local ffi = require 'ffi' |
local bit = require 'bit' |
ffi.cdef[[ |
void *malloc(size_t size); |
void free(void * ptrmem); |
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t newsize); |
void *memset(void *memptr, int val, size_t num); |
typedef unsigned char BYTE; |
typedef struct SBitStream SBitStream; |
#pragma pack(push, 1) |
struct SBitStream { |
int numberOfBitsUsed; |
int numberOfBitsAllocated; |
int readOffset; |
BYTE *data; |
bool copyData; |
BYTE stackData[256]; |
}; |
#pragma pack(pop) |
]] |
local lshift, band, rshift, bor = bit.lshift, bit.band, bit.rshift, bit.bor |
local cast, sizeof, gc, typeof, istype, new = ffi.cast, ffi.sizeof, ffi.gc, ffi.typeof, ffi.istype, ffi.new |
local malloc, free, memcpy, memset, realloc = ffi.C.malloc, ffi.C.free, ffi.copy, ffi.C.memset, ffi.C.realloc |
local function BYTES_TO_BITS(x) return lshift(x, 3) end |
local function BITS_TO_BYTES(x) return rshift(x + 7, 3) end |
local BitStream = {} |
BitStream.__index = BitStream |
local BitStream_type = ffi.typeof('SBitStream') |
local bs_initialize = { |
function(self) |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = 0 |
self.numberOfBitsAllocated = BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE * 8 |
self.readOffset = 0 |
self.data = cast('BYTE*', self.stackData) |
self.copyData = true |
end, |
function(self, initialBytesToAllocate) |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = 0 |
self.readOffset = 0 |
if initialBytesToAllocate <= BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE then |
self.data = cast('BYTE*', self.stackData) |
self.numberOfBitsAllocated = BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE * 8 |
else |
self.data = cast('BYTE*', malloc(initialBytesToAllocate)) |
self.numberOfBitsAllocated = BYTES_TO_BITS(initialBytesToAllocate) |
end |
self.copyData = true |
end, |
function(self, _data, lengthInBytes, _copyData) |
_data = cast('BYTE*', _data) |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = BYTES_TO_BITS(lengthInBytes) |
self.readOffset = 0 |
self.copyData = _copyData |
self.numberOfBitsAllocated = BYTES_TO_BITS(lengthInBytes) |
if self.copyData then |
if lengthInBytes > 0 then |
self.data = cast('BYTE*', self.stackData) |
else self.data = cast('BYTE*', malloc(lengthInBytes)) end |
memcpy(self.data, _data, lengthInBytes) |
else self.data = nil end |
else self.data = _data end |
end |
} |
local bs_write = { |
function(self, bitStream) |
bitStream = cast('SBitStream*', bitStream) |
self:Write(bitStream, bitStream:GetNumberOfBitsUsed()) |
end, |
function(self, input, numberOfBytes) |
input = cast('const char*', input) |
if not numberOfBytes or numberOfBytes == 0 then return end |
if band(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 7) == 0 then |
self:AddBitsAndReallocate(BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes)) |
memcpy(self.data + BITS_TO_BYTES(self.numberOfBitsUsed), input, numberOfBytes) |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes) |
else self:WriteBits(input, numberOfBytes * 8, true) end |
end, |
function(self, bitStream, numberOfBits) |
self:AddBitsAndReallocate(numberOfBits) |
local numberOfBitsMod8 = 0 |
while self.numberOfBits > 0 and bitStream.readOffset + 1 <= bitStream.numberOfBitsUsed do |
self.numberOfBits = self.numberOfBits - 1 |
numberOfBitsMod8 = band(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 7) |
if numberOfBitsMod8 == 0 then |
local ro = bitStream.readOffset |
bitStream.readOffset = bitStream.readOffset + 1 |
if band(bitStream.data[rshift(ro, 3)], rshift(0x80, ro % 8)) > 0 then |
self.data[rshift(bitStream.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)] = 0x80 |
else |
self.data[rshift(bitStream.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)] = 0 |
end |
else |
local ro = bitStream.readOffset |
bitStream.readOffset = bitStream.readOffset + 1 |
if band(bitStream.data[rshift(ro, 3)], rshift(0x80, ro % 8)) > 0 then |
self.data[rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)] = bor(self.data[rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)], rshift(0x80, numberOfBitsMod8)) |
end |
end |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + 1 |
end |
end |
} |
local bs_read = { |
function(self, cdata) |
return self:ReadBits(cdata, ffi.sizeof(cdata) * 8, true) |
end, |
function(self, output, numberOfBytes) |
output = cast('char*', output) |
if band(self.readOffset, 7) == 0 then |
if self.readOffset + BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes) > self.numberOfBitsUsed then return false end |
memcpy(output, self.data + rshift(self.readOffset, 3), numberOfBytes) |
self.readOffset = self.readOffset + BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes) |
return true |
else |
return self:ReadBits(output, numberOfBytes * 8) |
end |
end |
} |
function BitStream.__new(ctype, ...) |
local v, func = select('#', ...) |
if v == 0 then func = bs_initialize[1] |
elseif v < 3 then func = bs_initialize[2] |
else func = bs_initialize[3] end |
local bs_data = gc(malloc(sizeof('SBitStream')), BitStream.__gc) |
bs_data = cast('SBitStream*', bs_data) |
func(bs_data, ...) |
return bs_data |
end |
function BitStream:__gc() |
if self.copyData and self.numberOfBitsAllocated > BYTES_TO_BITS(BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE) then free(self) end |
end |
function BitStream:SetNumberOfBitsAllocated(lengthInBits) |
self.numberOfBitsAllocated = lengthInBits |
end |
function BitStream:Reset() |
if self.numberOfBitsUsed > 0 then |
end |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = 0 |
self.readOffset = 0 |
end |
function BitStream:Write(...) |
local v, func = select('#', ...) |
local first = select(1, ...) |
if v == 1 then func = bs_write[1] |
elseif v > 1 and type(first) == 'cdata' and istype(typeof(first), BitStream_type) then func = bs_write[3] |
elseif v > 1 then func = bs_write[2] end |
func(self, ...) |
end |
function BitStream:Read(...) |
local v, func = select('#', ...) |
if v >= 2 then func = bs_read[2] |
else func = bs_read[1] end |
func(self, ...) |
end |
function BitStream:ResetReadPointer() |
self.readOffset = 0 |
end |
function BitStream:ResetWritePointer() |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = 0 |
end |
function BitStream:Write0() |
self:AddBitsAndReallocate(1) |
if band(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 7) == 0 then |
self.data[rshift(numberOfBitsUsed, 3)] = 0 |
end |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + 1 |
end |
function BitStream:Write1() |
self:AddBitsAndReallocate(1) |
local numberOfBitsMod8 = band(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 7) |
if numberOfBitsMod8 == 0 then |
self.data[rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)] = 0x80 |
else |
self.data[rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)] = bor(self.data[rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3)], rshift(0x80, numberOfBitsMod8)) |
end |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + 1 |
end |
function BitStream:ReadBit() |
local res = band(self.data[rshift(self.readOffset, 3)], rshift(0x80, band(self.readOffset, 7))) |
self.readOffset = self.readOffset + 1 |
return res > 0 |
end |
function BitStream:WriteAlignedBytes(input, numberOfBytesToWrite) |
self:AlignWriteToByteBoundary() |
self:Write(input, numberOfBytesToWrite) |
end |
function BitStream:ReadAlignedBytes(output, numberOfBytesToRead) |
if numberOfBytesToRead <= 0 then return false end |
output = cast('BYTE*', output) |
self:AlignReadToByteBoundary() |
if self.readOffset + BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytesToRead) > self.numberOfBitsUsed then return false end |
memcpy(output, self.data + rshift(self.readOffset, 3), numberOfBytesToRead) |
self.readOffset = self.readOffset + BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytesToRead) |
return true |
end |
function BitStream:AlignWriteToByteBoundary() |
if self.numberOfBitsUsed > 0 then |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + ( 8 - band(self.numberOfBitsUsed - 1, 7) + 1 ) |
end |
end |
function BitStream:AlignReadToByteBoundary() |
if self.readOffset > 0 then |
self.readOffset = self.readOffset + ( 8 - band(self.readOffset - 1, 7) + 1 ) |
end |
end |
function BitStream:WriteBits(input, numberOfBitsToWrite, rightAlignedBits) |
if numberOfBitsToWrite <= 0 then return end |
input = cast('BYTE*', input) |
self:AddBitsAndReallocate(numberOfBitsToWrite) |
local offset = 0 |
local dataByte = 0 |
local numberOfBitsUsedMod8 = 0 |
numberOfBitsUsedMod8 = band(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 7) |
while numberOfBitsToWrite > 0 do |
dataByte = (input + offset)[0] |
if numberOfBitsToWrite < 8 and rightAlignedBits then |
dataByte = lshift(dataByte, 8 - numberOfBitsToWrite) |
end |
if numberOfBitsUsedMod8 == 0 then |
(self.data + rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3))[0] = dataByte |
else |
(self.data + rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3))[0] = bor((self.data + rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3))[0], rshift(dataByte, numberOfBitsUsedMod8)) |
if 8 - numberOfBitsUsedMod8 < 8 and 8 - numberOfBitsUsedMod8 < numberOfBitsToWrite then |
(self.data + rshift(self.numberOfBitsUsed, 3) + 1)[0] = lshift(dataByte, 8 - numberOfBitsUsedMod8) |
end |
end |
if numberOfBitsToWrite >= 8 then self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + 8 |
else self.numberOfBitsUsed = self.numberOfBitsUsed + numberOfBitsToWrite end |
numberOfBitsToWrite = numberOfBitsToWrite - 8 |
offset = offset + 1 |
end |
end |
function BitStream:SetData(input) |
self.data = cast('BYTE*', input) |
self.copyData = false |
end |
function BitStream:WriteCompressed(input, size, unsignedData) |
input = cast('BYTE*', input) |
local currentByte = rshift(size, 3) - 1 |
local byteMatch = 0 |
if not unsignedData then byteMatch = 0xFF end |
while currentByte > 0 do |
if input[currentByte] == byteMatch then |
else |
self:WriteBits(input, BYTES_TO_BITS(currentByte + 1), true) |
return |
end |
currentByte = currentByte - 1 |
end |
if ( unsignedData and band((input + currentByte)[0], 0xF0) == 0x00 ) or |
( unsignedData == false and band((input + currentByte)[0], 0xF0) == 0xF0 ) then |
self:WriteBits(input + currentByte, 4, true) |
else |
self:WriteBits(input + currentByte, 8, true) |
end |
end |
function BitStream:ReadBits(output, numberOfBitsToRead, alignBitsToRight) |
output = cast('BYTE*', output) |
if numberOfBitsToRead <= 0 then return false end |
if self.readOffset + numberOfBitsToRead > self.numberOfBitsUsed then return false end |
local readOffsetMod8, offset = 0, 0 |
memset(output, 0, BITS_TO_BYTES(numberOfBitsToRead)) |
readOffsetMod8 = band(self.readOffset, 7) |
while numberOfBitsToRead > 0 do |
local this = output + offset |
this[0] = bor(this[0], lshift((self.data + rshift(self.readOffset, 3))[0], readOffsetMod8)) |
if readOffsetMod8 > 0 and numberOfBitsToRead > 8 - readOffsetMod8 then |
this[0] = bor(this[0], rshift((self.data + rshift(self.readOffset, 3) + 1)[0], 8 - readOffsetMod8)) |
end |
numberOfBitsToRead = numberOfBitsToRead - 8 |
if numberOfBitsToRead < 0 then |
if alignBitsToRight then this[0] = rshift(this[0], -numberOfBitsToRead) end |
self.readOffset = self.readOffset + 8 + numberOfBitsToRead |
else self.readOffset = self.readOffset + 8 end |
offset = offset + 1 |
end |
return true |
end |
function BitStream:ReadCompressed(output, size, unsignedData) |
output = cast('BYTE*', output) |
local currentByte = rhsift(size, 3) - 1 |
local byteMatch, halfByteMatch = 0, 0 |
if not unsignedData then byteMatch, halfByteMatch = 0xFF, 0xF0 end |
while currentByte > 0 do |
local b = ffi.new('bool[1]') |
if self:Read(b) == false then return false end |
if b[0] then |
output[currentByte] = byteMatch |
currentByte = currentByte - 1 |
else |
if self:ReadBits(output, BYTES_TO_BITS(currentByte + 1)) == false then return false end |
return true |
end |
end |
if readOffset + 1 > self.numberOfBitsUsed then |
return false |
end |
local b = ffi.new('bool[1]') |
if self:Read(b) == false then return false end |
if b[0] then |
if self:ReadBits(output + currentByte, 4) == false then |
return false |
end |
output[currentByte] = bor(output[currentByte], halfByteMatch) |
else |
if self:ReadBits(output + currentByte, 8) == false then return false end |
end |
return true |
end |
function BitStream:AddBitsAndReallocate(numberOfBitsToWrite) |
if numberOfBitsToWrite <= 0 then return end |
local newNumberOfBitsAllocated = numberOfBitsToWrite + self.numberOfBitsUsed |
if numberOfBitsToWrite + self.numberOfBitsUsed > 0 and rshift(self.numberOfBitsAllocated - 1, 3) < rshift(newNumberOfBitsAllocated - 1, 3) then |
newNumberOfBitsAllocated = ( numberOfBitsToWrite + self.numberOfBitsUsed ) * 2 |
local amountToAllocate = BITS_TO_BYTES(newNumberOfBitsAllocated) |
if self.data == cast('BYTE*', self.stackData) then |
if amountToAllocate > BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE then |
data = cast('BYTE*', malloc(amountToAllocate)) |
memcpy(cast('void*', data), cast('void*', stackData), BITS_TO_BYTES(self.numberOfBitsAllocated)) |
end |
else |
data = cast('BYTE*', realloc(self.data, amountToAllocate)) |
end |
end |
if newNumberOfBitsAllocated > self.numberOfBitsAllocated then |
self.numberOfBitsAllocated = newNumberOfBitsAllocated |
end |
end |
function BitStream:AssertStreamEmpty() |
assert(self.readOffset == self.numberOfBitsUsed) |
end |
function BitStream:CopyData(_data) |
_data = cast('BYTE**', _data) |
_data[0] = ffi.new('BYTE[?]', BITS_TO_BYTES( self.numberOfBitsUsed )) |
memcpy(_data[0], self.data, ffi.sizeof('BYTE') * BITS_TO_BYTES( self.numberOfBitsUsed )) |
return self.numberOfBitsUsed |
end |
function BitStream:IgnoreBits(numberOfBits) |
self.readOffset = self.readOffset + numberOfBits |
end |
function BitStream:SetWriteOffset(offset) |
self.numberOfBitsUsed = offset |
end |
function BitStream:AssertCopyData() |
if self.copyData == false then |
self.copyData = true |
if self.numberOfBitsAllocated > 0 then |
local newdata = malloc(BITS_TO_BYTES( self.numberOfBitsAllocated ) ) |
memcpy(newdata, data, BITS_TO_BYTES( self.numberOfBitsAllocated )) |
self.data = newdata |
else self.data = nil end |
end |
end |
function BitStream:ReverseBytes(input, output, length) |
input = cast('BYTE*', input) |
output = cast('BYTE*', output) |
for i = 0, length - 1 do |
output[i] = input[length-i-1] |
end |
end |
ffi.metatype(BitStream_type, BitStream) |
return BitStream_type |