umuhimu wa watoto nao kupatiwa elimu ya > UKIMWI. Hii yote ikiwa inatokana utambuzi kwamba, vijana wengi > wanapoteza maisha yao kutokana na kukosa elimu hiyo. Elimu kuhusu > janga la UKIMWI inahusisha suala zima la uhusiano wa kijinsia. > Tamthiliya inabainisha hayo kupitia wahusika wake ambao ni Mama Anna > na Baba Anna. Hivyo basi mila potofu zinazopinga watoto wadogo kupewa > elimu hiyo ni lazima zitupiliwe mbali ili kuokoa maisha ya watoto. **DHAMIRA NDOGO NDOGO** Zipo dhamira nyingine kadha wa kadha ambazo zimejadiliwa chini ya dhamira kuu, nazo ni mapenzi katika umri mdogo, huduma kwa wenye UKIMWI, usaliti, tiba ya UKIMWI, Mila na desturi zinazofungamana na ukale pamoja na tama na athari zake. 1. **Mapenzi katika umri mdogo.** Kimsingi watoto wadogo hawapaswi kujihusisha na mambo ya ngono mpaka hapo umri wao unapowaruhusu kuoa au kuolewa. Huu ndio msingi na msimamo wa mila na desturi za kiafrika na hata dini zetu. Kinyime chake watoto wanaanza kushiriki matendo ya ngono katika umri mdogo jambo ambalo ni hatari kwa maisha yao. Hali hii imesawiliwa barabara katika tamthiliya ya kilio chetu. Watoto wa shule ya msingi kama vile Suzi, Joti, Mwarami, Choggo na wengine wanaonekana kushiriki vitendo vya kujamiiana katika umri mdogo. Baya zaidi watoto wanashiriki kujamiiana na wanawake au wanaume wanaowazidi umri jambo ambalo ni hatari kwa maisha yao. Kwa mfano Joti alikuwa akiparamia mpaka wasichana wanaomzidi umri kama vile Chausiku. Madhara ya mapenzi katika umri mdogo ni kufukuzwa shule, kupata mimba zisizotarajiwa, kuambukizwa magonjwa ya zinaa pamoja na kifo. 2. **Mapenzi na ndoa** Mwandishi wa tamthiliya ya kilio chetu amejaribu kuonesha kuwa katika jamii kuna aina mbili ya za mapenzi, mapenzi ya dhati na mapenzi yasiyo ya dhati (mapenzi ya uongo). Pamoja na kuwepo kwa janga la UKIMWI bado watu wanaendelea kutokuwa waaminifu katika ndoa zao. Mwandishi anamtumia mama Joti kuwa ndoa yake imeingiliwa na mwanamke mwingine. Hivyo basi baba Joti ni mfano wa wanandoa wasio na mapenzi ya kweli. Hata hivyo UKIMWI hauchagui wenye ndoa au wasio na ndoa. Aidha Baba na mama Anna ni mfano wa wanandoa walio na mapenzi ya dhati katika familia yao. 3. **Huduma kwa wenye ukimwi** Mwandishi anatueleza kuwa kugusana kwa kawaida na mgonjwa wa ukimwi hakuambukizi. Kwa mfano kugusa nguo zake, kupeana mikono, kuvuta hewa ya mgonjwa na kula naye hakuna madhara. Aidha anajadili umuhimu wa kumtunza mgojwa wa ukimwi. Msanii anamtumia mhusika mjomba kuwashauri baba Joti na mama Joti kumpa matunzo mazuri, upendo, na chakula mgonjwa Joti. Anashauri mgojwa asitengwe badala yake apelekwe hospitalini kwa tiba zaidi. 4. **Tiba ya ukimwi** Kumekuwepo na mikanganyiko mingi miongoni mwa wagonjwa wa ukimwi na wagonjwa wanao wauguza. Wengi wao hawataki kuamini kwamba wanaugua ukimwi, hata baada ya vipimo vya hospital kuthibitisha hivyo, badala yake hutawanya rasilimali kwa kutafuta tiba kwa waganga wa kienyeji. Baba Joti alitumia pesa na mali nyingi kupeleka kwa mafundi. Mwandishi akimtumia mjoma kupinga waziwazi tabia ya kutapatapa badala ya kukubali ukweli ya kwamba UKIMWI hauna tiba na tena unaua. Hivyo basi hamna tiba ya UKIMWI. 5. **Mila na desturi** Mila na desturi zinazofungamana na ukale pia limechukua nafasi katika Tamthilia hii. Baadhi ya makatazo ya dini , mila na desturiza kiafrika hayatoi nafasi ya wazazi na watoto kuongea mambo yanayohusu kujamiiana. Hata hivyo kushikilia mila na desturi hizi katika enzi hizi za ukimwi ni sawa na kusema waache watoto wafe kwa ukimwi. Ili kulinisuru taifa la kesho lazima jamii ikubali kuachana na mila na desturi zilizopitwa na wakati. 6. **Tatizo la mmomonyoko wa maadili** Tamthilia ya kilio chetu inatuonyesha kuhusu upotofu wamaadili uliopo kati ya jamii hususani miongoni mwa vijana wetu. Tamthilia inatuonyesha namna vijana wadogo wanavyojihusisha na vitendo vya ngono, licha ya kuzuiliwa na wazazi wao. Jambo hili ni kielelezo cha mmomonyoko wa maaadili katika jamii. 7. **Madhara ya UKIMWI.** Ukimwi husababisha kifo. Madhara haya yanaonyeshwa katika tamthilia ya kilio chetu. Tamthilia inahitimishwa kwa kuonyesha kifo cha mhusika Joti. 8. **Dhana ya imani na uchawi na ushirikina.** Kilio chetu imeonyesha kuwepo kwa imani za uchawi na ushirikina katika jamii zetu za kiafrika. Mtu anapougua wanajamii hukimbilia kuhusisha tatizo hilo na kurogwa. Mwandishi anatuonesha jambo hilo kupitia kwa mhusika Jilani ambaye anawashauri wazazi wa Joti kuwa wampeleke Joti kwa mganga wa jadi. 9. **Tamaa ya ngono na athari zake.** Tamthiliya ya kilio chetu inaonesha namna tamaa ya ngono inavyowachochea vijana wengi kujihusisha na vitendo vya ngono hatimaye kupata UKIMWI na kufa. Jambo hili lilioneshwa kupitia maongezi ya kihunzi baina ya Jumbe, Choggo, Joti na Mwarami. 2. **NAFASI YA MWANAMKE KATIKA JAMII** Mwandishi wa Tamthiliy aya kilio chetu wamemchora mwanamke katika nafasi na sura kadha wa kadha. Kwanza, mwanamke amechorwa kama chombo cha starehe kinachotumiwa na wanaume kukidhi haja zao za kimwili. Suzi na Chausiku walikuwa wakitumiwa na Joti ilikukidhi tamaa yake ya mwili. Pili, mwanamke amechorwa kama mzazi na pia mlezi wa familia. Nafasi hii inashikiliwa na Mama Joti, Mama Suzi pamoja na Mama Anna wanaonekana kutoa mchango mkubwa katika malezi. Tatu, mwanamke kama kiumbe duni na mnyonge kiasi kwamba hawezi kuchukua hatua zozote. Nafasi hii inashikiliwa na Mama Joti anagunduam tatizo katika ndoa yake lakini haonyeshi ujasiri wa kuchukua hatua, badala yake ananunua kanga zenye maandishi. Nne, mwanamke amechorwa kama mshauri na mwelimishaji rika. Mfano mzuri Anna anamshauri na Mwarami asikimbilie masuala ya mapenzi badala yake asubiri hadi wakati utakapofika na siyo kufanya hivyo katika umri mdogo. Tano, mwanamke amechorwa kama mtu mwenye msimamo thabiti, mwakilishi wa nafasi hii ni Anna. Anakataa kufanya mapenzi katika umri mdogo licha ya kudanganywa na Mwarami. Hata jamii yetu ya watanzania wanawake wa aina ya Anna wapo ingawa ni wachache lakini wapo. 3. **MIGOGORO** Migogoro ni mikinzano au kutoelewana kati ya pande mbili au zaidi kunakotokea katika kazi na fasihi. Thamthiliya ya kilio chetu imejengwa juu ya migogoro kadhaa. Migogoro mingi ni kati ya kundi linaloshikilia ukale na lile linalotaka mabadiliko katika malezi ya watoto kuhusiana na elimu juu ya mahusiano na jinsia. Kwanza, mgogoro kati ya Mama Suzi na bintiye. Mgogoro huu unatokana na vidonge vya kuzuia mimba kukutwa katika mfuko wa nguo za shule za Suzi. Suzi anaadhibiwa na mama yake kama njia ya kukomesha tabia hii ya kufanya mapenzi katika umri mdogo. Pili, mgogoro kati ya Joti na mpenzi wake Chausiku. Mgogoro huu unatokana na tabia ya Joti kuwa na wasichana wengi anaotembea nao. Chausiku anaahidi kumuunguza Joti na wasichana wake kwa moto hasa baada ya kugundua kwamba vitu anavyomhonga Joti anavitumia kwa wasichana wengine. Tatu, kuna mgogoro kati ya kundi linaloshikilia ukale na lile linalodai mabadiliko katika maisha ya vijana na watoto. Mama Suzi na Baba Joti ni wahusika wasiopenda mabadiliko. Lakini Baba Anna pamoja na mjomba ni wahusika wanaodai mabadiliko ndani ya jamii. Nne, mgogoro kati ya Mwarami na rafiki zake ambao ni Joti, Choggo na Jumbe juu ya suala la ngono. Pia kuna migogoro mingine mingi kati ya wahusika wafuatao. Mgogoro kati ya Mwarami na Anna juu ya kufanya mapenzi katika umri mdogo. Mgogoro kati ya Suzi na Anna juu ya suala la utoaji wa mimba. 4. **UJUMBE** Ujumbe ni mafunzo mbalimbali yanayopatikana baada ya kusoma kazi ya fasihi. Ujumbe unaopatikana katika tamthiliya hii ni kama ifuatayo hapa chini. (i) Asiyefunzwa na wazazi hufunzwa na ulimwengu. Ikiwa na maana kuwa mafunzo wapatayo watoto kutoka kwa wazazi wao ni bora zaidi. (ii) Ugonjwa wa UKIMWI hauna dawa na pia unaua. Kwa hiyo wazazi na walezi watoe elimu ya jinsia kwa watoto na walezi watoe elimu ya jinsia kwa watoto wao ili kuwaepusha na gonjwa hatari la UKIMWI. (iii) Mambo mazuri hayahitaji haraka, hapa ni kwamba vijana na watoto wasikimbilie mambo ambayo wakati wake bado. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. **MTAZAMO WA MWANDISHI** Msanii anautazama ulimwengu kwa jicho pevu na yakinifu. Anaona kitu kinachobadilika, hivyo hata jamii inapaswa kubadilika. Msimamo wa mwandishi ni wa kimapinduzi. 6. **FALSAFA YA MWANDISHI** Mwandishi anaamini kwamba kuwapa watoto elimu ya jinsia, siyo kuwafundisha umalaya bali ni kuwafanya watoto wajitambue. **FANI YA TAMTHILIYA** Fani ni kiumbiumbi cha nje cha kazi ya fasihi. 1. **Muundo** > Tamthiliya ya kilio chetu imechukua muundo wa mojakwamoja. Visa > vimeelezwa kwa mtiririko bila kukatizwa. Mchezo unaanzia katika sehemu > ya kwanza ambapo maelezo kuhusu kuingia kwa dubwana (UKIMWI) katika > kisiwa. > > Sehemu ya pili inatujulisha kuhusu kifo cha Fausta na pia habari za > Suzi kufanya mapenzi zinajulikana kufuatia kukutwa na vidomge vya > kuzuia mimba. Hapa tunamwona mjomba na baba Anna wanaeleza umuhimu wa > elimu ay jinsia. > > Sehemu ya tatu inaeleza kwamba wanaoitwa watoto si watoto tena kwani > wameshajiingiza katika mambo ya ngono. Mahusiano ya ngono kati ya > Joti, Suzi, chausiku, Gelda, Yoranda na Sikujua yanajulikana. > > Sehemu ya nne tunaoneshwa nmna mtoto aliyepewa elimu ya kijinsia > anavyoweza kukabiliana na visawishi. Mhusika Anna kupitia yeye > tunapata kuona elimu ya jinsia. > > Sehemu ya tano Suzi anagundulika kuwa ana mimba ya Joti na huenda > ameambukizwa UKIMWI. > > Sehemu ya sita inagundulika kuwa Joti anaugua UKIMWI na ushauri > unatolewa na mjomba kwamba apewe matunzo mazuri ili aweze kuishi kwa > matumaini. 2. **Mtindo** > Mwandishi wa tamthiliya ya kilio chetu ametumia mitindo mbalimbali > kamam vile mtindo wa daiolojia, mtindo wa nyimbo (uk 1, 27 na 35) > mtindo mwingine ni mwanzo na mwisho wa kifomula kama vile paukwa > .............. pakawa ......... (uk. 1), pia ametumia mtindo wa > masimulizi na kuna ufafanuzi kwenye mabano. 3. **Matumizi ya lugha** Lugha iliyotumika katika tamthiliya hii ni nyepesi kwa walengwa na hadhira yake. Pia mwandishi ametumia tamathali za semi na mbinu nyingine za kisanaa. a) **Methali** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) Asiye fundwa na mama hufundwa na ulimwengu (uk. 36) ii) Wembamba wa reli, treni inapita (uk. 6) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` b) **Misemo** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) Kisa cha kukimbilia suti na nepi hujavaa (uk ii) Mapenzi ni tiba (uk iii) Wewe nae unakuwa nyumanyuma kama koti (uk ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` c) **Tamathali za semi** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) **Tashibiha** - Mbona umekuwa mgumu kama pingu. - Miti inayo ungua kama mabua. - Watu walipukutika wakapukutika kama majani. ii) **Sitiari** - Huyu kinyago wako anakimbia nini? d) **Mbinu nyingine za kisanaa** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) **Ona matopea (tanakali sauti)** - Wacha moyo unipwite pwi, pwi, pwi uk - Basi vupu, nikadondoka tukazunguka nyuma uk ii) **Takriri** - Piga domo, piga domo (uk iii) **Mdokezo** - Kulipa mia tatu tu ndani.................. uk - Lakini chau .................... uk ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. **WAHUSIKA** Wahusika wa fasihi ni watu ama viumbe wanaowakilisha tabia halisi za watu katika jamii. > Tamthiliya ya kilio chetu wahusika wake karibu wote wanahadhi sawa > kiasi kwamba sio rahisi kuwatenga katika makundi ya wahusika wakuu na > wadogo. I. **Mama Suzi** - Huyu ni mama yake Suzi. - Haamini kwamba binti mdogo anaweza kufahamu mambo ya mapenzi. - Anampiga mwanae Suzi baada ya kukuta vidonge vya kuzuia mimba. - Mwenye kushikiria msimamo wa kizamani. - Anawakilisha kundi la wazazi ambao hawaamini katika kusema na watoto > wao mambo yanayoweza kuhatarisha maisha. II. **Suzi** - Huyu ni mtoto wa Mama Suzi. - Anasoma darasa la sita pamoja na Joti na Mwarami. - Ni mpenzi wa Joti. - Anapigwa na mama yake kwa kukutwa na vidonge vya kuzuia mimba. - Anapata mimba na inaelekea ana UKIMWI kutoka kwa Joti. - Anawakilisha wasichana wanajihusisha na mapenzi katika umri mdogo. - Hafai kuigwa katika jamii. III. **Chausiku** - Ni msichana wa mitaani. - Ana tabia mbaya. - Anafanya mapenzi na watoto anao wazidi mbali kwa umri kama Joti. - Anawapenzi wengi kama Joti na mpemba mwenye duka. - Hafai kuigwa katika jamii. IV. **Baba Joti** - Ni baba yake na Joti. - Ni jilani yake na akina mama suzi. - Ameshikilia msimamo wa kizamani. - Ni msaliti kwani anatembea na wanawake wengine nje ya ndoa yake. - Anaamini viboko ndiyo njia nzuri ya kudhibiti tabia za watoto. V. **Baba Anna** - Ni baba yake Anna. - Amefaulu kufundisha elimu ya jinsia kwa watoto. - Ana amini kwamba iwapo watoto wataelimishwa barabara hawata dhubutu kujihusisha na masuala ya kijamii. - Yeye na mke wake wameweza kukaa na watoto wao na kuwa elimisha madhara ya kufanya mapenzi katika umri mdogo. VI. **Joti** - Mwanafunzi shule ya msingi darasa moja na akina Suzi, Choggo, Jumbe na Mwarami. - Ana mahusisano ya kimapenzi na wasichana wengi kwa mfano; Suzi, Chausiku, Yoranda, Gelda na Sikujua. - Hakupata elimu ya juu ya athari za ngono. - Anaugua UKIMWI na kufa. VII. **Mjomba** - Ana ushauri mzuri, anamshauri Baba Joti asiende kwa waganga. - Anashauri Joti apewe matunzo mazuri ili aweze kushi kwa matumizi. - Ni kaka yake na Mama Suzi. VIII. **Chogo, Mwarami na Jumbe.** - Wavulana wanaosoma na Joti - Hawa wamekwisha jiingiza katika mapenzi na wasichana. - Wanatabia ya kuangalia magazeti ya picha za uchi na sinema za X. 5. **MANDHARI** Mandhari katika tamthiliya ni ile sehemu au mazingira ambamo matukio yanatokea. Mandhari ya tamthiliya hii ni ya mjini. Hii inathibitishwa na mhusika Mwarami alikuwa akimuuliza Anna soda na mihogo kule uwanja wa sabasaba. 6. **JINA LA KITABU** Kilio chetu ni jina la kitabu linalo akisi yale yaliyo katika kurasa za ndani za Tamthiliya hii. Kilio chetu ni kilio cja jamii nzima kuhusu gonjwa la UKIMWI. UKIMWI umepoteza maisha ya watoto, vijana, wazazi na ndugu zetu ambao ni muhimu sana katika ustawi wa wa familia na wanajamii kwa ujumla. Kiliochetu kwa ujumla ni jina la kitabu ambalo linasadifu yaliyo ndani kwa namna mbalimbali. Hivyo kilio chetu kinasadifu yaliyomo ndani kwa kuonesha vilio vinavyotokana na UKIMWI na pia vilio vilio vya kuhitaji msaada kuepuka madhara ya UKIMWI. 7. **KUFAULU NA KUTOFAULU** - **KUFAULU KWA MWANDISHI** Kimaudhui mwandishi amefaulu kueleza jamii UKIMWI ni kitu gani, njia zinazoambukiza na kijikinga na namna ya kuhudumia wagonjwa wa UKIMWI. Mwandishi amesisitiza umuhimu wa elimu, uwazi na ukweli. Kisanii mwandishi amefaulu kuumba wahusika wa rika mbalimbali ambao ni muhimu katika kupambana na UKIMWI. - **KUTOFAULU KWA MWANDISHI.** Mwandishi ameonyesha vijana ndio waathirika pekee wa UKIMWI badala ya kuonyesha watu wote. Pia ameonyesha njia moja tu ya kupata UKIMWI ambayo ni ngono zembe. Kumbe kuna njia nyingi tu. **UCHAMBUZI WA TAMTHILIYA YA** **Jina la kitabu: Orodha** **Mwandishi: Steve Reynolds** **Wachapishaji: Macmillan** **Mwaka: 2006** Orodha ni tamthiliya ambayo ina onyesho moja na onyesho lenyewe lina sehemu ishirini (20) 1. **MAUDHUI** > Orodha ni tamthiliya ya Tanzia Ramsa ambayo inachambua tatizo la > UKIMWI katika sehemu za vijijini katika bara la Afrika. Ni tamthiliya > ambayo ina jaribu kutumia mazingira halisi ya vijiji vyetu vya > kiafrika, mila na desturi za kiafrika ili kuweza kueleza namna ugonjwa > wa UKIMWI unavyotafuna maisha ya watu wengi barani Afrika na > kwingineko. > > Mwandishi anajaribu kuvunja ukimya na kuamua kueleza mambo ya msingi > ya kuzingatia katika mapambano haya ya kutoko meza gonjwa hili la > UKIMWI. Mwandishi anaorodhesha mambo hayo kuwa ni:- i) Matumizi ya kondomu. ii) Utoaji wa elimu sahihi. iii) Uadilifu wa watu wote katika jamii. iv) Uwazi wa kuzungumzia tatizo lenyewe. v) Uwajibikaji kwa jamii nzima kwa nafasi tulizonazo. vi) Upendo ndani ya jamii. **DHAMIRA ZINAZOJITOKEZA** 1. **Mapambano dhidi ya ugonjwa wa UKIMWI -- Dhamira kuu.** Tamthiliya ya orodha inahusu ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Mwandishi amekusudia kutoa taarifa muhimu kuhusu ugonjwa hatari wa UKIMWI. Dhamira hii kuu ya UKIMWI imeelezwa kwa namna ambayo watu wanaelimishwa kuhusu mambo hayo yanayoweza kuwekwa katika makundi yafuatayo:- i) Ukosefu wa elimu sahihi kuhusu UKIMWI. ii) Umaskini iii) Mmomonyoko wa maadili. iv) Kukosekana kwa uwazi, ukweli na upendo. > Mwandishi anaona kuwa mambo haya ndiyo kiini cha tatizo hili la > ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Ili jamii inusurike na janga hili hatuna budi > kuzingatia:- i) Ngono salama. ii) Uaminifu. iii) Elimu. iv) Upendo. v) Msamaha. vi) Uadilifu. vii) Ukweli na uwazi. Kwa ujumla dhamira ambazo zinajenga dhamira kuu ni pamoja na hizi zifuatazo:- i) Umaskini. ii) Kukosekana kwa elimu. iii) Dhana potofu. iv) Mmomonyoko wa maadili. v) Mapenzi na ndoa. vi) Ukosefu wa huduma za afya. vii) Unafiki. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) **UMASKINI** > Hii ni hali ya mtu au jamii kukosa uwezo wa kupata uhitaji katika > maisha yao ya kila siku. Mwandishi anabainisha kuwa umaskini ni moja > ya vyanzo vikuu vinavyo fanya wasichana kutumbukia katika mambo > yasiyofaa kama ulevi na umalaya. Haya yanajitokeza pale Mary anaposema > "nkimvuta furaha pembeni, nimekwambia hawa jamaa ni buridani ........ > hata yule mshamba Juma. Sikia pata burudani na kuwa mwema kwa Ecko. > Anaweza kukununulia vitu vingi sana! Unadhani wasichana wadogo hapa > kijijini hapa wanapataje viatu vipya, magauni na mabegi mapya > iliwapendeze.......... Wapendeze kiasi cha kuvutia vijana wazuri wa > kiume? Uk 7. > > Kutokana na umaskini wasichana hujirahisisha kwa wanaume wenyepesa > iliwapate pesa za kupata mahitaji yao muhimu kama vile nguo, viatu na > mabegi mapya. Mwandishi anaona kwamba vita dhidi ya UKIMWI iende > sambamba na ukombozi wa kiuchumi. ii) **KUKOSEKANA KWA ELIMU/UJINGA** > Elimu ni maarifa yanayomsaidia mtu kupambana na maisha. Mtu asipokuwa > na elimu sikuzote huwa ni mjinga. Mwandishi wa tamthiliya ameonesha > kuwa kikwazo kingine cha vita dhidi ya UKIMWI ni kukosekana kwa elimu. > Mwandishi anaona kuwa elimu ya UKIMWI itolewe kwa watu wa vijijini. > Watu wanapaswa kuelewa UKIMWI ni nini? Unaambukizwaje? Matibau na njia > za kujikinga. Katika kijiji ambacho Furaha alikuwa akiishi inaonekana > watuwengi hawafahamu vyema kuhusu UKIMWI, ukweli wa hoja hii unaweza > kuthibitishwa na mazungumzo ya wanakijiji. > > **Mwanakijiji wa 3:** Lakini amewezaje kupata ugonjwa kama huo! > > **Mwanakijiji wa 1:** Rahisi! Kuna mtu kamroga ........ pengine rafiki > msichana mwenye wivu. > > **Mwanakijiji wa 2:** Nasikia unapatikana kwa kugusana tu. > > **Mwanakijiji wa 4:** Au hata kwakuwa nao katik achumba kimoja. > > Mazungumzo ya wanakijiji hawa yanadhihilisha wanakijiji wengi > hawafahamu njia zinazosababisha maambukizi. Kwahiyo ilituweze > kutokomeza gonjwa hili hatari lazima wananchi wapewe elimu sahihi > kusuhu ugonjwa wa UKIMWI na virusi vya UKIMWI. iii) **MAPENZI YA NDOA** Tamthiliya ya Orodha inaonyesha aina kuu mbili za mapenzi ambazo ni mapenzi ya dhati na mapenzi ya uongo. Mapenzi ya dhati yameonyesha kati ya wazazi wa Furaha na watoto wao. Mapenzi haya yanadhihilishwa na upendo wa dhati uliopo kati ya baba, mama na watoto wao. Pia hata baada ya kuugua Furaha wazazi wake waliendelea kumpenda kama hapo awali. Mapenzi yasiyo ya kweli hupelekea watu wasiwe waaminifu kwa wenzi wao mfano mzuri ni ni Bwana Ecko. Hakuwa na mapenzi ya dhati kwa mkewe na matokeo yake yeye mwenyewe Bw. Ecko na mkewe wapo katika hatari ya maambukizi ya Virusi Vya UKIMWI. Vilevile mapenzi yasiyo ya dhati yamejitokeza kati ya Furaha na Bw. Ecko, mapenzi yao yaliegemewa kwenye pesa na vitu. Furaha alifanya mapenzi na Bwana Ecko ilikupata pesa na vitu. Furaha na wasichana wengi wa kijijini walijali zaidi vitu na pesa badala ya mapenzi ya dhati. Matokeo yake wanaishia kuambukizwa UKIMWI. iv) **UKOSEFU WA HUDUMA ZA AFYA** Kijijini maisha ya watu yanapotea kwasababu huduma za afya ziko mbali sana. Huduma za afya zinaelezwa hapa ni pamoja na utoaji wa elimu ya afya zinazoelezwa hapa ni pamoja na utoaji wa elimu ya afya inayohusu magonjwa hatari kama vile malaria, kifua kikuu, saratani ya uzazi na UKIMWI, upimaji wa magonjwa haya na kuwashirikisha wanawake katika mapambano ya UKIMWI. Haya yanathibitishwa na mama Furaha anaposema "Fuaraha alikuwa kadhohofika mno hakuweza kuinuka kitandani. Daktari kutoka mji wa karibu alifika na kuchukua sampuli ya damu ilikupima maralia. Mzee wa kijiji alifika na dawa zake za uganga. Daktari wa mjini alirudi. Alitaka ampeleke Furaha kwenye hospitali ya karibu. Hii inathibitisha kuwa vijijini hakuna huduma za afya. v) **UKWELI NA UWAZI** Msanii anaona kuwa umefika wakati wa kuwa wakweli na wawazi kama kweli tunania ya kutokomeza UKIMWI. Furaha baada ya kubainika kuwa yu mwathirika, hakumficha Salim, bali alimweleza ukweli kuwa anao UKIMWI. (UK -- 29) **Furaha:** Nina UKIMWI, Salim. **Salim:** Hapana, huwezi kuwa na uhakika pengine malaria......... au TB ....... Magonjwa hayo ni ya kawaida sana Afrika. Furaha anakuwa muwazi na mkweli ili kunusuru jamii yake na Afrika nzima. vi) **KUKOSEKANA KWA UWAJIBIKAJI** Kuwajibika ni hali ya kutekeleza kwa vitendo na kwa ukamilifu yaleyote yanayotakiwa kutekelezwa. Tamthiliya ya orodha inaonyesha wazi namna wanajamii wengi wasivyo wajibika ipasavyo katika vita dhidi ya UKIMWI. Wahusika kama padre James, Juma, Bw. Ecko, Mary na Furaha hawaonekani kufanya hadhari yoyote dhidi ya UKIMWI. Furaha katika barua yake anakiri kuwa kutowajibika ni moja kati ya mambo yaliyosababisha apate UKIMWI. **NAFASI YA MWANAMKE KATIKA JAMII** Tamthiliya ya orodha inamwonyesha mwanamke katika nafasi kubwa mbili. > Kwanza mwanamke anaonyeshwa kama chombo cha starehe. Nafasi hii > inawakilishwa na Furaha pamoja na Mary. Walikuwa wakitumiwa na Ecko > pamoja na Juma kamavyombo vya starehe. > > Pili mwanamke ameonyeshwa kama mzazi na mlezi. Nafasi hii inashikiliwa > na mama Furaha. Mama Furaha ndiye aliye mzaa Furaha na kumlea yeye > pamoja na wadogo zake. **UJUMBE** **Ujumbe mkuu kwa jamii ni kwamba:** 1. Kila mwanajamii afanye hadhara dhidi ya UKIMWI kwanjia mbalimbali, njia mojawapo ilikuwa ni kuepuka zinaa. 2. Wasichana waepuke tama ya maisha ya anasa kwani wengi wao imewaletea umauti. 3. Ulevi ni chanzo cha matatizo. Furaha alikuwa ni msichana mwenye maadili mema. Mara baada ya kuanza kujiingiza kwenye ulevi ndipo matatizo mengi yalianza kuibuka. 4. Asiye sikia la mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu. Furaha ni msichana ambeye alikuwa akikaidi ushauri wa wazazi wake. Matokeo yake alijikuta akiambukizwa UKIMWI na kusababisha kifo chake. **MIGOGORO** 1. Mgogoro kati ya Mama Furaha na padri James kuhusu kusoma orodha aliyoandika Furaha. Padri James anapinga kusoma barua hiyo. Suluhisho Mama furaha anaisoma kwa nguvu. 2. Mgogoro kati ya Furaha na dada mdogo, katika katika harakati za kutoroka usiku kwenda baa. Suluhisho Furaha ana ahidi kumchinja mdomo iwapo atamsemea kwa Mama yake. 3. Mogogoro kati ya Furaha na Salimu kuhusu orodha, suluhisho Salim ana amriwa atoke nje aende zake. 4. Mgogoro kati ya Baba na Furaha kuhusu kutoroka bila kuaga na pia kujihusisha na ulevi na umalaya. Suluhisho ni baba kumpiga mwanae na kumuonya kwa maneno. 5. Kuna migogoro nafsi, hii inatokea zaidi kwa wahusika Ecko, Juma, Salim na padre James. Chanzo cha mgogoro nafsi, hiyo ni hofu ya uwezekano wa majina yao kuwemo katika orodha ya furaha. Migogoro inakwisha baada ya kusomwa kwa barfua ambayo inataja mambo mengine itofauti na majina yao. **MSIMAMO WA MWANDISHI** Mwandishi wa tamthiliya ya orodha anamsimamo wa kiyakinifu amechambua ugonjwa wa UKIMWI bila ya kuficha jambo. Mwandishi amebainisha kuwa ukosefu wa kondomu vijijini, uadilifu, elimu, uelewa, uwazi, ukweli, uwajibikaji, na msamaha ndiyo huchangia vifo vya watu. **FALSAFA YA MWANDISHI** Falsafa ya mtunzi wa tamthiliya hii kuhusu janga la UKIMWI ni ya kuamini kwamba njia ya kuondoana na tatizo hilo ni kwa kila mwanajamii kuwa mwaminifu na mwadilifu, kuwa na elimu kuhusu UKIMWI, kutumia kondomu kama kinga, kuwa mkweli na pia kuwa muwazi. 2. **FANI** Fani ya orodha inaundwa na muundo, mtindo, lugha, wahusika, mandhari na jina la kitabu. A. **MUUNDO** Mpangilio wa visa na matukio ni changamano. Sehemu ya kwanza na ya pili inazungumzia mazishi ya Furaha. Sehemu ya tatu hadi ya kumi inazungumzia maisha ya Furaha hadi kifo chake. Kwakifupi muundo ni mchangamano kwani sehemu ya kwanza nay a pili ni mazishi na sehemu ya tatu hadi ishirini ni moja kwa moja. B. **MTINDO** Kwa upande wa mtindo wa tamthiliya ya orodha imetumia mtindo wa majibizano na masimulizi. Mwandishi ametumia mtindo wa dayolojia kwa kiasi kikubwa sana katika kazi zake. Ni sehemu chache san amwandishi ametumia monolojia. Mfano mzuri ni padre James alikuwa akizungumza peke yake kabla ya kuondoka (uk -- 10) pia masimulizi yamejitokeza pale Mama Furaha alipokuwa akisimulia peke yake uk 20. Pia mwandishi ametumia mtindo wa lugha ya mitaani ili kuakihi lugha ya watu wa mtaani, kijiweni na lugha ya mateja. (uk 14) **MATUMIZI YA LUGHA** Kitabu kimetumia lugha inayo eleweka, pia ya kisanaa. Imeshehenezwa tamathali za semi na mbinu nyingine za kisanaa. A. **Tamathali za semi** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` I. **Tashibiha** - Yeye ni kama punda wa kijijini (uk 18) - Kisura ni kama jiji la New York (uk 13) - Vipande vinaanguka kama theluji (uk 43) II. **Sitiari** - Nyie mbu wadogo (uk 4) III. **Mubalagha/udamisi (Hypabole)** - Nusu ya kijiji kizima IV. **Tafsida** - Kama uliyoizoea wewe, mayai yangu madogo (uk 7) - Kama ulivyofanya wewe, mishikaki yangu midogo (uk 7) > Mhusika ambaye ni Juma anapotaja mayai yake madoho na mishikaki midogo > anamaanisha sehemu zake za siri. B. **Mbinu nyingine za kisanaa** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) **Mdokezo** > Kwa mfano - Furaha ...... fur........tuta....... (uk 9) - Uepukaji ............ (uk 44) - Ndiyo padre ................... ni ............. (uk 8) ii) **Takriri** > Kwa mfano - Padri James ...... hili ni jambo zito sana ...... sanasana ..... > sana hasa... (uk 9) iii) **Tanakali sauti** > Kwamfano - Myaan! (uk 33) - Ooowww! (uk 35) C. **Picha na Taswira** Mwandishi ametumia lugha ya picha mfano mzuri matumizi ya neno "mbu". Mbu ni neno linalotumika kuleta taswira ya utegemezi kwa njia ya kunyonya damu. D. **Misemo, Nahau na misimu.** Kuna matumizi ya misemo, maneno ya kiingereza, maneno ya kutohoa na misimu. Kwa mfano - Wewe ni bomba kichizi, mwanangu nitakulinda (uk 14) - Poa mshikaji, Ganja, majani, kujivinjari (uk 14) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Mshikaji -- rafiki - Ganja, majani -- bangi - Mwanangu -- mtu wa karibu - Bomba mchizi -- sawa rafiki/ndugu - Nitakulinda -- nitakusaidia - Poa -- vizuri sana **WAHUSIKA** I. **Furaha** - Huyu ni msichana wa umri wa kati ya miaka 13 -- 19 - Ni mhusika mkuu katika tamthiliya hii. - Ni mwathirika wa UKIMWI. - Ni malaya. - Ni mkweli na pia ni muwazi. - Anawakilisha wasichana wasio na msimamo thabiti kwani aliweza kuyumbishwa na Mary. - Anafaa kuigwa kwa ukweli na uwazi kuhusu ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Hafai kuigwa na jamii kwa tabia ya ulevi na umalaya. II. **Mama Furaha** - Mama mzazi wa Furaha. - Ni mchapakazi. - Ni mama mwenye upendo - Ni mkweli - Anamsimamo - Anafaa kuigwa katika jamii kwani ni mama asiye teteleka katika ulezi wa watoto na familia nzima. III. **Baba** - Ni baba mzazi wa Furaha - Ni mkali, ana lugha kali kwa wanawe. - Ana upendo IV. **Mary** - Ni rafiki yake Furaha - Ni msichana Malaya na mlevi - Hafai kuigwa na jamii V. **Dada mdogo** - Huyu ni ndugu wa kike wa Furaha. - Ni mdogo wa umri - Mwoga VI. **Daktari** - Huyu ni mtaalamu wa afya kutoka mjini. - Ndiye alichukua sampuli ya damu ya Furaha. - Ni mchapakazi VII. **Salim** - Ni kijana wa kiume msomi. - Ni rafiki wa kiume wa Furaha. - Si mtu mwadilifu pia sio muwazi wala mkweli. - Anaweza kuwa mwathirika wa UKIMWI japokuwa alitumia kondomu siku alizokutana na Furaha. VIII. **Padre James** - Ni mtumishi wa Mungu katika kanisa la katoliki. - Ana cheo cha upadri. - Ni dhaifu wa wanawake. - Si mwadilifu pia sio mkweli - Anaweza kuwa mwathirika wa UKIMWI. - Hafai kuigwa katika jamii IX. **Bw. Ecko** - Ni mwanamke mtu mzima. - Ni mfanya biashara. - Ni mlevi na pia ni mzinzi. - Si mwaminifu kwenye ndoa yake. - Ni mwathirika wa UKIMWI - Hafai kuigwa na jamii X. **Bw. Juma** - Ni mwanamke mtu mzima. - Ni rafiki yake bwana Ecko. - Ni mtu mwenye tama, mzinzi na mlevi. - Ana lugha chafu. - Hafai kuigwa na jamii **UAINISHAJI WA WAHUSIKA** Wahusika katika tamthiliya ya orodha wamegawanyika katika makundi makuu matatu. 1. Wahusika wakuu 2. Wahusika wasaidizi au wadogo 3. Wahusika wajenzi > Mhusika mkuu ni mmoja tu ambaye ni Furaha. Amejitokeza toka mwanzo > hadi mwisho. Furaha kabeba dhamira kuu ambayo ni UKIMWI na ni mhusika > pekee aliye kuwa kwa UKIMWI. > > Wahusika wasaidizi ni Mama Furaha, Bw. Ecko, Bw. Juma, Padri James, > Mary, Salim, Baba na kitunda, wahusika hawa wanabeba dhamira > ndogondogo. **Kwamfano;** 1. Mama Furaha -- dhamira ya upendo, ukweli, malezi na uwazi. 2. Padre -- James -- uadilifu na uwajibikaji. 3. Salim -- elimu 4. Bw. Ecko, Bw. Juma -- ulevi, usaliti, uaminifu na uzinzi. 5. Kitunda -- ulevi, madawa ya kulevya na uhuni. > Wahusika wajenzi ni Dada mdogo, Daktari na mzee wa kijiji. Wahusika > hawa wamejitokeza ama maramoja au wametajwa tu ili kunawilisha dhamira > fulani. **MANDHARI** Mandhari ya orodha ni Tanzania katika kijiji ambacho hakijatajwa jina. Kwa ujumla mwandishi ametumia mazingira ya kijijini ambako watu hajapata elimu sahihi kuhusu ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Matukio yametokea katika viunga na barabara za vijijini, sehemu za baa na nyumbani **JINA LA KITABU** Orodha ni jina la kitabu ambalo linasaidifu yaliyomo ndani yake. Ndani ya kitabu mhusika mkuu Furaha kabla ya kifo aliacha barua yenye orodha ya mambo ya muhimu ya kuzingatia ili kuiokoa jamii nzima kutokana na janga la UKIMWI. Orodha yenyewe ni kondom, uaminifu, elimu, uelewa, uwazi, uadilifu, uwajibikaji, ukweli, upendo na msamaha. Orodha ni jina la tamthiliya linalowiana na maudhui ya tamthiliya yenyewe kwa vile inaonyesha orodha ya mambo mbalimbali yanayochangia maambukizi ya UKIMWI katika jamii. Kwahiyo jina la kitabu linasadifu yaliyomo kwani ndani yake kuna orodha **KUFAULU KWA MWANDISHI** I. **KUFAULU KWA MWANDISHI** Mtunzi amefaulu kuonyesha matatizo halisi yaliyo kiini cha kuenea kwa UKIMWI -- Kimaudhui. Kwa upande wa fani mtunzi amefaulu kutumi alugha ambayo inaeleweka. Vilevile matumizi ya lugha yamezingatia tabia za wahusika mazingira na kusudio la msemaji. Kwa ujumla msanii amefaulu kufikisha ujumbe kwa jamii. II. **KUTOFAULU KWA MWANDISHI** Mtunzi katika kuzungumzia tatizo la UKIMWI ameonyesha njia moja tu ya maambukizi ya UKIMWI nayo ni ile ya zinaa ambayo ni kufanya mapenzi yasiyo salama. Zipo njia nyingine zaidi ya hiyo nazo ni kuchangia vifaa vyenye ncha kali, kuongezewa damu isiyo salama ambazi hakuzigusia hata kidogo. **UTUNGAJI WA KAZI YA FASIHI** Kutunga ni kitendo cha kuchagua kisa au tukio na kueleza kwa njia inayovuka daraja la kawaida la upashaji habari. Utungaji wa kazi za fasihi andishi ni mada inayogusa ubunifu wa maandishi. Kubuni ni kutunga kisa kutokana na matukio ambayo mwandishi ama msanii anauzoefu nayo kupitia milango yake ya fahamu. Utungaji unaweza kujitokeza katika maumbo yafuatayo:- I. Utubgaji wa insha. II. Utungaji wa mdahalo. III. Utungaji wa barua. IV. Utungaji wa risala. V. Utungaji wa hotuba. VI. Utungaji wa simu. VII. Utungaji wa ngonjera. VIII. Utungaji wa tamthiliya. IX. Utungaji wa jadithi. X. Utungaji wa mashairi. XI. Utungaji wa tenzi. XII. Utungaji wa dayolojia. XIII. Utungaji wa maigizo. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. **KANUNI ZA UTUNGAJI WA MASHAIRI YA KIMAPOKEO** > Ushairi ni tanzu inayojumuisha tungo zenye mpangilio maalum wa silabi, > maneno na sentensi. > > Mashairi yalianza kale sana hujulikana kama mashairi ya kimapokeo. > Mtunzi wa aina hii ya mashairi huitwa malenga. Mashairi haya hutungwa > kwa kufuata kanuni maalum. **AINA ZA USHAIRI** Mashairi yamegawanyika katika aina kuu mbili ambazo ni:- (1) Mashairi ya kimapokeo. (2) Mashairi ya kisasa. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. **MASHAIRI YA KIMAPOKEO** > Mashairi ya kimapokeo ni mashairi yaliyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia maalumu > za urari wa vina na mizani, utoshelevu wa beti n.k. Hivyo basi > mashairi ya kimapokeo hufuata ruwaza y aurari wa vina na mizani. **KANUNI ZA USHAIRI WA KIMAPOKEO** 1. Vina, ni silabi zinazofanana sauti katik ashairi. Ni silabi zinatamkwa kwa namna moja katika kila mstari wa ubeti wa shairi baada ya mizani kadhaa katika ubeti wa shairi au utenzi. **YEYE NA MIMI** i. Yeye akitabasamu, moyo wangu huu kosha, > Hunipandisha stimu, na mwili hunilegesha, > > Hunizidisha na hamu, mbele yake nimekwisha. ii. Yeye anaponishika, mwili huninyong'onyesha, > Huwa ninapumbazika, na akili hunirusha, > > Ma raha hukamilika, si pungufu yanatosha iii. Yeye na mimi wawili, hatuna tuno bakisha, > Huzugikwa na akili, usiku kucha na kasha, > > Ana mahaba ya kweli, usiku kucha hukesha, > > (kutoka wasaka tonge OUP, 2002, M.S Khatib) Katika ubeti wa kwanza vina vya kati ni "mu" na vina vya mwishoni "sha". Kina cha kati kinatokea katika maneno haya "akitabasamu, stimu na hamu" kina cha mwisho kinatokea katika maneno "huuosho, hunilegesha na nimekwisha". Katika ubeti wa pili vina vya kati ni "ka" na vina vya mwishoni "sha" 2. **KITUO,** ni mstari wa mwisho katika kila ubeti wa shairi. Kituo huweza kuwa kimalizio. Kituo kinaweza kubadilika au kutobadilika vilevile vina vya kituo si lazima vifanane na vya mistari ya juu. Kwa mfano, UA i. Ua limejituliza, mtini kaning'inia, > Mwenyewe laniliwaza, furahani lanitia, > > Ua sasa limepoa, macho walikodolea ii. Ua nililimiliki, toka halijachanua, > Sasa lina washabiki, wote wanalirandia, > > Ua sasa limepotea, macho walikodolea iii. Mwanzo nilikuwa oeke, hakuna lietokea, > Leo wafanya makeke, ua kuligombania, > > Ua sasa limepea, macho walikodolea. > > (kutoka Malenga wapya -- OUP, Dar es Salaam 1997) > > Kituo ni mstari wa mwisho katika kila ubeti wa shairi. Kwa mfano, > katika shairi la ua kituo ni "ua sasa limepea, macho walikodolea". 3. **UBETI,** ni kifungi cheny kuleta maana kamili katik ajumla ya vifungu vilivyomba katika utungo. Ubeti kwa kawaida hubeba wazo kuu mojawapo katika ushairi. Kwamfano; 4. **KIPANDE,** ni kisehemu kimojawapo katika visehemu viwili katika kila ubeti. Kwa mfano; > **MKULIMA** i. Si leo toka zamani, mkulima mtu duni, > Anatabu maishani, tena hapewi thamani, > > Yafaa tutizameni, kisha tuyachunguzeni, > > Si leo toka zamani, mkulima mtu duni > > (malengo wapya) > > Kwa mfano katika mstari wa kwanza kuna sehemu mbili ambazo "si leo > toka zamani" na sehemu ya pili ni "mkulima mtu duni". Kila sehemu ina > mizani 8 minane na mstari mmoja unamizani 16. 5. **MSISITIZO,** ni hali ya kushadidiwa kwa kiini cha jambo au dhamira kuu katika utungo. Mashairi ya msisitizo ni pale ambapo neno moja hurudiwa kila mstari. Kwa mfano **CHARUKA** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. Charuka chacharukaka, mambo kuyakimbili, > Charuka kirukaruka, mipango kufikiria, > > Charuka kikurupuka, mbali uweze fikia, > > Kabla hujapotea, charuka chacharukaka, ii. Charuka ndugu usome, uijue na dunia, > Charuka kaka kiume, mambo usije kosea, > > Charuka dada kwashime, vitabu kuvipekua, > > Safari yaendelea, charuka chacharukaka. iii. Charuka wangu kijana, acha wako uleguru, > Charuka mengi kuona, ili uwe mwelekevu, > > Charuka uje kupona, dunia hii angavu, > > Mashaka yakutulia, charuka chacharukaka, > > (kutoka Malenga wapya) 6. **MUWALA,** ni mtiririko wa maelezo ya shairi ambayo yanatolewa kwa kuzingatia utangulizi kiini na mwisho. Na sio kiini, utangulizi na mwisho au mwisho, utangulizi na kiini. Muwala ni ufuatano wa habari kutoka ubeti hadi ubeti. 7. **MIZANI,** ni jumla ya silabi zilizomo katika kila mstari wa ubeti. Mizani huleta urari wa mapigo, kwani kila mstari unatakiwa uwe na mizani sawa na mwingine. **Kwa mfano;** **JIWE SI MCHI** i. Vinu wenzake ni michi, wala sibadilishi we, > Ufundi haujifichi, utwanzi na mizunguwe, > > Jiwe la manga si fichi, haitakidhi haja we ii. Nafaka haziwi unga, kwa kusagiwa na jiwe, > Utaambulia chenga, mapishi yakuumbuwe, > > Ni lazima kuzitwanga, kinuni zishindiliwe. > > (wasakatonge) Shairi hili lina beti zenye mistari yenye mizani 16 kila mmoja kama ifuatvyo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vi nu we nza ke ni mi chi wa la si ba di li shi we ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mbinu ya kupata ulinganifu wa mizani katika mistari ya mashairi ni pamoja na kutumia maneno ya mkato. 8. **URARI,** ni mpangilio wa mistari ya ubeti, urari wa mistari katika shairi ni namna kila mstari katika ubeti unavyotokea katika nafasi yake sahihi kulingana na maelezo yaliyomo katika mstari huo. 9. **UTOSHELEVU,** shairi la Kiswahili ni lile ambalo kila ubeti unajitosheleza kwa ujumbe. Utoshelezi wa shairi ni namna kila ubeti wa shairi unavyotoa ujumbe unaoeleweka bila kutegemea ubeti mwingine. Kwa mfano; **SISUMBUKIE KICHAA** i. Kichaa kusumbukia, sumbuko usisumbukie, > Jambo hilo zingatia, maoni yangu ushike, > > Kichaa ana udhia, utajuta mwisho wake, > > Sumbuko usisumbuke, kusumbukia kichaa ii. Kichaa hana sheria, katika maisha yake, > Kila litomzukia, hilo ndilo sawa kwake, > > Hatakama akasema, jukumu limuepuke, > > Sumbuko usisumbuke, kusumbukia kichaa iii. Hujui alo murua, mbaya namwema kwake, > Wote atawasumbua, hatimaye awacheke, > > Japokuwa waumia, atoke aendezake, > > Sumbuko usisumbuke, kusumbukia kichaa > > (Malenga wapya) > > Kila ubeti washairi hili ujumbe wake unaeleweka tena unajitosheleza > vizuri pasipo hata kuhitaji maelezo zaidi ya ufafanuzi. 10. **KUWA NA MAANA**, shairi sio lazima lifuate kanuni tu bali shati liwe na maana. Hilo ndilo jambo kubwa sana katika ushairi Kwahiyo mtunzi wa ushairi wa kimapokeo lazima azingatie kanuni hizi wakati wa kutunga ushairi wake. Baada ya kuangalia hayo shairi lazima liwe na "JINA LA SHAIRI" **KANUNI ZA UTUNZI WA TENZI** Tenzi ni tungo za kishairi ambazo zinasimulia kuhusu kisa au historia fulani. Kanuni za utungaji wa tenzi, hazitofautiani na kanuni za utungaji wa mashairi ya kimapokeo. Tenzi kama ilivyokuwa kwa mashairi ya kimapokeo hutakiwa kuwa na vichwa, beti, muundo, na mizazi katika mistari yake. Vilevile tenzi sharti ziwe na vina, kituo, utoshelezi, muwala, urari wa mistari ya beti, lugha ya kishairi pamoja na matumizi ya taswira. Tuangalie beti hizi za utenzi. **Mfano wa utenzi.** i. Ufugaji taaluma, > Ya kutunzia wanyama, > > Ndiyo sanaa ya zama, > > Tulowarithi wanyuma ii. Waliishi kwa kuwinda, > Kula nyama na matunda, > > Vichanga vilivyokonda, > > Kuvifuga walipenda iii. Enzi za kale alianza, > Kwa babu zetu wa kwanza, > > Pangoni wakijibizana, > > Nyumba hawajazianza. iv. Anayeonja asali, > Mzinga hauwi mbali, > > Mwisho wakawa ni nguli, > > Katika hii amali. Katika utenzi hapo juu, kila ubeti unasilabi za mwisho zinazofanan katika mistari yake mine. Ubeti wa kwanza "ma", ubeti wa pili **"da"** ubeti wa tatu "za" na ubeti wan ne **"li"** **TOFAUTI KATI YA TENZI NA MASHAIRI** Tenzi na mashairi hutofautiana hasa katika vipengele muhimu vifuatavyo:- +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | **TENZI** | **MASHAIRI** | +===+================================+==================================+ | 1 | **MUUNDO** | - Mashairi yana uhuru wa | | \ | | kutumia miundo mingine | | . | - Tenzi hutumia muundo wa | tofauti kama vile tathlita, | | | tarbia tu (mistari 4) | takhmisa, tathnia, sabilia | | | katika beti zake | n.k | +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 2 | **UREFU** | - Mashairi kwa kawaida hutumia | | \ | | beti chache | | . | - Tenzi kwa kawaida huwa ni | | | | ndefu kwa vile hutokea | | | | zikiwa katika mtindo wa | | | | masimulizi (huwa na beti | | | | nyingi sana) | | +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 3 | **VINA** | - Mashairi yana vina vya kati | | \ | | na vya mwisho | | . | - Tenzi zina vina vya mwisho | | | | tu, hazina vina vya kati. | | +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 4 | **UREFU WA MISTARI** | - Mashairi yana vina vya kati | | \ | | na vya mwisho | | . | - Tenzi mistari yake ni | | | | mfupi haigawanyiki nusu ya | | | | kwanza naya pili | | +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 5 | **IDADI YA MIZANI** | - Mashairi katika mistari yake | | \ | | huwa na mizani kumi na sita. | | . | - Tenzi huwa na mizani nane | | | | tu. | | +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 6 | Kituo na utenzi hubadilika | - Kituo cha shairi kinaweza | | \ | kutoka ubeti mmoja hadi | kubadilika au kutobadilika | | . | mwingine | | +---+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ **KANUNI ZA UTUNZI WA NGONJERA** Ngonjera ni aina ya ushairi ambapo kuna malumban kati ya watu wa pande mbili. Yaweza kuwa baina ya mtu na mtu au watu na watu. Hivyo basi ngonjera ni tungo za kishairi zinazowasilishwa kwa kutumia mazungumzo ya majibizano baini ya watu wawili au zaidi. Mwishoni mwa ngonjera wahusika hao huwa wanaondoa tofauti zao na kuwa na msimamo mmoja. Hali hiyo hutokea pale mhusika mmoja anapokubali kulegeza msimamo wake na kukubaliana na mtazamo wa mwenzake. Kanuni za utungaji wa ngonjera hazitofautiani na kanuni za utungaji wa mashairi ya kimapokeo. Ngonjera sharti iwe na kichwa, beti, vina, mizani, muwala, utoshelezi, kituo na urari wa mistari ya beti. Pia hutumia lugha ya kisanaa. **Mfano wa ngonjera** **HELENA MBONA NGUO FUPI!** 1. **Baba:** Mwana unanishangaza, leo ndio kukuona, > Wala hata sikuwaza, kwa vazi uliloshona, > > Umegeuka upaza, chupi ya ndani naiona, > > Hii ni tabia gani, kwa vazi unalovaa. 2. **Helena:** Hebu ngoja nieleze, mshono huu ni tasa, > Waupenda manaize, pesa zao kuzitosa, > > Mifuko wasiikaze, na mioyo kutakasa, > > Kwanini uniulize, ni wakati wangu sasa. 3. **Baba:** Mtazame wako mama, vazi alilolishona, Ni vazi lenye heshima, watu wanapomuona, Twaishi hadi kiama, na watu watatuona, Leo vipi wangu mwana, wanivunjia heshima 4. **Helena:** Vazi nilipolishona, nilipokwenda dukani, > Na mama aliniona, mbele y afundi shabani, > > Hakuniambia hapana, mpaka iguse gotini, > > Kwanza sio fupisana, nilivyotaka mwanzoni. 5. **Mama:** Ewe mtoto Helena, nakuona si mzima, > Maneno unayosema, wanivunjia heshima, > > Naona una laana, inayokuja nyuma, > > Kama kweli niliona, yatakutokea kiama. 6. **Helena:** Na nyinyi wzee wangu, mbona mnamsakama, Mnachokitaka kwangu, hamkitaki kusema, Hebu sasa Kiswahili, pia na utamaduni. 7. **Baba:** Kwanza nipe daftari, za kule kwako shuleni, > Nione yako akili, umefuzu mtihani, > > Hesabu na Kiswahili, pia na utamaduni, > > Somo uraia akili, ufuzu kwanza mwanzoni. 8. **Mama:** Mbona tarehe nyingine, haipo daftarini, > Na hasa ya jumanne, hasa hukwenda shuleni, > > Alirudi saa nane, eti katoka shuleni, > > Ni usiku wa manane, moja kwa moja chumbani. 9. **Babu:** Helena utanikoma, nitakuchapa mwilini, > Nikufundishe heshima, uache wako uhuni, > > Nguofupi nitachoma, ukapime za gotini, > > Na ukichoka kusoma, heri jifunze nyumbani. 10. **Naize:** Helena wamemwadhibu, ametulia nyumbani, > Helena sasa katubu, haonekani mtaani, > > Nimekosa matibabu, mwingine hapati kazi, > > Na yeye mama watoto, kachoka kwenda nyumbani. **TOFAUTI KATI YA NGONJERA NA MASHAIRI** +---+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | * | **NGONJERA** | **MASHAIRI** | | * | | | | N | | | | A | | | | * | | | | * | | | +===+================================+=================================+ | * | **WAHUSIKA** | - Shairi hutumia mhusika | | * | | mmoja tu anayezungumza au | | 1 | - Ngonjera hutumia wahusika | kutoa mawazo yake. | | * | wanaojibizana, wahusika | | | * | hao wanaweza kuwa wawili | | | | au zaidi | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | * | **UWASILISHAJI** | - Mashairi huwasilishwa | | * | | kwanjia ya uimbaji. | | 2 | - Ngonjera huwasilishwa kwa | | | * | njia ya uzungumzaji wa | | | * | kujibizana. | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | * | **KITUO** | - Shairi huwa na kituo kimoja | | * | | | | 3 | - Ngonjera huwa na vituo | | | * | tofauti kwa vile kila | | | * | mzungumzaji huwa na kituo | | | | chake | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | * | Ngonjera hutumia sana lugha | - Mashairi hutumia sana lugha | | * | rahisi | ngumu ya kuzama | | 4 | | | | * | Matumizi ya lugha | | | * | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ :- **N.B.** Ushauri ni fungu linalojumuisha tungo zote zenye kutumia mapigo kwa utaratibu maalum. **AINA ZA USHAIRI** Kundi la ushairi lina tanzu nyingi, lakini tunaweza kuzigawa katika makundi matatu ambayo ni:- 1. Nyimbo 2. Ngonjera 3. Maghani **MAGHANI** Maghani ni ushairi unaotolewa kwa kalmia badala ya kuumbwa. Zipo aina mbili za maghani, maghani ya kawaida na maghani ya masimulizi. **NGONJERA** Ngonjera zina muundo wa mashairi ya kimapokeo. Hata hivyo ngonjera huwa katika muundo wa mazungumzo baina ya watu wawili au zaidi. Katika hali hii mhusika mmoja anaweza kueleza jambo kwa ubeti mmoja au zaidi na hapo mwingine akajibu. **NYIMBO** Nyimbo ni kile kinachoimbwa. Ni tungo za ushairi zenye kutumia mahadhi, melodia, mapigo na muwala. Hii ni dhana pana inayojumuisha tanzu nyingi ambazo ni:- i. **Tumbuizo:** Hizi ni nyimbo za furaha ziimbwazo kuwafurahisha watu kwenye matukio mbalimbali kama vile ngomani na harusini. ii. **Bembea:** (pembejezi) hizi ni nyimbo za kubembelezea watoto. iii. **Tenzi:** Hizi ni nyimbo ndefu za kimasimulizi au za mawaidha. iv. **Nyimbo za dini:** nyimbo ziimbwazo makanisani au msikitini, kwa mfano; kasida za kumsifu mtume, nyimbo za wakristo na nyimbo za ibada za jadi. v. **Nyimbo za watoto:** nyimbo waimbazo watoto wakati wa michezo yao. vi. **Mbolezi:** nyimbo za kilio au maombolezo. vii. **Wawe:** nyimbo za kilimo. viii. **Nyimbo za taifa:** nyimbo za kusifia taifa au kabila fulani. ix. **Nyimbo za kazi:** kila kazi ifanywayo na watu huwa na nyimbo zake. **MUHTASARI WA SOMO** Mambo muhimu ya kuzingatia wakati wa kutunga ngonjera, tenzi na ushauri wa kimapokeo. i) Kichwa ii) Beti iii) Vina iv) Kituo v) Kipande vi) Mizani vii) Urari wa mistari viii) Muwala ix) Utoshelezi x) Maana **UTUNGAJI TAMTHILIYA** Tamthiliya ni kazi ya fasihi andishi inayo andikwa kwa lengo la kuonyeshwa kama igizo kwenye jukwaa ambapo wahusika huzungumza na kutenda vitendo mbalimbali. Hivyo kawaida tamthiliya huitwa mchezo wa kuigiza. Tamthiliya huwa na masimuliziz ambayo huingizwa na wahusika wa pande mbili au zaidi zinazogongana. Mgongano huo husababisha mgogoro ambao unaposuluhishwa au kutanzuliwa mchezo huwa umemalizika. **AINA ZA TAMTHILIYA** Kuna aina mbalimbali za tamthiliya. Aina hizo ni kama vile:- i. Tanzania ii. Ramsa/komedia iii. Vichekesho iv. Michezo bubu v. Tamthiliya -- Gezwa/faraguzi **TANZIA** Tanzia ni tamthiliya ya majonzi, kuhusu anguko la mhusika mkuu. Katika tamthiliya hii mwisho wa mhusika mkuu huwa ni wa kuhuzunisha. Kwa mfano kushindwa katika harakati zake za kupambana na uovu au hata kufa. **RAMSA** Aina ya tamthiliya ambapo mhusika mkuu hupambana na vikwazo vingi vizito, lakini mwisho wake ni wa kufurahisha. Kwa mfano kuwashinda maadui. Komedia au ramsa ni kinyume che tanzia. **VICHEKESHO** Hii ni aina ya tamthiliya ambayo licha ya kuwa inafundisha mambo mengi, lengo lake kuu ni kuchekesha na kufurahisha. Vichekesho pia huitwa futuhi. Baadhi ya vichekesho sikuhizi huigizwa redioni, kwenye televisheni na kwenye vilabu vya pombe. **MICHEZO BUBU** hii ni aina ya tamthiliya isiyotumia maneno. Waigizaji hutumia ishara na vitendo tu, na hadhira huelewa kinachotokea kwa kuzisoma ishara hizo. Tamthiliya hizi hufaa sana katika jamii zenye mchanganyiko wa watu wasiozungumza lugha moja. **UTUNGAJI WA TAMTHILIYA** Tamthiliya husimulia hadithi za kisa fulani. Hadithi hiyo ya weza kuwa ni ya kubuni, au ni tukio la kweli la historia. hadithi hiyo husakwa kwa namna inayojenga mgogoro wa pande mbili hadi kufikia mwisho wake. Mtiririkp wa matukio kwa kawaida huwa na umbo la piramidi lenye hatua zifuatazo:- A E **Hatua za tamthiliya** **A -- B,** hali ya ya tamthiliya, mandhari na kutambulisha wahusika. **B -- C,** mvutano wa pande mbili hujitokeza. Migogoro hudhihirika, majaribio ya kutanzia mgogoro hufanywa na kushindwa. **C:** kilele, mgogoro hufikia kiwango cha juu kabisankiasi pasi na uwezekano wa kurudi nyuma. **C -- D,** Mshuko, mvutano hulegea na kutokea mshuko wa taharuki. Mgogoro huwaelekeza wahusika kwenye pambano la mwisho. **D -- E,** suluhisho, mgogoro hufika hatima yake. Kama tamthiliya ni ya kitanzia mhusika mkuu hushindwa ama hupatwa na mauti au anguko. Kama tamthiliya ni komedia mhusika mkuu hushindwa na kufikia malengo yake. **Mfano wa tamthiliya** (wakiwa sebuleni wamekaa. Asha anaonekana akichati kwa simu makini, Elias anajisomea pembeni, ghafla Mama Asha anaingia) **Asha na Elias:** (kwa pamoja) shikamoo mama **Mama Asha:** Marahaba wanangu. Habari za shule? **Asha na Elias:** Nzuri. **Mama Asha:** Elias unasoma nini mwanangu? **Elias:** Historia, tumepewa zoezi. **Mama Asha:** (akishangaa) mbona mwenzio hasomi? **ELIAS:** Mama siumwulize huyu hapa. **Mama Asha:** Eti wewe, kwanini husomi kama kaka yako? **Asha:** (kwa hofu kidogo) si hivyo Mama...... **Mama Asha :** (kwa ukali) unasema nini wewe mjinga? **Asha:** (Akiomba msamaha) samahani Mama, nimechoka kidogo, sasa nilikuwa na relax kidogo. **Mama Asha:** We mtoto weee, hujui umuhimu wa Elimu? **Asha:** Najua Mama nilikua na chati kidogo na mafrendi zangu. **Mama Asha:** Wewe na hao sijui rafiki zako, we shauri yako. **Asha:** Nitasoma tu Mama. (mwaka mmoja baadae........ matokeo ya kidato cha nne yametoka. Elias na furaha kubwa ya kupata daraja la kwanza. Asha kapata daraja la nne. Mama Asha anafoka) **Mama Asha:** Si nilikwambia we mtoto, soma ukajitia hamnazo. Unaona sasa? **Asha:** Nisamehe Mama. **Mama Asha:** (kwa masikitiko) hatakama nitakusamehe itasaidia nini? **Asha:** Mama nakuahidi nirudishe shule nikasome, nitasoma kwa bidii. **Mama Asha:** (kwa kebehi) na kuchati atachati nani, ikiwa wewe utarudi shule? **Asha:** Mamam niamini(kwa masikitiko) Na hii simu siitaki tena kwani imesababisha yote haya (anaitupa simu chini) **UANDISHI WA DAYOLOJIA** Dayolojia ni mazungumzo ya kupokezana kati ya watu wawili au zaidi. Dayolojia huweza kuwa katika mazungumzo ya ana kwa ana baina ya wazungumzaji au kwa njia ya simu. Katika kutunga dayolojia, mtunzi hana budi kujifany amhusika katika dayolojia hiyo. **Mfano wa dayolojia kwa njia ya simu:** **Simoni:** (ananyanyua simu yake) hallo! **Paskali:** (anachukua simu yake ya mkononi na kuweka sikioni) hallo! **Simoni:** Mimi ni bwana simony, naweza kuongea na Paskali? **Paskali:** Mimi naongea. **Simoni:** ok! Habari za huko? **Paskali:** Nzuri nikusaidie nini? **Simoni:** Nimeagizwa na Mzee Sita juu ya mpango ule. **Paskali:** Inaelekea hakuna problem. Aliwahi deadline. **Simoni:** That's great, mzee atafurahi kusikia hivyo. **Paskali:** Kikao kitakuwa leo alasiri? Nitaku inform matokeo possibly, mapema kesho. **Simoni:** Unafikiri utafanikiwa? **Paskali:** Why not? Shirika letu halina tabia ya vipi chakula ............... sijui hakieleweki........... sifa tu ndizo zinahitajika. **Simoni:** haya tutaonana. **Paskali:** Vyema, bye. **FASIHI KWA UJUMLA** Fasihi ni sanaa inayotumia lugha ili kufikisha ujumbe wake kwa jamii iliyokusudiwa. **DHIMA/KAZI ZA FASIHI** Kimsingi fasihi ina dhima kuu nne, ambazo ni:- 1. Kuelimisha jamii 2. Kuburudisha jamii 3. Kukuza lugha 4. Kuhifadhi na kurithisha amali za jamii **AINA ZA FASIHI/TANZU ZA FASIHI** Kuna tanzu mbili za fasihi:- 1. Fasihi simulizi 2. Fasihi andishi **Fasihi andishi,** ni aina ya fasihi ambayo huwasilishwa kwa njia ya maandishi. Aina hii imeanza kutumika baada ya kugunduliwa kwa maandishi, pia tanzu zake ni tamthiliya, riwaya na ushairi. **Fasihi simulizi,** ni aina ya fasihi ambayo huwasilishwa kwa njia ya masimulizi ya mdomo, hii ni fasihi kongwe, pia ina tanzu nyingi kulio fasihi andishi. Tanzu zake ni ushairi, semi, hadithi, na sanaa za maonyesho. **TANZU ZA FASIHI ZIMULIZI** Fasihi simulizi hujitokeza katika tanzu nne, hadithi, ushairi, semi na sanaa za maonyesho. **Hadithi,** ni tungo za fasihi simulizi zitumiazo lugha ya nathari (lugha ya ujazo yenye maongezi ya kilasiku). Masimulizi hayo hupangwa katika mtiririko na vituko unaokamilisha visa. Hadithi huwa na wahusika ambao ndiyo vyanzo vya kukiendesha kisa chenyewe. Hadithi ina tanzu kuu tano ambazo ni Ngano, tarihi, (visakale) vigano, visasili na soga. **Semi,** ni fungu la tungo za fasihi simulizi ambazo ni fupifupi zenye kutumia picha, tamathali za semi na ishara. Katika semi zinaingia tanzu kama vile methali, vitenda wili, nahau, misemo, mizungu, misimu n.k **Ushairi,** ni fungu linalojumuisha tungo zote ............... kutumia mapigo kwa utaratibu maalumu, Mapigo ya kimziki,Baadhi ya fani za ushairi huambatana na muziki wa ala. Kundi la ushairi lina tanzu nyingi, lakini tunaweza kuzigawa katika mafungu matatu yaani nyimbo,maghani na ngojera. **Sanaa za maonyesho,** ni sanaa ambazo uzuri wake umo katika umbo la vitendo. Na ili kuupata uzuri huo yamapasa mtu kutazama vitendo vikifanyika umbo hili linalazimisha kuwepo kwa mtendaji na mtazamaji, Vipera hivyo ni tambiko,miviga,utani,ngoma n.k **HADITHI** **Hadithi,** ni maelezo ya moja kwa moja ambayo yanahusu visa vilivyorithishwa kutokea zamani sana. Msimulizi hayo hupangwa katika mtiririko wa vituko unaokamilisha kisa. **MISINGI YA UTUNGAJI WA HADITHI** Utungaji wa hadithi huzingatia mambo yafuatayo:- 1. Kichwa cha hadithi 2. Maudhui 3. Mpangilio wa uwasilishaji 4. Hadhira 5. Pia sehemu kuu za hadithi ambazo ni mwanzo,kati na mwisho. Usimulizi wa hadithi huwa na sehemu kuu tatu yaani, mwanzo -- kati- mwisho. 1. Mwanzo (Utangulizi) masimulizi ya hadithi za kimapokeo huwa na mwanzo maalumu kwa mfano katika jamii ya waswahili,masimulizi hutanguliwa na mianzo tofautitofauti. Mfano; **Msimuliaji:** paukwa! **Hadhira:** Pakawa **Msimuliaji:** Hapo zamani za kale paliondokea ............................................... Au > **Msimuliaji:** Hadithi! Hadithi! **Hadhira:** Hadithi njoo,uongo njoo,utamu kolea! **Msimuliaji:** Hapo zamani za kale................... > Au > > **Msimuliaji:** Atokeeni! **Hadhira:** Naam twaibu! **Msimuliaji:** kaondokea chenjagoa ........... Hadithi inaendelea 2. **Kati:** kiini cha masimulizi huelezea tukio halisi kuanzia chanzo chake, wahusika, mada, mahali na athari za tukio. 3. **Mwisho:** Haya ni maelezo yanayoonesha matokeo ya mwisho ya tukio lililohusika katika jamii nyingi kuna fomula ya kumaliza Hadithi "kimalizio" kimalizio hiki ni "Masimulizi yangu yanaisha hapo au hadithi yangu inaishia hapo, Kimalizio kina umuhimu wake kama vile" kuashiria mwisho wa masimulizi au kama njia ya kuwafurahisha wasikilizaji. **AINA ZA HADITHI/MIKONDO YA HADITHI** Mikondo hii pia inajulikana kama vipera vya hadithi. Mkondo wa hadithi unajaribu kueleza njia ambayo mwandishi anawasilisha ujumbe wake Tulikwisha jifunza kuwa vipera vya hadithi ni:- 1. Soga 2. Ngano 3. Vigano 4. Visasili 5. Tarihi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 1. **SOGA** > Soga ni hadithi fupi za kuchekesha na kukejeli. Wahusika wake ni watu > wa kubuni. Soga husema ukweli unaoumiza, lakini ukweli huo hujengewa > kichekesho ili ukali wa ukweli huo upungue. Muundo wa soga huwa ni wa > moja kwa moja na huwa na kisa kimoja tu > > Kwamfano; > > **Msimuliaji:** Hadithi! Hadithi! > > **Wasikilizaji:** Hadithi njoo. > > **Msimuliaji:** Kaondokea chenga jaa kujenga nyumba. Kaka mwanangu > Mwanasiti kijino kama chikichi cha kujengea kikuti na vilago vya > kupika. > > Hapo zamani za kale........................ 2. **NGANO** > Ni hadithi fupi ambazo hutumiwa kuwaonywa watoto kuhusu maisha. Ngano > ni hadithi zisimuliwazo katika mazingira ya mekoni, sebuleni au > barazani. > > Ngano huwa na wahusika mbalimbali ambao ni hain awasio hai. Kwa mfano; > wadudu, wanyama, binadamu, mizimu, miungu, mawe, miamba n.k. wahusika > hawa hupewa sifa za binadamu ili kuadilisha. > > Ngano huwa na mianzo maalum kama vile "hapo zamani za > kale............................... Mfano wa ngano. > **KIBUYU CHA AJABU** Hapo zamani za kale palikuwapo wasichana watatu walikwenda kuchuma mboga shambani. Walipofika shambani mmoja wao akaona kibuyuakamwonesha mwenzake kibuyu hicho, oneni hicho kibuyu na kibuyu kikasema "oneni hicho kibuyu". Yule msichana akasema tena "kinaongea" na chenyewe kibuyu kikasema "kinaongea". Akawaambia wenzake "twendeni tukawambie nyumbani". Kibuyu kikasema "twendeni tukawaambie nyumbani". Walipo fika nyumbani wakaeleza walichokiona Baada ya kusikia hayo wanakijiji walikata shauri kwenda kukiona kibuyu hicho. Siku moja wakaenda wote kukiangalia kibuyu cha ajabu. Walipofika kibuyu hicho kiliwameza wanakijiji wote isipokuwa mama mmoja ambaye alikuwa mjamzito. Yule mama akarudi nyumbani na hatimayeakajifungua mtoto wa kiume. Kijana akawa mkubwa. Kijana alianza kumuuliza Mama yake, baba yangu yuko wapi? Mama yake akamjibu "sio baba yako tu, bali watu wote wakijiji hiki pamoja na watemi walimezwa na kibuyu. Mama akampeleka mtoto kuona kibuyu. Yule kijana akakiona akarudi nyumbani akaanza kufikiria jinsi ya kukiteketeza kibuyu hicho. Njia aliyoamua ni kutengeneza upinde na mishale. Kijana aliamua kwenda mbali na nyumbani kutengeneza huo upinde na mishale. Siku moja kikaja kile kibuyu nyumbani na kumkuta mama anapondaponda jiwe la kusagia unga. Kilipofika pale kikabisha hodi na yule mama alikikaribisha na walianza kuzungumza kwa wimbo ufuatao:- **Kibuyu:** Unafanya nini ndani? **Mama:** Napondaponda jiwe X2 Gunguligu napondaponda jiwe. **Kibuyu:** La kufanyia nini? X2 **Mama:** La kusagia ungaX2 Gunguligu la kusagia ungaaaa. **Kibuyu:** WananiX2 **Mama:** Wa kula mwanangu X2 Gunguligu wa kula mwananguuu. **Kibuyu:** Ameenda wapi X2 **Mama:** Kaenda kutengeneza mishale X2 Gunguligu, kaenda kutengeneza mishale. **Kibuyu:** Ya kufanyanini? X2 **Mama:** Ya kukuchomea wewe X2 Gunguligu ya kukuchomea wewe. **Kibuyu:** Nimekosa nini X2 **Mama:** Uliwameza watu X2 Gunguligu uliwameza watu. **Kibuyu:** Na akina nani X2 **Mama:** Na watemi wote X2 Gunguligu na watemi wote. Kile kibuyu kikaondoka baadae kijana alirudi nyumbani na mishale kumi na mbili na kesho yake akakifuata kibuyu. Alipofika akatengeneza chanja kumi na mbili baadae akaanza kukirushia kibuyu akiwa juu ya chanja, lakini hakufanikiwa kukichoma. Mara kichanja alipokuwa amaesimama kikaunguzwa na moto, akaendelea kurusha mishale mpaka ulipofika wa kumi. Ilipobaki mishale miwili akaomba mizimu imsaidie ilimshare wa kumi na moja uweze kukichoma kibuyu. Hata hivyo mshale huo ulipita pembeni. Mshale wa kumi na mbili ulifanikiwa kukichoma kibuyu hicho, kibuyu hicho kika mwambia yule kijana, "unipasue mgongoni na wala sio tumboni" yule kijana akafanya hivy. Baada ya kukipasua, watu wote waliokuwa wamemezwa na kibuyu hicho wakatoka. Yule kijana aliteuliwa kuwa mtemi wa kijiji hicho na akapewa zawadi mbalimbali kutokana na ushujaa wake. Watu wote wa kijiji hicho wakaendelea kuishi kwa raha mstarehe. 3. **VISASILI** > Ni hadithi ambazo husimulia mambo yanayohusiana na maumbile ya watu, > wanyama, miti na vitu vingine visivyo hai. > > Visasili ni visa vya kubuni vinavyoelezea asili ya watu au mambo > mengine. Visasili hutumia wahusika wa aina mbalimbali kama vile miungu > na binadamu. Pia huhusisha maumbile hayo na kanuni au taratibu za > jamii. > > Kwa mfano kisa cha kuku kuparua na mwewe kuchukua vifaranga vya kuku. > Hii ni kutokana na kuku kupoteza sindano aliyoazimwa na mwewe. Kwahiyo > aliamua kulipiza kisasi, ndiyo maana mwewe huchukua vifaranga wa kuku. > Kwa upande wake kuku mpaka leo anatafuta sindano hiyo ili amrudishie > mwewe aache kuchukua vifaranga wake. Hadithi hii inatufundisha kuwa > tuwe waangalifu na vitu vya watu tunavyopwa au kuazimwa. **Mfano wa kisasili:-** **KISA CHA KOBE KUWA NA MAGAMBA** > Hapo zamani palikuwepo na ndege wengi na kobe. Basi sikumoja ndege > waliitisha mkutano wao, wakaona si vyema kufanya mkutano bila > kumshirikisha rafiki yao kobe, waka mwalika kobe, lengo la kuitisha > mkutano huo ilikuwa ni kwaajili ya kupeana taarifa za harusi ya mtoto > wa mfalme wa ndege wa kijiji jilani yao. > > Baada ya kikao kobe akauliza sasa mimi mbona sina mabawa y akuruka juu > itakuwaje? Basi mfalme akaagiza ndege wote watoe nyoya moja katika > kila bawa lao, pia akawaagiza wakate minyaa mingi iliwaje watengeneze > ulimbo ili wapate gundi. Mfalme akawaambia ndege wote kuwa tunataka > kobe naye afurahi katika sherehe yetu hivyo hatuna budi kumbandika > manyoya hayo mliotoa na kumbandika ili aweze kuruka. > > Basi siku moja kabla ya harusi, kobe alifika kwa mfalme na akabandikwa > manyoya ili aweze kuruka na aweze kusherehekea vizuri na ndege. Baada > ya kubandikwa manyoya kukauka wakamwambia aruke ili ajaribu kama > anaweza kuruka. Kabla ya kuruka wakaanza kumwimbia wimbo ufuatao:- > > Ukiruka juu usipende kukaa sana, > > Ukiruka juu kuna rah asana, > > Ukiruka juu hautapata hamu ya kurudi chini, > > Na ukiambiwa kushuka kweli ushuke X2 > > Basi baada ya kumwimbia kobe akaruka juu, baada ya kuruka alipata > rahasana ambayo hakuwahi kuipata katika maisha yake yote. > > Badala ya kurudi chini aliendelea kwenda juu zaidi na zaidi mpaka > karibu na jua. Alipofika huko ulimbo ulianza kuyeyuka na manyoya > yakaanza kunyonyoka kutokana na jotokali. Kobe alikosa mwelekeo na > kuanza kurudi chini kwa kasi kubwa. Alipofika chini alianguka ardhini > paa!! Na akapasuka pasuka katika magamba yake. 4. **VIGANO** > Vigano ni hadithi fupi zinazo simulia makosa ya watu fulani kama njia > kuelezea maadili. Ni hadithi zinazoelezea makosa au uovu wa watu > fulani na kuelezea maadili yanayofaa. Vigano maranyingi hutumia > methali kama njia au msingi wa maadili yake. Pia vigano ni masimulizi > ya kubuni ya jadi. Kwa kawaida kigano hujengwa kwenye kisa kimoja tu. > > Wahusika katika vigano ni binadamu na wanyama. Hivyobasi vigano ni > hadithi fupi zinazo tumi amethali ili kubadilisha jamii. **Mfano wa Vigano** **UMDHANIAYE SIYE KUMBE NDIYE** > Hapo zamani za kale katika nchi moja kulikuwa na kijana mmoja > aliyeitwa Magaidi. Kijana huyu alikuwa mpole na mtaratibu machoni pa > watu wengine. Wananchi wan chi ile walikuwa wafugaji hodari. > > Katika nchi ile kulikuwa na tatizo la kupotea kwa mifugo mara kwa > mara. Wananchi walikerwa sana na hali ile lakini hawakujua la kufanya. > Chifu wanchi ile aliitisha mkutano wa kujadili namna ya kukomesha > upotevu wa mifugo yao. > > Hali iliendelea vilevile kila kukicha mifugo inapotea, wananchi > wakapiga kura ilikuwabaini washukiwa. Vijana wote walioonekana si > watulivu walikamatwa, wakateswa lakini hali iliendelea kuwa kama awali > mifugo ikipotea mara kwa mara. > > Mzee mmoja mwenye busara akashauri aachiwe yeye jukumu la kumkamata > mwizi. Mzee yule alikuwa na binti yake mrembo sana aliyeitwa Stella. > Stella alikuwa Stella kweli mzuri kama maraika lakini alikuwa mpole na > mwema sana. Magaidi alimpenda sana Stella, lakini Stella hakupenda > kuwa na mwanamme kama Magaidi ambaye hakuwa muwazi katika maisha yake. > > Baada ya ushawishi mwingi Stella alikubali kuwa na uhusiano na > Magaidi. Kwakuwa wananchi wengine walimuona Magaidi kuwa ni kijana > mstaarabu, wengi walifurahishwa na uhusiano wa Stella na Magaidi. > Lakini Stella aliwaambia shoga zake na marafiki wengi kuwa atakuwa > tayari kuolewa na Magaidi baada ya kujiridhisha na tabia yake. > > Mzee aliyeomba akabidhiwe jukumu la kumkamata mwizi wa mifugo, ambaye > ni baba Stella, aliombwa na bintiye amsaidie kumchunguza magaidi. > > Siku moja usiku wa manane mzee akiwa amejibanza upenuni mwa nyumba > aliona tochi huku vijana watatu walikua wakinyata kuelekea kwenye zizi > la jilani yake. Alichokifanya mzee yule ni kuwaamsha vija na kumi 10 > aliokuwa amewaanda. Waliwazunguka Magaidi na kundi lake kisha > wakawamulika kwa tochi zao. Hamadi! > > Za mwizi arobaini. Licha ya utakatifu aliokuwa anauonesha Magaidi > mbele za watu kumbe yeye mwenyewe na kikundi chake ndio wezi wenyewe. > Hakuna aliye amini baada ya Magaidi kukamatwa na kufikishwa mbele ya > chifu ili ajibu tuhuma hizo. Ama hakika umzaniaye siye kumbe ndiye! 5. **TARIHI (VISAKALE)** Tarihi ni hadithi zinazosimulia kuhusu matukio ya kihistoria. Matukio haya yanaweza kuwa ya kweli au ya kubuni. Matukio haya utungwa kiufundi ilikumvutia msomaji au msikilizaji. Wahusika wake mara nyingi ni binadamu wanaopewa uwezo mkubwa au mdogo kulingana na matukio yanayosimuliwa
**HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA KISHAPU** **SHULE YA MSINGI BUPIGI** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MHULA WA PILI DARASA LA SITA DISEMBA 2021** **JINA LA MWANAFUNZ.............................................................** **SEHEMU AI:UFAHAMUWAKUSIKILIZA** Sikilizakwamakinihabariitakayosomwanamsimamizi, kasha jibuswali1-5kwakuchaguaherufiyajibulililosahihi. 1. Kijiji cha Mwendokasikipokaribunahifadhigani? A. Mlomazi B. Mkomazi C. Mikumi D. Saanane E. Ngorongoro \[ \] 2. BusaranabibiyakewalikwendawapisikuyaJumamosi? A. Porini B. KwenyehifadhiC. Shambani D. Njiani E. Kijijini \[ \] 3. Nanialikuwawa kwanza kuwaonatembo? A. Bibi B. Busara C. Ng'ombe D. Wote E. Shaibu 4. Kisawe cha tembokamailivyotajwakwenyehabariuliyosikilizani: Shibli B. Nyati C. Ndovu D. Ngamia E. Kangaroo \[ \] 5. Maneno "amepigwanabutwaa"kamayalivyotumikakwenyekifungu cha habariyanamaanagani? A. Huzunika B. Shangaa C. Pigwanamchecheto D. Fukuzandovu E. Takasa \[ \] **SEHEMU A II: SARUFI NA LUGHA YA KIFASIH**I Chaguaherufiyajibulililosahihi 6. Nenolipilinakamilishasentensihii? "Uchumiwetu\_\_\_\_\_\_naukamewamudamrefu." A. umeadhiriwa B. umeathiliwa C. umeasiliwa D. umesailiwa E. umeathiriwa \[ \] 7. "Wasifu wake uliimbwanavikundivyasanaa".Sentensihiiikokatikakauligani?\_\_\_\_ A. kutendwa B. kutendewa C. kutendana D. kutenda E. kutendeka \[ \] 8. Kisawe cha neon "Kilembwekeza" nikipikatikamanenoyafuatayo? A. Kinying'inya B. Mjukuu C. Kitukuu D. Kilembwe E. Kijukuu \[ \] 9. Mwanzowamethali "\_\_\_\_ndiyomlanyama"niipi? A. Mvuvihodari B. Mwindajihodari C. Simbamwendapole D. Mwenyekisukikali E. Mwenyebucha \[ \] 10. "Njiambilizilimshindafisi".Methaliyenyemaanasawanahiyoniipi? A. PolepolendiyomwendoB.Ukionavyaeleavimeundwa C. Bandubanduhuishagogo D. Mtakayotekwa pupa hukosayote E. Penyeniapananjia \[ \] 11. Sentensiipiikokatikakaulitaarifa? A. Njoohapa B. Nendakule C. Pole sana D. AmekuambiakuwauendeE.Nendanausiruditenahapa \[ \] 12. Nenolipilinakamilishasentensihii? Ni lazimakila kaya\_\_\_\_\_kuwachakula. A. ijitemegee B. ijitegemee C. ijimetegee D. ijetegemee E. ijitemee \[ \] 13. Hali yakuwamasikini Zaidi huitwa \_\_\_\_ A. Mashaka B. Ukosefu C. Uchumi D. Ukwasi E. ukata \[ \] 14. Lipikatiyamanenoyafuatayohalihusianinamengine? \_\_\_\_ A. Kemea B. Adhiri C. Gombeza D. Hamaki E. Karipia \[ \] 15. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ unywemajiyaliyochemshwailikujikinganamaradhi. A. Inakupasa B. Endapo C. Usipopenda D. Kiwakilishi E. Ili \[ \] 16. Walibananakuingiaukumbini. Sentensihiiikokatikakauligani? \_\_\_ A. Kutenda B. Kutendwa C. Kutendeka D. Kutendana E. Kutendeka \[ \] 17. Maanayakitendawili, Nimesafishauwanjawangukajamiguumirefukuchafuani \_\_ A. Mvua B. Ukame C. Jua D. Mwanga E. Upepo \[ \] 18. Nahauisemayo "ungamkono" maanayakeni\_\_\_ A. kosauaminifu B. tibumeno C. kubaliana D. katalia E. shikamana \[ \] 19. Ili kufaulumtihaniwakesho \_\_\_\_\_ nisomemasomoyasayansi. A. sinabudi B. budi C. sibudi D. kunusuru E. nibudi \[ \] 20. Nenolipinikinyume cha neon saza? \_\_\_\_A.toshekaB.maliza C. bakizaD.kubaliE.tamani 21. Lipikatiyamanenoyafuatayohalihusianinamengine? \_\_\_\_ A. Chai B. Togwa C. Kahawa D. Soda E. Pombe \[ \] 22. Tabiayakutotakakutoakitukumpamwinginehuitwa? \_\_\_\_ A. Upendo B. Ulafi C. Uchoyo D. Chukizo E. Chuki \[ \] 23. WatafitiwalifanyauvumbuziwahaliyajuumpakakuvumbuaMadinihayo. Nenouvumbuzilimetumikakamaainaipiyaneno? \_\_ A. Nomino B. Sifa C. Kivumishi D. Kielezi E. Kiunganishi \[ \] 24. Maanayakitendawili. Aduitumemzingiralakinihatumweziniipi? A. kukokamoto B. kuzimamoto C. kuzingiramoto D. kuotamoto E. kuwashamoto \[ \] 25. Nahauisemayo "fujamali" maanayakeniipi?\_\_\_\_ A. ongezamali B. tumiamalivibaya C. gawamaliovyo D. tumiamalikwamakini E. sambazamaliovyo\[ \] 26. BibiyakeJumaanaumriwamiakamiamoja. Kwaumrihuo \_\_\_\_\_ A. anakaribiakufa B. nikibogoyo C. amekulachumvinyingi D. hajuiafanyalo\[ \] 27. Ipinimaanasahihiyakitendawili "kuliakwakenikichekokwetu"? \_\_\_\_\_ A. maji B. mafuta C. machozi D. mvua\[ \] 28. "Upelehumwotaasiyenakucha". Methaliipikatiyahiziinamaanasawanahiyo? \_\_\_\_\_ A. damunzitokulikomaji B. penyemitihakunawajenzi C. mwenda pole hajikwai D. dau la mnyongehaliendijoshi\[ \] 29. Elezamaanayanahau "anamkonowabirika". \_\_\_\_\_ A. mchoyo B. wizi C. mpole D. mkonowachuma\[ \] 30. Usowasamakihausikii \_\_\_\_\_ A. maji B. viungo C. harufu D. vipodozi\[ \] 31. Dirayabinadamuni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(malizia) **SEHEMU: B -- USHAIRI** **Soma shairilifuatalokishajibumaswaliyafuatayo** Ni njaakuondolewa, ukawahunamshiko Watuoukafiwa, ukasalianayako Sikuukijatolewa, msiwenamwenziwako Hapoutaonamwako, utakulizaukiwa Utakulizaukiwa, likupatalosumbuko Wakatiumelemewa, sipokitandanimwako Hunaunayemjuwa, mbalinakwenuuliko Hapoutaonamwako, utaulizaukiwa **Maswali** 32. Shairiulilosomalinabetingapi? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 33. Vinavyakatinavyamwishokatikashairihilini \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 34. Jina la mstariwamwishokatikakilaubetihuitwakituo, kitoshelezo au \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 35. Katikamstariwa kwanza wakilaubetiunamizaningapi? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 36. Andikakitoshelezo (kituo) cha shairihili. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU: E -- UTUNGAJI** **Zipangesentensizifuatazoziletemtiririkowenyemantikikwakuzipaherufi A, B, C, na D** 37. Dakikachachebaadayetulionamsafarawamagariukiingia. \[ \] Mnamosaasabahivitulionapikipikiyaaskariwausalamabarabaraniikijambiokamamshale. \[ \] 38. Mbeleyamsafarahuokulikuwanapikipikinnezilizofuatananagari la king'ora. \[ \] 39. Ilikuwanisikuyaalhamisitulivu, tulikuwatumeketikibarazani. \[ \] **SEHEMU: E -- UFAHAMU** **Soma habariifuatayokishajibumaswaliyanayofuata** Katikandegewanaofugwanabinadamujogoonimojawapo, ndegewengineni kuku, bata, gegedunanjiwa. Lakinimuungwanakulikowotenijogooambayehuwikausikukaribunaalfajirikumwamshabinadamuajizatitinaratibayasikuinayofuata. Lakinigegedunimzembekulikowotepianimchafu. **Maswali** 40. **N**degemuungwanakulikowotewafugwaoni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 41. Gegedunidume la\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 42. Neno**"kujizatiti"**kamalilivyotumikalinamaanaya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 43. Tajafaidamojawapoyandegewafugwaonabinadamu\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 44. Kichwakifaacho cha habarihiini \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **UJUZI WA KUSOMA** SikilizahabariifuatayoikisomwanaujibumaswalikwenyekaratasiyakoyakujibiaBusaranimwanafunziwadarasa la sabakatikashuleyamsingiTumaini. Anaishinabibiyakekatikakijiji cha Mwendokasi. KijijihichokipokaribunahifadhiyawanyamayaMkomazi. SikumojaJumamosi, Busaranabibiyakewalijihimukulekeashambani. Wakiwawanakaribiakufikashambani, Busaraaliwaonawanyamawawilikwambaliwakitembeakuelekeaupandewaliokuwawakielekeawao. Alimshikabibiyakemkonokwawoga, hukuakisema, "bibi! Bibi! Unawaona wale ng'ombe?" bibialiwaangalia wale wanyamahukuakiwaamepigwanabutwaaakamwambia wale sing'ombebalinitembo
<table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial processes.</td> <td><p>The student should be able to</p> <ol type="a"> <li><blockquote> <p>Compare the rate of chemical reactions.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td>July</td> <td>2</td> <td rowspan="2">CHEMICAL KINETICS, EQUILIBRIUM AND ENERGERTICS</td> <td>The rate of chemical reactions</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>The teacher guide students to discuss the concept of rapid and slow reaction.</p></li> <li><p>Students demonstrate a very rapid reaction by mixing KI, with Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> solutions and aqueous chlorides.</p></li> <li><p>The teacher guide students to carry out a slow reaction by allowing iron nails to rust under favourable conditions.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Students note important points.</p></li> <li><p>Students demonstrate a very rapid reaction by mixing KI with Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> solutions and aqueous chloride.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To be able to carry out experiments to slow fast and slow chemical reaction.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial processes.</td> <td><ol start="2" type="a"> <li><p>Perform experiments to measure the rates of chemical reactions.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Teacher guide students to the selection of the most convenient property of a reaction to measure, so as to determine the rate of that reaction</p></li> <li><p>Teacher lead a discussion on students work.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Student measure the rate of evolution of hydrogen when inc is dissolved in dilute HCl acid.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Zinc granules.</p></li> <li><p>Dilute HCl</p></li> <li><p>Graph papers</p></li> <li><p>Stop watches.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To be able to perform an experiment to measure the rate of a chemical reaction.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial processes.</td> <td><p>The student should be able to</p> <ol type="a"> <li><p>Describe the effect of concentration on the rate of a reaction</p></li> </ol></td> <td rowspan="3">July</td> <td rowspan="3">3 &amp; 4</td> <td rowspan="3">CHEMICAL KINETICS,</td> <td>Factors effecting the rate of chemical reaction</td> <td><blockquote> <p>16</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Teacher guide student to use dil HCl and Na<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> to study the effect of concentration on the rate of precipitation of sulphur.</p></li> <li><p>Teacher guide students to study the special features of the graph and make conclusion.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Students tabulate the concentration, rate data and plot a graph.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Source of heat</p></li> <li><p>Thermometers</p></li> <li><p>Dilute HCl</p></li> <li><p>NaS<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub></p></li> <li><p>Stop watches.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td><ul> <li><p>To be able to describe the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial processes.</td> <td><ol start="2" type="a"> <li><p>Demonstrate the effect of temperature on the rate of reactions.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p>11</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Teacher guide a discussion on the special features of the graph and make clarifications.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Students in groups use dilute HCl and NaS<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> to study the effect of temperature on the rate of precipitation of sulphur.</p></li> <li><p>Students tabulate the temperature rate data and plot a graph.</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Applying chemistry principles in understanding industrial processes</td> <td><ol start="3" type="a"> <li><blockquote> <p>Show the effect of surface area of a solid on the rate of a reaction.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td>Factors affection the rate of a chemical reaction</td> <td><blockquote> <p>11</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Teacher instruct students to use blocks of CaCo3 and its powder respectively to study the effect of particles size (surface area) on the rate of relicensing Co<sub>2</sub> when reacted with dilute HCl.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Students tabulate the temperature rate data and plot a graph.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>CaCO<sub>3</sub> blocks</p></li> <li><p>Mortar and pestle</p></li> <li><p>Stop watches</p></li> <li><p>Syringe</p></li> <li><p>Measuring cylinder</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><ol start="4" type="a"> <li><blockquote> <p>Demonstrate the effect of catalyst on the rate of a reaction.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p>11</p> </blockquote></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Teacher guide students to discuss the special factors of the graph and make conclusions.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>Students tabulate the volume rate and plot a graph.</p></li> </ul></td> <td><ul> <li><p>H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub></p></li> <li><p>MnO<sub>2</sub></p></li> <li><p>Stop watches</p></li> <li><p>Syringe</p></li> <li><p>Graph papers</p></li> </ul></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
class 2
JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA OFISI YA RAIS TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA HALMASHAURI YA MANISPAA YA UBUNGO MTIHANI WA UTAMILIFU WA PILI DARASA LA SABA 01 KISWAHILI Muda: Saa 1:40 Agosti, 2024 ## Maelekezo 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu **A, B** na C zenye jumla ya maswali **sita** (6). 2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi ulizopewa. 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini (20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama **kumi (10)**. 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi, isipokuwa** katika michoro ni lazima kutumia penseli. 5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika Namba yako ya Mtihani na **Jina la Shule yako** katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia. | | KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU | | |-------------------------|------------------------------|--------------------| | NAMBA YA SWALI | ALAMA | SAHIHI YA MTAHINI | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | | | JUMLA SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI | | | Ukurasa wa 1 kati ya 4 ## Sehemu A: (Alama 20) 1. Kutokana na habari uliyoisikiliza jibu kipengele (i– v) kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi. i. Kutokana na jua kali, Sungura alikuwa amejipumzisha wapi? (A)Msituni (B) Chini ya mti (C) Juu ya mti (D) Kichakani (E) Ufukweni ii. Ni mnyama gani alipita taratibu kuelekea mtoni? (A)Kobe (B) Sungura (C) Konokono (D) Kondoo (E) Mdudu iii. Kutokana na habari uliyoisikiliza, ni kwa nini kobe alijiamini? (A) Kwa sababu miguu yake ni mifupi (B) Kwa sababu utembeaji wake uko vizuri (C) Kwa sababu Sungura alimdhihaki (D) Kwa sababu hana haraka (E) Kwa sababu ana mbio iv. Kobe alimuhakikishia Sungura jambo gani? (A) Kicheko hakisaidii (B) Asimdharau (C) Yeye ni Zaidi kwa mbio (D) Atapita karibu yake (E) Kila mmoja ana mbio v. Baada ya Kobe kuzungumza, Sungura alifanya nini? (A) Alitabasamu (B) Alikimbia (C) Aliendelea kulala (D) Aliacha kumdharau Kobe (E) Alicheka kwa dharau 2. Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kasha jaza kwenye kisanduku i. Ni neno lipi linakamilisha sentensi ifuatayo kwa usahihi? "Bunge ndicho chombo chenye mamlaka ya kutunga na _______sheria. (A) Kutegua (B) Kutumbua (C) Kutengua(D) Kutenga (E) Kutungua ii. "Shangazi alisema kuwa atakwenda Mombasa". Kauli halisi ya sentensi hii ni ipi kati ya hizi zifuatazo? (A) Shangazi alisema atakuja Mombasa (B) Nitakwenda Mombasa (C) Alisema kuwa yuko Mombasa (D) Nitakuwa Mombasa (E) Shangazi atakwenda Mombasa iii. "Bibi anafinyanga vyungu'' Katika neno "Alifinyanga" kiambishi kipi huwakilisha njeo? (A) -na - (B) a - (C) -finy - (D) na - (E) -a - iv. "Mwalimu mkuu aliwakaribisha wageni shuleni". Neno lipi limetumika kama kivumishi katika sentensi hii? (A) Wageni (B) Shuleni (C) Mkuu (D) Aliwakaribisha (E) Mwalimu v. "Mama amemwaga maji" Sentensi hii ipo katika kauli gani kati ya hizi zifuatazo? (A) Kutenda (B) Kutendeka (C) Kutendewa (D) Kutendeana(E) Kutendwa vi. "Mimi huja shule kila siku" Ukanushi wa sentensi hii ni upi kati ya sentensi zifuatazo? (A) Mimi hujaga shule kila siku (B) Mimi sijagi shule kila siku (C) Mimi siji shule (D) Mimi siji shule kila siku (E) Mimi huwa nakuja shule kila siku vii. Nahau ipi kati ya nahau zifuatazo inamaanisha kumzuia mtu kufanya jambo kwa ishara? (A) Kumpa nyama ya ulimi (B) kumkalia kitako (C) Kupiga ukope (D) Kuzunguka mbuyu (E) Kupiga konde viii. Babu alitega kitendawili ambacho jibu lake lilikuwa kitovu. Kitendawili hicho ni kipi kati ya hivi vifuatavyo? Ukurasa wa 2 kati ya 4 (A) Kila niendapo ananifurahisha (B) Ni mharibifu lakini namuhitaji (C) Nyumba yangu ina nguzo moja (D) Shamba langu lina kisiki kimoja katikati (E) Kila wakati amejitayarisha kupigana ix. Neno "Mchakamchaka" lina silabi ngapi? (A) Nane (B) Tano (C) Sita (D) Saba (E) Nne x. "Mpira ninacheza mimi kwa uwezo wote wangu" Upi ni mpangilio sahihi wa maneno unaounda sentensi hii? (A) Ninacheza mimi mpira kwa uwezo wangu wote (B) Mpira ninacheza mimi kwa uwezo wangu wote (C) Mimi kwa uwezo wangu wote mpira ninacheza (D) Mimi ninacheza mpira kwa uwezo wangu wote (E) Mimi mpira ninacheza kwa wote wangu uwezo 3. Oanisha Kifungu A na B Kisha kuandika herufi ya jibu sahihi kutoka kifungu B | | | KIFUNGU A | MAJIBU | KIFUNGU B | |-----|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|-------------| | i | Halaiki ya watu | A: Arusi kubwa | | | | ii | Maisha ya utusitusi | B: Kitu kinachotegemewa sana | | | | iii | Kupwa na kujaa | C: Maisha yasiyokuwa na matumaini | | | | iv | Hiba na atia | D: Umati mkubwa E: Kushuka na kupanda kwa kiasi cha maji baharini | | | | v | Uti wa mgongo | F: Neema na zawadi kubwa G: Maisha ya shida, dhiki na taabu | | | | | | SEHEMU B: (Alama 20) | | | 4. Bainisha kauli za utendaji katika sentensi zifuatazo Mfano: Kaka anacheza mpira vizuri = **Kauli ya kutenda** i. Mlima unamiminika theluji mithili ya moto = ____________________________________________ ii. Wanafunzi hutembeleana wakati wa likizo = ____________________________________________ iii. Dada anamsomesha mdogo wetu wa mwisho = ____________________________________________ iv. Serikali ina hudumia wananchi wake = ____________________________________________ v. Mwalimu wetu ana utaratibu wa kuandikiwa majina ya wasumbufu darasani = ____________________________________________ 5. Soma shairi lifuatalo kwa makini, kisha jibu kipengele (i - v) 1. Twatambua kwa majina, ua sa sita murua, Rangi zake kuziona, machoni zinavutia, Mawaridi kupangana, rangize kugombania, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 2. Asumini nalo ua, jioni linachanua, Harufu nzuri kutoa, popote linachanua, Shada kutengenezea, na nywele kuzifungia, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 3. Lingine ua la mwafu, mafuta kutengeneza, Huvutia kwa harufu, ni nzuri ya kupendeza, Mkayakaya nasifu, ua lake huangaza, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. MASWALI i. Shairi hili linahusu nini? ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ ii. Ubeti wa tatu mshororo wa tatu unazungumzia ua gani? ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ iii. Kutokana na shairi ulilosoma ni aina gani ya ua linatumika kutengeneza mafuta? ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ iv. Ni majina mangapi ya maua yametajwa katika shairi hili? ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ v. Ni ua gani ambalo mwandishi wa shairi anasema huchanua jioni? ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ SEHEMU C: UTUNGAJI **(Alama 10)** 6. Wewe kama meneja wa shirika la maji Dar es Sallam, andika tangazo kwa wananchi kuwajulisha kuwa hakutakuwepo na huduma ya maji kwa siku mbili kuanzia tarehe 10/05/2024 hadi 11/05/2024 kutokana na ukarabati mkubwa wa miundombinu ya maji.
Form One
EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN TANZANIA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN TANZANIA SOUTH EAST OF LAKE VICTORIA DIOCESE SOUTH EAST OF LAKE VICTORIA DIOCESE MWADUI SECONDARY SCHOOL MWADUI SECONDARY SCHOOL P.O. BOX 51 MWADUI- P.O. BOX 51 MWADUI-SHINYANGA SHINYANGA SHINYANGA Phone: 0754 071178 Phone: 0754 071178 0754 071178/ 0766 179519, Email: mwaduilutheransec@ 0766 179519, Email: mwaduilutheransec@gmail com 0766 179519, Email: mwaduilutheransec@gmail com gmail com FORMONEHOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT4 CHEMISTRY INSTRUCTIONS: INSTRUCTIONS: Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday,13th May 2020 May 2020 - Answer **all** questions. 1. Explain how to administer first aid to the following victims:- (a) Shocked victim (b) A victim experiencing excessive bleeding from a cut. (c) Burns (d) Fainted victim 2. Chemical apparatus can be classified or grouped according to their uses. With good diagrams, explain the uses of the following apparatus. (a) Holding apparatus (b) Taking measurements (c) Heating purposes (d) Chemical purposes (e) Drying, collecting and storing purposes. 3. One of the chemistry teachers of Mwadui secondary school forgot fo fix hazards on the containers with the following chemical susbstances. (a) Petrol (b) Hydrogen Liquid (c) Concentrated sulphuric acid (d) Chlorine Page 1 of 2 (e) Medicated soap containing mercury (eg RICO) (f) Mosquito spray (g) Hydrogen peroxide (h) Pesticides (DDT) What hazard label do you think was right for each container and why should they be labeled? 4. Write True for the correct statement and false for incorrect statement. (i) The hazard label for petrol is normally a flammable sigh which means catches fire easily____________ (ii) Fuels and chemicals such as plastics, pesticides, perfumes, detergents and asphalt are products made from soil and neutral gas____________ (iii) Gasoline, like petrol should be kept in air conditioned kitchen____________ (iv) Never keep toxic materials within the children reach since they may poison themselves__________ 5. (a) Mention four (4) common types of burners used in our laboratories. (b) Why is the Bunsen burner the best of all burners?
**MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY** **SONGWA SECONDARY SCHOOL** **FORM ONE MID TERM EXAMS** **HISTORY** **TIME 2:30 HRS** 1. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the space provided. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) It keeps the history of man of different period and his environment in written form for present and for generations................................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Museums (b) Written records ( ) (c) Historical site ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (ii) When fire melted iron which was on the forest's earth surface led to the lumps of iron on the ground. This statement is related to the theory of .............................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Forest fire theory (b) Mistaken identity theory ( ) (c) Theory of iron ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (iii) The middle aged man of 20 - 25 of Maasai society is traditionally known as............... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Maasai (b) Laiboni ( ) (c) Morani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (iv) The process of initiating the girls in Luguru societies is perpendicular with the performance of dance during the ceremony. This ceremony is called ....................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Iringi (b) Oriki ( ) (c) Gubi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (v) The process of making good and provision of services so as to meet the peoples need, the process is known as .................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Social production (b) Economic production ( ) (c) Mode of production ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (vi) Every language borrows words from the others, the study of the borrowed words tells us about the people who interacted in the past and why they did so. This sentence can be related to what historical concept in the following multiples............ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Archives (b) Linguistic ( ) (c) Oral traditions ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (vii) The first bipedal creature come into existence in 12 million years B.C. divided into two main group of apes and hominids, historically this family is called...................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Australopithecus (b) Zinjanthropus ( ) (c) Homohabilis ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (viii) The system refers to the social orders in which the age of an individual was used to determine ones qualification, power and capacity to do a certain task in hi/her community is called ................................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Kinship/clan organization (b) Age-set organization ( ) (c) Ntemi system ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (ix) In Tanzania the Maseko Ngoni group first settled in ........................ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Kahama (b) Songea ( ) (c) Tabora ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (x) The mode of production in which the major means of production were owned and shared by all members of particular society was ..................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Feudalism (b) Communism ( ) (c) Communalism ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Write **"True"** for the true statement and **"False"** for the false statement. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) History which is passed on by a word of mouth from one generation to another is known as oral tradition.................................................. (ii) Feudalism and communalism are both exploitative mode of production existed in pre colonial Africa........................... (iii) Creation theory insists of the unchanging of body genes since the creation by divine hand ...................................................... (iv) Mfecane is the Ngoni language which denotes the wars and disturbances which accompanied the rise and growth of the Zulu state........................... (v) A successful Ntemi was the one with minimal people under him.............................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Write short answer to the gapes provided. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Human and plants remains are studied in ............................................ (ii) Rozwi was the one of the dynasty found in which empire?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... (iii) Evidence of Middle Stone Age tools are found in which part of Tanzania .................. (iv) Middle east and far east are found in which continent of the world?\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... (v) Bunyoro kingdom was founded by the .................................... people who had former Babito dynasty. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Match the item of list "A" with the correct responses from those of list "B" by writing its letter besides the item of list "A" +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | **LIST "A"** | **LIST "B"** | +===================================+==================================+ | (i) Oral tradition | A. Iron smelters | | | | | (ii) Tuta | B. Modern man | | | | | (iii) Homo Sapiens Sapiens | C. Feudal lord of coastal areas | | | | | (iv) Mwinyi mkuu | D. Lake zone | | | | | (v) Zinza of Geita | E. Interlacustrine | | | | | | F. Tells the history by mouth | | | | | | G. Zinjanthropus | | | | | | H. Settles in Runzewe | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ 5. Briefly explain the following historical concepts ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) History (ii) Ngoni migration (iii) Theory of evolution of man (iv) State (v) Shaka Zulu **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*END \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\***
**PRESIDENT'S OFFICE** **REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **WISHITELEJA SECONDARY SCHOOL** **FORM ONE ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- NOVEMBER 2021** **CHEMISTRY** **[Time: 2 Hours Thursday, 2^nd^ December 2021 a.m.]{.underline}** **Instructions** - This paper consists of section A and B - Answer all questions in both sections - All drawing should be in pencils > **SECTION A** > > 1\. Choose the correct answer to complete each statement or to answer > each question. > > i/ Milk is the mixture of water and fats. This type of mixture is > called? > > A. Suspension B. Emulsion C. Solution D. Precipitation > > ii/ Chemical change involve > > A. irreversible change B. Reversible change C. Fractional change D. > Solid change > > iii/ The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of matter are closely packed in the solid > state and farther apart in the gaseous state > > A. Particles B. Properties C. Kinetic nature D. Mass > > iv/ In sugar and water mixture, the sugar is the > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > A. Solute B. Solvent C. Suspension D. Solution > > v/ Latin name of Potassium is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > A. Kalium B. Kaliam C. Kadium D. Palium > > vi/ Decantation is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > A. Sedimentation B. Melting C. Saturation D. Distillation > > vii/ What type of fire is associated with electric equipments > > A. Class E B. Class F C. Class B D. Class C > > viii/ A rapid chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of > light and noticeable heat is called\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ > > A. Ignition B. Reactant C. Combustion D. Heating > > ix/ Heat, fuel and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are the three components of > the fire triangle > > A. Carbon B. Nitrogen C. Hydrogen D. Oxygen x/ Under normal condition approximately \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ percentage of Oxygen is in air > A. 7.8% B. 78% C. 21% D. 2.1% 2\. Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences a/ Iron, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are necessary for rusting to occur b/ Combustion is a reaction between a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in air c/ The process of coating Iron or steel with Zinc is called \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ d/ Materials that catch fire and burn easily \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ e/ Apw fire extinguisher contains \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pressurized with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ f/ Matter is anything that has \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and occupies \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SECTION B** 3\. Name the process that are used to separate the following substances a/ Iodine and sand b/ Kerosene and Water c/ A mixture of petrol and diesel d/ Oil from seeds e/ Sand and Muddy 4\. a/ List down five elements with their corresponding chemical symbols which start with C b/ List down five elements which derive their names from Latin language 5\. Study the diagram below and answer questions that follow ![](media/image1.jpeg) a/ What process is taking place? b/ Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D 6\. The table below shows the percentage composition of air ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **GAS** **APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE** -------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Oxygen 21% Nitrogen 78% Carbondioxide 0.03% Noble gases 0.94% Water vapour 0 -- 4% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- a/ Draw a pie chart to represent this information b/ How would you test for Carbondioxide? c/ Why does the percentage of water vary from 0 -- 4% ? 7\. State the chemical composition of the following fire extinguishing fire extinguishers a/ Dry chemical extinguisher b/ Carbondioxide extinguisher c/ Wet chemical extinguisher d/ ABC extinguisher e/ Foam extinguisher 8\. Define the following terms a/ Solvent b/ compound c/ Mixture d/ Filtrate e/ Element 9\. a/ What is a solution? b/ Mention three types of solutions and define them 10\. Explain the following terms a/ Melting point b/ Boiling point c/ Brownian motion d/ Diffusion e/ Sublimation
<table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills on everyday life.</td> <td>Development appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>JANUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3-4</td> <td><p>INTRODUCTION</p> <p>TO BIOLOGY</p></td> <td>Basic concepts and terminologies of biology</td> <td>6</td> <td>Organizing students in group to discuss the basic biological concepts and terminologies, organize students in group to discuss the characteristics of living things, importance of life, living things and studying biology, guiding students in group to discuss the relationship between biology and other science fields such as agriculture, medicine, pharmacy, nutrition, forestry.</td> <td>Discussing basic biological concepts and terminologies, discussing the characteristics of living things, and studying biological, discussing the relationships between biology and other fields.</td> <td>Variety of living things and non living things/charts/diagrams/showing the characteristic of living things/ magazines/journals on biological science and related fields.</td> <td>Biology for Secondary Schools Form 1 &amp; 2</td> <td>Students should be able to explain the meaning of the basic biological concepts and terminologies, outline the characteristics of the living things , explain the importance of studying biology.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles an skills on everyday life.</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles, and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>2-3</td> <td><p>INTRODUCTION</p> <p>TO BIOLOGY</p></td> <td>Scientific process in biology the biology laboratory.</td> <td>9</td> <td>Assigning activities to students that will lead them using various sense organs to observe different condition in the surroundings, leading the students in pairs to take measurements, record their findings and present for class discussion. Guide students carry out simple biological experiments such as observing specimen using handlens investigating habits of different organisms, leading students to describe the biology laboratory and laboratory rules.</td> <td>Carrying out activities and use their sense organs to make correct observation of different conditions in the surroundings, taking measurements of different substances record their findings are present. Using guidelines to carry out simple biological experiments’ records, analyse, accurately present their findings, describing the biology laboratory and discuss laboratory rules.</td> <td>Variety of living things and non living things materials eg. Hot water, ice, colourful pictures, tapes, thermometers, weighing, scales, various objects such as boxes, specimen apparatus organisms, soil, a variety of biology laboratory tools list of biology laboratory.</td> <td><p>Biology for Secondary Schools From</p> <p>1 &amp; 2</p></td> <td>Students should be able to carry out the assigned activities that observed by individual; participation of themselves, answer the questions by using measurements which is taken by themselves, describe.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge concepts, principles and skills on every day life.</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td>SAFETY IN OUR ENVIRONMENT.</td> <td>FIRST AID</td> <td>6</td> <td><p>Leading class discussion on the meaning and importance of first aid to home and at school, competent of first aid kit and their uses.</p> <p>Guiding students to explain how to give first aid to various victims, risk and safety precaution.</p></td> <td>Discussing meaning and importance of first aid at home and school, observing and identifying components of first aid kit, brainstorm on ways of giving first aid to various victims, carrying out a guided practice of giving first aid to various victims.</td> <td>Publication of first aid /first aid kit/charts on components /of first aid kit and their uses.</td> <td>Biology for Secondary Schools form 1 &amp; 2</td> <td>Students should be able to explain, meaning and importance of first aid, to draw and label components of first aid kit to participate in practicing proper procedures of giving first aid.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MID TERM EXAMINATION AND BREAK</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles, and skills on everyday life.</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate biological and vocabularies.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>APRIL &amp; MARCH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>1</p></td> <td>Safety in our environment.</td> <td>Safety at home and school waste disposal.</td> <td>9</td> <td>Leading a class discussion on the meaning and importance of first aid at home and at school, component of first aid kit and their uses organizing a brainstorming session on meaning of waste and waste disposal, assigning group work to students of classifying waste produced at home, school and industry according to living and non living components, leading a class discussion basic principles of waste disposal and classifying waste into recycled and non recycled.</td> <td>Giving example of common accidents at home and school, giving out their views on ways of preventing accidents at home and school brain storming on meaning of waste and waste disposal classifying waste according to their physical state, discussing on group basic principles of waste disposal classifying waste into recycled and non recycled.</td> <td><p>Variety of things that can cause accidents at home and school, knife/kerosene/fire/medicine/ sample of waste/ pictures/</p> <p>photographs of dumped waste/</p> <p>dustbin/</p> <p>sewage system/</p></td> <td>Biology for secondary schools forms 1 &amp; 2</td> <td>students should be able to explain meaning and importance of first aid at home and school, to explain meaning of waste and waste disposal to classify waste according to their</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills on everyday life.</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAY &amp; APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>1</p></td> <td>Safety in our environment.</td> <td>The concept of health and immunity personal hygiene and good manners.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td>Leading a class on the definition of health and immunity types of body immunity (natural and artificial) and their importance organizing brain storming session on factors which affect body immunity, organizing students in groups to discuss the meaning of personal hygiene and good manners, leading a class on the principles of personal hygiene and good manners.</td> <td>Discussing the definition of health an immunity discussing types of immunity and their importance giving out their views on factors which affect body immunity discussing in groups the meaning of personal hygiene and good manners, outlining principles of personal hygiene and good manners discussing in groups proper ways of maintaining personal hygiene during poverty, characteristics features of importance of good manners.</td> <td><p>Charts on health and body immunity samples of vaccines/ picture showing people with characteristics of good manners/</p> <p>posters, film and pictures showing effects on drug users samples of good types of cosmetics and soap/film/education slides.</p></td> <td>Biology for secondary school forms 1 &amp; 2</td> <td>Students should be able to discuss on the definition of health and body immunity, to brainstorm session on factors that affect body immunity, to explain the meaning of personal hygiene and good manners, to explain the</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills every day.</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>-//-</td> <td>Infections an diseases.</td> <td>6</td> <td>Leading plenary discussion on the meaning of infection and diseases and their differences, organizing a brainstorms session on common infections and diseases such as epidemic, endemic, pandemic organizing students group to discuss the causes, symptoms, effects, common infections and diseases, leading class discussion appropriate preventive and control measures for common infections and diseases.</td> <td>Discussing in groups the meaning of infection and diseases, giving out their views on common infections and diseases, discussing in groups the causes, symptoms, and effects of common infections and diseases, using guide lines carry out a survey on the common diseases in the community.</td> <td><p>Charts and pictures of people suffering from common infections and diseases, showing people with common infections/posters, film and pictures/</p> <p>Charts</p> <p>/journals articles on common diseases.</p></td> <td><p>Biology for Secondary Schools Forms 1 &amp; 2, ministry</p> <p>of educated</p> <p>and vocational training biology for secondary schools Form 1 &amp; 2</p></td> <td>Students should be able to explain the meaning of infection and diseases and their differences, to brainstorm session on common diseases such as pandemic, epidemic, and endemic, to explain the causes.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13">TERMINAL EXAMINATION AND LONG VACATION.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills every day</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies</td> <td><blockquote> <p>AUGUST &amp; JULY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>-//-</td> <td>Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome</td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td>Guiding students to discuss the meaning of HIV/AIDS, STIs and STDs leading a class discussion on causes, symptoms, mode of transmission on effect, preventive and control measurement, guiding students to outline preventive and control measurement of HIV/AIDS, STIs and STDs and making clarification, guiding students to discuss ways of avoiding risky situation, behaviour and practices, leading a role play on how to use various life skills to avoid risky, situation, behaviour and practices an guiding discussion major effect and consequences show in the role plays and make conclusion.</td> <td>Discuss on the meaning of HIV/AIDS and STIs , STDs, discussion on causes, symptoms, mode of transmission and control measures, outlining preventive and control measures of HIV/AIDS and STIs, STDs presenting their views on ways of avoiding risky situations behaviours and practices, discussing on groups major effects and consequences shown in the role play brainstorming on the importance of curative health cure of STIs and opportunistic diseases.</td> <td><p>Charts/</p> <p>magazines/journalarticleson STIs and HIV/AIDS/brochure/</p> <p>charts/</p> <p>charts</p> <p>/pictures showing risky behaviours, practices and situation/</p> <p>pictures showing health care of STIs and opportunistic diseases.</p></td> <td>Biology for Secondary Schools form 1-2</td> <td>Students should be able to explain the HIV/AIDS and STIs, STDs, their causes symptoms, mode of transmission to discuss ways of avoiding risky situation, behaviours, practices, explain the importance curative health cure.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills every day</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies</td> <td><blockquote> <p>SEPTEMBER &amp; AUGUST</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p> <p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>Safety in our environment cell structure and organization.</td> <td><p>Care and support of people living with HIV/</p> <p>AIDS</p> <p>(PLWHA) the concept of cell, cell differentiation.</p></td> <td></td> <td>Leading students in explaining importance of prowding care and support to PLWHA in family, community, and school, through asking questions, guiding students in groups to discus necessary care and support services to be provided to PLWHA and make clarification, leading students in groups to discuss the meaning f cell and the characteristic of cell, leading a class discussion on various type of cell, functions do different parts of a plant and animal cell, guiding students in how to prepare slides charts and models of plant and animal cells, leading class discussion on the similarities and differences of plant and animal.</td> <td>Explain in groups importance of providing care and support to PLWHA in family, community and schools, discussing in their groups necessary care and support services to be provided to PLWHA, discussing the meaning of cell, characteristic of cell, observing different types of cells and differentiate their function and part of a plant and animal cell discuss the importance of cell differentiation and formation of tissue organs, body system.</td> <td><p>Charts/</p> <p>models/</p> <p>magazines/showing different types of cell/</p> <p>microscope slide/</p> <p>slides of plant and animal cell/</p> <p>charts showing plant and animal cells</p></td> <td>Biology for Secondary Schools form 1-2</td> <td>Students should be able to explain importance of prowding care and support to PLWHA in family community, to explain the meaning of cell, types of call, different parts and functions of plant and animal cell.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Demonstrate appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills every day</td> <td>Develop appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, principles and skills in everyday life, promote ability to communicate using biological terms and vocabularies</td> <td><blockquote> <p>OCTOBER &amp; SEPTEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p> <p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>Safety in our environment cell structure and organization.</td> <td><p>Care and support of people living with HIV/</p> <p>AIDS</p> <p>(PLWHA) the concept of cell, cell differentiation.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td>Leading students in explaining importance of prowding care and support to PLWHA in family, community and school, through asking questions, guiding students in groups to discuss necessary care and support services to provide PLWHA and make clarification, leading students in groups to discuss the meaning of cell and characteristic of cell, designing practical work for students to observe different</td> <td>Explaining in groups importance e providing care and support to PLWHA in family, community and school, discussing in their groups necessary care and support services to be provided to PLWHA, discussing the meaning of cell, characteristic of cells, observing different types of cells, discussing various types of cells and differentiate their function and part of plant and animal cells discuss the importance of cell differentiation and formation of tissues organs, body system.</td> <td><p>Charts/</p> <p>models/</p> <p>magazines/showing different types of cell/</p> <p>microscope slide/</p> <p>slides of plant and animal cells/</p> <p>charts showing plant and animal cells.</p></td> <td>Biology for Secondary Schools form 1-2</td> <td>Students should be able to explain importance of prowding care ad supporter to PLWHA in family and community, to explain the meaning of cell, different parts and functions of plant a animal cell.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MIDTERM EXAMINATION AND BREAK</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Group organisms according to their similarities and differences.</td> <td>Classify living organisms in their respective kingdoms, phyla/division</td> <td><blockquote> <p>NOVEMBER &amp; OCTOBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>4</p> <p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>Classification of living organism, major groups of living things, viruses.</td> <td>Concept of classification.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td>Organizing students visit to place where items are systematically grouped (laboratory-library) designing practical work for students to observe and group organisms according to their similarities and differences organizing a brainstorm session on the importance of classifying living things, leading brainstorming session on classification systems and merit and demerit of each type of classification system, designing simple practical work on grouping living things using each classification system, leading a class discussion on the major groups of living things, general and distinctive features of viruses, structure of viruses, advantage and disadvantage of viruses</td> <td>Collecting variety of living things and group them according to their similarities and differences participating in the session by giving out their views and asking questions discussing on types of classification and their differences also the merit and demerits each type of classification discussing the major group of living organism and their different ranks, observing and discussing on general and distinctive features of viruses drawing and labelling the diagram of viruses, brainstorming the advantage and disadvantage of viruses.</td> <td><p>Charts/</p> <p>micrograps of viruses/</p> <p>a variety of living organisms/picture/ representative sample of each group of living things.</p></td> <td>Biology for Secondary Schools form 1-2</td> <td>Students should be able to explain the type of classification and its importance, explain the structure of viruses, general and distinctive features of viruses, advantage and disadvantage of viruses.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Group organisms according to their similarities and differences.</td> <td>Classify living organisms in their respective kingdoms, phyla/division</td> <td><blockquote> <p>NOVEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>Classification of living organism, major groups of living things, viruses.</td> <td><p>Kingdom Monera</p> <p>Kingrom Protista</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td>Organizing students in groups to observe charts of representative organisms of the monera and leading a class discussion on the general and distinctive features of bacteria, leading a class discussion on advantages and disadvantages of bacteria, characteristic of pathogenic and non pathogenic bacteria, guiding students to group organism according to their similarities and differences and their phyla, leading students in groups to identify structures of amoeba, euglena, paramecium and plasmodium leading a brainstorm session of advantages and disadvantages of representative organisms under the kingdom protoctista.</td> <td>Observing charts of representative organisms of the kingdom monera and outlining the general and distinctive features of bacteria discussing advantages and disadvantages of bacteria and characteristic of pathogen and non pathogen bacteria observing charts or preserved specimen and group the organisms according to their similarities and different and state their phyla identify and outlining structure of amoeba, euglena, paramecium, plasmodium, brainstorm on the advantages and disadvantages of the kingdom protoctista.</td> <td><p>Charts/</p> <p>pictures/</p> <p>preserved specimen of amoeba, euglena/</p> <p>charts models/</p> <p>pictures of bacteria/</p> <p>yoghurt/</p> <p>cheese/</p> <p>root includes leguminous plants.</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13">ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS AND LONG VACATION.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></th> <th>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</th> <th><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Kuzungumza na kuandika kwa Kiswahili.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyo katika lugha ya Kiswahili.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>J A N U A R I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>UUNDAJI WA</p> <p>MANENO</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>(a) Mofimu</p> <p>(b) Uambishaji</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p><strong>4</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutoa fasihi ya mofimu.</p> <p>-Kutumia mifano kuwaongoza wanafuni waweze kubaini aina a mofimu.</p></td> <td><p>-Kueleza fasihi ya mofimu.</p> <p>-Kujadili aina za mofimu.</p> <p>Kujadili dhima za mofimu.</p></td> <td>Chati za mofinu</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili dhima za mofimu.</p> <p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili kwa mifano.</p> <p>i)Maana ya uambishaji, Viambishi.</p> <p>ii) Aina za viambishi</p> <p>iii) Dhima za viambishi</p></td> <td><p>-Wanafunzi washiriki kujadili .</p> <p>(i)Maana ya Uambishaji &amp; Uambishi</p> <p>(ii) Aina za viambishi.</p> <p>(iii) Kueleza dhma za viambishi.</p></td> <td>Chati yenye mifano ya viambishi.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>JANUARI</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>(c) Mnyambuliko</td> <td>4</td> <td>-Kwa njia ya majadiliano kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili fasihi na dhima ya mnyambuliko.</td> <td>-Kueleza fasihi na dhima ya mnyambuliko wa kubainisha kategoria za maneno.</td> <td>Chati yenye maneno ya mnyambuliko.</td> <td></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3">Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyo katika lugha ya Kiswahili</td> <td rowspan="3">Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika miktadha Mbalimbali</td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p><strong>F E B R U A R I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>1&amp;2</p> <p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p> <p>&amp; 5</p></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>MATUMIZI YA LUGHA KATIKA MIKTADHA MBALIMBALI</p> <p>Lugha ya mazungumzo &amp; Maandishi</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>a) Rejesta</p> <p>b) Misimu</p></td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza kufasili rejesta na kufafanua dhima za rejesta.</p> <p>-Kuwaongozo wanafunzi kukusanya kazi za rejesta</p></td> <td><p>-Kueleza fasli ya rejesta</p> <p>-Kujadili dhima za rejesta</p> <p>Kukusanya rejesta anuai.</p></td> <td>Matini za rejesta</td> <td rowspan="3">Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwa mifano ili waweze kueleza maana ya misimu chanzo na dhima za misimu au matumizi ya misimu</td> <td>Kujadili maana ya misimu, chanzo na dhima za misimu.</td> <td>Chati ya misimu mbalimbali</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>c)</p> <p>Lugha ya mazungumzo &amp; Maandishi</p> <p>Matini na lafudhi katika mawasiliano</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini lugha ya mazungumzo na maandishi.</p> <p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kufafanua dhima kisha kutofautisha lugha ya mazungumzo na Maandishi.</p> <p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia lafudhi sahihikatika mawasiliano.</p></td> <td><p>-Kujadili dhima za lugha ya maandishi na mazungumzo.</p> <p>-Kutofautisha lugha ya mazungumzo na Maandhishi.</p> <p>-Kwa kutumia vikundi waweze kubuni matamshi na lafudhi ya Kiswahili.</p></td> <td><p>-Matini za lugha ya mazungumzo na maandishi.</p> <p>-Vinasa sauti vyenye mazungumzo.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo katika lugha ya Kiswahili</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Kubaini Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika miktadha Mbalimbali</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p><strong>MARCHI</strong></p> <p><strong>M A C H I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p></td> <td colspan="9">MITIHANI YA ROBO MUHULA NA LIKIZO.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td>d) Utata katika mawasiliano.</td> <td>4</td> <td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini maana tofauti za tungo kutokana na vipengele vya sarufi maana, maumbo, miundo na matini.</td> <td>-Kujadili namna ya kuondoa utatakwa kuzingatia sarufi ya lugha</td> <td>-Chati yenye maneno yenye utata.</td> <td rowspan="3"><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2</p> <p>&amp; Kiswahili sekondari (TUMI 1988)</p> <p>‘’</p></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>e) Makosa ya Kisarufi</td> <td>4</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini / kutafiti makosa mbalimbali ya kisarufi nay a kimantiki.</p> <p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuainisha makosa ya kisarufi.</p></td> <td><p>-Kubaini /kutafiti makosa ya kisarufi na kusahihisha.</p> <p>-Kuainisha makosa ya kisarufi.</p></td> <td>-Tungo mbalimbali zenye makosa.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"><p>Kuandika habari fupifupi za</p> <p>Kiswahili.</p></td> <td rowspan="2">Kuandika insha, barua na simu</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>U</p> <p>A</p> <p>N</p> <p>D</p> <p>I</p> <p>S</p> <p>H</p> <p>I</p></td> <td>a) Insha</td> <td>4</td> <td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini mambo ya kuzingatia katika uandishi wa insha.</td> <td>-Kushiriki mjadala wa insha ya hoja na wasifu kisha kuzitunga.</td> <td>Vipengele vya insha.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>b) Barua rasmi</td> <td>4</td> <td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kujadili lengo na muundo wa barua rasmi.</td> <td><p>-Kubaini malengo na muundo wa barua rasmi.</p> <p>-Kuandika barua rasmi.</p></td> <td>Chati /matini za barua rasmi</td> <td>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>0TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>2</p> <p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>U</p> <p>A</p> <p>N</p> <p>D</p> <p>I</p> <p>S</p> <p>H</p> <p>I</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>c) Simu</p> <p>d) Kadi za mwaliko</p> <p>e) Uandishi wa dayalojia</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>4</p> <p>4</p> <p>4</p></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuandika simu ya Maandishi na tararibu za Uandishi.</p> <p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kueleza maana na umuhimu wa kadi za mwaliko.</p> <p>-Kuwaongoza kubaini muundo na taratibu za uandishi wa kadi za mialiko.</p></td> <td><p>-Kuchunguza kielekezo cha simu ya maandishi .</p> <p>-Kubaini muundo na taratibu uandishi.</p> <p>Kukusanya kadi mbalimbali za mialiko.</p> <p>Kuandika kadi za mialiko kwa kuzingatia muundo na taratibu zake.</p></td> <td><p>Vielelezo vya simu ya Maandishi.</p> <p>Kadi anuai za mialiko.</p></td> <td><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2</p> <p>‘’</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma dayalojia,</p> <p>kuigiza na kuchunguza mbinu za uandishi wa dayalojia.</p></td> <td><p>-Kusoma dayalojia</p> <p>-Kuigiza</p> <p>Majibizano</p> <p>-Kuchunguza mbinu za uandishi na kutunga dayalojia.</p></td> <td>Matini zenye dayalojia.</td> <td>‘’</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p><strong>M E I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>USIMULIZI</td> <td><p>Usimuliaji</p> <p>Uhakiki wa maigizo</p></td> <td><p>4</p> <p>4</p></td> <td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusimulia matukio mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia lafudhi ya Kiswahili.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki maigizo kwa kuzingatia vipengele vya fani na maudhui.</p></td> <td><p>-Kusimulia matukio mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia lafudhi ya Kiswahili.</p> <p>-Kuhaiki maigizo</p> <p>-Kuigiza kazi zilizorekodiwa kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui</p></td> <td><p>Magazeti na matangazo</p> <p>Matini ya maigizo</p></td> <td rowspan="3"><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe kidato cha 2.</p> <p>‘’</p> <p>‘’</p> <p>‘’</p></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">Kukusanya na kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi</td> <td rowspan="2">Kukusanya na kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi</td> <td><strong>3</strong></td> <td>Uhifadhi wa kazi za fasihi simulizi</td> <td>a)Njia za uhifadhi wa kazi za fasihi simulizi</td> <td>4</td> <td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutaja njia za kukusanya na kuhifadhi fasihi simulizi.</p> <p>-Kufafanua ubora na udhaifu wa njia hizo.</p></td> <td><p>-Kutaja njia za kukusanya na kuhifadhi fasihi</p> <p>Kueleza faida na hasara za njia hizo.</p></td> <td>Matumizi na matini za fasihi simulizi</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><strong>4</strong></td> <td></td> <td>b) Umuhimu wa kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi</td> <td>4</td> <td>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kujadili umuhimu wa kuhifadhi kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>-Kujadili umuhimu wa kuhifadhi fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>Chati ya fasihi simulizi.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="2"></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>JUNI</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="10"><strong>MITIHANI YA NUSU MUHULA NA LIKIZO YA NUSU MUHULA.</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>J U L A I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p></td> <td>Utunagaji wa kazi za fasihi simulizi</td> <td><p>a)Kanuni za utungaji mashairi.</p> <p>b) Kanuni za utungaji maigizo</p></td> <td><p>4</p> <p>4</p></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza kusoma mashairi ngonjera na kuwaonesha hatua za utungaji wa ushairi.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuigiza mada anuai na kuandika maigizo mbali mbali</p></td> <td><p>-Kusoma mashairi ngonjera na kuchunguza mbinu za utungaji wake.</p> <p>-Kutunga na kuiga maigizo mbalimbali.</p></td> <td>Matini za maigizo.</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Kusoma na kuelewa habari fupi za Kiswahili.</td> <td>Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko yenye ujumbe mbalimbali .</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>OKTOBA &amp; SEPTEMBA &amp; AGOSTI</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>1&amp;2</strong></p> <p><strong>3&amp;4</strong></p> <p><strong>1&amp;2</strong></p></td> <td>UFAHAMU</td> <td><p>a) Ufahamu wa kusoma</p> <p>b) Matumizi ya kamusi</p></td> <td><p>8</p> <p>8</p></td> <td><p>-Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kusoma habari kwa ufasaha na kujibu maswali kutokana na ufahamu na ufupisho wa habari.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kutumia kamusi.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kubaini maana ya istilahi tofauti zitumikazo kwenye kamusi. Mfano: Matini, Visawe n.k</p></td> <td><p>-Kusoma kimya na kwa makini na kujibu maswali.</p> <p>-Kufupisha habari.</p> <p>- Kusoma kwa sauti kwa lafudhi ya Kiswahili.</p> <p>Kujifunza na kutumia kamusi.</p></td> <td><p>-Matini mbalimbali.</p> <p>-Magazeti</p></td> <td><p>Kiswahili kitukuzwe.</p> <p>Kamusi.</p></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13"><strong>MARUDIO &amp; MTIHANI WA TAIFA</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA OFISI YA RAIS TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA HALMASHAURI YA MANISPAA YA UBUNGO MTIHANI WA UTAMILIFU WA PILI DARASA LA SABA 06 URAIA NA MAADILI Muda: Saa 1:30 Agosti, 2024 MAELEKEZO 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini (20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama **kumi (10)**. 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au **mweusi, isipokuwa** katika michoro ni lazima kutumia penseli. 5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika Namba yako ya Mtihani na **Jina la Shule yako** katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia. KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU NAMBA YA SWALI ALAMA **SAHIHI YA** MTAHINI 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUMLA SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu **A, B** na C zenye jumla ya maswali **Sita** (6). 2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi ulizopewa. SEHEMU A: (ALAMA 20) **Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii.** 1. Katika kila kipengele (i-x), chagua jibu sahihi kisha Andika herufi yake katika visanduku uliyopewa. i. Majukumu ya uongozi wa shule ni kusimamia nidhamu ya wanafunzi na maendeleo ya taaluma. Je, nini wajibu wa mwalimu wa taaluma Shuleni? a) Kufuatilia afya za wanafunzi b) kusimamia shughuli za kitaaluma c) Kukuza michezo Shuleni d)Kusimamia vikao vya kamati ya Shule e) Kusimamia chakula cha Shule ii. Matendo yanayokubalika katika jamii fulani ambayo hubadilika wakati kwa wakati huitwaje? a) mila b) Desturi c) Utamaduni c)Maadili e) miiko iii. Magonjwa ya UKIMWI, Malaria, Homa ya uviko 19 yanatishia uwepo wa raslimali zipi kati ya hizi zifuatazo? a) Ardhi b)Watu c) Misitu d) Madini e)Vyanzo vya Maji iv. Mfumo wa vyama vingi Tanzania ulikuwa na lengo la kukuza demokrasia nchini. Je, mfumo huu ulianzishwa mwaka gani? a) 1992 b) 1962 c) 2002 d) 1993 e) 2000 v. Amina ni mwanafunzi anayehudhuria shuleni kila siku na kwa wakati, kitendo hiki kinamaanisha nini? a) Kuipenda shule b) Hofu ya adhabu c) Anapenda kujifunza d) Kutii sheria za shule e) Sifa zimezidi vi. Kila shule inahitaji misaada mbalimbali ili iweze kuendelea. Ipi kati ya njia zifuatazo si sahihi ya kupata misaada? a) Harambee b) Chakula cha hisani c) Mnada d)Wadau wa maendeleo e) Kutoa hongo vii. Tanganyika ilikuwa nchi huru kwa sababu ilijitawala yenyewe kiuchumi kisiasa na kijamii. Je, ni chama gani cha kisiasa kilifanikisha uhuru huo? a) ASP b) AA c) TAA d)TANU e) ZPP viii. Baada ya uhuru wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar Nchi hizo mbili ziliungana kuwa nchi moja. Ni nani alikuwa makamu wa kwanza wa Rais wa nchi hiyo? a) Rashid M. Kawawa b) Edward M. Sokoine c) Abeid A. Karume d) Julius K Nyerere e) Benjamin W. Mkapa ix. Elimu ya zimamoto na uokoaji ni mchakato unaohusisha wadau mbali mbali. Je, Taasisi ya zimamoto na uokoaji ilianzishwa mwaka gani? (A) 2005 (B) 2006 (C) 2007 (D) 2008 (E) 2009 x. Rushwa imepigwa marufuku kwa sababu inazuia maendeleo ya nchi yetu. Kipi kati haya yafuatayo ni madhara ya Rushwa? a) Kuathiri mipango ya maendeleo ya nchi b) Adui wa haki c)Ukosefu wa huduma za jamii d)Kurahisishwa utoaji wa huduma za jamii e) Ukiukwaji wa matumizi ya rasilimali 2. Oanisha kifungu A na sentesi sahihi kutoka kifungu B kisha Andika herufi ya jibu sahihi katika nafasi uliyopewa. FUNGU A JIBU **FUNGU B** | sahihi katika nafasi uliyopewa. | | | |-----------------------------------|------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | FUNGU A | JIBU | FUNGU B | | i | Kitendo cha uvumilivu | A: Kutokuwa tayari kusikiliza | | ii | Mambo ya kuzingatia katika kutumia | wengine | | njia mbadala | B: Namna ya kutatua tatizo | | | Ukurasa wa 2 kati ya 4 | | | | | Namba ya Mtahiniwa _______________________ Jina la Shule ______________________________ | | |-----|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | iv | Kujenga ujasiri katika utendaji | | | v | Kushirikisha wenzako juu ya tatizo linalokukabili | | | iii | Mihemko | C: Namna ya kutawala hisia na mihemko D: Hisia kali anazokuwa nazo mtu kama jazba na woga juu ya jambo flani E: Uwezo wa mtu kujibu athari yoyote kupitia ung'amuzi wa mwili akili na moyo. F: Kuonesha tabia ya kuwa na subira G: Kujua kiini cha tatizo kuchunguza njia mbadala na kuainisha rasilimali za kutatua tatizo H: Faida za kutawala mihemko na hisia | 3. JAZA NAFASI ZILIZO WAZI i) Mamlaka inayohusika na usimamizi na utunzaji wa mazingira nchini huitwa? _____________________________________________________________ ii) Katiba ya Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania ina sura 10 Je, katiba hiyo ilitungwa mwaka gani?_____________________________________________________ iii) Kikosi au kikundi cha watu kilichoteuliwa kwa ajili ya kufanya shughuli maalumu aghalabu ya uchunguzi wa jambo kwa niaba ya kiongozi flani au Rais hutambulika kama?___________________________________________________________ iv) Kiongozi mkuu wa utawala ngazi ya wilaya ambaye huteuliwa na raisi wa Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania anaye shughulika na maswala ya vizazi na vifo na ndoa za serikalini huitwa________________________________________________ v) Taasisi inayohusika na kuchunguza na kukamata wahalifu wote na kuwafikisha mahakamani baada ya uchunguzi huitwa?______________________________ SEHEMU B: (ALAMA 20 **) Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu hii** 4. Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa kutumia maneno au viunganishi vya maneno vilivyo kwenye kisanduku MARAFIKI WENGI, CHAKULA, SHUGHULI ZA KUJITOLEA, TAARIFA, MKOA, JINSI, JINSIA, 1 Aprili 2015, 25 Aprili **2015. ELIMU, AJIRA ZA WATOTO** i) Shule ni mahali ambapo watu huenda Kupata________________ ii) Kupanda miti au maua shuleni ni mfano wa shughuli za _____________________ iii) Ipi ni ngazi ya utawala ambayo ni kubwa kuliko kata na ndogo kuliko wilaya _______________________ iv) Kunyonyesha, kusababisha mimba, kupata mimba na hedhi, ni tofauti za kibaiolojia, kati ya mwanamke na mwanaume ambazo kwa Pamoja huitwa__________________________ v) Lini sheria ya kuzuia makosa ya mtandao ilipitishwa na kusainiwa na Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania? _________________ ## 5. Jaza Majibu Mafupi i) Kwanini mwanasheria mkuu wa serikali ni mwanachama wa baraza la mawaziri wakati yeye si waziri_____________ ii) Mnyama gani anayetumika kama alama ya Taifa kutambulisha rasilimali tulizonazo nchini Tanzania? ________________ iii) Bainisha vyakula viwili vya jadi katika kabila la wamaasai iv) a) _______________________________ b) _______________________________ v) Ni mfumo wa mawasiliano rahisi unaoziwezesha nchi nyingi duniani kuwasiliana na kushirikiana katika maswala ya biashara siasa na teknolojia kwa njia ya mtandao uliounganishwa kwenye kompyuta haipadi au simu? _____________________________________________ vi) Kundi la watu wanaoishi Pamoja mahali fulani huitwa__________ ## Sehemu C: (Alama 10) 6. Soma kwa makini habari ifuatayo kisha jibu maswali yafuatayo: Madega ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la sita katika shule ya msingi Mihongoni. Alifanya mitihani ya muhula wa kwanza na kuwa mwanafunzi wa kumi na sita darasani kwao. Mdega hakukata tamaa, aliongeza bidii katika masomo yake ili aweze kufaulu na kushika nafasi ya kwanza darasani. Alijiwekea ratiba ya kusoma nyumbani na kuifuata. Alizingatia sheria na taratibu za shule na kufanya kwa wakati kazi zote alizopewa na walimu. Mara nyingi Madega alikosa vitabu vya kujisomea hivyo aliazima vitabu kwa walimu au wanafunzi wenzake. Kila Jumamosi, Madega alitembea umbali wa kilometa sita kwenda Shule za jirani kufanya mitihani ya kujipima. Hatimaye, alifanya vizuri sana katika masomo yake shuleni na kutimiza lengo lake la kushika nafasi ya kwanza. Jibu maswali yafuatayo i) Taja kikwanzo kimojawapo alichokuwa nacho Madega_________ ii) Madega alitaka kutimiza malengo gani?_____________________ iii) Tabia gani ya Madega inafaa kuigwa?________________ iv) Madega alifanya kitendo gani katika kuhimili changamoto iliyomkabili__________________________________________ v) Mdega alitembea umbali wa kilometa sita kwa sababu gani?
Hisabati-S4-2014 (copy).md
# Wizara Ya Elimu Na Mafunzo Ya Ufundi ## Mtihani Wa Taifa Wa Darasa La Nne - 2014 ### 051 Somo: Hisabati | **JINA LA MTAHINIWA:** ………………………………………………………… | … | |-----------------------------------------------|-----| | **JINA LA SHULE:** ………………………………………………………………… | | | **HALMASHAURI:** ……………………………………………………………….. | .. | | **MKOA:** …………………………………………………………………………… | . | **MUDA:** SAA **1:15** --- ### MAELEKEZO: 1. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali **25**. 2. Jibu maswali yote kama ilivyoelekezwa katika kila swali. 3. Majibu ya maswali yote yaandikwe kwenye nafasi zilizotolewa katika kila swali. 4. Kumbuka kuandika jina lako, jina la shule, halmashauri, na mkoa. 5. **Simu za mkononi** na **kikokotoo** haviruhusiwi kwenye chumba cha mtihani. --- ### Jibu maswali yafuatayo: | **NA.** | **SWALI** | **SEHEMU YA KAZI** | **JIBU** | |---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------|----------| | 1. | 9 + 117 + 1018 = | | | | 2. | 1340 - 685 | | | | 3. | 314 × 14 | | | | 4. | 13 ) 8099 | | | | 5. | Jumlisha: 27 + 18 = ______ (Andika jawabu kwa namba za Kirumi). | | | | 6. | Badili **XVII** kuwa namba za kawaida. | | | | 7. | 12 + 8 = | | | | 8. | 14 - 8 = | | | | 9. | Andika sehemu iliyotiwa kivuli. | | | | 10. | Kuna mistari minyoofu mingapi katika mchoro ufuatao? | | | | 11. | Urefu wa mstatili ni meta 50 na upana wake ni meta 40. Tafuta eneo lake. | | | | 12. | Tafuta eneo la mraba ambao urefu wa upande wake mmoja ni meta 30. | | | --- ### Maswali ya ziada: | **NA.** | **SWALI** | **JIBU** | |---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | 13. | Tafuta mzingo wa mraba huu. | | | 14. | 30 + 45 = | | | 15. | Badili **mm 20** kuwa sentimeta. | | | 16. | Badili kilogramu 4 kuwa gramu. | | | 17. | Mama anahitaji lita 2 za maziwa. Je atanunua paketi ngapi za maziwa za ½ lita?| | | 18. | Saa 6:45 + Saa 2:59 = | | | 19. | Saa 8:00 - Saa 2:50 = | | | 20. | Andika muda ufuatao kwa tarakimu: Saa kumi na mbili kasoro robo. | | --- ### Maswali ya hesabu za fedha: | **NA.** | **SWALI** | **JIBU** | |---------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | 21. | Idadi ya wakazi katika vijiji vitatu imeoneshwa kwenye grafu ya muhimili ufuatao. Tafuta jumla ya wakazi wa vijiji vyote vitatu. | | | 22. | **Sh. 2680 + Sh. 130 =** | | | 23. | **Sh. 1850 - Sh. 99 =** | | | 24. | **Sh. 120 × 4 =** | | | 25. | Caroli alinunua bidhaa zifuatazo: machungwa 3 @ Sh. 100, embe 7 @ Sh. 350, mapapai 9 @ Sh. 1000, na paketi 10 za maziwa @ Sh. 650. Alilipa kiasi gani? | |
**HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA YA KISHAPU** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI 2021** **SOMO: KISWAHILI DARASA LA TATU** **SEHEMU A: IMLA** 1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU B: CHAGUA HERUFI YA JIBU SAHIHI** 6. Mtoto wa shangazi yako unamwitaje? \_\_\_\_\_ a) Baba b) Binamu c) dada 7. Mama alinipa \_\_\_\_baada ya kufaulu kwenda sekondari a) Adhabu b) Zawadi c) Adabu 8. Katika darasa letu mimi \_\_\_\_\_ mwanafunzi mrefy zaidi a) ndiyo b) ndio c) ndiye 9. Juma \_\_\_\_\_\_ Aisha ni marafiki wa siku nyingi sana a) ni b) lakini c) na 10. Chungwa, Pera, Nanasi naembe kwa pamoja tunaitaje? \_\_\_\_ a) matunda b) chakula c) vinywaji **ANDIKA VINYUME VYA MANENO YAFUATAYO** 11. Nje \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12. Shuka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 13. Wahi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 14. Meza \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 15. Nenda \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **ANDIKA WINGI WA MANENO HAYA** 16. Kifaa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 17. Kiatu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18. Begi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 19. Duka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. Mvua \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU C: METHALI NA VITENDAWILI** 21. Mchagua jembe si \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 22. Haba na haba \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU D: NYAKATI** Andika maneno haya katika wakati ujao Mfano: Analima -- Atalima 23. Anaondoka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Alimeza \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 25. Wanacheza \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **IMLA** 1. Shuleni kwetu tumepanda maua 2. Mama anapika ugali 3. Najivunia kuitwa mwanafunzi 4. Nitafurahi nikifikia ndoto zangu 5. Nitafauli mitihani yangu
**THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA** **MAGANZO SECONDARY SCHOOL** **TERMINAL EXAMINATION** **FORM III GEOGRAPHY** **MAY -- 2021** **TIME: 3:00 HOURS** **INSTRUCTIONS** 1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions. 2. Answer all
**MWADUI "A" PRIMARY SCHOOL** **END OF FEBRUARY EXAMINATION** **SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS** **NAME ..................................... CLASS ...................... DATE..............................** Do all the questions +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | * | **QUESTION** | **WORK | **ANSWER** | | * | | PLACE** | | | N | | | | | O | | | | | . | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | +===+================================+===============+=================+ | 1 | Write in words | | | | | | | | | | 8,047 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 4079 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 3 | 10,000 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 4 | 5308 | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 5 | 1020 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 6 | Write the following in figure | | | | | (number) six thousand and six | | | | | = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 7 | Two thousand two hundred and | | | | | twenty = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 8 | Six thousand and eight = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 9 | One hundred and ten = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | Eight thousand and six = | | | | 0 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | **Fill in the blanks** | | | | 1 | | | | | | 9 hundreds 8 tens 2 0nes = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 7 thousands 5 hundreds 4 tens | | | | 2 | 3 ones = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 5 tens 4 ones = | | | | 3 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | **Write in expanded form** | | | | 4 | | | | | | 1470 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 6537 = | | | | 5 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 9009 = | | | | 6 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 8751 = | | | | 7 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 4856 = | | | | 8 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 1 | **Write in short form** | | | | 9 | | | | | | 9000+700+30+8= | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 5000+600+30+1= | | | | 0 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 5000+900+90+9= | | | | 1 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 7000+700+3= | | | | 2 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 200+50+5= | | | | 3 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | Write the place value of each | | | | 4 | of the following 4 in 734 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 3 in 1103 | | | | 5 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 9 in 1492 | | | | 6 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 8 in 3789 | | | | 7 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | **Addition** | | | | 8 | | | | | | 5714 + 2035 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2 | 54 + 222 + 219 = | | | | 9 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 3 | Represent the following number | | | | 0 | in abacus | | | | | | | | | | 1124 = | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 3 | 2318 = | | | | 1 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 3 | 88+3692+3913 = | | | | 2 | | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 3 | **Subtract** 638 | | | | 3 | | | | | | \- [224]{.underline} | | | +---+--------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ **MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY** **MWADUI "A" PRIMARY SCHOOL** **STD III MATHEMATICS MONTLY TEST JULY** **NAME ....................................................... DATE ..................................** +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | * | **QUESTION** | **CALCULATION | **ANSWERS** | | * | | SPACE** | | | N | | | | | O | | | | | . | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | +===+============================+====================+===============+ | 1 | 154 + 209 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | 32201 | | | | | | | | | | \- 999 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 3 | 146 | | | | | | | | | | × 3 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 4 | 84 ÷ 7 = | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 5 | Write the missing number | | | | | | | | | | 41 43 45 | | | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, 49 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 6 | 4223 + 204 + 15 = | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 7 | Write 7033 in words | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 8 | 274 ÷ 2 = | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 9 | What digit is in tens | | | | | place value? | | | | | | | | | | 3748 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | What is the place value of | | | | 0 | 3 in 7358? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Write 20 in Roman numerals | | | | 1 | | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Write the following | | | | 2 | fraction in words ^3^/~4~ | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Write XXXV in normal | | | | 3 | number | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Faraja had one orange, she | | | | 4 | gave ^3^/~7~ of it to her | | | | | aunt. What fraction | | | | | remained with her? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Write the fraction **one | | | | 5 | sixth** in numerals. | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Find the product of: 132 | | | | 6 | and 6 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | Write in short form | | | | 7 | | | | | | 4000 and 700 and 90 and 2 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | The shopkeeper had 4370 | | | | 8 | pencils. She sold 3465 | | | | | pencils. How many pencils | | | | | was she left with? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 1 | One goat has four legs. | | | | 9 | How many legs do 37 goats | | | | | have? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | Write the place value of 4 | | | | 0 | in 1746 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | Arrange the following in | | | | 1 | ascending order 26, 13 19, | | | | | 23. | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | Arrange the following in | | | | 2 | descending order 169, 192, | | | | | 196, 109 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | What fraction is shaded | | | | 3 | | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | Write **fifty** in romans | | | | 4 | numbers. | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | What fraction is not | | | | 5 | shaded? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | 7894 -- 2503 = | | | | 6 | | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | Write the following number | | | | 7 | in long form 4379 | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | Write the number in | | | | 8 | figures | | | | | | | | | | **Three thousand four | | | | | hundred and thirty eight | | | | | =** | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 2 | There are 326 girls and | | | | 9 | 273 boys in Ushindi | | | | | School. How many pupils | | | | | are there in the school? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 3 | Write the name of the | | | | 0 | following figure | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 3 | One hour is equal to 60 | | | | 1 | minutes. How many minutes | | | | | are in 2 hours? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 3 | Write the next number in | | | | 2 | Roman numerals XI, XII, | | | | | XIII, | | | | | XIV | | | | | ,\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ | 3 | There are 365 days in one | | | | 3 | year. How many days are in | | | | | 2 years? | | | +---+----------------------------+--------------------+---------------+ **MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY** **MWADUI "A" PRIMARY SCHOOL** **STD III ENGLISH MONTHLY TEST** **NAME: ......................................................... DATE .......................** 1. ...................................................................................... 2. ...................................................................................... 3. ...................................................................................... 4. ...................................................................................... 5. ...................................................................................... **Write the letter of the correct answer.** 6. I ....................... to school every day. (a) Go (b) Going (c) Is go ( ) 7. We ................... To the market. (a) Run (b) Runs (c) Running ( ) 8. John ................ A pupil at Mwadui "A" primary school. (a) Are (b) Is (c) Am ( ) 9. Ali and Michael ...................... Sleeping. (a) Is (b) Is are (c) are ( ) 10. They ................. to Mwanza yesterday. (a) Went (b) Go (c) Is going ( ) **[VOCABULARY]{.underline}** **Fill in the blanks with the correct word.** **(wild animals, fruits, domestic animals, parents, nephew)** 11. Lion, giraffe and zebra are ...................................... 12. Her ..................... are Mr. and Mrs. Daudi. 13. Cat, cow, sheep and dog are ........................................ 14. My brother and my sister's son is a ............................. **[Underline the different word]{.underline}** 15. Mango, orange, knife, pawpaw. 16. Tuesday, Monday, May, Friday. 17. The opposite of **fat** is ................................ 18. A person who flies aeroplane is a ........................... 19. My father's father is called ....................................... 20. I ................ Watching TV. 21. Neema ................. reading. 22. You ..................... apples. 23. I am eating .................... orange. (a, an) 24. This is ................... Big stone. (a, an) 25. ............. Are cups. (This, These) 26. ................ Are the books. (This, These) 27. We go to school from Monday to ................................. **[Arrange the words to get correct sentences.]{.underline}** 28. Egg that is an ........................................................ 29. Sweet mango is this a. ........................................................ **[Write the plural form.]{.underline}** 30. One sheep, ten ...................................... 31. One bird, four ....................................... 32. One ................................, two tomatoes. 33. One .................................., two trees.
**OFISI YA RAIS -- TAMISEMI** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI KISWAHILI DARASA LA III -- 2019** **JINA LA MWANAFUNZI\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_SHULE YA MSINGI\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A" IMLA** **SIKILIZA KWA MAKINI KISHA UANDIKE KWA USAHIHI** 1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "C"** **Chagua jibu sahihi** 6. Viatu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni vyekundu (a) wote (b) yeyote (c) Vyote \[ \] 7. Watoto \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ wanapenda wali kwa maharage. (a) nyingi (b) chache (c) wengi \[ \] 8. Mtihani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni rahisi sana. (a) huu (b) huyu (c) yote \[ \] **SEHEMU "C"** **Andika neno moja lenye maana sawa** 9. Kuku, bata, mwewe, njiwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 10. Twiga, tembo, simba, chui \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 11. Sisimizi, chawa, kunguni, mende \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12. Mahindi, ngano, mchele, ulezi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "D" LUGHA YA KIFASIHI** **Kamilisha methali zifuatazo** 13. Usipoziba ufa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 14. Kidole kimoja **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** 15. Haba na haba \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Tegua vitendawili vifuatavyo** 16. Kiota change nimekizungushia boma la nyasi\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 17. Kondoo wangu ana nyama nje na ngozi ndani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18. Bib hatui mzigo wake \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Toa maana ya nahau zifuatazo** 19. Tia chumvi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. Bega kwa bega \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "E" USHAIRI** **Soma shauru lifuatalo kisha jibu maswali** Kiswahili lugha ya yetu, tunapaswa kuijua, Maneno ya lugha yetu, twatakiwa kuyajua, Ndani ya kamusi yetu, maneno kuangalia, Kamusi ya Kiswahili, twatakiwa kutumia **Maswali:** 21. Shairi hili lina mishoror mingapi? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 22. Shairi hili lina beti ngapi? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 23. Andika kituo cha shairi hili \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Andika vina vya kati katika shairi hili \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 25. Taja kichwa cha shairi hili \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **PRESIDENT'S OFFICE -- REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **S.T.D III ENGLISH ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- 2019** **SCHOOL NAME \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ PUPIL'S NAME\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SECTION A: DICTATION** 1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SECTION B Choose the Correct Answer** 6. He\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ looking for something (a)Were (b) Are (c)Is (d) Was \[ \] 7. We\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ eating food now (a) Are (a) Were (c) Was (c)All \[ \] 8. Hamis \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_the ball yesterday (a) Kick (b) Kicked (c) Kicks (d) Kicking \[ \] 9. I \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_to Mwanza next week (a) Go (b) Will go (c) Goes (d) Went \[ \] 10. Samwel is the \_\_\_\_ boy in the class. (a) Tallest (b) Tall (c) Taller (d) Talls \[ \] 11. Pupils go to school\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ foot (a) By (b) On (c) In (d) With \[ \] 12. Mwanza city is \_\_\_\_\_\_than Mbeya city. (a)Big (b) Bigger (c) Biggest (d) Bigs \[ \] 13. The children are eating their food \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_spoons. (a) On (b) By (c) With (d) For \[ \] 14. Yesterday we\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the 200. (a) Go (b) Went (c) Going (d) Goes \[ \] 15. Your mother's brother is your \_\_\_\_ (a) Uncle (b) Aunt (c) Friend (d) Dad\[ \] 16. This is your house, It is\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Mine (b) Yours (c) Ours (d) Your \[ \] 17. We paint with\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Bushes (b) Brushes (c) Eraser (d)Pencil \[ \] 18. She \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ cook food tomorrow evening. (a) Will (b) On (c) By (d) Has \[ \] 19. A person who looks after sick people is called. (a) A nurse (b) Doctor (c) A tailor (d)Manager \[ \] 20. A person who makes chair, tables and desks is \_\_\_ (a) Driver (b) Carpenter (c) Tailor \(d\) musician \[ \] > **SECTION C:** **Read the following passage and then answer the questions by writing the letter of the correct word in the box.** Majuto owns a shop. He works in this shop every day. He sells sugar, salt, soap, rice, flour, kerosene and many other things. He talks to his customers in a very polite way. He does not cheat every book likes his shop. Parents sent their children to Majuto's shop. Without fear of losing their money **QUESTION** 21. People who buy things in a shop are called\_\_\_\_\_ (a) buys (b) customers (c) everyone (d) Majuto's \[ \] 22. Majuto is friendly to\_\_\_\_ (a) children (b) parents (c) customers (d) old people \[ \] 23. What do people buy from Majuto's shop? \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Sugar and shop (b) water and food (c) money and honey \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) sugar, salt, soap, flour, kerosene and many other thing ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 24. People like Majuto because he is \_\_\_\_ (a) friendly and honest (b) rude and rough (c) careless and forgetful (d) smart \[ \] 25. Majuto owns a\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Lorry (b) car (c) shop (d) farm \[ \] **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAMISEMI** **MTIHANI WA SAYANSI NA TEKNOLOJIA DARASA LA III MUHULA WA PILI -- 2019** **JINA LA SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** 1. Ipi kati ya hizi ni aina ya mada? \_\_\_\_\_ (a) kimiminika (b) kinywa (c) umbali \[ \] 2. Chanzo cha asili cha nishati ya joto ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) umeme (b) jua (c) chemli \[ \] 3. Sifa mojawapo ya mwanga ni \_\_\_\_ (a) kuzimika (b) kumulika (c) kusafiri katika mstari mnyoofu \[ \] 4. Kuna makundi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ya vipimo. (a) mawili (b) matatu (c) matano \[ \] 5. Kuna aina \_\_\_\_\_\_ za maada. (a) mbili (b) tatu (c) nne \[ \] 6. Chanzo cha nishati ya mwanga ni? (a) kurunzi (b) pasi (c) birika \[ \] 7. Yupi ni mdudu hatari kati ya hawa wafuatao? (a) nyuki (b) panzi (c) kumbikumbi \[ \] 8. Kipi ni chakula cha wanga kati ya hivi? (a) ugali (b) mtindi (c) maya \[ \] 9. Chanzo cha vitamin ni pamoja na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) chapti (b) embe (c) Nyama \[ \] 10. Faida ya matumizi ya simu ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kunyoosha nguo (b) kurahisisha mawasiliano (c) kutibu magonjwa \[ \] **SEHEMU "B" OANISHA SEHEMU "A" na "B"** +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | **SEHEMU "A"** | **SEHEMU "B"** | +====================================+=================================+ | 11. Mdudu anayeeneza malaria. | A. Nishati | | | | | 12. Nguvu inayowezesha kazi | B. Mbu | | mbalimbali kufanyika. | | | | C. Karatasi, bakuli na beseni | | 13. Mitetemo ya vitu mbalimbali. | | | | D. Sauti | | 14. Vitu vinavyoweza kuelea kwenye | | | maji. | E. Kisasa na asili | | | | | 15. Njia za mawasiliano. | | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **SEHEMU 11 12 13 14 15 "A"** ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- **SEHEMU "B"** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **SEHEMU "C"** **Andika kweli au si kweli** 16. Huduma ya kwanza hutolewa kwenye eneop la ajali \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 17. Kirefu cha UKIMWI ni virusi vya UKIMWI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18. Nngoma, kengele, filimbi na kinanda hutoa sauti \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 19. Chuma ni kipitisho cha joto \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. Jua si chanzo cha asili cha joto \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "D"** **Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi** 21. Jumla ya vitu na viumbe hai vinavyotuzunguka huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 22. Sehemu ya mwili inayotumika kuhisi joto au baridi huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 23. Taja viumbe hai wawili wanaojongea kwa kuogelea \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Viumbe hai wakikosa hewa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 25. Simu ya mkononi hutumika kupeleka na kupokea \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI DARASA LA III SOMO LA MAARIFA YA JAMII** **JINA LA SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A"** **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi** 1. Hali au mambo yanayomzunguka kiumbe katika sehemu anapoishi au maisha yeke huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) uoto (b) Mazingira (c) uhai \[ \] 2. Kuna pande kuu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ za Dunia (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 4 \[ \] 3. Aina za ni ngapi? (a) tano (b) nane (c) sita \[ \] 4. Kundi la watu wenye familia zenye asili moja huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kitongoji (b) ukoo (c) Kijiji\[ \] 5. Shangazi ni ndugu wa upande wa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Babu (b) baba (c) Mama \[ \] 6. Chombo kinachotumika kupima jotoridi ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) themometa (b) Anemometa (c) Barometa \[ \] 7. Kiumbe yupi kati ya hawa huishi majini tu? (a) chura (b) mjusi (c) samaki \[ \] 8. Sayari iliyo karibu sana na jua ni \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) zuhura (b) zebaki (c) sumbula \[ \] 9. Tanganyika ilipata uhuru wake mwaka \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) 1964 (b) 1967 (c) 1961 \[ \] 10. Waziri mkuu wa wamu ya tano ni \_\_\_\_(a) Fredrick Sumaye (b) Khasim Majaliwa (c) Mizengo Pinda \[ \] 11. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ndiye kiongozi mkuu katika familia. (a) Baba (b) Kaka (c) Mama \[ \] 12. Familia yenye watu wengi huitwa \_\_\_(a) Familia ya awali (b) familia pana (c) Familia ya mume na mke \[ \] 13. Wasukuma husalimiana kwa \_\_\_\_\_ (a) kupiga magoti (b) kubusiana mikono (c) kugongeana mabega \[ \] 14. Mazingira machafu ni chanzo cha \_\_\_ (a) milipuko ya magonjwa (b) kujipatia mahitaji (c) kupata ajira \[ \] **SEHEMU "B"** **Jaza nafasi zilizowazi** 15. Rais wa awamu ya tano ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 16. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar. 17. Chanzo cha asili cha joto na mwanga ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18. Taja shughuli mbili za uzalishaji mali \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 19. Sayari pekee yenye maji, hewa na viumbe hai ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. Joto na baridi huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "C"** **Andika ndiyo au hapana kwa sentensi zifuatazo** 21. Dada wa Baba yako utamwita Mama Mkubwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 22. Mifugo na ardhi ni rasilimali \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 23. Mchezo wa bao huchezwa zaidi na jamii za Pwani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Malengo ya michezo ya asili ni kukuza uwezo wa kufikiri na kuamua \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 25. Wahehe husalimiana kwa kugongana mabega \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI URAIA NA MAADILI DARASA LA TATU** **JINA LA SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A"** **Jibu maswali ya kuchagua kuanzia swali la 1 -- 10** 1. Bendera ya Rais ina alama ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ katikati (a) Twiga (b) Fedha (c) Nembo ya Taifa ( ) 2. Faida ya kuwashirikisha watoto katika kufanya maamuzi ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) kuleta upendeleo (b) kuleta ugomvi (c) kuleta ugomvi ( ) 3. Nyama na maziwa ni chakula cha jamii ya kabila la \_\_\_\_(a) wazaramo (b) wasukuma (c) wamasai ( ) 4. Wimbo wa Taufa unapoimbwa shuleni tunatakiwa\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Tukae chini (b) tutulie na kusimama wima (c) tukimbie haraka mstarini ( ) 5. Moja kati ya hizi si alama ya Taifa letu, nayo ni \_\_\_\_ (a) fedha zetu (b) polisi (c) mwenge wa uhuru ( ) 6. Vitu vinavyotambulisha Taifa ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) alama za Taifa (b) alama za miti (c) maji ( ) 7. Matendo yanayojumuisha kuipenda na kujivunia shule ni \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kutunza mazingira ya shule (b) kutoroka shuleni (c) kupigana shuleni ( ) 8. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni uwezo alionao mtu ambao humwezesha kufanya jambo Fulani. (a) kipaji (b) utamaduni (c) mwenge ( ) 9. Kuna aina kuu ngapi za fedha za Tanzania\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) tatu (b) mbili (c) Nne ( ) 10. Sura ya Rais wa kwanz awa Tanzania inaonekana katika noti ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) shilingi elfu mbili (b) shilingi elfu tano (c) shilingi elfu moja ( ) **SEHEMU "B"** **Andika "Kweli" au "Si-kweli"** 11. Ulemavu ni hali ya kuwa na kasoro ya kimaumbile \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12. Wimbo wa Tanzania, Tanzania unabeti mbili \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 13. Watu wanaowajibika kutunza rasilimali za shule ni walemavu tu\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 14. Kwakutumia lugha inayofaa kuwasiliana na mwenzako utaepuka ugomvi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 15. Moja ya haki ya watoto ni kupata elimu bora \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "C"** **Oanisha kifungu "A" NA "B"** +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | **KIFUNGU "A"** | **KIFUNGU "B"** | +====================================+=================================+ | 16. Vivutio vilivyopo Tanzania. | A. Kutupa vitu vyenye sumu | | | | | 17. Moja ya haki za watoto. | B. Kufichua uovu | | | | | 18. Uchafuzi wa vyanzo vya maji. | C. Mkoan Tabora | | | | | 19. Matendo ya uaminifu. | D. Kupata elimu bora | | | | | 20. Vifaa vinavyotumika kuchezea | E. Mbuga za wanyama | | ngoma | | | | F. Kibwaya na njuga | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **KIFUNGU 16 17 18 19 20 "A"** ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- **KIFUNGU "B"** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **SEHEMU "D"** **Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi** 21. Amani na upendo, umoja, uzalendo, mshikamamo ma utu ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_za Taifa. 22. Bendera ya Tanzania ina rangi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 23. Jina Tanzania ni myyngano wa Tanganyika na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Rangi ya manjano katika bendera ya Taifa huwakilisha \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 25. Maneno yanayoonekana katika ngao ya Taifa ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI SOMO LA HISABATI DARASA LA TATU** **JINA LA SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | 1. 2 6 4 | 14. Andika kwa tarakimu sehemu | | | iliyotiwa kivuli. | | +2 7 6 | | | | 15. Taja thamani ya nne katiks | | 2. 3 4 9 | namba 3472 | | | | | \- 1 6 6 | 16. Tafuta jumla ya shilingi 890 | | | na | | 3. 4 6 3 | 220.\_\_\_\_ | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | × 4 | | | | 17. Amina alikusanya nazi 760. | | 4. 442 + 29 =\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | Baadae akaongeza nazi 240. | | | Je, alikusanya jumla ya nazi | | 5. 623 -- 86 | ngapi?\_\_ | | =\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | | 6. 29 × 4 | 18. Chora uso wa saa uoneshe saa | | =\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | 4:30 | | | | | 7. \+ 21 = 45 | 19. Mwalimu alinunua maboksi 3 | | | ya pipi 10 Je, alinunua pipi | | 8. 98 - = 43 | | | | ngapi?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | 9. Andika kwa tarakimu | | | | 20. Wanafunzi 25 wana jumla ya | | "Elfu mbili miasaba na tisa" | miguu na mikono | | | mingap | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | i?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | 21. Andika namba inayofuata | | 10. Andika 805 kwa maneno. | katika mtiririko wa namba | | | zifuatazo. 1, 3, 5, | | 11. Chora umbo lolote lenye pembe | \_\_\_\_\_ 9, \_\_\_\_\_\_ | | nne. | | | | 22. Saa moja ina dakika ngapi | | 12. Andika $\frac{1}{4}$ kwa | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | maneno. | | | | 23. Noti ipi ina thamani kubwa | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | kuliko zote katika noti za | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | Tanzani | | | a?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | 13. Andika $\frac{1}{6}$ kwa | | | maneno. | 24. Chora umbo la Heksagoni. | | | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | 25. Fundi seremala hutengeneza | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | meza 4 kwa siku. | | | Atatengeneza meza ngapi lwa | | | siku | | | 31?\_\_\_ | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
**MTIHANI WA S/KAZI DARASA LA VI** **Chagua jibu sahihi** 1. Viatu vyenye kisigino kirefu huweza kusababisha .............................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Maumivu ya kichwa (b) Maumivu ya misuli (c) Maumivu ya magoti ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Kuna umuhimu gani wa kuzima pasi baada ya kutumia................ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Kuepuka kuunguza nguo (b) kuepuka madhara na gharama (c) Kuzuia kutu kwenye uso wa saa. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Taka zifuatazo zinafaa kwa mbolea isipokuwa .................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Vinyesi (b) Maganda ya matunda (c) Vifuu vya nazi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Yafuatayo ni mahitaji ya kuandaa kababu isipokuwa ............................ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Hamira (b) Nyama (c) Mayai ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. Uchongaji wa Motifu unahitaji kuzingatia sifa \\
KISWAHILI 66(2).md
**HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA KISHAPU** **SHULE YA MSINGI BUPIGI** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MHULA WA PILI DARASA LA SITA DISEMBA 2021** **JINA LA MWANAFUNZ.............................................................** **SEHEMU AI:UFAHAMUWAKUSIKILIZA** Sikilizakwamakinihabariitakayosomwanamsimamizi, kasha jibuswali1-5kwakuchaguaherufiyajibulililosahihi. 1. Kijiji cha Mwendokasikipokaribunahifadhigani? A. Mlomazi B. Mkomazi C. Mikumi D. Saanane E. Ngorongoro \[ \] 2. BusaranabibiyakewalikwendawapisikuyaJumamosi? A. Porini B. KwenyehifadhiC. Shambani D. Njiani E. Kijijini \[ \] 3. Nanialikuwawa kwanza kuwaonatembo? A. Bibi B. Busara C. Ng'ombe D. Wote E. Shaibu 4. Kisawe cha tembokamailivyotajwakwenyehabariuliyosikilizani: Shibli B. Nyati C. Ndovu D. Ngamia E. Kangaroo \[ \] 5. Maneno "amepigwanabutwaa"kamayalivyotumikakwenyekifungu cha habariyanamaanagani? A. Huzunika B. Shangaa C. Pigwanamchecheto D. Fukuzandovu E. Takasa \[ \] **SEHEMU A II: SARUFI NA LUGHA YA KIFASIH**I Chaguaherufiyajibulililosahihi 6. Nenolipilinakamilishasentensihii? "Uchumiwetu\_\_\_\_\_\_naukamewamudamrefu." A. umeadhiriwa B. umeathiliwa C. umeasiliwa D. umesailiwa E. umeathiriwa \[ \] 7. "Wasifu wake uliimbwanavikundivyasanaa".Sentensihiiikokatikakauligani?\_\_\_\_ A. kutendwa B. kutendewa C. kutendana D. kutenda E. kutendeka \[ \] 8. Kisawe cha neon "Kilembwekeza" nikipikatikamanenoyafuatayo? A. Kinying'inya B. Mjukuu C. Kitukuu D. Kilembwe E. Kijukuu \[ \] 9. Mwanzowamethali "\_\_\_\_ndiyomlanyama"niipi? A. Mvuvihodari B. Mwindajihodari C. Simbamwendapole D. Mwenyekisukikali E. Mwenyebucha \[ \] 10. "Njiambilizilimshindafisi".Methaliyenyemaanasawanahiyoniipi? A. PolepolendiyomwendoB.Ukionavyaeleavimeundwa C. Bandubanduhuishagogo D. Mtakayotekwa pupa hukosayote E. Penyeniapananjia \[ \] 11. Sentensiipiikokatikakaulitaarifa? A. Njoohapa B. Nendakule C. Pole sana D. AmekuambiakuwauendeE.Nendanausiruditenahapa \[ \] 12. Nenolipilinakamilishasentensihii? Ni lazimakila kaya\_\_\_\_\_kuwachakula. A. ijitemegee B. ijitegemee C. ijimetegee D. ijetegemee E. ijitemee \[ \] 13. Hali yakuwamasikini Zaidi huitwa \_\_\_\_ A. Mashaka B. Ukosefu C. Uchumi D. Ukwasi E. ukata \[ \] 14. Lipikatiyamanenoyafuatayohalihusianinamengine? \_\_\_\_ A. Kemea B. Adhiri C. Gombeza D. Hamaki E. Karipia \[ \] 15. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ unywemajiyaliyochemshwailikujikinganamaradhi. A. Inakupasa B. Endapo C. Usipopenda D. Kiwakilishi E. Ili \[ \] 16. Walibananakuingiaukumbini. Sentensihiiikokatikakauligani? \_\_\_ A. Kutenda B. Kutendwa C. Kutendeka D. Kutendana E. Kutendeka \[ \] 17. Maanayakitendawili, Nimesafishauwanjawangukajamiguumirefukuchafuani \_\_ A. Mvua B. Ukame C. Jua D. Mwanga E. Upepo \[ \] 18. Nahauisemayo "ungamkono" maanayakeni\_\_\_ A. kosauaminifu B. tibumeno C. kubaliana D. katalia E. shikamana \[ \] 19. Ili kufaulumtihaniwakesho \_\_\_\_\_ nisomemasomoyasayansi. A. sinabudi B. budi C. sibudi D. kunusuru E. nibudi \[ \] 20. Nenolipinikinyume cha neon saza? \_\_\_\_A.toshekaB.maliza C. bakizaD.kubaliE.tamani 21. Lipikatiyamanenoyafuatayohalihusianinamengine? \_\_\_\_ A. Chai B. Togwa C. Kahawa D. Soda E. Pombe \[ \] 22. Tabiayakutotakakutoakitukumpamwinginehuitwa? \_\_\_\_ A. Upendo B. Ulafi C. Uchoyo D. Chukizo E. Chuki \[ \] 23. WatafitiwalifanyauvumbuziwahaliyajuumpakakuvumbuaMadinihayo. Nenouvumbuzilimetumikakamaainaipiyaneno? \_\_ A. Nomino B. Sifa C. Kivumishi D. Kielezi E. Kiunganishi \[ \] 24. Maanayakitendawili. Aduitumemzingiralakinihatumweziniipi? A. kukokamoto B. kuzimamoto C. kuzingiramoto D. kuotamoto E. kuwashamoto \[ \] 25. Nahauisemayo "fujamali" maanayakeniipi?\_\_\_\_ A. ongezamali B. tumiamalivibaya C. gawamaliovyo D. tumiamalikwamakini E. sambazamaliovyo\[ \] 26. BibiyakeJumaanaumriwamiakamiamoja. Kwaumrihuo \_\_\_\_\_ A. anakaribiakufa B. nikibogoyo C. amekulachumvinyingi D. hajuiafanyalo\[ \] 27. Ipinimaanasahihiyakitendawili "kuliakwakenikichekokwetu"? \_\_\_\_\_ A. maji B. mafuta C. machozi D. mvua\[ \] 28. "Upelehumwotaasiyenakucha". Methaliipikatiyahiziinamaanasawanahiyo? \_\_\_\_\_ A. damunzitokulikomaji B. penyemitihakunawajenzi C. mwenda pole hajikwai D. dau la mnyongehaliendijoshi\[ \] 29. Elezamaanayanahau "anamkonowabirika". \_\_\_\_\_ A. mchoyo B. wizi C. mpole D. mkonowachuma\[ \] 30. Usowasamakihausikii \_\_\_\_\_ A. maji B. viungo C. harufu D. vipodozi\[ \] 31. Dirayabinadamuni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(malizia) **SEHEMU: B -- USHAIRI** **Soma shairilifuatalokishajibumaswaliyafuatayo** Ni njaakuondolewa, ukawahunamshiko Watuoukafiwa, ukasalianayako Sikuukijatolewa, msiwenamwenziwako Hapoutaonamwako, utakulizaukiwa Utakulizaukiwa, likupatalosumbuko Wakatiumelemewa, sipokitandanimwako Hunaunayemjuwa, mbalinakwenuuliko Hapoutaonamwako, utaulizaukiwa **Maswali** 32. Shairiulilosomalinabetingapi? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 33. Vinavyakatinavyamwishokatikashairihilini \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 34. Jina la mstariwamwishokatikakilaubetihuitwakituo, kitoshelezo au \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 35. Katikamstariwa kwanza wakilaubetiunamizaningapi? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 36. Andikakitoshelezo (kituo) cha shairihili. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU: E -- UTUNGAJI** **Zipangesentensizifuatazoziletemtiririkowenyemantikikwakuzipaherufi A, B, C, na D** 37. Dakikachachebaadayetulionamsafarawamagariukiingia. \[ \] Mnamosaasabahivitulionapikipikiyaaskariwausalamabarabaraniikijambiokamamshale. \[ \] 38. Mbeleyamsafarahuokulikuwanapikipikinnezilizofuatananagari la king'ora. \[ \] 39. Ilikuwanisikuyaalhamisitulivu, tulikuwatumeketikibarazani. \[ \] **SEHEMU: E -- UFAHAMU** **Soma habariifuatayokishajibumaswaliyanayofuata** Katikandegewanaofugwanabinadamujogoonimojawapo, ndegewengineni kuku, bata, gegedunanjiwa. Lakinimuungwanakulikowotenijogooambayehuwikausikukaribunaalfajirikumwamshabinadamuajizatitinaratibayasikuinayofuata. Lakinigegedunimzembekulikowotepianimchafu. **Maswali** 40. **N**degemuungwanakulikowotewafugwaoni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 41. Gegedunidume la\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 42. Neno**"kujizatiti"**kamalilivyotumikalinamaanaya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 43. Tajafaidamojawapoyandegewafugwaonabinadamu\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 44. Kichwakifaacho cha habarihiini \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **UJUZI WA KUSOMA** SikilizahabariifuatayoikisomwanaujibumaswalikwenyekaratasiyakoyakujibiaBusaranimwanafunziwadarasa la sabakatikashuleyamsingiTumaini. Anaishinabibiyakekatikakijiji cha Mwendokasi. KijijihichokipokaribunahifadhiyawanyamayaMkomazi. SikumojaJumamosi, Busaranabibiyakewalijihimukulekeashambani. Wakiwawanakaribiakufikashambani, Busaraaliwaonawanyamawawilikwambaliwakitembeakuelekeaupandewaliokuwawakielekeawao. Alimshikabibiyakemkonokwawoga, hukuakisema, "bibi! Bibi! Unawaona wale ng'ombe?" bibialiwaangalia wale wanyamahukuakiwaamepigwanabutwaaakamwambia wale sing'ombebalinitembo
**MTIHANI WA UJIRANI MWEMA MARCH 2022.** **SECTION A: GRAMMAR AND TENSES** 1. She living here .................... many years. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) By (b) on (c) with (d) for { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. John was going ............... Dodoma last week ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) At (b) in (c) for (d) with { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Sorry you may come ..................... the class. (a) Into (b) to (c) in (d) on{ } 4. Opondo and Maige come school .......... Clark ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) In (b) to (c) before (d) at { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. At the station we had our first warning ....trouble. (a) In (b) a (c) for (d) at{ } 6. My sister is busy for looking ........... her baby. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) At (b) after (c) with (d) to { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. That book was bought ............... Nashon. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) With (b) in (c) and (d) by { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 8. The girl ...............a yellow skirt is my young sister. (a) In (b) with (c) to (d) at{ } 9. They arrived at school early ................. the morning. (a) To (b) of (c) in (d) for{ } 10. The tells us something ............... evolution ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) To (b) of (c) about (d) with { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 11. She was walking ......... the road. { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Between (b) behind(c) beside (d) under ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 12. Your pen looks ............... mine { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) As (b) like (c) same (d) the same ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 13. Does she chocolate? { } > \(a\) Yes, she does (b) Yes, she doesn't (c) no, he does (d) No, he > doesn't 14. You haven't eaten any food ................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Did you? (b) have you? (c) don't you? > \(d\) do you? { } 15. .... Her sickness, she went to school. { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Although (b) Unless (c) if (d) despite ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 16. The children song their school song ........... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Their self (b) themselves (c) themselves > \(d\) ourself { } 17. You can .............. dance or sing. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Neither (b) but (c) either (d) to { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 18. My father speaks ................ French and Chinese fluently { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Either (b) Neither (c) Both (d) nor ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 19. Musa and Daud are eating Ugali. { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) They are? (b) are they? (c) aren't they? > \(d\) have they 20. They have been in London ........... several years. { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) By (b) Since (c) For (d) a ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 21. The boy ........... you interviewed yesterday is bright. (a) Who (b) whom (c) whose (d) which { } 22. You never .......... To your sister { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Writers (b) write (c) written (d) writing ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 23. When the bell ............ the students went home. (a) Ring (b) rung (c) rang (d) rings 24. She is ............ young to go to the university. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) So (b) too (c) only (d) but { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 25. Daud went to the bank .......... He wanted to withdraw some { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Because (b) although (c) but (d) if ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 26. Net Sunday my Mother will ........... to Arusha ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Travel (b) travelled (c) travels > \(d\) travelling { } 27. Jumbe ................ His house in 2000. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Builds (b) was built (c) is building > \(d\) built { } 28. The thieves are hunting and ........... animals in our National Parks every day. { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Will kill (b) killed (c) are killing (d) kills ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 29. They asked, "do you want to go". The indirect speech for this sentences is .......... { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) They said you want to go (b) you said they want to go (c) they asked if I want to go > \(d\) Your asked whether they what to go 30. The plural form "chief" is .............. { } ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Chiefs (b) chiefs (c) chieves (d) chief **SECTION B: VOCABULARIES** 31. A place where books are kept for people to read and borrow is known as ........... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) A library (b) A classroom (c) A cupboard { } (d) A shelf (e) A store ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 32. How you call your sister's husband? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Sister -- in -- law (b) Brother (c) Young brother { } (d) Brother -- in -- law (e) Nephew ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 33. What is a person who serves food in a hotel called? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) A cook (b) A waiter (c) A receptionist { } (d) A hotel attendant (e) An airhostess ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 34. Vehicles are kept and repaired at the.................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Garage (b) Bus stand { } (c) Railway station (d) Harbor (e) Car park ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 35. A person who flies an aeroplane is called ............. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) A hawker (b) A builder (c) A carpenter { } (d) An air hostess ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 36. What is opposite word of gueen? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Palace (b) Prince { } (c) King (d) President (e) Princes **SECTION C: COMPOSITION** **Arrange the following sentences in chronological order in order to make the information meaningfull. (A -- D)** 37. Last year my parents did a birthday party for me. 38. I am twelve years old. 39. We ate, drank and enjoyed a lot until the party was closed. 40. They invited many of my friends including my classmates. **SECTION D: COMPREHESION.** My name is Deborah; I am standard seven at Mazoezi primary School. I Live in Winowe Village are farmers. They cut down trees in order to grow crops. They also keep Cattle. The whether in the village is very dry. There is little rain. One day, our teacher took as to Mkombozi village. Mkombozi is a small village near to Tambe town and Lukani village. The villagers of Mkombozi keep their environment well. They plant and protect trees. The village looks green with many trees. The weather around Mkombozi village is cool and a lot of rain. Our teachers told as that trees help to get cool with a lot of rain. The visit was very good. It helped me to understand why my village is very dry. **QUESTIONS** 41. Who is telling this story? .................................................. 42. Where is Mkombozi village? ............................................................ 43. Why is Winome village dry? ............................................................ 44. When did Deborah learn that trees are important? ....................................\...\.... 45. How do the Mkombozi villagers keep their environment? ............................................................
(i)&&&&(imment = = = ร์ลที่ 2018 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 เมื่อ 2017 (11 - 1 emififiyeu ​ ] | (ui | | | | | |----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|-------------|----------|--------| | ktaarifa za nyongezakuhusunomino | | | | | | manages and and and and and | .idzimuvix an isnotizuendoxibissas limazovilisting and | | | | | I yakuhusishamaneno katika tungo | Majibu | | | | | D. Kihisis | C. Nomin | | | | | אורגעש | Kielez | B. Kiungani | Kihusish | Orodha | Bata Anaina za manenokutokaOro DXiti uliipiinaelezah | BKuku | G | |---------|-----| | M | F | EGiza ้เทศรธานี้ธ ธ่าวิทยาศาสตระไร มินที่ไธพให้เป็น Mwanafunzihakuchelewadarasal ligniw illiq syizliyo and siguive ing syishing and the mint . uvumali shung .O UUUA (Alama 20) maswaliyotekatikasehemu .RoporopoE.Hekahe NI had '(x)
**MTIHANI WA KUJIPIMA NGAZI YA SHULE** **HISABATI DRS LA IV-OKTOBA 2019** 1\. Tafuta thamani ya **7** katika **76890** 2\. Andika 10045 kwa maneno 3\. Andika kwa kifupi 4000 + 300 + 60 + 7 4\. 349 + 1178 = 5\. 998 -- 99 = 6\. 625 ÷ 25 = 7\. 49 x 19 = 8\. Andika kwa namba za kawaida XCIX \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 9\. Andika namba inayofuata 7, 14, 21. 10\. Andika kwa namba za kirumi 49. 11\. Panga namba zifuatazo kuanzia kubwa kwenda ndogo; 402, 202, 500, 508 12\. Andika namba inayokosekama XXI, XXII, XXIII \_\_\_\_\_\_ XXV 13\. 4 + 3 = 8 8 14\. Shilingi 528 + shilingi 72 = 15\. 7 8 4 2 \+ 3 4 1 16\. Sh. 6 9 1 \- Sh. 5 8 9 17\. Tafuta mzingo wa umbo hili Sm5 sm 6 Sm 7 SM 7 18\. Tafuta mzingo wa mraba ufuatao Sm 19 19\. Kuna vipande vingapi vya mstari katika mchoro huu. A B C 20\. Tafuta mzingo wa mstatili ufuatao Sm 10 Sm 40 21.Andika jibu kwa namba za kirumi XXX+XXIX=\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 22\. Sehemu iliyowekwa kivuli ni sehemu gani ya umbo zima 23\. Andika muda unaooneshwa na uso wa saa ufuatao 24\. Kuna kilogramu ngapi katika gramu 7500 25\. Mzee Bhoke alimtuma mtoto wake kwenda kununua mchele dukani ikiwa bei ya mchele ni shilingi elfu mbili (2,000/=) na alimpa shilingi elfu kumi atamrudishia fedha kiasi gani?
Namba ya Mtahiniwa …….……………………………………………… Jina la shule………….………………………………………………………… Halmashauri ………..…..………………………………………………….. JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA BARAZA LA MITIHANI LA TANZANIA SAMPULI YA MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA ELIMU YA MSINGI 05 SAYANSI NA TEKNOLOJIA Muda: Saa 1:30 Mwaka: 2024 Maelekezo 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A B na C zenye jumla ya maswali nane (08). 2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi ulizopewa. 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama ishirini **(20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama kumi **(10).** 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu ya wino wa bluu au mweusi, isipokuwa katika michoro ambapo ni lazima kutumi penseli. 5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano na visivyo ruhusiwa **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika **Namba yako ya Mtihani** na taarifa nyingine zote muhimu katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia. | KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU | | | |------------------------------|-------|-------------------| | NAMBA YA SWALI | ALAMA | SAHIHI YA MTAHINI | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | | | | JUMLA | | | | SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI | | | Ukurasa wa 1 # Sehemu A (Alama 20) Jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii. 1. Kwa kila kipengele (i) - (x), chagua jibu sahihi kisha andika herufi ya jibu hilo katika kisanduku ulichopewa. (i) Baada ya moto kuzuka kiwandani, kikosi cha zimamoto kilitumia mitungi ya gesi kuzima moto huo. Je, mitungi hiyo ilikuwa na gesi ya aina gani? A Klorini B. Oksijeni C. Haidrojeni [ ] D. Kaboni dayoksaidi E. Naitrojeni (ii) Mwanafunzi alitaka kujifunza kuhusu magonjwa kwa kutumia mtandao. Je, kisakuzi kipi kingefaa ili kupata taarifa anazozihitaji katika tovuti husika? A DMZO B. Google chrome C. Yandez D. *Bing* [ ] (iii) Mwalimu wa Sayansi na Teknolojia aliwataka wanafunzi wa Darasa la Saba waunde antena. Je, ni hatua gani ya kwanza wanapaswa kuizingatia kabla ya kuanza kuunda? [ ] A Kuchagua aina ya antena B. Kukusanya antena mbalimbali C. Kubainisha matumizi ya antena D. Kuchagua vifaa vitakavyotumika E. Kuifanyia majaribio antena (iv) Kijana alisukuma ukuta kwa dakika 7 na ukuta haukuanguka. Rafiki zake walisema hakuwa amefanya kazi yoyote. Kwa nini walisema hivyo? A Alitumia nguvu kidogo kusukuma ukuta [ ] B Hakufuata kanuni za kisayansi katika kusukuma ukuta C Alitumia muda mchache kusukuma ukuta D Alisimama jirani sana na ukuta alipokuwa anausukuma E Alisukuma ukuta ambao hakusogea umbali wowote (v) Mwalimu wa michezo aliandaa bajeti ya safari ya michezo kwa shule yake kwa kutumia programu jedwali. Kwa nini alitumia programu hiyo? A Haifutiki kwa urahisi B. Rahisi kuitumia C. Huokoa muda D. Inahitaji taarifa chache E. Inahifadhi taarifa nyingi [ ] (vi) Mwalimu aliwaagiza wanafunzi wa Darasa la Saba waoteshe mbegu katika boksi lililofungwa na kutobolewa upande mmoja. Baada ya wiki moja mmea ulikua na kupinda kuelekea kwenye tobo. Kitendo hiki kinaonesha tabia gani ya mmea? [ ] A Kukua vizuri unapokuwa nje B. Kukua kwa kufuata mwanga C. Uhitaji eneo la wazi ili kukua D. Kukua kwa kupinda E. Kukua taratibu (vii) Wanafunzi wa Darasa la Saba walijifunza mifano mbalimbali kuhusu badiliko la kiumbo na kikemikali. Mfano upi ulitumika kuelezea badiliko la kikemikali? [ ] A Kuoza kwa mimea B. Kuyeyuka kwa mshumaa C. Kuganda kwa maji D. Kupasha moto barafu E.Kuyeyusha chumvi kwenye maji (viii) Mwalimu alileta vifaa mbalimbali darasani, na alimtaka mwanafunzi achague kifaa kilicho katika nyenzo daraja la pili. Je, mwanafunzi huyo alichagua kifaa kipi? A Toroli B. Mkasi C. Nyundo D. Sepetu E.Fagio [ ] Ukurasa wa 2 (ix) Sayuni alimuona kaka yake anapaka rangi nondo za madirishani. Nini faida ya kufanya hivyo? [ ] A Kuzuia zisiharibike B. Kufanya ziwe safi C. Kuzuia zisipate vumbi D. Kuzuia kutu E. Kuzifanya ziwe imara (x) Ni tabia gani ya mwanga inawakilishwa na muonekano wa upinde wa mvua ukiwa na rangi nyingi kwenye mawingu? [ ] A Kung'aa B. Kufyonzwa C. Kupinda D. Kutawanywa E. Kuakisiwa | ulizopewa. Orodha A | Majibu | Orodha B | | | | |---------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|----------------|----|----|------------------| | (i) | Sehemu inayotumika kujitengenezea | [ | ] | A. | Epidemisi ya juu | | chakula. | B. | Stomata | | | | | | C. | Ua lenye rangi | | | | | | nzuri D. Zailemu E. Jani F. Floemu G. Tunda lenye mbegu | | | | | | (ii) | Tishu inayosafirisha chakula. | [ | ] | | | | (iii) | Ni tishu inayosafirisha maji na | [ | ] | | | | madini kwenye mmea. | | | | | | | (iv) | Sehemu ambayo mbadilishano wa | [ | ] | | | | gesi katika jani hutokea. | | | | | | | (v) | Huhifadhi na kulinda stomata zilizo | [ | ] | | | | sehemu ya juu ya jani. | | | | | | 3. Kamilisha kipengele (i) - (v), kwa kuchagua jibu sahihi kutoka kwenye kisanduku ulichopewa na kisha kuliandika katika nafasi iliyoachwa wazi. Umio Kuta za tumbo Utumbo Mpana Puru Kongosho Utumbo mwembamba Kinywa (i) Humeng'enya na kufyonza virutubisho vya chakula mwilini. ____________________________________________________________ (ii) Sehemu ya utumbo mpana inayohifadhi kinyesi kabla hakijatolewa nje ya mwili. ______________________________________________ (iii) Hupitisha chakula kilichotafunwa kutoka mdomoni. __________________ (iv) Huzalisha asidi ili kuua vijidudu tumboni vilivyoingia na chakula. ___________________________________________________________ (v) Hufyonza maji na madini kwenye chakula ambacho hakijameng'enywa. _________________________________________________________ SEHEMU B (Alama 20) Jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii. 4. Viwanda huleta madhara kwenye mazingira kutokana na taka zinazozalishwa. Taja taka mbili zinazoweza kuzalishwa na viwanda hivyo. (i) ___________________________________________________________ (ii) ____________________________________________________________ (iii) Nini madhara ya jumla ya taka ulizozitaja katika kipengele (i) na (ii)? _______________________________________________________________ 5. Jibu kipengele (i) - (iii) kwa kuandika jibu sahihi katika nafasi uliyopewa. (i) Kwa nini ni muhimu kuweka vilainishi kwenye mnyororo wa baiskeli, ekseli zilizo kwenye gurudumu na pedeli? ____________________________ (ii) Mashine ya kusaga ikiunganishwa kwenye umeme na kuwashwa, ni kitu gani husababisha ekseli yenye bapa kuzunguka? __________________________________________________________ (iii) Kinyozi aliamua kumnyoa mteja wake kwa kutumia mashine ya kunyolea badala ya wembe. Nini faida ya uamuzi wake? _________________________________________________________ 6. Tausi alimuona mjomba wake akiwasha taka za karatasi na majani makavu kwa kutumia miwani yake. Aliweka taka chini ya miwani mpaka zilipowaka. (i) Ni aina gani ya lezi ipo katika miwani ya mjomba wake? ___________________________________________________________________ (ii) Ni kwa namna gani lenzi hiyo iliweza kuwasha moto kwenye taka? _______________________________________________________________ (iii) Ni kasoro gani ya macho aliyo nayo mjomba wake Tausi? __________________________________________________________ (iv) Taja aina nyingine ya lenzi inayotumika kurekebisha kasoro za macho tofauti na anayotumia mjomba wake Tausi? _______________________ SEHEMU C (Alama 10) Jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii. 7. Chunguza mchoro ufuatao kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata ![3_image_0.png](3_image_0.png) ![3_image_1.png](3_image_1.png) (i) Nini kitatokea iwapo sehemu inayowakilishwa kwa herufi C katika mchoro imepata na uvimbe? ____________________________________________ (ii) Nini kazi ya sehemu B kama ilivyooneshwa katika mchoro? ________________________________________________________ (iii) Nini kitatokea iwapo sehemu iliyooneshwa kwa herufi A itakatwa? __________________________________________________________ 8. Chunguza Kielelezo Na. 1 kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata: (i) Rafii aliunda sakiti sahili kama inavyoonekana katika Kielelezo Na.1. Je, alikuwa ameunda aina gani ya sakiti? Kielelezo Na. 1 _____________________________________________ (ii) Ikiwa sakiti aliyounda Rafii ina jumla ya volteji 12 na mkondo wa ampia 6, nini thamani ya ukinzani wa jumla katika glopu zilizounganishwa? __________________________________________________________ Ukurasa wa 4
**THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA** **NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF TANZANIA** **A SAMPLE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL LEAVING EXAMINATION** **02 ENGLISH LANGUAGE** # INSTRUCTIONS TO THE INVIGILATOR Make sure you read the following **before giving instructions** to the candidates: (i) Make sure you read the passage **loudly** and **slowly** for the first time while observing all punctuation marks indicated in the passage. When reading **for the second time**, increase the reading speed. (ii) The time which will be taken to read the passage for the candidates is **five (05) minutes** and the time for the candidates to respond to the questions is **five (05) minutes**. Therefore, this part will be done in **ten (10) minutes**. (iii) When reading the story, make sure that candidates do not open the question paper. (iv) Read **loudly** the candidates' instructions (1 to 4). # INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES 1. I will read the passage twice; therefore, you are required to listen attentively. 2. When I will be reading a story, make sure that your question paper is not opened. 3. When I read the passage for the first time, listen without responding to the questions and when I finish reading for the second time, answer question 1, item (i) to (v), and then continue to answer the rest of the questions (2 to 7). 4. I am starting to read the passage now, therefore, listen attentively. > **CONFIDENTIAL** > > Page 1 of 2 # CONFIDENTIAL PASSAGE Uadilifu was sick. His aunt took him to a nearby hospital. When they reached at the hospital, his aunt asked the nurse if they could see the doctor. The nurse told them to wait. After waiting for a long time, Uadilifu's aunt requested the nurse to allow them to see the doctor as Uadilifu's condition was getting worse and he could not wait any longer. The nurse said that the doctor needed a bribe in order to serve them. After hearing this, Uadilifu's aunt called the police who sent a detective. A trap was set and the corrupt doctor was caught red handed. The doctor was finally dismissed from work and jailed for a long time. He suffered in prison and his family lacked their basic needs. Corruption is an evil that needs to be rid of as it deprives people of their basic rights. # CONFIDENTIAL > Page 2 of 2
mtiani wa stadi za
**HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA YA KISHAPU SHINYANGA -2020** **SHULE YA MSINGI IKONBABUKI, STADI ZA KAZI DRS VI.** **JINA ............................................................... TAREHE ..................................** **SEHEMU A** **CHAGUA HERUFI YA JIBU SAHIHI KISHA UJAZE KATIKA MABANO** 1. Pasi ni kifaa kinachotumika ........................ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Kuogea (B) kufulia (C) kunyoshea nguo (D) Kufulia ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Tunavaaa viatu ili kuepuka .......................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Matope wadudu na kuumia kwa kuchomwa na vitu (B) Asili ya matope (C) ili kuepuka kurudiwshwa nyumbani (D) ili sare ikamilike ya shule. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Maji yaliyochaganywa na chumvi yanafaa kuondoa madoa yenye ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Asili ya wanyama mfano dama (B) Asili ya matope (C) Asili ya kemikali mfano wino (D) Asili ya vyakula ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Mwonekano mbaya wa rangi ya nguo unaweza kusababisha na ...................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Kuzitenganisha wakati wa kuziloweka (B) Kutozitenganisha wakati wa kuziloweka (C) Kukuziloweka kwa kuzitenganisha (D) Kuzifua usiku na mchana ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. Ni nguo zipi huhitaji joto kali wakati wa kupiga pasi? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Polista na katani (B) Nailoni na pamba (C) Katani na nailoni (D) pamba na katani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. Ni aina gani ya pasi huonesha kiasi cha joto katika makundi matatu joto, joto la wastani na joto kali ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Pasi ya mkaa (B) pasi yoyote (C) Pasi ya mafuta ya taa (D) Pasi ya umeme ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. Kwa nini unashauriwa kupiga pasi kwanza nguo ndogondogo kama vile leso wakati wa pasi haijawa na joto kali? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) kuepuka kuunguza nguo kwa urahisi (B) Leso ni bora kuliko nguo zingine (C) Nguo hizo hazihitaji joto kali (D) Hutumika kama kipozeo cha pasi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 8. Viatu vyenye kisigino kirefu huweza kusababisha ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Maumivu ya kichwa (B) maumivu ya magoti (C) maumivu ya misuli (D) maumivu ya tumbo ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 9. Uvaaji wa soksi za pamba husaidia ......................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Kunyonya jasho la miguu (B) kupunguza joto la miguu (C) kutembea vizuri (D) kuzuia kuteleza ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 10. Kwa nini unashauriwa kutundika nguo zilizonyunyuziwa maji baada ya kupiga pasi? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Nyuzi ziweze kukauka vizuri (B) Kuzifznya nguo zipendeze (C) Kuondoa harufu mbaya (D) Kuzinyoosha vizuri zaidi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 11. Kuna umuhimu gani kuzima pasi baada ya kutumia? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Kuepuka kuunguza nguo (B) Kuzuia kutu kwenye uso wa pasi (C) Kuiwezesha kudumu kwa mda mrefu (D) Kuepuka madhara na gharama ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 12. Kwa nini hairuhusiwi kuweka viatu vya ngozi katika maji ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Vinaweza kupauka (B) itaharibika muonekano wake (C) Vitayeyuka kwa urahis (D) Zitaoa harufu mbaya ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 13. Zipo aina tatu za za pasi ni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Pasi ya mawe, mvuke na jua (B) Pasi ya mkaa, pasi ya mafuta ya taa (C) Pasi ya maji, mvua na makaa (D) Pasi ya mvuke ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 14. Taka zifuatazo zinafaa kwa mbolea isipokuwa ....................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Vinyesi vya wanyama (B) Maganda ya matunda (C) Majani ya miti (D) Vifuu vya nazi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 15. Tunadhibiti taka kwa sababu gani? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Kuongeza eneo la kijiji na kuboresha mazingira (B) Kuwa na mazingira safi na kuepuka magonjwa (C) Kurejeleza taka na kupata bidhaa bora (D) Kupata mbolea za kisasa kwa matumizi ya nyumbani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 16. Zifuatazo ni taka zifaa kutumika tena isipokuwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Matairi na vifuu vya nazi (B) Mifuko ya salfeti na vyuma chakavu (C) Majani makavu na karatasi zilizotumika ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 17. Kuweka matandazo katika bustani kunaleta faida ya ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Kuzuia upepo mkali usivunje miche (B) Kuhifadhi unyevu wakati wa kiangazi (C) Kuzuia jua kali lisikauke majani (D) Kuzuia mwanga ili miche isirefuke sana ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 18. Hizo zote ni faida za kutunza mboga isipokuwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Kupata mboga kwa urahisi (B) Kuimarisha afya kwa mraji (C) Kuongeza kipato cha mkulima (D) Kumpatia mlaji protini mwilini ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 19. Faida ya matunda mwilini ni kutupatia ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Protini (B) wanga (C) joto (D) vitamin ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 20. Baada ya vyakula huweza kuliwa vikiwa vibichi navyo ni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (A) Samaki (B) Mboga za majani (C) Matunda (D) wali B: Oainisha sentensi kutoka fungu "A" na maneno yaliyoko fungu "B" ili upate majibu sahihi +----+---------------------------------------------+-------------------+ | NO | A | B | +====+=============================================+===================+ | 21 | Jumla ya mambo yote yanayomzunguka binadamu | (A) Matengenezo | | | ( ) | | | 22 | | (B) Mboji | | | Husaidia mboga zinazokwea zisianguke kwenye | | | 23 | udongo( ) | (C) Mazingira | | | | | | 24 | Kjuondoa matawi na majani yasiyohitajika ( | (D) Pogolea | | | ) | | | 25 | | (E) Kitalu | | | Sehemu ya kusia mbegu kabla ya kuzipanda ( | | | | ) | (F) Samadi | | | | | | | Mchanganyiko wa vitu hai vilivyooza ambavyo | (G) nishati | | | hutumika kama mbolea ( ) | | +----+---------------------------------------------+-------------------+ **\`SEHEMU C** **Andika kweli katiak sentensi sahihi Na si kweli katika sentensi isiyo sahihi** 26\. kuna uchapaji wa aina moja tu ulimwenguni ............................... 27\. mbegu za pamba na alizeti hutumika kama malighafi za kiwanda cha kutengenezea mafuta ya kupikia ..................................... 28\. Mihogo hupandwa mwishoni mwa kipindi cha mvua ........................... 29\. mapambo katika chakula humvutia mlaji na kumpa hamu ya kula .......................... 30\. zao la kahawa halina faida yeyote Tanzania ................................ 31\. nguo iliyopigwa pasi huwa na mwonekano mzuri .................................... 32\. tunapiga pasi nguo ili kuondoa wadudu na vimelea vya magonjwa ............................... 33\. muziki ni uhuni .............................................
F4 -
<table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 14%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td>Ability to utilization basic research skills and research output.</td> <td>To develop understand of the objectives tools, instruments and importance of research output.</td> <td><p><strong>J</strong></p> <p><strong>ANUAR</strong></p> <p><strong>Y</strong></p></td> <td>2</td> <td>INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH</td> <td><ol type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Concept to research</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>Guide students to define the meaning of research.</td> <td>Students to use varieties of research tools to define what research is.</td> <td>Prepare questions and Answers on a paper.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>RESEARCH, METHODOLOGY, METHODS and TECHNIQUES</p> <p>C. R. KOTSHAR</p> </blockquote></td> <td>To use question and answers to define and explain the meaning of research.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td></td> <td><ol start="2" type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Stages of Research work</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>Guide students to discuss the stages of research .</p> <p>-Lead and assist students to conduct a research.</p></td> <td><p>Students in groups to describe and discuss the stages of research.</p> <p>-Students in groups to prepare research tolls such as questionnaire, interview, formulate hypothesis.</p></td> <td>Research tools</td> <td><blockquote> <p>-Previous research works.</p> <p>-Project.</p> </blockquote></td> <td>-Use questions and Answers.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>The knowledge on major climatic types and ability to relate climate and natural regions.</td> <td>-show an understanding of the major climate types and the relationship to natural regions.</td> <td><p><strong>F</strong></p> <p><strong>E</strong></p> <p><strong>BRUAR</strong></p> <p><strong>Y</strong></p></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td>CLIMATE AND NATURAL REGIONS</td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>World climatic types and their characteristics.</p> <p>(b)</p> <p>Natural Regions of the World</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>- Guide students to explain the importance and problems of research.</p> <p>- Brainstorming the students to define, describe and identify different major climate types of the World and their characteristics.</p> <p>-Using globe, students to identify different types of natural regions and explain the relationship between human activities and climate .</p> <p>-Ways of solving climate problems.</p></td> <td><p>-Students in pairs to identify the importance and problems of research.</p> <p>- Groups Students and discuss major world climate types and then present it.</p> <p>Through questions and answers.</p> <p>-Group discussion on the acceleration of climatic problems.</p> <p>-List ways to solve climatic problems.</p></td> <td><p>World map</p> <p>Globe</p> <p>-Globe World map, photos.</p></td> <td><p>Geography course Book One by TIE</p> <p>-Physical Geography. By Barnet</p></td> <td>Students presentation on types and characteristics of the world climate.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13"><strong>MONTHLY TESTS (EXAMS) – 3 DAYS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Knowledge on the concept of population change and distribution and how to solve the associate problems and ways to manage.</td> <td>-Development on understanding of the concept of human population.</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MARCH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>3. HUMAN POPULATION</td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Concept of Population</p> <p>(b)</p> <p>Population Distribution</p> <p>(c)</p> <p>Population change</p> <p>(d)</p> <p>Population Data</p> <p>(e)</p> <p>Population problems</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Guide students to define the term population.</p> <p>-Lead students to describe the characteristics of human population and explain the importance of studying population.</p> <p>-Assist students to describe factors governing the population distribution.</p> <p>-Lead the students to define, explain and analyse effects of population change.</p> <p>-Guide students to explain the source of population data, interpret explain the uses of population data.</p> <p>Assist students to analyse population problems and its effects in economic growth, labour and needs.</p></td> <td><p>-Brainstorming students define the term population and their importance.</p> <p>-Students in groups to discuss the factors governing population distribution.</p> <p>-Brainstorm students to define, explain and analyse effects of population change.</p> <p>-Students in group s present the uses of population data to solve population problem.</p></td> <td><p>-Statistical map charts.</p> <p>-World Map</p> <p>-World map</p> <p>-Population charts and maps.</p> <p>-World Maps</p> <p>-Globe</p></td> <td>GEOGRAPHY COURSE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL BOOK 4 (TIE)</td> <td><p>-Through presentation population problems.</p> <p>-Use questions and answers.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MARCH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>3</td> <td></td> <td><p>(f)</p> <p>Population policy</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Guide students to suggest solutions.</p> <p>Guide students to explain and compare different population policies.</p></td> <td><p>-Suggest possible solutions.</p> <p>-Students in groups to read different text and compare different countries and summarize strategies used.</p></td> <td><p>-Census</p> <p>-Census</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Use questions and answers.</p> <p>-Use questions and answers to assess the understanding of students about population and strategies adopted.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="9">MID – TERM EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>-</p> <p>Knowledge on the concept of settlements and their associate problems and appropriate skills to manage them.</p></td> <td>-Develop on understanding of the concept of settlement and their associated problems and possible solutions.</td> <td></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>4. SETTLEMENT</td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Concept of Settlement.</p> <p>(b)</p> <p>Growth of settlement.</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Guide students to explain the meaning, definition, categories types and characteristics, functions importance of settlement.</p> <p>-Assist students to discuss the factors for settlement growth, problems associated with urban growth and ways of solving them.</p></td> <td><p>-Brainstorm the students to give out meaning, list the categories and types of settlements.</p> <p>-Students in groups to explain the characteristics functions and importance of settlements.</p> <p>-Students in groups to discuss the factors and problems associated with settlement growth and ways of solving them.</p></td> <td><p>-Maps showing settlement patterns.</p> <p>-Guide questions on a paper</p> <p>-Map extract diagrams &amp; photos.</p> <p>-World map list of urban problems.</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>Use set of questions to assess the understanding of students about meaning, characteristic , function &amp; importance of settlement.</p> <p>-Use questions and answers to assess the understanding of the factors, problems &amp; solutions.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>-Ability to critically examine environmental problems and appropriate measures to solve them.</td> <td>-Develop on understanding problems facing environment their causes and solutions at national and global context.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td><p>5.</p> <p>ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND MANAGEMENT.</p></td> <td><p>(a)</p> <p>Concept of environment.</p> <p>(b)</p> <p>Importance of environment.</p> <p>(c)</p> <p>Environmental Problems</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Brainstorm student to define the concept of environment.</p> <p>Guide students to explain importance of environments.</p> <p>-Guide students to identify, causes and extent of effects and loss of biodiversity.</p> <p>- Effects of pollution and waste is management, desertification, effect of fast rate urban growth, poverty, global climate change on the environment.</p></td> <td><p>-Students in groups to define the meaning importance of environments.</p> <p>-Students in groups to discuss the importance of environment examples.</p> <p>-In groups students to discuss the causes and effects of loss of biodiversity, pollution waste in management.</p> <p>Fast rate of urban growth, desertification, poverty and global climate change on the environment.</p></td> <td><p>-Maps.</p> <p>-Pictures</p> <p>-Photos</p> <p>-Maps.</p> <p>- Photos-</p> <p>- Pictures</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>-Use questions and answers to assess the understanding of the meaning of environment.</p> <p>Questions and answers to assess the understanding the causes and effects of the environmental problems.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13"><strong>MONTHLY EXAMINATIONS START</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>COMPETENCE</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MONTH</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>WEEK</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAIN TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>SUB-TOPIC</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>PERIODS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>T/L MATERIAS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>ASSESSMENT</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>REMARKS</strong></p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>MAY</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>(d)</p> <p>Environmental conservation</p></td> <td></td> <td>-Assist the students to discuss measures of environmental conservation.</td> <td>-Students in pairs to explain the measures and solution of environmental conservation.</td> <td><p>-Maps.</p> <p>- Photos-</p> <p>- Pictures</p></td> <td></td> <td>-Presentation on how to assess and understand the concept of the environment.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13">TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
class 3 maganzo
**OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **SHULE YA MSINGI MAGANZO** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA II DRS LA III A & III B -- 2021** **MAARIFA YA JAMII** **JINA .........................................................** 1. Mazingira ni ............. (a) Magari yaliyo shuleni (b) Nyumba (c) Vitu vinavyo mzunguka binadamu. ( ) 2. Kuna aina ........... za familia. (a) Tatu (b) Nne (c) Sita ( ) 3. ............. Ndiye kiongozi mkuu katika familia. (a) Baba (b) Mama (c) Mjomba ( ) 4. Tanganyika ilipata uhuru wake mwaka .......... (a) 1964 (b) 2017 (c) 1961 ( ) 5. Chanzo cha asili ya joto ni ......... (a) Mvua (b) Mawingu (c) Jua ( ) 6. Jotoridi hupimwa kwa kifaa maalumu kiitwacho ............. (a) Rula (b) Kipima joto (c) Moto ( ) 7. Mtoto wa mjomba utamwita .......... (a) Shangazi (b) Binamu (c) Mamba ( ) **SEHEMU "B"** Andika **ndiyo** au **hapana** kwa sentensi iliyosahihi 8. Mvua husaidia kukuza mazao ..................... 9. Sweta na jaketi ni mavazi yanayovaliwa wakati wa baridi ........................ 10. Mwezi na nyota huonekana wakati wa mchana........................ 11. Mifugo na ardhi ni rasilimali ....................................... 12. Kaka wa Mama yako utamwita babu ............................... 13. Familia ni kikundi kidogo cha watu walio na uhusiano ............................ 14. Wasukuma husalimiana kwa kubusiana mikono ............................ **SEHEMU "C"** **JAZA NAFASI ZILIZOACHWA WAZI** 15. Vifaa vya kufanyia usafi darasani ni ................................................. 16. Rais wa awamu ya kwanza aliitwa ................................................... 17. Tanzania ni muungano wa Tanganyika na ....................................... 18. Rais wa awamu ya tano aliitwa ......................................................... 19. Taja rasilimali zinazopatikana shuleni ............................................. 20. Taja vitu vitatu vilivyoko katika mazingira ya shule yako ..................................................... 21. Chanzo cha joto ni ......................................................................... 22. Dada wa baba yako utamwita ............................................................... 23. Ramani ni ................................................................................................. 24. Dunia ni sayari ya ngapi katika mfumo wa jua .................................... 25. Mazingira ni ............................................................................................................................... **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **SHULE YA MSINGI MAGANZO** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA II DRS LA III -- 2021** **HISABATI** **Jina .........................................................** +---------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | 1. Andika kwa maneno namba zifuatazo | 6. \(i\) 3 1 6 | | | | | ```{=html} | -- 1 8 2 | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | \(ii\) 5482 -- 3271 = | | (i) 86\_\ | | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | \(iii\) 1 8 | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | ×4 | | | | | (ii) 39\_\ | \(iv\) 9 × 8 = | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | 7. Ni sehemu gani ya kila | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | umbo imetiwa kivuli. | | | | | (iii) 90 | ```{=html} | | 1\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | <!-- --> | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | ``` | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | (i) \(ii\) | | | | | (iv) | = | | 475\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | = | | | \-\-\-\ | | ```{=html} | -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | 8. \(i\) sh 4000 + sh 3700= | | 2. Andika namba zifuatazo kwa | | | tarakimu. | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | | ```{=html} | ``` | | <!-- --> | (ii) sh 4 5 2 1 | | ``` | | | (i) Mia tatu hamsini na tano | > \+ sh 2 1 8 2 | | ............... | | | | (iii) sh 7620 -- sh 5245 = | | (ii) Mia tisa tisini na tisa | | | ................... | (iv) sh 6 4 3 0 | | | | | (iii) Arobaini na saba | > -- sh 5 2 4 0 | | ........................ | | | | 9. Shule ina jumla ya | | (iv) Ishirini na mbili | wanafunzi 3270. Kati yao | | ..................... | wasichana ni 1560. Je, | | | shule hiyo ina wavulana | | ```{=html} | wangapi? = | | <!-- --> | ...... | | ``` | ............................ | | 3. Jaza namba zinazokosekana katika | | | mpangilio huu. | 10. John anafuga kuku 4569 | | | na Ashura anafuga | | ```{=html} | kuku 5200. Waote kwa | | <!-- --> | pamoja wanajumla ya kuku | | ``` | wangapi? | | (i) 6, 5, \_\_\_\_\_\_, | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, 2, 1. | = | | | .................. | | (ii) 2, 4, 6, \_\_\_\_\_\_, 10, 12. | ............................ | | | | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | | | 4. \(i\) 114 + 320 | | | | | | \(ii\) 1 7 7 | | | | | | \+ 3 1 | | | | | | (iii) 66 + 21 = | | | | | | (iv) 1 6 | | | | | | > \+ 3 2 6 9 | | | | | | 5. Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi | | | | | | ```{=html} | | | <!-- --> | | | ``` | | | (i) 1872 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_\_ mamia | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ makumi \_\_\_\_\_ | | | na mamoja\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | | | (ii) 4002 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_mamia | | | \_\_\_\_\_ makumi \_\_\_\_ na | | | mamoja \_\_\_\_\_ | | | | | | (iii) 2021 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_ mamia | | | \_\_\_\_\_ makumi \_\_\_\_\_ na | | | mamoja\_\_\_\_\_ | | | | | | (iv) 9872 ina maelfu \_\_\_\_ mamia | | | \_\_\_\_\_ makumi \_\_\_\_ na | | | mamoja\_\_\_\_\_ | | +=======================================+==============================+ +---------------------------------------+------------------------------+ **PRESIDENT'S OFFICE -- REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **MAGANZO PRIMARY SCHOOL** **ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- 2021** **ENGLISH LANGUAGE** **NAME .........................................................** **DICTATION** 1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Use "That", "This", "Those" and "These"** 6. . \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is a chair. 7. . \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are books 8. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are eggs. 9. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is a ball **Write "am" "is" or "are "** 10. The teacher ................ Sick. 11. These .......................good children. 12. I .....................ten years old. **Write the opposites of the following words** 13. Daughter **= \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** 14. Father = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Match the picture with the correct word +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 15. . | A. A cup | | | | | 16. . | B. Umbrella | | | | | 17. | C. Fish | +====================================+=================================+ +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 16 17 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **[Fill in the missing letters]{.underline}** 18. O \_\_\_\_ang\_\_\_\_ 19. Z\_\_\_\_\_ br \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. R \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ t 21. C\_\_\_\_\_ w Write the color of the following Example: School Skirt -- Blue 22. Blood = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 23. Milk =\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Apple \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Fill in the blanks** +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Words | Numbers | +====================================+=================================+ | 25. Sixty two | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ | | | _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 26. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | 25 | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ **Write the ordinary number** **Number words** 27. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ sixteenth 28. 2^nd^ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **Under, in, on** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. The cup is ...................................... the table. 30. The eggs are ............................ The bowl. 31. The bottle ............................. the table Complete the birthday card Dear John You are nine today 32. .............................. birthday **Your friend** **Neema** **WIZARA YA ELIMU SAYANSI NA TEKNOLOJIA** **MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI MWAKA 2021** **SHULE YA MSINGI MAGANZO** **KISWAHILI DARASA LA TATU** **JINA LA MWANAFUNZI .............................................................** 1. ............................................................................. 2. ............................................................................. 3. ............................................................................. 4. ............................................................................. 5. ............................................................................. **Kamilisha sentensi kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi** 6. ........................ hupatikana Tanzania. (a) Zahabu (b) Dhahabu (c) Thahabu (d) Sahabu ( ) 7. Gunia lililojaa viazi ni ............. (a) Dhito (b) Zito (c) Thito (d) Sito ( ) 8. Pamba ni ............. la biashara. (a) Zao (b) Dhao (c) thao (d) sao ( ) 9. Baba alisema kuiba ni .................. (a) Dhambi (b) Zambi (c) Thambi (d) Sambi ( ) 10. Juma alikwenda kuwatembelea ........... wake. (a) Wadhazi (b) Wathazi (c) Wazazi (d) Wadhazi ( ) Andika alama zauandishi kama ulivyopewa kwenye kisanduku kwa kuangalia mfano. +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------+ | . , ! ? | | | | +==================================+==========+==========+============+ | **Jina la Alama** | | * | | | | | *Alama** | | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------+ | Mfano Mkato | | | | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------+ | 11. Mshangao | | | | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------+ | 12. Kiulizo | | | | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+------------+ **Andika kinyume cha maneno katika sehemu iliyoachwa wazi** **Neno Kinyume** 13. Jenga ............................................. 14. Ingia ............................................... **Andika umoja na wingi katika maneno yafuatayo** 15. Ufa ............................................... 16. .............................. Vyerehani **Jaza herufi zilizokosekana ili kukamilisha maneno yafuatayo** 17. ................. .................... CH................ C .................... O 18. SH ............ L ................. **Chagua nahau ili kukamilisha sentensi hizi** **(Tega sikio, kula chumvi nyingi, Shika tama)** 19. Mwalimu alipokuwa anafundisha nili ................................................ 20. Babu yangu ni mzee sana kwahiyo ame ........................................... **Kamilisha methali hizi** 21. Mdharau mwiba mguu ...................................... 22. Askari wangu ni mpole lakini adui wanamhara ............................................................. **Soma shairi hili kasha jibu maswali** Vipo vya kupuuzia, si elimu kwa mtoto, Elimu kutupatia, ndio ngao yetu nzito, Viongozi kukazia, sera zilizo mvuto, Elimu izingatiwe, haki ya sisi watoto 23. Shairi hili linabeti ngapi? ................................... 24. Shairi hili linahusu nini? ................................... 25. Andika kituo cha shairi hili ........................................................................................
F1 -
<table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th>COMPETENCE</th> <th>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</th> <th>MONTH</th> <th>WEEK</th> <th>MAIN TOPIC</th> <th>SUB-TOPIC</th> <th>PERIODS</th> <th>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</th> <th>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</th> <th>T/L MATERIAS</th> <th>REFERENCES</th> <th>ASSESSMENT</th> <th>REMARKS</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">Understand the concept of Geography and its area of study.</td> <td rowspan="2">To interpret the concept of Geography in the context of its major components.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>J A N U A R Y</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2">2 &amp; 3 &amp; 4</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>1. CONCEPT OF GEOGRAPHY</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>(a) Meaning of Geography phenomena</p> <p>(b) Importance of Geography</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>4 4</p> </blockquote></td> <td>To guide students to define and explain the Interrelation between Geographical phenomena.</td> <td>Students in groups to define and explain the interrelationship between different geographical phenomena.</td> <td>Prepared questions on the meaning and interrelationship between Geographical phenomena.</td> <td><p>*Book One Geography.</p> <p>*</p> <p>Bunnet</p></td> <td>Questioning students on the understanding of the meaning of geography.</td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Lead to students in explaining the importance of studying geography and observe and record geographical phenomena.</td> <td>Students to brainstorm on the importance of studying geography and record all geographical phenomena seen.</td> <td>Use natural phenomena from the environment</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Every student to mention and explain the importance of studying geography.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4"><p>An</p> <p>understanding of the aspects related to solar system and the ability to plan day to day life activities.</p></td> <td rowspan="4">Explain the concept of the solar system and its related aspects.</td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>F E B R U A R Y &amp; JANUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>4 &amp; 5</p> <p>1 &amp;</p> <p>2</p></td> <td rowspan="4"><p>2.</p> <p>THE</p> <p>SOLAR</p> <p>SYSTEM</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>(a) The concept of solar system</p> <p>(b) The sun</p></td> <td>6</td> <td>Guide students to define the components and describe the importance of the components of the solar system.</td> <td>Students to brainstorms on the meaning. Naming the components and the importance of the components of solar system.</td> <td>Charts of the solar system.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Students to the present the meaning, name the components and describe the importance of the components of the solar system.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4</td> <td>To assist students to state the dimension of the sun in relation to others spaces bodies and to describe the characteristics of the sun.</td> <td>Students in groups to state the dimension of the sun and describe the sun and describe the characteristics of the sun.</td> <td></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Every students to state specific dimension of the sun to test the understanding of the students.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="7">MONTHLY TEST</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3&amp; 4</td> <td>(C) Solar Energy</td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Guide students to brainstorms on the different uses of solar energy and explain how the use of the solar energy promotes environmental conservation.</p> <p>To assist students in explaining how solar energy may contribute to emancipation of women.</p></td> <td><p>Students to brain on the uses of solar energy and explain how the uses promotes environmental conservation.</p> <p>To explain how solar energy may contribute to the emancipation of women.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="7"></td> <td rowspan="7"></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>MARCH</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1 &amp; 2</td> <td></td> <td>(d) Planets</td> <td>8</td> <td>Guide students to locate the planets in the solar system and show relative distances of the plates from the Earth.</td> <td>In groups students to list names of the planets and show relative distance of planet from the Earth.</td> <td><p>*Charts</p> <p>*Models</p> <p>*Photograph of planets.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Every students to answer prepared questions to test the understanding of planets.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">2&amp;3</td> <td colspan="9">MID TERM EXAMINATIONS</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9">MID TERM TEST AND MID TERM BREAK</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>MARCH-APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4 &amp; 5</td> <td></td> <td>(e) Other bodies in the solar system.</td> <td>6</td> <td>To assist students to describe the characteristics of Comets, Asteroids, Meteors and Satellites.</td> <td>Students in group to describe characteristics of comets, asteroids, meteors and satellites.</td> <td><p>*Photographs</p> <p>*Diagram</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Questions and answers to describe characteristics of comets, asteroids and satellites.</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>(f)</p> <p>The Earth</p></td> <td>6</td> <td>To guide students discuss the shape of the Earth and its evidence.</td> <td>Students in pairs to discuss the shape of the Earth and its evidence.</td> <td><p>*Globe</p> <p>*Physical map</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Questioning students on the evidence of the shape of the earth.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><p>(g)</p> <p>Earths movements.</p></td> <td>8</td> <td>To lead students to describe the type of Earths movements.</td> <td>*Students in pairs to describe the types of the Earths movements.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Question and answer on the type of Earths movement.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="9">MONTHLY TEST AND EASTER BREAK</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4">Knowledge on parts and physical components of the earth.</td> <td rowspan="4">Illustrate and differentiate parts and physical components of the earth.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td></td> <td>(h)Importance of the parallel and meridians.</td> <td><blockquote> <p>10</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>To assign students to define parallels and meridians and how latitudes and longitudes are determined and explain the importance of a great circle using texts.</p> <p>Calculated local time and define time and time zone, essence of time and time zone.</p></td> <td><p>*Using text on latitudes and longitudes. Students in groups to define parallels and meridians and explain importance of great circle.</p> <p>*To calculate local time and define time zone.</p></td> <td><p>*Globe</p> <p>*World Map</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Students to present the importance of parallels and meridians.</td> <td rowspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3</td> <td><p>3.</p> <p>MAJOR FEATURES OF THE EARTH’S SURFACE</p></td> <td>(a) Continents</td> <td><blockquote> <p>12</p> </blockquote></td> <td>To guide students to explain the meaning, distribution, size and the major features of the continents.</td> <td>Students in groups to discuss the meaning distribution, size and major features of the continents.</td> <td><p>*Word Map</p> <p>*Globe</p> <p>*Relief maps of the world.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Test students on the understanding of the distribution size and features of the continent through presentation.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="10">TERMINAL EXAMINATION</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>JUNE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>4</p></td> <td></td> <td>(b) Water bodies</td> <td><blockquote> <p>20</p> </blockquote></td> <td>To assist students to define and explain features of oceans floor and draw map to show distribution of continent and water bodies.</td> <td>Students in pairs to draw map to show distribution of continents and water bodies and describe features of the ocean floor.</td> <td>World relief map.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Students to present distribution of water bodies and ocean floor.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13">LONG VACATION - HOLIDAY</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td rowspan="5"></td> <td rowspan="5"><blockquote> <p>JULY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>1</p> <p>2</p></td> <td>4. WEATHER</td> <td>(a) Concept of weather</td> <td>7</td> <td>To lead students to define, describe the importance of weather and show the relationship between weather and human occupations.</td> <td>Students to observe and present definition description of weather and show relationship between human occupation and weather.</td> <td>Weather station and its components.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Questions on the importance of weather to test students understanding.</td> <td rowspan="7"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td></td> <td>(b) Element of weather.</td> <td>6</td> <td>Guide students to name elements of weather and explain the importance of each weather element.</td> <td>Students in groups to name and explain importance of weather element.</td> <td></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Presentation by students on the importance of weather.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="9">MONTHLY TEST</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"><p>4</p> <p>1</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td>(c) Weather station</td> <td>7</td> <td>To guide student to define weather station. Explain how to establish weather station, how to measure and record element of weather, describe the meaning of weather. Fore casting and how it is done and describe characteristics of Stevenson Screen</td> <td>Students in group discuss definitions how to establish weather station, weather fore casting and characteristics of weather fore casting.</td> <td><p>*Stevenson Screen</p> <p>*Instrument for measuring weather.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Ask student to present their discussion from each groups.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="7">LONG VACATION</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">The ability to relate climate to the environment and daily social and economic activities.</td> <td rowspan="2">Understand the relationship between the climate and the environment.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>SEPTEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>2</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>3</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>5.</p> <p>CLIMATE</p></td> <td>(a) Concept of climate</td> <td>4</td> <td>To lead students to identify main variable of climate and give definition of climate.</td> <td>Students in pairs to identify main variables that form climate and define it.</td> <td>*Climate map</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Question on what is climate.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>(b) Weather and Climate</td> <td>5</td> <td>To guide students to differentiate between weather and climate.</td> <td>Students to discuss the differences between weather and climate.</td> <td><p>*Weather charts and maps.</p> <p>*Climate charts and map.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Ask students to present the difference between weather and climate.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="13">MID TERM BREAK</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SEPTEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4</td> <td></td> <td><p>(c)</p> <p>Impact of climate</p></td> <td>5</td> <td>Guide students discuss how human activities are related to climate and explain how each type of climate determining human activities and effects of climate change.</td> <td>Students in groups to discuss the relationship between human activities and climate and the effect of climate change.</td> <td>Economic map.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Use questions and answers to assess students understanding.</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">The ability to read measure and Interpret the information on simple maps.</td> <td rowspan="2">Demonstrates basic skills of map work together with usefully information.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>NOVEMBER OCTOBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>1</p> <p>-</p> <p>4</p> <p>1</p></td> <td><p>6.</p> <p>MAP WORK</p></td> <td><ol type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>The concept of a map</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>To guide students to give the meaning of the map.</td> <td>Students to brainstorm on the meaning and essentials of a map.</td> <td>*Map sheet</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Questions and answers of meaning and essentials of a map.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td><ol start="2" type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Components of map.</p></td> <td>4</td> <td>To lead students to list all the components of the map distinguishing signs from symbols.</td> <td>Students in groups to discuss and list all components and distinguish signs from symbols.</td> <td>Topographical map.</td> <td>‘’</td> <td>Question and answers on how to measure distance area and locations caring using provided sheet to test students understanding.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>COMPETENCE</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>GENERAL OBJECTIVES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MONTH</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WEEK</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAIN TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>SUB-TOPIC</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>PERIODS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TEACHING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>T/L MATERIAS</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REFERENCES</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>ASSESSMENT</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REMARKS</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>NOVEMBER</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>2</p> <p>3</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td><ol start="3" type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Quantitative</p></td> <td>8</td> <td><p>To guide students to measure the distance on map and current to the actual ground by using scale.</p> <p>Calculate areas of regular and irregular figures, identifying location of position and find direction and bearing of objects on maps.</p></td> <td>Students in group to measure distance calculate areas location, find bearing and direction.</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><ol start="4" type="a"> <li></li> </ol> <p>Uses of map</p></td> <td>2</td> <td>Assist students to describe different uses of map.</td> <td>Students to describe different uses of maps.</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS AND ANNUAL BREAK</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
**PRESIDENT'S OFFICE** **REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **WISHITELEJA SECONDARY SCHOOL** **FORM THREE ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- NOVEMBER 2021** **GEOGRAPHY** **[TIME: 2: 30 Hours Monday, 29^th^ November 2021 a.m.]{.underline}** **Instructions** - Answer all question in section A and B. - Choose 2 question from section C and answer them **SECTION A (MARKS 25)** Answer all questions in this section 1. For each of the item (i-v) choose the correct answer and write its letter in box provided ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. The word geography comes from the Greek words 'Geo' and Graphien the word Geo means: - ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) To draw (b) The Earth (b) To describe (d) Environment ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ii. The grid reference of point A is 361585. What are the number of Easting and Northing? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) 585 are easting and 361 are northing (c) 361 are northing and 585 easting (b) 361 are easting and 585 are northing (d) 58 northing and 36 easting ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` iii. Dar-es-salaam at sea level has temperature of 32^0^c what will be the temperature in Arusha 1500 meters above the sea level ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) 17^0^c (b) 15^0^c (c) 23^0^c (d) 9^0^c ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` iv. The compass bearing for south west is: - ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) 135^0^ (b) 225^0^ (c) 315^0^ (d) 45^0^ ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` v. Identify the correct process of rain formation. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensation and Cooling (b) Cooling, Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation ( ) (c) Evaporation, Cooling, Condensation and Rainfall (d) Evaporation, Cooling, Precipitation and Rainfall ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Match each item in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter response below the corresponding item number in the table provided. +---------------------------------------------+------------------------+ | **COLUMN A** | **COLUMN B** | +=============================================+========================+ | i)Depression contain water found in the | A. Pollution | | desert | | | | B. Geothermal power | | ii\) Wood, nuclear energy, natural gas and | | | coal | C. Foreign currents | | | | | iii\) Increase in the average temperature | D. Global warming | | of earth's atmosphere | | | | E. Oasis | | iv\) A negative effect caused by tourism in | | | countries like Tanzania | F. Non- renewable | | | resources | | v\) Power generation under the influence of | | | moving water | G. Hydroelectric power | | | | | | H. Renewable resources | +---------------------------------------------+------------------------+ **SECTION B (55 Marks)** Answer **all** questions in this section > 3\. Study the map extract of **SIKONGE (sheet 137/2)** and then answer > the following questions: a) Using the given RF scale, determine the length of the road in kilometers from grid reference 740829 to grid reference 760881. b) Determine the area at the right-hand side of the northing 800 in Km^2^ c) With examples, name two (2) ways used to show height of the land on the mapped area. d) Under what climatic region the mapped area found? > 4\. Study the data of milk production from Lukinga diary in 2009- 2013 > in liters (g/m^3^) and answer the questions that follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Year]{.underline} [2009]{.underline} [2010]{.underline} [2011]{.underline} [2012]{.underline} [2013]{.underline} ----------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- [Liters [40]{.underline} [60]{.underline} [80]{.underline} [90]{.underline} [110]{.underline} (g/m^3^)]{.underline} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Present the above data using Pie Chart b) Mention two (02) merits and (02) demerits of the graph. c) Apart from the method used above list down other two methods to present the data at above. d) Comment on the graph presented at 1(a) e) Calculate > (i)Range > > (ii)Median > > 5\. Wishiteleja Secondary School is planning to measure school > boundary, So the school administration decided to consult form three > students for an advice on how to conduct this project. You as a form > three student what will be your advice on the following matters? (a) What type of survey should be used? (b) With the aid of diagram show five (5) main equipment's to be considered during survey, > 6\. Carefully study the following photograph given and then answer the > questions that follow: i. Identify the type of photograph shown. ii. What is the name of the dominant tree? iii. Name two land uses that might be suitable in the area. iv. Comment on the relief of the photograph v. Suggest three possible regions in Tanzania where the photograph might have been taken. **SECTION C (30 Marks)** Answer **two (02)** questions from this section. > 7\. Mashiku's grandmother used to cultivate many crops in a small area > using local seeds, a hand hoe and other traditional ways of > cultivation. She is now blaming that in five years the harvests are > poor. She is complaining that her neighbors are the ones causing it. > With six points, explain to her how she can improve her farming > system. > > 8\. Several schemes established in Tanzania with the series of aim and > benefits to the particular county and world at large. Among of the > schemes established in Tanzania was RUBADA. Discuss the economic > significance of this scheme in Tanzania. > > 9\. Most of our villages face the challenge of scarcity of water, some > source of water can be found far away from the village. How does long > distance from water sources affect the girl child? Give five (5) > facts.
**HISTORY TEST** **FORM ONE** 1. List any Western Sudanic States that you know ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. ii. ........................................................ iii. ........................................................ iv. ....................................................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. What are centralized states? 3. Define non -- centralized states. 4. What do you understand about matrilineal clan organization? 5. An organization in which the heritage was based on the father's line is called .................. 6. What are the functions of the clan head? 7. What is Trans -- Saharan trade? 8. List all the methods of obtaining salt. 9. What is industry? 10. Define handcraft industry. 11. What are the impacts of local trade? 12. List down examples of regional trade. 13. What are the impacts of using iron tools in East Africa? (list 5) 14. List down 8 effects of fire to man during middle stone age. 15. When did man believed to have started using iron? 16. List down five impact of using iron tools. 17. Explain in one sentence, "how fire was discovered." 18. Ape, Gorilla, Monkey and Chimpanzee are commonly known as................................ 19. Who is a homo sapiens sapiens? 20. List two theories of evolution of man? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. Define two theories of evolution of man. ii. Which theory of creation of man, is narrated through bible? iii. List down two Australopithecus African family. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 21. How many sources of historical information that you know? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i.
complete civic and moral uraia na maadili class
**PRESIDENT'S OFFICE -- REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **KISHAPU DISTRICT COUNCIL** **PREPARATION EXAMINATION FOR NATIONAL ASSESSMENT STANDARD IV - 2024** **SUBJECT: CIVIC AND MORAL** **PART A: CHOOSE THE LETTER OF THE CORRECT ANSWER** 1. **Answer questions (i) -- (v) by choosing the letter of the correct answer and then write the answer in the box.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. How many verses does the national anthem of Tanzania have? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One ( ) ii. Every independent nation has. A. Flag B. has no borders C. national clothes D. dangerous weapons ( ) iii. The ability to show love, compassion and respect to all people in society is called: A. Learning B. not learning C. Hostility C. ingratitude ( ) iv. Every citizen must obey and respect. A. national anthem B. national stones C. magic D. miracles ( ) v. The first prime minister of the United Republic of Tanzania was called: A. Abeid Amani Karume B. Rashid Kawawa C. Edward Moringe Sokoine D. Julius Kambarage Nyerere ( ) 2. **Match the words of article \"A\" with the answers of article \"B\". Then write the letter of the answer correct in the answer section.** +----------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+ | **SECTION \"A\"** | **SECTION \"B\"** | **ANSWER | | | | SECTION** | +============================+=======================+================+ | i. Father of the nation | A. Tanzania islands | | +----------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+ | ii. Legislation | B. Julius Kambarage | | | | Nyerere | | +----------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+ | iii. Mafia, Pemba and | C. Parliament | | | Unguja | | | +----------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+ | iv. A woman and a man in | D. Unity and | | | the national emblem | solidarity | | +----------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+ | | E. They represent | | | | marriage | | +----------------------------+-----------------------+----------------+ 3. **Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **Patriot, Cross The Road, Flag, Constitution, Leadership, Chairman, Secretary, Run** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i. In the school committee the head teacher is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ii. A person who loves his country is called \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is a book that contains the laws and guidelines of a community or nation. iv. Look left and right before \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **PART B: FILL IN THE BLANKS** 4. **Answer item (i) - (v) by showing acts of betrayal as well as acts of truth and transparency; by placing a tick (√) in the correct list. Item number (v) is given as an example.** +---------------------+----------------+------------------------------+ | **Actions** | **Acts of | **Acts of transparency and | | | betrayal** | honesty** | +=====================+================+==============================+ | i. Telling lies | | | +---------------------+----------------+------------------------------+ | ii. Be honest | | | +---------------------+----------------+------------------------------+ | iii. Accept | | | | mistakes | | | +---------------------+----------------+------------------------------+ | iv. Dishonesty | | | +---------------------+----------------+------------------------------+ | v. Gossip | √ | | +---------------------+----------------+------------------------------+ 5. **Look carefully at the following pictures and then answer the questions that follow.** ![](media/image1.emf){width="5.65625in" height="2.1145833333333335in"} i. What are the children seen in picture number 2 above doing? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ii. What are the children doing in picture number 1? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. Which picture shows one of the rights of children? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iv. What is the action performed by the children shown in picture number 2 and other such actions called? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. **Read the following information and then answer question 6 item (i -- iv)** Patriotism is the act of loving your country and being ready to die to defend and protect your country. A patriot is a person who sacrifices himself to protect, defend and loves his country. A patriot also opposes any actions that may endanger, destroy the peace and direction of the nation. Some of the actions that students are taught in school so that they become patriots and good citizens of their country are standing firmly when the national anthem is sung, standing when the flag is raised or lowered, knowing the national language, the map of their country and knowing the defenders and heroes of their country . **Questions:** i. Write a headline for this story \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ii. Who is a patriot? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. What does a patriot object to? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iv. When the national anthem is sung we should \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS - TAMISEMI** **HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA YA KISHAPU** **MTIHANI WA KUJIANDAA KWA UPIMAJI WA KITAIFA DARASA IV -2024** **SOMO: URAIA NA MAADILI** **SEHEMU "A":** **CHAGUA HERUFI YA JIBU SAHIHI** 1. **Jibu swali la (i)--(v)kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi kishaandika jibu katika kisanduku.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. Wimbo wataifa laTanzania unabetingapi? A. Nne B. tatu C.Mbili D.moja ( ) ii. Kila taifa huru lina:- A. Bendera B.halinamipaka C.nguozataifa D.silahahatari ( ) iii. Uwezo wa kuonyesha upendo, huruma na heshima kwa watu wote katika jamii huitwa:- A. Kujari B.kuto kujari C.Uadui D.kutokuwa na shukrani ( ) iv. Kila mwananchini lazima atii nakuheshimu A. wimbo wataifa B.mawe ya taifa C.uchawi D.miujiza ( ) v. Waziri mkuu wa kwanza wa Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania aliitwa:- A. Abeid Amani Karume B. Rashid Kawawa C. Edward Moringe Sokoine D. Julius Kambarage Nyerere ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. **Oanishakifunguchamanenoyakifungu "A" na majibu ya kifungu "B". Kisha andika herufi ya jibu sahihi katika sehemu yakujibia.** +--------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ | **KIFUNGU''A''** | **KIFUNGU''B''** | **SEHEMU YA | | | | KUJIBIA** | +==========================+=========================+=================+ | > i\. Babawataifa | A. Tanzaniavisiwani | | +--------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ | > ii\. Kutungasheria | B. JuliusKambarage | | | | Nyerere | | +--------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ | > iii\. | C. Bunge | | | > Mafia,PembanaUnguja | | | +--------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ | > iv\. | D. Umojana mshikamano | | | > Mwanamkenamwanamme | | | | > katikanembo ya taifa | | | +--------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ | | E. Wanawakilishandoa | | +--------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ 3. **Kamilisha sentensi zifuatazo kwa kutumia maneno yaliyo katika kisanduku.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. Katika kamatiyashule Mwalimu mkuu ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ii. Mtu anayependa nchi yake huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ni kitabu ambacho kina sheria na muongozo wa jumuiya au Taifa. iv. Tizama kushoto na kulia kabla ya\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMUB: JAZA NAFASI ZILIZOACHWA WAZI** 4. **Jibu kipengele (i) - (v) kwa kuonesha matendo ya usaliti pamoja na matendo ya ukweli na uwazi;kwakuwekaalamayavema(√)katikaorodhasahihi.Kipengelenamba (v)umepewa kama mfano.** +------------------------+------------------+--------------------------+ | **Matendo** | **Ma | **Matendoya uwazi na | | | tendoyausaliti** | uaminifu** | +========================+==================+==========================+ | > i\. Kuongea uongo | | | +------------------------+------------------+--------------------------+ | > ii\. Kuwa mwaminifu | | | +------------------------+------------------+--------------------------+ | > iii\. Kukubali | | | | > makosa | | | +------------------------+------------------+--------------------------+ | > iv\. Kutokuwa | | | | > mwaminifu | | | +------------------------+------------------+--------------------------+ | > v\. Kusengenya | √ | | +------------------------+------------------+--------------------------+ 5. **Chunguza kwa makini picha zifuatazo kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata.** ![](media/image2.jpeg){width="5.392392825896763in" height="2.1666666666666665in"} i. Je,watoto wanaoonekana katika picha namba 2 hapo juu wanafanya nini? > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ii. Watoto wanaonekana katika picha namba 1 wanafanyanini?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. Picha ipi inaonesha mojawapo ya haki za watoto?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iv. Kitendo kinachofanywa na watoto wanaooneshwa na picha namba 2 na vitendo vingine vya aina hiyo huitwaje?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Soma habari ifuatayo kisha jibu swali la 6 kipengele(i -- iv)** > Uzalendo ni kitendo cha kuipenda nchi yako na kuwa tayari hata kufa > kwa ajili ya kuitetea nakuilinda nchi yako. Mzalendo ni mtu ambaye > hujitolea kuilinda, kuitetea na huipenda nchi yake. Mzalendo pia > hupinga vitendo vyovyote vile ambavyo vinaweza kuhatarisha, kuharibu > amani na mwelekeo wa taifa. Baadhi ya vitendo vya mambo ambayo > wanafunzi hufundishwashuleni ili waje kuwa wazalendo na raia wema wa > nchi yao ni kusimama kikakamavu wanapoimba wimbo wa taifa, kusimama > bendera inapopandishwa au kushushwa, kufahamu lugha ya taifa, ramani > ya nchi yao na kujua watetezi na mashujaa wa nchi yao. **Maswali:** i. Andika kichwa cha habari cha habari > hii\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ii. Mzalendo ni nani? > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iii. Mzalendo hupinga nini? > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iv. Wimbo wa Taifa unapoimbwa tunapaswa > \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
**HISTORY TEST** 1. Choose the most correct answer ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) A process by which people from one community come into contact with one another\...\..... \(a\) Communication (b) Union (c) intention (d) Interaction ( ) ii) The economic factors for the interaction of people of Africa were\...\...\...\..... (a)Migration, trade and language (b) War, migration and music (c) Intermarriage, medicine and religion (d) Trade, agriculture and metal work ( ) iii) One of the causes of the Ngoni migrations was\...\...\.... (a) Land scarcity (b) Conflict among the Ndebele and Hehe (c) Exploration (d) Hunger ( ) iv) In Tanzania Maseko Ngoni group settled in \...\...\.... (a) Morogoro (b) Kahama (c) Songea (d) Tabora ( ) v) One of the leaders who led Ngoni people to East Africa was \...\...\...\... (a) Shaka (b)Dingiswayo (c) Mzilikazi (d) Zwangendaba ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Define the following terms ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Mfecane (ii) Ngoni migration (iii) Scorched -- earth technique (iv) Intermarriage ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Study the following picture below and then answer the questions provided ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) What do you see on that picture\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... ii) Mention the event that is on going on that picture\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... iii) What is the name of the technique of the event that is on going on the picture\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... iv) Who are said to use such kind of technique while conducting that event? \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... v) According to that picture, which part of Africa that you suggest it might have been referred to\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Study the photo below and answer the questions that follow. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) What is this man on the picture holds on his arms\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... and\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... ii) What symbolizes on the picture above? \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... iii) Where does this man said to have been originated in Africa\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... iv) What is the other name of the thing that the man hotlds on his left arm \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... v) Comment on the picture shown above\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... 5. Match the years in column A with the corresponding historical facts in column B. +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | **COLUMN "A"** | **COLUMN "B"** | +===================================+===================================+ | (i) 1835 | A. The death of Zwangendaba | | | | | (ii) 1818 | B. The collapse of Shaka's | | | Kingdom | | (iii) 1845 | | | | C. The death of Dingiswayo | | (iv) 1820s | | | | D. The weapon was introduced | | (v) 1840s | into east Africa by the | | | Ngoni. | | | | | | E. Zwangendaba and his people | | | crossed river Zambezi | | | | | | F. The rise of Zulu state. | | | | | | G. Mzilikazi colluded with the | | | Boers in the Transvaal | | | region. | | | | | | H. Mfecane | | | | | | I. The Boer trek | | | | | | J. The Maseko Ngoni settled in | | | Songea | | | | | | K. The Maseko Ngoni settled in | | | Unyanyembe | | | | | | L. The beginning of the Ngoni | | | migration. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **COLUMN "A"** **i** **ii** **iii** **iv** **v** ------------------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- **COLUMN "B"** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Namba ya Mtahiniwa …….…………………………… Jina la shule………….…………………………………… Halmashauri ………..….………………….. JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA BARAZA LA MITIHANI LA TANZANIA SAMPULI YA MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA ELIMU YA MSINGI 06 URAIA NA MAADILI Muda: Saa 1:30 Mwaka: 2024 ## Maelekezo 1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B na C zenye jumla ya maswali **sita (6)**. 2. Jibu maswali **yote** kwenye nafasi uliyopewa. 3. Sehemu A na B zina alama **ishirini (20)** kila moja na sehemu C ina alama **kumi (10)**. 4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au mweusi, **isipokuwa** katika michoro ambapo ni lazima kutumia penseli. 5. Vifaa vya mawasiliano visivyoruhusiwa **havitakiwi** katika chumba cha mtihani. 6. Andika **Namba yako ya Mtihani** na taarifa zote muhimu katika kila ukurasa sehemu ya juu upande wa kulia. KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU | ya juu upande wa kulia. KWA MATUMIZI YA MTAHINI TU NAMBA YA MASWALI ALAMA SAHIHI YA MTAHINI 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUMLA SAHIHI YA MHAKIKI | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # Sehemu A (Alama 20) Jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii. 1. Katika kila kipengele (i) - (x), chagua jibu sahihi kisha andika herufi yake katika kisanduku ulichopewa. (i) Sheria za usalama barabarani zina manufaa gani? [ ] A Kutoa adhabu kwa madereva wazembe B Kutoa ushauri kwa askari wa usalama barabarani kutumia barabara C Kujua mwendokasi wa magari barabarani D Kubainisha aina za magari yapitayo barabarani E Kuepusha vifo na ajali barabarani (ii) Lipi kati ya mambo yafuatayo linaonesha kitendo cha kuwa na nidhamu? [ ] A Kufanya jambo kwa ufanisi kwa kusimamiwa B Kutenda jambo kwa ufanisi bila kusimamiwa C Kufanya jambo kwa kufuata mazoea uliyojiwekea D Kujituma kutekeleza malengo kwa usimamizi E Kufanya kazi kwa bidii baada ya kusimamiwa (iii) Watoto wana wajibu upi katika familia? [ ] A Kuwa na heshima na nidhamu katika familia B. Kuwa walinzi wa familia C. Kuwa watafutaji wa familia D. Kuwa wafariji wa familia E. Kutoa huduma kwa wanafamilia (iv) Ufisadi una athari gani katika jamii? [ ] A Kupungua kwa bidhaa katika masoko B Kuongezeka kwa uvumilivu na maelewano C Kuongezeka kwa matabaka katika jamii D Wananchi kuwa na kipato kizuri E Kuongezeka kwa utajiri katika jamii (v) Utawala wa sheria unajengwa na msingi upi katika jamii? [ ] A Kuheshimu vipaji vya watu B Kuwepo kwa viongozi wa kitaifa C Kuimarisha ulinzi wa viongozi D Kutoa fursa sawa kwa vijana E Kuheshimu haki za binadamu (vi) Kuna faida gani ya kuandaa na kutekeleza kazi mradi kuhusu utunzaji wa mazingira katika jamii? [ ] A Hujenga uwezo wa kuelewa kwa undani kuhusu mazingira B Hujenga uwezo wa kutekeleza wajibu kwa wakati C Huleta ufanisi katika utekelezaji wa shughuli zilizopangwa D Hujenga uelewa wa mazingira ya kijamii E Hujenga uwezo wa kutathmini maisha ya watu (vii) Ni kwa namna gani mhimili wa mahakama hulinda haki za binadamu nchini? [ ] A Husimamia sheria B Huandaa miswada ya sheria C Hutoa huduma kwa wananchi D Hulinda wananchi na mali zao E Hutafsiri sheria mbalimbali (viii) Rasilimali za taifa zina faida gani kwa nchi yetu? [ ] A Hujenga uchumi imara na endelevu B. Huongeza kipato cha mtu mmoja mmoja C. Huchochea uchumi na ustahimilivu D. Hujenga utawala bora na utulivu E. Huchochea ubunifu katika jamii (ix) Ni kwa namna gani wanafunzi hufaidika kwa kushiriki katika shughuli za kijamii? A Hujenga maadili mema A. Husaidia kufahamiana na watu wengine C. Hujenga ari ya uzalendo D. Hujenga uvumilivu na uwazi E. Huoanisha nadharia na vitendo [ ] (x) Matendo yafuatayo yanaonesha utii wa sheria ya makosa ya mtandao ya mwaka 2015, isipokuwa A kutoa takwimu sahihi. [ ] B kutunza siri. C kufanya miamala ya fedha. D kutuma ujumbe sahihi. E kuheshimu usawa kwa binadamu wote 2. Oanisha kazi za vyombo vyenye jukumu la kutetea haki za binadamu kutoka katika **Orodha A** na vyombo husika katika **Orodha B** kwa kuandika herufi ya jibu sahihi katika nafasi ya majibu uliyopewa. Orodha A Majibu Orodha B (i) Husaidia watu binafsi kuzingatia haki za binadamu wakati wote. [ ] A Bunge la Tanzania B Baraza la mawaziri C Katiba ya Tanzania D Vyombo vya habari E Mahakama F Baraza la wawakilishi G Tume ya haki za binadamu | uliyopewa. | Orodha A | Majibu | Orodha B | | | |---------------------------|---------------------------------------------|---------------------------|------------|----|-------------------| | (i) | Husaidia watu binafsi kuzingatia haki za | [ | ] | A | Bunge la Tanzania | | binadamu wakati wote. | B | Baraza la mawaziri | | | | | | C | Katiba ya Tanzania | | | | | | D | Vyombo vya habari | | | | | | E | Mahakama | | | | | | F | Baraza la wawakilishi | | | | | | G | Tume ya haki za binadamu | | | | | (ii) | Hutafsiri sheria mbalimbali za kutetea haki | [ | ] | | | | za binadamu. | | | | | | | (iii) | Hutunga sheria mbalimbali zinazolinda na | [ | ] | | | | kutetea haki za binadamu. | | | | | | | (iv) | Huchunguza malalamiko ya watu juu ya | [ | ] | | | | haki za binadamu. | | | | | | | (v) | Hufichua vitendo vya ukiukwaji wa haki | [ | ] | | | | za binadamu. | | | | | | 3. Jibu maswali katika kipengele (a) - (e) kwa kuchagua maneno sahihi kutoka kwenye kisanduku na kuyaandika katika nafasi iliyotolewa. Ofisa Elimu wa Kata, Ofisa Afya wa Kata Ofisa Biashara wa Kata Ofisa Mtendaji wa Kata, Diwani wa Kata Ofisa Maendeleo wa Kata (a) Nani ana wajibu wa kusimamia na kuratibu shughuli zote za maendeleo katika kata? _______________________________________________________________________ (b) Kiongozi yupi wa kata ana jukumu la kuwaelimisha wakazi kuhusu masuala ya lishe bora na utunzaji wa mazingira? _______________________________________________ (c) Bwana Kisoki ni kiongozi katika ngazi ya kata anayeshirikiana na wananchi kubuni miradi na kuendesha vyama vya ushirika. Bwana Kisoki atakuwa na wadhifa gani? _______________________________________________________________________ (d) Kiongozi yupi katika Serikali ya Kata anahusika na kuwaelimisha wananchi jinsi ya kujikinga na magonjwa na umuhimu wa chanjo kwa watoto? ______________________________________________________________________ (e) Yupi ni kiongozi wa kisiasa katika kata ambaye pia ni mwenyekiti wa vikao mbalimbali? _______________________________________________________________________ ## Sehemu B (Alama 20) Jibu maswali **yote** katika sehemu hii. 4. Sentensi zifuatazo zinaeleza hatua za utekelezaji wa malengo. Tumia nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa kuzipanga hatua ya kwanza ya utekelezaji wa malengo hadi ya mwisho. Ukurasa wa 3 | Mpangilio usio na Mantiki | Mpangilio wenye Mantiki | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------| | Kuainisha mahitaji muhimu Kuweka vipaumbele Kuanisha shughuli muhimu za kufanya Kufanya tathmini Kuchagua mbinu za utekelezaji | | Kuainisha mahitaji muhimu Kuweka vipaumbele Kuanisha shughuli muhimu za kufanya Kufanya tathmini Kuchagua mbinu za utekelezaji 5. Andika jibu katika sehemu ilioachwa wazi. (a) Bainisha mbinu mbili ambazo utazitumia kuwaelemisha vijana kuhusu afya ya uzazi. (i) _____________________________________________________________ (ii) _____________________________________________________________ (b) Ni vitendo gani katika jamii hukiuka haki za watoto? Toa hoja mbili. (i) ____________________________________________________________ (ii) ______________________________________________________________ (c) Matendo yapi yanasaidia kuepukana na tabia hatarishi katika jamii? Bainisha matendo mawili. (i) _____________________________________________________________ (ii) _____________________________________________________________ (d) Matumizi ya mkaa na kuni majumbani kama chanzo cha nishati husababisha uharibifu wa mazingira. Kipi kifanyike ili kuzuia vitendo hivi? Toa hoja mbili. (i) ____________________________________________________________ (ii) _____________________________________________________________ (e) Bainisha magonjwa mawili yanayotokana na taka sumu zinazotoka viwandani na majumbani na kuingia kwenye vyanzo vya maji. (i) _____________________________________________________________ (ii) ______________________________________________________________ SEHEMU C (Alama 10) Jibu swali la **sita (6)**. 6. Andika jibu katika sehemu ilioachwa wazi. (a) Bainisha malengo mawili ya nchi za Uganda na Kenya kushiriki kuanzisha Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki mwaka 2000. (i) _________________________________________________________ (ii) ___________________________________________________________ (b) Toa sababu mbili za kuanzishwa kwa Jumuiya ya Maendeleo Kusini mwa Afrika (SADC). (i) ____________________________________________________________ (ii) ____________________________________________________________ (c) Nchi ya Tanzania inafaidika vipi kwa kuwa mwanachama wa Jumuiya ya Madola? ____________________________________________________________ (d) Kwa kutumia hoja mbili, bainisha misingi miwili ya uendeshaji wa Umoja wa Afrika (AU). (i) _________________________________________________________ (ii) _________________________________________________________ (e) Changamoto zipi zinazuia kufikiwa kwa malengo ya Umoja wa Mataifa? Taja mbili. (i) __________________________________________________________ (ii) __________________________________________________________
PRESIDENT'S OFFICE ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FORM FOUR SPECIAL SCHOOL JOINTS EXAMINATION LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 024 Time:3:00 HRS Monday 05-OCT-2020 PM ## Instructions. 1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and C. 2. Answer all questions from sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C. 3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s). 4. Cellular phones and electronic calculators are not allowed in the examination room. # Section A: (15 Marks) Answer all questions. 1. Choose the most correct answer among the following alternatives and write its letter in the answer sheet. (i) The kind of poem which contain two lines in a stanza is known as _____________ (a) Monoryme (b) Couplet (c) Triplet (d) Doublet (ii) The thing that stands for another thing referred to as __________ (a) Image (b) Symbol (c) Imagery (d) Symbolism (iii) The audience that is involved in the performance is known as ________ (a) Active audience (b) Non-talkative audience (c) Passive audience (d) Talkative audience (iv) The type of character who show different behaviors in the drama/play____________ (a) Confidante (b) Protagonist (c) Foil character (d) Dynamic character (v) Literature is made up of two elements which are:- (a) Imagery and language (b) Simile and symbol (c) Proverbs and personification (d) Form and content (vi) Figures of speech which reveals tenor and vehicle as their parts. (a) Person fraction and simile (b) Alleger and imagery (c) Simile and metaphor (d) Symbolism and metaphor (vii) The following works are examples of fictions. (a) Biology and drama (b) Civics and chemistry (c) Bible and play (d) Play and novel (viii) Humorous statement that is used to criticize immoral behaviors that exist in the society. (a) Satire (b) Imagery (c) Iron (d) Sarcasm (ix) The following is one of the work of art where we can see picture and image performed on the stage. (a) Novel (b) Play (c) Drama (d) Melo drama (x) The pattern of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllables in line of poetry is. (a) Rhyme (b) Alliteration (c) Assonance (d) rhythm 2. Match the description in list A with the most correct item in list B. | | COLUMN A | COLUMN B | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (i) | Is the technique of delaying event while the reader is eagerly following it. | | | (ii) | The character who opposes the main character. | | | (iii) | The main character of a work of literature that sets action in motion. | | | (iv) | The use of negative statement to affirm positive sentiment. | | | (v) | Our head master is a lion. | (a) Archaism (b) Stage direction (c) Suspense (d) Protagonist (e) Musical/sound feature (f) Litotes (g) Metaphor (h) Figure of speech (i) Antagonistic (j) hyperbole | ## Section B (40 Marks) 3. Differentiate between two pairs of the following literary terminologies. (a) Personification and euphemism. (b) Round character and flat character. (c) Fable and folktale. (d) Alliteration and assonance. (e) Plot and setting. 4. Account for features of play/drama which make it different from other genres of literature (five points in table form). 5. Briefly; do you think literature is worthy to be taught when our focus is on industrialization? Support your views with five (5) points. 6. Using a table, write five (5) differences between fiction and non-fiction story. ## Section C (45 Marks) Answer three (3) questions from this section question 7 and 8 are compulsory. LIST OF READINGS PLAY | Lion and the jewel | - | Soyinka W | | |---------------------------|-----|-------------|----------| | The trial of Brother Jero | - | Soyinka W | | | The Dilemma of a Ghost | - | Aidoo AA | | | The Government Inspector | | - | Gogol N. | | POETRY | |----------| NOVELS The Concubine - Amadi, E. Selected poetry - Soyinka, W. Growing up with Poetry - Soyinka, W. 7. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow. IF WE MUST DIE By **Claude Mckay** If we must die - let it be not like hogs, Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making their mock at our accursed lot. If we must die - oh let us nobly die, A Walk in the Night and Other Stories - La Guma A. Houseboy - Oyona F. | The Old Man and the Medal | - | Oyona F. | |-----------------------------|-----|------------| 4 So that our precious blood may not be shed, In vain then even the monsters we defy Shall be constrained to honor us though dead! Oh kinsmen! We must meet the common foe, Through far outnumbered, let us show our bravery, And for their thousand blows one death blow! What though before us lies the open grave? Like men well face the murderous, cowardly pack, Pressed to the wall, crying but fighting back! ## Questions: a) What is the poem about? b) What type of poem is this? Why? c) Identify four poetic devices used in the poem. d) What four things do you learn from this poem? e) Mention four themes found in the poem. f) Briefly explain how relevant the poem is to the Tanzanian society. 8. Every problem, clash, conflict or misunderstanding has a root cause. Justify this statement by using two plays you have read (6 points). 9. Characters are always being used by artists to convey the content of literary work. Choose two characters from two novels you have done to confirm this statement (one character from each novel (six 6 points). 10. Use two poems to examine how poetry is a powerful means of warning people about the evils which are happening in societies.
**MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY** **SONGWA SECONDARY SCHOOL** **FORM TWO PRE-NATIONAL EXAMINATION** **HISTORY** **INSTRUCTIONS TIME: 2:30 HRS** - The following exam consist of section **A, B** and **C** - Answer all questions from sections A and B and only three questions from section C - Cellular phone and other communication devices are not allowed - Write your name in every page of your answer sheets. - Well arranged and clean work will be awarded. **SECTION "A"** Answer all questions correctly as instructed 1. Choose the letter of a correct answer from the given multiples and write its letter in a space provided. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) To defend themselves against their enemies, the Portuguese built fort and garrison on the East African Coast. The important for was that of ...................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Fort Jesus (b) Kilwa fort ( ) (c) Mombasa fort (d) Elimina fort ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (ii) In ...................... The Portuguese under Vasco da Gama reached East Africa. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) 1488 (b) 1498 ( ) (c) 1478 (d) 1468 ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (iii) One of the earliest European power that established contacts with Africa was......... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) England (b) Chinese ( ) (c) Portuguese (d) Scandinavian ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (iv) Christopher Columbus from Spain reached America in .......................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) 1592 (b) 1942 ( ) (c) 1494 (d) 1492 ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (v) In 1840 sultan Seyyid said of Oman shifted his capital from Muscat -- Oman to Zanzibar with one big aim of............................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Establishing slave trade in the area which was more needed by the European (b) Cultivation of clove from Zanzibar and export them to Oman ( ) (c) To control East African coastal city states in which trade was rapidly increasing (d) To establish Islamic religion in the area ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (vi) In which capitalism mode of production one of the characteristic was ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Strengthening of bank systems (b) Establishment of slave trade ( ) (c) Escaping challenges from other capitalist nation (d) Killing the local industries and established the mechanized one ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (vii) According to scientist the first primates ancestors appeared in two groups namely ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Drypithecus Africanus and Ramapithecus (b) Zinjanthropus and Homo habilis ( ) (c) Homo sapiens (d) Australopithecus ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (viii) Collection of families with the same or common ancestor is called................ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Kinship (b) Age set ( ) (c) Ntemi system (d) Social organization ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (ix) The combination of different economic activities which uses skills, with hands and artistic ability on making thing is ...................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Industries (b) Economic activities ( ) (c) Handcraft (d) Mining activities ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (x) The following activities are included in handcraft industries except ............ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Iron smelting (b) Cloth making ( ) (c) Salt making (d) Mixed farming ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Matching items in the list **"A"** by writing the letter of the correct match of the list **"B"** +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | **LIST "A"** | **LIST "B"** | +=========================+============================================+ | (i) Creation theory | a. Domestication of animal | | | | | (ii) Moresby treaty | b. Built schools, hospitals and churches | | | | | (iii) Mistaken identity | c. Earliest ancestor of true man | | | | | (iv) Regional trade | d. Hand craft | | | | | (v) Chwezi people | e. Mwanza and Arusha | | | | | (vi) basketry | f. Fairfax Moresby | | | | | (vii) Missionaries | g. Trans Saharan trade | | | | | (viii) Pastoralism | h. Timeline | | | | | (ix) Homo habilis | i. Based on Koran and Holly Bible | | | | | (x) Dating historical | j. Babito dynast | | events | | | | k. Rwanda and Burundi | | | | | | l. Discovering of fire | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ 3. Match the years in column **"A"** with the corresponding historical facts in Column **"B"** +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ | **COLUMN "A"** | **COLUMN "B"** | +==================================================+===================+ | (i) Formation of ant slavery society in Britain | A. 1822 | | | | | (ii) Establishment of Dutch settlement at the | B. 1833 | | Cape | | | | C. 300AD and 400 | | (iii) Capture of Fort Jesus | AD | | | | | (iv) Moresby treaty | D. 1502 | | | | | (v) Begin of trans Saharan trade | E. 1779 | | | | | (vi) Zinjanthropus | F. 1922 | | | | | (vii) Emergence of state in East Africa | G. 1790 | | | | | (viii) First Kaffir war | H. 1823 | | | | | (ix) Vasco da Gama sailed again to the coast of | I. 1960 | | East Africa | | | | J. 1698 | | (x) Slave trade was declared illegal | | | | K. 1959 | | | | | | L. 1652 | | | | | | M. 1500AD | +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ **SECTION "B"** 4. Write **TRUE** for the correct sentence and **FALSE.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) The Ngoni originated from Natal region in South Africa ........................ (ii) History tells us about what will happen in the future............................. (iii) The technology that man develops during the late Stone Age is called Microlithic........... (iv) Industries are places used in production of goods from raw materials................. (v) In the system of Ntemi, the leader known as Ntemi had no religious power to his area......................... (vi) Communalism occurred in the very fertile areas with much rain ......................... (vii) The clan was simplest social unity in the early agricultural society..................... (viii) The Ngoni migration was the results of population growth and the scarcity of food................................... (ix) European capitalist nations wanted the Africa not to be source of raw material for their industries....................................... (x) Shikamoo, kitabu, sala and darasa are some of the Arabic words borrowed to be used in Swahili language...................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. Re-arrange the following sentences in correct order. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) The concentrated their trading activities along the East African coast. (ii) However, agricultural production was minimal compared to the volume of trade. (iii) After conquering the east African coast the Portuguese began to exploit the region. (iv) They did not intend to engage in agricultural production. (v) It was only in Mozambique that they intended to grow cassava and rice. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. Write short notes of the following historical concepts. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) The two theories of the Evolution of man. (ii) Archaeology (iii) The types of agriculture applied in pre-colonial Africa. (iv) The outbreak of the Boer trek (v) Triangular trade (vi) Agents of industrial capitalism (vii) The need of industrial capitalism (viii) Importance of Oral tradition in development of history. (ix) Stages of abolition of slave trade. (x) Social and economic factors for interaction **SECTION "C" (Essay question 30 marks)** Answer three questions only 7. Analyze the problems which the British encountered in their efforts to abolish the slave trade in East Africa. 8. \(a\) Define industrial capitalism \(b\) Explain the characteristics of industrial capitalism. \(c\) Explain the needs of industrial capitalism. 9. Compare and contrast the East African Slave trade with the Trans-Atlantic slave trade 10. Explain the techniques used to obtain slave trade. 11. Give reasons for Dutch settlement at the cape.
16. Mtunzi wa shairi hili anahimiza kilimo cha ............................................ (a) majira yote ya mwaka (b) Mashamba madogo madogo (c) Umwagiliaji wa mashamba (d) kutumia majembena mapanga (e) Wakati wa kiangazi ( ) 17. Mshairi alikua na maana gan aliposema "Wazale ndo sisi sote"? (a) watanzania wote (b) wananchi asilia (c) Watu waishio hapa nchini (d) viongozi wote (e) watu wanaopenda nchi hii. 18. Shairi hili linahamasisha kitu gani? (a) upungufu wa ardhi (b) ukosefu wa mvua (c) wingu na mvua (d) mafuriko makubwa (e) ukosefu wa chakula ( ) 19. Kauli ipi ni sahihi kuhusu shairi hili? (a) Vina vinafanana katika beti zote (b) Kila beti una kituo tofauti (c) Mshairi hakufuata sheria za kutunga mashairi (d) Kia mstari una mizani kumi na sita (e) haliwezi kuimbika kwa urahisi ( ) 20. Kichwa kinacho faa shairi hili ni kipi? (a) Kilimo nchini mwetu (b) Kilimo cha kufa na kupona (c) Iwe kufa na kupona (d) Jembe tupate shika (e) Kilimo cha kiangazi ( ) **SEHEMU E: UTUNGAJI** Umepewa insha yenye sentensi tano zilizoandikwa bila kufuata mtiririko wa mawazo. Zipange sentensi hizo ilizilete mtiririko wenye mantiki kwa kuzipa herufi A, B, C, D na E. 21. Wote humfikiria malkia kuwa ni mkuu na mama yao ( ) 22. Waoto wakikua hujiunga katika kazi za kujitegemea ( ) 23. Ushirikiano wao mwema umewafanya wawe na nguvu sana hivyo huogopwa na viumbe wengi hata wanyama wakubwa ( ) 24. Kazi ya kila mmoja hutegemea sana umbo na uwezo wake. ( ) 25. Wale wenye viwiliwili vikubwa na vyenye nguvu huwa askari na wote walionaki huwa wafanyakazi ( )
TANZANIA HEADS OF ISLAMIC SCHOOLS COUNCIL ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) ![0_image_1.png](0_image_1.png) FORM FOUR INTER ISLAMIC MOCK EXAMINATION 2021 BIOLOGY 2A (ACTUAL PRACTICAL) MARKING SCHEME ![0_image_2.png](0_image_2.png) 033/2A 1. (a) The aim of the experiment was to show that starch is a product of photosynthesis. - **To test the necessity of chlorophyll [02 marks]** (b) The fresh leaf/specimen P was dipped in the boiling water to stop further changes in the leaf. - To kill living particles of the cell - To stop further changes**[02 marks]** (c) The reason behind dipping the specimen in a boiling test tube half-full of ethanol was to decolorize the specimen/dissolve the chlorophyll. **[02 marks]** (d) The colour changed to blue-black/dark blue in some parts of the specimen. **[02marks]** (e) The final observation (blue-black colouration] justifies that photosynthesis took place in some parts of the specimen which were originally green and did not take place in other parts which had different colour (which lacked chlorophyll.) 05 marks (f) Roles of starch in the body. (i) Providing energy (ii) It is a component of the cell wall. (iii) It act as a stored form of carbohydrates in plants. @ 1 x 3 = 03 marks **(Any 06 points @ 01 mark = 06 marks)** (g) (i) Photosynthesis **02 marks** (ii) 6CO2 + 12HO C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2 [04 marks] 2. (a) (i) Hibiscus flower **02 marks** (ii) Kingdom: Plantae **01mark** Division: Angiospermophyta **[01mark]** Class: Dicotyledonae **[01mark]** (iii) Features of the class Dicotyledonae. They have seeds with two cotyledons. Their floral parts occur in fours or five or multiple of fours of five. They have a tap root system The vascular bundles in the stem are radially arranged. 04 Their stems are woody or herbaceous. they have vascular cambium which brings about secondary growth. (iv) Female parts of specimen Q. Ovary Stigma **03 marks** Styla (b) (i) Agents of pollination are Insects and Birds. @ 1 x 2 = 02 marks Reasons: The specimen has large brightly - coloured retails to attract pollinating agents. The specimen is scanted The specimen has small sticky stigma. 04 Pollen grains are large heavy and sticky to enable them stick to the body of the pollinating agents. The specimen has necta needed by the pollinating agents for different purposes. (ii) Economic importance of Angiospermophyta Members of angeosphermophyta are source of food (majority). They are source of wood for timber and paper manufacture. 04 They are source of fiber for example cotton and flax. They are source of medicine. They are used for decoration. Title/Caption ½ ![2_image_0.png](2_image_0.png) Labeling ½ x 2 = 01 Drawing 1 ½ TOTAL 03
JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA OFISI YA RAIS, TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA MKOA WA GEITA MTIHANI WA UTAMILIFU MKOA DARASA LA NNE SOMO: URAIA NA MAADILI MUDA: SAA: 1 MEI, 2024 JINA LA MWANAFUNZI:…………………………………………………………………. NAMBA YAMTANIHINIWA:……………………………………………………………… JINA LA SHULE:………………………………………………………..………………….. WILAYA:……………………………………………..……….MKOA…………………….. Maelelekezo. 1. Mtihani huu una maswali 6 2. Jibu maswali yote 3. Soma maelekezo katika kila swali 4. Kumbuka kuandika majina yako kamili 1. Jibu kipengele cha (i) - (v) kwa kuchagua herufi ya jibu sahihi na kuandika kwenye mabano uliyopewa. i. Ni nani anayeonesha taiba za kujipenda mwenyewe miongoni mwa wanafunzi hawa wa darasa la nne? A. Halima anayesalimia walimu B. Vaileth anayeoga kila siku. [ ] C. John anayeshiriki vitu vyake na wenzake D. Daud anayewasaidia wenye mahitaji maalumu ii. Elikana ni kijana mtundu, marafiki zake hawapendezwi na tabia zake. Unaweza kumsaidiaje Elikana? A. Kumchapa B. Kumuacha jinsi alivyo [ ] C. Kuwahusisha wanafunzi wengine kumpa nasaha D. kuacha kucheza naye iii. Mwalimu Fulani wa shule ya msingi Umoja huandika na kutunza kumbukumbu za mikutano ya kamati ya shule. Huyo ni mwalimu yupi kati ya wafatao? A. Mwalimu wa taaluma B. Mwalimu wa darasa C. Mwalimu wa nidhamu D. Mwalimu mkuu [ ] iv. Lipi kati ya yafuatayo ni madhara ya rushwa? A. Kuwakosesha wengine haki zao B. Kuleta maendeleo C. Kuwaburudisha wanao onewa [ ] D. Kupata wataalamu wenye weledi v. Lipi kati ya matendo yafuatayo yanayofanywa na watu ambayo hayahatarishi Maisha ya Watoto? A. Ajira za utotoni B. Ukatili wa watoto C. Kuwajali watoto D. Ukatiki wa kingono [ ] 2. Oanisha vipengele vya sehemu A kupatana na majibu ya sehemu B kwa kuandika majibvu sehemu iliyoonyeshwa. | S/N | SEHEMU A | SEHEMU B | | | |----------|------------------------------------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-----| | i. | Elimu, Afya, Umeme na Maji | A. | Njia za usafirishaji | | | ii. | Misitu, Ardhi, vyanzo vya maji na wanyama pori | B. | Miundombinu | | | iii. | Majengo, barabara, mifumo ya maji nay a umeme | C. | Hifadhi za Taifa | | | iv. | Barabara, reli, maji na anga | D. | Huduma za jamii | | | | E. | Rasilimali | | | | | F. | Shughuli za kijamii | | | | SEHEMU A | i. | ii. | iii. | iv. | | SEHEMU B | | | | | 3. Jibu vipengele vifuatavyo kwa kuchagua jibu sahihi kutoka kwenye mabano. i. Uwezo wa kuishi na watu wenye tabia tofauti tofauti bila kuwaudhi hujulikana kama ______________________________ **(Uvumilivu, subira, kujizuia)** ii. Kitendo cha uwindaji wa Wanyama pori pasipo na kibali kutoka mamlaka husika huitwa__________________________________________ (Mauaji, Udukuzi, Ujangiri) iii. Kitendo cha kawaida kinachotumika kuratibu tabia na mienendo ya watoto shuleni_________________________________ (sheria na taratubu za shule, kusimamishwa masomo, adhabu mbalimbali) iv. Nchi ambayo imejiunga na Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki karibuni zaidi ni ___________________________________________ (Sudani Kusini, Somalia, Kongo DR) 4. Kamilisha maana ya kifungu cha habari kifuatacho kwa kujaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi. Mtoto mzuri ni yule mwenye tabia njema. Siku zote hutimiza (i) ______________________ yake shuleni na nyumbani. Asipoelewa vizuri, huomba (ii) _______________________kutoka kwa wanafunzi wenzake. Baada ya kusaidiwa yeye huwaambia (iii) _____________________________. Pia huwaonyesha wenzake (iv) _______________________________wanapokuwa na matatizo. Kwa kuwa na tabia njema, mtoto mzuri huwa na marafiki wengi nyumbani na shuleni. 5. Angalia kwa makini picha ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata. ![2_image_0.png](2_image_0.png) Maswali i. Mkusanyiko kama huu unapofanyika maeneo ya vijijini huitwaje? ___________________________________________________ ii. Kiongozi Mkuu wa mkusanyiko kama huu huitwaje? _____________________________________________________________ iii. Tukio kama linavyoonekana kwenye picha linatakiwa kufanyika mara ngapi kwa mwaka? __________________________ iv. Andika faida mojawapo ya kuwa na vikao kama hivi kwenye maeneo husika_____________________________________________ 6. Soma kifungu cha habari kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yaliyoulizwa. Jane ni mwanafunzi wa darsa la nne katika shule ya msingi Ujirani Mwema. Ni kiongozi wa darasa. Mara nyingi anachunguza changamoto zinazowakabili wanafunzi wenzake na kutoa taarifa kwa walimu. Kutoa taarifa zinazohusu maswala ya wizi na migogoro miongoni mwa wanafunziu. Anashirikiana na walimu kutatua migogoro hiyo. Wanafunzi wengi wanampenda. Siku moja, Asha na Ashura walitaka kugombana. Jane aliwaona na awaambia kwamba kugombana sio kuzuri. Aliwaeleza kwamba wanapaswa kupendana kushirikiana ili wafanye vizuri katika masomo yao. Tangu siku hiyo, Asha ana Ashura wakawa marafiki. Maswali i. Jane anajengaje mahusiano mazuri na wanafunzi wenzake? ________________________________________________________ ii. Jane amataarifu wapi changamoto zinazowabili wanafunzi wenzake? ________________________________________________________ iii. Ni suhauri gani ambao Jane aliwapa Asha na Ashura waweza kufanya vizuri katika masomo yao? _______________________________________________________ iv. Kama mwanafunzi, unawezaje kutatua changamoto za rafiki zako shuleni? ________________________________________________________
**MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY** **SONGWA SECONDARY SCHOOL** **FORM TWO HISTORY TEST -- MARCH -- 2022** **TIME: 1:30 HRS** **ANSWER ALL QUESTION** **SECTION "A"** **Answer the following questions as instructed** 1. Briefly explain the following feudal relation of production ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Nyarubanja (ii) Ubugabire (iii) Umwinyi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Outline 4 characteristics of :- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Communalism (ii) Slavery (iii) Feudalism ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Define the following concept ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Instruments of labour (ii) Human labour (iii) Objects of labour (iv) Productive forces (v) Relation of production (vi) Mode of production ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Outline the ways through which a person could become slave. **SECTION "B"** 5. Choose the answer provided in the box and then fill them in a passage bellow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **Jere, Five, Ufipa, Gwangwara, 1820s, Maseko Ngoni Speakers, Gwangwara, 1860s, Mapangala, Malawi, Mapangala, Mpenzane, Mombera, 1835, Ciwere, Tuta, Zambia, Tuta, Two, Gwangara** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zangendaba led the first of\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... Nguni speakers. He left Natal region in \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...., after he had gathered some followers. Zwangendaba and his people crossed river Zambezi in\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... This group arrived and settled for sometimes in\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... Zwangendaba died in\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... after his death, his followers split into \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... sub -- groups. The groups were \...\...\...\...\...\...., \...\...\...\...\...\...\...., \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\....., \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... and \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\....., \...\...\...\...\...\...\.... of these group remained in Tanzania which are \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... and \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...., and other moved and settled in \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... and \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... From Ufipa, the Tuta under\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... moved northwards to the area called Shinyanga region at present. Along they raided and defeated Holoholo people, who shortly re-organized themselves and defeated the Tuta. The second group of ngoni led by mputa maseko, was known as \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..., they come from Natal region via Malawi and settled in Songea in the 1840s. they were later invaded by \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... who arrived there in \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... The two groups fought a war, Maseko and his followers were defeated and went to settle in northern Malawi. Some of his followers moved to the north of Songea and settled permanently in Ulanga. They came to be known as Mbunga. 6. **In each of the following sentence, there is an empty space, fill the space with the correct answer** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) One of the African religion practiced almost by 80% of the people of Benin is known as \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... (ii) When Yoruba people of West Africa wants to condemn a certain behavior they made \...\...\...\...\...\...\.... music. (iii) *Mwari* was the religious cult practiced by the \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... people of \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\..... (iv) The dance that perfumed by chagga people of the Northern Tanzania, during wedding ceremony is called \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\.... (v) Mfecane denotes as the wars and disturbances which accompanied the rise of Zulu state under Shaka from the year \...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\... on wards. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. **Arrange the following sentences into correct order.** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) The first group was under the leadership of Zwangendaba and the second one under the leadership of Mputa Maseko. (ii) The Ngoni who came to Tanzania were in two groups. (iii) Shoshangane led his group north-eastwards to Mozambique. (iv) The Nguni -- speaking people moved out of the Natal region in South Africa in different groups and went to different areas under different leaders. (v) Mashoeshoe and his people went to the present-day Botswana. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **(i)** **(ii)** **(iii)** **(iv)** **(v)** -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **SECTION "C"** **Short Essay -- answer only two questions** 8. Explain in briefly the of mfecane. 9. Mention four characteristics of non-exploitative mode of production existed in pre -- colonial Africa. 10. Ngoni migration was not beneficial to the societies of central and East Africa. Agree or disagree. 11. Explain the similar characteristics of exploitative modes of production.
**OFIS YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI NOVEMBA 2019** **SOMO LA HISTORIA** **SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A"** **Chagua jibu sahihi** 1. Wahunzi walijihusisha na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) uvuvi wa chuma (b) ugavi wa chuma (c) ufugaji na utengenezaji wa zana za chuma **( )** 2. Mfumo wa maisha uliojenga jamii iliyosawa na yenye ushirikiano kimaisha ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Ujamaa (b) ujima (c) ukabaila **( )** 3. Kiongozi wa vita vya Majimaji aliitwa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Kabaka Mutesa (b) Mkwawa (c) Kinjekitile Ngwale **( )** 4. Mabaki ya Zinjanthropus yaligunduliwa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Olduvai (b) Isimila (c) Engaruka **( )** 5. kabla ya ukoloni elimu ya jadi ilitolewa kwa njia ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) shule za awali (b) Sheria za serikali (c) Jndo na unyago **( )** 6. Katika zama za mawe za mwanzo binadamu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Alianza kufuga wanyama (b) aliishi kwa kutegemea mazingira (c) aligundua moto **( )** 7. chifu Mangungo wa Msovero alisaini mkataba wa kilaghai na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) William Macknon (b) Horace Byatt (c) Karl Peters **( )** 8. mkataba wa Heligoland ulisainiwa mwaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) 1919 (b) 1890 (c) 1884**( )** 9. Faida mojawapo ya uchumi wa kikoloni ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kukua kwa miji (b) Malipo mazuri katika ajira (c) huduma za afya kila mahali vijijini **( )** 10. Sababu mojawapo ya Watanganyika na Wazanzibar kudai uhuru \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Malipo mazuri ya ajira (b) Kupinga ukandamizaji (c) Kudai Elimu **( )** 11. Mbinu iliyotumika kudai uhuru Tanganyika na Zanzibar ni pamoja na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Mbinu ya kivita (b) Kupinga kodi (c) Kupata huduma za Afya **( )** 12. Ni katika kipindi gani cha zama za mawe binadamu aligundua moto\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Zama za mawe za mwisho (b) Zama za chuma (c) Zama za mawe za kati **( )** 13. Mtazamo wa dini juu ya asili ya mwanadamu ni\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Mnyama (b) Kiumbe wa Mungu (c) Sokwe **( )** 14. Dr. Leakey aligundua \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Jiwe la olduvai (b) Bonde la olduvai (c) Fuvu la binadamu wa kale **( )** 15. Mkoloni wa mwisho kuitawala nchi yetu Tanzania ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a)Waingereza (b) Wareno (c) Wajerumani **( )** 16. Jukumu la ulinzi katika familia ni la nani? (a) Baba na watoto (b) Kila mtu katika familia (c) Watoto mama na jirani **( )** 17. Tanganyika ilipata uhuru mwaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) 1962 (b) 1995 (c) 1961**( )** 18. Mototo wa shangazi yako ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Mjomba (b) Dada (c) binamu **( )** 19. Rais wa kwanza wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (b) Julius Kambarage Nyerere (c) John Pombe Magufuli **( )** 20. Wanadamu walianza kujishughulisha na biashara katika zama za mawe za \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Chuma (b) Mwisho za mawe (c) kazi za mawe **( )** **SEHEMU "B"** **Jaza nafasi zilizo achwa wazi** 21. Nchi Tanzania uchaguzi mkuu wa Rais, Wabunge na Madiwani hufanyika kila baada ya miaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 22. Bendera ya Taifa ilianza kupepea mwaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 23. Mlima mrefu kuliko yote Afrika uliitwa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 24. Kiongozi mkuu wa nchi ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 25. Diwani wa kata huchaguliwa na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "C"** **Andika "Kweli" au "Si kweli"** 26. UKIMWI ni hali ya kutumikishwa na kunyimwa haki zako \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 27. Muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar ulikuwa mwaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 28. Nchi yetu ilipata Uhuru kutoka kwa Wareno \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 29. Biashara wakati wa ukoloni zilifanywa na machifu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 30. Wanyamwezi waliongozwa na mtemi wao aliye itwa Isike\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 31. Katika muundo wa utawala wa Waingereza kiongozi wao mkuu ni Sheha \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 32. Chama kikuu cha upinzani nchini Tanzania ni CCM \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 33. Mahitaji muhimu ya familia ni chakula, mavazi na malazi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
1. **Write short notes of the following the following:-** ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Interaction (b) Mefecane (c) Migration (d) Ngoni migrations (e) Communalism (f) Slaver (g) Feudalism (h) Social organization (i) Modes of production (j) Human labor (k) Production (l) Means of labour (m) Objective of labor (n) Productive forces (o) Relation of production (p) Class struggle (q) Interlacustrine region (r) Slavery mode of production (s) Communalism as a mode of production (t) Ubugabire system (u) Nyarubanja system (v) Umwinyi system (w) Ntemi system (x) Coastal city states (y) Monsoon winds (z) Intermarriage (a) Sheha (b) Rent in kind (c) Diwani (d) Social interaction. **Describe the following:-** 2. List effects of interaction 3. What are the factors for African' interaction basing in:- - Social factor - Economic factors 4. What are the causes of Mfecane? 5. What are the effects of Mfecane? 6. What are the causes of Ngoni migration 7. What are the reasons for the success of Ngoni people? 8. What are the effects of Ngoni migration basing in? - Social effects - Political effects - Economic effects 9. What are the characteristics of communalism? 10. Explain how people became slaves. 11. What are the features of slaves? 12. What are the feature of feudalism 13. What are the advantages of power sharing? 14. What are the disadvantage of power sharing? 15. What were the privileges enjoyed by Mwinyi mkuu? 16. What are the facts that are revealed in the Greco Roman documents about the existence of contacts between Africans, Middle and Far East? 17. What are the conditions that facilitated the early contacts? 18. Explain the major of exchange during the contact of Africa and Asian people, regarding:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) African export commodities (b) Those from Asia. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 19. What are the effects of early contacts basing on:- - Social and cultural effects - Economic effects - Political effects 20. Outline the documents that provide evidence of the early contacts between East Africa the Middle East, Europe and the Far East. 21. How social interaction took place? 22. How economic interaction took place? 23. What are the impacts of Arab domain in east Africa? basing on:- - Economic - Social 24. Mention four characteristics of non exploitative mode of production existed in pre-colonial Africa. 25. Describe how traders from Asia travelled to and from East Africa. **SHORT ANSWER** 26. The movement of people on a permanent basis is called ..................... 27. Evidence of the interaction of people from different backgrounds can be obtain by two things, mention them:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) ............................................ b) ............................................ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 28. What are the pottery that identified by the archaeologists from the Bantus communities:- 29. What is the name of African religion practices by the Benin's ...................................................... 30. Shona of Zimbabwe belonged to the religion known as.......................................... 31. ........................was the dance performed by chagga in wedding ceremonies. 32. In initiation ceremonies the Luguru women performed dance called ................................ 33. Oriki music was the culture of ....................... 34. What is the name of tradition healers existed in northern Tanzania in the 19^th^ century................ 35. Kabaka was the highest ranking of the chiefdom of .................................. 36. Mention one of the most important economic factor for the interaction in pre-colonial Africa societies was .................................. 37. Who were the prominent ambitious Nguni leaders. List just three of them:- 38. Mfecane also resulted from the tensions between the societies that were changing from simple to centralized states, list four of these societies:- 39. Nguni speaking people had different names according to place they were settled, what are these names as in:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Tanzania -- b) Zambia -- c) Malawi -- d) Zimbabwe -- e) South -- eastern Zambia -- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 40. List two of the weapons adopted by the East Africans from the Ngoni army: ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) ....................was the fighting technique used by the Ngoni. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 41. Write the country in which these state were existed:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) Rozwi -- .................................... b) Lozi -- ........................................ c) Undi -- ....................................... d) Ndebele state -- ............................. e) Shangani state -- ................................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 42. Who is the founder of the Hehe chief dom..................... 43. Who the the ntemi of Ukimbu? ..................... 44. Who was the Ntemi of Unyanyembe?\...\...\...\...\...\..... 45. The first Nguni speaking people to fled from south Africa were the leadership of:- 46. The displacement of Nguni speaking people under different leaders, mention the leaders who settled this places:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a) North -- eastwards to Mozambique .................. b) Present day Botswana ............................... c) Present day Zambia ............................. d) Zimbabwe ................................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 47. The ngoni who came to Tanzania were of two group, under the leadership of:- 48. The name Jere was the Ngoni led by ...................... 49. When did the Jere people crossed river Zambezi? 50. When did Jere arrived in ufipa? 51. When did the leader of Jere died? 52. After the death of the leader of the Jere, the split into five groups of the Ngoni, mention the five groups. 53. Among those five groups, which groups remained in Tanzania? And which of them left? 54. Who was the leader of Tuta?? 55. Who was the leader of Gwangara group? 56. Where did Ngoni Tuta settles at last 57. Which ethnic groups of Africa practiced communalism up to the end of 19^th^ century, list all of them. 58. Which ethnic group of east Africa owned slaves? List 5 of them. 59. The Bahaya called their King ...................... 60. King of Bahaya distributed land to the two nobilities. Mention them. 61. The landed -- ruling class in Bahaya was known as? 62. The class of serf in Bahaya was known as ............ 63. List three types of rent paid feudal societies. 64. The Umwinyi feudal system existed in .............. 65. Below the Shakua there is two group, what were they? 66. Who were the tax callector in Umwinyi feudal system?
mtihani (3).md
**SEHEMU "A"** 1. Chagua jibu sahihi na liandike jibu hilo katika karatasi yako ya kujibia mtihani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` I. Mzizi wa neno "Ameoa" ni ............................... a\) Oa b) O C) Ame d) a e) Ameo II. Kitabu kimo kabatini neno "kimo" ni aina gani ya neno a\) Kitenzi b) kitenzi kishirikishi c) kitenzi kikuu d) nomino huru III. Neno ''kiti" lipo katika ngeli gani? a\) LI-YA b) KI-YA c) VI-YA d) KI-VI e) U-ya IV. Nomino ya neno Taifisha ni ................ a\) Ratiba b) fukarisha c) Taifa d) Ratibisha e) Taifishwa V. Babu alikuwa analima leo katika sentensi hii neno lipi ni kitenzi kikuu a\) Alikuwa b) analima c) leo d) babu d) sentensi VI. Senteni hii ipo katika kauli gani? "Asha ana soma" a\) Kutenda b) kutendea c) kutendwa d) kutendesha e) kutendeka VII. Neno lipi kati ya maneno haya huweza kupokea viambishi? a\) Kaka b) baba c) lima d) sisi e) ng'ombe VIII. Ni aina ya neno ambalo husimama baada ya nomino katika tungo a\) Kivumishi b) Kitenzi c) Kielezi d) Kiwakilishi e) Nomino ( ) IX. Ni mofimu ambazo hazikubali kuambishwa katika mfumo wa kupachika maneno na viambishi katia tungo ................. a\) Mofimu tegemezi b) Mofimu c) Mofimu huru d) Mofimu pendwa e) Mofu ( ) X. Kauli ambayo husababisha tungo kuwa tata au kuwa na maana zaidi ya moja. > a\) Kauli kutendea b) Kauli ya kutendwa c) Kauli ya kutendwa d) Kauli > ya kutendeka ( ) 2. Chagua kifungu cha maneno kutoka orodha "B" kinachotoa maelezo sahihi ya maneno kutoka orodha "A" +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | **ORODHA "A"** | **ORODHA "B"** | +====================+=================================================+ | (i) Nyanya | (i) Mzizi wa neno anakula. | | | | | (ii) Baba | (ii) Shina la neno. | | | | | (iii) Kujitegemea | (iii) Tungo tata. | | | | | (iv) \- L -- | (iv) Mofimu tegemezi. | | | | | (v) Nomino | (v) Mofimu huru. | | dhahania | | | | (vi) Ni neno lipo katika ngeli ya -- Ku -- | | | | | | (vii) Malaika, pepo na ugonjwa. | | | | | | (viii) Mzizi wa neno huru. | +--------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ **SEHEMU "B"** 3. Viambishi awali katika lugha ya Kiswahili huwa na dhima mbalimbali kwa kutoa mifano taja dhima tano. 4. Upatanishi wa kisarufi ni kigezo kimojawapo katika kupanga ngeli za nomino kwa mifano ya tungo, tunga sentensi tano (05) ukitumia ngeli zifutazo. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) U -- I (b) LI -- YA (c) U -- ZI (d) I -- ZI (e) U -- YA ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. Nominisha vitenzi vifuatavyo kwa kubadili kategoria ya neno kulingana na swali ulilopewa. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Hakiki (ii) Bariki (iii) Fedhehi (iv) Fitini (v) hoji ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. Kamusi ni muhimu sana kwa mtumiaji yeyote wa lugha. Taja hoja tano zinazothibitisha umuhimu huu. 7. Kwa mifano ya sentensi, tunga sentensi ukizingatia rejesta ulizopewa hapa chini. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (i) Hotelini (ii) Kijiweni (iii) Kanisani (iv) Mahakamani (v) Shuleni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 8. Fafanua mambo matano ya kuzingatia wakati wa matumizi ya lugha.
SAYANSI 32 (copy).md
# HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA WILAYA ## shule S/MSINGI ### MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI - mwaka - mwaka ### SAYANSI NA TEKNOLOJIA - STD III #### Chagua jibu sahihi 1. Kipi ni chanzo cha asili cha mwanga? - A. Radi - B. Mwezi - C. Nyota - D. Jua 2. Tunatambua sauti kwa kutumia - A. Sikio - B. Pua - C. Mdomo - D. Macho 3. Vyakula vya sukari vinachangia uharibifu wa________ - A. Ngozi - B. Meno - C. Kinywa - D. Fizi 4. Kitu chochote chenye uzito na kinachoweza kuchukua nafasi kinaitwa: - A. Mada - B. Maada - C. Uzito - D. Jiwe 5. Sumaku huvuta vitu vyenye asili ya ___________ - A. Waya - B. Chuma - C. Karatasi - D. Shaba 6. Sifa za sauti ni kusharabiwa, kusafiri kuelekea pande zote na - A. Kuakisiwa - B. Kupiga kielele - C. Kupaa - D. Kunyooka 7. Uzito hupimwa kwa: - A. Kilogramu - B. Sentimeta - C. Nyuzi - D. Meta 8. Moja ya dalili za malalia ni - A. Kuhara damu - B. Vipele - C. Maumivu ya viungo - D. Kukojoa damu 9. Makundi mawili ya viumbe hai ni: - A. Binadamu na wanyama - B. Binadamu na mimea - C. Wanyama na mimea - D. Wanyama na wadudu 10. Aina mbili za mashine ni: - A. Mashine ngumu na laini - B. Mashine tata na rahisi - C. Mashine ya kusaga na kukoboa - D. Mashine rahisi na ngumu 11. Kuna ogani ____________za fahamu. #### Andika Kweli Au Si Kweli 12. Sauti hutokana na mitetemeko ya maada________________ 13. Hali joto hupimwa kwa kutumia thermometa_____________ 14. Simu ni kifaa kinachotumika kwa mawasiliano________________ 15. Alama za ilani si muhimu kuwekwa barabarani________________ 16. Maada zote zinauwezo wa kuelea hewani______________ #### Oanisha fungu A na B ili kuleta maana. | **FUNGU A** | **FUNGU B** | |---------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 17. Sauti iliyorudishwa | A. Jumla ya vitu vyote vinavyomzunguka kiumbe | | 18. Maada | B. Kitu chochote chenye uzito na kinachukua nafasi | | 19. Mazingira | C. Mwangwi | | 20. Ulimi | D. Husafiri katika mstari mnyoofu | | 21. VVU | E. Kubaini ladha ya vitu | | 22. Mwanga | F. Virusi vya ukimwi | | | G. Maambukizi | | | H. Kuona giza | | | I. Sauti nyembamba | #### Jibu Kwa Ufupi Maswali Yafuatayo: 23. Eleza maana ya mashine______________________________ 24. Maji yaliyoganda huitwa_____________________________ 25. Joto husafiri kwa njia ngapi?_________________________ 26. Milango mitano ya fahamu ni macho, pua, masikio, ngozi na__________________ 27. Joto huasafiri katika vitu yabisi kwa njia ya _________________________ #### ELEZA MAANA YA ALAMA ZA ILANI **ZIFUATAZO.** 28. 29. 30.
THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 ANDARD V MIDTERM EXAM SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME: ![0_image_2.png](0_image_2.png) TIME: 2HRS ![0_image_1.png](0_image_1.png) | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------| | | Checker's Initials | | | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | | number | | | | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 | | | | Total | | | MARCH, 2024 This paper consists of three sections A, B&C Answer all Questions | SECTION: A (10Marks): Mathematical operations | | | | |-------------------------------------------------|-----------|---------------|--------| | No | QUESTIONS | WORKING SPACE | ANSWER | | 1. i. | | | | | ii. | | | | | iii. | | | | | iv. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | v. | | | | | vi. | 3 | - | | | | | | | | | | | | | vii. | 4 | | | | | | | | | vii. | - | | | | Change 2 | | | | | viii. | | | | | | | 2 = | | | |------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|--------|-------| | ix. | √ | 7 | | | | x. | 21kg | 40g | + 32kg | 64g = | | 2. | SECTION:B Word problems (6 Marks) | | | | | i. | Write all prime numbers between 9 and 15. | | | | | ii. | Write the total value of 2 in 36215. | | | | | iii. | Arrange the following numbers in ascending order: 42,43,41,39,21,47 | | | | | iv. | Find the square number of 14. | | | | | v. | Write all odd numbers which are between 20 and 24. | | | | | vi | Find the sum of even numbers which are between 40 and 45. | | | | | 3. i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks Share equally 63000shillings among 70 women. How much money did everyone get? | | | | | | ii. | Find the L.C.M (Lowest Common Multiple) of 9, 36 and 72. | | | | iii. | Find the H.C.F of 27, 81 and 54. | | | | | 4. i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks Mathematics teacher has the total of 320hens. How should the total number of tens be written in roman number? | | | |--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------| | ii. | How do we write MCMLXX in words? | | | | iii. | The age of my brother is LXX years old. How old is my brother in Arabic number? | | | | 5. i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks How many symmetry lines are there to a square? | | | | ii. | Find the sum of the total value of 7 and 2 in 37420? | | | | iii. | Mwajabu failed to find the product of 6060 and 6 help her to get the correct answer | | | | 6.i | (6 Marks)@ 2marks The total number of pupils in P5 is 100. If 40 pupils got B in mathematics and the rest got A, how many pupils got A in mathematics? | | | | | ii. | A father of John asked his son one question of how 6374.36 can be written in words. Help John to answer it | | | iii. | My sister gave me 90,000/= shillings for buying my school requirements. If after spending I left with 20,000/= shillings, how much did I use in spending all requirements? | GEOMETRICAL SHAPES | | | 7. | SECTION:C | (10 Marks) | @ 2marks STATISTICS | | | AND | | | | | i | The total number of pupils in P5 is 100. If 40 pupils got B in mathematics and the rest got A, how many pupils got A in mathematics? | | | ii. | Form the whole number from 3 is in thousands, 4 is in tens, 5 is in ten thousands, 6 is in ones, 9 is in hundred thousand and 0 is in hundreds | | | | 8.i | What will be the area of the figure below 5cm 20cm | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ii. | The cost of ten cars is 400,000/= shillings and the cost of a motorcycle is 300,000/=shillings. What is the difference between the cost of both cars and motor cycle? | | iii. | What will be the area of the figure below? 12cm | THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![5_image_0.png](5_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD V MIDTERM EXAM ![5_image_1.png](5_image_1.png) SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES TIME: 1:30HRS ![5_image_2.png](5_image_2.png) | MARCH, 2024 | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |---------------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | NAME: Answer all Questions SECTION A: 15Marks Multiple choice questions 1. Choose **the correct answer and write its letter in the brackets provided** i. In order to preserve our History, the items that were used in the past are kept in a special building to be shown to the public. What is that building called?______ (a)Library (b)Archives (c) Palace (d) Museum (e) Historical site ii. Amosi was asked by her father to name the historical site where there is slave Market trade. Which among the following was Amosi correct answer?______ (a)Engaruka (b)Zanzibar (c)Uvinza (d)Olduvai Gorge (e)Isimila iii. An archeologist who discovered the oldest human skull in the area of Olduvai Gorge was known as .______ (a) Dr. Louis Leakey (b) Dr. Livingstone (c) Karl Peters (d)Dr.Charles Darwin (e)Vasco Da Gama iv. Maps are used to show the location of a place. How many important things does the map need to be completed? ______ (a) Five (b) Three (c) Two (d) Four (e) Many v. Gasuza John lives with his wife and their two biological sons. How is this type of family called?_____ A. Nuclear family C. Couple family D. Orphan family B. Single parent family E. Extended family vi. The standard five pupils were planning to have a study tour to visit the historical site that is famous for the remains of the agricultural irrigation systems used in the past. Which place among the following would they visit?______ A. Isimila B. Engaruka C. Amboni caves D. Kondoa Irangi E. Olduvai Gorge vii. Why is Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck very famous in the study of history?______ A. He called and chaired the Berlin Conference D. He engaged in slave trade B. He connected East African coast and Asia E. He signed fake treaty with Africans C. He was the first European to reach the Cape of Good Hope viii. Mrs. Zayumba used to narrate stories to her grandchildren about various historical events that took place in the past. What do we call this method of keeping historical records?___ A. Archives C. Museum E. Archaeology B. Oral tradition D. Historical site ix. Which major historical event took place in Tanzania from 1978-1979?____ A. First World War C. Maji maji war E. Arusha Declaration B. Second World War D. Kagera war x. One of the indicators of cooperation between Tanzania and other African countries is the construction of various infrastructure which join Tanzania and her neighbours. What is the name of the pipeline that transports crude oil from the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Ndola?______ A. SONGAS B. TAZARA C. TAZAMA D. TIPPER E. HOIMA xi. The people of Kibale village have cut down all trees around their village in order to make charcoal and firewood without replacing other trees. Which of the following environmental hazards might affect the people of Kibale?______ A) Heavy rainfall B) Drought C) Earthquakes D) Tsunami E) Volcanic eruption xii. Standard five pupils were asked to mention advantages of planting trees in our environment. If he provided the following answers, which letter shows **incorrect** response?_______ A) To get shades for animals and people B) To attract rain formation C) To increase soil fertility D) to prevent soil erosion E) to get minerals xiii. Wind speed is measured by an instrument called anemometer, which unit among the following determines atmospheric pressure?_______ A) Millibar B) Percentage C) Km/h D) Degrees centigrade E) Millimeters xiv. Class three pupils learned that, there are eight planets on the solar system of which some are far away while others are closer to the sun. Which of the following is the nearest planet to the sun? ______ A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Venus D) Mercury E) Earth xv. A tourist arrived in Tanzania via Kilimanjaro International Airport, and directly went to Ngorongoro National Park without the assistance of any person. Which of the following tools assisted him to reach his destination? ______ A) Scale B) Atmospheric C) Map D) Sun direction E) Photograph 2. Match the terminologies in LIST A with their right facts from LIST B and write its letter in the space provided in the middle of the table. **(5Marks)** | | LIST A | Answer | | LIST B | |--------------|--------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|----------| | i) | Extended family | A. | Hearing, reading, observing | | | | B. | Explains symbols of the map. | | | | ii) | Mulching | C. | Fought with Germans. | | | iii) | Kinjekitile Ngwale | D. | Applying cover to prevent soil erosion | | | iv) | Ways of obtaining | E. Made up of mother, father, children and other relative | | | | information. | | F. | Tradition | | | v) | A key. | G. | Made of one parent | |------|----------|------|----------------------| SECTION B: 20Marks @2 **marks** 3. Short **questions** i).What name is given to the act of giving historical instructions from one generation to another by word of mouth?________________________________ ii).Teacher Brian was explaining to class three pupils about the planet which supports life. That planet has two movements namely rotation and revolution. Which planet was explained by the teacher? _______________________________ ![8_image_0.png](8_image_0.png) ii).Tanzania adopted multipatism in the year ____________________ iii).Tanganyika and Zanzibar united in ____________________________ 5. Answer the questions according to the instructions. a). Differentiate between archive and museum Weather Climate | i). ii). | |------------| b).Mention two sources of historical information ![9_image_0.png](9_image_0.png) Before 1964 there was country called Tanganyika which got her independence in December, 1961, and also there is island called Zanzibar which got her independence in December, 1963. On 12th January, 1964 the people of Zanzibar over through the sultan of Zanzibar and Abeid Amani Karume became the first president of Zanzibar. The origin of Tanzania is the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Tanganyika and Zanzibar united on 26th April 1964 to form the United Republic of Tanzania. Julius Kambarage Nyerere became the first president of Tanzania. i. Tanganyika got her independence in ____________________________ ii. Tanganyika and Zanzibar united in _______________________________ iii. The first president of Tanganyika and Tanzania was_________________ iv. Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to form__________________________ v. Who was the first president of Zanzibar____________________________ ![10_image_0.png](10_image_0.png) THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![11_image_0.png](11_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD V MIDTERM EXA ![11_image_1.png](11_image_1.png) SUBJECT: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOG TIME: 1:30HRS NAME: | MARCH, 2024 | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |---------------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | This paper consists of three sections A, B&C Answer all Questions SECTION A: (20 Marks) MULTIPLE **CHOICE QUESTIONS** 1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter i. Plants do not go to the shop to buy food, but have the tendency of making their own foods, the process of the plant to make their own food is called_____ A. Transpiration B. Photosynthesis C. Osmosis D. Phototropism E. Fertilization ii. Our standard three science teacher taught us about things which surround us. What is the general term refered to anything that surround us? ________ A. Environment B. air C. stone D. Trees E. Buildings iii. The gas that is used to stop fire from burning things? _____ A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen C. carbondioxide D. Hydrogen E. Argon iv. The world"s main source of life and energy is _______ A. animal B. plant C. Light D. sun E. moon v. Which among the following tools are examples of modern tools of communication? A. Phones and drums B. drums and class C. Drums and messengers D. Trumpet and computer E. messenger only vi. Msafiri was told to give a correct name of animal whose body temperature is very higher than other animals _________ A. birds B. Frog C. Fish d. Dog E. Human being vii. All living things move from one place to another to search for food, shelter and clothing. The characteristics of animals which involve an animal to move from one place to another is ___ A. Feeding B. movement C. reproduction D. Dexcretion E. sense viii. Teacher Milambo was teaching us about raw materials for photosynthesis. He mentioned about a certain gas, which gas is required by plants to make their own food?_____ A. Oxygen B. Carbondioxide C. Nitrogen D. Hydrogen E. argon ix. Grade five pupils were asked to bring the plants that stone their food in roots. What was their answer?_____ A. Cassava B. Chinese C. sugarcane D. Onions E. Sweet potatoes x. Our science and technology teacher insisted us on characteristics of living things, He asked us,What is the ability of living organism to form new organisms of their own kind? ______ A. digestion B. Killing C. Reproduction D. Excretion E. Movement 2. Match the following items correctly LIST A ANSWERS LIST B i. Sunlight ( ) A. Living things ii. Dumping plastic material ( ) B. Modern means of communication iii. Radio ( ) C. Mobile phone iv. Wireless communication ( ) D. Soil pollution v. Plants material ( ) E. Helps plants to make their own material 3. Use the words given below to fill the gaps correctly. ![13_image_0.png](13_image_0.png) SECTION B: **(20Mark)** 4. Answer **these questions according to the instructions given** i). A ruler was dipped in water as shown below and it appeared to be bend ![13_image_1.png](13_image_1.png) Which property of light is shown in the diagram above?._________________ ii).What will happen if plants will not have chlorophyll? iii).Which part of a television is used to display pictures?______________________ 4. i).The part of the flower that attracts insects to come and help in pollination is____________ ii).If you observe a person who cut tree at a distance you will see the act of cutting before the Sound of cutting. This is because__________________________ iii).The part of a plant cell that contain the green pigment involved in making plant food is Known as ![14_image_0.png](14_image_0.png) ________________________________________ ![14_image_1.png](14_image_1.png) ![14_image_2.png](14_image_2.png) ________________________________________ ![14_image_3.png](14_image_3.png) 5. i).My uncle"s blood was screened tested and found that was infected with HIV which type of food my uncle is required to mostly get? __________________________________ ii).The change of state of matter which involve the formation of vapour scientifically known as iii).When giving first aid to a person burnt by hot liquids like tea or water, you need to cool the burn with clean cool water for about thirty minutes. What is the importance of this action? ___________________________________________ 6. i). Examine the following diagram and explain what will happen if one bulb is removed ii).Pollination vectors or agents in flowers are insects, wind and_________________ iii).Fertilization in female reproductive system takes place in___________________ SECTION C: (10 Marks) ![15_image_0.png](15_image_0.png) _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS ii. Name all domestic animals shown above ____________________ iii. Name all dangerous animal shown above_________________________ iv. a) Letter ""D"" represents insect which spread a disease called_____________________ b) Name the insect represented by letter ""D"" ____________________ v. __________________can live both in water and on land habitats. THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![16_image_0.png](16_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD V MIDTERM EXAM S UBJECT: CIVIC AND MORAL EDUCATION ![16_image_1.png](16_image_1.png) ![16_image_2.png](16_image_2.png) TIME: 1:30HRS NAME: MARCH, 2024 | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |----------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | This paper consists of three sections A, B&C Answer all Questions SECTION A: 20 Marks ( 1 **@ Mark)** MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter i. Mr. Chapakazi is a legal expert who provides legal aid to individual when faced by various types of legal cases. How is Mr. Chapakazi called?______ A. Magistrate C. Counselor E. Auditor B. Judge D. Advocate ii. Land degradation in Tanzania has greatly contributed by human activities. Which activity among the following contributes to land degradation?______ A. Using natural manure in farming C. Overgrazing E. Mulching B. Planting trees D. Destocking iii.Under normal circumstances all citizens cannot attend the meetings of the district council instead; they choose few people to represent them in such meetings. How are these representatives called?_______ A. District commissioners C. Village chairpersons E. Ward Executive Officers B. District chairpersons D. Ward councilors iv.Mzei and his friend Timbulo saw a vehicle carrying the injuries of a fire hazard moving in a very high speed towards the national hospital. What do you think Mzei and his friend saw?_______ A. Fire brigade C. Fire truck D. An ambulance B. Fire extinguisher E. Fire engine v.Mr. Jacob was accused of involving in murder case and armed robbery. Which court among the following is responsible for hearing and judging Mr. Jacob"s case?______ A. Primary court B. High court C. District court D. Treason court E. Court of appeal vi. Mwande refused to study together with Mwagu only because Mwagu is a person with skin disability (albino). How is the habit shown by Mwande called?_______ A. Tolerance C. Gender oppression E. Sexual harassment B. Stigmatization D. Mistreatment vii.Chikunde informed her friend Zuena about the conflict that happened at her home among her parents and insisted her not to tell anybody. Unfortunately, Zuena started to spread the information to other pupils at school. How is the action done by Zuena called?_________ A. Betrayal C. Hypocrisy E. Resilience B. Backbiting D. Trustworthy viii.Bakari was born in 1997.In how many general elections in Tanzania was he eligible to vote?________ A. Six elections C. Two elections E. Five elections B. Three elections D. Four elections ix.Kamazigawa is the head of an administrative area in a region that is larger than a ward and smaller than the district. Who is Kamazigawa?_______ A. Councilor C. Ward Executive Officer E. Division Officer B. Regional Commissioner D. District Commissioner x.Mavunde is a Human Resource Manager in a certain company who has employed most of his relatives and close friends despite their poor performance in the company. How is this act called?______ 2. Matching **items** | NO. | LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | |-------|----------------|------------------------------|----------| | i. | New year | A. 1st of May each year | | | ii. | The Union day | B. 7th April each year | | | iii. | Revolution day | C. 1st of January each year | | | iv. | Karume day | D. 12th of January each year | | | v. | Labour day | E. 26th of April each year | | ## 3. Fill In The Blanks **Write the correct answers in the spaces provided in your answer sheet**. i).. What is the National Constitution? ii).. Differentiate between feelings and emotions. iii).. Who is a hypocrite? ![18_image_0.png](18_image_0.png) _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ![18_image_1.png](18_image_1.png) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ iv).. List down two types of corruption a.____________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________________ v).. Explain two ways of caring special group SECTION: B 20 Marks (@ 2 Marks) # 4. Study The Following Image And Answer The Questions Which Follow. ![19_Image_0.Png](19_Image_0.Png) ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Questions i. What is the name of the animals printed in this coin? _________ ii.Name the president printed in this coin_______________________ ![19_image_1.png](19_image_1.png) iii.What is the value of this coin_________________________ iv.This coin was released in which year? _______________________ v.What type of this animal__________________________________. 5. Write your answer in the space provided by using black or blue ink pen i. Name the national emblem that identifies the authority of the President of Tanzania? ________________________________________________________________ ii. Who is the secretary of the Ward Development Committee? iii. When do we commemorate and remember the contribution of workers to the development of the nation? iv. Which organ is responsible for making or enacting laws in Tanzania? v. Mention two main leaders of the Ward Development Committee (WDC) ## Section: C 10 Marks 6. Read **the passage below and then answer the questions that follow** The street is similar to the village. The only difference between the street and the village is that, the village is found in rural areas while the street is found urban areas, that means within the town, municipal or city council. A street is made up of not less than fifty households. The street government is established under the local government act. It is led by the chairperson and six members who represent different street committees. The street chairperson and the six members are both elected by the street general assembly. The election is usually done regularly after every five years. The street chairperson is the head of all development activities in the street. He/she is also the chairperson of the street government meetings. The secretary of the street government meetings is the street executive officer. This is hired by the town, municipal or city council. Questions i.Which one is found in rural areas between a village and a street? ii. Who is the secretary of the street government meetings? __________________________________________________________________ ![20_image_0.png](20_image_0.png) __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ iii. Who is the main supervisor of all development activities in the street? iv. How is the street executive officer get into power? v. Suggest the suitable title of this passage _____________________________ THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT`S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![21_image_0.png](21_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 STANDARD V MIDTERM EXAM ![21_image_1.png](21_image_1.png) SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TIME: 1:30HRS ![21_image_2.png](21_image_2.png) ![21_image_3.png](21_image_3.png) | MARCH, 2024 | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | |---------------|------------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | NAME: Answer all Questions SECTION A: (20 Marks) LISTENING SKILLS 1. Listen to the passage read by the invigilator then answer the questions i-v Questions i) Which school does Susan go to?_______ ii). Which class is she in?_______ iii). When was the inter-school completion?_______ (a) Midundo (b) Mziki (c) Michungwani (d) Alezo (e) Kisiki ![22_image_0.png](22_image_0.png) (a) Join form one (b) attend an international competition (c) attend a regional competition v). What was Susan awarded when she after winning the competition______ ![22_image_1.png](22_image_1.png) ![22_image_2.png](22_image_2.png) v).Did you _____________________ the girl who saved your sister"s life? (a) Met (b) meet (c) meat (d) meant (e) meeted 3. Choose the correct word from the box below to complete the passage. cousin's, came, he, nephew's, good , was iv). What is Susan planning to do next?_______ Yesterday Tom the son of my aunt (i) _______________to our house to give me the (ii)________________ news that (iii)____________________ had become number one in his final examination. I (iv) ___________________ overjoyed to hear this. I called our neighbors to come and celebrate with me my (v) __________________victory | 4. Matching items NO. LIST A | ANSWER | LIST B | |--------------------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------------------------| | i. | Twins | A.He has been punished because of his | | ii. | arrogance | B.A person who runs away from his country for political | | iii. | Barn | C. Two babies born by the same mother at the same time | | iv. | exiler | D. The plural form of the word "OX" | | v. | Oxen | E. A building used for storing grain | ## Section B: (20 Marks) 5. Fill In The Blanks According To The Instructions Write the word which doesn't belong to the groups in each. i. Lemon, oranges, cabbage, guavas, apple _________________. ii. Table, class, bed, bench, stool ______________ iii. Malaria, typhoid, cholera, stomach ________________ Write one word for the following groups of words. iv. Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Germany _____________________ v. Zebra, dog, cow, lion, sheeps ___________________________ ## Comprehension 6. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the question i - v **that follow.** Once upon a time there was a school boy who used to steal books at the school library .One day he was caught by sir Mapinduzi stealing English books. He was beaten badly by teachers and he was taken to the police station. One of the policeman said, stop stealing, if you don"t change your behavior you may end up being burnt alive. Do you know that? , He answered calmly Yes sir I will not steal again forgive me. From that day he became a good pupil other pupils and teachers loved him. Questions i. Who caught a thief? __________________________________________ ii. According to the passage a thief was a ___________________________ iii. What did the policeman said to the boy?___________________________ iv. Where did the thief taken? _____________________________________ v. The boy stole the book from ____________________________________ SECTION C: (10 Marks) 7.This section has five sentences (i-v) arrange the sentences so as to make a good composition by giving them letters A, B, C, D and E. i. In his speech, he promised to buy the products produced by the pupils. _______ ii. Standard seven pupils had a cooking project.________ iii. The head teacher talked to the pupils.______________ iv. The pupils thanked him and invited him again._______ v. They invited the head teacher to see the project._______ LISTENING SKILLS Read the passage below slowly and accurately three times Susan is a standard seven pupil at Midundo Primary School. She is an artist she draws pictures of different kinds. People like her pictures in March this year, there was an inter-school competition in her district. Susan and other pupils represented their school. She was very happy when she was announced the winner of that competition. Both her teachers and her parents were happy and were proud of her. She was awarded a certificate of recognition and a medal. Susan is now planning to attend an international art contest which will be held next year in Kampala Uganda. Her school head teacher told her that he will cover all the expenses for her. THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT S OFFICE MASTERFUL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PLATFORM (MESP - TANZANIA) ![25_image_0.png](25_image_0.png) CONTACT:0754 579 723 ITIHANI WA KUMALIZA ROBO MUHU ![25_image_1.png](25_image_1.png) DARASA LA TANO SOMO: KISWAHILI JINA TAREHE | MACHI, 2024 | MUDA: | | | |---------------|----------------------|---------------------|--------------------| | | FOR EXAMINER'S ONLY | | | | Question | Score | Examiner's Initials | Checker's Initials | | number | | | | | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | Total | | | | Jibu maswali yote SEHEMU A: **ALAMA** 20 1.Sikiliza kwa makini habari utakayosomewa na msimamizi, **kisha** jibu swali la (i) hadi (v) i).Mtitu na wazazi wake walisafiri kwenda wapi? ( ) a) Reli b) Kigoma c) Dar es Salaam d) Tabora e) Urambo ii).Matunda ya mchikichi yanaitwaje ? a) mawese b) nazi c) chikichi d) mafuta e) tunda ( ) iii).Wakati jua linapochomoza kwa neno m,oja hujulikana kama ; ( ) a) mawio b) magharibi c) machweo d) mchana e) jioni iv).Garimoshi liliondoka Tabora saa ngapi? a) mchana b) saa nane usiku c) saa nane mchana d) jua lilipochomoza e) alasiri ( ) v).Ni methali gani iliyotumika kwenye habari uliyoisikiliza ? a) Shukrani ya punda ni mateke b) Wingi si hoja ( ) c) Ngojangoja yaumiza matumbo d) Tusiandikie mate na wino upo e) Akiba haiozi 2.Katika swali la (i )hadi (v) chagua herufi ya jibu **sahihi** i).Kisawe cha neno "**laghai**" ni kipi? a) kejeli b) toroka c) danganya d) puuza e) iba ( ) ii).Kiambishi kikanushi ni kipi katika neno "Hatukumpa?" ( ) a) - tu- b) ha - c) - m- d) - pa e) - ku – iii).Wanafunzi wengi wanapenda kukaa bila kufanya kazi. Sentensi hii ipo katika nafsi ipi? a) I umoja b) II umoja c) III umoja d) I wingi e) III wingi ( ) iv).Neno "**tumekiuka"** lina mizani ngapi ? ( ) a) saba b) tisa c) tano d) sita e) kumi v).Tabia nzuri kwa maana nyingine hujulikana kama ________ ( ) a)kero b) ujanja c) tabia mbaya d) nidhamu e) utulivu 3. Oanisha sehemu A na B: | N | SEHEMU:A | MAJIBU | SEHEMU:B | |------|-----------------|---------------------|------------| | i. | Piga vijembe | A. Maliza msiba | | | ii. | Mwaga unga | B. Si mtoro | | | iii. | Mwenda kwao | C.Poteza kazi | | | iv. | Kamba hukatikia | D. Pembamba | | | v. | Anua tanga | E. Sema kwa mafumbo | | SEHEMU B: **ALAMA** 20 4. Jaza **nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kulingana na maelekezo ya kila swali** i)"Bwana afya wa porini" Tegua ________________________ ii).Utatumia methali gani kumshauri mtu anayedharau mambo madogo bila kujali madhara yake ?_____________________________________ iii).Tegua "Kiti cha dhahabu hakikaliwi na mtu"_____________________ iv).Mtu anayetafsiri lugha moja kwenda nyingine hujulikana kama ____________ v).Kinyume cha neno **ughaibuni** ni______________________________________ SEHEMU E: UFAHAMU 5.Soma habari ifuatayo kwa makini kisha jibu maswali yanayofuata **(i)-(v)** Hapo zamani kulikuwa na mfalme mmoja aliyejulikana kama Nebukeizal. Siku ![27_image_0.png](27_image_0.png) moja mfalme Nebukeizali liitisha mkutano wa hadhara. Wananchi wake walikusanyika kwa wakati ulipongwa. Katika mkutano huo mfalme aliwataka wananchi wake kufanya mambo bega kwa bega. Aliwataka wenye **ukwasi** wote wawasaidie wenye **ukata.** Vile vile aliamuru kujengwa kwa nyumba za kisasa. Mfalme aliwakumbusha wananchi wake kuongeza vyumba vya madarasa. Pia, aliwahimiza wananchi wake kupanda miti mbalimbali katika mazingira yao. Wananchi wote warifurahi, hivyo walionesha ishara ya kumuunga mkono mfalme wao. # Maswali i).Nani aliitisha mkutano wa hadhara?_______________________________ ii).Nini maana ya nahau **'kufanya kazi bega kwa bega'** kama ilivyotumika katika hadithi hapo juu? **___________________________________________** iii). Mfalme aliwahimiza wananchi wake kufanya nini? iv).Nahau **kuunga mkono ina maana gani? _______________________________** _________________________________________________________________ v).Neno gani katika hadithi uliyoisoma hapo juu lina maana sawa na mtu mwenye ![28_image_0.png](28_image_0.png) fedha au mali nyingi ________________________________________________ SEHEMU C: UTUNGAJI. (ALAMA 10) Sentensi zifuatazo hazikuandikwa kwa kufuata mtiririko, Zipange kwa kutumia herufi A,B, C, D na E ili zilete maana . i. Alipoangalia kando ya barabara alimuona mtu amelala chini [ ] ii. Hadithii hii inatufundisha kuwasaidia watu wenye uhitaji [ ] iii. Siku ya jumatatu Amiri aliamka mapema na kwenda shule [ ]. iv. Alikimbia haraka na kwenda kumpa msaada [ ] v. Njiani alikuta ajali ya mtu aliyeanguka na baiskeli [ ] ## Ufahamu Wa Kusikiliza Drs -V Garimsohi la Kigoma liliondoka Tabora saa nane usiku. Lilipita katika stesheni ya Urambo. Asubuhi jua lilipochomoza garimoshi liliingia mkoa wa Kigoma. Kandokando ya reli waliona miti mingi inayofanana na minazi. Mama yao alieleza kuwa ile ni michikichi. Matunda yake yanaitwa chikichi, nayo hutum,iwa kutengenezea mafuta ya mawese. Mawese yana rangi ya manjano, nayo hutumiwa kupikia kwa chakula. Mtitu akauliza, "Mawese hutengenezwaje ?". Baba yao akajibu, "Tusiandikie mate na wino upo". Tikifika Kigoma tutajionea wenyewe utaalamu huo. Walipofika Kigoma ![29_image_0.png](29_image_0.png)
**SONGWA SEC.SCHOOL** **HISTORY FORM III WEEKLY TEST 6/5/2021** **[INSTRUCTIONS]{.underline}** - **Time:80Min** - **Answer All Questions** 1. How did agriculture change man's way of life(Six points) 2. Why did the British use the system of indirect rule in ruling her colonies of Africa.(Six points). 3. Explain the ways used by colonial state in consolidating settler agriculture in Kenya.(six points) 4. Describe six characteristics of peasant agriculture. 5. Give out six reasons for failure of African resistance against colonial rule. **SONGWA SEC.SCHOOL** **HISTORY FORM III WEEKLY TEST 6/5/2021** **[INSTRUCTIONS]{.underline}** - **Time:80Min** - **Answer All Questions** 1. How did agriculture change man's way of life(Six points) 2. Why did the British use the system of indirect rule in ruling her colonies of Africa.(Six points). 3. Explain the ways used by colonial state in consolidating settler agriculture in Kenya.(six points) 4. Describe six characteristics of peasant agriculture. 5. Give out six reasons for failure of African resistance against colonial rule. **SONGWA SEC.SCHOOL** **HISTORY FORM III WEEKLY TEST 6/5/2021** **[INSTRUCTIONS]{.underline}** **Answer All Questions** 1. How did agriculture change man's way of life(Six points) 2. Why did the British use the system of indirect rule in ruling her colonies of Africa.(Six points). 3. Explain the ways used by colonial state in consolidating settler agriculture in Kenya.(six points) 4. Describe six characteristics of peasant agriculture. 5. Give out six reasons for failure of African resistance against colonial rule. **SONGWA SEC.SCHOOL** **HISTORY FORM III WEEKLY TEST 6/5/2021** **[INSTRUCTIONS]{.underline}** - **Answer All Questions** 1. How did agriculture change man's way of life(Six points) 2. Why did the British use the system of indirect rule in ruling her colonies of Africa.(Six points). 3. Explain the ways used by colonial state in consolidating settler agriculture in Kenya.(six points) 4. Describe six characteristics of peasant agriculture. 5. Give out six reasons for failure of African resistance against colonial rule. **SONGWA SEC.SCHOOL** **HISTORY FORM III WEEKLY TEST 6/5/2021** **[INSTRUCTIONS]{.underline}** - **Answer All Questions** 1. How did agriculture change man's way of life(Six points) 2. Why did the British use the system of indirect rule in ruling her colonies of Africa.(Six points). 3. Explain the ways used by colonial state in consolidating settler agriculture in Kenya.(six points) 4. Describe six characteristics of peasant agriculture. 5. Give out six reasons for failure of African resistance against colonial rule.
**KISHAPU DISTRICT COUNCIL** **.................................. PRIMARY SCHOOL** **S.T.D III ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- 2020- ENGLISH** **SECTION A: DICTATION** 1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SECTION B Choose the Correct Answer** 6. He\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ looking for something ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Were (b) Are (c)Is (d) Was \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. We\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ eating food now ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Are (a) Were (c) Was (c)All \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 8. Hamis \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_the ball yesterday ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Kick (b) Kicked (c) Kicks (d) Kicking \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 9. I \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_to Mwanza next week ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Go (b) Will go (c) Goes (d) Went \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 10. Samwel is the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_boy in the class ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Tallest (b) Tall (c) Taller (d) Talls \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 11. Pupils go to school\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ foot ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) By (b) On (c) In (d) With \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 12. Mwanza city is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_than Mbeya city ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Big (b) Bigger (c) Biggest (d) Bigs \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 13. The children are ating their food \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_spoons ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) On (b) By (c) With (d) For \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 14. Yesterday we\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the 200 ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Go (b) Went (c) Going (d) Goes \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 15. Your mother's brother is your \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Uncle (b) Aunt (c) Friend (d) Dad \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 16. This is your house, It is\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Mine (b) Yours (c) Ours (d) Your \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 17. We paint with\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Bushes (b) Brushes (c) Eraser (d)Pencil \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 18. She \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_cook food tomorrow evening ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Will (b) On (c) By (d) Has \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 19. A person who looks after sick people is called ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) A nurse (b) Doctor (c) A tailor (d) Manager \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 20. A person who makes chair, tables and desks is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Driver (b) Carpenter (c) Tailor (d) musician \[ \] > **SECTION C:** **Read the following passage and then answer the questions by writing the letter of the correct word in the box.** Majuto owns a shop. He works in this shop everyday. He sells sugar, salt, soap, rice, flour, kerosene and many other things. He talks to his customers in a very polite way. He does not cheat every book likes his shop. Parents sent their children to Majuto's shop Without fear of losing their money **QUESTION** 21. People who buy things in a shop are called\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) buys (b) customers (c) everyone (d) Majuto's \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 22. Majuto is friendly to\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) children (b) parents (c) customers (d) old people \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 23. What do people buy from Majuto's shop? \_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) sugar and shop (a) water and food (c) money and honey (b) sugar, salt, soap, flour, kerosene and many other thing ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 24. People like Majuto because he is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) friendly and honest (b) rude and rough (c) careless and forgetful (d) smart \[ \] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 25. Majuto owns a\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Lorry (b) car (c) shop (d) farm \[ \] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*END\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR\*
**MTIHANI WA SOMO LA BIBLIA** **MWAKA 2019** 1. Vitabu vya Injili viko vingapi? Vitaje. 2. Vitabu vya Historia katika Agano Jipya ni vingapi? Vitaje. 3. Paulo kabla hajawa Paulo alikuwa anaitwa nani? 4. Vitabu vitano vya torati vimeandikwa na nani? 5. Vitabu vya mashairi katika Agano la kale viko vingapi? 6. Biblia imegawanyika katika mafungu makuu mangapi? Yataje 7. Aliyeandika injili ya tatu ni nani? 8. Kitabu cha kwanza katika Biblia kinaitwaje? 9. Nani aliyewaongoza wana wa Israel kutoka utumwani Misri? 10. Taja mahali alipozaliwa Yesu. 11. Musa alikufa akiwa na miaka mingapi? 12. Nani aliyemsaliti Yesu? 13. Nani aliyemkana Yesu? 14. Taja mahali aliposulubiwa Yesu? 15. Taja maneno yaliyoandikwa kwenye msalaaba wa Yesu. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` (a) Huyu ndiye mfalme wa Wayahudi (b) Huyu ndiye aliyeitwa mfalme wa Wayahudi. (c) Huyu ndiye aliitwa Mfalme wa Wayahudi. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 16. Kati ya Kaini na Habihi ni nani aliyemuua mwenzake? 17. Taja huduma ambazo kanisa linazitoa kwa mwanadamu. 18. Nitumikie vipi kanisa? 19. Taja Nchi Takatifu wakati wa Yesu. 20. Waraka wa kwanza wa mtume Paulo katika Biblia umeandikwa kwa usharika gani?
Kiswahili Darasa la
# Kitabu Cha Mwanafunzi Darasa la Tano ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) Mali ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Hakiuzwi FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE # Kiswahili Kitabu Cha Mwanafunzi Darasa la Tano ONLY ![1_image_0.png](1_image_0.png) FOR Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE © Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania, 2018 Toleo la Kwanza 2018 Chapa ya Pili 2021 ISBN: 978-9976-61-816-7 Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania S.L.P. 35094 Dar es Salaam - Tanzania USE Simu: +255 735 041 170 /+255 735 041 168 Baruapepe: [email protected] Tovuti: ONLINE FOR Haki zote zimehifadhiwa. Hairuhusiwi kunakili, kurudufu, kuchapisha, kutafsiri wala kukitoa kitabu hiki kwa namna yoyote bila idhini ya maandishi ya Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania. ii 1 OR ONLINE 'USE ONL' DO NO YaliyomoCATE | | Ukurasa | |------------------------|-----------| | Utangulizi | | | Shukurani. | | | Sura ya Kwanza | | | Vitendawili. | | | Sura ya Pili | | | Ngonjera . | | | Sura ya Tatu | | | Nahau | | | Sura ya Nne | | | Kauli zetu | | | Sura ya Tano | | | Insha | | | Sura ya Sita | | | Kutambua nafsi | | | Sura ya Saba | | | Wanyama wafugwao . | | | Sura ya Nane | | | Wanyama wa porini. | | | Sura ya Tisa | | | Maua . | | | Sura ya Kumi | | | Shughuli za kila siku. | | | Sura ya Kumi na Moja | | | Hali ya hewa | | 1 iii � 1 R ONLINE USE ON Sura ya Kumi na Mbili DO NOT DUPLICATE Familia yetu Sura ya Kumi na Tatu Barua rasmi. Sura ya Kumi na Nne lgizo. Sura ya Kumi na Tano Shairi . Sura ya Kumi na Sita Kuipenda nchi. Sura ya Kumi na Saba Utenzi . Sura ya Kumi na Nane Kupata taarifa muhimu. 4 Sura ya Kumi na Tisa Sifa za wanyama Sura ya Ishirini Miti yetu. 1 � iv FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE ![5_image_0.png](5_image_0.png) ![5_image_1.png](5_image_1.png) Kitabu hiki ni cha tatu katika mfululizo wa vitabu vya Kiswahili kilichoandaliwa mahususi kwako mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano. Kitabu hiki kitakuza uwezo wako wa kuzungumza, kusikiliza, kusoma na kuandika Kiswahili. Pia, kitakuwezesha kutumia msamiati wa lugha ya Kiswahili kwa namna mbalimbali. Vilevile, kitakujengea uwezo wa kupanga mawazo yako kwa mpangilio na mtiririko unaotakiwa. ONLY Kitabu kina hadithi, habari, mashairi, ngonjera, utenzi, igizo na majigambo. Vyote hivyo vitakuwezesha kujifunza kwa ufasaha. Pia, kina maswali ya kupima ufahamu wako kutokana na ulichokisikiliza, ulichokiona au ulichokisoma. Vilevile, kina mazoezi mbalimbali yatakayokuwezesha kujenga ujuzi wako wa somo la Kiswahili. USE Soma kwa makini kitabu hiki ili kuweza kujenga ujuzi wako wa kumudu somo la Kiswahili. v FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Shukurani ![6_image_0.png](6_image_0.png) Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania (TET) inatambua na kuthamini mchango muhimu wa washiriki waliofanikisha uandishi wa kitabu hiki cha mwanafunzi. TET inatoa shukurani za dhati kwa mchango uliotolewa na wataalamu wafuatao walioshiriki kutayarisha kitabu hiki: ONLY Waandishi: Rose S. Chipindula, Prof. Kulikoyela K. Kahigi, Dkt. Adventina A. Buberwa, Dkt. Mgogo Yangson, Agnes S. Maguga, Faraja J. Mwendamseke, Winifrida J. Mutagwaba, Ester K. Koroti, Marko M. Julius na Oscar A. Ndalibamale. Wahariri: Mussa R. Kaoneka (BAKITA), Luinasia E. Kombe (Mwenyekiti wa jopo) na Jopo la wahariri. USE Msanifu: Anton K. Asukile Wachoraji: Alama Arts and Media Production Limited Mratibu: Rose S. Chipindula Pia, TET inatoa shukurani kwa shule zote zilizoshiriki katika ujaribishaji wa kitabu hiki. ONLINE Aidha, Taasisi inatoa shukurani za pekee kwa Wizara ya Elimu, Sayansi na Teknolojia kwa kusimamia kwa karibu zoezi zima la uandishi wa kitabu hiki. FOR Dkt. Aneth A. Komba ![6_image_1.png](6_image_1.png) Mkurugenzi Mkuu Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania vi # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kwanza ## Vitendawili ![7_Image_0.Png](7_Image_0.Png) Katika sura hii, utajifunza kutega na kutegua vitendawili. Pia, utaweza kuvihusisha vitendawili hivyo na vitu vilivyomo katika mazingira yanayokuzunguka. ONLY 1. Unaelewa nini kuhusu vitendawili? 2. Umewahi kutega na kutegua vitendawili? USE 3. Je, kuna uhusiano kati ya kitendawili na jibu lake? Ufahamu Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Mtego Wa Vitendawili ONLINE Nzige, Panya na Kiwavi walikuwa marafiki walioshirikiana kwa mambo mabaya. Mara nyingi viumbe hawa walivamia mashamba ya binadamu na kufanya uharibifu wa mazao. Wali**leta kero** kubwa. Binadamu alifanya mbinu nyingi ili kuwaangamiza viumbe hao lakini mbinu zake haziku**fua dafu**. Siku moja Mzee Ngedere alikwenda kwa binadamu kuomba kazi ya kuwaangamiza Nzige, Panya na Kiwavi. Binadamu alicheka sana kwa kumdharau Mzee Ngedere. Mzee Ngedere akasema, "Usinicheke, ninaweza kuwakamata na hata kuwaangamiza viumbe wale waharibifu kama utaniamini." Binadamu akamjibu, "Mimi nimehangaika **miaka nenda miaka rudi** sijaweza kuwakamata, wewe utawezaje na uzee wako?" FOR "Mbona una**kata tamaa,** hujui kama **uzee ni dawa**? Mimi ninawajua viumbe hao; hupenda sana mafumbo. Nitawakamata kirahisi sana kwa mtego wa vitendawili." Mzee Ngedere alieleza. 1 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE "Utahitaji malipo gani?" Binadamu aliuliza. Mzee Ngedere akamjibu kuwa atajilipa kwa kuchukua mazao anayoyataka shambani kwa binadamu. Binadamu alimruhusu Mzee Ngedere. Mzee Ngedere akaandaa tangazo kuwa kutakuwa na shindano la kutegua vitendawili. Aliahidi zawadi ya shamba na **ghala** la chakula kizuri kwa atakayetegua kitendawili chake kwa usahihi. Nzige, Panya na Kiwavi walilipata tangazo hilo wakiwa wame**jibanza** mafichoni. Nzige akawauliza wenzake, "Rafiki zangu, hivi mnaujua utamu wa vitendawili?" Kiwavi akajibu, "Mimi naujua. Vitendawili ni vitamu kuliko hata chakula. Twendeni nikawaoneshe uhodari wangu wa kutegua vitendawili." ONLY Panya naye hakuwa nyuma, akasema, "Hilo shamba na ghala lazima nivipate mimi. Nitafaidi utamu wa vitendawili na nitajipatia ghala la vyakula vizuri." "Hebu **tusiandikie mate na wino ungalipo**, twendeni tukashindane." Kiwavi aliwahimiza wenzake. Wote waka**chapa mguu** kuelekea kwenye jukwaa la kufanyia shindano. Wanyama na wadudu wengine walipowaona panya na wenzake wakiingia ukumbini kwa **mbwembwe,** waliwashangilia kwa nguvu. Akina Panya wakajipanga nyuma na kuwa wa mwisho mwisho ili vitendawili vigumu zaidi viishe. USE ![8_image_0.png](8_image_0.png) FOR 2 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Kipepeo, Nyoka, Nyuki, Ndege na Mjusi ndio waliotangulia. Wote wakashindwa kutegua vitendawili vya Mzee Ngedere. Hatimaye ikawadia zamu ya Kiwavi. Alijinyonganyonga kwa **madaha** akapanda jukwaani na kusubiri kitendawili. "Kitendawili?" Mzee Ngedere alisema. Kiwavi akajibu, "Tega." "**Nikikutana na adui yangu nanyong'onyea**. Nipatie jibu na maana yake." Mzee Ngedere alitega. Kiwavi ali**chemsha bongo** akajibu haraka bila kupoteza muda. "Jibu lake **ugonjwa**. Maana yake ni kuwa ugonjwa umefananishwa na adui; ugonjwa ni adui mkubwa wa viumbe. Binadamu akikutana na ugonjwa, anakuwa mnyonge. Hata sisi viumbe wengine vivyo hivyo." Mzee Ngedere akamwambia, "Umepata!" ONLY Panya alisogea akarukaruka kwa **mikogo** jukwaani. Mzee Ngedere akamtegea kitendawili chake, "**Adui tumemzingira lakini hatumuwezi**." Panya akajibu, "Jibu lake ni **moto**. Maana yake ni kuwa joto la moto litawapata na kuwaweza hata mkiwa wengi kiasi gani. Moto umefananishwa na adui ambaye watu wamemzunguka kana kwamba wanamshambulia." Mzee Ngedere akamwambia, "Umepata." USE Baada ya Panya kupata kitendawili, Nzige akawa wa mwisho kutegua kitendawili chake. Mzee Ngedere akatega akisema, "Ukumbuu wa babu mrefu." Nzige aliyainuainua mabawa yake kwa **mbwembwe** na kutoa sauti ya nti! Nti! Nti! Kisha akajibu, "**Njia**. Maana yake ni kwamba njia ni ndefu kama ukumbuu. Kitendawili hiki kinafananisha urefu wa njia na mshipi." ONLINE Mzee Ngedere aliwapongeza marafiki hao watatu kwa kutegua vitendawili na kuvipatia maana zake kwa usahihi. Akawaomba waende kwenye chumba cha mapumziko ili wasubiri hatua ya pili. Waliingia kwenye chumba kilichoandaliwa chakula kizuri wakaanza kula. **Siku za mwizi ni arobaini,** na ujanja mwingi mbele kiza. Walipo**gutuka** wakajikuta wamekwishafungiwa humo, huku nje binadamu akiwatazama kwa **dhihaka**. Wakadhani ni kiinimacho. Kumbe Mzee Ngedere alikuwa ame**kula njama** kuwakamata kwa **hila** na hilo lilikuwa gereza la waharibifu wa mazao. FOR Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki wa kweli. Binadamu alimshukuru Mzee Ngedere kwa msaada wake. Mzee Ngedere akarejea mlimani ingawa wakati mwingine huenda kwenye mashamba ya binadamu na kula mazao. Hufanya hivyo kwa ajili ya kuchukua malipo yake. 3 1. Nzige, Panya na Kiwavi walivamia mashamba ya binadamu ili kufanya nini? 2. Binadamu alijaribu kuwaangamiza Panya na wenzake kwa muda gani bila mafanikio? 3. Kwa nini binadamu alimcheka Mzee Ngedere aliposema anaweza kuwakamata akina panya? ONLY 4. Taja zawadi mbili ambazo Mzee Ngedere aliahidi kumpa mshindi wa kutegua vitendawili. 5. Kwa nini akina Panya walijipanga nyuma ya washiriki wengine? 6. Nani aliyewaambia wenzake wasiandikie mate na wino ungalipo? 7. Ngedere alitumia mbinu gani kuwakamata Nzige, Panya na Kiwavi? USE 8. Binadamu alimlipa nini Mzee Ngedere kwa kazi ya kuwakamata akina Panya? 9. Umejifunza nini kutokana na hadithi hii? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati ONLINE Eleza maana ya maneno yafuatayo kisha tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. ghala 2. jibanza 3. gutuka 4. hila 5. mbwembwe 6. dhihaka 7. mikogo FOR 8. kiinimacho 9. madaha 4 Eleza maana ya nahau zifuatazo kama zilivyotumika kwenye habari uliyosoma. Mfano: Kufa kishujaa - ni kupambana kwa nguvu zote mpaka mwisho hata kama utashindwa 1. fua dafu 2. chapa mguu 3. kata tamaa 4. chemsha bongo 5. kula njama ## Zoezi La 4 Misemo ONLY USE Fafanua maana ya misemo ifuatayo kama ilivyotumika kwenye habari uliyoisoma. 1. miaka nenda miaka rudi 2. uzee ni dawa 3. leta kero ## Zoezi La 5 Vitendawili A. Tegua vitendawili vifuatavyo: ONLINE Mfano: Akitokea watu wote humuona - jua (i) Ajenga ingawa hana mikono. (ii) Wakikua mama yao huwatupa mbali kwa kishindo. (iii) Kondoo wetu ana nyama nje na ngozi ndani. (iv) Teketeke huzaa gumugumu na gumugumu huzaa teketeke. (v) Akitembea huringa hata akiwa hatarini. (vi) Nina wanangu watatu akitoka mmoja wawili hawafanyi kazi. (vii) Kipara cha babu kinafuka moshi. FOR (viii) Wali wa mama mtamu. (ix) Hana adabu wala staha kwa watu. (x) Fuu fuu funua, fuu fuu funika. 5 ![12_image_0.png](12_image_0.png) ![12_image_1.png](12_image_1.png) FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. Tega vitendawili kutokana na picha zifuatazo: 6 Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: Mfano: Pole pole ……………… *Pole pole ndio mwendo.* 1. Mtaka yote kwa pupa …………. 2. ………………, sharti ainame. 3. …………….. yasiyo na ncha. 4. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ……………… 5. Hakuna masika ……………… 6. Siku za mwizi ………………. 7. ………………, mbele kiza. ## Use Zoezi La 7 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Kanusha sentensi zifuatazo:** Mfano: Mzee Ngedere ana busara. ONLINE *Mzee Ngedere hana busara.* (i) Panya, Nzige na Kiwavi walishirikiana kwa mambo mema. (ii) Binadamu ataweza kumkamata Panya na wenzake. (iii) Viumbe hawa hupenda mafumbo. (iv) Ngedere alikula njama kuwakamata wezi. (v) Mjusi atashinda shindano la vitendawili. (vi) Binadamu amemshukuru Mzee Ngedere. FOR (vii) Wanyama wote ni hodari wa kutegua vitendawili. (viii) Nzige na binadamu ni marafiki. 7 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. **Andika KWELI au SI KWELI.** (i) Nzige, Panya, Kiwavi na Ngedere walikuwa marafiki wakubwa. ________ (ii) Binadamu alimlipa Mzee Ngedere ghala la chakula kinono. ________ (iii) Nyoka hakuweza kutegua kitendawili alichotegewa. ________ (iv) Panya alisema atafaidi vitendawili na kuchukua ghala la chakula. ________ ONLY (v) Binadamu aliwakamata Panya, Kiwavi na Nzige kwa mtego wa vitendawili. ________ (vi) Kiwavi aliingia ukumbini kwa mbwembwe. ________ (vii) Mzee Ngedere hula mazao kwenye shamba la binadamu ili kujilipa ujira. ________ USE (viii) Binadamu alikuwa amekata tamaa ya kuwakamata Kiwavi, Nzige na Panya. ________ ONLINE Andika insha yenye maneno kati ya hamsini na sabini (50 - 70) kwa kutumia vitendawili vifuatavyo: 1. Kondoo wetu ana nyama nje na ngozi ndani. *firigisi* 2. Mbwa mwitu wamemzunguka kumlinda. *ulimi* 8 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Pili ![15_image_0.png](15_image_0.png) ## Ngonjera Katika sura hii, utasoma ngonjera inayohusu kipindupindu. Utajifunza kutamba ngonjera kwa usahihi. Pia, utaweza kutaja wahusika katika ngonjera na kutunga ngonjera. Vilevile, utaeleza umuhimu wa ngonjera. ONLY | 1. | Je, umeshawahi kutamba ngonjera? | |------|------------------------------------| | 2. | Ngonjera inafanana na nini? | USE | | Kipindupindu | |---------------------|----------------------| | Hekima: | Hodi hodi naingia, | | | Ujumbe nakuletea, | | | Habari kukupatia, | | | Yasije yakakukuta. | | | ONLINE | | Bahati: | Ujumbe gani waleta, | | | Au waleta matata, | | | Au 'mekuja kuteta, | | | Maneno kutia chumvi? | | Hekima: | Kuna janga latutesa, | | FOR Kutokana na ma | kosa, | | | Kabwela na maofisa, | | | Janga linatumaliza. | Soma ngonjera ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. 9 | | FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| | Bahati: | Nimeshituka moyoni, | | | Umetaja janga geni, | | | Hilo nalo janga gani, | | | Tusojua darasani? | | Hekima: | Kipindupindu si siri, | | | Jinale tulikariri, | | | Uchafu chanzo tukiri, | | | Choo, chakula na maji. Kujisaidia ovyo, | | | Kutapisha vyoo ovyo, | | | Kulakula ovyoovyo, | | | Na kunywa maji machafu. | | Bahati: | Sijapata kuelewa, | | | Nisile nilichopewa, | | | Chakula cha mgahawa, | | | Kwani tatizo li wapi? | | Hekima: | Tukila uchochoroni, | | | Usafi u mashakani, | | | Si salama abadani, | | ONLINE | | | | Vyakula twala viporo. | | | Dalili zake yakini, | | | Kutapika bila soni, Kuhara mara sitini, | | | Na kudhoofika mwili. | | FOR Na kuumwa miguuni, Macho kuingia ndani, Kukosa nguvu mwilini, Kama atakaye kufa. | | USE 10 | | FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE | | |------------|-----------------------------------------|-----| | Bahati: | Jamani sasa nakiri, | | | | Tumo katika hatari, | | | | Janga hilo huathiri, | | | | Uhai kuutishia. | | | | Ndugu tuelezeeni, | | | | Madhila tuondoeni, | | | | Tunusurike jamani, | | | | Baa lilotuandama. | | | Hekima: | Usafi ni kinga yetu, | | | | Tusafishe vyoo vyetu, | | | | Tuchemshe maji yetu, | | | | Chakula tule cha moto. | | | | Safisha matunda yako, | USE | | | Unawe mikono yako, | | | | Sabuni ndiyo kiboko, | | | | Wadudu kutokomeza. | | | | Tukomeshe mambukizi, | | | | Tudumishe nguvu kazi, | | | ONLINE | | | | | Tuyafanye mapinduzi, | | | | Taifa lineemeke. | | | Hekima | Twapenda kuwausia, | | | na Bahati: | Watu mpate sikia, | | | | Usafi kuzingatia, | | | | Kudumisha afya zetu. | | ONLY FOR 11 1. Taja wahusika katika ngonjera hii. 2. Kipindupindu husababishwa na nini? 3. Dalili za ugonjwa wa kipindupindu ni zipi? 4. Nini kifanyike ili kuzuia kipindupindu? 5. Katika ngonjera hii, nani alikuwa haelewi kuhusu kipindupindu? 6. Kwa nini msimuliaji anawaambia watu wasafishe matunda na kunawa mikono kwa sabuni? 7. Bahati alikiri kwamba kipindupindu kitafanya nini? ONLY 8. Maneno "Taifa lineemeke" katika ubeti wa pili kutoka mwisho yana maana gani? USE 9. Msimuliaji wa ngonjera aliwashauri watu wafanye nini ili kutokomeza kipindupindu? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na ngonjera uliyoisoma? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati ONLINE Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: | 1. | kipindupindu | |------|----------------| | 2. | viporo | | 3. | janga | | 4. | dhoofika | | 5. | madhila | 4. dhoofika 5. madhila 6. soni 7. kiri 8. teta FOR 9. uchochoro 10. abadani 12 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 3 Miundo Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia miundo ifuatayo: 1. ...... kwamba.......... **Mfano:** *Bahati alisema kwamba kipindupindu ni hatari.* 2. ..................lakini.................... Mfano: A*licheza vizuri lakini hakufunga.* 3. ..................kutokana na…………… ONLY Mfano: *Aliugua kipindupindu kutokana na kula vyakula vichafu.* 4. ..........kwa niaba...................... USE Mfano: *Aliomba msamaha kwa niaba ya wanafunzi wenzake.* ## Zoezi La 4 Nahau Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia nahau zifuatazo: ONLINE Mfano: pata jiko - *Mzee Kiboyo alipata jiko akiwa na umri mkubwa.* 1. tia chumvi 2. piga uvivu 3. lala tanga 4. zunguka mbuyu 5. kufa kiofisa FOR 13 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Zoezi la 5 Vitendawili Tumia picha zifuatazo kutegua vitendawili ulivyopewa. ![20_image_0.png](20_image_0.png) 14 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 1. Ajihami bila silaha. __________ 2. Adui tumemzingira lakini hatumuwezi. __________ 3. Mbwa mwitu wamemzunguka kumlinda. __________ 4. Baba tajiri wa mashuka, watoto wanalala bila ya kujifunika. __________ 5. Askari wangu ni mpole lakini adui wanamhara. ___________ ONLY 6. Pita huko na mimi nipite huku tukutane kwa mjomba. __________ ## Zoezi La 6 Methali Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. Mkaidi ……………… 2. ……………… ni mateke. 3. Mkuki kwa nguruwe, …………… 4. ………………., angali mbichi. 5. Kuuliza ....................... ONLINE Zoezi la 7 Mazoezi ya lugha A. Andika maneno yafuatayo kwa kirefu. Mfano: jinale - *jina lake* babake - *baba yake* (i) tusojua ________ (ii) lilotuandama ________ (iii) dalilize ________ FOR (iv) mwishowe ________ (v) mamake ________ (vi) mambukizi ________ (vii) mekuja ________ 15 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo kwa kuchagua jibu sahihi kutoka kwenye kisanduku. kana, lia, nawiri, patana, joto, raha, uongo, nuru, zama (i) dhoofu ________ (ii) baridi ________ (iii) madhila ________ (iv) kosana ________ (v) kiri ________ (vi) cheka ________ (vii) ukweli ________ (viii) elea ________ (ix) giza ________ ONLY ![22_image_0.png](22_image_0.png) USE C. Andika KWELI au SI KWELI katika sentensi zifuatazo: (i) Kipindupindu ni ugonjwa wa vipele vya ngozi. _______ (ii) Kipindupindu ni ugonjwa unaotibika. _________ (iii) Kipindupindu ni ugonjwa unaoambukiza. _________ (iv) Watoto wadogo tu ndio wanaougua ugonjwa wa kipindupindu. _______ ONLINE (v) Watu wanaoishi katika mazingira safi hupata ugonjwa wa kipindupindu. __________ (vi) Kula hovyo barabarani ni tabia mbaya. _______ FOR (vii) Kula vyakula vya moto kunapunguza maambukizi ya kipindupindu. _________ (viii) Kuhara na kutapika ni baadhi ya dalili za kipindupindu. _______ 16 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE D. Badili sentensi zifuatazo ziwe katika wakati uliopita. Mfano: Bustani za mboga zinatunzwa vizuri. *Bustani za mboga zilitunzwa vizuri.* (i) Mtoto mwenye adabu anafanya kazi kwa bidii. (ii) Mama anakwenda shambani kwake. (iii) Vijana wanajitahidi kulima. (iv) Kipindupindu kinaua watu wengi. (v) Sisi tunafanya kazi kwa kushirikiana. ONLY (vi) Mtu mwenye busara anakuja kwenye mkutano. (vii) Zaina atauza maandazi. (viii) Basi litaingia alfajiri. USE (ix) Walimu wa Darasa la Tano wanarudi shuleni. (x) Watoto hao wanajitahidi kusoma kwa bidii. E. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi kwa kuandika herufi katika kisanduku. (i) Ngonjera uliyoisoma ina beti ngapi? (a) kumi na nne (b) nane (c) kumi na sita (d) nne ONLINE (ii) Idadi ya mizani katika mstari wa kila ubeti wa ngonjera uliyoisoma ni: FOR (a) kumi na sita (b) nane (c) nne (d) kumi na nne 17 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iii) Vina katika ubeti wa kwanza na wa pili ni: (a) a na ta (b) ia na eta (c) ho na u (d) mbe na di ONLY ![24_image_0.png](24_image_0.png) (iv) Kila ubeti wa ngonjera uliyoisoma una mistari mingapi? (a) kumi na nne (b) nane (c) kumi na sita (d) minne USE (v) Alama gani ya uandishi imetumika mara nyingi zaidi kwenye mistari ya mwisho wa beti za ngonjera uliyoisoma? (a) alama ya mkato (b) alama ya kuuliza (c) alama ya nukta (d) alama ya mshangao ONLINE (vi) Hekima alitamba beti ngapi? (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 11 FOR (d) 5 18 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE F. Katika jedwali lifuatalo, kamilisha maneno ya sehemu B ili yaendane na ya sehemu A. Mfano: kitabu _kubwa *kitabu kikubwa* | Sehemu A | Sehemu | B | |------------|----------|------------| | (i) | ng'ombe | __nene | | (ii) | macho | __kali | | (iii) | watu | __zuri | | (iv) | mataifa | __kubwa | | (v) | walimu | __cheshi | | (vi) | mwaka | __ingine | | (vii) | kiatu | __kubwa | | (viii) | mchanga | __ingi | | (ix) | kitabu | __eusi | | (x) | mtoto | __pole USE | ONLY G. Andika maneno yenye maana sawa na maneno yaliyotolewa. Mfano: motokaa - *gari* ONLINE (i) kauzu ________ (ii) fedha ________ (iii) bakora ________ (iv) treni ________ (v) msichana ________ (vi) mwana ________ (vii) msalani ________ FOR (viii) abadani ________ 19 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE A. Kamilisha habari hii kwa kujaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwa kutumia maneno yaliyomo kwenye kisanduku. akawaona, wanaoga, ilijaa, akawaambia, wadudu, waliondoka, wakavaa, aliondoka, kichocho, machafu, kutambua ONLY Watoto walikuwa (1)__________na kuogelea kwenye dimbwi karibu na nyumbani kwao. Walizama na kuibuka kwenye yale maji (2) ______. Miili yao (3) ________matope. Haikuwa rahisi (4) ________sura zao. Bibi Loshi alipokuwa anapita pale (5) __________ wale watoto, "Loo! Nyie watoto mtaleta balaa! Maji hayo yana (6) ________wengi. Tokeni haraka." Wale watoto walitoka (7)________nguo zao. Bibi Loshi (8) ______, "Humo ndani mna wadudu wanaosababisha (9) _________, homa ya matumbo na magonjwa mengine. Ondokeni wajukuu zangu." Wale watoto (10) ______. Pia bibi Loshi (11) ________akaendelea na safari yake. USE B. Tunga ngonjera yenye beti mbili kuhusu nzi. 20 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Tatu ## Nahau Katika sura hii, utajifunza kutumia nahau katika habari fupi na kueleza maana zake pamoja na umuhimu wake. Pia, utaweza kueleza taswira inayoakisiwa na nahau. ONLY 1. Mama huyu anafanya nini? 2. Kwa nini anafanya hivyo? ![27_image_0.png](27_image_0.png) 21 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Ufahamu Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Jongoo Na Nyoka Hapo zamani za kale, Jongoo na Nyoka walikuwa marafiki. Jongoo katika maumbile yake alijaliwa kuwa na macho lakini hakuwa na miguu. Tofauti na Jongoo, Nyoka alijaliwa kuwa na miguu lakini hakuwa na macho. Marafiki hawa walifanya kazi **bega kwa bega**. Jongoo na Nyoka walikuwa na rafiki yao aliyeitwa Mwewe. Siku moja Jongoo na Nyoka walienda kumtembelea Mwewe. Nyoka alitembea polepole japokuwa alikuwa na miguu mingi. Alifanya hivyo kwa kuogopa kuji**kwaa.** Jongoo alikuwa anatembea harakaharaka kwa sababu alikuwa anaona kila kitu. ONLY ![28_image_0.png](28_image_0.png) ONLINE Walipofika nyumbani kwa Mwewe, walikuta ndege wengi wamekusanyika wakiwa wanalia. Nyoka alisikia sauti lakini hakuona kitu chochote. Nyoka alitamani sana kuwa na macho ili aone kinachoendelea. Nyoka aliuliza, "Kuna nini hapa?" Kunguru alimjibu, "Mtoto wa Mwewe ame**aga dunia**." Nyoka aliuliza tena, "Mbona sikuelewi?" Kunguru alijibu, "Mtoto wa Mwewe amefariki." Nyoka na Jongoo walishitushwa na taarifa hiyo. FOR Waliingia ndani; wakamkuta Mwewe ame**shika tama**. Walim**fariji** Mwewe kwa kumkumbatia huku machozi yakiwalengalenga. Walikaa hapo wakiendelea kumfariji hadi siku ya ku**anua matanga**. Wakarudi nyumbani kuendelea na maisha yao. 22 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Baada ya miaka kadhaa kupita, Jongoo aliugua. Alitumia kila aina ya dawa lakini hakupata **ahueni**. Nyoka alimuonea huruma. Akamwambia, "Rafiki yangu, babu yangu ame**kula chumvi nyingi**. Yeye ana uwezo wa kuku**tibu** haraka." Jongoo alishangaa kusikia hivyo. Aliuliza, "Mbona humu ndani tuna chumvi nyingi na kila siku tunaitumia?" Nyoka akamjibu, "Sina maana hiyo rafiki yangu. Nina maana kuwa babu ameishi miaka mingi. Hivyo naamini atakuponya." ONLY Baada ya Jongoo kusikia hivyo, ali**kata shauri** na kumwambia nyoka aende kumleta babu yake. Nyoka alikubali ila alimwambia atachelewa kufika kwa sababu hana macho. Hivyo, alimwambia, "Kama hutajali tubadilishane. Wewe unipe macho, na mimi nikupe miguu. Nikipata macho nitamleta babu haraka." Jongoo alimwambia, "Basi chukua macho yangu na wewe unipe miguu yako." Nyoka aliondoka haraka kwa furaha maana aliona kila kitu kinachoendelea duniani. Alifika kwa babu yake akamwambia kuwa rafiki yake anaumwa sana hadi ame**kufa moyo**. Hivyo, aliomba aende haraka nyumbani kwake akamtibu. Wakiwa njiani, nyoka alimwambia babu yake am**shawishi** jongoo amwachie macho na yeye abaki na miguu. Babu alikubali. USE Walipofika walimkuta Jongoo ame**lala fofofo**. Walimwamsha, kisha babu alimpima. Akasema, "Unaumwa ugonjwa hatari. Nitakuchanja kisha nitakupa dawa. Halafu nitakupaka mafuta ya ku**meremeta** hatimaye utapona. Utakuwa unang'aa wakati wote." Jongoo baada ya kuelezwa kuhusu tiba, aliuliza gharama za **matibabu**. Babu alimweleza kwamba gharama ni kubwa sana hivyo asingeweza kulipa. Babu alimwambia ili amsaidie amwachie mjukuu wake macho na yeye abaki na miguu. Jongoo aliwaza sana. Kwa kuwa aliona ana**chungulia kaburi,** akakubali ili atibiwe. Babu yake nyoka akaanza kumtibu. ONLINE Baada ya mwezi mmoja, Jongoo alipona kabisa. Alipopona, akatamani awe na macho yake kama mwanzo. Jongoo akamwambia Nyoka amrudishie macho yake na yeye achukue miguu yake. Nyoka akakataa na kumwambia kuwa, kama akimrudishia macho yake, ugonjwa utamrudia. Jongoo akalalamika, "Rafiki yangu, napata shida hata maadui siwaoni." Nyoka akamwambia, "Ngoja nikupe mbinu ya kujikinga na maadui. Ukihisi kitu usichokijua jikunje mwili wote." Tangu wakati huo, nyoka ana macho na hutembelea tumbo, na jongoo ana miguu. FOR 23 1. Jongoo na Nyoka walikwenda kumtembelea nani? 2. Hapo mwanzo nani alikuwa anatembea harakaharaka na kuona kila kitu? 3. Kunguru aliwajibu nini Nyoka na Jongoo? 4. Nyoka na Jongoo walimfariji mwewe hadi lini? 5. Nani aliugua? 6. Jongoo na Nyoka walibadilishana nini? 7. Nani alimtibu Jongoo? 8. Alimtibu kwa makubaliano gani? 9. Baada ya kupona, Jongoo alidai nini? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na hadithi hii? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati USE Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: 1. kwaa 2. fariji 3. ahueni 4. tibu 5. matibabu 6. shawishi 7. meremeta ## Online Zoezi La 3 Miundo FOR Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila muundo kwa kutumia miundo ifuatayo: 1. __po__ ………………… Mfano: Walipo*fika, walimkuta mama yao amelala fofofo.* 2. ………….japokuwa ……….. Mfano: *Juma alikwenda shuleni japokuwa alikuwa anaumwa.* 24 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 3. Mbona………… Mfano: *Mbona hupendi kusoma?* 4. Kama hutajali……………. Mfano: *Kama hutajali nipikie wali usiku.* 5. Hatimaye……………… Mfano: Hatimaye *mgeni rasmi alifika ukumbini*. 6. .……………. kisha …………… Mfano: *Tuliwatazama wao, kisha tukaondoka*. ## Zoezi La 4 Nahau Toa maana ya nahau zifuatazo: 1. bega kwa bega 2. kula chumvi nyingi 3. kata shauri 4. anua tanga 5. kufa moyo 6. chungulia kaburi 7. shika tama 8. aga dunia ## Online Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Andika umoja na wingi wa maneno yafuatayo: Mfano: Umoja wingi FOR mkono *mikono* jiko *majiko* (i) mguu ________ (ii) ________ macho (iii) ndege ________ (iv) ________ wadudu 25 (v) rafiki ________ (vi) chumvi ________ (vii) ________ magonjwa (viii) mkia ________ (ix) jongoo ________ (x) ________ mabega ## B. Kanusha Sentensi Zifuatazo: Mfano: Watoto wanapenda wali. *Watoto hawapendi wali*. (i) Jongoo anatembea kwa tumbo. ONLY (ii) Mwewe na nyoka walibadilishana macho na miguu. (iii) Babu atamtibu nyoka. (iv) Nyoka alifiwa na mtoto wake. USE (v) Mwewe na kunguru walikuwa marafiki. (vi) Mwanafunzi anachelewa darasani. (vii) Mwalimu anafundisha masomo yote. (viii) Mbwa alimkimbiza paka. (ix) Mama atanituma sokoni. (x) Mimi nilienda shambani kulima. ONLINE C. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo: Mfano: furaha - *huzuni* FOR (i) ziba ________ (ii) ugua ________ (iii) kubali ________ (iv) haraka ________ 26 (v) nenda ________ (vi) wema ________ (vii) ujasiri ________ (viii) mtiifu ________ D. Andika KWELI au SI KWELI katika sentensi zifuatazo: ONLY (i) Maneno yanaundwa na konsonanti peke yake. _____ (ii) Nahau hazina maana yoyote. ________ (iii) Mbwa ni mnyama anayebweka. ________ (iv) Ndege ni chombo kinachosafiri angani. ________ (v) Gerezani ni mahali wanapowekwa wafungwa. _____ (vi) Nzige ni wadudu wenye sumu kali. ________ USE (vii) Vipepeo hupenda kurukaruka kwenye maua. ______ (viii) Panya ni waharibifu wa mazao. ________ ## E. Andika Sentensi Zifuatazo Katika Wakati Uliopo. (i) Mwalimu atatufundisha vizuri wanafunzi wake. (ii) Wao watalima shamba kubwa. (iii) Kinyozi alininyoa vizuri. ONLINE (iv) Bibi alinifurahisha sana kwa hadithi zake nzuri. (v) Mkulima amevuna mazao mengi. (vi) Kiwavi alitembea kwa mbwembwe. FOR (vii) Mzee Ngedere amekula chumvi nyingi. (viii) Watoto hucheza michezo mingi. 27 | DO NOT DUPLICATE | | |-----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------| | F. Tunga sentensi kumi na nne (14) kwa kutumia jedwali li | fuatalo: | | kijana | walicheza vizuri | | vijana | umechemshwa | | kikombe | vimegongana kabatini | | vikombe | kilivunjwa na mtoto | | kiongozi | aliwashauri wananchi | | viongozi | vilichanika | | kitabu | kilisomwa na wanafunzi | | vitabu | imeangushwa na upepo | | mti | umekatwa | | miti mwembe | yamekomaa USE | | miembe mhindi mahindi | | ONLY FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE F. Tunga sentensi kumi na nne (14) kwa kutumia jedwali lifuatalo: ONLINE Malizia hadithi hii kwa maneno yasiyopungua sabini (70). Tumia nahau zifuatazo: 1. kata tamaa 2. ponea chupuchupu Palikuwa na mzee mmoja aliyeitwa Mzee Mkungu. Aliishi katika Kijiji cha Itunja. Kijiji hiki kilikuwa karibu na pori. Mzee huyo alisifika kwa kilimo cha ndizi. Hata hivyo, mzee huyo alisumbuliwa sana na ngedere waliokuwa wanakula ndizi shambani mwake. Siku moja ngedere aliamka kuelekea shambani kwa mzee Mkungu. Alipofika alianza kuchapa mguu huku akiangaliangalia kama walinzi walikuwa karibu na shamba hilo. Bila kujua kuwa walinzi walikuwa wamejificha, ali………. FOR 28 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Nne ![35_image_0.png](35_image_0.png) ## Kauli Zetu Katika sura hii, utajifunza kauli halisi na kauli taarifa. Pia, utajifunza kutunga sentensi kwa kutumia kauli hizo. ONLY Fikiri 1. Ulishawahi kutoa taarifa yoyote? 2. Taarifa hiyo uliitoa kwa nani? Soma habari hii, kisha jibu maswali. Fabu apata zawadi USE Fabu, Bera na Raja ni wanafunzi waliokuwa wanasoma katika Shule ya Msingi Ngindo. Wote wanasoma Darasa la Tano. Wanafunzi hawa waliishi katika kijiji kimoja kilichopo karibu na shule yao. Fabu alikuwa **bingwa** wa kuamka mapema kuliko Bera na Raja. Hivyo, mara nyingi aliwahi shuleni kuliko wenzake. Kila alipofika shuleni, aliwahi namba, kisha kuanza kufanya usafi wa eneo lake. Eneo lake lilionekana safi wakati wote. Pia, alikuwa akiwahi kurudi nyumbani mara tu baada ya kuruhusiwa shuleni. Vilevile, Fabu aliwa**heshimu** na kuwatii wazazi, walimu na watu wote waliomzunguka. ONLINE Tofauti na Fabu, Bera na Raja walikuwa wakichelewa kuamka. Hivyo, walichelewa kufika shuleni na mara nyingi walikosa namba. Maeneo yao ya shuleni yalionekana machafu. Wakati mwingine walikuta vipindi vimeanza. Baada ya kumaliza vipindi walichelewa kurudi nyumbani. Kutokana na tabia yao mara nyingi walipewa adhabu. Fabu alisikitishwa sana na kitendo hicho. Ali**azimia** moyoni kwamba siku moja atawauliza wenzake kwa nini walikuwa wakichelewa shuleni. FOR 29 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Siku moja Fabu, Bera na Raja wakiwa njiani kuelekea nyumbani, Fabu aliamua kuuliza swali lake lililokuwa likim**sumbua** kwa muda mrefu. Fabu aliuliza, "Marafiki zangu, kwa nini huwa mnachelewa kufika shuleni?" Bera na Raja wakiwa wametazamana walimjibu kwa dharau, "Heee….! Wewe vipi? Kwa nini unauliza?" Fabu alijibu kwa upole, "Samahani, kama nimewaudhi. Nilitaka kujua kwa sababu mara nyingi naona mnapewa **adhabu**. Kwani ninyi mnapenda adhabu?" Kusikia hivyo, Bera na Raja walitazama chini kisha wakajibu kwa pamoja, "Hapana ila huwa tunachelewa kuamka." Fabu aliwaonea huruma akawaambia kuwa kesho yake atawapitia asubuhi na mapema. Bera na Raja walikubali. ONLY Siku iliyofuata, Fabu aliamka mapema na kwenda kuwapitia wenzake kama alivyoahidi. Waliongozana kuelekea shuleni. Wakiwa njiani, walikutana na Mzee Shibuni. Fabu alimsalimia lakini Bera na Raja hawakumsalimia. Mzee Shibuni aliwatazama akasema, "Nyie wanangu, mbona hamnisalimii? Muwe na **adabu** kama Fabu." Bera na Raja walinyamaza kimya. Mzee Shibuni aliamua kuondoka. Baada ya muda mfupi waliwasili shuleni. Walipata namba, kisha wakaenda kufanya usafi kwenye maeneo yao. Siku hiyo Bera na Raja hawakupewa adhabu. Walimshukuru Fabu kwa kuwapitia mapema. USE ONLINE Kadiri siku zilivyosogea, Fabu aliendelea kuwa mtiifu, mwenye adabu na bidii katika masomo yake. Kutokana na bidii na tabia yake njema, Fabu alikuwa akifanya vizuri katika masomo yake. Walimu walimpenda sana kutokana na bidii katika masomo na tabia yake njema. Hivyo, Fabu alisifika sana shuleni hapo kwa usafi, nidhamu bora, na kufanya vizuri katika masomo yake. Kwa kuwa shule yao ilikuwa inasisitiza masuala hayo, walikuwa wanatoa zawadi kwa wanafunzi wanaofanya vizuri katika maeneo mbalimbali wakati wa kufunga shule. FOR Siku ya kufunga shule ilipowadia, wanafunzi na walimu walikusanyika pamoja. Ilipofika wakati wa kutoa zawadi, mwalimu mkuu alianza kusoma majina ya wanafunzi waliofanya vizuri. Wanafunzi mbalimbali walipewa zawadi. Fabu, tofauti na wanafunzi wengine, alijipatia zawadi tatu tofauti. Mwalimu mkuu alimtaja Fabu kuwa ndiye aliyeongoza katika nidhamu, usafi, na ufaulu kwenye masomo yote. Wanafunzi wenzake na walimu walimshangilia kwa nderemo na **vifijo** kwa kupata zawadi hizo. Mwalimu 30 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE mkuu alimu**usia** Fabu aendelee kufanya hivyo na wengine waige mfano ![37_image_0.png](37_image_0.png) Jibu maswali yafuatayo: 1. Fabu, Bera na Raja ni wanafunzi wa shule gani? 2. Nani alikuwa anawahi shuleni kuliko wenzake? 3. Fabu alikuwa na tabia gani? 4. Bera na Raja walikuwa na tabia gani? ONLINE 5. Katika habari uliyoisoma, ungependa kuwa kama nani? Kwa nini? FOR 6. Swali gani lilikuwa likimsumbua Fabu? 7. Mzee Shibuni aliwaambia nini Bera na Raja? 8. Fabu alipata zawadi gani? 9. Kwa nini Fabu alipata zawadi nyingi? 10. Habari uliyoisoma inakufundisha nini? 31 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi moja kwa kila neno. 1. bingwa 2. heshimu 3. azimia 4. sumbua 5. adhabu 6. adabu 7. usia 8. nderemo 9. vifijo ## Zoezi La 3 Miundo Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila muundo. USE 1. .………**kwamba**………………………… Mfano: Fabu alisema **kwamba** *atafaulu masomo yote*. 2. ...........................**kuwa…**…………………… **Mfano:** Mzee Shibuni aliwashauri **kuwa** *wawe na adabu kama Fabu.* ONLINE 3. ……………… **kwa ajili ya**………………… **Mfano:** Mwalimu mkuu alinunua zawadi **kwa ajili ya** wanafunzi waliofanya vizuri. ## Zoezi La 4 Nahau Eleza maana ya nahau zifuatazo, kisha tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila nahau. FOR Mfano: kata tamaa - poteza matarajio ya kupata kitu Buchoti aliondoka mahali pale haraka akiwa ame*kata tamaa.* Nili**kata tamaa** *ya kufika mapema baada ya kuchelewa treni.* 1. kaza kamba 2. piga mguu 32 3. kata tamaa 4. piga maji 5. vunjika moyo ## Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Badili kauli halisi zifuatazo kuwa kauli taarifa. Mfano: Bera aliwaambia, "Nitajitahidi kuwahi kesho." ONLY *Bera aliwaambia kwamba angejitahidi kuwahi siku iliyofuata.* (i) Raja alituambia, "Siwezi kufanya usafi." (ii) Mwalimu mkuu alisema, "Fabu ni mfano wa kuigwa." (iii) Wote walijibu, "Tunapenda kula matunda." (iv) Dada aliniambia, "Ninaomba maji ya kunywa." USE (v) Baba alisema, "Tutakwenda kumsalimia mjomba." (vi) Dereva alisema, "Gari limeishiwa mafuta." (vii) Mwalimu alituasa, "Chezeni kwa uangalifu msiumizane." (viii) Fabu aliuliza, "Kwa nini mnachelewa?" ONLINE ## B. **Badili Kauli Taarifa Zifuatazo Kuwa Kauli Halisi.** Mfano: Kabude alisema kuwa hawezi kuja kwetu. *Kabude alisema, "Siwezi kuja kwenu."* (i) Mwalimu alisema kwamba angefundisha masomo yote. (ii) Mzee alisema kwamba Tanzania ni nchi nzuri. (iii) Kaka alisema kuwa angeanzisha bustani. (iv) Chambi alisema kwamba angechimba mfereji wake mwenyewe. (v) Baba alisema kuwa angenunua gari. (vi) Mwalimu alihoji kujua nani alikuwa amefungua mlango. (vii) Baba alisema kuwa sisi ni watoto wazuri. FOR (viii) Dada alituambia tusisogee karibu na moto. 33 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE C. **Andika kauli halisi nne na kauli taarifa nne kutokana na habari** uliyoisoma. D. **Kanusha sentensi zifuatazo:** Mfano: Bera alipata zawadi ya usafi. *Bera hakupata zawadi ya usafi.* (i) Bera na Raja ni wanafunzi wa Shule ya Msingi Ngindo. (ii) Mwanafunzi alijiandaa kupata zawadi siku ya kufunga shule. (iii) Walimu na wanafunzi walimpongeza Bera kwa kupata zawadi. (iv) Wanafunzi hawa wanafanya vizuri katika masomo yao. ONLY (v) Wazazi wake walimpenda sana kutokana na tabia yake njema. USE (vi) Huyu ndiye Kiranja Mkuu wa shule. (vii) Usiku niliona mbalamwezi. (viii) Mvua hunyesha kila asubuhi. (ix) Jongoo hutembea kwa maringo. (x) Kitabu chetu kina rangi ya kijani. ## E. Badili Sentensi Zifuatazo Kuwa Katika Umoja. ONLINE Mfano: Machungwa yameiva sana. *Chungwa limeiva sana.* (i) Wanafunzi walisoma vitabu vya hadithi. (ii) Wazazi walifurahi kuwaona watoto wanacheza. (iii) Wanafunzi wenzake walishangilia. FOR (iv) Wananchi wamechimba kisima. (v) Majengo yamepakwa rangi nzuri. (vi) Miti imepukutisha majani. (vii) Meno yangu yanang'aa. (viii) Kondoo wamevunjika miguu. 34 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE F. Tunga sentensi kumi kutokana na jedwali lililopo hapa chini. | Mwalimu alituusia | alikuwa darasani. | | |---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| | Fabu alijibu | alikwenda sokoni. | | | Bera alimwambia | kwamba | tuwahi shuleni siku ya Jumatatu. | | Raja alisema | kuwa | alienda shambani. | | Nyakabi alitusihi | ni muhimu kusoma kwa bidii. alifanya usafi wa mazingira ya shule. Jumatano ni siku ya usafi. | | ONLY Kamilisha habari kwa kujaza nafasi zilizo wazi kwa kutumia maneno yaliyomo kwenye kisanduku. USE kuwa, maelekezo, hongera, niliamka, wazazi, msimamizi, mama, chumba, mtihani, namba, vyote, kuelekea ONLINE Siku ya kufanya mtihani wa Darasa la Nne, (1) **________** mapema sana. Nilijiandaa na kupanga vifaa vyangu (2) _______ vya kutumia wakati wa mtihani. Baada ya hapo, nilienda kuwasalimia (3) ________ wangu. Nikasema, "Shikamoo!" Waliniitikia kwa furaha. Wakaniambia, "Jitahidi kufanya mtihani kwa umakini." Baada ya hapo niliwaaga na (4) ________ shuleni. Wanafunzi wenzangu walikuwa wameshafika. Mwalimu wa darasa alituita sote. Akatuambia, "Kumbukeni kuandika (5) **________** ya mtihani kwenye kila ukurasa." Muda mfupi baadaye, (6) **________** wa mtihani alifika akiwa na mitihani. Alipokelewa na mwalimu wetu kisha alioneshwa (7) **_____** cha mtihani. Alikiangalia na kukikagua chumba hicho. Msimamizi akatuambia, "Ingieni darasani muda wa kuanza (8) **______** umekaribia." Tuliingia darasani kisha alituruhusu kuanza kufanya mtihani. Nilikumbuka maneno aliyosema mwalimu wa darasa kwamba soma (9) **________** yote kabla ya kuandika chochote. Ilipofika mchana, (10) **_____** aliniletea chakula shuleni. Aliniuliza, "Je, mtihani ulikuwa mgumu?" Nilimjibu (11) ____ mtihani haukuwa mgumu sana. Niliporudi nyumbani, mama alinipokea kwa furaha. Akaniambia (12) ______ kwa kufanya mtihani. FOR 35 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Tano ![42_image_0.png](42_image_0.png) ## Insha Katika sura hii utajifunza maana ya insha, hatua za uandishi wa insha na muundo wake. Pia, utaweza kuandika insha. ONLY 1. Umewahi kuandika insha? 2. Ilikuwa inahusu jambo gani? Ufahamu Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Maisha Ya Kanenge USE Kanenge ni mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano katika Shule ya Msingi Ndondome. Alikuwa akiishi na shangazi yake tangu akiwa mdogo. Kila siku alikuwa anajiuliza moyoni mwake lini atapelekwa kwa wazazi wake. Siku moja ali**kaza moyo**; akamuuliza shangazi yake, "Kwa nini ninaishi kwako badala ya kuishi kwa wazazi wangu?" Shangazi alimjibu, "Kanenge tulia, ipo siku utajua." Kanenge hakuridhishwa na jibu hilo lakini alinyamaza. ONLINE Shangazi aliendelea kupika jikoni. Aliwaza sana kuhusu swali aliloulizwa na Kanenge. Moyoni mwake alikuwa akijua ukweli kuwa Kanenge ni mtoto yatima. Wazazi wake walifariki kwa ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Kanenge pia ni mw**athirika** wa ugonjwa huo. Shangazi aliendelea ku**tafakari** njia nzuri ya kufikisha ujumbe huo kwa Kanenge. FOR Siku hiyo jioni, Kanenge alionekana hana furaha. Shangazi yake alimuuliza, "Kwa nini leo unaonekana mnyonge?" Kanenge alijibu, "Ninaumwa mwili mzima pia nahisi baridi kali sana." Shangazi alimpatia vidonge viwili akamwambia, "Meza vidonge hivi kwa ajili ya kutuliza maumivu. Kesho asubuhi tutakwenda hospitalini." Kanenge alimshukuru shangazi yake, alimeza vidonge hivyo, kisha akaenda kulala. 36 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Kesho yake asubuhi, shangazi aliwahi chumbani kwa Kanenge kumjulia hali. Kanenge alimwambia kuwa usiku alipata homa kali sana. Shangazi alimpa pole na kumshauri waende hospitalini. Walipofika hospitalini, waliingia katika chumba cha daktari. Kanenge alipewa nafasi ya kueleza matatizo ya afya yake. Kutokana na maelezo yake, daktari alipendekeza Kanenge afanyiwe pia vipimo vya maambukizo ya **virusi** vya UKIMWI. Hivyo, aliomba **ridhaa** kwa shangazi na kwa Kanenge mwenyewe. Wote walikubali. Kabla ya kuchukuliwa kipimo, daktari aliweka wazi kuhusu utaratibu wa kipimo hicho. Baada ya hapo, Kanenge alielekezwa chumba cha maabara. Akachukuliwa damu na haja ndogo. ONLY Baadaye waliitwa kwenda kuchukua majibu. Kabla ya kutoa majibu, daktari aliwakumbusha tena maelezo aliyowapatia kabla ya kuchukuliwa vipimo. Baada ya hapo alisema vipimo vimeonesha kuwa Kanenge ana maambukizo ya virusi vya UKIMWI. Kanenge alishituka aliposikia majibu hayo. Alilia kwa uchungu sana. Shangazi na daktari walimbembeleza kwa maneno yenye faraja. Baadaye Kanenge aliacha kulia. Daktari alisema, "Kesho ni siku ya kliniki kwa ajili ya watu wanaoishi na virusi vya UKIMWI. Umlete akutane na watalaamu kwa ajili ya kupewa ushauri **nasaha**." USE Shangazi na Kanenge waliondoka kuelekea nyumbani. Walipofika nyumbani Kanenge alianza kulia tena. Alikuwa mtu mwenye mawazo mengi, sura ilidhoofu na alikuwa na dalili zote za mtu aliyekata tamaa ya maisha. Shangazi alijaribu kumbembeleza lakini Kanenge hakuonesha badiliko lolote. Muda wa kuandaa chakula ulipofika, shangazi alikwenda jikoni kupika. Kanenge akiwa sebuleni peke yake alifungua redio akaanza kusikiliza. ONLINE Ilipofika saa saba, alisikia mtangazaji akisema, "Karibuni ndugu wasikilizaji katika kipindi cha afya zetu. Mtaalamu wa afya atatufundisha kuhusu jinsi ya kuishi na virusi vya UKIMWI." Taarifa hiyo ilipenya katika masikio ya Kanenge, akasogea na kukaa karibu na redio. Mtaalamu alieleza mambo mengi yanayohusiana na jinsi ya kuishi na virusi vya UKIMWI. Kipindi kilipokwisha, Kanenge alikimbia kuelekea jikoni, huku akiita kwa sauti ya furaha, "Shangazi! Shangazi! Shangaziiiiiii! Nakuita mbona husikii?" Shangazi alishtuka, akauliza kwa mshangao, "Kanenge umepatwa na nini tena?" Kanenge alijibu, "Nimepata taarifa njema sana redioni zinazohusu maambukizo ya virusi vya UKIMWI. Napenda nikuambie." Shangazi alikubali waketi sebuleni kwa ajili ya mazungumzo hayo. FOR Shangazi alifurahi baada ya kuona Kanenge yupo katika hali ya uchangamfu na mwenye sura ya tabasamu. Alimpatia nafasi Kanenge ili aongee. Kanenge 37 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE alisema, "Mtaalamu wa afya amezungumzia maana ya neno UKIMWI ni kifupi cha Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini. Dalili zake ni homa kali za mara kwa mara, uzito kupungua, kuharisha, ngozi kusinyaa, mwili kukosa nguvu, kukosa hamu ya kula na vidonda mwilini. Njia zinazosababisha kuenea kwa ugonjwa huo ni kama vile kuchangia vitu vyenye ncha kali, yaani wembe, pini, sindano na kuchangia mswaki." Aliendelea kueleza kuwa mtu mwenye virusi vya UKIMWI anaweza akaishi kwa muda mrefu ikiwa atazingatia ushauri wa daktari. Mgonjwa anapaswa kula chakula bora, kuhudhuria kliniki, kutumia dawa kwa wakati pamoja na kujiepusha na maambukizo mapya. Kanenge alishusha pumzi akamtazama shangazi kwa jicho la upole kama ishara ya kumpa nafasi ya kuzungumza. ONLY ![44_image_0.png](44_image_0.png) FOR Shangazi alisema, "Pole sana Kanenge; wewe ni mtoto yatima wazazi wako walifariki kwa ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. Ulipata maambukizo kwa bahati mbaya wakati wa kuzaliwa. Lakini usijali nitaendelea kukuhudumia kwa kukupatia mahitaji yako yote na kukupeleka hospitalini siku za kliniki." Maelezo hayo yalimfurahisha sana Kanenge. Alimkumbatia shangazi yake, kisha akasema, "Asante sana kwa kunijali." Shangazi akajibu, "Usijali, wahenga walisema damu ni nzito kuliko maji." 38 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Siku iliyofuata shangazi alimpeleka Kanenge hospitalini. Walipewa ratiba ya siku za kuhudhuria kliniki. Baada ya kuimarika kwa afya yake, Kanenge aliendelea na masomo yake. Aliongeza bidii zaidi katika masomo, akafaulu mtihani wa kuhitimu elimu ya msingi. Akaendelea na masomo ya sekondari hadi kidato cha sita. Baadaye alisoma na kuhitimu shahada yake ya kwanza. Kisha akaajiriwa kama mkurugenzi mkuu katika kiwanda cha maziwa kilichopo katika jiji la Shamnda. Hivi sasa ana familia yenye watoto watatu. 1. Kanenge alikuwa anaishi na nani? 2. Habari uliyoisoma inahusu ugonjwa gani? 3. Kwa nini Kanenge aliambiwa arudi hospitalini? 4. Kanenge anafanya kazi gani? 5. Kwa nini Kanenge alilia akiwa hospitalini? USE 6. Taja dalili mbili za mtu anayeumwa ugonjwa wa UKIMWI. 7. Taja njia mbili zinazosababisha maambukizo ya virusi vya UKIMWI. 8. Andika kirefu cha neno UKIMWI. ONLINE 9. Kanenge alipata elimu ya UKIMWI kupitia chombo gani cha habari? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na insha uliyoisoma? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. yatima 2. nasaha 3. athirika 4. ridhaa FOR 5. tafakari 6. virusi 39 Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila nahau. 1. kaza moyo 2. kata roho 3. piga vijembe 4. kaa kitako 5. achia ngazi ## Zoezi La 4 Methali Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. ……………ni nzito kuliko maji. 2. Yaliyopita si ndwele, ………………. 3. Aliye juu, …………………… 4. ………………. si mtoro. 5. Mkono mtupu …………………... ## Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Onesha sentensi zenye kauli halisi au kauli taarifa. ONLINE Mfano: Rafiki yangu aliniambia, "Ninasoma somo nilipendalo." *Kauli halisi* Alisema kwamba hakukuelewa. *Kauli taarifa* (i) Amesema kwamba hawezi kuja shuleni. __________ (ii) "Tunakwenda sokoni," tulimwambia mama. ______ (iii) Mwalimu alisema kwamba tuwe makini. _______ (iv) Wanafunzi wote walijibu, "Tumemaliza kuandika zoezi." ____ FOR (v) Dereva alituambia kuwa abiria wote tufunge mikanda kwa usalama wetu. ________ (vi) Ni muhimu kufahamu kuwa elimu haina mwisho. _______ 40 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (vii) "Msicheze barabarani," kaka alituambia. ________ (viii) Shangazi aliniuliza, "Unaumwa nini?"______ (ix) Wote waliazimia kuwa wangejenga nyumba bora mwaka uliofuata. __________ (x) "Unatakiwa uanze kliniki," daktari alimwambia. _______ B. Weka herufi kubwa mahali panapostahili katika sentensi zifuatazo: ONLY (i) baba alimuagiza ashura arudi mapema nyumbani. (ii) hazole hajawahi kufika katika jiji la dodoma. (iii) njalambaya hajamsalimia mama leo. (iv) ameelekea upande wa kaskazini. (v) mwalimu wetu ni mwenyeji wa wilaya ya butiama. (vi) mimi nitasoma chuo cha ualimu butimba. (vii) mto rufiji umefurika. (viii) seni atanitembelea siku ya jumamosi. USE (ix) mbuga ya serengeti ina wanyama wengi sana. (x) shule zitafungwa mwezi novemba. ## Online C. Kuandika Kinyume Cha Maneno Yafuatayo: (i) ajuza ___________ (ii) injika ___________ (iii) joto ___________ (iv) ukaidi ___________ (v) cheka ___________ (vi) kimbia ___________ (vii) funua ___________ FOR (viii) kosa ___________ (ix) chelewa ___________ (x) bandua ___________ 41 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE D. Oanisha maneno ya sehemu A na maana zake katika sehemu B. | Sehemu A | | Sehemu B | | |------------|------------|-------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| | (i) | ajuza | (a) magonjwa | | | (ii) | balaa | (b) salamu za pole anazopewa mfiwa | | | (iii) | dharura | (c) madhara | | | (iv) | maafa | (d) burudisha | | | (v) | dhiki | (e) hali ya mazoea ya kufanya jambo fulani | | | (vi) | maradhi | (f) | hatari | | (vii) | tabia | (g) shida | | | (viii) | faragha | (h) mahali panapompa mtu nafasi kuzungumza kwa usiri | | | (ix) | rambirambi | (i) | jambo lililotokea bila kutarajia | | (x) | tumbuiza | (j) | mwanamke mzee | ONLY | | Sehemu A | Sehemu B | |-------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------| | | USE (a) kiini cha insha | | | (i) | Sisi ni wanafunzi wa Shule ya Msingi Chiloko. Siku moja tuliandaa mchezo wa kirafiki. Tuliwaalika wenzetu wa Shule ya Msingi Chibuna. | | | (ii) | Mchezo wa kirafiki | (b) kichwa cha insha | | (iii) | Hadi mwisho wa mchezo hakuna timu | (c) hitimisho | | iliyoona lango la mwenzake. ONLINE | (d) utangulizi | | | (iv) | Siku ya mchezo ilipofika filimbi ilipulizwa wachezaji tukaingia uwanjani, na tukaanza kucheza. Mchezo ulianza kwa nguvu, na umati wa watu ulikuwa ukitushangilia. | | ## E. Oanisha Sehemu A Na Sehemu B Ili Kuleta Maana. FOR ## Zoezi La 6 Ufupisho Fupisha insha ya Maisha ya Kanenge kwa maneno yasiyozidi sabini (70). 42 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 7 Utungaji Panga insha kwa kufuata mtiririko mzuri wa matukio. Tumia vifungu vya maneno A - D vilivyochanganywa. Kichwa cha habari kiwe "Bibi atembelewa na mjukuu wake." A. Siku moja alitembelewa na mjukuu wake aitwaye Shandola. Bibi alimpokea kwa furaha akasema, "Karibu sana mjukuu wangu. Lo! Siamini macho yangu kama leo nimepata mgeni hapa nyumbani kwangu." Shandola aliitikia, "Usijali bibi, nimeona leo nije kufurahi nawe katika mji huu wenye asali na maziwa." Baada ya salamu, alipewa kikombe cha maziwa ya mgando na viazi vya kuchemsha. Shandola alifurahi sana kula chakula hicho. ONLY B. Bibi Semuyeka alikuwa anaishi katika kijiji cha Isenya. Alikuwa anaishi peke yake baada ya kufiwa na mume wake. Aliachiwa utajiri wa mifugo na mashamba ya mahindi, maharage, na migomba. USE C. Jioni ilipofika, Shandola alimuaga bibi yake. Akamuahidi kumtembelea kila anapopata nafasi na kumsaidia kazi zitakazokuwepo. Bibi yake alimfungia zawadi za ndizi na maziwa. Wakaagana kisha akaondoka kurudi nyumbani kwao. ONLINE D. Baada ya kula aliingia jikoni, akakusanya vyombo vyote vichafu na kuviosha. Alifagia nyumba pamoja na uwanja wa bibi yake. Akakusanya nguo chafu na kuzifua. Bibi yake alimshukuru kwa kicheko cha furaha na kusema, "Ama kweli wahenga husema **mgeni njoo mwenyeji apone.** Umefanya mambo mazuri sana mjukuu wangu." 43 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Sita ![50_image_0.png](50_image_0.png) ## Kutambua Nafsi Katika sura hii, utasoma habari kuhusu "Sisi na wao." Kutokana na habari hiyo, utaweza kujifunza kuhusu nafsi zote tatu kwa kuzingatia umoja na wingi. Pia, utajifunza namna ya kutumia nafsi hizo katika sentensi au kifungu cha habari. ONLY Chunguza sentensi zifuatazo, kisha taja aina ya nafsi katika kila sentensi. (a) Wewe uliondoka nyumbani mapema. USE (b) Mimi nilifaulu mtihani wa Darasa la Nne vizuri sana. (c) Yeye amefua nguo zake zote. Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ONLINE ## Sisi Na Wao Mimi ni Fikira. Nina marafiki wanne, Choki, Zuna, Ndina na Nito. Sisi ni wanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano katika Shule ya Msingi Idona. Tuna marafiki wengine katika Shule ya Msingi Chokoni. Wao ni Chona, Dano, Dino, Ndila na Ngau. Tulizoea kujiita "sisi" na kuwaita marafiki zetu "wao." Nao walizoea kujiita "sisi" na kutuita sisi "wao." Sisi na wao tunaishi vijiji jirani. Sisi tunaishi katika kijiji cha Mkulicho. Wao wanaishi katika kijiji cha Mkocho. Sisi na wao ni washindani wa michezo wa siku nyingi. FOR Wakati wa likizo ya mwezi wa kumi na mbili tuliamua kufanya mashindano ya michezo mbalimbali. Mashindano hayo yalifanyika katika kijiji chetu. Sisi na wao tulishiriki katika mashindano hayo. Kulikuwa na michezo mitano. Michezo hiyo ni kukimbiza kuku, kukimbia, kuvuta kamba, mpira wa miguu na kuruka kamba. Mimi nilipenda sana 44 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE kukimbiza kuku na kuvuta kamba. Zuna alipenda kukimbiza kuku na kucheza mpira wa miguu. Yeye siku hiyo ali**kuwa na shauku** sana ya kukimbiza kuku. Watu wali**furika** kuja kuangalia mashindano kati yetu. Miongoni mwa hao watu alikuwepo pia babu kikongwe. Kila kikundi kiliingia uwanjani kwa mikogo. Mara tukasikia sauti ya babu **kikongwe** ikisema, "Ninyi wajukuu zangu, kumbukeni umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni udhaifu." Sisi na wao tulianza kushindana kukimbiza kuku. ONLY ![51_image_0.png](51_image_0.png) ONLINE Kila kundi lilikimbiza kuku kwa ustadi mkubwa. Babu kikongwe alituangalia sana huku aki**tabasamu**. Katika mashindano hayo, Dano ndiye aliyekuwa anakaribia kumkamata kuku. Sisi tulianza kukata tamaa. Hata hivyo, mimi nilikuwa namfuata nyuma yake. Nikasikia wenzangu wakiniambia, "Wewe kazana! Kazana! Kazana." Nikapata nguvu za ajabu, nikaongeza mbio, hadi nikaweza kumkamata kuku. Sisi tukaanza kushangilia kwa furaha, huku wenzangu wakinipigia makofi. Mimi nikawaambia wenzangu, "Ninyi mmenitia moyo kwa kuniambia nikazane." Choki, Zuna, Ndina na Nito walifurahi sana huku wakirukaruka. Wakanibeba juujuu wakisema, "Wewe umekuwa mfano wa kuigwa na unastahili **pongezi**." FOR Baada ya hapo, mimi, Choki, Zuna, Ndina na Nito tulipumzika pembeni pamoja na babu kikongwe tukiongea na kufurahi. Chona, Dano, Dino, Ndila na Ngau walikuwa wamekaa pembeni wakituangalia huku wakionesha 45 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE huzuni. Walikuwa hawana furaha kwa sababu hawakushinda mchezo wa kukimbiza kuku. Babu kikongwe akawaita wakaja pale tulipokaa. Babu kikongwe akawaambia, "**Asiyekubali kushindwa si mshindani.** Furahini tu wajukuu zangu." Sisi na wao tukaanza kuongea pamoja. Sisi tulibeba vyakula kama maziwa na mihogo. Wao walibeba vyakula kama mayai, viazi na nyama. Sisi tulitamani vyakula vyao na wao walitamani vyakula vyetu. Tuliamua tule chakula kwa pamoja. Mimi nilikula sana hadi nikaanza kutapika. Rafiki zangu wakanicheka sana. Babu kikongwe akawakemea kwa kunicheka. Ila akaniambia, "Unapokula, ukijisikia umeshiba, usiendelee kula kwa tamaa." ONLY Baada ya kumaliza kula, mimi nilitamani kuondoka pamoja na Chona, Dano, Dino, Ndila na Ngau. Hii ilitokana na utamu wa vyakula vyao. Choki, Zuna, Ndina na Nito walinikataza. Babu kikongwe akaniambia, "Wewe mjukuu wangu sio vizuri kuondoka nao. Ni vema urudi nyumbani mapema." Mimi niliamua kuondoka nao. Tulifika kijiji cha Mkocho giza likiwa limeanza kuingia. Wazazi wao waliniambia nirudi nyumbani kwetu. Nikaanza kurudi nyumbani kukiwa na giza **totoro**. Njiani nilikuwa naogopa, nikawa nakimbia. Ghafla nikakanyaga kitu kilichoteleza. Nikaanguka chini, huku nikipiga kelele, "Mama wee! Mama wee nakufa." Nilihisi alikuwa nyoka. Kumbe lilikuwa ni ganda la ndizi. USE ONLINE Nilipofika nyumbani niliwakuta wazazi wangu wamekasirika sana. Nikawaomba **msamaha**. Baba akasema, "Usirudie tena, na hutashiriki mashindano ya michezo mwaka mzima." Mama akasema, "Ama kweli samaki mkunje angali mbichi." Niliwaahidi sitarudia tena, halafu nikawasimulia kisa chote. 1. Kina nani walikuwa washindani wa michezo siku nyingi? 2. Marafiki hao walikutana wakati wa likizo kufanya nini? 3. Taja aina za michezo iliyokuwepo siku hiyo. 4. Rafiki zake Fikira walimwambia nini Fikira wakati wanakimbiza kuku? FOR 5. Kwa nini Fikira aliwafuata Chona, Dano, Dino, Ndila na Ngau kijijini kwao? 46 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 6. Babu kikongwe aliwaambia nini Chona, Dano, Dino, Ndila na Ngau? 7. Fikira alipewa adhabu gani na baba yake? 8. Kwa nini Fikira alipewa adhabu? 9. Fikira alipofika nyumbani kwa wazazi wake alifanya nini? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na habari uliyoisoma? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: 1. furika 2. kikongwe 3. tabasamu 4. pongezi 5. totoro 6. msamaha 7. kisa ## Zoezi La 3 Miundo Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila muundo. ONLINE 1. ………._ngali_………………_ngali_…….. Mfano: *Kibua angalisoma kwa bidii angalifaulu vizuri sana.* 2. ………………mara …………… Mfano: *Sikutochi alikuwa anatembea mara akakimbizwa na mbwa.* 3. ………………..ila ………………… Mfano: *Alikuwa anaumwa ila alikula vizuri.* FOR 4. Hatimaye ………………………….… Mfano: *Hatimaye maji yaliongezeka baada ya mvua kunyesha.* 5. ………….…_ngeli_ …………_ngeli_……… Mfano: *Wao wangelicheza kwa bidii wangelishinda mashindano.* 47 Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: Mfano: *Ajidhaniaye amesimama aangalie asianguke.* *Chovya chovya humaliza buyu la asali.* 1. Asiyekubali kushindwa……………………………… 2. …………................... angali mbichi. 3. Hakuna marefu ……………………………………… 4. Ukicheka na ngedere, ……………………………… 5. Umoja ni nguvu, …………………………………….. ## Zoezi La 5 Nahau Eleza maana ya nahau zifuatazo: 1. kata mtama 2. enda mwayo 3. piga jeki 4. vunja mbavu 5. kata kamba ## Online Zoezi La 6 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Pigia mstari neno linalowakilisha nafsi katika sentensi zifuatazo: **Mfano:** *Mimi ninacheza mpira.* (i) Wewe unaimba vizuri. FOR (ii) Yeye anasoma kwa bidii. (iii) Ninyi mnakula chakula. (iv) Wao wanaruka kamba. (v) Sisi tunacheka sana. (vi) Mimi na wewe ni marafiki sana. 48 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (vii) Sisi tunapika na wao wanalima. (viii) Ninyi na wao mtakuja kesho. (ix) Mwalimu anatupenda sisi. (x) Siamini kama mimi ndiye mshindi. B. Jaza nafsi sahihi katika nafasi zilizoachwa wazi kwenye sentensi zifuatazo: ONLY Mfano: ____ tunalima bustani kubwa ya nyanya. *Sisi tunalima bustani kubwa ya nyanya*. (i) ___ ninakula chakula. (ii) ___ anaimba wimbo mzuri. (iii) ___ wanacheza vizuri sana. (iv) ___ mnaruka juu. (v) ___ unalia kwa sauti. (vi) ___ tutarudi keshokutwa. USE ONLINE C. Kamilisha sentensi zifuatazo kwa kujaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi. **Mfano:** Bwina **lienda** nyumbani mapema. Bwina **alienda** *nyumbani mapema.* (i) Juma **___naenda** nyumbani. (ii) Wao **___nacheza** vibaya. (iii) Mimi **___licheza** vizuri sana. (iv) Sisi **____lishinda** mashindano. (v) Wewe **__lichelewa** kurudi nyumbani. (vi) Ninyi **___liwahi** kufika. FOR (viii) Sisi na wao **___lifurahi** pamoja. (ix) Watoto **___nacheza** mpira vizuri. (x) Mwalimu **___litusisitiza** tusome kwa bidii. 49 (vii) Yeye **___lichapwa** na baba yake. FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE D. Kanusha sentensi zifuatazo: Mfano: Sisi tunacheza mpira. *Sisi hatuchezi mpira.* (i) Mimi ninapiga kelele. (ii) Wewe unapiga makofi. (iii) Ninyi mnapiga piano. (iv) Wao wanaimba wimbo. (v) Yeye anaingia darasani. (vi) Mwalimu anawaangalia wanafunzi. ONLY E. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi, kisha andika herufi yake katika kisanduku. USE (i) _____ ninakwenda shuleni kila siku. (a) Wewe (b) Sisi (c) Mimi (d) Yeye (ii) Baba amelima shamba kubwa sana. Katika neno "amelima" silabi inayoonesha nafsi ni ipi? (a) li (b) me (c) ma (d) a ONLINE (iii) Tunaimba kabla ya kuondoka shuleni. Katika neno "tunaimba" silabi inayoonesha nafsi ni ipi? (a) tu (b) a (c) na (d) tu pamoja na na FOR (iv) Wingi wa neno "unywele" ni: (a) manywele. (b) unywele. 50 (c) nywele. (d) minywele. (v) Sentensi "Mwalimu anaingia darasani kila siku" ukanushi wake ni: (a) Mwalimu hatoingia darasani kila siku. (b) Mwalimu haingii darasani kila siku. (c) Mwalimu hutoingia darasani kila siku. (d) Mwalimu hawataingia darasani kila siku. ONLY (vi) Wao walikuwa hawana furaha. Taja aina ya nafsi katika sentensi hii. (a) Nafsi ya pili wingi (b) Nafsi ya kwanza wingi (c) Nafsi ya tatu wingi (d) Nafsi ya tatu umoja (vii) ______________ mlikuwa washindi. USE (a) Sisi (b) Yeye (c) Wao (d) Ninyi (viii) Wingi wa neno "mimi" ni: (a) wao (b) sisi (c) ninyi (d) wengi ONLINE F. Soma sentensi zifuatazo, kisha zibadilishe ziwe katika nafsi ya pili wingi. Mfano: Wao wanacheza mpira wa miguu. *Ninyi mnacheza mpira wa miguu.* Wewe unalia nini? *Ninyi mnalia nini?* FOR (ii) Wanasoma Shule ya Msingi Mbugano. (iii) Siku moja wakiwa darasani mvua kubwa yenye upepo mkali ilianza kunyesha. (iv) Ghafla paa la darasa lao liliezuliwa. 51 (i) Wao ni wanafunzi wa Darasa la Sita. ![57_image_0.png](57_image_0.png) FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (v) Wao walishtuka sana; wakaanza kukimbia nje. (vi) Wakati wanakimbia nje, paa liliwaangukia baadhi yao na kuwaumiza. (vii) Walioumia walipelekwa hospitalini haraka. (viii) Walitibiwa na kurudi nyumbani. Malizia kuandika habari ifuatayo kwa maneno kati ya sabini hadi themanini (70 - 80). ONLY Jina langu naitwa Bwina. Ninasoma Darasa la Tano. Ninacheza ngoma vizuri. Nilichaguliwa kucheza ngoma siku ya mahafali ya Darasa la Saba. Nilijiandaa kucheza vizuri siku hiyo. Siku ilipofika ni…................ 52 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Saba ![59_image_0.png](59_image_0.png) ## Wanyama Wafugwao Katika sura hii, utasoma hadithi inayohusu kisa cha wanyama kuishi na binadamu. Pia, utaweza kusimulia hadithi. Vilevile, utajifunza majina na faida za wanyama wafugwao na vyakula wanavyokula. ONLY 1. Je, nyumbani kwenu mnafuga wanyama? 2. Taja majina ya wanyama mnaowafuga. 3. Je, wanawapa faida gani? USE Soma hadithi ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Kisa Cha Wanyama Kuishi Na Binadamu ONLINE Hapo zamani za kale, wanyama wote waliishi porini. Walikuwa wakishirikiana kutafuta chakula. Simba alikuwa anashirikiana na ng'ombe, mbuzi, kondoo, mbwa, paka na punda. Walikuwa marafiki wa karibu sana. Waliishi kama ndugu wa kuzaliwa. Walikubaliana kutafuta chakula kwa zamu, huku wengine wakibaki nyumbani kulinda watoto wao wasiliwe na maadui. Chakula kilikuwa kinapatikana kwa shida sana. Ilifika zamu ya simba kwenda kutafuta chakula. Aliwaaga wenzake na kuondoka kwenda porini. Huku nyuma, ng'ombe aliwashawishi wenzake kwa kusema, "Jamani, naona maisha ya huku porini yanazidi kuwa magumu siku hadi siku. Tuondoke twende tukaishi kwa binadamu." Mbwa akauliza, "Hawa watoto wa simba tutawafanyaje?'' Ng'ombe akajibu, "Tuwatoroke.'' FOR 53 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Wote walikubali. Ng'ombe akawaambia, "Mkisikia sauti yangu moo... moo... moo..., kila mmoja akimbie na watoto wake.'' Watoto wa simba watakuwa wamelala. Baada ya muda mfupi ng'ombe alifanya hivyo, na wanyama wote wakakimbia. Simba aliporudi kutoka mawindoni hakuwakuta wenzake. Akashituka alipowaona wanawe wamebaki peke yao. Akapiga ukelele wa majonzi "Mamaaa! Uuuwi! Watoto wangu watacheza na nani?'' Alitazama huku na huku hakuona rafiki yake hata mmoja. Alilia sana kwa uchungu. Aliendelea kuwatafuta lakini hakufanikiwa kuwaona. ONLY Ng'ombe na wenzake wakiwa njiani kuelekea kwa binadamu, walianza kuzungumza. Paka alisema, "Tutafanya nini ili binadamu aweze kutukaribisha nyumbani kwake?'' Punda akasema, "Kila mmoja aeleze atamsaidia nini binadamu." Ng'ombe akasema, "Mimi nitamwambia binadamu kwamba nitampatia maziwa, siagi na **samli**. Pia, nitamsaidia kulima mashamba na kumpatia **samadi**." USE Punda akasema, "Mimi nitamsaidia kubeba mizigo na kulima mashamba kwa jembe la ku**kokota**.'' Mbwa akasema, "Mimi nitamlindia nyumba mchana na usiku." Pia, nitalinda mashamba yake dhidi ya wanyama waharibifu. Nitakula chakula kidogo anachokula yeye." ONLINE Paka akasema, "Mimi nitamwambia binadamu kwamba nitalinda mazao yake dhidi ya panya wanaoharibu mazao. Nitalala kwenye ghala la kuhifadhia mazao. Nitakula baadhi ya vyakula anavyokula yeye." Kondoo na mbuzi wao walisema, "Sisi tutamwambia binadamu kwamba tutampatia maziwa. Chakula chetu ni majani. Atatujengea **zizi** moja." FOR Baada ya mazungumzo hayo, usiku uliingia. Walikuwa wamechoka wakalala pangoni. Alfajiri waliendelea na safari yao ya kwenda kwa binadamu. Binadamu alipowaona, alishtuka na kuogopa. Akasema, "Ondokeni! Ondokeni ninyi wanyama." Wanyama wakambembeleza wakiomba awasikilize kwanza." 54 ![61_image_0.png](61_image_0.png) ONLINE Aliendelea kwa kuwauliza "Mnataka niwasaidie nini?" Ng'ombe akajibu, "Sisi tunaomba tuishi na wewe. Tumechoka maisha ya porini. Unavyotuona hapa tunahitaji msaada wako." Aliuliza tena, "Mtanisaidia nini endapo mtaishi na mimi?" Walijieleza kama walivyojadiliana wakiwa njiani. Baada ya kusikia maelezo ya kila mnyama, akawauliza tena, "Je, hamtanidhuru?" Walijibu, "Hapana hatutakudhuru. Tutakuwa watiifu siku zote." Binadamu akawakubalia. Akasema, "Nimesikia maelezo ya kila mmoja wenu. Hivyo, kuanzia sasa tutaishi pamoja. Kila mnyama atekeleze kile alichoahidi kukifanya bila manung'uniko." Wote walifurahi kuanza kuishi na binadamu. Mpaka sasa wanyama hao wanaishi na binadamu. Walikubaliana wasiwe wanaongea kabisa isipokuwa kama watakuwa na tatizo watoe mlio tu. FOR 55 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Jibu maswali yafuatayo kutokana na hadithi uliyoisoma. 1. Simba aliishi na wanyama gani? 2. Nani aliyewashawishi wenzake kwenda kuishi kwa binadamu? 3. Kwa nini wanyama waliamua kwenda kuishi na binadamu? ONLY 4. Wakati wanyama wanatoroka, watoto wa simba walikuwa wanafanya nini? 5. Paka alisema atamsaidia nini binadamu? 6. Nani alisema atamsaidia binadamu kubeba mizigo? 7. Walipokuwa njiani usiku wanyama hao walilala wapi? USE 8. Nani alielekeza wanyama wafanye kazi bila manung'uniko? 9. Binadamu aliwauliza nini wanyama? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na hadithi hii? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati ONLINE Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. pango 2. pembe 3. zizi 4. samadi FOR 5. kokota 56 Oanisha maneno ya sehemu A na sehemu B katika jedwali lifuatalo: | Oanisha maneno ya sehemu A na sehemu B katika jedwali lifuatalo | : | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|-------------------| | Sehemu A | Sehemu B | | | | (i) | aga dunia | (a) fanya kila njia (b) fanya kazi pamoja | | | (ii) | tia fora | (c) shangaa | | | (iii) | uma sikio | (d) fanya kwa uvivu | | | (iv) | fanya juu chini | (e) fundishwa nidhamu | | | (v) | vunja urafiki | (f) | pata faida | | (vi) | zaa matunda | ONLY | | | | (g) pita kiasi kwa uzuri au shinda kwa uzuri | | | | (vii) | shika adabu | (h) nong'oneza | | | (viii) | zembea kazi | (i) | kufa | | | (j) | maliza kazi | | | (ix) | bega kwa bega | (k) ruhusu watu waende | | | (x) | pigwa butwaa | (l) | kata uhusiano USE | ## Zoezi La 4 Methali Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. Mshika mbili …………….. 2. ………… harabu ya nzima. 3. Bandu bandu …………….. ONLINE 4. ………… ndiye rafiki wa kweli. 5. Baniani mbaya, …………… 6. ……… ungali maji. 7. ………….., vimeundwa. 8. Bora lawama, …………….. FOR 9. Fimbo ya mbali …………….. 10. ………….. nafuu ya mchukuzi. 57 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Katika orodha ya wanyama wafuatao andika wanyama** wafugwao. nyangumi, paka, twiga, swala, ng'ombe, chui, kondoo, kifaru, tembo, nyati, punda, sungura, kiboko, mbwa, nguchiro, fisi, ngedere, mbuzi, nyani ## B. Chora Wanyama Watatu Wanaofugwa Unaowafahamu. C. Badili sentensi zifuatazo kuwa katika wakati ujao. (i) Ngoma zinafikisha ujumbe kwa jamii. (ii) Leo ni sikukuu ya wakulima. ONLY (iii) Mwalimu alimpongeza mwanafunzi kwa kufaulu masomo yake. USE (iv) Wanafunzi wanatembelea mbuga za wanyama. (v) Mama anakwenda kazini. (vi) Safari ilipoanza tulifurahi sana. (vii) Mkuu wa shule alitoa shukurani kwa mgeni rasmi. (viii) Waliimba nyimbo za shangwe. (ix) Shule yetu imeshika nafasi ya kwanza katika masomo yote. (x) Shangazi aliniletea zawadi. ## D. Tunga Sentensi Kumi Kutokana Na Jedwali Lifuatalo: | kijijini | duka kubwa | |------------|--------------------| | nyumbani | mti mkubwa | | Pale | palikuwa na | | shuleni | visima vya maji | | mtaani | wanyama wa kufugwa | | sokoni | watoto wengi | ONLINE FOR E. Andika umoja na wingi katika maneno yafuatayo: Mfano: chuma - *vyuma* Umoja Wingi (i) ___________ wanyama (ii) ___________ masega 58 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iii) kidari ___________ (iv) maji ___________ (vi) mtemi ___________ (v) ___________ michezo (vii) mwanafunzi ___________ (viii) paka ___________ (ix) mto ___________ (x) ___________ vituo ONLY F. Herufi zifuatazo zimechanganywa. Zipange ili zilete maneno sahihi. Mfano: ngede - *ndege* wamb - *mbwa* kaap - *paka* (i) mbeto ___________ (ii) mbagu ___________ (iii) wigat ___________ (iv) neon ___________ (v) rigin ___________ (vi) ukis ___________ (vii) moot ___________ ONLINE (viii) tabuki ___________ (ix) mubiz ___________ (x) panud ___________ FOR Tunga hadithi fupi inayomhusu mnyama mmoja anayefugwa ukieleza faida zake na chakula anachokula. 59 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Nane ## Wanyama Wa Porini Katika sura hii, utajifunza kuhusu wanyama mbalimbali wa porini, utataja majina ya wanyama hao na sifa zao. Pia, utasoma, utasimulia na utaandika hadithi kwa mtiririko sahihi wa matukio. ONLY 1. Je, ulishawahi kuwaona wanyama wa porini? 2. Uliwaona wapi? 3. Uliwaona wanyama gani? Soma hadithi ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. Mkutano wa wanyama ONLINE Hapo zamani za kale, wanyama wote waliishi pamoja porini. Walishirikiana katika kazi mbalimbali. Mfalme wao alikuwa Tembo. Walimpenda sana kutokana na busara zake. Kwa muda mrefu waliishi kwa ku**tangatanga** na kupata chakula kwa taabu. Mfalme wao alifikiria sana kuhusu kutatua tatizo hilo. Alipata wazo kuwa awaite wanyama wote kujadili namna ya kutatua tatizo hilo. Alimwita Simba na kumuagiza, "Nenda ukawaalike wanyama wote kwa ajili ya mkutano wa kesho." FOR Simba alijibu, "Nitatekeleza mfalme wetu." Simba aliondoka na kunguruma u! Uuu! Uuu…! Kisha akasema kwa sauti nene, "Tangazo maalumu! Kesho, wanyama wote tunatakiwa kufika kwa mfalme wetu Tembo. Tutajadili namna ya kupata chakula. Asikose mnyama hata mmoja, uu... uu... uuu...!" Wanyama wote walipata taarifa hiyo. Kesho yake, wanyama wote walikutana kwa mfalme. Walikuwepo Simba, Fisi, Nyani, Ngedere, Swala, Nyati, Kifaru, Kiboko, Chui na wanyama wengine. 60 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Mkutano ukaanza. Mfalme akasema, "Ndugu zangu, mnaona tunavyopata shida ya chakula?" Wanyama wote wakaitikia, "Ndiyooo...!" Mfalme akaendelea, "Sasa nimewaita ili tujadili tatizo hili." Mjadala ulianza. Kila mnyama alitoa wazo lake. Nguchiro alisema, "Tushikamane kwa umoja wetu tulime shamba la pamoja. Mvua ikinyesha tupande mazao. Tutatumia samadi ili mazao yetu yastawi vizuri. Tutavuna na kuyahifadhi katika ghala." Wanyama wote walikubaliana na wazo hilo. ![67_image_0.png](67_image_0.png) ONLINE Mfalme akasema, "Nawashukuru sana kwa kutambua tatizo letu na kulipatia ufumbuzi. Ardhi yetu ina **rutuba** ya kutosha. Wahenga wetu walinena kwamba **umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni udhaifu**. Kwa hiyo, kila mmoja wetu aandae jembe, shoka na panga ili kesho tuanze kulima." Siku ilipofika, wanyama wote walifika shambani. Mfalme akamwambia Twiga, "Kwa kuwa wewe ni mrefu kuliko wanyama wote, angalia ni mnyama yupi hakufika na utoe taarifa." Twiga aliangalia huku na huko na kugundua kuwa Kiboko hakufika. FOR Wanyama walifanikiwa kulima shamba kubwa. Mvua iliponyesha walipanda mazao mbalimbali. Walipomaliza kupanda, mfalme Tembo akasema, "Kwa kuwa Kiboko hakushiriki kabisa tutamfukuza maana hana ushirikiano na sisi. Tuwe na zamu ya kulinda shamba letu." Wakakubaliana na mawazo 61 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE ya mfalme. Siku ya kwanza Simba alianza kulinda akasema, "Akija Kiboko nitam**finyangafinyanga**." Wanyama wakacheka hahaha! Wanyama wengine wakaondoka. Muda mfupi Kiboko alifika akamsalimia Simba, "Habari ya leo ndugu?" Simba alikaa kimya. Kiboko akasema, "Nywele zako zimekaa shaghalabaghala naomba nikusuke. Mimi ni **msusi** mzuri. Wanyama wote watakupenda na utachaguliwa kuwa mfalme baada ya Tembo ku**staafu**.'' Simba alifurahi kusikia atapendeza na kurithi ufalme. ONLY Kiboko akamwambia, "Twende pale juu ya mti nianze kukusuka.'' Walikwenda juu ya mti. Akaanza kumsuka huku akifunga manyoya yake kwenye mti. Alipomaliza kumfunga, akamwambia, "Sasa naenda kula mazao na kuyaharibu." Kiboko akashuka chini; Simba akabaki ana**ning'ini**a juu ya mti. Alipiga yowe wanyama wenzake wakakimbia kuja kumsaidia. Walimkuta Simba ananing'inia juu ya mti. Wakamsaidia kumtoa. Aliwasimulia kisa chote. USE Siku iliyofuata, wanyama walitawanyika kuzunguka shamba zima wakimsubiri Kiboko. Walijificha katika majani wakiwa na silaha. Siku hiyo kiboko hakutokea. Hawakukata tamaa. Waliendelea kulinda mazao yao siku hadi siku. Baada ya siku kadhaa kupita, Kiboko alienda tena katika shamba la wanyama. Alifika shambani na kuangalia huku na huko, lakini hakuona kitu. Wakati huo wanyama walikuwa wamejificha wakimsubiria Kiboko aingie shambani ndipo wamkamate. Alipoingia shambani, ghafla wanyama wakatokea pande zote wakiwa na silaha. ONLINE Kiboko aliangalia namna ya kuwatoroka lakini akashindwa kwa sababu wanyama walimzingira. Walimkamata na kumpeleka kwa Mfalme Tembo. Mfalme akasema, "Ndugu yangu **siku za mwizi ni arobaini.** Adhabu yako ni kuondoka huku nchi kavu ukaishi majini kuanzia sasa. Ninaamuru jeshi langu likupeleke ziwani au mtoni, ukaishi huko siku zote za maisha yako." Hadi leo Kiboko anaishi majini na hutoka nje wakati wa usiku kutafuta chakula. Mchana anaogopa kutoka nje kwa hofu ya kukamatwa na wanyama. FOR 62 Jibu maswali yafuatayo kutokana na hadithi uliyoisoma. 1. Nani alikuwa mfalme wa wanyama? 2. Mfalme alimwita nani kutoa tangazo la mkutano? 3. Mnyama yupi ni mrefu kuliko wanyama wengine? 4. Mnyama yupi hakufika kwenye mkutano? 5. Nani alitoa wazo la kulima shamba? 6. Wanyama walilima mazao ya aina gani? 7. Mazao waliyoyavuna waliyahifadhi wapi? USE 8. Mnyama gani alining'inizwa juu ya mti? 9. Mnyama gani alifukuzwa nchi kavu? 10. Kwa nini alifukuzwa nchi kavu? 11. Hadithi hii inakufundisha nini? Zoezi la 2 Msamiati ONLINE Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. tangatanga 2. finyanga 3. shaghalabaghala 4. msusi 5. staafu 6. ning'inia FOR 7. rutuba 63 Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. Ndege mjanja ……………… 2. Tamaa mbele, …………….. 3. ……………… hajikwai. 4. …………. yavuta heri. 5. Usipoziba ufa, …………….. 6. Si vyote ving'aavyo ………….. 7. ……………. halikuli likakwisha. 8. ………………. si mkulima. 9. Ndege hutua kwenye mti, …………….. 10. …………… halina ubani. ## Zoezi La 4 Vitendawili Tegua vitendawili vifuatavyo: ONLINE 1. Daima hunifuata nyuma, nikimfuata hunikimbia. _______ 2. Anaoga sana lakini hatakati.__________ 3. Mwanangu akichanganyika na wenzake simtambui. ____ 4. Hesabu yake haina faida._____________ 5. Kila ukiwakuta wamejiandaa kupigana. _____________ 6. Kisima cha mfalme hakikauki. ___________ 7. Maji ya kisima changu hayanyweki ._________ FOR 8. Watoto wa Mungu hawahesabiki. ____________ 9. Ukoo wetu hauishiwi safari._______________ 64 Toa maana ya nahau zifuatazo: Mfano: zunguka mbuyu - *kupokea rushwa* 1. mwaga unga…………… 2. ana ndimi mbili…………… 3. mezea mate……………. 4. piga mbiu………… 5. kaa chonjo…………… 6. shika mkia………….. 7. tia chumvi…………… 8. angua kicheko…………. ## Zoezi La 6 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Oanisha maneno yenye maana sawa kutoka sehemu A na B. USE | Sehemu | A | Sehemu | B | |----------|---------|------------------------------|-------------------------------| | (i) | nyati | (a) aibu | | | (ii) | maringo | (b) sherehe | | | (iii) | paka | (c) boma au banda la wanyama | | | (iv) | samadi | (d) munyu | | | (v) | zizi | (e) majivuno | | | (vi) | nasaha | (f) | neema | | (vii) | chumvi | (g) mawaidha | | | (viii) | fedheha | (h) mbogo | | | (ix) | riziki | (i) | mbolea ya kinyesi cha wanyama | | (x) | tafrija | (j) | nyau | | ONLINE | | | | FOR B. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo: (i) kizuri ___________ (ii) mbali ___________ (iii) tamu ___________ 65 (iv) huzuni ___________ (v) zomea ___________ (vi) tandika ___________ (vii) uza ___________ (viii) fuma ___________ (ix) ongea ___________ (x) shika ___________ C. Pigia mstari neno ambalo ni tofauti na mengine. Mfano: mbu, mbuzi, mbung'o, nzi, kunguni mahindi, kunde, miwa, maharage, njegere (i) ng'ombe, nyani, chui, njiwa, kondoo (ii) ukucha, kidole, mkono, kiwiko, uso (iii) bata, mbuni, nyoka, chiriku, kunguru (iv) rede, dama, ukuti, karata, chupa USE (v) shati, blanketi, kofia, suruali, kaptura (vi) wali, ugali, chai, pilau, kande (vii) fisi, chui, simba, ng'ombe, nyani (viii) kambare, kaa, perege, sangara, kibua ONLINE D. Jaza nafasi zilizo wazi kwa kutumia maneno yaliyomo kwenye kisanduku. kilele, mshahara, kidari, yatima, semadari, karne, mbuni, chui, tetekuwanga, almasi Mfano: Chukua kwa nguvu _______ *Chukua kwa nguvu nyakua.* (i) _____ ni aina ya ugonjwa unaoambukiza. FOR (ii) Mnyama mkali mwenye madoamadoa anayeishi porini ____ (iii) Miaka mia moja _______ (iv) Sehemu ya juu kabisa ya mlima________ 66 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (v) Ndege mkubwa zaidi na mwenye mbio sana_____ (vi) Mtoto aliyefiwa na wazazi_______ (vii) Aina ya kitanda________ (viii) Aina ya madini magumu yanayopatikana ardhini____ ## Zoezi La 7 Ufupisho ONLY Fupisha hadithi ya "Mkutano wa wanyama" kwa maneno yasiyozidi sabini (70). Simulia ziara katika mbuga yoyote ya wanyama kwa kufuata mtiririko wa picha zifuatazo, kisha uandike hadithi fupi. ![73_image_0.png](73_image_0.png) FOR 67 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Tisa ## Maua Katika sura hii, utasoma shairi linalohusu maua. Utajifunza kuhusu majina ya maua, sifa zake, utunzaji na umuhimu wake. Pia, utatunga shairi fupi kulingana na vitu vinavyokuzunguka katika mazingira yako. ONLY 1. Je, unapenda maua? 2. Unapenda maua gani? 3. Uliona wapi maua? Ufahamu USE ![74_image_0.png](74_image_0.png) Soma na ghani shairi lifuatalo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Bustani Ya Maua ![74_Image_1.Png](74_Image_1.Png) 1. Enyi jicho la taifa, **tunu** *kuwaandalia,* ![74_image_2.png](74_image_2.png) ONLINE Motomoto zenu sifa, darasa hili sikia, Yangu haya maarifa, kinga mikono pokea, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. FOR 2. *Maua hupatikana, kila kona duniani,* ![74_image_3.png](74_image_3.png) Yapo yenye kupatana, yakipandwa *masikani*, Ua hutambulikana, kwa pua au *uoni*, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 68 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 3. *Miti ina utajiri, wa maua mbalimbali,* Na matunda hu**shamiri**, karibu hata kwa mbali, Wanyama ndege wakiri, hufurahia *manzili*, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 4. Twatambua kwa majina, **ua sa' sita** *murua,* Rangi zake kuziona, machoni zinavutia, Ma**waridi** *kupangana, rangize kugombania,* Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 5. **Asumini** *nalo ua, jioni linachanua,* Harufu nzuri kutoa, popote linanukia, USE Shada kutengenezea, na nywele kuzifungia, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 6. Lingine ua la **mwafu***, mafuta kutengeneza,* Huvutia kwa harufu, ni nzuri ya kupendeza, Mkayakaya nasifu, ua lake huangaza, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. ONLINE 7. *Matunzo yalo muhimu, palizi hata mbolea,* Maji yasiwe adimu, kumbuka ku*pogolea*, Na viwavi wasidumu, kuisitisha *ghasia*, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. FOR 8. Faida kujipatia, ni nyingi kupitiliza, Bayana kukutajia, utajiri natangaza, Wapambaji hununua, ili kumbi kupendeza, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. ![75_image_0.png](75_image_0.png) 69 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 9. **Ghaibuni** *twapeleka, na wao huyanunua,* ![76_image_0.png](76_image_0.png) Dola *nyingi twazishika, uchumi kuunyanyua,* Epuka kuhangaika, sasa ajira pokea, Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. 10. Wito wangu sasa kwenu, jembe na mbegu mshike, Shuleni kumbuka kwenu, maua mahali pake, Maua **fahari** *yenu, na kanuni mzishike,* Maua ni kitu bora, mazingira kuyapamba. ![76_image_1.png](76_image_1.png) ![76_image_2.png](76_image_2.png) 1. Shairi ulilosoma linahusu nini? USE 2. Taja majina matatu ya maua yaliyomo katika shairi ulilosoma. ONLINE 3. Taja aina mbili za wadudu wanaopenda kutembelea sehemu zenye maua. 4. Ua la asumini hutumika kufanyia nini? 5. Maua yana faida gani? 6. Ubeti wa saba unazungumzia nini? 7. Mdudu gani ametajwa kuwa ni hatari kwenye maua? 8. Maua yanapopelekwa ughaibuni taifa hupata nini? FOR 9. Kwa nini mwandishi anasema maua ni kitu bora? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na shairi hili? 70 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. tunu 2. fahari 3. pogolea 4. ughaibuni 5. dola 6. ghasia 7. shamiri ## Zoezi La 3 Miundo USE Soma miundo ifuatayo, kisha tunga sentensi tatu kwa kila muundo. 1. ……........vingi…………. Mfano: *Mwalimu ameleta vitabu vingi leo*. 2. ………….. wengi………… Mfano: *Bata wengi wanaogelea bwawani*. ONLINE 3. …………mingine……………. Mfano: *Migomba mingine ilinyauka*. 4. ……………wengine……………. Mfano: Wachezaji wengine *watafika leo*. ## Zoezi La 4 Methali FOR Chagua methali sahihi kutoka kwenye kisanduku, kisha iandike mbele ya maelezo yanayoonesha matumizi yake. 71 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni udhaifu. Asiyefunzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki wa kweli. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu. Ukiona vyaelea, ujue vimeundwa. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo. 1. Mzee Mdolo alikuwa anatetea tabia ya wizi iliyokuwa inafanywa na mtoto wake hapo kijijini. Siku moja, mtoto wake aliiba mbuzi kwenye zizi la baba yake. Tangu siku hiyo, mzee Mdolo aliamini kuwa ................... ONLY 2. Kijiji cha Namile kilivamiwa na chui. Mwenyekiti alipiga mbiu ya mgambo. Wanakijiji walikusanyika haraka wakaenda kumsaka. Baada ya muda mfupi chui alikuwa ameuawa. Sasa nimeamini kuwa ............................. USE 3. Nilikuwa mchezaji mzuri wa mpira wa miguu kwa miaka mingi. Siku moja nilivunjika mguu uwanjani. Wachezaji wote waliniacha uwanjani nikigaagaa kwa maumivu. Kamokene alinionea huruma; alinibeba na kunipeleka hospitalini. Nikakumbuka usemi wa wahenga usemao kuwa ................. ONLINE 4. Shazimwa ni mwanafunzi aliyekuwa na mahudhurio hafifu shuleni. Walimu na wazazi wake walimshauri kuacha tabia hiyo lakini hakuwasikia. Katika matokeo ya kuhitimu elimu ya msingi, Shazimwa ndiye mwanafunzi pekee aliyefeli mtihani. Sasa amejifunza kuwa ........................................ ## Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Herufi zifuatazo zimechanganywa. Zipange ili uunde maneno** sahihi. FOR Mfano: muaa - *maua* kutabi - *kitabu* muwali - *walimu* (i) ngizirama _________ (ii) diwari _________ 72 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iii) pipevoe _________ (iv) lisaa _________ (v) ntuu _________ (vi) dalo _________ (vii) woti _________ (viii) funawanzi _________ (ix) chonima _________ (x) fasi _________ B. Andika nyakati za sentensi zifuatazo: Mfano: Ulicheza mpira. *wakati uliopita* USE Wote watapatana kesho. *wakati ujao* Watoto wanakimbia taratibu. *wakati uliopo* (i) Sisi tulicheza mchana kutwa. __________ (ii) Wananchi wanafanya usafi wa mazingira kwa pamoja. _____ (iii) Mjomba atakupitia shuleni. ___________ ONLINE (iv) Unapanga kazi yako vizuri. __________ (v) Nitafaulu mtihani wangu wa mwisho. __________ (vi) Unauliza kuhusu nini?___________ (vii) Kwa nini ulipigwa?___________ FOR (viii) Nitasoma masomo ya ziada. __________ (ix) Alikuwa mvumilivu sana. ___________ (x) Atakusanya vitabu vya masomo yote. ____________ 73 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE C. Andika maneno yenye maana sawa na maneno yafuatayo: Mfano: kidonda - *jeraha* (i) nusuru _________ (ii) pongezi _________ (iii) jogoo _________ (iv) mkonge _________ (v) katuni _________ (vi) wigo _________ (vii) msitu _________ (viii) hatimaye _________ (ix) ama _________ (x) faulu _________ USE D. **Chagua jibu sahihi kutoka kwenye mabano kisha, jaza nafasi** zilizoachwa wazi. Mfano: Mdogo wangu *amelala* tangu asubuhi. (*amerala, amelala*) Mama amepata *jeraha* mguuni. (*jelaha, jeraha*) (i) Garimoshi hupita juu ya_______. (*reli, leli*) (ii) Mama amepika________tangu mchana. (*ugari, ugali*) ONLINE (iii) Kaka amefanya kazi ya _______zaidi ya wiki moja. (*ukuri, ukuli)* (iv) Mjomba ni _________wa miwa. (*mkulima, mkurima*) (v) Ntula alipika_______. (*maharage, mahalage*) FOR (vi) Kabilo ________mtihani wa Darasa la Nne. (*amefaulu, amefauru*) (vii) __________wiki ijayo. (*shule zote zitafungwa, mashule yote yatafunga*) (viii) Baada ya kufiwa na wazazi wake alipewa______. (*rambirambi, lambilambi*) 74 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE E. **Badili sentensi zifuatazo kuwa katika wingi.** Mfano: Anacheza uwanjani kila siku. *Wanacheza uwanjani kila siku.* (i) Mwalimu amemwadhibu mwanafunzi. (ii) Rangi ya ua hili inavutia sana. (iii) Dada yangu anapenda ua la rangi nyekundu. (iv) Kipepeo anapenda kuruka kwenye maua. (v) Nyumbani kwangu nimepanda ua. ONLY (vi) Mgomba umestawi karibu na banda la kuku. (vii) Kiti anachokalia mwalimu kimevunjika. (viii) Kijiji chetu kipo nyuma ya mlima. (ix) Kisima cha shule kimetengenezwa. (x) Mwanafunzi aliyechelewa amepewa adhabu. USE F. Pigia mstari neno ambalo ni tofauti na maneno mengine. (i) treni, baiskeli, pikipiki, bajaji, punda (ii) kuku, bata, njiwa, kunguru, kanga (iii) mchungwa, mpira, mpera, mchenza, mfenesi (iv) gauni, blauzi, kanga, kanzu, sketi (v) meli, boti, gari, ngalawa, jahazi (vi) sahani, kijiko, ungo, kikombe, bakuli ONLINE (viii) mshororo, ubeti, mizani, majigambo, vina FOR Tunga shairi lenye beti mbili. Kichwa cha shairi kiwe ni **Maua yetu**. 75 (vii) alizeti, pamba, karanga, mawese, maharage FOR ONLINE USE ONLY ![82_image_0.png](82_image_0.png) DO NOT DUPLICATE ## Shughuli Za Kila Siku Katika sura hii, utasoma habari kuhusu shughuli za kila siku. Pia, utaweza kueleza shughuli unazofanya nyumbani na shuleni. Vilevile, utaweza kuandika ratiba ya shughuli za kila siku na habari fupi kwa mpangilio mzuri. ONLY 1. Shughuli gani huwa unazifanya unapokuwa shuleni? 2. Umewahi kuona ratiba? USE 3. Je, wewe una ratiba ya shughuli za kila siku za nyumbani na shuleni? Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Chiku Anafanya Nini Kila Siku? Chiku: Nikiamka ninakwenda kuwasalimu wazazi wangu. Baada ya hapo, ninasafisha chumba changu. Kisha ninapiga mswaki na kuoga. Sura ya Kumi ONLINE Siku moja mwalimu wetu wa Kiswahili alileta redio darasani. Alifungua redio na kutuambia sote tusikilize. Lengo lake lilikuwa tusikilize mazungumzo kati ya mtangazaji wa redio na mshindi wa shindano la uandishi wa insha. Mshindi huyo alikuwa ni mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano aitwaye Chiku. Wote tulikaa kimya na kuanza kusikiliza kwa makini mazungumzo hayo yaliyotukosha mioyo. Mtangazaji: Chiku, hongera sana kwa kushinda shindano la uandishi wa insha. Jitambulishe kwa watoto wenzako wanaokusikiliza na uwaeleze **ratiba** yako ya kila siku. FOR Chiku: Kwa jina ninaitwa Chiku Maneno. Ninasoma Darasa la Tano. Huwa ninaamka saa 12:00 asubuhi kila siku. Mtangazaji: Hebu tueleze, ukishaamka unafanya shughuli gani? 76 | | | FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| | Mtangazaji: | Aha! Ni jambo jema sana Chiku kuwasalimia wazazi kabla ya yote. Ukishaoga unafanya nini? | | | Chiku: | Ninavaa nguo za shule na kupata kifungua kinywa, kisha ninakwenda shuleni saa 12:45 asubuhi. Nifikapo shuleni, husafisha eneo langu mpaka muda wa kuingia darasani unapowadia. | | | Mtangazaji: | Kumbe shule yenu inazingatia sana usafi! Vipindi huwa vinaanza saa ngapi hadi saa ngapi? | | | Chiku: | Vipindi huanza saa 2:00 asubuhi. Hapo tunakuwa na vipindi vitatu halafu tunapumzika saa 4:00 mpaka saa 4:30 asubuhi. ONLY | | | Mtangazaji: | Baada ya mapumziko huwa mnafanya nini? | | | Chiku: | Tunaingia tena darasani na kusoma vipindi vitatu. Vipindi hivyo hukamilika saa 6:30 mchana halafu tunapumzika kidogo. Tunacheza nje kwa dakika kumi halafu tunaingia tena darasani kusoma mpaka saa 8:00 mchana. Kuanzia saa 8:00 mpaka saa 8:30 mchana ni muda wa kufanya shughuli za usafi wa mazingira. USE | | | Mtangazaji: | Kwa hiyo huwa unarudi nyumbani saa ngapi? | | | Chiku: | Huwa tunatawanyika kurudi nyumbani saa 8:30 mchana. Nikifika nyumbani nakula na kupumzika. Ifikapo saa 12:00 jioni, huwa ninawafungia kuku na mabata bandani. | | | Mtangazaji: | Asante sana Chiku. Je, siku za Jumamosi na Jumapili huwa unafanya nini? Unapiga usingizi tu nyumbani? | | | ONLINE | | | | Chiku: | Hapana. Sipendi kupiga usingizi. Jumamosi na Jumapili siendi shuleni, lakini ninafanya kazi za nyumbani. Jumamosi, kuanzia saa 2:00 mpaka saa 3:00 asubuhi, huwasaidia wazazi shughuli mbalimbali. Shughuli hizo ni kama vile kutunza na kumwagilia bustani ya mbogamboga. Nikitoka bustanini, nafua sare zangu za shule na kujisomea. | | | Mtangazaji: | Je, kuna ugumu wowote katika kufanya shughuli zote hizo kwa utaratibu? | | | Chiku: | Hapana, kwangu hakuna ugumu wowote. | | FOR 77 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Mtangazaji: Vizuri sana. Unawezaje kufanya shughuli zako hizo bila kusahau? Chiku: Mimi hutumia **ratiba** niliyoiandaa. Ratiba ni muhimu sana kwa kuwa inaniwezesha kufanya mambo kwa utaratibu bila kusahau. Mtangazaji: Asante sana Chiku. Nakushauri uendelee na tabia hiyo. Bila shaka watoto wanaokusikiliza wamejifunza jambo muhimu sana. ONLY Baada ya mahojiano kuisha mwalimu wetu akazima redio. Alituuliza maswali kadha wa kadha na kututaka tuandike insha kuhusu shughuli za kila siku. Mwisho akatu**usia** tuwe na tabia ya kujitengenezea ratiba. Ratiba ni muhimu kwa sababu hutuongoza katika shughuli zetu za nyumbani na shuleni. Sote tuliahidi kuiga mfano wa Chiku. USE 1. Kwa nini mwalimu alileta redio darasani? 2. Nani alikuwa anahojiwa na mtangazaji? 3. Chiku huamka saa ngapi kila siku? 4. Wanafunzi hufanya nini shuleni kuanzia saa 6:30 mpaka 6:40 mchana? 5. Chiku humaliza vipindi muda gani? 6. Kwa nini ni muhimu kufuata ratiba? ONLINE 7. Chiku hufanya shughuli gani siku ya Jumamosi kuanzia saa 2:00 mpaka 3:00 asubuhi? 8. Usafi wa mazingira hufanyika muda gani shuleni? 9. Taja siku ambazo Chiku haendi shuleni. FOR 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na habari ya Chiku? 78 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi moja kwa kila neno. 1. ratiba 2. mwagilia 3. sare 4. shughuli 5. tawanyika 6. wadia 7. usia ## Zoezi La 3 Nahau USE Eleza maana ya nahau zifuatazo, kisha tunga sentensi moja kwa kila nahau. Mfano: vaa miwani - *kulewa* Yeye alitembea kwa kuyumbayumba kwa sababu alikuwa amevaa miwani. ONLINE 1. piga usingizi 2. kosha moyo 3. piga mwayo ## Zoezi La 4 Methali FOR Chagua jibu sahihi linaloeleza maana ya methali zifuatazo: 1. Hakuna marefu yasiyo na ncha. (a) Hakuna jambo lenye mwanzo mrefu. (b) Hakuna jambo lisilokuwa na mwisho. (c) Hakuna kitu kisicho kirefu. (d) Hakuna jambo lenye mwanzo na mwisho. 79 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 2. Mtaka yote kwa pupa hukosa yote. (a) Anayetaka vitu vingi kwa tamaa hawi na mwisho mzuri. (b) Mtaka yote anapata mengi kwa pupa. (c) Asiyetaka yote kwa pupa hukosa yote. (d) Mtaka yote kwa pupa hana pupa. 3. Jungu kuu halikosi ukoko. (a) Jungu kuu ni kubwa sana. (b) Tajiri huhifadhi pesa kwenye chungu. (c) Jungu kubwa halina ukoko mwingi. (d) Tajiri hawezi kukosa chochote mfukoni. 4. Mchumia juani hulia kivulini. USE (a) Mchumia juani hutoa machozi kwa sababu ya maumivu. (b) Mtu anayetafuta kwa shida huyafaidi mavuno yake kwa raha. (c) Ukichumia juani utaona kivuli. (d) Anayevuna juani hatakula kivulini kwa raha. ONLINE 5. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki wa kweli. (a) Anayekufaa kwenye dhiki ana marafiki wengi. FOR (b) Rafiki wa kweli ni yule anayekufaa wakati wa raha. (c) Mtu anayekusaidia wakati wa shida ndiye rafiki. (d) Rafiki ndiye anayekuletea dhiki. 80 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Andika sentensi zifuatazo katika wakati ujao.** Mfano: Tunaandika insha kuhusu ratiba ya siku. *Tutaandika insha kuhusu ratiba ya siku.* (i) Chiku alihojiwa na mtangazaji wa redio. (ii) Mwalimu amekuja na redio darasani. (iii) Yeye humwagilia bustani siku ya Jumamosi. (iv) Wanafunzi hupumzika saa 4:00 asubuhi. ONLY (v) Kila mmoja wetu aliandaa ratiba yake ya siku. (vi) Ninawasalimia wazazi wangu asubuhi. (vii) Ninaamka asubuhi na mapema. USE B. Andika ratiba ya siku ya Jumatano kuhusu shughuli unazozifanya nyumbani na shuleni kuanzia asubuhi unapoamka mpaka usiku unapokwenda kulala. C. **Jaza sehemu zilizoachwa wazi katika ratiba ifuatayo kwa** kuzingatia maelezo ya Chiku. | Siku | Muda | Shughuli | |----------|----------------------------------|-----------------------------------| | Jumapili | Saa 12:00 jioni - saa 1:00 jioni | ………………………. | | Jumatatu | Saa 4:00 asubuhi - saa 4:30 | ……………………… | | | asubuhi | | | | ONLINE | | | Jumanne | Saa ………………. | Kutawanyika kutoka shuleni. | | Jumatano | Saa………………... | Kufungia kuku na mabata bandani. | | Alhamisi | Saa 2:00 asubuhi | ……………………… | | Ijumaa | Saa 6:30 mchana - saa 6:40 | ………………… | | | mchana | | | Jumamosi | Saa ………………. | Kufua sare za shule. | FOR 81 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Chunguza picha zifuatazo zinazoonesha shughuli za Adamu kwa siku ya Jumamosi. Elezea kila shughuli na muda ambao inafanyika. ![88_image_0.png](88_image_0.png) FOR 82 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Moja ## Hali Ya Hewa Katika sura hii, utajifunza kuhusu aina ya hali ya hewa inayopatikana katika mazingira yako. Pia, utajifunza faida za hali ya hewa katika mazingira yako. Vilevile, utajifunza vitu katika umoja na wingi pamoja na ukubwa na udogo. ONLY 1. Umeshawahi kusikia kuhusu hali ya hewa? 2. Ni aina ipi ya hali ya hewa inayopatikana katika mazingira yako? 3. Unajua faida yoyote ya hali ya hewa? USE 4. Unadhani mvua na upepo huleta madhara yoyote? Soma majigambo yafuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Hali Ya Hewa FOR ![89_image_0.png](89_image_0.png) ONLINE Mvua: Mimi ni mvua. Mimi ni matone ya maji ambayo hudondoka kutoka kwenye mawingu. Mimi nikinyesha, huwapa maji. Huwapa maji kwa ajili ya **kukata kiu** zenu. Huipa maji mimea na mifugo. Hii husababisha kilimo kuendelea. Hivyo, huongeza pato la taifa. Mimi niki**nyesha** sana, yaani nikizidi kiwango, husababisha **madhara**. Huweza kusababisha vifo vya watu na mifugo. Huweza kuharibu mimea, nyumba, barabara na madaraja. Mimi wakati ninanyesha, mnaweza kunikimbia au kujifunika kwa vitu mbalimbali kwa kuniogopa. Kuna wakati nisiponyesha, husababisha **ukame.** Ukame husababisha mimea kutoota vizuri. Pia, husababisha uhaba wa maji. Hii huweza kusababisha njaa na hata watu au wanyama kufa kabisa. Ndio 83 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE maana nisiponyesha muda mrefu, watu huanza kuniombea ![90_image_0.png](90_image_0.png) ninyeshe. Mimi hupimwa na kipima mvua. Hakuna kama mvua? ONLY Upepo: Mimi ni upepo. Mimi ni hewa isiyotulia, na **aghalabu,** huenda kwa kasi. Mimi hutokea kwa ku**vuma** pande zote za nchi. Huweza kuvuma Kaskazini, Kusini, Mashariki na Magharibi. Mimi pia huweza kuwapa nishati ya umeme. Mimi husaidia baadhi ya mimea kuzidi kuzaliana. Pia, huweza ku**peperusha** mbegu mbalimbali za mimea na kusababisha kwenda kuota sehemu nyingine. Hatimaye mimea hukua na kuweza kuwapa chakula. Mimi nikizidi sana, yaani nikiwa mkali sana, huleta madhara. Madhara kama vile kuezua mapaa na kuangusha miti. Hivyo, ninaweza kusababisha vifo vya watu au wanyama kutokana na madhara hayo. Mnabisha? Nije? Mimi huweza kufukuza mvua. Nikizidi sana, huwa mnajifunika nguo nyingi. Mimi hupimwa na kipima upepo. Hakuna kama upepo? USE ONLINE ![90_image_1.png](90_image_1.png) FOR 84 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Joto: Mimi ni joto. Mimi ni hali ya kuwepo na **umotomoto** katika nchi kutokana na jua au moto. Mimi huwaondolea baridi. Ndio maana watu wakipata baridi sana, huota moto ili kupata joto. Wakati mwingine, ninaweza kusababisha **fukuto** na kuleta mvua. Mimi husaidia kukuza mimea mikubwa kwa midogo inayohitaji joto. Mimi nikizidi sana, huleta madhara. Naweza kusababisha ukame ambao huleta uhaba wa maji. Pia, huathiri kilimo kwa sababu ninaweza ku**nyausha** mimea. Ninaweza kusababisha magonjwa ya ngozi. Pia, kupungukiwa na maji mwilini, na hatimaye, kusababisha vifo. Kuna wakati nikizidi, watu hupunguza nguo walizovaa. Mimi ninapimwa na kipima joto. Hakuna kama joto? ONLY ![91_image_0.png](91_image_0.png) FOR Baridi: Mimi ni baridi. Mimi ni hali ya hewa isiyokuwa na joto. Mimi huwaondolea joto na kuwafanya mjisikie vizuri. Mimi hustawisha baadhi ya mazao. Mimi nikizidi sana, husababisha watu kuota moto. Pia, mnajifunika nguo nzito na kuvaa masweta kujikinga na mimi. Vilevile, huweza kuwasababishia wengine muugue magonjwa kama vile nimonia na kukohoa. Wengine mnaweza 85 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE ku**babuka** na kuharibika ngozi zenu kwa sababu yangu. Hakuna ![92_image_0.png](92_image_0.png) ONLY USE Ukungu: Mimi ni ukungu. Mimi ni mawingu mepesi, meupe yanayotanda angani na kusababisha kutoona vizuri. Mimi huwa na majimaji au **unyevu**. Mimi hutegemea mazingira ya sehemu fulani. Mimi huweza kusababisha mawingu na mvua. Kuna wakati nikitanda huharibu baadhi ya mazao. Ngoja nije muone! Ninaweza kuwazuia msione vizuri baadhi ya vitu katika maeneo yenu. Hakuna kama ukungu? ![92_image_1.png](92_image_1.png) FOR 86 1. Kati ya mvua, upepo, joto, baridi na ukungu ungependa kuwa nani? Kwa nini? 2. Mvua alijigamba kuwa ana faida gani? 3. Mvua ina madhara gani? 4. Taja faida za joto zilizoelezwa. 5. Taja faida za baridi zilizoelezwa. 6. Upepo una madhara gani? ONLY 7. Kwa nini ukungu unaweza kusababisha baadhi ya vitu kutoonekana vizuri? 8. Joto lina madhara gani? 9. Ukungu una madhara gani? 10. Majigambo hayo yanakufundisha nini? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati USE Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: 1. nyesha 2. madhara 3. ukame 4. aghalabu 5. kasi 6. vuma ONLINE 7. peperusha 8. umotomoto 9. fukuto 10. nyausha FOR 11. babuka 12. unyevu 87 Tunga sentensi moja kwa kila nahau zifuatazo: Mfano: lala unono *Jana Donia alikula akashiba, akalala unono.* 1. kata kiu 2. kula njama 3. kufa maji 4. kufa kikondoo 5. piga winda ## Zoezi La 4 Vitendawili USE Andika vitendawili vyenye majibu yafuatayo: 1. ugonjwa 2. kujikwaa 3. firigisi 4. njia 5. kuota moto ## Online Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Kanusha sentensi zifuatazo: FOR Mfano: Mtoto alilia sana wakati wa usiku. *Mtoto hakulia sana wakati wa usiku.* (i) Mvua kubwa imenyesha kuamkia leo. (ii) Upepo ulivuma sana jana. (iii) Baridi ilipungua msimu uliopita. (iv) Joto limeongezeka wiki hii. 88 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (v) Ukungu unatanda zaidi maeneo ya mlimani. (vi) Miti mingi mikubwa imeanguka chini. (vii) Mashamba mengi yatakauka kwa ukame. (viii) Watoto wengi wanapenda sana michezo. (ix) Mama alipika chakula kitamu. (x) Kunjele anafanya fujo darasani. ## B. Andika Kweli Au Si Kweli Katika Sentensi Zifuatazo: Mfano: Ukungu unaweza kuitwa unyevu. *SI KWELI* ONLY Baridi husababisha watu wengine kuota moto. *KWELI* Joto husababisha vitu kutoonekana vizuri. *SI KWELI* (i) Mvua huweza kusababisha mafuriko. _______ USE (ii) Joto haliwezi kusababisha magonjwa ya aina yoyote. ______ (iii) Baridi haina faida kabisa. _______ (iv) Upepo huweza kuharibu nyumba na mimea. ______ (v) Ukungu hutanda kila siku angani. ________ (vi) Kuelewa hali ya hewa iliyopo katika mazingira yako ni muhimu. ________ (vii) Upepo huvuma kutoka Kaskazini kuelekea Kusini tu. ______ (viii) Mvua kubwa huweza kusababisha ukame. _______ ONLINE C. Kamilisha sentensi zifuatazo kwa kutumia maneno yaliyomo kwenye kisanduku. kali, mkali, kubwa, mingi, wengi, mengi, ndogo, kikubwa FOR Mfano: *Mvua kubwa imenyesha juzi.* (i) Watu ____ hupenda kunywa maji ya mvua. (ii) Upepo _____ umeharibu makazi. (iii) Mimea _____ humea kipindi cha mvua. 89 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iv) Shamba ____ limestawi vizuri. (v) Joto _____ limekausha mazao mengi. (vi) Maji_______ yameharibu mimea. (vii) Kibuyu______ kina maziwa. (viii) Bustani ______ inatosha kwa mboga za nyumbani. ## D. Badili Sentensi Zifuatazo Kuwa Katika Wingi. ONLY (i) Mti mkubwa umevunjika usiku wa kuamkia leo. (ii) Upepo mkali umevuma mchana huu. (iii) Kiti kimevunjika chote. (iv) Mtoto anapenda kunywa maziwa. (v) Mmea umestawi vizuri. USE (vi) Daraja limevunjika baada ya mvua kubwa kunyesha. (vii) Jino la juu linauma. (viii) Ukuta umebomoka kutokana na ufa. (ix) Ungo umetengenezwa kwa rangi nzuri. (x) Gurudumu la baiskeli lilipinda baada ya kugongwa na gari. ## Online E. Andika Kinyume Cha Maneno Yafuatayo: (i) asubuhi (ii) mchana (iii) kubwa (iv) inama (v) njaa FOR (vi) mlimani (vii) kushoto (viii) zama (ix) vaa (x) faida 90 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE F. Tunga sentensi kumi (10) tofauti kwa kutumia maneno yaliyomo kwenye jedwali lifuatalo: Mfano: *Ndoo kubwa imeanguka chini.* | Ndoo | kikubwa | kimeanguka | | |-------------------|-----------|--------------|-------| | Mti | kubwa | limeanguka | | | Embe | kidogo | umeanguka | chini | | Mimea | mkubwa | imeanguka | | | Kitabu | mdogo | zimeanguka | | | mikubwa | ONLY | | | | ndogo dogo midogo | | | | USE G. Kamilisha sehemu B kwa kujaza sifa za majina yaliyoorodheshwa sehemu A. | Na. | Sehemu A | Sehemu B | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------|------------| | (i) | mbwa | | | (ii) | maembe | | | (iii) | usiku | | | ONLINE (iv) wanafunzi (v) kiti (vi) twiga (vii) meno (viii) ukuta (ix) karatasi (x) kiatu | | | Mfano: mti *mrefu* FOR 91 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE H. Tumia herufi za maneno yafuatayo kuunda maneno mengine. **Mfano:** toa - ota (i) wazi (ii) tatu (iii) tai (iv) lewa (v) zoa (vi) lima (vii) mbao (viii) uza (ix) bisha (x) ona USE ONLINE Andika habari yenye maneno kati ya sabini hadi themanini (70 - 80) kuhusu hali ya hewa katika mazingira yako. Maswali yafuatayo yatakuongoza. 1. Hali ya hewa ni nini? 2. Eleza hali ya hewa katika mazingira yako. 3. Taja faida za hali ya hewa katika mazingira yako. 92 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Mbili ## Familia Yetu Katika sura hii, utasoma habari kuhusu familia yetu. Utajifunza umuhimu wa familia. Pia, utaandika insha kuhusu umuhimu wa familia. ONLY Fikiri 1. Familia ni nini? 2. Unaishi na nani nyumbani? 3. Kila mmoja wenu anafanya kazi gani nyumbani? Ufahamu Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Umuhimu Wa Familia USE Palikuwepo na familia moja yenye furaha. Watu wa familia hiyo waliishi kwa furaha na kushirikiana kwa kila jambo. Mchana walifanya kazi pamoja, jioni waliketi **upenuni** na kula pamoja. Baada ya chakula, kila mmoja alitoa burudani na kituko chake. Babu ndiye aliyewavutia zaidi kwa michapo yake ya kusisimua na kufurahisha. ONLINE Katika familia hiyo, walikuwepo watoto wawili mapacha, Kulwa na Doto. Kulwa alipenda sana kushirikiana na wenzake. Doto alipenda kujitenga na kufanya mambo mengi peke yake. Babu yake alimshauri kuwa ushirikiano katika familia ni muhimu sana. Alisema, "Hakuna binadamu anayeweza kuishi peke yake kwa mafanikio." Hata hivyo, Doto alimpuuza. FOR Alipokuwa kijana, nduguze walipozidi kumshauri ashirikiane na wenzake, Doto alikasirika. Akaamua kwenda kuishi porini. Aliondoka nyumbani kwa makeke. Huko porini alitembea kwa mwendo wa kibabe na hatua **madhubuti.** 93 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Alichagua eneo zuri porini akaandaa makazi na kulima shamba kubwa. Alilima kwa nguvu huku akijisifu, "Mimi ni nyati, shujaa, sishindwi kitu na sihitaji msaada. Siku zote shujaa husimama peke yake." Miezi mitatu baadaye, mazao aliyolima yakastawi vizuri sana. Alipanda juu ya mti mrefu na kutazama mazao kwenye shamba lake. Yalikuwa mengi na yamestawi vizuri sana. Alitabasamu huku akikuna kidevu kwa jeuri. Akanyoosha mkono na kusema, "Nilisema mimi sishindwi kitu, tazama mali ya shujaa. Nitakula nishibe miaka mingi kwa kadiri nitakavyo. Mungu anipe nini?" ONLY Majuma mawili kabla hajaanza kuvuna, Doto alipatwa na homa kali. Akatafuna mizizi ili kujitibu, lakini homa haikumwacha. Alidhoofika akakosa nguvu. Mara akayaona makundi ya ndege, ngedere na nyani wakila na kuharibu mazao yake. Walikula kwa furaha kama wanafanya sherehe. Wali**kwanyua** mahindi na kung'oa mimea aina kwa aina. Wakairusha huku na huko. Doto alitamani ku**amia** lakini mwili wake ulikuwa **taabani**. Hakuweza hata kuinua mkono juu. Akabaki akiwatazama tu huku machozi yakim**churuzika**. USE Aliikumbuka familia yake, akajisemea, "Sasa nimetambua umuhimu wa familia. Ningekuwa na familia yangu, haya yote yasingenitokea. Leo nimeamini maneno ya babu. Ama kweli umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu." ONLINE Siku mbili baadaye alipata nguvu kidogo aka**fungasha virago** na kurejea nyumbani kwa unyonge. **Mwondoko** alioondoka nao nyumbani sio aliorudi nao. Sasa alikuwa ameweka mikono yake nyuma. Safari hii hakutembea kwa makeke, bali alitembea kwa unyonge kutokana na afya yake kuwa dhaifu. Alipokelewa na mdogo wake aliyekuwa akitoka shambani kuamia ndege na kulinda wanyama walao mazao. Walipokaribia nyumbani, alimuona dada yake akitoka porini kukusanya kuni za kupikia. Hapo nyumbani, alimkuta baba yake akiwa anamkamua ng'ombe maziwa, na mama yake akiwa anapika chakula jikoni. Binamu yake, ambaye alikuwa bustanini akimwagilia mboga, alipomwona, ali**piga mbio** akamkumbatia Doto kwa furaha. FOR 94 ![101_image_0.png](101_image_0.png) ONLY USE Watu wote nyumbani hapo walimpokea ndugu yao kwa furaha na **moyo** mkunjufu. Mara, Kulwa alifika. Alikuwa ametoka hospitalini kumpeleka babu kupata matibabu. Kulwa alifurahi kumuona ndugu yake. Alimkaribisha kwa kusema, "Karibu ndugu yangu." Babu naye akamkaribisha kwa kusema, "Karibu mjukuu wangu. Hii ndiyo familia yako." Doto alijibu, "Asante babu, nimeamini hakuna anayeweza kusimama peke yake. Familia ni muhimu sana; iwe kubwa ama ndogo." ONLINE 1. Kulwa na Doto walikuwa na tofauti gani za kitabia? FOR 2. Kwa nini Doto aliamua kwenda kuishi porini peke yake? 3. Doto alipofika porini, alifanya shughuli gani? 4. Kwa nini Doto alishindwa kuamia ndege? 5. Doto alipougua, alikumbuka jambo gani? 6. Doto alipofika nyumbani, alipokelewa na nani? 7. Doto alipofika nyumbani, alikuta baba yake anafanya kazi gani? 95 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 8. Babu alimpokea Doto kwa kumwambia nini? 9. Familia ina umuhimu gani kwa binadamu? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na habari hii? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Eleza maana ya maneno yafuatayo: 1. mwondoko 2. makeke 3. upenuni 4. madhubuti 5. kwanyua 6. amia 7. taabani 8. churuzika ## Zoezi La 3 Nahau Eleza maana ya nahau zifuatazo: ONLINE 1. fungasha virago ....................... 2. kaza roho ....................... 3. moyo mkunjufu ....................... 4. kata maini ....................... 5. piga chenga ....................... ## Zoezi La 4 Mazoezi Ya Lugha FOR A. **Andika kinyume cha maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari katika** sentensi zifuatazo: (i) Bupe alirejea nyumbani akiwa ameweka mikono mbele. (ii) Nenda nyumbani ukashirikiane na ndugu zako. 96 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iii) Mtoto anacheka chumbani. (iv) Leo nimekumbuka kuandika insha niliyoambiwa na mwalimu. (v) Simwiko na Kufakunoga wanapendana. (vi) Hii ndiyo familia yako. (vii) Doto aliondoka nyumbani kwa makeke. (viii) Kaka alikubali tuhuma hizo. ## Only B. **Badili Sentensi Zifuatazo Kuwa Katika Wakati Uliopita.** (i) Hadithi hiyo itatusaidia kujua umuhimu wa familia. (ii) Kulwa amepokelewa vizuri na pacha wake. (iii) Babu anayumbayumba kwa kudhoofu. (iv) Nitakula na kushiba miaka mingi. (v) Tutaandaa makazi yetu porini. (vi) Wote tutapanda mlima hadi kileleni. USE (vii) Wanafunzi watapanga madawati yao kwa ajili ya mtihani wa muhula. ## Online C. **Andika Sentensi Zifuatazo Katika Wingi.** (i) Mgonjwa amelala kitandani tangu jana. (ii) Kikombe cha babu kimevunjika. (iii) Jiwe limeporomoka kutoka mlimani. (iv) Shati lake limechanika. (v) Panya alijificha uvunguni mwa kitanda. (vi) Simu ya mkononi ya mama imeibwa. (vii) Ugonjwa huu umeenea katika kata zote. FOR (viii) Mwalimu anaandika ubaoni. (ix) Hadithi hii ina funzo zuri. (x) Huyu kijana ana adabu sana. 97 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE D. **Kanusha sentensi zifuatazo:** (i) Mjomba alikwenda kisimani kuchota maji. (ii) Shangazi anafinyanga vyungu vizuri. (iii) Binamu alichinja beberu mkubwa. (iv) Baba mdogo amemnyoa nywele mdogo wangu. ONLY (v) Bibi anasuka kikapu chenye rangi mbalimbali. (vi) Dereva wa basi hili anaendesha taratibu. (vii) Msua ni mfinyanzi mzuri wa vyungu. (viii) Mtoto analilia chakula. (ix) Wachuuzi wameongezeka sana. USE (x) Shani amefaulu mitihani yake vizuri. ## E. Andika Sentensi Zifuatazo Kwa Usahihi. (i) Mimi ninakwendaga shule kila siku. (ii) Mwalimu Kagete analifundisha Shule ya Msingi Lumwani. (iii) Chaku analioshapo banda la kuku. ONLINE (iv) Baba yake Sima huzilima mpunga na mahindi. (v) Kazi huwasaidiana wanafamilia kuinua kipato. (vi) Alitaka amkutage amefika stendi. (vii) Baba yangu alikuja kesho. (viii) Pendo amehamishiwaga Kiteto. FOR F. **Andika KWELI au SI KWELI katika sentensi zifuatazo:** (i) Shangazi ni mtoto wa mjomba. __________ (ii) Binamu ni mtoto wa mjomba au shangazi. ________ 98 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iii) Mpwa ni mtoto wa mjomba. __________ (iv) Bibi ni dada yake mama. __________ (v) Shangazi ni dada yake baba. __________ (vi) Kitukuu ni mjukuu wa mtoto wako. __________ (vii) Wifi ni mke wa baba. __________ (viii) Mjomba ni kaka wa mama. __________ (ix) Mjukuu ni mtoto wa mwanangu. __________ (x) Babu ni kaka yake baba. __________ ## Only G. **Chagua Neno Sahihi Kwenye Kisanduku Ili Ukamilishe Sentensi.** USE alitozwa, turubai, taji, radi, posta, kifani, dhahiri, pancha, kuwapongeza, tumeazimia, shada (i) Tuliandaa sherehe ya _____ wanafunzi waliofaulu mitihani. (ii) Mwaka huu _______ kupanua shamba letu la maharage. ONLINE (iii) Malkia alivaa _________ lililotengenezwa kwa dhahabu. (iv) Nenda ________ ukatazame kama kuna barua zetu. (v) Wakati wa mvua, _______ ilipiga na kuangusha miti. (vi) Magunia ya mahindi yalifunikwa na __________ ili yasinyeshewe na mvua. (vii) Dereva _______ faini kwa kuendesha gari kwa mwendokasi. FOR (viii) Aliziba _______ zote kwenye tairi la mbele. 99 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 5 Utungaji Andika insha fupi yenye maneno kati ya sabini na themanini (70 - 80) inayohusu umuhimu wa familia. Andika kwa kuzingatia vipengele vya insha na matumizi sahihi ya alama za uandishi. Vidokezo vifuatavyo vikuongoze. 1. Jina lako ni nani? 2. Ni mtoto wa ngapi kuzaliwa? 3. Taja majina ya wazazi wako. 4. Eleza kazi unazofanya kila siku. 5. Eleza kazi wanazofanya wazazi au walezi wako. 100 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Tatu ## Barua Rasmi ![107_Image_0.Png](107_Image_0.Png) Katika sura hii, utajifunza jinsi ya kuandika barua rasmi. Utajifunza muundo wa barua rasmi. Pia, utaandika barua rasmi kwa kuzingatia mtiririko wa vipengele vya uandishi wa barua hiyo. ONLY 1. Je, umewahi kuandika barua? 2. Ulimwandikia nani? 3. Barua hiyo ilikuwa inahusu nini? Soma habari hii, kisha jibu maswali. Kabonza amuuguza mama yake Kabonza anaishi na mama yake katika kijiji cha Kashule. Anasoma Shule ya Msingi Tumaini iliyopo Wilaya ya Masasi, mkoani Mtwara. ONLINE Wakati wa likizo, Kabonza alimsaidia mama yake kufanya shughuli mbalimbali. Alimsaidia kazi za shambani pamoja na za nyumbani. Muda wa likizo ulipokaribia kuisha, mama yake ali**ugua** na kulazwa hospitalini. Kwa kuwa hali yake ilikuwa mbaya, aliwekwa chini ya uangalizi maalumu wa daktari. FOR Daktari alishauri awepo mtu wa kukaa na mgonjwa. Kwa kuwa Kabonza na mama yake waliishi peke yao, Kabonza alimwambia daktari kuwa, yuko tayari kumwangalia mgonjwa. Kabonza alianza kumuuguza mama yake. Aliendelea kumuuguza mpaka mwisho wa likizo. Licha ya huduma nzuri aliyoipata, Mama Kabonza hakupata nafuu. Hivyo, Kabonza alitakiwa kuendelea kumuuguza. Kutokana na hali hiyo, aliamua kuomba ruhusa kwa Mwalimu Mkuu. Aliandika barua ifuatayo: 101 Kijiji cha Kashule, S.L.P. 60, Masasi, Mtwara. *08/07/2018.* ONLY Mwalimu Mkuu, Shule ya Msingi Tumaini, S.L.P. 60, Masasi, Mtwara. Ndugu, USE YAH: OMBI LA *RUHUSA YA KUMUUGUZA MAMA* Tafadhali husika na kichwa cha habari hapo juu. Mimi ni mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano. Mama yangu anaumwa na amelazwa hospitalini. Hivyo ninaomba ruhusa ya kumuuguza kwa muda wa wiki mbili kuanzia tarehe 9 Julai mpaka tarehe 22 Julai, 2018. ONLINE Nitashukuru iwapo ombi langu litakubaliwa. Ni mimi mtiifu, K.Digo Kabonza Digo FOR Baada ya kuandika barua, aliituma kwa Mwalimu Mkuu, ambaye aliipokea na kuisoma. Baada ya kuisoma barua hiyo, Mwalimu Mkuu aliwaeleza walimu wenzake yaliyom**sibu** mwanafunzi wao. Kesho yake, walimu walikwenda kumuona mama yake Kabonza hospitalini. Mama alifurahi alipowaona walimu wa mwanaye wamekuja kumuona. Aliwashukuru sana. 102 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Baada ya wiki mbili kupita, mama yake Kabonza alipata **nafuu**. Aliruhusiwa na kurudi nyumbani. Kabonza naye alipata **mwanya** wa kwenda shule. Alipofika shuleni, alipokelewa vizuri na walimu. Walimu walimsaidia sana katika masomo yaliyompita. Pia, walimu walimpongeza sana Kabonza kwa kuandika barua ya kuomba ruhusa kwa Mwalimu Mkuu. 1. Kabonza ni mwanafunzi wa darasa la ngapi? 2. Shule ya Msingi Tumaini iko mkoa gani? 3. Kabonza anaishi na nani? ONLY 4. Kwa nini Kabonza alimwandikia Mwalimu Mkuu barua? 5. Kabonza aliandika barua kuhusu nini? USE 6. Kabonza aliomba ruhusa kuanzia tarehe ngapi hadi tarehe ngapi? 7. Walimu walikwenda hospitalini kumwona nani? 8. Kwa nini mama yake Kabonza alifurahi? ONLINE 9. Kwa nini walimu walimpongeza Kabonza? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na habari uliyoisoma? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. ugua 2. sibu 3. nafuu FOR 4. mwanya 103 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 3 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Andika KWELI au SI KWELI.** (i) Barua rasmi inatakiwa iwe na anwani nne. ________ (ii) Barua rasmi sharti iwe na salamu. ________ (iii) Siyo muhimu kuweka kichwa cha barua kwenye barua rasmi. _______ (iv) Barua uliyoisoma ina jina la mwandishi wa barua. ________ (v) Tarehe 22/07/2018 ni tarehe ya barua uliyoisoma. ________ (vi) Haitakiwi kuweka saini kwenye barua rasmi. ________ ONLY ## B. Andika Kinyume Cha Maneno Yafuatayo: (i) ugua __________ (ii) tuma __________ (iii) ruhusu __________ (iv) nuka __________ (v) kasirika __________ (vi) gumu __________ USE C. Panga vipengele vifuatavyo kwa kufuata muundo sahihi wa barua rasmi. FOR (i) Doto Jumanne (ii) Yah: Ombi la kushiriki mchezo wa kirafiki (iii) Wako mtiifu, (iv) 30/4/2018. (v) Mwalimu Mkuu, Shule ya Msingi Malugala, S. L. P. 257, Meatu. (vi) Mimi ni mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Tano. Ninaomba kwenda kushiriki mchezo wa kirafiki katika Shule ya Msingi Malugala. Mchezo huo utafanyika tarehe 28/05/2018 kuanzia saa 3:00 asubuhi hadi saa 8:00 mchana, katika viwanja vya shule hiyo. (vii) S.L.P. 257, Meatu. (viii) Ndugu, (ix) Tafadhali husika na kichwa cha habari hapo juu. (x) D. Jumanne ONLINE (xi) Nitashukuru kama ombi langu litakubaliwa. 104 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE D. **Tumia vipengele vilivyomo kwenye kisanduku kujaza muundo wa** barua rasmi uliyopewa. anwani ya mwandikiwa, jina kamili la mwandishi, anwani ya mwandishi, saini ya mwandishi, tarehe ya kuandika barua, mwanzo wa barua, salamu ya awali, mwisho wa barua, kiini cha barua, kichwa cha barua, salamu ya mwisho ![111_image_0.png](111_image_0.png) ![111_image_2.png](111_image_2.png) ![111_image_3.png](111_image_3.png) ![111_image_4.png](111_image_4.png) ONLINE (iii) ![111_image_1.png](111_image_1.png) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) FOR Andika barua rasmi kwa mwalimu wa darasa ukiomba msamaha kwa kosa la kufanya fujo darasani. Anwani yako iwe Shule ya Msingi Bombambili, S.L.P. 335, Songea. 105 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Nne ## Igizo Katika sura hii, utasoma na kuigiza igizo. Pia, utaeleza wazo kuu na fundisho katika igizo hilo. Utajifunza matumizi ya nafsi na nyakati katika kauli halisi na kauli taarifa. Utaweza pia kuandika habari kwa kutumia nafsi na nyakati. ONLY 1. Je, ulishawahi kuangalia igizo? Lilikuwa linahusu nini? 2. Wahusika walikuwa kina nani? 3. Je, wewe ulishawahi kushiriki katika igizo? Ufahamu Soma igizo lifuatalo, kisha jibu maswali. USE ## Maskini Tukutu Sauti ilisikika ikituarifu kuwa tayari **igizo** *linaanza. Watu wote walikuwa kimya* kabisa. Mara pazia lilifunguliwa. Wahusika wote wa igizo hilo walionekana jukwaani wakiwa wameganda *kwa mitindo tofautitofauti. Watazamaji* wakapiga kelele za shangwe kwa walichoona. ![112_image_0.png](112_image_0.png) FOR 106 | FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE | | | | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------|----------|-------|---------|---------|---------| | Kiongozi: | Igizo | letu | linahusu | mtoto | mtukutu | aitwaye | Tukutu. | | Tukutu alikuwa hawasikilizi wazazi wake, walimu na hata wanafunzi wenzake. Nini kitatokea? Tusimalize utamu. Tujionee wenyewe. | | | | | | | | | Waigizaji Wote: | Tunawakaribisha wote kujionea mambo mazuri | | | | | | | | | tuliyoandaa. Karibuni sana. (Wahusika wote wanajitambulisha uhusika wao na pazia linafungwa.) | | | | | | | | Watazamaji: | (Wote walipiga makofi, vigelegele na mbinja. Muda huohuo pazia linafunguliwa.) | | | | | | | | Mama: | Tukutu! Tukutu! Amka uende shule. | ONLY | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Aaa! Mama! Mambo gani hayo? Mbona unaniharibia usingizi? | | | | | | | | Mama: | Mwanangu, mbona siku hizi umebadilika? Tabia yako imekuwa ya ajabu! | | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Mama, nitakwenda shuleni baadaye. USE | | | | | | | | Mama: | Wewe! Unasemaje! Haya, oga haraka, kunywa chai nenda shule. (Tukutu anakubali. Anakwenda kuoga, anakunywa chai na kuondoka kwenda shuleni.) | | | | | | | | Mwalimu: | Tukutu, kwa nini umechelewa? | | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Mwalimu nilikuwa naumwa tumbo. | | | | | | | | ONLINE | | | | | | | | | Mwalimu: | Haya, ingia darasani haraka; kisha andika maswali yaliyopo ubaoni. Ni ya somo nililowafundisha jana. | | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Mwalimu, mimi sina kalamu. Siwezi kuandika kwa sababu sioni ubaoni. (Tukutu anatoa sababu nyingi.) | | | | | | | | Mwalimu: | Haya kalamu hii hapa. Sasa ninataka ujibu maswali katika daftari lako. (Mwalimu anaondoka. Tukutu anabaki akiwasumbua wenzake darasani.) | | | | | | | | FOR Tukutu: | Kisa, ninataka unijibie maswali yote. Usipofanya hivyo, nitakupiga. | | | | | | | 107 | | FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE | | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------|--------|------------|---------|----------| | Kisa: | Jibu | mwenyewe. | Siwezi | kukujibia. | (Tukutu | anafanya | | fujo darasani; anawanyang'anya madaftari | ili | anakili | | | | | | majibu ya wenzake. Wenzake wanakataa. Yeye anaanza kuwapiga.) | | | | | | | | Masikitiko: | (Masikitiko akielekea ofisi ya walimu kutoa taarifa kwa mwalimu.) Mwalimu, Tukutu anatusumbua darasani. Anatupiga na kutunyang'anya madaftari. | | | | | | | Mwalimu: | (Mwalimu anaingia darasani.) Tukutu njoo ofisini haraka. (Tukutu anamfuata mwalimu.) Tukutu una nini wewe? Kwa nini unawasumbua wenzako darasani? (Mwalimu anamfokea Tukutu.) ONLY | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Mwalimu, mimi sitaki kusoma. (Tukutu anarusha mikono.) | | | | | | | Mwalimu: | Nenda nyumbani kamwite mzazi wako. (Tukutu anarudi nyumbani. Njiani anakutana na rafiki yake Kiduku.) | | | | | | | Kiduku: | Aaa! Tukutu unakwenda wapi? Twende huku ukatulize akili. USE | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Sasa rafiki yangu Kiduku unataka twende wapi? | | | | | | | Kiduku: | Twende nikupeleke sehemu moja ukafurahie ulimwengu. (Tukutu anakubali na kumfuata Kiduku.) | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Sehemu hiyo ina nini cha kunifurahisha? | | | | | | | Kiduku: | Wewe fuata nyuki ule asali; utafurahi tu. (Wote wanacheka, haa! Haa! Haa! Wanafika uchochoroni sehemu iliyojificha ambayo Kiduku hukutania na vibaka wenzake.) | | | | | | | ONLINE | | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Hapa umepajuaje? Mbona panatisha? | | | | | | | Kiduku: | Sasa uko hatarini, kwa usalama wako toa ulicho nacho. | | | | | | | FOR (Kiduku anamkwida na kutaka kumnyang'anya begi la | | | | | | | | shule. Lakini, Tukutu analing'ang'ania begi lake. Kiduku anapatwa na hasira anampiga mateke na vichwa. Tukutu anaanguka chini. Kiduku anachukua begi, anatupa madaftari chini, na anaondoka nalo. Tukutu anabaki amelala pale chini. Wanafunzi wakiwa wanarudi nyumbani, njiani wanakutana na mbwa mkali; anawafukuza. Wanakimbia | | | | | | | 108 | | FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE | | | | | | | |----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------|-------|------|--------|----|---------| | | pande | tofautitofauti. | Mmoja | wao, | ambaye | ni | Shauri, | | | anajikuta kwenye kichochoro ambako Tukutu ameachwa.) | | | | | | | | Shauri: | (Anashtuka na kuanza kuita.) Tukutu! Tukutu! Umefanya nini? Amka! (Aliita kwa sauti.) | | | | | | | | Tukutu: | (Akiinuka.) Loo! Kiduku amenipiga na kuninyang'anya begi. Ama kweli usilolijua ni kama usiku wa giza! | | | | | | | | Shauri: | Twende upesi nikupeleke nyumbani. Hapa si mahali salama kabisa. (Wanaondoka wote kwenda nyumbani huku Tukutu akichechemea na uso wote ukiwa umevimba.) ONLY | | | | | | | | Shauri: | Rafiki yangu Tukutu, umekuwa mkaidi sana. Humsikilizi mama yako, walimu na hata wanafunzi wenzako. Tabia yako hii italeta madhara katika masomo yako na maisha yako kwa ujumla. Kuanzia sasa, anza kusoma kwa bidii kama mimi. Watu watakupenda. USE | | | | | | | | Tukutu: | Asante sana kwa ushauri wako. Nitawaomba msamaha mama, walimu, Kisa na wanafunzi wote niliowakosea. Ama kweli akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki wa kweli. (Pazia linafungwa na watu wanapiga makofi na vigelegele.) | | | | | | | | Zoezi la | 1 | Ufahamu | | | | | | | 1. | Igizo hili linahusu nini? | | | | | | | | 2. | Tukutu alikuwa na tabia gani? ONLINE | | | | | | | | 3. | Tukutu alinyang'anywa nini na Kiduku? | | | | | | | | 4. | Nani aliyemkuta Tukutu kichochoroni? | | | | | | | | 5. | Kama wewe ungekutana na Kiduku, ungemwambia nini? | | | | | | | | 6. | Wahusika gani majina yao yanaendana na matendo yao? Kwa nini? | | | | | | | | 7. | Katika igizo hili, ungependa kuwa kama nani? Kwa nini? | | | | | | | | 8. | Igizo hili linatufundisha nini? | | | | | | | FOR Zoezi la 2 Kazi ya kufanya Igiza na wenzako igizo ulilolisoma. 109 ## Zoezi La 3 Msamiati For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Tunga sentensi kwa kila neno. 1. igizo 2. mtukutu 3. mbinja 4. nyang'anya 5. kwida 6. kaidi ## Zoezi La 4 Methali Andika maana za methali zifuatazo: USE 1. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki wa kweli. 2. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo. 3. Kawaida ni kama sheria. 4. Fuata nyuki ule asali. 5. Usiandikie mate, na wino ungalipo. ## Online Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Andika maneno yenye maana sawa na maneno yafuatayo:** (i) kelele __________ (ii) ondoka __________ (iii) mbinja __________ FOR (iv) mtukutu __________ (v) lukuki __________ (vi) nyang'anya __________ (vii) kwida __________ 110 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. **Andika wingi wa sentensi zifuatazo:** Mfano: Chura anafurahia maji bwawani. *Vyura wanafurahia maji bwawani.* (i) Mwanafunzi hodari alifaulu vizuri masomo yake. (ii) Mimi nilikwenda kumwona simba katika mbunga ya wanyama ya Manyara. (iii) Ulimpokea mgeni wako kwa shangwe. (iv) Sikuamini kama timu yetu ingefungwa magoli mengi. (v) Wewe unajivunia nini? C. **Tunga sentensi kumi na tano (15) kutokana na jedwali lifuatalo:** ONLY | Wiki ijayo | tulicheza mpira wa miguu | kwa | bibi | |----------------------------------------|-------------------------------------|----------|------------------| | Kila siku | tutakwenda likizo | kabla ya | kuingia darasani | | Jana | tunaimba wimbo wa Taifa USE ya Pugu | | | | Leo | uwanjani | | | | tutatembelea stesheni ya reli ya kati | | | | | Kesho Mwaka jana | | | | ONLINE D. Badili sentensi zifuatazo kuwa katika kauli taarifa. Mfano: "Simulia hadithi," Baraka aliniambia. *Baraka aliniambia kuwa nisimulie hadithi*. (i) "Fungeni chandarua ili msipatwe na Malaria," Bwana Afya alisema. (ii) Mwalimu alisema, "Wanafunzi ni lazima mfuate ratiba ya shule." (iii) Dada alituambia, "Kuleni chakula bora ili muwe na afya njema." (iv) "Nimechoka," babu alilalamika. (v) "Je, umemuona Halima?" Kiroboto aliuliza. (vi) "Kumbe hamuogopi upupu!" Mwalimu alishangaa. FOR (vii) "Kila mmoja awepo kwenye mkutano," kiongozi alisema. (viii) "Yamenikuta," Juma alikiri. 111 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE E. Jaza fumbo lifuatalo kwa kutumia maelekezo ya kwenda chini na kwenda kulia. | 1 | 2 | | |-----|-----|-----| | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | 6 | USE | ONLY ## Kwenda Chini 1. Kifaa kinachotumika kulalia (7) 2. Kifaa kinachotumika kuandikia (6) 4. Sehemu inayotumika kuhifadhia vitabu na kujisomea (7) ## Kwenda Kulia ONLINE 2. Kazi ya maandishi iliyochapwa yenye kurasa na kugundishwa pamoja na kuwekewa jalada (6) 3. Silabi zinazolingana kati na mwishoni mwa mstari wa shairi (4) 5. Chumba au mahali wanaposomea wanafunzi (6) FOR 6. Kipande cha mti kilichochongwa mfano wa kijiko kinachotumika kupikia chakula (5) 112 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE F. **Chagua jibu lililo sahihi kisha, uiandike herufi yake katika** kisanduku. (i) Mapunda alisafiri siku nzima kutoka Songea kwenda Arusha. Silabi iliyopigiwa mstari inawakilisha nini? (a) wakati (b) nafsi (c) hali (d) awali ONLY ![119_image_0.png](119_image_0.png) ![119_image_1.png](119_image_1.png) (ii) "Hakika leo mtakiona cha mtema kuni." Kaka alituambia. Sentensi hii iko katika kauli gani? (a) taarifa (b) halisi (c) amri (d) kawaida USE (iii) Kaka alituambia kwamba hakika tutakiona cha mtema kuni. Sentensi hii iko katika kauli gani? (a) taarifa (b) halisi (c) amri (d) kawaida ONLINE (iv) Tausi ataingia kwenye mashindano ya kuogelea. Sentensi hii iko katika wakati gani? (a) uliopita (b) uliopo (c) ujao (d) hali timilifu FOR (v) Walimu wanafundisha masomo yetu kwa bidii. Mwaka jana walimu walifanya nini? (a) Walimu watafundisha masomo yetu kwa bidii. (b) Walimu walifundisha masomo yetu kwa bidii. (c) Walimu wanafundisha masomo yetu kwa bidii. (d) Walimu wamefundisha masomo yetu kwa bidii. 113 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE G. Unda maneno mapya yanayoanza na maneno yafuatayo: | Mfano: mbwa | mbwamwitu | | | |---------------|-------------|------------|------------| | (i) | askari | __________ | | | (ii) | bata | | __________ | | (iii) | gari | | __________ | | (iv) | mwendo | __________ | | | (v) | zima | __________ | | | (vi) | pima | __________ | | | (vii) | pembe | __________ | | | (viii) | mali | | __________ | | (ix) | kanda | __________ | | ONLY ![120_image_0.png](120_image_0.png) | wakati uliopo au ujao. | | | |--------------------------|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------| | Wakati uliopo | Wakati ujao | | | (i) | …………………… | Wanafunzi watatuimbia nyimbo nzuri. USE | | (ii) | Ng'ombe wetu wanatoa maziwa mengi. | | | (iii) | …………………… | Utakula chakula kingali moto. | | (iv) | Mtoto anamlilia mama yake. | | | (v) | …………………… | Siku nzima nitasafiri kuelekea kwa babu. | | ONLINE | | | | (vi) | Leo tunakula wali na maharage. | | | (vii) | …………………… | Mdogo wangu atang'oa jino la pili. | H. Kamilisha jedwali lifuatalo kwa kubadili sentensi kuwa katika wakati uliopo au ujao. Malizia hadithi ifuatayo kwa maneno kati ya sitini na themanini (60 - 80). FOR Miale ya jua ilinikurupusha kitandani. Nilizoea kuamshwa na sauti ya kuvutia ya ndege wangu aitwaye Tose. Nilikimbia kuangalia katika kiota chake. Sikumkuta Tose na kiota kilikuwa wazi. Nili… 114 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Tano ## Shairi Darasa la Nne, ulisoma mashairi na kujibu maswali kuhusu mashairi hayo. Katika sura hii, utasoma shairi la **Yai au kuku***. Utaweza kuonesha na kueleza* vina, mizani, beti, vituo, na mawazo makuu kwenye shairi hilo. ONLY 1. Umewahi kuimba shairi? 2. Shairi hilo lilihusu nini? 3. Uliliimba wapi? ![121_image_0.png](121_image_0.png) USE Soma na ghani shairi lifuatalo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Yai Au Kuku ONLINE 1. *Inashangaza dunia, kwa hiki kitendawili,* Yupi mwanzo kutokea, kuku yai ndilo swali, Sote yai twalijua, suraye na yake hali, Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha *jadi*? 2. Kuku fundi ku**pekua***, ardhi na jalalani,* FOR Je, ndiye katangulia, kuja hapa duniani? Huenda li**ibukia**, akiwa **tembe** *yakini,* Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 115 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 3. Kuku, Yai wanazoza, kila mmoja asema, Ni wa mwanzo kutokeza, Yai asema ni mama, Nuru yake yapendeza, tena mleta uzima, Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 4. "Bila mimi hupo Kuku, ni mimi nimekuzaa, Kuku huwezi ni**piku**, hata kama 'me*komaa*, Tangu zama za masiku, duniani nimekaa," Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 5*. Kuku naye akasema, "E' Yai acha mikogo,* Umepatapi uzima? Punguza yako ma*zogo*, USE Mimi ndiye wako mama, tangu ukiwa mdogo," Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 6. *"Kweli Yai umekwama, kwa fikira za dharau,* Akilizo zimehama, umejijaza sahau, Nakukumbusha heshima, wazazi usidharau," Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? ONLINE 7. *Yai, Kuku kwa maringo, wajidai hadharani,* Nani katika **miongo**, aliwahi duniani? Nauliza wenye **bongo**, mliomo darasani, Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? FOR 8. **Chapuchapu** *lete jibu, nazo sababu nipeni,* Tuimalize **sulubu***, nyoyo ziwe na amani,* Tuwaondolee tabu, Yai, Kuku **mzozo**ni, Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 116 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 9. Ikiwa ni huyu Kuku, tueleze chanzo chake, Ikawaje aje huku, mpekua kwa mateke, Kama wa mwanzo ni Kuku, tuikiri rai *yake,* Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 10. La, kama Yai kawahi, ni wapi alitokea? Mpime nawanasihi, kwa haki kesi amua, Amua kwa usahihi, bila ya kuwaonea, Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? 1. Shairi hili linahusu nini? USE 2. Katika ubeti wa tatu, Kuku na Yai wanabishania nini? 3. Yai anasema nini katika ubeti wa nne? 4. Je, Yai anaongea kwa adabu na kuku? 5. Kuku alifurahi kusikia maneno ya Yai? 6. Kuku anasema nini katika ubeti wa tano? 7. Kuku anaposema "Nakukumbusha heshima, wazazi usidharau" ana maana gani? ONLINE 8. Katika ubeti wa tisa, mshairi anaposema Kuku ni "mpekua kwa mateke" ana maana gani? FOR 9. Katika ubeti wa kumi, mshairi anawaambia nini walio darasani? 10. Unadhani "kitendawili" katika shairi kitateguliwa? Toa sababu ya jibu lako. 117 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: 1. pekua 2. ibukia 3. tembe 4. piku 5. zogo 6. bongo 7. chapuchapu 8. mzozo 9. jadi 10. sulubu 11. rai 12. komaa 13. miongo ## Zoezi La 3 Methali Malizia methali zifuatazo: 1. Kuku havunji, ..................... ONLINE 2. Teke la kuku, ...................... 3. Kuku mgeni, ....................... 4. Mwana wa kuku, ................ FOR 5. Uchungu wa mwana, ......... 118 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Zoezi la 4 Mazoezi ya lugha A. Chagua jibu sahihi kwa kuandika herufi katika kisanduku. (i) Idadi ya silabi katika mstari mmoja wa shairi unaitwa_____. (a) mshororo (b) vina (c) urari (d) mizani (ii) Kila mshororo katika shairi hili una mizani ngapi? (a) minne (b) nane (c) kumi na sita (d) kumi USE (iii) Vina vya katikati na mwishoni katika ubeti wa tano ni_____. (a) ma na go (b) go na e (c) go na di (d) go na ku ONLINE (iv) Kina cha katikati katika ubeti wa kwanza ni kipi? (a) a FOR (b) a na e ![125_image_0.png](125_image_0.png) (c) a na di (d) li 119 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (v) Katika shairi mshororo ni nini? (a) aya ya shairi (b) mstari wa mwisho katika ubeti wa shairi (c) mstari mmojawapo kwenye kila ubeti (d) idadi ya mistari yote katika shairi (vi) Shairi hili lina beti ngapi? (a) nne (b) kumi na sita (c) kumi (d) sita (vii) Kituo katika shairi hili ni: USE (a) Tuimalize sulubu, nyoyo ziwe na amani, ONLINE (b) Amua kwa usahihi, bila ya kuwaonea, (c) Nani atutegulie, kitendawili cha jadi? (d) Nani katika miongo, aliwahi duniani? (viii) Ni beti zipi katika shairi la "Yai au kuku" zinafanana vina vyake vya kati? (a) 6 na 7 FOR (b) 4 na 5 (c) 3 na 4 (d) 5 na 6 120 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. Andika kirefu cha maneno haya yaliyotumika katika shairi. (i) suraye ______________ (ii) liibukia ______________ (iii) umepatapi ______________ (iv) akilizo ______________ C. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo: **Neno Kinyume** (i) swali _______ (ii) nuru _______ (iii) mwanzo _______ (iv) punguza _______ (v) uhai _______ (vi) kwama _______ (vii) sahau _______ (viii) dharau _______ (ix) tega _______ (x) nyingi _______ ONLINE D. Andika neno lenye maana sawa na maneno yafuatayo: Mfano: maringo - *madaha* (i) piku (ii) dharau (iii) pendeza (iv) tangulia (v) uzima (vi) shindwa (vii) idhini (viii) kauli FOR Zoezi la 5 Utungaji Tunga beti mbili za shairi kuhusu "Kifaranga na kuku." 121 ![127_image_0.png](127_image_0.png) ![127_image_1.png](127_image_1.png) ![127_image_2.png](127_image_2.png) # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Sita ## Kuipenda Nchi Katika sura hii, utaimba **Wimbo wa kuisifu nchi yetu**, kisha utasoma na kughani shairi la **Naipenda nchi yangu***. Utajifunza mambo mbalimbali* kuhusu nchi yetu. Pia, utaweza kuonesha na kueleza vina, mizani, beti, vituo, na mawazo makuu katika shairi. ONLY Wimbo wa kusifu nchi yetu 1. Tazama ramani utaona nchi nzuri, Yenye mito na mabonde mengi ya nafaka, Nasema kwa kinywa halafu kwa kufikiri, Nchi hiyo mashuhuri huitwa Tanzania. USE ![128_image_0.png](128_image_0.png) ![128_image_1.png](128_image_1.png) ![128_image_2.png](128_image_2.png) Kibwagizo: *Majira yetu haya,* ONLINE Yangekuwaje sasa, Utumwa wa nchi Nyerere ameukomesha. 2. *Chemchemi ya furaha amani nipe tumaini,* ![128_image_3.png](128_image_3.png) Kila mara kwako niwe nikiburudika, ![128_image_4.png](128_image_4.png) Nakupenda sana hata nitakusitiri, FOR Nitalalamika kukuacha Tanzania. Kibwagizo: *Majira yetu haya,* Yangekuwaje sasa, Utumwa wa nchi Karume ameukomesha. 122 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 3. *Nchi yenye Azimio lenye tumaini,* Ndiwe peke yako mwanga wa Watanzania, Ninakuthamini hadharani na moyoni, Unilinde nami nikulinde hata kufa. Kibwagizo: Majira yetu haya, Yangekuwaje sasa, Utumwa wa nchi TANU imeukomesha. (a) Nchi nzuri inayotajwa katika wimbo huu ni nchi gani? (b) Ni uzuri upi uliotajwa katika wimbo huu? ONLY (c) Nani alikomesha utumwa katika kibwagizo cha ubeti wa kwanza? (d) Je, mwandishi anafurahia kuishi katika nchi yake? (e) Mwandishi anaahidi nini kwa nchi yake? USE Soma na ghani shairi lifuatalo, kisha jibu maswali. Naipenda nchi yangu ONLINE 1. Naipenda nchi yangu, yenye wingi wa **neema**, Ni bora **maumbile***ye, popote ukitazama,* Miinuko na mabonde, **tambarare** *na milima,* Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![129_image_0.png](129_image_0.png) 123 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 2. Ina maziwa makubwa, Nyasa pia Tanganyika, Na ziwa kubwa kabisa, ni Nyanza lafahamika, Pia maziwa madogo, ni mengi kuhesabika, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![130_image_0.png](130_image_0.png) USE 3. *Yenye mlima mrefu, Afrika watajika,* Waitwa Kilimanjaro, duniani wasifika, Watu wengi huupanda, **kilele***ni wakafika,* Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![130_image_1.png](130_image_1.png) ONLINE FOR 124 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 4. Mito mikubwa midogo, ni mingi kuhesabika, Mingi yao maziwani, baharini humwagika, Na **vijito** *kiangazi, kifikapo hukauka,* Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![131_image_0.png](131_image_0.png) USE 5. *Ina mbuga za wanyama, na misitu ya hifadhi,* Urithi wa kupendeza, nchi yangu ya u*hodhi*, Kuyaona haya yote, ninataka kwa *ghaidhi*, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![131_image_1.png](131_image_1.png) 125 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 6. *Utajiri ardhini, ni mwingi kupindukia,* Lo! madini **tumbitumbi***, ardhini kuzamia,* Tanzanaiti dhahabu, almasi rubi pia, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![132_image_0.png](132_image_0.png) USE 7. Ni nchi ya utamaduni, murua unaokua, Wa sasa na wa zamani, haki unazingatia, Wigo ni mpana sana, kwa aina za *sanaa*, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![132_image_1.png](132_image_1.png) FOR 126 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 8. *Ni nchi ya Kiswahili, lugha yetu asilia,* Lugha yetu ya taifa, na pia ya Jumuia, Na Umoja wa Afrika, lugha hii hutumia, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![133_image_0.png](133_image_0.png) USE 9. Ni nchi ilo**nuia***, kupiga nyingi hatua,* Kukuza kilimo chetu, tuwe na *hadhi murua,* Sayansi tukazanie, uchumi tutainua, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![133_image_1.png](133_image_1.png) ONLINE FOR 127 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 10. *Wasifu wa nchi yangu, sasa ninamalizia,* Sifa hizi zimetosha, ni nyingi kwa wasojua, Kesho nitaziongeza, kisha nitawaghania, Naisifu nchi yangu, nchi yangu Tanzania. ![134_image_0.png](134_image_0.png) USE Jibu maswali yafuatayo: ONLINE 1. Shairi hili linahusu nini? 2. Ziwa Nyanza lililotajwa kwenye ubeti wa pili linafahamika pia kwa jina gani? 3. Taja mito miwili ya Tanzania unayoifahamu. 4. Mlima Kilimanjaro una sifa gani barani Afrika? 5. Mshairi anasema utamaduni wa Tanzania unazingatia nini? 6. Lugha ya Kiswahili inazungumzwa wapi? 7. Taja aina nne za madini ambayo mshairi ameyasifia kwenye shairi lake. 8. Taja mbuga tatu za wanyama unazozifahamu hapa nchini. 9. Mshairi anasema nchi yake imenuia kufanya nini? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na shairi ulilolisoma? FOR 128 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: | 1. | neema | 9. | bonde | |------|------------|------|---------| | 2. | maumbile | 10. | hadhi | | 3. | miinuko | 11. | murua | | 4. | tambarare | 12. | wigo | | 5. | kilele | 13. | sanaa | | 6. | hodhi | 14. | vijito | | 7. | ghaidhi | 15. | nuia | | 8. | tumbitumbi | | | ## Zoezi La 3 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Oanisha maneno ya sehemu A na maana zake katika sehemu B. | Sehemu A | Sehemu B | | |------------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | (i) | kijito | (a) tanzanaiti, dhahabu, almasi, rubi | | (ii) | Nyasa, Tanganyika | (b) sifa | | na Nyanza | | | | (iii) | madini | (c) mito mikubwa zaidi | | ONLINE | | | | (iv) | sanaa | (d) maziwa makubwa Tanzania | | (v) | wasifu | (e) vinyago, ngoma, nyimbo | | (vi) | wigo | (f) mto mdogo unaotiririsha maji | | (vii) | kiangazi | (g) lugha yetu ya taifa | | (viii) | Kiswahili | (h) msimu wa jua linapokuwa kali | | FOR | (i) mpaka (j) lugha yetu ya kigeni | | USE 129 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. Andika sentensi zifuatazo katika wakati ujao. Mfano: Mshairi aliandika shairi la kusisimua. *Mshairi ataandika shairi la kusisimua.* (i) Niliamka asubuhi na kuisifu nchi yangu. (ii) Niliongeza sifa, kisha nikawaghania. ONLY (iii) Wanafunzi wanafanya ziara kwenda kutazama ziwa Tanganyika. (iv) Mito hupeleka maji baharini na kwenye maziwa. (v) Vijito hukauka wakati wa kiangazi. (vi) Umoja wa Afrika hutumia lugha ya Kiswahili. USE (vii) Nchi yetu inakuza kilimo ili kuwa na hadhi murua. (viii) Tulitangaza utajiri wa nchi yetu ya Tanzania. ONLINE Tunga beti mbili za shairi kuhusu darasa lako. 130 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE ## Utenzi **Usafi** # Sura Ya Kumi Na Saba Katika sura hii, utasoma na kughani utenzi unaohusu usafi. Utajifunza kuhusu vina, mizani na vituo vya beti. Pia, utaeleza mawazo makuu na ujumbe katika utenzi. ONLY 1. Ulishawahi kusoma utenzi wowote? 2. Utenzi huo ulikuwa na ujumbe gani? 3. Unaelewa nini kuhusu vina na mizani? USE Soma na ghani utenzi ufuatao, kisha jibu maswali. ONLINE 1. Leo nashika kalamu, Kusema jambo muhimu, La kukazia *nidhamu,* Usafi ku*zingatia*. 3. Usafi huwa ni *kinga*, FOR Ya maradhi yano*zonga*, Ni waganga wame*longa*, Walimu wamekazia. 2. *Wameshafunza walimu,* Usafi mada muhimu, Bali hili somo gumu, Nami nitaongezea. 4. *KWANZA, usafi wa kinywa,* Ni muhimu kuambiwa, Hukinga mengi magonjwa, Rihi *mbaya kuzuia.* 131 5. *Ukiamka 'subuhi,* Kupiga mswaki wahi, Kabla ya *staftahi*, Meno kwa dawa sugua. | 7. | Yasafishe meno sawa, Uchafu wote suguwa, Kwao mswaki na dawa, Meno ya nyuma anzia. | |------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ONLY 8. Pia ulimi sugua, Kisha kinywa **sukutua**, Watu watakukimbia, Kama harufu watoa. USE 10. Uchafu haupendezi, Oga ondoa *kutuzi*, Sehemu zote za ngozi, Na za siri zingatia. 12. *TATU, usafi wa nguo*, Ni muhimu kwa afyayo, Sabuni ndo kifulio, Nguozo kuzifulia. 14. *Kijana utapendeza,* Usafi ukitimiza, Lakini utachukiza, Nguo chafu ukivaa. 132 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 6. *Unapopiga mswaki,* Safisha yote mabaki, Ya chakula yalo**saki**, | 9. | PILI, usafi mwilini, | |------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Oga tumia sabuni, | | | Dodoki likuauni, | | | Mwilio kusugulia. | | 11. | Mwili ukiwa nadhifu, Viungo huwa kunjufu, Nawe huwa furahifu, ONLINE Usafi kufurahia. | Menoni yakagandia. 13. *Nguo safi kivutio,* FOR Nguo chafu kichefuo, Usafi *kila uchao,* Ni ada ya kuania. 15. *NNE, usafi shuleni,* Darasani na vyooni, Mazingira ya shuleni, Yawe nadhifu sikia. Fagia taka njiani, Pawe safi vivulini, Nawe utafurahia. 17. *Bustani za maua,* Vema kuzipangilia, Pia kuzimwagilia, Mimea itachanua. ONLY 18. **TANO, usafi nyumbani**, Wazazi wape auni, Bafu, jiko na chooni, Usafi iwe tabia. 19. *Kiwe safi chumba chako,* Ufue mashuka yako, Tandika kitanda chako, Unadhifu zingatia. USE 20. *Usafi kuzingatia,* Ni nidhamu ya murua, Wazazi kusaidia, Ni ya kuiga tabia. ONLINE 21. Mengi nimezungumza, Bali mengi nimesaza, Usafi nimehimiza, Muhimu kuzingatia. FOR 1. Jambo muhimu linalozungumziwa katika utenzi huu ni nini? 2. Ukiamka asubuhi unafanya nini kwanza? 3. Usipofanya usafi wa kinywa nini kitatokea? 4. Mwandishi anasema kabla ya kula chochote unapaswa kufanya nini? 133 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 16. *Fyeka nyasi viwanjani,* FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 5. Utenzi huu unasema nguo chafu zina sifa gani? 6. Je, usafi unafanyikaje shuleni? 7. Unapaswa kufanya nini kuhusu chumba chako? 8. Unadhifu ni nini? 9. Bustani za maua zisipomwagiliwa nini kitatokea? 10. Je, mshairi amesema mambo yote yanayohusu usafi? ONLY ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: 1. zingatia 2. kinga 3. zonga 4. longa 5. rihi 6. staftahi 7. saki 8. sukutua 9. auni 10. kutuzi 11. nadhifu 12. kunjufu ## Online Zoezi La 3 Methali FOR Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. Macho ………………… 2. Meno ya mbwa .………………… 3. Ulimi unauma ………………….. 134 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE 4. Mwenye mdomo ………………. 5. Ulimi ………………………… 6. ………… faraja. 7. ………… si chururu. 8. …………, utajenga ukuta. 9. …………, mauti nyuma. 10. ………… halina ubani. ## Zoezi La 4 Nahau ONLY Tumia vifungu vya maneno vilivyopo kwenye kisanduku kutoa maana ya nahau zifuatazo: USE kujitia matatani, fuata mawazo ya wakati uliopo, kaa kimya, kuwa kigeugeu, kuwa na wasiwasi 1. kuwa popo ………… 2. fuata upepo ………… 3. kuwa tumbo moto ………… 4. fyata mkia ………… 5. kujipalia mkaa ………… ## Online Zoezi La 5 Vitendawili Tegua vitendawili vifuatavyo: 1. Mgeni kachungulia dirishani ……………. FOR 2. Popoo mbili zavuka mto …………. 3. Kwetu sisi sote ni weusi ………………… 4. Nyumba yangu ndogo imejaa askari tele ……………. 5. Hakika sirudi tena kwa mjomba …………………… 135 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 6 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Kamilisha sentensi kwa kuchagua jibu sahihi kutoka kwenye kisanduku. tasa, hasha, njuga, mvuke, naam au abee, kwaheri, maziwa, anarina, ukiwa, sonara, mwanafunzi, mchafu (i) Mtu anayesoma shule anaitwa ___________. (ii) Mtu akifiwa anakuwa na ___________. (iii) Mwenye mzinga alikuwa __________asali. (iv) Huyu ng'ombe hazai, hivyo ni ___________. (v) Ukiitwa itikia kwa kusema __________. (vi) Mtu ambaye si msafi ni ___________. (vii) Huyu ng'ombe anakamuliwa ________. (viii) Wanapocheza ngoma wanavaa _________miguuni. USE ![142_image_0.png](142_image_0.png) (ix) Ukiondoka aga kwa kusema _________. (x) ______ anatengeneza pete, mikufu na hereni za dhahabu. B. Andika umoja au wingi wa maneno yafuatayo: ONLINE ![142_image_1.png](142_image_1.png) ![142_image_2.png](142_image_2.png) ![142_image_4.png](142_image_4.png) ![142_image_5.png](142_image_5.png) Umoja Wingi (i) mwili _______ (ii) ugonjwa _______ (iii) _______ vinywa ![142_image_3.png](142_image_3.png) (iv) mswaki _______ (v) _______ meno ![142_image_6.png](142_image_6.png) ![142_image_7.png](142_image_7.png) (vi) ulimi _______ (vii) ngozi _______ FOR (viii) _______ madarasa (ix) _______ bustani (x) mazingira _______ Tunga beti mbili za utenzi kuhusu "Usafi wa nyumba." 136 ![142_image_8.png](142_image_8.png) # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Nane ## Kupata Taarifa Muhimu Katika sura hii, utasoma na kueleza taarifa muhimu katika matangazo, ratiba na vifungu vya habari. Pia, utasoma na kutaja mawazo makuu katika vifungu vya habari na kufanya ufupisho. ONLY ![143_image_0.png](143_image_0.png) 1. Je,umewahi kuona tangazo? 2. Uliliona tangazo hilo wapi? USE 3. Tangazo hilo lilikuwa linahusu nini? Soma habari hii, kisha jibu maswali. ## Nia Na Mdogo Wake ONLINE Nia ni mwanafunzi wa Shule ya Msingi Ushindi katika Wilaya ya Bora, mkoani Sanya. Baba yake Nia anaitwa Bwana Fukama na mama yake anaitwa Bibi Sokota. Nia ana mdogo wake aitwaye Bute. Nia na mdogo wake wanaishi katika kijiji cha Kibeta, kilometa tatu kutoka Shule ya Msingi Ushindi. Nia anasoma Darasa la Tano lakini Bute anasoma Darasa la Kwanza. Siku za shule, Nia humuamsha mdogo wake mapema ili ajiandae na kunywa chai kabla ya kwenda shuleni. FOR Siku moja Nia alichelewa sana kuamka. Alipoamka, alimuamsha mdogo wake kisha wakajiandaa harakaharaka ili waweze kuwahi kwenda shuleni. Baada ya kunywa chai, waliwaaga wazazi wao. Walianza safari yao ya kwenda shuleni. Wakiwa njiani, Nia alitangulia mbele na Bute alimfuata nyuma. Nia alitembea harakaharaka huku akimu**himiza** Bute kuongeza mwendo. Kadiri muda ulivyozidi kusogea, Nia aliongeza mwendo bila kugeuka nyuma. 137 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Nia na Bute walifika kwenye daraja la Kitunda. Walipofika hapo, Bute alivutiwa na vipepeo wa rangi mbalimbali. Vipepeo hao waliruka huku na huko wakifurahia maua yaliyokuwa yamezunguka daraja la Kitunda. Baada ya kuvuka daraja, Bute alisimama na kuwatazama vipepeo hao akitamani kumkamata mmojawapo. Huku Bute akiwa amesimama, Nia aliendelea na safari bila kujua kwamba, mdogo wake alikuwa akishangaa vipepeo. ONLY ![144_image_0.png](144_image_0.png) ONLINE Bute alianza kuwafuata vipepeo. Vipepeo waliruka wawezavyo, kukwepa kukamatwa. Bute aliendelea kuwakimbiza. Bila kujua alijikuta katikati ya msitu mnene. Hakuweza kutambua alikotokea. Alisimama na kuanza kumwita dada yake pasipo mafanikio. Alijaribu kutafuta njia ya kurudi darajani bila mafanikio. Baada ya kutembea kwa muda mrefu, alichoka sana. Aliamua kupumzika chini ya mti na kuanza kulia. Baada ya muda, alipitiwa na usingizi; aka**lala fofofo**. FOR Nia, bila kujua, aliendelea na safari ya kuelekea shuleni. Alipokaribia, aligeuka nyuma kumtazama mdogo wake lakini hakumuona. Alishituka akaanza kurudi nyuma huku akiita kwa sauti, "Bute! Bute! Buteeee...!" Nia aliendelea kuita kwa sauti huku akikimbia kurudi darajani. Njiani alikutana na watoto wawili. Akawauliza, "Mmemuona mwanafunzi wa kiume mwenye begi lenye rangi nyeusi?" Watoto walijibu, "Hapana dada." Nia aliendelea na safari ya kurudi nyumbani akidhani kwamba angemkuta mdogo wake. 138 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Alipofika nyumbani, aliwakuta wazazi wake wakijiandaa kwenda shambani. Nia alikuwa ame**lowa** jasho mwili mzima. Alikuwa aki**hema** na alionekana amechoka sana. Wazazi wake wali**shituka** na kumkimbilia. Walimuuliza, "Vipi mbona umerudi mapema?" Nia alijibu, "Bute amepotea." Wazazi wake walipatwa na **hofu** na wasiwasi. Kila mmoja alishika njia yake kumtafuta Bute. Nia alipoanza kuondoka, **ghafla** alikumbuka kuwa mwalimu wake wa Kiswahili aliwafundisha kuhusu umuhimu wa kutoa taarifa. Alikumbuka kuwa mwalimu aliwafundisha namna ya kuandika tangazo. Alirudi na kuingia chumbani kwake, kisha akachukua kalamu na karatasi kwenye begi lake. Aliandika hivi: ONLY USE Bute ni mtoto mwenye umri wa miaka saba. Ni mwanafunzi wa Darasa la Kwanza katika Shule ya ONLINE Msingi Ushindi, iliyoko Wilaya ya Bora, mkoani Sanya. Bute amepotea tarehe 22/04/2018 saa 1:15 asubuhi. Mara ya mwisho alionekana katika 139 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Baada ya kuandaa tangazo, alikumbuka kuwa alihitaji kuwa na **nakala** nyingi. Aliandika nakala kumi. Alipokamilisha kazi yake, alifungua mlango na kuelekea nje. Ali**piga mbio** kuelekea vijiji vya jirani. Alisambaza matangazo yake kwa umakini. Baadhi aliyaweka kwenye kuta za majengo na mengine kwenye miti iliyokuwa karibu na njia. Baada ya kazi yake kukamilika, alianza safari ya kuelekea shuleni. Alipofika shuleni, aliwaeleza walimu kilichotokea. Walimu walimpa pole na kumtia moyo kwamba mdogo wake atapatikana. Walisisitiza kwamba kama hatapatikana, saa tisa mchana walimu wangetawanyika kwenda kumtafuta. Nia aliingia darasani. ONLY Ilipofika saa nane, Nia alikwenda kwa mwalimu kumuuliza kama amepata taarifa zozote kuhusu mdogo wake. Alipofika ofisini, alishangaa kumuona Bute ameketi ofisini. Alimkuta mwalimu akizungumza na kijana mmoja aliyetambulishwa kwa jina la Bahati. Bahati alisema, "Nimemkuta mtoto amelala chini ya mti wakati ninakata kuni. Niliondoka naye kuelekea nyumbani. Nikiwa njiani, niliona tangazo lililotaja jina la shule hii. Niliamua kumleta hapa shuleni." Nia alifurahi sana kumpata mdogo wake. Walimu walifurahi pia. Walim**pongeza** Nia kwa kutumia vyema maarifa aliyoyapata darasani. USE 1. Nia na Bute waliishi katika kijiji gani? 2. Bute alikuwa mwanafunzi wa darasa la ngapi? 3. Bute alipofika daraja la Kitunda alivutiwa na nini? 4. Nia alipokuwa akirudi nyumbani alikutana na nani? ONLINE 5. Nia alikumbuka mwalimu wake wa Kiswahili alimfundisha kuhusu nini? FOR 6. Nia alifanya nini ili mdogo wake aweze kupatikana? 7. Nani alimleta Bute shuleni? 8. Vitu gani vilimtambulisha Bute kwenye tangazo? 9. Eleza taarifa muhimu kutokana na tangazo ulilolisoma. 10. Habari hii inakufundisha nini? 140 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Zoezi la 2 Msamiati Oanisha maneno ya sehemu A na sehemu B ili kuleta maana. | | Sehemu A | | Sehemu B | |--------|------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|----------------| | (i) | hema | (a) tia moyo mtu ili afanye jambo upesi | | | (ii) | shituka | (b) kitu kama vile maandishi, mchoro au picha kilichonakiliwa | | | (iii) | nakala | (c) tokwa na pumzi kwa nguvu | | | (iv) | lowa | (d) kumpa mtu hongera kwa mafanikio aliyoyapata | | | (v) | hofu | ONLY | | | | (e) kuwa na wasiwasi juu ya jambo fulani | | | | (vi) | pongeza | (f) | bila kutarajia | | (vii) | himiza | (g) kusudia kufanya jambo | | | (viii) | ghafla | (h) pata maji na kuwa chepechepe USE (i) kuwa na woga | | ## Zoezi La 3 Miundo ONLINE Tunga sentensi nane (8) kwa kutumia muundo ufuatao: Alipo__................. Mfano: Alipo*fika alichukua panga lake na kuelekea darajani.* FOR *Alipoamka alipiga mswaki na kwenda shuleni.* 141 A. **Kamilisha sentensi zifuatazo kwa kutumia nahau zilizomo** kwenye kisanduku. lala fofofo, kata roho, piga mbio, unga mkono (i) Watoto walihuzunika kwa sababu mzazi wao ali.................... (ii) Ali............... kuelekea nyumbani ili akamchukue mdogo wake. ONLY (iii) Wali.................. mapendekezo ya wazazi wao kuhusu malezi bora. (iv) Usiku ule ali.................. kwa kuwa alikuwa amechoka sana. B. **Tunga sentensi tatu kwa kila nahau.** (i) tia moyo (ii) piga mbio (iii) kata roho ## Zoezi La 5 Methali Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. Maji yakimwagika, ……………………………………… 2. Penye nia, ………………………………………………. 3. Mchumia juani ………………………………………….. ONLINE 4. Akiba …………………………………………………….. 5. Haba na haba …………………………………………… ## Zoezi La 6 Mazoezi Ya Lugha FOR A. Andika kinyume cha maneno yafuatayo: (i) panga ____________ (ii) juu ____________ (iii) funga ____________ 142 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iv) washa ____________ (v) kubwa ____________ (vi) mnene ____________ (vii) sukuma ____________ (viii) tema ____________ (ix) fukia ____________ (x) pakia ____________ B. Andika umoja na wingi wa maneno yafuatayo: Umoja Wingi (ii) ratiba ____________ (iii) mti ____________ (iv) daraja ____________ (v) shughuli ____________ USE (vi) _________ vicheko (vii) chuo ____________ (viii) jengo ____________ (ix) ufa ____________ (x) _________ masomo ONLINE A. **Andika habari fupi yenye maneno kati ya sabini na themanini** (70 - 80) kuhusu shughuli unazozifanya nyumbani. Zingatia muda wa kufanya shughuli hizo. B. **Andaa tangazo fupi kwa kufuata vipengele vifuatavyo:** FOR (i) Kichwa cha habari kiwe, "Mitihani ya Darasa la Nne." (ii) Tarehe ya kuanza na kumalizika kwa mitihani ya Darasa la Nne. (iii) Mahali itakapofanyika mitihani hiyo. (iv) Taarifa kwa wanafunzi wa madarasa mengine kutohudhuria shuleni siku za mitihani. 143 (i) _________ matangazo ## Ufahamu Soma Kifungu Cha Habari, Kisha Jibu Maswali. Sheku ni mtoto wa pili katika familia ya Bwana Shenya na Bibi Pachu. Kwa bahati mbaya, wazazi wake wali**aga dunia** akiwa na umri wa mwaka mmoja. Alipoanza masomo yake ya sekondari, mjomba wake aliamua kumueleza jambo alilokuwa nalo kwa kipindi kirefu. Jambo hilo lilihusu kifo cha wazazi wake. Mjomba wake Sheku alimueleza jambo hilo kwa upole sana. Alimwambia, "Sheku mwanangu, wazazi wako walipata ajali ya gari mwaka 1990 na kufariki papo hapo. Nimekulea tangu ukiwa na umri wa mwaka mmoja hadi leo. Nilishindwa kukuambia jambo hili kwa sababu ulikuwa bado mdogo. Hata hivyo, nitaendelea kukulea na kukusomesha mwanangu." ONLY Sheku ali**sikitika** sana baada ya kufahamishwa habari hizo za kuhuzunisha. Alifikiri na kutafakari kuhusu maisha yake bila wazazi. Alikumbuka maneno ya mjomba wake kuwa maji yakimwagika hayazoleki. Alielewa kuwa, hana uwezo wa kuwarejesha wazazi wake duniani. Ali**azimia** moyoni mwake kusoma kwa bidii ili awe na maisha mazuri. Kama **wahenga** wasemavyo kuwa, penye nia pana njia, Sheku alisoma kwa bidii na kufaulu masomo katika ngazi zote. Kwa sasa ni daktari. Ana watoto na wanaishi maisha ya furaha. Hakika mchumia juani hulia kivulini. USE 1. Kifungu hiki cha habari kinahusu nini? 2. Kifungu cha habari kinaeleza nani alifariki? 3. Sentensi "Wazazi wake waliaga dunia" ina maana gani? 4. Wazazi wa Sheku waliaga dunia lini? ONLINE 5. Kwa nini mjomba hakumweleza Sheku kuhusu kifo cha wazazi wake mapema? FOR 6. Kwa nini Sheku aliazimia kusoma kwa bidii? 7. Kwa nini Sheku alifaulu masomo katika ngazi zote? 8. Je, Sheku anafanya kazi gani? 9. Umejifunza nini kuhusu kifungu hiki cha habari? 10. Pendekeza kichwa cha habari uliyoisoma. 144 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 9 Msamiati Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila neno. 1. azimia 2. wahenga 3. nia 4. sikitika ## Zoezi La **10 Miundo** Kamilisha miundo ifuatayo: ONLY 1. …………….. akiwa…………………. Mfano: *Mama mkubwa alipata mtoto akiwa na umri mkubwa.* 2. . ……………… kwamba ……………. Mfano: *Baba aliniambia kwamba niwahi kurudi nyumbani.* USE 3. ………………. kuwa ………………. Mfano: Rafiki yangu alisema kuwa niende nyumbani kwao wakati wa likizo. 4. ………………… ili…………………….. Mfano: *Mwalimu alitufundisha vizuri ili tuweze kuelewa somo.* 5. ………………ingawa ………………. Mfano: Wote *tulilala usingizi mnono ingawa vyura walitupigia kelele.* ## Zoezi La **11 Mazoezi Ya Lugha** A. **Badili sentensi zifuatazo kuwa katika uyakinishi.** FOR ONLINE Mfano: Hapendi kucheza mpira wa miguu. *Anapenda kucheza mpira wa miguu.* Mtoto huyu si mtukutu. *Mtoto huyu ni mtukutu.* Sisi hatukula matunda. *Sisi tulikula matunda.* 145 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (i) Sheku si mtoto wa pili kuzaliwa. (ii) Yeye hakusoma kwa bidii. (iii) Maji yote hayajamwagika. (iv) Kaka hafundishi chuo kikuu. (v) Wao hawataishi maisha ya furaha. (vi) Hamtaanza masomo mwaka kesho. (vii) Babu hatanisomesha. (viii) Sikushindwa kukwambia jambo hili. (ix) Tausi hapendi kusoma vitabu. (x) Sheku hatakuwa mwanafunzi bora. USE ![152_image_0.png](152_image_0.png) B. **Badili vitendo vifuatavyo kuwa majina.** Mfano: pika - *mpishi* (i) linda ____________ (ii) lima ____________ (iii) fuga ____________ (iv) soma ____________ (v) chora ____________ (vi) jenga ____________ (vii) tamka ____________ (viii) saka ____________ ONLINE ![152_image_1.png](152_image_1.png) C. **Badili sentensi zifuatazo kuwa katika wakati uliopita.** FOR Mfano: Dada anafua nguo. *Dada alifua nguo.* (i) Babu anavuna mazao shambani. (ii) Rafiki yangu atanipeleka nyumbani kwao. (iii) Sheku ameazimia kusoma kwa bidii. 146 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iv) Wazazi wake watamnunulia zawadi. (v) Shangazi atatutembelea wakati wa likizo. (vi) Mama yake anasaga karanga. (vii) Wanafunzi watatunga shairi zuri. (viii) Wanamichezo wamefanya mazoezi uwanjani. D. **Andika maneno sahihi kutokana na herufi zilizochanganywa.** ONLY Mfano: vuko - *kovu* takasira - *karatasi* rafuha - *furaha* (i) reshehe ____________ (ii) baou ____________ USE (iii) pimra ____________ (iv) antesa ____________ (v) zezoi ____________ (vi) tiraba ____________ (vii) ngotaza ____________ (viii) yunga ____________ (ix) jomba ____________ (x) opekipe ____________ ## Zoezi La 12 **Ufupisho** ONLINE Fupisha habari ya "Nia na mdogo wake" kwa maneno kati ya thelathini mpaka arobaini (30 - 40). ## Zoezi La 13 **Utungaji** FOR Andika kifungu cha habari chenye maneno sitini (60) kuhusu somo unalolipenda. 147 # For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Sura Ya Kumi Na Tisa ## Sifa Za Wanyama Katika sura hii, utasoma majigambo yanayohusu wanyama. Pia, utajifunza kuhusu sifa na faida za wanyama wanaokula majani na wanyama wanaokula nyama. Vilevile, utatamba majigambo hayo. ONLY 1. Mnyama gani unampenda? 2. Anakula nini? 3. Kwa nini unampenda? USE Soma majigambo yafuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. Sifa zangu ![154_image_0.png](154_image_0.png) FOR Mimi ni simba, Mnyama ninayesifika sana, Ninapatikana mbugani porini, Nyama ni chakula changu, 148 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Ninayo **ngurumo** ya kutisha, Nikiwa jike sina manyoya marefu, Nikiwa dume nina manyoya marefu yenye kuvutia, Wenyeji na wageni hunifurahia, Huja kunitazama kwa mshangao, Mimi ni mfalme wa porini. ![155_image_0.png](155_image_0.png) USE ONLINE Mimi ni mbwa, Ninasifika sana kwa ukali, Ninapenda kuishi na binadamu, Ninakula vyakula vingi, Lakini nyama kwangu ni muhimu, Ni mlinzi na mwindaji **mashuhuri,** FOR Machonge yangu ni silaha hatari, Niwindapo hukamata na ku**buruza,** Sauti yangu husikika kote, Ninamlinda binadamu na mali zake, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu zaidi. 149 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY ![156_image_0.png](156_image_0.png) DO NOT DUPLICATE Mimi ni kondoo, Ninasifika kwa upole wangu, Chakula changu kikuu ni nyasi, Ninapenda kuishi na binadamu, USE Ninampatia **samadi** kwa ajili ya kilimo, Manyoya yangu yanavutia sana, Manyoya yangu hutengeneza **sufu,** Hutengeneza nguo, matandiko na blanketi, Binadamu hunipenda sana, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu. ![156_image_1.png](156_image_1.png) Mimi ni ng'ombe, Chakula changu ni majani, 150 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Ninapokula hu**cheua,** Ninaishi na binadamu, Ninampatia maziwa kwa afya na samadi kwa kilimo, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu zaidi ya wote. ![157_image_0.png](157_image_0.png) Mimi ni twiga, ONLINE Chakula changu ni majani, Upole wangu huwavutia watu wengi, Ninakula majani mazuri kwa sababu ya urefu wangu, Mimi ni mrefu kuliko wanyama wote, FOR Nina miguu mirefu na shingo ndefu, Ninatembea kwa **madaha,** Watalii huvutiwa na uzuri wangu, Huja nchini kunitazama, Mimi ni mnyama mzuri sana. 151 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY ![158_image_0.png](158_image_0.png) DO NOT DUPLICATE ONLY USE Mimi ni tembo, Ninaishi msituni, ONLINE Ninasifika kwa ukubwa kuliko wanyama wote, Mimi hula majani, Nina masikio makubwa yanayopepea mithili ya **tanga**, Nina uwezo wa kusikia kuliko viumbe wengi, Mimi ni kivutio cha **watalii,** Wenyeji na wageni huja kuniona, Kwa uzuri na umaarufu wangu, FOR Mimi ni mfalme wa **nyikani.** 152 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY ![159_image_0.png](159_image_0.png) DO NOT DUPLICATE Mimi ni paka, Ni rafiki wa binadamu, Ninapenda nyama, samaki na maziwa, Ninakula mijusi na panya, Nina roho ngumu, kuniua ni vigumu, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu zaidi. USE ![159_image_1.png](159_image_1.png) FOR Mimi ni pundamilia, Chakula changu ni majani, Ninasifika kwa usafi na mvuto, 153 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Milia yangu myeusi na myeupe inavutia sana, Wenyeji na wageni huja kunitazama kwa shauku, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu sana. ![160_image_0.png](160_image_0.png) Mimi ni kiboko, USE Chakula changu ni majani, Ninaishi majini na nchi kavu, Meno yangu ni makubwa sana, ONLINE Ngozi yangu haina manyoya, Miguu yangu ni mifupi lakini mwili wangu ni mkubwa, Nina nguvu kuliko wanyama wote mtoni na ziwani, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu sana. ![160_image_1.png](160_image_1.png) Mimi ni nyoka, Ninasifika kwa kuwa na sumu kali, 154 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Ninaogopwa na binadamu, Kila mara naonekana mpya, Kwa kujivua gamba langu, Sina shida na miguu. Tumbo langu lanitosha, Ninaishi mafichoni, shimoni na vichakani, Chakula changu kitamu ni wadudu na panya, Mimi ni kivutio cha watalii, Mimi ni mnyama muhimu sana. ONLY USE 1. Katika majigambo uliyoyasoma mnyama yupi ni mkubwa kuliko wote? 2. Mnyama yupi ni mrefu kuliko wote? 3. Mnyama gani anaishi majini na nchi kavu? 4. Taja majina ya wanyama wanaokula majani. 5. Taja majina ya wanyama watano wanaokula nyama. 6. Mnyama yupi ana nguvu kuliko wanyama wote wa mtoni na ziwani? ONLINE 7. Taja majina na faida za wanyama kutokana na majigambo uliyoyasoma. 8. Taja na eleza faida za wanyama watano ambao hawakutajwa kwenye majigambo. 9. Eleza tofauti kati ya simba na kiboko kwa kuzingatia majigambo uliyoyasoma. FOR 10. Kwa kutumia majigambo uliyoyasoma, linganisha sifa za kondoo na ng'ombe. 155 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 2 Msamiati | sahihi. Sehemu A | | Sehemu B | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | (i) | mapato……… | (a) | manyoya ya kondoo yanayotumika kutengenezea nguo | | (ii) | thamani……… | (b) | kitu au dawa inayodhuru au kuua | | (iii) | mbuga……… | (c) | anakula nyama | | (iv) | watalii……… | | | | (v) | samadi……… | (d) | kinyesi cha wanyama ambacho hutumika kama mbolea ONLY | | (vi) | madaha…… | (e) | matendo na mwendo wa maringo au mbwembwe | | (vii) | sumu……… | | | | (viii) | sufu……… | (f) | mali au fedha inayopatikana baada ya kazi au biashara | | (ix) | milia……… | USE | | | (x) | mithili | (g) | mistari myeupe na myeusi iliyoko kwenye ngozi ya pundamilia | | (xi) | tanga…….. | (h) | eneo la nchi lenye ardhi tambarare, nyasi na misitu myepesi | | | (i) | kitambaa kikubwa kinachofungwa kwenye jahazi ili kupunguza nguvu ya upepo | | | ONLINE (j) gharama au ubora wa kitu (k) kama (l) meno makali yenye ncha (m) mlio wa mnyama kama simba | | | | | FOR | (n) | watu waendao kwenye nchi ya kigeni au eneo wasilolifahamu kwa mapumziko | | 156 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yafuatayo: Mfano: *Baba yangu alikuwa kiongozi mashuhuri.* (i) mashuhuri (ii) thamani (iii) cheua (iv) samadi (v) madaha (vi) sufu (vii) ngurumo (viii) buruta (ix) rarua (x) machonge ## Zoezi La 3 Miundo USE Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila muundo. 1. …………. lakini…………. Mfano: Tembo ni bingwa wa kusikia lakini haoni mbali. 2. ………….kuliko…………. Mfano: Tembo ni mkubwa kuliko simba. 3. ………….kama…………. ONLINE Mfano: Wewe unacheka kama mama yangu. 4. ………….zaidi ya…………….. FOR Mfano: Twiga ni mnyama mpole zaidi ya wanyama wengine. 157 ## For Online Use Only Do Not Duplicate Zoezi La 4 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. **Andika Kweli Au Si Kweli.** (i) Kiboko ni mnyama mwenye miguu mifupi. ________ (ii) Kiboko hana manyoya. _________ (iii) Twiga ni mnyama mrefu kama tembo. _________ (iv) Nyoka na paka hawapendi panya. _________ ONLY (v) Wanyama wa porini wote hula majani lakini wanyama wafugwao hula nyama. ________ (vi) Tembo hana masikio makubwa. _________ (vii) Kiboko anapenda maji kuliko pundamilia. _______ USE (viii) Mbuzi, chui na fisi ni wanyama wanaokula nyama. ________ (ix) Simba ni mkali kama twiga. _________ (x) Manyoya ya simba hutengeneza sufu. _________ B. Andika majina kumi (10) ya wanyama kwa kutumia herufi zilizomo kwenye jedwali. Majina matano (5) yawe ya wanyama wanaokula majani na mengine matano (5) ya wanyama wanaokula nyama. ONLINE FOR S K F A R U N T F I I P A K A G E A M B U Z I F A M R B O N N S I M B A W K D Y W S I O S A O A O A I A M I W B J K L CH U I I K E P A N Y A N I 158 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Wanyama wanaokula majani (i) __________________ (ii) __________________ (iii) __________________ (iv) __________________ (v) __________________ Wanyama wanaokula nyama (i) __________________ (ii) __________________ (iii) __________________ (iv) __________________ (v) __________________ C. Tunga sentensi kwa kutumia majina ya wanyama yaliyomo kwenye kisanduku. USE 1. paka 2. fisi 3. sungura 4. kobe 5. mbuzi, 6. ngedere 7. chui 8. kiboko 9. farasi 10. punda ONLINE Mfano: *Nyumbani kwetu tunafuga ng'ombe.* D. **Pigia mstari neno ambalo ni tofauti na mengine.** (i) fisi, mbuzi, kondoo, ng'ombe (ii) paka, mbwa, nyoka, chui (iii) tembo, nyati, simba, pundamilia (iv) kiboko, sungura, mamba, nyangumi (v) kasa, konokono, kobe, ngamia FOR E. **Andika vinyume vya maneno yafuatayo:** (i) zoa ____________ (ii) ficha ____________ (iii) fumba ____________ 159 (v) fuma ____________ (vi) kunja ____________ (vii) pinda ____________ (viii) unganisha ____________ ONLY Tunga habari fupi kuhusu mnyama unayempenda kwa kuzingatia yafuatayo: 1. Kichwa cha habari 2. Jina la mnyama 3. Sifa za mnyama 4. Chakula anachokula 5. Kwa nini unampenda FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE (iv) laini ____________ 160 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Sura ya Ishirini ![167_image_0.png](167_image_0.png) ## Miti Yetu Katika sura hii, utasoma habari kuhusu msitu wa Mzee Sunga na mazimwi. Utajifunza kuhusu aina mbalimbali za miti. Utaweza kueleza faida za miti na kuandika habari fupi kuhusu umuhimu *wa miti.* ONLY Fikiri 1. Taja majina ya miti unayoifahamu. 2. Miti ina faida gani kwa binadamu? 3. Miti hupatikana wapi? USE Soma habari ifuatayo, kisha jibu maswali. ## Msitu Wa Mzee Sunga Na Mazimwi ONLINE Palitokea mazimwi matatu; baba, mama na mtoto wao. Yalihangaika sana kutafuta mahali pa kuishi. Hayakufanikiwa kwa sababu, katika nchi ya Azania, misitu mingi ya asili ilikuwa imekatwa na binadamu kwa matumizi mbalimbali. Misitu michache iliyobaki, ililindwa vikali na askari wa maliasili. Mazimwi hayo yalipojaribu kuingia kwenye misitu ya serikali, yalitimuliwa na askari hodari walioilinda. Yakiwa katika mahangaiko ya kutafuta makazi, ghafla yalijikuta kwenye msitu mzuri na mkubwa sana. Ulikuwa msitu unaopendeza, wenye miti mingi, mirefu na mifupi, ma**pango** makubwa ya kale, vichaka na miti ya matunda ya aina mbalimbali. Pia, kulikuwa na bonde la maji, asali ya asili, na mizinga ya kisasa upande mmoja wa msitu. FOR Mazimwi yalichekelea sana kuuona msitu huo unaopendeza. Yakashukuru miungu yao kwa bahati hiyo. Yalianza kupanga namna ya kuishi msituni humo. Yakaanzisha makazi kwenye pango moja kubwa msituni humo. 161 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Hayakujua kuwa mmiliki wa msitu huo alikuwa Mzee Sunga ambaye aliishi kando kidogo ya msitu wake. Siku mbili baadaye, Mzee Sunga alipitapita msituni kukagua miti yake kama ilivyo ada yake. Ghafla, alisikia vicheko vya ajabu vikitoka ndani ya pango mojawapo. Alinyata kuelekea pangoni humo ili ajue vicheko hivyo vilitolewa na viumbe gani. Yakiwa ndani ya pango, mazimwi yakasikia **mchakacho** wa kiumbe kinachoelekea langoni mwa pango. Muda huohuo, yakanusa harufu ya binadamu. Mazimwi yaka**kaa ange.** Yalipomwona mtu akiingia ndani ya pango, yalishituka! Yakatoweka kwa kutumia **hirizi** ya urithi ili binadamu asiyaone. ONLY ![168_image_0.png](168_image_0.png) Baada ya kuingia pangoni, Mzee Sunga hakuona kiumbe yeyote ndani. Hata hivyo, aliona dalili za wazi kwamba kulikuwemo na viumbe muda mfupi uliopita. Ingawa kulikuwa na giza pangoni humo, aliona sehemu kubwa ya sakafu iliyoonesha kuwa kuna viumbe waliolala hapo usiku. Sehemu hiyo ilikuwa imetandikwa nyasi nyingi kutoka upande mmoja wa pango hadi mwingine. Pia, kulikuwa na mabaki ya **kokwa** na asali. Akajua kwamba kuna wavamizi wa ajabu ndani ya msitu wake. Akaanza kuwa na wasiwasi na hofu kubwa. Akatafuta huku na huko ili ajue ni wageni gani waliovamia msitu wake. Hakuona kiumbe yeyote. FOR 162 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE Mazimwi yale yalipotoweka kwa hirizi ya urithi, yalikwenda kujibanza kwenye pango jingine jirani. Yalikuwa yameshituka na kujaa **taharuki.** Yalipofika katika msitu huu, yalidhani yamepata mahali pa amani. Yalidhani ni msitu huru, kumbe huenda sivyo. Yakaanza kujiuliza, "Sasa huyu binadamu anahusianaje na msitu huu? Alionekana mzee, lakini kwa nini alikuja msituni?" Yakataka kujua zaidi. Hata hivyo, yote yakawa yameupenda msitu. Yakaamua kuwa, kwanza, yapeleleze kuhusu nani mmiliki wa msitu huu. Pili, kama si serikali, yam**shawishi** yaununue msitu. Asiposhawishika, yatumie **ulaghai,** mabavu na **miujiza**. Kwa hiyo, yakaandaa mabunda ya fedha. Kisha, yakaamua kujigeuza kuwa binadamu na kwenda kumtafuta yule mzee. ONLY Mazimwi yakamkuta yule mzee ukingoni mwa msitu. Huu ulikuwa upande wa kijiji ambapo wananchi walijenga makazi. Mazimwi yalimsabahi na kujitambulisha kuwa ni watu kutoka kijiji cha mbali kidogo. USE "Sisi ni watafiti wa misitu. Tunatafiti utaalamu wa kupanda na kutunza miti. Tuna hamu ya kuwa na msitu mzuri kama huu. Hivi huu ni msitu wa nani?" Zimwi dume liliuliza. "Huu ni msitu wangu," alijibu Mzee Sunga. Mazimwi yalishangaa na kufurahi kusikia kuwa msitu huo ni wa binadamu mmoja tu na si wa serikali. Tamaa ikayajaa mioyoni. Yakauliza kwa mshangao, "Kumbe! Hongera! Una bahati na una utajiri mkubwa sana wa rasilimali. Uliupataje msitu huu?" "Niliurithi kutoka kwa babu yangu ambaye naye aliurithi kutoka kwa babu yake. Na babu yake huyu aliu**rithi** kutoka kwa babu yake. Kila mrithi amekuwa akipanua eneo la msitu kwa kupanda miti mbalimbali." ONLINE "Ahaa! Tunaona miti ya aina nyingi sana. Mingine hatujawahi kuiona maishani. Waijua yote kwa majina?" Mazimwi yalizidi ku**dadisi**. Mzee Sunga akajibu, "Naam! Naijua kwa majina kama niijuavyo mistari ya kiganja changu. Humu kuna mninga, mkongo, mvule, mpodo, mpingo, mkunguru, mtiki, na mingine mingi." FOR "Natamani kupata msitu kama huu. Miti hii inakufaidisha nini?" Zimwi mtoto aliuliza. Mzee Sunga akajibu, "Miti hii hutoa mbao za kujengea na kutengenezea samani mbalimbali. Mipingo hutumika kutengenezea vinyago, na mitiki hutumika kuundia majahazi na mitumbwi. Mnaona? Humu ndani pia nimening'iniza mizinga na nyuki hutengeneza asali kwa wingi." 163 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE "Kuna harufu nzuri humu msituni." Zimwi la kike lilisema likigeuza pua pembeni kuvuta harufu nzuri ya miti. Mzee Sunga akasema, "Kuna hewa safi na upepo **mwanana** humu kutokana na miti mbalimbali. Licha ya kusaidia kuleta mvua, miti pia huvutia ndege na wadudu wa aina mbalimbali. Wadudu na ndege hawa hupenda kurukaruka kwenye maua ya miti yanayovutia kwa harufu **murua**." Baada ya kusikia sifa na manufaa yote hayo, mazimwi yaliwaka tamaa. Yakaanza kumshawishi Mzee Sunga ayauzie msitu huo. Yalitoa mabunda lukuki ya pesa kumshawishi, lakini yeye alikataa akisema, "Siwezi kuuza urithi wangu **adhimu** huu. Ninawashauri mkaanzishe msitu wenu. Baada ya miaka michache mtafaidika. Mimi nimezaliwa na kukuzwa kwa faida za msitu huu. **Katu** siwezi kuuuza." ONLY Mazimwi yalipoona Mzee Sunga ana **msimamo mkali,** yalianza kumtishia yakisema, "Sikiliza wewe mzee. Sisi tupo watatu, na wewe u peke yako tu. Unawezaje kutukatalia? Hujionei huruma mzee?" Sauti zao zilianza kubadilika. Mzee Sunga alianza kujaa hofu. Akaanza kurudi nyuma huku akitetemeka. USE Zimwi dume likasema, "Usiogope mzee. Sisi ni watu wema tu. Tuuzie msitu huu tafadhali." ONLINE Zimwi mtoto lilipogeuka kupenga kamasi pembeni, Mzee Sunga akaona kijimkia kimechomoza kidogo ndani ya kaptula. Akazidi kujaa hofu, huku akiendelea kurudi nyuma bila kujua afanye nini zaidi. Akiwa amekata tamaa, Mzee Sunga akajikwaa na kudondoka chini. Mazimwi yakamsogelea, lakini kabla hayajamfikia, sauti za ngurumo za magari zikasikika kwa nguvu. Askari wa maliasili walikuwa wamekuja msituni hapo kwa ajili ya kusaka mazimwi ambayo yalimuua mzee mmoja ambaye alikataa kuyauzia shamba lake kwenye kijiji cha kumi kutoka hapo. Yalipowaona askari na silaha zao, mazimwi yaka**taharuki**. Nguvu za kizimwi zikayaingia. Yakaanza kubadilika na kuwa mazimwi yanayotisha. Askari waliposogea zaidi, mazimwi yakatoweka mahali hapo. Yaka**tokomea** msituni na hayakuoneka tena kwenye msitu huo. FOR Tangu siku hiyo, Mzee Sunga alipatiwa askari wa kuulinda msitu huo, na akaendelea kufaidika na manufaa yaliyotokana na kupanda miti. 164 1. Habari uliyoisoma inahusu nchi gani? 2. Viumbe gani waliingia katika msitu wa Mzee Sunga? 3. Kwa nini mazimwi yalikuwa yakihangaika kupata msitu wa kuishi? 4. Taja aina za miti inayopatikana kwenye msitu wa Mzee Sunga. 5. Nani walimuokoa Mzee Sunga mikononi mwa mazimwi? 6. Manufaa gani Mzee Sunga huyapata kutokana na msitu wake? 7. Mbao hutumika kutengenezea vitu gani? 8. Kwa nini Mzee Sunga alikataa kuuza msitu? ONLY 9. Mzee Sunga alipata msaada gani kutoka kwa maofisa wa maliasili? 10. Umejifunza nini kutokana na habari hii? ## Zoezi La 2 Msamiati USE A. Tunga sentensi moja kwa kila neno ulilopewa. (i) mchakacho ONLINE (ii) kokwa (iii) ada (iv) tokomea (v) hirizi (vi) taharuki (vii) shawishi (viii) dadisi FOR (ix) murua (x) pango (xi) rasilimali (xii) rithi 165 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE B. Oanisha maneno ya sehemu A na maana zake sehemu B. | Sehemu A | | Sehemu B | | |------------|---------|------------|------------------------------------------------| | (i) | adhimu | (a) | danganya | | (ii) | katu | (b) | jambo lisilo la kawaida | | (iii) | laghai | (c) | enye ubora wa pekee | | (iv) | mninga | (d) | hata kidogo, kamwe | | (v) | muujiza | (e) | mti unaotoa mbao ngumu za kutengenezea samani | ONLY ## Zoezi La 3 Nahau Tunga sentensi mbili kwa kila nahau. 1. piga moyo konde 2. kaa ange 3. mkono wa birika 4. angua kilio 5. ona fahari ## Zoezi La 4 Methali Kamilisha methali zifuatazo: 1. Zimwi likujualo ……………….. 2. ………………… hakivunji chawa. 3. Mchumia juani, ………………….. 4. ……………………, kiatu chake dawa. 5. Chema chajiuza, …………………… ## Online Zoezi La 5 Mazoezi Ya Lugha A. Andika maneno yenye maana sawa na maneno yafuatayo: FOR (i) stawi ________________ (ii) idhini ________________ (iii) penda ________________ (iv) tembelea ________________ (v) samani ________________ (vi) tunza ________________ 166 (vii) vuta ________________ (viii) kwea ________________ (ix) pasua ________________ (x) toweka ________________ ## B. Andika Neno Moja Badala Ya Kikundi Cha Maneno. (i) mpodo, mpingo, mkunguru, mvule, mninga, mtiki _________ ONLY (ii) viti, meza, kabati, dawati, kitanda _________ (iii) nyuki, kipepeo, siafu, panzi, sisimizi, ng'e _________ (iv) tembo, swala, chui, simba, pundamilia, twiga _________ (v) chungwa, chenza, fenesi, papai, parachichi _________ (vi) mahindi, mtama, uwele, ngano _________ (vii) gauni, suruali, shati, sketi, koti, sweta _________ USE (viii) mkuki, rungu, sime, gobore, bunduki _________ ONLINE C. Jibu maswali yafuatayo kwa kuandika KWELI au SI KWELI. (i) Misitu ni sehemu ya mazingira. _________ (ii) Vichaka, nyasi, miti mifupi na mirefu ni msitu. _________ (iii) Viumbe wote huishi msituni. _________ (iv) Jangwa ni sehemu iliyojaa maji. _________ (v) Binadamu hutegemea misitu katika maisha yake. _________ (vi) Misitu hutupatia vyakula kama vile matunda. _________ FOR (vii) Misitu huleta mvua ambayo hustawisha mazao. _________ (viii) Kazi ya kutunza na kulinda misitu ni ya serikali peke yake. ___ 167 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE D. Chagua jibu sahihi kujaza nafazi zilizoachwa wazi. Mfano: Kitabu ______ kimeibwa. (*lake, changu, vyao*) *Kitabu changu kimeibwa.* (i) Msitu ______ umestawi. (*wangu, yenu, hao*) (ii) Alipovuna miti ______ alipasua mbao. (*kile, yake, ule*) (iii) Shamba ______ la miti lilikuwa kubwa. (*lake, changu, chetu*) (iv) Kipato ______ kilitokana na kuuza mbao. (*lao, langu, chake*) (v) Wachongaji huuza vinyago ____kwa bei kubwa. (*chetu, chake,* vyao) ONLY (vi) Askari ______ wa maliasili walilinda misitu. (*wetu, ake, vyake*) (vii) Mbao ______ ni za mkaratusi. (*yenu, yake, zake*) (viii) Tuitunze misitu _____ kwa sababu ina faida nyingi. (*yetu, letu, chao*) USE E. Chagua neno kutoka kwenye mabano lenye maana sawa na sentensi uliyopewa. (i) Kitu kinachotengenezwa ili kukamata mnyama au ndege. ______ (*jiwe, mtego, kamba*) (ii) Fundi anayetengeneza vifaa vya mbao. ______ (*fundi cherehani, fundi seremala, dobi*) FOR (vi) Mtu anayefanya kazi ya kupeleka au kuchukua barua posta au katika ofisi nyingine. ______ (*sekretari, mtumishi, mesenja*) (vii) Mtu anayetengeneza vitu vya udongo. ______ (*mhunzi,* mfinyanzi, fundi udongo) ONLINE (iii) Mtu anayeongoza meli majini. ______ (*nahodha, rubani,* dereva) (iv) Mtu anayeendesha ndege. ______ (*dereva, nahodha, rubani*) (v) Mtu anayepanda minazi ili aangue nazi. ______ (*mkwezi, mpandaji, mvunaji*) (viii) Kifaa kinachotumika kukusanyia nyasi shambani au bustanini. ____ (*rato, reki, kwanja*) 168 FOR ONLINE USE ONLY DO NOT DUPLICATE F. Panga herufi zilizochanganywa ili kupata majina ya miti. (i) lumve ________________ (ii) komko ________________ (iii) muyub ________________ (iv) mnpogi ________________ (v) nnamgi ________________ (vi) umkung ________________ (vii) ngelom ________________ (viii) njevim ________________ ## Zoezi La 6 **Ufupisho** USE Andika habari uliyoisoma kwa maneno hamsini (50). ![175_image_0.png](175_image_0.png) ## Zoezi La 7 **Utungaji** ONLINE Andika insha fupi kuelezea umuhimu wa miti ukiongozwa na vidokezo vifuatavyo: 1. Miti hupatikana wapi? 2. Aina za miti unazozifahamu. 3. Faida za kutunza miti. 4. Hasara za uharibifu wa miti. FOR 5. Toa ushauri kuhusu miti. 169 Vitabu kutoka Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania Darasa la Tano ![176_image_1.png](176_image_1.png) onsT ธไ ธટธาร ilidswsiy ![176_image_0.png](176_image_0.png)
maths class3 (copy).md
# JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA ## SHULE YA MSINGI SESEKO ### MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI 2018 #### SOMO: HISABATI STD III --- ### MAELEKEZO: - Jibu maswali yote. - Andika majibu yako kwenye nafasi zilizotolewa. --- | NA. | SWALI | MAJIBU | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1. | Andika kwa maneno namba 596. | | | 2. | 67 + __ = 101 | | | 3. | 612 + 327 = | | | 4. | 409 + 325 = | | | 5. | 536 + 414 = | | | 6. | 80 - 35 = | | | 7. | 11 - 3 = | | | 8. | 8 x 3 = | | | 9. | 36 x 3 = | | | 10. | Kuku 6 wanamiguu mingapi? | | | 11. | Andika kwa tarakimu elfu mbili mia mbili ishirini na mbili. | | | 12. | Sh. 85 + Sh. 10 = | | | 13. | Andika kwa tarakimu maelfu sita na mamia saba makumi matano na mamoja matatu. | | | 14. | Saa 8:30 + Saa 2:20 = | | | 15. | Umbo hili linaitwaje? | | | 16. | Andika kwa tarakimu nusu. | | | 17. | 1/3 huitwa ________________. | | | 18. | Sehemu iliyowekwa kivuli ni ________________. | | | 19. | 8630 + 1198 = | | | 20. | Andika thamani ya Q katika hesabu ifuatayo. | | | 21. | 47 - 1 = a, a = __? | | | 22. | Uso huu wa saa unaonyesha saa ngapi? | | | 23. | Sh. 8000 - Sh. 700 = Sh. ? | | | 24. | Mama alikuwa na Sh. 570. Alimpa mtoto wake Sh. 150. Alibakiwa na kiasi gani? | | | 25. | 72 ÷ 4 = | | | 26. | Andika thamani ya namba 8896. | | --- **Mwisho wa Mtihani**
PRESIDENT'S OFFICE ![0_image_0.png](0_image_0.png) REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FORM FOUR SPECIAL SCHOOL JOINTS EXAMINATION 033/2A BIOLOGY 2A Time:2:30 HRS Monday **28-SEPT-2020 AM** INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of **two (2)** questions. Each question carries 25 marks 2. Answer all questions. 3. Except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil, all writings should be in blue or black ink. 4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room. 6. Write your **Examination number** on every page of your answer sheets. 1. You have been provided with specimens B1 and B2 a) Prepare solution from specimens B1 and B2, then mix them together and label it X. i. Write procedures on how you prepared the solution X from specimens B1 and B2 ii. Use reagents provided to identify food substances present in the solution X. tabulate your results. b) State two functions of food substance(s) identified in 1a(ii) in human body. c) To each food substance(s) identified in 1(a) (ii), name two other possible natural sources in which each food substance can be obtained. d) Suggest the end products of digestion of each food substance identified in 1(a)(ii) above. e) Briefly explain the role of dilute hydrochloric acid and Sodium hydroxide in this experiment. 2. You have been provided with the specimens S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5. a) Observe specimens S1 and S2 then; i. Suggest the habitat to which specimens S1 and S2 obtained. ii. How specimens S2 is adapted to its natural environments. (4 points) b) Study specimens S1, S4 and S5 carefully then; i. Draw a well labeled diagram of specimen S1 ii. Classify specimens to S1, S4 and S5 their class level. iii. State three (3) economic importance of each specimen in (2a) above. c) Observe specimen S3 and S4 and then; i. Write two features of the kingdom to which each specimen S3 and S4 belong ii. State four observable difference between S3 and S4 iii. Name and define the type of seed germination exhibited by specimen S3. iv. Draw a well and large labeled diagram of specimen S4
english V
**OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **KISHAPU DISTRICT COUNCIL** **NGUZOMBILI PRIMARY SCHOOL** **ENGLISH EXAMINATION STANDARD V MAY 2024** **INSTRUCTIONS** 1. This paper consists of section A, B AND C. 2. Answer all questions in each sections. 3. Write your name in every page of your answer sheet **SECTION "A"** 1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) What is the name of our school? (a) Mufindi (b) Kilindi (c) Secondary (d) Kisi( ) ii) What is the size of Kilindi village? (a) Big (b) Small (c) Normal (d) Unknown ( ) iii) The pupils of Kilindi like .................. (a) Eating fruits (b) Playing (c) Their school (d) Sleeping ( ) iv) How many pupils from Kilindi went to secondary last year? (a) 20 Pupils (b) 10 Pupils (c) 30 Pupils (d) 5 Pupils ( ) v) Pupils go to secondary school after ......................... (a) They have passed their examination (b) They are tired of primary school (c) They are old enough (d) They are 18 years ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. For each of the item (i) -- (v) choose the correct answer and write its letter in the box provided. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) Out teacher .................. from Arusha to Kampala last month. (a) Is driving (b) Has driven (c) Drive (d) Drove ( ) ii) They ........................ on their farms every evening. (a) Have been living (b) Working (c) Work (d) Worked ( ) iii) The boy ....................... you interviewed yesterday is bright. (a) Who (b) whom (c) whose (d) Which ( ) iv) This dress belongs to Mariam. It is. (a) Here's (b) Herself (c) Hers (d) Her ( ) v) An elephant is the .............. animal in the forest. (a) big (b) bigger (c) biggest (d) Most big ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. For the item (i) -- (v) complete the sentence by choose the correct words given in the box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **Attractive, Foodstuff, Watering, Fetch along, jailed** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i) He used to ......................... Water after school hours. ii) Flour, Sugar, rice and beans are ........................................ iii) The garden looks .............................................. iv) To be put in jail is to be ....................................................... v) You will see Magogo Petrol station ........................ the road. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Match the item in list A with their corresponding meaning in list B and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided +----------------------------+--------+-------------------------------+ | **LIST "A"** | **AN | **LIST "B"** | | | SWER** | | +============================+========+===============================+ | i) Classmate | | a) A person who teach in a | | | | school. | | ii) Library | | | | | | b) A person who flies an | | iii) Teacher | | aeroplane. | | | | | | iv) Pilot | | c) A person who teach pupils | | | | in a school. | | v) Doctor | | | | | | d) Place where books are | | | | kept. | | | | | | | | e) A person who is in the | | | | same class as you. | +----------------------------+--------+-------------------------------+ **SECTION "B"** 5. Complete the sentence by changing the verbs in brackets into appropriate form. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) It ......................... (rain) every weekend. ii) He ........................... (cook) potatoes every day. iii) Last year Neema ..................... (go) to Mbinga. iv) I was .................. a book when my father entered the room (read). v) My uncle had ................ Two bottles of bear (drink) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. Arrange the sentence so as to make a good composition by giving them letter A -- E. write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i) When he was a boy he looked after cows. ( ) ii) He loved to hear stories about mine boy, late in life he grew an interest in politics. ( ) iii) Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa in 1918. ( ) iv) He spent several years in prison because of fighting apartheid. ( ) v) Finally, he become the first president of South Africa. ( ) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. Complete the letter by choosing the correct answer from the box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **Invite, Kibumaye Primary school, House, Suzana Yohana 15^th^ September 2020** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, P.O. BOX 543, KILWA, 2\. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, Dear Joyce, I would like to (3) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ you for my wedding party. It is on Saturday 15^th^ October 2020, at 6:00 Primary. (4) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ have invited all my Friends and relatives. My sister had come from Nairobi and she will be happy to see you. Your loving friend, > (5)\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **LISTENING SKILLS** Name of our school is Kilindi. Kilindi is also the name of our village. It is a big village. Our teachers teach us very well. They give us exercise every week and tests every month. They do not beat us. They only encourage us to work hard. Last year, 20 pupils went to secondary school from our school. This year we expect even more to pass and be selected for secondary education.
**HALMASHAURI YA WILAYA YA KISHAPU** **SHULE YA MSINGI MUUNGANO** **MTIHANI WA HIABATI MUHULA WA II 2019 DRS VI** > **MUDA: MASAA 3** 1. 4562431 + 324 + 13367 = 2. 9000000 -- 8456789 = 3. 3973 × 102 = 4. 1008 ÷ 28 = 5. Tafuta KDS cha 21, 15 na 28 6. -- 32 - ^+^3 = 7. Andika CMXCIX kwa namba za kawaida 8. 3$\frac{3}{16}$ + 4$\frac{5}{8}$ = 9. 37$\frac{1}{5}$ - 9$\frac{1}{6}$ = 10. 13$\frac{1}{2}$ × 4$\frac{3}{4}$ = 11. 5 ÷ $\frac{1}{4}$ = 12. 125.85 + 18.13 = 13. 14.7 ÷ 7 = 14. 4M + 21 = 49 Tafuta thamani ya M. 15. 0.6n = 18 Tafuta thamani ya n. 16. 4.3 × 3.5 = 17. km m sm 12 20 8 × 10 18. Badili 0.20 kuwa asilimia. 19. Badili 0.30 kuwa sehemu . 20. Badili 25% kuwa desimali. 21. Badili 75 % kuwa sehemu. 22. Badili $\frac{17}{20}$ kuwa asilimia. 23. Badili $\frac{11}{25}$ kuwa desimali. 24. Ikiwa m:2 = 10:4. Tafuta thamani ya m 25. Orodhesha namba witiri zote kati ya 68 na 79. 26. Mariamu alinunua redio kwa shilingi 50,000 na kuuza kwa 27. Tafuta 30% ya shilingi 9000. 28. Andika 40 kwa kirumi. 29. Saa dakika 9 40 \+ 6 50 30. Saa dakika 14 30 -10 50 31. Tafuta wastani wa namba zifuatazo 40, 60, 50, 80 na 90 32. Zidisha kg 2 gm 50 kwa 8 33. Tafuta mzingo. sm 8 sm 25 34. Tafuta eneo. sm 7 sm 20 35. Tafuta eneo sm 13 sm 8 ^sm\ 17^ 36. Tafuta eneo la mstatili wenye urefu was m 21 na upana was m 20. 37. Tafuta eneo la mche mstatili uliofungwa pande zote. sm 6 sm 4 sm 2 38. Tafuta eneo la mche duara uliofungwa pande zote wenye kipenyo cha sm 21 na kimo cha sm 10. 39. Tafuta eneo la mche duara uliowazi upande mmoja wenye kipenyo cha sm 49 na kimo cha sm 20. 40. Tafuta eneo la duara lenye kipenyo cha sm 14. 41. Juma siku 12 5 × 8 42. Mwaka juma 122 9 × 6 43. Mwaka mwezi 82 6 × 8 Onyesha majira ya nukta zifuatazo. **B** **E** **~F~** **~D\ A~** **~C~** 44. A( ) 45. B( ) 46. C( ) 47. D( ) 48. E ( ) 49. F ( ) 50. Tumia mchoro ufuatao kujibu maswali A, B na C. Mifugo katika kijiji cha Bupigi ni kama ifuatavyo. Kijiji kina mifugo
1. 0.009 + 7.999= 2. 5 $\frac{1}{4}$ + 7 $\frac{2}{3}$ = 3. 7256 + 4379= 4. 0.0275 ÷ 0.25 = 5. (+19) × (˗5) = 6. 4081 ÷ 53 = 7. 429 + 7571= 8. 7 $\frac{1}{7}$×10 $\frac{1}{2}$ = 9. 7.31 ˗ 5.521 = 10. 327 ×27= 11. 18 1/3 15 2/5 = 12. (+57) ÷ (˗3) = 13. 7 $\frac{1}{3}$ ÷ 4 $\frac{8}{9}$ = 14. 19.03 ×0.7 = 15. Km 8 meta 255 kwa 8 16. Andika 1666 kwa namba za kirumi 17. Badili 0.025 kuwa sehemu rahisi 18. Badili 1 $\frac{1}{8}$ kuwa asilimia 19. Badili 133 $\frac{1}{3}$% kuwa sehemu rahisi 20. Rahisisha funga lifuatalo $\frac{5uv\ - 10vw}{2w\ - u}$ 21. Tafuta kigawe kidogo cha shirika KDS cha 30,54 na 60 22. Ikiwa 5= ˗2, r=3, Tafuta thamani ya fungu lifuatalo $\frac{2rs\ + 4r\ + s^{2}}{s\ - r\ + 1}$ 23. Tafuta kipeuo cha pili cha 3364 24. Andika namba tasa zote zilizopo kati ya 76 na 92 25. Tafuta kigawe kikubwa cha shirika KKS cha 44, 88 na 110 26. Ikiwa 98: 63 = m. 207. Tafuta thamani ya M 27. Tafuta mzingo wa duara wenye kipenyo cha sm 14 28. Tafuta eneo la nusu duara lenye kipengele cha sm 14 29. Tafuta eneo la msambamba wenye urefu wa Sm 8 na kimo cha Sm 6 30. Umri wa baba wa sasa ni mara nne ya umri wa mtoto wake. Miaka 20 ijayo umri wa mtoto wa baba. Tafuta umri wa baba 31. +6+ ˗8 ˗ + 3 = 32. $\sqrt{197}$ + $\sqrt{529 =}$ 33. Orodhesha namba tasa kati ya 50 na 65
**PRESIDENT'S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT** **STANDARD FIVE ANNUAL EXAMINATION -- ENGLISH SUBJECT** **SCHOOL NAME\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ STUDENT'S NAME\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SECTION "A" MULTIPLE CHOICES** **CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER** 1. It \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ every weekend. (a) raining (b) rains (c) rained (d) rain **( )** 2. Last year Neema \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to Mbinga. (a) go (b) going (c) gone (d) went **( )** 3. The opposite of the word "highest" is \_\_\_ (a) high (b) lower (c) lowest (d) top **( )** 4. Probably we \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ come to see you next month. (a) shall (b) will (c) has (d) is **( )** 5. John has \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to Dodoma. (a) goes (b) gone (c) go (d) going **( )** 6. The plural of the word "Mango" is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mangoes (b) mango (c) mangois (d) mangos **( )** 7. Bernard has a car. This \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ car. (a) his (b) my (c) their (d) her **( )** 8. Asha is the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ girl in the class. (a) tall (b) taller (c) talls (d) tallest **( )** 9. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ she come to school yesterday? (a) does (b) do (c) did (d) doing **( )** 10. A person who treats sick people is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) shopkeeper (b) cook c) fisherman (d) doctor **( )** **SECTION "B"** **Use the map to direct your friend from the standard five classroom to the head teacher's office. Use the expression below** (turn right, turn left and go straight) 11. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the library and then 12. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and go straight until you get to the staff room. 13. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and walk straight to the assembly ground. Finally turn left and 14 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the head teacher's office. **SECTION "C"** **Use the following words in the box to complete the following sentences below.** **(shopkeeper, doctor, cook, fisherman, teacher, journalist, tailor, carpenter, writer, driver)** 15\. A person who treats sick people is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 16\. A person who cooks food is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 17\. A person who makes tables and chairs is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18\. A person who writes books is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 19\. A person who catches fish is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20\. A person who sells things in a shop is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SECTION "D"** Change the underlined word into the plural Example Rachel bought a [mango]{.underline} = Rachel bought a mangoes 21\. They have [a child.]{.underline} 22\. She has a [fierce dog.]{.underline} 23\. Juma gave us [an onion.]{.underline} 24\. We have a [good neighbor]{.underline} 25\. He brought [an exercise book.]{.underline} **Write the opposite of the following words** 26\. Man \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 27\. Lowest \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 28\. Enemy \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 29\. Sad \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 30\. Quick \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 31\. Fast \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 32\. Big \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 33\. Angry \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI -- SOMO LA SAYANSI NA TEKNOLOJIA DARASA LA TANO** **SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A"** **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi na uandike herufi hiyo katika kisanduku mbele ya swali** 1. Kani ya sumaku huambatana na kani ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) joto (b) mawimbi (c) mwanga (d) umeme **( )** 2. Moto huwaka vizuri kama kuna \_\_\_ (a) haidrojeni (b) neoni (c) oksijeni (d) naitrojen **( )** 3. Kati ya yafuatayo, ni tendo lipi la kutoa taka mwili. (a) kuoga (b) kutoa machozi (c) kukojoa (d) kupenga kamasi **( )** 4. Vitundu vinavyotumiwa na mimea kupotezea maji yake na kupumua ni:- (a) mchavusho (b) chain kiwiti (c) umbijani (d) stomata **( )** 5. Sayari iliyo karibu sana na jua ni \_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) zuhura (b) zebaki (c)zumbula (d) mihiri**( )** 6. **\_\_\_\_\_\_**ni mamalia lakini hana tezi za jasho. (a) popo (b) mbwa (c) panya (d) nyangumi**( )** 7. Elimu ya uhusiano wa viumbe hai na mazingira inajulikana kama\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Baiolojia (b) Ikolojia (c) Kilimo (d) Msawazo wa viumbe hai **( )** 8. Kani ya msukumo wa umeme katika sakiti hupimwa kwa kutumia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) ometa (b) Seli kavu (c) Amita (d) Voltimita **( )** 9. Mtiririko wa umeme katika sakiti huitwa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mkondo umeme (b) msukumo wa umeme (c) sakiti mfuatano (d) volteji **( )** 10. Kani za mvutano kati ya molekyuli za maada huwa ni ndogo sana katika \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) chuma (b) maji (c) hewa (d) yabisi **( )** 11. Wakati unatoa huduma ya kwanza kwa mtu aliyeungua moto hauruhusiwi kupaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kwenye jeraha (a) maji ya baridi (b) mafuta (c) asali (d) mbu **( )** 12. Ebola ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) bakteria (b) virusi (c) nzi (d) mbu **( )** 13. Kazi kubwa ya dawa za "ARV" ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kufubaza VVU (b) kuua kabisa VVU (c) Kuongeza VVU (d) kuponya UKIMWI **( )** 14. Mfumo wa utoaji taka mwili unajumuisha ogani kuu nne nazo ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) figo, ulimi, ngozi na mapafu (b) figo, ini, ngozi na mapafu (c) ini, figo, pua na sikio **( )** 15. Seli nyekundu za damu zilizokufa hutolewa mwilini kupitia\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mkojo (b) jasho (c) kinyesi (d) machozi **( )** **SEHEMU "B"** **Oanisha fungu "A" na "B" ilikuleta maana sahihi kisayansi** <table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="6"><strong>FUNGU “A”</strong></th> <th colspan="5"><strong>FUNGU “B”</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="6"><ol start="16" type="1"> <li><p>Humwezesha samaki kuogolea. <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Humwezesha samaki kupumua <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Mbegu zenye ghala mbili <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Mbegu zenye ghala moja <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Kutengeneza na kuhifadhi gamete uke<strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Kutengeneza na kuhifadhi gameti ume <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Hatua za mabadiliko katika ukuaji wadudu<strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Ncha za sumaku zisizo fanana <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Ncha za sumaku zinazo fanana <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Mifano ya nyenzo daraja la kwanza <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Mifano ya nyenzo daraja la pili <strong>( )</strong></p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="5"><ol type="A"> <li><p>Hukwepana</p></li> <li><p>Toroli na opena</p></li> <li><p>Mapezi</p></li> <li><p>Mkasi na mizani</p></li> <li><p>Matamvua</p></li> <li><p>Huvutana</p></li> <li><p>Daikotiledoni</p></li> <li><p>Metamofosisi</p></li> <li><p>Ovary</p></li> <li><p>Monokotiledoni</p></li> <li><p>Korodani</p></li> </ol></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><strong>FUNGU “A”</strong></td> <td>16</td> <td>17</td> <td>18</td> <td>19</td> <td>20</td> <td>21</td> <td>22</td> <td>23</td> <td>24</td> <td>25</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><strong>FUNGU “B”</strong></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> **SEHEMU "C"** **Jaza nafasi zilizowazi** 27. Aina kuu mbili za sakiti ni sakiti \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na sakiti \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 28. Taja hali tatu za maada \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 29. Taja milango mitatu ya fahamu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 30. Taja kwa mtirirko sahihi hatua za ukuaji mende \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 31. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hupokea na kupitisha manii kutoka kwenye uume wakati wa kujamiina. 32. Lenzi inayotawanya miale ya mwanga huitwa lenzi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 33. Taja ogani tatu zinazohusika katika utoaji taka mwili \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI -- SOMO LA MAARIFA YA JAMII** **DARASA LA TANO** **SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A"** **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi na uandike katika kisanduku mbele ya swali.** 1. Moja ya sifa ya familia yenye maendeleo ni kupata\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) majisafi (b) huduma za afya (c) chakula cha kutosha (d) mahitaji ya msingi **( )** 2. Mkutano wa kuigawa Afrika ulifanyika katika nchi ya \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Uingereza (b) Marekani (c)Ujerumani (d) Ufaransa **( )** 3. Dunia hutumia muda wa dakika \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kujizungusha kati ya longitudo moja hadi nyingine. (a) 15 (b) 24 (c) 4 (d) 60 **( )** 4. Mabadiliko ya maji kupwa na kuja kutokea marambili. (a) Kila siku (b) kwa wiki (c) kwa mwaka (d) baada ya mwezi **( )** 5. Binadamu aligundua moto katika zama zipi za mawe? (a) zama za kati za mawe (b) zama za mwanzo (c) zama za mwisho (d) zama za chuma **( )** 6. Umwinyi ni mfumo wa kiuchumi uliokuwa umeenea sana \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) unyamwezi (b) Pwani (c) usukumani (d) uchagani **( )** 7. Mahitaji muhimu ya familia ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) malazi shule na maji (b) maji, moto na chakula (c) mavazi, chakula na makazi (d) hewa na maji **( )** 8. Mfumo wa mwanzo wa kiuchumi ambao haukuwa na matabaka ni\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) ujima (b) ukabaila (c) ujamaa (d) ubepari **( )** 9. Zama za chuma zilianza miaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ iliyopita kabla ya kuzaliwa kwa kristu. (a) 1500 (b) 3500 (c)3000,000 (d) 3000 **( )** 10. Bonde la ufa limegawanyika katika sehemu\_\_\_\_\_(a) nne (b) mbili (c) tatu (d) tano **( )** 11. Inasadikiwa binadamu wa kwanza aliishi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Afrika (b) Asia (c) Ulaya (d) Amerika **( )** 12. Mbuga ya wanyama iliyokubwa kuliko zote nchini Tanzania ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Ngorongoro (b) Manyara (c) Mikumi (d) Serengeti **( )** 13. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ni mimea yote iliyoota juu ya ardhi. (a) Misitu (b) Uoto (c) vichaka (d) nyasi **( )** 14. Maliasili zinazochimbwa ardhini huitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Madini (b) risasi (c) mgodi (d) rubi **( )** 15. Chombo kinachotumika kupima msukumo wa hewa ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) Barometa (b) Haigrometa (c) Themometa (d) Anemometa **( )** 16. Maisha ya binadamu wa zama za mawe yamegawanyika katika zama\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mbili (b) tatu (c) nne (d) tano **( )** 17. Dunia hufanya mizunguko mingapi? (a) mitatu (b) miwili (c) mine (d) mitano **( )** **SEHEMU "B"** **Oanisha fungu "A" na "B" kuleta maana sahihi** <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 16%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="8"><strong>FUNGU “A”</strong></th> <th colspan="4"><strong>FUNGU “B”</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="8"><ol start="18" type="1"> <li><p>Dunia inapolizunguka jua tunapata<strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Matokeo ya dunia kujizungusha katika mhimili <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Topografia na takwimu <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Dira, fremu, ufunguo, kipimio na kichwa cha ramani<strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Muda wa dunia kulizunguka jua <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Muda wa dunia kujizungusha katika muhimili wake<strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Wareno walifika pwani ya Afrika Mashariki wakiongozwa na <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Aliitisha mkutano wa Berlin <strong>( )</strong></p></li> <li><p>Mashujaa waliopinga uvamizi wa bara la Afrika <strong>( )</strong></p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="4"><ol type="A"> <li><p>Aina za ramani</p></li> <li><p>Vasco da Gama</p></li> <li><p>Kansela Otto Von Bismark</p></li> <li><p>Majira ya mwaka</p></li> <li><p>Saa 24</p></li> <li><p>Usiku na mchana</p></li> <li><p>Nyerere na Mandela</p></li> <li><p>Siku 366</p></li> <li><p>Sifa za ramani</p></li> </ol></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><strong>FUNGU “A”</strong></td> <td>18</td> <td>19</td> <td>20</td> <td>21</td> <td>22</td> <td>23</td> <td colspan="2">24</td> <td>25</td> <td>26</td> <td>27</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><strong>FUNGU “B”</strong></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> **SEHEMU "C"** **Jaza nafasi zilizo achwa wazi** 27. Dunia hujizungusha yenyewe katika mhimili wake kutoka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kuelekea \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. 28. Taja vitangulizi vya ukoloni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. 29. Kabla ya uhuru shughuli kuu za uzalishaji mali zilikuwa ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. 30. Taja rasilimali za asili tatu ambazo ni muhimu zaidi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 31. Kifaa kinachotumika kupima kasi ya upepo kinaitwa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 32. Tofauti ya muda kati ya kila nyuzi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ za longitudo ni saa moja. 33. Taja vipindi vya majira ya mwaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI -- SOMO LA URAIA NA MAADILI** **DARASA LA TANO** **SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **SEHEMU "A"** **Chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi na uiandike kwenye kisanduku mbele ya swali** 1. Kujipenda ni nini (a) kuishi kwa kuto jithamini (b) kukubali kila kitu (c) kitendo cha kujikubali na kujithamini (d) majibu yote ni sawa **( )** 2. Tofauti iliyopo kati ya kijinsi ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) mwanaume anaweza kusababisha mimba na mwanamke anaweza kupata mimba (b) mwanamme na mwanamke wanapata hedhi (c) mwanaume na mwanamke wananyonyesha motto (d) majibu yote sawa **( )** 3. Mavazi ya asili ya jamii ya masai ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) kujifunga lubega (b) kuvaa kanzu (c) kuvaa kichwani kibaraghashia (d) kuvaa kaptura **( )** 4. Upendo halis ni \_\_\_\_\_(a) kujipenda mwenyewe (b) kuwapenda watu wengine, kuwajali na kuwathamini (b) kuwachukia watu wengine (d) kuwadharau watu wengine**( )** 5. Nembo ya Taifa Tanzania inajumla ya alama \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) 18 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 13**( )** 6. Alama ambayo hutumika kuonesha umiliki wa mali na nyaraka za serikali tu ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) picha ya makamu wa Rais (b) bendera ya Taifa (c) nembo ya Taifa (d) wimbo wa Taifa **( )** 7. Serikali za mitaa zimeundwa kisheria kutokana na \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) sheria za nchi (b) katiba ya nchi (c) sera ya nchi (d) Rais wa nchi **( )** 8. Mtendaji wa shughuli za serikali katika ngazi ya kata ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) diwani (b) mkuu wa wilaya (c) mratibu elimu kata (d) afisa mtendaji kata **( )** 9. Katibu wa vikao vya baraza la madiwani ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mwenyekiti wa halmashauri (b) diwani wa viti maalum (c) katibu tawala (d) mkurugenzi wa halmashauri **( )** 10. Wakuu wa idara za halmashauri huwajibika kwa nani? (a) Mkurugenzi wa halmashauri (b) Mkuu wa wilaya (c) Mkuu wa mkoa (d) Ofisa Tawala Wilaya **( )** **SEHEMU "B"** **Kujaza kweli au si kweli** 11. Taarifa zote za mtandao zinazingatia maadili\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12. Kitendo cha mtu au watu kutenda haki bila ya upendeleo ni uadilifu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 13. Unafiki ni kujifanya rafiki wakati ni adui\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 14. Katiba ni sheria mama \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 15. Kuna aina tano za raia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 16. Faida ya kuchangamana na watu wenye asili tofauti ni upendo na kuheshimiana \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 17. Jumuiya ya madola ni umoja wa mataifa huru yaliyo kuwa makoloni ya Ujerumani \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18. Uhuru wa mtu kuishi mahali popote nchini ni haki za binadamu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 19. Kuwa na uhuru wa kutoa maoni ni moja ya nguzo za demokrasia \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. Viongozi wa vyama vya siasa wanawajibu wa kudumisha amani ndani ya nchi yao \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "C"** **Oanisha fungu "A" na fungu "B" ilikupata maan akamili** +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | **KIFUNGU "A"** | **KIFUNGU "B"** | +====================================+=================================+ | 21. Demokrasia | A. Sikukuu ya wafanyakazi. | | | | | 22. Haki ya binadamu iliyo kuu | B. Kufanya Dunia kuwa kama | | | kijiji kimoja. | | 23. CCM | | | | C. Utamaduni. | | 24. CHADEMA | | | | D. Katiba ya nchi. | | 25. 26 April 1964 | | | | E. Chama Cha Mapinduzi | | 26. Sheria mama | | | | F. Chama cha Demokrasia na | | 27. Utandawazi | Maendeleo | | | | | 28. Chakula, mavazi, kula kunywa | G. Muungano wa Tanganyika na | | na kuabudu | Zanzibar | | | | | 29. 01 mei kila mwaka | H. Haki ya kuishi | | | | | | I. Uhuru wa kutoa maoni | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ **SEHEMU "D"** **Jaza nafasi zilizoachwa wazi** 30. Taja madhara matatu yanayo sababishwa na utandawazi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 31. Taja tanzu nne za utamaduni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 32. Katiba ya jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ina jumla ya sura \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 33. Uchaguzi mkuu wa Raisin a wabunge na wadiwani hufanyika kila baada ya miaka \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI -- SOMO LA KISWAHILI** **DARASA LA TANO** **SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** 1. Wadudu wakubw amfano wa siafu wanaoota mbawa kwa muda mfupi tu wakati wa mvua nyingi hujulikana kama \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) siafu mkubwa (b) kumbikumbi (c) wadudu mvua (d) siafu **( )** 2. Mtego wa samaki unaofanana na dema huitwaje? (a) mgonzo (b) mgoto (c) mgono (d) mgoza **( )** 3. Mtaka yote kwa pupa, hukosa yote. Nini maana ya methali hii? (a) mtaka yote ana pata yote kwa pupa (b) mtaka yote kwa pupa hana pupa (c) asiye taka yote kwa pupa hukosa yote (d) anayetaka vitu vingi kwa tamaa hawi na mwisho mzuri **( )** 4. Mwanafunzi a[li]{.underline}safiri sikunzima kutoka shinyanga kwenda Mwanza. Silabi iliyopigiwa mstari inawakilisha nini? (a) wakati (b) hali (c) awali (d) nafsi **( )** 5. "Hakika l[e]{.underline}o mtakiona cha mtema kuni" Mama alituambia sentensi hii iko katika kauli gani? (a) Taarifa (b) Halisi (c) Kawaida (d) Amri **( )** 6. Baba alituambia kwamba tuzingatie masomo na Elimu ni ufunguo wa maisha. Sentensi hii iko katika kauli gani? (a) taarifa (b) halisi (c) amri (d) kawaida **( )** 7. Hussein ataingia kwenye mashindano ya kuogelea. Sentensi hii iko katika wakati gani? (a) uliopo (b) ujao (c) uliopita (d) hali timilifu **( )** 8. Idadi ya silabi katika mstari mmoja wa shairi huitwa\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mshororo (b) vina (c) mizani (d) urari **( )** 9. Katika shairi mshororo ni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(a) mstari wa mwisho katika ubeti wa shairi (b) aya ya shairi (c) mstari mmoja wapo kwenye kila ubeti (d) idadi ya mistari yote katika shairi **( )** 10. Mtu anayefanya kazi ya kukinga tembo ya mnazi au kuchanja magome ilikupata utomvu hujulikana kama \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (a) mgeuzo (b) mgeni (c) mgemo (d) mgema **( )** **SEHEMU "B" MSAMIATI** **Chagua msamiati kati ya misamiati ifuatayo kisha ukamilishe sentensi** **(Maafa, Nong'oneza, Nyakua, Wadia, Mchakato, Kokwa, Hirizi, Dadisi, Rithi Na Azimia)** 11. Wananchi wa kijiji cha Songambele wame \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kutokomeza utoro shuleni. 12. Waganga wa jadi huvaa \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ shingoni kwa ajili ya kujikinga na madhara mbalimbali. 13. Shangazi aliamua kuni \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ baada ya kusikia taarifa kuhusu wezi wa mifugo kukamatwa. **SEHEMU "C" METHALI, NAHAU NA VITENDAWILI** 14. Kaa ange "nini maana ya nahau hii" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 15. Hakika sirudi tena kwa mjomba. Nini maana ya kitendawili hiki \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 16. Mwana kuku \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "D" Andika neno moja linalosimama badala ya maneno yafuatayo** 17. Mkoko, mkungu, mvule, mlonge na mninga \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 18. Mahindi, mtama, uwele, ulezi na mpunga \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "E" Andika umoja na wingi** **Umoja Wingi** 19. Ulimi **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** 20. **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** Nyufa **SEHEMU "F" Pigia mstari neno ambalo ni tofauti na mengine** 21. Chui, fisi, Ng'ombe, Simba, Nyani, Twiga 22. Ukucha, kidole, mkono, kiwiko, uso **SEHEMU "G" Oanisha maneno ya sehemu "A" na sehemu "B"** +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | **SEHEMU "A"** | **SEHEMU "B"** | +====================================+=================================+ | 23. Faragha **( )** | A. Hali ya mazoea ya kufanya | | | jambo fulani. | | 24. Adhimu **( )** | | | | B. Jambo lililotokea bila | | 25. Muujiza **( )** | kutarajia. | | | | | | C. Mahali panapo mpa mtu | | | nafasi kuzungumza kwa | | | usiri. | | | | | | D. Hata kidogo kamwe. | | | | | | E. Jambo lisilo la kawaida. | | | | | | F. Danganya au uongo | | | | | | G. Enye ubora wa pekee | +------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ **SEHEMU "H"** **Panga herufi zilizo changanywa iliuunde maneno** 26. Shangafu \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 27. Mziwi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **SEHEMU "J" Jaza muundo wa barua rasmi** **OFISI YA RAIS -- TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA PILI -- SOMO LA HISABATI** **DARASA LA TANO** **SHULE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JINA LA MWANAFUNZI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** +-----------------------------+---+-------------------------------------+ | 1. 676 + 1006 = | 2 | Badili M5000 kuwa kilometa. | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | 2 | | | | . | Badili km 3 kuwa dekameta (dam) | | 2. 1928 -- 1864 | | | | =\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | , | Tafuta jumla ya namba tasa zote | | | | zilizopo kati ya 12 na 20. | | 3. 358 × 42 = | 2 | | | | 3 | Tafuta namba mraba ya 25. | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | . | | | | | Andika namba witiri zote zilizopo | | 4. 2304 ÷ 64 = | | kati ya 30 na 36. | | | 2 | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | 4 | Tafuta wastani wa alama zifuatazo | | | . | 57, 32, 29, 60, 42 na 50. | | 5. 58 + 2.6 | | | | | | Tafuta eneo la umbo lifuatalo. | | =\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | 2 | | | | 5 | SM 12 | | 6. 0.6 -- 0.3 = | . | | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | | SM 9 | | | | | | 7. 0.45 × 13 = | 2 | Tafuta mzingo wa umbo lifuatalo | | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ | 6 | | | | . | SM 10 | | 8. $\fr | | | | ac{2}{4} + \ \frac{2}{3} =$ | | SM 15 | | | 2 | | | 9. $\frac{ | 7 | Tafuta mzingo wa mraba wenye M20. | | 4}{6} - \ \frac{5}{9} = \ $ | . | | | | | 18$x^{2}$ ÷ 9x = | | 10 | | | | . $\frac{5}{7} + \ 28 = \ $ | 2 | Masunga alinunua ndizi kwa siku | | | 8 | tano kama inavyoonekana kwenye | | 11. $1 | . | jedwali. | | \frac{1}{4} + 1\frac{3}{4}$ | | | | = | | <table> | | | 2 | <colgroup> | | 12. Badili $\frac{1}{2}$ | 9 | <col style="width: 20%" /> | | kuwa desimali | . | <col style="width: 14%" /> | | | | <col style="width: 14%" /> | | 13. Badili $\frac{1}{4}$ | | <col style="width: 16%" /> | | kuwa asilimia | 3 | <col style="width: 16%" /> | | | 0 | <col style="width: 16%" /> | | 14. Andika kwa kirumi 900 | . | </colgroup> | | | | <thead> | | 15. Tafuta kigawo kikubwa | | <tr class="header"> | | cha shirika K.K.S cha | 3 | <th>Siku</th> | | 54 na 81. | 1 | <th><blockquote> | | | . | <p>Jumatatu</p> | | 16. Tafuta kigawe kidogo | | </blockquote></th> | | cha shirika KDS cha 12 | | <th><blockquote> | | na 20. | 3 | <p>Jumanne</p> | | | 2 | </blockquote></th> | | 17. Siku moja inadakika | . | <th><blockquote> | | ngapi? | | <p>Jumatano</p> | | | | </blockquote></th> | | 18. Kwa kutumia vigawo tasa | | <th><blockquote> | | tafuta kipeuo cha pili | | <p>Alhamis</p> | | cha 441. | | </blockquote></th> | | | | <th><blockquote> | | 19. saa dakika | | <p>ijumaa</p> | | | | </blockquote></th> | | ```{=html} | | </tr> | | <!-- --> | | </thead> | | ``` | | <tbody> | | 9. 00 | | <tr class="odd"> | | | | <td>Idadi ya ndizi</td> | | -- 5 15 | | <td>350</td> | | | | <td>250</td> | | 20. Saa dakika | | <td>450</td> | | | | <td>350</td> | | 6 30 | | <td>150</td> | | | | </tr> | | \+ 4 40 | | </tbody> | | | | </table> | | 21. Saa dakika | | | | | | (a) Chora grafu kwa mihimili kwa | | 7 21 | | kuwasilisha takwimu hizo. | | | | | | × 4 | | Kipimio: Sm 1 inawakilisha ndizi 50 | | | | kwa wima. | | | | | | | | Sm 1 inawakilisha upana wa mhimiri. | | | | | | | | (b) Siku ya Jumatano alinunua ndizi | | | | ngapi? | +=============================+===+=====================================+ +-----------------------------+---+-------------------------------------+
**OFISI YA RAIS TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA** **MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA PILI NOV 2021 SHULE YA MSINGI BUPIGI** **SAYANSI NA TEKNOLOJIA DRS V** **SEHEMU A.** Chagua jibu sahihi 1. Mambo mbalimbali yanayomzunguuka binadamu ikiwemo viumbe hai na wasio hai huitwa :- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mazingira b. jamii c. ardhini d. makazi e. ikolojia ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 2. Ili mmea wenye rangi ya kijani utengeneze chakula ni muhimu kuwepo kwa mambo yafuatayo isipo kuwa? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Majani b. hewa ya ukaa c. joto d. maji e. baridi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 3. Mbegu zote za mimea ifuatayo ni ghala moja isipokuwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mahindi b. mpunga c. mtama d. maharage e. ngano ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 4. Katika makundi yafuatayo ya chakula kundi lipi huhusika zaidi na ujenzi wa mwili ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Wanga b. protini c. mafuta d. vitamin e. kabohadreti ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 5. Ni aina ipi ya seli ambayo huhusika na kupambana na viini vya magonjwa mwilini ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Seli nyekundu b. seli nyeupe c. seli njano d. seli bluu e. seli sahani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 6. Chura yupo katika kundi gani la wanyama ? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Reptilian b. amfibia c. ndege d. mamalia e. ngisi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 7. Popo yupo katika kundi gani la wanyama ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Reptilian b. amfibia c. ndege d. mamalia e. ngisi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 8. Samaki anaweza kujongea kwa urahisi akiwa ndanio ya maji kwa kutumia ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Matamvua b. umbile lake sehemu ya mbele c. kichwa d. macho e. mdomo ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 9. Wadudu, ndege , upepo na maji ni wakala wanaotumika kufanya nini ? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mimea b. Uchamvushaji c. urutubishaji d.utungisho e. urutubishaji ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 10. Baada ya utungisho katika ua ovuli hubadilika na kuwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Tunda b. mbegu c. ua d. majani e. shina ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 11. Kitendo cha mmea kujitengenezea chakula chake huitwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mmeng'enyo wa chakula b. haiglobini c. kabohaidreiti d. usanishaji chakula e. seli nyeupe ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 12. Kitendo cha muunganiko wa gamenti uke na gamenti ume huitwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Ovali b. ovuli c. stigima d. utungisho e. kiumbe ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 13. Mabadiliko ya joto la mwili kwa wanyama aina ya amfibia huitwa nini? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Poiktothyemia b. homotheria c. kothemia d. mebadiliko e. uchavushaji ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 14. ........... ni mamalia lakini hana tezi za kutolea jasho ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Popo b. nyangumi c. mbwa d. panya e. paka ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 15. Zifuatazo ni ogani zinazounda mfumo wa uzazi wa mwanake isipokuwa? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Ovary b. utarasi c. korodani d. mirija ya falopio e. ureta ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 16. Vitundu vidogo vidogo vilivyopo katika jani huitwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Ureta b. daikotiledoni c. monokotiledoni d. stomata e. maua ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 17. Hatua ya kwanza ya ukuaji wa wadudu hiitwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Buu b. yai c. mdudu kamili d. lava e. tunutu ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 18. Wanyama wasio na uti wa mgongo wamegawanyika katika makundi mangapi? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mawili b. matatu c. manne d. sita e. tano ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 19. Elimu inayohusu uhusiano uliopo kati ya viumbe hai na mazingira yao huitwa:- ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mizizi b. unajimu c. elimu ya mazingira d. ikolojia e. majani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 20. Ipi kati ya maada zifuatazo hubadilika katika hali zote tatu? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mafuta b. alcohol c. aside d. maji e. gesi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 21. Sehemu ya ua inayo vutia wadudu na kusaidia ucharushaji inaitwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Sepali b. petali c. stigma d. pistil e. ovary ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 22. Mimea hupungua kaisi cha maji yake kwa kutumia ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Majani b. mizizi c. maua d. shina e. tawi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 23. Tatizo la kutokuona mbali linaweza kurekebishwa kwa kutumia lenzi gani ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Lenzi mbonyeo b. lenzi mbinuko c. kioo mbunuko d. kioo mbonyeo e. kiopo bapa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 24. Sumaku inauwezo wa kuvuta vitu vyenye asili gani? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Umeme b. madini c. chuma d. rangi e. sumaku ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 25. Samaki hupata hewa ya oksijeni iliyopo kwenye maji kwa kutumia ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mapezi b. stomata c. spirako d. matanvua e. madini ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 26. Njia zifuatazo zinahusika katika utawanyaji wa mbegu isipokuwa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Upepo b. maji c. mbegu kujitawanya d. mwanya e. mbegu ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 27. Jani ifuataro lina wakilisha kundigani la mimea ? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Monokotiledoni b. kotiledoni c. amokatiledoni d. daikotiledoni e. kotiledoni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 28. Mwale wa mwanga unaweza kupinda endapo watapita kitu gani ? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Media ya ainamoja b. giza nene c. upepo mkali d. media tofauti e. media za rangi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 29. Kati ya vifaa vifuatavyo kimojawapo hutunukiwa kupimia umeme? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Volt b. voltimita c. seitch d. amita e. ometa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 30. Kifaa kinachotumika kukata umeme kwa nguvu kubwa hitwa nini? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Fyuzi b. switch c. saketi d. umeme e. transfoma ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 31. Vipimo vya msingi vya umeme ni vipi kati ya hivi? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Ampia, betri volt b. ampia, volti, ohm c. switch, ameta , volt d. ohm, ameta na betri e. switchi ameta na betri ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 32. Ni ncha gani mbili za sumaku zikikaribiana huvutana? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Kaskazini na mashariki b. kusini na magharibi c. kusini na kusini d. kusini na kaskazini e. kusini na magharibi ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 33. Maada imeundwa kwa chemba ndogo sana zinazoitwa nini? ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Atomu b. maada c. molekyuli d. elementi e. elekroni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 34. Joto husafiri katika hewa kwa njia ya ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Mpiotisho b. msafara c. mnunurisho d. msafara na mpitisho e. mpitisho na mnururisho ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 35. Sehemu kuu za mime ni majani nshina na ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. Matawi b. mizizi c. mbegu d. mbegu za mizizi e. matawi na mizizi **SEHEMU B OANISHA FUNGU A NA B** +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | **SEHEMU A** | **SEHEMU B** | +===================================+===================================+ | 36. Wanyama wanaokula nyama tu | A. Bacteria na fangasi | | | | | 37. Upepo, ndege wadudu | B. Binadamu , panya na mbwa | | | | | 38. Ute wenye neva za fahamu ulio | C. Samba , chui na mbwa mwitu | | ndani ya pingili za uti wa | | | mgongo | D. Ungwa mgongo | | | | | 39. Wana kula mime na wanyama | E. Wakala wa uchavushaji | | | | | 40. Huozesha mimea na wanyama na | F. Wanyama wasio na uti wamgongo | | kurutubisha udongo | | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ **SEHEMU C** 41. Kifaa kinachozalisha umeme katikataa ya baiskeli 42. Taja magonjwa mawili yanayoenezwa kwa njia ya hewa ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` i. ....................................... ii. ....................................\... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 43. Ogani zinazo husika katika mfumo wa utoaji taka mwili ni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. ........................................... b. ........................................... c. ........................................... ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 44. Wenzo au imegawanyika katika sehemu tatu ambazo ni ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. ................................................. b. ................................................. c. ................................................. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 45. Taja aina tatu za kompyuta ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` a. ................................................... b. ................................................... c. ...................................................
# President'S Office ![0_Image_0.Png](0_Image_0.Png) Regional Administration And Local Government FORM FOUR SPECIAL SCHOOL JOINTS EXAMINATION 032/1 **CHEMISTRY 1** Time:3:00 HRS Wednesday 23-SEPT-2020 AM ## Instructions 1. This paper consist of section A , B and C 2. Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE(1) question from section C 3. Cellular phones and calculators are not allowed in the examination room 4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s) 5. The following constants may be used Atomic masses: H=1,C=12,0 =16,N=14,Fe=56,Na=23,Al=27 ,S=32, Li=6,K=39, Cl=35.5, Mg=24,Cu=64 Zn = 65, Ca= 40. Avogadro's constant=6.02 x 1023 GMV at s.t.p. =22.4dm3 1 Faraday=96500c 1 dm3=1litre=1000cm3 # Section A (15 Marks) Answer all questions in **this section.** 1. For each of the item (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided. (i) A mixture of water and alcohol was carefully distillated. Which property of the drops of the liquid distillate collected is not correct? A. The first drop has the same boiling point as water B. The first drop mixes easily with water C. The first drop burns in air D. The first drop is colour less E. The first drop will boil at a temperature less than the boiling point of water (ii) If a student wants to electroplate a spoon with copper by using copper (ii) sulphate solution the following requirement is required A. Spoon as anode and copper as cathode B. Spoon as cathode and copper as anode C. Spoon as anode and carbon as cathode D. Spoon as cathode and copper sulphate as anode (iii) The Molarity of a solution containing 26.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 5dm3of the solution is __ M A. 0.05 B. 0.25 C.1.25 D. 5.30 E .0.125 iv) Hygroscopic and deliquescent substance can be used as A. Oxidizing agent B. reducing agent C. Catalyst D. Weak electrolyte E. Drying agent v) The atmospheric effect of burning fuel such as wood and petrol oils is to: A. Reduce oxygen gas B. Produce clouds C. Add carbon dioxide gas D. Increase water vapour E. Produce energy. vi) When 4.8g of Magnesium metal react completely with excess Hydrochloric acid forms the following amount of its salt. A.24g B.1.9g C. 19g D. 3.8g E.95g vii) A certain compound has the following properties: i) It reacts with Sodium to give hydrogen ii) It reacts with acidified Potassium dichromate to give green solution The compound is most likely to be A. An alcohol B. An alkane C. An alkene D. A carboxylic acid E. An aldehyde viii) Precipitation can be represented by the following equation. A. H +(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O(l) B. ROH + R'COOH R' COOH + H2O (l) C. Ba2+(aq) + SO4 -2(aq) BaSO4(s) D. Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) NaCl(aq) E. 2 KClO3 MnO2 2KCl(S) + 3O2(g) ix) The method of collecting Hydrogen chloride gas in a class experiment is known as A. Downward displacement of water B. Down ward displacement of air C. Upward displacement of air D. Fountain E. Condensation x. A covalent bond is formed when: A. A metal combines with non - metal B. Potassium and oxygen combine C. Ammonia is formed D. Two metals combine E. An atom loses an electron. 2. Match the description in **List A** with the corresponding answers in **List B** by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided. LIST A LIST B | letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided. LIST A LIST B i) Electrolyte ii) Cation iii) Faraday iv) Inert electrode v) Electrochemical series A. Quantity of electric charge carried by one mole of electrons B. Arrangement of elements depending on ease of gaining | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | electrons | | | | C. | Electrode do not undergo changes during electrolysis | | | D. | Substance in solution / molten state that dissociate to ions and allow current to pass through. | | | E. | Migrate to the anode | | | F. | Migrate to the cathode | G. Substance which partially conduct electric current. ## Section B (70 Marks) Answer all questions in this section 3. a) A piece of burning magnesium ribbon lowered into a gas jar congaing carbon dioxide. i) State the observation made ii) Write an equation for the reaction that takes place. b) Ammonia can be manufactured using Haber process by reacting hydrogen and nitrogen in the presence of an iron catalyst. i. Write an equation for the reaction. ii. Explain condition necessary to obtain an optimal yield of ammonia. 4. (a) State Faraday's First law of electrolysis (b) A certain amount of electric current was passed through a solution of Calcium Chloride and Copper (ii) sulphate solution connected in series. If 750cm3of Oxygen gas were produced at S.T.P. Calculate (i) Volume of chlorine produced (ii) Mass of copper deposited (iii) The quantity of electricity passed 5. (a) Compele the reactions given below (i) CH3COOH (aq) + CH3CH2OH(aq) (ii) CH2CH2 + HCl (iii) Cl2 (g) + H2O (l) (b) Write the formula of (i) 2-methylbut-1-ene (ii) propan-2-ol (iii) 2-chloro-2-methylpentane (iv)Dinitrogen trioxide 6(a) Which method is used in the laboratory in the preparation of the following gas. i)Ammonia ii) Chlorine iii) Hydrogen b) What will happen when? i) A burning splint is introduced into a gas jar containg hydrogen gas. ii) A glass rod which was dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid is introduced into a gas jar containing ammonia gas. iii) Sulphur dioxide gas is bubbled through a yellow acidified into potassium dichromate solution. iv) Copper knife is dipped into zinc nitrate solution. 7. (a) (i) What is periodicity (ii)You are given two elements with atomic number 13 Q and 17L. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. b) (i)Identify the oxidation number of Nitrogen in Potassium Nitrate. (ii).Explain why laboratory exit open outwards 8. (a) Differentiate between empirical formula and Molecular formula. (b) A certain compound contains 22.7% of Zinc 11.0% of sulphur 22.3% of oxygen and the rest being water of crystallization. Calculate: i) Empirical formula ii) Molecular formula of the compound if its vapour density is 143.5. 9. (a) (i) State Avogadro's law (ii) How many moles are present in 11.2dm3of ammonia? b) 8.48g of sodium carbonate crystals were made up to 250 cm3of this solution neutralized 30cm3of 0.20M hydrochloric acid. Calculate the number of moles of water of crystallization in Sodium carbonate crystals. 10. (a) If a mixture of Manganese (iv) oxide with Potassium chlorate is heated: i) Explain which of the two compounds will produce oxygen. ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. b) You are given an atom i) Write the electronic configuration of Y. ii) Identify the number of neutron in that atom. iii) Draw the electronic configuration diagram. 11. (a (i) People suffering from heartburn usually use wood ashes for relief. Mention the characteristics which makes wood ashes suitable for relief of heat burn (ii) Give four compounds found in the laboratory which show the same characteristics as ashes. (b) Why metals are used as (i) Good conductors of electricity (ii) Reducing agent 12. (a) Give the name of the metal which meet the following information (i) The metal which must be kept in kerosene to protect it from air and water (ii) The metal which is found in lime stone (iii) The metal in a green coloured carbonate which gives a black residue on heating or black oxide (iv)The metal of which its oxide is yellow when hot and white when cold (b (i)What are two (2) gaseous fuel used in industry (ii) List down two (2) advantages of liquid fuel over solid fuel (iii) State two (2) characteristics of good fuel ## Section C (15 Marks) Answer One (1) question from this section. 13. Human activities are often the cause of terrestrial pollution especially in developing countries. Explain any six (6) hazards caused by terrestrial pollution. 14. Explain six methods that are used to manage loss of plant nutrients from the soil. 14. (a) What do you understand by the term soil reaction (b) (i) Distinguish between potential soil acidity and active soil acidity (ii) Explain three causes of soil acidity (c) The weight of fresh soil sample from a garden was 50g.The sample was dried in an oven at 2000C, cooled in a dessicator and reweighed. The sample weigh after cooling was 45g. Calculate the water percentage in the soil.
# President'S Office ![0_Image_0.Png](0_Image_0.Png) Regional Administration And Local Government FORM FOUR SPECIAL SCHOOL JOINTS EXAMINATION 031/2A **PHYSICS 2A** Time:2:30 HRS Tuesday **29-SEPT-2020 AM** ## Instructions 1. This paper consists of two (2) questions. Answer all questions. 2. Each question carries **(25 marks)** 3. Where calculations are involved show you work clearly. 4. Calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the examination rooms. 5. Write your examination number every page of your answer booklet (s)/ papers provided 6. Use acceleration due to gravity g=10m/s2 7. Pie, = 3.14 1. The aim of this experiment is to determine the acceleration due to gravity g. Proceed as follows: ![1_image_0.png](1_image_0.png) ( ) Fig.1 (a) - Set up the apparatus as shown in the fig.1 above. - Note that the metre rule has its zero mark at top. - Record the pointer reading xo. - Put on the scale a mass of 50 g and record the new pointer reading x on the metre rule. - Calculate the extension *P = x –* xo corresponding to the added mass. - Repeating the procedure for a series of masses in steps of 50 g until you obtain five more readings. - Tabulate your results for *m, x* and P. (b) With a mass m1 of 100 g on the scale pan, pull the spring through a small distance and release it. Record the time for 10 oscillations and determine the periodic time T1. Repeat this procedure for another mass m2 of 300 g and find its periodic time T2. (c) (i) Plot graph of extension, P (vertical axis) against mass, m (horizontal axis) (ii) Determine the slope G of the graph. (d) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity g given that (e) State any two (2) sources of errors and precautions to be taken. **(25 marks)** 2. You are provided with a glass block, four sheets of drawing paper, four optical pins and ![2_image_0.png](2_image_0.png) drawing board. Proceed as follows: Place the glass block flats on the drawing paper fixed to the drawing board and with a sharp pencil, draw its dimensions. ## Figure 2 Remove the glass block and draw a normal NN' to the longer edge of the block (see figure 2). Draw a line making an angle of incidence (i) of 30 . Stick two vertical pins P1 and P2 on this line. Replace the glass block. Stick two more pins P3 and P4 on the other side of the block so that they appear to be in the same straight line with the images of pins P1 and P2 as seen through the block Remove the block and draw the complete path of the ray entering and leaving the block. Measure the angle of refraction (r) Produce the incident as shown in figure 2 and measure the perpendicular distance (d) between the incident ray and emergent ray Repeat this procedure for angles of incidence of 40 , 50 70 . In each case draw the block again on a fresh part of the paper (a) Record your results in a table as follows | i | r | d(cm) | d cos r (cm) | Sin (i -r ) | |-----|-----|---------|----------------|---------------| | 30 40 50 60 70 | |------------------| (b) Plot a graph of dcos r against sin (i - r) (c) Find the gradient of the graph (d) Measure the width of the glass block (e) How is the gradient related to the width of the glass block? (25 marks)
**Name of teacher: [HASSAN YUSUFU]{.underline} Name of School: [SHAMSIYE SECONDARY SCHOOL]{.underline}** **Year: [2016]{.underline} Term: [1 & 2]{.underline}** **Class/Stream: [FORM TWO]{.underline} Subject: [CHEMISTRY]{.underline}** <table> <colgroup> <col style="width: 4%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 12%" /> <col style="width: 0%" /> <col style="width: 13%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 5%" /> <col style="width: 3%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 1%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></th> <th><strong>Learning Activities</strong></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></th> <th colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></th> <th><strong>Remarks</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Preparing and testing properties of simple gases in the laboratory.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>To explain the preparation and properties of simple gases.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>JANUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3rd</td> <td rowspan="2">OXYGEN</td> <td colspan="2">1.1Preparation and properties of Oxygen</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students on preparation of Oxygen from Hydrogen peroxide</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to carry out the characteristic test for Oxygen gas.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion on the physical and chemical properties of oxygen</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Carrying out an experiment to prepare Oxygen from H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> or by heating KCLO<sub>3</sub></p></li> <li><p>Burning metals and some non-metals to oxygen.</p></li> <li><p>In groups, to discuss the risks of using KMnO<sub>4</sub> and HgO to prepare oxygen in laboratory.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">H2O2, KCLO3, MnO2, flat bottomed flask, beehive shelve, delivery tube, troughs, gas jar, water, thistle funnel, freshly prepared O2, P, litmus paper, candle, combustion spoon, Mg ribbon, C, S, Ca granules, wooden splint, KMnO4.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to prepare and collect a sample of oxygen gas in the laboratory.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to perform simple experiments on physical and chemical properties of oxygen has.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain properties of oxygen.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>4th</td> <td colspan="2">1.2 Uses of oxygen</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students in groups to discuss daily life uses of oxygen.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the relationship between uses of oxygen and properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing about uses of oxygen</p></li> <li><p>Discussing about the relationship between uses of oxygen and properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts, flip charts, pictures showing uses and properties of oxygen in the mentioned process.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to list the uses of oxygen in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to relate some uses of oxygen to its properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>4th&amp;</p> <p>1<sup>st</sup></p></td> <td rowspan="2">HYDROGEN</td> <td colspan="2">2.1 Preparation and properties of Hydrogen.</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Demonstration on the preparation of a small sample of hydrogen using Zinc and dilute HCl</p></li> <li><p>Demonstrating an experiment on ‘pop’ sound test for hydrogen.</p></li> <li><p>Carrying out an experiment on reduction of CuO using H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding a discussion on the physical and chemical properties of H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Observing the demonstration on the preparation of sample of hydrogen using Zinc and dilute HCl.</p></li> <li><p>Demonstrating an experiment on ‘pop’ sound test for hydrogen.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing on the physical and chemical properties of H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Zinc granules, dil. HCl, trough, thistle funnel, beehive shelves, flat bottomed flask, test tube, wooden splints, CuO, PbO, litmus paper, CoCl, paper, combustion tubes, source of heat, anhydrous CaCl<sub>2</sub>, wall chart showing physical and chemical properties of H<sub>2</sub>.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Explain the preparation of a sample H<sub>2</sub> in the laboratory.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain properties of H<sub>2</sub> gas.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>1<sup>st</sup></td> <td colspan="2">2.2 Uses of Hydrogen</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading discussion on the uses of Hydrogen industrially to manufacture margarine and ammonia.</p></li> <li><p>Leading discussion on the relationship between uses and properties of hydrogen.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing in groups the daily life uses of hydrogen.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing on the relationship between the uses and properties of hydrogen.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall chart, flip charts, pictures showing the production of ammonium fertilizers, margarine, uses of hydrogen, properties of hydrogen.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to state the uses of hydrogen gas in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to relate some uses of hydrogen to its properties.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>Treating and purifying water with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>To purify and use water while conserving the environment.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td rowspan="2">WATER</td> <td colspan="2">3.1 Occurrence and nature of water.</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Lead discussion on the occurrence and nature of water.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss and present the concept of water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw water cycle and discuss it.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the relationship between water cycle and environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the occurrence and nature of water.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing and presenting the concept of water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing and discussing water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the relationship between water cycle and environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall chart showing occurrence of water, wall chart and picture displaying water cycle.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to describe the occurrence and nature of water.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to describe water cycle.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to relate water cycle and environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">3.2 Properties of water</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Demonstrating an experiment on boiling and melting points of water.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to test for water using CoCl<sub>2</sub> paper and anhydrous copper (II) sulphate.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to carry out reaction between water and some metals.</p></li> <li><p>Facilitating discussion on physical and chemical properties of water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Carrying out an experiment on boiling and melting points of water.</p></li> <li><p>Testing for water usingCoCl<sub>2</sub> and anhydrous CuSO<sub>4</sub></p></li> <li><p>Carrying out reactions between water and some metals.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing physical and chemical properties of water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Thermometer, CoCl<sub>2</sub> paper, anhydrous CuSO<sub>4,</sub> water, Na, Ca, Mg, K, litmus paper and wall charts showing physical chemical properties of water.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to perform simple experiments on physical and chemical properties of water.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the properties of water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>FEBRUARY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">3.3 Treatment and purification of water</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students on discussions of different methods of treating and purifying water at home.</p></li> <li><p>Visiting large scale water treatment plant.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion on different chemicals used to treat large scale of water.</p></li> <li><p>Lead and summarize discussion on water treatment.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing different methods of treating and purifying water at home.</p></li> <li><p>Purifying water after boiling by filtering by using a clean piece of cloth.</p></li> <li><p>Preparing a simple water filter by using sand, charcoal and gravel and use it for filtering water.</p></li> <li><p>Visiting and writing a report on a large scale water treatment plant.</p></li> </ol> <ol start="5" type="i"> <li><p>Discussing different chemicals used in large scale water treatment and importance of treatment in daily life.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Water, clean piece of cloth, sand, charcoal, gravels, filter paper, boiling vessels (sufurias), water guard pellets/tablet, water treatment plant, wall charts showing large scale.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to demonstrate the process of domestic water treatment and purification.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to describe the process of urban water treatment.</p></li> </ol> <ol start="6" type="i"> <li><p>iii) Ability to explain the importance of water treatment and purification.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2">3.4 Uses of water</td> <td>2</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Lead and summarizes the discussion on the uses of water in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to dissolve different substances in water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the uses of water in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Dissolving different substances in water and list the dissolved ones.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts showing uses of water, table salt, sugar, toothpaste, water, kerosene, detergent soap.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to state the uses of water in daily life.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to compare solubility of different substances in water.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>Using fuels efficiently and sustainably with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>(i) To importance in efficiency and sustainability in using fuels.</p> <p>(ii) To promoting the use of fuels with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="4"><blockquote> <p>MARCH</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1<sup>ST</sup></td> <td rowspan="2">FUELS AND ENERGY</td> <td colspan="2">4.1 Fuel sources</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading a discussion of different sources of fuels found I Tanzania.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion and summarizing the process of making charcoal in small scale.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the different sources of fuels found in Tanzania.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the process of making charcoal.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Kerosene, fire wood, charcoal, petrol, heating gas, diesel, wall charts showing process of making charcoal.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to identify different sources of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to describe methods of obtaining fuels from locally available materials.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">4.2 Categories of fuels</td> <td>4</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Summarizing the classification of fuels according to their states.</p></li> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the efficiency of different kind of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Supervising students to burn different fuels and determine their calorific values.</p></li> </ol></td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Listing fuels according to their states.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the efficiency of different kind of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Burning different fuels and determine their calorific values.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Heating gas, charcoal, fire wood, kerosene, piece of wood.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to classify fuels according to their states.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to classify fuels according to efficiency.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>MIDTERM TESTS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Using fuels efficiently and sustainably with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>(i) To explain the importance in efficiency and sustainability in using fuels</p> <p>(ii) To promote the use of fuels with environmental consideration.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>APRIL</p> </blockquote></td> <td>1<sup>ST</sup></td> <td rowspan="3">FUELS AND ENERGY</td> <td colspan="2">4.3 Uses of fuels</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading a discussion on uses of fuels in daily life and environmental effects of depending on fire wood and charcoal as sources of fuel.</p></li> <li><p>Leading a discussion on deforestation, vegetation, and alternative sources of fuels.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the uses of fuels in daily life and environmental effects.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing deforestation, vegetation, and alternative sources of fuels.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts showing uses of fuels, disadvantages of deforestation and alternative sources of fuels.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to list uses of fuels.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to assess the environmental effect of charcoal and fire wood as sources of fuels.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">4.4 Conservation of energy</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the impossibility of destroying or creating energy.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to perform experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another and to discuss the results obtained.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the impossibility of destroying or creating energy.(law of conservation of energy)</p></li> <li><p>Performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another and to discuss the results.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts showing energy change, voltaic cell, electric cell, bar magnets, iron fillings, water, source of heat, Cu foil, H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>(1M), lamp bulb, beaker, Mg ribbon, Abrasive paper, Fe fillings.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the law of conservation of energy.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to performing experiments on the conservation of energy from one form to another.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="2">4.5 Renewable Energy(Biogas)</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading a discussion on the working mechanism of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Assisting students to construct a model of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the applications of biogas in daily life use of biogas as environmental friendly type of fuel.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discuss the working mechanism of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Construct a model of a biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Discuss the applications of biogas in daily life use of biogas as environmental friendly type of fuel.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Wall charts and pictures showing biogas plant, biogas plant model, water pipes, concrete, sewage, cow dung, and wall chart showing uses of biogas.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the working mechanism of biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to construct a simple biogas plant.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the use of biogas with environmental conservation.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>Applying periodicity to explain characteristic of elements.</p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="3"><blockquote> <p>To explain the structure of an atom and periodic trend.</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>APRIL</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td rowspan="3">ATOMIC STRUCTURE</td> <td colspan="2">5.1 The Atom</td> <td>2</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading students to discuss Dalton’s contribution to the structure of an atom.</p></li> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the modern concept of Dalton’s atomic structure.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Dividing a solid substance into fine indivisible particles and discussing Dalton’s contribution to structure of an atom.</p></li> <li><p>Analysing the Dalton’s atomic theory.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Pieces of chalks, marble chips, pestle, mortar, paper, wall charts showing Dalton’s atomic theory, modern periodic table.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="3"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain Dalton’s contribution to atomic structure.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the modern concept of Dalton’s atomic structure.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2">5.2 Subatomic particles</td> <td>2</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to identify the position of sub-atomic particles.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the properties of each particle in an atom.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Identifying the position of sub-atomic particles.</p></li> <li><p>Explaining the properties of each particle in an atom.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Pictures/models of an atom, atomic diagrams.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to identify subatomic particles.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain properties of each sub-atomic particle.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>1<sup>st</sup>,</p> <p>&amp; 2<sup>nd</sup></p></td> <td colspan="2">5.3 Electronic arrangement</td> <td>10</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to establish the maximum number of electrons in the shell.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw energy shell diagrams of common atoms.</p></li> <li><p>Summarizing energy shell diagrams.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Establishing the maximum number of electrons in the shell.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing energy shell diagrams of common atoms.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Atomic diagrams, wall charts showing energy shell diagrams.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to establish the maximum number of electrons in the shells.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to draw energy shell diagrams.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAY</p> </blockquote></td> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td></td> <td colspan="2">5.4 Atomic number, mass number and isotopy.</td> <td>10</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the relationship between the atomic number and number of protons and the role played in relating the atomic number and protons.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students on how to obtain mass number.</p></li> <li><p>Leading students to discuss the concept of isotopy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the relationship between the atomic number and number of protons and the role played in relating the atomic number and protons.</p></li> <li><p>Obtaining mass number.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the concept of isotopy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2">Models/charts, pictures showing the atomic number of elements, playing cards, wall charts showing the number of protons and neutrons of elements, wall charts showing isotopes of C, Cl, O and H.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to relate atomic number with number of protons.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to the mass number of an atom from number of protons and neutrons.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain the concept of isotopy.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td><strong>3<sup>rd</sup></strong></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>TERMINAL EXAMS</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td colspan="15"><strong>LONG VACATION</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="3"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td rowspan="3"></td> <td>MAY</td> <td>5<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2">PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION</td> <td>6.1 Periodicity</td> <td>1</td> <td>Leading a discussion on the concept of periodicity.</td> <td colspan="3">Explaining periodicity.</td> <td>Wall chart displaying the modern periodic table.</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)You tube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2">Ability to explain the concept of periodicity.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td rowspan="2">JUNE</td> <td>1<sup>st</sup></td> <td>6.2 General trends</td> <td>10</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the change of properties across the period.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the change of properties down the group.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to write electronic configurations of 1<sup>st</sup> 20 elements.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><blockquote> <p>Listing down the changes of properties across the period.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Listing down the changes in properties down the group.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Writing the electronic configurations of 1<sup>st</sup> 20 elements.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table and atomic models.</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain changes in properties of elements across the periods and down the groups.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to use electronic configurations</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup>, 3<sup>rd</sup>&amp; 4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2">FORMULA, BONDİNG AND NOMENCLATURE</td> <td>7.1 Valence and chemical formulae</td> <td>12</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the concept of valency.</p></li> <li><p>Using questions and answers in writing simple formula of binary compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Leading discussion on the concept of empirical and molecular formula.</p></li> <li><p>Summarizing students’ activities on empirical and molecular formula.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><blockquote> <p>Discussing the concept of valency.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Writing simple formulae of binary compounds.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Discussing and interpreting the information given the empirical and molecular formula.</p> </blockquote></li> <li><blockquote> <p>Calculating the empirical and molecular formulae of various compounds.</p> </blockquote></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, valence cards, Styrofoam spheres, models/wall charts/pictures showing molecular and empirical formulae.</td> <td colspan="2"><p>i) Chemistry for secondary schools, form1&amp;2, Oxford.</p> <p>ii) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2, BEN.</p> <p>İİİ) O-level CHEMISTRY Form 2 Interactive CD, BEN.</p> <p>iv)YouTube( for video clips)</p></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain valency.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to write simple formulae of binary compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to explain and calculate the empirical and molecular formulae.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="3"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4"></td> <td rowspan="4">JULY</td> <td>1st</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"></td> <td>7.2 Oxidation states</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading discussion and summarizing the concepts of oxidation states.</p></li> <li><p>Providing activities on valence and oxidation states.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the concept of oxidation states.</p></li> <li><p>Performing activities on valence and oxidation states.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing oxidation state and valence.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2">Ability to explain the oxidation states and to differentiate oxidation state from valence.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td>7.3 Radicals</td> <td>4</td> <td><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading questions on names and formulae of radicals.</p></li> <li><p>Illustrating the writing of the chemical formulae of common compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="3"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Practicing writing and naming formulae of common radicals.</p></li> <li><p>Practicing writing of chemical formulae of common compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing common radicals.</td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the concept of radicals.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to write chemical formulae of compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>3<sup>rd</sup></td> <td colspan="14"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>MIDTERM BREAK</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Competence</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>General objective</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Month</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Week</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>Main Topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Sub-topic</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>Periods</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Teaching Activities</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Learning Activities</strong></td> <td><strong>T/L Materials</strong></td> <td><strong>References</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Assessment</strong></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Remarks</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td rowspan="2">SEPTEMBER</td> <td><p>1<sup>st</sup></p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>2<sup>nd</sup></p></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>7.4 Covalent bonding</td> <td>8</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Guiding the discussion on the concept of covalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw electron diagram to show covalent bonding in binary molecules.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the properties of covalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to perform experiments on covalent compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the concept of covalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing electron diagram to show covalent bonding in binary molecules.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the properties of covalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Performing experiments on covalent compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing covalent compounds, O2, H2, kerosene, diesel, water, bulb, connecting wires, carbon electrodes and beaker.</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the covalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to state the properties of covalent bonding.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td></td> <td></td> <td>3<sup>rd</sup>&amp; 4<sup>th</sup></td> <td colspan="2"></td> <td>7.5 Electrovalent bonding</td> <td>8</td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Leading discussion on electrovalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to draw electro diagrams to show electrovalent bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to discuss the properties of electrovalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Guiding students to perform experiments on ionic compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Discussing the concept of electrovalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Drawing electron diagrams to ionic bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Discussing the properties of electrovalent compounds.</p></li> <li><p>Performing simple experiments on ionic bonding.</p></li> </ol></td> <td>Modern periodic table, wall charts showing electrovalent compounds, table salt, H2O, KCl, bulb, ammeter, connecting wires, carbon electrodes, and beakers.</td> <td></td> <td colspan="2"><ol type="i"> <li><p>Ability to explain the ionic bonding.</p></li> <li><p>Ability to state the properties of ionic compounds.</p></li> </ol></td> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td colspan="14"><strong>FORM 2 NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
**MTIHANI WA KUMALIZA MUHULA WA II 2020** **HISABATI DARASA LA V** **MAGANZO SHULE YA MSINGI** **JINA ..............................................\........** **TAREHE..................** 1. Andika **90,005** kwa maneno. 2. Andika **678549** katika yaliyo karibu 3. Andika **39.876** katika nafasi **1** ya desimali. 4. **765647** **+ 199999** 5. **81346** - **38760** 6. **345** **X 37** 7. **12** **1224** 8. $6\frac{3}{5} + 9\frac{2}{3}$ = 9. $14\frac{2}{3} + \ 8\frac{3}{4}$ = 10. $2\frac{1}{3\ } \times 3\frac{1}{2}$ = 11. $5\frac{1}{4}\ \div 1\frac{1}{5}$ 12. $23.378\ + \ 9.9 =$ 13. $53.378\ –\ 29.14 =$ 14. 2.5 X 1.4 = 15. 2.4 ÷ 0.08 = 16. Badili **3^3^/5** kuwa asilimia 17. Badili **2^3^/~4~** kuwa desimali 18. Badili **0.9** kuwa sehemu 19. Badili **2.5%** kuwa desimali 20. Badili **6^1^/~3~%** kuwa sehemu 21. Badili **0.25** kuwa asilimia 22. Andika **1999** kwa kirumi 23. Andika namba mraba ya **25** 24. Tafuta kipeuo cha pili cha **1225** 25. Orodhesha namba tasa kati ya **13 na 20** 26. Orodhesha namba shufwa kati ya **85 na 90** 27. Orodhesha namba witiri kati ya **95 na 100** 28. Tafuta **K.D.S** cha **20,30 na 40** 29. Tafuta **K.K.S** cha **6,12 na 24** 30. Orodhesha vigawe vya **28** 31. **^3^/~5~ m -- 4 = 8**. Tafuta m 32. 33. Tafuta wastani wa **30,40 na 50** 34. Andika namba inayofuata **3,5,7,9,\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** 35. Badili saa 5 kuwa dakika \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 36. **Wiki Siku** **2 5 7** 37. 38. 39. Tafuta zao la 37 na 23 40. **Saa Dk** **9 03** - **4 45**
<table style="width:100%;"> <colgroup> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 9%" /> <col style="width: 6%" /> <col style="width: 2%" /> <col style="width: 15%" /> <col style="width: 10%" /> <col style="width: 8%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 7%" /> <col style="width: 11%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></th> <th>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</th> <th><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></th> <th><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Kuwasiliana</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>sanifu.</p></td> <td><p>Kuwasilinana</p> <p>Kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>katika</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>na</p> <p>watu</p> <p>au</p> <p>jamii</p> <p>katika</p> <p>miktadha</p> <p>mbalimbali.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>J A N U A R I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>2</strong></p> <p><strong>3</strong></p></td> <td><p>MAWASILIANO</p> <ul> <li><p>Lugha</p></li> </ul> <p>kama chombo cha mawasiliano</p> <ul> <li><p>Matamshi</p></li> </ul> <p>na lafudhi ya Kiswahili</p> <blockquote> <p>AINA</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>MANENO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>Maana ya Lugha</p> <ul> <li><p>Dhima za lugha</p></li> <li><p>Tanzu za lugha</p></li> <li><p>Umuhimu wa lugha</p></li> </ul> <p>Ubainishaji wa aina za maneno</p></td> <td><p><strong>4</strong></p> <p><strong>8</strong></p></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwa mbinu ya maswali na majibu ili waweze kuelezea maana ya lugha.</p> <p>Kuongoza mjadala kuhusu dhima za lugha na umuhimu wa kutumia lugha kwa ufasaha.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi ili waweze kubainisha aina za maneno kulingana na matumizi yake kwenye tungo.</p> <ul> <li><p>Nomino</p></li> <li><p>Viwakilishi</p></li> <li><p>Vielezi</p></li> <li><p>Vitenzi</p></li> <li><p>Viunganishi</p></li> <li><p>Vihisishi</p></li> <li><p>Vivumishi</p></li> </ul></td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p> <p>Wataandika dondoo muhimu kwenye madaftari yao.</p> <p>Watajadiliana kwa lugha fasaha.</p> <p>Watashiriki kubainisha aina za maneno.</p> <p>Watafafanua dhima za aina za maneno.</p> <p>Wataandika dondoo kwenye madaftari yao</p></td> <td><p>CHATI</p> <p>NA JEDWALI ZA</p> <p>TANZU</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>LUGHA</p> <p>TUNGO</p> <p>MBALIMBALI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>KISWAHILI</p></td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1998) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p> <p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u> - I</p> <p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td> <td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua dhima za lugha katika mawasiliano.</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia lugha fasaha</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kufafanua aina za maneno na kuzitumia kwenye miktadha fofauti.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Kuwasiliana</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>sanifu.</p></td> <td><p>Kuwasilinana</p> <p>Kwa</p> <p>Kiswahili</p> <p>katika</p> <p>mazungumzo</p> <p>na</p> <p>maandishi</p> <p>na</p> <p>watu</p> <p>au</p> <p>jamii</p> <p>katika</p> <p>miktadha</p> <p>mbalimbali</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>F E B R U A R I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p> <p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p></td> <td>KUTUMIA KAMUSI</td> <td><p>Ufafanuzi wa aina za maneno</p> <p>Matumizi ya aina za maneno.</p> <p>Matumizi ya kamusi .</p> <ul> <li><p>Aina za kamusi</p></li> </ul> <p>i) Wahidia</p> <p>ii)Mahuluti</p> <p>iii) Istilahi</p></td> <td></td> <td><p>Kufafanua aina tatu za nomino.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia aina tatu za maneno.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kutumia kamusi.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubaini aina za kamusi, mpangilio wa taarifa zilizomo kwenye kamusi.</p></td> <td><p>Watashiriki katika somo.</p> <p>Watajifunza kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno.</p> <p>Kutumia sentensi mbalimbali ili kuonesha miktadha ya utumizi wa aina za maneno.</p> <p>Watajadiliana ili kubaini mpangilio wa maneno kwenye kamusi,</p> <p>Aina za Kamusi na taarifa za kamusi.</p></td> <td><p>TUNGO ZENYE AINA MBALIMBALI ZA MANENO.</p> <p>TUNGO MBALIMBALI</p> <p>KAMUSI</p> <p>YA</p> <p>KISWAHILI</p> <p>SANIFU</p></td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p> <p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u></p> <p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td> <td><p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno kwenye muktadha wa tungo</p> <p>Kutumia aina saba za maneno.</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kutumia kamusi ili kupata taarifa mbalimbali.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p>&amp;<strong>1</strong></p></td> <td colspan="8">MTIHANI WA NUSU MUHULA NA LIKIZO FUPI.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><p>Kubaini</p> <p>Kuhakikkisha</p> <p>Na</p> <p>kutunga</p> <p>kazi</p> <p>za</p> <p>fasihi</p> <p>simulizi.</p></td> <td><p>Kubaini</p> <p>Kuhaikikisha</p> <p>na</p> <p>kutunga</p> <p>kazi</p> <p>za</p> <p>fasihi</p> <p>simulizi</p> <p>kwa Kiswahili.</p></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>M A C H I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>4</strong></p></td> <td>FASIHI KWA UJUMLA</td> <td><p>Dhima za fasihi</p> <p>Aina za fasihi</p></td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kueleza maana ya fasihi aina za fasihi na dhima za fasihi.</p> <p>Wanafunzi waweze kutofautisha kazi za fasihi na zizizo za kifasihi.</p></td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p> <p>Watajadiliana</p> <p>Wataandika dondoo mbalimbali.</p></td> <td><p>SEMI MBALIMBALI</p> <p>CHATI YA TANZU ZA FASIHI.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Njogu</p> <p>na chimerah (1999)</p> <p><u>Ufundishaji</u></p> <p><u>wa</u></p> <p><u>fasihi.</u></p> <p><u>Nadharia na mbinu , Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Nairobi.</u></p></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>Wanafunzi waweze kufafanua dhima mbalimbali za fasihi.</p> <p>Mwanafunzi aweze kubainisha tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</p></td> <td rowspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>A P R I L I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><strong>1</strong></td> <td><p>FASIHI</p> <p>SIMULIZI</p></td> <td>Ubainishaji wa Tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>4</td> <td>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubaini tanzu za fasihi simulizi na pia waweze kubainisha tofauti kati ya fasihi simulizi na andishi.</td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo.</p> <p>Watazipanga tanzu za fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia kigezo cha maumbo ya tanzu.</p></td> <td>KAZI MBALIMBALI ZA FASIHI SIMULIZI.</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Kubaini kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>Kubaini kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi kwa kiswahili</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>M E I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>2</p> <p>3</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>FASIHI SIMULIZI</td> <td><p>Ufafanuzi wa vipera vya Tanzu za fasihi simulizi.</p> <ul> <li><p>Hadithi</p></li> <li><p>Semi</p></li> <li><p>Ushairi</p></li> <li><p>Maigizo</p></li> </ul> <p>(sanaa za maonesho)</p></td> <td>16</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubainisha vipera vya tanzu za fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia maudhui.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi wakusanye kazi mbalimbali za fasihi simulizi kama vile hadidhi, semi, maigizo na ushairi.</p> <p>Kuwelekeza kuzipanga kazi hizo kwa kuzingatia usawa wa muundo kwa kila kipera.</p></td> <td><p>Wataainisha tanzu na vipera vya Fasihi simulizi kwa kuzingatia maudhui.</p> <p>Watakusanya kazi mbalimbali.</p> <p>Watazipanga kazi</p></td> <td><p>CHATI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>TANZU</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>FASIHI</p> <p>SIMULIZI.</p></td> <td><p>Njogu</p> <p>na chimerah (1999)</p> <p><u>Ufundishaji</u></p> <p><u>wa</u></p> <p><u>fasihi.</u></p> <p><u>Nadharia na mbinu ,</u> Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Nairobi</p> <p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili Kitukuzwe</u></p> <p>Longman DSM<strong>.</strong></p></td> <td><p>Mwanafunzi</p> <p>aweze</p> <p>kubainisha</p> <p>tanzu na</p> <p>vipera vya</p> <p>fasihi</p> <p>simulizi kwa</p> <p>kutumia</p> <p>chati za</p> <p>ukutani.</p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MTIHANI WA MUHULA WA KWANZA PAMOJA NA LIKIZO NDEFU.</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Kubainisha kuhakiki na kutunga kazi za fasihi simulizi kwa Kiswahili.</td> <td>Kubainisha kuhakiki na kutunga fasihi simulizi kwa Kiswahili.</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>J U L A I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>4</p> <p>4</p> <p>1</p></td> <td><p>UHAKIKI</p> <p>WA</p> <p>KAZI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>FASIHI SIMULIZI</p></td> <td>Uhakiki wa kazi za fasihi simulizi.</td> <td>16</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kubainisha vigezo vya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p> <p>Kuainisha vipengele vyoe vya <u>fani</u> na <u>maudhui.</u></p> <p>Kuhakiki hadithi na semi.</p></td> <td><p>Watashiriki kwenye somo kuhusu vigezo vya uhakiki kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p> <p>Watahakiki hadithi na semi kwa kuzingatia fani na maudhui.</p></td> <td><p>CHATI YA TANZAU ZA FASIHI.</p> <p>HADITHI MBALIMBALI ZA FASIHI SIMULIZI.</p></td> <td>Wanafunzi waweze kuhakiki kazi za fasihi simulizi darasani.</td> <td><p>Ndilime na wenziwe (2009)</p> <p><u>Kiswahili</u></p> <p><u>Shule za sekondari kidato cha kwanza.</u></p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa mazungumzo yaliyoko katika lugha ya kiswahili</td> <td>Kusikiliza na kuelewa taarifa au mazungumzo yanayolingana na kiwango chake cha Kiswahili.</td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>A G O S T I</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p> <p><strong>3</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;4</strong></p></td> <td>USIMULIZI</td> <td><p>Usimulizi wa</p> <p>hadithi.</p></td> <td>16</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kusimulia hadidhi za kwenye matini au wanazozikumbuka.</p> <p>Hadithi zizingatie elimu ya mazingira athari za ajira kwa watoto, UKIMWI, Nakadhalika.</p></td> <td><p>Watasimulia hadithi kwa kuzingatia mbinu za utambaji matamshi sahihi ya Kiswahili na kiimbo.</p> <p>Watajadili kufaa kwa mafumbo yanayopatikana.</p></td> <td><p>MATINI</p> <p>ZA</p> <p>HADITHI</p></td> <td></td> <td>Oxford University Press DSM.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><p>Kuandika habari fupi kwa</p> <p>kuzingatia taratibu za uandishi.</p></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>S E P T E M B A</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p><strong>1</strong></p> <p><strong>&amp;</strong></p> <p><strong>2</strong></p></td> <td>UANDISHI WA INSHA</td> <td>Insha za wasifu</td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kwakutumia insha isiyokuwa na mpangilio mzuri.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kupanga insha hiyo katika mpangilio mzuri kisha kubaini umbo la insha.</p> <p>Kuwapa insha ya kisanaa na isiyo ya kisanaa kisha kuwaongoza ili kubaini tofauti zilizomo.</p></td> <td><p>Watafanya mazoezi ya kuipanga insha katika mtiririko mzuri kisha kubaini umbo la insha.</p> <p>Utangulizi – Kiini - Hitimishao</p> <p>Watabainisha tofauti zilizomo kisha watatunga na kuwasilisha kwa mdomo na maandishi mbele ya darasa.</p></td> <td><p>MAKALA MBALIMBALI ZA INSHA KUTOKA VITABUNI NA MAGAZETINI.</p> <p>CHATI ZA AINA ZA INSHA.</p></td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p></td> <td>Mwanafunzi aweze kutunga insha za wasifu kwa mbinu mbalimbali.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td></td> <td><blockquote> <p><strong>‘’</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>UANDISHI WA BARUA</td> <td>Barua za kirafiki.</td> <td>8</td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kuelezea dhana ya barua muundo wake na umuhimu.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi kuhakiki taratibu za uandishi wa barua.</p> <ul> <li><p>Anuani</p></li> <li><p>Tarehe</p></li> <li><p>Maamkizi</p></li> <li><p>Salamu</p></li> <li><p>Kiini</p></li> <li><p>Hitimisho</p></li> </ul> <p>Bahasha na stempu.</p></td> <td><p>Wataeleza dhara ya barua muundo wake umuhimu wake.</p> <p>Wataandika barua kwa kuzingatia vigezo vyote vinavyohitajika.</p></td> <td>VIELELEZO VYA BARUA KUTOKA MAGAZETINI NA VITABUNI</td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p></td> <td>Wanafunzi waweze kuandika barua za kirafiki.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13">MITIHANI YA NUSU MUHULA NA LIKIZO FUPI</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td><blockquote> <p>UJUZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MALENGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MWEZI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>WIKI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA KUU</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MADA NDOGO</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VIPINDI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>VITENDO VYA UFUNDISHAJI</p> </blockquote></td> <td>VITENDO VYA UJIFUNZAJI</td> <td><blockquote> <p>ZANA /</p> <p>VIFAA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>REJEA</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>TATHMINI</p> </blockquote></td> <td><blockquote> <p>MAONI</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td rowspan="2">Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali ya Kiswahili</td> <td rowspan="2">Kusoma na kuelewa maandiko mbalimbali ya vitabu vya Kiswahili vyenye taarifa fupi na rahisi ili kupata ujumbe mahsusi.</td> <td rowspan="2"><blockquote> <p><strong>O K T O B A</strong></p> </blockquote></td> <td rowspan="2"><p>3</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p>4</p></td> <td>UFAHAMU</td> <td>Ufahamu wa kusikiliza na kusoma kwa sauti</td> <td></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi wasome kimyakimya kwa sauti, kwa burudani.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kujibu maswali na kubaini mawazo makuu.</p></td> <td><p>Watasoma kwa sauti kimyakimya na kwa burudani kwa kuzingatia lafudh i sahihi ya Kiswahili.</p> <p>Watajibu maswali baada ya kubain mawazo makuu.</p></td> <td>MAKALA ZENYE MADA ANUWAI KAMA VILE MAZINGIRA UKIMWI N.K</td> <td><p><strong>TU</strong>MI (1988) <u>Kiswahili Sekondari</u></p> <p>TUMI DSM</p></td> <td>Mwanafunzi aweze kufahamu mawazo kutoka kwenye vifungu vya habari.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td></td> <td>UFUPISHO</td> <td></td> <td><p>Kuwaongoza wanafunzi waweze kufupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu.</p> <p>Ufupisho usizidi theluthi mona (1/3) ya habari.</p> <p>Kuwaongoza waweze kutoa taarifa muhimu za kitabu – mwandishi, mchapaji, mhariri, mwaka.</p></td> <td><p>Watafupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu.</p> <p>Watabainisha taarifa muhimu za itabu kama vile jina la mwandishi, mchapishaji, mhariri, mwaka nk.</p></td> <td>‘’</td> <td></td> <td>Mwanafunzi aweze kufupisha habari kwa kuzingatia mawazo makuu ukubwa (1/3) na kupata taarifa.</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td colspan="13"><p><strong>NOVEMBA &amp; DESEMBA - MARUDIO YA MADA MBALIMBALI NA MITIHANI YA KUMALIZIA MWAKA</strong></p> <p><strong>LIKIZO YA MWISHO WA MWAKA.</strong></p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
history discussion questions form
1. What is interaction? - State its examples - What is social interaction? 2. What is migration? 3. According to oral tradition, who are the earliest inhabitants of East Africa? 4. Mention other community that began settling in east Africa from 1^st^ century AD. 5. Where it is said to be the origin of southern Cushites. How did they reach East Africa? 6. Who are the Sandawe and Hadzabe and the Okieki(dorobo)? 7. List the Eastern Cushites. Where it is said to be their origin? 8. Who are the nilotes? Where is the home land of Nilotes? 9. Mention the division/types of Nilotes. 10. Mention all the tribes that are included in those divisions of Nilotes. 11. What are the impacts of migration? 12. Which activities included in Religious activities in pre- colonial Africa? (mention 4) 13. Mention the levels that religious activities took place in pre-colonial period. 14. Name the name of Asante King. 15. Who was the chief Priest of Asante people? 16. Explain in brief the relation of Asante Empire King and the sacred stool. 17. Name the festival that was performed by the Asante people that you have read. Mention its aim/aims. 18. What was the aims of the national CULTS held in almost every part of African Continent. 19. The name of the Shona king was\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20. Name the CULT held by the Shona people\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 21. What were the religious activities of king of Shona Empire? 22. Where and when Islam did originated? 23. What are the impacts of religion? 24. What was the reason made African community to engage into wars time to time? 25. What where the impacts of those wars? 26. Into which activities did African laborers sing the songs? 27. What dance performed by Yoruba people? 28. What were the aims of Yoruba dance? 29. What the name of the dance performed by Lugulu women? To what event did that dance performed? 30. What is the name of the dance performed by the chagga men and women during wedding ceremony? 31. Which festival included many cultural dances among the Igbo community? 32. What where the impacts of Music and Dance? 33. What was the other work of medicine men and woman in pre-colonial period? 34. Where did African medicine where extracted? 35. What things used to make those medicine? 36. What is Neem tree? 37. What are the beneficial of every part of the Neem tree? 38. What are the impacts of medicine? 39. What is marriage? 40. What are the impact of marriage? 41. The leading medium among the matebele where? 42. What is odwira festival ? 43. Who is asantehene/
**Dhana ya fasihi:-** Fasihi ni sanaa au ni tawi la sanaa linalotumia lugha katika kufikisha ujumbe wa msanii kwa hadhira. **Fasihi** (kutoka neno la Kiarabu  *fasaha* kwa maana ulumbi) ni utanzu (tawi) wa sanaa ambao hutumia lugha ya mazungumzo au maandishi ili kufikisha (kuwasilisha) ujumbekwa hadhira husika. Ni ufundi wa kuwasilisha mawazo au ujumbe ulio katika fikra za binadamu. Fasihi ndiyo aina pekee ya sanaa inayotumia lugha kujitambulisha au kujitofautisha na aina nyingine za sanaa. Kuna aina kuu mbili za fasihi nazo ni: - [**Fasihi > simulizi**]( - > huwasilishwa kwa lugha ya mazungumzo/masumilizi - [**Fasihi andishi**]( - > huwasilishwa kwa lugha ya maandishi. > Fasihi hizi zina dhima sawa katika jamii ingawa ni tofauti. Utofauti > kati ya fasihi simulizi na fasihi andishi hujitokeza katika > uwasilishwa wake katika jamii husika. - Fasihi simulizi huwasilishwa kwa njia ya lugha ya mazungumzo au > masimulizi ya mdomo - Fasihi andishi huwasilishwa kwa njia ya lugha ya maandishi. Mhakiki ni mtu anayejishughulisha na kazi za kisanaa hususan za kifasihi za wasanii asilia. Mhakiki ni mchambuzi na mfafanuzi wa kazi za kifasihi. Ni jicho la jamii kwani ndiye agunduaye mazuri yaliyomo katika kazi hiyo, hali kadhali mabaya (hatari) yaliyopo katika maandishi hayo kwa jamii husika. **Mzingwa, (1999)** Anasema mhakiki ni mchambuzi na mfafanuzi wa maandishi ya kisanaa hasa yale ya kifasihi. Ni jicho la jamii kwa vile anagundua mazuri yaliyomo katika kazi ya fasihi na pia ndiye anayeona hatari ya maandishi hayo kwa jamii. **Cube (1982),** Mhakiki anajishughulisha na maandishi ya waandishi asilia na huangalia kwa jinsi gani mwandishi anawakilisha hali halisi ya jumuiya ya watu. Kwa upande mwingine mhakiki anashughulikia uwanja wa fasihi andishi pamoja na ule wa fasihi simulizi. Baada ya kuona maana ya uhakiki na mhakiki sasa ngoja tuangalie sifa za mhakiki kama ifuatavyo: - Anatakiwa ajue historia na mazingira yaliyomkuza mwandishi; - Mhakiki anatakiwa kuelewa historia siasa ya jamii inayohusika; - Mhakiki ni muhimu awe amesoma kazi mbalimbali za fasihi nasio ile tu anayoifanyia uhakiki. Itamsaidia kuwa na ujuzi zaidi katika uwanja wa uhakiki; ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Mhakiki anatakwa asome tahakiki za wahakiki wengine, katika uwanja wa fasihi, na hata nje ya jamii ili kupata upanuzu zaidi katika kazi ya uhakiki; na - Mhakiki anatakiwa kuwa mkweli, asichukie au kusifia kazi za uandishi kwasababu zake binafsi bila kueleza ukweli wa kazi hiyo. **DHIMA KUU NNE ZA MHAKIKI** a) Kuhimiza na kushirikisha fikra za kihakiki katika kazi za fasihi, > dhumuni kuu la uhakiki ni kuona au kuitazama kazi ya fasi katika > jicho la utaalam wa uhakiki. Hivyo mhakiki situ anapaswa kutumia > taaluma yake ya fasihi katika kuhakiki kazi, bali pia anapaswa > kutumia hisia zake zake na maono yake kulingana na namna kazi ya > uhakiki inataka. Vile ambavyo mhakiki anaweza kuitenda kazi hii ya > uhakiki kwa taaluma, ndivyo anavyo weza kushirikisha fikra zake za > kihakiki katika kufanya kazi hii iwe bora zaidi nay a kuvutia. b) Kukuza kiwango cha utunzi na usomaji wa kazi za fasihi, katika dhima > hii, mhakiki anapaswa kuwa kichocheo cha maendeleo chanya kwa > mtunzi wa kazi ya fasihi. Hii inapaswa kufanywa wakati ambapo > mhakiki atakosoa vema na kwa taaluma ile kazi ya fasihi na mtunzi > kupokea changamoto hizo kwa muelekeo chanya na kuendelea kufanya > mabadiliko katika kazi zake zote anazotarajia kufanya. c) Kumwelekeza na kumchochea msomaji kusoma na kupata faida zaidi ya > ambayo angeipata pasipo dira ya mhakiki (mhakiki ni mwalimu na > daraja kati ya mwandishi na jamii). Kwakawaida uhakiki unaambatana > na uchambuzi wa kina wa kazi za fasihi. Mhakiki anapaswa > kuzingatia kuwa kazi yake ya uhakiki inapaswa kumvutia msomaji ili > aitizame kimanufaa zaidi. Mhakiki wa kazi ya fasihi anapaswa > kufafanua na kuilezea vema kazi ya fasihi ili msomaji wa kazi > husika aweze kuelewa kazi husika ya fasihi katika kipengele cha > Fani na Maudhui. Hivyo ni jukumu la mhakiki kuahakikisha kuwa > msomaji husika wa kazi ya fasihi husika ana vutiwa na kuielewa > kazi ya fasihi vema na kwaziada. d) Kuthamini na kuheshimu kazi za waandishi kwa kuzitendea haki, hii ni > dhima ya msingi ambayo mhakiki wa kazi za fasihi anapaswa > kuizingatia. sikuzote mhakiki anapaswa kufahamu kuwa kazi ya > fasihi ni muhimu katika ukuaji wa jamii na maendeleo yake.hivyo ni > moja kati ya dhima ya muhimu katika kuheshimu na kuthamini kazi ya > fasihi kwasababu kazi nyingi zina lenga katika ustawi wa jamii. > Hivyo inampasa mhakiki kueheshimu kazi za fasihi kwaajili ya > ustawi mzima wa jamii husika. **HITIMISHO:** Kwa kuzingatia kwamba fasihi husawiri jamii katika mfumo mzima wa maisha ya jamiii hiyo mathalani shughuli zinazofanywa katika jamii husika, basi si budi kuzingatia yafuatayo katika kupima kazi ya fasihi: a) Ukweli wa mambo yanayoelezwa -- mhakiki kama hakimu na daraja atajiuliza, je, ni kweli yaliyoelezwa katika kazi hiyo yanatendeka? Kama anahakiki habari   kuhusu ubakaji au rushwa -- Anapaswa kujiuliza, Je ni kweli mambo hayo yapo katika jamii ya Tanzania? b) Uhalisia wa watu, mazingira na matukio katika jamii. Hapo mhakiki analinganisha wahusika wa  kazi husika na watu halisi ili kuona kama jamii zungumziwa ina watu wanaotenda kama wahusika waliotumika. Mfano habari inaeleza kuwa mganga wa kienyeji aliwapaka dawa watoto wakawaona wachawi, mhakiki anaweza kujiuliza kama kweli hilo linaweza kutokea katika jamiii husika. **REFERENCES:** - <> - <> - <> - <> - Taasisi ya Elimu ya Watu Wazima, Idara ya Elimu ya Watu Wazima na Mafunzo Endelevu, Misingi ya Uchambuzi wa Kazi za Fasihi Andishi KIT 06208, Stashahada ya Elimu ya Watu Wazima na Mafunzo Endelevu -- Kwa Masafa MODULI
# PRESIDENT'S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ## Name SECONDARY SCHOOL ### FORM TWO HISTORY ASSESSMENT --- ### INSTRUCTIONS: - **Answer all questions.** --- ### 1. Choose the correct answer among the given alternatives: i. The movement of people on a permanent basis is called: - (a) Temporary migration - (b) Migration ( ) - (c) Shifting ii. Feudal system that existed in coastal regions of East Africa is called: - (a) Umwinyi - (b) Unyanyembe ( ) - (c) Ubugabire iii. Assegai was the name of short stabbing spear which was used by: - (a) Wanyamwezi - (b) Hehe ( ) - (c) Ngoni iv. One of the causes of the Ngoni migration was: - (a) Land scarcity - (b) Conflicts among the Ndebele and Hehe ( ) - (c) Hunger v. Which of the following was the first pre-colonial exploitative mode of production? - (a) Feudalism - (b) Capitalism ( ) - (c) Slavery vi. Traders from the Middle East and the Far East came to East Africa through the Indian Ocean with the help of: - (a) Ocean currents - (b) Monsoon winds ( ) - (c) Local winds vii. A system of private ownership of land in Karagwe was called: - (a) Batwazi - (b) Nyakabanga ( ) - (c) Nyarubanja viii. In Tanzania, the Maseko Ngoni group first settled in: - (a) Morogoro - (b) Kahama ( ) - (c) Songea ix. The mode of production in which the major means of production were owned and shared by all members of a particular society was: - (a) Communism - (b) Communalism ( ) - (c) Capitalism x. The major trade items brought to the East African coast from Asia during the early contact were: - (a) Gold, copper, iron and jar - (b) Sugar, flour, porcelain and spices ( ) - (c) Guns, gold, spears and porcelain --- ### 2. Match the years in column A with the corresponding historical facts in column B: | **COLUMN A** | **COLUMN B** | |--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (i) 1835 | A. The death of Zwangendaba | | (ii) 1818 | B. The collapse of Shaka's kingdom | | (iii) 1845 | C. The death of Dingiswayo | | (iv) 1820s | D. The weapon was introduced into East Africa by the Ngoni | | (v) 1840s | E. Zwangendaba and his people crossed the river Zambezi | | | F. The rise of the Zulu state | | | G. Mzilikazi colluded with the Boers in the Transvaal region | | | H. Mfecane | | | I. The Boer Trek | | | J. The Maseko Ngoni settled in Songea | | | K. The Maseko Ngoni settled in Unyanyembe | | | L. The beginning of the Ngoni Migrations | --- ### 3. Write short notes on the following groups of factors for interactions between societies in pre-colonial Africa: i. Social factors ii. Economic factors --- ### 4. Outline the ways in which a person became a slave. --- ### 5. Write short notes on the following: i. Monsoon winds ii. Coastal city states iii. Intermarriage --- ### 6. Mention the causes and effects of Mfecane. --- ### 7. Explain the difference between the forms of feudalism practiced in Buhaya and Rwanda. --- ### 8. Define the following: i. Mfecane ii. Ngoni migration iii. Scorched earth technique iv. Cow-horn technique --- ### 9. Define the following: i. Instrument of labour ii. Human labour iii. Objects of labour iv. Productive forces v. Relation of production vi. Mode of production --- ### 10. Describe how traders from Asia traveled to and from East Africa.