script_name('Display Player Bones Example') |
local mad = require 'MoonAdditions' |
function main() |
while true do |
wait(0) |
if isPlayerPlaying(PLAYER_HANDLE) then |
if isCharOnFoot(PLAYER_PED) and not isCharDead(PLAYER_PED) then |
local color_b = 255 |
for name, id in pairs(mad.bone_id) do |
local bone = mad.get_char_bone(PLAYER_PED, id) |
if bone then |
local bone_pos = bone.matrix.pos |
local sx, sy = convert3DCoordsToScreen(bone_pos.x, bone_pos.y, bone_pos.z) |
draw_text('#' .. id .. ': ' .. name, sx, sy, 255, 255, math.fmod(id, 2) == 1 and 255 or 120) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function draw_text(str, x, y, r, g, b) |
mad.draw_text(str, x, y, mad.font_style.SUBTITLES, 0.3, 0.6, mad.font_align.LEFT, 2000, true, false, r, g, b, 255, 1, 0, 30, 30, 30, 120) |
end |