0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:Debounce; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:threshold; 6, integer:100; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 14; 7, 18; 7, 178; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, augmented_assignment:*=; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:threshold; 13, integer:1000; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, assignment; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:max_tick; 17, integer:0xFFFFFFFF; 18, class_definition; 18, 19; 18, 20; 18, 22; 19, identifier:_decorated; 20, argument_list; 20, 21; 21, identifier:object; 22, block; 22, 23; 22, 47; 22, 153; 23, function_definition; 23, 24; 23, 25; 23, 28; 24, function_name:__init__; 25, parameters; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:self; 27, identifier:pigpio_cb; 28, block; 28, 29; 28, 35; 28, 41; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 34; 31, attribute; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:self; 33, identifier:_fn; 34, identifier:pigpio_cb; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:self; 39, identifier:last; 40, integer:0; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:self; 45, identifier:is_method; 46, False; 47, function_definition; 47, 48; 47, 49; 47, 55; 48, function_name:__call__; 49, parameters; 49, 50; 49, 51; 49, 53; 50, identifier:self; 51, list_splat_pattern; 51, 52; 52, identifier:args; 53, dictionary_splat_pattern; 53, 54; 54, identifier:kwargs; 55, block; 55, 56; 55, 75; 55, 102; 56, if_statement; 56, 57; 56, 60; 56, 67; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:self; 59, identifier:is_method; 60, block; 60, 61; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:tick; 64, subscript; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:args; 66, integer:3; 67, else_clause; 67, 68; 68, block; 68, 69; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, assignment; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:tick; 72, subscript; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:args; 74, integer:2; 75, if_statement; 75, 76; 75, 81; 75, 92; 76, comparison_operator:>; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:self; 79, identifier:last; 80, identifier:tick; 81, block; 81, 82; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, assignment; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:delay; 85, binary_operator:+; 85, 86; 85, 91; 86, binary_operator:-; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:max_tick; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:self; 90, identifier:last; 91, identifier:tick; 92, else_clause; 92, 93; 93, block; 93, 94; 94, expression_statement; 94, 95; 95, assignment; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:delay; 97, binary_operator:-; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:tick; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:self; 101, identifier:last; 102, if_statement; 102, 103; 102, 106; 102, 137; 103, comparison_operator:>; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:delay; 105, identifier:threshold; 106, block; 106, 107; 106, 117; 106, 131; 107, expression_statement; 107, 108; 108, call; 108, 109; 108, 112; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:self; 111, identifier:_fn; 112, argument_list; 112, 113; 112, 115; 113, list_splat; 113, 114; 114, identifier:args; 115, dictionary_splat; 115, 116; 116, identifier:kwargs; 117, expression_statement; 117, 118; 118, call; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:print; 120, argument_list; 120, 121; 121, call; 121, 122; 121, 125; 122, attribute; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, string:'call passed by debouncer {} {} {}'; 124, identifier:format; 125, argument_list; 125, 126; 125, 127; 125, 130; 126, identifier:tick; 127, attribute; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:self; 129, identifier:last; 130, identifier:threshold; 131, expression_statement; 131, 132; 132, assignment; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, attribute; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:self; 135, identifier:last; 136, identifier:tick; 137, else_clause; 137, 138; 138, block; 138, 139; 139, expression_statement; 139, 140; 140, call; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:print; 142, argument_list; 142, 143; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 147; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, string:'call filtered out by debouncer {} {} {}'; 146, identifier:format; 147, argument_list; 147, 148; 147, 149; 147, 152; 148, identifier:tick; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:self; 151, identifier:last; 152, identifier:threshold; 153, function_definition; 153, 154; 153, 155; 153, 161; 153, 162; 153, 163; 154, function_name:__get__; 155, parameters; 155, 156; 155, 157; 155, 158; 156, identifier:self; 157, identifier:instance; 158, default_parameter; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:type; 160, None; 161, comment; 162, comment; 163, block; 163, 164; 163, 170; 164, expression_statement; 164, 165; 165, assignment; 165, 166; 165, 169; 166, attribute; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:self; 168, identifier:is_method; 169, True; 170, return_statement; 170, 171; 171, call; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:functools; 174, identifier:partial; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:self; 177, identifier:instance; 178, return_statement; 178, 179; 179, identifier:_decorated
def Debounce(threshold=100): """ Simple debouncing decorator for apigpio callbacks. Example: `@Debouncer() def my_cb(gpio, level, tick) print('gpio cb: {} {} {}'.format(gpio, level, tick)) ` The threshold can be given to the decorator as an argument (in millisec). This decorator can be used both on function and object's methods. Warning: as the debouncer uses the tick from pigpio, which wraps around after approximately 1 hour 12 minutes, you could theoretically miss one call if your callback is called twice with that interval. """ threshold *= 1000 max_tick = 0xFFFFFFFF class _decorated(object): def __init__(self, pigpio_cb): self._fn = pigpio_cb self.last = 0 self.is_method = False def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.is_method: tick = args[3] else: tick = args[2] if self.last > tick: delay = max_tick-self.last + tick else: delay = tick - self.last if delay > threshold: self._fn(*args, **kwargs) print('call passed by debouncer {} {} {}' .format(tick, self.last, threshold)) self.last = tick else: print('call filtered out by debouncer {} {} {}' .format(tick, self.last, threshold)) def __get__(self, instance, type=None): # with is called when an instance of `_decorated` is used as a class # attribute, which is the case when decorating a method in a class self.is_method = True return functools.partial(self, instance) return _decorated
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 16; 2, function_name:fit; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 10; 3, 13; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:target_type; 6, identifier:target; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:adjust_thickness; 9, False; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:adjust_site_atten; 12, False; 13, default_parameter; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:adjust_source_vel; 15, False; 16, block; 16, 17; 16, 19; 16, 27; 16, 34; 16, 35; 16, 43; 16, 51; 16, 57; 16, 58; 16, 62; 16, 78; 16, 97; 16, 98; 16, 129; 16, 130; 16, 156; 16, 177; 16, 291; 16, 305; 16, 316; 16, 333; 16, 368; 16, 369; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, comment; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, assignment; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:density; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 26; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:self; 25, identifier:profile; 26, identifier:density; 27, expression_statement; 27, 28; 28, assignment; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:nl; 30, call; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:len; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, identifier:density; 34, comment; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:slowness; 38, attribute; 38, 39; 38, 42; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:self; 41, identifier:profile; 42, identifier:slowness; 43, expression_statement; 43, 44; 44, assignment; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:thickness; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:self; 49, identifier:profile; 50, identifier:thickness; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:site_atten; 54, attribute; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:self; 56, identifier:_site_atten; 57, comment; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, assignment; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:initial; 61, identifier:slowness; 62, expression_statement; 62, 63; 63, assignment; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:bounds; 65, binary_operator:/; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, integer:1; 67, call; 67, 68; 67, 71; 68, attribute; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:np; 70, identifier:tile; 71, argument_list; 71, 72; 71, 75; 72, tuple; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, integer:4000; 74, integer:100; 75, tuple; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:nl; 77, integer:1; 78, if_statement; 78, 79; 78, 81; 79, not_operator; 79, 80; 80, identifier:adjust_source_vel; 81, block; 81, 82; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, assignment; 83, 84; 83, 88; 84, subscript; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:bounds; 86, unary_operator:-; 86, 87; 87, integer:1; 88, tuple; 88, 89; 88, 93; 89, subscript; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:initial; 91, unary_operator:-; 91, 92; 92, integer:1; 93, subscript; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:initial; 95, unary_operator:-; 95, 96; 96, integer:1; 97, comment; 98, if_statement; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:adjust_thickness; 100, block; 100, 101; 100, 120; 101, expression_statement; 101, 102; 102, assignment; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:bounds; 104, subscript; 104, 105; 104, 108; 104, 109; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:np; 107, identifier:r_; 108, identifier:bounds; 109, list_comprehension; 109, 110; 109, 117; 110, list:[t / 2, 2 * t]; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, binary_operator:/; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:t; 113, integer:2; 114, binary_operator:*; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, integer:2; 116, identifier:t; 117, for_in_clause; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:t; 119, identifier:thickness; 120, expression_statement; 120, 121; 121, assignment; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:initial; 123, subscript; 123, 124; 123, 127; 123, 128; 124, attribute; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:np; 126, identifier:r_; 127, identifier:initial; 128, identifier:thickness; 129, comment; 130, if_statement; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:adjust_site_atten; 132, block; 132, 133; 132, 145; 133, expression_statement; 133, 134; 134, assignment; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:bounds; 136, subscript; 136, 137; 136, 140; 136, 141; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:np; 139, identifier:r_; 140, identifier:bounds; 141, list:[[0.0001, 0.200]]; 141, 142; 142, list:[0.0001, 0.200]; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, float:0.0001; 144, float:0.200; 145, expression_statement; 145, 146; 146, assignment; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:initial; 148, subscript; 148, 149; 148, 152; 148, 153; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:np; 151, identifier:r_; 152, identifier:initial; 153, attribute; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:self; 155, identifier:site_atten; 156, function_definition; 156, 157; 156, 158; 156, 161; 157, function_name:calc_rmse; 158, parameters; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:this; 160, identifier:that; 161, block; 161, 162; 162, return_statement; 162, 163; 163, call; 163, 164; 163, 167; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:np; 166, identifier:mean; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 168, binary_operator:**; 168, 169; 168, 176; 169, parenthesized_expression; 169, 170; 170, binary_operator:/; 170, 171; 170, 175; 171, parenthesized_expression; 171, 172; 172, binary_operator:-; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:this; 174, identifier:that; 175, identifier:that; 176, integer:2; 177, function_definition; 177, 178; 177, 179; 177, 181; 178, function_name:err; 179, parameters; 179, 180; 180, identifier:x; 181, block; 181, 182; 181, 191; 181, 212; 181, 224; 181, 237; 181, 246; 181, 256; 181, 257; 181, 265; 181, 276; 181, 289; 182, expression_statement; 182, 183; 183, assignment; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:_slowness; 185, subscript; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:x; 187, slice; 187, 188; 187, 189; 187, 190; 188, integer:0; 189, colon; 190, identifier:nl; 191, if_statement; 191, 192; 191, 193; 191, 206; 192, identifier:adjust_thickness; 193, block; 193, 194; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:_thickness; 197, subscript; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:x; 199, slice; 199, 200; 199, 201; 199, 202; 200, identifier:nl; 201, colon; 202, parenthesized_expression; 202, 203; 203, binary_operator:*; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, integer:2; 205, identifier:nl; 206, else_clause; 206, 207; 207, block; 207, 208; 208, expression_statement; 208, 209; 209, assignment; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:_thickness; 211, identifier:thickness; 212, if_statement; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:adjust_site_atten; 214, block; 214, 215; 215, expression_statement; 215, 216; 216, assignment; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:self; 219, identifier:_site_atten; 220, subscript; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:x; 222, unary_operator:-; 222, 223; 223, integer:1; 224, expression_statement; 224, 225; 225, assignment; 225, 226; 225, 229; 226, pattern_list; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:crustal_amp; 228, identifier:site_term; 229, call; 229, 230; 229, 233; 230, attribute; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:self; 232, identifier:_calc_amp; 233, argument_list; 233, 234; 233, 235; 233, 236; 234, identifier:density; 235, identifier:_thickness; 236, identifier:_slowness; 237, expression_statement; 237, 238; 238, assignment; 238, 239; 238, 240; 239, identifier:calc; 240, conditional_expression:if; 240, 241; 240, 242; 240, 245; 241, identifier:crustal_amp; 242, comparison_operator:==; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:target_type; 244, string:'crustal_amp'; 245, identifier:site_term; 246, expression_statement; 246, 247; 247, assignment; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:err; 249, binary_operator:*; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, integer:10; 251, call; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:calc_rmse; 253, argument_list; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:target; 255, identifier:calc; 256, comment; 257, expression_statement; 257, 258; 258, augmented_assignment:+=; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:err; 260, call; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:calc_rmse; 262, argument_list; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:slowness; 264, identifier:_slowness; 265, if_statement; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, identifier:adjust_thickness; 267, block; 267, 268; 268, expression_statement; 268, 269; 269, augmented_assignment:+=; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:err; 271, call; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:calc_rmse; 273, argument_list; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:thickness; 275, identifier:_thickness; 276, if_statement; 276, 277; 276, 278; 277, identifier:adjust_site_atten; 278, block; 278, 279; 279, expression_statement; 279, 280; 280, augmented_assignment:+=; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:err; 282, call; 282, 283; 282, 284; 283, identifier:calc_rmse; 284, argument_list; 284, 285; 284, 288; 285, attribute; 285, 286; 285, 287; 286, identifier:self; 287, identifier:_site_atten; 288, identifier:site_atten; 289, return_statement; 289, 290; 290, identifier:err; 291, expression_statement; 291, 292; 292, assignment; 292, 293; 292, 294; 293, identifier:res; 294, call; 294, 295; 294, 296; 295, identifier:minimize; 296, argument_list; 296, 297; 296, 298; 296, 299; 296, 302; 297, identifier:err; 298, identifier:initial; 299, keyword_argument; 299, 300; 299, 301; 300, identifier:method; 301, string:'L-BFGS-B'; 302, keyword_argument; 302, 303; 302, 304; 303, identifier:bounds; 304, identifier:bounds; 305, expression_statement; 305, 306; 306, assignment; 306, 307; 306, 308; 307, identifier:slowness; 308, subscript; 308, 309; 308, 312; 309, attribute; 309, 310; 309, 311; 310, identifier:res; 311, identifier:x; 312, slice; 312, 313; 312, 314; 312, 315; 313, integer:0; 314, colon; 315, identifier:nl; 316, if_statement; 316, 317; 316, 318; 317, identifier:adjust_thickness; 318, block; 318, 319; 319, expression_statement; 319, 320; 320, assignment; 320, 321; 320, 322; 321, identifier:thickness; 322, subscript; 322, 323; 322, 326; 323, attribute; 323, 324; 323, 325; 324, identifier:res; 325, identifier:x; 326, slice; 326, 327; 326, 328; 326, 329; 327, identifier:nl; 328, colon; 329, parenthesized_expression; 329, 330; 330, binary_operator:*; 330, 331; 330, 332; 331, integer:2; 332, identifier:nl; 333, expression_statement; 333, 334; 334, assignment; 334, 335; 334, 336; 335, identifier:profile; 336, call; 336, 337; 336, 338; 337, identifier:Profile; 338, argument_list; 338, 339; 338, 363; 339, list_comprehension; 339, 340; 339, 350; 340, call; 340, 341; 340, 342; 341, identifier:Layer; 342, argument_list; 342, 343; 342, 346; 342, 347; 343, attribute; 343, 344; 343, 345; 344, identifier:l; 345, identifier:soil_type; 346, identifier:t; 347, binary_operator:/; 347, 348; 347, 349; 348, integer:1; 349, identifier:s; 350, for_in_clause; 350, 351; 350, 355; 351, pattern_list; 351, 352; 351, 353; 351, 354; 352, identifier:l; 353, identifier:t; 354, identifier:s; 355, call; 355, 356; 355, 357; 356, identifier:zip; 357, argument_list; 357, 358; 357, 361; 357, 362; 358, attribute; 358, 359; 358, 360; 359, identifier:self; 360, identifier:profile; 361, identifier:thickness; 362, identifier:slowness; 363, attribute; 363, 364; 363, 367; 364, attribute; 364, 365; 364, 366; 365, identifier:self; 366, identifier:profile; 367, identifier:wt_depth; 368, comment; 369, return_statement; 369, 370; 370, tuple; 370, 371; 370, 374; 370, 375; 371, attribute; 371, 372; 371, 373; 372, identifier:self; 373, identifier:motion; 374, identifier:profile; 375, attribute; 375, 376; 375, 377; 376, identifier:self; 377, identifier:loc_input
def fit(self, target_type, target, adjust_thickness=False, adjust_site_atten=False, adjust_source_vel=False): """ Fit to a target crustal amplification or site term. The fitting process adjusts the velocity, site attenuation, and layer thickness (if enabled) to fit a target values. The frequency range is specified by the input motion. Parameters ---------- target_type: str Options are 'crustal_amp' to only fit to the crustal amplification, or 'site_term' to fit both the velocity and the site attenuation parameter. target: `array_like` Target values. adjust_thickness: bool (optional) If the thickness of the layers is adjusted as well, default: False. adjust_site_atten: bool (optional) If the site attenuation is adjusted as well, default: False. adjust_source_vel: bool (optional) If the source velocity should be adjusted, default: False. Returns ------- profile: `` profile optimized to fit a target amplification. """ density = self.profile.density nl = len(density) # Slowness bounds slowness = self.profile.slowness thickness = self.profile.thickness site_atten = self._site_atten # Slowness initial = slowness bounds = 1 / np.tile((4000, 100), (nl, 1)) if not adjust_source_vel: bounds[-1] = (initial[-1], initial[-1]) # Thickness bounds if adjust_thickness: bounds = np.r_[bounds, [[t / 2, 2 * t] for t in thickness]] initial = np.r_[initial, thickness] # Site attenuation bounds if adjust_site_atten: bounds = np.r_[bounds, [[0.0001, 0.200]]] initial = np.r_[initial, self.site_atten] def calc_rmse(this, that): return np.mean(((this - that) / that) ** 2) def err(x): _slowness = x[0:nl] if adjust_thickness: _thickness = x[nl:(2 * nl)] else: _thickness = thickness if adjust_site_atten: self._site_atten = x[-1] crustal_amp, site_term = self._calc_amp(density, _thickness, _slowness) calc = crustal_amp if target_type == 'crustal_amp' else site_term err = 10 * calc_rmse(target, calc) # Prefer the original values so add the difference to the error err += calc_rmse(slowness, _slowness) if adjust_thickness: err += calc_rmse(thickness, _thickness) if adjust_site_atten: err += calc_rmse(self._site_atten, site_atten) return err res = minimize(err, initial, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bounds) slowness = res.x[0:nl] if adjust_thickness: thickness = res.x[nl:(2 * nl)] profile = Profile([ Layer(l.soil_type, t, 1 / s) for l, t, s in zip(self.profile, thickness, slowness) ], self.profile.wt_depth) # Update the calculated amplificaiton return (self.motion, profile, self.loc_input)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:build_recipe_input; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:ob; 6, identifier:dal; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 14; 7, 15; 7, 16; 7, 17; 7, 18; 7, 19; 7, 23; 7, 27; 7, 167; 7, 168; 7, 177; 7, 183; 7, 223; 7, 272; 7, 342; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:result; 13, dictionary; 14, comment; 15, comment; 16, comment; 17, comment; 18, comment; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, assignment; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:ob_query_skip; 22, False; 23, expression_statement; 23, 24; 24, assignment; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:ob_query_field; 26, string:'obresult'; 27, if_statement; 27, 28; 27, 33; 27, 161; 28, call; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:isinstance; 30, argument_list; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:ob; 32, identifier:ObservingBlock; 33, block; 33, 34; 33, 41; 33, 42; 34, import_statement; 34, 35; 35, aliased_import; 35, 36; 35, 40; 36, dotted_name; 36, 37; 36, 38; 36, 39; 37, identifier:numina; 38, identifier:types; 39, identifier:obsresult; 40, identifier:obtype; 41, comment; 42, for_statement; 42, 43; 42, 46; 42, 55; 42, 154; 43, pattern_list; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:key; 45, identifier:req; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 54; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 53; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, attribute; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:self; 51, identifier:requirements; 52, argument_list; 53, identifier:items; 54, argument_list; 55, block; 55, 56; 56, if_statement; 56, 57; 56, 66; 57, call; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:isinstance; 59, argument_list; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:req; 62, identifier:type; 63, attribute; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:obtype; 65, identifier:ObservationResultType; 66, block; 66, 67; 66, 71; 66, 75; 66, 86; 66, 87; 66, 93; 66, 101; 66, 114; 66, 122; 66, 153; 67, expression_statement; 67, 68; 68, assignment; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:ob_query_field; 70, identifier:key; 71, expression_statement; 71, 72; 72, assignment; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:ob_query_skip; 74, True; 75, expression_statement; 75, 76; 76, assignment; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:query_option; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 84; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 83; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:self; 82, identifier:query_options; 83, identifier:get; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, identifier:key; 86, comment; 87, expression_statement; 87, 88; 88, assignment; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:new_or; 90, call; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:ObservationResult; 92, argument_list; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, assignment; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:new_or; 97, identifier:__dict__; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:ob; 100, identifier:__dict__; 101, expression_statement; 101, 102; 102, assignment; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:obsres; 104, call; 104, 105; 104, 108; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:req; 107, identifier:query; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 108, 110; 108, 111; 109, identifier:dal; 110, identifier:new_or; 111, keyword_argument; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:options; 113, identifier:query_option; 114, expression_statement; 114, 115; 115, assignment; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:tagger; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 121; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:self; 120, identifier:mode; 121, identifier:tagger; 122, if_statement; 122, 123; 122, 126; 122, 145; 123, comparison_operator:is; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:tagger; 125, None; 126, block; 126, 127; 126, 136; 127, expression_statement; 127, 128; 128, call; 128, 129; 128, 134; 129, attribute; 129, 130; 129, 133; 130, attribute; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:self; 132, identifier:logger; 133, identifier:debug; 134, argument_list; 134, 135; 135, string:'Use mode tagger to fill tags in OB'; 136, expression_statement; 136, 137; 137, assignment; 137, 138; 137, 141; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:obsres; 140, identifier:tags; 141, call; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:tagger; 143, argument_list; 143, 144; 144, identifier:obsres; 145, else_clause; 145, 146; 146, block; 146, 147; 147, expression_statement; 147, 148; 148, assignment; 148, 149; 148, 152; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:obsres; 151, identifier:tags; 152, None; 153, break_statement; 154, else_clause; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, comment; 156, block; 156, 157; 157, expression_statement; 157, 158; 158, assignment; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:obsres; 160, identifier:ob; 161, else_clause; 161, 162; 162, block; 162, 163; 163, expression_statement; 163, 164; 164, assignment; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:obsres; 166, identifier:ob; 167, comment; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 175; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 174; 171, attribute; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:self; 173, identifier:logger; 174, identifier:debug; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 176, string:'getting query fields per REQ'; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:qfields; 180, call; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:set; 182, argument_list; 183, for_statement; 183, 184; 183, 187; 183, 196; 184, pattern_list; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:key; 186, identifier:req; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 195; 188, attribute; 188, 189; 188, 194; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 193; 190, attribute; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:self; 192, identifier:requirements; 193, argument_list; 194, identifier:items; 195, argument_list; 196, block; 196, 197; 196, 205; 196, 216; 197, expression_statement; 197, 198; 198, assignment; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:tag_n; 200, call; 200, 201; 200, 204; 201, attribute; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:req; 203, identifier:tag_names; 204, argument_list; 205, expression_statement; 205, 206; 206, call; 206, 207; 206, 212; 207, attribute; 207, 208; 207, 211; 208, attribute; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:self; 210, identifier:logger; 211, identifier:debug; 212, argument_list; 212, 213; 212, 214; 212, 215; 213, string:"%s has these query fields %s"; 214, identifier:key; 215, identifier:tag_n; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, call; 217, 218; 217, 221; 218, attribute; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:qfields; 220, identifier:update; 221, argument_list; 221, 222; 222, identifier:tag_n; 223, if_statement; 223, 224; 223, 229; 224, comparison_operator:is; 224, 225; 224, 228; 225, attribute; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:obsres; 227, identifier:tags; 228, None; 229, block; 229, 230; 229, 239; 229, 249; 230, expression_statement; 230, 231; 231, call; 231, 232; 231, 237; 232, attribute; 232, 233; 232, 236; 233, attribute; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:self; 235, identifier:logger; 236, identifier:debug; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 238, string:'running recipe tagger'; 239, expression_statement; 239, 240; 240, call; 240, 241; 240, 246; 241, attribute; 241, 242; 241, 245; 242, attribute; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:self; 244, identifier:logger; 245, identifier:debug; 246, argument_list; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, string:'with query fields %s'; 248, identifier:qfields; 249, if_statement; 249, 250; 249, 251; 249, 264; 250, identifier:qfields; 251, block; 251, 252; 252, expression_statement; 252, 253; 253, assignment; 253, 254; 253, 257; 254, attribute; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:obsres; 256, identifier:tags; 257, call; 257, 258; 257, 261; 258, attribute; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:self; 260, identifier:obsres_extractor; 261, argument_list; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:obsres; 263, identifier:qfields; 264, else_clause; 264, 265; 265, block; 265, 266; 266, expression_statement; 266, 267; 267, assignment; 267, 268; 267, 271; 268, attribute; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, identifier:obsres; 270, identifier:tags; 271, dictionary; 272, for_statement; 272, 273; 272, 276; 272, 285; 273, pattern_list; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:key; 275, identifier:req; 276, call; 276, 277; 276, 284; 277, attribute; 277, 278; 277, 283; 278, call; 278, 279; 278, 282; 279, attribute; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:self; 281, identifier:requirements; 282, argument_list; 283, identifier:items; 284, argument_list; 285, block; 285, 286; 286, try_statement; 286, 287; 286, 329; 287, block; 287, 288; 287, 299; 288, expression_statement; 288, 289; 289, assignment; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, identifier:query_option; 291, call; 291, 292; 291, 297; 292, attribute; 292, 293; 292, 296; 293, attribute; 293, 294; 293, 295; 294, identifier:self; 295, identifier:query_options; 296, identifier:get; 297, argument_list; 297, 298; 298, identifier:key; 299, if_statement; 299, 300; 299, 305; 299, 312; 300, boolean_operator:and; 300, 301; 300, 304; 301, comparison_operator:==; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:key; 303, identifier:ob_query_field; 304, identifier:ob_query_skip; 305, block; 305, 306; 306, expression_statement; 306, 307; 307, assignment; 307, 308; 307, 311; 308, subscript; 308, 309; 308, 310; 309, identifier:result; 310, identifier:key; 311, identifier:obsres; 312, else_clause; 312, 313; 313, block; 313, 314; 314, expression_statement; 314, 315; 315, assignment; 315, 316; 315, 319; 316, subscript; 316, 317; 316, 318; 317, identifier:result; 318, identifier:key; 319, call; 319, 320; 319, 323; 320, attribute; 320, 321; 320, 322; 321, identifier:req; 322, identifier:query; 323, argument_list; 323, 324; 323, 325; 323, 326; 324, identifier:dal; 325, identifier:obsres; 326, keyword_argument; 326, 327; 326, 328; 327, identifier:options; 328, identifier:query_option; 329, except_clause; 329, 330; 329, 334; 330, as_pattern; 330, 331; 330, 332; 331, identifier:NoResultFound; 332, as_pattern_target; 332, 333; 333, identifier:notfound; 334, block; 334, 335; 335, expression_statement; 335, 336; 336, call; 336, 337; 336, 340; 337, attribute; 337, 338; 337, 339; 338, identifier:req; 339, identifier:on_query_not_found; 340, argument_list; 340, 341; 341, identifier:notfound; 342, return_statement; 342, 343; 343, call; 343, 344; 343, 347; 344, attribute; 344, 345; 344, 346; 345, identifier:self; 346, identifier:create_input; 347, argument_list; 347, 348; 348, dictionary_splat; 348, 349; 349, identifier:result
def build_recipe_input(self, ob, dal): """Build a RecipeInput object.""" result = {} # We have to decide if the ob input # is a plain description (ObservingBlock) # or if it contains the nested results (Obsres) # # it has to contain the tags corresponding to the observing modes... ob_query_skip = False ob_query_field = 'obresult' if isinstance(ob, ObservingBlock): import numina.types.obsresult as obtype # We have to build an Obsres for key, req in self.requirements().items(): if isinstance(req.type, obtype.ObservationResultType): ob_query_field = key ob_query_skip = True query_option = self.query_options.get(key) # print('req for ob is named', key, query_option) new_or = ObservationResult() new_or.__dict__ = ob.__dict__ obsres = req.query(dal, new_or, options=query_option) tagger = self.mode.tagger if tagger is not None: self.logger.debug('Use mode tagger to fill tags in OB') obsres.tags = tagger(obsres) else: obsres.tags = None break else: # nothing to do obsres = ob else: obsres = ob # Get tags_names per REQ self.logger.debug('getting query fields per REQ') qfields = set() for key, req in self.requirements().items(): tag_n = req.tag_names() self.logger.debug("%s has these query fields %s", key, tag_n) qfields.update(tag_n) if obsres.tags is None: self.logger.debug('running recipe tagger') self.logger.debug('with query fields %s', qfields) if qfields: obsres.tags = self.obsres_extractor(obsres, qfields) else: obsres.tags = {} for key, req in self.requirements().items(): try: query_option = self.query_options.get(key) if key == ob_query_field and ob_query_skip: result[key] = obsres else: result[key] = req.query(dal, obsres, options=query_option) except NoResultFound as notfound: req.on_query_not_found(notfound) return self.create_input(**result)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:subsets_of_fileinfo_from_txt; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:filename; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 5, 9; 5, 29; 5, 30; 5, 53; 5, 54; 5, 58; 5, 62; 5, 66; 5, 70; 5, 74; 5, 78; 5, 82; 5, 297; 5, 306; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, comment; 9, if_statement; 9, 10; 9, 19; 10, not_operator; 10, 11; 11, call; 11, 12; 11, 17; 12, attribute; 12, 13; 12, 16; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:os; 15, identifier:path; 16, identifier:isfile; 17, argument_list; 17, 18; 18, identifier:filename; 19, block; 19, 20; 20, raise_statement; 20, 21; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:ValueError; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 24, binary_operator:+; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, binary_operator:+; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, string:"File "; 27, identifier:filename; 28, string:" not found!"; 29, comment; 30, with_statement; 30, 31; 30, 40; 31, with_clause; 31, 32; 32, with_item; 32, 33; 33, as_pattern; 33, 34; 33, 38; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:open; 36, argument_list; 36, 37; 37, identifier:filename; 38, as_pattern_target; 38, 39; 39, identifier:f; 40, block; 40, 41; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:file_content; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 52; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 51; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:f; 49, identifier:read; 50, argument_list; 51, identifier:splitlines; 52, argument_list; 53, comment; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, assignment; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo; 57, dictionary; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, assignment; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:label; 61, None; 62, expression_statement; 62, 63; 63, assignment; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:sublist_of_fileinfo; 65, list:[]; 66, expression_statement; 66, 67; 67, assignment; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:idict; 69, integer:0; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:ifiles; 73, integer:0; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, assignment; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:nfiles; 77, integer:0; 78, expression_statement; 78, 79; 79, assignment; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:sublist_finished; 81, True; 82, for_statement; 82, 83; 82, 84; 82, 85; 83, identifier:line; 84, identifier:file_content; 85, block; 85, 86; 86, if_statement; 86, 87; 86, 93; 87, comparison_operator:>; 87, 88; 87, 92; 88, call; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:len; 90, argument_list; 90, 91; 91, identifier:line; 92, integer:0; 93, block; 93, 94; 94, if_statement; 94, 95; 94, 100; 95, comparison_operator:!=; 95, 96; 95, 99; 96, subscript; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:line; 98, integer:0; 99, string:'#'; 100, block; 100, 101; 101, if_statement; 101, 102; 101, 105; 101, 163; 102, comparison_operator:is; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:label; 104, None; 105, block; 105, 106; 106, if_statement; 106, 107; 106, 112; 106, 156; 107, comparison_operator:==; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, subscript; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:line; 110, integer:0; 111, string:"@"; 112, block; 112, 113; 112, 130; 112, 144; 112, 148; 112, 152; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, assignment; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:nfiles; 116, call; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:int; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 119, subscript; 119, 120; 119, 129; 120, call; 120, 121; 120, 128; 121, attribute; 121, 122; 121, 127; 122, subscript; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:line; 124, slice; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, integer:1; 126, colon; 127, identifier:split; 128, argument_list; 129, integer:0; 130, expression_statement; 130, 131; 131, assignment; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:label; 133, subscript; 133, 134; 133, 143; 134, call; 134, 135; 134, 142; 135, attribute; 135, 136; 135, 141; 136, subscript; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:line; 138, slice; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, integer:1; 140, colon; 141, identifier:split; 142, argument_list; 143, integer:1; 144, expression_statement; 144, 145; 145, assignment; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:sublist_of_fileinfo; 147, list:[]; 148, expression_statement; 148, 149; 149, assignment; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:ifiles; 151, integer:0; 152, expression_statement; 152, 153; 153, assignment; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:sublist_finished; 155, False; 156, else_clause; 156, 157; 157, block; 157, 158; 158, raise_statement; 158, 159; 159, call; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:ValueError; 161, argument_list; 161, 162; 162, string:"Expected @ symbol not found!"; 163, else_clause; 163, 164; 164, block; 164, 165; 164, 177; 164, 185; 164, 191; 164, 213; 164, 233; 164, 244; 164, 248; 165, if_statement; 165, 166; 165, 171; 166, comparison_operator:==; 166, 167; 166, 170; 167, subscript; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:line; 169, integer:0; 170, string:"@"; 171, block; 171, 172; 172, raise_statement; 172, 173; 173, call; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:ValueError; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 176, string:"Unexpected @ symbol found!"; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:tmplist; 180, call; 180, 181; 180, 184; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:line; 183, identifier:split; 184, argument_list; 185, expression_statement; 185, 186; 186, assignment; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, identifier:tmpfile; 188, subscript; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:tmplist; 190, integer:0; 191, if_statement; 191, 192; 191, 198; 191, 207; 192, comparison_operator:>; 192, 193; 192, 197; 193, call; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:len; 195, argument_list; 195, 196; 196, identifier:tmplist; 197, integer:1; 198, block; 198, 199; 199, expression_statement; 199, 200; 200, assignment; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:tmpinfo; 202, subscript; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:tmplist; 204, slice; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, integer:1; 206, colon; 207, else_clause; 207, 208; 208, block; 208, 209; 209, expression_statement; 209, 210; 210, assignment; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:tmpinfo; 212, None; 213, if_statement; 213, 214; 213, 223; 214, not_operator; 214, 215; 215, call; 215, 216; 215, 221; 216, attribute; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:os; 219, identifier:path; 220, identifier:isfile; 221, argument_list; 221, 222; 222, identifier:tmpfile; 223, block; 223, 224; 224, raise_statement; 224, 225; 225, call; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:ValueError; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 228, binary_operator:+; 228, 229; 228, 232; 229, binary_operator:+; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, string:"File "; 231, identifier:tmpfile; 232, string:" not found!"; 233, expression_statement; 233, 234; 234, call; 234, 235; 234, 238; 235, attribute; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:sublist_of_fileinfo; 237, identifier:append; 238, argument_list; 238, 239; 239, call; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:FileInfo; 241, argument_list; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:tmpfile; 243, identifier:tmpinfo; 244, expression_statement; 244, 245; 245, augmented_assignment:+=; 245, 246; 245, 247; 246, identifier:ifiles; 247, integer:1; 248, if_statement; 248, 249; 248, 252; 249, comparison_operator:==; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:ifiles; 251, identifier:nfiles; 252, block; 252, 253; 252, 259; 252, 265; 252, 271; 252, 277; 252, 281; 252, 285; 252, 289; 252, 293; 253, expression_statement; 253, 254; 254, assignment; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, subscript; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo; 257, identifier:idict; 258, dictionary; 259, expression_statement; 259, 260; 260, assignment; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:tmpdict; 262, subscript; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo; 264, identifier:idict; 265, expression_statement; 265, 266; 266, assignment; 266, 267; 266, 270; 267, subscript; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, identifier:tmpdict; 269, string:'label'; 270, identifier:label; 271, expression_statement; 271, 272; 272, assignment; 272, 273; 272, 276; 273, subscript; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:tmpdict; 275, string:'list_of_fileinfo'; 276, identifier:sublist_of_fileinfo; 277, expression_statement; 277, 278; 278, augmented_assignment:+=; 278, 279; 278, 280; 279, identifier:idict; 280, integer:1; 281, expression_statement; 281, 282; 282, assignment; 282, 283; 282, 284; 283, identifier:label; 284, None; 285, expression_statement; 285, 286; 286, assignment; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:sublist_of_fileinfo; 288, list:[]; 289, expression_statement; 289, 290; 290, assignment; 290, 291; 290, 292; 291, identifier:ifiles; 292, integer:0; 293, expression_statement; 293, 294; 294, assignment; 294, 295; 294, 296; 295, identifier:sublist_finished; 296, True; 297, if_statement; 297, 298; 297, 300; 298, not_operator; 298, 299; 299, identifier:sublist_finished; 300, block; 300, 301; 301, raise_statement; 301, 302; 302, call; 302, 303; 302, 304; 303, identifier:ValueError; 304, argument_list; 304, 305; 305, string:"Unexpected end of sublist of files."; 306, return_statement; 306, 307; 307, identifier:dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo
def subsets_of_fileinfo_from_txt(filename): """Returns a dictionary with subsets of FileInfo instances from a TXT file. Each subset of files must be preceded by a line: @ <number> <label> where <number> indicates the number of files in that subset, and <label> is a label for that subset. Any additional text beyond <label> in the same line is ignored. Note that blank lines or lines starting by the hash symbol are also ignored. The name of the files comprising each subset will be obtained from the first contiguous character string in every line (thus, the rest of the line will be discarded). Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of a TXT file containing a list of FITS files grouped in different subsets by the @ symbol. Returns ------- dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo : dictionary Dictionary containing as many entries as different subsets of files available. Each value of the dictionary is a dictionary with a label (sequential number starting at zero) and the list of FileInfo instances within subset. """ # check for input file if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ValueError("File " + filename + " not found!") # read input file with open(filename) as f: file_content = # obtain the different subsets of files dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo = {} label = None sublist_of_fileinfo = [] idict = 0 ifiles = 0 nfiles = 0 sublist_finished = True for line in file_content: if len(line) > 0: if line[0] != '#': if label is None: if line[0] == "@": nfiles = int(line[1:].split()[0]) label = line[1:].split()[1] sublist_of_fileinfo = [] ifiles = 0 sublist_finished = False else: raise ValueError("Expected @ symbol not found!") else: if line[0] == "@": raise ValueError("Unexpected @ symbol found!") tmplist = line.split() tmpfile = tmplist[0] if len(tmplist) > 1: tmpinfo = tmplist[1:] else: tmpinfo = None if not os.path.isfile(tmpfile): raise ValueError("File " + tmpfile + " not found!") sublist_of_fileinfo.append(FileInfo(tmpfile, tmpinfo)) ifiles += 1 if ifiles == nfiles: dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo[idict] = {} tmpdict = dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo[idict] tmpdict['label'] = label tmpdict['list_of_fileinfo'] = sublist_of_fileinfo idict += 1 label = None sublist_of_fileinfo = [] ifiles = 0 sublist_finished = True if not sublist_finished: raise ValueError("Unexpected end of sublist of files.") return dict_of_subsets_of_fileinfo
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:verify_refresh; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:request; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 20; 6, 29; 6, 39; 6, 70; 6, 79; 6, 91; 6, 126; 6, 182; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, if_statement; 9, 10; 9, 14; 10, not_operator; 10, 11; 11, attribute; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:self; 13, identifier:allow_refresh; 14, block; 14, 15; 15, raise_statement; 15, 16; 16, call; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:InvalidTokenError; 18, argument_list; 18, 19; 19, string:'Token refresh is disabled'; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, assignment; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:token; 23, call; 23, 24; 23, 27; 24, attribute; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:self; 26, identifier:get_jwt; 27, argument_list; 27, 28; 28, identifier:request; 29, if_statement; 29, 30; 29, 33; 30, comparison_operator:is; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:token; 32, None; 33, block; 33, 34; 34, raise_statement; 34, 35; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:InvalidTokenError; 37, argument_list; 37, 38; 38, string:'Token not found'; 39, try_statement; 39, 40; 39, 53; 39, 54; 39, 62; 40, block; 40, 41; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:claims_set; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 48; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:self; 47, identifier:decode_jwt; 48, argument_list; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:token; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:self; 52, identifier:verify_expiration_on_refresh; 53, comment; 54, except_clause; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:DecodeError; 56, block; 56, 57; 57, raise_statement; 57, 58; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:DecodeError; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, string:'Token could not be decoded'; 62, except_clause; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:ExpiredSignatureError; 64, block; 64, 65; 65, raise_statement; 65, 66; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:ExpiredSignatureError; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, string:'Token has expired'; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:userid; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:self; 76, identifier:get_userid; 77, argument_list; 77, 78; 78, identifier:claims_set; 79, if_statement; 79, 80; 79, 83; 80, comparison_operator:is; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:userid; 82, None; 83, block; 83, 84; 84, raise_statement; 84, 85; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:MissingRequiredClaimError; 87, argument_list; 87, 88; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:self; 90, identifier:userid_claim; 91, if_statement; 91, 92; 91, 97; 92, comparison_operator:is; 92, 93; 92, 96; 93, attribute; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:self; 95, identifier:refresh_nonce_handler; 96, None; 97, block; 97, 98; 97, 108; 98, if_statement; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, comparison_operator:not; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, string:'nonce'; 101, identifier:claims_set; 102, block; 102, 103; 103, raise_statement; 103, 104; 104, call; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:MissingRequiredClaimError; 106, argument_list; 106, 107; 107, string:'nonce'; 108, if_statement; 108, 109; 108, 120; 109, comparison_operator:!=; 109, 110; 109, 117; 110, call; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, attribute; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:self; 113, identifier:refresh_nonce_handler; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:request; 116, identifier:userid; 117, subscript; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:claims_set; 119, string:'nonce'; 120, block; 120, 121; 121, raise_statement; 121, 122; 122, call; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:InvalidTokenError; 124, argument_list; 124, 125; 125, string:'Refresh nonce is not valid'; 126, if_statement; 126, 127; 126, 132; 127, comparison_operator:is; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, attribute; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:self; 130, identifier:refresh_delta; 131, None; 132, block; 132, 133; 132, 143; 132, 158; 132, 167; 133, if_statement; 133, 134; 133, 137; 134, comparison_operator:not; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, string:'refresh_until'; 136, identifier:claims_set; 137, block; 137, 138; 138, raise_statement; 138, 139; 139, call; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:MissingRequiredClaimError; 141, argument_list; 141, 142; 142, string:'refresh_until'; 143, expression_statement; 143, 144; 144, assignment; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:now; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:timegm; 148, argument_list; 148, 149; 149, call; 149, 150; 149, 157; 150, attribute; 150, 151; 150, 156; 151, call; 151, 152; 151, 155; 152, attribute; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:datetime; 154, identifier:utcnow; 155, argument_list; 156, identifier:utctimetuple; 157, argument_list; 158, expression_statement; 158, 159; 159, assignment; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:refresh_until; 161, call; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:int; 163, argument_list; 163, 164; 164, subscript; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:claims_set; 166, string:'refresh_until'; 167, if_statement; 167, 168; 167, 176; 168, comparison_operator:<; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:refresh_until; 170, parenthesized_expression; 170, 171; 171, binary_operator:-; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:now; 173, attribute; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:self; 175, identifier:leeway; 176, block; 176, 177; 177, raise_statement; 177, 178; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:ExpiredSignatureError; 180, argument_list; 180, 181; 181, string:'Refresh nonce has expired'; 182, return_statement; 182, 183; 183, identifier:userid
def verify_refresh(self, request): """ Verify if the request to refresh the token is valid. If valid it returns the userid which can be used to create an updated identity with ``remember_identity``. Otherwise it raises an exception based on InvalidTokenError. :param request: current request object :type request: :class:`morepath.Request` :returns: userid :raises: InvalidTokenError, ExpiredSignatureError, DecodeError, MissingRequiredClaimError """ if not self.allow_refresh: raise InvalidTokenError('Token refresh is disabled') token = self.get_jwt(request) if token is None: raise InvalidTokenError('Token not found') try: claims_set = self.decode_jwt( token, self.verify_expiration_on_refresh ) # reraise the exceptions to change the error messages except DecodeError: raise DecodeError('Token could not be decoded') except ExpiredSignatureError: raise ExpiredSignatureError('Token has expired') userid = self.get_userid(claims_set) if userid is None: raise MissingRequiredClaimError(self.userid_claim) if self.refresh_nonce_handler is not None: if 'nonce' not in claims_set: raise MissingRequiredClaimError('nonce') if self.refresh_nonce_handler(request, userid) != claims_set['nonce']: raise InvalidTokenError('Refresh nonce is not valid') if self.refresh_delta is not None: if 'refresh_until' not in claims_set: raise MissingRequiredClaimError('refresh_until') now = timegm(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()) refresh_until = int(claims_set['refresh_until']) if refresh_until < (now - self.leeway): raise ExpiredSignatureError('Refresh nonce has expired') return userid
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 10; 2, function_name:get_default_terminal; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 7; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:environ; 6, None; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:fallback; 9, identifier:_UNSPECIFIED; 10, block; 10, 11; 10, 13; 10, 24; 10, 25; 10, 34; 10, 35; 10, 39; 10, 48; 10, 81; 10, 82; 10, 95; 10, 96; 10, 102; 10, 103; 10, 110; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, comment; 13, if_statement; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, comparison_operator:is; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:environ; 16, None; 17, block; 17, 18; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:environ; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:os; 23, identifier:environ; 24, comment; 25, if_statement; 25, 26; 25, 29; 26, comparison_operator:in; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, string:"PIAS_OPT_TERMINAL"; 28, identifier:environ; 29, block; 29, 30; 30, return_statement; 30, 31; 31, subscript; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:environ; 33, string:"PIAS_OPT_TERMINAL"; 34, comment; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:terminals; 38, list:[]; 39, expression_statement; 39, 40; 40, assignment; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:colorterm; 42, call; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:environ; 45, identifier:get; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 47, string:"COLORTERM"; 48, for_statement; 48, 49; 48, 50; 48, 55; 49, identifier:filename; 50, tuple; 50, 51; 50, 52; 50, 53; 50, 54; 51, identifier:colorterm; 52, string:"gnome-terminal"; 53, string:"konsole"; 54, string:"xterm"; 55, block; 55, 56; 56, if_statement; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, comparison_operator:is; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:filename; 59, None; 60, block; 60, 61; 60, 69; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:filepath; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:find_executable; 66, argument_list; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:filename; 68, identifier:environ; 69, if_statement; 69, 70; 69, 73; 70, comparison_operator:is; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:filepath; 72, None; 73, block; 73, 74; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, call; 75, 76; 75, 79; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:terminals; 78, identifier:append; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 80, identifier:filepath; 81, comment; 82, for_statement; 82, 83; 82, 84; 82, 87; 83, identifier:ancestor; 84, call; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:get_ancestor_processes; 86, argument_list; 87, block; 87, 88; 88, if_statement; 88, 89; 88, 92; 89, comparison_operator:in; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:ancestor; 91, identifier:terminals; 92, block; 92, 93; 93, return_statement; 93, 94; 94, identifier:ancestor; 95, comment; 96, for_statement; 96, 97; 96, 98; 96, 99; 97, identifier:term; 98, identifier:terminals; 99, block; 99, 100; 100, return_statement; 100, 101; 101, identifier:term; 102, comment; 103, if_statement; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, comparison_operator:is; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:fallback; 106, identifier:_UNSPECIFIED; 107, block; 107, 108; 108, return_statement; 108, 109; 109, identifier:fallback; 110, raise_statement; 110, 111; 111, call; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:ValueError; 113, argument_list; 113, 114; 114, string:"Could not find a terminal"
def get_default_terminal(environ=None, fallback=_UNSPECIFIED): """Get the user's default terminal program.""" if environ is None: environ = os.environ # If the option is specified in the environment, respect it. if "PIAS_OPT_TERMINAL" in environ: return environ["PIAS_OPT_TERMINAL"] # Find all candiate terminal programs. terminals = [] colorterm = environ.get("COLORTERM") for filename in (colorterm, "gnome-terminal", "konsole", "xterm"): if filename is not None: filepath = find_executable(filename, environ) if filepath is not None: terminals.append(filepath) # If one of them is an ancestor process, use that. for ancestor in get_ancestor_processes(): if ancestor in terminals: return ancestor # Otherwise use the first option that we found. for term in terminals: return term # Use an explicit fallback option if given. if fallback is not _UNSPECIFIED: return fallback raise ValueError("Could not find a terminal")
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 17; 2, function_name:bitset; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 11; 3, 14; 4, identifier:name; 5, identifier:members; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:base; 8, attribute; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:bases; 10, identifier:BitSet; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:list; 13, False; 14, default_parameter; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:tuple; 16, False; 17, block; 17, 18; 17, 20; 17, 31; 17, 53; 17, 68; 17, 90; 17, 109; 17, 127; 17, 145; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, comment; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 23; 21, not_operator; 21, 22; 22, identifier:name; 23, block; 23, 24; 24, raise_statement; 24, 25; 25, call; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:ValueError; 27, argument_list; 27, 28; 28, binary_operator:%; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, string:'empty bitset name: %r'; 30, identifier:name; 31, if_statement; 31, 32; 31, 45; 32, boolean_operator:or; 32, 33; 32, 39; 33, not_operator; 33, 34; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:hasattr; 36, argument_list; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:members; 38, string:'__getitem__'; 39, not_operator; 39, 40; 40, call; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:hasattr; 42, argument_list; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:members; 44, string:'__len__'; 45, block; 45, 46; 46, raise_statement; 46, 47; 47, call; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:ValueError; 49, argument_list; 49, 50; 50, binary_operator:%; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, string:'non-sequence bitset members: %r'; 52, identifier:members; 53, if_statement; 53, 54; 53, 59; 54, not_operator; 54, 55; 55, call; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:len; 57, argument_list; 57, 58; 58, identifier:members; 59, block; 59, 60; 60, raise_statement; 60, 61; 61, call; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:ValueError; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 64, binary_operator:%; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, string:'less than one bitset member: %r'; 66, tuple; 66, 67; 67, identifier:members; 68, if_statement; 68, 69; 68, 81; 69, comparison_operator:!=; 69, 70; 69, 77; 70, call; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:len; 72, argument_list; 72, 73; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:set; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, identifier:members; 77, call; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:len; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 80, identifier:members; 81, block; 81, 82; 82, raise_statement; 82, 83; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:ValueError; 85, argument_list; 85, 86; 86, binary_operator:%; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, string:'bitset members contains duplicates: %r'; 88, tuple; 88, 89; 89, identifier:members; 90, if_statement; 90, 91; 90, 101; 91, not_operator; 91, 92; 92, call; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:issubclass; 94, argument_list; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:base; 97, identifier:__class__; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:meta; 100, identifier:MemberBitsMeta; 101, block; 101, 102; 102, raise_statement; 102, 103; 103, call; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:ValueError; 105, argument_list; 105, 106; 106, binary_operator:%; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, string:'base does not subclass bitset.bases: %r'; 108, identifier:base; 109, expression_statement; 109, 110; 110, assignment; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:list; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 124; 113, attribute; 113, 114; 113, 123; 114, dictionary; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, pair; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, False; 117, None; 118, pair; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, True; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:series; 122, identifier:List; 123, identifier:get; 124, argument_list; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:list; 126, identifier:list; 127, expression_statement; 127, 128; 128, assignment; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:tuple; 130, call; 130, 131; 130, 142; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 141; 132, dictionary; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, pair; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, False; 135, None; 136, pair; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, True; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:series; 140, identifier:Tuple; 141, identifier:get; 142, argument_list; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:tuple; 144, identifier:tuple; 145, return_statement; 145, 146; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, attribute; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:base; 149, identifier:_make_subclass; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 150, 152; 150, 153; 150, 156; 151, identifier:name; 152, identifier:members; 153, keyword_argument; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:listcls; 155, identifier:list; 156, keyword_argument; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:tuplecls; 158, identifier:tuple
def bitset(name, members, base=bases.BitSet, list=False, tuple=False): """Return a new bitset class with given name and members. Args: name: Name of the class to be created. members: Hashable sequence of allowed bitset members. base: Base class to derive the returned class from. list (bool): Include a custom class for bitset lists. tuple (bool): Include a custom class for bitset tuples. Example: >>> Letters = bitset('Letters', 'abcdef', list=True, tuple=True) >>> Letters # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <class bitsets.meta.bitset('Letters', 'abcdef', 0x..., BitSet, List, Tuple)> >>> Letters('deadbeef') Letters(['a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f']) """ if not name: raise ValueError('empty bitset name: %r' % name) if not hasattr(members, '__getitem__') or not hasattr(members, '__len__'): raise ValueError('non-sequence bitset members: %r' % members) if not len(members): raise ValueError('less than one bitset member: %r' % (members,)) if len(set(members)) != len(members): raise ValueError('bitset members contains duplicates: %r' % (members,)) if not issubclass(base.__class__, meta.MemberBitsMeta): raise ValueError('base does not subclass bitset.bases: %r' % base) list = {False: None, True: series.List}.get(list, list) tuple = {False: None, True: series.Tuple}.get(tuple, tuple) return base._make_subclass(name, members, listcls=list, tuplecls=tuple)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:_split_refextract_authors_str; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:authors_str; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 5, 27; 5, 31; 5, 35; 5, 150; 5, 151; 5, 161; 5, 162; 5, 163; 5, 164; 5, 165; 5, 166; 5, 194; 5, 214; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, assignment; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:author_seq; 11, generator_expression; 11, 12; 11, 17; 11, 25; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 16; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:x; 15, identifier:strip; 16, argument_list; 17, for_in_clause; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:x; 19, call; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:RE_SPLIT_AUTH; 22, identifier:split; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 24, identifier:authors_str; 25, if_clause; 25, 26; 26, identifier:x; 27, expression_statement; 27, 28; 28, assignment; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:res; 30, list:[]; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, assignment; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:current; 34, string:''; 35, for_statement; 35, 36; 35, 37; 35, 38; 36, identifier:author; 37, identifier:author_seq; 38, block; 38, 39; 38, 64; 38, 65; 38, 79; 38, 80; 38, 94; 38, 95; 38, 109; 38, 110; 39, if_statement; 39, 40; 39, 48; 40, not_operator; 40, 41; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:isinstance; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:author; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:six; 47, identifier:text_type; 48, block; 48, 49; 49, expression_statement; 49, 50; 50, assignment; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:author; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:six; 55, identifier:text_type; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, call; 57, 58; 57, 61; 58, attribute; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:author; 60, identifier:decode; 61, argument_list; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, string:'utf8'; 63, string:'ignore'; 64, comment; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:author; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 72; 69, attribute; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:re; 71, identifier:sub; 72, argument_list; 72, 73; 72, 74; 72, 75; 72, 76; 73, string:r'\(|\)'; 74, string:''; 75, identifier:author; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:re; 78, identifier:U; 79, comment; 80, expression_statement; 80, 81; 81, assignment; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:author; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, attribute; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:re; 86, identifier:sub; 87, argument_list; 87, 88; 87, 89; 87, 90; 87, 91; 88, string:r'^[\W\d]+'; 89, string:''; 90, identifier:author; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:re; 93, identifier:U; 94, comment; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:author; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:re; 101, identifier:sub; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 102, 104; 102, 105; 102, 106; 103, string:r'[^.\w]+$'; 104, string:''; 105, identifier:author; 106, attribute; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:re; 108, identifier:U; 109, comment; 110, if_statement; 110, 111; 110, 117; 110, 134; 111, call; 111, 112; 111, 115; 112, attribute; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:RE_INITIALS_ONLY; 114, identifier:match; 115, argument_list; 115, 116; 116, identifier:author; 117, block; 117, 118; 118, expression_statement; 118, 119; 119, augmented_assignment:+=; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:current; 121, binary_operator:+; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, string:', '; 123, call; 123, 124; 123, 131; 124, attribute; 124, 125; 124, 130; 125, call; 125, 126; 125, 129; 126, attribute; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:author; 128, identifier:strip; 129, argument_list; 130, identifier:replace; 131, argument_list; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:'. '; 133, string:'.'; 134, else_clause; 134, 135; 135, block; 135, 136; 135, 146; 136, if_statement; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:current; 138, block; 138, 139; 139, expression_statement; 139, 140; 140, call; 140, 141; 140, 144; 141, attribute; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:res; 143, identifier:append; 144, argument_list; 144, 145; 145, identifier:current; 146, expression_statement; 146, 147; 147, assignment; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:current; 149, identifier:author; 150, comment; 151, if_statement; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:current; 153, block; 153, 154; 154, expression_statement; 154, 155; 155, call; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, attribute; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:res; 158, identifier:append; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 160, identifier:current; 161, comment; 162, comment; 163, comment; 164, comment; 165, comment; 166, expression_statement; 166, 167; 167, assignment; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:filters; 169, list:[ lambda a: a == 'ed', lambda a: a.startswith(','), lambda a: len(a) == 1 ]; 169, 170; 169, 176; 169, 185; 170, lambda; 170, 171; 170, 173; 171, lambda_parameters; 171, 172; 172, identifier:a; 173, comparison_operator:==; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:a; 175, string:'ed'; 176, lambda; 176, 177; 176, 179; 177, lambda_parameters; 177, 178; 178, identifier:a; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 183; 180, attribute; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:a; 182, identifier:startswith; 183, argument_list; 183, 184; 184, string:','; 185, lambda; 185, 186; 185, 188; 186, lambda_parameters; 186, 187; 187, identifier:a; 188, comparison_operator:==; 188, 189; 188, 193; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:len; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, identifier:a; 193, integer:1; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:res; 197, list_comprehension; 197, 198; 197, 199; 197, 202; 198, identifier:r; 199, for_in_clause; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:r; 201, identifier:res; 202, if_clause; 202, 203; 203, call; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:all; 205, generator_expression; 205, 206; 205, 211; 206, not_operator; 206, 207; 207, call; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:f; 209, argument_list; 209, 210; 210, identifier:r; 211, for_in_clause; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:f; 213, identifier:filters; 214, return_statement; 214, 215; 215, identifier:res
def _split_refextract_authors_str(authors_str): """Extract author names out of refextract authors output.""" author_seq = (x.strip() for x in RE_SPLIT_AUTH.split(authors_str) if x) res = [] current = '' for author in author_seq: if not isinstance(author, six.text_type): author = six.text_type(author.decode('utf8', 'ignore')) # First clean the token. author = re.sub(r'\(|\)', '', author, re.U) # Names usually start with characters. author = re.sub(r'^[\W\d]+', '', author, re.U) # Names should end with characters or dot. author = re.sub(r'[^.\w]+$', '', author, re.U) # If we have initials join them with the previous token. if RE_INITIALS_ONLY.match(author): current += ', ' + author.strip().replace('. ', '.') else: if current: res.append(current) current = author # Add last element. if current: res.append(current) # Manual filterings that we don't want to add in regular expressions since # it would make them more complex. # * ed might sneak in # * many legacy refs look like 'X. and Somebody E.' # * might miss lowercase initials filters = [ lambda a: a == 'ed', lambda a: a.startswith(','), lambda a: len(a) == 1 ] res = [r for r in res if all(not f(r) for f in filters)] return res
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 30; 2, function_name:query; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 3, 15; 3, 18; 3, 21; 3, 24; 3, 27; 4, identifier:pattern_path; 5, identifier:dict_; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:max_length; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:strip; 11, False; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:case_sensitive; 14, False; 15, default_parameter; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:unique; 17, False; 18, default_parameter; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:deduplicate; 20, False; 21, default_parameter; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:string_transformations; 23, None; 24, default_parameter; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:hyperlink; 26, False; 27, default_parameter; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:return_multiple_columns; 29, False; 30, block; 30, 31; 30, 33; 30, 42; 30, 59; 30, 77; 30, 89; 30, 90; 30, 91; 30, 95; 30, 102; 30, 103; 30, 104; 30, 105; 30, 111; 30, 131; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, comment; 33, if_statement; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, comparison_operator:is; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:string_transformations; 36, None; 37, block; 37, 38; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:string_transformations; 41, list:[]; 42, if_statement; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:max_length; 44, block; 44, 45; 45, expression_statement; 45, 46; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:string_transformations; 49, identifier:append; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, lambda; 51, 52; 51, 54; 52, lambda_parameters; 52, 53; 53, identifier:x; 54, subscript; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:x; 56, slice; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, colon; 58, identifier:max_length; 59, if_statement; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:hyperlink; 61, block; 61, 62; 62, expression_statement; 62, 63; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:string_transformations; 66, identifier:append; 67, argument_list; 67, 68; 68, lambda; 68, 69; 68, 71; 69, lambda_parameters; 69, 70; 70, identifier:x; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 75; 72, attribute; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, string:'=HYPERLINK("{0}")'; 74, identifier:format; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, identifier:x; 77, if_statement; 77, 78; 77, 83; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:isinstance; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:pattern_path; 82, identifier:basestring; 83, block; 83, 84; 84, expression_statement; 84, 85; 85, assignment; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:pattern_path; 87, list:[pattern_path]; 87, 88; 88, identifier:pattern_path; 89, comment; 90, comment; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, assignment; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:original_pattern_path; 94, identifier:pattern_path; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:pattern_path; 98, subscript; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:pattern_path; 100, slice; 100, 101; 101, colon; 102, comment; 103, comment; 104, comment; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 110; 107, attribute; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:pattern_path; 109, identifier:reverse; 110, argument_list; 111, expression_statement; 111, 112; 112, assignment; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:result; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:_process_object; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 116, 118; 116, 119; 116, 122; 116, 125; 116, 128; 117, identifier:pattern_path; 118, identifier:dict_; 119, keyword_argument; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:string_transformations; 121, identifier:string_transformations; 122, keyword_argument; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:strip; 124, identifier:strip; 125, keyword_argument; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:case_sensitive; 127, identifier:case_sensitive; 128, keyword_argument; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:return_multiple_columns; 130, identifier:return_multiple_columns; 131, if_statement; 131, 132; 131, 134; 131, 138; 131, 150; 131, 163; 132, not_operator; 132, 133; 133, identifier:result; 134, block; 134, 135; 134, 137; 135, return_statement; 135, 136; 136, None; 137, comment; 138, elif_clause; 138, 139; 138, 144; 139, call; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:isinstance; 141, argument_list; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:result; 143, identifier:dict; 144, block; 144, 145; 145, return_statement; 145, 146; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:_flatten; 148, argument_list; 148, 149; 149, identifier:result; 150, elif_clause; 150, 151; 150, 157; 151, comparison_operator:==; 151, 152; 151, 156; 152, call; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:len; 154, argument_list; 154, 155; 155, identifier:result; 156, integer:1; 157, block; 157, 158; 157, 162; 158, return_statement; 158, 159; 159, subscript; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:result; 161, integer:0; 162, comment; 163, else_clause; 163, 164; 164, block; 164, 165; 164, 193; 164, 221; 165, if_statement; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:unique; 167, block; 167, 168; 167, 177; 167, 188; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, assignment; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:msg; 171, call; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, string:"pattern_path: {0}\n\n"; 174, identifier:format; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 176, identifier:original_pattern_path; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:msg; 180, binary_operator:+; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:msg; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 186; 183, attribute; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:pprint; 185, identifier:pformat; 186, argument_list; 186, 187; 187, identifier:dict_; 188, raise_statement; 188, 189; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:UniqueError; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, identifier:msg; 193, if_statement; 193, 194; 193, 195; 193, 196; 194, identifier:deduplicate; 195, comment; 196, block; 196, 197; 196, 201; 196, 217; 197, expression_statement; 197, 198; 198, assignment; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:new_result; 200, list:[]; 201, for_statement; 201, 202; 201, 203; 201, 204; 202, identifier:item; 203, identifier:result; 204, block; 204, 205; 205, if_statement; 205, 206; 205, 209; 206, comparison_operator:not; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:item; 208, identifier:new_result; 209, block; 209, 210; 210, expression_statement; 210, 211; 211, call; 211, 212; 211, 215; 212, attribute; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:new_result; 214, identifier:append; 215, argument_list; 215, 216; 216, identifier:item; 217, expression_statement; 217, 218; 218, assignment; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:result; 220, identifier:new_result; 221, return_statement; 221, 222; 222, identifier:result
def query(pattern_path, dict_, max_length=None, strip=False, case_sensitive=False, unique=False, deduplicate=False, string_transformations=None, hyperlink=False, return_multiple_columns=False): """Query the given dict with the given pattern path and return the result. The ``pattern_path`` is a either a single regular expression string or a list of regex strings that will be matched against the keys of the dict and its subdicts to find the value(s) in the dict to return. The returned result is either a single value (None, "foo", 42, False...) or (if the pattern path matched multiple values in the dict) a list of values. If the dict contains sub-lists or sub-dicts values from these will be flattened into a simple flat list to be returned. """ if string_transformations is None: string_transformations = [] if max_length: string_transformations.append(lambda x: x[:max_length]) if hyperlink: string_transformations.append( lambda x: '=HYPERLINK("{0}")'.format(x)) if isinstance(pattern_path, basestring): pattern_path = [pattern_path] # Copy the pattern_path because we're going to modify it which can be # unexpected and confusing to user code. original_pattern_path = pattern_path pattern_path = pattern_path[:] # We're going to be popping strings off the end of the pattern path # (because Python lists don't come with a convenient pop-from-front method) # so we need the list in reverse order. pattern_path.reverse() result = _process_object(pattern_path, dict_, string_transformations=string_transformations, strip=strip, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, return_multiple_columns=return_multiple_columns) if not result: return None # Empty lists finally get turned into None. elif isinstance(result, dict): return _flatten(result) elif len(result) == 1: return result[0] # One-item lists just get turned into the item. else: if unique: msg = "pattern_path: {0}\n\n".format(original_pattern_path) msg = msg + pprint.pformat(dict_) raise UniqueError(msg) if deduplicate: # Deduplicate the list while maintaining order. new_result = [] for item in result: if item not in new_result: new_result.append(item) result = new_result return result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 15; 2, function_name:get_reactions; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 7; 3, 10; 3, 13; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:columns; 6, string:'all'; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:n_results; 9, integer:20; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:write_db; 12, False; 13, dictionary_splat_pattern; 13, 14; 14, identifier:kwargs; 15, block; 15, 16; 15, 18; 15, 31; 15, 35; 15, 116; 15, 120; 15, 135; 15, 156; 15, 162; 15, 167; 15, 171; 15, 388; 15, 485; 15, 490; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, comment; 18, if_statement; 18, 19; 18, 24; 19, boolean_operator:or; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:write_db; 21, comparison_operator:==; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:columns; 23, string:'all'; 24, block; 24, 25; 25, expression_statement; 25, 26; 26, assignment; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:columns; 28, subscript; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:all_columns; 30, string:'reactions'; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, assignment; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:queries; 34, dictionary; 35, for_statement; 35, 36; 35, 39; 35, 44; 36, pattern_list; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:key; 38, identifier:value; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 43; 40, attribute; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:kwargs; 42, identifier:items; 43, argument_list; 44, block; 44, 45; 44, 52; 44, 76; 45, expression_statement; 45, 46; 46, assignment; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:key; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:map_column_names; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, identifier:key; 52, if_statement; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, comparison_operator:==; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:key; 55, string:'distinct'; 56, block; 56, 57; 57, if_statement; 57, 58; 57, 64; 58, comparison_operator:in; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:value; 60, list:[True, 'True', 'true']; 60, 61; 60, 62; 60, 63; 61, True; 62, string:'True'; 63, string:'true'; 64, block; 64, 65; 64, 75; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 70; 67, attribute; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:queries; 69, identifier:update; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 71, dictionary; 71, 72; 72, pair; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:key; 74, True; 75, continue_statement; 76, if_statement; 76, 77; 76, 88; 76, 99; 77, boolean_operator:or; 77, 78; 77, 83; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:isinstance; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:value; 82, identifier:int; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:isinstance; 85, argument_list; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:value; 87, identifier:float; 88, block; 88, 89; 89, expression_statement; 89, 90; 90, call; 90, 91; 90, 94; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:queries; 93, identifier:update; 94, argument_list; 94, 95; 95, dictionary; 95, 96; 96, pair; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:key; 98, identifier:value; 99, else_clause; 99, 100; 100, block; 100, 101; 101, expression_statement; 101, 102; 102, call; 102, 103; 102, 106; 103, attribute; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:queries; 105, identifier:update; 106, argument_list; 106, 107; 107, dictionary; 107, 108; 108, pair; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:key; 110, call; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, attribute; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, string:'{0}'; 113, identifier:format; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 115, identifier:value; 116, expression_statement; 116, 117; 117, assignment; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:subtables; 119, list:[]; 120, if_statement; 120, 121; 120, 122; 120, 129; 121, identifier:write_db; 122, block; 122, 123; 123, expression_statement; 123, 124; 124, assignment; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:subtables; 126, list:['reactionSystems', 'publication']; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, string:'reactionSystems'; 128, string:'publication'; 129, else_clause; 129, 130; 130, block; 130, 131; 131, expression_statement; 131, 132; 132, assignment; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:subtables; 134, list:[]; 135, expression_statement; 135, 136; 136, assignment; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:data; 138, call; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:query; 140, argument_list; 140, 141; 140, 144; 140, 147; 140, 150; 140, 153; 141, keyword_argument; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:table; 143, string:'reactions'; 144, keyword_argument; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:subtables; 146, identifier:subtables; 147, keyword_argument; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:columns; 149, identifier:columns; 150, keyword_argument; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:n_results; 152, identifier:n_results; 153, keyword_argument; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:queries; 155, identifier:queries; 156, if_statement; 156, 157; 156, 159; 157, not_operator; 157, 158; 158, identifier:write_db; 159, block; 159, 160; 160, return_statement; 160, 161; 161, identifier:data; 162, expression_statement; 162, 163; 163, call; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:print; 165, argument_list; 165, 166; 166, string:'Writing result to Reactions.db'; 167, expression_statement; 167, 168; 168, assignment; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:unique_ids; 170, list:[]; 171, for_statement; 171, 172; 171, 173; 171, 178; 172, identifier:row; 173, subscript; 173, 174; 173, 177; 174, subscript; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:data; 176, string:'reactions'; 177, string:'edges'; 178, block; 178, 179; 179, with_statement; 179, 180; 179, 189; 180, with_clause; 180, 181; 181, with_item; 181, 182; 182, as_pattern; 182, 183; 182, 187; 183, call; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:CathubSQLite; 185, argument_list; 185, 186; 186, string:'Reactions.db'; 187, as_pattern_target; 187, 188; 188, identifier:db; 189, block; 189, 190; 189, 196; 189, 200; 189, 238; 189, 242; 189, 246; 189, 280; 189, 302; 189, 308; 189, 314; 189, 315; 189, 319; 189, 325; 189, 342; 189, 349; 189, 350; 189, 364; 190, expression_statement; 190, 191; 191, assignment; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:row; 193, subscript; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:row; 195, string:'node'; 196, expression_statement; 196, 197; 197, assignment; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:key_values; 199, dictionary; 200, for_statement; 200, 201; 200, 202; 200, 205; 201, identifier:key; 202, subscript; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:all_columns; 204, string:'reactions'; 205, block; 205, 206; 205, 212; 205, 213; 205, 214; 205, 229; 206, expression_statement; 206, 207; 207, assignment; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:v; 209, subscript; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:row; 211, identifier:key; 212, comment; 213, comment; 214, try_statement; 214, 215; 214, 225; 215, block; 215, 216; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, assignment; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:v; 219, call; 219, 220; 219, 223; 220, attribute; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:json; 222, identifier:loads; 223, argument_list; 223, 224; 224, identifier:v; 225, except_clause; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:BaseException; 227, block; 227, 228; 228, pass_statement; 229, expression_statement; 229, 230; 230, assignment; 230, 231; 230, 237; 231, subscript; 231, 232; 231, 233; 232, identifier:key_values; 233, call; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:convert; 235, argument_list; 235, 236; 236, identifier:key; 237, identifier:v; 238, expression_statement; 238, 239; 239, assignment; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:ase_ids; 241, dictionary; 242, expression_statement; 242, 243; 243, assignment; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, identifier:energy_corrections; 245, dictionary; 246, for_statement; 246, 247; 246, 248; 246, 251; 247, identifier:row_rs; 248, subscript; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, identifier:row; 250, string:'reactionSystems'; 251, block; 251, 252; 251, 260; 251, 270; 252, if_statement; 252, 253; 252, 258; 253, comparison_operator:==; 253, 254; 253, 257; 254, subscript; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:row_rs; 256, string:'name'; 257, string:'N/A'; 258, block; 258, 259; 259, continue_statement; 260, expression_statement; 260, 261; 261, assignment; 261, 262; 261, 267; 262, subscript; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:ase_ids; 264, subscript; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:row_rs; 266, string:'name'; 267, subscript; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, identifier:row_rs; 269, string:'aseId'; 270, expression_statement; 270, 271; 271, assignment; 271, 272; 271, 277; 272, subscript; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:energy_corrections; 274, subscript; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, identifier:row_rs; 276, string:'name'; 277, subscript; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:row_rs; 279, string:'energyCorrection'; 280, if_statement; 280, 281; 280, 283; 280, 292; 281, not_operator; 281, 282; 282, identifier:ase_ids; 283, block; 283, 284; 283, 288; 284, expression_statement; 284, 285; 285, assignment; 285, 286; 285, 287; 286, identifier:ase_ids; 287, None; 288, expression_statement; 288, 289; 289, assignment; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, identifier:energy_corrections; 291, None; 292, else_clause; 292, 293; 293, block; 293, 294; 294, expression_statement; 294, 295; 295, augmented_assignment:+=; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:unique_ids; 297, call; 297, 298; 297, 301; 298, attribute; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:ase_ids; 300, identifier:values; 301, argument_list; 302, expression_statement; 302, 303; 303, assignment; 303, 304; 303, 307; 304, subscript; 304, 305; 304, 306; 305, identifier:key_values; 306, string:'ase_ids'; 307, identifier:ase_ids; 308, expression_statement; 308, 309; 309, assignment; 309, 310; 309, 313; 310, subscript; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, identifier:key_values; 312, string:'energy_corrections'; 313, identifier:ase_ids; 314, comment; 315, expression_statement; 315, 316; 316, assignment; 316, 317; 316, 318; 317, identifier:pub_key_values; 318, dictionary; 319, expression_statement; 319, 320; 320, assignment; 320, 321; 320, 322; 321, identifier:row_p; 322, subscript; 322, 323; 322, 324; 323, identifier:row; 324, string:'publication'; 325, for_statement; 325, 326; 325, 327; 325, 330; 326, identifier:key; 327, subscript; 327, 328; 327, 329; 328, identifier:all_columns; 329, string:'publications'; 330, block; 330, 331; 331, expression_statement; 331, 332; 332, assignment; 332, 333; 332, 339; 333, subscript; 333, 334; 333, 335; 334, identifier:pub_key_values; 335, call; 335, 336; 335, 337; 336, identifier:convert; 337, argument_list; 337, 338; 338, identifier:key; 339, subscript; 339, 340; 339, 341; 340, identifier:row_p; 341, identifier:key; 342, expression_statement; 342, 343; 343, call; 343, 344; 343, 347; 344, attribute; 344, 345; 344, 346; 345, identifier:db; 346, identifier:write_publication; 347, argument_list; 347, 348; 348, identifier:pub_key_values; 349, comment; 350, expression_statement; 350, 351; 351, assignment; 351, 352; 351, 353; 352, identifier:id; 353, call; 353, 354; 353, 357; 354, attribute; 354, 355; 354, 356; 355, identifier:db; 356, identifier:check; 357, argument_list; 357, 358; 357, 361; 358, subscript; 358, 359; 358, 360; 359, identifier:key_values; 360, string:'chemical_composition'; 361, subscript; 361, 362; 361, 363; 362, identifier:key_values; 363, string:'reaction_energy'; 364, if_statement; 364, 365; 364, 368; 364, 378; 365, comparison_operator:is; 365, 366; 365, 367; 366, identifier:id; 367, None; 368, block; 368, 369; 369, expression_statement; 369, 370; 370, assignment; 370, 371; 370, 372; 371, identifier:id; 372, call; 372, 373; 372, 376; 373, attribute; 373, 374; 373, 375; 374, identifier:db; 375, identifier:write; 376, argument_list; 376, 377; 377, identifier:key_values; 378, else_clause; 378, 379; 379, block; 379, 380; 380, expression_statement; 380, 381; 381, call; 381, 382; 381, 385; 382, attribute; 382, 383; 382, 384; 383, identifier:db; 384, identifier:update; 385, argument_list; 385, 386; 385, 387; 386, identifier:id; 387, identifier:key_values; 388, if_statement; 388, 389; 388, 392; 388, 393; 389, comparison_operator:is; 389, 390; 389, 391; 390, identifier:ase_ids; 391, None; 392, comment; 393, block; 393, 394; 394, with_statement; 394, 395; 394, 408; 395, with_clause; 395, 396; 396, with_item; 396, 397; 397, as_pattern; 397, 398; 397, 406; 398, call; 398, 399; 398, 404; 399, attribute; 399, 400; 399, 403; 400, attribute; 400, 401; 400, 402; 401, identifier:ase; 402, identifier:db; 403, identifier:connect; 404, argument_list; 404, 405; 405, string:'Reactions.db'; 406, as_pattern_target; 406, 407; 407, identifier:ase_db; 408, block; 408, 409; 408, 415; 408, 423; 408, 430; 408, 438; 408, 448; 408, 460; 409, expression_statement; 409, 410; 410, assignment; 410, 411; 410, 412; 411, identifier:con; 412, attribute; 412, 413; 412, 414; 413, identifier:ase_db; 414, identifier:connection; 415, expression_statement; 415, 416; 416, assignment; 416, 417; 416, 418; 417, identifier:cur; 418, call; 418, 419; 418, 422; 419, attribute; 419, 420; 419, 421; 420, identifier:con; 421, identifier:cursor; 422, argument_list; 423, expression_statement; 423, 424; 424, call; 424, 425; 424, 428; 425, attribute; 425, 426; 425, 427; 426, identifier:cur; 427, identifier:execute; 428, argument_list; 428, 429; 429, string:'SELECT unique_id from systems;'; 430, expression_statement; 430, 431; 431, assignment; 431, 432; 431, 433; 432, identifier:unique_ids0; 433, call; 433, 434; 433, 437; 434, attribute; 434, 435; 434, 436; 435, identifier:cur; 436, identifier:fetchall; 437, argument_list; 438, expression_statement; 438, 439; 439, assignment; 439, 440; 439, 441; 440, identifier:unique_ids0; 441, list_comprehension; 441, 442; 441, 445; 442, subscript; 442, 443; 442, 444; 443, identifier:un; 444, integer:0; 445, for_in_clause; 445, 446; 445, 447; 446, identifier:un; 447, identifier:unique_ids0; 448, expression_statement; 448, 449; 449, assignment; 449, 450; 449, 451; 450, identifier:unique_ids; 451, list_comprehension; 451, 452; 451, 453; 451, 456; 452, identifier:un; 453, for_in_clause; 453, 454; 453, 455; 454, identifier:un; 455, identifier:unique_ids; 456, if_clause; 456, 457; 457, comparison_operator:not; 457, 458; 457, 459; 458, identifier:un; 459, identifier:unique_ids0; 460, for_statement; 460, 461; 460, 462; 460, 469; 460, 470; 461, identifier:unique_id; 462, call; 462, 463; 462, 464; 463, identifier:list; 464, argument_list; 464, 465; 465, call; 465, 466; 465, 467; 466, identifier:set; 467, argument_list; 467, 468; 468, identifier:unique_ids; 469, comment; 470, block; 470, 471; 470, 478; 471, expression_statement; 471, 472; 472, assignment; 472, 473; 472, 474; 473, identifier:atomsrow; 474, call; 474, 475; 474, 476; 475, identifier:get_atomsrow_by_id; 476, argument_list; 476, 477; 477, identifier:unique_id; 478, expression_statement; 478, 479; 479, call; 479, 480; 479, 483; 480, attribute; 480, 481; 480, 482; 481, identifier:ase_db; 482, identifier:write; 483, argument_list; 483, 484; 484, identifier:atomsrow; 485, expression_statement; 485, 486; 486, call; 486, 487; 486, 488; 487, identifier:print; 488, argument_list; 488, 489; 489, string:'Writing complete!'; 490, return_statement; 490, 491; 491, identifier:data
def get_reactions(columns='all', n_results=20, write_db=False, **kwargs): """ Get reactions from server Give key value strings as arguments """ if write_db or columns == 'all': columns = all_columns['reactions'] queries = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): key = map_column_names(key) if key == 'distinct': if value in [True, 'True', 'true']: queries.update({key: True}) continue if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float): queries.update({key: value}) else: queries.update({key: '{0}'.format(value)}) subtables = [] if write_db: subtables = ['reactionSystems', 'publication'] else: subtables = [] data = query(table='reactions', subtables=subtables, columns=columns, n_results=n_results, queries=queries) if not write_db: return data print('Writing result to Reactions.db') unique_ids = [] for row in data['reactions']['edges']: with CathubSQLite('Reactions.db') as db: row = row['node'] key_values = {} for key in all_columns['reactions']: v = row[key] # if isinstance(v, unicode): # v = v.encode('utf-8') try: v = json.loads(v) except BaseException: pass key_values[convert(key)] = v ase_ids = {} energy_corrections = {} for row_rs in row['reactionSystems']: if row_rs['name'] == 'N/A': continue ase_ids[row_rs['name']] = row_rs['aseId'] energy_corrections[row_rs['name']] = row_rs['energyCorrection'] if not ase_ids: ase_ids = None energy_corrections = None else: unique_ids += ase_ids.values() key_values['ase_ids'] = ase_ids key_values['energy_corrections'] = ase_ids # publications pub_key_values = {} row_p = row['publication'] for key in all_columns['publications']: pub_key_values[convert(key)] = row_p[key] db.write_publication(pub_key_values) # reactions and reaction_systems id = db.check(key_values['chemical_composition'], key_values['reaction_energy']) if id is None: id = db.write(key_values) else: db.update(id, key_values) if ase_ids is not None: # Ase structures with ase.db.connect('Reactions.db') as ase_db: con = ase_db.connection cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT unique_id from systems;') unique_ids0 = cur.fetchall() unique_ids0 = [un[0] for un in unique_ids0] unique_ids = [un for un in unique_ids if un not in unique_ids0] for unique_id in list(set(unique_ids)): # if ase_db.count('unique_id={}'.format(unique_id)) == 0: atomsrow = get_atomsrow_by_id(unique_id) ase_db.write(atomsrow) print('Writing complete!') return data
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:extract_atoms; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:molecule; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 5, 15; 5, 26; 5, 30; 5, 109; 5, 158; 5, 235; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, if_statement; 8, 9; 8, 12; 9, comparison_operator:==; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:molecule; 11, string:''; 12, block; 12, 13; 13, return_statement; 13, 14; 14, identifier:molecule; 15, try_statement; 15, 16; 15, 22; 16, block; 16, 17; 17, return_statement; 17, 18; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:float; 20, argument_list; 20, 21; 21, identifier:molecule; 22, except_clause; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:BaseException; 24, block; 24, 25; 25, pass_statement; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, assignment; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:atoms; 29, string:''; 30, if_statement; 30, 31; 30, 39; 30, 99; 31, not_operator; 31, 32; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 38; 33, attribute; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, subscript; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:molecule; 36, integer:0; 37, identifier:isalpha; 38, argument_list; 39, block; 39, 40; 39, 44; 39, 58; 39, 69; 39, 91; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:i; 43, integer:0; 44, while_statement; 44, 45; 44, 53; 45, not_operator; 45, 46; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 52; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, subscript; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:molecule; 50, identifier:i; 51, identifier:isalpha; 52, argument_list; 53, block; 53, 54; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, augmented_assignment:+=; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:i; 57, integer:1; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, assignment; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:prefactor; 61, call; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:float; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 64, subscript; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:molecule; 66, slice; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, colon; 68, identifier:i; 69, if_statement; 69, 70; 69, 73; 69, 85; 70, comparison_operator:<; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:prefactor; 72, integer:0; 73, block; 73, 74; 73, 81; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, assignment; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:prefactor; 77, call; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:abs; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 80, identifier:prefactor; 81, expression_statement; 81, 82; 82, assignment; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:sign; 84, string:'-'; 85, else_clause; 85, 86; 86, block; 86, 87; 87, expression_statement; 87, 88; 88, assignment; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:sign; 90, string:''; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, assignment; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:molecule; 94, subscript; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:molecule; 96, slice; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:i; 98, colon; 99, else_clause; 99, 100; 100, block; 100, 101; 100, 105; 101, expression_statement; 101, 102; 102, assignment; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:prefactor; 104, integer:1; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, assignment; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:sign; 108, string:''; 109, for_statement; 109, 110; 109, 111; 109, 118; 110, identifier:k; 111, call; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:range; 113, argument_list; 113, 114; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:len; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 117, identifier:molecule; 118, block; 118, 119; 119, if_statement; 119, 120; 119, 127; 119, 150; 120, call; 120, 121; 120, 126; 121, attribute; 121, 122; 121, 125; 122, subscript; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:molecule; 124, identifier:k; 125, identifier:isdigit; 126, argument_list; 127, block; 127, 128; 128, for_statement; 128, 129; 128, 130; 128, 141; 129, identifier:j; 130, call; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:range; 132, argument_list; 132, 133; 133, binary_operator:-; 133, 134; 133, 140; 134, call; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:int; 136, argument_list; 136, 137; 137, subscript; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:molecule; 139, identifier:k; 140, integer:1; 141, block; 141, 142; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, augmented_assignment:+=; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:atoms; 145, subscript; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:molecule; 147, binary_operator:-; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:k; 149, integer:1; 150, else_clause; 150, 151; 151, block; 151, 152; 152, expression_statement; 152, 153; 153, augmented_assignment:+=; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:atoms; 155, subscript; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:molecule; 157, identifier:k; 158, if_statement; 158, 159; 158, 164; 158, 172; 159, comparison_operator:==; 159, 160; 159, 163; 160, binary_operator:%; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:prefactor; 162, integer:1; 163, integer:0; 164, block; 164, 165; 165, expression_statement; 165, 166; 166, augmented_assignment:*=; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:atoms; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:int; 170, argument_list; 170, 171; 171, identifier:prefactor; 172, elif_clause; 172, 173; 172, 178; 173, comparison_operator:==; 173, 174; 173, 177; 174, binary_operator:%; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:prefactor; 176, integer:1; 177, float:0.5; 178, block; 178, 179; 178, 186; 178, 193; 178, 197; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, assignment; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:atoms_sort; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:sorted; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 185, identifier:atoms; 186, expression_statement; 186, 187; 187, assignment; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:N; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:len; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, identifier:atoms; 193, expression_statement; 193, 194; 194, assignment; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:atoms; 196, string:''; 197, for_statement; 197, 198; 197, 199; 197, 203; 198, identifier:n; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:range; 201, argument_list; 201, 202; 202, identifier:N; 203, block; 203, 204; 203, 222; 204, for_statement; 204, 205; 204, 206; 204, 215; 205, identifier:m; 206, call; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:range; 208, argument_list; 208, 209; 209, call; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:int; 211, argument_list; 211, 212; 212, binary_operator:-; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:prefactor; 214, float:0.5; 215, block; 215, 216; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, augmented_assignment:+=; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:atoms; 219, subscript; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:atoms_sort; 221, identifier:n; 222, if_statement; 222, 223; 222, 228; 223, comparison_operator:==; 223, 224; 223, 227; 224, binary_operator:%; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:n; 226, integer:2; 227, integer:0; 228, block; 228, 229; 229, expression_statement; 229, 230; 230, augmented_assignment:+=; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:atoms; 232, subscript; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:atoms_sort; 234, identifier:n; 235, return_statement; 235, 236; 236, binary_operator:+; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:sign; 238, call; 238, 239; 238, 242; 239, attribute; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, string:''; 241, identifier:join; 242, argument_list; 242, 243; 243, call; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, identifier:sorted; 245, argument_list; 245, 246; 246, identifier:atoms
def extract_atoms(molecule): """Return a string with all atoms in molecule""" if molecule == '': return molecule try: return float(molecule) except BaseException: pass atoms = '' if not molecule[0].isalpha(): i = 0 while not molecule[i].isalpha(): i += 1 prefactor = float(molecule[:i]) if prefactor < 0: prefactor = abs(prefactor) sign = '-' else: sign = '' molecule = molecule[i:] else: prefactor = 1 sign = '' for k in range(len(molecule)): if molecule[k].isdigit(): for j in range(int(molecule[k]) - 1): atoms += molecule[k - 1] else: atoms += molecule[k] if prefactor % 1 == 0: atoms *= int(prefactor) elif prefactor % 1 == 0.5: atoms_sort = sorted(atoms) N = len(atoms) atoms = '' for n in range(N): for m in range(int(prefactor - 0.5)): atoms += atoms_sort[n] if n % 2 == 0: atoms += atoms_sort[n] return sign + ''.join(sorted(atoms))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:check_reaction; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:reactants; 5, identifier:products; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 34; 6, 59; 6, 70; 6, 81; 6, 88; 6, 95; 6, 99; 6, 103; 6, 138; 6, 162; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:reactant_list; 12, list_comprehension; 12, 13; 12, 31; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 29; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 28; 15, call; 15, 16; 15, 26; 16, attribute; 16, 17; 16, 25; 17, subscript; 17, 18; 17, 24; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:reactant; 21, identifier:split; 22, argument_list; 22, 23; 23, string:'@'; 24, integer:0; 25, identifier:strip; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 27, string:'star'; 28, identifier:strip; 29, argument_list; 29, 30; 30, string:'gas'; 31, for_in_clause; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:reactant; 33, identifier:reactants; 34, expression_statement; 34, 35; 35, assignment; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:product_list; 37, list_comprehension; 37, 38; 37, 56; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 54; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 53; 40, call; 40, 41; 40, 51; 41, attribute; 41, 42; 41, 50; 42, subscript; 42, 43; 42, 49; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:product; 46, identifier:split; 47, argument_list; 47, 48; 48, string:'@'; 49, integer:0; 50, identifier:strip; 51, argument_list; 51, 52; 52, string:'star'; 53, identifier:strip; 54, argument_list; 54, 55; 55, string:'gas'; 56, for_in_clause; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:product; 58, identifier:products; 59, expression_statement; 59, 60; 60, assignment; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:reactant_atoms; 62, list_comprehension; 62, 63; 62, 67; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:extract_atoms; 65, argument_list; 65, 66; 66, identifier:reactant; 67, for_in_clause; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:reactant; 69, identifier:reactant_list; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:product_atoms; 73, list_comprehension; 73, 74; 73, 78; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:extract_atoms; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 77, identifier:product; 78, for_in_clause; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:product; 80, identifier:product_list; 81, expression_statement; 81, 82; 82, assignment; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:reactants; 84, call; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:add_atoms; 86, argument_list; 86, 87; 87, identifier:reactant_atoms; 88, expression_statement; 88, 89; 89, assignment; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:products; 91, call; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:add_atoms; 93, argument_list; 93, 94; 94, identifier:product_atoms; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:r_stars; 98, integer:0; 99, expression_statement; 99, 100; 100, assignment; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:p_stars; 102, integer:0; 103, for_statement; 103, 104; 103, 107; 103, 111; 104, pattern_list; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:i; 106, identifier:a; 107, call; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:enumerate; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, identifier:reactant_atoms; 111, block; 111, 112; 112, if_statement; 112, 113; 112, 122; 112, 127; 113, boolean_operator:or; 113, 114; 113, 117; 114, comparison_operator:==; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:a; 116, string:''; 117, comparison_operator:in; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, string:'star'; 119, subscript; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:reactant_list; 121, identifier:i; 122, block; 122, 123; 123, expression_statement; 123, 124; 124, augmented_assignment:+=; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:r_stars; 126, integer:1; 127, elif_clause; 127, 128; 127, 133; 128, call; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:isinstance; 130, argument_list; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:a; 132, identifier:float; 133, block; 133, 134; 134, expression_statement; 134, 135; 135, augmented_assignment:+=; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:r_stars; 137, identifier:a; 138, for_statement; 138, 139; 138, 140; 138, 141; 139, identifier:a; 140, identifier:product_atoms; 141, block; 141, 142; 142, if_statement; 142, 143; 142, 146; 142, 151; 143, comparison_operator:==; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:a; 145, string:''; 146, block; 146, 147; 147, expression_statement; 147, 148; 148, augmented_assignment:+=; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:p_stars; 150, integer:1; 151, elif_clause; 151, 152; 151, 157; 152, call; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:isinstance; 154, argument_list; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:a; 156, identifier:float; 157, block; 157, 158; 158, expression_statement; 158, 159; 159, augmented_assignment:+=; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:p_stars; 161, identifier:a; 162, assert_statement; 162, 163; 163, comparison_operator:==; 163, 164; 163, 173; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 168; 165, attribute; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, string:''; 167, identifier:join; 168, argument_list; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:sorted; 171, argument_list; 171, 172; 172, identifier:reactants; 173, call; 173, 174; 173, 177; 174, attribute; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, string:''; 176, identifier:join; 177, argument_list; 177, 178; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:sorted; 180, argument_list; 180, 181; 181, identifier:products
def check_reaction(reactants, products): """Check the stoichiometry and format of chemical reaction used for folder structure. list of reactants -> list of products """ reactant_list = [reactant.split('@')[0].strip( 'star').strip('gas') for reactant in reactants] product_list = [product.split('@')[0].strip( 'star').strip('gas') for product in products] reactant_atoms = [extract_atoms(reactant) for reactant in reactant_list] product_atoms = [extract_atoms(product) for product in product_list] reactants = add_atoms(reactant_atoms) products = add_atoms(product_atoms) r_stars = 0 p_stars = 0 for i, a in enumerate(reactant_atoms): if a == '' or 'star' in reactant_list[i]: r_stars += 1 elif isinstance(a, float): r_stars += a for a in product_atoms: if a == '': p_stars += 1 elif isinstance(a, float): p_stars += a assert ''.join(sorted(reactants)) == ''.join(sorted(products))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 32; 2, function_name:fowler_array; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 14; 3, 17; 3, 20; 3, 23; 3, 26; 3, 29; 4, identifier:fowlerdata; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:ti; 7, float:0.0; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:ts; 10, float:0.0; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:gain; 13, float:1.0; 14, default_parameter; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:ron; 16, float:1.0; 17, default_parameter; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:badpixels; 19, None; 20, default_parameter; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:dtype; 22, string:'float64'; 23, default_parameter; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:saturation; 25, integer:65631; 26, default_parameter; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:blank; 28, integer:0; 29, default_parameter; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:normalize; 31, False; 32, block; 32, 33; 32, 35; 32, 42; 32, 52; 32, 62; 32, 72; 32, 82; 32, 92; 32, 101; 32, 113; 32, 123; 32, 139; 32, 140; 32, 151; 32, 163; 32, 164; 32, 176; 32, 177; 32, 186; 32, 200; 32, 245; 32, 257; 32, 266; 32, 278; 32, 286; 32, 304; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, comment; 35, import_statement; 35, 36; 36, aliased_import; 36, 37; 36, 41; 37, dotted_name; 37, 38; 37, 39; 37, 40; 38, identifier:numina; 39, identifier:array; 40, identifier:_nirproc; 41, identifier:_nirproc; 42, if_statement; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, comparison_operator:<=; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:gain; 45, integer:0; 46, block; 46, 47; 47, raise_statement; 47, 48; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:ValueError; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, string:"invalid parameter, gain <= 0.0"; 52, if_statement; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, comparison_operator:<=; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:ron; 55, integer:0; 56, block; 56, 57; 57, raise_statement; 57, 58; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:ValueError; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, string:"invalid parameter, ron < 0.0"; 62, if_statement; 62, 63; 62, 66; 63, comparison_operator:<; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:ti; 65, integer:0; 66, block; 66, 67; 67, raise_statement; 67, 68; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:ValueError; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 71, string:"invalid parameter, ti < 0.0"; 72, if_statement; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, comparison_operator:<; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:ts; 75, integer:0; 76, block; 76, 77; 77, raise_statement; 77, 78; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:ValueError; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 81, string:"invalid parameter, ts < 0.0"; 82, if_statement; 82, 83; 82, 86; 83, comparison_operator:<=; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:saturation; 85, integer:0; 86, block; 86, 87; 87, raise_statement; 87, 88; 88, call; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:ValueError; 90, argument_list; 90, 91; 91, string:"invalid parameter, saturation <= 0"; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, assignment; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:fowlerdata; 95, call; 95, 96; 95, 99; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:numpy; 98, identifier:asarray; 99, argument_list; 99, 100; 100, identifier:fowlerdata; 101, if_statement; 101, 102; 101, 107; 102, comparison_operator:!=; 102, 103; 102, 106; 103, attribute; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:fowlerdata; 105, identifier:ndim; 106, integer:3; 107, block; 107, 108; 108, raise_statement; 108, 109; 109, call; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:ValueError; 111, argument_list; 111, 112; 112, string:'fowlerdata must be 3D'; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, assignment; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:npairs; 116, binary_operator://; 116, 117; 116, 122; 117, subscript; 117, 118; 117, 121; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:fowlerdata; 120, identifier:shape; 121, integer:0; 122, integer:2; 123, if_statement; 123, 124; 123, 133; 124, comparison_operator:!=; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, binary_operator:*; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, integer:2; 127, identifier:npairs; 128, subscript; 128, 129; 128, 132; 129, attribute; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:fowlerdata; 131, identifier:shape; 132, integer:0; 133, block; 133, 134; 134, raise_statement; 134, 135; 135, call; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:ValueError; 137, argument_list; 137, 138; 138, string:'axis-0 in fowlerdata must be even'; 139, comment; 140, expression_statement; 140, 141; 141, assignment; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:ndtype; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 149; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 148; 145, attribute; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:fowlerdata; 147, identifier:dtype; 148, identifier:newbyteorder; 149, argument_list; 149, 150; 150, string:'='; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:fowlerdata; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:numpy; 157, identifier:asarray; 158, argument_list; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:fowlerdata; 160, keyword_argument; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:dtype; 162, identifier:ndtype; 163, comment; 164, expression_statement; 164, 165; 165, assignment; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:fdtype; 167, call; 167, 168; 167, 171; 168, attribute; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:numpy; 170, identifier:result_type; 171, argument_list; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:fowlerdata; 174, identifier:dtype; 175, identifier:dtype; 176, comment; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:mdtype; 180, call; 180, 181; 180, 184; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:numpy; 183, identifier:dtype; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 185, string:'uint8'; 186, expression_statement; 186, 187; 187, assignment; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:fshape; 189, tuple; 189, 190; 189, 195; 190, subscript; 190, 191; 190, 194; 191, attribute; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:fowlerdata; 193, identifier:shape; 194, integer:1; 195, subscript; 195, 196; 195, 199; 196, attribute; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:fowlerdata; 198, identifier:shape; 199, integer:2; 200, if_statement; 200, 201; 200, 204; 200, 217; 201, comparison_operator:is; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:badpixels; 203, None; 204, block; 204, 205; 205, expression_statement; 205, 206; 206, assignment; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:badpixels; 208, call; 208, 209; 208, 212; 209, attribute; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:numpy; 211, identifier:zeros; 212, argument_list; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:fshape; 214, keyword_argument; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:dtype; 216, identifier:mdtype; 217, else_clause; 217, 218; 218, block; 218, 219; 218, 233; 219, if_statement; 219, 220; 219, 225; 220, comparison_operator:!=; 220, 221; 220, 224; 221, attribute; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:badpixels; 223, identifier:shape; 224, identifier:fshape; 225, block; 225, 226; 226, raise_statement; 226, 227; 227, call; 227, 228; 227, 229; 228, identifier:ValueError; 229, argument_list; 229, 230; 230, concatenated_string; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, string:'shape of badpixels is not '; 232, string:'compatible with shape of fowlerdata'; 233, if_statement; 233, 234; 233, 239; 234, comparison_operator:!=; 234, 235; 234, 238; 235, attribute; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:badpixels; 237, identifier:dtype; 238, identifier:mdtype; 239, block; 239, 240; 240, raise_statement; 240, 241; 241, call; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:ValueError; 243, argument_list; 243, 244; 244, string:'dtype of badpixels must be uint8'; 245, expression_statement; 245, 246; 246, assignment; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, identifier:result; 248, call; 248, 249; 248, 252; 249, attribute; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:numpy; 251, identifier:empty; 252, argument_list; 252, 253; 252, 254; 253, identifier:fshape; 254, keyword_argument; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:dtype; 256, identifier:fdtype; 257, expression_statement; 257, 258; 258, assignment; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:var; 260, call; 260, 261; 260, 264; 261, attribute; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:numpy; 263, identifier:empty_like; 264, argument_list; 264, 265; 265, identifier:result; 266, expression_statement; 266, 267; 267, assignment; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, identifier:npix; 269, call; 269, 270; 269, 273; 270, attribute; 270, 271; 270, 272; 271, identifier:numpy; 272, identifier:empty; 273, argument_list; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:fshape; 275, keyword_argument; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:dtype; 277, identifier:mdtype; 278, expression_statement; 278, 279; 279, assignment; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:mask; 281, call; 281, 282; 281, 285; 282, attribute; 282, 283; 282, 284; 283, identifier:badpixels; 284, identifier:copy; 285, argument_list; 286, expression_statement; 286, 287; 287, call; 287, 288; 287, 291; 288, attribute; 288, 289; 288, 290; 289, identifier:_nirproc; 290, identifier:_process_fowler_intl; 291, argument_list; 291, 292; 291, 293; 291, 294; 291, 295; 291, 296; 291, 297; 291, 298; 291, 299; 291, 300; 291, 301; 291, 302; 291, 303; 292, identifier:fowlerdata; 293, identifier:ti; 294, identifier:ts; 295, identifier:gain; 296, identifier:ron; 297, identifier:badpixels; 298, identifier:saturation; 299, identifier:blank; 300, identifier:result; 301, identifier:var; 302, identifier:npix; 303, identifier:mask; 304, return_statement; 304, 305; 305, expression_list; 305, 306; 305, 307; 305, 308; 305, 309; 306, identifier:result; 307, identifier:var; 308, identifier:npix; 309, identifier:mask
def fowler_array(fowlerdata, ti=0.0, ts=0.0, gain=1.0, ron=1.0, badpixels=None, dtype='float64', saturation=65631, blank=0, normalize=False): """Loop over the first axis applying Fowler processing. *fowlerdata* is assumed to be a 3D numpy.ndarray containing the result of a nIR observation in Fowler mode (Fowler and Gatley 1991). The shape of the array must be of the form 2N_p x M x N, with N_p being the number of pairs in Fowler mode. The output signal is just the mean value of the differences between the last N_p values (S_i) and the first N_p values (R-i). .. math:: S_F = \\frac{1}{N_p}\\sum\\limits_{i=0}^{N_p-1} S_i - R_i If the source has a radiance F, then the measured signal is equivalent to: .. math:: S_F = F T_I - F T_S (N_p -1) = F T_E being T_I the integration time (*ti*), the time since the first productive read to the last productive read for a given pixel and T_S the time between samples (*ts*). T_E is the time between correlated reads :math:`T_E = T_I - T_S (N_p - 1)`. The variance of the signnal is the sum of two terms, one for the readout noise: .. math:: \\mathrm{var}(S_{F1}) =\\frac{2\sigma_R^2}{N_p} and other for the photon noise: .. math:: \\mathrm{var}(S_{F2}) = F T_E - F T_S \\frac{1}{3}(N_p-\\frac{1}{N_p}) = F T_I - F T_S (\\frac{4}{3} N_p -1 - \\frac{1}{3N_p}) :param fowlerdata: Convertible to a 3D numpy.ndarray with first axis even :param ti: Integration time. :param ts: Time between samples. :param gain: Detector gain. :param ron: Detector readout noise in counts. :param badpixels: An optional MxN mask of dtype 'uint8'. :param dtype: The dtype of the float outputs. :param saturation: The saturation level of the detector. :param blank: Invalid values in output are substituted by *blank*. :returns: A tuple of (signal, variance of the signal, numper of pixels used and badpixel mask. :raises: ValueError """ import numina.array._nirproc as _nirproc if gain <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid parameter, gain <= 0.0") if ron <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid parameter, ron < 0.0") if ti < 0: raise ValueError("invalid parameter, ti < 0.0") if ts < 0: raise ValueError("invalid parameter, ts < 0.0") if saturation <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid parameter, saturation <= 0") fowlerdata = numpy.asarray(fowlerdata) if fowlerdata.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('fowlerdata must be 3D') npairs = fowlerdata.shape[0] // 2 if 2 * npairs != fowlerdata.shape[0]: raise ValueError('axis-0 in fowlerdata must be even') # change byteorder ndtype = fowlerdata.dtype.newbyteorder('=') fowlerdata = numpy.asarray(fowlerdata, dtype=ndtype) # type of the output fdtype = numpy.result_type(fowlerdata.dtype, dtype) # Type of the mask mdtype = numpy.dtype('uint8') fshape = (fowlerdata.shape[1], fowlerdata.shape[2]) if badpixels is None: badpixels = numpy.zeros(fshape, dtype=mdtype) else: if badpixels.shape != fshape: raise ValueError('shape of badpixels is not ' 'compatible with shape of fowlerdata') if badpixels.dtype != mdtype: raise ValueError('dtype of badpixels must be uint8') result = numpy.empty(fshape, dtype=fdtype) var = numpy.empty_like(result) npix = numpy.empty(fshape, dtype=mdtype) mask = badpixels.copy() _nirproc._process_fowler_intl( fowlerdata, ti, ts, gain, ron, badpixels, saturation, blank, result, var, npix, mask ) return result, var, npix, mask
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:reactions; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 4, identifier:columns; 5, identifier:n_results; 6, identifier:write_db; 7, identifier:queries; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 99; 8, 111; 8, 130; 8, 134; 8, 138; 8, 142; 8, 164; 8, 177; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, if_statement; 11, 12; 11, 18; 12, not_operator; 12, 13; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:isinstance; 15, argument_list; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:queries; 17, identifier:dict; 18, block; 18, 19; 18, 23; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, assignment; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:query_dict; 22, dictionary; 23, for_statement; 23, 24; 23, 25; 23, 26; 24, identifier:q; 25, identifier:queries; 26, block; 26, 27; 26, 38; 26, 61; 27, expression_statement; 27, 28; 28, assignment; 28, 29; 28, 32; 29, pattern_list; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:key; 31, identifier:value; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 36; 33, attribute; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:q; 35, identifier:split; 36, argument_list; 36, 37; 37, string:'='; 38, if_statement; 38, 39; 38, 42; 39, comparison_operator:==; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:key; 41, string:'distinct'; 42, block; 42, 43; 43, if_statement; 43, 44; 43, 49; 44, comparison_operator:in; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:value; 46, list:['True', 'true']; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, string:'True'; 48, string:'true'; 49, block; 49, 50; 49, 60; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, call; 51, 52; 51, 55; 52, attribute; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:query_dict; 54, identifier:update; 55, argument_list; 55, 56; 56, dictionary; 56, 57; 57, pair; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:key; 59, True; 60, continue_statement; 61, try_statement; 61, 62; 61, 80; 62, block; 62, 63; 62, 70; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, assignment; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:value; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:int; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, identifier:value; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 75; 72, attribute; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:query_dict; 74, identifier:update; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, dictionary; 76, 77; 77, pair; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:key; 79, identifier:value; 80, except_clause; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:BaseException; 82, block; 82, 83; 82, 98; 83, expression_statement; 83, 84; 84, call; 84, 85; 84, 88; 85, attribute; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:query_dict; 87, identifier:update; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 89, dictionary; 89, 90; 90, pair; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:key; 92, call; 92, 93; 92, 96; 93, attribute; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, string:'{0}'; 95, identifier:format; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 97, identifier:value; 98, comment; 99, if_statement; 99, 100; 99, 105; 100, boolean_operator:and; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:write_db; 102, comparison_operator:>; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:n_results; 104, integer:1000; 105, block; 105, 106; 106, expression_statement; 106, 107; 107, call; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:print; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, comment; 111, expression_statement; 111, 112; 112, assignment; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:data; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, attribute; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:query; 117, identifier:get_reactions; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 118, 122; 118, 125; 118, 128; 119, keyword_argument; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:columns; 121, identifier:columns; 122, keyword_argument; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:n_results; 124, identifier:n_results; 125, keyword_argument; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:write_db; 127, identifier:write_db; 128, dictionary_splat; 128, 129; 129, identifier:query_dict; 130, if_statement; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:write_db; 132, block; 132, 133; 133, return_statement; 134, expression_statement; 134, 135; 135, assignment; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:table; 137, list:[]; 138, expression_statement; 138, 139; 139, assignment; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:headers; 141, list:[]; 142, for_statement; 142, 143; 142, 144; 142, 149; 143, identifier:row; 144, subscript; 144, 145; 144, 148; 145, subscript; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:data; 147, string:'reactions'; 148, string:'edges'; 149, block; 149, 150; 150, expression_statement; 150, 151; 151, augmented_assignment:+=; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:table; 153, list:[list(row['node'].values())]; 153, 154; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:list; 156, argument_list; 156, 157; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 163; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 162; 159, subscript; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:row; 161, string:'node'; 162, identifier:values; 163, argument_list; 164, expression_statement; 164, 165; 165, assignment; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:headers; 167, call; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:list; 169, argument_list; 169, 170; 170, call; 170, 171; 170, 176; 171, attribute; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, subscript; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:row; 174, string:'node'; 175, identifier:keys; 176, argument_list; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:print; 180, argument_list; 180, 181; 181, binary_operator:+; 181, 182; 181, 187; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:tabulate; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:table; 186, identifier:headers; 187, string:'\n'
def reactions(columns, n_results, write_db, queries): """Search for reactions""" if not isinstance(queries, dict): query_dict = {} for q in queries: key, value = q.split('=') if key == 'distinct': if value in ['True', 'true']: query_dict.update({key: True}) continue try: value = int(value) query_dict.update({key: value}) except BaseException: query_dict.update({key: '{0}'.format(value)}) # Keep {0} in string.format for python2.6 compatibility if write_db and n_results > 1000: print("""Warning: You're attempting to write more than a 1000 rows with geometries. This could take some time""") data = query.get_reactions(columns=columns, n_results=n_results, write_db=write_db, **query_dict) if write_db: return table = [] headers = [] for row in data['reactions']['edges']: table += [list(row['node'].values())] headers = list(row['node'].keys()) print(tabulate(table, headers) + '\n')
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:publications; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:columns; 5, identifier:n_results; 6, identifier:queries; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 97; 7, 112; 7, 132; 7, 136; 7, 140; 7, 250; 7, 263; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, if_statement; 10, 11; 10, 17; 11, not_operator; 11, 12; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:isinstance; 14, argument_list; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:queries; 16, identifier:dict; 17, block; 17, 18; 17, 22; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:query_dict; 21, dictionary; 22, for_statement; 22, 23; 22, 24; 22, 25; 23, identifier:q; 24, identifier:queries; 25, block; 25, 26; 25, 37; 25, 60; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, assignment; 27, 28; 27, 31; 28, pattern_list; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:key; 30, identifier:value; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:q; 34, identifier:split; 35, argument_list; 35, 36; 36, string:'='; 37, if_statement; 37, 38; 37, 41; 38, comparison_operator:==; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:key; 40, string:'distinct'; 41, block; 41, 42; 42, if_statement; 42, 43; 42, 48; 43, comparison_operator:in; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:value; 45, list:['True', 'true']; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, string:'True'; 47, string:'true'; 48, block; 48, 49; 48, 59; 49, expression_statement; 49, 50; 50, call; 50, 51; 50, 54; 51, attribute; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:query_dict; 53, identifier:update; 54, argument_list; 54, 55; 55, dictionary; 55, 56; 56, pair; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:key; 58, True; 59, continue_statement; 60, try_statement; 60, 61; 60, 79; 61, block; 61, 62; 61, 69; 62, expression_statement; 62, 63; 63, assignment; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:value; 65, call; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:int; 67, argument_list; 67, 68; 68, identifier:value; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, call; 70, 71; 70, 74; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:query_dict; 73, identifier:update; 74, argument_list; 74, 75; 75, dictionary; 75, 76; 76, pair; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:key; 78, identifier:value; 79, except_clause; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:BaseException; 81, block; 81, 82; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, attribute; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:query_dict; 86, identifier:update; 87, argument_list; 87, 88; 88, dictionary; 88, 89; 89, pair; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:key; 91, call; 91, 92; 91, 95; 92, attribute; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, string:'{0}'; 94, identifier:format; 95, argument_list; 95, 96; 96, identifier:value; 97, if_statement; 97, 98; 97, 101; 98, comparison_operator:not; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, string:'sort'; 100, identifier:query_dict; 101, block; 101, 102; 102, expression_statement; 102, 103; 103, call; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, attribute; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:query_dict; 106, identifier:update; 107, argument_list; 107, 108; 108, dictionary; 108, 109; 109, pair; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, string:'order'; 111, string:'-year'; 112, expression_statement; 112, 113; 113, assignment; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:data; 115, call; 115, 116; 115, 119; 116, attribute; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:query; 118, identifier:query; 119, argument_list; 119, 120; 119, 123; 119, 126; 119, 129; 120, keyword_argument; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:table; 122, string:'publications'; 123, keyword_argument; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:columns; 125, identifier:columns; 126, keyword_argument; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:n_results; 128, identifier:n_results; 129, keyword_argument; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:queries; 131, identifier:query_dict; 132, expression_statement; 132, 133; 133, assignment; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:table; 135, list:[]; 136, expression_statement; 136, 137; 137, assignment; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:headers; 139, list:[]; 140, for_statement; 140, 141; 140, 142; 140, 147; 141, identifier:row; 142, subscript; 142, 143; 142, 146; 143, subscript; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:data; 145, string:'publications'; 146, string:'edges'; 147, block; 147, 148; 147, 161; 147, 245; 148, expression_statement; 148, 149; 149, assignment; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:value; 151, call; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:list; 153, argument_list; 153, 154; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 160; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, subscript; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:row; 158, string:'node'; 159, identifier:values; 160, argument_list; 161, for_statement; 161, 162; 161, 165; 161, 169; 162, pattern_list; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:n; 164, identifier:v; 165, call; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:enumerate; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 168, identifier:value; 169, block; 169, 170; 170, if_statement; 170, 171; 170, 183; 171, boolean_operator:and; 171, 172; 171, 177; 172, call; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:isinstance; 174, argument_list; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:v; 176, identifier:str; 177, comparison_operator:>; 177, 178; 177, 182; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:len; 180, argument_list; 180, 181; 181, identifier:v; 182, integer:20; 183, block; 183, 184; 183, 193; 183, 197; 183, 201; 183, 235; 183, 239; 184, expression_statement; 184, 185; 185, assignment; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:splited; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 191; 188, attribute; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:v; 190, identifier:split; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, string:' '; 193, expression_statement; 193, 194; 194, assignment; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:size; 196, integer:0; 197, expression_statement; 197, 198; 198, assignment; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:sentence; 200, string:''; 201, for_statement; 201, 202; 201, 203; 201, 204; 202, identifier:word; 203, identifier:splited; 204, block; 204, 205; 205, if_statement; 205, 206; 205, 209; 205, 223; 206, comparison_operator:<; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:size; 208, integer:20; 209, block; 209, 210; 209, 217; 210, expression_statement; 210, 211; 211, augmented_assignment:+=; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:size; 213, call; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:len; 215, argument_list; 215, 216; 216, identifier:word; 217, expression_statement; 217, 218; 218, augmented_assignment:+=; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:sentence; 220, binary_operator:+; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, string:' '; 222, identifier:word; 223, else_clause; 223, 224; 224, block; 224, 225; 224, 231; 225, expression_statement; 225, 226; 226, augmented_assignment:+=; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:sentence; 228, binary_operator:+; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, string:'\n'; 230, identifier:word; 231, expression_statement; 231, 232; 232, assignment; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:size; 234, integer:0; 235, expression_statement; 235, 236; 236, augmented_assignment:+=; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:sentence; 238, string:'\n'; 239, expression_statement; 239, 240; 240, assignment; 240, 241; 240, 244; 241, subscript; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:value; 243, identifier:n; 244, identifier:sentence; 245, expression_statement; 245, 246; 246, augmented_assignment:+=; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, identifier:table; 248, list:[value]; 248, 249; 249, identifier:value; 250, expression_statement; 250, 251; 251, assignment; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:headers; 253, call; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:list; 255, argument_list; 255, 256; 256, call; 256, 257; 256, 262; 257, attribute; 257, 258; 257, 261; 258, subscript; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:row; 260, string:'node'; 261, identifier:keys; 262, argument_list; 263, expression_statement; 263, 264; 264, call; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:print; 266, argument_list; 266, 267; 267, binary_operator:+; 267, 268; 267, 276; 268, call; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, identifier:tabulate; 270, argument_list; 270, 271; 270, 272; 270, 273; 271, identifier:table; 272, identifier:headers; 273, keyword_argument; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:tablefmt; 275, string:"grid"; 276, string:'\n'
def publications(columns, n_results, queries): """Search for publications""" if not isinstance(queries, dict): query_dict = {} for q in queries: key, value = q.split('=') if key == 'distinct': if value in ['True', 'true']: query_dict.update({key: True}) continue try: value = int(value) query_dict.update({key: value}) except BaseException: query_dict.update({key: '{0}'.format(value)}) if 'sort' not in query_dict: query_dict.update({'order': '-year'}) data = query.query(table='publications', columns=columns, n_results=n_results, queries=query_dict) table = [] headers = [] for row in data['publications']['edges']: value = list(row['node'].values()) for n, v in enumerate(value): if isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > 20: splited = v.split(' ') size = 0 sentence = '' for word in splited: if size < 20: size += len(word) sentence += ' ' + word else: sentence += '\n' + word size = 0 sentence += '\n' value[n] = sentence table += [value] headers = list(row['node'].keys()) print(tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="grid") + '\n')
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:make_folders; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:template; 5, identifier:custom_base; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 26; 6, 36; 6, 56; 6, 64; 6, 70; 6, 131; 6, 253; 6, 337; 6, 348; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, function_definition; 9, 10; 9, 11; 9, 14; 10, function_name:dict_representer; 11, parameters; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:dumper; 13, identifier:data; 14, block; 14, 15; 15, return_statement; 15, 16; 16, call; 16, 17; 16, 20; 17, attribute; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:dumper; 19, identifier:represent_dict; 20, argument_list; 20, 21; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:data; 24, identifier:items; 25, argument_list; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, call; 27, 28; 27, 31; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:Dumper; 30, identifier:add_representer; 31, argument_list; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:collections; 34, identifier:OrderedDict; 35, identifier:dict_representer; 36, if_statement; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, comparison_operator:is; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:custom_base; 39, None; 40, block; 40, 41; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:custom_base; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 50; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 49; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:os; 48, identifier:path; 49, identifier:abspath; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, attribute; 51, 52; 51, 55; 52, attribute; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:os; 54, identifier:path; 55, identifier:curdir; 56, expression_statement; 56, 57; 57, assignment; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:template; 59, binary_operator:+; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, binary_operator:+; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:custom_base; 62, string:'/'; 63, identifier:template; 64, expression_statement; 64, 65; 65, assignment; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:template_data; 67, attribute; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:ase_tools; 69, identifier:REACTION_TEMPLATE; 70, if_statement; 70, 71; 70, 80; 71, not_operator; 71, 72; 72, call; 72, 73; 72, 78; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:os; 76, identifier:path; 77, identifier:exists; 78, argument_list; 78, 79; 79, identifier:template; 80, block; 80, 81; 81, with_statement; 81, 82; 81, 92; 82, with_clause; 82, 83; 83, with_item; 83, 84; 84, as_pattern; 84, 85; 84, 90; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:open; 87, argument_list; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:template; 89, string:'w'; 90, as_pattern_target; 90, 91; 91, identifier:outfile; 92, block; 92, 93; 92, 113; 92, 130; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:outfile; 97, identifier:write; 98, argument_list; 98, 99; 99, binary_operator:+; 99, 100; 99, 112; 100, call; 100, 101; 100, 104; 101, attribute; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, identifier:yaml; 103, identifier:dump; 104, argument_list; 104, 105; 104, 106; 104, 109; 105, identifier:template_data; 106, keyword_argument; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:indent; 108, integer:4; 109, keyword_argument; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:Dumper; 111, identifier:Dumper; 112, string:'\n'; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:print; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 117, binary_operator:+; 117, 118; 117, 129; 118, binary_operator:+; 118, 119; 118, 128; 119, call; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, string:"Created template file: {template}\n"; 122, identifier:format; 123, argument_list; 123, 124; 124, dictionary_splat; 124, 125; 125, call; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:locals; 127, argument_list; 128, string:' Please edit it and run the script again to create your folderstructure.\n'; 129, string:' Run cathub make_folders --help for instructions'; 130, return_statement; 131, with_statement; 131, 132; 131, 141; 132, with_clause; 132, 133; 133, with_item; 133, 134; 134, as_pattern; 134, 135; 134, 139; 135, call; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:open; 137, argument_list; 137, 138; 138, identifier:template; 139, as_pattern_target; 139, 140; 140, identifier:infile; 141, block; 141, 142; 141, 151; 141, 157; 141, 163; 141, 169; 141, 175; 141, 181; 141, 187; 141, 193; 141, 199; 141, 205; 141, 211; 141, 217; 141, 223; 141, 229; 141, 235; 141, 241; 141, 247; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, assignment; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:template_data; 145, call; 145, 146; 145, 149; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:yaml; 148, identifier:load; 149, argument_list; 149, 150; 150, identifier:infile; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:title; 154, subscript; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:template_data; 156, string:'title'; 157, expression_statement; 157, 158; 158, assignment; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:authors; 160, subscript; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:template_data; 162, string:'authors'; 163, expression_statement; 163, 164; 164, assignment; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:journal; 166, subscript; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:template_data; 168, string:'journal'; 169, expression_statement; 169, 170; 170, assignment; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:volume; 172, subscript; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:template_data; 174, string:'volume'; 175, expression_statement; 175, 176; 176, assignment; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:number; 178, subscript; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:template_data; 180, string:'number'; 181, expression_statement; 181, 182; 182, assignment; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:pages; 184, subscript; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:template_data; 186, string:'pages'; 187, expression_statement; 187, 188; 188, assignment; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:year; 190, subscript; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:template_data; 192, string:'year'; 193, expression_statement; 193, 194; 194, assignment; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:email; 196, subscript; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:template_data; 198, string:'email'; 199, expression_statement; 199, 200; 200, assignment; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:publisher; 202, subscript; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:template_data; 204, string:'publisher'; 205, expression_statement; 205, 206; 206, assignment; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:doi; 208, subscript; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:template_data; 210, string:'doi'; 211, expression_statement; 211, 212; 212, assignment; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:dft_code; 214, subscript; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:template_data; 216, string:'DFT_code'; 217, expression_statement; 217, 218; 218, assignment; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:dft_functionals; 220, subscript; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:template_data; 222, string:'DFT_functionals'; 223, expression_statement; 223, 224; 224, assignment; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:reactions; 226, subscript; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:template_data; 228, string:'reactions'; 229, expression_statement; 229, 230; 230, assignment; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:crystal_structures; 232, subscript; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:template_data; 234, string:'crystal_structures'; 235, expression_statement; 235, 236; 236, assignment; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:bulk_compositions; 238, subscript; 238, 239; 238, 240; 239, identifier:template_data; 240, string:'bulk_compositions'; 241, expression_statement; 241, 242; 242, assignment; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:facets; 244, subscript; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:template_data; 246, string:'facets'; 247, expression_statement; 247, 248; 248, assignment; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, identifier:energy_corrections; 250, subscript; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:template_data; 252, string:'energy_corrections'; 253, expression_statement; 253, 254; 254, call; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, attribute; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:make_folders_template; 257, identifier:main; 258, argument_list; 258, 259; 258, 262; 258, 277; 258, 280; 258, 283; 258, 286; 258, 289; 258, 292; 258, 295; 258, 298; 258, 301; 258, 304; 258, 307; 258, 322; 258, 325; 258, 328; 258, 331; 258, 334; 259, keyword_argument; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:title; 261, identifier:title; 262, keyword_argument; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:authors; 264, conditional_expression:if; 264, 265; 264, 269; 264, 276; 265, call; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, identifier:eval; 267, argument_list; 267, 268; 268, identifier:authors; 269, call; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:isinstance; 271, argument_list; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:authors; 273, attribute; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:six; 275, identifier:string_types; 276, identifier:authors; 277, keyword_argument; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:journal; 279, identifier:journal; 280, keyword_argument; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:volume; 282, identifier:volume; 283, keyword_argument; 283, 284; 283, 285; 284, identifier:number; 285, identifier:number; 286, keyword_argument; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:pages; 288, identifier:pages; 289, keyword_argument; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, identifier:year; 291, identifier:year; 292, keyword_argument; 292, 293; 292, 294; 293, identifier:email; 294, identifier:email; 295, keyword_argument; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:publisher; 297, identifier:publisher; 298, keyword_argument; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:doi; 300, identifier:doi; 301, keyword_argument; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:DFT_code; 303, identifier:dft_code; 304, keyword_argument; 304, 305; 304, 306; 305, identifier:DFT_functionals; 306, identifier:dft_functionals; 307, keyword_argument; 307, 308; 307, 309; 308, identifier:reactions; 309, conditional_expression:if; 309, 310; 309, 314; 309, 321; 310, call; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, identifier:eval; 312, argument_list; 312, 313; 313, identifier:reactions; 314, call; 314, 315; 314, 316; 315, identifier:isinstance; 316, argument_list; 316, 317; 316, 318; 317, identifier:reactions; 318, attribute; 318, 319; 318, 320; 319, identifier:six; 320, identifier:string_types; 321, identifier:reactions; 322, keyword_argument; 322, 323; 322, 324; 323, identifier:custom_base; 324, identifier:custom_base; 325, keyword_argument; 325, 326; 325, 327; 326, identifier:bulk_compositions; 327, identifier:bulk_compositions; 328, keyword_argument; 328, 329; 328, 330; 329, identifier:crystal_structures; 330, identifier:crystal_structures; 331, keyword_argument; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:facets; 333, identifier:facets; 334, keyword_argument; 334, 335; 334, 336; 335, identifier:energy_corrections; 336, identifier:energy_corrections; 337, expression_statement; 337, 338; 338, assignment; 338, 339; 338, 340; 339, identifier:pub_id; 340, call; 340, 341; 340, 344; 341, attribute; 341, 342; 341, 343; 342, identifier:tools; 343, identifier:get_pub_id; 344, argument_list; 344, 345; 344, 346; 344, 347; 345, identifier:title; 346, identifier:authors; 347, identifier:year; 348, expression_statement; 348, 349; 349, call; 349, 350; 349, 351; 350, identifier:print; 351, argument_list; 351, 352; 352, call; 352, 353; 352, 356; 353, attribute; 353, 354; 353, 355; 354, string:"Now dump your DFT output files into the folder, and run 'cathub folder2db {pub_id}'"; 355, identifier:format; 356, argument_list; 356, 357; 357, dictionary_splat; 357, 358; 358, call; 358, 359; 358, 360; 359, identifier:locals; 360, argument_list
def make_folders(template, custom_base): """Create a basic folder tree for dumping DFT calculcations for reaction energies. Dear all Use this command make the right structure for your folders for submitting data for Catalysis Hub's Surface Reactions. Start by creating a template file by calling: $ cathub make_folders <template_name> Then open the template and modify it to so that it contains information about your data. You will need to enter publication/dataset information, and specify the types of surfaces, facets and reactions. The 'reactions' entry should include two lists for each reaction; 'reactants' and 'products', corresponding to left- and right hand side of each chemical equation respectively. Remember to balance the equation by including a prefactor or minus sign in the name when relevant. For example: reactions: - reactants: ['CCH3star@ontop'] products: ['Cstar@hollow', 'CH3star@ontop'] - reactants: ['CH4gas', '-0.5H2gas', 'star'] products: ['CH3star'] Please include the phase of the species as an extension: 'gas' for gas phase (i.e. CH4 -> CH4gas) 'star' for empty slab or adsorbed phase. (i.e. OH -> OHstar) The site of adsorbed species is also included as an extension: '@site' (i.e. OHstar in bridge-> OHstar@bridge) Energy corrections to gas phase molecules can be included as: energy_corrections: {H2: 0.1, CH4: -0.15} Then, save the template and call: $ cathub make_folders <template_name> And folders will be created automatically. You can create several templates and call make_folders again if you, for example, are using different functionals or are doing different reactions on different surfaces. After creating your folders, add your output files from the electronic structure calculations at the positions. Accepted file formats include everything that can be read by ASE and contains the total potential energy of the calculation, such as .traj or .OUTCAR files. After dumping your files, run `cathub folder2db <your folder>` to collect the data. """ def dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_dict(data.items()) Dumper.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, dict_representer) if custom_base is None: custom_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) template = custom_base + '/' + template template_data = ase_tools.REACTION_TEMPLATE if not os.path.exists(template): with open(template, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write( yaml.dump( template_data, indent=4, Dumper=Dumper) + '\n') print("Created template file: {template}\n".format(**locals()) + ' Please edit it and run the script again to create your folderstructure.\n' + ' Run cathub make_folders --help for instructions') return with open(template) as infile: template_data = yaml.load(infile) title = template_data['title'] authors = template_data['authors'] journal = template_data['journal'] volume = template_data['volume'] number = template_data['number'] pages = template_data['pages'] year = template_data['year'] email = template_data['email'] publisher = template_data['publisher'] doi = template_data['doi'] dft_code = template_data['DFT_code'] dft_functionals = template_data['DFT_functionals'] reactions = template_data['reactions'] crystal_structures = template_data['crystal_structures'] bulk_compositions = template_data['bulk_compositions'] facets = template_data['facets'] energy_corrections = template_data['energy_corrections'] make_folders_template.main( title=title, authors=eval(authors) if isinstance( authors, six.string_types) else authors, journal=journal, volume=volume, number=number, pages=pages, year=year, email=email, publisher=publisher, doi=doi, DFT_code=dft_code, DFT_functionals=dft_functionals, reactions=eval(reactions) if isinstance( reactions, six.string_types) else reactions, custom_base=custom_base, bulk_compositions=bulk_compositions, crystal_structures=crystal_structures, facets=facets, energy_corrections=energy_corrections ) pub_id = tools.get_pub_id(title, authors, year) print( "Now dump your DFT output files into the folder, and run 'cathub folder2db {pub_id}'".format(**locals()))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 13; 2, function_name:opensignals_hierarchy; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 7; 3, 10; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:root; 6, None; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:update; 9, False; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:clone; 12, False; 13, block; 13, 14; 13, 16; 13, 29; 13, 40; 13, 41; 13, 47; 13, 65; 13, 66; 13, 160; 13, 161; 13, 167; 13, 185; 13, 215; 13, 438; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, comment; 16, if_statement; 16, 17; 16, 20; 17, comparison_operator:is; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:root; 19, None; 20, block; 20, 21; 21, expression_statement; 21, 22; 22, assignment; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:root; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:os; 27, identifier:getcwd; 28, argument_list; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:categories; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:list; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 39; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:NOTEBOOK_KEYS; 38, identifier:keys; 39, argument_list; 40, comment; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:current_dir; 44, binary_operator:+; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:root; 46, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 47, if_statement; 47, 48; 47, 57; 48, not_operator; 48, 49; 49, call; 49, 50; 49, 55; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 54; 51, attribute; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:os; 53, identifier:path; 54, identifier:isdir; 55, argument_list; 55, 56; 56, identifier:current_dir; 57, block; 57, 58; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, call; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:os; 62, identifier:makedirs; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 64, identifier:current_dir; 65, comment; 66, for_statement; 66, 67; 66, 68; 66, 72; 67, identifier:var; 68, list:["images", "styles", "signal_samples"]; 68, 69; 68, 70; 68, 71; 69, string:"images"; 70, string:"styles"; 71, string:"signal_samples"; 72, block; 72, 73; 73, if_statement; 73, 74; 73, 87; 73, 116; 74, not_operator; 74, 75; 75, call; 75, 76; 75, 81; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:os; 79, identifier:path; 80, identifier:isdir; 81, argument_list; 81, 82; 82, binary_operator:+; 82, 83; 82, 86; 83, binary_operator:+; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:root; 85, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment\\"; 86, identifier:var; 87, block; 87, 88; 87, 100; 87, 108; 88, expression_statement; 88, 89; 89, assignment; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:src; 91, binary_operator:+; 91, 92; 91, 99; 92, binary_operator:+; 92, 93; 92, 98; 93, call; 93, 94; 93, 97; 94, attribute; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:os; 96, identifier:getcwd; 97, argument_list; 98, string:"\\"; 99, identifier:var; 100, expression_statement; 100, 101; 101, assignment; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, identifier:destination; 103, binary_operator:+; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, binary_operator:+; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:current_dir; 106, string:"\\"; 107, identifier:var; 108, expression_statement; 108, 109; 109, call; 109, 110; 109, 113; 110, attribute; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:shutil; 112, identifier:copytree; 113, argument_list; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:src; 115, identifier:destination; 116, elif_clause; 116, 117; 116, 120; 117, comparison_operator:is; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:update; 119, True; 120, block; 120, 121; 120, 132; 120, 144; 120, 152; 121, expression_statement; 121, 122; 122, call; 122, 123; 122, 126; 123, attribute; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:shutil; 125, identifier:rmtree; 126, argument_list; 126, 127; 127, binary_operator:+; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, binary_operator:+; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:root; 130, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment\\"; 131, identifier:var; 132, expression_statement; 132, 133; 133, assignment; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:src; 135, binary_operator:+; 135, 136; 135, 143; 136, binary_operator:+; 136, 137; 136, 142; 137, call; 137, 138; 137, 141; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:os; 140, identifier:getcwd; 141, argument_list; 142, string:"\\"; 143, identifier:var; 144, expression_statement; 144, 145; 145, assignment; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:destination; 147, binary_operator:+; 147, 148; 147, 151; 148, binary_operator:+; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:current_dir; 150, string:"\\"; 151, identifier:var; 152, expression_statement; 152, 153; 153, call; 153, 154; 153, 157; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:shutil; 156, identifier:copytree; 157, argument_list; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:src; 159, identifier:destination; 160, comment; 161, expression_statement; 161, 162; 162, assignment; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:current_dir; 164, binary_operator:+; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:root; 166, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment\\Categories"; 167, if_statement; 167, 168; 167, 177; 168, not_operator; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 175; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 174; 171, attribute; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:os; 173, identifier:path; 174, identifier:isdir; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 176, identifier:current_dir; 177, block; 177, 178; 178, expression_statement; 178, 179; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 183; 180, attribute; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:os; 182, identifier:makedirs; 183, argument_list; 183, 184; 184, identifier:current_dir; 185, for_statement; 185, 186; 185, 187; 185, 188; 186, identifier:category; 187, identifier:categories; 188, block; 188, 189; 189, if_statement; 189, 190; 189, 203; 190, not_operator; 190, 191; 191, call; 191, 192; 191, 197; 192, attribute; 192, 193; 192, 196; 193, attribute; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:os; 195, identifier:path; 196, identifier:isdir; 197, argument_list; 197, 198; 198, binary_operator:+; 198, 199; 198, 202; 199, binary_operator:+; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:current_dir; 201, string:"\\"; 202, identifier:category; 203, block; 203, 204; 204, expression_statement; 204, 205; 205, call; 205, 206; 205, 209; 206, attribute; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:os; 208, identifier:makedirs; 209, argument_list; 209, 210; 210, binary_operator:+; 210, 211; 210, 214; 211, binary_operator:+; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:current_dir; 213, string:"\\"; 214, identifier:category; 215, if_statement; 215, 216; 215, 219; 215, 220; 215, 221; 216, comparison_operator:is; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:clone; 218, True; 219, comment; 220, comment; 221, block; 221, 222; 221, 228; 221, 237; 221, 321; 221, 322; 221, 329; 221, 342; 221, 353; 221, 366; 221, 377; 221, 390; 221, 401; 221, 414; 221, 425; 222, expression_statement; 222, 223; 223, assignment; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:dir_path; 225, binary_operator:+; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:root; 227, string:"\\notebook_code"; 228, expression_statement; 228, 229; 229, assignment; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:list_of_code_dirs; 231, call; 231, 232; 231, 235; 232, attribute; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:os; 234, identifier:listdir; 235, argument_list; 235, 236; 236, identifier:dir_path; 237, for_statement; 237, 238; 237, 239; 237, 240; 238, identifier:folder; 239, identifier:list_of_code_dirs; 240, block; 240, 241; 240, 249; 241, expression_statement; 241, 242; 242, assignment; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:folder_path; 244, binary_operator:+; 244, 245; 244, 248; 245, binary_operator:+; 245, 246; 245, 247; 246, identifier:root; 247, string:"\\notebook_code\\"; 248, identifier:folder; 249, if_statement; 249, 250; 249, 257; 250, boolean_operator:and; 250, 251; 250, 254; 251, comparison_operator:!=; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:folder; 253, string:"MainFiles"; 254, comparison_operator:!=; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:folder; 256, string:"__pycache__"; 257, block; 257, 258; 257, 267; 258, expression_statement; 258, 259; 259, assignment; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:list_of_code_files; 261, call; 261, 262; 261, 265; 262, attribute; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:os; 264, identifier:listdir; 265, argument_list; 265, 266; 266, identifier:folder_path; 267, for_statement; 267, 268; 267, 269; 267, 270; 268, identifier:file; 269, identifier:list_of_code_files; 270, block; 270, 271; 271, if_statement; 271, 272; 271, 275; 272, comparison_operator:!=; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:file; 274, string:"__pycache__"; 275, block; 275, 276; 275, 292; 275, 303; 275, 312; 276, expression_statement; 276, 277; 277, assignment; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:spec; 279, call; 279, 280; 279, 285; 280, attribute; 280, 281; 280, 284; 281, attribute; 281, 282; 281, 283; 282, identifier:importlib; 283, identifier:util; 284, identifier:spec_from_file_location; 285, argument_list; 285, 286; 285, 287; 286, identifier:file; 287, binary_operator:+; 287, 288; 287, 291; 288, binary_operator:+; 288, 289; 288, 290; 289, identifier:folder_path; 290, string:"\\"; 291, identifier:file; 292, expression_statement; 292, 293; 293, assignment; 293, 294; 293, 295; 294, identifier:foo; 295, call; 295, 296; 295, 301; 296, attribute; 296, 297; 296, 300; 297, attribute; 297, 298; 297, 299; 298, identifier:importlib; 299, identifier:util; 300, identifier:module_from_spec; 301, argument_list; 301, 302; 302, identifier:spec; 303, expression_statement; 303, 304; 304, call; 304, 305; 304, 310; 305, attribute; 305, 306; 305, 309; 306, attribute; 306, 307; 306, 308; 307, identifier:spec; 308, identifier:loader; 309, identifier:exec_module; 310, argument_list; 310, 311; 311, identifier:foo; 312, expression_statement; 312, 313; 313, call; 313, 314; 313, 317; 314, attribute; 314, 315; 314, 316; 315, identifier:foo; 316, identifier:run; 317, argument_list; 317, 318; 318, binary_operator:+; 318, 319; 318, 320; 319, identifier:root; 320, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 321, comment; 322, expression_statement; 322, 323; 323, assignment; 323, 324; 323, 325; 324, identifier:main_page; 325, call; 325, 326; 325, 327; 326, identifier:notebook; 327, argument_list; 327, 328; 328, string:"Main_Files_By_Category"; 329, expression_statement; 329, 330; 330, call; 330, 331; 330, 334; 331, attribute; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:main_page; 333, identifier:write_to_file; 334, argument_list; 334, 335; 334, 338; 334, 339; 335, binary_operator:+; 335, 336; 335, 337; 336, identifier:root; 337, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 338, string:"opensignalstools"; 339, keyword_argument; 339, 340; 339, 341; 340, identifier:footer; 341, False; 342, expression_statement; 342, 343; 343, assignment; 343, 344; 343, 345; 344, identifier:by_difficulty; 345, call; 345, 346; 345, 347; 346, identifier:notebook; 347, argument_list; 347, 348; 347, 349; 347, 350; 348, string:"Main_Files_By_Difficulty"; 349, string:"Notebooks Grouped by Difficulty"; 350, keyword_argument; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, identifier:notebook_description; 352, identifier:DESCRIPTION_GROUP_BY; 353, expression_statement; 353, 354; 354, call; 354, 355; 354, 358; 355, attribute; 355, 356; 355, 357; 356, identifier:by_difficulty; 357, identifier:write_to_file; 358, argument_list; 358, 359; 358, 362; 358, 363; 359, binary_operator:+; 359, 360; 359, 361; 360, identifier:root; 361, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 362, string:"by_diff"; 363, keyword_argument; 363, 364; 363, 365; 364, identifier:footer; 365, False; 366, expression_statement; 366, 367; 367, assignment; 367, 368; 367, 369; 368, identifier:by_tags; 369, call; 369, 370; 369, 371; 370, identifier:notebook; 371, argument_list; 371, 372; 371, 373; 371, 374; 372, string:"Main_Files_By_Tag"; 373, string:"Notebooks Grouped by Tag Values"; 374, keyword_argument; 374, 375; 374, 376; 375, identifier:notebook_description; 376, identifier:DESCRIPTION_GROUP_BY; 377, expression_statement; 377, 378; 378, call; 378, 379; 378, 382; 379, attribute; 379, 380; 379, 381; 380, identifier:by_tags; 381, identifier:write_to_file; 382, argument_list; 382, 383; 382, 386; 382, 387; 383, binary_operator:+; 383, 384; 383, 385; 384, identifier:root; 385, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 386, string:"by_tag"; 387, keyword_argument; 387, 388; 387, 389; 388, identifier:footer; 389, False; 390, expression_statement; 390, 391; 391, assignment; 391, 392; 391, 393; 392, identifier:by_signal_type; 393, call; 393, 394; 393, 395; 394, identifier:notebook; 395, argument_list; 395, 396; 395, 397; 395, 398; 396, string:"Main_Files_By_Signal_Type"; 397, string:"Notebooks Grouped by Signal Type"; 398, keyword_argument; 398, 399; 398, 400; 399, identifier:notebook_description; 400, identifier:DESCRIPTION_GROUP_BY; 401, expression_statement; 401, 402; 402, call; 402, 403; 402, 406; 403, attribute; 403, 404; 403, 405; 404, identifier:by_signal_type; 405, identifier:write_to_file; 406, argument_list; 406, 407; 406, 410; 406, 411; 407, binary_operator:+; 407, 408; 407, 409; 408, identifier:root; 409, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 410, string:"by_signal_type"; 411, keyword_argument; 411, 412; 411, 413; 412, identifier:footer; 413, False; 414, expression_statement; 414, 415; 415, assignment; 415, 416; 415, 417; 416, identifier:signal_samples; 417, call; 417, 418; 417, 419; 418, identifier:notebook; 419, argument_list; 419, 420; 419, 421; 419, 422; 420, string:"Main_Files_Signal_Samples"; 421, string:"Signal Samples Library"; 422, keyword_argument; 422, 423; 422, 424; 423, identifier:notebook_description; 424, identifier:DESCRIPTION_SIGNAL_SAMPLES; 425, expression_statement; 425, 426; 426, call; 426, 427; 426, 430; 427, attribute; 427, 428; 427, 429; 428, identifier:signal_samples; 429, identifier:write_to_file; 430, argument_list; 430, 431; 430, 434; 430, 435; 431, binary_operator:+; 431, 432; 431, 433; 432, identifier:root; 433, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"; 434, string:"signal_samples"; 435, keyword_argument; 435, 436; 435, 437; 436, identifier:footer; 437, False; 438, return_statement; 438, 439; 439, binary_operator:+; 439, 440; 439, 441; 440, identifier:root; 441, string:"\\opensignalstools_environment"
def opensignals_hierarchy(root=None, update=False, clone=False): """ Function that generates the OpenSignalsTools Notebooks File Hierarchy programatically. ---------- Parameters ---------- root : None or str The file path where the OpenSignalsTools Environment will be stored. update : bool If True the old files will be replaced by the new ones. clone : bool If True then all the available Notebooks will be stored in the users computer. If False only the folder hierarchy of OpenSignalsTools will be generated, giving to the user a blank template for creating his own Notebook Environment. Returns ------- out : str The root file path of OpenSignalsTools Environment is returned. """ if root is None: root = os.getcwd() categories = list(NOTEBOOK_KEYS.keys()) # ============================ Creation of the main directory ================================== current_dir = root + "\\opensignalstools_environment" if not os.path.isdir(current_dir): os.makedirs(current_dir) # ================== Copy of 'images' 'styles' and 'signal_samples' folders ==================== for var in ["images", "styles", "signal_samples"]: if not os.path.isdir(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment\\" + var): src = os.getcwd() + "\\" + var destination = current_dir + "\\" + var shutil.copytree(src, destination) elif update is True: shutil.rmtree(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment\\" + var) src = os.getcwd() + "\\" + var destination = current_dir + "\\" + var shutil.copytree(src, destination) # =========================== Generation of 'Categories' folder ================================ current_dir = root + "\\opensignalstools_environment\\Categories" if not os.path.isdir(current_dir): os.makedirs(current_dir) for category in categories: if not os.path.isdir(current_dir + "\\" + category): os.makedirs(current_dir + "\\" + category) if clone is True: # Fill each folder inside "Categories" directory with the respective notebooks. # Each notebook will be created by a specific function. dir_path = root + "\\notebook_code" list_of_code_dirs = os.listdir(dir_path) for folder in list_of_code_dirs: folder_path = root + "\\notebook_code\\" + folder if folder != "MainFiles" and folder != "__pycache__": list_of_code_files = os.listdir(folder_path) for file in list_of_code_files: if file != "__pycache__": spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(file, folder_path + "\\" + file) foo = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(foo) + "\\opensignalstools_environment") # Generation of opensignalstools environment main files. main_page = notebook("Main_Files_By_Category") main_page.write_to_file(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment", "opensignalstools", footer=False) by_difficulty = notebook("Main_Files_By_Difficulty", "Notebooks Grouped by Difficulty", notebook_description=DESCRIPTION_GROUP_BY) by_difficulty.write_to_file(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment", "by_diff", footer=False) by_tags = notebook("Main_Files_By_Tag", "Notebooks Grouped by Tag Values", notebook_description=DESCRIPTION_GROUP_BY) by_tags.write_to_file(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment", "by_tag", footer=False) by_signal_type = notebook("Main_Files_By_Signal_Type", "Notebooks Grouped by Signal Type", notebook_description=DESCRIPTION_GROUP_BY) by_signal_type.write_to_file(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment", "by_signal_type", footer=False) signal_samples = notebook("Main_Files_Signal_Samples", "Signal Samples Library", notebook_description=DESCRIPTION_SIGNAL_SAMPLES) signal_samples.write_to_file(root + "\\opensignalstools_environment", "signal_samples", footer=False) return root + "\\opensignalstools_environment"
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:_generate_notebook_by_tag_body; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:notebook_object; 5, identifier:dict_by_tag; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 20; 6, 26; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:tag_keys; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:list; 14, argument_list; 14, 15; 15, call; 15, 16; 15, 19; 16, attribute; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:dict_by_tag; 18, identifier:keys; 19, argument_list; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:tag_keys; 24, identifier:sort; 25, argument_list; 26, for_statement; 26, 27; 26, 28; 26, 29; 27, identifier:tag; 28, identifier:tag_keys; 29, block; 29, 30; 30, if_statement; 30, 31; 30, 38; 31, comparison_operator:not; 31, 32; 31, 37; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 36; 33, attribute; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:tag; 35, identifier:lower; 36, argument_list; 37, identifier:SIGNAL_TYPE_LIST; 38, block; 38, 39; 38, 45; 38, 55; 38, 156; 38, 160; 38, 161; 39, expression_statement; 39, 40; 40, assignment; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:markdown_cell; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:group_tag_code; 44, identifier:TAG_TABLE_HEADER; 45, expression_statement; 45, 46; 46, assignment; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:markdown_cell; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, attribute; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:markdown_cell; 51, identifier:replace; 52, argument_list; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, string:"Tag i"; 54, identifier:tag; 55, for_statement; 55, 56; 55, 57; 55, 60; 56, identifier:notebook_file; 57, subscript; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:dict_by_tag; 59, identifier:tag; 60, block; 60, 61; 60, 70; 60, 77; 60, 91; 60, 105; 60, 129; 60, 138; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:split_path; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:notebook_file; 67, identifier:split; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, string:"\\"; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:notebook_type; 73, subscript; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:split_path; 75, unary_operator:-; 75, 76; 76, integer:2; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:notebook_name; 80, subscript; 80, 81; 80, 90; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 88; 82, attribute; 82, 83; 82, 87; 83, subscript; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:split_path; 85, unary_operator:-; 85, 86; 86, integer:1; 87, identifier:split; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 89, string:"&"; 90, integer:0; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, assignment; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:notebook_title; 94, subscript; 94, 95; 94, 104; 95, call; 95, 96; 95, 102; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 101; 97, subscript; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:split_path; 99, unary_operator:-; 99, 100; 100, integer:1; 101, identifier:split; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 103, string:"&"; 104, integer:1; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, augmented_assignment:+=; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:markdown_cell; 108, binary_operator:+; 108, 109; 108, 128; 109, binary_operator:+; 109, 110; 109, 123; 110, binary_operator:+; 110, 111; 110, 120; 111, binary_operator:+; 111, 112; 111, 113; 111, 114; 112, string:"\t<tr>\n\t\t<td width='20%' class='header_image_color_"; 113, line_continuation:\; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:str; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 117, subscript; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:NOTEBOOK_KEYS; 119, identifier:notebook_type; 120, concatenated_string; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, string:"'><img "; 122, string:"src='../../images/icons/"; 123, call; 123, 124; 123, 127; 124, attribute; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:notebook_type; 126, identifier:title; 127, argument_list; 128, string:".png' width='15%'>\n\t\t</td>"; 129, expression_statement; 129, 130; 130, augmented_assignment:+=; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:markdown_cell; 132, binary_operator:+; 132, 133; 132, 137; 133, binary_operator:+; 133, 134; 133, 135; 133, 136; 134, string:"\n\t\t<td width='60%' class='center_cell open_cell_light'>"; 135, line_continuation:\; 136, identifier:notebook_title; 137, string:"\n\t\t</td>"; 138, expression_statement; 138, 139; 139, augmented_assignment:+=; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:markdown_cell; 141, binary_operator:+; 141, 142; 141, 155; 142, binary_operator:+; 142, 143; 142, 154; 143, binary_operator:+; 143, 144; 143, 153; 144, binary_operator:+; 144, 145; 144, 148; 145, concatenated_string; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, string:"\n\t\t<td width='20%' class='center_cell'>\n\t\t\t<a href='"; 147, string:"../"; 148, call; 148, 149; 148, 152; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:notebook_type; 151, identifier:title; 152, argument_list; 153, string:"/"; 154, identifier:notebook_name; 155, string:"'><div class='file_icon'></div></a>\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>"; 156, expression_statement; 156, 157; 157, augmented_assignment:+=; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:markdown_cell; 159, string:"</table>"; 160, comment; 161, expression_statement; 161, 162; 162, call; 162, 163; 162, 168; 163, attribute; 163, 164; 163, 167; 164, subscript; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:notebook_object; 166, string:"cells"; 167, identifier:append; 168, argument_list; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 175; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 174; 171, attribute; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:nb; 173, identifier:v4; 174, identifier:new_markdown_cell; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 176, identifier:markdown_cell
def _generate_notebook_by_tag_body(notebook_object, dict_by_tag): """ Internal function that is used for generation of the page where notebooks are organized by tag values. ---------- Parameters ---------- notebook_object : notebook object Object of "notebook" class where the body will be created. dict_by_tag : dict Dictionary where each key is a tag and the respective value will be a list containing the Notebooks (title and filename) that include this tag. """ tag_keys = list(dict_by_tag.keys()) tag_keys.sort() for tag in tag_keys: if tag.lower() not in SIGNAL_TYPE_LIST: markdown_cell = group_tag_code.TAG_TABLE_HEADER markdown_cell = markdown_cell.replace("Tag i", tag) for notebook_file in dict_by_tag[tag]: split_path = notebook_file.split("\\") notebook_type = split_path[-2] notebook_name = split_path[-1].split("&")[0] notebook_title = split_path[-1].split("&")[1] markdown_cell += "\t<tr>\n\t\t<td width='20%' class='header_image_color_" + \ str(NOTEBOOK_KEYS[notebook_type]) + "'><img " \ "src='../../images/icons/" + notebook_type.title() +\ ".png' width='15%'>\n\t\t</td>" markdown_cell += "\n\t\t<td width='60%' class='center_cell open_cell_light'>" + \ notebook_title + "\n\t\t</td>" markdown_cell += "\n\t\t<td width='20%' class='center_cell'>\n\t\t\t<a href='" \ "../" + notebook_type.title() + "/" + notebook_name + \ "'><div class='file_icon'></div></a>\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>" markdown_cell += "</table>" # ==================== Insertion of HTML table in a new Notebook cell ====================== notebook_object["cells"].append(nb.v4.new_markdown_cell(markdown_cell))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:_preprocess_params; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:cls; 5, identifier:kwargs; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 10; 6, 255; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, comment; 10, for_statement; 10, 11; 10, 14; 10, 19; 11, pattern_list; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:attr; 13, identifier:val; 14, call; 14, 15; 14, 18; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:kwargs; 17, identifier:items; 18, argument_list; 19, block; 19, 20; 19, 37; 19, 53; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 31; 21, boolean_operator:and; 21, 22; 21, 28; 22, call; 22, 23; 22, 26; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:cls; 25, identifier:is_the_primary_key; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 27, identifier:attr; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:cls; 30, identifier:_prevent_primary_key_initialization_; 31, block; 31, 32; 31, 36; 32, delete_statement; 32, 33; 33, subscript; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:kwargs; 35, identifier:attr; 36, continue_statement; 37, if_statement; 37, 38; 37, 41; 37, 42; 37, 43; 37, 44; 37, 45; 38, comparison_operator:==; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:val; 40, string:""; 41, comment; 42, comment; 43, comment; 44, comment; 45, block; 45, 46; 45, 52; 46, expression_statement; 46, 47; 47, assignment; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, subscript; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:kwargs; 50, identifier:attr; 51, None; 52, continue_statement; 53, if_statement; 53, 54; 53, 68; 54, boolean_operator:and; 54, 55; 54, 63; 55, comparison_operator:in; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:attr; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 62; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:class_mapper; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, identifier:cls; 62, identifier:relationships; 63, comparison_operator:not; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:attr; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:cls; 67, identifier:_no_overwrite_; 68, block; 68, 69; 68, 80; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, assignment; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:rel; 72, subscript; 72, 73; 72, 79; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 78; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:class_mapper; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 77, identifier:cls; 78, identifier:relationships; 79, identifier:attr; 80, if_statement; 80, 81; 80, 84; 80, 215; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:rel; 83, identifier:uselist; 84, block; 84, 85; 85, if_statement; 85, 86; 85, 91; 85, 135; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:isinstance; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:val; 90, identifier:list; 91, block; 91, 92; 92, if_statement; 92, 93; 92, 104; 93, call; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:all; 95, generator_expression; 95, 96; 95, 101; 96, call; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:isinstance; 98, argument_list; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:v; 100, identifier:dict; 101, for_in_clause; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, identifier:v; 103, identifier:val; 104, block; 104, 105; 104, 114; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, assignment; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:rel_cls; 108, call; 108, 109; 108, 112; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:cls; 111, identifier:mapped_rel_class; 112, argument_list; 112, 113; 113, identifier:attr; 114, expression_statement; 114, 115; 115, assignment; 115, 116; 115, 119; 116, subscript; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:kwargs; 118, identifier:attr; 119, call; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:rel_cls; 122, identifier:update_or_new_all; 123, argument_list; 123, 124; 123, 127; 124, keyword_argument; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:list_of_kwargs; 126, identifier:val; 127, keyword_argument; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:keys; 129, list:[rel_cls.primary_key_name()]; 129, 130; 130, call; 130, 131; 130, 134; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:rel_cls; 133, identifier:primary_key_name; 134, argument_list; 135, elif_clause; 135, 136; 135, 141; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:isinstance; 138, argument_list; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:val; 140, identifier:dict; 141, block; 141, 142; 141, 151; 141, 163; 141, 184; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, assignment; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:rel_cls; 145, call; 145, 146; 145, 149; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:cls; 148, identifier:mapped_rel_class; 149, argument_list; 149, 150; 150, identifier:attr; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:mapping_col; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 162; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 161; 156, call; 156, 157; 156, 160; 157, attribute; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:rel; 159, identifier:collection_class; 160, argument_list; 161, identifier:keyfunc; 162, identifier:name; 163, expression_statement; 163, 164; 164, assignment; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:list_of_kwargs; 166, list_comprehension; 166, 167; 166, 175; 167, call; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:merge; 169, argument_list; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:v; 171, dictionary; 171, 172; 172, pair; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:mapping_col; 174, identifier:k; 175, for_in_clause; 175, 176; 175, 179; 176, pattern_list; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:k; 178, identifier:v; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 183; 180, attribute; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:val; 182, identifier:items; 183, argument_list; 184, expression_statement; 184, 185; 185, assignment; 185, 186; 185, 189; 186, subscript; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, identifier:kwargs; 188, identifier:attr; 189, dictionary_comprehension; 189, 190; 189, 197; 190, pair; 190, 191; 190, 196; 191, call; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:getattr; 193, argument_list; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:obj; 195, identifier:mapping_col; 196, identifier:obj; 197, for_in_clause; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:obj; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:rel_cls; 202, identifier:update_or_new_all; 203, argument_list; 203, 204; 203, 207; 204, keyword_argument; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:list_of_kwargs; 206, identifier:list_of_kwargs; 207, keyword_argument; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:keys; 209, list:[rel_cls.primary_key_name()]; 209, 210; 210, call; 210, 211; 210, 214; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:rel_cls; 213, identifier:primary_key_name; 214, argument_list; 215, elif_clause; 215, 216; 215, 221; 216, call; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:isinstance; 218, argument_list; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:val; 220, identifier:dict; 221, block; 221, 222; 221, 231; 222, expression_statement; 222, 223; 223, assignment; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:rel_cls; 225, call; 225, 226; 225, 229; 226, attribute; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:cls; 228, identifier:mapped_rel_class; 229, argument_list; 229, 230; 230, identifier:attr; 231, expression_statement; 231, 232; 232, assignment; 232, 233; 232, 236; 233, subscript; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:kwargs; 235, identifier:attr; 236, call; 236, 237; 236, 240; 237, attribute; 237, 238; 237, 239; 238, identifier:rel_cls; 239, identifier:update_or_new; 240, argument_list; 240, 241; 241, dictionary_splat; 241, 242; 242, call; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:merge; 244, argument_list; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:val; 246, dictionary; 246, 247; 247, pair; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, string:'keys'; 249, list:[rel_cls.primary_key_name()]; 249, 250; 250, call; 250, 251; 250, 254; 251, attribute; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:rel_cls; 253, identifier:primary_key_name; 254, argument_list; 255, return_statement; 255, 256; 256, identifier:kwargs
def _preprocess_params(cls, kwargs): """Returns a preprocessed dictionary of parameters. Use this to filter the kwargs passed to `new`, `create`, `build` methods. Args: **kwargs: a dictionary of parameters """ # kwargs.pop('csrf_token', None) for attr, val in kwargs.items(): if cls.is_the_primary_key(attr) and cls._prevent_primary_key_initialization_: del kwargs[attr] continue if val == "": # Making an assumption that there is no good usecase # for setting an empty string. This will help prevent # cases where empty string is sent because of client # not clearing form fields to null kwargs[attr] = None continue if attr in class_mapper(cls).relationships and attr not in cls._no_overwrite_: rel = class_mapper(cls).relationships[attr] if rel.uselist: if isinstance(val, list): if all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in val): rel_cls = cls.mapped_rel_class(attr) kwargs[attr] = rel_cls.update_or_new_all( list_of_kwargs=val, keys=[rel_cls.primary_key_name()]) elif isinstance(val, dict): rel_cls = cls.mapped_rel_class(attr) mapping_col = rel.collection_class() list_of_kwargs = [merge(v, {mapping_col: k}) for k, v in val.items()] kwargs[attr] = {getattr(obj, mapping_col): obj for obj in rel_cls.update_or_new_all( list_of_kwargs=list_of_kwargs, keys=[rel_cls.primary_key_name()])} elif isinstance(val, dict): rel_cls = cls.mapped_rel_class(attr) kwargs[attr] = rel_cls.update_or_new( **merge(val, {'keys': [rel_cls.primary_key_name()]})) return kwargs
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:add_all; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 4, identifier:cls; 5, identifier:models; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:commit; 8, True; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:check_type; 11, False; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 12, 39; 12, 72; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, if_statement; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:check_type; 17, block; 17, 18; 18, for_statement; 18, 19; 18, 20; 18, 21; 19, identifier:model; 20, identifier:models; 21, block; 21, 22; 22, if_statement; 22, 23; 22, 29; 23, not_operator; 23, 24; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:isinstance; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:model; 28, identifier:cls; 29, block; 29, 30; 30, raise_statement; 30, 31; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:ValueError; 33, argument_list; 33, 34; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, string:'%s is not of type %s'; 36, argument_list; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:model; 38, identifier:cls; 39, if_statement; 39, 40; 39, 43; 39, 61; 40, comparison_operator:in; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, None; 42, identifier:models; 43, block; 43, 44; 44, expression_statement; 44, 45; 45, call; 45, 46; 45, 51; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:cls; 49, identifier:session; 50, identifier:add_all; 51, argument_list; 51, 52; 52, list_comprehension; 52, 53; 52, 54; 52, 57; 53, identifier:m; 54, for_in_clause; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:m; 56, identifier:models; 57, if_clause; 57, 58; 58, comparison_operator:is; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:m; 60, None; 61, else_clause; 61, 62; 62, block; 62, 63; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 70; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 69; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:cls; 68, identifier:session; 69, identifier:add_all; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 71, identifier:models; 72, try_statement; 72, 73; 72, 87; 73, block; 73, 74; 73, 85; 74, if_statement; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:commit; 76, block; 76, 77; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 84; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 83; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:cls; 82, identifier:session; 83, identifier:commit; 84, argument_list; 85, return_statement; 85, 86; 86, identifier:models; 87, except_clause; 87, 88; 88, block; 88, 89; 88, 97; 89, expression_statement; 89, 90; 90, call; 90, 91; 90, 96; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 95; 92, attribute; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:cls; 94, identifier:session; 95, identifier:rollback; 96, argument_list; 97, raise_statement
def add_all(cls, models, commit=True, check_type=False): """Batch method for adding a list of model instances to the db in one get_or_404. Args: models (list): A list of the instances to add. commit (bool, optional): Defaults to True. If False, the transaction won't get committed. check_type (bool, optional) : If True, each instance is type checked and exception is thrown if it is not an instance of the model. By default, False. Returns: list: A list of `Model` instances """ if check_type: for model in models: if not isinstance(model, cls): raise ValueError('%s is not of type %s' (model, cls)) if None in models: cls.session.add_all([m for m in models if m is not None]) else: cls.session.add_all(models) try: if commit: cls.session.commit() return models except: cls.session.rollback() raise
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:peakdelta; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:v; 5, identifier:delta; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:x; 8, None; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 16; 9, 20; 9, 35; 9, 42; 9, 60; 9, 74; 9, 86; 9, 95; 9, 103; 9, 107; 9, 218; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:maxtab; 15, list:[]; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, assignment; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:mintab; 19, list:[]; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, comparison_operator:is; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:x; 23, None; 24, block; 24, 25; 25, expression_statement; 25, 26; 26, assignment; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:x; 28, call; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:arange; 30, argument_list; 30, 31; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:len; 33, argument_list; 33, 34; 34, identifier:v; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:v; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:asarray; 40, argument_list; 40, 41; 41, identifier:v; 42, if_statement; 42, 43; 42, 52; 43, comparison_operator:!=; 43, 44; 43, 48; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:len; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 47, identifier:v; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:len; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, identifier:x; 52, block; 52, 53; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 58; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:sys; 57, identifier:exit; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 59, string:'Input vectors v and x must have same length'; 60, if_statement; 60, 61; 60, 66; 61, not_operator; 61, 62; 62, call; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:isscalar; 64, argument_list; 64, 65; 65, identifier:delta; 66, block; 66, 67; 67, expression_statement; 67, 68; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 72; 69, attribute; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:sys; 71, identifier:exit; 72, argument_list; 72, 73; 73, string:'Input argument delta must be a scalar'; 74, if_statement; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, comparison_operator:<=; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:delta; 77, integer:0; 78, block; 78, 79; 79, expression_statement; 79, 80; 80, call; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:sys; 83, identifier:exit; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, string:'Input argument delta must be positive'; 86, expression_statement; 86, 87; 87, assignment; 87, 88; 87, 91; 88, pattern_list; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:mn; 90, identifier:mx; 91, expression_list; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:Inf; 93, unary_operator:-; 93, 94; 94, identifier:Inf; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 100; 97, pattern_list; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:mnpos; 99, identifier:mxpos; 100, expression_list; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:NaN; 102, identifier:NaN; 103, expression_statement; 103, 104; 104, assignment; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:lookformax; 106, True; 107, for_statement; 107, 108; 107, 109; 107, 116; 108, identifier:i; 109, call; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:arange; 111, argument_list; 111, 112; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:len; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 115, identifier:v; 116, block; 116, 117; 116, 123; 116, 138; 116, 153; 117, expression_statement; 117, 118; 118, assignment; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:this; 120, subscript; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:v; 122, identifier:i; 123, if_statement; 123, 124; 123, 127; 124, comparison_operator:>; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:this; 126, identifier:mx; 127, block; 127, 128; 127, 132; 128, expression_statement; 128, 129; 129, assignment; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:mx; 131, identifier:this; 132, expression_statement; 132, 133; 133, assignment; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:mxpos; 135, subscript; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:x; 137, identifier:i; 138, if_statement; 138, 139; 138, 142; 139, comparison_operator:<; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:this; 141, identifier:mn; 142, block; 142, 143; 142, 147; 143, expression_statement; 143, 144; 144, assignment; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:mn; 146, identifier:this; 147, expression_statement; 147, 148; 148, assignment; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:mnpos; 150, subscript; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:x; 152, identifier:i; 153, if_statement; 153, 154; 153, 155; 153, 186; 154, identifier:lookformax; 155, block; 155, 156; 156, if_statement; 156, 157; 156, 162; 157, comparison_operator:<; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:this; 159, binary_operator:-; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:mx; 161, identifier:delta; 162, block; 162, 163; 162, 172; 162, 176; 162, 182; 163, expression_statement; 163, 164; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 168; 165, attribute; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:maxtab; 167, identifier:append; 168, argument_list; 168, 169; 169, tuple; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:mxpos; 171, identifier:mx; 172, expression_statement; 172, 173; 173, assignment; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:mn; 175, identifier:this; 176, expression_statement; 176, 177; 177, assignment; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:mnpos; 179, subscript; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:x; 181, identifier:i; 182, expression_statement; 182, 183; 183, assignment; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:lookformax; 185, False; 186, else_clause; 186, 187; 187, block; 187, 188; 188, if_statement; 188, 189; 188, 194; 189, comparison_operator:>; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:this; 191, binary_operator:+; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:mn; 193, identifier:delta; 194, block; 194, 195; 194, 204; 194, 208; 194, 214; 195, expression_statement; 195, 196; 196, call; 196, 197; 196, 200; 197, attribute; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:mintab; 199, identifier:append; 200, argument_list; 200, 201; 201, tuple; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:mnpos; 203, identifier:mn; 204, expression_statement; 204, 205; 205, assignment; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:mx; 207, identifier:this; 208, expression_statement; 208, 209; 209, assignment; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:mxpos; 211, subscript; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:x; 213, identifier:i; 214, expression_statement; 214, 215; 215, assignment; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:lookformax; 217, True; 218, return_statement; 218, 219; 219, expression_list; 219, 220; 219, 224; 220, call; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:array; 222, argument_list; 222, 223; 223, identifier:maxtab; 224, call; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:array; 226, argument_list; 226, 227; 227, identifier:mintab
def peakdelta(v, delta, x=None): """ Returns two arrays function [maxtab, mintab]=peakdelta(v, delta, x) %PEAKDET Detect peaks in a vector % [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = peakdelta(V, DELTA) finds the local % maxima and minima ("peaks") in the vector V. % MAXTAB and MINTAB consists of two columns. Column 1 % contains indices in V, and column 2 the found values. % % With [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = peakdelta(V, DELTA, X) the indices % in MAXTAB and MINTAB are replaced with the corresponding % X-values. % % A point is considered a maximum peak if it has the maximal % value, and was preceded (to the left) by a value lower by % DELTA. % Eli Billauer, 3.4.05 (Explicitly not copyrighted). % This function is released to the public domain; Any use is allowed. """ maxtab = [] mintab = [] if x is None: x = arange(len(v)) v = asarray(v) if len(v) != len(x): sys.exit('Input vectors v and x must have same length') if not isscalar(delta): sys.exit('Input argument delta must be a scalar') if delta <= 0: sys.exit('Input argument delta must be positive') mn, mx = Inf, -Inf mnpos, mxpos = NaN, NaN lookformax = True for i in arange(len(v)): this = v[i] if this > mx: mx = this mxpos = x[i] if this < mn: mn = this mnpos = x[i] if lookformax: if this < mx - delta: maxtab.append((mxpos, mx)) mn = this mnpos = x[i] lookformax = False else: if this > mn + delta: mintab.append((mnpos, mn)) mx = this mxpos = x[i] lookformax = True return array(maxtab), array(mintab)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:parse_datetime; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:value; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 5, 16; 5, 74; 5, 87; 5, 96; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, if_statement; 8, 9; 8, 12; 8, 13; 9, comparison_operator:is; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:value; 11, None; 12, comment; 13, block; 13, 14; 14, return_statement; 14, 15; 15, None; 16, function_definition; 16, 17; 16, 18; 16, 20; 17, function_name:_get_fixed_timezone; 18, parameters; 18, 19; 19, identifier:offset; 20, block; 20, 21; 20, 23; 20, 38; 20, 47; 20, 60; 20, 66; 21, expression_statement; 21, 22; 22, comment; 23, if_statement; 23, 24; 23, 29; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:isinstance; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:offset; 28, identifier:timedelta; 29, block; 29, 30; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, assignment; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:offset; 33, binary_operator://; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, attribute; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:offset; 36, identifier:seconds; 37, integer:60; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:sign; 41, conditional_expression:if; 41, 42; 41, 43; 41, 46; 42, string:'-'; 43, comparison_operator:<; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:offset; 45, integer:0; 46, string:'+'; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, assignment; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:hhmm; 50, binary_operator:%; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, string:'%02d%02d'; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:divmod; 54, argument_list; 54, 55; 54, 59; 55, call; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:abs; 57, argument_list; 57, 58; 58, identifier:offset; 59, integer:60; 60, expression_statement; 60, 61; 61, assignment; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:name; 63, binary_operator:+; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:sign; 65, identifier:hhmm; 66, return_statement; 66, 67; 67, call; 67, 68; 67, 71; 68, attribute; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:pytz; 70, identifier:FixedOffset; 71, argument_list; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:offset; 73, identifier:name; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, assignment; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:DATETIME_RE; 77, call; 77, 78; 77, 81; 78, attribute; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:re; 80, identifier:compile; 81, argument_list; 81, 82; 82, concatenated_string; 82, 83; 82, 84; 82, 85; 82, 86; 83, string:r'(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d{1,2})-(?P<day>\d{1,2})'; 84, string:r'[T ](?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{1,2})'; 85, string:r'(?::(?P<second>\d{1,2})(?:\.(?P<microsecond>\d{1,6})\d{0,6})?)?'; 86, string:r'(?P<tzinfo>Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?)?$'; 87, expression_statement; 87, 88; 88, assignment; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:match; 90, call; 90, 91; 90, 94; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:DATETIME_RE; 93, identifier:match; 94, argument_list; 94, 95; 95, identifier:value; 96, if_statement; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:match; 98, block; 98, 99; 98, 107; 98, 126; 98, 135; 98, 206; 98, 230; 98, 236; 99, expression_statement; 99, 100; 100, assignment; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:kw; 102, call; 102, 103; 102, 106; 103, attribute; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:match; 105, identifier:groupdict; 106, argument_list; 107, if_statement; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, subscript; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:kw; 110, string:'microsecond'; 111, block; 111, 112; 112, expression_statement; 112, 113; 113, assignment; 113, 114; 113, 117; 114, subscript; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:kw; 116, string:'microsecond'; 117, call; 117, 118; 117, 123; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 122; 119, subscript; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:kw; 121, string:'microsecond'; 122, identifier:ljust; 123, argument_list; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, integer:6; 125, string:'0'; 126, expression_statement; 126, 127; 127, assignment; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:tzinfo; 129, call; 129, 130; 129, 133; 130, attribute; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:kw; 132, identifier:pop; 133, argument_list; 133, 134; 134, string:'tzinfo'; 135, if_statement; 135, 136; 135, 139; 135, 146; 136, comparison_operator:==; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:tzinfo; 138, string:'Z'; 139, block; 139, 140; 140, expression_statement; 140, 141; 141, assignment; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:tzinfo; 143, attribute; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:pytz; 145, identifier:UTC; 146, elif_clause; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, comparison_operator:is; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:tzinfo; 149, None; 150, block; 150, 151; 150, 171; 150, 187; 150, 199; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:offset_mins; 154, conditional_expression:if; 154, 155; 154, 164; 154, 170; 155, call; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:int; 157, argument_list; 157, 158; 158, subscript; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:tzinfo; 160, slice; 160, 161; 160, 163; 161, unary_operator:-; 161, 162; 162, integer:2; 163, colon; 164, comparison_operator:>; 164, 165; 164, 169; 165, call; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:len; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 168, identifier:tzinfo; 169, integer:3; 170, integer:0; 171, expression_statement; 171, 172; 172, assignment; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:offset; 174, binary_operator:+; 174, 175; 174, 186; 175, binary_operator:*; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, integer:60; 177, call; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:int; 179, argument_list; 179, 180; 180, subscript; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:tzinfo; 182, slice; 182, 183; 182, 184; 182, 185; 183, integer:1; 184, colon; 185, integer:3; 186, identifier:offset_mins; 187, if_statement; 187, 188; 187, 193; 188, comparison_operator:==; 188, 189; 188, 192; 189, subscript; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:tzinfo; 191, integer:0; 192, string:'-'; 193, block; 193, 194; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:offset; 197, unary_operator:-; 197, 198; 198, identifier:offset; 199, expression_statement; 199, 200; 200, assignment; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:tzinfo; 202, call; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:_get_fixed_timezone; 204, argument_list; 204, 205; 205, identifier:offset; 206, expression_statement; 206, 207; 207, assignment; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:kw; 209, dictionary_comprehension; 209, 210; 209, 216; 209, 226; 210, pair; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:k; 212, call; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:int; 214, argument_list; 214, 215; 215, identifier:v; 216, for_in_clause; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, pattern_list; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:k; 219, identifier:v; 220, call; 220, 221; 220, 224; 221, attribute; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:six; 223, identifier:iteritems; 224, argument_list; 224, 225; 225, identifier:kw; 226, if_clause; 226, 227; 227, comparison_operator:is; 227, 228; 227, 229; 228, identifier:v; 229, None; 230, expression_statement; 230, 231; 231, assignment; 231, 232; 231, 235; 232, subscript; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:kw; 234, string:'tzinfo'; 235, identifier:tzinfo; 236, return_statement; 236, 237; 237, call; 237, 238; 237, 239; 238, identifier:datetime; 239, argument_list; 239, 240; 240, dictionary_splat; 240, 241; 241, identifier:kw
def parse_datetime(value): """ Convert datetime string to datetime object. Helper function to convert a datetime string found in json responses to a datetime object with timezone information. The server is storing all datetime strings as UTC (ZULU time). This function supports time zone offsets. When the input contains one, the output uses a timezone with a fixed offset from UTC. Inspired on the Django project. From `django.utils.dateparse.parse_datetime`. The code is copyrighted and licences with an MIT license in the following fashion:: Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors. All rights reserved. ..versionadded 2.5: :param value: datetime string :type value: str or None :return: datetime of the value is well formatted. Otherwise (including if value is None) returns None :rtype: datetime or None :raises ValueError: if the value is well formatted but not a valid datetime """ if value is None: # do not process the value return None def _get_fixed_timezone(offset): """Return a tzinfo instance with a fixed offset from UTC.""" if isinstance(offset, timedelta): offset = offset.seconds // 60 sign = '-' if offset < 0 else '+' hhmm = '%02d%02d' % divmod(abs(offset), 60) name = sign + hhmm return pytz.FixedOffset(offset, name) DATETIME_RE = re.compile( r'(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d{1,2})-(?P<day>\d{1,2})' r'[T ](?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{1,2})' r'(?::(?P<second>\d{1,2})(?:\.(?P<microsecond>\d{1,6})\d{0,6})?)?' r'(?P<tzinfo>Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?)?$' ) match = DATETIME_RE.match(value) if match: kw = match.groupdict() if kw['microsecond']: kw['microsecond'] = kw['microsecond'].ljust(6, '0') tzinfo = kw.pop('tzinfo') if tzinfo == 'Z': tzinfo = pytz.UTC elif tzinfo is not None: offset_mins = int(tzinfo[-2:]) if len(tzinfo) > 3 else 0 offset = 60 * int(tzinfo[1:3]) + offset_mins if tzinfo[0] == '-': offset = -offset tzinfo = _get_fixed_timezone(offset) kw = {k: int(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kw) if v is not None} kw['tzinfo'] = tzinfo return datetime(**kw)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 18; 2, function_name:add_property_grid_widget; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 3, 15; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:part_instance; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:max_height; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:custom_title; 11, False; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:show_headers; 14, True; 15, default_parameter; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:show_columns; 17, None; 18, block; 18, 19; 18, 21; 18, 25; 18, 26; 18, 85; 18, 95; 18, 96; 18, 106; 18, 112; 18, 135; 18, 136; 18, 179; 18, 180; 18, 189; 18, 232; 18, 238; 18, 244; 18, 245; 18, 286; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, comment; 21, expression_statement; 21, 22; 22, assignment; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:height; 24, identifier:max_height; 25, comment; 26, if_statement; 26, 27; 26, 32; 26, 39; 26, 68; 27, call; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:isinstance; 29, argument_list; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:part_instance; 31, identifier:Part; 32, block; 32, 33; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, assignment; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:part_instance_id; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:part_instance; 38, identifier:id; 39, elif_clause; 39, 40; 39, 50; 40, boolean_operator:and; 40, 41; 40, 46; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:isinstance; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:part_instance; 45, identifier:text_type; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:is_uuid; 48, argument_list; 48, 49; 49, identifier:part_instance; 50, block; 50, 51; 50, 55; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:part_instance_id; 54, identifier:part_instance; 55, expression_statement; 55, 56; 56, assignment; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:part_instance; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 64; 59, attribute; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:self; 62, identifier:_client; 63, identifier:part; 64, argument_list; 64, 65; 65, keyword_argument; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:id; 67, identifier:part_instance_id; 68, else_clause; 68, 69; 69, block; 69, 70; 70, raise_statement; 70, 71; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 73, argument_list; 73, 74; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 80; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 79; 76, concatenated_string; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, string:"When using the add_property_grid_widget, part_instance must be a "; 78, string:"Part or Part id. Type is: {}"; 79, identifier:format; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:type; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 84, identifier:part_instance; 85, if_statement; 85, 86; 85, 88; 86, not_operator; 86, 87; 87, identifier:show_columns; 88, block; 88, 89; 89, expression_statement; 89, 90; 90, assignment; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:show_columns; 92, call; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:list; 94, argument_list; 95, comment; 96, expression_statement; 96, 97; 97, assignment; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:possible_columns; 99, list:[ShowColumnTypes.DESCRIPTION, ShowColumnTypes.UNIT]; 99, 100; 99, 103; 100, attribute; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:ShowColumnTypes; 102, identifier:DESCRIPTION; 103, attribute; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:ShowColumnTypes; 105, identifier:UNIT; 106, expression_statement; 106, 107; 107, assignment; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:display_columns; 109, call; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:dict; 111, argument_list; 112, for_statement; 112, 113; 112, 114; 112, 115; 113, identifier:possible_column; 114, identifier:possible_columns; 115, block; 115, 116; 116, if_statement; 116, 117; 116, 120; 116, 127; 117, comparison_operator:in; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:possible_column; 119, identifier:show_columns; 120, block; 120, 121; 121, expression_statement; 121, 122; 122, assignment; 122, 123; 122, 126; 123, subscript; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:display_columns; 125, identifier:possible_column; 126, True; 127, else_clause; 127, 128; 128, block; 128, 129; 129, expression_statement; 129, 130; 130, assignment; 130, 131; 130, 134; 131, subscript; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:display_columns; 133, identifier:possible_column; 134, False; 135, comment; 136, expression_statement; 136, 137; 137, assignment; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:config; 139, dictionary; 139, 140; 139, 145; 139, 150; 139, 166; 139, 170; 140, pair; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, string:"xtype"; 142, attribute; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:ComponentXType; 144, identifier:PROPERTYGRID; 145, pair; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, string:"category"; 147, attribute; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:Category; 149, identifier:INSTANCE; 150, pair; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, string:"filter"; 152, dictionary; 152, 153; 152, 163; 153, pair; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, string:"activity_id"; 155, call; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:str; 157, argument_list; 157, 158; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 162; 159, attribute; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:self; 161, identifier:activity; 162, identifier:id; 163, pair; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, string:"part"; 165, identifier:part_instance_id; 166, pair; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, string:"hideHeaders"; 168, not_operator; 168, 169; 169, identifier:show_headers; 170, pair; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, string:"viewModel"; 172, dictionary; 172, 173; 173, pair; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, string:"data"; 175, dictionary; 175, 176; 176, pair; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, string:"displayColumns"; 178, identifier:display_columns; 179, comment; 180, if_statement; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:height; 182, block; 182, 183; 183, expression_statement; 183, 184; 184, assignment; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, subscript; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:config; 187, string:'height'; 188, identifier:height; 189, if_statement; 189, 190; 189, 193; 189, 204; 189, 219; 190, comparison_operator:is; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:custom_title; 192, False; 193, block; 193, 194; 193, 198; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:show_title_value; 197, string:"Default"; 198, expression_statement; 198, 199; 199, assignment; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:title; 201, attribute; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:part_instance; 203, identifier:name; 204, elif_clause; 204, 205; 204, 208; 205, comparison_operator:is; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:custom_title; 207, None; 208, block; 208, 209; 208, 213; 209, expression_statement; 209, 210; 210, assignment; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:show_title_value; 212, string:"No title"; 213, expression_statement; 213, 214; 214, assignment; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:title; 216, call; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:str; 218, argument_list; 219, else_clause; 219, 220; 220, block; 220, 221; 220, 225; 221, expression_statement; 221, 222; 222, assignment; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, identifier:show_title_value; 224, string:"Custom title"; 225, expression_statement; 225, 226; 226, assignment; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:title; 228, call; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:str; 230, argument_list; 230, 231; 231, identifier:custom_title; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, assignment; 233, 234; 233, 237; 234, subscript; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:config; 236, string:"title"; 237, identifier:title; 238, expression_statement; 238, 239; 239, assignment; 239, 240; 239, 243; 240, subscript; 240, 241; 240, 242; 241, identifier:config; 242, string:"showTitleValue"; 243, identifier:show_title_value; 244, comment; 245, expression_statement; 245, 246; 246, assignment; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, identifier:meta; 248, dictionary; 248, 249; 248, 259; 248, 265; 248, 268; 248, 271; 248, 274; 248, 277; 248, 283; 249, pair; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, string:"activityId"; 251, call; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:str; 253, argument_list; 253, 254; 254, attribute; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, attribute; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:self; 257, identifier:activity; 258, identifier:id; 259, pair; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, string:"customHeight"; 261, conditional_expression:if; 261, 262; 261, 263; 261, 264; 262, identifier:height; 263, identifier:height; 264, None; 265, pair; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, string:"customTitle"; 267, identifier:title; 268, pair; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, string:"partInstanceId"; 270, identifier:part_instance_id; 271, pair; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, string:"showColumns"; 273, identifier:show_columns; 274, pair; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, string:"showHeaders"; 276, identifier:show_headers; 277, pair; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, string:"showHeightValue"; 279, conditional_expression:if; 279, 280; 279, 281; 279, 282; 280, string:"Set height"; 281, identifier:height; 282, string:"Automatic height"; 283, pair; 283, 284; 283, 285; 284, string:"showTitleValue"; 285, identifier:show_title_value; 286, expression_statement; 286, 287; 287, call; 287, 288; 287, 291; 288, attribute; 288, 289; 288, 290; 289, identifier:self; 290, identifier:_add_widget; 291, argument_list; 291, 292; 292, call; 292, 293; 292, 294; 293, identifier:dict; 294, argument_list; 294, 295; 294, 298; 294, 301; 295, keyword_argument; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:config; 297, identifier:config; 298, keyword_argument; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:meta; 300, identifier:meta; 301, keyword_argument; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:name; 303, attribute; 303, 304; 303, 305; 304, identifier:WidgetNames; 305, identifier:PROPERTYGRIDWIDGET
def add_property_grid_widget(self, part_instance, max_height=None, custom_title=False, show_headers=True, show_columns=None): """ Add a KE-chain Property Grid widget to the customization. The widget will be saved to KE-chain. :param part_instance: The part instance on which the property grid will be based :type part_instance: :class:`Part` or UUID :param max_height: The max height of the property grid in pixels :type max_height: int or None :param custom_title: A custom title for the property grid:: * False (default): Part instance name * String value: Custom title * None: No title :type custom_title: bool or basestring or None :param show_headers: Show or hide the headers in the grid (default True) :type show_headers: bool :param show_columns: Columns to be hidden or shown (default to 'unit' and 'description') :type show_columns: list :raises IllegalArgumentError: When unknown or illegal arguments are passed. """ height = max_height # Check whether the parent_part_instance is uuid type or class `Part` if isinstance(part_instance, Part): part_instance_id = elif isinstance(part_instance, text_type) and is_uuid(part_instance): part_instance_id = part_instance part_instance = self._client.part(id=part_instance_id) else: raise IllegalArgumentError("When using the add_property_grid_widget, part_instance must be a " "Part or Part id. Type is: {}".format(type(part_instance))) if not show_columns: show_columns = list() # Set the display_columns for the config possible_columns = [ShowColumnTypes.DESCRIPTION, ShowColumnTypes.UNIT] display_columns = dict() for possible_column in possible_columns: if possible_column in show_columns: display_columns[possible_column] = True else: display_columns[possible_column] = False # Declare property grid config config = { "xtype": ComponentXType.PROPERTYGRID, "category": Category.INSTANCE, "filter": { "activity_id": str(, "part": part_instance_id }, "hideHeaders": not show_headers, "viewModel": { "data": { "displayColumns": display_columns } }, } # Add max height and custom title if height: config['height'] = height if custom_title is False: show_title_value = "Default" title = elif custom_title is None: show_title_value = "No title" title = str() else: show_title_value = "Custom title" title = str(custom_title) config["title"] = title config["showTitleValue"] = show_title_value # Declare the meta info for the property grid meta = { "activityId": str(, "customHeight": height if height else None, "customTitle": title, "partInstanceId": part_instance_id, "showColumns": show_columns, "showHeaders": show_headers, "showHeightValue": "Set height" if height else "Automatic height", "showTitleValue": show_title_value } self._add_widget(dict(config=config, meta=meta, name=WidgetNames.PROPERTYGRIDWIDGET))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:_generate_data_for_format; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:fmt; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 5, 9; 5, 13; 5, 14; 5, 15; 5, 16; 5, 20; 5, 230; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:data; 12, dictionary; 13, comment; 14, comment; 15, comment; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, assignment; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:free_size_start; 19, False; 20, for_statement; 20, 21; 20, 26; 20, 32; 21, pattern_list; 21, 22; 21, 23; 21, 24; 21, 25; 22, identifier:literal_text; 23, identifier:field_name; 24, identifier:format_spec; 25, identifier:conversion; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 30; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:formatter; 29, identifier:parse; 30, argument_list; 30, 31; 31, identifier:fmt; 32, block; 32, 33; 32, 40; 32, 49; 32, 50; 32, 51; 32, 74; 32, 75; 33, if_statement; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:literal_text; 35, block; 35, 36; 36, expression_statement; 36, 37; 37, assignment; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:free_size_start; 39, False; 40, if_statement; 40, 41; 40, 43; 41, not_operator; 41, 42; 42, identifier:field_name; 43, block; 43, 44; 43, 48; 44, expression_statement; 44, 45; 45, assignment; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:free_size_start; 47, False; 48, continue_statement; 49, comment; 50, comment; 51, if_statement; 51, 52; 51, 62; 52, boolean_operator:or; 52, 53; 52, 59; 53, boolean_operator:or; 53, 54; 53, 56; 54, not_operator; 54, 55; 55, identifier:format_spec; 56, comparison_operator:==; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:format_spec; 58, string:"s"; 59, comparison_operator:==; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:format_spec; 61, string:"d"; 62, block; 62, 63; 63, if_statement; 63, 64; 63, 65; 63, 68; 64, identifier:free_size_start; 65, block; 65, 66; 66, return_statement; 66, 67; 67, None; 68, else_clause; 68, 69; 69, block; 69, 70; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:free_size_start; 73, True; 74, comment; 75, if_statement; 75, 76; 75, 81; 75, 82; 75, 125; 75, 170; 76, boolean_operator:and; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:format_spec; 78, comparison_operator:in; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, string:'%'; 80, identifier:format_spec; 81, comment; 82, block; 82, 83; 82, 93; 82, 94; 82, 119; 83, expression_statement; 83, 84; 84, assignment; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:t; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 92; 87, attribute; 87, 88; 87, 91; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:dt; 90, identifier:datetime; 91, identifier:now; 92, argument_list; 93, comment; 94, expression_statement; 94, 95; 95, assignment; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:t; 97, subscript; 97, 98; 97, 118; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:parse; 100, argument_list; 100, 101; 100, 106; 101, binary_operator:+; 101, 102; 101, 105; 102, binary_operator:+; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, string:"{t:"; 104, identifier:format_spec; 105, string:"}"; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:compose; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 108, 114; 109, binary_operator:+; 109, 110; 109, 113; 110, binary_operator:+; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, string:"{t:"; 112, identifier:format_spec; 113, string:"}"; 114, dictionary; 114, 115; 115, pair; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, string:'t'; 117, identifier:t; 118, string:'t'; 119, expression_statement; 119, 120; 120, assignment; 120, 121; 120, 124; 121, subscript; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:data; 123, identifier:field_name; 124, identifier:t; 125, elif_clause; 125, 126; 125, 131; 125, 132; 126, boolean_operator:and; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:format_spec; 128, comparison_operator:in; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, string:'d'; 130, identifier:format_spec; 131, comment; 132, block; 132, 133; 132, 153; 133, if_statement; 133, 134; 133, 140; 133, 148; 134, not_operator; 134, 135; 135, call; 135, 136; 135, 139; 136, attribute; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:format_spec; 138, identifier:isalpha; 139, argument_list; 140, block; 140, 141; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, assignment; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:n; 144, call; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:_get_number_from_fmt; 146, argument_list; 146, 147; 147, identifier:format_spec; 148, else_clause; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, comment; 150, block; 150, 151; 151, return_statement; 151, 152; 152, None; 153, expression_statement; 153, 154; 154, assignment; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, subscript; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:data; 157, identifier:field_name; 158, binary_operator:%; 158, 159; 158, 166; 159, call; 159, 160; 159, 163; 160, attribute; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:random; 162, identifier:randint; 163, argument_list; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, integer:0; 165, integer:99999999999999999; 166, parenthesized_expression; 166, 167; 167, binary_operator:**; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, integer:10; 169, identifier:n; 170, else_clause; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, comment; 172, block; 172, 173; 172, 202; 172, 206; 172, 224; 173, if_statement; 173, 174; 173, 177; 173, 182; 173, 196; 174, comparison_operator:is; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:format_spec; 176, None; 177, block; 177, 178; 178, expression_statement; 178, 179; 179, assignment; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:n; 181, integer:4; 182, elif_clause; 182, 183; 182, 188; 183, call; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:format_spec; 186, identifier:isalnum; 187, argument_list; 188, block; 188, 189; 189, expression_statement; 189, 190; 190, assignment; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:n; 192, call; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:_get_number_from_fmt; 194, argument_list; 194, 195; 195, identifier:format_spec; 196, else_clause; 196, 197; 197, block; 197, 198; 198, expression_statement; 198, 199; 199, assignment; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:n; 201, integer:4; 202, expression_statement; 202, 203; 203, assignment; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:randstri; 205, string:''; 206, for_statement; 206, 207; 206, 208; 206, 212; 207, identifier:x; 208, call; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:range; 210, argument_list; 210, 211; 211, identifier:n; 212, block; 212, 213; 213, expression_statement; 213, 214; 214, augmented_assignment:+=; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:randstri; 216, call; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:random; 219, identifier:choice; 220, argument_list; 220, 221; 221, attribute; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:string; 223, identifier:ascii_letters; 224, expression_statement; 224, 225; 225, assignment; 225, 226; 225, 229; 226, subscript; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:data; 228, identifier:field_name; 229, identifier:randstri; 230, return_statement; 230, 231; 231, identifier:data
def _generate_data_for_format(fmt): """Generate a fake data dictionary to fill in the provided format string.""" # finally try some data, create some random data for the fmt. data = {} # keep track of how many "free_size" (wildcard) parameters we have # if we get two in a row then we know the pattern is invalid, meaning # we'll never be able to match the second wildcard field free_size_start = False for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in formatter.parse(fmt): if literal_text: free_size_start = False if not field_name: free_size_start = False continue # encapsulating free size keys, # e.g. {:s}{:s} or {:s}{:4s}{:d} if not format_spec or format_spec == "s" or format_spec == "d": if free_size_start: return None else: free_size_start = True # make some data for this key and format if format_spec and '%' in format_spec: # some datetime t = # run once through format to limit precision t = parse( "{t:" + format_spec + "}", compose("{t:" + format_spec + "}", {'t': t}))['t'] data[field_name] = t elif format_spec and 'd' in format_spec: # random number (with n sign. figures) if not format_spec.isalpha(): n = _get_number_from_fmt(format_spec) else: # clearly bad return None data[field_name] = random.randint(0, 99999999999999999) % (10 ** n) else: # string type if format_spec is None: n = 4 elif format_spec.isalnum(): n = _get_number_from_fmt(format_spec) else: n = 4 randstri = '' for x in range(n): randstri += random.choice(string.ascii_letters) data[field_name] = randstri return data
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:relocate_model; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 4, identifier:part; 5, identifier:target_parent; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:name; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:include_children; 11, True; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 12, 48; 12, 49; 12, 64; 12, 65; 12, 73; 12, 89; 12, 104; 12, 105; 12, 119; 12, 120; 12, 126; 12, 142; 12, 368; 12, 369; 12, 404; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, if_statement; 15, 16; 15, 30; 16, comparison_operator:in; 16, 17; 16, 20; 17, attribute; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:target_parent; 19, identifier:id; 20, call; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:get_illegal_targets; 22, argument_list; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:part; 24, keyword_argument; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:include; 26, set; 26, 27; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:part; 29, identifier:id; 30, block; 30, 31; 31, raise_statement; 31, 32; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 41; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, concatenated_string; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, string:'cannot relocate part "{}" under target parent "{}", because the target is part of '; 39, string:'its descendants'; 40, identifier:format; 41, argument_list; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:part; 44, identifier:name; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:target_parent; 47, identifier:name; 48, comment; 49, if_statement; 49, 50; 49, 52; 50, not_operator; 50, 51; 51, identifier:name; 52, block; 52, 53; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, assignment; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:name; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, string:"CLONE - {}"; 59, identifier:format; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, attribute; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:part; 63, identifier:name; 64, comment; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:part_desc; 68, subscript; 68, 69; 68, 72; 69, attribute; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:part; 71, identifier:_json_data; 72, string:'description'; 73, expression_statement; 73, 74; 74, assignment; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:moved_part_model; 76, call; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:target_parent; 79, identifier:add_model; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, keyword_argument; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:name; 83, identifier:name; 84, keyword_argument; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:multiplicity; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:part; 88, identifier:multiplicity; 89, if_statement; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:part_desc; 91, block; 91, 92; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, call; 93, 94; 93, 97; 94, attribute; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:moved_part_model; 96, identifier:edit; 97, argument_list; 97, 98; 98, keyword_argument; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:description; 100, call; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:str; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 103, identifier:part_desc; 104, comment; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 112; 107, attribute; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, call; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:get_mapping_dictionary; 110, argument_list; 111, identifier:update; 112, argument_list; 112, 113; 113, dictionary; 113, 114; 114, pair; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, attribute; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:part; 117, identifier:id; 118, identifier:moved_part_model; 119, comment; 120, expression_statement; 120, 121; 121, assignment; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:list_of_properties_sorted_by_order; 123, attribute; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:part; 125, identifier:properties; 126, expression_statement; 126, 127; 127, call; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, attribute; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:list_of_properties_sorted_by_order; 130, identifier:sort; 131, argument_list; 131, 132; 132, keyword_argument; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:key; 134, lambda; 134, 135; 134, 137; 135, lambda_parameters; 135, 136; 136, identifier:x; 137, subscript; 137, 138; 137, 141; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:x; 140, identifier:_json_data; 141, string:'order'; 142, for_statement; 142, 143; 142, 144; 142, 145; 143, identifier:prop; 144, identifier:list_of_properties_sorted_by_order; 145, block; 145, 146; 145, 157; 145, 168; 145, 179; 145, 190; 145, 191; 145, 357; 145, 358; 146, expression_statement; 146, 147; 147, assignment; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:prop_type; 149, call; 149, 150; 149, 155; 150, attribute; 150, 151; 150, 154; 151, attribute; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:prop; 153, identifier:_json_data; 154, identifier:get; 155, argument_list; 155, 156; 156, string:'property_type'; 157, expression_statement; 157, 158; 158, assignment; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:desc; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 166; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 165; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:prop; 164, identifier:_json_data; 165, identifier:get; 166, argument_list; 166, 167; 167, string:'description'; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, assignment; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:unit; 171, call; 171, 172; 171, 177; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 176; 173, attribute; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:prop; 175, identifier:_json_data; 176, identifier:get; 177, argument_list; 177, 178; 178, string:'unit'; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, assignment; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:options; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 188; 183, attribute; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:prop; 186, identifier:_json_data; 187, identifier:get; 188, argument_list; 188, 189; 189, string:'options'; 190, comment; 191, if_statement; 191, 192; 191, 197; 191, 232; 191, 233; 191, 324; 191, 325; 192, comparison_operator:==; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:prop_type; 194, attribute; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:PropertyType; 196, identifier:REFERENCES_VALUE; 197, block; 197, 198; 197, 210; 198, expression_statement; 198, 199; 199, assignment; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:referenced_part_ids; 201, list_comprehension; 201, 202; 201, 205; 202, attribute; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:referenced_part; 204, identifier:id; 205, for_in_clause; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:referenced_part; 207, attribute; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:prop; 209, identifier:value; 210, expression_statement; 210, 211; 211, assignment; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:moved_prop; 213, call; 213, 214; 213, 217; 214, attribute; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:moved_part_model; 216, identifier:add_property; 217, argument_list; 217, 218; 217, 223; 217, 226; 217, 229; 218, keyword_argument; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:name; 220, attribute; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:prop; 222, identifier:name; 223, keyword_argument; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:description; 225, identifier:desc; 226, keyword_argument; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:property_type; 228, identifier:prop_type; 229, keyword_argument; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:default_value; 231, identifier:referenced_part_ids; 232, comment; 233, elif_clause; 233, 234; 233, 239; 234, comparison_operator:==; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:prop_type; 236, attribute; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:PropertyType; 238, identifier:ATTACHMENT_VALUE; 239, block; 239, 240; 239, 259; 240, expression_statement; 240, 241; 241, assignment; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:moved_prop; 243, call; 243, 244; 243, 247; 244, attribute; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:moved_part_model; 246, identifier:add_property; 247, argument_list; 247, 248; 247, 253; 247, 256; 248, keyword_argument; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, identifier:name; 250, attribute; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:prop; 252, identifier:name; 253, keyword_argument; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:description; 255, identifier:desc; 256, keyword_argument; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:property_type; 258, identifier:prop_type; 259, if_statement; 259, 260; 259, 263; 260, attribute; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:prop; 262, identifier:value; 263, block; 263, 264; 263, 280; 264, expression_statement; 264, 265; 265, assignment; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, identifier:attachment_name; 267, subscript; 267, 268; 267, 278; 268, call; 268, 269; 268, 276; 269, attribute; 269, 270; 269, 275; 270, subscript; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, attribute; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:prop; 273, identifier:_json_data; 274, string:'value'; 275, identifier:split; 276, argument_list; 276, 277; 277, string:'/'; 278, unary_operator:-; 278, 279; 279, integer:1; 280, with_statement; 280, 281; 280, 289; 281, with_clause; 281, 282; 282, with_item; 282, 283; 283, as_pattern; 283, 284; 283, 287; 284, call; 284, 285; 284, 286; 285, identifier:temp_chdir; 286, argument_list; 287, as_pattern_target; 287, 288; 288, identifier:target_dir; 289, block; 289, 290; 289, 308; 289, 317; 290, expression_statement; 290, 291; 291, assignment; 291, 292; 291, 293; 292, identifier:full_path; 293, call; 293, 294; 293, 299; 294, attribute; 294, 295; 294, 298; 295, attribute; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:os; 297, identifier:path; 298, identifier:join; 299, argument_list; 299, 300; 299, 307; 300, boolean_operator:or; 300, 301; 300, 302; 301, identifier:target_dir; 302, call; 302, 303; 302, 306; 303, attribute; 303, 304; 303, 305; 304, identifier:os; 305, identifier:getcwd; 306, argument_list; 307, identifier:attachment_name; 308, expression_statement; 308, 309; 309, call; 309, 310; 309, 313; 310, attribute; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, identifier:prop; 312, identifier:save_as; 313, argument_list; 313, 314; 314, keyword_argument; 314, 315; 314, 316; 315, identifier:filename; 316, identifier:full_path; 317, expression_statement; 317, 318; 318, call; 318, 319; 318, 322; 319, attribute; 319, 320; 319, 321; 320, identifier:moved_prop; 321, identifier:upload; 322, argument_list; 322, 323; 323, identifier:full_path; 324, comment; 325, else_clause; 325, 326; 326, block; 326, 327; 327, expression_statement; 327, 328; 328, assignment; 328, 329; 328, 330; 329, identifier:moved_prop; 330, call; 330, 331; 330, 334; 331, attribute; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:moved_part_model; 333, identifier:add_property; 334, argument_list; 334, 335; 334, 340; 334, 343; 334, 346; 334, 351; 334, 354; 335, keyword_argument; 335, 336; 335, 337; 336, identifier:name; 337, attribute; 337, 338; 337, 339; 338, identifier:prop; 339, identifier:name; 340, keyword_argument; 340, 341; 340, 342; 341, identifier:description; 342, identifier:desc; 343, keyword_argument; 343, 344; 343, 345; 344, identifier:property_type; 345, identifier:prop_type; 346, keyword_argument; 346, 347; 346, 348; 347, identifier:default_value; 348, attribute; 348, 349; 348, 350; 349, identifier:prop; 350, identifier:value; 351, keyword_argument; 351, 352; 351, 353; 352, identifier:unit; 353, identifier:unit; 354, keyword_argument; 354, 355; 354, 356; 355, identifier:options; 356, identifier:options; 357, comment; 358, expression_statement; 358, 359; 359, assignment; 359, 360; 359, 367; 360, subscript; 360, 361; 360, 364; 361, call; 361, 362; 361, 363; 362, identifier:get_mapping_dictionary; 363, argument_list; 364, attribute; 364, 365; 364, 366; 365, identifier:prop; 366, identifier:id; 367, identifier:moved_prop; 368, comment; 369, if_statement; 369, 370; 369, 371; 369, 372; 370, identifier:include_children; 371, comment; 372, block; 372, 373; 372, 379; 372, 380; 373, expression_statement; 373, 374; 374, call; 374, 375; 374, 378; 375, attribute; 375, 376; 375, 377; 376, identifier:part; 377, identifier:populate_descendants; 378, argument_list; 379, comment; 380, for_statement; 380, 381; 380, 382; 380, 385; 381, identifier:sub_part; 382, attribute; 382, 383; 382, 384; 383, identifier:part; 384, identifier:_cached_children; 385, block; 385, 386; 386, expression_statement; 386, 387; 387, call; 387, 388; 387, 389; 388, identifier:relocate_model; 389, argument_list; 389, 390; 389, 393; 389, 396; 389, 401; 390, keyword_argument; 390, 391; 390, 392; 391, identifier:part; 392, identifier:sub_part; 393, keyword_argument; 393, 394; 393, 395; 394, identifier:target_parent; 395, identifier:moved_part_model; 396, keyword_argument; 396, 397; 396, 398; 397, identifier:name; 398, attribute; 398, 399; 398, 400; 399, identifier:sub_part; 400, identifier:name; 401, keyword_argument; 401, 402; 401, 403; 402, identifier:include_children; 403, identifier:include_children; 404, return_statement; 404, 405; 405, identifier:moved_part_model
def relocate_model(part, target_parent, name=None, include_children=True): """ Move the `Part` model to target parent. .. versionadded:: 2.3 :param part: `Part` object to be moved :type part: :class:`Part` :param target_parent: `Part` object under which the desired `Part` is moved :type target_parent: :class:`Part` :param name: how the moved top-level `Part` should be called :type name: basestring :param include_children: True to move also the descendants of `Part`. If False, the children will be lost. :type include_children: bool :return: moved :class: Part model. :raises IllegalArgumentError: if target_parent is descendant of part """ if in get_illegal_targets(part, include={}): raise IllegalArgumentError('cannot relocate part "{}" under target parent "{}", because the target is part of ' 'its descendants'.format(, # First, if the user doesn't provide the name, then just use the default "Clone - ..." name if not name: name = "CLONE - {}".format( # The description cannot be added when creating a model, so edit the model after creation. part_desc = part._json_data['description'] moved_part_model = target_parent.add_model(name=name, multiplicity=part.multiplicity) if part_desc: moved_part_model.edit(description=str(part_desc)) # Map the current part model id with newly created part model Object get_mapping_dictionary().update({ moved_part_model}) # Loop through properties and retrieve their type, description and unit list_of_properties_sorted_by_order = list_of_properties_sorted_by_order.sort(key=lambda x: x._json_data['order']) for prop in list_of_properties_sorted_by_order: prop_type = prop._json_data.get('property_type') desc = prop._json_data.get('description') unit = prop._json_data.get('unit') options = prop._json_data.get('options') # On "Part references" properties, the models referenced also need to be added if prop_type == PropertyType.REFERENCES_VALUE: referenced_part_ids = [ for referenced_part in prop.value] moved_prop = moved_part_model.add_property(, description=desc, property_type=prop_type, default_value=referenced_part_ids) # On "Attachment" properties, attachments needs to be downloaded and re-uploaded to the new property. elif prop_type == PropertyType.ATTACHMENT_VALUE: moved_prop = moved_part_model.add_property(, description=desc, property_type=prop_type) if prop.value: attachment_name = prop._json_data['value'].split('/')[-1] with temp_chdir() as target_dir: full_path = os.path.join(target_dir or os.getcwd(), attachment_name) prop.save_as(filename=full_path) moved_prop.upload(full_path) # Other properties are quite straightforward else: moved_prop = moved_part_model.add_property(, description=desc, property_type=prop_type, default_value=prop.value, unit=unit, options=options) # Map the current property model id with newly created property model Object get_mapping_dictionary()[] = moved_prop # Now copy the sub-tree of the part if include_children: # Populate the part so multiple children retrieval is not needed part.populate_descendants() # For each part, recursively run this function for sub_part in part._cached_children: relocate_model(part=sub_part, target_parent=moved_part_model,, include_children=include_children) return moved_part_model
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:relocate_instance; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 4, identifier:part; 5, identifier:target_parent; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:name; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:include_children; 11, True; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 12, 16; 12, 31; 12, 32; 12, 40; 12, 48; 12, 49; 12, 67; 12, 68; 12, 69; 12, 78; 12, 79; 12, 100; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, comment; 16, if_statement; 16, 17; 16, 19; 17, not_operator; 17, 18; 18, identifier:name; 19, block; 19, 20; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, assignment; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:name; 23, call; 23, 24; 23, 27; 24, attribute; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, string:"CLONE - {}"; 26, identifier:format; 27, argument_list; 27, 28; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:part; 30, identifier:name; 31, comment; 32, expression_statement; 32, 33; 33, assignment; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:part_model; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 39; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:part; 38, identifier:model; 39, argument_list; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:target_parent_model; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:target_parent; 46, identifier:model; 47, argument_list; 48, comment; 49, expression_statement; 49, 50; 50, call; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:relocate_model; 52, argument_list; 52, 53; 52, 56; 52, 59; 52, 64; 53, keyword_argument; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:part; 55, identifier:part_model; 56, keyword_argument; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:target_parent; 58, identifier:target_parent_model; 59, keyword_argument; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:name; 61, attribute; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:part_model; 63, identifier:name; 64, keyword_argument; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:include_children; 66, identifier:include_children; 67, comment; 68, comment; 69, if_statement; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:include_children; 71, block; 71, 72; 72, expression_statement; 72, 73; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:part; 76, identifier:populate_descendants; 77, argument_list; 78, comment; 79, expression_statement; 79, 80; 80, assignment; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:moved_instance; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:move_part_instance; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 84, 88; 84, 91; 84, 94; 84, 97; 85, keyword_argument; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:part_instance; 87, identifier:part; 88, keyword_argument; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:target_parent; 90, identifier:target_parent; 91, keyword_argument; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:part_model; 93, identifier:part_model; 94, keyword_argument; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:name; 96, identifier:name; 97, keyword_argument; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:include_children; 99, identifier:include_children; 100, return_statement; 100, 101; 101, identifier:moved_instance
def relocate_instance(part, target_parent, name=None, include_children=True): """ Move the `Part` instance to target parent. .. versionadded:: 2.3 :param part: `Part` object to be moved :type part: :class:`Part` :param target_parent: `Part` object under which the desired `Part` is moved :type target_parent: :class:`Part` :param name: how the moved top-level `Part` should be called :type name: basestring :param include_children: True to move also the descendants of `Part`. If False, the children will be lost. :type include_children: bool :return: moved :class: `Part` instance """ # First, if the user doesn't provide the name, then just use the default "Clone - ..." name if not name: name = "CLONE - {}".format( # Initially the model of the part needs to be recreated under the model of the target_parent. Retrieve them. part_model = part.model() target_parent_model = target_parent.model() # Call the move_part() function for those models. relocate_model(part=part_model, target_parent=target_parent_model,, include_children=include_children) # Populate the descendants of the Part (category=Instance), in order to avoid to retrieve children for every # level and save time. Only need it the children should be included. if include_children: part.populate_descendants() # This function will move the part instance under the target_parent instance, and its children if required. moved_instance = move_part_instance(part_instance=part, target_parent=target_parent, part_model=part_model, name=name, include_children=include_children) return moved_instance
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 13; 2, function_name:move_part_instance; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 10; 4, identifier:part_instance; 5, identifier:target_parent; 6, identifier:part_model; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:name; 9, None; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:include_children; 12, True; 13, block; 13, 14; 13, 16; 13, 17; 13, 27; 13, 28; 13, 38; 13, 39; 13, 234; 13, 235; 13, 236; 13, 270; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, comment; 16, comment; 17, if_statement; 17, 18; 17, 20; 18, not_operator; 18, 19; 19, identifier:name; 20, block; 20, 21; 21, expression_statement; 21, 22; 22, assignment; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:name; 24, attribute; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:part_instance; 26, identifier:name; 27, comment; 28, expression_statement; 28, 29; 29, assignment; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:moved_model; 31, subscript; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:get_mapping_dictionary; 34, argument_list; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:part_model; 37, identifier:id; 38, comment; 39, if_statement; 39, 40; 39, 47; 39, 48; 39, 49; 39, 85; 39, 193; 40, comparison_operator:==; 40, 41; 40, 44; 41, attribute; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:moved_model; 43, identifier:multiplicity; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:Multiplicity; 46, identifier:ONE; 47, comment; 48, comment; 49, block; 49, 50; 49, 65; 49, 71; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, assignment; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:moved_instance; 53, subscript; 53, 54; 53, 64; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 58; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:moved_model; 57, identifier:instances; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 59, keyword_argument; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:parent_id; 61, attribute; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:target_parent; 63, identifier:id; 64, integer:0; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:map_property_instances; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:part_instance; 70, identifier:moved_instance; 71, expression_statement; 71, 72; 72, assignment; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:moved_instance; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:update_part_with_properties; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 76, 78; 76, 79; 77, identifier:part_instance; 78, identifier:moved_instance; 79, keyword_argument; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:name; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:str; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 84, identifier:name; 85, elif_clause; 85, 86; 85, 93; 85, 94; 85, 95; 85, 96; 86, comparison_operator:==; 86, 87; 86, 90; 87, attribute; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:moved_model; 89, identifier:multiplicity; 90, attribute; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:Multiplicity; 92, identifier:ONE_MANY; 93, comment; 94, comment; 95, comment; 96, block; 96, 97; 97, if_statement; 97, 98; 97, 105; 97, 152; 98, comparison_operator:not; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:target_parent; 101, identifier:id; 102, call; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:get_edited_one_many; 104, argument_list; 105, block; 105, 106; 105, 121; 105, 127; 105, 141; 106, expression_statement; 106, 107; 107, assignment; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:moved_instance; 109, subscript; 109, 110; 109, 120; 110, call; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, attribute; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:moved_model; 113, identifier:instances; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 115, keyword_argument; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:parent_id; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:target_parent; 119, identifier:id; 120, integer:0; 121, expression_statement; 121, 122; 122, call; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:map_property_instances; 124, argument_list; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:part_instance; 126, identifier:moved_instance; 127, expression_statement; 127, 128; 128, assignment; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:moved_instance; 130, call; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:update_part_with_properties; 132, argument_list; 132, 133; 132, 134; 132, 135; 133, identifier:part_instance; 134, identifier:moved_instance; 135, keyword_argument; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:name; 137, call; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:str; 139, argument_list; 139, 140; 140, identifier:name; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, call; 142, 143; 142, 148; 143, attribute; 143, 144; 143, 147; 144, call; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:get_edited_one_many; 146, argument_list; 147, identifier:append; 148, argument_list; 148, 149; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:target_parent; 151, identifier:id; 152, else_clause; 152, 153; 153, block; 153, 154; 153, 173; 153, 179; 154, expression_statement; 154, 155; 155, assignment; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:moved_instance; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 161; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:target_parent; 160, identifier:add; 161, argument_list; 161, 162; 161, 167; 161, 170; 162, keyword_argument; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:name; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:part_instance; 166, identifier:name; 167, keyword_argument; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:model; 169, identifier:moved_model; 170, keyword_argument; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:suppress_kevents; 172, True; 173, expression_statement; 173, 174; 174, call; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:map_property_instances; 176, argument_list; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:part_instance; 178, identifier:moved_instance; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, assignment; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:moved_instance; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:update_part_with_properties; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 184, 186; 184, 187; 185, identifier:part_instance; 186, identifier:moved_instance; 187, keyword_argument; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:name; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:str; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, identifier:name; 193, else_clause; 193, 194; 193, 195; 193, 196; 194, comment; 195, comment; 196, block; 196, 197; 196, 214; 196, 220; 197, expression_statement; 197, 198; 198, assignment; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:moved_instance; 200, call; 200, 201; 200, 204; 201, attribute; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:target_parent; 203, identifier:add; 204, argument_list; 204, 205; 204, 208; 204, 211; 205, keyword_argument; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:name; 207, identifier:name; 208, keyword_argument; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:model; 210, identifier:moved_model; 211, keyword_argument; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:suppress_kevents; 213, True; 214, expression_statement; 214, 215; 215, call; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:map_property_instances; 217, argument_list; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:part_instance; 219, identifier:moved_instance; 220, expression_statement; 220, 221; 221, assignment; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:moved_instance; 223, call; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:update_part_with_properties; 225, argument_list; 225, 226; 225, 227; 225, 228; 226, identifier:part_instance; 227, identifier:moved_instance; 228, keyword_argument; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:name; 230, call; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:str; 232, argument_list; 232, 233; 233, identifier:name; 234, comment; 235, comment; 236, if_statement; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:include_children; 238, block; 238, 239; 239, for_statement; 239, 240; 239, 241; 239, 244; 240, identifier:sub_instance; 241, attribute; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:part_instance; 243, identifier:_cached_children; 244, block; 244, 245; 245, expression_statement; 245, 246; 246, call; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, identifier:move_part_instance; 248, argument_list; 248, 249; 248, 252; 248, 255; 248, 262; 248, 267; 249, keyword_argument; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:part_instance; 251, identifier:sub_instance; 252, keyword_argument; 252, 253; 252, 254; 253, identifier:target_parent; 254, identifier:moved_instance; 255, keyword_argument; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:part_model; 257, call; 257, 258; 257, 261; 258, attribute; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:sub_instance; 260, identifier:model; 261, argument_list; 262, keyword_argument; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:name; 264, attribute; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:sub_instance; 266, identifier:name; 267, keyword_argument; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, identifier:include_children; 269, True; 270, return_statement; 270, 271; 271, identifier:moved_instance
def move_part_instance(part_instance, target_parent, part_model, name=None, include_children=True): """ Move the `Part` instance to target parent and updates the properties based on the original part instance. .. versionadded:: 2.3 :param part_instance: `Part` object to be moved :type part_instance: :class:`Part` :param part_model: `Part` object representing the model of part_instance :type part_model: :class: `Part` :param target_parent: `Part` object under which the desired `Part` is moved :type target_parent: :class:`Part` :param name: how the moved top-level `Part` should be called :type name: basestring :param include_children: True to move also the descendants of `Part`. If False, the children will be lost. :type include_children: bool :return: moved :class: `Part` instance """ # If no specific name has been required, then call in as Clone of the part_instance. if not name: name = # Retrieve the model of the future part to be created moved_model = get_mapping_dictionary()[] # Now act based on multiplicity if moved_model.multiplicity == Multiplicity.ONE: # If multiplicity is 'Exactly 1', that means the instance was automatically created with the model, so just # retrieve it, map the original instance with the moved one and update the name and property values. moved_instance = moved_model.instances([0] map_property_instances(part_instance, moved_instance) moved_instance = update_part_with_properties(part_instance, moved_instance, name=str(name)) elif moved_model.multiplicity == Multiplicity.ONE_MANY: # If multiplicity is '1 or more', that means one instance has automatically been created with the model, so # retrieve it, map the original instance with the moved one and update the name and property values. Store # the model in a list, in case there are multiple instance those need to be recreated. if not in get_edited_one_many(): moved_instance = moved_model.instances([0] map_property_instances(part_instance, moved_instance) moved_instance = update_part_with_properties(part_instance, moved_instance, name=str(name)) get_edited_one_many().append( else: moved_instance = target_parent.add(, model=moved_model, suppress_kevents=True) map_property_instances(part_instance, moved_instance) moved_instance = update_part_with_properties(part_instance, moved_instance, name=str(name)) else: # If multiplicity is '0 or more' or '0 or 1', it means no instance has been created automatically with the # model, so then everything must be created and then updated. moved_instance = target_parent.add(name=name, model=moved_model, suppress_kevents=True) map_property_instances(part_instance, moved_instance) moved_instance = update_part_with_properties(part_instance, moved_instance, name=str(name)) # If include_children is True, then recursively call this function for every descendant. Keep the name of the # original sub-instance. if include_children: for sub_instance in part_instance._cached_children: move_part_instance(part_instance=sub_instance, target_parent=moved_instance, part_model=sub_instance.model(),, include_children=True) return moved_instance
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:update_part_with_properties; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:part_instance; 5, identifier:moved_instance; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:name; 8, None; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 13; 9, 14; 9, 20; 9, 187; 9, 188; 9, 209; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, comment; 13, comment; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, assignment; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:properties_id_dict; 17, call; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:dict; 19, argument_list; 20, for_statement; 20, 21; 20, 22; 20, 25; 20, 26; 21, identifier:prop_instance; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:part_instance; 24, identifier:properties; 25, comment; 26, block; 26, 27; 27, if_statement; 27, 28; 27, 37; 27, 121; 27, 122; 27, 123; 27, 165; 28, comparison_operator:==; 28, 29; 28, 34; 29, subscript; 29, 30; 29, 33; 30, attribute; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:prop_instance; 32, identifier:_json_data; 33, string:'property_type'; 34, attribute; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:PropertyType; 36, identifier:ATTACHMENT_VALUE; 37, block; 37, 38; 37, 48; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:moved_prop; 41, subscript; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, call; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:get_mapping_dictionary; 44, argument_list; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:prop_instance; 47, identifier:id; 48, if_statement; 48, 49; 48, 52; 48, 113; 49, attribute; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:prop_instance; 51, identifier:value; 52, block; 52, 53; 52, 69; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, assignment; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:attachment_name; 56, subscript; 56, 57; 56, 67; 57, call; 57, 58; 57, 65; 58, attribute; 58, 59; 58, 64; 59, subscript; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:prop_instance; 62, identifier:_json_data; 63, string:'value'; 64, identifier:split; 65, argument_list; 65, 66; 66, string:'/'; 67, unary_operator:-; 67, 68; 68, integer:1; 69, with_statement; 69, 70; 69, 78; 70, with_clause; 70, 71; 71, with_item; 71, 72; 72, as_pattern; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:temp_chdir; 75, argument_list; 76, as_pattern_target; 76, 77; 77, identifier:target_dir; 78, block; 78, 79; 78, 97; 78, 106; 79, expression_statement; 79, 80; 80, assignment; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:full_path; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 88; 83, attribute; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, attribute; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:os; 86, identifier:path; 87, identifier:join; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 88, 96; 89, boolean_operator:or; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:target_dir; 91, call; 91, 92; 91, 95; 92, attribute; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:os; 94, identifier:getcwd; 95, argument_list; 96, identifier:attachment_name; 97, expression_statement; 97, 98; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:prop_instance; 101, identifier:save_as; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 103, keyword_argument; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:filename; 105, identifier:full_path; 106, expression_statement; 106, 107; 107, call; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, attribute; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:moved_prop; 110, identifier:upload; 111, argument_list; 111, 112; 112, identifier:full_path; 113, else_clause; 113, 114; 114, block; 114, 115; 115, expression_statement; 115, 116; 116, call; 116, 117; 116, 120; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:moved_prop; 119, identifier:clear; 120, argument_list; 121, comment; 122, comment; 123, elif_clause; 123, 124; 123, 133; 124, comparison_operator:==; 124, 125; 124, 130; 125, subscript; 125, 126; 125, 129; 126, attribute; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:prop_instance; 128, identifier:_json_data; 129, string:'property_type'; 130, attribute; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:PropertyType; 132, identifier:REFERENCES_VALUE; 133, block; 133, 134; 134, if_statement; 134, 135; 134, 138; 135, attribute; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:prop_instance; 137, identifier:value; 138, block; 138, 139; 138, 149; 139, expression_statement; 139, 140; 140, assignment; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:moved_prop_instance; 142, subscript; 142, 143; 142, 146; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:get_mapping_dictionary; 145, argument_list; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:prop_instance; 148, identifier:id; 149, expression_statement; 149, 150; 150, assignment; 150, 151; 150, 156; 151, subscript; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:properties_id_dict; 153, attribute; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:moved_prop_instance; 155, identifier:id; 156, list_comprehension; 156, 157; 156, 160; 157, attribute; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:ref_part; 159, identifier:id; 160, for_in_clause; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:ref_part; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:prop_instance; 164, identifier:value; 165, else_clause; 165, 166; 166, block; 166, 167; 166, 177; 167, expression_statement; 167, 168; 168, assignment; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:moved_prop_instance; 170, subscript; 170, 171; 170, 174; 171, call; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:get_mapping_dictionary; 173, argument_list; 174, attribute; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:prop_instance; 176, identifier:id; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 184; 179, subscript; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:properties_id_dict; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:moved_prop_instance; 183, identifier:id; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:prop_instance; 186, identifier:value; 187, comment; 188, expression_statement; 188, 189; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 193; 190, attribute; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:moved_instance; 192, identifier:update; 193, argument_list; 193, 194; 193, 200; 193, 203; 193, 206; 194, keyword_argument; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:name; 196, call; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:str; 198, argument_list; 198, 199; 199, identifier:name; 200, keyword_argument; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:update_dict; 202, identifier:properties_id_dict; 203, keyword_argument; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:bulk; 205, True; 206, keyword_argument; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:suppress_kevents; 208, True; 209, return_statement; 209, 210; 210, identifier:moved_instance
def update_part_with_properties(part_instance, moved_instance, name=None): """ Update the newly created part and its properties based on the original one. :param part_instance: `Part` object to be copied :type part_instance: :class:`Part` :param moved_instance: `Part` object copied :type moved_instance: :class:`Part` :param name: Name of the updated part :type name: basestring :return: moved :class: `Part` instance """ # Instantiate and empty dictionary later used to map { property.value} in order to update the part # in one go properties_id_dict = dict() for prop_instance in # Do different magic if there is an attachment property and it has a value if prop_instance._json_data['property_type'] == PropertyType.ATTACHMENT_VALUE: moved_prop = get_mapping_dictionary()[] if prop_instance.value: attachment_name = prop_instance._json_data['value'].split('/')[-1] with temp_chdir() as target_dir: full_path = os.path.join(target_dir or os.getcwd(), attachment_name) prop_instance.save_as(filename=full_path) moved_prop.upload(full_path) else: moved_prop.clear() # For a reference value property, add the id's of the part referenced { [,, ...]}, # if there is part referenced at all. elif prop_instance._json_data['property_type'] == PropertyType.REFERENCES_VALUE: if prop_instance.value: moved_prop_instance = get_mapping_dictionary()[] properties_id_dict[] = [ for ref_part in prop_instance.value] else: moved_prop_instance = get_mapping_dictionary()[] properties_id_dict[] = prop_instance.value # Update the name and property values in one go. moved_instance.update(name=str(name), update_dict=properties_id_dict, bulk=True, suppress_kevents=True) return moved_instance
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 11; 2, function_name:_checkup; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 9; 3, 10; 4, identifier:peaks; 5, identifier:ecg_integrated; 6, identifier:sample_rate; 7, identifier:rr_buffer; 8, identifier:spk1; 9, identifier:npk1; 10, identifier:threshold; 11, block; 11, 12; 11, 14; 11, 24; 11, 28; 11, 181; 11, 190; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, comment; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, assignment; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:peaks_amp; 17, list_comprehension; 17, 18; 17, 21; 18, subscript; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:ecg_integrated; 20, identifier:peak; 21, for_in_clause; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:peak; 23, identifier:peaks; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, assignment; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:definitive_peaks; 27, list:[]; 28, for_statement; 28, 29; 28, 32; 28, 36; 29, pattern_list; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:i; 31, identifier:peak; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:enumerate; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 35, identifier:peaks; 36, block; 36, 37; 36, 43; 36, 44; 36, 45; 36, 173; 37, expression_statement; 37, 38; 38, assignment; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:amp; 40, subscript; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:peaks_amp; 42, identifier:i; 43, comment; 44, comment; 45, if_statement; 45, 46; 45, 49; 45, 64; 45, 65; 45, 66; 45, 67; 45, 68; 45, 69; 45, 162; 45, 163; 46, comparison_operator:>; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:amp; 48, identifier:threshold; 49, block; 49, 50; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, assignment; 51, 52; 51, 56; 52, pattern_list; 52, 53; 52, 54; 52, 55; 53, identifier:definitive_peaks; 54, identifier:spk1; 55, identifier:rr_buffer; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:_acceptpeak; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 58, 60; 58, 61; 58, 62; 58, 63; 59, identifier:peak; 60, identifier:amp; 61, identifier:definitive_peaks; 62, identifier:spk1; 63, identifier:rr_buffer; 64, comment; 65, comment; 66, comment; 67, comment; 68, comment; 69, elif_clause; 69, 70; 69, 89; 70, boolean_operator:and; 70, 71; 70, 81; 71, boolean_operator:and; 71, 72; 71, 77; 72, comparison_operator:>; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:amp; 74, binary_operator:/; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:threshold; 76, integer:2; 77, call; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:list; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 80, identifier:definitive_peaks; 81, comparison_operator:>; 81, 82; 81, 86; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:len; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, identifier:peaks; 86, binary_operator:+; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:i; 88, integer:1; 89, block; 89, 90; 89, 99; 89, 114; 89, 127; 90, expression_statement; 90, 91; 91, assignment; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:mean_rr; 93, call; 93, 94; 93, 97; 94, attribute; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:numpy; 96, identifier:mean; 97, argument_list; 97, 98; 98, identifier:rr_buffer; 99, expression_statement; 99, 100; 100, assignment; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:last_qrs_ms; 102, binary_operator:*; 102, 103; 102, 110; 103, parenthesized_expression; 103, 104; 104, binary_operator:-; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:peak; 106, subscript; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:definitive_peaks; 108, unary_operator:-; 108, 109; 109, integer:1; 110, parenthesized_expression; 110, 111; 111, binary_operator:/; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, integer:1000; 113, identifier:sample_rate; 114, expression_statement; 114, 115; 115, assignment; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:last_qrs_to_next_peak; 117, binary_operator:-; 117, 118; 117, 123; 118, subscript; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:peaks; 120, binary_operator:+; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:i; 122, integer:1; 123, subscript; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:definitive_peaks; 125, unary_operator:-; 125, 126; 126, integer:1; 127, if_statement; 127, 128; 127, 137; 127, 152; 128, boolean_operator:and; 128, 129; 128, 132; 129, comparison_operator:>; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:last_qrs_ms; 131, integer:360; 132, comparison_operator:>; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:last_qrs_to_next_peak; 134, binary_operator:*; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, float:1.5; 136, identifier:mean_rr; 137, block; 137, 138; 138, expression_statement; 138, 139; 139, assignment; 139, 140; 139, 144; 140, pattern_list; 140, 141; 140, 142; 140, 143; 141, identifier:definitive_peaks; 142, identifier:spk1; 143, identifier:rr_buffer; 144, call; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:_acceptpeak; 146, argument_list; 146, 147; 146, 148; 146, 149; 146, 150; 146, 151; 147, identifier:peak; 148, identifier:amp; 149, identifier:definitive_peaks; 150, identifier:spk1; 151, identifier:rr_buffer; 152, else_clause; 152, 153; 153, block; 153, 154; 154, expression_statement; 154, 155; 155, assignment; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:npk1; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:_noisepeak; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:amp; 161, identifier:npk1; 162, comment; 163, else_clause; 163, 164; 164, block; 164, 165; 165, expression_statement; 165, 166; 166, assignment; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:npk1; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:_noisepeak; 170, argument_list; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:amp; 172, identifier:npk1; 173, expression_statement; 173, 174; 174, assignment; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:threshold; 176, call; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:_buffer_update; 178, argument_list; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:npk1; 180, identifier:spk1; 181, expression_statement; 181, 182; 182, assignment; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:definitive_peaks; 184, call; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, attribute; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:numpy; 187, identifier:array; 188, argument_list; 188, 189; 189, identifier:definitive_peaks; 190, return_statement; 190, 191; 191, identifier:definitive_peaks
def _checkup(peaks, ecg_integrated, sample_rate, rr_buffer, spk1, npk1, threshold): """ Check each peak according to thresholds ---------- Parameters ---------- peaks : list List of local maximums that pass the first stage of conditions needed to be considered as an R peak. ecg_integrated : ndarray Array that contains the samples of the integrated signal. sample_rate : int Sampling rate at which the acquisition took place. rr_buffer : list Data structure that stores the duration of the last eight RR intervals. spk1 : float Actual value of SPK1 parameter defined in Pan-Tompkins real-time R peak detection algorithm (named signal peak). npk1 : int Actual value of NPK1 parameter defined in Pan-Tompkins real-time R peak detection algorithm (named noise peak). threshold : float Initial value of the adaptive threshold level (relevant parameter for the application of specific criteria during the identification of R peaks). Returns ------- out : list List with the position of the peaks considered as R peak by the algorithm. """ peaks_amp = [ecg_integrated[peak] for peak in peaks] definitive_peaks = [] for i, peak in enumerate(peaks): amp = peaks_amp[i] # accept if larger than threshold and slope in raw signal # is +-30% of previous slopes if amp > threshold: definitive_peaks, spk1, rr_buffer = _acceptpeak(peak, amp, definitive_peaks, spk1, rr_buffer) # accept as qrs if higher than half threshold, # but is 360 ms after last qrs and next peak # is more than 1.5 rr intervals away # just abandon it if there is no peak before # or after elif amp > threshold / 2 and list(definitive_peaks) and len(peaks) > i + 1: mean_rr = numpy.mean(rr_buffer) last_qrs_ms = (peak - definitive_peaks[-1]) * (1000 / sample_rate) last_qrs_to_next_peak = peaks[i+1] - definitive_peaks[-1] if last_qrs_ms > 360 and last_qrs_to_next_peak > 1.5 * mean_rr: definitive_peaks, spk1, rr_buffer = _acceptpeak(peak, amp, definitive_peaks, spk1, rr_buffer) else: npk1 = _noisepeak(amp, npk1) # if not either of these it is noise else: npk1 = _noisepeak(amp, npk1) threshold = _buffer_update(npk1, spk1) definitive_peaks = numpy.array(definitive_peaks) return definitive_peaks
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:create_napp; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:cls; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:meta_package; 7, False; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 17; 8, 29; 8, 33; 8, 37; 8, 42; 8, 47; 8, 52; 8, 57; 8, 62; 8, 67; 8, 72; 8, 77; 8, 82; 8, 87; 8, 103; 8, 119; 8, 128; 8, 138; 8, 151; 8, 152; 8, 162; 8, 163; 8, 190; 8, 205; 8, 206; 8, 215; 8, 222; 8, 229; 8, 246; 8, 300; 8, 314; 8, 318; 8, 326; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, assignment; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:templates_path; 14, binary_operator:/; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:SKEL_PATH; 16, string:'napp-structure/username/napp'; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, assignment; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:ui_templates_path; 20, call; 20, 21; 20, 26; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:os; 24, identifier:path; 25, identifier:join; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:templates_path; 28, string:'ui'; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:username; 32, None; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, assignment; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:napp_name; 36, None; 37, expression_statement; 37, 38; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:print; 40, argument_list; 40, 41; 41, string:'--------------------------------------------------------------'; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:print; 45, argument_list; 45, 46; 46, string:'Welcome to the bootstrap process of your NApp.'; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:print; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, string:'--------------------------------------------------------------'; 52, expression_statement; 52, 53; 53, call; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:print; 55, argument_list; 55, 56; 56, string:'In order to answer both the username and the napp name,'; 57, expression_statement; 57, 58; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:print; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, string:'You must follow this naming rules:'; 62, expression_statement; 62, 63; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:print; 65, argument_list; 65, 66; 66, string:' - name starts with a letter'; 67, expression_statement; 67, 68; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:print; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 71, string:' - name contains only letters, numbers or underscores'; 72, expression_statement; 72, 73; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:print; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, string:' - at least three characters'; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:print; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 81, string:'--------------------------------------------------------------'; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:print; 85, argument_list; 85, 86; 86, string:''; 87, while_statement; 87, 88; 87, 95; 88, not_operator; 88, 89; 89, call; 89, 90; 89, 93; 90, attribute; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:cls; 92, identifier:valid_name; 93, argument_list; 93, 94; 94, identifier:username; 95, block; 95, 96; 96, expression_statement; 96, 97; 97, assignment; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:username; 99, call; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:input; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 102, string:'Please, insert your NApps Server username: '; 103, while_statement; 103, 104; 103, 111; 104, not_operator; 104, 105; 105, call; 105, 106; 105, 109; 106, attribute; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:cls; 108, identifier:valid_name; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, identifier:napp_name; 111, block; 111, 112; 112, expression_statement; 112, 113; 113, assignment; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:napp_name; 115, call; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:input; 117, argument_list; 117, 118; 118, string:'Please, insert your NApp name: '; 119, expression_statement; 119, 120; 120, assignment; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:description; 122, call; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:input; 124, argument_list; 124, 125; 125, concatenated_string; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, string:'Please, insert a brief description for your'; 127, string:'NApp [optional]: '; 128, if_statement; 128, 129; 128, 131; 128, 132; 129, not_operator; 129, 130; 130, identifier:description; 131, comment; 132, block; 132, 133; 132, 137; 133, expression_statement; 133, 134; 134, assignment; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:description; 136, string:'# TODO: <<<< Insert your NApp description here >>>>'; 137, comment; 138, expression_statement; 138, 139; 139, assignment; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:context; 141, dictionary; 141, 142; 141, 145; 141, 148; 142, pair; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, string:'username'; 144, identifier:username; 145, pair; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, string:'napp'; 147, identifier:napp_name; 148, pair; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, string:'description'; 150, identifier:description; 151, comment; 152, expression_statement; 152, 153; 153, call; 153, 154; 153, 157; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:os; 156, identifier:makedirs; 157, argument_list; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:username; 159, keyword_argument; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:exist_ok; 161, True; 162, comment; 163, with_statement; 163, 164; 163, 182; 164, with_clause; 164, 165; 165, with_item; 165, 166; 166, as_pattern; 166, 167; 166, 180; 167, call; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:open; 169, argument_list; 169, 170; 169, 179; 170, call; 170, 171; 170, 176; 171, attribute; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:os; 174, identifier:path; 175, identifier:join; 176, argument_list; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:username; 178, string:''; 179, string:'w'; 180, as_pattern_target; 180, 181; 181, identifier:init_file; 182, block; 182, 183; 183, expression_statement; 183, 184; 184, call; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, attribute; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:init_file; 187, identifier:write; 188, argument_list; 188, 189; 189, comment; 190, expression_statement; 190, 191; 191, call; 191, 192; 191, 195; 192, attribute; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:os; 194, identifier:makedirs; 195, argument_list; 195, 196; 196, call; 196, 197; 196, 202; 197, attribute; 197, 198; 197, 201; 198, attribute; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:os; 200, identifier:path; 201, identifier:join; 202, argument_list; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:username; 204, identifier:napp_name; 205, comment; 206, expression_statement; 206, 207; 207, assignment; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:templates; 209, call; 209, 210; 209, 213; 210, attribute; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:os; 212, identifier:listdir; 213, argument_list; 213, 214; 214, identifier:templates_path; 215, expression_statement; 215, 216; 216, call; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:templates; 219, identifier:remove; 220, argument_list; 220, 221; 221, string:'ui'; 222, expression_statement; 222, 223; 223, call; 223, 224; 223, 227; 224, attribute; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:templates; 226, identifier:remove; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 228, string:'openapi.yml.template'; 229, if_statement; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:meta_package; 231, block; 231, 232; 231, 239; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, call; 233, 234; 233, 237; 234, attribute; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:templates; 236, identifier:remove; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 238, string:''; 239, expression_statement; 239, 240; 240, call; 240, 241; 240, 244; 241, attribute; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:templates; 243, identifier:remove; 244, argument_list; 244, 245; 245, string:''; 246, for_statement; 246, 247; 246, 248; 246, 249; 247, identifier:tmp; 248, identifier:templates; 249, block; 249, 250; 249, 270; 250, expression_statement; 250, 251; 251, assignment; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:fname; 253, call; 253, 254; 253, 259; 254, attribute; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, attribute; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:os; 257, identifier:path; 258, identifier:join; 259, argument_list; 259, 260; 259, 261; 259, 262; 260, identifier:username; 261, identifier:napp_name; 262, subscript; 262, 263; 262, 269; 263, call; 263, 264; 263, 267; 264, attribute; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:tmp; 266, identifier:rsplit; 267, argument_list; 267, 268; 268, string:'.template'; 269, integer:0; 270, with_statement; 270, 271; 270, 281; 271, with_clause; 271, 272; 272, with_item; 272, 273; 273, as_pattern; 273, 274; 273, 279; 274, call; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, identifier:open; 276, argument_list; 276, 277; 276, 278; 277, identifier:fname; 278, string:'w'; 279, as_pattern_target; 279, 280; 280, identifier:file; 281, block; 281, 282; 281, 293; 282, expression_statement; 282, 283; 283, assignment; 283, 284; 283, 285; 284, identifier:content; 285, call; 285, 286; 285, 289; 286, attribute; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:cls; 288, identifier:render_template; 289, argument_list; 289, 290; 289, 291; 289, 292; 290, identifier:templates_path; 291, identifier:tmp; 292, identifier:context; 293, expression_statement; 293, 294; 294, call; 294, 295; 294, 298; 295, attribute; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:file; 297, identifier:write; 298, argument_list; 298, 299; 299, identifier:content; 300, if_statement; 300, 301; 300, 303; 301, not_operator; 301, 302; 302, identifier:meta_package; 303, block; 303, 304; 304, expression_statement; 304, 305; 305, call; 305, 306; 305, 309; 306, attribute; 306, 307; 306, 308; 307, identifier:NAppsManager; 308, identifier:create_ui_structure; 309, argument_list; 309, 310; 309, 311; 309, 312; 309, 313; 310, identifier:username; 311, identifier:napp_name; 312, identifier:ui_templates_path; 313, identifier:context; 314, expression_statement; 314, 315; 315, call; 315, 316; 315, 317; 316, identifier:print; 317, argument_list; 318, expression_statement; 318, 319; 319, call; 319, 320; 319, 321; 320, identifier:print; 321, argument_list; 321, 322; 322, concatenated_string; 322, 323; 322, 324; 322, 325; 323, string:f'Congratulations! Your NApp has been bootstrapped!\nNow you '; 324, string:'can go to the directory {username}/{napp_name} and begin to '; 325, string:'code your NApp.'; 326, expression_statement; 326, 327; 327, call; 327, 328; 327, 329; 328, identifier:print; 329, argument_list; 329, 330; 330, string:'Have fun!'
def create_napp(cls, meta_package=False): """Bootstrap a basic NApp structure for you to develop your NApp. This will create, on the current folder, a clean structure of a NAPP, filling some contents on this structure. """ templates_path = SKEL_PATH / 'napp-structure/username/napp' ui_templates_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'ui') username = None napp_name = None print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('Welcome to the bootstrap process of your NApp.') print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('In order to answer both the username and the napp name,') print('You must follow this naming rules:') print(' - name starts with a letter') print(' - name contains only letters, numbers or underscores') print(' - at least three characters') print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('') while not cls.valid_name(username): username = input('Please, insert your NApps Server username: ') while not cls.valid_name(napp_name): napp_name = input('Please, insert your NApp name: ') description = input('Please, insert a brief description for your' 'NApp [optional]: ') if not description: # pylint: disable=fixme description = '# TODO: <<<< Insert your NApp description here >>>>' # pylint: enable=fixme context = {'username': username, 'napp': napp_name, 'description': description} #: Creating the directory structure (username/napp_name) os.makedirs(username, exist_ok=True) #: Creating ```` files with open(os.path.join(username, ''), 'w') as init_file: init_file.write(f'"""Napps for the user {username}.""""') os.makedirs(os.path.join(username, napp_name)) #: Creating the other files based on the templates templates = os.listdir(templates_path) templates.remove('ui') templates.remove('openapi.yml.template') if meta_package: templates.remove('') templates.remove('') for tmp in templates: fname = os.path.join(username, napp_name, tmp.rsplit('.template')[0]) with open(fname, 'w') as file: content = cls.render_template(templates_path, tmp, context) file.write(content) if not meta_package: NAppsManager.create_ui_structure(username, napp_name, ui_templates_path, context) print() print(f'Congratulations! Your NApp has been bootstrapped!\nNow you ' 'can go to the directory {username}/{napp_name} and begin to ' 'code your NApp.') print('Have fun!')
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 17; 2, function_name:match_app_version; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 14; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:app; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:label; 10, None; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:version; 13, None; 14, default_parameter; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:default; 16, False; 17, block; 17, 18; 17, 20; 17, 96; 17, 105; 17, 116; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, comment; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 32; 20, 89; 21, boolean_operator:or; 21, 22; 21, 24; 22, not_operator; 22, 23; 23, identifier:app; 24, boolean_operator:and; 24, 25; 24, 27; 25, not_operator; 25, 26; 26, identifier:label; 27, not_operator; 27, 28; 28, parenthesized_expression; 28, 29; 29, boolean_operator:and; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:app; 31, identifier:label; 32, block; 32, 33; 32, 61; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, assignment; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:target_app; 36, list_comprehension; 36, 37; 36, 38; 36, 43; 37, identifier:a; 38, for_in_clause; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:a; 40, attribute; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:self; 42, identifier:app_versions; 43, if_clause; 43, 44; 44, boolean_operator:or; 44, 45; 44, 53; 45, comparison_operator:==; 45, 46; 45, 52; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:a; 49, identifier:get; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, string:'app'; 52, identifier:app; 53, comparison_operator:==; 53, 54; 53, 60; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 58; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:a; 57, identifier:get; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 59, string:'label'; 60, identifier:label; 61, if_statement; 61, 62; 61, 71; 61, 77; 62, boolean_operator:and; 62, 63; 62, 65; 63, not_operator; 63, 64; 64, identifier:target_app; 65, not_operator; 65, 66; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:isinstance; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:default; 70, identifier:bool; 71, block; 71, 72; 72, raise_statement; 72, 73; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:NotFoundError; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, string:"Could not find the app or label provided"; 77, elif_clause; 77, 78; 77, 86; 78, boolean_operator:and; 78, 79; 78, 81; 79, not_operator; 79, 80; 80, identifier:target_app; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:isinstance; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:default; 85, identifier:bool; 86, block; 86, 87; 87, return_statement; 87, 88; 88, identifier:default; 89, else_clause; 89, 90; 90, block; 90, 91; 91, raise_statement; 91, 92; 92, call; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 94, argument_list; 94, 95; 95, string:"Please provide either app or label"; 96, if_statement; 96, 97; 96, 99; 97, not_operator; 97, 98; 98, identifier:version; 99, block; 99, 100; 100, raise_statement; 100, 101; 101, call; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 103, argument_list; 103, 104; 104, string:"Please provide semantic version string including operand eg: `>=1.0.0`"; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, assignment; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:app_version; 108, call; 108, 109; 108, 114; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 113; 110, subscript; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:target_app; 112, integer:0; 113, identifier:get; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 115, string:'version'; 116, if_statement; 116, 117; 116, 122; 116, 134; 117, boolean_operator:and; 117, 118; 117, 121; 118, boolean_operator:and; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:target_app; 120, identifier:app_version; 121, identifier:version; 122, block; 122, 123; 122, 126; 123, import_statement; 123, 124; 124, dotted_name; 124, 125; 125, identifier:semver; 126, return_statement; 126, 127; 127, call; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, attribute; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:semver; 130, identifier:match; 131, argument_list; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:app_version; 133, identifier:version; 134, elif_clause; 134, 135; 134, 137; 135, not_operator; 135, 136; 136, identifier:app_version; 137, block; 137, 138; 138, if_statement; 138, 139; 138, 144; 138, 147; 139, call; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:isinstance; 141, argument_list; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:default; 143, identifier:bool; 144, block; 144, 145; 145, return_statement; 145, 146; 146, identifier:default; 147, else_clause; 147, 148; 148, block; 148, 149; 149, raise_statement; 149, 150; 150, call; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:NotFoundError; 152, argument_list; 152, 153; 153, call; 153, 154; 153, 157; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, string:"No version found on the app '{}'"; 156, identifier:format; 157, argument_list; 157, 158; 158, call; 158, 159; 158, 164; 159, attribute; 159, 160; 159, 163; 160, subscript; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:target_app; 162, integer:0; 163, identifier:get; 164, argument_list; 164, 165; 165, string:'app'
def match_app_version(self, app=None, label=None, version=None, default=False): """Match app version against a semantic version string. Checks if a KE-chain app matches a version comparison. Uses the `semver` matcher to check. `match("2.0.0", ">=1.0.0")` => `True` `match("1.0.0", ">1.0.0")` => `False` Examples -------- >>> client.match_app_version(label='wim', version=">=1.99") >>> True >>> client.match_app_version(app='kechain2.core.pim', version=">=1.0.0") >>> True :param app: (optional) appname eg. 'kechain.core.wim' :type app: basestring or None :param label: (optional) app label (last part of the app name) eb 'wim' :type label: basestring or None :param version: semantic version string to match appname version against eg '2.0.0' or '>=2.0.0' :type version: basestring :param default: (optional) boolean to return if the version of the app is not set but the app found. Set to None to return a NotFoundError when a version if not found in the app. :type default: bool or None :return: True if the version of the app matches against the match_version, otherwise False :raises IllegalArgumentError: if no app nor a label is provided :raises NotFoundError: if the app is not found :raises ValueError: if the version provided is not parseable by semver, should contain (<operand><major>.<minor>.<patch) where <operand> is '>,<,>=,<=,==' """ if not app or not label and not (app and label): target_app = [a for a in self.app_versions if a.get('app') == app or a.get('label') == label] if not target_app and not isinstance(default, bool): raise NotFoundError("Could not find the app or label provided") elif not target_app and isinstance(default, bool): return default else: raise IllegalArgumentError("Please provide either app or label") if not version: raise IllegalArgumentError("Please provide semantic version string including operand eg: `>=1.0.0`") app_version = target_app[0].get('version') if target_app and app_version and version: import semver return semver.match(app_version, version) elif not app_version: if isinstance(default, bool): return default else: raise NotFoundError("No version found on the app '{}'".format(target_app[0].get('app')))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 16; 1, 17; 2, function_name:activities; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 14; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:name; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:pk; 10, None; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:scope; 13, None; 14, dictionary_splat_pattern; 14, 15; 15, identifier:kwargs; 16, comment; 17, block; 17, 18; 17, 20; 17, 33; 17, 34; 17, 35; 17, 60; 17, 71; 17, 89; 17, 114; 17, 122; 17, 123; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, comment; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, assignment; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:request_params; 23, dictionary; 23, 24; 23, 27; 23, 30; 24, pair; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, string:'id'; 26, identifier:pk; 27, pair; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, string:'name'; 29, identifier:name; 30, pair; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, string:'scope'; 32, identifier:scope; 33, comment; 34, comment; 35, if_statement; 35, 36; 35, 50; 36, call; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:self; 39, identifier:match_app_version; 40, argument_list; 40, 41; 40, 44; 40, 47; 41, keyword_argument; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:label; 43, string:'wim'; 44, keyword_argument; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:version; 46, string:'>=2.0.0'; 47, keyword_argument; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:default; 49, False; 50, block; 50, 51; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:request_params; 55, identifier:update; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, subscript; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:API_EXTRA_PARAMS; 59, string:'activity'; 60, if_statement; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:kwargs; 62, block; 62, 63; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:request_params; 67, identifier:update; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, dictionary_splat; 69, 70; 70, identifier:kwargs; 71, expression_statement; 71, 72; 72, assignment; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:response; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:self; 77, identifier:_request; 78, argument_list; 78, 79; 78, 80; 78, 86; 79, string:'GET'; 80, call; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:self; 83, identifier:_build_url; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, string:'activities'; 86, keyword_argument; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:params; 88, identifier:request_params; 89, if_statement; 89, 90; 89, 99; 89, 100; 90, comparison_operator:!=; 90, 91; 90, 94; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:response; 93, identifier:status_code; 94, attribute; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:requests; 97, identifier:codes; 98, identifier:ok; 99, comment; 100, block; 100, 101; 101, raise_statement; 101, 102; 102, call; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:NotFoundError; 104, argument_list; 104, 105; 105, call; 105, 106; 105, 109; 106, attribute; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, string:"Could not retrieve activities. Server responded with {}"; 108, identifier:format; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, call; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:str; 112, argument_list; 112, 113; 113, identifier:response; 114, expression_statement; 114, 115; 115, assignment; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:data; 117, call; 117, 118; 117, 121; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:response; 120, identifier:json; 121, argument_list; 122, comment; 123, if_statement; 123, 124; 123, 138; 123, 139; 123, 154; 124, call; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, attribute; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:self; 127, identifier:match_app_version; 128, argument_list; 128, 129; 128, 132; 128, 135; 129, keyword_argument; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:label; 131, string:'wim'; 132, keyword_argument; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:version; 134, string:'<2.0.0'; 135, keyword_argument; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:default; 137, True; 138, comment; 139, block; 139, 140; 140, return_statement; 140, 141; 141, list_comprehension; 141, 142; 141, 149; 142, call; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:Activity; 144, argument_list; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:a; 146, keyword_argument; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:client; 148, identifier:self; 149, for_in_clause; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:a; 151, subscript; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:data; 153, string:'results'; 154, else_clause; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, comment; 156, block; 156, 157; 157, return_statement; 157, 158; 158, list_comprehension; 158, 159; 158, 166; 159, call; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:Activity2; 161, argument_list; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:a; 163, keyword_argument; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:client; 165, identifier:self; 166, for_in_clause; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:a; 168, subscript; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:data; 170, string:'results'
def activities(self, name=None, pk=None, scope=None, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], **Any) -> List[Activity] """Search for activities with optional name, pk and scope filter. If additional `keyword=value` arguments are provided, these are added to the request parameters. Please refer to the documentation of the KE-chain API for additional query parameters. :param pk: id (primary key) of the activity to retrieve :type pk: basestring or None :param name: filter the activities by name :type name: basestring or None :param scope: filter by scope id :type scope: basestring or None :return: list of :class:`models.Activity` :raises NotFoundError: If no `Activities` are found """ request_params = { 'id': pk, 'name': name, 'scope': scope } # update the fields query params # for 'kechain.core.wim >= 2.0.0' add additional API params if self.match_app_version(label='wim', version='>=2.0.0', default=False): request_params.update(API_EXTRA_PARAMS['activity']) if kwargs: request_params.update(**kwargs) response = self._request('GET', self._build_url('activities'), params=request_params) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise NotFoundError("Could not retrieve activities. Server responded with {}".format(str(response))) data = response.json() # for 'kechain.core.wim >= 2.0.0' we return Activity2, otherwise Activity1 if self.match_app_version(label='wim', version='<2.0.0', default=True): # WIM1 return [Activity(a, client=self) for a in data['results']] else: # WIM2 return [Activity2(a, client=self) for a in data['results']]
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 45; 1, 46; 2, function_name:parts; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 9; 3, 12; 3, 13; 3, 16; 3, 17; 3, 22; 3, 23; 3, 26; 3, 27; 3, 30; 3, 31; 3, 34; 3, 35; 3, 38; 3, 39; 3, 42; 3, 43; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:name; 7, None; 8, comment; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:pk; 11, None; 12, comment; 13, default_parameter; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:model; 15, None; 16, comment; 17, default_parameter; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:category; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:Category; 21, identifier:INSTANCE; 22, comment; 23, default_parameter; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:bucket; 25, None; 26, comment; 27, default_parameter; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:parent; 29, None; 30, comment; 31, default_parameter; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:activity; 33, None; 34, comment; 35, default_parameter; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:limit; 37, None; 38, comment; 39, default_parameter; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:batch; 41, integer:100; 42, comment; 43, dictionary_splat_pattern; 43, 44; 44, identifier:kwargs; 45, comment; 46, block; 46, 47; 46, 49; 46, 50; 46, 61; 46, 94; 46, 105; 46, 123; 46, 140; 46, 148; 46, 154; 46, 210; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, comment; 49, comment; 50, if_statement; 50, 51; 50, 56; 51, boolean_operator:and; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:limit; 53, comparison_operator:<; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:limit; 55, identifier:batch; 56, block; 56, 57; 57, expression_statement; 57, 58; 58, assignment; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:batch; 60, identifier:limit; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:request_params; 64, dictionary; 64, 65; 64, 68; 64, 71; 64, 79; 64, 82; 64, 85; 64, 88; 64, 91; 65, pair; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, string:'id'; 67, identifier:pk; 68, pair; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, string:'name'; 70, identifier:name; 71, pair; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, string:'model'; 73, conditional_expression:if; 73, 74; 73, 77; 73, 78; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:model; 76, identifier:id; 77, identifier:model; 78, None; 79, pair; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, string:'category'; 81, identifier:category; 82, pair; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, string:'bucket'; 84, identifier:bucket; 85, pair; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, string:'parent'; 87, identifier:parent; 88, pair; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, string:'activity_id'; 90, identifier:activity; 91, pair; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, string:'limit'; 93, identifier:batch; 94, if_statement; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:kwargs; 96, block; 96, 97; 97, expression_statement; 97, 98; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:request_params; 101, identifier:update; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 103, dictionary_splat; 103, 104; 104, identifier:kwargs; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, assignment; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:response; 108, call; 108, 109; 108, 112; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:self; 111, identifier:_request; 112, argument_list; 112, 113; 112, 114; 112, 120; 113, string:'GET'; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, attribute; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:self; 117, identifier:_build_url; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 119, string:'parts'; 120, keyword_argument; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:params; 122, identifier:request_params; 123, if_statement; 123, 124; 123, 133; 123, 134; 124, comparison_operator:!=; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, attribute; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:response; 127, identifier:status_code; 128, attribute; 128, 129; 128, 132; 129, attribute; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:requests; 131, identifier:codes; 132, identifier:ok; 133, comment; 134, block; 134, 135; 135, raise_statement; 135, 136; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:NotFoundError; 138, argument_list; 138, 139; 139, string:"Could not retrieve parts"; 140, expression_statement; 140, 141; 141, assignment; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:data; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 147; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:response; 146, identifier:json; 147, argument_list; 148, expression_statement; 148, 149; 149, assignment; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:part_results; 151, subscript; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:data; 153, string:'results'; 154, if_statement; 154, 155; 154, 163; 155, boolean_operator:and; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:batch; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 161; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:data; 160, identifier:get; 161, argument_list; 161, 162; 162, string:'next'; 163, block; 163, 164; 164, while_statement; 164, 165; 164, 168; 164, 169; 165, subscript; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:data; 167, string:'next'; 168, comment; 169, block; 169, 170; 169, 181; 169, 193; 169, 201; 170, if_statement; 170, 171; 170, 179; 171, boolean_operator:and; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:limit; 173, comparison_operator:>=; 173, 174; 173, 178; 174, call; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:len; 176, argument_list; 176, 177; 177, identifier:part_results; 178, identifier:limit; 179, block; 179, 180; 180, break_statement; 181, expression_statement; 181, 182; 182, assignment; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:response; 184, call; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, attribute; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:self; 187, identifier:_request; 188, argument_list; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, string:'GET'; 190, subscript; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:data; 192, string:'next'; 193, expression_statement; 193, 194; 194, assignment; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:data; 196, call; 196, 197; 196, 200; 197, attribute; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:response; 199, identifier:json; 200, argument_list; 201, expression_statement; 201, 202; 202, call; 202, 203; 202, 206; 203, attribute; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:part_results; 205, identifier:extend; 206, argument_list; 206, 207; 207, subscript; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:data; 209, string:'results'; 210, return_statement; 210, 211; 211, call; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:PartSet; 213, argument_list; 213, 214; 214, generator_expression; 214, 215; 214, 222; 215, call; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:Part; 217, argument_list; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:p; 219, keyword_argument; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:client; 221, identifier:self; 222, for_in_clause; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, identifier:p; 224, identifier:part_results
def parts(self, name=None, # type: Optional[str] pk=None, # type: Optional[str] model=None, # type: Optional[Part] category=Category.INSTANCE, # type: Optional[str] bucket=None, # type: Optional[str] parent=None, # type: Optional[str] activity=None, # type: Optional[str] limit=None, # type: Optional[int] batch=100, # type: int **kwargs): # type: (...) -> PartSet """Retrieve multiple KE-chain parts. If no parameters are provided, all parts are retrieved. If additional `keyword=value` arguments are provided, these are added to the request parameters. Please refer to the documentation of the KE-chain API for additional query parameters. :param name: filter on name :type name: basestring or None :param pk: filter on primary key :type pk: basestring or None :param model: filter on model_id :type model: basestring or None :param category: filter on category (INSTANCE, MODEL, None) :type category: basestring or None :param bucket: filter on bucket_id :type bucket: basestring or None :param parent: filter on the parent_id, returns all childrent of the parent_id :type parent: basestring or None :param activity: filter on activity_id :type activity: basestring or None :param limit: limit the return to # items (default unlimited, so return all results) :type limit: int or None :param batch: limit the batch size to # items (defaults to 100 items per batch) :type batch: int or None :param kwargs: additional `keyword=value` arguments for the api :type kwargs: dict or None :return: :class:`models.PartSet` which is an iterator of :class:`models.Part` :raises NotFoundError: If no `Part` is found Examples -------- Return all parts (defaults to instances) with exact name 'Gears'. >>> client = Client(url='https://default.localhost:9443', verify=False) >>> client.login('admin','pass') >>>'Gears') # doctest:Ellipsis ... Return all parts with category is MODEL or category is INSTANCE. >>>'Gears', category=None) # doctest:Ellipsis ... Return a maximum of 5 parts >>> # doctest:Ellipsis ... """ # if limit is provided and the batchsize is bigger than the limit, ensure that the batch size is maximised if limit and limit < batch: batch = limit request_params = { 'id': pk, 'name': name, 'model': if model else None, 'category': category, 'bucket': bucket, 'parent': parent, 'activity_id': activity, 'limit': batch } if kwargs: request_params.update(**kwargs) response = self._request('GET', self._build_url('parts'), params=request_params) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise NotFoundError("Could not retrieve parts") data = response.json() part_results = data['results'] if batch and data.get('next'): while data['next']: # respect the limit if set to > 0 if limit and len(part_results) >= limit: break response = self._request('GET', data['next']) data = response.json() part_results.extend(data['results']) return PartSet((Part(p, client=self) for p in part_results))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 24; 2, function_name:create_property; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 10; 3, 15; 3, 18; 3, 21; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:model; 6, identifier:name; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:description; 9, None; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:property_type; 12, attribute; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:PropertyType; 14, identifier:CHAR_VALUE; 15, default_parameter; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:default_value; 17, None; 18, default_parameter; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:unit; 20, None; 21, default_parameter; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:options; 23, None; 24, block; 24, 25; 24, 27; 24, 41; 24, 73; 24, 94; 24, 95; 24, 96; 24, 124; 24, 161; 24, 162; 24, 163; 24, 164; 24, 165; 24, 183; 24, 199; 24, 219; 24, 228; 25, expression_statement; 25, 26; 26, comment; 27, if_statement; 27, 28; 27, 35; 28, comparison_operator:!=; 28, 29; 28, 32; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:model; 31, identifier:category; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:Category; 34, identifier:MODEL; 35, block; 35, 36; 36, raise_statement; 36, 37; 37, call; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 39, argument_list; 39, 40; 40, string:"The model should be of category MODEL"; 41, if_statement; 41, 42; 41, 49; 42, not_operator; 42, 43; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:property_type; 46, identifier:endswith; 47, argument_list; 47, 48; 48, string:'_VALUE'; 49, block; 49, 50; 49, 60; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, call; 51, 52; 51, 55; 52, attribute; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:warnings; 54, identifier:warn; 55, argument_list; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, concatenated_string; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, string:"Please use the `PropertyType` enumeration to ensure providing correct "; 58, string:"values to the backend."; 59, identifier:UserWarning; 60, expression_statement; 60, 61; 61, assignment; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:property_type; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, string:'{}_VALUE'; 66, identifier:format; 67, argument_list; 67, 68; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 72; 69, attribute; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:property_type; 71, identifier:upper; 72, argument_list; 73, if_statement; 73, 74; 73, 81; 74, comparison_operator:not; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:property_type; 76, call; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:PropertyType; 79, identifier:values; 80, argument_list; 81, block; 81, 82; 82, raise_statement; 82, 83; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 85, argument_list; 85, 86; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 92; 87, attribute; 87, 88; 87, 91; 88, concatenated_string; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, string:"Please provide a valid propertytype, please use one of `enums.PropertyType`. "; 90, string:"Got: '{}'"; 91, identifier:format; 92, argument_list; 92, 93; 93, identifier:property_type; 94, comment; 95, comment; 96, if_statement; 96, 97; 96, 117; 97, boolean_operator:and; 97, 98; 97, 116; 98, boolean_operator:and; 98, 99; 98, 108; 98, 109; 99, comparison_operator:in; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:property_type; 101, tuple; 101, 102; 101, 105; 102, attribute; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:PropertyType; 104, identifier:REFERENCE_VALUE; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:PropertyType; 107, identifier:REFERENCES_VALUE; 108, line_continuation:\; 109, call; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:isinstance; 111, argument_list; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:default_value; 113, tuple; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:list; 115, identifier:tuple; 116, identifier:default_value; 117, block; 117, 118; 118, expression_statement; 118, 119; 119, assignment; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:default_value; 121, subscript; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:default_value; 123, integer:0; 124, expression_statement; 124, 125; 125, assignment; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:data; 127, dictionary; 127, 128; 127, 131; 127, 136; 127, 141; 127, 148; 127, 151; 127, 156; 128, pair; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, string:"name"; 130, identifier:name; 131, pair; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:"part"; 133, attribute; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:model; 135, identifier:id; 136, pair; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, string:"description"; 138, boolean_operator:or; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:description; 140, string:''; 141, pair; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, string:"property_type"; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 147; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:property_type; 146, identifier:upper; 147, argument_list; 148, pair; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, string:"value"; 150, identifier:default_value; 151, pair; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, string:"unit"; 153, boolean_operator:or; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:unit; 155, string:''; 156, pair; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, string:"options"; 158, boolean_operator:or; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:options; 160, dictionary; 161, comment; 162, comment; 163, comment; 164, comment; 165, expression_statement; 165, 166; 166, assignment; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:response; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 172; 169, attribute; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:self; 171, identifier:_request; 172, argument_list; 172, 173; 172, 174; 172, 180; 173, string:'POST'; 174, call; 174, 175; 174, 178; 175, attribute; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:self; 177, identifier:_build_url; 178, argument_list; 178, 179; 179, string:'properties'; 180, keyword_argument; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:json; 182, identifier:data; 183, if_statement; 183, 184; 183, 193; 184, comparison_operator:!=; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, attribute; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:response; 187, identifier:status_code; 188, attribute; 188, 189; 188, 192; 189, attribute; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:requests; 191, identifier:codes; 192, identifier:created; 193, block; 193, 194; 194, raise_statement; 194, 195; 195, call; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:APIError; 197, argument_list; 197, 198; 198, string:"Could not create property"; 199, expression_statement; 199, 200; 200, assignment; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:prop; 202, call; 202, 203; 202, 206; 203, attribute; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:Property; 205, identifier:create; 206, argument_list; 206, 207; 206, 216; 207, subscript; 207, 208; 207, 215; 208, subscript; 208, 209; 208, 214; 209, call; 209, 210; 209, 213; 210, attribute; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:response; 212, identifier:json; 213, argument_list; 214, string:'results'; 215, integer:0; 216, keyword_argument; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:client; 218, identifier:self; 219, expression_statement; 219, 220; 220, call; 220, 221; 220, 226; 221, attribute; 221, 222; 221, 225; 222, attribute; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, identifier:model; 224, identifier:properties; 225, identifier:append; 226, argument_list; 226, 227; 227, identifier:prop; 228, return_statement; 228, 229; 229, identifier:prop
def create_property(self, model, name, description=None, property_type=PropertyType.CHAR_VALUE, default_value=None, unit=None, options=None): """Create a new property model under a given model. Use the :class:`enums.PropertyType` to select which property type to create to ensure that you provide the correct values to the KE-chain backend. The default is a `PropertyType.CHAR_VALUE` which is a single line text in KE-chain. :param model: parent model :type model: :class:`models.Part` :param name: property model name :type name: basestring :param description: property model description (optional) :type description: basestring or None :param property_type: choose one of the :class:`enums.PropertyType`, defaults to `PropertyType.CHAR_VALUE`. :type property_type: basestring or None :param default_value: (optional) default value used for part instances when creating a model. :type default_value: any :param unit: (optional) unit of the property :type unit: basestring or None :param options: (optional) property options (eg. validators or 'single selectlist choices') :type options: basestring or None :return: a :class:`models.Property` with category `MODEL` :raises IllegalArgumentError: When the provided arguments are incorrect :raises APIError: if the `Property` model could not be created """ if model.category != Category.MODEL: raise IllegalArgumentError("The model should be of category MODEL") if not property_type.endswith('_VALUE'): warnings.warn("Please use the `PropertyType` enumeration to ensure providing correct " "values to the backend.", UserWarning) property_type = '{}_VALUE'.format(property_type.upper()) if property_type not in PropertyType.values(): raise IllegalArgumentError("Please provide a valid propertytype, please use one of `enums.PropertyType`. " "Got: '{}'".format(property_type)) # because the references value only accepts a single 'model_id' in the default value, we need to convert this # to a single value from the list of values. if property_type in (PropertyType.REFERENCE_VALUE, PropertyType.REFERENCES_VALUE) and \ isinstance(default_value, (list, tuple)) and default_value: default_value = default_value[0] data = { "name": name, "part":, "description": description or '', "property_type": property_type.upper(), "value": default_value, "unit": unit or '', "options": options or {} } # # We add options after the fact only if they are available, otherwise the options will be set to null in the # # request and that can't be handled by KE-chain. # if options: # data['options'] = options response = self._request('POST', self._build_url('properties'), json=data) if response.status_code != raise APIError("Could not create property") prop = Property.create(response.json()['results'][0], client=self) return prop
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:set_sort; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:request; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 10; 6, 26; 6, 59; 6, 60; 6, 80; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:sort_request; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 19; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 18; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:request; 17, identifier:GET; 18, identifier:get; 19, argument_list; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:self; 22, identifier:sort_parameter; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:self; 25, identifier:default_sort; 26, if_statement; 26, 27; 26, 33; 26, 49; 27, call; 27, 28; 27, 31; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:sort_request; 30, identifier:startswith; 31, argument_list; 31, 32; 32, string:'-'; 33, block; 33, 34; 33, 38; 34, expression_statement; 34, 35; 35, assignment; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:sort_order; 37, string:'-'; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:sort_field; 41, subscript; 41, 42; 41, 48; 42, call; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:sort_request; 45, identifier:split; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 47, string:'-'; 48, integer:1; 49, else_clause; 49, 50; 50, block; 50, 51; 50, 55; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:sort_order; 54, string:''; 55, expression_statement; 55, 56; 56, assignment; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:sort_field; 58, identifier:sort_request; 59, comment; 60, if_statement; 60, 61; 60, 67; 61, not_operator; 61, 62; 62, comparison_operator:in; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:sort_field; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:self; 66, identifier:_allowed_sort_fields; 67, block; 67, 68; 67, 74; 68, expression_statement; 68, 69; 69, assignment; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:sort_order; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:self; 73, identifier:default_sort_order; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, assignment; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:sort_field; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:self; 79, identifier:default_sort_field; 80, return_statement; 80, 81; 81, tuple; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:sort_order; 83, identifier:sort_field
def set_sort(self, request): """ Take the sort parameter from the get parameters and split it into the field and the prefix """ # Look for 'sort' in get request. If not available use default. sort_request = request.GET.get(self.sort_parameter, self.default_sort) if sort_request.startswith('-'): sort_order = '-' sort_field = sort_request.split('-')[1] else: sort_order = '' sort_field = sort_request # Invalid sort requests fail silently if not sort_field in self._allowed_sort_fields: sort_order = self.default_sort_order sort_field = self.default_sort_field return (sort_order, sort_field)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:get_next_sort_string; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:field; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 10; 6, 46; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, comment; 10, if_statement; 10, 11; 10, 16; 10, 27; 11, comparison_operator:==; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:field; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:self; 15, identifier:sort_field; 16, block; 16, 17; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, assignment; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:next_sort; 20, binary_operator:+; 20, 21; 20, 26; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:self; 24, identifier:toggle_sort_order; 25, argument_list; 26, identifier:field; 27, else_clause; 27, 28; 28, block; 28, 29; 28, 40; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 30, 33; 31, identifier:default_order_for_field; 32, line_continuation:\; 33, subscript; 33, 34; 33, 39; 34, subscript; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:_allowed_sort_fields; 38, identifier:field; 39, string:'default_direction'; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:next_sort; 43, binary_operator:+; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:default_order_for_field; 45, identifier:field; 46, return_statement; 46, 47; 47, call; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, attribute; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:self; 50, identifier:get_sort_string; 51, argument_list; 51, 52; 52, identifier:next_sort
def get_next_sort_string(self, field): """ If we're already sorted by the field then the sort query returned reverses the sort order. """ # self.sort_field is the currect sort field if field == self.sort_field: next_sort = self.toggle_sort_order() + field else: default_order_for_field = \ self._allowed_sort_fields[field]['default_direction'] next_sort = default_order_for_field + field return self.get_sort_string(next_sort)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:get_sort_indicator; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:field; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 13; 6, 35; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:indicator; 12, string:''; 13, if_statement; 13, 14; 13, 19; 14, comparison_operator:==; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:field; 16, attribute; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:self; 18, identifier:sort_field; 19, block; 19, 20; 19, 24; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, assignment; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:indicator; 23, string:'sort-asc'; 24, if_statement; 24, 25; 24, 30; 25, comparison_operator:==; 25, 26; 25, 29; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:self; 28, identifier:sort_order; 29, string:'-'; 30, block; 30, 31; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, assignment; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:indicator; 34, string:'sort-desc'; 35, return_statement; 35, 36; 36, identifier:indicator
def get_sort_indicator(self, field): """ Returns a sort class for the active sort only. That is, if field is not sort_field, then nothing will be returned becaues the sort is not active. """ indicator = '' if field == self.sort_field: indicator = 'sort-asc' if self.sort_order == '-': indicator = 'sort-desc' return indicator
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:get_basic_sort_link; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:request; 6, identifier:field; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 18; 7, 27; 7, 66; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:query_string; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:self; 16, identifier:get_querystring; 17, argument_list; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:sort_string; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:self; 24, identifier:get_next_sort_string; 25, argument_list; 25, 26; 26, identifier:field; 27, if_statement; 27, 28; 27, 29; 27, 49; 28, identifier:sort_string; 29, block; 29, 30; 29, 40; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, assignment; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:sort_link; 33, binary_operator:+; 33, 34; 33, 39; 34, binary_operator:+; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:request; 37, identifier:path; 38, string:'?'; 39, identifier:sort_string; 40, if_statement; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:query_string; 42, block; 42, 43; 43, expression_statement; 43, 44; 44, augmented_assignment:+=; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:sort_link; 46, binary_operator:+; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, string:'&'; 48, identifier:query_string; 49, else_clause; 49, 50; 50, block; 50, 51; 50, 57; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:sort_link; 54, attribute; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:request; 56, identifier:path; 57, if_statement; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:query_string; 59, block; 59, 60; 60, expression_statement; 60, 61; 61, augmented_assignment:+=; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:sort_link; 63, binary_operator:+; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, string:'?'; 65, identifier:query_string; 66, return_statement; 66, 67; 67, identifier:sort_link
def get_basic_sort_link(self, request, field): """ Thanks to del_query_parameters and get_querystring, we build the link with preserving interesting get parameters and removing the others """ query_string = self.get_querystring() sort_string = self.get_next_sort_string(field) if sort_string: sort_link = request.path + '?' + sort_string if query_string: sort_link += '&' + query_string else: sort_link = request.path if query_string: sort_link += '?' + query_string return sort_link
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 24; 2, function_name:download_as_pdf; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 16; 3, 21; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:target_dir; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:pdf_filename; 10, None; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:paper_size; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:PaperSize; 15, identifier:A4; 16, default_parameter; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:paper_orientation; 18, attribute; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:PaperOrientation; 20, identifier:PORTRAIT; 21, default_parameter; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:include_appendices; 23, False; 24, block; 24, 25; 24, 27; 24, 39; 24, 52; 24, 70; 24, 83; 24, 99; 24, 114; 24, 138; 24, 139; 24, 255; 25, expression_statement; 25, 26; 26, comment; 27, if_statement; 27, 28; 27, 30; 28, not_operator; 28, 29; 29, identifier:pdf_filename; 30, block; 30, 31; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, assignment; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:pdf_filename; 34, binary_operator:+; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:name; 38, string:'.pdf'; 39, if_statement; 39, 40; 39, 47; 40, not_operator; 40, 41; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:pdf_filename; 44, identifier:endswith; 45, argument_list; 45, 46; 46, string:'.pdf'; 47, block; 47, 48; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, augmented_assignment:+=; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:pdf_filename; 51, string:'.pdf'; 52, expression_statement; 52, 53; 53, assignment; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:full_path; 55, call; 55, 56; 55, 61; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:os; 59, identifier:path; 60, identifier:join; 61, argument_list; 61, 62; 61, 69; 62, boolean_operator:or; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:target_dir; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:os; 67, identifier:getcwd; 68, argument_list; 69, identifier:pdf_filename; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:request_params; 73, dictionary; 73, 74; 73, 77; 73, 80; 74, pair; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, string:'papersize'; 76, identifier:paper_size; 77, pair; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, string:'orientation'; 79, identifier:paper_orientation; 80, pair; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, string:'appendices'; 82, identifier:include_appendices; 83, expression_statement; 83, 84; 84, assignment; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:url; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 92; 87, attribute; 87, 88; 87, 91; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:self; 90, identifier:_client; 91, identifier:_build_url; 92, argument_list; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, string:'activity_export'; 94, keyword_argument; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:activity_id; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:self; 98, identifier:id; 99, expression_statement; 99, 100; 100, assignment; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:response; 102, call; 102, 103; 102, 108; 103, attribute; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, attribute; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:self; 106, identifier:_client; 107, identifier:_request; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 108, 110; 108, 111; 109, string:'GET'; 110, identifier:url; 111, keyword_argument; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:params; 113, identifier:request_params; 114, if_statement; 114, 115; 114, 124; 114, 125; 115, comparison_operator:!=; 115, 116; 115, 119; 116, attribute; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:response; 118, identifier:status_code; 119, attribute; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:requests; 122, identifier:codes; 123, identifier:ok; 124, comment; 125, block; 125, 126; 126, raise_statement; 126, 127; 127, call; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:APIError; 129, argument_list; 129, 130; 130, call; 130, 131; 130, 134; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:"Could not download PDF of activity {}"; 133, identifier:format; 134, argument_list; 134, 135; 135, attribute; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:self; 137, identifier:name; 138, comment; 139, if_statement; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:include_appendices; 141, block; 141, 142; 141, 150; 141, 151; 141, 165; 141, 169; 141, 240; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, assignment; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:data; 145, call; 145, 146; 145, 149; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:response; 148, identifier:json; 149, argument_list; 150, comment; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:url; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:urljoin; 156, argument_list; 156, 157; 156, 162; 157, attribute; 157, 158; 157, 161; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:self; 160, identifier:_client; 161, identifier:api_root; 162, subscript; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:data; 164, string:'download_url'; 165, expression_statement; 165, 166; 166, assignment; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:count; 168, integer:0; 169, while_statement; 169, 170; 169, 173; 170, comparison_operator:<=; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:count; 172, identifier:ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT; 173, block; 173, 174; 173, 188; 173, 229; 173, 233; 174, expression_statement; 174, 175; 175, assignment; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:response; 177, call; 177, 178; 177, 183; 178, attribute; 178, 179; 178, 182; 179, attribute; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:self; 181, identifier:_client; 182, identifier:_request; 183, argument_list; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, string:'GET'; 185, keyword_argument; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:url; 187, identifier:url; 188, if_statement; 188, 189; 188, 198; 188, 199; 189, comparison_operator:==; 189, 190; 189, 193; 190, attribute; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:response; 192, identifier:status_code; 193, attribute; 193, 194; 193, 197; 194, attribute; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:requests; 196, identifier:codes; 197, identifier:ok; 198, comment; 199, block; 199, 200; 199, 228; 200, with_statement; 200, 201; 200, 211; 201, with_clause; 201, 202; 202, with_item; 202, 203; 203, as_pattern; 203, 204; 203, 209; 204, call; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:open; 206, argument_list; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:full_path; 208, string:'wb'; 209, as_pattern_target; 209, 210; 210, identifier:f; 211, block; 211, 212; 212, for_statement; 212, 213; 212, 214; 212, 220; 213, identifier:chunk; 214, call; 214, 215; 214, 218; 215, attribute; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:response; 217, identifier:iter_content; 218, argument_list; 218, 219; 219, integer:1024; 220, block; 220, 221; 221, expression_statement; 221, 222; 222, call; 222, 223; 222, 226; 223, attribute; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:f; 225, identifier:write; 226, argument_list; 226, 227; 227, identifier:chunk; 228, return_statement; 229, expression_statement; 229, 230; 230, augmented_assignment:+=; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:count; 232, identifier:ASYNC_REFRESH_INTERVAL; 233, expression_statement; 233, 234; 234, call; 234, 235; 234, 238; 235, attribute; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:time; 237, identifier:sleep; 238, argument_list; 238, 239; 239, identifier:ASYNC_REFRESH_INTERVAL; 240, raise_statement; 240, 241; 241, call; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:APIError; 243, argument_list; 243, 244; 244, call; 244, 245; 244, 250; 245, attribute; 245, 246; 245, 249; 246, concatenated_string; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, string:"Could not download PDF of activity {} within the time-out limit of {} "; 248, string:"seconds"; 249, identifier:format; 250, argument_list; 250, 251; 250, 254; 251, attribute; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:self; 253, identifier:name; 254, identifier:ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT; 255, with_statement; 255, 256; 255, 266; 256, with_clause; 256, 257; 257, with_item; 257, 258; 258, as_pattern; 258, 259; 258, 264; 259, call; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:open; 261, argument_list; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:full_path; 263, string:'wb'; 264, as_pattern_target; 264, 265; 265, identifier:f; 266, block; 266, 267; 267, for_statement; 267, 268; 267, 269; 267, 275; 268, identifier:chunk; 269, call; 269, 270; 269, 273; 270, attribute; 270, 271; 270, 272; 271, identifier:response; 272, identifier:iter_content; 273, argument_list; 273, 274; 274, integer:1024; 275, block; 275, 276; 276, expression_statement; 276, 277; 277, call; 277, 278; 277, 281; 278, attribute; 278, 279; 278, 280; 279, identifier:f; 280, identifier:write; 281, argument_list; 281, 282; 282, identifier:chunk
def download_as_pdf(self, target_dir=None, pdf_filename=None, paper_size=PaperSize.A4, paper_orientation=PaperOrientation.PORTRAIT, include_appendices=False): """ Retrieve the PDF of the Activity. .. versionadded:: 2.1 :param target_dir: (optional) directory path name where the store the log.txt to. :type target_dir: basestring or None :param pdf_filename: (optional) log filename to write the log to, defaults to `log.txt`. :type pdf_filename: basestring or None :param paper_size: The size of the paper to which the PDF is downloaded: - a4paper (default): A4 paper size - a3paper: A3 paper size - a2paper: A2 paper size - a1paper: A1 paper size - a0paper: A0 paper size :type paper_size: basestring (see :class:`enums.PaperSize`) :param paper_orientation: The orientation of the paper to which the PDF is downloaded: - portrait (default): portrait orientation - landscape: landscape orientation :type paper_size: basestring (see :class:`enums.PaperOrientation`) :param include_appendices: True if the PDF should contain appendices, False (default) if otherwise. :type include_appendices: bool :raises APIError: if the pdf file could not be found. :raises OSError: if the file could not be written. """ if not pdf_filename: pdf_filename = + '.pdf' if not pdf_filename.endswith('.pdf'): pdf_filename += '.pdf' full_path = os.path.join(target_dir or os.getcwd(), pdf_filename) request_params = { 'papersize': paper_size, 'orientation': paper_orientation, 'appendices': include_appendices } url = self._client._build_url('activity_export', response = self._client._request('GET', url, params=request_params) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError("Could not download PDF of activity {}".format( # If appendices are included, the request becomes asynchronous if include_appendices: data = response.json() # Download the pdf async url = urljoin(self._client.api_root, data['download_url']) count = 0 while count <= ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT: response = self._client._request('GET', url=url) if response.status_code == # pragma: no cover with open(full_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(1024): f.write(chunk) return count += ASYNC_REFRESH_INTERVAL time.sleep(ASYNC_REFRESH_INTERVAL) raise APIError("Could not download PDF of activity {} within the time-out limit of {} " "seconds".format(, ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT)) with open(full_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(1024): f.write(chunk)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 30; 2, function_name:get_project; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 7; 3, 10; 3, 13; 3, 16; 3, 19; 3, 22; 3, 25; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:url; 6, None; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:username; 9, None; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:password; 12, None; 13, default_parameter; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:token; 15, None; 16, default_parameter; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:scope; 18, None; 19, default_parameter; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:scope_id; 21, None; 22, default_parameter; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:env_filename; 24, None; 25, default_parameter; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:status; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:ScopeStatus; 29, identifier:ACTIVE; 30, block; 30, 31; 30, 33; 30, 128; 30, 266; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, comment; 33, if_statement; 33, 34; 33, 45; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:env; 37, identifier:bool; 38, argument_list; 38, 39; 38, 42; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:kecenv; 41, identifier:KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE; 42, keyword_argument; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:default; 44, False; 45, block; 45, 46; 45, 62; 45, 100; 46, if_statement; 46, 47; 46, 56; 47, not_operator; 47, 48; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, attribute; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:os; 51, identifier:getenv; 52, argument_list; 52, 53; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:kecenv; 55, identifier:KECHAIN_URL; 56, block; 56, 57; 57, raise_statement; 57, 58; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:ClientError; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, string:"Error: KECHAIN_URL should be provided as environment variable (use of env vars is enforced)"; 62, if_statement; 62, 63; 62, 92; 63, not_operator; 63, 64; 64, parenthesized_expression; 64, 65; 65, boolean_operator:or; 65, 66; 65, 74; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 70; 67, attribute; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:os; 69, identifier:getenv; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:kecenv; 73, identifier:KECHAIN_TOKEN; 74, parenthesized_expression; 74, 75; 75, boolean_operator:and; 75, 76; 75, 84; 76, call; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:os; 79, identifier:getenv; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:kecenv; 83, identifier:KECHAIN_PASSWORD; 84, call; 84, 85; 84, 88; 85, attribute; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:os; 87, identifier:getenv; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 89, attribute; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:kecenv; 91, identifier:KECHAIN_PASSWORD; 92, block; 92, 93; 93, raise_statement; 93, 94; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:ClientError; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 97, concatenated_string; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, string:"Error: KECHAIN_TOKEN or KECHAIN_USERNAME and KECHAIN_PASSWORD should be provided as "; 99, string:"environment variable(s) (use of env vars is enforced)"; 100, if_statement; 100, 101; 100, 120; 101, not_operator; 101, 102; 102, parenthesized_expression; 102, 103; 103, boolean_operator:or; 103, 104; 103, 112; 104, call; 104, 105; 104, 108; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:os; 107, identifier:getenv; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:kecenv; 111, identifier:KECHAIN_SCOPE; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 116; 113, attribute; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:os; 115, identifier:getenv; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:kecenv; 119, identifier:KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID; 120, block; 120, 121; 121, raise_statement; 121, 122; 122, call; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:ClientError; 124, argument_list; 124, 125; 125, concatenated_string; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, string:"Error: KECHAIN_SCOPE or KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID should be provided as environment variable "; 127, string:"(use of env vars is enforced)"; 128, if_statement; 128, 129; 128, 153; 128, 201; 128, 257; 129, boolean_operator:or; 129, 130; 129, 141; 129, 142; 130, call; 130, 131; 130, 134; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:env; 133, identifier:bool; 134, argument_list; 134, 135; 134, 138; 135, attribute; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:kecenv; 137, identifier:KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE; 138, keyword_argument; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:default; 140, False; 141, line_continuation:\; 142, not_operator; 142, 143; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:any; 145, argument_list; 145, 146; 146, tuple; 146, 147; 146, 148; 146, 149; 146, 150; 146, 151; 146, 152; 147, identifier:url; 148, identifier:username; 149, identifier:password; 150, identifier:token; 151, identifier:scope; 152, identifier:scope_id; 153, block; 153, 154; 153, 165; 153, 177; 153, 189; 154, expression_statement; 154, 155; 155, assignment; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:client; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 161; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:Client; 160, identifier:from_env; 161, argument_list; 161, 162; 162, keyword_argument; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:env_filename; 164, identifier:env_filename; 165, expression_statement; 165, 166; 166, assignment; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:scope_id; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:env; 170, argument_list; 170, 171; 170, 174; 171, attribute; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:kecenv; 173, identifier:KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID; 174, keyword_argument; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:default; 176, None; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:scope; 180, call; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:env; 182, argument_list; 182, 183; 182, 186; 183, attribute; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:kecenv; 185, identifier:KECHAIN_SCOPE; 186, keyword_argument; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, identifier:default; 188, None; 189, expression_statement; 189, 190; 190, assignment; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:status; 192, call; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:env; 194, argument_list; 194, 195; 194, 198; 195, attribute; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:kecenv; 197, identifier:KECHAIN_SCOPE_STATUS; 198, keyword_argument; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:default; 200, None; 201, elif_clause; 201, 202; 201, 232; 202, boolean_operator:and; 202, 203; 202, 219; 202, 220; 203, parenthesized_expression; 203, 204; 204, boolean_operator:and; 204, 205; 204, 215; 205, boolean_operator:and; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:url; 207, parenthesized_expression; 207, 208; 208, boolean_operator:or; 208, 209; 208, 213; 209, parenthesized_expression; 209, 210; 210, boolean_operator:and; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:username; 212, identifier:password; 213, parenthesized_expression; 213, 214; 214, identifier:token; 215, parenthesized_expression; 215, 216; 216, boolean_operator:or; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:scope; 218, identifier:scope_id; 219, line_continuation:\; 220, not_operator; 220, 221; 221, call; 221, 222; 221, 225; 222, attribute; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, identifier:env; 224, identifier:bool; 225, argument_list; 225, 226; 225, 229; 226, attribute; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:kecenv; 228, identifier:KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE; 229, keyword_argument; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:default; 231, False; 232, block; 232, 233; 232, 242; 233, expression_statement; 233, 234; 234, assignment; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:client; 236, call; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:Client; 238, argument_list; 238, 239; 239, keyword_argument; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:url; 241, identifier:url; 242, expression_statement; 242, 243; 243, call; 243, 244; 243, 247; 244, attribute; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:client; 246, identifier:login; 247, argument_list; 247, 248; 247, 251; 247, 254; 248, keyword_argument; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, identifier:username; 250, identifier:username; 251, keyword_argument; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:password; 253, identifier:password; 254, keyword_argument; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:token; 256, identifier:token; 257, else_clause; 257, 258; 258, block; 258, 259; 259, raise_statement; 259, 260; 260, call; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:ClientError; 262, argument_list; 262, 263; 263, concatenated_string; 263, 264; 263, 265; 264, string:"Error: insufficient arguments to connect to KE-chain. "; 265, string:"See documentation of `pykechain.get_project()`"; 266, if_statement; 266, 267; 266, 268; 266, 281; 267, identifier:scope_id; 268, block; 268, 269; 269, return_statement; 269, 270; 270, call; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, attribute; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:client; 273, identifier:scope; 274, argument_list; 274, 275; 274, 278; 275, keyword_argument; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:pk; 277, identifier:scope_id; 278, keyword_argument; 278, 279; 278, 280; 279, identifier:status; 280, identifier:status; 281, else_clause; 281, 282; 282, block; 282, 283; 283, return_statement; 283, 284; 284, call; 284, 285; 284, 288; 285, attribute; 285, 286; 285, 287; 286, identifier:client; 287, identifier:scope; 288, argument_list; 288, 289; 288, 292; 289, keyword_argument; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, identifier:name; 291, identifier:scope; 292, keyword_argument; 292, 293; 292, 294; 293, identifier:status; 294, identifier:status
def get_project(url=None, username=None, password=None, token=None, scope=None, scope_id=None, env_filename=None, status=ScopeStatus.ACTIVE): """ Retrieve and return the KE-chain project to be used throughout an app. This helper is made to bootstrap a pykechain enabled python script or an jupyter notebook with the correct project (technically this is a `pykechain.models.Scope` model). When no parameters are passed in this function, it will try to retrieve `url`, `token`, `scope` (or `scope_id`) from the environment variables or a neatly placed '.env' file. when the environment variable KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE is set to true, (or ok, on, 1, yes) then the use of environmentvariables for the retrieval of the scope are enforced. The following environment variables can be set:: KECHAIN_URL - full url of KE-chain where to connect to eg: 'https://<some>' KECHAIN_TOKEN - authentication token for the KE-chain user provided from KE-chain user account control KECHAIN_USERNAME - the username for the credentials KECHAIN_PASSWORD - the password for the credentials KECHAIN_SCOPE - the name of the project / scope. Should be unique, otherwise use scope_id KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID - the UUID of the project / scope. KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE - set to 'true', '1', 'ok', or 'yes' to always use the environment variables. KECHAIN_SCOPE_STATUS - the status of the Scope to retrieve, defaults to None to retrieve all scopes .. versionadded:: 1.12 :param url: (optional) url of KE-chain :type url: basestring or None :param username: (optional) username for authentication (together with password, if not token) :type username: basestring or None :param password: (optional) password for username/password authentication (together with username, if not token) :type password: basestring or None :param token: (optional) token for authentication (if not username/password) :type token: basestring or None :param scope: (optional) name of the scope to retrieve from KE-chain. :type scope: basestring or None :param scope_id: (optional) UUID of the scope to retrieve and return from KE-chain :type scope_id: basestring or None :param env_filename: (optional) name of the environment filename to bootstrap the Client :type env_filename: basestring or None :param status: (optional) status of the scope to retrieve, defaults to :attr:`enums.Scopestatus.ACTIVE` :type status: basestring or None :return: pykechain.models.Scope :raises NotFoundError: If the scope could not be found :raises ClientError: If the client connection to KE-chain was unsuccessful :raises APIError: If other Errors occur to retrieve the scope Example ------- An example with parameters provided >>> from pykechain import get_project >>> project = get_project(url='http://localhost:8000', ... username='foo', password='bar', scope='1st!') >>> print( 1st An example with a .env file on disk:: # This is an .env file on disk. KECHAIN_TOKEN=bd9377793f7e74a29dbb11fce969 KECHAIN_URL=http://localhost:8080 KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID=c9f0-228e-4d3a-9dc0-ec5a75d7 >>> project = get_project(env_filename='/path/to/.env') >>> c9f0-228e-4d3a-9dc0-ec5a75d7 An example for get_project that will extract all from the environment variables >>> env_vars = os.environ >>> env_vars.get('KECHAIN_TOKEN') bd9377793f7e74a29dbb11fce969 >>> env_vars.get('KECHAIN_URL') http://localhost:8080 >>> env_vars.get('KECHAIN_SCOPE') Bike Project >>> project = get_project() >>> Bike Project """ if env.bool(kecenv.KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE, default=False): if not os.getenv(kecenv.KECHAIN_URL): raise ClientError( "Error: KECHAIN_URL should be provided as environment variable (use of env vars is enforced)") if not (os.getenv(kecenv.KECHAIN_TOKEN) or (os.getenv(kecenv.KECHAIN_PASSWORD) and os.getenv(kecenv.KECHAIN_PASSWORD))): raise ClientError("Error: KECHAIN_TOKEN or KECHAIN_USERNAME and KECHAIN_PASSWORD should be provided as " "environment variable(s) (use of env vars is enforced)") if not (os.getenv(kecenv.KECHAIN_SCOPE) or os.getenv(kecenv.KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID)): raise ClientError("Error: KECHAIN_SCOPE or KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID should be provided as environment variable " "(use of env vars is enforced)") if env.bool(kecenv.KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE, default=False) or \ not any((url, username, password, token, scope, scope_id)): client = Client.from_env(env_filename=env_filename) scope_id = env(kecenv.KECHAIN_SCOPE_ID, default=None) scope = env(kecenv.KECHAIN_SCOPE, default=None) status = env(kecenv.KECHAIN_SCOPE_STATUS, default=None) elif (url and ((username and password) or (token)) and (scope or scope_id)) and \ not env.bool(kecenv.KECHAIN_FORCE_ENV_USE, default=False): client = Client(url=url) client.login(username=username, password=password, token=token) else: raise ClientError("Error: insufficient arguments to connect to KE-chain. " "See documentation of `pykechain.get_project()`") if scope_id: return client.scope(pk=scope_id, status=status) else: return client.scope(name=scope, status=status)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:options; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:cls; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, return_statement; 8, 9; 9, call; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:sorted; 11, generator_expression; 11, 12; 11, 15; 11, 26; 12, tuple; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:value; 14, identifier:name; 15, for_in_clause; 15, 16; 15, 19; 16, tuple_pattern; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:name; 18, identifier:value; 19, call; 19, 20; 19, 25; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:cls; 23, identifier:__dict__; 24, identifier:items; 25, argument_list; 26, if_clause; 26, 27; 27, not_operator; 27, 28; 28, call; 28, 29; 28, 32; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:name; 31, identifier:startswith; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, string:'__'
def options(cls): """Provide a sorted list of options.""" return sorted((value, name) for (name, value) in cls.__dict__.items() if not name.startswith('__'))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 16; 2, function_name:edit; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 14; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:name; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:description; 10, None; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:version; 13, None; 14, dictionary_splat_pattern; 14, 15; 15, identifier:kwargs; 16, block; 16, 17; 16, 19; 16, 28; 16, 54; 16, 80; 16, 106; 16, 118; 16, 145; 16, 167; 16, 176; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, comment; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, assignment; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:update_dict; 22, dictionary; 22, 23; 23, pair; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, string:'id'; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:self; 27, identifier:id; 28, if_statement; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:name; 30, block; 30, 31; 30, 44; 31, if_statement; 31, 32; 31, 38; 32, not_operator; 32, 33; 33, call; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:isinstance; 35, argument_list; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:name; 37, identifier:str; 38, block; 38, 39; 39, raise_statement; 39, 40; 40, call; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 42, argument_list; 42, 43; 43, string:"name should be provided as a string"; 44, expression_statement; 44, 45; 45, call; 45, 46; 45, 49; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:update_dict; 48, identifier:update; 49, argument_list; 49, 50; 50, dictionary; 50, 51; 51, pair; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, string:'name'; 53, identifier:name; 54, if_statement; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:description; 56, block; 56, 57; 56, 70; 57, if_statement; 57, 58; 57, 64; 58, not_operator; 58, 59; 59, call; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:isinstance; 61, argument_list; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:description; 63, identifier:str; 64, block; 64, 65; 65, raise_statement; 65, 66; 66, call; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, string:"description should be provided as a string"; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 75; 72, attribute; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:update_dict; 74, identifier:update; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, dictionary; 76, 77; 77, pair; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, string:'description'; 79, identifier:description; 80, if_statement; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:version; 82, block; 82, 83; 82, 96; 83, if_statement; 83, 84; 83, 90; 84, not_operator; 84, 85; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:isinstance; 87, argument_list; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:version; 89, identifier:str; 90, block; 90, 91; 91, raise_statement; 91, 92; 92, call; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 94, argument_list; 94, 95; 95, string:"description should be provided as a string"; 96, expression_statement; 96, 97; 97, call; 97, 98; 97, 101; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:update_dict; 100, identifier:update; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 102, dictionary; 102, 103; 103, pair; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, string:'script_version'; 105, identifier:version; 106, if_statement; 106, 107; 106, 108; 106, 109; 107, identifier:kwargs; 108, comment; 109, block; 109, 110; 110, expression_statement; 110, 111; 111, call; 111, 112; 111, 115; 112, attribute; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:update_dict; 114, identifier:update; 115, argument_list; 115, 116; 116, dictionary_splat; 116, 117; 117, identifier:kwargs; 118, expression_statement; 118, 119; 119, assignment; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:response; 121, call; 121, 122; 121, 127; 122, attribute; 122, 123; 122, 126; 123, attribute; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:self; 125, identifier:_client; 126, identifier:_request; 127, argument_list; 127, 128; 127, 129; 127, 142; 128, string:'PUT'; 129, call; 129, 130; 129, 135; 130, attribute; 130, 131; 130, 134; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:self; 133, identifier:_client; 134, identifier:_build_url; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, string:'service'; 137, keyword_argument; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:service_id; 139, attribute; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:self; 141, identifier:id; 142, keyword_argument; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:json; 144, identifier:update_dict; 145, if_statement; 145, 146; 145, 155; 145, 156; 146, comparison_operator:!=; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, attribute; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:response; 149, identifier:status_code; 150, attribute; 150, 151; 150, 154; 151, attribute; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:requests; 153, identifier:codes; 154, identifier:ok; 155, comment; 156, block; 156, 157; 157, raise_statement; 157, 158; 158, call; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:APIError; 160, argument_list; 160, 161; 161, call; 161, 162; 161, 165; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, string:"Could not update Service ({})"; 164, identifier:format; 165, argument_list; 165, 166; 166, identifier:response; 167, if_statement; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:name; 169, block; 169, 170; 170, expression_statement; 170, 171; 171, assignment; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:self; 174, identifier:name; 175, identifier:name; 176, if_statement; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:version; 178, block; 178, 179; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, assignment; 180, 181; 180, 184; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:self; 183, identifier:version; 184, identifier:version
def edit(self, name=None, description=None, version=None, **kwargs): """ Edit Service details. .. versionadded:: 1.13 :param name: (optional) name of the service to change. :type name: basestring or None :param description: (optional) description of the service. :type description: basestring or None :param version: (optional) version number of the service. :type version: basestring or None :param kwargs: (optional) additional keyword arguments to change. :type kwargs: dict or None :raises IllegalArgumentError: when you provide an illegal argument. :raises APIError: if the service could not be updated. """ update_dict = {'id':} if name: if not isinstance(name, str): raise IllegalArgumentError("name should be provided as a string") update_dict.update({'name': name}) if description: if not isinstance(description, str): raise IllegalArgumentError("description should be provided as a string") update_dict.update({'description': description}) if version: if not isinstance(version, str): raise IllegalArgumentError("description should be provided as a string") update_dict.update({'script_version': version}) if kwargs: # pragma: no cover update_dict.update(**kwargs) response = self._client._request('PUT', self._client._build_url('service',, json=update_dict) if response.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError("Could not update Service ({})".format(response)) if name: = name if version: self.version = version
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:children; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, dictionary_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:kwargs; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, if_statement; 10, 11; 10, 13; 10, 14; 10, 50; 11, not_operator; 11, 12; 12, identifier:kwargs; 13, comment; 14, block; 14, 15; 14, 46; 15, if_statement; 15, 16; 15, 20; 16, not_operator; 16, 17; 17, attribute; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:self; 19, identifier:_cached_children; 20, block; 20, 21; 21, expression_statement; 21, 22; 22, assignment; 22, 23; 22, 26; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:self; 25, identifier:_cached_children; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:list; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, call; 29, 30; 29, 35; 30, attribute; 30, 31; 30, 34; 31, attribute; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:self; 33, identifier:_client; 34, identifier:parts; 35, argument_list; 35, 36; 35, 41; 36, keyword_argument; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:parent; 38, attribute; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:self; 40, identifier:id; 41, keyword_argument; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:category; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:self; 45, identifier:category; 46, return_statement; 46, 47; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:self; 49, identifier:_cached_children; 50, else_clause; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, comment; 52, block; 52, 53; 53, return_statement; 53, 54; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 60; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:self; 58, identifier:_client; 59, identifier:parts; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 60, 66; 60, 71; 61, keyword_argument; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:parent; 63, attribute; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:self; 65, identifier:id; 66, keyword_argument; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:category; 68, attribute; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:self; 70, identifier:category; 71, dictionary_splat; 71, 72; 72, identifier:kwargs
def children(self, **kwargs): """Retrieve the children of this `Part` as `Partset`. When you call the :func:`Part.children()` method without any additional filtering options for the children, the children are cached to help speed up subsequent calls to retrieve the children. The cached children are returned as a list and not as a `Partset`. When you *do provide* additional keyword arguments (kwargs) that act as a specific children filter, the cached children are _not_ used and a separate API call is made to retrieve only those children. :param kwargs: Additional search arguments to search for, check :class:`` for additional info :type kwargs: dict :return: a set of `Parts` as a :class:`PartSet`. Will be empty if no children. Will be a `List` if the children are retrieved from the cached children. :raises APIError: When an error occurs. Example ------- A normal call, which caches all children of the bike. If you call `bike.children` twice only 1 API call is made. >>> bike = project.part('Bike') >>> direct_descendants_of_bike = bike.children() An example with providing additional part search parameters 'name__icontains'. Children are retrieved from the API, not the bike's internal (already cached in previous example) cache. >>> bike = project.part('Bike') >>> wheel_children_of_bike = bike.children(name__icontains='wheel') """ if not kwargs: # no kwargs provided is the default, we aim to cache it. if not self._cached_children: self._cached_children = list(, category=self.category)) return self._cached_children else: # if kwargs are provided, we assume no use of cache as specific filtering on the children is performed. return, category=self.category, **kwargs)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 16; 2, function_name:update; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 14; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:name; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:update_dict; 10, None; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:bulk; 13, True; 14, dictionary_splat_pattern; 14, 15; 15, identifier:kwargs; 16, block; 16, 17; 16, 19; 16, 20; 16, 24; 16, 30; 16, 67; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, comment; 19, comment; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, assignment; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:action; 23, string:'bulk_update_properties'; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, assignment; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:request_body; 27, call; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:dict; 29, argument_list; 30, for_statement; 30, 31; 30, 34; 30, 39; 31, pattern_list; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 33, identifier:property_value; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:update_dict; 37, identifier:items; 38, argument_list; 39, block; 39, 40; 40, if_statement; 40, 41; 40, 45; 40, 52; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:is_uuid; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 44, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 45, block; 45, 46; 46, expression_statement; 46, 47; 47, assignment; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, subscript; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:request_body; 50, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 51, identifier:property_value; 52, else_clause; 52, 53; 53, block; 53, 54; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, assignment; 55, 56; 55, 66; 56, subscript; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:request_body; 58, attribute; 58, 59; 58, 65; 59, call; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:self; 62, identifier:property; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 64, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 65, identifier:id; 66, identifier:property_value; 67, if_statement; 67, 68; 67, 80; 67, 175; 68, boolean_operator:and; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:bulk; 70, comparison_operator:>; 70, 71; 70, 79; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:len; 73, argument_list; 73, 74; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:update_dict; 77, identifier:keys; 78, argument_list; 79, integer:1; 80, block; 80, 81; 80, 97; 80, 147; 81, if_statement; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:name; 83, block; 83, 84; 84, if_statement; 84, 85; 84, 91; 85, not_operator; 85, 86; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:isinstance; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:name; 90, identifier:str; 91, block; 91, 92; 92, raise_statement; 92, 93; 93, call; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 95, argument_list; 95, 96; 96, string:"Name of the part should be provided as a string"; 97, expression_statement; 97, 98; 98, assignment; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:r; 100, call; 100, 101; 100, 106; 101, attribute; 101, 102; 101, 105; 102, attribute; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:self; 104, identifier:_client; 105, identifier:_request; 106, argument_list; 106, 107; 106, 108; 106, 121; 106, 139; 107, string:'PUT'; 108, call; 108, 109; 108, 114; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 113; 110, attribute; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:self; 112, identifier:_client; 113, identifier:_build_url; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, string:'part'; 116, keyword_argument; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:part_id; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:self; 120, identifier:id; 121, keyword_argument; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:data; 123, call; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:dict; 125, argument_list; 125, 126; 125, 129; 125, 137; 126, keyword_argument; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:name; 128, identifier:name; 129, keyword_argument; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:properties; 131, call; 131, 132; 131, 135; 132, attribute; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:json; 134, identifier:dumps; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 136, identifier:request_body; 137, dictionary_splat; 137, 138; 138, identifier:kwargs; 139, keyword_argument; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:params; 141, call; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:dict; 143, argument_list; 143, 144; 144, keyword_argument; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:select_action; 146, identifier:action; 147, if_statement; 147, 148; 147, 157; 147, 158; 148, comparison_operator:!=; 148, 149; 148, 152; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:r; 151, identifier:status_code; 152, attribute; 152, 153; 152, 156; 153, attribute; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:requests; 155, identifier:codes; 156, identifier:ok; 157, comment; 158, block; 158, 159; 159, raise_statement; 159, 160; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:APIError; 162, argument_list; 162, 163; 163, call; 163, 164; 163, 167; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, string:'{}: {}'; 166, identifier:format; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 167, 172; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:str; 170, argument_list; 170, 171; 171, identifier:r; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:r; 174, identifier:content; 175, else_clause; 175, 176; 176, block; 176, 177; 177, for_statement; 177, 178; 177, 181; 177, 186; 178, pattern_list; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:property_name; 180, identifier:property_value; 181, call; 181, 182; 181, 185; 182, attribute; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:update_dict; 184, identifier:items; 185, argument_list; 186, block; 186, 187; 187, expression_statement; 187, 188; 188, assignment; 188, 189; 188, 197; 189, attribute; 189, 190; 189, 196; 190, call; 190, 191; 190, 194; 191, attribute; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:self; 193, identifier:property; 194, argument_list; 194, 195; 195, identifier:property_name; 196, identifier:value; 197, identifier:property_value
def update(self, name=None, update_dict=None, bulk=True, **kwargs): """ Edit part name and property values in one go. In order to prevent the backend from updating the frontend you may add `suppress_kevents=True` as additional keyword=value argument to this method. This will improve performance of the backend against a trade-off that someone looking at the frontend won't notice any changes unless the page is refreshed. :param name: new part name (defined as a string) :type name: basestring or None :param update_dict: dictionary with keys being property names (str) or property ids (uuid) and values being property values :type update_dict: dict :param bulk: True to use the bulk_update_properties API endpoint for KE-chain versions later then 2.1.0b :type bulk: boolean or None :param kwargs: (optional) additional keyword arguments that will be passed inside the update request :type kwargs: dict or None :return: the updated :class:`Part` :raises NotFoundError: when the property name is not a valid property of this part :raises IllegalArgumentError: when the type or value of an argument provided is incorrect :raises APIError: in case an Error occurs Example ------- >>> bike = client.scope('Bike Project').part('Bike') >>> bike.update(name='Good name', update_dict={'Gears': 11, 'Total Height': 56.3}, bulk=True) """ # dict(name=name, properties=json.dumps(update_dict))) with property ids:value action = 'bulk_update_properties' request_body = dict() for prop_name_or_id, property_value in update_dict.items(): if is_uuid(prop_name_or_id): request_body[prop_name_or_id] = property_value else: request_body[] = property_value if bulk and len(update_dict.keys()) > 1: if name: if not isinstance(name, str): raise IllegalArgumentError("Name of the part should be provided as a string") r = self._client._request('PUT', self._client._build_url('part',, data=dict(name=name, properties=json.dumps(request_body), **kwargs), params=dict(select_action=action)) if r.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError('{}: {}'.format(str(r), r.content)) else: for property_name, property_value in update_dict.items(): = property_value
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 17; 2, function_name:add_with_properties; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 3, 15; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:model; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:name; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:update_dict; 11, None; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:bulk; 14, True; 15, dictionary_splat_pattern; 15, 16; 16, identifier:kwargs; 17, block; 17, 18; 17, 20; 17, 34; 17, 42; 17, 46; 17, 52; 17, 89; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, comment; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 28; 21, comparison_operator:!=; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:self; 24, identifier:category; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:Category; 27, identifier:INSTANCE; 28, block; 28, 29; 29, raise_statement; 29, 30; 30, call; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:APIError; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, string:"Part should be of category INSTANCE"; 34, expression_statement; 34, 35; 35, assignment; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:name; 37, boolean_operator:or; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:name; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:model; 41, identifier:name; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, assignment; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:action; 45, string:'new_instance_with_properties'; 46, expression_statement; 46, 47; 47, assignment; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:properties_update_dict; 49, call; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:dict; 51, argument_list; 52, for_statement; 52, 53; 52, 56; 52, 61; 53, pattern_list; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 55, identifier:property_value; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:update_dict; 59, identifier:items; 60, argument_list; 61, block; 61, 62; 62, if_statement; 62, 63; 62, 67; 62, 74; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:is_uuid; 65, argument_list; 65, 66; 66, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 67, block; 67, 68; 68, expression_statement; 68, 69; 69, assignment; 69, 70; 69, 73; 70, subscript; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:properties_update_dict; 72, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 73, identifier:property_value; 74, else_clause; 74, 75; 75, block; 75, 76; 76, expression_statement; 76, 77; 77, assignment; 77, 78; 77, 88; 78, subscript; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:properties_update_dict; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 87; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 85; 82, attribute; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:model; 84, identifier:property; 85, argument_list; 85, 86; 86, identifier:prop_name_or_id; 87, identifier:id; 88, identifier:property_value; 89, if_statement; 89, 90; 89, 91; 89, 193; 90, identifier:bulk; 91, block; 91, 92; 91, 147; 91, 175; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, assignment; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:r; 95, call; 95, 96; 95, 101; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 100; 97, attribute; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:self; 99, identifier:_client; 100, identifier:_request; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 101, 103; 101, 111; 101, 139; 102, string:'POST'; 103, call; 103, 104; 103, 109; 104, attribute; 104, 105; 104, 108; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:self; 107, identifier:_client; 108, identifier:_build_url; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, string:'parts'; 111, keyword_argument; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:data; 113, call; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:dict; 115, argument_list; 115, 116; 115, 119; 115, 124; 115, 129; 115, 137; 116, keyword_argument; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:name; 118, identifier:name; 119, keyword_argument; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:model; 121, attribute; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:model; 123, identifier:id; 124, keyword_argument; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:parent; 126, attribute; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:self; 128, identifier:id; 129, keyword_argument; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:properties; 131, call; 131, 132; 131, 135; 132, attribute; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:json; 134, identifier:dumps; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 136, identifier:properties_update_dict; 137, dictionary_splat; 137, 138; 138, identifier:kwargs; 139, keyword_argument; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:params; 141, call; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:dict; 143, argument_list; 143, 144; 144, keyword_argument; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:select_action; 146, identifier:action; 147, if_statement; 147, 148; 147, 157; 147, 158; 148, comparison_operator:!=; 148, 149; 148, 152; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:r; 151, identifier:status_code; 152, attribute; 152, 153; 152, 156; 153, attribute; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:requests; 155, identifier:codes; 156, identifier:created; 157, comment; 158, block; 158, 159; 159, raise_statement; 159, 160; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:APIError; 162, argument_list; 162, 163; 163, call; 163, 164; 163, 167; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, string:'{}: {}'; 166, identifier:format; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 167, 172; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:str; 170, argument_list; 170, 171; 171, identifier:r; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:r; 174, identifier:content; 175, return_statement; 175, 176; 176, call; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:Part; 178, argument_list; 178, 179; 178, 188; 179, subscript; 179, 180; 179, 187; 180, subscript; 180, 181; 180, 186; 181, call; 181, 182; 181, 185; 182, attribute; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:r; 184, identifier:json; 185, argument_list; 186, string:'results'; 187, integer:0; 188, keyword_argument; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:client; 190, attribute; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:self; 192, identifier:_client; 193, else_clause; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, comment; 195, block; 195, 196; 195, 208; 195, 209; 195, 221; 196, expression_statement; 196, 197; 197, assignment; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:new_part; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:self; 202, identifier:add; 203, argument_list; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:model; 205, keyword_argument; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:name; 207, identifier:name; 208, comment; 209, expression_statement; 209, 210; 210, call; 210, 211; 210, 214; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:new_part; 213, identifier:update; 214, argument_list; 214, 215; 214, 218; 215, keyword_argument; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:update_dict; 217, identifier:update_dict; 218, keyword_argument; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:bulk; 220, identifier:bulk; 221, return_statement; 221, 222; 222, identifier:new_part
def add_with_properties(self, model, name=None, update_dict=None, bulk=True, **kwargs): """ Add a part and update its properties in one go. In order to prevent the backend from updating the frontend you may add `suppress_kevents=True` as additional keyword=value argument to this method. This will improve performance of the backend against a trade-off that someone looking at the frontend won't notice any changes unless the page is refreshed. :param model: model of the part which to add a new instance, should follow the model tree in KE-chain :type model: :class:`Part` :param name: (optional) name provided for the new instance as string otherwise use the name of the model :type name: basestring or None :param update_dict: dictionary with keys being property names (str) or property_id (from the property models) and values being property values :type update_dict: dict or None :param bulk: True to use the bulk_update_properties API endpoint for KE-chain versions later then 2.1.0b :type bulk: boolean or None :param kwargs: (optional) additional keyword arguments that will be passed inside the update request :type kwargs: dict or None :return: the newly created :class:`Part` :raises NotFoundError: when the property name is not a valid property of this part :raises APIError: in case an Error occurs Examples -------- >>> bike = client.scope('Bike Project').part('Bike') >>> wheel_model = client.scope('Bike Project').model('Wheel') >>> bike.add_with_properties(wheel_model, 'Wooden Wheel', {'Spokes': 11, 'Material': 'Wood'}) """ if self.category != Category.INSTANCE: raise APIError("Part should be of category INSTANCE") name = name or action = 'new_instance_with_properties' properties_update_dict = dict() for prop_name_or_id, property_value in update_dict.items(): if is_uuid(prop_name_or_id): properties_update_dict[prop_name_or_id] = property_value else: properties_update_dict[] = property_value if bulk: r = self._client._request('POST', self._client._build_url('parts'), data=dict( name=name,,, properties=json.dumps(properties_update_dict), **kwargs ), params=dict(select_action=action)) if r.status_code != # pragma: no cover raise APIError('{}: {}'.format(str(r), r.content)) return Part(r.json()['results'][0], client=self._client) else: # do the old way new_part = self.add(model, name=name) # type: Part new_part.update(update_dict=update_dict, bulk=bulk) return new_part
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 15; 2, function_name:move; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:target_parent; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:name; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:include_children; 11, True; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:include_instances; 14, True; 15, block; 15, 16; 15, 18; 15, 28; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, comment; 18, if_statement; 18, 19; 18, 21; 19, not_operator; 19, 20; 20, identifier:name; 21, block; 21, 22; 22, expression_statement; 22, 23; 23, assignment; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:name; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:self; 27, identifier:name; 28, if_statement; 28, 29; 28, 44; 28, 131; 28, 193; 29, boolean_operator:and; 29, 30; 29, 37; 30, comparison_operator:==; 30, 31; 30, 34; 31, attribute; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:self; 33, identifier:category; 34, attribute; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:Category; 36, identifier:MODEL; 37, comparison_operator:==; 37, 38; 37, 41; 38, attribute; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:target_parent; 40, identifier:category; 41, attribute; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:Category; 43, identifier:MODEL; 44, block; 44, 45; 44, 63; 44, 123; 44, 129; 45, expression_statement; 45, 46; 46, assignment; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:moved_model; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:relocate_model; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 50, 54; 50, 57; 50, 60; 51, keyword_argument; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:part; 53, identifier:self; 54, keyword_argument; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:target_parent; 56, identifier:target_parent; 57, keyword_argument; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:name; 59, identifier:name; 60, keyword_argument; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:include_children; 62, identifier:include_children; 63, if_statement; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:include_instances; 65, block; 65, 66; 65, 77; 65, 88; 66, expression_statement; 66, 67; 67, assignment; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:retrieve_instances_to_copied; 69, call; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:list; 71, argument_list; 71, 72; 72, call; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:self; 75, identifier:instances; 76, argument_list; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:retrieve_parent_instances; 80, call; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:list; 82, argument_list; 82, 83; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, attribute; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:target_parent; 86, identifier:instances; 87, argument_list; 88, for_statement; 88, 89; 88, 90; 88, 91; 89, identifier:parent_instance; 90, identifier:retrieve_parent_instances; 91, block; 91, 92; 92, for_statement; 92, 93; 92, 94; 92, 95; 93, identifier:instance; 94, identifier:retrieve_instances_to_copied; 95, block; 95, 96; 95, 102; 96, expression_statement; 96, 97; 97, call; 97, 98; 97, 101; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:instance; 100, identifier:populate_descendants; 101, argument_list; 102, expression_statement; 102, 103; 103, call; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:move_part_instance; 105, argument_list; 105, 106; 105, 109; 105, 112; 105, 115; 105, 120; 106, keyword_argument; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:part_instance; 108, identifier:instance; 109, keyword_argument; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:target_parent; 111, identifier:parent_instance; 112, keyword_argument; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:part_model; 114, identifier:self; 115, keyword_argument; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:name; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:instance; 119, identifier:name; 120, keyword_argument; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:include_children; 122, identifier:include_children; 123, expression_statement; 123, 124; 124, call; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, attribute; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:self; 127, identifier:delete; 128, argument_list; 129, return_statement; 129, 130; 130, identifier:moved_model; 131, elif_clause; 131, 132; 131, 147; 132, boolean_operator:and; 132, 133; 132, 140; 133, comparison_operator:==; 133, 134; 133, 137; 134, attribute; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:self; 136, identifier:category; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:Category; 139, identifier:INSTANCE; 140, comparison_operator:==; 140, 141; 140, 144; 141, attribute; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:target_parent; 143, identifier:category; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:Category; 146, identifier:INSTANCE; 147, block; 147, 148; 147, 166; 147, 191; 148, expression_statement; 148, 149; 149, assignment; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:moved_instance; 151, call; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:relocate_instance; 153, argument_list; 153, 154; 153, 157; 153, 160; 153, 163; 154, keyword_argument; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:part; 156, identifier:self; 157, keyword_argument; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:target_parent; 159, identifier:target_parent; 160, keyword_argument; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:name; 162, identifier:name; 163, keyword_argument; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:include_children; 165, identifier:include_children; 166, try_statement; 166, 167; 166, 174; 167, block; 167, 168; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 173; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:self; 172, identifier:delete; 173, argument_list; 174, except_clause; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:APIError; 176, block; 176, 177; 176, 185; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:model_of_instance; 180, call; 180, 181; 180, 184; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:self; 183, identifier:model; 184, argument_list; 185, expression_statement; 185, 186; 186, call; 186, 187; 186, 190; 187, attribute; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:model_of_instance; 189, identifier:delete; 190, argument_list; 191, return_statement; 191, 192; 192, identifier:moved_instance; 193, else_clause; 193, 194; 194, block; 194, 195; 195, raise_statement; 195, 196; 196, call; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:IllegalArgumentError; 198, argument_list; 198, 199; 199, string:'part "{}" and target parent "{}" must have the same category'
def move(self, target_parent, name=None, include_children=True, include_instances=True): """ Move the `Part` to target parent, both of them the same category. .. versionadded:: 2.3 :param target_parent: `Part` object under which the desired `Part` is moved :type target_parent: :class:`Part` :param name: how the moved top-level `Part` should be called :type name: basestring :param include_children: True to move also the descendants of `Part`. If False, the children will be lost. :type include_children: bool :param include_instances: True to move also the instances of `Part` to ALL the instances of target_parent. :type include_instances: bool :returns: moved :class:`Part` model. :raises IllegalArgumentError: if part and target_parent have different `Category` :raises IllegalArgumentError: if target_parent is descendant of part Example ------- >>> model_to_move = client.model(name='Model to be moved') >>> bike = client.model('Bike') >>> model_to_move.move(target_parent=bike, name='Moved model', >>> include_children=True, >>> include_instances=True) """ if not name: name = if self.category == Category.MODEL and target_parent.category == Category.MODEL: moved_model = relocate_model(part=self, target_parent=target_parent, name=name, include_children=include_children) if include_instances: retrieve_instances_to_copied = list(self.instances()) retrieve_parent_instances = list(target_parent.instances()) for parent_instance in retrieve_parent_instances: for instance in retrieve_instances_to_copied: instance.populate_descendants() move_part_instance(part_instance=instance, target_parent=parent_instance, part_model=self,, include_children=include_children) self.delete() return moved_model elif self.category == Category.INSTANCE and target_parent.category == Category.INSTANCE: moved_instance = relocate_instance(part=self, target_parent=target_parent, name=name, include_children=include_children) try: self.delete() except APIError: model_of_instance = self.model() model_of_instance.delete() return moved_instance else: raise IllegalArgumentError('part "{}" and target parent "{}" must have the same category')
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 69; 2, function_name:plot; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 3, 11; 3, 15; 3, 18; 3, 21; 3, 24; 3, 27; 3, 30; 3, 33; 3, 36; 3, 39; 3, 42; 3, 45; 3, 48; 3, 51; 3, 54; 3, 57; 3, 60; 3, 63; 3, 66; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:workflow; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:view; 10, True; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:depth; 13, unary_operator:-; 13, 14; 14, integer:1; 15, default_parameter; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:name; 17, identifier:NONE; 18, default_parameter; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:comment; 20, identifier:NONE; 21, default_parameter; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:format; 23, identifier:NONE; 24, default_parameter; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:engine; 26, identifier:NONE; 27, default_parameter; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:encoding; 29, identifier:NONE; 30, default_parameter; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:graph_attr; 32, identifier:NONE; 33, default_parameter; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:node_attr; 35, identifier:NONE; 36, default_parameter; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:edge_attr; 38, identifier:NONE; 39, default_parameter; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:body; 41, identifier:NONE; 42, default_parameter; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:node_styles; 44, identifier:NONE; 45, default_parameter; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:node_data; 47, identifier:NONE; 48, default_parameter; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:node_function; 50, identifier:NONE; 51, default_parameter; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:edge_data; 53, identifier:NONE; 54, default_parameter; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:max_lines; 56, identifier:NONE; 57, default_parameter; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:max_width; 59, identifier:NONE; 60, default_parameter; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:directory; 62, None; 63, default_parameter; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:sites; 65, None; 66, default_parameter; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:index; 68, False; 69, block; 69, 70; 69, 72; 69, 103; 69, 148; 69, 168; 69, 175; 69, 182; 69, 205; 69, 211; 69, 226; 69, 282; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, comment; 72, expression_statement; 72, 73; 73, assignment; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:d; 75, dictionary; 75, 76; 75, 79; 75, 82; 75, 85; 75, 88; 75, 91; 75, 94; 75, 97; 75, 100; 76, pair; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, string:'name'; 78, identifier:name; 79, pair; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, string:'comment'; 81, identifier:comment; 82, pair; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, string:'format'; 84, identifier:format; 85, pair; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, string:'engine'; 87, identifier:engine; 88, pair; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, string:'encoding'; 90, identifier:encoding; 91, pair; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, string:'graph_attr'; 93, identifier:graph_attr; 94, pair; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, string:'node_attr'; 96, identifier:node_attr; 97, pair; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, string:'edge_attr'; 99, identifier:edge_attr; 100, pair; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, string:'body'; 102, identifier:body; 103, expression_statement; 103, 104; 104, assignment; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:options; 106, dictionary; 106, 107; 106, 128; 106, 131; 106, 134; 106, 137; 106, 140; 106, 143; 106, 144; 106, 147; 107, pair; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, string:'digraph'; 109, boolean_operator:or; 109, 110; 109, 127; 110, dictionary_comprehension; 110, 111; 110, 114; 110, 123; 111, pair; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:k; 113, identifier:v; 114, for_in_clause; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, pattern_list; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:k; 117, identifier:v; 118, call; 118, 119; 118, 122; 119, attribute; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:d; 121, identifier:items; 122, argument_list; 123, if_clause; 123, 124; 124, comparison_operator:is; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:v; 126, identifier:NONE; 127, identifier:NONE; 128, pair; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, string:'node_styles'; 130, identifier:node_styles; 131, pair; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:'node_data'; 133, identifier:node_data; 134, pair; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, string:'node_function'; 136, identifier:node_function; 137, pair; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, string:'edge_data'; 139, identifier:edge_data; 140, pair; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, string:'max_lines'; 142, identifier:max_lines; 143, comment; 144, pair; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, string:'max_width'; 146, identifier:max_width; 147, comment; 148, expression_statement; 148, 149; 149, assignment; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:options; 151, dictionary_comprehension; 151, 152; 151, 155; 151, 164; 152, pair; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:k; 154, identifier:v; 155, for_in_clause; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, pattern_list; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:k; 158, identifier:v; 159, call; 159, 160; 159, 163; 160, attribute; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:options; 162, identifier:items; 163, argument_list; 164, if_clause; 164, 165; 165, comparison_operator:is; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:v; 167, identifier:NONE; 168, import_from_statement; 168, 169; 168, 173; 169, relative_import; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, import_prefix; 171, dotted_name; 171, 172; 172, identifier:drw; 173, dotted_name; 173, 174; 174, identifier:SiteMap; 175, import_from_statement; 175, 176; 175, 180; 176, relative_import; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, import_prefix; 178, dotted_name; 178, 179; 179, identifier:sol; 180, dotted_name; 180, 181; 181, identifier:Solution; 182, if_statement; 182, 183; 182, 192; 182, 197; 183, boolean_operator:and; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, comparison_operator:is; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:workflow; 186, None; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:isinstance; 189, argument_list; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:self; 191, identifier:Solution; 192, block; 192, 193; 193, expression_statement; 193, 194; 194, assignment; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:workflow; 196, True; 197, else_clause; 197, 198; 198, block; 198, 199; 199, expression_statement; 199, 200; 200, assignment; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:workflow; 202, boolean_operator:or; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:workflow; 204, False; 205, expression_statement; 205, 206; 206, assignment; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:sitemap; 208, call; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:SiteMap; 210, argument_list; 211, expression_statement; 211, 212; 212, call; 212, 213; 212, 216; 213, attribute; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:sitemap; 215, identifier:add_items; 216, argument_list; 216, 217; 216, 218; 216, 221; 216, 224; 217, identifier:self; 218, keyword_argument; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:workflow; 220, identifier:workflow; 221, keyword_argument; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:depth; 223, identifier:depth; 224, dictionary_splat; 224, 225; 225, identifier:options; 226, if_statement; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:view; 228, block; 228, 229; 228, 232; 228, 242; 229, import_statement; 229, 230; 230, dotted_name; 230, 231; 231, identifier:tempfile; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, assignment; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:directory; 235, boolean_operator:or; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:directory; 237, call; 237, 238; 237, 241; 238, attribute; 238, 239; 238, 240; 239, identifier:tempfile; 240, identifier:mkdtemp; 241, argument_list; 242, if_statement; 242, 243; 242, 246; 242, 262; 243, comparison_operator:is; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, identifier:sites; 245, None; 246, block; 246, 247; 247, expression_statement; 247, 248; 248, call; 248, 249; 248, 252; 249, attribute; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:sitemap; 251, identifier:render; 252, argument_list; 252, 253; 252, 256; 252, 259; 253, keyword_argument; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:directory; 255, identifier:directory; 256, keyword_argument; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:view; 258, True; 259, keyword_argument; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:index; 261, identifier:index; 262, else_clause; 262, 263; 263, block; 263, 264; 264, expression_statement; 264, 265; 265, call; 265, 266; 265, 269; 266, attribute; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:sites; 268, identifier:add; 269, argument_list; 269, 270; 270, call; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, attribute; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:sitemap; 273, identifier:site; 274, argument_list; 274, 275; 274, 276; 274, 279; 275, identifier:directory; 276, keyword_argument; 276, 277; 276, 278; 277, identifier:view; 278, True; 279, keyword_argument; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:index; 281, identifier:index; 282, return_statement; 282, 283; 283, identifier:sitemap
def plot(self, workflow=None, view=True, depth=-1, name=NONE, comment=NONE, format=NONE, engine=NONE, encoding=NONE, graph_attr=NONE, node_attr=NONE, edge_attr=NONE, body=NONE, node_styles=NONE, node_data=NONE, node_function=NONE, edge_data=NONE, max_lines=NONE, max_width=NONE, directory=None, sites=None, index=False): """ Plots the Dispatcher with a graph in the DOT language with Graphviz. :param workflow: If True the latest solution will be plotted, otherwise the dmap. :type workflow: bool, optional :param view: Open the rendered directed graph in the DOT language with the sys default opener. :type view: bool, optional :param edge_data: Edge attributes to view. :type edge_data: tuple[str], optional :param node_data: Data node attributes to view. :type node_data: tuple[str], optional :param node_function: Function node attributes to view. :type node_function: tuple[str], optional :param node_styles: Default node styles according to graphviz node attributes. :type node_styles: dict[str|Token, dict[str, str]] :param depth: Depth of sub-dispatch plots. If negative all levels are plotted. :type depth: int, optional :param name: Graph name used in the source code. :type name: str :param comment: Comment added to the first line of the source. :type comment: str :param directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering. :type directory: str, optional :param format: Rendering output format ('pdf', 'png', ...). :type format: str, optional :param engine: Layout command used ('dot', 'neato', ...). :type engine: str, optional :param encoding: Encoding for saving the source. :type encoding: str, optional :param graph_attr: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph. :type graph_attr: dict, optional :param node_attr: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes. :type node_attr: dict, optional :param edge_attr: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges. :type edge_attr: dict, optional :param body: Dict of (attribute, value) pairs to add to the graph body. :type body: dict, optional :param directory: Where is the generated Flask app root located? :type directory: str, optional :param sites: A set of :class:`~schedula.utils.drw.Site` to maintain alive the backend server. :type sites: set[~schedula.utils.drw.Site], optional :param index: Add the site index as first page? :type index: bool, optional :param max_lines: Maximum number of lines for rendering node attributes. :type max_lines: int, optional :param max_width: Maximum number of characters in a line to render node attributes. :type max_width: int, optional :param view: Open the main page of the site? :type view: bool, optional :return: A SiteMap. :rtype: schedula.utils.drw.SiteMap Example: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} :code: >>> from schedula import Dispatcher >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> def fun(a): ... return a + 1, a - 1 >>> dsp.add_function('fun', fun, ['a'], ['b', 'c']) 'fun' >>> dsp.plot(view=False, graph_attr={'ratio': '1'}) SiteMap([(Dispatcher, SiteMap())]) """ d = { 'name': name, 'comment': comment, 'format': format, 'engine': engine, 'encoding': encoding, 'graph_attr': graph_attr, 'node_attr': node_attr, 'edge_attr': edge_attr, 'body': body, } options = { 'digraph': {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not NONE} or NONE, 'node_styles': node_styles, 'node_data': node_data, 'node_function': node_function, 'edge_data': edge_data, 'max_lines': max_lines, # 5 'max_width': max_width, # 200 } options = {k: v for k, v in options.items() if v is not NONE} from .drw import SiteMap from .sol import Solution if workflow is None and isinstance(self, Solution): workflow = True else: workflow = workflow or False sitemap = SiteMap() sitemap.add_items(self, workflow=workflow, depth=depth, **options) if view: import tempfile directory = directory or tempfile.mkdtemp() if sites is None: sitemap.render(directory=directory, view=True, index=index) else: sites.add(, view=True, index=index)) return sitemap
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 10; 2, function_name:lookup_url; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:url; 6, identifier:klass; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:module; 9, None; 10, block; 10, 11; 10, 13; 10, 23; 10, 30; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, string:''' Gets a proxy reference to the actor indicated by the URL in the parameters. It can be a local reference or a remote direction to another host. This method can be called remotely synchronously. :param srt. url: address that identifies an actor. :param class klass: the class of the actor. :param srt. module: if the actor class is not in the calling module, you need to specify the module where it is here. Also, the *klass* parameter change to be a string. :return: :class:`~.Proxy` of the actor requested. :raises: :class:`NotFoundError`, if the URL specified do not correspond to any actor in the host. :raises: :class:`HostDownError` if the host is down. :raises: :class:`HostError` if there is an error looking for the actor in another server. '''; 13, if_statement; 13, 14; 13, 18; 14, not_operator; 14, 15; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:self; 17, identifier:alive; 18, block; 18, 19; 19, raise_statement; 19, 20; 20, call; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:HostDownError; 22, argument_list; 23, expression_statement; 23, 24; 24, assignment; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:aurl; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:urlparse; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, identifier:url; 30, if_statement; 30, 31; 30, 37; 30, 65; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:self; 34, identifier:is_local; 35, argument_list; 35, 36; 36, identifier:aurl; 37, block; 37, 38; 38, if_statement; 38, 39; 38, 48; 38, 54; 39, comparison_operator:not; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:url; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 47; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:self; 45, identifier:actors; 46, identifier:keys; 47, argument_list; 48, block; 48, 49; 49, raise_statement; 49, 50; 50, call; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:NotFoundError; 52, argument_list; 52, 53; 53, identifier:url; 54, else_clause; 54, 55; 55, block; 55, 56; 56, return_statement; 56, 57; 57, call; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:Proxy; 59, argument_list; 59, 60; 60, subscript; 60, 61; 60, 64; 61, attribute; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:self; 63, identifier:actors; 64, identifier:url; 65, else_clause; 65, 66; 66, block; 66, 67; 67, try_statement; 67, 68; 67, 181; 67, 185; 68, block; 68, 69; 68, 79; 68, 163; 68, 176; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, assignment; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:dispatcher; 72, subscript; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:self; 75, identifier:actors; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:aurl; 78, identifier:scheme; 79, if_statement; 79, 80; 79, 83; 79, 137; 79, 154; 80, comparison_operator:is; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:module; 82, None; 83, block; 83, 84; 84, try_statement; 84, 85; 84, 111; 85, block; 85, 86; 85, 103; 86, expression_statement; 86, 87; 87, assignment; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:module_; 89, call; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:__import__; 91, argument_list; 91, 92; 91, 93; 91, 96; 91, 99; 91, 101; 92, identifier:module; 93, call; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:globals; 95, argument_list; 96, call; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:locals; 98, argument_list; 99, list:[klass]; 99, 100; 100, identifier:klass; 101, unary_operator:-; 101, 102; 102, integer:1; 103, expression_statement; 103, 104; 104, assignment; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:klass_; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:getattr; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:module_; 110, identifier:klass; 111, except_clause; 111, 112; 111, 113; 111, 114; 112, identifier:Exception; 113, identifier:e; 114, block; 114, 115; 115, raise_statement; 115, 116; 116, call; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:HostError; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 119, binary_operator:+; 119, 120; 119, 133; 120, binary_operator:+; 120, 121; 120, 132; 121, binary_operator:+; 121, 122; 121, 131; 122, binary_operator:+; 122, 123; 122, 130; 123, binary_operator:+; 123, 124; 123, 129; 124, binary_operator:+; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, binary_operator:+; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, string:"At lookup_url: "; 127, string:"Import failed for module "; 128, identifier:module; 129, string:", class "; 130, identifier:klass; 131, string:". Check this values for the lookup."; 132, string:" ERROR: "; 133, call; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:str; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 136, identifier:e; 137, elif_clause; 137, 138; 137, 149; 138, call; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:isinstance; 140, argument_list; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:klass; 142, tuple; 142, 143; 142, 146; 143, attribute; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:types; 145, identifier:TypeType; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:types; 148, identifier:ClassType; 149, block; 149, 150; 150, expression_statement; 150, 151; 151, assignment; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:klass_; 153, identifier:klass; 154, else_clause; 154, 155; 155, block; 155, 156; 156, raise_statement; 156, 157; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:HostError; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 160, binary_operator:+; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, string:"The class specified to look up is"; 162, string:" not a class."; 163, expression_statement; 163, 164; 164, assignment; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:remote_actor; 166, call; 166, 167; 166, 170; 167, attribute; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:actor; 169, identifier:ActorRef; 170, argument_list; 170, 171; 170, 172; 170, 173; 171, identifier:url; 172, identifier:klass_; 173, attribute; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:dispatcher; 175, identifier:channel; 176, return_statement; 176, 177; 177, call; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:Proxy; 179, argument_list; 179, 180; 180, identifier:remote_actor; 181, except_clause; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:HostError; 183, block; 183, 184; 184, raise_statement; 185, except_clause; 185, 186; 185, 187; 185, 188; 186, identifier:Exception; 187, identifier:e; 188, block; 188, 189; 189, raise_statement; 189, 190; 190, call; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:HostError; 192, argument_list; 192, 193; 193, binary_operator:+; 193, 194; 193, 199; 194, binary_operator:+; 194, 195; 194, 198; 195, binary_operator:+; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, string:"ERROR looking for the actor on another "; 197, string:"server. Hosts must "; 198, string:"be in http to work properly. "; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:str; 201, argument_list; 201, 202; 202, identifier:e
def lookup_url(self, url, klass, module=None): ''' Gets a proxy reference to the actor indicated by the URL in the parameters. It can be a local reference or a remote direction to another host. This method can be called remotely synchronously. :param srt. url: address that identifies an actor. :param class klass: the class of the actor. :param srt. module: if the actor class is not in the calling module, you need to specify the module where it is here. Also, the *klass* parameter change to be a string. :return: :class:`~.Proxy` of the actor requested. :raises: :class:`NotFoundError`, if the URL specified do not correspond to any actor in the host. :raises: :class:`HostDownError` if the host is down. :raises: :class:`HostError` if there is an error looking for the actor in another server. ''' if not self.alive: raise HostDownError() aurl = urlparse(url) if self.is_local(aurl): if url not in self.actors.keys(): raise NotFoundError(url) else: return Proxy(self.actors[url]) else: try: dispatcher = self.actors[aurl.scheme] if module is not None: try: module_ = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [klass], -1) klass_ = getattr(module_, klass) except Exception, e: raise HostError("At lookup_url: " + "Import failed for module " + module + ", class " + klass + ". Check this values for the lookup." + " ERROR: " + str(e)) elif isinstance(klass, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType)): klass_ = klass else: raise HostError("The class specified to look up is" + " not a class.") remote_actor = actor.ActorRef(url, klass_, return Proxy(remote_actor) except HostError: raise except Exception, e: raise HostError("ERROR looking for the actor on another " + "server. Hosts must " + "be in http to work properly. " + str(e))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:prepare_rapid_streamflow; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:path_to_rapid_qout; 6, identifier:connection_list_file; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 23; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:ihg_filename; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, string:'{0}.ihg'; 16, identifier:format; 17, argument_list; 17, 18; 18, attribute; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:self; 21, identifier:project_manager; 22, identifier:name; 23, with_statement; 23, 24; 23, 34; 23, 35; 24, with_clause; 24, 25; 25, with_item; 25, 26; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:tmp_chdir; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 33; 30, attribute; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:self; 32, identifier:project_manager; 33, identifier:project_directory; 34, comment; 35, block; 35, 36; 35, 40; 35, 207; 36, expression_statement; 36, 37; 37, assignment; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:time_index_range; 39, list:[]; 40, with_statement; 40, 41; 40, 55; 41, with_clause; 41, 42; 42, with_item; 42, 43; 43, as_pattern; 43, 44; 43, 53; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:RAPIDDataset; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:path_to_rapid_qout; 48, keyword_argument; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:out_tzinfo; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:self; 52, identifier:tz; 53, as_pattern_target; 53, 54; 54, identifier:qout_nc; 55, block; 55, 56; 55, 74; 55, 138; 56, expression_statement; 56, 57; 57, assignment; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:time_index_range; 59, call; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:qout_nc; 62, identifier:get_time_index_range; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 63, 69; 64, keyword_argument; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:date_search_start; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:self; 68, identifier:simulation_start; 69, keyword_argument; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:date_search_end; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:self; 73, identifier:simulation_end; 74, if_statement; 74, 75; 74, 81; 75, comparison_operator:>; 75, 76; 75, 80; 76, call; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:len; 78, argument_list; 78, 79; 79, identifier:time_index_range; 80, integer:0; 81, block; 81, 82; 81, 96; 81, 97; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, assignment; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:time_array; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:qout_nc; 88, identifier:get_time_array; 89, argument_list; 89, 90; 89, 93; 90, keyword_argument; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:return_datetime; 92, True; 93, keyword_argument; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:time_index_array; 95, identifier:time_index_range; 96, comment; 97, if_statement; 97, 98; 97, 103; 98, comparison_operator:is; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:self; 101, identifier:simulation_start; 102, None; 103, block; 103, 104; 104, if_statement; 104, 105; 104, 112; 105, comparison_operator:==; 105, 106; 105, 109; 106, attribute; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:self; 108, identifier:simulation_start; 109, subscript; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:time_array; 111, integer:0; 112, block; 112, 113; 112, 122; 112, 130; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, attribute; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:log; 117, identifier:warning; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 119, concatenated_string; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, string:"First timestep of streamflow skipped "; 121, string:"in order for GSSHA to capture the streamflow."; 122, expression_statement; 122, 123; 123, assignment; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:time_index_range; 125, subscript; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:time_index_range; 127, slice; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, integer:1; 129, colon; 130, expression_statement; 130, 131; 131, assignment; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:time_array; 133, subscript; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:time_array; 135, slice; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, integer:1; 137, colon; 138, if_statement; 138, 139; 138, 145; 138, 198; 139, comparison_operator:>; 139, 140; 139, 144; 140, call; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:len; 142, argument_list; 142, 143; 143, identifier:time_index_range; 144, integer:0; 145, block; 145, 146; 145, 152; 145, 166; 145, 182; 146, expression_statement; 146, 147; 147, assignment; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:start_datetime; 149, subscript; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:time_array; 151, integer:0; 152, if_statement; 152, 153; 152, 158; 153, comparison_operator:is; 153, 154; 153, 157; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:self; 156, identifier:simulation_start; 157, None; 158, block; 158, 159; 159, expression_statement; 159, 160; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 164; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:self; 163, identifier:_update_simulation_start; 164, argument_list; 164, 165; 165, identifier:start_datetime; 166, if_statement; 166, 167; 166, 172; 167, comparison_operator:is; 167, 168; 167, 171; 168, attribute; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:self; 170, identifier:simulation_end; 171, None; 172, block; 172, 173; 173, expression_statement; 173, 174; 174, assignment; 174, 175; 174, 178; 175, attribute; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:self; 177, identifier:simulation_end; 178, subscript; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:time_array; 180, unary_operator:-; 180, 181; 181, integer:1; 182, expression_statement; 182, 183; 183, call; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:qout_nc; 186, identifier:write_flows_to_gssha_time_series_ihg; 187, argument_list; 187, 188; 187, 189; 187, 190; 187, 193; 188, identifier:ihg_filename; 189, identifier:connection_list_file; 190, keyword_argument; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:date_search_start; 192, identifier:start_datetime; 193, keyword_argument; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:date_search_end; 195, attribute; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:self; 197, identifier:simulation_end; 198, else_clause; 198, 199; 199, block; 199, 200; 200, expression_statement; 200, 201; 201, call; 201, 202; 201, 205; 202, attribute; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:log; 204, identifier:warning; 205, argument_list; 205, 206; 206, string:"No streamflow values found in time range ..."; 207, if_statement; 207, 208; 207, 214; 207, 215; 207, 267; 208, comparison_operator:>; 208, 209; 208, 213; 209, call; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:len; 211, argument_list; 211, 212; 212, identifier:time_index_range; 213, integer:0; 214, comment; 215, block; 215, 216; 215, 222; 215, 237; 215, 246; 215, 247; 215, 260; 215, 261; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, call; 217, 218; 217, 221; 218, attribute; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:self; 220, identifier:_update_simulation_start_cards; 221, argument_list; 222, expression_statement; 222, 223; 223, call; 223, 224; 223, 227; 224, attribute; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:self; 226, identifier:_update_card; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 227, 229; 228, string:"END_TIME"; 229, call; 229, 230; 229, 235; 230, attribute; 230, 231; 230, 234; 231, attribute; 231, 232; 231, 233; 232, identifier:self; 233, identifier:simulation_end; 234, identifier:strftime; 235, argument_list; 235, 236; 236, string:"%Y %m %d %H %M"; 237, expression_statement; 237, 238; 238, call; 238, 239; 238, 242; 239, attribute; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:self; 241, identifier:_update_card; 242, argument_list; 242, 243; 242, 244; 242, 245; 243, string:"CHAN_POINT_INPUT"; 244, identifier:ihg_filename; 245, True; 246, comment; 247, expression_statement; 247, 248; 248, call; 248, 249; 248, 252; 249, attribute; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:self; 251, identifier:set_simulation_duration; 252, argument_list; 252, 253; 253, binary_operator:-; 253, 254; 253, 257; 254, attribute; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:self; 256, identifier:simulation_end; 257, attribute; 257, 258; 257, 259; 258, identifier:self; 259, identifier:simulation_start; 260, comment; 261, expression_statement; 261, 262; 262, call; 262, 263; 262, 266; 263, attribute; 263, 264; 263, 265; 264, identifier:self; 265, identifier:_update_gmt; 266, argument_list; 267, else_clause; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, comment; 269, block; 269, 270; 269, 277; 270, expression_statement; 270, 271; 271, call; 271, 272; 271, 275; 272, attribute; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:os; 274, identifier:remove; 275, argument_list; 275, 276; 276, identifier:ihg_filename; 277, expression_statement; 277, 278; 278, call; 278, 279; 278, 284; 279, attribute; 279, 280; 279, 283; 280, attribute; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:self; 282, identifier:project_manager; 283, identifier:deleteCard; 284, argument_list; 284, 285; 284, 286; 285, string:'CHAN_POINT_INPUT'; 286, attribute; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:self; 288, identifier:db_session
def prepare_rapid_streamflow(self, path_to_rapid_qout, connection_list_file): """ Prepares RAPID streamflow for GSSHA simulation """ ihg_filename = '{0}.ihg'.format( with tmp_chdir(self.project_manager.project_directory): # write out IHG file time_index_range = [] with RAPIDDataset(path_to_rapid_qout, as qout_nc: time_index_range = qout_nc.get_time_index_range(date_search_start=self.simulation_start, date_search_end=self.simulation_end) if len(time_index_range) > 0: time_array = qout_nc.get_time_array(return_datetime=True, time_index_array=time_index_range) # GSSHA STARTS INGESTING STREAMFLOW AT SECOND TIME STEP if self.simulation_start is not None: if self.simulation_start == time_array[0]: log.warning("First timestep of streamflow skipped " "in order for GSSHA to capture the streamflow.") time_index_range = time_index_range[1:] time_array = time_array[1:] if len(time_index_range) > 0: start_datetime = time_array[0] if self.simulation_start is None: self._update_simulation_start(start_datetime) if self.simulation_end is None: self.simulation_end = time_array[-1] qout_nc.write_flows_to_gssha_time_series_ihg(ihg_filename, connection_list_file, date_search_start=start_datetime, date_search_end=self.simulation_end, ) else: log.warning("No streamflow values found in time range ...") if len(time_index_range) > 0: # update cards self._update_simulation_start_cards() self._update_card("END_TIME", self.simulation_end.strftime("%Y %m %d %H %M")) self._update_card("CHAN_POINT_INPUT", ihg_filename, True) # update duration self.set_simulation_duration(self.simulation_end-self.simulation_start) # UPDATE GMT CARD self._update_gmt() else: # cleanup os.remove(ihg_filename) self.project_manager.deleteCard('CHAN_POINT_INPUT', self.db_session)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:stencil; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, dictionary_splat_pattern; 4, 5; 5, identifier:kwargs; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 18; 6, 27; 6, 36; 6, 75; 6, 76; 6, 90; 6, 91; 6, 111; 6, 134; 6, 149; 6, 160; 6, 348; 6, 358; 6, 377; 6, 386; 6, 404; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:alnfile; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 16; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:kwargs; 15, identifier:get; 16, argument_list; 16, 17; 17, string:'alnfile'; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:gtypefile; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:kwargs; 24, identifier:get; 25, argument_list; 25, 26; 26, string:'gtypefile'; 27, expression_statement; 27, 28; 28, assignment; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:grpfile; 30, call; 30, 31; 30, 34; 31, attribute; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:kwargs; 33, identifier:get; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 35, string:'grpfile'; 36, if_statement; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, comparison_operator:is; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:grpfile; 39, None; 40, block; 40, 41; 40, 53; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:grpfile2chk; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 50; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 49; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:os; 48, identifier:path; 49, identifier:join; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:DATA_DIR; 52, string:'ref.gene2transcripts.tsv'; 53, if_statement; 53, 54; 53, 62; 53, 67; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 60; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:os; 58, identifier:path; 59, identifier:exists; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, identifier:grpfile2chk; 62, block; 62, 63; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, assignment; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:grpfile; 66, identifier:grpfile2chk; 67, else_clause; 67, 68; 68, block; 68, 69; 69, print_statement; 69, 70; 69, 74; 70, chevron; 70, 71; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:sys; 73, identifier:stderr; 74, string:'[gbrs::stencil] A group file is *not* given. Genotype will be stenciled as is.'; 75, comment; 76, expression_statement; 76, 77; 77, assignment; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:alnmat; 79, call; 79, 80; 79, 83; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:emase; 82, identifier:AlignmentPropertyMatrix; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, keyword_argument; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:h5file; 86, identifier:alnfile; 87, keyword_argument; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:grpfile; 89, identifier:grpfile; 90, comment; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, assignment; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:hid; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:dict; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 97, call; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:zip; 99, argument_list; 99, 100; 99, 103; 100, attribute; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:alnmat; 102, identifier:hname; 103, call; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, attribute; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:np; 106, identifier:arange; 107, argument_list; 107, 108; 108, attribute; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:alnmat; 110, identifier:num_haplotypes; 111, expression_statement; 111, 112; 112, assignment; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:gid; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:dict; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 117, call; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:zip; 119, argument_list; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:alnmat; 122, identifier:gname; 123, call; 123, 124; 123, 127; 124, attribute; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:np; 126, identifier:arange; 127, argument_list; 127, 128; 128, call; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:len; 130, argument_list; 130, 131; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:alnmat; 133, identifier:gname; 134, expression_statement; 134, 135; 135, assignment; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:gtmask; 137, call; 137, 138; 137, 141; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:np; 140, identifier:zeros; 141, argument_list; 141, 142; 142, tuple; 142, 143; 142, 146; 143, attribute; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:alnmat; 145, identifier:num_haplotypes; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:alnmat; 148, identifier:num_loci; 149, expression_statement; 149, 150; 150, assignment; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:gtcall_g; 152, call; 152, 153; 152, 156; 153, attribute; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:dict; 155, identifier:fromkeys; 156, argument_list; 156, 157; 157, attribute; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:alnmat; 159, identifier:gname; 160, with_statement; 160, 161; 160, 170; 161, with_clause; 161, 162; 162, with_item; 162, 163; 163, as_pattern; 163, 164; 163, 168; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:open; 166, argument_list; 166, 167; 167, identifier:gtypefile; 168, as_pattern_target; 168, 169; 169, identifier:fh; 170, block; 170, 171; 171, if_statement; 171, 172; 171, 175; 171, 280; 172, comparison_operator:is; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:grpfile; 174, None; 175, block; 175, 176; 175, 187; 176, expression_statement; 176, 177; 177, assignment; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:gtcall_t; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 183; 180, attribute; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:dict; 182, identifier:fromkeys; 183, argument_list; 183, 184; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:alnmat; 186, identifier:lname; 187, for_statement; 187, 188; 187, 189; 187, 194; 188, identifier:curline; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:dropwhile; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:is_comment; 193, identifier:fh; 194, block; 194, 195; 194, 208; 194, 218; 194, 224; 194, 239; 194, 254; 194, 266; 195, expression_statement; 195, 196; 196, assignment; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:item; 198, call; 198, 199; 198, 206; 199, attribute; 199, 200; 199, 205; 200, call; 200, 201; 200, 204; 201, attribute; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:curline; 203, identifier:rstrip; 204, argument_list; 205, identifier:split; 206, argument_list; 206, 207; 207, string:"\t"; 208, expression_statement; 208, 209; 209, assignment; 209, 210; 209, 213; 210, pattern_list; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:g; 212, identifier:gt; 213, subscript; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:item; 215, slice; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, colon; 217, integer:2; 218, expression_statement; 218, 219; 219, assignment; 219, 220; 219, 223; 220, subscript; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:gtcall_g; 222, identifier:g; 223, identifier:gt; 224, expression_statement; 224, 225; 225, assignment; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:hid2set; 227, call; 227, 228; 227, 231; 228, attribute; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:np; 230, identifier:array; 231, argument_list; 231, 232; 232, list_comprehension; 232, 233; 232, 236; 233, subscript; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:hid; 235, identifier:c; 236, for_in_clause; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:c; 238, identifier:gt; 239, expression_statement; 239, 240; 240, assignment; 240, 241; 240, 242; 241, identifier:tid2set; 242, call; 242, 243; 242, 246; 243, attribute; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, identifier:np; 245, identifier:array; 246, argument_list; 246, 247; 247, subscript; 247, 248; 247, 251; 248, attribute; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, identifier:alnmat; 250, identifier:groups; 251, subscript; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:gid; 253, identifier:g; 254, expression_statement; 254, 255; 255, assignment; 255, 256; 255, 265; 256, subscript; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:gtmask; 258, call; 258, 259; 258, 262; 259, attribute; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:np; 261, identifier:meshgrid; 262, argument_list; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:hid2set; 264, identifier:tid2set; 265, float:1.0; 266, for_statement; 266, 267; 266, 268; 266, 269; 267, identifier:t; 268, identifier:tid2set; 269, block; 269, 270; 270, expression_statement; 270, 271; 271, assignment; 271, 272; 271, 279; 272, subscript; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:gtcall_t; 274, subscript; 274, 275; 274, 278; 275, attribute; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:alnmat; 277, identifier:lname; 278, identifier:t; 279, identifier:gt; 280, else_clause; 280, 281; 281, block; 281, 282; 282, for_statement; 282, 283; 282, 284; 282, 289; 283, identifier:curline; 284, call; 284, 285; 284, 286; 285, identifier:dropwhile; 286, argument_list; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:is_comment; 288, identifier:fh; 289, block; 289, 290; 289, 303; 289, 313; 289, 319; 289, 334; 290, expression_statement; 290, 291; 291, assignment; 291, 292; 291, 293; 292, identifier:item; 293, call; 293, 294; 293, 301; 294, attribute; 294, 295; 294, 300; 295, call; 295, 296; 295, 299; 296, attribute; 296, 297; 296, 298; 297, identifier:curline; 298, identifier:rstrip; 299, argument_list; 300, identifier:split; 301, argument_list; 301, 302; 302, string:"\t"; 303, expression_statement; 303, 304; 304, assignment; 304, 305; 304, 308; 305, pattern_list; 305, 306; 305, 307; 306, identifier:g; 307, identifier:gt; 308, subscript; 308, 309; 308, 310; 309, identifier:item; 310, slice; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, colon; 312, integer:2; 313, expression_statement; 313, 314; 314, assignment; 314, 315; 314, 318; 315, subscript; 315, 316; 315, 317; 316, identifier:gtcall_g; 317, identifier:g; 318, identifier:gt; 319, expression_statement; 319, 320; 320, assignment; 320, 321; 320, 322; 321, identifier:hid2set; 322, call; 322, 323; 322, 326; 323, attribute; 323, 324; 323, 325; 324, identifier:np; 325, identifier:array; 326, argument_list; 326, 327; 327, list_comprehension; 327, 328; 327, 331; 328, subscript; 328, 329; 328, 330; 329, identifier:hid; 330, identifier:c; 331, for_in_clause; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:c; 333, identifier:gt; 334, expression_statement; 334, 335; 335, assignment; 335, 336; 335, 347; 336, subscript; 336, 337; 336, 338; 337, identifier:gtmask; 338, call; 338, 339; 338, 342; 339, attribute; 339, 340; 339, 341; 340, identifier:np; 341, identifier:meshgrid; 342, argument_list; 342, 343; 342, 344; 343, identifier:hid2set; 344, subscript; 344, 345; 344, 346; 345, identifier:gid; 346, identifier:g; 347, float:1.0; 348, expression_statement; 348, 349; 349, call; 349, 350; 349, 353; 350, attribute; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, identifier:alnmat; 352, identifier:multiply; 353, argument_list; 353, 354; 353, 355; 354, identifier:gtmask; 355, keyword_argument; 355, 356; 355, 357; 356, identifier:axis; 357, integer:2; 358, for_statement; 358, 359; 358, 360; 358, 366; 359, identifier:h; 360, call; 360, 361; 360, 362; 361, identifier:xrange; 362, argument_list; 362, 363; 363, attribute; 363, 364; 363, 365; 364, identifier:alnmat; 365, identifier:num_haplotypes; 366, block; 366, 367; 367, expression_statement; 367, 368; 368, call; 368, 369; 368, 376; 369, attribute; 369, 370; 369, 375; 370, subscript; 370, 371; 370, 374; 371, attribute; 371, 372; 371, 373; 372, identifier:alnmat; 373, identifier:data; 374, identifier:h; 375, identifier:eliminate_zeros; 376, argument_list; 377, expression_statement; 377, 378; 378, assignment; 378, 379; 378, 380; 379, identifier:outfile; 380, call; 380, 381; 380, 384; 381, attribute; 381, 382; 381, 383; 382, identifier:kwargs; 383, identifier:get; 384, argument_list; 384, 385; 385, string:'outfile'; 386, if_statement; 386, 387; 386, 390; 387, comparison_operator:is; 387, 388; 387, 389; 388, identifier:outfile; 389, None; 390, block; 390, 391; 391, expression_statement; 391, 392; 392, assignment; 392, 393; 392, 394; 393, identifier:outfile; 394, binary_operator:+; 394, 395; 394, 396; 395, string:'gbrs.stenciled.'; 396, call; 396, 397; 396, 402; 397, attribute; 397, 398; 397, 401; 398, attribute; 398, 399; 398, 400; 399, identifier:os; 400, identifier:path; 401, identifier:basename; 402, argument_list; 402, 403; 403, identifier:alnfile; 404, expression_statement; 404, 405; 405, call; 405, 406; 405, 409; 406, attribute; 406, 407; 406, 408; 407, identifier:alnmat; 408, identifier:save; 409, argument_list; 409, 410; 410, keyword_argument; 410, 411; 410, 412; 411, identifier:h5file; 412, identifier:outfile
def stencil(**kwargs): """ Applying genotype calls to multi-way alignment incidence matrix :param alnfile: alignment incidence file (h5), :param gtypefile: genotype calls by GBRS (tsv), :param grpfile: gene ID to isoform ID mapping info (tsv) :return: genotyped version of alignment incidence file (h5) """ alnfile = kwargs.get('alnfile') gtypefile = kwargs.get('gtypefile') grpfile = kwargs.get('grpfile') if grpfile is None: grpfile2chk = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ref.gene2transcripts.tsv') if os.path.exists(grpfile2chk): grpfile = grpfile2chk else: print >> sys.stderr, '[gbrs::stencil] A group file is *not* given. Genotype will be stenciled as is.' # Load alignment incidence matrix ('alnfile' is assumed to be in multiway transcriptome) alnmat = emase.AlignmentPropertyMatrix(h5file=alnfile, grpfile=grpfile) # Load genotype calls hid = dict(zip(alnmat.hname, np.arange(alnmat.num_haplotypes))) gid = dict(zip(alnmat.gname, np.arange(len(alnmat.gname)))) gtmask = np.zeros((alnmat.num_haplotypes, alnmat.num_loci)) gtcall_g = dict.fromkeys(alnmat.gname) with open(gtypefile) as fh: if grpfile is not None: gtcall_t = dict.fromkeys(alnmat.lname) for curline in dropwhile(is_comment, fh): item = curline.rstrip().split("\t") g, gt = item[:2] gtcall_g[g] = gt hid2set = np.array([hid[c] for c in gt]) tid2set = np.array(alnmat.groups[gid[g]]) gtmask[np.meshgrid(hid2set, tid2set)] = 1.0 for t in tid2set: gtcall_t[alnmat.lname[t]] = gt else: for curline in dropwhile(is_comment, fh): item = curline.rstrip().split("\t") g, gt = item[:2] gtcall_g[g] = gt hid2set = np.array([hid[c] for c in gt]) gtmask[np.meshgrid(hid2set, gid[g])] = 1.0 alnmat.multiply(gtmask, axis=2) for h in xrange(alnmat.num_haplotypes):[h].eliminate_zeros() outfile = kwargs.get('outfile') if outfile is None: outfile = 'gbrs.stenciled.' + os.path.basename(alnfile)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:split_tracks; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:lat; 5, identifier:lon; 6, list_splat_pattern; 6, 7; 7, identifier:args; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 15; 8, 29; 8, 40; 8, 316; 8, 353; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, string:'''assumes eastward motion'''; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, assignment; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:tracks; 14, list:[]; 15, expression_statement; 15, 16; 16, assignment; 16, 17; 16, 20; 17, pattern_list; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:lt; 19, identifier:ln; 20, expression_list; 20, 21; 20, 25; 21, list:[lat[0]]; 21, 22; 22, subscript; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:lat; 24, integer:0; 25, list:[lon[0]]; 25, 26; 26, subscript; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:lon; 28, integer:0; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:zz; 32, list_comprehension; 32, 33; 32, 37; 33, list:[z[0]]; 33, 34; 34, subscript; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:z; 36, integer:0; 37, for_in_clause; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:z; 39, identifier:args; 40, for_statement; 40, 41; 40, 42; 40, 50; 41, identifier:i; 42, call; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:range; 44, argument_list; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, integer:1; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:len; 48, argument_list; 48, 49; 49, identifier:lon; 50, block; 50, 51; 50, 60; 50, 79; 50, 94; 50, 112; 50, 130; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:lt; 55, identifier:append; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, subscript; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:lat; 59, identifier:i; 60, for_statement; 60, 61; 60, 64; 60, 69; 61, pattern_list; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:z; 63, identifier:a; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:zip; 66, argument_list; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:zz; 68, identifier:args; 69, block; 69, 70; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 75; 72, attribute; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:z; 74, identifier:append; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, subscript; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:a; 78, identifier:i; 79, expression_statement; 79, 80; 80, assignment; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:d1; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:abs; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, binary_operator:-; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, subscript; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:lon; 88, identifier:i; 89, subscript; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:lon; 91, binary_operator:-; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:i; 93, integer:1; 94, expression_statement; 94, 95; 95, assignment; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:d2; 97, call; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:abs; 99, argument_list; 99, 100; 100, binary_operator:-; 100, 101; 100, 109; 101, parenthesized_expression; 101, 102; 102, binary_operator:+; 102, 103; 102, 108; 103, subscript; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:lon; 105, binary_operator:-; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:i; 107, integer:1; 108, integer:360; 109, subscript; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:lon; 111, identifier:i; 112, expression_statement; 112, 113; 113, assignment; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:d3; 115, call; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:abs; 117, argument_list; 117, 118; 118, binary_operator:-; 118, 119; 118, 124; 119, subscript; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:lon; 121, binary_operator:-; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:i; 123, integer:1; 124, parenthesized_expression; 124, 125; 125, binary_operator:+; 125, 126; 125, 129; 126, subscript; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:lon; 128, identifier:i; 129, integer:360; 130, if_statement; 130, 131; 130, 134; 130, 216; 130, 305; 131, comparison_operator:<; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:d2; 133, identifier:d1; 134, block; 134, 135; 134, 146; 134, 177; 134, 189; 134, 203; 135, expression_statement; 135, 136; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 140; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:ln; 139, identifier:append; 140, argument_list; 140, 141; 141, binary_operator:-; 141, 142; 141, 145; 142, subscript; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:lon; 144, identifier:i; 145, integer:360; 146, expression_statement; 146, 147; 147, call; 147, 148; 147, 151; 148, attribute; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:tracks; 150, identifier:append; 151, argument_list; 151, 152; 152, binary_operator:+; 152, 153; 152, 166; 152, 167; 153, list:[np.array(lt),np.array(ln)]; 153, 154; 153, 160; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:np; 157, identifier:array; 158, argument_list; 158, 159; 159, identifier:lt; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 164; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:np; 163, identifier:array; 164, argument_list; 164, 165; 165, identifier:ln; 166, line_continuation:\; 167, list_comprehension; 167, 168; 167, 174; 168, call; 168, 169; 168, 172; 169, attribute; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:np; 171, identifier:array; 172, argument_list; 172, 173; 173, identifier:z; 174, for_in_clause; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:z; 176, identifier:zz; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, assignment; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:lt; 180, list:[lat[i-1],lat[i]]; 180, 181; 180, 186; 181, subscript; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:lat; 183, binary_operator:-; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:i; 185, integer:1; 186, subscript; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, identifier:lat; 188, identifier:i; 189, expression_statement; 189, 190; 190, assignment; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:ln; 192, list:[lon[i-1]+360,lon[i]]; 192, 193; 192, 200; 193, binary_operator:+; 193, 194; 193, 199; 194, subscript; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:lon; 196, binary_operator:-; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:i; 198, integer:1; 199, integer:360; 200, subscript; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:lon; 202, identifier:i; 203, expression_statement; 203, 204; 204, assignment; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:zz; 206, list_comprehension; 206, 207; 206, 213; 207, list:[z[i-1]]; 207, 208; 208, subscript; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:z; 210, binary_operator:-; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:i; 212, integer:1; 213, for_in_clause; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:z; 215, identifier:args; 216, elif_clause; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, comparison_operator:<; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:d3; 219, identifier:d1; 220, block; 220, 221; 220, 232; 220, 263; 220, 275; 220, 289; 221, expression_statement; 221, 222; 222, call; 222, 223; 222, 226; 223, attribute; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:ln; 225, identifier:append; 226, argument_list; 226, 227; 227, binary_operator:+; 227, 228; 227, 231; 228, subscript; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:lon; 230, identifier:i; 231, integer:360; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, call; 233, 234; 233, 237; 234, attribute; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:tracks; 236, identifier:append; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 238, binary_operator:+; 238, 239; 238, 252; 238, 253; 239, list:[np.array(lt),np.array(ln)]; 239, 240; 239, 246; 240, call; 240, 241; 240, 244; 241, attribute; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:np; 243, identifier:array; 244, argument_list; 244, 245; 245, identifier:lt; 246, call; 246, 247; 246, 250; 247, attribute; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:np; 249, identifier:array; 250, argument_list; 250, 251; 251, identifier:ln; 252, line_continuation:\; 253, list_comprehension; 253, 254; 253, 260; 254, call; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, attribute; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:np; 257, identifier:array; 258, argument_list; 258, 259; 259, identifier:z; 260, for_in_clause; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:z; 262, identifier:zz; 263, expression_statement; 263, 264; 264, assignment; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:lt; 266, list:[lat[i-1],lat[i]]; 266, 267; 266, 272; 267, subscript; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, identifier:lat; 269, binary_operator:-; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:i; 271, integer:1; 272, subscript; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:lat; 274, identifier:i; 275, expression_statement; 275, 276; 276, assignment; 276, 277; 276, 278; 277, identifier:ln; 278, list:[lon[i-1]-360,lon[i]]; 278, 279; 278, 286; 279, binary_operator:-; 279, 280; 279, 285; 280, subscript; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:lon; 282, binary_operator:-; 282, 283; 282, 284; 283, identifier:i; 284, integer:1; 285, integer:360; 286, subscript; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:lon; 288, identifier:i; 289, expression_statement; 289, 290; 290, assignment; 290, 291; 290, 292; 291, identifier:zz; 292, list_comprehension; 292, 293; 292, 302; 293, list:[z[i-1],z[i]]; 293, 294; 293, 299; 294, subscript; 294, 295; 294, 296; 295, identifier:z; 296, binary_operator:-; 296, 297; 296, 298; 297, identifier:i; 298, integer:1; 299, subscript; 299, 300; 299, 301; 300, identifier:z; 301, identifier:i; 302, for_in_clause; 302, 303; 302, 304; 303, identifier:z; 304, identifier:args; 305, else_clause; 305, 306; 306, block; 306, 307; 307, expression_statement; 307, 308; 308, call; 308, 309; 308, 312; 309, attribute; 309, 310; 309, 311; 310, identifier:ln; 311, identifier:append; 312, argument_list; 312, 313; 313, subscript; 313, 314; 313, 315; 314, identifier:lon; 315, identifier:i; 316, if_statement; 316, 317; 316, 321; 317, call; 317, 318; 317, 319; 318, identifier:len; 319, argument_list; 319, 320; 320, identifier:lt; 321, block; 321, 322; 322, expression_statement; 322, 323; 323, call; 323, 324; 323, 327; 324, attribute; 324, 325; 324, 326; 325, identifier:tracks; 326, identifier:append; 327, argument_list; 327, 328; 328, binary_operator:+; 328, 329; 328, 342; 328, 343; 329, list:[np.array(lt),np.array(ln)]; 329, 330; 329, 336; 330, call; 330, 331; 330, 334; 331, attribute; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:np; 333, identifier:array; 334, argument_list; 334, 335; 335, identifier:lt; 336, call; 336, 337; 336, 340; 337, attribute; 337, 338; 337, 339; 338, identifier:np; 339, identifier:array; 340, argument_list; 340, 341; 341, identifier:ln; 342, line_continuation:\; 343, list_comprehension; 343, 344; 343, 350; 344, call; 344, 345; 344, 348; 345, attribute; 345, 346; 345, 347; 346, identifier:np; 347, identifier:array; 348, argument_list; 348, 349; 349, identifier:z; 350, for_in_clause; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, identifier:z; 352, identifier:zz; 353, return_statement; 353, 354; 354, identifier:tracks
def split_tracks(lat,lon,*args): '''assumes eastward motion''' tracks = [] lt,ln = [lat[0]],[lon[0]] zz = [[z[0]] for z in args] for i in range(1,len(lon)): lt.append(lat[i]) for z,a in zip(zz,args): z.append(a[i]) d1 = abs(lon[i] - lon[i-1]) d2 = abs((lon[i-1] + 360) - lon[i]) d3 = abs(lon[i-1] - (lon[i] + 360)) if d2 < d1: ln.append(lon[i]-360) tracks.append([np.array(lt),np.array(ln)] \ + [np.array(z) for z in zz]) lt = [lat[i-1],lat[i]] ln = [lon[i-1]+360,lon[i]] zz = [[z[i-1]] for z in args] elif d3 < d1: ln.append(lon[i]+360) tracks.append([np.array(lt),np.array(ln)] \ + [np.array(z) for z in zz]) lt = [lat[i-1],lat[i]] ln = [lon[i-1]-360,lon[i]] zz = [[z[i-1],z[i]] for z in args] else: ln.append(lon[i]) if len(lt): tracks.append([np.array(lt),np.array(ln)] \ + [np.array(z) for z in zz]) return tracks
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:find_loaders; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:scheme; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:protocols; 7, None; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 12; 8, 17; 8, 33; 8, 41; 8, 42; 8, 52; 8, 104; 8, 105; 8, 132; 8, 142; 8, 162; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:matching_groups; 15, list:['plaster.loader_factory']; 15, 16; 16, string:'plaster.loader_factory'; 17, if_statement; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:protocols; 19, block; 19, 20; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, augmented_assignment:+=; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:matching_groups; 23, list_comprehension; 23, 24; 23, 30; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, string:'plaster.{0}_loader_factory'; 27, identifier:format; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, identifier:proto; 30, for_in_clause; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:proto; 32, identifier:protocols; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, assignment; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:scheme; 36, call; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:scheme; 39, identifier:lower; 40, argument_list; 41, comment; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, assignment; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:parts; 45, call; 45, 46; 45, 49; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:scheme; 48, identifier:split; 49, argument_list; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, string:'+'; 51, integer:1; 52, if_statement; 52, 53; 52, 59; 53, comparison_operator:==; 53, 54; 53, 58; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:len; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, identifier:parts; 58, integer:2; 59, block; 59, 60; 60, try_statement; 60, 61; 60, 73; 60, 79; 61, block; 61, 62; 62, expression_statement; 62, 63; 63, assignment; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:distro; 65, call; 65, 66; 65, 69; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:pkg_resources; 68, identifier:get_distribution; 69, argument_list; 69, 70; 70, subscript; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:parts; 72, integer:0; 73, except_clause; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:pkg_resources; 76, identifier:DistributionNotFound; 77, block; 77, 78; 78, pass_statement; 79, else_clause; 79, 80; 80, block; 80, 81; 80, 92; 80, 93; 80, 94; 81, expression_statement; 81, 82; 82, assignment; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:ep; 84, call; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:_find_ep_in_dist; 86, argument_list; 86, 87; 86, 88; 86, 91; 87, identifier:distro; 88, subscript; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:parts; 90, integer:1; 91, identifier:matching_groups; 92, comment; 93, comment; 94, if_statement; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:ep; 96, block; 96, 97; 97, return_statement; 97, 98; 98, list:[EntryPointLoaderInfo(ep, protocols)]; 98, 99; 99, call; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:EntryPointLoaderInfo; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, identifier:ep; 103, identifier:protocols; 104, comment; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, assignment; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:possible_entry_points; 108, list_comprehension; 108, 109; 108, 110; 108, 118; 109, identifier:ep; 110, for_in_clause; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:ep; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 116; 113, attribute; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:pkg_resources; 115, identifier:iter_entry_points; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 117, string:'plaster.loader_factory'; 118, if_clause; 118, 119; 119, boolean_operator:or; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, comparison_operator:is; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:scheme; 122, None; 123, comparison_operator:==; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:scheme; 125, call; 125, 126; 125, 131; 126, attribute; 126, 127; 126, 130; 127, attribute; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:ep; 129, identifier:name; 130, identifier:lower; 131, argument_list; 132, expression_statement; 132, 133; 133, assignment; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:distros; 135, set_comprehension; 135, 136; 135, 139; 136, attribute; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:ep; 138, identifier:dist; 139, for_in_clause; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:ep; 141, identifier:possible_entry_points; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, assignment; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:matched_entry_points; 145, call; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:list; 147, argument_list; 147, 148; 148, call; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:filter; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, None; 152, list_comprehension; 152, 153; 152, 159; 153, call; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:_find_ep_in_dist; 155, argument_list; 155, 156; 155, 157; 155, 158; 156, identifier:distro; 157, identifier:scheme; 158, identifier:matching_groups; 159, for_in_clause; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:distro; 161, identifier:distros; 162, return_statement; 162, 163; 163, list_comprehension; 163, 164; 163, 171; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:EntryPointLoaderInfo; 166, argument_list; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:ep; 168, keyword_argument; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:protocols; 170, identifier:protocols; 171, for_in_clause; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:ep; 173, identifier:matched_entry_points
def find_loaders(scheme, protocols=None): """ Find all loaders that match the requested scheme and protocols. :param scheme: Any valid scheme. Examples would be something like ``ini`` or ``ini+pastedeploy``. :param protocols: Zero or more :term:`loader protocol` identifiers that the loader must implement. If ``None`` then only generic loaders will be returned. :returns: A list containing zero or more :class:`plaster.ILoaderInfo` objects. """ # build a list of all required entry points matching_groups = ['plaster.loader_factory'] if protocols: matching_groups += [ 'plaster.{0}_loader_factory'.format(proto) for proto in protocols ] scheme = scheme.lower() # if a distribution is specified then it overrides the default search parts = scheme.split('+', 1) if len(parts) == 2: try: distro = pkg_resources.get_distribution(parts[0]) except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pass else: ep = _find_ep_in_dist(distro, parts[1], matching_groups) # if we got one or more loaders from a specific distribution # then they override everything else so we'll just return them if ep: return [EntryPointLoaderInfo(ep, protocols)] # find any distributions supporting the default loader protocol possible_entry_points = [ ep for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('plaster.loader_factory') if scheme is None or scheme == ] distros = {ep.dist for ep in possible_entry_points} matched_entry_points = list(filter(None, [ _find_ep_in_dist(distro, scheme, matching_groups) for distro in distros ])) return [ EntryPointLoaderInfo(ep, protocols=protocols) for ep in matched_entry_points ]
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:combine_dicts; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 6; 3, 9; 4, list_splat_pattern; 4, 5; 5, identifier:dicts; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:copy; 8, False; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:base; 11, None; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 12, 66; 12, 67; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, if_statement; 15, 16; 15, 26; 15, 27; 15, 38; 16, boolean_operator:and; 16, 17; 16, 23; 17, comparison_operator:==; 17, 18; 17, 22; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:len; 20, argument_list; 20, 21; 21, identifier:dicts; 22, integer:1; 23, comparison_operator:is; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:base; 25, None; 26, comment; 27, block; 27, 28; 28, expression_statement; 28, 29; 29, assignment; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:cd; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 37; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 36; 33, subscript; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:dicts; 35, integer:0; 36, identifier:copy; 37, argument_list; 38, else_clause; 38, 39; 39, block; 39, 40; 39, 49; 39, 50; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:cd; 43, conditional_expression:if; 43, 44; 43, 45; 43, 48; 44, dictionary; 45, comparison_operator:is; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:base; 47, None; 48, identifier:base; 49, comment; 50, for_statement; 50, 51; 50, 52; 50, 53; 50, 54; 51, identifier:d; 52, identifier:dicts; 53, comment; 54, block; 54, 55; 55, if_statement; 55, 56; 55, 57; 55, 58; 56, identifier:d; 57, comment; 58, block; 58, 59; 59, expression_statement; 59, 60; 60, call; 60, 61; 60, 64; 61, attribute; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:cd; 63, identifier:update; 64, argument_list; 64, 65; 65, identifier:d; 66, comment; 67, return_statement; 67, 68; 68, conditional_expression:if; 68, 69; 68, 87; 68, 88; 69, dictionary_comprehension; 69, 70; 69, 78; 70, pair; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:k; 72, call; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:_copy; 75, identifier:deepcopy; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 77, identifier:v; 78, for_in_clause; 78, 79; 78, 82; 79, pattern_list; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:k; 81, identifier:v; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 86; 83, attribute; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:cd; 85, identifier:items; 86, argument_list; 87, identifier:copy; 88, identifier:cd
def combine_dicts(*dicts, copy=False, base=None): """ Combines multiple dicts in one. :param dicts: A sequence of dicts. :type dicts: dict :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: A unique dict. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> sorted(combine_dicts({'a': 3, 'c': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}).items()) [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)] """ if len(dicts) == 1 and base is None: # Only one input dict. cd = dicts[0].copy() else: cd = {} if base is None else base # Initialize empty dict. for d in dicts: # Combine dicts. if d: # noinspection PyTypeChecker cd.update(d) # Return combined dict. return {k: _copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in cd.items()} if copy else cd
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:kk_dict; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 6; 4, list_splat_pattern; 4, 5; 5, identifier:kk; 6, dictionary_splat_pattern; 6, 7; 7, identifier:adict; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 64; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, for_statement; 11, 12; 11, 13; 11, 14; 12, identifier:k; 13, identifier:kk; 14, block; 14, 15; 15, if_statement; 15, 16; 15, 21; 15, 46; 15, 56; 16, call; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:isinstance; 18, argument_list; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:k; 20, identifier:dict; 21, block; 21, 22; 21, 39; 22, if_statement; 22, 23; 22, 33; 23, not_operator; 23, 24; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 31; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 30; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:set; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, identifier:k; 30, identifier:isdisjoint; 31, argument_list; 31, 32; 32, identifier:adict; 33, block; 33, 34; 34, raise_statement; 34, 35; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:ValueError; 37, argument_list; 37, 38; 38, string:'keyword argument repeated'; 39, expression_statement; 39, 40; 40, call; 40, 41; 40, 44; 41, attribute; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:adict; 43, identifier:update; 44, argument_list; 44, 45; 45, identifier:k; 46, elif_clause; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, comparison_operator:in; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:k; 49, identifier:adict; 50, block; 50, 51; 51, raise_statement; 51, 52; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:ValueError; 54, argument_list; 54, 55; 55, string:'keyword argument repeated'; 56, else_clause; 56, 57; 57, block; 57, 58; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, assignment; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, subscript; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:adict; 62, identifier:k; 63, identifier:k; 64, return_statement; 64, 65; 65, identifier:adict
def kk_dict(*kk, **adict): """ Merges and defines dictionaries with values identical to keys. :param kk: A sequence of keys and/or dictionaries. :type kk: object | dict, optional :param adict: A dictionary. :type adict: dict, optional :return: Merged dictionary. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', 'b', 'c').items()) [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('c', 'c')] >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', 'b', **{'a-c': 'c'}).items()) [('a', 'a'), ('a-c', 'c'), ('b', 'b')] >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', {'b': 'c'}, 'c').items()) [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'c')] >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', 'b', **{'b': 'c'}).items()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: keyword argument repeated >>> sorted(kk_dict('a', {'b': 'd'}, **{'b': 'c'}).items()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: keyword argument repeated """ for k in kk: if isinstance(k, dict): if not set(k).isdisjoint(adict): raise ValueError('keyword argument repeated') adict.update(k) elif k in adict: raise ValueError('keyword argument repeated') else: adict[k] = k return adict
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 13; 2, function_name:map_dict; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 7; 3, 10; 4, identifier:key_map; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:dicts; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:copy; 9, False; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:base; 12, None; 13, block; 13, 14; 13, 16; 13, 28; 13, 29; 13, 35; 13, 36; 13, 37; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, comment; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, assignment; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:it; 19, call; 19, 20; 19, 27; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 26; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:combine_dicts; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 24, list_splat; 24, 25; 25, identifier:dicts; 26, identifier:items; 27, argument_list; 28, comment; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:get; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:key_map; 34, identifier:get; 35, comment; 36, comment; 37, return_statement; 37, 38; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:combine_dicts; 40, argument_list; 40, 41; 40, 54; 40, 57; 41, dictionary_comprehension; 41, 42; 41, 49; 42, pair; 42, 43; 42, 48; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:get; 45, argument_list; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:k; 47, identifier:k; 48, identifier:v; 49, for_in_clause; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, pattern_list; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:k; 52, identifier:v; 53, identifier:it; 54, keyword_argument; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:copy; 56, identifier:copy; 57, keyword_argument; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:base; 59, identifier:base
def map_dict(key_map, *dicts, copy=False, base=None): """ Returns a dict with new key values. :param key_map: A dictionary that maps the dict keys ({old key: new key} :type key_map: dict :param dicts: A sequence of dicts. :type dicts: dict :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: A unique dict with new key values. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> d = map_dict({'a': 'c', 'b': 'd'}, {'a': 1, 'b': 1}, {'b': 2}) >>> sorted(d.items()) [('c', 1), ('d', 2)] """ it = combine_dicts(*dicts).items() # Combine dicts. get = key_map.get # Namespace shortcut. # Return mapped dict. return combine_dicts({get(k, k): v for k, v in it}, copy=copy, base=base)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 13; 2, function_name:map_list; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 7; 3, 10; 4, identifier:key_map; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:inputs; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:copy; 9, False; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:base; 12, None; 13, block; 13, 14; 13, 16; 13, 25; 13, 26; 13, 80; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, comment; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, assignment; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:d; 19, conditional_expression:if; 19, 20; 19, 21; 19, 24; 20, dictionary; 21, comparison_operator:is; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:base; 23, None; 24, identifier:base; 25, comment; 26, for_statement; 26, 27; 26, 30; 26, 35; 27, pattern_list; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:m; 29, identifier:v; 30, call; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:zip; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:key_map; 34, identifier:inputs; 35, block; 35, 36; 36, if_statement; 36, 37; 36, 42; 36, 53; 36, 71; 37, call; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:isinstance; 39, argument_list; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:m; 41, identifier:dict; 42, block; 42, 43; 42, 52; 43, expression_statement; 43, 44; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:map_dict; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 46, 48; 46, 49; 47, identifier:m; 48, identifier:v; 49, keyword_argument; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:base; 51, identifier:d; 52, comment; 53, elif_clause; 53, 54; 53, 59; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:isinstance; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:m; 58, identifier:list; 59, block; 59, 60; 59, 70; 60, expression_statement; 60, 61; 61, call; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:map_list; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 63, 65; 63, 67; 64, identifier:m; 65, list_splat; 65, 66; 66, identifier:v; 67, keyword_argument; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:base; 69, identifier:d; 70, comment; 71, else_clause; 71, 72; 72, block; 72, 73; 72, 79; 73, expression_statement; 73, 74; 74, assignment; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, subscript; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:d; 77, identifier:m; 78, identifier:v; 79, comment; 80, return_statement; 80, 81; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:combine_dicts; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, keyword_argument; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:copy; 86, identifier:copy; 87, keyword_argument; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:base; 89, identifier:d
def map_list(key_map, *inputs, copy=False, base=None): """ Returns a new dict. :param key_map: A list that maps the dict keys ({old key: new key} :type key_map: list[str | dict | list] :param inputs: A sequence of data. :type inputs: iterable | dict | int | float | list | tuple :param copy: If True, it returns a deepcopy of input values. :type copy: bool, optional :param base: Base dict where combine multiple dicts in one. :type base: dict, optional :return: A unique dict with new values. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> key_map = [ ... 'a', ... {'a': 'c'}, ... [ ... 'a', ... {'a': 'd'} ... ] ... ] >>> inputs = ( ... 2, ... {'a': 3, 'b': 2}, ... [ ... 1, ... {'a': 4} ... ] ... ) >>> d = map_list(key_map, *inputs) >>> sorted(d.items()) [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)] """ d = {} if base is None else base # Initialize empty dict. for m, v in zip(key_map, inputs): if isinstance(m, dict): map_dict(m, v, base=d) # Apply a map dict. elif isinstance(m, list): map_list(m, *v, base=d) # Apply a map list. else: d[m] = v # Apply map. return combine_dicts(copy=copy, base=d)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 15; 2, function_name:selector; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 4, identifier:keys; 5, identifier:dictionary; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:copy; 8, False; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:output_type; 11, string:'dict'; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:allow_miss; 14, False; 15, block; 15, 16; 15, 18; 15, 41; 15, 97; 15, 98; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, comment; 18, if_statement; 18, 19; 18, 21; 18, 22; 18, 30; 19, not_operator; 19, 20; 20, identifier:allow_miss; 21, comment; 22, block; 22, 23; 23, function_definition; 23, 24; 23, 25; 23, 27; 24, function_name:check; 25, parameters; 25, 26; 26, identifier:key; 27, block; 27, 28; 28, return_statement; 28, 29; 29, True; 30, else_clause; 30, 31; 31, block; 31, 32; 32, function_definition; 32, 33; 32, 34; 32, 36; 33, function_name:check; 34, parameters; 34, 35; 35, identifier:key; 36, block; 36, 37; 37, return_statement; 37, 38; 38, comparison_operator:in; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:key; 40, identifier:dictionary; 41, if_statement; 41, 42; 41, 45; 41, 46; 41, 72; 42, comparison_operator:==; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:output_type; 44, string:'list'; 45, comment; 46, block; 46, 47; 46, 62; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, assignment; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:res; 50, list_comprehension; 50, 51; 50, 54; 50, 57; 51, subscript; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:dictionary; 53, identifier:k; 54, for_in_clause; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:k; 56, identifier:keys; 57, if_clause; 57, 58; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:check; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, identifier:k; 62, return_statement; 62, 63; 63, conditional_expression:if; 63, 64; 63, 70; 63, 71; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:_copy; 67, identifier:deepcopy; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, identifier:res; 70, identifier:copy; 71, identifier:res; 72, elif_clause; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, comparison_operator:==; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:output_type; 75, string:'values'; 76, block; 76, 77; 77, return_statement; 77, 78; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:bypass; 80, argument_list; 80, 81; 80, 94; 81, list_splat; 81, 82; 82, list_comprehension; 82, 83; 82, 86; 82, 89; 83, subscript; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:dictionary; 85, identifier:k; 86, for_in_clause; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:k; 88, identifier:keys; 89, if_clause; 89, 90; 90, call; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:check; 92, argument_list; 92, 93; 93, identifier:k; 94, keyword_argument; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:copy; 96, identifier:copy; 97, comment; 98, return_statement; 98, 99; 99, call; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:bypass; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 101, 116; 102, dictionary_comprehension; 102, 103; 102, 108; 102, 111; 103, pair; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:k; 105, subscript; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:dictionary; 107, identifier:k; 108, for_in_clause; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:k; 110, identifier:keys; 111, if_clause; 111, 112; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:check; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 115, identifier:k; 116, keyword_argument; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:copy; 118, identifier:copy
def selector(keys, dictionary, copy=False, output_type='dict', allow_miss=False): """ Selects the chosen dictionary keys from the given dictionary. :param keys: Keys to select. :type keys: list, tuple, set :param dictionary: A dictionary. :type dictionary: dict :param copy: If True the output contains deep-copies of the values. :type copy: bool :param output_type: Type of function output: + 'list': a list with all values listed in `keys`. + 'dict': a dictionary with any outputs listed in `keys`. + 'values': if output length == 1 return a single value otherwise a tuple with all values listed in `keys`. :type output_type: str, optional :param allow_miss: If True it does not raise when some key is missing in the dictionary. :type allow_miss: bool :return: A dictionary with chosen dictionary keys if present in the sequence of dictionaries. These are combined with :func:`combine_dicts`. :rtype: dict Example:: >>> from functools import partial >>> fun = partial(selector, ['a', 'b']) >>> sorted(fun({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}).items()) [('a', 1), ('b', 2)] """ if not allow_miss: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def check(key): return True else: def check(key): return key in dictionary if output_type == 'list': # Select as list. res = [dictionary[k] for k in keys if check(k)] return _copy.deepcopy(res) if copy else res elif output_type == 'values': return bypass(*[dictionary[k] for k in keys if check(k)], copy=copy) # Select as dict. return bypass({k: dictionary[k] for k in keys if check(k)}, copy=copy)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:difference; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:others; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 18; 7, 24; 7, 30; 7, 92; 7, 98; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:result; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:self; 16, identifier:__copy__; 17, argument_list; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:_elements; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:result; 23, identifier:_elements; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, assignment; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:_total; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:result; 29, identifier:_total; 30, for_statement; 30, 31; 30, 32; 30, 39; 31, identifier:other; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:map; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:_as_multiset; 38, identifier:others; 39, block; 39, 40; 40, for_statement; 40, 41; 40, 44; 40, 49; 41, pattern_list; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:element; 43, identifier:multiplicity; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 48; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:other; 47, identifier:items; 48, argument_list; 49, block; 49, 50; 50, if_statement; 50, 51; 50, 54; 51, comparison_operator:in; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:element; 53, identifier:_elements; 54, block; 54, 55; 54, 61; 54, 67; 55, expression_statement; 55, 56; 56, assignment; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:old_multiplicity; 58, subscript; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:_elements; 60, identifier:element; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:new_multiplicity; 64, binary_operator:-; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:old_multiplicity; 66, identifier:multiplicity; 67, if_statement; 67, 68; 67, 71; 67, 82; 68, comparison_operator:>; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:new_multiplicity; 70, integer:0; 71, block; 71, 72; 71, 78; 72, expression_statement; 72, 73; 73, assignment; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, subscript; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:_elements; 76, identifier:element; 77, identifier:new_multiplicity; 78, expression_statement; 78, 79; 79, augmented_assignment:-=; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:_total; 81, identifier:multiplicity; 82, else_clause; 82, 83; 83, block; 83, 84; 83, 88; 84, delete_statement; 84, 85; 85, subscript; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:_elements; 87, identifier:element; 88, expression_statement; 88, 89; 89, augmented_assignment:-=; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:_total; 91, identifier:old_multiplicity; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, assignment; 93, 94; 93, 97; 94, attribute; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:result; 96, identifier:_total; 97, identifier:_total; 98, return_statement; 98, 99; 99, identifier:result
def difference(self, *others): r"""Return a new multiset with all elements from the others removed. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms.difference('bc')) ['a', 'a'] You can also use the ``-`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aabbbc') >>> sorted(ms - Multiset('abd')) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] For a variant of the operation which modifies the multiset in place see :meth:`difference_update`. Args: others: The other sets to remove from the multiset. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. Returns: The resulting difference multiset. """ result = self.__copy__() _elements = result._elements _total = result._total for other in map(self._as_multiset, others): for element, multiplicity in other.items(): if element in _elements: old_multiplicity = _elements[element] new_multiplicity = old_multiplicity - multiplicity if new_multiplicity > 0: _elements[element] = new_multiplicity _total -= multiplicity else: del _elements[element] _total -= old_multiplicity result._total = _total return result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:union; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:others; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 18; 7, 24; 7, 30; 7, 77; 7, 83; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:result; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:self; 16, identifier:__copy__; 17, argument_list; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:_elements; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:result; 23, identifier:_elements; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, assignment; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:_total; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:result; 29, identifier:_total; 30, for_statement; 30, 31; 30, 32; 30, 39; 31, identifier:other; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:map; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:_as_mapping; 38, identifier:others; 39, block; 39, 40; 40, for_statement; 40, 41; 40, 44; 40, 49; 41, pattern_list; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:element; 43, identifier:multiplicity; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 48; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:other; 47, identifier:items; 48, argument_list; 49, block; 49, 50; 49, 60; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, assignment; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:old_multiplicity; 53, call; 53, 54; 53, 57; 54, attribute; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:_elements; 56, identifier:get; 57, argument_list; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:element; 59, integer:0; 60, if_statement; 60, 61; 60, 64; 61, comparison_operator:>; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:multiplicity; 63, identifier:old_multiplicity; 64, block; 64, 65; 64, 71; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 70; 67, subscript; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:_elements; 69, identifier:element; 70, identifier:multiplicity; 71, expression_statement; 71, 72; 72, augmented_assignment:+=; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:_total; 74, binary_operator:-; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:multiplicity; 76, identifier:old_multiplicity; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 82; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:result; 81, identifier:_total; 82, identifier:_total; 83, return_statement; 83, 84; 84, identifier:result
def union(self, *others): r"""Return a new multiset with all elements from the multiset and the others with maximal multiplicities. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms.union('bc')) ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c'] You can also use the ``|`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms | Multiset('aaa')) ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b'] For a variant of the operation which modifies the multiset in place see :meth:`union_update`. Args: *others: The other sets to union the multiset with. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. Returns: The multiset resulting from the union. """ result = self.__copy__() _elements = result._elements _total = result._total for other in map(self._as_mapping, others): for element, multiplicity in other.items(): old_multiplicity = _elements.get(element, 0) if multiplicity > old_multiplicity: _elements[element] = multiplicity _total += multiplicity - old_multiplicity result._total = _total return result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:intersection; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:others; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 18; 7, 24; 7, 30; 7, 95; 7, 101; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:result; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:self; 16, identifier:__copy__; 17, argument_list; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:_elements; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:result; 23, identifier:_elements; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, assignment; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:_total; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:result; 29, identifier:_total; 30, for_statement; 30, 31; 30, 32; 30, 39; 31, identifier:other; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:map; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:_as_mapping; 38, identifier:others; 39, block; 39, 40; 40, for_statement; 40, 41; 40, 44; 40, 52; 41, pattern_list; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:element; 43, identifier:multiplicity; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:list; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 47, call; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, attribute; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:_elements; 50, identifier:items; 51, argument_list; 52, block; 52, 53; 52, 63; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, assignment; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:new_multiplicity; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:other; 59, identifier:get; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:element; 62, integer:0; 63, if_statement; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, comparison_operator:<; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:new_multiplicity; 66, identifier:multiplicity; 67, block; 67, 68; 68, if_statement; 68, 69; 68, 72; 68, 85; 69, comparison_operator:>; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:new_multiplicity; 71, integer:0; 72, block; 72, 73; 72, 79; 73, expression_statement; 73, 74; 74, assignment; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, subscript; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:_elements; 77, identifier:element; 78, identifier:new_multiplicity; 79, expression_statement; 79, 80; 80, augmented_assignment:-=; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:_total; 82, binary_operator:-; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:multiplicity; 84, identifier:new_multiplicity; 85, else_clause; 85, 86; 86, block; 86, 87; 86, 91; 87, delete_statement; 87, 88; 88, subscript; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:_elements; 90, identifier:element; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, augmented_assignment:-=; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:_total; 94, identifier:multiplicity; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 100; 97, attribute; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:result; 99, identifier:_total; 100, identifier:_total; 101, return_statement; 101, 102; 102, identifier:result
def intersection(self, *others): r"""Return a new multiset with elements common to the multiset and all others. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms.intersection('abc')) ['a', 'b'] You can also use the ``&`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms & Multiset('aaac')) ['a', 'a'] For a variant of the operation which modifies the multiset in place see :meth:`intersection_update`. Args: others: The other sets intersect with the multiset. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. Returns: The multiset resulting from the intersection of the sets. """ result = self.__copy__() _elements = result._elements _total = result._total for other in map(self._as_mapping, others): for element, multiplicity in list(_elements.items()): new_multiplicity = other.get(element, 0) if new_multiplicity < multiplicity: if new_multiplicity > 0: _elements[element] = new_multiplicity _total -= multiplicity - new_multiplicity else: del _elements[element] _total -= multiplicity result._total = _total return result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:symmetric_difference; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:other; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 18; 6, 26; 6, 30; 6, 36; 6, 42; 6, 48; 6, 68; 6, 121; 6, 127; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:other; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 16; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:self; 15, identifier:_as_multiset; 16, argument_list; 16, 17; 17, identifier:other; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:result; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:self; 24, identifier:__class__; 25, argument_list; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, assignment; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:_total; 29, integer:0; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, assignment; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:_elements; 33, attribute; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:result; 35, identifier:_elements; 36, expression_statement; 36, 37; 37, assignment; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:self_elements; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:self; 41, identifier:_elements; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, assignment; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:other_elements; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:other; 47, identifier:_elements; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, assignment; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:dist_elements; 51, binary_operator:|; 51, 52; 51, 60; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:set; 54, argument_list; 54, 55; 55, call; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:self_elements; 58, identifier:keys; 59, argument_list; 60, call; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:set; 62, argument_list; 62, 63; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:other_elements; 66, identifier:keys; 67, argument_list; 68, for_statement; 68, 69; 68, 70; 68, 71; 69, identifier:element; 70, identifier:dist_elements; 71, block; 71, 72; 71, 82; 71, 92; 71, 106; 71, 110; 72, expression_statement; 72, 73; 73, assignment; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:multiplicity; 75, call; 75, 76; 75, 79; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:self_elements; 78, identifier:get; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:element; 81, integer:0; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, assignment; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:other_multiplicity; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:other_elements; 88, identifier:get; 89, argument_list; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:element; 91, integer:0; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, assignment; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:new_multiplicity; 95, parenthesized_expression; 95, 96; 96, conditional_expression:if; 96, 97; 96, 100; 96, 103; 97, binary_operator:-; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:multiplicity; 99, identifier:other_multiplicity; 100, comparison_operator:>; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:multiplicity; 102, identifier:other_multiplicity; 103, binary_operator:-; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:other_multiplicity; 105, identifier:multiplicity; 106, expression_statement; 106, 107; 107, augmented_assignment:+=; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:_total; 109, identifier:new_multiplicity; 110, if_statement; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, comparison_operator:>; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:new_multiplicity; 113, integer:0; 114, block; 114, 115; 115, expression_statement; 115, 116; 116, assignment; 116, 117; 116, 120; 117, subscript; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:_elements; 119, identifier:element; 120, identifier:new_multiplicity; 121, expression_statement; 121, 122; 122, assignment; 122, 123; 122, 126; 123, attribute; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:result; 125, identifier:_total; 126, identifier:_total; 127, return_statement; 127, 128; 128, identifier:result
def symmetric_difference(self, other): r"""Return a new set with elements in either the set or other but not both. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms.symmetric_difference('abc')) ['a', 'c'] You can also use the ``^`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms ^ Multiset('aaac')) ['a', 'b', 'c'] For a variant of the operation which modifies the multiset in place see :meth:`symmetric_difference_update`. Args: other: The other set to take the symmetric difference with. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. Returns: The resulting symmetric difference multiset. """ other = self._as_multiset(other) result = self.__class__() _total = 0 _elements = result._elements self_elements = self._elements other_elements = other._elements dist_elements = set(self_elements.keys()) | set(other_elements.keys()) for element in dist_elements: multiplicity = self_elements.get(element, 0) other_multiplicity = other_elements.get(element, 0) new_multiplicity = (multiplicity - other_multiplicity if multiplicity > other_multiplicity else other_multiplicity - multiplicity) _total += new_multiplicity if new_multiplicity > 0: _elements[element] = new_multiplicity result._total = _total return result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:times; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:factor; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 20; 6, 30; 6, 38; 6, 44; 6, 54; 6, 60; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, if_statement; 9, 10; 9, 13; 10, comparison_operator:==; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:factor; 12, integer:0; 13, block; 13, 14; 14, return_statement; 14, 15; 15, call; 15, 16; 15, 19; 16, attribute; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:self; 18, identifier:__class__; 19, argument_list; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, comparison_operator:<; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:factor; 23, integer:0; 24, block; 24, 25; 25, raise_statement; 25, 26; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:ValueError; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, string:'The factor must no be negative.'; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, assignment; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:result; 33, call; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, attribute; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:self; 36, identifier:__copy__; 37, argument_list; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:_elements; 41, attribute; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:result; 43, identifier:_elements; 44, for_statement; 44, 45; 44, 46; 44, 47; 45, identifier:element; 46, identifier:_elements; 47, block; 47, 48; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, augmented_assignment:*=; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, subscript; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:_elements; 52, identifier:element; 53, identifier:factor; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, augmented_assignment:*=; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:result; 58, identifier:_total; 59, identifier:factor; 60, return_statement; 60, 61; 61, identifier:result
def times(self, factor): """Return a new set with each element's multiplicity multiplied with the given scalar factor. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> sorted(ms.times(2)) ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b'] You can also use the ``*`` operator for the same effect: >>> sorted(ms * 3) ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b'] For a variant of the operation which modifies the multiset in place see :meth:`times_update`. Args: factor: The factor to multiply each multiplicity with. """ if factor == 0: return self.__class__() if factor < 0: raise ValueError('The factor must no be negative.') result = self.__copy__() _elements = result._elements for element in _elements: _elements[element] *= factor result._total *= factor return result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:union_update; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:others; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 16; 7, 22; 7, 69; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:_elements; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:self; 15, identifier:_elements; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, assignment; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:_total; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:self; 21, identifier:_total; 22, for_statement; 22, 23; 22, 24; 22, 31; 23, identifier:other; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:map; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 26, 30; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:self; 29, identifier:_as_mapping; 30, identifier:others; 31, block; 31, 32; 32, for_statement; 32, 33; 32, 36; 32, 41; 33, pattern_list; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:element; 35, identifier:multiplicity; 36, call; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:other; 39, identifier:items; 40, argument_list; 41, block; 41, 42; 41, 52; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, assignment; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:old_multiplicity; 45, call; 45, 46; 45, 49; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:_elements; 48, identifier:get; 49, argument_list; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:element; 51, integer:0; 52, if_statement; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, comparison_operator:>; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:multiplicity; 55, identifier:old_multiplicity; 56, block; 56, 57; 56, 63; 57, expression_statement; 57, 58; 58, assignment; 58, 59; 58, 62; 59, subscript; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:_elements; 61, identifier:element; 62, identifier:multiplicity; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, augmented_assignment:+=; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:_total; 66, binary_operator:-; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:multiplicity; 68, identifier:old_multiplicity; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, assignment; 70, 71; 70, 74; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:self; 73, identifier:_total; 74, identifier:_total
def union_update(self, *others): r"""Update the multiset, adding elements from all others using the maximum multiplicity. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.union_update('bc') >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c'] You can also use the ``|=`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms |= Multiset('bccd') >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd'] For a variant of the operation which does not modify the multiset, but returns a new multiset instead see :meth:`union`. Args: others: The other sets to union this multiset with. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. """ _elements = self._elements _total = self._total for other in map(self._as_mapping, others): for element, multiplicity in other.items(): old_multiplicity = _elements.get(element, 0) if multiplicity > old_multiplicity: _elements[element] = multiplicity _total += multiplicity - old_multiplicity self._total = _total
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:intersection_update; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:others; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, for_statement; 10, 11; 10, 12; 10, 19; 11, identifier:other; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:map; 14, argument_list; 14, 15; 14, 18; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:self; 17, identifier:_as_mapping; 18, identifier:others; 19, block; 19, 20; 20, for_statement; 20, 21; 20, 24; 20, 32; 21, pattern_list; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:element; 23, identifier:current_count; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:list; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 27, call; 27, 28; 27, 31; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:self; 30, identifier:items; 31, argument_list; 32, block; 32, 33; 32, 43; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, assignment; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:multiplicity; 36, call; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:other; 39, identifier:get; 40, argument_list; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:element; 42, integer:0; 43, if_statement; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, comparison_operator:<; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:multiplicity; 46, identifier:current_count; 47, block; 47, 48; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, assignment; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, subscript; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:self; 52, identifier:element; 53, identifier:multiplicity
def intersection_update(self, *others): r"""Update the multiset, keeping only elements found in it and all others. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.intersection_update('bc') >>> sorted(ms) ['b'] You can also use the ``&=`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aabc') >>> ms &= Multiset('abbd') >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'b'] For a variant of the operation which does not modify the multiset, but returns a new multiset instead see :meth:`intersection`. Args: others: The other sets to intersect this multiset with. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. """ for other in map(self._as_mapping, others): for element, current_count in list(self.items()): multiplicity = other.get(element, 0) if multiplicity < current_count: self[element] = multiplicity
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:difference_update; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, list_splat_pattern; 5, 6; 6, identifier:others; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, for_statement; 10, 11; 10, 12; 10, 19; 11, identifier:other; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:map; 14, argument_list; 14, 15; 14, 18; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:self; 17, identifier:_as_multiset; 18, identifier:others; 19, block; 19, 20; 20, for_statement; 20, 21; 20, 24; 20, 29; 21, pattern_list; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:element; 23, identifier:multiplicity; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:other; 27, identifier:items; 28, argument_list; 29, block; 29, 30; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:self; 34, identifier:discard; 35, argument_list; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:element; 37, identifier:multiplicity
def difference_update(self, *others): r"""Remove all elements contained the others from this multiset. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.difference_update('abc') >>> sorted(ms) ['a'] You can also use the ``-=`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aabbbc') >>> ms -= Multiset('abd') >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] For a variant of the operation which does not modify the multiset, but returns a new multiset instead see :meth:`difference`. Args: others: The other sets to remove from this multiset. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. """ for other in map(self._as_multiset, others): for element, multiplicity in other.items(): self.discard(element, multiplicity)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:symmetric_difference_update; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:other; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 18; 6, 38; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:other; 12, call; 12, 13; 12, 16; 13, attribute; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:self; 15, identifier:_as_multiset; 16, argument_list; 16, 17; 17, identifier:other; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:elements; 21, binary_operator:|; 21, 22; 21, 30; 22, call; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:set; 24, argument_list; 24, 25; 25, call; 25, 26; 25, 29; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:self; 28, identifier:distinct_elements; 29, argument_list; 30, call; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:set; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, call; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, attribute; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:other; 36, identifier:distinct_elements; 37, argument_list; 38, for_statement; 38, 39; 38, 40; 38, 41; 39, identifier:element; 40, identifier:elements; 41, block; 41, 42; 41, 48; 41, 54; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, assignment; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:multiplicity; 45, subscript; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:self; 47, identifier:element; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, assignment; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:other_count; 51, subscript; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:other; 53, identifier:element; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, assignment; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, subscript; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:self; 58, identifier:element; 59, parenthesized_expression; 59, 60; 60, conditional_expression:if; 60, 61; 60, 64; 60, 67; 61, binary_operator:-; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:multiplicity; 63, identifier:other_count; 64, comparison_operator:>; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:multiplicity; 66, identifier:other_count; 67, binary_operator:-; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:other_count; 69, identifier:multiplicity
def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): r"""Update the multiset to contain only elements in either this multiset or the other but not both. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.symmetric_difference_update('abc') >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'c'] You can also use the ``^=`` operator for the same effect. However, the operator version will only accept a set as other operator, not any iterable, to avoid errors. >>> ms = Multiset('aabbbc') >>> ms ^= Multiset('abd') >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'd'] For a variant of the operation which does not modify the multiset, but returns a new multiset instead see :meth:`symmetric_difference`. Args: other: The other set to take the symmetric difference with. Can also be any :class:`~typing.Iterable`\[~T] or :class:`~typing.Mapping`\[~T, :class:`int`] which are then converted to :class:`Multiset`\[~T]. """ other = self._as_multiset(other) elements = set(self.distinct_elements()) | set(other.distinct_elements()) for element in elements: multiplicity = self[element] other_count = other[element] self[element] = (multiplicity - other_count if multiplicity > other_count else other_count - multiplicity)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:times_update; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:factor; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, if_statement; 9, 10; 9, 13; 9, 19; 9, 30; 10, comparison_operator:<; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:factor; 12, integer:0; 13, block; 13, 14; 14, raise_statement; 14, 15; 15, call; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:ValueError; 17, argument_list; 17, 18; 18, string:"The factor must not be negative."; 19, elif_clause; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, comparison_operator:==; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:factor; 22, integer:0; 23, block; 23, 24; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, call; 25, 26; 25, 29; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:self; 28, identifier:clear; 29, argument_list; 30, else_clause; 30, 31; 31, block; 31, 32; 31, 38; 31, 48; 32, expression_statement; 32, 33; 33, assignment; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:_elements; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:_elements; 38, for_statement; 38, 39; 38, 40; 38, 41; 39, identifier:element; 40, identifier:_elements; 41, block; 41, 42; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, augmented_assignment:*=; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, subscript; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:_elements; 46, identifier:element; 47, identifier:factor; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, augmented_assignment:*=; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:self; 52, identifier:_total; 53, identifier:factor
def times_update(self, factor): """Update each this multiset by multiplying each element's multiplicity with the given scalar factor. >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.times_update(2) >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b'] You can also use the ``*=`` operator for the same effect: >>> ms = Multiset('ac') >>> ms *= 3 >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'c'] For a variant of the operation which does not modify the multiset, but returns a new multiset instead see :meth:`times`. Args: factor: The factor to multiply each multiplicity with. """ if factor < 0: raise ValueError("The factor must not be negative.") elif factor == 0: self.clear() else: _elements = self._elements for element in _elements: _elements[element] *= factor self._total *= factor
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:add; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:element; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:multiplicity; 8, integer:1; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 22; 9, 30; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, if_statement; 12, 13; 12, 16; 13, comparison_operator:<; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:multiplicity; 15, integer:1; 16, block; 16, 17; 17, raise_statement; 17, 18; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:ValueError; 20, argument_list; 20, 21; 21, string:"Multiplicity must be positive"; 22, expression_statement; 22, 23; 23, augmented_assignment:+=; 23, 24; 23, 29; 24, subscript; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:self; 27, identifier:_elements; 28, identifier:element; 29, identifier:multiplicity; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, augmented_assignment:+=; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:self; 34, identifier:_total; 35, identifier:multiplicity
def add(self, element, multiplicity=1): """Adds an element to the multiset. >>> ms = Multiset() >>> ms.add('a') >>> sorted(ms) ['a'] An optional multiplicity can be specified to define how many of the element are added: >>> ms.add('b', 2) >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'b', 'b'] This extends the :meth:`MutableSet.add` signature to allow specifying the multiplicity. Args: element: The element to add to the multiset. multiplicity: The multiplicity i.e. count of elements to add. """ if multiplicity < 1: raise ValueError("Multiplicity must be positive") self._elements[element] += multiplicity self._total += multiplicity
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:remove; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:element; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:multiplicity; 8, None; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 18; 9, 25; 9, 35; 9, 81; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:_elements; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:self; 17, identifier:_elements; 18, if_statement; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, comparison_operator:not; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:element; 21, identifier:_elements; 22, block; 22, 23; 23, raise_statement; 23, 24; 24, identifier:KeyError; 25, expression_statement; 25, 26; 26, assignment; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:old_multiplicity; 28, call; 28, 29; 28, 32; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:_elements; 31, identifier:get; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:element; 34, integer:0; 35, if_statement; 35, 36; 35, 43; 35, 54; 35, 64; 36, boolean_operator:or; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, comparison_operator:is; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:multiplicity; 39, None; 40, comparison_operator:>=; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:multiplicity; 42, identifier:old_multiplicity; 43, block; 43, 44; 43, 48; 44, delete_statement; 44, 45; 45, subscript; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:_elements; 47, identifier:element; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, augmented_assignment:-=; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:self; 52, identifier:_total; 53, identifier:old_multiplicity; 54, elif_clause; 54, 55; 54, 58; 55, comparison_operator:<; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:multiplicity; 57, integer:0; 58, block; 58, 59; 59, raise_statement; 59, 60; 60, call; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:ValueError; 62, argument_list; 62, 63; 63, string:"Multiplicity must be not be negative"; 64, elif_clause; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, comparison_operator:>; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:multiplicity; 67, integer:0; 68, block; 68, 69; 68, 75; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, augmented_assignment:-=; 70, 71; 70, 74; 71, subscript; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:_elements; 73, identifier:element; 74, identifier:multiplicity; 75, expression_statement; 75, 76; 76, augmented_assignment:-=; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:self; 79, identifier:_total; 80, identifier:multiplicity; 81, return_statement; 81, 82; 82, identifier:old_multiplicity
def remove(self, element, multiplicity=None): """Removes an element from the multiset. If no multiplicity is specified, the element is completely removed from the multiset: >>> ms = Multiset('aabbbc') >>> ms.remove('a') 2 >>> sorted(ms) ['b', 'b', 'b', 'c'] If the multiplicity is given, it is subtracted from the element's multiplicity in the multiset: >>> ms.remove('b', 2) 3 >>> sorted(ms) ['b', 'c'] It is not an error to remove more elements than are in the set: >>> ms.remove('b', 2) 1 >>> sorted(ms) ['c'] This extends the :meth:`MutableSet.remove` signature to allow specifying the multiplicity. Args: element: The element to remove from the multiset. multiplicity: An optional multiplicity i.e. count of elements to remove. Returns: The multiplicity of the element in the multiset before the removal. Raises: KeyError: if the element is not contained in the set. Use :meth:`discard` if you do not want an exception to be raised. """ _elements = self._elements if element not in _elements: raise KeyError old_multiplicity = _elements.get(element, 0) if multiplicity is None or multiplicity >= old_multiplicity: del _elements[element] self._total -= old_multiplicity elif multiplicity < 0: raise ValueError("Multiplicity must be not be negative") elif multiplicity > 0: _elements[element] -= multiplicity self._total -= multiplicity return old_multiplicity
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:discard; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:element; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:multiplicity; 8, None; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 18; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:_elements; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:self; 17, identifier:_elements; 18, if_statement; 18, 19; 18, 22; 18, 77; 19, comparison_operator:in; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:element; 21, identifier:_elements; 22, block; 22, 23; 22, 29; 22, 75; 23, expression_statement; 23, 24; 24, assignment; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:old_multiplicity; 26, subscript; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:_elements; 28, identifier:element; 29, if_statement; 29, 30; 29, 37; 29, 48; 29, 58; 30, boolean_operator:or; 30, 31; 30, 34; 31, comparison_operator:is; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:multiplicity; 33, None; 34, comparison_operator:>=; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:multiplicity; 36, identifier:old_multiplicity; 37, block; 37, 38; 37, 42; 38, delete_statement; 38, 39; 39, subscript; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:_elements; 41, identifier:element; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, augmented_assignment:-=; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:self; 46, identifier:_total; 47, identifier:old_multiplicity; 48, elif_clause; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, comparison_operator:<; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:multiplicity; 51, integer:0; 52, block; 52, 53; 53, raise_statement; 53, 54; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:ValueError; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, string:"Multiplicity must not be negative"; 58, elif_clause; 58, 59; 58, 62; 59, comparison_operator:>; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:multiplicity; 61, integer:0; 62, block; 62, 63; 62, 69; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, augmented_assignment:-=; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, subscript; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:_elements; 67, identifier:element; 68, identifier:multiplicity; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, augmented_assignment:-=; 70, 71; 70, 74; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:self; 73, identifier:_total; 74, identifier:multiplicity; 75, return_statement; 75, 76; 76, identifier:old_multiplicity; 77, else_clause; 77, 78; 78, block; 78, 79; 79, return_statement; 79, 80; 80, integer:0
def discard(self, element, multiplicity=None): """Removes the `element` from the multiset. If multiplicity is ``None``, all occurrences of the element are removed: >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.discard('a') 2 >>> sorted(ms) ['b'] Otherwise, the multiplicity is subtracted from the one in the multiset and the old multiplicity is removed: >>> ms = Multiset('aab') >>> ms.discard('a', 1) 2 >>> sorted(ms) ['a', 'b'] In contrast to :meth:`remove`, this does not raise an error if the element is not in the multiset: >>> ms = Multiset('a') >>> ms.discard('b') 0 >>> sorted(ms) ['a'] It is also not an error to remove more elements than are in the set: >>> ms.remove('a', 2) 1 >>> sorted(ms) [] Args: element: The element to remove from the multiset. multiplicity: An optional multiplicity i.e. count of elements to remove. Returns: The multiplicity of the element in the multiset before the removal. """ _elements = self._elements if element in _elements: old_multiplicity = _elements[element] if multiplicity is None or multiplicity >= old_multiplicity: del _elements[element] self._total -= old_multiplicity elif multiplicity < 0: raise ValueError("Multiplicity must not be negative") elif multiplicity > 0: _elements[element] -= multiplicity self._total -= multiplicity return old_multiplicity else: return 0
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:async_thread; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 10; 4, identifier:sol; 5, identifier:args; 6, identifier:node_attr; 7, identifier:node_id; 8, list_splat_pattern; 8, 9; 9, identifier:a; 10, dictionary_splat_pattern; 10, 11; 11, identifier:kw; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 12, 34; 12, 51; 12, 55; 12, 81; 12, 87; 12, 101; 12, 120; 12, 209; 12, 219; 12, 232; 12, 245; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, expression_statement; 15, 16; 16, assignment; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:executor; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:_get_executor; 20, argument_list; 20, 21; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:_executor_name; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 23, 31; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:kw; 27, identifier:get; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, string:'executor'; 30, False; 31, attribute; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:sol; 33, identifier:dsp; 34, if_statement; 34, 35; 34, 37; 35, not_operator; 35, 36; 36, identifier:executor; 37, block; 37, 38; 38, return_statement; 38, 39; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 43; 40, attribute; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:sol; 42, identifier:_evaluate_node; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 43, 45; 43, 46; 43, 47; 43, 49; 44, identifier:args; 45, identifier:node_attr; 46, identifier:node_id; 47, list_splat; 47, 48; 48, identifier:a; 49, dictionary_splat; 49, 50; 50, identifier:kw; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:futures; 54, identifier:args; 55, if_statement; 55, 56; 55, 70; 56, boolean_operator:and; 56, 57; 56, 62; 57, comparison_operator:==; 57, 58; 57, 61; 58, subscript; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:node_attr; 60, string:'type'; 61, string:'data'; 62, parenthesized_expression; 62, 63; 63, boolean_operator:or; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, subscript; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:node_attr; 66, string:'wait_inputs'; 67, comparison_operator:in; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, string:'function'; 69, identifier:node_attr; 70, block; 70, 71; 71, expression_statement; 71, 72; 72, assignment; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:futures; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 80; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 79; 76, subscript; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:args; 78, integer:0; 79, identifier:values; 80, argument_list; 81, import_from_statement; 81, 82; 81, 85; 82, dotted_name; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:concurrent; 84, identifier:futures; 85, dotted_name; 85, 86; 86, identifier:Future; 87, expression_statement; 87, 88; 88, assignment; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:futures; 90, set_comprehension; 90, 91; 90, 92; 90, 95; 91, identifier:v; 92, for_in_clause; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:v; 94, identifier:futures; 95, if_clause; 95, 96; 96, call; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:isinstance; 98, argument_list; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:v; 100, identifier:Future; 101, function_definition; 101, 102; 101, 103; 101, 104; 102, function_name:_submit; 103, parameters; 104, block; 104, 105; 105, return_statement; 105, 106; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 110; 107, attribute; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:executor; 109, identifier:thread; 110, argument_list; 110, 111; 110, 112; 110, 113; 110, 114; 110, 115; 110, 116; 110, 118; 111, identifier:_async_eval; 112, identifier:sol; 113, identifier:args; 114, identifier:node_attr; 115, identifier:node_id; 116, list_splat; 116, 117; 117, identifier:a; 118, dictionary_splat; 118, 119; 119, identifier:kw; 120, if_statement; 120, 121; 120, 122; 120, 123; 120, 201; 121, identifier:futures; 122, comment; 123, block; 123, 124; 123, 130; 123, 161; 123, 187; 124, expression_statement; 124, 125; 125, assignment; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:result; 127, call; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:Future; 129, argument_list; 130, function_definition; 130, 131; 130, 132; 130, 134; 131, function_name:_set_res; 132, parameters; 132, 133; 133, identifier:fut; 134, block; 134, 135; 135, try_statement; 135, 136; 135, 148; 136, block; 136, 137; 137, expression_statement; 137, 138; 138, call; 138, 139; 138, 142; 139, attribute; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:result; 141, identifier:set_result; 142, argument_list; 142, 143; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 147; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:fut; 146, identifier:result; 147, argument_list; 148, except_clause; 148, 149; 148, 153; 149, as_pattern; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:BaseException; 151, as_pattern_target; 151, 152; 152, identifier:ex; 153, block; 153, 154; 154, expression_statement; 154, 155; 155, call; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, attribute; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:result; 158, identifier:set_exception; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 160, identifier:ex; 161, function_definition; 161, 162; 161, 163; 161, 167; 162, function_name:_submit_task; 163, parameters; 163, 164; 164, default_parameter; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:fut; 166, None; 167, block; 167, 168; 167, 175; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 173; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:futures; 172, identifier:discard; 173, argument_list; 173, 174; 174, identifier:fut; 175, expression_statement; 175, 176; 176, boolean_operator:and; 176, 177; 176, 179; 177, not_operator; 177, 178; 178, identifier:futures; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 185; 180, attribute; 180, 181; 180, 184; 181, call; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:_submit; 183, argument_list; 184, identifier:add_done_callback; 185, argument_list; 185, 186; 186, identifier:_set_res; 187, for_statement; 187, 188; 187, 189; 187, 193; 188, identifier:f; 189, call; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:list; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, identifier:futures; 193, block; 193, 194; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, call; 195, 196; 195, 199; 196, attribute; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:f; 198, identifier:add_done_callback; 199, argument_list; 199, 200; 200, identifier:_submit_task; 201, else_clause; 201, 202; 202, block; 202, 203; 203, expression_statement; 203, 204; 204, assignment; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:result; 206, call; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:_submit; 208, argument_list; 209, expression_statement; 209, 210; 210, assignment; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:timeout; 212, call; 212, 213; 212, 216; 213, attribute; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:node_attr; 215, identifier:get; 216, argument_list; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, string:'await_result'; 218, False; 219, if_statement; 219, 220; 219, 223; 220, comparison_operator:is; 220, 221; 220, 222; 221, identifier:timeout; 222, False; 223, block; 223, 224; 224, return_statement; 224, 225; 225, call; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:_await_result; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 227, 229; 227, 230; 227, 231; 228, identifier:result; 229, identifier:timeout; 230, identifier:sol; 231, identifier:node_id; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, assignment; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:n; 235, call; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:len; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 238, call; 238, 239; 238, 242; 239, attribute; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:node_attr; 241, identifier:get; 242, argument_list; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, string:'outputs'; 244, list:[]; 245, return_statement; 245, 246; 246, conditional_expression:if; 246, 247; 246, 256; 246, 259; 247, call; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:AsyncList; 249, argument_list; 249, 250; 249, 253; 250, keyword_argument; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:future; 252, identifier:result; 253, keyword_argument; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:n; 255, identifier:n; 256, comparison_operator:>; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:n; 258, integer:1; 259, identifier:result
def async_thread(sol, args, node_attr, node_id, *a, **kw): """ Execute `sol._evaluate_node` in an asynchronous thread. :param sol: Solution to be updated. :type sol: schedula.utils.sol.Solution :param args: Arguments to be passed to node calls. :type args: tuple :param node_attr: Dictionary of node attributes. :type node_attr: dict :param node_id: Data or function node id. :type node_id: str :param a: Extra args to invoke `sol._evaluate_node`. :type a: tuple :param kw: Extra kwargs to invoke `sol._evaluate_node`. :type kw: dict :return: Function result. :rtype: concurrent.futures.Future | AsyncList """ executor = _get_executor(_executor_name(kw.get('executor', False), sol.dsp)) if not executor: return sol._evaluate_node(args, node_attr, node_id, *a, **kw) futures = args if node_attr['type'] == 'data' and ( node_attr['wait_inputs'] or 'function' in node_attr): futures = args[0].values() from concurrent.futures import Future futures = {v for v in futures if isinstance(v, Future)} def _submit(): return executor.thread( _async_eval, sol, args, node_attr, node_id, *a, **kw ) if futures: # Chain results. result = Future() def _set_res(fut): try: result.set_result(fut.result()) except BaseException as ex: result.set_exception(ex) def _submit_task(fut=None): futures.discard(fut) not futures and _submit().add_done_callback(_set_res) for f in list(futures): f.add_done_callback(_submit_task) else: result = _submit() timeout = node_attr.get('await_result', False) if timeout is not False: return _await_result(result, timeout, sol, node_id) n = len(node_attr.get('outputs', [])) return AsyncList(future=result, n=n) if n > 1 else result
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:pivot; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 4, identifier:table; 5, identifier:left; 6, identifier:top; 7, identifier:value; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 15; 8, 19; 8, 23; 8, 119; 8, 121; 8, 161; 8, 168; 8, 175; 8, 179; 8, 181; 8, 238; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, assignment; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:rs; 14, dictionary; 15, expression_statement; 15, 16; 16, assignment; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:ysort; 18, list:[]; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, assignment; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:xsort; 22, list:[]; 23, for_statement; 23, 24; 23, 25; 23, 26; 24, identifier:row; 25, identifier:table; 26, block; 26, 27; 26, 40; 26, 41; 26, 53; 26, 66; 26, 67; 26, 79; 26, 94; 26, 109; 27, expression_statement; 27, 28; 28, assignment; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:yaxis; 30, call; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:tuple; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, list_comprehension; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, subscript; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:row; 36, identifier:c; 37, for_in_clause; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:c; 39, identifier:left; 40, comment; 41, if_statement; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, comparison_operator:not; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:yaxis; 44, identifier:ysort; 45, block; 45, 46; 46, expression_statement; 46, 47; 47, call; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, attribute; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:ysort; 50, identifier:append; 51, argument_list; 51, 52; 52, identifier:yaxis; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, assignment; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:xaxis; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:tuple; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 59, list_comprehension; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, subscript; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:row; 62, identifier:c; 63, for_in_clause; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:c; 65, identifier:top; 66, comment; 67, if_statement; 67, 68; 67, 71; 68, comparison_operator:not; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:xaxis; 70, identifier:xsort; 71, block; 71, 72; 72, expression_statement; 72, 73; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:xsort; 76, identifier:append; 77, argument_list; 77, 78; 78, identifier:xaxis; 79, try_statement; 79, 80; 79, 85; 80, block; 80, 81; 81, expression_statement; 81, 82; 82, subscript; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:rs; 84, identifier:yaxis; 85, except_clause; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:KeyError; 87, block; 87, 88; 88, expression_statement; 88, 89; 89, assignment; 89, 90; 89, 93; 90, subscript; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:rs; 92, identifier:yaxis; 93, dictionary; 94, if_statement; 94, 95; 94, 100; 95, comparison_operator:not; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:xaxis; 97, subscript; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:rs; 99, identifier:yaxis; 100, block; 100, 101; 101, expression_statement; 101, 102; 102, assignment; 102, 103; 102, 108; 103, subscript; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, subscript; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:rs; 106, identifier:yaxis; 107, identifier:xaxis; 108, integer:0; 109, expression_statement; 109, 110; 110, augmented_assignment:+=; 110, 111; 110, 116; 111, subscript; 111, 112; 111, 115; 112, subscript; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:rs; 114, identifier:yaxis; 115, identifier:xaxis; 116, subscript; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:row; 118, identifier:value; 119, expression_statement; 119, 120; 120, comment; 121, for_statement; 121, 122; 121, 123; 121, 124; 122, identifier:key; 123, identifier:rs; 124, block; 124, 125; 125, if_statement; 125, 126; 125, 137; 126, binary_operator:-; 126, 127; 126, 133; 127, call; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:len; 129, argument_list; 129, 130; 130, subscript; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:rs; 132, identifier:key; 133, call; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:len; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 136, identifier:xsort; 137, block; 137, 138; 138, for_statement; 138, 139; 138, 140; 138, 141; 139, identifier:var; 140, identifier:xsort; 141, block; 141, 142; 142, if_statement; 142, 143; 142, 152; 143, comparison_operator:not; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:var; 145, call; 145, 146; 145, 151; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, subscript; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:rs; 149, identifier:key; 150, identifier:keys; 151, argument_list; 152, block; 152, 153; 153, expression_statement; 153, 154; 154, assignment; 154, 155; 154, 160; 155, subscript; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, subscript; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:rs; 158, identifier:key; 159, identifier:var; 160, string:''; 161, expression_statement; 161, 162; 162, assignment; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:headings; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:list; 166, argument_list; 166, 167; 167, identifier:left; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 173; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:headings; 172, identifier:extend; 173, argument_list; 173, 174; 174, identifier:xsort; 175, expression_statement; 175, 176; 176, assignment; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:t; 178, list:[]; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, comment; 181, for_statement; 181, 182; 181, 183; 181, 184; 182, identifier:left; 183, identifier:ysort; 184, block; 184, 185; 184, 192; 184, 205; 184, 217; 184, 224; 185, expression_statement; 185, 186; 186, assignment; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, identifier:row; 188, call; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:list; 190, argument_list; 190, 191; 191, identifier:left; 192, expression_statement; 192, 193; 193, assignment; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:sortedkeys; 195, call; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:sorted; 197, argument_list; 197, 198; 198, call; 198, 199; 198, 204; 199, attribute; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, subscript; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:rs; 202, identifier:left; 203, identifier:keys; 204, argument_list; 205, expression_statement; 205, 206; 206, assignment; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:sortedvalues; 208, call; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:map; 210, argument_list; 210, 211; 210, 216; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 215; 212, subscript; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:rs; 214, identifier:left; 215, identifier:get; 216, identifier:sortedkeys; 217, expression_statement; 217, 218; 218, call; 218, 219; 218, 222; 219, attribute; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:row; 221, identifier:extend; 222, argument_list; 222, 223; 223, identifier:sortedvalues; 224, expression_statement; 224, 225; 225, call; 225, 226; 225, 229; 226, attribute; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:t; 228, identifier:append; 229, argument_list; 229, 230; 230, call; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:dict; 232, argument_list; 232, 233; 233, call; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:zip; 235, argument_list; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:headings; 237, identifier:row; 238, return_statement; 238, 239; 239, identifier:t
def pivot(table, left, top, value): """ Creates a cross-tab or pivot table from a normalised input table. Use this function to 'denormalize' a table of normalized records. * The table argument can be a list of dictionaries or a Table object. ( * The left argument is a tuple of headings which are displayed down the left side of the new table. * The top argument is a tuple of headings which are displayed across the top of the new table. Tuples are used so that multiple element headings and columns can be used. E.g. To transform the list (listOfDicts): Name, Year, Value ----------------------- 'Simon', 2004, 32 'Simon', 2005, 128 'Russel', 2004, 64 'Eric', 2004, 52 'Russel', 2005, 32 into the new list: 'Name', 2004, 2005 ------------------------ 'Simon', 32, 128 'Russel', 64, 32 'Eric', 52, NA you would call pivot with the arguments: newList = pivot(listOfDicts, ('Name',), ('Year',), 'Value') """ rs = {} ysort = [] xsort = [] for row in table: yaxis = tuple([row[c] for c in left]) # e.g. yaxis = ('Simon',) if yaxis not in ysort: ysort.append(yaxis) xaxis = tuple([row[c] for c in top]) # e.g. xaxis = ('2004',) if xaxis not in xsort: xsort.append(xaxis) try: rs[yaxis] except KeyError: rs[yaxis] = {} if xaxis not in rs[yaxis]: rs[yaxis][xaxis] = 0 rs[yaxis][xaxis] += row[value] """ In the following loop we take care of missing data, e.g 'Eric' has a value in 2004 but not in 2005 """ for key in rs: if len(rs[key]) - len(xsort): for var in xsort: if var not in rs[key].keys(): rs[key][var] = '' headings = list(left) headings.extend(xsort) t = [] """ The lists 'sortedkeys' and 'sortedvalues' make sure that even if the field 'top' is unordered, data will be transposed correctly. E.g. in the example above the table rows are not ordered by the year """ for left in ysort: row = list(left) sortedkeys = sorted(rs[left].keys()) sortedvalues = map(rs[left].get, sortedkeys) row.extend(sortedvalues) t.append(dict(zip(headings,row))) return t
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 23; 2, function_name:download_hrrr_for_gssha; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 9; 3, 13; 3, 16; 3, 19; 4, identifier:main_directory; 5, identifier:forecast_start_date_string; 6, comment; 7, identifier:forecast_start_hour_string; 8, comment; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:leftlon; 11, unary_operator:-; 11, 12; 12, integer:180; 13, default_parameter; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:rightlon; 15, integer:180; 16, default_parameter; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:toplat; 18, integer:90; 19, default_parameter; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:bottomlat; 21, unary_operator:-; 21, 22; 22, integer:90; 23, block; 23, 24; 23, 26; 23, 36; 23, 47; 23, 70; 23, 74; 23, 273; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, comment; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, assignment; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:out_directory; 29, call; 29, 30; 29, 33; 30, attribute; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:path; 32, identifier:join; 33, argument_list; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:main_directory; 35, identifier:forecast_start_date_string; 36, try_statement; 36, 37; 36, 43; 37, block; 37, 38; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:mkdir; 41, argument_list; 41, 42; 42, identifier:out_directory; 43, except_clause; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:OSError; 45, block; 45, 46; 46, pass_statement; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, assignment; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:forecast_timestep_hour_string_array; 50, list:['00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18']; 50, 51; 50, 52; 50, 53; 50, 54; 50, 55; 50, 56; 50, 57; 50, 58; 50, 59; 50, 60; 50, 61; 50, 62; 50, 63; 50, 64; 50, 65; 50, 66; 50, 67; 50, 68; 50, 69; 51, string:'00'; 52, string:'01'; 53, string:'02'; 54, string:'03'; 55, string:'04'; 56, string:'05'; 57, string:'06'; 58, string:'07'; 59, string:'08'; 60, string:'09'; 61, string:'10'; 62, string:'11'; 63, string:'12'; 64, string:'13'; 65, string:'14'; 66, string:'15'; 67, string:'16'; 68, string:'17'; 69, string:'18'; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:downloaded_file_list; 73, list:[]; 74, for_statement; 74, 75; 74, 76; 74, 77; 75, identifier:forecast_timestep_hour_string; 76, identifier:forecast_timestep_hour_string_array; 77, block; 77, 78; 77, 88; 77, 166; 77, 181; 78, expression_statement; 78, 79; 79, assignment; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:file_name; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 85; 82, attribute; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, string:'hrrr.t{0}z.wrfsfcf{1}.grib2'; 84, identifier:format; 85, argument_list; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:forecast_start_hour_string; 87, identifier:forecast_timestep_hour_string; 88, expression_statement; 88, 89; 89, assignment; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:payload; 91, dictionary; 91, 92; 91, 95; 91, 98; 91, 101; 91, 104; 91, 107; 91, 110; 91, 113; 91, 116; 91, 119; 91, 122; 91, 125; 91, 128; 91, 131; 91, 134; 91, 140; 91, 146; 91, 152; 91, 158; 92, pair; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, string:'file'; 94, identifier:file_name; 95, pair; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, string:'lev_10_m_above_ground'; 97, string:'on'; 98, pair; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, string:'lev_2_m_above_ground'; 100, string:'on'; 101, pair; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, string:'lev_entire_atmosphere'; 103, string:'on'; 104, pair; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, string:'lev_surface'; 106, string:'on'; 107, pair; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, string:'var_DSWRF'; 109, string:'on'; 110, pair; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, string:'var_PRATE'; 112, string:'on'; 113, pair; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, string:'var_PRES'; 115, string:'on'; 116, pair; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, string:'var_RH'; 118, string:'on'; 119, pair; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, string:'var_TMP'; 121, string:'on'; 122, pair; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, string:'var_UGRD'; 124, string:'on'; 125, pair; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, string:'var_VGRD'; 127, string:'on'; 128, pair; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, string:'var_TCDC'; 130, string:'on'; 131, pair; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:'subregion'; 133, string:''; 134, pair; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, string:'leftlon'; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:str; 138, argument_list; 138, 139; 139, identifier:leftlon; 140, pair; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, string:'rightlon'; 142, call; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:str; 144, argument_list; 144, 145; 145, identifier:rightlon; 146, pair; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, string:'toplat'; 148, call; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:str; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 151, identifier:toplat; 152, pair; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, string:'bottomlat'; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:str; 156, argument_list; 156, 157; 157, identifier:bottomlat; 158, pair; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, string:'dir'; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 164; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, string:'/hrrr.{0}'; 163, identifier:format; 164, argument_list; 164, 165; 165, identifier:forecast_start_date_string; 166, expression_statement; 166, 167; 167, assignment; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:r; 169, call; 169, 170; 169, 173; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:requests; 172, identifier:get; 173, argument_list; 173, 174; 173, 175; 173, 178; 174, string:''; 175, keyword_argument; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:params; 177, identifier:payload; 178, keyword_argument; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:stream; 180, True; 181, if_statement; 181, 182; 181, 191; 181, 239; 182, comparison_operator:==; 182, 183; 182, 186; 183, attribute; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:r; 185, identifier:status_code; 186, attribute; 186, 187; 186, 190; 187, attribute; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:requests; 189, identifier:codes; 190, identifier:ok; 191, block; 191, 192; 191, 202; 191, 209; 192, expression_statement; 192, 193; 193, assignment; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:out_file; 195, call; 195, 196; 195, 199; 196, attribute; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:path; 198, identifier:join; 199, argument_list; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:out_directory; 201, identifier:file_name; 202, expression_statement; 202, 203; 203, call; 203, 204; 203, 207; 204, attribute; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:downloaded_file_list; 206, identifier:append; 207, argument_list; 207, 208; 208, identifier:out_file; 209, with_statement; 209, 210; 209, 220; 210, with_clause; 210, 211; 211, with_item; 211, 212; 212, as_pattern; 212, 213; 212, 218; 213, call; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:open; 215, argument_list; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:out_file; 217, string:'wb'; 218, as_pattern_target; 218, 219; 219, identifier:fd; 220, block; 220, 221; 221, for_statement; 221, 222; 221, 223; 221, 231; 222, identifier:chunk; 223, call; 223, 224; 223, 227; 224, attribute; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:r; 226, identifier:iter_content; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 228, keyword_argument; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:chunk_size; 230, integer:1024; 231, block; 231, 232; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, call; 233, 234; 233, 237; 234, attribute; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:fd; 236, identifier:write; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 238, identifier:chunk; 239, else_clause; 239, 240; 240, block; 240, 241; 240, 253; 240, 268; 240, 272; 241, expression_statement; 241, 242; 242, call; 242, 243; 242, 246; 243, attribute; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, identifier:log; 245, identifier:error; 246, argument_list; 246, 247; 247, call; 247, 248; 247, 251; 248, attribute; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, string:"Problem downloading {0}"; 250, identifier:format; 251, argument_list; 251, 252; 252, identifier:file_name; 253, for_statement; 253, 254; 253, 255; 253, 256; 254, identifier:filename; 255, identifier:downloaded_file_list; 256, block; 256, 257; 257, try_statement; 257, 258; 257, 264; 258, block; 258, 259; 259, expression_statement; 259, 260; 260, call; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:remove; 262, argument_list; 262, 263; 263, identifier:filename; 264, except_clause; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:OSError; 266, block; 266, 267; 267, pass_statement; 268, expression_statement; 268, 269; 269, assignment; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:downloaded_file_list; 271, list:[]; 272, break_statement; 273, return_statement; 273, 274; 274, identifier:downloaded_file_list
def download_hrrr_for_gssha(main_directory, forecast_start_date_string, #EX. '20160913' forecast_start_hour_string, #EX. '00' to '23' leftlon=-180, rightlon=180, toplat=90,bottomlat=-90): """ Function to download HRRR data for GSSHA URL: Args: main_directory(str): Location of the output for the forecast data. forecast_start_date_string(str): String for day of forecast. Ex. '20160913' forecast_start_hour_string(str): String for hour of forecast start. Ex. '02' leftlon(Optional[double,int]): Left bound for longitude. Default is -180. rightlon(Optional[double,int]): Right bound for longitude. Default is 180. toplat(Optional[double,int]): Top bound for latitude. Default is 90. bottomlat(Optional[double,int]): Bottom bound for latitude. Default is -90. Returns: downloaded_file_list(list): List of paths to downloaded files. Example:: from gsshapy.grid.hrrr_to_gssha import download_hrrr_for_gssha hrrr_folder = '/HRRR' leftlon = -95 rightlon = -75 toplat = 35 bottomlat = 30 downloaded_file_list = download_hrrr_for_gssha(hrrr_folder,'20160914','01', leftlon,rightlon,toplat,bottomlat) """ out_directory = path.join(main_directory, forecast_start_date_string) try: mkdir(out_directory) except OSError: pass forecast_timestep_hour_string_array = ['00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18'] downloaded_file_list = [] for forecast_timestep_hour_string in forecast_timestep_hour_string_array: file_name = 'hrrr.t{0}z.wrfsfcf{1}.grib2'.format(forecast_start_hour_string, forecast_timestep_hour_string) payload = { 'file': file_name, 'lev_10_m_above_ground': 'on', 'lev_2_m_above_ground': 'on', 'lev_entire_atmosphere': 'on', 'lev_surface': 'on', 'var_DSWRF': 'on', 'var_PRATE': 'on', 'var_PRES': 'on', 'var_RH': 'on', 'var_TMP': 'on', 'var_UGRD': 'on', 'var_VGRD': 'on', 'var_TCDC': 'on', 'subregion': '', 'leftlon': str(leftlon), 'rightlon': str(rightlon), 'toplat': str(toplat), 'bottomlat': str(bottomlat), 'dir': '/hrrr.{0}'.format(forecast_start_date_string), } r = requests.get('', params=payload, stream=True) if r.status_code == out_file = path.join(out_directory, file_name) downloaded_file_list.append(out_file) with open(out_file, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): fd.write(chunk) else: log.error("Problem downloading {0}".format(file_name)) for filename in downloaded_file_list: try: remove(filename) except OSError: pass downloaded_file_list = [] break return downloaded_file_list
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:_convert_data_to_hourly; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:gssha_data_var; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 32; 6, 41; 6, 45; 6, 396; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, assignment; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:time_step_hours; 12, binary_operator:/; 12, 13; 12, 25; 13, subscript; 13, 14; 13, 24; 14, call; 14, 15; 14, 18; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:np; 17, identifier:diff; 18, argument_list; 18, 19; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:self; 22, identifier:data; 23, identifier:time; 24, integer:0; 25, call; 25, 26; 25, 29; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:np; 28, identifier:timedelta64; 29, argument_list; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, integer:1; 31, string:'h'; 32, expression_statement; 32, 33; 33, assignment; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:calc_function; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 39; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:self; 38, identifier:_get_calc_function; 39, argument_list; 39, 40; 40, identifier:gssha_data_var; 41, expression_statement; 41, 42; 42, assignment; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:resampled_data; 44, None; 45, if_statement; 45, 46; 45, 49; 45, 70; 46, comparison_operator:<; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:time_step_hours; 48, integer:1; 49, block; 49, 50; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, assignment; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:resampled_data; 53, call; 53, 54; 53, 59; 54, attribute; 54, 55; 54, 58; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:self; 57, identifier:data; 58, identifier:resample; 59, argument_list; 59, 60; 59, 61; 59, 64; 59, 67; 60, string:'1H'; 61, keyword_argument; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:dim; 63, string:'time'; 64, keyword_argument; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:how; 66, identifier:calc_function; 67, keyword_argument; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:keep_attrs; 69, True; 70, elif_clause; 70, 71; 70, 74; 71, comparison_operator:>; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:time_step_hours; 73, integer:1; 74, block; 74, 75; 74, 92; 75, expression_statement; 75, 76; 76, assignment; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:resampled_data; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 84; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 83; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:self; 82, identifier:data; 83, identifier:resample; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 84, 86; 84, 89; 85, string:'1H'; 86, keyword_argument; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:dim; 88, string:'time'; 89, keyword_argument; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:keep_attrs; 91, True; 92, for_statement; 92, 93; 92, 94; 92, 104; 93, identifier:time_idx; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:range; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 97, subscript; 97, 98; 97, 103; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:self; 101, identifier:data; 102, identifier:dims; 103, string:'time'; 104, block; 104, 105; 105, if_statement; 105, 106; 105, 117; 105, 118; 105, 283; 106, comparison_operator:<; 106, 107; 106, 110; 107, binary_operator:+; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:time_idx; 109, integer:1; 110, subscript; 110, 111; 110, 116; 111, attribute; 111, 112; 111, 115; 112, attribute; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:self; 114, identifier:data; 115, identifier:dims; 116, string:'time'; 117, comment; 118, block; 118, 119; 118, 131; 118, 145; 118, 159; 118, 176; 118, 192; 118, 216; 118, 246; 118, 257; 119, expression_statement; 119, 120; 120, assignment; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:start_time; 122, attribute; 122, 123; 122, 130; 123, subscript; 123, 124; 123, 129; 124, attribute; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, attribute; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:self; 127, identifier:data; 128, identifier:time; 129, identifier:time_idx; 130, identifier:values; 131, expression_statement; 131, 132; 132, assignment; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:end_time; 134, attribute; 134, 135; 134, 144; 135, subscript; 135, 136; 135, 141; 136, attribute; 136, 137; 136, 140; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:self; 139, identifier:data; 140, identifier:time; 141, binary_operator:+; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:time_idx; 143, integer:1; 144, identifier:values; 145, expression_statement; 145, 146; 146, assignment; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:slope_timeslice; 148, call; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:slice; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 150, 155; 151, call; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:str; 153, argument_list; 153, 154; 154, identifier:start_time; 155, call; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:str; 157, argument_list; 157, 158; 158, identifier:end_time; 159, expression_statement; 159, 160; 160, assignment; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:slice_size; 162, binary_operator:-; 162, 163; 162, 175; 163, subscript; 163, 164; 163, 174; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 173; 165, call; 165, 166; 165, 169; 166, attribute; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:resampled_data; 168, identifier:sel; 169, argument_list; 169, 170; 170, keyword_argument; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:time; 172, identifier:slope_timeslice; 173, identifier:dims; 174, string:'time'; 175, integer:1; 176, expression_statement; 176, 177; 177, assignment; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:first_timestep; 179, subscript; 179, 180; 179, 191; 180, call; 180, 181; 180, 184; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:resampled_data; 183, identifier:sel; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 185, keyword_argument; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:time; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:str; 189, argument_list; 189, 190; 190, identifier:start_time; 191, identifier:gssha_data_var; 192, expression_statement; 192, 193; 193, assignment; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:slope; 195, binary_operator:/; 195, 196; 195, 212; 196, parenthesized_expression; 196, 197; 197, binary_operator:-; 197, 198; 197, 211; 198, subscript; 198, 199; 198, 210; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:resampled_data; 202, identifier:sel; 203, argument_list; 203, 204; 204, keyword_argument; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:time; 206, call; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:str; 208, argument_list; 208, 209; 209, identifier:end_time; 210, identifier:gssha_data_var; 211, identifier:first_timestep; 212, call; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:float; 214, argument_list; 214, 215; 215, identifier:slice_size; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, assignment; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:data_timeslice; 219, call; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:slice; 221, argument_list; 221, 222; 221, 234; 222, call; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, identifier:str; 224, argument_list; 224, 225; 225, binary_operator:+; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:start_time; 227, call; 227, 228; 227, 231; 228, attribute; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:np; 230, identifier:timedelta64; 231, argument_list; 231, 232; 231, 233; 232, integer:1; 233, string:'m'; 234, call; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:str; 236, argument_list; 236, 237; 237, binary_operator:-; 237, 238; 237, 239; 238, identifier:end_time; 239, call; 239, 240; 239, 243; 240, attribute; 240, 241; 240, 242; 241, identifier:np; 242, identifier:timedelta64; 243, argument_list; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, integer:1; 245, string:'m'; 246, expression_statement; 246, 247; 247, assignment; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:data_subset; 249, call; 249, 250; 249, 253; 250, attribute; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:resampled_data; 252, identifier:sel; 253, argument_list; 253, 254; 254, keyword_argument; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:time; 256, identifier:data_timeslice; 257, for_statement; 257, 258; 257, 259; 257, 267; 258, identifier:xidx; 259, call; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:range; 261, argument_list; 261, 262; 262, subscript; 262, 263; 262, 266; 263, attribute; 263, 264; 263, 265; 264, identifier:data_subset; 265, identifier:dims; 266, string:'time'; 267, block; 267, 268; 268, expression_statement; 268, 269; 269, assignment; 269, 270; 269, 275; 270, subscript; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, subscript; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:data_subset; 273, identifier:gssha_data_var; 274, identifier:xidx; 275, binary_operator:+; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:first_timestep; 277, binary_operator:*; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:slope; 279, parenthesized_expression; 279, 280; 280, binary_operator:+; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:xidx; 282, integer:1; 283, else_clause; 283, 284; 283, 285; 284, comment; 285, block; 285, 286; 285, 298; 285, 309; 286, expression_statement; 286, 287; 287, assignment; 287, 288; 287, 289; 288, identifier:start_time; 289, attribute; 289, 290; 289, 297; 290, subscript; 290, 291; 290, 296; 291, attribute; 291, 292; 291, 295; 292, attribute; 292, 293; 292, 294; 293, identifier:self; 294, identifier:data; 295, identifier:time; 296, identifier:time_idx; 297, identifier:values; 298, expression_statement; 298, 299; 299, assignment; 299, 300; 299, 301; 300, identifier:end_time; 301, attribute; 301, 302; 301, 308; 302, subscript; 302, 303; 302, 306; 303, attribute; 303, 304; 303, 305; 304, identifier:resampled_data; 305, identifier:time; 306, unary_operator:-; 306, 307; 307, integer:1; 308, identifier:values; 309, if_statement; 309, 310; 309, 313; 310, comparison_operator:>; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, identifier:end_time; 312, identifier:start_time; 313, block; 313, 314; 313, 330; 313, 344; 313, 355; 313, 359; 313, 372; 314, expression_statement; 314, 315; 315, assignment; 315, 316; 315, 317; 316, identifier:first_timestep; 317, subscript; 317, 318; 317, 329; 318, call; 318, 319; 318, 322; 319, attribute; 319, 320; 319, 321; 320, identifier:resampled_data; 321, identifier:sel; 322, argument_list; 322, 323; 323, keyword_argument; 323, 324; 323, 325; 324, identifier:time; 325, call; 325, 326; 325, 327; 326, identifier:str; 327, argument_list; 327, 328; 328, identifier:start_time; 329, identifier:gssha_data_var; 330, expression_statement; 330, 331; 331, assignment; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:data_timeslice; 333, call; 333, 334; 333, 335; 334, identifier:slice; 335, argument_list; 335, 336; 335, 340; 336, call; 336, 337; 336, 338; 337, identifier:str; 338, argument_list; 338, 339; 339, identifier:start_time; 340, call; 340, 341; 340, 342; 341, identifier:str; 342, argument_list; 342, 343; 343, identifier:end_time; 344, expression_statement; 344, 345; 345, assignment; 345, 346; 345, 347; 346, identifier:data_subset; 347, call; 347, 348; 347, 351; 348, attribute; 348, 349; 348, 350; 349, identifier:resampled_data; 350, identifier:sel; 351, argument_list; 351, 352; 352, keyword_argument; 352, 353; 352, 354; 353, identifier:time; 354, identifier:data_timeslice; 355, expression_statement; 355, 356; 356, assignment; 356, 357; 356, 358; 357, identifier:slice_size; 358, integer:1; 359, if_statement; 359, 360; 359, 363; 360, comparison_operator:==; 360, 361; 360, 362; 361, identifier:calc_function; 362, string:"mean"; 363, block; 363, 364; 364, expression_statement; 364, 365; 365, assignment; 365, 366; 365, 367; 366, identifier:slice_size; 367, subscript; 367, 368; 367, 371; 368, attribute; 368, 369; 368, 370; 369, identifier:data_subset; 370, identifier:dims; 371, string:'time'; 372, for_statement; 372, 373; 372, 374; 372, 382; 373, identifier:xidx; 374, call; 374, 375; 374, 376; 375, identifier:range; 376, argument_list; 376, 377; 377, subscript; 377, 378; 377, 381; 378, attribute; 378, 379; 378, 380; 379, identifier:data_subset; 380, identifier:dims; 381, string:'time'; 382, block; 382, 383; 383, expression_statement; 383, 384; 384, assignment; 384, 385; 384, 390; 385, subscript; 385, 386; 385, 389; 386, subscript; 386, 387; 386, 388; 387, identifier:data_subset; 388, identifier:gssha_data_var; 389, identifier:xidx; 390, binary_operator:/; 390, 391; 390, 392; 391, identifier:first_timestep; 392, call; 392, 393; 392, 394; 393, identifier:float; 394, argument_list; 394, 395; 395, identifier:slice_size; 396, if_statement; 396, 397; 396, 400; 396, 401; 397, comparison_operator:is; 397, 398; 397, 399; 398, identifier:resampled_data; 399, None; 400, comment; 401, block; 401, 402; 401, 441; 401, 480; 402, if_statement; 402, 403; 402, 414; 403, comparison_operator:not; 403, 404; 403, 411; 404, attribute; 404, 405; 404, 410; 405, attribute; 405, 406; 405, 409; 406, attribute; 406, 407; 406, 408; 407, identifier:self; 408, identifier:data; 409, identifier:lsm; 410, identifier:x_var; 411, attribute; 411, 412; 411, 413; 412, identifier:resampled_data; 413, identifier:coords; 414, block; 414, 415; 415, expression_statement; 415, 416; 416, assignment; 416, 417; 416, 428; 417, subscript; 417, 418; 417, 421; 418, attribute; 418, 419; 418, 420; 419, identifier:resampled_data; 420, identifier:coords; 421, attribute; 421, 422; 421, 427; 422, attribute; 422, 423; 422, 426; 423, attribute; 423, 424; 423, 425; 424, identifier:self; 425, identifier:data; 426, identifier:lsm; 427, identifier:x_var; 428, subscript; 428, 429; 428, 434; 429, attribute; 429, 430; 429, 433; 430, attribute; 430, 431; 430, 432; 431, identifier:self; 432, identifier:data; 433, identifier:coords; 434, attribute; 434, 435; 434, 440; 435, attribute; 435, 436; 435, 439; 436, attribute; 436, 437; 436, 438; 437, identifier:self; 438, identifier:data; 439, identifier:lsm; 440, identifier:x_var; 441, if_statement; 441, 442; 441, 453; 442, comparison_operator:not; 442, 443; 442, 450; 443, attribute; 443, 444; 443, 449; 444, attribute; 444, 445; 444, 448; 445, attribute; 445, 446; 445, 447; 446, identifier:self; 447, identifier:data; 448, identifier:lsm; 449, identifier:y_var; 450, attribute; 450, 451; 450, 452; 451, identifier:resampled_data; 452, identifier:coords; 453, block; 453, 454; 454, expression_statement; 454, 455; 455, assignment; 455, 456; 455, 467; 456, subscript; 456, 457; 456, 460; 457, attribute; 457, 458; 457, 459; 458, identifier:resampled_data; 459, identifier:coords; 460, attribute; 460, 461; 460, 466; 461, attribute; 461, 462; 461, 465; 462, attribute; 462, 463; 462, 464; 463, identifier:self; 464, identifier:data; 465, identifier:lsm; 466, identifier:y_var; 467, subscript; 467, 468; 467, 473; 468, attribute; 468, 469; 468, 472; 469, attribute; 469, 470; 469, 471; 470, identifier:self; 471, identifier:data; 472, identifier:coords; 473, attribute; 473, 474; 473, 479; 474, attribute; 474, 475; 474, 478; 475, attribute; 475, 476; 475, 477; 476, identifier:self; 477, identifier:data; 478, identifier:lsm; 479, identifier:y_var; 480, expression_statement; 480, 481; 481, assignment; 481, 482; 481, 485; 482, attribute; 482, 483; 482, 484; 483, identifier:self; 484, identifier:data; 485, identifier:resampled_data
def _convert_data_to_hourly(self, gssha_data_var): """ This function converts the data to hourly data and then puts it into the data_np_array USED WHEN GENERATING HMET DATA ONLY """ time_step_hours = np.diff([0]/np.timedelta64(1, 'h') calc_function = self._get_calc_function(gssha_data_var) resampled_data = None if time_step_hours < 1: resampled_data ='1H', dim='time', how=calc_function, keep_attrs=True) elif time_step_hours > 1: resampled_data ='1H', dim='time', keep_attrs=True) for time_idx in range(['time']): if time_idx+1 <['time']: # interpolate between time steps start_time =[time_idx].values end_time =[time_idx+1].values slope_timeslice = slice(str(start_time), str(end_time)) slice_size = resampled_data.sel(time=slope_timeslice).dims['time'] - 1 first_timestep = resampled_data.sel(time=str(start_time))[gssha_data_var] slope = (resampled_data.sel(time=str(end_time))[gssha_data_var] - first_timestep)/float(slice_size) data_timeslice = slice(str(start_time+np.timedelta64(1, 'm')), str(end_time-np.timedelta64(1, 'm'))) data_subset = resampled_data.sel(time=data_timeslice) for xidx in range(data_subset.dims['time']): data_subset[gssha_data_var][xidx] = first_timestep + slope * (xidx+1) else: # just continue to repeat the timestep start_time =[time_idx].values end_time = resampled_data.time[-1].values if end_time > start_time: first_timestep = resampled_data.sel(time=str(start_time))[gssha_data_var] data_timeslice = slice(str(start_time), str(end_time)) data_subset = resampled_data.sel(time=data_timeslice) slice_size = 1 if calc_function == "mean": slice_size = data_subset.dims['time'] for xidx in range(data_subset.dims['time']): data_subset[gssha_data_var][xidx] = first_timestep/float(slice_size) if resampled_data is not None: # make sure coordinates copied if not in resampled_data.coords: resampled_data.coords[] =[] if not in resampled_data.coords: resampled_data.coords[] =[] = resampled_data
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:get_sub_dsp; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:nodes_bunch; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:edges_bunch; 8, None; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 13; 9, 30; 9, 31; 9, 53; 9, 54; 9, 68; 9, 82; 9, 90; 9, 91; 9, 131; 9, 132; 9, 149; 9, 150; 9, 189; 9, 194; 9, 195; 9, 212; 9, 213; 9, 231; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, comment; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, assignment; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:nodes_bunch; 16, list_comprehension; 16, 17; 16, 27; 17, subscript; 17, 18; 17, 26; 18, subscript; 18, 19; 18, 25; 19, call; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:self; 22, identifier:get_node; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 24, identifier:u; 25, integer:1; 26, integer:0; 27, for_in_clause; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:u; 29, identifier:nodes_bunch; 30, comment; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, assignment; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:sub_dsp; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:self; 37, identifier:copy_structure; 38, argument_list; 38, 39; 39, keyword_argument; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:dmap; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 52; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 51; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 49; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 48; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:self; 47, identifier:dmap; 48, identifier:subgraph; 49, argument_list; 49, 50; 50, identifier:nodes_bunch; 51, identifier:copy; 52, argument_list; 53, comment; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, assignment; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, pattern_list; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:nodes; 58, identifier:dmap_out_degree; 59, expression_list; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:sub_dsp; 62, identifier:nodes; 63, attribute; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:sub_dsp; 66, identifier:dmap; 67, identifier:out_degree; 68, expression_statement; 68, 69; 69, assignment; 69, 70; 69, 73; 70, pattern_list; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:dmap_dv; 72, identifier:dmap_rm_edge; 73, expression_list; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:self; 76, identifier:default_values; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 81; 78, attribute; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:sub_dsp; 80, identifier:dmap; 81, identifier:remove_edge; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, assignment; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:dmap_rm_node; 85, attribute; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:sub_dsp; 88, identifier:dmap; 89, identifier:remove_node; 90, comment; 91, for_statement; 91, 92; 91, 93; 91, 94; 92, identifier:u; 93, identifier:nodes_bunch; 94, block; 94, 95; 94, 107; 94, 108; 94, 109; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:n; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 104; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 103; 100, subscript; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:nodes; 102, identifier:u; 103, identifier:get; 104, argument_list; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, string:'inputs'; 106, None; 107, comment; 108, comment; 109, if_statement; 109, 110; 109, 124; 110, boolean_operator:and; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, comparison_operator:is; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:n; 113, None; 114, not_operator; 114, 115; 115, call; 115, 116; 115, 122; 116, attribute; 116, 117; 116, 121; 117, call; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:set; 119, argument_list; 119, 120; 120, identifier:n; 121, identifier:issubset; 122, argument_list; 122, 123; 123, identifier:nodes_bunch; 124, block; 124, 125; 124, 130; 125, expression_statement; 125, 126; 126, call; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:dmap_rm_node; 128, argument_list; 128, 129; 129, identifier:u; 130, comment; 131, comment; 132, if_statement; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, comparison_operator:is; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:edges_bunch; 135, None; 136, block; 136, 137; 137, for_statement; 137, 138; 137, 139; 137, 140; 137, 141; 138, identifier:e; 139, identifier:edges_bunch; 140, comment; 141, block; 141, 142; 141, 148; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:dmap_rm_edge; 145, argument_list; 145, 146; 146, list_splat; 146, 147; 147, identifier:e; 148, comment; 149, comment; 150, for_statement; 150, 151; 150, 152; 150, 173; 150, 174; 151, identifier:u; 152, list_comprehension; 152, 153; 152, 154; 152, 167; 153, identifier:u; 154, for_in_clause; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, pattern_list; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:u; 157, identifier:n; 158, call; 158, 159; 158, 166; 159, attribute; 159, 160; 159, 165; 160, attribute; 160, 161; 160, 164; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:sub_dsp; 163, identifier:dmap; 164, identifier:nodes; 165, identifier:items; 166, argument_list; 167, if_clause; 167, 168; 168, comparison_operator:==; 168, 169; 168, 172; 169, subscript; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:n; 171, string:'type'; 172, string:'function'; 173, comment; 174, block; 174, 175; 175, if_statement; 175, 176; 175, 181; 175, 182; 176, not_operator; 176, 177; 177, call; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:dmap_out_degree; 179, argument_list; 179, 180; 180, identifier:u; 181, comment; 182, block; 182, 183; 182, 188; 183, expression_statement; 183, 184; 184, call; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:dmap_rm_node; 186, argument_list; 186, 187; 187, identifier:u; 188, comment; 189, import_from_statement; 189, 190; 189, 192; 190, dotted_name; 190, 191; 191, identifier:networkx; 192, dotted_name; 192, 193; 193, identifier:isolates; 194, comment; 195, expression_statement; 195, 196; 196, call; 196, 197; 196, 202; 197, attribute; 197, 198; 197, 201; 198, attribute; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:sub_dsp; 200, identifier:dmap; 201, identifier:remove_nodes_from; 202, argument_list; 202, 203; 203, call; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:list; 205, argument_list; 205, 206; 206, call; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:isolates; 208, argument_list; 208, 209; 209, attribute; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:sub_dsp; 211, identifier:dmap; 212, comment; 213, expression_statement; 213, 214; 214, assignment; 214, 215; 214, 218; 215, attribute; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:sub_dsp; 217, identifier:default_values; 218, dictionary_comprehension; 218, 219; 218, 224; 218, 227; 219, pair; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:k; 221, subscript; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:dmap_dv; 223, identifier:k; 224, for_in_clause; 224, 225; 224, 226; 225, identifier:k; 226, identifier:dmap_dv; 227, if_clause; 227, 228; 228, comparison_operator:in; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:k; 230, identifier:nodes; 231, return_statement; 231, 232; 232, identifier:sub_dsp
def get_sub_dsp(self, nodes_bunch, edges_bunch=None): """ Returns the sub-dispatcher induced by given node and edge bunches. The induced sub-dispatcher contains the available nodes in nodes_bunch and edges between those nodes, excluding those that are in edges_bunch. The available nodes are non isolated nodes and function nodes that have all inputs and at least one output. :param nodes_bunch: A container of node ids which will be iterated through once. :type nodes_bunch: list[str], iterable :param edges_bunch: A container of edge ids that will be removed. :type edges_bunch: list[(str, str)], iterable, optional :return: A dispatcher. :rtype: Dispatcher .. seealso:: :func:`get_sub_dsp_from_workflow` .. note:: The sub-dispatcher edge or node attributes just point to the original dispatcher. So changes to the node or edge structure will not be reflected in the original dispatcher map while changes to the attributes will. **--------------------------------------------------------------------** **Example**: A dispatcher with a two functions `fun1` and `fun2`: .. dispatcher:: dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> dsp = Dispatcher(name='Dispatcher') >>> dsp.add_function(function_id='fun1', inputs=['a', 'b'], ... outputs=['c', 'd']) 'fun1' >>> dsp.add_function(function_id='fun2', inputs=['a', 'd'], ... outputs=['c', 'e']) 'fun2' Get the sub-dispatcher induced by given nodes bunch:: >>> sub_dsp = dsp.get_sub_dsp(['a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'fun2']) .. dispatcher:: sub_dsp :opt: graph_attr={'ratio': '1'} >>> = 'Sub-Dispatcher' """ # Get real paths. nodes_bunch = [self.get_node(u)[1][0] for u in nodes_bunch] # Define an empty dispatcher. sub_dsp = self.copy_structure( dmap=self.dmap.subgraph(nodes_bunch).copy() ) # Namespace shortcuts for speed. nodes, dmap_out_degree = sub_dsp.nodes, sub_dsp.dmap.out_degree dmap_dv, dmap_rm_edge = self.default_values, sub_dsp.dmap.remove_edge dmap_rm_node = sub_dsp.dmap.remove_node # Remove function nodes that has not whole inputs available. for u in nodes_bunch: n = nodes[u].get('inputs', None) # Function inputs. # No all inputs if n is not None and not set(n).issubset(nodes_bunch): dmap_rm_node(u) # Remove function node. # Remove edges that are not in edges_bunch. if edges_bunch is not None: for e in edges_bunch: # Iterate sub-graph edges. dmap_rm_edge(*e) # Remove edge. # Remove function node with no outputs. for u in [u for u, n in sub_dsp.dmap.nodes.items() if n['type'] == 'function']: # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable if not dmap_out_degree(u): # No outputs. dmap_rm_node(u) # Remove function node. from networkx import isolates # Remove isolate nodes from sub-graph. sub_dsp.dmap.remove_nodes_from(list(isolates(sub_dsp.dmap))) # Set default values. sub_dsp.default_values = {k: dmap_dv[k] for k in dmap_dv if k in nodes} return sub_dsp
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:blue; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:memo; 7, None; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 20; 8, 29; 8, 37; 8, 47; 8, 77; 8, 83; 8, 92; 8, 108; 8, 146; 8, 303; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, assignment; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:memo; 14, conditional_expression:if; 14, 15; 14, 16; 14, 19; 15, dictionary; 16, comparison_operator:is; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:memo; 18, None; 19, identifier:memo; 20, if_statement; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, comparison_operator:in; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:self; 23, identifier:memo; 24, block; 24, 25; 25, return_statement; 25, 26; 26, subscript; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:memo; 28, identifier:self; 29, import_from_statement; 29, 30; 29, 35; 30, relative_import; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, import_prefix; 32, dotted_name; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:utils; 34, identifier:dsp; 35, dotted_name; 35, 36; 36, identifier:map_list; 37, import_from_statement; 37, 38; 37, 43; 37, 45; 38, relative_import; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, import_prefix; 40, dotted_name; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:utils; 42, identifier:blue; 43, dotted_name; 43, 44; 44, identifier:BlueDispatcher; 45, dotted_name; 45, 46; 46, identifier:_parent_blue; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, assignment; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, subscript; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:memo; 51, identifier:self; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:blue; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:BlueDispatcher; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 56, 62; 56, 67; 56, 72; 57, keyword_argument; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:executor; 59, attribute; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:self; 61, identifier:executor; 62, keyword_argument; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:name; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:self; 66, identifier:name; 67, keyword_argument; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:raises; 69, attribute; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:self; 71, identifier:raises; 72, keyword_argument; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:description; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:self; 76, identifier:__doc__; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:dfl; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:self; 82, identifier:default_values; 83, expression_statement; 83, 84; 84, assignment; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:key_map_data; 86, list:['data_id', {'value': 'default_value'}]; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, string:'data_id'; 88, dictionary; 88, 89; 89, pair; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, string:'value'; 91, string:'default_value'; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, assignment; 93, 94; 93, 97; 94, pattern_list; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:pred; 96, identifier:succ; 97, expression_list; 97, 98; 97, 103; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:self; 101, identifier:dmap; 102, identifier:pred; 103, attribute; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, attribute; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:self; 106, identifier:dmap; 107, identifier:succ; 108, function_definition; 108, 109; 108, 110; 108, 114; 109, function_name:_set_weight; 110, parameters; 110, 111; 110, 112; 110, 113; 111, identifier:n; 112, identifier:r; 113, identifier:d; 114, block; 114, 115; 114, 137; 115, expression_statement; 115, 116; 116, assignment; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:d; 118, dictionary_comprehension; 118, 119; 118, 124; 118, 133; 119, pair; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:i; 121, subscript; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:j; 123, string:'weight'; 124, for_in_clause; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, pattern_list; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:i; 127, identifier:j; 128, call; 128, 129; 128, 132; 129, attribute; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:d; 131, identifier:items; 132, argument_list; 133, if_clause; 133, 134; 134, comparison_operator:in; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, string:'weight'; 136, identifier:j; 137, if_statement; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:d; 139, block; 139, 140; 140, expression_statement; 140, 141; 141, assignment; 141, 142; 141, 145; 142, subscript; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:r; 144, identifier:n; 145, identifier:d; 146, for_statement; 146, 147; 146, 150; 146, 170; 147, pattern_list; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:k; 149, identifier:v; 150, call; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:sorted; 152, argument_list; 152, 153; 152, 160; 153, call; 153, 154; 153, 159; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:self; 157, identifier:nodes; 158, identifier:items; 159, argument_list; 160, keyword_argument; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:key; 162, lambda; 162, 163; 162, 165; 163, lambda_parameters; 163, 164; 164, identifier:x; 165, subscript; 165, 166; 165, 169; 166, subscript; 166, 167; 166, 168; 167, identifier:x; 168, integer:1; 169, string:'index'; 170, block; 170, 171; 170, 179; 170, 188; 170, 192; 170, 292; 171, expression_statement; 171, 172; 172, assignment; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:v; 174, call; 174, 175; 174, 178; 175, attribute; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:v; 177, identifier:copy; 178, argument_list; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, assignment; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:t; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 186; 183, attribute; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:v; 185, identifier:pop; 186, argument_list; 186, 187; 187, string:'type'; 188, delete_statement; 188, 189; 189, subscript; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:v; 191, string:'index'; 192, if_statement; 192, 193; 192, 196; 192, 220; 193, comparison_operator:==; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:t; 195, string:'data'; 196, block; 196, 197; 196, 201; 197, expression_statement; 197, 198; 198, assignment; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:method; 200, string:'add_data'; 201, expression_statement; 201, 202; 202, call; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:combine_dicts; 204, argument_list; 204, 205; 204, 217; 205, call; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:map_list; 207, argument_list; 207, 208; 207, 209; 207, 210; 208, identifier:key_map_data; 209, identifier:k; 210, call; 210, 211; 210, 214; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:dfl; 213, identifier:get; 214, argument_list; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:k; 216, dictionary; 217, keyword_argument; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:base; 219, identifier:v; 220, elif_clause; 220, 221; 220, 226; 221, comparison_operator:in; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:t; 223, tuple; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, string:'function'; 225, string:'dispatcher'; 226, block; 226, 227; 226, 233; 226, 242; 226, 250; 226, 254; 226, 263; 226, 272; 227, expression_statement; 227, 228; 228, assignment; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:method; 230, binary_operator:%; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, string:'add_%s'; 232, identifier:t; 233, if_statement; 233, 234; 233, 237; 234, comparison_operator:==; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:t; 236, string:'dispatcher'; 237, block; 237, 238; 238, expression_statement; 238, 239; 239, assignment; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:t; 241, string:'dsp'; 242, expression_statement; 242, 243; 243, assignment; 243, 244; 243, 249; 244, subscript; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:v; 246, binary_operator:%; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, string:'%s_id'; 248, identifier:t; 249, identifier:k; 250, delete_statement; 250, 251; 251, subscript; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:v; 253, string:'wait_inputs'; 254, expression_statement; 254, 255; 255, call; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:_set_weight; 257, argument_list; 257, 258; 257, 259; 257, 260; 258, string:'inp_weight'; 259, identifier:v; 260, subscript; 260, 261; 260, 262; 261, identifier:pred; 262, identifier:k; 263, expression_statement; 263, 264; 264, call; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:_set_weight; 266, argument_list; 266, 267; 266, 268; 266, 269; 267, string:'out_weight'; 268, identifier:v; 269, subscript; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:succ; 271, identifier:k; 272, if_statement; 272, 273; 272, 276; 273, comparison_operator:in; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, string:'function'; 275, identifier:v; 276, block; 276, 277; 277, expression_statement; 277, 278; 278, assignment; 278, 279; 278, 282; 279, subscript; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:v; 281, identifier:t; 282, call; 282, 283; 282, 284; 283, identifier:_parent_blue; 284, argument_list; 284, 285; 284, 291; 285, call; 285, 286; 285, 289; 286, attribute; 286, 287; 286, 288; 287, identifier:v; 288, identifier:pop; 289, argument_list; 289, 290; 290, string:'function'; 291, identifier:memo; 292, expression_statement; 292, 293; 293, call; 293, 294; 293, 299; 294, attribute; 294, 295; 294, 298; 295, attribute; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:blue; 297, identifier:deferred; 298, identifier:append; 299, argument_list; 299, 300; 300, tuple; 300, 301; 300, 302; 301, identifier:method; 302, identifier:v; 303, return_statement; 303, 304; 304, identifier:blue
def blue(self, memo=None): """ Constructs a BlueDispatcher out of the current object. :param memo: A dictionary to cache Blueprints. :type memo: dict[T,] :return: A BlueDispatcher of the current object. :rtype: """ memo = {} if memo is None else memo if self in memo: return memo[self] from .utils.dsp import map_list from import BlueDispatcher, _parent_blue memo[self] = blue = BlueDispatcher( executor=self.executor,, raises=self.raises, description=self.__doc__ ) dfl = self.default_values key_map_data = ['data_id', {'value': 'default_value'}] pred, succ = self.dmap.pred, self.dmap.succ def _set_weight(n, r, d): d = {i: j['weight'] for i, j in d.items() if 'weight' in j} if d: r[n] = d for k, v in sorted(self.nodes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['index']): v = v.copy() t = v.pop('type') del v['index'] if t == 'data': method = 'add_data' combine_dicts(map_list(key_map_data, k, dfl.get(k, {})), base=v) elif t in ('function', 'dispatcher'): method = 'add_%s' % t if t == 'dispatcher': t = 'dsp' v['%s_id' % t] = k del v['wait_inputs'] _set_weight('inp_weight', v, pred[k]) _set_weight('out_weight', v, succ[k]) if 'function' in v: v[t] = _parent_blue(v.pop('function'), memo) blue.deferred.append((method, v)) return blue
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:findOutlet; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:shapefile_path; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 10; 6, 11; 6, 12; 6, 17; 6, 26; 6, 35; 6, 43; 6, 51; 6, 58; 6, 68; 6, 77; 6, 85; 6, 92; 6, 103; 6, 104; 6, 112; 6, 123; 6, 131; 6, 151; 6, 157; 6, 161; 6, 360; 6, 370; 6, 376; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, comment; 10, comment; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:check_watershed_boundary_geometry; 15, argument_list; 15, 16; 16, identifier:shapefile_path; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, assignment; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:shapefile; 20, call; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:ogr; 23, identifier:Open; 24, argument_list; 24, 25; 25, identifier:shapefile_path; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, assignment; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:source_layer; 29, call; 29, 30; 29, 33; 30, attribute; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:shapefile; 32, identifier:GetLayer; 33, argument_list; 33, 34; 34, integer:0; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:source_lyr_proj; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 42; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:source_layer; 41, identifier:GetSpatialRef; 42, argument_list; 43, expression_statement; 43, 44; 44, assignment; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:osr_geographic_proj; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:osr; 49, identifier:SpatialReference; 50, argument_list; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:osr_geographic_proj; 55, identifier:ImportFromEPSG; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, integer:4326; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, assignment; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:proj_transform; 61, call; 61, 62; 61, 65; 62, attribute; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:osr; 64, identifier:CoordinateTransformation; 65, argument_list; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:source_lyr_proj; 67, identifier:osr_geographic_proj; 68, expression_statement; 68, 69; 69, assignment; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:boundary_feature; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 75; 72, attribute; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:source_layer; 74, identifier:GetFeature; 75, argument_list; 75, 76; 76, integer:0; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:feat_geom; 80, call; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:boundary_feature; 83, identifier:GetGeometryRef; 84, argument_list; 85, expression_statement; 85, 86; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 90; 87, attribute; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:feat_geom; 89, identifier:Transform; 90, argument_list; 90, 91; 91, identifier:proj_transform; 92, expression_statement; 92, 93; 93, assignment; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:polygon; 95, call; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:shapely_loads; 97, argument_list; 97, 98; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:feat_geom; 101, identifier:ExportToWkb; 102, argument_list; 103, comment; 104, expression_statement; 104, 105; 105, assignment; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:mask_grid; 107, call; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, attribute; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:self; 110, identifier:getGrid; 111, argument_list; 112, expression_statement; 112, 113; 113, assignment; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:elevation_grid; 115, call; 115, 116; 115, 119; 116, attribute; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:self; 118, identifier:getGrid; 119, argument_list; 119, 120; 120, keyword_argument; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:use_mask; 122, False; 123, expression_statement; 123, 124; 124, assignment; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:elevation_array; 126, call; 126, 127; 126, 130; 127, attribute; 127, 128; 127, 129; 128, identifier:elevation_grid; 129, identifier:np_array; 130, argument_list; 131, expression_statement; 131, 132; 132, assignment; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:ma_elevation_array; 134, call; 134, 135; 134, 140; 135, attribute; 135, 136; 135, 139; 136, attribute; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:np; 138, identifier:ma; 139, identifier:array; 140, argument_list; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:elevation_array; 142, keyword_argument; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:mask; 144, comparison_operator:==; 144, 145; 144, 150; 145, call; 145, 146; 145, 149; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:mask_grid; 148, identifier:np_array; 149, argument_list; 150, integer:0; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:min_elevation; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:sys; 156, identifier:maxsize; 157, expression_statement; 157, 158; 158, assignment; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:outlet_pt; 160, None; 161, for_statement; 161, 162; 161, 163; 161, 171; 162, identifier:coord; 163, call; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:list; 165, argument_list; 165, 166; 166, attribute; 166, 167; 166, 170; 167, attribute; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:polygon; 169, identifier:exterior; 170, identifier:coords; 171, block; 171, 172; 171, 191; 171, 198; 171, 345; 172, try_statement; 172, 173; 172, 186; 173, block; 173, 174; 174, expression_statement; 174, 175; 175, assignment; 175, 176; 175, 179; 176, pattern_list; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:col; 178, identifier:row; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 183; 180, attribute; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:mask_grid; 182, identifier:lonlat2pixel; 183, argument_list; 183, 184; 184, list_splat; 184, 185; 185, identifier:coord; 186, except_clause; 186, 187; 186, 188; 186, 189; 187, identifier:IndexError; 188, comment; 189, block; 189, 190; 190, continue_statement; 191, expression_statement; 191, 192; 192, assignment; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:elevation_value; 194, subscript; 194, 195; 194, 196; 194, 197; 195, identifier:ma_elevation_array; 196, identifier:row; 197, identifier:col; 198, if_statement; 198, 199; 198, 206; 198, 207; 198, 208; 199, comparison_operator:is; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:elevation_value; 201, attribute; 201, 202; 201, 205; 202, attribute; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:np; 204, identifier:ma; 205, identifier:masked; 206, comment; 207, comment; 208, block; 208, 209; 208, 216; 208, 222; 208, 226; 208, 230; 208, 234; 208, 325; 209, expression_statement; 209, 210; 210, assignment; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:actual_value; 212, subscript; 212, 213; 212, 214; 212, 215; 213, identifier:elevation_array; 214, identifier:row; 215, identifier:col; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, assignment; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:max_diff; 219, attribute; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:sys; 221, identifier:maxsize; 222, expression_statement; 222, 223; 223, assignment; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:nrow; 225, None; 226, expression_statement; 226, 227; 227, assignment; 227, 228; 227, 229; 228, identifier:ncol; 229, None; 230, expression_statement; 230, 231; 231, assignment; 231, 232; 231, 233; 232, identifier:nval; 233, None; 234, for_statement; 234, 235; 234, 236; 234, 255; 235, identifier:row_ix; 236, call; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:range; 238, argument_list; 238, 239; 238, 246; 239, call; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:max; 241, argument_list; 241, 242; 241, 245; 242, binary_operator:-; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:row; 244, integer:5; 245, integer:0; 246, call; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, identifier:min; 248, argument_list; 248, 249; 248, 252; 249, binary_operator:+; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:row; 251, integer:5; 252, attribute; 252, 253; 252, 254; 253, identifier:mask_grid; 254, identifier:y_size; 255, block; 255, 256; 256, for_statement; 256, 257; 256, 258; 256, 277; 257, identifier:col_ix; 258, call; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:range; 260, argument_list; 260, 261; 260, 268; 261, call; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:max; 263, argument_list; 263, 264; 263, 267; 264, binary_operator:-; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:col; 266, integer:5; 267, integer:0; 268, call; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, identifier:min; 270, argument_list; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, binary_operator:+; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:col; 273, integer:5; 274, attribute; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, identifier:mask_grid; 276, identifier:x_size; 277, block; 277, 278; 277, 285; 278, expression_statement; 278, 279; 279, assignment; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:val; 281, subscript; 281, 282; 281, 283; 281, 284; 282, identifier:ma_elevation_array; 283, identifier:row_ix; 284, identifier:col_ix; 285, if_statement; 285, 286; 285, 294; 286, not_operator; 286, 287; 287, comparison_operator:is; 287, 288; 287, 289; 288, identifier:val; 289, attribute; 289, 290; 289, 293; 290, attribute; 290, 291; 290, 292; 291, identifier:np; 292, identifier:ma; 293, identifier:masked; 294, block; 294, 295; 294, 304; 295, expression_statement; 295, 296; 296, assignment; 296, 297; 296, 298; 297, identifier:val_diff; 298, call; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:abs; 300, argument_list; 300, 301; 301, binary_operator:-; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:val; 303, identifier:actual_value; 304, if_statement; 304, 305; 304, 308; 305, comparison_operator:<; 305, 306; 305, 307; 306, identifier:val_diff; 307, identifier:max_diff; 308, block; 308, 309; 308, 313; 308, 317; 308, 321; 309, expression_statement; 309, 310; 310, assignment; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, identifier:max_diff; 312, identifier:val_diff; 313, expression_statement; 313, 314; 314, assignment; 314, 315; 314, 316; 315, identifier:nval; 316, identifier:val; 317, expression_statement; 317, 318; 318, assignment; 318, 319; 318, 320; 319, identifier:nrow; 320, identifier:row_ix; 321, expression_statement; 321, 322; 322, assignment; 322, 323; 322, 324; 323, identifier:ncol; 324, identifier:col_ix; 325, if_statement; 325, 326; 325, 332; 326, comparison_operator:not; 326, 327; 326, 328; 327, None; 328, tuple; 328, 329; 328, 330; 328, 331; 329, identifier:nrow; 330, identifier:ncol; 331, identifier:nval; 332, block; 332, 333; 332, 337; 332, 341; 333, expression_statement; 333, 334; 334, assignment; 334, 335; 334, 336; 335, identifier:row; 336, identifier:nrow; 337, expression_statement; 337, 338; 338, assignment; 338, 339; 338, 340; 339, identifier:col; 340, identifier:ncol; 341, expression_statement; 341, 342; 342, assignment; 342, 343; 342, 344; 343, identifier:elevation_value; 344, identifier:nval; 345, if_statement; 345, 346; 345, 349; 346, comparison_operator:<; 346, 347; 346, 348; 347, identifier:elevation_value; 348, identifier:min_elevation; 349, block; 349, 350; 349, 354; 350, expression_statement; 350, 351; 351, assignment; 351, 352; 351, 353; 352, identifier:min_elevation; 353, identifier:elevation_value; 354, expression_statement; 354, 355; 355, assignment; 355, 356; 355, 357; 356, identifier:outlet_pt; 357, tuple; 357, 358; 357, 359; 358, identifier:col; 359, identifier:row; 360, if_statement; 360, 361; 360, 364; 361, comparison_operator:is; 361, 362; 361, 363; 362, identifier:outlet_pt; 363, None; 364, block; 364, 365; 365, raise_statement; 365, 366; 366, call; 366, 367; 366, 368; 367, identifier:IndexError; 368, argument_list; 368, 369; 369, string:'No valid outlet points found on boundary ...'; 370, expression_statement; 370, 371; 371, assignment; 371, 372; 371, 375; 372, pattern_list; 372, 373; 372, 374; 373, identifier:outcol; 374, identifier:outrow; 375, identifier:outlet_pt; 376, expression_statement; 376, 377; 377, call; 377, 378; 377, 381; 378, attribute; 378, 379; 378, 380; 379, identifier:self; 380, identifier:setOutlet; 381, argument_list; 381, 382; 381, 387; 382, keyword_argument; 382, 383; 382, 384; 383, identifier:col; 384, binary_operator:+; 384, 385; 384, 386; 385, identifier:outcol; 386, integer:1; 387, keyword_argument; 387, 388; 387, 389; 388, identifier:row; 389, binary_operator:+; 389, 390; 389, 391; 390, identifier:outrow; 391, integer:1
def findOutlet(self, shapefile_path): """ Calculate outlet location """ # determine outlet from shapefile # by getting outlet from first point in polygon # make sure the boundary geometry is valid check_watershed_boundary_geometry(shapefile_path) shapefile = ogr.Open(shapefile_path) source_layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0) source_lyr_proj = source_layer.GetSpatialRef() osr_geographic_proj = osr.SpatialReference() osr_geographic_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) proj_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_lyr_proj, osr_geographic_proj) boundary_feature = source_layer.GetFeature(0) feat_geom = boundary_feature.GetGeometryRef() feat_geom.Transform(proj_transform) polygon = shapely_loads(feat_geom.ExportToWkb()) # make lowest point on boundary outlet mask_grid = self.getGrid() elevation_grid = self.getGrid(use_mask=False) elevation_array = elevation_grid.np_array() ma_elevation_array =, mask=mask_grid.np_array()==0) min_elevation = sys.maxsize outlet_pt = None for coord in list(polygon.exterior.coords): try: col, row = mask_grid.lonlat2pixel(*coord) except IndexError: # out of bounds continue elevation_value = ma_elevation_array[row, col] if elevation_value is # search for closest value in mask to this point # elevation within 5 pixels in any direction actual_value = elevation_array[row, col] max_diff = sys.maxsize nrow = None ncol = None nval = None for row_ix in range(max(row-5, 0), min(row+5, mask_grid.y_size)): for col_ix in range(max(col-5, 0), min(col+5, mask_grid.x_size)): val = ma_elevation_array[row_ix, col_ix] if not val is val_diff = abs(val-actual_value) if val_diff < max_diff: max_diff = val_diff nval = val nrow = row_ix ncol = col_ix if None not in (nrow, ncol, nval): row = nrow col = ncol elevation_value = nval if elevation_value < min_elevation: min_elevation = elevation_value outlet_pt = (col, row) if outlet_pt is None: raise IndexError('No valid outlet points found on boundary ...') outcol, outrow = outlet_pt self.setOutlet(col=outcol+1, row=outrow+1)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:_write; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:session; 6, identifier:openFile; 7, identifier:replaceParamFile; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 12; 8, 18; 8, 19; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:events; 15, attribute; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:self; 17, identifier:precipEvents; 18, comment; 19, for_statement; 19, 20; 19, 21; 19, 22; 20, identifier:event; 21, identifier:events; 22, block; 22, 23; 22, 41; 23, expression_statement; 23, 24; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 28; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:openFile; 27, identifier:write; 28, argument_list; 28, 29; 29, binary_operator:%; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, string:'EVENT "%s"\nNRGAG %s\nNRPDS %s\n'; 31, tuple; 31, 32; 31, 35; 31, 38; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:event; 34, identifier:description; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:event; 37, identifier:nrGag; 38, attribute; 38, 39; 38, 40; 39, identifier:event; 40, identifier:nrPds; 41, if_statement; 41, 42; 41, 47; 42, comparison_operator:>; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:event; 45, identifier:nrGag; 46, integer:0; 47, block; 47, 48; 47, 54; 47, 58; 47, 59; 47, 60; 47, 93; 47, 94; 47, 95; 47, 110; 47, 111; 47, 112; 47, 113; 47, 145; 47, 167; 47, 168; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, assignment; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:values; 51, attribute; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:event; 53, identifier:values; 54, expression_statement; 54, 55; 55, assignment; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:valList; 57, list:[]; 58, comment; 59, comment; 60, for_statement; 60, 61; 60, 62; 60, 63; 61, identifier:value; 62, identifier:values; 63, block; 63, 64; 64, expression_statement; 64, 65; 65, call; 65, 66; 65, 69; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:valList; 68, identifier:append; 69, argument_list; 69, 70; 70, dictionary; 70, 71; 70, 76; 70, 81; 70, 88; 71, pair; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, string:'ValueType'; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:value; 75, identifier:valueType; 76, pair; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, string:'DateTime'; 78, attribute; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:value; 80, identifier:dateTime; 81, pair; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, string:'Gage'; 83, attribute; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, attribute; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:value; 86, identifier:gage; 87, identifier:id; 88, pair; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, string:'Value'; 90, attribute; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:value; 92, identifier:value; 93, comment; 94, comment; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:pivotedValues; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 102; 99, attribute; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:pivot; 101, identifier:pivot; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 102, 104; 102, 107; 102, 109; 103, identifier:valList; 104, tuple; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, string:'DateTime'; 106, string:'ValueType'; 107, tuple; 107, 108; 108, string:'Gage'; 109, string:'Value'; 110, comment; 111, comment; 112, comment; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, assignment; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:gages; 116, call; 116, 117; 116, 144; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 142; 117, 143; 118, call; 118, 119; 118, 138; 119, attribute; 119, 120; 119, 136; 119, 137; 120, call; 120, 121; 120, 130; 121, attribute; 121, 122; 121, 128; 121, 129; 122, call; 122, 123; 122, 126; 123, attribute; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:session; 125, identifier:query; 126, argument_list; 126, 127; 127, identifier:PrecipGage; 128, line_continuation:\; 129, identifier:filter; 130, argument_list; 130, 131; 131, comparison_operator:==; 131, 132; 131, 135; 132, attribute; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:PrecipGage; 134, identifier:event; 135, identifier:event; 136, line_continuation:\; 137, identifier:order_by; 138, argument_list; 138, 139; 139, attribute; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:PrecipGage; 141, identifier:id; 142, line_continuation:\; 143, identifier:all; 144, argument_list; 145, for_statement; 145, 146; 145, 147; 145, 148; 146, identifier:gage; 147, identifier:gages; 148, block; 148, 149; 149, expression_statement; 149, 150; 150, call; 150, 151; 150, 154; 151, attribute; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:openFile; 153, identifier:write; 154, argument_list; 154, 155; 155, binary_operator:%; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, string:'COORD %s %s "%s"\n'; 157, tuple; 157, 158; 157, 161; 157, 164; 158, attribute; 158, 159; 158, 160; 159, identifier:gage; 160, identifier:x; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:gage; 163, identifier:y; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:gage; 166, identifier:description; 167, comment; 168, for_statement; 168, 169; 168, 170; 168, 171; 168, 172; 169, identifier:row; 170, identifier:pivotedValues; 171, comment; 172, block; 172, 173; 172, 177; 172, 178; 172, 179; 172, 198; 172, 199; 172, 222; 172, 223; 173, expression_statement; 173, 174; 174, assignment; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:valString; 176, string:''; 177, comment; 178, comment; 179, expression_statement; 179, 180; 180, assignment; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:keys; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:sorted; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 185, list_comprehension; 185, 186; 185, 187; 185, 190; 186, identifier:key; 187, for_in_clause; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:key; 189, identifier:row; 190, if_clause; 190, 191; 191, boolean_operator:and; 191, 192; 191, 195; 192, comparison_operator:!=; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:key; 194, string:'DateTime'; 195, comparison_operator:!=; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:key; 197, string:'ValueType'; 198, comment; 199, for_statement; 199, 200; 199, 201; 199, 202; 200, identifier:key; 201, identifier:keys; 202, block; 202, 203; 203, if_statement; 203, 204; 203, 211; 204, boolean_operator:and; 204, 205; 204, 208; 205, comparison_operator:!=; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:key; 207, string:'DateTime'; 208, comparison_operator:!=; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:key; 210, string:'ValueType'; 211, block; 211, 212; 212, expression_statement; 212, 213; 213, assignment; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:valString; 215, binary_operator:%; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, string:'%s %.3f'; 217, tuple; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:valString; 219, subscript; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:row; 221, identifier:key; 222, comment; 223, expression_statement; 223, 224; 224, call; 224, 225; 224, 228; 225, attribute; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:openFile; 227, identifier:write; 228, argument_list; 228, 229; 229, binary_operator:%; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, string:'%s %.4d %.2d %.2d %.2d %.2d%s\n'; 231, tuple; 231, 232; 231, 235; 231, 240; 231, 245; 231, 250; 231, 255; 231, 260; 232, subscript; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:row; 234, string:'ValueType'; 235, attribute; 235, 236; 235, 239; 236, subscript; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:row; 238, string:'DateTime'; 239, identifier:year; 240, attribute; 240, 241; 240, 244; 241, subscript; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:row; 243, string:'DateTime'; 244, identifier:month; 245, attribute; 245, 246; 245, 249; 246, subscript; 246, 247; 246, 248; 247, identifier:row; 248, string:'DateTime'; 249, identifier:day; 250, attribute; 250, 251; 250, 254; 251, subscript; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:row; 253, string:'DateTime'; 254, identifier:hour; 255, attribute; 255, 256; 255, 259; 256, subscript; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:row; 258, string:'DateTime'; 259, identifier:minute; 260, identifier:valString
def _write(self, session, openFile, replaceParamFile): """ Precipitation File Write to File Method """ # Retrieve the events associated with this PrecipFile events = self.precipEvents # Write each event to file for event in events: openFile.write('EVENT "%s"\nNRGAG %s\nNRPDS %s\n' % (event.description, event.nrGag, event.nrPds)) if event.nrGag > 0: values = event.values valList = [] # Convert PrecipValue objects into a list of dictionaries, valList, # so that it is compatible with the pivot function. for value in values: valList.append({'ValueType': value.valueType, 'DateTime': value.dateTime, 'Gage':, 'Value': value.value}) # Pivot using the function found at: # pivotedValues = pivot.pivot(valList, ('DateTime', 'ValueType'), ('Gage',), 'Value') ## TODO: Create custom pivot function that can work with sqlalchemy ## objects explicitly without the costly conversion. # Create an empty set for obtaining a list of unique gages gages = session.query(PrecipGage). \ filter(PrecipGage.event == event). \ order_by( \ all() for gage in gages: openFile.write('COORD %s %s "%s"\n' % (gage.x, gage.y, gage.description)) # Write the value rows out to file for row in pivotedValues: # Extract the PrecipValues valString = '' # Retreive a list of sorted keys. This assumes the values are # read into the database in order keys = sorted([key for key in row if key != 'DateTime' and key != 'ValueType']) # String all of the values together into valString for key in keys: if key != 'DateTime' and key != 'ValueType': valString = '%s %.3f' % (valString, row[key]) # Write value line to file with appropriate formatting openFile.write('%s %.4d %.2d %.2d %.2d %.2d%s\n' % ( row['ValueType'], row['DateTime'].year, row['DateTime'].month, row['DateTime'].day, row['DateTime'].hour, row['DateTime'].minute, valString))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:valueWritePreprocessor; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:valueString; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:replaceParamsFile; 7, None; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 28; 8, 29; 8, 33; 8, 34; 8, 96; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, if_statement; 11, 12; 11, 18; 12, comparison_operator:is; 12, 13; 12, 17; 13, call; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:type; 15, argument_list; 15, 16; 16, identifier:valueString; 17, identifier:bool; 18, block; 18, 19; 18, 26; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, call; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:log; 23, identifier:warning; 24, argument_list; 24, 25; 25, string:"Only numerical variable types can be handled by the valueReadPreprocessor function."; 26, return_statement; 26, 27; 27, identifier:valueString; 28, comment; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:variableString; 32, identifier:valueString; 33, comment; 34, if_statement; 34, 35; 34, 38; 34, 39; 35, comparison_operator:is; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:replaceParamsFile; 37, None; 38, comment; 39, block; 39, 40; 40, if_statement; 40, 41; 40, 44; 40, 49; 41, comparison_operator:==; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:variableString; 43, identifier:REPLACE_NO_VALUE; 44, block; 44, 45; 45, expression_statement; 45, 46; 46, assignment; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:variableString; 48, string:'[NO_VARIABLE]'; 49, else_clause; 49, 50; 50, block; 50, 51; 51, try_statement; 51, 52; 51, 93; 52, block; 52, 53; 52, 60; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, assignment; 54, 55; 54, 56; 55, identifier:number; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:int; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 59, identifier:valueString; 60, if_statement; 60, 61; 60, 64; 61, comparison_operator:<; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:number; 63, integer:0; 64, block; 64, 65; 64, 72; 64, 73; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:parameterID; 68, binary_operator:*; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:number; 70, unary_operator:-; 70, 71; 71, integer:1; 72, comment; 73, for_statement; 73, 74; 73, 75; 73, 78; 74, identifier:targetParam; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:replaceParamsFile; 77, identifier:targetParameters; 78, block; 78, 79; 79, if_statement; 79, 80; 79, 85; 80, comparison_operator:==; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:targetParam; 83, identifier:id; 84, identifier:parameterID; 85, block; 85, 86; 85, 92; 86, expression_statement; 86, 87; 87, assignment; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:variableString; 89, attribute; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:targetParam; 91, identifier:targetVariable; 92, break_statement; 93, except_clause; 93, 94; 94, block; 94, 95; 95, pass_statement; 96, return_statement; 96, 97; 97, identifier:variableString
def valueWritePreprocessor(valueString, replaceParamsFile=None): """ Look up variable name in replace param file for the negative id given and return it. Args: valueString (str): String representing the value to be preprocessed. replaceParamsFile (gsshapy.orm.ReplaceParamFile, optional): Instance of the replace param file. Required if replacement variables are included in the project. Returns: str: Processed value as a string """ if type(valueString) is bool: log.warning("Only numerical variable types can be handled by the valueReadPreprocessor function.") return valueString # Default variableString = valueString # Check for replacement variables if replaceParamsFile is not None: # Set Default if variableString == REPLACE_NO_VALUE: variableString = '[NO_VARIABLE]' else: try: number = int(valueString) if number < 0: parameterID = number * -1 # Find the matching parameter for targetParam in replaceParamsFile.targetParameters: if == parameterID: variableString = targetParam.targetVariable break except: pass return variableString
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:_createGsshaPyObjects; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 9; 3, 10; 3, 11; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:mapTables; 6, identifier:indexMaps; 7, identifier:replaceParamFile; 8, identifier:directory; 9, identifier:session; 10, identifier:spatial; 11, identifier:spatialReferenceID; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, for_statement; 15, 16; 15, 17; 15, 18; 15, 19; 16, identifier:mt; 17, identifier:mapTables; 18, comment; 19, block; 19, 20; 20, try_statement; 20, 21; 20, 22; 20, 23; 20, 24; 20, 315; 21, comment; 22, comment; 23, comment; 24, block; 24, 25; 24, 38; 24, 93; 24, 94; 24, 100; 24, 101; 24, 102; 24, 103; 24, 118; 24, 119; 25, if_statement; 25, 26; 25, 31; 26, comparison_operator:is; 26, 27; 26, 30; 27, subscript; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:mt; 29, string:'indexMapName'; 30, None; 31, block; 31, 32; 32, expression_statement; 32, 33; 33, subscript; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:indexMaps; 35, subscript; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:mt; 37, string:'indexMapName'; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:mapTable; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:MapTable; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 43, 49; 43, 56; 43, 63; 43, 73; 43, 83; 44, keyword_argument; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:name; 46, subscript; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:mt; 48, string:'name'; 49, keyword_argument; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:numIDs; 51, subscript; 51, 52; 51, 55; 52, subscript; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:mt; 54, string:'numVars'; 55, string:'NUM_IDS'; 56, keyword_argument; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:maxNumCells; 58, subscript; 58, 59; 58, 62; 59, subscript; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:mt; 61, string:'numVars'; 62, string:'MAX_NUMBER_CELLS'; 63, keyword_argument; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:numSed; 65, call; 65, 66; 65, 71; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 70; 67, subscript; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:mt; 69, string:'numVars'; 70, identifier:get; 71, argument_list; 71, 72; 72, string:'NUM_SED'; 73, keyword_argument; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:numContam; 75, call; 75, 76; 75, 81; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, subscript; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:mt; 79, string:'numVars'; 80, identifier:get; 81, argument_list; 81, 82; 82, string:'NUM_CONTAM'; 83, keyword_argument; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:maxSoilID; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 91; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 90; 87, subscript; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:mt; 89, string:'numVars'; 90, identifier:get; 91, argument_list; 91, 92; 92, string:'MAX_SOIL_ID'; 93, comment; 94, expression_statement; 94, 95; 95, assignment; 95, 96; 95, 99; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:mapTable; 98, identifier:mapTableFile; 99, identifier:self; 100, comment; 101, comment; 102, comment; 103, if_statement; 103, 104; 103, 107; 104, subscript; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:mt; 106, string:'indexMapName'; 107, block; 107, 108; 108, expression_statement; 108, 109; 109, assignment; 109, 110; 109, 113; 110, attribute; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:mapTable; 112, identifier:indexMap; 113, subscript; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:indexMaps; 115, subscript; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:mt; 117, string:'indexMapName'; 118, comment; 119, if_statement; 119, 120; 119, 125; 119, 231; 119, 232; 119, 287; 119, 288; 120, comparison_operator:==; 120, 121; 120, 124; 121, subscript; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:mt; 123, string:'name'; 124, string:'CONTAMINANT_TRANSPORT'; 125, block; 125, 126; 126, for_statement; 126, 127; 126, 128; 126, 131; 126, 132; 127, identifier:contam; 128, subscript; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:mt; 130, string:'contaminants'; 131, comment; 132, block; 132, 133; 132, 144; 132, 145; 132, 188; 132, 189; 132, 197; 132, 203; 132, 219; 132, 220; 133, expression_statement; 133, 134; 134, assignment; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:outputBaseFilename; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 140; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:self; 139, identifier:_preprocessContaminantOutFilePath; 140, argument_list; 140, 141; 141, subscript; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:contam; 143, string:'outPath'; 144, comment; 145, expression_statement; 145, 146; 146, assignment; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:contaminant; 148, call; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:MTContaminant; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 150, 156; 150, 159; 150, 170; 150, 181; 151, keyword_argument; 151, 152; 151, 153; 152, identifier:name; 153, subscript; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:contam; 155, string:'name'; 156, keyword_argument; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:outputFilename; 158, identifier:outputBaseFilename; 159, keyword_argument; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:precipConc; 161, call; 161, 162; 161, 163; 162, identifier:vrp; 163, argument_list; 163, 164; 163, 169; 164, subscript; 164, 165; 164, 168; 165, subscript; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:contam; 167, string:'contamVars'; 168, string:'PRECIP_CONC'; 169, identifier:replaceParamFile; 170, keyword_argument; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:partition; 172, call; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:vrp; 174, argument_list; 174, 175; 174, 180; 175, subscript; 175, 176; 175, 179; 176, subscript; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:contam; 178, string:'contamVars'; 179, string:'PARTITION'; 180, identifier:replaceParamFile; 181, keyword_argument; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:numIDs; 183, subscript; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, subscript; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:contam; 186, string:'contamVars'; 187, string:'NUM_IDS'; 188, comment; 189, expression_statement; 189, 190; 190, assignment; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:indexMap; 192, subscript; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:indexMaps; 194, subscript; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:contam; 196, string:'indexMapName'; 197, expression_statement; 197, 198; 198, assignment; 198, 199; 198, 202; 199, attribute; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:contaminant; 201, identifier:indexMap; 202, identifier:indexMap; 203, expression_statement; 203, 204; 204, call; 204, 205; 204, 208; 205, attribute; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:self; 207, identifier:_createValueObjects; 208, argument_list; 208, 209; 208, 212; 208, 215; 208, 216; 208, 217; 208, 218; 209, subscript; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:contam; 211, string:'valueList'; 212, subscript; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:contam; 214, string:'varList'; 215, identifier:mapTable; 216, identifier:indexMap; 217, identifier:contaminant; 218, identifier:replaceParamFile; 219, comment; 220, expression_statement; 220, 221; 221, call; 221, 222; 221, 225; 222, attribute; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, identifier:self; 224, identifier:_readContaminantOutputFiles; 225, argument_list; 225, 226; 225, 227; 225, 228; 225, 229; 225, 230; 226, identifier:directory; 227, identifier:outputBaseFilename; 228, identifier:session; 229, identifier:spatial; 230, identifier:spatialReferenceID; 231, comment; 232, elif_clause; 232, 233; 232, 238; 233, comparison_operator:==; 233, 234; 233, 237; 234, subscript; 234, 235; 234, 236; 235, identifier:mt; 236, string:'name'; 237, string:'SEDIMENTS'; 238, block; 238, 239; 239, for_statement; 239, 240; 239, 241; 239, 244; 239, 245; 240, identifier:line; 241, subscript; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:mt; 243, string:'valueList'; 244, comment; 245, block; 245, 246; 245, 280; 245, 281; 246, expression_statement; 246, 247; 247, assignment; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:sediment; 249, call; 249, 250; 249, 251; 250, identifier:MTSediment; 251, argument_list; 251, 252; 251, 257; 251, 266; 251, 275; 252, keyword_argument; 252, 253; 252, 254; 253, identifier:description; 254, subscript; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:line; 256, integer:0; 257, keyword_argument; 257, 258; 257, 259; 258, identifier:specificGravity; 259, call; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:vrp; 261, argument_list; 261, 262; 261, 265; 262, subscript; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:line; 264, integer:1; 265, identifier:replaceParamFile; 266, keyword_argument; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:particleDiameter; 268, call; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, identifier:vrp; 270, argument_list; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, subscript; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:line; 273, integer:2; 274, identifier:replaceParamFile; 275, keyword_argument; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:outputFilename; 277, subscript; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:line; 279, integer:3; 280, comment; 281, expression_statement; 281, 282; 282, assignment; 282, 283; 282, 286; 283, attribute; 283, 284; 283, 285; 284, identifier:sediment; 285, identifier:mapTable; 286, identifier:mapTable; 287, comment; 288, else_clause; 288, 289; 289, block; 289, 290; 289, 298; 289, 299; 290, expression_statement; 290, 291; 291, assignment; 291, 292; 291, 293; 292, identifier:indexMap; 293, subscript; 293, 294; 293, 295; 294, identifier:indexMaps; 295, subscript; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:mt; 297, string:'indexMapName'; 298, comment; 299, expression_statement; 299, 300; 300, call; 300, 301; 300, 304; 301, attribute; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:self; 303, identifier:_createValueObjects; 304, argument_list; 304, 305; 304, 308; 304, 311; 304, 312; 304, 313; 304, 314; 305, subscript; 305, 306; 305, 307; 306, identifier:mt; 307, string:'valueList'; 308, subscript; 308, 309; 308, 310; 309, identifier:mt; 310, string:'varList'; 311, identifier:mapTable; 312, identifier:indexMap; 313, None; 314, identifier:replaceParamFile; 315, except_clause; 315, 316; 315, 317; 316, identifier:KeyError; 317, block; 317, 318; 318, expression_statement; 318, 319; 319, call; 319, 320; 319, 323; 320, attribute; 320, 321; 320, 322; 321, identifier:log; 322, identifier:info; 323, argument_list; 323, 324; 324, binary_operator:%; 324, 325; 324, 329; 325, parenthesized_expression; 325, 326; 326, concatenated_string; 326, 327; 326, 328; 327, string:'Index Map "%s" for Mapping Table "%s" not found in list of index maps in the mapping '; 328, string:'table file. The Mapping Table was not read into the database.'; 329, tuple; 329, 330; 329, 333; 330, subscript; 330, 331; 330, 332; 331, identifier:mt; 332, string:'indexMapName'; 333, subscript; 333, 334; 333, 335; 334, identifier:mt; 335, string:'name'
def _createGsshaPyObjects(self, mapTables, indexMaps, replaceParamFile, directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID): """ Create GSSHAPY Mapping Table ORM Objects Method """ for mt in mapTables: # Create GSSHAPY MapTable object try: # Make sure the index map name listed with the map table is in the list of # index maps read from the top of the mapping table file (Note that the index maps for the sediment # and contaminant tables will have names of None, so we skip these cases. if mt['indexMapName'] is not None: indexMaps[mt['indexMapName']] mapTable = MapTable(name=mt['name'], numIDs=mt['numVars']['NUM_IDS'], maxNumCells=mt['numVars']['MAX_NUMBER_CELLS'], numSed=mt['numVars'].get('NUM_SED'), numContam=mt['numVars'].get('NUM_CONTAM'), maxSoilID=mt['numVars'].get('MAX_SOIL_ID')) # Associate MapTable with this MapTableFile and IndexMaps mapTable.mapTableFile = self ## NOTE: Index maps are associated wth contaminants for CONTAMINANT_TRANSPORT map ## tables. The SEDIMENTS map table are associated with index maps via the ## SOIL_EROSION_PROPS map table. if mt['indexMapName']: mapTable.indexMap = indexMaps[mt['indexMapName']] # CONTAMINANT_TRANSPORT map table handler if mt['name'] == 'CONTAMINANT_TRANSPORT': for contam in mt['contaminants']: # Preprocess the contaminant output paths to be relative outputBaseFilename = self._preprocessContaminantOutFilePath(contam['outPath']) # Initialize GSSHAPY MTContaminant object contaminant = MTContaminant(name=contam['name'], outputFilename=outputBaseFilename, precipConc=vrp(contam['contamVars']['PRECIP_CONC'], replaceParamFile), partition=vrp(contam['contamVars']['PARTITION'], replaceParamFile), numIDs=contam['contamVars']['NUM_IDS']) # Associate MTContaminant with appropriate IndexMap indexMap = indexMaps[contam['indexMapName']] contaminant.indexMap = indexMap self._createValueObjects(contam['valueList'], contam['varList'], mapTable, indexMap, contaminant, replaceParamFile) # Read any output files if they are present self._readContaminantOutputFiles(directory, outputBaseFilename, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID) # SEDIMENTS map table handler elif mt['name'] == 'SEDIMENTS': for line in mt['valueList']: # Create GSSHAPY MTSediment object sediment = MTSediment(description=line[0], specificGravity=vrp(line[1], replaceParamFile), particleDiameter=vrp(line[2], replaceParamFile), outputFilename=line[3]) # Associate the MTSediment with the MapTable sediment.mapTable = mapTable # All other map table handler else: indexMap = indexMaps[mt['indexMapName']] # Create MTValue and MTIndex objects self._createValueObjects(mt['valueList'], mt['varList'], mapTable, indexMap, None, replaceParamFile) except KeyError:'Index Map "%s" for Mapping Table "%s" not found in list of index maps in the mapping ' 'table file. The Mapping Table was not read into the database.') % ( mt['indexMapName'], mt['name']))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:_valuePivot; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:session; 6, identifier:mapTable; 7, identifier:contaminant; 8, identifier:replaceParaFile; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 13; 9, 63; 9, 64; 9, 69; 9, 85; 9, 86; 9, 87; 9, 88; 9, 89; 9, 93; 9, 97; 9, 366; 9, 367; 9, 368; 9, 369; 9, 370; 9, 374; 9, 375; 9, 431; 9, 432; 9, 448; 9, 449; 9, 457; 9, 458; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, comment; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, assignment; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:indexes; 16, call; 16, 17; 16, 62; 17, attribute; 17, 18; 17, 60; 17, 61; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 56; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 54; 19, 55; 20, call; 20, 21; 20, 48; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 46; 21, 47; 22, call; 22, 23; 22, 40; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 38; 23, 39; 24, call; 24, 25; 24, 34; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 32; 25, 33; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 30; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:session; 29, identifier:query; 30, argument_list; 30, 31; 31, identifier:MTIndex; 32, line_continuation:\; 33, identifier:join; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:MTValue; 37, identifier:index; 38, line_continuation:\; 39, identifier:filter; 40, argument_list; 40, 41; 41, comparison_operator:==; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:MTValue; 44, identifier:mapTable; 45, identifier:mapTable; 46, line_continuation:\; 47, identifier:filter; 48, argument_list; 48, 49; 49, comparison_operator:==; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:MTValue; 52, identifier:contaminant; 53, identifier:contaminant; 54, line_continuation:\; 55, identifier:order_by; 56, argument_list; 56, 57; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:MTIndex; 59, identifier:index; 60, line_continuation:\; 61, identifier:all; 62, argument_list; 63, comment; 64, expression_statement; 64, 65; 65, assignment; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:layer_indices; 67, list:[0]; 67, 68; 68, integer:0; 69, if_statement; 69, 70; 69, 77; 70, comparison_operator:in; 70, 71; 70, 74; 71, attribute; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:mapTable; 73, identifier:name; 74, tuple; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, string:'MULTI_LAYER_SOIL'; 76, string:'RICHARDS_EQN_INFILTRATION_BROOKS'; 77, block; 77, 78; 78, expression_statement; 78, 79; 79, assignment; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:layer_indices; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:range; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 84, integer:3; 85, comment; 86, comment; 87, comment; 88, comment; 89, expression_statement; 89, 90; 90, assignment; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:lines; 92, list:[]; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, assignment; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:values; 96, dictionary; 97, for_statement; 97, 98; 97, 99; 97, 100; 98, identifier:idx; 99, identifier:indexes; 100, block; 100, 101; 101, for_statement; 101, 102; 101, 103; 101, 104; 101, 105; 102, identifier:layer_index; 103, identifier:layer_indices; 104, comment; 105, block; 105, 106; 105, 168; 105, 169; 105, 170; 105, 171; 105, 172; 105, 173; 105, 174; 105, 175; 105, 179; 105, 180; 105, 231; 105, 232; 105, 250; 105, 265; 105, 280; 105, 281; 105, 358; 105, 359; 106, expression_statement; 106, 107; 107, assignment; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:values; 109, call; 109, 110; 109, 167; 110, attribute; 110, 111; 110, 165; 110, 166; 111, call; 111, 112; 111, 161; 112, attribute; 112, 113; 112, 159; 112, 160; 113, call; 113, 114; 113, 153; 114, attribute; 114, 115; 114, 151; 114, 152; 115, call; 115, 116; 115, 145; 116, attribute; 116, 117; 116, 143; 116, 144; 117, call; 117, 118; 117, 137; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 135; 118, 136; 119, call; 119, 120; 119, 129; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 127; 120, 128; 121, call; 121, 122; 121, 125; 122, attribute; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:session; 124, identifier:query; 125, argument_list; 125, 126; 126, identifier:MTValue; 127, line_continuation:\; 128, identifier:filter; 129, argument_list; 129, 130; 130, comparison_operator:==; 130, 131; 130, 134; 131, attribute; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:MTValue; 133, identifier:mapTable; 134, identifier:mapTable; 135, line_continuation:\; 136, identifier:filter; 137, argument_list; 137, 138; 138, comparison_operator:==; 138, 139; 138, 142; 139, attribute; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:MTValue; 141, identifier:contaminant; 142, identifier:contaminant; 143, line_continuation:\; 144, identifier:filter; 145, argument_list; 145, 146; 146, comparison_operator:==; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, attribute; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:MTValue; 149, identifier:index; 150, identifier:idx; 151, line_continuation:\; 152, identifier:filter; 153, argument_list; 153, 154; 154, comparison_operator:==; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:MTValue; 157, identifier:layer_id; 158, identifier:layer_index; 159, line_continuation:\; 160, identifier:order_by; 161, argument_list; 161, 162; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:MTValue; 164, identifier:id; 165, line_continuation:\; 166, identifier:all; 167, argument_list; 168, comment; 169, comment; 170, comment; 171, comment; 172, comment; 173, comment; 174, comment; 175, expression_statement; 175, 176; 176, assignment; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:valString; 178, string:''; 179, comment; 180, for_statement; 180, 181; 180, 182; 180, 183; 181, identifier:val; 182, identifier:values; 183, block; 183, 184; 183, 193; 183, 194; 183, 204; 183, 220; 184, if_statement; 184, 185; 184, 191; 185, comparison_operator:<=; 185, 186; 185, 189; 186, attribute; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, identifier:val; 188, identifier:value; 189, unary_operator:-; 189, 190; 190, integer:9999; 191, block; 191, 192; 192, continue_statement; 193, comment; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:processedValue; 197, call; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:vwp; 199, argument_list; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:val; 202, identifier:value; 203, identifier:replaceParaFile; 204, try_statement; 204, 205; 204, 212; 205, block; 205, 206; 206, expression_statement; 206, 207; 207, assignment; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:numString; 209, binary_operator:%; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, string:'%.6f'; 211, identifier:processedValue; 212, except_clause; 212, 213; 213, block; 213, 214; 214, expression_statement; 214, 215; 215, assignment; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:numString; 217, binary_operator:%; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, string:'%s'; 219, identifier:processedValue; 220, expression_statement; 220, 221; 221, assignment; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:valString; 223, binary_operator:%; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, string:'%s%s%s'; 225, tuple; 225, 226; 225, 227; 225, 228; 226, identifier:valString; 227, identifier:numString; 228, binary_operator:*; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, string:' '; 230, integer:3; 231, comment; 232, expression_statement; 232, 233; 233, assignment; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:spacing1; 235, call; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:max; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 237, 239; 238, integer:1; 239, binary_operator:-; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, integer:6; 241, call; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:len; 243, argument_list; 243, 244; 244, call; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:str; 246, argument_list; 246, 247; 247, attribute; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:idx; 249, identifier:index; 250, expression_statement; 250, 251; 251, assignment; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:spacing2; 253, call; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:max; 255, argument_list; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, integer:1; 257, binary_operator:-; 257, 258; 257, 259; 258, integer:40; 259, call; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:len; 261, argument_list; 261, 262; 262, attribute; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:idx; 264, identifier:description1; 265, expression_statement; 265, 266; 266, assignment; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:spacing3; 268, call; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, identifier:max; 270, argument_list; 270, 271; 270, 272; 271, integer:1; 272, binary_operator:-; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, integer:40; 274, call; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, identifier:len; 276, argument_list; 276, 277; 277, attribute; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:idx; 279, identifier:description2; 280, comment; 281, if_statement; 281, 282; 281, 285; 281, 311; 282, comparison_operator:==; 282, 283; 282, 284; 283, identifier:layer_index; 284, integer:0; 285, block; 285, 286; 286, expression_statement; 286, 287; 287, assignment; 287, 288; 287, 289; 288, identifier:line; 289, binary_operator:%; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, string:'%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n'; 291, tuple; 291, 292; 291, 295; 291, 298; 291, 301; 291, 304; 291, 307; 291, 310; 292, attribute; 292, 293; 292, 294; 293, identifier:idx; 294, identifier:index; 295, binary_operator:*; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, string:' '; 297, identifier:spacing1; 298, attribute; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:idx; 300, identifier:description1; 301, binary_operator:*; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, string:' '; 303, identifier:spacing2; 304, attribute; 304, 305; 304, 306; 305, identifier:idx; 306, identifier:description2; 307, binary_operator:*; 307, 308; 307, 309; 308, string:' '; 309, identifier:spacing3; 310, identifier:valString; 311, else_clause; 311, 312; 312, block; 312, 313; 312, 346; 313, expression_statement; 313, 314; 314, assignment; 314, 315; 314, 316; 315, identifier:num_prepend_spaces; 316, binary_operator:+; 316, 317; 316, 345; 317, binary_operator:+; 317, 318; 317, 339; 318, binary_operator:+; 318, 319; 318, 337; 318, 338; 319, binary_operator:+; 319, 320; 319, 331; 320, binary_operator:+; 320, 321; 320, 330; 321, call; 321, 322; 321, 323; 322, identifier:len; 323, argument_list; 323, 324; 324, call; 324, 325; 324, 326; 325, identifier:str; 326, argument_list; 326, 327; 327, attribute; 327, 328; 327, 329; 328, identifier:idx; 329, identifier:index; 330, identifier:spacing1; 331, call; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:len; 333, argument_list; 333, 334; 334, attribute; 334, 335; 334, 336; 335, identifier:idx; 336, identifier:description1; 337, line_continuation:\; 338, identifier:spacing2; 339, call; 339, 340; 339, 341; 340, identifier:len; 341, argument_list; 341, 342; 342, attribute; 342, 343; 342, 344; 343, identifier:idx; 344, identifier:description2; 345, identifier:spacing3; 346, expression_statement; 346, 347; 347, assignment; 347, 348; 347, 349; 348, identifier:line; 349, call; 349, 350; 349, 353; 350, attribute; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, string:'{0}{1}\n'; 352, identifier:format; 353, argument_list; 353, 354; 353, 357; 354, binary_operator:*; 354, 355; 354, 356; 355, string:' '; 356, identifier:num_prepend_spaces; 357, identifier:valString; 358, comment; 359, expression_statement; 359, 360; 360, call; 360, 361; 360, 364; 361, attribute; 361, 362; 361, 363; 362, identifier:lines; 363, identifier:append; 364, argument_list; 364, 365; 365, identifier:line; 366, comment; 367, comment; 368, comment; 369, comment; 370, expression_statement; 370, 371; 371, assignment; 371, 372; 371, 373; 372, identifier:varString; 373, string:''; 374, comment; 375, for_statement; 375, 376; 375, 379; 375, 383; 376, pattern_list; 376, 377; 376, 378; 377, identifier:idx; 378, identifier:val; 379, call; 379, 380; 379, 381; 380, identifier:enumerate; 381, argument_list; 381, 382; 382, identifier:values; 383, block; 383, 384; 384, if_statement; 384, 385; 384, 390; 384, 391; 384, 416; 385, comparison_operator:==; 385, 386; 385, 389; 386, attribute; 386, 387; 386, 388; 387, identifier:val; 388, identifier:variable; 389, string:'XSEDIMENT'; 390, comment; 391, block; 391, 392; 392, if_statement; 392, 393; 392, 401; 393, comparison_operator:>=; 393, 394; 393, 395; 394, identifier:idx; 395, binary_operator:-; 395, 396; 395, 400; 396, call; 396, 397; 396, 398; 397, identifier:len; 398, argument_list; 398, 399; 399, identifier:values; 400, integer:1; 401, block; 401, 402; 402, expression_statement; 402, 403; 403, assignment; 403, 404; 403, 405; 404, identifier:varString; 405, binary_operator:%; 405, 406; 405, 407; 406, string:'%s%s%s%s'; 407, tuple; 407, 408; 407, 409; 407, 412; 407, 413; 408, identifier:varString; 409, attribute; 409, 410; 409, 411; 410, identifier:mapTable; 411, identifier:numSed; 412, string:' SEDIMENTS....'; 413, binary_operator:*; 413, 414; 413, 415; 414, string:' '; 415, integer:2; 416, else_clause; 416, 417; 417, block; 417, 418; 418, expression_statement; 418, 419; 419, assignment; 419, 420; 419, 421; 420, identifier:varString; 421, binary_operator:%; 421, 422; 421, 423; 422, string:'%s%s%s'; 423, tuple; 423, 424; 423, 425; 423, 428; 424, identifier:varString; 425, attribute; 425, 426; 425, 427; 426, identifier:val; 427, identifier:variable; 428, binary_operator:*; 428, 429; 428, 430; 429, string:' '; 430, integer:2; 431, comment; 432, expression_statement; 432, 433; 433, assignment; 433, 434; 433, 435; 434, identifier:header; 435, binary_operator:%; 435, 436; 435, 437; 436, string:'ID%sDESCRIPTION1%sDESCRIPTION2%s%s\n'; 437, tuple; 437, 438; 437, 441; 437, 444; 437, 447; 438, binary_operator:*; 438, 439; 438, 440; 439, string:' '; 440, integer:4; 441, binary_operator:*; 441, 442; 441, 443; 442, string:' '; 443, integer:28; 444, binary_operator:*; 444, 445; 444, 446; 445, string:' '; 446, integer:28; 447, identifier:varString; 448, comment; 449, expression_statement; 449, 450; 450, call; 450, 451; 450, 454; 451, attribute; 451, 452; 451, 453; 452, identifier:lines; 453, identifier:insert; 454, argument_list; 454, 455; 454, 456; 455, integer:0; 456, identifier:header; 457, comment; 458, return_statement; 458, 459; 459, identifier:lines
def _valuePivot(self, session, mapTable, contaminant, replaceParaFile): """ This function retrieves the values of a mapping table from the database and pivots them into the format that is required by the mapping table file. This function returns a list of strings that can be printed to the file directly. """ # Retrieve the indices for the current mapping table and mapping table file indexes = session.query(MTIndex). \ join(MTValue.index). \ filter(MTValue.mapTable == mapTable). \ filter(MTValue.contaminant == contaminant). \ order_by(MTIndex.index). \ all() # determine number of layers layer_indices = [0] if in ('MULTI_LAYER_SOIL', 'RICHARDS_EQN_INFILTRATION_BROOKS'): layer_indices = range(3) # ---------------------------------------- # Construct each line in the mapping table #----------------------------------------- # All lines will be compiled into this list lines = [] values = {} for idx in indexes: for layer_index in layer_indices: # Retrieve values for the current index values = session.query(MTValue). \ filter(MTValue.mapTable == mapTable). \ filter(MTValue.contaminant == contaminant). \ filter(MTValue.index == idx). \ filter(MTValue.layer_id == layer_index). \ order_by( \ all() # NOTE: The second order_by modifier in the query above handles the special ordering of XSEDIMENT columns # in soil erosion properties table (i.e. these columns must be in the same order as the sediments in the # sediments table. Accomplished by using the sedimentID field). Similarly, the contaminant filter is only # used in the case of the contaminant transport table. Values that don't belong to a contaminant will have # a contaminant attribute equal to None. Compare usage of this function by _writeMapTable and # _writeContaminant. #Value string valString = '' # Define valString for val in values: if val.value <= -9999: continue # Format value with trailing zeros up to 6 digits processedValue = vwp(val.value, replaceParaFile) try: numString = '%.6f' % processedValue except: numString = '%s' % processedValue valString = '%s%s%s' % (valString, numString, ' ' * 3) # Determine spacing for aesthetics (so each column lines up) spacing1 = max(1, 6 - len(str(idx.index))) spacing2 = max(1, 40 - len(idx.description1)) spacing3 = max(1, 40 - len(idx.description2)) # Compile each mapping table line if layer_index == 0: line = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n' % ( idx.index, ' ' * spacing1, idx.description1, ' ' * spacing2, idx.description2, ' ' * spacing3, valString) else: num_prepend_spaces = len(str(idx.index)) + spacing1 + len(idx.description1) \ + spacing2 + len(idx.description2) + spacing3 line = '{0}{1}\n'.format(' ' * num_prepend_spaces, valString) # Compile each lines into a list lines.append(line) #----------------------------- # Define the value header line #----------------------------- # Define varString for the header line varString = '' # Compile list of variables (from MTValue object list) into a single string of variables for idx, val in enumerate(values): if val.variable == 'XSEDIMENT': # Special case for XSEDIMENT variable if idx >= len(values) - 1: varString = '%s%s%s%s' % (varString, mapTable.numSed, ' SEDIMENTS....', ' ' * 2) else: varString = '%s%s%s' % (varString, val.variable, ' ' * 2) # Compile the mapping table header header = 'ID%sDESCRIPTION1%sDESCRIPTION2%s%s\n' % (' ' * 4, ' ' * 28, ' ' * 28, varString) # Prepend the header line to the list of lines lines.insert(0, header) # Return the list of lines return lines
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 14; 2, function_name:addRoughnessMapFromLandUse; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 11; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:name; 6, identifier:session; 7, identifier:land_use_grid; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 10, None; 11, default_parameter; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:land_use_grid_id; 13, None; 14, block; 14, 15; 14, 17; 14, 30; 14, 31; 14, 140; 14, 141; 14, 152; 14, 153; 14, 175; 14, 188; 14, 189; 14, 202; 14, 203; 14, 226; 14, 227; 14, 235; 14, 236; 14, 262; 14, 263; 14, 272; 14, 278; 14, 284; 14, 285; 14, 291; 14, 292; 14, 344; 14, 345; 14, 356; 14, 372; 14, 385; 14, 386; 14, 412; 14, 413; 15, expression_statement; 15, 16; 16, comment; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, assignment; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:LAND_USE_GRID_TABLES; 20, dictionary; 20, 21; 20, 24; 20, 27; 21, pair; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, string:'nga'; 23, string:'land_cover_nga.txt'; 24, pair; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, string:'glcf'; 26, string:'land_cover_glcf_modis.txt'; 27, pair; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, string:'nlcd'; 29, string:'land_cover_nlcd.txt'; 30, comment; 31, if_statement; 31, 32; 31, 39; 31, 44; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:isinstance; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:pd; 38, identifier:DataFrame; 39, block; 39, 40; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:df; 43, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 44, else_clause; 44, 45; 45, block; 45, 46; 45, 92; 45, 93; 45, 104; 46, if_statement; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, comparison_operator:is; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 49, None; 50, block; 50, 51; 50, 61; 51, if_statement; 51, 52; 51, 55; 52, comparison_operator:is; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:land_use_grid_id; 54, None; 55, block; 55, 56; 56, raise_statement; 56, 57; 57, call; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:ValueError; 59, argument_list; 59, 60; 60, string:"Must have land_use_to_roughness_table or land_use_grid_id set ..."; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 70; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 69; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:os; 68, identifier:path; 69, identifier:join; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 70, 86; 70, 87; 70, 88; 70, 89; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 77; 72, attribute; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:os; 75, identifier:path; 76, identifier:dirname; 77, argument_list; 77, 78; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 84; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 83; 80, attribute; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:os; 82, identifier:path; 83, identifier:realpath; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, identifier:__file__; 86, string:'..'; 87, string:'grid'; 88, string:'land_cover'; 89, subscript; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:LAND_USE_GRID_TABLES; 91, identifier:land_use_grid_id; 92, comment; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, assignment; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 96, call; 96, 97; 96, 102; 97, attribute; 97, 98; 97, 101; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:os; 100, identifier:path; 101, identifier:abspath; 102, argument_list; 102, 103; 103, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 104, expression_statement; 104, 105; 105, assignment; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:df; 107, call; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, attribute; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:pd; 110, identifier:read_table; 111, argument_list; 111, 112; 111, 113; 111, 116; 111, 119; 111, 122; 111, 128; 112, identifier:land_use_to_roughness_table; 113, keyword_argument; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:delim_whitespace; 115, True; 116, keyword_argument; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:header; 118, None; 119, keyword_argument; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, identifier:skiprows; 121, integer:1; 122, keyword_argument; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:names; 124, tuple; 124, 125; 124, 126; 124, 127; 125, string:'id'; 126, string:'description'; 127, string:'roughness'; 128, keyword_argument; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:dtype; 130, dictionary; 130, 131; 130, 134; 130, 137; 131, pair; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:'id'; 133, string:'int'; 134, pair; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, string:'description'; 136, string:'str'; 137, pair; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, string:'roughness'; 139, string:'float'; 140, comment; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, assignment; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:land_use_grid; 144, call; 144, 145; 144, 150; 145, attribute; 145, 146; 145, 149; 146, attribute; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:os; 148, identifier:path; 149, identifier:abspath; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 151, identifier:land_use_grid; 152, comment; 153, expression_statement; 153, 154; 154, assignment; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:land_use_resampled; 156, call; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:resample_grid; 158, argument_list; 158, 159; 158, 160; 158, 167; 158, 172; 159, identifier:land_use_grid; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 166; 161, attribute; 161, 162; 161, 165; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:self; 164, identifier:projectFile; 165, identifier:getGrid; 166, argument_list; 167, keyword_argument; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:resample_method; 169, attribute; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:gdalconst; 171, identifier:GRA_NearestNeighbour; 172, keyword_argument; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:as_gdal_grid; 174, True; 175, expression_statement; 175, 176; 176, assignment; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:unique_land_use_ids; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 182; 179, attribute; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:np; 181, identifier:unique; 182, argument_list; 182, 183; 183, call; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:land_use_resampled; 186, identifier:np_array; 187, argument_list; 188, comment; 189, expression_statement; 189, 190; 190, assignment; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:df; 192, subscript; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:df; 194, call; 194, 195; 194, 200; 195, attribute; 195, 196; 195, 199; 196, attribute; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:df; 198, identifier:id; 199, identifier:isin; 200, argument_list; 200, 201; 201, identifier:unique_land_use_ids; 202, comment; 203, for_statement; 203, 204; 203, 205; 203, 206; 204, identifier:land_use_id; 205, identifier:unique_land_use_ids; 206, block; 206, 207; 207, if_statement; 207, 208; 207, 215; 208, comparison_operator:not; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:land_use_id; 210, attribute; 210, 211; 210, 214; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:df; 213, identifier:id; 214, identifier:values; 215, block; 215, 216; 216, raise_statement; 216, 217; 217, call; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:IndexError; 219, argument_list; 219, 220; 220, call; 220, 221; 220, 224; 221, attribute; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, string:"Land use ID {0} not found in table."; 223, identifier:format; 224, argument_list; 224, 225; 225, identifier:land_use_id; 226, comment; 227, expression_statement; 227, 228; 228, call; 228, 229; 228, 232; 229, attribute; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:self; 231, identifier:deleteMapTable; 232, argument_list; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, string:"ROUGHNESS"; 234, identifier:session; 235, comment; 236, expression_statement; 236, 237; 237, assignment; 237, 238; 237, 239; 238, identifier:mapTable; 239, call; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:MapTable; 241, argument_list; 241, 242; 241, 245; 241, 253; 241, 256; 241, 259; 242, keyword_argument; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:name; 244, string:"ROUGHNESS"; 245, keyword_argument; 245, 246; 245, 247; 246, identifier:numIDs; 247, call; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:len; 249, argument_list; 249, 250; 250, attribute; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:df; 252, identifier:index; 253, keyword_argument; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:maxNumCells; 255, integer:0; 256, keyword_argument; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:numSed; 258, integer:0; 259, keyword_argument; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:numContam; 261, integer:0; 262, comment; 263, expression_statement; 263, 264; 264, assignment; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:indexMap; 266, call; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:IndexMap; 268, argument_list; 268, 269; 269, keyword_argument; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:name; 271, identifier:name; 272, expression_statement; 272, 273; 273, assignment; 273, 274; 273, 277; 274, attribute; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, identifier:indexMap; 276, identifier:mapTableFile; 277, identifier:self; 278, expression_statement; 278, 279; 279, assignment; 279, 280; 279, 283; 280, attribute; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:mapTable; 282, identifier:indexMap; 283, identifier:indexMap; 284, comment; 285, expression_statement; 285, 286; 286, assignment; 286, 287; 286, 290; 287, attribute; 287, 288; 287, 289; 288, identifier:mapTable; 289, identifier:mapTableFile; 290, identifier:self; 291, comment; 292, for_statement; 292, 293; 292, 294; 292, 299; 293, identifier:row; 294, call; 294, 295; 294, 298; 295, attribute; 295, 296; 295, 297; 296, identifier:df; 297, identifier:itertuples; 298, argument_list; 299, block; 299, 300; 299, 316; 299, 322; 299, 332; 299, 338; 300, expression_statement; 300, 301; 301, assignment; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:idx; 303, call; 303, 304; 303, 305; 304, identifier:MTIndex; 305, argument_list; 305, 306; 305, 312; 305, 315; 306, call; 306, 307; 306, 308; 307, identifier:str; 308, argument_list; 308, 309; 309, attribute; 309, 310; 309, 311; 310, identifier:row; 311, identifier:id; 312, attribute; 312, 313; 312, 314; 313, identifier:row; 314, identifier:description; 315, string:''; 316, expression_statement; 316, 317; 317, assignment; 317, 318; 317, 321; 318, attribute; 318, 319; 318, 320; 319, identifier:idx; 320, identifier:indexMap; 321, identifier:indexMap; 322, expression_statement; 322, 323; 323, assignment; 323, 324; 323, 325; 324, identifier:val; 325, call; 325, 326; 325, 327; 326, identifier:MTValue; 327, argument_list; 327, 328; 327, 329; 328, string:'ROUGH'; 329, attribute; 329, 330; 329, 331; 330, identifier:row; 331, identifier:roughness; 332, expression_statement; 332, 333; 333, assignment; 333, 334; 333, 337; 334, attribute; 334, 335; 334, 336; 335, identifier:val; 336, identifier:index; 337, identifier:idx; 338, expression_statement; 338, 339; 339, assignment; 339, 340; 339, 343; 340, attribute; 340, 341; 340, 342; 341, identifier:val; 342, identifier:mapTable; 343, identifier:mapTable; 344, comment; 345, expression_statement; 345, 346; 346, assignment; 346, 347; 346, 348; 347, identifier:manningn_card; 348, call; 348, 349; 348, 354; 349, attribute; 349, 350; 349, 353; 350, attribute; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, identifier:self; 352, identifier:projectFile; 353, identifier:getCard; 354, argument_list; 354, 355; 355, string:'MANNING_N'; 356, if_statement; 356, 357; 356, 358; 357, identifier:manningn_card; 358, block; 358, 359; 358, 366; 359, expression_statement; 359, 360; 360, call; 360, 361; 360, 364; 361, attribute; 361, 362; 361, 363; 362, identifier:session; 363, identifier:delete; 364, argument_list; 364, 365; 365, identifier:manningn_card; 366, expression_statement; 366, 367; 367, call; 367, 368; 367, 371; 368, attribute; 368, 369; 368, 370; 369, identifier:session; 370, identifier:commit; 371, argument_list; 372, expression_statement; 372, 373; 373, assignment; 373, 374; 373, 379; 374, attribute; 374, 375; 374, 378; 375, attribute; 375, 376; 375, 377; 376, identifier:mapTable; 377, identifier:indexMap; 378, identifier:filename; 379, call; 379, 380; 379, 383; 380, attribute; 380, 381; 380, 382; 381, string:'{0}.idx'; 382, identifier:format; 383, argument_list; 383, 384; 384, identifier:name; 385, comment; 386, with_statement; 386, 387; 386, 397; 387, with_clause; 387, 388; 388, with_item; 388, 389; 389, call; 389, 390; 389, 391; 390, identifier:tmp_chdir; 391, argument_list; 391, 392; 392, attribute; 392, 393; 392, 396; 393, attribute; 393, 394; 393, 395; 394, identifier:self; 395, identifier:projectFile; 396, identifier:project_directory; 397, block; 397, 398; 398, expression_statement; 398, 399; 399, call; 399, 400; 399, 403; 400, attribute; 400, 401; 400, 402; 401, identifier:land_use_resampled; 402, identifier:to_grass_ascii; 403, argument_list; 403, 404; 403, 409; 404, attribute; 404, 405; 404, 408; 405, attribute; 405, 406; 405, 407; 406, identifier:mapTable; 407, identifier:indexMap; 408, identifier:filename; 409, keyword_argument; 409, 410; 409, 411; 410, identifier:print_nodata; 411, False; 412, comment; 413, if_statement; 413, 414; 413, 423; 414, not_operator; 414, 415; 415, call; 415, 416; 415, 421; 416, attribute; 416, 417; 416, 420; 417, attribute; 417, 418; 417, 419; 418, identifier:self; 419, identifier:projectFile; 420, identifier:getCard; 421, argument_list; 421, 422; 422, string:'MAPPING_TABLE'; 423, block; 423, 424; 424, expression_statement; 424, 425; 425, call; 425, 426; 425, 431; 426, attribute; 426, 427; 426, 430; 427, attribute; 427, 428; 427, 429; 428, identifier:self; 429, identifier:projectFile; 430, identifier:setCard; 431, argument_list; 431, 432; 431, 433; 431, 443; 432, string:'MAPPING_TABLE'; 433, call; 433, 434; 433, 437; 434, attribute; 434, 435; 434, 436; 435, string:'{0}.cmt'; 436, identifier:format; 437, argument_list; 437, 438; 438, attribute; 438, 439; 438, 442; 439, attribute; 439, 440; 439, 441; 440, identifier:self; 441, identifier:projectFile; 442, identifier:name; 443, keyword_argument; 443, 444; 443, 445; 444, identifier:add_quotes; 445, True
def addRoughnessMapFromLandUse(self, name, session, land_use_grid, land_use_to_roughness_table=None, land_use_grid_id=None, ): """ Adds a roughness map from land use file Example:: from gsshapy.orm import ProjectFile from gsshapy.lib import db_tools as dbt from os import path, chdir gssha_directory = '/gsshapy/tests/grid_standard/gssha_project' land_use_grid = 'LC_5min_global_2012.tif' land_use_to_roughness_table = ''/gsshapy/gridtogssha/land_cover/land_cover_glcf_modis.txt' # Create Test DB sqlalchemy_url, sql_engine = dbt.init_sqlite_memory() # Create DB Sessions db_session = dbt.create_session(sqlalchemy_url, sql_engine) # Instantiate GSSHAPY object for reading to database project_manager = ProjectFile() # Call read method project_manager.readInput(directory=gssha_directory, projectFileName='grid_standard.prj', session=db_session) project_manager.mapTableFile.addRoughnessMapFromLandUse("roughness", db_session, land_use_to_roughness_table, land_use_grid, ) # WRITE OUT UPDATED GSSHA PROJECT FILE project_manager.writeInput(session=db_session, directory=gssha_directory, name='grid_standard') """ LAND_USE_GRID_TABLES = { 'nga' : 'land_cover_nga.txt', 'glcf' : 'land_cover_glcf_modis.txt', 'nlcd' : 'land_cover_nlcd.txt', } # read in table if isinstance(land_use_to_roughness_table, pd.DataFrame): df = land_use_to_roughness_table else: if land_use_to_roughness_table is None: if land_use_grid_id is None: raise ValueError("Must have land_use_to_roughness_table or land_use_grid_id set ...") land_use_to_roughness_table = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', 'grid', 'land_cover', LAND_USE_GRID_TABLES[land_use_grid_id]) # make sure paths are absolute as the working directory changes land_use_to_roughness_table = os.path.abspath(land_use_to_roughness_table) df = pd.read_table(land_use_to_roughness_table, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, skiprows=1, names=('id', 'description', 'roughness'), dtype={'id':'int', 'description':'str', 'roughness':'float'}, ) # make sure paths are absolute as the working directory changes land_use_grid = os.path.abspath(land_use_grid) # resample land use grid to gssha grid land_use_resampled = resample_grid(land_use_grid, self.projectFile.getGrid(), resample_method=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour, as_gdal_grid=True) unique_land_use_ids = np.unique(land_use_resampled.np_array()) # only add ids in index map subset df = df[] # make sure all needed land use IDs exist for land_use_id in unique_land_use_ids: if land_use_id not in raise IndexError("Land use ID {0} not found in table.".format(land_use_id)) # delete duplicate/old tables with same name if they exist self.deleteMapTable("ROUGHNESS", session) # get num ids mapTable = MapTable(name="ROUGHNESS", numIDs=len(df.index), maxNumCells=0, numSed=0, numContam=0) # Create GSSHAPY IndexMap object from result object indexMap = IndexMap(name=name) indexMap.mapTableFile = self mapTable.indexMap = indexMap # Associate MapTable with this MapTableFile and IndexMaps mapTable.mapTableFile = self # add values to table for row in df.itertuples(): idx = MTIndex(str(, row.description, '') idx.indexMap = indexMap val = MTValue('ROUGH', row.roughness) val.index = idx val.mapTable = mapTable # remove MANNING_N card becasue it is mutually exclusive manningn_card = self.projectFile.getCard('MANNING_N') if manningn_card: session.delete(manningn_card) session.commit() mapTable.indexMap.filename = '{0}.idx'.format(name) # write file with tmp_chdir(self.projectFile.project_directory): land_use_resampled.to_grass_ascii(mapTable.indexMap.filename, print_nodata=False) # update project card if not self.projectFile.getCard('MAPPING_TABLE'): self.projectFile.setCard('MAPPING_TABLE', '{0}.cmt'.format(, add_quotes=True)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:result; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:timeout; 7, None; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 21; 8, 31; 8, 104; 8, 186; 8, 198; 8, 264; 8, 274; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, assignment; 12, 13; 12, 17; 13, pattern_list; 13, 14; 13, 15; 13, 16; 14, identifier:it; 15, identifier:exceptions; 16, identifier:future_lists; 17, expression_list; 17, 18; 17, 19; 17, 20; 18, list:[]; 19, list:[]; 20, list:[]; 21, import_from_statement; 21, 22; 21, 25; 21, 27; 22, dotted_name; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:concurrent; 24, identifier:futures; 25, dotted_name; 25, 26; 26, identifier:Future; 27, aliased_import; 27, 28; 27, 30; 28, dotted_name; 28, 29; 29, identifier:wait; 30, identifier:wait_fut; 31, function_definition; 31, 32; 31, 33; 31, 37; 32, function_name:update; 33, parameters; 33, 34; 33, 35; 33, 36; 34, identifier:fut; 35, identifier:data; 36, identifier:key; 37, block; 37, 38; 38, if_statement; 38, 39; 38, 44; 38, 55; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:isinstance; 41, argument_list; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:fut; 43, identifier:Future; 44, block; 44, 45; 45, expression_statement; 45, 46; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 50; 47, attribute; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:it; 49, identifier:append; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, tuple; 51, 52; 51, 53; 51, 54; 52, identifier:fut; 53, identifier:data; 54, identifier:key; 55, elif_clause; 55, 56; 55, 65; 56, boolean_operator:and; 56, 57; 56, 62; 57, call; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:isinstance; 59, argument_list; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:fut; 61, identifier:AsyncList; 62, comparison_operator:not; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:fut; 64, identifier:future_lists; 65, block; 65, 66; 65, 73; 66, expression_statement; 66, 67; 67, call; 67, 68; 67, 71; 68, attribute; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:future_lists; 70, identifier:append; 71, argument_list; 71, 72; 72, identifier:fut; 73, expression_statement; 73, 74; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:it; 77, identifier:extend; 78, argument_list; 78, 79; 79, subscript; 79, 80; 79, 99; 80, list_comprehension; 80, 81; 80, 85; 80, 93; 81, tuple; 81, 82; 81, 83; 81, 84; 82, identifier:j; 83, identifier:fut; 84, identifier:i; 85, for_in_clause; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, pattern_list; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:i; 88, identifier:j; 89, call; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:enumerate; 91, argument_list; 91, 92; 92, identifier:fut; 93, if_clause; 93, 94; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:isinstance; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:j; 98, identifier:Future; 99, slice; 99, 100; 99, 101; 99, 102; 100, colon; 101, colon; 102, unary_operator:-; 102, 103; 103, integer:1; 104, for_statement; 104, 105; 104, 106; 104, 113; 105, identifier:s; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 112; 107, attribute; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, attribute; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:self; 110, identifier:sub_sol; 111, identifier:values; 112, argument_list; 113, block; 113, 114; 113, 134; 113, 160; 114, for_statement; 114, 115; 114, 118; 114, 126; 115, pattern_list; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:k; 117, identifier:v; 118, call; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:list; 120, argument_list; 120, 121; 121, call; 121, 122; 121, 125; 122, attribute; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:s; 124, identifier:items; 125, argument_list; 126, block; 126, 127; 127, expression_statement; 127, 128; 128, call; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:update; 130, argument_list; 130, 131; 130, 132; 130, 133; 131, identifier:v; 132, identifier:s; 133, identifier:k; 134, for_statement; 134, 135; 134, 136; 134, 145; 135, identifier:d; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 144; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 143; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 142; 139, attribute; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:s; 141, identifier:workflow; 142, identifier:nodes; 143, identifier:values; 144, argument_list; 145, block; 145, 146; 146, if_statement; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, comparison_operator:in; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, string:'results'; 149, identifier:d; 150, block; 150, 151; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, call; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:update; 154, argument_list; 154, 155; 154, 158; 154, 159; 155, subscript; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:d; 157, string:'results'; 158, identifier:d; 159, string:'results'; 160, for_statement; 160, 161; 160, 162; 160, 171; 161, identifier:d; 162, call; 162, 163; 162, 170; 163, attribute; 163, 164; 163, 169; 164, attribute; 164, 165; 164, 168; 165, attribute; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:s; 167, identifier:workflow; 168, identifier:edges; 169, identifier:values; 170, argument_list; 171, block; 171, 172; 172, if_statement; 172, 173; 172, 176; 173, comparison_operator:in; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, string:'value'; 175, identifier:d; 176, block; 176, 177; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:update; 180, argument_list; 180, 181; 180, 184; 180, 185; 181, subscript; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:d; 183, string:'value'; 184, identifier:d; 185, string:'value'; 186, expression_statement; 186, 187; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:wait_fut; 189, argument_list; 189, 190; 189, 197; 190, set_comprehension; 190, 191; 190, 194; 191, subscript; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:v; 193, integer:0; 194, for_in_clause; 194, 195; 194, 196; 195, identifier:v; 196, identifier:it; 197, identifier:timeout; 198, for_statement; 198, 199; 198, 203; 198, 204; 199, pattern_list; 199, 200; 199, 201; 199, 202; 200, identifier:f; 201, identifier:d; 202, identifier:k; 203, identifier:it; 204, block; 204, 205; 205, try_statement; 205, 206; 205, 217; 205, 240; 206, block; 206, 207; 207, expression_statement; 207, 208; 208, assignment; 208, 209; 208, 212; 209, subscript; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:d; 211, identifier:k; 212, call; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:await_result; 214, argument_list; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:f; 216, integer:0; 217, except_clause; 217, 218; 217, 222; 218, as_pattern; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:SkipNode; 220, as_pattern_target; 220, 221; 221, identifier:e; 222, block; 222, 223; 222, 236; 223, expression_statement; 223, 224; 224, call; 224, 225; 224, 228; 225, attribute; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:exceptions; 227, identifier:append; 228, argument_list; 228, 229; 229, tuple; 229, 230; 229, 231; 229, 232; 229, 233; 230, identifier:f; 231, identifier:d; 232, identifier:k; 233, attribute; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:e; 235, identifier:ex; 236, delete_statement; 236, 237; 237, subscript; 237, 238; 237, 239; 238, identifier:d; 239, identifier:k; 240, except_clause; 240, 241; 240, 248; 241, as_pattern; 241, 242; 241, 246; 242, tuple; 242, 243; 242, 244; 242, 245; 243, identifier:Exception; 244, identifier:ExecutorShutdown; 245, identifier:DispatcherAbort; 246, as_pattern_target; 246, 247; 247, identifier:ex; 248, block; 248, 249; 248, 260; 249, expression_statement; 249, 250; 250, call; 250, 251; 250, 254; 251, attribute; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:exceptions; 253, identifier:append; 254, argument_list; 254, 255; 255, tuple; 255, 256; 255, 257; 255, 258; 255, 259; 256, identifier:f; 257, identifier:d; 258, identifier:k; 259, identifier:ex; 260, delete_statement; 260, 261; 261, subscript; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:d; 263, identifier:k; 264, if_statement; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:exceptions; 266, block; 266, 267; 267, raise_statement; 267, 268; 268, subscript; 268, 269; 268, 272; 269, subscript; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:exceptions; 271, integer:0; 272, unary_operator:-; 272, 273; 273, integer:1; 274, return_statement; 274, 275; 275, identifier:self
def result(self, timeout=None): """ Set all asynchronous results. :param timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the result if the futures aren't done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time. :type timeout: float :return: Update Solution. :rtype: Solution """ it, exceptions, future_lists = [], [], [] from concurrent.futures import Future, wait as wait_fut def update(fut, data, key): if isinstance(fut, Future): it.append((fut, data, key)) elif isinstance(fut, AsyncList) and fut not in future_lists: future_lists.append(fut) it.extend([(j, fut, i) for i, j in enumerate(fut) if isinstance(j, Future)][::-1]) for s in self.sub_sol.values(): for k, v in list(s.items()): update(v, s, k) for d in s.workflow.nodes.values(): if 'results' in d: update(d['results'], d, 'results') for d in s.workflow.edges.values(): if 'value' in d: update(d['value'], d, 'value') wait_fut({v[0] for v in it}, timeout) for f, d, k in it: try: d[k] = await_result(f, 0) except SkipNode as e: exceptions.append((f, d, k, e.ex)) del d[k] except (Exception, ExecutorShutdown, DispatcherAbort) as ex: exceptions.append((f, d, k, ex)) del d[k] if exceptions: raise exceptions[0][-1] return self
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 13; 2, function_name:_set_data_node_output; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 11; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:node_id; 6, identifier:node_attr; 7, identifier:no_call; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:next_nds; 10, None; 11, dictionary_splat_pattern; 11, 12; 12, identifier:kw; 13, block; 13, 14; 13, 16; 13, 17; 13, 29; 13, 163; 13, 305; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, comment; 16, comment; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, assignment; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, pattern_list; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:est; 21, identifier:wait_in; 22, call; 22, 23; 22, 26; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:self; 25, identifier:_get_node_estimations; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:node_attr; 28, identifier:node_id; 29, if_statement; 29, 30; 29, 32; 29, 149; 30, not_operator; 30, 31; 31, identifier:no_call; 32, block; 32, 33; 32, 58; 32, 81; 32, 108; 32, 129; 32, 141; 32, 148; 33, if_statement; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, comparison_operator:is; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:node_id; 36, identifier:PLOT; 37, block; 37, 38; 37, 46; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, assignment; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:est; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:est; 44, identifier:copy; 45, argument_list; 46, expression_statement; 46, 47; 47, assignment; 47, 48; 47, 51; 48, subscript; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:est; 50, identifier:PLOT; 51, dictionary; 51, 52; 52, pair; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, string:'value'; 54, dictionary; 54, 55; 55, pair; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, string:'obj'; 57, identifier:self; 58, expression_statement; 58, 59; 59, assignment; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, pattern_list; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:sf; 62, identifier:args; 63, expression_list; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, False; 65, tuple; 65, 66; 66, dictionary_comprehension; 66, 67; 66, 72; 67, pair; 67, 68; 67, 69; 68, identifier:k; 69, subscript; 69, 70; 69, 71; 70, identifier:v; 71, string:'value'; 72, for_in_clause; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, pattern_list; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, identifier:k; 75, identifier:v; 76, call; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:est; 79, identifier:items; 80, argument_list; 81, if_statement; 81, 82; 81, 89; 81, 90; 82, not_operator; 82, 83; 83, parenthesized_expression; 83, 84; 84, boolean_operator:or; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:wait_in; 86, comparison_operator:in; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, string:'function'; 88, identifier:node_attr; 89, comment; 90, block; 90, 91; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, assignment; 92, 93; 92, 96; 93, pattern_list; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:sf; 95, identifier:args; 96, expression_list; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, True; 98, call; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:tuple; 100, argument_list; 100, 101; 101, call; 101, 102; 101, 107; 102, attribute; 102, 103; 102, 106; 103, subscript; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:args; 105, integer:0; 106, identifier:values; 107, argument_list; 108, try_statement; 108, 109; 108, 110; 108, 124; 109, comment; 110, block; 110, 111; 111, expression_statement; 111, 112; 112, assignment; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:value; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:async_thread; 116, argument_list; 116, 117; 116, 118; 116, 119; 116, 120; 116, 121; 116, 122; 117, identifier:self; 118, identifier:args; 119, identifier:node_attr; 120, identifier:node_id; 121, identifier:sf; 122, dictionary_splat; 122, 123; 123, identifier:kw; 124, except_clause; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:SkipNode; 126, block; 126, 127; 127, return_statement; 127, 128; 128, False; 129, if_statement; 129, 130; 129, 133; 129, 134; 130, comparison_operator:is; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:value; 132, identifier:NONE; 133, comment; 134, block; 134, 135; 135, expression_statement; 135, 136; 136, assignment; 136, 137; 136, 140; 137, subscript; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:self; 139, identifier:node_id; 140, identifier:value; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, assignment; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:value; 144, dictionary; 144, 145; 145, pair; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, string:'value'; 147, identifier:value; 148, comment; 149, else_clause; 149, 150; 150, block; 150, 151; 150, 157; 150, 158; 150, 162; 151, expression_statement; 151, 152; 152, assignment; 152, 153; 152, 156; 153, subscript; 153, 154; 153, 155; 154, identifier:self; 155, identifier:node_id; 156, identifier:NONE; 157, comment; 158, expression_statement; 158, 159; 159, assignment; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:value; 161, dictionary; 162, comment; 163, if_statement; 163, 164; 163, 165; 163, 166; 163, 186; 164, identifier:next_nds; 165, comment; 166, block; 166, 167; 166, 173; 167, expression_statement; 167, 168; 168, assignment; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:wf_add_edge; 170, attribute; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:self; 172, identifier:_wf_add_edge; 173, for_statement; 173, 174; 173, 175; 173, 176; 173, 177; 174, identifier:u; 175, identifier:next_nds; 176, comment; 177, block; 177, 178; 178, expression_statement; 178, 179; 179, call; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:wf_add_edge; 181, argument_list; 181, 182; 181, 183; 181, 184; 182, identifier:node_id; 183, identifier:u; 184, dictionary_splat; 184, 185; 185, identifier:value; 186, else_clause; 186, 187; 186, 188; 187, comment; 188, block; 188, 189; 188, 207; 188, 255; 188, 256; 188, 273; 188, 274; 189, expression_statement; 189, 190; 190, assignment; 190, 191; 190, 195; 191, pattern_list; 191, 192; 191, 193; 191, 194; 192, identifier:n; 193, identifier:has; 194, identifier:sub_sol; 195, expression_list; 195, 196; 195, 199; 195, 204; 196, attribute; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:self; 198, identifier:nodes; 199, attribute; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:self; 202, identifier:workflow; 203, identifier:has_edge; 204, attribute; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:self; 206, identifier:sub_sol; 207, function_definition; 207, 208; 207, 209; 207, 211; 208, function_name:no_visited_in_sub_dsp; 209, parameters; 209, 210; 210, identifier:i; 211, block; 211, 212; 211, 218; 211, 253; 212, expression_statement; 212, 213; 213, assignment; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:node; 215, subscript; 215, 216; 215, 217; 216, identifier:n; 217, identifier:i; 218, if_statement; 218, 219; 218, 230; 219, boolean_operator:and; 219, 220; 219, 225; 220, comparison_operator:==; 220, 221; 220, 224; 221, subscript; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:node; 223, string:'type'; 224, string:'dispatcher'; 225, call; 225, 226; 225, 227; 226, identifier:has; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 227, 229; 228, identifier:i; 229, identifier:node_id; 230, block; 230, 231; 230, 245; 231, expression_statement; 231, 232; 232, assignment; 232, 233; 232, 234; 233, identifier:visited; 234, attribute; 234, 235; 234, 244; 235, subscript; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:sub_sol; 237, binary_operator:+; 237, 238; 237, 241; 238, attribute; 238, 239; 238, 240; 239, identifier:self; 240, identifier:index; 241, subscript; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:node; 243, string:'index'; 244, identifier:_visited; 245, return_statement; 245, 246; 246, comparison_operator:not; 246, 247; 246, 252; 247, subscript; 247, 248; 247, 251; 248, subscript; 248, 249; 248, 250; 249, identifier:node; 250, string:'inputs'; 251, identifier:node_id; 252, identifier:visited; 253, return_statement; 253, 254; 254, True; 255, comment; 256, expression_statement; 256, 257; 257, assignment; 257, 258; 257, 259; 258, identifier:succ_fun; 259, list_comprehension; 259, 260; 259, 261; 259, 268; 260, identifier:u; 261, for_in_clause; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:u; 263, subscript; 263, 264; 263, 267; 264, attribute; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:self; 266, identifier:_succ; 267, identifier:node_id; 268, if_clause; 268, 269; 269, call; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:no_visited_in_sub_dsp; 271, argument_list; 271, 272; 272, identifier:u; 273, comment; 274, if_statement; 274, 275; 274, 284; 274, 285; 275, boolean_operator:and; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:succ_fun; 277, comparison_operator:not; 277, 278; 277, 281; 278, subscript; 278, 279; 278, 280; 279, identifier:succ_fun; 280, integer:0; 281, attribute; 281, 282; 281, 283; 282, identifier:self; 283, identifier:_visited; 284, comment; 285, block; 285, 286; 285, 292; 286, expression_statement; 286, 287; 287, assignment; 287, 288; 287, 289; 288, identifier:wf_add_edge; 289, attribute; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, identifier:self; 291, identifier:_wf_add_edge; 292, for_statement; 292, 293; 292, 294; 292, 295; 292, 296; 293, identifier:u; 294, identifier:succ_fun; 295, comment; 296, block; 296, 297; 297, expression_statement; 297, 298; 298, call; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:wf_add_edge; 300, argument_list; 300, 301; 300, 302; 300, 303; 301, identifier:node_id; 302, identifier:u; 303, dictionary_splat; 303, 304; 304, identifier:value; 305, return_statement; 305, 306; 306, True
def _set_data_node_output(self, node_id, node_attr, no_call, next_nds=None, **kw): """ Set the data node output from node estimations. :param node_id: Data node id. :type node_id: str :param node_attr: Dictionary of node attributes. :type node_attr: dict[str, T] :param no_call: If True data node estimations are not used. :type no_call: bool :return: If the output have been evaluated correctly. :rtype: bool """ # Get data node estimations. est, wait_in = self._get_node_estimations(node_attr, node_id) if not no_call: if node_id is PLOT: est = est.copy() est[PLOT] = {'value': {'obj': self}} sf, args = False, ({k: v['value'] for k, v in est.items()},) if not (wait_in or 'function' in node_attr): # Data node that has just one estimation value. sf, args = True, tuple(args[0].values()) try: # Final estimation of the node and node status. value = async_thread(self, args, node_attr, node_id, sf, **kw) except SkipNode: return False if value is not NONE: # Set data output. self[node_id] = value value = {'value': value} # Output value. else: self[node_id] = NONE # Set data output. value = {} # Output value. if next_nds: # namespace shortcuts for speed. wf_add_edge = self._wf_add_edge for u in next_nds: # Set workflow. wf_add_edge(node_id, u, **value) else: # namespace shortcuts for speed. n, has, sub_sol = self.nodes, self.workflow.has_edge, self.sub_sol def no_visited_in_sub_dsp(i): node = n[i] if node['type'] == 'dispatcher' and has(i, node_id): visited = sub_sol[self.index + node['index']]._visited return node['inputs'][node_id] not in visited return True # List of functions. succ_fun = [u for u in self._succ[node_id] if no_visited_in_sub_dsp(u)] # Check if it has functions as outputs and wildcard condition. if succ_fun and succ_fun[0] not in self._visited: # namespace shortcuts for speed. wf_add_edge = self._wf_add_edge for u in succ_fun: # Set workflow. wf_add_edge(node_id, u, **value) return True
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 13; 2, function_name:_set_function_node_output; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 3, 11; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:node_id; 6, identifier:node_attr; 7, identifier:no_call; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:next_nds; 10, None; 11, dictionary_splat_pattern; 11, 12; 12, identifier:kw; 13, block; 13, 14; 13, 16; 13, 17; 13, 29; 13, 30; 13, 48; 13, 65; 13, 71; 13, 72; 13, 88; 13, 96; 13, 97; 13, 111; 13, 152; 13, 153; 13, 190; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, comment; 16, comment; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, assignment; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, pattern_list; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:o_nds; 21, identifier:dist; 22, expression_list; 22, 23; 22, 26; 23, subscript; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:node_attr; 25, string:'outputs'; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:self; 28, identifier:dist; 29, comment; 30, expression_statement; 30, 31; 31, assignment; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:output_nodes; 33, boolean_operator:or; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:next_nds; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 46; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 45; 37, call; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:set; 39, argument_list; 39, 40; 40, subscript; 40, 41; 40, 44; 41, attribute; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:self; 43, identifier:_succ; 44, identifier:node_id; 45, identifier:difference; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 47, identifier:dist; 48, if_statement; 48, 49; 48, 51; 48, 52; 49, not_operator; 49, 50; 50, identifier:output_nodes; 51, comment; 52, block; 52, 53; 52, 62; 52, 63; 53, expression_statement; 53, 54; 54, call; 54, 55; 54, 60; 55, attribute; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:self; 58, identifier:workflow; 59, identifier:remove_node; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, identifier:node_id; 62, comment; 63, return_statement; 63, 64; 64, False; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:wf_add_edge; 68, attribute; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:self; 70, identifier:_wf_add_edge; 71, comment; 72, if_statement; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:no_call; 74, block; 74, 75; 74, 86; 75, for_statement; 75, 76; 75, 77; 75, 78; 75, 79; 76, identifier:u; 77, identifier:output_nodes; 78, comment; 79, block; 79, 80; 80, expression_statement; 80, 81; 81, call; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:wf_add_edge; 83, argument_list; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:node_id; 85, identifier:u; 86, return_statement; 86, 87; 87, True; 88, expression_statement; 88, 89; 89, assignment; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:args; 91, subscript; 91, 92; 91, 95; 92, attribute; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:self; 94, identifier:_wf_pred; 95, identifier:node_id; 96, comment; 97, expression_statement; 97, 98; 98, assignment; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:args; 100, list_comprehension; 100, 101; 100, 106; 101, subscript; 101, 102; 101, 105; 102, subscript; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:args; 104, identifier:k; 105, string:'value'; 106, for_in_clause; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:k; 108, subscript; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:node_attr; 110, string:'inputs'; 111, try_statement; 111, 112; 111, 147; 112, block; 112, 113; 112, 122; 112, 134; 112, 135; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, call; 114, 115; 114, 118; 115, attribute; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:self; 117, identifier:_check_function_domain; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 118, 120; 118, 121; 119, identifier:args; 120, identifier:node_attr; 121, identifier:node_id; 122, expression_statement; 122, 123; 123, assignment; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:res; 125, call; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:async_thread; 127, argument_list; 127, 128; 127, 129; 127, 130; 127, 131; 127, 132; 128, identifier:self; 129, identifier:args; 130, identifier:node_attr; 131, identifier:node_id; 132, dictionary_splat; 132, 133; 133, identifier:kw; 134, comment; 135, expression_statement; 135, 136; 136, assignment; 136, 137; 136, 146; 137, subscript; 137, 138; 137, 145; 138, subscript; 138, 139; 138, 144; 139, attribute; 139, 140; 139, 143; 140, attribute; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:self; 142, identifier:workflow; 143, identifier:node; 144, identifier:node_id; 145, string:'results'; 146, identifier:res; 147, except_clause; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:SkipNode; 149, block; 149, 150; 150, return_statement; 150, 151; 151, False; 152, comment; 153, for_statement; 153, 154; 153, 157; 153, 171; 154, pattern_list; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:k; 156, identifier:v; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:zip; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:o_nds; 161, conditional_expression:if; 161, 162; 161, 163; 161, 169; 162, identifier:res; 163, comparison_operator:>; 163, 164; 163, 168; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:len; 166, argument_list; 166, 167; 167, identifier:o_nds; 168, integer:1; 169, list:[res]; 169, 170; 170, identifier:res; 171, block; 171, 172; 172, if_statement; 172, 173; 172, 180; 173, boolean_operator:and; 173, 174; 173, 177; 174, comparison_operator:in; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:k; 176, identifier:output_nodes; 177, comparison_operator:is; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:v; 179, identifier:NONE; 180, block; 180, 181; 181, expression_statement; 181, 182; 182, call; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:wf_add_edge; 184, argument_list; 184, 185; 184, 186; 184, 187; 185, identifier:node_id; 186, identifier:k; 187, keyword_argument; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:value; 189, identifier:v; 190, return_statement; 190, 191; 191, True
def _set_function_node_output(self, node_id, node_attr, no_call, next_nds=None, **kw): """ Set the function node output from node inputs. :param node_id: Function node id. :type node_id: str :param node_attr: Dictionary of node attributes. :type node_attr: dict[str, T] :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool :return: If the output have been evaluated correctly. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts for speed. o_nds, dist = node_attr['outputs'], self.dist # List of nodes that can still be estimated by the function node. output_nodes = next_nds or set(self._succ[node_id]).difference(dist) if not output_nodes: # This function is not needed. self.workflow.remove_node(node_id) # Remove function node. return False wf_add_edge = self._wf_add_edge # Namespace shortcuts for speed. if no_call: for u in output_nodes: # Set workflow out. wf_add_edge(node_id, u) return True args = self._wf_pred[node_id] # List of the function's arguments. args = [args[k]['value'] for k in node_attr['inputs']] try: self._check_function_domain(args, node_attr, node_id) res = async_thread(self, args, node_attr, node_id, **kw) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.workflow.node[node_id]['results'] = res except SkipNode: return False # Set workflow. for k, v in zip(o_nds, res if len(o_nds) > 1 else [res]): if k in output_nodes and v is not NONE: wf_add_edge(node_id, k, value=v) return True
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 19; 2, function_name:_add_initial_value; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 10; 3, 13; 3, 16; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:data_id; 6, identifier:value; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:initial_dist; 9, float:0.0; 10, default_parameter; 10, 11; 10, 12; 11, identifier:fringe; 12, None; 13, default_parameter; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:check_cutoff; 15, None; 16, default_parameter; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:no_call; 18, None; 19, block; 19, 20; 19, 22; 19, 23; 19, 39; 19, 51; 19, 63; 19, 69; 19, 80; 19, 91; 19, 99; 19, 107; 19, 115; 19, 116; 19, 124; 19, 125; 19, 133; 19, 134; 19, 290; 19, 296; 19, 297; 19, 355; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, comment; 22, comment; 23, expression_statement; 23, 24; 24, assignment; 24, 25; 24, 29; 25, pattern_list; 25, 26; 25, 27; 25, 28; 26, identifier:nodes; 27, identifier:seen; 28, identifier:edge_weight; 29, expression_list; 29, 30; 29, 33; 29, 36; 30, attribute; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:self; 32, identifier:nodes; 33, attribute; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:self; 35, identifier:seen; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:self; 38, identifier:_edge_length; 39, expression_statement; 39, 40; 40, assignment; 40, 41; 40, 44; 41, pattern_list; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:wf_remove_edge; 43, identifier:check_wait_in; 44, expression_list; 44, 45; 44, 48; 45, attribute; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:self; 47, identifier:_wf_remove_edge; 48, attribute; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:self; 50, identifier:check_wait_in; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, assignment; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, pattern_list; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:wf_add_edge; 55, identifier:dsp_in; 56, expression_list; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:self; 59, identifier:_wf_add_edge; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:self; 62, identifier:_set_sub_dsp_node_input; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, assignment; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:update_view; 66, attribute; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:self; 68, identifier:_update_meeting; 69, if_statement; 69, 70; 69, 73; 70, comparison_operator:is; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:fringe; 72, None; 73, block; 73, 74; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, assignment; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:fringe; 77, attribute; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, identifier:self; 79, identifier:fringe; 80, if_statement; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, comparison_operator:is; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:no_call; 83, None; 84, block; 84, 85; 85, expression_statement; 85, 86; 86, assignment; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:no_call; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:self; 90, identifier:no_call; 91, expression_statement; 91, 92; 92, assignment; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:check_cutoff; 94, boolean_operator:or; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:check_cutoff; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:self; 98, identifier:check_cutoff; 99, if_statement; 99, 100; 99, 103; 99, 104; 100, comparison_operator:not; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:data_id; 102, identifier:nodes; 103, comment; 104, block; 104, 105; 105, return_statement; 105, 106; 106, False; 107, expression_statement; 107, 108; 108, assignment; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:wait_in; 110, subscript; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, subscript; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:nodes; 113, identifier:data_id; 114, string:'wait_inputs'; 115, comment; 116, expression_statement; 116, 117; 117, assignment; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, identifier:index; 119, subscript; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, subscript; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:nodes; 122, identifier:data_id; 123, string:'index'; 124, comment; 125, expression_statement; 125, 126; 126, call; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:wf_add_edge; 128, argument_list; 128, 129; 128, 130; 128, 131; 129, identifier:START; 130, identifier:data_id; 131, dictionary_splat; 131, 132; 132, identifier:value; 133, comment; 134, if_statement; 134, 135; 134, 140; 134, 141; 135, comparison_operator:in; 135, 136; 135, 137; 136, identifier:data_id; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:self; 139, identifier:_wildcards; 140, comment; 141, block; 141, 142; 141, 151; 141, 152; 141, 161; 141, 162; 141, 288; 142, expression_statement; 142, 143; 143, call; 143, 144; 143, 149; 144, attribute; 144, 145; 144, 148; 145, attribute; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:self; 147, identifier:_visited; 148, identifier:add; 149, argument_list; 149, 150; 150, identifier:data_id; 151, comment; 152, expression_statement; 152, 153; 153, call; 153, 154; 153, 159; 154, attribute; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:self; 157, identifier:workflow; 158, identifier:add_node; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 160, identifier:data_id; 161, comment; 162, for_statement; 162, 163; 162, 166; 162, 175; 162, 176; 163, pattern_list; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:w; 165, identifier:edge_data; 166, call; 166, 167; 166, 174; 167, attribute; 167, 168; 167, 173; 168, subscript; 168, 169; 168, 172; 169, attribute; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:self; 171, identifier:dmap; 172, identifier:data_id; 173, identifier:items; 174, argument_list; 175, comment; 176, block; 176, 177; 176, 185; 176, 186; 176, 192; 176, 193; 176, 194; 176, 204; 176, 210; 176, 211; 176, 212; 176, 253; 176, 259; 176, 260; 176, 273; 176, 274; 176, 287; 177, expression_statement; 177, 178; 178, call; 178, 179; 178, 180; 179, identifier:wf_add_edge; 180, argument_list; 180, 181; 180, 182; 180, 183; 181, identifier:data_id; 182, identifier:w; 183, dictionary_splat; 183, 184; 184, identifier:value; 185, comment; 186, expression_statement; 186, 187; 187, assignment; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:node; 189, subscript; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:nodes; 191, identifier:w; 192, comment; 193, comment; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:vw_dist; 197, binary_operator:+; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:initial_dist; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:edge_weight; 201, argument_list; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:edge_data; 203, identifier:node; 204, expression_statement; 204, 205; 205, call; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:update_view; 207, argument_list; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:w; 209, identifier:vw_dist; 210, comment; 211, comment; 212, if_statement; 212, 213; 212, 217; 212, 227; 212, 244; 213, call; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:check_cutoff; 215, argument_list; 215, 216; 216, identifier:vw_dist; 217, block; 217, 218; 217, 224; 217, 225; 217, 226; 218, expression_statement; 218, 219; 219, call; 219, 220; 219, 221; 220, identifier:wf_remove_edge; 221, argument_list; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:data_id; 223, identifier:w; 224, comment; 225, continue_statement; 226, comment; 227, elif_clause; 227, 228; 227, 233; 228, comparison_operator:==; 228, 229; 228, 232; 229, subscript; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:node; 231, string:'type'; 232, string:'dispatcher'; 233, block; 233, 234; 234, expression_statement; 234, 235; 235, call; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:dsp_in; 237, argument_list; 237, 238; 237, 239; 237, 240; 237, 241; 237, 242; 237, 243; 238, identifier:data_id; 239, identifier:w; 240, identifier:fringe; 241, identifier:check_cutoff; 242, identifier:no_call; 243, identifier:vw_dist; 244, elif_clause; 244, 245; 244, 250; 245, call; 245, 246; 245, 247; 246, identifier:check_wait_in; 247, argument_list; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, True; 249, identifier:w; 250, block; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, continue_statement; 252, comment; 253, expression_statement; 253, 254; 254, assignment; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, subscript; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:seen; 257, identifier:w; 258, identifier:vw_dist; 259, comment; 260, expression_statement; 260, 261; 261, assignment; 261, 262; 261, 263; 262, identifier:vd; 263, tuple; 263, 264; 263, 265; 263, 266; 264, True; 265, identifier:w; 266, binary_operator:+; 266, 267; 266, 270; 267, attribute; 267, 268; 267, 269; 268, identifier:self; 269, identifier:index; 270, subscript; 270, 271; 270, 272; 271, identifier:node; 272, string:'index'; 273, comment; 274, expression_statement; 274, 275; 275, call; 275, 276; 275, 279; 276, attribute; 276, 277; 276, 278; 277, identifier:heapq; 278, identifier:heappush; 279, argument_list; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:fringe; 281, tuple; 281, 282; 281, 283; 281, 284; 282, identifier:vw_dist; 283, identifier:vd; 284, tuple; 284, 285; 284, 286; 285, identifier:w; 286, identifier:self; 287, comment; 288, return_statement; 288, 289; 289, True; 290, expression_statement; 290, 291; 291, call; 291, 292; 291, 293; 292, identifier:update_view; 293, argument_list; 293, 294; 293, 295; 294, identifier:data_id; 295, identifier:initial_dist; 296, comment; 297, if_statement; 297, 298; 297, 302; 297, 303; 297, 311; 298, call; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, identifier:check_cutoff; 300, argument_list; 300, 301; 301, identifier:initial_dist; 302, comment; 303, block; 303, 304; 303, 310; 304, expression_statement; 304, 305; 305, call; 305, 306; 305, 307; 306, identifier:wf_remove_edge; 307, argument_list; 307, 308; 307, 309; 308, identifier:START; 309, identifier:data_id; 310, comment; 311, elif_clause; 311, 312; 311, 318; 311, 319; 312, not_operator; 312, 313; 313, call; 313, 314; 313, 315; 314, identifier:check_wait_in; 315, argument_list; 315, 316; 315, 317; 316, identifier:wait_in; 317, identifier:data_id; 318, comment; 319, block; 319, 320; 319, 326; 319, 327; 319, 338; 319, 339; 319, 340; 319, 353; 320, expression_statement; 320, 321; 321, assignment; 321, 322; 321, 325; 322, subscript; 322, 323; 322, 324; 323, identifier:seen; 324, identifier:data_id; 325, identifier:initial_dist; 326, comment; 327, expression_statement; 327, 328; 328, assignment; 328, 329; 328, 330; 329, identifier:vd; 330, tuple; 330, 331; 330, 332; 330, 333; 331, identifier:wait_in; 332, identifier:data_id; 333, binary_operator:+; 333, 334; 333, 337; 334, attribute; 334, 335; 334, 336; 335, identifier:self; 336, identifier:index; 337, identifier:index; 338, comment; 339, comment; 340, expression_statement; 340, 341; 341, call; 341, 342; 341, 345; 342, attribute; 342, 343; 342, 344; 343, identifier:heapq; 344, identifier:heappush; 345, argument_list; 345, 346; 345, 347; 346, identifier:fringe; 347, tuple; 347, 348; 347, 349; 347, 350; 348, identifier:initial_dist; 349, identifier:vd; 350, tuple; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, identifier:data_id; 352, identifier:self; 353, return_statement; 353, 354; 354, True; 355, return_statement; 355, 356; 356, False
def _add_initial_value(self, data_id, value, initial_dist=0.0, fringe=None, check_cutoff=None, no_call=None): """ Add initial values updating workflow, seen, and fringe. :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param check_cutoff: Check the cutoff limit. :type check_cutoff: (int | float) -> bool :param no_call: If True data node estimation function is not used. :type no_call: bool :param data_id: Data node id. :type data_id: str :param value: Data node value e.g., {'value': val}. :type value: dict[str, T] :param initial_dist: Data node initial distance in the ArciDispatch algorithm. :type initial_dist: float, int, optional :return: True if the data has been visited, otherwise false. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts for speed. nodes, seen, edge_weight = self.nodes, self.seen, self._edge_length wf_remove_edge, check_wait_in = self._wf_remove_edge, self.check_wait_in wf_add_edge, dsp_in = self._wf_add_edge, self._set_sub_dsp_node_input update_view = self._update_meeting if fringe is None: fringe = self.fringe if no_call is None: no_call = self.no_call check_cutoff = check_cutoff or self.check_cutoff if data_id not in nodes: # Data node is not in the dmap. return False wait_in = nodes[data_id]['wait_inputs'] # Store wait inputs flag. index = nodes[data_id]['index'] # Store node index. wf_add_edge(START, data_id, **value) # Add edge. if data_id in self._wildcards: # Check if the data node has wildcard. self._visited.add(data_id) # Update visited nodes. self.workflow.add_node(data_id) # Add node to workflow. for w, edge_data in self.dmap[data_id].items(): # See func node. wf_add_edge(data_id, w, **value) # Set workflow. node = nodes[w] # Node attributes. # Evaluate distance. vw_dist = initial_dist + edge_weight(edge_data, node) update_view(w, vw_dist) # Update view distance. # Check the cutoff limit and if all inputs are satisfied. if check_cutoff(vw_dist): wf_remove_edge(data_id, w) # Remove workflow edge. continue # Pass the node. elif node['type'] == 'dispatcher': dsp_in(data_id, w, fringe, check_cutoff, no_call, vw_dist) elif check_wait_in(True, w): continue # Pass the node. seen[w] = vw_dist # Update distance. vd = (True, w, self.index + node['index']) # Virtual distance. heapq.heappush(fringe, (vw_dist, vd, (w, self))) # Add 2 heapq. return True update_view(data_id, initial_dist) # Update view distance. if check_cutoff(initial_dist): # Check the cutoff limit. wf_remove_edge(START, data_id) # Remove workflow edge. elif not check_wait_in(wait_in, data_id): # Check inputs. seen[data_id] = initial_dist # Update distance. vd = (wait_in, data_id, self.index + index) # Virtual distance. # Add node to heapq. heapq.heappush(fringe, (initial_dist, vd, (data_id, self))) return True return False
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 11; 2, function_name:_see_node; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:node_id; 6, identifier:fringe; 7, identifier:dist; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:w_wait_in; 10, integer:0; 11, block; 11, 12; 11, 14; 11, 15; 11, 27; 11, 37; 11, 38; 11, 46; 11, 47; 11, 48; 11, 147; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, comment; 14, comment; 15, expression_statement; 15, 16; 16, assignment; 16, 17; 16, 20; 17, pattern_list; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:seen; 19, identifier:dists; 20, expression_list; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:self; 23, identifier:seen; 24, attribute; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:self; 26, identifier:dist; 27, expression_statement; 27, 28; 28, assignment; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:wait_in; 30, subscript; 30, 31; 30, 36; 31, subscript; 31, 32; 31, 35; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:self; 34, identifier:nodes; 35, identifier:node_id; 36, string:'wait_inputs'; 37, comment; 38, expression_statement; 38, 39; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 43; 40, attribute; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:self; 42, identifier:_update_meeting; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:node_id; 45, identifier:dist; 46, comment; 47, comment; 48, if_statement; 48, 49; 48, 56; 48, 59; 48, 83; 49, call; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:self; 52, identifier:check_wait_in; 53, argument_list; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:wait_in; 55, identifier:node_id; 56, block; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, pass_statement; 58, comment; 59, elif_clause; 59, 60; 59, 63; 59, 64; 60, comparison_operator:in; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:node_id; 62, identifier:dists; 63, comment; 64, block; 64, 65; 65, if_statement; 65, 66; 65, 71; 65, 72; 66, comparison_operator:<; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:dist; 68, subscript; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:dists; 70, identifier:node_id; 71, comment; 72, block; 72, 73; 73, raise_statement; 73, 74; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:DispatcherError; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 76, 80; 77, concatenated_string; 77, 78; 77, 79; 78, string:'Contradictory paths found: '; 79, string:'negative weights?'; 80, keyword_argument; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:sol; 82, identifier:self; 83, elif_clause; 83, 84; 83, 93; 83, 94; 84, boolean_operator:or; 84, 85; 84, 88; 85, comparison_operator:not; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, identifier:node_id; 87, identifier:seen; 88, comparison_operator:<; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:dist; 90, subscript; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:seen; 92, identifier:node_id; 93, comment; 94, block; 94, 95; 94, 101; 94, 102; 94, 112; 94, 113; 94, 114; 94, 130; 94, 131; 94, 144; 94, 146; 95, expression_statement; 95, 96; 96, assignment; 96, 97; 96, 100; 97, subscript; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:seen; 99, identifier:node_id; 100, identifier:dist; 101, comment; 102, expression_statement; 102, 103; 103, assignment; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:index; 105, subscript; 105, 106; 105, 111; 106, subscript; 106, 107; 106, 110; 107, attribute; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:self; 109, identifier:nodes; 110, identifier:node_id; 111, string:'index'; 112, comment; 113, comment; 114, expression_statement; 114, 115; 115, assignment; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:vd; 117, tuple; 117, 118; 117, 124; 117, 125; 118, binary_operator:+; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:w_wait_in; 120, call; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:int; 122, argument_list; 122, 123; 123, identifier:wait_in; 124, identifier:node_id; 125, binary_operator:+; 125, 126; 125, 129; 126, attribute; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:self; 128, identifier:index; 129, identifier:index; 130, comment; 131, expression_statement; 131, 132; 132, call; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, attribute; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:heapq; 135, identifier:heappush; 136, argument_list; 136, 137; 136, 138; 137, identifier:fringe; 138, tuple; 138, 139; 138, 140; 138, 141; 139, identifier:dist; 140, identifier:vd; 141, tuple; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:node_id; 143, identifier:self; 144, return_statement; 144, 145; 145, True; 146, comment; 147, return_statement; 147, 148; 148, False
def _see_node(self, node_id, fringe, dist, w_wait_in=0): """ See a node, updating seen and fringe. :param node_id: Node id to see. :type node_id: str :param fringe: Heapq of closest available nodes. :type fringe: list[(float | int, bool, (str, Dispatcher)] :param dist: Distance from the starting node. :type dist: float, int :param w_wait_in: Additional weight for sorting correctly the nodes in the fringe. :type w_wait_in: int, float :return: True if the node is visible, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Namespace shortcuts. seen, dists = self.seen, self.dist wait_in = self.nodes[node_id]['wait_inputs'] # Wait inputs flag. self._update_meeting(node_id, dist) # Update view distance. # Check if inputs are satisfied. if self.check_wait_in(wait_in, node_id): pass # Pass the node elif node_id in dists: # The node w already estimated. if dist < dists[node_id]: # Error for negative paths. raise DispatcherError('Contradictory paths found: ' 'negative weights?', sol=self) elif node_id not in seen or dist < seen[node_id]: # Check min dist. seen[node_id] = dist # Update dist. index = self.nodes[node_id]['index'] # Node index. # Virtual distance. vd = (w_wait_in + int(wait_in), node_id, self.index + index) # Add to heapq. heapq.heappush(fringe, (dist, vd, (node_id, self))) return True # The node is visible. return False
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 6; 2, function_name:tick; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:events; 6, block; 6, 7; 6, 9; 6, 15; 6, 73; 6, 276; 6, 280; 6, 405; 7, expression_statement; 7, 8; 8, comment; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, call; 10, 11; 10, 14; 11, attribute; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:self; 13, identifier:add_new_threads; 14, argument_list; 15, if_statement; 15, 16; 15, 19; 16, attribute; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:self; 18, identifier:drag_sprite; 19, block; 19, 20; 19, 32; 19, 40; 19, 50; 20, expression_statement; 20, 21; 21, assignment; 21, 22; 21, 25; 22, tuple_pattern; 22, 23; 22, 24; 23, identifier:mx; 24, identifier:my; 25, call; 25, 26; 25, 31; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 30; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:self; 29, identifier:screen; 30, identifier:get_mouse_pos; 31, argument_list; 32, expression_statement; 32, 33; 33, assignment; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, tuple_pattern; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:ox; 36, identifier:oy; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:self; 39, identifier:drag_offset; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:new_position; 43, tuple; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, binary_operator:+; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:mx; 46, identifier:ox; 47, binary_operator:+; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:my; 49, identifier:oy; 50, if_statement; 50, 51; 50, 58; 51, comparison_operator:!=; 51, 52; 51, 57; 52, attribute; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:self; 55, identifier:drag_sprite; 56, identifier:position; 57, identifier:new_position; 58, block; 58, 59; 58, 65; 59, expression_statement; 59, 60; 60, assignment; 60, 61; 60, 64; 61, attribute; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:self; 63, identifier:has_dragged; 64, True; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 72; 67, attribute; 67, 68; 67, 71; 68, attribute; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:self; 70, identifier:drag_sprite; 71, identifier:position; 72, identifier:new_position; 73, for_statement; 73, 74; 73, 75; 73, 76; 74, identifier:event; 75, identifier:events; 76, block; 76, 77; 77, if_statement; 77, 78; 77, 83; 77, 110; 77, 242; 78, comparison_operator:==; 78, 79; 78, 82; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:event; 81, identifier:kind; 82, string:"key_pressed"; 83, block; 83, 84; 83, 100; 84, assert_statement; 84, 85; 85, comparison_operator:in; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:event; 88, identifier:value; 89, call; 89, 90; 89, 99; 90, attribute; 90, 91; 90, 98; 91, call; 91, 92; 91, 95; 92, attribute; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, identifier:kurt; 94, identifier:Insert; 95, argument_list; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, None; 97, string:"key"; 98, identifier:options; 99, argument_list; 100, expression_statement; 100, 101; 101, call; 101, 102; 101, 105; 102, attribute; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:self; 104, identifier:trigger_hats; 105, argument_list; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, string:"whenKeyPressed"; 107, attribute; 107, 108; 107, 109; 108, identifier:event; 109, identifier:value; 110, elif_clause; 110, 111; 110, 116; 111, comparison_operator:==; 111, 112; 111, 115; 112, attribute; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:event; 114, identifier:kind; 115, string:"mouse_down"; 116, block; 116, 117; 116, 127; 116, 178; 117, expression_statement; 117, 118; 118, assignment; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:mouse_pos; 120, call; 120, 121; 120, 126; 121, attribute; 121, 122; 121, 125; 122, attribute; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:self; 124, identifier:screen; 125, identifier:get_mouse_pos; 126, argument_list; 127, for_statement; 127, 128; 127, 129; 127, 137; 127, 168; 128, identifier:sprite; 129, call; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:reversed; 131, argument_list; 131, 132; 132, attribute; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, attribute; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:self; 135, identifier:project; 136, identifier:sprites; 137, block; 137, 138; 137, 145; 138, expression_statement; 138, 139; 139, assignment; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:rect; 141, call; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:bounds; 143, argument_list; 143, 144; 144, identifier:sprite; 145, if_statement; 145, 146; 145, 152; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 150; 147, attribute; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:rect; 149, identifier:collide_point; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 151, identifier:mouse_pos; 152, block; 152, 153; 153, if_statement; 153, 154; 153, 162; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 160; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, attribute; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:self; 158, identifier:screen; 159, identifier:touching_mouse; 160, argument_list; 160, 161; 161, identifier:sprite; 162, block; 162, 163; 162, 167; 163, expression_statement; 163, 164; 164, assignment; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:scriptable; 166, identifier:sprite; 167, break_statement; 168, else_clause; 168, 169; 169, block; 169, 170; 170, expression_statement; 170, 171; 171, assignment; 171, 172; 171, 173; 172, identifier:scriptable; 173, attribute; 173, 174; 173, 177; 174, attribute; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:self; 176, identifier:project; 177, identifier:stage; 178, if_statement; 178, 179; 178, 182; 178, 232; 179, attribute; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:scriptable; 181, identifier:is_draggable; 182, block; 182, 183; 182, 195; 182, 203; 182, 215; 182, 221; 182, 227; 183, expression_statement; 183, 184; 184, assignment; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, tuple_pattern; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:mx; 187, identifier:my; 188, call; 188, 189; 188, 194; 189, attribute; 189, 190; 189, 193; 190, attribute; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:self; 192, identifier:screen; 193, identifier:get_mouse_pos; 194, argument_list; 195, expression_statement; 195, 196; 196, assignment; 196, 197; 196, 200; 197, tuple_pattern; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:x; 199, identifier:y; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:scriptable; 202, identifier:position; 203, expression_statement; 203, 204; 204, assignment; 204, 205; 204, 208; 205, attribute; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:self; 207, identifier:drag_offset; 208, tuple; 208, 209; 208, 212; 209, binary_operator:-; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:x; 211, identifier:mx; 212, binary_operator:-; 212, 213; 212, 214; 213, identifier:y; 214, identifier:my; 215, expression_statement; 215, 216; 216, assignment; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:self; 219, identifier:drag_sprite; 220, identifier:scriptable; 221, expression_statement; 221, 222; 222, assignment; 222, 223; 222, 226; 223, attribute; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:self; 225, identifier:has_dragged; 226, False; 227, expression_statement; 227, 228; 228, call; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:go_to_front; 230, argument_list; 230, 231; 231, identifier:scriptable; 232, else_clause; 232, 233; 233, block; 233, 234; 234, expression_statement; 234, 235; 235, call; 235, 236; 235, 239; 236, attribute; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:self; 238, identifier:trigger_scriptable_hats; 239, argument_list; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:scriptable; 241, string:"whenClicked"; 242, elif_clause; 242, 243; 242, 248; 243, comparison_operator:==; 243, 244; 243, 247; 244, attribute; 244, 245; 244, 246; 245, identifier:event; 246, identifier:kind; 247, string:"mouse_up"; 248, block; 248, 249; 249, if_statement; 249, 250; 249, 253; 250, attribute; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:self; 252, identifier:drag_sprite; 253, block; 253, 254; 253, 270; 254, if_statement; 254, 255; 254, 259; 255, not_operator; 255, 256; 256, attribute; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:self; 258, identifier:has_dragged; 259, block; 259, 260; 260, expression_statement; 260, 261; 261, call; 261, 262; 261, 265; 262, attribute; 262, 263; 262, 264; 263, identifier:self; 264, identifier:trigger_scriptable_hats; 265, argument_list; 265, 266; 265, 269; 266, attribute; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:self; 268, identifier:drag_sprite; 269, string:"whenClicked"; 270, expression_statement; 270, 271; 271, assignment; 271, 272; 271, 275; 272, attribute; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:self; 274, identifier:drag_sprite; 275, None; 276, expression_statement; 276, 277; 277, assignment; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:remove_threads; 279, list:[]; 280, while_statement; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, integer:1; 282, block; 282, 283; 283, for_statement; 283, 284; 283, 287; 283, 294; 283, 402; 284, tuple_pattern; 284, 285; 284, 286; 285, identifier:script; 286, identifier:thread; 287, call; 287, 288; 287, 293; 288, attribute; 288, 289; 288, 292; 289, attribute; 289, 290; 289, 291; 290, identifier:self; 291, identifier:threads; 292, identifier:items; 293, argument_list; 294, block; 294, 295; 294, 299; 294, 398; 295, expression_statement; 295, 296; 296, assignment; 296, 297; 296, 298; 297, identifier:modified; 298, False; 299, for_statement; 299, 300; 299, 301; 299, 306; 300, identifier:event; 301, call; 301, 302; 301, 305; 302, attribute; 302, 303; 302, 304; 303, identifier:thread; 304, identifier:tick; 305, argument_list; 306, block; 306, 307; 307, if_statement; 307, 308; 307, 313; 307, 392; 308, comparison_operator:==; 308, 309; 308, 312; 309, attribute; 309, 310; 309, 311; 310, identifier:event; 311, identifier:kind; 312, string:"stop"; 313, block; 313, 314; 314, if_statement; 314, 315; 314, 320; 314, 328; 314, 373; 315, comparison_operator:==; 315, 316; 315, 319; 316, attribute; 316, 317; 316, 318; 317, identifier:event; 318, identifier:value; 319, string:"all"; 320, block; 320, 321; 320, 327; 321, expression_statement; 321, 322; 322, call; 322, 323; 322, 326; 323, attribute; 323, 324; 323, 325; 324, identifier:self; 325, identifier:stop; 326, argument_list; 327, return_statement; 328, elif_clause; 328, 329; 328, 334; 329, comparison_operator:==; 329, 330; 329, 333; 330, attribute; 330, 331; 330, 332; 331, identifier:event; 332, identifier:value; 333, string:"other scripts in sprite"; 334, block; 334, 335; 334, 368; 334, 372; 335, for_statement; 335, 336; 335, 339; 335, 346; 336, tuple_pattern; 336, 337; 336, 338; 337, identifier:script; 338, identifier:other; 339, call; 339, 340; 339, 345; 340, attribute; 340, 341; 340, 344; 341, attribute; 341, 342; 341, 343; 342, identifier:self; 343, identifier:threads; 344, identifier:items; 345, argument_list; 346, block; 346, 347; 347, if_statement; 347, 348; 347, 355; 348, comparison_operator:==; 348, 349; 348, 352; 349, attribute; 349, 350; 349, 351; 350, identifier:other; 351, identifier:scriptable; 352, attribute; 352, 353; 352, 354; 353, identifier:thread; 354, identifier:scriptable; 355, block; 355, 356; 355, 362; 356, expression_statement; 356, 357; 357, call; 357, 358; 357, 361; 358, attribute; 358, 359; 358, 360; 359, identifier:other; 360, identifier:finish; 361, argument_list; 362, delete_statement; 362, 363; 363, subscript; 363, 364; 363, 367; 364, attribute; 364, 365; 364, 366; 365, identifier:self; 366, identifier:threads; 367, identifier:script; 368, expression_statement; 368, 369; 369, assignment; 369, 370; 369, 371; 370, identifier:modified; 371, True; 372, break_statement; 373, else_clause; 373, 374; 374, block; 374, 375; 374, 381; 374, 387; 374, 391; 375, expression_statement; 375, 376; 376, call; 376, 377; 376, 380; 377, attribute; 377, 378; 377, 379; 378, identifier:thread; 379, identifier:finish; 380, argument_list; 381, delete_statement; 381, 382; 382, subscript; 382, 383; 382, 386; 383, attribute; 383, 384; 383, 385; 384, identifier:self; 385, identifier:threads; 386, identifier:script; 387, expression_statement; 387, 388; 388, assignment; 388, 389; 388, 390; 389, identifier:modified; 390, True; 391, break_statement; 392, else_clause; 392, 393; 392, 394; 393, comment; 394, block; 394, 395; 395, expression_statement; 395, 396; 396, yield; 396, 397; 397, identifier:event; 398, if_statement; 398, 399; 398, 400; 399, identifier:modified; 400, block; 400, 401; 401, break_statement; 402, else_clause; 402, 403; 403, block; 403, 404; 404, break_statement; 405, expression_statement; 405, 406; 406, call; 406, 407; 406, 410; 407, attribute; 407, 408; 407, 409; 408, identifier:self; 409, identifier:add_new_threads; 410, argument_list
def tick(self, events): """Execute one frame of the interpreter. Don't call more than 40 times per second. """ self.add_new_threads() if self.drag_sprite: (mx, my) = self.screen.get_mouse_pos() (ox, oy) = self.drag_offset new_position = (mx + ox, my + oy) if self.drag_sprite.position != new_position: self.has_dragged = True self.drag_sprite.position = new_position for event in events: if event.kind == "key_pressed": assert event.value in kurt.Insert(None, "key").options() self.trigger_hats("whenKeyPressed", event.value) elif event.kind == "mouse_down": mouse_pos = self.screen.get_mouse_pos() for sprite in reversed(self.project.sprites): rect = bounds(sprite) if rect.collide_point(mouse_pos): if self.screen.touching_mouse(sprite): scriptable = sprite break else: scriptable = self.project.stage if scriptable.is_draggable: (mx, my) = self.screen.get_mouse_pos() (x, y) = scriptable.position self.drag_offset = (x - mx, y - my) self.drag_sprite = scriptable self.has_dragged = False go_to_front(scriptable) else: self.trigger_scriptable_hats(scriptable, "whenClicked") elif event.kind == "mouse_up": if self.drag_sprite: if not self.has_dragged: self.trigger_scriptable_hats(self.drag_sprite, "whenClicked") self.drag_sprite = None remove_threads = [] while 1: for (script, thread) in self.threads.items(): modified = False for event in thread.tick(): if event.kind == "stop": if event.value == "all": self.stop() return elif event.value == "other scripts in sprite": for (script, other) in self.threads.items(): if other.scriptable == thread.scriptable: other.finish() del self.threads[script] modified = True break else: thread.finish() del self.threads[script] modified = True break else: # Pass to Screen yield event if modified: break else: break self.add_new_threads()
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 10; 2, function_name:evaluate; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:s; 6, identifier:value; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:insert; 9, None; 10, block; 10, 11; 10, 13; 10, 22; 10, 31; 10, 210; 10, 416; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, comment; 13, assert_statement; 13, 14; 14, not_operator; 14, 15; 15, call; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:isinstance; 17, argument_list; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:value; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:kurt; 21, identifier:Script; 22, if_statement; 22, 23; 22, 28; 23, boolean_operator:and; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:insert; 25, attribute; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:insert; 27, identifier:unevaluated; 28, block; 28, 29; 29, return_statement; 29, 30; 30, identifier:value; 31, if_statement; 31, 32; 31, 39; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:isinstance; 34, argument_list; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:value; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:kurt; 38, identifier:Block; 39, block; 39, 40; 39, 51; 39, 105; 39, 115; 39, 145; 39, 154; 39, 186; 39, 201; 40, if_statement; 40, 41; 40, 48; 41, comparison_operator:==; 41, 42; 41, 47; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 46; 43, attribute; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:value; 45, identifier:type; 46, identifier:shape; 47, string:"hat"; 48, block; 48, 49; 49, return_statement; 49, 50; 50, list:[]; 51, if_statement; 51, 52; 51, 59; 52, comparison_operator:not; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:value; 55, identifier:type; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:self; 58, identifier:COMMANDS; 59, block; 59, 60; 60, if_statement; 60, 61; 60, 69; 60, 94; 61, call; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:getattr; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 63, 67; 63, 68; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:value; 66, identifier:type; 67, string:'_workaround'; 68, None; 69, block; 69, 70; 69, 81; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:value; 73, call; 73, 74; 73, 79; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 78; 75, attribute; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:value; 77, identifier:type; 78, identifier:_workaround; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 80, identifier:value; 81, if_statement; 81, 82; 81, 84; 82, not_operator; 82, 83; 83, identifier:value; 84, block; 84, 85; 85, raise_statement; 85, 86; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 90; 87, attribute; 87, 88; 87, 89; 88, identifier:kurt; 89, identifier:BlockNotSupported; 90, argument_list; 90, 91; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, identifier:value; 93, identifier:type; 94, else_clause; 94, 95; 95, block; 95, 96; 96, raise_statement; 96, 97; 97, call; 97, 98; 97, 101; 98, attribute; 98, 99; 98, 100; 99, identifier:kurt; 100, identifier:BlockNotSupported; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 102, attribute; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:value; 104, identifier:type; 105, expression_statement; 105, 106; 106, assignment; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:f; 108, subscript; 108, 109; 108, 112; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:self; 111, identifier:COMMANDS; 112, attribute; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:value; 114, identifier:type; 115, expression_statement; 115, 116; 116, assignment; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:args; 118, list_comprehension; 118, 119; 118, 127; 119, call; 119, 120; 119, 123; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 122; 121, identifier:self; 122, identifier:evaluate; 123, argument_list; 123, 124; 123, 125; 123, 126; 124, identifier:s; 125, identifier:arg; 126, identifier:arg_insert; 127, for_in_clause; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, tuple_pattern; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:arg; 130, identifier:arg_insert; 131, call; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, identifier:zip; 133, argument_list; 133, 134; 133, 140; 134, call; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:list; 136, argument_list; 136, 137; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:value; 139, identifier:args; 140, attribute; 140, 141; 140, 144; 141, attribute; 141, 142; 141, 143; 142, identifier:value; 143, identifier:type; 144, identifier:inserts; 145, expression_statement; 145, 146; 146, assignment; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:value; 148, call; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:f; 150, argument_list; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:s; 152, list_splat; 152, 153; 153, identifier:args; 154, function_definition; 154, 155; 154, 156; 154, 158; 155, function_name:flatten_generators; 156, parameters; 156, 157; 157, identifier:gen; 158, block; 158, 159; 159, for_statement; 159, 160; 159, 161; 159, 162; 160, identifier:item; 161, identifier:gen; 162, block; 162, 163; 163, if_statement; 163, 164; 163, 170; 163, 181; 164, call; 164, 165; 164, 168; 165, attribute; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:inspect; 167, identifier:isgenerator; 168, argument_list; 168, 169; 169, identifier:item; 170, block; 170, 171; 171, for_statement; 171, 172; 171, 173; 171, 177; 172, identifier:x; 173, call; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:flatten_generators; 175, argument_list; 175, 176; 176, identifier:item; 177, block; 177, 178; 178, expression_statement; 178, 179; 179, yield; 179, 180; 180, identifier:x; 181, else_clause; 181, 182; 182, block; 182, 183; 183, expression_statement; 183, 184; 184, yield; 184, 185; 185, identifier:item; 186, if_statement; 186, 187; 186, 193; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 191; 188, attribute; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:inspect; 190, identifier:isgenerator; 191, argument_list; 191, 192; 192, identifier:value; 193, block; 193, 194; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:value; 197, call; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:flatten_generators; 199, argument_list; 199, 200; 200, identifier:value; 201, if_statement; 201, 202; 201, 205; 202, comparison_operator:is; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, identifier:value; 204, None; 205, block; 205, 206; 206, expression_statement; 206, 207; 207, assignment; 207, 208; 207, 209; 208, identifier:value; 209, list:[]; 210, if_statement; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:insert; 212, block; 212, 213; 212, 262; 212, 283; 213, if_statement; 213, 214; 213, 219; 214, call; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:isinstance; 216, argument_list; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:value; 218, identifier:basestring; 219, block; 219, 220; 219, 227; 220, expression_statement; 220, 221; 221, assignment; 221, 222; 221, 223; 222, identifier:value; 223, call; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:unicode; 225, argument_list; 225, 226; 226, identifier:value; 227, if_statement; 227, 228; 227, 236; 228, comparison_operator:in; 228, 229; 228, 232; 229, attribute; 229, 230; 229, 231; 230, identifier:insert; 231, identifier:shape; 232, tuple; 232, 233; 232, 234; 232, 235; 233, string:"number"; 234, string:"number-menu"; 235, string:"string"; 236, block; 236, 237; 237, try_statement; 237, 238; 237, 246; 238, block; 238, 239; 239, expression_statement; 239, 240; 240, assignment; 240, 241; 240, 242; 241, identifier:value; 242, call; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:float; 244, argument_list; 244, 245; 245, identifier:value; 246, except_clause; 246, 247; 246, 250; 247, tuple; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:TypeError; 249, identifier:ValueError; 250, block; 250, 251; 251, if_statement; 251, 252; 251, 257; 252, comparison_operator:==; 252, 253; 252, 256; 253, attribute; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:insert; 255, identifier:shape; 256, string:"number"; 257, block; 257, 258; 258, expression_statement; 258, 259; 259, assignment; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:value; 261, integer:0; 262, if_statement; 262, 263; 262, 275; 263, boolean_operator:and; 263, 264; 263, 269; 264, call; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:isinstance; 266, argument_list; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:value; 268, identifier:float; 269, comparison_operator:==; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:value; 271, call; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:int; 273, argument_list; 273, 274; 274, identifier:value; 275, block; 275, 276; 276, expression_statement; 276, 277; 277, assignment; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:value; 279, call; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:int; 281, argument_list; 281, 282; 282, identifier:value; 283, if_statement; 283, 284; 283, 294; 283, 323; 283, 357; 283, 391; 284, comparison_operator:in; 284, 285; 284, 288; 285, attribute; 285, 286; 285, 287; 286, identifier:insert; 287, identifier:kind; 288, tuple; 288, 289; 288, 290; 288, 291; 288, 292; 288, 293; 289, string:"spriteOrStage"; 290, string:"spriteOrMouse"; 291, string:"stageOrThis"; 292, string:"spriteOnly"; 293, string:"touching"; 294, block; 294, 295; 295, if_statement; 295, 296; 295, 301; 296, comparison_operator:not; 296, 297; 296, 298; 297, identifier:value; 298, tuple; 298, 299; 298, 300; 299, string:"mouse-pointer"; 300, string:"edge"; 301, block; 301, 302; 302, expression_statement; 302, 303; 303, assignment; 303, 304; 303, 305; 304, identifier:value; 305, parenthesized_expression; 305, 306; 306, conditional_expression:if; 306, 307; 306, 312; 306, 315; 307, attribute; 307, 308; 307, 311; 308, attribute; 308, 309; 308, 310; 309, identifier:self; 310, identifier:project; 311, identifier:stage; 312, comparison_operator:==; 312, 313; 312, 314; 313, identifier:value; 314, string:"Stage"; 315, call; 315, 316; 315, 321; 316, attribute; 316, 317; 316, 320; 317, attribute; 317, 318; 317, 319; 318, identifier:self; 319, identifier:project; 320, identifier:get_sprite; 321, argument_list; 321, 322; 322, identifier:value; 323, elif_clause; 323, 324; 323, 329; 324, comparison_operator:==; 324, 325; 324, 328; 325, attribute; 325, 326; 325, 327; 326, identifier:insert; 327, identifier:kind; 328, string:"var"; 329, block; 329, 330; 330, if_statement; 330, 331; 330, 336; 330, 345; 331, comparison_operator:in; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:value; 333, attribute; 333, 334; 333, 335; 334, identifier:s; 335, identifier:variables; 336, block; 336, 337; 337, expression_statement; 337, 338; 338, assignment; 338, 339; 338, 340; 339, identifier:value; 340, subscript; 340, 341; 340, 344; 341, attribute; 341, 342; 341, 343; 342, identifier:s; 343, identifier:variables; 344, identifier:value; 345, else_clause; 345, 346; 346, block; 346, 347; 347, expression_statement; 347, 348; 348, assignment; 348, 349; 348, 350; 349, identifier:value; 350, subscript; 350, 351; 350, 356; 351, attribute; 351, 352; 351, 355; 352, attribute; 352, 353; 352, 354; 353, identifier:s; 354, identifier:project; 355, identifier:variables; 356, identifier:value; 357, elif_clause; 357, 358; 357, 363; 358, comparison_operator:==; 358, 359; 358, 362; 359, attribute; 359, 360; 359, 361; 360, identifier:insert; 361, identifier:kind; 362, string:"list"; 363, block; 363, 364; 364, if_statement; 364, 365; 364, 370; 364, 379; 365, comparison_operator:in; 365, 366; 365, 367; 366, identifier:value; 367, attribute; 367, 368; 367, 369; 368, identifier:s; 369, identifier:lists; 370, block; 370, 371; 371, expression_statement; 371, 372; 372, assignment; 372, 373; 372, 374; 373, identifier:value; 374, subscript; 374, 375; 374, 378; 375, attribute; 375, 376; 375, 377; 376, identifier:s; 377, identifier:lists; 378, identifier:value; 379, else_clause; 379, 380; 380, block; 380, 381; 381, expression_statement; 381, 382; 382, assignment; 382, 383; 382, 384; 383, identifier:value; 384, subscript; 384, 385; 384, 390; 385, attribute; 385, 386; 385, 389; 386, attribute; 386, 387; 386, 388; 387, identifier:s; 388, identifier:project; 389, identifier:lists; 390, identifier:value; 391, elif_clause; 391, 392; 391, 397; 392, comparison_operator:==; 392, 393; 392, 396; 393, attribute; 393, 394; 393, 395; 394, identifier:insert; 395, identifier:kind; 396, string:"sound"; 397, block; 397, 398; 398, for_statement; 398, 399; 398, 400; 398, 403; 399, identifier:sound; 400, attribute; 400, 401; 400, 402; 401, identifier:s; 402, identifier:sounds; 403, block; 403, 404; 404, if_statement; 404, 405; 404, 410; 405, comparison_operator:==; 405, 406; 405, 409; 406, attribute; 406, 407; 406, 408; 407, identifier:sound; 408, identifier:name; 409, identifier:value; 410, block; 410, 411; 410, 415; 411, expression_statement; 411, 412; 412, assignment; 412, 413; 412, 414; 413, identifier:value; 414, identifier:sound; 415, break_statement; 416, return_statement; 416, 417; 417, identifier:value
def evaluate(self, s, value, insert=None): """Expression evaluator. * For expressions, returns the value of the expression. * For Blocks, returns a generator (or the empty list []). """ assert not isinstance(value, kurt.Script) if insert and insert.unevaluated: return value if isinstance(value, kurt.Block): if value.type.shape == "hat": return [] if value.type not in self.COMMANDS: if getattr(value.type, '_workaround', None): value = value.type._workaround(value) if not value: raise kurt.BlockNotSupported(value.type) else: raise kurt.BlockNotSupported(value.type) f = self.COMMANDS[value.type] args = [self.evaluate(s, arg, arg_insert) for (arg, arg_insert) in zip(list(value.args), value.type.inserts)] value = f(s, *args) def flatten_generators(gen): for item in gen: if inspect.isgenerator(item): for x in flatten_generators(item): yield x else: yield item if inspect.isgenerator(value): value = flatten_generators(value) if value is None: value = [] if insert: if isinstance(value, basestring): value = unicode(value) if insert.shape in ("number", "number-menu", "string"): try: value = float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): if insert.shape == "number": value = 0 if isinstance(value, float) and value == int(value): value = int(value) if insert.kind in ("spriteOrStage", "spriteOrMouse", "stageOrThis", "spriteOnly", "touching"): if value not in ("mouse-pointer", "edge"): value = (self.project.stage if value == "Stage" else self.project.get_sprite(value)) elif insert.kind == "var": if value in s.variables: value = s.variables[value] else: value = s.project.variables[value] elif insert.kind == "list": if value in s.lists: value = s.lists[value] else: value = s.project.lists[value] elif insert.kind == "sound": for sound in s.sounds: if == value: value = sound break return value
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:_write; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:session; 6, identifier:openFile; 7, identifier:maskMap; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 12; 8, 16; 8, 17; 8, 24; 8, 84; 8, 98; 8, 112; 8, 126; 8, 140; 8, 141; 8, 145; 8, 208; 8, 209; 8, 281; 8, 282; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:FIRST_VALUE_INDEX; 15, integer:12; 16, comment; 17, expression_statement; 17, 18; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:openFile; 21, identifier:write; 22, argument_list; 22, 23; 23, string:'DATASET\r\n'; 24, if_statement; 24, 25; 24, 32; 24, 54; 25, comparison_operator:==; 25, 26; 25, 29; 26, attribute; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:self; 28, identifier:type; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:self; 31, identifier:SCALAR_TYPE; 32, block; 32, 33; 32, 47; 33, expression_statement; 33, 34; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 38; 35, attribute; 35, 36; 35, 37; 36, identifier:openFile; 37, identifier:write; 38, argument_list; 38, 39; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 43; 40, attribute; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, string:'OBJTYPE {0}\r\n'; 42, identifier:format; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:self; 46, identifier:objectType; 47, expression_statement; 47, 48; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, attribute; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:openFile; 51, identifier:write; 52, argument_list; 52, 53; 53, string:'BEGSCL\r\n'; 54, elif_clause; 54, 55; 54, 62; 55, comparison_operator:==; 55, 56; 55, 59; 56, attribute; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:self; 58, identifier:type; 59, attribute; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:self; 61, identifier:VECTOR_TYPE; 62, block; 62, 63; 62, 77; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:openFile; 67, identifier:write; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, call; 69, 70; 69, 73; 70, attribute; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, string:'VECTYPE {0}\r\n'; 72, identifier:format; 73, argument_list; 73, 74; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:self; 76, identifier:vectorType; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, call; 78, 79; 78, 82; 79, attribute; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:openFile; 81, identifier:write; 82, argument_list; 82, 83; 83, string:'BEGVEC\r\n'; 84, expression_statement; 84, 85; 85, call; 85, 86; 85, 89; 86, attribute; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:openFile; 88, identifier:write; 89, argument_list; 89, 90; 90, call; 90, 91; 90, 94; 91, attribute; 91, 92; 91, 93; 92, string:'OBJID {0}\r\n'; 93, identifier:format; 94, argument_list; 94, 95; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:self; 97, identifier:objectID; 98, expression_statement; 98, 99; 99, call; 99, 100; 99, 103; 100, attribute; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:openFile; 102, identifier:write; 103, argument_list; 103, 104; 104, call; 104, 105; 104, 108; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, string:'ND {0}\r\n'; 107, identifier:format; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 109, attribute; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:self; 111, identifier:numberData; 112, expression_statement; 112, 113; 113, call; 113, 114; 113, 117; 114, attribute; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:openFile; 116, identifier:write; 117, argument_list; 117, 118; 118, call; 118, 119; 118, 122; 119, attribute; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, string:'NC {0}\r\n'; 121, identifier:format; 122, argument_list; 122, 123; 123, attribute; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:self; 125, identifier:numberCells; 126, expression_statement; 126, 127; 127, call; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, attribute; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:openFile; 130, identifier:write; 131, argument_list; 131, 132; 132, call; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, attribute; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, string:'NAME {0}\r\n'; 135, identifier:format; 136, argument_list; 136, 137; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:self; 139, identifier:name; 140, comment; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, assignment; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:statusString; 144, string:''; 145, if_statement; 145, 146; 145, 151; 145, 152; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:isinstance; 148, argument_list; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:maskMap; 150, identifier:RasterMapFile; 151, comment; 152, block; 152, 153; 152, 162; 152, 188; 152, 189; 153, expression_statement; 153, 154; 154, assignment; 154, 155; 154, 156; 155, identifier:statusGrassRasterString; 156, call; 156, 157; 156, 160; 157, attribute; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:maskMap; 159, identifier:getAsGrassAsciiGrid; 160, argument_list; 160, 161; 161, identifier:session; 162, if_statement; 162, 163; 162, 166; 162, 167; 162, 176; 163, comparison_operator:is; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:statusGrassRasterString; 165, None; 166, comment; 167, block; 167, 168; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, assignment; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:statusValues; 171, call; 171, 172; 171, 175; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:statusGrassRasterString; 174, identifier:split; 175, argument_list; 176, else_clause; 176, 177; 177, block; 177, 178; 178, expression_statement; 178, 179; 179, assignment; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:statusValues; 181, call; 181, 182; 181, 187; 182, attribute; 182, 183; 182, 186; 183, attribute; 183, 184; 183, 185; 184, identifier:maskMap; 185, identifier:rasterText; 186, identifier:split; 187, argument_list; 188, comment; 189, for_statement; 189, 190; 189, 191; 189, 199; 190, identifier:i; 191, call; 191, 192; 191, 193; 192, identifier:range; 193, argument_list; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:FIRST_VALUE_INDEX; 195, call; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:len; 197, argument_list; 197, 198; 198, identifier:statusValues; 199, block; 199, 200; 200, expression_statement; 200, 201; 201, augmented_assignment:+=; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:statusString; 203, binary_operator:+; 203, 204; 203, 207; 204, subscript; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, identifier:statusValues; 206, identifier:i; 207, string:'\r\n'; 208, comment; 209, for_statement; 209, 210; 209, 211; 209, 214; 209, 215; 210, identifier:timeStepRaster; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:self; 213, identifier:rasters; 214, comment; 215, block; 215, 216; 215, 233; 215, 234; 215, 248; 215, 249; 215, 258; 216, expression_statement; 216, 217; 217, call; 217, 218; 217, 221; 218, attribute; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:openFile; 220, identifier:write; 221, argument_list; 221, 222; 222, call; 222, 223; 222, 226; 223, attribute; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, string:'TS {0} {1}\r\n'; 225, identifier:format; 226, argument_list; 226, 227; 226, 230; 227, attribute; 227, 228; 227, 229; 228, identifier:timeStepRaster; 229, identifier:iStatus; 230, attribute; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:timeStepRaster; 232, identifier:timestamp; 233, comment; 234, if_statement; 234, 235; 234, 240; 235, comparison_operator:==; 235, 236; 235, 239; 236, attribute; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:timeStepRaster; 238, identifier:iStatus; 239, integer:1; 240, block; 240, 241; 241, expression_statement; 241, 242; 242, call; 242, 243; 242, 246; 243, attribute; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, identifier:openFile; 245, identifier:write; 246, argument_list; 246, 247; 247, identifier:statusString; 248, comment; 249, expression_statement; 249, 250; 250, assignment; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:valueString; 252, call; 252, 253; 252, 256; 253, attribute; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:timeStepRaster; 255, identifier:getAsWmsDatasetString; 256, argument_list; 256, 257; 257, identifier:session; 258, if_statement; 258, 259; 258, 262; 258, 270; 259, comparison_operator:is; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:valueString; 261, None; 262, block; 262, 263; 263, expression_statement; 263, 264; 264, call; 264, 265; 264, 268; 265, attribute; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, identifier:openFile; 267, identifier:write; 268, argument_list; 268, 269; 269, identifier:valueString; 270, else_clause; 270, 271; 271, block; 271, 272; 272, expression_statement; 272, 273; 273, call; 273, 274; 273, 277; 274, attribute; 274, 275; 274, 276; 275, identifier:openFile; 276, identifier:write; 277, argument_list; 277, 278; 278, attribute; 278, 279; 278, 280; 279, identifier:timeStepRaster; 280, identifier:rasterText; 281, comment; 282, expression_statement; 282, 283; 283, call; 283, 284; 283, 287; 284, attribute; 284, 285; 284, 286; 285, identifier:openFile; 286, identifier:write; 287, argument_list; 287, 288; 288, string:'ENDDS\r\n'
def _write(self, session, openFile, maskMap): """ WMS Dataset File Write to File Method """ # Magic numbers FIRST_VALUE_INDEX = 12 # Write the header openFile.write('DATASET\r\n') if self.type == self.SCALAR_TYPE: openFile.write('OBJTYPE {0}\r\n'.format(self.objectType)) openFile.write('BEGSCL\r\n') elif self.type == self.VECTOR_TYPE: openFile.write('VECTYPE {0}\r\n'.format(self.vectorType)) openFile.write('BEGVEC\r\n') openFile.write('OBJID {0}\r\n'.format(self.objectID)) openFile.write('ND {0}\r\n'.format(self.numberData)) openFile.write('NC {0}\r\n'.format(self.numberCells)) openFile.write('NAME {0}\r\n'.format( # Retrieve the mask map to use as the status rasters statusString = '' if isinstance(maskMap, RasterMapFile): # Convert Mask Map to GRASS ASCII Raster statusGrassRasterString = maskMap.getAsGrassAsciiGrid(session) if statusGrassRasterString is not None: # Split by lines statusValues = statusGrassRasterString.split() else: statusValues = maskMap.rasterText.split() # Assemble into a string in the WMS Dataset format for i in range(FIRST_VALUE_INDEX, len(statusValues)): statusString += statusValues[i] + '\r\n' # Write time steps for timeStepRaster in self.rasters: # Write time step header openFile.write('TS {0} {1}\r\n'.format(timeStepRaster.iStatus, timeStepRaster.timestamp)) # Write status raster (mask map) if applicable if timeStepRaster.iStatus == 1: openFile.write(statusString) # Write value raster valueString = timeStepRaster.getAsWmsDatasetString(session) if valueString is not None: openFile.write(valueString) else: openFile.write(timeStepRaster.rasterText) # Write ending tag for the dataset openFile.write('ENDDS\r\n')
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 15; 2, function_name:get_batch; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 4, identifier:sentences; 5, identifier:token_dict; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:ignore_case; 8, False; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:unk_index; 11, integer:1; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:eos_index; 14, integer:2; 15, block; 15, 16; 15, 18; 15, 25; 15, 36; 15, 50; 15, 64; 15, 78; 15, 191; 15, 209; 15, 227; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, comment; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:batch_size; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:len; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 24, identifier:sentences; 25, expression_statement; 25, 26; 26, assignment; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:max_sentence_len; 28, call; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:max; 30, argument_list; 30, 31; 31, call; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:map; 33, argument_list; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:len; 35, identifier:sentences; 36, expression_statement; 36, 37; 37, assignment; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:inputs; 39, list_comprehension; 39, 40; 39, 44; 40, binary_operator:*; 40, 41; 40, 43; 41, list:[0]; 41, 42; 42, integer:0; 43, identifier:max_sentence_len; 44, for_in_clause; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:_; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:range; 48, argument_list; 48, 49; 49, identifier:batch_size; 50, expression_statement; 50, 51; 51, assignment; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:outputs_forward; 53, list_comprehension; 53, 54; 53, 58; 54, binary_operator:*; 54, 55; 54, 57; 55, list:[0]; 55, 56; 56, integer:0; 57, identifier:max_sentence_len; 58, for_in_clause; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:_; 60, call; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:range; 62, argument_list; 62, 63; 63, identifier:batch_size; 64, expression_statement; 64, 65; 65, assignment; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:outputs_backward; 67, list_comprehension; 67, 68; 67, 72; 68, binary_operator:*; 68, 69; 68, 71; 69, list:[0]; 69, 70; 70, integer:0; 71, identifier:max_sentence_len; 72, for_in_clause; 72, 73; 72, 74; 73, identifier:_; 74, call; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:range; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 77, identifier:batch_size; 78, for_statement; 78, 79; 78, 82; 78, 86; 79, pattern_list; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, identifier:i; 81, identifier:sentence; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 84; 83, identifier:enumerate; 84, argument_list; 84, 85; 85, identifier:sentences; 86, block; 86, 87; 86, 100; 86, 108; 87, expression_statement; 87, 88; 88, assignment; 88, 89; 88, 99; 89, subscript; 89, 90; 89, 93; 90, subscript; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:outputs_forward; 92, identifier:i; 93, binary_operator:-; 93, 94; 93, 98; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 96; 95, identifier:len; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 97, identifier:sentence; 98, integer:1; 99, identifier:eos_index; 100, expression_statement; 100, 101; 101, assignment; 101, 102; 101, 107; 102, subscript; 102, 103; 102, 106; 103, subscript; 103, 104; 103, 105; 104, identifier:outputs_backward; 105, identifier:i; 106, integer:0; 107, identifier:eos_index; 108, for_statement; 108, 109; 108, 112; 108, 116; 109, pattern_list; 109, 110; 109, 111; 110, identifier:j; 111, identifier:token; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 114; 113, identifier:enumerate; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 115, identifier:sentence; 116, block; 116, 117; 116, 146; 116, 154; 116, 171; 117, if_statement; 117, 118; 117, 119; 117, 134; 118, identifier:ignore_case; 119, block; 119, 120; 120, expression_statement; 120, 121; 121, assignment; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:index; 123, call; 123, 124; 123, 127; 124, attribute; 124, 125; 124, 126; 125, identifier:token_dict; 126, identifier:get; 127, argument_list; 127, 128; 127, 133; 128, call; 128, 129; 128, 132; 129, attribute; 129, 130; 129, 131; 130, identifier:token; 131, identifier:lower; 132, argument_list; 133, identifier:unk_index; 134, else_clause; 134, 135; 135, block; 135, 136; 136, expression_statement; 136, 137; 137, assignment; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:index; 139, call; 139, 140; 139, 143; 140, attribute; 140, 141; 140, 142; 141, identifier:token_dict; 142, identifier:get; 143, argument_list; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:token; 145, identifier:unk_index; 146, expression_statement; 146, 147; 147, assignment; 147, 148; 147, 153; 148, subscript; 148, 149; 148, 152; 149, subscript; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:inputs; 151, identifier:i; 152, identifier:j; 153, identifier:index; 154, if_statement; 154, 155; 154, 160; 155, comparison_operator:>=; 155, 156; 155, 159; 156, binary_operator:-; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:j; 158, integer:1; 159, integer:0; 160, block; 160, 161; 161, expression_statement; 161, 162; 162, assignment; 162, 163; 162, 170; 163, subscript; 163, 164; 163, 167; 164, subscript; 164, 165; 164, 166; 165, identifier:outputs_forward; 166, identifier:i; 167, binary_operator:-; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:j; 169, integer:1; 170, identifier:index; 171, if_statement; 171, 172; 171, 180; 172, comparison_operator:<; 172, 173; 172, 176; 173, binary_operator:+; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:j; 175, integer:1; 176, call; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:len; 178, argument_list; 178, 179; 179, identifier:sentence; 180, block; 180, 181; 181, expression_statement; 181, 182; 182, assignment; 182, 183; 182, 190; 183, subscript; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, subscript; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:outputs_backward; 186, identifier:i; 187, binary_operator:+; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:j; 189, integer:1; 190, identifier:index; 191, expression_statement; 191, 192; 192, assignment; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:outputs_forward; 194, call; 194, 195; 194, 198; 195, attribute; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:np; 197, identifier:expand_dims; 198, argument_list; 198, 199; 198, 205; 199, call; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:np; 202, identifier:asarray; 203, argument_list; 203, 204; 204, identifier:outputs_forward; 205, keyword_argument; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:axis; 207, unary_operator:-; 207, 208; 208, integer:1; 209, expression_statement; 209, 210; 210, assignment; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:outputs_backward; 212, call; 212, 213; 212, 216; 213, attribute; 213, 214; 213, 215; 214, identifier:np; 215, identifier:expand_dims; 216, argument_list; 216, 217; 216, 223; 217, call; 217, 218; 217, 221; 218, attribute; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:np; 220, identifier:asarray; 221, argument_list; 221, 222; 222, identifier:outputs_backward; 223, keyword_argument; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:axis; 225, unary_operator:-; 225, 226; 226, integer:1; 227, return_statement; 227, 228; 228, expression_list; 228, 229; 228, 235; 229, call; 229, 230; 229, 233; 230, attribute; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:np; 232, identifier:asarray; 233, argument_list; 233, 234; 234, identifier:inputs; 235, list:[outputs_forward, outputs_backward]; 235, 236; 235, 237; 236, identifier:outputs_forward; 237, identifier:outputs_backward
def get_batch(sentences, token_dict, ignore_case=False, unk_index=1, eos_index=2): """Get a batch of inputs and outputs from given sentences. :param sentences: A list of list of tokens. :param token_dict: The dict that maps a token to an integer. `<UNK>` and `<EOS>` should be preserved. :param ignore_case: Whether ignoring the case of the token. :param unk_index: The index for unknown token. :param eos_index: The index for ending of sentence. :return inputs, outputs: The inputs and outputs of the batch. """ batch_size = len(sentences) max_sentence_len = max(map(len, sentences)) inputs = [[0] * max_sentence_len for _ in range(batch_size)] outputs_forward = [[0] * max_sentence_len for _ in range(batch_size)] outputs_backward = [[0] * max_sentence_len for _ in range(batch_size)] for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences): outputs_forward[i][len(sentence) - 1] = eos_index outputs_backward[i][0] = eos_index for j, token in enumerate(sentence): if ignore_case: index = token_dict.get(token.lower(), unk_index) else: index = token_dict.get(token, unk_index) inputs[i][j] = index if j - 1 >= 0: outputs_forward[i][j - 1] = index if j + 1 < len(sentence): outputs_backward[i][j + 1] = index outputs_forward = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(outputs_forward), axis=-1) outputs_backward = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(outputs_backward), axis=-1) return np.asarray(inputs), [outputs_forward, outputs_backward]
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 10; 2, function_name:get_gene_info; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 7; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:ensembl_ids; 6, None; 7, default_parameter; 7, 8; 7, 9; 8, identifier:hgnc_symbols; 9, None; 10, block; 10, 11; 10, 13; 10, 26; 10, 39; 10, 43; 10, 47; 10, 137; 10, 214; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, comment; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, assignment; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:uniq_ensembl_ids; 16, call; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:set; 18, generator_expression; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:ensembl_id; 20, for_in_clause; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:ensembl_id; 22, parenthesized_expression; 22, 23; 23, boolean_operator:or; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:ensembl_ids; 25, list:[]; 26, expression_statement; 26, 27; 27, assignment; 27, 28; 27, 29; 28, identifier:uniq_hgnc_symbols; 29, call; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:set; 31, generator_expression; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, identifier:hgnc_symbol; 33, for_in_clause; 33, 34; 33, 35; 34, identifier:hgnc_symbol; 35, parenthesized_expression; 35, 36; 36, boolean_operator:or; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:hgnc_symbols; 38, list:[]; 39, expression_statement; 39, 40; 40, assignment; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, identifier:genes; 42, list:[]; 43, expression_statement; 43, 44; 44, assignment; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:gene_data; 46, list:[]; 47, if_statement; 47, 48; 47, 49; 47, 70; 48, identifier:uniq_ensembl_ids; 49, block; 49, 50; 50, for_statement; 50, 51; 50, 52; 50, 53; 51, identifier:ensembl_id; 52, identifier:uniq_ensembl_ids; 53, block; 53, 54; 54, for_statement; 54, 55; 54, 56; 54, 62; 55, identifier:res; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 58; 57, identifier:query_gene; 58, argument_list; 58, 59; 59, keyword_argument; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:ensembl_id; 61, identifier:ensembl_id; 62, block; 62, 63; 63, expression_statement; 63, 64; 64, call; 64, 65; 64, 68; 65, attribute; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:gene_data; 67, identifier:append; 68, argument_list; 68, 69; 69, identifier:res; 70, elif_clause; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:uniq_hgnc_symbols; 72, block; 72, 73; 73, for_statement; 73, 74; 73, 75; 73, 76; 74, identifier:hgnc_symbol; 75, identifier:uniq_hgnc_symbols; 76, block; 76, 77; 76, 86; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:query_res; 80, call; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:query_gene; 82, argument_list; 82, 83; 83, keyword_argument; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:hgnc_symbol; 85, identifier:hgnc_symbol; 86, if_statement; 86, 87; 86, 88; 86, 100; 87, identifier:query_res; 88, block; 88, 89; 89, for_statement; 89, 90; 89, 91; 89, 92; 90, identifier:res; 91, identifier:query_res; 92, block; 92, 93; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:gene_data; 97, identifier:append; 98, argument_list; 98, 99; 99, identifier:res; 100, else_clause; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, comment; 102, block; 102, 103; 103, expression_statement; 103, 104; 104, call; 104, 105; 104, 108; 105, attribute; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:gene_data; 107, identifier:append; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 109, dictionary; 109, 110; 109, 113; 109, 116; 109, 119; 109, 122; 109, 125; 109, 128; 109, 131; 109, 134; 110, pair; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, string:'hgnc_symbol'; 112, identifier:hgnc_symbol; 113, pair; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, string:'hgnc_id'; 115, None; 116, pair; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, string:'ensembl_id'; 118, None; 119, pair; 119, 120; 119, 121; 120, string:'description'; 121, None; 122, pair; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, string:'chrom'; 124, string:'unknown'; 125, pair; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, string:'start'; 127, integer:0; 128, pair; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, string:'stop'; 130, integer:0; 131, pair; 131, 132; 131, 133; 132, string:'hi_score'; 133, None; 134, pair; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, string:'constraint_score'; 136, None; 137, for_statement; 137, 138; 137, 139; 137, 140; 138, identifier:gene; 139, identifier:gene_data; 140, block; 140, 141; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, call; 142, 143; 142, 146; 143, attribute; 143, 144; 143, 145; 144, identifier:genes; 145, identifier:append; 146, argument_list; 146, 147; 147, call; 147, 148; 147, 149; 148, identifier:Gene; 149, argument_list; 149, 150; 149, 155; 149, 160; 149, 165; 149, 170; 149, 175; 149, 180; 149, 185; 149, 196; 149, 201; 149, 206; 150, keyword_argument; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:symbol; 152, subscript; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:gene; 154, string:'hgnc_symbol'; 155, keyword_argument; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:hgnc_id; 157, subscript; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:gene; 159, string:'hgnc_id'; 160, keyword_argument; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:ensembl_id; 162, subscript; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:gene; 164, string:'ensembl_id'; 165, keyword_argument; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:description; 167, subscript; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:gene; 169, string:'description'; 170, keyword_argument; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:chrom; 172, subscript; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:gene; 174, string:'chrom'; 175, keyword_argument; 175, 176; 175, 177; 176, identifier:start; 177, subscript; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:gene; 179, string:'start'; 180, keyword_argument; 180, 181; 180, 182; 181, identifier:stop; 182, subscript; 182, 183; 182, 184; 183, identifier:gene; 184, string:'stop'; 185, keyword_argument; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:location; 187, call; 187, 188; 187, 189; 188, identifier:get_cytoband_coord; 189, argument_list; 189, 190; 189, 193; 190, subscript; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:gene; 192, string:'chrom'; 193, subscript; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:gene; 195, string:'start'; 196, keyword_argument; 196, 197; 196, 198; 197, identifier:hi_score; 198, subscript; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:gene; 200, string:'hi_score'; 201, keyword_argument; 201, 202; 201, 203; 202, identifier:constraint_score; 203, subscript; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, identifier:gene; 205, string:'constraint_score'; 206, keyword_argument; 206, 207; 206, 208; 207, identifier:omim_number; 208, call; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:get_omim_number; 210, argument_list; 210, 211; 211, subscript; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:gene; 213, string:'hgnc_symbol'; 214, return_statement; 214, 215; 215, identifier:genes
def get_gene_info(ensembl_ids=None, hgnc_symbols=None): """Return the genes info based on the transcripts found Args: ensembl_ids (Optional[list]): list of Ensembl gene ids hgnc_symbols (Optional[list]): list of HGNC gene symbols Returns: iterable: an iterable with `Gene` objects """ uniq_ensembl_ids = set(ensembl_id for ensembl_id in (ensembl_ids or [])) uniq_hgnc_symbols = set(hgnc_symbol for hgnc_symbol in (hgnc_symbols or [])) genes = [] gene_data = [] if uniq_ensembl_ids: for ensembl_id in uniq_ensembl_ids: for res in query_gene(ensembl_id=ensembl_id): gene_data.append(res) elif uniq_hgnc_symbols: for hgnc_symbol in uniq_hgnc_symbols: query_res = query_gene(hgnc_symbol=hgnc_symbol) if query_res: for res in query_res: gene_data.append(res) else: # If no result we add just the symbol gene_data.append({ 'hgnc_symbol': hgnc_symbol, 'hgnc_id': None, 'ensembl_id': None, 'description': None, 'chrom': 'unknown', 'start': 0, 'stop': 0, 'hi_score': None, 'constraint_score': None, }) for gene in gene_data: genes.append(Gene( symbol=gene ['hgnc_symbol'], hgnc_id=gene['hgnc_id'], ensembl_id=gene['ensembl_id'], description=gene['description'], chrom=gene['chrom'], start=gene['start'], stop=gene['stop'], location=get_cytoband_coord(gene['chrom'], gene['start']), hi_score=gene['hi_score'], constraint_score=gene['constraint_score'], omim_number=get_omim_number(gene['hgnc_symbol']) )) return genes
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 12; 2, function_name:parse_mapping; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:map_path; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:source; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:dotfiles; 11, None; 12, block; 12, 13; 12, 15; 12, 19; 12, 31; 12, 35; 12, 44; 12, 48; 12, 62; 12, 112; 12, 124; 12, 138; 12, 149; 12, 153; 12, 396; 13, expression_statement; 13, 14; 14, comment; 15, expression_statement; 15, 16; 16, assignment; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:include_re; 18, comment; 19, expression_statement; 19, 20; 20, assignment; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:include_re; 22, call; 22, 23; 22, 26; 23, attribute; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:re; 25, identifier:compile; 26, argument_list; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:include_re; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:re; 30, identifier:I; 31, expression_statement; 31, 32; 32, assignment; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:mapping_re; 34, comment; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:mapping_re; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 42; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 41; 40, identifier:re; 41, identifier:compile; 42, argument_list; 42, 43; 43, identifier:mapping_re; 44, expression_statement; 44, 45; 45, assignment; 45, 46; 45, 47; 46, identifier:filename; 47, None; 48, expression_statement; 48, 49; 49, assignment; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:map_path; 51, call; 51, 52; 51, 55; 52, attribute; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:path; 54, identifier:realpath; 55, argument_list; 55, 56; 56, call; 56, 57; 56, 60; 57, attribute; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:path; 59, identifier:expanduser; 60, argument_list; 60, 61; 61, identifier:map_path; 62, if_statement; 62, 63; 62, 69; 62, 74; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, identifier:path; 66, identifier:isfile; 67, argument_list; 67, 68; 68, identifier:map_path; 69, block; 69, 70; 70, expression_statement; 70, 71; 71, assignment; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:filename; 73, identifier:map_path; 74, elif_clause; 74, 75; 74, 81; 74, 82; 75, call; 75, 76; 75, 79; 76, attribute; 76, 77; 76, 78; 77, identifier:path; 78, identifier:isdir; 79, argument_list; 79, 80; 80, identifier:map_path; 81, comment; 82, block; 82, 83; 83, for_statement; 83, 84; 83, 85; 83, 88; 84, identifier:map_name; 85, expression_list; 85, 86; 85, 87; 86, string:'.dotfiles'; 87, string:'dotfiles'; 88, block; 88, 89; 88, 99; 89, expression_statement; 89, 90; 90, assignment; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:candidate; 92, call; 92, 93; 92, 96; 93, attribute; 93, 94; 93, 95; 94, identifier:path; 95, identifier:join; 96, argument_list; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:map_path; 98, identifier:map_name; 99, if_statement; 99, 100; 99, 106; 100, call; 100, 101; 100, 104; 101, attribute; 101, 102; 101, 103; 102, identifier:path; 103, identifier:isfile; 104, argument_list; 104, 105; 105, identifier:candidate; 106, block; 106, 107; 106, 111; 107, expression_statement; 107, 108; 108, assignment; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:filename; 110, identifier:candidate; 111, break_statement; 112, if_statement; 112, 113; 112, 116; 113, comparison_operator:is; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:filename; 115, None; 116, block; 116, 117; 117, raise_statement; 117, 118; 118, call; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:ValueError; 120, argument_list; 120, 121; 121, binary_operator:%; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, string:'No dotfile mapping found in %s'; 123, identifier:map_path; 124, if_statement; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, comparison_operator:is; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:source; 127, None; 128, block; 128, 129; 129, expression_statement; 129, 130; 130, assignment; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:source; 132, call; 132, 133; 132, 136; 133, attribute; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:path; 135, identifier:dirname; 136, argument_list; 136, 137; 137, identifier:map_path; 138, if_statement; 138, 139; 138, 142; 139, comparison_operator:is; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:dotfiles; 141, None; 142, block; 142, 143; 143, expression_statement; 143, 144; 144, assignment; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:dotfiles; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 148; 147, identifier:OrderedDict; 148, argument_list; 149, expression_statement; 149, 150; 150, assignment; 150, 151; 150, 152; 151, identifier:lineno; 152, integer:0; 153, with_statement; 153, 154; 153, 163; 154, with_clause; 154, 155; 155, with_item; 155, 156; 156, as_pattern; 156, 157; 156, 161; 157, call; 157, 158; 157, 159; 158, identifier:open; 159, argument_list; 159, 160; 160, identifier:filename; 161, as_pattern_target; 161, 162; 162, identifier:fh; 163, block; 163, 164; 164, for_statement; 164, 165; 164, 166; 164, 167; 165, identifier:line; 166, identifier:fh; 167, block; 167, 168; 167, 172; 167, 180; 167, 189; 167, 299; 167, 312; 167, 321; 168, expression_statement; 168, 169; 169, augmented_assignment:+=; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:lineno; 171, integer:1; 172, expression_statement; 172, 173; 173, assignment; 173, 174; 173, 175; 174, identifier:content; 175, call; 175, 176; 175, 179; 176, attribute; 176, 177; 176, 178; 177, identifier:line; 178, identifier:strip; 179, argument_list; 180, expression_statement; 180, 181; 181, assignment; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:match; 183, call; 183, 184; 183, 187; 184, attribute; 184, 185; 184, 186; 185, identifier:include_re; 186, identifier:match; 187, argument_list; 187, 188; 188, identifier:content; 189, if_statement; 189, 190; 189, 191; 190, identifier:match; 191, block; 191, 192; 191, 206; 191, 253; 192, expression_statement; 192, 193; 193, assignment; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, identifier:include_path; 195, call; 195, 196; 195, 204; 196, attribute; 196, 197; 196, 203; 197, call; 197, 198; 197, 201; 198, attribute; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:match; 200, identifier:group; 201, argument_list; 201, 202; 202, integer:1; 203, identifier:strip; 204, argument_list; 204, 205; 205, string:'\'"'; 206, if_statement; 206, 207; 206, 221; 206, 236; 207, parenthesized_expression; 207, 208; 208, boolean_operator:or; 208, 209; 208, 215; 209, call; 209, 210; 209, 213; 210, attribute; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:include_path; 212, identifier:startswith; 213, argument_list; 213, 214; 214, string:'/'; 215, call; 215, 216; 215, 219; 216, attribute; 216, 217; 216, 218; 217, identifier:include_path; 218, identifier:startswith; 219, argument_list; 219, 220; 220, string:'~'; 221, block; 221, 222; 222, expression_statement; 222, 223; 223, assignment; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:include_path; 225, call; 225, 226; 225, 229; 226, attribute; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, identifier:path; 228, identifier:realpath; 229, argument_list; 229, 230; 230, call; 230, 231; 230, 234; 231, attribute; 231, 232; 231, 233; 232, identifier:path; 233, identifier:expanduser; 234, argument_list; 234, 235; 235, identifier:include_path; 236, else_clause; 236, 237; 237, block; 237, 238; 238, expression_statement; 238, 239; 239, assignment; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:include_path; 241, call; 241, 242; 241, 245; 242, attribute; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:path; 244, identifier:join; 245, argument_list; 245, 246; 245, 252; 246, call; 246, 247; 246, 250; 247, attribute; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:path; 249, identifier:dirname; 250, argument_list; 250, 251; 251, identifier:filename; 252, identifier:include_path; 253, if_statement; 253, 254; 253, 260; 253, 283; 254, call; 254, 255; 254, 258; 255, attribute; 255, 256; 255, 257; 256, identifier:path; 257, identifier:exists; 258, argument_list; 258, 259; 259, identifier:include_path; 260, block; 260, 261; 260, 271; 261, expression_statement; 261, 262; 262, call; 262, 263; 262, 268; 263, attribute; 263, 264; 263, 267; 264, attribute; 264, 265; 264, 266; 265, identifier:self; 266, identifier:log; 267, identifier:debug; 268, argument_list; 268, 269; 268, 270; 269, string:'Recursively parsing mapping in %s'; 270, identifier:include_path; 271, expression_statement; 271, 272; 272, assignment; 272, 273; 272, 274; 273, identifier:dotfiles; 274, call; 274, 275; 274, 278; 275, attribute; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:self; 277, identifier:parse_mapping; 278, argument_list; 278, 279; 278, 280; 279, identifier:include_path; 280, keyword_argument; 280, 281; 280, 282; 281, identifier:dotfiles; 282, identifier:dotfiles; 283, else_clause; 283, 284; 284, block; 284, 285; 285, expression_statement; 285, 286; 286, call; 286, 287; 286, 292; 287, attribute; 287, 288; 287, 291; 288, attribute; 288, 289; 288, 290; 289, identifier:self; 290, identifier:log; 291, identifier:warning; 292, argument_list; 292, 293; 292, 297; 292, 298; 293, concatenated_string; 293, 294; 293, 295; 293, 296; 294, string:'Include command points to file or '; 295, string:'directory that does not exist, "%s",'; 296, string:' on line %d'; 297, identifier:include_path; 298, identifier:lineno; 299, if_statement; 299, 300; 299, 309; 299, 310; 300, boolean_operator:or; 300, 301; 300, 303; 301, not_operator; 301, 302; 302, identifier:content; 303, call; 303, 304; 303, 307; 304, attribute; 304, 305; 304, 306; 305, identifier:content; 306, identifier:startswith; 307, argument_list; 307, 308; 308, string:'#'; 309, comment; 310, block; 310, 311; 311, continue_statement; 312, expression_statement; 312, 313; 313, assignment; 313, 314; 313, 315; 314, identifier:match; 315, call; 315, 316; 315, 319; 316, attribute; 316, 317; 316, 318; 317, identifier:mapping_re; 318, identifier:match; 319, argument_list; 319, 320; 320, identifier:content; 321, if_statement; 321, 322; 321, 323; 321, 382; 322, identifier:match; 323, block; 323, 324; 323, 334; 323, 349; 323, 367; 323, 376; 324, expression_statement; 324, 325; 325, assignment; 325, 326; 325, 329; 326, pattern_list; 326, 327; 326, 328; 327, identifier:source_path; 328, identifier:target_path; 329, call; 329, 330; 329, 333; 330, attribute; 330, 331; 330, 332; 331, identifier:match; 332, identifier:groups; 333, argument_list; 334, expression_statement; 334, 335; 335, assignment; 335, 336; 335, 337; 336, identifier:source_path; 337, call; 337, 338; 337, 341; 338, attribute; 338, 339; 338, 340; 339, identifier:path; 340, identifier:join; 341, argument_list; 341, 342; 341, 343; 342, identifier:source; 343, call; 343, 344; 343, 347; 344, attribute; 344, 345; 344, 346; 345, identifier:source_path; 346, identifier:strip; 347, argument_list; 347, 348; 348, string:'\'"'; 349, if_statement; 349, 350; 349, 353; 350, comparison_operator:in; 350, 351; 350, 352; 351, identifier:source_path; 352, identifier:dotfiles; 353, block; 353, 354; 353, 366; 354, expression_statement; 354, 355; 355, call; 355, 356; 355, 361; 356, attribute; 356, 357; 356, 360; 357, attribute; 357, 358; 357, 359; 358, identifier:self; 359, identifier:log; 360, identifier:warning; 361, argument_list; 361, 362; 361, 365; 362, concatenated_string; 362, 363; 362, 364; 363, string:'Duplicate dotfile source "%s" '; 364, string:'on line #%d'; 365, identifier:lineno; 366, continue_statement; 367, if_statement; 367, 368; 367, 371; 368, comparison_operator:is; 368, 369; 368, 370; 369, identifier:target_path; 370, None; 371, block; 371, 372; 372, expression_statement; 372, 373; 373, assignment; 373, 374; 373, 375; 374, identifier:target_path; 375, identifier:source_path; 376, expression_statement; 376, 377; 377, assignment; 377, 378; 377, 381; 378, subscript; 378, 379; 378, 380; 379, identifier:dotfiles; 380, identifier:source_path; 381, identifier:target_path; 382, else_clause; 382, 383; 383, block; 383, 384; 384, expression_statement; 384, 385; 385, call; 385, 386; 385, 391; 386, attribute; 386, 387; 386, 390; 387, attribute; 387, 388; 387, 389; 388, identifier:self; 389, identifier:log; 390, identifier:warning; 391, argument_list; 391, 392; 391, 395; 392, concatenated_string; 392, 393; 392, 394; 393, string:'Dotfile mapping regex failed on line '; 394, string:'#%d'; 395, identifier:lineno; 396, return_statement; 396, 397; 397, identifier:dotfiles
def parse_mapping(self, map_path, source=None, dotfiles=None): """Do a simple parse of the dotfile mapping, using semicolons to separate source file name from the target file paths.""" include_re = r"""^\s*#include\s+(".+"|'.+')""" include_re = re.compile(include_re, re.I) mapping_re = r"""^("[^"]+"|\'[^\']+\'|[^\'":]+)\s*(?::\s*(.*)\s*)?$""" mapping_re = re.compile(mapping_re) filename = None map_path = path.realpath(path.expanduser(map_path)) if path.isfile(map_path): filename = map_path elif path.isdir(map_path): # try finding a mapping in the target directory for map_name in '.dotfiles', 'dotfiles': candidate = path.join(map_path, map_name) if path.isfile(candidate): filename = candidate break if filename is None: raise ValueError('No dotfile mapping found in %s' % map_path) if source is None: source = path.dirname(map_path) if dotfiles is None: dotfiles = OrderedDict() lineno = 0 with open(filename) as fh: for line in fh: lineno += 1 content = line.strip() match = include_re.match(content) if match: include_path ='\'"') if (include_path.startswith('/') or include_path.startswith('~')): include_path = path.realpath( path.expanduser(include_path)) else: include_path = path.join(path.dirname(filename), include_path) if path.exists(include_path): self.log.debug('Recursively parsing mapping in %s', include_path) dotfiles = self.parse_mapping(include_path, dotfiles=dotfiles) else: self.log.warning('Include command points to file or ' 'directory that does not exist, "%s",' ' on line %d', include_path, lineno) if not content or content.startswith('#'): # comment line or empty line continue match = mapping_re.match(content) if match: source_path, target_path = match.groups() source_path = path.join(source, source_path.strip('\'"')) if source_path in dotfiles: self.log.warning('Duplicate dotfile source "%s" ' 'on line #%d', lineno) continue if target_path is None: target_path = source_path dotfiles[source_path] = target_path else: self.log.warning('Dotfile mapping regex failed on line ' '#%d', lineno) return dotfiles
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:_add_compounds; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 4, identifier:self; 5, identifier:variant_obj; 6, identifier:info_dict; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 14; 7, 23; 7, 108; 7, 109; 7, 126; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:compound_list; 13, list:[]; 14, expression_statement; 14, 15; 15, assignment; 15, 16; 15, 17; 16, identifier:compound_entry; 17, call; 17, 18; 17, 21; 18, attribute; 18, 19; 18, 20; 19, identifier:info_dict; 20, identifier:get; 21, argument_list; 21, 22; 22, string:'Compounds'; 23, if_statement; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:compound_entry; 25, block; 25, 26; 26, for_statement; 26, 27; 26, 28; 26, 34; 27, identifier:family_annotation; 28, call; 28, 29; 28, 32; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:compound_entry; 31, identifier:split; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, string:','; 34, block; 34, 35; 34, 52; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, assignment; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:compounds; 38, call; 38, 39; 38, 50; 39, attribute; 39, 40; 39, 49; 40, subscript; 40, 41; 40, 47; 41, call; 41, 42; 41, 45; 42, attribute; 42, 43; 42, 44; 43, identifier:family_annotation; 44, identifier:split; 45, argument_list; 45, 46; 46, string:':'; 47, unary_operator:-; 47, 48; 48, integer:1; 49, identifier:split; 50, argument_list; 50, 51; 51, string:'|'; 52, for_statement; 52, 53; 52, 54; 52, 55; 53, identifier:compound; 54, identifier:compounds; 55, block; 55, 56; 55, 65; 55, 69; 55, 93; 56, expression_statement; 56, 57; 57, assignment; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:splitted_compound; 59, call; 59, 60; 59, 63; 60, attribute; 60, 61; 60, 62; 61, identifier:compound; 62, identifier:split; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 64, string:'>'; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:compound_score; 68, None; 69, if_statement; 69, 70; 69, 76; 70, comparison_operator:>; 70, 71; 70, 75; 71, call; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:len; 73, argument_list; 73, 74; 74, identifier:splitted_compound; 75, integer:1; 76, block; 76, 77; 76, 83; 77, expression_statement; 77, 78; 78, assignment; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:compound_id; 80, subscript; 80, 81; 80, 82; 81, identifier:splitted_compound; 82, integer:0; 83, expression_statement; 83, 84; 84, assignment; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:compound_score; 86, call; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:int; 88, argument_list; 88, 89; 89, subscript; 89, 90; 89, 91; 90, identifier:splitted_compound; 91, unary_operator:-; 91, 92; 92, integer:1; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, call; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:compound_list; 97, identifier:append; 98, argument_list; 98, 99; 99, call; 99, 100; 99, 101; 100, identifier:Compound; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 101, 105; 102, keyword_argument; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:variant_id; 104, identifier:compound_id; 105, keyword_argument; 105, 106; 105, 107; 106, identifier:combined_score; 107, identifier:compound_score; 108, comment; 109, expression_statement; 109, 110; 110, call; 110, 111; 110, 114; 111, attribute; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:compound_list; 113, identifier:sort; 114, argument_list; 114, 115; 114, 123; 115, keyword_argument; 115, 116; 115, 117; 116, identifier:key; 117, call; 117, 118; 117, 121; 118, attribute; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:operator; 120, identifier:attrgetter; 121, argument_list; 121, 122; 122, string:'combined_score'; 123, keyword_argument; 123, 124; 123, 125; 124, identifier:reverse; 125, True; 126, for_statement; 126, 127; 126, 128; 126, 129; 127, identifier:compound; 128, identifier:compound_list; 129, block; 129, 130; 130, expression_statement; 130, 131; 131, call; 131, 132; 131, 135; 132, attribute; 132, 133; 132, 134; 133, identifier:variant_obj; 134, identifier:add_compound; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 136, identifier:compound
def _add_compounds(self, variant_obj, info_dict): """Check if there are any compounds and add them to the variant The compounds that are added should be sorted on rank score """ compound_list = [] compound_entry = info_dict.get('Compounds') if compound_entry: for family_annotation in compound_entry.split(','): compounds = family_annotation.split(':')[-1].split('|') for compound in compounds: splitted_compound = compound.split('>') compound_score = None if len(splitted_compound) > 1: compound_id = splitted_compound[0] compound_score = int(splitted_compound[-1]) compound_list.append(Compound( variant_id=compound_id, combined_score=compound_score ) ) #Sort the compounds based on rank score compound_list.sort(key = operator.attrgetter('combined_score'), reverse=True) for compound in compound_list: variant_obj.add_compound(compound)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 15; 2, function_name:dump_xml; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 9; 3, 12; 4, identifier:props; 5, identifier:fp; 6, default_parameter; 6, 7; 6, 8; 7, identifier:comment; 8, None; 9, default_parameter; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:encoding; 11, string:'UTF-8'; 12, default_parameter; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:sort_keys; 14, False; 15, block; 15, 16; 15, 18; 15, 35; 15, 51; 16, expression_statement; 16, 17; 17, comment; 18, expression_statement; 18, 19; 19, assignment; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:fp; 21, call; 21, 22; 21, 30; 22, attribute; 22, 23; 22, 29; 23, call; 23, 24; 23, 27; 24, attribute; 24, 25; 24, 26; 25, identifier:codecs; 26, identifier:lookup; 27, argument_list; 27, 28; 28, identifier:encoding; 29, identifier:streamwriter; 30, argument_list; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:fp; 32, keyword_argument; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:errors; 34, string:'xmlcharrefreplace'; 35, expression_statement; 35, 36; 36, call; 36, 37; 36, 38; 37, identifier:print; 38, argument_list; 38, 39; 38, 48; 39, call; 39, 40; 39, 43; 40, attribute; 40, 41; 40, 42; 41, string:'<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>'; 42, identifier:format; 43, argument_list; 43, 44; 44, call; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:quoteattr; 46, argument_list; 46, 47; 47, identifier:encoding; 48, keyword_argument; 48, 49; 48, 50; 49, identifier:file; 50, identifier:fp; 51, for_statement; 51, 52; 51, 53; 51, 59; 52, identifier:s; 53, call; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:_stream_xml; 55, argument_list; 55, 56; 55, 57; 55, 58; 56, identifier:props; 57, identifier:comment; 58, identifier:sort_keys; 59, block; 59, 60; 60, expression_statement; 60, 61; 61, call; 61, 62; 61, 63; 62, identifier:print; 63, argument_list; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:s; 65, keyword_argument; 65, 66; 65, 67; 66, identifier:file; 67, identifier:fp
def dump_xml(props, fp, comment=None, encoding='UTF-8', sort_keys=False): """ Write a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a binary filehandle ``fp`` in the format of an XML properties file. The file will include both an XML declaration and a doctype declaration. :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to write to ``fp``. All keys and values in ``props`` must be text strings. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param fp: a file-like object to write the values of ``props`` to :type fp: binary file-like object :param comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements :type comment: text string or `None` :param string encoding: the name of the encoding to use for the XML document (also included in the XML declaration) :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :return: `None` """ fp = codecs.lookup(encoding).streamwriter(fp, errors='xmlcharrefreplace') print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding={0} standalone="no"?>' .format(quoteattr(encoding)), file=fp) for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys): print(s, file=fp)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 11; 2, function_name:dumps_xml; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 8; 4, identifier:props; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:comment; 7, None; 8, default_parameter; 8, 9; 8, 10; 9, identifier:sort_keys; 10, False; 11, block; 11, 12; 11, 14; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, comment; 14, return_statement; 14, 15; 15, call; 15, 16; 15, 19; 16, attribute; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, string:''; 18, identifier:join; 19, generator_expression; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, binary_operator:+; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:s; 22, string:'\n'; 23, for_in_clause; 23, 24; 23, 25; 24, identifier:s; 25, call; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:_stream_xml; 27, argument_list; 27, 28; 27, 29; 27, 30; 28, identifier:props; 29, identifier:comment; 30, identifier:sort_keys
def dumps_xml(props, comment=None, sort_keys=False): """ Convert a series ``props`` of key-value pairs to a text string containing an XML properties document. The document will include a doctype declaration but not an XML declaration. :param props: A mapping or iterable of ``(key, value)`` pairs to serialize. All keys and values in ``props`` must be text strings. If ``sort_keys`` is `False`, the entries are output in iteration order. :param comment: if non-`None`, ``comment`` will be output as a ``<comment>`` element before the ``<entry>`` elements :type comment: text string or `None` :param bool sort_keys: if true, the elements of ``props`` are sorted lexicographically by key in the output :rtype: text string """ return ''.join(s + '\n' for s in _stream_xml(props, comment, sort_keys))
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 7; 2, function_name:gene_list; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, default_parameter; 4, 5; 4, 6; 5, identifier:list_id; 6, None; 7, block; 7, 8; 7, 10; 7, 26; 7, 78; 7, 132; 7, 280; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, comment; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, assignment; 11, 12; 11, 13; 12, identifier:all_case_ids; 13, list_comprehension; 13, 14; 13, 17; 14, attribute; 14, 15; 14, 16; 15, identifier:case; 16, identifier:case_id; 17, for_in_clause; 17, 18; 17, 19; 18, identifier:case; 19, call; 19, 20; 19, 25; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 24; 21, attribute; 21, 22; 21, 23; 22, identifier:app; 23, identifier:db; 24, identifier:cases; 25, argument_list; 26, if_statement; 26, 27; 26, 28; 27, identifier:list_id; 28, block; 28, 29; 28, 40; 28, 62; 29, expression_statement; 29, 30; 30, assignment; 30, 31; 30, 32; 31, identifier:genelist_obj; 32, call; 32, 33; 32, 38; 33, attribute; 33, 34; 33, 37; 34, attribute; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:app; 36, identifier:db; 37, identifier:gene_list; 38, argument_list; 38, 39; 39, identifier:list_id; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:case_ids; 43, list_comprehension; 43, 44; 43, 47; 43, 56; 44, attribute; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:case; 46, identifier:case_id; 47, for_in_clause; 47, 48; 47, 49; 48, identifier:case; 49, call; 49, 50; 49, 55; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 54; 51, attribute; 51, 52; 51, 53; 52, identifier:app; 53, identifier:db; 54, identifier:cases; 55, argument_list; 56, if_clause; 56, 57; 57, comparison_operator:not; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:case; 59, attribute; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:genelist_obj; 61, identifier:cases; 62, if_statement; 62, 63; 62, 66; 63, comparison_operator:is; 63, 64; 63, 65; 64, identifier:genelist_obj; 65, None; 66, block; 66, 67; 67, return_statement; 67, 68; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:abort; 70, argument_list; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, integer:404; 72, call; 72, 73; 72, 76; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 75; 74, string:"gene list not found: {}"; 75, identifier:format; 76, argument_list; 76, 77; 77, identifier:list_id; 78, if_statement; 78, 79; 78, 84; 79, comparison_operator:in; 79, 80; 79, 81; 80, string:'download'; 81, attribute; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:request; 83, identifier:args; 84, block; 84, 85; 84, 99; 84, 113; 84, 122; 84, 130; 85, expression_statement; 85, 86; 86, assignment; 86, 87; 86, 88; 87, identifier:response; 88, call; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:make_response; 90, argument_list; 90, 91; 91, call; 91, 92; 91, 95; 92, attribute; 92, 93; 92, 94; 93, string:'\n'; 94, identifier:join; 95, argument_list; 95, 96; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:genelist_obj; 98, identifier:gene_ids; 99, expression_statement; 99, 100; 100, assignment; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:filename; 102, call; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:secure_filename; 104, argument_list; 104, 105; 105, call; 105, 106; 105, 109; 106, attribute; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, string:"{}.txt"; 108, identifier:format; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, attribute; 110, 111; 110, 112; 111, identifier:genelist_obj; 112, identifier:list_id; 113, expression_statement; 113, 114; 114, assignment; 114, 115; 114, 116; 115, identifier:header; 116, call; 116, 117; 116, 120; 117, attribute; 117, 118; 117, 119; 118, string:"attachment; filename={}"; 119, identifier:format; 120, argument_list; 120, 121; 121, identifier:filename; 122, expression_statement; 122, 123; 123, assignment; 123, 124; 123, 129; 124, subscript; 124, 125; 124, 128; 125, attribute; 125, 126; 125, 127; 126, identifier:response; 127, identifier:headers; 128, string:'Content-Disposition'; 129, identifier:header; 130, return_statement; 130, 131; 131, identifier:response; 132, if_statement; 132, 133; 132, 138; 133, comparison_operator:==; 133, 134; 133, 137; 134, attribute; 134, 135; 134, 136; 135, identifier:request; 136, identifier:method; 137, string:'POST'; 138, block; 138, 139; 139, if_statement; 139, 140; 139, 141; 139, 142; 139, 193; 140, identifier:list_id; 141, comment; 142, block; 142, 143; 142, 154; 143, expression_statement; 143, 144; 144, assignment; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:case_ids; 146, call; 146, 147; 146, 152; 147, attribute; 147, 148; 147, 151; 148, attribute; 148, 149; 148, 150; 149, identifier:request; 150, identifier:form; 151, identifier:getlist; 152, argument_list; 152, 153; 153, string:'case_id'; 154, for_statement; 154, 155; 154, 156; 154, 157; 155, identifier:case_id; 156, identifier:case_ids; 157, block; 157, 158; 157, 169; 158, expression_statement; 158, 159; 159, assignment; 159, 160; 159, 161; 160, identifier:case_obj; 161, call; 161, 162; 161, 167; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 166; 163, attribute; 163, 164; 163, 165; 164, identifier:app; 165, identifier:db; 166, identifier:case; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 168, identifier:case_id; 169, if_statement; 169, 170; 169, 175; 170, comparison_operator:not; 170, 171; 170, 172; 171, identifier:case_obj; 172, attribute; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:genelist_obj; 174, identifier:cases; 175, block; 175, 176; 175, 185; 176, expression_statement; 176, 177; 177, call; 177, 178; 177, 183; 178, attribute; 178, 179; 178, 182; 179, attribute; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:genelist_obj; 181, identifier:cases; 182, identifier:append; 183, argument_list; 183, 184; 184, identifier:case_obj; 185, expression_statement; 185, 186; 186, call; 186, 187; 186, 192; 187, attribute; 187, 188; 187, 191; 188, attribute; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:app; 190, identifier:db; 191, identifier:save; 192, argument_list; 193, else_clause; 193, 194; 193, 195; 194, comment; 195, block; 195, 196; 195, 204; 195, 220; 195, 236; 195, 246; 195, 264; 195, 276; 196, expression_statement; 196, 197; 197, assignment; 197, 198; 197, 199; 198, identifier:req_file; 199, subscript; 199, 200; 199, 203; 200, attribute; 200, 201; 200, 202; 201, identifier:request; 202, identifier:files; 203, string:'file'; 204, expression_statement; 204, 205; 205, assignment; 205, 206; 205, 207; 206, identifier:new_listid; 207, parenthesized_expression; 207, 208; 208, boolean_operator:or; 208, 209; 208, 214; 209, subscript; 209, 210; 209, 213; 210, attribute; 210, 211; 210, 212; 211, identifier:request; 212, identifier:form; 213, string:'list_id'; 214, call; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, identifier:secure_filename; 216, argument_list; 216, 217; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:req_file; 219, identifier:filename; 220, if_statement; 220, 221; 220, 229; 221, call; 221, 222; 221, 227; 222, attribute; 222, 223; 222, 226; 223, attribute; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:app; 225, identifier:db; 226, identifier:gene_list; 227, argument_list; 227, 228; 228, identifier:new_listid; 229, block; 229, 230; 230, return_statement; 230, 231; 231, call; 231, 232; 231, 233; 232, identifier:abort; 233, argument_list; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, integer:500; 235, string:'Please provide a unique list name'; 236, if_statement; 236, 237; 236, 239; 237, not_operator; 237, 238; 238, identifier:req_file; 239, block; 239, 240; 240, return_statement; 240, 241; 241, call; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, identifier:abort; 243, argument_list; 243, 244; 243, 245; 244, integer:500; 245, string:'Please provide a file for upload'; 246, expression_statement; 246, 247; 247, assignment; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:gene_ids; 249, list_comprehension; 249, 250; 249, 251; 249, 256; 250, identifier:line; 251, for_in_clause; 251, 252; 251, 253; 252, identifier:line; 253, attribute; 253, 254; 253, 255; 254, identifier:req_file; 255, identifier:stream; 256, if_clause; 256, 257; 257, not_operator; 257, 258; 258, call; 258, 259; 258, 262; 259, attribute; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:line; 261, identifier:startswith; 262, argument_list; 262, 263; 263, string:'#'; 264, expression_statement; 264, 265; 265, assignment; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, identifier:genelist_obj; 267, call; 267, 268; 267, 273; 268, attribute; 268, 269; 268, 272; 269, attribute; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, identifier:app; 271, identifier:db; 272, identifier:add_genelist; 273, argument_list; 273, 274; 273, 275; 274, identifier:new_listid; 275, identifier:gene_ids; 276, expression_statement; 276, 277; 277, assignment; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:case_ids; 279, identifier:all_case_ids; 280, return_statement; 280, 281; 281, call; 281, 282; 281, 283; 282, identifier:render_template; 283, argument_list; 283, 284; 283, 285; 283, 288; 284, string:'gene_list.html'; 285, keyword_argument; 285, 286; 285, 287; 286, identifier:gene_list; 287, identifier:genelist_obj; 288, keyword_argument; 288, 289; 288, 290; 289, identifier:case_ids; 290, identifier:case_ids
def gene_list(list_id=None): """Display or add a gene list.""" all_case_ids = [case.case_id for case in app.db.cases()] if list_id: genelist_obj = app.db.gene_list(list_id) case_ids = [case.case_id for case in app.db.cases() if case not in genelist_obj.cases] if genelist_obj is None: return abort(404, "gene list not found: {}".format(list_id)) if 'download' in request.args: response = make_response('\n'.join(genelist_obj.gene_ids)) filename = secure_filename("{}.txt".format(genelist_obj.list_id)) header = "attachment; filename={}".format(filename) response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = header return response if request.method == 'POST': if list_id: # link a case to the gene list case_ids = request.form.getlist('case_id') for case_id in case_ids: case_obj = if case_obj not in genelist_obj.cases: genelist_obj.cases.append(case_obj) else: # upload a new gene list req_file = request.files['file'] new_listid = (request.form['list_id'] or secure_filename(req_file.filename)) if app.db.gene_list(new_listid): return abort(500, 'Please provide a unique list name') if not req_file: return abort(500, 'Please provide a file for upload') gene_ids = [line for line in if not line.startswith('#')] genelist_obj = app.db.add_genelist(new_listid, gene_ids) case_ids = all_case_ids return render_template('gene_list.html', gene_list=genelist_obj, case_ids=case_ids)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 5; 2, function_name:get_functarguments; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 4, identifier:func; 5, block; 5, 6; 5, 8; 5, 17; 5, 77; 5, 93; 5, 99; 5, 103; 5, 110; 5, 155; 5, 290; 6, expression_statement; 6, 7; 7, comment; 8, expression_statement; 8, 9; 9, assignment; 9, 10; 9, 11; 10, identifier:argspec; 11, call; 11, 12; 11, 15; 12, attribute; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:inspect; 14, identifier:getargspec; 15, argument_list; 15, 16; 16, identifier:func; 17, if_statement; 17, 18; 17, 23; 17, 65; 18, comparison_operator:is; 18, 19; 18, 22; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 21; 20, identifier:argspec; 21, identifier:defaults; 22, None; 23, block; 23, 24; 23, 40; 24, expression_statement; 24, 25; 25, assignment; 25, 26; 25, 27; 26, identifier:args; 27, subscript; 27, 28; 27, 31; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:argspec; 30, identifier:args; 31, slice; 31, 32; 31, 33; 32, colon; 33, unary_operator:-; 33, 34; 34, call; 34, 35; 34, 36; 35, identifier:len; 36, argument_list; 36, 37; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:argspec; 39, identifier:defaults; 40, expression_statement; 40, 41; 41, assignment; 41, 42; 41, 43; 42, identifier:kwargs; 43, call; 43, 44; 43, 45; 44, identifier:dict; 45, argument_list; 45, 46; 46, call; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:zip; 48, argument_list; 48, 49; 48, 62; 49, subscript; 49, 50; 49, 53; 50, attribute; 50, 51; 50, 52; 51, identifier:argspec; 52, identifier:args; 53, slice; 53, 54; 53, 61; 54, unary_operator:-; 54, 55; 55, call; 55, 56; 55, 57; 56, identifier:len; 57, argument_list; 57, 58; 58, attribute; 58, 59; 58, 60; 59, identifier:argspec; 60, identifier:defaults; 61, colon; 62, attribute; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:argspec; 64, identifier:defaults; 65, else_clause; 65, 66; 66, block; 66, 67; 66, 73; 67, expression_statement; 67, 68; 68, assignment; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:args; 70, attribute; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:argspec; 72, identifier:args; 73, expression_statement; 73, 74; 74, assignment; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:kwargs; 76, dictionary; 77, if_statement; 77, 78; 77, 85; 78, boolean_operator:and; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:args; 80, comparison_operator:==; 80, 81; 80, 84; 81, subscript; 81, 82; 81, 83; 82, identifier:args; 83, integer:0; 84, string:'self'; 85, block; 85, 86; 86, expression_statement; 86, 87; 87, call; 87, 88; 87, 91; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, identifier:args; 90, identifier:pop; 91, argument_list; 91, 92; 92, integer:0; 93, expression_statement; 93, 94; 94, assignment; 94, 95; 94, 98; 95, attribute; 95, 96; 95, 97; 96, identifier:func; 97, identifier:__named__; 98, list:[]; 99, expression_statement; 99, 100; 100, assignment; 100, 101; 100, 102; 101, identifier:arguments; 102, list:[]; 103, expression_statement; 103, 104; 104, assignment; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:shared; 106, call; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:get_shared; 108, argument_list; 108, 109; 109, identifier:func; 110, for_statement; 110, 111; 110, 112; 110, 113; 111, identifier:arg; 112, identifier:args; 113, block; 113, 114; 113, 124; 113, 136; 113, 146; 114, if_statement; 114, 115; 114, 122; 115, comparison_operator:is; 115, 116; 115, 121; 116, call; 116, 117; 116, 118; 117, identifier:has_shared; 118, argument_list; 118, 119; 118, 120; 119, identifier:arg; 120, identifier:shared; 121, False; 122, block; 122, 123; 123, continue_statement; 124, if_statement; 124, 125; 124, 134; 125, comparison_operator:is; 125, 126; 125, 133; 126, call; 126, 127; 126, 128; 127, identifier:has_argument; 128, argument_list; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:arg; 130, attribute; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:func; 132, identifier:__cls__; 133, False; 134, block; 134, 135; 135, continue_statement; 136, expression_statement; 136, 137; 137, call; 137, 138; 137, 141; 138, attribute; 138, 139; 138, 140; 139, identifier:arguments; 140, identifier:append; 141, argument_list; 141, 142; 142, tuple; 142, 143; 142, 145; 143, list:[arg]; 143, 144; 144, identifier:arg; 145, dictionary; 146, expression_statement; 146, 147; 147, call; 147, 148; 147, 153; 148, attribute; 148, 149; 148, 152; 149, attribute; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:func; 151, identifier:__named__; 152, identifier:append; 153, argument_list; 153, 154; 154, identifier:arg; 155, for_statement; 155, 156; 155, 159; 155, 164; 156, pattern_list; 156, 157; 156, 158; 157, identifier:key; 158, identifier:val; 159, call; 159, 160; 159, 163; 160, attribute; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:kwargs; 162, identifier:items; 163, argument_list; 164, block; 164, 165; 164, 175; 164, 187; 164, 272; 164, 281; 165, if_statement; 165, 166; 165, 173; 166, comparison_operator:is; 166, 167; 166, 172; 167, call; 167, 168; 167, 169; 168, identifier:has_shared; 169, argument_list; 169, 170; 169, 171; 170, identifier:key; 171, identifier:shared; 172, False; 173, block; 173, 174; 174, continue_statement; 175, if_statement; 175, 176; 175, 185; 176, comparison_operator:is; 176, 177; 176, 184; 177, call; 177, 178; 177, 179; 178, identifier:has_argument; 179, argument_list; 179, 180; 179, 181; 180, identifier:key; 181, attribute; 181, 182; 181, 183; 182, identifier:func; 183, identifier:__cls__; 184, False; 185, block; 185, 186; 186, continue_statement; 187, if_statement; 187, 188; 187, 193; 187, 244; 188, call; 188, 189; 188, 190; 189, identifier:isinstance; 190, argument_list; 190, 191; 190, 192; 191, identifier:val; 192, identifier:dict; 193, block; 193, 194; 193, 207; 193, 217; 193, 233; 194, expression_statement; 194, 195; 195, assignment; 195, 196; 195, 197; 196, identifier:flags; 197, list:[val.pop('lflag', '--%s' % key)]; 197, 198; 198, call; 198, 199; 198, 202; 199, attribute; 199, 200; 199, 201; 200, identifier:val; 201, identifier:pop; 202, argument_list; 202, 203; 202, 204; 203, string:'lflag'; 204, binary_operator:%; 204, 205; 204, 206; 205, string:'--%s'; 206, identifier:key; 207, expression_statement; 207, 208; 208, assignment; 208, 209; 208, 210; 209, identifier:short; 210, call; 210, 211; 210, 214; 211, attribute; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:val; 213, identifier:pop; 214, argument_list; 214, 215; 214, 216; 215, string:'flag'; 216, None; 217, expression_statement; 217, 218; 218, assignment; 218, 219; 218, 220; 219, identifier:dest; 220, call; 220, 221; 220, 230; 221, attribute; 221, 222; 221, 229; 222, call; 222, 223; 222, 226; 223, attribute; 223, 224; 223, 225; 224, identifier:val; 225, identifier:get; 226, argument_list; 226, 227; 226, 228; 227, string:'dest'; 228, identifier:key; 229, identifier:replace; 230, argument_list; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, string:'-'; 232, string:'_'; 233, if_statement; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:short; 235, block; 235, 236; 236, expression_statement; 236, 237; 237, call; 237, 238; 237, 241; 238, attribute; 238, 239; 238, 240; 239, identifier:flags; 240, identifier:insert; 241, argument_list; 241, 242; 241, 243; 242, integer:0; 243, identifier:short; 244, else_clause; 244, 245; 245, block; 245, 246; 245, 253; 245, 262; 246, expression_statement; 246, 247; 247, assignment; 247, 248; 247, 249; 248, identifier:flags; 249, list:['--%s' % key]; 249, 250; 250, binary_operator:%; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, string:'--%s'; 252, identifier:key; 253, expression_statement; 253, 254; 254, assignment; 254, 255; 254, 256; 255, identifier:val; 256, call; 256, 257; 256, 258; 257, identifier:dict; 258, argument_list; 258, 259; 259, keyword_argument; 259, 260; 259, 261; 260, identifier:default; 261, identifier:val; 262, expression_statement; 262, 263; 263, assignment; 263, 264; 263, 265; 264, identifier:dest; 265, call; 265, 266; 265, 269; 266, attribute; 266, 267; 266, 268; 267, identifier:key; 268, identifier:replace; 269, argument_list; 269, 270; 269, 271; 270, string:'-'; 271, string:'_'; 272, expression_statement; 272, 273; 273, call; 273, 274; 273, 279; 274, attribute; 274, 275; 274, 278; 275, attribute; 275, 276; 275, 277; 276, identifier:func; 277, identifier:__named__; 278, identifier:append; 279, argument_list; 279, 280; 280, identifier:dest; 281, expression_statement; 281, 282; 282, call; 282, 283; 282, 286; 283, attribute; 283, 284; 283, 285; 284, identifier:arguments; 285, identifier:append; 286, argument_list; 286, 287; 287, tuple; 287, 288; 287, 289; 288, identifier:flags; 289, identifier:val; 290, return_statement; 290, 291; 291, identifier:arguments
def get_functarguments(func): """ Recupera gli argomenti dalla funzione stessa. """ argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) if argspec.defaults is not None: args = argspec.args[:-len(argspec.defaults)] kwargs = dict( zip(argspec.args[-len(argspec.defaults):], argspec.defaults)) else: args = argspec.args kwargs = {} if args and args[0] == 'self': args.pop(0) func.__named__ = [] arguments = [] shared = get_shared(func) for arg in args: if has_shared(arg, shared) is not False: continue if has_argument(arg, func.__cls__) is not False: continue arguments.append(([arg], {}, )) func.__named__.append(arg) for key, val in kwargs.items(): if has_shared(key, shared) is not False: continue if has_argument(key, func.__cls__) is not False: continue if isinstance(val, dict): flags = [val.pop('lflag', '--%s' % key)] short = val.pop('flag', None) dest = val.get('dest', key).replace('-', '_') if short: flags.insert(0, short) else: flags = ['--%s' % key] val = dict(default=val) dest = key.replace('-', '_') func.__named__.append(dest) arguments.append((flags, val, )) return arguments
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 9; 2, function_name:load; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 3, 6; 3, 7; 3, 8; 4, identifier:ctx; 5, identifier:variant_source; 6, identifier:family_file; 7, identifier:family_type; 8, identifier:root; 9, block; 9, 10; 9, 12; 9, 34; 9, 57; 9, 69; 9, 81; 9, 93; 9, 117; 9, 141; 9, 148; 9, 196; 9, 208; 9, 215; 9, 227; 9, 248; 9, 269; 9, 276; 9, 283; 10, expression_statement; 10, 11; 11, comment; 12, expression_statement; 12, 13; 13, assignment; 13, 14; 13, 15; 14, identifier:root; 15, boolean_operator:or; 15, 16; 15, 26; 16, boolean_operator:or; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:root; 18, call; 18, 19; 18, 24; 19, attribute; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:ctx; 22, identifier:obj; 23, identifier:get; 24, argument_list; 24, 25; 25, string:'root'; 26, call; 26, 27; 26, 32; 27, attribute; 27, 28; 27, 31; 28, attribute; 28, 29; 28, 30; 29, identifier:os; 30, identifier:path; 31, identifier:expanduser; 32, argument_list; 32, 33; 33, string:"~/.puzzle"; 34, if_statement; 34, 35; 34, 43; 35, call; 35, 36; 35, 41; 36, attribute; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, attribute; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:os; 39, identifier:path; 40, identifier:isfile; 41, argument_list; 41, 42; 42, identifier:root; 43, block; 43, 44; 43, 51; 44, expression_statement; 44, 45; 45, call; 45, 46; 45, 49; 46, attribute; 46, 47; 46, 48; 47, identifier:logger; 48, identifier:error; 49, argument_list; 49, 50; 50, string:"'root' can't be a file"; 51, expression_statement; 51, 52; 52, call; 52, 53; 52, 56; 53, attribute; 53, 54; 53, 55; 54, identifier:ctx; 55, identifier:abort; 56, argument_list; 57, expression_statement; 57, 58; 58, call; 58, 59; 58, 62; 59, attribute; 59, 60; 59, 61; 60, identifier:logger; 61, identifier:info; 62, argument_list; 62, 63; 63, call; 63, 64; 63, 67; 64, attribute; 64, 65; 64, 66; 65, string:"Root directory is: {}"; 66, identifier:format; 67, argument_list; 67, 68; 68, identifier:root; 69, expression_statement; 69, 70; 70, assignment; 70, 71; 70, 72; 71, identifier:db_path; 72, call; 72, 73; 72, 78; 73, attribute; 73, 74; 73, 77; 74, attribute; 74, 75; 74, 76; 75, identifier:os; 76, identifier:path; 77, identifier:join; 78, argument_list; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:root; 80, string:'puzzle_db.sqlite3'; 81, expression_statement; 81, 82; 82, call; 82, 83; 82, 86; 83, attribute; 83, 84; 83, 85; 84, identifier:logger; 85, identifier:info; 86, argument_list; 86, 87; 87, call; 87, 88; 87, 91; 88, attribute; 88, 89; 88, 90; 89, string:"db path is: {}"; 90, identifier:format; 91, argument_list; 91, 92; 92, identifier:db_path; 93, if_statement; 93, 94; 93, 103; 94, not_operator; 94, 95; 95, call; 95, 96; 95, 101; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 100; 97, attribute; 97, 98; 97, 99; 98, identifier:os; 99, identifier:path; 100, identifier:exists; 101, argument_list; 101, 102; 102, identifier:db_path; 103, block; 103, 104; 103, 111; 104, expression_statement; 104, 105; 105, call; 105, 106; 105, 109; 106, attribute; 106, 107; 106, 108; 107, identifier:logger; 108, identifier:warn; 109, argument_list; 109, 110; 110, string:"database not initialized, run 'puzzle init'"; 111, expression_statement; 111, 112; 112, call; 112, 113; 112, 116; 113, attribute; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:ctx; 115, identifier:abort; 116, argument_list; 117, if_statement; 117, 118; 117, 127; 118, not_operator; 118, 119; 119, call; 119, 120; 119, 125; 120, attribute; 120, 121; 120, 124; 121, attribute; 121, 122; 121, 123; 122, identifier:os; 123, identifier:path; 124, identifier:isfile; 125, argument_list; 125, 126; 126, identifier:variant_source; 127, block; 127, 128; 127, 135; 128, expression_statement; 128, 129; 129, call; 129, 130; 129, 133; 130, attribute; 130, 131; 130, 132; 131, identifier:logger; 132, identifier:error; 133, argument_list; 133, 134; 134, string:"Variant source has to be a file"; 135, expression_statement; 135, 136; 136, call; 136, 137; 136, 140; 137, attribute; 137, 138; 137, 139; 138, identifier:ctx; 139, identifier:abort; 140, argument_list; 141, expression_statement; 141, 142; 142, assignment; 142, 143; 142, 144; 143, identifier:mode; 144, call; 144, 145; 144, 146; 145, identifier:get_file_type; 146, argument_list; 146, 147; 147, identifier:variant_source; 148, if_statement; 148, 149; 148, 152; 148, 166; 148, 167; 149, comparison_operator:==; 149, 150; 149, 151; 150, identifier:mode; 151, string:'unknown'; 152, block; 152, 153; 152, 160; 153, expression_statement; 153, 154; 154, call; 154, 155; 154, 158; 155, attribute; 155, 156; 155, 157; 156, identifier:logger; 157, identifier:error; 158, argument_list; 158, 159; 159, string:"Unknown file type"; 160, expression_statement; 160, 161; 161, call; 161, 162; 161, 165; 162, attribute; 162, 163; 162, 164; 163, identifier:ctx; 164, identifier:abort; 165, argument_list; 166, comment; 167, elif_clause; 167, 168; 167, 171; 168, comparison_operator:==; 168, 169; 168, 170; 169, identifier:mode; 170, string:'gemini'; 171, block; 171, 172; 171, 179; 172, expression_statement; 172, 173; 173, call; 173, 174; 173, 177; 174, attribute; 174, 175; 174, 176; 175, identifier:logger; 176, identifier:debug; 177, argument_list; 177, 178; 178, string:"Initialzing GEMINI plugin"; 179, if_statement; 179, 180; 179, 182; 180, not_operator; 180, 181; 181, identifier:GEMINI; 182, block; 182, 183; 182, 190; 183, expression_statement; 183, 184; 184, call; 184, 185; 184, 188; 185, attribute; 185, 186; 185, 187; 186, identifier:logger; 187, identifier:error; 188, argument_list; 188, 189; 189, string:"Need to have gemini installed to use gemini plugin"; 190, expression_statement; 190, 191; 191, call; 191, 192; 191, 195; 192, attribute; 192, 193; 192, 194; 193, identifier:ctx; 194, identifier:abort; 195, argument_list; 196, expression_statement; 196, 197; 197, call; 197, 198; 197, 201; 198, attribute; 198, 199; 198, 200; 199, identifier:logger; 200, identifier:debug; 201, argument_list; 201, 202; 202, call; 202, 203; 202, 206; 203, attribute; 203, 204; 203, 205; 204, string:'Set puzzle backend to {0}'; 205, identifier:format; 206, argument_list; 206, 207; 207, identifier:mode; 208, expression_statement; 208, 209; 209, assignment; 209, 210; 209, 211; 210, identifier:variant_type; 211, call; 211, 212; 211, 213; 212, identifier:get_variant_type; 213, argument_list; 213, 214; 214, identifier:variant_source; 215, expression_statement; 215, 216; 216, call; 216, 217; 216, 220; 217, attribute; 217, 218; 217, 219; 218, identifier:logger; 219, identifier:debug; 220, argument_list; 220, 221; 221, call; 221, 222; 221, 225; 222, attribute; 222, 223; 222, 224; 223, string:'Set variant type to {0}'; 224, identifier:format; 225, argument_list; 225, 226; 226, identifier:variant_type; 227, expression_statement; 227, 228; 228, assignment; 228, 229; 228, 230; 229, identifier:cases; 230, call; 230, 231; 230, 232; 231, identifier:get_cases; 232, argument_list; 232, 233; 232, 236; 232, 239; 232, 242; 232, 245; 233, keyword_argument; 233, 234; 233, 235; 234, identifier:variant_source; 235, identifier:variant_source; 236, keyword_argument; 236, 237; 236, 238; 237, identifier:case_lines; 238, identifier:family_file; 239, keyword_argument; 239, 240; 239, 241; 240, identifier:case_type; 241, identifier:family_type; 242, keyword_argument; 242, 243; 242, 244; 243, identifier:variant_type; 244, identifier:variant_type; 245, keyword_argument; 245, 246; 245, 247; 246, identifier:variant_mode; 247, identifier:mode; 248, if_statement; 248, 249; 248, 255; 249, comparison_operator:==; 249, 250; 249, 254; 250, call; 250, 251; 250, 252; 251, identifier:len; 252, argument_list; 252, 253; 253, identifier:cases; 254, integer:0; 255, block; 255, 256; 255, 263; 256, expression_statement; 256, 257; 257, call; 257, 258; 257, 261; 258, attribute; 258, 259; 258, 260; 259, identifier:logger; 260, identifier:warning; 261, argument_list; 261, 262; 262, string:"No cases found"; 263, expression_statement; 263, 264; 264, call; 264, 265; 264, 268; 265, attribute; 265, 266; 265, 267; 266, identifier:ctx; 267, identifier:abort; 268, argument_list; 269, expression_statement; 269, 270; 270, call; 270, 271; 270, 274; 271, attribute; 271, 272; 271, 273; 272, identifier:logger; 273, identifier:info; 274, argument_list; 274, 275; 275, string:"Initializing sqlite plugin"; 276, expression_statement; 276, 277; 277, assignment; 277, 278; 277, 279; 278, identifier:store; 279, call; 279, 280; 279, 281; 280, identifier:SqlStore; 281, argument_list; 281, 282; 282, identifier:db_path; 283, for_statement; 283, 284; 283, 285; 283, 286; 284, identifier:case_obj; 285, identifier:cases; 286, block; 286, 287; 286, 314; 286, 315; 286, 329; 287, if_statement; 287, 288; 287, 298; 288, comparison_operator:is; 288, 289; 288, 297; 289, call; 289, 290; 289, 293; 290, attribute; 290, 291; 290, 292; 291, identifier:store; 292, identifier:case; 293, argument_list; 293, 294; 294, attribute; 294, 295; 294, 296; 295, identifier:case_obj; 296, identifier:case_id; 297, None; 298, block; 298, 299; 298, 313; 299, expression_statement; 299, 300; 300, call; 300, 301; 300, 304; 301, attribute; 301, 302; 301, 303; 302, identifier:logger; 303, identifier:warn; 304, argument_list; 304, 305; 305, call; 305, 306; 305, 309; 306, attribute; 306, 307; 306, 308; 307, string:"{} already exists in the database"; 308, identifier:format; 309, argument_list; 309, 310; 310, attribute; 310, 311; 310, 312; 311, identifier:case_obj; 312, identifier:case_id; 313, continue_statement; 314, comment; 315, expression_statement; 315, 316; 316, call; 316, 317; 316, 320; 317, attribute; 317, 318; 317, 319; 318, identifier:logger; 319, identifier:debug; 320, argument_list; 320, 321; 321, call; 321, 322; 321, 325; 322, attribute; 322, 323; 322, 324; 323, string:"adding case: {} to puzzle db"; 324, identifier:format; 325, argument_list; 325, 326; 326, attribute; 326, 327; 326, 328; 327, identifier:case_obj; 328, identifier:case_id; 329, expression_statement; 329, 330; 330, call; 330, 331; 330, 334; 331, attribute; 331, 332; 331, 333; 332, identifier:store; 333, identifier:add_case; 334, argument_list; 334, 335; 334, 336; 334, 339; 335, identifier:case_obj; 336, keyword_argument; 336, 337; 336, 338; 337, identifier:vtype; 338, identifier:variant_type; 339, keyword_argument; 339, 340; 339, 341; 340, identifier:mode; 341, identifier:mode
def load(ctx, variant_source, family_file, family_type, root): """ Load a variant source into the database. If no database was found run puzzle init first. 1. VCF: If a vcf file is used it can be loaded with a ped file 2. GEMINI: Ped information will be retreived from the gemini db """ root = root or ctx.obj.get('root') or os.path.expanduser("~/.puzzle") if os.path.isfile(root): logger.error("'root' can't be a file") ctx.abort()"Root directory is: {}".format(root)) db_path = os.path.join(root, 'puzzle_db.sqlite3')"db path is: {}".format(db_path)) if not os.path.exists(db_path): logger.warn("database not initialized, run 'puzzle init'") ctx.abort() if not os.path.isfile(variant_source): logger.error("Variant source has to be a file") ctx.abort() mode = get_file_type(variant_source) if mode == 'unknown': logger.error("Unknown file type") ctx.abort() #Test if gemini is installed elif mode == 'gemini': logger.debug("Initialzing GEMINI plugin") if not GEMINI: logger.error("Need to have gemini installed to use gemini plugin") ctx.abort() logger.debug('Set puzzle backend to {0}'.format(mode)) variant_type = get_variant_type(variant_source) logger.debug('Set variant type to {0}'.format(variant_type)) cases = get_cases( variant_source=variant_source, case_lines=family_file, case_type=family_type, variant_type=variant_type, variant_mode=mode ) if len(cases) == 0: logger.warning("No cases found") ctx.abort()"Initializing sqlite plugin") store = SqlStore(db_path) for case_obj in cases: if is not None: logger.warn("{} already exists in the database" .format(case_obj.case_id)) continue # extract case information logger.debug("adding case: {} to puzzle db".format(case_obj.case_id)) store.add_case(case_obj, vtype=variant_type, mode=mode)
0, module; 0, 1; 1, function_definition; 1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 8; 2, function_name:toposort; 3, parameters; 3, 4; 3, 5; 4, identifier:graph; 5, default_parameter; 5, 6; 5, 7; 6, identifier:pick_first; 7, string:'head'; 8, block; 8, 9; 8, 11; 8, 15; 8, 56; 8, 61; 8, 65; 8, 71; 8, 157; 8, 158; 8, 176; 9, expression_statement; 9, 10; 10, comment; 11, expression_statement; 11, 12; 12, assignment; 12, 13; 12, 14; 13, identifier:in_deg; 14, dictionary; 15, for_statement; 15, 16; 15, 19; 15, 25; 16, pattern_list; 16, 17; 16, 18; 17, identifier:node; 18, identifier:next_nodes; 19, call; 19, 20; 19, 23; 20, attribute; 20, 21; 20, 22; 21, identifier:six; 22, identifier:iteritems; 23, argument_list; 23, 24; 24, identifier:graph; 25, block; 25, 26; 26, for_statement; 26, 27; 26, 28; 26, 35; 27, identifier:next_node; 28, list:[next_nodes.head_node, next_nodes.update_node]; 28, 29; 28, 32; 29, attribute; 29, 30; 29, 31; 30, identifier:next_nodes; 31, identifier:head_node; 32, attribute; 32, 33; 32, 34; 33, identifier:next_nodes; 34, identifier:update_node; 35, block; 35, 36; 35, 42; 36, if_statement; 36, 37; 36, 40; 37, comparison_operator:is; 37, 38; 37, 39; 38, identifier:next_node; 39, None; 40, block; 40, 41; 41, continue_statement; 42, expression_statement; 42, 43; 43, assignment; 43, 44; 43, 47; 44, subscript; 44, 45; 44, 46; 45, identifier:in_deg; 46, identifier:next_node; 47, binary_operator:+; 47, 48; 47, 55; 48, call; 48, 49; 48, 52; 49, attribute; 49, 50; 49, 51; 50, identifier:in_deg; 51, identifier:get; 52, argument_list; 52, 53; 52, 54; 53, identifier:next_node; 54, integer:0; 55, integer:1; 56, expression_statement; 56, 57; 57, assignment; 57, 58; 57, 59; 58, identifier:stk; 59, list:[FIRST]; 59, 60; 60, identifier:FIRST; 61, expression_statement; 61, 62; 62, assignment; 62, 63; 62, 64; 63, identifier:ordered; 64, list:[]; 65, expression_statement; 65, 66; 66, assignment; 66, 67; 66, 68; 67, identifier:visited; 68, call; 68, 69; 68, 70; 69, identifier:set; 70, argument_list; 71, while_statement; 71, 72; 71, 73; 72, identifier:stk; 73, block; 73, 74; 73, 82; 73, 89; 73, 101; 73, 117; 74, expression_statement; 74, 75; 75, assignment; 75, 76; 75, 77; 76, identifier:node; 77, call; 77, 78; 77, 81; 78, attribute; 78, 79; 78, 80; 79, identifier:stk; 80, identifier:pop; 81, argument_list; 82, expression_statement; 82, 83; 83, call; 83, 84; 83, 87; 84, attribute; 84, 85; 84, 86; 85, identifier:visited; 86, identifier:add; 87, argument_list; 87, 88; 88, identifier:node; 89, if_statement; 89, 90; 89, 93; 90, comparison_operator:!=; 90, 91; 90, 92; 91, identifier:node; 92, identifier:FIRST; 93, block; 93, 94; 94, expression_statement; 94, 95; 95, call; 95, 96; 95, 99; 96, attribute; 96, 97; 96, 98; 97, identifier:ordered; 98, identifier:append; 99, argument_list; 99, 100; 100, identifier:node; 101, expression_statement; 101, 102; 102, assignment; 102, 103; 102, 104; 103, identifier:traversal; 104, call; 104, 105; 104, 106; 105, identifier:_get_traversal; 106, argument_list; 106, 107; 106, 116; 107, call; 107, 108; 107, 111; 108, attribute; 108, 109; 108, 110; 109, identifier:graph; 110, identifier:get; 111, argument_list; 111, 112; 111, 113; 112, identifier:node; 113, call; 113, 114; 113, 115; 114, identifier:BeforeNodes; 115, argument_list; 116, identifier:pick_first; 117, for_statement; 117, 118; 117, 119; 117, 120; 118, identifier:next_node; 119, identifier:traversal; 120, block; 120, 121; 120, 127; 120, 137; 120, 143; 121, if_statement; 121, 122; 121, 125; 122, comparison_operator:is; 122, 123; 122, 124; 123, identifier:next_node; 124, None; 125, block; 125, 126; 126, continue_statement; 127, if_statement; 127, 128; 127, 131; 128, comparison_operator:in; 128, 129; 128, 130; 129, identifier:next_node; 130, identifier:visited; 131, block; 131, 132; 132, raise_statement; 132, 133; 133, call; 133, 134; 133, 135; 134, identifier:ValueError; 135, argument_list; 135, 136; 136, string:'Graph has a cycle'; 137, expression_statement; 137, 138; 138, augmented_assignment:-=; 138, 139; 138, 142; 139, subscript; 139, 140; 139, 141; 140, identifier:in_deg; 141, identifier:next_node; 142, integer:1; 143, if_statement; 143, 144; 143, 149; 144, comparison_operator:==; 144, 145; 144, 148; 145, subscript; 145, 146; 145, 147; 146, identifier:in_deg; 147, identifier:next_node; 148, integer:0; 149, block; 149, 150; 150, expression_statement; 150, 151; 151, call; 151, 152; 151, 155; 152, attribute; 152, 153; 152, 154; 153, identifier:stk; 154, identifier:append; 155, argument_list; 155, 156; 156, identifier:next_node; 157, comment; 158, if_statement; 158, 159; 158, 170; 159, comparison_operator:!=; 159, 160; 159, 164; 160, call; 160, 161; 160, 162; 161, identifier:len; 162, argument_list; 162, 163; 163, identifier:ordered; 164, binary_operator:-; 164, 165; 164, 169; 165, call; 165, 166; 165, 167; 166, identifier:len; 167, argument_list; 167, 168; 168, identifier:graph; 169, integer:1; 170, block; 170, 171; 171, raise_statement; 171, 172; 172, call; 172, 173; 172, 174; 173, identifier:ValueError; 174, argument_list; 174, 175; 175, string:'Graph has a cycle'; 176, return_statement; 176, 177; 177, identifier:ordered
def toposort(graph, pick_first='head'): """Toplogically sorts a list match graph. Tries to perform a topological sort using as tiebreaker the pick_first argument. If the graph contains cycles, raise ValueError. """ in_deg = {} for node, next_nodes in six.iteritems(graph): for next_node in [next_nodes.head_node, next_nodes.update_node]: if next_node is None: continue in_deg[next_node] = in_deg.get(next_node, 0) + 1 stk = [FIRST] ordered = [] visited = set() while stk: node = stk.pop() visited.add(node) if node != FIRST: ordered.append(node) traversal = _get_traversal(graph.get(node, BeforeNodes()), pick_first) for next_node in traversal: if next_node is None: continue if next_node in visited: raise ValueError('Graph has a cycle') in_deg[next_node] -= 1 if in_deg[next_node] == 0: stk.append(next_node) # Nodes may not be walked because they don't reach in degree 0. if len(ordered) != len(graph) - 1: raise ValueError('Graph has a cycle') return ordered