script_name 'mimgui sandbox' |
script_author 'FYP' |
local imgui, ffi = require 'mimgui', require 'ffi' |
local new, str = imgui.new, ffi.string |
local imguiStack = {} |
local function wrapPushFunction(fn, popFn) |
return function(...) |
table.insert(imguiStack, popFn) |
return fn(...) |
end |
end |
local function wrapPopFunction(fn) |
return function(...) |
if #imguiStack > 0 then |
table.remove(imguiStack, #imguiStack) |
end |
return fn(...) |
end |
end |
local function useStrict(tbl) |
local getinfo, error, rawset, rawget = debug.getinfo, error, rawset, rawget |
local mt = getmetatable(tbl) |
if mt == nil then |
mt = {} |
setmetatable(tbl, mt) |
end |
mt.__declared = {} |
mt.__newindex = function (t, n, v) |
if not mt.__declared[n] then |
local info = getinfo(2, "S") |
if info and info.linedefined > 0 then |
error("assign to undeclared variable '"..n.."'", 2) |
end |
mt.__declared[n] = true |
end |
rawset(t, n, v) |
end |
mt.__index = function (t, n) |
if not mt.__declared[n] then |
local info = getinfo(2, "S") |
if info and info.what ~= 'C' then |
error("variable '"..n.."' is not declared", 2) |
end |
end |
return rawget(t, n) |
end |
end |
local function createSandboxEnv() |
local env = {} |
for k, v in pairs(_G) do |
env[k] = v |
end |
env.imgui = {} |
for k, v in pairs(imgui) do |
env.imgui[k] = v |
end |
setmetatable(env.imgui, {__index = getmetatable(imgui).__index}) |
env.main = nil |
env.ffi = ffi |
env._G = env |
env.imgui.Begin = wrapPushFunction(imgui.Begin, imgui.End) |
env.imgui.End = wrapPopFunction(imgui.End) |
useStrict(env) |
return env |
end |
local sbEnv = createSandboxEnv() |
local window = new.bool(false) |
local imguiDemo = new.bool(false) |
local initBox = new.char[0x1000]([[I, new, str = imgui, imgui.new, ffi.string |
]]) |
local codeBox = new.char[0x2000]([[ |
I.Begin('Sandbox') |
I.Text('Hello, World!') |
I.End() |
]]) |
local sbDraw, sbInitError, sbDrawError |
local sbInitAutoupdate, sbDrawAutoupdate = new.bool(false), new.bool(false) |
local sbInitUpdate, sbDrawUpdate = 0, 0 |
local monospaceFont = nil |
local createView, globalView, imguiView, mimguiView = nil, nil, nil, nil |
local function drawSandboxEditor() |
local center = imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetIO().DisplaySize.x / 2, imgui.GetIO().DisplaySize.y / 2) |
imgui.SetNextWindowPos(center, imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver, imgui.ImVec2(0.5, 0.5)) |
imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(550, 550), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) |
imgui.Begin('ImGui Sandbox', window, imgui.WindowFlags.MenuBar) |
imgui.BeginMenuBar() |
if imgui.BeginMenu('Vars') then |
if imgui.MenuItemBool('ImGui') then |
if not imguiView then |
imguiView = createView('imgui', getmetatable(sbEnv.imgui).__index) |
end |
imguiView.show[0] = true |
end |
if imgui.MenuItemBool('mimgui') then |
if not mimguiView then |
mimguiView = createView('mimgui', sbEnv.imgui) |
end |
mimguiView.show[0] = true |
end |
if imgui.MenuItemBool('Global') then |
if not globalView then |
globalView = createView('_G', sbEnv) |
end |
globalView.show[0] = true |
end |
imgui.EndMenu() |
end |
if imgui.MenuItemBool('ImGui Demo') then |
imguiDemo[0] = true |
end |
if imgui.MenuItemBool('Restart') then |
script.this:reload() |
end |
imgui.EndMenuBar() |
imgui.Text('Initialization code:') |
imgui.SameLine() |
imgui.PushStyleVarVec2(imgui.StyleVar.FramePadding, imgui.ImVec2(0, 0)) |
if imgui.Checkbox('Auto update##1', sbInitAutoupdate) then |
if sbInitAutoupdate[0] then sbInitUpdate = localClock() end |
end |
imgui.PopStyleVar() |
if not sbInitAutoupdate[0] then |
imgui.SameLine() |
if imgui.SmallButton('Update##1') then |
sbInitUpdate = localClock() |
end |
end |
imgui.PushFont(monospaceFont) |
if imgui.InputTextMultiline('##Init', initBox, ffi.sizeof(initBox) - 1, imgui.ImVec2(-1, 150), imgui.InputTextFlags.AllowTabInput) then |
if sbInitAutoupdate[0] then |
sbInitUpdate = localClock() + 0.5 |
end |
end |
imgui.PopFont() |
if sbInitError then |
imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1), "%s", sbInitError) |
end |
imgui.Separator() |
imgui.Text('Drawing code:') |
imgui.SameLine() |
imgui.PushStyleVarVec2(imgui.StyleVar.FramePadding, imgui.ImVec2(0, 0)) |
if imgui.Checkbox('Auto update##2', sbDrawAutoupdate) then |
if sbDrawAutoupdate[0] then sbDrawUpdate = localClock() end |
end |
imgui.PopStyleVar() |
if not sbDrawAutoupdate[0] then |
imgui.SameLine() |
if imgui.SmallButton('Update##2') then |
sbDrawUpdate = localClock() |
end |
end |
imgui.PushFont(monospaceFont) |
if imgui.InputTextMultiline('##Code', codeBox, ffi.sizeof(codeBox) - 1, imgui.ImVec2(-1, 250), imgui.InputTextFlags.AllowTabInput) then |
if sbDrawAutoupdate[0] then |
sbDrawUpdate = localClock() + 0.5 |
end |
end |
imgui.PopFont() |
if sbDrawError then |
imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1), "%s", sbDrawError) |
end |
imgui.End() |
end |
local function updateSandbox() |
if sbInitUpdate ~= 0 and localClock() >= sbInitUpdate then |
sbInitUpdate = 0 |
local f, err = load(str(initBox), nil, 't', sbEnv) |
sbInitError = err |
if f then |
local res, err = pcall(f) |
if not res then |
sbInitError = err |
end |
end |
end |
if sbDrawUpdate ~= 0 and localClock() >= sbDrawUpdate then |
sbDrawUpdate = 0 |
local f, err = load(str(codeBox), nil, 't', sbEnv) |
sbDrawError = err |
if f then |
sbDraw = f |
end |
end |
end |
local function drawSandbox() |
if sbDraw and not sbDrawError then |
local res, err = pcall(sbDraw) |
if not res then |
sbDrawError = err |
for i = #imguiStack, 1, -1 do |
imguiStack[i]() |
imguiStack[i] = nil |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function drawLuaViews() |
if imguiView then |
imguiView:draw() |
end |
if globalView then |
globalView:draw() |
end |
if mimguiView then |
mimguiView:draw() |
end |
end |
local function drawImguiDemo() |
if imguiDemo[0] then |
imgui.ShowDemoWindow(imguiDemo) |
end |
end |
imgui.OnInitialize(function() |
local defaultFontCfg = imgui.GetIO().Fonts.ConfigData.Data[0] |
local fontPath = getFolderPath(0x14) .. '\\consola.ttf' |
monospaceFont = imgui.GetIO().Fonts:AddFontFromFileTTF(fontPath, 15.0, nil, defaultFontCfg.GlyphRanges) |
end) |
imgui.OnFrame(function() return window[0] end, |
function() |
updateSandbox() |
end, |
function() |
drawSandboxEditor() |
drawSandbox() |
drawLuaViews() |
drawImguiDemo() |
end) |
function imgui.PushTextColor(color) |
return imgui.PushStyleColorU32(imgui.Col.Text, color) |
end |
local valueColors = { |
['table'] = 0xFFDD78C6, |
['function'] = 0xFFEFAF61, |
['string'] = 0xFF79C398, |
['number'] = 0xFF669AD1, |
['userdata'] = 0xFF756CE0, |
} |
createView = function(name, tbl) |
assert(type(tbl) == 'table') |
local view = { |
name = name, |
table = tbl, |
show = new.bool(true), |
filter = imgui.ImGuiTextFilter(), |
sort = new.bool(false) |
} |
function view:drawItem(parent, key, value, path) |
local vstr = tostring(value) |
local str = key .. ' = ' .. vstr |
local vtype = type(value) |
local color = valueColors[vtype] or 0xFFFFFFFF |
if vtype == 'table' then |
imgui.PushTextColor(color) |
local tree = imgui.TreeNodeStr(str) |
imgui.PopStyleColor() |
if tree then |
for key, val in pairs(value) do |
self:drawItem(value, key, val, path .. '.' .. key) |
end |
local mt = getmetatable(value) |
if mt then |
self:drawItem(value, '<metatable>', mt, path .. '.<metatable>') |
end |
imgui.TreePop() |
end |
else |
imgui.PushTextColor(color) |
imgui.Text(str) |
imgui.PopStyleColor() |
end |
if imgui.IsItemHovered() then |
if imgui.IsMouseClicked(1) then |
setClipboardText(path) |
end |
imgui.BeginTooltip() |
imgui.PushTextWrapPos(450.0) |
imgui.Text('Click right mouse button to copy name') |
imgui.Separator() |
imgui.TextUnformatted(vtype .. '\n' .. vstr) |
imgui.PopTextWrapPos() |
imgui.EndTooltip() |
end |
end |
function view:draw() |
if self.show[0] then |
local window_name = ('%s (%s)'):format(self.name, tostring(self.table)) |
imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(400, 500), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) |
imgui.Begin('Lua View: ' .. window_name, self.show) |
self.filter:Draw('Filter', -100) |
imgui.SameLine() |
imgui.Checkbox('Sort', self.sort) |
imgui.BeginChild(window_name) |
local processItem = function(key, val) |
if val ~= self.table then |
local text = key .. ' = ' .. tostring(val) |
if self.filter:PassFilter(text) then |
self:drawItem(self.table, key, val, name .. '.' .. key) |
end |
end |
end |
if self.sort[0] then |
local sorted = {} |
for key, val in pairs(self.table) do |
table.insert(sorted, {key, val}) |
end |
table.sort(sorted, function(v1, v2) return v1[1] < v2[1] end) |
for i, v in ipairs(sorted) do |
processItem(v[1], v[2]) |
end |
else |
for key, val in pairs(self.table) do |
processItem(key, val) |
end |
end |
imgui.EndChild() |
imgui.End() |
end |
return self.show[0] |
end |
return view |
end |
function main() |
sbInitUpdate = localClock() |
sbDrawUpdate = localClock() |
while true do |
wait(0) |
if testCheat('MSB') then |
window[0] = not window[0] |
end |
end |
end |