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<s>[INST] What could dizziness with chest pulsations suggest? [/INST] You should see your doctor to consider evaluating your heart for any irregularities in rhythm. He or she may offer a Holter monitor. Other considerations are panic attacks and pheochromocytoma. </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] What is the remedy for fatigue when on diet plan for liver,bilirubin and campral? [/INST] Hello,Kindly let us know your clinical complaint and SGPT, SGOT value for giving more comment. You might have ascites for which fluid might drain as fluid drainage mentioned in history. USG abdomen scan should be done to look for liver pathology. In jaundice viral markers also need to be done that is serum HAV antibody detection by Elisa, HBsAg detection by Elisa, Anti HCV ELISA testing. According to clinical history and reports, further management plan decided. Consult gastroenterologist or physician for examination.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Parth Goswami </s> |
<s>[INST] Pain in the back. Anything to be concerned? [/INST] Hello, Welcome at HCM.I have read details of your question.Pattern of your pain in medical terms is known as pain radiating from loin to groin.Such type of pain is generally seen due to presence of stone in kidney or ureter(tube connecting kidney to urinary bladder).You should do following to have relief--Consult to a general physician.-Get routine blood investigation,ULTRASONOGRPAHY WHOLE ABDOMEN & COMPLETE URINE EXAMINATION.-Drink plenty of water,at least 6-8 glasses per day.-Take an analgesic with anti spasmodic like dicylomine .This will give you relief in pain.-In case report comes in favor of stone then depending on size of stone your doctor will advice you treatment(which can be either medicines or surgery).In other case this pain may be due to strain & you can get relief with few days course of analgesic & physiotherapy.Hope this all will help you.Wish you a happy & healthy life.With best wishes. </s> |
<s>[INST] Does flaky belly button lead to cancer? [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM.Yes, you are right. Continuous irritation of any skin part can lead to skin malignancy. But chances are very rare.Belly button is common site for this. As alot of perspiration accumulate in that area. Ans you told that your hygiene for this part was not good. Which again is a risk factor.And constant rubbing, friction, blackening, irritation lead to skin infection mostly and rarely malignancy.So I advice you to check1. sugar levek as diabetes can cause similar skin condition.2. Wear cottin clothes. Avoid tight clothings.3. Maintain proper hygiene of this part.4. Consult dermatologist for proper clinical examination. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest remedy to overcome paranoia of driving car after accident [/INST] Hello You have intense anxiety after car accident. You have symptoms like fear on seeing a cop, or when some helicopter flies over house or when someone knocks on door. You are not able to control that anxiety and fear. Most likely these are the symptoms of anxiety. Other possibility is PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder. After severe accident some individuals develop fear and anxiety associated with night mares and hyperarousal. I would advise you to visit a Psychiatrist for expert treatment. Medicines like Fluoxetine, Escitalopram, Sertraline etc are used in anxiety. These medicines helps in depressive symptoms also. You can also try non-pharmacological treatment as relaxation exercise, yoga, meditation, behaviour therapy etc. Thanks </s> |
<s>[INST] Difficulty in breathing, light headed, seizure. Drinks lots of soda. Treatment? [/INST] Hi,It seems that this might be due to some cerebro vascular insufficiency occurring at this age.Consult neuro physician and get investigated.Ok and take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] What does an enlarged prostate suggest? [/INST] Hello,It means all alright, prostate is enlarged, bladder wall is thickened due to effect that bladder has to work hard to move urine through prostate.No lymph nodes means no growth in draining from prostate, it means no cancer in prostate. In cancer, prostate lymph nodes must be been enlarged, bony pelvis is alright means no tumor extension.All reports suggest no cancer in prostate and so no metastatic deposits in surrounding areas. Take treatment for prostate bladder wall will recover by itself.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Varinder Joshi </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes the increase of WBC count? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Health Care Magic. I read your history and your are worried about episodic rise in WBC count. I must tell you the causes which are responsible for increase in WBC are following-infection... can be viral, bacterial or fungal-inflammation anywhere in the body due to foreign insult-allergies of any type-leukemia-other bonemarrow disordersI would suggest you get the following tests done -Complete blood count with differential count-Liver and renal function test-blood & urine culture and sensitvity-chest xray consult your local physician to formulate future plan based on these tests. If everything comes normal you can go for bone marrow biopsy too.Hope I have answered your query. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish you good health. </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. How can I increase my breast milk production? [/INST] Hi. Breast milk secretion works on a demand-supply basis. The more you breastfeed, the more milk is produced. Here is what you can do to increase your breastmilk supply: For more information consult a lactation counselor online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. For how long should I take Kalachikai powder to overcome PCOD problem? [/INST] Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes painful burning sensation in the knees? [/INST] Hello,Bursitis is a possible cause. However, other possible causes may include arthritis/osteoarthritis, mechanical pain, and tendinitis. I will suggest you try the following:• Take a pain/anti-inflammatory drug like Tylenol• A local pain gel like voltarene• Rest well and observeIf pain persists, you see the doctor for examination and other treatment options.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Mbuomboh Veranso </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes excess body itching in elderly? [/INST] Hello,Thank you for the question and welcome to Healthcaremagic!In order to help you more i will need some more information about your father's condition like where is the itching located?is the itching area has any boil/discharge/ulcer/redness? Does he suffer from any chronic disease?From the limited information from the question it seems your father can be suffering from atopic dermatitis which is seasonal.As this is a chronic condition, there is no permanent cure. It is managed by diet by including less of sour food and any cloth or climate area. Medicines includes episodic antihistamines.For reply to my questions message me back to help you better.Takecare! </s> |
<s>[INST] How to get rid of warts on hands, elbow and eyelid? [/INST] Wart is a contagious infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. Warts are usually self-limiting usually smaller warts resolve spontaneously, but treatment is given to reduce pain, decrease duration, and reduce transmission as it is contagious and spread by direct and indirect contact. You don’t have to worry if you are not immune-compromised. In patients with compromised immune system like patient with organ/bone marrow transplant, warts spread rapidly and are bigger is size.Advice 1. Apply salicylic acid 6% locally twice daily but do not apply this in facial or eyelid wart. Apply it on hand and feet wart only2. Cover them with adhesive bandage while swimming3. Wear flip-flops when using communal bathroom4. Do not share your wardrobe and towel with anyone5. Take high protein diet like egg, milk & cheese to enhance immunity6. Take Revital capsule one capsule daily for 1 month to boost immunity7. Be happy and cool as any kind of mental stress aggravates wartSurgery is used to treat resistant wart.Thanks!! </s> |
<s>[INST] What can cause pain in the testicle along with lower backache and abdominal pain? [/INST] Hello, It may be due to testicular torsion. For further assessment, you may require ultrasound scrotum after physician consultation. For pain, you can take tablet acetaminophen. Do regular physical therapy. Avoid strenuous activity. Use scrotum support. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr Shyam Kale, Family and general physician </s> |
<s>[INST] What is the life expectancy for triple vessel coronary disease with diabetics? [/INST] Hello ,Your doctor is quite right in all the decisions he has taken . opening up the culprit large size artery will help us tide over the crisis . Also at 81 years , This might be enough along with medication to help him live a normal life free of any symptoms. If at a later date in spite of optimisation of medicines he still has symptoms which impairs his quality of life , one may go for an elective angioplasty for left side vessels . There is no way that one can predict the life . Considering that acute crisis has been tied over and if there is not much damage to the heart muscle he should do good for at least short of some years . also we have to understand that angioplasty is not going to improve his lifespan , but would give him a better quality of life .Regards Dr. Priyank Mody </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes intermittent chest pain [/INST] Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read your question and I understand your concern.I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion.You should know that chest pains might have different reasons like cardiac, skeletic, muscular or gastrointestinal.Usaly cardiac chest pains have some characteristics. They usually are retro-sternal pains like squizzing , tightness or heaviness. They irradiate to both arms , neck and jaw and last from 5-20 minutes.But this heart pains and problems are manifested in older ages, not in very young age like yours.Another reason might be a muscular issue.This are pains that last long, are effected by different movements ect.Another reason in younger ages might be just stress or neurotic pains that come and go.So, if I was your treating doctor I will recommend a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a thorax rx and a fool blood analyze.If this result normal than you should not worry.Hope I was helpfull.Best regards, Dr.Ervina. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes fluid in the ribs and knots on the spine between #6 and #7? [/INST] Hello, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your daughter's symptoms are suggestive of a possible bulging intervertebral disc bulging, which is causing a pinched nerve root and irradiating nerve pain in the arm. For this reason, I recommend consulting with a neurologist for a physical exam and a cervical spine MRI study. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes recurring gallbladder attacks? [/INST] Hi welcome to HCM...You are having problem of recurrent cholecystitis secondary to gall stone ...Symptomatic management with antibiotic is mainstay of treatment for acute attack ..Meanwhile take low fatty food...Fruits more ..Heavy meal restricted ....As you have symptomatic gall stone , you needs an gall bladder removal....Means cholecystectomy needs in your case ...Until operation done you can take udiliv tablet ...Take careAdvise : Consult General surgeon or gastrosurgeon for operation... </s> |
<s>[INST] Suffering from Oligospermia. What are the treatment methods for increasing the sperm count? [/INST] Dear Amit, I would advice you Ayurveda specialist consultation, that can prescribe you right medication, diet and professional support in this matter. Your condition can be reversible if you will follow your Doctor advice. You must know that semen analysis must also include sperm volume, quality, density, motility, morphology. Additionally you can request hormonal analysis. I wish you good luck and if you have additional queries , don’t hesitate to ask. </s> |
<s>[INST] What to do for asthma problem? [/INST] Hello Anup,Thank you for asking at HCM.I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions for you:1. Breathing exercises, Yoga and Pranayam have now scientific back up for improving lung capacity in asthma patients. But they should be learned under professional guidance. I would suggest you to be trained by a qualified person.2. First of all, I would personally suggest you to take regular medicines (montelukast and/or inhaled corticosteroids) after consulting your doctor.This is because, as you are having repeated asthma attacks, they need to be controlled first. Breathing exercises & Pranayama cannot be used alone to treat asthma. They take time to be effective and they need to be performed regularly for long time.Once your asthma is under good control, your drugs can safely be decreased under guidance of doctor.3. I would also suggest you to get allergy testing done which will help you to know the substances you are allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them.4. A healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc) and avoidance of stress (both physical and psychological) are also very important to strengthen your immunity and will be helpful in a long run.5. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes & air pollution as much as possible.6. Please be sure that asthma is not a disorder of airways, it has a deep relation with immune system.Hope above suggestions and information will be helpful to you.Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at HCM.Wish you the best of the health.Thank you & Regards. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes severe cough with tightness in chest? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your situation and problem. Yes, possibility of spread of infection is high in your case. Asthma patients have higher chance of lung Infection. Since you are asthmatic and your symptoms like cough, breathlessness etc favours possibility of lung Infection more. Your child recently had pneumonia and you are taking care of him. Lung infection spreads through droplet infection by coughing and sneezing. So you might be infected through your child's pneumonia. So better to consult doctor and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x ray to rule out pneumonia. You may need antibiotics, mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Inhaled bronchodilators are also needed if you are having breathlessness. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s> |
<s>[INST] Pain from left arm to foot after having food. [/INST] Hi, Get an orthopedic consultation done for examination of spine. Spinal cord lesions can cause similar type of problems. Regards Dr. Naveen Kumar </s> |
<s>[INST] Is branchoscopy a good solution for removing mucus collected in the lungs? [/INST] Hello,I understand your concern. When the mucus in the airways is not removed with medication, physiotherapy and caughing, broncoscopy removal becomes necessary in order to prevent lung collapse due to a persistent mucus plug. So, in my opinion, her doctor is right and should go ahead and do it, after all else has failed.Completing the course of antibiotics prescribed is also essential to her recovery.Wishing you good health and all the best. </s> |
<s>[INST] Can a spider bite cause dizziness, headache and nausea? [/INST] Hello Dear I evaluated your query in depth .@ Certain spiders as widow spiders are known to produce Latrodectism with neurotoxic venom ; recluse spiders cause loxoscelism which are associated with nausea, vomiting , head ache , mild fever , muscle cramps also .@ I warrant immediate attention to the ER for further evaluation & management rather than wasting any time further .Hope this will help you definitely.Feel free to ask any health related query in future .Thanks for using Health care magic.Regards . </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for severe shoulder blade pain and arm pain [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case with diligence.As per your symptom and history there is possibility of acute muscle spasm in neck due to bad posture or there can be cervical disc compression.Due to compression of this nerve root there is pain associated with it.For these symptoms muscle relaxant with analgesic and neurotropic medication can be started consulting your treating doctor.Till time take rest and continue analgesic available over the counter take rest, and hot fomentation. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and interferential therapy will give quick relief.You may need to do MRI cervical spine if symptoms persist.I will advise to check your vit B12 and vit D3 level.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health.Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Could anemia cause heart palpitations and pale lips [/INST] Hello, thnx to contact HCM. Yes anemia can cause the symptoms in the question. Even eating chalk is very bad thing for her. If I am the treating doctor of her I advice you to start the injectable iron supplements to recover her from such a anemia. Even if possible give him one blood transfusion. Than start the injectable iron treatment. If you require anymore information please contact me. Dr. Arun Tank </s> |
<s>[INST] Chronic acne. Using tretiva, stopped, recurring symptoms. Will clinoxid, azithromycin provide complete cure? [/INST] hi..Thanks for your query I would like to mention here that Acne can present in several forms. This includes whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflammed patches of skin (such as cysts).In the course of evolution, you may have any or all of these.Sometimes ,over a period of time, even if you are under a specific for of therapy,one agent might not be enough to handle it completely.This is based on the various internal hormonal stimuli as well, which can change several times in a month or year. Although you have been compliant with the methods advised to you, I feel that only this agent in the lowest dose might not suffice now.there may be a need of addition in oral /topical therapies.U have not mentioned your age now.Tretiva is a medicine which has potential side effects if used continuously,hence it is good to use the other agent now. You can do a few sittings of Salicylic acid peels with qualified dermatologist to attain more sustained results without the potential side- effects of Retinoid therapy. Hope this helps..take care U definitely do not need to stop anything now, however please visits the doctor early so that there are no delays in the onset of more efficacious therapies. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest medication for Parkinson's disease [/INST] Hello Thank you for trusting HCM Dear here is the some of the reasons for poor response to Parkinson's disease. 1.diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is wrong (presence of "Parkinson-plus syndrome", etc)2. drug interaction affecting levodopa like increased clearance, poor absorption, blocking at receptor sites(3) insufficient dose of levodopa(4) poor drug absorption from the GI tract due to concurrent disease(5) increased metabolism due to concurrent disease, resulting in a shortened therapeutic period(6) progression of Parkinson's disease with loss of dopaminergic neurons(7) adverse effects of levodopa, including overdosage(8) development of problems unrelated to dopaminergic status like cognitive impairment or dementia, depression, dysautonomia. Please consult your doctor he revise the dose and drugs and treat you accordingly. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes intolerance for sweets after afib? [/INST] Hello!Thank you for asking on HCM!I understand your concern, and would like to explain that it is very important to identify whether your husband suffers from diabetes, and if it is so, to check about possible underlying consequences.Regarding this purpose, I would recommend to check first a fasting blood glucose and a post prandial one. If no clear evidence are found, a glucose tolerance test should be tried, too. You need to perform a glycosylated hemoglobin test (HbA1C), to make evidence of the last months glucose balance.Whichever be the reason for the actual clinical symptomatology (diabetes or glucose intolerance), your husband needs to check besides the other routine lab tests, also repeatedly blood glucose, his liver and renal function tests, microalbuminuria, as well as an ocular fundoscopy, etc.Some diet and life style modulations are necessary for a better blood glucose control, and to treat also the other possible coronary risk factors.You need to discuss with his attending cardiologist about these issues.Hope to have been helpful to you. Greetings! Dr. Iliri </s> |
<s>[INST] How to treat adhesions and metastatics after operating for ovarian cancer? [/INST] Hello! Good Day! I've read your concerns and feel sorry for your wife. The surgery might be necessary to get all remaining tumors and decrease the tumor load of your wife. Ovarian cancer metastasis is really known to be messy and produce a lot of adhesions and metastasis. Adhesions/metastasis can only be treated with surgery. If I was the treating surgeon, tumor debulking, peritoniectomy, plus intra operative peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) will address metastatic problems in ovarian cancers if still resectable. However, if the adhesions/metastasis are unresectable, palliative treatments will be the last option (colostomy for obstruction,tubes for feeding) . </s> |
<s>[INST] Is Dr. Ayurveda's Step Up formula good for increasing the height ? [/INST] **If your growth stopped by itself at the age of 19 with no identifiable (pathological) cause, this means that growing ends of long bones are completely closed/fused and no possible further growth in terms of height is possible, 1. No Pharma company will ever describe his/her product not to be authentic, they are in market to sell ,earn and publicise their compound, and now even Actors have jumped into this marketing business (reason is simple-easy money and common people easily get influenced by their presence on show) and as you know 90% of knowledge is attained through visual (eyes) stimuli and this is the reason of showing their products on television.2. If height was a concern Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachhan would have been deeply depressed all their life.3. eat a healthy,balanced and nuritious diet and practice pranayam,yogasanas, back exercises that stretches the spine which helps in increasing height by 1”-2” inches.4. Contact with a yoga expert for various Yogasans which can be adopted and practiced in daily routine. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for bronchitis [/INST] If you are better, there is no fever, then there is no need to continue antibiotics. You may take a anti allergic like cetirizine or loratadine and a PPI for any gastritis which may be there. </s> |
<s>[INST] How to treat pus filled patch in a 4 months old child? [/INST] Hi....by what you quote I feel that its an abscess. It could either be a pyoderma or a skin abscess or a suppurative lymphadenopathy. It will require antibiotic therapy. I suggest you consult your pediatrician as antibiotics are prescription medicines.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. Can Yasmin birth control pill be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? [/INST] Hi. How are you doing? Yes, as you have heard, Yasmin can be used as an emergency pill. Even if you have not ejaculated into her, she stands a chance of pregnancy if the pre-seminal fluid, the clear fluid that comes out before semen, which is rich in young healthy sperms, comes in contact with her genitals. As soon as possible, earlier the better, I suggest taking four tablets of Yasmin (combination of Ethinyl Estradiol and Drospirenone) at the time, repeat four more tablets after 12 hours. This being a high dose of hormones, it will suddenly increase the inner lining of the uterus. Then as it is a single dose, the inner lining will fall off. This makes it unfavorable for the possible embryo or baby to settle into the uterus. She will get her periods within 7 to 10 days of the last pill. But do not keep repeating this frequently, it can disturb the hormonal balance and can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent. This is an old method, but it is an effective emergency method. Just do not delay the pills. As time passes by, the effectiveness reduces. Hope I have clarified your query, do write back. All the best. For further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] I have Stomach and liver problems, please suggest [/INST] Hi, Even hypothyroid condition does cause such problems. Are you being treated for the Hypothyroid condition? Treatment is essential for recovery. Also for the right specialist, you should consult an Endocrinologist or a General Physician. </s> |
<s>[INST] Had hematuria. X-ray shows mal rotated duplex right kidney, left renal scar, bladder wall thickening. Reason? [/INST] The specialist is correct in thoroughly evaluating this finding.The cause of hematuria most likely appears to be rupture of some blood-vessels overlying the focal thickening. Specialist wants to rule out malignacy in this focal bladder abnormality.You maintain 3-3.5litres liquid intake to prevent stone formation in the kidneys </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. Please explain the poisonous effect of phenol ingestion. [/INST] Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s> |
<s>[INST] Why am i having heavy feeling in chest? [/INST] Hellothank you for trusting HCMDear in chest many parts un your cheat. The pain may be arising from esophagus,heart,lungs, muscles and bronchioles.if it is associated with food may be related to stomach and esophagus. gastritis and gastroesophageal reflex may present like tightness and burning in chest and abdomen.if it is associated with cough,douran probably it is arising from lungs or respiratory bronchioles.if it us associated with palpitations,chest pain,giddiness it may be associated with heart. some times muscular pain may cause chest pain.but we need complete evaluation and follow up for this.But don't neglect the pain first we have to rule out pain not arising from heart. then we treat as non cardiac pain no worries. please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly.take care </s> |
<s>[INST] Which kind of worms appear in stool of a child? [/INST] Hello and welcome to healthcare magicFrom your discription.i can conclude that they were worms.Long worms in clusters are more likely roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides).There presence can be confirmed by stool examination for ova and parasites.Hope you find this answer satisfactory.Good luck. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes chest pain and dizziness? [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting HCM....First get your ear examination for searching cause for vertigo....For that otoscopy examination and pure tone audiometry examintion done....It might help in revealing labyrinthitis and vestibular neuronitis if present....The cause can be benign positional vertigo for which epleys manouever needed...Also rule out meniers disease....Second rule out left ventricular failure like cause if positive cardiac history and hypertension with suggestive symptoms...ECG or echo useful ....Proper neurological examiation done to reveal central cause.If needed CT scan done....If skipped meal and irregular diet then by hypoglycemia it can occur....Vestibular sedative like betahistine might be useful....For more complex case cognitive behavioural therapy needed.Keeping this in mind consult physician and proper examination done with detail investigation.Take care.... </s> |
<s>[INST] Done cervical fusion. Severe pain, sick, headaches, tiring, weak numb hands. Diagnosed fibromyalgia. Need surgery, suggestions? [/INST] Hi,Thank you for posting your query.I have gone through your detailed descriptions and it helped me a lot in understanding your problems. It is unfortunate that you have severe neuropathic pain and limitation of daily activities.Regarding your disease progression, there is little or no disease progression as per the MRI reports.I agree surgery is not required at present.In addition to the treatments that you are having at present, medications such as pregabalin or gabapentin would be useful.Please get back if you require any additional information.Best wishes,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,My personal URL on this website: My email: [email protected] </s> |
<s>[INST] Am I suffering from endometriosis and will it affect my chances to conceive ? [/INST] Hi, The problem may be endometriosis and the best way to decide is to have a diagnostic laparoscopy where the inside of abdomen is visualised it shows the extent of endometriosis and any involvement of the sorrounding tissues. there are good medications available to treat endometriosis once diagnosed. It is definitely possible to conceive with this problem, but it is better to conceive earlier rather than delaying the pregnancy. wishing you a good health. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes frequent diarrhea despite giving Enflor powder? [/INST] hi, welcome to this forum. Can understand your concerns.* Loose stools around 15 times in a day can be due to acute gastroenteritis, or food poisoning.* The main thing that we have to take care in loose stools is dehydration. Give ORS solution to child so that hydration can be maintained. Give more fluids to child. Give soft diet to child.* Prebiotic which you are already giving is beneficial and improves intestinal immunity.* If loose stools persist, then child may require antibiotic. An examination by doctor should be done so that we may not miss any important finding like dehydration.* If there is no improvement in 24 hours, persistent vomiting, persistent loose stools, or decreased activity then you should immediately take the child to hospital.I hope this will help you. Wishing your child good health. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] What are the chances of prostrate cancer when diagnosed with BPH? [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing in.The chances of prostate cancer with BPH is less likely. However, if you have a BPH then it is suggested to get blood PSA level test done. This is prostate specific antigen and is a marker for prostate cancer.PSA is normal up to 4 ng/ dl. More than 4 ng/ dl is an intermediate risk for prostate cancer and above 10 ng/ dl should be evaluated for possible prostate cancer. The PSA test might be done every year after 60 years of age. Having BPH is common in the elderly with 10 percent of males having it at 60 years and 80 percent at 80 years. Please do not worry. </s> |
<s>[INST] Pain in lower back left side. Taking medication, still painful. Referred to neurologist. Opinion? [/INST] hi i had gone through your query and understand your concerns. i would come up with two most possibilities to fit your condition .these include1.first possibility is,RENAL STONES;ultrasound scanning for KUB may confirm the diagnosis.2.second possibility is,DIVERTICULITIS;inflammation of balloon-like protuberance due to excess Gas pressure in intestines.often caused by additives in food,or low blood sugar.x-ray with barium enema may confirm the diagnosis. diet to follow;-high fibre diet which produces large volume of faeces requiring wider diameter of colon,and gas. -refined food food lead to hard stool.softer stools do not strain the gut.I hope this is helpful for you, thank you </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. Can urine levels be indicative of stage 3 CKD? [/INST] Hello. I went through your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), see basically beyond 40 years of age, there is 1ml/min/1.73 m2 decline in eGFR per year, and that is a normal physiological response because of an increase in age, same as skin wrinkles, since you have high creatinine, but is static and there is no protein in urine, your chronic kidney disease is very slowly progressing. Differential diagnosis, in this case, is chronic tubulointerstitial disease or benign nephrosclerosis, as you told you are not taking any drugs, NSAIDS, gym supplementation. About confirming the diagnosis, it will need a kidney biopsy to confirm it. But whatever disease it is, it is slowly progressive and mostly probably will behave same way for next 10 to 15 years. What you need to do is restict protein in diet to 0.8 gm/kg/ day, less salt, blood pressure monitoring. Avoiding alcohol, tobacco products, weight management. </s> |
<s>[INST] Dose NovaMax 500 cause side effects? [/INST] Hi,Novamox-500 is a penicillin (antibiotic) that is used for treating a wide variety of bacterial infections of the lungs and airways, middle ear, sinuses, skin, urinary tract caused by susceptible bacteria. Its common side effects include allergic reaction, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. There is no documented evidence that novamax acts like viagra. If used again and again it is likely to cause the side effects as listed above.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Mohammed Taher Ali, General & Family Physician </s> |
<s>[INST] What could be the cause of painless red spot on the hard palate of one with Crohn's disease ? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to HEALTHCAREMAGIC! As described by you, the painless red spot on your palate seems to be because of Crohn's disease and will disappear with treatment of Crohn's disease. However if the red spot is long standing and not responding to the Crohn's disease treatment, i suggest you should visit a dental surgeon who will evaluate and do a biopsy if required. Hope this helps. Thanks </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes rise in ESR level after treated UTI? [/INST] Hello and welcome to HCM,Raised ESR is not a disease but it indicates an underlying chronic disease process.On going UTI can be a cause of raised ESR, however, treated UTI is unlikely to be associated with raised ESR.Thus, I suggest you to consult your primary physician for clinical assessment and to look for underlying chronic inflammatory condition.Thanks and take careDr shailja Puri </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes excessive salivation after a chest surgery? [/INST] thanks for your question after lung surgery there can be excessive sputum or phlegm production because of the inflammatory process or due to a secondary infectionregarding excessive salivation it's more common in children and causes can be Mental retardationCerebral palsyParkinson's diseasePseudobulbarBulbar palsyStrokeMedication side effects (tranquilizers, anticonvulsants)Gastroesophageal refluxToxin exposure (mercury vapor)you should visit a neurophysician who can investigate and examine and lead to a diagnosisI'd its increased phlegm and infection antibiotics need to be started and that will cure the diseasethanks </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes dizziness and chest throbbing on the left side? [/INST] If you have shifted from a lighter job to a physically demanding job, your body and tour heart wouldn't be used to endurance training, so in the initial part you would feel the heart beating fast and other symptoms you describe, the best here is to go slowly with your job. Let the body get used to it. However if you feel breathless, chest heaviness, which is more when you are exerting and it persists more than one week, do visit a doctor for examination. Also avoid smoking during this period if you do. Regards Dr priyank mody </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes twinge sensation in chest? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, no need to worry worry for such twinge sensations in chest because you are not having chest pain or breathlessness or other alarming symptoms. But I would like to rule out any heart and lung pathology for this symptom. So get done ecg and 2d to rule out heart diseases. Get done chest x ray to rule rule out lung pathology. If all these are normal then no need to worry for this sensations. Sometimes, stress and anxiety can also also cause similar symptoms. So avoid stress and tension if you are having stressful life and be relax and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s> |
<s>[INST] Could rapidly growing lump in jaw be dental related? [/INST] HI. This may be dental-related .Have you got a bad teeth in the area around this?Tenderness means there is an infection . It would be wise to get examined by a Doctor/ Dentist for clinical evaluation ( which is very important ) may be to go for dental x-ray and to take appropriate antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicines in appropriate doses. Carelessness may lead to an abscess formation and delayed healing. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest remedy for itching and burning in genital and thigh area [/INST] HIThanks for posting your query to Healthcaremagic. Most likely you are having a fungal Infection and because of scratching an addition bacterial infection over the fungal infection might have happened. Most of the Jock Itch cream contains Anti-fungal medications , so kindly let me know the name of it . Otherwise ask your doctor to prescribe you a combination of Antifungal medication+ Antibiotic cream and a steroid cream . Use this for around 2 weeks and everything will get cleared . Also keep that area as dry as possible . Hope you find this information useful.Any clarifications or Queries feel free to ask. Happy to help you. Regards. </s> |
<s>[INST] Why am I getting hives, headaches, nausea and loss of appetite? [/INST] Hello!I really appreciate your concern. From description of your symptom I suspect you having cholinergic urticaria also known as physiologic urticaria. This happen in the person having allergy or atopy. There may be one or several triggering factors for it. Simple treatment is having anti-histaminic drugs like levocetrizine 10 mg as required. Hope my answer has solved your query. Take Care.Thank you. Best Regards.Dr. Manan </s> |
<s>[INST] Can stamlo beta causes erectile dysfunction and BP 130/95? [/INST] Hello, Stamlo beta contains Atenolol which is a betablocker. It may cause erectile disorder as it is a recognised side effect. Your blood pressure also needs to come down further. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Noble Zachariah, Internal Medicine Specialist </s> |
<s>[INST] Abdominal pain, buttocks and hip pain. PAP clear, TVS US normal [/INST] hi, Every thing normal.Nothing to worry.simply a case of anxiety.Take some anxiolytic for short term </s> |
<s>[INST] Had tooth pulled. Gums painful, foul smell, yellow fluid dripping. What is going on? [/INST] hello & welcome according to your symptoms you are presenting here this may be a sinus infection, if the extracted tooth was upper one. a communication between sinus & oral cavity known as oroantral fistula may found on clinical examination. so i will advise you not to delay & visit to your dentist specially maxillofacial surgeon for further clinical & radiographical examination. thanks & take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] How can tinea pedis with headaches be treated? [/INST] hiYou may consult a orthopedic doctor for foot problem.Anti-inflammatory medicines are required like advil after meals, hot fomentation.One sided headache may be migrain, so a physicians prescription is needed for it, it can be controlled.Weight reduction diets are usually less intake of fats like butter,meat,beef or non vegetarian foods, and also few exercises that you can dobest wishes </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes abdominal pain after sex? [/INST] Hi.Thanks for your query and an elucidate history. This is called Dyspareunia meaning painful sex or pain during sex. The causes are as follows:PID, Pelvic inflammatory disease/SalpingitisOvarian cyst, torsionPsycho-somaticI would advise in such a patient the following:Ask the Gynecologist to have an internal examination by doing per-vaginal examination, this can elicit many a things.Urgent ultrasonography, per abdomen and per-vaginal . Routine examination of the blood, urine and stool. The final diagnosis hence made will help us to get a proper line of medical or surgical treatment. </s> |
<s>[INST] Follicular tracking showed mature eggs. Is there a guarantee that both eggs will rupture? Taking Clomid [/INST] Hi Dear,The size of your follicle is somewhat more when compared to the day of cycle especially the 32mm one. In a non stimulated cycle i.e without any drug, the eggs rupture on its own. However, in the stimulated cycle this can be helped by giving Inj when the eggs are mature enough.In your case the 26mm egg has stopped growing but the other is still growing and there is no guarantee that they will ruptureAlso if the repeated scans have shown only 2 follicle than it must be correctGood luck </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. The dentist wants to extract my 4. 5 years old son's upper front two teeth. Is it a good idea? [/INST] Hi. I have seen the x-rays that you have attached to the complaint (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Thank you. For more information consult a dentist online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] Do masturbation affect the sex life? [/INST] Dear user,Thank you for writing to us.I can understand your concern about early ejaculations over time with masturbation.It has been believed by several experts that some masturbation practices cause one to 'learn' ejaculate soon. Masturbation is done in privacy and one often have concern 'to finish it fast' for fear of breach in privacy. So one's mind learns to ejaculate soon unconsciously.I suggest reducing the frequency of masturbation.You can practice start-stop technique to learn to identify the point of ejaculatory inevitability. This will help you to control ejaculation.Also practice kegel excercise.Wish you good health. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest medication for cold & cough [/INST] Hi,Welcome to HCM.Cough and cold are mostly due to viral infections of pharynx,sinus,larynx, epiglottis, bronchi etc.Some times it could be due to bacterial infection also.You shuold go for routine blood count and sputum examination if there is sputum to rule out infective pathology of lungs.You will require antibiotics (quinolones or macrolides) to prevent super infection with analgesics and anti-inflammatories, antihistamines with other supportive treatment.Consult your physician for further advise.Regards, </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for persisting cough [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing to hcm.15.7% eosinophils (Eosinophilia) indicate allergic conditions and cough suggests eosinophilic bronchitis caused due to allergic or parasitic infections.Kindly consult a physician regarding antiallergic medications like ;Mast cell stablizers - sodium cromoglycate, montelukastantihistamines- cetrizinekindly get an x ray of the chest and ImmunoglobulinG levels checked for further treatment.If there is parasitic infection, the parasite causing the disease has to be treated.RegardsDr.Riyanka </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest medication for tightness in chest and shortness of breath [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.I can understand your concern.Chest tightness, breathing difficulty are commonly seen with heart and lung diseases.So consult doctor and get done ecg, 2d echo, stress test, chest x and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).If all these are normal then no need to worry for heart and lung diseases.You are also having hair fall. Sometimes thyroid issues can also be the cause.So get done thyroid function test (TSH, free T3 and T4).Sometimes undiagnosed stress can also be the cause. So avoid stress and tension, be relax and calm.Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s> |
<s>[INST] Are anti-inflammatory pills advisable for a reddish bruise on the right bicep? [/INST] Hello,You have a bruise and soft tissue injury of the biceps area and elbow. Please take analgesics only if the pain is more as they have no role in the healing processes. To decrease edema and clotting I would suggest you take tablets containing enzymes like trypsin and bromelain. Tablet Phlogam or tablet Disperzyme. They are tablets MEABT to decrease the swelling. It will heal in about a week. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Santosh S Jeevannavar </s> |
<s>[INST] Is swelling in hurt toe after playing soccer due to tendon or ligament tear? [/INST] Hello,It looks from your details that you may have a sprain of your ligament. If there was a fracture then it here should be swelling with continuous pain. I shall advise you to apply a compression bandage, apply cold compress over it. You may have a mild analgesic like advil or aspirin for relief of pain. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Mukesh Tiwari, Orthopedic Surgeon </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. My 10-month-old baby is having irritation in her ears with persistent itching. Please help. [/INST] Hello. I would like to know is there fever or any other complaints? </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for fetal hydronephrosis during pregnancy [/INST] Hello,The outcome for the baby born with mild fetal hydronephrosis is good. For those with severe condition, excellent perinatal and postnatal care is needed. Also, severe conditions are usually associated with a chromosomal anomaly. Other associated renal anatomical defects also must be looked for. Soon after delivery, sonogram should be done for all infants. Immediate imaging is needed in the severe cases. Management is accordingly planned. Pediatric urologist should take care of complications in severe fetal hydronephrosis cases. Hope this helps. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for soreness a year after wisdom tooth removal [/INST] Hello, Thank you for consulting with HCM.As you are mentioning that you got your wisdom tooth removed about 1 year ago, in that case the hole should not open again as the tooth is missing. But it can be possible that the tooth adjacent to the wisdom tooth might have become carious and now because of the infection of the root area , there is pus collection in gums which is now discharging from the gums.Or it can also be possible that there is a traumatic ulcer in the gums.For confirmation of diagnosis you have to visit a dentist and get an x-ray done of that area which will show the infection. And treatment will done accordingly.Hope it will help you. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for persistent severe joint pain [/INST] hithank-you for providing the brief history of you.A thorough clinical examination is advised.as you have pain in the upper limbs including the small joints of finger we can look for a RA factor and this can be found via a RA test. Also, if the pain is traveling in nature we need to see for a cervical spine and do a thorough examination.Post which we can understand the actual root cause. This are the two test required to figure out the root problems and diagnosis.Regards Jay Indravadan Patel </s> |
<s>[INST] What is the reason for gallbladder stones in a baby? [/INST] Welcome at HCM I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. It is most probably a bilirubin stones due to hemolytis disease. maintain proepr follow up. Meanwhile stay calm Get well soon Hope your query is adequately addressed if you still have any feel free to ask RegardsDr Saad Sultan </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes fingernails get bleeding and falling off? [/INST] Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed)., </s> |
<s>[INST] What are these small white spots on the cheeks of my son ? [/INST] hi it may be duee to dry skin or fungal infection apply good moisturizer lotion and antifungal cream like clotrimazole better to consult dermatologist do not apply any cosmetic or any cream over face avoid sun exposure </s> |
<s>[INST] What does a high ALT range indicate? [/INST] Good morning I am sorry to hear about your ill health Your symptoms and lab results might indicate that you may be suffering from fatty liver and irritable bowel syndrome If I was your doctor, first of all I would like to look at your body mass index and waist-hip ratio, look at your liver on ultrasound, do stool tests and perform colonoscopy before diagnosis People with fatty liver and obesity are at royal for irritable bowel Hope this answers your question I would like to answer your future queries if any Wish you a speedy recovery </s> |
<s>[INST] Why should I not use inhalers instead of autohalers which are so expensive? [/INST] Thanks for your query.Autohaler have the advantage that they do not need hand mouth co-ordination too much. If you are OK with hand mouth coordination with inhalers, it is equally efficacious as autohalers....Best wishes </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. After removing chalazion, the bump is still present. What to do? [/INST] Hi. For further information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] Taking cymbalta for depression, pain, advised starting wellbutrin. Unable to quit smoking. Can both be taken together? [/INST] In my opinion you can take these two medicines together. Wellbutrin is known for quitting smoking and it is a good antidepressant as well. You can switch to it later. </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for CHD [/INST] Hello, Consult a cardiac surgeon and get evaluated. The prognosis will depend on the type of the defect and other patient related factors. Prognosis will be better if reward early. Hope I have answered your queries. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s> |
<s>[INST] Should a doctor be consulted for swelling in the ankle post injury? [/INST] Hello, I just have read your problem. As you said you heard a popping sound when you get injured. There may be possibilities of tendon tear or muscle rupture or even fracture or a mild fracture in your ankle. As swelling is still persisting. See if your joint is movable?Are you able to walk properly?Do you feel intense pain while walking and you feel to discontinue to walk?Does pain settles when you take some rest?I would suggest you to see a good ortho in your area. You need to get your X-Ray done, then only the clear picture will comeI hope this helps. Wish you a speedy recoveryThanks </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for pimples on nose in a 10 years old child [/INST] Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed)., </s> |
<s>[INST] What the counts actually mean in myelofibrosis patient? [/INST] this is a disorder of bone marrow, where bone marrow produces one cell type in excessand due to repeated trauma to bone marriw , finally bone marrow go into fibrosis so it can be any one cell type count , that is in excess in blood picture </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes dizziness while tilting head back long after treating vertigo? [/INST] Hello,Your symptoms are typical of an inner ear disorder. For this reason, I recommend consulting with an ENT specialist and performing labyrinthine tests to investigate for an inner ear disorder.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Aida Quka </s> |
<s>[INST] Appendix removed, severe pain and discomfort in abdomen. Ultrasound scan, tests normal. Healing time? [/INST] Hello! Thank you for the query. Usually it takes few days after appendix removal for the pain to go away. After a week there should be no pain at all. If after that time the pain is still present, either there are some complication after the surgery (like an abscess or wound infection) or it was not the appendix causing your pain. It is quite common (this is not a doctors mistake). You should have abdominal ultrasound, blood work, CRP, urine analysis and transvaginal ultrasound performed to find the reason of your pains. Hope this will help. Regards. </s> |
<s>[INST] What could be the reason for swelling on impalnt area? [/INST] Hi and welcome to HCm. Thanks for the query. It is hard to say,but it can be sign of just benign subcutaneous swelling due to trauma or it can be sign of inflammation or cyst. you should do ultrasound to verify consistency of this lump and then furthe treatment can be planned if neccessary.Wish you good health. Regards </s> |
<s>[INST] What are the reasons for elevated d-dimer, abdominal and back pain? [/INST] **1. Since only quadrant is mentioned, thus it is impossible to precisely locate the exact location of pain , since Right quadrant is further divided into right hypochondrium, right lumbar and right iliac fossa region, thus evaluation is of utmost important from a Physician who can recommend for general Surgeon for expert opinion and examination.2. since Investigations came normal, thus 'acute abdomen' and its causes are excluded.3. d-dimer helps to diagnose thrombosis, but confirm with ultrasound of the leg veins or lung scintigraphy or CT scanning to rule out pulmonary embolism [chest pressure/nausea, heart palpitations], also false positive readings can be due to associated liver disease, high rheumatoid factor, inflammation, malignancy, trauma, pregnancy, recent surgery as well as advanced age, so make sure your attending Physician has ruled out these possibilities with relevant examination and investigations.4. MRI of Lumbar spine can be done to exclude any disc prolapse, along with lipid profile and blood pressure </s> |
<s>[INST] Why do I get fast heartbeat and heavy breath? [/INST] Hi,This is Dr Sameer, cardiologist.Increased heart rate & palpitations can have a lot of causes.It can be normal sinus tachycardia due to anxiety or stress or it could be abnormal supra ventricular tachycardia. For the diagnosis, you need to do ECG at the time of palpitation & tachycardia. If the duration of palpitations are short enough to reach a nearby hospital, we put a 24hr ECG monitoring (Holter Monitor). You also need to do a 2D Echo & thyroid function test to see for any associated abnormality if any.Thanks </s> |
<s>[INST] What can cause to develop purpura and its travel towards to the heart? [/INST] Hi I did review your conditionFrom the problem you have described, the lesion you have over your chest does not seem to be a purpura as they do not fade away in an hour since they are made of extravasated blood. Your platelet counts are also low normal which generally few people normally have and do not cause abnormal bleeding. WHat it can be though is that the purpura like lesions that develop with exercise and that You should get it evaluated from a Dermatologist.I hope this helpsWish you a very healthy and a happy life. </s> |
<s>[INST] How to get a normal thrombosis? [/INST] Hi,Thanks for asking.Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Your platelet of 44000 is worrisome. Avoid any strenous work or physical sports as any injury can lead to both internal or external bleeding.2. Heart rate is nothing to worry about as it is dependent on position and activity. If it is not irregular as confirmed by ECG, not to worry. 3. Creatinine is mildly raised, you need to control the blood pressure to avoid further damage to kidney. You will require weight reduction along with moderate exercises. Go for swimming or water aerobics, it will be helpful. Control salt intake and increase fiber in diet. Hope it helps.Any further queries, happy to help again. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes subconscious tourettes/ weird words that is popping in head? [/INST] Hi,Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to anxiety or to obsessive-compulsive disorder. I recommend consulting with a psychiatrist to help make the precise diagnosis and choose the better treatment options. Starting an antidepressant would be helpful. Hope you will find this answer helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further.Best wishes,Dr. Aida </s> |
<s>[INST] What is the average recovery time for carpal tunnel surgery? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. After a carpal tunnel surgery it can take 2-3 weeks to recover fully. Regular physiotherapy is needed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes painful penis after masturbation? [/INST] Dear userWe understand your concernsI went through your details. Please understand masturbation is safe and due to masturbation penis length cannot be reduced. It is natural that when you are excited, your sperm oozes. Naturally your testicles and waist region pains if you do rough masturbation even when your body resists it. I feel that your problem is purely psychological. Please provide details. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. XXXX. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s> |
<s>[INST] Have rashes. Taking nutrition garcinia vambogia medicine. Is it allergy? [/INST] Hi ERICK, Based from the information provided it seems like you are taking " Garcinia cambogia" which is a plant extract. The answer to your question is "YES" it is an ALLERGIC REACTION which seems like the bug bites. Other allergic reaction signs includes itching, skin rash, hives, mouth or throat tingling, chest tightness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the hands, face or throat. An allergic reaction to Garcinia cambogia should be considered a medical emergency. ADVICE: 1) PLEASE STOP taking PILLS immediately. 2) In case of difficulty in breathing / swelling in throat CALL for emergency help with out further a do. Hope this information came in before any mishap. Dr. JAY PATEL </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes a knot near the sternum? [/INST] Hi! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.Your problem requires a physical examination before opining on it. If I were your doctor, after a physical examination of the lump, I would advise you for an FNAC or an excision biopsy if fully mobile and free from any attachment. Further management would depend on the report of the FNAC. Till then you could go for an anti inflammatory and a proton pump inhibitor for a symptomatic relief.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s> |
<s>[INST] How to improve heart rate and reduce blood pressure? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that your blood pressure values seem to be really high. This is probably because Osartil 100mg daily is not effective in controlling blood pressure values. For this reason, I would recommend adding other anti-hypertensive drugs to your current therapy like a diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide) and a calcium channel blocker (amlodipine, lercanidipine, etc.) which do not have any effects on the heart rate. Switching from Osartil to another more potent ARB drug (olmesartan, telmisartan, etc.) would help manage better your blood pressure values. Regarding your low heart rate, I would recommend performing a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s> |
<s>[INST] Suggest medication for asthma [/INST] U r on the right treatmentI doubt u have celia in your lungs.You should probably get at least baseline PFT, allergy testing </s> |
<s>[INST] Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine? [/INST] Hello, Wellcome to iclinq.com. There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s> |
<s>[INST] What causes severe pain in the fingers and fingernails? [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case.Due to compression of this nerve root there is tingling numbness in your fingers pain associated with it.I will advise you to MRI cervical spine for better diagnosis.It can be due to various causes like sudden jerk to spine, due to facet arthritis, degenerative, due to chronic systemic disease like diabetes or hypothyroidism.For these symptoms analgesic and neurotropic medication can be started.Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help.Physiotherapy like ultrasound and interferential therapy will give quick relief.I will advise to check your vit B12 and vit D3 level.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you are satisfied with answer do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health.Take care. </s> |
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